#i'll be curled up in a ball sobbing about this AGAIN
prettypinkporkchop · 2 days
Love u hunny❤️ love reading ur stories can I request one where Paul was ur bully in high school and u haven’t seen him since graduation where he made u cry then u see him at the grocery store and try to avoid him but he sees u and when u make eye contact he starts following u everywhere but of course u don’t forgive him to easy u make him work for it until he’s begging on his knees for u
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You sit outside at the Cullen's house. Your party dress is soaked with beer because Paul poured it on you. You are crying, waiting for your parent to pick you up.
Paul tried to flirt with you, but to him, you turned out to be a prude. Now, he hates you. Your outfits are ugly. You're ugly, at least that's what he says.
His favorite things to do are taunt you. Fake flirt with you and laugh with his friends. He bumps into you and makes you fall on the floor.
One time, he bought you a drink from the vending machine, but he put mentos in it, so it exploded in your face.
You're holding the basket, looking at meats to cook. You feel eyes on the back of your head. It confuses you, so you turn and make eye contact with Paul Lahote.
Your heart speeds up, and you hold your breath. You quickly turn away and drop your basket. You're not even worried about anything else but leaving.
You run out, turning back to see Paul walking quickly. You speed up and get inside your car. You look back to see he stopped and is watching you.
You open your door and slam it shut. You slide down, breathing really hard in panic. You start sobbing.
You thought moving further away from Forks would save you. You were so wrong.
You hear a knock on your door. You jump up up and answer the door.
"I'm sorry. For everything." He says. You slam the door in his face.
You back away slowly. But you can hear him behind the door. "I need to talk to you. This is important." He says.
You ignore him completely. You walk away from your door and take a deep breath in and out. Suddenly, you feel the urge to actually let him speak. But, you're scared. But you two aren't teens anymore. Come on. Suck it up.
You step to the door and open it. Paul's face lights up. God, he looks so different. His hair is cut, and he's so... big.
"What do you have to say?" You lean on the door.
He looks over every detail of your face in awe of you. He coughs slightly and then shifts his feet. "I just want to say I regret the things I've said and done to you. They aren't right at all. I've changed, and I was really hoping I could make it up to you." He doesn't lose eye contact.
Your hands start to sweat. Is he for real right now? You have to gather all of the words you want to say. It takes a few minutes of staring at his face before it comes to you. "Paul, look. I appreciate whatever you're trying to do here, but you've hurt me. You've hurt me a lot. I still to this day feel like I'm nothing. And it's solely on you." You were surprised by how you stood up. You seemed so confident, but deep down, you wanted to curl in a ball and hide.
You notice a change in his face. He looks genuinely upset and guilty. His wipes over his face, and then his fingers hold his chin before falling next to his side. "I understand. I know. I'll do whatever I can to fix this." He says.
"Why do you want to? Why are you here?" You ask with attitude.
"Because, seeing you again, I realized something. I don't want you to hurt. You're not supposed to hurt around me or because of me."
You are confused as hell and don't understand what he means by that. He notices your confusion and then reaches out his hand for you to shake.
"I will tell you everything you need to know. But can you please give me a chance to start over with you." He begs.
You stare at his hand. He's so attractive. The way his veins and muscles look. Damn it, Lahote! Why now?
You shake your head and back away. "No. Not now." You shut the door.
You walk into your room and lay in your bed.
The next day, you wake up and check your phone. You have a message from an unsaved number.
Number: ayo, it's Quil. Remember me? Haha. Well, I was just wondering if this is still your number from school. If it is, hello! Can we talk about something?
Quil Ateara?! What?!
You haven't changed your number in years. This is a weird surprise. Quil was a good friend of yours. Along with Jacob, Embry, and Bella. You haven't spoken to any of them in YEARS.
You: Hey! Long time, friend. It's still me. What's up?
Quil: awesome! Well first off, how ya been?
You: I've been good. Moved out of the house when I turned 19. I have a good job. Life is peaceful. How are you?
Quil: well, a lot has changed. A looottttt. But it's okay! I heard you ran into Paul.
You: how do you know?
Quil: he told me. We are good friends now. Trust me, he's not the same guy he was back in school.
You: it was good talking to you. Lmk if you need anything.
You left it at that. What the hell?
You get out of bed and get ready for the day. You sit on your computer, doing check-ins for your job.
Your phone rings so you answer it. "Yup?" You ask.
"Hey, can you come into the office today? I have a side quest for you." Your coworker giggles. Oh gosh, Jessica. What does she need now?
"Well, I was supposed to work at home today. What do you need?" You ask.
"Girl, our boss is so flirting with me. I need backup. Should I ask him out?" She whispers.
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "Jess, he's like 50. And that's not even allowed!" You laugh.
"Please come in!" She begs.
The drama would be fucking hilarious to see. "Fine." You say.
You head out of the house and go to the office. You park in your usual parking spot. A truck you've never seen before pulls up next to you. You squint to see who it is. They get out of the truck and it's fucking PAUL.
"Paul, what are you doing here?" You sigh in annoyance.
"I just wanted to give this to you." He says, walking around the car to you. It's your favorite flower. Did he remember your presentation in biology?
"Oh, thank you. I've got to go inside." You take it from him and turn around to walk inside. You're smiling, enjoying the attention Paul is giving you.
He's always been attractive to you, but now, it's extra. You can tell he has changed. But, you're not ready to get over the past yet.
You go inside and head to Jessica's station. She's not there. You look over to see everyone huddled over at the boss' door, listening.
Oh yeah, she got fired.
You get home from the store and notice a note on your door. You grab it and read it.
"Y/n, I think you're a wonderful person. I'm sorry and I'll say it forever."
The note actually made your heart soften for him. But, you can't give in.
You're at work, typing away. It's been a terrible day. Since Jessica got fired, all of her jobs have been put on you. Things are piling up.
There's a knock on your station wall. You look up and see a coworker. "Jesus, you scared me." You sigh.
"Sorry! Someone sent you something." He places it on your desk.
It's a black box. You slowly open it. Inside is a handmade bracelet. It's so pretty. Then, there's a note.
"I'm sorry."
You get home and see that familiar truck pull in behind you. Paul quickly gets out and walks over to you.
"What now?" You ask. You notice he is shirtless. His abs are crazy and he has a tattoo on his shoulder.
"Look, i.. I need to tell you something." He seems scared.
You decide to let him speak.
"I actually don't want you to think I'm crazy. Do you want to come to a bonfire with me tonight?" He asks.
"Not really." You scoff.
"It's just me and the guys. It's at the rez. We just talk over the tribes legends. This is very important." He urges.
"Fine. But no funny business." You say sternly.
"Yes, ma'am. I promise." He says genuinely. "I'll pick you up in an hour or so whenever you're ready." He goes to walk to his truck.
"Hey, no. That's too much driving. Just come inside and wait for me to get ready." You say.
He stops and looks at you with surprise. He follows you inside and looks around the house. You point to the couch and then go into your room. You leave him alone in there while you get ready.
You step out and see him sitting on the couch, thinking. "Ready." You say.
He jumps out of his thoughts and smiles up at you. "You look stunning." He gushes.
You can't help but blush and look away. "Thanks. Can we go?"
You sit at the fire listening to Billy Black talk. Paul has been following you around the place. Every step you take, he's right behind you. But you've met some awesome people! Plus, you rekindled with Jacob, Embry, and Quil.
"The wolf in us can sense what humans can't. We must be ready for what is to come. It doesn't stop here. The quiet is only for a moment. Hold onto your imprints, your family, and friends. We don't know what could happen." Billy warns.
You turn to look at Paul. You're so confused. HUH!
After that, you sit in Paul's truck, waiting for him to take you back home. He finally gets in the drivers seat and sighs. "It's all true." He said.
"What, you're a wolf? You cut your hair, got buff, and got a tattoo just like your friends?" You scoff.
"It's serious. Vampires and shifters are real. And you're my imprint." He looks at you.
Your chest is starting to hurt. What have you gotten yourself into?
You're staring at his beautiful face. You're just falling in love. You have to stay strong. "Take me home, please." You say.
You open the door, slam it shut, and head to your house. Meanwhile, behind you, there's a begging, Paul. "Please don't leave me like this. I'll do anything for you. You are my world. I want to show you that." He calls out.
You stop in your tracks and turn to him. Before you can speak, he falls to his knees. "Y/n, let me love you." You can see a tear shed.
A switch flips in you. "Paul, can you show me?"
He looks up at you. "My.. wolf?"
You nod your head in response. He reaches out his hand for you to grab. You hesitate, but slip your fingers under his thumb. His big and warm hands fill you up with butterflies. You can't help but stare at how your hand fits in his.
But he starts walking, bringing you to the backyard of your house. He stops and backs away from you. "Stay right there. Don't get too close. I'm going to take off some of my clothes. You can turn around or close your eyes."
You turn your heels and face the other way, looking at the trees. You hear cracking and growling. You turn around. On the ground is a pile of clothes and shoes. In front of you stands a dark gray wolf. It is huge! You look into the brown eyes, and instantly, you feel Paul. The wolf whimpers and lowers its head.
After that ordeal, you're sitting on your couch, listening to Paul explain everything. You watch as his lips move. You just want to kiss him now.
You're zoned out. You lean in, interrupting him, and kiss him. He's in shock but grabs the back of your head and kisses you back. God his lips. They're moving in sync with yours. You can't pull away. No, you can't. You want more. You start to move your body closer, about to straddle his lap but he stops you, grabbing your hips. He pulls away and chuckles.
"No, no. That's another time, beautiful." He smirks.
You blush deeply and bite your lip, staring at him. "It all makes sense." You whisper.
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graciereadshannigram · 5 months
y'know, sometimes i can't get over how impulsively hannibal acted in mizumono like, baby girl, he called you to warn you the FBI knew!!! maybe wait two seconds before whipping out the knife and gutting the love of your life because maybe, just maybe, there's an explanation that isn't "will betrayed me, i must forgive him the way God forgives."
and then i remember.
hannibal didn't give a fuck about garret jacob hobbs when he called and said, "they know." he was just curious about what would happen. it was for his own amusement.
so of course when will calls and says the same exact words, hannibal doesn't see it as the genuine gesture will meant it to be. how could he? all he knows is that will lied to him about freddie, refused to run away with him and insisted on confronting jack, and is now calling hannibal to taunt him and see what he does. all of will's actions have been for his own amusement.
and oh boy, does hannibal put on a show. "you want to see what i'm capable of? fucking watch me."
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exhaslo · 10 months
Puzzle Pieces Pt. 2
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Part 1
Warning: Eventual Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex
Normally, the inside of a freezer would be packed with boxes of meat or other cold food. Normally, a freezer would just be a place where workers popped in, grabbed the item they were looking for, and popped out. Unfortunally, this was no normal freezer. Behind the large wall of maze like boxes, was a large room.
Miguel's lazy gaze followed out of the maze and into the ice cold room. There, in the middle, was a man hanging upside down. Miguel's men all moved away from the hanging man, waiting for their boss' order. Miguel let out a quick sigh, watching his breathe.
"I only like to be this cold in the winter," Miguel started as he walked around the upside down, "What month is it?"
The prisoner just spat towards the floor, refusing to answer. His scowl towards Miguel and his men was filled with anger. Miguel scoffed in response and snapped his fingers. In and instant, Ben punched the man in the stomach. Peter bend down and grabbed the enemy by the hair.
"I don't like repeating myself."
"Tch, September." The man hissed. Miguel scoffed again,
"So winter is still a ways away." He stood in front of the man and pulled out a large meat cutting tool, "Vulture has some nerve having his men enter my territory. Looks like I'll have to teach him a lesson again."
"Kill me all you want, but Vulture won't be shaken by the likes of you!"
"Kill?" Miguel snorted, his cruel laugh echoing the freezer, "You must be new. We Spiders don't kill-"
Peter and Ben dropped the man to the ground, ignoring his grunts. The two brought him to a chair and held him down. Miguel's smirk grew wider as he approached the man slowly,
"Simplemente romperemos cada hueso de tu cuerpo. Una vez que hayas aprendido tu error, haremos lo que hacen las arañas y te sacaremos de tu miseria. (We'll just break every bone in your body. Once you learned your mistake, then we'll do as Spiders do and put you out of your misery.)"
It was finally time for you to go home. Your body was exhausted from working. If everyday was going to be like this, you honestly might not last. Slowly making your way out of the supermarket with some groceries, you whimpered. After walking a block, you finally cried. It was such a rough day.
The sheer pressure of everyone's presence was going to break you. Rubbing your eyes, you whimpered as people passed you by without a care. That was normal. It was normal. Shuddering a sigh, you continued to walk to your new home. No one ever checked up on you. No one ever thought to care how your feelings were. So why bother now?
Once you finally arrived home, you put your groceries away, showered and plopped onto your bed. You were too tired to make dinner. Too tired to check your laundry. Reaching for your phone, you double checked your alarms in case you fell asleep. As you did, you saw a text from one of your friends.
'Hey, so I know you don't want Eddie to know you moved, but like, he seems really worried.'
Your eyes started to tear up. Some friend. They were falling right into Eddie's palm. This was why you only told your parents and like two people about your sudden move. You had hoped they would keep a secret, but you should have known better. Which was why you never told them where in NYC you were.
'Don't tell him.' Was all you replied with.
This wasn't fair. You moved away for a reason. All you could do was hope that your parents and your two friends would stay quiet. Sobbing into your pillow, you curled into a ball and wept yourself to sleep.
If any part of you was ready for a vacation, it was your eyes. They had bags all packed up and ready to go. You had been living in Nueva York for about one month now. It was still a hard adjustment for you. The trains scared you, your neighborhood scared you, your job scared you and your past haunted you.
"The usual?" Your supervisor questioned.
You raised your head tiredly, knowing that phrase by now. It was the handsome man from your first day. He only appeared every now and then to either pick something up or to do into the freezer. If not him, then one of his men.
"Number two, zero, nine, nine."
"Yes, sir."
That was a code you still couldn't memorize. Once your supervisor left, you slowly turned to place your wrapped meat into the display case. Your gaze focused on the handsome man before you, captivated by his intense stare. You could feel your heart race as it felt like he was glaring into your soul.
Miguel had entered the supermarket, wanting to grab a quick bite to eat. He was in the area and wanted to escape his lackeys. They were about to have a meeting with another mafia gang, but Miguel had no intension of making peace.
Approaching the deli, Miguel inhaled deeply. It was busy and loud. He tilted his head, looking for the shy bunny, aka you. Once he spotted you, Miguel furrowed his brows. He approached the supervisor, demanding his usual. Once the Supervisor left, Miguel got a better look at you.
You faced him and froze. Those wide glossy eyes of yours had a wave of exhaustion. Your skin looked paler despite the redness of your cheeks. Miguel could see you tremble as you made eye contact with him. Your face turning even redder. It made him chuckle. Miguel was both amused and annoyed.
"You've gotten thinner, conejita (bunny). Are you not eating properly?" Miguel asked out of concern. Your lips parted ever so slightly,
"N-Not...um...N-Not really...B-But that's m-my fault." You whispered, shaking from his pressence.
Miguel's eyes widen as he finally heard your soft and sweet voice. It was like honey to his ears. You were so quiet that he almost didn't hear you either. Miguel watched as you played with your fingers, your sleeves rubber banded against your wrists. He furrowed his brows, wondering why they weren't rolled up any higher.
"What's your name?" Miguel asked. You flinched, glancing up at him again,
"(Y/N)." You answered.
"So sorry, sir! She's still learning the ropes here!" The Supervisor panicked as he rushed over with Miguel's order. Miguel nearly shot him a glare,
"I spoke to her first." He said and returned his gaze towards you, "It was a pleasure, (Y/N). Until next time."
You felt your breathing return to normal as Miguel parted you with a goodbye. The way your name rolled off his tongue sounded so sweet. It almost made your heart flutter. Almost. Your fear of him was far greater than admiring him.
Returning to work, you couldn't get Miguel off your mind. You had known his name for a while, but now he finally knew yours. That and he even noticed that you lost weight. Not even your closest friends or family noticed back home. Your shoulders sunk at the thought. Were you losing too much weight now?
It was hard. You always got home tired and didn't feel like doing much of anything. Whenever you did manage to make food, it was something simple and unhealthy. This lifestyle wasn't working out for you. Perhaps you needed to schedule a doctor's appointment and get professional advice?
"M-Maybe...I'll do that...later." He mumbled to yourself.
Miguel made his way out of the supermarket, still thinking about you. He entered his vehicle, letting his driver take him back to his headquarters. You were so shy. Not like any of the other girls. Leaning back in his seat, Miguel glanced over to the woman whom he fucked earlier that day.
What did he have to do to hear your moans? You weren't going to give him anything fake. Miguel resisted a chuckle as he licked his lips at the thought. His cock buried deep into your shaking body. Your moans coming out almost pornographic as he ravished you. Oh, the thought couldn't be anymore sweeter.
"Parece que tengo un conejito que cazar. (Looks like I have a bunny to hunt.)"
Next chapter
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Hurt IV
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Morsa gets hurt
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You're sitting in the stands when it happens.
Momma's still not back in the squad so you're not sitting on the bench. You enjoy sitting on the bench more than sitting in the stands but at least you get to eat hotdogs in the stands so that's a win.
You're munching away when Morsa goes down. You stop chewing to stand up properly so you can see and you will Morsa to get back up.
She doesn't.
She just kind of rolls around on the ground clutching at her foot.
"What's wrong with Morsa?" You ask as if Momma would just know.
"It's okay," Momma says though her tight smile says she doesn't quite believe herself," Morsa's being a bit dramatic. She'll get back up, you'll see."
Only Morsa doesn't get back up.
She has to be helped off and you see a stretcher being prepared.
Momma takes your hand and walks you over to the barrier.
"Sam!" She calls out to Scottish Sam," Sam!"
Sam turns, getting up from the bench. She takes you as you're lifted over the barrier.
"Look after her, okay?" Momma hands her your bag. "I'll grab her in a bit."
"Go," Sam says," I've got her."
You're still in Sam's arms as you watch Momma sprint the opposite direction, to where Morsa's being loaded up onto a stretcher. She's crying and you kind of feel like crying too.
"Magda's strong," Sam says as she takes her seat back on the bench," She'll be okay."
"Morsa's crying," You reply bluntly," Don't lie. I'm not stupid."
Sam winces a little but you pay no attention because you stand up to see if you can catch a glimpse of Momma and Morsa. The stretcher is moving away now and they're holding hands.
You're glad that Morsa has Momma to look after her until you get there.
"Hey." Sam taps your leg. "Let's sit down, huh? You could fall."
You grunt in frustration but do as she says. You've no interest in the match anymore and grow a bit restless. You keep turning your head around, hoping to see Momma and Morsa returning but they never do.
Sam rummages through your bag to find something to entertain you.
"What is this?" She asks," A fancy straw? It's kind of big."
"That's my epipen," You say and Sam immediately drops it into your bag like it's burned her," Because Australian Sam gave me bad kiwi and I almost died. Momma makes sure I always have it."
Scottish Sam laughs uncomfortably. "Well...I'll make sure not to give you kiwi then."
"Or banana or avocado because those can kill me too." You think for a moment as your stomach rolls. "Is my Morsa dying?" Your bottom lip trembles. "Is that why she's not back yet?"
"No!" Sam says quickly, shaking her head firmly," She's just talking to the medics. They're very chatty. That's why they're taking so long."
You accept that Morsa's not dying but not really that the medics are chatty. You keep looking behind you all the way up until halftime.
Sam takes you back to the changing room but you dig your heels in all the way because you don't want Momma and Morsa to go back onto the pitch and not know where you've gone.
This whole situation is very worrying and you sullenly take refuge in Morsa's cubby because it's nice and small and smells just like her.
"Lea?" You ask as the woman mooches around nearby," When are my mummies coming back?"
She winces a little. "Sorry, kid," She says," I'm not too sure. Soon, though. It'll be soon."
You sigh a big sigh and huff, reaching out for Lea's hand as she gets ready to go back out. "Is my Morsa going to be okay?"
She winces again and pats you on the head. "She'll be just fine. She'll be back on her feet very soon."
In the second half, Sam has to go on so she hands you straight over to Sarah who has the unenviable job of watching you have a complete and utter breakdown.
You've decided that it's been too long, that Momma and Morsa have been away too long for Morsa to be just fine like the girls are telling you. You curl up into a little ball in your seat and sob.
Sarah looks like she's about to cry too as she wildly looks to the other girls on the bench for help before deciding that the best thing to do would be to pick you up.
It's pretty hard on her part because you won't uncurl from your protective ball and she kind of has to pace around with a little girl whose not willing to give her even an inch of help in it.
You stop crying when you hear Momma speak.
She's standing by the barrier.
"I can take her now," Momma says to Sarah," I'll take her back to see Magda."
"It's fine," Sarah lies," We've got everything under control."
"I'll take her," Momma insists," Magda's been asking for her."
"Oh, thank god," Sarah breathes out before holding you out for Momma to take along with your bag.
"Is Morsa okay?" You sniffle as Momma begins to walk back to where she disappeared too.
"She will be," Momma says," She's a little sad right now and she needs some Princesse cuddles to make her feel better. And I think some Morsa cuddles will make you feel better too."
You nod.
Morsa's still sitting on the stretcher when you arrive. She's not crying anymore but you can see where the tears use to be.
Momma settles you by Morsa's side and you look down to see her bandaged foot.
"What happened?"
"I hurt my foot," Morsa says. She crowds you into her space with a hand between your shoulders, allowing you to curl up properly against her as she rests her chin on the top of your head.
"Is it really bad?"
"I have to have surgery soon," Morsa says," But it'll be very quick."
You think for a moment before nodding, making sure to hug Morsa nice and tight so she knows that you're here for her.
"It'll be okay," You say," Because me and Momma are going to look after you."
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woodchoc-magnum · 4 days
all these broken parts
all these broken parts buck/eddie, 56k, mature
author: woodchoc_magnum
read the tags: angst with a happy ending, getting together, pining, depression, post-season 7, b/t breakup, buddie roommates era
summary: Set post-Season 7, where Eddie is struggling with depression, trying to put his life back together, and hopelessly in love with his best friend.
"Eddie, come on. You have to get up. You can't just sleep and hope that things will miraculously get better. He's angry, yeah, and it's going to take time, but you have to keep moving."
"I don't want to keep moving," Eddie snaps at him, sitting up in bed, positively fuming. "That's all I've ever done! I get shot down in a helicopter and I just keep moving. Shannon leaves me and I just keep moving. Shannon fucking dies and I just keep moving! I nearly died and I just kept moving – well, I'm done! Nothing is better! Everything is worse! No matter what I do, I keep hurting people, but if I just stay here in bed, I can't hurt anyone." With that, he curls up into a ball with his back to Buck, pulling a pillow over his head.
Eddie's stubborn, but so is Buck, and he decides to play dirty.
"You're hurting me," he says quietly.
"How?" Eddie spits. "I'm not doing anything to you."
He takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "I'm scared."
"Yeah. That you're gonna sink so deep into this thing that I won't be able to pull you out," he says honestly, "and that one day… you'll be gone. I'll lose you. I think about what Chim went through with Maddie, and… I'm to blame there too, you know? I knew she was hurting; I knew she wasn't well, but I didn't do enough, so… I'm not gonna let you run away from this, or hide away, or… any of that shit. I'll stay here. I'll drive you to your appointments. I'll sleep on the floor in your room if that's what it takes to keep you here."
He glances over at Eddie, and registers the slight shake of his shoulders – Eddie's crying, in silence, but still. Buck's words are having an effect.
"You remember when you told me that I'm not expendable?" he continues. "Well, you are irreplaceable. You're my best friend in the whole fucking world. I love you. I would do anything for you, so… that's why I'm here. And that's why you won't chase me away."
Eddie lets out a shuddering sob. "Fuck," he blurts out. "God fucking damn it."
"Yeah, you are stuck with me," Buck says ruefully. "Bet you're regretting that right about now."
"No, I– never," Eddie weeps. "Never. Okay?"
Buck glances over at him again – he's crying, hugging himself, and Buck just can't leave him on his own anymore. So he slides over the bed, spoons around Eddie and wraps his arms around him in a burly hug.
Eddie freezes, at first, but then he relaxes, letting out a sigh as he allows Buck to hold him. They lie in silence together, until Eddie slides a hand down Buck's arm, and entwines their fingers together.
"I got you," Buck says in his ear.
"Yeah," Eddie murmurs. "You do."
Read the rest on ao3
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
A cute little drabble request for baby fever in the future or for the sleepover: Y/N, Ella, and 2 year old Narfi all get sick with the flu and loki has to take care of all of them, Y/N being the sickest, feels like she is dying and Loki comforts her. Just a little cute one.
Caring Husband and Father
Warnings: sickness a.k.a the flu, fluff
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Thank you for this request, friend. This drabble turned out to be so soft and sweet! 🥹
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"Dada," Narfi sobbed on Loki's arm; head lolling from side to side against his father's chest. "I know, little prince, I know..." The god whispered and pressed his lips against the top of his son's curly haired head; trying to reassure him. In vain. Narfi kept on whining and sobbing.
"Are your earaches worse, huh?" The little boy just snivelled and rubbed his snotty nose against Loki's t-shirt. He sighed, "Thought so." and shifted the two-year-old on his arm, so that he could check on his temperature. "But I think your fever sunk a bit. That's good."
Narfi had caught a nasty flu. Well, only because Ella had caught it. He got it from his big sister and well, you... You caught it as well. Everybody was knocked out by it. Except Loki. Perhaps it was his godly biology, which prevented him from getting sick easily. A thing which you were glad about, because he could look after you and the kids. A task he submitted himself to happily.
The god walked with the toddler still on his arm into the kitchen, in order to give him some meds against the flu itself and especially earaches. The boy swallowed bravely the disgustingly tasting medicine. "There you go," Loki pressed a kiss on his forehead. "You are so brave, sweet boy." Narfi sobbed once more and cuddled back against his dad's chest; little arms looping around his neck.
"Come on, little prince, time for a nap." He carried Narfi into the living room and laid down with him on the sofa; knowing that his son was way too clingy and wouldn't let go of him now.
Loki's seidr helped Narfi's earaches at least a little bit and so he slept in on top of Loki; snugly wrapped up in a blanket. It was absolutely cosy and Narfi's weight upon his upper body so comfortable, it almost lulled the raven haired god to sleep as well. He was about to doze off, when a quiet voice brought him back down to earth.
At the sound of your voice, Loki's eyes immediately flew open; head turning to face the door. His heart broke then and there, as he saw you standing there, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket. You were utterly pale and had deep rings underneath your eyes. He could see how weak you were and how bad you felt. The flu had really taken its toll on you...
Loki stood up instantly, but carefully - not to wake the toddler sleeping on his chest, "I'm here, darling." and stepped over to you. "Do you need anything, my love? Can I help you?" You coughed, which caused your whole body to shake; eyes glassy. "I-I dunno, I just... I feel like shit." Then your gaze fell on your son. "H-How's my baby doing?"
Loki pressed a kiss against your forehead; the warmth against his lips radiating from your skin concerned him. "He's doing okay; only slept in about ten minutes ago." You felt how your husband wrapped a strong arm gently around your waist. "Come, darling." You didn't argue, of course, and let Loki guide you back to the bedroom.
He helped you lay down. "Stay here. I'll be right with you. I'm just going to put Narfi down and look after our princess." You nodded and curled yourself up into a ball. Loki let his eyes roam your weak and fragile body with worry on his face, before he left the bedroom again.
Carefully, the god put Narfi down; laying him inside his baby cot and making sure he was warm enough. Of course, he took the baby monitor with him, then went to check on Ella. He hadn't heard a word from her in a few hours. It didn't concern the god much, since she's been sleeping a lot in the past days; letting her body work to get the flu out of its system.
Slowly, he opened the door to her room and peeked inside. He was right. His daughter was fast asleep; curled up underneath her blanket. Soft snores left her lips, due to her stuffy nose. On tiptoes, he walked over and placed a hand on her forehead. Ella's fever was gone. Loki smiled softly. At least someone of his family was getting better.
The raven haired god leaned down and kissed her forehead as well; tucking the girl back in properly and left the room again.
Before he returned to you, he made you another cup of camomile tea and took some of your meds with him.
He found you just like he left you... Curled up on the bed. "Darling..." He stepped over and sat down on the edge of the bed. You turned to him. "I made you some tea and brought you medicine. It's time for you to take them," Loki spoke in a quiet voice; handing you the meds and the bottle of water, standing on your nightstand.
Again, you nodded and took the medicine; along of a small sip of hot tea. Loki helped you to get comfortable then; fluffing your pillow and making sure that you were comfortable. "Is that to your liking, my love? Are you comfortable?" "Y-Yes, thank you." Your husband gave you a soft smile. "Anything else you need?" Your soft, glassy Y/E/C met his. "You... Just you... Please..." You reached for his hand; his warm palm engulfing yours.
Another soft smile grazed his lips and he dipped his head to press a kiss against the skin of your hand, before he let go of you again and quickly rounded the bed to join you. Loki cuddled up against you; curled his body against yours. "Is that okay, darling?" "Mhh..." You hummed; "Perfect." closing your eyes. "Thank you for taking care of us." Loki kissed your neck. "Of course, my love. Always."
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Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @multifandom-worlds @herdetectivetheorist @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @brokenpoetliz @km-ffluv @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @cakesandtom @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @ainsley30 @lovingchoices14 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980 @totsnotlynn @loki-laufeyson223 @vbecker10 @lulubelle814
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
to tell you is too scary (so I'll just say something else)
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ now playing: lizzy mcalpine - "pancakes for dinner"
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summary: nightmares don't usually translate to reality, but you call sakusa for the first time in years. just to be safe.
wc: 1k
cw/tags: gn!reader and post-timeskip!sakusa, nightmare about a plane crash but nothing descriptive, angst/comfort with happy ending, childhood friends to lovers (??), dialogue-driven, he hates everyone but you
note: yayy first @ficsforgaza gift post for @froggiewonder17 !! i tried out a different layout for the top section of this post, lmk if y'all like it! thank you again for donating to help palestinian families, i hope you like this :)) my f4g masterpost can be found here!
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated!
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Your thumb trembles over the call button next to his contact, hovering and waiting for some unseen force to make you stop. Your hand keeps shaking, no matter how hard you try to stop it; the ravaged skin of your cuticles is stained with dried blood from your constant picking and scratching. Dread crashes again in a wave and you find yourself trapped under the water, gasping for air that wasn’t being inhaled. With a knot in your lungs, instinct takes over and taps your phone. 
The three ascending notes of the phone dialing his number sound far away and you unexpectedly heave out a choked sob. He’d probably changed his number or deleted yours. Maybe he would simply glance at the unknown caller ID and ignore it entirely, returning to his drink with all his teammates at the bar. You didn’t know him anymore. 
You didn’t know him anymore. 
Your palm slams onto the red circle and you curl into as tight of a ball as you can muster, disappearing into the corner of your bedroom. It’s stupid, calling him because of the first night terror you’d had in a decade. When you were kids, he was always your first call when your eyes flew open. I’m with you, I’ve got you, he said. He guided you when adrenaline turned into anxiety, when the void outside your window was unfathomably dark. He’d stay until your breathing evened into a sleeping rhythm and wouldn’t hang up until your phone died or you woke up the next morning. He was there every time you were drowning, and your soul didn’t know what to do without its safety ring except sink, 
and sink, 
and sink…
CALLER ID: Kiyoomi💛💚
You stare at your phone screen illuminating the blankets like a beacon. Blinking once, then twice, you wait for it to disappear like a hallucination or a trick of your psyche. It doesn’t, and when you have half the mind to reach for your phone, the screen disappears. You’d missed the call. Maybe it was a trick of the mind? 
(1) MISSED CALL - Kiyoomi💛💚
CALLER ID: Kiyoomi💛💚
You’re faster this time, snatching your phone from the covers and swiping the “answer call” button to the side. It’s quiet on the other end of the line for a moment, but he’s there. He always was, wasn’t he?
“Hey,” he says gently. There’s faint noise in the background of where he is, sounds of conversations and telecom announcements. Even with the sound of rolling wheels, he’s still clear. “You called.” Fifty minutes away, Kiyoomi imagines you nodding in the silence, maybe wiping a stray tear with the corner of your fitted sheet. “You’re safe?” You hum a shaky mhmm, still unable to force out any words. He murmurs your name, coaxing you out of your tight ball. “I need to hear you say it.”
“I’m safe,” you reply after a breath. Based on your voice alone, he could tell the night terror happened no more than five minutes before you called. “I just–I’m sorry if I–”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it,” he reassures you, immediately shooting Atsumu a withering glare when he tries to dance up to Kiyoomi’s less busy part of the airport. The MSBY team’s international flight was canceled an hour ago, but he was still trying to figure out if he wanted to stay with his teammates at a closer hotel. The present situation felt, literally and metaphorically, like you were calling him home. 
“There was a plane,” you say in a broken whisper. He strains to hear your crackling voice and shakes his head adamantly when Bokuto and Hinata try to join Atsumu’s antics. Now was not the time to fuck around with him. “You were on it, and something went wrong, and it–There was an accident and…I just had to watch it happen. I had to watch it happen and I couldn’t do anything.” Your voice cracks and trails off, making Kiyoomi’s chest twist like a wrung towel. Your friendship was strained after Kiyoomi’s second Nationals, fading completely until there was nothing left when you graduated except photobooth strips from third grade. He kept your number, though, in case something like this ever happened. In case you needed him again or he needed you, he never decided.
“Are you–are you home right now?” Another broken mhmm. “Can I see you?”
“You’re not overseas?”
“I was supposed to be, as of an hour ago,” he admits, running an exasperated hand through his curls and straightening his track jacket collar. A flash of light catches the corner of his eye. Cameras, cameras, cameras, always. He clicks his tongue disapprovingly, continuing, “But, the flight got delayed and ultimately canceled because of maintenance issues. We’re probably gonna have to postpone the game.”
“I’m sorry, Omi.” You hear him shrug in that indifferent manner that always seemed to come down when he was with you. All his walls, actually, came down when he was with you. 
“I don’t care, honestly. My question still stands.” He swallows thickly, begging you to say yes for both of your sakes. When his phone showed your contact photo for the seven seconds you called, it awakened grief in him he thought he’d buried years ago. By all accounts, Sakusa Kiyoomi desperately missed you. “I can be there in an hour. I’ll take a car, I don’t care how much it costs.” 
“It’s–it’s fine, you really should stay with your team and rest,” you mutter, always the selfless one worrying about his well-being. You were too good to him, letting him cancel plans for training camps and tournaments, always letting him go. “I don’t want you missing another flight if it comes up.” 
Too bad that, when it came to you, Kiyoomi had decided long ago he’d always be selfish. 
“Say you need me and I will be there.” You don’t hesitate. 
“I need you here, Omi,” you murmur. He’s gone in seconds–mind, body, and soul. His body acted instinctually, running on nothing else but the sole purpose of getting home to you. With a wad of cash and an Olympic athlete’s intellect calculating the fastest way to reach you, he vows that you would never need to say you needed him again.
Because he’d say he needed you instead.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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Headcanons for Zev and Rolan to tide you all over until I can nail down a plot for the poll winner fic.
How they take care of Tav
The grumpy wet cat of a man is a little less grumpy and wet when Tav is tired or hurting.
If they're returning home after a long road full of fights and sleepless nights, Rolan takes a gentle approach.
After making sure they have something to eat and drink in front of them, he's drawing them a hot bath.
If they return with more severe injuries, then God's help Tav.
Scolding and fussing, cursing, and name calling.
He does it out of love, we know this.
Still feeds them and draws them a bath.
Helps remove their armor, all the while tutting and making aggravated comments about "always playing hero" or "can't go a day without a fight" even though tav knows he doesn't mean it.
Once they're in the bath, he sits beside the tub
He'd like to join him, but the tub isn't that big, and when there are two people, his tail gets painfully twisted
He talks them into comfort, what Cal and Lia have been up to, how things are at the tower, and stories about the threw siblings growing up.
Uses his long, glorious nails to really help scrub Tav's hair.
Purposely dumps the water over their head to help rinse without letting them cover their eyes.
Immediately feels bad when they yelp in pain.
Coos and helps rinse it out, pretending be just wasn't thinking.
After the bath wraps them in soft sleeping clothes and puts them to bed (mother hen, who?)
When Tav asks if he's joining them he replies "now now, I've got things to do. You sleep, I'll be back later."
And he does, once Tav is sleeping.
He watches then for a moment before sighing at their bruised Visage and whispering things about "my poor angel'
Curls up behind them, holding them tight.
Tails wrapped around their leg and arms squeezing them.
Falls asleep beside them, holding them like he can protect them from the life they've chosen.
Has almost certainly been either on the road with his beloved Tav or staying in their camp
He knows he said he'd like to retire in the city, but once he realized he loved someone who was such a menace to their own health, those plans went right out the window.
Fighting by their side is part of his way of showing care. Watching their back, shielding them from harms way, even if they scold him for it later.
His approach to love and care is so much more obvious than Rolan's.
Constant loving stares and words of affirmation, reverence to the person who dared show him kindness and love that he though he didn't deserve.
And when the day is done and a browbeaten Tav returns to him, he's got a hand on their back or an arm around their waist in an instant, leading them to the fire to eat and relax.
Watches carefully as he makes sure they eat least one full serving of their meal. Tail wagging in pleasure when they do.
Humming old Eltural lullabies while helping them clean up by whatever stream or river is near.
Brushing their hair is his favorite.
Once in their tent, he's pulling blankets over Tav and urging them to sleep. Strokes their hair until they are.
Stays up after they're resting, watching them, watching the camp for danger, enjoying the stars.
When exhaustion finally wins, he's back in the tent, curling up in a protective little ball by their side closer to the tents entrance so if anyone tries to get in they'll trip over him and wake Tav.
If Tav is ever severely injured, Avernus take this man, he is a wreck.
That face he makes when the guy gets shot by goblins in the Grove? That immediately followed by tears and sobs.
Even if it's not life-threatening, he's on this knees at their side and begging them not to go.
The most careful and methodical medical treatment Tav has ever received followed by the most protective and clingy Zev there's ever been.
He insists on doing everything for them now. He won't let them in harms way again.
Just a sad, overprotective, DILF of a paladin who loves his Tav.
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Disrespectful Dick choking you and not letting you breathe until you cum for him 😮‍💨 I am thinking THOUGHTS
your thoughts have killed me. im dead. im asking for your hand in marriage.
Dick’s hand curls over your neck, his fingers pressing firm and unyielding against your throat. Every single thought in your head splinters apart when you try to inhale around the pressure, but the oxygen just drags thin and empty into your lungs; it's not enough.
He tightens his fist, only a fraction, but you practically hit the roof.
“Oh–” You gasp, chest heaving, words barely audible. “–oh fuck.”
“There you go.” Dick praises, grinding his hips up into the space between your legs. “There’s my good girl.”
Hands tied behind your back you tip your head away from Dick’s hand, trying to find a way to get something substantial into your chest. He follows your motion, sniggers and grins at the look on your face, halfway between pleading and utter bliss.
“No, no, baby. You can’t run from this.” He drawls, “You’ve got nowhere to go, tied up and sat on my cock. You’ve got to take it, you don’t have a choice.”
His fist loosens just a fraction and you hardly have the chance to inhale before he tightens it again, forcing you to work for even a scrap of breath. The rush of blood through your veins is deafening and you grind down, fuck yourself on Dick’s thick cock.
Using his free hand, Dick circles your wet, twitching clit with his thumb. The little nub throbs against the pad of his thumb and Dick smirks, his gaze dark and penetrating. He glances at your face, sees your shoulders flex when you tug at your restraints.
Whimpering as loud as you can, you barely manage to make it audible. Dick hears it but does nothing other than thrust up into your soaking pussy, cutting off the sound into a pitiful pleading moan.
You’re utterly helpless and he knows it.
“Love having you like this, baby.” Dick breathes, still strumming your aching clit with his thumb. “You look almost pathetic really, I mean look at you, you’re about to cry, aren’t you?”
Dick blurs before your eyes, his pretty face morphing into a watery splash of vague colours and shapes. Tears bubble up along your lower lashes and stream down your cheeks, throat working hard against his palm.
Shuddering in his lap you barely have the strength to lift your hips, have resorted to grinding desperately, rocking just enough to get his fat length hitting the right spots inside you. Your arousal leaks out around his cock, drooling over his full balls and smearing wet and sticky over his navel.
Letting you pull in another breath, Dick hums thoughtfully when you clamp around his cock, clit swelling and throbbing in warning.
“I’m not letting you breathe until you come.” He says, and his voice is wicked. “Does your cockdrunk brain understand that, baby? Come all over my cock and I'll let you breathe, ‘kay?”
Fighting against the bonds around your wrists you sob and try to say his name, but you can hardly think, thoughts swimming and shattering halfway up your throat.
“You’re not breathing until your wet little cunt squeezes my cock.” Dick growls, stuffing himself into your pussy, stretching you open. “I know you’re close, I can feel you getting tighter. Are you going to come or pass out first?”
Gasping open mouthed for breath that Dick won’t allow you to have, you convulse, pussy exploding and clamping down around his cock.
“There we fucking go.” Dick moans, releasing your throat immediately. “You dirty girl, only sluts come from being choked.”
You wail in response, voice raw and choked up, tears streaming down your cheeks, “Dick–ohmygod fuck.” You gasp for breath, head spinning. “I can’t–shit fuckfuckfuck–I can’t…”
His hand rests over your throat again, not squeezing, just resting there. Your pulse pounds hard enough that you’re convinced he can feel it.
“I think you can.” Dick says. “I think I can make you come again…I think you want to come again.” Rubbing tight circles on your clit he hums when you flinch. “It’s not like you can do anything to stop me with your hands tied behind your back anyway.”
“Please!” You try, unable to come down from your high with the way he keeps thumbing at your sensitive bundle of nerves. “Pleasepleaseplease. Dick–baby–please.”
“I knew you wanted to come again, baby.” Dick grins, interpreting your pleas in the way that best benefits him. “Such a greedy little pussy.”
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
Big Girls Don't Cry
CEO!Steve Rogers x co-CEO!Reader from It Had To Be You series
prompt from this dirty ask game, and I'll give you a hint--they absolutely do cry, and in this instance, Steve, uh, really likes it.
Summary: It goes against everything his Ma taught him, and his every instinct to protect, but Steve is willing to comfort you in any way you please after a horrible meeting ruins your mood.
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Warnings for smuuuuuuuuuut, and we do not waste a single sentence of lead-in. This is a little rougher than usual for these two, and it took an angsty turn, which I guess means I will have to write a makeup for them... MINORS DNI. Kiddos and my delicate flowers, you can find something else to delight you on my Light Masterlist, but not here. WC ~1.1k
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"I know, precious, I know," Steve soothes with a rough grip to your shoulder, keeping you from sliding farther across the satin bed sheets as his hips wetly slap your ass. "Let it out, sweetheart."
The arch of your back deepens when you bury your face and sob. He continues to keep his pace steady, just like he promised.
Steve sits up, adjusting his knees until his thrusts visibly shove your jiggling ass higher, and slowly pets that broad hand down your sweaty spine.
"That's it," he whispers.
Peppered in with your tears are grunts of anger. He understands only a little, but after the morning's disaster of a meeting, he'll do anything to make up for his blunder.
You take over and bounce on his length, pumping him with your tight pussy while Steve eagerly watches himself disappear and reemerge shinier with your dripping arousal.
This...shouldn't be the hottest sex you two have ever had. He should feel awful about walking you into a conference room of chauvinists, encouraging you to ignore their snide comments, and whiffing the opportunity to stick it to them.
You did everything he should have, and now he has to grovel in whatever position you demand. He can't question or argue. He can't comment on the how loudly you cry for him to fuck you harder. He can't mention that he found you hiding in your old apartment, curled on the couch, soaking the sleeves of a baggy sweatshirt with your tears. He can't take time to parse how you went from that to jumping in his arms, to ripping off his clothes, to pushing him into the bedroom, and to presenting your bare sex.
Who is he to argue? Steve is but a man in love...
God, it feels like your sucking his soul out of his body though. His face is scalding with desperate embarrassment that he really likes how this afternoon took a turn.
He's not going to last if you keep this up, so his goal changes from glorified fuck-boy to proper boyfriend. Steve can only take so much crying from anything other than pleasure. Your frustration has to be mostly worked out by now, right?
"Come 'ere, precious," he gasps, holding your hips still as he leans to kiss your shoulder. His arm threads beneath you and lifts, pinning your back to his front and stretching both of you to face the headboard.
He painted you that picture which hangs above it. He's noticing it's askew, probably from the repeated smack of your bed upon the wall. Steve resolves to fix that later.
Instead, he keeps his arm locked beneath your breasts, free hand snaking down between your legs and slapping gently. He can feel the strike in his balls.
You yelp, and damn, he is liking this.
He smacks again, softer this time, like a kitten swat for your undivided attention. "Give me a big one," he rumbles, beard scratching at the column of your neck where he licks a stripe. "Please."
The begging never fails to make you whine. Steve knows this, so he keeps pleading for you to come while his slick fingers circle your clit. He can touch the base of his cock in those same strokes, nudging at your sweet spot with pointed ruts from behind.
Shit, he's close.
Your mewls are tinged with sadness, your head falling back against his pec, eyes closed with tears still escaping the corners.
"Hey, hey, look at me, baby."
A slow, heavy gaze locks onto his.
"Fuck those guys. You are everything, precious. Everything."
Steve hopes you can't hear the unhinged crack to his voice as he feels his orgasm wrenching through his gut.
He lowers his lips to yours to mutter "I love you" against them and spanks your mound one last time before he loses control, cum leaking into the condom, threatening to fill to the brim.
The band in your belly snaps, too, tensing your body in his arms, forcing him to hold you up as your legs curl forward and off the mattress.
Steve keeps a slow, steady pace of rubbing again, swallowing your powerful moans in a greedy kiss, letting himself fall back to his heels and come hard with you.
"Beautiful," he praises. "So perfect..."
Your limbs jolt while you ride out the aftershocks, and he moves his hand to press you flush with him, no need for the sharp angle of your spine when he slips out easily now.
But you're still crying when he lowers you to rest on your side. Your body immediately shrinks like it was on the couch.
"Shhh, my good girl," Steve tries. "It's okay. You're alright."
He sees you shiver and scrambles to find the blanket, tucking it around you but not giving you space to hide your face.
He cups your cheek so you can't cover your eyes either, thumb sweeping across the wet streaks left behind, asking if you're ready to talk to him about it, but you shake your head.
"I love you," you do say. "I just hate you a little right now."
Steve frowns.
He shouldn't have given in. He shouldn't have taken the bait. He knew this wouldn't fix anything.
He thought you needed it, though, thought you needed him. He wants to be needed. He thrives on being needed by someone so independent.
Professionally, Steve's always been needed for his products, his poise, his persistence. Personally, he feels like nothing but a burden.
That feeling crossed over today, and he hated himself just a little, too.
He cleans himself up, returns to wipe you gently with a warm cloth, and drapes a fluffy towel over you to layer under the blanket, worried that the overhead fan you insist stays on will give you chills from sweating.
He's not leaving, and he tells you as much before settling to face you on the pillows.
When you don't answer, your eyes open but staring down and away from him, he offers, "I can't go back in time, precious, but I can promise I will never kowtow to men like that ever again."
You huff judgingly.
"I'll believe that when I see it, Rogers."
He'll take it, begrudgingly, but Steve lives to fight another day for your renewed respect. For the moment, all he can do is vow to succeed or die trying.
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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mxqdii · 8 months
also I have a request
so reader is dating Sam or Colby (you pick❤️). Reader is alone at a haunted location with just Sam or just Colby (does this make sense?) say it was Sam, they are just the two of them and say there were trespassers and they were threatening the two and reader has a panic attack and Sam defend them (Sam or Colby) and calm reader down on the way home.
is that doable?
when part three comes can you tag my other acc
take my breath away - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: a day with the boys doesn't go as expected
warning(s): panic attacks, mention of ghosts (??) idk.
a/n: so i see u said just the two of them, but i only realized after i finished writing it... i'm sorry! i hope this is still okay 😭
not proofread
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"are you guys sure this is a good idea?" i say as me, sam and colby enter the gate
"too late now! unlocking that gate took forever" sam says, walking ahead
"we're all gonna die" i mumble sarcastically, scoffing at the boys skipping together joyfully
we decided not to vlog this one, since, well..
we're trespassing.
it's okay though! atleast that's what the boys told me (and what i'm telling myself)
"hey, you okay?" colby, my boyfriend, asks.
"yeah i'm fine, just worried about being shot by a police officer" i say, giving him a look
"calm down, we'll be fine!" he speaks over confidently
"whatever you say" i groan
"woah! guys this place is so cool, let's use the spirit box here" sam yells from ahead, taking off his backpack and grabbing the box
we all listen, hearing a few random meaningless words, until...
my phone starts buzzing, which makes us all jump
"sorry, my alarm- it's midnight if anyone cares" i say, signaling for us to get out of here
"leave" the spirit box says
"yes please- wait was that the box?" i mumble
"trespassing" the box says
"guys i don't like this.." i mumble, reaching over to grab colby, looking over realizing he's nowhere to be found
"g-guys?" i say, realizing i've been left alone with only the spirit box
"guys this isn't funny. you got me okay? i'm scared." i yell into the distance, hoping to be met with colby's voice or sams laughter
but i don't hear that, instead something worse
the bushes besides me start rustling, and i feel tears brim my eyes
"h-hello?" i almost whisper
this is too much. i wanna go home.
my legs start moving before i can think and i run back to the car, hoping to find sam and colby there, but no.
i realize, i don't have the keys, leaving me in the dark parking lot surrounded by woods, alone.
okay, it's fine, i'm fine, i'll call them.
this is when i start freaking out, because what am i supposed to do now??
the only thing i can think to do, cry.
i let myself lean against the locked car door, eventually curling into a ball on the floor
i'm currently a sobbing mess at midnight, alone and cold.
the more i'm sat here with my thoughts, the harder it gets to breathe, causing me to panic.
i try to calm my breathing but can't, colby always helped me with panic attacks, i need colby.
i don't know how much time passed, but eventually, i felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see colby
thank god.
"colby-" i try to say more but the words get caught in my throat
"shh, baby it's okay. breathe for me okay?" he says
he sits down to my level, pulling me into his lap
"i'm so sorry. we thought it'd be funny to hide but we got lost, i'm so sorry baby that wasn't funny, i know." he hushes my cries, helping me with my breathing along the way
his hands stroking my hair and his smooth rhythm of breaths calm me down,.
(even though his heart is racing)
i snap out of my panic, looking up at him.
i shove my fist into his chest, not hard enough to hurt bad
(as if you could)
"ow!" he says, almost out of instict
"never do that again" i huff
"never again." he repeats back to me, kissing my forehead.
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @anythingsamandcolby
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stanfordswifey · 17 days
"I'll be here for you, my love"
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Ford Pines x reader
You've been in the hospital for 5 years straight, your cancer developing and spreading. The tumor you had ignored had now developed and evolved, spreading to your organs, causing your stage 1 liver tumor to evolve into stage 4 metastasis.
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Just yesterday the doctor walked into your room quietly, it was unusual. She had some news to break to you. "I'm afraid you only have a couple more days left. I've told you this before but its any time now, i'm sorry." You smiled at her, noticing the tear falling down her cheek and frown mentally, keeping a fake strong facade. "It's not your fault. I'm glad you tried your.best and never gavs up on me." Your hand curls into a ball under the sheet, doing your best to sray strong. The doctor left soon after, leaving you alone in the room with only your thoughts, your brain wandered 'will i tell ford?' 'Will he be okay?' 'I hope he's going to be fine without me'
You stared mindlessly at the ceiling, thoughts and memories rolling around in your mind like a film for a movie, you curse at the solidarity of your life, eventually falling asleep. You felt pathetic, worthless even, knowing that your husband too busy to even worry about you.
(You eventually fall asleep and wake up the next day)
It was another dreary day at the hospital, the sight of white boring walls and minimalistic decor making you lose your sanity by the minute, not having anything to suppress the agonizing pain you felt in your body.
-ford's pov-
"It has been a while since I last visited them at the hospital"
He murmurs, to no one but himself.
You've been gone for so long, off he visited you time to time, but ultimately focusing on the portal more and more to distract himself from worrying about you too much.
As he was working on his portal, his phone suddenly rang, causing him to jump at the sudden sound, rolling his eyes as he pushes himself away from the table (yk those chairs w wheels he basically just rolled over to the phone LMAO).
He accepts the call, ruffling his hair in frustration.
"Ford Pines here, who is this?"
"Ah, sorry, I'm doctor may here, what is your relationship to (reader)?"
He hums, fidgeting with a machine part with his fingers
"I'm their fiancé, what's wrong?"
The doctor clears her throat on the other line,
"I'm sorry to tell you, their tumor has started to spread to numerous other organs, I fear they don't have much time left.."
Ford feels his stomach drop, his hand loosening.
"I suggest you get them out of the hospital and just spend time together, I'm afraid there isn't much we can do now. It's best to spend time while they're still here"
"..I see, thank you doctor."
The call ended, he immediately drops his phone and covers his face with his hands, tears falling down. They really couldn't do anything now. He didn't know what to do.
That night he spent his time sobbing, thinking of ways to help you, looking for a cure, a remedy, anything to help you, he failed miserably.
After a couple hours of thinking it over and breaking down he decided to pick you up from the hospital and spend time together, if you couldn't be there for the entirety of his life, atleast he'd be there for yours.
Hi hi!! This was shitty! I havent written anything for a while T~T please do send me some ideas/requests or if I did anything wrong plz do comment it down, also English isn't my first language so It's not perfect, this will be like 2 or 3 parts? I dont know yet but I will update :33 thank you again for reading <33
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nrdmssgs · 1 month
I'd like to be the one Nikto comes home to. Even if I was kidnapped by him (let's be honest in this economy having everything paid for, and you only have to take care of his home, his needs, and his big fur ball? I'd be on board 100%)
Like yes Love you go do your war stuff and I'll be here with my books and games. Me and Spud will snuggle while you're gone.
"Nikto! Bloody-... No, give me another one, he needs more... Nikto, don't you dare! Stay with us!"
His body produces a bunch of worrying sounds. Wheezing, gurgling, hoarse groans. Like a plane, that flew as long as it had fuel. And then a bit more. With all the engines dead, leaning against the cold wind, he glided as far as he could.
Someone was shouting right above his face - Nikto couldn't care less about that. He glided to the horizon and finally lowered his burning aluminium belly into the cool water. A great war machine could finally rest, enjoying the last rays of a sunset and slowly falling apart.
"This is the end," breathed out the left wing, cracking under the temperature difference.
"We flew so long," shivered the fuselage in cooling evening air.
"We rest now," yawned the jet engine, filling its mouth with water.
So many voices for one tired body.
Nikto drifts to slumber, not carrying about whatever his comrades are so nervous about. What is important now is that he can finally rest. From this blinding light, from their and his voices, from chaos. Just rest.
"You fucking kidding me! After everything, we have been through?! I won't let you!"
They can't just let Nikto go. But now it causes nothing but mild irritation. Why do they need him? Why does he need himself? Wouldn't it be easier to just-
"You promised her to come back, you piece of shit!" This time his squadmates voice hit in the right spot.
A soft image formed from cloudy pieces of memories. You. Your face, your body curled up on a couch in your common house. His lifeline.
The voices woke up again to bring him memories they managed to scrap together. One brought a vision of your eyes, full of life and hope, waiting for him. Others remembered your laughter, a sound that had always brought light to the darkest of days.
You were waiting for him.
A sharp breath filled his chest with air as he realized what he was about to lose. The thought of you alone, waiting endlessly for someone who would never return, twisted something deep inside him. The warmth of your last embrace, the whispered promises of your future together - they all surged back to Nikto, flooding his senses with a desperate need to hold on.
His heart pounded against the odds, and his hands clawed at the earth beneath him. He couldn't let go, not now, not ever.
All because somewhere out there was a house you two called home. And inside it - there were you.
Somewhere out there - a place where he can let himself feel a little more. There is a door he would swing open - and there would you stand with eyes widened in disbelief.
You would run to him, and he would catch you - he always does. He would bury his face in your hair, taking in the warmth of your body. Maybe you would sob into his chest, clutching him tightly as if afraid he might disappear again. And so you two would stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the rest of the world forgotten. His heart would pound against yours, and he would feel the steady rhythm of your breath, grounding him.
You would be the reason, he always returns.
That is of course, if you, these memories, his squadmates voices and everything around him is real, and not just a fairytale, one of his voices came up with.
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canirove · 1 month
Kenan Yildiz Imagine
Author’s note: I said to myself that I wasn't going to write for anyone younger than Pedri, but I liked this request I got on Wattpad because I myself got a wisdom tooth removed this summer, and even though I've never heard of this player before, my youngest cousin follows him on Instagram and I said to myself, he can't be that bad 😅 So... yeah. Something hopefully cute where I've written a bit about my own experience getting a wisdown tooth removed, but with the addition of a cute guy taking care of the reader 😁 Hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💜
“There you are” Kenan smiles as I leave the dentist’s office. “How are you feeling? Are you ok? They took their time, didn't they? I know it was just a wisdom tooth and that it was in a weird position, but I hope nothing bad happened, because I've read some things and… What are you doing?” he asks me as I move my hand in the air. “I don't understand. Are you ok? Are you in pain? Fainting? Should I call someone for help?”
“Bloody hell” I say to myself while rolling my eyes and trying to snatch my bag from his arm.
“Oh, you wanted this! Sorry, babe” he chuckles as I take it and struggle to open it with one hand, the other holding an ice pack to my face. “Here, let me help you” he says, finally doing something useful and opening my bag for me while I get my phone and start typing. “I can't talk yet. And don't call me babe” he reads when I show him what I typed. “Oh, sorry. Are we allowed to go home? Cool” Kenan says when I nod. 
“So…” Kenan says once we make it to my place and I let myself fall on the sofa. “What can I do for you? More ice?”
“Here” I whisper, giving him the list with all the things my dentist suggested. 
“Lots of ice to avoid swelling and bruising, eat ice cream, ice lollies, and nothing hot, just soft foods, a bunch of medicines… Ok. Can I leave you alone for a bit while I go buy it all or would you prefer it if I stayed and gave you some cuddles?” he says, kneeling next to me and gently caressing my head when I lay down. 
“You can go. I think I'm gonna take a nap” I whisper again, barely able to open my mouth.
“Perfect. I'll be as fast as I can, ok?”
“Maybe not too fast. I don't want you having an accident or something.”
“Just a bit quick, then” he smiles, kissing my forehead and leaving. 
“Honey, I'm home! Shit, maybe I shouldn't have been so loud, you said you were going to take a nap and… Oh my God, babe. What happened? Why are you crying?” Kenan says, throwing away the bags he was carrying and running towards me.
“It hurts” I sob, sitting up. “It hurts so much.”
“Urgh, I'm so sorry” he says before hugging me. “I should have been back earlier, but there were so many people everywhere, both in the shops and on the road…”
“My medicine?”
“I got it, don't worry. Why don't I make you something to eat so you can take it, uh?”
“Please. I'm starving.”
“Ok” he smiles.
“Kenan!” I yell when he touches my cheek. “That hurts!”
“Sorry, I'm sorry” he apologizes. “I didn't realise and… I'm sorry.”
“Now it is even worse because I hurt myself when I yelled at you!” I cry. 
“I'm so so sorry. I'm an idiot.”
“Yes, you are!”
“I'm sorry” he says once again. “I'm gonna make you something to eat, ok? Something soft and cold. A sandwich, perhaps?”
“Ok” I nod, laying down again and curling myself into a ball, the pain being almost unbearable since besides feeling it all over my mouth, it has moved up to my ear for whatever the reason.
“Your lunch, my lady” Kenan says, joining me again on the sofa a few minutes later. “A sandwich made with the softest bread, jam and cheese. Do you want me to cut it for you so it is easier to eat?”
“Please” I whisper, sitting up again.
“I've also brought you some cold water to drink. It may feel nice.”
“Thank you” I say, trying to smile. But even that hurts. “Oh, c'mon!”
“What happened?”
“I can't drink” I say, looking down at my wet t-shirt and starting to cry again. 
“It is just water, babe. It's ok” he says, wiping away my tears and cleaning my chin with a napkin. “Here, have a bite.”
“Thank you” I sob. 
“What happened now? Is it because I called you babe?” Kenan asks me when I start crying again. “I'm sorry, I know you don't like it, but…”
“Chewing hurts!”
“Ok, umm… Do you want some ice cream instead?”
“What ice cream did you buy?”
“Your favourite, of course” he smiles. “Stracciatella.”
“I can't eat that, Kenan! It has bits of chocolate!”
“Oh, shit. That's true. I… I'm so sorry. I…”
“This is the worst thing ever!” I cry, laying down again. “I'm useless!”
“Hey, no. You are the strongest person I know. You can and will survive this, you hear me?”
“I won't” I whisper.
“You will” he says, getting up from the sofa and leaving me alone while I just cry. Though while I do it, I can hear him talking to himself on the kitchen, opening and closing drawers and the fridge a few times. “Ok, let's try this.”
“What?” I say, wiping away my tears and looking at him as he sits down again.
“Yogurt. You don't have to chew it and it is soft and cold. It is perfect! Now, open your mouth.”
“Are you seriously going to feed me as if I was a baby?”
“Well, you are my baby even if you hate it when I call you babe” he smirks.
“Idiot” I reply, rolling my eyes.
“C'mon, let's start just with a tiny bit” Kenan says.
“Fine” I sigh, opening my mouth as much as I can without hurting myself too much.
“It's ok.”
“Another one?”
“We are gonna be here until tomorrow if you plan on making me eat all of that like this.”
“I don't have anything else to do, so” he shrugs, giving me another tiny spoonful. “Besides, even if I did, there is nothing more important than taking care of you.”
“Aww, Kenan… If pouting didn't hurt, I would give you a kiss.”
“We'll save it for when you can, then” he winks. “C'mon. Eat this so you can take your pills and sleep for a bit.”
“Ok. I love you, you know?”
“I know. I love you too” he smiles.
“Oh my God!” 
“What? What happened? Please tell me your teeth aren't falling off” Kenan says, walking into the bathroom.
“It can happen, you know? I saw this Tiktok and…”
“It can't. Don't believe everything you read or see online, especially on Tiktok. And why are you covering your eyes?”
“In case there is blood. You know I struggle with that.”
“There is no blood” I sigh, looking at myself in the mirror. “Though since I look like a monster, maybe you should keep your eyes covered.”
“A monster? What do you mean?”
“Look” I say, turning around. “I look like Yennefer before she became pretty.”
“What?” Kenan chuckles.
“Look!” I say again, pointing at my cheek. “My face is so swollen and bruised that it is as if I've grown another chin or something!”
“Yesterday you got a wisdom tooth removed, babe. That is normal, the dentist said it.”
“This isn't normal. I look so horrible” I say, starting to cry again.
“You could never look horrible” he says, closing the space between us and hugging me. “Ever, you hear me? And this will go away in a couple of days and you'll be back to being Yennefer the hot witch.”
“You know who she is?”
“I've watched “The Witcher” too” he shrugs. “And the only thing that matters now is that you properly recover and aren't in pain. And maybe that your teeth don't fall off.”
“What… Idiot” I say again, rolling my eyes when I see him smirking.
“How are you feeling?” he says, moving to look at me and gently caressing my other cheek, the one that doesn't look like… like whatever the other does.
“A bit sore, but it isn't as bad as yesterday.”
“Good” he smiles, wiping away some of my tears. “So, what do you want to have for breakfast? I thought I could smash some fruit and mix it with the yogurt. Or maybe try with an omelette? I texted my mum yesterday while you were sleeping and she gave some ideas.”
“Did you?”
“Yeah” he says with a shy smile. “I want to take care of you, help you feel better and recover. So I may or may have not spent the day doing research.”
“And watching stupid Tiktoks that make you believe my teeth are going to fall off.”
“That too” he chuckles. “Anyway, what does the lady want for her breakfast?”
“Let's try the omelette. I'm tired of eating like a baby.”
“Ok” he smiles. “And stop saying you look like a monster, because you don't, you hear me? You don't.”
“I don't” I sigh. 
“C'mon” he says, kissing my nose and taking my hand on his before we leave the bathroom. 
“It's gone!” 
“What?” Kenan yawns.
“The bruise! The swelling! It's all gone, look!” I say, turning on the light.
“Too bright!” he complains, covering his face.
“Kenan, look!”
“Urgh” he says, slowly opening his eyes. “You look as beautiful as you always do.”
“I didn't look beautiful last week and you know it” I say, hitting his arm.
“To me you did” he smiles. “But see how I was right and you just needed to be patient?”
“Yeah… Sorry.”
“It's ok” he says, sitting up in the bed and caressing my cheek. “I've missed doing this and not seeing you wince because it hurts.”
“Same” I smile.
“And it also is nice to not feel my hand getting frozen as I hold an ice pack to it to help you.”
“Next time you get injured I'll do it for you, I promise.”
“Or you could get into an ice bath with me” he smirks.
“Umm… no.”
“Ok” he laughs. “Should we go make us some breakfast?”
“I'll do it. Let it be my thank you for being the best boyfriend ever and taking care of me these days. And for dealing with my changes of mood too.”
“Any time. I love you… babe” he smirks, making me roll my eyes.
“I love you too” I reply, not being able to hide my smile before kissing him. 
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sqquidzz · 1 year
"As Long as I'm Here, No One Can Hurt You."
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Summary: Sanemi had found you while he was on a mission chasing a demon, covered in the blood of your own family and crying in your house all alone. He decided to "adopt" you and give you a new home.
Tags: Fluff, slight gore in backstory, Sanemi is a good parent, trauma, PTSD, slight mentions of past abuse, soft Sanemi, protective Sanemi, Y/N reminds Sanemi of Genya, loss of parents, adopting, some sadness, swearing, insults (but Sanemi doesn't really mean it) etc.
A/N: Hello readers! I'm so sorry to those following me that I haven't posted as often as I probably should, I just got writers block and lost all my motivation and I forgot to post something for you guys. I hope this will make up for it. I have not written fluff yet, so I'm hoping you guys will have some improvements for me if there are any. And also, thank you to those who are following me, I really appreciate it! About the story now, PLEASE do NOT read this as a sexual relationship, this is only a PLATONIC relationship. But anyways, enjoy!
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"Get back here, you brat!"
Sanemi was currently chasing you around the house. After a long year of going on missions, Sanemi finally had a break day. Of course, meaning that he could spend that day taking care of you. And coming back to the scene before us, Sanemi swerves around tables and chairs, trying to get you to get back into your room. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, you were also wearing no clothes.
"Nanana Boo Boo!" you giggle as he dives to catch you, but you jump out of the way, blowing a raspberry at his face, snickering as you run away once again and hide, leaving Sanemi wheezing on the floor from chasing you around.
"You better get back into your room you piece of shit, or else I'll kill you!" Sanemi barks as he rises from the floor, getting up and dusting his pants before searching for you.
"Oi, you better not be fooling around my room you little fuck!" Sanemi yells as he searches your room and comes out empty handed.
However, as he approaches his room, he hears quiet sobs through the closed door. Now Sanemi is getting a little concerned.
"Y/N...?" he calls out gently as he opens the door, the door creaking slightly. He ends up finding you on the opposite side of his bed, curled up into a ball, face in your knees as you cry silently, sobs racking your small frame.
"Hey buddy... what's wrong?" Sanemi asks quietly as he reaches out to you with his hand. But immediately after his hand makes contact with your back, you flinch away, head shooting out of your knees as you look wildly around you as if your afraid the world is hunting you.
"Whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you, see?" Sanemi whispers and holds his hands out.
You slightly calm down at the gesture, but your expression is still wary, still feeling like Sanemi was tricking you.
"You wanna tell me why your crying?" Sanemi asks gently as he attempts to hold your hand again. This time, you don't flinch back, sniffling quietly as you stop crying.
"I- I got scared," you whisper out, "I knew you wouldn't hurt me.... but I couldn't help thinking about what they did to me."
Now Sanemi was confused. Who were you talking about? Who did what to you?
"What do you mean, pumpkin?" Sanemi asks. He always used pet names with you, sometimes they would be insulting, but most of the times, he would call you buddy, pumpkin, things like that that made you feel like he really cared.
"M-my parents used to do things to me," you sniffle, "They always said that it was for the best and I believed them for a while. But what they did hurt so much." You burry your face into your knees again, shoulders shaking from newly sprung tears.
Now Sanemi understood.
He had found you as a baby after your parents had been slaughtered in your house. He decided to take you in himself since he didn't want you to end up being an orphan forever or getting adopted by a bad family (bless his kind heart 😭)
However, he had never thought to ask about your past. He just assumed that you had grown up with a normal family that loved and cared for you. Oh how he was wrong.
"Y-your parents...?" Sanemi whispers as you continue to sob out of fear and grief that your parents had in fact abused you and had neglected your well-being entirely.
By now Sanemi was shaking with fury, but not at you. He was shocked. How could someone hurt someone so kind and joyful? How could they rob you of your happiness?
Sanemi took a deep breath. Now is not the time to get violent.
Instead of asking any further about your past, Sanemi simply wraps his arms around you in firm but loving embrace and you bury your head into his shoulder, letting out all of the tears that you held in for so long.
"It's okay Y/N. You safe with me. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you," he coos, rubbing your back to sooth you and calm you.
After a few minutes, you calm down, finally running out of tears to shed and you fall asleep in Sanemi's warm embrace.
He smiles down at you, and as he gazes at you, a memory pops into his head
"Nemi! Nemi!"
"W-what is it?" Sanemi asks, rubbing his eyes, clearing his vision to reveal Genya.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Genya asks nervously, "I had a nightmare and I'm really scared."
Sanemi blinks for a moment, then smiles softly and throws his blanket to the side.
"C'mere," Sanemi sighs, and Genya immediately jumps into his embrace, burying his face into his chest. "Don't worry Genya, as long as I'm hear, no one can hurt you.' (sound familiar?)
A tear runs down Sanemi's cheek.
He hadn't realized until now how much you reminded him of Genya when he was younger. Cheerful, determined, kind. And especially the fact that you love to sleep. (pointer to those manga readers out there)
Sanemi picks you up in his arms, tucking you into bed and watches as you snuggle the blankets closer, savoring their warmth.
He slowly climbs into bed next to you as to not wake you up, and holding you close, he too, falls fast asleep.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 4 months
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[Five Nights at Freddy's] Vanessa Shelly x Female Reader
Summary: When you threaten to leave after the relationship gets rocky, Vanessa begs you to stay.
Word Count: 2.79k Content Warnings: An argument, fear of abandonment Category: Heavy Angst + Slight Fluff || Oneshot / Preference
[A/N]: None of my stories are fully proofread, so apologies for any typos or weird pacing. I'll be answering requests very soon!
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From across the room, you were able to hear the sound of the TV remote slamming down against the coffee table resting a few feet in front of the sofa. When you turned to find the source of the noise, already grimacing, you were met with Vanessa glaring back at you, her eyes narrowed as she stood. A quick breath forced through your lips as you mentally readied yourself for yet another argument you knew you couldn’t prevent. Slowly, Vanessa seemed to skulk forward, though she quickened her pace briefly until she stood before you.
Her arm flew forward to allow her finger to plunge against your chest in accusation, her other hand balled up tightly into a fist at her side to stifle her trembling. All you could do was stare up at her with your lips pressed tightly shut. By then, you knew you weren’t going to win the fight. Ever since her father had shown up again and began to make her night shifts hell, her temper had only shortened further with each hour spent in his presence. Deep down, you knew she didn’t mean to take it out on you. She knew none of it was your fault. Still, it didn’t seem to cause her fury to falter.
She had only gotten home from another shift a few moments prior, and upon spotting you curled up on the couch, she joined you and clicked on the TV, unaware of the way your eyes drooped with fatigue and how you tugged the blanket tightly against yourself when she sat down. You shuffled further against the armrest and groaned at the sudden noise now blaring throughout the room, combined with the brightness of the screen that seemed to burn past your eyelids, disturbing the sleep you so desperately craved.
Confused at your discomfort, Vanessa scooted toward you and softly placed her hand against your leg. With a gentle squeeze to gain your attention, she asked if you were alright. When greeted with grumbles as a response, she could already feel her irritation beginning to bubble up beneath her skin, though she did her best to bite it back.
After a few moments of her prodding for a proper answer, you finally sat up and threw the blanket down on the floor as you stood. You glanced down at her, hardly giving her any attention before shifting around the coffee table to head through the kitchen and into the bedroom. Just as your steps had crossed the threshold, you had heard the remote clatter against the wooden surface you had swerved around, then only turned for a moment before she was in front of you.
She continued to seethe and scowl at you as you simply stayed still and silent. Trying to get a rise out of you, the palm of her hand lightly pushed you back, daring you to snap back at her. Even as she continued to bark insults at you, you managed to steady your mind enough to keep a calm tone. She didn’t mean to start the fight, you knew that, but it didn’t make it any less painful. It would end the same way as always, you were sure. Once she got it out of her system, she would apologize profusely while begging for your forgiveness, only to end up tugging you to the couch or bed to huddle up together and fall asleep.
A silent way to make amends just long enough to forget about it all.
Though you never really forgot. Each screaming match managed to seep into your brain more and more, and each one only brought you closer to tears every time she raised her voice. While she was at work, you were often left sobbing to yourself in bed, recalling the way she’d stare at you and throw accusations at your face. You were never entirely sure if you were in the right or wrong, but you knew it wasn’t right either way.
You didn’t deserve it. No matter how difficult times were for her, you didn’t deserve the constant verbal and emotional torment. When she would leave for her shift, anyone would find you sitting with your nose buried into your laptop once you finished crying. You had started trying to find a couples counselor who would hopefully help bring things together again. Once you found one, you started to think of ways to bring it up to Vanessa, worried she would only start another screaming match again.
As your gaze bored up at her, eyes glazed over with the tears you refused to let fall, it was evident she was only growing more furious when she got no reaction out of you. It seemed she hadn’t even registered the way you shook, or the way your breaths had begun to stutter, or how your fingers had curled into your shirt to clutch at the fabric.
She only continued her barrage of obscene terms directed solely toward you.
You parted your lips once her rant of how you were only bringing her more grief had begun to fizzle out, ready to try and deescalate what had been inevitable the moment she walked through the front door and tossed down her coat. Before the words could leave you, she growled out a few curses before pushing you backward once more.
“God, I wish I had never even met you,” she snarled from merely an inch away from your face.
It only took a second for her features to contort with horror. It was as if she had only just realized how cruel her words had been, finally taking notice of your pained expression as the tears finally sprung free. Your bottom lip shivered as you bit back the sobs. Your head hung heavy in defeat, salty tears trickling down your face and dripping onto the floorboards beneath you while your sorrow grew.
A soft murmur of your name brought you back to your senses after several agonizingly quiet minutes passed. You couldn’t meet her eye, even as she cupped your face and tilted your head upward. With a sniffle, you lifted your hand up far enough to brush hers away, and slowly, you stumbled backward into the kitchen. Resting there by the pantry against the wall, you slipped your keys from their hook and pocketed them.
Upon seeing you striding urgently toward the front door, Vanessa rushed by your side and took hold of your arm. In an attempt to steady her shaky hands, her nails dug into your skin. As gently as she could, she tugged you back toward her, a silent plea to stop.
“Please, don’t go,” she whimpered, a broken cry erupting from her throat. “Please, I don’t want you to leave. I’m so sorry – I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you, I promise. I just can’t lose you. Not like this.” Only for a brief second, you forced yourself to look up from the floor and glare at her. You were able to see the tears streaming down her face, brows pinched tightly together while she squinted, desperately trying to adjust to her blurry vision.
“Stay,” she whispered much softer.
Unable to form the right words, you simply stared at her until you managed to wriggle free from her grasp. Wordlessly, you flipped the locks bolted into the door and tugged it open. It took everything in you not to slam it on your way out.
It flew open again as you unlocked your car and pulled it open to slip inside. Vanessa raced down the steps of the porch to your side, her hand clasping the side of the door to prevent you from shutting it on her. Yet again, pleas poured from her lips, promises of making things right rolling off her tongue in despair. You stayed silent, then motioned for her to move. Once she did, you clutched the handle of the door, then yanked it shut.
When you lowered your eyes to shove the keys into ignition and flick the engine to life, part of you couldn’t help but wonder how things would be if you hadn’t met her the way she claimed she wanted. Your foot released the brake, and the car began to ease backward out of the driveway. Against your will, your eyes tore away from the wheel up at her. She stood there in the now empty plot of the concrete you had drifted away from, arms crossed to let her hands clench her sleeves between her fingers, gaze still trained on you as she watched you pull away.
Your heart throbbed at the sight, and you could feel the tears welling up again.
You backed into the street and drove away.
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Vanessa wobbled in place as she watched the shape of your car disappear in the distance, unable to make out anything clearly as her tears continued to distort her view of the world. She waited, praying you’d turn the car around and hear her out. None of this was what she had wanted. She hadn’t meant to pick another fight, things had just been hectic. Still, there was no reason for her to make her stress your problem, she knew, yet she caused everything anyway.
An hour must’ve passed by the time she realized you wouldn’t be returning anytime soon. Shaky legs carried her back up the steps and into the house. Trudging, she managed to land on the couch before she could fully collapse. Her hands dug into the cushions as she pushed herself into the corner you had been in just before she decided to strike up another war of words.
With the little strength she still had, her arm dropped from the cushions to grab your blanket from the floor and lifted it to wrap around herself. Cool leather met her temple as she leaned against the back of the sofa and shuffled to cover her face with the soft fabric of your blanket, the ability to pick up the smell of your favorite shampoo and perfume on it bringing a very small sense of comfort. Drowsiness began to wash over her senses, nearly stopping her from looking over at the remote she had slammed onto the table, noticing how the force alone had broken the back open.
At the sight of it, her mind wandered back to the fear in your eyes when she had stormed over to you right after. Her lips pulled themselves into a grimace at the thought. To no avail, she wiped at her eyes to dry them, only for them to grow wet again. She should’ve stopped herself. You had been so tired, and all you wanted to do was rest on the couch while you waited for her to get home. All day, she had looked forward to making it home and asking about your day, excited to know you’d ask her right away how her own had been.
However, it seemed she just had to ruin the only time of bliss she would have in between shifts. You were pure comfort to her, and she adored every little thing about you. Her favorite time of the day was when she got to come home to you and spend the rest of the day or night relaxing by your side.
As she sat there on that couch, she couldn’t bite back the whimpers that escaped her when the realization began to dawn on her that she might never get to feel that spark of joy again.
She wouldn’t have you there to greet her at the door and help her strip away her uniform and slip into something more comfortable.
You wouldn’t be there in the kitchen making one of your favorite desserts, or standing there for her to sneak up behind and hug you against her front as she peppered your skin with kisses and asked about your day.
There would be no more late-night cuddle-sessions in bed with you excitedly chattering away about the latest show you had convinced her to watch with you, nor would there be any more mornings where she got to wake up to the sight of you still by her side.
More realizations of what she would lose rushed through her mind and blocked out every other problem she had. She wept and buried her face further into the blanket draped around her shoulders.
At length, she could feel her head pounding and her eyes drooping heavily with exhaustion. All too soon, she found she was too tired to cry, and she let her eyes flutter shut. She wasn’t sure when it happened, but ultimately, she dozed off.
The sound of keys clattering outside followed by the lock on the door clicking woke her up. Her head lifted from her arms, allowing her to blearily look around to regain her bearings. The doorknob rattled, bringing her attention to it and helping her understand the noise. Quickly, she tossed the blanket aside and stood from her spot on the sofa, eyes trained expectantly on the entrance while her heart hammered painfully against her ribs.
Wave after wave of relief crashed over her once she made out your frame in the doorway, meeting your eye as you stepped in and shut the door silently behind you. Afraid of startling you or stepping out of bounds, Vanessa remained planted in her spot. When you stepped closer to her and sat down on the opposite end of the couch, she followed suit and sat back where she had slept shortly before. You kept your eyes on the floorboards, and she mirrored you. Her mind screamed at her to say something – anything at all – but no words formed on her tongue.
As her eyes tore away from the teardrops she left on the wood ground, her heart leapt in her chest when she noticed you staring back at her.
When her name sprung from your lips so softly, she couldn’t stop herself from whimpering with another choked cry. She cleared her throat immediately after and nodded to prove you had her attention. She feared she’d only start sobbing if she tried to speak at that moment.
“Look,” you started quietly. “I don’t want to leave you, okay? But I also don’t want to have to live with the constant fear that you and I are going to keep fighting every single day about the smallest things. I know you’re going through a lot right now, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me so badly. I’m trying so hard to be here for you, Vanessa, but you’ve been making it so hard lately. It feels like you don’t love me anymore. All we do is fight.”
Her heart throbbed and shattered at the mention of you no longer feeling you were valued by her. It was so far from the truth. She admired and adored you so deeply, and she could never find any reason to genuinely hate you. You were everything to her, and it broke her heart to hear you confess your worry that she had fallen out of love with you. She could never fall out of love with you.
Cautiously, she watched you for any sign of discomfort as she slid close enough to cup your hand into hers. “I promise I’ll do anything to show you how much I care. I love you so much, I really do. No matter what it takes, I’ll make things right. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
Your eyes flickered across her face in search of a lie, though a sigh slipped out when you found none, a curt nod of the head as your response. “All I can think of to do right now is to try counseling.” Already, you could see the hesitation building up in her. “We don’t have to go into detail about what happened with your dad, but I need you to start working things out with me. Otherwise, I can’t picture myself doing this anymore.”
A long pause greeted the end of your words.
“You promise we don’t have to talk too much about him?”
A nod.
“I promise.”
Reassuringly, her warm hands squeezed yours and she shuffled closer to tug you into her arms. “I’ll do it. I want this to work out – I love you – I can’t lose you. If you’re sure counseling would be a good first step, then I’ll do it. We’ll work through this together, okay?” She leaned back to look at you and gauge your reaction. Her tensed shoulders drooped from the solace sent her way upon seeing your lips finally perk up into a small smile. Her own curved into a mirrored grin when you nodded.
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