#i'm not about to 'what.. like it's hard?' my way into legitimizing my stupid thoughts
heich0e · 7 months
the thing abt writing fic is that u have to basically become a lawyer. if there's a situation u want to put a character in, all the sudden you have to be able to defend it. oh you think Guyman from That Show would be into foot stuff? why? oh he said one thing about being grounded in the third episode of season 8. great. lean into it. what keeps you on the ground? feet. submit it into evidence. build your case.
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blackkatmagic · 7 months
I’ve been beta-ing for a friend of mine lately. They have a scene where a character is actively refusing medical treatment and the love interest forces them into it anyway. They frame it positively, as in the love interest expressing their affections by ensuring the character’s well being, since the character in question is allegedly “bad at taking care of herself”.
At the end of the day it’s their story and they can write what they want. I haven’t suggested they change anything, but the blatant disregard of the character’s expressed wishes (unhealthy as those wishes may be) really squicks me out. Everyone has different tastes, but I feel like the odd one out for not enjoying it.
“Forced to visit medical” is a pretty common trope in SW fics. You usually reject that kind of forceful caretaking dynamic though, so I was hoping you could share how your thoughts on it.
Oof. Yeah, I'll admit it's one of those tropes I really dislike, which is probably partly due to my wife being a nurse. It's also very much a YMMV thing for a lot of people, I feel like, and there are degrees in which it's less forcing, so it's hard to lump all the instances in together. Like, dragging someone out of their office to make them sleep feels like a separate thing, as does cajoling them to go see a doctor, or slapping a plaster on someone while they're not looking. So there are definitely shades of grey.
That said, to me the big squicky part of it is the way it's a complete denial of agency for the character involved. It's...infantalization, basically - you are too stupid to take care of yourself and so I'm going to do it for you, even if I have to force you. I'm going to ignore what you want, and any legitimate reasons you might have for wanting to avoid the doctor, and basically kidnap you to a different place until you agree with my wishes.
I do think there are totally ways to use the trope in fiction, either as a red flag - for example, showing that one person is extremely controlling - or just because the writer thinks it's sexy and doesn't care about the implications, which, whatever, like you said people can write whatever they want.
But yeah, overall I just think it does a massive disservice to the character who's being carted away. And it ignores a really good moment to have characters work things out, or show personality, or give backstory, or just grow closer. So between the infantalization and the missed plot opportunity, I dislike it a lot.
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nrilliree · 6 months
Since I started browsing tumblr and thanks to the recent anonymous who have been messaging me, I have re-watched the series and started to see things differently. I was concentrating too hard to look at him in my limited way, and I didn't notice many things that were obvious. And although I really don't want to, I have to admit: I was wrong, I'm sorry.
Only now do I see that my messages were offensive and blaming because I was so focused on hating Alicent that I didn't see her tragedy. From the very beginning, Rhenyra behaved disgustingly towards Alicent - she ridiculed her when she talked about science and insulted the septa in front of her. She knew Alicent was religious, but she did it anyway. What friend does that? Rhaenyra was spoiled and ignorant, so Alicent was right - Rhaenyra was shameless and one thing she knew how to do was spread her legs for any man she wanted. Throughout her life, Alicent devoted herself to her family, to her beloved husband, to her father, to the kingdom. And Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra keeps calling for kingtom to hold to their oaths, but she herself can't keep to her oaths towards her friend, family and kingdom. She was a terrible friend, a spoiled twat who tormented Aegon from the day he was born and taunted Alicent and her fate. Did you see her behavior in the third episode? Total spoiled pussy. If I were Alicent when she made comments about children and boars and then killed a boar, I would have pushed her into the fire.
Rhaenyra was a liar, a narcissist who only thought about sex and pleasure. It was her stupidity that led to her bastards dying and Alicent's legitimate children having to die. It would make her look like a saint who did nothing wrong when she wanted to torture her brother and FORCED Alicent to attack her with a knife… Everyone knows I'm kidding. I can't write for fun what TG writes seriously, lol. Happy April Fool's Day.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
With 17 versions to buy and 8 versions combined for 160 streams per Spotify account, plus Melon and FLO streams now counting, of course Jungkook’s Seven is charting high and sweeping awards. Firstly because it’s Jungkook of course, and secondly because it’s been given every possible advantage.
My (perhaps controversial) opinions about that are below the cut.
Honestly? I really can’t feel good about any “first” or “most” or “fastest” records achieved by this single—catchy as it is—which wasn’t written or conceived by Jungkook and has nothing much personal or deeply meaningful about it. It’s a fun feel-good summer pop song, for sure, but no more groundbreaking than, say, Bad Decisions (in my opinion… I have no musical expertise.)
But I can’t feel super great about all the records and awards because this many versions immediately restocked and shipped and auto play and promoted to radio and ads and leadership hyping only this while Jungkook says he wants to be the one and only artist to conquer kpop and pop for the next thousand years… it all just doesn’t really sit right with me.
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When compared to the 10 months Jimin forewent sleep, food, and showers to have a hand in every aspect of his first (and deeply personal and symbolic) album, which was never sent to radio or restocked, got split tracks and delayed playlisting and shady articles, plus not one kudos or congratulations from leadership even after he made history for South Korea and stocks soared…
Forgive me, but it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It is ruining the song for me.
Some things like culled streams and sales are out of the company’s control. But the things I mentioned above were all possible for Jimin’s Hot 100 #1. Even if every Tannie has total say in their projects' sales and marketing, and everyone was on board with only Jungkook getting the Hybe America "red carpet" treatment, I can’t lie and say the stark difference feels fine. It doesn't, and I confess I leave the headphones in every time Seven comes up in the playlists now.
I’m not jealous. If anything, I have a warped sense of pride that Jimin has done so fantastically well despite so many, many obstacles stacked against him. I love to champion an underdog and I’m glad I never need to doubt his success was organic. I actually feel extra admiration for how humble and hardworking he continues to be—no resting on any laurels for the It Boy. I'm so glad he is my ult-bias.
Listen to me.
I know Jungkook and Jimin are both genuinely good people. I know they are sincerely talented and hard working. I know they truly love each other. I know all members are legitimately happy for each others' success.
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I know what’s important to me may not be important to them, nor what they want for their careers. And even if I feel their company’s making shitty decisions, I know my place as a fan.
So I trust them. And I simply hang in. I hope lessons were learned for smoother, fairer future releases. Because neglecting assets makes zero business sense, and perceived favoritism can erode the group’s bonds and tear ARMY apart. It is, frankly, just plain stupid.
So I may dislike things about their solo era rollouts and I can't bring myself to sugar-coat it; but I mostly try to keep my negative thoughts to myself and find things I CAN celebrate with other fans on an open timeline.
I never want another Tannie to feel anguished and misunderstood the way Hobi did about JitB’s physicals.
Watching Jungkook’s face here on his London live when he talks about people hating him just haunts me. It guts me. I can't stand it. That kid was going through it and I don't believe he has a malicious bone in his body, so it just really upsets me seeing him like that.
There’s so, so much about this company, this industry, this culture that I just don’t understand. But I trust Park Jimin completely. As long as Park Jimin loves and supports his members, God knows, I will too.
So!! On that note...
We have Jungkook’s birthday to celebrate next week and Taehyung’s album to support the week after that. I’m going to do my best to rest up and gather some good energy for these things!
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And of course, we must congratulate our Jimin, who made history again today, and no matter what, will always set the standard. I just know he's cooking up something else for us with all these weeks of silence, and I cannot wait to go BERSERK for it whenever it drops.
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I’m not really sure I had a point to this post. It’s just that I have been mulling all this over for a long time, and finally felt well enough to sit up long enough to come online and type up my thoughts.
I guess what I mostly wanted to share with my friends here is that it’s okay to feel really disappointed and even enraged at the way some things play out over the (hopefully life-long) careers of BTS members. Don't let folks gaslight you. Call it like you see it. (Maybe keep sensitive things behind a cut or in the DMs--and of course, please change your mind if you get better insight. In the end, only the Tannies really know what's going on with the Tannies.)
But while I’m still side-eyeing the company so hard right now, I’ve decided to love and support the boys as people and artists. I'm trying to believe the best in everyone. I’m still an OT7 Jikooker.
You don’t have to agree with me, and if you need to unfollow, I understand. But I figured I should just tell you guys (especially the new followers) where I am at with all this.
Love, Roo
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 17 - Come a Little Bit Closer
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📖 One of my friends who beta-read this for me pointed out there is a scene in here that is very similar to one in Ted Lasso (I've never seen it, though there are a lot of people in my life telling me I should now); so I'm just mentioning there might be a similarity.
There is also something in here that people have been waiting for. Albeit, it's probably not the one scene everyone wants, given recent events. But someone(s) gets karma'd 👀
❗️+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, mentions of an original child character, angst, mentions of shitty family dynamics, physical fights, Ruthless Dagger Squad, violence, verbal fights, and mentions of blood.
#7k words
Part 16 | Masterlist | Part 18
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“Are you a fucking idiot, Bradley?!”
You slapped Rooster hard on the back of his head, the thwack anything but satisfying.
“He is, indeed, a fucking idiot,” Nat quipped next to you. Bradley frowned at you, rubbing the back of his head. “I thought you would be happy I got to him!”
“You do not invert over another pilot on your team, catch them in a fucking corkscrew, and make them hit the fucking hard deck! Regardless if they are my ex or an asshole!”
It was hopeless to think you could ever stop swearing in Penny’s bar, not when Bradley was still pulling stupid shit like that. Therapy was a big step, but you knew deep down it would take a little more than a few sessions to make him less impulsive.
Maybe even more so from behind the joystick of his jet.
Rooster threw his hands up defensively. "I was just trying to teach him a lesson. You know what he did to you!"
You shot him a look.
Bob rolled his eyes and leaned against the bar, crossing his arms. "And what exactly did you accomplish, Rooster? Besides nearly killing yourself and him?"
Bradley gave him a death glare.
“I don’t care why you did it!” You snapped, tapping the end of the bottle opener hard on the top of the bar as you made your point. “You put yourself and a teammate in danger! You’re lucky Maverick stepped in before you got kicked out!”
You spun the tool in your hand while rolling your eyes, quickly popping the caps off the row of beer bottles lined up in front of you in frustration. Placing one in front of Nat, you handed Bob’s to him with a stern look.
“One, Robert,” You said, holding up your finger. “One, and then I am cutting you off.”
He grabbed the neck of the bottle, nodding and throwing his hand back in what seemed to be a 'yeah, I get it' kind of way. You held back on Roosters, holding it out of his reach, engaging him in a staring contest.
"Promise me."
You shook your head.
"This is not something I'm being funny about, Bradley. Promise me you will not pull that shit again."
"You're being unfair; it was just a dogfight."
You raised your eyebrow, purposely glancing over at the barbell for a split second. "I'll ring the bell on you."
Bradley cocked his eyebrow at you. The bell was something he prided on, never happening to him before. "I'll tell your manager you've been providing bad customer service."
You shrugged. "Go ahead."
Penny would legitimately not care. She'd do more damage to Bradley by chewing him out than you ever could.
"You should see the Yelp reviews when they mention me when I ring the bell on assholes. I don't care. Promise me you won't put yourself in danger anymore just to prove a fucking point."
Rooster made no effort to tear his eyes away from you. 
"Bradley Bradshaw, do you promise me?!" you tried again. When he didn't reply for the second time, you raised your voice, "Lieutenant Bradshaw! Do you promise not to risk your fucking life over proving a point?!"
Bradley blinked.
"Yes, Ma'am."
You thumped the glass bottle to the top of the bar, sliding it towards him with a huff.
“Liz!” Jimmy called out. You turned in his direction with a smile, though you were anything but happy right now.
“The Jukebox is doing that thing again. Can you see what’s wrong?”
“Did you try hitting it?” you called back.
“Several times!”
You sighed. Walking to the other side of the bar, you stopped in front of Bradley, pointing your finger into his chest.
“You pull that shit again, therapy or not, I swear to god, Bradley..." You couldn't even formulate the rest of your sentence, throwing your hands up in frustration and letting out a garbled yell as you walked away.
You approached the Juxebox with a huff, grabbing the sides as you peered into the glass. The machine was turned on, but the needle hadn't touched the spinning disc.
Someone slung their arm over the top of the machine, startling you with an almost empty beer bottle in their hand. 
"First, it was the keg, now it's the jukebox. What else is on your hit list, darlin'?"
You stiffened.
You hadn't seen Jake since that night. The minute you managed to get the courage to leave Rooster's Bronco, you cleared out your house of anything to do with him, his overnight bag sitting on your porch when you went to pick up Sadie.
It was gone when you came back home.
And It was suddenly like he hadn’t existed. You hadn’t found yourself going through what you assumed was the traditional aftermath of breaking up with someone. You hadn’t eaten a tub of ice cream, binged rom-coms or cried your eyes out except on the drive home. 
And that had been it.
No calls. No texts. No apologies. 
Without turning to face him, you remarked sarcastically, "Your over-inflated ego, but something tells me I'm going to need something bigger than a broken jukebox to take down."
Jake glanced at the machine, knocking it hard with the side of his boot.
You don't know what was worse, that the machine came to life or that it started up in the middle of the song, 'Come a Little Bit Closer' by Jay and the Americans, started up in the most ironic part.
Come a little bit closer. You're my kind of man, so big and so strong.
The quip fell easy from your lips. “Oh, what do you know, a knight in shining armour, solving all my problems.”
You don't know what you were trying to achieve by being like this. You just wanted him gone. But Jake didn't leave. Instead, he smiled at you. "You always have a way with words, don't you?"
You rolled your eyes. Snatching the bottle from his grip, you turned on your heel.
"What are you doing here, Jake?" you called out, knowing he would follow you.
"I just want to talk."
"I have nothing to say to you."
He quicked his pace, jogging up and interrupting your path. You stopped, gritting your teeth and twisting your hand away from him in frustration.
"Liz, please."
You huffed. You finally met his eyes, your gaze hard. “What is there to say, Jake? What could you say to me other than I was another bartender on your list? I just wish you had the common decency not to involve my niece in this, you asshole.” 
He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a shout across the bar. 
George had called out to his brother, surrounded by a group of women. When Jake turned at the mention of his name, George was already waving him over.
You couldn't blame the women shooting him flirty glances, eyeing him up and down like a piece of meat. You just wished the pang in your chest didn't hurt as much as it did.
"Go ahead," you offered with a tense smile. "You made your intentions known. You are free to do whatever the hell you want now."
Jake faced you, his expression faltering as the edges of his mouth twitched, failing miserably to hold on to some semblance of confidence.
"You don't think I know that?" he remarked. "I think about it all the time."
“You should've thought of a lot of things before, Jake," you sighed, stepping backwards and away from him. "Don’t start on my account now.”
Why George had decided to stick around, Jake had no idea why. Maybe it was insurance that the damage he had done was permanent. 
Jake just wanted him to get the hell out of dodge. 
He wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation he’d been roped into when you walked away from him. He had no other choice but to walk over and let George introduce him to the two ladies he had been flirty with. 
Jake knew what George was doing. He was trying to entice him back into his old ways. It was clear as day to anyone George would be going home with this woman tonight. 
The other one, he thought her name was Bree or something along those lines, was trying to engage him in a conversation, batter her eyes or flirt. But he hadn’t so much as blinked, too caught up in how you shot him down and walked away from him. 
It wasn’t until George opened his mouth to answer a question that Jake snapped out of his trance and caught the last end of his sentence. 
“I guess having played football in high school makes it easier. My throwing hand is awesome when playing darts, though.”
That pipped his interest.
"Since when have you played darts?" he finally spoke up. 
"Since we hired a few new ranch hands,” George shrugged. “All they want to do is drink, sleep, and play darts. It's great for introducing yourself to other ranch owners. I practically win them over each time," he remarked, trying to throw in a bit of modesty.
The gears started to grind in Jake's head. And slowly but surely, the cocky-ass Mona Lisa smile came back. 
He nodded towards the dartboard. "Wanna play a game?"
George raised his eyebrow, taking a swing of his beer, "Want something else to lose your dignity to?"
Jake's grin didn't lessen. In fact, there was a certain glint in his eyes when he replied, "Something like that."
A crowd had gathered around the dart board while they had been playing. Practically, the whole bar was suddenly invested in this little game.
And you, leaning up against a pillar next to Bob, who had ushered you away from your post for a few seconds to watch the end of the game. Your arms were crossed, and you had a slight frown, watching him with sad eyes.
It was clear you wanted to be back behind the bar, not standing here, watching the person responsible for your broken heart play a fucking game of darts.
It wasn't even really a game. Jake could land a bullseye with his eyes literally closed. The regulars knew it, too. So, why was he purposely throwing darts with his non-dominant hand? You had no idea.
From what you could tell from when you were behind the bar, he still played well enough. They went for the long haul, starting at 501 points and slowly working their way down. Coyote and Rooster had decided to keep track, using the chalkboard on the side. George had led throughout the game and was still leading, but Jake was always close by enough to make it interesting.
Then George landed enough points that if Jake didn't get exactly what he needed to on his turn, George would win the game with his next. You didn't know why Bob pulled you over here; maybe it was to see Jake lose. Or to see George fail.
You have yet to determine which would be the better option at this point. And yet, you still couldn't bring yourself to step away.
You leaned over to Bob to ask, "What does he need to win?"
Bob sighed. "Two triples in the 20 slot and a bullseye. The bullseye needs to be last."
"What are the stakes?" you frowned.
Bob only shook his head next to you. "Nothing, from what I know."
George spun from his position, smiling at everyone cheering for him. He came to stand next to Jake, patting him hard on the back a few times.
"I don't know if you were trying to prove something, brother," he laughed, "But good game. We should do this again sometime."
Jake did the one thing he wanted to do his whole life.
He laughed at his brother.  
"George, I never understood why you've had this grudge against me for my entire life," he said, stepping out of George’s grip on his shoulder. 
Jake twirled the dart between two of his fingers, shaking his head. With a little sleight of hand, you watched as he switched his grip, the dart now in his dominant hand. You stood from leaning against the pillar and uncrossed your arms.
"You had it all. Dad's approval, the football career. All the girls flocking to your side in high school. You’ve spent your entire life under his thumb, chasing approval.”
He cut his eyes to you, seeing the frown on your face, and knew he had to continue. Stepping up to the mark, he squared his shoulders, eyeing the board.
“Trust me when I say this - you might've been the chosen one in Dad's eyes, but out here, in the real world? That doesn't mean shit."
Jake threw his first dart, the spike landing within the safety of the triple twenty. Everyone watching caught their breath in surprise.
Jake's smirk grew bolder, the fiery confidence he was known for blazing in his eyes as he looked back at his brother.  "Do you want to know what I would have said to you the day you were talking shit about Liz and Sadie?"
A quiet gasp escaped your lips.
George's mouth twitched.
“I agreed with you for one thing and one thing only. I know I won’t be welcomed back,” he stated. “I couldn’t give a damn if I am.” 
Something burned deep inside Jake’s chest as he pushed on, needing George to hear what he was saying desperately. 
" Sadie? She sees right through your bullshit. But she will not hesitate to stand up for someone if she thinks they are being mistreated. She’s so mature for her age, and I am damn proud to be her uncle.” 
He knew he shouldn’t have called himself that but was too caught up to care. 
“And Liz? The world throws so much bullshit at her, and she still chooses to be kind, even when she still buries her grief, because she doesn’t want her niece to see her cry.” 
Jake shook his head, a sad smile on his face. “I found people who, despite knowing my flaws, chose to stand by me. Not hold them against me.”
Jake threw the second dart, hitting the board next to his previous dart within the rim. 
"I remember all the nights you came home, mirroring Dad's words, telling me how worthless I was.” He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. “Now I just realize you were literally copying everything he had to say to you from that day. Making yourself feel better.”
He'd never admit Rooster forcing the both of them in a Corkscrew is what made him realize it. He had been regurgitating every diminishing word and sentence his father had screamed at him growing up back at Rooster's face, hoping it would make him feel better.
He picked at the tail end of his dart, the weight of it familiar and comforting, before glancing at George's face.
"You ever heard of Roosevelt?" he asked nonchalantly. George eyed him carefully, "What does a dead president have to do with a game of darts?'
Jake had a conceited grin on his lips. "Well, he had this quote, and I'm probably butchering this, but he said critics don't count. Or the person who points out how we stumble or how someone could have done something better." 
Jake twisted from his mark on the ground, standing square in front of George as he continued to explain his point.
"Because the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly... and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly."
Jake's voice was steady, but his eyes bore into George's with a fire. "All my life, George, I've been in that arena. I've stumbled and failed, but I didn't listen to someone from the sidelines telling me how to live my life."
Jake lifted his hand, never taking his eyes once off George.
"It's time I remembered that," he said, thinking about Sadie. "You shouldn't have to either."
He flicked his wrist forward, letting his dart fly.
He heard the thump of the dart hitting the board, and cheers erupted throughout the Hard Deck. Jake had thrown a dart enough times to know whether or not it had hit its mark; he didn't need to look. Even Rooster was laughing at the utter shock and disbelief across George's face.
"I'm living my life, George," he said, patting him on his shoulder, leaving his hand there. "It's about time you did the same."
For once in his life, Jake had managed to stand up to his brother. But the moment wasn't as satisfactory as he might have imagined - He found himself thinking it didn't matter.
Because as he stepped away from George to look back to where you had been, he realized you hadn't been there to see it.
Your shift came and went in a blur after Jake and George’s dart game. The squad still hung back well past closing hours, watching and even helping as you closed up the bar, except Rooster, who was messing around on the piano.
Jake was still here. And George. 
They had been out on the patio for over an hour now, simply talking. You tried not to pay them much mind as you tried to get through your remaining tasks quickly, but you couldn’t help but look out the back windows occasionally, unable to take your eyes off the Seresin brothers for long.
George approached Jake soon after he escaped the crowds. There had been no fights, no punches thrown or someone storming out. In fact, every time you looked up, the two seemed to be inching closer to each other.
Damn him and that cocky grin. Why'd he have to be so... Jake?
You didn’t want to be a spectator to Jake’s theatrics during that display during their dart game. Leaving before he threw that last dart, you were now questioning yourself… if you walked away to shield yourself or to punish him. 
While he stood up for himself against George, in the back of your mind, there was an insistent voice whispering that maybe, just maybe, that display was also for you too. 
Some of you ached at the idea of him seeking validation and needing to prove himself. And that's what hurt the most: that deep down, under layers of stubbornness and hurt, you still cared for him.
If it was, you weren’t ready. Not for this. Not for answers or explanations. You deserved more than whatever that was. 
But you still heard him. Heard everything he said to George.  
You really didn’t know what to make of it. 
The sound of the front door slamming up against the wall, rattling some of the portrait frames, startled you from your thoughts. There was a momentary thought of remembering you really needed to lock the front door when you were closing, but it was washed away just as quickly as it came.
You couldn’t take your eyes off Tyler’s body as he charged forward, finger pointed towards you with a seething glare. “You fucking bitch!”
You stepped backwards, the sharp edge of the sink hitting your spine hard. A few glasses jolted from the force of it, sliding off the ledge and shattering to the ground. Rooster’s playing stopped immediately, and the piano bench toppled to the ground.
Was it anger? Shock? Disbelief the past few weeks of not seeing him coursing through your veins responsible for your reaction? You knew Tyler was dangerous, but deep down, you hated how easily you cowered at his appearance.
Tyler didn't get very far in his effort to get to you. Bradley came out of nowhere, something out of a comic, with his fist flying, punching Tyler square in the jaw.
“That was for Sadie, you bastard!”
Unfortunately for Bradley, Tyler only keeled over briefly before taking a swing. Rooster had not been prepared for him to retaliate, thinking his punch would have been enough to put the asshole on the ground.
Tyler had taken more punches and hits to the face as a football player than the average person would in their life. While Jake had managed to get him on the ground when he tried to kidnap Sadie, and Rooster was fitter than the average person, it would take much more than Jake and Bradley combined to keep Tyler there.
The uppercut to Bradley’s jaw could be heard from miles away, and you could only stand there, watching helplessly, as Bradley crashed backwards into a wooden table, his name a cry on your lips as the pieces scattered.
Whether or not they heard your cry or the commotion, the rest of the Daggers swarmed the island bar as Tyler watched Bradley roll on the ground amongst the splinters in some twisted sense of pride.
Whether you could realize it at the time or not, that would be his biggest mistake.
Nat was the first one there, the first one to put herself between you and Tyler, readying herself in case he tried to leap over the bar to get to you. Javy, Fanboy and Payback had run from opposite sides of the room to surround Rooster and Tyler, Bradley finally rolling himself off the broken table on the ground and pulling himself up.
And Jake, almost breaking the sliding door as he bolted inside to get to you, George on his heels. Rooster was too happy to stand beside him as Jake placed himself before everyone else, this hand twitching in anticipation of a fight.
"This is the one who did all that?"
Jake side-eyed George as he came up from the back to flank him on his other side.
"What?" he remarked, puffing out his chest and not once taking his eyes off Tyler. "I'm not that much of an asshole to know that's not how we treat women. Or children. We should drag his ass back to Texas and show him some southern hospitality."
Nat cocked her head at Tyler, speaking up from her spot next to the bar. "You must be a complete idiot to walk back in here after what you did to them."
Tyler shrugged, a sickening smile on his face. "I've got nothing left to lose. Literally."
"What, Daddy cut you off and kicked you out?" Rooster asked, spitting out the blood pooling in his mouth.
With the presence of your friends, you managed to calm down a little bit. You were still scared, which would never change as long as you could see his face, but you could take in Tyler's state more clearly.
Dark circles under his eyes. Blonde hair, greasy. He was still wearing that same freaking white sweater, only it looked like it hadn't been washed in days.
Rooster was right. Tyler had been cut off, indeed.
Fanboy and Payback, having realized what was going on, went to either exit to stand guard. You weren't sure whether to keep people out or keep someone in. But Tyler hadn’t noticed. He was too preoccupied to remove his eyes from Jake.
You watched as Tyler glanced at everyone around the bar, obviously bothered by Rooster's remark but not addressing it. "Seeing a lot of protectors here. Must be that 'Navy bravado,' huh? All show, no substance. We've all seen how they fail when it matters most.”
Ironically, it was George who intervened first. “This isn’t your place, man. Walk away before you get hurt.” 
Tyler flicked his eyes between Jake and George, a smirk playing on his lips, “This is interesting. Another misguided soul ready to join this little squad over here?” 
George smiled at him, nodding at Tyler, cracking his knuckles, “Just somebody who doesn’t like your face.” 
Your voice was hoarse, vocal cords feeling like they were being dragged over jagged rocks, when you asked, “What the hell are you doing here, Tyler?” 
He didn’t even give you the courtesy of looking at you when he replied, “Respect! What else? 
Jake scoffed with amusement, "By wearing that dirty sweater and showing up here drunk and messed up? You're doing a great job, really. I applaud you."
Tyler doubled back with that all-too-familiar smug smirk, " Alright, saw through that one, did you,” He chuckled before he teased. “I came to see how Sadie's holding up. It must be hard, having her favourite play-hero away. Unless you've moved up from being her 'uncle' to something more."
Jake's face immediately paled, his entire demeanour changing from cocky to pure rage in a fraction of a second. The atmosphere in the room grew dense with tension. "You say her name again, and I'll make sure it's the last word you ever speak."
Still grinning but with an undercurrent of faux uncertainty, Tyler raised his hands in mock surrender, "Just stating facts, Jake."
George, sensing the danger in his brother, whispered a warning, "Easy, Jake."
But Jake's voice came out as a dangerous whisper, all restraint seemingly gone, "You wanna dance? Let's fucking dance."
Jake charged, tackling Tyler to the ground as you stood there wide-eyed and in shock. Rooster and Coyote flanked the grappling pair while George kneeled, calling out to Jake all the spots Tyler was leaving himself open. The sound of flesh hitting flesh accompanied Jake’s punches, and you couldn't bring yourself to look away.
A startled cry escaped your lips as you felt someone put their hands on your cheeks, turning you away from the fight and wiping away your tears. Bob had somehow found his way into the bar with you and was currently forcing you to stare at his face.
“Nope, you don’t need to witness any of this.”
"How much trouble are they going to get into because of this?" you asked, scared out of your mind. Bar fights were a thing that could get you kicked out of the Navy.
Bob glanced over to the fight. Nat was walking towards the back door, her phone pressed to her ear, no doubt calling the police. As his eyes tracked back to Tyler, George and Javy had now joined the fight, the elder Seresin brother grabbing Tyler by the back of his neck and his belt, tossing him like a bale of hay onto the top of a nearby table as Rooster surprisingly helped Jake up from the floor.
The legs splintered under the force with a sickening crack. It wasn’t until you shuttered at the sound and let out a soft whimper between his hands he remembered you asked him a question.
"None," his voice was firm. "As far as anyone knows, he walked in here like that."
"Bob..." you whimpered. He stroked a piece of hair away from your face soothingly. "I'm not going to be the one that says he doesn't deserve what's coming to him. Tyler’s not walking out of here now. He literally signed his own death sentence."
Deep down, you knew that. Tyler against not one, but three navy pilots and Jake’s brother? There was no way he was walking away from that.
The sound of glass shattering caused you to jolt again.
"Penny's so going to fire me after this," you managed to say through tears. Bob gave you an affectionate smile. "No way, you're the best bartender she's had in years. You put up with so much shit, and Sadie would no doubt give her two cents. She seems to be doing that a lot lately."
"Bobby..." you huffed through a sob. "You've never heard you swear before."
He shrugged, wiping away one of your tears. "I guess there's a first time for everything."
Bob hadn't covered your ears. He was only keeping your eyes off the ongoing violence. So you could hear everything going on. There were no more crashes, glass breaking, or wood splitting in two. You could only hear the rhythmic sound of flesh hitting hard flesh.
The next cry out of Tyler's mouth made you stiffen.
"I'm sorry, Elizabeth!" he gave an almost whine as Bradley laid a punch to his stomach. "I'm sorry for all of it!"
Where you were once scared, pure anger builds in your stomach. You pull Bob’s hands away from your face, swatting away his feeble attempts to reach for you. You marched towards the exit doors of the bar, rounding the corner to get to the group.
Jake saw you approaching first with a sharp lift of his head, tapping George on the shoulder, who looked up at his brother before his eyes landed on you, catching on instantly. He grabbed Tyler by the back of his sweater, hoisting him up onto his knees before changing his grip to the middle of his back. Jake gritted his teeth as he tugged Tyler's head back with a vice grip on his hair.
You kneeled down in front of him, taking in his face.
Even bruised and bloody, Tyler looked nothing like the egotistical sociopath you knew him to be. Nothing like the villain that stalked you months before this or when he walked into the bar all those weeks ago.
This version of Tyler looked desperate, unhinged, but on the verge of a last straw. You couldn't say seeing that white hoodie stained red was unpleasurable. To say he had nothing left to lose was one thing, but seeing it across his battered face was another.
“You’re sorry?” you snarked. “You’re sorry you abused my sister? Are you sorry you killed her? Sorry, you tried to kidnap my niece?!”
You wanted to nail him across the face. You wanted to know the absolute pain and heartache and suffering he had put you through. He took Ridley from you. He hurt Sadie. He hurt you.
But then you took in the room, Jake and George kneeling behind him. Bradley and Javy standing by, ready to pounce the second he might try to escape. And the state of the bar, the damage sobering your thoughts.
No questions asked.
You noticed the ties of his sweater were out of place. Lifting your hand, you fixed one back into place, smoothing the string down before looking him dead in the eye.
"I could fucking care less."
Approaching sirens could be heard outside the bar, making everyone hold their punches. You stood, turning your back on the display to rejoin Bob, who had followed you out from the relative safety of the bar.
You wouldn't give Tyler the satisfaction. Ultimately, he was still a narcissist, wanting a reaction.
"Tie him up," you heard Jake command. Despite Bob urging you not to look once again, you couldn't help yourself. You needed to see this. To see Tyler caught and unable to do anything but accept his fate.
You needed to know you and Sadie were safe.
Coyote was handing George a sailor's rope he had torn off the wall, having pulled the twisted pieces apart. Jake pressed his knee down onto Tyler's back, pinning him to the floor as George quickly hog-tied his hands together, not that he'd be going anywhere. The group of men had done enough damage. Tyler wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.
Everything happened so quickly in the moments after. The police burst through the front door. George was holding up some sort of badge, and you were suddenly rushed out into the parking lot by Bob and Nat.
Penny was already there, greeting you outside with extreme worry in her eyes, sweeping you up into a hug the second she saw you. She was trying to console you, tell you Sadie was safe with Mav and that you would be alright. You didn’t realize you started shaking until she pulled back in concern to ask what had happened.
Your breath hitched as you shakily joked, “I promise I’m not purposely wrecking your bar. I don't know where these assholes come from."
Penny huffed out a laugh and a sad smile. Biting her lip, she reached out and stroked your hair at the side of your face as only a mother could. She tugged you into her hold, refusing to let you go.
You don't know how long you stood there until Nat tapped you on the shoulder. She pulled you into her side and looped her arm around Penny's, holding you upright as the front door of the Hard Deck opened. A pair of Police officers were dragging Tyler out, still hog-tied and a mess. George was behind them, following them while speaking to another officer.
When you watched the police car containing Tyler in the back seat roll off into the distance, and a tow truck rolled that stupid white piece of machinery away, you finally felt like you could breathe.
Tyler's frightening hold over both you and Sadie was over.
And yet, it wasn’t as much of a relief as it should have been.
You wanted to stay away from the Choas unfolding in and around the Hard Deck. 
Taking the first chance you could, you escaped when nobody was looking, eventually finding yourself sitting in Penny's chair on the beach. 
Less than a year ago, you were sitting in the chair, unaware of what was about to happen to you. You who were desperately trying to get through a book by reading the same page twice. Gawking at a pilot playing Dog fight football who you knew was off limits, trying to get by till the following Saturday night. 
Then Ridley's ex came for you and Sadie. You had fallen in love with said pilot. Learned your sister was murdered. Your best friend hurt your feelings. You had gotten your heart broken by said pilot. 
You didn't know what was worse, the fact you had seen and experienced all this trauma, or that Ridley's death and abscene were still triumphing over all that. 
You jolted when someone placed a blanket around your shoulders.
George Seresin retracted his hands just as quickly as he placed the blanket around you, holding them up in surrender. 
You didn't have anything to say to him, choosing to remain stoic as he lowered himself into the sand, sitting with his back in front of the armrest of your chair. 
It was a full minute before he finally spoke. 
"I need to apologize, Liz."
You scoffed, pulling the blanket tighter around your shoulders. "Apologize for the derogatory display of how you treat women? Or what you said to Jake to make him act the way he did?" 
At least this time, George had the decency to look shameful. 
"If his words at the dart game weren't any indication, I know you egged him on. He was trying to get you to back off, in his own twisted away.” 
"I still need to apologize. For all of it," he sighed, rubbing his temples. "It wasn't my place to do that to the two of you." 
"Yours is not the one I need right now," you spat, lifting your feet off the ground and curling into the depths of the chair. 
Either one of you spoke for a few minutes after that. George seemed to ponder his thoughts, scanning the horizon but not finding anything. The waves were both loud and quiet, making the world smaller than it actually was.
You couldn't handle it. 
"Do you realize the gravity of what you did, George?" you said heatedly, uncurling yourself from the chair and submerging your feet into the sand. "You weren't just egging him on. You were meddling in someone's relationship because your father asked you to."  
"Yes, I know." 
"Do you know how fucked up that is?" 
"Jake doing that grand display with the darts painted a pretty clear picture in my head." 
You rolled your eyes. "When was the last time you asked yourself if you were truly happy, George?"
George thought about it for a second before he replied, "When I became the livestock official back home."
"And let me guess, you made that decision all on your own, without any influence from your father?"
He looked down at the sand, grabbing a handful before watching it fall back to the ground. "Kind of. When I got the ranch, it wasn't by choice. But this felt like the first one I could make by myself."
"You just proved everything that Jake said, right." 
You huffed, frustration evident. "How do you plan on making up to him?"
George took a deep breath, steadying himself. "By supporting Jake genuinely in whatever he chooses. And by ensuring our father doesn't come between you two again."
Your eyes searched his for any sign of deceit, but all you saw was raw honesty. 
"Jake loves you. It's clear as day. Don't let this get between the two of you." 
You spat out a laugh, a high-pitchy sound you hoped would tell him you saw right through his bullshit. "Right."
"Liz, he didn't agree with the BS I was spilling to agree with me. Don't hold it against him."
 "But he went through with it," you countered. "Even if it was some twisted idea of dealing with all the bullshit you and the rest of your family throw at him save Janet, he still said those things. He still hurt me."
You threw yourself back into your chair instead. "I don't know anymore, George. I don't know what to think anymore." 
George dropped his head to his chest, furrowing his brow. "You know, you didn't allow him to explain that day. Or today even." 
That made you sit up. "Are you saying I should have?"
"I'm saying," he replied, "Whatever happened to giving someone a chance to know that people care? Even when other people think they don't deserve it?"
"That's different."
Maybe," he nodded. "But something is missing. I think that's only rooted in what other people think, not when they've done something to you." 
George's words made your voice catch in your throat.
"Give him a chance to explain, Liz. Just listen to what he has to say. Then make your decision." 
Suddenly you were wishing for the asshole from a week ago. Because, deep down, you knew he was right. 
"George, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You have potential. Listen to what your brother told you. You can't have your father tell you what to do for the rest of your life." 
He glanced down to the sand but tilted his head towards you so you knew he was still listening to what you had to say. 
"Ridley and I... My sister... We went through the same thing with our father. And I was so young, I didn't know any better. But she got us out before any more damage could be done. You still can get out. You don't need him in your life." 
"Is it wrong for me to want his approval?" 
You bit your lip, surprised at his question. "No. He's your father. It's natural you'd want that. But you shouldn't have to change who you are. You shouldn't have to seek his approval when he hasn't been someone worthy of giving it." 
George nodded, more to himself than to you, finally managing to mumble, "Jake is lucky to have you in his life. Sadie, too."
Even after everything that happened today, you still gave him a soft smile. "You're not that bad, George,” you said before adding, “When you want to be.”
He shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning upward slightly. "Don't let it get to my head. I might end up like Jake."
You reached over and patted his shoulder. "That wouldn't be a bad thing."
George left you a little while ago when an officer sought him out to take a statement. The night air was nipping at your skin, even with the blanket around your shoulders, and yet, you didn’t know how you would sleep after this, the adrenaline spike still showing no signs of slowing down. 
You didn’t know what to feel, the myriad of emotions thrown at you over the past week, month, and even year - any one of them would have sufficed. But you couldn’t bring yourself to figure it out. To live through any of them.
You just wanted to get through the rest of the day.
Dragging your feet through the sand, you made your way up the back steps of the Hard Deck’s back patio, shutting the door behind you. Shrugging the blanket off your shoulders, you gently placed it on the pool table, readying yourself to take in the true extent of the damage Tyler had wrought on the place.
The bar was dimly lit, save for the neon flashes of red and blue pulsing through the windows. There were splintered pieces of wood from the broken tables still littering the room, chairs overturned and scattered menus. With shards of glass and the thick smell of alcohol, you hated seeing the bar in such a state.
And in the middle of it all, Jake, sitting on a barstool with his head bowed and his hands resting on his knees. It was a stark image, seeing Jake’s knuckles bloody and bruised, his hair dishevelled. Looking less than himself. Utterly defeated.
It was a moment you weren’t supposed to see. A moment nobody was supposed to see.
And yet…
He didn’t hear your footsteps as you went behind the bar to grab a clean cloth, nor did he hear you take a metal bowl from under the sink and fill it with water. Or the ruckus as you fought with the first aid box.
It was only when you reached for one of his hands, having come to stand in front of him to run that cloth over his skin, that he jolted out of whatever stupor he had found himself in.
“Liz, I…”
You shook your head, shushing him. “Not now, Jake. Not tonight.”
He let you clean the blood from his hands. Let you dab at the split skin surrounding his knuckles. He was stiff as you worked, eyes tracking your every movement, from how you delicately held the bottom of his hand to watching you ring the cloth over the bowl. The water had already turned red by the second time you’d cleaned the fabric.
You reached for some antiseptic from the first aid kit, tilting the bottle forward as your finger held the cotton swab in place. Jake hissed when you placed the soaked cotton swab on his raw skin, his other hand shooting out quickly to grip your wrist tight.
His touch did feel like Sandpaper. But it wasn't as coarse, not as rough as you made yourself believe. You halted your fingers, the cotton swab falling to the floor at the shock of his touch.
“Sorry,” a quiet murmur on your lips. Jake eye’s darkened, a flicker of something passing through. He loosened his grip on your wrist but didn’t let go, letting his fingers slide loosely down to your wrist. You followed his touch, watching as careful fingers caressed the palm of your hand.
"You don't have to do this, Liz," he stated, his voice rough.
"Yes, I do," you replied softly, keeping your eyes fixated on his hand. "Someone has to. You certainly won’t."
"You're always caring for me."
You reached with your free hand for another cotton swab, but Jake stopped you, meeting your hand with his. He brought it down, and you let him pull you gently into the space between his legs. 
"Do I deserve it?" He whispered, playing with your fingers. "Especially from you."
You swallowed hard. "That's up to you. But I can’t stand by and watch you be hurt."
You finally gathered the courage to look up at his face. It was a miracle Tyler didn’t do much damage other than a slight bruise along his forehead.
“Otherwise, you’ll go crazy,” he remarked, recalling when Sadie was in the hospital. "Even when I've hurt you."
"Jake..." his name a quiet plead on your lips.
He let his hands glide up your wrists to your forearms, the air between the two of you heated as he leaned forward, hooded gaze intent on your lips.
"If not tonight, when?" he whispered.
Your foreheads met, you more than him, allowing yourself to press your weight against his skin. The two of you came together like this, a series of almost kisses and burning moments that left the two of you wanting more. 
Except that was when you thought you couldn't have him when everyone was screaming at you not to get involved with him.
You're not sure what it is now. Because the person who swore so long ago never to let Jake be in a position where he could break your heart was crawling out from the depths, insisting you push him away and run for the hills.
But Jake's breath, mixing with yours, lulled you into his gentle pull, hands tugging you into him as you felt him lightly graze your lips with his.
What would it be like to memorize the touch of his lips one last time?
Penny’s voice startled the two of you, making the both of you jolt back and away from each other.
"Come on, all this wait till tomorrow."
Whether she was referring to the mess in the bar or your relationship, you couldn't tell. 
You cleaned up the first aid supplies as Jake switched holding an ice bag you gave him between his hands and face. Penny locked up the bar behind the pair of you once you finished, always standing between you and Jake.
He followed the both of you hesitantly into the parking lot, unsure what he could say or do.
At the last second, you turned. You looked up at him, really looked at him for the first time since you yelled at him that day in the Hard Deck, a quiet mummer and a sad smile on your lips as you said, "Thank you, Jake."
Then, with Penny guiding you with a hand around your shoulders, you left towards your car, keys in her hand.
He could only watch every step you took, watching as the distance between the pair of you grew, left wondering if there was still hope for him to make things up to you after all. 
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Tag list: (I think I'm missing a few people, so if you want to be tagged, please let me know!)
@blue-aconite @tinytotontheoversizedpony @djs8891 @caitsymichelle13 @startrekfangirl2233
@mayhemmanaged @ereardon @dempy @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @daggerspare-standingby
@phantomxoxo @formulapierre @eli2447 @fulla02 @blckgrl-sunflower @mizzzpink @ohgodnotagainn
@bubblegumbeautyqueen @sarahsmi13s @desert-fern @lynnestra44 @memoriesat30 @penwieldingdreamer @mxlanciia
@bradleybeachbabe @bobby-r2d2-floyd @lavenderbradshaw @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars @dakotakazansky @
@keyrani @craftytrashprincess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @abzidabzy @memeorydotcom @vicsnook @taestrwbrry
-Wickett ;)
Part 18 - Sapling is in-process
148 notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 2 years
Valentine's Don't
Bang Chan x Female reader
Word count: 4k
Synopsis: Sick of spending every Valentine's Day in a rut you impulsively ask a cute guy at the bar to go out with you. Will your plan to meet up backfire in your face?
A/N: This was a wonderful idea brought to me by one of my sweet friends. I'm not sure if they want to be named but they know who they are. I loved this idea as soon as I heard it! I was hoping to have it all done in one part for Valentine's Day but couldn't quite make it. Oh well. Hope you all enjoy! If you do please like, comment, share, shoot an ask, I love to hear from you all! Also there is no smut in this part but there will be in part 2.
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Warnings: None really. Swearing/strong language, drinking/mentions of alcohol. That's it I think. If I missed something let me know!
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Why, why did you let your friend talk you into coming to the bar one week before Valentine’s Day? You always hated the ‘holiday’ ever since elementary school. It was just a popularity contest that you never won, hell you never even placed. Now you were at the bar alone, ditched by your friend that made you come out in the first place when the first halfway cute guy approached her. Not that you blamed her. If a halfway hot guy approached you right now you probably wouldn’t be so bitter but alas you clearly weren’t winning any popularity contests still. Which may be your fault, you were not always the most approachable person, but your past had taught you to be guarded. 
You were working on your third drink since your friend had disappeared and after you emptied the glass you happened to catch a look at a guy from across the bar. He was way beyond halfway hot he was scorching, fire, lava. What’s hotter than lava? He was that! He looked away when the two of you made eye contact.
Had he been looking at you? Only one way to find out. Tipsy you was about to make a big move because why the fuck not at this rate? The worst he could do was say no, well no, the worst he could do was laugh in your face and tell you you’re dumb and ugly. You were going out on a limb that he wasn’t the type to say that. You approached him with all the BDE you could muster. 
“How many times a day do you get told your gorgeous, it's gotta be in the double digits.” He turned towards you smiling and his ears instantly turned red. 
“Probably about half as much as you do.” You grimaced. 
“Yikes. That bad huh?” He laughed at the jab you took at yourself not realizing it was one hundred percent true. No one ever walked up to you let alone walked up and told you you were gorgeous. Maybe it was the ‘don’t fuck with me’ look that had a way of unintentionally appearing on your face or maybe they thought... you were hit with a realization you, for some stupid reason, hadn’t considered before approaching him 
“Oh wait, oh shit, I’m sorry you have a girlfriend don’t you. I’m so sorr-” He shook his head. 
“No no. You’re fine I don’t have a girlfriend.” You quirked an eyebrow. 
“Boyfriend?” He laughed so hard his dimples appeared. 
“No boyfriend either no, I’m single.” You nodded. 
“So do you come to this bar a lot?” he wiggled his hand back and forth. 
“Sometimes, some of my friends are in the band.” 
“What about next Tuesday?” It was so random, and you asked so quickly it caught him off guard. 
“Oh uh...” He thought for a moment. 
“Ohhh isn’t that Valen-” You waved and shook your head. 
“Yea okay look I’m gonna give it to you straight is that okay?” You legitimately waited for his reply, and he nodded. Just lay it all out for him, fuck it. 
“You’re probably the prettiest person I’ve ever seen in my life, and I don’t even know your name, but I have never had a good Valentine’s Day, I’m always angry and alone. I don’t want another repeat, I’m sick to death of it, for once I’d like to go out with a cute guy and actually enjoy the stupid holiday. So here it is, I’m going to come to this bar at 7 pm February 14th. If you think spending Valentine’s with me might be fun, meet me here. If you don’t, well then, no hard feelings.” You turned to walk away, and he caught your hand to stop you. 
“Chris...” You looked at him confused. 
“My name...it’s Chris...” You smiled and nodded then turned and headed straight out of the bar. You would text your friend to tell her you left, you had to go after that move. As soon as you were out the door you were mentally kicking yourself. God that must have seemed so desperate, you hoped it came off as confident. Ugh why did you do that!?  
Every day that week up until Valentine’s Day you went back and forth between freaking out and trying to be optimistic. He did laugh and he’d told you his name, but you were never very good at being optimistic. Your internal monolog was louder. ‘He could have been laughing at you not with you, Chris is so generic he probably said the first name that came to mind.’ Then you would be back to freaking out again. 
Valentine’s Day. You had decided you were going to go, now all you had to do was muster up that same BDE that you’d had when you asked him out in the first place. You dressed nicely but not too fancy, put on a little make up and just threw your hair up, a few of those stubborn pieces refusing to stay put, falling around your face. Your nerves started to get to you again, and that voice. ‘No sense in trying too hard, he won’t be coming.’
You second guessed even going yourself and you had just about talked yourself out of it, then you saw yourself in the mirror. You had put in a little effort to look nice already, you could at least go and have a drink then leave when he doesn’t show. No one would know the difference anyway.  
So you were sitting there at the bar about halfway through your first drink, you were trying to pace yourself, but when you looked at the clock and saw seven fifteen you downed the rest of your glass and signaled to the bar tender for another.
At seven thirty and two drinks down, you decided you would rather get drunk at home alone than in a bar full of couples groping each other while wearing literal heart eyes. You threw some cash down on the bar and went to leave. As you were making your way through the sea of people you could hear someone from the crowd behind you calling for someone. 
“Hey! Uh... wait hey!” The voice sounded like it was getting closer and closer. Whoever they were looking for was evidently in your direction. 
“Wait! Fucking hell, I... I don’t know your name... fuck. Hey gorgeous!” For some reason that struck you and made you turn. When you did you saw that the person who had been yelling was in fact yelling for you and that person was Chris. You must have looked shocked when he walked up. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late I was taking care of something really important and it took me a little longer than I thought it would.” You still stood there stunned. He actually came? You shook the cobwebs in your brain loose and remembered how to speak. 
“Oh, uh no that’s fine, I just figured...” He frowned a little. 
“I was standing you up? Sorry, I’d have texted and told you, but I didn’t know your number, or your name...” He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. 
“No really it's okay, did you want to grab a drink?” He shook his head. 
“We should probably get going if we’re going to make our dinner reservations.” You stood there stunned again. 
“D-dinner?” He laughed, his eyes scrunched and his dimples showed. 
“Yes, dinner. It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m taking a cute girl out to dinner.” You started giggling like a teenaged girl talking to her crush. Your giggle transformed into a cough as you cleared your throat, trying to maintain your cool façade from the week before. 
“Right of course dinner. Let’s go then.” Chris smiled and placed his hand on the small of your back. You wished it didn’t send a shiver up your spine. God you were touch starved. Chris led you out of the bar and to his car, opening the door for you. Right at that very moment you actually stopped and thought for a second. What you were doing seemed so crazy you hadn’t told any of your friends. Cute or not, no one knew you were meeting this guy and you were about to climb in his car. You hesitated getting in. 
“You’re not some serial killer, are you? If I ask and you are, you have to tell, that’s the rule.” Chris laughed with his whole body. You really liked his laugh; it was warm and made you smile.  
“I think that’s for undercover police but no, I’m not a serial killer.” You nodded side eyeing him. 
“That’s exactly what I’d expect an undercover cop to say.” Tears were in his eyes, every time he thought he had a hold of himself you had him laughing again. What Chris didn’t realize was humor was your security blanket when you were nervous. It was kind of hard for you to make friends, it wasn’t easy for you to open up and be vulnerable enough for people to really get to know you. When you did make friends it was usually because you made them laugh, so that was your go to safety net when you weren’t sure if being yourself was okay.  
After a short ride you pulled up to a small restaurant. The only way it stood out was the neon sign with its name in cursive. You could blink and miss it. When Chris led you into the dimly lit restaurant you could hear salsa music playing. There was limited seating and a dance floor took up quite a bit of space. The only time you had ever danced was at prom and that was more shuffling back and forth while being groped than it was actually dancing.  
“We don’t have to dance. I picked this place because they have great food and music, the dancing is optional.” He must have picked up on your immediate apprehension. 
“We can dance.” The fuck were you saying? 
“Looks fun.” FUN!? Oh God why was your overzealous mouth sabotaging you like that. 
“Really?” He asked surprised and you nodded 
“Yea really!” ‘Yea really’ you mocked yourself in your head as you continued to speak without thinking. 
“That’s great, I used to be a dancer. I don’t get to do it very often anymore.” Of course he used to be a dancer, look at him. Making an ass out of yourself in front of a hot amateur wasn’t enough, go ahead and make a fool of yourself in front of a hot professional instead.  
“You used to be a dancer?” That was in fact what he said. Braindead much? He nodded and suddenly your mouth was overriding your brain again. 
“Exotic?” Chris laughed shaking his head. 
“No no, mostly hip hop but some contemporary and ballroom as well.” Fantastic. You dropped the subject as you made it to the table. Maybe it wouldn’t come up again. Once you were both seated and your drinks were ordered you started to loosen up a bit. You had a little small talk, but you still didn’t open up about yourself.
Chris was friendly and open. He struck you as the type that never met a stranger. You both ordered your food and he was right, the meal was delicious. The music was good, and he was pleasant to talk to also. After you ate you both sat there listening to the band. Chris smiled and tapped his toe along with the rhythm.  
“You know someone in the band here too?” You asked sarcastically and sipped your drink. His dimples appeared again. 
“Yes actually.” You almost spit your drink out. 
“Really?!” He nodded smiling ear to ear and pointed. 
“See the buff dude playing drums?” You shook your head. 
“That’s my friend Changbin, he fills in here sometimes, but he usually plays at the bar where we met.” Then you recognized him, you had seen him playing at the bar before. 
“So how about that dance.” You laughed nervously. You really hoped he’d forgotten about that. 
“Aren’t you supposed to wait twenty minutes before dancing after a meal?” Chris shook his head laughing again. You really liked his laugh. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s swimming but if you don’t want to-” You quickly shook your head. 
“No, I want to!” Internal face palm. Way to not take the out he gave you genius. 
“You sure?” You nodded. There you go! Double down on your chance to look stupid, why not? 
“Great come on!” He held out his hand and you took it. As he led you towards the dance floor your heartbeat got louder and louder in your ears, you almost couldn’t hear the music. When he turned to face you, you had no idea what to do. Chris picked up on that pretty quickly if he didn’t know outright from the start. He pulled you closer by your hips, then he placed your hands on his shoulders before grabbing your hips again. 
“Just follow my lead.” You gave him a small smile and shook your head as he started to sway both of your hips to the beat of the music.  
“There you go, now look at me.” Your eyes had been glued to your feet. Two of Chris’ fingers placed under your chin tilted your head up to look him in the eye. 
“Perfect. Gorgeous.” You could feel yourself starting to flush. 
“Now when I take a step forward you take a step back and when I take a step back you take one forward. It’s easy.” He took a step back and you followed taking a step forward. Chris’ hips swiveled to the rhythm as he took a step forward and you back. 
“A natural!” You bit back the smile trying to force its way out. 
“Yea a natural disaster, just like a tornado.” You scoffed and Chris laughed. You made it through the first song only stepping on his toes a few times, then a slower more sultry song started.
Chris pulled you closer, your hips almost pressed together, you didn’t think your face could burn any hotter when his hips started swaying with yours, his arms around your waist, yours wrapped around his shoulders. You bravely toyed with the curls at the nape of his neck while watching your feet again. When you did, he started rubbing his thumbs gently against your lower back making your skin erupt in goosebumps.  
“So why do you hate Valentine’s Day?” He suddenly broke the silence between you. You looked up and shrugged your shoulders opting to look over his shoulder and not in his eyes as you attempted to be a little open. 
“Might as well be Friday the thirteenth to me. It’s just never been a good day, I dunno. Break ups always seemed to happen around that time for me, I always end up alone. When I caught my last boyfriend cheating on me on Valentine's Day that just kind of sealed the deal for me.” 
“How long ago was that?” You just shook your head. It had been years but you had given up on finding someone, trying to be content in your loneliness. This stupid holiday just always got to you. You finally willed yourself to look at him, Chris gave you a tight smile.  
“Sorry.” You shook your head and tried to laugh it off putting up the wall again. 
“What are you sorry for? It’s just some corporate holiday to make money off saps. It’s not that big of a deal really.” You looked back over his shoulder again focusing on the wall behind him hoping he wouldn’t press the matter as you tried to hide the overwhelming sadness you felt suddenly. He didn’t thankfully and you finished dancing to the song in silence.   
“Come on let's get out of here.” 
“Where to?” Chris shook his head. 
“Nnnope, it’s a surprise and why I was late. I hope that it makes up for it.”  
“You’ve already more than made up for it just by coming at all Chris. Thanks.” He smiled and his hand braced the small of your back as you both got your things and left the restaurant. Once you both were in the car and on your way a silence hung between you again and that internal monolog of yours came back. ‘You sounded desperate before now you sound sad and des-” As if Chris could sense the spiraling thoughts in your head, he finally broke the silence. 
“So Valentine’s Day is a bust holiday for you, what’s your favorite?” You thought about his question and then shook your head not wanting to give him the sad answer. 
“Come on you can tell me, please?” He pushed his bottom lip out and it was too cute not to give into. 
“Halloween was my favorite when I was a kid.” Chris smiled. 
“All the candy is pretty awesome.” You shook your head. 
“No, I mean yeah, the candy was great, but I liked it because I was able to be someone else for a day, anyone else. I don’t know just someone that wasn’t me.” Chris’ brow furrowed. 
“Why wouldn’t you want to be you?” Chris was pulling up to an iron fence and parking as he asked. You couldn’t help your attention suddenly being drawn to your surroundings. 
“Just because I... uh Chris why are we at a cemetery?” He shook his head. 
“It’s not a cemetery it’s a botanical garden. A friend...”  
“Plays in the band here too?” He laughed, that warm sweet laugh of his. 
“No no they run the place though and when they closed at seven I met her and got the keys to the place. Which is why I was so late. Sorry again about that.” You shook your head, you were shocked. If Chris put so much effort into a Valentine’s date with a total stranger he must be a really good friend. You hoped after that night you could be friends.  
He unlocked the gate and led you into the garden. It was kind of hard to see just at first then Chris disappeared for a second and the next thing you knew hundreds of thousands of twinkle lights lit up the whole garden. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Suddenly Chris was by your side again startling you.
You turned to him with your hand still over your heart. When you looked up at him you couldn’t speak. He was beautiful, you knew that, anyone with eyes knew that, but with the lights and the garden, his smile that scrunched up his eyes, he was stunning, hence the speechlessness. Finally you forced yourself to form words. 
“Chris... I... just... you did all of this for me? Dinner? This garden? For me?” You were genuinely confused because you had never met anyone like him before, as beautiful inside as he was outside. Your cool façade was melting, you had no joke or punchline. 
“Well it’s not like I strung up all the lights or anything, but yeah! I know it’s not much-” You kissed him. You threw your arms around his shoulders and kissed him and he kissed you back. It was a soft innocent kiss, a thank you, that words alone couldn’t convey. 
“Thank you.” You whispered as you pulled back with your eyes closed. He tasted like mint and smelled like the woods. 
“You’re welcome-” His voice was a breath; he cupped your face and immediately kissed you again. There was more passion behind his lips the second time, his hands cradled your face as he tilted his head, his plump lips slightly parting to taste more of yours. You followed, your lips parting, head tilting. Chris’ tongue gently invaded your mouth, teasing yours.
You toyed with the curls at his neck again as the two of you slowly, softly kissed. Chris let go of your face and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer. After a moment you two broke the kiss, having to breathe being your only reason. You both stood there flushed, chests rapidly rising and falling with heavy breaths, arms wrapped around one another. He chewed at his bottom lip and smiled at you, forcing a small smile onto your face. 
“Um, heh, uh why don’t I show you around the place hm?” You nodded and Chris grabbed your hand and started to lead you through the garden. You both walked quietly for some time looking at all the beautiful flowers and reading different descriptions before Chris’ voice cut through the silence. 
“You know you really are gorgeous.” It caught you off guard. You must have looked shocked. You had been looking at flowers, but Chris had really only been looking at you this whole time. 
“W-what makes you say that?” He stopped walking and turned to you, grabbing your other hand holding both in his own. 
“Because you are and because I really want to kiss you again.” Before you could even think of how to reply to that Chris’ lips were softly pressed against yours again, his fingers threading through your hair. You gripped the front of his shirt and kissed him back, things getting heated rather quickly between the two of you. Finally Chris broke away apologizing. 
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m... uhh, I’m trying to be respectful, just... when I kiss you...” He wasn’t even sure of what he was trying to say. 
“It’s okay Chris...” You pulled him closer by his shirt and kissed him again both of you getting lost in the other momentarily. When your lips parted again you both started laughing. 
“How about I get you home?” Chris chuckled and you nodded, smiling the biggest smile you had in the longest time. You walked back out of the garden the way you came in so Chris could turn off the lights and lock back up. You both hopped in his car, you gave him directions to your place, and you were off. The car ride there was accompanied by some soft music Chris had put on. Once you got to your place Chris parked the car. 
“Hold on l’ll get your door.” Before you could insist that it was unnecessary, he was out of the car making his way around to your side. He opened the door and helped you out. He kept a hold of your hand the whole way to your front door. You fished your keys out and stood there a moment. 
“This has been the best Valentine’s Day Chris. Thank you.” You couldn’t look at him only your feet, you felt so vulnerable at that moment. Chris traced the back of his fingers along your cheek, you tilted your head up and he leaned in and kissed you goodnight.  
“Thank you for inviting me to spend the evening with you.” Just before you opened your front door Chris cleared his throat. You turned and looked at him confused. 
“Well I was just wondering I mean... I’d like to take you out again some time if that’s alright?” You nodded smiling. 
“I’d really like that Chris.” He stood there for a moment like he was still waiting for something more. 
“Would it be okay if I got your number?” He handed you his phone as you laughed. 
“Of course, I wasn’t even thinking!” You typed your number in and hit call. Your phone started ringing and you hung up. 
“There now I’ve got yours too.” You handed Chris back his phone. 
“Just one more thing?” You stood there waiting for his final request from you perhaps another goodnight kiss. 
“What’s your name?” Oh holy shit, you had gone this whole evening and not once did you bother mentioning your name! 
“Oh my god Chris I’m so sorry!” He laughed then you leaned in and kissed him, your lips slightly parted from his. 
“y/n.” He nodded and gave you one more peck on the lips smiling. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh
“y/n... gorgeous.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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hopeymchope · 9 months
Hope's Peak and... Whatever is Going on with the "Talents" They Study
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Hope's Peak Academy! Where only the greatest talents are invited to focus on the areas in which they excel (and to be studied by the staff).
The people working at Hope's Peak Academy in Danganronpa (whether staff, scientists, or Steering Committee) are pretty consistently presented as being dedicated to researching and understanding the nature of talent. They talk like talent is this hazy concept that only certain people somehow possess, so they're out to crack the code of its mysterious origins.
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We have top men working on the origins of talent right now. .... TOP. MEN.
Now, I know we all eventually learn just how much of a shitshow HPA was and how corrupt its primary operators were. But the evidence of their crimes is mostly focused on how they take their interest in "Talent" much too far. So long as it furthered the study of "talent," human experimentation, endangering the lives of students, and much, MUCH more were totally on the table as far as HPA's Steering Committee was concerned. Which is very bad, yes.
However! I think the issues with HPA's intentions ran even deeper. The people in charge weren't just corrupt; they were also stupid. And this is evidenced by many of the "talents" they identified and researched.
See, Hope's Peak makes no real distinction between the types of talent they identify and accept into their walls. Even though there's a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE between the talent of someone like Junko Enoshima vs. that of someone like Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu. Y'know?
(I strongly doubt I'm the first to observe how bullshit some of these "talents" are. But since I can't find any other conversations about this on Tumblr, I'm going to move forward with making my own commentary. Sorry?)
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BTW, consider this: If Komaeda were somehow born earlier and was an adult by the time the 77th Class entered HPA? He could've easily been one of the staff members putting Hajime into that metal coffin.
In descending order of "I can see why they were interested" to "WTF is this," here are the four core types of Super High School-Level "Talents" that Hope's Peak Academy welcomes within its hallowed halls:
(DISCLAIMER: I include V3 students as some of the examples cited below. YES, I know they don't attend Hope's Peak in their game's main storyline. However, they attend Hope's Peak in both UTDP and DRS. That's good enough for me; you can always ignore those examples if you disagree.)
CATEGORY (A) Talents that seem to come innaately/naturally to those who have them. These are either your wunderkind types, or they otherwise gained their talent seemingly overnight. — (e.g., Yasuhiro Hagakure, Junko Enoshima, Nagito Komaeda, Miu Iruma)
My Thoughts: Okay, SURE. I get why you'd want to study how this can happen and where these kinds of skills come from. No notes.
CATEGORY (B) Talents that are developed over a lifetime of practice and/or hard work. Most Hope's Peak students we know about seem like they slot into this category. — (e.g., Nekomaru Nidai, Mikan Tsumiki, Kaede Akamatsu)
My Thoughts: My first reaction is "What is there to study/research about this?" Do the Hope's Peak staff not know that working on something for a long time can make you get way better at that thing? Y'all reminding me of Hajime in the now-classic @reddpenn comic where he is legitimately shocked to learn people can gain skills through practice. :P But HOLD UP; let's give them the benefit of the doubt here for a sec. Perhaps Hope's Peak's personnel are wondering why only some practitioners of these talents can reach such a noteworthy level of skill by the time they're teenagers? That's the most reasonable conclusion to draw about the inclusion of these students.
CATEGORY (C) Talents that are only noteworthy because these students demonstrated some above-average skill relative to their age or because they garnered attention through one specific incident. In other words: These individuals aren't nearly as exceptional as those in the previous two categories of talent, but at least they seem pretty decent at what they're being identifed for? — (e.g., Mahiru Koizumi, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota)
My Thoughts: I hope I'm being clear enough about what I mean by this category. But if not, I'll try to clarify: Shuichi was supposedly recognized for his talent solely because he caught one murderer. Mahiru's photography is almost solely portrait photography and therefore not particularly noteworthy to most photographers; she's just pretty good at the one thing she happens to do. (And in truth, her mom's reputation probably played a role in her own Hope's Peak invite.) Kaito being able to pass a basic Astronaut screening exam at a younger age than is usually allowed is neat, but it's not like he's been an exceptional trainee or even gone into space; he's just the "Ultimate Astronaut" because he cheated his way into taking a test early and did surprisingly well at it. Maybe we're meant to think "Oh, Kizakura or whoever could somehow tell these students have the innate potential to be truly spectacular" or somesuch?? But that interpretation requires putting a lot of faith in this questionable-ass system (and the one HPA scout we're familiar with — a known alcoholic). Do these people REALLY demand further study? Is there ACTUALLY anything to be gained by learning about their "talents"??? I... can't see it, y'all. I don't get it.
CATEGORY (D) Talents that aren't even really a talent at all, they're just a position/title someone gained by being born. — (e.g., Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, Sonia Nevermind, Keebo)
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My Thoughts: Okay, so MAYBE Sonia was recognized by Hope's Peak as the the absolute pinnacle of refinement and royal behavior or something? But I kind of doubt it based on her actual behavior (and weird interest in serial killers) in DR2. And there's no way in hell that Fuyuhiko is the baddest-ass Yakuza, even among teenagers. You scratch that kid slightly. and you get the babychild undernearth. And Keebo? His talent is HIS OWN EXISTENCE. His "talent" is actually just his creator's talent, FFS. He's not even "High School"-AGED in reality; he's just programmed to operate at a mental capacity of approximately teenage-level. So ultimately, I'm asking: What is there to STUDY about any of these?! These aren't even TALENTS, frankly! These have got me wondering if there's some other reason to include these particular students... like perhaps Hope's Peak wants to extend their tentacles into the power/influence afforded by Novoselic royalty/the Yakuza? Or perhaps they wish the leverage Keebo's A.I. technology in their own pursuit of creating of an "Ultimate Talent"? Point is: THESE 'TALENTS' ARE SEVERELY SUS. (I have to wonder if the larger public and Reserve Coursers ever complained about how sketchy some of this shit sounds?? SURELY they did.)
ADDENDUM/NOTE: There are also those who hover between the various categories I've cited. This includes those who might be a mixture of two categories, or those whose background is hazy enough that it's not clear whether they always had their talent (A) or developed it over time (B). But I think the above list encompasses everyone we know about, either in one or multiple categories.
CONCLUSION: Hope's Peak is so vague and weird about what they define as "talents" that it's tough to say what on Earth they believe they're studying over there. Because the methodology they were employing for identifying these talents is super loose, they're inviting over SOME fascinating subjects right alongside a bunch of teenagers who... really can't reveal much of anything about anything?
How did Junko Enoshima learn to easily analyze the patterns all around her to the point that she was able to accurately predict most outcomes? GREAT question! You may genuinely be able to unravel something about inborn skillsets and unusual brain development from such a case.
How did Mahiru Koizumi become a great photographer? Uhhh, she observed some stuff from her mom and just tried a decent amount of portraits, I suppose. But she's not even that amazing frankly, she ain't taking any award-winning pictures or using any particular artistry. She's just good at smiling portraits. That's it. You ain't gonna learn shit from this.
How did Fuyuhiko become the Ultimate Yakuza? Because YOU decided he was! And that was just because of his inherited leadership role! He has NO special talent, wtf are you idiots doing?!?!
ANYWAY, that should cover all of the Hope's Peak students we've ever me—
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Oh, right. There's ONE weird half-exception to this list, which I guess I'll explain for anyone who wants to be extracirricular about this topic.
BONUS! Outlier Case: Makoto Naegi (in DR1 only)
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My Thoughts: In the original Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, the player/viewer/reader is made to believe that Makoto Naegi possesses no talent at all. Instead, Naegi was merely this year's winner of the annual drawing at Hope's Peak, and THAT IS IT. He was just drawn from a proverbial hat, and his presence is just a randomized factor. And SURE, by the end of the game/manga/anime, he's declared the "Ultimate Hope," but it's not like he was brought into the school based on that talent, so that's not particularly relevant. What I'm saying is simply this: DR1-era Naegi is the only known Hope's Peak student who doesn't fit into the above four categories. ............ Though this was later retconned, of course. Stories such as Makoto Naegi's Worst Day Ever (which came out alongside the first release of DR2, a mere two years after DR1 first hit PSP) and Danganronpa 3 would state that Naegi always possessed some unpredictable form of Komaeda-style inborn "luck" even if he wasn't necessarily aware of it. Which slots him into category (A). AS SUCH, he was only an outlier for literally THE FIRST INSTALLMENT OF THE SERIES. And since the first installment didn't really delve as much into the sketchy, obsessive ways the Hope's Peak scientists chose to study their roster of "talents," his outlier nature isn't really relevant anyway. I don't feel any need to justify "Makoto Naegi as portrayed in 2010-2011 continuity" for his inclusion in the class roster.
..........................but if I DID have to do that, I'd say including him among the students makes him the Control Group. :P
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slayerchick303 · 1 year
I just finished Home, and I have some thoughts:
Rhodey was in a hospital gown when he got out of the pod! I swear to all that is holy, if they have him been replaced by a skrull after his injury in Civil War, I will march on Disney headquarters! That would cheapen Tony's death, funeral, and Rhodey's amazing conversation with Sam in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I said I'd freak out if they made the swap previous to FATWS, and I meant it!
Gravik's human face was a man he killed, so I'm assuming the same is true for G'iah. If she is indeed going to be Abigail Brand as leaks have suggested (meaning Abigail Brand is dead), I'm going to be mad! Like legitimately disappointed. Brand is one of my favorite parts of the Astonishing X-Men comics run. I ship her and Beast so hard.
When was Everett Ross swapped? It has to have been after Black Panther because he would've reverted to his skrull form after being shot and/or Shuri would've noticed while healing him. Has a skrull infiltrated Wakandan leadership?! How many? For how long? Because that's BAD. Imagine the havoc skrulls could wreak with Wakanda's resources.
The CGI in this was pretty good. Especially compared to other recent Disney+ titles. That being said, I hate a lot of how they used it. Giving G'iah a huge Drax arm?! Bad choices in multiple ways: A.) the big Drax arm looked so weird as did other things. B.) do they think Marvel fans are too stupid to get what they were doing if they didn't make her arm huge? They should've kept Emilia's arm the same size, only given her Drax's tattoos and skin color at most. We would've understood. C.) the clothing changed too! How does that make sense?
Is Gravik really dead, though? Is Raava? We don't know if Raava has super skrull powers, but Gravik had like EVERYTHING. That seems like it should make him pretty invincible.
How did people not clock how off Rhodey was? There was like an enormous change in his personality. Raava was a jerk!
So, Fury and Sonya only tranqed those secret service members at the hospital. That wouldn't automatically make them revert, right, or every skrull would be outed when they fell asleep. If all those guards were humans, they were legitimately the worst security detail ever. That one guy literally listened to SkrullRhodey pretty much out herself and did nothing. He didn't even warn the president Rhodey was acting uncharacteristically. Every member of White House personale will have to be tested somehow. Maybe check for purple blood?
I really thought Ritson would die at the end. I guess he's just awful (which is unsurprising). I'm glad he won't be president much longer, as Harrison Ford is taking over the role of President Thaddeus Ross in Captain America: Brave New World. That being said, part of me worries that President Ross might be even worse than Ritson.
I kind of loved Varra and Fury's ending. It redeemed the awful, "I guess we'll never know moment."
****EDIT:**** I didn't think about this at the time, but I saw someone else bring it up. G'iah has Captain Marvel powers now! Doesn't that mean she should be caught up in the entanglement mess Captain Marvel, Photon, and Miss Marvel are dealing with in The Marvels?! That's an ENORMOUS plot hole. Not to mention, G'iah is ridiculously overpowered now. People complain about how powerful Superman is, and G'iah is so much worse.
I enjoyed Secret Invasion, even if it wasn't the best Disney+ show. The comics are still WAY better. Regardless, I'm looking forward to The Marvels even more now.
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accirax · 5 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 7
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very notable that this was within the context of being about "love" specifically. (at least) one-sided trevek canon? (i'm not even a huge trevek shipper i just think this whole plotline is funny)
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okay, so Yul's foot injury IS real. or at least, he's using it as an excuse to complain. still, the fact that it was brought up again an episode later makes me think that it's going to have SOME relevance to the plot.
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any time that Yul has to parrot something in Emily's "you go girlfriend ;D" manner of speaking i cackle. he didn't choose the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle, the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle chose him.
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Grett i am... genuinely confused. how can you possibly think that Yul is actually in love with you? did you really receive THAT little love in your home life? you have no ability to distinguish catty and fake praise for your accomplishments from real ones because your family gave you THAT little recognition? man. now i made myself sad :( ily Grett
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okay, confirming that 1) it was Tom's trap, 2) they are willing to eat squirrels, 3) Tom is serving as the provider for the Cyan tribe. all things to take into account for any upcoming Cyan eliminations.
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and how does said boyfriend feel about you kissing another man on television, Tom? this is a stupid lie.
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again, why? it's probably already apparent from my earlier comments, but i changed my mind; i'm fully with Jake in this argument now. sure, Jake is really insecure and overly emotional, but what the HELL is Tom doing? making up a boyfriend is a really shitty thing to do, whether Tom had a legit reason for not calling Jake these past two years or if he didn't contact Jake due to his own mixed feelings/indifference. in either case, he should have told Jake the truth. at least when Jake was acting immature in S1, he was 24. Tom is a nearly 30 year old man. ACT LIKE IT.
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Fiore slay
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this is a really interesting response due to how vague it is, including in the vocal performance. was he taken off guard by his boss being nice to him? does he believe that she's telling the truth? does he feel bad for Trevor, or will he come to believe that he IS way better than Trevor? i'm glad that they're continuing on with the concept of the hosts having a plotline, because imo that was one of the highlights of S2, but they aren't doing it in a way that eats up as much of the screentime as it did in S2.
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if Will was out of the picture i would be shipping these two so hard. who am I kidding, i kind of still am anyways.
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Ally's other gf is here :,) glad that they got to reconnect (and neither of them were eliminated for it)
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Fiore slay
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the confirmation that Aiden thinks that the idea of him having any attraction to Tom is laughable and disgusting is HILARIOUS to me. bro really said, "why the hell would i be into YOU when i have JAMES lmao" straight to Tom's face. tbf, James and Tom are like... opposites in terms of personality and appearance (beyond being generally handsome and athletic young men).
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"silly me, i keep forgetting that not everyone met their super cool and attractive boyfriend on reality TV. my bad!" (/pos)
(i tried to type "hubby" instead of boyfriend but i spared you all. it was too cringe even as the one subjecting others to the cringe.)
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okay this was very fitting for her. iconic.
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honestly, Alec and Riya's villainous alliance/friendship is really fun. leave it to Alec to always find himself in the least likely but most entertaining duos. Riya really benefits from being paired with a legitimate strategist, and someone who won't just let her totally get away with stuff.
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we had to get in one last Fiore taking unnecessary damage for the road :,(
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feeling like Jaiden is going to be winning the starting couples' survival roulette. and Wishley, to the extent they count.
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now i'm no physicist, but how did this work? shouldn't the ball be a fast and heavy enough object at this point that it would jump over the log, not ricochet off of it? i suppose if the ball is made of something more like wicker than yarn, it could be a bit more likely to do that. but then why is it going to the side? it hit the log straight on!
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... are you not allowed to help him anymore? what?
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ellie is going full villain mode fr. if her and gabby's relationship gets messed up, that would definitely be karma. but, i suppose she survives this episode...
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this is funny because nobody strikes me as the pizza and soda loving type. Alec, Grett, Yul, and Riya all seem like people who would want to eat something that's both fancier and healthier.
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communication W (for both of them)
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Fiore is such a best girl that she's not even a salty juror. she's not mad at them for so long that she can't use her final moments to throw a wrench in the works for everyone else. the grind never sleeps, clowns <3
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and she even conquered her greatest nemesis, the bus, this time. fly high, queen. i'll miss you.
well, as a Fiore stan, this episode was a bit sad for me. but, i do totally understand why Magenta would both vote for Fiore and lose the challenge. (damn you, Ellie...) Fiore already did super well in both S1 and the original Adventure Camp, so i understand why they wouldn't have her go super far again in this season, especially when everyone knows she's such a threat.
i just hope that we can still get a little more closure for her and Alec than we got already in this season. all it has to be is, like, him being sad at her elimination for reasons other than pure strategy and maybe a nice conversation at the finale. it doesn't have to be Alec finally adopting her... even if i did want that to happen... i'd just prefer to know that they leave things on good terms.
anyways, another really solid episode! i look forward to the next one. thanks for reading!
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priestess-of-yuri · 1 year
so it's come to my attention that ao3 is actually proooobably more pro-ai than we originally thought. in maybe a sinister way. full disclosure, i'm not well-versed in how web pages work so i could be missing some information.
ao3 is about "inclusivity" and "legitimate" uses of the site and are using these quoted words to justify ai "works" on their site.
this is how you code to prevent selection of text on a web page.
the very same code is not "allowed" on ao3. the code does affect how the text is visible to screens and so this may or may not have safety and accessibility reasons. but given the other two points, welllllll that's not the point of this post.
so here's my Heated Complaint i'm submitting:
I want to prevent plagiarism of my work. Plain and simple. Usage of plagiarism software, otherwise known as AI, means I'm struggling to find places to share my work without feeling like it's just going to end up in some stupid regurgitation machine.
Since you've allowed AI works to be published here, it seems pretty clear what your stance on AI is. However I still want to try to get my original, organic works out there on this site, because it is the most common fanfiction site. But even when I take measures to try to prevent copy/pasting of my works on AO3, you side with the people who are stealing art.
You say you're being "inclusive" and only allowing "legitimate" uses of this site. What you as a corporation are failing to understand is that AI is by definition plagiarism software. Including it is stabbing actual creators in the back, because AI takes input from these creators without their consent and shits out their hard work. The authors are not the AI prompters. The authors are the hundreds or thousands or millions of writers who have had their works inserted into the software.
AI "fanworks" aren't fanworks. They're stolen labour. And by disallowing this code, by allowing publication of AI "fanworks", you are no longer open-source. You are functioning as a cog in the machine churning out profit for the AI plagiarizers.
i hope the whole of tumblr gets vocal because this is so not cool of ao3.
screenshots of the listed evidence under the keep reading. alt text available.
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wishi-selfships · 2 months
csm 171 thoughts below.
Thought change— Barem is a total fuvkijg bitch. And a SCAMMER because the head isn't Nayuta's. I would understand if the first time we see her head, it had no mole but it was still Nayuta because Fujimoto could've just forgotten. But two weeks goes by, everyone is talking about it, and the next chapter that drops, she still has no mole under her eye? It's definitely intentional then. It isn't Nayuta, Denji has been deceived, has successfully turned into csm (black), and now has an even bigger target on his back for a death that hasn't truly happened (yet).
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Another thought that I've had when reading.— about barem again, yea — the way his head snaps off is a little weird. Not in a bad way, but the artistic way Fujimoto depicted it had me raise an eyebrow at first
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The neck specifically, I mean. What... is that? This isn't me speculating on what this could mean btw I just like legitimately wanna know what's going on. Is that his neck itself? Or is it one of those, like... after-images or whatever artists use to show fast motion in a singular panel. Or does the guy just have a really stretchy neck. Thoughts!
(Obligatory "that should be me" comment that's made to break the tension and stop myself from spiraling because, as much as I like the design for csm (black) the implications aren't forgotten and I'm in distress over this)
Also. On one of the screenshots above but Asa -> Yoru when Denji starts transforming puts a further pit in my stomach. The murder of csm (black) isn't going to separate him from Denji. That's like straight up just going to kill Denji and put Pochita back into the reincarnation cycle. Fairly sure thats what will happen. I'm scared that that's how things will play out. Frowns and crosses my arm.
Is... is this the Justice Devil??
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The way the head is structured reminds me of it. Specifically when it had made a contract with Yuko. Doesn't it? That's literally the Justice Devil. Bro wtf are you doing here.
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Stupid fucking ear bitch I hate you (the design goes hard). Also !!! Person on the left. Silly design!! The frozen expression on her face lowkey pisses me off though. Shit isn't sweet bitch fix your face.
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^^ their design is really cool though. Esp that weird thing on the side of their face? No complaints from me, I love them and their weird growth
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master-missysversion · 4 months
Boom thoughts
Liveblog under the cut as usual
Tldr: this episode was absolutely brilliant, so much tension, a brilliant storyline, some hard hitting criticisms of capitalism and Christianity/blind faith, side characters you can't help but get invested in and soo many emotional scenes. I can't see anything this season topping this episode for me but it has left me far more excited for the rest of the season than i was previously
Something about the video looks weird. Like it very much just looks like these soldiers are standing in front of a greenscreen
Child character :) Moffat loves a child character and I eat it up every time
Mundy is so beautiful
"They ran out of money" I wonder if the "ambulance" kills injured soldiers to save resources
Ohhh my god that whole sequence with Carson stepping on the mine had me on the edge of my seat and then my jaw on the floor
This episode so far is off to a brilliant start, im already feeling really invested in these characters and the tension is thick
ohh I'm thinking I was right about soldiers being killed to save resources or something
Rip John Vater I was legitimately so invested in you, but i had a feeling that would happen
"Stay there!" *ruby casually walks out "okay, coming!" Dhfbdkdm
Also I love how he says to stay there then leaves the door wide open like bffrrr you knew she was coming
I think for the sake of saving time, the doctor should probably tell ruby that you don't actually need to lock the tardis behind you
The Skye Boat Song 💃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
This reminds me of Merlins death in Kingsman tho
"I was kinda hoping for a beach" you'd get along great with Yaz
I missed the doctor telling random stories so much 😭 I'm gonna hc the lesbian gymkhana adventure happened with Yaz and she was sooo annoyed the doctor ruined their outing with a stupid bet
Okay I know its probably just because she's being written by Moffat but I am reallyyy seeing the similarity to Clara now
And we're back to music....this seems to be a recurring theme
WHAT was that poem?? "The moon and the presidents wife" is a clear reference to the doctors own life. Gonna be thinking about this one for a while
"Beyond acceptable parameters for a conflict as budgeted" I knewww it
"People don't usually bring that up" yes they do. Literally all the time 😭 I know he's just trying to appeal to the kid
Ohhh is there even an enemy?
"Hush" the return of moffats favourite word 😆
how could you do that to me 😭 poor Canto Poor Mundy
Is this woman Susan twist btw? Im not good with faces but it could be right?
KISS KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty John Vater I always loved you
The way he just pushes Ruby down lmaooo
Mention of a diary will be feeding the "river is Ruby's mother" theorists
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"He's not gone, he's just dead. He's not gone" i love how this is a twist on the "they're not gone because they're always there in spirit" trope
The vworp vworps are back!
Now time for the next time trailer
This looks really interesting, I think this episode has really got me excited for this series in a way that I wasn't before, its a shame moffats not writing more of it but I'm excited to see what happens in 73 yards
I love that they're finally back in Wales
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Who issss sheee. I need to know
Also I just saw the credits and I was right about the Ambulance being Susan Twist! I think she's the person talking about Mad Jack too isn't she?
Final thoughts: this was an absolute banger of an episode, honestly I fear that none of the other episodes in the season will live up to it. I just enjoyed every minute so much, the build up, the tension, the emotions, the engaging side characters, the running themes and hints at the overall season plot were all absolutely brilliant. It was so good parts of it had me skipping back a few seconds to watch scenes again. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but this exceeded my expectations nonetheless
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Hi! Idk if your still doing fics but can you do a stucky tickle fic about Steve being grumpy and bucky cheering him up and then Steve tickled bucky for revenge and Peter is just watching the whole thing? Thank you so much if you do!
Hi! Sorry this took so long to get to! Love me a good stucky prompt hehehe :D Thanks for being patient for it, hope the fic is alright!!
Every Hero has an Achilles Heel
~A/N  - I'll be honest, this fic is a litttttle self-indulgent cause it's based off of a super lee-ass thought my brain came up with so enjoy my delirious inventions of an exhausted crow.
As usual, this fic is set pre - Infinity War/Endgame cause otherwise characters are missing etc. so it's very early Peter Parker :)
A very cute prompt from w1nt37 coming right up!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
"Mr Barnes?"
A small voice broke Bucky out of his concentrated state. He had been working on upgrading his arm for who knows how long at this point, and to be honest he probably needed a break.
Bucky turned towards the voice - Peter's, of course - and gave him a smile. "Hey kid, what's up?"
Peter let out the breath he had been holding since asking for Bucky's attention. "It's Mr Rogers, he seems a bit… annoyed? Or upset, maybe…"
Bucky nodded, offering the reassurance and encouragement that Peter obviously needed. God, it seemed like no matter how many missions the kid did with them he would never relax.
"And I just thought… I figured you were probably the best person to tell… to see if you could help?"
"Yeah of course." Bucky grinned as he stood from his workbench and started walking towards the door. "I've handled a cranky Steve before I know just what'll fix him."
Peter half-jogged through the halls to keep himself beside Bucky. "I didn't mean he was grumpy, like he didn't do anything bad or anything I jus-"
"Relax, kid." Bucky chuckled. "Whatever Steve's feeling, I'll sort it."
The pair entered the main living room, finding Steve sitting on a barstool hunched over the bench. His eyes were closed, but it was obvious he wasn't sleeping.
"Hey punk." Bucky taunted playfully. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing." Steve said, feinting honesty but his tone was too flat to pull it off.
Bucky flopped down into a stool next to his friend, leaning an elbow on the countertop. "You know, I remember a stretching routine that used to fix you up every time you felt grumpy."
Steve let out an amused huff. "Really Buck? Yoga?"
"What?" Bucky grinned. "Old people love yoga, don't knock it 'til you try it Grandpa."
That got a legitimate chuckle from Steve. "Wow, your way to cheer me up is through insults?"
"It'll have to be unless you stand up."
With a roll of his eyes, Steve pushed off the stool and took a few steps back for space. "Better?"
Bucky nodded, "it'll do," before standing up himself and moving next to his friend. "Now, raise your arms straight out in front of you, as far as they go."
As Steve followed the instruction, Bucky flashed a wink at Peter (who had been half-hiding in the corner of the room for the whole exchange).
"Now," Bucky continued, "move your hands out to either side, keeping your arms nice and straight."
"Bucky this is stupid, I'm-"
"Nononono you're almost done I swear!" Bucky interjected, not allowing Steve to finsh his complaint. "Put your hands on your head and try to pull your elbows back so they touch."
As Steve did this, Bucky slowly crept behind the ex-soldier - hands already in a claw shape.
"You know Buck, this actually does streEHETCH NO BUCKY!" Steve tried to say before interrupting himself with a shriek.
Bucky had wrapped his arms around his friend in an inescapable tickle-hug. His hands free to claw and vibrate up and down Steve's ribcage while his arms did the hard work of keeping the now-collapsed supersoldier somewhat upright.
Poor Steve's knees had buckled the second Bucky's fingers made contact, and he had immediately curled in on himself like an armadillo to try and protect his poor ribs.
But his attacker had almost limitess access to any and all of the sensitive spots on the sides of his body, and Bucky defintely had plans to use them all. As Bucky worked his left hand up into Steve's armpit, and his right down to Steve's hip bone, Peter couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
"Captain America's ticklish?" He giggled out.
'NOHOHO!" Steve squealed in response.
It was Bucky's turn to roll his eyes. "In case you could't tell, Steve's lying through his teeth."
Peter nodded with a laugh.
"YEAH WEHEHELL-" Steve spluttered out through desperate shrieks. "YOU KNOHOHOW- YOU KNOW WHOHOHO EHEHEHE- BUHUCKY PLEHEHEASE!"
"Take your time buddy." Bucky teased, continuing his ruthless attack on Steve's nervous system.
"Don't you dare." Bucky froze for a moment.
Bad move.
Taking his opportunity without a second thought, Steve twisted out of Bucky's grasp and shoved his hands under Bucky's arms. Bucky absolutely squealed as cackles bubbled out of his mouth.
Peter stared, mouth agape in shock.
"STEHEHEVE WAHAHAIT!" Bucky begged as he was hoisted over Cap's shoulder, the backs of his thighs being ruthlessly squeezed.
"Looks like I'm not the only ticklish supersoldier around here." Steve grinned, practically throwing Bucky onto the couch next to Peter and letting his fingers skitter along Bucky's collarbones.
Peter laughed. "Is every super hero ticklish?"
Steve paused for a minute to let Bucky catch his breath. "It seems like it." He said with a small laugh.
Bucky grinned from under his friend. "But we could always check…"
It only took the pair exchanging a playful glance for Peter to put two and two together. Unfortunately, Peter barely had time to squeal before the two super soldiers tackled him.
The poor kid was screwed before he even hit the floor.
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morverenmaybewrites · 5 months
Hi! How about 🌈?
Hi, anon! Thanks for participating in the ask game!
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
I legitimately looked at this and said, "I have nothing."
But, after scouring through my files, I did find something! Have a fluffy scene between Kyoujurou Rengoku and the reader.
A WIP I'm working on featuring the reincarnated lovers trope! (Something I am very much a sucker for).
You stood there, unsure of what else to say, and Rengoku didn’t seem in any hurry to leave. For some reason, you found yourself staring at his hair–the red and blonde were so vivid that you imagined that he would be hard to miss, even in the dark. And unruly, too. There was a portion of it at the top of his head that just refused to lie flat.
You were not sure what came over you then, perhaps it was the alcohol, or the exhaustion of spending an almost full day without sleep. Or perhaps it was something else, something old and familiar and half-remembered. Like shapes seen through foggy glass, you remembered–or thought you did–that you were the one who always used to brush his hair.
You touched his hair, at that exact place where it stuck up, and smoothed it back away from his forehead. You remembered too, that once, you had risen up on the tips of your toes so you could kiss him.
Then, a light came on in one of your neighbor’s houses. Someone’s dog barked.
And the spell was broken.
You snatched your hand away as if it had been burned.
What were you doing?
You barely even knew this man.
Your face was burning with shame.
“I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me–”
Kyojurou. His name is Kyoujurou.
You could barely get the words out, they stuck to your throat and threatened to choke you. It took several minutes before you could look Rengoku in the face. But he didn’t look angry, the way you expected him to be. Instead, he looked…happy, his smile was the brightest it had been all night.
“No, don’t apologize! That was quite nice. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to do it again.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded.
“You don’t need to do that,” you mumbled. “I was being stupid I–”
Remembered something that didn’t exist.
But the words lay in the hollow of your throat like stones. It was stupid to think of them as memories, and even worse to speak them aloud. Instead, you let the silence stretch out between you. You stared at the ground between your feet, unable to bring yourself to look up at him again.
It was Rengoku who broke the silence, and when he spoke, he sounded a lot closer to you than before.
“I’m not lying to make you feel better,” he said gently. “I really don’t mind what you just did.”
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byooregard · 1 year
good ace attorney fanfics.
according to me. im the worlds pickiest fanfic reader tho so if i say its good its good. mainline series; here's good dgs fics
Trilogy centric:
and we'll toast these stunning ruins by ohallows [~9k; oneshot]
He pulls the door open and all his thoughts grind to a halt. Miles Edgeworth is standing there, dripping with rain and looking a bit like a drowned cat. If Phoenix was being honest, he’d almost forgotten about him being back amidst the chaos of the day and the conversation with Maya. It’s a novel experience, actually; he can’t remember a time when Edgeworth wasn’t hovering, wanted or not, near the forefront of his mind. But he’s here - he’s real, standing on Phoenix’s doorstep in his dingy hallway in an apartment complex that probably costs less than Edgeworth’s entire salary, looking awkward as all hell.
[wonderful expansion on the whole Thing Phoenix & Edgeworth have going on during Farewell my Turnabout. its so messy i love them. General stamp of approval also on everything this author writes.]
Marriage, Magic, Misunderstandings by theacegrace [~20k; oneshot]
When Mr. Nick gets disbarred, Pearl decides there is no better opportunity than this for him to finally move to Kurain Village so he can be with Mystic Maya. With the help of Mr. Nick’s new daughter, she decides to plan the perfect wedding for the two of them, and won’t let anything get in her way. After all, Mr. Nick and Mystic Maya are in love… aren’t they? (AKA: Pearl and Trucy plan a wedding, and neither parties involved want it.)
[Love how this one takes a joke from the games that is stupid and often uncomfortable and gives it such depth and weaves a beautiful story out of that. Shoutout to ao3 user theacegrace everything they write is a banger.]
A False Start by theacegrace [~50k; 5 chapters]
Twenty-one year old Miles Edgeworth finds himself reconsidering his perceptions of State vs Fawles after running into an old friend at a train station, carrying a suspicious necklace and in a relationship with a suspicious woman. And perhaps he could ignore it, except it’s a little hard for him to ignore a particularly clingy, emotionally volatile Phoenix Wright. AU. Miles and Phoenix meet while Phoenix is still in college. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Apollo Justice (game) centric:
Alternative Dispute Resolution by FaustianAspirant [~19k; 5 chapters]
In a fit of impulsiveness, Klavier asks Apollo on a date. Unexpectedly, Apollo accepts, but under one condition: in the interests of avoiding further awkwardness, Klavier must resolve his remaining differences with Phoenix Wright. What follows is excruciating for everyone involved.
[This is my favorite Klavier fic. It has everything a girl could want: exploration of the small glimpses we got of whatever the hell is going on with Klavier Gavin (& his brother) in aa4, resolution on Klav and Phoenix's relationship, and the best fake Gavinners song & album titles I've ever had the pleasure to read. If nothing else, read this one for this line:
How fitting, though, that he is destined to be a martyr for love! It’s just like in that track on the Gavinners’ third album, ‘I Would Do Anything for Judicial Impartiality (And Also Love)’, or that other track on the Gavinners’ third album, ‘Stop in The Name of The Legal Authority I Legitimately Wield (And Also Love)’.
Also like, the rest of it. Perhaps the best thing about this fic is how it manages to weave absolutely insane ace attorney bullshit like the Gavinners song titles with such depth of characters and emotions.]
Fuel for the Funeral Pyre by MoominQuartz [~7k; oneshot]
Kristoph Gavin wants him dead? That’s fine. Phoenix Wright wants him dead a thousand times more. If he expects Phoenix to lie down and let the snake bite him, that just means he won’t be looking for the trap lying in wait. A look into Phoenix's head during the seven-year gap
Everything Good (Eventually Hurts) by Wildfey [~10k, oneshot]
Phoenix: I'm talking about evidence that shouldn't have existed. A naughty magician's trick...
The second time that Trucy's life falls completely, irrevocably off its rails, it’s a Friday, and she doesn’t even notice. A story about what Trucy was doing during the events of Turnabout Trump.
[everything by this author is also good 👍]
The Phoenix, and Other Early Birdsby Wildfey [~100k; 16 chapters]
Wright grimaces. “Sorry to tell you this, but as of six hours ago, I’m officially a stay-at-home dad rather than a lawyer. I might be able to recommend you someone else if-” “That’s why I’m here!” Apollo half-yells, and then feels the tips of his ears flush because he just shouted over Phoenix Wright. “I know we’ve never met before, Mr Wright, but I think you’re being framed, and I want to help you clear your name!” ~*~ In which Apollo is 15, Trucy is 8, and Phoenix is very confused as to where all these children keep coming from. (Also known as the 'Apollo goes to the Enigmar trial AU')
Wrong from Right (Wright from Wrong) by Wildfey [~9k; oneshot]
“I’m not sure what exactly you want, Herr Wright,” he says instead, flattens his voice down so neither anger nor tears leak through, and tries not to wince at the fact it defaults to friendly but distant charm instead. Like Wright’s an overenthusiastic fan who’s caught him while he’s busy and won’t take a hint. Wright knocks a fist against the doorframe, somewhat absent-mindedly. “I want lunch,” he says, finally. “The bus takes forever, give me a lift back into the city, will you?” In which Klavier and Phoenix are smart enough to finally have that conversation about the past, and dumb enough to do it in two parking lots and a burger barn drive-thru. There's no accounting for taste.
disillusioned twenty-something(s) by kitelines [~2k; oneshot]
She’s known him only a week, but it’s already clear to her that Klavier Gavin has high expectations of the world around him. And Ema hates people who have high expectations. It’s unrealistic. It’s blind naïvety. You have high expectations, and you set yourself up to fail. It’s something she’s seen time and time again. And it’s a lesson Gavin needs to learn, starting off small—because it’s 8AM at a murder scene in a 7/11 and he’s already dipped his hand into her bag of Snackoos that she’d taken the only one grieving. (Post AA4, Klavier-centric, not shippy.)
The Devil's Brother by ItsyRoyal [~6k; oneshot]
When Vera is lost in grief and afraid to face the empty studio where her father should be, Klavier offers her a place to stay. She quickly realizes she's not the only one grieving. (Post AA4, Klavier-centric, not shippy.)
In Better Light by cosmogyral & sunsmasher [~60k; 7 chapters]
Apollo’s been stationed at the Los Angeles Shatterdome for just over a week before a young woman his exact height pops out of a basement stairwell and says, “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
* AA4/Pacific Rim fusion. Apollo and Trucy save the world. Phoenix and Edgeworth help.
[I think about this AU every fucking day. there's goddamn themes and narratives in here; this is the absolute pinnacle of what fanfic aus can do. someday in the distant future i hope to be able to create something half as incredible as this. also; both of the authors generally have good works]
forty years in the wilderness (and the following holiday weekend) by sunsmasher [9k; oneshot]
Miles Edgeworth comes home five weeks after Phoenix finishes rebuilding the jury trial system with his own two fucking hands.
[bookmarker's note: augh, yeah.]
no feeling (is final) by zombiekittiez [5k; oneshot]
Mr. Wright marks the date on their official wall calendar, a freebie from the grocery store that features seasonal produce. “Not every day you get to see a murderer marry the guy she framed for it,” he quips. ~~ Alita Tiala serves three years in the state penitentiary; Wocky Kitaki marries her anyway.
[bookmarker's note:👍👍👍]
selected conversations from the magisteel discord server by liilllyyyy [~30k; oneshot]
A comedy of errors, ft. Discord shenanigans, friendship, gay pining and more!! aka. Miles Edgeworth and Maya Fey co-run a Steel Samurai/Evil Magistrate discord server; neither knows who the other is. What happens next will shock you
[This is the only chatfic ever. no chatfic will ever be this.]
The Catch-Up Game by theacegrace [~60k; 9 chapters]
With his daughter away for the year on a magic show tour, Phoenix’s life is upended enough as it is. The realization that his childhood best friend and courtroom rival may be in love with him, and the complicated feelings that come with that, are the last things he needs. Written for narumitsu week 2020, each chapter loosely based around the prompts: family, marriage, free day, pining, opposites, AU, hurt/comfort, and future.
[I've read this one multiple times, and it's still the Definitive Phoenix Fic in my head. This is the culmination of his development throughout the games that I had wanted so badly, and for that it has the absolute highest honors a fanfic can get in my head. 10000/10]
pressure (pushing down on me) by ApprenticeofDoyle [~130k; 7 chapters]
Dahlia Hawthorne is going to prison, and Phoenix Wright is a free man. Mia Fey takes one look at the glassy-eyed teenager collapsed on her couch and thinks, by the Mother, this kid needs therapy. Luckily, she knows somebody. (Or: Six times that Phoenix Wright needs help, and one time he gets it, without even having to ask.)
The Art of Personal Transfiguration by estelraca [~9k; oneshot]
Athena convinces Simon to stay at her place for a few days while he's getting his feet under him after his release from prison, and the two of them spend some time trying to get to know each other and themselves again. Post-Dual Destinies.
Of Haircuts, Pocketwatch Chains, Other Uninteresting and Undesireable Things, and Generic Wholecloth Christmas Magic by ribbontype [~9k; oneshot]
Phoenix finds an old gift lying around that he had meant to give to Edgeworth years ago, and Edgeworth finds himself obligated to return the favor. Meanwhile, Phoenix continues to live his life. Neither of these things are particularly easy. They are also not as hard as Phoenix and Edgeworth are making them.
[bookmarker's note: this guy fucking gets it]
The Turnabout Job by ribbontype [~15k; 2/6 chapters finished]
“Please, Mr. Edgeworth! Please! You know how the police in this country are - how our laws are. You’ve seen the way people are rewarded when they try to do the right thing the right way,” In a kinder world he could have disagreed with her, but they’re not in a kinder world, they’re in Los Angeles. “I don’t need the police. I need a good man who wants to help.”
Edgeworth makes a mistake that has him straying farther from the path of the courts than he ever has and, even worse, it could mean other people are going to go down with him. After seven long years abroad, his ill-advised stint back in Los Angeles forces a reunion of allies who had long since gone their separate ways. It'll take one last big turnabout to right the wrongs they've done. Just one big job, then everything can go back to normal
[grabs you. ace attorney leverage au]
i havent written anything ace attorney really but i've been your host ao3 user kaetor if you want to see. idk my other bookmarks
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snow-and-saltea · 9 months
People I'd like to know better
Tagged by @paleasamoon (hi tex i love you tex sorry this took a year) (HEH. get it. cus you tagged me last year. heh.)
Last song: just putting on yt music as im reading manga and talking to muwi, and now its playing burn for you, from the bridgerton musical! (i don't know watch or follow it) (it's just a nice song) but i'd also like to recommend this song
Favourite colour: YELLOW!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛
Currently watching: my computer screen writing this up
Last movie / TV show: skip to loafer! i was screaming with muwi the entire time bc the story was so sweet and healing and everyone is so sympathetic and cute and we kept being like AAAAAAAAAA I LOVE WOMEN FRIENDSHIPS SO MUCHHHHHH
Spicy/savoury/sweet: sweet! if i could choose a combo, i like savoury-sweet. i like spice but only if i like the flavour! i'm not keen on the actual pain sensation of spice!!
Last thing I googled: hummmm i don't remember... i think a marinade recipe i made yesterday night? i made a korean base marinade for some lamb chops!! i cooked them today and invited my sister to eat with us, it was rlly yummy!
Relationship status: single! waves my aroace flag!!! i'm curious about how it feels to be in a relationship but it's not smth i try to actualize LOL i'm content w reading my shoujosei man-ga/hwa/huas <33
Current obsession: idk if i could call them obsessions yet but right now i'm really invested in sousou no frieren (anime only, havent caught up to the manga), skip to loafer (same there), and i'm looking for more wholesome healing stories. although now that i'm going through my reading lists for stories i've dropped, i'm laughing at them fjaksfjkasfj
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(i promise this one has proper context bc i usually like pacifist mcs just bc i like politics and connection seeking to be based on a foundation of empathy and kindness. but this one was just so stupid and just a way to establish how good the mc was to the point that i couldn't get immersed in the story bc it was that nonsensical and i wanted to die)
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i'm typically fine w mary sues / jane(?) FLs and i even tend to be biased for them just bc there's a lot of misogyny about the subject matter, so i normally don't bat an eye unless it's a writing choice i find unsuitable / doesn't fulfill the potential it could've achieved with an interesting plot.
(btw the context is that the first screenie which this rant also applies to was when some guy caught the baddies and the FL is like "No let's reward them for trying to kill us. they're just misunderstood!! i bet if we try really hard we can all get along!!")
but! i only really like it when it actually does something useful, like thematically or symbolically. like tohru's innate goodness for furuba inline with the sohma's family curse and mitsumi's unending positivity and earnestness that helps the people around her heal from emotional wounds. not that they're mary sues in any way, but since people understand mary sues as "female protagonists who can do no wrong and will be liked no matter what" (even thought their psychology and personality is just genuinely likeable), i think it makes my point clear. there's a way to write a character who is Good and Kind without cheapening them to a naivete that at best, makes the mc pitiable, or worst, is treated like the mc's totally unique worldview of "lets be nice to people and never hurt anyone ever :)" is the end all be all of the story and the solution to the plot. kindness and empathy is a coiled spring that projects you forward, a motivator. it's how you guide your hand and where it goes, not that the hand is never raised. i don't agree that cowardice towards change and the potential promise of conflict is any kind of wisdom >:T plus it kinda puts the shame to the idea of kindness as a legitimate basis for political strategy, and that leads to some set up for a lot of zero sum games i don't care for in this specific story. there is a good story where each character is trying to one up each other politically, psychologically, at all times, but this is not that story and so the tone feels very off kilter.
but yeah!! sometimes a character is just OP and the story is not even having fun with it (aka its not satire or irony), which makes me think they want to take it seriously. and my serious thoughts was that it sucked.
(i just realised this also applies to the first screenie LMFAO it just loops back huh!!)
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not gonna comment about the others bc i think they speak for themselves <33 but also the first one of these three is fucked up in the sense that i dont even get where they're going w the story. its a revenge story and the FL uses the ML from childhood to achieve her revenge, but then suddenly when he's an adult she has Feelings for Him and now im like.... okay....? belief no longer suspended. beliefs are like those garter straps that snapped. my socks are like my beliefs. fallen to my feet. they are no longer suspended.
sorry that got off track </33 i enjoy looking into why i dont like things, im in this stage of life where i realise i actually have specific ass tastes!! i always have, but i just realised it very recently a few years back fjskfjskjf
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