#idk how my gf finds me attractive tbh
ear-motif · 30 days
body image and dysphoria/dysmorphia talk in tags /
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the5thcellar · 3 days
I actually think Luke is serious about A. That age gap is typically what men marry these days. I think he's crazy about her and was taking it slow after a long term break up before going official. That shows intention, planning, and wanting her. I wouldn't be surprised the official IG couple post is coming soon.
I'm just upset that they took it this far with promo. Tom and Z were meeting each other's family outside of work early on, so to say you are officially brining him to meet the fame was a bit much. Closing your eyes when she touches your face? Grade A acting. I hate that it makes me believe he was never attracted to an amazing woman like Nicola. I feel dumb for falling for it all. I hope Nicola finds a handsome guy who will love her proudly.
that's a really interesting take tbh! ive actually never considered he was serious about her in the sense of marrying - but of course this is purely based off the vibes I get and is entirely my own view.
one of the reasons i say this is because luke doesn't seem too inclined to keep a completely friendly distance between himself and nic - i heard that the QC leads india and corey were shipped really hard by fans as well and he had a gf during the whole press run - and towards the end india and corey started posing separately on carpets (i.e. no touching, no friendly hand around shoulder even during photos etc) because they wanted to emphasise that they were really just friends.
luke in contrast seems to have no qualms about blurring lines - and one of the reasons the more rabid fans kept insulting Antonia was a direct result of the fact that he kept stating his "single" status to press. I think he could have helped Antonia avoid a lot of the flak she drew by just stating that he's seeing someone. but maybe he felt it would draw even more attention to his private life and her? idk. i don't want to puzzle over his motivations because I don't believe they are too complex - I've said this many times before and I'll keep saying it - no matter how good a man seems (and I do believe Luke is very good and sweet), trying to justify anything they do is still a sure path to disappointment.
more importantly: please don't feel dumb for falling for the hope that nic and luke could be together! i really don't think they were being deliberately disingenuous - i actually think the opposite - i think they themselves are often confused about what they really are and it's just easier to define it as being great friends. it's strange but i get the feeling that they see each other as a source of potential - it's simultaneously impossible and also the easiest thing in the world for them to envision a reality where they're together - there just seems to be many barriers to it happening for real. they're comfortable living in the liminal space between great friendship and great romantic love - it definitely explains why nic said she doesn't have a relationship in her life that's anything close to what she has with luke. I think there just needs to be a decisive push for them to ever move out of this grey area. it'll have to be something massive for it to ever happen... and it's not something I hold out hope for (again, just to avoid disappointment!)
this got really long; I wish nic and luke all the best and I think they have something very special with each other. I think life has many many stops along the way and I don't think luke has found a final stop in his romantic journey with antonia - they are both very young and they don't have the vibe of "together forever" couples - if they did (since luke is such a big believer in love at first sight) - he'd have laid down a commitment a lot sooner.
again I want to emphasise that this is all MY POV - it's the vibe I get. I'm WELL AWARE I don't know these people irl. There's always criticism of how parasocial fandom and stan behaviour are but I think most fans - myself included - are very conscious of the fact that the way we perceive and interact with celebs is completely one sided. I'm also not a psychic or clairvoyant or anything of the sort. i just strangely feel a lot of things all the time and ive never been chill a day in my life 😂
sending you lots of good feelings and healing - I feel your hurt and unease and disappointment because I feel the same, but it gets easier to accept with each day that passes.
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am i the asshole for leading a guy on an low-key manipulating his feelings? (🐺 so i can find it later)
trigger warnings for mental health issues, family death, and suicide mentions.
title is kiiinda dramatic, i know. and i should be clear that i know that what i did was definitely wrong to a degree, but idk how messed up it was.
for context: i (19 f) was freshly seventeen and had just returned to in person school for my senior year after doing my junior year online at home. the majority of my best and only friend had forgotten me almost entirely and abandoned me despite our texting throughout my online year. new social circles had formed in my absence and i had a very difficult time readjusting, especially because i had come out of isolation with worsened anxiety, depression, and lowkey suicidal idealization. to top it all off, my grandfather who i adored had just died. i was desperately lonely and at the lowest i had ever been mentally in my entire life. i say this all not to excuse my actions but to provide some context as to why i acted the way i did.
so i meet this guy (i think like 15-16?) who we'll call finn. finn is a year below me but we share an elective class. we were initially drawn to each other bc we were both the only alt/geeky kids in the room and hit it off really well. and at first things are going pretty good; we eat lunch together every day, share music, talk about our interests etc. normal friend stuff.
but here's the part where i'm probably ta: finn had told me earlier on that he's the type to catch feelings super easy, so i guess i should've expected it, but he tells me that he has a crush on me. not directly though--he starts talking about this girl that he has feelings for but doesn't have the courage to confess to. and the first time he brought it up i didn't realize it was me and ofc tried to hype him up so he could confess and all that. but by the second conversation we have about it, it dawns on me that he's definitely talking about me. and i'm like "ah fuck," because the last person i wanted it to be was me--i'm mostly into girls, and also saw finn as a little brother more than anything else. but i keep hyping him up anyways saying stuff like "oh c'mon the worst she can do is say no! and even then you can at least move on with closure!"
so he takes my advice and confesses to me over text. i turn him down as politely as i can. which is where this whole thing should've ended tbh. but it didn't. his confession (even though it was over text) really endeared me and made me feel appreciated and beautiful in a way i never had been before. i'm not conventionally attractive + a plus size girl, and had never had anyone confess to me before, let alone say something as sincere and sweet as finn did to me. i was always the girl guys dared each other to ask out as a joke, yknow? it felt nice to know that someone saw me as desirable. again, this doesn't excuse my actions or justify them. just context.
so i decide that even though i know i'm not going to pursue anything with finn, i don't want him to lose interest in me either. so i start acting like i might be into him. tell him certain outfits make him look cute, go on and on about how much i love his hair (he really did have nice hair tbh), lean in a little closer when we talked, and constantly reassure him that he'd get a gf soon because good-looking, sweet and funny guys like him don't stay single for long.
he definitely notices bc he (again over text) asks if it's ok to be more physical when we interact. like can he hold my hand if we walk down the hall or whatever. this is definitely where i should've stopped, but i didn't. i kept up the pseudo-flirting bullshit.
and then he confesses (you guessed it! over text) for a second time, insisting that he really thinks that i like him back now. i tell him i don't know what he's talking about but that i'm happy to keep being friends with him. again, i don't stop the flirting-that's-not-quite-flirting.
this continues all the way until the end of the year. he tells me before i graduate that he really cares for me and doesn't want to lose touch after i leave. i promise him we won't. at this point i'd realized the gravity of my actions and had come to regret the way i treated finn, and decided the best course of action was to let our friendship fizzle out after i graduate. so i stop responding as frequently to him, he eventually stops reaching out until finally we lost contact and i delete his number.
i know that what happened was kinda fucked up, but how bad of a fuck up was this tumblr?
(secondary question: is this something that would've had a lasting impact on him and his view of relationships? i hope it isn't. i hope he forgot about me quickly. i hope he's doing better and has found someone who actually likes him.)
What are these acronyms?
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velvetwyrme · 4 months
So Flipping Fate is my favorite Underfell Papyrus fic but what is your favorite UF! Papyrus fic?
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AH 🥺❣️❣️ First off, thank you so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying Flipping Fate! :D!!!
Secondly, there's no need to apologize- my fav/s are definitely in the list you mentioned, but I'm more than happy to answer again here :]!! My favorite UF!Papyrus fic has GOTTA BE Thunderstruck. Absoluuuutely killer characterisation and development, delicious interactions and writing... I love it dearly 💖
Other notable fics (probably also in the list lololol) include; A Smile from the East and Roadside Attraction. ASftE made me fall in love with UF!Pap back in the old days of fandom, and Roadside Attraction made me adore him once again when I returned.
And since you asked so nicely, here are some more (sfw) UF!Pap/Reader recs that. also may or may not be in the list idk I didn't actually go back and check lol
Becoming Edge is a fic all about finding yourself and your identity through fashion and was instrumental in me doing the same. Really sweet!!! Pastel goth Edge... my beloved.
And speaking of pastel goth- My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) is a enemies-to-friends-to-lovers fic with the added elements of Soulmates ✨! Love me some tempestuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans' soulmate in the bg, so if you're not a fan, that's something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn't quite my thing, but tbh I'm really interested in seeing how things turn out for them here!)
Between a Rope and a Wrench, or; this skeleton is buying a lot of really weird, suspicious stuff but you will help him get it because it's your job and later because you're his friend. (Also, you choose his friendship over the possibility that you may become an accomplice in murder.)
Sound of Blooming... MAFIAFELL 💥💥!!!! It's been a bit since I read it but it's in ny bookmarks so... :3c!
A Home for Mending Souls is actually a UF!Bros/Reader, but it still counts. It's really good!! Healing from trauma! Soft moments! Slowly opening up to one another!
Till it Brews Over is a coffee shop AU where you purposefully misspell the name of your asshole regular, who just happens to be one edgy skeleton.
Also for additional fics that star UF!Pap that I enjoy/have enjoyed:
While I was looking for one of these fics it led me to realise that I STILL haven't read Fight Me! (by MsMk- not be confused with Fight Me! by Little_old_lady, which uses the same premise and is also really good, but it features FS!Sans instead of UF!Pap) Anyway, this is truly a travesty because they're a fantastic writer and I can only assume it got lost in my various open tabs >>"!! [Addition while drafting: I LOVE IT he's so sulky... I'm staring warily at the chapter count though. So much time for things to Go Wrong]
I actually really like UF!Pap in Bitty Hunt- his characterization is very much... reminiscent of that era of fic, but all the scenes with him in it are ones that have been seared into my brain !!
Another new-ish fic that I'm enjoying UF!Pap in is Honey Lemon Tea, which the summary succinctly describes it as "Papyrus finds his Grillby's... in the form of a very plain coffee shop.", and which I will less-succinctly describe it as "Anti-harem with a delightfully mysterious barista, with the obligatory awful gf"
Edit: I cannot figure out why for the life of me but the formatting looks REALLY weird on my end, but in the editor it's fine?? So if it looks weird/out of order to you please excuse this post, it seems to be some Tumblr Fuckery
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arizonaaaaaa · 9 days
21- Unique Adams- trans
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-canonically trans
-her story felt a little rushed in my opinion, she went from a drag queen to a crossdresser to a trans person in a spam of like 6 episodes
-underrated Queen
-the best singer in my opinion
22- Marley Rose- pansexual and asexual
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-this could be an interesting story line
-like the reason she doesn’t feel ready for sex is because she’s not sexually attracted to anyone
-although this would potentially make Jake an asshole
-her and Unique are gfs tho❤️
23- Jake Puckerman- bisexual
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-def wanted to smack Ryder
-he was watching Sam “twerk”
-just gives of energy tbh
-I would actually spend a lot of money to see Jacob Artist make out with a ma
24- Ryder Lynn- gay
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-never liked Marley, he actually liked Jake
-i really like Rynique but gay Ryder just speaks louder in my heart
-we could’ve met his father in this possible storyline like the opportunity😭
-Ryan Murphy had a chance to do an actual love triangle on glee but NOOOO LETS MAKE THEM FIGHT FOR THE PRETTY GIRL AGAIN FOR THE FOURTH TIME
25- Kitty Wilde- lesbian
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-“what would Quinn Fabray do?” She would be a lesbian
-she dated Jake, Artie and had a crush on Ryder yet she had absolutely 0 chemistry with all of them
-Marley on the other hand…
26- Roderick Meeks- aroace
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- I find it interesting how him (and Madison) are the only ones that never showed interest in another person
- really wish assexuality was discussed more back in the 2010’s
- he should’ve been one of the characters introduced in season 4 and I would die on that hill
27- Jane Hayward- unlabeled
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- probably thinks labels are stupid and shouldn’t exist because it’s misogynistic or offensive or sm
- idk I really dislike her I feel she would say something annoying like this
28- Mason McCarthy- bisexual
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- yeah you’re not straight
- he’s also a really boring character for me so I have nothing to add💀
29- Madison McCarthy- aromantic and lesbian
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- now THATS a feral lesbian
- her and Jane as girlfriends tho?
- aromantic part is bc I feel she’s the type of aro who’s disgusted by love
-still likes touching boobs tho
30- Spencer Porter- gay
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- interesting storyline for the first seasons
- although it’s kind off like Dave’s storyline
There’s a limit of ten pictures per post but I really don’t want to make a fourth post just for the students so…
31- Alistair- gay and genderfluid
- Billies brother wow
- this is just based on vibes cause I have no idea if he ever spoke on glee
32- Myron Muskovitz- trans and lesbian
- Josie Totah it’s trans so I feel her character should also be
- maybe figured out when she was about 16?
- so by dreams come true she would already be in her transition🥹
33- Skylar- polysexual
- who? Oh yeah the Blaine of season 6
- again based on vibes
- he’s also a really good singer go listen to the album version of take me to church
34- Super Gay Warbler- indeed gay
- behold the oracle has spoken the truth
- also a good singer go listen to the album version of rise
35- Sunshine Corazon- trans and pansexual
- same with Myron, since the actor is trans I feel like his character should also be
- just imagine after all those years Sunshine returning on season 6 for his transition
- what would be his name tho? Moonlight? *old people laugh plays on the background lmao lol haha*
That’s it for the main kids, prolly won’t do a fourth post for the adults because I don’t really care about them but only time will tell
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seattlesellie · 1 year
this is super random (also this is my first msg to u hi <3) and i’m honestly asking this generally to anyone else who also happens to read this, but recently i’ve realized my sexual orientation and come to the conclusion that i’m like REALLY attracted to women (as a woman myself ofc). so obv this made me also think abt how someday i’m gonna have to tell ppl close to me abt this but i’m literally losing my mind cause i’m NAWT vulnerable especially w/ my parents 😭 and also i just now was watching a tiktok live that was full of homophobic ppl and whenever i see that on the internet, it makes me wanna go deeper in the shell (or closet lmao) that i already am in. like it makes me realize how many horrible ppl there are that won’t accept smth so simple (i’m also very emotional as u can see 😍) so like tbh i’m not sure what i’m seeking here but ig i’m just curious if u or anyone else has felt like this/what helped u come out? like it’s so hard for me to be open and as someone who recently graduated and is going to uni, in a completely diff country alone, i’m gonna have more freedom and if i were to date another girl, it’d feel unfair to my parents if i didnt say anything prior abt my identity. ik they’re also very supportive, which i’m thankful for, but i just HATEEE vulnerability. idk man :( it’s also very weird finally realizing more abt myself. it makes me SO happy yet so so so scared? aarrghh idk sorry abt this long message, u seem like the nicest person and this place feels safe, so i just felt like i could ask/find some kind of relatability. 💗 sorry again for this long ass rant LOLS 🌟
okokok im gonna tell u my coming out story because i can awfully relate to this ?? n adding a read more cos this is so long sorry <333 🤧
literally knew i liked girls my entire life and like suppressed the shit out of it. would try and date guys all throughout highschool and would feel so terrible afterwards… but like you, i was super uncomfortable with that type of vulnerability and also barely had any gay friends, let alone any gay female friends. so i spent my life just thinking im gonna be in the closet forever !! until i met my now ex gf, she would constantly be sleeping over— but i did the classic thing of telling my parents she was just my new best friend, until one day my dad was like… be so fr rn are you two dating. like you said, my parents are also very liberal and supportive (especially my dad), but still— it made me panic and drop a mug and deny deny deny !! then, after being together for like 6 months it was incredibly hard to hide it, and obvs she felt super uncomfortable bc i was super closeted and she was super out. so i kind of had to come out to my parents (i hid under a blanket and told them i have an important thing to say n then they already somehow knew). my parents and i literally never talked about these things like my mom didn’t even know about my first kiss or literally NOTHING about me, we didn’t have that type or relationship at all so i can relate to u so hard !!but like here’s the thing— i don’t think it would be unfair to your parents, this is your story to tell and you should do it when you feel comfortable enough, and if it takes you dating a girl for that then so be it. you shouldn’t worry about other peoples feelings about this, as this is yours to tell and not theirs! as long as you’re in a safe environment, coming out can truly be such a big fucking relief !! like that absolute weight that drops out of your chest is so so freeing. if the people who are close to you love you— they will accept you. if they won’t? truthfully, they don’t deserve u and never have. about the homophobia, its always going to be here, unfortunately for us hateful and bigoted people will always exist, and that can be extremely stressful and painful, which is why surrounding yourself with people from your own community is so so important and necessary. uni is such a good place to do that !! so many new people to meet and especially queer people to surround yourself with !! i super understand your fears but the good things that happen after you come out— that feeling of no longer needing to hide yourself is so so worth it 💗💗💗💗
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strawberrybabydog · 1 month
lesbean!! 🫵🫵🫵 YIPPEE!! tbh yeah our own relationship with attraction is kind of complicated (we prefer the blanket queer or sapphic, dont really care to deliberate too much on that kind of stuff), those of us who are allo are primarily into fem/women, but we are also considering having a relationship with a dude we are not romantically attracted to. and also we are never certain if we are genuinely not into men or not. our mother constantly bemoans that we are like that because of her not-the-best relationship with our father, which, is probably not the case but even if it were so what. that's just the way we are. and you really wouldn't be any less valid as a lesbian if there are external factors influencing your attraction. whichever way you came to be queer or lesbian doesn't matter, you are who you are and that's it. even if it doesn't turn out to be the case, who cares, you learned something. also really dont worry about community history. i have shit memory and not matter how much i try to learn i just forget. doesnt really change my attraction and how i am treated by other people => doesnt really invalidate my place as a queer person in the community. also hello to the baby butch!!! we need more. idk if it's bcs we live in a queerphobic country but even though i am pretty fem presenting behaving in a certain way around women made feel butchy and like a knight and there are very little people like that around me and i decided that even tho i am probably not really butchy i will sort of try to be one. we are holding hands and fumbling while trying our best to be butch. baby butches for da win. also we feel we would be very down for butches ourselves if there were more around us but alas. we must provide the service ourselves. TL;DR you can do whatever you want forever. even if it may seem like some lesbian communities dont accept you there is ALWAYS a place for you and us, because there should always be a place for people just stumbling into this, at 12 or 24 or 48 or 96 yo.
OMG we are literally on the same wavelength rn !! i think in the post i said lesbian but we prefer sapphic too!! we have a sapphic flag kandi on our crutches :0] luv to keep it simple and vague
i have a complicated relationship with men too (my relationships with men have ALWAYS been queer still!!). i love and adore men so much and im attracted to them (differently?) but... kind of, not in practice? if that makes sense. another sapphic headmate selfships with a fictional man but him being fictional man is a big part of why we love him so much - it can project sapphic romanticism onto him and make him treat it more like a butch lesbian partner treats their femme than a male partner treats theirs (ex: your knightly butch feeling, which i dont think any of my man partners have felt for me? but is much more common for butches to express). i guess right now i'm just not sure what my expectations are for real life men and i'm trying to navigate it, but of course plurality also makes things much more complicated with different headmates having different ideas of romance and sexuality. i think i feel like, i love men, but men dont love me in the way i ask them to; its not a feeling reflective of reality, its just personal stuff. we're definitely attracted to whatever masculinity means for whoever our partners might be, if they happen to be masc ♡ we're sappy and find all expressions of gender from partners super hot tbh - everyone wears confidence and identity very well ♡♡ (<- we're also ace-spec or demisexual, if that makes sense. i think a lot if labels can be used to describe us now but like i said i also like to keep it simple. putting effort into your appearance whatever that looks like is ♡ugh♡. this type of attraction is very much rooted in my BPD but i really enjoy being infatuated with my partners in this eyes-only-for-you way)
our gf is femme and also gives me that big butchy hero feeling, but her softness also brings me back to girlhood and finding safety in that feeling too. we also have butch headmates ♡. ive never been with a man who has a connection to girlhood so i find myself more curious/intrigued by their experiences with boyhood than finding comfort in it/in them as a person by extension because i find such deep comfort in girlhood and unfamiliarity (or personal hurt) with boyhood. im also trying hard now to unlearn a lot of what my abuser trained me into, lots of misogyny so trying to unlearn whats left of my internalized misogyny which seems to thrive in my relationships with men -_- its a lot of personal stuff i have to think about in my relation to the rest of the world (early 20s moment lol)
it seems like a lot of sapphics have complicated relationships with eachother, ourselves, and what non-sapphics mean to us ♡ we are so brave and hot
im actually so fucking relieved to hear that Knowing Shit about lesbian history/discourse/etc isnt necessary. i guess i just follow a few particularly discoursey sapphics and it kinda poisoned my brain, but i felt like if i didnt have an extremely nuanced opinion on every historic lesbian ever i wouldnt be allowed to interact with anyone. there arent any queer spaces i think i can visit irl so i have very minimal exposure ... ive mentioned my horrible high school GSA a few times, and, yeah - "wasnt queer enough". even though i still identified as queer and my partner was a bisexual man (making our relationship, you guessed it, queer) all that mattered to them was that i was dating a cis man so i must have been some type of traitor to them because they were the type of peopke who think Men=Evil (🙄) (meanwhile, apparently some of my het peers (mutual friends) were betting mcdonalds meals on whether or not i'm a lesbian, which doesnt really feel Great? especially when they say it to your face and ask you what your sexuality is in the middle of science class??)
yeah um the lived experience of having a sexuality is complicated im trying to go with the flow but internalized homophobia (and external) is just. There! and im not at a point where its super-easy for me to detect it internally so -_- i think things will get better over time ... this is just like how when we were splitting into multiple it was also scary and hard and we felt like we were doing it wrong... things will be okay in time
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doing @tea-addict18 blog ask game (i just wanted to do it as a list lol)
1. What made you start crushing on your tc?
it wasn’t an instant crush, but the more we talked and i started to feel more comfortable around him, i just started having more “ba-dump ba-dump” feelings if u kno what i mean. i was lying in bed one night and was like, “oh shiiiiiit, i like this man”
2. Do you have any rivals?
maybe? idk, i know other students find him attractive, but a lot of students actually don’t like him lol, they think he’s mean, but he’s never been mean to me, maybe they’re off put by his very sarcastic personality
3. is you tc single or taken?
single as a pringle. some students, including me, make fun of him saying he’ll never get a gf (better for me lol)
4. age difference?
12 years🫡
5. tc’s hair color?
6. tc’s eye color?
7. how tall is your tc?
8. how did you meet or find out about your tc?
so i actually got transferred into his class, my junior year, the first day of school and he was a new teacher so i didn’t kno of him before hand, our first interaction was pretty funny
9. does your tc talk to you?
heck yes he does, we talk constantly, i’m his fav student to pick on in class (and outside of class whenever he gets the chance) and we talk about books a lot too
10. how long have you liked your tc?
year n’ 6ish months
11. do you have more than one tc?
wellll, i’m not sure if i consider him a tc, but i really like my calc teacher, who’s known as the “hot” teacher at my school, BUT HE’S ACTUALLY FRIENDS WITH MY TC OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL. he’s kinda similar to tc personality wise, very sarcastic. and yes he enjoys making fun of me too. i’m not even joking, tc and my calc teacher were making fun of me on Teams and the only reason i kno is because tc busted out laughing right in front me with his laptop open in front of him, and i asked him what was so funny and he’s said “me and (calc teacher name) are having a great convo about you,” and i managed to get a glimpse of his laptop screen before he SLAMMED IT CLOSED, let’s just say they were having a great time making fun of me😑
12. do any of your friends know?
my best friends knows, she doesn’t go to my school, but she doesn’t kno the extent of it tho hahahahah…
13. would you ever tell your friends about your blog?
no. just no.
14. favorite thing about your tc?
ahhhhh, it’s so hard to pick just one thing, but probs his personality he makes me laugh so much, and i love it
15. do any of your tc’s friends suspect or know you like your tc?
i don’t think i make it obvious, so i don’t think so, but tbh i wouldn’t really kno if they did
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
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Okay okay first stop, that makes my heart go BADUM BADUM!!! ILYSM ANON THANKS FOR ASKING IVE NEVER GOT TO TELL SOMEONE ABOUT ALL MY BABES. Warning: it contains spoilers of KNY
Kyojuro Rengoku: Dear lordddddd, I love this man with all my being, yall don't understand. He's my husband. I love his eyes, I love how bug eyed they are, I love his thick bushy eyebrows, I love how "himbo" he looks. I had many people say that Kyojuro is creepy or ugly but I simply dont care, how can you hate a man that screams golden retriever energy. I love his energetic self, I love how he talks, I love his loud voice, I love EVERYTHING. I love his design, god what a finger licking design, bless the designer. Also I like man tiddies, I like to think he's ripped but not like Tengen, a little lesser than Tengen actually, like his uniform's buttons are struggling to be kept together bc its tight on his chest. MMMMMM I would like this man like a dog nvqnqeuheuvh-
Genya Shinazugawa: I love him so much. I've always liked edgy characters and Genya just fits right into it. I love his design, I love his big widen eyes, I find his angry expression so cute, he is the only character I have found attractive with a haircut like his. Genya is definitely the type of person who would act all "bad boy, idc about you or anything" but he would have a soft spot for you and you only. I love his scars, I would kiss them every time I had the chance istg. In my hc, I like to think he would be all soft with you, give you kisses and smile at you but when someone walks in, he quickly goes back to his serious angry expression and pretend like none of the affection he just gave you seconds ago happened bc he doesn't want to appear weak, specially to Sanemi. He's also just a cool character, like hello???? HE CAN TURN INTO A DEMON FFS, imagine a man just like Genya towering over you with his cute fangs and demon eyes on you, plz bite me sirrr pleaseeeeeeee. I desperatly need a DEMON GENYA FIC GRRRRRR-
Douma/Doma: He's hot, next. JKJK tbh I dont have much to say about him, I just find him attractive, I like his personality, I like his all happy type attitude even tho he does it to just try making everyone in the room like him or find him annoying. He can eat me and ill thank him, I know he haves committed a long list of crimes, but I just love him. I just think this tall man would pick you up like if you weight a feather into his arms and pepper kisses on you, he would be so clingy, he would do ANYTHING for you, call you cute pet names and he traces his fangs against your skin with his stupid cute smile, AAAHHHH I want him so bad ;(. I also have a softer spot for monsters, idk why but ever since I was a teenager, I loved zombies, werewolves, vamps, demons etc. and I just find them attractive.
Mitsuri Kanroji: I adore her, who doesn't? Its maybe because I kin her, she me frfr. I just adore her, Idk what it is but I just do.
Iguro Obanai: Well like I said before, I love edgy characters but him??? oh boy he's the whole cake. He's emo, what more can I say?? also his design is super cute tho not a really big fan of his personality, but he won me over when he was comforting Mitsuri on their last moments. I also love how he's so mean and selfish yet he haves a soft spot for Mitsuri, that's so cute.
Kukoshibo: Already went off on him teheee
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Again I'm so late to this tag train but I'M HERE NOW
Ty for the mentions everyone! alot of em got lost in my feed but ily. if you said I was your fave writer because of my hcs just know I DID cry about it. Y'all are adorable. I can't write for shit. I use "like" as a conjuntion. But I love you.
Favourite and least favourite counselor and why:
No one is surprised my fave counselors are Dylan and Kaitlyn. They can do no wrong they will live in my head forever.
Least fave?? Ehh... honestly this is one of those things where when I replay the actual game, there are characters who annoy me but when I'm interacting with the fandom I love those same characters and they're my beautiful babies.
So I guess if I had to pick some it would be Jacob and Laura. Don't get me wrong I love them in the fandom but like I said, when I replay the game I find myself getting irked by their writing. Y'all fanfic writers are too good tbh. Giving me unrealistic expectations.
Favourite and least favourite chapter and why:
CHAPTER NINE and yes entirely for the scrapyard scene. Best sequence of the whole game hands down.
Least fave would probs be chapter 7. Like it was obviously an exposition chapter but it definitely coulda been more interesting. Laura and Max escaping and making their plan woulda been fun to play instead of it ending as soon as it got interesting 😭 the Laura/Ryan/Travis scene at the end of chapter 10 also sucked ass. I've made my peace with the ending being Garbo but I'll still say it.
Favourite ship:
Just like everyone else, Radioheads and blygbank. Absolute babes. Can't get enough of them. I need to eat the content.
Biggest counselor crush:
This may come as a surprise but it's Emma. Idk if it's because of Halston Sage but I know that if I met Emma irl I would be intimated by and attracted to her just like all my past gfs
How would you survive in The Quarry?:
My instinct is to say I wouldn't but let me give myself the benefit of the doubt here.
I would have been right there with Dylan overthinking and bringing up stuff from horror movies Ive seen and comparing it to the situation I'm in.
And I'd also befriend Kaitlyn and hide behind her so I think she'd do all the work keeping me safe tbh. Although I do have a really good aim not to brag 💅 I clean up at those shooting games at fair and carnivals and I can throw axes with accuracy so maybe I'd be fine 😌🤌
Favourite fic writers and fanartists:
Writers: @drylan @five-rat-lore @mothamcity  @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day @lowonmelatonin @chipper9906 there's undoubtedly more but just off the top of my head <<
Artists: @divomria (you breathe air right into my lungs. I hope you're safe and well x) @denkicide @korianderbandit @garbage--chan @somecleverartname05 @lenillusion again there's probably more but just off the top of my head y'all are incredibly talented.
Some friends you've made in the fandom:
I've been wildly busy and bad at making friends as of late I'm sorry, but I'll just shout out all my mutuals and people I keep seeing in my activity feed. @lowonmelatonin @wlwmages @amberpriceenthusiast @drylan @stressedanime @blygbank @goodpointsandbadpoints @faeremis @116t98 @ggh0stb0yy @alwaysher @bisexualmultifandommess and everyone else who I tagged earlier and everyone who's all up in my notes interacting with my posts you've made this fandom so fun 💕 You're all so fun and sweet and I consider us friends 😌🤌
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babiebom · 11 months
Dbd Female Killers Sexuality Headcanons
A/N: this is a post I did on my old blog. This is so unserious lmao its based on what my friends and I thought based on our first thoughts. These have no impact on how I write them tbh it's just for fun.
Tw: sexuality talk? Idk
Genre: headcanons
Wc: maybe 2 for each killer. Issa short one.
The Artist/Carmina Mora
Idkidk I feel like shes attracted to men but wouldn't turn down a woman because she finds them attractive too
The Twins/Charlotte Deshayes
She just seems like men make her nervous in a good and bad way. She just likes men
The Legion/Susie
The Legion/Julie
I can see her with gf I guess.
The Hag/Lisa Sherwood
...yeah she just gives off aggressive straight vibes. Or in the closet lesbian vibes idk
The Nurse/Sally Smithson
I think she's too hungry to think about getting with someone(im sorry im sorry) but would have prolly married a man
She is housewife to a basic ass man through and through
The Pig/Amanda Young
Just gives me bi vibes?
The Huntress/Anna
She is also for the girls I love her so much
The Spirit/Rin Yamaoka
The Onryo/Sadako Yamamura
Yuh would date a soft boi<3
The Skull Merchant/Adriana Imai
Is this canon? Like the movie or book? Idk I didn't watch ore read so Idk. Just seems straight
She's for the girls ONLY
The Plague/Adiris
Straight? Or Asexual tbh
she gives me I'm a goddess I don't think about sex im not Zeus vibes.
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tojikai · 2 years
Gojo treats y/n like gum on the back of his shoe. Like to break up with ur gf of 5 YEARS who you claim to “love” and call ur ex-crush the same day to try to get ur d*ck wet??????? He just broke up with y/n, who basically worshipped him and did nothing but love him unconditionally, as a way to f other girls with a clear conscience. Not to mention completely deluding himself into thinking he didn’t cheat during the relationship which he consciously did. Trash. He is literal trash. He can’t even see the trash that he actually is. Disgusting. Like at least own up to that shit. He is a lying cheater and Rie is an insecure homewrecker. It’s that simple.
I truly believe he never loved her. Truly. I think that he THINKS he loved her. But in all reality he just loved being loved. If you actually love someone, you never do things that would intentionally hurt them for your own benefit.
Tbh, in my opinion Gojo is the worst thing that happened to Y/n. She is clearly someone who is vulnerable and is easily manipulated due to her lack of self respect and self worth. This makes her Susceptible to being taken advantage of. I really hope she learns that yes, she can’t help but loving him but she loves herself more than she loves him. I really hope she puts herself first and sees how toxic of a person Gojo is. He’s like a drug to her. It feels good in the moment but over time, it’s slowly killing you. And yes quiting cold turkey may make you go through withdraws, but you’ll live better on the other side of it.
Ugh ur writing is so good you have me thinking about this story allllllll day long!!!!!! I’m literally talking to myself trying to process this story. I think what makes me so invested is that I see myself in y/n. Gojo is her first love. When I was with my first boyfriend, I was obsessed with him. He was the first guy that had ever in my life shown serious interest in me. I was so in love, I would’ve done anything for him to stay with me forever. To make me feel worthy and wanted. But it also turned toxic because he would start walking all over me because he knew I wanted to stay together no matter what. When we would get into arguments I would back off even if I was right for the sake of maintaining the relationship. He eventually cheated with a girl he was friends with prior to us dating. So I understand how y/n feels. Losing the first boyfriend is hard. It feels like the world is ending and you’ll never find love ever again. Totally not true but it’s what it feels like right after a breakup. But unlike her I had enough pride to not grovel over him for too long and I immediately cut contact after breaking up. I worked on myself and became stronger because of it.
Also yes Rie is a manipulative pick-me bitch, and I hate her but I can’t even blame her that much. Yes she is a homewrecker. So what? There are so many homewreckers in the world. It was Gojos job as y/n’s partner to protect her. To stand up for her. Instead he turns around and stabs her in the back. He loves getting all that attention from both sides. Otherwise he would’ve shut it down before it even began. And I know that it’s naturally for people in relationships to find others attractive but to act on it is a whole different thing. Also a crush from high school??? Grow up. Grow tf up. Your not in HS anymore.
(Btw idk if you’ve seen the show Euphoria, but Gojo kinda reminds me of Jules and y/n reminds me of rue. Their relationship dynamics is similar! You should check out the show if you haven’t already!!!)
Ahhhh I love this story and I can’t wait for an update!!! Really want to see how this ends for everyone!!! Sorry this post is so long but I had a lot to say😂. You’re such a great author to be able to make readers feel like this. Honestly I really can’t wait to see the complete work!!!!
ooooh the analysis of yn's character is on point 👁️ she really is vulnerable even before satoru. when he came, she found someone she could lean on and when he left, she fell apart again :(( and i haven't watched euphoria yet but I've been seeing it everywhere, I'll check it out one of these days !! anywaysssss, thank you SO SO MUCH !! reading your thoughts about the story and the characters is always enjoyable, i really appreciate it <33 i hope you're having a great day/night, nonnie !! take careee~
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nathank77 · 17 days
6:24 a.m
I'm about ready to end my life. Why? I'm so fucking alone it's ridiculous. My hierarchy of needs is not fullfilled.
Remember how I said my room is too small and I have to take all my stuff I don't use as much and shove it in the attic? Then my sister throws furniture all over my stuff breaking it and I can't even access my stuff.... I can't get near my skinny clothes box cause there is stuff all over my stuff...so I'm just waiting for her to stop disrespecting me I asked her to move it. Hopefully soon cause I don't need a lot of clothes if I could get to the ones I already own!!
I live in constant conflict and toxicity between my family and then my stupid brain that won't quit hallucinating.
I can't find a gf let's be real, online dating is all women from different countries and everyone who is cute, can get anyone they want and they don't see me cause they get their first choice.
I mean I was thinking I'm so thin and attractive atm and i have no where to wear my clothes. Nothing to do. No community involvement. No nothing.
I looked at community service opportunities. It's a job. A job you don't get paid for and where you won't meet anyone. What's the point? Serve popcorn at a stand? Oh work for free? Show up the same time/ same days yet get nothing for it and bc it's a job not meet anyone...
Then I looked at meet up hardcore anything that isn't online is basically pay to do it or in the morning thanks circadian rhythm from preventing me from doing free hiking groups....
I mean how am I supposed to be involved and meet people if online dating is this fucked and like I want social obligations but I don't want a job, why? Cause if I could work I'd work to get paid for it cause I need money..... not work for free.
Okay so then I thought about it I need people to hang out with. Yet I need the ability to cancel and for it to not be a constant obligation bc its a stressor at that rate. That means friends until I find someone. I can't work I'm too fucked up...
So I thought about my friends. Charlie is cool but she talks nonstop. She would go out with me to savers but its truly "girl talk." I used to get along with girls better but now idk if that's true. Maybe it depends on the girl?
Katelyn isn't around cause yea. We chat occasionally.
Tee is always busy.
John is a gamer-tbh he would be perfect if we went out to savers and the mall and the park and shit. He talks Enough about himself to fill the silence but there is room for me to speak too. I just never met him in person and I want someone to go shopping with and leave the house with. I don't just want online interaction.
So I'm thinking maybe men are more my style. They aren't all emotional and shit. We talk about cool stuff but also can get emotional. Like it's a real friendship but the emotions arent the core of the friendship if that make sense.
I made friends with my mother's coworker who is around my age. Her name is Marcy. She was cool. She has ocd. But talk about "girl talk." She came to my birthday party stayed until like 4 a.m. man can she talk. I couldn't even respond. My god. It was all emotional and about trauma and shit and it's like I'm sorry but I'm fucked up... I don't have time for that. I have enough of my own trauma. I want to play games and talk about movies and shit. We can share stories but it can't be the core of the friendship.... I mean I was going insane listening to her. I only have time for your shit like that if you're going to date me. Sorry not sorry. I have enough of my own shit to deal with than to listen to you prattle on about your life and trauma.
Charlie isn't really like that. She's more like my gf and I. And it's annoying cause I'm so single I may as well be a newborn baby. Or something. I can't find ANYONE. Although she does talk about trauma and stuff... it just isn't overkill like marcy. I legit wanted to jump off a bridge or tape her mouth shut. I haven't talked to her since. I made sure she got home. That was it. I never reached out again. I don't have time to be your therapist. And that feels like girl talk to me. If I hung out with her again I'd duct tape her mouth so I could respond.
Steve doesn't have a car and has a thing for me.. so I got to do all the traveling and I'm not interested..
Basically I can go shopping with Charlie and barely get to talk and listen to girl talk or I can play games online with John. Idk I just dont think he would go to savers with me. At least without his wife. I could try but yea...
I have no normal friends. Other than john.. and I will attempt.. but he is far more interested in gaming he does want to meet me in person but I mean I just don't see us getting together and going to the mall on a Saturday or something.
So what I need is friends who can fill silence and can listen. People who will go places with me. I Mean I asked my sister about savers... we will see...
I looked up pride events and things everything is so far away and I could go alone and maybe someone would talk to me but it would just be some gay guys.... that's the issue...
I am trying really hard to put myself out there and figure out what I can do to have a community. Feel seen. Find someone. Another thing is if I were to go to pride let's say with my sister people don't approach people with people. Basically I have to go alone.
Idk what to do.
My hallucination is driving me crazy. I want to end it all. I am beyond recovery. I am not going to find someone.
Maybe I can go to savers with skye or Charlie. Maybe I could with marcy but I really wanted to duct tape her lips shut. I wanted to bang my head against the wall. I wanted to have a plane hit me so I didn't have to listen anymore.
I don't see myself relating with girls unless they are a gamer or something. It has to be romantic. I don't want to hear about your stupid partner. And I don't have time to hear your trauma. You think you're traumatized?? Try listening to a voice 24/7. Having ptsd, panic attacks, insomnia. Microsleeping. Ocd. And having toxicity be the definition of your life and all that surrounds you. Your trauma is BABY SHIT in comparison to mine and I don't want to talk about trauma with you!
I need normal people who talk about movies........... normal shit.... like men... I'm not getting emotionally invested in your life and being your therapist unless you're a girl I'm going to date... sorry not sorry. You don't know trauma until you microslept for a month. You don't know trauma unless you have heard a voice for almost a year every day every second with no relief.
I talk about my trauma to my therapist. Not my friends, not anymore. I talk briefly about what's going on with me to them. I overshare a bit BUT I also talk about games and movies and characters.
So yea I feel hopeless. I need normal friends. And a way to meet people that isn't a constant social obligation.
How do I do that? Who would take me like this?
I want to dress nice and go places and have something to do. I want to be appreciated. I want to be needed but I don't need one sided girl talk friendships.
I may need to befriend emotionally competent men like john...
I also want opportunities to meet a girl... I need romance... I mean... idk...
I need a new family. I need a new life. I need my brain to get better. I needs more money... I need stability. I need all the things most people have and take for granted..I need my hierarchy of needs fullfilleld.
I need my brain to recover but it can't in this environment. It truly can't. I need to be social with non toxic or overbearing people... I can't recover here. I can only survive...
I need stuff that doesn't exist for someone like me.
And for Elise I'm fucking sorry I didn't talk to you normally when we talked... if I could do it over it would be different. If you ever give me the opportunity you'll see it will be entirely different in all the right ways. If you're here. I have no idea. All I know is we shared something. But is it gone?
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bisluthq · 2 months
How do you feel good enough? This person I’m interested in a girl, first time kinda exploring bi side, and I like her a lot, although can’t lie, she’s tall (I’m 5’4, she’s like 5’7), but she’s quite, like quite overweight, but I don’t mind. That said, I work out, I go to the gym all the time, I’m trying to get my abs to show, etc. I can’t tell if I am attractive enough FOR her, and hard on myself, because I don’t have the perfect nose (side profile). Ppl will see pics of me online and think I’m pretty or gorgeous, but I never get approached in person, so I don’t actually know. Then again I’m like shy and a hermit. Taylor with Joe level hermit. This girl I am into, dated a girl who basically resembles Madison Beer and (she’s 21 I’m 24 that’s if she isn’t lying), her other 2 exes were I mean OK looking but I can’t stop comparing myself, and feeling good enough. Like if I meet up with her she’s gonna think i’m meh, tbh, and she kinda does play games.
Sorry for annoying u with this I just don’t know what to do/how to stop comparing, i don’t feel good enough.
just stop comparing yourself to any of them. I know it’s easy to say and hard to do but I have a few story times: the guy who made me think I’m a lesbian was dating a girl who then went onto a very famous dating show (Love Island/Love is Blind/Too Hot To Handle/Bachelorette - THAT big but lol let me spread it out so you don’t know). And obviously I felt very insecure next to her at like his 21st which I attended as a friend and she as the gf because she went on to be on one of those shows lol and I’m like.. okay. But after that he slept with me while with this absolutely beautiful woman because I chased him really hard and ngl it was mad weird when we did fuck and then I had to be like “my guy it wasn’t that fun, let’s be friends” and anyway the point was me being less pretty (which I am) didn’t mean I didn’t cuck this fucking GODDESS and didn’t mean it was worth it (again, separate story).
my current bf has dated some literal actresses (obvi no one famous but they’re all pretty).
He also says he married his ex wife because she was hot and like she’s less pretty than the actresses (just objectively) and looks about the same as me and I showed him the reality star girl and he was like “oh wow she is stunning” but in the way that he speaks about ScarJo or Chris Hemsworth so like??? He wouldn’t pick any of them over us tbh.
And from my end: Bookstore Girl - who is my Citadel - is kinda plain. I wouldn’t like do an oil painting of the woman. But she is SO hot to me. And my ex slept with a VERY famous man after swearing off men and being mad at me for talking to them idk.
it’s personality more than looks imo.
if I can cuck reality stars and my bf can find his ex-wife/me as hot as literal actresses/models and my ex can fuck a world famous sports star like it’s all more about personality than it is about looks.
ps. I’m sure you’re cute.
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fuglyjeans · 3 months
1-35 faggot
Yay ❤️thanks fag ❤️
1. are you beating the uhaul allegations?
I moved across the country to live with my gf after 2 years long distance. So, kinda? We only visited each other I think 6 times before the move. Idk if that's fast or not
2. Do you identify as butch, femme, masc, and/or gnc?
I've been considering the label femme. I find a lot of joy through playing with makeup and fashion, and my style is very girly.
3. How did you realize you were Sapphic?
When I was a teen I always in the back of my head kind of thought yeah I'd do a girl. But that's cause of my sin nature! Then during college I fell in love with my best friend(thats u 42069gay), lost my faith... then tried to date some men but every interaction made me want to rip my eyeballs out. I started to ID as a lesbian after a date with this guy that went really well, but I just felt so uncomfortable thinking about becoming his girlfriend. We hugged goodbye and I felt so scared of the idea of him kissing me. I cried all the way home on the train... and that's when I knew in my bones. i was lesbo
4. Who is/was your most intense Sapphic crush?
My gf! :3
5. Do you consider yourself a dyke?
Umm ig that depends how you mean it, I'm not sure if that's a label I'm allowed to use tbh. I'm a lesbian. I'm not masc, but I rise and put my right hand over my heart when anyone mentions dykes supporting fags.
6. Are you good at picking up when people are flirting with you, or do you tend to be more oblivious?
I can definitely tell, but my anxiety causes me to second-guess it.
7. Have you ever crushed on a straight girl?
There was this girl I went to church with during my college years, who started making out with me whenever we got drunk. (That shit kind of hurt 😕)
8. What's your relationship status? Are you happy about it?
I'm in a long-term relationship 💕 Our 4 year anniversary is next week, and I'm very happy.
9. Do you have a "type"? If so, what is it?
I've always been most attracted to women who are very feminine, but have some kind of odd or punk edge. women with bangs energy I guess. Brittany Murphy, Bjork, Lady Gaga, SZA, Kathleen Hanna. etc
10. Did you do anything gay as a kid that makes sense when you look back on your childhood?
There was this time in middle school when I was sleeping over at my friend's house. we were lying side-by-side in her bed, tracing circles on each other's backs and I got super turned on. She kind of prepositioned me in a joking way and I flipped out, but for years afterwards I wished I had reacted differently and fantasized about how that night could have gone. I have no idea how I didn't realize this was very gay
11. What are some good Sapphic songs/music artists?
Chappell Roan is my fave. Bikini Kill, Lady Gaga and Hayley Kiyoko r also very special to me. Also check out suspected lesbian Connie Converse she's so cool. Here's 3 random wlw songs I love too: -> Kissing Lessons by Lucy Dacus -> Don't Try Suicide by Team Dresch -> Pynk by Janelle Monae
12. Good Sapphic books/poems/authors?
I'm the worst for this bc I don't read enough :( but: -> The Color Purple by Alice Walker ->The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall ->My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness by Kabi Nagata
13. Good Sapphic movies/shows?
-> Revolutionary Girl Utena -> Portrait of a Lady On Fire -> But I'm a Cheerleader -> Heavenly Creatures -> Jennifer's Body -> Steven Universe sorryyy
14. List five things you look for in a partner or five things you love about your current partner.
1. Her honesty. Our biggest strength is communication 2. Her creativity and excellent taste in all kinds of art. She reminds me not to worry about the things I can't control!! Which I really need. Repeatedly 3. She doesn't believe in cringe; she's the most non-judgemental person I know. 4. When we get delusional and insane over the same character 🫶💕
15. Are you the gay cousin?
Yes lmao and the gay sister and the gay aunt.
16. Do you consider being Sapphic a big part of your identity?
Yes very much so!
17. How many people have you dated? Talk about them if you want!
Like 2. I have really bad social anxiety and was a totally weird late bloomer. I went on a few different dates but only *dated* one person before I met my s/o. It was super awkward, she was sweet but we were both very inexperienced and shy and I guess there just wasn't enough chemistry. we kind of hung out for 6 months, never kissed or made anything official, then I moved out of state and we ghosted each other... v awkward time but I do have some fun memories
18. Thoughts on e-dating or long distance? Have you ever done it? How did it go?
I totally support it. I think anonymity is what some of us need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable... I met my partner on tumblr, it was the only place I felt safe being my whole cringey self at the time. I always used to think it was weird to date someone you've never met, but once I found her I said what the hell, I have nothing to lose. Luckily it went well!! It's unconventional, but so is everything about my life.
19. describe your fashion sense. do you "dress gayly"?
I would say no, most people assume I'm straight. I have a somewhat basic wardrobe... My fashion sense is much campier and more colorful than my wallet allows.
20. do you consider yourself to be a good kisser?
I have no idea. I try my best
21. are you generally "out" to people?
Most of the time I try to be. I'm not out at work, because the vibe there is rather conservative (like, Bible tracts on the wall) so I don't feel safe just telling anyone.
22. how do you feel about valentine's day?
I like it a lot more, now that I'm no longer an adult virgin :)
23. do you like being referred to with masculine adjectives, feminine adjectives, both, or neither?
She/her I'm very cis
24. thoughts on marriage?
I like the idea of having a ceremony, but I don't know if I'd want to be legally married. I would need to read up on the ramifications of that a bit more.
25. have you ever gone to a pride parade?
yes! I marched in my hometown once, and I went to Boston Pride in 2019. I haven't been to any since but I mean to
26. do you read yuri manga?
27. do you fit any sapphic stereotypes / other stereotypes related to your identity?
I have short fingernails and too many cats
28. what's a canon sapphic ship you enjoy?
Petra Solano x Jane Ramos, from Jane The Virgin. It wasn't the best written imo, BUT I'm just a huge Petra fan, and I was so happy to see her find gay love.
29. how about a non-canon sapphic ship?
Hinata Hyuga x Sakura Haruno from Naruto. I will die on this hill. They would be so soft and encouraging for each other. I used to be so fucking invested in this, it was all I would ever draw in my sketchbooks
30. who's your favorite sapphic character?
Anthy Himemiya. She's just. a kaleidoscope of trauma and love and bitterness. also, this isn't canon but I truly truly see Bev Keane from Midnight Mass as a lesbian. She just reminds me too much of myself when I was younger and I feel for her and I love her lots
31. LEAST favorite sapphic character?
Molly Bolt from Rubyfruit Jungle. I guess she's not that bad, but I just fucking hated this book
32. tell a funny story about something really gay you've done.
convinced myself I was in a queerplatonic relationship so that I wouldn't have to confront the fact I wasn't straight
33. do you get crushes/fall in love easily?
not really, I've only had a small handful of those experiences
34. who's a sapphic person you look up to? they can be someone in your life, a historical figure, a celebrity, etc!
Lady Gaga. She's so smart and so weird and so HERSELF. even when I disagree with something she does/says, I appreciate her sincerity and her gumption.
35. if you could tell your younger sapphic self anything, what would it be?
Girl you are allowed to trust your gut. Your feelings are holy, don't hold yourself hostage. If there is a God, and if he really is loving, he wouldn't want that for you.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 months
Okay so.....I will try to keep it short and simple but no promises 💀 so I work with this couple. And they are ok for the most part (although they do be getting on my nerves quite frequently at work but whatever). But they are always a little too open about their personal lives. Like last year I went to the wife’s b-day party and she got so drunk she started getting all emotional and crying and she spilled all of this info about how they both used to be meth addicts and that the husband was abusive and shit back then 😭😭 they are also very open about how they are bi and polyamorous. Now I am bisexual myself (although I don’t really talk about that shit at work cause I just don’t consider myself that close to my coworkers 😭) and I don’t judge but myself???? Personally????? I just couldn’t be in a poly relationship/throuple. I’m way too jealous of a person honestly.
Anyway, Sunday after work my cousin (who also works at the same place) stopped me and we talked for a bit and she told me someone had a crush on me. Now tbh I kinda already knew this, but it was so much worse hearing it (his random jokes and comments are sometimes too flirty but I usually brushed it off). But she told me the husband has a crush on me............😭🤢🤮 LIKE..........I LIKE TALKING TO THE GUY SOMETIMES BUT I DO NOTTTTT LIKE HIM LIKE THAT AT ALL 😭😭😭 PLUS HE’S LIKE 15 YEARS OLDER THAN ME AND HAS KIDS SO LIKE?????? NO??????????? I REALLY JUST AINT INTO THE GUY LIKE THAT OK PLUS IF IM BEING HONEST HES NOT THAT GOOD LOOKING AND THERE HAVE BEEN A COUPLE OF TIMES WHERE HES GOTTEN TOO CLOSE TO TALK TO ME AND IVE NOTICED THAT HIS BREATH STINKS SO 😭😬💀
Now the wife has never said anything flirty to me or ever given any indication that she likes me like that. And from the way my cousin was talking to me, she ain’t interested in me like that (thank god). Like, we’re coworkers and that’s fucking weird plus again, for me I just can’t do a whole throuple thing or whatever and I have ZERO attraction to the guy 😭💀 and idk it’s just been awkward seeing him at work the last couple of days now but what’s REALLY been bothering me is that he’s basically trying to invite himself along AS MY DAMN DATE to this event that I want to go to with JUST my family and friends. I think he found out about it bc I was (stupidly) talking about it with another coworker who wants to go (not with me though). Idk.......I’m just thinking I should have fucking quit this damn job a long time ago tbh 💀 but I guess the advice I want is HOW TF DO I DEAL WITH THIS?????!?!?!!?!!!!! Like........I want to make it clear in a polite but VERY FIRM way that I am Not Interested™ in him that way 😭 but I’m seriously not a confrontational person.......I don’t want to go to HR cause I’m not trying to make this a whole thing nor do I want anybody to find out it was me who reported this.....I can’t fucking lie and say I already have a significant other bc MY STUPID ASS ALREADY TOLD ANOTHER COWORKER WHO ASKED ME IF I WAS DATING ANYONE THAT I WAS SINGLE........IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!!!! UGGGGHHHH IDK PAIGE I HATE MEN AND I WANNA K*S RN 😭😭😭😓😓😓
Anonymous asked: Me: “I’ll keep it short and simple”
Also me: *sends you a whole ass book*
OH. MANSDJCNBFHJV I would just straight up ignore them tbh they are just random co workers you dont owe them anything and who cares if you said your single if he or the wife are weird and ask about it just say you have a bf/gf or whatever there not gonna know either way! and just avoid them at all costs as much you can! good luck bestie! I work with a lot of weirdos too I seem to attract them you just gotta void and be stand offish if you have to!
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