#i'm aiming for perfection here so you can truly enjoy my works. if i do not like it no one will like it
shinehyuk · 2 years
going to scrap an entire scenario because i do not like it
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Lucky Winner to get Part 2!!
Fever pt. 2
Buggy x Femreader + Buggy Twins
Also PSA everyone Wrap it before you tap it!
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Check out the rest of the Old Men series
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Buggy shouted in total joy, Jumping around the room as his body looked almost like an accordion at his odd movements- you sitting there in total shock.
You'd expected that the twins would be your first and last, not that you would accidently get pregnant again especially by the same idiot who had done it by accident the first time.
Your hands went over your face as the reality of 9 months of this set in- For Fuck sakes... You could t help but giggle and hug Buggy there in the doctors office, Both happy and in total shock by this all.
After this things moved all too quickly it seemed. Of course you two told the boys who had been both excited and apprehensive- Like most kids worried the new baby would replace them or take the father they just gained from them, which had to be explained wasn't the case and you and Buggy created a gameplan to help the biys adjust. Then came the crew, who decided to have a 3 day celebration and get absolutely shit faced- Buggy included.
Why you were indeed happy, incredibly happy infant you knew what was about to come. HORRIBLE PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS! WONDERFUL-
Your first trimester was filled with morning sickness, Poor Buggy being as kind as possible as he helped clean you up and find foods that wouldn't make you puke your guts out. The twins even doing their part to find nice teas and things that smelled nice for you to also not throw up.
During this time Buggy bought so much stuff- Most likely boosting the economy of the village single handedly as he had the nursery built in the cabin and on the ship, You and the boys having a fun few weeks decorating both areas.
By your second trimester the hormones kicked in horribly, that and cramps. However that's when something magical happened as well-
Buggy and you were laying on the bed, both of you quite exhausted. Buggy was tired from dealing with the twins all day while you were tired from the baby and fatigue that was hitting you like a fleet. Since the start of your second trimester when your baby bump had become far more noticable Buggy always has his hand somewhere on your stomach rubbing the growing bump.
"I need to find a better way of tiring them out..." Buggy grumbled, You nodding in agreement leaned against the man and truthfully you both without single damns. Buggy in some pink boxers while you leaned against his naked chest in a large shirt rolled up over your stomach and underwear.
"They are still worried- Maybe take them out sailing or something? I'm sure they would enjoy tha- Oof!" You yelp as a sudden jolt hit you, clearly aimed right under Buggys palm which make both of you jump in surprise.
"What the hell was that?" He questioned as he pulled his palm away from you quickly and looked at your stomach. You shifting and rubbing the exposed skin smiling at him.
"They kicked, ive been feeling 'em move but not kick yet. Here I'm sure they will give you another little kick" You say calmly. Buggy sitting infront of you quickly and placing his palms back on your skin, You shifting his palms to the perfect spot before another jolt ran through you and Buggy giggled like a child at this.
"Thats so weird feeling!"
His eyes sparkled at this as he sat infront of you rubbing your stomach and feeling his child move under his palm and occasionally kick. It was a truly precious moment for the both of you.
As for the final trimester... Pregnancy was never too kind to anyone- Especially you. It wasn't with the twins and it sure wasn't now-
Leaned against the counter you glared hard at Buggy- 60 damn days you're ass! Try 8 fucking months trapped in this God forsaken cabin with your mentally unstable partner, two 12 year old boys and your bladder being utterly destroyed by little feet.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Buggy questioned feeling the heat of your glare on his skin.
"I-..." You wanted to start Biting his head off but truthfully he had done nothing, you figured you were just emotional to the max at this point and the cramping didn't help.
"...I'm in pain-" You admit with a sigh, Buggy setting down his drink and walking to you calmly as he looked you over like he could spot your pain.
"Your stomach looks different" He said calmly, You shooting him a warning look.
"No shit it looks-" Buggy shook his head to stop you, "No its lower I mean, I think it's best we call the doctor" He said calmly, A shot of embrassment going through you at this point. Buggy truly had been giving it his all and learned from the doctor. With a chick trip from the Doctor and Midwife they confirmed you were in labor and got you set up to give birth in the cabin, The twins being taken to the Big Top with Cabaji while they waited for their siblings arrival.
"How are you feeling?" Buggy asked, Gently rubbing your back as you smiled.
"Not to bad actually- I'm glad you're here with me.." You say softly as another contraction shot through you.
At first it was fine- You'd been through this before. So it should be shorter and less painful this time around- Yeah No. You went from fine to screaming in pain very very quickly. Buggy sitting next to you trying to comfort you and get you through it- However the last thing you wanted was him there..
Which landed Buggy outside the house awkwardly, his crew also seated on different patches of grass as they flinched at every cry and scream that echoed out from the house and into the silent garden outside. You had kicked out Buggy 20 minutes ago, clearly just in too much pain to handle him at the moment and the doctor recommending him to try to return in 30 minutes. Which he did.
Truthfully he handled it like a champ once back in, holding your hand despite feeling like you were crushing it into dust and wiping the sweat and tears from your eyes. After a seven exhausting painful hours a shrill cry cut through the air as you slacked onto the bed. The doctor happily placing a little girl on your chest, now tears of joy running down your cheeks.
The doctors starting to clean her up as you admired her, looking to Buggy who was also crying.
You held the little girl in your arms, seeing her pink little face she had your facial features and (Y/H/C) hair like you but a bright rounded cherry nose/cheeks and ocean blue eyes. She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. You saw Buggy stare in only awe as he felt tears hit his cheeks and he smiled.
"Shes.. shes.."
Your hand reached forward, Buggy thinking it was to caress his cheek or something gentle but instead you grabbed his neck in a iron grip- He squeaking in surprise as you pull him close.
"Buggy- This is the last... do you understand? Cause if the words 'I want another child' come from your lips ever again I am going to cut your dick off and throw it into the deepest part of the ocean. Do. You. Understand. Me" You said in the softest and kindest voice Buggy had ever heard, fear going through his system as he could tell you were dead serious.. maybe it was the lack of oxygen going to his brain or still the euphoria of the moment but he swore he saw literal hell flame in yours eyes.
"Clear- Crystal Clear" He wheezed, you releasing him so he could scoop up his daughter. He genuinely looked giddy at this point as he cuddled her close to his chest, you saw the anxiety just below the surface of his face as he stared at his daughter more her nose-
"Shes beautiful" You say softly staring at her from Buggy's arms.
"I won't let her go through what I did- I want her to feel special and perfect" He admitted, your eyes softening at his vulnerability as he kissed his daughters cheek.
"Im sure they will kn- Oof!- Fuck" You hissed in pain and flinched. The doctor peaked under the blanket quickly and called over the midwife who did a quick check. You wincing in pain as Buggy stared at you panicking and holding the now fussing newborn.
"(Y/N)?!" He said softly as another groan of pain left you. The midwife and doctor conversing quickly before beginning to prepare once again.
"It seems you're still in labor- Looks like another baby" He said proudly, Your eyes widening as you look at Buggy like you were prepared to kill him. The clowns face as white as snow making his face paint look dark at the realization of 2 sets of twins kicked in.
"Holy shit-"
"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!" You yelled as Buggy kept his daughter and rushed out quickly to show off his daughter and avoid your wrath of damning you to another set of twins.
Eventually he would return with your guys daughter and sat through another broken hand created by your labor. That night another little girl was brought in this world, the little girls being 8 hours apart and identical to her sister.
It was later decided after you had properly been cleaned up and not ready to murder Buggy their names. Buggy coming up with the names Ali and Ari respectively for his daughters.
Tag List-
@alastorhazbin @yuriwk
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loupy-mongoose · 11 months
Happy birthday ^^ I'm in my 30's so, glad to see some older peeps on tumblr.
(even if 29 aint old XD )
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Don't worry, I know. I don't truly believe myself to be old, just relatively old. I could be wrong, but I feel like a majority of the people I interact with on Tumblr and Discord are younger than me. Sometimes not by much, and sometimes by a lot. One of my favorite artists is about a decade younger than me! (Which is admittedly wild to think about. XD)
I want to take a moment to be sappy, and hopefully not conceited. I don't want to sound or act like I have a big head; I just want to offer some advice as an older artist.
When I was a teenager, I dreamed of having what I've since gained through this blog. I wanted to tell a story, and have people interact with it and ask questions, primarily in the form of Nuzlocke comics. I only ever tried on DeviantArt and, in more recent years, Twitter (may it RIP), and never really gained any traction. I wonder if things would've been different if I'd tried Tumblr back then, but I kinda doubt it. I was a teenager. I was still a developing artist and storyteller with an underdeveloped sense of self-confidence. Now, that's not to say I don't think teenagers can do great things and tell great stories... But if you're trying and it's not working out, YOU. HAVE. TIME.
At some point I came across what I believe was an advice post from Tumblr, but I can't find it anywhere and don't truly know where it's from. It had some wonderful advice that I wish I could share verbatim!
The biggest thing I gleaned from it is, don't down-talk your own art! If you have trouble liking the art you make, look for the good in it! Find the parts you can be confident in, build on that, and love what you do!
Here, I'll get you started.
You are an artist, which is a wonderful thing! You have the ability to bring your ideas to life, and that will only get better with time! I'm way, WAY better of an artist now than when I was 16, 17, 18 when I first tried telling stories online. Your biggest hindrance will be yourself, so please don't let yourself get in the way. Perfection in art is impossible. Aim for loving what you do, and be patient with yourself.
Anyways, that's my random sappy spiel. Enjoy your art, lovely artists young, old, and in-between!
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gg-carboxylase · 1 year
Got ahold of Step by Step episode 12. We needed 2 more episodes as usual with these series.
If you've not watched the show, please do. It's worth your time, even if you feel like you're wading thru the first few episodes. It's slow burn. This is not horny hours. This is really office hours.
Spoilers under the cut obvs.
Some meta. Mostly my opinions.
I wrote that paragraph before the Mildly Spicy Bed Makeout. I kind of enjoy that Jeng shooed Pat to the shower For Reasons. At least, I personally infer bottom reasons but that's just me. Still, I would have liked more spice à la Bed Friend, but I'm a thirsty ho.
I'll get this admission off my chest — I'm bummed that we got those really spicy kisses and that's as far as it went. KP and Domundi productions spoiled me, obviously. Did I want to see them fake fuck? Yeah. I'll admit it.
The scene where they were writing out then deleting their text messages was acted to perfection.
Hot take — Ben is the worst ugly crier. We love him anyway.
Jeng is a stalker, he needs to learn to go less hard. He also needed to resign like, 2 years earlier from the company. Good for him though. Dad is hot. Shame he's a homophobe.
I am super over people singing in the shows, no matter how good they are.
I love that Jeng's passion is cooking.
You can tell this is a real Thai show because when they show that green curry, it's real green curry even if it's store bought. It's hard to find good green curry paste over here unless you're in certain places.
Jeng's mom — what was the point of a 30 second meeting. Ben is so good at being nervous and young, he's really a great actor.
The chemistry is off the charts in this episode, good Christ. They obviously had fun shooting the cake scene.
Jeng better have a hell of a savings if he's returning all his shares to his dad and putting his hopes on his restaurant.
The restaurant biz is a bitch. I grew up in the restaurant business and the margins are razor thin, even in famous and successful restaurants. Hopefully, Pat's advertising firm is doing well.
Seriously, again. Needed another couple episodes. Especially with how Jeng's dad tossed his resignation letter.
I know Man said this would be his only BL, but I would really like to see them do another show together. They really got their shit together at the end and it's rare to see a couple that can have this kind of chemistry.
The age difference works really well between them, it's comfortable — which isn't there for a lot of decade+ couples — and there's a lot of plots where this could be used. So let's manifest that.
I have no idea what the fuck Man does for a living, so I'm not sure if he's even free to do another series. Dude has an econ degree, which means nothing (no offense econ folks, you guys are like Swiss army knives). I suspect he's a mini Mile Phakphum, and just sort of exists on the largess of his family and his modeling career.
I very much liked this series. It's definitely in my list of favorites. For me, it started out rocky because I didn't understand what it was trying to do. Looking back, now that I see what the aim is, the path it took is perfect.
Would I have liked more sex? Absolutely, but as I mentioned before — I'm a thirsty ho. These lads get paid more than I make as a clinical lab scientist, spending my day making your doctor look smart. A little bed shenanigans isn't too much to ask.
Alas, I can't complain too much. The kisses we got were A+, top-tier compared to nearly any other series. The physical stuff we did get was also A+. Truly, my complaints are mostly unfounded. We could have ended up with Korean level bullshit.
I'm not going to bother with meta about the story because there's users here that are far better at articulating exactly what I want to say, so troll the tag for them.
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oraclekleo · 3 months
Hi Kleo!
If it comes to the reverse tarot game, personally i can't read tarot at all, so i wouldn't even know how to come about interpreting something 😅 However I'm thrilled for different games! I've been thinking about learning tarot, but I don't know if it's for me if that makes sense? Knowing myself i would probably doubt whatever comes out in the cards.
Yesterday it was 31° here so i feel your pain. Luckily today it's only 25 which is perfect for summer imo. Drinking lots and lots of water really is the way + I've made some ice tea from black tea mixed with cherry juice 🍒
I'm really bored these days and i dont know what to do. I mean i have a couple ideas but i just can't bring myself to it. I've started crocheting cause i want to make all these cute things from pinterest, (thought about selling some as well) but so far i can't do any pattern besides chain, and it's really frustrating 😔
I've also been thinking about uni/college. I should be out of school already but I failed my senior year 😭 So i have some additional time to think. I have no idea what should I pursue, I've got so many interests and i dont know which one would be the best for me. Sometimes i feel like i would suck at everything lol
Really hope you're fine despite all this heat! Take care! 💙❤️‍🔥
First of all, if you feel interested, you should give tarot a try. You don't have to believe it. It's a great meditation exercise, it can serve as an artistic inspiration for other projects, it can be just a fun party trick or game for you and your friends. You don't have to take it seriously. Tarot cards are always just a tool, a set of colourful pieces of paper, it's up to you to determine how you're gonna use them. So if you feel interested, you can give it a go and see. Here are 10 tips on how to use tarot
Anyway! I'm with you on the heat. I'm just drinking water from a bottle right now, I have a glass pitcher with lemon water in the fridge for when I crave some refreshing flavour. 😁 Realities are all about location, location, location but summers are all about hydration, hydration, hydration! 💧
Any new skill takes long to learn. Sometimes it's best to embrace the one that you find fun learning, as the process itself, not just aiming for the perfection. 😊 As for the future plans... It's a very popular believe these days that you should pursue a career based on your interests and hobbies. But the reality is a bit more complicated. Even if you study something you are interested in and then find an adequate job in the field, you might not be happy. I mean, the very thing that used to be your interest or hobby, something you used to do because you wanted to and because you enjoyed it, suddenly becomes a source of income and therefore you are no longer allowed to approach it with light heart. You MUST do it. And what escape do you have then? What will you do to relax if the thing you used to do to relax is now the source of tension? Obviously you should do what feels best for you but a mundane and boring job is often the best one you can have because it allows you to do all the work during business hours and once you leave work, you can truly detach and relax while attending your passions and hobbies and they will always stay the source of joy for you. Only very special and driven people can turn their hobbies into big wealth and those people usually have to sacrifice A LOT! This doesn't mean, you can't be one of those people, only you should consider the dark side of the whole thing. 😁
Me and dogs are doing fine today. 😊 Thank you! 💖
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explorya88 · 11 months
**Warning: Content Advisory**
This fanfic contains sensitive and serious themes that may be difficult for some readers. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as [Violence, moral questionable behaviors, explicit contents and many others], it's advisable to reconsider reading further. Your well-being is important to me, and i encourage you to prioritize your emotional health. Take care, and thank you for understanding.
This short tale is placed one month before the interlude.
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Fang (Sin With Me, MC): Xīn de Nuwa the progenitor of the Dark Virtues
My name, Fang Gozen, has always set me apart as an outcast. When people hear my first name, they don't envision me instead, they conjure images of the quintessential American girl next door. Sun-bathed beaches, flowing bleach blonde hair, and denim shorts on well cared rollerblades dominate their thoughts.Then, my family name enters the conversation, evoking stereotypes of slanted eyes and glasses, the epitome of the perfect student excelling in academics. It brings to mind the sound of pens scratching against paper, hidden within the covers of advanced math books. The mere mention of my last name sparks associations with dim sims, cautionary measures to lock up cats, calling me a weirdo, and thick accents that linger like the echo of `ching` sounds, engraving stereotypes in my mind...
Much to her distaste Fang dreamed of her past, the feelings of isolation and self-loating. Then, she hear a familar voice...
Familar voice: Mommy, mommy...
Fang: Who's there?
Familiar voice: You don't recognize me? In a way we already met mother.
Fang: Dracaena? Is that you?
Dracaena: Yes, indeed am i. Sorry for telling you this but if i told this before dad would get you pregnant with me, i risked creating temporal disasters and i didn't want to force your hand.
Fang: I understand, but i feel you have more to say to me.
Dracaena: Dad gift us with the seed of Divashma, like me it will free you and my past/present self when she will born and reach adulthood from any useless feeling like shame, restraints, shame, remorse and all pointless morals.
Fang: How? It feel so surreal and i feel unable to reach it.
Dracaena: Here take my hand and i shall show you what you can once you merge with the seed of Divashma.
Fang and Dracaena had the time of their lives exploring Las Vegas, eating delicious pizza and enjoying the games at the casino. They also visited the Neon Museum and admired the sparkling lights, as the night went on, Fang felt the seed of Divashma within her, giving her a sense of freedom and confidence she had never experienced before. She felt empowered to live her life without fear or constraints, feeling truly alive for the first time, Dracaena cheered her mother on, guiding her every step of the way, and Fang knew that she would never go back to her old self again.
Seed of Divashma: Having Fun my master Tyrant Darius wife?
Fang: Yes, thank you.
Seed of Divashma: Your words honor my lady. Can i show you what you can do once you merge with me? (I'm glad to see that my master spell wear off, since he cast it to make Fang survive this five months without him, given he was busy with his enemy).
Fang nodded eagerly, eager to see what she would be capable of with the power of the Seed of Divashma. She was surprised to hear the Seed of Divashma speaking to her, but she welcomed its guidance and support as she delved deeper into the power within her and let it guide her to her full potential.
Fang: Yes, seed of Divashma. I am eager to discover what I am capable of with this new power within me. Please, lead the way and show me the possibilities!
Fang said, her eyes glowing with excitement.
Seed of Divashma: See that man? Make flowers burst out from his organs.
Fang let out a devious chuckle as she focused the power within her, as she aimed her gaze at the unsuspecting man, his organs suddenly erupted in a shower of colorful petals, turning him into a work of floreal art. The seed of Divashma's sadistic joy was contagious and Fang felt a rush of excitement as she watched the man writhe in pain.
Seed of Divashma: Ah, how delightful. It brings me joy to watch the meatbags squirm in pain and become works of art.
Fang (laughing maniacally): I agree. It is amusing to watch the lesser life forms suffer and become a product of my twisted imagination.
Seed of Divashma: Oh, you have such a delightfully cruel mind, my dear. It's a pleasure to see someone who doesn't let their morals hold them back from reaching their full potential.
Fang: So, this is the power you can gift me. I never imagined I would be able to bring such beauty to a man's organs. I suppose both of you enjoy seeing my work.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, that was delightful to watch. Now, would you care to create some more floreal pieces? I'm sure there are many more useless things that need redecoration.
Dracaena: You're awesome mother. Can you transform him in a sakura tree?
Seed of Divashma: Great idea child, i would like to see this beautiful tree.
Fang turned her gaze towards the man once more, this time focusing on the image of a lush sakura tree in her mind. Almost instantly, the man's body burst forth in a bright, pink blossom of petals and buds, transforming his body into a beautiful sakura tree. The seed of Divashma watched in awe at Dracaena's idea, and Fang felt a surge of pride as she looked on at her creation as she felt an overwhelming sense of freedom, madness, and euphoria as she enjoyed the fruits of the seed of Divashma's power. The sheer joy she felt at being able to unleash her wildest urges and whims without fear or constraint was intoxicating. Fang was beginning to feel like a whole new person, as if the seed of Divashma was unlocking the true essence of her being. She was grateful to her husband, Darius, for giving her this chance to truly become her most authentic self and felt an overwhelming feeling of elation at the idea of becoming a mother alongside Darius. The seed of Divashma was excited as well, eager to see the host create life and experience the joys of parenthood. The seed of Divashma felt a deep connection with the host, a bond that would only grow stronger as she welcomed the miracle of new life. Fang could feel the seed of Divashma celebrating with her, both overjoyed at the prospect of motherhood and the new beginning it would represent.
Fang: Yes, let's go to a pizzeria! I'm craving some delicious pizza and so do to my child.
Fang say caressing her stomach
Dracaena: I agree, I can't wait to eat some delicious pizza and i want to try different types of it!
Both Fang and Dracaena felt their stomachs rumbling at the thought of food. Together, the three of them (the third one is Fang unbord child and Dracaena past self) ventured off in search of the best pizza in the city. Fang and Dracaena walked into the pizzeria and were immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of cheese and sauce. The three of them couldn't resist the urge to indulge in the pizza and before they knew it, they had devoured every slice in sight. Fang and Dracaena, felt satisfied and pleased with their pizza feast and their stomachs were happily full of delicious pizza.
Fang: I'm still hungry.
Pizzaiolo: But you devour everything.
Fang cackled as she stared down the Pizzaiolo.
Fang: You are right, we have devoured everything, haven't we? Well then, why don't I give you and the patrons here a turn as the food for me and my daughters?
She said mischievously
Dracaena: Do it mom, pizza, pizza, pizza!!!
Fang held out her hand towards the Pizzaiolo and the patrons, ready to transform them into pizza for her and Dracaena's consumption. Dracaena eagerly nodded at her mother's suggestion, not wanting to let the pizza feast come to an end just yet! Fang laughed wickedly as she transform the Pizzaiolo and the shocked patrons into pizza, enjoying their screams of fear and the blood dripping from their slices as the mother-daughter duo began to feast upon the pizza, the seed of Divashma felt satisfied, knowing that it had given Fang the power to unleash her darkest desires and savor it at her heart's content.
Fang: Dracaena, would you like to try some of this pizza? It's so delicious! It will pair perfectly with the screams of our dinner guests.
Dracaena: Oh, mother, you know how much I love pizza! Thank you, this looks so yummy. I can't wait to devour every last slice and savor the taste of fear and suffering. Let's devour this pizza together and savor the moment we have together.
Fang and Dracaena sit down at the table and begin to feast on the delicious pizza, enjoying every bite and every delicious sound of distress from their victims, listening with delight as they hear the patrons and pizzaiolo scream in pain each time they are bitten and eaten. Fang and Dracaena continue to devour the pizza, relishing the taste of their victims and the power they feel as they feast without remorse or boundaries. The seed of Divashma takes joy in Fang and joy, knowing that it has helped her become her true selves at last.
Pizzaiolo: What the... please, show some mercy and don't eat me! I have a family, I can't die like this!
Patron 2: Help! Help! What's happening to me? Why am I turning into a pizza? I don't want this, please, make it stop!
Patron 3: How could you do this to us? Why are you eating us? Let me go, I have a family!
Patron 4: Please, no! I have a wife and children!
Dracaena: Do not worry, patron 4. Your wife and children will be joining you on the menu.
Patron 5: No, no, not my family! I beg you, have mercy.
Fang: But we are hungry. And you look so delicious. It would be a shame not to try a bite (or two). And don't worry about your families food, since they will become my demon slaves.
Patron 6: Demon slaves? What do you mean? You're turning our families into demon slaves?
Fang: That's right, food. You and your families will be our loyal demon slaves now.
Dracaena smiled and licked her lips as she watched the fear fill the food souls. With a wave of her hand, the Fang transformed the pizzaiolo and patrons families into demon slaves, ready to do Fang and Dracaena's bidding and warp to them.
Dracaena: Now bring us some more pizza! We're still hungry.
Fang and Dracaena sat back in their seats, feeling satisfied and pleased after eating all the pizza that the demon slaves brought them. They laughed and delighted in each other's company, knowing that they were finally able to unleash their dark desires without fear or restraint. Hours later, Fang and Dracaena were filled with mischief and wild energy. They wanted to sow as much mayhem as they could. They ventured into an extreme sports stadium, filled with daring riders and adrenaline junkies. Looking around for the perfect opportunity to unleash her mayhem, Fang spotted a shiny mountain bike sitting unattended near the stadium entrance. Without hesitation, she grabbed it and set off on a mad dash around the stands, her daughter Dracaena cheering her on and delighting in the chaos they were causing.
Dracaena: Go, mother! Go, go, go! Hit 'em all!
Fang let out a maniacal laugh as she ran down the bikers and guards, taking out everyone in her path with her ruthless mountain bike skills. She wasn't going to let anyone stand in the way of her rampage and her freedom. With her daughter's encouragement, Fang's violence grew more brutal and ruthless, and her mayhem knew no bounds. Dracaena was having the time of her life, cheering and laughing as she watched her mother destroy everything in her path, as the guards tried to stop them and take back the stolen mountain bike, Dracaena showed no mercy, and swallowed one of them whole. Fang was so excited by the carnage that she was causing, that she ran down a biker so hard that it rained blood, guts, and skin all over her. She reveled in the violence and felt a rush of power, knowing that she was finally free to unleash her darkest desires. She and her daughter Dracaena were now united in their mayhem, ready to wreak havoc and destroy everything that stood in their way, Fang proced to create more demon slaves out of the corpses of the spectators and athletes. She fused the corpses with various sportive items,soccer balls, baseball bats, motorcycles a more to creating soccer demon slaves, baseball team demon slaves and more, she enjoyed their suffering and screams in a symphony of madness, hedonism and freedom. Fang was now truly free to do what she wanted, unleashed from the constraints of morality and ethics. With the Seed of Divashma's power guiding her, there was nothing she couldn't do, she was a force of destruction and havoc, a goddess of chaos and destruction.
Dracaena: Mom, now you need a name worth of your rebirth...Xīn de Nuwa the progenitor of the dark virtues since dad will soon be the Tyrant and "fathered" the new world, mom you will be the Queen and you'll "mothered" the new world and a new perfect race of virtue free from restraints, morals and shame whom i dubbed Dark Virtue.
Fang grinned at her daughter's idea, liking the sound of her new title and name: Xīn de Nuwa the progenitor of the Dark Virtues, as her husband Tyrant Darius whom her daughter said he remame himself as such was about to become the Tyrant King and father the new world, she felt like it was fitting that she should become the Queen and mother of the new, plus the whole birthing new and perfect race of Virtues it feel perfect!!! So Fang nodded happily at Dracaena's words and embraced her daughter with a hug.
Fang: I love the name you give me, daughter and I look forward to seeing what we can do as i will birth the Dark Virtues, together with your father, me and you we will freeing the world from useless rules and morals.
She said with a grin, then as Fang and Dracaena were discussing their visions and what they could achieve, Tyrant Darius suddenly warped to them.
Dracaena: Daddy!
Dracaena excitedly yelled and tackled him to the ground, surprising and delighting Fang with her cuteness. Fang giggled at her daughter's enthusiasm, and encouraged her to help her father get back up.
Fang: Come on, Dracaena, do you think your father, the Tyrant King, deserves to be overthrown by his daughter like this? It's up to us to help him gain his throne after all.
Fang teased.
Dracaena: Yes! Of course, I should help my dear old daddy. How can I be the queen if my father is overthrown by a commoner like myself?
She bent down to help her father up from the ground, feeling proud to play her part in `gaining` his throne.
Tyrant Darius: Little pest grows quickly.
He said as kissed his daughter on the forehead and told her to go play with Aunt Onyx, giving their enemies nightmares while she was at it. Dracaena nodded obediently and ran off to find her aunt and unleash her inner demons. Fang smiled at her husband and leaned her head against his chest.
Fang: It's nice to finally have some time alone, what do you want to do with our time alone, my king?
She said as they watched their daughter run off.
Tyrant Darius: Lets warp to my room so you can merge with the seed of Divashma by.....
Then Tyrant Darius create a silence in order to create suspense. Fang chuckled at her husband's attempt to keep her in suspense and then nodded at his plan.
Fang: I like your idea, my king, the merging by sex will allow me to experiencing the most pleasurable and transcendent way ever. I am eager to feel the power of the seed of Divashma and merge with it. Let us go now and begin the ritual.
The Tyrant King and Queen marched off together, heading towards their private chambers where she could experience the pleasures of merging with the seed of Divashma. Fang's heart was racing with excitement as they stepped into his chambers. Once they reach his refuge he orders to his demon army and peoples slaves to have an orgy in their honor and to allow us to feed on your sexual energy and the ritual of Fang rebirth will be successful, the Tyrant King's demon army and slaves quickly obeyed his commands, and arranged an orgy in the Tyrant King and Queen's honor. Fang could sense their carnal energies coursing through the room.
Tyrant Darius: Let us begin the ritual!
The Tyrant King uttered to his wife, filled with desire for their union and the her rebirth. Fang nodded, eager to merge with the seed of Divashma and experience the transcendent pleasure that was in store for her.
Fang: Yes, my king. Let us begin the ritual and feast on the ecstasy of darkness together.
Fang moaned, the seed of Divashma pulsing within her as they undress theyselves until they're fully naked, Tyrant Darius lips locked with Fang's, kissing her rough and passionately as he poured all his love and passion into her. The kiss continued, becoming more intense as the two of them let lose their emotions and gave into their most primal desires. Fang felt a wave of passion overtaking her, and she gave herself fully to his love Tyrant Darius, enjoying every moment of the kiss as they feeding on their emotions, fueling their love and lustful hunger, their tongues danced together in a sensual dance, enjoying the pleasure and release of their lustful hunger. As the seed of Divashma fed on their emotions, pumping more and more power into Fang as ordered by his master Tyrant Darius, Fang and Tyrant Darius couldn't help but lose themselves in the moment. They were fully immersed in the passion and pleasure of their kiss, eager to explore every inch of each other as the moment reached its peak, the seed of Divashma fully activated within Fang, and she felt a rush of power and passion wash over her. The seed of Divashma was now fully connected to her,
Seed of Divashma: Fang, give in to the madness, lust, hedonism, happiness and your love, husband and King, Tyrant Darius. Feel the freedom of the darkness and let it consume you. Let your desires run wild and give in to your wildest urges. Embrace your true nature as the progenitor of the Dark Virtue and as the Queen of the new world!
The seed of Divashma commanded as Fang could feel the darkness calling to her, urging her to give in to her most primal urges. She was ready to let go of her old life and embrace the power of the seed of Divashma, ready to become the progenitor of the Dark Virtue and rule the new world alongside her husband. Tyrant Darius's hands roamed around Fang's body, exploring every inch of her. His hands caressed her legs, bosom, and buttocks, making her breath catch in her throat as the seed of Divashma pumped more and more pleasure and madness through her body, as Tyrant Darius's hands roamed to Fang's buttocks, giving them a playful swat as he chuckled. She could feel her body respond, wanting more and more as she was on the brink of losing herself, she glanced at her husband, smiling mischievously while Tyrant Darius laid her over his knee, taking great pleasure in spanking her buttocks with all his might. Each spank sent a shock of excitement and lust through Fang's body, the seed of Divashma relishing the sensation and feeding her more and more pleasure as she felt the seed's power surging through her, Fang could barely contain herself, wanting more and more. Her breaths quickened, her heart raced and her passion burned within as she anticipated her husband's next blow. Tyrant Darius chuckled, delighting in the sensation of spanking his wife's buttocks with all his might.
Tyrant Darius: Why are you so sensitive back here, my queen? Isn't this the most pleasurable way to punish youf for your misdeeds and for being such a naughty girl?
He playfully teased as Fang couldn't help but groan at Tyrant Darius teasing, her body responding with pleasure and desire at every swat of Tyrant Darius hand. The seed of Divashma fed on her emotions, pumping more and more lust, power, and passion through her, shaping her in the perfect Queen for its master. Fang's eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy as Tyrant Darius spanked her buttocks in a perfect mix of pain and pleasure making her more and more unbearable hungry for the pain and pleasure, with a wicked chuckle, Tyrant Darius knew he had his wife where he wanted her: weak, desperate, and in need of her king. He spanked her hard, delighting in her groans and the seed of Divashma's power coursing through her. Her body was ready to be used and consumed by her king as he pleased, and she would submit to every one of his commands as he know that the seed of Divashma is preparing her in the perfect and absolute apotheosis! She will become a Demon Goddess like he is a Demon God that alongside their friends and daughter will rule the new world forever.
Fang: Nnh, yes, king. Punish me in this perfect mix of agony and ecstasy. Let the seed of Divashma consume me, and make me yours. I'll do anything to make you happy, king, anything.
Tyrant Darius (inner monologue): Yes... the seed of Divashma is preparing my wife to be a demon goddess and rule the new world, along with me and our friends and our daughter Dracaena. Together, we will finally be free to do whatever we please and to give into our darkest urges without shame or restraint. The seed of Divashma has shown us our true nature and is preparing us for our future as Demon Deities of the new world. We will make a dark utopia where we can feast on the terror and suffering of the enemies and rule with a fierce and iron fist.
The seed of Divashma felt its power flowing through Fang like never before, being fully pumped and accelerated by Tyrant Darius's ritual and touch. It was working hard to bring Fang to the cusp of apotheosis and it felt the end was near as the seed of Divashma continued to pump its power and darkness into her and its knew that its power was being unleashed much more quickly than usual, thanks to the efforts of its master, Tyrant Darius. It was eager to see Fang reach the pinnacle of its power and become the Demon Goddess and Queen that she always meant to be.
The seed of Divashma (inner monologue): The time has come for my chosen one, Fang, to reach her true potential and become the Demon Goddess that I have always intended her to be. Her body, mind and soul are ready to be infused with my power and darkness, and thanks to the efforts of my master, Tyrant Darius, my power is flowing through her at a rapid pace. I am ready to see Fang reach her apotheosis and begin the process of building the new world of darkness and hedonism, where she, my master, my master daughter and their friends shall rule together as Demon Deities.
Tyrant Darius giggled, enjoying how Fang's breasts trembled and swelled in his hands. He had always known she was sensitive back there, but now with the seed of Divashma coursing through her, she didn't even try to hide it. Fang couldn't help but moan in pleasure as Tyrant Darius hands roamed over her breasts, massaging and groping them.
Fang: Ah, king.. your hands are perfect. I can't help but squirm and moan under your hands.
Tyrant Darius crackled mischievously, enjoying Fang's reaction to his touch.
Tyrant Darius: Of course they are. My hand were made for touching you.
Fang's moans grew louder, her body bucking and writhing on the couch as Tyrant Darius hands explored every inch of her sensitive body driving her crazy with lust, she screamed in pleasure as Tyrant Darius twisted and pinched her sensitive nipples. Her body writhed and bucked in ecstasy, feeding the seed of Divashma and amplifying every sensation. Her moans grew louder and her heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. She was completely overwhelmed by her emotions and lust, giving herself fully to her husband. She had never experienced anything like this before, and it was too much to bear. The seed of Divashma loved its duty and amplify her sensations, to make her craving more and pushing her further and further down the path of freedom, hedonism and free of any useless morals is an added bonus.
Fang: Ah, king, harder!
The seed of Divashma was growing ever more powerful in her body, and she was losing more and more of her control to it. Every caress and every touch drove her deeper and deeper into madness and pleasure, making her crave more and more. Tyrant Darius was more than happy to give her what she wanted, spanking her breasts harshly and sending her body into another wave of ecstasy.
Fang: Ah, ah, yes, king!
Fang screamed in pleasure, her body arching and writhing with every hit of Tyrant Darius hand. His brutality and strength excited her body Tyrant Darius realized that she was loving his dominance and brutality as if it freed her from her human restraints. He continued spanking her breasts, hearing her cries and shouts of pleasure, letting his own inner beasts run wild.
Tyrant Darius: Oh, I see you are enjoying my brutality, my queen doesn't it? You need to be tamed, and to have your body and mind consumed by these dark desires that you have suppressed for so long.
He spanked her harder and harder, hearing her screams of pleasure grow louder and louder, pushing her to the edge of sanity. Tyrant Darius sank his teeth into Fang's neck, drinking her sweet and honeyed blood and making her scream with ecstacy as he drank her blood. Fang's body arched and her eyes rolled back as he drank her blood, the seed of Divashma pulsing with power and darkness.
Fang: Yes, king, take me, take me!!!
Tyrant Darius: Drink my blood first my Queen.
Fang nodded eagerly, her body trembling and gasping with desire and pleasure at the prospect of drinking his blood. She craved his strength and power, and she wanted to be completely consumed by him. She leaned in and sunk her teeth into his neck, drinking his thick and dark blood as her body was filled with pure and powerful darkness. The seed of Divashma was feeding on his essence, and Fang could feel the madness and lust coursing through her body. She was lost in him, and she wanted to become one with the darkness that filled them both.
Fang: Ooh, king, your blood is so thick and rich, I've never tasted anything like it. Yes, king, I want more, fill me with your darkness and madness!
Fang moaned, savoring the taste of his blood as she drank from his neck, hungry for his power and his essence. Tyrant Darius clenched Fang's head in his arms, grinning with pleasure as he felt her sink her teeth deep into his neck and drink his blood.
Tyrant Darius: Yes, queen. Drink me as I drink you, and let us be one in darkness and lust,
Once they sated their bloodlust, Tyrant Darius proced with next part of the ritual. He firmly caresses Fang's buttocks, his touch sending shivers down her spine. With a hungry desire, his hard cock slides into her wet and eager pussy, filling her with a mix of pleasure and anticipation as Tyrant Darius thrusts in and out of Fang's tight and warm pussy, their bodies entwined in a primal dance of pleasure with each powerful thrust, Fang's moans of pleasure grow louder, mingling with the sound of skin slapping against skin. Her body trembles with ecstasy as she surrenders herself completely to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. Tyrant Darius, asserting his dominance, orders Fang to milk his cock with her pussy. Fang, obedient to his command, tightens her inner walls around his throbbing shaft, creating a deliciously pleasurable sensation for both of them. Her pussy rhythmically contracts and releases, coaxing every last drop of pleasure from Tyrant Darius as he succumbs to the intense sensations coursing through his body.
Tyrant Darius: Yes, sink deeper into darkness, hedonism, and madness.
Tyrant Darius whispers seductively. His tail slides into Fang's tight and eager butthole, stretching her with a mix of pleasure and a hint of pain. Fang's body trembles as the overwhelming sensations consume her, her moans blending with the dark whispers of Tyrant Darius, as they both surrender to their deepest desires, Tyrant Darius ravages Fang's body with both his tail and cock, their movements synchronized in a frenzied symphony of pleasure. His tail relentlessly pounds into her tight butthole, stretching her to new limits, while his cock thrusts in and out of her pussy with primal force. Fang's voice rises in a crescendo of ecstasy as she is overwhelmed by the intense sensations coursing through her body. The room fills with the sounds of their impassioned moans, a symphony of pleasure and desire, he revels in the sight of Fang drowning in pleasure, his mind consumed by thoughts of how to further amplify her ecstasy. He considers various ways to increase her pleasure, exploring the depths of his imagination and desires. His gaze fixates on her trembling body, his dominant nature driving him to push the boundaries of pleasure, seeking to unlock new heights of bliss for both of them, with a snap of his fingers, Tyrant Darius doubles the size of his already impressive cock. Fang gasps in awe and anticipation as she witnesses the transformation unfold before her eyes. The sheer magnitude of his enlarged member fills her with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Tyrant Darius, now armed with an even more formidable tool of pleasure, grins wickedly, ready to explore new depths of ecstasy with Fang, Tyrant Darius alternates between his tail and cock, skillfully penetrating Fang with each thrust. His tail, still pulsating with power, explores the depths of her butthole, while his enlarged cock delves deep into her pussy. Fang's body quivers with pleasure as she experiences the intense sensations of being filled by both of Tyrant Darius's impressive appendages. The rhythm of their coupling intensifies, driving them both towards the edge of ecstasy.
Tyrant Darius: I love to see you drown in the sea of ecstasy, it suit you.
Fang: hhaaaa haaaahhhh....
Fang's eyes roll back in a state of blissful ecstasy as Tyrant Darius continues to piston in and out of her. The powerful thrusts of his hips send waves of pleasure coursing through her body, overwhelming her senses. Fang's moans grow louder, her body trembling with each deep penetration. The intensity of their coupling builds, pushing them both closer to the pinnacle of pleasure and with a primal roar of pleasure, Tyrant Darius releases his hot and thick cum deep into both Fang's pussy and butthole simultaneously. The feeling of his warm seed filling her tight and sensitive holes sends Fang over the edge, her body convulsing in intense pleasure. The room is filled with their shared moans and the scent of their raw passion as they climax together, surrendering to the overwhelming waves of ecstasy.
Tyrant Darius: My Queen milk me now!
Fang: Yes my King.
Tyrant Darius, reveling in his dominance, commands Fang to tightly milk his engorged cock and tail. Fang, obedient to his orders, clenches her inner muscles around both of his pulsating members, creating a deliciously pleasurable sensation for Tyrant Darius. Her tight grip intensifies the stimulation, coaxing every last drop of pleasure from him as he succumbs to the intense sensations coursing through his body.
Tyrant Darius: Perfect! Seed of Divashma consume my cum so you bloom and help Fang reach perfection.
So he releases another powerful wave of cum, his essence filling Fang's depths, thanks to Tyrant Darius's potent cum, the Seed of Divashma begins to work its transformative magic within Fang. Gradually, her body, mind, and soul undergo a profound change. Her physical form takes on subtle alterations, reflecting the essence of seed of Divashma's power. Her thoughts and desires shift, aligning with new depths of sensuality and primal instincts. The very core of her being is touched by the seed of Divashma's influence, forever altering her existence. Fang, empowered by the changes within her, tackles Tyrant Darius onto the bed with a fierce determination. Straddling his head, she takes control and orders him to lick her pussy, asserting her dominance. Tyrant Darius, eager to please, obeys her command, his tongue delving into her wet and throbbing core with a fervent hunger. Fang moans in delight, reveling in the intoxicating sensation of his skilled tongue on her sensitive flesh, as she rides the waves of pleasure, basking in her newfound authority, Fang shouts in bliss as Tyrant Darius skillfully licks her pussy, his tongue expertly exploring every inch of her sensitive folds. Each flick and swirl of his tongue sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body, making her moan with delight. In addition to his oral ministrations, he playfully spanks her buttocks, adding a hint of pleasurable pain to the mix. Fang's pleasure intensifies as the sensations merge, pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy. Tyrant Darius's skilled tongue ventures deeper, reaching Fang's womb with tantalizing precision. He lavishes attention on her most intimate depths, pleasuring her in ways that send waves of ecstasy coursing through her body. The combination of his oral prowess and the increasing speed of his playful spanks heightens her pleasure, pushing her closer to the brink of an explosive climax. Fang's moans grow louder, echoing in the room as she surrenders herself to the overwhelming sensations, Tyrant Darius fueled by his lust and dominance, snapped his fingers, unleashing a torrent of hot, thick cum that surged into Fang's eager and waiting womb. The force of his release sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Fang's body as she was filled to the brim with Darius' potent seed. The sensation of his thick essence flooding every crevice of her intimate depths left her gasping for more, her body trembling with the overwhelming intensity of the moment as Tyrant Darius continued to unleash his unrelenting torrent of cum, Fang's belly swelled rapidly, expanding with each forceful thrust. The once-flat expanse of her abdomen transformed into a round, swollen mound, resembling that of a heavily pregnant woman. Her skin stretched tightly over her distended belly, showcasing the visible outline of Darius' virile seed within her. The weight and pressure of her swollen womb only heightened the sensations coursing through Fang's body, intensifying her pleasure and desire for more as the seed of Divashma consume Tyrant Darius cum. Then Tyrant Darius sat beside Fang, his dark eyes full of power and confidence. He placed a hand on her neck and gently caressed the mark of the Aeshdeos, a mark that meant the seed of Divashma had fully blossomed within her, as the seed of Divashma bloomed within her, Fang felt her body tremble with pleasure and madness as the seed of Divashma began to feed on her very essence. She could feel it pumping its power throughout her, growing stronger and stronger until it reached its final transformation and she was consumed by it, becoming a powerful Demon Goddess and Queen worthy of her love, husband and king Tyrant Darius.
Tyrant Darius: You look so beautiful, my Queen, the seed of Divashma finally transform you in your true self, together we will bring the new world that I've dreamt of, one where we rule, our daughter and our friends shall bend the humanity to its knee to us. Kozholok will soon regret doing that ritual and causing this transformation as it helped me to become my true self! For i am Tyrant Darius the Dark Prince, the Lord of Excess, the Master of Pleasure and Perfection Incarnate.
His hands wandered down Fang's neck and caressed her breasts.
Tyrant Darius: It is almost time to introduce you to the rest of the world, but first, I want to introduce you to a special part of my body.
Tyrant Darius lay down on the bed and with a snap of his fingers levitate the sleeping Fang and deposite on him then with a snap dark tendrils envelope both of them, Fang slipped into unconsciousness as dark tendrils surrounded her and the Tyrant King, their bodies merging together. She could feel Tyrant Darius's hips, chest, and head touching her as they became one body. Fang could feel his strength flowing through her, filling her with dark desires and needs. There was no separation between Fang and Tyrant Darius, and she felt becoming the ultimate embodiment of darkness and pleasure as her feet and toes slowly sank into the Tyrant King's body, fusing with his muscle and bone as if someone had sewed them together with thread and needle as they merged, Fang felt a jolt of power and pleasure, and she was being pulled deeper and deeper into the Tyrant King's body. She could feel her body becoming a part of his, her legs and thighs sliding into his hips and thighs, their souls becoming one. Then Fang's fingers, hands, and arms slowly sank into Tyrant Darius's fingers, hands, and arms, fusing with his muscles, nerves, and skin. As their bodies melded together, Fang felt another jolt of power and pleasure, and she was being pulled deeper and deeper into the Tyrant King's body. Their fingers and hands intertwined, their arms and legs fused into one, and their minds and souls were becoming one. Tyrant Darius kissed her back hair, ready to pump as much of his soul and power into her as possible, knowing that as their bodies temporaly fused it will hasten her furthen perfection, Fang would become strong and powerful like him. Finally Fang's head and chest slowly sunk into Tyrant Darius's flesh, fusing with his body and their hearts beating in unison, their very souls becoming one. She could feel his power and lust coursing through their combined body, and she welcomed this transformation fully, her body prepared to be shaped and perfected.
Tyrant Darius: Now that you're fully inside me i can perfect your body so everyone will worship you like the Demon Goddess you're.
He said as he caress his chest. He smiled, ready to mold her body into its perfect, dark and powerful form so his flesh began to slowly massage Fang's body, molding it to the shape of a mother goddess like Danu or Hera. Fang could feel the Aeshdeos pumping more power through their combined body, shaping and transforming it into an incarnation of power and fertility. She felt her breasts growing larger, her hips widening, and her body curving and becoming more feminine and motherly.
Fang: Oh, king.. this is.. this is incredible. I feel... I feel powerful, king... I am becoming what I'm meant to be... My life is becoming perfect... I am becoming perfect...
As Tyrant Darius's flesh continued to shape Fang's body and mold her into the perfect form of a goddess, she felt her hair growing longer and smoother, and her skin took on a sensually smooth and perfect draconic scales and texture. Aeshdeos and Tyrant Darius continued to pump power through his flesh and Fang could feel herself building toward the ultimate release. She could feel her body changing, her form becoming even more powerful and seductive, and she was ready for the peak of pleasure and ecstasy that Aeshdeos and Tyrant Darius were building towards. She let herself be taken by the dark pleasure coursing through them both, waiting for the earth-shattering release that she knew was near.
Tyrant Darius: We almost there my perfect queen, my divine wife. Just hold on a little longer...
Then Tyrant Darius flesh's massage, squeeze, squish, and spank every inch of her body, Fang felt the pleasure building and building until she could no longer hold back. She let out an animalistic scream as an earth-shattering orgasm shook through her body, sending both her and the Tyrant Darius into a violent and explosive climax. Fang lay back against the bed, gasping and shuddering from the intense pleasure of the climax and her transformation. Tyrant Darius's body also ejected her from his own body and tossed her into the bed, both of them now separated and exhausted from the powerful climax as Fang caught her breath, she looked over at Tyrant Darius and smiled as she saw his exhausted but satisfied expression.
Fang: It was...It was incredible, King, Now I am everything that I was always meant to be.
Fang murmured, her body trembling and her eyes shining with pleasure and dark seduction. Tyrant Darius leaned in and kissed Fang's lips intensely, his mouth covering hers as he worshipped her new body and her new power. He was filled with pride, awe, and passion as he kissed her, caressed her, and bathed her with love and reverence. Fang's body responded in kind, her mouth clinging to the Tyrant King's lips with hunger and lust. She felt like a true goddess and wanted to be worshipped like one and Tyrant Darius was providing her with everything she wanted. Their kiss was long and deep, their bodies pressed together with the pure ecstasy of their transformation. Tyrant Darius looked down at Fang with affection and tenderness in his eyes as he held her close and caressed her.
Tyrant Darius: You are truly a goddess. You are everything that I could have hoped for and more, and I am honored to be yours. Let us bring the world a new era together, my love.
He whispered, his voice trembling with love and awe. Fang looked up at the Tyrant King with worshipful eyes, her body shaking with joy as he held her.
Fang: I am your Queen. Lead us forth into this the new world and give me the pleasure of serving as your perfect wife and the ultimate Demon Goddess of your desire.
Tyrant Darius and Fang walked into their chamber, their bodies glistening with pleasure and power as they saw that the orgy was still going. Fang's first action as a dark goddess was to strip the souls off all the demons and people and savor their power and essence. She relished the feeling of becoming more powerful and more divine with every soul she absorbed, and she wanted to devour them all. Tyrant Darius watched her with pride and admiration, pleased that his queen was so powerful and they would conquer this world and create a new one together, Fang giggled as she caressed her pregnant stomach and told her child to eat her portion of souls so she would become invincible like Draceana. Tyrant Darius smiled as he watched her, his eyes full of pride and affection as he saw his queen devouring souls and growing stronger with every bite as Fang looked down at pregnant stomach again and smiled.
Fang: I am so proud of you. I'm sure that you will grow up to be strong and powerful, just like me and Dracaena (future self and Lust II) you will have many brothers and sisters alongside your past and younger self. I will bring them into the world, and we will be a powerful family, a true pantheon of Demon Deities. Together with my Tyrant Darius and husband, you, your sibiings and our friends, we will rule the new world and destroy everyone who stands in our way!!!
Fang concluded, looking towards their perfect future.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 4 years
hey, sweetie! I came across your account and found your stories are utterly amazing! I can't get enough re-reading all over again; it's very very great! I was hoping if I could make a req? If only you don't mind!
Can you do the marauders (yes, prongs moony and padfoot) smut where they accidentally use degrading kink but the reader is hurt and she ended up crying because it makes her very insecure because she's nothing but just a fuck toy? I don't hate the idea of such kink but I'm not fond of being degraded even though it doesn't mean any harm. maybe they will praise her and cuddle until she's completely calm down. i really like fluff ending❤ thanks!
pairing(s): james potter x remus lupin x sirius black x reader (foursome) 
warning(s): 18+, foursome, double penetration, oral (male receiving), anal, degradation, praise, lots of cum, cute cuddles 
word count: 1.9k
a/n: oh my god. when i got this request i literally had to pause and reread it so many times because it sent me spiraling. too good. thank you for this because i know exactly what i’ll be daydreaming about for the next week! i’m the same way about degradation (i don’t want it unless i’m really in the mood) so i can totally relate. i just hope i did it justice. enjoy! 
“C’mon, puppy, sit right here like a good girl,” Sirius instructed, giving a pointed nod to his erect cock. He was lounging back on his bed, one hand propped behind his head, his raven hair wrapped up in a messy bun. He looked like a Greek God and he didn’t even have to try. 
You made your way up the bed, straddling his waist and hovering your core above him. You were already dripping wet with the anticipation of what these boys were about to do to you. You weren’t sure how it escalated to this point, but here you were. 
You were hovered above Sirius’ cock, Remus making his way up the bed behind you, and James was off to the side, stroking his cock and content with waiting until you were ready to take it. The night you four had planned was triple penetration to the ultimate proportions. 
You sunk down onto Sirius’ cock, feeling him stretch you and fill you so beautifully as he always did. All of their cocks were amazing, but Sirius’ was the perfect amount of thickness that you needed. 
“Fuck, you never stop being tight no matter how much we stretch you. Just the perfect little hole for us,” Sirius said roughly, his large hands coming to grip your hips and grind you down onto him, getting you settled on his cock. 
Remus was the next one with his hands on you, pushing you forward onto Sirius’ chest until you were completely exposed to him. He could see the spot where Sirius was entering your body, stretching you out completely, and he could see exactly where his own cock would be going - right into your tightest hole, already being stretched with a plug. 
He worked it out gently, all three of them listening to you whimper into Sirius’ neck as he pushed and pulled, teasing you, until he finally removed it. 
“That’s a good girl. Stay just like that and quiet to be our little toy,” James commented, reaching over to brush some hair out of your face. You keened at the attention, but his choice of words made you flush red with embarrassment. You knew logically you were more than just a hole or a toy for them, but hearing it made you question what their intentions were nonetheless. 
Next thing you knew, you could feel Remus’ cock at your entrance, slowly pushing in. It wasn’t as bad as you had expected, the boys had prepped you well, but the additional stretch and sting made you wince lightly despite your moan. 
Remus roughly grabbed your arms and pulled you back so your back hit his chest harshly as he bottomed out inside of you. You were now successfully taking both of their cocks which made your head spin with arousal, but his words sent you spiralling. 
“Oh don’t act like you’re in pain. That won’t work with us. We know you're just a filthy slut so you’ll take it like one,” Remus said, beginning to slowly roll his hips against your ass, forcing you to grind on Sirius’ cock in return. 
Regardless of how his words made you feel, you couldn’t stop the moan from falling out of your mouth, effectively proving him right. When you looked down at Sirius, you knew he could see the tears beginning to form in your eyes, but he disregarded it to begin thrusting up into you, your head falling back onto Remus’ shoulders. 
“Fuck she feels so good,” Sirius moaned. “Prongs, she’s ready for you,” he said, looking over to his messy haired friend. 
Once that was said, Remus released your arms and you had to flail to stay upright, clutching Sirius’s shoulder. You weren’t there for long before James grabbed a chuck of your hair from the root and pulled you down sideways, your mouth lining up with his cock. 
“Open,” was all he said, treating you indifferently. Something you were not used to and not a fan of. You did what he asked regardless though, hoping if you proved that you were good their attitudes would change. 
Once your mouth engulfed James, all three of them let out a moan in sync, getting off on the fact that all of them were inside of you at the same time. 
“Look at her,” Remus rumbled out, “just a filthy fucking whore taking all of us.” 
You whined around James’ cock in protest, but the vibration only made him moan and pull your head in further, your nose now flush up against his skin. A tear slipped down your face, both because of the urge to gag around James’ cock and because of their unexpected treatment of you. Sure they had degraded you before, but never this much, never all of them at once, and always mixed with praise. This was different and you didn’t like it. 
“Look at her,” James started with a breathless laugh, continuing to fuck your throat raw, “she’s even crying for it like the pathetic slut she is.” 
That’s what did it. That’s what had you pulling off of James with a sob, struggling for breath with tears pouring down your face. “Stop, please stop,” you begged quietly, praying that one of them believed you. 
Thinking back, you were all stupid to never have a safeword for these situations but nothing like this had ever come up before. They were always so good with reading you, knowing exactly what you needed. You weren’t sure what went wrong this time. 
Thankfully, James didn’t go to reach for you again and Sirius and Remus immediately stopped giving you the delicious friction they had been providing inside of you to turn towards your face. 
You collapsed against Sirius’ chest in a fit of sobs and he was quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you close. You could practically feel the panicked looks being passed between them, but they were all quick to jump into action. Remus was running his hand along your back, but he never pulled out, they knew how much you hated them pulling out before you were ready. You felt the bed dip and James sat down at Sirius’ side, a hand coming up to brush through your tangled hair. 
“What happened, love? What’s wrong?” Sirius asked softly, his lips brushing against your neck. 
“Too mean,” you whimpered out, not looking up at any of them. 
“We were being too mean to our sweet girl? You want us to be nice while you’re our good girl?” Remus asking, lips brushing your shoulder blade before he pressed a gentle kiss on your skin. 
“Please,” you said with a final shaky breath, looking up at the boys while your tears dried. 
“You sure you want to keep going?” James asked gently, his thumb coming up to brush the tears off of your face. 
“Please. Please, it felt so good,” you begging shamelessly, grinding down on Sirius and Remus’ cock for good measure, just to prove how much you wanted to keep going. 
“Fuck, okay okay,” Remus said, choking on a laugh when he felt how tight you were against him all over again. 
“Ride us just like that pretty girl. You’ve been so good for us all night. Letting us fuck you and strecth you like this. So good,” Sirius mused, really laying it on thick in his attempt to rectify his mistakes as he grabbed your hips harshly, overwhelmed with how tight you were. 
“You wanna use your mouth again, love? Or just your hand?” James asked, gently turning your face to his using a knuckle. 
You didn’t even reply, just bent over sideways once more and opened your mouth, tongue out. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” James said with a chuckle, gently working your mouth back onto his cock until he was lodged down your throat. 
They never stopped the rough treatment, but the words they were saying were affecting you so much differently now. Rather than making you question yourself and your place with them, they were making you feel so good and loved and safe. 
The way they were ravishing your body made you feel heavenly. The way Remus and and Sirius’ cocks were dragging in and out of you made your head spin and your core tighten, dangling on the edge just waiting to be tossed over. James’ cock down your throat gave you a fraction of power over at least one of them, knowing all of his pleasure was coming from your body. Truly, all of their pleasure was, but you were working hard for James. 
“Fuck you feel like a vice,” Remus groaned, his fingers digging into your hips as he rolled his hips against you in a steady pace. You could feel the way him and Sirius’ cocks were dragging past each other through the thin walls inside your body, making you tremble with the thought of being so full of them. They were practically splitting you open, but oh what a way to go. “Let go for us, Y/N. Fuck, I can feel how close you are.” 
It didn’t take long after that. One, two, three more pumps from each of them and you were spiralling over the edge and into your release. You pulled away from James to let out your loud cry of relief and he readily took over to work his own cock, aiming it directly at your open mouth. In the rush of your release, you could feel yourself being filled with cum in all your holes. Warm rope after rope of cum gushed into your core and your mouth, completely filling you up from all angles. 
Being that full of their cum made you tremble, but you finally worked your way down from the clouds and collapsed against Sirius’ chest once more. 
It took all of you a minute to even feel coherent, but finally Remus was pulling out of you slowly. You could feel a rush of cum leave your body and trail down your thighs and onto the bed. You weren’t even sure whose bed you were on anymore. You whimpered at the feeling, both the unsatisfactory feeling of misplaced cum and the feeling of being empty after so long. 
Sirius went to pull out next, but you shook your head aggressively, needing to feel close to one of them after all of that. “Please don’t,” you begged softly, unable to give him a reason at the moment. You were a mixture of overwhelmed and still in a comedown, you just needed to be close. 
“Alright, don’t worry. You can stay here as long as you’d like puppy,” Sirius told you, shifting so the both of you were laying on your sides, getting you comfortable on the bed beside him. James crawled into the bed behind you, and Remus moved to relax against the headboard, pulling your feet into his lap to lightly massage them, relaxing you further. 
“You did so good for us tonight, love,” James said, moving his body so his chest was against you back, boxing you in. “We didn’t mean to upset you at all. You’re always good for us. You know that, right?” 
“I know. It was just too much in the moment,” you tried your best to explain. 
“We’ll talk about it later, yeah? We should have a word for if that happens again,” Remus suggested, quick to bring up what you had already been thinking about. You gave a small nod into Sirius’ neck, which he relayed to the boys. 
“Get some rest, pup. We’ll be right here when you wake up,” Sirius told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before moving to pull a blanket over the both of you, never pulling out once just as you wanted. 
Because you always got what you wanted from your boys. 
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
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batwhimpix · 3 years
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An Interview with Former Takarazuka Top Star Asumi Rio: The Laidback Personality Behind the Handsome Face
(Translated by me 8/19/2021)
While still a member of the Takarazuka Revue, Asumi Rio was known for her sensitive acting which digs deep into the heart of each role, her crystal-clear vocals, and her captivating stage presence. As the top star of Flower Troupe, she gained an immense level of popularity. Now, it has been one year since her retirement from the company. She has expanded her repertoire from stage to screen, and continues to showcase new sides to her talent. In her first name-bearing variety program, the Hulu Original "Asumi Rio's Atelier," Asumi-san learns new tips and techniques to "step up" both her lifestyle and her design sense. Totally different from her intense onstage aura, this program offers a chance to get to know Asumi-san's soft and relaxed offstage persona.
It's been a year and a half since you left the Takarazuka Revue. How would you describe that period of time for you, Asumi-san?
When I was in the Revue, because I had managed to enter the world of Takarazuka, which was my absolute favorite place, I felt strongly that I didn't want to have any regrets. So I was very motivated to work as hard as I could to polish my craft. I was completely lost in it, but within that, I always had my fans cheering me on, and the guidance of so many around me. In the last year and a half, I've realized all over again just how precious a thing that was.
Until I left, my only experience was on the stage, so stepping into the world on screen for the first time, a lot of totally new forms of expression were expected from me, and I felt a lot of anxiety. Parting from Takarazuka and living as just one individual human, every day is full of challenges. But that said, every day now is also rich with new experiences and new possibilities, so I've come to face that with a lot of gratitude.
While you were in Takarazuka, there was a very clear image, that of a perfect "otokoyaku," to aspire to. Now that you don't have that anymore, what kind of actress are you aiming to become?
There are a lot of qualities I have now precisely because I was an otokoyaku, and I think it's probably okay for me to just embrace that. As top [abbrev. "top star", the starring otokoyaku actress in each troupe], I was in a position where I had to lead the troupe, watch over and guide all the other actresses, and shape each production as the lead actress. I think I've picked up a lot of grit through that experience, and even as a woman, I think having a bit of a masculine edge in your lifestyle and how you deal with things can be a positive, right?
Even when I was playing otokoyaku roles, moreso than aiming for a particular ideal, I came at each role separately, like, this time I'm playing this kind of man, next time I'm playing this kind of man. It was like a gradual broadening of my horizons. Now I'm simply adding female roles to that roster, so it's kind of like the scope of roles available to me has doubled. When it comes to my outward appearance, as my hair grows out and I transition toward a more feminine look, I've been having all kinds of new discoveries, like, "Oh, this kind of styling makes me feel like this." Within my drama roles as well, I like those discoveries like, if I do it like this, won't it be interesting, or if I do this, I can get viewers to say, "Oh!" I want to keep digging to find those little moments where I can really surprise people within each role.
Since your retirement from Takarazuka, what overall on-set experience sticks out the most in your memory?
I think that has to be the first show I had the opportunity to take part in, "Ochoyan" [NHK serialized telenovella]. Until I was on that set, I always thought that the stage was the most incredible place in the world. I would never find anywhere else where every member is so unified in their vision, where everyone has so much pride in their troupe and so much love for the production they're building together, as in Takarazuka. Even now, I still think Takarazuka is a very special place, and my love for it hasn't changed.
But on the set of "Ochoyan," like Takarazuka, there were so many staff working to create this thing, who truly loved the work and brought all kinds of skills to the table to bring it to life. Among the cast as well, the atmosphere during recording, where all of us in the Tsurugame Family Theater [the name of the theater company employing main character Takei Chiyo as well as Asumi-san's character Takamine Ruriko] really did feel like a family, wasn't that different from Takarazuka at all. On the contrary, because our time together was limited just to the recording of this show, it felt like everyone valued that time all the more. Being on a set like that was a huge experience for me.
In Takarazuka, you had a very hectic schedule. As soon as one production closed you were already thinking about the next. I'm sure your lifestyle has changed in a big way since then. What kind of feelings do you have about that?
I retired and moved here to Tokyo right around the start of the pandemic. During the lockdown, when I was in my house all day, I realized how long the day really is. Suddenly it was up to me to decide how to spend all this time in the day. I could use it to rest or, if I had some area I was struggling with, I could use it for training too. I had a renewed realization that depending on my own feelings, I could choose to change myself in any number of ways.
These days, how do you find yourself spending the majority of your time?
These days, I'm doing a lot of types of work I'm totally new to, and working on sets with people I've only just met, so I'm still in a place where I spend a lot of time nervous. When I'm on a set I haven't gotten used to yet, my antenna is going in all different directions, so after I get home I try to relax as much as possible. In order to fully refresh myself and go into work the next day in high spirits and ready to face whatever comes, I've been making a conscious effort to be kind to myself.
What activities allow you to refresh your batteries the most?
Zoning out, and eating delicious food.
On "Asumi Rio's Atelier," you gave steaming rice in a donabe [TN: earthenware pot traditionally used to steam rice, supposedly more delicious than steaming in a rice cooker] a try for the first time, but what kinds of things do you eat most often?
As long as it tastes good, I'll happily eat anything. I like vegetables, meat, fish, and I love carbs, too. Ideally, I want to eat a good balance of a lot of different things.
Speaking of that program, how were the topics for each episode decided? Were you able to make requests?
For "Atelier" we had the general framework that I would be trying different activities I was interested in from the onset, so basically they asked me, "What kind of things are you interested in? What do you want to try?" And then...Yeah, first I had about 30, then we added about 30 more, so in total about 60, ideas that we pitched. The program staff wanted to include as many of my requests as they could, so actually, within each episode there are probably three or four different ones. In addition to that, there's an interview in each episode that relates back to that episode's theme. I enjoyed the chance to reflect on my Takarazuka era and memories from my childhood.
On the topic of your Takarazuka era, in your first interview for us, you said, "I wasn't necessarily aiming to become top star." But within the system of Takarazuka, to climb all the way to top star, you must have been aware of something within yourself that made you want to aim higher?
Let's see...Ever since I was an underclassman, I had a strong drive to improve as an otokoyaku. I wanted people to find my performance interesting, and I wanted to be seen as a necessary part of the production. I wanted to act a lot, and I wanted to sing a lot of songs that I love. I wanted to bathe in the spotlight, and I was happy when I got to wear more gorgeous costumes. If I really think back on those feelings now, first in the shinjinkouen junior performances featuring only actresses who have been with the company seven years or less, and then in performances at the smaller Bow Hall theater next to the Takarazuka Grand Theater, inevitably I started aiming for the lead roles that would allow me to stand on stage for the longest every time.
Somewhere along that road, when I was told I was being transferred from the troupe I was first inducted into, Moon Troupe, to Flower Troupe, this feeling that I had wanted to be the Moon Troupe's successor welled to the surface. And since that's the same as saying, "I wanted to be the top star of Moon Troupe," that was the first time I became aware of that goal. Every troupe in Takarazuka has its own character, though, so after my transfer, I was desperate to hurry up and become an otokoyaku befitting Flower Troupe first...
So as you worked to further your artistic development, there at the zenith was top star.
If you were to ask my underclassman self, the Top-sans are unbelievably incredible performers, and the more shinjinkouens you experience, the more closely you come to understanding just how incredible they are. Then as you spend more years with the company and find yourself in a position where you're working directly under the Top-san, you realize how much work they're really doing, and...The more you know, the more you lose the ability to say something like "I want to be the top star" carelessly.
And yet, you bore the heavy responsibility of a top star for five-and-a-half years. It's hard to imagine from your usual laidback attitude, but when it comes to your art, you're incredibly diligent and strong-willed. That gap is captivating.
When it comes to theater, I'm very picky. I mean, I'm way too stubborn for one thing. Especially in productions where I'm playing the lead role, I always have really strong feelings about how I want to perform things, and I'm not in a position where I can hesitate to convey that. It's important to listen to the opinions of various other people too, but when it comes down to it, if I have a clear idea of the direction I want things to proceed and direct things with that in mind, it makes things easier for everyone else, so I always tried to communicate my thoughts clearly and directly. If I'm delivering consistently good work, there's a persuasive power to that. Not only do the underclassmen naturally follow along, but the staff listen and respond to my requests as well.
But when you're making this kind of production, you do have to be pretty strict. But then, the real me is more of a people pleaser. I want everyone to like me, or more like, I don't want to be disliked. I didn't want the younger underclassmen to feel like I was unapproachable or like they couldn't talk to me because I was the top star. I wanted them to think of me like family. So outside matters relating to work, I tried to give off as relaxed a vibe as possible. Definitely, I think there was quite a gap between "on" and "off" for me.
Are there a lot of differences between "Asumi Rio the otokoyaku" and "Asumi Rio the actress?" How about between your stage name persona and your private self under your birth name?
I've lived under my stage name for so much longer than my birth name that I feel like, at this point, the parts of myself that belong to my real name are few and far between. I do have the feeling that, in some respect, I've grown up together with my stage name. In essence, while I was in Takarazuka, I didn't worry too much about creating a separate persona. Thanks to the kindness of my fans and the environment I was in, I felt like I could leave my otokoyaku persona on the stage and stay pretty close to my natural self everywhere else. I guess the only thing is, when I'm alone in my house, I revert to goblin mode. (laughs wryly) Like I'll have trouble getting myself to go take a bath, or I really should clean but my back hurts, etc., etc.
By contrast, now that I've graduated from being an otokoyaku, a lot of the things I'm doing as an actress are total firsts for me, so I think I feel more discomfort with my presentation now than I did then. There are times when I get really nervous, and then I get disappointed in myself for feeling that way. Like, until just a little while ago, I was in a position where I was responsible for keeping everyone's morale up. I would get up on that stage like, "It's alright, just leave it to me," so what am I all anxious for now? I often think about how much I still have to learn, and how badly I want to hurry up and learn it so I can show the results of my efforts.
Is there a particular ideal you're currently pursuing? What kind of actress do you want to become, and what kind of woman?
Since leaving Takarazuka, I've had a lot more opportunity to meet all kinds of new people. On every set I've been on, each of the actresses I meet has their own unique aura, and seeing their acting up close, I'm blown away by each of them. Among the staff as well, there are so many different kinds of professionals of all ages, and I often find myself inspired by their work ethic and lifestyle. I'd like to continue to enrich my life by learning from the amazing people I meet and experiencing many new things, and work to become a more fully rounded human being.
*Bracketed notes not marked "TN" (Translator's Note) were present in the original article.
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dianthus-sy · 3 years
Day 16. December 25th, 2021, Saturday
hey guys. I hope you're all doing well in your lives, physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. also, I haven't posted anything this month, so here I am.
and, most importantly, thank you for all the wishes on my birthday. I'm so grateful.
i read it recently- 'the average life span of humans is 75 years i.e. 900 months. And even in those 900 months, we spend so much time in doing things we don't want to do.'
have we ever thought about it? What do we want from our lives? Getting a 9 to 5 job, getting married, having kids, going over through the same routine, retire with a glorious name and fame, and enjoy the rest of the life on a couch ordering for things to be done our way? Is that it? Is it what we really want?
Why are we even working so hard in this bull race? It's because we want to adhere to the general life style pattern of a human, a timeline that is bound to be followed.
there's a lot of happiness in the world. don't work to just work, work for your inner peace, so that when you wake up the next day, all you feel is the kick to start fresh and learn something. Most importantly, running behind something we don't actually want make us sideline what is actually meant for us. (In a herd race, every grad in the country aims to crack upsc, but is it what you actually want, or are you following a herd? believe me or not, the stats say that for 50% of the people it's because they don't have anything else to try on, and 'upsc to try maarna banta hai'.) That is not what is asked from life. For people happiness is defined as being rich, buying Lamborghini, owning a penthouse, taking trips to Maldives, buying an iPhone. What do you even get from being materialistic? Loneliness, for one.
Have you ever wondered how much happiness it gives to even make a child smile, to have a deep conversation with a friend at night, to just run across the town with your favourite music on or probably to sit with your family and friends and reminisce the same old memories through albums.
Live life as it offers you, don't be so adamant on creating something extraordinary which will only satisfy your temporary demands. (If you're really passionate about civils, go for it. I'm not against it. If you really understood what I meant to say here)
Don't chase materialistic things or something else, just because everyone is after it.
Give yourself time to think, to introspect, to let your emotions sink deep to truly understand.
Go find love (that's the thing I say the most, though I have a completely different perspective, but never mind), it'll give you strength. You'll love the feeling, honestly.
Go find happiness in small, petty things. Watch a sunrise, still. Go on hiking, trekking (I, for one, love adventure). Enjoy nature in its raw form.
Chase YOUR dreams, not somebody else's that you've made yours (this is the essence of everything I've written). Stop running, just come to rest for a while, enjoy the moment and pass on.
My friend had questioned on social media- why do people hide their faces when somebody takes their picture spontaneously. It's because they want perfect pictures to recall the perfect moments of how beautiful they looked. But that's completely wrong. Candids are beautiful, why? Because they capture the lovely, beautiful moments that were behind the photo, so that when we look at the photo after years, we remember the actual moments that brought us joy.
(sorry for the typos, if any) (also, listen to the song, it has my whole heart. if you love someone, then just play the song for them. it'll say all the unsaid)
Also guys, I forgot. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Till then, stay safe, stay innocent, stay happy and stay young for as long as you can.
You are loved and cared for. you matter!
With much love and care
Ghanishthta ;-)
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 3
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
Find the first parts on my masterlist.
Story continues under the cut. Enjoy the thirst!
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[The amazing artwork belongs to @tokamiart, permission to post was granted, don´t repost!]
Clover and Simeon were giving out drinks at the bar.
The girl was handing over all sorts of bottles, glasses and ice cubes if needed. Simeon then put it all together with such grace and beauty that Clover often found herself gazing at him, until the brunet would turn to her with a smile and ask her to let go of whatever she had been wanting to hand him.
At one point, without any customers walking up to the bar, Clover sat down for a quick break.
"Tired?" Simeon asked, having decided to clean the counter in the meantime.
Clover chuckled at the sight. "Oh, is this going to be the classic 'I tell the bartender of my problems' scenario?"
The angel blinked in confusion. "I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about... But I'm always there to lend you an ear, if that's what you're aiming at."
"I'm fine", she laughed. "I was only joking... I must admit, though, you really suit this job. I'm sorry if I'm misjudging you, but how come an angel is looking so perfectly fit for serving drinks?"
Simeon blessed her with a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment. As for your question... You might be surprised, but angels do know how to have some fun, too."
"Oooh" Clover grinned. "So the whole turning-water-into-wine thing wasn't just a myth?!"
At that, Simeon only put his finger close to his lips in a "shhh" sound, giving her a secretive little wink before both broke out in soft giggles.
A little while later, their attention got caught up by a situation at the tables.
Luke was cleaning dirty dishes off of an emptied table, when a demon approached him.
A little flustered, they exchanged a few words before Luke gestured towards the public toilets.
"He's doing so well" Simeon hummed, leaning on the counter as he watched his angel friend with a proud smile. "It had been very difficult for him to adjust to life in the Devildom... But I'm glad to see he is finally finding his own pace of things."
Clover's head jumped back and forth between the two celestial creatures.
"It's because he has a great friend who's watching over him" she smiled.
"Huh? Oh, no, I don't want to take any credit for that. It's all thanks to Luke's own strength that he's able to go through this so well."
Suddenly, Luke hurried over to them, a full tray of dishes in his hands.
He looked SO disgusted.
"Waaah... What's wrong with those demons...!" He let the tray slip onto the counter. "Has nobody here learned how to properly behave in a restaurant?! The tables are sticky, the food is all over the cutlery, or even worse...!"
He held up a fork.
... Or better, what was left of it. Which was only the handle. The upper spikes got bitten off almost completely.
"Who eats a fork?!?!", Luke cried out. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
Clover gave an awkward laugh, she got over the point of wondering long ago.
"I am pretty sure I know who would..." she mumbled.
And truly, stepping out of the kitchen, the culprit looked at the fork with a guilty expression.
"... Don't tell Lucifer" Beelzebub mumbled as he came closer. "He'll get mad if he sees that parts of the cutlery are missing..."
"... 'parts'?!" Luke repeated in disbelief. "You mean this isn't the only one?!"
"... Those were accidents..." Beel whined, holding his grumbling belly.
He let himself plonk down on a chair next to Clover, then huddled over the counter in a pout.
"Ugh... And what am I supposed to do with that now...?" Luke said.
"Hm..." Simeon thought. "Clover, Beel, could you watch the bar for a moment? Luke, let's go bring the dishes to the kitchen... And that thing into the trash."
They excused themselves after Clover gave her okay and Beel gave some kind of grumble.
The girl´s head drifted over to look at the demon...
And her heart skipped a beat.
She checked the situation.
His tail? Exposed.
His thoughts? In some far away land about food.
The others? Gone.
The perfect chance for a squeeze? Right fucking NOW.
Clover swallowed the raising anxiety in her stomach.
She had lurked around the angels in hope of squeezing one of their tails, but now that they were gone, she had missed that chance...
The more she thought about it, the more did Clover feel like hyperventilating. It was such a stupid thing to fuss over, but sadly, her habit of over-contemplating would always stress her out in unnecessary situations.
After what felt like eternity of convincing herself, she moved her arm.
Beel almost immediately turned his head.
"... You look like you want to eat me." He said.
His grumpy face mustered her.
"But I will eat you before you could possibly eat me, so don't even try."
Clover's already red face curled in confusion.
"I didn't want to..." she mumbled.
"Why were you staring at me, then?"
"I-I... Was thinking about how to help you with your hunger..." she lied.
"... Oh. Sorry for accusing you of something else, then."
"N-no, it's fine..."
Before Clover could talk herself into more bullshit, Simeon came back, and the holy boy was there to save her from her own misery.
"Beel" he called out. "Luke and I will soon return home for a bit. I can bring you some sandwiches, so stay strong, okay?"
"Simeon...!" Beel cheered as his euphoria made him stand up and engulf Simeon in a hug. "You're a true angel...!"
Clover felt quite shitty afterwards.
Beel hugging Simeon was an adorable sight, but she hated herself for being such a coward.
After dodging another encounter with Solomon, she had pulled back to help Belphie at the casino area, trying to get her mind off of the competition for a little...
Alright. I hope you´re not bored yet, because the chaos hasn´t even properly started yet.
Also, nearing ourselves to half-time, now is a good opportunity to sum up a few events as well as the overall squish-score so far.
Violet was leading with a total of 12 points. Besides the mentioned scenarios, she had also encountered Mammon a second time, and she was lucky enough to find Luke having a life crisis over another eaten fork.
Heck, Violet even managed to squeeze Clover's tail once, and her friend hasn't noticed!
Clover, on the other side, has had a great start, but did rather poorly the later it got.
With five points, she only had another chance with Asmo, who, tbh, had been begging for someone to pay attention to his booty. (But to be clear, he did not notice the squish.)
Over time, she got desperate, but that only fueled Clover's fears of getting caught.
It nearly let her to internally quitting, if not for Violet to pull her back into the game once more...
Most of the crew was busy working when the clock struck midnight.
A nearby bell tower announced the change of day -- and with that, also the change of clothes.
The customers as well as the staff looked up when a certain voice echoed through the speakers.
"Good evening, my sweethearts~!" Asmodeus cheered, sitting on the bar counter and waving at the crowd. "Or should I say good night? Good morning? I hope you are having a good one, to say the least!"
He gained a small round of laughter.
"Yes, yes, a cheery mood is what we want! And now that we passed midnight... It's time for a special surprise!"
He stood up onto the counter, striking a nice pose while smirking widely.
"Those with weak minds -- and weak ovaries -- should brace themselves, cause things are about to get hot~!"
The crowd applauded and cheered. A group of thirsty (asmodeHoes) fans threw in some... naughty exclamations, but Asmo had already jumped onto the floor again, gathering the staff members around him.
Barbatos at his side, he was handing out another set of clothing. "Please get dressed quickly", the butler said.
And so they went off...
"I CAN'T go out like his."
"But... But Clover... You know what must be awaiting us outside..."
"ARGH... I'm not ready for that either..."
Clover was sitting on the floor again.
This time, their outfit consisted of a classic black playbunny suit, ears and tail still included of course, arm sleeves as well as a shirt's collar that was held together by a bow tie.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without you..." Violet protested.
"But HOW am I supposed to face those frickin´ snacks” Clover cried out. “I'm a fucking potato compared to them, also Violeeet, the moment I see any of them my mind will SIN and I won't ever be able to look into Simeon's eyes ever agai-"
They heard voices on the other side of the door.
"Woohooo, is that Lucifer?! Shirtless?!" They heard Asmo go. "And and, kyaaaa, Beel, those ABS!!"
The girls exchanged a glance.
Then dashed out of the womens' toilet once again.
Stumbling out of the room, however, there was no one to be spotted at all.
A little confused, the girls noticed too late how a cheeky Asmodeus had been hiding behind the door, pushing the latter shut to have a perfect view on his girls.
"Got you~!" he hummed, leading the girls to turn around.
He had a camera in his hands and seemed to be already filming.
"What a view~", he continued. "Could you do me a favour and turn around as well?"
"Asmo!!" Violet hissed, her cheeks gaining a pink blush out of angered embarrassment.
Not as much as Clover's face was heating up, though, as she prompted the demon to put his phone down.
"Not going to happen, sweetie~" he chuckled. "Devilgram will love those bashful expressions...!"
"WhAt?!" Violet covered her body immediately. "You WON'T upload this anywhere!"
"Uhmmm... That's kind of not possible, you know? This is a live broadcast."
Then, another person stepped out of the males' bathroom.
"What's all the noise about?"
Lucifer's annoyed voice echoed through the corridor.
When he stepped closer, however, his attention got caught up by the girls' appearance.
"Oh~?" he purred, inspecting the girls (but Violet in particular hehe) with a pleased smirk on his lips.
"L... Lu..." Violet's voice broke off.
She just... Died. Nothing more to say about this, really.
Because only now both, Violet and Clover, realised that not everything of Asmo's bait had been a lie...
The demons were actually shirtless, their chests bare as they were wearing only arm sleeves and, in Lucifer's case, a bow tie around his neck, while Asmo's neck was decorated with a ribbon. Rather tight-fitting black trousers and the bunny accessories completed the look that had left the girls speechless.
Lucifer's smirk grew wider.
"No, that's no good... I think I will have to speak to the manager. Those outfits are way too distracting... Isn't that so, Violet?"
"H-huh?!" The girl did a little hop.
Thankfully, Asmo jumped in to her aid.
"Fufu~! Lucifer, do you mean the girls are getting distracted by us, or is it that YOU are getting distracted, hm~?"
Lucifer crossed his arms in a contemplative manner.
"Well... I admit to a pleasant view when I see one, so..." He pinned Violet down with his eyes. "I guess I will have to be extra careful from now on... Then again, I might need a more detailed view, just to be sure..."
Asmo gave an excited giggle.
"Lucifer, you beast~!"
Then Asmo turned to Violet again.
"But judging from her red cheeks, I feel Violet might think the same... Isn't that so, darling~?"
"U-uhm...", Violet stammered, trying really hard to make her brain function again. "Well I... Think there's no point in denying that... Uhm..."
She glanced over at Lucifer, but every time she did, her head got dizzy all over again.
"Go on, please" Lucifer suddenly said. "There is no need to deny what, exactly?"
And her brain got stuck in an endless loop of not being able to cope.
Lucifer seemed to have plenty of fun with that, so he kept teasing her for the time being.
We do remember, however, that there was another still girl left to completely destroy.
And Asmo took it upon himself to achieve exactly that.
"Don't worry, Clover!" He said as he tackled the girl into a hug, simultaneously dragging her away from the two lovebirds. "You're just as charming, of course."
"Th-thanks..." Clover mumbled.
"Hm? You don't seem to believe me."
Clover pulled away, now only holding hands with him, giving a shrug. "You know what I think of my looks, Asmo..."
The avatar of Lust gave a sigh.
"There we go again... If you're so self-conscious… why don't we go ask for some opinions?"
And if the god of fateful anime encounters had planned it, the remaining demon brothers happened to have finished changing as well. The door to the men´s bathroom swung open…
"Oh!" Asmo smelled his chance. "Look, there comes our audien-"
He got cut off by the weird sound Clover made.
In a single movement, she had let out a squeal that a human throat should not be able to do, had completely destroyed Asmo's pretty hand by squeezing it in excitement, while in the end she was hiding behind Asmo, only peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mass of hotness coming out of the bathroom.
"Clover…?" Asmo sounded confused.
"Too much hotness", she mumbled into his shoulder. “I can´t-“
"Huh?" Asmo sounded genuinely confused for a second.
Then a smirk curled his face.
"What?!" he spoke extra loud, extra dramatically, so everyone could hear. "What did you say, Clover?! You think they're all sooo hot?!"
"A-asmo, be quiet...!" Clover mumbled.
But he continued.
"What? You love how much skin we are showing?!" he yelled.
"Whaaat?! You'd even pay them to strip down even more?! Clover, you wild animal!"
She punched the demon in embarrassment.
The next second, a certain scumbag stood beside them.
"DiD I hEaR 'P-p-p-PAy'?!" Mammon stuttered, literal cash-symbols in his eyes.
Asmo grinned at him, covering Clover's mouth so she couldn't protest.
"Our dear Clover here wants you to strip for her~"
Clover shook her blushy head.
"That's not trrngh..." she tried to press out between Asmo's fingers.
Mammon stared at her for a moment.
"… 10.000 Grimm."
Clover had freed herself again.
"... What?"
"15.000 and I'll do pole dance too."
The second born looked almost disappointed when Clover declined his offer.
But Asmo was already moving on with his mischiefs.
"What? Clover?? You want to do WHAT with Beel's abs?!?!"
"No you won't~" Asmo grinned, turning to give his brothers a view on Clover. "Guuuys, I need your help! I dare you to give this little lady a rating in this sweet costume of hers."
Most of them looked confused at first,
but, seeing one, her outfit, and two, how much she was unable to cope, a few were ready to assist in Asmo's tease.
"I'd need a full view to judge" Satan grinned.
"Yeah" Belphie agreed. "Could you turn around slowly, Clover? Maybe do some poses as well?"
Clover shot them some angry glares.
"... You could do that pose were you form ears with your hands…" Levi dared to add in a mumble.
"Hrrrgh...!" Clover was fighting her embarrassment. "All of you are awful... Beel over here is the only nice guy, honestly...!"
She glanced at him in a pout, hoping he'd defend her... Or at least say something as well...
"... So you're not going to pose for us?" Beel said in a pout.
Clover.exe stopped working.
"Fufu..." Asmo grinned. "See, my dear? Even Beel demands a show... Now come on, we're waiting~!"
You can probably guess that Clover wasn't going to get out of this situation anytime soon.
While this part of the group enjoyed this mess of a person, let's switch back to the other girl whose brain was doing about as poorly.
Lucifer had kept Violet by his side, making sure she wasn't going to help Clover in her dilemma… Or going elsewhere in general.
However, one certain jealous bean soon couldn't bear that Lucifer was hogging Violet all for himself.
"Oi, Lucifer, back off of Violet already!"
And Mammon pressed himself in between them. "She's one of my humans after all!"
Visible displease grew on Lucifer's face as he got cockblocked yet again.
"And what would give you the right to claim her for yourself?" The eldest grumbled.
Mammon crossed his arms.
"... Because I just said so."
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, to then simply push Mammon's body away again.
"LUCIF-", Mammon hissed. "STOOP...!"
"You are distracting us, Mammon."
"B-but... That´s not fair…” he shouted. “M-maybe I want Violet to notice me as well!!"
Lucifer stopped, while most of the surrounding people went silent.
Then Levi gave a laugh.
"Oh my god MAMMON, that was so desperate lolol, SO uncool!"
Belphie spared him a pityful laugh. "Are you really that desperate for some attention, you idiot?"
The avatar of Greed was gritting his teeth.
"Hnngh... Shut up, all of you...!"
The situation around them escalated a little, even more so as Diavolo and Barbatos joined in on the chaos, having changed clothes as well.
But Violet felt bad, especially since she wouldn´t have expected Mammon to act like this. So, in a silent second where everyone seemed busy in their personal chaos, she sneaked over to Mammon.
After -- of course, what did you expect -- quickly poking his bunny tail, Violet also gave his shoulder a tap.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Mammon looked a little surprised, responding with a huff.
"...'s a wolf..."
"Lucifer's a wolf!" Mammon repeated, awfully loud and both feared that the eldest brother had heard him.
A bit more timid, Mammon continued as Violet could only look at him in confusion.
"... Ya can't just go hop around in such an alluring outfit when there're guys like Lucifer around. He could go full beast mode and, dunno, do some weird stuff to ya."
Violet suppressed the nasty thoughts approaching her brain, her heart beating drastically as she mumbled a faint "I see".
"Ya human should better stick to the great Mammon! I'd treat you nicely, y'know."
Violet raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"... 'Treat me' how, exactly?" She asked in an almost teasing manner. "What were you planning to do, Mammon?"
And it landed a critical hit.
"I-I-I-I mean tr-treat as i-in... I'd protect you from all those beasts around you!" he stammered, his cheeks a blushing mess. "Nothin´ weird, I swear!! Its just… There's plenty of those beasts! Actually, maybe you should go home. If all the customers see you like this... Argh... I have to tell Clover, too...!”
He turned his head to search for the other girl, only to realise the group was about to return to their work. "Ahh... Oh no, she´s already been caught..." Mammon pressed out.
"Mammon" Violet called out again and treated him with a smile. "I assume you´re saying this because you´re worried about us, right? Thank you for that, you´re really a good friend. We're having a shift together later, right? So, until later, okay?"
He seemed confused again, but nodded in the end.
"Ugh... Fine... Just stay safe, ´kay? Promise!"
"I promise" she laughed, then Mammon finally seemed to have calmed down.
At least he was fine enough to turn around and go bother Levi with something.
Violet was watching them in amusement, then felt a presence behind her.
"Turning your eyes off of me already?" A deep voice purred almost right into her ear.
Ah, yes, there it was again, the drastic heart rate.
"Lucifer..." Violet turned around at the mellow voice. "I just wanted to tease Mammon a little. He seemed a little down."
"Sure, suit yourself..." Lucifer mumbled casually. "But I seem to be a little down as well... To think you'd end our conversation so quickly..."
Violet exploded into a puzzled blush.
"N-no... That's not... I ... You..."
Lucifer was pinning her down with his gaze, waiting for a coherent reaction. “Then how abou we pick up where we left? I think there´s something you wanted to tell me…”
"Y-you look... A-... Amazing..." she stammered.
"Hm? Could you say that again? Your voice appears to be awfully thin."
She breathed a heavily stressed breath. So Lucifer continued.
"Pardon me? Violet, you appear to be overheating. How come? I would assume your clothing is revealing enough skin to make that impossible..."
Aaand Violet's brain shut down as well.
"Should I help you?" he hummed, stepping even closer. "In comparison to you, I seem to maintain a way cooler head than you do..."
And, being the most flustered he has ever been, Lucifer continued to tease the shit out of Violet for as long as he felt the need to...
The group was about to dissolve and (finally) head back to work.
The girls, however, had stayed back for a strategy meeting.
"This is bad", Clover blabbered as she was trying to calm down. "I couldn't get up to them with shirts on, how am I supposed to even TALK to any of them when they're in maximum sexy mode?! And it's not only maximum hotness, but did all of them collectively agree to unlock their secret teasing-modes, too?!"
Violet gave a blushing shrug. "... Are you complaining, though?"
"Hnngh... No... But I'm so short on points... If I don't start playing risky, I'll loose..."
Violet smirked at that.
"Yeah" she agreed. "That's a good idea. Look, Solomon's over there all alone, why don't y-"
"Nope” lover interrupted her immediately. “Not going to happen. Nope. I'd rather go up to the demon prince himself. I'd rather get killed by Barbatos TBH."
"Oh, you would get killed..." Violet shivered, thinking back of what happened in the store room earlier.
"Don't care" Clover persisted. "Like, come, demon lord, if I was to touch Solomon's tail today, you may kill me right this instant...!"
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itscinnafox · 3 years
STORY NOTES [akafuri] : By The Next Sunrise
Because I had sooooo much fun doing this with a friend (@miss-cactus) :] (also being the first collab' work that's posted) and had a lot of messy notes and drafts, it's just so precious to me not to ramble about it >w< also plenty of fun times in just 2 and half months despite life biting my ass at the same time, totally my stress relief lol. Also, this story really isn't just some cheesy stuff for the sake of romance. It's genuine love (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Read the story here in AO3 Summary: On the way to his brother’s house, the spring showers had begun again. With an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world. Furihata smiled. He would find out. Perhaps by one of the next sunrises.
.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚. Rambles undercut ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ .☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.
FIRSTLY, @miss-cactus has all my gratitude ♡(ŐωŐ人) without her; AkaFuri will be stranded in France LOL! Seriously, I'll just dump them in some random village in France and just maybe not even finish this story at all even. The time she took to find me a place, translate, edits and also judging me for my description of the place LOL yep... total life saver. With her help it really motivated and inspired me a lot! She's the oil to my car............. you get the idea :] .
BONUS, she's also a translator and translated many amazing works, basically a deity, breathing life back into them. Also, she has original works too :D check 'em out, it's cute! It's in French, but they're easily translated, she's that good! (๑>◡<๑) her AO3
WEIRD FACT, I also had a short break up with my boyfriend of 7 years while writing this. LOL. I was so upset but I got motivated by the similarities, that when he asked for us back I was like 'But-but the similarities though!' but I love him....bleeegh. So I said yes, and we're better than before. YAY!
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๑ Story Base ๑ The idea popped when I was listening to 'The sun after washed by spring rain' by Wang Lee Hom on a rainy day on my day off, and florist Akashi just looks so beautiful lol and the rest just came up.... and I really wanted this vibe for AkaFuri something incredibly soft and warm~ just cozy >w< huehue~
This story sets in Spring, spring here, spring there~ Spring is the breath of new life, basically Furi's story lol.
I was also aiming for this story to be short and a bit poetic...... LOL then 11k words later I just gave up and was like: well, if AkaFuri wanna romance then who are we to say no? (Akashi will shave my hair in my sleep lol)
๑ Playlist ๑ Play on Youtube The playlist is by order according to each part within the story. I really love to ramble about this since music is my inspiration for a lot of things and the vibe of the whole premise, section of their development and perspectives.
☆ 11 : 11 by Taeyeon Introducing Furihata's little sob lol and Furi's perspective. After Furihata breaks up with his girlfriend (who again, have no significant in his life what so ever), he goes through the phase on moving forward. It really isn't him moving forward with his feelings for her though, it's just him moving forward from the familiarity of being with her in his life. With her gone, he finally reconnects with who he is, like in this passage : "However, somehow with just a fling of his bag onto the island top threw him years back. He has not always been this tidy and clean." Furihata had basically lived his life to accommodate to those around him. (I wanna stress that Furi wasn't forced into a relationship or was it abusive. It was just a relationship with someone whom Furi had no infatuation for. It just so happens she wanted to date him after the wintercup, and Furi is just like 'yea ok?' but really he didn't exactly thought it through.)
So this is where Furihata moves on from the familiarity. He cries because they dated lol, but really he's just confuse.
☆ The Sun After Washed By Spring Rain by Wang Lee Hom Exactly one year after Furi's break-up. The source of this story idea lol. Also, Furi's perspective. The title and the song is literally what it meant; the sun after the spring rain which brings in new beginnings. I present you, this passage of the story: "Instead, with an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world."
☆ Reunite by Jordie Power I present you, when Akashi appeared and Furihata's crush on Akashi just awakened and go haywire LOL! In this AU, Furihata has genuine feelings for Akashi. They were long time friends, and there were even a few emphasis of their friendship through high school but because Furihata has a girlfriend and Akashi respected that (although most times, in my brain, is just Akashi crying to Kuroko LOL!)
☆ Passage by Miyano Mamoru Furihata and Akashi's similarities. The song is basically about finding yourself as you age, the experiences you go through as you age (i'm 27 and i'm still confuse lol) Even though this story focuses on Furihata a lot and little less on Akashi except for little hints here and there, Akashi was just as lost as Furihata.
Random thought (as I type this), my boyfriend had told me this before "Even though we don't need each other, and do well on our own. We have friends but it's so different. Is just something different to have someone you love around, so to an extend, I really do need you and to share everything with you, it really makes me happy." it really is something different to have someone by your side especially when you found someone. (p/s: you definitely don't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. you complete yourself okay? :3) Furi and Akashi have been in-love since high-school, they have accomplished a lot on their own but in a passage, they both felt lost and felt like something was 'empty' that was because they were still in-love, and they met each other and truly want to spend their life together and share everything.
☆ Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru Mmmmmm~ the juice. This is Akashi's perspective when he wants to romance Furihata (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ and of course, sneakily confesses to him. OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS LITERALLY THE PART THAT I'VE BEEN DYING FOR! and wrote it sooooo many times. I wanted it steamy and a little desperate after their long pent-up-frustration unprofessed love, without making it 'explicit' kind of way. So I hope I captured it right lolol.
☆ Make Me Love You by Taeyeon Furihata's feelings towards Akashi. I was pondering on a song that would fit Furihata's pull towards Akashi and how Akashi makes him feel every time. No other songs seems to feel like then I was randomly humming to this song while I was working and this is perfect! Also, a wonderful vibe.
I think it has been emphasised a lot on how Furihata reacts to Akashi, how he blushes like crazy, how he also subconsciously wants Akashi to make him fall in love with him. Because deep down, as again, Furihata genuinely loves Akashi but he was never daring enough to do it and since Akashi had never showed any indication, so Akashi had to confess in order for Furihata to be brave enough to smack their lips together to confess too.
☆ Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel by Emmanuel Moire Infinitely bless @miss-cactus (and her naughty brother lol) for this! This is song is seriously sooooo beautiful ;w; I don't care if reader's don't listen to the playlist, but OH MY GOD! If nobody had listened to this, is seriously missing out. (just as a song in general is beautiful) and the lyrics are just akjsfhakjsfhaf AKASHI'S WORDS! In Akashi's perspective and the song that Akashi sang to when they were in the car, and Cactus chose the perfect line for it ;w;
This song basically concludes everything!!! From their feelings for each other since high-school and all the way until the day they die! It's basically everything I wanted this story to be about, just their pure love for one another and to share their happiness together ;w;
Also, I want to point out in regards of Furihata's decision on staying in France. It's really not just a spontaneous and reckless decision lol. As stated and shown in the story, Furihata is somewhat a successful person with a career, but Furihata has other passion and interest which he seemed to enjoy doing which is photography and Akashi notices this. Even though with a career, at a time some will have a change of heart. So if Furi wants to stay in France with Akashi, he has thought it through enough, and can afford to even live by even without Akashi's money lolol. ๑ Premises ๑ Cactus, without her, AkaFuri will be hobos. I . AM . NOT . KIDDING ! She just whip out the map of France and pin point me to everything! I didn't ask for that but her soul is made from angel clay and she showed me this beautiful town, and I am floored! I didn't feel that much motivation and inspiration before o(≧∇≦o)
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So why not Paris? XD 1, I didn't want Paris, I wanted a natural, country/cottage vibe and not the city. 2, proven by Cactus, "actual paris : if you want a cup of coffee you have to give up your wife and your 2 children bc it's way too expensive" (XD actually there's more but those parts are only between us lol) 3, I want to pull Akashi from his usual portrayal of rich and luxurious life style. I mean.... he's still rich, just not lavish in that lifestyle. In here, Akashi's basically bare as a canvas, and painting it on his own. 4, I google mapped Paris.... and if anything, Akashi and Furihata will probably get run over by traffic LOLOL! 5, we hate the crowds lolol and we'd do anything to drown the citizens for AkaFuri to be alone. I'm not even gonna be discreet about this xD.
☆ Mornac-Sur-Seudre This main village, is the most beautiful town picked by Cactus. It's not so 'in the face' although not so splashed in a lot of colours (except for the oyster huts), it is a very vibrant village. We totally fell in love with it. It's quiet, and not a lot of villagers, so it's perfect for AkaFuri to have their stroll hand in hand (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) They're also very famous for their oysters LOL! So yeah..... Akashi fed Furi oysters.... because....it's yummy.... LOL! Video reference here. There's another beautiful video but I can't find it no more. ;; Other references; here, here and here.
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☆ Seagull Train Furihata loves train (and so do I) and since the train exists here! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I really love writing this part! I fell in love with the department Cactus picked and everything was so perfect and beautiful. Pictures and videos of it was just so breath taking ;w; and it's a steam train! I've never ride one before, but I have been into exhibits in the train museum. The smell is amazing lol. It's like sniffing my humidifier......but bigger.
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This is the train I had saw mostly from it. the 030 T 3 from 1891. It's still operational so choo-choo!!! they go!
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Video reference ; here Train reference; here, here Other references; here, here, here and here.
☆ Saintes & Royan These two towns are what's closest to Mornac. I didn't have much on Royan because Saintes had a beautiful charm, so this is where they would have their wonderful date <3 and talk a little bit about their feelings.
Cactus correcting me on the description on the city as I just woke up from my sleep, is seriously a way to wake up in the morning at 5am XD LOLOL!!
There's a few churches too, and has an interesting history from the Roman empire :D really intriguing.
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The bridge where they have their little confession in high-school (◡‿◡✿)
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This video here, absolutely pretty!
☆ Akashi's Floristry; Fleurs d’acacia Cactus picked out the most beautiful name! "So either L’acacia (just the tree) or Fleurs d’acacia (acacia flowers)" The Acacia because it rhymes with Akashi's name : Aca - as in 'Aka' in Akashi. Ci - as in sea...because they're near the ocean. A - as in....... h(a)m because Cactus said so... and I can't even disagree because it's where Furi getting some of those..... meat....because Akashi's ham.....like his meat.......y'know..... We're very dignified ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
The design of Akashi's 3 story shop/studio/apartment..... I really don't have any reference, it's all in the head LOLOL! Akashi basically lives in simplicity, his shop all on the ground floor, and the second floor is his art studio where paints and do whatever he wants. Finally the third floor is where he stays, it was wasn't very detailed but it's very spacious and cozy >w<!
☆ The Drive-in theatre Bruuuuuh......the confession is the thing! Akashi sneaking in his opportunity to confess. What more is there need to be said? AkaFuri : mlemlemlemlemlemlemlemlem~
Ohh~ Akashi's pretty Bentley of course.
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☆ The Landes The finale of their romance ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. I think we all know what a Volkswagen van looks like LOL! And they had the funky in the van and Akashi took Jean's advice with the bamboo charcoal.
Cactus showed this pretty place and I'm just ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Of course I'd really like to say it again. Furihata's decision to stay with Akashi was really not for the sake of a 'happy ending' or so. They've had deep feelings for each other since high-school and bonded closely, but Akashi didn't show any indication of romantic interest out of respect for Furihata's relationship, and Furihata knowing nothing about Akashi's mutual feelings just kept his feelings to himself. As told by the story, Furihata has a career and stable income. But even though his life is dandy in Tokyo with his job, that doesn't mean it's something he wants to keep pursuing or maintain, as we age, we search for something else to add into our experience. Not to say that we're forever unsatisfied, it's just how life is. We accomplish something, and we move on to another thing, and then another and another. It's really something beautiful about it, and life's just us exploring :] In Akashi and Furihata's case, is that they've already have what they wanted, a life of their own, choosing their own path and what they don't have was each other and now that they've bonded and opened up themselves, they can finally pursue another beautiful life together (>*^▽^*<)
๑ Book, Night on the Galactic Railway by Kenji Miyaza ๑ This is a real book. Also, my favourite! There is an anime as well, but if anyone wants the PDF feel free to drop me a DM and I'll give it to ya'.
In here, the story of the galactic railway impacted their lives a little bit differently. With Akashi the loss of his mother and Furihata to live the last adventure before death.
It is shown they have extreme love for this book, and it really is a beautiful book and there's just endless things to talk about, as it is place in an infinite travel of the train through the galaxy, meeting new people, seeing new things, the mysteries of stories and making meaningful relationship despite never being able to see them again.
The sentiment of Giovanni and Campanella is also similar to Akashi and Furihata. Before anything else, they want to have their adventure together before eventually parting their ways (and i really mean, until death do them apart.)
๑ Other Juices ๑ There some nitty stuff that aren't just there for show xD Well, kind of but there's some sentiments and stuff so...
☆ The Sunflower Maybe because I'm bias to sunflowers LOL! But Furihata is pretty with yellow! Sunflowers with darker brown florets are absolutely beautiful. The pendent I had in mind was literally the one I had when I was a kid (but I donno it's gone now lol). I googled other sunflower pendent but it's ugleh...
It associates with the theme of this story which is 'Sunrise' as in new beginnings, Furihata's fresh start to pursuing the person he actually loves.
Sunflowers also grow towards the sun. They radiate pure joy and positivity. They also symbolise unwavering faith and unconditional love; which is AkaFuri's undying love here despite the years.
Sunflowers are also given to show their deepest to the person, so Akashi gift him a sunflower :3 also because Furi looks pretty in yellow, fight me.
In chinese myth, sunflower are best for business... So with Furi around, Akashi's business will bloom LOLOL!
Funfact: In greek myth, a nymph named Clytie fell deeply in love Apollo, god of the sun. Although Clytie was beautiful by nymph standards, Apollo did not reciprocate her feelings, or acknowledge it. (except Akashi appreciates Furi's love okay?) After days of hopeless devotion, the nymph then transformed herself into a sunflower and constantly turned towards the sun so she could always be with the one she loved (Furihata's chasing sunrises because Akashi is there ok?).
☆ The Happy Street Cats :D This is actually a real book I have, a gift by my teacher before I leave S.Korea. The passage idiom is extracted by this page as well.
The front cover of the book is also yellow.
Yellow : Sunrise + Sunflower.
There's so much yellow in this story LOL!
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☆ The Movie Cactus : Idol movie Me : *internal screaming* I swear we are always soooooooo close to making this whole thing crack XD
This scene is a real brain wreck lololol. (Still contemplating if it was romantic enough)
☆ Akashi's Florist number I extracted that number from an oyster restaurant LOLOL! Thankfully Cactus changed it.... we were planning on a crack bonus in which, Furihata orders oysters before calling Akashi.
It didn't happen. But if it did.
Furihata will order some oysters. And not regret it.
*Akashi judging*
☆ French Dialogues + Akashi teaching Furihata French Bless Cactus, she's my happiness now. I have no idea how many weird noises were coming out from our mouths just to understand how the French consonant 'R' sounds like to put it into words LOL! XD Without her, it'd be a disaster.
We were looking at other romantic phrases and found the perfect one ;w;
“Je suis ton bonheur.” means "I am your happiness" (oh god, google translate voice just keeps playing in my head LOLOL! help) Which, what else can be said? LOL Akashi's happy ok? Since this story is from Furihata's perspective, I really wanted to put him into the spot of being a foreigner (he speaks english and mandarin lolol just clueless in French, because Akashi is supposed to guide him). So while Cactus work her magic, being the Akashi to my Furihata. I tried to emphasis a lot on the characters expression etc, at least to indicate of what was going on....tbh even I forgot what they were saying. *just as clueless as Furi and Cactus cackling somewhere.
Everything in here is just Cactus being amazing ;w; and pure patience LOLOL!
๑ Side Characters ๑
☆Shérine ............ We butchered the original female side. Her name was Camille.... but I was sooo tempted to name it after *coouugh* :] because it's pretty. Also her hair was blond with hazel-green eyes.... yea we buried her.
Shérine wins now... Shérine is life.
Shérine will be in their wedding.
☆Jean Kirstein (of AOT) It's JEAN! ...........someone gotta tease Akashi with no filter.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ FINAL NOTES
The last section when Furihata wakes up and makes his decision, believe it or not, I was in the bus. While typing to Cactus, I was literally shaking in the bus and my eyes stung because of dust and I was in tears. I was between crying and laughing. Finished it at home ;w; Cactus was such a darling through it all.
I really had fun writing this with Cactus ;w; she's the best!!!!!!! And hopefully we'll make some crack stuff because we're hooligans like that XD.
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jacscorner · 3 years
Fox McCloud of Kongo Bongo Part 1
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Hello, beautiful friends. I'm simul-posting this silly fanfic idea I had for a while now. Cause Fox McCloud X Tiny Kong content doesn't exist except for the content I made myself, so I'm making a fic dedicated to my silly Sword & Planet doodle I did some months back.
With all that said, I hope you all enjoy, and sorry for any spelling and grammar faults. I'll fix them after the post if someone points 'em out to me, but this fic is being written by the seat of my pants and pretty casually.
The Lylat System was quiet. It had been a short year since the return of Andross when Fox McCloud and the Star Fox team had stopped Andross from destroying Corneria and taking over the system. Fox McCloud, leader of Team Star Fox, was piloting his Arwing past Sector X. The strange nebula was once the secret base for Andross and his operations during the First Lylat War, but now the odd cosmic cloud in the shape of a cross was just a quiet landmark through the system. At least, so it should.
[This is Pepper. Come in, Fox.]
Fox gave a tired grunt, losing his concentration and focus as he reached for the communicator strapped to his head and flipped it on. "You're clear, Peppy."
[Are ya seein' anything there, Fox?]
"That's a negative." Fox said as he checked his instruments again. "I'm still getting those weird readings that Slippy picked up, but I'm not seeing anything."
[Ya shoulda waited at the Great Fox like I told ya, Fox.]
Fox gave a roll of his eyes as he said, "Peppy, stop worrying so much." After the return of Andross every low life of the system seemed to go into hiding. True peace was still out of reach, and there was always work for the members of Team Star Fox, but finding any big named criminals who tried to fill the same niche Andross were hard to come by. In a way, Fox didn't like this; as a mercenary, he lived to fight. Was it wrong to think that way? Most certainly; peace in the Lylat System, where no little kid lost their father like he did, was the ultimate goal. But he needed food on the table like anyone else did.
[Wolf O'Donnell is still at large, Fox. He could be setting up a trap for ya.]
Cap'n Wolf O'Donnel, the name rang in Fox's ear. He could still see the burning, red scar on that wolf's face, the yellow of his eyes burning into his own. Out of all the mercenaries Andross hired to take him and Miyu out, Wolf was probably the best. His equal in almost every way and nearly sent him to his doom. It was the most intense fight Fox had ever been in; for the first time in his life, Fox truly feared that he was gonna die.
And yet, ever since then, there's been a hole in his chest that he couldn't quiet fill.
"If Wolf's out there, then I'll be ready for him."
[Fox, you're-]
"End transmission." Fox didn't wait for a reply, turning off his head piece. He wasn't in the mood to keep listening to Peppy badger him over this; besides, if Wolf was out here, then he would've shown his face by now, right? There wasn't anywhere to hide in Sector X, it wasn't anything by burning gas and bright light.
"One more pass around." Fox told himself, initiating another scan. If nothing was here, then he should turn back and head back for the Great Fox. At least, that's what he should do, but he was in no real rush to make it back to Peppy and listen to him nag his ear off. He cruised around Sector X thinking about how he'd rather go to Titania. There's a nice little saloon there, perfect place to refuel his Arwing and drink his problems away. Just the thought of Titania ale was tempting Fox to ditch his mission. It was weird; he wasn't much of a drinker before, by after the first Lylat War, he grew a taste for alcohol.
Suddenly, Fox jerked the controls on his Arwing, suddenly him into a dive just in time to avoid a photon shot. His instincts kicked in just in time, but where the hell did that come from?! He looked on his radar, seeing nothing, but then looked to see an incoming transmission message. He didn't even patch it through or have the chance to reject the message when a scarred face appeared on screen.
"Hello, pup."
"Wolf!" Fox growled as he glanced up, seeing the lone, quad-wing ship cut through the unforgiving void as he rocketed right for the vulpine pilot. Fox bared his fangs, starting to charge right for Wolf like a demented game of chicken. "I knew you were skulking about these parts!"
"And I knew you'd come with the right bait." Wolf chuckled, his shields deflecting Fox's photon shots as he fired back with his own. "And now it's time I pay back the debt I racked up back on Macbeth."
With some expert barrel rolls, Fox was able to deflect Wolf's own shots, the two ships crossing the other's paths.
"Not to mention I'm paying you back for killing the rest of my team." Wolf snarled, spinning his ship around and beginning to chase Fox through space. His ship let out rapid volleys of hot orange shots on Fox's tail, but Fox managed to evade each shot. Fox could feel Wolf gritting his teeth as he managed to evade each shot. It was like Fox had eyes on the back of his head and Wolf couldn't get a clean shot!
[Fox, come in! Fox! Fox, answer me!]
Meanwhile, Fox couldn't shake Wolf from his tail; it was like Wolf was glued on! He tried to perform a somersault, but Wolf was right behind him, gunning for his engines. He felt his air form a lump in his throat; Wolf was giving him no chance to breath or get any space to counter attack.
"Get back here, brat!" Wolf called out, but Fox was too focused to be distracted or baited by the bounty hunter.
[H-hey! F-Fox, can you hear-ribbit?!]
"Want me?! Come and get me!" Fox called back at Wolf. With a well-timed barrel role, he deflected Wolf's volley of shots and slammed the breaks. Wolf flew right past him and was reading right for the burning mass that was Sector X before Fox chased Wolf down. Now that the tables had turned, Fox was going for the kill, charging up a photon shot that he aimed right for Wolf's engine, prepared to finish off his rival once and for-
Falco's shrieking in Fox's ear piece made him release his shot just before the charge was done, nailing Wolf right in the back of his ship, just missing his engine. Wolf started to climb up and get away, but Fox was more focused on the ringing in his ear. It felt like a siren was blaring with how loud it was.
"...Wait, that's not my ear." Fox flinched as he looked at his were going crazy! Before he could decipher what was happening, a sudden, brighter light came from Sector X. In the center of the nebula's glowing cross appeared,a void of purple light that began to swell and open up.
"A Worm Hole!" Fox realized it too late! He tried to pull away, but this Worm Hole was sucking him in! His controls were starting to lock up; try as Fox might, but he couldn't escape the gravity field the Worm Hole was projecting! It was like a hand had grabbed his ship and started to pull him in by force!
"What is this?! I can't get away!" Wolf shouted, doing no better as his ship was being lured right into the vortex as well.
Fox couldn't think; Wolf's screaming and the Arwing blaring were growing more and more distant as they fell closer to the Worm Hole. His life was starting to flash before his eyes; Fox thought that fear would grip his heart, yet he was oddly calm. Life, death; they didn't seem to matter anymore. Or, rather, Fox felt ready to embrace his fate. Day to day life felt more and more like a chore for the mercenary. And while he didn't rush towards death, he wasn't against letting it come to him. As the light began to fade and sound turn to nothingness, Fox felt ready to embrace death like a bride.
And then, nothingness.
This wasn't the first time Fox had entered a Warp Zone, but this was different from the last time.
The last time, back in the first Lylat War, was a constant bombardment of light and sound. Blues and pinks, odd sounds that made Fox think of some odd, old-school music. It was dizzying back then, yet it felt oddly natural. As if nothing was weird at all; or maybe the odd Warp Zone was manipulating him though the protective hull of his Arwing, making him feel relaxed when any sign man would be panicking and screaming, crashing their ship to any and every piece of debris in the void in a misguided attempt to confirm if what they were being subjected to was real or just a dream they couldn't wake up from.
It wasn't like that this time at all; in fact, it was the exact opposite. Fox couldn't see anything, it was all dark. It wasn't black as night or even dark like space. There was no source of any light, not even from his Arwing. He couldn't see his own hand even if it was trembling in front of his own face. He couldn't hear anything either; not Wolf's screaming, not that he could tell if he was or not, not the alarms his Arwing should've been giving off, not even the sound of his own heart.
He couldn't feel anything either. Not the taste of his own spit, not the seat he was sure he was still sitting in, nor the controls his hands wouldn't let go of with his vice-like grip. Fox felt as though he was cramped inside of his cockpit, yet weightless, and his sad attempt to anchor himself in place was useless. Was this what death was like or was this just the odd void he was trapped in.
How long would he be here? Would he die here? Could he die here? And just how long has he been here? At first, he thought it was just five minutes, but at the same time, he felt that he had been floating here for five hours. It was getting so bad that Fox couldn't tell if he was even still in the cockpit. Was he awake? Thinking in his sleep? Were his eyes even open?
Suddenly, all of his senses hit him like a hammer upside the head. A low groan escaped Fox's muzzle; he wanted to feel something, but now it was pain. His body felt sore and stiff; it felt like he had slept all day and hadn't moved a muscle, but somehow worse. Like he was stuck in his cockpit for weeks. His eyes slowly peeled open with a groan as a setting sun's light pierced his retinas like a hot laser.
With a grimace, the fox blindly reached across the console to open the hatch to his cockpit. His ears twitched anxiously with the lack of any cockpit opening sounds. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he tried to press the button again, but noticed how it felt through his leather glove.
His console felt ice cold. The Arwing wasn't running. Fox tried to fire it up, but he didn't even catch the sputter of the engine.
"Great. My Arwing's dead..." Fox grunted as he adjusted his seat. With a hard kick of his metallic leg, Fox kicked the glass shielding off of his Arwing before he dragged himself out. Popping his neck and shoulders, Fox looked around. He was on some kind of beach, but this didn't look like any beach he knew. The sand was black as night and gave a beautiful, if not ominous, shine under the setting, red sun. He looked ahead of him, seeing crimson waves push and as high tide began to set in. Behind him, a massive jungle, but there were smoke stacks poking from the tree line. Black clouds of smog began were pouring into the air, obscuring Fox's view from looking beyond the trees.
"Where in Lylat am I...?" Fox mumbled, but he questioned if he was really still in the Lylat System at this point. He reached for his head piece and began to speak. "Fox to the Great Fox, do you hear me guys?" He was met with a chorus of static in his ears. "Great, my Arwing's dead and now I can't even call for help." Just as Fox thought things couldn't get worse, he heard something.
Fox pulled out his blaster, turning behind him and preparing to fire a warning shot, but was promptly met with a pair of larger guns pointing at his face. They looked crude and rudimentary as opposed to his own blaster, but they were not only much bigger, but there were five crocodiles pointing what looked like brass-and-steel blunderbusses at Fox's head, florescent tubes sticking out of the sides of their guns.
"Don't even think about it, furball." The croc snarled, his body bulging with muscles covered by mostly green scales. "Drop your blaster and come quietly or your hide will make a nice rug."
"Oh damn..."
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You'll never be alone
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Part Three
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Dean held him tightly to himself, making their bodies match perfectly. His mind was completely clouded by that unknown desire. He didn't know what to do, how to do it, where to put his hands; a man's body - Castiel's, because in that moment he was thinking only and exclusively of him, he desired him - was different from the soft and much more buttery body of the girls he had always dated. But he let himself be guided, by that visceral, passionate desire that set him on fire like fire on gasoline. And he felt himself burning, and wished that the other was burning with his own carnal desire as well.
"Dean," a gasp escaped Castiel's sinful lips, a prayer, an unfamiliar desire, and Dean decided to go along with it, to make his wish come true. Tight against his own body he began to walk in the direction of his own bed, still unmade, and mending the dream - definitely pushed - that he had experienced that night. A part of his mind told him that his imagination was nothing compared to reality.
And he was right, damn it! He felt lost, plunged into an abyss he didn't know, where he could only hear, see, want Castiel. They threw themselves on the bed, both panting, Dean almost completely naked, and Castiel with his shirt open over his muscular chest.
"Tell me what you want, Castiel, your every wish will come true," whispered, Dean, towering over the angel's body. Castiel's hard, rigid expression seemed to collapse, for an instant, as his mind was shot through with the least chaste and pure thoughts that could exist. "I-" he murmured, only to close his eyes and let out an unexpected moan of pleasure. He felt Dean's warm lips teasing him, now biting his earlobe, now licking the outline of his neck. "Touch me," he managed to say, in a whisper, laying down more on the bed, tensing all his muscles, showing himself completely at the Hunter's mercy. He wanted Dean's hands to touch him, to explore him, to love him. He wanted to feel her heat burning his skin, sending him into raptures, a slave to this new passion that only he could bring forth.
"Whatever you want," he murmured, Dean, peeling off his shirt and tossing it absentmindedly. He flew to the bed that had been occupied by his brother that night, and a small, amused smile rippled his lips. But the smile died soon after, when the sight of Castiel's - finally - bare chest caught his attention. Castiel's lean, shapely physique was revealed beneath him, a wonder to his eyes, but even more so to his hands. He slowly felt the hinted curves of the muscles, enjoying the shivers of pleasure that shook his angel. His. She truly understood the meaning of that word, possessive and delicious, when she heard Cas moan at her touch. Feeling him give in under her touch, lowering all the defenses he'd built up at the exact moment he'd realized he was starting to feel something. Feelings, unknown to angels, perfect beings who don't need to feel anything. Warriors, faithful to their God. He slowly explored each patch of skin with his lips, tasting the texture of the silky smooth skin, feeling his lips tingle with the light fluff that littered his otherwise white chest. Her hands ran to grasp his wrists, leaving him exposed and helpless beneath him, succumbing to that passion and desire he'd never felt, or imagined. He felt Dean's plump lips seal one of his nipples, squeezing it between his lips and begin to play and abuse it. Moistened by the other man's saliva, it swelled, leaving him breathless and with his mouth open in a stifled moan. "D-Dean," he moaned, closing his eyes and letting himself go completely. Every fiber of his body burned from the erotic caresses the boy reserved for him, every patch of skin aflame with the desire to be touched, explored, possessed. He wanted to be Dean's, completely.
The hunter's eyes raced to the angel's face, meeting the two pools of sky in place of his eyes, reading all the desire he felt, similar to his own. "Cas," whispered Dean in response, in an erotic prayer, a plea for help that only he could and should grant. Their lips met, in a carnal kiss, rough, devoid of any logical sense. They pressed against each other, in an attempt to feel, feel, feel, more and more. Castiel's eyes were two blue pools of desire, the pupil dilated, the languid gaze he cast in Dean's direction. And Dean couldn't help but grow harder and harder under that look of erotic pleading. The Hunter fumbled with the angel's classically cut belt and pants, quickly lowering them and leaving him alone with his underwear as well. He could feel the warmth of Castiel's body - yes, because to him that belonged exclusively to Castiel - and it only made the blood boil in his veins. Blind passion assailed him, and in a few moments he found himself kneeling before Cas. The angel looked up at him from under his long lashes, an expression both confused and excited at the same time. A mischievous smile formed on Dean's lips, slowly, as he completely undressed his little angel. That, broke the last barrier of demureness that had remained between the two of them; Castiel was now in his most purely human form. Undressed, proud in his nakedness and hardness, which couldn't help but draw Dean's incredibly ravenous attention. He brushed his fingertips over the angel's muscular legs, slowly moving up to the other, aiming for the pelvis. He felt incredibly powerful, and at the same time succubus: that's how Castiel made him feel, constantly. Victim and executioner. And it made him alive, damn alive. "I see you finally knelt before a soldier of God," Castiel's voice was hoarse, unsteady, uncertain. And here he too was showing himself to be succubus and executioner. Dean's short, hoarse laugh shook the angel's entire body, sending shivers of excitement through him. "I'm not devoted to any god," he murmured, before throwing himself down to taste the other man's sinful fruit. He slowly took Cas's hard, hot erection between his lips, sending Dean's taste buds into raptures. The smell of the angel there was stronger, intoxicating him with its pure essence. He moved calmly, slowly, assaying inch by inch the other's hard flesh, enjoying torturing him deliciously with a particular focus of his tongue. Cas was now a mass of moans and gasps, unable to decipher all the sensations he was feeling, new, hot, heavenly. He felt his own body burning under those laps, under Dean's sometimes slow and sometimes rough touch. "Dean!" he exclaimed, his eyes narrowed and his hands clasped in the other man's hair. He wanted to have him closer, to feel his own erection sink between the Hunter's wet, sinful lips. He wanted more, demanded more. "More, Dean...don't stop," he bellowed, disconnected thoughts devoid of all logic leaving his lips, until he reached his own pleasure, screaming his Hunter's name and pouring between his lips. Dean didn't move, he stayed and took in everything Cas had to offer him, enjoying watching him in primal pleasure.
He separated from Cas's body slowly, running his lips along the length of his still lingering, sensitive erection. Castiel, shaken but still lucid, could read the pleasure the human was feeling at that moment, and a sudden urge to dare pervaded him. With force, he pulled him against himself, then pushed him with his back on the mattress and positioned himself astride his pelvis.
"Don't be so smug, it's not over yet," he quickly released his of erection, towering, rigid and in need of attention. Moved by who knows what unknown knowledge, Castiel grabbed Dean's right hand, pruned two of his fingers against his lips, and began to suck and suck them hard, without taking his eyes off the other. Dean watched him with his eyes wide open, liquid with desire and illuminated by a new awareness. He couldn't help but groan ruefully as he felt his own fingers penetrate Castiel, slowly, allowing himself to be sucked in inch by inch. He closed his eyes, his breathing cut off by that new stimulation, and restrained himself from completely losing control. He felt Cas move against his fingers, in a slow, cadenced dance, penetrating himself with Dean's hand still clutched between his own. He felt him swaying, pleasuring himself and preparing for what would be Cas and Dean's real first time.
"Fuck!" he exclaimed as he felt Castiel lower himself fully onto his erection. He could feel with every fiber of his being, Castiel's hot, feverish body, his walls gripping him tightly in a deadly, erotic vice. He gripped his hips tightly as he felt him move on his pelvis, lowering himself deeper and deeper, letting every inch of Dean's flesh enter him completely.
"You... little bastard," he exclaimed, too intoxicated by Castiel's body heat. The latter looked at him mischievously, casting him a glare, before stepping closer to him and whispering against his ear. "It's me, Dean, I'm your only god," Dean's breath caught in his throat as Castile's words triggered new feelings. He growled hoarsely, before forcefully pushing him back, and beginning to work his way into him. Sink after sink, moan after moan, they both surrendered to what was pure reality: they belonged to each other.
"Oh, Dean," sighed Castiel, once again obnubilated with pleasure, as he pressed the Hunter's body tightly against himself. "Only I, Cas, only I can do this," growled, Dean, caught up in a possessive feeling unknown to him. He groaned, in a mixture of pain and pleasure, as Castiel's nails sank into his flesh, branding him again, on his back. With each thrust, harder and rougher, they pressed into each other, kissing and branding each other. First on his neck, on his shoulder, on his jaw, every inch of skin screamed the belonging of one to the other
"You're only mine, Dean," he growled, Cas, before pouring out again and staining their chests. Dean, not so far from climaxing in turn, tightened his grip on the other's hips, moving with quick, close hits. "It's you, Cas, it's always been you, my only God," he whispered to him, with a gentleness that clashed with the rough thrusts. They kissed one last time, before Dean poured into Castiel, branding him as his, forever.
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They were both out of breath, too shaken by what had just happened. Squeezed in an embrace that was both sweet and erotic, they looked into each other's eyes. Just glances, no words, but that was enough for them. "Thank you, Cas," whispered, Dean, smiling softly. "What exactly are you thanking me for?" the angel asked, back, looking at him confused. "For believing in me, for believing in me, and for always seeing good in me," he said, before looking away, embarrassed. "I understand," Castiel said alone, taking refuge in his reflective silence. Their bodies were still intimately close, drawn together like two magnets so they could pull apart. "Dean?" called back Castiel, looking at him firmly. "Yes, Cas?" he replied, this time him confused by her gaze. "You'll never be alone as long as I'm around. I'll always be here when you need me. You'll never be alone," he said, making Dean's heart melt from a steel grip. It was true, he would never be alone, with Castiel by his side.
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jackieboywynand · 6 years
Uhhh, some fic ig
Clutching onto his worn crossbow, Jack cautiously edged towards an apartment. He heard a hauntingly familiar tune coming from within, beckoning him to enter. He held his breath as he slowly slid the door open. Upon entering, he immediately knew who had lived here. He was met with a small circular stage with a microphone on it, posters were placed up in pride around the entrance. The name on all of these posters struck a nervous chord from deep inside. Cohen. God, he thought he had escaped that lunatic. He hesitantly moved into the building and cursed his luck as his radio crackled, coming to life.
"I hear your wings flapping in my home..." Jack felt himself tense up. "Flip flap, flip flap, flip flap.", came the obnoxious voice. "Come into the light, little moth, come in..." He had hoped he had heard the last of Cohen back in Fort Frolic but that wasn't the case.
He began moving further into the house and flinched when he heard a loud, maniacal laugh coming from a woman somewhere within the apartment. He peered around the stage and poster to see a pair dancing. He assumed the female was the culprit for the laughter that set him on edge. They were dancing under a light which acted as a spotlight, shining upon them amongst the dimly light room. He tightened the grip on his crossbow as he drew nearer to the pair, careful not to trip over any of the piles of unfinished musical pieces and staves strewn about on the floor. He heard the male humming. It was nothing like the tune they were dancing to but it didn't stop them.
"I see you're still testing your wings, little moth." The unwanted voice sounded through the radio again. "Stay and enjoy the dance, if you wish..." Jack contemplated the offer. It was an almost surreal scene. He had only endured chaos and nightmares since being in this city and this peaceful scene was eerie and out of place. "But don't dare RATTLE. THEIR. RHYTHM." Cohen's voice grew louder, angrier and far more punctuated with each word that came through the radio. Jack chewed on his bloodied, lower lip. He heard the couple muttering to each other and whistling. It was hard for him to try and listen to their mumbling as the music grew ever louder. It was almost unbearable and it made it difficult to think. It was becoming deafening and Jack could feel himself growing agitated. His eyes kept going between the couple and the phonograph that was causing all this racket. He frowned. His eye twitched. It was too loud. Unwanted. A cacophony. He growled. The all too annoying whistling of the man was interrupted by the whistle of a bolt, before being followed by the noise of the bolt making itself home in the man's head and hurtling him towards the wall where it pinned him. An ear splitting scream erupts from the woman's lips as she had her partner ripped away from her. Angry, vicious words were spat out from her lips as she hurled a ball of flames towards Jack. She was quickly put down by another carefully aimed bolt to the head.
"WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN TO TAKE INSTRUCTION?", he heard Cohen shout over the radio. He was surprised that he could also faintly hear the voice from within the apartment. "I'M COMING DOWN THERE, LITTLE MOTH... COMING DOWN TO TEACH YOU. TO. DANCE." The radio cut after that and Jack could hear a door open. Next thing he knows, he's got fire balls hurtling towards him and a very angry Sander Cohen in the room with him. He heard the telltale sign of Houdini as Cohen blinked out of view to reposition himself to try and get the jump on Jack. He frowned and listened out for the sound that will tell him that Cohen has reappeared. The music is grating now. He shoots a bolt into the phonograph, effectively causing it to explode. This angers Cohen further as he reappears and immediately attacks Jack with his flames.
Just like that, the pair begin their own dance. It's a dance of fire and malice as the two aim to kill. Jack, teeth gritted and brows knitted, fires a bolt that catches Cohen's arm. The man glares at Jack. He is fuming. He hurls as many fire balls as he can muster at Jack before disappearing again.
Jack prepared himself for the next volley of fireballs. He readied himself and listened out for the telltale sound of Cohen coming to attack. He spun on his heels as he heard Cohen re-emerge behind him. A painful hiss left him as a fireball singed his body. He immediately fired back at Cohen, enraged. Jack swapped over to steel tip bolts and began during at the manic man in front of him. He caught his shoulder and felt a smug satisfaction as Cohen stumbled back from the impact and pain. Their battle continued like this for what felt like ages for Jack. He was getting low on ammunition. He looked up at Cohen and noticed the bolts, glistening with crimson, decorating Cohen like a hedgehog. How the hell this son of a bitch was still alive? He didn't know. He lunged forward and yanked out one of his bolts from Cohen, watching the blood pour out of the wound as he did. He quickly reloaded the bolt into his crossbow and fired it back at Cohen.
Jack was getting annoyed. Frustrated. He was using up far too much ammunition that he was saving to murder the bastard that had used him. Chewed him up and spat him out. Jack wasn't anyone's plaything. Frank. Fucking. Fontaine. Jack tossed his crossbow to the side and immediately felt a chilling cool spread through his left hand. He didn't need to see the blades of ice sticking out of him before he began assaulting Cohen. He didn't stop until Cohen was just as frozen as Jack had been when hunting down Cohen's disciples and doing his dirty work. He watched as Cohen slowed down and froze up. He approached the man, wrench in hand. He raised his weapon and slammed it down across Cohen's head. He listened to the sick sound of the ice crunching and the head being moulded into a new shape. He kept hammering down on the artist. He let his rage take over him. Cohen. Fontaine. Ryan. Fucking Rapture. It pissed him off. It angered him and when Cohen thawed and collapsed to the floor, he didn't care that he fell down with him. Nor did he notice that he had changed his wrench for his bare fists. Only did he realise when his fists grew numb, caked in blood, and when Cohen's face was no longer recognisable. His sweater was now a brownish-red and his face and hair had flecks of blood covering them. There was a buzzing in his ears. He looked down at the body beneath him and just stared. He had lost himself again. He sighed. Mentally gave himself a slap on the wrist. He picked himself up from off Cohen and went back to gather up his weapons that he had haphazardly thrown about the room during his fit of rage. He began go leave but not before he noticed the door to Cohen's room was wide open. His curiosity was piqued.
Jack saw a pink glow bathing the room and leaking out into the rest of the apartment. He entered the room, clenching his wrench. Upon first glance, he was met with a long staircase and so he began to ascend. As he reached the top of the staircase, Jack noticed more of the plastered "sculptures" that had been littered throughout Fort Frolic. He paled at remembering the moving, attacking statues. He closed his eyes and exhaled when he saw two giant plastered rabbit masks at the foot of a king-sized bed in front of him. Cohen was really into rabbit symbolism for someone that "wanted to take the ears off". What a nutter. Jack shook his head. As he observed the room further, he noticed large framed posters and bottles of alcohol strewn about the room. He thought to himself that Cohen truly was married and obsessed with his work. Jack turned around and saw a doorway leading into another room. He walked through, wrench at the ready.
Through a thin veil of steam, Jack saw numerous sinks lining up against a wall on the left, a glass divider in the middle of the room, and a porcelain bath which was on elevated ground. Jack noticed something whilst walking past the bath. He stopped and turned to inspect it. To his horror, it was yet another sculpture. He gave it a hesitant whack with his wrench; sighing when some blood splattered but the sculpture remained still. He slowly inched backwards, still anxious about the sculpture despite his confirmation on it being a corpse.
When Jack next turned around after exiting the bathroom, he came face-to-face with a Power To The People machine and thanked his lucky stars. His anxiety began to melt away. He always enjoyed working on his weapons. They were his babies and they deserved the best. He really wished there was an option to upgrade his wrench; his first and favourite child. He grabbed his trusty crossbow and selected the option to give it increased damage. He leant over the work station and got to work, applying the new piece. His tongue stuck out a little as he concentrated on perfecting his crossbow. He wondered whether he should even attempt to make his wrench rocket propelled for when he murdered the son of a bitch that dragged him into all of this. He scowled at the name written up in the machine in front of him, feeling repulsed. The bastard was everywhere. There was no escape. It was driving Jack beyond mad. He tried his hardest to busy himself in his work to prove himself a distraction.
Jack took a step back to admire his hard work. He was happy with this newest addition! He turned from the machine with a grin on his face, placing the crossbow back where he had placed a holder for the weapon. He began to head towards the door when his radio crackled and came to life as a voice came through. One he really didn't want to hear.
"Hate to see you this way, kid." The Bronx accent filled him with dread. "Hell, I was there when you were born." His expression soured. "You ever have a dog you gotta put down?" Jack scowled. Was he seriously being compared to a dog? "Breaks your heart." The radio cut off as Jack's week h went hurtling across the room, shattering a sculpture upon impact. How DARE Fontaine talk about heartbreak?! What the he'll did he know about having a broken heart?! Jack glared down at the floor as his vision began to blur. He tried to blink away his tears but they still began to roll down his face. He clenched his fists. The hot tears mixed with the dried blood on his gaunt cheeks. He let out a shudder and collapsed to the floor. Fontaine had no right! Jack still felt his anger through his sobs. He wasn't born! He was created! A scientific experiment that was sold off. Fontaine bought him for top fucking dollar just as a means to thwart the plans of Jack's biological 'father'. It was petty. Ryan was an unwilling donor who didn't know- hell, he probably didn't even want a child. Jack was a genetically modified freak and heir to the damn throne of this hellhole. Jack hated the purpose of his existence. He hated snapping that puppy's neck. Of course he knew what it was like to put down a dog. He bet Fontaine knew he had to involuntarily put down that sweet, innocent puppy. The sick fuck. Jack's face was soaked with fat tears that had turned a slight, pale crimson from the blood dried onto his face. His sobs were loud and echoed within the suite. Jack choked. How dare Fontaine have the sheer nerve and audacity to call Jack a kid? After everything they had gone through? It made Jack sick, right down to his very core.
He gazed around the room. Nothing really mattered to him anymore in his solemn state. Through his tears he saw the bottles of alcohol that were laying about the room. He wanted to forget his worries and troubles. He made a pathetic attempt to crawl over to the bottles. He picked one up and opened it, shaking. His body was still racking from tears. He desperately chugged the liquid before grabbing the next bottle. He grabbed another bottle and began pouring it down his throat. He chugged and he chugged. He didn't care. Nothing mattered. He didn't matter. His only function now was to down as many bottles as possible and hopefully, he would soon die. Pass out, at least. He didn't know how much he had drunk when he found himself nursing a bottle and spilling confessions to the sculptures in the room. He confided in them and told them all his problems and secrets. He kept necking bottles as he did. He found himself accompanied by piles of empty bottles. His vision was blurred. His head was fuzzy. He was stumbling over his words. Slurring. Everything was buzzing. The room spun. His mind blanked. He was soon met with unconsciousness.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
4 Reasons Why I'm Excited for Food Wars!: Third Plate
Food Wars! is an anime that took the world by storm. Or at least, it took me by storm. For the uninitiated, it follows the quest of Soma to become the top chef in his new cooking school. After growing up battling with his father to create the best-tasting food in their diner, he goes to school to level up and gain cooking skills to help him in his quest to beat his father. One day. Along the way, he sets the school aflame by declaring that he'll beat any person who stands in his way in a food battle and proves it by challenging people to battles almost too much.
  The premise isn't exactly unique, but what the show does with all of the elements is truly something special. It takes several facets of anime that I deeply love, and at least one big element of anime that I'm DEEPLY conflicted by, combining them together in a way that's not only palatable, but also funny, relatable, and drool-worthy. Add on a fast-paced plot, well-researched recipes, and a great character, and you're in business. Are you INTRIGUED yet? Let me explain further why I am so excited for this new season...
Ok, so here's the thing. I'm not a huge fan of fan service. I know, I KNOW. This is a very debatable topic. I get it. I understand. Let me explain before you decide to lambast me in the comments below. First, let me say that almost everyone, to some extent, likes fan service. You probably like some kind of fan service. Heck, that might be why you watch anime at all. I'm not saying that I don't like any fanservice at all, I just don't like all kinds of fan service.
  So, you might be asking, what's so great about the rampant fanservice in Food Wars!, especially if you don't like fanservice in the first place? Well, as I said, I do like some fan service- I like fan service that serves a purpose in furthering the plot or giving insight to characterization. At first, it doesn't seem like the fanservice in Food Wars! would do this. The artist portrays the characters in some incredibly suggestive ways. Seriously, clothes explode off. At some point or another, you'll see almost every character naked. And WHY???!?! Why does this show sexualize just about every walking, talking human being at some point or another? Purely to accentuate how MIND-BLOWINGLY, CLOTHES-EXPLODINGLY delicious (or horrible....peanut butter squid, I'm looking at you...) is. 
    This show is brilliant because it carefully uses fan service, something that is hugely popular with many people, and something that motivates a lot of people to watch anime, to further the overall aim of the show: displaying just how amazing the food is. By doing this, it makes the food the star of each fan service instance. Why are people getting hot and bothered? The food. What does that tell the viewer? That this food is EFFING GOOD. It contributes to characterization by showing the viewer how each student, judge, or random passerby reacts to each person's cooking. It furthers the plot by making the food the main star and letting the character's reactions to the food guide the choices they make in how they want to grow and diversify their cooking skills. Honestly, it's such a clever use of fan service, that I can't get mad at it. With this new season, I look forward to seeing more naked people lavishing their love and attention towards some gorgeously hand-crafted meals. Speaking of the hand-crafted meals...
The food in this show looks so good. Do you know something amazing? The phrase "fan service" isn't technically limited to showing off some skin. Fanservice can apply to anything placed in an anime of manga meant to appeal to the fans- sports anime, for example, is a form of sports fan service. Your Lie In April is a great example of an anime geared towards classical music fan service. So, does that mean that appearances of food in anime can also be considered fanservice??? YES, 100%, and Food Wars! more than delivers. 
  First, the art is absolutely gorgeous, depicting food in a way that is honestly impossible in real life. Seriously, I've tried to get food to look exactly the way it does in anime. Heck, I've made a profession of it, and I can tell you first hand that it is not an easy feat at all. Artists have the luxury of choosing the exact colors they want to use, of selecting the perfect lighting in which they want to showcase their food. They can draw on perfect grill marks, and render the most delectable crunchy panko coating.
  Second, the treatment of the food by the characters absolutely glorifies it. I've already discussed how the characters literally lose clothing over their appreciation of the food, but they way they verbalize those thoughts heightens the viewer's own understanding of what makes the food so delicious. Not only does it look good, but the running commentary from the character adds dimension- it tells the viewer what is good about it, what flavor elements are working together, what sensations and flavors they are getting hit with. This makes the appreciation of the food porn immersive. Not only do the viewers have something to look at, they have some context with which to appreciate it. As a result, the startling depictions of the food, coupled with the commentary makes the experience of watching and appreciating the anime more than two dimensional.
    Amazingly, the food porn doesn't distract from the plot, in fact, it sort of is the plot...
Ok, I know I love food maybe more than the average person, so if food isn't your thing, I promise there's more to enjoy about this show. The plot is fast-paced and always moving, which I think is a must-have for most anime episodes. To me, the sign of a good first episode is one that quickly establishes the plot, moves forward into introducing a conflict or challenge, and leaves the viewer wanting more. 
  Even just by looking at the first episode of the new season, The Third Plate, all the marks were hit. They quickly moved through exposition, skipping over introductions of new characters to focus on the important introductions- that of the main opponents of the season. It quickly set up the main conflict of this season, within the first five minutes, in fact. The episode built on that conflict and left us with a hype-train cliffhanger. Soma comes up with a daring and bold solution to the challenge his new rival has set before him.... and the episode ends there, leaving us longing for more- more information, more insight, and importantly, more food. 
    The best part is that the hype train keeps rolling throughout each of the episodes. At least, in the previous two seasons, this is definitely the case. Soma moves from one challenge to the next at a breakneck pace, with support from his friends along the way adding comedic relief and help to facilitate his character growth. There's never a wasted moment, no filler episodes- each episode has a purpose, but is at the same time enjoyable and fulfilling. We, as the viewers, never groan over a recap episode or sigh over a wasted moment. We know that Soma is on a mission- to beat everyone else and be the best chef in the school- and it feels as though every moment is somehow dedicated to supporting that dream- whether it's as a comedic interlude or through a friendship affirming helping hand, or as a straight-up food war. And, you know, those food wars...
  From a food blogger perspective, and someone who has recreated multiple recipes from this show... I can say with absolute certainty that the people who work on this series did some serious research into food. Funnily enough, I didn't think about this too much until I was talking to someone who came to my last panel at Crunchyroll Expo. I had been talking about how clearly the food from this show had been well researched, and tested, and put to trial before even putting it into the manga, and the fan stayed behind to express his thanks to me for complimenting the cooking in the show. Apparently, all the food that shows up in Food Wars! is actually tested by an actual Japanese chef (Yuki Morisaki), and the recipes that appear in certain recipes are tested in real life before they get put into the manga. You know, that makes complete sense to me. 
    It's hard to draw and animate gorgeous looking food without having a reference photo to rely on. Surely they had to get that from somewhere. More than that, though, the way the ingredients and cooking are described in the anime are so specific and pertinent to each recipe, it's clear that a lot of effort was put into knowing what should actually go in the recipe. It's really nice, and refreshing, to see care and dedication go into the star of the show -the food- and to see that the creators actually care about being as realistic as possible, considering it's an anime... 
  From personal experience, I wish the recipes were provided with each dish, but what's really fun about recreating the food is being able to experiment, do your own research as to what should be in the food and what possible techniques were used in the cooking. I've tried multiple times to debunk the recipes and prove that they couldn't possibly have been made in the time frame of the show, but actually I'm surprised to say that most foods that appear in the food wars, despite how complex they look, can actually be recreated in the appropriate amount of time as long as you have your prep work completed. Except for Takumi's semi-freddo from season two. Seriously, that dish...
  In any case, from a food lover's point of view, this anime is a dream come true. The food looks good. The characters are dedicated to making the best of the best when it comes to eating. The hype is there. Best of all, it's obtainable in real life, if you want to put the effort into making your own versions of the food. 
  And so, all these things combined- great fan service, good food porn, fast-paced plot, and realistic food- make for a food lover's dream of an anime. And, to be honest, who doesn't love food? So check out Food Wars! The Third Plate, simulcasting every Tuesday at 9:30 am, PDT. I promise you won't be disappointed. 
    I hope you enjoyed this post! Check-in for the next anime recipe, coming soon. To check out more anime food recipes, visit my blog. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below! I recently got a Twitter, so you can follow me at @yumpenguinsnack if you would like, and DEFINITELY feel free to send me food requests! My Tumblr is yumpenguinsnacks.tumblr.com. Find me on Youtube for more video tutorials! Enjoy the food, and if you decide to recreate this dish, show me pics! :D
  In case you missed it, check out our last dish: Curry Buns from "Restaurant to Another World". What other famous anime dishes would you like to see Emily make on COOKING WITH ANIME?
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