#i've seen the SHIELD files
flanaganfilm · 26 days
You said Six Feet Under is one of your favorite ones ever, so i wonder what your top 5 series are that are not focused on horror.
Honestly, there are no horror series in my top 5 at all - or even in my top 10. There aren't many horror series in the world PERIOD, never mind as good as:
The Wire Six Feet Under Breaking Bad Friday Night Lights The Shield Deadwood Treme (And, quite embarrassingly, I've never seen The Sopranos or Twin Peaks, so... I expect those will find their way onto this list once I finally catch up with them) The thing is, if you asked me to make a Top 5 list of my all-time favorite "horror" series, that's way harder. I dunno, I guess... The Twilight Zone The X Files Hannibal ... ? (For those suggesting Interview with the Vampire - a show I love so far - or other shows that are still ongoing, I can't include them in an "all-time" list until I see how they stick their landings. I've loved a lot series that didn't maintain a consistent level of quality, like Walking Dead, but for me to include them in an all-time list they've got to have ended and maintained their excellence throughout).
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Going to do a small ramble since janitors been getting some misgendering.
Imagine if for a second, janitor just corrected people on their pronouns. Like, sure their in a chaotic fast food place but the least a customer can do is accept the pronouns the fucking cleaner of the establishment uses. Maybe after a long hard day of work, FF! Reader just gives sulli a hug. They deserve it even in this murder happy and very questionably run fast food joint. Maybe they even just chill after hours in the building to just hang out. Idk personally think there's not enough fluff for them. (Side thing : what if janitor just had a they/them pin? I've seen more recently at least in my area service workers have rainbow or fandom pins and I think it'd fit them.) -🍭anon (sorry I haven't spoken in awhile, been very busy with life)
[I'll do you one better- FF Reader being the one to correct the customer. TW: Mention of misgendering]
"Um, excuse me, Sir? There's still no paper towels in the bathroom."
Why do they even bother? They've expressed their grievances to this customer multiple times - both in fact of them being busy with other work, and that the customer had mistaken them for something they weren't. They've tried to let it slide. They've tried to gently inform the customer of their preferred pronouns. No dice. Their head was pounding from the fumes of the chemical they worked with, and this was doing nothing to help it. Why did they come into work today.
"Listen, I'll get to it once I'm done mopping. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a-"
Soft squeaks resonate from the freshly cleaning floor as heavy steps race across it. A hand nabs the bottle of cleanser out of the janitor's hands - aiming the nozzle directly in line with the customer's eyes as its finger clamps down on the trigger.
The customer screeches - throwing their hands over their face to shield themselves as their eyes sting and vision blurs.
"Begone." Steadying your aim, you blast the customer with another face full of the unholy solution filing the bottle in your hands. Had to be some powerful stuff to get out the stains you see on the daily. Despite their arms blocking majority of their face, you manage to get a spray of the mixture in their mouth. They retch - tears and saliva dripping down their face as they spit.
"Agh! What the hell is wrong with you!"
"The fuck's wrong with you? I've been watching you all morning. There's a line between a mistake and being an ignorant asshole, and you've crossed it buddy. Go on, get - shoo, get the fuck outta here."
"I hope you know you've just lost a paying customer!"
"You say that like it's a bad thing. Go ruin someone's else's day."
The Janitor watches as you chase the customer out of the establishment, hurling obscenities and hitting them with another jet of cleanser whenever they turn to look back. You toss the now empty bottle at the hood of their car as they crawl in and speed away. Their heart pumps so loudly they can barely hear your steps as you return to their side.
"Sorry about using all your cleanser. Wanna go pretend to look for more in storage room and sneak out the back?"
The Janitor deadpans. "I used to think I was in love you.... It's gone far beyond just a thought now."
"I know." You throw your arm around their shoulder - allowing them to dump their weight on you as they go weak in the knees from the contact. You half carry them out the back door, sneaking off to where their van was parked outside. You hold your hand out for their keys which they readily give you. You help them into the passenger seat before walking around to the driver's side and hopping in. The Janitor's hand reaches over the divider, stopping just short of your arm.
"You good?"
Their head falls to your shoulder - voice strained as they rub at where their eyes would be. "Yea....Yea, I'm good. Thanks by the way."
You place your hand over theirs, squeezing it gently. "Eh, you and I are the one's keeping the hellhole in shape.. You deserve more respect than you get sometimes... Ready to ditch this place for the night?"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Hi hi its been a while since I've requested!
I was wondering if you could do Apollo, Jack the ripper, and Odin with a s/o who has sentient hair? Like their hair can grab objects for them hurt people etc also it's super long and indestructible, like let's say they were in a fight if a sword or spear were to try and cut it the sword/spear would shatter instantly.
Thank you so much if you do this! Also hope you have a great day and are drinking lots of water!!!
-Your ability was an unusual one, unique and strange, but also very useful and you could be quite dangerous when you wanted to be.
-You had unnatural hair, it was extremely long, but you could control every single strand with expert precision. You mostly used it for non-practical reasons, like reaching for stuff when you didn’t want to get up or using your hair to hold cleaning tools while you sat on your butt doing nothing but enjoying yourself.
-(Love) knew that you were powerful with your ability, but only when you wanted to be, so usually he only saw you like this, reading while your hair did all the hard work.
-He had seen you turn your hair into a powerful weapon, one that splintered shields and broke swords and other weapons with ease, as you were able to harden your hair, like it was a weapon itself- to fight with.
-He wanted to be exasperated with you, as you could do so much more with your ability, but it was hard to stay mad at you, especially when you would wrap pieces of your hair around his wrist, pulling him to you so you could hug him, or other cute things like that.
-Apollo- Adores your long hair, and he knows how hard you work to maintain it, washing it and brushing it and just taking care of it in general. Apollo loves to brush your hair for you, feeling the soft tresses falling through his fingers as you sigh softly in content- enjoying the pampering. Your hair stretched out grabbing the two flutes of wine, bringing them over to the both of you which made him chuckle before he pressed a soft kiss to the section of hair he had been brushing. He adored you.
-Jack- You were such a little gremlin sometimes- teasing him and trying to scare him with your hair, pulling yourself up to hide in high corners, just to jump down and spook him. You’re lucky he loves you! He’s so cute to fluster so you can’t help it. While he doesn’t admit it out loud, he does enjoy it when you bring him along to sneak up on others, as your hair can support the both of you while crawling around like some sort of spider like creature. He enjoyed you holding him so close to you when you pulled pranks like this. He wouldn’t change it for the world.
-Odin- Could only smile as he leaned his cheek on his fist, seeing you easily taking on a whole squadron of warriors, after a few claimed you weren’t as strong as you claimed to be. You didn’t see yourself as a violent person, however, you weren’t going to just stand by and let others insult your strength. You were just standing completely still, filing one of your nails, while your hair was doing all the work, easily grabbing the warriors, breaking their weapons when they tried to cut your hair, and just getting completely owned while you looked bored!! Odin chuckled as you skipped over to him once you won, your hair lifting you so you could wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a peck to his cheek, “The nerve of some people!” Odin just chuckled softly, holding on to you as you continued your walk.
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literaryavenger · 5 months
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Summary: You're part of the Strike team and join Captain America as he tries to live his new life in the 21st century. [Reader is NOT Hydra]
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Rumlow being a dick. Mentions of death. My poor attempts at being funny. Idk, everything else in the movie?
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: Happy New Year! This the first chapter in a new series I'm starting! I'm not sure how long it's gonna be yet, but I know it's gonna be longer than Broken. These series is about an alternate universe where the reader exists and lives through the events that happen in the MCU. A lot of the details will be changed to insert the reader, a lot of the lines said by other characters will be changed to be the reader's and I've also made up a lot of things and scenes and added them, trying my best not to change the official timeline and the main events. I hope you enjoy this and all chapters to come!
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“You heard the boss, newbie, text Romanoff and tell her to pick up Rogers.” Rumlow taps his knuckles twice on the table for emphasis before getting up and exiting the conference room.
You make sure he doesn't miss the way you roll your eyes at the now old nickname before writing ‘New mission, need you at the jet in one hour. Asshole wants you to pick up the old man in spandex’ on your phone and sending the message to Natasha, then you get up and make your way out of the room.
“Armory.” you say as you enter the elevator. 
“Confirmed.” the elevator voice says as the doors start closing. 
You suit up for the mission just assigned by Pierce and go to the jet to start doing the checkups you know the rest of the idiots on the STRIKE team won’t even think about doing. 
After making sure everything’s ready and in order, you can do nothing more than wait for everybody else.
Natasha and Steve get there exactly an hour after your text. 
“Right on time.” you point out.
“It wasn’t a coincidence, YLN.” Natasha smirks, making you laugh.
“Cap.” you greet him with a smile that he returns. “Y/N.”
The rest of the team meets you a few minutes after. “Ready for take off.” Rumlow says to the pilot and the jet takes off.
Once you get close to the target Rumlow starts briefing Steve and Nat. “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.”
“Any demands?” Steve asks.
“A billion and a half.” Rumlow answers.
“Why so steep?” Steve questions frowning.
“Because it’s Shield’s.” you answer promptly, ignoring the scowl on Rumlow’s face that disappears almost immediately.
“So it’s not off-course,” Steve says, understanding flashing in his eyes as he glares at Natasha “it’s trespassing.”
“I’m sure they have a good reason.” Natasha offers.
“You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor.”-Steve seems really annoyed now.
“Relax, it’s not that complicated.” Natasha simply says.
“How many pirates?” Steve’s attention is back on the screen.
“Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.” Rumlow pulls up the photo of Batroc on the monitor and looks at you expectantly, making you roll your eyes.
Of course you’re the only one who actually looked through the files.
“Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. The guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.” you fill everybody in, although it was obvious most of the guys aren't listening. At least the Captain is.
“Hostages?” Steve questions you, but Rumlow cuts in.
“Mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” he shows his picture. You’ve seen Sitwell around headquarters, he seems pretty close with the STRIKE team. Not that you hang out much with them outside of mission, or at all for that matter. “They’re in the gallery.”
“What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” Steve asks more to himself, and he has a point. “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat and Y/N, you’ll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pots, get ‘em out. Let’s move.”
Yep, he’s definitely in Captain mode.
“Ay ay, Captain.” you salute with a smirk that mirrors Natasha’s while Steve gives you a fake annoyed look.
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow says but you’ve already started getting ready and stopped listening to him.
“Secure channel seven.” Steve says into his wrist communicator.
“Seven secure.” Natasha replies. “Did you do anything fun Saturday night?”
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so… No, not really.” Steve answers, making both you and Natasha laugh while the pilot lets you know that the drop zone is coming up.
“You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she’d probably say yes.” you point out, exchanging a knowing glance with Natasha.
“That’s why I don’t ask.” he fires back
“Too shy or too scared?” Natasha pushes.
“Too busy!” He yells over the wind as the door opens and then he jumps. 
You and Natasha both roll your eyes and look at each other smiling, not needing to talk to understand the other.
You barely register Rumlow and Rollins commenting on Steve jumping without a parachute before grabbing one for yourself and jumping alongside Nat.
You and Natasha have known each other for a while now, all the way back since she was first brought in by Clint.
You trained with both of them, went on countless missions together (yes, including Budapest) and you would’ve been right by their side in New York if you hadn't been on an important undercover mission and had strict orders directly from Fury not to blow your cover.
After that you got assigned to the STRIKE team by Alexander Pierce, though you still have no idea why. But orders are orders so you’ve been working with the idiots ever since.
But you and Natasha are thankfully still pretty close and your down time is spent mostly with her, sometimes also visiting Clint and his family at his farm.
 Nat’s still annoyed at Clint about naming his only daughter after you, middle name but still, and not her. But to be fair, you have known Clint longer, a fact that always amuses both you and Clint to bring up.
You’ve just landed when you hear Rumlow saying “you seemed pretty helpless without me” to Steve.
“What about the nurse who lives across the hall from you?” Natasha says.
“Yeah, she seems nice.” you add.
“Secure the engines, then find me a date.” Steve says in his captain voice.
“We’re multitasking.” Nat tells him before turning to you. “you take port, I’ll take starboard and we’ll meet at the rendezvous point”
“Copy.” you say and make your way to the engine room on the right side of the ship. You start taking down guys and can hear Rumlow saying they’re ready in position.
Just as you finish with the last guy you hear Steve calling your name. “What’s your status?”
“Port engine room secure.” you answer.
“Good, make your way to help Rumlow with the hostages.”
“Roger that.” you can almost hear him groan in annoyance as you smile while following his orders.
“Natasha, what’s your status?” you can hear her grunt while she fights through the comms. “Status, Natasha?” 
“Hang on!” She says as she keeps fighting. “Starboard engine room secure.”
You hear Steve countdown from three and then the team moving in on the targets, you get to the rendezvous point just in time to see Rumlow rounding the corner with the hostages on his tail.
“Hostages en route to extradition.” he says in his comms as you look around for Natasha.
“Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play.” you let Steve know while helping take care of the hostages.
“Natasha, Batroc’s on the move. Circle back to Y/N and protect the hostages.” he receives no answer and at this point you get a little worried. “Natasha!”
You want to go looking for her but you know better than to leave your post, and you’re also very aware that Natasha can take care of herself. 
So you keep protecting the hostages while listening intently to the comms where you can hear Steve fight, then you hear a voice you assume it’s Batroc’s talking French and are even more surprised to hear Steve answer back in French. Impressive.
You can hear him fighting again and then you finally hear Natasha’s voice but don’t pay too much attention to the conversation, bringing your entire focus on the hostages now that you know she’s okay. 
You’re helping people into the life-pods when you hear an explosion go off somewhere on the boat. You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath until you hear Natasha’s voice again and let it go, feeling even more relieved after hearing Steve too.
The ride back is very uncomfortable as you help Natasha with the minor injuries from the explosion, Steve refusing help and insisting that he’s fine, and in the mood he’s in you’re certainly not about to argue. 
As soon as the jet lands he stomps away angrily and you share a concerned look with Natasha, worried about what he’s gonna do next. 
You help Nat to the medbay and leave her there when she assures you she’s okay and to not make a fuss over her.
So you make your way to the usual conference room for debriefing but when you get there Rumlow very smugly assures you that you’re not needed at this meeting. 
You’re used to being left out of meetings with the STRIKE team and Pierce by now, since you’ve been forced to join you’ve been left out of more meetings that you’ve attended, but it still bothers you sometimes.
Still, at least you don’t have to spend too much time with those neanderthals. Not your circus, not your monkeys.
So you just make your way to the Armory to put away your gear and then the locker room to change and go home for what you think is gonna be the rest of the day.
A few hours later you find yourself in the hospital where the STRIKE team has been called in the middle of the night because, guess what? Someone tried to kill Director Fury. Or, as it turns out, succeeded. 
You’re behind Steve, Natasha and Hill alongside Rumlow and Sitwell, watching Fury flatlining and the doctors calling it.
You want to go with Nat to see Fury, be there for her knowing she cared about him as much as you do, but obviously Rumlow has to be a dick and order you to stay put. And, whether you like it or not, he’s your boss.
He rudely interrupts Nat and Steve’s conversation telling him they need him back at headquarters and you can already tell something’s suddenly off.
As much as Rumlow can be an asshole, he’s never been openly rude towards Steve.
You can hear Sitwell in your earpiece telling the team to bring Rogers in for questioning as he and Rumlow get closer.
“STRIKE, move it out.” he orders but you don't start moving until Steve’s by your side, giving him what you hope is a reassuring smile. 
When you get to the Triskelion Steve is taken to Pierce’s office and you get ordered to go to Forensics and check into the evidence found on the roof, then go to Operations Control and wait for there for further instructions, so you do. 
When you get to the control room you see Sitwell concentrated on a particular screen so you get close trying not to get noticed and see Steve fighting STRIKE and SHIELD agents in the elevator. 
You barely have time to understand what’s happening before he’s throwing himself off the elevator and lands on his shield near the entrance of the building. Thankfully Sitwell’s “Are you kidding me?” covered your quiet “holy shit.”
You’re in the room when Sitwell gives the orders to track down Rogers to all the Agents and when he’s done, you discreetly follow him and the rest of the STRIKE team out the room.
For a bunch of guys who work for a top secret organization they sure suck at knowing when they’re being followed. 
No one talks until they get to a deserted corridor. “Pierce is going to kill us. Rogers has the flash drive and can use it to find Zola. You fucked up big time letting him go.” Sitwell sounds pissed.
“Take it easy, four eyes.” Rumlow sounds just as angry “You’re not the one that got punched by a supersoldier.”
They keep talking about the flash drive and Steve and Pierce and Zola. That name sounds familiar but you can’t remember for the life of you where you heard it from.
Then it hits you.
Zola was a former Hydra scientist from World War II, turned ally when the war ended. Thank god the Howling Commandos were hot so you actually paid attention during that particular history class. 
You're about to turn away so you won’t risk getting caught eavesdropping when you hear your name being mentioned.
“Someone should keep an eye on her.” Sitwell says, making you worried of becoming the next Shield target, but Rumlow proceeds to ease your worries.
“That’s a waste of manpower. The whole reason she’s even on our team was so we could keep a closer eye on Rogers, but she just spends all her time with Romanoff.” 
So that’s why Pierce assigned you to the STRIKE team.
Yeah, you’re closer to Steve than most people but it’s not like you’re best friends, you sometimes hang out outside of work but most of your interactions are mission related.
You decide you've heard enough to kind of put together what’s going on, but there’s not much you can do to help Steve yet, not knowing where he is. So you stick to following the STRIKE team, praying that your absence in the control room goes unnoticed. 
STRIKE gets a hit on Steve’s location and you follow them in your car to a mall but think better than to follow them in, waiting patiently outside. 
After a few minutes you see Steve and Natasha in their not so well thought out undercover outfits and, once again, the Captain surprises you by hot-wiring a car. 
You follow them, more discreetly this time, knowing Natasha and Steve would be better at realizing they’re being followed. 
You get to an old army camp in Wheaton, New Jersey and are about to follow them in and make yourself known to them, but before you can get out of your car you hear the plan the STRIKE team has through your comms.
The idiots never even thought about using a different channel. Of course Rumlow would underestimate you this much. 
So you decide to drive deeper into the trees surrounding the camp to make sure you’re not visible and wait, knowing Steve and Natasha will need a fast getaway. 
You can do nothing more than watch as a missile hits the bunker and the helicopters start coming. You want to go and help them, make sure they're okay, but you will yourself to stay put and not give away your position. 
When you can faintly see Steve’s figure, almost running with what looks like Nat in his arms, you finally turn the car on and drive coming to a stop right in front of him and startling him to a stop on his tracks.
“Get in.” you urge him, and he seems wary of you, rightly so. “Come on, Cap, they can’t know I’m here!”
He seems to decide to risk trusting you and delicately sets an unconscious Nat down in the back seat before getting in the passenger’s seat.
As soon as his door is closed you drive away as fast as you can, heading back to Washington and you can feel Steve’s eyes on you.
“How do I know I can trust you?” he finally says after a minute of silence, his eyes never leaving you. “You’re part of them, after all.”
“I can see where you’re coming from, but trust me I’m not one of them.” You glance at him and you can tell that he’s not convinced yet, so you go on. “I didn’t even know who ‘them’ were before today. Apparently the reason Pierce assigned me to the STRIKE team was in hopes to get closer to you. He overestimated how close we actually are. If Natasha was awake right now she would tell you how much I hate working with those assholes��� You can trust me.”
You take a look at the rearview mirror and see Natasha, but her relaxed face does nothing to ease your worries. 
Steve seems to pick up on your concerns as his features soften and, ever the hopelessly optimistic, he chooses to believe you.
“Okay,” he says, “what do we do now?”
“We have to get you somewhere safe” you check your mirrors as much as you can, making sure you’re not being followed “I don’t know any safehouses outside of Shield's radar. We need a place we can go that they know nothing about.”
“I have an idea.” he says, you glance at him and see him already looking at you, so you nod.
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rallamajoop · 10 months
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Cultic Iconography in Resident Evil Village
As the kind of nerd who loves all the creepy artwork you can find decorating Miranda-shrines around the village (like, just check out that one of the half-skeletal Miranda hovering in the graveyard and just tell me that isn't metal AF), I was on the lookout for the original image assets while poking through the game files. I'm hardly an expert on Catholic or Orthodox iconography (plenty of which is creepy enough just to begin with), but I adore how you can see all those elements being twisted and appropriated by Miranda's cult. You'll find these six pictures plastered all over the village in various combinations.
So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find a whole extra batch of unused artwork in the same set!
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Lest you doubt these were all meant to go together, they all hail from the one big compilation file ‒ I've just cropped them out separately for ease of viewing. For all I know, maybe some of these were used somewhere in the game and I just never caught it (and if you have spotted any, please let me know!)
But taken at face value, our unused images consist of one picture of the megamycete, a 10-winged-madonna figure (why limit yourself to just 6?), a side profile of Miranda herself (possibly excluded because it shows off a little too much of her real face?), two images of dead crows, and (strangest of all) a man holding a goat head.
That last pic especially stands out ‒ and not just because I could (and, indeed, now have) legit write you a whole essay on just the significance of the goat's head motif as a protective symbol in the village (seriously, it's everywhere from the Goats of Warding to the symbol on the shield of the Maiden of War statue), so I'm going to be all over any new example. But who the hell is that guy carrying it? No other image centers anyone but Miranda herself as an object of worship. This looks more like someone's taken a generic pic of the likes of St Francis of Assisi hanging out with some animals (it's a theme, you can look it up), then just cut the poor animal off at the neck for added creep factor.
So do we take it that this guy was, at some point, meant to be another key figure in Miranda's cult? Or was generic-saint-with-animal-plus-extra-squick all they were really going for? Was it drawn before the writers made Miranda the cult leader? Or could this even have been intended (as the goats themselves seem to be) as some in-universe, pre-Miranda relic of an earlier era?
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Also interesting: he appears to be holding one of those ornate staves you can also see in the fire and skeletal images of Miranda above (and can also find in the field near Luisa's early in the game, before they're all replaced by charred, semi-crucified corpses). Did that symbol predate Miranda too? Fascinating, either way.
Those two crow pictures may be even more intriguing still. I'm sure we all remember that spooky batch of dead and/or hanging crows Ethan discovers at the start of his descent into the village, but thereafter nothing like that is ever seen again. Given that Miranda herself is so closely associated with crows, it's reasonable to wonder if this very-literal murder-of-crows was in fact some act of heresy by an unbeliever, deliberately hidden out in the woods.
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But if images of dead crows ‒ including one hung in the very same position ‒ were at some point intended to appear alongside other images of Miranda-veneration, then presumably veneration was always the intent for those dead crows out in the woods. Suffering is, of course, a key part of the stories of so many saints. And perhaps crows are sacred only in the same way that the goats are: ideal candidates for ritual sacrifice.
Much as I love all the concept art you can already unlock with the game, I'd pay good money for a proper artbook going into all this kind of design work. There's clearly so much more that went into the concept art stages of this game that I'd love to hear more about.
And while we're at it, here's a nice big version of the standard winged-fetus symbol too:
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raayllum · 9 months
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As always, a few notes:
1) Parallels to Ezran re: choosing to no longer run away under the goal of acquiring more power, but for Ezran it's to help / shield others (2x09-S3)
2) Terry begins this scene by being scared for Claudia, but that's not how it ends (more on that later).
3) A return to ice as a form of entrapment, which we've seen a few times now (aspiro frigis from Viren on three occasions, I think, Callum on one, Finnegrin's blood freezing spell later, and Ibis also used it on her earlier).
4) Claudia literally making a Circle / cycle with the water and some dark magic, using her opponent's strengths and magic against them.
5) There are also some parallels - specifically the encroaching edge towards the dragon's neck - that mirror shots of Claudia trying to stab Ibis in S4.
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A few more things:
1) It's worth noting that Claudia has like... zero context for this dragon. For all she knows, she and Terry could've wandered into its territory / river and that's why its investigating them. The idea that its politically motivated / wanting to stop her on her mission is an assumption on her part - even if she's not wrong to defend herself either, after it blasted her boat.
2) Irregardless, this dragon has no prior history with Claudia. It's not the dragon that hurt her brother, or the dragon queen, or anything like that. It's just a dragon who's bee following her for maybe two days. But Claudia doesn't see it as an individual, nevermind as a person. She sees it as a representation of its entire species. As a symbol, which we all know is a key road to depersonalization (Karim's entire issue with Amaya being the symbolism, after all, the same as Viren's old concerns about an empty throne being "a beacon/symbol of weakness").
3) Up until now, "times are changing" has been a hopeful concept of peace, that elves and dragons and humans can all learn to get along, and that change itself is mostly positive (with exceptions largely to dark magic users). Here, Claudia takes that sentiment, and completely repurposes it, much the way Viren took concepts of "a bright future for humanity" (language that Harrow, Ezran, and Janai have used) with a very different idea in mind of what positive change would actually look like.
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Quietly files this away into Callum's parallels to Terry / potential parallels to Ezran, if he's hesitant to do anything more with the prison than re-hide it, because Aaravos is already trapped, isn't he? while Callum and Rayla may press for a more permanent end.
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I've never subscribed to the theory/take that dark magic literally makes you worse / erodes 'goodness' (it's malevolent, but not that malevolent as a magic system), but I do think dark magic can very easily give you a bigger outlet for your worst emotions: in this case anger, resentment, and smugness, all qualities Claudia has expressed before. The dark magic here, imo, doesn't leave her eyes because she chooses not to be violent, but because she's having a literal moment of clarity: the dragon is afraid of her, and fear is a powerful motivator for almost anyone.
Terry, perhaps, included, seeing her make the right choice (like in 4x09) for even more of the wrong reason(s).
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Salvation II
Pairings: John Price x F!Reader
Summary: after a few months since his last visit, john finally gets the chance to see the girl.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tw:angst, fluff, slightly suggestive (not really) but just in case, mentions of abduction but nothing too explicit. kate shows up bc we stan🫶🏻 john being a softie 🥹✨💞also not proofread🐸
A/N: omg i can't thank y'all enough for the love the first part got🫰🏻🥰 I hope you like this part as much! Please remember english isn't my first language, corrections are appreciated as usual🩵
Masterlist✨ | Part I | Part III
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The soft sound of rain outside the house, lightning and a thunder shake the windows. Carrying two cups of hot cocoa in both hands as she walks where John is waiting for her in the living room. He's scrolling through his phone and immediately puts it down when he sees her. A soft smile makes its way to his lips.
She figured she'd make something warm for them to drink. The rain had come pouring down unexpectedly at the fair, which made them run to John's car to no avail. They were soaking wet by the time they reached the automobile, laughing and enjoying the presence of each other.
"We should take a bath before we get sick."
He had suggested, as soon as she opened the door. John had tried to shield her with his coat and beanie, although it could only do so much. Her teeth were chattering, still never losing that damn smile he had grown fond of.
So here they were now, engulfed in their pajamas ready to get some rest. The stuffed otter was placed on the sofa across from him. She handed John the mug to which he thanked and took a small sip.
"Probably not as good as your Earl Grey but..."
"It's perfect, love. C'mere." He pats the empty spot next to him. She obliges, crossing her legs as she sits. A comfortable silence falls between the two for a moment when the sky rumbles again.
"Doctor said once I'm able to go back to social life I should try to go on a date you know?" She began, shaking her head as if the mere idea was delusional. Her thumb absentmindedly tracing the rim of the mug. "Get to know people. She called it healing." She scoffs. "As if it was that easy."
Taking a sip, John watches as she bites her lip. He can't help it but a strange feeling sets in his gut.
"Is that so crazy, sweetheart?" She turns to him, studying his features with a small frown. "You deserve to be happy. Every single day, you deserve that and much more."
"I... I-" she stutters. "What if they think I'm weird John? I can hardly be myself. What happens when they ask about my life? I'm scared. Every time I close my eyes I'm back in that place..." she glances up to the ceiling, glossy eyes threatening to mimic the pouring rain outside. "I'm never going to be normal. Never going to be whole again...-
"Are you afraid of me?" He interrupts her, forcing her to turn to gaze at him. Swallowing saliva, she meets his bright blue eyes. He's dead serious. The cup long forgotten as he had placed it on the small coffee table. She shook her head.
"You saved me. You've seen what I've been through, and no,..." she stops him when he opens his mouth. "I know you've read the files. You must've in order to know what you were getting yourself into, John. And not just you but your team. And every time you look at me I see it. You were there when I testified... no one knows better than you... nobody knows me better than you." She's choking on her own words when she's finished, tears streaming down her face.
John wastes no time, pulling her into his lap as she hugs him as if her life depends on him.
It probably did.
Sobbing and hiding her face in the crook of his neck she feels the pain, the tension, the agony subside; John holds her small shaking frame against his body. He was often scared to touch her even if it was something so innocent like a hug. Something like this. Even when he wanted nothing more than to be near her. Be the one to shield her from the bad dreams, when the memories of the atrocious life she was forced to endure came to haunt her. He's tracing soft circles on her arm in an attempt to soothe her.
"I could never be afraid of you." She assures him.
"Do you know how many people I had to call?" Kate asks him not waiting for a response. Both looking at the girl sitting in the room behind the tinted window. "Twelve."
"I get it Kate." He grumbles. "Thank you. I owe you." He crosses his arms not losing sight of the girl he recently rescued. "I just wish they had given her more time to heal. She's in a bad shape, can't they bloody see?"
"I was thinking the same, but the clock is ticking. We can't afford to lose more time."
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's barely gotten any sleep since the mission. She had held his arm the entire ride back. Squeezing with all the strength she had left in her system
"What's gonna happen to her once this is over?"
Kate side eyes John, wondering why he cares so much.
"The NCA will take over from here. Most likely be put under witness protection and given a new identity. Just like the rest of the survivors."
"Hmm." Grunting he takes a step forward.
"John?" She quirks a brow.
"I might just need one last favor."
"Of course." She rolls her eyes feigning annoyance. "This is gonna cost you two tickets for the soccer game next week."
John turns to her.
"You mean the football match?" He politely corrects her.
"I meant what I meant."
"All I remember that morning is I was getting ready for high school. Said goodbye to my grandmother and left. We lived in a complex of apartments with an underground parking lot. She had an old red cavalier that belonged to my grandfather. Last thing I recall is opening the door and then nothing. Just... nothing for years."
She feels John standing up from the sofa carrying her body in his strong arms. She doesn't have to look, just know he's taking her to the bedroom. Before he can lay her down on the mattress she gets off of him. Bare feet touching the cool wooden floor. John is about to ask what's wrong. Maybe he made it look like...
She kisses him on the lips. It's quick and it takes him by surprise. Her cheeks flush and eyes go wide, he smiles fondly.
"Do that again." He prompts her.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" She asks with pleading eyes.
"For as long as you want me to." She grabs him by the neck and pulls him down to her level.
"It's okay John. Even if I have ghosts I know you'll make them disappear."
That's all he needs to hear. His hands find her waist, all doubt gone. All this time he was terrified that he'd scare her, not wanting to make the first move. John respected her and wanted the girl to feel safe around him. That's why now after hearing those words he lets himself feel her. The soft edges of her delicate skin. Her labored breathing.
He kisses her soft lips, hand coming up to caress her cheek and then, right there he knows she's let all her walls down for him. Letting him in, see all the parts she thought would have to bury for eternity.
He ought to do the same for her. He has his own ghosts. John needed salvation too. Perhaps in a different way.
And if anyone ever dare to try to harm her, taker her away from him...
He'd kill them all.
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yonduismarrypoppins · 10 months
‘Mother May I Sleep With Danger, Please'.....
Summary: Bucky and the reader have gone undercover.
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Photos aren't mine, credit to the og owners
Tiltle from ‘Mother May I Sleep With Danger?’ By Joy Crookes
Warnings: reader is black, reader is wearing a dress and has a back tattoo, she/her pronouns, Bucky drinks a glass of whiskey, the longest fic I've ever written, no y/n used, weird nicknames, google translate Russian, ending is abrupt bc I couldn't think of any ending that wasn't me stealing from someone else, speaking of which; inspired by @buckyalpine ‘s fic
A/N: thanks to @webinurcloset for proofreading
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You were the newest addition to the avengers, quiet, solemn but hardworking nonetheless. You had been living in the tower for a month now, not a soul but you had seen the inside of your apartments. Every dinner, meeting and mission you stayed silent save for the occasional ‘hello’ ‘thank you’ and ‘goodnight’. The other Avengers didn't make a big deal of it, knowing how anxiety can affect a person especially a newly appointed avenger.
You had not yet been approved for missions so you spent most of your time in your room, but the few times you were spotted around the tower or the compound you wore loose black sweats and a scarf around your hair. The only visible parts of you being your face and part of your neck, the parts of you they could see they appreciated. They weren't very concerned about the rest of your body, knowing most of them were covered in scars, some more inclined to hide them than others.
Everyone expected that to change, especially once you were approved for missions. The week had finally come. They were given the option to watch from the balcony as you were examined in the training gym. As Tony hadn't finished your ‘Hero Suit’ as he called it, you were given a SHIELD issue suit. Unsurprisingly it covered more of your body than your sweats did, with a high neck, gloves and a hood. Though your silhouette was certainly visible, Steve's blush made that clear. You had undeniable skill easily mastering each and every weapon handed to you, easily defeating over a dozen SHIELD agents. 
You were called into a meeting shortly after your approval, along with Sam, Natasha and Bucky. You walked in to see the three spy’s spread about, sat around the long metal table. You were surprised at Steve's absence, deducing that this mission was to be more covert than usual. You were told by Maria Hill the nature of the mission, surveillance, which came as no surprise to you.
After a long silence caused by one of Sam's ‘jokes’, you wondered if you all would be sitting in a van together for hours. Maria quickly began to discuss the details of the mission. You and Bucky would be infiltrating a gala, set to happen the next day hosted by a man named Anatoli Volkov at his private residence in New Hampshire, one of his many properties. 
He had been suspected of human trafficking and many other dirty dealings by the FBI for years, only falling under SHIELDS radar after one of the girls he had ‘allegedly’ kidnaped was found in a Hydra facility barely breathing 3 years later. She thankfully survived and was able to give some information on how she ended up there, including Volkov’s name.
Maria gave you the files on yours and Bucky's undercover identities; Ukraine and American born spies, respectively, over a dozen confirmed kills, married in 2015... You stopped for a moment, eyes reverting back to that last phrase, a couple, a married couple. Feeling Bucky's eyes on you, you kept your expression as neutral as possible before continuing to read on. After the briefing you briskly made your way to your room, grabbing a bottle of your favorite drink from your fridge.
You thanked whoever designed this building for allowing everyone to have their own apartments, two to a floor with the only exception being Wanda and Vision.
Their apartments have been merged so they now have the floor to themselves.
The moderately sized units were outfitted with a kitchen with a small dining table, a small living room along with a television, bathroom, small walk in closet and bedroom. As well as the F.R.I.D.A.Y. ai wired throughout the building.
You had put more time into decorating than you originally planned but overall, you made a home for yourself. You only had to leave when you ran out of food, for training or for laundry and other chores. After a few hours sitting in your bed, memorizing the blueprints for Volkov's house and every given detail of your new identity F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s startled you out of your focus, notifying you that someone was at your door.
You opened your door to Bucky holding a black garment bag and a medium sized shopping bag in his right hand with a large black box in his left.
“Hill wanted me to give you these” he handed you the two bags, “and Tony finished your suit”
You weren't necessarily surprised at his arrival, considering you two shared a floor it made sense for him to be the one to deliver the items to you.
You thanked him quietly, reaching out to grab the box. It was heavier than expected. You gave him a small smile before closing the door. The heat in your cheeks suddenly became quite noticeable. You hoped quietly that the melanin you were so grateful for covered any hypothetical redness.
As you passed the windows on the way to your bedroom you noticed the dark night sky, you hadn't realized how late it was. You hung up the garment bag on the hook you had placed outside of your closet door, placing the bag and your new suit on the bed. You made your way to the bathroom to take a shower, the warm water calming you as you reflected on the events of the day.
You had been trying to befriend your fellow Avengers but your anxieties prevented you from being outgoing. You had grown closest with Bruce, as he could relate to your fears. You stepped out of the shower commencing your skincare and body care routine. After you finished you went to grab the garment bag, trying on the gown to ensure it fit with the black heels they'd given you to go along with it.
You quite liked the ensemble, but you weren't quite thrilled to wear it in front of the rest of the Avengers. You took it off returning the items to their previous packaging before putting on your night clothes and getting in your bed. You fell asleep searching for hairstyles to wear to the gala on Pinterest.
You dreamt of Bucky that night, how he might touch you with his large hands, one warm flesh, one cool metal , how he might look at you with gorgeous and piercing blue eyes, how he might love you with all of that and everything in between.
The Next Morning
You awoke earlier than normal, 4:56, a habit you'd had since adolescence when you were anxious. You changed into your workout clothes, black sports bra, leggings and the lulu lemon jacket Natasha had gifted to you when you first arrived. You made your way to the restroom where you pulled your hair back into a ponytail. Putting on your favorite pair of red sneakers before leaving.
Making your way to the elevator, Bucky's apartment door opened. You stopped in front of the elevator doors, turning to watch him. He turned around and made eye contact with you, after a few minutes of still silence you spoke, “going down?” he shut his door and answered with a smile, “yea”.
He stood beside you as the doors opened, he raised his hand allowing you to enter first pressing the gym floor button as he turned facing the closing the doors. You smiled down at the elevator buttons as Bucky adjusted his position so he wouldn't crowd you, something he often did unintentionally due to his large stature.
10, 9, 8.. The small screen changed as you descended the floors. “Thank you for bringing me the stuff for the mission.'' Bucky smiled, the most he'd ever heard you speak.
6, 5… “Of course, how'd you like your suit?” your suit, you'd forgotten to try it on last night. You didn't even open the box, “I haven't put it on yet” “no rush, I was just curious” he shrugged “its ok, I would be too” you both smiled.
4, 3. The doors slid open, you exited first heading for the women's locker room so you could use the bathroom. Glad to find it empty, you were in and out spending most of your time at the sink washing your hands and examining everything that just happened in the elevator. After finding one too many reasons to be embarrassed you left the bathroom and entered the gym, heading right for the open floor to stretch.
The gym was just as empty as the locker room, save for Bucky, you decided to go light today. Loosen yourself up before the mission just to avoid being sore. You finished before Bucky did, he was on the pull up bar as he had been for the 7 minutes before then, you'd spent that time admiring his muscular back looking away when you began to feel a gathering wetness in your underwear.
You left just before the morning gym rush arrived, taking another shower in your room and putting on your usual sweats and scarf before getting some fruit to eat in front of the tv where you sat for the next few hours.
You looked at the clock, 5:00. You were set to leave at 6:30.
You quickly got up, making sure you packed everything you needed to style your hair and do your makeup. You grabbed the garment and shoe bag along with a black purse with hardware that matched your chosen jewelry and a black scarf made with the same material of the dress to cover your shoulders. You made sure you had everything you needed before running to the elevator, heading to the top floor to board the quinjet.
You arrived first, much to your surprise, allowing the SHIELD agent piloting to pack your things into the built in storage compartments. As you sat down, Sam, Nat and Bucky arrived with their clothes and other supplies in tow. You looked back down over your thighs to make sure you put your seatbelt into the right clip. When you looked back up they were walking to their seats Bucky choosing to sit next to you
“Hey doll” he said with a small smile, “hello” you replied quietly. Sam and Nat sat across from you both. Suddenly a SHIELD agent, who appeared to be quite out of breath ran up the ramp. He stopped in front of you handing you a small black box, “the wedding rings mam” he said exasperatedly. You thanked him before he nodded and ran back out. You opened the box to two simple wedding bands, one thicker than the other and a diamond ring, one you might have chosen for yourself if this was real. You held out the box to Bucky before he reached for the thicker band, placing it on his ring finger before you did the same.
You noticed the rings were not new, with small nicks and marks. An important detail, especially if you were going to be surrounded by people as observant as you. You made a mental note to fake a tan line on yours and Bucky’s fingers later. The pilot cut through the silence on the intercom, announcing the beginning of the flight.
You landed in the SHIELD port shortly after as the flight was only 15 minutes. You were taken to the car port by another agent along with your bags where Natasha was given keys to a black cadillac escalade. You all stood against the grey concrete wall for a second, watching as the agent packed your things into the trunk of the car you looked at Bucky to your right, admiring how his jawline was accentuated by his man bun. You were sure you might have gaged at the bundle of hair on anyone else but on him you couldn't help but fawn over it. He looked down at you with a grin, making you look forward again embarrassed, glad to see the agent was finished.
Nat drove to the hotel where you would be staying, pleasantly surprised that it was an actual hotel and not a dirty highway motel like some of the other Avengers had been made to stay in. You and Nat packed all of your things onto a luggage cart while Sam and Bucky checked you all in.
“You should tell him you like him, you know, he likes you just as much.” Natasha says suddenly, you look up at her with shocked eyes “what?” you ask quickly, voice wavering. She flashes a grin at you, “Nothing, sorry”
You pushed the luggage cart into the lobby where Bucky and Sam were waiting by the elevator, you struggled slightly to push the cart into the elevator, Natasha and Sam attempting to help you on the other side. “I'll help you doll”. He moved behind you, placing his hands just above yours. You felt his warm body push into yours as you stumbled in with the cart. You turned to face him as the doors closed looking into his eyes for a moment, you cleared your throat, breaking eye contact and speaking quietly to ask “which floor?” he smirked “penthouse, doll” you clicked the button watching as it lit up and feeling the elevator begin to move.
Bucky was too preoccupied watching you avoid looking at his face to notice the look Sam and Nat exchanged, one of pride and cunning, it was only a matter of time.
Nat and Sam left your coms on the desk before going across the hall to their room. You used the master bathroom to get ready while Bucky used the half bath. You had finished your hair and makeup but were struggling to close the dress, the satin buttons proving hard to reach. You stepped out of the bathroom calling for Bucky, “what's up doll” he stepped out of the bathroom fixing his suit cuff, you were pulled into a trance admiring how he looked in the black suit, his bun making him look even more mysterious.
“Doll?” you snapped out of it. Not realizing he had moved closer to you, “what do you need, sweet girl?” he spoke softly, you swore that his pet names would make you spontaneously combust. “I need help with my dress, I can't get it closed.” You turned your back to him so he could start closing the buttons. He quietly admired the art tattooed on your back, it was beautiful, elongating your back with its elegant design. With every brush of his hands on your skin you became more and more flustered thanking whatever deity was looking down on you when he announced he was done, you turned to face him again “You look great doll.” Bucky said with a smile, your eyes flashing in between his eyes and chest a few times before you spoke up, “I'll just grab my bag and we can go” 
You made sure you had on all of your jewelry, including your wedding rings, your bag, your scarf and your com before you told Bucky you were ready to go. You stepped out just as Natasha and Sam did, donning their driver and bodyguard outfits respectively. The elevator trip was much less awkward, Sam even managing to make a joke that you all laughed at.
You all walked to the car, you and Sam moving to the right and Nat and Bucky moving to the left. Nat and Sam got in the front seats of the car while Bucky opened the door for you, you slid to the seat on the other end so he wouldn't have to circle the car to enter. Sam pulled off just as he shut the door. You had been staring absentmindedly out of the window when you felt Bucky grip your hand and pull it towards his chest. You turned your head toward him, making no movements as you had no intention of pulling your hand away. As he turned the wedding rings on your finger you wondered again what it would be like to be loved by Bucky.
The drive was short, you arrived ‘fashionably late’ as Sam called it at 8:15. The estate was gorgeous, elegant and large but not overbearing. It rested on a large piece of land surrounded by forests and greenery.
“Ladies and gents we have arrived. I'll circle to the entrance to drop you two off and we'll park a few blocks away.” Sam said, while his tone was gleeful you heard the underlying worry in his voice. Bucky walked out and around to your door, reaching his hand around to help you step out. “Don't forget to turn on your coms.” Nat added quickly as you Bucky closed the car door.
Bucky moved his arm around your waist to guide you up the stairs of the extravagant mansion, the doors opened to a gorgeous ballroom, warm lighting, brown tones and old school jazz music coming from the live band in the corner. Just quiet enough to feel like a background song to a memory. There were plenty of people, criminals you assumed. All well dressed in browns, blacks and creams.
You admired the dress of one woman while Bucky walked you to the bar, keeping you close. He ordered himself a whiskey neat. One of the perks that come from being a super soldier on missions, he can drink normal alcohol with no consequences because it has no effect on his body. Discovering his inability to get drunk has given Bucky the opportunity to drink whiskey for the flavor, he has become a bit of a connoisseur post freedom, his current favorite being Bushmills Black Bush Whiskey. You ordered a ‘Shirley Temple’, not necessarily feeling like drinking alcohol. You moved to sit on the bar stool facing away from the bar while Bucky stayed standing on your right side waiting for your drinks.
The bartender handed Bucky your drinks when suddenly you felt a clammy hand on your shoulder, “ну что тут у нас? экзотическая красавица?” (well what do we have here? an exotic beauty?) You looked up at the person touching him, and immediately recognized him as Anatoli Volkov. You wanted to pull his hand off of you and break it but you couldn't do anything to make him suspicious, thankfully Bucky spoke before you did.
“моя жена великолепна, не так ли?” (my wife is gorgeous, isn't she?) he said, putting some obvious emphasis on the word wife. He then wrapped one of his arms around your neck. You reached up to grasp his hand floating hand, pulling it down slightly. Volkov smirked, “I meant you no offense, Mr.?” he said in an amused tone, highlighting his thick accent.
“Joseph Smith and my wife Iris”. Your thumb swiped across his hand as he spoke, your head leaning back into his chest. Anatoli reached his hand out towards Bucky to shake, “it's nice to meet you Joseph, i hope to see you both again” Volkov looked down at you with a sly smirk, Bucky diverted his attention when he reciprocated his handshake, Anatoli's eyes shooting back up to him. “I hope to see you again too” Bucky smiled but his grip tightened, Volkov shook out his hand as he turned and walked away from the both of you. You turned to face the bar taking a sip of your drink, the sweet liquid refreshing your parched throat.
Bucky's arm moved off of you to take a sip of his drink. You turned back to the crowd after downing half of your drink, taking a moment to see how much security was in the building. Eventually you noticed at least 8 men in all black suits, all of whom had repeatedly talked to the same man in a dark blue suit. He had been shadowing Volkov since you arrived, you noted.
Suddenly Bucky grabbed your knees, pulling you to face him and moving your legs around his waist, with one hand you gripped his wrist and with the other you stabilized yourself on his shoulder. Your hand slowly moved up his arm as he pushed his hand up into your dress clutching and rubbing at your ass and thighs. “gray suit 2:00, he might have made us, i'm not sure.” you barely brought yourself to tear your eyes away from his face to look at the man in question. He was standing in a corner watching the two of you, finally looking away to reach into his pocket to answer his phone. You tried to read his lips but were quickly distracted when Bucky pushed his head into your neck, your hand flying to his neck carefully holding his head.
“Think we should go?” he said into your ear, you cleared your throat “we don't have anything on Volkov yet, we should wait.” he grunted in response before pulling his head out from your shoulder, only moving one of his hands to reach for his glass of whiskey again. You looked up at him, wondering how he can manage to make butterflies turn in your stomach while staying completely calm, you hoped that your flustered behavior wasn't tipping off the other people in the ballroom. You looked back at the jazz band when the music ended, quietly clapping before Anatoli walked on stage. You immediately rolled your eyes, wanting to zone out but knowing that if you did you'd likely regret it. You reached to take a sip of your drink, reminding yourself as to why you hadn't ordered something alcoholic when Anatoli began to speak.
The whole speech was in Russian, he thanked his guests, boasted and bragged but still delivered no useful information. Fake laughter coming from all sides of the room. You had zoned out a bit, listening to the heavenly jazz band on stage once again until you felt a hand on your neck. Bucky grasped both sides of your face with both of his hands, tilting your head up to look at him, he chucked when you hesitated to look him in the eye.
He held his forehead against yours brushing your lips against each other before speaking again, “Somebodys watching us, doll.” He smirked when he finished using his hands to push your head in the direction of the man in the gray suit once again. You looked back at Bucky before aiming your head down.
You took your hands, taping the inside of yours and Bucky’s ears discreetly before moving them around his neck. You spoke quietly, “Nat, do you copy?” there were a few seconds of static before a response came “Copy kitty-girl, what's going on in there?” you smiled at the nickname, reminded of the night you and Nat had snuck Alpine out from Bucky’s room to put her in the animal Falcon costume. “We're all good but maybe not for long, we’re being watched.” “Alright, get out of there. We'll be at the front waiting.” You heard her call for Sam to start the car before you looked at Bucky in the eye again, nodding subtly.
He moved his hands from your face, grabbing your bag from the bar before lifting you off of the stool, you let a small gasp escape you. Before you could process the action he was pulling you across the room to the entrance, when you reached the stairs he placed an arm under your shoulders and the other under your knee, the action made you squeal and you in turn made him laugh. You felt like a princess, or at the very least a main character in a rom com that was not deemed relevant enough to have Bucky watch yet.
You were sure that anyone witnessing the interaction would simply think you two were a happy couple eager to get home after a long night of tension.
He placed you down to open the door to the large van, lifting you into your seat before sliding in himself. Sam begins to open his mouth to speak when you put a finger over your mouth in an effort to quiet him. You look through your purse finding a bug in the open interior pocket and a tracker handing them to Natasha, she hands you a bug detector. You took Bucky's hands to make sure there were no other devices before doing a quick sweep over his body and yours, after finding nothing you say “alright, we're clear”. Natasha smiles when you hand the bug detector back to her, noticing that Bucky hasn't taken his eyes off of you and you haven't let go of Bucky's hand.
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It's done, I'm done, sorry if this sucks.
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@floriidakilos @zendayassimp @itsyagirljaz
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observeowl · 1 year
Scared N.R
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: There's something that prevents R from approaching love life like a normal person
Third POV There is one person in SHIELD that everyone is jealous of. She didn't need to write reports or even review other agents' reports. Her main job is to create weapons and making sure they are safe for use so she's often seen working with Tony Stark.
Everyone is envious of her because she was able to do what she liked without having to participate in the mundane process. No one has ever seen her lifting a piece of paper to read.
"Hey! Y/N! Come check this out!" Tony called out to her when he saw her swiping her card to enter the compound.
"Hi Tony." She replied with a straight face, not expressing an outwardly interest in the guy's excitement.
"Come on... it'll only take a few minutes." Regardless of the girl's protest, he dragged her to the lab where he was able to show his creation.
"Look." He showed her a bunch of sequences on the hologram and Y/N scanned through nodding her head.
"Nice Tony, but I'm here to collect the weapon Fury asked for."
"It's just over there, I'll have Happy deliver it later. Come watch this." He insisted.
"Please Tony." Y/N didn't let down.
That's the thing about this Y/N, she refused to be dictated by others and to others she may seem cold.
"Thanks." Once she acquired the weapon that was the purpose of the trip, she left the lab and saw Natasha standing at the door. She greeted the higher ranking redhead before heading out.
When Y/N entered her car, she received a text message but she didn't reply and carried on her journey back to SHIELD.
"Thank you Agent Y/L/N. Hill will send over a document that requires your attention. We seem to have found a new element." Fury said after inspecting the weapon Y/N have brought over. "I expect things will start to get busy from now."
Y/N nodded and proceeded to her office where there was a thumbdrive on her table containing the document Fury was talking about. She plugged in the thumbdrive and took her earpiece and started listening to it.
As Y/N was listening to the document with her eyes closed, Natasha walked into her office after knocking. She knew Y/N was inside as she was talking to Maria earlier.
In a way, Y/N is similar to Tony. Her lab was filled with screwdrivers, holograms displaying 24/7, there's always an ongoing project somewhere. The difference is that her workspace is a lot neater compared to Tony's. There's almost nothing on her desk other than her computer and tablet. No files to be seen, only a single pen used for signing.
Some childish agent would think she used her connection to enter SHIELD and doesn't have to do anything useful.
Natasha saw Y/N with her eyes closed thinking she was having a relaxing time listening to music as nothing was showing on her screen. Quietly, she walked closer to Y/N and took one side of her earpiece trying to figure out what she was listening to.
However, before she was able to place the earpiece close to her ear, Y/N shot open her eyes, shocked at the new activity and person intruding her personal space. "Agent Romanoff." She sighed in relief. "How may I be of assistance to you?"
"Oh nothing. I was just popping by to see you."
"I'm kinda busy, if you could come back later, I may be free then." Y/N replied. Natasha respected her space and slowly stepped back exiting her office. When she left, Y/N continued with her listening until she got enough information to start working.
"Don't scream. Quietly come with us." Y/N felt something metal on her back and dropped whatever she was doing and followed their instructions. They must have planned this for a while as they moved smoothly avoiding the majority of people and leaving the building expertly without raising anyone's suspicion.
Once they were out of the building, more men came and placed a bag over Y/N's head and knocked her out.
Natasha POV Y/N is an interesting character, I've never seen someone so strict in following the rules. She only interacts with someone for work and pushes everything else until the end. It's finally 6pm and that's when she usually leaves work. I went to find her again but she was not there.
Strange... if she were to leave, she would have switched off the lights but she also was not in her office. I checked with Maria but she didn't see her either. Maybe it was a one off thing. I helped her switch off the lights and went back to the compound.
The next morning, I went to Y/N's office early, hoping to be able to catch her before she started work but she was not there either. Just as I was wondering if she got the day off, Tony called me asking where Y/N was as she was supposed to be working with him today.
Natasha: I have no idea, Tony. I haven't seen her since yesterday afternoon.
Tony: Well, if you see her. Tell her to come quickly. I have something exciting to show her.
Before waiting for my reply, he hung up his phone. I sighed, shaking my head. I only managed to take a few steps before I saw Tony calling me again.
Natasha: Tony... I told you I don't know where she is...
Tony: Come to the compound quickly. It's serious, it's Y/N.
Natasha: What?!
He didn't reply and hung up on me again. "Seriously!" I ran out of SHIELD and floor my corvette all the way through until I reached the compound. Everyone was already crowding around in the meeting room watching a clip.
*in the clip*
"Read the manual and operate it!" The guy screamed at her.
"I can't..." Y/N shook her head. "I really can't... I want to but I really can't." She's on the verge of crying with the stack of papers in front of her.
"Why did we kidnap a useless engineer who can't even read?" He screamed and
"What is she doing? Why isn't she reading to buy us some time?" I asked frantically. Once she started trying to operate the machine, she would be safer as they'll need her.
"We've already got her location. Let's go." Tony said and the team headed towards the quinjet.
"She'll be alright Nat." Clint said as I paced around the jet thinking of the worst possibilities that could happen to her. I shook my head not knowing how to reply.
"These idiots." I mumbled when we got to Y/N. The culprits have been taken away and she was left on the ground beaten. I immediately went to check on her and thankfully she didn't sustain any drastic injury. Clint helped me to carry her back in the quinjet before sending her to the medbay to check things out.
I was fuming at those that did this to her. After Bruce was done checking and making sure she was fine, I went to search for those that were responsible for this. Maria had already interrogated them and they were a part of a no-name gang that heard about Hydra and its possible weapons at a cafe. SHIELD needs to tighten their security and tell their agents not to talk about their work outside of SHIELD or the compound.
"What are we going to do about them?" I asked when Maria came out.
"We're going to just pass them off to the police and close this as a kidnapping and assault case." She said.
"Nat, she is awake." Clint came to tell me before I was able to protest that more should be done instead of having them sent to prison where they would only be spending 20 years of their life there.
"Hey Y/N, I heard you were awake." I tried to act normal when I entered her room.
"Hi Natasha." Y/N said as her bed was already propped up at an angle.
"Are you feeling better?" I asked as I took a seat next to her. She nodded her head and played with her fingers for a bit.
"Can I ask why you didn't read the manual for them? You would have sustained a lot less injuries if you did." She nodded her head once again but I wasn't sure if it was a reply to my first question or the statement. I figured I was pushing too far when I didn't get a reply and was going to move onto another topic until she opened her mouth to reply.
"I was kidnapped when I was younger..." She said after taking a deep breath.
"This is not mandatory, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I told her to make sure and let her know I wasn't forcing her to tell me.
It took a little longer before she continued. "They'll beat me up slightly but it wasn't anything serious. I don't know if it was their sadistic feeling or what. But I was placed in front of a desk and told to recite the storybook from cover to cover." She swallowed before continuing. "Every other chapter there would be people dying. I kept reading and reading, characters kept dying and dying. Every page I flip I think the next one would be me."
I held onto Y/N's hand letting her know she's no longer there. I could tell her heart was beating faster with the machine next to her. "After I got rescued, I didn't dare to read. I couldn't see the words, they were all in a blur."
I processed her situation in my head, so that's why she's never seen reading. "But how do you sign and authorise things then?" I asked as I've definitely seen her signature on papers.
"I only trust Commander Hill to give the right paper after listening to the recordings of it." I raised my eyebrow nodding. "It's not a nice experience really, the robot sounds really dry. I often fall asleep listening."
"I could read for you next time. That way you can sign on the paper immediately." I suggested it without thinking. "I- I mean, if you don't mind." I added after realising what I said.
Y/N shook her head. "I don't want to intrude into your time. Some documents can take really long to read."
"I want to help. Please?" I gently held her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles.
"Alright then."
Your POV Ever since the kidnapping, Natasha has been helping me read the documents. I tried hiding some from her, especially the manuals as it can be very technical and boring but somehow she would find out and barge into my office scolding me for not telling her. I have no idea how she heard I have something to read so quickly, don't she have her own things to do? Don't get me wrong, she has a really nice voice which I'm sure if she no longer works as an Avenger or SHIELD agent, she can go be a voice actor or audio book reader and be really successful.
Currently, we are at my house after having dinner at one of the cafes nearby. Other than helping me read, she has been trying to conquer my fears of reading by reintroducing children's books to me. There were more pictures than words but it was still tough looking at the words. I take a long time trying to read through the blur.
"Don't bite your lips." Natasha pulled my bottom lips out between my teeth. I froze when I felt her fingers on my chin.
"Sorry, Natasha..."
"I told you many times to call me Nat. I'm sure we're past that stage now."
"Right. Sorry, Nat." I corrected it.
We spent weeks trying to improve my reading but I could only read a couple of words each session. Not even enough to finish reading one children's book.
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inkedroplets · 5 months
Wait what Lena/Peggy fic?!? I was scrolling and just had to stop and die a little at the possibility of this existing lol Lena Luthor and Peggy Carter? Two of my favorite characters ever? Together? Time travel? I don’t even care how, just want you to know I would read this ship soooo fast!
Not just time travel but Lena getting yeeted to another Earth.
I don't know where I would even begin to try and explain the plot spaghetti in my head. But essentially it would begin with Lena's portal watch malfunctioning and finding herself on a completely different Earth, scooped up by Coulson.
Much much later, (I cannot stress how much later) the time stone makes an appearance much later and Lena being Lena can't help but run a gamut of tests on it. Which sends her back in time where she happens to meet Peggy...
But here's a really brief snippet just for fun. It hasn't been edited at all and there's very little context but still:
“You wouldn’t happen to be an enhanced individual, would you, Miss Luthor?” Coulson asked
“I’m sorry?” Lena said, the first real hint of discernible irritation shining through her overly calm facade. “Where exactly are you looking, Agent Coulson?” She crossed her arms over her chest, the thin line that was her mouth somehow narrowing even further. There was a flicker of understanding and then horror that passed over Coulson’s face before his expression reverted back to that of a friendly but put-upon bureaucrat that would like nothing more than to punch out for the day. “At your file, Miss Luthor.” He held up a manila folder that he had obscured by his clipboard. “Or rather, what would be your file.” He tossed the empty folder down on the table. “The  problem is there’s nothing in it and not for lack of trying.”
“Does SHIELD not know how to use Google?” Lena glanced down at the empty folder wondering how anyone searching for the name ‘Luthor’  could come back with nothing to show for it. “Funnily enough we tried that too after we exhausted all other avenues. There is no record of, well, you, anywhere. Not a single hit on any of the databases my team scoured and before you try and impugn my team’s tech savviness again, our hacker was incredibly thorough. It's the first time I've seen her so perplexed,” he said. Instead of sounding annoyed or even angry he looked almost impressed. 
“So you think I'm lying,” Lena said, feeling that much was obvious. She was being interrogated, after all. Which was why it surprised her so much when Coulson shook his head. 
“No, Miss Luthor, on the contrary, I believe you are who you say you are. If you were going to try and obscure your identity with an alias, I assume you’d choose something less…” He looked down at his hands for a moment. 
“Less what?” 
“Less conspicuous. Lena. Luthor,” he said, enunciating each word clearly to hammer home the inherent strangeness in the symmetry of her name. 
“One of the many downsides of being a Luthor,” she said self-deprecatingly and gave a halfhearted shrug of apology. “Too many L’s.” 
Coulson who moments ago looked all too happy to let her ramble, perhaps hoping she might monologue her way into revealing something about herself held up a hand to stop her from continuing.
 “That's not the first time you've spoken as if that's supposed to mean something. Your last name,” he clarified. “Should it?” Of course it does, Lena thought bitterly.
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cartoon-buffoon · 9 days
Okay I'm aware there's a branch of people who ship the WI versions of Oswald aka Euthenasia Rabbit with the weird version of Felix in the background from Leak Ma Balls.
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Real quick, I've seen people call the bloody eyed Felix Hysteria Cat which uhh, idk if that's a fanon name or not and it's similar to Oswald where in the files that's the name of the sprite or something? Anyways I can understand the ship, these two exist within the same mod and are both original characters, Oswald actually has some lore behind him though. Now the dynamic of two equally insane wackjobs in love is pretty cute and funny to me, it's a bit less funny in this case though because Oswald's... Emotional baggage, to say the least. But may I present my own idea of who you could ship Euthenasia rabbit with?
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нет! Originally a design used for a T-shirt that was stolen and placed in a Russian bootleg game, this cat has been haunting my mind with ship ideas for him and Ozzie. When I tell you this idea has been with me for awhile I mean it, ever since WI came out I been shipping these two because I'm a proud crackshipper, fuck logic embrace insanity. I ain't tired enough to explain it right now yet I came up with an entire backstory and lore for HET and Oswald and how their relationship and dynamic works. To sum up their dynamic: Oswald and Het both have a burning hatred for each other yet their both so alone (for different reasons) that they naturally love each other's companionship. Like they say they want each other dead, however at night they still be cuddling and they'd kill for each other (literally) but it's just layers of denial to the point they don't even realize they're a couple and get really aggressive when anybody points it out.
They're is a bit more layers of to their dynamic from me as well, for example my own lore/headcanons has HET as a toon/entity who loves to kill and take other people's faces and wear them as his own and Oswald's natural luck shields him from getting caught so the cat claims to only be around Ozzie for protection. While being around Ozzie for his own selfish gain he genuinely does start taking a liking to him and he refuses to acknowledge it and actively takes measures to get rid of these thoughts. But I'm not in the mood to ramble on about this idea, maybe some other time, but hay. This is just something to think about and a personal ship of mine that I wanna share.
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captainkirkk · 1 year
I have some nice pjo recs for you (many crossovers bc I'm a sucker for those) :
the ship of theseus by zipadeea - i think one of the best pjo crossovers i've read (dcu/pjo) afaik it readable without having to read HoO. Absolutely heartwrenching.
the ship of theseus (14839 words) by zipadeea Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Batman (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), <a href="https://archiveofourown.org
Baby Blofis College Fund also by zipadeea: very funny
Baby Blofis College Fund (2908 words) by zipadeea Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Estelle Blofis Additional Tags: Humor, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Family Feels, Pregnancy Series: Part 3 of how to co-parent your reckless demigod 101 Summary:
Valerie calls her an hour later.
“Sally, what the hell?”
“That bad, huh?”
“Bad? Sally, it’s gold. I went from squirming in my seat to crying genuine tears. And that twist, making him a Greek god, it’s exactly what we’re looking for right now. How soon can you get me the next chapter?”
In which Sally Jackson realizes by the time the new baby is eighteen, a semester of college will cost an arm and a leg. And those Fifty Shades of Grey books sure did make a lot of money.
glass figures by ahermioneh: epic marvel/pjo crossover that is partly responsible for me to actually get an ao3 account, deviates from pjo canon a lot but uses a lot of the world building
glass figures (211796 words) by ahermioneh Chapters: 36/36 Fandom: Marvel, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clint Barton & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton & Percy Jackson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Percy Jackson, Clint Barton, Sally Jackson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Paul Blofis, Steve Rogers, Most of The Ensemble from Both Universes Appear Additional Tags: the timeline is screwed to hell, demigod powers kick in in their twenties, clint is so young, Like, vaguely, Phil Coulson: Ace Recruiter, Nat is honestly so suspicious, Not graphic depictions of violence, but also like possibly, Year by year, POV First Person, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, percy literally shows up to mess with MCU canon, Be Nice to Clint Barton, Canon-Typical Violence, does this count as, Childhood Friends, Spies & Secret Agents, Angst, full disclaimer: we haven't seen agents of shield at all, and we've barely read toa, Complete, just to be clear this is an incredibly self-indulgent crossover, Goode High School (Percy Jackson) Series: Part 1 of closing the cracks Summary:
I lifted my gun, pointing it towards the minefield of shattered fragments, and kicked the small coffee table out of the way.
Only to stare down at an awfully familiar face, which split into a somewhat lopsided grin. The intruder raised his hands in a mocking surrender. “Long time no see, dude.”
I lowered the gun. “What the hell are you doing in South Peru?”
Or in which Clint Barton and Percy Jackson have a long personal history that starts in high school.
The File (series) by denimbeans: Another epic (long) crossover series for marvel/pjo, very spoilery for HoO tho: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2375215
Nothing to make a song about but kings by iwilllpassthis: all the world building, all the politics. Also post-HoO
Nothing to make a song about but kings (201210 words) by iwillpassthis Chapters: 59/59 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Amphitrite & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Poseidon Characters: Percy Jackson, Amphitrite (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: King!Percy, Undersea politcs, Merpeople, Atlantis, My boy truly has no idea what he's doing, Do I? We shall never know, Powerful Percy Jackson Summary: Percy knelt before Atlantis’ throne, feeling the ancient power of the sea run through his veins in an uncoordinated dance. You are the sea now, it whispered, and the sea is you. A crown of gold and emeralds was placed on his head. Long live the king. Long live the king. . It’s a fortune that Poseidon has a mortal son, because when an ancient curse hits his kingdom and all the sea gods disappear… well, someone must rule.
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zozo720 · 6 months
dumb vent because I spent like 8 hours playing Indigo Disk I would just like to personally congratulate Game Freak, The Pokemon Company, whoever, on making the WORST fucking decision I've ever seen So, remember how Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were "teased" through a Tera Raid event where you could only get one of each? Hope you didn't pass them up because you hate Tera Raids (like me) expecting them to be in Indigo Disk with the others. Because they're not. They're event-only. Forever.
So yeah, if you missed out on them for any reason, enjoy your incomplete trio of Past Beasts/Future Swords, chump. Maybe next time you should torture yourself with our barely-functional online raids if you want your game to be complete.
And yes, I know Wake/Leaves aren't in the Blueberry Dex, and YES, I know event Mons have always been a thing. But this is the stupidest implementation of them I've EVER seen. And as a "preview" of the DLC, they piss me off even more, because... remember Sword/Shield's DLC preview? A special little event where you could catch a brand-new Galarian Slowpoke, and then do anything you wanted with it. Train it, shiny egg hunt it, EV train and IV breed it, whatever. And then as the DLC areas dropped, you could access it's evolutions. And guess what? That event is PERMANENT content. Literally right now, you can get your Switch, boot up Sword/Shield in a new save file, play until you get to the Wild Area, go back to Wedgehurst Station, and there it is! Free Slowpoke in December 2023 (NO HACKS).
I don't think I've ever been this insulted by a mythical/event Pokemon in my LIFE.
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jojolovesdogs00 · 1 year
Witch's Curse
Relationship: Wanda x Reader
Chapter 2
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Barton's office was just like every other SHIELD agent's office. Everything was grey. Not an item out of place. Every inch of the room was covered with files, papers and folders piled high onto the desk and the floor. Barton himself was sleeping soundly on his chair, drooling slightly. You grimaced and cleared your throat loudly, making his head jerk upright. You hoped your face wasn't red with embarrassment from the noise.
"Oh hey L/n." He greeted tiredly. "What brings you here?" He yawned as he rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Is everything okay?"
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah everything's fine. It's just that I need some advice." You explained as you sat down in a chair across from Clint's desk.
"About what?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Uh..." you began hesitantly. "I was comissioned by Nick Fury to bring Scarlet Witch here." you said slowly as you watched Barton's expression. He seemed surprised by your words. "Scarlet Witch?" he asked.
You nodded. "Yes. Do you know a way to not to provocate her? I mean I wouldn't wanna die in her hands." you joked, smiling to try to ease the tension between you two. You didn't realise that you sounded a bit desperate until you noticed Barton's eyebrows shoot upwards and a small smile pull his lips upwards slightly.
"She's probably more dangerous than anyone else in this tower put together." he commented.
"So what should I do?" you asked him eagerly. You were eager to know if he could help or not.
Barton let out a sigh and rested his chin in his hand, contemplating your situation. "If I knew that I would have already helped you. Just don't provoke her okay?" he warned you.
You nodded your head frantically. "No problem. Anything I can do to save my ass from her wrath I will gladly do."
Barton chuckled at your statement. "Just be careful with her. I've never seen her so enraged before..." he trailed off, looking away sadly as he mentioned it.
"I know. Vision..." you mumbled under your breath, trying hard to stop yourself from getting too emotional.
You glanced over at Natasha's empty chair and wondered if you could get her to come over to help you. You needed a new strategy. She was good at improvising and she definitely could use her brain cells and creativity to devise a better one. You glanced at Barton who was looking at Natasha's empty chair, seeming to have lost track of the conversation, as well as his train of thoughts.
As he stared off into space in his own world, you decided to leave him alone. For the time being anyway. "Okay then. Thanks again for your advice, Barton." you thanked him once more as you stood up and headed for the door.
"Good luck." he called after you as he waved at you as you walked past him.
Once outside the door you sighed heavily. "I'll need it…" you muttered under your breath as you walked briskly back to your office.
When you arrived back at your office, you flopped down into your chair with a heavy sigh. As you gazed up at the blank white ceiling, you wondered if you could convince Scarlet Witch to come. Hopefully you'd be able to. But you were nervous, what if she got mad? What if she attacked you or hurt you? You knew Fury wanted you to bring her back but did she really want to come back? 'I need to find Natasha immediately.' you thought determinedly. 'Hopefully she'll help me. Or she knows someone who can help me.' you added, standing up and leaving your office.
Natasha had just finished filling out paperwork. She had been staring at the same sentence for god knows how long. Her patience was wearing thin. This document was completely useless. She could have gotten it herself and just filled it out herself, or she could have given someone else the task. Either one would work just as good though. It would save her a lot of time and trouble. She turned her head when she heard footsteps coming closer to her.
"Hey Y/n" she greeted you quietly with a small smile on her face.
"Hi Nat. I'm sorry for interrupting you, but I had some questions to ask you." you apologized softly.
"What is it?" she asked curiously.
"I need to know how to bring Scarlet Witch here." you said quickly.
She raised her eyebrow and smiled. "Why are you asking me?"
"You worked with her before she went mad." you stated bluntly. You couldn't hide how anxious you were feeling anymore.
"Oh..." she whispered quietly. "I don't know what I should tell you actually. I know it's a pretty big request, but I guess if it gets you to work on a plan, I can try to help you out." Natasha paused as she looked at you. "But first things first, we need to figure out how you're gonna manage to bring her back with no idea where she's now."
"Right." you agreed weakly. "Where should I go look?"
"Well," she started to say, "she seems to love silence. If you're quiet then I think that she might even listen."
You frowned. That wasn't very helpful. Silence isn't a cure for anything. "I don't understand." you admitted honestly.
Natasha shrugged. "You really think she's not here?"
You felt more confused than ever. Was Scarlet Witch even in the building? "She's here?" you whispered, shocked at her answer.
"You should understand what Scarlet Witch stands for first to find her Y/n." Natasha advised lightly as she stood up from her seat.
"Where should I start?" you asked.
"I'll give you all I found about her. And I might tell you our interactions too." Natasha responded.
"Okay." you nodded as you followed her into her office.
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You said maybe but I'm definitely asking. Sam saving Bucky. All the feels, all the closure and pent up pain they've both held, IM HERE FOR IT AND FOR YOU TO MAKE MAGIC OUT OF THIS
A/N: This is going to have a Y/N reader character but she will not be the main focus. The main focus here is Bucky healing from…well…everything LOL PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...I did not write this as a Sambucky ship fic. I respect the ship but it's just not what is intended here. Thank you. Also, I added in a Loki & Thor quote because it fits all too perfectly 🤣🤣 There’s also an A/N at the end bc saying it here might spoil it LOL @buckyalpine I cannot thank you enough for requesting this! It was super fun to write and I hope you love it!!!!
“Alright, listen up,” Sam says loudly, tossing a file on the conference room table. Bucky groans loudly and Y/N elbows him.
“You’re the one who wanted to keep doing missions,” She reminds him. Bucky nods reluctantly and sits up to pay attention.
“We were informed of activity at an old Hydra base. We don’t know if it’s remnants of the original group or a new group but either way-”
“We need to shut them down,” Y/N speaks up. Sam nods and brings up the map. 
“There is a problem though.” Bucky audibly swallows at seeing it. Y/N takes his hand but he pulls away and sits back again. 
“So whats the plan?” Sam clears his throat and sighs.
“Well that’s the problem. We’re actually going to be intercepting a few of them who we think are the brains of the operation.”
“And, um, where are we intercepting them at?”
“Right here.” Sam zooms in to a mountain side above an old rail line. Y/N gulps, glancing over at her boyfriend. “Now, Y/N and I can do this alone. But-”
“No.” Bucky stands up, his arm whirring as he opens and closes his fist. “She cannot go. I won’t let her.”
“Buck, I understand you don’t want her there. But I can’t do it alone.”
“Who said you’d be alone?” Bucky walks out.
“It’s okay, Sam. Let him go with you. He needs it.”
“I’ll take care of him. I promise.”
By the next morning, the two are on their way, Y/N staying back at Bucky’s orders. “Are you sure about this, Bucky?” Sam asks for the millionth time. Bucky nods in reply, not saying a word. The two land on the mountainside and Bucky lets out a dry chuckle, finally breaking his silence.
"At least I know it's not payback for the Cyclone," He smiles, hiding his nervousness. Sam pats his shoulder and sighs.
"No, it's payback for the pimp suit in Madripoor." The two chuckle for a moment before Sam gets an alert from Redwing. "They're here." He opens his wings, grabbing Bucky by the special harness they've made for missions for an easy entrance and getaway.
"I hate this," Bucky grumbles before takeoff, looking very much like a grumpy cat.
"Come on. You love it," Sam replies with a smirk.
"I hate it."
"It's great. It works every time."
"It's humiliating."
"Do you have a better plan?"
"We're doing it." Sam takes off, carrying Bucky. The two land on the train and climb inside. "Do you always duck face into missions?" Sam whispers as they enter the train. 
"I'm concentrating which, may I remind you, is critical to the mission."
"No need to bark at me, White Wolf." Bucky rolls his eyes and doesn't reply. The two try to advance to the front when suddenly two groups of soldiers close in on them from either end of the train car. 
Sam throws the shield, knocking out a few of them, and it bounces back towards Bucky. He catches it, shoots at others closing in on them, and then throws it back to Sam.
Their little dance continues for some time before all the soldiers are incapacitated. As Sam and Bucky proceed, there's the sound of something powering up behind them. One of the soldiers wasn't completely knocked out. "Bucky! Watch out!" Sam yells. But it's too late, a powerful blast shakes the car, blowing out an entire side. Sam was protected by the shield, but Bucky is nowhere to be seen. Then Sam sees a speck of gold and black. "I've got you!" He yells, running over to Bucky who was hanging onto the side of the train over the edge. Sam grabs his arm, smiling. "I got you, man!" The train hits a bump and both are thrown out.
Bucky’s bloodcurdling scream pierces the air. “You’re not dying today,” Sam says under his breath. He activates his wings, swooping around under Bucky, catching him midair and pulling up just before they hit the ground. “See? I told you I got you!”
“You- I- We-” Bucky gasps, holding onto Sam for dear life. 
“Don’t start cryin’ on me. Those tears are gonna freeze to this suit and you know how much I love it,” Sam teases. Bucky laughs loudly, shock setting in and sending his emotions haywire.
Sam flies them to the safehouse they’d established, landing in the yard. He sets Bucky down and turns to walk up to the house. “Sam?”
“Yeah, Bucky?”
“I-�� Tears start rolling down Bucky’s cheeks and Sam pulls him into a hug. Bucky immediately returns it, sobbing softly. “Thank you! Thank you, Sam!”
“You’re welcome, Bucky. I-”
“Buck. You definitely can call me Buck now.” Sam can’t find the words to reply, tearing up a bit himself. The two eventually go inside and settle in for the night. Sam starts some dinner while Bucky lights the fire. As he works, Bucky has to keep adjusting his arm, opening and closing his fist repeatedly.
“You might want to call your girl,” Sam suggests, tossing Bucky his phone. “Let her know we’ll be home tomorrow.”
“But we-”
“We need to go home. It’s clear that catching guys on trains just isn’t the way to do things,” He smiles and Bucky chuckles in reply. 
“Yeah, yeah I guess so.” Bucky gets up, resetting his arm and walks over to the kitchen, leaning on the counter across Sam. “I-um, thank you. I really can’t express it enough.” Sam sets aside what he’s working on, turning the stove down to pay attention. “It was like everything was happening again. All I could see was Steve looking down at me, the cold was nearly unbearable at that moment. I felt it, you know. I could feel my arm again for a moment. And the pain. It still hurts," he admits. 
“Buck, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
“No, it wasn’t your fault. I wanted to come. Part of me wanted to prove that I could do it.”
“We could have. You could have. I know that. But unfortunately we went in before we were fully prepared.” Sam sighs and pats Bucky’s shoulder. “We’ll be better prepared next time we try to catch them. But we won’t try the train again. I should have thought about it more. I’m sorry.”
“No. I-I’m glad.” Sam looks at Bucky in complete surprise. “You, well, you saved me. You helped me. You were there for me. I didn’t die. I didn’t lose my arm. Or my other arm. I wasn’t taken and brainwashed. I’m okay. I’m really okay!” Bucky laughs loudly, through tears streaming down his face. “I’m okay! For the first time in decades I’m okay!”
"Come here, man," Sam says, walking around the counter to Bucky. He pulls him into his arms again, hugging him tightly. "We're brothers now. I'm not gonna let you go. You got that?"
"Got it. You're with me till the end of the line," Bucky jokes, abit sadly. 
"I'm afraid the end of the line has come and gone. But I'm still here. I'm with you till the end of forever and then some."
"End of forever. I like that."
When they get back to the tower, Bucky doesn't tell Y/N everything right away, but she can tell. Bucky and Sam now go on morning runs every day together. Their laughter fills whatever room they're in. Bucky smiles. A lot. She can tell he's truly happy once more. A side of him that had been taken away decades ago. Who would have guessed that such a fall could raise up a part of him he thought was lost. 
As the three sit down for dinner together, Bucky smiles. He's got his family. They're all a little broken but he loves every bit of them. His beautiful Y/N, his new kitten Alpine, and most of all Sam. Best friend didn't seem strong enough. The two had truly become brothers. They went together now like-
"Salt and pepper," Bucky says aloud, chuckling softly. The anniversary of his and Sam's first mission together was coming up. And he just had the perfect idea.
"What was that?" Y/N asks.
"Nothing, doll," He replies. But he knows what he'll be ordering on a set of t-shirts that night.
A/N: The t-shirts inspired by this LOL
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Marvel (all characters, including Loki)
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Mission Gone Right (Request)
Warnings: A brief mention of the Red Room. Anymore let me know
Age: 12
Beth: 14
Word Count: 1,146
Requests: Closed
Summary: You and your older sister Beth are chosen to go on a mission with Steve and Natasha
Requested by: Wattpad user
Date: 11/08/2022
A/N: thank you so much for the request. I hope you like it :)
Natasha and Steve never thought that they would ever become parents. Because of Natasha's surgery or the fact that they're always working they just didn't have time for kids nor did they ever really want them but that all changed when they were assigned a very special mission.
Fury called Steve and told them that he has a mission for him and Natasha and they had to meet at SHIELD headquarters for final instructions
After Steve and Natasha were welcomed Fury took them into his office to tell them about the mission.
"For this mission, two young girls will be joining you so you will need to pretend that you are a loving family." Fury informed them
He handed them two files that contain information and a picture of both the girls. As Natasha studied the pictures it became clear to her that they were familiar to her
"I remember these two they were rescued from the Red Room." Natasha pointed out.
Suddenly the door opened and in walked Maria Hill followed by the same two girls that were in the picture.
Fury stood up and walked over to them. "This is Beth." Fury pointed to the older girl of the two. Beth had sandy hair and was taller and was appearing as very timid looking "And this is Y/N." He pointed at the other girl. Y/N was the complete opposite of her sister. She had brown hair and looked quite small despite her age and was appearing a lot more confident.
Just by looking at Y/N, Natasha could tell that she had spent if not all of her life stuck in the Red Room just by the way that she is standing and awaiting orders like nothing phased her anymore whereas Beth got to experience a life before it and still couldn't process all the horrors that she had seen.
After Fury had explained the mission it was time to go.
You and Beth followed Steve, Natasha and two other agents out to the QuinJet to begin your journey to France.
During the journey, you and Beth sat far away from Steve and Natasha as possible
"I can't believe that we were paired with them for the mission." You said to Beth in your native language which was Russian.
Beth sighed "How many times do I need to remind you Y/N you need to speak English and what's wrong with them any way they've been nothing but nice to us since we met them."
"The amount of bad stories I've heard about them says otherwise."
"Exactly Y/N you've heard stories just give them a chance."
"Fine." You mumbled under your breath.
The rest of the trip there was spent in uncomfortable silence.
When the four of you got to the hotel and finished unpacking Beth asked if everyone could go to the swimming pool which Steve and Natasha agreed too
it didn't take you long to really open up to them and start having fun.
Natasha was sitting on one of the sunbeds reading and when she looked up she couldn't help but smile at the sight
Steve held you in his arm and started gently rocking "Are you ready? Three, two, one." Then he threw you in the water.
When you swam back to the surface you couldn't stop laughing. "Again, again." You said swimming over to Steve then he picked you up and threw you into the water again.
Natasha checked her watch and it had just past 6 pm. "The first one out of the pool gets to decide where we get dinner." As soon as she said it she got the pleasure of watching the three of you wrestle each other on who would be the first one out.
You had won and you picked a small restaurant where the Eiffel tower could be seen from right outside the window.
Natasha listened to your and Beth's laughter and saw both your smiles and started thinking that maybe she did want a family after all so she made a silent promise to herself to make the most of the little time that she had left with you and Beth while she still can.
After dinner the four of you went for a stroll and they got you and Beth ice creams.
The walk got suddenly interrupted by a rain shower. Steve and Natasha grabbed your and Beth's hands and the four of you ran back to the hotel. luckily it wasn't far.
After everyone got changed into warm and dry pyjamas Steve started making hot chocolate for you and Beth and tea for Natasha.
While the hot drinks were getting made you found a pack of cards in one of the bedside table drawers.
After many card games were played and the hot drinks were drunk you started to get tired and laid down on the bed resting your head on Natasha's lap.
After Steve, Natasha and Beth quietly played a few more games together Natasha saw Beth yawn and took that as a sign that it was time for bed.
Beth cleaned up all the cards and Steve gently picked you up and placed you in the double bed that was in the other room.
Natasha pulled back the covers and Beth climbed inside
"Night, honey," Natasha said then she kissed her forehead and made sure that she was tucked in nice and tight.
Natasha then walked over to the other side and did the same with you. "Night sweetheart." She whispered.
"Night mom." You mumbled so quietly that Natasha only heard it because she was right beside you. A wide smile grew on her face and didn't leave all night. Even though she knew that it probably didn't mean anything but she couldn't stop thinking about it
The mission had come to an end and you and Beth were back at SHIELD housing accommodation. You both thought that it was the last that you were going to see of Steve and Natasha but you were wrong.
It started as them taking you and Beth out for activities now and then. They took you both out for meals, to the movies, bowling, zoos, museums, amusement parks, and tours around New York City none of which you've ever done till now.
It was Christmas day Steve and Natasha invited you and Beth to join them. One of the gifts that they gave you was an envelope that had yours and Beth's names on it. Beth let you be the one who opened it
Inside the envelope was the best gift that you and Beth, you especially, had ever received: adoption papers.
After being orphans for a long time you and Beth were more than grateful to have parents who love you so much and will do everything possible to keep you both safe.
Taglist - Taglist- @glxwingrxse // @griffin-girl-r // @uglymammoth // @arinexeisnotworking // @donuts2021 // @blackwidow-3 // @faesvoid // @ali-lie // @froufrousnowman // @mmmmokdok // @babbynuggets // @nighttime-dreaming // @circe143 // @lizlil // @lissaaaa145 // @shixicbe
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