#i'm editing the links later ok
wttcsms · 1 year
🧸 wttcsms written works, masterlist;
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🏹 attack on titan  🏐 haikyuu 🍨 jujutsu kaisen 🍰 cod mw2  🧁 my hero academia  ⚽️ blue lock  🦉 hogwarts legacy
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boxwinebaddie · 5 months
nina do you ever plan on posting the remainder of pep?
this is nonsensical but this is how i feel ig
#i'll edit this later idk i just wanted to get this out#but idk pep like triggers the shit out of me if im real#i loved peppermint but i got very sick writing it#i was not treated kindly all the time it was v stressful#the formatting is hideous#i want to private it but i wont#im also an adult lady i dont want to write about my high school style anymore like i just really dont#like its not totally finished its mostly just dialogue and id have to fill in the gaps and think a lot idk#thinking about peppermint gives me hives#im sorry i know we loved that fanfic#and ill think about just spoiling it in one go at some point MAYBE but i just want to move on#like i seriously just want to be free of peppermint like thank you for getting me here but i have so much more i wanna do#theres so much au style i wanna flesh out ( which tbh my tfbw s+k are the most similar to pep style just Super and Villian )#new stuff i want to explore i just...i can talk about pep every once and a while but i dont really like doing it all the time#its just very overwhelming for me and i really have just moved past it so idk its ok if u dont want to stay for#my rm stuff or my other ncu stuff like if u are only here for peppermint i will not be hurt if u dont wanna stay#but im not really in the headspace to talk about it and dont really want to rip that wound open anymore im trying to heal#im glad that that fanfic brought me all of you#you were the best part of writing peppermint#thank you and i'm sorry#edit: oof u can tell where i started to have a panic attack#but feel free to ask me about tkak or the tfbw style#i can link you the references and the pinterest boards are fire i promise i am cooking a lot i feel a lot abt those
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 months
Yes I'm alive and yes I'm making posts and music again. Ok so moving on HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GRASS???
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This patch of grass is from a Youtube video by Quincyvhs ranking grass in Tears of the Kingdom. He's a cool guy and has a similar video on Breath of the Wild and I highly recommend you watch it cause his editing is very cool.
HOWEVER. He made an egregious error today by ranking this patch of grass, this lovely, magnificent, extraordinary patch of grass upon Death Mountain as a mere B Tier. It clearly is an S Tier.
How do I know this? Well this patch of grass indicates miracles. It indicates determination. It indicates the spirit of adventure, of change, of liberty and mayhaps even the purest form of happiness the world round...
...and as later corroborated by the actual geologist that I am dating, it is an indication of the massive shift in Hyrule's ecosystem and climate.
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Let's Begin.
Using my ace detective skills I have located the site in question in both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (Botw and Totk). The general consensus is that there is a 5~ year time gap between the two games.
Given that the grass does not exist here in Botw, this means that this patch of grass took at maximum 5 years to grow. However, I'm going to prove that it probably took even less time than even that.
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Below is the site on Botw's Map:
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We are unable to get an accurate temperature reading of the area because the Sheikah Slate decided to give up. So we're going to use science to determine this soon to be important number
Given that wood near instantly ignites at this location in Botw, we can conclude that the temperature in the air is around 370 degrees Celcius or 700 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now typically, rock and soil serve as good insulators of heat, so the air temperature around a volcano itself isnot usually that much higher than the ambient temperature (unless you are actively within a Pyroclastic flow, which would be a more pressing problem than analyzing grass to say the least)
However, when near the presence of lava, that temperature of the air can actually reach up to 1000 degrees Celcius (1800F) so this reading is actually even more reasonable when you note that we are in good distance of the Medingo Lava Pool.
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Conversely, we can actually grab an active temperature reading of the area during the time of Totk thanks to the Purah Pad.
It's 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
Easy. Simple. Fantastic. I love when my job doesn't require four hours of research for every single question!
Anyhow, here are some figures from the Oregon State Volcanology Laboratory on the rate of lava cooling
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Yes this post is still about grass, stay with me.
To truly appreciate the glory of science and the glory of this patch of grass, we are going to calculate the exact amount of time needed for the temperatures to lower on Death Mountain to one sustanable for growth (That being around 100 degrees Farenheit).
SPOILER ALERT: It takes less than 5 years. This is insanely impressive considering grass of this type* typically takes DECADES.
Anyhow, The Figure 2 and 3 have to do with the depth of the lava, and Figure 4 deals with the thickness. (Many thanks again to my partner for providing their geological expertise and resources)
The thickness of the Medingo Lava is very easy to calculate given that Link can literally jump in with a splash and drown in it like the world's worst hot tub--the bitch ain't thick at all. So we use the lowest listed reading for that.
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The depth of the lava is more tricky, but comparing the lava pool in Botw and Totk, and using Link as a marker of around 5 feet, we can say that the pool is around 10 feet deep.
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Therefore, the Medingo Lava Pool took around 2-3 years to cool after Death Mountain stopped erupting.
Now when exactly did Death Mountain stop erupting?
According to the catalog of Volcanoes of the World by the Smithsonian Institution, 93% of volcanos stop erupting within 3 years.
Now I know that Death Mountain only started erupting because of the return of the Divine Beast Vah Rudania, and Link only "stops" the eruption of Death Mountain by defeating it. So one could argue that Death Mountain's "eruption" had to be less than a year or something.
My rebuttal to that would be 1) Within the game's canon, I don't see how we could justify Link taking one day, or even one month to wake up from the Great Plateau, travel immeidately all the way to Death Mountain. and then tame the Divine Beast in less than a month, and 2) Link didn't really stop shit because we can clearly still see active lava flow after taming Rudania. He only stopped the rock falls caused by the Divine Beast, the actual activity of Death Mountain still continues.
Given its insane size, I am going to say it took the full 3 years for its active lava flow to stop on Death Mountain. Volconologists in the notes, feel free to correct me.
SO! The Timeline is:
3 years for Death Mountain to stop actively flowing
2 years minimum for Medingo Lava Pool to cool
= >1 year for temperatures to be right for grass to grow!
This is an insanely quick time period for grass to thrive! The literal instant that the conditions were correct, we are able to see not just grass, but stoloniferous grass as well other types of shrubbery thrive! We would usually need several years for the volcanic rock to erode to rich soil (such as the soil in the Akkala region)
Allow me to elaborate:
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This is Fountain Grass. Fountain grass is usually the fist type of grass that you would see in a volcanic region. They grow from a rhizome root system, which is a very vertical downward root system as you can see. This is good for young volcanic regions where only specific dotted areas are good enough for plants to grip onto and grow.
They grow something like this:
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This patch of grass below I would call some sort of rhizome. (Botanists feel free to correct me in the notes)
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THIS. however. (amazingly) is an example of stoloniferous grass!
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This is thick bladed grass (as opposed to the more thin, fine-bladed grass with rhizomes) that grow in a stolon spreading pattern that is much more horizontal. It's a lot like the grass that might grow in your front lawn, if you're rich enough to have one of those in this economy--
They grow a bit more like this:
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This type of grass need soil! Especially if we want to classify that other red flower behind the rock there as some sort of volcanic flower
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We're basically talking about mass, rapid volcanic erosion in less than a year for this to happen. For context, the soil necessary for the region of Akkala to grow could have taken anywhere between a decade to thousands of years. The weather and erosion necessary for this patch of grass to grow took, at most, 3 years.
And all this in the period of time following an actual apocalypse. How quickly the tides have turned for Hyrule's ecosystem!!!!
Also here's some behind the scenes of what my much smarter than me partner had to say about it ["Last pictures referencing the rhizome grass which, indeed, would be the oldest grass among the patch given it needs the least specific conditions to thrive/less soil to get started]
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Growth is cool.
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Hi maggots, it's Asmi!
It seems we have arrived at That Point again, when I need a new intro post. So here we are! The Official (kidnapped) Good Omens Mascot and uh Maggot Prince has returned with a fresh post.
First, before I talk about myself, here are some important links that people ask me for and I want to make sure they're accessible:
The Official Maggots Server of Doom on Discord: The server of kindness and chaos and brainrot where we just vibe (I promise you'll be welcome there, whoever you are, maggot, so many people who were shy are now screeching at me and I love that). Link here.
Weirdly-Specific-But-Ok The Youtube Channel: Yes, thanks to the 10khaos post, I made a Youtube channel. I intend to cause a lot of chaos on it, I have already begun. Hehe. Link here.
My Ko-fi: Ummmm this exists? Wahoo a Ko-fi. No pressure and I appreciate you all whether you're a silent lurker, causing chaos, supporting me with words or supporting me on Ko-fi. I love you. Link here.
The Good Omens Ad: A lot of you ask me what Good Omens is about. Never fear! I wrote an advertisement for it ages ago, and @1800ineedshelp edited it fabulously. Link here.
Okay I think that's the important parts, I'll edit it later, and now... uh HELLO!
I'm Asmi, I'm 20 years old, he/him, very queer and probably napping at any given moment of the day. Because of a chaotic post, I now have a fandom. My fans, such as they are, are known as maggots. There is a lot of significance behind that (accidentally, I just picked it because it looked like mascot kind of).
I am the Official Good Omens Mascot, because I was kidnapped by the fandom in January after I made a summary post of Good Omens without watching it, just by what I saw on my tumblr dash. I have grown very fond of this title and the fandom, and have since watched the show (some episodes twice).
Also, this blog is a safe space for all queer people, and yes that includes aroace-spec people, trans people, all queer people. If you don't agree with that, there's the door *points to a pit of boiling sulphur*.
[if you see talk of spare organs, the Wibbles Incident, Fae kidnapping, Red Bull-induced madness, me thirsting over Crowley etc, don't worry about it, it's normal here. just be careful when gardening and/or fishing is mentioned, it's a trap.]
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Note taking anon here, back from Tif's latest live. I have to start off by just saying holy fuck I have never been so deep in my delulu as I am now. Holy shit. This changed my perspective on a few things and DAMN.
Ok, onto the live...my note taking is not as thorough this time because Tif being the angel she is has created a link to share both the outline as well as all the pictures, videos and links to different media. Queen. Very importantly, she has asked everyone not to make posts of the document. Please share the link in chats, but away from the timeline and DO NOT tag any party involved (it's depressing that this has to be reiterated, but we all know someone will go rogue). Also, go say thank you to Tif...she spent over 20 hours this week working on this to share with us. Again, queen shit.
Tif brought up L's yellow phone case and compared it to the polaroid in N's phone...said keep an eye out for it to reappear. Said they also communicate in stories and songs 👀
Big piece of delulu feeding are songs L liked from a small Irish musician beginning of 2023. Holy shit guys. I'm currently listening and freaking out. Sampling of lyircs:
"Lovely to just lay here with you. You're kinda cute and I would say all of this. But I don't wanna ruin the moment. Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos" -- L both liked this song on the musician's page and then shared a Polin edit set to the song...
"Just because it won't come easily doesn't mean we shouldn't try"
"Where you go, I'll follow, no matter how far. If life is a movie, then you're the best part"
Around the time L was liking those songs, L and N went to a few of the same events as each other but were never photographed together. Seems like they may have been trying to be private/not be seen together on purpose
L posted a pic from one of those events that N may have taken...she used it months later to congratulate L on his TSOT press day
There was SO much more!!! I am happy to share more notes I took, but I think everything should be covered in the outline. What I've shared above are things that seemed to be more discussion around the things rather than straight timeline. If you want more, let me know.
Also, I have been a hard believer in nothing ever happened between them and now I am about 90% convinced it did. I have lots of thoughts and am currently processing. Will probably share later.
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Queer League of Legends Champions (with explanations) - Part II
Check out Part I
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Confirmed Pansexuals – Twisted Fate
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Twisted Fate was always speculated to be part of the LGBTQ+ community due to his, uh, flamboyancy. The sentiment that he felt something more for Graves was always there, portrayed in their stories through regret, friendship, and loyalty. The Boys and Bombolini color story officially confirmed him as queer, making TFGraves the faces of Pride 2022. This year, he was also seen with the pansexual flag in official pride art, with Riot finally labeling him. It's worth noticing a cute detail (that I doubt was intentional) where his card deck's colors form the colors of his flag!
Confirmed Queers – Ahri, Ekko, Evelynn, Ezreal, Kayn, Nidalee, Renata Glasc, Samira, Taric, Udyr
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Ok, this is a long category. Here we have every champion we know for sure is queer, either through external confirmation (Ekko, Ezreal, Kayn, Renata Glasc, Taric), in-game dialogue (Nidalee, Samira, Udyr), or basic lore (Ahri, Evelynn). Let's start with the first group.
Throughout the first half of 2020, Riot released multiple chapters of a Pulsifire color story focused on Ezreal. It explored his relationships with numerous champions of the universe, but especially Ekko. The subtext was strong in this one, and the writer later took to Twitter to talk about how tough it was to have queer stories be censored when working for IPs, not so subtly mentioning Ezreal and Ekko after doing so. Even though Riot might not have agreed with making the Ezko relationship undeniably romantic, their love for one another is still an important part of the story, not to mention that it was the creator's intended vision to begin with. 
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Renata Glasc was confirmed as sapphic by one of her creators when sharing concept art of her design. Checking the link to the original post, they seem to have deleted the excerpt that mentions it, but people took screenshots before they edited it, most likely because of Riot. Taric, on the other hand, has been speculated to be queer since forever, although the motives are not that pure. Many people saw this hairless, beautiful man that likes jewels and was like, "Huh, that sounds kinda gay," which was the common dudebro mentality of the fandom at the time of his release that caused a lot of homophobia within the player base (more than usual). They weren't wrong, seeing as Riot did include Taric in official 2023 pride art, but he was not seen wearing or holding any flags. After all, it would make sense that he likes everything—and everyone—beautiful. But either way, both Taric and Renata are non-specified queers.
Shieda Kayn is a weirder case. I thought a lot about whether I should even include him in this category at all. There are many accounts of people affirming one of Kayn's writers pictured him as having fluid sexuality, but since then, wherever it was posted, it's gone now. I do believe it since we can still find Reddit threads on the subject, but the original source is nowhere to be found. I still decided to put him here, but take it with a grain of salt.
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Moving on to our next category, we have Nidalee, Samira, and Udyr. Samira flirts more than once with Elegant Edge in Legends of Runeterra, and her attraction for her is not subtle. As far as I'm aware, she's never expressed interest in men, but we can't say for sure whether she's bi, pan, or gay. Nidalee and Udyr have had speculated romantic interests in other champions for a while now. Nidalee with Neeko, Udyr with Lee Sin. Nidalee and Neeko's story was first portrayed as one-sided, with Neeko rejected by her friend, prompting them to part ways. On the other hand, the addition of both champions to Legends of Runeterra explored their relationship once again, with the two reuniting and Nidalee finally realizing she did love Neeko and simply didn't know how to deal with it all those years ago. A love song, Shine On, even accompanied the update, which narrates their story beautifully. They have many romantic voice lines now, both in LoR and League.
With Udyr's rework, people started realizing he digs Lee Sin through voice lines expressing how he misses his "old friend" and that he's "loved twice, left twice" (which applies to his relationship with Lee Sin). Besides, his design includes memorabilia he exchanged with Lee Sin when they parted ways. It is also important to mention he's had a wife before, so he swings both ways. I think the context gives more than enough clues for us to safely say Udyr is queer. 
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Ahri and Evelynn are spirits/demons that prey on their victims (regardless of gender) through charm and seduction. Ahri is essentially a succubus, and Evelynn is the Demon of Agony, with desire and lust being important parts of their characters. It is also worth noting that Evelynn is genderfluid/agender, taking the form of anyone (or anything) that might lure her victims. So their lore essentially confirms them as not straight and not cis (on Evelynn's case, at least).
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darsynia · 1 month
Hey, I hope it's ok to reach out like this but I'm back on tumblr with a new account after being away and am very lost, and as I love your fics, I'd love any recommendations for blogs to follow (in addition to yours, of course)!
I'm looking for non-dark Steve x Reader or Steve x OFC content. Preferably the fluffy/romantic/happy kind, although the torture-the-cinnamon-roll-before-a-tooth-rottingly-happy-ending will always be my jam too. Smut is ok! Am also open for Bucky or Tony as the male lead!
So any recommendations you (or should you answer this publicly, your followers) might have would be super welcome.
I hope you're having a good week and again, if this is silly, feel free to discard!
Well this was such a lovely thing to find in my inbox, given how much I like yours! I predictably Darsy'd this, setting up a bunch of links so I could offer a 'must-follow' list as well as some masterlists to dive into. I agree with @steviebbboi that if someone else had asked, I'd stick you on here 100%!
We'll start with some authors and masterlists (some have a mix of dark and fluff), in no particular order (I'm making Bucky purple. He'll get over it. Or he won't, and that'll be fun too) EDIT: I forgot the blog names are blue for me. Steve, you're pink now, I don't make the rules:
@ronearoundblindly Steve Series | Steve Oneshots | Bucky
@anika-ann Steve | Bucky
@stargazingfangirl18 Steve | Bucky
@navybrat817 Steve | Bucky
@targaryenvampireslayer Steve | Bucky
@thezombieprostitute Steve | Bucky
@buckets-and-trees Steve | Bucky
@witchywithwhiskey Steve | Bucky
@nicoline1998enilocin Steve | Bucky | Tony
@holylulusworld Steve | Bucky | Tony
Next we have a list of folks who make this corner of Tumblr a delightful place to be! Authors whose fics aren't quite the fluff you're looking for, readers we can't live without, mutuals who light up my life; this venn diagram is a complete, lovely mess.
@krirebr @bigtreefest @biteofcherry @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @brandycranby
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @steviebbboi @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @buckymorelikefuckme @caplanbuckybarnes
@eralen @nekoannie-chan @nowandjenn @secretswiftymarvelfan @rogerswifesblog
@petite-madame @rogersideup @levans44 @jobean12-blog @heli0s-writes
@deliciousangelfestival @jesevans @mrsevans90 @jamneuromain @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea
Full disclosure: Ro helped me with a few names here, and I just followed you *waves* so please don't be freaked out that I just followed and stuck you on a list! You come highly recommended!!
Thanks for asking, it's an honor and a delight to have an excuse to boost up some truly great blogs on here!
Had to add this, too. Tumblr told on me:
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Ps. that thing where you try to remember a really lovely person's username and you can't and you remember it a half freaking hour after you posted... (or a day later! Argh, I'm so sorry Jen! @late-to-the-party-81 absolutely deserves to be on this list. If it is any consolation I totally did the 'leaving out someone obvious' with wedding invitations and it never doesn't feel bad!)
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Normally I post about Dimension 20 on my main blog but a thing happened on Adventuring Party and I'm gonna talk about it
So watching through the Episode 2 Adventuring Party, something really amazing happened at 2:15 ish. And now I'm gonna talk about consent and content in Tabletop and how @quiddie and Izzy (and everyone else at the table) absolutely fucking nailed it
Edited because I cannot believe I spelled Aabria wrong so many damn times in a row I'm so sorry
Specifics below the cut for spoilers and content warning: parasites and squick
The notes for DMs (and players) to take away from this:
Look for soft no's, even if you know your players. Make space for a no, even if you are excited. Once the no has been said, move on and no complaining that someone's comfort level isn't the same as yours.
So Brennan asked a question about the parasites, Chipmunks, and bear in Adventuring Party to clarify if Chipmunks and Parasite were one in the same or different entities (it was just the chipmunks being massively fucked up)
Aabria, as DMs who put their entire heart and soul into making a campaign often do, went to start explaining the basis for the parasites (link to ribbon worms, very content warn, dead dove do not eat). The table reacted. Brennan does a very physical ick response, Erika's face was very "I am listening to something gross", while the rest of the table looked interested in that way nerds do when they don't know what they're walking into. And Izzy said "I want you to stop."
Aabria just said ok, told the camera/audience to google it, and they moved on.
And I wanna talk about what a baller move that is on Aabria and Izzy's parts. (And Quiddie if you see this please tell Izzy she's an inspiration and I adore her and all of the compliments)
So first and maybe least controversial: Aabria
-While giving the explanation of the fucked up thing she slows down her talking (I'm not sure if it was intentional but it seemed it so I'm gonna talk about it) Instead of rushing through the explanation the way people excited tend to do she said everything slowly, gave lots of pauses to be interrupted, and really took the time to let the party know what she was describing was icky
-While doing the describing, she looked around the table. Not just at the person with the biggest visual reaction, but you can watch her make the rounds with her eyes to look at everyone and make sure they all know she is still engaging with them and checking in on them
-Her "ok" is so pleasant. It's not just polite, it's not just kind, it's upbeat and pleasant to listen to. There's no judgement in it, there's no "but I wanted to keep talking about this thing" its just "ok"
-And that's the fucking hard part, letting someone know you've heard them without any judgment or disappointment when they want you to stop talking about something
And now Izzy
-Most people aren't going to applaud someone for saying "I want you to stop" to a DM explaining something but I will. A+ Izzy
-She found her boundary and enforced it and felt comfortable with it
-She did it in such a specific way "want" instead of "need"; "I want" instead of "You need", not to mention the full firmness of it where it couldn't be misinterpreted (A+, hardest part)
-The flick of her eyes to the rest of the table, I can't tell if she's checking in with other people's comfort level or just watching Brennan's arm thing, but the way she looks at her fellow players is just such a Thing that I cannot Words about, whether its checking in for their comfort or looking for support for hers its an important look that I might be reading too much into.
Now some other important beats
-No one comments that Izzy made Aabria stop.
-Brennan says he can connect with Aabria later about it, without mentioning any of the content, and Siobhan and Jasper make the note of "maybe don't google it" but no one mentions the content after Izzy says it
-They just move on. Like even if it briefly sounds like they might hit back onto it (we'll never know what Erika was leading to with their "I've always been obsessed with") they just move on immediately
It's a goddamned masterclass of consent at the table. Aabria checking in and looking for soft no's and giving space for hard no's and then once a hard no was thrown immediately shifting the entire direction of the conversation was amazing.
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pancake-breakfast · 3 months
Ok! Notes from the first Orange panel at AX 2024! They were discouraging photography and video so this will just be text (mobile Tumblr hates my photos, anyway). But first, a bit of a TL;DR.
TL:DR: While they talked about Trigun: Stampede, Beastars, and their new upcoming title Leviathan, they mostly focused on Leviathan since Stampede has its own panel later. (I'm not sure about Beastars since I haven't been following the show as closely.)
Ok, on with the notes!
(Edited to add links.)
Studio Orange Presents: Beastars, Trigun, and...
The panel guests were Kiyotaka Waki (producer at Orange) and Yoshihiro Watanabe (producer at Orange and also played translator for Waki), as well as Justin Leach (producer for Eden and Star Wars: Visions).
They started off the panel by noting that exactly zero of the people on the panel (including the mod) slept the previous night.
Then they showed a sizzle reel in honor of Orange's 20th anniversary, highlighting all the stuff they've done in that time. There were a lot of cheers for Trigun, Beastars, and Land of the Lustrous in particular.
After the reel, they talked briefly about the history of Orange, how they'd gone from animating mecha for other people's shows (like they did for Evangelion and Code: Geass) to doing entire properties themselves. They're particularly proud of how their studio has grown from 4 people to... I forgot how many. Much more than 4. And they can now work on multiple titles simultaneously.
On to Trigun! They didn't get into it much since it's getting its own panel at the con, but they did show some pages from the Trigun Bible on Plants, and Watanabe noted he'd post them up on the bird app later today. (Edit: You can find them here.) Watanabe also said they can't release the whole Bible yet, which may just have me thinking hopefully, but hey, there's a chance! He seems to genuinely love sharing pages from it, at least.
On to Beastars! They read a thank you letter from the director to the fans, and also showed a subtitled video that I'd guess was also a thank you from someone else, but I was too far back to read the subtitles. (An ongoing problem with watching anything subbed at this con is the subs being entirely blocked by other people's heads unless you're in like the first few rows... but I digress.) They also showed a new key visual (which I'm sure is gonna be floating around social media somewhere at this point) and noted the third and final season of the show will air on Netflix in December. Waki noted he started reading the manga in 2017, and he's thrilled to get to work on a full adaptation of the story since it's rare to get to do that.
On to Leviathan! I'm gonna break this one up a bit because it's long. This is Studio Orange's new upcoming title in collaboration with Netflix and Qubic Pictures (the studio that did Eden, which was a great story overall and I definitely recommend it). They also worked extensively with the author of the original work, Scott Westerfield, who helped keep them consistent with the characters and themes.
The story is a dieselpunk alternate world WWI story about a runaway Austrian Prince named Alec who meets this Scottish girl, Sharp, on a bioengineered airship, and the relationships these people from disparate backgrounds have with others and each other.
The German/Austrian side of the conflict is a faction known as the "Clankers," who focus on mechs and technology to conquer the world via machines, while the faction Sharp belongs to is called the "Darwinists," who focus on DNA modification of creatures as a way to connect with nature.
They showed a preview of it that honestly looked really cool, but again, no recording. It had flying whale ships. Like... whales they strapped a box to and fly around on.
Orange is excited to get to "go back to their roots" with this and work on a Mecha title again, especially since this title will be theirs this time.
They acquired/absorbed (I'm not sure on the details) a team that specializes in background art for this project, and yeah, the backgrounds are detailed and amazing.
They noted a lot of animators reflect their own lives in their work, and they feel Leviathan is no exception. The international collaboration (they also have people from Europe working on this) lends itself well to a story about people from disparate cultures coming together and realizing they have more in common and more similar passions and desires than they have differences.
They'll be talking more about Leviathan at Otakon in August.
That's all for now! I'll try to update on the other Orange/Trigun panels if I get into them!
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omni-present-god-send · 10 months
Crack-fic 2 Electric Boogaloo
Ok wow, that last fic got some attention. Even the original creator of the AU I was writing about liked it. Wtf. So, um, here's another one! Based on @lets-try-some-writing 's Mr. Pax Au. Yes, I'm bothering you again.
Basically: Prom is coming up and the kids want Optimus to be there. He's flattered. Then cons show up. Destruction.
It was odd to have your favorite teacher also be an alien robot. At least Miko made money because of it. Jack and Raf are still mad that she, of all people, called it. There were many advantages though. Easy access to tutoring. Free rides. A shoulder to cry on.
The three of them even helped Optimus with his human disguise! If only to help with the Uncanny Valley he would give them sometimes. His hair was messier now, and he finally got something close to a wardrobe. However, there were some things they couldn't control. Like the way his eyes would get this subtle glow when he got angry or was concentrating. The way his holoform would appear to stop breathing for an extended period of time. Or when we would sing, it was hard to describe, but an almost invisible sound could be heard. Like a bell in the back of your mind. The three of them would soon learn that it was because Optimus, and the other bots in general, could produce sounds just outside of what the human ear could hear clearly.
As the months went by, Mr. Pax would be the best teacher any of them had ever had. Then he would drive them to base and be Optimus. The best dad on this, or any other, planet. It was the best of both worlds!
Sure they had to deal with the Vice-Principal. Trying to get Mr. Pax fired for being a better History teacher in one year than he had been in 15. Vince who, no matter how much Mr. Pax intervened, always went out of his way to make someone miserable. Whether it was Jack or some other poor soul. On top of getting shot at, blown up, stalked, and kidnapped by Decepticons. A break is always welcomed.
Which is how we got here. Miko borrowing Raf's laptop to look at some very sparkly dresses at the base while the boys went to grab some food. Very out of character for the little punk and Optimus noticed immediately. It didn't take more than a few minutes for Optimus to go into the back and for Mr. Pax to emerge out of the dark hallways.
Mr. Pax walked up the stairs and towards the couch where Miko was. She looked very puzzled as she scrolled through the array of dresses on the screen. "You hardly ever even consider that type of fashion Miko. Is everything alright?" Mr. Pax questioned. Miko's head shot up. Clearly not expecting him. "Oh, hey boss. Yeah, everything's fine. Just looking at Prom dresses. My parents are insisting I go." She rolled her eyes and went back to scrolling. "I heard some of the other teachers talking about that. What is 'Prom'?" Mr. Pax inquired.
"Basically is an over-hyped party for seniors to dress up and take pictures with their dates," Miko explained. Mr. Pax hummed. "I hope you have fun regardless." He smiled. Miko gave a laugh and waved him away. Instead of leaving, Mr. Pax took a seat next to her on the couch. "How about we look together? Maybe we can find something you like. Or at the very least something you can edit to fit your style." How could Miko refuse? It wasn't every day she got 1-on-1 time with Best Dad!
Hours passed with them just...looking at dresses. Short ones, long ones, ugly ones, expensive ones. Till, finally, they found it. A knee-length, off-shoulder, black cocktail dress. With a silver detail on the waist. It was a decent price, and Miko could already see every edit that could be done to make it hers. SHe gave Mr. Pax a tight hug before writing down the link to go back to later. Once she got home and back to her own computer that is.
Mr. Pax repeated the process with Jack and, suprisingly, Raf. He thought nothing of it. He was helping his kids students pick out some decent clothes for an importent event. It was the least he could do. Esspecailly with the war dragging them into places and senarios they had no buisness being in.
Before they knew it, Prom was right around the cornor. Mr. Pax was in his classroom grading some papers for the math teacher. When a knock at his door brought him out of his trance. It was Ms. Summer. The science teacher. He opened the door.
"Hello Ms. Summer, can I help you?"
"Yes. You see Mr. Pax, I have a date next weekend." "That's great!" "It is... except I suck at scheduling and our date is at the same time as Prom. I was wondering if you could chaperone in my place?"
Mr. Pax was taken aback. He was not expecting this. "Um... sure. Why not? I don't have a lot going on anyway." He chuckled. Ms. Summer gave him a big smile. "Oh thank you, Mr. Pax! You have no idea how much this helps!" Ms. Summer exclaimed.
Back at base later that day, the children were all talking about their prom plans. "I have some money for bowling if you guys are interested." Jack offered. "Bowling sounds nice," Raf replied. Optimus glances over at the children, trying to hide a smile. He failed. "Hey Boss, you're gonna be there. Right?" Miko suddenly asks. Optimus, now very confused, turns to her. "You...want me at Prom with you all?" The three of them looked at him like he was stupid. In that moment, he was. "Of course, we want you there! You're our favorite!" Raf's words sent warmth through Optimus's spark. He smiled "Then you will be happy to know that Ms. Summer has asked me to chaperone Prom in her wake." Immediately the children started hopping and cheering. "Just because Prom is coming up doesn't mean you all get to skip out on Homework. Miko." She gave him a look of fake offence, before laughing and returning to celebrating with Jack and Raf. Optimus gave a small chuckle and went back to his duties.
Before they knew it, Prom was here. Mr. Pax stood near the door to the building. Glad in a, rather beautiful , black suit. Red flower details covered the suit jacket from top to bottom. Even the tie had red flowers on it! Making it look a lot more expensive then it was. Being a hologram and all.
Prom went, surprisingly, well. The children had fun. Their classmates had enthusiastic reactions to Mr. Pax being there. Except Vince. For obvious reasons. Miko had taken the dress and added spikes, pink and green mesh, and had taken a knife to the skirt. While Jack and Raf were in a blue and yellow suit, respectively.
That was, until Prom got raided by US soldiers. They evacuated everyone from the building. As Mr. Pax was dragged outside by a soldier, he saw what caused the commotion. Even from a distance he could tell they were Deceptions. Three of them. Flying straight toward him. Threatening his students.
He tried to calm down. He really did. He helped get his students to safety. He got as many personal items as he could carry. Nearly punched a soldier. Nearly. He held himself back don’t worry. Blasts of Energon rained down on the building. Chunks fell off. Rubble caught fire. A couple light fixtures exploded.
As the last of his students was taken away by soldiers. Optimus finally let himself take out his anger. Returning to his bi-pedal form, he fired three shots. Each one took out a wing on each con. As the Cons fell from the sky Optimus grabbed them. With the strength of a thousand suns he, as Miko would describe, cracked them like glow sticks. Then threw each one toward the horizon.
When the cons returned they looked like they had been through Kaon. Shaking and rattling like newsparks. As they relaid the story Megatron could feel his spark freeze. Optimus did this? When did he get so violent? Even Soundwave shivered at the story.
Back at the Autobot base, Optimus held Raf, Jack, and Miko close to his spark. Literally. He refused to set them down for longer then necessary. They were still in their, now destroyed, prom clothes. Shaking and crying. Though you didn’t hear that from me. Eventually the day caught up to the and they fell asleep, still in Optimus’s hand. Going into his room, he layed there. His kids sleeping on his chest, close to his spark.
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boromirswife · 25 days
How I Make Gifs ~ For Anon ❤️
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An anon asked me if I would ever consider doing a tutorial for how I make gifs! It's very flattering that you like my gifs enough to want to know exactly how I make them, so here is a little tutorial using my favourite character from my favourite movie ❤️
I might also make a separate tutorial for giffing dark scenes later 😌
Here's a download of my gif in PSD form if you'd like to get a better look at the settings I used.
Programs used: PotPlayer, Photoshop.
First, you need to get your screencaps. I would suggest using a high quality recording of whatever movie/TV show/video you want to make gifs of. My recording of Fellowship is in 1080p, and the quality looks incredible!
I use PotPlayer to get my screencaps. To do this, open the video file in the program and find the moment you want to gif. It's probably best to go back to just before that particular moment, and then press Ctrl + G. This will bring up the consecutive image capturer window. Below are the settings I use to get my screencaps:
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Then, press start and wait for your moment to be captured! Once you've got everything you need, press stop and navigate to the folder that you indicated under storage. Here you will find all of your screencaps! You probably ended up with way more than you need (I know I certainly did 😅). Now, delete all of the screencaps that you don't want in your gif.
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For the actual gif making, I use a cracked version of Photoshop. I don't exactly remember where I found it unfortunately, but I'm sure that there's people out there who might have some links handy if you look around! Once you've got PS open, navigate to File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack... and click on it! That will open the Load Layers window.
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Now, change Use to Folder. Then, click browse and navigate to the folder that contains your screencaps. Click select folder, and after a few moments of loading your window should look more like this.
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Then, press OK, and wait for your layers to load. Depending on how many caps you have, it could take longer. Once it's finished loading, you need to decide on your gif dimensions! For this, I decided on 268px x 225px. Once you've chosen your size, use the crop tool to get your gif to that size. Now, you should have a smaller image, like this:
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The next step I do is to use this Photoshop action by @maziekeen. They have a little tutorial on how to use this action there, so I'll just say that once you've loaded it into your program, use part 1 / load into stack. Press the play button, and then the OK button on the two windows that pop up. Now, your gif will be nice and sharpened, and you'll be able to see it move for the first time! Here's what mine currently looks like, without any other edits:
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Now, it's time to start on colouring. Every gif (or scene, sometimes you can reuse the same colouring if you're giffing an entire scene) is different, so it will have different needs. However, I tend to always use the same layers in the same order for all of my gifs — it's just the settings that change. I think the colouring of this particular scene is lovely, so I don't want to change it drastically, I just want to enhance it.
First, I create a Curves layer. At this point, I also like to make a group to hold all of my adjustment layers. This makes it easier for you to switch your adjustment layers on and off if you want to compare with the original colouring!
Going back to your curves layer, pick the little white eyedropper tool in the Properties tab. You want to find and click on the whitest area in the gif and make it a bit brighter! I picked the white in one of Boromir's eyes.
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This is what my gif looks like now with the Curves layer:
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Next, I use Levels. It's a very subtle change, but you can notice a slight darkening of the blacks in the image. Here's my settings for this layer:
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And here's the gif with this step applied. Like I said, it's a very subtle change:
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Up next is Brightness & Contrast. This layer is just a case of messing around with the settings until it looks right for you. You don't want to make it look too bright or too contrasted, though, because it will make the colouring look weird.
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A bit more of a change this time! We're getting there:
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Next, I like to do Colour Balance. Sometimes I wait and do the Selective Colour layer first (it'll still be above Colour Balance though), but with this gif, I decided to do it first. I want Boromir in the foreground to contrast more with the watery background, so I upped the Red in the Midtones. I think Midtones is the most important part of Colour Balance, so the Highlights and Shadows are more minor adjustments here.
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Here's the gif with the Colour Balance layer!
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Now, we have Selective Colour. Like I said before, I sometimes like to do this layer and then go back to the Colour Balance to make minor adjustments. For this gif I mainly focused on slightly reducing the cyan in the reds and yellows to add a little more colour to Boromir's tunic and hair.
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I'm a big fan of bright, vibrant gifs, so I like to use the Vibrance layer copiously.
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I upped the vibrance to max, but it's left Boromir's face looking a bit too red and his neck is a little pink, so I went back and did some minor adjustments to the Colour Balance and Selective Colour layers to fix that. Then, voila!
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Now that we're done with colouring, go back to the beginning of the timeline at the bottom the screen. Then, go back to Actions and scroll down to the bottom, and look for the action called part 2 / finishing. Just like with the first action, press the Play button and it will work its magic!
Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C, and try playing your gif from there. Sometimes, the gif will be too fast and you'll need to slow it down, and you can't always tell until you play it in the 'Save for Web' window. I ended up slowing mine down from 0.05 to 0.07.
Once your gif is looking just right, press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C again. These are the settings I use to save my gifs, and I think it makes them look really nice! Then click Save, and save your gif wherever you want.
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Now, once you've saved your gif, you can post it to Tumblr (if that's what you're wanting to do) or simply keep it to yourself! But I'm sure that others would love to see your creations :D
A little extra info - this gif doesn't have text because there's no dialogue, but these are the settings I use for gifs with text (the text size depends on the dimensions of the gif):
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Sometimes I use white text, sometimes I use yellow. And if there's more than one person talking I use both!
I hope that this tutorial was helpful, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
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hypersomniagame · 8 months
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, or are just stopping by, let me introduce you to this post to really set the tone.
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For 2024, I am going to try to release a dev log about HYPERSOMNIA once a month, may come earlier, may come a little late, but I'm doing this to help give insight on to how the game is going, and to give me motivation to work on the game.
First things first, big news!
After a while of back and forwarding with Valve, I've finally got a Steam page to call my own, and MAN is it bizarre seeing my weird little RPG in my Steam library. Like, that's my logo, and my key art, and screenshots of MY game, that's so weird. It doesn't feel real. BUT IT IS!
And, I would really really really really really appreciate it if you would consider wishlisting the game on Steam. It helps with the algorithm, and my happiness because I like seeing numbers go up, it feels good.
I even drew this as a announcement/commemoration for the page going live.
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(P.S; if you couldn't tell, I really like Half-Life, it's one of my favorite game series.)
A new trailer is in the works! We were accepted for this year's MOTHER Direct (4th time baby, whoo!)
The trailer has been coming along well, I hope to show more battle oriented clips that I've missed the last few years, like special moves.
Can you believe I've never actually gotten to adding those in the game? I mean, they come set-up in default RPG Maker projects but I've never gotten around to revamping them until now, year 4 of engine work. Isn't that strange?
I also hope to improve on editing in the trailers. Whenever I finish a trailer I come back a few months later to notice minor points where I was kinda sloppy.
I'm not much of a video editor, (I only learned so I could edit trailers on my own) but I'd like to keep them at a good presentable quality. You gotta have standards with that kinda stuff, it's important!
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Abilities are now implemented! And work! Wahoo!
In HYPERSOMNIA, players are able to switch abilities between party members. I find this a really interesting mechanic for how simple it seems, you get to choose who plays what role in your party. I think this is HUGE, and opens up a lot of unique scenarios for the game's encounters. I've had this planned for years, as far back as 2021 if I can recall, so it's super cool seeing it in game.
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Mapping is being worked on!
I've also been working on mapping out more areas of the game! The forest part you hopefully saw in the last trailer is almost completely mapped. I've been working on the second part to it and am hoping to finish it sometime soon.
Mapping forests really suck. THOUGH, almost all the maps for the first chapter of the game are done! That's just another step closer to the demo. (Which, FYI, will be on Steam and Itch! ^^)
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I've also been working on re-spriting older scenes!
This one's been really fun to do, I've been going back and redoing older stuff from the 2022 trailer, like this train! It's weird seeing it side by side, because you can definitely see where it's come from but at the same time, it looks so different.
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(Also side note, these sprites are CRUSTY! EWWW!)
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Lastly, Script and Music updates!
The script for HYPERSOMNIA's first act has been completed! with just 37 pages of just cutscene dialog alone! We're also currently working on wrapping up NPC dialog! Not much else to say.
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And music is being worked on!
Music has been making some progress! I like to lay out demo's for areas I'm mapping out to help make both the music and scene come together. (Also, to help break up the eerie silence when playtesting...)
Speaking of music, FIREBALL, the games main battle theme, was recently delisted on our YouTube channel.
We did this because we decided we wanted to resample FIREBALL, and found that it's best to not have the song uploaded until a complete, final version is made. At least for the demo, it could possibly change before the final game but that's a bit too far in the future for me to think about fully.
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Hey! Thanks for reading the whole dev log! Unless you just skipped to the end, you should probably go back up and read it. there's a steam page now. and some cool ross art at the top. you're missing out!
I hope this was like, readable to you all. I'm new to this whole dev log thing, so if you read it all the way through, let me know! It'd be cool!
I'd like to use this portion to pretty much just advertise Unique Indie RPG's.
Have you ever seen that strange purple square at the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd HYPERSOMNIA trailers?
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Yeah, that! That's UNIQUE INDIE RPG's, which is a Discord community for you guessed it, Unique Indie RPG videogames developed by people like me! Or you! Or whoever! Who cares!
I help run it with some of my friends, and we all share cool stuff about our videogames! There's a ton of other SUPER cool RPG Maker games there like Astral Guard [LINK], or SOMEWHEN [LINK], or even MOMOinc [LINK]!
And of course, HYPERSOMNIA. It's a really laid back community, we're all super chill. Come swing by! We'd love to have ya, and SHOW US YOUR GAME!
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bluestarjay · 3 months
Kind of a part 2 of genius/"chronically online" deku 💀💀
Idgaf about the timeline/setting of the show, so in my head, he was a typical weird kid. When he wasn't doing quirk analysis stuff, he was drawing creepypasta fanart. He was watching Markiplier play fnaf and stuff, yk? He was a Tumblr kid.
His queer awakening was probably Eyeless Jack or Ben Drowned 💀💀 And Shinsou was fs also into creepypasta, but he was more into Jeff the Killer and Smile Dog.
I love that so many people have agreed that deku writes/reads fanfic bc that's actually so funny like ik that when the bullying at school got too bad he'd start daydreaming about being taken away to the slender mansion 😭😭😭 tbh that's really sad ik but it's trueee
"Sorry for the late upload for this chapter, guys!! I actually broke both my arms, including my fingers, and fractured my leg :( Im all better now, tho!!" And then later on, "Heyyy, sorry again about late updates, I actually had to infiltrate a Yakuza organization and save a little girl :) lmk what you think of this chapter!!!" And everybody is like HUH
When he first found out that fanfic was a thing, he read a lot of x reader stuff ❤️❤️
Ohhhh, he was probably a gacha kid, too.
He watched a gacha video with "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry and was like, "Girls can like girls???" And found himself down a rabbit hole of queerness 💀💀 he watched the "Little Game" by Benny glmvs, LMAOOO AND "Stand Out Fit In" BY ONE OK ROCK yk the ones where everybody was like, yeah, I'm a girl, and I skateboard. What about it?? 🤨✊️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈" THE PRIDE MONTH SPECIALSSSS LMAOOA
Edit; I'm reading a fic rn in which aizawa and deku watch Iron Man (fairly minor, not a huge plot point or anything, but I can still give link 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) and I'm realizing that like,, holy shit he would love Marvel. He would resonate with Spiderman SO MUCHHHH and he n Sero can be buddies who talk about the MCU together and he'd start crying bc Peter and Tony are literally him and All Might (If I had a nickel for every time an older rich guy adopted a teenage boy who was (somewhat) poor I'd have two nickels <33)
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illuminatedferret · 6 months
So I've been trying to do a bit of detective work regarding the origin of the "E-ming reopens wounds" translation. TL;DR I think it may have come from an early version of Suika's translation, and is likely a mistranslation.
Most translations I could find online (including Deep Dream translation group, several bootleg novel sites that have stolen Suika or Deep Dream's translations, and a couple of machine translations) have that passage in line with the official translation - that simply, E-ming is dangerous, forging it took a cruel ritual, and touching it would have terrible consequences.
I did however find a pdf containing the webnovel chapters 12-43, with the following:
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precisely the excerpt I submitted before. At the top of this pdf is a note:
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The link in this note leads to a 404 error, but is one that was shared around a lot before the Sevenseas' official release. I found a tumblr post from 2019 which identifies this link as Suika's (now deleted) translation.
So, it looks like this is a old document of Suika's, and I can only assume the "reopens wounds" thing was a mistranslation that Suika later corrected.
The TGCF epub I have on hand is an amalgamation of sakhyulations' (up to ch 23) and Suika's (ch 24 and beyond) fan translations. Well, it doesn't actually say it's using Suika's work, but, it does link the source of the ch 24+ translations, that being the above google drive link. I'm not sure who made the epub or when it was made, but they must have taken Suika's work before it had been properly edited.
IIRC this was an epub that was circulating tumblr a while back. I don't know how widespread the "reopens wounds" fanon is, but if it's popular on tumblr, I guess this explains why.
Sorry for such a long ask!! I think that covers almost everything I found. Oh, there was one single bootleg novel site that did have the passage:
"The wounds inflicted by the evil sword of E-Ming are all cursed. Even when the wound is healed, if Hua Cheng wants it, it will bleed once more." Jun Wu answered.
which is slightly different from the above passage from that pdf. But I couldn't find any real source for this translation, so I'm thinking it might just be based on the above passage, with words switched around to disguise the fact it's stolen.
wow!!!! don't apologize for the long ask, this is some awesome digging you did!!! thank you SO much for sharing all your hard work!!
E-ming reopening old wounds being a mistranslation of some sort does make more sense to me than anything else, just because it's so specific and yet the official translation makes no mention of it, but it being from one of Suika's earlier translations is interesting. I'm still curious what the original raws read like. I wonder, considering Xie Lian's arm injury doesn't heal without special medicine, if the raw says something about wounds being slow to heal or not closing, and that's where the mistranslation initially occurred.
'E-ming reopening wounds' isn't a fanon I see discussed much, but I've read more than one fic that uses the idea, and I've mentioned it to friends before in the past without anyone questioning it until recently. So, it coming from an old translation that was probably one of the initial ways people read TGCF makes a LOT of sense- people read it, internalized it, and stopped thinking about it when more accurate translations rolled around, while still keeping the idea in their head.
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teal-skull · 10 months
ok but in all seriousness.. when is the independence day event and is there a way to watch it outside of finland?
The Finnish Independence Day is celebrated on the 6th of December! This year's Linnan Juhlat is a big deal, because Sauli Niinistö will be hosting them for the last time before stepping down as president. Hence this year's theme "Ajat vaihtuvat" "The times are changing"
All of the times in this answer are in the finish timezone because I'm really bad at converting them.
Yle is going to broadcast the Independence day reception between 18.50 and 22.15. The broadcast will have commentary in Finnish and in Swedish. The famous handshaking part begins at 19:00 and lasts for the first couple of hours. (yes it takes hours)
For some reason, the broadcast has been split into two parts on Yle Areena website.
The first part: 18.50-20.29
Second part: 20.40-22.15.
Here's a link to Yle's website,
, I don't think you can view it outside of Finland without a VPN, but I couldn't find anything else with a quick google search. If some one here knows where else you can stream Linnan Juhlat please tell!
EDIT: @ravensofskyhold pointed out to me that you can view it outside of Finland as well!
The way Linnan Juhlat works is that first, all the guests will queue to shake hands with the President couple. It's slow, yet each guest is visible only for a short moment. The commentators will tell the names of the quest and offer some additional information. Traditionally the veterans have started the handshaking, but this year it will not be them. Who it will be has not been revealed.
This is the juicy part because you get to see who has been invited, who trips on their dress, what they wear and who has broken the dress code. (A memorable case from last year was ballet dancer Atte Kilpinen who came in a hot pink suit, designed by Teemu Muurimäki (he also designed Käärijä's suit this year), men should wear a dark suit according to the dress code)
The quests will be politicians, diplomats, veterans, Lotta Svärds, military personnel, culture people, sportsmen, celebrities etc. This year 1700 people are invited.
After the handshaking, the guests are served food and drinks. There is also a famous punch served which is made with an old secret recipe. Later there is a ball, which begins with a waltz by the president couple. During the evening some of the guests are briefly interviewed by the media.
Funnily enough, despite being painfully long and dry, it is one of the most viewed TV-events in Finland every year. What can I say, it's a tradition.
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harzeke · 1 month
cleaning out my ask box #2 ( drawing requests edition) (mostly)
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well, i'm back from my vacation! lots of yummy cocktails and looking at animals at the zoo/aquarium later and i'm ready to start answering questions and drawing images for you all again! soooo let's go!
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they did that for me. i've been using a gif of them doing it to scare my friends for the past several weeks now
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link one | link two
AHHH this alec greeting.... me and my bf were talking about it the other day and how cute it was. i hope we get one of connor with an alec plushie one day HEH
+ the second video is so cute! i've seen this format with other characters from other media and i think it's adorable
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alright that's enough with the ask box i think. (this did make me laugh really hard though)
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i think alecellie is fine-- i prefer them as friends/allies though
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ok well that's everything! thanks everybody, see you next time!
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