#i'm usually acab
illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Captain John Darius, Inside Man (2006)
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virtualcarrot · 2 years
[DE] musing abt the limits of superficial acab discourse and the way fandom deals with moral discomfort, I guess
“ACAB”, “the only happy ending should be leaving the RCM”, “you’re a terrible person if you draw/write these characters enjoying the sort of corrupt cop stuff that they canonically do in-game” discourse is killing meeee
God forbid you don’t performatively remind everyone that you do hate cops, actually; and god forbid that you don’t find that True Healing and Happiness for Disco Elysium’s characters can only be achieved by leaving the force.
Metas could be written about how Kim and Harry are actually deeply flawed people who enjoy wielding some form of authority in a way that they actually feel best working as cops
(is it healthy? no. is it Good™? no. Is it true to their character? this is where media interpretation comes in)
Metas could be written about how that doesn’t mean ACAB isn’t real, that just means they’re the kind of shitheads (that we, the players, still love) who enjoy being cops
Metas could be written questioning the amount they’d have to change to adapt to a life as civilians, how much and what kind of a push they’d need to go for it,  if it’s change they could even manage, if they could financially survive it, if they could find fulfillment in any other career, at their age
But no. Why waste time on that instead of easy slogans. I mean, we like them, these characters, and we don’t want to feel guilty for liking them, because what does it say about us, then, that we like flawed cops?
(nothing it says nothing it says we played a good nuanced extremely well-written game that skillfully made us like the sort of character whose past actions include sequestering some woman and beating a dude into disability. that’s what it says. i’d even argue that discomfort is part of the point)
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mike-haters-dni · 1 year
okay yes hop has probably atoned for his sins by now and his monologue at rock bottom was really good but it still pisses me off sometimes idkk. im just waiting for the payoff of seeing him actually DO better this time😭
and exactly! the angst in s2 is like- messy- but that’s good television! it gave us a top 5 millie preformance how can i even be mad
men in stranger things are weird sometimes cuz you have to overlook their CRIMES, (i’ll be like “omg jancy!” then i REMEMBER…) it’s weird when a character is randomly at their worst for a scene or a season just to meet the story’s requirements
jopper can scream at each other all sam and diane for nostalgia in s3 but when you look at it in a larger context it’s kinda dicey. like how weird of hop to doubt her when he already knows to trust her instincts.
and also it’s just like- nobody drags him enough for me! he’s so loved- male characters can do ANYTHING kinda- so i have to get him. out of principle. and i see that hopper (and like david harbour) is too important to kill off in the show and that him and el’s relationship isn’t all lows, not even in s2. i think i’m just bitter that 1. st tiktok treats el like she was SO unreasonable in that scene>:( (i need to stop going there it makes me want to rant on tumblr) and 2. how much time was devoted to bringing him back last season like my cali boys were so neglected. :( (after 2 failed prison escape attempts i was like (why i am still looking at this insanely bruised man) so-
but yeah i need to stop typing now cause i have a million thoughts in my head about hopper and the way that he is. and the way the show treats him. (how funny is it that even the viewers can have a complicated relationship with him. maybe i’m not giving the writers enough credit in that regard)
: )
-No like, I agree 100%. We forgive but we never forget
-I have a hard time even being really mad at Jonathan for the Incident cuz like, that was such a weird ooc moment that was clearly just so the plot would happen. Like he got possessed by the spirit of the writers to do that shit. And like I can't even be mad at the writers either because like, the plot they were servicing is really fucking good? I might be the only person in the world who thinks this but I think this show is phenomenally written esp from a plot structure perspective. Near perfectly even. Like this show single-handedly instilled a sense of how to do super satisfying setup and payoff, and how to have every scene push multiple things forward, and how everything seen on screen needs to be relevant to as much as possible. Its so tightly written that its like...yeah Jonathan had to do that shit. It allowed like 3 perfectly intersecting plotlines to play out. There was no other option. And like there probably was and maybe I'm coping or whatever but like...idk it's perfect to me :) But still we forgive but we never forget. And we only forgive after they display a marked change in behavior. And we still never forget <3 (side note: remember when El dumped him and Mike ((and Lucas)) went full andrew tate for a second? That's the one thing he's ((they've)) actually ever done wrong lmaooo ((tbf they were also 13 so like)))
-Who tf is saying she was being unreasonable??? child???? traumatized??? isolated in a tiny cabin for a year?????? With Hopper?????? A cop????????? HellO?????????? Bro ppl HATE her bro this needs to stop
-I think the biggest problem with the Russia plotline is just that it's not fun? Watching Hopper get tortured in a labor camp is not fun? I came here for 80s vibes, friendship and supernatural shit and it only delivers that whenever Joyce and Murray are onscreen (who are really fantastic together tho) and once the monster finally shows up way too late into the proceedings. There should have been inklings of monster throughout to add some intrigue and let us know that this was all going to have a point that tied into the plot of Stranger Things the 80s Monster Show. But alas.
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dohdohisland · 1 year
a youtuber I like released a video discussing information about how horrifically corrupt and evil the minneapolis police department is.
it contains a lot of graphic descriptions of their disgusting violence and abuse of power so tread cautiously, but I genuinely think it's really eye opening for people who may not be aware of just how awful the mpd really is.
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james-is-nasqueer · 9 months
uuughhh fuck cops
#my friend and I were parked in my car (I'm 20 usually passing as M but my license still has my deadname etc and my friend is a baby so 17F-i#a hs senior still. And I only just turned 20#Our age difference is two grades yknow)#and straight up we were parked at our hs hust talking for like 10 minutes when a freaking sheriff pulled up shined his lights and approache#We were literally 2min from their house btw. Fr#And we explained that we were just talking yknow but ughh he took both our IDs and looked us up and everything. Even asked if we had illega#Substances in the vehicle (I wasn't thinking and while grabbing my wallet from the backseat put my jacket in the back so yea ig)#He asked how old we were first too and yeah just ugh#We're both gay in the wrong directions too like smh and yEah their parents know where we are#Who would do drugs and/or sex in the high school parking lot on a Saturday. HUH#Meanwhile I would literally do this for HOURS at a time while in hs. Srsly.#And the first time I do it in a year+ for TEN MINUTES. cop. Wtf#I think the only reason we got away without loitering fines was 1. We have clean records and 2. It's public property. Idk if you can charge#that yknow#Imma look it up but anyway#Fuck cops#Acab always#My friend is a woc btw. So I was a little on edge cause of how our area is especially#But yeah to him it probably looked like creepy college guy preying on hs girl but i sweear nooo xD#I was also outed to him obviously and 😀 that was. A moment. I saw a look in his eyes after lol#Cause my voice is DEEP now#: )))
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adair-the-bard · 1 year
doing connections essays is just trying to think of aspects and being so excited to get one and realising its just the thesis but rewritten
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sporadeen · 2 years
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messengerhermes · 2 years
I wonder if there's been any research on how frequently guns show up in people's nightmares based on the number of mass shootings their country has.
Because I've been having a nightmare week, and I think at least half those nightmares involved getting shot/fighting to stop someone from shooting people.
Most of the shooters in my dreams were cops, so I wonder if research has been done about nightmares in fascist countries and how often representatives of the state feature as the main fear.
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shapelytimber · 6 months
Hellsing wives !!
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the end of Hellsing is my roman empire
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Bonus sketch, process and rambling below vvv
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I don't usually share my sketches, but this one was cute :))
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Hello welcome to my rambling zone, I have the bad habit of taking notes during the night because I'm an insomniac- enjoy ! And remember everything here is just my opinion written at 5am
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about Seras, because on one hand there is a lot I hate about her character :
-I *hate* her design. She is sexualized in a way that makes me really uncomfortable
-She is always the character that brings the worst part of the show (especially in the beginning) : the humor (and misogyny). She is treated as both the audience surrogate, and a comic relief, and that's a mix that do not work for me (and if you add the fact the humor doesn't make me laugh, and that she is more often than not treated as a pair of boobs and not a character- well it's hard for me to take her seriously)
-she was a cop (acab). And Alucard doesn't let me forget that because he calls her "police girl" the whole fucking show.... (But I can't complain about that because I kind of liked the pay off-)
-I find her romance with Pip boring (mainly because I find Pip boring I'm sorry), even tho I liked where it went. But if I find the man more interesting dead idk if that's a success.
-Her last apperance will always enrage me. After all her character growth, after you thought the writers *maybe* respected her a bit more..... One of the last thing you see from her is a panty shot. How to spit in my face for enjoying the ending ig
But on the other hand, despite all that.... The end of her character arc was kind of sick and she gets a lesbian ending lgkgkckgj so 5/10 character could be worse ig
But the shit that gets to me about all of that... is that I know Hellsing can pull off great women characters !! Integra is *right there* !!!
All of this to say I like doing fanart of mid medias I love because I get to fix some aspects of the original I didn't like <3
PS : I know Alucard is "dead" during the 30 years after the final, but you can decide if he is the dog or if they adopted a dog that reminded them of him :)
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sobredunia · 6 months
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Hey guys is it just me or are the stars in the sky looking a bit weirder than usual
Alt version + tagging of the creators of all the starlos under the cut
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I was messing with this static filter thing and ngl it looks neat
anyways. tagging avalanche time. Left to right up to down
RustyRedemption!Starlo by EldritchDream_ on twitter (THE BODY/PLANT HORROR IS JUST *chefs kiss*) edit: THEY HAVE A TUMBLR THEY HAVE A TUMBLR THEY GET TO SEE THIS LET'S GOOOOO @eldritchdream99 LOOK!! ITS UR SILLY!!!
AntiMatter!Starlo by ghoulishthingz on twitter (I KNOW YOUR NAME NOW FUCKER. v good one ngl it fucks severely)
Hero!Starlo by @zedleaked (he b t-posing baybeyy)
Goldstar by @s0ckh3adstudios (fun fact I named the layer he's on "I miss my husband Tails". also this is the first time i've drawn him. and yet i've drawn utg chujin thrice already which i think says something. not sure what but it says something)
Gilded!Starlo by @moreworldliness (I LOVE HIM SOSO MUCH I JUST WANT HIM TO BE OKAY PLEASE)
VOACT!Starlo by mee :3
Sirius by @here1snyan (I don't need to explain myself you already know how insane this man makes me you've seen the dog art)
Nebula by @llamapear (THE FUCKING GUY OF ALL TIME)
Starry screen buddy by @therealcallmekd (i love his girl outfit i had to draw it)
Fell!Starlo by @pantamonte (he's so silly i want to see him flattened by a steam roller /pos)
Lover's amalgamate by @silverika326 (literally obsessed with this concept you dont even know. ive wanted to draw them for so long)
Devotion!Starlo by @specklx (really proud of how the pose came out ngl. he serves so much cunt)
Apollo by @vastrophel (not exactly a starlo but the design fucks how could i not draw him)
Cat!Starlo by @fivepedal (i lov. kimty :3 )
Starfell by @stringsbasement-vitale (he gives off ACAB vibes you just know he'd be a redswap starlo hater)
Redswap!Starlo by @wist-eri (I'm sorry i had to do it. i have literally never drawn this man in a serious situation/taking the situation seriously and I'm not gonna start now)
Hollow!Starlo by @floataaaa (literally the design of all time i love him)
Alright that's all of them. I have drawn so many stars my god
also. art taglist time
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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Podcast Elections: ACAB Edition
The introduction to this poll has been moved to the Voter's Guide (under the cut) due to length. Please ensure you are registered to vote in your local elections, should you be eligible.
*There is no lesser evil when the institution itself exists to exploit, oppress, and enact violence. I refuse to vote in this race, but I will vote in other races on the ballot.
Elections are coming up in the USA. I'm used to voting about twice a year, and understand how few measures and candidates are truly exciting to vote for. There's a lot of maintenance (renewing bonds and levies, voting against limitations to abortions, etc). Most candidates have significant flaws and even the ones who seem promising will probably fail to meet their campaign promises. It's boring but important. To me it seems that the dramatic races and measures are usually more threatening (so we vote against it) then promising (so we vote for it). City Council, County Chair, School Board, Water District, Library Board, and so on are all highly important, but candidates' platforms can be opaque, or there can genuinely be no good options. But if we want clean water, good education, freedom to read, an attempt at affordable housing, etc., then we need to care about these positions.
But then there's the elections that never feel good. The elections for who gets to lead the people we allow to murder with little consequence. The people in charge of institutions that I would rather be destroyed. Obviously there's the big one, but frankly due to the electoral college, the state I live in, and partisan races usually coming down to Party over Policy, voting in that election feels incredibly ineffective (but I do it anyways).
Another institution I don't like voting for is the County Sheriff, but at least my vote feels more influential here. As this is a nonpartisan position, this will be a runoff election. That means if no candidate gets greater than 50% of the vote we will hold another race between the top two candidates the following week.
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vg-k · 8 months
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୨୧ ㅤ🏺 ⠀⌒ ⠀ esp
(La verdad es que no se como comenzar este texto 😅.)
Estoy muy muy feliz de poder haber llegado a esta cifra de seguidores. Que a tantas personas les guste lo que publico y suelo hacer con mucho cariño me deja super contenta. Cada vez estoy más cerca de mi objetivo que es llegar a los 10k, confío en que podré alcanzar esa cifra pero se que no será fácil.
Al inicio fue un poco difícil y acabe desanimandome varias veces, tuve algunos hiatus simplemente por no tener ganas de hacer nada, pero eso ya pasó y ahora estoy mas motivada que nunca, aunque no creo que pueda volver a la época en la que publicaba 3 vezes al día.
Agradezco muchísimo a las personas que siempre me mostraron apollo, muchos de ellos ya no se encuentran más en esta plataforma o están en hiatus pero sigo a la espera de que vuelvan.
୨୧ ㅤ🏺 ⠀⌒ ⠀ pt
Eu acho que esse texto vai ser completamente diferente do que está em espanhol 😅
Bom, primeiramente quería agradecer a todos que sempre me apoiaram, todas as mensagens de carinho que tenho resevido me deixan extremamente feliz.
No inicio foi um pouco difícil, teve algumas horas nas que pensei em desistir e acabei ficando em hiatus em varios momentos, tudo por falta de motivação, mas agora não pretendo me afastar de novo da plataforma, talvez não possa voltar a época na qual fazia 3 post por día po falta de tempo, mas prometo que irei aparecer aquí todo dia.
Muitíssimo obrigada a todos de verdade, cada vez estou mais perto da minha meta que é chegar nos 10k, sei que não será fácil mas não irei desistir!
(Peço desculpas caso não tenha escrito algo corretamente. Para quem não sabe moro no Brasil más sou estrangeira, minha lingua materna é o espanhol)
୨୧ ㅤ🏺 ⠀⌒ ⠀ eng
I am very very happy to have reached this number of followers. That so many people like what I publish and what I usually do with a lot of love leaves me super happy. I am getting closer to my goal, which is to reach 10k, I am confident that I will be able to reach that number but I know it will not be easy.
At the beginning it was a little difficult and I ended up getting discouraged several times, I had some hiatuses simply because I didn't feel like doing anything, but that's over and now I'm more motivated than ever, although I don't think I can go back to the time when I published 3 times a day.
I am very grateful to the people who always showed me support, many of them are no longer on this platform or are on hiatus but I am still waiting for them to return.
    𓏲     ♥︎ special thanks ! And favs: @ya-ttori @markirlse @yu2ki @dollijongs @chilumitos @s-eulg @astroke @galavande @dollienini @v6que @flwzai @fuckici @fairytopea @gigittamic @s-heon @s-telar @im4yeons @kiyeuo @v6mpcat @bunnievr @jkghost @bambicito @taebook @s2bunnys @jjangblog @wiotas @chifuy-u @chnellir @hwchaey @yunjidoll @tookio @i-nabi @umiena @yeritos @blossomook @hechizadas @fleurjns @alfaire @sugarino @i6gyu @mimiszz @eun-luv @rosabie @yoshiks @yoonitos @y-vna @i04rei @y-unjin @japnz @chaey2k & more in the coments!!!!!
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someoneinjersey · 5 months
re: jon bernthal
I like him. I support him. Are there things about him I don't agree with? Sure. But I possess the critical thinking skills to be able to think about someone else's perspective.
He's a Jewish man. I'm sure the decision for him to support Israel (if he does, I haven't seen any definitive evidence except that he had an Israeli soldier on his podcast at some point) comes from a really complicated place. One of my closest friends from 5th grade to graduation is Jewish. Her parents even met at a kibbutz. She works for an organization to help Jewish people in America take trips to Israel. While her FB is private (and I left FB a long time ago), I wouldn't doubt for a second she supports Israel. But she was always one of the kindest and most generous people I ever knew, and I don't think she'd support anything blindly. I think Jewish people in the US are in a really rough spot right now and we need to recognize that as much as we recognize that the country of Israel is committing genocide. It's not as black and white for them as we non-Jewish folks want it to be.
Jon gave a domestic abuser a platform on his podcast. Yeah. A guy who he was friends with who was terrible and went through rehab and therapy and came out with a different perspective. I personally don't like that actor but I didn't enjoy him much after Transformers anyway. If we're close to someone and they do something bad, we usually give them a second chance, maybe more. We're supposed to support growth and change especially with those close to us. In my own life I still spoke to my abusive father for a time after my parents divorced and was at his bedside the day he passed. Another person close to me was accused of SA but I'd known them their whole life and couldn't fathom it being true so I stood by them. That's just life. Life is so fucking complicated.
Jon supports the police and the military. Of course he does, most of the country does and he's played a cop/detective/soldier like a dozen times in his career and spent a ton of time with them to learn about the jobs and the cultures within them. I'm pretty sure that's the first thing people got on his ass for -- not being all ACAB from the start and then later featuring police on his podcast etc. AGAIN, when you KNOW people, it's a lot harder to draw those black and white lines. I'm for defunding the police and reallocating the money for more productive services, I'm against police violence, I'm against the mass incarceration of minorities for minor infractions, I'm against prison slavery, all that shit, and I hate that stupid "thin blue line" nonsense. But I'm not gonna go up to every cop I know and tell them they're a piece of shit. I'm not gonna NOT call the cops when the local addicts go on a B&E spree to steal shit to pay their dealers (true story, we only didn't get robbed because someone is always home).
PLEASE fucking think critically and PLEASE realize that not everything is black and white and PLEASE let people enjoy shit that brings them happiness in this shitty fucking world.
And I'm not looking for arguments or debates on this, thanks.
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livinglycan · 5 months
☽ ~ The sand shifts beneath your paws and the scent of salt fills your nostrils ~ 𓃥
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ "𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚍, 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍" ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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Ello!! You can call me Theo, Ari, or Feng! I'm transmasc and my pronouns are He/It/That + any dog or (were)wolf related neos! I'm (feralromantic) aroallo, MLM/Gay, wolfdog freak, and objectum.
Feralromantic and wolfdog freak are both coins termed by me!
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I am a werewolf. This is not a kintype, I am physically a werewolf. I’ll still post under the werewolfkin tags because I feel like werewolfkin can relate to my experience. I am a therian and otherkin but stuff relating to that can be found on my main blog, @confused-canid where I interact from. I appreciate the use of tone tags for me!
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This blog is for me posting about me being a werewolf, or werewolf related things! This could be my selfships, art writings, etc.! My tags are: #Running with the wolves🐺 - Talking with my mutuals! #Howling at the moon🌕 - Original posts that are text! #Weird little claw marks✏️ - My art! This will usually be paired with text so it will be tagged as #Howling at the moon🌕 and as #Weird little claw marks✏️! #yapping back🌙 - Responding to asks! #Tasty posts🦴 - reblogs relating to this blog but not therian related or my own (usually used for posts I’m saving for later), #Rabies🥩 - Gore, animal death, and other things that make me hungry, #Home🌲 - Heart-home (Vancouver island) stuff, #Mother🏹🦌 - Artemis worship related things, #Little wolf🐾 - Agere posts (rbs and original ones
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~Harlequin great Dane
~Bottlenose dolphin
~Western coyote (unsure what type but one that lives in or near Kansas, prairie dwelling)
~Leopard seal
~ Rocky mountain Bighorn sheep
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~Two legged dragon
~Marble fox Kitsune
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~Equidae clado hearted
~Changeling holothere
~ Lemon shork (Kaiju paradise)
~ Like slime pup (Kaiju paradise)
~ Nightcrawler (Kaiju paradise)
~ Chocolate sprinklekit (Kaiju paradise)
~ Lockheed SR-71 blackbird
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DNI: Basic DNI criteria+, NSFW blog, make a lot of nsfw posts about werewolves, Radqueer, RCTA, Proship or any variants of it, Demonizes cluster B disorders or delusions/are an ableist, Zionist/pro Israel (Get tf off my blog. Seriously. Like, leave right now. I will maul you.), antikin, fakeclaimer, anti researched self diagnoses, pro Trump, pro Biden (Trump is bad and so is Joe. He is directly funding the genocide against Palestine.), anti ACAB, Pro contact for harmful paras (People w/ big 3 and other harmful (if acted on) paras can interact but don’t go against the rest of my DNI. I hope you can recover, I'm proud of you. You can do this.), anti atypical dysphoria, or are here to debate me about my identity.
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Anyways, bye creatures!
Last updated July Fith 2024
I live in the central daylight timezone / CT, in case you want to talk
a lot of this was just to show off these dividers
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^silly little werewolf gif collage ^^
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the1entirecircus · 5 months
Violent Apprentices
MEANWHILE in the bat cave, our heroes talk about their periling issues...
Flash (Barry Allen): ...and now he's back from the dead, and while he isn't killing as many people as before, he is still hurting people to extreme!
Batman: And did August have this level of violence before he became Godspeed?
Flash: No, August was like any other officer in the CCPD. Which is saying something, we have one of the nicer police forces in the country. (That's just a headcanon. Yes ACAB, but these bastards are nice)
Batman: The way you're describing him reminds me of one my old protege. Jason Todd.
Flash: The Red Hood?
Batman: Yes. Except, Jason learned the hard way of why he shouldn't kill. Although he did return to using guns.
Flash: Really? That's seems very...reductive.
Batman: Yeah, I was surprised too.
Flash: Heh, imagine if they met. Wouldn't that be terrific.
Batman: Don't make me laugh, Barry. It would be the end of the world if that happened.
Flash: Yeah it would...
*Meanwhile in a more crime-orientated area of Central City, danger was afoot as the Red Hood monitored Penguin and Captain Cold and The Rogues.*
Penguin: As you can see here, we have the latest equipment in subzero freezing based weaponry. Perfect for handling those pesky speedsters! Wank!
Captain Cold: How much for the freeze grenades?
Red Hood: Snart, they're free if you really wanted them.
*All weapon were aimed at the anti-hero, ready to fire.*
Penguin: RED HOOD?! You followed me all the way here!
Red Hood, with both of his guns brought out: Yeah, because you're not supposed to be here. Now pack things up, and waddle your ass back to Blackgate before I make.
Captain Cold: I don't think you're the one to talk here. Me, my buds and sis take on the Flash every day. A guy who looks like he came from Mortal Kombat and carries guns doesn't scare us.
Red Hood: Really? Well, I've fought Mr. Freeze before. You're just a watered down copy.
Captain Cold: Oh you are so...*a look of fear strikes Cold's face*...MIRROR MASTER NOW!
*Mirror Master rapidly fired his mirror gun at the equipment the Penguin had presented. Penguin squaked both from fury and surprise. He cursed at Captain Cold as he and the Rogues teleported away in a flash of light. But then came a brighter light. A white blinding light. Screams from Penguin's men followed as the light zoomed around the area. Red Hood reached for something in his utility belt but stopped when the white blur caught and picked up Penguin.*
Penguin: What are you??
*The man in the white and gold costume resembling the Flash's uniform pulled the crime lord closer.*
"I am Godspeed"
Red Hood: Put the crime lord down!
*Godspeed glared at Red Hood and the guns he pointed at him with. The masked vigilante tossed Penguin aside and approached the Gothamite. Red Hood pointed at Penguin.*
Red Hood: Go anywhere, and I will make you a legless bird, got it?
Godspeed: I can stop a pullet the second it leaves a gun, who do you think you are?
Red Hood: I'm Red Hood, I usually work in Gotham City.
Godspeed: Red Hood...the crime lord?
Red Hood: For a time, now I just do vigilante work against Gotham's elites. Basically what batman did before the crazies arrived.
*Red Hood walked over and cuffed Penguin.*
Red Hood: I'm starved, wanna grab some Big Belly Burger?
Godspeed: ...why not?
*our Anti-heroes munched and chewed on their burgers as they discussed their various adventures as masked vigilantes while sitting in a big belly burger.*
Red Hood: Are you sure you didn't hear of me? Because I had similar reasoning when I fought Batman. Although it was focused on just killing the Joker.
Godspeed: That was 100% my idea, I had no intentions of copying your actions. I also fully intended on killing everyone in the Flash's rogues gallery. But I did emphasize Reverse Flash because he killed Flash's mom. I honestly thought Flash would agree with me. I feel dumb for thinking that now, and for wanting to kill those people.
Red Hood: Mutual feelings, except I'll never feel bad for trying to kill Joker. That fucker has it coming.
Godspeed: How is he still alive? I know the Gotham justice system is bad, but I didn't think it was that terrible?
Red Hood: It is shit, but he just keeps coming back. Rumor has it, he's immortal. I don't believe it though. I think he was just a guy who wanted attention.
Godspeed: That makes more sense to me. He does seem like an attention whore. Reverse Flash is similar in my opinion. Except he specifically wants the attention from Flash. I mean he did kill my brother just to help motivate me into being Godspeed so that I would be enemies with the Flash.
Red Hood: He killed your brother? Joker killed my mom the same day he killed me! Well, he used a bomb, but still.
Godspeed: Joker killed you? Reverse Flash killed me!
Red Hood: That is so coincidentally strange!
Godspeed: I know!
"Oh you have got to be kidding me..."
*Both vigilantes look and see Barry Allen in his civilian clothing*
Red Hood: (Whispering) Is that...?
Godspeed: (whispers back) Yup. (speaks normally) What? Never seen two vigilantes eating at Big Belly Burger?
Red Hood: They do it all the time in Bat Burger over in Gotham.
Barry: ...I'm tired.
Flash: (while running through Central City) And so they're just talking about how similar they are. I think they're friends now.
Batman: (in the bat cave listening to the communication link) I'm not surprised, Red Hood was following a lead that Penguin was going to give new weapons to the Rogues.
Flash: Oh...wait what?!
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punkeropercyjackson · 21 days
Explanations for this post because i'm a yapper
Jason:Edgecase with a macabe origin story and post-ressurection effects on himself who believes in acab,is anti-rich out of growing up poor and refuses to live with Bruce again on anti-capitalist principal,an intersectionalist who respects other minorities deeply and stands in solidarity with them and after getting over himself(disrespectfully)has an actual good political stance on criminals and the justice system.Also positive and healthy masculinity instead of poser fuckboy shit
Tim:Skateboarder,Green Day fan,mouths off to authority figures,queer(canon bi)and does everything he can to help those in need and gets super upset when he can't do as much as he thought he could've regardless of circumstances.He puts his own cherokee spins on his vibes that white boys could never pull off
Duke:Post-dystopian troubled but good black punk kid who's a hope and light/sun-themed powered saviour of his people(Gothamites)and he'd totes use his powers for enviormentalist activism and he serves cunt so often in such a black femme swagger way i can't help but picture him in them glamrock drips from the 80s
Cass:Gruesome ahh who's super hardcore and explicitly uncomfortable with delicacy and any real femininity both in-text and as a character concept to defy easian woman stereotypes and thrives of the strange and weird and freakish and unsilenceble
Stephanie:Was a teenage anarchist vigilante against The Man(her dad AND the usual meaning)and isolated from her peers with no real friends growing up because of her no masking game audhd and her sense of community largely fuels her heroism and she's a girlypop with a taste for silliness and many softie moments and she's jamaican(-korean)so what belongs to the sea will always return
Damian:His stories and his personality when the writers aren't being racist give kids horror protagonist majorly and as Batman's biokid the gothness is genetic and he deserves to have happy kid interests(his favorite mascot is Domo♡)
Maps:Always wearing bright colors in civillian gear and her bouncy exuberant loud personality matches it and she's canonically a pro gamer,a supernatural junk nerd and a geek in general
Dick:With the exception of his disco era,i can't see him being alt but he DOES have an aesthetic and it's the 'Loving Doc(Dad of color)who's deep in his culture but open and understanding of newer things' energy he radiates
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