#i'll see a post that is most definetly NOT ABOUT ME
unreadpoppy · 6 months
🌟i hate anxiety so much 🌟
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redditreceipts · 3 months
So this is the answer to an ask that @wild-wombytch has sent me, and I chose to answer it in this format because the original ask contains a link to a post that I'd rather not share, to maintain respectful of OP.
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Thank you, I'm fine! and cool that you like the cat pictures ❤️ I'll make a separate post for you just containing cat pictures
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and thank you so much for saying that! ❤️❤️
yeah, so @wild-wombytch refers to a post that deals with a person who got a tumor from HRT. They have made a post in a mainstream trans subreddit and the people on there got mad at them, because they didn't want to recognise the downsides of HRT:
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So this is just a whole other level. People hating on OP because they got a brain tumor is so despicable. These people can rot in hell
(Also, if you want to use my post to make fun of OP for having a brain tumor, enjoy getting blocked 🥰 I try to make this a welcoming place for people who are transitioning, detransitioning or having problems with their medical transition. If you can't handle that, please fuck off)
The specific kind of tumor this person is talking about, a pituitary brain tumor, is (as stated) probably linked to HRT in trans women. This reminds me of the myriad of posts by trans women talking about galactorrhea. Galactorrhea refers to the spontaneous lactation without having given birth or breastfeeding a baby, which can occur in women and men. And what is the most common cause for Galactorrhea?
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the most common cause of galactorrhea is a benign tumor in your brain. Even though benign tumors are not as dangerous as cancerous tumors, they can still cause severe dysfunction over time, because they can still grow slowly and compress vital areas of the brain. It's definetly not a topic to be joked about.
I was able to find a ton of "I am spontaneously lactating as a trans woman, is this normal"-posts in the span of seconds. Remember: Galactorrhea, a condition that is most commonly caused by a brain tumor. And what are the responses?
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keep in mind: this person probably had not only been lactating, but even had blood in their nipple discarge. Up to a fifth of women who have that sign of discharge have a malignant cause for it - I can't imagine that the prospect for biological males on HRT is much better.
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so yeah, instead of telling them to go see their doctor or anything, they link them to r/AdultBreastfeeding - it's a fetish subreddit for people who have a lactation fetish and want to induce lactation.
I mean, a large amount of the stuff I post here is kinda funny and absurd, but if you get a bit deeper in these online echochambers, it gets really dark real quick. Where did we go from "everyone should live their lives as they wish" to "downplaying brain cancer to own the terfs"? And this doesn't mean that every trans woman should immediately stop their HRT just to prevent that from happening. That's not what I'm saying here. I'm just saying that these people genuinely don't seem to care about anything other than their ideology, and even medical professionals are seen as "lying" and "bigoted", and people with brain tumors are accused of "attacking the trans community". How is this not a cult??
Also, I wish the person who made the original post all the best :) I hope they find people who support them and help them heal
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darkbluekies · 7 months
Hedwig asks #2
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Previous one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3 Warnings: none?
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I'm growing a love/hate relationship with Hedwig blue, I live her because she is just everything but on the other hand she is so hypocritical, she makes me feel a certain way. You are an amazing writer you're doing what you need to, to make a reader feel a certain way
As long as I've awoken a reaction in you, I'm happy :>
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Would Hedwig be a Loona stan
Yes she would and her favorite would be Gowon.
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Omgg i love hedwig so much, love girl yanderes💘💕Her being a girl does raise up some problems for her own self tho, imagine her trying to confess to darling and darling thinks shes just saying that she loves them like a friend lmaoo Hedwig “i love you darling!!!!!!!💘💘💘💘💘”Darling “omgg!!!! love you too bestie 🥰 “Hedwig “no, i LOVE you, ALL the homo”
Haha omg, poor thing would get so frustrated. She would try and try to make you understand that it's not just "i love you bestie" it's "become mine or I'll make you mine", but your bright smile while saying it back would put her off guard.
"I ... I love you too ... bestie."
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I love Hedwig so much I want to give her kith kith
she definetly wants some kithes, go ahead
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HII I LOVE HEDWIG SM SHES VERY CUTE (def not on gunpoint)
hm yes, absolutely not on gunpoint huh
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me to hedwig: bitch is that my sweater
Hedwig to you: yes it is
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I like to imagine hedwig with a reader who speaks a foreign langauge they talk affectionately to her in it, then as a surprise for her darling. Hedwig learns the language just to find out they have been saying the most offensive things possible to her they can think of. 🤣
She'll be letting you know that is hurt her and guiltrip you until you apologize and make it up to her. You think you're funny? think again, hedwig will make you regret it big time.
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I think the reason i really, really enjoy Hedwig as a character is because she's the one you don't see. The others are pretty open about their yandere-ness, kidnapping you and murdering people right before your eyes. But Hedwig ? You could spend years by her side, living your cutest homely life and never notice anything. Except you can't help thinking that something feels just a little bit off.
Exactly. You could live such a normal life with her and never know that anything is wrong. But every now and then, there's just something that you can't explain.
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Hedwig seems like the type of girl who mess around with those love calculators or name combiners. She'd probably refuse to show you the results unless the calculator said you two had a 100% chance of being in love or getting married in the future
Haha yes totally😭
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dirtybg3confessions · 2 months
Hey, Mod Bug here again to respond to some questions in the inbox!
Is some kind of mod drama going on? Is that why nobody is posting anymore?
No, no worries! Mainly, pretty much the most active mod has stepped back, for as far as I understand, the same reason why i stopped posting again. It can happen that making content for blogs like these starts to feel more like a chore than a fun little side activity, and that is usually when one should stop, or at least take a break.
I cannot speak for the others, but I personally noticed after the wave of me posting a bunch of stuff, that I got physically and mentally unwell, so I just had to leave for a while.
I do believe that we all love this blog, it's fun, but it's also a lot of work and exhausting, and when that spark of BG3 obsession dies down, it becomes harder to run this, which i believe yall can understand.
"Would you guys consider sharing the asks people sent so they don't get lost?"
Considering that we currently have 2200+ asks in the inbox - I am for it. Maybe, if everyone is okay with not having their own post, i'd like to collect a bunch of confessions for one character and just make some posts that contain multiple confessions at once? Just to get them finally out there.
In fact, if the other mods are okay (I'll ask them privately again if i don't forget) and you all are fine with some big collection posts - i can try and get some done in the next days.
Definetly sort them by characters and roughly by kinks/content.
"would adding new mods in help with the posting? i see a lot of people wanting to help out to keep this thang going."
I cannot say anything about the whole adding more mods thing, the blog owner ship has been recently transferred to another person, so maybe, internally i could check with them and the others what they think (i guess we'll let yall know)
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aty-art-blog · 2 years
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And I posted this some months ago...and I'm theorising that Lilia might die, because of his age...and those words and also Silver words about his father not being so well anymore, make me think about it more and more...
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An important note on Silver character:
In the fandom , obviously for meme, Silver is always portrayed as an himbo... I can't think of anything more wrong. Silver probably in whole twisted wonderland (with Ace) is the most emotionally intelligent , witted and belligerent person. We superficially see him as an himbo because he has not malevolence, he literally lived in the middle of nowhere with a fae trying to understand how to grow up a human... thus justifying Silever mindset to not take as evil malevolence. Faes are in myths and common knowledge creatures who, for fun, make a lot of mischievous acts, not to damage people or hurting but because of their very nature as beings whose live for centuries and have different perception of things, (Disney also portrayed it with Tinkerbell), so as result of living among faes is totally understandable why Silver has this kind of mindset where he doesn't see/ perceive malevolence as something threatening or enouth serious to give to it importance. Yet emotionally Silver, as told before, is really emotively intelligent (and we can understand that from all his vignettas, and cards and events; remarkable is the Halloween event of last year scary monster, if you don't remenber it please read it again expecially his interaction with Jamil);
Silver is really perceptive of others, here we see how through Lilia he understand Trein sensei circumstances, no one except him noticed and gave importance about this, so the "short-comings" we all in the fam give to Silver are misgiven, Silver's short comings are due his narcolepsy and through the fact that he lived more among other species than humans, so he only lacks experience, not intelligence, he's not an himbo.
In conclusion I want to make you notice how mature he is respect Malleus; Silver always noticed and told us plenty times that Lilia was aging and he tell it being aware and ready for what it will happen... following the natural flow of life, Silver is ready for it to happen, Malleus no, if Lilia pass away for Malleus it will be a traumatic strike, he is immature and for him, for faes being essentially immortal and infallible is a given, death is something that for him is way distant and evanescent...
Thus where my observations. Before part seven. I'll rewatch all about Silver's cards, events ect. And I'll make an exclusive character analysis about him. Because it's DEFINITELY not true that we have only few clues about his character.
I personally think that he is one of the most underrated, by superficiality, character in twst, when instead is a character fully studied and soo well written that deserve to have a lot more.
He is definetly one of my favourite characters, at the start I underrated him really badly, because to me he was the less outstanding character among the cast, yet he really managed step by step to grow on me, he is an amazing written character, my upmost respect to everyone who worked on his characterization🙇🏻‍♀️
I hope this may be , usefull, or at least interesting
If you may be interestd I also made a mini analysis about Cater Diamond(an other of my favourite characters in twst)
For a further analysis about Lilia you can also read these posts:
-Lilia Vanrouge ssr birthday 3rd year bouquet
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roseapov · 27 days
I have a new obsession.
So yes, Jiyan has become my new obsession and let me tell you- He's amazing! And I love these moments of being completely hyperfixated on someone/something the most!
I'm definetly gonna play Wuthering Waves more to get him, and I also really like the story so far! (I'm still somewhere closer to the beggining I think)
But it's so heartbreaking to see everyone around me getting him accidentally without even wanting him 💔💔 I'll try my best to get him and his weapon!
I won't shut up about him for the nearest time being- In the internet you probably won't see me posting about him much, beause I did one post already, so why more?
But irl it'll be the only one topic I'm gonna be talking about!
This man's so perfect, come on now! Wuthering Waves I love you, thank you for creating this man!
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Space Goat List Design (temp title)
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Today's topic: Deathwatch
Alright, due to popular demand let's try and do this
@strumwulf , @trat-yrrebeulb, @saintnuke-ac, I hope this sort of post is what you expected, and if anyone wants me to cover a specifc supposedly "bad" faction, just drop an ask into my inbox.
Todays's topic is the Deathwatch. As by a Metawatch article from three weeks ago sitting at the very bottom of the roster with a miserable 42% winrate, right there with Admech. In this post I'll put together a list that definetly will pack a punch on the table and definetly perform better than 42%.
Let's see what we are working with first. Our Army Rule is "Oath of Moment" - essentially "each round pick a target, go fuck them up with full hit rerolls". The detachment rule is 3 tactics to pick for a round, which is Sustained Hits 1, Lethal Hits, or Precision on a 6. All in all pretty simple, just fire up whatever is needed. Nothing here gives us specific instructions on list construction, so let's look at the Stratagems:
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Aside from Armor of Contempt, each of those targets either ONE regular unit or TWO killteams. Adaptive Tactics is fairly lame as well, so we will spend our command points mostly on a) teleport 2 killteams around with Teleportarium and b) turn on one of the Rounds-Boost depending on the situation, either Hellfire or Kraken.
That gives us the first order to be effective: slap two Killteams in there, and we can effect the most points (and firepower) with this by using Proteus Killteams. Two big units are priced 360p each, which gives us a neat 720p core to work around. There's just a problem with that: those boys will never hold objectives. Ideally you always have them placed at max range, have them blast away, and then jump back up.
So what DOES actualy hold the objectives for us? For the homefield that is fairly simple: 5 man Infiltrator Squad. Their 12'' deepstrike denial shuts down so much possible enemy nonsense, making their inclusion for the homefield a no-brainer. We are now at 820p with that.
But what about other objectives? In general Space Marines are not good at holding objectives unless they throw a Terminator Brick on something. Their units are too pricy to be relegated for holding duty most of the time. Luckily, we don't have to be good if we can just grab the enemy homefield instead. Usually that's not easy for the faction, but among the exclusive Deathwatch units there is an Aircraft Transport: the Corvus Blackstar.
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And would you look at that, it can transport EVERYTHING.
So what is the most annoying, hardest-to-remove, packs-a-punch unit we can send right on its way to the enemy homefield? Centurion Devastators of course! A squad of 3 with Grav Cannons should be able to deal with any big stuff the Blackstar's Hurricane Bolters can't shred - and would you look at that, they even get full rerolls when shooting a target on a marker. But wait, there's more! We still got three unit slots left on our party cruiser! It's a bit cramped, but we can still fit a unit of Eliminators in there! Very useful if the marker is full of units and you can't directly disembark on it: they can move after shooting, so you still got a shot of scoring the objective after blasting the enemy off it.
Adding that all together with what we already have that puts us at 1260p, and oh dear, we don't have any characters yet!
Remember the pitiful 5 man infiltrator squad we left to defend our base? Those people will just get shredded away by any sort of serious indirect fire, or especially ballsy deepstrikers, and then our primary scoring takes a nosedive. Turns out for just 70p you can eliminate that risk entirely: a Librarian in Phobos Armor gives essentially the entire unit Lone Operative. Since the enemy cannot deepstrike within that range due to the unit's ability, that means they are now ultra-safe. With the homefield now at maximal security, we are now at 1330p.
So what to do with the remaining points? Well, the Proteus Killteam does have a mirror: the Fortis Killteam. While the first gets a bonus for aiming at targets above half strenght, they get a bonus for hitting units below that. There's just one problem: they don't have deepstrike and out other Killteams are clogging up the Teleportarium. So we add a regular Apothecary with the Beacon Angelis enhancement to a squad of 10. Just in case those Plasma Boys blow themselves up, we now got a medic on standby.
Adding that to what we have puts us at 1640p. To make the most out of this, let's add a Watch Master and 5 Deathwatch Veterans - they are just there to carry the following Enhancement:
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This levels up Oath of Moment to its old glory, AND gives you an extra use. Meanwhile the special weapons on the Veterans can pack quite the punch as well, even when they are just a small unit. The "makes stratagems more expensive" skill is also neat.
Overall: 1920 points by now.
What we do with the last 95 points is completly up to preference. I just threw a Callidus Assassin in there for scoring purposes, and that fits thematically with the Proteus Teams jumping around.
Librarian in Phobos Armor
Apothecary (Beacon Angelis)
Watch Master - Warlord (Tome of Ectoclades)
Deathwatch Veterans (5 models)
Centurion Devastator Squad (3 models)
Corvus Blackstar
Eliminator Squad
Fortis Killteam (10 models)
Infiltrator Squad (5 models)
Proteus Killteam (10 models)
Proteus Killteam (10 models)
Imperial Agents: Callidus Assassin
With a total of 1995 points. Weapon options are to be taken as common sense dictates (= no Frag Cannons on the Proteus, Fortis goes full Plasma, high damage weaponry on the Blackstar).
Notes on playing this list:
The most interesting part about this: the list has an extreme advantage when going second. Not only can you start deepstriking on the first turn with your Teleportarium, you can also RAPID INGRESS THE CORVUS BLACKSTAR in the enemy T2, meaning for your T2 you can already zip over to their homefield. The list is not ideal for secondary scoring (you will most certainly not even consider Investigating Signals with just the Callidus), but it does not have to be, for your focus is to ruin the enemy primary scoring by directly putting their homefield into your focus. And hey, "Capture Enemy Outpost" is 8 points, so having your Centurions parked there at the first chance you get definetly will also score a bit.
Your biggest worry is running out of command points for you have no generator in your list but that is something one can play around. The operating procedure should be fairly obvious: mark Oath of Moment Target -> let the Proteus Killteams blast them off the table. Eventually strike in the Fortis Team for cleanup duty. Meanwhile the Blackstar with its cargo has its own gameplan mostly independent from that.
The biggest issue for this list in a competititve setting is time, for your goal is to win the primary game in the long run. I recommend unit trays for the Proteus Killteams so taking them off the board and putting them back down is easy.
Last fun bit: I am not sure how this works on the rules specifically, but in this list you would have TWO instances of "make a enemy battle tactic stratagem worse". Of course that means you target their best + Command Reroll, but I am not sure if you can stack them. Putting Command Reroll at a 3CP cost sounds hillarious tho...
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smokerswifey · 7 months
°•○● Headcannons about Edlin and his s/o ●○•°
( anyone can read this fic )
● Edlin absolutely adores having his hair played if. He's always laying his head in your lap, constantly humming and purring in content when you gently pull out the elastic in his hair to gently massage his scalp and caress the loose strands away from his face . Its a moment that both of you enjoy dearly.
● He likes to draw a lot . Ever since he was a kid Edlin was always obsessed with the illustrations in children's book and at a very young age he took it upon himself to learn how to draw. He's an amazing artist who loves to doodle random sketches of you whether it be, you eating, you smiling, you reading, you talking- just you , you , you !
Before you guys started dating he would refuse to show you any of the sketches, despite your deep curiosity, using snarky or arrogant excuses to try and make you drop the subject . But when you guys finally got together, he would gift you every single sketch that he would make, giving you the most radiant smile ever when he would see the delighted expression on your face .
You have a special box where you preciously keep every single drawing, Edlin ever gave you . When you told Donny about it and when Donny snitched to Edlin, the guy cried for like 20 minutes before randomly showing up at your doorstep in the middle of a bloody storm, to pull you into a hug so tight, that your feet weren't even touching the floor anymore. You had to confusedly comfort your wet and sobbing boyfriend, who kept sniffling clumsy strings of " I love you,I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you-"  into your now wet t-shirt.
But it was fine cause you loved him too .
● He will pout over ANYTHING . If you don't give him enough morning smooches, if you give him slightly less hugs than the day before, if you're eyes aren't on him for more than 5 seconds the man will POUT . Furrowed eyebrows, scrunched up nose and puffed out lips . He will snark and brood till he has you back in his arms and when you are he will not let you go .
● He really really...really likes to bite ( not in a dirty way !! )
When your distracted or zoning out, he tends to gently grab your hand and just light bite on your finger to get your attention back . Sometimes its the hand, or sometimes its the ear or the neck, when he sneeks behind you, wraps his arms around your middle and just chomps like a bloody cat . Most of the time you scold him about it, rubbing your tender ear, or neck but he just smirks cheekily cause he can see how flustered you are about it .
This ain't much but you guys definetly made me fall for edlin so I'll definitely post more of these when I have the time !
This was for my incredible mutual @ac9129 , I really hope you liked this hun and I would love to more commissions from you in the future :))
( if there are any grammatical errors I am so sorry English ain't my first language )
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eryanlainfa · 5 months
I just realized that even though i see your art of him and you talk about him a lot, i don't actually know anything about aiden. so. infodump to me about your OC lore please.
!!!! hi <3 I have SO MUCH to say about Aiden- and yet I don't share that much about them! I draw them a lot but never give much context, my bad xP
I did answer an ask a while ago about them here if you want! it has all the basic infos you might need and I've just updated it a bit because some stuff was outdated and I wanted to add some details. I also think you can find (very) few things in the eryanwrites tag
But you're asking for infodumping so!!! Imma infodump MORE >:3c
(this is in addition to the post I linked- you might want to read said post before, to have more context)
⚙ Backstory stuff
Despite being born in Old Corona, Aiden spent half of their childhood in another village even farther away from the capital. This village is run by a small saporian community and was mostly filled with travelers so people tended to come and go, lots of witches came by looking to seal their power to pass as human. So Aiden and their parents were easily welcomed there.
When Aiden was a child, the local Grandma (Aiden never learnt her name- she was just referred by everyone as Grandma) used to play with Aiden's hair a lot while she told stories. Aiden avoided cutting their hair for her, and even after her death they still refused to cut it.
Said Grandma was the village's healer and quickly became Aiden's role model. She was the first person to mentor Aiden in their quest to become a physician.
Aiden's second mentor is the current royal physician, the only one who didn't leave when the Queen got sick and no one could find a cure. Both of Aiden's mentor were/are unhinged and definetly shouldn't be trusted to teach children but that's why I love them.
Aiden is very not normal about human bodies. Both because of autism and the way their mentors educated them about it. Aiden is pretty desentisized about stuff most people would find gross.
⚙ Aiden's relationship with other characters
Aiden has a pretty good relationship with their parents. They're very loving people but a tad overprotective, it kinda made Aiden avoid talking to them about big problems because he was scared to worry them more than necessary, but overall they all love and care for each others. Aiden is just terrible at understanding and communicating his own needs.
They have many friends within the castle since they've been working here for a while now. They're also known outside of the capital since his mentor sometimes send them away, either on errand or to take care of villages without doctors.
Aiden isn't close to the main cast of tts, beside Varian. He respects and admires most of them but he doesn't consider them friends since he never really got interested in getting closer to them. They do know they can count on him when any of them gets hurt or sick, it's his job after all.
Aiden has a bestie- his name is Daniel, he's the son of the merchants proccuring most herbs for the physicians, and is currently part of the royal guards. He isn't a very fun person but Aiden enjoys how down to earth he can be.
⚙ random stuff
During the series Aiden went through like... 4 different leg prosthesis in one year because people (bad guy of the season) kept on breaking it. (I'll admit it was my go-to excuse as to why Aiden doesn't appear in canon. They're always off screen doing random things or laying on the floor stuck somewhere 😔)
They're very sensitive to temperatures since the Storm that made them lose their leg.
Aiden's magic got sealed by a tattoo on their back when they were very young, so as they grew up the tattoo got deformed and the seal weakened. Their extended family is the ones completely getting rid of it- by removing part of the skin. Hopefully for Aiden he was under hypnosis when that happens and he has no memories of it whatsoever. Varian is the one who found out about it and it made him really mad.
So you know Venefica's magic is linked to mind control. And Aiden caught feelings for Varian long before he caught feelings for them himself. Varian is very obvious about his feelings, yet Aiden doesn't acknowledge it at all. That's because they're somehow convinced Varian's feelings aren't genuine and is caused by their own magic they never learnt to control.
I mentioned witches cannot break promises so they avoid doing any, since it can easily end badly for them. Aiden (so far) made 2 : one to Quirin and one to Donella. The first one lowkey resulted in the loss of their leg. The second brought distrust between them and Varian. So yeah. Promises bad.
The only reason Hugo is allowed to call them Hobble is because he helped a lot with their prosthesis and still does
⚙ shipping stuff
At this point if you don't know I ship Aiden with both Varian and Hugo then-.. Idk how you escaped all my posting about them but I admire that, this is impressive. Anyway-
I wanted to try doing an actual love triangle so when each of them catch feelings it starts with : Aiden -> Hugo ; Hugo -> Varian ; Varian -> Aiden. Then things just... happen and at some point they all have feelings for both of the other and they are struggling to figure out what to do about it.
The first two to get into a relationship are Aiden and Hugo, but it's not really romantic, they're just having fun. Hugo quickly understood Varian was the team leader but the boy kept Aiden in high regard, so getting Aiden on his side would eventually bring Varian to it too. Aiden is very aware of it and is fine with it as long as Hugo isn't actively trying to get them hurt.
I have.. the worst love triangle dynamic chart ever :
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I don't even know if its readable to others but oh well-
Anyway. I think that's enough! If any question rises I'll love to asnwer them! About Aiden or other ocs or timeline stuff- or aus- anything is fine
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zodiac-blood · 3 days
asexuality with a fetish; but weirder than that somehow
Most of us in the system don't fully label our orientation due to how stressful it can be with headmates blurring, but one identity that has felt the most concrete with me (Tobey writing this) has been Asexuality. Now that identity is also one I have struggled with because well, I have what very obviously seems to be a fetish. It works a bit weird because of my sexuality and my sexuality works a bit weird because of the fetish. I'll explain that a bit further in a bit but I'll try not to get too much into my personal sex life. If you have read previous posts of mine you may know it, but its a hand fetish. (before you make the joke, yes I actually did realize it because of the JoJo character, kinda.) For a while I didn't want to label myself as asexual because of both that, and that I can *tolerate* having sex, not really enjoy it entirely but I don't (usually) get disgusted by it. I've since started realizing that's not the part that matters really, and have been trying to figure out what's up with my specific flavour of sexuality.
I think a very important thing that I have figured out, and is why it took a very long time to figure out what was up with me, is I don't get 'horny' in the way most people do. When I see like a very attractive pair of hands doing something (mostly just something non-sexual oddly), I get what I tend to say is "arousal" but not once will the thought of sex or even kissing come up in my mind. It's more like aggression?? but almost in the way you get "cuteness aggression" where youre not actually angry or wanting to hurt something, the emotions are just so extremely positive that you start getting aggressive. Its like that, but more fight or flight instincts, it makes me want to either hide curled up in a ball crying or punch something; somehow all this is in a very positive way though. Not once will I ever think of trying to do anything sexual and the times I have tried to do something sexual both by myself and with a partner while feeling this way yet it just doesn't help at all. I tend to call this arousal/being horny but it feels more like something else? I am not sure since it has no *actually* sexual nature to it yet is definetly tied so some sort of sexuality and sexual feelings. I don't just see a hand and get weird about it, its only if it sort of matches my type and in certain contexts. That I think is to be expected with a sexual interests though, just wanted to clarify. If someone has more information on this please let me know because it has been very hard to find anything for it and its something I haven't heard anyone talk about. I have briefly mentioned it before and someone commented saying I might have autism but honestly but they never responded to my asking what they meant by that so I don't really understand what that meant and can't find anything on that.
On that, although a bit of a tangent; do not try and diagnose me with something, it is fine to point out if something is a common symptom of something but specific diagnosises stress me out.
I am an individual in a somewhat large group of people sharing a brain, and that makes things kind of weird. I think hands can be really good looking and I even have preferences and specific things I can point to as 'turn-ons' (in the agrressive horny way) and things I consider to be turn-offs (long nails...), yet we are realising that there are some in the system who have different aspects they like, but also most of them don't have that interest at all. I have headmates who most likely have more "normal" sexualities and blurred with them in times that made it really confusing, but I do understand the feeling somewhat of how its "supposed" to be somewhat. I have a specific memory of when we were younger, like middle school aged, I didn't have any understanding of it but I definetly already had the fetish at that point. I had a conversation with a friend about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a series I didn't know anything about back then, you probably know where this is going. She started being funny and talking about a character called "Yoshikage Kira", she mentioned that he is known mostly by his hand fetish, and definetly made a point to joke about how weird it was. I don't know how much about myself I really was understanding at that point but I definetly just started hiding all form of sexuality that could be "weird" from myself by that point. I remember sometime around that time I made some sort of post somewhere, I don't know where but I think its deleted, saying something along the lines of "is it possible to be really into hands but its not a fetish because I don't want to fuck them?" (paraphrasing). I "shut off" and ignored any thoughts I had around that for many years, until I watched JoJo and got INTENSE 'new' emotions seeing scenes of Kira being intimate with the disembodied hand, and kick-started a whole identity crisis. I think its also important to note, this wasn't long after I actually had sex for the first time and didn't understand why I wasn't into it and tried out labelling as asexual, hense the "crisis" began.
Now I say multiple times sex doesn't really ever come to my mind when "aroused" (if thats even what it is), but you may also know I have posted things in the past in a very sexual nature and drawn sexual art. I'm entirely sex positive so when I say this do NOT think I am against it; but that's just something I don't think I want to really do anymore and kinda didn't want to do in the first place. The main reason I did, is to me it was one level of 'weird' to be into something abnormal sexually, but a whole other level of 'weird' to be into something for whatever weird aggressive frustrating but thrilling reasons I have. So, trying to let myself be myself but still be "normal about it" I just chose what I'm ""supposed"" to do with a fetish, be sexual about it. I've done things like that also with many fictional characters where I really am into them in that weird aggressive "horny" way but just say something sexual because it makes the point I'm into them without being "weird". I am still learning to just be myself, and am working on just being myself with this. Another reason, and moreso applies to the art I did, was that I was trying to figure out if I could really like it as a sexual thing, I tried, and none of the actually sexual parts really got me interested, good note is I did find out what specific things I'm disgusted by.
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Fic recs
In light of some stuff I saw, I decided to make this post to briefly talk about some fics I really like and recommend them. All are BG3 related and most are Raphael. Also, there's some authors that write a lot of great fics, I'll try to keep one fic per author or else we'll be here forever (but definetly go check everyone and their other works out!)
Cheerful Oblivion by @sassyandsodone - Read the tags before reading this but Love me dark stuff, the writing is amazing (legitimetly gasped at a few points) and the mix of Tav not remembering what happened and the dehumanization aspects were the cherry on top. It
I Don't Think About You Anymore (But I don't think about you any less) by @sky-kiss - This fic put me in a lot of different feels, ESPECIALLY SAD (which i do like, love when stuff makes me feel) and the ending was unexpected to me but it made it all worth it. Shed a tear or two
Devil's Debauchery by ChildofYugotth - One of the first fics I read on the Raphael tag, the first chapter lives in my mind rent free for many, many days, and I really like how the three chapters kinda go like regular raphael, haarlep and then ascended fiend, like a progression. Also read the tags.
Fallen in Flame by @cambion-companion - Love the dynamic between the two characters and how their relationship developed and the conflicting feeling that Tav has of like, being an aasimar and dealing with a devil
The Devil that knows you by @timesthatneverwere - Cat!Tav was not something I knew I needed before reading this. The relationship between Tav, Raphael and even Haarlep in this one is VERY interesting to me (and has lowkey inspired me some times) and I love seeing Raphael keeping secrets and manipulating people (also i have to mention, this fic gave us the mephisto fuck chamber)
Let the dream begin by DiscordsMuse - POTO inspired, this has hit me in the feels with relating to Morrigans struggles of feeling rejected, and honestly, Raphael as the Phantom was amazing.
finirà bene by @inaconstantstateofchange - A Halsin/Astarion/Tav one for a change, this is such an interesting and heartbreaking concept, but there's also this sense of mystery that I think is really well done. Also, beware the ANGST
Her soul will burn all the way down by khapikat222 - Read the tags, another dark fic that I loved, and this one had this manipulation and fucking with someone's fears that I really liked. Also, props to the author for making the lullaby fit, it was a great cherry on top.
Baldur's gate 3 infernal oneshots by @hrefna-the-raven - chapters 1-4 are a little story between Raphael and Tav that I really liked. The dynamic of raphael being more protective and the cat and mouse analogies were really fun!
The Intimacy of Pain by @bearhugsandshrugs - This is an Abdirak/Tav fic which I found so delightfully good, like the descriptions of how Tav was feeling and the mix of pleasure and pain were really well done
The Devil's Hour by @adarlingwrites - Also one of the first fics in the tag that I read, and what made me like OC x Canon, love the complicated but also interesting to read relationship between Fortune and Raphael, and another aspect that I really liked was Fortune's relationship with art and her parents being brought up like (like idk why but those two things really stuck with me)
Sweetening the Deal by @adevilyoudo - I have to admit that I'm a bit behind on some chapters BUT it's a great work, love seeing this side of Raphael of trying to convince Tav to take this deal (and in a way, almost confusing her even more) and I loved to see the side of the Emperor constantly being in Tav's head, I think it really conveyed well how that feels like when playing the game
The Devil You Share a Room with by @djmorn - Really fun concept and the shennanigans between the two in the beggining, when Tav is reluctant to share a room with Raphael, was a delight to read and really really fun.
Damaged by @dark-and-kawaii - This is a Rolan/Tav one, it's dark but it also tugged at my heart in a sad way, with Rolan feeling all these things and doing what he does because of the abuse he suffered and Tav also trying to understand that. Like aaaa it just, it's some good stuff this fic
Who's the Daddy by Follyfall - This fic is the definition of fun and a good time, I legitimetly laughed a lot while reading it. The writing is fun, the concept is hilarious and the relationship between Raphael, Tav, Haarlep, the baby and Wyll is really really fun.
Also, keep in mind that there's A LOT of amazing writers in the bg3 community and i haven't read every single written work in the tags ever, so feel free to also reblog and add reccomendations of your own, or make your own post!
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thattimdrakeguy · 18 days
Hey, I've been lurking on your posts, definetly agree with a lot of your takes, but one thing that always bother me is your depiction of Tim Drake's skills. Like, making him out to be really weak and downplaying his strengths. That's not saying he's this super awesome dude who can do anything. He was described as not as natural at combat stuff as Dick and Jason, but he worked hard to overcome that and became someone that stands as an equal to them. He wasn't the weakest Robin, he was equal to them because he put in the work. That's what makes him relatable. The talk of forever weak Tim, like Damian saying he could never lose to Tim, and Tim agreeing and using trickery to take the win, it stinks of genetic superiority. Considering Post-Crisis, where he was depicted as pretty buff actually. He was about as big at 13 as Jaso was when he died at 15. It was only after flashpoint that you see talk like this. And I agree, that sometimes fandom exaggerates his intelligence, but his Robin and Red-Robin runs show that he is pretty equal to Bruce and Dick as a detective, that in Gotham he is second only to Barbara in computer work. It's not that Tim's weaker and less skilled than everyone, and it's not that he's so much smarter than everyone either. I'd take 15 year old Tim and put him equal to 15 year old Dick and Jason. I'd put Red Robin as close to an equal to Nightwing, and equal to Red Hood. People do forget he's also won against Red Hood in canon, as well as lost. They've fought a couple of times. So yeah, I don't vibe with Tim being considered the weakest Gotham vigilante, and with 14 year old Damian being considered top 3, with Cass and Bruce. I'd buy it when he's older. Sorry for being long-winded, I was kinda venting. I'd love to hear your opinion. No hate either way, reply to this or not, it's your choice.
That was very difficult to read. So I'm gonna briefly write, what I think is a summarized version of it, and I'll answer what I gathered out of it, and if I'm wrong, I want you to send me another ask so I can answer this right.
"Why do you make out Tim to be really weak? Art depicts something different from what you said. Comics have said he's better in this and that."
Basically, the answer is, the art style in the 90s made everyone really big and buff, look at the Marvel cartoons at the time, most action figures, and it even went for most comics. BUT, the way Tim was written, and shown in his brief time before the 80s and that bit of time when that fad ended shown Tim wasn't meant to look like a steroid abuser.
Tim was constantly talked about as being skinny, and small. Well, skinny in what he seemed like when he had civilian clothes anyways. He was lean.
So, yeah, what he looked like a lot didn't match up.
In the 90s and I'm sure other eras, and art styles. You gotta learn to accept the sensibilities at the time, and not let it trick you into thinking something the intention wasn't.
Also 13-year-old Tim definitely isn't meant to be seen as the same size as 15-year-old Jason.
Here's how they're depicted by the same artist in the same story:
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While Jim Aparo does have a same face problem, there's a lot of panels where Tim looks entirely generic, and does make Tim more buff in the costume compare to civilian clothes, which is an inconsistency. Not counting how his sizing of Tim is off compared to how George Perez, the guy to draw the proper first appearance of Tim as we know him. He still makes sure Tim is seen as softer, smaller, and far 'cuter' compared to how he depicts Jason on a regular enough bases, that you can tell what Tim is actually meant to look like, when he's trying harder.
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(Ignore the Robin in the upper left corner, that is Dick not Jason.)
Jim Aparo was also the artist for most of Jason's Robin run on Batman (The Jason we know, not the Dick Grayson copy.) Which includes Death of the Family, where he's still depicted as being larger than Tim.
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While Jim has a clear love for the ever large, imposing Batman. Jason is still taller than Tim, and has quite the mature look to him.
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While a bit inconsistent. Jason is just under Bruce's shoulder. While Tim is basically at Bruce's belly button. And Jason is consistently buff while in costume and not. There was even a panel (that I don't have now, but I did once. I have a large Jason post you may be able to find) that showed Jason working out with bar bells. The intention clearly being that he's meant to be a more of a brawler compared to Dick, and later Tim.
So within the art, and the writing, no, Tim is meant to be quite small, and Jason is meant to be quite large. Jason just wasn't allowed to make Batman seem less imposing when around him, as it'd look silly. Certainly in that ridiculous original Robin costume.
Also I just don't care for Red Robin. I think it just wrote in stuff that felt more like sudden changes to validate a sudden decision, more than it did depict Tim in a new chapter of his existence. Therefore I don't like it, nor do I care for what it says.
Chris Yost is more often than not a great writer.
Red Robin to me, is not one of those comics where he is a great writer.
Lot of great ideas, but more executions I don't think work than anything else.
I don't think all comics are equal.
Canon is very weak even when they tried to maintain it.
So for my sake I go purely off of what I interpret to be the intention, and only care for stories that I personally think do a good job at continuing, and developing narratives that feel in-line with the intention.
Because a writer can write what ever they want as long as the editors, and publisher, and who ever else allows it to be released.
If I were to treat every comic as equal these character's personalities and skills would be so inconsistent you'd have to be a world class mental gymnast champion to bother finding reason for it.
I don't personally bother with it, because why would I? If I don't think a story is well written, then I simply don't think it's well written. I don't get anything out of forcing myself to think I like something I don't.
Also I never said Tim is very weak. I don't think he should be very weak. And if I have said something like that, I likely meant it within a context.
I just like it when writers remember that his way of winning fights, is his wits, not his brawn.
You can be talented, and a winner, without being great at everything. Tim isn't relatable when he's great at everything. Do most people practice so much they become great at everything? No, because that isn't realistic. Not that Batman characters are realistic. It tends to go against Tim's point is all, in my eyes at least.
Tim somehow becoming Dick's equal within 3 and a half years, when Dick has been at it for a decade or more, is insanely hard to believe. Especially when Dick is a natural talent, and Tim is not.
If everyone is depicted as talented in the same exact ways, that is extremely boring to me. So I don't care for it.
Why bring up a character being this, this, and that, to never use it? That's pretty lazy, boring writing to me. So when a writer acknowledges how Tim is supposed to win fights, and actually puts the effort into depicting that, I give it praise, because I think it deserves it.
Also, within the specific example you gave: Damian is a genetically altered super warrior, trained from birth, with (I don't know if this is canon anymore, or was ever much of a thing past one story) enhancements grafted into him.
It's way more interesting to me, to have Damian be able to best Tim at normal combat, 'cause of their immensely different upbringings. Rather than simply saying "Tim is older, so he should win". That's not very clever, or fun to think about.
Although proper power scaling in comics is nonsense as well, in my personal opinion, because really, who ever wins is up to the writer. Any writer can have a character can find a way to beat another character. What makes it well-written or not, is if the writer goes through the effort to make it believable within what's established.
Which is why I liked Zdarsky writing Tim to use his wits to best someone who has far more experience and natural talent in one on one combat. It let's Tim beat someone, he probably shouldn't be able to, in a way that's interesting, and true to character.
However you are entirely free to enjoy buff, Red Robin, as talented as the rest of them Tim. I'm not meaning this as anything in the form of disrespect, or anything like that. You're entirely free to enjoy whatever you want.
All I'm saying is, I don't buy it, and I don't think it SHOULD be how Tim is depicted, because it makes him a lot more generic and typical, when I think he's a lot more interesting when writers follow the intentions of him.
I'm not asking for him to be identical to how he is before he even properly starts being Robin.
I ask for consistency, and writing that cares about maintaining what was the charm, and likability, and uniqueness of a character, even through out their developments, so they don't become lost, or lose their identity, a fate that can infect a lot of characters that get writers without those sensibilities.
'Cause a LOT of stuff is considered canon that doesn't match.
And I'm not one of those people that tries to act like "Oh you can't ignore that just because you don't like it' because everyone does. I've never seen someone say that, and not have some complaint about it. I'm a man of honesty, even in times of disagreements.
All respect to you, though.
I'm mainly hoping this doesn't read like a strongly worded letter. When really I'm casually saying all of this. I'm just insanely Autistic and long winded in my own right.
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I genuinely haven't decided if I'm going to have Makarov be dead or not in the Alvarez arc.
Because I hate that they brought him back so long after his death because it makes his sacrifice feel so cheap.
And I honestly want someone else to be guild master at this point. Like I would say the three potential best options at the point the series is at would be Erza, Mira or Laxus and I'm going to explain why.
To start with, I do not think pre tenrou Laxus should be guild master. He was an asshole that refused to help his guild in the phantom war unless Lucy slept with him, he attacked one of his own teammates when Freed told him they had lost and while it didn't hit, it was close, beat Gajeel up way worse than Jet and Droy did and likely would have done so until he'd killed Gajeel if Jet and Droy hadn't told him to stop and did try to attack them and he willingly put the entire town in danger so that he wouldn't have to admit he'd lost after Evergreen was beat and have his ego bruises. He was not a good person and needed to be taught a lesson.
However, post Tenrou Laxus is a different story. He's a lot less full of himself and doesn't look down on his guildmates. I honestly would say his fight against Ivan is the completion of that character arc because he fights his own father to defend his guild, putting them above his own blood, something he likely would not have done for anyone aside for the thunder legion pre tenrou. He also in tartarous, takes in far more of the bane particals in hopes of saving the towns people and risks his own life to get Tempestar's blood(in the anime) so that Yajima and the thunder legion could survive.
Laxus, as of 100 years quest, can be considered a good successor for the next guild master because he is more likely to continue the legacy Mavis wanted for the guild.
Mira is also a good option in that she likely knows a lot about the job, being the second in command from how she's always the one people talk to about guild based things if Makarov isn't around. She's also no push over and would probably not let someone like pre tenrou Laxus get away with the things that he did. She's definetly not as strong as she used to, after all she hasn't been consistently fighting for years but I don't think strength is what matters in being guild master. At least not for Fairy tail.
And Erza is an obvious member of the list since she was listed as the 7th guild master so she would make sense to be an option.
But the reason I'm torn with having Makarov die or not is because (without getting into spoilers) I already have a lot of canon divergence planned for the Alvarez arc(something which seems to occur more and more as the arcs go on).
Like I already have the most basic plot beats laid out for the later arcs, its just certain aspects surrounding them that are shifting around as I decide which idea is the best one to pick for those arcs. I've already been putting foreshadowing in the rewrite for a while, some that might be more obvious than others and some I really doubt anyone would think "Oh that's important" when first seeing it (I am not going to mention what aspects are the foreshadowing or when it started because again, spoilers and I am so excited to put the new stuff out once the rewrite is done and I don't want to give too much away for the plans I have)
And while I have no problem going extremely off canon in the au at all, there are just certain things where I'm like "Ok but would this benefit from having Makarov be dead or alive"
I'll probably have the answer once I get to the Alvarez arc in like 5 years (Jokes aside, I don't think it will take me 5 years to get there but this book is going to be long. Its already at 108 chapters with the rewrite putting it over 300 pages in the pdf I keep and I'd say its like halfway done. Because despite there being more arcs pre tenrou than post, I still consider Tenrou the midway point and I have the KOTSH, GMG, Tartarous and Alvaraz arcs to cover once the midway is done and post tenrou, even the canon version of the arcs start getting long.
I also swear I'll have the current arc finished soon. I always just take breaks between arcs just because it takes so long to write them and then the editing is a long process.
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 1 year
Fanfiction For Turkey
after the terrible disaster that struck Turkey just the other day, @grey-sides has put together an event called harringroveforturkey
this event is where the creator (me) is commissioned to write/draw a piece of harringrove fanwork, where the proceeds will go to one of three charities in support of turkey
since my blog is multifandom and i know some of my followers don't like harringrove/stranger things, I've decided to open my fanworks to multiple fandoms
here's what you need to do:
reblog this post - even if you can't donate, or dislike this form of charity work, please reblog this most so more people can see it.
please send me a direct message or an email ([email protected]) where we can discuss how to proceed
if you are unsure about the fandom/pairing - just ask, chances are, I'm down (i mean, it's for charity)
the flat agreement will probably be 100 words = £1/$1, but this can be discussed privately as well
you will make the donation to one of the three charities on the list, and then send me a screenshot of the confirmation (again, we can discuss when the donation will be made)
depending on what you want to do with the fic, i will most-likely gift it to you on ao3
that's it :)
please note: if you have an questions regarding anything above, just send an ask and I'll answer as soon as possible :)
please dm/email me for actual commisons
you can check out my work on my ao3
fandoms i'm definetly willing to write: Stranger Things (specifically harringrove), Wednesday, the Sandman, the Witcher, Julie and the Phantoms, Marvel (but again, just ask me and I'll probably say yes)
thank you :)
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liameowlia · 11 months
i discovered tumblr messed up and this post was not in fact posted lmao, thank god i saved the draft before hand.
warning: i tried my best to leave this as most spoiler-free as i could, but if you really don't want to know anything about the plot at all (not even vague things about it) just jump to my tldr.
i don't really have the brain-functioning hability to put into words everything i'm feeling about the miraculous movie right now, but i just wanna say i loved the movie.
i think it was GREAT, it made me extremely emotional and i'm really sorry that apparently not everyone feels the same way (and i super understand why they may differ from me), because i genuinely will hold this movie dear to heart, as a comforting piece of media to watch when feeling sad or needing a pick-me-up.
i know it seems like a joke, but this movie genuinely feels like a fix-it fic ksdksdkjk i feel like they really tried hearing the fans while producing this and it made me happy! i understand that some people are kinda mad that they did all these big changes in the movie and not in the show, and i agree that many of the aspects of the movie would be super satisfying in the show, but unfortunately it's all we got :(.
at this point i feel like the series is like a train on fire that the crew are trying to keep on track lmao. i say it as a joke, but i really do think that they've noticed how many flaws there are in so many aspects of the series and are trying to (maybe) fix them in a way that makes sense, while simutaniously going foward with the plot, but that's hard to do and will aways leave some unsatisfying things behind, and that's another reason as to why i liked the movie so much.
i know i'll unfortunately never get to have the "perfect" development or writing or plot or characterization or finale for the show, because of so many (big or small, objetive or personal) flaws there are inbedded in the show and how it has been biult up until now, but i can get pretty close to that with the movie. no, i'm not trying to say the movie is perfect, it's far from that, but watching the movie from the perspective of someone who's been watching the show since it frist aired, it made me really happy! i got to see a new version of the story, a new retelling, with most of the things i love being rearrenged, plus some new improvements, and best of all! it's canon! it's not in the same universe as the series, obviously, but still canon.
i feel like the movie made canon (parts of) a version of the story that i've always wanted for miraculous, it made it possible and true, not just frustated and sour daydream. it's canon, guys. i know that for many people that doesn't mean a lot, but for me it weirdly does. and i'm really happy about it.
i loved the songs, i love musicals, so sorry if you weren't pleased by that. i loved the designs, even though i did find adrien's art different from the series, so it took me a while to get used to (not bad, just different!). i did miss my marichat or adrien <3 marinette action, but it's fine bc it's a movie and they can't fit everything in there. i liked the pacing, but idk if that's bc i already know the basis of the plot, so idk if it'll seem rushed to someone that never watched the show. i have some other critiques and things i personaly would've changed/improved, but i mostly liked pretty much everything.
tldr, i guess (?): i loved the new miraculous movie, even though i undertand why some may not like it and have my own critiques about it. my rating is like 8/10, maybe even 9/10 depending on which aspect i'm talking about, from the perspective of a fan. i'd give it a solid 7/10 for those who have never watched miraculous before (maybe i'm being too generous bc i literally just watched it). i would definetly recommend you to watch it, even if you haven't watched the series before, no matter how old you are. hope you guys like it just as much as i did.
thank you for coming to my tedtalk and have a nice day, evening or night. bug out!
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ghost-data-writing · 4 months
Hello, fellow people on the other side of the screen!
*clears throat*
Alright, I didn't think it would be that hard, to set up a new blog, but here we go! So much time has passed since I've had my first blog on this platform and I kinda have to say... I somewhat missed it. Hell, I was a stupid kid back then, doing nothing more but scrolling through here and reblogging/liking anime pics.
This, right here, won't be the same.
Back then I was afraid to post my writings online since english isn't my first language but I was working hard to get to the point where I am now. This post won't contain the first story I'll ever throw out here but it should be a nice, little info-post to what to expect at least. Because... Honestly spoken, it would have felt rude just to post my first work, never saying a thing and up and leave again. So here is what to expect from me as a writer in both, original and fanfic-writing.
Most of you will probably find me through fanfics, so we're just gonna start with that.
What fandoms am I working in?
・Like A Dragon/Yakuza
I'm probably gonna spend most of my time dwelling there. This franchise was a companion of mine for so long, it's where my heart is, so... Most of my content probably revolves around it. On the side I may drop works of JJBA or Metal Gear Solid but those are rather rare occasions. (I've even posted The Evil Within 2 content once.)
What pairings are going to be expected?
・Majima/Nishitani - Goromi/Nishitani ・Majima/Kiryu - Goromi/Kiryu ・Nishitani/Majima/Kiryu - Nishitani/Goromi/Kiryu
Everything will probably be set around those characters since I vibe with them the most. And I'm simping for Goromi/Majima. There, I said it. Still I may be thinking about Seonhee/Saeko BUT-! That's for another day.
18+ content?
Yup, definetly most of it. Even some pwp between longer stories here and there. So please be cautious, I'm gonna tag everything as good as possible.
And that's about it for the fanfic content. Regarding original works there is not much to say but genres like dark romance, horror, erotic and fantasy are most likely to be expected. And that about sums it up!
First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who kept reading until this point. I'm really not a fan of infodumping but I thought it might be better.
I hope were gonna meet again some time in the future, once I post my first LAD/Yakuza work!
Stay tuned and thank you for reading,
P.S. For anyone who may wants to look into the things I've written so far; here is one expample (Fandom: The Evil Within 2) for you to read:
Have fun and see y'all soon!
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