#i’m really jumpy right now every noise is scaring me
mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
i tried to open up and tell my mom how bad i’ve felt for the past few weeks and she started talking about her broken car instead of trying to help until i got up to get away from her, at which point she grabbed me really hard and started shouting…… i ran to my room before she could hurt me but then as i was crying and she was taunting me i fell right on my face and i’m scared my nose is broken because it hurts and there’s so much blood
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Take a Hike
Prompt: When Harry and Y/N take the baby for a hike and end up being followed by fans.
word count: 2.2 k
contains: language, sexual content
Harry was furious. He just wanted to go on a hike  - like a normal family on a warm June day in a beautiful foreign country.
You were currently in Madrid - on Harry’s European leg of the tour.
While Harry had been doing press - you and Sasha had taken to the hotel pool where she could splash and enjoy the water all day.
It wasn’t without a eagle-eyed security guard who lurked in the background for shady characters and overzealous fans.
Fans - they wanted picture with you because you were Harry Styles’ wife. Not inherently famous on your own.
It was a bit odd, but you didn’t mind occasionally stopping to snap a pic with a excited fans. 
However, when you and Harry were out with the baby - it was completely off limits. Neither Harry nor you would stop for fans and paparazzi if you were toting around your little love.
She didn’t like the crowds and shouts that came along with swarms of people. She would slap her little hands over her ears, dig her face into her parent’s neck, and whimper.
Harry had always been protective of you when it came to these situations. One of the major downfalls of being so famous.
Harry had nearly gotten arrested when a clumsy pap had nearly push you over while you were eight months along. 
You and Harry had loaded up all the necessities for the five-mile hike on one of the trails right outside the city.
Sasha had a generous amount of sunscreen on and a little hat to protect her face. She refused to wear the sunglasses.
Harry had a pack for her - so you helped him load your two-year-old onto his back. He knew it was going to ache like a motherfucker but she was a bit too heavy for you. You opted for the backpack with everything in it.
The trail was semi-busy. Both of you donned sunglasses and hats to attempt to disguise yourselves a little bit.
Harry had even pulled on a hoodie - despite the heat - to cover his very recognizable tattoos.
You made it the two and a half miles in without any interruptions. 
Sasha falling asleep halfway through the trek with her cheek smushed against her father’s shoulder blade.
You snapped a few pictures in front of the waterfalls and beautiful rock structures. But you had decided not to wake your daughter from her nap.
You and Harry had taken an obligatory kissing selfie that would likely be your new Lock Screen. 
You both had made the mistake of taking off your sunglasses for the picture because you can hear muted whispers from other tourists.
“Is that fucking Harry Styles?”
“Yes. Oh my god! That’s his wife and baby!”
“Snap a video, Emilia!”
Harry’s noticeable tenses as he slides his sunglasses back onto his nose. Protective papa bear was in full-force around strangers who knew who he was.
The most important thing in Harry’s mind was his family’s safety.
“Let’s go, lovie,” Harry murmurs softly. His British accent surely giving him away if they heard it.
You nod anxiously - pointedly not making eye contact with the fans and small group that was gathering.
As you begin the journey back down the small mountain - you notice the group trailing behind you. Following you guys.
Jaw clenched, you want to scream at them to stop taking pictures of your sleeping baby. But you attempt to keep your cool.
It wasn’t more than ten teenage girls but it didn’t really matter who it was.
The girls are getting louder, more excited. When one of them squeals in joy of seeing her celebrity crush - who she had ticket for his concert tomorrow as did the rest of the group.
The noise startles the curly-haired baby on Harry’s back awake. She immediately starts crying - her hands coming to grip frantically in her fathers matching curls.
“Daddy,” Sasha sobs, grabbing at him as the girls keep snapping pictures and cooing.
Harry’s face is stone - attempting to keep his anger at bay. He was about to lose his shit and you couldn’t blame him.
He couldn’t always treat people with kindness.
“Down, want down,” she lisps, no longer wanting to be confined in her pack. It was also most likely time for a diaper change.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Please be good for mumma and I,” Harry rasps, reaching back to give her leg a comforting pat.
You look at your husband, “Please - let’s just try to make it out of here as soon as possible.”
Harry sighs, “I’m sorry, love.”
You brush his shoulder lightly, “it isn’t your fault people act this way. I just can’t stand when this happens around her.”
Harry’s slight smile from your reassurance turns into a glare when he realizes the nosy fans were trying to talk to his upset baby - who notably did not like strangers.
He’s quick to unstrap the toddler and shuffle her into your arms. You cradle her and turn you back away from the group. 
“Mumma, no cameras,” she whines, her words a little jumbled but you understood.
“I know, baby. Daddy’s going to take care of it,” you coo assuringly. Her fingers finding their way into her mouth to soothe her.
Harry slides her carrier off his shoulders and tosses it next to your feet. He’s trailing over to the jumpy, overly-excited fans.
“Listen,” he states firmly, speaking loudly over their giggles, “y’need to stop following us and takin’ pictures. You’re scaring our baby.”
They chatter a bit, begging from picture and then they promise they’ll leave us alone.
“Absolutely not,” Harry states, trying to stay level headed with these immature teens who adored him.
With that, he’s headed back to you guys. The girls shouting unflattering things at him like “asshole” and “douchebag.”
He decided to ignore it and quickly allows you to strap the baby back into her carrier. His eyes study your face to make sure you’re alright and you give him a calm smile, squeezing at his bicep.
The girls trailed off after a few more minutes of following us. Harry hummed and sang a few nursery rhymes to Sasha to keep her calm but she was still fussy.
Back the hotel, Sasha was freshly bathed and laid down for a nap in the second bedroom. A baby monitor sat on the bathroom countertop as you two showered off the sweat and dirt.
Harry was still upset about the incident so you decided upon a good cuddle in a warm shower. His cheek was rested in the top of you head and his arms holding you to his wet chest.
“Just want to be normal - for one fuckin’ day,” he huffs with frustration.
“We had a totally normal, fun hike. It wasn’t ruined, I promise. It’s our reality so they’re is no use in being upset about it.”
Harry loved how level-headed you were to balance out his irrational, impulsive feelings and actions.
“You’re t’good to me, I love you.”
“At the end of the day, I knew what I was signing up for when you and I got married. I also knew when we had Sasha that paparazzi would still hound you.”
“Didn’t sign up to be harassed constantly though. I just feel so bad about it sometimes. It scares Sasha and it makes me feel like a bad father.”
You knew he was about to throw himself into a downward spiral if you didn’t distract him. 
“You know what else I signed up for when I married you?” I murmur into his neck, letting my lips ghost over his hammering pulse.
“Wha’s that?” He asks genuinely, a little slow on the uptake because of how deep in thought he was.
“That you would fuck me whenever I wanted,” you nearly purr, landing a not-so-gentle nip to the vein protruding on his neck.
“Is tha’ right? Put a ring on your finger and now I gotta give you my cock whenever you please?” He grunts at your teeth pinching his sensitive skin.
It’s amazing how it takes little to no effort to get this man in the mood.
“Mmm, if you want to be a good, dutiful husband,” you taunt - knowing he’ll take the bait.
“Am I not a good husband, pet? I fuck you any chance you let me. Give it to you anytime time you wan’ it. You know that.”
His hand is tugging your thigh up roughly, making your centers align with delicious pressure as he slips right between your folds.
“Harry,” Y/N groans, your head falling down to watch where he’s teasingly grinding his cock against your entrance and clit.
“Want me t’put it in, love?” He drawls like he has all the time in the world. The water pelting on his back making him pink.
“Ple-please,” you choke out, nipples harden against his chest even in the warmth of the shower. Sensitive with every brush against his smooth pecs. 
“You know what else you signed up for when y’married me?” He asks, his voice as deep and smooth as honey.
“What?” I reply, whining each time he teases at pushing in.
“That when you beg for my prick - you’ll be a good girl and take it.” 
With that, he’s thrusting up into you with full force. His sharp hipbones meeting the plushy, soft skin of yours.
“Ooh, oh fuck,” Y/N gasps, wrapping an arm around his neck as he presses brushing marks into your thigh where he’s holding you for leverage.
“C’mon, you can take it,” your husband goads, relentlessly hitting the spot that send licks of flames of your spine.
Your legs are feeling weak with how hard he’s pounding into you. He is so intuned with your body that he moves his hands to you backside.
He lifts you up easily, your legs wrapped around his waist, and his presses you back into the cold tile wall. 
He was so fucking good. How’d you manage to marry him? Unexplainable. 
“Am I good husband? Fuck you well enough?” He hisses against your open mouth as you pant heavily.
“So so good, H. Best husband ever,” you whimper, welcoming the friction from his pelvis against your swollen bud.
“Sweet girl,” he murmurs happily, “I think you deserve to come”
You throw your head back as he speeds up, fingers reaching to flick at your nerves - just on the right side of painful.
It’s just what you needed to climax. He always somehow knew what you needed. His fingers are consistent as he lets you ride it out.
It is only a few more rough thrusts before he’s cursing and coming as well. His hand grasping harshly at your jaw to bring you into a searing kiss.
“Never gonna get sick of watchin’ you come on my cock,” he chuckles, carefully placing your feet back on the ground but keeping a tight hold of your hips.
You lean in to give him a quick but meaningful kiss before going about cleaning your body again after the mess you two created. 
It takes a little longer than necessarily due to you constantly having to bat his wandering hands away from your body.
It dark out now, the city of Madrid illuminated through the large windows of the high-rise hotel.
Sasha was exhausted after the hike and full day at the pool - despite napping twice. She was always out like a light around eight-thirty
You were tightly tucked into Harry’s side, head resting on his shoulder. Your eyes becoming bleary from drowsiness. 
Your toddler was sprawled out on Harry’s chest, fast asleep with one of your husband’s large hands resting on her back. 
Harry was scrolling aimlessly through his phone when he chuckle softly, handing you his mobile to see what was on the screen.
It was a video-recording of an Instagram Live. 
The video forwarded by Jeff. The volume low to not disturb your daughter.
It was a teenager girl who looks unpleasantly familiar.
“Um - yeah. So we saw him and we were hiking freaking out. ‘Cause like we’re going to his concert tomorrow.”
Then girls eyes flick to the commenters to answer questions.
“He had his baby. His wife was there too.”
“No, so he was so unfriendly! He flipped out because we wanted an autograph!”
The girl was mimicking Harry’s thick accent, “when we asked for a picture - he legit said ‘absolutely not.’”
I shake my head at the girl’s antics, “how dare you not take a photo. You’re such a dick.” You tease.
Harry smirks, taking the phone back and tossing it on the cushion. His hand rubbing gentle circles on his sleepy baby.
“None of tha’ matters,” Harry says softly, “I don’t care what anybody but you thinks ‘bout me. At the end of the day, as long as I have you and the bab - I’ll be happy.”
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buckttommy · 3 years
here's a fun concept: so buck's been hovering over eddie since the shooting. he knows it, eddie knows it, the whole station knows it and they know WHY so no one really says anything. but buck constantly being worried... it doesn't make him Bad in the field necessarily, but when eddie is out of his line of sight for more than a few minutes, he gets a little antsy. bobby always deals with this with a lot of patience ("he should be back by now" "i'm sure eddie's fine buck, he just went around the corner.") sometimes if buck is Really antsy, bobby will radio eddie and let buck be soothed by the sound of his voice. sometimes (when there's no immediate danger), buck will just go off and find eddie for himself ("were you looking for me?" "ah. no. not really. i mean. i was just--" "*gently* i'm fine buck") so this is a thing that happens for months after the shooting and upon eddie returning to work.
enter the blackout, they're at the hospital, eddie gets separated from the team, buck worries. bobby is busy so he doesn't have time to radio eddie and buck Knows he's being panicky for no reason, but he can't help it, so he just says screw it and goes to find eddie for himself when he literally runs into him ("you okay there, buck?" "yeah i'm fine, it was just...you were taking a long time and..." "i know. it's okay, i'm okay.") and while buck knows eddie doesn't mind him always checking up on him, he's getting on his own nerves at this point. so buck resolves not to worry and to stop checking up on eddie all the time... which is of course when eddie gets separated from the team again, and every bone in buck's body is screaming at him to go find him. but no, he's turning over a new leaf right? a minute passes, then three, then five, then ten and eddie's not back. buck feels like he's going to throw up but he doesn't say a damn word to anyone. they notice anyway because he's jumpy and fidgety and snappy, but actually, it's been fifteen minutes and bobby is getting worried too, so he tries eddie on the radio. no answer. he tries him again. no answer. buck feels like he's dying, like all the air in his lungs has been sucked out. bobby tries him again. ("diaz. what is your location?") no answer. and then finally, when bobby is rounding up the troops, ready to send them through the hospital to comb every inch of the place, eddie's radio crackles to life. ("cap." his voice sounds painful -- choked, and breathy, and scared, like he's been hyperventilating. "it's dark. and i'm stuck") and that's about all he's able to get out before buck is sprinting down the hallway, the last place he saw eddie go, and... it takes him a minute ("eddie. eddie, it's me, keep talking, where are you?") but he finds him and, yeah, the elevator is very stuck and maybe it's the poor signal they have on their radios but it doesn't sound like eddie's making much noise aside from the occasional sharp, gasping breath, and it's very clear that both eddie and buck are freaking out in different ways for different reasons but buck tries to soothe eddie through the door even though he Knows eddie must be able to hear his voice shake...... anyways yeah that would b cool
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word Count: 2k
Warning/s: toxic/abusive relationship dynamics, gaslighting and manipulation, abduction, injuries were mentioned, stalking, dark!bucky x dark!reader, emotionally/mentally unstable!reader, dismemberment (not gore-y but still), three very special character mentions, shady corporate stuff, career sabotage?, food mention, sedation/drugging, f-words.
A/N: oh my god, this is the final chapter of CTRL. to all who read from the start, thank y'all so fucking much - from the bottom of my big-ass heart, thank you so much for coming along with this journey. this is my first FINISHED series, oh my god. to @babyboibucky (CTRL's number one fan), @sarge-barnes-sir, and @borikenlove thank you so much for indulging my inner degenerate GHJSDFG and for screaming (affectionately) at me when i first let y'all read the finished draft.
BUT THIS IS NOT THE END (just yet), i will be uploading TWO epilogues very soon: the explicit version and the not-so-explicit version. stay tuned!
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
.eps (explicit)
.eps (cut)
CTRL playlist CTRL moodboard
Tumblr media
Your demeanor, character, even tone, changed.
Calculated, cold, unnerving.
But you sat there like a housewife in front of her husband, eating spaghetti and meatballs. Acting all dandy like there isn’t a man strapped onto the chair four feet away from you.
“C’mon, darling, eat! I made your favorite,” your eyes twinkled as Bucky helplessly tugged on his restraints, “oh, sorry, you’re tied up.”
Hm, sick in the head, bad for the heart.
“What do you want?” Oh, wow, even talking hurts for him. His throat is all dried up, he tasted something bitter under his tongue.
You chuckled, moving half a meatball around your mostly empty plate, “for you to stop treating me like I’m stupid.” You spear the meat with your fork, swirling it in the sauce, “I know you’ve been… checking in on me, Bucky.”
Oh, fuck.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I was-- I mean, look at you--” He’s making it worse. You’re mad. You’re angry because he was being a good friend.
He only did that because you were lonely and he’s right: you are lonely.
So lonely that you’re willing to kidnap a grown man to keep you company, “I’m so sad for you.”
“You’re aware you’re the one’s been tied up, right?” You’re curt as you should be, scooting over near Bucky to feed him.
“I can’t eat that—” If he wasn’t sitting down and tied, Bucky would’ve vaulted over you and called the neighbors, she’s fucking crazy!
You giggled, rolling your eyes as if he had the freedom to make a choice right now, “if you’re thinking of screaming… More than half of my neighbors are felons or on parole, I doubt that they’ll call 911.”
Jutting forward the fork, you let the prongs gently touch Bucky’s lips, “now, eat! We have so much to talk about.”
“No. I don’t-- I’m not hungry.” He shakes his head, the fork hitting his chin and clanking down the floor.
“Just eat the fucking food, Steve!”
Bucky flinched at your sudden outburst. The words—the name—seeping in a moment later. Steve? Who the hell is Steve? Was he your husband? Boyfriend? His head throbbed again, his mouth filling with saliva like he’s about to throw up.
You kneel down, pulling a napkin from the table to wipe the meat and the sauce from the floor.
“This better not stain.”
He promised thrice.
Once over pasta and meatballs, once over dessert, and once when you were clearing the table.
You relented, of course. Half because you love him and half because it’s getting annoying.
“As long as you don’t leave me, okay?”
“Yes, I promise. I won’t leave you.”
Bucky’s still seating on the dinner chair, slightly slumped without the ropes holding him up, “look, I’m really sorry about the anesthetic, I went overboard with it.” You look over to him—at least he’s regaining his fingers and arms again.
“It’s okay, babe, I wouldn’t trust me either.” If he could stand up, he’d go over and hug you. Helping with the dishes, peppering you with sweet kisses.
A genuine laugh slips out of your lips, “ugh, still… I’m really sorry.”
The last of the plates were neatly stacked, cups and cutleries were placed gently on a drying rack. It was getting late, you could tell.
“I’m not mad, by the way.” You muse, prompting Bucky to lean forward, listening to you.
“What do you mean?” He takes your hand into his, ever so gently.
“You did that,” you squeeze his hand back, gazing into his soulful eyes, “because you love me.”
Did you know that some people could read microexpressions well? Bucky went through a whole lot of them before answering, “of course, I do.”
Contemplating whether you call him out on it or not, you hum, placing a gentle hand on his jaw, “it’s okay, you’ll learn how to love me.”
He has to. He has no other choice.
Bucky clears his throat, “have you seen my phone?” His tone was hopeful, upbeat, maybe he can reach out to someone, anyone, before you can do any more damage.
“Yeah, ‘s on the couch.”
He tried to move, he really did. Bucky’s fairly strong, he can bench an easy 140 on a good day. But even the beefiest motherfuckers have no match for Propofol.
“Don’t worry about your friends, they’re not worried about you, Buck.” The coolness of your tone sends Bucky into a panic—again. “D’you wanna check your messages though? There’s a lot of ‘em.”
Grabbing his phone, you asked Siri to read him his latest notifications.
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
From Joaquin: Where are you, man?
From John W.: Do you have copies?
Urgent: Notice of Immediate Termination
Urgent: Gross Misconduct
From Joaquin: Bucky, what the fuck?
From Samuel Wilson: Pick up the phone, Barnes. You’re fired.
17 missed calls from an unknown number
From John W.: I knew you were a freak but holy shit, dude!
72 text messages from an unknown number
Bucky never really liked horror movies. It made him jumpy and anxious. Too paranoid, even. But now? Now he’s sure that people have never experienced sheer fright before.
His toes cramped inside his boots, his feet were cold, sweating. The little hairs on his legs stood up, goosebumps littering the entirety of his body. If he held his breath, he’s sure he could hear his heart hammering out of his chest. The blood rushes past his ears and onto the base of his skull—he’s gonna be sick.
“What,” he gulped back the saliva pooling in his mouth, “what did you do?”
You’re irritatingly calm, “well, I mean… We’re already together, what do you need those for, right?”
Putting a warm hand over his forehead, you cooed, “poor thing, you look sick.”
Bucky thinks it’s well past midnight when the anesthetic wore off.
His limbs were heavy, he had to lean on the wall every couple of steps to regain his balance. Helpless. He’s helpless and you both know it. As if it’s a bear trap, Bucky carefully took his phone from the coffee table.
Why would you leave it unattended?
The screen lights up as soon as he picked up, his lock screen littered with ‘fuck yous’, ‘sicko’, and his personal favorite, ‘motherfucker.’
Ignoring the glaring messages, he went straight for the emergency dialler and—you took out his SIM card, snapping it into two neat pieces, placing it beside the phone.
The golden surface of the card was scratched too, he can’t do anything, use it as a toothpick, maybe? His phone was just as good as a paperweight.
He looks out of the window, limping towards it. Even if he could climb over, it would take him forever to get onto the street. Your neighbors would probably think that he’s just on a bad trip.
“It’s bolted shut. Perks of living alone as a single female.” Your voice made him flinch back, like a kid whose hand was halfway down the cookie jar.
Bucky plays it off with a cough, he can’t be weak now, “no, babe, I was checking out a noise. You ready for bed?”
You smiled softly, taking his hand and draping his arm on your shoulders as you prop him against you, “almost, big guy. Gotta get you settled in bed first. Are you tired?”
Nodding, Bucky kisses your temple, “yeah.” He just needs to play with your sick little games until he regains his strength.
Where would he go? His reputation and his job are besmirched, his apartment is probably crawling with forensics too.
“You fell down and banged your head earlier. Nasty cut on your head too. I told you to not tire yourself much.”
You hit and drugged me but I digress, “Yes, darling. ‘M sorry.”
“You scared me, Buck. I thought you were dead.” Are these tears forming in your eyes?
“I’m not leaving you, not by any chance. I promise.”
He promises a fourth time.
Your bedroom was bigger than he thought. But of course, he only saw your desk and your bed through the webcam.
Save from the Ted Bundy-esque corkboard you have in front of your workspace, he feels weirdly at home. You tucked him in, reminding him to wake up every two hours for the painkillers.
“You’re not going to bed?” He muses from behind you, all cocooned in your blankets.
“Just need to take this phone call real quick, babe.” Your back was turned from him as you work on your company laptop. He noticed that the webcam is covered with white tape.
The sound of an incoming call filled the room before you quickly answer it, your voice turning hoarse and raspy as if you’ve been crying.
Hi, Mr. Wilson. I’m so sorry for the late call. Do I- do I need to come in tomorrow? I just... I don’t feel comfortable facing everyone—I used all my home hours this week and—
Miss L/N, I’m glad you reached out to me. Is it okay if I record this call for security purposes? It’s just for you, me, and the HR department.
You turned to Bucky, your face is stone-cold but your voice belonged to someone so utterly helpless.
No, you don’t have to call into work tomorrow… Or any other day.
A dainty gasp and a fucking sob comes out of your mouth, your eyes were telling a different story.
Am I fired?
God, no. Please, Miss L/N, don’t worry about that. We want you with us through this entire debacle. We want you to take some time off—paid. We’ll also grant you… a grievance package.
You could almost hear what he would say next.
As long as you don’t talk to any members of the press or any journalists until our friends in the PR department can clean this up.
A triumphant smile creeps on your bare features, putting a finger in front of your lips, you mimic a ‘shh’ gesture to Bucky.
You round up another mirthless sob as the CEO drones on about the bureaucracy of this whole thing.
He was really nice to me, you know? He took me out on dinners and lunches. He even brought me to his place and I– nothing happened but I can’t stop thinking about it.
I’m really sorry, Miss L/N. I thought he was…
A good guy? I really thought so too.
Please stay offline for a bit, just for the weekend, alright? Someone from the HR department will be in touch with you for the process. We don’t wanna be a hassle more than what Barnes is. On our behalf, please accept our deepest apologies.
Jesus, this guy had the PR department cook up an apology letter.
Thank you—thank you so much, Mr. Wilson. I’ll keep in touch.
You burst out in laughter a second after the call ended. Hearty laughter, the one where you can feel your belly tightening.
“Did you hear how good I was, baby? Oh my god, we had them fooled.”
We? Fuck your ‘we.’
You slide over the covers, propping up yourself with your elbow as you turn to face Bucky, “don’t worry, you don’t need them anymore. You have me, yeah? We have each other.”
Out of the most bizarre things that happened to him last week, finding dismembered fingers in the fridge was the least of his concerns.
“Honey!” Bucky calls out, holding the ziplock bag with a pair of tongs.
You bound down the stairs, your laptop in hand as you squint, “what am I looking at?”
Bucky hesitated, maybe he’s going insane too, “fingers. Dismembered fingers—are these yours?”
Setting down the laptop onto the table, you peck him on the cheek, smiling as if him holding a baggie with human remains is just your Sunday normal, “god, I hope not. I need my hands to do things.”
As soon as you look back at him, you dropped the facade: “those are Steve’s. Well, used to be.”
Bucky’s afraid to ask the question where’s the rest of him?
“You know the term pinky promise, right? Well, it has a dark origin.”
Just as fast as a bustling train, Bucky rakes his brain for all the times he promised you something. Hoping that he won’t end up with a stump for a hand.
One vividly bright memory is seared into his brain though, the days blurred together with sharp edges and mismatched colors: we love how we were taught to love.
So, who taught you how to love like this?
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sadlysober · 3 years
like to watch you suffer
Dream Team roomates x gn!reader Summary: Youre playing a scary game and your roommates come in to laugh at you support you. Warnings: swearing, shitty description of bloody/creepy things. lmk when you find any! A/N: just watched Tommy’s fnaf stream and i died. If you have any tips, requests or ideas, feel free to send them in :)
Starting up Twitch with hesitation as you check your subscriber count one last time to be sure. You reached your subgoal on your last stream and promised the chat to play a spooky game. Playing mostly family friendly games and usually with a group of friends, you weren’t exactly excited to be playing 2017′s Resident Evil 7. Clips from Jack and Felix only made you dread this moment even more. Appearantly your chat loves seeing you scared shitless.
You start your stream as you normally would: greating the chat, answering some dono’s. “I actually hate you guys for making me do this. But we’re gonna try it anyways. I have a slight idea what’s coming and am mentally not prepared, so let’s see how long I will last before crapping my pants.” You force a smile at your camera and start the game.
The first hour was doable, a couple of jumpscares and some bloody stuff. A few of the jumpscares made you squeal, while the disgusting cutscenes made you want to throw up. Losing your focus on the game as you read some of the dono’s. A lot of them were about the game and people wishing you a good stream. A couple of questions about the Dream Team popped up. “What is George up to? I think he might be streaming as well I’m not -” The loud noise in your headphones, accompanied by a bloody faces canabal with a chainsaw made you shriek, followed by a ton of swear words and you taking of your headphones, rolling your chair away from your desk.
As you sit a couple of feet away from your desk you hear a door closing and footsteps in the hallway. You open your door and call out. “Gogy?” Your chat can’t hear the boy answering you. “You busy? No? Want to join my suffering? Yeah ofcourse you do, bring a chair!” The dark haired boy walks into your room rolling his chair in, a tad too excited. Your chat went insane, seeing him come through the door.
“You already died? Damn, N/N.” He teased, sitting down next to you. His legs propped up on his chair, face popping in and out of the frame.
“Would you like to try, Gogy?” You mimicked his accent, causing George to lean back into his chair. “Alright, goodluck not dying.” He said in the saltiest voice he could. You put your headphones back on, plugging in a second pair for George and handing him the headphones. You continue playing the game, almost getting used to the disgustingness of the house.
“N/N, I have to agree with chat, seeing you being a scaredy cat is hilarious.” In the meantime you’re turning into Y/N “I am going to shit myself” Y/L/N. George just laughs at you while hanging out with the chat. Yet he too flinches at the jumpscares. “Guys, the reason you can’t see George right now is because he is a big pussy.” You laugh, recieving a soft punch to your arm in return.
Another half hour of you and George sitting on the edges of your chairs until Nick decides to have some fun. After hearing you yell a couple of times he’d tune into your stream. He waited for the right moment; you had just finished a cut scene and was wandering though the dark house that felt like a maze. The squeaky sound of the door opening made you lean back in your chair a bit more, as if something or someone would jump out of the room behind it.
The door behind you flew open with a loud bang, causing you and George to yielp. Followed by another jumpscare in the game. “Fuck you Sapnap, you little shit cunt fuck you-” You utter under your breath as you try your best not to die in game.
“Sapnap!” George whined. “What? I heard there was a party.” The boy stood in your doorframe, a cheeky grin covering his face. “Can I join?” He somewhat asked, already pulling out a chair to sit down besides you.
“Fine, but no more messing around or I’ll end the fucking stream guys.” Your chat excitedly greated him. Spamming you there will be a savepoint in a bit. “Alright guys I’m just gonna go for one more savepoint, if i don’t die from adrenaline overdose by then.”
The boys on your sides bickered while you were trying to find the way out. “Go left.” Nick hinted. “Don’t listen to him, N/N.” George told you. They were like some twisted kind of devil/angel pair on your shoulders. “Have you played this before Gogy?” Nick spat, looking over to the boy on the other side of you. “No, but they came from-” He tried to defend himself, before getting cut off. “That’s what I thought, leave it to the pro then.” 
Trusting Nick’s gut you followed his instruction and went left. The sound of your footsteps are accompanied by heavy breathing, you look around with the little light you have. When you don’t immediatly die and thank Nick for the advice. A loud noice makes you turn around as you watch some creepy dolls fall down. “The sounds are honestly the creepiest thing about this game.” You say, continuing to walk around the room, looking for clues. Nick watches you, unbothered by the scary sounds as he doesn’t have any headphones on. “Chat why do you keep spamming ‘DEATH’? I’m not dying, I am clearly a pro.” You say proudly, not being as scared and jumpy as you had been. Yet the grin appearing on Nick’s face is telling you you should be. Moments later it became clear why. A loud screech, followed by one of the residents running towards you holding an axe and piercing the weapon through your chest.
The boy next to you dies of laughter, panting as he tries to catch his breath. “Your face- oh my god you face.” You shake your head at the boy. “Why did I even trust you in the first place. I thought you knew where the exit was.” You say, a tiny bit dissapointed in yourself for falling for it, but also laughing as George almost falls out of his chair from laughter. “Oh, but I do know where the exit is.” Nick teases. You look the boy dead in the eye and start debating whether or not to continue the game.
“100 subs and they’ll continue.” George tells your chat. “Guys, no-” It only took a couple of seconds until the counter was halfway there.
dreamwastaken has gifted 50 subs: go until the next savepoint
"Let’s go, N/N, you heard the big man.” You look straight into your camera and sigh. Alt-tabbing to swearword at Clay on Discord before going back to the game. “I hate every single one of those 50 subs and Dream. One more savepoint and that’s it!” 
George nudges your arm, asking if Clay can join your little scary party. “Do I really need more critisism? What do we think chat? Spam 1 if you want Dream here, 2 if you don’t.” The chats start pouring in. “No, you’re supposed to spam 2 guys! Why aren’t you on my side. Argh, fine.” You shut your camera off and wait for Clay to come in. “No face reveal today guys.” George comments on your chat going crazy.
“You can sit on my lap Dream.” Nick said jokingly, tapping his lap. “I’d rather sit on George’s.” “No way.” The boys bicker back and forth. 
“Dream, get out of the frame I’m turning my camera back on.” The tall guy settles on your bed, being able to see your monitor and the two guys next to you.
“Why do you keep dying, N/N?” He teases as you respawn in game.
“Think you can do better?” You ask, taking a right this time.
“I know I can.” You hear him mutter from the bed behind you.
You press pause, taking your hand of the controller. “Alright guys, you're all talk, why don’t you give it a try huh.”
“Cause we like watching you suffer.” Clay answers. You look over to your roommates, each and every one of them grinning at you.
With a loud sigh you continue playing the game, causing a lot of giggles and teasing as you almost have a heart attack. Nick and Clay keep their commentary coming as George mainly focusses on your chat. You get to the savepoint and finally end the stream.
Turning around in your chair so you face Clay. “I really hate you guys, that was the scariest shit I’ve ever played.”
George rests his arm on your shoulder. “No you don’t.”
“You love us.” Nick adds.
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Saying Goodbye {Bucky Barnes x Reader}
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Request: Hi! Can you make one where (this is after CA:CW) and I wasnt in the fight but hes writing me since hes hiding.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by anon
Note: sorry that this gets sad 
His hand trembled ever so slightly as he put pen to paper. Ever noise and movement that he heard outside of his temporary apartment scared him. Bucky Barnes usually wasn’t one to scare easily but now, he had too much to lose; he had you to worry about. With every footstep or slam of a door, he would grab his gun and hold it tightly, awaiting someone to barge into his home and try and kill him. He worried that if they got a hold of him, they would find you and target you too and he couldn’t risk that.
You hadn’t seen or heard from Bucky in weeks. When you’d last spoken to him he was in the process of moving from city to city and god knows how many times he’d moved since last speaking to you. You knew that he was still alive because his face was plastered on the news all of the time saying that he was still at large but you didn’t know if he was okay or if he was safe. He had written to you a couple of times just to let you know that he was safe and well and had told you that he would try and write soon.
As he put pen to paper, he took a breath for what he was about to do and then began to write. 
Hey doll,
Sorry if my handwriting’s a mess, I’m a little jumpy today. You already know who it is. I’m sorry for not writing sooner, I had to move twice before I could feel safe enough to sleep. I can’t tell you where I am, as you know, but I’m safe, doll. I’m safe enough that I can stay here for a while anyway.
My god, I miss you. I had a dream about you last night. I dreamt that everything was back to normal and you and I were dancing around the living room listening to Ella Fitzgerald. I woke up too soon but for those brief few hours, I was truly at peace and was truly happy with you, even if it was our dream selves. You’re the one thing that’s getting me through this, doll. The thought of you is the one thing keeping me going. I can’t wait to see your smile as you open the door to see me, I can’t wait to hold you and smell your perfume. I love you, I love all of you, doll. I love every single curve, every single blemish, every single inch of you. I have never loved someone as much as I love you and I never will again. You are the start and the end for me, doll. I miss you so much more than I can tell you. I know you didn’t agree with me going on the run without you but I couldn’t risk possibly making you a target or causing you to get hurt. I know it’s been hard and I’m sorry; I’m sorry for all of this. I’m getting memories every day of my life - of the Winter Soldier’s life. It’s tough especially since you’re the one that usually helps me cope with those but I’m doing okay on my own. I’m sleeping, not great but I’m able to sleep a bit better. I’ve taken to sleeping on the floor again, an old habit that I’ve relearned. 
I’m okay, I assure you. I thought that they found me two cities ago but they didn’t so I got away quite quickly. I’ve got enough money to get me by. I’m helping out the landlord with work so that covers the temporary apartment I’ve got. It’s decent enough; a bed, a kitchen and a bathroom. More than enough for just now. Don’t worry about my food situation, I’m managing to scrape enough money up for a decent meal every day. I’m hoping that things ease up or things are quiet enough that I could get some work but I’m not sure about that. The landlord has hired me to help with construction work or maintenance work around the apartment block so I’m out the way and no one’s seeing my face so I’m hidden. I feel safer here, I think it’ll be a while before they catch up to me but I never know, my bag is packed just in case. 
I know that saying this makes everything sound like I’m not okay and sometimes I’m not okay but I assure you that I’m safe and getting by.
I can’t wait for all of this to be over. I don’t know when that will be and even then, I’m not sure if it’ll ever be over but... I wanted to tell you that I don’t expect you to wait for me. I would love for you to wait but I can’t ask you to put your life on hold for me, doll. It could be years before it’s safe for me to come home so I can’t be selfish, I have to let you move on and live your life; if that’s what you want. I won’t blame you or hate you or feel any negativity towards you, I promise you, doll. I want what’s best for you and right now, I’m not the best thing. You’ve never treated me as a monster or a villain but the world thinks that’s exactly what I am so I gotta make peace with that. I’m not giving up hope, I hope this will all be sorted in a few months but I’m also realistic. I don’t know how it’s gonna go so please, doll, if you wanna move on or find comfort with someone else, I won’t blame you for that. I won’t be able to know your decision, hell you might’ve already moved on, so this is gonna be my last letter, at least for a while. I don’t want anyone finding you or targeting you and I also want to give you the best possible shot for happiness, even if you’re happy without me.
I love you, doll, I’ll always love you and I suppose if this is the last letter I’ll send for a while, let me just say that you were, are and always will be my everything. You’re my hope, my dream, my constant anchor; you are everything to me and I will always love you. I don’t want to ruin your life like I’ve ruined so many lives before so... I’m letting you go. I’m letting you be happy and move on so that you don’t have to worry about me. It’s okay, doll, it really is okay. I want you to be happy so go, be happy. Don’t worry about me any longer and instead, go do great things. Maybe when this is all over we’ll meet in that coffee shop where we first met, sit at the same tables - me at the front and you at the back - and smile at each other from across the shop.
It’s going to be okay, I promise you. I will love you until the sun takes its last breath and beyond. Goodbye for now, doll.
Bucky x
As he signed the letter off and folded into the envelope with your address on it, an overwhelming sadness hit him deep in his heart. It was his goodbye to you. He knew that you’d be upset but he wanted to make sure you knew that it would be okay for you to move on, if that’s what you wanted. You didn’t need permission to move on but he wanted to give you closure if that’s what you needed. He knew that there could’ve been the possibility of you not wanting to leave him and not wanting contact to cease but right now, in order to give you your best shot, he had to. He had to say goodbye no matter how much it killed him inside.
So, he sealed the envelope and put his cap on, pulling his hair down around his face. He left his apartment, letter in hand. He kept his head down as he walked through the streets, thinking only of you. It wasn’t long before he found a post box. With a slow breath, he lifted the letter to the mouth of the post box and faltered. This was it. This was goodbye.
He dropped the letter into the box, hearing it hit the bottom of the metal box,  “Goodbye, doll.” He turned and walked away, walking into the unknown.
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yandere-mha-blog · 2 years
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Yandere ex au 2: something for the dabi lovers
part 23
Mina was trying to call you back and nothing, the two of them arrived at your palace and she saw you weren't home, you must have ran off to Dabi after seeing that photo, and she didn't have his address.
“Already on it.” Keigo said “Funny thing about records for work, you have to put your address on it.”
“How the hell did you get this?”
“Less than legal methods the same way you got (names) late mother necklace back to her.” Keigo said 
“Enough talking we need to get there now!” Mina said
“I really hope (name) does not go into one of her episodes.” Keigo said
“Oh shut up with that already would you!” Mina said and Keigo stopped the car
“You know Mina you never really got my side of the story did you.” He said 
“The episodes, you mean when you would push her to the brink of madness and start crying hysterically at you.” Mina said as Keigo started unbuttoning his shirt and she backed up “what the hell are you doing?”
“Showing my side of the story.” Keigo said as he opened his shirt and his chest was just littered in scars and small cuts
“...what the hell is that?” Mina asked
“Mina, (name) is unstable, no one knows this because the company covered it up, but one time a makeup artist was doing their job and pokes (name) in the eye with a mascara brush, and she tackled them to the ground and punched the living shit out of them!”
“What, (name) no way.” Mina said
“Well you know that one day when she was crying to you when i was trying to break the door down, let me tell you what happened that day.”
Keigo had just gotten off the phone with his manger saying how you needed to be fired after you attacked a producer assailant with a letter opener, where were you right now it was late and he was starting to worry, got another one of your episodes, anytime anyone came close to being aggressive or hurt you, even if it was accidentally it was like a switch went off in your head you just attacked them, was it a defense mechanism, he knew about what happen to your parents, and how Mina parents were little to no help, and the fact any loud noises or sounds of crunching metal could also flip that switch as well.
He heard the door open and you walked in, you looked scared to see him, he was more concerned if anything
“Where have you been?” Keigo asked walking over to you and you took a step back
“I was at Mina's house, her pet died so I went over to console her.” you said setting your bag down and going to wash your hands in the bathroom, avoiding him.
“Name, I just got off the phone with the producer you saw today. You attacked his assistant with a letter opener.” Keigo said ”(name) i know you can be jumpy and certain things can scare you but they spilled some hot coffee on you isn’t a good reason to try and stab them.” “I told you I was at mina place today, no idea what you are talking about.” you said, and closed the door in his face, he knocked on it 
“(name) i just don't see why you are lying to me?” Keigo said as he knocked on the bathroom door again
“I TOLD YOU I'M NOT LYING, I WAS WITH MINA!” you yelled back at him, okay bit of a sudden outburst but remain calm Keigo, till he heard you start to crying behind the door, oh no not again, he took a deep breath but every time he tried to talk you just yelled over him
“IF YOU JUST ADMIT YOU WERE WITH THAT PRODUCER WE CAN PUT THIS ALL BEHIND US!” Keigo raised his voice and that guy made your cries louder, damit he fucked up just listen to him please “look come you know i hate it when you make me like this baby, look ill forgive you, you just got to tell the truth.”
“YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE A BULLSHIT STORY LIKE THAT!”  Keigo yelled, the producer called him, the assistant has proof
“YOU WOULD KNOW IT'S NOT BULLSHIT IF YOU ACTUALLY LISTENED WHEN I TALK ABOUT MY FRIENDS!” you yelled back and he heard something shatter inside, oh no was that the toilet top
And he did get that door down and you through a piece of the broken toilet portion at him, it cut him, but he came over and hugged you as you kept crying, saying you were sorry over and over again, be he forgave you just like he always did, he loved you too much to let you go.
“You expect me to believe that bullshit.” Mina said
“Mina, (Name) only ever told you her side of the story, you just heard my side of the story.” Keigo said “why else do you think we stayed together so long, we both are messed up, once she gets riled up enough she can do things that aren't very nice.” “(name) wouldn't hurt a fly.” Mina said as Keigo buttoned his shirt up and kept driving towards the Dabi place. Mina tried to think back of when you were still living with her and her parents and why they were so adamant on you leaving the house as soon as possible. 
-“She is too…she has these bad outbursts.” her mom tried to explain as her dad was holding some peas on his head.
“Her parents just died mom, I'll talk to her okay.”
You were kneeling on the floor as you looked at the now broken plate in your hands, and blood, and Dabi clutching his head, what had you done, no what had he done, he was a murder, he killed someone, and you just smashed a plate over his head and were holding one of the shards like a knife. “...something is wrong with me..”
“I knew we were perfect for each other.” Dabi said as he reached over and made you drop the broken plate piece, and pulled you in for a hug “Look no matter what that assholes says about you, you aren't crazy, nothing is wrong with you okay
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
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Save a Horse 
pairing: Javier Peña x reader
summary: (fluff, slice of life) You ride a horse. Javi has a heart attack. 
words: 2kish
warnings: language. Utter ignorance of ranch life, but Ears is enthusiastic, at least. No horses were harmed in the writing of this fic.
a/n: unbeta’d.
It was Pop’s idea to start with. 
“Have you ever ridden a horse, Orejas?” he breaks the easy morning silence suddenly, resting his empty mug on the counter and shooting you an expression that can only be described as conspiratorial.
“No,” you answer honestly, thinking wryly that Pop certainly knows how to catch your attention. 
Beside you, Javi stiffens, and you can feel his gaze heavy on you. He’s been a little jumpy ever since he’d got you back, and with good reason, really. You rest a reassuring hand on his thigh and squeeze, receiving just as much comfort from the gesture as you’re offering.
This man is your rock.
Pop is still watching you expectantly, and you feel your lips tug upward. It’s so easy to smile at Chucho Peña. “But I’m game to try anything twice.”
Pop grins, and Javi blusters a deep sigh.
It’s nice outside. For being early November, the weather is surprisingly mild in Laredo, the air smelling of grass and hay and maybe a little bit of horse, but in a good way. The sunshine is warm on your skin, the sky extending bright blue as far as you can see. 
Pop leads you to the stables, prattling on about horses and saddles and other things that you don’t understand in the slightest. Javi follows silently, catching your fingers in a vice grip. His jaw is tense, his brow furrowed in that little frown that seems to be permanently affixed to his face ever since Colombia.
Your heart flip flops, and you stop, pulling him close enough to rest your head on his chest. Automatically, Javi’s arms wrap around you, pulling you in, and he sighs deeply into your hair. 
“Freaking out,” you remind him gently. 
He huffs a tiny laugh. “I know.”
You lift your lips for a quick kiss, and Javi obliges eagerly. “It’s going to be okay, babe,” you murmur as you pull away. 
“I know,” he repeats softly, looking for all the world like he really doesn’t. 
“Come on.” You tug at him, noticing Pop carefully not watching you in the distance. “It’ll be fun.”
“I doubt that,” Javi mutters darkly, but he follows anyway.
“This is Caballo,” Pop announces, stopping in front of a freakishly huge black stallion.
Creative, you almost say aloud, reminding yourself to be nice just in time. This man is as good as your father-in-law. It’s probably wise to keep that favorable impression you’ve made.
As if sensing your thought, Pop winks at you. “Javier named him.”
You shoot a little smirk in Javi’s direction, knowing that he’ll pick up on your teasing. He doesn’t rise to your bait, though, the killjoy.
In no time at all, the horses are saddled up and ready to go. Javi is perched atop a cream-colored mare, Cerveza, and Caballo is all yours.
Pop declines to ride, preferring to supervise you from the ground. “He’s very gentle, Orejas,” he tells you as he helps you into the saddle. “Won’t throw you or buck. Not like Cerveza.” He winks up at you. “Es una pequeña perra.”
Together, you laugh. You’ve picked up on enough Spanish curses during your time in Colombia to get the message.
Javi and Pop offer you some last-second advice - relax, sit up straight, and keep the reigns loose - and then you’re off, plod-plod-ploding at a mind-numbingly sedate pace around the fence line. 
By the third lap, you are thoroughly, utterly, completely bored.
“I think I’m ready to go faster!” you shout to Pop. “Can I make him go faster?”
Pop tips his hat at you, shooting you a toothy grin. “Tap him on the sides with your heels, Orejas, and say, ‘giddap!’”
“Gently,” Javi warns you sharply.
You shoot him a glare that’s only half-mocking. As if you’d just kick this poor horse in the ribs - god, it’s like Javi doesn’t know you at all.
“Giddap,” you say in your most dignified voice, nudging Caballo with your feet like Pop had told you. Caballo jolts forward, cantering half-heartedly for a couple of steps, then slowing to a walk with a disdainful snort. 
Ugh. You toss a questioning glance back at Javi. He’s doing a very poor job of hiding his grin.
Pop is smiling, too. “Try it with a little more authority, Orejas!” he advises. “He’s a big animal, and proud. You’ve got to tell him what to do, not ask politely.” 
 Javi snorts. ”Shouldn’t be too hard.”
You whip around to stare at him, lurching forward when Caballo reacts to your sudden shift in body weight. Behind you, Javi breaks out into snickers.
Well, then.
Exasperated, you decide that Javier Peña is far more of a big, dumb, proud animal than the horse you’re riding, and you manage to climb atop him every day and submit him to your will just fine.
Caballo shouldn’t be a problem. 
You square your shoulders, determined to get it right this time, and summon every John Wayne movie you’ve ever seen to the forefront of your mind. It’s not an impressive anthology to pull from - you’re more of a sci-fi kind of girl - but it’s more than enough to get a clear picture in your head of what needs to happen. 
You gather the reigns in one hand, straighten your back, and take a deep breath. 
Caballo is off like a shot, surging forward with an enthusiasm that sends your body rocketing backwards. Your feet fly up, suddenly free of the stirrups, and its all you can do to hold like mad to the reigns with your right hand - why the fuck did you decide one hand was better, anyway?? - while your left flaps free in the wind.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” you tell Caballo. You’re not begging, you’re not.
You’re vaguely aware of shouts behind you.
You manage to pitch forward just enough to avoid falling off the ass-end of the horse, but it’s a near thing. Caballo is in a full-out gallop, lungs chugging beneath you, mane flapping in the wind and stinging your eyeballs. You lean in and hold on for dear life, and goddamn, none of those westerns ever mention just how rough it is on horseback. You are going to be so fucking sore tomorrow, ass, tits, and bits, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, because you are riding this horse, dammit.
You realize your mistake a moment later. Pride goeth before the fall, and your feet had shaken free of the stirrups on Caballo’s initial leap forward. Now, your legs are free-floating, flap, flap, flapping in the wind, and each bounce is sending you just a hair further over to the side. 
Oh shit shit shit.
You flail, arching your toes in a desperate attempt to find purchase somewhere, but it’s a done deal. Grip with your knees, some primal instinct screams, or maybe that’s just Javi - you think he might be chasing you in the background.
By this point, you’re flat sideways on Caballo’s body, curled up more on his ribs than his back. Flop flop flop. He hasn’t slowed one bit, and you realize with sudden, horrifying clarity that gravity is a fucking bitch, and it’s a matter of where, not if or when, you fall.
You decide to do things on your own terms and let go, dumb as it may be. You pitch forward and roll, tucking your shoulder into the ground like your gymnastics teacher had taught you when you were six. There’s a horrifying moment of chaos and pain - the world is spinning, nothing is under your control, and the breath is knocked completely from you, but it’s over in an instant, and you’re left staring at the shockingly blue sky, blinking into the sunlight and listening to the receding hoof-falls of that goddamned horse.
“Ears! Ears! Ears!” Javi is making a lot of fucking noise somewhere over your shoulder. 
The ridiculousness of the situation hits you all at once, along with a truckload of relief. You relive it all in an instant, picturing how utterly fucking stupid you must have looked, clinging to a runaway horse with your hair wild in the wind and your short little legs bouncing like chicken wings, and before you can find your way to your feet again, you’re laughing so hard that you can’t fucking breathe, which is almost a problem, because there wasn’t much air left in you to begin with -
Javi’s kneeling over you now, blocking the sun with his body, panting hard. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, Ears, are you okay?”
You can’t stop laughing long enough to answer him. You curl up in a ball on your side, trying push yourself up on your elbows, but you can’t.
“Oh… Oh my… Oh my god,” you stutter, breathless. 
Beside you, the tension bleeds from Javi’s body in one long, broken sigh. You realize that he’s laughing, too. He leans his forehead into your shoulder, slumping into you bonelessly.
“I… I couldn’t… the fucking foot loops -” in your discombobulated state, the word ‘stirrup’ is lost to you. “My feet, Javi!”
He shakes his head into your neck, hot little breaths puffing on your bare skin. “I know,” he giggles, pressing a quick kiss to your jaw. “I saw.”
You try to stagger upright and don’t quite manage it. You’re feeling dizzy, almost a little drunk, but before you can stumble again, Javi is right there, hauling you to your feet and catching your lips in a deep, gentle kiss.
“You.” Javi breathes into you, his mustache tickling at your lip, and you lean heavily against him, allowing him to do most of the work of holding you up. “Ridiculous girl,” more kisses, “What do you have against me, huh?” a soft nip at the corner of your mouth, “It’s like you just try to scare the life out of me, Ears.”
“Dunno.” Your voice trembles, and you’re unsure whether that’s leftover adrenaline or the way Javi’s gigantic hands are stroking possessively at your ribcage. The flannel he’s wearing is worn soft with age, and you nuzzle into it, sighing. “It’s a hobby, I guess.”
“I can think of better hobbies,” Javi growls at the skin of your neck.
“Not right here,” you laugh, suddenly aware of Pop approaching. Javi whines like a puppy as you push him away gently, his hair mussed and his lips swollen, and your heart swells in your chest.
Christ, sometimes you still cannot believe how fucking lucky you are. 
“Besides.” You can’t resist stealing one last kiss from his chin. “You know you love it.”
Javi’s breath catches. His eyes darken. One thumb strokes softly at your cheek, tucking back a stray hair. “Querida,” he starts -
You’re startled by a slow clap behind you, and both you and Javi jump back as if burned. Pop has finally made it to the scene. “Buena, Orejas!” he teases, his dark eyes dancing. “Well done!”
Asshole, you think fondly. Sarcasm runs strong in the Peña clan, it seems. You shake your head at him, a grin pulling at your cheeks.
Pop reaches to grip Caballo by the reigns. The motherfucker had finished his flight around the the ranch and wandered back toward you, sedately, almost nonchalantly, as if to say, ‘who, me?’
“Ready to go again?” Pop asks, holding out the reigns in your direction. 
Javi groans. “No, Dad.”
You’re not sure if Pop’s serious, but you are. “Absolutely!” Fresh air and adrenaline have made you giddy, and you decide on the spot that, apart from almost dying, riding a horse is the most fun you’ve ever had in your life. 
Caballo takes a little half step back, side-eyeing you with as much expression as a horse can muster, as if he’s sensed your intent and wholeheartedly does not approve.
You glance back at Javi. He’s sighing hard, head in his hands, rubbing his palms to his eyeballs with a ferocity that must have him seeing spots.
You decide to have mercy. “How about tomorrow?” you suggest, bumping shoulders with Javi in a gentle reminder that you’re here, you’re okay. “I know there’s still some beer in the fridge.” 
Pop nods sagely, still grinning as he pats Caballo on the haunches. “I think so.” He offers you a quick wink, and you decide for the third time this morning that you really, really like your almost father-in-law.
“Thank fuck,” Javi mutters to himself. 
You elbow him hard enough to draw a grunt, then offer him a quick peck on the lips in compensation. “Come on, babe. It wasn’t that bad.” 
He huffs in response. 
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Chapter 05 - Elsa's excursion
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: each Friday on (link)
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks. It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting.
Joná went to his little boat and pondered what had happened. He just wanted to help and hoped that Yelana would do something about it. Instead, she asked him to keep everything secret. He shrugged his shoulders and bent over the edge of the boat to get his catch out. Still thinking she already knew what to do, he turned with his full basket and froze. Behind him some men from the village had gathered and looked at him piercingly.
“Um ... why are you standing there staring at me like that? Is something going on?” he asked and put the basket down.
“We were just about to ask you that,” said the one in front, who had obviously led the men here. “We noticed everything earlier and wondered if you would tell us what you had so urgently to tell Yelana.” He crossed his arms and looked at Joná waiting.
Joná swallowed. He remembered what she had told him and didn't know how to begin. “Um ... well ... I was just so excited because ... because the fish I had on the line today are so big. One of them almost pulled me over the edge of the boat.”
The man in front of him cast a telling glance at his basket and then looked at him again with raised eyebrows. “Oh, yeah?”
“Not that one, no. But the one fish I was going to pull into the boat was,” said Joná, who noticed this look. “Really, I did. They were just too heavy for me and were tearing the string.”
A few moments passed, and the man finally nodded, “Well, we know your fish stories good enough. But don't you think you might have overdone it a little today?”
Joná sighed and let his shoulders sink. “Yes, maybe you are right. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone.”
“Let's go, men.” They all turned around and walked slowly back to camp, some of them looking disappointed. But the leader of the group said quietly, “There's something he's not telling us. I don't buy that story. Not that I ever did, but ... ”
“Did you notice his nervous look and how insecure he was this time?” one of the men asked quietly and looked at him from the side.
He nodded, “Indeed.”
Elsa had been lying quietly on her bed for a long time, listening to the noises coming in from outside. It sounded very busy and once she heard a loud shouting and a name. Yelana. She didn't know this person, but she seemed to hold an important position. After that it was quiet again and she only heard a few birds chirping. A ray of sunlight came in from above and blinded her. She turned her head to the side and her eyes fell on the bundle of clothes next to her. Somehow she had had enough of just lying around here idly. She wanted to get out and look around.
Elsa bent her knees to see how far she was able to stand up. It still hurt a little, but it worked surprisingly well. She pushed the fur to the side and did stretching exercises with her legs, slowly and alternately. After some time she carefully sat up and bent over to massage her thighs and calves. A long blonde strand of hair fell into her face. “Oh ...,” she said in surprise and reached behind her head to pull more of her hair forward. She felt and looked at it. “I'd love to know what I look like,” she murmured and then continued to put her plan into action.
Finally she turned and let her legs dangle over the edge of the bed. She stood up, or at least tried to, because her strength was not enough and she sank back onto the bed. But Elsa didn't want to give up so quickly and pulled the wooden stool in front of her to support herself. After two attempts, she finally stood there a little shaky and made a satisfied sound. Then she picked up her clothes and slipped the leather tunic over her head. She touched the material. It was a bit rough, but very soft and felt a bit cool on her skin. She looked at the pants and sat down again to slip them over her legs, slowly stood up again and pulled them up. Everything fit her perfectly. Finally she put on the belt and slipped into the boots. Now she was ready for her first excursion and started to move slowly.
Honeymaren had nothing else to do at the moment and therefore shuffled around the camp a bit bored and lost in thought with her head lowered. Unconsciously she took the way towards Elsa's kota. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed how the flap of one of the huts was pressed open. She looked over and couldn't believe her eyes. Elsa stepped straight out and kept herself wobbly on her feet. She looked around curiously and their eyes met. Elsa smiled at her and took a hesitant step forward, but almost fell over and held on to the edge of the entrance just in time. Honeymaren did not hesitate for a second and rushed to her to help.
“Careful, you're still too weak and you might hurt yourself in the fall. Let me help you.” She took Elsa's hand and put one arm around her shoulder to support her.
“Thank you. I just couldn't stand it in there anymore and had to try to get out.”
“I can understand that. I guess that's what I'd do. Although ... nothing like that has ever happened to me, so I don't know what ...” She bit her lip.
Elsa looked at her and said, “All right, it hasn't happened to me either ... I think.” She put on a crooked smile.
Honeymaren nodded, looked down at her and then smiled and said, “The Northuldra clothes look pretty good on you.”
“Thanks. It feels very comfortable too. What's your name anyway?”
“I'm Honeymaren.”
They looked into each other's eyes for a moment. “We know each other, right? I'm sorry if I can't remember anything about it.”
Honeymaren felt her heartbeat accelerate. Before all this happened to her, Elsa had always been so distant, almost unapproachable, and with her task as Fifth Spirit, she had rarely been seen in camp lately. Now would actually be the perfect opportunity to change this. But was she allowed to do that? It would amount to a lie. She hesitated.
“Yes, we know each other ... quite well.”
Elsa briefly squeezed Honeymaren's hand and sighed, “I hope I'll be able to remember this soon. Will you help me to look around a bit and explore everything? I am very curious.”
“I'd love to. I already know where we could go first.”
They walked with slow steps and she helped Elsa to keep her balance. She had never been so close to Elsa before; Honeymaren thought to herself. It was kind of exciting. Before Elsa promised to free the Northuldra from the impenetrable mist wall on that memorable evening, Honeymaren didn't know very much, trapped in this small world. She was born into this world as one of the few children and there were only a handful in her age with whom she could do something. The few of them were playful boys who were either too simple-minded or interested in other things. So she grew up, mostly alone with herself and her thoughts, only with her somewhat jumpy brother Ryder, to whom the reindeer meant more than anything else. Otherwise, it was their leader Yelana who had been her life anchor and she learned a lot from her, especially about the past of her tribe and its values.
At some point they finally reached the edge of the forest and stepped out onto a narrow strip of sand beach bathed in sunlight.
“This is one of the few beautiful places here by the sea, the rest is quite jagged and mostly full of big black pebbles,” Honeymaren said, and led Elsa to a smooth, almost white-washed piece of an old tree trunk that lay half buried in the sand.
They sat down on it and Elsa looked out into the distance. The sun sparkled on the softly rippling waves, which the gentle wind washed up and carried a salty scent. She took a deep breath, laid her head relaxed in the neck and closed her eyes. Honeymaren, on the other hand, did not care about the sea, because she had a completely different view in front of her eyes. She sat so close to Elsa that she could literally feel her and the temptation was great to gently stroke her long light hair. She felt the heat rising inside her, but she was not allowed to rush into anything and instead was content to admire Elsa's features, her light soft skin and the fine hairs on her gently curving neck. She sucked up every little detail and felt lost in time.
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So she didn't even realise how Elsa finally opened her eyes again and noticed Honeymaren's behaviour out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and looked directly at her. “What are you doing?”
Honeymaren took a frightened breath and stammered, “I ... nothing, I ... I was just admiring your long hair. Sorry, Elsa, I ... didn't mean to ...” Her cheeks turned red and her eyes were wide open.
Elsa raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Tell me, Honeymaren, how well did we actually know each other?”
Honeymaren looked down somewhat bashfully, not daring to say anything. She thought feverishly about what she could answer instead. Then she simply changed the subject. She didn't know how Elsa would react and whether it was wise to mention it. Still, now they were sitting here already and the opportunity seemed appropriate.
“I don't know if I should say it ... but I guess sooner or later you'll find out from someone anyway. This is exactly where they found you a few days ago, unconscious and lying half in the water.”
Elsa didn't miss the change of subject, of course, and she wondered about it briefly, but the mention of her accident distracted her and she gazed thoughtfully out at sea.
“I'd love to know what exactly happened to me,” she remarked shortly after.
“Only Ahtohallan knows,” Honeymaren murmured, daring to look up again.
Elsa gave her a questioning look, “Ahtohallan? Who is that?”
“Um ... that's something we should probably talk about another time. Be patient, everything will be fine,” she replied, a bit unsettled, and placed her hand comfortingly on Elsa's arm. She glanced around her. “Dusk is starting to fall, and we should probably start making our way back. Don't want you to miss a root in the woods and trip.” She giggled and Elsa fell in laughing.
Then she stood up and extended a hand to Elsa to help her to her feet. The embarrassing moment from just now was over and Honeymaren was really glad about it. Both of them took one last look at the setting sun on the horizon and Honeymaren let herself be carried away to another remark because of it.
“I somehow knew you would love this place. I often come here myself when no one is around and the fishermen are all out at sea. Then I think about different things and have my peace. It's a really good spot to relax and enjoy nature.
“Yes, you're right, and that moment a minute ago really did me a lot of good. I thank you for it.”
“You're welcome, Elsa,” she replied with a smile.
“Tell me, Honeymaren, is there a creek around here with a quiet spot where you can see a reflection of yourself when you look into it? I'd like to know what I look like.”
Honeymaren looked at her in surprise, “As a matter of fact, yes, there is. Come, I'll take you there.” Honeymaren held out her hand and they both slowly and carefully made their way back.
Yelana sat on the furs on the floor in her hut and thought for some time. A Northuldra woman who wanted to know something she had sent her away again and said that she didn't have time at the moment and would visit her later. She saw Elsa lying on the beach in front of her eyes, shortly before all the spirits had disappeared and now this description. Of all people by this fisherman, who was known for his stories. But what he told was just too extraordinary this time and it all fitted in with recent events. However, Ahtohallan would never do such a thing, what could be the reason for that.
Except ... Yelana took a long scarf from one of her leather bags and put one end of it over her knee. Lost in thought, she stroked over the five symbols woven into it and stayed on the one in the middle. She had received this scarf from her mother when she was a child and has taken it out every time she has thought and searched for answers ever since. Maybe she hoped for some comfort and strength after her parents had died long ago. It was not unlike the shawl Queen Anna was carrying at the time, but it had a different colour and, of course, a different pattern on the edge that stood for the family that woven it for their descendants.
The fifth spirit before Elsa died during the events that ultimately trapped the forest for so long. She knew that for sure. But then who was it who had the powers of Ahtohallan and was responsible for all this today? There was no other fifth spirit, that much was certain. Could it be that ... no, that was impossible. Or could it? Could he have had a child? Then who was his mother? Someone in her tribe?
Slowly a certainty was forming in Yelana, one that she did not like at all.
He sat on the large rocky plateau near the river, far away from any Northuldra dwelling. Nobody dared to come here, because the earth giants slept here and did not like to be woken up. The place was perfectly chosen for his secret whereabouts.
He wore a dark, almost black fur coat, next to him were reindeer antlers, worked into a large fur hood. His eyes were closed, he breathed deeply and calmly in and out, and let his senses wander into the forest. He felt and he saw.
He could read their minds, at least of most of them. It was different from the nature spirits, where he never felt this limitation, but some people were strong-willed and it was as if he had to fight his way through a thick layer of snow. With very few of them he could only feel their emotions and nothing more ... like with this woman from the house of that hateful king, who was responsible for his father's death. Now, decades later, he still could see in his mind's eye that terrible image of how he found his father after the battle was over. As clearly as if it had been only yesterday. He was lying on the ground bleeding and not moving, peppered with half a dozen crossbow arrows.
His father had been his icon and was respected by all Northuldra, but also feared. For he had an ability that until now had only been considered a myth. He could change his shape. Therefore, some of the elders called him reverently Myandash, the reindeer shapeshifter, one of the centuries-old legends of his people. This legend said that his mother was a shaman and witch who could transform into a reindeer and that his father was a real reindeer. While Myandash was inside his tent he was a human, but he transformed as soon as he stepped outside. But the world in which he lived was that of the great reindeer spirit and not the realm of humans.
His father was therefore said to be the descendant of Myandash, who walked and protected among them. He had a great influence on the council of elders and his decisions were always taken seriously. But this was now in the past and he was alone. For decades he had hidden here and lived secluded from those of his people, learning, observing, training all his skills ... and planned his revenge. At least the king from the south was also taken to his death by someone from his tribe. But there were many of them, too many, and he hated them all.
He let his senses wander again and concentrated. Then he found a young Northuldra woman who had quite confusing feelings ... for another woman. He drew the corner of his mouth in disgust, but penetrated deeper into her mind and finally he saw through her eyes, saw what she saw, as clearly as if he would be present beside them ... a beach and that other woman sitting next to her. She was also wearing Northuldra clothes, but something was strange about her and different. Her hair, it was long and ...
He opened his eyes in horror. That couldn't be! How was that even possible? He had killed that blonde bitch, or at least made sure that she was doomed to drown in the dark sea and never appear again. How had she achieved her survival? He cursed. It hadn't been easy to take the magic away from her, or rather to make her forget all of it. It had cost him great effort and many preparations. To let Nokk dissolve under her was a piece of cake. After all, Nokk no longer had any connection to Ahtohallan, neither did the other nature spirits after he managed to establish the mist bell over the glacier.
It was all so well planned. But recently the Spirits had stopped obeying him and he assumed that it was directly related to Ahtohallan. But then he had been able to seize another of the secrets of Ahtohallan's power and outsmarted it. Only in this way had his plan become possible at all.
He would now have to try again. Then just by the conventional way. This time she wouldn't get away from him again, because now she had no magic and he was far superior to her both physically and mentally. It was just too bad that his father couldn't teach him to shape-shift anymore. He had simply been too young for that.
It was time to forge a new plan. One that was deadproof this time ... and he already knew approximately how he would proceed this time. It was time to act.
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know.
Credits: Many thanks to HARU (@ xlayers) for the commissioned fantastic fanart!
Tagging:  @karma26​ @whether-near-to-me-or-far​ @annaofthenorthernlights​ @igotelsapregnanthelp​
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
ohhh wait also i wanted to send number 73 (height difference one) and thought it wouldn't work for them but it might for muke actually? -taylor<3
@squishmichael oh taylor never doubt my ability to create situations that give people a height difference regardless of how tall the characters actually are
muke: height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes
Michael has spent way too many hours in the theater if he's starting to get jumpy at every little noise. It's not difficult to let his imagination run wild when it gets late into the night and he's alone, but Michael himself has never had an encounter with one of their theater ghosts and he has no reason to believe that he'll have one now. It's an old building, so it stands to reason that the random noises he sometimes hears are all a result of the building settling, not a murderer walking around or anything like that.
Michael hopes it's not a murderer, at least. Then he'd probably be stuck haunting the theater with the other ghosts, and that's not an after-life he's ever wanted for himself.
Either way, he's been here too long. He sent the other carpenters home a while ago, only his phone playing music from the sound booth to keep him company, but the set really should be finished by tonight so the charge artists can work their magic tomorrow in preparation for tech week. All Michael has to do is finish attaching the railing to Juliet's balcony and he can go home to his dogs and his boyfriend and maybe, if he's really lucky, leftovers in the fridge because Luke managed to cook without burning the place down.
He only has two more screws left when he hears what sounds like someone tripping over one of the acting blocks backstage and a faint Ow, what the fuck.
"Who's there?" he asks, holding the screw gun out like it could possibly make an effective defense. It's not a projectile weapon like the nail gun, so it's basically useless. Maybe he could throw it, though. It's heavy enough to hurt a little.
"Just me!" someone calls, which is not very specific. Luckily, Michael recognizes the voice.
"Luke?" he asks, right before the man in question comes into view. He has a tupperware container in his hand and a scarf wrapped securely around his neck to fight off the chill that comes with sundown, curls a little unruly but otherwise looking perfectly like a model for a men's fall fashion collection.
"Luke," he repeats, lowering the drill. "You scared the shit out of me. How did you get in here?"
"You have the security code pinned on the fridge," Luke says, making his way across the stage and careful to avoid all of the tools, extension cords, and wood scattered around.
"Oh," Michael says. He's probably not supposed to leave the security code out for anyone to see, especially now that he's worked at the theater long enough to have it memorized. "What are you doing here?"
Luke holds up the container.
"I brought something to hold you over until dinner. Also, it's late and you weren't answering your phone. I figured you were caught up in things here, but I got a bit worried."
Michael gestures to the sound booth.
"I have it on do not disturb."
"Well, I realize that now," Luke says. "It also explains why you're here at ten at night without complaining to me about it."
"Is it really that late?" Michael asks. "Shit. I lost track of time, sorry. I'm almost done, I swear."
Luke shrugs.
"It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay and not dead in an alley. Besides, I get to see you in all your craftsman glory. There's nothing like a guy who knows how to handle power tools."
"Oh yeah?" Michael laughs, pressing the trigger on the screw gun twice. "That does it for you?"
"Well, maybe it's just you," Luke grins. Michael's heart flutters a little, the same way it always does when Luke pulls out something corny and sweet to compliment him.
"You're an idiot," he says, not bothering to hide the fondness saturating his words. "Let me put two more screws in, then we can go."
Luke wanders closer while Michael works, setting the tupperware down on the balcony floor in between the legs for the railing. He runs a hand up one of the legs, design carefully cut and sanded by Michael earlier in the day.
"What do you think?" Michael asks when he's done, leaning on the railing and looking down at him. "Is Juliet's balcony going to work? Does this look like a worthy balcony to be the subject of Romeo's iconic monologue?"
"I don't know," Luke says, looking up at Michael through his eyelashes. He still has a little bit of glitter on his eyelids from the day, making him sparkle under the work lights. He's always breathtaking, but Michael loves it when he pulls out the makeup if only for the added confidence it gives him. Besides, Luke's eyes are beautiful. Michael likes that the eyeshadow helps other people appreciate them as much as he does.
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" Luke asks, gazing up at him. He pauses, then smiles. "I don't know any of the other lines, but I think it works. If I knew them, I'd monologue at you all night. You look good up there."
Michael is pretty sure he has sawdust in his hair, but Luke is looking at him like he's the prettiest thing he's ever seen. He feels his cheeks heat up under Luke's attention.
"You know, our Romeo is about your height. Think he'll be able to kiss Juliet from there?"
"We should test it out," Luke says. "Just to be sure it works."
"Yeah, definitely. I'd be a shitty lead carpenter if I didn't test it."
Luke tilts his head, gripping the railing legs. Michael cups the back of his neck and leans down, tugging Luke up towards him. Luke goes up on his toes, meeting Michael halfway sweetly. His lips are a little chapped and his nose is still cold from the walk from the subway to the theater, and Michael wants to keep him here until he warms up. Luke hums against him like he might agree.
Eventually Luke rocks back on his feet, breaking the kiss. Michael watches the glitter on his eyelids sparkle as he blinks his eyes open.
"I kind of like being taller than you for that," Michael says, swiping his thumb along Luke's jaw and loving the way that he leans into it. "It's a nice change of pace."
"Yeah?" Luke says. "We can do it again, if you want."
Michael doesn't respond, just leans down further and kisses Luke again.
He may not agree with most of Romeo and Juliet's decisions, but he thinks he understands them a bit better now. Kissing someone on a balcony is addictive, and he might make some silly decisions afterwards, too.
Of course, it might not be the balcony talking at all. Anyone would risk it all to be with Luke, and Michael thanks his lucky stars that he doesn't have to and can just keep kissing him instead.
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towerfandoms · 4 years
3AM Encounters
A/n: I feel like everyone uses that title but oh well I’m uncreative when it comes to titles. I’ve been simping a LOT for Shinsou recently so here enjoy this <33 and ik requests are off but for Shinsou I make exceptions ✨✨✨
Summary: Shinsou had trouble falling asleep and was laying in bed, counting as the hours passed by. That is, until he heard footsteps outside
Pairings: Shinsou Hitoshi x reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none just fluff
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Despite the many times Shinsou had laid awake at 3am, he still could never quite get used to the eerie silence. It was times like this when he truly understood the phrase “deafening silence”. The quietness felt too loud. The nothingness made him feel uneasy. During the day, he despised hearing the loud screeches of jumpy teenagers but now, he almost misses it. He could hear just about every little thing, the slight gust of wind from outside his open window, the creaking of his bed every time he shifted to get comfier and the footsteps outside.
Wait,,, outside?
Shinsou grabbed his phone from his bedside table and squinted at the screen, the harsh light illuminating his room. It was 3:15AM. Trying to make as little noise as possible as to not draw attention to himself, he heaved out of bed and looked out the window that was overlooking the gardens. He was surprised to be met with the sight of a black silhouette scurrying across the gardens, making their way towards the equipment shed. They were dressed in what seemed to be a black hoodie and pyjama bottoms. He couldn’t make out their face, their hood masking all their features. Leaning out a bit to get a better view, he noticed they were holding something close to their chest. He wasn‘t sure but to him it seemed like a box.
Now this peeked the teenage boy's interest. He wondered what was inside the box to make them run so early in the morning. They were most likely a student in his year as these gardens were predominantly used by second years, since they were right by their dormitories. Should he go after them and make sure they weren’t getting into trouble? Thinking, he had nothing better to do and the chances of actually being able to fall asleep were slim so he decided to investigate. He wasn’t sure what he was going to say or do when he met the person but he just hoped they weren’t up to no good.
He pulled on the first sweatshirt he found and carefully made his way down to the backyard. He stopped when he thought he heard footsteps and thought of just going back to his dorm and letting the person do whatever they wanted. He wasn’t the class president or anything so he wasn’t obligated to check on every little out of the norm. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep influencing his decisions but for some odd reason he desperately wanted to know what the person was up to. When he first joined the Hero Course in second year he announced to everyone that he wasn’t looking to make friends. However that soon changed as he got to know everyone. He still wasn’t the most sociable person but hey who knows, maybe he’ll find a kindred spirit when it comes to the inability to sleep. So he let curiosity get the better of him and pursued onwards towards the equipment shed.
Once he was outside the shed, Shinsou leaned his head against the rotting wood trying to listen in. He was surprised to hear low whisperings but he couldn’t make out anything bar a few hushed be quiet’s. He stiffly stood outside for some time, unsure whether to knock or barge in. He decided knocking would probably be silly so he opted with the latter. In one swift motion, he swung the handle and stepped inside.
The scene before him was baffling, to say the least. Whatever Shinsou was expecting, it definitely wasn’t this. The black figure from before was kneeling down,  their back to him, petting a large grey cat while a kitten was on their lap. There were three more kittens around them, all purring and rubbing their heads against them, whining for their attention. When they heard the door creak open, they rapidly swung their head around, eyes wide at the thought of being discovered. So they were quite surprised when their deep e/c eyes met with Shinsous' own lilac hues.
They both stayed staring like that, neither pulling away and refusing to break eye contact. After what seemed like hours but couldn’t possibly be more than a few seconds, Shinsou finally pulled away, looking to the side while sheepishly bringing a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“Sh-Shinsou!” was the only thing you managed to say, confusion clouding your brain. Just what was he doing here this early in the morning? Then an even more alarming thought popped into your head. Was he going to report you???
Sensing your disarray, Shinsou quickly tried to explain himself, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh, um, you don’t have to worry about me snitching or anything haha,” he nervously fumbled out, “I-I just saw you running and was wondering what you were doing is all…” he trailed off, unable to look at you in the eyes.
Of all people he had to meet in the middle of the night, why did it have to be you. You were also in 2-A, in fact you sat behind him in most of his classes. You two had a few brief encounters but it was enough for Shinsou to feel butterflies whenever he crossed paths with you. You were really sweet to everyone, always smiling and happy to lend a hand to anyone in need. Well you were the class president, he supposed, it was your job after all. Still though, the level of kindness you showed them all was something that not even Bakugou wanted to push away. As if your looks and kindness weren’t enough, you also had a killer sense of humour. You were always sending the funniest memes, tweets and tik toks to their class gc and responded to his sarcastic comments with ones of your own. You were without a single doubt one of the most perfect people Shinsou had ever laid his eyes upon. And now here he was seeing you surrounded by cats??? Hell, in his eyes you were quite literally an angel.
“Oh! Whoops, I suppose I should’ve been sneakier,” relief evident in your voice as you chuckled softly. Thank God it was just him and not someone like Iida a stickler for rules.
However, the fact that he was here now meant that...
”Wait a second! Did I wake you up??? Oh my God no, I am so so so sorry. Ugh, I feel so horrible now,” your tone changing abruptly as you ushered out an apology.
“What? No, no, it’s fine. I was always awake,” he quickly replied back looking down to meet your shining eyes again. There was only one window and the moonlight trickled through, enhancing your eyes and accentuating all your lovely features. You really looked as though you were hand-carved by the Greek Gods themselves.
You met his eyes again, sharing a look of sympathy as you understood his pain.
“Oh, you couldn’t sleep either? That’s why I came down here. I found the mama cat and her kittens three weeks ago. No one seemed to be feeding them or even know of their existence so I was kinda like damn, alright I’ll take care of yous,” you rambled on, almost forgetting about the kittens beside you, desperately mewling for attention.
You stopped to take a deep breath and started playing with the kittens next to you, looking up at Shinsou awaiting his reply.
Shinsou on the other hand was so absorbed watching you play that he didn’t even realise you were finished talking until you gave a small laugh.
“Do you wanna come over here and play with them?” you asked a small smile splayed on your lips.
He could not say yes fast enough. He walked over to where you sat and carefully kneeled down so as to not scare away the kittens. He gently started petting mama cat who instantly became smitten with him. Shinsou slowly began to smile, the pure adoration for these kittens displayed on his face.
You allowed yourself to stare at Shinsou while he wasn’t paying attention. Shinsou was a beautiful man, even Kaminari noting his good looks. You two never had much interactions bar a few good mornings and complaining about training. The usual small talk. He was always polite and when in a good mood would throw a few sarcastic comments here and there. Though he was never rude, it always felt like there was a barrier between him and the rest of the class that no one could quite break down. However now, early in the morning you somehow felt closer to him. It was like he was slowly letting his guard down. Even though neither of you were talking, you enjoyed his company, the silence almost comforting.
Despite how much you enjoyed just being next to him and petting cats, you also wanted to talk to him. It was hard talking to him in class, what with the walls he surrounded himself with. You decided now would be the best time to get to know him if you ever wanted to make a lasting friendship with him.
You wracked your brain for a conversation starter, not wanting to be too dry to bore him away nor wanting to be too chaotic to scare him away. God, just why were you so nervous anyways? It's just Shinsou after all. Why did talking to hot boys always have to be so hard ugh?
You looked over at him again, admiring his toned body that could almost be seen through the sweatshirt. You let your eyes trailed down until you noticed his pyjama bottoms. They were baby pink with Hello Kitty printed all over it.
You had to suppress a scream of joy. They were without a single doubt the most beautiful pyjamas you had ever laid your eyes upon.
“I like your pj bottoms,” you said teasingly, though that wasn’t your intention.
“O-oh, thank you,” he muttered, surprising himself by getting out a coherent sentence. Inwardly though, he was cursing himself for not throwing on a pair of sweatpants. You probably genuinely meant it but it was still something Shinsou didn’t want to go around flaunting. Fortunately for him, it was too dark for you to see the tinge of red on the tip of his ears and cheeks.
When he looked back up at you, he was expecting a face of mockery but was pleasantly surprised to see you smiling, your eyes shining brightly under the dim moonlight. The peace he was feeling before returned and he started to feel more confident in your comfortable presence.
“Y’know,” he started, his deep velvety voice becoming more confident. “Aren’t you the class president? What would Iida say if he found out?” he asked, completely breaking the ice between yous.
“You wouldn’t dare,” you said in a low voice, feigning a look of mock fear.
“I don’t know, it just wouldn’t be honest. My guilty conscience would never be able to handle it,” he replied, a teasing smile dancing on his lips.
You couldn’t stop smiling at the thought that he was willing to continue the conversation. You wanted to see how much longer you could make it last.
“Hmmmm, well how about I make it even. If you want, you can join me to feed the cats. They need to be fed in the day too, so it’s not like we’re always breaking the rules.” looking down as soon as you finished, afraid of the answer. You didn’t want to seem like you were being too pushy but at the same time you really enjoyed Shinsous company. The morning was slowly coming to an end and soon you both will have to go back to your dorms. You’ll both have to continue classes the next day and pretend this night never happened. You wanted it to continue. So you waited with baited breath for Shinsous reply.
Coincidentally enough, Shinsou had also been thinking the same thing. He had thoroughly enjoyed his time. Though you both hadn’t spoken much, your presence really put him at ease. He felt so much more relaxed around you. It would be a shame if this was the first and last night of spending time with you and the kittens. So when you asked, he knew his answer straight away. He just had to somehow play it off cool and act unbothered.
“Deal. I guess I have enough time to visit the kittens. And you too, I suppose,” he added with his signature smirk.
You felt your cheeks heat up but managed to return a mischievous grin of your own. You quickly pulled out your phone and sighed with disappointment when you checked the time.
“Unfortunately, I think our time here has ended. It’s nearly 4am, the sun will be coming up soon. And we have annoying classes tomorrow,” you stated a bit sad about the fact that such an enjoyable night has come to an end. However he did say he’d continue joining you so that kept you somewhat excited.
Shinsou looked at you, mouth slightly parted in shock.
“4AM already? Shit, sorry for keeping you up for so long,” with that he tried to remove mama cat from his lap who had fully made herself at home on it. She lazily stretched and got off, a bit annoyed that her nap time was ruined.
You and Shinsou both stood up and brushed yourselves down, dusting off any dirt that may have stuck on to you from the old floors.
“I can walk you back to your dorm,” Shinsou offered, his hand rubbing the back of his next.
“How chivalrous,” you giggled slightly. “Don’t worry about it, besides we wouldn’t want anyone to catch you in those stunning bottoms now would we,”
“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes irritably but there was a pleased smile on his lips, indicating he wasn’t really annoyed.
You both made your way back to the dorms, whispering softly to each other occasionally. You broke apart to go to your separate dorms and try to get at least a couple of hours of sleep.
You lay awake in your bed, replaying the encounter and a bit upset at how quickly it had ended. You remembered his eyes, his smell and his deep velvety voice. You couldn’t stop smiling stupidly when you remembered your conversations. Somehow thinking about his voice managed to help you drift off to sleep, your last clear thought being Shinsou playing with the kittens.
A/n: I tried really hard to keep it gender, race and features in general neutral. If there’s any place where I could improve or switch up my words please let me know and I’ll be happy to oblige :)) constructive criticism/ feedback is always appreciated in fact encouraged so do not hesitate to tell me anything. Anyways thank you so much and have a lovely day yall <33
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novelist-becca · 3 years
Could these walls come crumbling down
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda 
Summary: A look at “A Lying Witch and a Warden” from Eda’s POV. Title is from the song “Into the Open Air” by Julie Fowlis. Italics are Eda’s thoughts.
AO3 link here
FFN link here
Eda had sent Owlbert back through the portal after their brief trip through the human realm. She was unable to find any good stuff, plus she was getting tired. So she went back to wait at her booth while he found more garbage. That was an hour ago. The bored witch watched as random citizens walked by. A part of her worried he was caught and captured by a curious human. He was supposed to be back by now! 
Then, as she was tapping her foot in impatience, she heard the door finally open, and the owl flew through the curtain dragging a half-full sack of human garbage. 
“Finally, you're back!” Eda said with a sigh. Nevertheless, she gave Owlbert a quick scratch on his chin as a thank you. Eda thought she heard a voice from inside the tent, but she ignored it and turned to the sack. “Now let's see what we've got here.” She said as she screwed Owlbert back onto the staff. 
Eda rubbed her hands together in anticipation and looked through the assortment. A small dark box thingy? Nah, she could never figure out how to work those strange box things. “Garbage…” A diamond ring? No, everybody here's already seen those. “Garbage…” and a golden glowing goblet! Nope, she needed something rare! Something different!
Then as if the sack could read her mind, Eda gasped pulled out a large pair of strange glasses with bloodshot eyeballs. “Now this…” she said as she tried them on. “This will make me rich!” To her amusement, the eyeballs popped out and sprung for a few seconds.
It's horrifying. Perfect! 
“And this…” The next item Eda pulled out was a book. It was…eh. She's seen a few witchlings carry it around. Whatever. Her candle was starting to go out anyway. “Well, this'll make good kindling.” 
But as soon as she held the book over the flame, some kid burst out of the tent and snatched it out of her hand. “Excuse me sorry that's mine thank you!” She said quickly. 
Now where the hell did she come from? Eda thought. Then a quick look at her ears confirmed that she was a human. 
Now she could be…useful.
Before the little intruder could escape back through the portal door, Eda closed it with the key. She wasn't going to get away that easily.
“You're not going anywhere.” She said sternly. It seemed to scare the kid enough that she escaped from under the tent’s cover. Not wanting to lose this opportunity, the witch followed her. Soon enough, Eda found the girl standing at the edge of a cliff, visibly freaked out and confused, and also smacked down a stray pixie. The witch internally laughed at the child. 
Classic humans. 
“Where am I? Did I DIE?! Am I in the Bad Place?” The girl frantically asked nobody in particular. Eda grabbed her shoulder, startling her for a moment. 
“You wish.” 
The older witch dragged the girl back to the booth by her arm, sitting her down on a stool. Yup, she's human. Eda told herself. No doubt about it with those round ears. She looked to be in her teens, with dark skin and short brown hair. Said human had her knees pulled up to her chest, looking up apologetically at the woman before her. 
“I-I'm so sorry, I just wanted my book! If you're gonna eat me, just make it quick- just do it now!” The human stuttered out, holding out her arm. 
The witch internally laughed at this kid’s complete overreaction. Alright Eda, time to drop the tough guy act. Don't scare her too much.
“Eat you? Why would I eat…a potential customer?” Eda said to the girl, presenting her stash of junk. Her words seemed to confuse her, but the kid seemed to calm down, and looked up with interest. Nailed it! She's hooked! “Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh, how about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?” Eda spoke as she went through whatever assortment of objects she found interesting. 
And, interestingly enough, instead of rejecting the offer and walking to the next stand, the human laughed a little bit at the presentation. 
“That's not all it can do.” The human says, getting out of her seat. “Here, let me see it.” Eda allows her to take the offered “shadow box” and observed as she takes something from the “human candy” bowl and inserted it into the object. Then she pushed a button and…it lit up with loud music, showing a person dancing. To Eda’s surprise, some demons and witches heard the noise and were immediately attracted. Oh, so that's how it really works.
“Huh? What's that?”
“That sound, it's so alluring…!” 
One demon held up some money. “I'll pay 40 snails for the screaming box!” 
Another demon held up his too. “I'll give you 100!”
“Can I eat the tiny person inside?” 
Eda watched in awe as more people offered up their goods for the device. All thanks to this kid. She turns to her with great interest. “What did you say your name was?” She asked with an impressed smirk. 
If she's a human, then maybe she can help King. Eda thought, remembering the other reason for pulling her aside. 
“I'm Luz! Luz Noceda!” The kid said, smiling at her. It's incredible how she hasn't run away screaming from the demons and monsters of the Isles, as most normal humans would. 
“Well, Luz, that was pretty clever…for a human.” Eda adds, taking the offered money from her customers. 
“That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say.” Luz says, raising an eyebrow. 
Oh, right, the bandana!
“Oh, dear child…” Eda started before swiftly taking off the bandana disguise to reveal her own pointy ears. “I'm not like you.” 
The witch stepped on top of her table to speak. Might as well entertain the kid. 
“I'm Eda the Owl Lady! The most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!” Eda declared proudly. 
“A witch?” She heard Luz say in wonder and delight. 
Oh, I like this kid. 
“I am respected! Feared!”
“-Busted!” To her dismay, the loud device was smashed by none other than…an Emperor’s Guard. Customers ran away in fear, but Luz stayed by the table for whatever reason. Dammit.
“Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors!” The guard spoke in a gruff voice. 
“Woah, witch criminal.” Luz said from her spot by the table, watching with great interest. For some reason she…stayed. 
“You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformitorium!” He demanded, grabbing Eda’s arm. 
She yanked it back in annoyance. The guards were stalking her…a lot today. “Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat.” Why do they call it “misuse” anyway? 
Unfortunately, the guard noticed Luz and lifted her up by her shirt. “And you're coming too. For fraternizing with a criminal!” 
“What? That's not cool!” Luz exclaimed, eyes widening. 
Quickly, Eda formulated a plan. “Oh alright alright, you win. Just let me get my stuff…” she answered, getting her staff. Swiftly, she swung it at the guard, knocking him flat on the ground. These chumps are too easy!
Quickly, Eda cast a spell to wrap up everything in a sack, hanging it on her staff. But not before pressing the button on her key. “Whoops, can't forget this!” She ran towards Luz, remembering her mission. “Follow me, human!” And she did. 
As Eda ran, Luz rambled frantically beside her. “This is crazy! If I die here my mom’s gonna kill me!” 
The witch laughed. “Ha! I won't let him hurt you. A human like you is much more valuable to me alive than dead.” Eda promised. If she is to earn Luz’s trust, she can't get hurt. No matter what.
“Wait, what's that supposed to-”
Eda didn't let her finish as she suddenly hooked her arm with Luz’s, whooping as she swept her off the ground and into the air with her on the staff. 
As expected, Luz was frozen in her place on the staff, tears leaking from her closed eyes. 
“You can open your eyes now, human.” Eda told her.
Luz opened one eye, then another before letting out a whimper and nearly falling off. “Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch! What is this place?” She asked as Eda pulled her back up. 
“This is the Boiling Isles.” Eda explained to the girl. “Every myth you humans have is a bit of our world leaking into yours.” Just then, a large griffin flew by, sparking Luz’s interest. 
“A griffin!” And when it started breathing spiders, “I knew it!” She exclaimed happily. Eda marveled at Luz’s great fascination with this world. She loved the enthusiasm. 
“Yup! Griffins, vampires, giraffes…” Eda recounted. 
“Giraffes?” Luz asked, confused. 
“Oh yeah. We banished those guys. Buncha freaks.” Eda said with disgust. Those super long necks had always unnerved her. She stepped off her staff once she arrived at their destination. Luz stayed on, unsure. Until she noticed Eda's detached hand and jolted off. 
Jumpy isn't she? 
“Whoops, that happens sometimes.” Eda said nonchalantly, screwing her hand back on. 
Luz got to her feet. “Well, I've had enough adventure for today. This is clearly not the PG fantasy world I always dreamed about. So, can you help me get back home?” She said. Eda held her staff in front of her before she could walk away, making her freeze in place. She needs her for this. And she's not getting away so easily.
“Only if you help me first!” Eda insists. “Ha! Now come along, human.” 
As she and Luz approached the door, Luz piped up again. 
“Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?” She asked, looking behind them nervously. 
Eda looked to her and gestured at her house. “Nope! My house has a state-of-the-art defense system.” As long as Hooty’s around, she and anybody that chooses to stay is safe. But…not from his voice. 
“Hoot hoot, password please.” Hooty said. Eda rolled her eyes and poked his eyes. “Ow!” 
“We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in.” She answered with two fingers still held up as a warning. 
“Alright alright, jeez! You never wanna have any fun! Ow! Hoot!” Hooty scoffs before letting Eda and her new aquaintance in. She let the girl take a brief look around before snapping her fingers. 
“Welcome to…the Owl House.” And with a snap of her fingers, everything came to life. Candles lit up, the broom sweeping, the fireplace blazing, and the ceiling lit up with that beautiful picture of a bird. Luz looked around in amazement and walked around. 
“Where I hide away from the pressures of modern life.” Eda explained. “Also the cops. Also ex-boyfriends, ha!” She added with a snort. 
Luz placed her book down on the coffee table. “This place is beautiful. So do you live here all alone?” 
As if on cue, the house seemed to shake with King’s angry stomping. That damn demon. 
“Actually, I have a roommate.” Eda frowned.
“WHO DARES INTRUDE UPON I, THE King of Demons!” King demanded as he entered the living room in his towel and…holding a rubber duckie. 
Instead of getting scared, Luz gasped in delight at the sight of him. “Ay que lindo!” She exclaimed, and then she quickly scooped a confused King into a tight hug. “Eda he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you, is it you? Mmm!!!” She cooed excitedly to the now frightened demon. Not that Eda could really blame her, he is really adorable. 
“NO! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda! Who is this monster?!” King cried as he tried and failed to push the girl off him. 
“Oh, this is Luz, the human.” Eda tells him, restraining Luz with her arms around her torso and prying her away, then putting her back down. “She's here to help us with our…situation.” She explains with a hand on Luz's shoulder. 
King lit up. “Oh! Hurray!”
But Luz backed away, apprehensive. “Wait wait wait. I don't like the sound of this 'situation.’” 
Eda stepped in front of her before she can back out. “Just…let me explain.” She says before drawing a spell circle to help illustrate their objective. “King was once a mighty king of demons, until his crown of power was stolen, and he became…this.” She noticed Luz had picked up King again. 
“You mean this little bundle of joy?” She interjects. 
Eda continued. “The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath, and locked away behind a magical force field that only a human can break through. A human like you.” She lifted the spell and looked at Luz. “If you help us retrieve his crown, we’ll send you back to your realm.” And while Eda may be Public Enemy #1, she intended to keep her end of this deal. “So what do you say?” To convince her, she picked up King by his head. “Plus, who could say no to this cute face?” 
“No! Please don't encourage her!” King cried, squirming in her hold. 
Eda dropped him. “I mean, we're kinda your only way home.” She reasons. There's not any other portal to the human realm. That she knows of, at least. 
Luz averted her eyes to the side. “So I don't really have a choice, do I?” She guesses.
“Nope! Now we've got no time to lose!” Eda urges, picking up Luz and holding her over her shoulder. The girl didn't struggle. Behind her, Eda hears King talking to his duck. 
“Where are we going?” Luz asks over her shoulder. 
“Somewhere super fun!” 
“The Conformitorium, a place for those considered 'unsuitable for society’.” Eda explains with distaste when they reached their destination. She remembers how guards would throw people in that damn place simply for being weird. Most of them haven't committed any real crimes! 
Beside her, Luz had found one of her famous Wanted posters. “Whoa. These guys really have the hots for you.” She observed. 
She's not wrong.
“Yep. But we were never caught because we were too slippery.” Eda proudly says with a smirk. That poster would always be one of her proudest moments. She looked good in it! A part of her feels overjoyed that this child didn't judge her for her criminal status.
“Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease, I'm a squirmy little fella.” King remarked in his place on Luz's head. Luz, who probably just found it weird, tilted her head so the demon could slip off. “You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower where they're holding my crown.” He explained to her. 
“And I'm gonna make sure the warden’s distracted.” Eda added.
Luz gasped in excitement. “Will I need a disguise?”
“Uh…” Eda didn't really answer. Nobody's seen her before, so does she really need one? 
“I've been waiting to use this.” Luz said, and put on her hoodie, flicking the cat ears up. “Meow meow!” 
Oh why not let her have some fun. Besides, it’s kinda cute!
“It's hideous.” King commented. 
“Oh you'll fit right in.” Eda agreed, smiling. Then she planted her staff to the ground, creating a glowing yellow disk. “Hang on tight!” Then it  lifted Luz and King to the air, elevating them to a tower window. After they were dropped off, she flew away on her staff to begin her search. “Meet you guys at the top of the tower!” She said. 
Eda flew around the halls of the Conformitorium, passing cells, making sure no guards were around while also searching for the Warden. Eventually, she heard someone at the end of the hallway. She peeked around the corner and sure enough, there was Warden Wrath, holding a tiny creature with a big nose hostage. 
Good. Just where we want him. Eda flew back the other way to go update the human girl. 
After a few minutes of searching, Eda found Luz walking around the halls with her hood down, looking…dejected. “Hey, I just checked, the Warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. He won't coming around here anytime soon.” 
Luz didn't respond, and her expression didn't change as she walked past Eda. She looked deep in thought. 
Where's that enthusiasm from earlier? 
In front of them was a large door labeled “Contraband”. This was the room where King’s crown was! 
“My crown, it's close! I can sense its power!” King said excitedly. He scrambled quickly to the door, desperately trying to get it open. Of course, with his tiny body it would take a while. 
“Aw, he's so cute when he's thirsty for power.” Eda cooed. 
Then Luz finally spoke. “It's not fair that they're all in here. They just want to be themselves!” She said sadly. Eda assumed she probably talked to a few of the prisoners. “Why does everyone think being a weirdo is so bad?” She asked, looking up at the witch with sad eyes. 
She understands. She knows what it's like to be stifled. Eda thought fondly. I really like this kid.
Before Eda could come up with a response, a noise snapped both of them out of their thoughts, King finally got the door open, and was now laughing to himself as he excitedly sprinted into the room. 
“Come on, before he hurts himself.” Eda sighed. And as if on cue, she heard an “ow!” followed by a zap. 
In the room, King was repeatedly headbutting the barrier, failing over and over again to get through. 
Ha, cute.
“We have a human, remember?” Eda reminded him, looking up at Luz, silently telling her what she had to do. 
“Oh yeah!” Said King.
Luz took a deep breath as if to prepare herself, and slowly stepped through the barrier. Eda and King stood outside, waiting for the human to find what they needed. And sure enough, Luz stepped back out, holding the crown, looking confused. 
King took it from her, putting it on. “Yes, yes! I can feel my powers returning! You there, nightmare critter! I shall call you Francois and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness!” He pointed excitedly to a random stuffed rabbit. “Ha, ha!” He laughed triumphantly. 
“That crown doesn't give him any powers, does it?” Luz asked, disappointed and confused. 
“Uh, no.” Eda replied. Luz gave her a skeptical look. “Oh, look at us, Luz. King and I don't have much in this world, we only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it important to me.” She says, trying to convince the girl that this wasn't a total waste of time. “Besides, us weirdos have to stick together, you know?” She concluded with a wink. Luz looked at her and smiled, pink tinting her cheeks. 
I knew you'd understand. 
“Well, we owe you one. Now let's get outta here before the warden finds us and loses his head.” She stated. 
“Too late.” A sinister voice said behind her.
The owner of that voice swiftly and effortlessly cut of Eda’s head, which Luz caught in her hands. The girl screamed. 
“OW! Oh I hate it when that happens.” 
Luz held Eda’s head close, looking at her with terrified eyes. “Eda! Are you okay?!” 
“Yeah, this just happens when you get older.” Eda said nonchalantly. 
“Does it?” Luz asked, horrified. 
Well it started happening when I got older, I don't know about other witches…where's my body?
Warden Wrath approached them. “Finally, I have you cornered, Eda the Owl Lady.” Then he took King’s crown again, crushing it easily in his hands. 
“My guards could never get you, but I knew if I took your pet’s toy, you'd come running.” He crushed the crown easily in his hands. 
“NO!” King sobbed. “My power!” 
Luz and Eda glared at him. “What do you want with me?! I've never actually broken any of your stupid laws…in front of you!” Eda glowered. They came all this way just for King! Nobody makes him cry like that!
“I want you…” he kneeled down on one knee. “To go out with me.”
What the hell? 
Warden continued. “You've always eluded our capture. You've always been the one who got away. I found that alluring.” He said. 
What the fuck?
“I hate everything you're saying right now.” Luz said, disgusted. Eda was even more disgusted. These guys never ever got the message to back off. All that, just because he wanted a date? What a load of bull.
Warden snapped out of his lovestruck state. “You stay out of this!” He threw a goopy arm at Luz, knocking Eda’s head out of her hands. As she struggled, he picked Eda’s head up by her hair and stared her in the face. 
“So how about it, Owl Lady? The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles and the feared Warden Wrath. We'd be the strongest power couple ever.” Warden said. Eda cringed. “I mean, it's not like you can say no right now.” 
Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse. 
Eda looked to Luz, then to King, who was now struggling to get out of a guard’s arms, and formulated a plan in her head. 
“Alright, Warden, you win. I'd just like to say something first.” She sighed. “Come closer.” He brought her head closer. “No, just come a little bit closer. Just… yeah that's good-” and Eda blew a raspberry right in his face, breaking his concentration and making him drop Luz. While he was groaning in disgust, Eda was cackling from where she hung.
He's so gullible! I knew he'd fall for that! 
“Impudent wench! Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth? Yuck!” He sneered. 
“Get over it! You had your guards stalk me and then you cut off my head! I am NOT going out with you!” She said angrily. 
“If you don't accept, then I have no choice but to-” 
Her staff came up from behind, knocking him on the head, making him drop Eda’s head. It was none other than Luz! 
Eda chuckled. “Nice!” What a smart girl! Quick thinking!
Then she got her body to come over and pull the guards’ hoods over their faces, distracting them. Luz ran over and picked up Eda’s head and grabbing King back from a guard, getting on the staff, trying to figure out how to make it fly. 
“Expecto…flying? Magicusescapicus!” Luz said, but nothing happened. 
It doesn't really require enchantments, kid… 
“Gun it magic stick!” Eda barked, and immediately, the trio was flying through the air. They haphazardly flew through the halls, passing jail cells. Luz looked to Eda and held out an arm. 
“Eda, lend me a hand!” Luz said to the head. Eda, knowing what she wanted to do, linked her arm with Luz’s, giving them enough strength to move the levers to open the cell doors, freeing whoever the prisoners were. Then they all burst through a door, and the warden finally caught up to them. He launched a goopy arm at them, and they crash-landed to the ground. 
The warden morphed his hand into an axe, and Eda put her head back on, feeling the satisfaction of being able to move again. She jumped to action, and pulled out her key. “Luz,” she said to the girl. “Go back to the human world.” 
She's already helped us, I owe it to her to let her go home safe. 
“What about you guys?” 
King ran over to try to help Eda. “If you think this guy is bad, you shoulda seen her last boyfriend!” 
“Not my boyfriend.” Eda said, grabbing King and jumping out of the way of the warden’s attack. Not in a million years.
Eda, seeing how Luz was still standing there, lifted Luz, forcing her to sit on the staff, ignoring her protests. She may have only just met the human an hour ago, but she feels the instinct to keep her safe. 
“But-but I-” 
“Go, go!” Eda urges, forcing her on and slapping the staff, cuing it to fly. Luz went away on the staff, yelling, out of sight, and hopefully to safety. 
Eda prepared herself when the warden took off his mask to reveal a hideous mouth and spat fire. She drew two spell circles. One to absorb the fire, and one to redirect it back at him, slamming him to the wall. 
Ha! Too much fun! 
However, a few minutes of fighting led to her being knocked to the ground by the warden, King following suit, who she caught in her arms, holding him close. 
“No more running away, Owl Lady. Today I capture you once and for all!” The warden growled, raising his hands. King whimpered, huddling close to Eda, who held on tighter and glared at their attacker. 
“-GO GO GO GO!!!” Luz’s voice yelled. 
Wait, what? I thought she went home! 
Luz flew past her, three former prisoners following suit, tackling the warden to the ground. 
“Luz?” Eda said in disbelief. Did she seriously come back for us? 
Eda stood by and watched as the trio of prisoners got on top of the warden, standing up to him and restraining him. 
“I ate my own eye!”
“I think the world is a triangle!”
“And I practice the ancient art of fanfiction!” 
The eye demon had tangled the warden’s tentacle-arms together and turned him over, so he was facing Luz. 
“You! Who do you think you are?” He snarled. 
“Do not underestimate me, Warden Wrath, for I am Luz, the human, warrior of peace!” Luz spoke triumphantly. Then she grabbed what looked like a bunch of fireworks tied together. “Now eat this, sucka!” She shouted, using the staff to hit it into the warden’s mouth, effectively blowing it up. 
She had that with her the whole time? Amazing thinking, Luz! 
Eda stood next to Luz, smiling proudly and placing a hand on her shoulder. What a brave kid. I'm impressed. She wanted to say, but didn't out of pride.
“That was actually one of her better breakups.” King joked.
“Not a breakup,” Eda reminded King. “Anyway, let's bounce before any more monsters fall in love with me.” 
Seriously, kid. You were amazing. I really owe you. 
“Well, a deal’s a deal, let's get you home.” Eda said, calling forth the key and pushing the button. The door appeared, waiting for Luz to open it and step through. But she stood there, deep in thought. Eda smiled at her, silently thanking her for her help. 
Luz looked at King and stepped forward, kneeling down. “Before I go…” she took out what looked like a tiny plastic head that had a tiny golden crown on it. “I know it's not the same, but…a king shouldn't be without a crown.” She said, giving the demon the crown. 
He took it, placing it on his head. “This shall suffice.” And he pointed to one of the houseplants. “You there, plant! You are now under my command!” 
Eda then gave Luz back her book that she almost burned earlier that day. “Oh, and don't forget this.” Luz seemed to really value that book. 
Luz walked back to the portal door, and Eda and King waited behind her. Eda saw her hold up her book, thinking. Then, she did something Eda did not expect. Luz turned around.
“Okay. I know you got your head cut off, and we started some kind of prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had.” She said to the witch and demon. Eda looked at her, shocked. 
What is she saying? Is she going to…
“I don't fit in at home. You don't fit in here. If I stay, we can 'not fit in’ together.” Luz looked at the pamphlet that was on top of the book and stared at it. “I am not going back to summer camp.”
Eda chuckled, confused. “Wha-what's ‘summer camp’? What are we talking about here?” 
She's staying?! Why?
“I wanna stay and become a witch like you! And Azura!” Luz declared happily, holding up her book. 
“What? Alright, that's crazy. Humans can't become witches.” Eda stated, dismissing her. I love the enthusiasm, but why?
But Luz didn't give up. “Maybe that's because they haven't tried!” She insisted. “If you teach me to become a witch, I'll do anything you want.” 
Okay, she's got a point there. And an apprentice? I kinda like the sound of that. 
“Let her stay!” King urged, pulling at the hem of Eda’s dress. “She can make us snacks.” 
Eda smiled and picked up the demon. “Well, I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of the cupboards.” She said. “All right, I'll teach you how to be a witch. But you have to work for me before you learn any spells.” She held out her hand for Luz to shake. “Deal?”
But instead of taking her hand, Luz just went straight in for a tight hug. 
Whoa whoa whoa! “Ugh! What's going on?!” Eda froze in Luz’s hold. 
“Too tight, too tight!” King protested.
After Luz relinquished from the hug, Eda told her she could sleep in the attic upstairs. She didn't protest and gladly brought her stuff up. Eda was left there, thinking about what just happened. 
That kid was so brave today. Better than any kid, much less a human kid, I've ever seen. 
She thought about what having a teenager living in her home might be like. She knows it will be messy, and she’ll probably try to stare danger in the face like today. But she's willing to give it a shot. Who could say no to that confidence? 
What Eda didn't know is that since that day, she would witness this human girl's endless wonder and courage. She didn't know the pride she would feel whenever Luz learned a new spell or made new friends. She didn't know that Luz would start to give her a reason to look forward to tomorrow. She didn't know how much she would grow to care for Luz as if she was her own child. 
She didn't know how much she would love this light that lit up her life. 
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none-but-y0u · 3 years
i'm lying (because i love you)
saw this post by @draculcid a few days ago and couldn’t get it out of my mind. then proceeded to write 1k words of a fic but then my motivation to write left because of school and then i suddenly got a burst of inspiration last night and i'm almost probably gonna polish it up for ao3 later but for now, here's a continuation of this beautiful headcanon tw: abuse, bruises, billy went back home to neil's after star court bcuz it works for the purpose of the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
So billy drives max over to steve's every few days because steve's place is the unofficial meet up for the party's D&D nights. and max comes in and she's angry and brash and everyone is like ??? and mike yells at lucas to calm his girlfriend down and max yells back that she's not lucas' girlfriend anymore and lucas is like wait whaaaa???
and its one of those nights when steve’s really tired and every loud noise is making him jumpy and anxious and he just can’t deal with them today. So ofc he yells at the boys before turning to max. Goes to yell at her too but she’s hunched over and folded in on herself and this is a different type of angry than usual. It’s laced with fear this time. And she looks up at him when he asks her what’s wrong, but nothing comes out, so el moves to sit next to her. Squeezes her hand before turning to steve with those round eyes of her and says “old billy”
And that news just...hits him for some reason. Settles uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach because it’s been a few months since Starcourt and Billy’s lost all that Californian thrill that he used to parade around town with.
And steve used to see billy often after it first happened because he was max’s designated driver, so his name appeared on the hospital guest sheet almost as often as Max’s, and ten times as more than Neil’s. And it’s not like he and billy really ever spoke. More of a head nod at the beginning and end of each visit while max’s rambles filled the space between them.
But once Billy healed enough to leave, he just went back to Neil’s because apparently the government doesn’t care too much about a traumatized teenager in a small town in the middle of bumfuck indiana leaking military secrets to the press.
And Steve hated the idea of Billy going back to Neil’s because, well, because he had just gotten used to seeing Billy without the bruises, and he realized he kinda liked seeing the blues of billy’s eyes sparkling during his rare moments of happiness. And he definitely wasn’t ready to see the old bruises start to make their appearance again.
And yet. For whatever reason, his worry never seemed to come true. The bruises never returned and everything was normal.
But months passed and steve didn’t have a reason to be around billy anymore which meant he went from “billy hargrove who steve saw almost every day” to “max’s step brother who drives her around” and steve hates to admit it but he misses the old billy. The one who would sometimes stare at steve from his bed when he thought steve wasn't watching. But Steve was always aware of billy. Has been from the moment he first set foot in town.
So when he hears this news, that “old Billy” has returned, he hates it because old billy was angry and scared all the time, and old billy didn’t look at him like he was important. Like he saw something else in him. Like he was worth it.
So steve nods at max. Tells the kids he’ll be back, and musters up what little courage he has left before trudging outside. Thinks about how if Robin were here, she’d tell him to turn around and go back inside. Let Billy be the angsty teen he tries so hard to come across as by himself. But his mind and nerves don’t seem to agree on logic too much these days, so he goes anyways.
And when he finally gets to the camaro, billy straightens up as if he wasn’t just hunched over, head in his hands, and breathing heavily. Looking exactly like his sister, not sister. And billy looks up at steve with a bored expression. Answers really dryly like he’d rather be anywhere than here cuz he’s cool for this.
But steve can see the bruises decorating the side of his face. Can see the unblemished skin on billy’s knuckles, and steve just knows. Old billy.
So steve, shaking and scared himself, finally works up the guts to ask billy to come inside. Says something like the kids just started a new D&D game and it won’t be done for a while, so billy might as well come inside so he doesn't freeze even though billy has always run hot.
And billy stays silent, narrows his eyes at steve, which makes steve’s heart beat in his chest because the knows they’ve moved past that night in november, but this is old billy and old billy is really good with his fists and steve doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of that again.
But eventually, billy agrees. Says something snarky like “i’ve always wanted to see how the other half lives.” Shuts the camaro off and opens the door, hitting steve on the leg because he’s still a boy who doesn’t know how to properly accept love and care with his words.
Inside, the party barely spares them a look, but he knows they’re doing it out of a respect thing because max is still frowning and closed off. And billy sees her, starts off ignoring her as he walks around touching things. But his eyes keep finding her and she keeps shivering because she still has some of that california blood in her. And eventually he walks over. Yells at her for leaving her jacket at home before yelling at steve for having a cold house. And steve says he can put the heat on or get her a blanket, but billy waves him off before shrugging off his prized leather jacket and throwing it at max.
And something warm flutters deep in steve’s stomach as he watches their interaction. Something he hasn’t felt since nancy and it builds and builds inside of him.
And then he sees the bruises on billy’s side. Sees the small splotches of red peeking through billy’s white shirt. Watches billy wince as he continues his exploration of steve’s house.
Eventually, steve tells billy to follow him. Has to say it with faux authority because billy loves to argue. When they finally do get to the bathroom, steve forces billy to sit, so he can clean his wounds because “you’re gonna get blood all over my mom’s new carpet, and she’s gonna kill me” which is a lie ofc because it’s not like she’s ever home, and even when she is, she’s only sober long enough to point out whatever flaw of steve she can pick at.
But they’re focusing on billy tonight, so steve brushes off the slight overshare, and billy seems to understand because he lets steve clean him up. Lets him run a warm rag over billy’s abs. Even let’s steve wash his hair (which is a whole other argument). And after, steve gives billy some of his clothes. They have different body sizes so the only thing that fits are a pair of sweats and one of steve’s old sweaters. But watching billy come out from the bathroom wearing his clothes sparks something in him, and he thinks that old sweater might just be his new favorite now.
After, billy starts looking around steve’s room. Says something like “so this where the magic happens” as he waggles his eyebrows. And steve goes to roll his eyes but there’s something about billy looking soft and cozy as he sinks into the cushion of steve’s bed. And that warm feeling is back, and it’s spreading this time. And he has to look away because he’s starting to think of scenarios of billy sleeping in his bed not just for one night but for forever, and...yeah he can’t think of that right now.
So he uses this moment of billy being slightly distracted to go to the kitchen. Makes up another lie about billy having to stay in his room for whatever reason and billy agrees because “your bed feels so good, harrington.” and steve can’t take it anymore and he runs out blushing.
He comes back a half hour later with slices of pizza but billy protests because he’s on a strict diet of not eating whatever the fuck they put in Sal’s pizza. But steve is prepared this time, so he counters saying they had extra and they have to eat it all or else the racoons will get it and everyone is full, so billy has to eat the rest of it.
And steve has already been really weird tonight. Doesn’t want to make it weirder by watching billy eat. So he grabs the closest thing to him which happens to be some romance book from the 1800s that he took out for a school assignment and never returned.
But he’s made his grave already, so he starts reading it. Or at least tries to, but soon the words start blurring together because he keeps getting distracted, and he resorts back to an old trick of reading everything out loud to help him stay on track. And then he remembers billy’s still in the room, and he’s looking at him with this curious look. And steve feels like he’s in grade school again, about to get scolded for being disruptive, so he stutters out an apology, but billy cuts him off, saying he can’t hear the book when steve’s sitting so far away.
and there’s plenty of room on the bed.
So somehow, steve finds himself, sitting on his bed, one side of his body pressed to billy’s, reading an 18th century romance book. and there’s heat being passed between them, but there’s heat filling inside steve too.
Time passes and they get lost in the story, but then suddenly, there’s a loud bang followed by screaming coming from the living room, and steve immediately jumps up, reaching for his bat, but then he hears dustin yell out a “sorry steve” followed by a chorus of “sorry, steve.”
And it takes a second, but his heart rate is slowing back down, but then he looks over at billy, and his eyes are wide and his fingers are digging into his side and he’s breathing really heavily like he’s on the verge of crying or something and steve gets it...old billy.
So steve waits with billy. Helps him calm down by pressing billy’s hand to his chest, to help ground him. Once he’s a little better, steve says he better tell them to quiet down, and billy protests saying “don’t be such a mom, harrington” but the jumpiness is still slightly there in his eyes so steve shrugs him off saying “they’ve already had the cops called on them once because the kids were being obnoxiously loud” and he doesn’t need it to happen again. He doesn’t tell billy the incident was an argument over a video game or that the cop was hopper who didn’t even drive over because it wasn’t serious and it didn’t involve el.
Later, when it’s getting late, nancy and jonathan show up to take the kids home. As Steve talks to them, he notices max and billy arguing in the corner of the room. Eventually he works it out. Billy can’t go home tonight, but max doesn’t want him sleeping in his car because who knows what’s out there.
So steve offers, well more like agrees, to max’s question of letting billy spend the night. Billy protests and steve shrugs it off, saying he has multiple rooms in his house and he can sleep in any of those.
After everyone leaves, steve goes to set billy up in a guest room, but he notices him being hesitant about sleeping alone. And steve’s been lying all day, so he figures that one more can’t hurt so he says that billy’s gonna have to sleep in his bed tonight because the other rooms are filled with his parent’s souvenirs from their many adventures. And it’s so obviously a lie because they were just in a perfectly clean room, but billy smirks anyways and says something like “if you wanted me in your bed, just say that.”
They get back to steve’s room and curl up under the covers. And it’s so cold in steve’s house, so obviously they have to conserve heat by practically spooning each other. And it’s steve’s bed and he’s the one that’s cold, so he gets to be the big spoon this time. Which grants him a “you planning on there being a next time, harrington?” steve hopes billy can’t feel his heart fluttering.
A few minutes later, they’re laying there, both still awake. Because the worst part about living in the middle of nowhere is the constant sounds of nature. Steve’s used to it for the most part, but billy keeps tensing in his arms. So steve lies one last time and says something like “i hate the sounds of outside so i have to sing myself to sleep. Do you mind?” and billy shrugs, saying no. and steve starts singing something that’s not a bedtime song and his voice is bad, but it makes billy laugh which makes steve’s chest flutter and that warm feeling is back with a vengeance. But this time steve welcomes it.
As the song ends, billy’s breath starts getting slower and quieter, and steve thinks he’s asleep so he whispers a “goodnight hargrove” into billy’s hair.
But his calculations are off, and billy stirs in his arms, and steve freezes, nose still touching billy’s curls. And then billy turns around, still wrapped in his arms and whispers a “thank you, pretty boy” into his chest before snuggling deeper into steve’s arms.
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
BNHA Headcanons #3: Kacchan is afraid of ghosts
Okay so pull Bakugou into a Battle Royal style situation, surrounded by villains? He'd just smirk while going Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight on their ass.
But ask him to watch a ghost movie, or go to a supposedly haunted place? He'd nope his way out faster than Hawks at full speed.
So whenever the Ashido or Kaminari invited him to a ghost stories night, he'd categorically refuse. On every friday night aka. "movie night" he'd ask whoever is inviting him (a member of the Bakusquad or Todoroki, absolutely NOT Deku though) what movies they were supposed to watch (thankfully after the First Movie Night Fiasco, Iida instated some rules which worked in Bakugou's favor) so he'd googled it and knew when it was safe to come.
Besides the ghost types of horror movie, he's actually fine with all the other ones, so no one picked up on the fact that he didn't like ghost movies yet. (He's definitely not asking Deku, because he knew that that nerd would notice the pattern).
Somewhere along the line though Kaminari and Todoroki ended up finding out about it. In totally different circumstances, though.
After coming back from his supplementary classes, Bakugou was dragged to movie and since he was tired he totally forgot to ask about the title. He totally should have though, because it became obvious ten minutes into the movie that this was going to be about ghosts. But at this point it was too late to extract himself from the situation.
Halfway through, Kaminari, who was sitting right next to him on the sofa, noticed that Bakugou had gone strangely stiff and that he was clutching very hard at his knees. One subtle peek at Bakugou tense face and wide-eyes was enough for Kaminari to understand. And he mentally went like "Oh shit."
So like three seconds later he went like "Eeeek!" and splashed the full content of his glasses on Bakugou's face. Predictably, everyone around them went like "?!!!!", while Bakugou was like "What the actual fuck, dunce face?!"
Kaminari made a super sheepish face and explained that he felt something touching his neck from behind so he got super jumpy. So he dragged Bakugou to the bathroom to try to help him clean up, all the while apologizing super loudly.
"Whoa you got strawberry milk in your hair! Hmm... how about you go wash your face, while I take care of your shirt, okay? Just take it off and hand it over, I'm really sorry, Bakugou!"
He was half-expecting the other teen to explode on his face and to bite his head off for telling him what to do, but Bakugou was oddly silent and just studying for a while. Then,
"You did that on purpose. What's your deal, dunce face?"
"Hmm.... I just sort of feel guilty 'cause I'm the one who dragged you there to watch the movie? And you must really be super tired 'cause you didn't even ask what we were going to watch and.....now that I think of it you probably ask for that specific reason so -"
"Quit the fucking rambling you sound like the nerd!! Get to the fucking point!"
"Right, so like, I think it's really not cool to force you to watch something if you don't like it? "
"The hell? I was fine!"
"Dude, it was written all over your face that you were sca-"
"... that you'd rather go kiss an octopus than be anywhere near that scary ghost lady. Unless you want to go back there?"
"Yeah that's what I thought. Now give me your shirt."
"Don't fucking expect me to thank you for throwing milk at my face!"
"Yeah no, no, don't. t'was my fault, anyway!"
(Though if sometimes afterwards Bakugou tutored Kaminari with way more implication than usual, it was because that dunce face was even more dumb that usual and absolutely not because he was feeling grateful or anything.)
"But like dude, it's actually kinda unexpected... like you seem the type to go full on "DIE, DIE, DIE" on anyone even on ghosts."
"... ghosts are not corporeal, dumbshit. And they're already fucking dead."
"Oh, right!"
Kaminari thought right there and then, that it actually made a whole lot of sense that Bakugou would be afraid of things that he was defenseless against and couldn't physically fought off.
Todoroki actually figured it out on his own by noticing which movies Bakugou tended to avoid and how he'd react when sometimes someone in the class would talk about that or that rumor. So one day he just came up to Bakugou and bluntly announced. "You are afraid of ghosts."
Bakugou of course blew up a gasket trying to deny it, but then Todoroki just went and showed him a picture of Sadako up close and reaching out like she was about to come out of the screen on his phone and Bakugou swatted at the phone so hard that it nearly fell down on the floor. "GET THAT THING OUTTA MY FACE!"
So yeah, the cat was out of the bag after that.
At some point, class 1A went to an amusement park and they decided to do the haunted maze.
Todoroki, whispering: Do you want to take my at hand?
Bakugou, hissing like a feral cat: Ask me that one more time and I'll fucking punch you in your asymmetrical face!
(Bakugou is fine with haunted attraction, because when he was a kid he once punched a fake ghost in the face and it actually went down, so hunted attraction are (relatively) safe).
The Origin Trio
Actually, I think that Bakugou is not the only one afraid of ghosts. This probably extends to any of the Origin Trio. Like all three of them are super badass and used to harsher and more dangerous situations than any other hero-in-training were at their age (and even than some actual pro heroes)...
But put them in a situation where they might be confronted to a ghost, like an old 'haunted' place? They'd react just like any scared teenagers would and I think it's hilarious.
Like at some point during their week-end internship with Endeavor, they went to an old inn in the middle of nowhere. And Endeavor had left them there alone for the night, while he went ahead to some place he wanted to scope beforehand.
While being served to eat, Midoriya asked the owner if she'd notice anything strange going around here recently. He actually just wanted to know if the suspect they were chasing had escaped there, but she ended up talking about how sometimes at night there would be that weird low scratching noose, like nails dragged on the wall and thumping in room where no one was supposed to be... and cue interjection from other resident of the inn about local tragic deaths and ghost rumors.
Which of course caused Bakugou to turn two shades whiter. But aside from that they determined that it probably wasn't the villain they were looking for and put it out of their mind. Until they heard the exact same scratching the owner had been talking about in the middle of the night... coming from inside their closet.
Midoriya, looking uneasy as they are inching closer to the closet: M-maybe it's just wind...
Bakugou, looking just as uneasy, if not worse: Inside the fucking closet?!
Midoriya, mumbling, mumbling: well, depending on the structure of the inn, there might actually be some places susceptible to air leakage and because of the difference of pressure between the inside and the outside -
Bakugou: Oh for fuck's sake, shut up.
And of course the light chose that exact moment to malfunction. Then a loud banging noise came from the inside of the closet, causing all three of them to flinch and frantically using Todoroki's light and Bakugou's explosion as their source of light.
Midoriya, sweating bullet and voice shaking: I think it wants to come out. See? It's banging and scratching on the closet door as if it is stuck in there... maybe it is too weak to properly move the door yet? Or it has not realized that the door is a sliding -
Bakugou, swatting him on the head: Are you freaking dumb, don't give it ideas on how to escape, damn Deku!
Todoroki, who had kept his poker face until now actually started to feel scared as well: M-Midoriya, what if I burn the whole closet down, while it's in there?
Midoriya: No your fire probably wouldn't be able to affect it. Odds are you'd actually end up burning only the closet door... which would actually allow it to escape....
Todoroki: Oh.... I think I understand now why you're scared of ghost movies, Bakugou. Feeling this helpless is very unpleasant.
Midoriya: Wait, what?! Is that why you're avoiding movie night, Kacchan?
Bakugou: Can we fucking focus on the actual fucking threat trying to break through our closet door?!
Midoriya: But now that I think about it, it's really strange that the door managed to physically restrain it while it's supposed to be incorporeal. Was there some kind of seal on the door? Or is it actually linked to the way it died -
And then the "actual fucking threat trying to break through the closet door" mewled. Yes mewled. Because, turned out it was actually just a cat who had sneaked in at some point and got stuck in there.
(And when Endeavor came back some time later, they unanimously decided not to tell him about what happened.)
So yeah, while Bakugou is the type to be afraid of anything ghost related and avoid them as much as possible, Todoroki is fine with ghost stories and movies and so on, but he would be the type to be really scared when actually confronted to a "possible ghost encounter situation". Midoriya, while still scared shitless, is probably the one who would be the most level-headed in such situation, 'cause he's sort of used to be scared?
About ten years ago.
Kid Deku and Kid Kacchan were exploring some part of the forest and they saw an abandoned shack and Kacchan wanted to go look inside,
Deku: Kacchan, it looks like it's haunted. What if we meet a ghost? Aren't you scared?
Kacchan: I'm not scared! Even if there's a ghost, I'll just use explosion on it!
Deku: But ghost doesn't have bodies. I don't think you can touch or hurt it. But it can touch you.
Kacchan, going super still:...
Deku: So what if we see one, and it tries to hurt us because we went inside its house?
Kacchan, looking at Deku with wide eyes: ....
Deku: Or what if it follows us home and attack us when we're asleep? I don't wanna go in there, Kacchan. Let's go back?
Kacchan, close to tears: F-fine, but that's just 'cause you're scared! I'd totally go on my own!
Deku accidentally being the source of Kacchan's traumas and totally forgetting about it, since time immemorial.
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mynumberfivethings · 3 years
Hi! I’m new to this world, I found your account from your stories about five and ageplay. I absolutely love them, I had an idea I thought I could share. I’m assuming this is taking place where littles are known? If not, it is for this idea! One of the siblings plans a fun family event: a day at the circus. It’s all well and good, maybe they get cotton candy. But then the clowns come out. Little Five freaks. And that’s how the Hargreaves discover five is scared of clowns. I hope this makes sense!
the AU does take place in a world where littles are known! and awww that’s precious! this turned out a little longer than intended. oops.
Five has not so fond memories of clowns-memories that have to do with the Commission and a certain overly enthusiastic, overly bloodthirsty co-worker. He doesn’t like to think about the man or that creepy fucking hyper realistic clown mask he never took off. It’s all in the past, after all. 
Or so he thinks, until Five is in his “little” headspace, holding Diego’s hand so he doesn’t get lost in the crowd as they line up to have their tickets taken and be seated. Klaus leans down behind him and grins, confusing the nervousness Five is feeling for jittery excitement. “I heard they use holographic animals in this show. Isn’t that cool?” 
Five nods silently, his grip on Diego’s hand getting a little tighter as the line starts moving. Diego pauses to look down at Five, eyebrow raised. He assumes the kid is tired of standing still-they have been in line for a while now, he knows how much kids hate waiting, how cranky it makes them. “C’mere bud.” Diego scoops him up easily and carries him against his hip. 
Five wraps his arms around Diego’s neck and leans the side of his head against his shoulder gratefully. 
By the time they find their seats Five has calmed down and even nearly forgotten that their might be clowns in the show-instead, he’s looking forward to seeing the amazing holograms and the fun light show. Allison waves down a man selling cotton candy and hands him the biggest fluffiest pinkest one on the tray. 
Vanya chuckles at the expression of absolutely awe on Fives face when he holds the giant ball of cotton candy in his hand. “Oh god, Allison, he’s not gonna sleep for a week straight if he eats that.” she says, as she watches Five take his first bite. 
Allison shrugs, already taking out her phone to take photos of Five as he demolishes the sugary snack. Luther, ever the responsible sibling, searches the inside of his backpack for wet wipes and upon finding them, reaches across to clean Fives face, once he’s finished eating. He’s sticky with the cotton candy, hands, cheeks and even his nose. Five makes little grumbling noises as he’s wiped down but lets Luther do it without any real qualms. 
Ben buys them all a bunch of light up neon wands to wave around when the show starts. Five and Klaus end up play fighting with the wands until Vanya threatens to take them away after they get a little too close to hitting someone sitting in the row below them. Klaus sticks his tongue out at Vanya and they both laugh when Five gasps and says, “Not nice!” 
Ben ruffles Fives hair lovingly and nods in agreement. “That’s right, not nice Klaus.” 
Klaus rolls his eyes but he’s smiling too. 
Suddenly the lights all go off at once and they’re enveloped in total darkness. Five grips the closest hand next to him, his heart thundering in his chest. Is this part of the show? He can’t see a thing. Is something wrong? Is it-
Diego puts his other hand atop Fives and leans over to whisper into his ear. “It’s ok buddy, just the show starting.” 
Five gulps. “Ok.” 
A single yellow light pops up center stage to illuminate a man in a top hat and striped pants and it’s clear he’s here to make an introduction. Five peers up, now curious. The show is amazing-an understatement, really-the animals float seamlessly over the audience and Five even got to reach his hand out and almost touch an elephant! Everything is bright and colorful and Five awes at the trapeze artists in their glittery leotards who swing from so high up. 
Everything is going swimmingly, right up until a polka dotted buggy drives right onto the stage and out come not one, not two, not three, but four clowns! They’re not scary, Five tells himself, it’s just makeup, he has to remember, just makeup and silly clothes and too big shoes, is all. There is nothing to be afraid of. 
Except that all the logic big Five is trying to put into little Five’s head isn’t staying in said head. All Five can remember right that moment is Charles from the Commission. Like Five, Charles didn’t enjoy wearing those ridiculous animal mascot hats-instead, he went the elaborate route of painting on a clown face before every mission. Five knows this because it was one of the few none solo missions he’d been assigned in his short time at the Commission. 
Charles was a quiet man-something Five hadn’t minded at all back then, seeing that he didn’t have much to say to strangers, either. The targets were five individuals who had very little in common, except for the fact that they would all be attending a childrens charity event on a crisp Saturday evening. 
It hadn’t been Five’s idea to burn down the building, and with it, hundreds of people-including their targets-but Five hadn’t been able to stop Charles, either, and that would haunt him for quite some time. 
He remembers standing outside of the building set aflame, remembers the agonized screaming coming from inside, remembers the helplessness he felt, and most of all, he remembers Charles the fucking clown stood next to him, laughing so disturbingly that the sound of it would be a reoccurring soundtrack in Fives nightmares for years to come. 
So when the clowns begin to walk into the crowd Five remembers Charles and it doesn’t matter that these clowns don’t have a penchant for murder, Five can feel all that cotton candy start to make its way back up his esophagus and the panic in him rising as they come closer and closer. 
His breath stutters in his chest when he blurts out, “Wanna go home.” but the music is so loud that not a single one of his siblings hear him and the clowns are coming closer and closer and closer still. Without another thought Five disappears, only a swoosh of electrifying blue any indication that he was once even there. 
That, the Hargreeves notice immediately. “Five?!” 
“Do you think he went home?” Allison asks, already calling the landline at the house. 
Vanya shrugs, looking around the stands, hoping Five got an inkling for a stuffed animal or something-though that’s very out of character for him. “He rarely ever teleports when he’s in his little headspace.” 
Ben nods, “Yeah, I think the only times he does is if he wakes up little from a nightmare-he blinked onto my bed and scared the living shit out of me last week. Maybe something frightened him?” 
Diego huffs. “Five’s been jumpy since we got here. I thought he was just excited, ‘cause we’ve never been to one of these places, but-” he curses, “I should’ve known it was something else.” 
Klaus pats him comfortingly on the shoulder, “None of us noticed something was wrong, this isn’t just on you. Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” 
They search all over until Luther calls out for them to meet him in a bathroom stall, where they finally find Five, huddled over a toilet, throwing up. 
“Oh honey,” Allison rubs his back gently, “I shouldn’t have given you all that cotton candy, I’m sorry.” 
Five shakes his head and when he looks up his face is stained with tears. “W-wanna go home.” he begs. “Please.” 
“Of course, baby,” Allison brushes the bangs away from his face and takes a tissue out of her bag to wipe at his tears. “Can you stand up?” 
Five sniffles miserably. “Up?” 
Luther takes that as his cue to pick up the little and tuck him securely against his chest. “Alright buddy, let’s get outta here, yeah?” 
Five nods, his fingers gripping at Luthers shirt desperately.
He’s still shaking visibly by the time they get back home. 
They quickly conclude it couldn’t have just been the cotton candy making Five sick that made him react so poorly. It had to be something else. 
“Hey,” Vanya scoots onto the couch next to Five and draws him into her arms so that his back is up against her chest. He goes easily, relaxing minutely at the comforting touch.
Klaus comes into the living room with Fives favorite sippy cup and offers it to him. "I put some gingerale in there to help your stomach, Fivey, so drink up, ok?"
Five nods, holding onto the cup with both hands.
"Hey, you know you can talk to us, right? Did something happen to upset you so bad?" Allison squeezes his knee gently, imploring.
Five shakes his head, his breath hitching. He drops his cup and brings the palms of his hands up to his eyes, making a face and a noise of discomfort before looking up again. The switch from his little headspace to his big headspace is almost instantaneous.
His siblings can tell immediately-any softness and vulnerability in Fives eyes is suddenly replaced with a guarded expression. He backs away from both of his sisters, embarrassed. "Sorry," he says, clearing his throat, "I'm fine."
Diego rolls his eyes. "I'm calling bullshit. Five, you cried the entire way home. Hell, you look like you wanna cry right now. No one is gonna judge you. You can open up to us." He insists.
Five bites his bottom lip anxiously and folds his arms across his chest. He knows he's not fooling anyone. "It's stupid." He mutters.
"No one is going to force you to talk about it if you're not comfortable," Allison says, pointedly looking at Diego, who sighs and shrugs. "But, Diego is right, we're not here to judge you. We just want to help."
Five gulps and looks away. "It was the clowns." He murmurs under his breath, so low they barely hear him.
"The what?" Ben asks, leaning forward.
Five groans. "It was the fucking clowns, ok?" He admits, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't...like clowns."
Luther raises a brow. "Are you...? Really? You're not trying to pull our legs? You are scared of clowns?" He can't help but be incredulous. Five isn't afraid of anything. Not anything tangible, at least.
"Yes, ok?" Five snaps out. "During my stint at the Commission I had to-" he cuts himself off abruptly. He can feel his chest growing tight. "Look, I don't exactly have the most pleasant memories regarding clowns and I'd really rather not talk about it."
Five is shaking again. Trembling a little more subtly than he had been in his little headspace, but trembling nonetheless, and his siblings all take note.
Vanya reaches out slowly, giving Five well enough time to back away. She rests her hand above his shoulder. "C'mere." She nudges him softly and is surprised when Five actually lets himself be pulled into her arms without any qualms.
Five turns so that his face is hidden against Vanyas neck, he hunches over, making himself all the smaller. "Sorry I ruined our day out." He mutters.
"Nonsense!" Klaus exclaims. "We left early and skipped out on all the traffic, not to mention all of Allison's road rage."
Allison playfully smacks Klaus' arm. "I do not have road rage!"
Five huffs out what sounds like a laugh. He sits up but sticks close to his siblings this time, wiping at his face with his sleeve. "You do, though."
"See? Told you." Klaus sticks his tongue out at her.
"Hush, at least I can drive," Allison waves him away. "You have no room to criticize here."
Klaus gasps, as though offended. "Gays can't drive, everyone knows that. Way to be insensitive." He can feel Ben's eyes rolling even if he can't see him.
Vanya hums. "I mean, I can drive, so..."
"Betrayal," Klaus shakes his head. "Betrayal of the highest kind Vanya. Truly."
This devolves quickly into the Hargreeves arguing over who in fact is the best driver in the family.
Five lets himself curl up on the couch between Vanya and Diego. He listens and sometimes even interjects as the bickering ensues among his siblings, the tightness in his chest slowly loosening.
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icyymocha · 3 years
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 2,282k 
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It was spring. Flowers were blooming, birds were singing to their heart’s content. New York felt alive and colorful. Meaning lots of flowers and lots of spring cleaning. There was someone who wasn’t very fond of spring, flowers nor spring cleaning. Bucky grumbled out of bed, hiding his face in his pillow as Steve opened the curtains. 
“Wake up Buck, it’s spring cleaning week,” Steve said almost too joyfully. Hearing no response on Bucky’s end, Steve’s eyes glint with mischief. Sensing his best friend’s mischief, Bucky groaned.
“Don’t you fucking dare” 
“Too late!” Steve ripped the blanket covers away from Bucky and hopped on his back. Steve laid on him with his full weight. Bucky groaned even more. 
“What the fuck Steve!?!” Bucky huffed. Both men were full of muscles, Bucky thought Steve weighed more. Steve immediately protests that Bucky goes to the gym a lot more than him—to which Bucky denies too quickly. 
“Language!—Hey, I will only get off of you if you get ready for spring cleaning” Steve said, smiling at the noises of protests from his best friend. 
“You can even help out Y/N with the flower arrangement for the spring day festival Tony is doing for charity” Steve smirked as he suggested this idea. Instantaneously, Bucky shut up. He outweighed his pros and cons. On the pro side, if he does get up, Bucky and y/n can hang out alone while helping her with the flower arrangement. Just the two of them. But on the other hand on the con side, he would have to do his duties with spring cleaning. He knew Steve would suggest this after a lot of annoyance on Steve’s part for Bucky to spill out of how much a big crush he has on y/n. He mentally sighed. Fuck it. 
“Fine but get off me” Bucky grumbled. Steve cheered—laughing as Bucky flipped him off. Bucky begrudgingly gets out of bed, and yawns. His long hair was messy, his ponytail long gone from the restless movements during his sleep.
“Get ready and eat breakfast then I’ll see you at the cleaning supplies room at 10 Buckaroo!” Steve snickered. Dodging at the things that were thrown in his way. 
“You really should stop hanging out with Tony, you’re beginning to act like him now!” Bucky complained, watching as Steve closes the door behind. Only for Steve to stick out his tongue before leaving. 
He rolled his eyes. Oh, the things he does for him. 
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Many minutes passed and Bucky instantly regretted his decision. So many people passed by, some were still cautious about him, others decided to be braved and gave him a flower bouquet. 
He found Steve on the fourth floor inside the cleaning supplies room. Seeing as Steve was checking off things in his notebook he carries, Bucky cleared his throat. Steve jumped and sighed in relief.
“You know for someone who has super-soldier serum, you’re still the same punk who’s always jumpy” Bucky smirked. Steve rolled his eyes before seeing the gifts in Buck’s arms. Steve grinned at Bucky’s grimace. Plucking out the flower bouquet from him, Steve put it in a vase. Filling it up with water as he does so. 
“Can we get going now?” Bucky said impatiently, tapping his foot to get Steve’s attention. Steve laughed. 
“Impatient are we? Don’t worry your head off, you’ll get to see them if you start mopping the floors,” Steve grinned from ear to ear. Bucky growled. With swift movements, Bucky grabbed the mop and stomped away from Steve’s incredulous laughter. His whole face was burning red like a rose. 
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It took hours for Steve and Bucky to clean the whole Avengers tower but they managed to clean and mop every dirt there was. Tony came into the entrance of the living room, his jaw dropped. The whole tower was sparkling white. Every bit of dirt was cleaned off. He hadn’t seen the tower this clean in such a long time. Hell, even the couch was replaced with a new leather one! 
“Wow,” Tony said in amazement
Someone laughed at him, nudging him out the way gently. 
“Careful Tony, you might catch flies if your mouth is opened like that,” y/n teased. 
Tony got out of his trance and rolled his eyes. He cheekily smiled at them, “well, I can’t help but look how clean my baby is!” 
Y/n laughed, as she looked stunned at how clean it was. It was clean but never this sparky clean. A voice cleared their throat making Tony and y/n turn their heads to the sound. 
“It was me and Steve who did all the cleaning,” Bucky said quietly. Lips quirking ever so slightly and ears turning pink at their shocked faces. Tony whistled.
“I better have Friday earn you and Steve a whole month of cleaning for the next time spring cleaning comes around next year!” Tony said jokingly
On it Mr. Stark. Next spring cleaning, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers will both getting the job off for the whole month the next time spring cleaning comes around next year 
Friday spoke up 
All three jumped at the hearing of Friday’s voice. Tony turned around at the camera above them in the corner of the living room. Glaring at someone? 
“I didn’t mean that Friday! I was only being sarcastic” Tony glared at the camera looking up and down at him. The camera mockingly turns on and off as a way for Friday to roll her eyes. Tony gasped dramatically, putting his hands to his chest as if he had a stroke. 
“Also Friday! Can you add me to the list as well? You and I think we both deserve to have time for ourselves right?” Y/n smirked at Tony before glancing at the camera above them
He accusingly pointed a finger. “If you add y/n to that list, I will put you in time out Friday” 
Already on it, y/n. Y/n is now on the list for the day off for spring cleaning next year, Mr. Stark. 
Tony sighed while Y/n laughed out loudly and Bucky chuckling. Tony rolled his eyes at the two assassins. 
“Anyways, it was nice talking to you y/n, and thank you for not having Pepper blow up in my face. Thanks to you, I’m not dead at least yet—oh don’t raise your eyebrows at me! At least you reminded me about Pepper and I’s upcoming date this weekend!” Tony whined
Y/n shook their head. “Don’t you have a charity meeting with Rhodes and Pepper right now?” They smirked as they watched Tony’s face paled 
“Uh-you-I, yes I do not—I mean I do have a charity meeting with Rhodes and Pepper. Holy shit I’m late” Y/n laughed again watching Tony scurry away to get ready for the next chew-out lecture Rhodes and Pepper have to say for being late. 
Bucky smiled watching the scene unfold. The little crinkle their eyes would crease when they laugh, and the way their eyes sparkled when they tease their friends. It was cute. 
“Bucky???” Y/n waved a hand in front of Bucky, snapping him out of his thoughts. He held a pink hue to his face as he coughed awkwardly
“Sorry” he mumbled out, eyes anywhere but theirs. They chuckled waving it off
“Anyways, are you ready to help me with the flower arrangement for the charity festival? Steve said yesterday that you had said yes in helping me out?” They smiled while they walked towards the elevator
Him? Saying yes to their request? Bucky doesn’t recall saying yes to them yesterday. Wait, they mentioned Steve—wait, did he plan this whole thing out? Steve… that son of a b—
“Bucky, did you listen to anything I had said?” They asked as they stepped out of the elevator. Bucky bit his lip. Should I play dumb? 
“Uh, what plan?” Not that dumb you idiot. 
Y/n giggled
“It’s fine, I can just tell you when we get there” they grinned, jumping up and down. You see, y/n also has this huge crush on Bucky, but they’ve been keeping it down so they don’t scare him away. 
“Uh Alright then” Hands rubbing up the back of his neck, as Bucky walked beside them awkwardly
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“Here we are!” Opening the door, the building was huge. Tony outdid himself for this spring festival that’s for sure Bucky thought. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw boxes in a nearby corner. Bucky walked towards the boxes, opening them. Inside of them was full of beautiful smells he had smelled. Inside were tons of flowers. They were all so colorful. An idea formed in his head. If maybe… maybe if he gave them their favorite flower, would they take it? Ah, what was their favorite flower again? Oh, right! He skimmed across all the flowers in the boxes, picking a certain bouquet. A bouquet was full of lilies and roses.
He grinned to himself. Stepping away full of the wonderful smell of colorful flowers. He sneaked behind y/n with the bouquet behind his back.
“And ohh, maybe we could add a few roses hanging oomf…” y/n bumped into Bucky. Feeling embarrassed, you stepped away from a little. Bucky chuckled quietly
“Be careful where you’re walking doll,” he smirked, looking down upon them. They had a flustered look on their face, their hair framing their look even more beautiful. They looked ethereal. Every day they somehow found a way to make his breath hitch
Getting out of his head, Bucky straightened. He pulled out the bouquet behind his back. He cleared his voice, hands clammy
“Doll, would you like to go out with little ol’ Bucky?” Bucky jokes. Offering the bouquet in their direction, anxiously waiting for them to respond 
On their face, they had an unreadable look. Deep down, y/n was flustered, excited, happy, and screaming. They need to be cool. Be cool, be cool now. Y/n took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. Looking between the lilies and roses bouquet then at Bucky. His crystal blue eyes staring at them. 
Even though Bucky was half-joking with them, he wanted to know whether or not they would go out with them. If they said no, he would’ve laughed it off in a joking manner and clarifying it was a joke even if the rejection stings. If they had said yes, well, he would’ve been the happiest man in the world. 
It took three seconds. Yes, Bucky counted ever so three seconds. Those three seconds felt like three centuries but it was worth it.
“...Yes! Yes yes yes!” Y/n shouted. Meekly, they covered their mouths flustered. Okay, it was final, having them be so flustered, the way the red hue paints their cheeks and how their hair framed their facial structure, and how their eyes sparkled yet held this embarrassing moment was his favorite kind of look. 
Bucky smiled so genuinely. A real smile. It felt way too good for them to say yes, he thought he didn’t deserve their love and attention. But he doesn’t care at the moment. All that matters is that having them by his side in this flower room is what matters as of right now. Bucky dropped the bouquet and spin them around. You started squealing.
“H-hey! Put me down” your voice cracked as you laugh. Bucky made a mental note to make you laugh more; already wanting, no, needing to hear that angelic noise coming out of you
Bucky and you stared at each other. It felt like time had stopped around the two of you and it felt like a fairy tale. Bucky, ever so hesitant, gently grab a hold of your hands before kissing the inside of your palms. 
“Thank you.” He licked his lips 
“Do you...maybe want to be my date for this spring’s day festival and run away with me?” Bucky asked. He titled his head. He reminded you of a small pup. You grinned, kissing his knuckles.
“Yes, I would love to run away with you and be your date for the spring days festival Buck,” leaning upon your tippy-toes, you kissed his cheek. Bucky’s face burned with a blush of his own; brighter than a poppy 
“Alrighty then, it’s a date” giving you his signature smirk.
“But first~ let’s get our jobs done before Steve comes down here and scolds us for not doing the flower arrangement” playfully punching his shoulders. He didn’t feel the pain. Even When he fully knows that they’re also an avenger, they were like a teddy bear, soft and gentle.
“Alright, let’s do that before grandpa comes  down here” Bucky mocked. “Hey, you’re a grandpa as well!” You smirked. Bucky rolled his eyes. He did not want to be reminded about him and Steve being nineties year old's whom were born in the forties. 
Bucky had lifted you over his shoulder, walking over towards the boxes of flowers. 
“Hey! It’s true!—oh hey, you have a better ass than Steve’s….What! It’s true, although I prefer your thighs though” You squealed when Bucky playfully slapped your ass. 
Having enough, Bucky put you down to your feet. Already opening a box of flowers to replace the building's empty spaces. 
Maybe helping out during the Spring days festival ain’t so bad after all. Maybe he should start doing more spring and doing flower arrangements cleaning if it meant you and him can have moments like these. After all, you said yes to have a date with him later tonight. And Bucky was so excited to looking forward to it. 
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