#i'll probably do the thing i did last year
dark-night-hero · 1 day
Imagine Kamisato Ayato who was in a good term with his former/ex significant other. Sure you were mad at him at first because why, why couldn't you be enough for him? Why can't he choose you over his family? You used to be so mad at him. Used to.
Imagine accepting the fact that the two of you were not meant to be together. Sure you were each others half, a perfect piece of puzzle that just suit each other but you were not what he needed and probably never. But he does needed you, it was just he was selfless. He needed you but they needed him too, his family needed him too. You were just aren't the best choice for his family. You used to hate him. Used to.
Imagine having to come up with the fact that he still loves you. Even after all the heartbreak and tears, he still care about you. But not as openly as he does anymore.
"You know. You don't have to do this anymore." You hate him. Looking at him kneeling in front of you trying to inspect your perfect fine ankle after accidentally tripping when you saw him in front of you. "I know." He replied, not looking up at you. "Then why-" "It doesn't mean that we're done that I stopped caring. I still does." He cut off before standing up. "I think it's all fine." "I told you it was nothing..." You trail off as he gave you a smile, a small sad smile while his eyes looked at you with love. So muh love that disappear in a blink of an eye like it was never there. "I'll get going now. It was nice seeing you again." You hate that even without asking, you forgive him. "Hey commisioner." He stop mid walk but never turn around. "Feel free to drop by the cafe if you need a break." Before he could turn around, you turn your back at him.
Imagine Kamisato Ayato who was in a good term with his ex. The way the two of you slowly went back to what the two of you were before. Friends. Acting like none of the heartbreak, tears, happiness and love happened. Things were much better of this way. Sure it still hurt when you saw him with his fiance that would surely bring back their clan to their former glory but. It was fine. It felt weird that it was fine. Not too long after he got married, you does too.
Imagine often coming to the estate with your kids. Life is okay. You are happy on how things played out, you are contented with the life you have. But sometimes, you would often catch gaze of Ayato looking fondly of your children. "Strange." You spoke out of the blue that caught his attention. "Now none of your children looks like you." You chuckle. "It would nice." Is that an insul- "A child that looks like you would be nice." "My spouse said that alot, maybe we should have one last try." "You should." Fool. You thought as you look away, stop looking like that while saying that. "But hey! Maybe you and-" "No. Once is enough." "... You have a twin though.."
Imagine once in a while, a small get together would happened between just the two of you in the first place the two of you met. In that old cafe you and your spouse now manage. "Are you happy?" It was a question that came out of the blue with a very serious tone that makes you look into him as you gently set your drink down. Following his gaze, you saw a familiar teenage blue hair guy and one of your children a few years younger than his son. A chuckle left your lips. That made him turn to look at you. "We're not getting any younger aren't we." You smile and continue to look at the teens from afar, fingers playing with your wedding ring. "I've been living the happiest moment of my life ever since, Ayato." "I see." Once again, there was a small sad yet genuine smile on his lips. "Are you, happy?" You asked back. You then watch him look outside, "I'm fine."
Imagine as you bid him goodbye, staring at his back. Its strange how the man who seemed to have everything looked so lonely as he walk away from you. But then once again, you just turn your back at him like he did. Walking inside your home were your family is waiting for you.
There was a saying that if who people remained friends after ending their relationship. There is a possibility that they never loved each other and the other being one of them still hold a lingerie feeling for the other. But who knows. Maybe in another life. He wouldn't have to chose anything else before you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024° ;)
:start na ng ojt ko the day after tom. I am so fucking nervous being a front desk trainee, wish me luck on the VIP desk.
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ghostieyanyan · 1 day
hi ~🤍 how do you think (yan or not). demon twst react to find out mc is a human girl ? they khow she is magicless but ahem...
~Human girl in NRC?!~
Yan!DemonAU!Idia x fab!mc
Yan!DemonAU!Jack x fab!mc
Yan!DemonAU!Leona x fab!mc
I'll still use they/them pronouns even if mc is female. so if you're male, there is talk about future kids so processed with caution
i don't know if you sent this twice or if someone just asked the same question but i don't mind either way. i picked some random students to write about since you didn't specify which one you wanted. i hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: maybe a lot of grammar issues (sorry), future kids talk, stalking, creepy behavior, hint of nsfw, cannibalistic behavior
Idia found out second hand, aka from Ortho.
Apparently, when ortho meets anyone, he does an automatic scan of them. It basically tells him everything about the person, mainly physically. That scan also goes into Idia's computer and he happened to see it.
To see the mysterious prefect has more layers of mysteriousness??? You must be a legendary pull!!!!! He HAS to know more. but it wasn't like he'll talk to you himself.... his heart couldn't take that.
Instead, he asked ortho to check up on you. which wasn't too hard cause you already consider Ortho as one of the first years in your group.
He recorded every interaction you had with ortho, pretending you were talking to him~
"How are you today?"
"You did great, Orth--- ████ !!"
"Hey, you wanna stop by Ramshackle dorm after school?"
He'd probably made an AI voice box like your voice for his sick fantasy.
Talking about Ramshackle, he also had installed hidden cameras in every corner of that dorm. One in the kitchen, one in the living room, two in the bathroom, two in your room, and much more. Inside, outside, everywhere!
He likes watching you when you're alone. He also hates to see anyone else in your dorm, with the exception of his own brother and that cute kitty.
Idia likes to think, in a fantasy world where he has more courage, you'll be in the kitchen making him something because work called him in last and when he gets home, you'll greet him with a "welcome home, master" with cat ears---!!!! fantasy world but still!!!
No only is he just feed his sick fantasy of you, he imagined what a future with you would be like... You had no magic so if he took you away to the Island of Woe, you'll have a really hard time running away from him, nearly impossible.
Plus... he's family is a pretty powerful family.... one day, he'll have to think about future kids...
With that, he's decided he'll try to talk to you. It'll be easy with your connect with Ortho, plus Ortho could help.
Ortho would probably see this as helping his older brother with a crush and if that crush helps his brother out of his shell, its a win win!
Idia will, of course, only tell his brother about his innocent pining for you and keep his dark fantasies to himself for now. Until he's sure you wouldn't might him share his fantasies with you. And if you do mind... sorry to break it to you-
Maybe when he takes the overblot students to the island of woe, he'll also take you. saying it's for your safety. No one knows why there's been a coincident amount of students in NRC overblot. Plus you being caught in is most of them time is worrisome. you staying in NRC will likely end you life if you keep in countering these Overblots.
Ortho couldn't help but agree with his brother but also saw this opportunity to get you more closer to his brother.
"What do you think, prefect?"
Jack was one of the first to find out about your little secret. It was your scent... But he's not the type to share it if you haven't shared it yourself. And if any other beastmen tried to share that information or point it out without your permissions, he'll have a nice chat with them. You don't have to worry a thing!
Whether you, him, or anyone that notices, wants to admit or point out, jake has been stuck to your hip. He will 100% be like a personal. Make sure no one enters a room when you are changing. Make sure that when you use the restroom, no one is trying to peek at you. Especially makes sure that no one tries anything that might be a threat to you!
He'll total imagine you running your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ears, and rubbing the base of his horns. He will go feral.
If you ask Jack about how this world works, his tail will start wagging. (he's happy you came to him with your questions.) He'll answer any questions you have, even the "obvious" ones. He not the type to make you feel guilty about asking a question that you don't know, unlike ace.
If the topic changes to the future, he'll say that he's planning to find a mate so that he can proudly work hard for his mate and his pups. But he's "not in a rush to look for one right now." Cause he's already found his mate...
Some people on the outside of your relationship with Jack, might say that you have Jack wrapped around your little finger. You want to lay down on him? He'll turn into his wolf form so you'll be comfortable. You late to something? He'll give you a ride! (He could change into his wolf form but he could also give you a piggy back ride.. and feel your legs wrapped around him~)
Jack tries his hardest to not let his animal instincts scary you off. It's not like he thinks your weak, anything but that! He actually admires you, you were thrown into an unknown world and learned to adapted and you've made yourself home here. You've also make home in his heart~
He could only hope that your relationship grows enough that you wouldn't want to leave...
In dyer situations, Jack will protect you. He'll shield you with his own body, protecting you from tiny things like falling books or from big powerful spells.
He also really likes to watch you nurse him back to health. If you were anyone else, he'll brush you off, saying "he's fine" or "he can take care of himself." But since your the one nursing him, he's a little more weaking on his protest.
Watching you take care of him, makes me super excited for the future. Maybe he'll help you were sick? Or maybe he'll walk in on you care for your pups?
Man... if it weren't for both of you being in college and freakily not financially ready for kids, he would-
He was one of the first people to find out. He usually wouldn't care much about it. he would have just allowed you to be and keeps his distance. And if you were paths do cross, he'll be mindful of the things he says to you, aka not being too rude to you. (Only people that were sharp notice his demeaner but it wasn't like they'll go up to the lion about it)
Without realizing it, he kinda became fond of you. How you go get things but not in an obedient pet way, just because you can help way... you often cant say no but you also could stand up for in justince? How you are still kind to the people who hurt you or used you, tricked you.. How you still help people with any background.
He couldn't understand it but he was also fascinated of it.
The day when you came to savanaclaw because you and your cat beast were kicked out of your dorm was, in better words, interesting.
He wasn't proud of it but when you slept in leona's room, he couldn't help himself from watching you sleep. Watching how your chest moved as you breathed in and out subconsciously. How savanaclaw's heat made you kick your blanket away, showing him your sweat glazed body. It made his mouth water..
he wonders how'd you taste..? No, your sweat wasn't enough to satisfy this lion, but you. Your blood, the meat that clung to your skin and bones, your organs... he wont mind killing you here and now just to have a taste...
But it was too soon, way too soon... he'll spoil himself if he wasn't patient.
For right now, watching you from a distance will be enough. unless you keep trying to interact with him, he cant make any promises...
After watching you for quite a while, hes thoughts about killing your just to taste you slowly subsided. but it was quickly replaced with another thought..
Cheka was at NRC for one of his visits, much to leona's dismay. but he'd overheard that cheka had taken a liking to you!
Whenever Cheka returned to leona's side, he'd always asked, "why does that not-demon live so far away..? They must be really lonely.." or "why not bring that not-demon home with us?! Then they wont be lonely anymore!!"
After Cheka left and leona had some time to think to himself. He thought, he could bring you back to Sunset Savana. You took care of cheka like he was your own. You wont be able to say no to cheka.
You'll also be taken care of. Food, roof over your head, secrity, what more could you need?
The only problem was how to make you stay...
He thought about it long enough and rolled over in his bed to take a nap.
Cheka would leave him alone if he had a new cousin to play with...
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emeryhall · 2 days
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Thank you to @roomwithanopenfire and @rimeswithpurple for the tags ❤️
This is the last snippet I'll post from Only Creatures because (minus some editing)...it's done! So, in celebration, hey yo, look, they're gonna communicate:
We’re so close that Simon’s face is a blur of hazy, nebulous shapes. My eyes strain to piece it together—to make him whole.   “Why?” For eight years, this question has haunted my brain, gnawing away at every memory of Simon like a parasitic worm. Now I whisper it against his mouth. “What did I do?”  The warm press of Simon’s skin against my forehead retreats. “What do you mean?”  I can feel him watching me, but I can’t look at him when I ask, “Why did you break up with me? What did I do?” My voice sounds trapped. It fades to black between us.   “Baz.” (My name, but smaller. Full of hurt and reluctance.)  “I knew you were going to.” It pours out of me. “On the beach that day. I knew. But then, you didn’t quite. And I thought, if we just make it back to England. If we both make it back, we’ll be okay. We can sort it out at home. And then… And then you didn’t board the plane, and I didn’t have a home.”
Everyone is probably traveling, but fuck it. This thing is 88K and earned itself a 13th chapter (epilogue, to be posted simultaneously), so y'all are getting tagged. Hi, hello, and high-fives!
@artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @thewholelemon
@raenestee @monbons @mooncello @larkral @shrekgogurt
@alexalexinii @nightimedreamersworld @orange-peony @best--dress @messofthejess
@supercutedinosaurs @noblecorgi @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @fiend-for-culture
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nctnanajaemin · 1 day
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my brother's bestfriend pairing: lee jeno x na!sister reader chapter six word count:1.2k warnings: cussing, fighting, mentions of blood.
you are currently eight weeks pregnant, and you and jeno are telling jaemin today because on a rare occasion, none of the other guys are over.
you knock on jaemin's door, "jaem. can i talk to you? it's serious. "
"uh- i guess, but jeno's here."
you walk into his room and see jaemin on his bed and jeno sitting in jaemin's gaming chair.
you walk over and sit down on the bed. "i have something important to tell you.. but please don't get mad. "
"i won't get mad as long as you haven't done something insanely stupid."
"promise me you won't be mad."
jaemin rolls his eyes. "okay, whatever. i promise."
you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for his reaction. "i'm pregnant."
jaemin immediately starts laughing.  "you expect me to actually believe that?"
you pull the pregnancy test and ultrasound out of your hoodie pocket, holding them out to him.
he stops laughing and stares at the test and ultrasound in your hands. "you're being serious?"
"yeah. i'm eight weeks."
jaemin looks from the test and ultrasound back up to you. "oh my god." he's silent for a moment before he speaks again. "who's the dad?"
"that's the thing.... it's jeno."
"please tell me i fucking heard her wrong and you did not get my little sister pregnant." jaemin says, looking over at jeno.
jeno nervously shakes his head. "no, you heard her right..." 
jaemin gets up and walks over to jeno. the second jeno stands up jaemin throws him against the wall. "i told you to stay the fuck away from her!"
"i know you did, but-"
"but what?!" jaemin yells in his face.
you get up and try to pull jaemin away from jeno but he doesn't budge. 
jeno waves you off. "it's fine. just let him get it out."
jaemin keeps jeno against the wall, his fist clenched but not making any moves to hurt him. "how long has it been going on?"
"four years."
"four years!? four fucking years, jeno!? how could you do this to me, to her? i fucking trusted you!" jaemin screams, punching jeno in the face.
"i'm sorry."
"you're sorry? you're sorry?! that doesn't fix the fact that she's fucking pregnant!" jaemin yells, punching him again.
"i know it doesn't!" jeno snaps. "but i'm still sorry!"
"you are dead to me." jaemin spits out. "dead. to. me."
jaemin throws one last punch before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
jeno slumps down against the wall, holding his nose. 
you quickly grab some tissues and kneel down in front of him.
"i'm sorry." you tell him, holding the tissues to his nose.
"it's not your fault. i deserved it."
"no you didn't." 
jeno winces as you dab at his nose. "i betrayed his trust."
"just because you betrayed his trust doesn't mean he had the right to put his hands on you."
jeno sighs. "i know. but i still don't blame him for punching me. if the roles were reversed i would have reacted the same way."
you carefully clean the blood from his face. "still. i don't like seeing you hurt. especially when you've been hurt because of me."
"i'll be fine. it's just a bloody nose." jeno says, placing a hand on your thigh. 
"and a black eye."
"it'll heal. this isn't the first black eye i've gotten, probably won't be the last."
you sigh, tossing the bloody tissues in the trash and taking jeno's face in your hands, gently tilting it from side to side to inspect his injuries. "you're just lucky he wasn't wearing his rings."
 "i know." jeno gently pulls your hands away from his face. "stop fretting over me, i'm not gonna break."
"i'm going to start telling you that when you worry about me."
"i have a reason to worry about you. you're pregnant."
"and? you're injured." you point out.
jeno rolls his eyes. "a few bruises and a bloody nose isn't the same thing as carrying a human being inside your body for nine months, princess."
"yeah, yeah. whatever. let's go get some ice on your eye." you tell him, standing up.
jeno stands up after you and follows you out of the room.
it's been a few days since you told jaemin and he has yet to talk to either of you. 
you and jeno are currently sitting on the couch, watching TV, when mark, renjun, and chenle walk in.
mark looks at jeno's black eye and his eyes widen. "dude, what happened to your face?"
"jaemin? what'd you do to piss him off?"
"more like who i did."
mark's eyes go to you. "oh." he says, slowly. "you didn't..."
"i did." jeno says.
mark looks at you, then back to jeno, then back to you again. "holy shit dude."
"how'd he find out?" renjun asks, sitting down on the other couch.
"we told him." 
renjun looks horrified. "you told him!? why on earth would you tell him!?"
"we didn't really have a choice."
"what do you mean, you didn't really have a choice?"
jeno looks over at you, silently asking if it's okay to tell the guys.
you nod, and jeno turns back to the rest of the guys. "she's pregnant."
"wait, wait, wait. hold on a second." mark says, holding up his hands. "you're pregnant? like... you have a baby growing inside of you, pregnant?"
you nod. "yeah, eight weeks."
"eight weeks? how did this even happen?"
"well, mark, when two people-"
mark's face turns bright red. "no- yeah, i get how it happened. i meant how did you guys even end up together?"
"technically we're not together, but we started hooking up at your twentieth birthday party."
"my twentieth birthday party? that's almost five years ago."
"and not one of us knew?"
"i mean two of us did." chenle says, making mark and renjun look at him.
"wait, you knew?" mark asks, looking dumbfounded.
"yeah. i've known since the start."
"why didn't you tell us?"
"i take my secret keeping serious."
"clearly." mark mutters, rolling his eyes before turning back to you. "who else knew?"
"jisung, but he only knew because his nosy ass read my diary."
they all laugh, and the sound of someone clearing their throat makes all of you look over.
jaemin is standing in the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face.
 "can i talk to you?" he asks, looking directly at you.
you nod and stand up, following jaemin out of the room. he leads you outside and turns to face you as you shut the door. 
"i'm sorry for how i reacted. i was angry and felt betrayed. it was just a lot to process at once, and i obviously made some choices that i'm not exactly proud of. I just... I never expected this, like are you two serious?"
you shake your head no. "we aren't together, no, but jeno and I are committed to doing what's best for the baby and we're still figuring everything out."
"he was the one friend i really didn't think i had to worry about when it came to messing around with you. it's going to take some time for me to forgive him."
"i know, and i get it. i'm not asking you to forgive him right away and i don't blame you for being upset and needing time to process everything."
"i'm sorry." jaemin pulls you into a hug. "you're going to be a good mom, i know it."
chapter five | chapter six
@nosungluv, @icesscoups, @sunghoonsgfreal, @camosh, @vltevgrdn, @minkyuncutie, @neobowlingshoez , @luvjoongz , @llallisa653, @shqqna , @dojaejunging
join the taglist here!
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coolgoodandfine · 9 months
day one and i'm already so busy with other things i don't even know if i'm going to be finished with the drawing before the day is over lol.
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lunarharp · 24 days
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revamped looong mermaid orufrey au :')
#witch hat tag#orufrey#partial nudity /#about half of it is new the other half is redrawn from last year. Why would you rescribble some scribbles. Well it was bad.#i always underestimate how much i've improved in a year last may was questionable. also it's not even may any more so why mermaids now.#sorry if you remember this but at least half is new story. i'll just paste more explanation from twt....#first qifrey was cursed by EVIL WITCH eye taken and thrown into the sea#memory-less. then kind little witch boy oru found him on the beach & they became friends#they drifted apart after falling for each other bc qif knew he could never be with him.#oru walked on the beach every day for years hoping to see him again until so desperate he goes into the sea (on a ship?) & is dying#qifrey saved him with a kiss. they got closer &oru swore to find a way to save him that wasnt dangerous but qif knew hed need a dark witch.#(that witch was probably the one who cursed him..just toying with him...) in with the spell oru DOES forget him for real#even tho he needs to give Kiss Of True Love before qif turns totally blind for qif to stay human for good or become seafoam. but oru someho#the oldest magic is love..the ability to break through the curses of loneliness and despair. qif already did that for him#so oru was able to do it back later. he fell in love with him again..but also realised it was obviously him....well anyway......#originally the 'finding oru stranded like that guy in the little mermaid' was a separate au but it still makes sense to combine them#i dont want them to have not met in childhood...thats the orufrey thing....#im going to work on Proper drawings next instead of silly comics as usual....
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Heyhey..h um could you write some fluff/comfort with reader x 2bhank? Pretty pls? Like where the reader has been depressed(?)/burnt out for a few months and has been going on less and less missions and one day just refuses to leave their room for one self deprecating reason or another so 2b and hank try making them feel better in their own ways
Very self indulgent request I know but sometimes you gotta give yourself a little treat <:]
Hey! Sorry, I sort of misread this and thought you wanted 2BHank helping a burnt out reader, so I wrote that instead ^^; Again, I'm really sorry about that!
2BHank with a Burnt-Out!S/O
For as dense as Hank could be most of the time, even he can tell that you haven’t been doing too well as of late. At first he’d think you were just sick and needed some time to rest, which meant he would take on the missions you would have gone on otherwise. He was a competent grunt in his field, he could accomplish just about any task given to him. 2B, while he could sense that something was up with you, would let Hank do just that so you could recover a bit. He didn’t think you were just sick, he somehow could feel that it was something worse, something that wouldn’t go away by just letting you rest for a few days, but he left it at that. After all, you did go on missions again, some with Hank, Sanford or Deimos, some on your own. However, at some point, you just hid away from everyone, shying away from the dim light of the sun as well. Hank wanted to see you, he really did, but you wouldn’t open your door. Why? Were you doing alright? It was obvious you had been “sick” again as of late, but even he stopped buying it at some point. While he wouldn’t be too concerned about your physical wellbeing, you could handle yourself in a fight, he’d kick the door in anyway to see if you were there in the first place.
Lo and behold, you were in your room after all, lying under the blanket, not moving, merely sighing as you heard the door fall. Polite as he could be, Hank picked up the door and leaned it against the wall before walking up to you and sitting down on your bed. He’s not usually one for too much talk, but he would ask you what’s wrong, why you didn’t open the door and why you’ve been “sick” so often as of late. He won’t judge you, but he just wants to know the reasons. When you tell him you’ve simply been burnt out on it all, he wouldn’t know what you mean. Hank genuinely doesn’t know what burnout is, so you’d have to explain it to him. But even then, I don’t think he’d really understand the gravity of the situation. You’re tired? Then take some time off. He tries, but it’s not that simple.
The open door would catch 2B’s attention and he’d enter to check up on you, involving himself in the conversation as well. He, too, would ask you how you’ve been feeling and what has been the matter. When you tell him you’re pretty sure you’re burnt out, he’ll sit down on the bed and ask you how he could help. He may not be an expert by any means, but at the very least he knows that this will likely be something that will last a long time. Although he may not be too happy about that, he won’t push you to be better immediately. Will also explain the situation to Hank, whose gears have started turning. If you know how they can help you, that’s great. There’s no one solution that fits all. A few people at S.Q. have been burnt out from all the missions they had to go on, so you’re definitely not the first.
2B will let you rest for the time being. If you ever feel up to it, then he’ll send you on a small mission that doesn’t involve too much danger, such as picking something up from a vendor. However, he won’t have you fight for your life while you’re burnt out, those tasks will be left to Hank and the others. 2B will also be checking up with you more often. He’s not the best with his words when it comes to more emotional things, but he tries. Will comfort you to the best of his ability and won’t stress you out about all those things. You need rest, that much is obvious, so he’ll let you have just that. S.Q. will continue to perform. If anyone ever talks badly about you, then they’ll be sent to him and will have a stern talking to. No one will talk shit about you as long as he has something to say about it. Overall, he’ll be very compassionate about it all. If you need something from him, he’ll give it to you, just give him the word.
When it comes to slowly reintroducing you to small things, it will actually be Hank who does that. He just really wants to spend time with you and 2B, but you’ve been so distant as of late. But he remembers 2B’s words and won’t force you to do anything, but will ask you if you’re up for something small. This might start out with something along the lines of playing cards or board games with him. If you say yes he’s actually over the moon and his metaphorical tail will start wagging. Slowly, he’ll bring you more and more things to do. New things for you to try, and old things you used to enjoy before you got burnt out. Naturally, there’s no pressure from his side, he just really wants to have an excuse to spend time with you. And if you simply do something along the lines of knitting while he’s sitting on the floor, just watching you, then he’s content.
Overall, neither of them will blame you for what happened. In fact, they’ll try to help you to get better again. If you ever just want the two of them to stay with you, then you can ask them to. Of course, if they’re going on a mission, then they won’t have too much time to cuddle with you. However, you’re more than welcome to call on either, or both, of them to just get something off your chest as well, they’re more than happy to listen. 2B and Hank just wanna see you smile again. If it takes a lot of time, then so be it, but they both just hope things will go back to how they used to be. They’ll both do just about anything for you, so don’t be afraid to ask them for anything at all, you’ll likely get it eventually.
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
On hiatus for an indefinite moment.
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ria-starstruck · 5 days
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like at my first artfight i went "im never filling one a these things out, if they're every year then why would i" but erm. well this year i had to because of team stardust. you understand. reblog
anyway my artfight's at /~Ria_Starstruck
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sluttyten · 1 month
yall I want TDS3 tickets so badly 😭 but I don't know who to even go with and I'm not going by myself.... but I'm also seriously thinking I'm just gonna go ahead and try to get tickets on friday anyway
#last year i went with my mom and she enjoyed it#but im not entirely sure she wants to go again#and then my best friend doesn't like kpop at all lmao#but I don't know i might be able to get her to go w me but#i dont know how she'll feel about the traveling in chicago by ourselves thing#bc when we last went there together for a concert we were with her ex and he did the driving#so my last option is my brother lol because i asked the other day if he wants to go to chicago#and he did say yes so i told him attendance at the concert is mandatory#kpop is also absolutely not his genre of music#even though he listens to a little bit of a lot of stuff like country and pop and broadway musicals#like dude you'd love the theatrics of kpop and the gaybaiting they do? thats something he might like#and then one of my choices was my moms best friend bc she said after she saw my moms videos of tds2#that she wanted to go see a kpop concert because she loves showmanship so she saw the eras tour and#fell in love so i think she would like kpop. she loved the wrist light things TS did so lightsticks are definitely#something she'd enjoy and the choreography#i really think it's just the language barrier that's preventing my brother and best friend from wanting to go#and the language barrier that keeps my mom and her best friend from probably enjoying the music as much#because my mom loved one direction so a kpop boyband isn't too far off from that#oh also i think my friend will tell me no because i've already turned her down for plans like a week or two before that#because i won't have PTO to use at work because i'll have just gotten back from a vacay that uses i all#and then i'm gonna turn around and take 2 days off for a concert (travel time sucks)
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
[little vent -- tldr definitely not gonna have the planned art ready for the renniversary lol.]
me: "oh hell yeah i'll have a dog-sitting "job" for the next few days, so i'll have plenty of time to work on the art leading up to friday :) "
the dogs: untrained, poorly behaved, require constant attention (not their fault but it's the reality of the situation)
so uh. i might have some simple chibi art for friday if i have enough energy between putting the dogs to bed and going to sleep hghghghgh ;;;;; i'll finish the more detailed pics as i have the time and energy :')
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blubble-lake · 6 months
wanted to compile some more finale/other F&C grievances I'd been writing over the past few months before going into next year, some rant-like and some more coherent (under the read more)
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radicarian · 2 months
Even if everything else in my garden fails this year, the first harvest is IN and it is DANDELION ROOTS
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Books of 2023: DAEMON VOICES: ON STORIES AND STORYTELLING by Philip Pullman feat. the current knitting project!
Since I have both set aside my current revision project and successfully completed a beta read for a friend, I'm trying to catch up on knitting and reading! Said friend actually got me this book for last Christmas, and I've been waiting until I was between (writing) projects to start it.
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sysig · 1 year
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Just thinking about @10yrsy’s Things, y’know, casually (Patreon)
#Doodles#IZ#I know Things is long dead but I've been feeling rather nostalgic lately#Man let alone Irkens when was the last time I doodled a Latrodectus haha - and 10's style of antenna! It's all quite nostalgic#I'll try not to get Too sappy but it's hard when I was so inspired by Things! It had a big impact on me#Without exaggeration Things helped shape the trajectory of my life for quite a while - it's interesting to think about artistic influences#But gosh heck I don't think I've doodled anything of any of them since the song contest all those years ago lol#I like to think I've improved a bit since then lol ♪ Though the medium is quite different haha#Finally drew Nid! Only took a Very long time lolol#I do remember having doodled some Extreme roughs for a comic concept ages and ages ago but that's really all I remember lol#Maybe hunting down those old notebooks sometime would be fun haha#ANYway lol - enough reminiscing! There's all this current silliness!#Snarp was my favourite back in the day and I still like him a lot haha#He's a prickly little so-and-so! A cute and spicy lad! Always a fun ♪#If ''little meow meow'' had existed as a term back then I would've used it for him lol he deserves it#It really is about the [unforgivable nature] paired with [unconditional love] hhh their friendship is still really cute <3#Myk! He's always had the most gorgeous design <3 His eyes! My word!#Beauty like that really doesn't age - I was always a fan of the close up of his eye and his skin texture ahh#Probably no one remembers this blog's original icon but hmm ♪ Inspiration down many many avenues haha#Hopefully I did his eyes justice with my limited traditional palette haha#Had to show off his muscles a little too <3 Those gloves man he's just a pretty dude!#I did a bit of editing magic with Nid so if his eyeline doesn't quite match up just sshhhshshshh it's fine lol ♪#Who's saying which and who's gasping hmmm who knows it's a mystery hehe#And ending off with those two again <3 It's their dynamic I swear I just jdslfdsf it gets me bad lol#Squish him hold him (gently (maybe not that gently)) haha
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miabrown007 · 1 year
a minute of silence to my skills to estimate how long a project is ever going to take
#my google calendar and Carl bot (and my friends) have been kind enough to inform me today was the estimated posting date of heist au#suffice to say that is not happening#it would have been rad to make a habit out of the co-occurrence of starting a new job and starting to post a finished WIP but alas#that will not be happening for a while longer#I have no idea when will I find the time for writing between two jobs and the big bang but. we'll work something out.#but hey it's good to give your projects breathing space so your brain can do the work in the background and solve the problems for you#I'll probably need to go back and revamp the whole last chapter I've been working on#but I'm still too sick and jet lagged and sick to be thinking about that so I'll consume some more media in the meantime#and complain about how bad the fic I'm listening to is. like god it's supposed to be so romantic and cute and he's literally#depriving her bodily autonomy and her friends support him I want to leave a strongly worded comment so bad#I will not be doing that but god it's so awful I should have stopped listening to this fic long ago. so that's a lesson learned.#put the fucking fic down there's plenty of stuff that's going to be better#hot take I sure no one saw coming sometimes things that are popular are actually bad#anyway have some stream of fucking consciousness /ref to another fic I'm fighting hard to keep discontinued#I know I won't like it why is this so hard#heist au should have been posted today based on maths btw. maths I did wrong for the first time which means it should have been posted#a year ago really#not like I have the proper structure to do a heist au daily#but it would have been fun to post the first chapter on the exact day it takes place. idk just for flavour#does all this make any sense? hardly. this is a diary entry and my two braincells are firing random thoughts at each other#that's fine though. it's all fine. here have some popcorn to go with all this nonsense 🍿🍿🍿 <3#(and also all the drama in the new shadow and bone season. ugh it's so good I love Wesper SO. MUCH. or just Waylan. and Nikolai.#he's my blorbo assigned at first relevant information. relavant information: he's my friend's blorbo#but gods he's so my type it's scary. of course I'll have him as my blorbo. of course of course!#*puts him on a shelf next to Adrien Draco and Hunter*#*steps back to think before putting Waylan there too and sitting Zuko on the far end*#war crimes look so good on them :3#miaing#heist au
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