#i’m just not doing okay tbh
noodledragon · 1 year
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roachesbf · 1 year
Heyy i hope your doing ok!
I wanted to request a Soap x male reader, its very similiar to your rabbit!Rudy x Jessica!male reader story but hear me out 👀
Male reader is hot af like dude be making people stare at him jaw dropped and shi, not only that but he smart as hell too, dude graduated from Harvard in the highest honour, wealthy af and he strong af too AND hes a total sweetheart to Soap but he abit cold to strangers.
So basically male reader was somehow able to convince Price to let him visit the base and everybody staring at him like "zamnn👀👀" but then male reader sees Soap and his cold and stoic expression completely melts and he just runs up to Soap and hugs tf out him and gives Soap some of the food he cooked for him and is just being cheesy af to Soap and then a strangers aprouches Male reader and tries to ask him something and Male reader goes "what😐" and then immediatly goes back to baby-ing Soap.
Soap Headcanons: Ft absolute whipped Male!S/O
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Somehow someway you’ve managed to secretly sneak your way into Price's spot of number one favorite. Being able to easily convince him to visit base and get a chance to see everyone again*cough*SOAP*cough*. He obviously knows why you want to go, practically everyone does but he doesn’t have it in his old man heart to say no so you always get your way. You always use the excuse of helping out like doing paperwork, or maybe training new recruits but you never do any of that!! Everyone respects you because of all your achievements…that's why it feels so wrong to tell you off when you’re caught babying Soap, not because you should be getting to work, but because they wish it was them.
It’s always awkward when you first show up on base because who wouldn’t want to talk to such eye candy, but at most you’ll give them the cold shoulder, or just tell them what they need before turning away from the conversation. Even when you’re sitting anywhere, you’ll impatiently tap your foot, as if you’re waiting for something/someone…AND THAT’S BECAUSE YOU ARRE, the entire time you’ll wait for him but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna be happy about it. It’s an absolute 180 because now you’re being all bashful and presenting him with homemade food and treats, holding him against you as you complain about how lonely it is without his loud personality. Soap is probably a physical affection type of lover, so he’ll have you in a headlock while singing praises on how much he missed you as well. 
When he's back and the two of you are together, he insist on training. Of course this gains the attention of others, and you feel the need to shoo them away, insisting that they must be here to oogle your man... "Laddie, Yer heid’s full o’ mince if you think they're checking me out??" and then you get offended because why WOULDN'T they want to check out your totally amazing boyfriend.
He’s completely oblivious to your favoritism as well, he acknowledges that you might like him more than most people because you’re together, but not to the extent that other people say. Even if he does witness this attitude change, he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world and will pretend to not notice when people complain about your favoritism. Price will complain about your attitude towards others, telling Soap to knock some sense into you and all he’ll say is “ I dinnae ken what you mean captain??”
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rustyreveries · 2 months
happy autism acceptance month!! i doodled salad to celebrate <3
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he’s one of the best unintentional autistic reps imo
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so pleased to see we’re continuing the manny is fine and sweet agenda
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towards-toramunda · 4 months
Man I don’t even ship dorym and I’ve got dorym feels after tonight holy fuck man that was brutal
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lady-grace-pens · 5 months
Slow writers of tumblr: has anyone figured out The Key to not comparing yourself to your peers who hit massive word counts daily? Or is this something we all struggle with together?
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eeblouissant · 1 month
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doodles that are (mostly) from tonight
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lovelesslittleloser · 7 months
How To Be A Good Writer
Read a lot & have an idea of what is and is not good to you in a book/writing
Have an idea that you want to write
Allow the idea to simmer in your mind until you’re completely sure that this is what you want to write
Do so much research
Binge-write and use about 8% of said research
Write a little bit more as it comes to you
Stop writing for probably months/return to step 4
Be reminded of the thing you were writing & start thinking of it again
Mental & emotional agony
Go back to what you have written and fix it with the shame you previously lacked
Repeat until finished/stuck on step 7
This is intended to imply days, weeks, and/or months of time between each step, but please go at whatever pace suits you best! This is your writing, after all, so just use this as a guideline :)
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seraphicalsuccubus · 2 months
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deadlittledogs · 2 months
Hair update?
she didn’t do what I asked for (as usual) BUT IDK SHDHSH. IT JUST LOOKS…. SILLY MOSTLY??
idk… I don’t really care…. I’m probably gonna chop it all off in a few months anyways lel
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
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This is my favorite image ever I think
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seventh-district · 4 months
i’ve just finished season one of TMA, and being someone who’s okay with spoilers is fun because it means i can peruse the wiki and scroll through the tag and i get to become privy to all sorts of weird, wonderful, halfway-out-of-context information that i get to look forward to understanding in the future
like. what do you mean Leitner’s in the tunnels?
what do you mean Jon eats the extinguished sun??
what do you mean it’s spelled Gerard Keay???
#Jon‚ narrating a statement: '…whose passport had identified him as Gerard Keay.'#Me‚ an American‚ not yet in the habit of following along with the transcripts: 'Ah‚ yes. Jared Key.'#tma spoilers#the magnus archives#gerry keay#gerard keay#tma#i’m sorry but Why do british ppl apparently pronounce Gerard like that how do y’all audibly tell Gerard and Jared apart#anyways based on how i’ve glossed over the other two arguably much more shocking revelations i mentioned#i’m sure you can tell that i’ve latched onto Gerry and everything else is just background noise to me#okay that’s an exaggeration. i Do love the entire show and am invested in the entire cast to varying degrees but.#Gerry… my beloved… his role in Ep. 12 hooked me instantly#it’s bad‚ guys. ive already started making him a playlist. it’s safe to say there’s no hope for me. the fixation train has left the station#Gerry (and Michael) have moved in and will live rent free in my brain indefinitely#listen. you can’t just present to me a cryptic goth man with long poorly dyed black hair and mommy issues who’s covered in eye tattoos-#-and is frequently affiliated with the supernatural and then expect me to Not fall in love with him!!!#*looks at DoorKeay* …and i am also not immune to the opposites attract & human x supernatural entity tropes…#tbh looking at all this DoorKeay fan art has me suddenly remembering my EraserMic days#which is a wild thing to say i know but listen. it’s just the whole long-black-hair x long-blonde-hair similarity#and maybe a bit of the opposite personalities. idk why but i was just admiring one particular DoorKeay fanart and it suddenly hit me#i literally whispered to myself out loud ‘holy shit it’s EraserMic again…’ and it's not Really but also it kinda is and i think it's funny#but then i did More thinking and i think it goes beyond just them. i think i rlly just have a thing for Dark & Light coded character ships#Michael & Gerry… Navia & Chlorinde... Sun & Moon… Mic & Aizawa…#i think i’m learning smthn abt myself now i’ve gotta think if there’s more examples…#i'd almost say Alphonse and Seth but eeehhh not quite. and honestly i think the bigger-brain way to see their relationship through the-#-Dark x Light trope would be to take into account the resurgence of DM!Al and that kinds flips the dynamic#i think that if either of them are Moon-coded it'd be DM!Al. but they honestly just don't quite fit in that trope's box anyways#they're Pink/Black x Brown coded. not Yellow x Black#i do gotta say that i've pulled an Interesting number of songs off Seth's playlist while working on Gerry's... it's the mommy issues innit#i'd almost say PB x Marcy but once again we've got a character that's pink-coded‚ not yellow. i think they fall into a different category
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blueberryspyder · 3 months
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itspileofgoodthings · 7 months
my life is a very slow process of everyone around me telling me not to be anxious and me fighting them all tooth and nail while inching towards more stable mental health.
#I know it’s not true but sometimes I feel like if I didn’t have anxiety I would not suffer at all#which. again. is false#but there’s a lot of things I don’t want in this life and a lot of things I am not scared of and a lot of things I just accept#and like. It’s FINE#but all my suffering from anxiety stays in one fixed flame of sheer agony#and it’s hard because I don’t shake like a chihuahua in the corner of my bedroom#unable to move or function#I’m always doing things and functioning and joking at parties and (generally) saying the right thing#but it’s all located in one corner in the middle of my mind attacking my ability to make judgments and live with my decisions peacefully#like an unseen wound#and the distance i feel it puts between me and other people#is one of the most painful things#just several sheets of frosted glass between me and them#and sometimes the worst it gets is when I can bear it without breaking down and so I just do and I just keep functioning#and the cold just creeps in and everything goes kind of numb!#tbh now that I think about it this might be why I often think of myself as a person with no desires or ambitions or dreams#or impetus or forward motion or anything#because I DO want things and have opinions and the exist in flashes. But also they’re buried deep under several layers of protective apathy#so they’re not stable. I drop them many times. forget them ignore them imagine that they aren’t there. I’m sorry I’m rambling I’m FINE#actually when I talk about it that’s how you know I’m doing okay with it#when I can’t talk about it and am half-heartedly going through the motions#that’s the problem#anyway whew. thanks for listening sorry for all the self-reflection etc. etc. etc.
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inkykeiji · 7 months
pours a lil mountain of cocaine onto my tongue then uses my tongue to rub it into dabi’s gums slow and hard and thorough <33 grinding the substance into his tissues and teeth until it’s entirely absorbed, consumed, seeping into the tangle of tiny capillaries and shooting through his blood, leaving his face tingling with little pinpricks of sweat and his pupils gaping with rapid exhilaration, veins cracking with white electricity <3
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So you know how in stories kids will hide the creature they found from their parents? Like “gotta hide and disguise the alien or mom will ground us!” Or “quick lil fairy, hide! We can’t let dad see you” Or “mom will freak out if she found out I was friends with a giant robot!” Etc etc. And I understand that it’s from the fear of getting in trouble over the littlest of things (god I can relate to that) but also if I had kids and found out they were hiding a whole ass person or mystical creature or giant or alien I’d be upset that they hid them from me but I would be SOOOOO excited to meet them. Like: “Hey son, I found an alien in your room. Are they your friend? Why haven’t you introduced me to them yet?” Or “You’ve been hiding a giant robot??? And you didn’t think I’d want to meet him?!?!?!? This is the best thing EVER!!” Or “sweetie…your telling me magic exists and you’ve known about it for a week now? This is awesome. Yes I’ll keep her a secret don’t worry, a friend of yours is a friend of mine.” Etc etc. just really supportive about this new wild friend they have. Imagine that though, imagine having a parent who would be chill about finding out about that you made friends with an alien, monster, superhero, robot, etc. I think that would be nice and I’d be that parent.
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