#i’m enjoying it but also know that it would have driven me insane to watch the episodes as they came out
thegirlsread · 1 year
i’m getting whiplash from all the macdennis scenes in season 8, like mac trying to kiss dennis and dennis (brian) being okay with fucking the caddie. suddenly i’m sixteen again and watching destiel give me brain rot
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firstkanaphans · 3 months
Prompt 2 ☆ { putting } a hand over their mouth to be quiet for SandRay, I BEG, Sarah! (because I just know Ray is LOUUUUUUUD) 🧡🤍
Oh, he is for sure 😂 Enjoy!!
Warnings: Semi-public sex, Boeing
Word Count: 900ish
{putting} a hand over their mouth to be quiet
Sand had just stepped into a bathroom stall at YOLO’s to relieve himself between sets when the door opened and someone followed him inside.
“Ray? What’re you—?” He didn’t even finish his question before Ray’s lips were on his.
Sand would be lying if he said he hadn’t been expecting this. Ray was possessive by nature and he didn’t enjoy watching girls ogle Sand on a good night, but tonight had also come with an unexpected surprise: Boeing. There was nothing in the world that Ray hated more than being reminded Sand hadn’t always been his.
“Fuck me,” Ray whispered, standing so close that Sand could feel the words against his lips. Ray didn’t even wait for him to agree before unbuckling his pants.
“I have to be back on stage in ten minutes!” Sand hissed.
“Well then,” Ray said, passing Sand a packet of lube and a condom from his pocket before dropping his pants to his ankles and turning to brace his hands on the bathroom wall. “You better be quick.”
Sand growled in frustration, but what was he supposed to do? Not fuck him? He pushed his own jeans down just enough to free his cock, slicked his fingers with lube, and then reached out to check that Ray’s body was ready for him. It should be. They’d fucked in Ray’s car barely an hour earlier. Although they’d been dating exclusively for months now, Ray’s appetite for sex hadn’t diminished in the slightest. He was insatiable. If Sand was being honest, so was he.
He pressed a couple of searching fingers against Ray’s rim and found that he opened for him easily. Ray let out a low, guttural moan at the touch, thrusting back against Sand’s fingers to force them in deeper. Sand wrapped his arm around Ray’s waist to pull him closer and whispered in his ear, “You’re going to have to be quieter than that.” If Ray heard him, he didn’t acknowledge his words.
“Fuck me,” he said instead, grinding his ass against Sand’s cock. And Sand, ever the enabler, gave him exactly what he wanted.
Ray wasn’t quiet—he never was—but tonight he seemed especially loud. Usually he at least had a sense of propriety in public. Maybe he was drunk. He leaned his head back against Sand’s shoulder and moaned.
“Ray,” Sand scolded. Ray’s only response was “harder!”
Sand thrust into him hard enough to make him scream, but this time, he was smart enough to muffle the sound with his own hand. Ray seemed to like that. He held onto Sand’s wrist and on the next thrust, he screamed even louder.
But even with Sand forcibly keeping Ray quiet, they were still making quite a bit of noise. The screams were muffled, sure, but Sand was fucking Ray the way he liked to be fucked when he was jealous—hard and fast enough to rattle that walls of the bathroom stall. If anyone walked in, they would know what they were doing, but Sand was too far gone to care.
“Why can’t—you just—be quiet?” Sand hissed, punctuating each breath with a thrust. He didn’t dare remove his hand to listen for a response, but he heard Ray make a noise that sounded suspiciously like, “Feels too good.”
The muffled sounds of Ray’s pleasure combined with the sight of Sand’s cock disappearing completely into his body finished Sand sooner than he had anticipated. He came hard, listening to Ray’s desperate tinny whines, and then out of habit, he dropped to his knees on the bathroom tile and turned Ray around to finish him as well. Unfortunately, he had forgotten he couldn’t keep him quiet from the floor.
Ray came in Sand’s mouth with a yell so loud he was pretty sure it could be heard from the bar.
“I’m going to murder you,” Sand muttered as they got redressed. There was a bite mark on Ray’s shoulder he couldn’t remember giving him. Dear Lord. He had gone insane. Ray had driven him insane. “Yo is so going to fire me.”
“She is not,” Ray said, rolling his eyes, and then he looked around the stall as if seeing it for the first time. “Oh, hey, look. This is where we first met.”
Before he could get overly sentimental about a dirty bathroom stall, Sand pushed him out into the main room only to freeze when he realized they weren’t alone. Someone else was already there, washing his hands at the sink. Boeing. Ray didn’t look surprised to see him.
“Sorry,” Boeing muttered without making eye contact. His cheeks were bright red. “I was just leaving.” He finished washing his hands and then, without even bothering to dry them, walked out of the room.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Sand reached out and smacked Ray on the shoulder. “You did that on purpose!”
“Just a happy coincidence,” Ray said with a laugh. “I’m not mad about it, though. He needs to be reminded that you’re mine. Why? Are you angry?”
He backed Sand up against the wall and fluttered his eyelashes like a wounded puppy.
“I’m not angry,” Sand sighed. Ray preened and then kissed him. And then he kept kissing him.
Sand was late for his next set.
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thetriumphantpanda · 5 months
hi charlie! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with joel <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
Ahhh Anna, this is so sweet of you - thank you for taking the time to try and combat so much of the negativity on here by spreading some love - it's so important!
I have had so many thoughts about what's been going on lately, some of which I'll share here, but I'll put under a read-more so if you're not wanting to read discourse, you don't have to!
I'm going to go and enjoy my quiet night in with Joel, because that would absolutely fix me right now and thank you for sharing that with me. He's making me a cup of tea right now and is going to bring it to me, we'll watch TV and I will continue crocheting a blanket for us to snuggle up under!
Take care of yourself Anna, and thank you for always being kind and wonderful on here!
If you've been around here a while, you'll know that I rarely, if ever, get involved and wade into the discourse that floats around often. It's not because I don't care, it's because this blog has, and always will be, my way to escape the pressure of my real life. I have enough personal drama to contend with outside of the internet, and I very rarely want to allow it to bleed into the one space I have where I can escape for some peace.
That being said, it has become harder and harder for me to ignore the absolute storm of shit that has been swirling these past weeks. My friends and mutuals having their works blatantly stolen and then receiving hate when calling this out. People I look up to and whose writing I enjoy being attacked for presenting certain kinks. The insane rise in anon hate being spouted not just here, but across other sites as well. It's all too much and it all has to stop.
The people on this site create fic because they enjoy it. They graciously and selflessly write thousands of words for your enjoyment, for free might I add, without asking for very much in return. They write often around full-time jobs, school work and through personal and health issues. They agonise over making sure their work is as good as they can make it. They don't owe you anything, we don't owe you anything. We do this because we enjoy it, but the current climate on this absolute hellsite is making the enjoyment really fucking hard to find these days.
Be kind to each other. Stop hiding behind the cloak of anonymity to spew hate and be mean. Stop stealing other people's work. If you come across a fic that has warnings or themes that aren't your cup of tea, stop reading and walk away. Take a step back and think about what will happen if writers are continuously driven off this site.
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garden-bug · 9 months
I’m sure many people who are bigger fans of Avatar than me with disagree with me on this BUUUT:
I don’t think Avatar needs a live action.
Consider this.
Avatars strengths lie closely entwined with its medium: animation. The animated style allowed for a stark blend of goofiness and seriousness, the hyperrealistic, and tailored perfectly to the target audience (kids) with its vibrant colours and style. There is so much charm in animation and sometimes I feel things are made into live action just for the sake of it and, worse, for a cash grab. Take much of Disney’s work in the past decade for example.
Now, let’s compare Avatar to another recent live action remake that was so incredibly successful it broke the curse of anime remakes: One Piece. Because their situations differ vastly.
One Piece is an anime of which I have watched nearly 300 episodes. Fucking help me, because the pacing is abysmal and my finger hovers over the +10 seconds button at all times. The story of One Piece is as mature and thematically driven as Avatar, and just as creative and ingenious. However, there are certain shōnen (like the ‘genre’ of anime) tropes that ‘tailor’ to its target audience (boys/men) such as the design of the female characters being identical. Small waist, massive boobs. Essentially, you couldn’t show One Piece to your grandma. There are other things but these are the most egregious. Sexualising women pisses me off full stop and this is a thing in anime just like the weird fucking incest trope is. It just… doesn’t land with a western audience (and maybe with some of the Japanese audience? I’m honestly not sure I do not know and could not tell you, this is purely my own impression). One Piece an incredible story, there’s no doubt it’s the or one of the best anime/manga of all times, but in terms of accessibility its medium (anime and manga) restricted its viewer base alongside these anime tropes.
One Piece live action is not a shōnen anime. It is a live action anime remake. Sanji is a flirt in a way that my mum found gentlemanly when she watched the live action rather than perverted or annoying as I found him at times watching the anime (sorry Sanji I do love you really). The women’s bodies are realistic because it’s. Real. Fucking. Life. And the pacing has been hailed as a huge step up from the original. It’s essentially an upgrade. It’s better, more accessible, just as fun and goofy, and just as much the incredible story we all love. The casting is insane. Oda legit christened Inaki with the straw hat I’m- AVATAR DOESN’T HAVE THAT- ok I’m getting off topic. It’s good, alright? It drew more people into the amazing story that is One Piece.
Back to Avatar. Avatar… is for kids. Yes, it can be enjoyed by adults, but its target audience is children. I wouldn’t have watched it if my younger sister hadn’t been born. It probably wouldn’t have interested me past the age of 13, whereas I still enjoy One Piece as an adult, maybe because anime/manga is also targeted at adults. There’s gore? Sort of? Essentially I don’t see the translation onto live action changing the viewer demographic for Avatar purely based on the story. Yes, more people might watch live action because ‘eww animation is for kids!’ but that just isn’t reason enough. Take the Ahsoka series, for example. Why was it live action? Because Disney is scrambling for ways to rescue the franchise its currently dragging though the mud. Did a live action help? No, the story suffered beyond belief for it (would require another massive post to get into it). Some of you will have different opinions on this because you love Avatar a lot and or grew up with it. I get that. It’s like me with Ninjago. But if Ninjago got a live action they would need to alter the story a lot, ok? Avatar is for kids, about kids, and I think it still appeals to those same kids (grown up) today. It’s going to be the same story but it looks different and my prediction is that people will still enjoy the animated version more and the live action will never come close to topping it or complementing it in the way that the One Piece live action does.
My point is that I don’t see what a live action is going to do for Avatar as a story. It’s perfect. It’s already held up as one of the greatest stories of all time by all of the writing tips YouTube channels, what more can it achieve? What will live action bring to Avatar other than ‘oooh it’s real life now!’? I fully believe the comedy can be transferred, but because if One Piece can do it so can Avatar, but I still can’t see the live action Avatar being as much of a game changer for the story or viewership as the One Piece live action is.
It’s still… a cool idea, I guess. But I mean… is the stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson ever gonna get an adaptation? Can we like… take risks with newer stories?
Happy for the cast and everything and I hope it goes well, but yeah, I just can’t get hyped about this one guys.
Feel free to add your thoughts as I’m interested in hearing them and I’m sure I’ve missed stuff out but as always keep it friendly please.
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
talk to me about kaneki pls
Kaneki is a very soft and pretty boy. He has muscle but isn’t built like a gigachad, and can be enjoyed by many across the globe. He tries to be strong and reliable, even when it drives him to insanity, all in order to impress others and make them want him. He believes he cannot be loved for who he is, only for the ways he is able to serve others. When his attempts to be loved “fail”, he turns to martyrdom, believing that the only way he can be loved is by dying a beautiful death. In my humble opinion, any death that Kaneki suffers will be beautiful regardless of context or method, because he is a beautiful person who makes all he is associated with beautiful, and
Though Kaneki is very beautiful, he is also very frustrating. Twice daily I must ask him, “why! why must you do this to yourself! how can you treat yourself so? after all your grand deeds (violent homicide and torture), how is it that you can deny your body of but simple rest, my sweet boy?” and he goes “BECAUSE if I don’t do TWO THOUSAND PUSHUPS, I will NOT be able to FLING AN AOGIRI MEMBER into the STRATOSPHERE” and it just hurts me so to see him this way! My beloved young man is an absolute workaholic, and refuses to rest for even a second! If I were his mother I would have him sit down and eat a good and hearty meal of HUMAN kidney and blood stew, although it is precisely because I’m not his mother that he is even like this in the first place. He is driven himself to near madness under all this stress, saying “oh but I need to gather strength” and “oh but I need to eat other ghouls to protect the ones I love” and “oh but it’s okay because they’re weaker and deserve to be crushed” SUCH NONSENSE!! My boy has grown power hungry and brutal throughout these past months. It appears he is denying his true nature as a Skrunkly, and is trying to become something far greater, and perhaps terrifying. Oh, one day I fear he could lose it completely, and cause the village to see him as less instead of more. You know how it is, it’s part of the natural order of things for “mad people” to be seen as below human. I’m sure he fears it as well, underneath all his newfound arrogance and power. Ah well, at least he’s better at opening jars than he was before!!
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Hi! This is for the Pokemon SwSh matchup trade! Here’s my description, I’ll get started on yours asap!
I’m 20 years old with Autism, ADHD and a couple other health issues like weak bones and scoliosis. I’m really short, only like 5’ at most, with really long fluffy and wavy brown hair. My two favorite hairstyles to do are either a legolas-style pulled back half ponytail (I don’t know how to describe it…) or two braids, or else I just leave my hair down naturally. I also wear glasses and am very slender, and pretty toned since I work out. 
I’d probably be an Electric Type trainer who also doubles as a researcher of some kind. I can see myself working as a professor’s assistant or as a librarian in their lab since I work at a library irl. 
I’m a really fun person with a witty and sometimes dirty sense of humor, though I’m also very sweet and polite. I enjoy drawing and cannot stop writing for the life of me. And I write really fast too, I once finished an entire nonfiction book in a week on vacation. My entire life is on fastforward a lot of the time because I can be impatient and am incredibly driven, so I often push myself a little too hard sometimes. I get flustered easily but don’t have a hard time connecting with people, I’m really not afraid to go up to others and ask for things. Whenever I do get flustered I tend to cover my face with my hands and giggle a lot. I also have a weird habit of calling people endearments like “honey” and “sweetie” at random. 
My friends say I have a very warm, inviting energy that draws people in. I’m the kind of person who can quite literally make friends with anybody. I’ve been told I feel like home and am very endearing. I would do anything for my loved ones, even recklessly sacrificing myself or my happiness for them. It’s hard for me to put myself first most of the time. I hate making people feel bad and really just want to be helpful a lot of the time. I’m also always a little overprepared for every situation and have a hard time accepting and believing compliments. 
I’m very soft but have been called argumentative before. Like I said I hate making people feel bad, but once you’ve lost my trust, it’s insanely hard to get it back. And if you insult someone I care about, there’s no mercy tbh. So sweet, but fierce when provoked. 
Thank you so so much!! I hope you have a wonderful day, take care of yourself! Stay hydrated and have a good week sweetie! (Also sorry this was so long ;-;)
I like your vibes! I match you with.....
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♡ When you two first met at a pokemon exhibition he was stunned at how well you grabbed everyone's attention
♡ He had just finished a panel and was checking out some of the young promising trainers, and when he finally got to you he was amazed
♡ It was around the end of the exhibition so people were leaving one by one until it was just you two
♡ He was still listening intently, hanging on to your every word
♡ You didn't even realize exactly who was watching until you pulled out one of your reports on the anatomy of dog pokemon and how their typing affects them
♡ When you looked up to see the dashing Gordie in front of you with a soft smile on his face you almost fell backwards
♡ But he grabbed your arm to keep you from falling
♡ He had wanted to say something dashing like "Looks like your already falling for me" or something but he was at a loss for words
♡ "Oops, looks like I fell for you" you say with a smile
♡ The man was too stunned to speak, but he eventually was able to ask you to continue your explanation as he listened to every word
♡ By the end he was helping you clean up when he finally asked you out to coffee
♡ One date turned to another, and another, and another until you two started dating
♡ You two have a lot of stay-in dates, you'll try out new hairstyles on each other, draw random things in the house, sometimes he'll even just sit and watch you write
♡ He could watch you do anything for hours, he is so smitten
♡ You would defend him whenever internet trolls insult him
♡ That you scared the life out of him, but he loved watching you get protective
♡ He made a promise to himself to be all that you are to him ten-fold
♡ If you need him he will always be there
♡ Your sweet little simp boy
♡ He teases you about your height and uses as an armrest
♡ He steals your glasses sometimes and puts them up high so you have to ask him to get them for you
♡ Just so he can be a gentleman
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pinkrubberducky · 2 years
What is Music if not for Concerts?
(this site only allows me to put in one of my own files so enjoy the whole concert from YouTube- there will be one file at the end of my own)
Many people who enjoy music usually agree that they either have seen their favorite artist perform live or want to see them live. The reason for this is because people generally feel connected to the artist they see live, or at least more close to. I’m guessing that’s the reason so many Harry Styles fans fly across the country, spending thousands of dollars on him. Honestly, I’m not judging, if I had the means to do that, I would as well; Though for me, it would be to see Machine Gun Kelly play live again. The emotions that poured through my body were overwhelming to say the least. 
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(from 19 news)
Over the summer, August 13, 2022, to be exact, I had driven to Cleveland, Ohio to see MGK play a sold out show in the Cleveland Brown’s football stadium, FirstEnergy Stadium. It was amazing, possibly even the best show of my life. It started off with a lot of positive energy, which I think possibly fueled the entire rest of the show. The day was considered “MGK Day”, where there was merch and games and his music playing while he was getting some award from the rock and roll hall of fame. Not to mention, the whole city was turned pink as well, in lue of support to Kells. In addition, the mayor of Cleveland presented MGK with a national day, like MGK Day, every year on August 13th, at Kell’s own coffee shop- 27 Club Coffee located in Cleveland. 
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(family picture :) at 27 club coffee shop )
To start out, there were 3 “pre-show” events including Willow, Avril Lavigne, and Trippie Redd. A lot of people were freaking out about seeing these live performances, though I only knew like 2-3 songs from each of their sets, so I thought it was just okay, like maybe a 7/10. They were entertaining to watch but I was here for MGK more, if that makes sense. I will say, Trippie’s act was kind of insane. Not only did he blatantly get high on stage from a large blunt, it looked like he would sing a little bit then go back backstage to maybe throw up and then rally a bit more. He was also like “wow I’m really fucked up right now” to the crowd as well, making it to me, seem like he just didn’t really care about his fans. It was still entertaining though a plus. 
Finally, MGK is up to play. By this point, I’m getting a second hand high from the people in front of us smoking, which you know, makes sense given the crowd. Anyways, the board begins to play a video of a pilot of a helicopter as his stage has a pink helicopter strapped to the top. Born with Horns begins to play AS HE IS COMING OFF A LADDER FROM A REAL LIFE HELICOPTER. It was purely epic and Ithink it was a great way to start his show. 
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(travis barker and mgk, taken from my iPhone)
He then began to sing his hit songs from both tickets to my downfall and mainstream sellout. In between the songs he would tell a little story, something like this song is for so-and-so and I really want you guys to feel the emotion. I really love this part of the show because it felt like I was really connected to him and everyone singing along made it feel like I was less alone. I think also he did a really good job with his stage presence, while going between a couple hit songs on Binge and Hotel Diablo, he Zip-lined from the top of the stadium to the bottom wearing a Cleveland Browns Jersey with the logo XX on it. The logo stands for everyone stands together and he calls it his XX mob, which basically means we love you for who you are, we don’t care what differences you have as a person, let's embrace them because you’re amazing. I think this can be seen through the way he brings the crowd together; it just feels like a family. 
In addition to the zip line he also had three outfit changes, smashed a wine glass on his head, performed with Travis Barker and climbed a pillar as he was singing. To me this feels like he’s really dedicated to a show and really dedicated to pulling something together that his fans would like. I think that’s one of the reasons people really relate to his music is because he put so much effort into his lyrics that people feel connected enough to engage with him as a person; that’s why he puts on the shows that he does and I think that’s why people especially men leave a concert feeling loved and less alone. 
(mgk end of twin flame, rocking out, caught on my iPhone)
Reading this you must be thinking, “wow she really loved the show” and yes that is correct, I did.However, I wanted to share my favorite part. My favorite part was when he’s about to sing Twin Flame, which is his ending song; he looks out into the crowd, because he knows his daughter is there, and is like “wow make some noise for my beautiful daughter” and starts praising her which is extremely cute and makes me think he’s such a good father. This is especially cute because the song he sings is about the loss of an unborn child from his fiancé Megan Fox, and how much he loves and cares about his family. Praising his daughter and letting her know that she’s loved before playing this song just goes to show how having to abort an unborn child affects an entire family. I think it just shows his personality really well;  it seems like he is a person who has many layers- he grew up poor, got kicked out before 17, parents died and tried to sell his music on tapes to make a name for himself. He should be proud of himself and I don't think he really was until he saw his hometown stadium sold out. It was incredible to see. 
Like I said before, that was one of my favorite concerts. MGK played beautifully and sang his heart out. It was fun singing along and feeling like I was a part of a big family. I will 100% be seeing him live, even if that means spending money I don't quite have.
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Before I get to my request, congratulations on 1.5k! I’ve been following you for a few months now and everything that you put out is just insanely good, I always feel so immersed in your writing! You are seriously so so talented!!!
For your celebration, I wanted to do option two, please!! I would like either the Harry Potter fandom (either era) or the grishaverse, whichever one works better for you!! My pronouns are she/her and I am straight. I am about 5’3”, have collar bone length dirty blonde hair, solid cobalt blue eyes, and I am definitely more on the chubby side. Personality wise, I am very academic driven. I work hard for my grades and have always put a pressure on myself because of it. I come off as a shy person, but once you get to know me I am a total loudmouth and I will talk about the silliest topics. I love to banter. I’m quite insecure and can get embarrassed really easily, but it’s something I’m working on. I also am the oldest of 6 siblings and am the mom friend of my group. I have a soft spot for literally any animal or flower (it’s an issue). I get along with pretty much anyone I meet (I’m a people pleaser), but I keep a really close inner circle. Reading, music, and crafts are my favorite hobbies. I absolutely adore every genre of book. My current favorites are Little Women, Hunger Games, and Far From the Tree. I love figuring out plot twists in books/movies. I absolutely love horror movies, it’s a tradition in my family to watch a new one every weekend. Music has been a major part of my life for years, I play the alto saxophone and piano. My favorite artists are Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, Hozier, Olivia Rodrigo, the Backseat Lovers, and Daisy Jones and the Six (I know they’re a fictional band, but their album is amazing). I love just about any craft I can get my hands on (jewelry making, sewing, painting, scrapbooking, etc). 
I’m sorry for making this so long!! I’ve never done one of these and wasn’t sure how much information to put in them! Thank you for doing this!!!
hi! thank you so much for the kind words, i really appreciate it. i’m glad you’re enjoying my work, thank you for the support. and thank you for participating :)
since you gave me to fandoms, i’ll tell you who i ship you with from both, and then i’ll do the full thing for who i think you’re better suited for.
i ship you with james and matthias! i’m gonna go with james for this, hope that’s alright :)
james absolutely needs someone as good at banter as he is. that man can talk about anything and everything for hours, and he’d love having someone around that would listen to him and was genuinely interested in hearing what he’d have to say. he’d know that you would always be a shoulder he could lean on, and he’d be the same for you.
james would adore someone as dedicated but fun as you are. i don’t think james really has to try to do things well, he’s just naturally good at a lot of things. so he’d see the effort you put into yourself and into school, and he’d really admire your work ethic and how much you care. he would hate that you were negative about yourself, and he’d always know the right things to say to cheer you up and make you feel better. he would always see past ant flaw you had (or thought you had) and see the best parts of you. and he’d make sure to tell you how highly he thought of you. hed think you’re literally the coolest person ever with how artsy and musical you are, your hobbies involve a lot of skill and time. it takes a special kind of person to stick with it and enjoy it as much as you do. he’d see how sweet and caring you are. he’s got a big heart himself, so he’d find himself really drawn to you.
idk why but i feel like james would HATE horror movies. he loves adventure, but he’d see no point in intentionally scaring yourself. he’d be under the assumption that there were plenty of other things you could do to get your adrenaline pumping, and scaring yourself shitless wasn’t the way to do it. but, he’d do anything for you. and it was a good excuse to get close to you anyway.
he’d go into movie night with the intention of being your big protector. he’d put on a brave face when you chose the movie, huddling up next to you as you hit play. and just as the first jump scare happened, he’d flinch and reach out to grab your hand.
you’d smirk, raising a brow. “you alright?”
“yeah, yeah,” he’d clear his throat, letting you go as he took a breath. “just didn’t expect that. i’m good.”
you’d smile to yourself as you turned back to the movie, knowing there was a lot more left—and a lot more scares. the movie would continue, and james would keep inching closer as it went on. by the end, he was halfway in your lap, hiding his face in your shoulder. the second the credits rolled, you couldn’t help but chuckle, turning to look at him.
“love, that was horrible!” he whined, not even pretending to act unphased.
you’d smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “you were very brave, james. you only broke a knuckle or two squeezing my hand that hard.”
“oh, piss off!” he’d say, but he was chuckling too. “i’m picking the movie next time. none of that blood and demons and shit. something funny, yeah?”
you’d nod, trying and failing to hide your smirk as you reached up to brush his hair out of his face that he’d messed up from the sheer amount of times he’d jumped and hid his face as he clung to you.
“yeah. something that’ll give my hand a break.”
thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
hi! i was thinking if you could write an imagine of reader being rick and lori's daughter and sister to carl, rj and judith. i don't have a specific idea in mind, but just her before and after the time jump, struggling with being there when lori and carl died, and looking for rick with daryl, her relationship with her siblings and michonne, maybe maggie and hershel too (i was thinking since carl was 10 when it all started, she was 7 so now she's 17) thank you so much, and btw i loved your imagines i've read so far 💞
Being a Grimes ~ Rick Grimes x Grimes!reader
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thank you so much for requesting i really enjoyed making this one. i also have a series kinda like this about Jacey Grimes which i’m currently making a book two for.
warnings: alluding to sexual assault or rape, suicide, death, gore (lemme know if i’ve missed anything off here)
sorry if there is any mistakes please tell if there is and give me feedback i’d love to here back from yall
request guidelines
request are open
It was strange for y/n. This world would be strange for anyone really. But she was different. At only a mere 7 years old when the world went to shit she struggled as did many others. With the recent loss of her father - one she didn't entirely understand - still protruding through her heart, it was hard - so hard. 
When it happened she was at daycare. The teaching assistant tried and successfully ate the teacher in front of her. She was next and was so close to being eaten until Shane rushed in. He kicked Ms Twune and grabbed y/n. Her mom sobbed at the sight of her, covered in blood and the tears smothering her daughters face. Carl was shocked too. He wanted nothing more than to protect his little sister. His dad always used to tell him that that was his duty - his job. And he hated how he had failed in this moment. 
They made it to the quarry soon after. Y/n thought the group was nice - well mostly. The Dixon brothers scared her was what she told her brother or any of the children she had befriended. But she was lying. Yes, she was scared but only of Merle. He was creepy and mean to anyone he saw. Daryl was somewhat the same but he always found himself being nicer to the young child. And often kept her company when Lori and Shane went for a ‘walk’ in the woods. Glenn was another she found herself drawn to. He unlike Daryl happily invited her company. Glenn was sweet and funny. He never failed at making her laugh till she felt like she was going to pee. They were good friends which came to a fault when he had to go on runs. She’d scream and cry and refuse to let go of him because she was afraid that what happened to her father would happen to him. 
That’s what happened earlier that morning. Glenn and a few others were going into Atlanta, despite her dismay. Glenn assured her he’d be fine, which she didn't believe and continued her tantrum. 
“Can yer’ shut that damn baby up?” Merle spat covering his ears. 
Shane shot him a threatening glare while Glenn stayed preoccupied with the distraught girl. “Hey, it's okay. I’m coming back,” He insisted holding her tightly at his hip, “I promise you, sweet girl.” 
“No, b-b-but dada promise too a-a-and h-he,” She stopped herself, sobs erupting from her small body. 
“I know sweet girl, I know. But I’ll be back I know I will.” Glenn placed her on the back of the RV, “I tell you what I’ll bring you back some of your favourite sweeties, huh? Would you like that?” 
Giddily she nodded at his proposition, “Yes! Yes!” 
“Alright, then I’ll bring back some for you, okay?” She nodded smiling cheerfully, “I love you, kid.” 
“I luv you too, dumbass,” y/n giggled. 
Glenn looked around cautiously hoping no one heard that “Hey sweet girl you can't say that.” 
“W-what? Why?” the child began to cry again, “Y-y-you say it.” 
“I know b-but its adult words okay? Not y/n words. When you're older, alright?” She nodded her head again kissing his cheeks softly and hugging him. “Thank you, sweet girl. I’ll see you soon,” He kissed the top of her head and started towards the car smiling as she shouted, “With sweeties!”
The group returned hours later bearing a new man instead of Merle. Y/n waited patiently for Glenn and the aforementioned sweets. "Gen!" She screamed happily still unable to say his name fully. The man sprinted over to her, pulling her into a much-needed cuddle after the day he had. 
"It's Glenn, sweetheart," He chuckled while correcting. 
"Oh sorry Gen," She wrapped her dainty arms around his neck. 
"That's okay, sweet girl. I missed you." 
"I missed you too," She whispered before letting out a longwinded 'ew', "You stinky, Gen." 
The man smelt his shirt and nodded as the potent smell of walkers reached his nose. "I know yucky right?" 
"Yucky!" Y/n buried her face in Glenn's shirt ignoring the stench and just enjoying his company. She always became clingy like this after coming home from a run. He loved it. On runs, if he ever encountered a life-threatening situation - like the one today - he always finds himself realising how much she means to him. Glenn saw her as a little sister - one almost replacing the ones that were cruely ripped from him when this began. 
"How was it?" She inquired. 
"Not fun, sweet girl. But I got your sweeties and a nice man helped us out. Saved us," She beamed. 
"I like the good man. I'll give him two kisses when I see him. Maybe even one of my sweeties," Glenn chuckled. 
"Why two kisses, y/n?" 
"One for saving you. Two for bringing you hom," Glenn grinned contently and kissed her forehead. 
"Its home bubs with an e on the end." 
"Oh," She mumbled burying herself again. 
"Oh my God," Someone muttered as they exited the van. 
"Dad! Dad!" Carl screamed causing Glenn to snap his head in their direction. Carl came running towards the man, Rick, who had saved them in Atlanta. Y/n hadn't moved yet as she feared it was only a dream. That her dada wasn't really here. 
"Sweet girl," He pulled her out of his neck, "Look it's your dad." The child gazed over to where her brother had run to. Sure enough, it was her dad. He held Carl as he cried, looking to Y/n wanting to hold her too. 
"Dada!" She screamed jumping out of Glenn's arms dangerously. The girl scraped her knee on the way down but continued throwing herself into the hug. 
"Oh, Carl! Y/n!" She kissed all over his face childishly, "I luv you, dada." 
"I love you too, baby girl."
The years hadn't been kind to Y/n. She lost so much. Too much in fact that it had driven her to the depts of insanity and made her do things to herself, to others that she more than resented. The first loss was her mothers. She wasn't there like Carl was but the grief burned through her still. Y/n was too young to understand it really. Just how she was when Rick supposedly died. Y/n couldn't understand where her mom had gone she just knew she had a little sister now. One she swore to protect. 
She thought she had failed that when the prison fell. The young child was on her own. Injured and lost. She wandered through the woods for days until she stumbled across a group. The group were mean and despite her resistance wouldn't let her go. They hurt her in ways she didn't and wouldn't speak of it even now. But that all changed when Daryl showed up. He protected her - stopped them from hurting her. And eventually led her back to her family. Where for the first time she began to fear her father. 
Terminus was next. The people there snatched her from her family. She was forced to watch from afar as they were guided into the crate. Rick fought against them, Carl too but it was to no use. They had sectioned her off in a playroom. Every once in a while an older woman came in to fed and played with her. She hated it. Being in this world for more than a year now she knew that people like them didn't just want to play even if she did. She learnt that from the Claimers. 
Carol found her. Although having never have been all that close to the older woman - the only relation being the closeness between y/n and Sophia - seeing her after so long made her cry out of joy. Carol was happy too as she rushed out of that place to take her to safety. The pair ended up in the woods. Carol had stopped a moment ago to clean the dirt from her face, "lemme help." 
The girl sat up from where she was put down and cupped some water splashing it on Carol's face. Carol flinched as the water hit her, "Uh thank you." 
"Welcome," She looked away getting distracted by the nearing sound of footsteps. 
"Get behind me, y/n," Carol ordered to which she shook her head. 
"No it dada," She ran away from the woman and towards the group. 
"Y/n come back here!" Y/n continued ignoring Carols pleas and crashed herself into the back of Rick's legs. 
The father shot around and began to cry as he saw the child he thought he lost at his feet. "Oh, baby!" He collected the girl in his arms. Carl rushed to them too happy to see her alive after Gareth claimed he killed her. "Oh y/n, never leave me again, okay?" He looked directly into her matching blue eyes, "Promise me." 
"I promise, dada." 
Later Carol led them to Judith. Y/n was over the moon and refused to let her out of her sight, which was exactly what Rick was doing too. They found the church a while after. There they had some semblance of peace. She was glad to have Glenn back - Maggie too. Along with the new people although Eugene was a bit weird. 
At the church was also when the questions started. Daryl had told Rick about the group they were with and regretfully had to inform the father how she was there before him. Rick asked y/n - begged her - to tell her what happened. But she refused. She couldn't say what happened. What they did, which just made Rick fear more. Eventually, she spoke a little about it. She was vague and could barely string two words together without crying. He hated it. He hated how this was a reality for his daughter. He saw the bruises they left. And he couldn't understand how someone could touch his child. Or how he could be so powerless to stop it. 
Bob died. She didn't really know the man but it still upset her. Beth too. Although she was a lot closer to her. Beth was one of her only friends and was someone who would look after her when her father couldn't. They bonded and now she was gone. 
After Beth's demise, they spent lots of time on the road. They suffered, almost died countless times but they prevailed. They got stronger - she got stronger. And they eventually found Alexandria. There everything was good again like how it was at the prison or even before this hell. She liked it there and didn't understand why the others were so sceptical. 
Though that didn't last for long. Y/n began to hate the place when Carl got shot. Alexandria almost stole her brother from her. So she despised it. She refused to leave her brother's side as he adjusted to his injury. Yes, he found it annoying how she wouldn't leave him be and he often snapped at her. But she was there when he needed her. Despite the age difference and the many years of memories they had lost to this fight, she understood his pain. When he saw himself as ugly, a monster even, she made him think otherwise. She kept him afloat, which he was eternally thankful for. 
Glenn was next. 
She didn't believe it even after she was forced to see it with her own two eyes. She was next to Glenn in the lineup. She had to watch up close. Y/n had to be mocked by that man. She had to stay the whole night with her best friends brains on her face. After that night she blamed herself. She told herself that if Negan was just one person off she would be dead and he would live. He would get to see his child born and grow old with Maggie like they had spoken about. She wholeheartedly believed he deserved to live over her. 
The war with Negan shook her to the core. At the time his face filled her nightmares. He just looked so normal. He looked nice even. Yet he hurt and he hurt and he hurt. 
He killed her Glenn. And then Carl. It wasn't Negans fault although she did blame him. Carl had gotten bit. Y/n held his hand as he died in that tunnel as the home they had built above them fell. She got a letter too - even though she would rather have preferred to have her brother back. In the letter, Carl told her how proud he was of her - how thankful he was to have her as a sister. He told her to protect Judith, their dad and Michonne, who she had recently begun to call momma. 
After Carl's death, y/n shut herself from the world well everyone except her father. For days she would cry until she couldn't anymore. She would scream and scream until her voice was gone. She just didn't understand why it had to be Carl? Why mom? Why Glenn? Why Beth? Why was it never her? The following weeks she found herself wishing it would be her next. She could never bring herself to say it out loud but with any battle, any fight, anything, she wished it would be her. 
So when she lost her father her whole world fell apart. He was her consistent so why did he leave her? She was at the bridge that day. Daryl held her crying frame as Rick set off that final shot blowing him and the walkers off the bridge. Y/n Grimes' father was dead. 
She stayed in Alexandria for a while afterwards. For the sole reason to protect her siblings. Yes, siblings - plural. Somehow through all the bad some good came from it. She just wished her father and Carl could've seen it. RJ Grimes came into this world 9 months later. And he was perfect. For months she would assist in taking care of him as Michonne wasn't doing the greatest without the love of her life. Truth be told neither was y/n she was just better at hiding it. 
Until one night it all became too much. Y/n didn't know how it happened but she found herself balancing on the edge of her window. She wanted to jump - to end it. But she just couldn't will herself to do it. And when Daryl showed up she knew she couldn't. "Hey step away from ta window, alrigh'," The man ordered as he saw her shaking frame rocking back and forth. 
"I-i can't," She sobbed. 
"Ye' ya can. Jus' step back I'll catch ya," Daryl moved closer but paused when she shouted to stop. 
"I can't, Daryl. They're all gone. They're all dead," The tears clouded her eyes. She shut them tightly picturing her families faces wanting so badly to join them. 
"Please jus' step back, y/n. Yer' not alone. I'm here," He croaked the tears floating down his cheeks, "Don't jump." 
"I love you, Daryl." 
"I love ya too, okay? So step away from the window," He watched as she turned her head slightly catching his eyes. 
"I love you but I can't. Tell mom, RJ and Judy I love them as well." 
Suddenly she went to fall forward but Daryl reacted quicker. He gripped her waist pulling her into the room unwilling to release his grasp. "Yer' not leaving me," He told her as she cried into his shoulder, "Yer' cant leave me." Overhearing the chaos, Michonne entered her daughter's room to see the window wide open and the two of them crying. Daryl looked at her. The look telling her all she needed to know. Michonne began to cry herself and joined them on the ground. 
"Y/n?" A small voice called from the door frame. 
"Judith go back to bed, okay?" Michonne told her but Judith continued towards her sister. The girl said nothing as she wiped her sister's tears and held her hand.
It was 5 years later now. After her attempt, she left Alexandria with Daryl in search of her father. She didn't believe he was alive despite everything inside her wanting to. But Daryl did and after what happened they became a lot closer. He was happy she joined him. Even though the act of being out there was gruelling at times he was glad he could look after her. And if something would've happened to her while he was gone he could never have forgiven himself. Understandably Michonne was angry that y/n decided to leave. Y/n was her daughter and Michone her mother. They needed each other but she was willing to let Y/n leave to figure that out. It brought her peace looking for her father. 
The silence was her favourite and as Daryl wasn't much of a talker she got lots of it. They got a dog too, which Daryl cleverly named Dog. Everything was a messed up version of okay but it was still good. Being out there made her find her purpose. She went home a lot more than Daryl did, which pleased her siblings and mother. It was always for a few days never longer as she feared she'd stay forever and she couldn't. As much as Alexandria is good it also drives y/n to a dark place. One she was in that night. She lost so much there. And staring at those four walls drove her insane. It didn't help how Negan was imprisoned there. Just thinking how close he was made her skin crawl. She knew how Rick visited him when he was alive that he believed Carl was right about the killing. That it had to stop. Y/n knew he was right too but she could never bring herself to one admit or two face Negan. 
It felt like a story she read as a child when the Whisperers showed up. Like Negan, they scared her. So when she was told about his escape she only assumed the worst. The Whisperers took so many from them. Like Enid for example. Her story was cut short because of them. The two never really spoke but she understood how she and Carl felt for each other at a time. So ultimately it felt like she lost her final piece of Carl when she died. Y/n wished she had spoken to her when she could've. She wished she could've heard the untold stories they shared. She needed to know about Carl's final years with her. But now she's gone too along with those memories. 
The war with the Whisperers took everything from them. The Kingdom. Hilltop. Alexandria. Along with the lives they lost in the process. With the group separated she found herself protecting Judy and RJ. Michonne had gone. Where she had gone to, y/n had no idea. For a messed up reason, she began to prepare herself for her mother's death before it was even announced. That was until she got the call. She was okay and... apparently so was Rick. 
Disbelief was what hit her first. She couldn't hear his voice nor see his face so how could she know it was true. Michonne didn't know either she couldn't if he was really there, still alive. That night of the call she left. Without hesitation, she kissed RJ and Judith's heads, told them she loved them and told them to tell everyone else that and left. She left in the direction Michonne had told her. 
She left to find her father. And she knew she wouldn't return until she did. "I'm coming, dad."
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Congrats again on 2K. i’m so happy for you ❤️
For the emojis: 🔥☕️🚧
For the character: Jax, i feel like those emojis have a Jax vibe
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! And thanks for the congrats! 💗
Roadblocks Don’t Suck
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, car sex (quick & rough, light choking, Jax’s leather gloves (they’re a whole kink)) Word Count: ~1.4k Emoji Prompt: 🔥☕️🚧 (key words are in bold)
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Jax Teller is a lot of things. Pussy-whipped isn’t one of them, but somehow when you ask for things he gives in to a ton of them. On some level in his alpha male soul that sort of stings.
He’s in the driver’s seat grumpy and grumbling like a five-year-old. You’re really in the driver’s seat with all the power that you hold, over the prince of Charming, destined to be king.
He lights a cigarette. The little flame matches his mood flickering sharply with resentment and regret, that he had caved to what you said.
“How’s your goddamn coffee,” he snaps, bitter and full of sass. Gruffly, to hide the fact that you can turn him into such a goddamn softie.
“It’s fucking lovely,” you proclaim, taking another sip and gloating without shame. This morning you’d asked Jax to drive your car to where the two of you are headed, rather than taking his Harley as he typically prefers instead. You wanted to sit comfortably with your coffee and finish up the book you’ve almost fully read.
He doesn’t know yet you were also hoping you could give him road head.
“Fuck!” Jax suddenly rasps as he steps on the brake just when you reach the end of your book, causing you to look up out the windshield in shock. It’s just a bit of bad traffic but your man sounds as furious as if your car was hit by a damn truck. “Ugh, there’s a fucking roadblock. This shit fucking sucks.”
Jax really just can’t deal with traffic at a standstill. He is seething, heavy breathing, living proof that looks can kill.
Glimpse flashing lights and obstacles with slanted black and yellow stripes to mark construction that’s in progress up ahead. Prince Fuming grits his bright white teeth around his cigarette like he wants someone dead. Possibly you. “See, bitch if we were on my bike I could’ve just driven right through…”
“Would you just stop? Here, I’ll give you a handjob,” you decide, casting your finished paperback off to the side. Sometimes—a lot of times—you’d rather make Jax Teller cum than hear him talk. “Shut up, just sit back and enjoy your smoke and let me stroke your cock.”
“What are we, fifteen-year-old kids? You’ll grab my dick and let me grope your tits?” he laughs, as you reach in his jeans to grip and squeeze his massive shaft. “Get down and suck.”
You take your hands out of his pants and cross your arms over your chest tightly, to tell him no such luck. “Maybe I would have if you’d asked nicely, you bossy little fuck.”
“You love it when I’m bossy.” Jax is well aware that his dominance gets you wet and juicy. “Know it hits you in your kinky little pussy.”
“You don’t know shit about my kinks,” you lie.
“You think?” he challenges with a dark glimmer in his eye. The heat of hell behind his smile. Glances out the window at the standstill traffic and decides to put the car in park so he can make this goddamn ride worthwhile.
Asking nicely isn’t really Jax’s style.
You can act like you don’t want it but there’s no point in denial. Every goddamn thing about him drives you wild.
When he wants something he takes it—bends your will to fight him off and fucking breaks it—snaps a finger and you’re naked—he makes sure you want it wholeheartedly too—but that shit’s never hard to do.
He always has you spouting off a senseless stream of oh God Jesus Christ Jax yes fuck yes in two seconds or less. Knows he’s your ever-living weakness. Face you see when you scream Jesus. Knows you’re his to play with any way he pleases. Knows just what buttons to press, to get his girl to be a wet whimpering mess.
Has you spread out on the backseat, shaking in heat, as he strips off your summer dress. Stays fully clothed because he knows it’s fucking torture when he doesn’t let you cleave against the smooth skin of his chest. Settle for clutching at the leather of his vest. The leather Jax Teller wears best.
Or is it…? Though you’ve never mentioned this before, Jax saw the sparkle in those pretty eyes of yours, when you watched his hands on the steering wheel clad in his leather gloves and thought that shit’s fucking exquisite.
To be honest it’s ridiculous that he’d wear leather gloves to drive a car. Today’s ride isn’t even far. You know it’s just so he can feel more like he’s riding on his Harley and it’s dumb as fuck but you don’t care about that given what a slut you are. Jax in the leather of his kutte is hot enough—but these damn gloves… they have you seeing fucking stars…
You’d wanted him to push your head deep in his lap while you bent down to suck him off. Feeling the smooth warmth of the leather in your hair and on your cheeks as you devoured his enormous cock and showered it with love.
He’d like that very fucking much, without a doubt, but in this moment he would rather see your gorgeous glowing face than have it buried in his crotch. More in the mood to fuck your pussy than your mouth. He wants to watch, the way your inner slut is spinning out—surrenders to his touch… the way your features melt, descending into ecstasy past anything you’ve ever fucking felt… as he traces his thumb across your bottom lip with one hand while the other frames your hips—taking you in his leather grip—tight as a belt, sharp as a whip.
And it’s insane the way it makes your pussy drip. Your brain is on a fucking trip. Can leather get you fucking pregnant? On the road the traffic’s still completely stagnant, but your man will have to get back in the driver’s seat again soon once the cars begin to move. There’s not a lot of time to get into the groove. No time for fun and games and foreplay—just a frantic feral fuck here on the freeway—love and lust one and the same to make and take when you two have nothing to prove.
Outside of sex, you know that it’s your job as Jax Teller’s old lady to continually kick his ego down a couple pegs. But it’s a different fucking story when he’s hovering above you and all set to shove his meat into the aching soaking heat between your legs.
A piece of prey for him to eat. To read your body as it breaks and burns and begs. Jax is the undisputed king when he has you spread in his bed or the backseat. And as his leather-clad hand wraps around your throat you gasp at how it feels so sweet because you know what’s coming next…
He applies just the perfect pressure and oh fuck you’ve never felt such perfect pleasure.
You can feel his power pouring through the leather. You can feel it pounding through your blood, as he plows deep inside your pulsing cunt, that fucking instant, with a savage fucking grunt, rock hard as he drives home and hits a flood, ‘cause you’ve never been wetter. You’re his fucking slut. Forever.
Two or three bucks of his hips—he sucks the prayer of his name off of your lips—tightens that leather fucking grip—your grip on consciousness begins to fucking slip…
Just came undone, though this had only just begun. He spills inside you that same second and you’re both sprawled on the seat sex-dumb and drunk.
Two seconds later all the cars outside decide to fucking honk.
He really doesn’t give a fuck. You’re both so bulldozed by the love you made you probably wouldn’t notice if this steamy little car of yours got totaled by a truck. Honk all they want for all you care—the two of you are far beyond the world out there—you’re stuck in heaven with no plans to come unstuck.
Maybe try fucking one more time to piss off everyone outside and push your luck.
Jax reads your mind because it’s his. Leather glove soft around your throat now as he smiles through a cigarette-and-coffee-flavored kiss. “Maybe roadblocks don’t suck.”
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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balillee · 3 years
my unpopular dsmp opinions, some of which genuinely should be popular
c!dream has crossed the moral event horizon and is irredeemable. once you cross that threshold, you're no longer a 'morally grey' character.
pre-recorded, heavily produced lore killed the lore. it was cool, sure, but you completely misunderstand the magic that the smp had when people watched it initially. the story is improv and that's how we like it. we can tell the cc's have lost interest in it, you can admit that to us, we'll understand, just stop lying to me.
c!dream's pov isn't necessary to understand his character or his motivations. if you've watched literally any c!primeboys stream he's basically spelled it out for you.
i don't understand how fans can dislike l'manberg or have claimed to be against it since the beginning. i honestly don't get it. what's so bad about wanting your own spot where you make your own rules and skirt accountability that has been used to technically oppress you before - and, before someone who never saw the earlier streams tries to disagree with this, the og l'manberg crew were imprisoned for shit that everyone else on the server was practically encouraged to do. also, what do you have against fun and happiness?
i think some of you forget that 'hybrids' aren't a thing, discounting c!ranboo. there's no piglin hybrids, c!techno is just a pig. there's no avian hybrids, c!phil is just a man with wings. there's no creeper hybrids, c!sam is just a creeper who's indecently exposed from the hips down. canonically there's no hybrids, and therefore no hybrid discrimination. people ran with that concept too much.
the loss and the fanon rewriting of the early lore up until pogtopia has ruined fandom perception of c!dream and the og l'manberg boys. c!tommy is more morally white than you think he is, and c!dream has always been a villain - he massacres and he kills and he destroys and he schemes and he always has broken his own rules. no wonder the boys wanted their own space after how they were treated.
i think ranboo oftentimes forgets his own lore. he brings stuff up that c!ranboo may have done, such as exploding the community house to frame c!tommy, holding onto Cat, and it goes absolutely nowhere. we've gotten all of these developments in his story but they have never been expanded on, and we're nowhere closer to figuring out his relationship to c!dream and what his other side is and honestly i see no hope that we'll be any closer to knowing even by the end of the year.
your characters don't all have to be morally grey for the story itself to be morally grey. this is fiction - some people can be nothing but evil and others can be nothing but good. being purely good or evil doesn't mean that you're one dimensional, either.
c!dream apologists have ruined c!dream for me. he's not a good person. how about you let me enjoy a villain for who he actually is, rather for than your percieved woobified ragdoll you pass off as c!dream.
the story was better when there was a central writer. it was brilliant back when wilbur wrote it to be that the environment drives the characters and the story, and it was really good in early s2 up until techno's execution day when it was more character driven. since then, the amount of autonomy people have over their characters without any central 'director', as it were, has been a detriment to the story overall. there needs to still be one overarching figure or director or writer.
not everyone is a main character. just because they have a pov, doesn't mean they're a main character. some characters have such little impact on the overall plot and describing everyone as a main character oversaturates the story and makes some characters seem more important than they are.
the egg lore had so much potential up until it didn't. all that built up threat that we were expecting and we still don't even know what the egg wants really other than just controlling people. does it hatch?
genuinely, if there's no major plot developments by the end of the year (and let's be honest, it's a very big possibility at this point), a few of the more prominent members of the server should do a podcast style stream talking about where the story would have gone, because at least then we would have gotten somewhat closer to a conclusion.
c!techno is a villain and an asshole and a bad person. he stops caring for people once their interests don't align with his or if they look at him funny. he makes meta-jokes about his own tyrannical and oppressive nature. stop taking that away from him. he's a bad person. cc!techno does a fabulous job portraying that in a comedic manner and the balancing of him being a deeply flawed person with deeply flawed morals and ideas with his comedically-portrayed stubbornness and lack of willingness to hear out opposing viewpoints is incredible. i want to like characters who are arseholes for the sake of being arseholes, and who refuse to take into account the hurt they've caused either out of self-righteousness or because they don't care, so let me. he's the anti-peacemaker, LET ME HIM ENJOY HIM FOR THAT!!!!
i think tommy and wilbur's way of doing lore is my favourite. relies heavily on improv, voice acting, sprite acting and facial expressions. really shows off the acting props and they pull off the emotional moments well for the insanity of the creative medium.
i'm not a fan of fan-music. i find songs about media i'm into difficult to listen to. coincidentally i'm also not a fan of shit like slam poetry or live music/musicals/pantomimes.
the death of l'manberg killed people's motivation to go on the server casually. i've talked about it more in depth before, but destroying what was a central, driving environment for the story killed momentum and motivation. imagine in an episode of she-ra, the princess alliance just nuke the freight zone and all of the members of the horde just have to deal with it. that would be shit.
until season 3 has some momentum, i'm counting the end of the smp as january 20th. that had a conclusion. season 3 has... whores, technoblade and tommyinnit. that's about it.
i wasn't a fan of the development of c!tubbo joining las nevadas. i preferred snowchester and the walled city conflict. give c!tubbo some backbone and some badassery. also tubbo where's the fucking nuke bro if you're shelving that plotline just tell us on like an alt stream what the plan was i beg
add like 2 or 3 new people to the server so that michael mcchill has someone to talk to and so that there's something always happening on the server. it gives the og's more motivation to return if things are happening in and out of canon and it'll help with momentum, and who knows? maybe they can write their own story/stories.
i really think that c!sam is an underrated character. he's multilayered, extremely interesting, and the dichotomy of his loyalty to his job and how far down the rabbithole that's taken him versus the genuine love he has for his friends that drives him to do what he does out of wanting to do right by them is brilliant. i don't talk about c!sam enough.
STOP HAVING FUCKING VILLAIN ARCS!!! I'M FUCKIN SICK OF IT!!!! i want to see more characters who see everyone else being absolute selfish, abhorrent cunts and go 'if nobody else is going to be a good person, i fucking will'. GIVE ME SOME MORAL WHITENESS!!! IT'S INTERESTING AND MORALLY GOOD CHARACTERS ARE FUN!!!
let tommyinnit build cobblestone towers. everyone bullied him too much for how ugly they were and the one he built outside of the prison looked genuinely really nice. it gives the boy something to do.
i'm a fan of the revive book and the canon lives system. don't ask me why, but i think it might just be the morbidity of it. it adds to c!dream's god complex persona, and i think the fragility of death itself is a really fun concept. not enough fan cc's have made connections with that and c!mumza, and it could make for cool fanfic.
ranboo your house is fucking ugly. it's an eyesore
c!niki, and to some extent now c!jack and c!fundy, are boring me and ruining my mood. i think c!jack is the closest to being an actually interesting sympathetic villain, mainly because nobody else seems to realise that c!niki is a villain. not a good one imo, but she's a villain. c!jack just has the problem of starting a new project over and over and over and over again and because of the slow in momentum for the primary cast, there hasn't been a lot of recent development for him.
not really a dream smp opinion, but if philza went full geordie accent, i would love it. i want him to, in canon, say shit like 'me n ye' instead of 'me and you' and use geordie dialect. i want him to be physically unintelligible because it's funny.
i don't really know what's up with c!foolish but i think he's a dumbass. he had a while to think about c!q's proposal and then changed his mind about joining the guy to admitted to letting him die just because. moron
i wish there was more c!eret lore. i wish he was an actual king with an actual kingdom and actual subjects and royal advisors. c!eret is far too fucking cool to be the king of nothing and nobody. fatten up the kingdom and the castle with people who work with c!eret, and don't just make it tyrannical and dictator-y to prove the point of the server's 'anarchists'. make it a healthy working environment, please - if you want moral greyness, have 'anarchists' who claim to care about the welfare of the server oppose a kingdom of happy people under a fair and just ruler because their ideologies clash.
the server needs more characters who oppose anarchy in more peaceful ways, or passively wish for systems to be a part of. i think a chaos vs order conflict ending only in mutual understanding where everyone understands that they should just leave each other alone would slot nicely into the story that's been created so far.
you need to have watched all of the previous arcs to understand the story. i've seen people argue that they don't need to know about earlier lore to understand the prison, but that's the equivalent of only watching the final season of pretty little liars and expecting to understand the context of what's going on.
some characters aren't that morally grey. some characters, take c!tommy for example, are definitely on the whiter side for the morality scale, he's just an asshole. he's abrasive and rude and a dickhead but he also doesn't agree with terrorism, he's patriotic, he strives for a better world, he's apologetic, but he's also a fucking BITCH.
you can add onto this if you want, but not if you're a c!dream apologist. nobody likes your opinions
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virghogh · 3 years
NCT Dream Birth Charts x Hexaco Results Analysis pt. 3
recently NCT Dream were on a new reality show called Mental Training Camp where they are doing a variety of activities and all of their behavior and interactions are being analyzed by professional psychologists
ofc my virgo sun mercury ass was thrilled and I had their birth charts pulled up the whole time to cross reference.
I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts on how the 2 might connect!
Thank you for all the support on the previous parts <3
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 
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**key: in the hexaco charts the blue represents the Dreamies, the orange is an average result of 300 college students who took the same test**
Haechan - “Popular and Ambitious” 
✨gemini sun // leo moon // cancer mercury // gemini venus // gemini mars✨
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they started Haechans analyses by labeling him as popular and ambitious, and even without looking at the hexaco or his birth chart these 2 traits are very easy to see in him. Haechans birth chart and hexaco are really interesting and almost refreshing to me because everything is so straightforward. I honestly think Haechan is a very what you see is what you get kind of person. I think the psychologists on the show were feeling some of that interest and refreshing feeling too because they described him as being very different from the rest of the group (and the college students), and kind of special. A somewhat rare personality.
the first thing they talked about was his insane level of extroversion. I have to say when I first saw that I choked on air a little. Not only is it just ridiculously high, but it’s also so obvious given his birth chart too. looking at the hexaco chart, the focus on extroversion and then how the other areas are either just around the average or below is very interesting to me. we saw something similar in a few of the previous dreamies too. Some of them had highly above average scores for one area and to me that says a lot about the dominant parts of their personality. 
Looking at haechans birth chart, we all know he’s practically on par with Seventeens Hoshi for being an iconic gemini. Having such a social, extroverted and excitable sign in 3 different planets will certainly make someone extroverted, but charts have to be looked at as a whole as well and he’s also fortunate to have a leo moon because it doesn’t add any kind of introversion. He is a pure excitable, affectionate and social extrovert. His extroversion can be seen in the ways he’s very interested in whats happening “out there”. Gemini’s are very curious and restless and like to explore the world and environment around them, and have a lot to gain from connecting with people. 
Right after they mentioned this though, they quickly added that it’s actually somewhat rare for highly extroverted people to be highly conscientious too. If you look at his hexaco his next highest scores are conscientiousness and openness. Even though gemini is a mutable sign and likes to try new things and stay entertained, they are some of the most determined people I’ve ever met. You do not want to get in between a Gemini and their work. Gemini is a very mental sign as well, they’re good with tasks and enjoy getting them done and focusing on their work. As well as his firey Leo moon. Leo is a sign that I often think can change quite a lot depending on the chart and houses but his with the gemini, is creating a highly focused, ambitious and driven person. 
they described him as the “relief pitcher” for the team when in crisis. He’s the one that comes into the game for a round or 2 when things aren’t going well to secure their win, then steps back out. If this isn’t the most accurate description for haechan and gemini/leo?! Leo and Gemini are both highly intelligent signs, I feel like people don’t talk about that a lot with leo but it’s true! Also his combination of leo with gemini is interesting because sometimes people have drive, ambition and passion, but there are other placement that kind of complicate how it gets expressed. And they can’t always fulfill all of their desires and passions. But having all gemini and that one leo is really in his favor, he’s very “this is what I want, so I’m going to get it”. It’s easy for him. He can easily bring his ambitions to fruition which is why he’s the “relief pitcher”. It’s gemini magic and leo talent honestly.
this was the extent of what they said for Haechan but I have more I’d like to add! 
his openness is on par with his conscientiousness and that is also no surprise because even though gemini gets a rep. for being “detached” it’s actually a fairly open sign too. What gemini is open about depends greatly on the other placements, and in haechans case with his only other influences being leo and cancer, he can easily be open about those traits and desires. The attention, validation, love and affection. They are all very big parts of him, and he also has no problem speaking his mind. But he also isn’t as obsessive as other leo and cancer combinations because of his overwhelming gemini. It’s very “in this second I want affection” and then the next second he’s over it. With haechan I’ve always found it interesting how he is so openly affectionate but it never seems like an unhealthy attachment thing? he isn’t reliant on it, and can easily go from wanting it, to not. It’s very uncomplicated. This is also part of the Gemini rep. they are very flighty and their minds change by the second, but are also very self-reliant and independent. This is also why his emotionality is low even though his openness is high. Again, I don’t think he’s an emotionally driven person, he’s just open with his desires. 
tldr; talented, confident, skilled, self-sufficient and independent. He is driven by exploring the world and people around him, he enjoys making connections. Very open about his thoughts and needs, but emotionally uncomplicated. His drive and ambition is bottomless, never-ending. What he wants, he gets. 
Jaemin - “Optimistic My Way”
✨leo sun // capricorn moon // leo mercury // virgo venus // leo mars✨
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I would like to start by saying that Jaemin is the sole reason that it took me so long to get this post out. This boy has always, and probably always will, confuse the hell out of me. And I’m sure he likes it that way. Actually, I’m confident he likes it that way because he admitted to the psychologists that on the test they took he answered number 3 for every question, so he wouldn’t have to reveal too much about himself. This is why they labeled him as “my way”, very “do what I want” kind of person. They said he really made them use a lot of brain power, and I relate lol. Even outside of this post every time I watch nct dream I’m always trying to understand Jaemin. So here goes my best shot at understanding this man. 
they mentioned jaemin is difficult and complicated, he’s hard to read, and he’s someone that cannot be perfectly described with one personality test. I agree, which is why I hope one day we can get those house placements please! 
The first thing that caught my attention based off his chart is how small his blue hexagon is. I actually had to double check that the blue was him and not the average😅 because of how he answered the test I don’t know how accurate the hexaco is? they didn’t really comment on that but they did continue to reference it. 
the main thing they talked about with Jaemin was about how he is very aware of what he does and doesn’t like, he knows who he gets along with and who he doesn’t, he has no problems showing when he doesn’t like something, and he is very uninterested and borderline apathetic when it comes to things and people he is simply not interested in. 
I think where I get really tripped up with Jaemin is because he has 3 leo placements, yet I feel like he doesn’t act much like a typical leo in my opinion? At least not to the cameras. I honestly think Jaemin might be someone who is very different off camera and at home. When I see jaemin I see flashes of it, but I get a lot of his earth influence. 
I want to start with his capricorn moon because I feel like it’s something i see the most in him. For starters, it is literally why he is so private. Even before this show, it was a well known thing amongst NCTzens that Jaemin is a very private person. He also comes off as very reserved, in control and calm. Jaemin answering every question with a 3, so that it neither over or under represents him, but puts him in the questionable middle, is very capricorn moon. Not wanting to be understood. Not wanting to appear as having any exact problems. They’re practical, controlled, level-headed... right? They’re not the ones with messy emotions, couldn’t be them.... That’s the whole capricorn struggle. The moon is put in a very tough spot with Capricorn. Scorpio moons are in fall and Capricorns are in detriment. But it works very differently. Scorpios have wickedly intense emotions that they are kind of scared of, so they hide them, but they want to be understood and feel safe enough to express them. Capricorn moons straight up deny their feelings. 
On the bright side though, I feel like his Capricorn moon is also responsible for the other part of his personality which is: how weird he is. Capricorn moons are also known for being ridiculously funny and weird. Very weird. I think this is also where his Leo comes in and kind of teams up with his moon. Leo’s are natural performers and sometimes when I watch Jaemin I find myself being like “he is really putting on a show right now” but not in a bad way, I’m always highly entertained lol. He is a natural performer.  
In haechan’s section I mentioned how, to me, leo is one of the signs that can change so drastically depending on the other planets and houses. I think jaemin is a really good example of this, because even without his hexaco chart we all know Jaemin is a huge introvert. He is actually a self-proclaimed introvert. He is open is the way he shows it, and he even said in a show that talking with people is hard because he loses so much energy. I think his Capricorn and Virgo play a big role in this and it’s why I’m so curious what his houses are and where that leo is. Because even though our moons affect us a lot, with 3 leo placements i would expect someone to be a little more extroverted. 
Where I also see a lot of his Leo though, is of course, with how affectionate he is. he’s also very creative and a huge provider. A big misconception with leo is that all they do is take. This is one side to leo, and Haechan is a good example of that side because he has the gemini and leo moon, but Jaemin is a really good example of the strong provider and caretaker side of Leo. With his earth placements too. he is definitely someone who prides himself on taking care of people. 
now to compare his hexaco to his birth chart, his extroversion, emotionality, agreeableness and honesty-humility is lower than average. Sure, part of that could be the way he took the test, but I also think it can be seen in his very controlling earth placements. Having earth in 2 of the planets that hold a lot of our emotions and expression, and the fact that it is virgo and capricorn and not taurus, is making him very in control of his emotions and expression, and he has strong boundaries. It also makes him more introverted. The low agreeableness is just his whole chart honestly. Leo is a fixed sign, and even though virgo is mutable, they still have very particular ways they like to do things, and capricorn is a leader and takes charge. 
His openness is interesting to me and I wanna say that I think it’s very similar to what I wrote for haechan. He’s open, but not necessarily emotionally driven. He is open about the things that drive him, so not emotions, but something else. Work. His morals and values. His boundaries. Things he does and doesn’t like! lastly, his conscientiousness also fits into this, virgo capricorn and leo are all extremely driven, passionate and hard workers and we know work and stability is a high value and priority of his.  
tdlr; hard to read, very private and likes it that way. He is driven by work, ethic, stability and providing. He knows his values, and has little interest in things he doesn’t care for. Optimistic, weird, funny and a natural performer. Likes to be in control and needs to recharge a lot. Probably the most different off camera and at home. 
and that’s part 3! Thanks you to everyone that has tuned into this series it was so much fun. Thoughts and feedback are always welcome <3
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twstoric · 4 years
my all (for you)
𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅: uh hi, can i request leona x gn!reader x malleus, with both of them "fighting" over reader's attention as they have sex? maybe a bit of breeding kink as well? >///<
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𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: leona kingscholar x gn!reader x malleus draconia 
𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: it’s a dangerous game you’re playingーnot only with competitive beasts but also ones driven to stake their claim over you
𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘(𝕤): rough sex, possessive behaviour, intentions of breeding, biting/marking, powerful beings acting not so powerful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2.2k
𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖: i’m crying i’m supposed to be resting but my brain was like “wehh” and i survived on high sugar to get this done smoothly but-! please enjoy, loves!!
“Mh- lheー” you bite your tongue harshly, breath stuttering in your throat as you stare at your legs, unmoving as if you were paralyzed. You fucked up- or at least you almost did but it’s a futile wish to hope that your minor slip up wouldn’t go unnoticed. Trapped in between two beasts, every word that comes out of your mouth is carefully analyzed; figuring when you’ll scream the name they want to hear. 
Leona breathes a small chuckle, yanking your legs closer to the edge of the bed where he’s kneeling close to. “So quiet suddenly, herbivore? Come on, you can scream my name all you want,” he kisses the inside of your thighs, lips pressing fire against your skin as the brunet settles both your legs over his shoulders; not allowing you to hide anything.
“Hm? I believe the name that was uttered was mine.” Malleus tugs you closer to him, almost pulling you entirely away from the other dorm head if Leona hadn’t been gripping you so tightly. The dark fae settles behind you, holding you up and pressing his torso against your back. His lips trail invisible lines over the expense of your neck, fingers teasing the skin under your shirt as he rides the material up over your chest. “Don’t be shy now, dear. Say my name louder.”
Your face flushes, closing your eyes as if trying to block them out. There’s a building heat in your stomach, coaxed and played around with by the two dorm heads but the problem isn’t that the pleasure they give you can be overwhelming—it’s more as though the silent competition they’ve played when it comes to you is starting to drive you a little insane. 
Whenever Leona would bring you to completion with the slow drag of his tongue against your sensitive nerves is ripped away when Malleus pulls you far away from the Savanna prince and monopolizes your lips with a deep kiss; shoving his tongue down your throat and tasting every inch of your mouth.
Similarly, whenever Malleus pours ecstasy into your mind with the soft curls of his fingers against your good spots, mouthing kisses against the skin of your neck, Leona shoves him away, grabbing you by the wrist and trapping you under him away from the Prince of Thorns and makes it a point to bite deep markings into your neck; the clear indication of his claim on you. 
The cycle repeats for too long and too often that whenever you touch near the height of completion, you’re not surprised that it’ll be ripped away from you soon enough. Children, honestly. You’re dealing with children. 
“Please just- d- do something quick,” you huff, closing your thighs between Leona’s head and tugging at Malleus’ hair to coax him near your mouth. If you don’t come soon, you’ll definitely go insane—in a sense, anyway. But you will rip their heads out. Princes of a country or not, they’ll feel your wrath-
A small gasp leaves your throat, suddenly ripped away from your inner turmoil seems to amplify the shock of being fingered. Leona’s hand drags against your walls in an easy motion, the map of your insides printed inside of his head and he knows just how to push all your buttons. 
You don’t get to focus on the King of Beasts when Malleus' hand settles on your neck, sliding up to cup your jaw and turning your head around to crash his lips to yours. His other hand snakes around to your front, scratching at your skin with his nails lightly until he settles over the hard bud of your nipple. 
The Dark Prince holds your jaw with careful fingers, turning you around to watch Leona who’s already lapping at your greedy hole like a hungry man. He alternates between biting your inner thigh and fucking your insides with his tongue and fingers.
“I have a proposal for you,” Malleus whispers, voice deep with desire and echoing in your mind. He licks the skin behind your ear and you moan at the perfect stimulation to your ears and the curl of Leona’s fingers. “Shall we see who can bring you the most pleasure..?” There’s something mischievous glinting in the bright green of Melleus’ eyes. His smirk is wide and handsome, perfectly shaped lips curled in a way like an impish child. 
Your breath grows heavier, impossibly turned on by the proposal and it takes a small nod of your head before Malleus rips you away from Leona. The latter growls in warning, tearing the bed sheets when his fingers take hold of them. “What the fuck are you doing?” He spits out, following after you and narrowing his eyes dangerously. When Leona’s fingers curl around your ankle, he visibly relaxes—as if touching you momentarily satiates his anger. 
Malleus hugs you to him like a prized doll, chin placed on your shoulder and staring back at Leona head on. “Should you be able to bring pleasure to this beautiful body,” the ravenhead starts, spreading your legs apart and Leona’s eyes trail down at the way you’re presented to him. “Then I admit defeat. You are most suited for my beloved.” Malleus sighs in mock sadness; nuzzling close to you before his smirk returns. “But should I emerge victorious…” he smiles, not needing to finish. 
The bet is easily agreed to without acknowledgment. When the prize is you, then there’s no need for hesitation. 
You’re transferred to Leona’s arms easily, lips instantly captured in a bruising kiss. The brunet pushes you down (you didn’t notice Malleus had already moved away), finally getting rid of the shirt you’re wearing and laying you bare. “If we’re talking about the one who can pleasure you, then it’s definitely me,” Leona growls, flipping you around and pulling your hips flush against his.
Your hands latch onto the bed sheets in anticipation, not having to wait long as Leona eases in easily, the smooth drag of his cock filling you to the brim. You’re moaning loudly, hips held up by Leona’s hands as he savors the way you greedily clench around him. “That’s it,” he encourages, rolling his hips until he’s flush against you and drawing out a moan from the both of you. 
He murmurs something you can’t hear but everything blanks when the brunet pulls out slowly, veins dragging against your walls deliciously and snap back in with a force that makes you collapse. Leona doesn’t mind the way you’re unable to stay up, only clutching at your hips and dragging you back so each thrust meets with a loud smack. 
You’re cruising loudly, frantically searching for something to hold onto before dark-painted nails come into your view and Malleus is intertwining your fingers together. He pulls you upright, settling you over his lap and holding you like you’re a precious child. The way he holds is so contrasting to the bruising grip of your hips that it distracts your mind a little.
That is, before Leona hits that sensitive bundle of nerves and you’re gasping helplessly, falling into Malleus’ lap with each abuse of Leona’s cock against that spot inside. You faintly hear the small chuckle Leona let’s out, his grip adjusting on your hips and angling his thrust to make your brain melt.
Malleus holds your face gently, brushing the sides of your face and coaxing you closer to his cock. Your mouth suddenly feels so empty, drooling at the hard display of the ravenhead’s cock; already calling for your attention. 
Malleus doesn’t tell you to do anything, hands busy tracing the shape of your features and you can see the adoring stare he gives you without having to look. Almost shyly, your tongue traces the underside of his cock, soft moans leaving your mouth when you can feel Malleus shudder. It encourages you to go further, kissing his head lightly before welcoming him into your mouth.
Your body feels like it’s burning. The obscene thought of how you might look—taking two large cocks of perhaps the two most notorious dorm leader’s in NRC. Your mouth sucking and worshipping every rigid vein of the future King of The Valley of Thorns and your hole greedily taking every inch of cock from the Prince of Afterglow Savanna; not only are you taking the cocks of royal lineage but they’re so determined to drown you in pleasure.
The loud smacks of Leona’s pelvis against your ass rings loudly in your ears. His cock stuffs you full—stretching you wide and pumping euphoria with each vigorous thrust. Leona growls dirty words behind you, his voice floating deep in your head with each thrust of his hips.
The room is filled with the smell of sex and the wet sound your mouth makes with every suction on Malleus’ cock; impossibly large and your jaw aches from the sheer size. Stopping seems impossible for you—despite the ache, you’re kissing and tracing every inch of the dick in your mouth, Malleus cooing and praising you for taking him so well.
The two dorm leaders seem to be nearing their limit, evident in the way Leona’s thrusts slows and switches to a more impactful force and the way Malleus’ fingers tighten just the slightest bit on your head, hips bucking up into your mouth. 
Feeling the building coil in your stomach, your hips buck back onto Leona’s whilst your hands massages Malleus’ balls. The two groan loudly, pressing deeper into you and the warm gush of their cum emptied into you makes you reach climax with a loud moan, body convulsing into sensitive twitches. 
It’s after a few moments where you bask in the afterglow that Malleus is the first to pull away; gently maneuvering your head into a more comfortable position and pushing his cum back in your mouth with his thumb. “You did wonderful, my love,” he praises, petting your face and kissing your lips languidly. 
Leona stays buried deep inside you, making sure his come isn’t wasted but he’s collapsed over you and is essentially crushing you. “Leonaa,” you whine, hissing at the way his cock shifts inside you. You’re too sensitive for this. “Get off. You’re heavy.”
The brunet grunts in response, turning around and you yelp when instead of pulling out, Leona settles on dragging you along with him. You’re on top of him in this position; his cock stays plugged inside your hole and you splutter when Leona grabs the back of your knees and spreads your legs apart. 
“Don’t think it’s over yet,” you visibly freeze at his words, the lion smirking in response. “Competitions are really troublesome…How about we just see who’s child you’ll have? There’s a saying where a true man’s strength can be measured by who’s able to knock up their mate.” 
You feel like punching things and screaming what an absurd saying that is and that you doubt the legitimacy of such a saying but you feel a new pair of hands settling on your knees.
Malleus crawls in front of you, a smile on his lips much too amused to be considered kind and you gape at him when his fingers trail over your stomach. 
“I’ve been told that the superior seed will most definitely be able to impregnate a beloved,” his voice grows thicker, face inching closer to yours. You feel Leona mouthing the skin on your neck, fang scrapping lightly in a teasing manner. Malleus slots his mouth against yours, his equally sharp fangs teasing the skin of your bottom lip. When he pulls away, all you can do is blink hazily at his words, “Shall we find out?”
You feel the faint twitch of Leona’s cock inside you, Malleus already teasing your stuffed hole with the tip of his. “I- I don’t think- that- that.. I don’t I can..” The air in your lungs dissipates until it grows harder to breathe, mind numbing with too much thought and too little at the same time. 
Before you can further suffocate yourself in your own thoughts, Leona sits up. His hands stay secured under your legs and keep your spread apart. Your vision is suddenly only filled with the way Malleus is smiling gently at you, hands coming up to gently smooth over your cheeks to ease your worries. You feel Leona give you comforting kisses on your neck and shoulder, easing the tense muscles and coaxing you to relax. 
The gentle ministrations over your body makes you loosen up and Malleus draws your attention back to him when he holds your face. “Then… one at a time, hm?”
Leona laughs at that, marking your neck once again and giving you a shallow thrust, his cock feeling much bigger than it did before somehow. 
Your eyes widen in alarm, mouthing some words that don’t come out of your mouth. Malleus laughs softly, gliding a finger down your jaw and under your chin to level your eyes with his. Green emeralds seem to glow dimly; mischief stretching over his lips. His hand settles over your stomach and you moan softly when he applies soft pressure, emphasising the size of the cock inside you. 
“You may think it would be difficult to.. conceive but,” he kisses your lips, whispering against your skin as if revealing a secret; “In a land filled with creatures of magic… Anything is possible.” 
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C! Wilbur: is he a villain?
Disclaimer: Spoilers and when mostly mentioning his name, I’m talking about the character but I will bring up the creator.
This is the character that made me want to analyze other Dream SMP characters. He is really what Wilbur intended him to be and this character is quite interesting.
But I wanted to ask a question, why is c! Wilbur sometimes perceived as a villain? When I first joined this fandom, I would see fanart and animatics of Wilbur being insane and these would often be my only way to see events. I thought “wow this guy must be really crazy, he blew up stuff and listen to him laugh!” Look how quickly I learned that a lot of people on the server have blown up things, so yeah. I know there are plenty, actually most of the fandom who don’t even remotely see him as the bad guy but first to newbie, he seemed pretty bad.
I will do this for every analysis, state my belief. I do not see canon Wilbur as a villain and I hope to explain why.
Wilbur has stated that he wanted the characters to be morally ambiguous and… I think his character is morally ambiguous. Honestly, there are a few characters that are ambiguous but it’s really his that sticks to it. You get a sense of them but not fully if that makes sense. At the beginning of his story, he is a man who makes drugs in a caravan with his friends and it fits him. But he also creates a nation because a certain green bitch won’t let him and his friend do their stuff.
I am just setting the story for Pogtopia since this is where c! Wilbur truly shines as a “deranged” character. L’Manburg is gone and he has been exiled. I would like to add the attachment to L’Manburg that Wilbur has, getting separated from it and watching it get torn down. He is not an insane evil character that he has been portrayed as, to me, he is a man who has been driven to the darker parts of his mind. The environment around him doesn’t help this either, often hostile and threatening. He is paranoid, lashing out at others. There are good moments but they are outweighed by the bad.
When he blows up Manburg, it is not entirely an act of revenge but an act of desperation. He has looked at that button so many times, contemplating on whether or not he should press it. I am not excusing his actions, only seeing from his point of view.
The revival made the fandom hesitant as Ghostbur was killed only for Wilbur (or Revivebur to some) to come back. I will now tell you my theory because it makes sense to me, but Ghostbur and Revivebur are two parts of one soul, one part more blissfully happy and the other bitterly aware of the bad things. Or Revivebur is just ~quirky~, who knows.
Revivebur hasn’t shown any real signs of evil, really he’s just more manipulative and hardened by the world. People have different opinions but I plainly see him as a person who got another opportunity to live and remember, he was in limbo for thirteen and a half years. That changes a person.
C! Wilbur is very intriguing because you can really see what cc! Wilbur wanted him to be. He is probably the least villainous character I have planned to write about. I hope you enjoyed this little essay on Wilbur the character, I saw this headcanon that he is currently living his life and wandering. I loved the idea of this and I have realized how different he is to me now.
He was once a villain in my eyes but now, he’s just neutral, maybe planning things for the future.
-I hope you liked this and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. I know there are Wilbur apologists, ethustasits, and haters out there who can have civil conversation with me or else I'm ignoring you. Feel free to follow me and ask questions if you want!
Who do you want next?
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OK, the ask box is open. Mainly if you are confused about some things regarding production or the story, I will try to answer. (You can send in an ask even if you don’t have a Tumblr account.)
I will respond all in this post for organization. There may be spoilers for chapter 1.
Anonymous asked:
Hey! Is there any music used in the prologue/chapter 1 that isn't available on YouTube? I think there were one or two songs that were missing from the playlist that I was looking forward to listening to. (The one I can think of plays at 12:09 in episode 9.) -- Also, that hug in chapter 1 made me sob, thanks for that. And I appreciate the diversity in the cast!
There are two songs that I could not find when compiling the playlist; I think they were taken down.
Silver - ISAo (one of the trial theme)
Insane Walking - SOUNDEVOTEE (investigation theme)
Both are from DOVA-syndrome.
Anonymous asked:
...I know that you get this question a lot, but have you got any tips for making a fanganronpa? Also, I hope you feel better soon :) 
There is no profit to be gained from making a fangan, so it’s driven just by your motivation. You should make it in the way that you enjoy most. Some parts might not be perfect, and you might worry that it won’t be well received. But as long as you had fun and you’re happy with yourself, that’s what’s important.
Anonymous asked: 
did xander say david had a tiktok??
Go back and count the number of asterisks.
I thought it was a fairly straightforward reference to “TEDTalk,” but now I wonder if younger people still watch those.
Anonymous asked:
What are MonoTV’s pronouns?
MonoTV is genderless and does not care what you address it as. In-story MonoTV is addressed as “it”.
Anonymous asked:
How does MonoTV walk, if he can walk at all?? Pls respond I am so confused
No walking, just wheels. It looks a little strange in motion.
Anonymous asked:
What are the rules regarding AUs, specificially 'what if' type stories?
Anonymous asked:
What are the rules on fanfiction?
You need rules? Just go do it if you want to.
Anonymous asked:
Is Hu Jing actually capable of speaking Chinese? I know her name is Chinese however, I'm curious about that fact.
Anonymous asked:
are fans allowed to rp as drdt characters?
(revised response)
I will not disallow roleplaying for the time being, but please do not put roleplay in DRDT tags of any kind (#drdt, #danganronpadespairtime, etc).
Anonymous asked:
I’ve noticed that the characters have eye patterns present in their sprites that aren’t usually visible in CGs, and was wondering if Min had a canon design in hers! Or, perhaps just plain pink ones? As long as that isn’t spoilers, of course.
Tumblr media
It is like this. If described in words I would say it’s “really pink” and “really shiny”
To my memory I have always put the eye patterns into CGs but perhaps I missed a few or it wasn’t visible after compression.
Anonymous asked: 
I know you don't want to have a discord server because of the social interaction. But are you ok with fans making their own unofficial fan servers? 
Yes, it’s allowed. Please maintain such servers as 16+ only.
Anonymous asked: 
What’s each cast member’s favorite food?
Instead of giving a straightforward answer, here is “preferences for food”, since I think that leaves more open to imagination.
Teruko: food that is fresh; food that can be prepared with minimal danger (knives, stoves, etc.)
Xander: food that is spicy or has a really strong flavor
Charles: food that is nostalgic and reminds you of childhood
Ace: food that is healthy and low in calories
Arei: cute food for a cute girl!
Rose: food that is filling (because she often forgets to eat)
Levi: food that is really sugary. really, really, really sugary
Hu: big dishes that you eat together with family or friends
Eden: food that is fun to make or prepare
Arturo: “fancy” food that makes him feel upscale
Min: food that is quick to prepare and can be eaten while studying (not messy)
David: food that is easy to make
J: food that makes her feel cool while eating it
Veronika: food that is “weird” and “exotic”
Whit: food with dairy and sweet
Nico: food that is unprocessed and natural
Anonymous asked: 
are charles and j hispanic/latino?
Yes, as could be guessed on their names.
On a similar note, many characters ethnicity can be assumed by the name, but I feel a good portion of the cast would have had their last names from many generations of living in the US and may have a wider ancestry than would be suggested. Sometimes when asking where someone is from they pause for a bit and then list 7 or 8 countries, on their mother’s side or their great grandfather or such and such... It’s a bit like that.
Oh, that reminds me, both J and her father kept their last name from the mother (not a particularly plot important detail but it may interest you). Maybe we’ll learn about her family too sometime.
Anonymous asked: 
Is Whit biracial? I've seen the theory pop up thanks to his father's name, but the opinions I've seen on it are generally split.
Yes. Father is Chinese, mother is White American. He was mostly raised by his mother in the US for the first part of his life, so he probably doesn’t have a lot of Chinese experiences. Not to mention that his dad is... possibly a little absent. Maybe a lot absent.
On a similar note, so is Eden. Mother is black, father is Japanese. She lived in Japan for a small period of time while younger then moved to the US.
Anonymous asked:
Are there any canonical neurodivergant characters/characters with a mental disorder?
First of all, I need to clarify that I am in no way an expert on mental health. My research on the subject stems from things I find on the internet, listening to others’ experiences, and drawing on my own. Surely this is not enough to be able to completely handle the subject of mental illness with the amount of nuance and care as would be ideal, especially as it gets to some of the more divisive topics.
Mental health is a wide spectrum with more diversity than classification into mental disorder boxes would suggest. When I make characters, I don’t pick a disorder out of the DSM-5 and then unload the associated symptoms and traits into the character. Characters express various traits for a variety of reasons, and sometimes a cluster of those traits can be associated with some mental disorder.
Naturally, there’s nothing wrong with writing in that method I described above. I bring it up so that I can note that due to my particular writing process, diagnosing characters with a mental illness would come after the fact. I would have to look at the cast as they are now, and decide if I think that their traits and mannerisms fit the symptoms of some mental disorder. Diagnosis is no trivial task! It's something that even trained mental health professionals (which I am not) struggle with sometimes. Otherwise, that common experience of "I didn't know what was wrong with me for 10 years" certainly wouldn't be as common. To that extent, I don't know for certain with some of these characters. Should I make a definitive diagnosis based on my limited knowledge, search for some better label, or leave it at that? Is this character depressed with a capital D or are they just expressing sadness within the normal bounds of a neurotypical person? Where's the boundary between neurotypical and neurodivergent, anyway?
I know that lots of people see themselves and their mental illnesses in fictional characters. If you do, that's great! I'm glad I was able to write a character that could resonate with you so personally. Would it be better if such relatability arose from the smattering of their various character traits, or because I was intentionally trying to give representation to a specific mental illness? I don't know.
I know that diagnosis isn't just a category you slap onto someone and call it a day, even if I seem to have been making it out as such. Being formally diagnosed can have a big impact on someone's life, especially if they seek specific treatment or experiences as a result of such. In this way, I can at least give one objective answer. There are three characters who, in story, would have been formally diagnosed and received professional treatment of some kind. Those three are [SPOILER], [SPOILER], and [SPOILER]. The rest remain in some sort of subjective limbo, and who's to say whether your or my interpretation is better (apart from the fact that I know a little more about these characters than most this early on into the story)?
I'm sorry, this may not be the answer you were looking for. It may have been frustrating to ask for representation and then be told you have to look for it yourself. I'm not a professional writer; I'm Literally Just Some Guy who thought it would be a fun little project to make a Fanganronpa in his free time. Some topics are tricky to navigate and become even more trickier when put in the context of a story where a bunch of teens must murder each other and then die, to the extent that even a seasoned team of writers would have difficulty handling everything with delicacy. Much less a doofus like me, who had to change Xander's last name from "Goodchild" because it was too silly and dumb.
Anonymous asked:
First of all, i love this danganronpa, and my question is, why the non-stop debate and the scrum debate didn't have voice acting? And thank you for giving us this masterpiece  <3
It was my first time working with voice acting so I wanted to start out small. I think in the future I will think about adding voice acting to mini-games.
Anonymous asked:
How did Ace get his scar on his face? And is it the reason why he's always nervous?
He fell off a horse one day and landed on his face.
If a minor face scar is the only problem he has, then he has nothing to complain about. Unfortunately for him and anyone within viewing or hearing radius, complaining is all he does.
Anonymous asked: 
Canon sexualities? 
Unless it comes up in the story, I like to leave these things to viewer interpretation.
Anonymous asked: 
What’s everyone in the cast’s nationality?
Teruko: legally in question
Everyone else: American
Xander is the only person with an obvious accent, but in spite of that, he’s American. He is born and raised in the US. He went to school overseas and picked up the accent there.
Anonymous asked: 
Apparently Teruko and Arei are Japanese. Have you thought of any particular kanji that would match their names? Very often name kanji carry some sort of symbolism.
投石【なげ ・ いし】亜鈴【あ ・ れい】
田脇【た ・ わき】暁子【て る ・ こ】
飛佐【とび ・ さ】楽【いーでん】(The pronunciation of ”Eden” has been anglicized somewhat because her American-born mom likes the English name “Eden”)
静湖 (jìng hú)
Anonymous asked:
Will there be any free time events? 
There already are. Ch1ep4 was almost exclusively that.
Anonymous asked: 
Does Whit ship his classmates? And if so who?
Matchmaking is his job, not his hobby, and he won't do it casually/without pay. "Matchmaker" is indeed a vague term that encompasses a variety of actions and occupations, but in Whit's case it refers to a specific profession that, among other things, is contracted, non-personal, and requires consent from at least one party. Whit's flirty personality is mostly a joking act, and he is actually a little prudish when it comes to the romantic lives of his personal friends outside of jokes.
On a similar note, please keep this in mind: while some of the cast may consider their talents as hobbies, for all of them they are definitely professions. (It is not clear through the talent name, but Xander's profession is activism work.) The exceptions are Min (for whom academics is not a profession but definitely a full-time occupation), and Teruko (for obvious reasons).
Anonymous asked:
How do you feel about fan theories about DRDT, and would you want to see any shared on Twitter, Tumblr, etc?
You’re free to make and share fan theories as you wish. I tend not to look at these sorts of things so you’re on your own.
Anonymous asked: 
how did arturo eat the cake
He takes his mask off to eat and then immediately puts it back on if he wants to talk, a nonsense habit he has solely to save me from drawing more sprites
Anonymous asked:
So does this take place in the canon games, or is it an original story? What’s the deal with this US Hope’s Peak?
There will be further elaboration on such things in the story. But for now I think there are some important points to note to prevent misconceptions:
J was intentionally vague when she talked about how Hope's Peak was built in the US. Rather than being an affiliated branch, it's more as if the concept of “Ultimates” and a school to foster Ultimates was imported to the West.
So then, Hope's Peak Academy in the US retains it's name for historical reasons, but it is very different from HPA of the games in many ways. For instance, Hope's Peak is post-secondary education, not high school*. Perhaps further differences will be elaborated on in more detail later on.
The story takes place in the game's universe (the exact relation is left ambiguous for now).
*On this note, they all believe themselves to be around 18 (not accounting for the variation in birth months or those who may have skipped or repeated a grade), but may be any number of years older than 18 due to potential memory loss.
Anonymous asked: 
sooo... teruko is left handed? seems like an odd detail. who else is left handed??
Teruko is left-handed. Arei is ambidextrous. Everyone else is right-handed.
Anonymous asked:
Is there any splash art?
No. I don’t plan to make any, but I may change my mind in the future. In general I want to focus on making the story as quickly as possible, so extraneous stuff like this gets put in the backseat.
Anonymous asked:
Are these characters hair colors naturally like that because of anime stuff, or are some of them dyed? If so, what’re their normal hair colors?
These characters have dyed hair:
Whit (originally black)
Eden (originally just brown)
J (originally just black)
Ace (originally maroon, but it started turning gray from stress, which he doesn’t like thinking about. So he tries to dye it back to it’s natural color)
Teruko (not dyed per se, but it started turning gray recently)
Everyone else’s hair colors are natural.
Xander used to dye his hair black once although he clearly doesn’t do that anymore.
Veronika’s hair streaks are natural; they’ve been there since birth.
Anonymous asked:
Does Charles actually need the goggles (as some sort of substitute for glasses) or does he wear them just because??? 
They’re just safety goggles. You’d think he wouldn’t wear them all the time because it makes his vision yellow, but he’s stubborn. On a similar note, his lab coat is slightly oversized (sleeves are too long) but he’s not willing to admit he bought the wrong size.
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