#icey queen
an audience with the empress
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your highness demands more dessert… won't you oblige the empress of gluttony? not many have the honor of being so close and intimate with their ruler.
art by @BITECREEP on twitter! go follow em over there, and find their OG post here
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l0vehandles · 5 months
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winter ❄️🦌🌬️
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onskepa · 18 days
Helllooo, could I get a Rapunzel AU fic? In this universe Spider would be the rapunzel of the story, he gets stolen from his family, the Sullies, at a young age (he was adopted by Jake and Neytiri a couple of months after his dad’s death, although he really isn't) Quaritch would be the mother gothel of this AU, keeping Spider in a tower because his magic hair is what is helping him keep being alive. Then Loak would be like Flynn, but in this case a prince going through a rebellious phase, so he stills his older brother crown ( he doesnt really know Spider, cause he was a baby when he was kidnapped) his thief name is “Tulkun” and his partners in crime are Lyle and Z-Dog.
Quite the intersting idea I gotta say, none the less! I hope you enjoy this one!
Our sun
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The sun gives life to all, brings warmth and comfort. With its bright radiant light, it guides everyone to their path. Brings happiness and provides. A great gift humanity has ever gotten. For centuries, humanity has shown their gratitude in many ways. Praising, worshiping, believing the sun is their god. 
A god that is powerful and strong. The Omatikaya kingdom knows that better than anyone in the world. Festivals, sigils, legends, their symbol of the kingdom, all were dedicated to their sun. 
For centuries the kingdom has never wavered their belief in the sun. Remaining strong and true. Always grateful and never greedy. And so, the sun god who was also grateful for the people the sun provides to, believes they deserve a gift. 
A drop of sunlight fallen from the sky has touched the Earth. Gifting the king and queen of the Omatikaya their beautiful sunshine child. 
That is what the story says of course. 
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“He is beautiful…” Jake Sully, King of the Omatikaya kingdom, gently coos at his believed son. Beside him was his queen, his love, and mother of their golden child, neytiri. 
“He is perfect,” Neytiri smiles as she rubs her nose gently against their sons button nose. He gives light giggles in satisfaction. Their son, their beloved child. A gift from the sun. His beautiful golden curly hair, bright blue eyes that can rival the sky. And his smile, so radiant and infectious. Their son, the kingdom's golden prince. 
Wrapped in the finest silk with embroidery intricately designed to that of the sun. The young baby was very much  snuggled in great comfort. 
“My lord, my lady, it is time” tsu’tey, their closest friend and top chief of the Omatikaya army, tells them. 
“Come on, we dont want to keep our people waiting” jake gently leads his wife towards the top balcony that oversees their people. 
“Yes my love, our people shall know of our sunny prince,” Neytiri says while she boops her baby’s nose. 
“Have you chosen a name for him?” tsu’tey asks as he follows closely behind. Neytiri chuckles as she shares a look with jake. 
“Spider, we chose to call our son, spider” 
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The people cheered and roared out in happiness once the royal couple had presented their son. Many were in awe at how such an adorable child could ever exist. Truly a gift blessed from their sun. 
Many threw flower petals, confetti, horns blowing out, little children waving their flags. The crowd was booming with noise. All eyes on the prince. Including one set of icey blue eyes. Glaring at the royal family. 
No one noticed him. All too busy celebrating. A tall menacing man with a dark cloak to hide his face. The man glared with hate. Just how dare they? 
How dare the king and queen lie to their people? How dare they lie that their ‘son’ was a gift from their light above? How dare they lie and say the boy belongs to them? Lies, all lies. 
But Quaritch knows the truth. That baby, the child the royal couple holds is his son. His blood! His ‘wife’ was a foolish woman. Giving away their child to the royals. She is at fault in this mess too! Too bad she is dead otherwise quaritch would have given her a piece of his mind. But it is not too late. Good thing he still remembers the ins and outs of the palace. After all, he used to be their top chief. The king’s once right hand man. Now replaced by that snarky brat. 
Quartich will have his revenge soon enough. He will have his son back one way or another. 
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Night came, and silent as an owl, quaritch entered the royal bedroom without a squeak. Quietly and effortlessly he passed by the couple who were sleeping soundly. Beside them was the cradle where HIS son was sleeping. The cradle was elegantly crafted with golden trims and plush pillows. Only a few days old and he is being spoiled rotten. Cant have that. 
Grabbing his scissors, quaritch goes for the baby’s golden locks. His hair will be a dead give away if anyone finds him. However, just cutting a small strand, the piece of hair turned dark brown and the baby began to cry. 
There was no time. 
When Jake and Neytiri awoke to the cries of their child, they were too late. 
In their eyes, a dark hooded figure stood at the balcony with their baby in his arms. Before Jake can reach him, the hooded figure jumps off and into the dark forest. 
Neytiri cried, not believing what just happened. Jake was quick to call out the night guards. Alarms were sounded, tsu’tey was quick to gather his army to search for the thief who stole their sun.
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18 years later 
“Get your ass over here!” Z-dog, a professional female thief, growls at the little brat who seems to be taking his sweet ass time. Opening the top trap door that led  straight down to the golden crown that was heavily guarded. Lyle, her partner in crime, was also getting impatient. 
“Just a sec….wow……this view is nice, very nice…..guys I want my own castle” a young boy spoke. Age 14 and already making a long list of crimes against the kingdom. This will be the biggest one yet. 
“When we do this job, you can have you own castle” lyle grits his teeth as he yanks lo’ak back to the missions. Tying the rope on his waist, they lower lo’ak down to the crown room. 
Quickly he shoves the gold crown into the satchel until one of the guards sneezes loudly. 
“Ugh, day fever?” lo’ak asks. 
“Yeah” the guard answers casually. Until he realized what just happened. Looking up, he and the other guards saw lo’ak being pulled back up and quickly make a run for it. 
“What a great day to be aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!!” lo’ak shouts as he, z-dog and lyle run across the bride that connects the forest and the kingdom. 
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The three ran fast at top speed. They already knew the royal guards were on their way to hunt them down. Capital punishment awaits them. tulkun might get some leeway. He really only wanted adventure, but for sure he does not want to really suffer the consequences. 
As they ran for it, they halted to a dead end. Hearing the soldiers nearing, acting quick was needed. 
“Give me a boost and I will pull you both up,” Tulkun said in a hurry. 
Z-dog and lyle looked at each other and then at him. 
“Give us the satchel first” z-dog says as she reaches for it. 
Looking quite offended, Tulkun places a hand over his chest, “I cant….after all we have been together, you guys still dont trust me?” 
Dead looks was all he was given. 
He gives the satchel to z-dog and the three were quick to holl up lo’ak. Purposely stepping in z-dogs face as he reaches the top. 
“Now help us up, pretty boy” she demands while reaching her hand up. 
“Sorry, but my hands are full” tulkun smirks while holding the satchel and makes a run for it. 
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That was close, way too close for tulkun’s liking. Tsu’tey was close to seeing his face. If he did then its game over. For now, he will have to lie low, no doubt his family will be worried to death about him. His parents are way too protective. They will be even more once he gets back. Not something he looks forward to. 
For now, he found a little cave that was actually a little entryway to a tower. How long was that there? 
Not giving much thought he was quick to climb the tower and shut the doors[?] windows. Finally being able to be at peace, he opens the satchel to see the golden crown. Sighing in relief. 
“Hello at last-” 
Darkness was all he saw. 
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“Who are you and how did you find me?” 
Miles demanded to know from the young stranger. Tied to the chair, miles made sure his long dreads were enough to make sure the invader didn't escape. Who the hell was he to just climb into someone's tower unannounced? And talking to themselves? 
Father was right, there are crazy people out there. 
“Is this….all hair?” the stranger asked as he looked at his long dreads. 
“Hey! I asked you first! Answer!” miles shouts. Holding the pan tightly, he points it at the stranger. His little friend, payakan climbs on the pan, looking dead in the eyes of the stranger. 
“Is that a blue lizard…?” the stranger asks another question. Do all strangers keep on asking questions? 
“Hey! I get to ask questions here, not you! Got that?” Miles narrows his eyes trying to look as threatening as possible. The stranger rapidly shook his head agreeing. 
Miles starts to walk around the stranger while swinging his pan. 
“So stranger, have you come for my hair? Cut it? Sell it?” he begins to accuse. 
The stranger looks at him confused. 
“What? No! Look, I came here to hide because a horse is on my ass! And now I have to-wait wait! My satchel! Where is my satchel!?” 
Crossing his arms, confidently smiling, miles responds “I’ve hidden in, somewhere where you will never find it” 
The stranger looks to his left, “It's hidden in that pot, isn't it?” 
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Tulkun woke up once again, this time feeling something wet in his ear. Turning he sees the weird blue lizard outstretching his long tongue in his ear. Feeling grossed out, he shouts, “STOP THAT!!” startling the lizard. 
“Now I’ve hidden it somewhere you’ll never find it” the weird boy says. 
“Now back to the main question, how did you find me?” the boy asks again. 
“Look, in all honesty, I was running through the forest ok? I have an army at my ass and a horse! Just give me the crown back and I will leave. Alright?” tulkun replies honestly. 
The weird boy, or guy since he looks older, stares at him confusingly. 
“Wait, you don't want my hair?” he asks. 
“Why on earth would I want your hair? Actually, why do you even want your hair this long? Don't you have a knife or scissors in this place?” 
The weird guy didn't say anything. Walking away at some distance to talk to his blue lizard friend. Whispering some stuff he couldnt make out. However, using that time to try and free himself. No use, the guy tied him up pretty dang good. 
“Alright, it seems you are saying the truth. Now to important matters, look over here” the guy says as he shifts his hair for the chair to move, making him land on his face.
Lifting a curtain aside, the boy reveals a beautiful painting on top of an empty chimney. It showed a dark blue sky with lanterns floating up in the sky. 
“Do you know what these are?” the guy asks. 
“The lanterns? Yeah, they do that for the lost prince” tulkun says automatically. No real emotion behind it. Holding in his indifferent feelings for that specific day. His face is starting to hurt against the floor. Trying to push himself up, he couldn't hear what the guy said. Until suddenly he was being lifted up. 
“I have a deal I want to make,” the weird guy said. 
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Take him to see the lanterns and in return he gets the crown back. No big deal. Seems simple enough. Except for one thing. 
“What have I done?” 
“What if he finds out??” 
“I am horrible” 
“I'm going back, i'm a horrible son” 
Tulkun didn't think he would also be a babysitter. Damn, and he thought his sister was terrible with mood swings. This weird guy clearly is older than him yet acts just like his baby sister who is 3. 
After what felt like centuries, the weird guy calms down but not in high spirits. 
“It seems you seem to be in turmoil. Look, it does seem a lot. But from the bits I heard, it seems you got a protective father, leaving without telling, talking to a stranger whom you never met and now going somewhere that you need to rely on said stranger to get there. This is pretty serious stuff you know” 
The weird guy just stares at him. 
“Part of life you know. Kinda late but it seems you are going through what I like to call “fuck the rules” phase. Personally I hope it's not a phase. Normal stuff” tulkun continues to say while simultaneously shoving the blue lizard off his shoulder. 
“Really…?” the guy asks. 
“Yup, but this might make your dad upset. Hell, break his heart and crush his soul even. But its fine” 
“Wait, you are gaslighting me aren't you” the weird guy was picking up on what tulkun was trying to do. 
“I tried” tulkun answered honestly. 
“No, we are going to see those lights,” the weird guy says, standing up for himself. 
“Oh yeah? What I don't want anymore?” tulkun mocks him. 
“I will use this” the pan was pointing at him again. 
“Ugh, fine” 
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“My name is miles. I forgot to tell you my name earlier” miles says. 
“Oh nice….” 
“What is your name?” miles asks. 
“......its tulkun” 
Miles heard that slight hesitation. Perhaps its not his real name. 
“Cool, this is payakan. My one and only friend” 
Payakan stands on miles’s left shoulder, glaring at tulkun. 
“He really doesnt like me, does he?” tulkun eyes at the reptile. 
“Eh, he will warm up to you. Now, what was that place called again?” miles claps his hands, getting a little hungry. 
“It's called recom port. Best steaks and cold drinks. Hits the spot all the time. And the folks there are super friendly” tulkun says. Smirking inwardly. Surly that place will scare miles back to his little tower. 
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Wherever miles goes, tulkun can't help but notice how it was so easy to bring in people. The recom outcasts were super friendly towards him! And they hated tulkun! The hell?! Even worse, miles managed to have them all sing for hours non-stop. Tulkun is just so done. He wants the crown and go back home. Screw with whatever punishment his dad will give him. He can take it. 
Even worse since miles somehow tamed that demon of a horse. 
“Awe, such a good girl aren't you….zeze!” miles coos at the light blue horse. Reading the collar the fowl beast has. 
Zeze was wagging her tail like some dog. Ready to comply with whatever miles tells her. 
“You cant be serious, that thing is capable of murder!!” tulkun tries to reason with miles. 
“Did she kill?” 
“Umm…no but I wouldn't doubt it!
Miles rolls his eyes and continues to pet zeze. 
“Look, we are tired from walking and zeze seems to have a lot of energy. Why not ride her the rest of the way? It's a win-win. What do you think, big girl? Want to blow off some steam?” Miles suggests to the hell beast who neighs in agreement. 
“Oh you have got to be kidding me” tulkun rolls his eyes. He would rather walk on hot rocks than deal with her. 
“Come on, it will be easier. Look, I can tell you both dont get along but please just until we get to the lights? Please?” miles pleads. 
Zeze seems to side with him, offering her hoof, she and tulkun shake in agreement. 
“Wonderful! Now lets get on!” miles says happily as he climbs on zeze. Payakan sitting on zeze’s head getting a good view and tulkun sits behind miles. 
“Have you ever rode on a horse before?” tulkun asks. 
“Nope, first time! HIYAH!” 
Zeze takes off, letting the winds hit their faces and excitement filling their lungs. 
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It was amazing! Miles has never seen this many people before! And they all live together in smaller yet wider towers? So cool! And the food! So delicious! More books to read, new music to listen to. It was so perfect. 
A kind lady even gifted him a small flat with a sun design and a flower. He admires the pretty flower until he sees other people laying their flowers in front of an interesting mural.
“It's for the lost prince” a child says to their baby sibling. 
Lost prince? 
Miles takes a good look at the mural. There stood two proud looking people. A man and a woman, wearing fancy looking clothing. In the woman's arms was a baby. A child who is smiling and have lovely golden hair and blue eyes. 
“Poor baby…” miles mutters. He places his flower on the base of the mural. Whoever the baby is, hopefully he comes back to his family soon.
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Night came and tulkun managed to get a small boat for them to the surrounding moat. The lanturn festival was about to begin. Tulkun look to see miles not smiling anymore. 
“Hey, you ok..? Feeling excited?” he asks. 
“Feeling kind of terrified actually…” miles confesses. 
Tulkun tilts his head, “how come?” 
“All my life, for as long as I can remember I look at my window and see beautiful stars in the sky. Always wondering what they were. And here I am, about to see the truth….I'm scared to be disappointed” 
Tulkun, understanding his new friend, places an arm over his shoulder. 
“Nothing wrong with being disappointed. In the end, you will get to see what is more than the stars as you call them” 
Miles smiles a bit, “and what if they are? What then?” 
“That is the fun part I guess. It opens a path for a new journey” 
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Neytiri straights jake’s outcoat, making him presentable. Her eyes meet his. Sadness and sorrow are all there is. No words are needed to be said. She knows. What is supposed to be a joyous day has now become a sad tradition for all. 
They meet their children on the balcony, all holding their own lanterns. Yet, neytiri and jake notice their third son is missing. It was just putting more salt on the wound. 
Taking the lead, they light up their lantern and together they let it go. The royal children followed. Moments after, all of the kingdom let go of their lanterns. The darkened sky now filled with lanterns, all goes at their own pace. 
Neytiri and jake hold each other close while holding their children. Their hopes depleting each year. The hope that one day, their first child would return home. That hopefully their son would find these lanterns and use them as a guide back to them. 
But its been 18 years. A grown adult by now. 
They make sure their children know of their big brother, and how he would have loved each and everyone of them. Their children never doubted that. 
“He will come home this time, right mama….?” The first princess asks her mother as she stares at the lanterns. Every year she asks the same question. Every year, neytiri answers the same thing. 
“He must” 
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Miles was in awe. The lanterns were so beautiful! Each one was different yet all burned brightly. 
“I finally know the truth…” he says. 
Tulkun hears this……
“Lo’ak” he speaks. 
“My real name is Lo’ak, tulkun was just a disguise name…” lo’ak admits. 
“Why?” miles asks, curious to know. 
“My family….well my parents to be precise. Are very protective. Like super protective. Cant go anywhere without someone spying on me or my siblings…” lo’ak says with what sounds like defeat in his voice. 
“You see….I have an older brother and two younger sisters. My parents however, had a son before my big brother neteyam. Spider was his name. My parents said he was only 3 months old before a dark cloaked guy took him away. They never knew who he was or why the stranger took him. That night traumatized them for life. Dont get me wrong, it is sad. He would have been 4 or 5 years old by the time I was born. Its just….” lo’ak couldn't continue. 
“So that is why you are rebellious…wanting to get out of their tight hold. Needing to breathe and just take risks for the fun of it” miles finishes for him. 
Lo’ak looks at miles’s long hair. 
“Yeah…but what about you? You never told me why you lived in that tall, isolated tower” lo’ak asks, wanting to change the subject. 
“My dad….he too is overprotective. Growing up, he tells me all of the dangerous things that happen outside of the tower. Baby stealing ghouls, men with sharp teeth, diseases, blood sucking monsters. I was terrified. But in reality…he kept me there because of my hair…” 
Miles moves his dreads to the side to reveal a short dark strand of hair. 
“My hair….is what is keeping me alive. If cut, it affects my health. He doesn't know why, niether do I but…something like that, it has to be protected” 
“So….you never left that tower?” lo’ak was astounded. Miles, a grown adult at this point, has never seen what life has to offer? 
Miles nodded. 
“And you still want to go back…?” 
Miles looked to be contemplating on that question. But before could be said, near the dock was two unpleasantly familiar people.
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“There, it will be just like it never happened” his dad says. 
Miles was back at the tower. Any traces of him being outside was gone. Lo’ak left him and took the crown. Leaving him vulnerable to two dangerous strangers who wanted to cut his hair for higher value. If it wasn't for his dad finding him, who knows what could have happened. 
“Hey, I will make that coup you like so much, that will lift your spirits up” his dad was exiting his room. 
“Look son, I know it seems unfair but you have to understand. Not everything is bright and good. Terrible people who sees any trace of goodness, they will destroy it no matter what” with that, he goes downstairs. 
Leaving miles alone. He stares at the paintings he has done on the ceiling. Why do they look familiar? 
Pulling out the little flag he still kept, he compares the sun to the familiar shapes. 
“What the…?” why do his painting have the sun symbol? 
Suddenly, he got a massive headache. 
Memories of a past he didn't know he had came flooding in. 
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“WAIT WAIT DAD!! YOU DONT GET IT!!” lo’ak shouts as he tries to fight back his uncle figure tsu’tey. The other night he was knocked out by z-dog and lyle, tying him on a canoe with the crown. Now being punished, he was to be sent to a neighboring kingdom as a form of punishment for stealing a royal crown.
Jake, having had enough of his son's lies, false promises, and fake sympathy, didnt want to hear him anymore.
“Hopefully this will teach you a lesson son. You knew how important that crown was. Stealing was the last straw "Jake says. His family beside him, none wanting lo’ak to go but it was necessary.
“NO!! YOU DONT GET IT!! THEY TOLD ME!! HE IS ALIVE!! DAMN IT!! IM SORRY UNCLE!!” with a quick hit with his head, lo’ak managed to free himself from tsu’tey. Acting fast he made a run for it.
“ZEZE!!” he calls out. The majestic yet beastly horse answers his call, he climbed onto her.
Tsu’tey calls his soldiers to follow lo’ak, his family yelling to come back. “HE IS ALIVE!! SPIDER IS ALIVE!!” was all lo’ak said before zeze ran faster, heading straight to the forest. This whole time, this whole time! His big brother is alive!! He has a lot to make up for right now, lo’ak needs to get him out of the tower and away from the stranger miles calls ‘father’.
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There was so much blood. Miles didnt know how to heal him. He wanted to save lo’ak, save him, tell him of his newfound revelation! Yet his dad has him tied to chains like some feral animal. 
“That is enough! You are going somewhere far more hidden! Somewhere where you won't even see the sunlight!” his father says. Miles can hardly recognize him anymore. All he sees is a scary, tall man who sees miles as some golden item rather than a human being. 
Yet miles fought back, as best as he could. Lo’ak is dying,he needs to do something! 
“Let me heal him please!” miles begs. Tears ran down his face. 
“Let me heal him, and you and I will be together. Just like we always have. Please dad, let me save him” 
His dad saw lo’ak laying still, thinking he won't last long. He ties a chain to his ankle, just incase the brat gets any ideas of following them. Miles was quick, panicking but doing his best to close the wound. 
“Miles…” lo’ak whispers weakly, “dont…I can let you…” he tries his hardest to say, 
“I cant let you die…” miles whispers, more tears falling out. 
Lo’ak gets closer as if to tell miles something, however, in a surprise move, he cuts miles hair. 
“Lo’ak!! What did you…!!” his was was quick to turn a dark brown, his dreads also losing their golden color. 
“NO!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?” the mad man shrieks. In a hurry he tries to collect the hair, not carrying where he is stepping. He tangles himself in the dreads, unknowingly wrapping himself. In a daze he trips. 
Over the tower’s window. 
Falling to his death. His screams are now silent. 
Miles couldn't comprehend what just happened. Yet he had to focus on lo’ak. 
“Im sorry….brother….” lo’aks arms went limp, his eyes closed. 
“No no no!! Stay with me lo’ak! Please!!” miles cries out loud. Now he truly is alone. No friend, no father, no one. Just himself. He lets his tears fall on lo’aks wound. 
“Please save him…!! I beg you!! Save him!!” miles didnt know to who he was calling to. To himself? To some holy being? Perhaps he was already losing his mind now that he lost his golden hair. Or perhaps, not all is lost…
Bright light flooded the tower from the outside. Its light radiating warmth, reminds miles that of the lanterns. Bright yet gentle. It was like being swaddled in a blanket. The light surrounded him and lo’ak. His hair, although now messy, its golden color returned. The light touches lo’ak’s wound, sealing it, healing him. 
Just as it has appeared, the light has dispersed. As if it never did. 
Holding in his breathe, miles looks over at lo’ak, hoping to see something. 
A cough was heard, more coughs, and a scruff. 
“Oh fuck…did I hit something?” Lo’ak asks as he sits up. 
Miles shouts in happiness. Hugging lo’ak tightly, he says his thanks to the mysterious light that saved his friend. His brother. 
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Quickly, neytiri and jake along with their children make haste to the balcony where tsu’tey said was where he was waiting. 
They all hold hands tightly, reassuring one another that this is real, its not a dream. 
Opening the doors, they see lo’ak. Beside him was someone jake and neytiri thought they would never see. 
A young, tall man with short yet very familiar golden hair stood before them. Wide, sparkly blue eyes that can rival the sky. His familiar smile, his aura radiant of warm happiness. This is him. 
“Spider…” neytiri whispers, getting closer to him. Touching his cheeks, his hands, his ears, hair, everything. 
“It is you…my spider, my son” she confirms. A mother could never mistake her child. 
Hugging him close, she cries out in joy. Jake followed soon after her. Holding his son after so many years. Kissing his head, hearing his heartbeat. Their son has returned. 
“You did find him…” jake says to lo’ak. 
Lo’ak smiles, joining in the hug, not saying much as to let his parents have this moment. 
“Come come my children, meet your big brother! He is home!” neytiri gestures her three other children, neteyam, kiri and tuk. The three join in one massive group hug. 
This is what miles, or now, spider, wanted. To feel truly loved. This is his family, may take some time getting used to, but spider truly felt at home with them. For they are warm and radiant, like that of the sun. 
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all liked it! Until next time! See ya!
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meganechan05 · 11 months
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Himeno would be lying if she said she didn't believe in the fairytales she read as a child. But she would also be lying to say she believed a prince would come save her since she was raised to take care of herself as the sole protector and Queen of her kingdom.
So imagine her surprise when she found the icey King of Gokkan jumping off the balcony she was thrown off of with a parasol and telling her to not let go of it.
Maybe the silly fairytales aren't so silly after all.
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111 notes · View notes
serenescribe · 10 months
Bit of an odd request but I was listening to a bit of music and I was hit by an idea-
Idk if you know the tale of the Snow Queen, but essentially snow queens powerful ice mirror shatters, all but two pieces are recovered. One shard lands in a boys eye making him turn icey and Queen snatched him up.
However consider- Snow King Silver dragging a “mortal” who has a piece of something that was his. Unaware said “mortal” is actually a fae whose intrigued by this King’s combination of harshness yet tenderness.
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the snow prince Twisted Wonderland | 3.9k Summary: A mysterious spell afflicts one Lilia Vanrouge, encasing his heart in frigid cold. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51960883
FREED FROM UNI, I AM! I actually had this written for a while, but put off posting it to save it for a more appropiate season. I really love Snow Queen retellings and AUs, so this was a LOT of fun to write! Thank you, Olive! :D
(An aside: There are extremely minor spoilers for TWST CH7 in here; they're all under the cut and mentioned in passing. If you're trying to avoid every little detail of CH7, I'd suggest passing up on this!)
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In the heat of a sweltering summer that sweeps Briar Valley like a storm, Lilia feels a prick of something sharp enter his eyes.
It happens so fast, so swiftly, that had Lilia not been one of the fair folk, he likely would not have noticed it at all. If he were a human, for example, with their sluggish reflexes and oblivious tendencies, lacking a natural affinity for magic in comparison to the fae, Lilia would have chalked up the prick in his eye to a stray lash falling in, rubbing around until he feels as though he’s flicked it out before moving on with his day.
But Lilia is not human. He is fae.
He knows, at once, despite trying and failing to dig out whatever it is that has entered his eye, that it is not a stray lash or a speck of dust. There is a strange magic emanating off of the tiny sharp splinter, an aura he picks up on in an instant. It’s peculiar, the way it makes him shudder as he brushes against it, the sensation likened to the cold of a dead winter. It is unlike anything he has ever felt before.
But gradually, Lilia has to put a pause on his efforts. He is out on a journey to meet with humans for talks of peace, for their centuries-long wars are slowly crawling to an end. His soldiers look at him in concern, clicking their tongues as they ask him, “General, are you alright? Do we need to stop for a while?”
“I am fine,” Lilia says, waving his hand in dismissal. “I simply got something in my eye, is all.”
It is not wrong to say that, for it is not a lie at all. But Lilia knows as well as anyone else that the strange prick of magic infesting his eye warrants further inspection.
Later, he tells himself, as they continue on with their journey on horseback, for the stalemate in their war has allowed for easier travel through ways of steed.
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Time ticks by, the lazy heat of summer dipping into the beginnings of a chilly autumn. But despite the changing seasons, the months that have passed since that fateful summer day, Lilia comes no closer to discovering what it is that ails him so deeply.
He is not oblivious to the changes occurring to him; quite the opposite, in fact. Lilia has carried about him a strange self-awareness about his shifting attitude, only realising the differences in how he’s been acting when he reflects on the changes in hindsight. He’s never exactly been the pinnacle of warmth, and especially not after his beloved friends died, but he’s always held a fondness in his heart for the few he opens up to — namely his second in command, Baul Zigvolt, and the young heir to the throne and son of his deceased friend, Malleus Draconia.
But now?
Lilia stifles a sigh as he reminisces, trudging through the gardens of the castle. The leaves are shifting to warm hues, leaves fluttering in shades of vermillion red and golden yellow, and the fallen leaves give a satisfying crunch when his boots stomp into them.
He exhales, twisting his lips as he raises his head up to the world around him. It looks as it always has, Lilia knows that well. And yet… something about it has felt different since that day.
Everything has begun to feel… boring. Banal and bland at best, wickedly ugly at worst. The crunch of the leaves irritates his ears, the drought of the autumn air makes his nose feel too sore. He turns his nose up at the food the castle staff serve, wrinkling his nose at the pungent smell of a dish he used to love, and he turns down whoever offers him a mug of beer, the foam that guzzles over the rim leaving his hands sticky and gross.
Lilia knows he’s changing. It’s not just his emotions, but also in the way he sees the world — everything is so intimately different in the worst way, and every waking hour he spends feels like a chore, an obligation he drags himself through. Where he used to spend time with Baul and his fellow men, or with Malleus most of all, being the one to raise him since he hatched, he now spends it all… alone.
But knowing something logically is different from knowing it emotionally. There are only so many apologies he can force out with his insincere tongue, schooling his expression into a facsimile of sincere regret. At the end of the day — of each day — Lilia truly feels nothing at all except the vacant void of a howling gelidity, frostbite nipping through his very veins.
At the very least, his men have respected this change, regardless of how perplexed they seem to be. Baul had pulled him aside once or twice to ask if he was feeling fine, but had he not been so preoccupied with his daughter’s sudden interest in the Valley’s newest dentist, a peculiar human who’d chosen to move here, of all places, he would have surely pressed the matter further.
On the other hand…
He sucks in a breath at the sound of that familiar voice. Once, it had lightened his heart to be greeted to such a cry upon returning to the castle from one of his many campaigns. But now?
“Hello, Malleus,” Lilia greets, making a deliberate effort to soften his voice as he turns to greet the young prince. Malleus has grown a great deal since he first hatched, now towering slightly above Lilia. Still, the boy has an inclination for continuing to call out to him childishly — something that had endeared Lilia in times past, but now only serves to irritate him by no fault of Malleus at all. “Is there something you require of me?”
“Not require, per se,” Malleus answers, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He toys with the chain of his cloak with one hand. “I was merely hoping that you could spare the time to join me today for some tea. It has been quite a while, after all. I understand you’ve been busy as of late, but you do not appear to have anything on today, so I thought—”
“You’re rambling again.” Abruptly, Malleus’ mouth snaps shut. Lilia winces internally at his misstep; why had he interrupted the prince like that, in so cold a tone? He sighs. “Apologies. I have been under… a great deal of stress recently.”
“It is no matter, Lilia.”
Well that’s good, at least, Lilia thinks. Averting his gaze, he says, “Unfortunately, I do not believe I can join you today.”
A pause.
“Truly?” He hears it, the surprise in Malleus’ voice, mixing in with a forlorn misery. “I was certain that you had nothing to do today, given your schedule…”
“I—” Pressing his lips together, Lilia thinks before he says, rather stiffly, “It is true that I may not have anything on. But I would like some time to myself if you would be so kind, my prince.”
Ah, another slip up of his. To refer to Malleus by his title rather than his name… the gap between them only widens, and the only reason why Lilia worries about it is because he fears that he may go too far, say the wrong thing when it’s far too late to take anything back. But what’s done is done; Lilia raises his head in time to see Malleus recoil, hurt glimmering in those chartreuse eyes of his.
If Lilia stays longer… will he continue to mess up so miserably?
Before Malleus can speak, Lilia cuts in. “If there is nothing else that requires my attention,” he says, “I would like to return to my walk. Good day, Malleus. Give my regards to the queen.”
And, abruptly, he turns on his heels and leaves.
Oh, Lilia knows that Malleus is displeased. He knows it because, within mere moments, there is a gentle flutter of snow wafting down from the skies. He raises his head, blinking up at the fluttering snowflakes — so delicate and fragile, a byproduct of the prince’s tumultuous emotions, his magic far too powerful for him to properly handle when his emotions explode past his limits.
And yet, when he sets his eyes upon the swirling snow, Lilia feels…
He raises a hand, watching a snowflake land on his finger — so tiny, so delicate, an eight-pointed speck weaved into such an elegant pattern. It melts almost instantly against the warm flush of his skin — and yet, Lilia is transfixed, mouth parting slightly as he steps back, watching as the snow begins to flurry down faster and faster, cascading through the skies. How long has it been since he’d felt anything other than such apathy, such revulsion, such irritation and disgust? Now, Lilia only feels a sense of childlike wonder.
When was the last time he stopped to stare at the snow as it fell? He cannot remember. Has he ever stopped to observe it like this? Or had war stripped away such inconsequential pastimes from his life?
Lilia does not know how long he wanders around, watching the snowflakes dance until he goes numb, so numb with the cold. He only knows that his fingers are frozen and his lips are blue when he finally returns to the castle in a daze, barely cognisant of the way his entire body is battered, pushed past the natural limitations of his faerie strength.
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Winter crashes into Briar Valley like an enemy ambush, a sudden attack spurned from the shadows of nothingness. It is the worst winter they have had in an eternity, everyone says, peering outside the frost-tinted windows as they bask within the toasty walls of the castle grounds; the fire-spells keep everyone warm for as long as they stay inside.
With the thick layers of snow barring any method of safe travel, the ongoing talks of their peace treaties with the humans have been temporarily suspended — more for the children of men’s sakes than that of the fae. If she so willed it, Queen Maleficia could wash away the snow with a flick of her wrist, but such matters, in her opinion, are trivial; nature is not something to be fixed at an instant, so why should she expend her energy for such things?
So during those days, cooped up within the castle walls with little to do, Lilia winds up lounging in the cushioned nook of a window, a little alcove tucked away in a winding tower towards the murky corners of the castle. Few fae ever roam here, save for a scant few servants pattering about cleaning the dusty hallways, and Lilia spends many languid hours with his head pressed against the cool glass, so intensely transfixed on the dancing snowflakes outside.
They are beautiful. Perhaps they are the last bits of perfection he shall ever witness in his life.
He has found no information about the shard that pricked his eye, nor has he found any sort of cure. Lilia has spent many a month searching, sifting through the treasure trove of books in the castle’s library to no avail. He had, at one point, considered going to the queen and telling her of his predicament — “In the month of summer, I believe a magical spell of some kind has afflicted my eye.” — but his own apathy stops him every time; there is simply no point in dragging others into this matter, not because Lilia does not wish to trouble them, but because, try as he might, the larger part of him just doesn’t care.
So, with his head pressed against the cold glass, Lilia closes his eyes and sighs.
The winter solstice is approaching, the longest night of the year. As nocturnal fae, creatures of the night, it is a joyous cause for celebration for their kind. Despite the blizzard that rages across the Valley night and day, many servants, guardsmen, people of their kingdom have been looking forward to the events; the castle town shall be open to all, shielded from the elements. All fae, young and old, can look forward to a night of dancing and festivities, dining on the finest food at the banquets, and celebrating the longevity of the night.
In years past, Lilia would have looked forward to it. But now, like everything else in his life, he feels nothing at all.
“Lilia? Are you here?”
He stifles a groan at the sound of Malleus’ voice. Again and again, the boy continues to scour for him, to seek him out and spend time with him. Lilia tries to indulge him, he really does! But each occasion spent together, needing to force himself to fake sincerity the whole way through — “Oh yes, Malleus, I would like to try the new blend of tea! Thank you kindly for the offer. How is your grandmother doing? I heard she has spent some time with you as of late—”
He can’t stand it. He can’t. It gets harder and harder with each passing day, the chill that permeates his skin sinking deeper and deeper, turning his heart into one carved of ice. His eye prickles with pain whenever he grits his teeth in a false smile; across the table from him, the young prince looks detestable, a selfish beast with far too much time, uncaring of what his servants are subjected to in their indulgence of him.
So he avoids him. As soon as Lilia hears him, he flicks his wrist, a swell of magic surrounding him. Bat-formed, Lilia takes to the rafters, huddling away in the corners of the ceiling as he listens to Malleus come and go. It is only when he hears that familiar voice fading away that he dares to leave, flapping his little wings as he makes a break for another isolated corner of the labyrinthian castle.
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The day of the winter solstice arrives, and with it comes the worst blizzard the valley has ever seen.
Cold winds lash against the fortifications of the castle, howling and rattling. Snow crashes from the sky, piling higher and higher upon the dead ground. And yet the castle is alight with the buzz of festivities — the many servants bustle about, wrapping up the last of their preparations, ensuring the banquet is ready with food for all, that the decor floats about in place, that the spells wrapping the castle and its town in a bubble of warmth remain solidly intact.
Throughout the day, Lilia sticks to the shadows, hovering out of sight. Today he feels… he doesn’t know how to describe it. Cold and dead as usual, his heart no longer the warm, affectionate thing it was before — but beneath the thick layers of apathy, there is something nestled beneath: the barest twitch of a muscle, a flutter of something. Lilia finds himself distracted with it the entire day as he meanders about, waiting for the clock to tick to a point when the festivities can start.
And when they do begin, the many residents of the valley teleporting into the castle en masse… Oh, how does Lilia even begin to describe them? Laughter rings freely, the merry melody of music from a string band sweeping the air as dancers circle across the floor. Wine glasses clink as people toast to prosperity and magic, hoping to see the weather ease up soon, and even the queen herself is out and about, walking amidst the crowd, a smile on her face as she mingles with the few faeries bold enough to approach her.
But Lilia—
He feels nothing watching all this. Nothing at all.
And yet… there is something else. That peculiar emotion buried underneath… it sings to him, calls to him, as though someone’s voice were tugging at a string. It only strengthens as the night goes on, likened to an unbearable itch; it is the first blissful thing he has felt in what feels like an eternity, and Lilia—
He misses it. He misses being able to love, to feel something other than apathy at best, and all these horrible, miserable emotions at worst — a repugnance, a rage, an irascibility that sparks every time someone tries to converse with him. Lilia misses being able to love freely, his heart softening as he grows older, brought on by the loss he’s experienced, and the love he mustered up to be able to raise Malleus into the man he is today.
So who can blame him for slipping off, for finding a way out of the castle grounds? Lilia answers the call, sneaking past guards who are far too drunk on wine, laughing and shouting as they play games at their stations. He does not bother with whisking up thick clothes for himself; Lilia merely plunges into the blizzard, battered at once by shrieking winds and a pelting of snow against his face, of a storm so deadly chilling that it would ravage even the strongest of faes.
And yet, he does not feel cold.
He grits his teeth as he presses on, dragging his legs through the thick boughs of snow. Lilia knows not how long it takes for him to trudge, only that it feels like forever — but he knows he is getting somewhere, because with each step he takes, the tugging in his chest grows and grows, the intensity of the emotion exciting him for the first time in months.
Is this the answer to his ailment?
Is there a cure tucked within the heart of the storm?
Lilia takes one step, and then another. He takes a third, and—
All at once, everything stops.
The wind dies away. The blizzard softens to a gentle snowfall. Little flakes of snow dance through the air as Lilia walks forward, head turning to and fro. How peculiar this is! He raises a hand, watching a flake fall into the open palm of his hand and rest there, and it is only the sound of hooves clumping against snow that snaps him out of his reverie.
Lilia turns his head, and sees a child.
A boy, who gazes at him with wide eyes that reflect the northern lights — auroras of shifting veins tinted shades of pink, purple, and blue, lights that Lilia has only gotten the chance to see once during a journey across the world. His hair sweeps across his forehead, locks of the purest silver as though spun from the nighttime stars, streaked with white like the pristine paleness of snow. He sits on a white stag, ice-spun crystals hanging from its glacial antlers, and around him is a fur-lined cloak and hood that swallows him whole, far too big for his tiny body.
Lilia’s breathing hitches—
Because the boy before him is the most beautiful thing he has seen in a long time.
“Hello,” the boy says after a while, a glimmering curiosity in those wide eyes of his. His mount trots forward, bringing him closer. “I’ve never seen you before,” he says, looking at Lilia closely.
At that, Lilia laughs. “I could say the same to you, little one.” He rests a hand on his hips, relishing in the joy, the curiosity, the emotions that flood him in full force; it has been so long! “It is a rare sight to see a young boy riding a stag in a storm like this.”
The boy’s face falls, and Lilia feels… worried. Did he upset him somehow? “I’ve been trying to stop the storm for a while now,” the boy explains, auroral eyes flicking to the storm that rages outside the bubble they’re within, continuing to ravage the valley to no end. “B-but it’s my first time really trying such a thing, and I don’t… really know how.”
Ah, Lilia thinks, finally coming to understand. A lost child. A boy with power over the very elements itself, who can control the season of cold and snow. And yet, who would place such responsibility upon a child, one so very young? He feels the fervent urge to lean in and coddle him, to reassure him that it’s alright, you’re trying your very best, I can help you if you just let me.
And why shouldn’t he do such a thing?
“I can help you, if you would like.”
In a flash, those pupils lock on him. “Would you?” the boy breathes. “I-I wouldn’t want to trouble you, mister—”
“It’s no trouble at all!” Lilia insists, stepping forward with a beaming smile on his face. He reaches out for the stag, feeling the beast nuzzle against the palm of his hand as he strokes it gently. Why should he return to the castle, to that unyielding, endless void of apathy and misery? Here, with the boy with eyes like the auroras and hair like the stars, Lilia feels something — the warm glow of parental affection, already growing so attached to such a young child.
“Then…” the boy mumbles, “would you come with me?”
Lilia only smiles. “Of course.”
And as he clambers onto the back of the steed, he asks, before they leave, one final question: “Pray tell, little one, what is your name?”
“My name?” the boy echoes, furrowing his brows. “I… I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
Lilia arches an eyebrow. What kind of a lonely life must this boy live, if he has not even considered his lack of a name? “Then would you mind if I gave you one?” he offers. Oh, it is such an incredibly forward move to suggest such a thing, with how important names are to his kind. But already, he is attached, his very soul bound to this child who gazes at him in wonder at the possibility of wielding his own name.
And the boy nods.
“Silver,” Lilia says, the name coming to him at once. Like the shine of the gleaming moon, the glitter of the stars, the wispy fall of the snow around them. Love blooms in his chest, the warmth cradling his very soul; Lilia curls his arms around the boy, his body so cold even through the chilling fabric of his cloak, pulling him against his chest into a hug. “That shall be your name.”
“Silver,” the boy echoes, testing it out on his tongue. He tilts his head back, a small smile gracing his rounded cheeks as he looks up at Lilia. “Thank you, mister. Could I ask what your name is?”
“It is Lilia, dear one,” he croons, relinquishing his name without a second thought. The two of them are bonded in mere moments, Lilia filled with a fulfilment he has not felt since that prick of a shard entered his eye.
There is nothing left for him here. That is what he tells himself as Silver leads them away, commanding his steed to take off into a prancing gallop, bursting from the tranquil heart of the storm into the raging blizzard, whisking them back to their home.
(Lilia fails to notice the figure that bursts through the clearing, chartreuse eyes widening in horror as a mouth parts to scream his name. He does not notice the horned boy who shivers in the cold, eyes wide as the wind whips at his long hair, watching the stag prance away, the boy who leads it ripping his guardian away from his grasp.)
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marias-wonderland · 1 year
Integra is often unfairly characterized as being icey. Which sure yeah, she always seems cool and in control but people forget that it’s a persona she has to use so nobody questions her authority and tries to undermine her, and that she’s actually a very empathetic and caring person who always has the best interests of her friends and employees (even struggling to kill her zombified guards.)
Anon I don't know who you are but, I want to give you the biggest hug!!
You hit the nail on the head with your observations!
It is really easy to stay on the facades the characters had created in the show, let alone integra, but we really need to understand where she's coming from
Imagine that you're 12 years old, your father is dead, your uncle tried to kill you, and a random bdsm apparittion in your basement saves your life.
Imagine your 12 y.o having to operate a whole paramilitary operation, with the help of a middle-aged butler and having to keep an eye on the bdsm bloke
(Also just look how cute she was)
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She has to prove herself to men that would never take seriously an adult woman, let alone a child
(And let's be honest for a moment. Who would have trusted a child being in charge of one of the most crucial paramilitary organizations in England? sounds like a joke).
Therefore what does she need to do? To mask, to hide, to pretend she's someone else. She needs to adapt to her enviroment. As the Japanese say "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down", and Integra does not have the priviledge of short-comings and errors.
She adapts the suits instead of skirts, she smokes cigars and drinks manly liquids instead of "feminine" drinks like wine. Even her body language sometimes is giving of masculine elements (notice how she sits for example).
Even her opinions must be shaped in accordance to what her colleages believe. She can not appear "womanly" or "sensitive". She needs to appear determined, emotionless, cunning and pious.
Her true self must remain in the background, because it is not wise to show weakness in front of "monsters" (not neceserally Alucard, monsters take many shapes and forms)
Her whole relationship with Alucard proves she's something more than an ice queen. She allows him to cause wreak havoc uninterrupted, she allows him to keep Seras as his novice. Following Seras' introduction, Integra grows fond of her, and tries to help her acclimatise in her new life.
(Remember how she rushes and stops Seras from going into full vampire mode during the first manor attack? how she hugs her and tells her "that's enough"?)
Hell, even her whole banter/obvious innuendos with Alucard weren't that much innocent either.
You think her father would have allowed Alucard running around and calling him "count" or smth else that indicates they were equals? They always thought he was just some scrap off their shoes.
While Integra not only viewed him as an equal, she allowed him being a little more... mischievous than he should (that telephone scene did things to me)
And besides, a person who waits 30 years for your return, while worrying about if they are beautiful enough now, shows me a person who's the complete opposite of cold. (Perhaps they harbour even stronger feelings than the usual ;) )
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hannahhook7744 · 16 days
Descendants Background Characters Names (Redone) Part 4;
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Crysta (Blonde girl), one daughter of Arista (Ariel's sister) and Dylan. Seaside High was in serious danger of overcrowding, so quite a few students were encouraged to attend Auradon Prep instead.
Brian Robinson (glasses guy), son of Lewis and Franny Robinson.
Aqua, one daughter of Aquata (Ariel's sister) and Nexar.
Sitara, daughter of Mowgli and Shanti.
Trevor, the son of Big Nose and Assunta.
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Prince Henry (the guy behind Mal and Lonnie), son of King Richard the Lionheart. He's supposed to go to Sherwood High, but he got expelled.
Shira (girl behind Evie), daughter of Ariel's friend, Gabriella. One of the Seaside students who transferred.
Leon du Lac (guy beside Evie) son of Lancelot du Lac and Elaine of Astolat (he's an exchange student).
The girls behind him are Mary and Dorothy, daughters of Tiana's friend, Georgia.
The red head girl under him is Sigrid, daughter of Kai and Gerda.
Adonis Jr aka AJ (right next to Lonnie), son of Adonis and Helen of Troy. His older siblings attend Olympus High, but his father thought he was too nerdy to compete.
Silvie (behind AJ), daughter of Sharma.
The girls below him are Princesses Noelle and Natasha, daughters of Cavin and Princess Calla.
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Guy in stripes is named Prince Rowan, son of Wee Dingwall.
Girl in yellow beneath him is Celestina Potts, youngest daughter of Mrs. Potts.
Guy in a blue T-shirt is named Samuel 'Sammy' Sweet, son of Joshua Sweet.
Guy in a yellow T-shirt is named Makaio Bubbles, son of Cobra Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch (Bubbles adopted him from an unsuitable home).
The guy below them is Prince Ajax, son of Prince Thor and Pearl. One of the Seaside transfer students.
The guy next to Makaio is Prince Reynard, son of Princess Willow.
The girl next to him is Princess Wenhua 'Wen', daughter of Yao and Princess Mei, who flat out refused to go to the Imperial Academy.
Guy below her is Johannes Little, son of Little John.
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Salvatrix Mim aka Sad Sally Mim, granddaughter of Madam Mim.
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Elphaba West, daughter of Theodora (aka the Wicked Witch of the West).
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Orlie, daughter of Orddu.
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Owena, daughter of Orwen and Bill Jukes (she's the youngest member of Uma's crew).
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Morven Mim, aka Mimpathy Morven, grandson of Madam Mim.
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Farley-Fletcher Fflam, son of Fflewddur Fflam.
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Maureen 'Goo' Yagoobian, Michael 'Goob' Yagoobian.
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Murky Maggie Mim, granddaughter of Madam Mim (she has four legs. This may or may not be Dorothy Tremaine's fault).
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Ula and Uziel, daughter and son of Uliana.
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Shepherd Scaremonger, Aka the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
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Ichabod 'Icey' White, son of Snow White and Prince Florian. Along with Princesses Noelle again and Audrey.
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Princess Natasha again.
The girl next to her is Rebecca, daughter of Safi.
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Felicidad Daniela Ruíz, she's the daughter of one of the Encanto villagers. The boy next to her is Prince Ajax again.
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Jonas again.
The girl below him is Adda Slim, daughter of Alameda Slim.
The guy next to Jonas is Morven Mim again.
Dizzy Tremaine.
Guy next to her is Abner, son of Captain Gantu.
Girl next to him is Tara, daughter of King Trevor.
Guy behind her is Blaise, son of Morgie.
Guy in the pirate hat is Sean, the son of the Sherriff of Nottingham (He's a member of Uma's Crew).
The girl behind him is Susan Finkelstein, Dr. Finkelstein.
The girl next to him is Quinlynn Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts (and member of Harriet Hook's Crew).
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 Axel, son of the Huntsman. 
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Bathsheba (girl with the bandana), daughter of Ammand the Corsair.
Rummy Bloodbeard (boy behind bandana girl), son of Captain Bloodbeard.
Kevar (Kid in pirate hat next to Bandana girl), son of Marquis de Bouillabaisse.
Daang (First kid in goggles), son of Ed.
Niki (Red Head Girl), daughter of Hecate.
Birger (Kid with green hat), son of Loki.
Desmend (2nd kid with goggles) , son of Ed.
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Harlan Alan Never, son of Arika the Mermaid.
Vidal Pezmuerto, son of Señora Pezmuerto.
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The girls in the pink dress next to Uma and Elle are Annika and Raylene Jenkins, the daughters of Coach Jenkins.
Thanks @igetthedisneybox and @casinotrio1965 for the help.
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momolady · 5 months
Sucks 2BU: Author's April #3
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(This was when I was watching True Blood as well as Twilight ages ago. I wrote this as my take on the vampire genre, and I am horribly embarrassed by it now. It's bad, in terms of execution and the send up to the vampire genre. It was my first foray in writing adult stuff, so take it for what it is I suppose. Enjoy, or don't. Read with caution, I dare you.)
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Chapter One: 3 Annes
The sun was setting on the twenty-four hour diner on the highway. Inside the staff was moving around listlessly. The only customers inside was a sobering drunk with his pissed-as-hell wife sitting in the back corner booth. And three seemingly young girls, one brunette, one honey blonde, and one darker brunette. All sitting in a tiny booth along the wall beside the kitchen. The sun was coming in heavily through the shutters along the back corner but the girls were nicely shaded by advertisement posters and a crane machine game.
Joanne, who preferred to be called Jo, sat by herself on one side of the table pretending to read the newspaper. Jo was the kind of brunette media loved to portray, intelligent, snarky, witty and with an understated beauty. She was short and had the sort of Marilyn Monroe hour glass figure that would of made a Playboy centerfold back in the day. Her hair was the color of a melted chocolate bar and was cut in shaggy layers around her head and parted far to the left. Peering out from behind this mop-top was a set of eyes so steely blue and off putting people nearly always avoided looking directly at her.
Sitting across from her Didi, actually Dianne, was running her fingers through her long toffee colored hair, not exactly red and not exactly blonde it was the product of research and finding the perfect salon to make the color pop just right. Her bangs were sheered in a straight line across her forehead just above her eyebrows which were a shady blonde. Her wide eyes were a sort of bluish-green that switched back and forth depending on what she was wearing, today they were blue to match her sky-blue sun-dress. She was top heavy with a surmountable bosom and square shoulders. The rest of her was thin and long, especially her legs which made up the most of her.
Then there was Anne, really just Anne, who was a remarkably beautiful girl with creamy milky skin and long, dark curly hair. She had sparkling green eyes surrounded by lush eyelashes. She had a perfectly proportioned body, even if she did appear to be a shade too thin. Her hair was a thick mess of perfectly disheveled curls and waves that made her look like both a model and a wild bohemian pixie. But it was her smile that spoke the most about her. It was the smile of a mad woman, a trouble maker and drama queen who would show you the time of your life. Her smile never lied.
Well, Did and Anne jabbered on and giggled over their hash browns and gravy. Jo picked at the two little chicken strips she had gotten along with her hash browns not feeling like actually chewing food today. She glanced out the window from behind the newspaper, studying the blonde man in the parking lot.
“Okay, so,” Didi spoke up suddenly then giggled without warning. “Okay seriously, guys, I know we’ve been friends for a while now and I don’t know if you’ve figured it out but-”
Here it comes, Jo thought and popped a chicken strip into her mouth and shook the paper.
“I’m a vampire!” Didi blurted.
“No way!” Anne belted, her wide green eyes bugged and she stared slack jaw for a moment.
Once more with feeling, Jo thought again as she chewed.
“Me too!” Anne and Didi squealed happily together. They then looked over at Jo expectantly and were utterly floored by her completely blank expression as her icey blue eyes peered at them from over the top of the paper.
“What?” Jo asked.
“Well?” Anne asked, her and Didi sharing a worried and somewhat fearful expression.
Jo closed the paper and folded it and sat it on the bench beside her. “I already knew.” She replied and reached for her bag.
“She’s getting a gun! Duck!” Didi squealed and fell down under the table.
Jo stared in disbelief at Didi’s empty seat as she produced her wallet. “No, I’m one too. Now get the hell off the floor its covered in gravy and grease.”
Didi popped her head up from underneath the table to peek at Jo. “Really?”
Jo placed a dollar bill on the table then snapped the latch on her wallet shut. “Yes. Really. My gawd you two are dimwitted.”
“Then tell us how you knew, oh almighty and all knowing one.”
Jo tapped the tip of Anne’s nose. “Exactly.”
Anne scoffed in disbelief. “You’re literally all knowing?”
Jo shrugged as she placed her wallet back into her purse. “Kinda sorta.” She made a sideways glance to see if the blonde was still in the parking lot. “It isn’t like you two don’t have your special little abilities.”
Didi and Anne looked at each other with bugged eyes then leaned across the table as if to pull Jo from her seat and shake the tiny bits and pieces of knowledge of Jo’s head.
“You know?” Didi gawked.
Anne pinched Jo‘s cheek and pulled. “Okay, why the fuck haven’t you said anything to either of us?”
“Ya’ll didn’t ask so I didn’t tell. Besides, I don’t use my power to help Didi find her keys so why would I use it to divulge information you guys weren’t going to tell me anyways?”
Didi and Anne sat back down, but Anne kept a tight hold on Jo’s cheek. Anne sighed first, “I’m like the Hulk or Superman or something. Strong, invulnerable. You get the picture.”
Jo smirked and covered her mouth. “So like what? You’re idiot strong or something?”
Anne glared at Jo, boring a hole into her forehead. “You want me to show you then? Huh?”
Didi quickly jumped into the conversation, hoping to change the subject. “I can turn invisible. And kinda climb walls.”
“Like a spider?” Anne asked.
“Like a spider.” Didi replied.
Jo pushed her sideways bangs off her face and pursed her lips. “Mind reading and the like.”
“So you have like mind powers?” Anne suddenly pointed to the salt shaker. “Can you move this from one side of the table to the other?”
Jo arched a beaten brow and raised her hand from under the table, plucked up the slat shaker, and set it back in its holder on the other end of the table.
Anne scowled, “that’s not what I meant, smart ass!”
Jo threw her hands in the air. “That’s not my power, bitch!”
Didi suddenly cleared her throat and Jo and Anne turned their fierce stares to her, which made her jump. “Um uh…not that’s any of my business but uh…how old are you?”
“Twenty-one.” Jo smarted.
“You,” Anne sneered at Jo. “Well,” she placed her palm flat on her chest, “I can’t really mention numbers but I will say that Marie Antoinette was an amazing hostess. Ah! The parties she used to throw! If only the lady knew how to keep her head.”
Didi looked at Jo, “Jo?”
“Well…” Didi blushed. “I was born in 1903 and then I was changed sometime in the mid-twenties.”
“Ah! A flapper huh?” Anne laughed.
Didi shrugged. “The first time I actually got the nerves up to actually go out and do that sort of the thing was well…take a wild guess.” She looked over at Jo along with Anne. “Well?”
“You can’t pass again!” Anne yelped. “You already passed once.”
Jo put her hand over her chest daintily. “I think its very rude to ask a lady her age and weight.”
“1435,” Anne blurted.
Jo’s brow furrowed upon Anne and she rolled her eyes. “Can we go yet or are we going to confess anything else?”
Anne sighed, “I guess we should go.”
“So you really won’t tell us?” Didi asked as they all got up from the booth to pay their bill and leave.
Jo smirked. “I like to leave a little mystery in my relationships.”
“Caveman!” Anne blurted for a second time. “I bet you were a caveman.”
Jo snickered. “What?”
“It makes so much sense! How you know everything about anything, how you’re just so…just so…just so you! It all makes perfect, logical sense.”
“Are you saying I have a protruding brow, and under bite, and thick forearms?” Jo prodded as she left money for the waitress.
Anne’s mouth hung open. “Well…maybe just the forearms.”
Jo rolled her eyes and went out the door. Her eyes suddenly darted to where the blonde had been standing and she frowned.
“What’s up?” Didi asked as she unlocked the car.
“Nothing.” Jo went into the backseat. “Just thought I saw someone I knew.”
Anne looked over the front seat. “C’mon, why won’t you tell us how old you are?”
Jo leaned closer to Anne and smirked, “tell me the answer to this, Anne.” She cupped her hand around Anne’s ear and began whispering. Didi tried to listen in but Jo used such a low inaudible voice it was impossible. Anne’s face contorted and she slammed back into her seat.
“Just go!”
Jo smiled smugly as she snuggled into the backseat and took one last look into the parking lot. Still nothing. Damn, Jo thought, I know it was him. I heard him. Clear as day. What the fuck is he doing here?
The heavy purple skyline of night was creeping up over the mountains as the girls pulled into the parking lot outside Fanger Banger. It was small vampire bar which attracted more vampire fans, known as Bleeders, than it did actual vampires. It was one of Anne’s favorite spots and she had become something of a tourist attraction amongst the bars’ clientele. Like the world’s biggest ball of yarn or the grand canyon. If you were here you simply had to go and see it. This was Anne.
The bar out front was nothing more than bricks with a huge red neon sign tacked up in an arch around the door with the bar’s title ‘Fanger Banger’ in large curly font. Inside the bar was painted red with a wide white stripe going all away around the center. The floor was checker boarded tiles in old Fifties joints. The bar was all white with large white stools and glowing lamps dotted all across the ceiling to make it look like an oasis of angels amongst the demonic vampires and Bleeders. The staff dress was bright red t-shirts with Fanger Banger printed on the front in white and their names on the back. The women wore tiny white shorty-shorts which left them a lot of creativity with underwear. The men wore white jeans, some of them were creative with underwear as well. There were booths all along the left side of the bar. Big black blocks with red leather seats and big white tables. To the right there were small white tables for private dates. The rest of the bar was for dancing and finding that special vamp.
In the bar a woman came up to Didi and smiled. “Ba’al, Moloch, or Belial?” She asked with a smoky voice.
“Belial,” Didi replied, referencing the breed of vampire she was. The woman frowned and walked off. Didi could instantly tell the woman was a Ba’al simply because she was clean and had all her hair. Most Moloch’s she had met were gross and balding. She had no taste for Molochs. Ba’als either really but she could at least tolerate them for a while. This one didn’t seem to like Belial very much.
Jo was waiting for Didi in their regular booth. She looked unassuming and misplaced almost like she was over crowded in that empty booth. In all honesty, Jo would admit vampires weren’t the normal company she used to keep. In her heyday she roamed with the werewolf pack of her town. She had plans of becoming a werewolf too and becoming the mate of the pack’s alpha male. But that all went to shit when she was attacked by the blonde.
Anne was gone. She was somewhere in the crowd feeding off the life the party created, living in the music, making some Bleeder a very happy person. Didi was off in a world of her own as she found herself in a place of the music and let a handsome young man take her in for a dance. Once the black lights kicked on you could find a vampire much easier. All vampires glowed under black lights.
Jo sat alone in that booth. She couldn’t out grow her old anxieties about crowds, which was a side-effect of being a Belial breed of vampire. Belial’s keep their old emotions and fears, or at least the ghosts of them. But Jo enjoyed watching the crowd sway and she closed her mind’s ear off to the constant chatter and roar going on in people’s heads. She looked for the blonde and listened for his southern accent and deep laugh. He was still here, she could feel it. A voice then broke through and she held her breath.
“You okay?”
Jo jumped and looked up at Didi. “Um…just thinking.” She clutched the side of her head and forced a smile. “I think I’m gonna go outside and get some fresh air.” She stood and headed to the back door where patrons went out to smoke.
“Jo, I hope you know you can talk to me,” Didi replied. “I mean, I don’t know everything about your power but I’m sure it has you hearing some rather odd things.”
Jo smiled again and shook her head. “I’m used to it. After all this time I’ve learned tricks.”
Didi smiled knowingly and giggled. “Can I take a crack at how long?”
Jo shrugged. “You’re wrong.” She tapped the side of her head then dipped her chin and laughed. “Wrong again.”
Didi rolled her eyes and watched as Jo stepped out the back door.
“Where’d the smartass go?” Anne threw herself around Didi’s waist and danced from her waist down.
“Outside.” Didi glanced down at Anne and furrowed her brow. “Are you drunk?”
Anne pinched her thumb and forefinger together. “Maybe little.”
Didi rolled her eyes again and sat Anne down in the booth. “You fed on someone? What the hell Anne? In the middle of all these people?”
“They don’t call ‘em Bleeders for no shit.” Anne giggled, covering her pink mouth. “Oh c’mon, Didi!”
“But a drunk person?” Didi scoffed.
“Fun,” Anne shrugged.
Outside the air had turned brisk and would of required a human to wear a jacket. But Jo stepped out and remembered how even as a human she would of loved to run in this weather with just a thin shirt on. Winter was coming and Jo hated how much she missed the cold. That was her weakness. She was unable to let go of things she held dear as a human. This probably explained her reason for not growing an attachment to anything as a vampire and why she was planning on leaving town now that Anne and Didi had let go their little secret.
It was then that same voice came back to knock the wind right out of her. “Holy shit,” she whispered and turned. Maybe leaving now wouldn’t be such a bad idea, Jo thought.
Back inside Anne was looking across the room when she saw the woman who had talked to Didi earlier. She sat up right and cursed loud enough almost everyone turned to stare at her. The woman laughed and brought a finger to her lips and motioned for Anne to remain quiet.
“Fuck no!” Anne shouted and headed for the back door. The woman’s laughter reverberated and clinked like ice in a glass just behind her.
Didi remained unaware as she sat at the bar waiting on the bartender to bring her a glass of water and several wedges of lemon. She looked over to the booth and when she saw that Anne was gone she groaned and placed her head in her palms.
“Something wrong, hun?”
Didi looked up and grimaced. “Emile…” she groaned. “What the-”
Emile grinned softly. “Nothing bad. It was just time for a check up is all. So,” he leaned closer to her, twirling her hazel hair between his fingers. “How have you been?”
“Virtually alive, was that how you used to put it?”
Emile pulled back and Didi assessed how much he had changed since she last saw the vampire who changed her. His hair was still dark, thick and curly like storm clouds but it was longer and he had grown a heavy, furry shadow on his jaw to match it.
“I don’t need to have tabs kept on me anymore, Emile.” Didi spat softly. “I don’t need a babysitter or someone using me for my power.”
“That’s exactly why I’m here.” Emile let go of her hair. “I liked you better blonde by the way.”
“Don’t care,” she snipped. “Now, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Your two new little roommates and you, you have more in common than you think. Do you think it was a coincidence all three of you had powers none of the rest of your kind have? Or were you to wrapped up in the girly fun to even notice.”
Didi opened her mouth to argue but she knew she couldn’t argue or lie to Emile. She shut her mouth and pouted instead. “So?”
Emile chuckled. “Same old Dianne.”
Outside Jo had dashed off and hid herself just before Anne had burst out cursing and screaming and beating up a poor defenseless trashcan. Jo shuddered at how violent Anne was and how violent she really wanted to be in her mind. She turned off Anne’s extremely vulgar, violent and disturbing images to focus back on the voice coming from the shadows of the street that had her holding her breath for the past ten minuets. She had two directions to run. Toward and away.
Decisions, decisions, Jo thought shoving her hands into the deep pockets of her pants. I feel as if the music from Jaws should be playing, she murmured to her mind as she shifted listlessly on the sidewalk. What should I do? What the fucking cat screaming of hell should I do?
Another voice came in. The blonde. Jo turned to face the direction the voice echoed from and she groaned. Her options had become two completely different things. She could go towards the blonde or towards the other voice, the overly familiar voice she wasn’t planning on hearing ever again.
“Shit,” Jo cursed as she went away from the blonde’s voice and towards the other.
Didi could recall her first encounter with Emile as being one of unexpected glory and romance. Growing up reading Jane Austin had made her heart soft and dreamy. And Emile fit the perfect description of a Jane Austin hero, or at least Didi’s idea of a hero. He was tall, dark, extremely handsome and had a smile that lit up the early morning. Her family would never approve of him, what with his skin the color of coffee thick with cream. But his eyes, those dark beads of topaz, made her heart beat rapidly and her cheek flush.
Emile came into her family’s bakery and bought a loaf of fresh bread. Tipping his hat to her he gave Didi a card and invited her to his jazz club, Artimes. With the help of her best friend Didi went out and bought her first flapper dress. The long fringe and slinky red silk felt so good and the breeze against her legs was another exciting element.
At the club she handed the man at the door her card and she and her friend tiptoed in and looked around the room drunk on the excitement and romance of it all. Emile arrived an hour after Didi did and when he saw her sitting across the room Didi was almost positive it was love. Emile took her by the arm and they danced together and he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. He then led her to a booth in the shadows of the club and moment after Didi received what she would recall thinking was a divine kiss of true love, like in fairy tales, Emile bit into her neck.
Didi woke a week later far from her home and with Emile, a vampire and her new master.
Now, more than eighty years later, she was sitting next to Emile again and she tried her hardest to suppress her old feelings. It wasn’t going to happen ever again. Fool me once, shame on you, Didi thought crossing her arms. Fool me five or more times, shame on me.
“Listen Didi, I know I don’t have the authority anymore, but you were always my favorite so I worry about you.”
“You didn’t think that way back then,” Didi muttered. “But go on, tell me what trouble I’m in now.”
Emile’s smile was on of nostalgia. “I never turned you…because I wanted to.”
Didi frowned.
“I was told to.”
Didi balked, “told? Who the hell would want me to be a vampire?”
“My master, Franz.”
Didi eased back down. She had heard stories about Franz. Emile had told her many stories during the days they spent together. He was this extremely powerful and old vampire who was the right hand man of the Belial father.
“I’m in something bad aren’t I?”
“You,” Emile sighed and rubbed his heavy brow. “You and your new little friends I’m afraid.”
Jo was unaware of all of this as she raced down the road following that voice. She wondered if he knew she was there, if she was coming to meet him. Or was he simply just wandering around. She stopped, realizing the voice was leading her to the little house she shared with Didi and Anne.
Jo walked up the driveway and into the cobblestone pathway that led to the front porch. She sat down on the stairs and waited. She watched the woods and placed her chin in the cup of her hands. The woods shushed then parted and he emerged looking virtually the same as he did the day they last spoke goodbye. Jo could see he had aged some, enough to make him look rugged and brow beaten. He looked up from the trail he had carved for him and his eyes flashed in the shadows, catching what little light was in the sky.
Jo barely moved, even though she knew he was coming she was still so stunned to see him. She suddenly jumped to her feet and dipped her chin to her chest.
“Jo,” he muttered.
She pushed her hair behind her ear, “hey, Teak.” She muttered and swallowed. “I uh,” she finally pulled herself together and stiffened her back and shoulders and pulled her hands from her pockets. “I thought I told you I didn’t want you looking for me!” She cupped her hand around her face.
“I’m not leaving until you come home.”
“I can’t go home, gawd, why the hell do you think I left?” She stepped off the stairs. “Because I had to sow my wild oats? Because I needed to seek my fortune?” She got closer to him. “Have you not noticed how I haven’t changed? I’m still the short, fat bookworm I was before.” She threw her hands at her sides and looked up at Teak with vicious eyes. “I left home to protect them, Teak.”
“Well now you’re just being selfish,” Teak murmured as he looked down at her.
“Home is a werewolf town, Teak. You’re the alpha male you know that. I can’t go home.”
“You’re wrong.”
She saw the answers in his head. “Fuck.” She spat.
“I’m not the alpha anymore.” He grabbed Jo as she turned to look sharply at him with disbelief. “I was knocked down. I need you back, Jo. I need you to-”
Jo pulled back. “I know! Just don’t even bother, Teak.” She looked over her shoulder and grunted. “Charlie’s here.”
“The one who-”
“Yes, the one who mother fucking turned me.” Jo gave Teak a warning look. “Just go. Please.” But she knew as she went back down the road Teak would be waiting for her on the porch. At least, she thought, this annoyance will help me in dealing with the blonde.
Outside Fanger Banger Anne was still pitching her little temper tantrum, happily ripping and shredding garbage cans like they were paper and strewing the trash inside around on the ground. She was headed for the chain link fence when she heard the all too familiar giggle echo behind her.
“What?” Anne muttered as she turned around hesitantly. There stood Haydee with her halo of overly curly red hair her impish looks and face smeared with freckles. During the days of Versailles and of Marie Antoinette’s favor Haydee would have to use as much powder as possible to cover up those freckles and that garish red hair. Nowadays she wore no makeup at all.
Haydee made a pout and folded her hands before her. “What? I thought you would be happy to see me, Kitten.”
Anne rolled her eyes. “Don’t call me Kitten. I hate that name.”
Haydee strolled forward, kicking chunks of metal garbage can out of her way. “Well, like it or not I’m here to give you a warning.”
Anne scowled and took a couple of steps aside.
“There are some people coming after you and that lovely little power of yours.” Haydee’s thin fingers caressed Anne’s cheek and she stood beside Anne facing her. “We need you to come back home where you’ll be safe and from the Moloch and Ba’al.”
“I told you last time I’m not going to be kept up like a bird in a cage,” Anne hissed. “I’m not going to keep pretending Versailles is still alive. Its dead just like the rest of us.”
Haydee smirked. “You’re sober.”
Anne grimaced. “Unfortunately I am.” She turned to face Haydee now and she pointed a finger into her freckled face. “Tell me,” she barked, “does this little warning also include Jo and Didi?”
Haydee shook her curls. “Well yes. Their powers are just as rare and magnificent as yours. Everyone wants them.”
“Oh hell, and here I thought they wanted us for our damn personalities.” Anne sneered with a sarcastic grin.
Haydee sighed, “you used to be so much fun, Anne. What the hell happened to you?”
Anne laughed, “I’m still fun. It was you who got boring.”
“Versailles isn’t dead, Anne. We’ve kept it alive. We kept her alive.”
“Tell her she can rot in hell with the rest of you,” Anne turned away to begin her over dramatic exit. “I’m going to try to live again.” She leapt up over the building and landed out front. There she saw Didi standing at the entrance chewing at her nails with a sour look on her face.
“What’s up?” Anne asked, brushing her hair over her shoulder.
Didi looked up and tried to hide her sour look. “Nothing.” She pulled her hair back and started putting it up into a ponytail. “Have you seen Jo? I can‘t seem to find her.”
Anne shook her head then shrugged. “Nope.”
“You look like you’re in a bad mood too.” Didi replied.
“Its all bullshit. Nothing I really care about anyways.” Anne huffed as she walked on to get to the car.
“My old…creator was here.” Didi admitted.
Anne cut her eyes up at Didi. “Ditto.”
“Then maybe Jo…” she hesitated as if expecting Jo to magically appear just then to shed some light on the situation. But no. Jo was off dealing with her own problems and waiting for the light to shine on her.
“I want you back,” was all Charlie said when he was in sight.
Jo shrugged her shoulders up around her neck and swayed to the side as she waited for Charlie’s punch line, his excuse, and his apology. That’s how it always was back when she was first created. All Charlie wanted from Jo was her power and he used it to all his advantage and all his cons. Jo stayed with Charlie because she had nowhere else to turn.
“What? Ya got nuthin’ to say to me?” Charlie asked, his southern drawl all to familiar to Jo. It was a voice she couldn’t get out of her head no matter where she went and how far she went to get there.
“I have plenty to say to you,” Jo hissed.
Charlie smiled, “so ya already know then. Ya can hear me as clear as day.”
“Why the hell would I want to be kept locked up even if it were for my safety? I ain’t ever used this power for anybody I sure as hell ain’t gonna use it for them.”
Charlie shrugged, “good, bad, it doesn’t matter to you does it? You only care about yourself.”
“Learned it from you.”
Charlie threw his head back and laughed, “I missed yer wacky sense of humor.”
Jo arched her eyebrow, surprised the voice he spoke with matched the one in his head. He was genuinely sincere. “Any other arguments Charlie before I turn back home and leave for good?”
Charlie sighed, “be careful, Jo. You are my finest piece of work.”
Jo turned, “fuck off.”
Chapter Two: Baby Come Back
“I’ll make us some coffee,” Jo muttered as she unlocked the front door. Teak stood up and followed behind her.
“What happened?”
“Nothing to worry your pretty little head over?” Jo huffed as she busied herself with the coffee pot.
“You look worried,” Teak replied as he leaned around the corner.
Jo rolled her eyes and poured water. “You’re here. Why wouldn’t I be worried?” She asked and snapped her attention back to the coffee grounds. “Do you really wanna kill me that badly, Teak?” Her voice no louder than a whisper.
Teak jumped, “what? No! You’re a Belial we don’t-”
“You hate vampires, Teak. It doesn’t matter if I’m Belial or not. You said so yourself.”
“I never thought you’d be one.”
Jo spilt coffee grounds all over the counter, “fuck.”
Teak came up from behind Jo and looped his arm around her waist. Jo’s eyes got wide and he turned to look up at him.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Jo muttered. “If its taken you this long I don’t think I want it.”
Teak remained silent and pushed the hair from Jo’s face.
“My friends are at the door.”
“Who cares?” Teak breathed. “Its taken me thirty years.”
“Teak,” Jo’s breath shuddered, “I can’t.”
Teak’s lips were on Jo’s cheek then fluttered across her chin. Jo dipped her head slightly and met him. The door banged open and Jo could hear Anne’s huffish threats to the doormat that never seemed to want to work with her.
“Oh look at that! We get stalked and she gets lucky!”
Jo snapped out of Teak’s arms and cleared her throat, “no. He’s an old friend from…” She looked up sideways at him then back at Didi and Anne’s prying eyes. “He’s an old friend from out of town.”
Anne scoffed and kicked off her shoes. “What’s this old friend’s name?”
Teak looked down distastefully at Didi and Anne. “It’s Teak,” he growled lowly.
Jo slapped his hand, “they’re my friends. You could at least be a little civil, werewolf or not.”
“Werewolf?” Didi gasped.
Anne pursed her lips, crossed her arms, and rolled her big green eyes sarcastically. All of her posturing as dramatic as usual. “Of course you would be buddies with a werewolf!” She then clicked on her grin. “Or should I say you could only get action with a werewolf. Can I get a howl?”
Teak stared her down and pulled Jo aside. “Can we go somewhere private.”
Jo pushed him back, “no, Teak. I am not some thirty year old booty call, alright? So you can either be civil or leave now.”
Teak turned and looked Didi and Anne up and down before he sat down at the kitchen table.
“What’s going on?” Didi whispered over to Jo.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Jo’s already pensive look sharpened and deepened so that her brow caused wrinkles to fluctuate up her forehead. “You two were visited by your creators too?”
“How the hell did you know that?” Anne snapped. Didi nudged she and suddenly she remembered. “Oh right, mind reading thing.”
“You too?” Didi asked Jo.
“Yeah. So basically-” Jo stopped and turned to Teak and she licked her lips. She slowly returned back to Anne and Didi and whispered. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow when he finally decides to vamoose.”
“So what’s up with him?” Anne whispered. “You two used to mate or something? I mean, I know that’s common with Belial, but that seems really weird to me.”
Jo rolled her eyes. “Teak and I are old friends. That’s all.”
“He seems really hostile,” Didi murmured, glancing sideways at Teak glowering at them from the table. “Should we worry?”
“You’re Belial right?” Jo huffed. “He hates vampires but he’s not going to hurt us so don’t worry.”
“I don’t like werewolves,” Anne snarled, glaring back into Teak’s eyes. “Never have, never will. Too shifty.”
“You say the same thing about cats,” Didi replied.
Anne scoffed, “yeah. But cats are really weird.”
Jo rolled her eyes and sighed. “I need to go deal with him,” she replied and turned just as Teak stood up from his seat and she led him to her room. “Wait,” she gasped suddenly.
Teak stared down at her and put his hand to the side of her head. “Jo? Jo, what’s wrong?”
Jo cupped her hands over her face and dragged them down, tugging at her skin, making it droop then pop back into place. “Who is Emile?” She called out the kitchen.
Didi sat up from wiping up coffee grounds and cocked her head to the side. “He’s my creator. Why? Is something wrong?”
“And Haydee?”
Anne’s lip curled up over her teeth. “She’s a bitch but yeah, she made me.”
Jo shook her head and let go of Teak’s hand. “We need to go back into the town,” she growled irritably.
“What?” Didi followed close behind her. “Jo, what’s going on with Emile?”
“Shit, that’s what,” Jo snapped as they started taking off through the woods. They came out onto the road before Jo started talking again. “Charlie, my maker, and this Haydee chick have been making plans together to get us to go with them. Violent plans. And Emile is fighting them, insisting on more proper means to keep us safe. Haydee and Charlie are getting violent with Emile now.”
Anne huffed, “I thought Haydee seemed different. She’s a Ba’al now.”
“Charlie too, almost. He’s not exactly Belial and not exactly Ba’al.” Jo licked her lips and tasted the air. Teak whizzed by her, surpassing the girls with his agile wolf speed.
“Teak, stop!” Jo bounded off after him, a close second but just out of reach enough to where Jo couldn’t grab him.
They turned into the alley beside Camp Rogue just as Haydee’s bladed hand went through Emile’s shoulder. Emile roared out as Didi tumbled in and screamed for them to stop. Haydee ripped her hand back out and Charlie released the bleeding vampire. Teak rushed at Charlie, going for his throat with a mouth full of jagged teeth. Anne and Jo lunged at Haydee while Didi dove in to pull Emile from the ensuing brouhaha.
“Dianne?” Emile croaked, touching Didi’s cheek.
“You’re going to fine. You’re going to be fine.” Didi repeated breathlessly. She briefly uncovered the hole in his chest, but he was already disintegrating. Haydee had gotten his heart.
Emile smiled weakly. “I know better than that, kid. Listen, you can’t let yourself give into them. Alright? Promise me you won’t give in.” His face started to perforate and crumble.
Didi drive heaved, it was as close to crying as she could get. “Unh-huh,” she whimpered.
“You and that Anne…if they get you they’ll control you.” His eyes closed and quickly covered his mouth to keep the spray of blood from coating Didi. “Joanne…she,” he rasped and cupped his hand over his mouth again. “They’ll kill her.”
Emile smiled. “I never wanted to hurt you, Dianne. I’m sorry.” His hand grazed her cheek then turned to dust.
“No!” Didi screamed.
At that moment Teak tore out Charlie’s neck and pulled his head back to rip it completely off. Jo stopped cold in her tracks, a move that allowed Haydee to knock her sideways, escape Anne’s clutches, and tear a hole in Teak’s side as she escaped.
Anne cursed at the top of her lungs and moved to follow but Jo grabbed a hold of her and held her back. “Don’t,” Jo ordered. “If you do that’ll be the last we see of you. We need to go now!”
“Go?” Anne barked.
Jo grabbed Didi’s wrist and pulled. “C’mon, now!”
“No!” Didi shouted. “No, I won’t leave him here like this!”
“We don’t have a choice! Please just get up and trust me!” He rushed over to Teak who was crouched on the ground holding his gored side. “Are you alright?”
Teak coughed, “not really. Its healing but…its slow,” he wheezed.
Jo slipped her hand under his against his wound and felt around. “Anne, go find a car and hijack it,” she commanded loudly.
Jo looked up from the wound and snarled, “you can hotwire right? Get Didi outta here and go!”
Anne frowned but did as she was told. She grabbed up Didi from the from the ground, Emile slipped from her hands and before he could even touch the ground and dispersed into a million tiny pieces that scattered through the air. Jo turned her attention back to Teak and continued poking inside his wound.
“What’s going on Jo?” Teak murmured.
She met his eyes briefly. “A lot of bad shit, Teak. A lot of people are out for us.”
“They got powers like yours too?”
Jo half smiled at him and pulled her hand out along with a shard of Haydee’s fingernail. “Found the problem.” She hefted Teak onto her back. “Once you’re healed I want you outta my life again. Got it?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Don’t argue with me! I know what’s going on and I can pretty much guess what will happen to you if you stick around.” She ran out front where Anne was pulling around with an old Ford Mustang. Jo tossed Teak into the back and pushed Anne out of the drivers seat.
Anne looked up and beamed, “this car had keys in it and it was unlocked! People! Ha,” She snorted gleefully.
Didi looked over at her from the passenger’s seat. “Where are we going?”
“Away.” Jo pulled the car into reverse and squealed out of the parking lot and drove like a madman onto the road. She drove until the road became a four lane and on and on until the town was a small glowing globe at the tip of the horizon.
“We passed our house,” Anne murmured, looking out the back window.
Jo pulled the car onto the curb and stepped out. “Good.”
Didi raised her nose to the wind. “I smell smoke.”
“I smell our house,” Anne huffed, pulling her hair. “This is bullshit.”
“Charlie is back too. They must of reattached his head.” Jo stomped her foot. “I knew I should of burned that mother fucker.”
Didi took a deep breath. “Who is they?”
“Who do you think?” Jo snipped. “Haydee and that new Versailles coven and then Charlie and all his new lackeys.”
“This is bullshit.” Anne jumped out of the car and grabbed the metal curb wall and ripped it out of the ground and flung it into the woods cursing loudly all the while.
“No sense in getting mad now,” Jo dipped back into the car. “We need to go. They won’t expect us to be going in a car.”
Anne flung herself into the backseat and snarled viciously under her breath. She then pointed to Teak who had fallen asleep. “What about him?”
“We’ll drop him off in the next town,” Jo murmured as she put the car into drive and pulled back onto the road. “We’ll get a few things there and then we’ll just keep going.”
Chapter Three: Antiquing
Anne shoved a cheeseburger down her throat then downed it with raspberry flavored vitamin enriched blood supplement. Didi poked at her turkey club and Jo licked the hot sauce from her fingers as she tossed a bare chicken bone into a bowl with similar remains inside.
“C’mon, you need to eat something,” Jo said, pushing Didi’s supplemental smoothie at her. Didi took it, discarding the turkey club.
“You sure you’re okay with leaving your buddy behind like that?” Anne wiped ketchup off the side of her mouth, inadvertently wiping mustard just below her eye.
“Its what’s best at this point. We can’t take any risks.” Jo looked up and around the restaurant. This town was used to vampires like them. Because no one was staring at the girls who ordered only from the menu featuring vampire friendly meals.
“Where are they at now?” Didi asked. “I mean…your maker and Anne’s?”
Jo rubbed her nose. “Charlie is pretty weak so he hasn’t moved far yet. Haydee went back to the New Versailles but I’m positive she’s got several lackeys out and about.”
“Do you think they’ll have hunters out for us too?” Anne asked. “I mean, I know they want us alive but-”
“They want you two alive,” Jo quickly corrected. “They want me dead.”
“Why would they want you dead?” Anne scoffed. “Your power seems pretty much cooler than mine or Didi’s. In order of coolest to least it goes you, Didi, me.”
“They want me dead because they won’t be able to control me,” Jo answered grimly. “With you two they have to chance to sway you and turn you towards their side. With me that couldn’t happen because I know what they really want. I know what they’d be using me for. That leads me to rebellion and more trouble than I’m worth. So-”
“So you’re better dead than alive. I get it,” Anne sighed. “That sucks.”
Jo nodded and finished off her wings. “It does.” She pushed and poked at the somewhat soggy steak fries she had been served alongside her hot wings and looked out across the restaurant watching and listening. She was pleased with the music that was playing so she was able to get herself lost for a moment.
Didi looked over at her then across the table at Anne. “She’s probably used to all this,” she grumbled to herself.
Anne pursed her lips and nodded. “I wonder though, why now all of a sudden? I mean…certainly when we were first created they would of done something to try and control us then and there. Why now?”
“Maybe the planets are aligning,” Didi mused. “Something to do with stars or Mayan calendars maybe.”
“It’s the Fathers,” Jo suddenly replied, breaking her own forced silence. “They have something to do with it.”
Didi stared bug eyed. “The Fathers? Who is that?”
Anne turned and cocked a sarcastic eyebrow at Didi. “You don’t know who the Fathers are?” She scoffed. “Even I know who they are.”
“Yeah, even Anne knows who they are,” Jo snickered.
Anne glared sideways at her. “Shut it.”
“The Fathers are, if  not the first the most powerful of the bloodlines. There’s our Father, Anubis. The Moloch Father Seth. And the Father of the Ba’al, who is actually a Mother, Aphrodite.”
“How come I’ve never heard of them?” Didi asked.
“Its not surprising that you do. Not a lot of people know about them,” Jo replied sipping up the rest of her blood supplement. “Charlie used to talk about his master, Franz and how he’s like Anubis’ go to guy.”
Anne nodded along. “Haydee used to talk a lot about him too. Franz was the one who started up the vampires of Versailles so I got to meet him once or twice and all he talks about is Anubis and his master plan and yakkity yak -yak.”
“I’ve heard of Franz,” Didi murmured. “He was Emile’s master.”
Jo took a quick breath and cocked her head around to look at the door. “Shh,” she hissed.
“What?” Anne whispered.
Jo ducked back down into her seat. “Let me listen. Give me a minuet to think.”
The door flew open and Teak came in. “Jo!”
Jo ducked down further, nearly kneeling on the floor. She groaned, “shit.”
“It’s Teak,” Didi exclaimed.
Jo pulled Didi down, “don’t look! I know its Teak. Get down.”
“He’s no idiot,” Anne chuckled. “He obviously followed us all the way here so you hiding in a booth isn’t gonna make a difference.” She looked up, smiled and waved.
Jo snarled just as Teak put his hand behind her on the back of the booth and leaned over. “Loose something?” He huffed.
“Sonova…” Jo gripped onto her temple. “I told you Teak, it was for your own good!”
“You can’t instantly claim you know what’s good for me, not anymore. Not since you ran away. It took me thirty years to find you and I am not backing off no matter what trouble has found you now.”
Didi hurriedly stood up and scooted in next Anne while Teak took her place beside Jo. “You can say it was right to leave me on the side of road and say it was for my own good. But for me what is right is keeping your ass outta of the fire and protecting you like a man.”
“I don’t want a man!” Jo suddenly barked. “I don’t want a werewolf,” she laughed forcefully. “I don’t even want these two! But I have to stick with them because we’re in the same boat. A boat, I might add, has all three sides coming at us at once wanting us for powers we could care less about! I don’t want  you to get all up in my face about how its your masculine duty to protect a girl you may have had feelings for thirty years ago. It was thirty years ago Teak,” she waited to see if that hit the spot. “Thirty years you could have been spending leading your pack or finding a proper mate. But no. You spent thirty years looking for a girl who doesn’t exist anymore.” Jo stood up on her seat, climbed over the back and left.
“Wow…” Anne uttered, breaking the thick silence that had surrounded them like a horrible wool sweater. Anne looked over at Teak who was staring at the table as if he wished it to turn into a monkey. “Dude,” Anne cleared her throat.
Didi looked upon him sympathetically. “What was-” Teak jumped up before she could continue.
“Excuse me,” he coughed and went back out the way he came, in a huff and full of gusto.
“Dude,” Anne repeated as she sideways glanced at Didi. “Did you hear what she said?”
Didi sighed, “clearly.”
“What does she mean she doesn’t want us?” Anne scoffed.
Didi rubbed her temple. “Yes. Yes that was the whole point of what she was saying, Anne. I’m glad you got it.”
“Who made her the Moe to our Larry and Curly?” Anne suddenly snapped.
Didi looked up at her and shrugged, “she does have a point to that though. Jo doesn’t mean any harm, in fact that’s what she’s trying to keep us away from.”
Anne pouted, “I know. I know.”
“Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,” Didi clucked pitifully and lacking the enthusiasm needed, which made Anne giggle.
Didi and Anne paid for the meal then left the restaurant in hopes of finding Jo, or vice versa.
Didi shaded her eyes as she looked up at the slowly setting sun. It was dark enough for them to be out, but still light enough to cause them some nausea. “She wouldn’t of left us,” Didi reassured herself.
Anne pursed her lips. “I hope not, she had the keys to Doris.”
Didi stopped in her tracks. “Who?”
“Doris, our new car.”
Didi furrowed her brow. “You named a Mustang, Doris?”
“Why?” Anne shrugged. “What would you of named her?”
Didi flopped her arms exasperatedly. “Something like Electra or Hell’s Kitten, nothing as demur and grandmotherly as Doris!”
Anne turned her head to the side for a moment thinking. “Well she’s green we could call her Pickle.”
Didi shook her head, “never mind! We need to find Jo.”
Anne hummed the theme to G.I.JOE then mumbled, “body massage.” And she skipped off after Didi.
Jo, feeling fatigue from the sun that refused to set, had taken to hiding in a cool basement store filled to the gills with antiques. She ducked under the low hanging trinkets that were attached to the ceiling and maneuvered around close fitting shelves and displays.
The little old lady who sat up front when she entered was now dusting shelves within her sitting range. There was a nagging feeling in the back of Jo’s mind about that old lady. But it was something that happened to her all the time. It was amazing how many people looked like someone else, especially over the decades. And the old especially worried Jo. Who knows who was still alive?
Meanwhile a white cat slinked its way around breakables as if it were a gentle breeze, all the while keeping its eyes tight on Jo.
“Anne was right,” Jo murmured to herself as she cut her eyes at the cat who instantly turned its nose up and rubbed against a rather old looking vase. “Cats are creepy.” She turned on her inner ear to listen for Anne and Didi who she discovered were flitting around the new town looking for her. But they were getting close and any moment now they’d sense her. Teak now was a different story. Jo couldn’t hear him and this worried her.
“You finding everything alright Miss?”
Jo jumped at the sudden voice popping up in front of her. She was so focused on her party she didn’t even notice the man who was standing in back placing a large painting on the wall.
“Um, just browsing,” Jo cleared her throat. “I’m waiting on some friends.” She studied the man as he smiled. His round, pointed jaw, accented by his trimmed facial hair than wisped up into his dark curly hair. His eyes were a dirty green, almost hazel but too green to be classified just that. He stepped down off the ladder and wiped his hands down the front of his dirty white shirt. Jo looked up at the painting then.
“Is this a print?” She asked.
“No, it’s the real deal.” The man patted the frame tenderly, placing it straight along the wall.
“Anyone we know?” Jo asked, pointing at the woman in the painting.
“No. I doubt anyone famous did this painting,” he chuckled.
Jo hadn’t meant the artist but she didn’t try to correct herself. “What about the woman?”
The man shrugged then reached up and rubbed his beard. “Who knows? There isn’t any sort of markings on this painting to say who or what made it. Probably just something from a private gallery.”
“How much is it?” Jo asked.
He laughed, “you’re not serious right?”
“No,” Jo shook her head. “But I would like to know.”
He looked back up at the painting. “Few hundred.”
“Few. Is that before or after five?”
He laughed then turned and held his hand out to Jo. “I’m Robert.”
Jo took his hand and shook it gently. “I’m Jo.”
Robert’s hand squeezed down on hers. “Ah! Like in Little Women?”
“Not really,” Jo looked up into his eyes, “it’s short for Joanne.” She went to pull her hand away but his grip came down tighter and as she tried to fight the white cat jumped down on her. The silver tag on its collar jabbed her in the neck and send a white hot pain throughout her body. If there was one weakness Jo had it was for pure silver.
It didn’t surprise Jo that this Robert fellow had some how outwitted her. She hadn’t been paying attention to him, she didn’t see a need to. She was too busy keeping an ear out for New Versailles, Charlie, Teak, Didi, Anne, and countless other voices who might be coming for her. So when this Robert suddenly attacks her and uses a familiar laced with silver charms she felt like laughing. And when she finally did manage to burp out a sound similar to a laugh it made Robert take a quick breath.
The combination of the silver and sunlight was too much and Jo finally folded to the ground and the cat slipped off her shoulder and curled around Robert’s leg. It’s big pink nose twitched, which was probably because of Jo’s singeing flesh. The room stopped smelling like dusty relics and like bad chicken baking.
Jo became suddenly aware of the scent of human flesh. Her throat was dry and tongue swollen. He looked up weakly at Robert and inhaled. He reached down and grabbed her up by the neck as if she was the only cat in the room. The blood supplement wasn’t doing its job, Jo couldn’t help but think.
Robert pulled Jo into a small dark room at the back of the store and tossed her inside. The white cat followed inside and Robert closed the door behind it.
“Keep an eye on her Karen,” Robert called from behind the closed door as he locked it.
That’s a ridiculous name for a cat, Jo thought as she laid her head on the cold concrete floor.
The cat inched closer towards her and she flinched back. The cat there, smiling smugly under it’s emotionless face. In the dark Jo could just barely make out four silver charms on the cat’s neck. She laid her cheek back onto the ground and took deep breaths to calm herself. She was too weak and too thirsty to really concentrate on anyone except the cat and Robert. So she took her chances.
“You, hey you,” Jo mumbled.
The cat shook its head then scratched at its ear.
“If you don’t let me go I’m gonna do something about it,” Jo licked at her lips with her dry tongue. “You gonna just ignore me? I know you can hear me.” She sighed and closed her eyes. She could see through his eyes, see him going towards the old woman then turn his head away slightly and stare at the mirror on the wall. His eyes were no longer that pretty green but a bright blue.
“See there? Now be a nice fella and let a helpless little girl go.” His eyes turned to the door Jo was behind and she saw it inlaid with silver with a bottle of sea water on the frame. “Hunter huh? Tough work, dude.” He turned back to the old woman and began talking to her. She was his aunt apparently and his only living relative. Well, his only relative that wasn’t a ghoul like Jo was.
“Robert please,” Jo pleaded. “They want me dead because of my power not because I’ve done anything wrong. I’m on your side, vampires are nasty customers. Please just take some pity on me. I’m not even a very old vampire! You should know that since you’re so accomplished.” But Robert just kept ignoring her and talking to his aunt.
“Well,” Jo sighed. “If that’s how its going to be.” She took a deep breath and exhaled. Robert’s vision blurred and he swooned. The cat jumped and started screaming.
“I can make it stop,” Jo murmured to him. “Or would you rather I spread it to your Aunt?”
“No!” Robert growled.
The cat yowled and hissed and rubbed itself against the door. Jo lashed out and grabbed the cat, making sure to grab it by its front legs so as to avoid claws and silver.
The door clanged open and the bottle of sea water dropped to the ground and shattered. Jo released the cat that went out squealing and squalling, knocking over its share of glass. Robert came down onto all fours and pulled Jo up by her hair.
“I can tell you’re a good hunter,” Jo giggled. She reached out slowly and touched taut muscles of his neck. “Now what do ya want with a little ol’ girl like me?”
“The Guild has a hit out on your head. Dead or alive,” he studied her face seeming to question why that would be.
“Just me?” Jo asked.
His face switched from one state of confusion to the other. “What does that mean?”
Jo held her breath and gulped the answer down. “Figured my old man would be on the hit with me.”
Robert let go of her but her hand continued to press onto the side of his neck. “Stop it,” he hissed warningly but Jo kept lifting herself until she was parallel to his face. Robert slammed his fist into her slightly open mouth, knocking her back a spell, just long enough for him to fall backwards out the door and lock it back.
Jo sat up and threw herself at the door, avoiding the silver framing. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to hit a girl? In my day that shit wouldn’t fly!” She huffed and sat back down on the concrete. She smoothed her hand through the sea water and felt a cool relief go through her. Water was supposed to be harmful to vampires but to Jo it was like childhood again when her parents would take her to the cliff in their backyard and they’d dive from it into the cool crisp water below. Jo had been a swimmer all her life and she had gotten to where she could swim great distances without loosing wind and even hold her breath for extended periods of time. But because of her thick hourglass shape she wasn’t considered to be a good swimmer at all.
The sea water on the floor gave her some small relief but nothing like diving into the real thing. She stood back up and gave the door a look over before she resigned herself to falling asleep to regain some strength so that hopefully by morning she could contact someone outside her cage. It also gave her some relief to know the car keys were in her pocket.
Chapter Four: WTF
Anne and Didi passed by the antique store briefly stopping to watch as Robert came out and fill a bucket of water from a tap beside the door. Anne looked inside the window, peering at all the dusty furniture and faded revelries of the years she had actually lived through. She pointed and laughed, “I had that exact couch!”
Didi flapped her arms exasperatedly, “I could of sworn,” she muttered under her breath. She looked up at the sky, relieved the low sun was now getting covered by even darker clouds she noted looked like a beaver with its tail in its mouth. She turned to watch as Robert pulled a rag from his back pocket and dip it into the cold water and start cleaning the wide windows.
“Excuse me,” she beckoned, coming to his side.
He looked at her and smiled charmingly, “can I help you?”
Didi smiled in a flirty sort of way and cleared her throat daintily. “Oh, well, I was wondering if a friend of ours came this way. She’s short, kind of grumpy looking, brown hair, curvy…” she trailed off, seeing the confused look in his eyes that came with trying a picture a girl he had never known existed. “Never mind,” she laughed.
Anne was sniffing the air around Robert at this point and she was heading towards his hand swaddled in what looked like another window washing rag used to wash a secret bloody window. Robert retracted it and stuffed it into his pocket.
“She may have had this big guy with her,” Anne added. “Muscular and shaggy red hair, kind of Thor looking otherwise. Oh and he smells like wet dog.”
Robert shook his head, “sorry.”
Anne’s mouth was watering but she had just eaten so she figured she had better act like the dainty lady she was and whisk herself off into the store.
“Your friend,” Robert said to the dallying Didi, “she do this a lot?”
“Oh,” Didi started shaking her head, “no, Jo is normally very peculiar about things like these. Her name is Jo by the way.”
“Ah,” Robert laughed. The scent of his hand was now wafting up to Didi. She turned away some what reluctantly then looked back at Robert. “I’m Didi.”
He nodded, smiling, “Robert, its nice to meet you.”
Didi’s smile turned girly and whimsical, “you too.”
Inside the store Anne ignored the old lady behind the counter because the elderly gave her shivers and bypassed her to study the old couch in the corner she had had an exactly replica of years ago. She sat down on it and draped her arms across the faded green velvet. She tilted her head to the side and smelled up the arm, pondering if this was her old sofa and if her scent still lingered somewhere in its memory.
A low growl brought Anne to her senses and she looked up above her to see a pristine white cat growling ferociously at her. Anne sneered, “cat’s are so fucking creepy.” The cat yowled and moved to pounce on her. Anne yelped and fell backwards off the arm of the couch, just missing the cats kamikaze claws as it shredded down the back of the sofa.
Anne leapt up, much to the alarm of the older woman and snarled, “your fucking cat nearly ripped my face off!”
“Karen is normally such a docile thing.” The old woman cooed as she moved to try and fetch the mentally perturbed cat.
“That’s a stupid name for a cat,” Anne scoffed. That’s when she noticed the cat’s collar and the pure silver charms dangling around its neck. That wasn’t even the beginning of what Anne had noticed. Being two-hundred and fifty years old made what most of her kind would consider legal, the twenty-one of vampires. Anne knew instantly Robert was no ordinary pretty-boy, he was something that recognized her even if she was playing the naïve waif, which was her specialty.
Anne enjoyed more than anything fooling humans and even more her own kind. No one would ever guess dotty little Anne was actually anything powerful and dangerous. And that was the exact game Robert was playing. Anne inhaled deeply, smelling first the old lady and her Aqua Net and Windsong and then the cat with it’s dry food laced breath, it’s fur tainted with the same old lady smell and then finally she noticed, oddly enough, hot sauce.
Anne jerked her head up suddenly and she jerked it around to look this way and that. “Ma’am, excuse me but has anyone been in here today?”
“There’s always someone here,” the woman grunted, setting the cat back on the top shelf where it glowered down at Anne like a gargoyle.
“Specifically a short, mean brunette.”
The woman shook her head, “couldn’t say, doll.”
Anne moved away from the old woman and the cat and went to the back of the store where her eyes passed over the door and then up to an old painting hanging on the wall that had not a hint of dust on it. It was new to the store. Anne looked it over, smiling at the old frame then looked up at the picture and her jaw went slack. The woman lounging in the picture held an apple in one hand, but she knew that apple was supposed to be a rather heavy bottle of wine. The dress was pulled up higher on the thigh than she remembered and the dark look to the eyes was the same but she didn’t like it even back then, especially not now. She plucked the painting off the wall, which would have been far to heavy for a normal girl her size. It had been over a hundred years since she had last since this picture and its painter but here it was.
“Timur…” she whispered, feeling an oddly human lump rise up in her throat. She placed the painting back on the wall and took several steps back. She would give anything to know where this painting had come from. Anything.
“Finding everything?” Robert called from behind.
Anne pointed up to the painting. “Where did you get this?” She turned to him and found herself angry was following close beside him like a puppy. She straightened herself and put back on the waif mask. “Who did you obtain this from?”
Robert half smiled. “I am rather proud of this piece. It is lovely isn’t it? Especially the model.”
Anne wanted to jump out shout ta-da and confess she was the erogenous model within but that would mean taking off her mask. “Yeah. She is pretty hot.” Anne turned to look at Didi then she thought, awe to hell with it. “Timur,” she said with the correcting tone of an old schoolmarm. “The vampire Timur painted this. He painted me!” She slapped her palm to her chest.
Didi’s eyes got wide, “that’s you? Really?”
“Timur was wanted some years ago and he’s been missing for some odd more,” Anne snarled, her teeth glinting in the dim light. “Now this painting magically appears, a painting he told me meant more than all the gold in the world. Am I to believe you came upon this painting at some art trade or that some poor slob sold it for cash?”
Robert turned his nose up. “As a matter fact,” he said with aplomb.
Anne frowned, “you’re lying about Jo.”
“I swear to you I’m not,” Robert replied, acting so innocent Anne nearly believed him. But Anne could see under his mask to what lay beneath. “You’re a hunter. I can smell it on you like some cheap dollar store cologne. It’s disgusting and I’m getting sick being in your presence.”
Didi’s eyes got wider and she took a step away from Robert who was walking closer to Anne. “You’re not what you seem either,” he laughed. “If you are the model in this painting then you’ve got to be what?” He studied her closely, mainly watching her wild green eyes. He grinned. “At least over two hundred. Maybe more.”
“Two hundred and fifty,” Anne snapped. “I was part of the first Versailles but not the new one.”
Robert grinned then looked as Didi came around and stood beside Anne. She was finally beginning to recognize the signs Robert was throwing out. She whipped out her arm quicker than Robert had expected and she grabbed his hand. She pulled it up and inhaled. The faint scent of hot wings lingered there along with the faint scent of Jo’s shampoo. She dropped with hand with a heavy shove and brought her lips up over her teeth.
“Get him!” Anne giggled and she jumped first. Didi followed, swishing behind him to catch him as he fell backwards under Anne. Anne sat down on his chest while Didi pinned his shoulders to the ground.
“Where’s Jo?” Didi barked, finding him extremely attractive on his back.
“Like I’d tell you,” Robert sniffed.
Anne hovered her face above Robert’s and started hocking, pulling saliva to the back of her throat. She puffed up her cheeks and pursed her lips.
“Oh Anne, please,” Didi groaned. “You’re two-hundred and fifty for God’s sake! Act your age.”
A pearl of spit formed in the center of her lips then slowly started to drip downwards towards Robert’s rather stunned face.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Robert barked.
“Where’s Jo,” Didi watched the spit bubble with unwavering disgust, waiting for the car crash and the mangled bodies. “What do the hunters want with her?”
“Let me go!”
Anne looked up to see the old woman standing behind them. She shook her head then pointed to the door Anne had otherwise figured led to the dumpster out back. Anne motioned for Didi who was instantly at the door. She reached for the knob then grimaced.
“Its silver.”
Anne sucked up the spit and picked Robert up as if he were a doll and forced him to the door. “Open it like a good little gentleman.”
“You better, Robbie.” The old woman barked.
Robert didn’t hesitate when his old aunt commanded him and the door cranked open. Didi dove in first while Anne held Robert hostage at the entrance. “Is she alright?” Anne asked.
“She’s got some really bad silver burns,” Didi answered. “Poor thing, I’ve never seen anyone this allergic before.”
Anne threw Robert back on the ground and pinned him down. She held up his arm and chomped down onto his wrist. He cursed out loud and writhed under her grip. Didi moved Jo over and pulled her mouth open. Anne removed her mouth from his wrist then pulled Jo’s head up and put her lips to Jo’s. She pushed the warm, thick liquid into Jo’s mouth and massaged her throat so she’d swallow.
Jo suddenly started coughing and kicking. She jumped up and covered her mouth as she dry heaved. Anne licked her lips and wiped at the corners of her mouth daintily.
“Jo,” Didi coaxed, patting her back. “Jo, its us. Are you alright?”
Jo nodded and continued coughing. She looked at Robert on the floor then but at Anne and her painted lips. “You?”
“You wouldn’t get enough from his wrist just dripping over ya,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. It was obvious Jo wasn’t the first female Anne had kissed.
Jo stood up and licked at her lips. “I appreciate the thought, but next time,” she wiped at her lips, “next time be more tact about it.”
Anne shrugged, “you gotta do what you gotta do.”
Jo knelt down and looked over Robert. “Now talk.”
“Why do I have to tell you anything?” Robert snarled.
“Because I’ll kill the old lady,” Jo said with as much venom in her voice as possible. So spoke so spitefully it shocked even Didi and Anne who both greatly opposed the thought of slaughtering the somewhat innocent woman but they played along, praying Jo was only bluffing.
Robert believed Jo’s poker face. He roared, “don’t you dare!” He started to buck up underneath Anne but she forced him back down onto the concrete.
Jo cocked her head to the side. “You said the guild only had a hit out on me. Were there any other instructions?”
Robert’s eyes grazed from Anne’s to Didi’s before he went back to Jo. “We were told to leave the other two unharmed and alone. The hunters’ only instructions were to capture you and kill you on sight or bring you into guild headquarters. Bringing you to headquarters meant a whole lot of more money.”
Jo looked up Didi and extended the car keys towards her. “Go get the car. When you park out front get in the back seat.”
“Sure,” Didi replied. “But Jo,” she hesitated, “what are you going to do?”
“Anne,” Jo said standing. “Hold him here while I got get his truck. You’ll take his truck while Didi and I take him in the car.”
“We’re kidnapping him?” Anne asked, mischief sparkling brightly in her eyes.
“Jo, what the hell?” Didi snapped.
Jo scoffed. “We need to know what the guild is thinking. Its obvious they want me dead but why wouldn’t they want you two captured and brought to them? We need to stay one step ahead of them and learn what they’re going to throw our way. Now go get the car.”
Didi nodded and reluctantly left the room. As she came out to the entrance she saw the old woman sitting behind the desk petting the cat who growled as she passed.
“You’re taking him, aren’t you?” The old woman croaked.
“Yeah,” Didi murmured. “But don’t worry, we aren’t planning on hurting him. We just need to know what the guild is planning.”
The old woman looked up and smiled. “At least its by a group of pretty girls. Otherwise he might not be so calm about all this.”
Didi crooked her eyebrow up questioningly but quickly shuffled out when she heard Jo coming out of the back room.
Anne was left sitting on Robert’s chest. She picked at her fingernails momentarily before she sighed. “Did you kill Timur?”
“How do you know him?” Robert sniffed.
“I fucked him a couple of times. What does it matter?”
“You have a very faint French accent,” Robert murmured quietly. “And I can tell you’re very old despite how you hide it. That could mean you’re from the first Versailles.”
“Yeah,” Anne grumbled. “So what?”
“Timur is missing,” Robert replied. “A group of hunters invaded his palace in southern France but we couldn’t find him anywhere. So it is highly possible he’s dead but its more than likely he’s made himself invisible.”
Anne took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.
“So that painting really is of you?”
“Yes,” Anne said with a nostalgic smile. “There are many paintings of me but Timur didn’t share them with anyone.”
Robert chuckled, “oh, so they’re those kind of paintings?”
Anne rolled her eyes. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”
Jo came back into the room. “C’mon, its time to go.”
Anne stood, picking up Robert with her and pulling him in front of her. “Hey, what about Teak?” Anne asked.
Jo shook her head and huffed, “found me once, he’ll find me again.” She nodded her head then to the old woman as she exited. “Thank you for letting us borrow your nephew.”
“You keep out of trouble now,” the old woman replied as Anne shoved Robert out the door.
Jo opened up the back seat to their car and Anne shoved him in beside Didi. Jo tossed Anne the keys to Robert’s big red truck then hopped into the front seat of the Mustang.
“Wait!” Anne suddenly called out then dove back into the antique store. She emerged a moment later hauling the painting. She cracked it out of its frame and took the canvas and rolled it up then placed it on the seat beside her in the truck. “Okay,” she hollered. “We can go now!” She tapped the roof of the truck and revved it up.
In the back seat of the Mustang Didi glanced at Robert from her peripheral vision and noticed him inspecting the wound Anne had given him but had neglected to take care of. She turned slightly and extended her hand. “Allow me.”
He did so, showing no sign of reluctance or fear. Didi took his wrist and touched her lips down gently. She first took a quick sample, tasting the salty richness of him, then she lapped her tongue over the wound so it sealed shut. She licked her lips as she raised her head and caught him smiling.
“What?” She asked, handing his back his wrist.
Robert shook his head and laughed, “nothing.”
Jo, in the front seat glowered. The thoughts going through both their minds was enough to make her want to crash the car.
Chapter Five: A Little Night Music
Anne and Jo were gone in Robert’s truck heading to gather supplies so they could feed Robert and themselves with blood supplements.
“I don’t like the idea of leaving those two alone,” Jo whispered to Anne as they hopped into the truck to leave.
“Why?” Anne whispered back, enjoying the secrecy of their conversation.
“They’re attracted to one another,” was all Jo said as they drove off.
Didi stoked the fire then leaned back against the Mustang. She hated camping but in their situation there was no other choice. The only money they had they had taken from Robert and that wasn’t a lot.
“Didi, right?” Robert asked from the other side of the fire where Anne had tied him to the tree.
She looked up and nodded, “unh-huh.”
“That cute for anything?” He asked and Didi cocked her eyebrow inquisitively at him. “Is it a nickname? That’s what my aunt calls nicknames and shorts, cute.”
“Dianne,” she answered.
“Really?” Robert laughed. “Seriously? Anne, Joanne and Dianne?”
“I know,” Didi giggled. “When we first all moved in together I took it as some sort of sign. I thought it was maybe fate we were brought together and that we were meant to do something great,” she hesitated suddenly. “In a way I suppose that’s true.”
“You powerful like them?”
Didi nodded, “I am. Although, through the guild you should have already known that.”
“Just curious was all,” Robert hummed. “You ain’t too old, just guessing and all. Do you mind?”
Didi shrugged. “Shoot.”
“You don’t have an accent so I’m guessing you’re from here. And the way you talk doesn’t show much in terms of change. I’m guessing at least a hundred or so.”
“A hundred and seven,” Didi replied with a smile. “You’re really good.”
“I got Anne too. But its Jo I’m having a hard time placing. She could be only in her fifties or even in the fifty-hundred.”
“She hasn’t even told us her real age,” Didi stood up and walked over to Robert and untied him enough to where his arms were free. “Don’t go slapping or punching me or anything. I’m not as strong as Anne but I can still put the hurt on you just as good.”
“Trust me,” Robert laughed, rubbing his wrist. “I’ve learned not to mess with a woman while tied up.”
Didi looked up at him with a shocked look and he bust out laughing. “I’ll take that with a grain of salt,” she sniffed and sat down beside him.
“Talk to me,” he suddenly said.
Didi looked up at him and swallowed. “About what? What could we have to talk about, really?”
“I dunno. Were you married before you got changed? Any kids? Any family?”
Didi looked back to the fire. “I was betrothed. Some young accountant in my father’s bank. I wasn’t married, so no kids. And I’m sure by now my family is all gone. At least any that would know me.”
“Anyone now?”
Didi shrugged, “my creator, Emile…I loved him but we got into a fight and I realized he didn’t really feel the same way even if he did care a great deal. He just died. That’s why we’re here now. He tried to save us.” She turned and looked at him. “Why are you so interested to know if I’m single or not?” She hiked her leg up over his legs and straddled on his lap. “All you gotta do is ask.”
Robert’s face flushed and his breathing quickened. “Shit, you don’t play any games.”
“I’m a hundred year old girl, Mr. Flowers.” Didi replied with a coy smile. “I’ve learned all the ropes and I know there isn’t any shame in makin’ whoopee every so often when you wanna feel good. Hell, its almost necessary.” She leaned forward and licked the hollow base below his throat then traced his neck and jaw, going over the dark stubble of his chin and nipping at his bottom lip.
His hands reached up and grabbed her arms and ran down till his hands came onto her hips then squeezed onto her tight ass. Didi giggled as she slid her tongue between his teeth and met with his to do battle. Didi grinded against his thighs and she could feel him stiffen up under his khakis. She snapped open the button then pulled down the zipper and reached inside, fighting first with the elastic of cheap boxers and then grabbed him, stroking the length of him.
“Shit,” Robert gasped. He reached out and grabbed Didi’s tits then unbuttoned her shirt with one hand. He pulled the bra up over her buyout breasts and started suckling on the nipples.
Didi removed her panties and guided Robert inside her. Robert groaned with pleasure as Didi let out a small squeal. She started moving and grinding. She touched Robert’s face and licked his skin. She wanted more so she cut the rest of the rope and pulled his dingy t-shit up and over his head. She touched his chest, running her fingers through the curly, dark hair. She sunk her mouth onto his nipple and tasted the soft pink bud. Robert grabbed her up and threw her back onto the ground so that he could pump himself into her. Didi let out a cry. As a vampire she had never made love to a human so she worried she wouldn’t get pleasure from Robert. But she was happily wrong.
“I’ll admit, I was worried about this,” Robert rasped. “You’re my first vampire.”
“You’re my first human,” Didi moaned, writhing under him.
Didi arched, molding herself to his hard frame. She took his hand and guided it down to rub the sensitive button above her sex. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and helped herself to his taut flesh. Her fangs punctured his skin and he let out a low growl but his hips worked harder. She suckled at him, inhaling his blood like air.
“Yes,” Robert exhaled loudly.
Didi let out a cry and she nearly came off the ground. Robert lay on top of her, his hand kneading her breast while she licked at the wounds on his neck. Robert lowered himself down and stuck his head between her legs. Didi moaned with pleasure and touched her breasts, feeling his saliva on her nipples and his blood coursing through her. Now his tongue penetrated her and sent her on a whole new wave of pleasure. She ran her fingers through his thick, brown hair and wrapped her legs around his shoulders.
Was it reckless, she thought, to be screwing their captive? Oh fuck yeah it was reckless, she laughed to herself, but when they sex is this good who gives a fuck? Well, Jo will most definitely care and Anne will only get a little jealous. But right now all that matters is… She suddenly had to take in a breath as she felt his teeth nip at her playfully and then she climaxed. Her thighs tightened around his ears and she sighed.
“Who cares?” She whispered to herself and laid back to accept more of Robert’s affections.
Elsewhere, Jo was coming out of a grocery store, hefting a couple bags of nonperishable food. She had sent Anne to go get the blood supplements. She tossed the bags into the back of the truck and looked around, expecting Anne to have been back before her. She picked at her fingernails momentarily before jumping back up into the truck. Suddenly she heard a thud in back and then Anne was up in the front with her, holding something to her chest and grinning from ear to ear.
“Anne,” Jo snarled. “What did you do?”
“Nothing. Just go. C’mon, lets go!”
Jo eyed her, “did you get the blood supplement?”
Anne bobbed her head excitedly. “Oh, ho yeah! Now c’mon. Lets get!”
Jo cranked up the truck and pulled out of the parking lot and as they drove down the road she saw blue lights flashing in the distance. As they came upon them Jo saw the convenience store she had sent Anne to had a huge hole in the brick wall. She turned sharply to Anne who was watching the whole scene with a huge grin on her face.
“You robbed and defaced the connivance store?” Jo said with a low voice.
“Don’t slow down keep driving.”
“I am so mad I could rip your head off! What the hell were you thinking?” Jo was nearly foaming at the mouth.
Anne pulled her hands away from her chest to reveal the messy wad of green bills stuffed into her shirt. Jo’s eyes got wide and she felt a white hot surge go through her.
“Oh no, Anne,” she growled.
“C’mon, this will save our asses! We need money.”
Jo shook her head and remained silent. She would ream Anne something good when they got back. And when they did get back it didn’t take either one of them very long to realize what had gone on since they had last been there. Anne was the first to notice.
“I smell sex,” Anne said as they pulled up.
“Don’t try and change the subject!” Jo snapped before she could realize that yes, she smelled it too. “For the love of-” she bit her tongue. “Didi!”
“Oh hell you look mad,” Didi shivered. She looked a little disheveled but otherwise normal. Robert on the other hand, who had been tied back up to the tree, looked as if he were on cloud nine.
“Of course! I’m made of hell!” Jo roared and spit, pulling Robert out of his post-sex state. “I come back and you’ve fucked the human and Anne robbed a convenience store!”
Didi gaped, “you did what?” She shrieked at Anne.
Anne‘s lip curled up over her teeth. “What? Like you fucking a guy you just met is any better?”
Didi’s head bobbed. “Yeah, actually, it is! You don’t just rob people out of the mother fucking blue! What the hell were you thinking?”
“She wasn’t! That’s why I didn’t hear her,” Jo growled and she whipped her head towards Robert who shrunk back against the tree. “Get him free. We gotta go now!”
“What?” Anne snapped.
“There are cops every-fucking-where,” Jo hissed. “We can rest once the sun rises. Until then we need to get the hell out of here before someone gets wise to us!” She snapped her head towards Didi who was untying Robert from the tree. “You and Anne ride together in the truck. Fuck buddy, you’re in the Mustang with me.”
“What?” Didi sniffed.
“I don’t want to look at you two for a while. I can’t trust him with either one of you so he’s riding with me.” She gritted her teeth at Robert who was standing, placing his hands on Didi’s back. “Get in the mother fucking car!” Her voice was loud enough to shake the trees and scare some birds out of their sleep. Robert didn’t hesitate to remove his hands from Didi and head for the Mustang. Didi and Anne did their own running. Jo put out the fire then got into the car and took off, pressing her foot so heavily into the gas peddle the speedometer didn’t know what was happening.
“Slow down Steve McQueen,” Robert gasped, breathless.
Jo wanted nothing more than to slam on the breaks and have Robert collide with the windshield but she had to settle with the sudden jarring her slowing down caused.
“Had I known you could get that angry I would of left you alone,” Robert breathed, running his fingers through his sex-splayed hair.
“Exactly,” Jo sneered.
“Did she really rob a convenience store?”
Jo shook her head like a dog just out of water. “That girl just doesn’t think!” She slammed her hands so hard into the steering wheel it became concaved and more like the steering wheel of a fun park car.
“Being from Versailles, I’m not surprised by her voyeurism,” Robert settled back, putting on his safety belt and brushing his fingers through his hair.
Jo took a deep, relaxing breath and reached for the car radio. Turning it on it started in the middle of a Chuck Berry song which relieved her into a more normal state.
“You like this kind of music?”
“Yeah?” Jo sneered. “What, something wrong with it?”
Robert shook his head. “No. I’m still trying to settle on your age.”
Jo snickered. “You’ll never ever guess, dude.” She settled back into her seat and breathed slowly. Her eyes became focused intently on the road ahead and on the music coming from the radio. Elsewhere in her mind her internal radio traced several frequencies. Charlie was nearing better from his werewolf wounds and was aware of the hit the hunter’s guild had put on only Jo’s head. Haydee was back at the new Versailles and was purring over a young virgin sacrifice. Teak was somewhere deep in the woods searching and sniffing and worrying. He had been to the antique store and the old lady hadn’t hid anything from him when he asked.
When she was sure she was calm enough she clicked on over to the Didi and Anne channel and to her horror discovered they had been pulled over by a cop.
“Mother fuckers!” Jo pulled over onto the curb and slammed her head onto the steering wheel.
“What?” Gasped Robert, frightened out of his pants.
“Anne and Didi,” Jo growled as she slowly started turning the car around.
Robert glanced behind him, noticing now headlights. “Where are they?”
“They got pulled over,” Jo grumbled. She suddenly released the wheel and unbuckled herself. “You drive. I’m far too angry I might just kill us both or at least you.”
“Thank you for the thought,” Robert sighed as Jo crawled into the backseat. “Why do you suddenly trust me?” Before he could even finish his thought Jo had her hands around his throat.
“I don’t actually, so you better know where to go and you better get us there.”
He laughed, “yes, ma’am.” Her hands slid off his throat and she disappeared back into the backseat.
Jo scoffed, “and I thought this week couldn’t get an worse.” She closed her eyes and laid her head against the back seat, listening as Anne and Didi were led into a squad car by an Officer Shaun Ivory.
Chapter Six: An Officer and the Undead
“Vampires huh?” The sheriff chuckled as Officer Ivory led in the two girls. “That explains the hole in the wall down at the Kwik Trik,” he rubbed his mustache and smirked. “Put ‘em in cell 2B.”
“I could make a joke, but I won’t,” murmured Anne to Didi.
“Its your fault we’re even here. Isn’t that joke enough?” Didi snarled.
Anne stared. “I don’t get it.”
Officer Ivory tugged on their chains. “C’mon girls, no talking.” It was the first time Anne really looked at Officer Ivory. During their arrest she had tried to keep her face hidden, knowing the surveillance camera in the Kwik Trik had gotten her and in the cop car he had had his broad back turned to her. But now, in the lighted police station, she saw his face and her breath was taken away.
“Timur,” she was breathless. He looked almost exactly like her lover Timur. He had the same curly flaming red hair and scruffy lumberjack beard. Bright clover green eyes peered out from behind arched brows. His face was rectangle shaped with a smooth and chiseled chin. He was wearing the tan police man’s uniform and he had sweat stains under his pits and down his back which led Anne to looking at his firm ass. She giggled and looked up impishly at him.
The young officer’s eyes lingered a little too long on Anne before he turned around to usher then down the long narrow hallway towards the cells. It was apparent cell 2B was strictly for vampires. The bars were made of pure silver and there was a salt water tank just above it and the box window was fitted with a small herb garden.
Anne stayed as far away from the salt water tank as possible while Didi had to cover her nose when a gentle breeze blew in through the window.
“What’re we gonna do?” Didi sighed.
Anne was already studying the cell, noticing the small town quality of it. Unlike most of the big city jails she had been placed in throughout the years this one would be a piece of cake.
“If there’s one thing I know its that we simply need to play the waiting game,” Anne replied.
Didi frowned. “Yeah, but the sheriff was a vampire. Didn’t you notice?”
“Uh…” In all honesty Anne hadn’t. She was too busy inspecting the officer who she was sure could be a clone of her Timur. “Well, that changes things. Then again, I’ve been in a few vampire wards before.”
Didi arched her brow questioningly at Anne then turned back to glance out the window and the sprigs of lavender dancing in a gentle breeze. She gagged and looked back out the silver bars on the steel door. “I wonder if Jo even knows.”
Anne set her jaw stiff and placed her lips in a firm line. “She was pretty pissed at us.” She looked back over at Didi. “So how was he?”
Didi smirked and hid her face behind her hand. “He was my first mortal and-” she giggled.
Anne winked. “Nah, I totally get it. Most of my best times have been spent with human lovers. Its always nice to top off the whole shebang with a little bite.” She grinned from ear to ear, showing her retracted fangs.
It was then Officer Ivory came back up to the bars and slid open the little glass panel so he could look inside. “You ladies need anything? Phone call?”
Anne stood up and slinked over to the door. “I would like to um, use the little girls room.” She smiled, wrinkling her nose. “I need to freshen up a little bit.” She trailed her hand down the slope of her pale chest and onto her small but plump bosom. “I’m a little sticky from this hot country air.”
She wasn’t sure if her advances stuck home or not because Officer Ivory slapped the little window shut. She stood there in disgust for a moment before he opened up the door and placed the shackles back onto her hands.
“This way,” he guided her.
It was remarkable how much he looked like Timur, but their voices were different. Then again, Timur was a centuries old vampire and had the voice of a man with knowledge and years of experience. And this little Officer Shaun Ivory had the voice of a twenty-something boy who was faking the toughness in his voice. He had a cop’s voice. But those eyes, it was unmistakable. She wanted him. But she needed him to look at her and it was obvious all the cops had been taught not to stare directly at a vampire or else they’d be under their spell and in their glamour.
“It’s so hot out tonight isn’t it?” Anne asked in a breathy, husky voice.
“Always is around here,” was all he grunted.
Anne scoffed exasperatedly. She knew he noticed her. She saw his eyes before and how they lingered just the right amount of too long. All she had to do was get him to look a little longer and she’d have him. If Didi could have a little fun in the woods why not her in the women’s bathroom?
“Anne!” Jo’s voice boomed through the hallways. Anne flinched and turned to be greeted by Jo’s ever grumpy face with Robert in tow behind her.
“Holy crap, I didn’t think you’d ever come back for us,” Anne laughed.
Jo rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t planning to show up till tomorrow but this guy,” she elbowed Robert in the gut, “convinced me I should go ahead and show up. So-” she spread out her arms and bowed.
“Okay, you can let me go, my friend is here now,” Anne said up to Officer Ivory.
He scoffed, “you ain’t going anywhere. Not tonight anyways.”
“See?” Jo slapped at Robert’s hand. “I told you.” She turned back to Officer Ivory and folded her arms across her chest. “So when can my friends go Officer…” she waved for him to pronounce his name.
“Ivory,” he cleared his throat. “Officer Shaun Ivory.”
Jo suddenly smiled brightly all the anger inside her melted away and she looked so innocent and sweet as a bucket of icing. She reached out and touched his hands. “I want to thank you for helping my sister.”
“What?” Officer Ivory murmured, looking as if he was suddenly starting to go to sleep.
“Thank you for helping my sister,” Jo repeated, her hand suddenly sliding up to his face and covering his eyes. “Truly, I thank you for helping my sister out of that horrible situation.” She pulled her hand back and Officer Ivory was completely still like a statue. Jo took his keys and unlocked Anne from her handcuffs. She then took the keys and handed them to Robert. “You go get Didi out of-”
“Cell 2B,” Anne finished. “How did you do that?” She asked Jo.
Jo tapped her temple. “Since he wouldn’t look me directly in the eye I had to use my head.”
Anne beamed. “You’re just a whole bundle of magic ain’t you?” She then came around and put her hand on Officer Ivory’s neck.
“Anne,” Jo scolded, “you’re in trouble enough with me. Don’t go doing what you’re thinking.”
“But I like him,” Anne pouted. “Besides? Won’t we be needing more people on our side?”
Jo grimaced, knowing that no matter what she said wouldn’t change Anne’s mind. She was going to glamour Officer Ivory into being her servant and slave, a Renfield as the moniker had been since Bram Stoker. Anne pulled Officer Ivory down and sunk her teeth into his neck. When she had her fill she bit down on her finger and placed it between Officer Ivory’s lips. But as she did so a gunshot rung out through the halls and she was forced to drop him to the ground.
“Thought I recognized you,” Sheriff Thelen laughed.
Jo tensed up, “shit. He’s with the guild.”
“Oh bull-” Anne was cut off as the sheriff shot at them again. They scrambled. Anne fell into the bathroom while Jo scooped up Officer Ivory and ran down the hall. The sheriff went after Jo.
As he passed by the bathroom Anne stuck her head out and scanned around for the bullets. Sure enough she found one and when she picked it up her skin began to itch and turn green. She dropped it and sneered. “Bastard is using silver bullets.”
“Anne,” Didi called as she and Robert came from the cell block. “What’s going on?”
“The sheriff is with the guild,” she scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Of course! Who would trust a vampire sheriff otherwise?”
Didi flinched but huffed. “Well, we need to do something?”
“How are we going to protect her from silver bullets?”
Didi shrugged and dashed down the hallway, evaporating into thin air as she did so. “Invisibility is so cool,” Anne scoffed as she turned to Robert. She tossed her thumb across her shoulder towards the front of the police station. “You and I need to make a few calls.”
Robert arched his brow and stared after Anne suspiciously. “Call who?”
“What?” Anne asked with a catty grin. “I’m two-hundred and fifty, remember? Surely you don’t think I have no one dying to earn my favor?”
Robert hesitated momentarily only to stare down the hallway where Anne and Jo had gone along with the sheriff.
Jo was ducking down in an office with the unconscious Officer Ivory in arms reach slumping in the over stuffed chair. She was scanning, listening to the sheriff who was keeping quiet, save for humming old war songs. He obviously knew what he was doing. Anne was calling her ghouls and followers, finding her worshippers to come to her rescue and earn favor in their master. Didi was stalking the halls a few feet behind the sheriff all the while invisible to even the well trained sheriff.
Jo rubbed at her eyes and sighed. She was looking for Teak now, wondering what had become of the boy since she had blown up in his face. But Teak was still silent which pissed Jo off even more than before. She wanted the sheriff to come she wanted him to see what she was made of.
“Jo,” Didi gasped in her head. “There’s someone here.”
Jo searched the local area but she didn’t hear any new voices. “What are you talking about Didi?” She returned signal. “I don’t hear anyone.”
“I’m looking at him right now!” Didi spat. “I think I know him. But I can’t remember.”
Jo went through Didi’s eyes momentarily to see the man walking gracefully down the hallway as if the sheriff weren’t blowing bullets. But she didn’t have a chance to see his face. The door splintered and shattered. Jo narrowly saved Officer Ivory from being just another part of the fodder. She, unfortunately, got hit by the bullet.
Jo screamed and screamed and screamed. She dropped Officer Ivory and started writhing and dry heaving on the floor. It was like a scene in The Exorcist. Her body contorted in odd angles and she vomited green tinged blood. She tore and ripped at the bullet wound on the back of shoulder but above all else she screamed.
“Got you,” the sheriff chuckled sadistically.
“Bastard!” Didi grabbed him by his temple and twisted his neck until there was a loud pop and he crumpled to the ground. She became visible and raced to Jo’s side. She tried to hold her still but Jo beat violently against her. Suddenly, Jo became focused on Officer Ivory and she went screaming towards him.
“Don’t!” Didi cried out.
“You should listen to your friend,” the mysterious man laughed.
Jo came to a complete halt and she stopped screaming just as suddenly. But her breathing was rapid and sharp.
The man walked into the room and dipped down. He smoothed his hand across the top of Jo’s head and down her back. With the other hand he bit down on the heel of his hand and placed it to Jo’s mouth. Jo fed greedily as he tended to her wound as a doctor would removing a thorn from a child’s hand. He plucked out the bullet as elegantly as a dancer despite the obvious discomfort it caused him to hold it. He tossed the horrible object out the door and eased Jo up into his arms. He smiled at her as she continued to suckle.
“Voracious little thing,” he gleaned over at Didi, “isn’t she?”
Didi was working herself into a fit trying to figure out where she recognized this beautiful man. He had a waning Italian accent, much like Anne and her basically nonexistent French one. He had the most perfect nose and set of dark lips. His dark hair looked as if it had been neat that afternoon, but now it was ragged and dripping into his smooth face. And his eyes, both seductive and steely, penetrated her. Leaving Didi breathless and somewhat aroused just by being in this man’s presence. And lucky little Jo was feeding off him like he was a Happy Meal.
The man looked away from Jo and back at Didi again. He smiled at her and Didi felt like swooning, something she hadn’t done since the twenties. “I’m going to borrow your little one.”
“Go ahead,” Didi giggled and posed while the man waltzed out of the room with Jo anchored in his arms.
It wasn’t until the man was out of sight that Didi suddenly came to her senses. At first she was questioning herself, “did that really just happen? What just happened?” She then jumped to her feet and shouted. “Hey! Hey! Get back here!” As she went to chase him it was only then that she realized he had used his glamour on her. But vampires couldn’t glamour one another, could they? Obviously, this mysterious vampire had a power to glamour his own kind.
“Anne?” Didi snapped as she came up into the lobby where she caught Anne sighing and giggling.
“Huh?” Anne smirked.
“Anne,” Didi grabbed her, “snap out of it!”
“Didi? What?” She blinked. “Did you see that guy?”
“Yeah, he took Jo from us! Where’s Robert?” She turned to see Robert not but a few feet away on the ground, his face deeply rouged.  “What happened to him?”
Anne shook her head, dismayed. “He swooned and fainted. I haven’t done that since the twenties.”
Didi picked up Robert and set him on her back. “We need to track that guy. He’s probably with the guild too and we just let him dance out of here with Jo in his arms!”
“I called a couple of my servants too, oh that reminds me!” She dashed off and came back with Officer Ivory in her arms. She sat him on the couch in the lobby and whispered into his ear. “Follow me, protect me, do not let anyone get to me that you can stop with your cop powers.”
“Cop powers?” Didi scoffed.
Anne sneered at Didi before she dipped back down and kissed Officer Ivory on the lips. “I’ll reward you once you catch up.”
“Can we go now?”
Anne stood up and scoffed, “no need to get so huffy Mrs. Huffington!” She flipped her hair back over her shoulder and sighed. “I called a few of my ghouls so if any really bad shit should go down we’ll have them to take the brunt of the work.”
“I really need to get around to making me some ghouls,” Didi sighed as they dove out of the sheriff’s office and into the Mustang.
Anne pointed, “I can smell him, he’s heading what I think might possibly be north.”
“That’s actually east.”
“Just go that fucking way.”
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atwistedandbrokentale · 5 months
From a king to a slave
When the king of Rosas got trapped in his own staff, a mask flashed for a split second. This mask would soon become his face, as he fell from a king to a slave. But how did he become this way? How did he fall into Queen Grimhilde’s service? And how does a young innocent princess fall into this? This story seeks to answer these questions.
WARNING! This story has slavery. It’s not with a black or white man. It’s a hispanic man. Granted that’s just a headcanon but still. Naturally there will be graphic depictions of abuse. There’s yelling, chains, maybe self harm (?) and even a scene of the slave owner choking the slave to assert dominance. If any of this is uncomfortable to you, please scroll past. With that said, please enjoy this story!
Magnifico sat inside his crystal. Was it still a crystal? The space inside had gotten larger. A wall had been made. He had forgotten how long it had been since it formed. There was no way to keep track of time anymore. He couldn’t see the sun anymore.
There was one good thing that came out of this. It was reflective. He could see himself once again. And he still looked great. He had his icey blue eyes, his smooth skin, his gray hair. Magnifico could look at reflection for ages.
Suddenly a voice spoke.
“Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space.”
Magnifico angrily looked around. Who was that talking? And who does she think she is? Talking to him like that? He’s still a king, goddamn it!
“Through wind and darkness, I summon thee”
Suddenly, through the wall, streams of green light reached out to him. They forcefully grabbed his hand and neck, becoming a collar and shackles. Magnifico angrily tried to grab at them but it was useless.
“Speak! Let me see thy face.”
The chains started to yank him around. Magnifico tried to resist, pulling against their force. But the chains were too strong. Whatever magic was this, it seemed stronger than his.
The chains eventually managed to pull him to the wall. He started to faze through it. He flinched as a bright light started to shine. Was this it? Was he dying? It felt painless yet was just as terrifying.
“So the stories were true.”
Magnifico opened his eyes. He was still wearing the green chains. He could see the world again. His crystal wasn’t in the dungeon anymore. Instead it was in a different room with the most gorgeous looking woman staring at him.
The woman seemed fairly young. She had dark brown curls flow down her shoulders. She had cold piercing green eyes. Her face was sharp and smooth. She had a large crown resting on her head. She was so beautiful.
“What is this? Why am I in chains? Who are you?” Magnifico fiercely demanded. He couldn’t move around so much. The chains kept him bound. The woman crept up closer to him. “I am Queen Grimhilde. And I own you now.” She said coldly.
“I heard of you and your kingdom. But I didn’t expect it to be true.” Magnifico furiously glared at her. “What are you talking about?! I am the king of Rosas! I’m a legend all over the world! You don’t own me!”
“The kingdom of Rosas fell 100 years ago.” Queen Grimhilde simply replied.
Magnifico stopped. His kingdom, fallen? He couldn’t believe it. He knew he was the crystal for a long time but he never thought it would be this long. Everything he built up, everything he did, was destroyed, lost to time.
“I knew this would happen. I knew if I wasn’t in power, they would fall! All because of that girl! She did this! She did this to me!” Magnifico growled. Queen Grimhilde did not answer. “Well, that doesn’t matter now. You belong to me now.”
“I heard you were a powerful sorcerer once. That you could cast a spell to know the truth about anything.” Queen Grimhilde said. “I’m still powerful.” Magnifico angrily declared, ignoring who was clearly in power now.
Queen Grimhilde smiled. “Good. You will cast the spell and answer who is the fairest in all the land.” Magnifico looked at her confused and angry. “That’s what you want to know?! I don’t have to listen to you! I’m a king!” “And now you are my slave.” Queen Grimhilde simply said.
“I am not a slave!!” Magnifico yelled at her. His dark magic flowed around him, his eyes burning with green intensity. He would not be helpless. Not again. The queen's eyes narrowed with silent fury. “You forget your place.”
Queen Grimhilde's hand glowed green as she clutched it into a fist. The chain around Magnifico’s neck started to tighten. Queen Grimhilde is trying to choke him. He attempted to grab the collar but his efforts were useless. It started to hurt. A lot. But he didn’t dare scream. He won’t.
“You are in my chains, you reside in my mirror.”
Magnífico desperately tried to keep his pride. He is not a slave, he is not someone’s prisoner. He won’t give in. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction even as his throat started to burn.
“You are my property. You do as I say. Do you understand?”
Magnífico can’t give in. He can’t, he can’t, he just can’t. Tears started to burn out of his eyes. The world started to black out. Is he dying? Or worse, will he still live through this pain? Is giving a simple answer worth this much suffering?
“Ok! Ok! I’ll do it! I’ll do it! Just stop!”
And just like that, the collar became loose again. Magnífico gasped loudly. He took heavy breaths, not wanting his air to escape again. A few tear drops dropped to the floor. He was crying. Magnifico couldn’t believe it.
“I knew you’d come around.” Queen Grimhilde said. She didn’t care about his suffering. Heck she even enjoyed it, a small smile shown underneath. “Now, magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?”
Magnífico growled at her. He hated her. He wanted to get rid of her. But he couldn’t handle her strangling him again. Was he really going to bend to someone who isn’t worthy to stand in his presence?
Magnífico sighed. This was so degrading. But what else can he do? He was trapped here by her. He reluctantly casted the spell in his head. “As I now stand, tell me who is the fairest in the land?” He thought as green magic streamed around himself.
The answer didn’t so much pop in his head as it seemed to click into place. As if he always knew it and was simply remembering. “Queen Grimhilde is the fairest in all of Germany.” Of course she was. She was so beautiful on the outside.
“You’re the fairest of them all.” Magnifico said, bitterness dripping from his voice. He gave Queen Grimhilde a furious glare, his eyes glowing green. Queen Grimhilde smiled satisfied. “But of course I am.” She flipped her hair back with pride.
“That will be all, slave. You can go now and we’ll do this tomorrow.” Magnífico looked up with confusion. “Wait, tomorrow?” Queen Grimhilde grinned rather darkly. “Of course, I need to know if anyone dares threaten my place.” Queen Grimhilde replied.
Queen Grimhilde's hands glowed once more. And the chains pulled on Magnífico, yanking him away. “Wait! Wait! You can’t do this to me!” The bright light of the sun started to fade away. He tried to reach out for it, only for the overwhelming darkness to come back. And Magnífico was alone again.
He can’t believe it. He’s trapped here. He’s weak. He’s enslaved. But he’s still a king, kingdom or not. He will find a way to escape. He has the chance now. Magnífico banged on the wall with anger. “Just you wait, Grimhilde! I’ll escape from this prison and then I’ll destroy you! I’ll take my power back! I swear!”
But Magnifico would never fulfill that promise.
Instead Queen Grimhilde kept him in her mirror for years. Day after day she would summon him and ask who is the fairest of all. And day after day it was always Queen Grimhilde. It was always her. Yet she was never satisfied.
Magnifico still tried to defy Queen Grimhilde’s will any way he can. But he couldn’t do much, Queen Grimhilde had a good hold on him. But he still had his voice. He tried to get creative and put all his answers in rhyme. It’s small but it’s something.
“You keep me as a slave on demand, and yet you are the fairest in the land.” He spoke one day. “I didn’t give you permission to speak in rhyme.” Magnifico couldn’t believe this. Queen Grimhilde may keep him in chains but she will never own him.
“You don’t get to decide how I speak.” Magnífico told her, his eyes glowing green. Queen Grimhilde gave a slight smile. “Well at least it’s entertaining enough. Ok, you’re allowed to speak like this.” And from then on he spoke only in rhyme.
Whenever he wasn’t summoned, Magnifico stayed behind the wall. It was much worse than when he was just in his crystal. It was one thing to be trapped in a small dark room, with just you and your thoughts. Isolated in cold dark nothingness for hours on end.
It’s another to be “granted” a few moments of sunlight. To be “given” a glimpse of the world for only a few seconds. Even if it was just a simple room. Even if it was just to be used. Only for it to all be taken away from you and thrown back in the nothingness once more.
This enraged Magnifico. He would vent his frustration by punching the wall for hours on end. The chain around his hand would “protect” him. He wished it didn’t. The wall would be as smooth as ever but he didn’t care. He just wanted to do something. Anything to vent his anger.
After a few months, Magnifico got bored of needless fighting and just sat there, just like he used to. There was one difference. He could see his reflection now. And he hated it. Overuse of dark magic can have an effect on a sorcerer’s body. And it showed on Magnifico.
He would see the chains keeping him trapped. His skin becoming more green like the magic he was bonded to. His royal robes reduced to simple rags. Cracks forming around his eyes. His eyes glossy and reflective. Like a mirror. He started to hate his reflection.
Magnifico would often cry after being summoned. He’d never been so devastated since.. that day. He swore he would never be as helpless and weak as he was back then. But now look at him. Used as a tool for a queen so much powerful than him. How pathetic.
Queen Grimhilde insisted on Magnifico using the truth spell every time, even when he tried to tell her of her deceiving beauty. She needed to know it was true. She needed to know nobody would come close to her. That she was the fairest of them all.
One day this truth spell proved helpful. 7 years after his enslavement, a new name clicked into place. “Famed is your elegance, but I see another with far more pleasantness.” Amelia Beaumont was her name and she was the fairest of all. For now.
This was the only time Queen Grimhilde ever got visibly angry. There was a reason she demanded this information. She framed Amelia for treason and had her burned at the stake publicly. So all could watch her beauty melt.
Her dark and radiant skin burned and melted, showing her cooked flesh. Her lovely curls shriveled away. She screamed and cried until her angelic voice gargled into faded moans. A corpse cannot be the fairest.
Queen Grimhilde did not tell him this yet Magnifico knew of it anyway. Magnifico knew a lot of things outside of his mirror. He knew everything. It seemed to be a side effect of the truth spell. But he didn’t need to activate the spell anymore. It was a part of him now. It was him.
Magnifico was much more powerful than he ever thought he could be. But he didn’t care anymore. He stopped caring about anything. He just.. stopped feeling. A side effect of magic overuse, he knew. His voice became more monotone. Dull and flat. But he didn’t care.
All that mattered was serving the queen.
One day Queen Grimhilde married a wealthy king. Not for love but for the power that came with bringing two kingdoms together. This new king brought a young princess. Only 7 years old. Cheerful and bright. She had skin pale as snow, bright red lips and hair dark as ebony.
Her name was Snow White.
As the new family adjusted, Queen Grimhilde had only one rule. “Don’t go into my private room. It’s where I go to rest.” She told this to Snow who wanted to listen. She wanted to be good. But one day against her better self, Snow went inside. She saw a beautiful mirror with herself staring back.
Suddenly flames burst from beyond the glass. Snow backed away from the mirror. A green mask came into focus. He looked like the tragic mask she saw once. He spoke with a deep stoic voice. “What wouldst thou know, my princess?”
Snow started to creeped up to the mirror, nervous. She didn’t expect a person to be in her new step mom’s mirror. “What do you mean?” “Anything you command I will do. Know I only give answers true.” The mask replied.
Snow heard as a future Queen she would have to command her subjects but there was something about this that made her uneasy. “I don't want to command you to do anything.” The mask showed no emotion but seemed a little surprised by this. “No?”
“I want you to decide what to do.” Snow told the mask. The mask seemed to think to himself. “A story to you I’ll tell. About a kingdom long ago fell.” Snow loved fairy tales. She sat and eagerly looked at him starry eyed.
In a flash of fire and smoke, the mask disappeared. Shadows formed in the glass. They looked like puppets. Reflections of the past. Snow could still hear the mask’s deep voice as he started his tale.
“Once upon a time, a young boy lived in a peaceful village. Until thieves came and started to pillage.”
“The boy saw his home destroyed. Ever since, in his heart, there was a void.”
“The boy became a man who wanted to make it right. A kingdom he built as a beacon for the light.”
“A lovely woman soon stole his heart. She was so graceful and kind, they would never part”
“Amaya was her name. She was a beautiful, wonderful dame.”
“The king grew powerful over the years. He gave a promise to the farthest ears.”
“The king would grant his subjects deepest desires. But this exchange came with wires.”
“The wishes he kept close, they would never part. The king hoped they would fix the hole in his heart.”
“He sought out an apprentice to teach. A young girl came into his reach.”
“The girl was kind with little pride. She knew the stars were there to guide.”
“The girl saw her family’s dreams tucked away. She pleaded for them to see the day.”
“The king told her the wishes, he would spare. And the girl was left in despair.”
“To the stars, she cried out to. And down to earth, a star flew.”
“The star was a bright beacon. And the king feared his rule would weaken.”
“The girl and the star teamed up to get the wishes back. Their friends were let in and they made a pack.”
“The king did not like losing control. To dark magic, he sold his soul.”
“The girl had her grandfather’s wish, pure and noble. But a friend made her actions vocal.”
“In the king’s hand, her mother’s hope was crushed. That power made his magic much more rushed.”
“The girl sent her family away. The king granted a wish and led her friend astray.”
“A chase ensued, with magic flying through the sky. But the king she fought was just a disguise.”
“The girl was far too late, the wishes were cornered. And the star’s magic was conquered.”
“The king held the power of the night. He desired to snuff out any hopeful light.”
“The king had gone mad, he didn’t care about his horns. What was once a soft rose was cut to the thorns.”
“Still the girl had hope, wishing good will win. Soon the captured subjects joined in.”
“A hopeful song of wishes overtook the air. Their starlight shone everywhere.”
“And the star had won, free from the staff. The king was trapped inside with a flash.”
“The girl was given a gift for her bravery. Her own wand to guide wishes worthy.”
“The wonderful queen took over the throne. Her natural heart she had shown.”
“For 100 years, the kingdom of Rosas thrived. But the king had survived.”
“He is stuck in his own glass to this day. Kept in a room, he is on display.”
“So we’ve arrived at the end of the tale. The lesson; follow starlight in order to prevail.”
Snow clapped her hand in joy. “What a pretty story!” She said. “But it was really sad. The king didn’t feel all that evil.” The mask narrowed his eyes. “No?” Snow shook her head. “Some wishes are dangerous. He was right about that.”
“You are quite insightful for a child. Some dreams are wild. That is true. But to crush them all just won’t do.”
Snow understood what the mask was saying. No one person should be in charge of deciding what wishes to grant. “But the girl became a fairy godmother at the end. Like the king. Does that really make her better than him?”
“If the girl could not help them, they could try themselves. Their wishes are not kept on shelves.”
Snow understood the lesson much clearer now. “That was a wonderful story..” “You may address me as M. It can stand for Mirror.” Snow smiled. “M. That’s a lovely name.” M said nothing but he really liked this little princess. She was much better than-
“What are you doing here?” Queen Grimhilde had found her out. Snow stood up fast. “I was just-.” She looked at the mirror. M was gone. Snow looked back at her new mom. “I wasn't doing anything-.” “I told you to not come into my private room. And what have you done to my mirror?”
Snow had a guilty look on her face. “I was just playing. You didn’t tell me your mirror had a person inside.” Queen Grimhilde stopped dead in her tracks. She knew? “What did you say?” Snow didn’t hear the anger in her voice. She told her everything.
“Your mirror had a person inside. And he told me a story. About wishes and stars. He was really nice.” Queen Grimhilde was bubbling rage but she didn’t dare show it. She kept her queenly demeanor. “You misunderstand. It’s not a person. It’s a slave. It’s not supposed to tell stories.”
Now that was a word Snow had never heard before. But she could tell it was bad. There was a pit in her stomach when she heard it. She didn’t know it’s to be used and treated as less than a person. As less than nothing. “B-but he wanted to-.”
“It’s a mirror. A tool. It can’t want anything.” Queen Grimhilde was letting her anger show. Snow started to cry a little. She didn’t mean to make her new mom angry. She was too young to understand but having a slave does not deserve her of any kindness.
Snow tried to plead with her new mom. “You don’t understand. He deserves-!” “I decide what it deserves!” Queen Grimhilde suddenly snapped. Snow started to cry. She didn’t mean for this to happen. Queen Grimhilde didn’t care about Snow but her crying was annoying to her.
Queen Grimhilde grabbed Snow’s wrist. “Stop this crying at once.” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Snow cried. “Clean this mess up at once! That’s the least you can do for this transgression!” And Queen Grimhilde let her go. She walked out of the room. Snow was left there alone, crying.
M came back. Snow tried to apologize to him. “I’m sorry, M. I didn’t mean to-.” “Oh, little one, do not bemoan. The queen doesn’t care for anyone but her own.” Snow’s cries were much weaker now. She somberly grabbed a broom and started sweeping.
M saw this before. The queen using people as she pleased. He felt something. It wasn’t quite sadness but it tugged at his heart. “I see and know all that goes on. I have another story if you’re drawn.” Snow somberly smiled. “I’d like that.”
And from then on, a lovely friendship was formed. The queen would make Snow a maid and force her to clean most of the castle. Of course, the queen would make her clean her private room. That would be the brightest part of her day.
M would tell Snow stories from long ago. Stories of brave knights and kind princesses. It helped Snow keep her head up and always look for the bright side of things. And Snow always treated M with kindness and respect.
Snow did not know who M was before he was trapped. M preferred it that way. She was far too innocent to know what he’s done. And a part of him knew that if she knew the monster he used to be, then she wouldn’t want to be friends anymore.
And he couldn’t stand being alone again.
Of course, Queen Grimhilde would use M for her daily ego boost. Many girls would shine brighter than her. And one by one, they were all extinguished. It was easy when they were simple peasant girls. No one would miss them.
As Snow grew up, she became beautifuler every day. Queen Grimhilde did not like this and attempted to hide her beauty with rags. But her kind heart would always shine through. On her 14th birthday, Queen Grimhilde asked once more, who is the fairest of all. And the answer clicked for M.
“Snow White is the fairest of all.”
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queersrus · 4 months
Winter theme
[winter theme]
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Avalanche, arctic, apricity, andri, aspen, alaska, artica, antartic, antarctic, antartica, antarctica blizzard, bylur cold, coldine, coldina, coldette, coldetta, coldelle, coldella, coldino, coldetto, coldellie, coldello, chill, chilli/chillie/chilly, coat, chan, cherith, cheimónas, claus, cypress demetria, diamond, december evergreen, eira, eirwen, edur, eryi frigid, freeze, freezine, freezina, freezino, freezelle, freezellie, freezella, freezette, freezetta, freezetto, frost, frosty/frostie, freezing, frozen, frozone, frozette, frozetta, frozetto, frozelle, frozellie, frozella, frozello, frozine, frozina, frozino, frosta, frostette, frostetta, frostetto, frostelle, frostellie, frostello, frostella, frostine, frostina, frostino, flake, flykra, fannar, February glaze, glacia, glacial, glacier, gwyneira hail, haukea, haunani, hiver ice, icey/icie, icicle, icestorm, icette, icelle, icetta, icella, icine, icina, iciclette, icicletta, icetto, icellie, icellie, icetto, icino, icicline, iciclino, iciclina, iciclelle, iciclella, iciclello, iceberg, inverno, invierno, iarnă, isolde janus, janara, january, juniper kis, kari lumi, lixue miyuki neve, nevis, nieves, nivia, noel/noelle, noella, nic/nick, nichol/nichole, nicholas/nicolas/nickolas/nikolas, north, norther, northern, november, nevada, neva quilo snow, snowelle, snowette, snowella, snowetta, snowy/snowie, snowflake, snowfall, snowstorm, snowine, snowline, snowina, snowlina, snowellie, snowello, snowlino, snowetto, snowino, sleet, squal, snowdrift snowfield, snowpack, snowcap, snowcone, snowslide, slush, snowbank, solstice, skadi talvi, tuhin, tushar vinter, viola, violet/violette, violetta/violeta winter/wynter, winterelle, winterella, winterello, winterellie, winterina, winterine, winterino, winterette, winteretta, winteretto, wintertide, wintry, wintery, wintertime, warrin, wren xue yuki, yukina, yukio, yule, yuletide zima/zyma, zane
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
wi/winte/winters/wine(wintine)/winterself sni/sne/snowy/snowine/snowself ni/nove/novy/novembrine/novemberself di/de/decemby/decemberine/decemberself yi/yule/yuly/yuline(yuletine)/yuleself ni/northe/northy/northine/northself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself gli/glace/glacy/glacine/glacialself fri/fre/freezy/frozine/frozenself(freezeself)
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
wo/winter/winters/winterself sno/snower/snowers/snowerself no/november/novembers/novemberself no/nor/northerns/nothernerself do/december/decembers/decemberself yo/yuler/yulers/yulerself io/icer/icers/icerself glo/glacier/glaciers/glacierself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
wi/winter, win/ter, winter/winters, winter/wonderland, winter/solstice sno/ow, sno/snows, snow/snows, snow/flake, snow/shoe, snow/pile, snow/fall, snow/snowy, snow/snowing no/november, no/vember, nov/ember, november/novembers, no/north, nor/th, north/norths, nor/north, north/northern, northern/light, north/ern, northern/northerns, north/pole de/cember, dec/ember, decem/ber, december/decembers, dec/december, dece/december yu/le, yu/yule, yule/yules, yule/yuletide i/ce, ice/ices, ice/icy, ice/iced, ice/icicle, ice/icle, icicle/icicles, ice/cube gla/cier, gla/cial, gla/glacier, gla/glacial, glac/ier, glac/ial, glacier/glaciers, glacial/glacials fro/zen, fro/frozen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, fre/freeze, free/freeze, fre/eze, free/ze, freeze/freezes, freeze/freezing, free/zing, freezing/freezings, fro/frost, fro/st, fro/ost, frost/frosts, frost/frosted
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the cold season, the living north, the snowflake, the fallen snow, the winter monarch/king/queen, the snow queen/king/monarch, the frozen golem, the frozen being of the snowplanes, the dweller of the snowbanks, the snowman, the icicle, the dweller of the frozen late
winter embodied, winter personified, winter incarnate
*one who lives benieth the frozen waters, one who burrows in snow, one who rules winter, one who adors the chilly season, one who celebrates yule, one who was born in the cold months
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
dreamt that feral wolf baby Rickon Stark will be burned alive by the dragon queen, just like his grandfather Rickard was murdered by her father... and like. I'm becoming more and more convinced that he will NOT live to the end of the series and like if he has to die, that would be at least a good motivator for the other Starklings (and the rest of the North?) to eliminate the fire threat
okay it really depends on how the davos/rickon story goes (remember they completely cut that out of the show so we don't even have something to guestimate from) because i'm unsure why he and dany would be in the same place at the same time. unless she's coming from braavos for some reason, she's not likely to land directly in the north - she's landing roughly in the same spot aenar landed which is that hooked area of the gullet around dragonstone, massey's hook, driftmark, and cracklaw point. maybe as far south as storm's end. white harbor and the north in general is waaaay above that. and once rickon is with a family member, i don't think they're just letting him wander off either - if anyone is going south to treat with the dragons its jon snow, because he won't be the ruler himself (vs the show, where he just wanders in there even tho that's dumb - there's a reaosn cat goes instead of robb to talk with walder and it's that you don't send your number one guy in to get kidnapped, you send someone still important but not number one who has a potentially positive history with whoever they're treating with. this is the same logic as cat going to talk with the baratheons, littlefucker going to talk with the tyrells, etc.). i don't think they'd send rickon down south for any reason, so! it would mean she has to be in the north.
the problem there is that imo dany is not burning winterfell. the others are going to fuck up winterfell! dany is fucking up the south! like, if we're talking "what will dany burn" my money is on kl and the water gardens, and if we're talking "what about other places that will burn" i think casterly rock is not out of the question, and storm's end, highgarden, and the neck are going to get their shit rocked by someone but who knows who will do that. i do suppose it's possible rickon could be in the neck when it "breaks" but again, i think it's more likely it's magic of the icey fuckery persuasion than the fire fuckery persuasion doing that. and i have no idea how or when or why dany even goes north. i know everyone wants to see her dragons fail at the wall but it's like. bro when does that happen. and now she's gotta burn somewhere rickon is at on top of that?
just too many steps here. i'm not saying it won't happen or even that it's not a good thought - most people believe rickon is doomed and are trying to piece together how he's going to die, and dying by dragonfire same as his namesake is an interesting thought. the trouble is that i just don't know how we get rickon and dany in the same place to kick off that conflict. i think it's much more likely jon gets wrapped up in whatever she's doing while he's down south as an envoy, and that's what sparks the problems between dany and the starklings, rather than her having an active hand in rickon's death. i suppose it's not out of the question that aegon accidentally or purposefully sets rickon on fire but i'm unsure of why he'd do that.
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some-pers0n · 6 months
More blaze slander but this time I'm not anon: she was so self absorbed talking about her and her sisters/brother in a tapestry than actually noticing Glory and Jambu weren't icewings, I know the other sandwings didn't but blaze is around icewings all the time, that also goes to show that she doesn't even bother to take in how icewings look, I feel like her mind works like this "icey blue? Oh it's an icewing" because we all know icewings and rainwings are VERY different in design. She can't fight, she only relies her tail barb, which glory brought up that every sandwing has one to which she replied "oh but everyone would love me anyway", when deathbringer almost killed her she just became a flailing mess and completely relied on Queen Glacier to save her. Fast forward to Sunny's book, she couldn't protect herself at all from blister, blister was toying with her that whole round because she thought it was hilarious. She doesn't pay attention to anything at all, when both of her sisters were dead and thorn took the eye of onyx she only realized her sisters were dead and went "so I'm the sandwing queen?" And then she finally realized that she'll never be queen, and she was pissy about it even though they technically saved her life. As you said, she'd be easily bribed with anything shiny, im almost certian that is the only reason she wanted to be queen, so she could have the royal treasury. Sorry about another big rant, I just hate her so much, I'd prefer burn over her any day even though I hate what burn did to "weird" dragons.
I love Blaze slander so much <33 Great ramble right here
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Snow Queen
Media IRL X Fantasy
Character TBS
Couple TBS X Reader (Snow Princess)
Rating sweet + Spooky
Fictional Advent Day twenty Four
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It was said, that she comes with the snow, that she rides atop of snow heavy clouds on a stallion of bright white and silver, That she leads an army of creatures with icey wings and skin black with the cost of frostbite. There are many more stories, told to children to keep them in their beds away from the icy cold storms that come in the night. But stories cannot help me now. I walked with shuffled feet, using all my strength to move my feet inches at a time, I wrapped my arms around my body as tightly as possible, and I hid my face into my shoulder trying to hide away from the world before me. My body was frozen so cold I was unable to even shiver, icicles forming in my hair, snow building up in my boots unmelted given how cold I was, my lips blue and numb but still I pushed forward desperate to get home. For a moment I looked up the darkness had swallowed us all, the snow bright white as it swirled around me as if this snowstorm was personally trying to spin me away, the snow so thick it reached my knees, so bright the white burnt my eyes, the fluffy so fast and hard I couldn't even see the lights of the village, the church tower utterly lost in the clouds snow. My knees gave out and my body fell to the ground, snow piling on top of me the moment I stopped moving. My body was so numb, frozen, so weak. I perked up as I heard this ghostly song, soft-sounding bells tingling, and a ghostly voice seemed to circle me. I caught the look of something moving just beyond the snow flurry. "Someone there?" I asked "Hello?!" I called out And suddenly through the harsh snowstorm, I saw her. A woman with skin as pale as snow, long light blue hair braided in tight skilful plats, littered with snow and glittering ice, her lips a deep blue, her eyes a harsh white and icy blue, sharp glitter across her face, a long blue and white gown glittering and glimmering as if the dress was craved from ice and snow, Boots made of pure ice with a sharp icicle heel. She sat atop a snow-white horse with a glittering mane and tail, with a saddle carved from ice with a layer of snow. I knew the stories well but hadn't believed them since I was a child, but fear ran through me, if she was real what else was? She looked down at me from the top of her horse and held out her hand to me covered in a white velvet glove "No. Please…" I begged, tears welling up in my eyes and slipping down my face by freezing before they reached my chin She sat firm and still, and I knew I had little other choice if I didn't take her hand I'd freeze to death, but I didn't know my fate if I did. I forced my body up from the snow and gently took her hand.
I woke up with a jolt sitting up, my body on a pile of fresh fluffy snow in a large cave of ice on all sides with a long tunnel in front of me. I was fearful, to say the least, but I forced my body to stand the cold and weakness of my body were gone but at the same time I didn’t feel cosy and warm I felt… empty. I pushed myself through moving down the small icey corridor chasing the light at its end trying desperately to find where I was or what had happened to me as I gained my strength my steps got faster and faster until I began to run. I saw the light at the end hoping to see home but I stopped short as the tunnel stopped at a sharp cliff edge in a straight drop. That if I had been a few inches closer I’d have gone tumbling over. I gripped the edge desperately to make sure I wouldn’t lose my balance, And I saw where I was. Beyond the cliff edge was a city made of ice and littered with snow, the houses and barracks were built into the ice and snow, an army larger than any other I had ever seen the bodies of the army were dark green or black from frostbite, skin broken and flaked off exposing bone and frozen muscles, their skin white from the cold. A castle at the head of the kingdom was carved from ice intricately and carefully, snow falling heavily enormous blue dragons gliding across the sky.
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icequeenfanfic · 1 year
Hey! SO while going through the Mega-Rad Notebook i saw that there was a lotta neat art i’ve never seen! most of it is just stock art of the characters but a lot are really neat illustrations credited to Ian McGinty who worked on a lot of AT comics
so i just wanted to make this lil MASTER POST if you will going over some of my favorite pieces here ^^
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first of all this one is just rlly cute- one neat thing about this book is that the difference sections of it directly correlate to the Fionna & Cake episodes so this one is obviously the original first ep and it goes all the way to Five Short Tables
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some bait for the gummybunny shippers
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this REALLY neat Ice Queen drawing, you can tell the artist had a lot of fun drawing her
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a really pretty Fionna drawing with her in her ball gown 💛
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Ice Queen with the penguos
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they go WEEE
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icey powers n junk
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Bald Gumball Jumpscare
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One thing i rlly like about these is that they give marshall baggy ass pants
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Mod can we get king icey lore?
[[Icey was more on the power hungry side of things after the death of his queen, and that slowly began his downslide to essentially insanity. He willingly allowed someone to curse someone for more power thinking he could bring her back, but the curse backfired and turned him into a slender 5 years later in the most gruesome way, his entire body being frozen from the inside out. He was kind of possessive when he was a king due to the fear of being abandoned but he's used the past 500 years to fix that and prefers to stay in more secluded areas (his or pinks territory because their a bit more vast than the others). He hates loud noises and has been through war in the medieval/viking way 3 times. Thats all i can think of off the top of my head but there might be more later.]]
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legendary-cookies · 1 year
I feel like Frost Queen is the black sheep of the Legendaries in Kingdom.
I personally think it's Sea Fairy lmfao
Like yeah sure Sea Fairy got a Legendary costume and Frost Queen hasn't yet, but Frost Queen also had story added along with her release as well as Frost Queen related decor during her arena seasons
We even got to see her backstory
She also has two Cookies associated with her (Cotton and Sherbet) while Sea Fairy only has like Moonlight who wasn't even released until updates later
Sorbet Shark is very debatable because sure they're sea-themed but of the Kingdom Legends, I feel like they would be more associated with Black Pearl because it was heavily implied in her story that she gave them their legs
Sea Fairy's only got her tower in regards to decor about her and when she was released to Kingdom she had no stories or lore added and never played an important role until Sherbet was released with his story about visiting the Elemental Legends
You could argue the tropical themed decor is associated with her because her tower is in it but she's really only been seen around her tower which is cold and icey and like the complete opposite of tropical
But that's just my thoughts on that lol
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