#i’m really fully convinced this would soothe me deeply.
elevenfifths · 1 year
i think visiting Minnesota Zoo’s discovery bay and just watching fish for a whole fucking day would fix me. just sit in that little half globe glass cut out by the eels or the dark underground room with the wall of glass looking into the tropical fish tank. maybe climbing through the whale shark’s jaw into that little area where you can touch the starfish.
too bad there’s so many people there that it’d be uncomfortably overstimulating and also it’s half a country away.
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atriza · 19 days
Unraveling Threads pt. 3
Yandere Five Hargreeves x Reader
Part one Part two
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Summary: Y/N, trapped in a windowless room by Five Hargreeves, decides she must escape his obsessive grip. After convincing Five to take her for a walk outside, she spots an opportunity and makes a desperate run for freedom through a forest. Despite her efforts, Five catches up to her after a painful fall down an embankment. His anger and betrayal are clear, and he reasserts his control over Y/N, telling her she can never leave. As she is led back into captivity, Y/N realizes there may be no escape from his obsession.
Word count: 995
**Content Warning:**
This story contains dark and potentially distressing themes, including obsessive behavior, violence, manipulation, and psychological distress. It portrays a relationship that is unhealthy and toxic, where one character exhibits controlling and possessive tendencies that lead to extreme actions.
If you are sensitive to these themes or find them triggering, please consider skipping this story.
Have Fun Reading!
Days blended into an agonizing blur for Y/N. Time felt meaningless in the small, windowless room where she was held. The only break in the monotony was Five’s visits—always calm, always collected, always terrifyingly gentle. He would bring her meals, talk to her in a low, soothing voice, and watch her with an intensity that made her skin crawl. The more time passed, the clearer it became that Five’s obsession had spiraled into something far darker than she had imagined.
Y/N knew she had to act. Waiting for Five to come to his senses wasn’t an option anymore. Every time he looked at her, she could feel the walls of her prison closing in, tightening with each passing second. The only way out was to escape—and she had to do it soon.
One evening, when Five entered the room with her dinner, Y/N forced a smile, masking the fear gnawing at her insides. "Five," she began, her voice steady despite the storm raging in her mind, "I’ve been thinking… You’re right. About everything."
Five paused, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He set the tray down and turned to face her fully, his expression softening. "You’ve come to understand," he said quietly, a hint of relief in his voice.
"I have," Y/N lied, her heart pounding in her chest. She had practiced these words over and over in her mind, knowing this was her one chance. "I know you’re doing this to protect me. And I’m grateful, really. But I can’t stay in this room forever. Maybe…maybe we could go outside? Just for a little while. You’ll be with me the whole time, and I promise I won’t run."
Five studied her closely, his gaze piercing, as if he were trying to read her thoughts. For a moment, Y/N thought she had failed—that he would see through her ruse. But then he nodded, though his eyes remained wary. "We can go for a walk," he agreed, "but you have to understand—if you try to run, I’ll have no choice but to bring you back here. I won’t let anything happen to you, Y/N. I can’t."
Y/N forced herself to meet his gaze, giving him a small, reassuring smile. "I won’t run. I just want to be with you."
The lie tasted bitter on her tongue, but it was the only way to get out. As Five led her down a narrow hallway and up a flight of stairs, Y/N’s mind raced, desperately trying to formulate a plan. She had no idea where they were or how far away help might be, but it didn’t matter. She had to take the risk.
When they emerged into the cool evening air, Y/N inhaled deeply, savoring the taste of freedom, however brief it might be. They were in the middle of a dense forest, the trees towering above them, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The sky was a deepening shade of twilight, the sun dipping below the horizon, casting long shadows across the ground.
"This way," Five said, gesturing toward a narrow path that wound through the trees. "It’s quiet here. Safe."
Y/N nodded, her pulse quickening as she followed him down the trail. The further they walked, the more she scanned the area for any sign of escape—a break in the trees, a path leading in another direction, anything that could offer her a chance.
Then, she saw it—a faint, barely visible trail leading off into the woods, partially hidden by thick underbrush. Her heart leapt into her throat. This was her chance. She had to act now, before it was too late.
"Thank you for bringing me out here, Five," she said, forcing her voice to remain calm and steady. "It’s nice to feel the fresh air again."
Five glanced at her, his expression softening slightly. "I’m glad you’re starting to feel better," he replied, though his tone was still cautious. "We can do this more often, if it helps."
Y/N nodded, her mind racing. She knew she had to time this perfectly. Taking a deep breath, she squeezed his hand gently—a small, calculated move to lower his guard. Then, without warning, she yanked her hand free and bolted down the hidden trail, her feet pounding against the earth as she ran.
"Y/N!" Five’s voice rang out behind her, sharp with alarm. She didn’t look back, didn’t dare slow down. The underbrush scratched at her legs, branches whipped at her face, but she pushed through the pain, driven by pure adrenaline and the desperate need to escape.
But she could hear him behind her, his footsteps growing closer, faster. Five was relentless, and Y/N knew he wouldn’t stop until he had her back under his control. She could barely breathe, her chest burning with each gasping breath, but she couldn’t stop—she had to keep going, had to get away.
Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath her, and Y/N let out a cry as she tumbled down a steep embankment. Her body crashed through the undergrowth, pain shooting through her limbs as she hit the ground hard. Dazed and disoriented, she lay there for a moment, the world spinning around her.
She barely had time to catch her breath before Five was there, standing at the top of the embankment, his expression a mix of anger and something that looked like betrayal. He slowly descended toward her, each step deliberate, as if he were trying to keep his emotions in check.
"I told you not to run," he said quietly, his voice low and dangerous. "Why didn’t you listen, Y/N?"
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat, her heart hammering against her ribs. "Five…please," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I was scared. I—I didn’t mean to—"
Five cut her off with a sharp gesture, his eyes narrowing. "You promised me," he said, his voice cold. "You said you wouldn’t run. I trusted you, Y/N."
Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she looked up at him. "I’m sorry," she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please, just let me go…"
For a moment, Five’s expression softened, and Y/N thought she saw a flicker of the man she once knew—the man who had saved her, who had made her feel safe. But then, just as quickly, the cold, calculating mask slipped back into place.
"I can’t let you go," he said, his voice resolute. "Not now. Not ever. You’re mine, Y/N. You’re my fixed point."
With those words, any hope of reasoning with him vanished. Five reached down and grabbed her arm, his grip firm but not cruel, and pulled her to her feet. Y/N winced as pain shot through her ankle, but she knew there was no point in resisting. She was too exhausted, too injured, and Five was far too strong.
As he led her back through the woods, Y/N’s mind raced, searching for any possible way out of this nightmare. But deep down, she knew the truth. There was no escape. Not from Five. Not from the man who had made her his entire world.
And as they disappeared into the shadows of the forest, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that her fate was sealed—that no matter what she did, she would never truly be free.
I hope you like it 🫶🏻
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elenamiria · 4 years
The Jedi
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Rating: 18+ Word Count: 4.8k Summary:  (Direct sequel to this maul x reader fic) After the events of the day you have to reconcile what happened with your master. Obi-Wan for a change expresses himself through actions instead of words  Warnings: Master and Padawan relationship (Padawan is of age and I never write with the thought that the master has known them for a long time or since they were not of age), mentions of bruises and bite marks, Fem reader, oral (fem recieving), piv sex, unprotected sex, creampie, inappropriate use of the force Masterlist -- Tags (send an ask or message me if you’d like to be added):  @fishswimbetterunderwater  @a-dorin @blxwjobsforclones @lynnie51 @katrynec  @mistermiraclee @theelvenvalkyrie @crazycatladyjenga​ @stonegoldsecret-v2​  @blackirisposts​
You paced around the room aimlessly as you waited for your master to show up, nothing to distract you from your thoughts. You tried to squash down the fear inside you for what lay ahead not wanting to add to your already long list of un-Jedi like behavior from that day. When the sudden noise of a second set of footsteps joined yours you froze. The sounds grew to a thunderous level in your head before silence fell through the room, your back was to the entrance and a pit formed in your gut as you slowly turned around. Obi-Wan stood there in his usual attire, looking as composed as ever and yet as his cerulean eyes took in your form you felt yourself tremble under his gaze. You were the first to break the silence with a quiet, "I'm sorry," not knowing what else to say.
Obi-Wan shifted and took an audible inhale, the breath catching in his chest before he could say anything. His exhale was equally as loud as he shook his head, looking away briefly, your heart was in your stomach as you felt tears gather in your eyes. When his gaze turned back to you he noticeably softened as he called out to you, "Oh no, none of that. Come here darling."
His arms opened and in seconds you were across the room slamming into him and pulling him close to you. Obi-Wan returned your tight embrace one hand coming to grasp the back of your head firmly as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his other arm firmly wrapped around your waist. You weren't even aware that you were crying until you gasped for air and Obi pulled away enough that he could cup your face softly. His thumb brushed away your tears as his eyes roamed your face, "It's alright, I'm here, it's ok."
You bit your lip as you took deep breaths mimicking his breathing in an attempt to calm yourself. Once you had stopped your tears Obi-Wan offered you a toothy smile and your eyes darted to his mouth before locking eyes with him.
"You aren't angry with me?" You questioned hesitantly, almost afraid to hear the answer. Obi's countenance darkened for just a second, you would have missed it if you did not know him so well, before switching back to a more neutral look - though he couldn't hide the relief in his eyes.
"No little one, I'm not angry with you. I am relieved that Maul didn't hurt or kill you...I don't know what I would have done." Obi-Wan's admission came a surprise to you, though it was obvious the both of you cared about each other a great deal it wasn't a fact the two of you often discussed. Especially when your feelings for him ran far deeper than a simple master and padawan bond should. You offered Obi-Wan a small smile as he continued, "We can deal with what happened here later, for now let's get you back to the ship."
His words gave you pause as you remembered the whole reason for being on-planet in the first place, for a moment you panicked as you gasped out, "The troopers!"
Obi once again soothed you, his hand slipping down your spine to rub gently at your back, "They're fine, they contacted me when you didn't make contact with them and they all have been picked up and are back on the capital ship. I had come down myself with a few men to look for you when you..."
Trailing off Obi-Wan abruptly pulled away from you, his face red, as he cleared his throat and straightened up, nodding towards the door, "Like I said we can discuss that later. Why don't we go back to the ship for now."
The speeder ride back to the troopers was silent and awkward, as was the ride back to the main ship. Obi was quick to escort you back to your quarters and away from prying ears, something which you were immensely grateful for. When you entered your room there was another spot of silence until both of you were speaking at once, “I don’t know how it happened and I-”
“You moaned my name. Twice.” Obi-Wan’s words intercut with yours and you froze as your brain processed what he was saying. Eyes wide you sputtered for a moment until you managed to spit out a lame, “Yes.”
You could see Obi-Wan’s cheeks reddening through his well groomed beard and you felt your own face heating as well. Looking down at the ground you mumbled, “I did. I- when I heard your voice all I could think about was you and I....”
Trailing off you really hoped he understood what you were going for and didn’t ask you to elaborate. A surprised little ‘oh’ left Obi-Wan’s mouth before he cleared his throat and questioned, “Have you thought about...you and I before those moments?”
You were sure his question was innocent, there was no way Obi-Wan felt the same way you did. He had never shown any outward interest - always the picture perfect Master, however you felt shame rising in you at the sheer amount of times you had thought about Obi in that light. You nodded and heard Obi-Wan take a deep breath before letting out a long sigh, it was then that it all became too much. You didn’t want to hear his rejection of you and you didn’t want to hear another lecture about the ways of the order, and you especially didn’t want to have to talk about having fucked your Master’s worst enemy. Instead you glanced at Obi-Wan muttering, ‘I need a shower,’ and fleeing to the bathroom.
The mirror was finally defogging from your extremely long and probably too hot, but much needed, shower. You stared at your appearance in the mirror, fingers brushing over the faint bruises blossoming on your hips, only just noticeable, before you tugged your underwear up. The room was hot from your near scalding shower but you pulled a spare undershirt over your body anyway. Your fingers lingered on your neck, 3 large marks decorating the skin there and you sighed lightly. The shirt did little to conceal the marks and so you tugged on the robe you had thrown on the floor earlier, pulling it tight around your body. A knock on the door startled you from your thoughts and you responded with a short “Come in.”
Attempting to find something to busy yourself with you found yourself picking at imaginary dirt from under your fingernails. Obi-Wan’s call of your name had your eyes darting to meet his in the mirror. Your breath hitched at his face etched with worry.
“Are you sure your alright little one? I-I know you said you were alright but it would make me feel better if I could check you for injuries myself.”
Your eyes hardened for just a second, fully prepared to say no, but the pure desperation you found in his eyes had you giving in. Giving him a short nod you whispered, “go ahead,” so quietly Obi-Wan nearly missed it. Looking down at the floor you slowly turned to face him, his hands landed on your arms trailing down to lace fingers with you. A soft squeeze had you finally glancing up to meet Obi’s eyes. Though just moments ago looking him in the eye had seemed terrifying now that your gaze locked with his it was the only thing convincing you that everything was going to be alright. 
You were the one who unclasped your robe, shrugging it off your shoulders and allowing it to fall to the ground again. Obi-Wan’s breathing stuttered as he caught a glimpse of your neck, his fingers immediately hovering over the marks almost touching them. His hands dropped quickly as he seemingly realized they were made by Maul’s mouth and a displeased look covered his face. Obi’s eyes trailed down your body and his hands settled on the hem of your shirt. When you gave him a slight nod his palms began sliding up your shirt baring your upper thighs to him, once the shirt made it over your hips he paused. Blue eyes picked up on the faint marks on your hips and his fingers brushed over your left side causing a small hiccup in your breathing as your face heated at his tender touch. Obi-Wan’s eyes darted to your face and he whispered out, “Does that hurt little one?”
You nodded and Obi-Wan started to bend down as if he was going to examine it further until you spoke, “It’s not necessarily the bad kind of hurt though. It’s uh, more just sore.”
You offered, not wanting him to trouble himself over something so insignificant. However Obi-Wan continued his path downwards and as he settled on his knees in front of you a teasing glint entered his eyes as he questioned, “So, you don’t want me to kiss it better?”
Your jaw dropped at his brazen words, face burning hot as a squeak escaped you. Swallowing deeply you glanced down at your master while he stared expectantly up at you, waiting for a response. You nodded again though all that earned you was a slight head tilt and you pouted lightly realizing that you would actually have to admit what you wanted. Taking a deep breath your hand reached over to cup his cheek, fingers brushing through his scruff lightly as you breathily requested, “Kiss it better, please Obi-Wan.”
Your words came out a bit more sensually than you had planned but with the way Obi-Wan’s eyes darkened you couldn’t find it in you to care. Obi’s eyes trailed back down to his target, a spot just above where your panties ended, and suddenly he was pressing forward and placing a hot open mouthed kiss the the bruised area. A gasp flew from you as Obi-Wan suckled lightly at the affected area, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. His tongue lapped gently in between sucking and experimentally he nipped at the area causing a startled yelp to fill the room. As Obi-Wan made his way down the area, beard scratching at your stomach and leaving your hips to buck unconsciously, his hands slid to your ass - groping firmly. His mouth made its way to hover just over your clothed and absolutely soaked pussy. Taking a moment Obi-Wan looked up at you once again as he cooed out, “And what about here, darling? Are you sore here too?”
Truth be told you were sore from the thorough fucking that you had received from the former sith lord but there was a part of you that was aching for this so strongly that you couldn't hold back any longer. Gliding your hands to your panties you grasped the edges and pulled them off, muttering sweetly, “I bet you could make my cunt feel so much better Obi-Wan, it’s aching for you.”
Obi audibly choked at your words, his hands settling on your thigh as he guided your legs open and exposed your slick swollen lips to him. A low groan slid from his throat as he took in just how soaked you were for him and you caught the way his tongue darted out to wet his lips. Moments later it was you who was letting out a groan as Obi-Wan flattened his tongue and licked a broad stroke up your lips, catching on your clit and causing your legs to tremble. Repeating the motion Obi took in your taste, your freshly bathed scent, everything about you that he could take in he did - desperate for every part of you. As he repeated the long lick a third time his hands squeezed your thighs gently and before you knew it Obi-Wan was diving in, lapping and sucking at your clit like a man starved. You cried out, partially in surprise partially in pleasure, and your hand buried in his hair as bliss shot through your body. 
Your hips canted towards him unconsciously, enraptured with the pleasure you were receiving and delighting in the way his scruff rubbed against you. The way you continually ground against his face along with the perfect little whimpers and whines you were causing Obi-Wan to harden, cock swelling with need, desperate for you. As he continued his ministrations one of his hands left your thigh to grasp at his aching length over his pants, needing some form of contact. When his hand left you, curiously you had looked down and you could immediately tell what was going on. 
Your breath hitched and though Obi had worked you up so close to reaching your peak you decided there was another place you’d rather cum. Reaching down you tugged lightly on his hair urging him away from your dripping lips with a cry of his name to draw his attention to you. His dazed expression almost tipped you right over the edge - his beard and lips glistening with your juices, the way his tongue darted out to clean his lips, and the way he stared up at you like you held all the stars in the galaxy. A breathless smile covered your face as you guided Obi to stand again and crashing your lips together once again. His arms were wrapped around you in and instant, pulling you close as if he were worried you would disappear. You could taste your tang on his lips and on his tongue when you parted your lips for him, the taste combined with his causing you to whimper into his mouth. When you finally broke apart with a soft moan you trailed your hand down to stroke his cock as you pleaded, “Please fuck me, Obi.”
A deep pleased rumble left Obi-Wan’s chest and he captured your hand to tug you out of the bathroom to the small bed within your quarters. Sitting down on the bed he tugged you onto his lap, legs on either side of his thighs and your cunt just barely brushing his bulge. Obi kissed you soft and sweet this time while your hands made quick work of undoing his breeches to tug his thick length out. As you hands brushed against his cock Obi-Wan let out a strangle sort of groan as his head jerked back, eyes squeezing shut for just a moment. His reaction had your lips parting before curving into a soft smirk and you ran your fingers up and down the length of his rigid dick, eyes watching his reactions intently wanting to commit each one to memory. After a particularly needy gasp of your name you took mercy on your master and lined his tip up with your entrance, your hips brushed back and forth slightly, coating his tip in your juices before you sank down onto him. The first few inches took your breath away and you could tell Obi-Wan was feeling it too as his hands landed firmly on your hips. You let out a small hiss as his hands squeezed over the bruised areas and quickly he relocated his hands to your waist with an apology. Your hands landed on his shoulders and you gave them a squeeze as you whispered out, “It’s alright Obi-Wan.”
Taking a few deep breaths you raised yourself up slightly before sinking back down onto the hard cock below you, taking a little more of him into you each time you repeated the motion. When you felt like you could take him all you allowed yourself to sit hard on his length and he bottomed out deep within you. Your walls fluttered hard around him as you nuzzled into his neck, smothering the moans that flew from your mouth. Obi’s hands tightened as he breathed out your name and swearing seconds later when you clamped down on him. As you adjusted to the feeling you slowly started to grind your hips against his, whimpering while his cock brushed up against your most sensitive spots. Gasps filled the air as both of you took in the pleasure and you leaned back in order to start bouncing on Obi-Wan’s length. 
Your Master guided you, using his hands to help you keep your rhythm, and this time he was burying his face in your neck. He left light kisses and gentle nips over the areas where Maul’s teeth had bruised, soft and gentle where Maul was rough. Obi-Wan didn’t seek to mark you as his only to soothe and comfort, he hoped to let you know that it was alright and that he still loved you despite what had happened. His softness had your walls clenching at every brush of his beard and every time his lips touched your neck, it was all so overwhelming you found you were barely able to keep your pace. Obi-Wan must have sensed your struggle as he lifted you off of him, despite your protests, in order to lay you down on the bed below him. Settling in front of you he lined back up with your entrance while your legs wrapped around his hips - urging him forward. A light laugh filled the air as Obi-Wan smiled down at you and teasingly chided, “Patience, little one.”
You couldn’t help the pout that covered your lips until Obi-Wan leaned forward to kiss it away. You giggled softly against his lips, unable to stay annoyed with him especially when he was kissing your thoughts away. His hand that wasn’t holding his weight found the edge of your shirt and slid under it, forging a path up your stomach and sternum before settling on your breasts. Gasping as Obi-Wan’s lithe fingers tweaked at your nipple he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth while you arched your back below him. In the midst of this Obi’s hips finally relented and his cock prodded at your entrance before you reached down to angle him properly so as he shifted forward his cock pushed into your depths. 
Your cunt clenched around his tip desperate for more and Obi-Wan was happy to oblige, pressing forwards as he he broke apart from your lips to sit up straight. His hips thrust forward the rest of the way until his hips were flush with yours and you were both sighing in pleasure. You whimpered under him and bucked your hips with a soft cry of his name, Obi-Wan smiled down at you as his hips dragged backwards. The slow pull of his cock against your sensitive entrance had you whining below him as your hips chased after his only to loudly cry out when his hips snapped forward again. He repeated these slow drags and quick thrusts for several long minutes until you were writhing beneath him, babbling and pleading for more. Obi-Wan teased until a cry of, “Master, Please!”, left your lips and he finally caved. 
Your words had him growling out your name as his hips sped up to a steady rhythm, the sounds of him dicking you down filling the air. His grip on your waist tightened slightly as his cock pounded away and you were shocked by the fast pace he had set. You had expected Obi-Wan to want to take things slow but after all the buildup it seemed he was as desperate for you as you were for him. His grip on your waist had pulled your shirt tight against your body showing off the way your tits bounced on every thrust into your slick cunt. Obi’s eyes were trained on them and his hips sped up as he adjusted his grip, one hand fisting your shirt to keep it tight while his other grabbed one of your tits. Squeezing softly he ran his thumb over your peak, quickly finding your nipple and rolling it between two fingers, causing it to stiffen and for a squeak to fly from your lips. Your hand shot down to your clit as a deep thrust hit something that had you seeing stars and your orgasm fast approached while Obi toyed with your nipples. Panting your fingers rubbed tight circles on your clit until both your arms were wrenched over your head and pinned there by unseen hands. Obi-Wan’s use of the force had your walls tightening around him as he growled out, “Let me take care of you little one.”
His hand which had been wrapped in your shirt slid down your tummy to find your clit, mimicking you movements and rubbing in tight circles that had you crying out for more. Your hips bucked in time with his thrusts as his cock slammed into you over and over. You were so close to tipping over the edge and your eyes met Obi-Wan's as you simpered out, “Obi, please I’m so close. I need you Obi.”
Shifting his weight his pace slowed as his arm slid under your body to grasp at the back of your neck and he leaned down, his chest pressing into yours as his lips captured yours. His adjusted position allowed him to press deeper into your tight cunt, once again brushing up against your g-spot and hitting it consistently on each thrust. He swallowed down your cries as you tipped over the edge, pussy spasming and clenching around his length, his fingers working you through the orgasm. Your chest expanded as you wiggled below him, pressing the two of you together impossibly close, and you whined into his mouth as his fingers continued toying with your clit, prolonging your pleasure. Muttering a protest against his lips at the overstimulation you were silenced by him pulling back just enough to whisper, “It’s alright darling, I have you. You can give me one more, I know you can do it my good girl.”
His words sent a heavy aftershock through your body and your walls fluttered much to Obi-Wan’s delight as he let out a light moan. His slow, sensual pace continued and your cunt squeezed constantly around his length as the stimulation on your little bundle of nerves got to be too much. Your hands clenched, fingers digging into your palm, as you attempted to smother your noises as they grew in both frequency and volume the closer you got to your second orgasm. As Obi slammed into you particularly hard you couldn’t hold back the blissed out noise that slipped between your lips as your eyes unfocused for a brief moment. Obi-Wan repeated the motion causing the same reaction as you lost yourself in the pleasure, Obi grunting as you clamped down on him.
“You like that little one? Want me to fuck you like that until you cum for me darling?” He questioned, continuing the same motion and increasing his speed without waiting for a response. Though it was just as well since you were fairly incapable of responding to him as your eyes glazed over and you cried his name out as you were swept up in your second release. As if determined to blind you with pleasure Obi’s fingers sped up against your clit, rubbing furiously and causing your whole body to tighten - spiraling higher and higher until it was all too much and your body went limp. You felt a rush of liquid as you gushed around his thick cock and the obscene squelching noise that filled the air as your Master fucked you through your orgasm caused an embarrassed moan to escape you. The slick tickled at your clit and soaked his fingers, which he finally removed from your aching nub, and you whimpered when you felt it slide down your asshole to land on the bed. At the feeling your weak cunt clenched and Obi thrust a few more times, until he stilled deep within you as he reached his own peak. His cum shot out in ribbons, painting your walls and filling you up more than you thought possible. As he came inside you up his grip on your hands through the force faltered and your arms were free, instantly clinging to his shoulders as soon as you realized you could move, tugging him to you for a soft kiss. 
The two of you lay together for a long moment, him nuzzling into your neck and you laying there thoroughly exhausted as you stroked his hair gently, arms still wrapped around his shoulder. Obi-Wan was the first to move with a regretful groan as he separated from your heat, you flinched as he withdrew and for the second time in 24 standard hours you felt cum sliding from your sated pussy. A whimper left you but you were far to exhausted to do anything about it, not even noticing that Obi-Wan had disappeared to grab a warm damp cloth along with a meal bar and water. Having removed his outer layers he came back with just his undershirt and underwear on as he knelt by the edge of the bed. Tenderly he moved your legs so he could clean up the mess of your combined cum in slow gentle strokes. When he was finished he helped you sit up in order to eat and drink, sliding back onto the bed behind you and his arms winding around you waist. You eased back into him with a contented sigh and he accepted your glass and trash, laying them on the floor, when you were finished. The two of you maneuvered until you were comfortable, Obi-Wan laying on his back with an arm tugging you close while you used his chest as a pillow and pressed yourself to his side. After all the recent events your brain was running a mile a minute and yet you could barely keep your eyes open. Drowsily you went to ask Obi-Wan a question but all you got out was his name before your eyes fluttered shut. That last thing you heard before drifting off was, “Just rest now sweet little one, I’ll be here when you wake.”
It was dark. Pitch black, and yet someone else was there - you could sense them. Cautiously spinning around you attempted to peer through the darkness to no avail. Your hand reached unconsciously for your lightsaber only to find it missing and you tensed. Finally something broke the silence, a recognizable deep angry low growl that sent a shiver down your spine.
“You’ve been very bad my little Jedi. Such a little slut you let your Master fuck you not even a day after I did. Do you really have such a greedy cunt?” The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time and you spun trying to locate him. You could feel your annoyance at the Sith build as he refused to show himself until you froze as his golden eyes glowed at you in the darkness. You had to bite back a whimper as he stalked towards you, a mix of arousal and anger filling you. His voice echoed towards you, reverberating off of nothing in a way that had you quivering, “Don’t worry my little whore, the next time I see you...I’ll make sure you get what you need.”
In a sudden flurry of movement he was inches from you, his hand pulling your head back harshly as his teeth bared in a fierce scowl, “I’ll have to remind you that you belong to me.”
A yelp flew from your lips at the unexpected closeness and suddenly you were shooting forward, sitting up quickly. Blinking blearily you tried to regain your bearings as you looked around for Maul frantically. It wasn't until a sleep filled call of your name met your ears that you convinced yourself it was just a dream. Obi-Wan’s hand met your spine as he called to you again and you turned to meet his furrowed brow and concerned blue eyes. Smiling you nodded with a whisper of, “Just a bad dream, that’s all.”, before you allowed him to pull you back down to him. Nuzzling into his chest you allowed yourself to relax as you repeated softly, “It was just a dream. Just a dream.”
Maul’s piercing yellow gaze bore into the ceiling above his bed. A smirk tugged at his lips, he had never planned on fucking you again - figuring he would use you against Kenobi the next time he found you, and then disposing of you. But now? Now that he knew your Master had feelings for you it was going to be so much more delicious to ruin you for him. He groaned as he felt his cock twitch as recalled all the depraved things you and he had done last time before thinking of all the things he was going to do to you the next time he found you. Maul’s eyes slid shut as his hand wrapped around his aching length, for now he’d just have to be content with his own imagination.
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
Hi, love! Could I request something with Snape and a female reader? They dating but lately, Snape is busy with work and the reader doesn't want to disturb him or tell him she needs attention because she's quite shy and doesn't want to be a burden. But when she finally gathered the courage to tell him, he's quite surprised she missed his affection so much. Smut or just fluff whatever you feel like writing will be nice! Don't feel pressure to write it if you don't like that idea. Thank you and have a great day! (PS: I miss Alan Rickman so much T^T such an amazing actor! Ps2: Because of you I started to be a Lupin girl like whaaat he so sweet, I love how you are writing him!) 🖤💚
This is SO sweet. Like SO SWEET. And also, I was the same way! I didn’t start REALLY liking Lupin until I started reading Lupin stuff!
Time for You
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex.
Word Count: 1,891
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
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Communication is always a crucial step in maintaining a healthy, successful relationship. You knew that making your needs, wants, concerns, etc. verbally known was very important.
You were bored. Plain and simple, you were completely stricken with absolutely nothing to do while Severus remained holed away in his office. You would think that a school instructor would take the summers off, but Severus had a plan to change his usual class curriculum, so he had been working around the clock to create a brand new Potions class.
He had been staying busy for the first few weeks of summer, working several hours a day in his home office. Severus was always very in the zone when he worked. He tuned mostly everything out, only taking a break when he couldn’t stay awake or needed to eat or use the restroom. It was a monotonous cycle that had made your home life boring, and had taken a toll on your summer vacation.
He didn’t realize that he had been rather distant, and that he hadn’t shown you much attention at all. It didn’t help that you were too timid to actually speak up and say anything to him. You had always had a hard time expressing your wants and needs to Severus. You never wanted to come off too clingy or too pushy. You hated to ever interrupt him while he worked, so for the most part, you had stayed quiet. You didn’t want to get on his nerves or upset him.
Although, you could probably count the times he’s actually been upset with you on one hand.
You were growing more and more needy for him with each passing day. You missed his touch, his voice, and his hands on you. You just wanted him to pay attention to you, just for a little while.
You paced outside of his office, trying to encourage yourself to go talk to him. He was your boyfriend after all, and effective communication was important. Severus always expressed to you how he wanted you to tell him if you needed something. He wanted you to be happy and content, but if there was something that was making you unhappy, you had to be the one to tell him.
You took a deep breath, building up the courage to go talk to him. If nothing else, maybe you could steal a quick make out session.
You slowly pushed the door open to reveal Severus scribbling away on some parchment at his desk. He had stacks of lesson plans for the upcoming school year and a list of new materials that students would need. He had been going hard at this for a while. You just wished he’d take a break. You peeked your head in.
“Severus?” You called out to him.
His head didn’t turn to you. His body language gave no indication that he had heard you at all. You fully entered the room, closing the door gently behind you. You approached him from behind, gingerly resting your hands on his shoulders. His entire frame relaxed at the feel of such a soothing touch. He sighed lightly.
“Hello, darling.” He greeted, pausing his writing for a moment.
You rubbed his shoulders, drawing soft groans from him.
“How’s it going in here?” You asked.
“Quite well actually. I’m happy with the progress I’ve made.” He replied.
You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, his black hair was soft on your lips. Your hands moved from his shoulders so you could run your fingers through his charcoal colored locks. You massaged at his scalp as he continued to work, talking to him sweetly.
“It’s a beautiful day outside. It’s warm and the sky is clear.” You pointed out to him.
His eyes shifted from his desk to the window. He hadn’t even taken a moment to look at the perfect summer weather. It had been an unusually pretty summer, and you hated that Severus was spending it cooped up in his dark office. The two of you should be having a picnic under your favorite oak tree, or even feeding ducks by the lake. He was missing out on such a flawless summer. That only prompted you further to get him away from his loads of work and actually enjoy his time off.
“Oh, it sure is,” He announced; “You should get out of the house for a bit. Take a walk through the park, yes?” He suggested.
You took a breath.
“I want you to come with me, love.” You requested, pulling his hair carefully behind his ears.
A sigh resonated from his chest. He’d love nothing more than to break away from his desk that he had shackled himself to and soak up the outside freshness with you, but he had convinced himself that he simply had too much to do.
“I need to work. I’ll never be ready by September if I fail to keep working.” He said, still writing with his favorite quill that you had given him as a birthday gift.
He didn’t seem to notice that you were hinting at something. Over the years, he had learned how to gauge your behaviors and your moods to notice when you wanted something, but he still encouraged you to tell him yourself. Now though, he was so occupied that he didn’t notice at all. You felt a twinge of annoyance that he wasn’t taking you more seriously, which is what caused you to blurt out rather sternly.
“Severus, please.” You begged.
Your breath caught in your throat the moment the words left your mouth and Severus’ quill stopped scratching. You had surely gotten his attention, because you were never one to snarl at him like that. He set his quill down completely, turning in his chair to look back at you. You were stunned still, surprised at yourself for having such an involuntary reaction.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” You apologized, giving in to the urge to leave him to keep working.
You went to walk away, feeling as though you had totally crossed a line. This was always the sort of thing you tried to avoid; getting upset and possibly causing an argument. You weren’t the best when it came to confrontation, so you tried your best to maneuver around it. Before you could make any real progress to leave the room, a hand caught your wrist.
“Wait. Don’t go,” He pleaded, standing from his desk; “What’s the matter, [Y/N]?”
He knew now that you were trying to tell him something, but he wanted to see if he could get you to tell him without him having to figure it out himself. He saw the way your eyes shifted to your feet. He didn’t want you to shut down on him when he knew you wanted something.
“Please, tell me.” He added, bringing your head back so you’d look at him.
You bit your lip hesitantly. You didn’t want to seem like you were nagging him or overly pushy. But that didn’t make the fact that you were craving for his affection any less true.
“I miss you.” You finally confessed.
Severus’ expression softened even more than it was already. He could hear the desperation and longing in your voice. You were feeling neglected, and he felt guilty for not making you feel appreciated. He did appreciate you in all aspects. He adored you and he loved you. It wasn’t fair that you were feeling this way.
He was rather astonished that you had missed him enough to speak up in such a way. That’s how he knew that you were really missing him.
“Oh, my dear. Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He questioned, caressing your smooth cheek,
You gave a simple shrug.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” You explained.
“You never bother me. I always want you to feel comfortable talking to me.” He invigorated.
You nodded into his hand, an internal cheer of victory playing in your head when he lowered his head to kiss you. His lips caught yours in a sensual way, making up for all the lost kisses from the last several weeks. You were stealing kisses from him left and right, making his heart flutter with desire. Before you knew it, you were greedily making out and he had swept you away through the house to your bedroom.
You fell onto your back onto the mattress as he continued to kiss you deeply and roughly. The noises flowing from your chest were nothing less than eager and craving. You reached for his belt, the clinking noise of it releasing was enough to get you totally excited. He pushed your hand away, a ravishing chuckle rumbling from his chest as he briefly stopped kissing you.
“This is all about you, darling.” He growled.
His lips detached from your skin, his body shimmying downwards, his face just inches away from your heated sex. He draped your legs over his shoulders as his tongue wasted no time licking a heavy stripe and your hearty whimper filled the room. He sucked and kissed as one of your hands was steady on his head to prohibit him from going too far, while the other was pressed against the headboard behind your. It felt like electricity was crackling all through your body as he mercilessly pleasured your.
“Oh, fuck...you’ve got quite the mouth, Professor.” You tried to laugh, but it came out as another moan.
Obviously this wasn't the first time you had ever been in this situation with him. But it still surprised you every time.
His chuckle vibrated against you, his voice muffled slightly;
“You better believe it.”
He knew your body backwards and forwards, which is why he put his arm over your waist to keep you from squirming too much. He smirked as he felt your muscles contract against his hold. It was a damn hot sight to see. His face buried between your legs, his tongue and lips working wonders on the woman he adored so much. Normally, he’d hold off on letting you cum. He’d slow his movements to tantalize you and make you beg. But you deserved what you wanted after these weeks.
“Severus, please...” You said feeling your legs begin to shake as his movements didn’t slow.
“I’ve got you, baby.” He spoke.
Your head fell back onto the pillow as a flash of white covered your vision. Your legs tightened on his shoulders as you crashed over your high. He continued to suck your and work you through it. He licked and swallowed your cum and lapped up your release. His name fell from your lips once more as you felt yourself settling back to normal. He grinned once your breathing attempted to slow, he returned to your side. You supposed that you owed him now, but that’d come later. He kissed you less harshly than before, you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“I love you.” You breathed out, sucking on his neck.
“I love you too.” He returned.
He hummed as you left a few hickeys on his neck. His lips finding yours soon after. He was making it a goal to stay as close to you as possible for the rest of the summer.
Potions class could definitely wait.
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joansiefics · 3 years
SUMMARY: You and your parents got in a car accident, while on your way to a holiday resort. You had several injuries, but your parents weren't so lucky. Luckily Tony, Natasha and Bucky saw the accident happen and helped you.
WARNING: Death (of family members), Car Accident, Blood, Injuries (cuts, concussion...), Crying over death, Held back against will (actually helps the reader), Nightmares, Blaming self.
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You let out a satisfied sigh as you snuggle deeper into your makeshift car bed. The air in the car was stilled and you focused on the acceleration of the car as your dad made a turn onto the quiet highway, the broadcaster keeping himself awake with his own silly jokes and the light stertor breathing of your mother sleeping in the pushed back passenger seat, all cozy and cuddled up in her heated blanket. You squinted your eyes open as the winter sun was shining morning rays through snow clouded skies onto your face and you welcomed the slightly warmer feeling on your skin.
You let out a groan as you reposition yourself to let your numb side sensitize. "How'd you sleep?" you hear your dad's gruff, hoarse voice move through the stilled air.
"It was good, but my left side is entirely numb" you answer with a chuckle.
You mother utters a few tired and dreamful mumbles as the tyres slide on the road soothing her back into a light slumber. "I was thinking we could stop at a chick-fil-a for some breakfast before we drive the last few hours, what do you say?" your face lit up at his suggestion
"That sounds amazing, I could do with some food" your stomach growls in agreement with your statement.
It didn't take long before you saw a part of the red logo in contrast against the white, sheet of clouds, excitement bubbling in the pit of your empty, growling stomach. A few more miles covered and your dad was pulling into the drive -thru. The lady at the last window stretched her arm out, handing your dad the paper bag filled with deliciousness. The heavenly smell of waffle fries, chicken nuggets and sandwiches reaching your nostrils and making your mouth water. The smell made your mother stir, before she tiredly opened her eyes, searching for the source of the appetizing smell. Your dad handed the paper bag over to you, for you to pick out your food and you gave the paper bag to your mother, after taking your chicken nuggets, waffle fries and bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.
Your dad ate his food while keeping his tired eyes trained on the road as he drove. Your mother sat up and nibbled on some of her waffle fries, while you quickly devoured your portions of food, but still savoring every taste on your taste buds. You finished the last bite of your sandwich, wiped your hands and corners of your mouth with a napkin and put the rubbish in the now foodless, full of trash, paper bag.
"Thank you dad" you thank before plopping back down on your back.
"You're welcome".
The car became silent once more and your eyelids grew heavier, the exhaustion of a term's hard work and determination finally taking over. You can hear the whispers of your parents trying to have a conversation without disturbing you, the sleet pattering on the window, the soft tunes form the radio and the gusts of wind as other cars dangerously speed past yours, lulling you to sleep. You could vaguely here the conversation between your parents.
"Do -- want me -- take over ---- bit, honey?" some of your mother's caring words reached your ears as she asked your father.
"No, -- fine"
"Honey, -- been driving -- eight hours and ---- awake even longer ----, maybe -- should let me take -- wheel ---- bit, while you ---- rest?" your mother's voice was filled with concern.
"I'll stop at -- next gas station, -- we -- switch, okay?" your dad gave into the offer, the thought of sleep to good to turn down.
"I love you guys" you mutter from the backseat, a smile tugging at your lips, satisfied with the perfect life and loving and caring parents.
"Love you too" your parents said in unison, enlisting a small giggle to tumble over your lips - maybe a giggle of happiness, maybe a giggle of satisfaction, or maybe a last giggle before a storm, before a teared world, before the ruining of a perfect life.
The next line of events was all a big blur to you. You remember you were happy, smiling and giggling before you fell asleep, but you woke up with your head spinning 'It feels more like my whole body is spinning' and sharp pains running through your legs 'Did I sleep my legs into feeling numb again?' and then came the realization - you were thrown from one side of the car to another and crashed through the window as the car tumbled down a hill. You were scared, confused and anguished. But then it hit you...your parents - where are they? are they okay?
"Mom?! Dad?!" you called, your voice faltering, shaking and small.
You tried again "Mom!! Dad!!" - nothing.
By now the adrenaline was surging and pumping through your blood, filling your veins, the pain slightly dissipating as the only thought was your parents. As you took in your surroundings you noticed the thick, cold snow you were laying in with your left cheek sunken deeply into it, the snowflakes falling on you and the location of the car crash, which was at the bottom of a steep hill, a few meters away from you.
With every last bit of energy you push yourself onto your feet and trudge towards the wreck, trying to lift your feet as high as possible to escape the deep snow. You want to run to see if your parents are okay, but even though the adrenaline is anaesthetizing any feeling of discomfort or pain, you feel out of control of your own body. 'I'm useless, my parents might need my help and here I am, taking my sweet time getting to them.'  
Arriving at the wreck, you fall to your knees, next to the crumbled car. The stinging of the wet and cold, icy snow going unnoticed as you try to spot your parents in the battered car. "Mom!!!!" You call out with a tremble in your voice and a lump forming in your throat. "Dad!!!!!" The stinging tears in the back of your eyes escaping a bit through your lacrimal duct, almost freezing to your numb, rosy cheeks.
Through your blurry vision you can make out your mother's figure hurled against the dashboard. The mere thought of your mother being injured, pumps regenerated adrenaline through your tired body and out of utter impulsiveness you push half of your body through the hole where a window used to be. The few remaining shards of glass stuck to the side, slices the material of your shirt. "Mom!!! You gotta wake up...please!!!" You try grasping her shoulders with your numbed hands, shaking her vividly.
The overcharge of blood rushing to your possibly concussed head and overflow adrenaline causes a buzzing in your ears, blocking out the slushing of the oncoming car's tyres in the snow. "Mom, please... open y-your eyes" You beg with quivers. The panic only seeps deeper into your already thumping heart when you don't feel a pulse on your mother's wrist. "No, no, no, no, this can't be happening" You mutter to yourself, moving your tremulous hand to the main artery in her neck, desperately searching for even the slightest pulse.
Temporarily giving up on your mother, you try wiggling yourself further through the hole to your father, but with no use when a strong pair of arms snake around your waist, pulling you out of the car. "No!!! I have to get to him!!! Please!!!" You cry out to the stranger, but you only get pulled further from your parents with you struggling against the stranger's grip. You kick and twist trying to free yourself while the sobs break through your chest. The adrenaline is now ineffective, making you feel exhausted - drained - and the pain stimulus finally reaches your brain, making you whimper a bit.
Over your heaving and the still, slight, present buzzing in your ears you can hear sirens nearing your location. You are now almost fully depending on the stranger to hold you on your shaking, glass shard invested, legs. You can hear someone talking to the stranger holding you "I ask-- Jarvis -- scan their vital- ---- --- dead." You try to piece the snippets of vaguely heard conversation together, which makes bile rise to your throat and you concentrate hard to swallow it back down. 'I could be wrong, I mean I only heard some of the conversation...yep, I'm DEFINITELY wrong' you try to convince yourself.
The tightening of the arms around your waist pull you out of your internal reassurance. All senses heightened you perceive the snow, in which your knees somehow came to sink in, feeling like a fire blistering any skin it comes in contact with, the talking of the few men, clad in blue uniforms, deafening you, as the wheels of the gurney whooshes through the snow as they take your parents to the ambulance - "my parents" - you say hushed, more to yourself than anyone else. The pair of sturdy arms turn you around and one hand comes up to the back of your head, gently nudging it forward into the stranger's chest, blocking all the view from your parents' figures covered by white sheets.
The steady heart beat, of the stranger, eliminates the chaos around you and in that moment it's just you and the kind stranger, in whose arms you feel safe. The calmness settles in you - the silence before the storm - the calmness before the reality. A few more minutes pass with the stranger holding you in their arms stroking your tangled, snowflake invaded hair when the shock enters, destroying all calmness. If you were standing your knees would have buckled, but you were already sitting with your knees in the snow leaning back on your ankles.
The sadness is to overwhelming, holding back all the tears and only making dry sobs leave your body. "They are gone" You say disbelievingly, shaking your head in slow horizontal directions. "I'm really sorry for your loss" this is the first time you hear the stranger's voice, but you like it - it produces a certain serenity, perfect for the situation. You pull away from the stranger and he removes his arms from your waist, and you almost instantly miss the feeling of comfort. "Thank you for uhhh..." you pause a bit, trying to collect yourself "thanks" you get the only word out that you can think of suitable, while pushing yourself to your feet. The man also pushes himself to his feet, brushing of the snow from his pants.
"Bucky" he introduces himself, sticking his hand out for you to shake. There is a small silence before you reach out, shaking his hand "Y/N" "We should probably get your wounds checked out, it looks kinda bad" Bucky says sincerely. You haven't even given thought to your injuries, you were solemnly focused on your parents - 'they're REALLY gone' - your mind begins spiraling again. Bucky rests his flesh hand on your shoulder, preventing you to give into your spiraling thoughts, and usher you towards a car. "My friends and I are going to take you to our infirmary where we live. You'll get better treatment there." Bucky keeps talking to you, trying to keep you from dazing.
In any other situation you would have had questions: 'where do you live? how can I trust you? who are your friends?'  But in this case it's different: I just lost my parents and nothing can be worse than that, what do I have to live for now?' The opening of a car door, breaks through your thoughts and you hesitate a moment before you silently climb into the backseat, Bucky following right behind you. The contrast of the freezing weather outside and the heated air in the car, sends a shiver of pleasure through your spine. "These are my friends, Natasha and Tony" Bucky introduces the two people sat in the front of the car, pointing to each of them when saying their names "this is Y/N" he tells them, pointing to you. You didn't even notice there were people in the car, until Bucky introduced you to each other.
'Say something' you mentally scold yourself for your awkwardness "hey, nice to meet you...thanks for, uhh, you know what" you say. "No problem sweetie, anytime" Natasha says with a soft smile, before turning around and focusing in front of her. The shock, adrenaline rush and fuzzy brain definitely took a toll on you causing your eyelids to feel heavy, fluttering closed, before you force them open again "Get some sleep doll" Bucky says, hugging you closer to his warm body. Without having to tell you twice, you let your eyelids close, only this time you keep them closed.
After a long drive, of which you have no recollection, the car pulls up to the tower. Bucky picks you up in his arms, careful not to push any glass shards deeper than they already are, and carries you to the infirmary, swiftly but steady. The entire time that the doctors treat your wounds, Bucky stays by your side and after an hour the doctors and nurses leave the room, satisfied with their work.
The annoying beeping of a heart monitor, the bright fluorescent light hurting your eyes even through closed eyelids, the tight skin around the penetrating IV and the bandages almost, not quite, but almost stopping all blood flow through your veins, wake you up from your sleep. The light hurts your eyes but you force them to stay open and scan your surroundings. "B-Bucky" you ask unsure with a hoarse throat "Your awake" he says cheerfully, grabbing a drink of water. He gently puts one hand at the back of your head, slowly pushing it up and putting the brim of the glass to your lips. You take a few small sips, letting it soothe your dry throat before you thank him for the water.
Bucky rests your head onto the pillows again and makes his way back to the chair he's been sitting on for about an hour. After a long silence in the room, but constant debating with yourself, in your head, you ask the question that has been floating in your mind. "What's going to happen now? I mean like...with me? Where do I go?" you rush through your questions almost forgetting to fill your lungs with oxygen. The heart monitor beeping rapidly and the lines spiking as your heart's rhythm increases "Hey, hey, hey, calm down...okay? Just breathe for me." Bucky waits for you to calm your breathing before he continues "For now, you're just going to heal. Once you're all healed, we can contact some of your relatives, maybe you can stay with them" Just the mentioning of staying with one of your immoral relatives cause goosebumps to form on your skin. "Our umm...my relatives? they don't really like us...me, they don't really like me" you say, confusion clear on your face as you try to correct your sentence. "Well then, you can stay here at the tower, with me..." Bucky suggests, quickly adding "that's only if you want to" not wanting to push you into anything. "Yeah, I...I'd like that" you say with a smile tugging at your lips.
"Why don't you get some more rest and we can talk again in the morning, finalize all the plans and so forth?" Bucky says when he sees your eyes drooping and your best efforts to hide your yawns. "Okay, thank you again Bucky, it really means a lot to me" You say already closing your eyes "Goodnight doll" He leans forward pressing a kiss to your forehead "Goodnight Bucky" He walks back to his seat and plops himself down, getting comfy for the night.
' "I love you guys" "We love you too, Y/N" and then *CRASH*...glass shatters everywhere, penetrating any flesh in its way. I feel the tingling as the blood drips from the lacerations on my arms and legs. But then I remember, my parents, "Mom, Dad!!!!" I see their lifeless, covered in blood, bodies against the dashboard. Then I hear my mother mumble the last few words, coughing on her own blood, spewing it onto her clothes "You... could have...saved us...Y/N" and then she exhales her last breath. '
You scream yourself awake and jolt up on the gurney. Sweat is dripping down the side of your forehead, your breathing is hitched and the heart monitor is screaming at you, trying to pull you back to reality. The last string of your daze snaps as a strong pair of arms wrap around you for the second time that day. "It was just a nightmare" Bucky cooes softly into your ear, swaying you back and forth on the gurney. "It wasn't just a nightmare, it was real" you pant, the words of your imagination mother replaying in your head 'You could have saved us Y/N'
"I could have saved them Bucky" you whisper into his chest "You couldn't do anything Y/N" "I could have..." you pause trying to think what you could have done. You know it's your mind playing tricks on you, you know your mother would never say such a thing, but you still can't ignore it. "You could have what?" Bucky asks, trying to lure you into accepting that you couldn't do anything. "I could have...I don't know" you sigh giving in with no answers "You couldn't do anything, okay?" Bucky waits for you to voice your acceptance "O-okay" you answer. "Just try and sleep some more, I'll be right here when you wake up doll" Bucky settles in next to you on the narrow gurney hugging you tighter to his chest, breathing exaggerated breaths for you to follow.
Falling asleep again you didn't have any nightmares - maybe the last time that you wouldn't get nightmares, well at least for now. But Bucky would always be there, by your side, swaying you to calmness and holding you to his chest - the chest of the once stranger that held you tight on the day of THE awful incident.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Chapter 3
⚠WARNING: Mention of previous characters' deaths
• ────── ✾ ────── •
You have no idea how you got here.
Here, being in front of the lone coffee shop on campus, on your way to meet the stranger who’s had the misfortune to get Hajime’s old phone number and receive your sad ramblings meant for no one else.
And you, the author of those sad ramblings, written in moments of weakness, are going to sit with this stranger and….
You haven’t gotten that far yet.
Honestly, you’ve been more incredulous at the odds of this meeting even happening.
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What the hell am I doing???
You really have no explanation, not even for yourself. The time is 9:58 and in two minutes you’re going to walk into the cafe and meet with a stranger who is going through a traumatic life experience similar to yours.
Ok, so you can explain what you’re doing. But the why is what’s escaping you. And frankly that should scare you more than it is currently doing.
Especially seeing how you haven’t told your friends what you’re doing. You bugged off lunch (much to Oikawa’s annoyance) but didn’t tell them why. Not only would Oikawa throw a fit but he, Mattsun and Makki wouldn’t understand your reasoning for meeting a stranger you met only a few hours ago.
They really wouldn’t understand why you don’t have a solid reason for meeting this stranger.
Put all the red flags together and you would find yourself locked in your apartment with no means of escaping under Oikawa’s watch.
To be fair, you are meeting them in a public place and you have no intention of going anywhere with the stranger. You’re just going to go have a cup of tea, shoot the shit, and then leave.
Yeah, it’s definitely doable. And not at all crazy.
You take a deep breath before walking inside the shop. It’s a bit crowded - the weekend mid-morning rush makes the employees hustle behind the counter to fill orders. All of the tables are full, leaving no space for two strangers to sit and….
Oh, this was a bad idea. A really bad and stupid idea.
Your phone rings in your pocket. You pull it out and nearly jump at the caller ID.
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Your brain points out that it’s not Hajime but the stranger you’re meeting. You pick up the phone quickly. “Hello?”
“Heya, how’re ya doin’?”
You hope you’ve schooled your expression into nonchalance but you can’t help your eyebrows jumping hearing the clear Kansai dialect through the phone.
Besides the surprise at the unfamiliar drawl, you’re pleased to hear a clear and strong voice on the other line. Nothing creepy or weird or anything your brain was trying to convince would be the case.
“Hi.” You reply into the phone. You can hear background noise from his end, which assures you again that he must actually be here.
“‘M over in the corner with the baseball cap.”
Your eyes move to the corner immediately and zero-in on a figure sitting at the table there. It’s a man, wearing a dark long-sleeve shirt and a dark ball cap. And he’s staring straight at you.
You hang up the phone and walk over to him. You spot a coffee cup on the table in front of him and watch as he takes his hat off and sets it on the tabletop. His silver-grey hair is messed up from the hat but that’s the least of your concerns at the moment.
No, what has you almost faltering in your steps is the exhaustion that lies deep on his face. The bags under his eyes are heavy and stark against his pale skin. His mouth is drawn in a small frown and with his eyebrows furrowed slightly it makes him look troubled.
You recognize his weariness. This is a man who is burdened to carry an intangible weight.
However this man still meets your gaze and gives you a small, tired smile. The small gesture brightens his face considerably but doesn’t completely erase the empty look. But you feel your nerves settle when he smiles at you.
“Hi,” he says when you approach the table.
“Hello.” You sit in the chair opposite of his and shrug your jacket off. “It’s busy, thanks for grabbing a table.”
“No worries.” Hearing his calm and measured tone in person relaxed you more than you realized and you felt some tension release from your shoulders. “‘M here all the time and I figured they’d be a bit busy on Saturday. D’ya want me to grab ya something from the counter?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” You shake your head to emphasize your point.
“Nah, I insist. Coffee? Tea? Fancy mocha drink?”
“Uh,” you’re startled by his insistence but relent. “A tea, please. Jasmine if they have it.”
He nodded before standing and making his way to the register, letting you fully settle in your seat and try to still comprehend what the hell you are doing.
Mid-inner freak out (oh god, what if he drugs my tea, what am I doing?!) a cup materializes in front of you. Osamu comes around with another cup for himself and sits in the chair across from you.
“They had Jasmine and it smells amazin’.” He shifts in his seat and takes a sip of his coffee. “‘M not a big tea drinker but that smells like it would calm ya down real good.”
You send him a smile before lifting the cup up. The smell of jasmine tea was soothing and the taste was even better when you took a small sip. “It’s my go-to comfort drink. I’ve probably had a few more cups than normal in the past few months.”
The sympathetic look the stranger sends you makes you purse your lips, realizing too late what you said. You look away, cursing to yourself. Great, way to go and make it awkward now. It’s quiet for a bit, now awkward by your weird ~fun fact~
“My name’s Miya Osamu.” You look up at the man and see a rueful smile on his face. “I probably shoulda told ya my name earlier. ‘M a first year student at Sendai University.”
You blink. Of fucking course you didn’t know his name. You never thought to ask when texting him earlier. You met up with a LITERAL stranger for tea and coffee.
“Wow, I’m sorry for being so rude!” You hurriedly say. “I should’ve asked AGES ago. But my name’s L/N Y/N. I’m also a first year student at Sendai.”
“Huh.” Osamu (not The Stranger) says. “What a weird coincidence.”
You nod. “Yeah, um are you not from around here? I can tell by your dialect.”
Osamu hums. For the first time you see his face fall and set into something more stone-like. It’s a subtle difference but it’s there nonetheless. “Hyogo. Came to Miyagi for school and had to get a new number.”
“Oh.” It’s a dry answer that you really don’t know how to reply to. “Do you like it so far?”
He shrugs. “It’s not bad. Pretty far.”
You nod. “Yeah, it is.”
You both lapse into a silence that is neither comfortable nor relaxing.
Oh my GOD this is so awkward! Why did you agree to this? Why did you think this was a good idea?! Yeah sure, he’s not a freaking weirdo serial killer, you can check that off your list. But you didn’t think about what you would actually TALK about!
“Do ya wanna talk about Hajime?”
Your reply to his question is to spit your tea across the table.
You look up to meet Osamu’s concerned gaze. Neither of you move before you both reach across to grab napkins from the dispenser.
“Are ya alright?”
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!”
In your haste to clean up your tea the napkin dispenser gets knocked to the ground, and the napkins explode out like an explosion of white confetti.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” The napkins springing up startle you so much that your knee knocks into the table hard, almost upending Osamu’s coffee.
“Argh!” You lean down to clutch your knee as it throbs painfully but your head collides with the table instead. “OUCH!”
“Are ya alright?!” Osamu asks frantically.
You exhale deeply. “Yep, I’m just a klutz. Fuck, that hurt my head.” You wish you could keep your head down and disappear. But you look up, your face bright red with embarrassment, and meet the concerned look from Osamu.
“I’m ok,” you reassure. “Really.” You look around at the mess surrounding your table and catch a few people gawking. Good lord. “Besides my pride taking a beating, I’m all good.” You stoop down to grab the napkins scattered around, wincing at the waste. Osamu also bends down to help.
“It looked like a pretty hard hit,” he notes.
“It’d be worse if I had something in my head worth keeping safe.”
Osamu smiles at your quip, a little half-smile. It’s nice.
Soon you both stand back up to throw out the napkins. Osamu grabs the bunch from you, letting you sit back down. You try to cool the fuck out and you will your face to not resemble a tomato when he comes back.
“Are you sure yer alright?” Osamu asks again.
“Yes, really.” You nod. “I’m sorry if I spat tea on you. I was just really surprised.”
Osamu tilted his head. “From what I said?” You nod. “Why?”
“I mean,” you start. “It mainly just caught me off guard. I’m not used to it, like just talking about him.”
“Do ya talk about him at all?”
You want to nod, but thinking about it you honestly don’t remember the last time you were able to tell someone about Hajime. Not his passing, but just talking about the person that he was.
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, looking at you considering. “Well my old therapist said it’s good to talk about this stuff, so I figured that’s what ya wanted.”
You don’t know how to reply to his simple explanation. Because you do want to talk about Hajime. You want to so badly. You want to tell the world how amazing he is, how he makes the world a better place just by existing, how strong he is and how much lighter you feel when he’s around
Or, how it was.
But you haven’t been able to talk about him. Every time you tried to talk outside of group therapy with your friends, Oikawa shuts down and Makki and Mattsun get uncomfortable. Your therapist is always able to handle anything you throw at her, but it’s not the same as just talking about a friend to someone.
So maybe Osamu is right about just talking about Hajime.
“He has hair like a porcupine.”
Osamu gives you a look of confusion before you continue. “Our friend Oikawa used to call him prickly, and we’d tease him when he’d bristle up and say he looks like a porcupine.” You laugh at the memory of Hajime bristling up, constantly egged on by Oikawa. “It wasn’t even bad hair, it was just so sharp. It was weird.”
Osamu doesn’t say anything for a second before he bursts out laughing. “Atsumu had weird hair too - dyed bleach blonde. Thought it made him look badass.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
You wrap your hand around your cup of tea, hesitating. An obvious question hangs in the air but for the first time since sitting down Osamu looks a bit lively.
“Was Atsumu your brother?”
The lightness on Osamu’s face is extinguished when he nods at your question. “Yeah, he’s a pain in the ass but I love him.” He pauses, looking down at his coffee cup. “Well, he was.”
You can feel the pain radiating from that one word. You understand the horrid dread that comes when you realize you’d been speaking about Hajime in the present tense. Even more so when you have to admit it out loud.
You look at Osamu and frown upon seeing his withdrawn expression. You feel immense guilt, knowing that you’ve contributed to his change in mood.
You’re desperate to lighten the mood and bring that smile back to Osamu’s face. You search through your memories, trying to find something funny. A thought crosses your mind and you feel a small smile grace your lips.
“There was one time that my friend was determined to roast smores on Iwa’s head.” You giggle at the disbelieving look on Osamu’s face. “Yeah, it was the stupidest idea he’d ever concocted. We didn’t even get one marshmallow on his head.”
“We?” Osamu asks, his voice lifting in amusement ever so slightly.
“Of course.” You reply, a smile spreading over your face at the memory and at Osamu’s content face. “I too was curious if we could do it.”
Osamu snorts, shaking his head as he brought his coffee to his mouth. “That idea would have intrigued Atsumu for sure. He was all about the far-fetched plots to piss off everyone around him.”
You smile, leaning forward in your chair. “Oh yeah? Wanna share some notes?” Osamu’s face brightens slightly at your words and he begins to talk, more animatedly than before.
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: So nothing bad happened with Y/N meeting the stranger (besides her being a clumsy klutz, where are my fellow klutzes at?) Thank you for reading, I hope this chapter was a little soft respite from the initial angst~
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU (bold cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
Protect (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,3 k
Summary: OH3 Chapter 15 rewrite. Ethan and Claire spend a quiet evening in after his trial.
Warnings: None, just fluff and feelings
A/N: I refuse to accept whatever the hell PB thinks they’re doing. So in this, Ethan let Claire help when she asked after she found the file, he helped her get in touch with Naveen in the morning of the trial and he absolutely did not do the whole ‘you talk and we’re done’ bullshit. I’m holding my idiots to the higher standards.
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“Case dismissed! Court is adjourned.”
Ethan remained in his seat, though only momentarily. He felt a sense of calm, no matter how conflicting it was with what he used to believe in, and the reason for that was sitting two rows behind him.
He stood up as he turned to look at her, finding her already looking at him. His feet hesitated to move at first, aware of his surroundings, but that feeling left as quickly as it arrived, leaving an empty space that only she could fill.
In a heartbeat, he was by her side, his arms were around her and she was flying into the air. She grabbed onto him, giggling at his display of affection. When he stopped moving, he leaned up, using his height to capture her lips with his while still holding her up in his arms. He hummed at the feeling, his shoulders slumping in relief.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered against her skin when the kiss broke. His hand cupped her cheek, holding her carefully, as though she was made of glass. Claire nodded, pecking his lips once more before letting him guide her out of the courthouse.
He fell onto the couch with a heavy sigh, Claire not far behind him. She sat by his side, her fingers running through his hair in a soothing manner. It went on for a while, her giving and him accepting the silent comfort.
Then, in one fluent move, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her further onto the couch, placing her directly underneath him. He hid his tired face in her neck, sighing heavily at her warmth. Food got ordered and until it would arrive, they’d remain in that position.
An hour later, the table was filled with empty containers and two empty whiskey glasses. They changed their position slightly, both of them now sitting on the couch, with her legs thrown over his thighs. Ethan ran his hand up and down her calf from time to time.
“I feel drained.” He admitted after some deliberation, giving her leg a squeeze. “I know that I shouldn’t have covered for Naveen. Or kept that information from him. You made me see that what I was doing wasn’t fair, to Naveen or to myself. Even though I still want to help him, I cant do it – not like that.”
“I think it’s time you realize that there are people that want to help you, too, Ethan. Naveen being only one of them.” Claire noted, running the tip of her finger along the bridge of his nose. He turned to look at her, then placed his head on her shoulder. “And me.” She added quietly, with a kiss to his forehead.
Ethan blinked slowly. The amount of feelings he had for her was beyond him and he didn’t know how to express them without choking up like an idiot.
He acted on his instincts and grabbed her hips, pulling her onto his lap fully. His eyes locked with hers and remained that way until their lips touched. The kiss was slow, unhurried, and overflowing with affection. Their need of comfort almost palpable.
Claire switched her position slightly, now straddling him to make them both more comfortable. She grabbed the sides of his face, securing them in place.
“We don’t have to do anything tonight.” She whispered tenderly. His eyes got faintly darker.
“What if I want to do everything tonight?” he whispered right back, a smirk on his face overshadowed by his exhaustion.
“Tell you what.” She grabbed his hands, then stood up and used that leverage to pull him towards his bedroom. “How about we take it easy for now, and in the morning-“
“When I feel better?” he interrupted her, smiling at her, as lovingly as intensely.
“If you feel better, we’ll do whatever we want.”
“Sounds like a sane deal to me.”
She grinned, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek. They stripped to their underwear and fell into the sheets. Claire pulled him into her arms, hugging him tightly.
“I can’t believe you’re mine.” Ethan muttered into the stillness of the night. She kissed his head.
“Better believe it, then.”
“You’re too good for me.”
“Oh, that’s a given.” She joked, expecting a laugh. She got silence. “Ethan?”
He wrapped his arm around her tighter, running the tips of his fingers over her arm, up and down in a soothing manner.
“I’m sorry for shutting you out before.” he began, his words making both of them freeze in anticipation. “I thought I was protecting you, that it would be better for you if you didn’t know. But that’s a lie and I was wrong. It was never about protecting you, not in that sense.” He didn’t dare to move a finger, having decided to lay everything into her hands and let her make her own judgement. “I was… afraid. Still am.”
“Afraid of what?”
Ethan leaned out of her embrace, resting his weight on his elbow so they could look each other in the eye. “Of losing you.”
Claire opened her mouth to say something but closed it immediately. He hasn’t been particularly forthcoming on what his intentions or feelings towards her were lately. Now, he was baring his heart to her, the most vulnerable he’s been in weeks. She wasn’t sure how to approach his sudden surge of emotions.
At her silence, Ethan continued. “I convinced myself that I was shielding you from all the bad things in the world, when really, I was being an asshole towards the most important person in my life. You.” he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. She leaned into his touch, her forehead creasing slightly at his next confession. “I was protecting myself.”
He averted his eyes, unable to maintain eye contact when shame burned him from the inside. Breathing in deeply, he awaited her reaction. She grabbed his chin loosely to guide him back to her, choking up slightly when she spoke.
“The most important?”
“I thought that much was obvious. Everything you do, everything we do, is precious to me.” he revealed, smiling gently at the way her eyes softened. “I never should have pushed you away, the way I did. Multiple times.” He added, his face falling again.
“You’re learning, though. You let me in yesterday when I found out the truth. You let me help you today when I went to talk to Naveen.” She reassured him, pointing out all his actions that proved that he was, indeed, letting her in. “It means more to me than you’ll ever know, because I want to be there for you.” she stroked his chin. “We’re a team, Ethan. You and me, we’re a team. Whatever happens, you’re supposed to feel comfortable enough to come to me so we can find a solution. No matter what it is.”
“I know, baby.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead. They remained in the tenderness of silence for a moment, after which, he added. “I still don’t know what I did to make a woman as wise as you choose to be with me.”
Claire eyes him, took in his insecurities and his genuine effort to make her see that she mattered the most to him. Sighing, she offered him a smile that he returned.
“You’re entirely too smooth for your own good, Dr. Ramsey. What am I going to do with you?”
“Whatever you want, Dr. Herondale.”
I needed to fix the mess PB made or I would have gone insane - even if I only fixed it for my own sake. The whole ordeal with the book ending next week is the most stupid thing I’ve heard in a while - and the most PB thing at the same time. You’d think they’d learn from their mistakes, huh?
I also love Uncharted - Nate and Elena are my crack, so when I fell down the rabbit hole again, I couldn’t resist.
Thank you so much for reading! <3
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darknessisafriend · 3 years
Periods Commodus x Reader
Here I’m back with an imagine about our dear Emperor, @beatlebabe1996​ I dedicate this to you ;) 
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You and Commodus had been married for a bit less than a month now, slowly, you had gotten used to each other’s presence, his frequent brooding and worries, but also his playfulness. Commodus was a man to discover and each day you learned more about him and fell even more in love with him; what had started as an arranged marriage had evolved into love. Even your husband, who was very suspicious over you at first and distant was learning to let down his guard, learning to know you were trustworthy. Yet, you still had a lot to learn about each other, you were discreet and shy, and he had a terrifying reputation…
You groaned in bed, burying your head under the sheets as the chamberlain came to wake you and your husband; today you really didn’t want to get up, you had a difficult night and pains in your lower belly had awaken you, you had understood your periods were coming. And as you woke up, you realized a slight wetness between your thighs, oh no…not when your husband was next to you, he would be disgusted, like many roman men were, some even considered it as a bad omen; what if Commodus reacted that badly too? Your heart started to hammer in your chest, you didn’t know how you would get out of that situation. You retained a little jump as you felt Commodus’ arm wrap around you.
“My Y/N…it’s time to rise.” He said softly and placed a feather like kiss on your temple. You closed your eyes, those soft lips gave you goosebump; but you lightly groaned, pretending not to feel very well.
“I’m…I think I’m going to stay in bed a bit more. I’m not feeling at my best…” you muttered. And you instantly felt your husband’s worry grow.
“What is it Y/N? are you feeling any pain?” he quickly asked, ready to call for a doctor.
“Commodus, please don’t worry about it. Just get up and start your day, I will surely feel better later.” You tried to convince him, you didn’t want the doctors involved and telling you to sleep separately from your husband until your periods ended, you wanted his comfort during that tough time of the month. But you knew how stubborn he was, he wouldn’t let go so easily.
“Tell me what you have. I don’t like things to be hidden from me. Especially from people I love. Don’t make me order you Y/N” He replied on a tone without appeal, he won’t leave this bed until you told him your symptoms.
“My belly hurts quite a lot…” you moaned as another cramp hit you. However, you didn’t expect Commodus to pull on the sheet to take a look and so you couldn’t prevent him from seeing the blood that had tainted your nightgown, you looked away in shame, your heart racing in fear that he would get angry.
“Oh Y/N tell me this is just your monthly bleeding…” murmured your husband, just for you to hear and avoid getting attention from anyone else. In fact, at the view of the blood, his heart had skipped a beat, fearing you had gotten severely ill.
“Yes, it is. I’m sorry, I should have known it was coming and I should have gone to my quarters.” You quickly apologized, not knowing how he would react. But he didn’t answer, instead you felt him get off the bed, perhaps in disgust he wanted to get away from you, you squinted your eyes shut, what would he do next?
“Love, here.” You jumped, startled by his voice so close to you. Slowly you opened your eyes and met his clear orbs, he looked at you softly, no hint of disgust or anger. You were speechless, you had to admit. And only after long seconds you noticed he held a piece of cloth in his hand, perhaps one of his expensive neck scarves made of silk.
“What…?” you asked confused.
“To absorb the blood for now.” He explained, not caring to dirty and taint the cloth “And I got you a clean loincloth.” He gave her a little smile, handing it to you as well and you couldn’t help but look at him as if he was crazy. “What?” he asked, curious as to why you looked at him like that.
“Well you’re not…? horrified or disgusted? Something like that?”
He chuckled, shaking his head “I have seen a lot more blood in the Colosseum.” He said jokingly, trying to relax you.  his hand going to caress your hair. “And I heard some doctors say it could be a thing that helped the woman to procreate. So, something that would give me a baby with you, an heir…it’s neither disgusting nor horrifying. It’s beautiful.” He replied more seriously. He respected you and would never treat you in such way, the only woman he could trust and have close to him.
“But all men they…” you tried to explain, to be sure of how he felt.
“I’m not like all men my dear. I am Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, the Emperor.” He smirked proudly at you. And you couldn’t help but giggle, indeed he wasn’t, he was unique, in many ways. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be ashamed my love. I will take care of you today, only emergencies of the Empire will get my attention.” He added, and you sighed in relief, he was a very caring lover, fully dedicated. So, you got up, taking the cloth and the loincloth and going to change.
Once you were all cleaned, you sighed contently, you were in fresh, absorbent undergarments. You felt much better and knowing Commodus would be mostly by your side today greatly helped. As the day passed, Commodus spent his time with you in your shared bedroom, away from the Senate or councilors, working at his desk, dressed in his black and red toga, reading and replying to petitions from the People.
Each time he heard you groan as you cramps became more painful, he left his desk and joined you on the bed, lying down next to you, wrapping an arm around you. “Be strong my love, it will go away.” He murmured against your ear as his hand gently massaged your lower belly. His warmth and gentle caresses alone appeased your pain, or at least distracted you from them. He stayed as long as you needed, or until you dozed off, tired by those changes in your body.
You were discovering how caring Commodus was, he had this tender side that was well hidden by a protective wall around his heart, he had been betrayed so many times. But with you, he could be himself, because you made yourself vulnerable to him and he felt safe enough to be in return. Soon, your poor husband witnessed your mood swings for the first time and found you snaping at him for no reason and then you ended up on the verge of tears. But Commodus showed himself very understanding, these monthly bleedings really seemed to impact the woman deeply.
“You know, I do have mood swings too sometimes…” he said as he hugged you, soothingly caressing your back, his words making you laugh.
“That’s actually true, mister grumpy!” you giggled, burying your face in his neck, now placing soft kisses against his warm skin, making Commodus hum in pleasure.
“How about we go for a bath?” he suggested, kissing your temple.
“Hmm good idea.” You grinned, nibbling his skin, earning a small moan from the Emperor, your mood swings were quick, but he wasn’t complaining from that one, he actually enjoyed it, a lot.
You both headed for the baths, hand in hand. Commodus had especially requested the water to be warmer, he had quickly understood warmth relaxed you and soothed your pains; and indeed, he was a very good observer. As you both entered the warm waters, you sighed in contentment and a slave came to bring a plate full of nuts and dates.
“I asked our physician Galen about what you go through. He recommends you eat these. Helps with fatigue and moodiness.” Your husband explained to you as he took some to eat, you looked at him, once again amazed.
“Dear, you surprise me more each time. It’s such a sweet attention. Thank you.” You smiled happily, swimming to join him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Anything for you Y/N. You are my world.” He replied as if those words were naturally coming out of his mouth and with you it was. He took a date and presented it to your mouth, smiling as you eagerly ate it.
“I had never dreamt of such wonderful husband.” You murmured, tenderly kissing him, grateful to have him; your mouth traveling to his jaw. You felt him sigh contently, how much he loved feeling you so close to him, purely desiring him…his hand buried in your hair as you nibbled his earlobe.
“Oh Y/N…” he breathed, slowly starting to feel aroused, he wrapped his arm around your waist while his hand seized your chin, making you look at him in the eyes. “Kiss me.” He said softly that request was the sweetest command, as if he feared you would stop.
“Yes, my love.” You agreed softly, instantly closing the gap between the two of you. He supported you just as you supported him. An endless devotion and an always stronger love, you could fight the whole world just to be in each other’s arms.
Commodus harem: @lyoongx​ @weirdflecksbutok​ @skaravile​ @niniitah-ah @stardancerluv​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @charlie-sisters @ohcarlesmycarles​ @rajacero @hopelessdisasterr @stellargirlie​ @rosebloodstuffandthangss​ @clowndaddyfleck​ @jaylovesbats @dreamingmaria​ @sagyunaro​ @just-a-fucking-comedy​ @spaceinvader​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @lady-carnivals-stuff​ @sierraclegane​​ @legojorny​ @lemondedeniname​​ @hvproductions​​ @syvellsworld​​ @papercut-paranoia​​ @jokerflecker​​ @beautifulyoungprospect​​ @bring-your-holy-water @five-miles-over​ @yukis-writing​ @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix​
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 4 years
Reason to Love
Draco thought that dread would fill him as he stared across the ballroom at Harry. He had hoped dread would fill him. That would have meant that part of him had moved on. But even as the green eyes he loved so much filled with a hatred that he wished he too felt, all that remained in his veins was pain—agonizing pain that hurt just as badly as it did when Harry walked out of his flat, and then more importantly his life.
Deep breaths and calming thoughts did nothing to soothe his hyperactive heartbeat the longer he stared. Propriety—which had been instilled in him at birth—was chagrined at the notion of prolonged focus, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away. Months of no contact deluded his mind into thinking even an extended blink would cause Harry to disappear as if he had only ever been a product of wishful thinking.
Their locked gazes ceased being mutual as Harry turned to his date, successfully blocking Draco from his line of sight, who was left standing there staring at his back—like a weirdo.
With a lot of strength that would have disgusted who he had been emotionally even just a year ago, Draco moved across the room toward the balcony—ignoring everyone who made space to talk to him, knowing it would reach his mother come morning but he had long ago lost his will to give a fuck.
As Draco looked over the railing, mind not fully seeing the landscape as his distracted thoughts took over, part of him wished he did give a fuck. Because the person staring blankly at gaudy untrimmed hedges was a mess. A distinguished mess, sure, but a mess nonetheless—one he didn’t appreciate seeing echoed in his reflection when he could no longer hide from the lies that others believed so easily.
I am fine.
It fell off the tongue quickly; a gut reaction to deflect from the glaring obvious. He wasn’t fine and the only one who knew the truth was the same one who stared back at him in the bathroom mirror every morning.
Lying came naturally. If not because of who he was, then it was the Slytherin characteristics he embodied because he had no other personality traits to rely on. It was easy to lie, especially when those around him wanted it to be the truth. Convincing them was a breeze, but convincing himself was impossible.
His eyes slipped closed as he took a few deep breaths, wishing that it was as calming as his Mind Healer preached. Sweat beaded on his forehead and despite being outside, all it brought him was the sweltering humidity of the summer night.
“I’d say you have a lot of nerve showing up here, but you never had that, so let’s just call it stupidity and be done with it.”
Draco’s lips parted as he withheld a breathless gasp at the sound of Harry’s voice. A sound he wasn’t sure his memory properly emulated over the last few months, it seemed different. Or maybe it was because it was filled with the same hatred that had been in Harry’s gaze.
He didn’t want to turn around, and despite how bloody cowardice that was, he hadn’t been put in Gryffindor for a reason. Turning around meant facing not just Harry but facing all the lies he had been telling himself. If Draco turned around, his sense of stability would shatter just as easily as his heart did when Harry left.
I am fine.
With the smallest shred of gumption he possessed, Draco squared his shoulders and did the stupid thing by turning around.
Being up close granted him nothing more than being across the room had. It wasn’t as if he felt better, in all actuality he felt worse. At least far away he had been able to keep a semblance of distance even if it was just an illusion. Up close the hatred in Harry’s eyes was more prominent, held more emotion and made it impossible to hide from, even if he glanced away.
“Stupidity is the root of bravery, you should know that,” Draco countered, not bothering to try and find comfort in the insults. Those used to be Harry’s favorite way of showing affection.
“That’s where you and I are different,” Harry said, voice as quiet as the breeze that Draco wished would combat the humidity. But in reality, all it did was make him feel worse. “You never had a flair for that.”
While entirely accurate, it stung a little.
“What do you want?” Draco couldn’t help but ask. “If it’s just to insult me, save the foreplay for your date, will you?”
Wishful thinking had him imagining the hatred in Harry’s eyes dimming enough for annoyance to take over. While Draco was adept at handling both, annoyance was far easier.
“You knew I’d be here,” Harry said, eyes roaming Draco’s face in a manner that made him uncomfortable.
“I wasn’t aware you bought out the Ministry,” Draco drawled, hating the familiarity to the banter. “If need be, do check the invitation list, won’t you? My name is on it.”  
“You’ve avoided every function where we’d be in the same room, excuse me for thinking you’d do the same tonight.”
There was something in the tone that had Draco frowning. There was clearly annoyance, but he wasn’t sure at what. Was Harry upset that he hadn’t been around? Or was he upset that he showed up?
“You’ve been missing me, have you?” It was supposed to be sarcastic but a piece of Draco longed to know the answer, no matter how pathetic it made him feel.
There was no answer, only a hard stare that held far too many emotions to decipher. The longer Harry remained silent, the more he feared there would be no answer at all. The dark parts of his mind that never once believed the lies he tried to delude himself into whispered, did he have the right to know?
“I’m not sure,” Harry finally answered after several long uncomfortable moments. “There are times I think I hate you, and then there are times when I wonder why it has to be the present and why it can’t be four months ago when I loved you so strongly.”
The agonizing pain returned and it was strong enough to close his eyes. Getting answers wasn’t always a good thing. Now all Draco wanted was for Harry to shut up.
“And the middle ground?” Draco wondered. “Which one is more prominent?”
Harry exhaled deeply, strong enough to blow away strands of messy unkempt hair.
“I don’t know.”
Strangely, that hurt Draco the most. The indecisive approach to love.
“That’s where you and I are different,” Draco parroted Harry’s words, watching the way something gleamed in his eyes.
“If there is a reason to love, then that means the love changes when the reason is gone. I loved you without any reason,” Draco blinked rapidly, wishing the stinging of his eyes was because of the sweat still marring his face.
“While the temperament of your love has changed, mine hasn’t. It’s still there; whole, intact and going without pause.”
It was Harry’s turn to close his eyes as he covered his face briefly.
“I wish I could be like you,” Draco admitted what his teenage self never would have. “Not just your characteristics, not just your bravery, but perhaps if I loved like you did, then I’d be able to move on. If I let my love get bitter or angry then it would let in distance, would let in reasons to change it.”
Knowing that Harry’s love had changed and hearing it were two different things. It wasn’t fair. Harry got to be angry, got to fester over it and got to find closure even if it came in waves of pain. All Draco was left with was pain while the love was still there. But if love when bruised, torn and scratched remained one-sided, it would only ever lead to more pain.
“Who says I moved on?”
The question had his brows arching as he tried to understand why Harry seemed to bristle.
“Are you saying you haven’t?”
When Harry threw his hands in the air, Draco grew more confused.
“I don’t know,” Harry whispered, and for the first time in a long time the tone was lost. “It comes and goes. There are days where I don’t think of you at all and it feels like a step in moving on, but then when I least expect it, you creep up into my mind and it breaks my heart all over again.”
“Despite what you might think, I’ve never wanted to hurt you,” Draco said, unable to keep the desperation to be believed from seeping through. There were a lot of assumptions people had of him, and he never bothered to correct them. Letting people believe what they wanted to was far easier than changing their mind. But the one thing he couldn’t do was let Harry think that he never cared.
There was a soft devastation to Harry’s face before, “I know that, I’ve always known that.”  
“Then I don’t—”
“I haven’t moved on,” Harry said, and the determination to the tone held a touch of surprise, as if Harry was only just realizing. “Because even when I think of you and it hurts I still wouldn’t want that to go away. I don’t want to one day think of you and it not bring me back to happy times. I don’t want to think of you and it be a distant memory with no emotion. I want to think of you and feel something, even if it hurts.”
“That’s not healthy,” Draco blurted before his mind caught up with what he was really hearing.
Harry snorted, lips tilting up in a ghost of a smile. One that still caused his heart to skip a beat, followed by a jolt of pain with the knowledge that he had forgotten how beautiful it was.
“And you’re the epitome of healthy, are you?” Harry returned, lips still quirked.  
“No,” Draco shook his head, unable to banter when the truth of the statement touched a bit too close to home. “If I was, I wouldn’t love you like this. Not with the same ferocity, not with the same passion. Not when it hurts me like this.”
Harry shifted on the balls of his feet as his tongue swiped across a plump bottom lip nervously. “What if I don’t want you to be healthy?”
There was a beat of silence as Draco’s squinted, forehead creasing harshly. “Come again?”
A red flush graced tanned cheeks as Harry’s hands waved frantically. “That came out wrong.”
“It always did when it came to you.” Was that a tease? Draco wasn’t sure that was wise. Not when it would just hurt more in the end.
A glare with little heat was sent his way and Draco hated that he craved it, hated that a simple glare could cause his breath to quicken and the tempo of his heart rate increase.
“What if we attempt something,” Harry gestured between them with a hand. “Again?”
Oh boy.
Draco took a deep breath,  not daring himself to hope, not even sure if it was all real or just another illusion to lie to himself with.
“Is that wise?” Draco asked, ever the worrier. “It hurts now, I don’t want to imagine the pain should it happen again. I don’t think I’m ready for that.” No matter how much he wanted it.
“Give me a chance to love you without reason too.”
How could something so sweet hurt more than cruelty? Draco’s heart felt close to breaking, wasn’t sure he had much more in him.
“Not to mention your love is torn, isn’t it?” He continued as if Harry hadn’t spoken. “You weren’t sure about the love and hate, that can’t have changed already.”
“Why don’t you let me worry about that?”
“Not when it’s my heart that’s the causality.”
“Both of our hearts,” corrected Harry.
“Exactly,” Draco said with a small shrug. “Not even an hour ago you were glaring at me, it’s not so easy to let go of the bitterness, even if you love me too. I think we need time to acclimate, maybe find out what’s different. It has been months, I’m sure things have changed.”
There was a flash of amusement in green eyes and Draco almost regretted the whole conversation.
“You wanting to woo me, Malfoy?”
Merlin, it was a breath of fresh air to hear his surname from Harry. What started out as a formality, never being granted the pleasure of the familiarity enough to use first names during their youth, had changed into fondness as they dated.
The name that brought pride to his father but shame to him.
The name that was only ever uttered with animosity and contempt.
The name that fell from Harry’s lips with love and not a hint of a sneer.
“Yeah,” Draco began, a small reserved smile quirking his lips. “I think I do.”
He was Malfoy, and on his favorite occasions, he was Harry’s Malfoy.  
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Strange Girl- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
    Request:   can you do one where draco realizes he likes the reader and wants to kiss her but he is scared so once she is by herself one day he goes up to her and kisses her and he is embarrassed but she kisses him again 🥺🥺 and she’s a hufflepuff
    Kody: This is gonna be a short one, but sweet nonetheless.
    Year: 7th
    House: Hufflepuff
    Possible Triggers/Warnings: fluff overload, Draco being a nervous wreck because i like torturing him. 
    herbology was your favorite class at Hogwarts. Plants and learning about their magical properties were just something you found extremely interesting. It was also where you met your soon to be favorite person. Draco Malfoy had been chatting it up with his friends and go himself a detention after lunch.
   being you, you spent most of your time in the herbology classroom. So after lunch when Draco Malfoy went to serve said detention you were there, but no professor? How strange. He had thought he walked into the wrong classroom for a moment.
    Roll Flashback
   “Professor Sprout?” a males voice called out. Startled, you quickly go to stand up, but hit your head on the table you were under instead causing a loud thud and slight pain. “Ouch!” you squeaked, reaching up to rub the top of your head with the pal of your head to sooth the pain.
   “Who the bloody hell are you?” turning your head, your met with cold grey eyes that bore deep within your soul. Draco. Malfoy. Damnit. “Um Y/n L/n, Hufflepuff, 7th year- uh sorry!” you sputter, being intimidated by this tall platinum blond Slytherin.
   he raises a brow and looks around “Where the Professor?” he asked, referring to the first statement he had said. “She usually just asks me to watch the ‘troubled kids’ as she calls it, but they just end up leaving because i’m not threatening in the slightest. She gave you a list of stuff to do i presume?”
   you lean down and pick up the empty pots from the ground you had dropped before you got there, keeping your hand up so he could hand you the paper. Draco looked at you weirdly. You were fully aware of the fact people chose to walk all over you? ‘What a strange girl’ he thought.
  he nonetheless reaches into his robe pocket to hand you the sheet of folded up parchment. His fingers grazed your hand as he slipped it in your palm. You felt your face flush slightly, but grab it anyway. You lean back up, placing the pots on the table and use one hand to unfold the paper, quite skillfully.
   you eyes scanned the few items on the list and you smiled gleefully ‘How fun’ you thought. You turn your attention to the Slytherin and nod once “Thank you. Now just avoid Sprout for like an hour and you should be okay. I suggest just hanging out in your common room for now”
   Draco’s blinks mindlessly for a second or two. “How- How come your just letting me leave? You seem like a goody two shoes. Why not just rat me out?” a amused smirk played on his lips as he spoke. You reach under the cupboard and grab the bag of soil that was under, placing it down.
   you look up at the ceiling, indicating you were thinking “Um- well, i believe that we shouldn’t have to ‘do extra’ for a class we aren’t really interested in. I, on the other hand love herbology, so i don’t mind the extra work. You rather do something in Alchemy right?”
   your words seem to catch him off guard How did you know that? He crosses his arms with a distasteful look “Oh so your some bloody stalker aren’t you?” he hisses, which makes you twinge a bit, but you stand your ground “We have been in the same potions class since first year. You speak quite loudly”
   you let out a small laugh, but Draco just huffs and makes a dramatic exit ‘Strange bloody girl’ he thought while storming off
   after that, Draco began to take notice to you in potions class. For someone who liked herbology a whole lot, you exceeded in in potions almost as well as he did. How in his right mind had he not seen you before? Maybe it was because if a person didn’t wear a green lined robe, he tuned them out.
   a month or so would pass and we would continue getting detentions in herbology, but would actually aid you in his own punishment chores this time. You both made small talk and Draco grew to like your company. You didn’t seem to be afraid of him, well not to much.
   you also found yourself growing closer to the Slytherin, but in a romantic way. You just couldn’t shake the feeling no matter how hard you tried. What really got you was when he took off his robe and vest and rolled up the sleeves of the white collared shirt. It. Was. Hot
   but out of the herbology classroom, you were nothing more then the strangers you were a month ago. Your friends had convinced you to try and get over him because it wouldn’t result in anything other then avoidable heartbreak. Draco on the other hand was a oblivious idiot. 
   “So let me guess, when you talk to Y/n you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, your palms get sweaty, your heart rate starts to pick up, and you kind of want to kiss her?” Blaise explained, brow raised in a amused manner. Draco’s jaw dropped, dropping his book “How do you know that!”
   the tall Slytherin boy chuckled “because you won’t stop talking about her. Its driving me, Theo, and Pans up the wall. Just ask her out” he shakes his head. Theo and Pansy nod from there side of the sofa in agreement “Please, we beg you. It’s so obvious you like her. Its painful” Pansy groans.
   Draco’s pale face turned a light shade of pink as he clicked his tongue “I do not like Y/n. That’s absurd! She’s a Hufflepuff anyway, what would my father think?” he crossed his arms. “In case you haven’t noticed mate all three of us are still alive and well”
   “What does that mean?” Draco asked, a confused expression on his face. Blaise sighs deeply and lifts his hand that is interlocked with Theos “All three of us? Gay. Pansy? She’s dating Ginny Weasley. A Gryffindor girl. We are living proof that your father will be pissed, but won’t shit” Blaise xplained. 
   Draco seemed to have an epiphany and pushed up and off from the black loveseat. Tripping over his feet, he zoomed out of the Slytherin common room leaving his friends slightly stunned “What do you think he’s going to do?” Theo asked with an excited smile.
   “Trip over some stairs and die at this rate” Pansy let out a snort. Blaise shook his head and stood up from the sofa with Theo “Will be in my dorm room, alone. Bye Pansy” Blaise spoke quickly as he began to drag Theo into the halls. The brown haired Slytherin boy smiled and waved “Bye Pans!”
   seconds later Pansy grumbled “I hate being single- oh wait. Ginny!” she yelled as she followed Draco out of the common room to find her girlfriend. 
   running down the halls of Hogwarts, he made a sharp turn to the exit. He pushed open the doors, the cold air hitting his exposed skin. He should not have ran out of the common room only wearing a black t-shirt with dark grey sweats. He even forgot shoes and was only wearing socks. What a lovesick boy he was. 
   he made his way behind the school to the greenhouse where he had met you all those weeks ago. Hoping to find you there. As the pale boy pushed the door open, there was no one to be seen. “Y/n!?” he shouted, but nobody came.(Someone has to get that reference please)
   a confused look played on his features. Your always here and now your not? He had no time to mull over that fact and left the greenhouse. Searching the school felt like hours, when in reality was only about ten minutes. He had even waited outside the Hufflepuff common room for awhile.
   waiting had only made his heart race more in anticipation. He wanted to see you. He needed to see you. He soon found himself walking back to the greenhouse. “Draco?” his head snaps up like an owl. There you were with a confused expression,  E/c eyes looking up and down his body.
   why wasn’t he wearing shoes? It was also dreadfully cold out and he didn’t have any jumper of sorts, while you looked as warm as a marshmello. “Why don’t you have shoes. Are you alright?” you asked, worry clear in your tone. Draco didn’t answer, just walked towards you.
   you raise a brow, placing the bag of soil on the ground. As soon as you lean back up a pair of lips clash with yours. His lips move against yours in a feverish way, almost hungry. Draco pulls away and looks down at your shocked face. Oh shit. 
   “Oh- no. I apologize for that. I- I didn’t- well i did mean to, but i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m going to kill Blaise-” he was forcing words out which seemed to bring you back to reality so you could grab a fistful of his t-shirt and bring his head down to your height.
   now it was your turn to kiss the shocked boy. It didn’t take him long to react because his hands found your hips rather quickly. he stepped closer, pushing his chest against yours. Kisses eventually got more sloppy before he pulled away for air “I- uh- wow?” he said, unsure of what to say. You chuckle softly.
   “Yeah, wow. Now let’s get you inside. Your so cold” You say, grabbing his chilled hands, interlocking his fingers with yours. He nodded slowly “Please” he said, a small smile forming. You both made your way back inside the school, holding hands and smiling. 
   “What in the bloody hell just happened?” Cedric asked, looking towards the  Gryffindor boy who had watched the whole scene with him.
   Harry seemed to sputter a bit before answering “i- i have no clue. We should do that though” 
   Kody: short, sweet, kill me im so tired. Anyways peace. I also ordered a Draco Malfoy love letter on etsy, so when that comes in February, expect a post about it lmao. 
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harrisco 12.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy it! -QD
* * *
It was nearly two a.m. by the time everyone began to leave the West's house, the Christmas party fully wound down and people exhausted from the frivolity. Harry had never really been much for parties of any sort before getting close to Team Flash. And normally, he'd been able to weedle his way out of them. Claim he was content on his own, or tired, or busy. None of which anyone really believed, but they also knew how stubborn he was.
The problem there was Cisco Ramon could be just as stubborn at times.
This time, he'd practically shoved an ugly Christmas sweater into Harry's face and demanded that he get off his 'tall-dark-and-brooding ass' and get moving. When Harry barely budged, he then informed him he'd hidden Harry's pulse rifle and was not ever giving it back unless he came.
The result was Harry begrudgingly wearing a very colorful and festive sweater with a depiction of Grumpy Cat in a Santa hat, and following... well, grumpily... along.
He never counted on enjoying these things.
It always surprised him when he did.
Watching Caitlin and Barry sing on the pint-sized karaoke machine, the lady Snow half buzzed off of spiked egg nog, had been a small delight. During dinner, Iris ended up inhaling a bit of too-spicy apple cider and flipped a spoonful of pumpkin pie at Joe's face during her coughing fit, which had Harry chuckling before he could stop himself. And at one point, he even let himself enjoy a badly played game of charades with everyone.
Though the highlight of the entire evening, start to finish, was Ramon.
The man was effortless in his joy and happiness tonight. It oozed off him, sinking into everyone around him. And for some reason, he seemed to be doubling down his efforts on getting it to latch on to Harry. Not that Harry would complain in the least. A slightly clingy, pushy, somewhat buzzed and completely glee-ridden Cisco Ramon was a gift in itself.
The easy bickering between them flourished with each passing hour, till they'd been practically in tune with each other's words in a way that only they ever seemed to accomplish. Cisco spent a great deal of time sitting right next to Harry, lined up side by side like he was trying to steal Harry's warmth. Or maybe his soul. It was hard to tell. And Cisco would touch him a little more than usual.
There had always been this thing between them. Nothing Harry could ever put a name to, nothing he could accurately describe. It hung in the air like a promise... like a piece of mistletoe, just waiting for one of them to make a decision.
And after tonight, it was very clear to Harry now what decision he would make. If he trusted himself enough. Truth was, he'd fallen for Cisco Ramon a long time ago. But he would never allow himself to tell the other man. It wasn't the idea of rejection, or even of losing their friendship. It was the idea that he could ever hurt Cisco. And he knew he could. His temper, his past, his... everything. He wasn't an ideal partner, not for anyone. He was better off alone. And Cisco was better being with literally anyone else. Or so Harry tried to convince himself.
Tonight, it was a little bit harder to feed himself his own lie.
They'd been walking for nearly ten minutes, Harry's hand hooked easily into Cisco's arm to keep him from slipping all over the place. It had snowed that morning. Nothing heavy. But the ground was wet and slushy and Cisco was one or two more drinks away from being drunk. He was also tired, Harry could tell. By the heavy way his eyes blinked, and how he would breathe in deeply every now and then just to let the cold air wake him enough to keep walking.
Cisco could have taken a cab, but had insisted on needing the fresh air. Harry hadn't been about to let him walk alone.
"You're glad you came tonight." Cisco said as they got to a crosswalk, looking up at Harry. Ramon's cheeks were slightly flushed, steam billowing out from between his plush lips into the cold air, his hair somehow still perfectly in place, his scarf haphazardly wrapped around his neck and shoulders. He looked... delightful. He looked like a dream.
He was a dream.
"You're assuming." Harry forced himself to say. Cisco chuckled and began walking again.
"Don't think I didn't see you, Harry. You can't deny how much fun you actually had. I was watching you the whole time." Cisco's comment made Harry raise a brow, slow his steps once they got to the other sidewalk. Cisco paused as well, both men stopping. But Ramon was looking at him with curiosity.
"What were you doing watching me?" He asked pointedly. Ramon's brows slowly went up. And the flush in his cheeks got even redder almost instantly.
"I, well... ya know. You..." He stopped talking, something thoughtful passing over his features. Harry couldn't help but stare right now, at the sparkling in Cisco's beautifully dark eyes, at the way he focused on Harry's own hues. It took Harry's breath away, like it almost always did. And he almost always could hide it. But something passed over Ramon's features, a look, a knowing. "What are we doing?" He suddenly asked. The question made Harry's brows furrow lightly.
"We're talking?" Question for a question.
"No duh, Harry." There was a soft dusting of humor in Cisco's eyes. "I mean... all the time. You and me. We're... close. Not just friend or colleague close. Closer than that. And I feel like we're getting closer every day." He stepped right into Harry, reaching up and tugging Harry's coat lapel a little flatter. "But we're always dancing around each other, ya know?" His words made Harry's heart stutter, flare, and ache all at the same time. But Cisco couldn't be saying what Harry thought he was saying. It just... wasn't possible. Right?
"I don't recall there being any dancing tonight. Unless you count Iris attempting to do the macarena during charades." He smirked a little, the slight curve of his lips catching Cisco's gaze. The shorter man chuckled and shook his head.
"Not what I meant, Harry, and you know it." Ramon sighed a little. "If I'm wrong, and I really don't think I am, then tell me I'm wrong. Right here, right now. And I'll never say another word about it." Cisco demanded, but softly.
Harry could read nearly every emotion Cisco had to offer by now. And what Harry saw on his face, in his eyes, was hope. And fear. Hope that Harry wouldn't reject him. Fear that he might. It made Harry swallow hard, his own anxiety flaring. Because, fuck... he didn't want to reject Cisco. Not Cisco. Never Cisco. But could he live with himself if he went into this knowing that someday he might just hurt him? Could he really so selfishly subject Ramon to his anger and grief and self-loathing ways on such a level? Could he-
Harry froze in place.
He didn't get the chance to finish running through his thoughts and reply to Ramon. Because the shorter man had a much different idea.
The feel of Cisco's cold but softer than soft lips on his own erased every thought, every worry, every possible argument Harry might have had. And before he could think logically about it, he was relaxing. He let himself move against Cisco, their lips slipping together in deliriously wonderful presses. Harry brought his hand up to the back of Cisco's head, fingers curling into his hair, his other sliding around to Ramon's back and holding him firm. Cisco's hands had minds of their own, clinging to Harry in near desperation as they began to deepen that kiss into something far more encompassing.
Cisco tasted like eggnog and warmth and... did joy have a taste? Because he tasted like joy. The way his tongue slid along with Harry's was just like dancing. And Harry couldn't get enough of this, would never get enough of Ramon.
The kiss ended naturally, leaving them both heaving hot breath into the winter air, hands still decidedly stuck to each other, foreheads pressed together as though separating themselves would be a truly horrible idea.
"I knew I wasn't wrong." Cisco whispered, then smiled. Bright, beautiful, joyous.
"Are you sure about this, Ramon?" Harry had to ask, had to know. He lifted his head, studied the slight swollen quality to Ramon's mouth, brought a thumb up and slipped it across Cisco's lower lip. Goddammit, he was delicious. He blinked at the urge to take those lips again, and forced himself to look in Cisco's eyes. Because this was important. Very, very important. "I'm not..." He swallowed, cleared his throat a little, let his hand fall, "I shouldn't be anyone's first choice." Cisco's expression grew stern in a heartbeat.
"You think I don't know what kind of asshole you can be?" He scolded. "Cause I do. And I know you think you don't deserve to be happy, either. Which is total crap." He sighed a little at what had to be a stunned expression on Harry's face. Then he brought his mouth back up, a soothing kiss lingering for a few breaths before he pulled away again. "I also know you're the strongest, bravest, most intelligent, caring, loving man I've ever met. Which means I'm good with all the stuff you think I shouldn't be. Because I can handle all that, as long as it means I get to have the rest."
Harry's smile was slow, but full-blown affectionate in a way he would never be able to disguise.
Kissing Cisco again was all the response he had.
Eventually, they made it the last two blocks to Ramon's apartment building, just to stop on the stone stairs and kiss again. And again. Now that they could, it was like they didn't want to stop.
"You can spend the night, if you want..." Ramon offered, when they'd separated just long enough to get a word in. Harry chuckled, pulling back enough to really examine Cisco's face. "And don't you dare ask me if I'm sure, because I am. I'm very..." Cisco inhaled sharply as he looked Harry over, "Very sure."
Harry couldn't say no to that.
He'd learned he couldn't say no to much of anything when it came to Cisco Ramon. Not that he regretted that in the least.
He did stay the night. In fact, he rarely slept in his own bed again after that.
Life went on exactly as it had before. He and Cisco kept their well-earned rhythm, their dynamic changing only as much as how physical they were with each other and how annoying it was to everyone else.
Cisco never once thought it had been a bad decision. Harry found himself steadily agreeing, a little more every day.
And eventually, he began feeling something he didn't know he could feel... joy.
All thanks to the stubborn love of Cisco Ramon.
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moonstruckbucky · 4 years
The Recruit (7/?)
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Summary: Becoming a SHIELD agent had been your dream and finally, you’ve achieved it. You’re at the top of your class in every field except one—hand to hand combat, and it doesn’t impress Captain Rogers in the slightest. Instead, it seems to convince him you’re useless, setting off a tense relationship between the two of you. In an effort to bridge the gap, Bucky offers to help you train to earn your way back into Steve’s good graces. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x Bucky Barnes (not Stucky)
Warnings for Chapter: Nothin’ but fluff and soft, squishy Bucky. A bit of amgry Steve.
Notes:  So... hi? It’s been a few months since the last update. I needed to step away for a while. Things were getting a little too heated here and it was really affecting how I felt about writing. And I hated that, quite frankly. I hated that I allowed people’s attitudes to get to me so bad it tainted one of the loves in my life. So. To the negative energy around here? Here’s a big middle finger. I’m not done yet. Clean up your act, and remember that all of us providing free content are fucking people. Y’all are getting a new, less bullshit-tolerant version of me. Smarten up. 
Also, enjoy! x
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist
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When the quinjet touches down, you’re swept into the conference room to debrief the mission’s success. Sam, again, lets you take the lead in running down the mission, detailing the information hidden on the flash drive you’d managed to retrieve that contained the names of higher-ups within the organization. A quick cross-reference reveals their pasts associated with HYDRA, and Director Hill congratulates you on a job well done. 
You can’t help but preen, a warmth in your chest that spreads outward. Your fellow agents grin proudly, offer their congratulations yet again, and Sam smirks like the proud mentor he is in the corner of the room, still adorning his wingsuit. Though Hill grants you a small crooked smile, she’s quick to express that your mission report is due by eight the next morning, fully completed and as detailed as possible, before the room is dismissed.
A few of the agents pull you into conversation out in the hall, complimenting you, asking advice. It’s strange - you’re as green, or greener, than some of these other agents, and yet they’re flocking to you. You thank them for their praises but ultimately brush them off - you’re sure any one of them would have been able to perform the job as well as you had.
It takes some effort to get away, your desire to get to Bucky, to see and talk to him, overwhelming you. Despite being in desperate need of a shower, you decide to forego it and head to the elevator. You scrape your nails through your hair, tousle it, and smooth it down, adjust your uniform. There’s a nick in the left sleeve from a wayward knife blade, and your boot is untied. Sweat caked to your hair and exhaustion in your eyes, but you’re determined.
Bucky’s floor is empty, his door closed. Soft music plays from behind the wood, and you rap your knuckles three times. It takes a moment, but the music stops, and you can hear Bucky’s footsteps scuffing across the carpet as he nears the door.
The surprise is clear on his face when he takes you in, and it’s quickly shrouded by worry as those eyes of his, so bright and blue, rake over your form. He tugs you into his room, your feet getting tangled together, and you nearly get acquainted with his floor.
“Bucky!” you squeak, and then his hands are...everywhere. Running over your arms and legs, pressing for bruises or breaks or fractures, and while your face heats up under his scrutiny, you still manage to get a grip on his hands.
He stills, eyebrows still pinched in worry, a doubtful frown creasing his forehead.
“I’m okay,” you tell him softly, offer a smile that helps to drive the point home. “Mission was a success, no injuries, we’re all fine.”
You feel hot under his eyes as he gazes at you, hard and unwavering, until whatever he sees is enough to convince him. He nods sagely and takes a step back, taking his warmth with him. If he notices the slight shudder of your shoulders, he says nothing.
“I, um, I actually wanted to talk to you...about this morning.”
At that, Bucky withdraws a little. Crosses his arms over his broad chest and paints on a steely facade of indifference. It makes your stomach drop, but you plough on.
“I’m sorry I ran.” Even a highly-trained former assassin can’t hide the fact he’s taken aback by your statement, and it gives you the momentum to continue. “I got into my head and I...I panicked. I thought I was taking advantage—” you ignore his snort— “and that it would look like I was trying to...to sleep my way up the ranks. And so I ran. But I had some time to think and I owe you that apology. If I embarrassed you, or humiliated you, or made you think I was rejecting you… I’m sorry.”
As you’d spoken, Bucky had taken some steps forward, a teasing smirk curling his mouth. His chest inches from yours, he leers down at you, and it takes a strong willpower not to lean into him. He lowers his head until his mouth is just centimeters from yours, his warm breath brushing over your cheeks and his eyes keeping yours locked in their trap.
A cornered animal, but running is the last thing you want when he’s looking at you like this.
“You really think you could take advantage of a super-soldier?” comes his lilting, velvet voice. It washes over you like a blanket, raising gooseflesh beneath your uniform and yet hiking the temperature up a thousand degrees. Something low in your belly curls, squeezes, makes your blood race.
You tilt your face, let your lips brush over his as you speak, “I think I can be very persuasive.”
A slight upward curl of his smirk and then he’s kissing you so deeply you have to tilt your head back. Much like in the gym, everything is Bucky. His mouth is soft but unyielding against yours, so fluid it feels like a dance you’ve done a thousand times. Sighing against his mouth, you sink into him, and he hums in reply.
His body is hard and hot where he pulls you in, his flesh hand scorching your skin even through your catsuit. The gunmetal hand cups your jaw, thumb presses into the bone to coax your mouth open. Your knees buckle at the first glide of his tongue against your bottom lip, and you feel the muscles of his forearm flexing to balance.
Your fingers slide into his hair, kept down and smooth like it’s been freshly washed, curl around the strands and tug just enough to make him tremble and groan low in his chest. His teeth are sharp against your lower lip and you hiss, mewl when he soothes the sting.
When he pulls away, an audible noise between your parting mouths, you’re left breathless. A - mostly - innocent kiss that has you gripping his hair tightly just to remain upright. Chest heaving, you watch him, dark eyelashes like feathers over his cheeks, and then those eyes flutter open.
“I suppose that means I’m forgiven?” It’s breathier than you intend, but who could blame you after a kiss like that?
Cheekily, he smirks and shrugs. “Haven’t decided yet.”
A narrowing of your eyes and you tug again on his hair. His eyelids flutter again and that muscle ticks in his jaw as he clenches it.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he warns with a tilt of his head and a look that sets your blood on fire.It’s too warm in here, and your mind has poor timing in remembering you’ve got news for him. So you make the painful move of stepping back and lowering your hands to his chest.
“I spoke with the Captain,” you murmur, glancing away and letting your mind drift to earlier that morning.
Bucky’s eyebrows rise, and he walks backwards with you until the two of you can drop onto the couch. He pulls your legs across his lap, a move that’s so casual yet intimate it takes you a minute to recover.
“What happened?”
“He was waiting outside my room. And he apologized. For how he’s been treating me, that it wasn’t fair and he’d understand if I couldn’t forgive him.”
You groan a little under your breath as Bucky’s hands work over your legs, fingertips digging deep despite the material of the uniform. You catch the look on his face.
“You look surprised.”
“I am,” he admits. And then: “He clammed up pretty fast when I asked him about why he was being such a stubborn prick to you. I’m glad to hear he smartened up.”
“You talked about me?” The thought of the rigid Captain and Bucky discussing you puts a weird feeling in your belly - one you’re not sure is good or bad.
“We did. After he called you out in the gym. We were on a mission together and I tried to get some information out of him, but he wouldn’t say a word except to tell me to shut it. What did you tell him?”
You sigh through your nose, wince when Bucky digs into a tender spot on your calf. It’s almost jarring out at ease you feel with him. “Told him it’d take some time. I’d be civil, but that he shouldn’t count on us being friendly any time soon.”
He snorts. “Bet that sat just peachy with him.”
“He was actually quite accepting of it. I think he knew he didn’t really have any room to argue.”
Bucky hums thoughtfully, and a silence ensues for a little while. He’s stopped his massage of your legs, though he still keeps contact, both palms warm through the tac suit.
In the midst of the silence, a thought occurs to you, and you mumble, “He said I was a good agent. One of the best he’s seen.”
Bucky’s eyebrows rise again - it isn’t often Steve dishes out compliments of that caliber. He watches your expression carefully; sees that you’re zoning out a little bit, mind someplace else, but not too far.
“He’s not wrong,” he adds gently, pulling you back to the present. You turn your eyes to him, slightly awed and speechless. He nods, as if to reaffirm his opinion. “You are a good agent. You’re smart and quick, and you bust your ass here. You’re strong, and you don’t take shit, even from Steve - especially from Steve. You’re gonna go far, I’m sure of it. So I can tell you that that compliment? He means it.”
You purse your lips and sink into the couch, slightly uncomfortable with Bucky’s praise. You appreciate it, you do, but between his sincerity and the attention showered upon you by your fellow agents, it’s a lot to shoulder in just a day. Not to mention the mental whiplash courtesy of the Captain’s supposed heartfelt apology.
Bucky seems to notice the war within you, the shadow that’s suddenly passed over your face. With a gentle smile, he tugs you into his lap and stands, carries you easily to his bedroom. He sets you down on your feet, the carpet plush and soft. He reaches for the zipper of your suit, catching your confused leer.
“Relax,” he huffs, “not doin’ anything but getting you comfortable. I can see how tired you are.”
Shoulders drooping, you let him undress you until you’re down to the tank top and spandex shorts you put on beneath the suit. He steps silently to his dresser, a feat that amazes you given his sheer size, pulls open a couple of drawers. He drops some dark, soft clothing into your arms.
“I’ll let ya get changed.” He leaves his room, closes the door behind him, to give you some privacy. The thought makes your heart stutter.
You’re swimming in his clothes, a pair of heavy sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt that instantly surrounds you in his scent. It’s comforting, and you close your eyes and smile as you bury your nose in the collar. You feel awkward, though, standing in the middle of his bedroom. You glance at the bed - are you allowed there? He didn’t explicitly say no and yet…
Before you can worry too deeply, Bucky comes back with a mug clutched in his vibranium hand. The smell of green tea wafts into your nose as he gets closer, and the ceramic is warm when he hands it to you. You breathe deeply before the first sip, and you get a small hint of sweetness.
“Honey?” you question.
“Learned a thing or two since coming off ice. C’mon.”
He tugs once on the baggy sleeve of your shirt and climbs onto the bed, sitting up against the headboard with those long legs out in front of him. He helps you balance carefully, maneuvers you so that you’re tucked up into his lap, mug clutched tight between your hands.
He radiates heat, and a fog settles over you, a sleepy, honey-slow descent into exhaustion. You get halfway through the tea before you begin to doze; his metal fingers clink against the mug when he gently takes it from you, sets it on the nightstand, and shimmies down the bed while keeping you curled up against him.
It’s hours later when you wake. No light streams through the windows; you’ve slept through the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. The bed beside you is empty but warm from Bucky’s body heat, so he hasn’t been gone long. Still exhausted, you roll over, hug Bucky’s pillow to your face, and drift off again.
In the kitchen, Bucky swirls a glass of bourbon, leans against the counter. A tray with a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches rests on the counter behind him, a quick dinner for the two of you considering everyone else has turned in for the night. Steve sits across from him at the island, needing a break from endless paperwork and mission organization. He’d found Bucky bent over the counter, putting together the sandwiches.
At Steve’s questioning look, he’d said, “Y/N slept through dinner.”
And something sour curdles deep in his belly at the knowledge you’d slept - full context unknown - with Bucky. Found comfort in his best friend despite knowing he has no right. Not after the way he’s treated you.
“She said you apologized.”
Steve glances up at his friend, nods calmly. “Thought it was extremely overdue, and I didn’t really want her to leave because of me. Sam said she did well today, leading the team.”
“Bet that just ruffles your feathers, doesn’t it?”
Steve’s ready to retort, irritated, until he sees the gleam in Bucky’s eye, the smirk fighting to break through. He quickly deflates with a twitch of a smile.
“No, I’m...I’m happy to hear she’s not letting what I said get to her. I’m happy to hear she’s doing well.” It’s not a lie, but it’s said with a kind of hopeless tone that has Bucky tilting his head.
“When are you gonna tell me what all that was really about?” Bucky questions carefully. Sighing, Steve digs his thumbs into his eyes and shrugs. “Because even I gotta admit that isn’t like you at all. You always give people a chance before you have a bad opinion of them.”
“I don’t have a bad opinion of her…”
Bucky clenches his jaw, squeezes the glass in his hand. “You were on her ass from day one, pushing her and humiliating her when she didn’t meet whatever imaginary standard you’d set for her. She’s a rookie, Steve, she’s learning, and she’s learning fast if you ask me.”
He knows Bucky is right, yet his words paired with that acrid feeling in his stomach makes him scoot back from the island and turn to leave the room. Bucky calls his name, frustration and almost disbelief evident in his tone, but he ignores it.
He knows he’s being petty and stubborn and unreasonable, but he can’t help it. He’s normally not the type to run away from a fight, but how could he tell Bucky his true reason for his behavior? How could he tell his best friend that the girl he’s into reminds him of the very one she replaced? That her determination and confidence sent his heart hammering in his chest the very first day he met her?
….That he’s into the very same woman Bucky is?
Steve scrubs a hand over his face with a grunt as he stomps back to his room. That nauseous feeling still bubbling in his belly, he paces. He needs something to do, something that doesn’t require him to think, where he can shut his brain off. An idea crops up, one he knows is bad, but he can’t seem to stop himself from grabbing a jacket and exiting his room again.
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inkedtae · 4 years
quiet rides ⇾ jjk. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ boyfriend!jungkook x reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 ⇾ established relationship, smut, fluff
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ bored out of their minds on a seven hour road trip with their friends, Jungkook and his girlfriend decided to go on a ride themselves.
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 3.3k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ trying to stay quiet sex, car sex, dom!jungkook, daddy kink, praise kink, slight degradation kink, slight fingering, choking, hair pulling, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex (wrap them up folks), cockwarming, edging, cum eating, creampie, slight overstimulation, exhibition kink, lowkey filth
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ gotta love some daddy!boyfriend jungkook. extremely unedited. if you have any requests, please send them my way. enjoy!
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The humming engine and ripples of the wind faintly filled the silence within the SUV. You were bored out of your mind, looking between all your friends and wondering how the hell they were doing just fine for the past four hours. Namjoon was sitting just behind the driver’s seat where Jin was, enthralled with his writing as he scowled at his notebook and shifted in his seat way too much for your liking. Yoongi sat beside him with his earbuds in and music blasting so loud, you could hear it all the way in the back from your seat. Taehyung sat between them, editing photos on his phone while he too bopped his head along to the music in his earbuds. Jimin took the second row all to himself. He was previously sitting beside Taehyung, but had convinced him during your last reset spot to sit by Namjoon and Yoongi so that he could lay down. He always got a back case of car sickness on long trips like these. And Hoseok sat in the passenger’s seat, muttering directions to Jin and occasionally making cute sound effects. 
Everyone managed to keep themselves busy but you. Even your boyfriend of one year, who sat beside you in the last row of seats, was playing some stupid game on his phone, muttering curses under his breath every so often. You had tried to entertain yourself, gazing out the window to daydream, listening to some music, reading a book, but everything just seemed to lose it’s appeal all too quickly.
You sighed, leaning your head back against the car seat with a pout. Jungkook pretended he didn’t notice just to get under your skin.  He knew you adored his attention and would sometimes purposely deny you it just because he simply could. You huffed again, louder this time, and tried to catch his gaze in the corner of your eye. 
Jungkook exited his game and locked his phone before looking at you. He mimicked your pout and annoyed eyes, silently giggling to himself. You bit your lip to keep from laughing, wanting him to know you were seriously bored and done with the stupid car ride. 
“Just three more hours,” he reassured. He knew you were getting restless, wanting to just be there already and lounging on the beach with him by your side. “Try to relax, hun,” he offered a gentle smile, curling a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
You exhaled deeply and nodded. You weren’t sure how you’d be able to relax with the awkward blend of Taehyung and Yoongi’s faint music, Namjoon’s constant shifts and Hoseok’s sound effects. You were going to ask him what he would suggest you do, however you somehow got lost in his soft gaze. It wasn’t the first time this happened, but you still weren’t used to the feeling. An idea trickling into your mind, making you blush under his gaze. 
He furrowed his brows at you, wondering why you were going red all of a sudden. Before he could ask, you relocated your hand from your lap to his crotch, cupping his soft cock as it began to get hard under your touch.
A gasp got caught in his throat from the sudden action. He looked down at it confused, but didn’t make an effort to remove your hand or tell you to stop. “Was this morning not enough?” He whispered, looking back up at you. 
You smiled sweetly, then licked your lips before replying, “Kookie, don’t you know by now?  I can never get enough of you.” Your voice was dripping with sugar. The sweet innocence you radiated made him bite his lip as he swallowed hard, bobbing his adam’s apple. You began to palm him through his jeans, only just making him shiver against your touch.
“Think you’re being cute?” 
“I know I am.”
Wrong answer. His hand shot up to wrap tightly around your throat. Your eyes widened, darting around the car to see if anyone had noticed. They were too consumed with whatever the hell they were doing to care about you two back there. 
“Wanna try that again, babe,” he hissed, somehow still sounding kind through his rough tone. 
You remained silent, knowing better than to talk back to him right now. Your hand on his crotch ceased all movements, simply resting there and feeling him grow harder in your palm. He seemed satisfied with your silence, loosening his grip on your throat and pulling you in for a gentle peck upon your lips. 
He completely let go of your throat as he sat back in his seat. “Good girl,” he hummed. His hands then moved to unbuckle his belt. “If you’re so desperate for something to do,” he started, shifting his pants low enough to pull out his cock. “I can always provide you with suggestions.”
Your mouth watered at the sight of his big cock. Hard and slightly curved, it stood tall. You glanced around again, making sure no one caught you leaning down to take that cock deep in your mouth. Usually, you wouldn’t be so bold. You lick up and down his girthy shaft first, swirl your tongue around his tip, suck up all the precum he would provide, then begin to take him inch by throbbing inch. But, with how you pissed him off earlier, you wanted to show him how much you regret your actions. 
You coated half his cock instantly with your saliva. He inhaled sharply, enjoying the quiet, wet noises of your slobbers and slurps. His hands pulled your hair back into a makeshift ponytail and he used that grip to guide your head up and down his cock. He smirked at the sight of you so willingly going down on him while all his friends were around. He admired your efforts, gazing at your eager eyes as you enjoyed yourself. 
You pulled up suddenly, confusing him. You didn’t really register that he was about to tell you off for it, eyes trained on that wet cock as you repositioned yourself to be sitting on your knees atop the cushioned seats of the car. Once you were comfortable, you returned your mouth around his cock, moaning at the salty taste of his precum. 
Jungkook rested his head back against the headrest at the returned contact, eyes fluttering closed in a state of pleasure. Though he was loving the feeling of your mouth and wanted desperately to get lost in it, he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes for too long. He looked back down at you a second later, knowing it would’ve been a shame to miss seeing his babygirl at work. 
You pulled back from your head bobs until your lips were pressed against his tip. You continued to pump his cock with both your small hands. His cock still hadn’t been fully taken inside your mouth yet. You were working your way to it. For now, however, you felt like he needed to be a bit wetter. You collected the precum you had in your mouth with some saliva and spat it over his cock. 
He let out a shaky sigh at the sight. One of his hands remained on your head, holding your hair while you went back to your previous rhythm of sucks and swirls of your tongue, while his other hand slid down your back and to your ass, rubbing your just barely covered asscheeks. Since being in your new position, you flowy skirt had crept up to your hips, revealing a bit of your bare ass. You had been wearing panties this morning, but Jungkook took them after fucking you against his luggage for talking back. They now sat in one of his pockets, staining his jeans with the scent of you.
You felt yourself getting wet at the memory, pressing your thighs together as you took him a bit deeper. You were about to moan when Jungkook suddenly pushed your head all the way down his cock, bottoming out in your throat and making you gagging uncontrollably. His hand fixed your skirt, covering your ass once more and he coughed to cover up your lewd sounds. 
“You okay?” Jin asked, glancing at Jungkook from the rearview mirror.  
Your eyes watered as you held your breath to subside all your gags. Jungkook ceased his fake coughs and nodded, “just fine. 
Hoseok turned back to check on him, causing Taehyung to do the same. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
“Sleeping,” Jungkook immediately answered. His hips involuntarily buckled into your mouth and you gripped onto the hem of his shirt to remain steady and still. 
Hoseok nodded and turned around. Taehyung glanced at Jimin’s sleeping figure, making sure he was okay too before turning back around as well. 
Jungkook released his grip on you, and you rose up enough to look up at him but not enough for them to see you in the mirror should they glance back. Tears were streaming down your face and your mouth was glistening with your saliva and remnants of his precum. 
He offered you a sheepish smile, soothing your ruined hair down. “I’m sorry, babygirl,” he mumbled. “I didn’t realize he was staring at me until I glanced at the mirror.”
You licked your lips, in an attempt to clean the mess around them, and nodded. You couldn’t really blame him. Besides, you were panting all too much to reply to him anyways. He nudged on your shoulder to signal you to sit up and wiped whatever drool was left on your face with the back of his hand. “Come sit on daddy’s cock, princess,” he cooed. 
You nervously looked back to the front of the car. “I thought you told them I was sleeping,” you replied. It’s not that you didn’t want to sit on his cock; that was all you wanted. But the last thing you needed was any of the guys getting a good view of your fucked out face and features. That right was only reserved for Jungkook as his beautiful sex faces belong to you as well. 
Jungkook was already helping you climb over his lap as he reassured, “just lean back and shut your eyes, baby. They won’t know the difference.”
He lifted your skirt enough for you to spread your legs a bit and sink down on his cock. You hurried the action, biting down on your lip to keep from screaming at the amazing burn of the stretch. Your ass finally met his hips and you did as he told you, leaning your back against him and fluttering your eyes closed. 
“Try not to look like you have a cock in you, babygirl,” he chuckled against your jawline, admiring your parted lips and knitted brows. 
You wanted to follow orders but his cock just felt so fucking good, throbbing against your cunt walls. You rolled your hips a bit, gasping at the subtle friction, but Jungkook was quick to end it all, holding your hips still with an unforgiving grip. You were sure you’d see bruises surface in their wake later. 
Jungkook tsked against your skin, “what did we say about behaving, hunny?” 
You shuddered against him. Your eyes slowly opened and you turned to look down at him with a pouty. “Sorry,” you whispered. 
He breathed a chuckle, waving your misbehaviour away just from the mere sight of you looking so helplessly cute. “Just stay still.”
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“We’ll be there in about an hour,” Hoseok announced in reply to Jimin’s question. 
All the guys were engaging in lively conversations, abandoning their previous tasks and singing along to their upbeat playlist. Only you and Jungkook remained silent, his arms wrapped around your waist. He was forced to do this as you kept shifting about. With his strong hands holding you down, it was impossible for you to move. His occasionally twitching cock was the only friction you were allotted.
You rested your head against the headrest in front of you and cried desperate tears of frustration. You were ready to scream “fuck it,” and start bouncing on his cock, simply wanting to feel something. Jungkook kissed your back, muttering words of encouragement in hopes to calm you down. You knew he was ready to throw all caution out the car window too and ram his hips up into you, that this edging wasn’t one sided. But, you still couldn’t stop your silent tears.
“You’re doing so well, babygirl.” Jungkook whispered, leaning over you to have his lips meet your ear. His cock reached deep inside you, forcing a sob out as they guys belted the chorus of the song. Their voices masked your slip up.  
He kissed your cheek, tasting your tears no doubt. “Look, at you taking daddy’s cock like the good girl you are, huh? You’ve been behaving so well. Such a good little girl. I’m going to reward you later for that baby.”
You raveled in his praises, whimpering meekly as you tried to calm yourself down. You knew it was a useless task, his cock always and forever being your weakness, but if you didn’t at least try you were going to scream. 
“Can you take the next exit?” Yoongi asked, as the song ended. 
Jin sighed, quirking his head to the left a bit. “Can’t you hold it? We’re almost there,” he replied, readjusting his grip on the steering wheel.
“I can’t and won’t,” he stubbornly answered over the next tune that played. 
Jin compiled without another word, signalling to move into the next lane towards the exit. He must’ve known he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he didn’t. 
You couldn’t believe it. This stop was going to tack on an extra twenty minutes to the trip. That was twenty more minutes you'll remain on his cock, twenty more mintues of blissful torture. A loud whine you couldn’t at all help escaped you. 
The guys turned to look back at you with concern washing over them. Hoseok turned down the volume as they all asked a series of “you alright?”
You nodded, unable to answer conhertantly. Namjoon was the first of them to notice your tears. “Are you hurt?” he asked, looking between you and Jungkook.
Jimin, being the closest to you, began to rub your head out of concern. Jungkook huffed a quiet growl in your ear, causing shivers to run up and down your spine, and caught Jimin’s wrist. The harsh action shocked everyone in the car into confused silence. Jimin stared at Jungkook, expectedly waiting for an explanation. 
“She has a headache,” he muttered. “It’s best not to touch there. It’ll only make it worse.” His voice sounded surprisingly steady and believable. He then released Jimin’s hand and returned his arm back to his hold around your waist.
They all nodded, and promised to keep it down. You stayed settled on Jungkook’s cock, quietly whining and crying into the headrest in front of you. 
The car pulled into the parking lot. Jin and Hoseok jumped out to get some food, while Yoongi and Jimin left to use the washroom. Namjoon stayed behind with Taehyung, discussing the things they wanted to do once they got there. 
“Hyung, do you mind going to grab us some water?” Jungkook asked. 
Namjoon and Taehyung looked at each other, trying to figure out which one of them Jungkook was referring to. Namjoon was the closest to the door so he nodded and said he’d be right back. After a minute or two, Jungkook conveniently sighed out in feigned annoyance. 
Taehyung turned back, raising a brow as a means of asking what was wrong.
“I forgot to tell him to grab (Y/N) some aspirin for her headache,” he smoothly lied, breath suddenly catching in his throat. He cleared it and asked, “do you mind going to get it?”
Taehyung spared you one last pitiful glance and nodded. “Do you guys want anything to eat too?” 
You shook your head quickly, finally catching onto Jungkook’s drift and just wanting Taehyung to leave already. 
“Just grab us whatever Jin gets for himself,” he replied. 
Taehyung nodded and jumped out of the car. Jungkook waited for him to be far enough before removing his arm from your waist and replacing them with his rough fingers. “Jump,” he growled. 
You didn’t need to be told twice, immediately bouncing up and down rapidly on his cock. You were thankful you had his hands guiding you up and down his shaft because you were growing weaker with every thrust. Tears continued to fall freely down your face at finally being able to ravel at the feeling of his cock rubbing against your tight walls and slamming against the one right spot. Your orgasm was already on the edge those last few thrusts triggering it in full effect.
“D-daddy, I’m gon-” you started screaming your warning but he cut you off. 
“Just fucking do it!” he groaned, clenching his jaw. 
You came all over him, quivering, crying, screaming his name as the car shook from your desperate movements to ride out your high. Jungkook’s orgasm was right behind yours, strong body stiffening while unleashing his full load deep in you as you continued to bounce on him. 
When you couldn’t take anymore, you fell back limp on his chest. He jerked his hips up into you a couple of more times, swirling his cum with yours before resting back too. His lips showered your neck with kisses. “I’m so proud of you, babygirl,” he chuckled. “You really took daddy’s cock for a ride.”
You blushed, breathy giggles escaping you as you tried to catch your breath. “I can’t help it,” you replied in a whine. 
He laughed and kissed your cheek. As he wiped your tears away, his cock began to soften inside you. You shifted uncomfortable, suddenly starting to feel overstimulated. Jungkook couldn’t put you through anymore teasing after that two hour long edge you were both battling against. He helped you up and off his cock, cupping your pussy from leaking all over the rental. 
“Shit, we didn’t think this through,” Jungkook chuckled, catching gallops of your mixed cum in his hand. 
You sighed, wondering what the fuck to do now. It was only a matter of time before they returned. You did the only thing you could think of, hovering your hand under his. “Eat up, daddy,” you blushed. 
His cheeks tinted a light pink too. He brought his cum coated fingers to his mouth, groaning. You caught some cum as well, mimicking his actions. You held his gaze all throughout your filthy meal together. Jungkook pushed his fingers in you, collecting more cum to eat. You hissed at the contact, not yet recovered from his last encounter down there. He ate what was left of your cum off his hands as you fixed your skirt. 
“The moment we get to the beach, I’m gonna clean you up properly,” he promised, sucking his fingers clean. 
You nodded and with a little shrug replied, “I think I’ll be ready for another ride by then.”
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission. 
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trashmenofmarvel · 4 years
Branded - Chapter 50
Pairing: Demon!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: A different sort of bond is renewed, and wounds begin to heal.
(This is a fan AU of Falling’s Just Another Way to Fly by araniaart​ . Please check out this incredible series for all of your demon Bucky needs.)
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You told Strange your idea for the experimental bonding ritual. As stubborn as you were, you weren’t going to hide things from the sorcerer again. You’d learned your lesson.
Strange, of course, shot it down. As did Wong. You already had Bucky’s answer on where he stood. The only person who supported you was a powerful, but still very dead, wizard.
Well… perhaps there were two beings on your side.
As you laid on your bed at the Sanctum, surrounded by open books and tomes while taking a break from studying to stare bleakly at the ceiling, something hopped onto the covers and gave the most obnoxious meow you’d ever heard.
You grabbed Monster and buried your face in his fur immediately, and when you asked, “You trust me with this whole binding magic, right?” he purred as loud as he could. That, if anything, convinced you that you were on the right track. How could you be wrong with a hobgoblin and a master sorcerer on your side?
Just as quickly, your newfound confidence fled and self-doubt crept in. You didn’t think you were wrong, but you did question your own ability to pull off such a complicated spell. You’d been allowed to read the red book, the one that had been used to bind Bucky to his HYDRA masters and then to Zemo, and thanks to your downloaded knowledge of Latin straight from Bucky’s brain into yours during your time in his head, you understood most of what was written.
Unfortunately, the people who had written it were not sorcerers, and power-hungry occultists trying to summon demons for personal gain weren’t exactly good instructors.
Wong’s knowledge of human slaves and demon masters was much more helpful. Between the two different types of rituals, the demon pact and the slave bond, you had a good idea of what was required. The human bond required an intent and willingness to be linked. The demon bond required the obsidian ritual knife and some strategic cutting.
For all these reasons and more, you wouldn’t even think about attempting it until you had Bucky’s full consent. It wouldn’t work without it anyway, and even if it did, you would never do that to him.
So that left you waiting for Bucky to say “yes” to something he would never agree to. At least it gave you plenty of time to research and train. There was no rush aside from the fact that Bucky would be in danger if anyone knew of his existence. Aside from those at the Sanctum and the Avengers (Steve Rogers had filled them in), there was no one else who knew.
No one else… but Zemo.
You’d gotten the impression that aside from the Alp, who had ended up being your ally after all, Zemo worked alone. And currently, he was being kept locked up somewhere under the wizards’ watchful eye.
It was a cold comfort, and if your luck held, it was only a matter of time before someone came after Bucky again. The target on your own back wasn’t entirely gone, either. You were no longer bonded to Bucky, but you were still the closest person to him, even if he was avoiding you still.
At least this time around if someone tried to kidnap you, you’d be more than prepared to deal with them. What were other people compared to a planet full of demons?
Despite the distraction and exhaustion of training, you still had the ability to linger on the pain of Bucky’s absence. It showed in your flagging energy and attention, and Wong must have taken pity on you, because they next thing you knew he was half-shoving a cloth bag into your hands.
“Barnes has not picked up his next dose of potion. You will deliver it to him.”
“Oh. ‘Kay.” You blinked and gave Wong a funny look, not really understanding what he was thinking, but then he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“But only if you can travel there by portal.”
Ah. There was the catch. Out of all the magic you’d been able to grasp, from fiery ropes to conjuring weapons out of thin air, you had yet to summon another portal. Strange called it a block. You called it home-grown PTSD from a dismembered demon corpse falling on top of you.
You sighed and pulled the sling ring out of your pocket, slipped it on, and tucked the cloth bag under one arm. You focused your mind, made all the correct hand movements, and big surprise, the training room you were standing in remained unchanged.
“Guess I’ll take a taxi,” you said with a small smile and a shrug.
Wong merely shook his head, gave you the I’m disappointed in you look, before pulling out his own ring, made a circular motion with both arms, and opened an orange portal as if it was as easy as breathing.
You almost rolled your eyes and made a smartass comment, but the image in the portal snapped your mouth shut. Even though it was around noon, Bucky’s loft was dark. The shades must have been drawn, and even when you narrowed your eyes you couldn’t see past the dim outline of the couch.
You remembered to give a mumbled “thanks” to your mentor before stepping through the ring. The familiar heat ruffled your hair and you took a sharp breath as your stomach rolled at the sudden change in physical space.
The portal fizzled out behind you, leaving you alone in the darkness. Or… not entirely. There was a dark outline sitting on the edge of the bed, and you threw out a quick spell to ascertain all the energies of the room.
Bucky’s energy felt a lot like the way he smelled. Warm, solid, and earthy. The demonic energy was there as well, but it wasn’t like any other demon you’d come across. There was nothing in his signature that felt dangerous or insidious. He was just Bucky. Your Bucky.
And he was hurting.
You moved closer, making sure to cause plenty of noise so you wouldn’t startle him.
“I brought the potion,” you announced, probably unnecessarily. You remembered how potent the stuff smelled with your demon senses. “Wong said you were late.”
Bucky said nothing nor did he move from the bed. Your eyes were slowly adjusting to the dim light, and you walked closer, unsure how to proceed. Your last conversation had ended poorly, and you had no idea how to bridge the gap between you.
But even when words failed the both of you, there was always one thing that would work.
Crawling onto the bed, you drew up behind Bucky, eyeing his wings. They were half-open and drooping on the covers, lifeless in a way that arrested your heart. You reached out and hesitated.
You can always touch me.
Did that still apply now? You didn’t know, but you trusted Bucky’s past words over your own self-doubt.
Slow enough that he could stop you if he wanted, you knelt behind him and leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you carefully drooped over his back between his wings.
A shiver ran through him at the same moment his tail wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. It was all the encouragement you needed, and you nudged your cheek against Bucky’s hair, having to duck under his pointy horns so they wouldn’t jab you.
“You don’t have to talk,” you said, surprising yourself by speaking first. “But I wanted to tell you a couple of things. Things I should have said before.”
Just like that, the tension was back in his muscles. You wanted to loosen them, to soothe him and make him feel safe the way he did for you. And that’s why you had to come clean with the whole truth.
“First, I’m sorry for our last conversation. I know with your history, the idea of me being involved with demonic magic is… well. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, to be honest. But I can promise you I won’t bring up the binding ritual again, if that’s what you want.”
Bucky didn’t say anything, but his tail squeezed you even tighter. All in all, a good sign.
“And… the other thing…”
You heart raced too fast, and there was no doubt he could feel it against his back. You were nauseous from the strength of your nerves, but you forced out the words, even if they were the most difficult you’d ever said.
“I love you.”
If you thought Bucky had been tense before, it was nothing compared to the stone solid way he froze now. But the words were too late to take back, and once they were said, things would be forever changed.
You were counting on it.
“I think I’ve loved you for a while now.” Your voice was quiet, words measured and weighed with importance. “I’m not sure when it happened, but I know I became aware of it after you saved me from the heigore. It wasn’t even because of that. It was what came after. When I woke up and you were there. You’d fallen asleep, waiting for me. Not leaving my side. And seeing you like that, letting yourself be vulnerable with me…”
You half-buried your face in his hair, surrounding yourself in his scent. It might be the last time you could.
“Whether or not there’s ever another magical bond, I’m bound to you regardless. Spells and rituals won’t change that. But I know that… that my introduction to this world was a lot different than yours. And if being around me, if being with me is going to… going to hurt you, then I… I’m willing to say goodbye, right now, if that’s what we decide.”
By the end, your voice was flat and monotone, almost lifeless with how much it pained you to say the words. It hurt so much more than you thought, as if your heart was being squeezed and twisted right out of your chest.
You didn’t even have a chance to ask him if that’s what he wanted; you were pulled into his lap, Bucky’s nose buried in your neck as his arms gripped you tightly, possessively. Even his wings had fully unfurled, and he wrapped them very tightly around you.
And his tail, pulled from your waist, wrapped around your own tail until they were completely entwined.
You couldn’t move or even breathe as Bucky inhaled you deeply, still nudging the side of his face into your neck. A snippet from a book on demonic behavior sprang to mind, that he was scenting you, making sure you smelled like him and warding off other demons from what belonged to him.
That’s what the intellectual side thought. The primal side, both mammalian and the small part that was demonic, made you tilt your head to the side to give him further access. Bucky had rarely let this side of him come out before, and it surprised you how easy and natural it was. It felt right.
Either way, you had your answer. At the thought of staying, of truly staying and being with Bucky in all the ways you could offer him, something clicked into place. A piece of yourself that had been missing for most of your life.
“I love you, too.” His words were heavy, raspier than usual. “So much that it scares me.”
“I know,” you said softly. “It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
“Think that describes our lives in a nutshell, sweetheart.”
You leaned in closer, rubbing your own cheek against his neck. You didn’t know if you could scent him the same way he could scent you, but the effect was still worth it. Bucky shuddered and held you tighter.
“But I would do it all over again,” you murmured. “For the first time, I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. And I’m excited about the future. Do you know how big that is for me?”
Bucky rubbed his hands up and down your back.
“About actually looking forward to tomorrow instead of just going through the motions?” He pulled you back far enough to cup your face in his hands, meeting your eye with a soft smile. “Yeah. Think I can relate.”
You almost pushed away his hands so you could kiss him like you’d wanted to do for weeks, but he beat you to it. Soft, warm lips pressed to yours, sweet and chaste at first, before you deepened the kiss with a raw, hungry moan. And then you were reminded which one of you was actually hungry as Bucky grabbed you by the hips and slotted you firmly in his lap.
Before you could get his jacket halfway unzipped down his chest, Bucky broke the kiss with a heavy sigh.
You chased his mouth, frustrated, but he only chuckled and held you back by the shoulders.
“As much as I would love to keep going,” he said, toothy smile peeking out from between his lips, “I also don’t want to feed on you to the point of passing out, which is most likely what would happen.”
“And? You say that like it’s a problem.”
He looked at you so fondly you struggled not to look away.
“If you’re passed out ‘til the morning, I won’t be able to hear about this master plan of yours.”
You gaped like a fish, and then the silent gaping turned into a startled squeak when he gripped you by the thighs and lifted you up, standing before you in one motion.
“I’ve got enough potion to get me through the week.” He took you by the hand and led you into the kitchen, grabbing the bag you’d brought along the way, and you went with him, too stunned to resist. “So while I prepare it, I want you to tell me what you have so far. I might even have something helpful to add from what I can remember from the rituals.”
When he released your hand, you remained where you were, frozen next to the kitchen counter.
Bucky didn’t seem to notice at first, too busy with pulling out the mortar and pestle and dumping the contents of the pouch into the bowl. The silence continued to stretch and he looked up, his tail slightly swaying behind him like a curious cat.
Your own tail was frozen behind you, pulled up and stiff.
“What’s wrong?”
“You…” You took a hard swallow. “…Want me to tell you… about my plan?”
He exhaled through his nose, put down his utensils, and came over to you to cup his hands very carefully around either side of your jaw.
“Yes.” He met your eye, without reluctance or hesitation. “I want to hear everything. If I’m going to trust you, I need to trust you completely, and stop letting my self-doubts get in the way.”
You didn’t move or speak, simply stared up at him in awe, transfixed as his gaze roamed over your face.
“Everything bad that happens to us, happens when we’re apart. Maybe it’s a goddamn sign we shouldn’t be apart,” he said, drawing you closer. “Maybe the Ancient One knew what she was doing when she told you what she did. Maybe I should stop running away each time I’m scared. And maybe, I should trust the person who pulled me out of Hell, saving not just my life… but my soul, too.”
He pulled you close so that your horns were gently touching.
“How does that sound, sweetheart?”
“I think,” you said, breathless but somehow finding your voice. “That’s a great idea.”
You swallowed, every fiber of your being tingled as Bucky’s mouth was just out of reach.
“I also think that if you don’t go make that potion right now, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you much longer.”
You felt more than saw his grin as he captured your lips, hard and demanding and pulling away too soon, drawing out a frustrated growl from you. The shit-eating grin was still there as he pulled away and returned to his potion, but you got your revenge when you hugged him from behind and grasped his squirming tail in one hand. His full-body shudder and muttered curse under his breath was payback enough.
But once Bucky drank his potion, a concoction that still made a part of you balk at the foul smell, you told him everything. All the research you’d done, your ideas on how the ritual could work, and what you hoped the result would be.
Bucky listened, adding his own thoughts and ideas, and when the sun finally peeked over the snowy skyline you were back in his bed, falling asleep in his arms.
The place you knew in your heart you were meant to be.
Next Chapter
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groovybaybee · 4 years
Empty Beach (4.5k)
Three hours. It only took three hours for the tan line on my ring finger to be brought up. Three measly hours I had spent in the country, travelling to the house and unpacking, before his name was mentioned. Despite choosing a later flight in a desperate attempt to spend as little time with my distant relatives as possible, the question was inevitable.
 “No Ethan this year?” my sweet but intrusive grandmother had asked the second grace had been uttered.
 It took less than two seconds for the question to be answered by my mother.
 “They split up, ma,” she said with a passive aggressive smile as she passed me some vegetables.
 “That’s a pity… such a nice young man,” my grandmother pressed, leaning forward in her seat.
 “Very nice,” I muttered under my breath, knowing fully well that my side of the story would never be accepted.
“Anyone else on the scene?” asked my uncle as he bounced a fussy toddler on his knee. “Want to get yourself settled soon, pop out a couple of these sweet things.” He added when I shook my head.
 I watched as the child grabbed wildly at anything in his reach, knocking a bread roll on to the floor. My eyes followed my uncle as he reached down to scoop up the discarded food, quickly blowing at it before settling it back on his plate.
 “Mhm,” I hummed before dropping my gaze to my plate, pushing the food around miserably.
 The rest of the meal followed a similar pattern. Questions were asked. Digs unsubtly disguised as jokes were made at my expense. I offered half-hearted noises of agreement when reminded that my biological clock is ticking, and no man wants an old spinster for a wife.
 Family has a way of making you feel terrible about yourself. They can highlight all your perceived failures and mock them to your face, delighting in their ‘progress’ comparative to yours.
 Ethan used to make these visits more bearable. Having someone accompany me to these yearly holidays helped to calm the fire in my stomach, the urge to argue with my family’s traditional ideals. For a while, I convinced myself Ethan’s presence soothed my wild nature outside these trips as well, encouraging me to be practical and always plan ahead.
 He was sensible and I was sensible when I was around him. So, when he asked me to marry him at this exact villa one year ago, I did the sensible thing and accepted.
 My family were ecstatic, finally marrying me off and watching me become the person they expected me to become. First would be the wedding, then children, then grandchildren. I would be a wife, most likely staying home to raise our children and resenting every moment of allowing myself to be stifled like that.
 Ethan and I made sense in almost every way. We just lacked that… something. Some people describe it as a spark, others a fire. Whatever it is, it never existed between us. We both knew that, so it did not shock me to see the relief in his eyes when I returned his ring.
 No one could understand how we ended a four-year relationship over seemingly nothing, especially not my family members.
 “Have you been trying to work things out with Ethan? I’m sure if you just talked you could resolve whatever you’re going through.” My mother urged as we cleared the table.
 The scoff that left my lips was unintentional but impossible to retain.
 “I’m trying to help fix your mistakes.” She snapped, clattering plates as she piled them forcefully.
 “Not everything I do is a mistake.” I countered softly, exhausted from my flight and from the years of having this conversation.
 “Of course not, but don’t your father and I deserve grandchildren? Have we not earned that after—”
 I refused to let her finish her sentence, quickly announcing that I was going for a walk.
 Blood boiled in my veins as I trudged through cobbled streets. The stomp of my sandals against the ground sounded ridiculous and only infuriated me further as I stormed aimlessly through familiar backstreets until the sound of softly crashing waves called me closer.
 It was after sunset, most of the beach empty save for a few teenagers gathered around a small fire. The anger in me had subsided by the time I reached the sand, gently toeing off my shoes and carrying them with me as I walked the width of the beach.
 Waves brushed my toes as I inhaled and exhaled deeply, grateful for the gentle evening breeze that seemed to soothe the burn inside my throat. I spent a few moments, still, allowing the water to cleanse my soul and pull away the negativity of the night with each receding wave.
 Planting myself in the sand, I stretched out my legs to their full extent, flexing and relaxing my bare feet until the tiny grains felt coarse on my skin.
 I sat for a long while, reminding myself that only I knew what was best for me. Not my family, who I purposely only interacted with a couple of times per year. They barely knew me; they most definitely did not know what I needed.
 The urge to settle down at a young age and start a family as quickly as possible in order to continue the cycle had never appealed to me. Even as a child I craved excitement and adventure; something no amount of familial intervention could knock out of me.
 A late-night trip to the beach like this one would be considered reckless. I could only imagine the passive-aggressive nightmare I would return to. Silent gawks and glares would surround me until I felt claustrophobic.
 My desire for freedom and spontaneity most certainly was the product of a recessive gene, one only shared by my great aunt, Delilah. She stopped attending all family get-togethers when I was still a child. The memory of her pulling me back during a family walk to skip stones with her would stay with me forever.
 “They won’t be around you forever,” she had told me as she bounced a rock four times across the placid lake. “One day you’ll have your own life. You’ll make your own choices and you’ll make them for yourself, won’t you honey?”
 I hadn’t really understood what she meant but I nodded anyway. I idolised her. The fire I recognised in myself, I saw in her. She was the only one who understood me, which is why it hurt all the more when I had to face family gatherings alone.
 It was only when I was an adult that her leaving made sense. Delilah was in her late sixties when she finally came out to her family. That evening, after we returned from the lake, I was sent to bed while my family had a ‘grown-up’ discussion. The next morning, she was gone, and no one would tell me why.
 She sent presents on birthdays and Christmas, postcards from each new place she visited, always reminding me to be true to myself and do what I wanted. Now she was free, she felt alive.
 I drew her name in the damp sand with my index finger, mine beneath it, and made a silent promise to keep the fire alive for the both of us.
 What would DeeDee do right now? I had wondered.
 An immediate grin had spread across my face when I heard her voice in my head, telling me: “I don’t know, something stupid like skinny-dipping.”
 I knew that if she were around, she would tell the story of how she skinny-dipped at boarding school with the headmistress’ daughter. I could almost feel the warmth of her laughter as I sat on the sand.
 Envying her liberation, I glanced around the beach to gage the possibility of being nude without being arrested for public indecency.
 The teenagers had left while I was reminiscing, their fire extinguished. The beach appeared empty. No one would see. Even if it was just for a moment, it felt something that I needed to experience.
 Head and heart fixed on the idea, I quickly stripped my body of the pale blue sundress. Taking a swift but deep breath, I pulled down my underwear and tossed them into the pile. A small giggle fell from my lips as my body adjusted to the new temperature. A warm gust of wind blew past me, almost as if encouragingly pushing me towards the water.
 I ran without looking back until my knees splashed water around my body and the ocean became too deep and slowed me down. I stood, waist deep, under the sky. It was a clear night, save for a few light clouds which glided past in the breeze.
 My eyes fell closed as I breathed in the moment, desperate to savour each salty kiss and gentle caress of the water. Everyone had disappeared. Each nag and dig had vanished from memory. This was peace.
 It was peace, until the gentle crashing of waves was interrupted by a sigh.
 Instantly, I crouched in the water, eager for ever the slightest touch of modesty as I turned to locate the source of the sound.
 About ten metres away, waves lapping around his ribs, stood a man with his eyes closed and head thrown back as if bathing in the moonlight.
 In a desperate attempt to go unseen, I squatted low. My chin just above the water, I attempted to side-step away in order to keep an eye on him and prevent any awkwardness.
 I was almost crab-walking away when he finally noticed me, a misplaced footstep caused me to be plunged underneath the lukewarm tide.
 “Whoa, you alright?” I heard him ask when I surfaced, spluttering and spitting so much water that I did not notice him mirror my stance, also crouched.
 “Fine.” I coughed, clearly not fine but thankful that he did not press it.
 The two of us stood in silence as I caught my breath, running my hands over my head to scrape back the tangling mess of hair, already wondering how I would explain this when I returned to my family.
 “Nice night isn’t it?” he asked after the silence started to become thick with tension.
 “Yeah, not bad,” I replied, pausing for a moment to smirk at the ridiculousness of the situation.
 “Know any constellations?” he had asked, turning his head back up to the sky.
 “Not really,” I answered.
 It was at this moment that I was given the chance to appreciate him. His head bobbed just above the water, darkened wet hair plastered itself to his head, some parts curling out in defiance. An angular jaw tilted to the stars, catching their light and softening his features. The stranger glowed and glistened as awe-filled eyes watched the twinkling wonders above us.
 “You?” I questioned.
 “Just the ones everyone knows… Orion’s belt, Cassiopeia…” he commented, and I copied his stance, gazing up to the night sky.
 An overwhelming swell of gratitude washed across me as I stood beneath the glittering expanse. I pictured the stars looking down at us as we did to them, marvelling at their distance. Everything felt so insignificant in the most calming way. It did not matter what my family thought of me, or even the unknown man beside me (once I felt safe that he was not about to murder me and leave my lifeless body to float out with the tide). All that mattered is that in that moment, cuddled by gentle waves and illuminated by starlight, I felt alive.
 “When I was a kid, I thought that night-time was like a knitted blanket and stars were the little gaps you get,” he spoke.
 Not able to help myself, I turned to him with a grin at his admission. It felt like such an impossible confession to make to a stranger that I had to meet his gaze, eyes already trained on me by the time mine found his.
 “Sorry, bit mental to tell a stranger.” He laughed.
 “What’s your name?” I asked, sensing his discomfort from oversharing. “Then we aren’t strangers anymore.”
 I learnt his name was Harry. I told him mine and we discuss childhood beliefs as if we had known each other longer than a few minutes. Mentioning my unshakable faith that lightening was just a huge camera flashing seemed to relax him. There was a sweetness to the look he gave me as I spoke. A gentle stare that paired with an equally easy smile. Lips quirked with each word I uttered, until I soon wore a matching grin.
 Only when I was able to notice the deep-set dimples in his cheeks did I realise we had migrated closer to one another. By the sea or our own volition, we were only a few feet apart. He was breath-taking up close, warm but dark eyes glinted emerald and a light dusting of freckles across his nose were a testament to a day in the sun.
It was then that I began to panic. The realisation that the possibility to slip away without him seeing my nude body was quickly diminishing the more I spoke to him. But I didn’t want to stop.
 “I don’t believe you.” I laughed heartily.
 “It’s true! I can call my mum and she’ll tell you. My sister convinced me whenever I blinked everyone turned into a frog.” He spoke fondly, a warmth spreading across his features as he reminisced.
 “Can I ask you something that’s going to sound a bit mad?” I asked once calm was restored between us. One last-ditch effort to keep some dignity intact.
 “Sure.” Harry had answered with a light, throaty chuckle.
 “Do you think you could wait here for a few minutes and then come meet me on the beach? I’m getting kind of cold, but I think you’re interesting.” I explained the best I could.
 “Okay.” He smiled.
 Almost unbelievably, he continued to follow my instructions when I had him face away from the beach and promise not to look back. He seemed respectful when I made a half-hearted comment about wanting privacy as I towelled off, so I made my way out of the water with confidence that he would not peek. Even if he did, all he would have seen was two cheeks speeding away.
 As quickly as possible, I wiped off as much excess water as I could before pulling on sandy clothing. Almost instantly, a wave of regret passed over me as grains of sand covered a variety of patches of skin. However, when I saw Harry stepping towards me, equally sodden and sandy, the feeling washed away as promptly as it had arrived.
 “So how come you’re out here alone?” I asked curiously as we sat.
 “Doing a bit of solo travelling, kind of figuring out who I am by myself.” He answered. I felt there was more to his story that he was holding back but I did not push. “How about you?”
 “Similar thing kind of... just needed a break.” I explained. I imagine he sensed the same caginess from me as I did him, but, again, we did not dive deeper.
 “What’s the plan for your trip? Where you headed next?” I asked nosily, fascinated by him in all honesty.
 “No real plan.” He told happily.
 Again, he took my breath away. Here was someone with no plans, no aims, no pressures. He was freely living his life. The carefree and spontaneous nature of his attitude threw me off, and I sat staring at him, wondering how I could capture that feeling and keep it with me.
 “What?” he asked with a smirk as I gazed at him admiringly.
 “Nothing, you’re… you’re just not like a lot of people I know.”
 “Shall I take that as a compliment?”
 “Definitely.” I told him with a nod.
 Finally, I managed to prise my gaze from him and look out to the swelling ocean, but I felt his eyes on me still. My face began to heat up as I felt his lingering looks, tracing over my features. Breath caught in my throat as my chest rose and fell heavily.
 “Harry,” I uttered, voice barely above a whisper as I turned to face him.
 “Mm?” he hummed, eyes softly locked on my lips.
 We didn’t say anything else, there was no room for words as our bodies gravitated towards one another until our lips touched. His were salty and a little chapped from the ocean, I imagine mine were too, but they left soft, buttery kisses that left my chest aching for more. From the first moment our lips pressed, I felt addicted to them. Each kiss was another hit, more intoxicating than the last.
 He held me to him. Fingertips grazed the slope of my jaw. Lips sweeter than treacle, we sank together. Soon, our bodies laid as one on the sand, water occasionally lapping at our toes as the tide rolled closer.
 We kept ourselves warm despite the dropping temperature, bodies moving against one another symbiotically. Gradually, hands worked their way under clothing, cold and warm meeting in a blissful collision. A cocktail of excitement and caution filled my stomach. Each matched breath and heavy sigh sent a fizz through my bloodstream, soon drunk on his movements. Desire and trepidation battled throughout my being; a tug of war unevenly stacked against sensibility.
 When a large hand reached my breast, a light gasp tumbled from my lips. His actions stoked a fire within me that even the rising tide could not extinguish. Harry moved slowly, thoughtfully, as his touch spread around me, seeming to savour every single inch. My body arched into his when his lips pulled at the soft flesh of my neck, sucking gently but enough to have my hips rolling involuntarily. Desperately seeking some form of stimulation, they jolted harshly against his. The smirk I felt pressed against my skin only encouraged the burning within me. I was in dire need for something free and a little wild, and there he was.
 “I don’t want to assume anything…” I began, my breathy voice barely above a whisper as his lips travelled down my collarbones and to my chest, “But do you have protection?”
 “In my bag.” He replied with a nod to his large, bulging backpack.
 For a moment, we lay still, his chin on my chest as bright eyes and a matching smile looked up at me. There was a shared sense of relief at the realisation that we both wanted the same thing and wanted the best possible outcome for each other. There was mischief in our eyes, a touch of recklessness, but mainly care.
 Lips returned to my skin, puckering along each peak and valley of my covered torso until his mouth reached the hem of my dress. Lifting his eyes questioningly to meet mine, he waited patiently until I gave a soft nod. Eagerly, hands slip beneath the fabric, gliding up the outside of my thighs to reach my hips. He grabbed at the flesh there, greedily kneading it as kisses worked their way up the inside of my legs.
 “Harry…” I breathed out hopelessly.
 His lips crooked into a smile, but he continued to take his time, seeming to enjoy the way my body fought to lay flat against the sand.
 Special attention was given to each and every part of my body, his lips taking their time in dragging their way upwards until, finally, they met the ache between my thighs. His tongue licked tentatively to begin with, before the sight of my body writhing beneath him instilled a new wave of confidence. Soft licks evolved into wet, open-mouthed kisses. Before too long, his mouth moved keenly in delicate swirls as fingertips dug gently but firmly into my hips. Harry held me in place as I desperately sought more from him. Back arched and toes dug helplessly into the sand, his hair tangled through my fingers.
 His eyes were on me the whole time, confidently working me close to orgasm without even a shred of doubt in his performance. Not that there needed to be, his mouth moved beautifully against me, switching between soft licks, gentle sucking, and passionate lapping. I felt his jaw moving up and down as his face pressed into me, nose and mouth gliding up and down the length of my pussy, sure to leave no area neglected. My eyes met and disconnected with his constantly, battling to watch and remember every detail of being with him while struggling to keep my eyes open at all.
 “Think you can come for me?” he groaned; lips so close they sent vibrations across my flesh.
 I was already a quaking mess from his actions, but his words, his desire to give me pleasure, all became too much. My fingers wound through his hair as he pulled me closer, working faster and sloppier. Messy, wonderful circles swirled around my clit as a hand reached up the length of my body. The top of my dress was pulled down, breasts exposed and sensitive in the night air. Gentle fingertips juxtaposed the passion between my legs as they caressed and rolled the freed flesh.
 Overcome with sensation, my hips shuddered against him. Stomach contracting as my toes buried themselves in the sand and fingers grasped his hair, desperate to cling to the world in any way possible. My body fought this urge, convulsing and shivering as his actions became less intense, tongue moving softer against me as he pulled me through my orgasm.
 Once I had stopped shaking, Harry crawled back up my body to lay beside me. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before propping himself up on his elbow to observe me.
 My breathing levelled out and muscles relaxed before I was able to open my eyes again. When I did, I noticed the way the moonlight reflected on his face, showering him with luminescent majesty. He looked ethereal as he watched over me.
 “All good?” he asked softly, the slightest touch of nervousness present in his voice.
 In response, I nodded my head to his backpack. I watched as an inescapable grin slipped on to his lips before he rolled over to dig through his bag.
 As he searched, my hands began to explore his body. Slowly, they felt the tension of his shoulders, a firm chest, prominent abdominal muscles covered in a layer of soft flesh. The other hand ghosted across the meatiness of his thighs, urgently fighting the desire to dig my fingers in. It continued up to his hipbone, the bottom of his shirt pushed up slightly, revealing tattoos I had not had chance to see yet. I wondered if he would let me count them sometime as he turned back to face me, condom in hand.
 His gaze softened as it fell on me, flickering for a second to my breasts before returning to my face. Our lips reconnected, the same warmth spreading across them and down into my chest and stomach, already hooked on the feeling.
 “You’re sure, right?” I asked him when my hand reached the waistband of his shorts.
 “Positive. You?”
 My answer came in the form of a nod before I slipped a hand through his hair and pulled his lips back to mine.
 Our hands worked clumsily together to unbutton his shorts, soft giggles shared as our fingers tangled. I pulled myself on top of him as he rolled the condom down the length of his cock. His eyes watched me hungrily as I positioned myself above him, gathering the excess fabric of my skirt in my hand before sinking slowly on to him. A gasp left my mouth involuntarily as my body accommodated his size. When the backs of my thighs met the tops of his, I paused, my hips grinding of their own volition. Rocking back and forth caused him to hit the most delicious spots, my muscles clenching around him until he was bucking his hips slightly, starting the cycle anew.
 I rose from my position before returning, just as slowly and deliberately. The moans my movements elicited where otherworldly. The melting of our bodies into one another was intense, seeming to fit and move together as if that was their design. Soon, our hips rolled and met quicker, the sensation unlike anything I had ever felt. After a moment, Harry sat up, one arm around my waist and the other behind him to steady us. Lips clung to my chest, pressing kisses along my sternum before encircling my nipple and sucking softly. My hips began to move up and down at the new sensation, causing Harry to pull his head back, watching with lust-filled eyes as my breasts bounced before his eyes.
 A low growl of a moan escaped Harry’s lips as both arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I was lifted and placed gently on my back on the sand before I could even register what was happening. This new position allowed so much more freedom for him, his hips instantly snapping against mine. Each thrust shook my whole body, sand certainly tangling in my hair. There would be no excusing this when I returned to the villa, but I could not have cared less. All I could think about was the feeling between my legs as Harry grabbed me by the waist and collided our hips over and over. He had pulled his shirt up, holding the bottom between his teeth to prevent it from interfering. His eyes bore into mine, watching with a small smirk as I crumbled into a moaning mess beneath him when he slipped a hand down to rub gentle circles against my clit. Still sensitive from before, the added stimulation had me writhing under him.
 I became increasingly thankful for the sound of the waves, just loud enough to cover the obscenities that spilled from my lips as I was brought to my second orgasm. The sensation of my muscles tightening around him proved too much, as he stilled not soon after, a beautifully gruff rendition of my name tumbling from his lips.
 After a moment of gentle thrusts, he pulled out and returned to his position beside me, grabbing a towel from his bag and laying it across us like a blanket. His arm lifted, calling me closer until my head rest on his chest. We laid for a while, regaining our breaths and waiting for our heartbeats to slow.
 “I think that one is Ursa Major.” Harry spoke softly, his voice a little gravellier than before.
 I looked up to the stars to seek the constellation he pointed out, quickly realised I was not that interested.
 “I don’t really care about stars.” I confessed, looking up at him with a slightly exhausted grin.
 “Me neither,” he replied, bottom lip tugged slightly into his mouth as he smirked at me mischievously. “Just wanted to keep talking to you really.”
 Thankful that the night would cover the heat rising in my cheeks, I told him, “I think I quite enjoy talking to you.”
 “Maybe we should run away together.” He joked, a look of fear flickering through his eyes as he realised how intense that could sound, quickly melted away by my breathy laugh.
 “Where do you want to go first?”
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moony-meadow · 3 years
The Very Hungry Beelzebub (2)
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With an echoing splash, I fell into the space that could only be Beelzebub’s stomach. Terror took hold of me as the reality of my situation fully settled in. Desperately, I scrambled to my feet. There was liquid up to my knees, and though it was pitch black, the area felt more spacious than the previous stomach I had occupied. I didn’t dwell on those details long though.
I threw myself against the wall of the stomach I was trapped in, pressing my palms into the squishy surface as though I would be able to phase through it. “Nonononono--this can’t be happening, I can’t--” I froze. Had I just spoken? One of my hands jumped to my throat. “Ahhhh,” I tested. When I felt the vibrations beneath my hand, I became sure I hadn’t imagined my own voice.
Evidently, the silencing spell Beel cast on me had been temporary. The effects had lasted just long enough for the demon to get me exactly where he wanted me. “Maybe it’s not too late,” I breathed. It was just at that moment I noticed a burning sensation beginning to prick at the parts of my skin submerged in the liquid that pooled at the bottom of Beel’s stomach.
“Stomach acid. I’m standing in stomach acid,” I reminded myself. And unlike when I’d been in Mammon’s stomach, there was nothing stopping this acid from doing its job and dissolving anything it came in contact with.
I struggled to prevent my own panic from halting all rational thoughts. I needed to keep it together. There was still a chance I could survive this.
Pressing myself up against the wall I guessed to be the outermost, I screamed out Beel’s name as loudly as possible. I didn’t wait for a response before announcing my command. “I order you not to digest me!” My voice was shrill and shaky. The words sounded more like a desperate plea than a command from a master. Were I not currently in a life or death situation, I would have felt self conscious. As it was, I was just glad I had managed to get it all out.
In the next instant, I felt the muscles surrounding Beel’s stomach tense. And then suddenly, the painful burn from the acid retreated as the liquid drained away. A few moments later and I was standing in a completely dry environment, with only the stinging of my skin to show the dangerous liquid had been present in the first place.
Slumping down to the floor, I released a heavy sigh of relief. Ever since arriving in the Devildom, I’d had my fair share of near death experiences. Hell, I’d even been killed once (in an alternate timeline, of course). However, my familiarity with dangerous situations didn’t make them any easier to deal with. I still felt like I’d been figuratively run over by a truck.
“Y/N?” The sudden rumbling voice shook me out of my brooding. I startled slightly as the wall I had been leaning against was gently pushed inwards, no doubt by a hand pressing from the outside.
“Beel? Are--are you...yourself right now?” I questioned uncertainly. When he had said my name, it had been tentative and soft--much more like it usually was than what I’d heard only minutes ago. However, I had to remain wary. The last thing I wanted was to be struck with another silencing spell.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry!” Beel cried. Though he didn’t directly answer my question, his response easily gave him away. He was back to his normal self. “I-I didn’t mean to--oh god, I could’ve killed you!” Now that my panic had ebbed, it seemed it was Beel’s turn to freak out. His voice was riddled with genuine horror and fear.
After Beel had first told me about his secret eighth sibling, Lilith, and the crushing guilt he felt in regards to her death, I began to see the demon in a new light. He was someone who cared deeply for his family, someone who wanted nothing more than to protect those he cared about. So when he felt as though he failed in that task, Beel placed every ounce of that guilt on his own shoulders. It made my heart ache to witness, especially now that his guilt was in regards to me.
“Beel, it’s okay. I know you would never do that when you’re...well when you’re in your right mind,” I assured him, hoping he could feel the soft pat I gave his stomach wall.
“Are you okay in there?” Beel questioned urgently, giving no indication whether or not he accepted my forgiveness or not.
Automatically, my hand reached for my still slightly aching legs and feet. The fabric of my pajama bottoms and socks, while still present, did feel markedly thinner. I suspected it would have been only a matter of time before the clothing dissolved altogether. “I-I’m fine,” I told Beel. “Just a little shaken up, that’s all.” I was attempting to sound reassuring, but the fact that my voice was still wavering slightly probably didn’t help me to be convincing.
The giant hand resting against the outside of the stomach began to move in a slow back and forth movement. It was surprisingly soothing, given the circumstances. “You’re sure I didn’t hurt you?” Beel asked softly. It was crazy how such an imposing looking demon could manage to sound like a little puppy dog.
“I promise, I’m okay,” I insisted. “I just need you to get me out of here.” I almost wanted to remind Beel that this wasn’t my first time in someone else’s stomach, in an effort to assuage some of his worries. However, I still wasn’t quite comfortable bringing up that little tid-bit of information. The fact that I had somehow managed to end up eaten by two separate demons in a matter of days still caused me quite a bit of embarrassment.
“How can I do that?” Beel inquired, seeming uncertain.
“You just need to...well cough me up basically.”
The experience of Mammon forcing himself to hack me up hadn’t exactly been pleasant. In fact, I might even argue it was worse going up than it had been going down. But considering it was pretty much the only viable option, short of someone cutting Beel open and pulling me out, I was resigned to going through it again.
My statement was met with silence on Beel’s end. I was fairly certain he had heard me, so what was preventing him from responding? “Beel, is there a problem?”
There was a pause and then, “I...I’m not so sure I’ll be able to bring you back up.” the demon admitted miserably.
I raised a questioning eyebrow. “Why do you say that?”
Beel’s stomach expanded and then contracted as he blew out a low sigh. “Unless I’m sick, I-I really can’t spit out or throw up anything I’ve eaten.” He sounded sincere, however what he was saying must’ve been a lie.
“What about that time you accidentally swallowed some of Solomon’s cooking and had to hack it up?” The occasion was difficult to forget considering the taste of the food the sorcerer had cooked still haunted me to this day.
Another moment’s hesitation. Beel clearly was reluctant to voice whatever it was he planned on saying. The rubbing against the outside wall of the stomach came to a stop. “That’s because my body only lets me get rid of stuff I didn’t enjoy eating,” he finally divulged, the words sounding almost like an apology.
It wasn’t surprising to me that Beelzebub had taken pleasure in eating me. It had been well established that he found me to be delicious even before today. I’d accepted the fact that everyone in the Devildom (excluding Solomon and the angels) considered me to be some kind of delicious treat. No, that part wasn’t what bothered me. I was much more concerned with the news that Beel believed himself incapable of getting me out the only way that I knew worked.
Anxiety was threatening to sneak back into the forefront of my mind, but for the moment, I managed to push it back. “Well you can at least give it a try, right?” I offered.
“Of course, just--just hold on,” Beel replied.
When Mammon had coughed me up, it had seemed to help if I stood up straight and still. I assumed the same position this time, bracing myself for the oncoming onslaught of movement around me.
My environment folded slightly, I assumed in response to Beel bending over. Next, a firm weight appeared at the front of the stomach from his hand. Then came the coughing and retching that shook my whole world. Last time, when I’d been in Mammon’s stomach, it had taken only a matter of minutes before I was spat out onto the palm of the demon’s hand. This time however, nearly ten minutes passed with absolutely zero progress, and I could tell the process was beginning to take a physical toll on Beel.
“Hey, hey, you can stop!” I called out, lightly pounding on a wall of the stomach. It seemed pretty clear that Beel’s assumption had been right. We would have to find some other way to get me out.
The motion of Beel’s heavy breaths surrounded me. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” His voice was riddled with guilt and sorrow.
I was about to insist that he had nothing to apologize for when suddenly I heard the distant sound of a door opening. It felt as though every muscle in Beel’s body tensed as he too realized someone was entering the room. Both he and I could only pray it wasn’t Lucifer.
“Oh hey, Beel. I was just lookin’ for Y/N.” I released a sigh of relief at the sound of Mammon’s voice. While I loathed the idea of letting the Avatar of Greed know I had once again been eaten, he was the only demon in the House of Lamentation I would even consider letting in on my current predicament. At least the secret would still go no further than Beel, Mammon, and I. “They’re not in their room, have you seen--” Mammon stopped mid-sentence. I could only assume he had just noticed the state of the kitchen. Sure enough the next words that came out of the demon’s mouth were, “What the hell happened here?”
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