#idk I just try to keep the basics and I don't want to offend anyone
I thought monks could get married, like the monk from Inuyasha? Or am I confusing cultures?
It's cool, I also admit that I don't know much about certain religions but what I understood in Buddhist monks can't get married or have kids. They will have a new family monastery. I don't know about other types of monks but in JTTW the monks are Buddhist and I want to keep at least the base of it (as best as I know how Buddhism works) which is they don't get married or have children. Sense Inuyasha takes place in Japan I'm not surprised that the monks can get married there bc Japanese monks have been permitted to marry since the Meiji period by the government. I'm not sure if they are the same type of monks as in JTTW or something else but I also know Thai monks can get married too but that's all the knowledge that I know about monks that can marry :D I might be wrong all about this but after a quick Google research, it seems that I remembered correctly.
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aprivateplace7 · 4 months
PSA: Why I Am Boycotting Kpop (& how)
So. I love kpop. Its been a big part of my life for a few years now. But I'm boycotting. Why?
Well to put it simply, its because of the 🍉Palestine genocide🍉 *A lot* of these k-entertainment companies are directly & indirectly supporting Zionism/Israel, including monetarily.
Like most, I think, I only found out about this whole thing in Oct '23, so its now that I'm choosing to boycott in hopes of helping.
This is NOT an "attack" on anyone. Not a certain group, not even a certain label.
I am boycotting *everyone* personally. Officially, the popular boycott is the big 3 & HYBE. However I know that another company, Kakao Ent is also a huge Zionist offender (also I just saw that they invest in a blockchain too...? So yeah, ew). So to make it easier for myself, I am boycotting all of kpop.
I also have no issue w/ the artists themselves. I do not do this out of any hate/fan wars. I am not assuming/accusing them of being Zionists. I know, they are celebs but they work for the company. They have to obey their bosses, so while I would like more of the artists to openly speak in support of Palestine, I am not holding it against them.
Its just that, any $ the artist makes, goes straight to the company. & I don't like what these companies are doing w/ my $.
(Btw, it rly is about the companies. So for ex HYBE America has the artist Ariana Grande. I am boycotting her too, its just that I've never been a huge fan. I rly, rly like kpop. So that is why I am focusing on it. Its meaningless to say u are boycotting something that you never bought/consumed in the 1st place)
And just to note; I don't want to hear anything about "keeping politics out of kpop". These companies are *not* disconnected from the issue. & saying that "I'm not Palestinian so its not my problem" is extremely cruel.
Links & more info below-
Twt thread [X]
For Stays [X]
Twt link 2 [X]
Twt thread about Starbucks (TLDR; Not the same as McDonalds aka not directly contributing to Zionism, but they are still anti-union & treat their workers shitty, so still boycott) [X]
If you also want to stop/reduce streaming, here is how I'm doing it
I'm not saying that u have to completely stop interacting w/ ur fav artists. I'm not. I'm just trying to minimize my interactions w/ official content, like streaming, videos ect.
So the 1st thing; Get comfortable w/ sketchy looking websites & piracy!!!
Like I know, now that everything is readily available on (monetized) platforms, its hard to make the switch! Its hard to even know where to start. But there still are a lot of tools out there to do it.
Here are the basic things-
"yewtu . be"
*** (edit: the website shows .com, but the actual address is .in) "ilkpop . in"
(remove spaces, I'm not putting links bc that is how u get illict sites taken down, i think...)
Google drive
The app "Musicolet" (for mobile listening)
There is this website "yewtu . be" that you can use to watch yt vids w/out adding to the views/ad revenue. I've only used it on desktop, so idk how well it works on mobile. Sorry. Btw, sometimes it can not work, but it has options to switch the source to one that works. I have not tried making an acc, so idk how secure that is, but just using it to watch things seems ok.
As for streaming/downloading mp3, there is another website "ilkpop . in" it has most official releases. U can stream right from the site, or download mp3.
When downloading (I did this all on desktop btw) I would recommend the extension "TabBlock", it prevents opening any new tabs. So u do have to toggle it on/off.
So I downloaded the songs as mp3 files from that website, uploaded them to my Google drive & then downloaded them to my phone from there. These files surprisingly don't take a lot of room, I have currently 471 songs that are only 1.63 GB
The app I'm using to listen on mobile is Musicolet. 1st time using it for about a month & I like it. Its free, it plays local downloaded files, so no need for internet & most importantly it will continue to play the songs while the screen is off. For free. W/ no ads. U can also still make playlists. It has more settings & customization stuff.
This is based on my personal experience, so I use desktop (windows) & android devices. This is all I know. Don't be too scared about the looks of the sites. I haven't gotten any viruses, but u might wanna make sure u have installed an antivirus. The one I use is Avast, the free version is ok. It does have a subscription & ads but its not too annoying.
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, random thoughts, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
here, have some basic info about me :3
name: anything goes pretty much but please use multiple names :] HOWEVER not neptune as that is reserved for @marcysbear , cass/cassie/cassiopeia is reserved for my boyyyfrieeenndddd <33 ( @mostautisticangel ) and dont call me enthu unless ur terri :] uh also you three dont necsessarily have to branch out more
OBLIGITORY QUEER SECTION!! i say that like i dont actively want this here. anyway! the labels i use are queer, bi, lesbian, gay, polyamorous, genderfluid, trans, gnc, non binary, genderqueer and arospec. arospec as in i am largely aromantic and use that as an umbrella term, however i am capable romantic attraction/ am flexible with such labels bc its all bullshit anyway.
i have audhd! i get hyperfixation and sometimes talk abt that if i so wish and my special interests are space and generally queer shit. also pls use tone tags i will think u hate me im too anxious for my own good sometimes
i am dogshit at spelling so. ignore the typos and misspellings!!
if u send me chain asks dont expect me to keep the chain going, ill answer it and say thanks but i wont actually do the thing
-pls don’t send dono asks i don’t got money bc im a minor
-dont think if i have a take like "i dont like taylor swift" i am personally attacking you. you can like whatever the fuck u want idc everyone is entitled to their own opinoins. i just dont like her as a person
-DONT call me the reserved names if you arent that one person
-try to refrain from calling ppl (including me) baby/babe/bae around me it makes me want to die sometimes and i dont want to constantly be a romance repulsed little shit around u guys (this means dont use those names for anyone if i am in the conversation i cant control past that) (it also isnt a problem here i dont think ive ever seen it here its really just discord tbh)
-dont ask for my discord unless were friends or close in some way and dont get offended if i say no
-u can call me a faggot or dyke or tranny as long as you are the slur you are using
-if you have my discord and were moots you can call me a slut and a whore all u want idm :3 (bc i am a slut and a whore.) (really really sorry if you didnt want to read that btw /gen)
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
boyfriend dearest - @mostautisticangel my hot and beautiful boyfriend :]
moots feel free to ask for tags <3
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
i think. thats it. if u follow me and u didnt like this post dw im gonna screen u anyway <3
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ blinky time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
holding up these blinkies to ward off ppl who dont like gaybians
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credit to @jeweledviolets @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
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lycan-troth · 4 months
I'm so confused by the asexual spectrum, and I mean that respectfully. There's so many variations that I can't keep up with them. I've tried to understand what they are, but I've not been able to find anything that explains them simply and clearly.
Before ppl get mad or offended... I'm saying this bcs I think I could be on the spectrum, but bcs it's so confusing, I can't tell if I am or not. I just want to see simple explanations, but I can't wrap my head around all the different versions. So, I was hoping someone knowledgeable on the subject could suggest what I could be? I'm lesbian and she/they, so I understand those parts of my identity, just for some subtext. I'm just stumbling on how I (don't) experience attraction.
So, I'm 22, and I have no experience with intimacy or romance. Though, that's mainly bcs I haven't had the opportunities. I'd never be intimate with a stranger or a friend. I've only been in love once. I've only felt significant attraction to maybe 4 or 5 people? I usually catch myself trying to see if I find anyone attractive, and it often feels forced bcs the high majority of ppl I see are not attractive to me. I observe ppl, trying to find elements of them that might spark something in me, but nothing happens. I've tried to force crushes on myself before, and it just feels desperate and lonely. I feel no genuine attraction. Just indifference. It bothers me. I want to feel attraction more often, but I don't.
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A good thing is that I'm not someone who's usually considered attractive. I'm cute and innocent-like, but nothing more. I'm basically that one friend everyone assumes is innocent and kind like a kid, and no one decent is interested in that. And that's okay, bcs I don't find anyone around me attractive, haha. It's just lonely. The few times I've been attracted to someone has always been really overwhelming for me. I've literally gone weak in the knees and almost fallen over bcs I saw a rlly attractive girl. But always, when I've felt attraction, I've also been afraid. I've often joked to myself that if i feel intimidated by a girl and she hasn't done anything to warrant that response, then she's just really pretty.
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I have never approached anyone I've found very attractive bcs it just seems rlly weird to me. Plus, I always don't know them, or they're seeing someone, and I'm always an anxious wreck. In general, I can not recognise flirting or subtle things. I'm autistic and while my social skills aren't bad, they only go so far, lol. So, maybe someone has tried flirting before, and I just thought they were being nice? That's why I don't do subtle. The ppl in my life know that I don't play games. If I have a problem with someone, I'd tell them. If I'm happy spending time with someone, I let them know. I tell a few ppl I love them, that's a big thing for me. I like directness, but I know lots of ppl struggle with it. However, for me, I need it to be able to understand the full picture properly. Idk why so many ppl like playing weird cat and mouse games. Someone said it was to be mysterious or to not show 'too much' interest. That to me is just stupid and childish. I get feeling scared of rejection, but I don't like it when ppl mess around. It's impolite to play with someone's feelings, making them question whether you like them or not. It just breeds insecurity and doubt. To me, it's unattractive and boring. It's not romantic. But that's just me, and I'm often enough the odd one out.
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Anyway, it is not often I feel attraction. Ppl are usually boring. I have felt that a few ppl were cute during brief interactions, so if those continued, perhaps that sort of feeling could have developed. I'm open to marriage with the right person, but only if they're The One. I'd only date someone if I knew them well enough, but I'm not open to dating casually. I feel very intensely about most things, and I have been in love once. It was an online relationship. I loved her very much and only wanted her happiness and comfort. I hadn't meant to fall in love, and I'd never intended to have an online relationship. But I loved her, and that changed my mind. When she broke up with me, I accepted it and comforted her about it. I mentioned that I was sad about it, naturally, but I didn't say much more than that. I understood it was difficult and upsetting for her to break up, so I respected her decision and minimalised communicating the extent of how upset I felt. I did that because telling her wouldn't be a kindness or productive. It would only make her feel more upset and guilty. We're still friends. I always thought ppl were being dramatic when they said that first loves were devastating or sad. I loved and was loved in return, which makes the experience worth it. I hope to find love again, someday.
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I like the idea of romance and comfort, but obtaining it isn't so simple. However, I refuse to settle for less than what I want. On the other hand: intimacy. I'm not upset that I've never done anything. Sure, in theory, I'd like to have a bit of experience, but I don't, and that's okay. My hand does the trick for me just fine, so I'm not frustrated at all. If I had a partner, in theory, I believe if I trusted them enough, we might do something together, but in reality? Idk, but I like the idea of it.
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That's all I can think of to mention. So, if someone could make a suggestion or something, I'd appreciate it. Even if it's just to tell me that I'm not part of the asexual spectrum, and I'm just an introverted, anxious, autistic, lesbian who's suffering under the devastation that is other ppl's commitment issues. That'd be fine. I'm just feeling lost and would appreciate a kind word of reassurance.
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eroaneki · 2 months
Personal update below
Joe's father is likely going into hospice. I've spent the last week trying to keep everything together for us, and I think yesterday between the normal anxiety of my period and the stress of everything going on, I broke. Hard.
I got in my car to go to work and admittedly I didn't eat in the morning because I'm trying to get back into doing intermittent fasting, but I had coffee. And I've done that. I've had coffee on an empty stomach and then ate hours later. Not like something I don't do.
But I was singing along to Queen's "Love of my Life" when all of a sudden I just felt like the walls were closing in on me. I got scared thinking I was having a fucking hypoglycemic episode even though I'm not diabetic so I luckily had some tic-tacs and popped those into my mouth.
It was the same feeling I got when I went into SVT while driving to work 2 years ago. Like that overwhelming sense of dread. But my heart wasn't pounding like it was then. Actually I didn't have my heart racing at all yesterday. Or if I did I didn't feel it. I just had the tunnel vision and the overwhelming sense of doom, and the shakes. Like everything I did wasn't real and I wasn't actually alive and I don't actually exist. It was freaky.
But anyway that happened to me 4 times yesterday. 4 fucking times. And then I ended up getting into a little argument with Joe simply due to a breakdown in communication and he's stressed and I'm stressed and we're both just fucking overwhelmed because we're basically waiting on this poor man to die and it's the anticipation of when is it going to happen, oh my god, and everything else that's going to come after.
Joe's already saying we may have to move back in with his mother after he passes and I don't want that. I really don't fucking want that for us. And I think that's what did it for me. That was the last thing he said to me before I went into full blown panic.
I want our own life. I don't want to be living under the shadow of his mother, my mother, anyone. I want our own fucking life. I want our own privacy, I want our own home, I want our own children, our own dog, our own everything.
And I have felt for my entire fucking life that any time I try getting ahead or breaking free to be my own person, this fucking chain gets yanked around my neck and drags me back. And I think that's why I'm feeling so fucking claustrophobic too. Because I feel like I'm seeing my future being strangled. And I'm going to be entrapped in a situation I don't want to be in.
We were talking about getting married again and quite honestly after the way he acted yesterday and knowing we may have to move in with his mother, idk. I really don't fucking know. I also told him I want to hyphenate my last name and he got like offended by it. He's never had an issue with it up until then. He was trying to feed me shit like "yeah but you giving up your last name is like burying the past" and honestly I wanted to say to him that it's akin to asking me to kill part of myself for you but I didn't want to be dramatic over it.
Idk we're both not handling this situation very well and it's like I know we're gonna get stuck cleaning out his parents' house when he passes and that's the third fucking house I have to clean for family members who have died and I'm 32 and it's 3 fucking houses I have to clean. My grandmother's when I was 19, my father's when I was 30, and now this.
It's just too fucking much. When the fuck am I going to be ok
When is it going to be my turn to have a life I enjoy? That's not surrounded by shit constantly? Why do I have this ever looming cloud over me? Why?
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dumbdomb · 11 months
Can CNC blogs interact? Sorry was a little confused for r4pe kink def that’s all. Also, what about people who reblog from some of the turn offs you mention but not those specific kinks? I reblog some stuff from (respectful, non transphobic, usually trans, have to check because it can be really bad) de trans blogs but never de trans stuff. Also thank you for your users who don’t consent, blocked the icky daddy or whatever that guy was trying to be. I’m into hard kinks but w consent always :/ that guy has been sort of creepy abt young girls too though. I just want to understand and respect your boundaries fully 👍
this IS a cnc blog... so, yeah... i don't like how people talk or play around with "rape kink" bc it's usually very rough, forceful, doesn't include foreplay, always centered around painful and fast penetration (no lube style) and that's NOT what i'm into... at all. ever. i don't want people to treat me that way, and idk how else to make that any clearer when i get asks like this... (asking an overtly cnc blog if it's ok for cnc blogs to interact, like.. ya know what i mean... lol it's silly. and people ask me really basic questions like this all the time. i genuinely don't know how i can be more clear about these things!! x3 ahh).
my DNI and Turn Offs are two separate lists. if something is a turn off for me, i just don't have any interest in it and don't want to be treated that way. i've been on kinkblr for a while now, and unusual or less popular kinks are not something that offends me. some items in my dni are actually just turn offs, but because people have treated me in ways i super don't like- now they are criteria for getting blocked. if people can't understand my role and interests in kink, and keep treating me badly bc of that, the only solution i could think of was to sound more strict about my boundaries: so dense people would actually read it and not immediately message me shit talking down to me like a sub and projecting every squick on me, then getting super defensive and wound up when i tell them i'm not into it or try to steer the conversation in the direction of what i actually like and am into.
detrans is one of those kinks that i simply don't care about, it's not my thing and i wouldn't have much else to say on the topic if it weren't for sooooooooooooooooo many people being really disrespectful and shitty to me, forcing that onto me... not caring that i explicitly said, "NO."
you may not post detransitioning content, but if detransition kink blogs follow you and you've put MY content on your "detrans kink safe" blog, then most will assume I'M into something that i'm NOT. they will harass me, intentionally, bc that's what people with icky and detrans kinks do around here. it's not kinky behavior. it's unhealthy, unwarranted, unprovoked, and abusive behavior (their actions, not the kink or fetish). it doesn't matter if the person with detransitioning kinks is trans, they can still be transphobic by harassing people that don't have these particular kinks: misgendering, corrective rape, detransitioned... i've written about this so much, and i wish people would stop trying to involve me in something i have no need to be part of- i'm not into this kink!!!!!!! why do people keep talking to me about it?! does it bother you that i'm simply not interested in any of it? (serious question)
you say you're into "hard kinks" but what does that mean exactly? i didn't create that tag to protect anyone, it was to make a point about how incessant and obtrusive certain blogs have been about ignoring their lack of my consent. if any information there is useful for you, that's your business in how you run your blog. i don't condone reporting anyone here bc it only means having to block the same person repeatedly, ad nauseum. and i don't post anything for anyone to dislike or send hate to anyone else! i am only trying to maintain a respectful, consensual space here. if a blog truly has harmful content, it's better to leave their blog as is and report them to a government agency or organization known for handling whatever offense applies.
it seems the question you really want answered is whether it's ok to interact with my blog if you don't post or reblog detrans content, but allow other people who do to interact with your blog. let me ask you this: would you be ok with an adult blog reblogging your content, knowing they allowed underage users to interact with them (by stating something like "14+" in their pinned and reblogging kinky posts from children onto their blog)? how would that make you feel, if a kinky adult were sharing your blog in that way, and every time they did that you got notifications and messages from blogs without an age (or actual pedo bait blogs and teens) messaging you about their... "creepy" hard kinks.
like, can you understand by framing it around something you don't view positively? (i'm using your expressed negativity in the ask you sent to rephrase and reframe the question you're asking me.) does that clear things up?
i do not want to see or be seen by detransition, misgendering, corrective, breaking kink people.
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human-person234 · 3 years
I'm sobbing with relief, you guys. I've been so stuck on this. I can't believe it took me two months to update. Things were getting better, over the last week or so I managed to write a few sentences here and there, but today it just clicked and I banged out the whole chapter like nobody's business. It feels so good. I don't have the next one written, but I have it outlined, and I have a tentative outline for the rest of the fic--not that we're too near the end, yet. It's just a good sign.
I have some thoughts about the chapter, the fic, and its effect on my mental health, but I have a feeling this will get long so I'm going to put a break. Click if you want to read my rambling about all that, I guess.
Writing this fic ended up being a bigger part of my personal mental health journey than I anticipated, so it's natural that they'd be intertwined. I only wrote it because I was so obsessed with the Suicidal Midoriya Izuku tag I ran out of fics to read and had to make my own. Not exactly "mentally stable" behavior.
If you read Wish I Hadn't Got So Much Better, esp my notes and comments, you know that suicidal ideation is a very real issue for me, both in my past and (surprisingly, like for the Izuku of that story) my present.
I'm not opposed to talking about it, so if anyone wants to chat about that kind of stuff, my DMs and asks are open, seriously, I love talking about mental health and any excuse to talk about myself is welcome. But I won't get into it too much here.
Basically, I was depressed, and dealing with some other physical health issues (TURNS OUT I'VE BEEN BREATHING MOLD FOR MONTHS NO WONDER I'M EXTRA LETHARGIC), and when I started to fall behind on updates, that only exacerbated my anxiety and guilt and, thus, depression.
Something else that came up for me was that I don't totally feel qualified to write about suicide recovery, because I never experienced it in the way I'm writing it.
I basically dumped this on Izuku in Wish I Hadn't Got So Much Better, but essentially, I do have experience with being suicidal, just not the "getting help" part. I do see a psychiatrist for my disorders, but no one ever found out about the suicidal part.
So, like Hizashi and Shouta say in Chapter 13, "Who do I think I am? Why do I think I could take care of a child?" I have no idea what guided recovery looks like, because I did it alone. I kept thinking, what if I'm doing it wrong, what if I'm missing something important, what if people who really had these experiences think I'm taking it lightly?
So that's part of the source for my end note for this chapter--I realized that as long as I'm doing my due diligence, I don't have to feel guilty about getting it wrong, because real people get it wrong too. Also, it's fanfiction, I'm allowed some wiggle room. I've read and loved and recommended fics with far looser basis in reality, and never considered complaining. I'm just a harsher critic of myself than I am of others, as are most people.
On a more technical note, I also struggled with pacing the story. I kept feeling like I was stuck in a real-time pace, and I couldn't figure out how to stop describing literally every action my characters took. How hard is it to zoom out and do a fucking timeskip, for goodness' sake?
For me--very hard, it turns out.
So I kind of gave up, gave myself permission to stop trying. I even stopped reading MHA fics for a little while (no way I could stop reading fics, though). I went back to one of my all-time fave fics, from what might be my favorite anime--Run With the Wind. The fic is Beyond the Wind by kstar2091.
Honestly, I thought my first fic would be in this fandom. I figured it would be a poor homage to this fic, a continuation of canon events finally giving us the romance that had been simmering all 23 episodes. My pfp is best boy Kiyose Haiji for a reason.
Uh oh, that was a bit of a tangent.
My point is, re-reading my fave fic (with delicious new chapters) inspired me, bc kstar is legit VERY GOOD at exactly what I was struggling with--passing a lot of in-story time without sacrificing content or intensity.
So, the little interlude in Izu's POV covering a week or so in the chapter I just posted--that's thanks to kstar2091, Beyond the Wind, and ofc my best boy Haiji. Once I got through that bit, it all started flowing like chocolate sauce at a Golden Corral.
There's a lot of juicy bits upcoming, some of which people have been eagerly awaiting. One of them is obvious. Others, you might hate me for?? But also I hope you'll love them, because you're all screwed up like me.
So yeah, I'm not promising weekly updates anymore, but the juices are flowing, the sun is shining, the mold is blooming in my bedroom, and I'm slowly getting back on my mood stabilizers.
If anyone wants to talk about mental health, or ask me anything personal, feel free, you won't offend or upset me. Or, don't say anything, and just keep reading! Or stop reading, idk, it's your life.
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handonhaven · 3 years
So um there is certain group that in this fandom(I'm not gonna name which one but I think it'll be pretty easy to figure out) that have taken to editing articles online to make it seem like their ship is happening and pretty much everything else they wish would happen on the show. Granted the edit to the articles don't last very long before they get changed back. But still I feel like that just a whole new level of sad. To go through all that trouble and they're just feeding into their own "I feel like I been lied to" thing. That's why if it's not one of those websites where Brett and other cast members do their interviews(the website that can't be edit) then I don't pay no mind or believe anything it says
Okay I know I'm really late with this one(and sorry if you answered something like this already) but Lizzie and Josie just made me mad to no end in 3x16. First let me start by saying I get them being upset that Hope ditched them and stole their car. That's understandable. But the fact that they didn't care where Hope was or where she went or if she was okay etc. That made me so mad, and then the only thing Lizzie cared about was making sure Hope would be in a relationship with someone other than Landon(don't even get me started on the comment she made about them and sex 😡😡). Because why shouldn't Hope be with the one person who loves her truly just the way she is. And does whatever he can to make sure she's okay and does whatever he can to help her unlike everyone else at that school, as well as a million other things I could add. And then at the end of the episode when Hope was back at the school both Lizzie and Josie go talk to her and try to act all high and mighty in a way. Asking Hope of it meant nothing to her what happened between them in 3x15. Clearly it meant nothing to Lizzie and Josie because they spent all of 3x16 not giving a crap about Hope. I mean they say they want to be there for Hope and help her and so on but then turn around and do the exact opposite. I honestly can't.
I think I can honestly say after this season. I would sacrifice anyone if it meant that Hope and Landon could be happy. I would throw anyone and everyone under the bus if I had to. Heck I would throw someone to malivore if I had. Just so they could be happy. Because all the trauma they went through these past 3 seasons plus all the trauma they went through before hand. They're done, like let them be done going through trauma. Just let them be happy of once, I don't care who has to pay what price let someone else go through something. I know it would suck for another character to go through pain I do. But Hope and Landon has had 3 seasons of nonstop trauma. That's way more than enough. Just give them a break and let someone else go through something. I don't care who they would throw under the bus to make that happen. Just make it happen, so that way Handon can deal with and possess all the trauma they've been through and move past it and just be happy. I know it's wrong to say let another character through pain so they can be happy, I do. But after three seasons of only them going through some much this is how I feel now. Yes I know other characters went through stuff too, but it was never to the extent to what Hope and Landon have been going through. And they even got a break from it and got to deal with. Hope and Landon have never gotten that.
So my friend came up with this theory that 4x04 is going to be a parallel to 3x04. Because at the end of 3x04 we had to watch as Hope watched Landon melt right in front of her. Which was heart breaking enough by the way. Then the end of 4x04 will be Landon watching Hope die right in front of his eyes. Just thinking about something like that happening just breaks my heart 💔💔💔💔. It was bad enough having to see that once. But they have see that twice.... I think my heart will jump out of my chest and fall into the ocean somewhere never to be seen again. There's no way I could take seeing something like that twice.
Okay so I know everyone has there own thoughts on this one, but I would love to hear yours. So if Klaus was alive and met Landon what do you think he would think of him? I honestly think he would love Landon(even though he wouldn't come out right and say that). For the person he is despite everything he's been through in his life, and how he's always trying to better himself. For how good he is to Hope and how happy he makes her. And for how he's trys to help Hope with everything, and does what he can to help keep her safe. And so on.
Seriously?? Wow. So that’s how they’re spending the hiatus? That’s definitely sad and absurd, the kind of stuff they do continues to reach new levels. I just don’t get what the point is of trying to temporarily deceive people by doing that... so that they can feel like they’ve won for a little while? They must be pretty desperate. And they really are just lying to themselves at this point, and are going to great lengths to lie to other people too. Idk what sites even allow them to do that, at least the articles get changed back though. But yeah, I’m gonna stick to only looking at legit articles and websites, and official info from people who actually work on the show. That’s just incredibly stupid, honestly.
I actually did talk about that a bit in a response to an ask here x. But yeah, same. I understand them being upset about Hope ditching them too, but Hope clearly did it to keep them out of what she was doing because there could’ve been danger. That’s nothing new for Hope, and since they’re supposed to be her best friends, shouldn’t they know that? And even though they were upset, they still should’ve been more concerned about Hope’s safety, which they weren’t. And yes, exactly. Yes to all you said. It was all so frustrating to watch and made me mad too. And so true about Hope and Landon, Hope should be able to be with him, he’s all those things you said and more. So there was no good reason for Lizzie to try to find Hope someone else when she still loves Landon and wasn’t interested in moving on. And I agree about the end of the episode as well. Once again, their concern was the fact that Hope had ditched them, not if she was okay. Exactly, it doesn’t seem like 3x15 meant anything to them since they were so quick to give up on Hope. Just one thing went wrong, which was really more of an inconvenience for them, and they didn’t even try to be there for Hope. They got offended and did nothing. So it makes me worried for when Hope has to deal with Malivore and whether or not they’ll really be there for her.
Yeah, I mean, hopefully no one would have to be sacrificed for them to be happy. But it’s really sad that it’s gotten to the point where it feels like it would take something that extreme to make it happen. It’s truly insane the kind of trauma they’ve gone through and how they can never get a real break and be happy. I agree, if anyone deserves to be happy at this point, it’s them. And I wouldn’t want someone else to have to suffer either, but if the writers are so insistent on having someone suffer, they need to have it not be Hope and Landon for once! They need a better balance of what goes on with all the characters instead of just putting Hope and Landon through everything all the time. Exactly, they seriously have gone through nonstop trauma, they can’t go through anymore at this point, it’s too much. I agree, they need to be able to recover and heal after all they’ve been through so that they can be okay and be happy. I honestly don’t know how either of them have even been able to keep going after all they’ve experienced, it’s so horrible. And yeah, it’s not that the other characters haven’t gone through stuff too, it’s just not at all like what Hope and Landon have dealt with. And like you say, with no breaks, no time to heal. I just think it’s ironic how they wanted this show to be lighter, yet they still put these characters through terrible things, Hope and Landon most of all. They have them constantly dealing with trauma and pain and death, they just lighten up the tone and throw in some comedy amidst all of the tragedy to make it seem lighter when it’s really not. Not for Hope and Landon anyway. I wish they’d make their actual lives and experiences lighter overall, and let them live and be happy for a bit, it’s what they deserve.
Oh my gosh! So I’ve also wondered if Hope is gonna die in 4x04, but I didn’t even think about how that would be a parallel to 3x04! 😭 It will be so painful if it happens, I’m not sure I can take it either! Although, if Landon is there if it happens that could also make for an amazing scene. Like seeing Landon crying over her, or his reaction to it triggering his Phoenix powers again, or maybe even getting healing tears? I’d lose it. It would definitely be heartbreaking, but as long as they wouldn’t get separated again like in 3x04 and they could still be together after, hopefully we would survive seeing something like that again!
When it comes to Klaus and Landon, I have so many thoughts about that, I could make a whole other post about it. But I completely agree with what you said. Every time I see people say Klaus would hate Landon, that he would’ve killed him, etc. like... it makes me mad but I also wanna laugh. Because there’s just no way that Klaus would feel that way about Landon, and whoever thinks he would either didn’t actually watch The Originals, or at least didn’t pay attention to it or understand it. I don’t know how anyone can watch that show and come away from it thinking Landon isn’t the kind of person Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of Hope’s family would want for Hope. And we already saw Klaus’s reaction to Landon dancing with Hope. He was smiling and happy to see Hope with him. He’s already basically approved of Landon. But I really do think he would love Landon too. He wanted Hope to be happy, and Landon is the one who makes Hope happy. So I think that alone would be reason enough for Klaus to like Landon and want him in Hope’s life. But also the other things you said as well, I think he would really admire Landon and the kind of person he is after all that he’s been through. I’ve always thought it was interesting how, in some ways, Landon went through similar things in his childhood like Klaus and Hayley did. He was abused, and Klaus was also abused, and was in foster care with no real family, like Hayley was. And I think for Klaus to see the way Landon has handled that and didn’t let those things change who he is as a person, and still chose to be a good and kind person even after being treated so horribly, I’m sure that would mean a lot to Klaus. To see the way that Landon has been able to overcome darkness in his life, and that’s what Hope needs as well. Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons always wanted Hope to be better than how they had been, and Landon helps Hope to be better and helps brings out the best parts of her. And of course with the way that Landon treats Hope, and how much he loves her, how loyal he is, and the way he fights for her and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe, I’m sure Klaus would be so grateful to Landon. Like, just imagine Klaus’s reaction to what Landon did for Hope in 2x11, along with everything else he’s done. How could Klaus not love someone who loves his daughter that much and is that devoted to her? I could go on about this, but this has gotten ridiculously long so I’ll stop. But yeah, I definitely think Klaus would love Landon and be so glad that Hope has him.
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matsbarzal · 7 years
O Mama Don't You Cry - Zach Werenski
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Notes: look its not a smut for once (and ima wait on a few smuts, write a few non-smuts for you all then post bc :) ) but yeah, here’s a sUPER cute Zach Werenski one and its a lil fluffy with a bit of a grumpy zach so be excited!! also i feel like my titles have nothing to do with the story and im sorry
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking
Mentions: Dylan Larkin, Jack Eichel, Auston Matthews, Noah Hanifin, Charlie McAvoy, a few more
Requested By @werenzki (also check out her imagines bc if you have time to binge-read, would definitely recommend!!): I'd love who when the reader is at some party or something and she's interested in zach werenski but he thinks she's into Dylan Larkin so he gets sort of awkward and jealous but by the end of the night she turns her attention to Zach and it's all cute and stuff..
Up Next: idk its a surprise y’all
“You take advantage of me and my semi-attractive friends and I don’t appreciate it, (Y/N).”
“Oh shut up, Dyl.”
Growing up with Dylan Larkin meant two things specifically. One, his parents basically thought you hung the moon, dealing with their son on an everyday, almost twenty-four-seven basis. Two, you always managed to secure yourself an invite to the best possible USA hockey parties, and thankfully, those parties were always littered with free booze, free food and very very good looking boys.
“So, what are we gonna do tonight (Y/N)?” Dylan looked over at you, a sarcastic look evident in his eyes. “We’re gonna drink all the booze we can find and flirt with the cutest guys. Then we’re going to embarrass Jack about how much he loves McDav-”
“Or we’re gonna take you home and then you can see the party from Snapchat?”
You loved the kid like a brother, but Dylan Larkin was the epitome of a party pooper. D-boss himself always found a way to put a damper on your fun, especially when it came to your terrorizing of the Sabres player.
“Also, there’s gonna be a bunch of new kids there tonight, some you haven’t met, so don’t offend anyone.” Turning another corner, the cooler in the back making a loud bang as the alcohol inside rolled around. “Like?”
“Um, Matthews, McAvoy, Werenski, a few others I think.”
“Werenski’s the one that finished the season with the cute little purple bruise on his eye right?” You could almost remember the game vividly, the American teen taking a puck off the face from Phil Kessel had everyone around you scrunching up in sympathetic pain.
Raising an eyebrow at you, Dylan nodded his head, “Yeah… the little purple bruise.”
Pulling up outside a house, the two of you looked at your surroundings. There were a few cars, not that many, and it didn’t look like a lot of people had arrived yet. “Pretty dead for a 4th of July party, Larks.”
“Boys told me to come early, said if I wanted a parking spot it’d be the best option. Also said they wanted you there early so they could get early dibs.”
“Oh fuck you, Dylan.”
It didn’t take long for the place to fill up. Plenty of familiar and unfamiliar faces were sat all around you. You were basically glued to Dylan’s side, though, due to his ‘worry’ that you would end up terrorizing someone and getting kicked out for being rude.
“I literally just wanna tell Jack his hair looks extra ugly and Philadelphia-like today.”
“And I literally just want you to not do that so we both don’t get kicked out for offending the actual host of the party.”
Just as you were about to retort, a few semi-familiar faces appeared in front of the two of you. You had met Auston a few times, the Leafs player often frequented these parties, and you were pretty sure you recognized the guy beside him and your thoughts were confirmed when Dylan screeched his name into your ear.
“Werenski! Look at that ugly mug. Plastic surgery in the future to fix the beauty of a save you made?”
“Still better looking than you, D-boss.”
They did their bro-hug thing, while Auston turned towards you, a smirk on his face. “So who called dibs today, (Y/N)? Heard Hanifin may’ve gotten the first call.”
“I’ve actually decided to call dibs on Dylan over here, thought it’d be best if we just appeased our parents wishes and I popped out a few Larkin babies. I’m hoping for twins, right dear?” Dylan looked at you in mild disgust at the thought of procreating with you.
“Anyways, (Y/N), this is Zach. Zach, (Y/N).”
The man in questioned leaned forward to shake your hand, right as you moved in for a hug, leaving the two of you at an awkward stance. It took a beat before he opened his arms for an awkward hug. “It’s uh… nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’ve heard a lot of things.”
“Trashy things, I’m sure.”
The Blue Jacket looked embarrassed as he stumbled over his words, his two USA teammates looking on in mild amusement. “No I uh… just that you’re a cool chick and stuff.”
His stumbling of words and awkward demeanour made you internally swoon, he was seriously a cutie. Even if he couldn’t form full sentences in one try.
“Yo, I want you to meet a few more people.” Dylan tugged on your hand, as you gave an awkward wave to Auston and Zach while allowing your best friend to pull you away from the conversation.
“So Werenski’s a real cutie.”
Dylan shook his head, a silent laugh etched on his face, “You’d destroy the poor guy, but I think he thinks the same, man couldn’t even keep up one full sentence near ya. I’ve never seen him like that.”
“So, (Y/N), huh?”
Auston Matthews looked at the Jackets defensemen in confusion, “Yeah, what about her?”
“Are her and Larkin… like a thing?” He was seriously hoping the answer was an affirmative no, but the look on Auston’s face told him otherwise.
“No ones really sure. She never goes home with any of the guys here, and she only ever comes with Dylan and leaves with Dylan. Some people think they’re secretly a thing, others think she’s secretly fucking some baseball player from Las Vegas. No one knows. Don’t worry about it dude, she’ll never go for you anyways.”
Thanks for the encouragement, Matts.
He secretly glowered at the couple in question, as you threw your head back in laughter at something Dylan had said. He wasn’t allowed to be jealous, he had just met you for fuck sakes! It didn’t help that you looked gorgeous and your hair was perfect and the shorts you were wearing showed off all your curves and your long as fuck legs and he really needed to get over this before things got awkward.
“Your crush is glaring over at us.” Dylan stated, pressing the cold beer into your hand which you greedily accepted.
“My crush?”
You turned in the direction Dylan was looking, only to make eye contact with the man. He quickly diverted his attention to something else, a small tint of rosy red going up his neck. “I think he likes you. Go talk to him.”
“He thinks y'all are a thing.” Auston stated from behind you, a small grin on his face. “And why does he think that?”
“Cause I told him that you’re basically a thing, fun to fuck with him sometimes.”
Silently shaking your head in laughter, you stood up and handed the beer back to Dylan, walking over to the empty seat beside Zach. “Is this seat taken?”
Looking up at you in shock, he awkwardly shook his head and gestured for you to take it.
“You look pretty lonely over here. Very grumpy an’ all. I know you got a puck to the eye a few months ago, but come on, smile a little.” You nudged him jokingly, pumping your fists internally when it did bring a smile to his face.
“Did the happy posse send you over here to make me look like I secretly don’t wanna kill Matts for dragging me here?” He questioned, a small tint in his eye that you couldn’t place.
“What, you don’t like these fun as fuck parties, hosted by our favourite ginger, Jack Eichel?”
Shrugging his shoulders, he looking around the room with a raised eyebrow, “There’s so many puck bunnies here, I think my bank accounts already draining. I hate the people he invites, sometimes. But seriously, did they send you over here?”
Immediately shaking your head, “Nah, couldn’t leave a cute guy like you to sit all by yourself. Especially with all these girls around, I wanted to be the first to call dibs, ya know? Girls gotta let her inner bunny out every now and then.”
Laughing at your own joke, Zach looked at you in confusion. “Dibs?”
“It’s a running joke between all of us. Every time I get invited to one of these parties, they always tell Larks to bring me early so whoever comes early can call dibs. This time, I get to be the one to call it.”
Nudging his side with a wink, you moved back into the cushions, getting yourself comfier. “Oh, so you and Larks… like… aren’t like… actually gonna have twins and stuff?”
A large bust of laughter burst from your throat. You tried to contain it as quickly as possible, which only had you gripping your sides in silent pain. “Oh my god, no! Ew, never! Dylan’s literally the brother I never wanted. Ew.”
You saw Zach let whatever chip was on his shoulder fall off, as his body let the tension roll off and a larger smile appear on his face. “Oh.”
“It’s just that I like thought you were super cute and um… I didn’t really wanna like um… make you uncomfortable and piss Larks off and uh… yeah.” He subconsciously scratched at his chin, an awkward grin plastered across his face.
“Oh my god, were you glaring because you were jealous?”
“No! I uh… I wasn’t glaring. My eye makes it look like I’m glaring but-”
“Your eyesight wasn’t fucked up dumbass, this is pathetic. Just tell her you think she’s hot and ask her to have twins with you instead. Or on a date. Both work. You’ll end up practicing for the twins after the date anyways.” The host of the party interrupted your conversation, his ginger hair clashing with his red and blue outfit, his outburst also attracting half the party to your conversation.
“Jack! Just who I’ve been wanting to see! Your hairs ugly, and it’s such a shame you couldn’t wait out in your draft year, you already lost to McDavid so you should’ve given the world some justice and let Philly take you so you could’ve matched their jerseys with that ugly mop of hair on your head, sweetie.”
Glowering at you, Jack ignored your words and raised an eyebrow at the man beside you. “Well, you gonna ask her out or not?”
“Yeah, ask her out Werenski!” Dylan yelled from the other side of the room, which induced the multiple repetitions from a bunch of other surrounding people.
Ignoring them, Zach gestured to the currently half-empty backyard. “Wanna go out back?”
Nodding your head, he stood up and lent his hand out for you to take to pull yourself up with. He followed closely behind you as you stepped around people to the back door, pulling the sliding glass open and holding it so he could come through too.
“For a Fourth of July party, shouldn’t everyone be outside?” You questioned, looking at the few people who were sitting at the edge of Jack’s pool.
“It’s Eichel, man’s probably trying to get his own damn party shut down. Man’s a freak.”
Nodding your head in silent agreement, you watched the couples in the backyard, “These couples are precious. They all have matching Fourth of July outfits and I love it.”
“I want matching Fourth of July outfits with you.”
You looked at Zach in shock, and he seemed shocked about what he said aloud, obviously it was supposed to be an internal statement. The blood that was currently rushing to his cheeks made you squeeze his arm with a silent smile. “It’s cool, we can match for Halloween or some shit. Ketchup and mustard maybe?”
“Don’t be basic. I’m thinking more like Captain America and Black Widow?”
Squinting at him, you let out a small laugh, “I know you’ve got huge biceps and washboard abs to match but I really don’t think you could pull off the Captain America look. Only Chris Evans can do that.”
Pouting toward you, Zach solemnly nodded his head, “I guess you’re right. Maybe I’ll just dye my hair before then. Just kidding, could you imagine me as a blonde? That’s a nightmare waiting to happen.”
Agreeing with his statement, you surveyed the yard, before turning to him. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Are you gonna ask me out or do I have to do it for you?”
Groaning could be heard from behind the two of you, “Why does she have to ruin everything?”
“Fuck you, Larks.”
Turning to you with a half grin, have grimace, Zach gestured to the rally of hockey players behind you. “So?”
“So what?”
Rolling his eyes, “Go on a date with me? Columbus has some nice restaurants, plenty to give you a reason to get all dolled up and looking extra gorgeous.”
“Well if you put it that way, I’d love to, Werenski.”
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plinys · 7 years
iI don't really follow you for friada just see what you put up and i am curious you have a lot of verses that you do drabbles in can you explain them it's kind of confusing because i don't follow the ship maybe
okay so there’s a lot(tm) and all of these are honestly like the fault of @pizza-is-my-buziness and @ophvelias and @gaysyjohnson (and sometimes even @holdendadcliffe) for encouraging me with the softer ones.
and basically the moral here is if you becomes friends with me and ship fraida i will shout hcs at you until we create au verses
according to my twitter thread of fraida verse aesthetics i have 17 total but not all make it over to here/are a real thing (looking at you daddy kink alistair verse) but here are the 5 main important ones
framework verse
aka the four best episodes of aos ever, basically its canon verse and us getting to write backstories for the characters and scenes that never made it into the canon, basically its canon verse. they kill inhumans, they rule hydra, they have “steamy” and “sweaty” sex - to quote iain, and everything is evil and awesome
some variations of end up including sad baby au which is canon compliant and literally everything is the same except she was pregnant in the framework and things got sad (i cant look at the scene where he kisses her hand without crying and this is why) (also inhuman baby au but it will get its own tag/section)
hydra summer camp which is the catch all for talking about the backstory where we have john garrett training fitz ala grant ward (but since vic got ward john grabs fitz) 
best quote from this will always be “hail hydra holy fuck”
and dark fitz au because the framework wasnt dark enough lets make fw fitz extra, dark and evil (if youre into that i wrote a full fic in this verse, permission to just be the man you are)
basically framework is canon and sin and its great i love it
then we have
beach house verse
perhaps the most important all of the verses, i originally wrote this fic and it turned into a full domestic verse
basically for people that dont want the fic for context, during that scene in the finale when he’s like “i’ll go with you if you leave the team alone” he does, and is unsure why he did at first ? to protect them ? to protect her ? he doesnt know
he figures it out very slowly, this is the slow build verse. this is two broken people trying to figure themselves out and existing in the same space which is the beach house
do you like domestic scenes ? do you like angst ? do you want a combination of the two? then beach house verse is for you
an alternative ophelia survives the end of the season verse comes in the form of
team au
for this one we stop right after they rescue mack, things are rocky but ophelia was so happy to help and inside the pod fitz realizes that he has memories of loving two different people from two different lives and he needs to take a break from both of them to figure this out - he says all of this gently not to freak out he superhuman that just gained emotions
everyone lives and is happy
well not happy the rest of the team is like ?? why is she here ?? jemma wont stop calling her aida ?? someone suggests she has to sleep in a containment pod for the teams safety ?? she keeps insisting that she was meant to help people and that is this is what it takes ?? fitz still has fw memories and is conflicted af
its a mess with a bit of angst
but it eventually sorts itself out 
anyways we usually hand wave over the angst and get right to the team  bonding. do you want to imagine ophelia using her powers to practice sparring with elena? do you want to imagine bobbi and hunter came back to the team and hunter is in awe that fitz has game? do you want generic mission fic or hand jobs in a waffle house parking lot? then boy - do i have the verse for you
i mentioned this before but skipped over it so let me back things up to
inhuman baby au
so back in the framework everything is awesome and fine and daisy and jemma never come into it idk everyone just lives in the framework always now
and so this is like sad baby au but since daisy doesnt toss anyone out a window it gets to be happy baby au or for a bit until fitz keeps having nightmares and is like ?? let me just double check my daughters not an inhuman - oh fuck
she is
he keeps it hidden and deals with his inhumans are monsters issue and doesnt tell ophelia and looks after their daughter until a terrigen bomb gets set off at a hydra elementary school and his daughter is shown to the world to be an inhuman (she gets taken off the the resistance and chills with the wards and its all kinda messy and stuff)
the best part is though she needs a new name now that shes with the resistance so they name her “margret” after peggy carter and fitz is so offended he like is more offended by this than anything else, like “we are a good hydra family this is disrespect” 
and lastly our most recent obsession the ultimate sin
step sibs au 
honestly okay this sounds bad but in my defense certain people enabled me to write a holden radcliffe/alistair fitz au which became old men who used to be friends reconnecting at therapy sessions and starting to date
and fitz being like ?? sorry dr radcliffe are you sure youre okay and that you want to date ?? my dad ?? 
honestly fitz was having a hard enough time dealing with the holdstair and then - introducing holden’s beautiful daughter and suddenly like fitz is just ?? shit fuck nobody warned me
theyre not even officially step siblings yet their dads are just dating tho i plan on writing the hooking up at their dads’ wedding fic so thats a thing
anyways if you want messy families ?? this is the verse for you
and yeah i think those are the MAIN ONES
i hope somebody enjoyed reading this really long answer?? 
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buzzycohen · 8 years
I was thinking about it earlier before I came on Tumblr and went on twitter and saw some people thinking the exact same thing as me
before anything, I should say that most of my friends went to the March for Life. I go to catholic school and half of the students made a trip to DC to go to this. i was not there. I don’t LIKE abortion. it’s always been my understanding that a life begins at contraception. I never really learned it from anyone, it was just what I thought, ya know? When I was young, I made the metaphor that an embryo is potential energy. It might not be kinetic yet, but it’s still energy. I don’t think I could find a reason, personally, that would justify me getting an abortion and if any friend of mine were debating between keeping or aborting their child, I would try to convince them to keep it. I'd let them know their options. but ultimately, it’s their decision. and I might not morally understand how they could get an abortion, but I'd understand the practicality of why they got it. I'm pro-choice in the fact that I believe women can decide for themselves what to do and I'm pro-choice because it is not up to me to take away their options but instead educate them and let them know every choice they have.
I’m just so riled up because I've just been thinking about the hypocrisy that some of these people have. advocating to stop killing in the womb when they don’t care about what happens to some people out of it? really? I’m just so fucking mad right now! the reason so many people fight for pro-life is bc they say that the child deserves a chance. sometimes that add in something about god and life being a gift but just... I don't want to hear that bs rn, talk to me about that stuff on a good day but leave it out rn. A child DOES deserve a chance. A baby IS innocent but yo... the minute that child grows up, does his value decrease? do you think that as he grows, the less help he needs? a pro-lifer might be partially offended by this and say “No, absolutely not. A human life is a human life”. but why don’t you talk about other human rights?? Where are you fighting against genocide? Where are you for the women in India who are gang-raped and/or are in child marriages?  Where are you fighting against war? Where are you educating yourself? I’m not talking about school, which by the way, is such a huge privilege that women must FIGHT for in countries that you haven’t heard of? Why do you work so hard to make sure a child is born but then you give the impression that you’re leaving them? 
okay, let me explain a little better. This is not the best metaphor but try to understand. *Adoption is the most popular option for mothers who don’t want to raise or abort their child, right? imagine that a child is put up for adoption. but the parents knew that the child was pretty much destined to never be adopted bc... let’s say it was because it was in a bad part of town where kids never get adopted. idk. still, they leave them because they think “hey, they will have a better life”. That child has no family, maybe a few friends, and will not get out of that unfair system until they are 18 and are kicked onto the streets with next to nothing. This child has a rough life with no one watching out for them or trying to help them, but hey, at least they were born? A child might have been given a LIFE, but what good is it when they aren’t given any chances beyond birth? Why the fuck would a child be grateful for being born when there is nobody, nothing in their lives to make it desirable or good? You act like you’ve done your part after those 9 months and now you’re finished. But why the fuck are you abandoning them? A human life is a human life, is it not? I’m not saying that it would be right for the child to have been aborted, that’s up to you to decide, but I'm saying that y’all are disgusting if you do not care for children. teens, even adults who are going through situations like war, abandonment, persecution, etc.
This was basically a PSA to all those pro-lifers who support Trump. Congrats, you’ve got a president rooting for your cause, but you’ve also got a man with blood on his hands who is currently persecuting muslims, hispanics/latinx, and other minority groups that he’ll have his hands on soon enough. you can save the babies or whatever you set your heart out to do, but you better start caring about other people just. as. much. or else you’re a disgusting hypocrite
*this whole tangent was not to shame any person who had to give their child for adoption and it is not meant to hurt or offend you. you did what you could and you are admirable for that. this was just me using an example to point out that some pro-lifers seem like they put so much effort into preventing abortion but then don’t give a fuck about people who are already in this world. They are abandoning them. Adoption is not abandoning bc y’all really did try your hardest to give your child a better life. 
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xoxojustbreathe · 8 years
Completely random thoughts at 3:57am.
DISCLAIMER: If you are of any faith, please if you’re going to read this have an open mind and don’t get offended because I have no intention in offending anyone. These are just my personal thoughts and beliefs. Thank you.
Religion. There are so, so many types of religions. When I googled “how many typed of religion are there”  this is what I got
“As of 2014, there are an estimated 4,200 different religions in the world, and these can be categorized into several main religions. These include Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, although Roman Catholicism is often categorized under Christianity.”
SO many. And how is one supposed to choose? The probability of people choosing their religion based on their personal beliefs is probably slim to be honest. (maybe the numbers gone up in the past few years, but it still doesn’t seem as much)
Then theres being born into religion.
When you’re born into religion, you’re being raised on what your parents beliefs are. When you’re young and all church is to you is that place you go to every Sunday and or Wednesday (or both) and you get told bible stories in Sunday school. When you’re older and more apt to actually soak things up and understand church and religion, whose to say that’s what you personally truly believe in? It’s just something you were brought up with, so it’s normal for you. It’s what your family believes in. So it’s what you should believe in, right? And when you’re brought up in a religion, they don’t give you much chance to explore other things, find what you believe in. It’s just Here. Believe in this and only this and follow these rules and you won’t go to hell.
And that just doesn’t seem right to me really.
I think that when you’re old enough, you should be able to decide for yourself. Which technically, you can I suppose.
But there still isn’t that opening.
Sometimes it’s a situation where if you were to left that faith, your family wouldn’t be happy with you. 
But it shouldn’t be that way.
Everyone is different. Each soul is unique and everyone feels and thinks differently.
I don’t know. I feel like this is just nonsense that will end up offending someone which is not what I intended at all. 
I was just watching videos of Brendon Urie on YouTube and there was a vine he made where the radio was playing some christian thing and then his next vine he was like “I may have offended some christians in my last vine, all I can say is... forgive me?” and he laughed. 
And then I went over to his Wiki page to see what his decent was because he’s absolutely beautiful and it was Hawaiian on his moms side.
ANYWAYS to my point that sparked this thought.
In the write up of his early life it said that he was raised in a mormon family but “left the faith when he was around 17″
anyway, that’s what sparked the thought for this...assortment of words. idk what to describe this as lol.
BUT yeah anyways.
I live in an area that’s known as a “bible belt” where everyone is very very religious and if you aren’t you’re seen as a bad person.
I have a friend that’s Christian and she goes to church and everything and she preaches about stuff online but then in person she's completely different. But that has nothing to do with this. idk.
My sister’s best friend grew up in a very strict christian family where they couldn’t wear certain clothes because they were “provocative” so they had to wear long skirts and whatever and they couldn’t watch certain things or listen to certain music or do this or do that and yeah
"The concept of doing good, as opposed to being good, the idea that a lot of us have been taught, many and you see it a lot, where people push to get you to do certain things. Give you a check list 'Do this, do this, DON'T Do that, and don't do that, don't do that, but DO this and this' and everything's cool. And they miss the whole heart of the issue. If the bible teaches anything, it teaches that god is much more interested on what's on the inside, then what's on the outside. And I grew up in a place where it's a Sin to go to movies, it's a Sin to have short hair, or long hair, you gotta have short hair, it's a Sin for woman to wear dresses that are too short, it's a Sin to dance, it's a Sin. All of these 'dos and don'ts. And while there may be some merit in that, and I'm sure there is, but I'm not saying any of those things are bad or good, my point is, it misses the heart. There are millions of people, and churches and institutions  who've built an entire religion out of dos and don'ts. And there empty inside because at the end of the day, following the rules and regulations has nothing to do with grace and mercy. Because, you know what, I am as foolish and frail as everyone here, we are all, simple human beings, right? We all do stupid things from time to time, We all say things we wish we wouldn't have said, we all mess up from time to time, but here's the cool part I want you guys to know: God is not some taskmaster  whose just waiting for you to mess up and that he's gonna go whaoom! He's not he wants the best for all of us, and if we get  past the idea of 'I gotta do this, and i gotta do that, and I can't do that, and I CAN'T do that!' And you walk around in fear all the time, and you try your best to keep this list of dos and don'ts and rules and regulations, and there's no joy in that! And, Our creators greatest desire for us, is to have joy, not just fun! There's a deference, not fun, but joy." -Vic Mingogna, Sunday Reflections 2008 (video below)
I just think...idk.
I think that religion is too forced in some ways. 
And it’s such a big thing that people forget what it’s actually really about.
Since theres so many types of religions and so many different stories and gods and beliefs it’s hard to fathom sometimes.
I’ve had a few really deep conversations about religion with my best friend because neither of us really have one. I don’t remember about her parents, if they had a religion or not but growing up, I didn’t. 
Before I was born my parents had my older sister and when she was growing up they were very christian, they went to church every wednesday and sunday and read the bible regularly and all that jazz and by the time I came along they didn’t really do that anymore. I forget why, but I’m glad they did stop because I like how I am.
I don’t have a religion and that’s perfectly okay.
I do believe in some god. I believe there’s someone that unconditionally loves you and believes in you.
"Embrace God's love for you and God's desire for you, because it's good, he wants the best for all of us, he wants you to be the best person you can be. And when I say God, I don't know what image comes into your mind, everybody has a different image, right? When I say that word, maybe you think of a guy in a black outfit with a little white square around the neck. When I say God, maybe you think of a church in your neighborhood with a certain steaple and a cross on top, When I say God maybe you think of a man in a white robe with a beard, right? Every body has a different concept , when I say god maybe you think of some kind of a silver haired, big bearded guy sitting on a big throne somewhere up on a cloud, So I'm not trying to get everybody to have a single review of god, that is not my desire, my desire is just to let you know, you are an extream value to god he spared no expnece and making you, and making you unique and special in your own way, and as we go through our lives we can either make choices that make us more like he wants us to be, or less like he intended for us to be, So my desire for all of you and for myself as well is not to follow a list of rules and regulations, but to invite every day, to invite god into your life." -Vic Mingogna, Sunday Reflections 2008
If you’re still reading.... 
Watch that. If you don’t want to watch the whole thing, just skim through it, but it’s so important and so life changing. Go to 25:50 in that video and it’s basically exactly what I’m trying to say about religion. <3 
In the link I posted below I basically typed up a lot of what he said in that video or some other one and here is one of those. This always hits me right in the feels honestly.
"I gave an example once at an event, but I don't think it was this one, but I love this example: How many dad's in the room? One? Fathers, anybody? Two, three, okay. Let me ask you guys a question. When your baby was small and was learning to walk, do you remember like, going across the and going, *he gets on his knees and holds one arm out* 'Come on, walk to me, come onnnn, come onnnnn little walker, look at your legs walking!' and your baby's going *and he stand up and wobbles around, like a  baby trying to walk* Right, Right? When your little boy or little girl fell did you go "AH COME ON! CAN'T YOU GET THIS RIGHT?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! LOOK I CAN DO IT!" Did you do that? No. What did you do? "Come on, get back up, you can do it! Come on, I believe in you" God is referred to as our heavenly father, that is a beautiful image, of god. He's not standing up in heaven going "Ah come on! Can't you get this life thing right?! It's so easy!" No, no, he is reaching out going "It's okay, it's alright, you fell down, so what? Get back up, I believe in you, you can do it." If you can hold on to that image, and I'm talking to myself this morning, If I can hold on to that image, if we can hold on to that image of God, not the 'waboom' god, but the God whose like *gets down on his knees and holds out his hand* 'Come on, Come on, oh it's okay, so what you stumbled, you lost your balance, it's alright, come on, I believe in you' If we can hold on to that image of god it will revolutionize your life and my life, it will change the way we do business in our lives, the way we relate to others. We're gonna find ourselves wanting to share that with others because it was shared with us, and we're gonna find this huge burden lifted off our shoulders, "ahh! I don't have to follow the list anymore? I don't have to go down the checklist of the dos and don'ts and the better not and the better have?" No, no. But we're all just human and we can't do everything by ourselves, the longer you live the more you'll know that's true, some of you that are thirteen or fourteen or fifteen you'll find that out and those of us that are older  we've learned that you can only do so much in your own strength, but there is an infinite amount of power available to you from your creator, just ask him. You don't have to jump through any hoops, you don't have to wear any particular clothes, you don't have to cut your hair a certain way, just ask him." - Vic Mingogna, Sunday Reflections 2008
I don’t remember if he says it in that one or not but one year he said this (He did. It’s at 27:00)
“God is madly in love with you and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
and that is so important to remember. Regardless of anything.
My religion is that video. It’s every year that he did Sunday Reflections at that convention and I got up early to go sit and listen to him. 
I really don’t know what else to say http://tamakisgirl.deviantart.com/journal/Religion-221930193
There’s a link that little 2011 fifteen year old me wrote about this same matter. 
At the end of the day, EVERYONE is allowed to believe what they want to believe.
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