#i’m sorry i only realized recently that i’ve been dumping this all on you
crowwriting · 1 year
Pleaseee write a Tristan fic where she is James’s sister coming to visit?? Xx
"Expectations" Tristan Farnon x Fem!Reader.
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Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Word count: 2860
A/N: I am so SO sorry this took forever, I had a family member pass away recently, and just a lotta similar drama, so I haven't been able to make myself write lately. I was thinking a lot about Tristan from the books when I read this. I hope you enjoy, many apologies, I hope to get my next fic out promptly.
James Herriot, in all his infinite wisdom as your older brother, decided that you simply HAD to visit Darrowby. His two week stint back in Glasgow had come and went so quickly that you were most certain that he was getting home sick. You wouldn’t mention it though or your lovely, maybe slightly overbearing mother would never let him leave. 
You had agreed, of course, the flat you had grown up in had begun to feel stifling since James had left. The extra doting had really put a wrench in your new found freedom as an adult. 
James loved to point out that you could leave at any time, of course you didn’t believe him. Not now, when all you could do to keep the flat was work: same as your father. It was your little flat in Glasgow or the streets the way you saw it. Unless you decided to hop on a boat and disappear. Which had been a pleasant daydream you entertained yourself with. 
It was in fact a funny sensation as you stepped off the train at Darrowby station. The first thing that struck you was how quiet it was. The birds sang pleasantly, and a cool breeze blew calmingly against your cheeks. 
This was of course interrupted by the loud honking, and a cloud of dirt being blown in your face. 
‘Don’t worry Jim, Siegfried only forgot about you until,’ The boy behind the wheel of a well worn little car checked his wrist watch. ‘Fifteen minutes ago.’ 
James huffed. ‘Tristan! What are you doing driving my car!’ 
‘Oh calm down it’s not your car.’
‘Yes. It is.’ your brother was making those annoyed, slightly crazed eyes he was so practiced at. 
‘Just because my brother lets you use it doesn’t mean it’s yours.’ 
Tristan. Your brothers. . . best mate. Had certainly lived up to his name quite promptly too. 
‘By the way, did you know your break’s out? Barely made it down that last hill alive.’ Tristan leaned out the window, a roguish smile on his decidedly youthful face. 
You waved, giving him a smile. 
Tristan’s eyes went wide, ‘Who’re you?’ he directed the question to James.
‘My sister, Y/N.’ 
Tristan beamed, his head turning almost cartoonishly back to you; his hand flying out of the window to offer a shake. ‘So glad you came ‘round, I’m Tristan.’ 
‘Pleasure to meet you.’ You shook his hand, having to bend slightly at the knee to meet it. 
‘Hop in then. Gotta stop by Old Harris’ place.’ 
‘What did you say was wrong with the calf?’ James asked.
‘Broke it’s leg. Yeah.’ Tristan explained as you rounded the old stone building to look for the barn. 
‘And why exactly did we have to come out here right away. I’ve literally just got back.’ 
‘Oh you know Siegfried. 
‘Why aren’t you helping again,’ you leaned towards Tristan as you watched James’ operate. 
‘Siegfried doesn’t trust me,’ he nodded. His arms were crossed, and he was watching rather intently. 
Tristan looked at you like he had just realized you had never met his brother before. ‘Oh he’s a lunatic.’ 
 He laughed, a broad infectious laugh you couldn’t help but join in. 
Skeldale house was undoubtedly one of your favorite places you had seen. Certainly the expansive scenery was lovely and you thought you could probably never get enough of it, this place took your breath away. You could hardly believe your brother had been living in such a nice home, so open and breathable. You were starting to resent him for hogging it all. 
‘Tristan!’ a sudden voice boomed just as you were hanging up your jacket. 
‘Aargh!’ Tristan groaned, dumping his jacket on the sofa with a little more force than strictly necessary. 
Through the main hall came who you quickly realized was Siegfried, holding a paper, and looking ready for a lecture.
‘What is it now? Did I lose the chloroform? Burn down the chicken coop? Botch a surgery you wouldn’t let me touch?’ 
‘What? No. No. I just wanted to give you this. From the bit you did last week.’ He handed his younger brother an envelope. 
Tristan’s eyes widened as Siegfried seemed to realize you were there. 
‘Hello, uh. Who is this?’ he asked James. 
‘Y.N Herriot. Nice to meet you.’ You interrupted before James could speak. 
‘How wonderful,’ he held out his hand. ‘Siegfried. Siegfried Farnon. What an absolute pleasure to meet you. Your brother has told us absolutely nothing about you.’ He smiled, and you could suddenly see the resemblance between him and Tristan. You chuckled and shook his hand. 
‘Now. I have a surgery to run. Tristan, if you wouldn’t mind showing the lady to her room.’ Siegfried waved absently at his little brother, and disappeared behind the shut curtain of the surgery room. 
The Drover’s Arms was a rather dark little pub right near Skeldale, really a comfortable homie place if not a little old fashioned. 
With a pleasant warmth you Tristan and James settled on a table near the window which let very little light through. Your drinks ordered and spirits high you settled in for a good long evening. It didn’t take long for an easy rhythm in your conversation, James catching you up on everything he had failed to mention back home, while you supplied Tristan with as many embarrassing stories of your dear brother as possible. You ran short fairly quickly, but it was satisfying to see how delighted it made him; and how embarrassed it made James. 
The car ride to the Alderson’s didn’t help to settle your headache, getting jostled around in the back seat of that old car was not the most pleasant after one too many bears, but the mood was light and James promised that there was no better way to see the sights than going on call with him. Tristan had accompanied you which pleased you. He was so much easier going than you were used to. A fondness was quickly growing between the two of you. 
‘Helen?’ James called when you arrived. 
Tristan was grabbing his own bag of instruments when he bellowed ‘Ms. Alderson!’ 
This seemed to work because a few moments later a woman appeared in quick fashion. 
‘Rowdy bunch you are. Keep it down won’t you?’ She beamed. 
You didn’t miss the blush that painted James’ cheek.
‘Who’s this?’ Helen held her hand out to you. 
‘Y/N Herriott.’ 
‘No wonder, you’re his sister. Think he mentioned you once or twice.’
You turned your brow towards your brother whose blush deepened. 
‘You’ve got a foal right?’ Tristan piped in. 
Helen nodded. ‘Right this way. Think he got into something he shouldn’t.’ 
James hopped to catch up to Helen, while Tristan and yourself fell into step behind them, exchanging a look as you silently put your heads together to make a plan. 
There was certainly nothing subtle about James’ fondness towards Helen, the way he stood nearer, the little glances he’d shoot as soon as she looked away. They stood in the middle of the barn looking over the foal, you and Tristan stood against a stack of hay. Far enough to whisper without being detected. 
‘Not very subtle is he?’ Tristan leaned in. 
‘Never has been.’ You chuckle. ‘Are you planning something?’ 
Tristan shrugged. ‘Maybe if I had a bit of backup I could be convinced.’ 
Turning up your nose you took a few dramatic moments to play at weighing your options. You nodded, offering a hand for him to shake. ‘Partners?’ 
It wouldn’t be until the next day when James Tristan and yourself came to a stop in Darrowby square. You had taken a day to visit the horse track. James had said that racing had grown on him since he had met Siegfried, though the horse enthusiast himself could not join you. 
Tristan had stepped out of the passenger seat, stretched, then immediately went to grab you by the arm; pointing excitedly across the street to a flash of fine brown hair and a green coat. 
‘Helen!’ He hissed excitedly, and took off with you in tow, jogging towards his target. 
She was talking with a pair of older ladies when you caught up with her. 
‘Helen! How are you? What’s this?’ He shook her hand. 
You nudged him, pointing up to the banner above the door reading 
“Darrowby Music Society.” 
‘Just what we were looking for I’d say. Huh Tris?’ You piped up. 
Tristan gasped proudly at you, giving a playful wink of encouragement, and that was when James appeared, looking a little frazzled and rather confused. 
‘Tristan what the hell?’ He came to a stop, and Tristan pulled him up, patting his back companionably. 
‘Excellent for you to join us old boy. We were just talking about finding some good music weren’t we?’ 
At this point Helen was rather bemused but seemed entertained enough by the scene unfolding before her. Her companions had long since gone inside and the scraping of instruments had begun to seep into the street. 
‘Right well we’ll miss it if we don’t go in so-’ Helen gestured at the door. 
‘Of course, of course. Let’s,’ Tristan and yourself pushed James through the door, and nearly into poor Helen Alderson. 
As quickly and quietly you took your seats, Helen and James at the front, while you and Tristan slinked off towards the back, to find a seat with a good view of the couple. 
Tristan leaned towards you as the band leader attempted to speak loudly enough for the whole room, which was admittedly on the small side. 
‘He can’t mess this up can he?’ Tristan whispered. 
‘We’ll see. He doesn’t much like to do things for himself,’ you shrugged.
The concert was over before you new it, and James had made little advancement in his relationship with Helen, offering only a ‘farewell’ and ‘jolly good day’ with his hands stuffed in his pockets. 
‘That turned out. . . less than ideal.’ Tristan sighed. 
You shrugged, almost smiling, ‘progress is progress I’d suppose. Got more comfortable after that second movement. Got a decent laugh too, wouldn’t you think?’ 
Scheming your brothers love life turned out more difficult than you had suspected. You and Tristan put your heads together often enough, but James’ almost self destructive devotion to his vocation made your planning very difficult. Still you and Tristan shuffled along, scheming as you might, with no thoughts of home. 
It must have been two weeks into your stay, but admittedly you had been too distracted to notice, when the Daffodil ball was announced. With a great impact Mrs. Bromptom had thrust herself upon Skeldale and thrown Siegfried into something of a mood. Though this was fascinating to watch, Tristan and yourself had been overjoyed with the opportunity for your brother to just take one very easy chance and ask Helen to join him. 
You had been certain he’d take the bait, and you had been proven correct, but how correct you weren’t sure. 
There was a general buzz about the place as James rushed his last few patients, you were sitting with Helen, rather companionably. Beginning to approve of his choice better with every moment. 
‘Nearly done,’ He had announced from the operating room as he ushered a dog inside. 
‘Where’s Tristan then?’ Helen asked as Mrs. Hall handed her a cup of tea. 
You opened your mouth to say but Mrs. Hall had beat you to it,
‘He’s found himself a date. Girl with a pig.’ Mrs. Hall chuckled, nestling herself comfortably on the couch next to you. 
‘Siegfried’s going with Ms. Brompton then?’ She asked 
‘Yes, confirmed it this morning.’ You answered.
Mrs. Hall hummed vaguely and sipped her tea. 
Maybe it was half an hour again before you actually departed, feeling giddy with the opportunity you had thrust upon your brother, maybe it would actually work this time. 
The dance hall was lively, and as crowded as it could be. The band played a peppy tune and smelled of cigarettes and perfume. It was almost suffocating, but as the door propped open and the air began to clear you could properly enjoy yourself. 
You were standing by the concessions table when Tristan practically ran into you, grabbing your shoulders and turning you towards the dance floor. 
‘There, there d’you see?’ he half whispered half yelled. 
You almost couldn’t see through the sea of bodies, only a flash of your brother's best sports coat, and Helen’s Scarlet dress. She looked like she knew what she was doing, but James tripped as he sped by. 
Tristan was patting your arm in excitement practically jumping up and down.
‘I’m so proud I could kiss you!’ he yipped. 
Your eyes went wide and he beamed. You nodded in permission and he pressed his warm lips to your cheek, excitedly exclaiming.
‘I think I’ve finally got something right for a change.’ 
You smiled back, grabbing his arm and pulling him onto the floor, where you took a celebratory dance.
The night had put you in a dream state, nothing felt quite real, in a deliriously pleasant sort of way. Tristan and yourself seemed to fill into your “roles” as simply and unexplained as possible. You spent all your time together, but that ticking clock of your time here started to ring loud. 
The night was in equal measure very successful and a dismal failure for your brother; but it was only part way through the day when he seemed jontier, nearly giddy. 
‘Now old boy, what’s gotten into you?’ Tristan asked, as he settled himself atop James’ desk. The surgery had just been evacuated, and James was cleaning up, humming. 
‘I think, and I don't know. But I THINK Helen just kissed me.’ 
Tristan jumped up, grabbing his friends shoulders. ‘Really? You’re absolutely positively sure that Helen Alderson kissed you?’ 
‘Yes.’ James chuckled. 
A tap at the door interrupted them, when you poked your head inside, ‘Tris, Siegfried’s been-’
Tristan pulled you inside, 
‘Well go on then tell her.’ He positioned you across the table from James.
‘Kissed him!’ Tristan yipped, startling you. ‘Sorry sorry, it just took him SO long,’ 
‘Ms. Herriott,’ Siegfried piped up from the hall. 
You swung open the door taking the letter he held out to you. 
It was a note from your parents. A month in Darrowby hadn't been your plan, necessarily, but there wasn’t ever an actual plan. It started with the usual pleasantries and how they missed you and hoped you were doing well, then with deft complaints about your time away.
You felt a sinking feeling. You dropped your hands to your sides huffing in anger. 
‘How about some celebratory lunch?’ Tristan pulled James along, arms interlocked. 
The train station was nearly crowded, you could hear Siegfried loudly talking from the telephone booth, and all your baggage was sitting next to you under the bench. Tristan was pacing around his hands in his pockets.
You had begun to chew the inside of your cheek. It had been three wonderful days. Those days had made you realize you didn’t want to leave. Not now, or ever. You had been sucked in.
The train whistle prompted you to stand, and Tristan was at your side, helping you with your bags. 
‘Are you alright?’ Tristan tilted his head..
‘What’s that? Yes, I suppose.’ You shrugged.
Tristan furrowed his brow. ‘You don’t look it.’
You sighed, and rubbed your temple. ‘I just. . . don’t want to go back. I know I should, and my parents are expecting me, but I can’t see the point in it. I think I  can finally breath here.’ You sighed.
Tristan’s jaw was loose, his head listing ever so slightly to the side, like he’d lost the ability to understand you. 
‘Dear god, we’ve got room. Close your bloody mouth Tristan, you look like a dead fish.’ 
You turned with surprise to Siegfried. ‘What’s that?’ 
‘We’ve got plenty of room at Skeldale, stay with us.’ Siegfried shrugged like it was the simplest thing.
‘Oh yes, please do.’ Mrs. Hall concurred 
‘But- my train,’ you gestured. 
‘For heaven sake, go home, get your things and we’ll have a feast when you get back!’ said Mrs. Hall. 
Tristan had picked up your bags, excitedly as the train whistle began to blow again. 
‘Come on then.’ He urged you. He looked as giddy as a child, like he was already anticipating your return. 
James opened the cabin door and your things were placed inside, Tristan urged you in, and the door shut. You turned around, urgently opening the compartment window, you leaned out. 
Tristan’s eyes met yours and you smiled, leaning out and kissing him as the last whistle blew. You were practically pulled away as the train began to move, and you waved until you could no longer seem then. 
There was a cool summer smell of grass, and cows. You sat down with a sigh, closing the window, and picked up your bag. Shuffling around in it for a moment before pulling out a pad of paper and pen, when you settled comfortably and started a list of things to pack.
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ruminate88 · 3 months
Deeper Layers:
I write and write about my exes. More so Andrew because he was my recent ex and I felt I obsessively idealized him the most. Then I go back and read these post over and over and over…. My brain scans my own words and feelings, then tries to make sense of it all. I use an A.I ChatGPT to break down the post and then it gives me an interpretation which I scan with my brain again and it feels endless but I realized last night there is layers to this “healing journey” because of there is such depth to these emotional scars. ❤️‍🩹
I love metaphors and symbolism in life because it helps me, someone who is a “visual learner” to actually be able to see what I need to. When I fell off a ladder last thanksgiving/christmas, the deep wounds in my legs opened the door of compassion within myself for the wounds in my heart/soul. I realized how much of me needs restoration and resetting.
EVERYWHERE I turn or read, it says in hidden messages, “healing takes time”. “Healing is on going”. It’s a “never ending process”.,… but I also get messages of “forgiveness” and “letting go”. I’ve been going around this mountain and around as I’m traveling up. I often feel stuck in cycles but yet, I’m slowly unraveling each layer or untangling each strand of the web of lies. Either way you want to look at it, I’m STILL finding truth in all the fog of the past.
I know without a doubt, yes my ex Andrew deceived me but I loved him. I may have idealized or fantasized our relationship but I cared about him. I showed up for him even while he’s inflicting pain on me and dumping stress on me. I wasnt perfect and I wasn’t asking him to be perfect either. I just wanted him to be real and honest with me. If you have other girls you like, tell me. Don’t make me believe I’m the only one in your life when clearly you’re entertaining multiple. 💔 (this is part of the letting go that I struggle with cuz it still hurts me even now and it shouldn’t)
I’m not depressed anymore, thank God!! I know what depression or oppression feels like. This is just “sad”. Sad because I’m losing a part of me that was toxic and no longer serves my higher good. Andrew can’t serve my best interest. I’ve worried about that man and prayed for him. I’ve feared him but had hope with him even KNOWING he cheated, a small part of me was hopeful that he did love me even if it was a small portion…. Thinking he only used me because he hated my guts, that just makes me feel awful but can’t deny that possibility!! 😓
Also, remembering how I was helping to raise my bro’s kids at the time when I was actively talking to Andrew and I was sorta in this weird “mothering mode” where I just took care of everyone at that time, even Andrew. He would cry to me that college was hard, that his parents were so strict about his grades, that he was afraid to fail and disappoint them…. So, I would “baby” him and feel sorry for him. I would lie to myself that he trusted me and needed me… I lied to myself that he loved me because I was the one he came to with his problems. I believed it was “love” and so I did everything within my heart of hearts to care about him and I would try so hard to encourage him but I couidnt relate to him on any level because I didn’t even go to school. I dropped out after the 7th grade, then didn’t get my GED till I’m 19. I felt stupid talking to Andrew about “home work” and “schooling”. I was fearful he would think I was stupid….
Yet I’m the one showing up for him, encouraging him, trying to understand when he’s been “gone for 3 days” but suddenly comes back with “hey babe I miss you soooo much I’m soooooo busy have sooooo much homework” 😝😝😝😝 and I would FORGIVE HIM, OFFER TO BREAK UP annnnnnd STAY WITH HIM when he promises me he’s going to change and make more time for me…. Even when he’s snap-chatting me from his frat house. Selfies of himself at parties but yet telling me how much homework he has and how stressed out he is.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt, my online girlfriends kept saying to me, “Why are you with that little kid???” And they made me feel bad constantly. I felt my friends were judging me for being so much older than him and clearly he was immature BUT I was constantly crying to my girlfriends how Andrew kept disappearing and how sad I was but then turn around; Andrew would suddenly come back and be sooooooooo romantic. Tell me how beautiful I am, how he misses me sooo much but still cries he’s too busy. My girlfriends were tired of me being up and down constantly. I wouldn’t change. I know that’s why Bri went behind my back becuase I wouldn’t take advice about Andrew. I would get overly defensive and tell my girlfriends, “I just want you to be happy for me” 😒💔
Looking back, I was NEVER happy. I didn’t tell Andrew half of my secrets becuase I was already traumatized from Cody and scared to lose Andrew. I told Andrew I had been ghosted, that I NEVER wanted to experience that again. Andrew KNEW I didn’t wanna be hurt yet he just couldn’t care. He could only be selfish with me. He found it easy to ignore me when he’s busy but when he’s not, suddenly he’s all over me again begging for my nudes and telling me how good I make him feel…
I have an older Facebook I used to stalk him with back then and I would blog on it and wow… the many post of one minute I’m on cloud 9 with Andrew but then the next, I’m anxiously on the edge ready to end my life… there was never any solid ground when talking to him. I was either crazy high or dying inside….. 😭😭😭 Then at some point I stopped blogging and that’s because the relationship got 10x worse. Andrew’s responses to my text or Snapchat’s got shorter and more robotic up until I found proof he cheated and then we broke up.
Not once can I look back and say it was a good, healthy or loving relationship sadly… I can only realize how I misinterpreted Andrew’s behavior towards me and romanticized all the sexting as love. 😔💔 I still don’t hate him or even hate myself…. Just, it’s sad that I believed in love with him when it was just sex. It just makes me feel bad and stupid. I know forgiving myself is just as much a process as forgiving him. Yeah, I’m upset he mislead me but he can’t take it all back. The way he posted the next girl all over his social, that was a slap on my face but doesn’t mean he treated her better than me. Also, the way he tried to FaceTime me after I moved on, like…. What did that mean? Was it truly just to continue to manipulate me or did he miss me? Hah 😝😝😝 (I’m for sure he probably only missed the attention I gave him.) I doubt he EVER cared about me for the real me. Plus there wasn’t too much deep stuff we even talked about) I guess I just wanted Andrew to potentially be the one cuz so much chemistry and vibes between us. His Facebook seemed normal and I actually believed he was a good boy who respected his parents and grand parents 😂😂😂😂😂 (I was just wearing rose colored glasses and was blind to the truth)
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webbiigaiil · 11 months
Continued from HERE ( @deweydewdrop )
With everything going on in Dewey’s life recently, it was no surprise that he had no clue that Webby was dealing with her own problems in the meantime. Perhaps dumping his love life tea on her now wasn’t the best timing, but he felt it was important to keep her in the loop! Webby had seemed to be in a good mood anyway, which made it feel like now was a good time to tell her, but Dewey watched as Webby’s expression sort of faltered. He didn’t blame her — he didn’t have the best track record with secrets lately, but luckily this was one that Webby didn’t have to get caught in the middle in. This was just Dewey telling his sibling about his crush, simple as that (even if the crush situation wasn’t so simple).
Although the two had been ready to head to the kitchen for junk food, Webby stopped in place as she waited for Dewey to explain. He gave her a nervous smile. “Well.. I’ve kinda been talking to someone .. Like, the coolest, most beautiful girl ever,” he was quick to admit, his nervous smile growing to a genuine one as he began talking about Tiffany. “But it’s not serious, I’ve just got a fat crush on her,” he quickly added with a sigh. It felt good to get that out in the open, even if it didn’t uncomplicate anything for him. “… But she’s got a boyfriend,” he continued, “and her boyfriend is friends with Louie, so ..” he shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna tell Louie, but I thought maybe seeing your reaction first might help me prepare for his..” His nervous smile returned, trying to read Webby’s expression. “Thoughts?”
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It probably wasn’t a good thing that Webby felt the need to brace herself for whatever Dewey wanted to tell her instead of already being excited over it. But there just wasn’t a good track in him starting off by telling her how neither of his brothers knew about this yet. Even when he also said that he will tell them, it was the fact of how long will it be before he does that has her the most worried because if the blonde had to be honest, holding onto another important secret wasn’t something she thought she could do right now. That said, Webby wasn’t about to ask Dewey not to tell her what it was because if it was important to him to tell her, then at the same time she would want to hear what it was. Even if the secrecy of it all might end up driving her crazy in the end.
“Huh?!” At his admission of how he was talking to someone, Webby only stared at him in confusion, not getting why this had to be a secret in the first place when this wasn’t the first time Dewey’s met someone, he was interested in. But it wasn’t until he elaborated on how he had a big fat crush on a girl who had a boyfriend and how the two were friends with Louie, was when she realized why Dewey considered this as a secret. “Uh…” Unsure on what to say, Webby only stared back at him as she let his words sink in. “Congrats?” She then said, as how does one say anything in response to that. So, the girl already had a boyfriend, but Dewey really liked her? “Are you planning on fighting for her or something since she’s dating someone else right now? Or are you going to wait and see if the two break uuuppp? I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you want me to say about this.” 
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vaelynez · 2 months
Hello! I’m so sorry for the sudden message, but I really wanted to reach out and thank you for writing and sharing BHLD, even if its an older fic
After a long night of no sleeping, I suddenly remembered the first digimon fic i read around four years ago. For some reason, I vaguely remembered the title enough to find it on ff.net. To my delight, I realized the story had been updated and finished. I knew I had to read the whole story then, and wow it was a ride.
As someone who suffers from a bunch of mental health issues, the story was an endearing tragedy from start to finish. I loved how you handled Takeru and Yamato by giving them flaws outside of their struggles and portrayed the slow growth in their relationship.
I just-I’m thankful I was able to revisit this fic after a couple of years and appreciate the progress I’ve made with my mental health. I was in a repressed, worse spot with my depression and the fic always stuck with me as a way to say that the emotions i had weren’t “okay” and that i truely wanted to be better (ironically Yamato’s story in adventure helped me realize i had depression).
I’m sorry for dumping this all on you after you wrapped up the fic years ago, but I wanted to let you know that your story made a great impact on someone and helped them <3 please keep writing as you have talent and an amazing handle on emotions.
Thank you again - Anon
Hi omg. This made my life you have no idea.
BHLD is kinda infamous in my head because it was a train wreck to write. I’ve got a love hate relationship with it. I started it when I was, shit 13? and in seventh grade. For context I’m in my second year of college and 19 at the end of September.
Kinda long post incoming.
That being said, the first variation wasn’t good (because I was 13). I’d actually go as far to say it was objectively bad writing, just on a craft level. But again, literal baby writer it was my second fic ever. When I revamped it, it was miles better. Looking back, I think I was 15 when I started the revamp? It ended when I was 16. Could it be better? Yes, but it could always be better.
HOWEVER, that’s just my overcritical writer brain getting hung up on the typos and passive voice and filter words. What actually matters is that there was improvement in between the two versions, and improvement to my writing now. What matters is I finished it.
Until this July, it was my only completed multi-chapter fic. Sure it took me years but it was done, that’s more than I can say for countless WIPS on my computer, (glares back at my past few posts about my recent projects…update on that coming soon) or that one fic collecting dust on my AO3 account.
On a more personal note, this fic also followed me through some rough times. A lot of the themes I write about reflect what I’m dealing with at the time. It’s both how I cope and how I hope to reach someone dealing with something similar.
I initially started it because I was struggling with my own mental health issues, which influenced the story greatly. It followed me through my recovery with self harm. I was either struggling or just getting out of an eating disorder when I finished it. I moved and switched schools three times. 13-16 is not a fun age to be for anyone. It sucks. I think I finished it my Sophomore/Junior year, which might have been one of the lowest points ever.
I look back at the open ending of the fic and remember that, besides the overarching theme reasons, I genuinely didn’t know how to write things getting better, recovery.
Which brings me to what hit me hardest about your message, I’m just glad my writing made a positive impact on you. Genuinely, it’s my ultimate dream with anything I create, I can help someone. It’s how I build the very foundation of my stories, what message do I want to send? (Aka theme, but yknow, lets be sentimental for a moment).
I’m not changing lives with my Digimon fanficion, but I can impact them. And even if I put out the worst thing I’ve ever written, if it helped someone even just a little bit, who cares? Shit, if what I write can helps someone admit they’re not okay and want to get better—and it did????—that’s actually huge. That’s such a big thing to admit to yourself, and a huge step to take.
Hugs to you, and thank you for taking the time to send this in. I’m having a bit of a month and this really cheered me up. I’m genuinely going to carry it with me all the time. I recently took a break for (physical) health reasons and your message was a reminder of why I love storytelling and art so much. It was also a bittersweet trip down memory lane.
Thank you. I’m proud of how far you’ve come. I’m so thankful and honored that I could be a part of it, no matter how small of a role that was. 💕
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hi this is the anon before who said their only criticism for tmc was the timeline, but after al3x’s recent twitter qna i suddenly have a few others things i want to say about this series that i’m not sure where to share so i’m going to dump it in your inbox if that’s ok <3
anyway first things first i just want to say i love tmc, it’s one of my favorite analog horror series, i love the characters and the aesthetic, i love getting on discord to watch the newest videos with my friends, but even as my favorite series i’m still willing to criticism it (excluding the timeline thats already a mess). 
and lately i’ve been thinking about it after rewatching the latest video a few times and seeing other content creators react to it, i’ve just now realized that the series… doesn’t scare me anymore? maybe its because i’ve been watching it for a while, but probably not because the old videos still ruin my insomnia after i watch them tgouivrfi but aside from that ever since vol4 was released i just haven’t gotten scared by anything presented in the new videos at least once.
like the latest video didn’t give any horror vibes for me especially when adam namedropped god like ok cool (although i did love the sarah+evelin interactions we were given and hope there’ll be more of that duo), and the diary thing just idk its interesting but meh. this is just my opinion tho i hope no one attacks me for it
then i saw al3x say in his qna that vol1 was his least favorite video overall and tbh that… kinda makes me sad? because i still love that video since it still frightens me to this day, and seeing him not like it and make a new version that had some good parts removed + make it less scary just ehh this series really isn’t as frightening to me as it used to be…
its probably because of everything that’s gone with crewdela, with gab3 being fired and the community being infested with minors who want to sanitize horror (and a certain person in the crew who shall not be named) so this is just the end result…
but at the end of the day this is al3x’s series and he’s free to do what he wants with it and i will be seated for vol5, its still an interesting series to watch at the end of the day but just not as scary for me.
anyway sorry for traumadumping LOL /j
ohyah, you're free to info dump w/e thoughts you got! :3
i was honestly in the same boat as you, where tmc used to be my top series of all time cause of the usage of religion here, instead of the cookie cutter aesthetic of haunted animatronics or aliens invading the earth. while rlly not scary to me overall, the unsettling nature behind was enough to spook me!
however, as you've mentioned, it just stopped being scary overall when not only god was namedropped like that but....the intrigue around the series was just gone when "gabriel" revealed who he rlly is after all this time. the reveal happened way too soon, and using the usual "THE DEVIL WAS BEHIND IT ALLLLL" is just eh :/ could have made it where it could have been something else puppeting the body of the archangel gabriel??
and tbh, with how much lore and attention is given to emo fuck ( adam lmao ) here, it's feeling more and more like a damn soap drama that your grandparents would watch lmao nothing rlly horrifying, unsettling, or even violating in the sense that it's supposed to be intimate given the core concept that used to be present in early vids ( there's a reason why intimacy and religion tends to go hand in hand )
all the biblical horror flies out the window when we're seemingly supposed to care about adam here -- i honestly don't give a shit about the guy atp lmao i was here to watch some actual frightening shit, not...this
yeah, alex has mentioned several times that vol 1 wasn't his fave but goddamn, did he just...rlly made the scare factor and nostalgic elements even worse. nothing there to grasp you except "LOOK! THE ANIMATION IMPROVED!! :OOO"
those are my thoughts there lmao x3
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itsokbbygrl · 2 years
Hi. I meant to write sooner, but time got away from me. And I’m sorry I’m advance about how long this is. Your post about Louis’ recent promo cycle really resonated with me. I was feeling like it was all a bit “off,” but couldn’t quite pinpoint what was bothering me.
I agree that this round of promo has lacked the nuance we’ve always gotten. Looking at recent interviews, I think the takeaways are 1) Louis is very loyal to his fans, 2) he drinks a lot of beer and smokes a lot of cigarettes, 3) there’s a fair bit of vodka and pot in the mix, 4) he parties a lot when he’s on the road, and 5) he likes football. Regarding his emphasis on the fans, that’s great, but I haven’t seen talk of who his fans are, so it’d be easy to come away thinking his fans are mostly white guys his age, which is also what’s represented in his band and his music recommendations.
He’s previously talked about his respect for his fans and, regarding young, female fans in particular, the unfair ageist and sexist judgment they face. He’s directly addressed and disavowed toxic masculinity. He’s shown support for queer and trans fans. He supported Black Lives Matter. The recent press cycle doesn’t even hint at any of this, doesn’t even hint that he’s the kind of person who’d do any of this. Unless you’ve followed him for a while, you’d have no idea of any of these things, and you’d probably not understand why fans are so loyal.
When I went to his show in Philadelphia last winter, I sat next to a woman who was there with her fourteen year old daughter and a couple of her daughter’s friends. The mom and I started talking about general parent stuff (I have two younger kids). She didn’t really know anything about Louis, and asked me, as a mom, if I thought he was a good guy for her daughter to be a fan of. I raved about Louis. I said something like, “ok, he’s going to come out and swear a lot, but as far as the important stuff goes when you’re thinking about your kid, he’s a GREAT person for her to be a fan of.” Then I went through all the stuff I listed above. I’ve been thinking that if that mom’s only other exposure to Louis were current press, she might be ok with her daughter being a fan, but she’d also think that I strongly overstated the stuff that I told her makes him so great.
When I started feeling like there was something off about recent promo, I told myself, “well, they’re mostly short interviews; they can only focus on limited topics; he doesn’t control all of that; etc.” Then I realized, all my positive impressions of Louis come from the same types of sources. It’s not like I’ve ever had a direct personal relationship with him. When he first came on my radar, I was a blank slate. I came away with positive feelings because of the same type of media as the current promo cycle. If all the positive stuff, the nuance and depth, came through before, there’s no reason it shouldn’t come through now, too. And I think its absence is noticeable and worth wondering about.
I’m new to the fandom on Tumblr. I already knew people could get toxic, so I wasn’t necessarily surprised by some of the reactions you got to your post, but I’m still saddened. I’m sorry you had to deal with it. I think if Oli came on here and said anything that didn’t fit in with the party line, even if it wasn’t objectively negative, he’d be attacked as a traitor and a liar.
Sorry for the long and rambling message. I really don’t mean to dump all this on you, or drag you back to something negative. It’s just all been on my mind and I found your post really helpful.
Hi! No need to apologize. I appreciate you taking the time to write down your thoughts and send them my way! I think you nailed it with “lack of nuance.” That’s really what it’s all come down to.
Louis at the signings has been a breath of fresh air. I mean, it’s the Louis we’ve known and love vs some of what’s recently been projected. He has such lovely positive energy IRL and I feel that is the thing that’s been lacking in some of his media bits where he comes off as kind of a hater (see: ladbible). The track by track sessions have been amazing as well. He’s so articulate and savvy, and it’s lovely to see him get the media space to show it.
Hoping this doesn’t invite negative discourse or unnecessary shading. Sorry if this isn’t entirely coherent, I’m batting a nasty headache and pretty severe anxiety at the moment, so the thoughts are all over the place. Lovely to have you stop by! ❤️
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gwenstjameschurch · 2 years
It’s All Messy
To all the women who helped me realize I was gay. And for Emily, you made an impression. 
In her Tinder profile, she's leaning against a pool cue with a cigarette hanging from her mouth.
She messages me first. No punctuation, and spelling mistakes so off that I had to sound some of the words out loud. She says spelling and grammar are a waste of time.
{translated} “You probably think I'm dumb” “Maybe just lazy?” “I am just kind of a degenerate, like I spend most of my free time sitting in random stoops, smoking cigarettes, and drinking beer.”
I roll my eyes. Yeah, a "degenerate fuck" who is graduated from Wellesley and works at some law firm downtown. 
She invites me to her Wicker Park apartment. I'm a baby gay and trying very hard to to hid it, making it much more obvious. I'm wearing the most lesbian outfit I could put together from my wardrobe which had not yet caught up to this most recent assumed identity. 
She stumbles out of an alleyway to meet me at the curb. She was what I was trying to be- a true lifelong, tomboy to fuck boy, laidback lesbian; shorts, a button up, backward snapback, sandals with socks and-an envelope of cash?
“Come on”
I followed her back into the alley and through a side door. She started banging on the door directly inside until it opened a crack, where she inserted the envelope of cash.
“Gotta pay the landlady”  she says and walks us up the 3 flights to her door. 
A disheveled mutt greets us, “this is Eddie.”
She immediately lit a cigarette and went into the kitchen, returning with 2 beers. We sit on the loveseat I assume she's only just managed to clear off, based on the pile of clothes and guitar on the floor directly next to it.
We chatted for a while about my usual date topics: work, porn, friends, family, sex. I do this to seem open and shameless, while never having to be actually seen at all. After a bit, I pulled out my ancient laptop she had asked me to bring.
“Oh cool, yeah thanks for doing that, my wi-fi is down" and gestured to the router that was laying unplugged in the middle of the floor, "someone will come fix it eventually.”
When I grow up, I want to give this few fucks about something I consider as essential as running water. 
I have her choose one of the pirated movies I had stored on my laptop, hoping she would think I was a badass for such blatant copyright infringement. She dug her glasses out to read the screen, "ugh, I forgot Eddie chewed these" looking at the gnawed plastic arm, before putting them on. Although I'm not sure how she managed to see anything through the very smudged lenses.
She picks Fifty Shades of Grey. We play green flag/red flag. 
"Your date has a dedicated sex room?" Green flag  “Beating women who look like your birth mom because you hate her?” Red flag “Fucking your adoptive mom's best friend?” That's just hot. 
After, I went to gather the empty beer bottles and pick up several open but nearly full, warm beers that were not part of our 6 pack. I've been here 3 hours and already trying to contain the mess. She sees my look of confusion.
"I am a wasteful person." 
I have to pee.
"Oh, my toilet doesn't work. Just go ahead, I'll dump water in tank to flush it later." 
I plopped myself back down on the couch, hopefully nonchalantly, but it was nearly midnight on a Tuesday night, so ever the polite guest, I initiated the time honored, traditional dance:
"Well, it's getting late- I should probably head out."
"I'd like it if you stayed."
After the customary first-kiss-check-in, she seemed distracted. 
“Sorry if I am being weird, my ex and I broke up recently because she moved to Spain. I knew it was coming, it was planned before I even met her. But we still moved into this apartment together and I am just not used to dating again.” 
So it was all messy. Gloriously messy.
I should have thought "red flag" I may have not have been out for very long, but even I knew the lesbian trope of never getting over your ex; break up over some perceived inconvenience, try to date other people, read Emily Dickinson, and decide that the relationship is is worth it after all.
But all I could think and say was, “Why would you sign a lease together if you knew she had to leave a few months into it?”
She looked at me like she didn't see how this was relevant. But I was horny, tipsy, and going through second puberty, so- yellow flag?
I told her we shouldn't have sex tonight. I wanted her to take her time fucking me, the kind that lasts between 6 hours- 3 days and right now, we needed to be awake for work in 4 hours. But I was down to continue where we left off?
She tastes like cigarettes and beer and it gave me a rush of being back in high school, experiencing drugs and sex for the first time, but so much better because I wasn't 17. And what later-in-life queer women lack in experience, we make up for in enthusiasm, determined to make up for lost time.
"You're so fucking hot."
Her mouth is bruising my lips, she is on top of me. Her hands are everywhere, her thigh is pressed between my legs, the lesbian trademark and can not be replicated.  I can't tell if I'm trying to be with her or trying to become her.
We need to be awake in 3 hours. 
She picks me up, carries me to her bedroom and deposits me on the bed. Her sheets are covered in dried paint splatter.  
We lay on our backs next to each other.
“How do you like to be fucked?” she ask while twisting a piece of my hair around her finger. 
I don't think I've ever been asked that by someone who was not currently inside of me. I've spent a lot of this date in a state of mild shock. 
She goes on. “I am easy to please as long as it's not slow, that shit makes my skin crawl. I hear my lesbian neighbor fucking, but she is so soft with them. It's gross."
"Do you think she hears you fucking?" 
"Oh, most definitely."
She pulled me to her and swung her leg over my hip and I fell asleep immediately. 
The morning was messier. 
Despite 6 alarms on 4 different apps and me prodding her, she still woke up an hour late. I asked how she managed to get this far in life, given that she could not seem to get out of bed on time, “a lot of good people,” she mumbles before rolling off the mattress. 
We had to take Eddie out. She was still wearing the same clothes from the night before, lit a cigarette and grabbed the leash. She started playing Mariah Carey's “Obsessed” on her phone to “amp her up for the day.” Dragging the empty dog leash and cigarette around the apartment, she started to tear it apart looking for her keys and wallet. 
We finally got Eddie on the leash and her out the door. We walked to the 7-11 on the corner. She made herself one of those sugary mochas from the machine, a diet coke (in case she got sick of coffee) and 2 donuts.
Back at her place, I know should leave, but I'm sitting on her bed, watching her. She fishes a pink button up shirt from a heap of clothes on the floor. 
“UGH , I will have to steam this.” 
“That shirt is soaking wet” I point out. 
She dug around in the clothing pile again and waved a pullover sweater above her head. 
“Problem solved”
She fishes a pair of glasses out of a drawer, "shit, Eddie chewed these ones too” and pushed them on her face.  
I was absolutely infatuated with her. 
I finally call an Uber, go home and deep clean my apartment.  
There are so many lives I could have lived, ones with just a few differences may have made me the type of person who could fit into her physically messy life. I wonder if it could be deeply freeing. 
At the end of the day though, I'm glad she chose to get back with her ex and not see me again. 
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awol-newt · 5 years
do you ever wonder why the fuck some people can deposit checks for $164k and not blink? money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure makes being happy a lot easier when you aren’t thinking about bills.
sometimes people suck. a woman asked if knew how to copy something so i could help one of the bankers out. somebody asked why i couldn’t remember her name despite me only seeing her once every couple months and never really talking-talking and actually having a million other clients. somebody said, i don’t think a teller can help me. i need to see somebody with a desk. (sure. let me grab my tablet. my desk is the one in the corner with the plant, a picture of me with my girlfriend and cat, and all the desk toys. i’ll be right over.) another person said, i’ll ask the manager [about an obscure online banking thing that even i now little about but have given you my 98% sure answer] instead.
friends. i’m rambling and ranting to you because i am sad and have terrible coping mechanisms. but also because i want to complain about my job.
i work at a large financial institution. i have worked there for 14 months. the district manager didn’t want to hire me but my manager fought for me. in those fourteen months i have:
earned two certifications, one in anti-money laundering and bank secrecy act compliance and one in fraud prevention. two certifications not required for my role.
had my transaction authority (how much cash i can give out or how large of checks i can write without consulting somebody else with a higher authority) increased from $2,500 to $50,000
given wire transfer authority (huuuuge risk if you fuck up)
given official backup management authority by my manager and market operations (compliance) analyst
more or less filled the role of assistant manager (a role which no longer exists across the board)
volunteered to join a specific group of people dedicated to reaching out to clients for at least three hours a week
invited to a special counsel to provide thoughtful questions and advice to my district manager
asked to join the committee to help plan the company’s 2020 participation in pride
nominated to travel to another state to help open new locations because of my dedication and knowledge of company resources and professional development
told by the regional manager to stay in touch throughout my career after following up with a role-related meeting (see fifty or sixty some people where i was memorable)
impressed pretty much everybody who i’ve ever worked with
i still am paid at the lower end of my possible pay scale. i am still considered the entry level position despite having privileges that folks with five years of experience don’t have. i am the person that several private wealth (investable assets greater than $100k) turn to when they need something because i am efficient and competent.
i sent an international wire transfer today. we usually ask for 45 minutes to an hour to allot towards the process because there are a lot of steps. my client asked how long it would take and i said i could have her free before her next appointment in forty minutes. what i didn’t tell her is that i am confident in my ability to do an international wire in 25 minutes or less. i sent the wire. then we had time for me to figure out how to fix her paypal account linked to the bank.
she said she would come back to me next time she needed help.
she isn’t the only person.
i have a great manager inasmuch as she trusts me to do my own thing and gives me the time to work on my development if i ask for it. she is terrible at coaching. kind of terrible at advocating for me. she’s the manager who will be a good friend after i exit my current position whenever that may be.
i have an incompetent white man who should have retired five years ago as my colleague. he clings to old systems and old guidelines and for the life of him can never remember how to do anything or figure out anything on his own despite having nineteen years tenure more than me. it takes him two hours to send an international wire and he still makes mistakes.
i am trying to remove myself from a customer-facing role. i’ve been a top contender for roles to which i’ve applied internally. i have had recruiters at other institutions reach out to me. i have a mentor who advocates for me for requisitions that require several more years of official experience than i possess.
but i am still stuck. i’m stuck in a way that makes me feel like my life is in limbo even though i am ready to try to begin the next stage with the person i love, which is on hold for a number of reasons.
my life felt like it was imploding two years ago and then i found tumblr and fandom and friends again. there was support and stability in my life again. i got a job with insurance so i didn’t have to pay $400 for the medications that were keeping me from drowning. i met my person. i stopped having as many down days and started feeling productive and accomplished again and like i wasn’t the complete failure i felt like when i withdrew from my phd program.
i really, really fucking wanted this job in denver. not just because of the 50% pay increase but because it was a chance to start laying down roots in a place that could be long-term home. a place where i might actually begin to build a family of my own. the possibility signaled the light at the end of the tunnel for my ldr. a chance for me to prove and show so much more professionally and personally.
i was devastated. i am devastated. not necessarily because i didn’t get the position but because of what getting that position could have offered. might have promised.
and now shit’s just fucked and i’m stressed because Life.
my job is pissing me off. my handful of clients that know me, who only want to work with me, are my job’s saving grace. helping them (and other people who don’t yell at me) is why i find my job bearable even if i want to jump off a cliff every time my ancient colleague speaks or somebody assumes he knows more than me because he’s an old white guy in a suit rather than me, a baby-faced, non-binary queer who has tattoos but still wears ties to work.
i am just tired.
i am tired, friends.
and now i guess i am going to curl up in bed with my plushie baby stitch and play hooky through tomorrow because i am stressed and sleep deprived and sad and tired.
sorry to dump. and sorry to all the folks out there who have it worse than me. fwp.
sorry. all the sorry’s.
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idkxwriting · 4 years
Could you please do a smutty fluffy oneshot where the reader is a witch and meets Elijah (around when he first appears on TVD, before Damon daggers him) and they're drawn to one another. And despite Damon not trusting him (he can be jealous if you wanna add that) the reader decides to invite Elijah into her home and get to know him. They bond, kiss, and do the sexy times. Also I think it would be cute if he said something about feeling alive with her for the first time in centuries.
Tumblr media
“You did what!?” Damon stood in your doorway, his icy stare enough to make most people reconsider.
But you weren’t most people.
“I know what I’m doing, Damon,” you rolled your eyes and turned away from him only to find him in front of you once more.
Anger burned in his eyes, and you knew for a man with very little patience to begin with that you were pushing your luck. "Really? Because it sounds like to me you just invited Elijah Mikaelson for dinner."
You shrugged. "And a drink."
“You invited a vampire over for a drink?” His eyes narrowed. "You do hear yourself, right?" He snapped.
“Not that kind of drink," you were exasperated.
"I can't protect you from him," Damon growled.
"And I'm not asking you to," you countered. "I can protect myself." As you stepped around him once more, you felt the rage rolling off of him in waves. You knew Damon well, so you anticipated his next move, bringing your hand up and summoning your magic to drop him to his knees before he could attack.
Damon cried out, gripping his head in pain. You had never had an aneurysm personally, but you could only assume it was excruciating. You decided he had enough, releasing him. He panted, the pain subsiding as his body healed.
"See?" You smirked.
He glared at you, and you knew that had you been anyone else, you'd likely be dead - whether that was because of you were a witch or because Damon had a soft spot for you, you couldn’t decide. "I don't trust him."
You shrugged. "Well I do."
"I can't explain it, Damon," you sighed. "There's something about him...I feel like I need to do this. Like I'm being drawn to him, and I need to figure out what that means."
Damon opened his mouth to argue when you cut him off.
"All I’m asking you to do is trust me."
He scoffed. "Maybe if you didn't make such colossally stupid decisions..."
You raised your brows at him. "I haven’t been on your case about you being drawn to Elena, have I?”
He narrowed his eyes.
He looked at you incredulously. "Elena isn't plotting our deaths..."
"Elena is alive because Elijah wants it that way. And he's saved your life what? Three times now?"
Damon rolled his eyes. "And what about when he decides he no longer needs Elena alive? Or me?"
You didn't have an answer for that - only a gut feeling. "We're missing something, Damon. I can't explain it, I just know I need to do this..."
He nodded, knowing you were stubborn and there was no changing your mind. He sighed heavily, walking over to a bookcase and pulling out a very large, very old book. The leather spine cracked as he opened it to reveal the pages had been hollowed out, and he took out an object wrapped in a white cloth. "Then here, take this."
You stepped towards him, and as he unwrapped it, you realized it was the dagger, a small jar of ash from the white oak tree beside it. "Damon..."
He shook his head, his face sullen. "Y/N, I've been around long enough to know when I'm fighting a losing battle with you. And if you're going to insist on being this stupid," he held the dagger out to you. "I at least need to know you have a backup plan."
You nodded, dipping the dagger in the ash before placing it carefully into your jacket. "I have to go," you whispered.
He rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't want to keep him waiting..."
You paced in your kitchen, suddenly nervous as you waited for Elijah to arrive.
You couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Sure, he was attractive, and his charm was refined, but there was something more. A gravity pulling you into him that you couldn't seem to escape.
Maybe Damon was right, maybe this was crazy. Elijah wasn't exactly safe - you had no reason to trust him. You considered the dagger hidden in your sweater, feeling as if even having it in your possession was a betrayal. Still, you weren't sure where the sense of loyalty came from. Before you could think on it any longer, you took it out.
A gentle knock alerted you to his arrival, and you panicked, shoving the dagger in the knife drawer before making your way to the front door. You looked yourself over once more, fixing your hair and wiping your palms on your thighs.
You took a deep breath, steeling your nerves. You swung the door open, the air leaving your lungs as you took in the sight of him.
He stood in a pristine suit. He oozed confidence, but the hint of a smile he offered you was reserved. His eyes were warm, and as they traced over you you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Good evening, Y/N.”
You managed a breathy hi in response, and swallowed, leaning up against the door for balance as you felt the familiar pull. You waited for a moment and he let out a soft chuckle.
“Are you going to invite me in?” He asked calmly.
You shook your head, as if clearing the fog. “Right, yea, of course...sorry...” you muttered. “Elijah,” your eyes met his, a heaviness settling over the two of you, as if the invitation wasn’t just into your home, but your life. “Would you like to come in?”
He unbuttoned his jacket, placing his hands in his pockets as he stepped over the threshold with ease.
He maneuvered with a gracefulness you could never hope to possess and you were mesmerized with each movement. He stepped into your space, crowding you and making you realize you hadn’t backed up to give him room. He looked down at you, and your breath hitched at being so close to him.
His smile was knowing and soft, like he was holding something back. As if he had a secret. He took a deep breath, his eyes tracing your neck. “It smells delicious.”
You froze, unsure if you had made a mistake. Still, something in you stirred though, a curiosity that had you wanting to offer him everything.
“Are we having Italian?” He asked with a smirk.
You bit your lip, glad that his teasing broke the tension. “Umm, yea,” you laughed before remembering the oven. “Shit!”
You rushed to the kitchen, Elijah forgotten for a moment as you tried to save the lasagna you had slaved over. You grabbed pot holders, tearing the oven open and pulling out the ceramic dish. In your hurry you lost your grip, and it fell to the floor.
Elijah hadn’t been quick enough to save your grandmother’s recipe, or maybe it wasn’t where his priority had been, but he had rushed in, spinning you away from the scalding hot dish that splattered before you could even process what had happened.
In his movements you had lost your balance, but he steadied you, pulling you into him. You had your hands on his chest. Your gazes locked, his breath mingling with yours as he straightened up, steadying you with ease before releasing his grip on you.
Your hands remained on his chest for a moment longer before you stepped away from him. “Thank you,” you whispered before turning to see the damage. Tomato sauce was all over your kitchen floor, and you were grateful he had saved you from a burn. You should have been upset that you had nothing to offer him for dinner, but you began to laugh. It was soft at first, and he watched you in amusement as it bubbled up, tears building in your eyes. “I’m sorry,” you howled. “But I slaved over this all afternoon...and you don’t even eat.”
He chuckled at that, and you grinned at the sound.
“You’re a vampire, and I know it’s just a myth, but that thing is loaded with garlic. Kind of funny...”
The irony wasn’t lost on him, but he was distracted, taken with how carefree you seemed. Something he was not used to humans being in his presence. You were so alive, something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Until recently.
“Perhaps some wine,” he grinned.
The sight was enough to pull you from your fit of giggles, and you knew you’d do almost anything to pull that smile from him again. “Okay,” you agreed. You stooped down, using the pot holders to pick up the dish and dump it in the sink to be dealt with later. “You get the wine, I’ll clean this up,” you opened the closet, pulling out your mop.
He had offered to help, but you insisted, so he dug out a bottle of merlot from your cabinet while you made quick work of cleaning up the sauce.
“Do you have a bottle opener?” He asked, examining the label.
You placed the mop in the corner, it would need to be cleaned out, but it could wait. You glanced over your shoulder. “Second drawer to your right,” you replied as you moved to get wine glasses.
His movements stilled, and when you turned you found him holding the dagger in his hand, his eyes searching yours. “Tell me, Y/N,” he spoke slowly and deliberately. “What exactly did you have planned this evening?”
You moved next to him, pouring the wine and offering a glass to him.
He considered you for a moment, before taking the glass and placing the dagger on the counter between the two of you, the hilt facing you. If you wanted to, you could reach it with ease, and maybe he’d be quick enough, but something in you told you he wouldn’t stop you. Whatever your next move was, he was leaving it entirely up to you.
He sipped his wine in quiet contemplation, waiting for you to make your decision.
You opened the knife drawer, placing the bottle opener back inside. You picked up the dagger, twirling it in your fingers for a moment before placing it back where he had found it. You looked up at him, his head was cocked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Dinner, drinks...pleasant conversation. Of course, that was before I ruined the dinner,” you added.
His eyes narrowed, as if he were trying to piece you together. “Perhaps,” he said. “However I believe we’ve remedied the drinks.”
“And the conversation?” You asked. He grinned again, and your heart pounded at the sight. He was achingly beautiful.
“I find conversation is almost always pleasant with you,” he admitted softly.
You took a sip of your wine. “Almost always?” You questioned.
He shrugged, a levity behind his eyes. “I believe you told me to...what was it?” He made a show of pretending to comb through his memories and you winced. “Go fuck myself, was it?”
The curse sounded foreign from his lips, as if something so crude didn’t belong coming from someone so noble, and you couldn’t help but chuckle in embarrassment. “To be fair, you were threatening my friend...”
He nodded, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. You followed the movement. “Ahh yes, Damon Salvatore,” there was a hint of distaste in his voice, but you didn’t press the issue. After all, the feeling was mutual. “For all of his flaws I can see he cares about you.”
You nodded. “He’s my best friend,” you offered.
“And yet you’re here with me. I assume Damon provided the dagger.”
“He’s just looking out for me.”
He nodded at that, and you wondered if there was a hint of respect there. “He protects those he loves...”
“One of those qualities that keeps me hanging around,” you shrugged.
He took another sip. “Tell me, what is keeping you here with me?”
A heaviness settled between you as you considered your answer. “Gravity,” you breathed. You weren’t sure why you had made that confession, but something about the way he looked at you told you that he could be trusted. That he’d protect you, too. “It’s like every time I try to put some distance between us, I am pulled back in even further,” your voice was a whisper. “What is that?” You blushed, turning away and sipping at your wine.
“Gravity,” he repeated as though trying it on.
Your eyes shot to his again, and you found yourself inching closer in a trance. You were pulled out of the moment when your stomach rumbled loudly. Your face flushed. “Sorry,” you chuckled.
He straightened his posture, leaving space between you once more. “Let’s find you something to eat, shall we?”
You beamed as he took off his suit jacket, rolling up his sleeves and getting to work, rifling through your fridge. He ignored your protests, insisting that in all of his years he has managed to learn a thing or two, and that you had already slaved over one dinner. Now it was his turn. So you did as he said, and sat at the island, watching him work.
He asked you about your family, and you told him about your hometown. How moving to Mystic Falls hadn’t been so bad. You laughed as you told him about your siblings and the time you had gotten grounded for stealing your parents car. You told him how your mother had taught you magic, and how it had come from her mother before her.
As you ate he shared about the places he had traveled, how his time in New Orleans had felt the most like home and he’d like to return someday. He promised to take you to Paris, and told you how he had missed his baby sister.
And suddenly you realized that this Original that everyone had feared, this legend, was still just a man somehow. A man with regrets and dreams. A man who has suffered great loss throughout lifetimes, and your heart swelled. You got the sense as he talked that he saw himself as a monster, and it broke you inside a little. You suddenly couldn’t reconcile the monster he saw with the man you were getting to know. You only saw Elijah.
Maybe it was that realization, or the wine. Perhaps a combination of the two, but as he stood to clear your plate, you placed your hand on his wrist. He paused and you stood, moving into him. Slowly you inched closer, your eyes searching his for any signal that you may be unwelcome before they fluttered shut. You placed your lips against his delicately. His lips were soft and he stilled, breathing you in.
The kiss was brief, but you remained close, your faces almost touching and your breaths mingling before you pulled back and smiled. “Gravity,” you whispered.
When he didn’t respond you pulled away, clearing your throat. “Sorry, I just...”
His hand on your elbow cut you off, and he spun you back into his chest, his other hand brushing the hair from your face. His eyes searched yours. “Y/N,” he whispered. “I haven’t felt this alive in centuries,” he admitted softly.
You fisted your hands in his shirt, your body pleading for him to move.
As with all things Elijah (you had come to learn over the last few weeks) he was deliberate and controlled. He leaned in slowly, tasting your lips once more, and pulling a soft hum from you. He pulled back to look at you, his secret smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Gravity,” he said again.
And then he was moving, his lips crashing into yours, all hints of carefulness dissipated as his tongue begged for entrance. You opened to him, and he kissed you greedily, the taste of wine on his tongue. His hands traced your curves, and you were surprised when you found yourself pressed to the wall in your living room. His strength excited you, and you noted his restraint. You hitched a leg up, and he held it up, wrapping it around himself as he pressed into you.
You moaned, and he released you then, his mouth tracing a path down your neck. Your hands ran through his hair, running down the back of his neck, your fingertips desperately seeking. You traced along his shoulders to his chest, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt.
You pulled, untucking it from his belt and pushing it down his shoulders, desperate to feel him. Your hands roamed the hard muscle of his chest, but it wasn’t enough.
He pulled away, discarding his shirt before stripping you of your sweater. He took in the sight of your breasts greedily, and you were grateful you thought to wear the black lace bra. He traced his fingers along the edge of the fabric, and you yelped when he suddenly pulled, tearing the scrap of lace from your body.
You would have been annoyed that he had ruined your favorite bra if his mouth hadn’t latched on to your chest, his tongue tracing your nipple. His teeth grazing, dancing the line between pleasure and pain.
You arched your back, your hips searching, and once again he moved you, his hand cradling your head as you found yourself on your back on the couch. He rose up, eager to look at you, take you all in as he hiked your skirt up above your thighs.
His gaze burnt a trail into your skin, the blush rising as he watched you. Still, you didn’t shy away, letting him drink it all in. Your hips rose on their own volition, desperate and searching for purchase.
He clenched his jaw, and he traced his fingers along your panties. You whimpered beneath him, and even as you slammed your eyes shut you could tell he was cataloging the ways you reacted to him.
“Elijah,” you cried, sitting up on your elbows.
He leaned forward, kissing you again, tasting you. He pushed your panties aside his fingers teasing your folds and you cried out. He smiled, and you felt like you were in on his secret now, privy to a piece of himself he didn’t often share.
He swallowed your moans as he worked you, pressing one, then two fingers into you. He groaned at the tightness. His tongue traced your throat and you dug your nails into his back as he used his thumb to work your clit.
You gripped his arm desperately with one hand, the other tangling in his hair - your body tightening as you felt your orgasm building.
“Please,” you begged, reaching for his belt.
He sat up once more, making quick work of his belt and zipper, releasing himself before leaning back down, desperate to be close to you. He pressed into you, and you both groaned at the contact, a wave of relief washing over you both before he began to move.
He hitched your leg up, pressing himself deeper into you and you writhed beneath him. You met every thrust, slamming your eyes shut at the pure ecstasy that was Elijah. He held himself up with one arm, his other hand tracing your throat. You hoped there’d be more of this, that you would have time to give him everything.
He began to thrust harder, and he brought his thumb to your clit once more, rubbing deliciously as he filled you.
He sat up, pulling you with him so you straddled him, his thumb still teasing your clit as you rode him. He buried his face in your chest, kissing every inch of skin he could find. You bounced on him, chasing your orgasm wildly. You rose and rose, feeling like you were floating until suddenly you exploded. You cried out, and he followed you over the edge. He worked you through it, taking in every way you moved as you came.
You came back down softly, Elijah pulling you in, his gravity keeping you in his orbit.
He chuckled quietly against your throat, his voice deep and wrecked. “Does that happen often?”
You opened your eyes to ask him what he meant only to find you had shattered the bulbs in the house, your residual magic released and leaving you in a blackout. You laughed then, the movement quickly rippling into aftershocks of pleasure. “No,” you panted. “Never.” You leaned back to look at him.
Even in the dark you could see his secret smile. “We may need to get you a flashlight,” he teased.
You shook your head. “Mmm,” you hummed. “I’ve got it.” You closed your eyes, concentrating when suddenly all of the candles in the room lit up.
Your eyes met his in the flicker of light, and you leaned down in a languid kiss.
“Gravity,” he growled against your lips.
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I have Had Some Thoughts. Operating off both will having powers and will getting vecna’d:
What if vecna acts more like Lucifer in supernatural (at least, to Sam in season 5) trying to get him to join him? I’ve read a good fic where vecna has will in a dream coma by showing him like his idea life, right? (10/10 but the way read it) And then there are a shit ton of vecna preying on his trauma. And I’ve also seen some where vecna does try to get will on his side by pointing out he’s a burden or that his friends don’t care or that they forgot his birthday or whatever and is overcome by the power of friendship and/ or gay love.
And I love all of those kinda fics, but I haven’t seen any where it’s vecna disguising himself as mike to get will to agree to work together. Maybe it’s because I’m not a fan of most Villian!Will fics but IMAGINE, if you will:
Will and Mike are back in Will’s Cali bedroom. “I think we should work together. I think it’ll be easier if we’re- if we’re a team. Friends. Best friends.” And Will agrees. But then Mike adds “right will? We’ll be a team? We’ll work together?” Or something and Will goes “of course we’ll be working together” and boom actually mike is vecna and will just agreed to work with him.
“El needs you Mike, and she always will.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so.”
“What about you, will you always need me?”
“I- I mean. Yeah, of course.”
“I need you too. I can’t lose you either. You’ll stay with me, right?”
“Of course I will, you won’t ever lose me. Or El.”
“Promise you’ll stay with me?”
“I promise.”
Boom it’s vecna.
OR (and this one is my favorite)
“I never said sorry for what I said last summer.”
“Mike, it’s fine. You’ve more than made up for it.
“You were right though! I was tearing apart the party. I should’ve been a better friend. To all of you. But especially to you. You’re my best friend Will, you always will be.”
“Yeah, you should’ve been. But I could’ve reached out more this year, too. And El had just dumped you, of course you were upset.”
and there’s a soft tender moment with tender, emotional music playing.
“Hey, after all of this- let’s start a new party. You and me.”
And it’s everything will has wanted from him since he realized how he felt, and even if it isn’t romantic he was never expecting mike to love him back anyway. He just wants them to be close, like how they used to be.
“You and me.”
And then vecna.
And yeah we don’t know what Vecna wants from Will but like. Maybe will agreeing to work with him is all he needs, and suddenly he can possess him again (supernatural territory). Or maybe he acts like a parasite and starts draining will’s powers with consent. Or maybe will is in control of himself to a certain extent but like. Vecna is fucking with how he perceives things. Like enemies are friends and vice versa.
Happy or sad ending depending on what you’re feeling. Maybe the whole plot is subverted because Will thinks mike is being too nice to him. Maybe Mike realized his feelings recently and has been making up for everything, and then vecna puts them back by a decade. Maybe he snaps out of it in the middle of the upside once again. Idk I just really like the idea of Will getting everything he ever wanted only to realize it was a trick. And then getting it for real, but taking a while to trust that’s it’s real. Because I am ultimately a sucker for a happy ending.
Anyway. Feel free to expand on this. I want all of The Thoughts. Be Big Brained.
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chosonore · 3 years
part one | calmness
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calmness [noun. the state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion]
pairing: kamo choso/f!reader
summary: falling in love with choso was a gradual and slow process, creeping up on you so inconspicuously that you don’t realize until the feelings hit full force. he’s become a constant in your life, your sun, your home. but does he return the feelings?
wordcount: 8k
content/warnings: roommates au, friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life, mentions of alcohol, language, some pining but not really, the amount of oblivious reader and choso will kill you, slow burn, characters are aged up if not already obvious, lowercase intended, [UNEDITED]
a/n: [hello this is a re-post because my blog was banned for a few days! so if you’ve seen it before, i’ve had to delete it i am so sorry if you’ve saved it. but it’s here to stay now!] here it is, the long awaited roommate!choso series wehfuhuehw if you’ve lurked around on my blog before, you would’ve seen the little drabbles i’ve sent suki a while back. this idea has been floating around in my head for so long and there isn’t really a lot of plot to it, it’s really just a really long slice of life thing. wanted to explore falling in love with choso, i just... love him a lot ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ i’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how he would be in situations like this and i hope you enjoy!
masterlist - next
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you were pretty sure that you’d scared all the costumers away with your constant sighing – even yuuji was looking at you concerned now although you’d told him that you were fine hours prior. the entire apartment hunting issue was now getting to you; a few months prior, your landlord had announced that he would be selling the apartment, leaving you with no other option than to find a new apartment. but rent was astronomically high and you were already struggling as is. even finding roommates was proven to be a difficult feat, you weren’t sure why but you kept attracting weird people and now two weeks before the moving out date, you still didn’t have a place to stay. worst case scenario, you’d have to rent a storage space and crash at your friend’s place.
“y/n, are you okay? you look… very stressed,” yuuji asked gingerly, after he’d closed the store and helped you clean up the cash register area. “uh if it helps, you can vent to me! we’re friends right? so what’s bothering you?”
you were hesitant. sure, despite not knowing him so well since he’s only been working at the store for a month or two now, you would consider the two of you friends. but you felt bad just dumping the entirety of your worries onto him. so you opted to tell him the… short truth.
“ah it’s just- i’ve been looking for a place to stay because, essentially, i’m getting kicked out of my place but it’s been pretty unsuccessful,” you sighed, scrubbing at the counter more vigorously now. “i need to move out in two weeks but i haven’t found a place yet and the people looking for roommates just seem to be people who would drive me insane.”
“oh really?” yuuji sounded hopeful- wait, why did he sound hopeful? “my older brother is looking for a new roommate! his former roommate recently moved in with his boyfriend so the room is vacant right now. if you want, i could arrange a date for you to look at the apartment and meet him? i promise my brother isn’t weird or anything, he’s pretty diligent with chores and is always up to hang out.”
your jaw dropped; yuuji was your lifesaver. he was incredibly friendly and polite, always helping others and looking out for everyone. you were overwhelmed with joy and relief, maybe you were naïve and too hast in trusting his words but his brother had to be similar to him, you couldn’t imagine them being polar opposites. it couldn’t be that bad and at this point, you were desperate. “i would love that! when are you guys free?”
“ah we could actually head over to his place after clocking out,” yuuji put the boxes and pens back into place before ushering you to the staff room and turning the lights off. “he’s been home quite early lately, so i can just let him now right now if you’re free?”
you nodded in agreement, almost too eagerly, as you threw your jacket on and grabbed your bag, waiting for yuuji outside of the store. it was already dark outside and you almost felt bad for taking up his time like this but he had offered after all. yuuji was furiously texting as he stepped out of the building, screen lighting up his face in a comical way. in the dim light of the street lamps, you clumsily fumbled with the keys before finally being able to lock the door.
“you’re in luck, he’s home right now!” yuuji announced, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his red sweater. “said it’s okay if we drop by real quick.”
you hummed in thought, matching yuuji’s pace as you walked across the street. “does he live far away from here?”
“nope, it’s basically around the corner.”
thankfully, the apartment was within walking distance so you had a slow stroll while talking about work, friends and uni. although you shared the same friend circle, it was almost impossible to have both of you in the same room – yuuji was often busy with club activities while you were constantly studying or working. it wasn’t until he started working at the store that you finally got to know each other, immediately getting along much to your friends’ relief. he had never talked about his older brother before so you were surprised that he had siblings at all. but he sounded genuine when he said that his brother was cool so you didn’t think much of it.
“okay so this is the place,” yuuji stopped in front of a building, pressing the doorbell. “please don’t be too intimidated when you meet choso, he looks unfriendly and unamused sometimes but that’s just his face.”
turning around, you took a closer look at your surroundings. it was an apartment building that looked rather cozy, surrounded by tall, expanding trees. to your relief, it wasn’t a sketchy neighbourhood - you’d always felt wary about walking home by yourself after a late shift. in the distance, you could see a playground and screaming, laughing children. it was harmonious and peaceful, easing your soul and initial doubts.
“oh okay,” you bit your lip in nervousness as the buzzer went off, following yuuji into the building. the closer you got to the apartment, the squirmier you got, anxious about meeting his older brother. the door was already left ajar so you could enter, the smell of food wafting out of the apartment to the hallway. you peeked inside before entering, immediately feeling more at ease upon seeing that the apartment was organized and clean. coats and jackets hung up on the coatrack, shoes lined up neatly along the wall. several photos were stuck to the wall - one of a younger chubby-cheeked yuuji, one of what looked like a garden party, another one of a happily smiling group of people. your heart was warming up; yuuji’s brother seemed like a rather attentive person who appreciated his surroundings and close friends and family.
“choso! did you make dinner for me?” yuuji called out as he kicked off his shoes and stormed inside before you could stop him, leaving you to your own devices as you awkwardly stood in the hallway of the apartment after closing the door. you took your shoes off slowly, stalling as much time as possible. should you just wait for yuuji to come back? or should you come in and greet them with the same energy that yuuji just exuded? but then his brother might think that you were weird and reject you straight away. you froze when a deeper voice rang out.
“didn’t you say you’d bring a friend? where are they?”
you hastily took off your shoes and tiptoed deeper into the apartment, hiding behind yuuji as you looked at the taller man in front of him. his brother looked at you curiously, placing the cooking utensils he was holding onto the counter. so yuuji and him did look like polar opposites. yuuji, for the lack of better terms, looked like a soft peach while the man in front of you had tied his dark, long hair in twin tails and was sporting a huge white shirt with sweatpants but perhaps the most striking thing about him was the face tattoo. you hadn’t expected that at all. he spiked your interest, you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. you had to snap out of it, this was your potential future roommate and you did not need to have any further thoughts. not of that kind.
“hi,” you greeted quietly and held your hand out for him to shake. “i’m y/n, nice to meet you.”
“choso.” he shook your hand, giving you an approving nod.
maybe you stared at his hand a little too obviously, admiring his long fingers, his nicely shaped fingernails and the veins on his hand. yuuji cleared his voice, slightly elbowing you in the side. you gasped in embarrassment, jerking your hand from his and hiding it behind your back. choso didn’t seem like he had caught onto your staring. and if he did, he had enough mercy to not bring it up.
“let me show you your room first,” choso explained unfazed, patiently waiting until you followed him. he walked across the living room, pointing to the side. while yes, he was attractive and seemed to be an enjoyable person to be around with, you couldn’t shake the wariness in your bones. choso switched on the lights, letting you step into the room first. it was empty for the most part, aside from a few boxes that were neatly stacked and placed in the corner. the room had a comfortable size, big enough to fit everything that you owned but not too big so that you’d feel uncomfortable with the empty spaces.
“sorry about the boxes,” choso apologized, turning to you. “i’ve been storing some of the stuff from our studio here, since i sometimes work from home and it was more convenient to have it here instead of my room.”
“i see…” you nodded, trying your best not to peek at the contents of the box. “if you don’t mind me asking, what do you work as?”
“some of my friends and me, we’ve opened a tattoo and piercing studio earlier this year. i only do tattoos though, some of the others do piercings additionally,” he explained to you, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. your mouth fell open, making you look like a fish. you couldn’t hide your excitement, eyes gleaming like you’d just discovered the biggest treasure you’ve ever seen.
“really? that’s so cool! yuuji never told me you were a tattooist, i would love to see your works someday,” you grinned from ear to ear while choso looked away from you, not being able to handle the praise. although he appreciated the sentiment, he didn’t know how to respond to compliments - the feeling was foreign to him.
"yeah, sure," choso replied with a strained voice. in the dim light, no one would be able to make out how the tips of his ears reddened and choso was thankful for that. he cleared his voice, slowly trudging outside of the room to show you the rest of his apartment.
when yuuji had mentioned that he’d found a potential roommate for choso, he didn’t tell anything else. choso didn’t expect it to be yuuji’s co-worker, much less someone whose energy was so bright and happy unlike his gloomy self. he briefly wondered whether you were okay with living here - even if you were desperate to find an apartment, surely you'd at least want someone who was… more open and less intimidating than him.
you trailed behind his broad frame, carefully taking in the entirety of the apartment. it seemed like there was nothing to worry about. even though you've only known him for a few minutes, you felt at ease with him and that gave you a better feeling about moving in with him. yuuji was innocently sitting on the couch, spooning the soup choso had prepared earlier while watching tv. his eyes followed the pair, relieved that there was less awkwardness than he anticipated but slightly suspicious because… there was something.
as choso showed you the rest of the apartment - kitchen, living room and bathroom - he comprehensively explained expenses and house rules to you. there weren't many rules to begin with; choso simply disliked clutter and expected everything to be put back to its original place after use, being noisy was a no-go as well. everything in between was negotiable. by the end of the apartment tour, you joined yuuji in the living room. he shot you a questioning look, raising his eyebrow in curiosity. you were certain that you'd take the offer. there was no way this opportunity would go to waste.
"thank you for showing me around, choso," you smiled at him gratefully. "if you're okay with me moving in, i'd love to become your roommate. i think we'll get along well."
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the last box was haphazardly tossed in the corner of your room, earning you a disapproving glare from choso. exhausted, you flopped on the bed and spread across it like a starfish. choso placed the remaining boxes on the floor. moving day was, despite choso coming to your rescue, utterly chaotic and tiring. your muscles were aching from overexertion and there was no remaining energy or nerve for you to attend to unpacking. you felt like a jellylike mass.
"i'll cook something for us. do you have any preferences or dislikes?"
you lifted your head slightly to peek at choso who was standing in the doorway, on his way out. “you’ll cook for me? what are you, an angel?”
choso didn’t reply, simply stared at you. he was used to such antics - it reminded him of his childhood when he was still living with yuuji and taking care of him. lethargically, you shook your head and planted your face back in the pillow. "no, i'm okay with anything. will inhale anything as long as it's edible," though your voice was muffled, choso understood you nonetheless. he made a confused, albeit affirmative noise before disappearing. a long exhale left your lips. truthfully, you were lucky to have an amazing roommate like choso. even though you didn't know each other well and he wasn't very talkative, he was very much willing to help. with time, you were sure he would warm up to you and become great friends. your eyes were slowly drooping, the exhaustion settling in your bones. within minutes, you dozed off into a deep, comfortable slumber. you didn't wake until a knock roused you out of your sleep, startling you in the process.
"huh? yeah?" you scrambled hastily, trying to fix the bird's nest that was your hair. choso did not need to see you in this state - delirious from being woken up from your deep slumber, feeling as if you'd woken up in a new century and with imprints of your pillows and blanket on your skin. before you could make yourself presentable, choso had already opened the door and stared at you unabashedly.
you blinked dumbfounded, staring back at him.
“food’s ready. you coming?” choso gave you a questioning look, waiting for a reaction. so apparently, he did not care what you looked like after waking up. he didn’t even bat an eyelid at your messy state, unfazed by it.
“uh yeah, give me a minute,” you replied after a few moments passed, sitting up tiredly. choso nodded before closing the door behind him as he returned to the kitchen. grabbing yourself a fluffy blanket, you wrapped it around yourself and waddled outside. whatever he had prepared, it smelled divine. you hummed in content as you took a seat at the dining table. the table was already set, dishes still steaming and looking so inviting that you had to stop yourself from drooling. choso padded to the table, placing some drinks on the table before taking a seat as well. as he described the dishes he'd cooked for the two of you, you inconspicuously looked him up and down. this time, without yuuji catching wind of it.
you knew choso was tall and very broad but you only realized the full extent of it seeing how the chair seemed tiny in comparison to his frame. his hair was down for a change, falling just above his shoulders. as usual, he was wearing comfortable clothes; a big shirt, big enough that you could admire his arm muscles and hands every time the sleeves moved. not only was he attractive, he was incredibly attentive and helpful as well, not expecting anything in return.
"thank you for cooking, i really appreciate it. looks really good," you complimented choso, taking a bite from the dish. you hummed delighted, wiggling in your seat happily. "oh my god, this is so delicious! where did you learn cooking like this?"
"i used to cook for yuuji and myself a lot."
"i wanna return the favour too but now i kind of feel inadequate," you joked lightly, smiling at him sheepishly. while you weren't the worst cook, you weren't outstandingly great either. choso however, was probably the best cook you knew.
"i don't mind. as long as you do your best, it's the thought that counts."
you nodded in agreement, taking a sip from your drink. silence fell over you; a comfortable silence however, both of you just enjoying the food. you supposed it wasn't too bad if you took your time getting to know each other - after all, choso seemed like someone who would quickly recoil if cornered. it wasn't too much of a concern.
after finishing the meal, you helped him clean up and wash the dishes. nudging him gently, you asked: "do you want to watch some movies after? yuuji recommended me a few that i have yet to check out."
choso took the plates, drying them with the towel before placing them back to their designated spots. "sure, you're responsible for the movie selection then."
spending time with choso was easy, almost too easy. you were glad that the two of you were off to a good start, he didn't seem to mind your company and you enjoyed his. cheerfully, you put the movie on, snuggling the blanket that was wrapped around you. the way you were laying on the couch was reminding choso of a little burrito. unbeknownst to him, the corner of his lips lifted a little at the sight. he waited until you noticed him and shuffled a little so he could sit on the couch as well. the movie you had chosen was a lighthearted comedy, one that yuuji had highly praised and recommended you watch first.
midway through the movies, the exhaustion was creeping up on you, making you feel heavy and sleepy until you slumped against choso's side. he glanced to the side, observing you to see whether you would wake up. soft and steady breaths left your lips, already asleep within seconds. choso pondered whether to wake you now, worrying that you would miss out on the movie that you were so eager to watch. you looked so peaceful that he felt bad, deciding to wake you once the movie was over. but even choso couldn't shake the tiredness, gradually slumping against you until sleep overtook him as well.
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as the sun was rising, light was flooding the apartment, filling it with warmth. you scrunched your eyebrows at the brightness, attempting to move so it wouldn't blind you. the first thing you noticed was your strained neck - probably because of the weird position you had slept in - and the second thing was that something heavy was laying on your lap. blinking in confusion, you peeked, groaning inwardly at the blinding light. black hair was splayed across your lap, connecting to… choso? oh no. oh no. you must've fallen asleep while watching the movie and judging how choso was comfortably using your lap as a pillow, he did as well. embarrassment spread throughout your body; this wasn't supposed to happen, much less with someone you didn't know so well.
now that you were unintentionally watching him, you felt creepy. the situation was too perplexing to you - should you wake him now? or just wait… until he woke up? but what if you had to pee. what if choso wasn’t going to wake up until a few hours later? what if he woke up and saw you staring at him like a creep? though you did think he looked vulnerable and peaceful in this state, unusual from his intimidating, unwavering self. it made your heart tingle with an unknown feeling, softly bubbling with curiosity.
beneath you, choso was moving slightly, shuffling around until he felt comfortable. you stayed still, tensely watching his next movements. he remained still for a while, making you exhale in relief. until he didn’t. choso blinked a few times, trying to make sense of his surroundings until his gaze fell onto yours. and you stared back, frozen in fear. even if he was the one laying on your lap, you felt anxious.
“uh i… we must’ve fallen asleep last night, ha ha…”
“you fell asleep early on and i was going to wake you after the movie ended but fell asleep myself, i’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable,” choso apologized sincerely and sat up right away, rubbing his eyes sleepily. even though he looked rather deadpan, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.
“oh no, it’s okay! we both fell asleep after all… ah, since we’re roommates, we’re sort of friends now, right? so don’t mind it too much, it happens!” you gave choso a reassuring smile, showing him that there was no bad blood between you.
choso nodded slowly. “i guess so. i’m glad you don’t mind. "
an awkward pause.
"do you have classes anytime soon? i can make breakfast for us.”
and just like that, the tension between you was alleviated. not completely gone, but barely noticeable. choso stretched like a cat, yawning quietly before he got up. you couldn't help but glance at his toned stomach, eyes almost bulging at the sight. turning to the side, you hid your face and cleared your voice. "i don't have classes today but i have to go to work later. so i won't say no to breakfast if you're making it."
"how's living with choso?" yuuji questioned you curiously, leaning against the counter. lowering the pen and writing board you were holding, you hummed in thought. in the past few weeks, the two of you had settled into a comfortable routine. there were minor hiccups here and there but the issues were easily resolved - somehow, you silently understood each other, an important foundation for a good friendship.
"pretty relaxing, to be honest. he's a good roommate and friend," you replied, clicking with the pen which earned you an annoying glance from yuuji. "you should've told me he was a great cook! i don't think i've ever tasted any dishes that were as good as his."
"he cooks for you?" the surprised tone in yuuji's voice startled you. was that out of the ordinary? you just thought he was being a good friend when he prepared dinner for you whenever you had a late shift.
"uh yeah? mostly when i come home late or when we have movie nights together. i always tell him that i can definitely help but he insists that he's fine doing it himself."
"i see. choso just doesn't like people messing with his cooking routine, that's all. i'm not even allowed near the kitchen, even though i'm not that bad of a cook either," yuuji laughed, scratching his head sheepishly. he wasn't going to tell you why he was perplexed by the fact that choso willingly cooked for you. it was too early to make any assumptions; he just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something at play. no one knew his brother better than him - choso would never do any favours for persons he didn't care about, persons that weren't family or extremely close friends. while they had talked about choso's thoughts about you, he never mentioned anything more than getting along well and often spending time together. for choso's standards, you were a quite close friend.
"oh, and here i was, thinking that he must really hate my cooking skills. so it's just that," you concluded, grinning happily. he was weirdly persistent about it but knowing this detail about him, you'd stop pestering him in the future. "hey do you wanna come over tomorrow? it's movie night again, i'm sure you'd enjoy it too."
"hmm, sounds tempting. if you can convince choso to cook, i'm in."
"pff, who would say no to this face," you retorted mischievously, showing yuuji the best puppy face you could muster up. he groaned, pushing you gently.
"show off," he told you jokingly and rolled his eyes. "i don't know how choso tolerates you."
"you're just jealous, huh? didn't think you had that emotion in you. choso and me are the bestest of friends, of course we get along well," you stuck your tongue out at yuuji before leaving him to his own devices as you bolted to the cash register to help a customer. as you animatedly conversed with them, yuuji shook his head. it was obvious that there was some attraction but that was something he'd let you figure out. cupid wasn't a well-fitting job for him. friends, my ass.
"huh, did you say something, yuuji?"
"no, not at all."
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soft, melodious music was playing in the background as you silently sat at the counter, watching choso prepare some meals before yuuji was visiting. this time, you heeded his advice, not pestering his brother about needing help and instead just opting to watch him and make light conversation. choso seemed to have noticed as well, mood ever so slightly lifted when he saw you simply taking a seat and asking about his day. he liked this routine, being able to go about his day without someone unwantedly poking their nose into his business until he felt comfortable enough to talk about it. as you absentmindedly doodled on a napkin, choso casually told you about his day at work. about squirmy customers who were getting their first tattoo done, about those that had interesting ideas that he was still trying to find ways to implement, about how noisy his co-workers were and that they wanted to have a night out soon.
“do you wanna join us? you said you wanted to meet my friends,” choso asked, briefly glancing up at you as he was dicing the vegetables. it was true, you did inquire about his friends at some point, more so jokingly and out of curiosity - although he complained about them every now and then, you could tell that he deeply cared about them. choso was the kind of person who acted like a mother hen around friends and sometimes nagged a lot more than you anticipated. but then somehow, miraculously, every minuscule task that would stress you was completed and topped with a freshly made, warm dish by the end of the day. he wasn't good with words but his actions made up for it.
you didn’t expect him to offer you to tag along. he was comfortable enough to introduce you to his friends, even seemed to trust you with them. it felt… strangely heartwarming. "i would love to join you but i have quite a lot of assignments piling up; i'll have to do some night shifts to finish them," you replied and sighed ruefully, putting the pen away. "i'll tag along once i've finished everything, okay?"
choso frowned slightly. "but don't overwork yourself. you'll end up frustrated and burnt out," he told you earnestly, reaching out to pat your head. you gaped at him, the fond gesture making you feel flustered. it was nice knowing that he was looking out for you. choso stared back at you, seemingly startled by his own gesture as well. his hand had moved faster than he could react - he didn't know what to make of it.
the ring of the doorbell interrupted every trail of thought and you jumped up quickly. "i'll get it!" you sprinted towards the entrance, letting yuuji in. perhaps you greeted him too overzealously, yuuji looked at you like he knew something was up. nonetheless, he didn't mention anything, instead presenting you the bottle of wine and some dvds that he brought. choso gave his younger brother an acknowledging grunt, too absorbed in his tasks. taking in his surroundings as he got comfortable on the couch, he noticed some subtle changes in the apartment - the numerous pillows and fleece blankets littered across the couch, the set of matching mugs as well as choso's sketchbooks and, presumably, your textbooks on the coffee table. it was obvious that the two of you spent a lot of time together.
even throughout dinner, yuuji realized that choso had taken a liking to you, more than he probably realized and let on. he almost felt like a third wheel watching how you animatedly talked about trivial things and even more so when it was movie time. like a little burrito, you were wrapped in a blanket, leaning against choso. though it surprised yuuji to see his older brother opening up to you so rapidly, he was happy about it. although chaotic and clumsy, you were a good person and a positive influence. having witnessing how choso had closed up and how hurt he had been after the break up of his previous relationship, yuuji was glad that he wasn't cautious around you and welcomed your presence. even though… both of you were painfully oblivious.
"should we wake her?" yuuji asked as he saw you snuggling into choso's side, peacefully sleeping while the movie was still on.
"no, it's okay. she often falls asleep midway through movies, i just let her sleep. probably exhausted from uni."
yuuji looked at him as if he grew three heads. "so you just let her sleep? and you… sleep on the couch too?"
"hm? yeah, kind of. i feel bad about waking her and we're friends so it's not that big of a deal," choso replied innocently, shifting slightly so he was comfortable while keeping his arm around you. ever so slightly, he leaned onto you.
yuuji buried his face in his hands, silently screaming. don't comment on it, don't say anything, it's none of your business. you might have pink hair but you're no cupid.
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utterly exhausted, you made your way into the apartment. you flopped onto the couch, grunting in irritation when you heard choso calling your name. staying put, you just laid there and listened to his footsteps nearing. "you okay? did anything happen?" he questioned, leaning over the couch to look at you. you weren't even sure what to answer, whatever you were feeling at the moment was an accumulation of stress across multiple weeks. you were frustrated with your projects, feeling like you weren't making any progress and not having time for yourself whatsoever. all you needed was a break, a pick me up.
"do you wanna talk about it?" choso repeated again but you shook your head, lifting your head slightly to look at him. he almost felt bad for thinking that you looked adorable, the way you huffed in frustration with a little pout on your lips. you shook your head, hugging one of the pillows.
"not now, later maybe?"
"okay. i'll make you a cup of tea." he disappeared from your field of vision. you listened to the sound of the kettle, closing your eyes as you focused on it. slowly, your erratic thoughts came to a halt. your breath and heartbeat steadied and you gradually felt more calm. clack. choso placed the cup of tea on the coffee table, taking a seat next to you. he was hesitant to touch you just yet, waiting for another reaction from you. sniffling quietly, you sat up and thanked him quietly.
"can i have a hug?" you inquired meekly. he didn't reply, simply pulling you into his arms. without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck. he smelled nice, like freshly washed laundry and the shampoo he was using. it reminded you of home, making you feel more at ease. gently, choso rubbed your back; wherever his fingers moved, it left a trail of goosebumps on your skin. not that he noticed anyways, fortunately. for a few minutes, only the sound of breathing resounded. it was calming and warm - choso was warm, so warm - you almost fell asleep. humming quietly, you moved closer to him.
"today was just really… bad. everything went wrong," you confided in him. "it made me feel like shit, like i couldn't do anything right. i guess i just feel really stressed so i can't concentrate on anything."
choso leaned forward, reaching out to grab the cup of tea. you squeaked in surprise, holding onto him so you wouldn't drop backwards. his left arm snaked around your waist, keeping you in place as he leaned back again. you moved back a little, as far as choso's arm allowed you to, and took the cup from him, taking small sips. "i think you're doing okay," he told you, drawing patterns on your back. "it's only natural to feel this way when everything's been piling up. what you need is a good rest and have a reset, you'll feel more refreshed and inspired to work on your projects. and don't hesitate to ask for help, no matter whether it's a professor or classmate."
"i also told you not to overwork yourself, didn't i? and don't think i can't tell that you've been pulling all nighters," he scolded you, pinching your cheek playfully. it made you giggle, tilting your head to get away from his hand.
"yeah i know, i know. just couldn't help it, it's a bad habit. i'll try to get better at it," you promised him, giving him a reassuring smile. "thank you for listening to me."
"it's the least i can do."
a comfortable silence fell over you. choso continued to rub your back in an attempt to soothe your nerves while you sipped your tea. you were grateful for him, he was an amazing friend - you didn’t even know how to show gratitude to him. awkwardly turning to put the mug back on the table, you then leaned against him. “choso?” you hummed against his chest, snaking your arms around his waist. “you know you can talk to me about problems too, right?”
“what do you think we’ve been doing these past few weeks?” he retorted and chuckled in amusement. “you should try to go to bed now. get some rest, you’ll feel better tomorrow.”
you pouted, not wanting to move. fortunately, he couldn’t see the face you were making - you weren’t ready to let him go just yet, wanting to memorize the expanse of his chest, his warmth, the way his arms felt around you. it made you feel safe, like a temporary relief to your anxiety. “can we… can we watch a movie maybe? i’m not sleepy yet.”
of course, choso saw right through you. “you always say that and then you fall asleep midway. you just don’t want to move, huh?”
“okay, you caught me,” you giggled hysterically as he stood up slowly and pretended to let you fall, catching you before you fell. clinging onto his shoulders, you wrapped your legs around his waist. you refused to let go. unbothered, he held you by your thighs as he waddled across the living room towards the console to choose a dvd to watch. while clinging onto choso, you could hear his heart beating rapidly - you chalked it up to how strenuous it must be to carry you around. choso, on other hand, couldn’t put a finger on the warm, tingly feeling inside of him. did he like having you around like this? stupid, of course he did, you were good friends after all. spending time with you was relaxing for him as well. back on the couch, he let you use his lap as a pillow, absentmindedly combing his fingers through your hair. the two of you remained in this position until both inevitably fell asleep, movie still playing in the background.
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“y/n. earth to y/n. dude, can you hear me?” nobara was frantically waving papers in front of your face, rolling her eyes as you snapped out of your trance and took them from her. to your delight, the two of you shared quite a few classes this semester which meant that you could usually share the workload as well. you copied some of her notes, hastily scribbling them in your notebook.
"sorry, i was lost in thought. what did you say?"
"i asked you whether you wanna go out later? the whole crew is coming, it's been a while anyways," your friend repeated, placing her little cosmetics bag on the table to check her makeup and apply another layer of lip gloss.
"ah sorry, i already have plans for today, maybe ano-"
"with whom?" she asked pointedly, narrowing her eyes at you. in recent times, you've been rejecting her offers to hang out a lot; whether it be because of studying or hanging out with… "wait, are you having a date with that roommate of yours again?"
"it's not a date!" you briefly paused, giving her a dirty look. nobara was weirdly persistent about this dating thing, claiming that you would never get anywhere if you didn't make a move. "his name is choso, yuuji's older brother. i told you a million times already. he's been a really good friend and taking care of me when i feel stressed, so i thought it would be time for me to do the same for him."
"a really good friend?" a doubtful look was shot your way.
"yeah, i mean yuuji cooks for us all the time, how is it any different? anyways, i'll join you guys another day, okay?"
nobara stayed still for a moment. you truly didn't realize how much you's been mentioning choso. choso this, choso that, choso here, choso there. even yuuji had confided in her that he thought you might have developed a crush on his older brother though he wasn't certain. nobara, however, was sure. but operation make y/n realize things proved to be more difficult, considering you hadn't had a crush before as you were never interested in relationships.
"fine. but in return, you have to tell me about choso. what do you think of him?" nobara stuffed her belongings into the impossibly full handbag. propping her chin on her hands, she leaned closer to you with a shit-eating grin. you sighed, putting the papers away. it was no use trying to focus on your assignments when she was in an investigative mood. she wouldn't let go of the issue until you gave her a satisfactory answer. and for some reason, it irked you that she was inquiring about choso. why was she so curious about him? couldn't she have asked yuuji instead? it was his brother after all. maybe nobara was… interested in choso? you narrowed your eyes at her.
"i think he's great. might be intimidating at first and not very talkative but when he opens up to you, he's actually a softie. very respectful and polite towards people, always thinks of others first. and not to mention, he's really talented too! he often acts like he's annoyed by people or minds his own business but he really does care a lot. you feel comforted by his presence when you're close with him," you rambled, trying to list all the positive points about him that you could think of. nobara nodded slightly as she was listening to you, making it difficult to gauge her stance on him. was she going to confess now? maybe you should confront her about it. yeah, she would never admit it otherwise. "nobara, are you interested in choso? if you wanted me to introduce you to him, you could've just asked."
nobara stared at you with an open mouth. checkmate.
"you know i wouldn't have judged you at all! after all, choso is handsome too. so really, you don't have to sneak around about this," you concluded triumphantly, patting her arm in reassurance. it filled you with pride to be able to catch nobara off guard for once - usually, she was very composed and ready to give you a sassy answer.
"y/n, sweetie. you're so very wrong." nobara sighed, dejectedly pushing your hand away. you were incredibly dense when it came to feelings and relationships. maybe it would be more amusing to just watch everything pan out. “i don’t really care about choso, that’s your man after all.”
“yeah, yeah, i- wait what?”
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thankfully, you arrived home earlier than choso did - for once. and for once, this friday was going to be a relaxing one, seeing as you’d finally finished your projects and assignments and could finally engage in a much needed self care day. placing the groceries bags on the counter, you went through the ingredients again just to make sure you didn’t forget anything. yuuji had given you a recipe for his famous meatballs recipe, claiming that it was one of choso’s favourite dishes. in recent times, choso seemed to be exhausted and sometimes even easily irritable after work - considering how much he did for you, it was only fair for you to treat him as well. surprising him seemed to be the best course of action.
making quick work of the ingredients, you took your time to clean the apartment while the soup was still cooking. yuuji was kind enough to lend you a few dvds, not even asking you whether you were going to watch them with choso anymore. while you felt bad about turning your friends down yet again, you promised yourself to make it up to them in the future by inviting them over for a sleepover or movie night. though knowing them, they would not let you stay in the comfort of your home but drag you to a party or club again. especially nobara would always insist on dragging you along, while megumi and yuuji didn’t really care about where they would be going for the night. her excuse was to find you a partner, claiming that it was about time you realized how cute you were, which you vehemently denied. even maki had told her to pipe it down at some point. all the more, it made you suspicious that nobara had not brought the topic up anymore. you couldn’t imagine her giving up so quickly, considering how persistent she had been for almost a year now.
the jingle of the keys and the soft click of the door made you stop whatever you were doing, peeking around the corner to see choso coming in. giggling quietly, you watched as he stopped in his tracks and sniffed the air, seemingly confused about the scent of the soup. he turned around upon hearing you, a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his lips. “up to no good?” he questioned you teasingly, placing his bag and jacket in the wardrobe. huffing, you stuck your tongue out at him and shook your head. you padded over to him, softly tugging at the sleeve of his shirt to make him follow you to the kitchen.
“since you always cook for me, i thought it would be time for me to do the same for you. yuuji showed me your favourite dish but i’m not sure if it turned out as well as he always makes it,” you sheepishly explained, showing him the pot of soup and the bowls and cutlery that you’d already laid out. choso hugged your side, squeezing your waist gently before patting your head and muttering a quiet thank you. your chest filled with pride, finally being helpful to him for once. if you weren’t careful, it would burst - he fuelled your ego even more as he complimented you, telling you how well the soup turned out and that he really appreciated it. you knew he wasn’t lying, for one because he was a sincere person and always offered heartfelt compliments, and because of how eagerly he was eating, practically inhaling the soup in one go. he even looked like he was in a food coma by the time you finished dinner, making you ban him from the kitchen to take a rest on the couch.
after washing the dishes, you came back to the living room to see him lie across the couch, eyes closed and calmly breathing. he looked like he was taking a nap, until he opened his eyes to peek at you as you approached. giddily, you joined him on the couch, showing him the hair products that you’d already placed on the coffee table. “can i give you a massage and do… uh hair stuff? i really like it when people brush my hair and stuff and i thought you might enjoy it too,” you explain to him. choso contemplated for a few seconds before shrugging nonchalantly. yes! you signaled him to sit on the floor in front of you as you pressed play. with the sound of the movie in the background, you focused on choso’s hair and took off the hair ties first. he got comfortable, turning towards the tv and learning his head against the edge of the couch. gently running your fingers through his hair, you made sure to detangle rough knots before massaging his scalp gently. you could tell that choso was beginning to relax by the way his shoulders were slowly sagging. in silence, you worked through the entirety of his scalp before moving on to brush his hair.
if you didn’t already know that choso was a naturally withdrawn person, you would’ve been concerned by how quiet he was and how he didn’t show any reactions to the movie. you were glad that he seemed to like the entire hair spa ordeal; he didn’t even seem to mind that you were using your hair products on him, the soft floral scent now emanating from his hair as you massaged it through the tips and then brushed it in slow strokes. by the time you were done, he looked utterly relaxed, struggling to keep his eyes open as he climbed back on the couch and sat next to you. without having to ask, he wrapped his arms around you. yawning quietly, you moved closer to him, turning your attention to the tv. habitually, his hands moved against your back, drawing shapes and patterns. slowly, choso could feel the heat in his body rising and chalked it up to the close proximity. it did make him feel a little uneasy however; he shifted you around on his lap until he felt comfortable. abruptly halting his movements, he froze as you turned to him, ass grazing his groin. an electric shock ran through him. subconsciously, he jolted at the friction. the tips of his ears turned red in embarrassment but he reassured you he was fine when you looked at him concerned. what the hell was that? was his body now not listening to him after being so relaxed?
“choso, can i ask you something?” you leaned back slightly to look at him.
“you already did. but yeah, go ahead.” choso grinned at the little huff you let out, grasping your hand in time as you tried to hit his chest and intertwined your fingers so you couldn’t move.
“uh this might sound weird but i think a friend of mine is interested in you. nobara, do you know her?” you squeezed his hand, moving it around with yours. “she asked me about you the other day.”
“huh, really? isn’t that one of yuuji’s friends too?”
you nodded in agreement. “yeah, we’re all friends. i only told her good things about you, of course.”
choso hesitated. he wasn’t sure what to tell you, not wanting to say something about your friend that could upset you. but the truth was, he wasn’t really interested in anyone right now. the recent breakup had done a number on him and he felt like he hadn’t properly moved on just yet. not when the thoughts were still obsessively circling in his head. but when choso was with you, they miraculously seemed to disappear, making him feel more at ease. “i’m not really looking for anything right now, sorry. i don’t really want to disappoint her, i’m just not really up for a relationship right now,” he told you truthfully, giving you an apologetic smile.
you stopped in your movements, nodding slightly in understanding. and still, it made your heart seize up for an unknown reason.
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ps.: the story of how it takes reader and choso ages until they realize their feelings or alternatively: nobara and yuuji unwillingly turn into cupids
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yoddream · 3 years
You and Jeno were the best of friends. Growing up together, you saw each other’s good and bad moments, learned every flaw, and knew every fact. It was hard to separate the two of you, even in high school. You even started attending the same college. There wasn’t a single friend one had that the other didn’t.
Then, Jeno got a girlfriend.
There was nothing wrong with Yeeun. She was an absolute sweetheart and was always so nice to you. She made Jeno really happy, which was all you ever wanted. The problem was that Jeno seemed to give her all his time. It started out small, with him ditching you some days for lunch to have it with her instead. Then, he wouldn’t be able to make it to a hangout with your friends because he was taking her on a date. That turned into him canceling at the last minute. Soon, every lunch was spent with Yeeun. He stopped responding in the group chat as much. Sometimes he would leave you on read.
The last straw was him not showing up to movie night anymore, only to show up the next day with a bunch of hickeys on his neck. Movie nights started when you guys were toddlers. They were sacred and only canceled for emergencies or an illness. If anyone was on vacation, you would FaceTime and watch together. There was no excuse for him to miss movie nights.
That one broke you.
You couldn’t count how many times Jaemin held you as you cried yourself to sleep, knowing you’d practically lost your best friend. You hadn’t hung out with him in a long time, and it felt like a part of you was missing. It was obvious the others were worried about you, but they felt helpless. The bags under your eyes refused to disappear. You ate, but it wasn’t very much. You fell into a deep depression, and they did everything they could to get you out of it.
Were you too reliant on Jeno? Probably, but this wasn’t somebody you’d met recently; this was somebody you’d potty trained with, someone who gave you his stuffed dog when an older kid pushed you off the jungle gym and broke your arm, somebody who knew every secret you had. He was very special to you, and just like that, he was gone.
Jeno: hey, wanna get ice cream?
The text stared back at you. You rubbed at your eyes to make sure it wasn’t a dream, and sure enough, it was still on your screen, waiting for a response. You hadn’t showered in almost a week, which you knew annoyed Haechan because he had to smell you all the time since he was your roommate, and your face was covered in acne. You looked like this, and he suddenly wanted to hang out? Normally, you didn’t care how you looked when you hung out with your friends, but this was different. Jeno could see that you weren’t doing well, and you didn’t want that.
You knew why he wanted to hang out.
He and Yeeun broke up.
That was the only explanation. Why else would he try to make plans? The last time you hung out alone was almost three months ago. You really only saw him when the group made plans and he wasn’t canceling to be with Yeeun. Why you, though? Why not the whole group?
You: yeah gimme an hour
When he sent a thumbs up emoji, you threw your phone down and raced to the bathroom. You took extra time in the shower to make sure everything was washed and fresh before getting out. Once you were dressed, you put on makeup, making sure to cover all the acne on your face. After deeming yourself presentable, you texted Jeno to ask where you were going for ice cream. He suggested the place near your apartment, so you grabbed your things and headed out, glad that Haechan wasn’t there to question you.
The ice cream place wasn’t far, but Jeno still managed to get there before you. As you approached him, you debated giving him a hug or not. It’s been so long, you didn’t know if it was okay anymore. It sounded insane, but his change in behavior made you question every action.
“Hey!” Jeno greeted you with his bright smile. It didn’t quite reach his eyes, but he still looked adorable. You waved to him and reached for the door, but he beat you to it and held it open for you.
The inside of the ice cream shop was cute, with pastel walls and cartoon cows painted on the counter. The tables were a light pink with white legs, and same with the chairs. It was small, but you two loved going there. You ordered and paid before bringing your cups to the table Jeno chose. He thanked you and dug in, not hesitating to eat his feelings.
“So, you and Yeeun broke up?” you asked.
He stopped eating. “How did you know?”
You paused. How could you explain it without either hurting his feelings or getting into an argument? Telling him the truth would surely change the vibe, and not for the better. “...Lucky guess.”
“Huh. Well, yeah. She broke up with me. I don’t even know why, though. She refused to tell me,” he explained, stabbing his spoon into his ice cream. “Like, was it something I did? Is it something I need to work on so that my next relationship lasts?”
“You think you won’t get back together?” you questioned.
He shrugged. “I mean, if she wants to, then I will, but that’s also if I still want to date her by the time she decided. It just sucks, because I thought things were going well. The sex was great, we got along really well, and we never fought. To be dumped just like that is just very strange.”
You winced at the comment about their sex lives, not really wanting to know in the first place. It did seem very out of the blue for her to break up with him, but you tried not to dwell too much on it. It would only upset him more.
The two of you caught up, but it seemed like he didn’t realize just how absent he was from your life. He asked about your classes and your family, wondering how they were doing since he hadn’t seen them in a while. You asked the same and also questioned if he’d made any friends, which he hadn’t. So all his time was spent with just Yeeun, it seemed.
When it was time to head back to your apartment, Jeno hugged you goodbye before heading the opposite direction. Your feet dragged, your body screaming for you to return to Jeno and get as much attention from him as possible, but you had homework you needed to work on, so you continued home.
“Jesus, just like that?” Jaemin asked Jeno.
The two of them were hanging out at Jaemin’s apartment, playing video games and talking about the break up. When Jaemin found out, he immediately called the other man and invited him over. They were catching up on things when Jaemin had asked about the break up, and Jeno told him everything.
“Just like that. No explanation. How the hell am I supposed to feel about that? Angry? Sad? I need something so I know how to process it,” Jeno ranted.
“Who else knows?”
“Well, Y/N figured it out when we went out for ice cream.”
“Wait, you hung out with Y/N?” Jaemin asked.
“Is it really that surprising?”
“Considering you practically dropped her, yeah.”
“What do you mean?”
“Dude, ever since you and Yeeun started dating, you’ve bailed on all your plans with Y/N. We tried to get her to give up, but she still had hope.”
Jeno’s heart started to race. Surely he didn’t do that to his best friend, right? Pulling out his phone, he opened his texts with you, and his stomach dropped at all the times he canceled on you, said he already had plans, or just left you on read. For months, you put up with it without saying a word to him. For months, you tried to keep your friendship going, and what did he do? Nothing.
“I’ve gotta go,” Jeno stated as he ran towards the door.
“What? Where are you going?” Jaemin called out.
“I need to fix this.”
Without elaborating, Jeno left the apartment and ran down the stairs. When he got outside, he hopped into his car and sped to your place. He couldn’t believe he did that. No wonder you seemed a little uncomfortable the other day. You didn’t know how to act around him anymore. He really fucked up.
Before he knew it, he was knocking on your apartment door. It took a few seconds, but then you were looking at him with wide eyes, clearly not expecting him to be standing there. He took in the dark circles under your eyes and the stress acne he knew you got whenever you were depressed and said, “I’ve been a really bad friend, haven’t I?”
The tears fell before it even registered that your eyes were watering. Soon, you were sobbing into Jeno’s shoulder as he stepped in and tried to soothe you. You started to hyperventilate, the emotions overwhelming you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. It’s okay, though I’m here now,” he stated, repeating his words softly.
He managed to move the two of you to your room, lying on your bed with you wrapped in his arms. You continued to cry, and it surprised you that you had any tears left. He rubbed your back and pressed kisses to your hair, just like he did whenever your depression got really bad. He felt extremely guilty for being the cause of your tears and sadness.
“I missed you so much,” you whined.
“I missed you too I’m so sorry I ditched you. I shouldn’t have done that,” he said. “I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you.”
Dreamies (plus Y/N)
Haechan: (picture of you and Jeno sleeping in your bed with Jeno wrapped around you like a koala)
Haechan: all is right in the world again.
Jaemin: oh, that’s where he went.
Mark: Finally! I’m glad they’re working things out
Renjun: Good. I was really concerned about her
Chenle: look at Renjun having feelings
Haechan: gross
Jisung: seeing her cry made me cry so i’m glad they’re talking again
Chenle: you big baby
part two is here
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zodiyack · 4 years
In Regards Of My Ex
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Words: 2,125
Summary: Niklaus believes deceitful gossip from Aurora De Martel about his wife and takes his anger out on her. As a result, Y/n leaves and finds comfort with Cami and Davina, who call in backup to confront the big bad hybrid about his big bad dumbassery.
Note: I’ve been in a fluffy mood as of recently HOWEVER this idea was sparked when I was feeling angsty™ so...sorry but also not sorry?
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @dpaccione​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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“That wife of yours has been sneaking around with my brother. Breaking more hearts than just yours from what I can see.”
“I suppose some people just can’t see the worthiness of the king in front of them. If I were your wife, I wouldn’t be like Y/n. I’d be committed you and never give you fib tales like her.”
“You are aware that Y/n has been plotting something nefarious against you, aren’t you?”
“I know you wanted to marry someone just as sinister as you, but perhaps you should’ve checked where her loyalty lied before tying that knot.”
Aurora fed him stories such as these, and many more, each conclusion of the lies spewing from her mouth something appalling about Y/n. At first, Klaus didn’t listen, but as her stories grew worse and worse, the faux feeling of treachery intensified. He knew it was unwise to believe anything that came from the spiteful, jealous woman...yet, his distress caused pain to strike his heart and he yearned to know the truth.
Although, in this case, the “truth” wasn’t actually very truthful.
She often told him things like that Lucien was going after his girl for the second time, first with her when she had her chance and now, his beloved wife. Klaus merely brushed it off with an honest “he tries and I’ll stake him first chance I get”. However, Aurora wasn’t finished yet. She continued to lie and deceive Niklaus about the woman who she accused of replacing her in his life. The envy and loathing Aurora felt for Y/n was her motivator, but the woman was too far up a wall to need one in the first place.
“Are you telling me the truth?” He growled, keeping his eyes trained at the wall in front of them.
“Why do you ask?”
“I need to know I can trust your bold claims. So answer me, Aurora, are you telling me the truth?”
That smug little grin, masking her deluding ways. “Of course, Nik. I would never lie to you.” Her welcome into his trust was unsurprisingly taken advantage of  when she traced her finger down his arm and then brought her hand up his abdomen slowly. Klaus shoved her invasive hand off of his chest though, giving her a warning glare.
“Thank you for informing me.” That was all he said to her before he made his way out of the room in the most hurry she’d ever seen him in.
Aurora smiled conceitedly. Her plans were on the right track. Whilst Nik didn’t have the same feelings for her now as he did way back during the beginning of their story, but Aurora was determined to stir those feelings from the dead as vampirism did him and her.
She drawled under her breath, “I will have you again, Nik.” her mischievous smile grew wider, “I will have you again, and nothing can stop me this time.”
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“Blasphemy!” Niklaus shouted, veins popping out from the rage coursing in his system. He neared Y/n again, the slight fear in her eyes drawing a pause for a second, guilt stilling him, but his anger took the reigns once more.
“It’s not blasphemy! I would never lie to you!”
“The falsity of your deception proves otherwise, love.” He smirked, raising his brows as to question if she would battle his words yet again. Proof was what he needed, but his vexation had drowned out all logic, including his ability to see the proof he wanted so desperately.
“What deception? What falsehood do you believe to have come from my mouth? When I married you, I vowed to be truthful and loyal. You of all people on this fucking earth should know I always keep a vow.” She narrowed her eyes at him. The betrayal he thought he felt was temporary and fabricated, but hers was 100% genuine and seething within her.
“You say that but if you were indeed an untrue person, your answer would be no different.”
“Why do you insist on proving me a traitor!? What has pushed you so far past your breaking point that you actually accuse me, your wife, as a viper?”
“Don’t you pretend like you don’t know the malicious schemes you’ve plotted against me or the affairs you’ve had with men who obviously aren’t your husband!” He couldn’t stop himself now; “I’ve loved you for centuries and you decide to be disloyal and ill-natured?!”
“Says who?!”
“Says Aurora!” After the words flew from his mouth, a tiny part of him realized just how fucked up it sounded. Just how fucked up it was that he believed her over his wife, but the hybrid was stubborn. He was too stubborn to change his belief or admit his fallacious accusations were unjust without proper evidence.
Y/n knew Aurora and Klaus’ story. Her knowledge of the ancient and long forgotten tale made her reaction thousands of times worse. “Aurora? ...Huh. You choose to believe her- that manipulative, lying bitch, over me? I thought you knew me better than that.” She wiped away a rebellious tear, “I thought I knew you better than that.”
Disappointment hung heavy on her features, drawing a feeling of shame from Klaus. Y/n glared at him one last time, her knitted brows and vaguely teary eyes evidence of the heavy-heartedness that overwhelmed her. She bit the inside of her mouth and shook her head disapprovingly before turning and walking out the front gate-doors of the Mikaelson mansion. Klaus was alone.
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The sounds of Davina’s giggles echoed, Cami sitting in front of her and chuckling heartfully as well. Their laughter died off when they noticed Y/n sulking through the front doors of Rousseau's. The place was empty aside from the two women having drinks and a friendly chat. Then Y/n entered and found a seat. The atmosphere, once cheery, suddenly felt melancholy.
“Hey, Y/n, you alright?” Camille’s smile was wiped from her lips. She felt empathy for Klaus’ wife and, as a friendly person in general, she felt overcome with the need to help solve the complication that made her feel so down in the dumps.
“I’m-” She was ready to say fine, Davina and Cami knew it, but she broke down in tears before she could even shape an “o” with her lips. Both women jumped up immediately and sat in the seats beside Y/n. Though Davina couldn’t stand Klaus, she actually liked Y/n and seeing her hurt sent searing pain into her own heart.
“It’s okay, hun,” Cami wrapped an arm over Y/n’s shoulder, her other hand rubbing her other shoulder and arm comfortingly, “take as long as you need, there’s no pressure, no rush, none of that. We’ve got you.”
And so they did. The two women took turns holding Y/n as she cried, and before long, she was ready to talk. She explained Klaus’ anger and the source of their fight, the source of the fake news he’d lashed out because of. Davina and Cami shared a glance when Aurora was mentioned, both women already hating her but equally despising her even more now. Y/n sobbed, crying into Cami’s shoulder about wanting Klaus to just believe her. She said she loved him and because of that, she felt pained by his lack of belief in her.
“He’s not worth it if he can’t see how wrong that decision was-”
“I know, but he’s my husband. I vowed to love him always and forever, to never leave his side, and I intend to keep that vow...so long as he doesn’t do anything to fuck it up any more than he already has.”
The sun began to sink into the dark, not fully quite yet, but still creating it’s beautiful array of colors as a final act before disappearing for the night. About halfway through Y/n’s rant, Cami called Hayley and gave her a summary of what she knew so far. A promise of arriving as soon as she could was returned on Hayley’s end before the line went dead and Cami returned to the table.
Still not entirely after sunset yet, Hayley swung open the door to Rousseau's, catching Davina and Y/n off guard. Despite being the one who called her, Cami stayed seated. Y/n and the witch beside her exchanged confused expressions.
“Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna tell me what the hell I need to do to Klaus?”
Y/n chuckled softly, wiping away more of the salty tears, before standing and walking over to Hayley, greeting her with a hug. “You don’t have to get involved if you don’t want to-”
“No, trust me, I have to and I want to.” She pulled away and dropped her warm smile, giving Y/n the most serious look she could muster. And as she was Hayley Marshall, it was effortlessly pretty fucking serious. “Now, I want you tell me everything,” the mom voice came out to play, “don’t leave a single detail out. Then, we can discuss what we’re going to do about it.”
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“Where is he?”
Rebekah had been informed by the pissed off werewolf and bartender everything that had happened, resulting in her becoming equally upset. She welcomed Hayley inside the gates and nodded her head up the stairs. “I haven’t said anything to him, so you’ll be lucky enough to catch him by surprise.”
The werewolf nodded in understanding before pacing toward the stairs irritability. “Thanks.”
“Make it hurt!” Rebekah’s voice faded away as she walked out the gates, leaving Hayley alone to find Niklaus.
Atop the stairs, she found no sign of anyone whatsoever, but that was only on the outside. If Klaus happened to be inside on of the many rooms, she wouldn’t waste her time searching. Instead, she waited, leaning against the railing and doing a breathing exercise Y/n taught her during one lonely full-moon. 
After minutes of waiting, Klaus finally walked out of a door and started for the stairs. It wasn’t longer than a minute before he stopped in his tracks and realized he’d missed something. He shot a double take in Hayley’s direction, a puzzled expression quickly finding way to his face. It seemed as though he was contemplating whether or not her unexpected appearance was a good thing or a bad thing.
When he seemingly couldn’t make up his mind, staring a few minutes longer, a heavy sigh left her mouth. She was ticked off with him before, but after hearing everything Y/n had to say, she was furious. No, more than furious. The blood boiling rage was incessantly pounding in her head, all she wanted was cause destruction and pain. A rare thing for her.
But now was not the time to lash out, not yet. She inhaled and exhaled, Hayley shifted on her feet and looked around before turning her head to Klaus and beckoned him over to her with a come-hither motion of her index finger.
“What is it?”
She looked at him, flabbergasted that he’d even ask a question as stupid as that, “What is it? What is it, Klaus?” Hayley slapped him, the man doubling back and blinking in astonishment. And not the good kind.
“How dare you lay your hands on me, you-”
“So you’re gonna yell at me now?” She crossed her arms, and unimpressed look resting upon her face. “You know, personally, I think Y/n is better off without you but she’s broken and has been bawling her eyes out nonstop for hours on end, drinking away all the pain that you’ve formed into a stake and shoved into her chest.”
He stopped, fury fleeing his face as he experienced what felt like her words body-slamming into him.
“And guess who’s been there to pick out the splinters?” She poked her finger against her chest over and over again. “Me!” Her eyes never left his, telling him just how sincere about this she really was. “Me! Cami- even Davina!” Hayley threw her hands in the air, emphasizing the shock that came with the information. “Rebekah’s on her way over now, and I’m sure Elijah will see to it that he comforts his sister-in-law as much as he can, but you?”
She cut him off, temper still unquenched, thirsty for vengeance. “Let me finish.” She growled. Hayley looked around the room in attempt to calm herself, but it was to no avail.
“You got her into this mess. I just hope you get both of you guys out of it.” She flicked her eyes back to his, giving him her infamous dead eyed glare. “I really hope you do. And you better do it soon. Because I won’t be there to pick the splinters out for you when she realizes she doesn’t need your sorry ass.”
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transphilza · 2 years
just wanna say i really relate to what you said abt techno's last video and i'm glad it's not just a me thing. i've been rewatching a lot of his vids recently so it comes up on my youtube home page all the time and it just makes me feel sick all of a sudden. and i feel bad because it was beautifully done for what it was and no doubt incredibly difficult to make but just seeing the title feels like being dropped in ice cold water. sorry to dump this in your inbox i just didn't realize it was a Thing that was Bothering Me until you said that and it just kinda clicked
i’m so relieved to know it’s not just me!! i’ve only just recently started being able to use my youtube recommended page again but i’m so scared to see it; before this i had a similar experience with the “where i’ve been” video, but it was nowhere near as bad
i hope it gets a little easier for us both nonnie <3
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
The Switch
Day 10, Story #2 is by @adenei
Title: The Switch
Author: adenei
Pairing: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Prompt: First Date
Rating: T
TW: Mentions of character death
The shop is quiet as George locks the door to his office. It’s been a month since the grand re-opening of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, and the steady thrum of customers has put the business back on track to where it was before the untimely closure due to the war. Things are different, of course, with Fred not being there, but George’s family and friends have stepped up and offered more support than George knows what to do with—not that he wanted it in the first place.
  In retrospect, he is thankful for his family and friends, Ron and Angelina in particular. They helped him put down the bottle and get his life back on track. 
  “Fred wouldn’t want this.” Angelina had told him late one night while she and Lee were staying over in his flat that smelled of days-old Firewhisky and hadn’t been cleaned since before they’d gone into hiding at Aunt Muriel’s.
  “How would Fred feel if you let everything the two of you worked for go to shit? How would you feel if the tables were turned and if it was—” Ron had yelled as he snatched the half-full bottle away from his brother and dumped it down the drain. The emotion was raw as the words caught in his throat, the end of the phrase hanging between them like the weight of a bludger pulling them down and grounding them.
  At first, he’d been pissed, but they were right. Fred wouldn’t have wanted George to resort to any of that. And even though he’d been begrudging in accepting help to begin with, George knew he wouldn’t have gotten the shop up and running as swiftly as he did without everyone’s help. The hole in his heart still ached, and not a moment went by where he didn’t miss his brother, but finding a new stride in this post-war life is exactly the push George needed to not only move on but also honor and make Fred proud.
  As George makes his way onto the main floor of the shop, a figure standing behind the counter makes him pause. He’d recognize that silhouette anywhere, the unrequited crush from his Hogwarts days now thrust back in his life, as if to taunt him of just another thing he’ll never have.
  “You’re still here?” The exhaustion is apparent in George’s voice after a ten-hour day.
  “Yeah, I wanted to make sure you didn’t stay on and try to do all the inventory yourself again like last week.” Angelina runs her fingers over the various displays of fireworks that are locked away behind the checkout area as she lightly teases George.
  “Nah, I learned from that mistake. Besides, don’t you have your regular job that you need to get back to? Now that things are running smoothly again, we’ll be able to manage without the extra help. Especially once things die down after the first.”
  “I don’t mind spending a few hours here after work, you know that. Things’ll start to pick up again soon once the Quidditch season gets underway, I’m sure, but right now, my corresponding duties are light. Call me crazy, but I’ve enjoyed spending more time with you lately. Almost makes me feel like we’re back in Hogwarts, you know? When real life and responsibilities seemed so far away.”
  A chuckle escapes George’s lips. It was true, all this time they’d been spending together, especially with Lee and sometimes Alicia, almost made everything feel right again.
  “Well, we can hang out in other places, too. I swear I don’t live at Wheeze’s.”
  “George, you live upstairs.”
“Ah, bugger off.”
  “I’m only teasing.”
  “And all I’m saying is if you want to do something outside these walls, all you have to do is ask.”
  “Are you hungry, then?”
  A genuine laugh bubbles up into George’s throat at Angelina’s brazenness. “Bloody hell, woman! Impatient much?”
  His outburst brings a smile to Angelina’s face, brightening the dark circles under her eyes from the extra hours spent helping out. 
  “You’re the one who said to ask. So, what do you say? Fancy a drink and a meal down the street? It’s late enough that the Leaky shouldn’t be too busy.”
  “I s’pose it couldn’t hurt. Beats making something for myself, that’s for sure.”
  “Great, let’s go.” 
  Angelina walks around the counter and reaches out to take George’s hand in hers. An electric shock shoots up his arm from the point of contact, and George has to stop himself from pulling away from the surprise of it all. A memory flashes through his mind of twinkling lights amongst a silver backdrop in the Great Hall all those years ago. He sees two figures dancing and twirling to the music of the Weird Sisters, one with flaming red hair much like his own and the other whose sapphire gown swished against the travertine floor. The memory brings a reminiscent smile to his lips as Angelina tugs him out the door.
  When they reach the Leaky, the pair settles into a quiet booth in the back of the establishment, away from curious eyes. It’s late in the evening for a meal, which is made evident by the empty tables and chairs scattered throughout the pub. Only a handful of patrons litter the bar, allowing Tom to be attentive to their needs. 
  George takes a large swig when the barkeep returns with Butterbeers, and they place their orders.
  “No shot of Firewhisky tonight then?” 
  George shakes his head. “I told you, Ange, I was serious about stopping. I can’t use the bottle as a crutch for grief anymore.”
  Angelina nods as she observes him intently. George can feel the heat of her gaze trailing over him as he takes another sip from his drink. 
  “You’re staring.”
  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
  “Oh? And here I was thinking I was mesmerizing you with my dashing good looks,” George quips. 
  Angelina smiles, and for a moment, George thinks he sees a blush on her cheeks before she recovers.  For all the time they spent together during Hogwarts, and more recently in the months following the war, George finds it odd that they’re struggling with conversation now.
  “Knut for your thoughts?” asks George.
  “Just that it’s been nice reconnecting with you. And Lee. Circumstances are shit, of course, but with my hectic schedule during Quidditch season, I don’t get much time for socializing and friends. I even had to drop my registration for the semi-pro league I was hoping to play for.”
  George nods, and his stomach twists as he processes her words. That would mean she’d be leaving soon once things got busy. He’s overcome with the urge to see if her job is something she’s passionate about.
  “Do you love it? Your job, I mean.”
  “Well, yeah, if I can’t play professionally, the next best thing is writing and commentating. Plus, I’ve gotten to see the world all on the Ministry’s dime. Can’t complain there…”
  “But is it something you see yourself doing for a long time?” George presses. He doesn’t mean to sound judgmental, but he needs to know if it’s even worth it to pursue.
  “Well, after graduation, it seemed like the right fit. The opening was there, my parents were encouraging me to see the world, and I didn’t have anything tying me down. Honestly, I think my parents thought it was safer for me to travel, especially with the war on...”
  And what about now? 
  George is nodding his head up and down while the question ricochets in his mind. He opens his mouth, gathering the courage to allow the four words to escape his mouth when Angelina interrupts him.
  “Well, there are some openings that would allow me to stay in London that have just come up. They’re looking for commentators and stats writers for the matches played in the Kensington stadium. So, if you needed an extra hand at the shop, I could stay—”
  “—I don’t want you to stay for the shop. If you want to travel the world, you should. I doubt you’ve seen all the world has to offer in two seasons.”
  No! What are you thinking! 
  George can almost hear Fred chastising him for his rash response. It doesn’t come out the way he meant it to sound, and he knows he messed up given the crestfallen look on Ange’s face.
  “I only meant—”
  “I-I’ve actually already put in for the London job, George. And I promise it’s not because of the shop. Lee promised to help me with commentating, and this way I can play again. I start training next week. You know how much I missed playing Quidditch, and now that England is safer, I can stay and have the best of both worlds.” 
  The longer she goes on, it feels like she’s rambling and going on with a laundry list of pre-prepared reasons, which doesn’t sound like the Angelina he knows. It’s almost like she’s trying to convince herself that those are the reasons she’s staying, and not for anything else.
  Ange rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, I know you and Fred always used to think you two were the center of the universe, but I promise I didn’t choose to stay just for you.”
  Her voice is light, and she’s smiling, but George can’t help but sense something else lingering beneath the surface. Disappointment, perhaps? Or maybe he’s just reading into things too much. Hoping something might be between them that really isn’t. He forces himself to stop overthinking and simply enjoy her company instead.
  “Well, I, for one, am happy you’re staying. We’ll be able to get together more often, and it’ll almost feel like our Hogwarts days. Maybe I’ll even be able to convince you and Alicia to test new products again.”
  Angelina nearly spits out her Butterbeer at George’s joke as Tom approaches with their meal. He knows he’s not fooling either of them; the irony is that the girls were always two steps ahead of him and his brother. They were the only two in their year who managed to avoid becoming test subjects to all of their prototypes.
  The two fall into more reminiscing as they tuck into their fish and chips. George doesn’t realize how ravenous he is until he starts eating, and he’s even more grateful for Ange’s suggestion now.
  As they are polishing off the remainder of their baskets, the topic of conversation falls on the Yule Ball, as Ange remembers how Fred had tossed the wad of paper at her.
  “It was romantic, wasn’t it?” George jokes as he remembers his brother’s ridiculous attempt at asking a girl out. “Still don’t know why you said yes to that tosser.”
  To this day, he’d always resented his brother for drawing his wand first and asking Ange to the ball. Of course, George knew it was all meant to be a bluff. It was Fred’s attempt to get his brother to buck up the courage and ask Angelina for himself. 
  George remembers it vividly. “Just ask her. What’s the worst she’ll say? No? Fine, if you won’t do it, I will.”
  When Fred had gotten Ange’s attention, George had no idea what to expect. They were usually well in tune with each other, and George could anticipate Fred’s moves, but when his brother had asked Angelina himself, it took George by surprise.
  “We were getting down to the wire, weren’t we?” Angelina interrupts George’s thoughts. “No one else had asked me, so I figured it was better to go with one twin than none at all.”
  George chooses the wrong moment to polish off the last of his chips. The fried potato catches in his throat, and he coughs it up, all while reaching for the last dredges of his Butterbeer to clear things out.
  Did she just say it was better to go with one twin than none at all? But then that would mean… 
  “Ange, don’t tell me you were waiting for me to ask you.”
  She shrugs and averts her eyes from his gaze. “I mean, I wouldn’t have been disappointed if you’d asked, let’s put it that way.”
  After this revelation, George burst into laughter. To anyone else in the near vicinity, it probably sounded like he should be admitted to the Janus Thickney Ward. He hasn’t laughed this hard since he and Fred were able to pull off a prank on Muriel shortly after arriving at her Manor at the end of March.
  “You—Fred—I—me—” He can’t seem to formulate a coherent string of thoughts until Angelina goes from amused to offended.
  “Honestly, George, I didn’t realize it was that funny. Forget I said anything.” She checks her watch and gathers her bag. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all. It’s getting late, and clearly the thought of the two of us together appalls—”
  She’s in the process of standing up when George sobers from the onslaught of irony and reaches out to grab her wrist.
  “Ange, wait. I’m not laughing at that. Just—just give me a chance to explain, yeah?” He pulls her into the bench beside him, where she lands on her bottom harder than she needed to as she lets out a loud huff of indignation.
  “Fred never intended to go with you when he asked.”
  “Excuse me?” Her eyebrows have raised so high on her face that George is surprised they haven’t gotten lost in her braids.
  “No, what I mean is, he’d been pestering me to ask you since the ball was announced. He knew I had a thing for you—obviously—and was being supportive.”
  It felt weird for George to admit that he fancied Angelina in school now, after so many years of keeping it close to his chest. Fred and Lee were the only two who ever knew.
  “So, what are you trying to say, then?”
  “When Fred asked you...I was shocked, too. I didn’t realize he’d already devised a plan that I didn’t cotton on to right away.”
  The look on Angelina’s face transformed from defensive to shock to comprehension, all in the span of a few seconds. “Don’t tell me…”
  “Being an identical twin has—er, had—its benefits.”
  “So.. are you trying to tell me that I didn’t go to the ball with Fred?”
  “And at the end of the night, when I kissed Fred in an attempt to make you jealous, I was actually kissing you all along?”
  “Sorry if it was disappointing.” The wisecrack escapes George’s lips before he can stop it.
  Half of him is expecting Angelina to slap him for the ‘switcheroo’ that he and Fred pulled, and in fairness, they deserved it. What if Ange actually had fancied Fred, and they’d pulled one over on her?
  But to his surprise, Angelina does the opposite. She leans in and kisses George right then and there. The same shock he felt when holding her hand earlier ignites within him once more as he lets his body take control. He allows himself to get lost in the feel of her lips, realizing that it’s the first time he’s truly felt like himself since Fred’s passing. He even dares to let himself think he’s found happiness again.
  Eventually, George pulls away as his lungs begin to burn from the lack of oxygen. They remain close, foreheads touching as he offers a weak smile. 
  “Y’know, I was going to tell you it was me at the end of the night, but how could I when I thought I was going to break your heart when you thought you’d kissed Fred?”
  “You’re insufferable, you know that?” 
  “Yeah, but you can’t argue with sixteen-year-old George’s logic, can you?”
  Ange rolls her eyes and leans back. George misses the contact as soon as it’s gone.
  “What do you say we get out of here?” Ange raises her eyebrows in question as if tempting him to follow when she scoots out from the bench a second time.
  George pulls enough money to cover their meals out of his wallet and leaves it on the table before scooching out behind her. He pays no mind to the remaining customers as he pulls Angelina back into him and whispers in her ear,
  “I’d say we’ve wasted five years of pointless pining to wait any longer.”
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Idol: Kim Chaewon, Kim Minju (Izone)
Request: Yes
Love: hi, i really love your writing! can i request a chaewon x minju x fem!reader where the reader wants to break up bc they seem happier without her but 2kim comforts her? angsty but with happy ending please? thank you!!!
A/n: Again can’t believe this is the first time I wrote this kind of story, take my privilege please! Ya’ll are just really nice, makes my heart soft and because I was in the mood to write, this is the longest scenario I’ve ever written🥺
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You glanced outside the window, looking down at the field as you cleared your thoughts, trying to observe the students playing and exercising.
But really you were deep in your thoughts, struggling as you tried to figure out a solution, you knew they cared for you. You were the luckiest woman in the world to have the chance to date Minju and Chaewon.
To have them love you and show you sides that no fan has ever seen before, you knew it was too good to be true, and recently it’s been showing.
You never wanted to let your thoughts get the best of you. But recently you’ve found your relationship to be only centered around the two of them. Oftentimes you were stuck in school or you were back home doing projects, you would constantly cancel your time with them because you were busy, while they would just be a reach away.
You were the only one who was always busy, so you blame yourself that they were always happy being together because you were never there.
It would make you feel better if they had talked to you if they have any issues. But you couldn’t complain, how could you, not only is it your fault but they seemed a lot happier without you.
“Ms. L/n!” you snapped your head to the front, suddenly hearing your name as you realized the whole class was staring at you. Your professor included as he had his eyebrows furrowed, anger clear in his features before he asked you to stand.
“Could you answer the question, Ms. L/n?” He asked and you could only look down, hands behind your back before you heard him sigh, “Y/n this has been the 5th time this week, am I going to have to call in your parents?”
Your head shot up to look at your professor, shaking your head rapidly, “No, I’m sorry professor it won’t happen again, this is the last time,” you promised before he paused looking at your form and making you uneasy until he nodded, raising his finger towards you.
“One last time, Ms. L/n,”
“Thank you, sorry professor,”
Then the bell rang making you professor look at you with disappointment before he dismissed the class. You suddenly felt the guilt of the trouble you caused for the man as you left the room.
“It’s been the 5th time this week,” his words echoed in your head, your shoulders slumping as the reality dawned on you, that's because you kept in your issues so much that it started to show.
Your emptiness and sadness started to affect your performance, you were lucky that the professor was nice, if it were anyone else, your parents would’ve been interrogating you at this point.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the crowd behind you in the front was your girlfriend, following you with a smile as she held her bag, Minju caught up with you. Linking your arms together you suddenly jolted, jerking your hand as you earned a confused look from Minju.
“Sorry, I was thinking,” you played it off before Minju giggled and linked her arms with you again, “You’ve been thinking a lot these days, ba—Y/n,” you kept looking straight trying not to give too much away and ignored the slip up she had.
Of course the other students didn’t know, they couldn’t, since most of them were already wild enough as it is because out of all the people she chose L/n Y/n, to be the closest with and not to mention that her career only began 5 months ago so having a dating scandal this early on would surely affect not only her and Chaewon’s career but the rest as well.
“They’re dumping a lot of projects this week, so I’ve been a little out of it, sorry,” you apologized but your girlfriend could only shake her head before a sudden idea struck her, “You can come to the dorm and we’ll help you, Y/n!” She said and you could only shake your head.
“I don’t want to bother the other Minju, you’re already so busy I can’t just go there and interrupt,”
“Nonsense, Y/n, the girls practically adopted you when they met you, plus we’re on our break anyway.” She said and you were about to refuse but she cut you off, “You’ve been working too hard these days, baby, a little help wouldn’t be bad,” she said softly making your heart melt at her concern.
So with a conflicted heart and messy thoughts you agreed, your girlfriend cheering as she led you to the van.
“Y/n!” You smiled at the others waving as they greeted, “Baby,” Chaewon pushed herself off the couch and went to hug you and Minju as you forced a smile to convince the girls who cooed and playfully gaged at their members’ affection, but you didn’t quite fool all of them.
Your eyes landed on the blue haired girl, as Yujin gave you a soft smile when she saw the conflict in your eyes.
She was the first person you knew that was part of a group. Yujin was the perfect friend for you, she often matched your personality and she was a good listener.
Since in your first year at school she was the one that you got to know first, though you were both shy at first something eventually clicked until she introduced you to her friends.
Yujin was the person you could approach when you needed help with your girlfriends, even if she was young, Yujin did her best to listen to you and figure out a solution. Sometimes she was the reason why the three of you would make up when you had a problem, she cared for you like her big sister and you cared for her as your little sister.
So naturally when you started to have thoughts about Minju and Chaewon, Yujin was the first person you approached and ranted to, trying your best to not ruin their relationship as members while you ranted.
Thankfully Yujin didn’t think any bad things towards her unnie but she did find it quite annoying that her unnies were sweeter to each other than they are to you.
She’s been wanting to intervene, say how much they’re hurting you but to her displeasure you would constantly hold her back, saying it wasn’t a big deal. Which made it increasingly difficult to not be annoyed because of your niceness. If it was her she would’ve marched toward them and yelled out everything.
She admired that about you, that even if you were mistreated you would still forgive them and brush it off because it made the other happy, but sometimes it could be the reason you break.
Laying down on the floor, you did your best to write, tracing the sketch carefully as you ignored the couple giggling every so often. But in the corner of your eye, you could clearly see them, laughing as they kept talking about something. It was like they already forgot that they had someone else.
You gripped your pen, biting your tongue because you were afraid of blurting something out.
Yujin watched you from her spot, before she slowly made her way over next to you, nudging your body. As you looked over, she sent you a gentle smile keeping her voice low to avoid the others from hearing,
“If you need a second we can talk about it just say something,” she whispered and you smiled, sending your friend a thankful smile as you patted her knee.
Minju noticed you and Yujin whispering to each other, a small frown on her face as she wondered what you could’ve talked about.
“Hey, Y/n, is this good?” She called you, wanting to get your attention as she showed you her work on one of the parts you’ve given her. It was a weak attempt to get you because you were whispering with Yujin but you did glance over and gave her a smile.
Nodding at the work as you thanked her and said that she did a good job.
Throughout the night most of the girls had spent it finishing your projects, making sure to thank all the girls for their help. And throughout the night you had given yourself a fair distance away from the couple, focusing on your job as you plugged in your music or kept talking with Yujin who did her best to distract you, which you were infinitely grateful for.
However Minju and Chaewon had noticed you distancing yourself, it might’ve been their imaginations but you are so full of life when you spoke with the others, smiling as you replied excitedly or happily with the rest of the girls.
But whenever they would call for you, a short reply was all they got, even if they would try to hug you or say random sweet nothings, you would accept it but push away after a few seconds as you got back to your work.
You were slowly starting to get annoyed, partnered by your already conflicted feelings and with them constantly calling you for your attention, “Y/n we can we talk for a second, in private?” She whispered again which made you suddenly snap.
“I said I can handle it Yujin,” you said sharply, causing the younger girl to flinch, pursing her lips as she turned quiet.
You kept silent for the rest of the night, finishing your projects before you packed. You thanked the girls, making sure you showed them your gratitude and promised to repay them for their help.
Then you turned to your girlfriends, seeing both of them chatting, you wanted to thank them for helping but seeing them laugh so hard and so joyfully your mood was dampened again.
Your eyes however caught another sight, across the room Yujin cleaned up the mess, but the frown on her face was visible behind the curtain of hair she hid behind.
You sighed, approaching the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Yujin glanced up, seeing a small smile on your face as you gestured your head to the side, “Let’s talk,” you said, which immediately the blue haired followed you.
Unbeknownst to them of the eyes watching as they went into the hallway, Yujin avoided your eyes before you rested your hand on her shoulder, “Hey, I’m sorry for snapping at you,” you started seeing her about to speak but you cut her off.
“Me going through stuff doesn’t give me a valid reason to be mad at you Yujin, you were only trying to help me and I’m grateful for that. I don’t want to bring you into my problems, I don’t want you hating on other people because of me, you’re a good friend Yujin-ah,” you finished, seeing a pout starting to form on the younger’s face as she couldn’t say anything.
You giggled, pulling her into a hug, noticing the two figures peeking from the living room. You pulled away and smiled at your best friend, ushering her away before the two other girls came into the hallway, looking at you with concerned faces.
You forced a smile, eyes lingering on their clasped hands, “Hey,” Chaewon greeted you as Minju smiled, reaching their hands out for yours.
Intertwining your fingers together used to make you feel everything, the slight dip in your stomach because of the excitement, your heart beating against your chest because it felt so full, and the tingling sensation on your skin because of their warmth.
Now everything seemed off, it felt incomplete, you wanted to pull away but you didn’t want to disconnect yourself from them, then the conflict in your eyes didn’t escape past both of them. Squeezing your hands before they asked you, “We just want you to be honest with us, Y/n,”
“Are you tired of us?”
The question shocked you, eyes snapping towards the two of them who looked at your with sad features,
“Because recently we’ve been noticing that you keep moving away, when we have plans you cancel, when we want to come over you say you’re busy, when we talk to you your responses are always short and empty. And we uh—wanted to know if, you still want to be with us,”
There was silence for a while, you looked at them in disbelief before pulling your hand away, your breathing getting heavier as you tried to contain your anger.
“Are you serious?” You asked, as they could only look at you with confusion, “You’re really gonna ask me a question when you yourselves are the ones who need it?”
“What do you—“
“I’ve spent the past week, torturing myself to forget, seeing you two being so sweet and caring for each other while I’m at the side being ignored. I keep canceling because I didn’t want to bear the fact that you two are starting to forget about me, that you’re too caught up with each other to even notice that I’m struggling.”
“I don’t want all of your attention, but please do keep in mind that there are other people in this relationship besides you two.” Your voice was getting louder, the girls in the living room perking up when they heard your voice.
Minju and Chaewon looked at you with mixed emotions, suddenly confused on why you would hide this from them silence lingered for a while the tension rising,
“Then why didn’t you tell us? Why choose to say it now? You have a lot of chances to say it but you didn’t,” Minju asked with a sudden tone to her voice, making you scoff in disbelief.
“You think I didn’t try?!”
“I’ve been wanting to say something everyday, I wanted to talk with you two just so this wouldn’t happen but everytime the three of us get together it’s like I never existed in the first place. I respected it at first, maybe you didn’t want to bother me but the way you feel for each other doesn’t go to me anymore, it feels one sided.”
At this point the girls already heard everything, looking at the three of you with their brows furrowed, they’ve seen you three fight but it never went to this level.
You bit the inside of your cheek, holding back your tears before Yujin padded to the three of you, but suddenly Chaewon spoke again, the words leaving her mouth made everyone’s breath hitch, “So how do we know you’re not sick of us? You might be seeing Yujin for all we know,”
Your jaw dropped in disbelief, looking at Chaewon. You couldn’t say anything, before your eyes snapped to Yujin who looked at the older with annoyance and anger,
“You’ve got some nerve to accuse Y/n like that, what’s gotten into you, Unnie? She’s your girlfriend for God’s sake!”
“How do we know for sure! She’s been ignoring us for the past week and has been with you, so sorry if I started to think that!” Their voices started to get louder before they started to argue, the girls stepping in and pulling them away from each other before anything got out of hand.
Your head started to hurt, your hands shaking as you saw them yelling at each other, “Just stop it!” You yelled, a voice echoing off the walls which made them pause, it was the first time you yelled that loud, tears streaming down your face as you tried your best to wipe them.
“This has nothing to do with Yujin, she’s the one that’s been helping me and convincing me that I don’t need to break up with you, but I didn’t think you would stoop so low and accuse me of seeing another person behind your back especially accusing your own member too.”
You turned, grabbing your coat and slamming the door, your footsteps rushing to the elevator before you left. Once the door shut a sob escaped your lips, a sudden weight on your shoulder every step you took away from the dorm.
The room was quiet, most of them staring at the door with shocked expressions, a scoff came from Chaewon as she stomped away, going to her room and slamming the door shut, Minju standing still with her eyes wide.
Yujin was breathing heavily, tears in her eyes as she walked away, hurriedly going inside her room.
A few minutes later Minju left, padding towards Chaewon’s room and entered, closing the door gently. Leaving the girls in the living room glancing at each other, the concern and worry in each of their eyes.
Weeks went by and the girls didn’t receive any contact from you, Minju couldn’t see you in school anymore, and Yujin couldn’t call you.
Which worried everyone to no end, they’ve been wanting to visit you but recently their schedules have been so packed that they didn’t have time to check.
Minju, Chaewon, and Yujin were quiet for the whole week, their interactions were minimal except when they were on camera. The girls didn't want to intervene, because this was their problem, but it hurt them with each day to see them ignoring each other.
So when one day Chaewon and Minju knocked on the door, Yujin opened it, her eyes suddenly turning wide when she saw the two in front of her door, their heads down as they guiltily fidgeted in their place.
“Can we talk, please?” Chaewon spoke up, raising her head to look at the younger who kept silent nodding as she stepped aside and allowed the two in the room.
They sat on the beds, the air awkward before Minju sighed, “We’re sorry,”
“We’re sorry for what we did, what we said and what we thought wasn’t right. We shouldn’t have accused you and doubted you we were wrong.”’
“I don’t like to be mad at you unnie’s, what you did was wrong, you did a lot of things that day that were wrong. I know I’m young but please don’t think that badly about Y/n unnie, the things she’s been telling me about you two, it’s something I don’t think I could go through, so please don’t apologize to me, apologize to her.”
Chaewon pulled the blue haired girl into a hug, Minju joining as they made up, Chaewon smiling as she whispered to the younger girl, “We will,”
When the girls had been given the week to rest, Minju and Chaewon didn’t waste a beat, rushing home and washing up before they asked their manager to bring them to your apartment.
They went to your door, using the key that they had hoping to see you but all they were met with was silence. No TV, no music, no sounds in the kitchen, they were sure that you were home because your shoes were beside the door.
They made sure to check every room calling out for you until Minju stopped at your room, opening it gently before she saw you on your bed, your body covered with sheets as you slept, as the soft snores passed your lips.
Minju called her girlfriend, both of them padding to your form and cupping your cheeks but worry struck them when they felt how warm you were.
Your forehead covered in a sheen of sweat before they looked at each other, you were sick.
They removed their coats, placing them aside as they took the blankets of your body. Chaewon went to get a basin and a towel while Minju got some clothes out of your closet before they cleaned you.
Minju cleaned up your room after Chaewon finished wiping your body, leaving the towel on your forehead to absorb all the heat.
Chaewon rummaged through your fridge and did what she could to make you some soup while Minju sat by your side, observing you as she suddenly felt whole again.
After a week of not seeing you, talking to you, it left her so empty and without her noticing a tear dropped before she started to cry silently, her eyes closed while she held the sheets until she felt someone cup her cheek.
Minju opened her eyes, a sob fully escaping her lips when you were smiling at her, wiping the tears that kept flowing out, “Why are you crying?” The softness of your voice made it worse for her and soon Chaewon entered, a tray in her hands with your food, water, and medicine.
When she saw you awake she froze at the door, her eyes welling with tears when you looked at her, no anger or disappointment in your eyes. She padded closer to you and placed the tray to the side before reaching for your hand, which you gladly gave her as she put it against her cheek, her own eyes stinging with tears.
“I-I’m so sorry,” Chaewon’s voice was so small, so defeated that it hurt you that she was going through that, even if it was her own fault.
“We l-love you, Y/n, please don’t ever forget that, we’re so sorry that we n-neglected you,” Minju nuzzled her cheek against your palm,
“P-Please give us a chance to be better, we w-won’t know what to do without you,” they inched in and embraced you, making you close your eyes when you felt them again but this time everything felt normal again.
The sinking feeling, the tingles, and your heart hammering against your chest. You felt whole to be with them for so long, “We’ll a-always love you, n-no matter what,” you felt your hair get brushed aside before they kissed your cheek and you could only sigh.
Your arms tighten around them as you want them to be closer. With a silent acceptance and promise they would always take care of you, show you how much you mean to them because truly they wouldn’t be who they are without you.
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