#idk if they would like fucking put me under I’d go get one
l-sincline · 1 year
Random tmi rant in the hash of tags bc I’m sad ab it
#I had to stop taking birth control today and I just got kind of sad when I turned off my alarm for the last time LMAO#I take the medication bc I have excruciating pain on my periods#but I am also deathly afraid and uncomfortable with Pap smears so since I won’t go in to get one they blocked my script so I can’t get-#-the rest of my years worth#so I have about 7 filled prescriptions of birth control that they just won’t let me have because I won’t come in for an appointment#and I guess on some level that makes sense bc like obviously you’re giving me a drug and if I’m not coming in to see you you can’t just-#-keep giving it to me#but on the other hand if you wouldn’t force me to get a Pap smear I would gladly come in and do every other part of the process to be able-#-to keep taking it#the entire reason I started taking it was bc the pain of my periods was making me pass out#and im not excited to go back to that#but the fact that that is more appealing to me than a Pap smear should say a lot about Pap smears and how the process needs to be changed#also don’t be coming up in here trying to convince me to go get a Pap smear#I have heard it all and im sick of hearing it#none of it changes my mind#it just makes me upset that people are trying to disregard my genuine issue with them#saying shit like ‘it’s not that bad’ is actually so shitty LMAO#like… TO YOU. TO YOU it’s ‘not that bad’#to me it is throw up sobbing shaking crying#idk if they would like fucking put me under I’d go get one#but you will not catch me getting a Pap smear awake#my ass doesn’t even put in tampons#now that’s the REAL tmi#anyways if you got from the end I’m using that men in black pen to erase all memories of you reading this
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hi victoria!!! i love ur pogue!sweetheart!reader and i was wondering if u could do a lil hurt/comfort thing where one of rafes friends tells reader she talks too much/is too loud and she gets super upset? i’m a super big crybaby and i talk a LOT and i’d love to see how you write how rafey defends n comforts her :,)
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warnings: protective!rafe, topper and kelce are pretty mean in this one >:(, rafe defends you <3, sight angst, fluff, rafe being the king of reassurance
a/n: i have personal beef with anyone who tells ppl to quiet down when they’re excited for something, or just naturally outgoing. also idk how to play poker so excuse the way i explained it if it’s incorrect lol
before you, friday nights were always reserved for rafe and his friends, the group of them either going out for a beer or staying in and betting money on card games. but now? rafe spent his friday nights buried inside of you, both of you laughing and kissing each other in the dark until one of you fell asleep first. and rafe wouldn’t have it any other way. his friends however, weren’t very fond of your boyfriend choosing you over them.
which would explain their impromptu visit while you two were mid-makeout session. “so this is why she has you locked away, huh?” you jumped, rafe covering you with a throw blanket as he slipped his shirt on. “what the fuck, guys?!” rafe glared at kelce and topper, your skin hot with embarrassment. “you left the door unlocked, playboy.” topper pushed a twelve pack of beers into rafe’s chest, the pair of friends walking to the kitchen.
“are you okay, baby?” rafe leaned down, wanting nothing more than to sucker punch his idiot friends for making you feel mortified. “i’m in my bra and panties!” you whispered, scrambling up from the couch and running up the stairs to rafe’s bedroom. rafe pinched the bridge of his nose, cursing under his breath before meeting topper and kelce in the kitchen. “y’all should’ve called me or something.” his tone was harsh, kelce holding his hands up defensively.
“she has you so pussy whipped bro, would you have even answered?” no, the answer was no. “it doesn’t matter, you two shouldn’t have walked in like that.” topper scoffed, popping open a can of beer. “chill, man, we just came to see our boy,” kelce slapped rafe’s shoulder, “and beat your ass at poker.” he added. rafe laughed, muttering a ‘not a chance.’ before going upstairs to check on you. “y/n?” you were fixing your disheveled hair, your lips still swollen from your previous activities.
“hey..” you turned, rafe pulling you in for a hug. “why don’t you come downstairs? be my lucky charm for the game we’re gonna play.” you shook your head, recalling topper’s words from earlier; ‘so this is why she has you locked away, huh?’ locked away? really? “i better not, you should go have your ‘bro’ time, i know it’s been awhile..” you smiled, hoping he didn’t catch the way your gaze faltered. he did. “i want you with me.” he pecked the tip of your nose, your eyes shutting momentarily.
“what if they don’t, though?” rafe was already dressing you, waving off your words. “well then they can leave.” he shrugged. you sighed, letting him walk you downstairs where topper and kelce had the game set up on the table. “the girl scout is joining us?” you didn’t miss the way topper exchanged looks with the boy on his right. “yes, she is. is there a problem?” kelce mumbled a ‘no.’, followed by an awkward clearing of his throat.
rafe pulled you onto his lap, the guys starting the game as you rested your head against his chest. you didn’t know a thing about poker, your lips quirking every time your boyfriend shouted excitedly. “there’s no way!” topper slammed his losing cards on the table, “i have nothing!” kelce was getting frustrated, the chances of him winning decreasing with each turn. “if i flip this card and it’s right, i take all of this.” the guys had already put in well over four hundred dollars, the tension in the room incredibly thick.
“with this money we’ll get you that mixer you been wanting, how does that sound?” you nodded, both you and rafe leaning forward in anticipation. as soon as rafe turned his last card over, you screamed, jumping up as topper and kelce heads fell down in defeat. it was the first time you had even opened your mouth tonight, and kelce wasted no time in shutting you down. “calm down, do you really have to be so loud?” your smile dropped, along with rafe’s. “forreal.” topper glared at you before pushing the money in your direction.
“what’s up y’all’s asses? she’s just cheering,” rafe pulled you to his side, “just a reminder that you two came here on your own accord and interrupted us, not the other way around.” in that moment you felt like a little girl again, always having someone to tell you to quiet down and suppress your excitement. you couldn’t help the tears from welling in your eyes, their judgmental looks making you want to disappear. prior to you and rafe being together, topper and kelce had always been nice to you, but all of that seemed to go out the door when your boyfriend stopped participating in their little get togethers.
“we hardly see you anymore, bro, we just don’t understand why she can’t lay off sometimes.” topper looked over at you, his jaw ticking as rafe laughed bitterly. you couldn’t believe your ears. if only they knew how much you encouraged rafe to hang out with them. “has it ever occurred to you that maybe i rather spend my time with my girlfriend than hanging out with you two? get the fuck out of my house.” topper and kelce looked like they were at a loss for words, both of them apologizing to you under their breath.
“and not that it matters anymore, ‘cause you two are so convinced that she has me trapped in her evil lair somewhere, but she encouraged me to come down here by myself before i dragged her along with me. you don’t even know what you’re talking about.” rafe basically pushed them out before shouting, “and i’m keeping the beers assholes!”
rafe shut the front door, making sure to lock it this time before he scooped you up in his arms. “don’t cry, sweetheart, they’re both idiots.” you sniffled, laughing softly. rafe smiled at the fact that he knew how to make you feel better. “talk my ear off while i order that mixer, i love hearing your voice.”
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sillymercury · 6 months
I’m Not the Crazy One, She Is!
Azriel x Reader
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Warnings: Slight suggestiveness and swearing
Word count: 7.7k (idk I went a lil cray)
Summary: You weren’t trying to kill your neighbor, honestly, you were just defending yourself. But that crazy fae and her antics land you in a holding cell. Luckily for you, getting arrested turns out to be much more fun than you ever anticipated.
Part 2
My face was set into a hard line as I sat on the curb outside of Rita’s. The sound of the bar closing early was clearly audible from the spot the lawman had told me to sit and not move. Patrons exited with grumbling and angry faces, some glared as they passed and I could only offer apologetic smiles. I was already uncomfortable enough without the condescending stares and occasional curses.
The cool air pushed my hair around and with my hands magically bound behind my back I was repeatedly spitting strands out of my mouth. My thin dress provided no solace against the cold stone under my ass and the unrelentingly wind was only making it worse. I was beyond uncomfortable but the civil servants didn’t seem to care.
This wasn’t fair; it’s not like I started the fight, I just finished it.
I’ve never been a fighter per se, but I’ve also never let someone walk all over me and at this point I’d had enough. The crazy bitch to my left was currently raging against the other two patrols, thrashing around and spitting on their uniform. I scoffed as she screamed obscenities and pushed the female off of her with a hard kick to the chest.
“See!” I exclaimed at the patrol that was half watching me and half watching his colleges struggle to detain the crazed fae. “She’s fucking crazy! Obviously I’m the victim here.”
His eyes moved to mine and I widened them for emphasis, he responded with a scoff of his own. “It took all three of us to drag you off of her,” he crossed his arms over his chest, “not to mention multiple witnesses are willing to testify that most of the property damage was your fault.” His eyes narrowed as he dared me to challenge the statement.
I just leaned back and kicked my legs out with a huff. A couple of chairs, tables, some glasses, some bottles, a few bystanders, and an already weak wall wasn’t enough. I should’ve thrown her into or hit her with something else. Even now, watching her childish display had me itching to go put her in her place all over again.
“Listen, I’m a cool fae. Calm and collected, I don’t start problems. Her,” I jerked my elbow into the direction of the female that wasn’t slowing down, “on the other hand, does. None of this would’ve happened if she hadn’t come up to me. She was pulling my hair and scratching at my eyes! What would you have done?”
I leaned forward expectantly, I knew he agreed. Instead of confirming he just shook his head and looked away. Back-up had finally arrived and three of the four officers assisted in detaining the wild one. One of them used whatever magic they possessed to temporarily knock her out for transport. The remaining lawman approached where I was sitting and looked me up and down.
“I take it you’re the one who fought her?” I looked over at the unconscious female that was being slung over a shoulder and just nodded with a light shrug. “Can’t say I blame ya,” he responded in a much more relaxed tone than the first officer.
“Thank you!” I exclaimed as he helped me onto two feet. I threw the first patrol a look that said everything I was thinking which he only responded with another shake of his head. I didn’t miss the light smile he had and in that moment I felt like I had this in the bag. I assumed I would get a warning, maybe a slap on the wrist and be sent on my way. I hoped that they would lock her up in some far off dungeon and throw away the key.
The new officer grabbed my elbow lightly before winnowing us to the station. I suppressed my groan as I took in the depressing scene. Gray walls, gray floors, gray bars that lined different holding cells on the back wall. The room was packed with multiple desks where about 15 officers sat, some with either with victims or perpetrators in front of them. Every desk though had stacks of papers that threatened to spill to the floor.
I followed diligently behind the officer as he led me farther and farther to the back. I prayed that he would stop at any of the empty desks but he didn’t stop until he reached the cells. He opened up the metal door and looked at me expectantly.
“Wait, I have to go in there?” My voice was slightly shrill and I couldn’t contain the breaths that were coming out rapidly. The cop just raised his eyebrows and nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “For how long? I have to work in the morning. I can’t be here all night!”
The officer just chuckled and shrugged, “Well I’ve got about a hundred other things on my to do list. I guess you should’ve thought about that before destroying thousands of marks worth of property and assaulting someone.”
My hands shook behind my back and I suddenly understood what made that female rage against the law. I wanted to do anything, everything to keep me out of that cell. Screaming, crying, fighting, biting… whatever it would take to keep me out of there. I knew though that none of it would work, it would just make my situation worse. Begrudgingly I forced my heavy feet to carry me into the cell, all the way to the bench on the back wall. I sat with a plop and depression marred my face as I watched the cop lock the door.
I hit my head against the wall with a groan as I thought about what led me here, my stupid crazy neighbor. But seemingly my luck didn’t run out, it was still finding ways to make the situation worse. My neighbor didn’t just live next to me, her limp body was also parked in the cell next to mine. I cursed the wall for not being solid, instead it was just a row of metal bars keeping us apart.
Eventually her body began to stir as she woke up and I mentally prepared myself. Not only for her grating voice but for the verbal abuse that would accompany it.
“Let’s go! Let’s go!” Morrigan called out to her slow moving family, “We’re burning nighttime!”
Feyre laughed as she hauled Rhys off the couch and hollered one more time for Nesta and Cassian. Azriel was ready, standing dutifully by Mor as he waited with her for the rest of their family. He only took off his leathers at the persistent pestering of Mor. Donning black pants and a black muscle tank, his dark shadows concealed most of him and he looked more like a black mass on two legs. Mor wore her famous color in a tight dress that flowed beautifully over her legs accompanied by a slit that ran to her hips. Feyre’s dress complimented Mor’s but in a deep blue that resembled the night sky, Rhys wore his usual tailored garb that matched the silver detailing on Feyre’s dress.
The couple approached the door and Rhys had a far off look in his eyes before speaking, “Looks like it’s just us… Nes and Cass are,” he cleared his throat before flashing a coy grin, “busy.”
“Eww,” Mor muttered Turing around and opening the door for everyone. “Whatever we’ll have fun on our own!” Mor screamed into the house and only the sound of something falling over upstairs answered her. She rolled her eyes before closing the door behind her.
The pairs made their way through cobble stone roads aiming for their favorite bar. At least once a week Mor would drag them out demanding a good time and she always got her wish. Her and Feyre linked arms as they skipped and the boys walked in a comfortable silence behind them.
“Gonna pick up any ladies tonight?” Rhys nudged his brothers shoulder as he teased, “I know Mor will. Wouldn’t want you to have to spend the night listening to everyone else enjoy themselves.” Rhys chuckled as he pondered all the different ways to get Feyre out of that form fitting dress. Azriel shook his head, already knowing where his brothers mind had gone.
A small smirk snuck its way onto his lips, “I suppose I could indulge.”
“Ooo hoo hoo!” Rhys jested, “My brother, the fox.” A low chuckle left Az’s lips as he just shook his head again. The light air that surrounded themselves dropped when the girls stopped skipping to take in the scene in front of them.
All of the lights in Rita’s was on and crowds of people were formed outside. There were multiple patrols going in and out of the bar and some of them were taking statements from the bystanders. Some of the individuals were with medics, either being bandaged or given ice to sooth wounds. Azriel switched gears in the blink of an eye, going from easing going brother to spymaster as he detached to scope the scene.
“What the hell!” Mor practically screeched as she pushed through the crowded street, heading into the pub. Rhys and Feyre shared a glance that conveyed their confusion and worry before following Mor inside.
The place was a wreck. Multiple tables were broken and shards of chairs were strewn about. Wherever there wasn’t wood chips there was broken glass and the stench of the alcohol that covered the floor attacked their senses upon arrival. The wall that separated the entry way to the hall looked like it had been chopped up with an ax and Rita was behind the bar surveying the scene with distress.
“What happened?” Mor asked after rounding the bar and taking a defeated looking Rita into her arms.
“Bar fight.” She said simply, “I’m going to have to shut down for the rest of the week. Some of my best bottles are now in puddles on the floor, and that alone’ll take a month to get a new shipment in.”
Mor looked pissed and Rhys’ expression wasn’t far behind. To see his families favorite oasis in disarray and people of his court injured had redness creeping up his neck and threatening his face.
An officer strolled in and bowed to his high lord and lady before addressing Rita, “We’ve taken multiple statements and taped off the scene. There’s not much more we can do at the moment but we’ll be back to collect damage report.” Rita nodded understandingly but Mor wasn’t having it.
“Not much more to do?!” Her voice was loud as she screamed, “Look around! Look at this place! This… this is a crime!” She was irrational at the moment, she obviously didn’t expect the officers to clean up the scene but she wanted- needed- something to be done.
“Yes…” the cop blinked before straightening and clearing his throat, “it is. We are taking this very seriously. The suspects are already in custody so there isn’t really anything else we can do.” He seemed nervous as he remembered who he was talking to. His eyes darted between a flabbergasted Mor and his high lord, Rhys just nodded and that seemed to calm him down before he practically ran away.
“I am going to kill whoever did this,” Mor seethed, her hands shaking. Rita was her friend and this was her favorite spot in the city, she felt as though the crime was done specifically to her. “I mean- what? What are we going to do?”
Rita just shook her head but Rhys’ attention was redirected when Azriel materialized next to him.
“Bar fight, between two females. Subject A attacked subject B and B used her powers to fight off A. 3 bystanders were injured and by the looks of it,” Azriel keen eyes raked over the room before turning back to Rhys, “thousands in damage.”
Rhys let out a heavy sigh before placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “Let’s go. I want to deal with these females myself.” Azriel nodded at his brothers words and there movements were halted.
“Do you want me to come?” Feyre asked, stepping over broken chairs and around puddles to reach them.
Rhys’ eyes softened as he took in his worried mate, her wide eyes scanning the scene for the hundredth time. “No, stay here. Do what you can to help and try to comfort Mor… and Rita.” His eyes danced over to Morrigan who was walking around the hall waving her hands and still screaming, she looked more distressed than Rita did. Feyre nodded and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, offering Az a supportive smile before making her way to Mor. With that the men shared a determined look before exiting the hall and making their way to the station.
At this point I was hitting my head against the cold wall repeatedly, not hard enough to hurt myself but enough to drown out the nagging from the cell next to mine.
The crazed female, Gala, had woken up and immediately began screeching. She pulled and tugged on the cage door and verbally assaulted any officer who passed. Her attention eventually shifted and she was now honed in on me.
“You selfish bitch! You couldn’t just let me have one night. One peaceful night without your presence! You had to show up and ruin everything! And now, I’m locked in a cage like some wild animal because you can’t control yourself!”
I didn’t want to, but I snapped, “You are a wild animal! I’m the one who doesn’t deserve to be locked up! You might be too dense to remember but you attacked me, I didn’t even know you were there!”
Gala began screeching again claiming that I was put here to ruin her life and I can’t help but indulged in her childish behavior. Something about this female irked me to my core and soon I was partaking in the screaming match through the bars.
The officer was who was unlucky enough to have his desk placed closest to the holding cells stood up so quick his chair fell over. He whipped around and glared with bloodshot eyes, “Shut up! Both of you! Or I’m adding disorderly conduct to your already long lists.”
Gala scoffed at that and I mimicked the sound, “Once again,” I said exasperated, “she started it!” The officer didn’t say anything else but a pointed finger came through the bars. His finger shook with his barely contained rage before he looked to Gala who was mumbling about police incompetence and gave her a finger as well. He turned around and quietly picked up his chair before going back to the gargantuan stack of papers on his desk.
After sitting back down I hit my head against the wall one last time shaking my head. All of the other ways the night could’ve ended mocked me as I closed my eyes.
“Don’t look so forlorn, not when it’s your fault,” Gala was determined to keep the argument going as she harshly whispered into my cell. She had her face squished between bars as she glared at me and continued her verbal lashing.
I counted my deep breaths as I tried to control the urge to reach through the bars and wring her neck. Images of me slamming her face into the bars repeatedly was my only solace as I tuned out her low shrieking. Even when she whispers she’s still incredibly annoying.
The venom kept spewing from her mouth until the same officer that brought me in came and unlocked my cell, I shot up and prayed for freedom. He unlocked Gala’s cell too and had the mind to hold her arm, “There’s someone here to see you two,” his tone was borderline teasing and he led us away from all the desks. “He says he wants to handle this himself.”
I followed quietly behind as nerves overtook my body, was it the police chief? Was someone in Rita’s family a judge who wanted to dish out the worst punishment they could? Cold sweat threatened my brow as we made our way into a private office.
Gala was shoved into a leather chair and I stumbled into my own. The magical binds on my wrists made it hard to sit comfortably and I shifted around while the leather squeaked. The officer closed the door with a smile and at that Gala turned in her chair, glaring.
“Can you stop? Even your shifting is annoying me.”
“I’m annoying you?” I felt blood rush back to my face for the umpteenth time, “Well imagine how I felt when you grabbed my hair and started scratching my face!” Your voices were low but the venom was still there.
“Don’t act like you didn’t have it coming. You go out of your way to ruin my life any chance you get, showing up at Rita’s tonight… I know what you’re trying to do.”
My eyes widened and realization hit me, “Your crazy. You’re just fucking crazy.” That was the only answer. Gala was out of her fucking mind, that’s why even when I breathe she cries abuse.
The word crazy seemed to spark something and the screaming match started up again, this time in a lower tone. Something about the formidable air in the office kept us from getting too loud; but you can still scream a whisper.
I couldn’t even hear what she was saying over my own words but I knew it was bullshit so I continued to say all of the nasty things that popped into my head.
Our voices were haulted when a cool black mist came over the room, obstructing everything. I couldn’t see an inch in front of me as darkness encompassed the room and my entire body. It wasn’t mist, it was shadow, and it clung to me like a second skin. The anger was replaced by fear as I tried to determine what was happening, what had stolen my sight and dropped the rooms degree.
Eventually the shadow cleared and suddenly someone was on the other side of the desk, two someone’s.
The High Lord of the Night Court and his Spymaster. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt the power rolling off them in waves, pushing me further into the chair. They were the last people I expected to see, and the last people I wanted to deal with. There stoney expressions conveyed the anger that was rippling through them.
Rhysand sat poised in the large chair, narrowed eyes studying me and Gala while Azriel stood behind him, arms crossed over his chest with an emotionless face.
Normally I would drool at the sight. Two of the three most handsome men in Velaris, staring me down. Rhys’ perfectly carved face set to impose intimidation and Azriel… I’d seen the spymaster a few times in passing, but seeing him up close was a different story.
His high cheekbones that contoured into a perfect jaw, his Nubian nose that sat perfectly straight above plump lips, hazel eyes that shone through shadows, and a low taper fade that danced across his forehead lovingly. He was the embodiment of beauty, perfection in fae form, awe personified. I knew I should be scared, shaking where I sat, but something in the hazel warmed me, soothed me. I forced myself to look at Rhysand so I could have the right mind of being scared, and it worked.
He stared at us for a few minutes and the tension in the air grew, Gala was crazy but no crazy enough to lash out in front of her high lord, not yet at least. We both sat uncomfortably in the silence and now it was her leather chairs turn to squeak.
“So,” Rhys began, picking up the paper that was laid in front of him and looking it over, “Disturbing the peace, public intoxication, assault, aggravated assault, battery, criminal mischief, theft, resisting arrest, evading arrest, assault of an officer, intentional infliction of emotional distress, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, obstruction of justice, trespassing, vandalism, and last but not least hate crimes.” He laid down the paper and I couldn’t help but gape at the list he rattled off, there is no way I was being charged with all of that. Especially not the assaulting an officer or evading arrest, I know that was Gala but hate crimes? They can’t possibly believe I fought her because she is a lesser fae.
“This is quite the list you’ve racked up,” he spoke again his eyes zeroing in on me. I just looked down, ashamed. I wished my power was to reverse time. I would’ve never stepped foot into Rita’s if I knew it would land me here, a meeting with my high lord who seemed determined to dish out terrible punishment. “Do you have anything to say for yourselves.”
I just shook my head, finding my glittery heels very interesting.
“I do,” Gala spoke up, my head snapped to her and I saw a disgusting determination on her face. “I shouldn’t be here! I should be getting medical attention, therapy, a protection detail! I am clearly the victim here!”
I knew it didn’t help my case but I couldn’t help my eye roll. By the looks of it, I was the one in the wrong. I had a couple marks on my face that probably wouldn’t bruise as well as minor scratches around my eyes. Gala on the other hand, had bruises and cuts all over her exposed lilac skin. Her silver eyes were bloodshot and one was swollen with green and dark blue hues, a cut lip, and a nose that suffered a gnarly break.
This was bad.
“Alright…” Rhys started slowly before glancing at the paper once more, “Gala is it?” She nodded fervently, “Since you’re the only one with something to say… tell me what happened. And don’t lie to me.”
Gala took a shaky breath and I almost groaned at her theatrics, “I have been so stressed, you know, I work really hard, with children, not easy work. But I decided to go to Rita’s, grab a drink. I’m a grown woman, you know, I wanted to let off some steam. Then she,” she pointed a crooked finger in my direction as she had some how shimmed her bound hand in front of her. As I looked I wondered if it was always like that or if it was crooked because I broke it. “She followed me there. She’s obsessed with me, you know, always doing whatever she can to make my life hard. She’s my neighbor, you know. always pestering me and my pets and plants. She’s unrelenting.”
I made a noise somewhere between a scoff and a gasp, if anyone was unrelenting it was her. Rhys sent me a harsh glare and the shadowsinger stepped forward, a warning.
I slunk back into my chair and I’ve never seen Gala look so happy.
“Well she followed me to Rita’s, and I didn’t feel safe. I mean she’s always sneaking around doing things she’s not supposed to, you know. As a matter of fact she has- well had- a baby hippogriff. Poor thing didn’t survive, she probably killed it. But those creatures are illegal in this court, you know,” Rhys nodded and hummed along, I just threw my head back on the chair and stared at the ceiling. I’m going to rot in jail.
“Anyways so she was being unruly and loud and that dress, I swear this girl would do anything for some attention. Well I went over there to ask her to quiet down, I wasn’t the only one getting annoyed with her, you know. But when I touched her shoulder she turned around and started screaming, I put my hands up because I didn’t want her to hurt me or anything, you know. She just lost it, screaming, hitting, it was absolutely insane.
She picked up a chair and whacked me. She threw some glass at me and tackled me into the shards. She threw me through a wall! This woman is a danger to our city! A danger to the night court- hel- a danger to all of Prythian! This woman belongs in a cell with no way out!”
By the end of Gala’s tale I couldn’t help but stare, my mouth was practically on the floor. He explicitly told her not to lie and yet she had the gall to do it anyway. If I wasn’t facing persecution from the most powerful man alive I would’ve gave her another black eye.
Rhys hummed, processing the story, his violet eyes turned to me. They were swimming with contempt and I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me. I forced tears to the back of my eyes knowing tears would only egg Gala on. “Still having nothing to say?” His voice was deathly calm.
“Yes- no!” I cursed the nerves that had my brain scrambled, I needed to calm down before I made things worse for myself. I took a deep breath before looking up again, my eyes caught Azriel and for a brief second something flashed across his face. His eyes got a far off look that matched the high lords. The conversation that happened between them was brief and when the high lord zeroed in on me I felt like the decision was made before I could even speak. I was guilty.
“I did hurt her- bad. But, I didn’t start it. I swear I was at Rita’s first, I didn’t even know she was there. I was drinking with my friends and this guy was looking at me, and I was looking at him, and then well we were looking at each other so I didn’t even notice when she came up to me, not until she tapped me on the shoulder. She was yelling about my dress, calling me horrible names. At that point the dude had walked away so I was already pissed when I told her ‘I’m not doin this with you tonight’ and when I turned around she grabbed my hair. Yanked me down to her level and bop bop!” I jerked my shoulder to try and insinuate a punch, “she was doing my head in and so I grabbed her wrist and tried to remove her from my hair and when I turned she started scratching at my eyes-“
“Liar!” Gala stood up and screamed at me.
“No! It’s true and you fucking know it,” I hissed at her. She opened her mouth to yell again but words didn’t come out when Rhys let out a low growl, accompanied by an unmistakable look. She was receiving the same the same warning I got earlier.
Rhys nodded at me and I continued, “she scratched my eyes and I shoved her off of me, that was when she fell into the table. My powers are… interesting so the table broke when I pushed her into it. She got up pretty quick after that, she grabbed a chair and started running towards me with it so I grabbed it before it hit me and I hit her with it. Mind you I had a couple shots in me so I was ready, I turned the chair on her and broke it over her. I thought that would be enough but she grabbed a glass from the table and threw it at me. I know those glasses hit some other people but I think when she missed me it upset her because she was screamed and ran at me-
“You threw the glass at me! I was screaming running away!”
It was my turn to growl at Gala, she only sneered before shutting up again. “She ran at me and I dodged her and she ran into another table, that’s how the second table broke. So I grabbed a bottle off the bar and when she came at me again I broke it, on her face. I really thought she would stop after that but she grabbed a tray off the bar that was full of glasses and threw that at me, some of it hit me and so I threw another chair at her. She was under the chair and tackled me to the floor, scratching at my face again. I hit her and it knocked her off of me, she grabbed the broken bottle and she looked like she would kill me so… well I picked her up and threw her. That’s what put the whole in the wall, and really, that’s when I thought she was done for real.
So I turn around and go to grab my things because I’m trying to leave but she grabbes one of those big bottles from behind the bar and threw it.”
“Bitch!” Gala was up again this time moving for my face, “You stupid whore! You know-“ her voice was cut off when the ground beneath her feet began to shake, the whole office was shaking.
Rhysand braced his hands on the desk and glared at Gala, “We heard your story, now I want to hear hers. If you interrupted a fourth time… you will regret it.” Galas eyes were wide and she was smart enough to look afraid. She just nodded dumbly before sitting down, her silver eyes darting between the angry high lord and the unyielding spymaster. I waited for Rhys to nod again before continuing.
“It hit my head and at that point, it wasn’t about defending myself, I just wanted to to beat her ass. So yes I did run at her and slammed her into a table, kinda roughly so that’s how the third table and those chairs broke. Anyway so yea, I get to her and that’s when I just started hitting her, some guy tried to pull me off but I think I hit him. I really do feel bad about that, I’ll pay for whatever medical treatment he receives. Anyways that’s when the cops dragged me off of her, three of them I think, they detained me and when they went to try and detain her she freaked. Started fighting the officers, she threw another bottle at the short one and they dragged both of us out. She fought them the whole time, kicking and screaming at the cops.”
When I finished the high lord just stared face still blank, I felt like I needed to explain more, pleade my case further. But he spoke before I could, “So you guys are neighbors?”
“Yes!” Me and Gala both said at the same time, the dirty look we gave each other also happened at the same time.
“Yes,” I repeated, “She has hated me ever since I moved in. Actually I’m pretty sure she’s the one who killed my hippogriff.”
Gala snorted, “I wouldn’t go near that thing with a ten foot pole! They’re dangerous creatures and they’re illegal here you know!”
“Yes, I know,” I mocked her and the fire that was in her eyes in, Rita’s returned.
Gala jumped up to scream, “You insolent bitch! You think you’re above everyone but you ruin lives for fun!”
“How did I ruin your life?!” I was standing now too, “I never did anything to you!”
“Lies!” She screeched, “you know exactly what you did! Sneaking around my garden when I’m not home!”
I, once again, gaped at her. “Seriously? That’s what this is about!? Because I watered you plants when you were out of town?!”
“Trespassing!” If my hands were able to I would’ve covered my ears, her tone was dangerously high. “You trespassed on my property! Not to mention you tried to steal my cat, probably to feed it to you hippogriff!”
“What?!” The whole situation was utterly insane to me, “I was trying to be a good neighbor! And your cat followed me home. Probably to get away from you.”
Gala was seething, “You don’t talk about my cat! You stole him after you broke in! Broke into my garden and ruined my work!”
A dark chuckle fell from my lips, “I ruined your work by keeping your plants alive? You’re fucking crazy,” I turned to the high lord to try and find some support, “You hear this? She’s fucking crazy!”
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Gala screamed as she shook from rage.
“Come on bitch. I’ll beat your ass- again!” She ran at me only to hit an invisible wall and falling onto her behind with no way to brace herself.
“Enough!” Rhys voice was commanding now and the primal part of me coward at the sound. He was visibly angry. “This all started over a garden?” His voice held an incredulous tone and I couldn’t blame him, the story was ridiculous.
“It started before the garden, she’s had something against me since ever I moved in.” My voice was calm as I spoke, I didn’t want to anger him more.
Gala on the other hand didn’t seem to care much, she rose from the floor before continuing her rampage, “She moved into my quiet neighborhood, and my life has been hel ever since! Always singing loudly in the morning. Having friends over at night. Prancing around in skimpy dresses. Growing plants that I haven’t been able to grow just to rub it in my face! You should see it, she’s always flicking her perfect hair and smiling at everyone who looks at her. I can’t stand it! All the males coming to her doorstep trying to be with her, females flocking to gain a friendship with her. In all my years no one has ever tried to befriend me! I hate how everyone loves her! I hate it! And I hate her!”
I just blinked at Galas out burst and suddenly everything clicked. She was jealous of me. I stepped back and slumped into the chair at my knees. I just shook my head, all of this over some petty insecurities.
“Nell!” Rhys called and the officer that escorted us poked his head in, “Can you escort Y/n here back to her holding cell? I’d like to speak with Gala in private.” Nell just nodded, he moved towards me but I stood up and met him half way. All the anger was lost to me as I followed him all the way to the back of the station.
I sat down in my cell and my eyes were trained on the floor, the tears I was holding back finally found there way out. Nell locked the door and when I didn’t hear him walk away I looked up. “I heard everything, and off the record,” he leaned in, “I think she’s crazy too.”
I offered him a sad smile before looking back down. She was crazy but she was hurting, I knew her jealousy wasn’t my fault but I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I was trying to be helpful, living my life as happily as possible but for some twisted reason I was hurting her. Tears continued to fall until a small whisper of a shadow nuzzled my face and wiped them away.
The entire scene that played out in front of the brothers was no less than absurd. Almost comical, Rhys might have laughed if he wasn’t playing the role of the dutiful high lord. But the most interesting part was what Azriel had whispered in his mind. The girl, the main perpetrator, was his mate.
The second your voice hit his ears, Azriel almost fell to his knees. Your voice was melodic, soft and sweet, reminiscent of a summer breeze. The only thing he could do was petrify himself, to keep from falling in front of you, kissing your minor injuries, and tearing the throat out of the female who spoke ill of you.
He saw the tears threatening your eyes as you stood up to move out of the room. Every part of his body screamed at him to comfort you, hold you, inform you that you aren’t responsible for another fae’s bitterness.
When you left Rhys interrogated Gala further, listening to her wild tales of all the times you did something terrible. It truly sounded like you were just living your life and for some reason she hated that. She called you names, names that threatened Azriels resolution. He wanted to rip the spiteful bitch to shreds and finish what you started. He couldn’t lie, he felt some sick pride while listening to your side of the story. He knew if he was there things would’ve ended much worse for her.
Rhysand listened diligently, nodding and humming as Gala went on. Azriel slightly resented his brother for not striking her down where she sat. Rhys eventually cleared his throat, indicating that he was ready to speak. “So Gala, do you remember the first thing I said to you?” She nodded dutifully, “When I told you not to lie to me?” She nodded again, more unsure this time. Rhys just gave her a saccharine grin, “You wouldn’t mind if I checked, would you?”
“I- well-“ she shifted under the intensity of the stares, “It’s just my thoughts are my own, you know… I would like to keep it that way.” Her confidence wavered and suddenly she was unable to make eye contact.
Rhys chuckled lowly, “Look Gala, I just want to help. That- that wretch has made you suffer enough. Let me in; and I’ll take care of all of it.”
A deep growl came from Azriel his tight grip on his shadows loosened, causing them to swirl around him menacingly. Rhys knew the reaction was for him, he would react the same to hear his brother speak such words about Feyre. Galas eyes widened, taking the scene as a threat to her. She nodded lamely and with permission Rhys slipped into her mind.
Azriel tried to reign in his shadows, struggling against their will, it wasn’t until they relayed your voice he relaxed. They carried soft whispers to his ear and a deep breath pushed from his mouth at the sound.
I sat in the cell watching the lone shadow dance around for me, it seemed it was attempting to cheer me up. I chuckled lightly at its antics. An officer walked past the cell and it darted into my hair, hiding. This naughty shadow wasn’t meant to be here, I wonder if my power is what called it or if it came on its own free will. I decided to channel my power, hone it in on the male who the shadow belonged to. After a few seconds of concentration, I was connected.
“Hi,” I whispered and it circled my head, running across my face before landing on my knee.
Hello, hello, it whispered back. Beautiful, so so beautiful.
I laughed airily, “Thank you, so are you.” The shadow whirled around at the compliment, happy to hear praises. “Listen, I’m innocent. You have to believe me, I didn’t start this. I didn’t do anything to her.”
Innocent, innocent, it chanted and I let out a breath. The shadow believed me, I wondered if it was a reflection of its master or if it had its own will.
“Can you tell your master?” I questioned, leaning down, “Can you convince him?”
He’s here, it whispered back and I snapped my neck up to find none other than Azriel. He was leaning against the bars giving me a devilish smirk. He looked beautiful, his tan arms crossed showing off rippling muscles as his eyes glanced over me lazily. I pushed my thighs together, feeling hot under his gaze.
He wants you too, the naughty little shadow whispered, causing a blush to creep up my cheeks as I looked away.
He chuckled lowly as he turned to face me completely, his forearm met the bar above his head as he leaned in. The ravishing sight had me licking my lips, something his smirk told me he caught.
“Cool power,” he mused, his eyes shone with mischief as he held my gaze.
Busted, the shadow whispered and I rolled my eyes at it.
“Very cool, and very useful.” My voice was confident despite the shaking under my skin.
He huffed a laugh before leaning back and crossing his arm over his chest once more. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He does, the shadow outed him and it was my turn to laugh.
“I’m guessing that’s where you got the strength from, you channeled someone else’s power to throw that poor female into a wall.”
“Oh please,” it was my turn to lean back. I crossed my legs slowly and I bit my lip as his eyes tracked the movement. “That bitch had it coming.”
“Ooo,” he purred and the warmth between my legs spread to the rest of my body, “Naughty little girl, don’t you know? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” His head cocked to the side and I mimicked his movement, a smirk of my own forming. “Bad girls need punished.”
I slowly uncrossed my legs and pushed myself up, moving towards him. I was hot, burning under his gaze. Everything tingled as gave into some intrinsic need that command I be closer to him. I pushed my chest against the bars and my low cut dress showed off my cleavage. His eyes lowered to exactly where I knew they would. The shadow danced excitedly through my hair as if it too loved our proximity.
“And will you be personally handing out my punishment?” I made my voice sickly sweet, conveying an inappropriate innocence. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and batted them sweetly.
A low rumble left his chest and I hummed at the sound. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Leaning in he whispered, “I don’t think anyone else would do it properly.” His eyes raked the entirety of my body and I thanked the mother for putting on my most flattering dress. The double entendre coupled with his hazy eyes had me ready to tear apart the steel and pounce.
His scared had gripped the bar so tight his knuckles turned white. Looks like I’m not the only one ready to tear through steal.
Suddenly he leaned back and crossed his arms again, smirk still evident. A second later Rhysand and officer Nell were at the cell door, and Rhys was looking at me with a pleased look that only garnered confusion.
“Where’s Gala?” I looked around but she wasn’t in the station and I didn’t see her exit the office.
“Gala’s not going to be a problem for you anymore,” the simplicity in his words was slightly troubling. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to Gala, not anymore at least. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Rhys noted my concern, “Nothing bad. But I looked through some of her memories and- what she felt for you, it was completely irrational. She needs help so we’re going to get her some. Very far away.”
I let out a breath which was followed by an airy chuckle. I leaned my head against the bar and my chuckle turned into a full belly laugh. “Thank gods, she was fucking crazy.”
Rhys smiled as he waved his hand and my magical bonds fell. My hands wrapped around my own wrists soothingly and I stepped out of the now open door. “There’s still the issue of all the damage Rita’s suffered,” Rhys cocked his brow, interested in what I might say to that.
“Whatever it is, I’ll pay it,” I made hands that conveyed that of a promise.
“The damage reports come to around 4,090 gold marks,” officer Nell responded, his coy smile ever prevalent. I made an O shape with my mouth and rocked on my heels back and forth. That’s about 6 paychecks, without factoring the need to pay rent or buy food.
“I’ll pay it,” Azriel said simply. I whipped my head around to look at him, on the cusp of disagreeing. “Well you’ll pay it, it’ll come out of your check; when you come work for us.”
My shock was evident on my face and my mouth opened and closed lamely before I mustered up a “What?”
“Your powers,” he clicked his tongue as he stepped next to me, close enough for our arms to brush. “They could come in handy, far more handy for us than they do at some desk job.”
I shook my head as I processed everything. How did Azriel know where I worked? I suppose that’s dumb, he’s a spymaster and I told the police earlier. But was he really able to offer me a job, on Rhysands court?
I looked to my high lord for confirmation and he just smiled, “Way more handy than having you behind a desk,” he shoved his hands in his pocket with a shrug, “plus we already know you can fight.”
I laughed at that and my hand met my head as I mulled it over, I would be stupid not to accept. I knew my powers were unique and I always wanted to do more, I just never knew where to start. “Sure, I never liked my job anyway.” I tried to play it off cool but my soul was bouncing on the inside. The sneaky shadow seemed happy too as it whirled around my head and down through my fingers.
“Sounds good,” Rhys clapped and turned to walk with Nell, “Oh,” he looked over his shoulder, “Be sure to apologize to Rita.”
I brought my hand to my forehead offering a salute, “Yes sir!” He smiled before placing a gentle hand on Nell’s shoulder and walking away.
A giggle stole from my mouth as I clapped my hands over my heart and turned to Azriel, he had a pleased look on his face. I decided in that moment I would do anything to keep it there. “Well, that all worked out nicely.”
“Lucky you,” he purred, before tilting his head down and whispering, “Not lucky enough to escape your punishment though.”
The darkness returned to his eyes and my whole body lurched, begging to be punished right here, in front of the whole station.
I hummed as I wrapped my hands around his strong forearm, pushing onto my tiptoes and leaning into his ear. “Don’t hold out on me shadowsinger.” I giggled as I pulled back and bounced towards the door. On my way out I felt some more shadows, sneaking up and brushing against my thighs before coming up to whisper to me.
Bad, bad girl, they said. I just smirked as I pushed out of the door into daybreak. Who knew getting arrested could be so exciting.
A/N: I didn’t plan on writing this but I got the idea and since it’s my day off I went for it :p
If you guys like it I would be sooo down to do a part 2??? Maybe I’ll be brave enough to make a smutty 2 :D
Anywhooo my requests are always open so don’t be shy ;)
As always, if you made it this far… I LOVE YOU<3<3
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sturniozo · 8 months
Can you make a fic of Nate and y/n having an argument because he thought she was flirting with their rivals captain and she says I bet he fucks better and before he can show her who does they are interrupted but the door opening and they have to wait on a long car ride home until they get dropped off at his house and he shows her who fucks better (idk if this made any sense kinda rushed.) 🙏
Nathan Doe x Reader
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The crowd cheers from the bleachers as the home team scores another point. People standing and jumping as the shout and cheer. I bite my lip and smile, staring at my boyfriend as he skates on the ice.
I see him smile back at me through his helmet, waving his hand at me. I wave back before quickly putting my hand back down.
Once the game is over, I head through the crowd of people to find Nate. I stop at the door to the locker room, waiting for him to exit. A few of his teammates leave first, smiling at me as they walk past. It’s a usual routine, me waiting for him after every game.
As I wait someone unfamiliar walks past, going the opposite direction as everyone else. He turns around and looks back at me. He smiles and points at me. “I saw you, in the bleachers. Front row.” He says.
“Yeah, I was watching my boyfriend.” I tell him.
“Is your boyfriend on my team or the home team?” He asks.
“Home team.”
“Is he captain, I’m caption. My names Jake, yours?” Jake puts his hand on the wall by my head.
Before I can speak, we’re interrupted. “Her name is Y/n.” Nate says. He walks over to me and takes my hand. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Jake steps back and smiles. “Ah, okay then. I guess I’ll go.”
“Sounds good to me.” Nate says and Jake leaves. Nate turns to me, glaring. “I’m gone for five minutes and you cling to someone else?”
My jaw drops. “I was not clinging to him!”
“You could have fooled me, you were all over him.”
“I was not!”
“He was all over you.”
“That’s not the same thing!”
“You didn’t push him away.”
“So it’s my fault? He was just being nice.”
“He was flirting with you!”
“Nate, I’d rather not do this here.” I say as I start to walk away.
Nate grips my hand tightly, keeping me from walking away from him. “Would you rather be with him? What, does he fuck better than me?”
“I bet he does.” I laugh.
Without a second thought Nate pushes me through the door of the empty locker room, pressing me against the wall. His hands grip my hips tightly as his lips slam against mine. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, and my hands tangle themselves in his hair.
Nate’s tongue slips into my mouth as his hands travel under my shirt. His hands cup my breasts and squeeze lightly as his hips grind into me. I let out a soft moan into his mouth and Nate takes that as the go ahead. He begins to slip my shirt up.
The door opens and one of Nate’s teammates barges in. His face immediately goes red. “I- I think I left my phone in here…” he says.
Nate sets me down steps away from me. “We were just leaving.” He says. He takes my hand and we leave the locker room.
Nates quiet as we walk to his car. He opens the passenger door for me. Even when he’s pissed he’s still a gentleman. He closes the door once I’m in and gets into the drivers side.
The ride back to his house was agonizing. Part of me believes he’s doing it on purpose. Hitting every red light and waiting longer at each stop sign.
I clench my legs together, trying to stop the heat rising in me. I stare at Nate as he clenches his jaw, his knuckles white from how tightly he’s gripping the steering wheel.
After what felt like hours, we finally pull into his driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt quickly and get out of his car. Nate grabs my hand and pulls me into his house. He rushes up the stairs and yanks me to the bed, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
I sit up on the bed as Nate quickly slams his lips to mine. I pulls him as close as he can possibly be to me. I keep my hands on his shoulders as he crawls over me. He sits up over me. “I’m gonna show you who fucks better.” He says as he takes off his shirt and throws it across the room.
“Nate-“ I start to say but his lips clash against mine once again. My hands travel over his firm biceps and trail over his shoulder blades. His hands rush under my shirt and squeeze my boobs.
I tug on his sweats, begging him to take them off. I whine and paw at his bulge. “You’re so needy. I haven’t even touched you yet.” Nate whispers in my ear before kissing my neck.
“Nate, please.” I beg.
“Use your words baby.” He whispers between kisses.
“Nate, fuck me, please!” I beg.
Nate smirks and lifts my shirt over my head, discarding it on the floor. His lips latch against my skin as his hands fiddle with my jeans. He lays kisses over chest and down my stomach before reaching my jeans. He undoes the button and in zips them. I lift my hips up and let Nate slide my pants down.
He kisses my core from over my panties, trailing his finger up and down. “Nate!” I whine. “Please, just do something!”
Nate places one last kiss on my core before lifting his head up. “Be patient.” He tells me. I let out a soft whine and Nate shuts me up my pressing his lips to mine again.
I grind my hips against his for some friction. His bulge presses against my core and I let out another moan into his lips. He pulls away and pulls down his sweats. His bulge is even more prominent in his boxers.
I reach out to touch him but he pins my wrists above my head. “Not yet, baby.” He says.
I whine again and Nate smirks. He lets go of my wrists and trails kisses back down to my panties. He slides them to the side and presses a kiss to my clit. I gasp and my hands cling to his hair. Nate smiles and licks a stride up my core. He pads his tongue up and down my slit over and over before moving up and sucking on my clit.
Nate’s head dips up and lets go of my panties. He hooks his fingers through the sides of my panties and pulls them down. He throws them across the room before dipping down once again to lick another stride down my slit.
His tongue licks up and down my folds, stopping at my hole to push his tongue deep inside me, causing me to let out a loud moan and tug in his hair.
Nate chuckles, the air tickling my core causing me to shiver. His lips move to my click to suck on it once again while he slips two fingers inside of me. He pumps and curls the two fingers while his tongue flicks and swirls and sucks on my clit.
I moan loudly and pull on his hair, causing him to laugh against me again. He pulls his fingers out and pulls his head up just as I was about to release.
“Nate-“ I whine out. Nate presses his lips against mine before I can say anymore.
He pulls away. “Who’s fucking you better?“ he asks.
“You are.” I reply.
Nate smiles and pulls down his boxers. His cock springs free and slaps against his stomach. He pumps it a few times with his hand before leaning down, his chest almost pressed against mine, his head in the crook of my neck as he slips into me.
I moan out loudly from the sheer size of him inside of me. Nate groans in my ear and lifts up, a hand on either side of my head as he looks into my eyes. He drags his hips away from me, pulling out to the tip before slamming into me harshly.
I wrap my leg around his waist, and he uses one hand to steady my leg while to other stays on the side of my head. His hips continue to slowly pull away before slamming into me harshly.
Nate picks up his pace, pulling out of me and slamming back into me in a quick pace. I moan loudly as I grip onto his arm, leaving marks with my nails.
“Who. Fucks. You. Better?” Nate asks, each word between another thrust into me.
“You, god, you Nate!” I scream out.
Nate smirks and lets go of my leg, moving to sit up on his knees, pulling me by my hips and lifting my hips to his. He slips back into me and begins immediately slamming in and out of me at a harsh pace.
“Nate, oh god!” I moan out.
“Just a little longer baby, you can last, can’t you?” Nate teases as he fucks into me.
His hand reaches down to my clit to rubs circles around it. I moan louder as he pumps in and out of me and rubs my clit.
“God, baby I’m so close.” Nate moans.
“Nate, Nate, I’m gonna-“
“Fuck, cum all over me baby.” He says. I oblige without a second thought, cumming all over him as he moans out.
He pumps in and out of me, chasing my high, before pulling out and pumping himself with his hand a few times, cumming on my stomach.
I pant as Nate lays down next to me. He pulls me close to him and kisses the top of my head. “Let me get something to clean you up, baby.” He says and gets up off the bed. He walks to his bathroom and comes back out with a wet, warm wrap. He wipes the cum off my stomach and the wetness between my legs before wiping himself down.
He puts the was in the laundry hamper before laying back down with me on the bed. He pulls me close to his chest and gives me a kiss on the head.
“I wasn’t flirting with him, I swear.” I say after I catch my breath.
“I know.” Nate reply’s
I lift my head up. “Then why were you so mad?”
“He’s the captain of the other team, and he was definitely flirting with you.” Nate kisses me again. “I didn’t want him to take you from me.”
“No one can do that, I love you Nate.”
Nate smiles. He kisses the tip of my nose. “I love you too.”
TAGS: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora
654 notes · View notes
princeoftheeternalbog · 5 months
Helloooo, I’m not sure if you still do requests on One Piece characters or anything- but if you do I have a scenario in mind. I was wondering if you could do one specifically with Traflagar Law who has a S/O which gets injured and refuses his help. The S/O has a problem with accepting help and has trouble being vulnerable in front of others- only seeing it as weakness. This could also work for the other more colder One Piece characters…cause idk they just have a special place in my heart. (Though if you can’t that’s okay, but I thought I’d ask)
ALSO I read lots of your posts and absolutely love your scenarios and head-cannons, you literally portray all the characters so well and it’s amazing.
This is the cutest ask and thank you omg😭
I hope this is good🫶
And little trigger warning for descriptions of injury and blood at the beginning, I'll put a line so you know where to skip to if you don't want to read that bit.
I totally accidentally posted this so now I'm writing as it's up, forgive me😞 OKAY IT'S IN A FINISHED STATE I MAY ADD MORE AFTER I FORCE MY FRIEND TO READ OVER IT🕺🏻🕺🏻
I don't know if I'm happy with the length either i kinda feel it should be longer.
The soft, shlick of a blade through flesh rings in your ears. The adrenaline rushing through your body swallows any pain in an instant, but you can feel the pressure as it drags into your side and you wince anyway.
But you can't stop.
If you stop he's going to get past, he's going to hurt the people you call a family and so you can't stop.
His frame is hulking, freakishly tall and looming over you. The level of brute force he's exerting has your heart stuttering in fear, the staccato rhythm making you feel light headed. Though that could be the blood that's dripping from your side.
You hit his sternum, hard, and feel a crack. He stumbles, dazed, your fist comes up to head height and your aim is killer as it slams into the side of the man's head.
He's out cold.
The sigh of relief that exits your body almost overshadows the sudden pain resonating throughout your torso. Without an oncoming threat, you're able to take the time to lift your shirt and look at the damage. It's mostly mottled bruising but just under your lowest left rib is a long but shallow cut. Not life threatening in any way but still inconvenient.
It hurts to breathe and you're not sure if your rib bones are fully intact either, not with the way he was hitting.
The adrenaline is fading quickly, you needed to get him inside.
He'd crumpled into a very ungraceful pile when you knocked him out and it's difficult to tie him securely. But you do. And then you take a deep breath and haul him up over your shoulders in a botched fireman's lift.
Your captain would want to find out who decided it would be a good idea to send someone after the heart pirates.
Your captain would...
The last thing you think about before you hit the deck face first is him.
He's silent as he works.
It's almost unnerving actually, how quiet he can be when he wants to.
The look he shoots you is so intense that you physically shrink back, mouth closing as you drop your gaze to the floor.
He lets out a heavy sigh as he finishes disinfecting the last of his tools before he turns to you.
"What is wrong with you."
He's angry, you can feel it radiating off him, it digs into the soft underbelly of your emotions and you bristle at his words.
"I was just doing my job" Your tone is sharp but he doesn't flinch.
"Your job does not involved getting killed you idiot."
"Well I didn't get killed so it's not that big of a deal"
He looks like he's about to blow a gasket, the vein in his forehead pulsing with the renewed blood flow.
"Not a big deal? Not a big deal?"
You have the distinct feeling that you might've fucked up a little. That still doesn't stop you from digging a deeper hole to be buried in.
"I'm fine just let me deal with my own problems"
His eye actually twitches but you keep talking.
"It's barely a scratch, I don't need help- especially not yours."
The thunderous anger on his face is now accompanied by hurt, but his voice is soft when he says,
"Let me help you"
"I just said I don't need help"
"I don't think that you know what you need"
That stings. To know he doesn't trust your judgement after everything you've been through. There's a pressure at the back of your throat now and it's so uncomfortable, you need to leave.
But as you go to move, Law is much quicker as he grabs you by your upper arm, pulling you into his space.
"Where are you going"
You don't look at him.
He sighs before his other arm comes around your waist and he lifts, walking across the room to set you down onto a table.
"Why don't you understand that I care about you"
The emotion in his voice unsettles you, makes your chest feel tight and you really don't want to deal with this.
He's gentle as he gets to work on your injuries, easily cleaning and stitching up your side before moving to bind your ribs.
"I need you to remove your shirt"
Your hands are shaking, he hasn't really seen the full extent and you're sure he's not going to respond well. It's hard to get the buttons of your shirt undone so when a second pair of hands come up, you don't push them away. But him being closer means you hear the exact moment he realises how bad it is, his inhale is sharp and he says something in a language you don't know.
"Why didn't you call for backup?"
You take a while to respond, trying to squash down any emotion in your voice,
"I didn't need it"
"Did you want it?"
The question makes you squirm with discomfort, your eyes water.
"It doesn't matter because I didn't need it"
He sighs again. That's all you seem to be making him do today.
And then his arms are coming up around you, pulling you closer to the edge of the table and closer to him. One of his hands rests on your back and the other pushes your head into the crook of his shoulder, allowing you a semblance of privacy in such an intimate moment.
"You need to understand that not letting us help you is counterintuitive to being part of a crew"
The statement makes you flinch and you try to push away from him but that fight took a lot of your strength. His grip tightens anyways.
"Do you think I find it easy to be vulnerable?"
"Do you think I would want you to die?"
You don't respond this time, chest heaving as you tremble.
"It's not easy to see you like this. You are not a human shield."
"I know" Your voice is quiet and thick with tears but he seems to relax slightly at your agreement.
The hand on your back is moving in gentle shapes, but his grip is still firm, as if he's trying to affirm that you're here and alive.
"I can't have a crew member that doesn't trust anyone"
You tense.
"I can't have a partner that won't be vulnerable with me"
Guilt and dread roll through your stomach. Surely he doesn't mean-
"I can't trust that you won't die because you feel can't rely on others so you're benched until we work through it"
Oh. You actually feel a bit relieved, you thought he was going in a much different direction. You lean back out of his hold so you can look at his face through wet eyes.
His expression is soft but he looks tired and the guilt rears it's head again.
"I'm sorry"
Somehow his expression gets even softer,
"I know"
He kisses you then. It's grounding, brings you back to a semblance of calm and you almost wonder why you were so apprehensive in the first place. He's gentle and warm and you feel slightly self conscious that your lips might be puffy from crying but you don't pull away.
It's reverent, like he worships you.
You think you could learn to let him take care of you.
You think you would let him do anything.
If it feels like this.
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live-laugh-legolas · 12 days
The fellowships fears
I’m not including fears they may have developed during the events of lotr. These are meant to be a bit less traumatic lol
-Ok this isn’t a fear per say but I want to include it
-He gets motionsick
-Not from horseback riding because he is so used to it
-But never put him on a minecart
-Idk if it feels too ooc but I could see him being bothered by bees
-Not that he doesn’t like them or is scared of them in general; but he doesn’t want them flying near him
-He does the duck and slide move if one flies by his ear
-It’s sort of an instinctual thing; like in his brain he isn’t bothered by them but his body reacts anyway
-He also has a slight fear of little kids
-Not of the kids themselves necessarily; but of the things they do
-Like don’t show him a loose tooth that you spin around
-He gets claustrophobic
-He grew up running around tree tops and shit
-So being in a small dark place feels unnatural for him
-Also he is terrified to eat anything that is still moving
-Like he won’t kill a bug with his teeth (Aragorn just munches on bugs) and gods help him is he ever sees the tentacles that are still moving or will like suction to your throat?
-I just sort of imagine a lot of dwarves having this fear
-And I should specify the heights really only applies to climbing up things
-Like walking across bridges in Moria wasn’t a problem
-But climbing a tree is
-If he was already above something it’s fine (like a ravine)
-Idk if this makes any sense
-Not contained ones like torches or campfires
-But he is very cautious about making sure they stay contained
-Like he is a little paranoid about the dead fire; like what if the ashes are hot and start up a fresh fire?
-It’s a reasonable thing to worry about but not to the extent he does
-If he was in modern times he would not like leaving things like toasters plugged in when not in use
-I have this and I just could see him having this problem too
-I’m totally not projecting here…
-But mice
-Not like the animal in general; seeing them outside or as pets is fine
-But when one is in the house; absolutely fucking not
-I unfortunately discovered this fear recently and I’d like the think maybe Frodo would share my mortification
-I’m pretty sure he is also canonically scared of dogs
-He wants to like them but he’s just too traumatized from Farmer Maggot
-Not all birds; just chickens and roosters
-I imagine he once was collecting eggs and got attacked by the mom or a mean rooster
-He will never reach under a chicken again
-“nice chicken” while he sees a friendly chicken minding its own business that just wants to look for bugs in his garden
-Things in skin
-Like needles and splinters
-I absolutely have this
-A splinter will make me faint
-This one is kinda a joke though because of Dom with the splinter incident
-Maybe not a fear per say but he gets really nervous when he doesn’t know where the people he cares about are
-Like he has to know what you are doing and where you are going
-He claims it’s just so he knows where to find your body should you not come back
-This hobbit is a bit squeamish
-Faints at the sight of blood
-Especially his own
-But not in a serious situation; then he is fine; he can keep a level head then
-It’s like paper cuts and stuff that are the problem
-He could look at open heart surgery and be totally fine
-But one little nick with a knife and he’s on the ground
-Ok not really; but also he wouldn’t say he’s NOT afraid of her
-I honestly can’t think of anything for him; but lmk if you have any ideas
-I just think he’s too high and old to give any fucks
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kayslibrary · 2 months
Simon Riley's hair obsession (Simon X black reader)
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Hi guys! This break was completely unprecedented (it will probably happen again). I just checked my last post date and it was JANUARY 21ST????? I did NOT mean to step away for that long lmaoo But im back! I wanted to dabble in the Cod fandom but I’m a little intimidated idk. There are a lot of different archetypes of the characters, and im a little nervous I won’t do the characters justice or portray them correctly so please give me feedback and or/ KIND critiques if you please! 
Im gonna start my Task Force 141 saga off with Simon (whose surprised lol) and this is gonna be paired with a black afab reader so ENJOY PPL
Warnings~fluff,, Simon being a lovestruck fool
Simon likes your hair. No, Simon  LOVES your hair. That was one of the first things he noticed when you two first met. When you two were in the earlier stages of dating, he would just stare at your curls. “Beautiful, full curls,” he thought to himself as you would go on about your conversations. Now that you both were living under the same roof, He knows what goes into keeping your hair from frizz and tangles and how much it takes to maintain it. 
“Baby, can you pass me the edge control?” you requested from your shared bedroom, “what control?” He inquired, puzzled “The edge….the blue jar with the black lid on it” “The lid that's hard to open,” he asked as he walked in with 5 bottles and jars cradled in his arms. “Yess that one” you giggled,  pacing over to him to grab the one you were looking for. “This one” you smiled as you nab it from Simon. 
Other times Simon would sit on the bed and gaze at you in awe (homeboy is WHIPPEDD) “Yes Simon?” you groaned at the pain in your arms “Nothing baby doll, continue on” he smiled “Right…FUCK!” the rubberband that you’ve been finagling with popped “baby what's wrong?” he practically teleports to your side. “The stupid rubber band popped ugh” you fume with frustration. “It’s okay honey..here let me help” Simon offers as he puts your hair into a ponytail. “Is this good?” “This is more than good..thank you baby” you sigh with relief. 
To add to that thought, Simon is a big helper!!! Wash days once took 4 hours but now it took 2 hours thanks to the extra help. Like imagine you both in the shower getting clean and you both take turns washing each other's hair??  SO CUTE “Baby you know I can do this myself” Your eyes roll to the back of your skull with please as Simon scratches at the right places “I know but I want to help you. I enjoy it as much as you do” he snorts as the water cascades from the showerhead onto you both. 
OH YEA, you definitely caught him watching those ‘how to care for kinky hair’ videos sometimes, you find it admirable that he would take the time to educate himself apart from what you tell him. “Wanna help out more” he kisses you with devotion because let's be real HE WHORESHIPS THE GROUND YOU WALK ONNNN. 
Before you, he didn’t know the first thing about protective styles, different hair products for your hair, how to wrap it at night but now that hes with you, he understands and for you guys anniversary he surprised you with a heap of gifts BUT ALSO surprised you by braiding your hair for you. Who needs a hair salon when you have one built into your partner (huge money saver LMAOO) 
In conclusion, I think Simon Riley would be OBSESSED with your hair whether it be in braids, out and about, or straight. “You look good in everything, hell you could be bald. I’d still love you the same” he’d grin.
Author note- i love this? Hello? 10/10 crumbs and the table are GONE. i love simon but i am a rudy girl what can i say IMMA WRITE FOR HIM NEXT WATCHHHH but yea its good for me to get back into my groove. Glad to be back pookies be safe wherever you are!! Bye now!!
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bellewintersroe · 10 months
Max Verstappen x HornerDaughter! Smut 18+
Part 17 here’s the LINK for 16 - idk why I keep asking but you guys commenting even something tiny means a lot, when there’s not much interaction I feel kinda unmotivated, anybody else feel similar? Anyway-
Smut 18+ plus warning hehehe just a quickie, Max and Leni join the mile-high club, so obviously P in V, dirty talk, Max semi admits feelings during sex? A drunken Leni comes clean about why she’s going back to England and Max gets kinda annoyed. ‘Kinda’. You’ll see…
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Max had me on all fours of the bathroom counter, my cheeks and hands pressed against the mirror as he fucked into me from behind. His hands gripped at the flesh of my ass and hips, pulling me closer into him with each thrust.
“Oh god.” My head dropped but he reached out pulling it back up with my pony tail. “Max…” I blubbered out a moan, it got caught in my throat and then proceeded to come out much louder than intended. “Good girl.” He harshly pushed his hips inside me before pulling my upper body up against his. The warmth of his chest was something I sunk into, his hands wrapped around my front, securing me in place against his body as he hooked his chin over my shoulder.
“Watch yourself getting fucked, Leni.” He kissed my jawbone, my eyes fluttered open to see the mirror in front of us. “I can’t.” I giggled, my face turning red as I clamped a hand over the mirror, exactly where my face was. Max laughed and pulled out. “Look at me then.” He teased, spinning my body around. He was manhandling my body and I loved it. I reached out, taking a gulp of champagne before handing it to Max in the midst of him sliding his cock back inside of me. I scrunched my brows, feeling so full as I unconsciously rolled my hips.
“You think they can hear us?” I asked as he took a swig, placing it roughly back on the side. “I don’t really care.” His hands planted at either side of my body as I smirked. “Silly.” As soon as I let the comment slip, his hand clamped my mouth.
“Be a good girl and let me fuck you.” He seriously spoke as all I could simply do was moan against the palm of his hand. “You can do that?” He scanned my eyes as I nodded with a hum as the movement of his thrusts began again. Max slipped out accidentally and he ushered me with a, “put it back in.” Before praising me and taking his hand from my mouth.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Leni.” He groaned, moving in for a kiss. “Oh my god.” He added on and I could’ve sworn that was enough to make me cum there and then.
“Max…” I whispered in my tired haze, the Dutch man’s arms wrapped around my front as he spooned me from behind. I was clad head to toe in his clothes and we were wrapped under the same blanket on the same sofa bed. How this happened I couldn’t say- alcohol. That was my only explanation… “Mh.” He hummed as I half smiled, I had something on my mind and it was crazy, in my drunken daze I thought it would be a fantastic idea to admit it to him.
“I was gonna go home before Vegas so…” I began giggling as he pushed his crotch into my bum, nudging for me to continue. “So?” His voice cracked tiredly.
“It’s stupid, I dunno.” My hand smoothed up his arm. “Nothings that stupid, Len.” He muttered.
“I was coming home so I could start a fresh with all this, you know. Like us- it freaked me out.” I admitted, my chest feeling lighter once I’d spoken the words. Max paused for a minute, “what?”
I opened my mouth to repeat myself but he pushed himself up. “What why? Why are you still freaked out by all this?” Not the reaction I was expecting but I soon came to realise how rude those words truly were.
“What do you mean?” I sat up too, legs kicking over the side of the bed as we faced one another directly. “You keep doing all this with me- sleeping with me, then you’re still freaked out?”
“You’re not freaking me out.” I clarified. “But what’s the point?! What’s the point in telling me this after we’ve slept together, again?”
“Well-” I became nervous under his gaze. “You did say you were ok with it not going anywhere so soon.”
“Yeah, Leni but I don’t think I can do that anymore.” He let out a sigh and fell with his back against the pillows. “Do what?” I furrowed my brows.
“It doesn’t matter just go to sleep.”
“Oh Max, just tell me about it.” He sat back up again. “You don’t want to settle with me because it’s been too soon, but how long it is gonna be of waiting, Leni? You sleep with me, then you tell me you want to go home because of me?” “If you don’t wanna wait then you don’t have to…” my voice failed me. “What? That’s just stupid.” He huffed as I winced slightly, turning away from him. “I can’t take you out- you don’t wanna be taken out, you’re admitting you’re running away from me-”
“We both knew it was a bad idea to sleep together, so don’t entirely blame me.” I snapped slightly as he sighed. I could feel the motion of his hand running through his hair.
“Are you worried I don’t want this or something?”
“Yes.” “How more obvious can I make it? If I didn’t want anything with you I wouldn’t have pursued you, I’ve felt this way for longer than you have realised, you know?” The words were supposed to be sweet, and they did soften something inside of me. My anger? Oh no, he was going to make me cry. But the way he spoke was harsh, angry, understandably so.
I didn’t reply, I sat trying to fight back pathetic tears as he inwardly sighed again. “Look just come to Las Vegas, don’t feel like you can’t- but I’m not continuing this with you if you wanna play games.”
“I don’t.” My voice cracked and he paused. “But-” he froze for a moment and I wiped at the tears fallen. Luckily the plane was dark, but if I turned he’d see I was visibly upset. How had I worried my way out an almost relationship with Max? It was messed up.
“Just give it some time, Leni. But I don’t think us doing this is a good idea anymore.” Oh. My stomach churned with sickness and I didn’t have it in me to beg him to change his mind. This was my fault, I was an idiot.
I didn’t reply, I just held back my sobs as much as I possibly could and moved two rows up to a set of normal seats where I planted myself, pillow and spreading a blanket over me. Max sighed.
“You don’t have to go over there.” “Leave me alone, Max…”
Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @callsignwidow @fangirl125reader @norassimpingzone @roseseraj @eugene-emt-roe @copper-boom @its-elias-world @cassiopeiia24@larastark3107 @maxxiemoo @crashingwavesofeuphoria @18754389 @eviethetheatrefreak @rossylightwood @formula1mount
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nicodrawings · 2 years
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Idk if I ever said this out loud, but I’m from Maryland (well the DMV) and a chunk of my childhood was spent in the suburbs of Maryland. I remember seeing the cicadas episode of COTC for the first time and it felt like I was going back in time to when I was a kid.
Although my childhood was very different from a lot of kids in the show, I think it’s one of the few shows where I feel like I truly see myself in it. Especially as a black girl and I know that if I was still a kid I would still love it as much as I do now.
So yea…seeing this Warner Bros. situation really fuckin hurts to see.
Like idk how else to put it. It’s just heartbreaking. I hate seeing people lose their jobs, their shows, their fuckin work, for some dudes at the top to make a quick buck. It absolutely enrages me and it’s something I’ve ranted and cried about to my sister. And I’ve seen many people around my age and younger say that they might step away from the animation industry for something more stable. And sometimes I wonder myself if I’m going the right path, and if pursuing the animation industry is worth the risk. And y’know what…I do think it’s worth the risk. Art and more specifically animation is quite frankly the love of my life. It’s helped me get through life in so many ways and I just don’t know where the hell I’d be if I didn’t have it. There’s so much love put into these shows and shorts and movies. From writing to concepts and characters, to sound design and effects, like I love it all, and it’s my dream to be a part of it all, no matter how small the role is. My sister told me that moments like this (where corporations try to fuck over craftsmen and they care more about a product than people) never end well for those mfs, especially in art, because artist won’t take that shit sitting down. And I’d like to think she’s right. That we won’t take this shit sitting down, that whether your a causal viewer or someone who wants to make a career in animation, we’re gonna be like “man fuck this shit you gonna respect me” and actually square up with these companies that think they can just throw ppl away and fuck people over. Animation isn’t nothing, creators aren’t nothing. I know it’s a hard fight to go up against but I don’t think it’s impossible to fight, and it’s something I wanna help fight in. I think the animation industry and the workers involved are worth fighting for and I know I’m definitely not alone in this thought.
I don’t know of any of this makin any sense but honestly I just wanted to speak from the heart.
If you’re reading this and you worked on Craig of the Creek or were a part of the creative teams under Warner Bros. or Netflix or whichever big animation studio (miraculously lol but you never know whos reading i guess) and you were laid off, from the bottom of my fuckin heart, thank you and I’m sorry. Y’all put so much hard work and creativity and love and dedication into the shows you worked on and I have so much respect for y’all for doin what you do. Y’all aren’t nothing, y’all aren’t garbage to be tossed away and you shouldn’t be treated as such. And I know y’all have a big and bright future ahead.
Keep supporting animation
Keep watching and loving animation
Keep fighting for animation
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kittonik · 1 year
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Look at these two machines bro
★ Pairings: cody rhodes x fem!reader, mjf x fem!reader (this is a oneshot but could turn into a full poly fanfic if i ever get the motivation to do so)
★ Warnings: swearing, smut, haven’t read over, angry cody grr, quickish writing of smut cos idk how to do shit in detail
★ Word count: 2161
Cody was going to do it. He was going to finally confess his feelings towards you. He had your favourite flowers in hand, feeling as confident as ever. You had been the perfect pair recently with random selected mixed tag teams tournament, and just the instant connection you two had outside of work.
He got to the door of your locker room and heard laughter coming from inside. One was obviously you but the other it was...
Oh, of course it was him..
Maxwell fucking Jacob Friedman.
Cody’s good mood dimmed he was going to lose you, if not already lost to that big dumb idiot. He didn’t really think of MJF this way, they were actually pretty great buds. The wave over jealously just quickly took over. He leaned in closer to try and hear what they were saying, but in the process he knocked his head on the door, causing Y/N and MJF to jump a bit before Y/N called out “It’s unlocked come in!!”
Cody quickly threw the flowers to the side trying to hide them, he didn’t want to walk in there with flowers if there was something going on between you two and MJF makes a fool out of Cody. Cody hesitantly open the door and walked in, putting on his best fake charming smile ever.
“Hey Y/N! … Maxwell” Cody said slyly. “Y/n I was wondering if you would like to go out for dinner after the show is finished?” He asked casually, trying not to pay attention to MJF staring deeply into his soul.
Y/N sighed. “Cody i’d love to but,” she looked to Maxwell briefly before turning back to Cody, “i’ve already got some plans.”
MJF smirked and Y/N slightly hit him.
“Oh. Oh yeah that’s fine. It was just a little offer you know, I know you’re a busy person. I’ll catch you around later, you too MJF.” Cody backed to the door closing it quickly and kicking the flowers he had dropped earlier.
“Fuck, you stupid fucking idiot fuck.” He said under his breath in an angry tone. He wanted you so fucking bad but he lost you to that clown. That ugly loud talking clown with a shit show of a fake tan.
He stormed out of the building, everyone looking in his direction, Kenny Omega chased after Cody briefly saying “Hey man you all good? what happened?” But Cody left him in the dust and Kenny easily gave up. Angry Cody was not someone to annoying any further. Heading towards his car, everything was so overwhelming, stressful, he felt like he was going to cry. He wanted the dream girl, but unfortunately his luck wasn’t on his side today.
Cody got in his car, throwing himself in angrily and started driving to his hotel. ‘I hate that stupid mother fucker.’ He mumbled under his breath.
He arrived at his hotel room. He slammed the door shut, taking off his jacket and tossing it to the side.
Reaching into his pocket, pulling out one of your flowers he was going to give you earlier. ‘Can’t believe I was going to give these to her, she probably thinks a gift of flowers would be pathetic.’
He crumpled the flower up and tossed it across the room. Leaving a stain on the wall he threw it at.
He walked over to the fridge to get out a beer, yeah alone drinking was pretty fucking sad but he didn’t care he had to suppress the emotions.
Grabbing the bottle he walked over to the couch, sinking down into it and looking at the TV screen. All this pent up anger and frustration over the past few hours, he thought maybe a drink or three could make him feel better.
Grabbing the can of beer in hand he took a long swig from it, then suddenly a phone rang he picked it up without even looking to see who was calling him.
“Hello?” he said gruffly.
“Hey it’s me! I heard you left the building pretty quick, I’m a bit worried, are you at the hotel?” Y/N asked. “Yeah just now” He answered with no emotion. Y/N ignored his tone and said “I’m coming right now, MJF too.”
Cody remained silent. She kept the phone on, expecting conversation, since she loved her and Cody’s chats. but he said noting the whole time and listened to her and Maxwell make tiny pathetic conversation as she drove over. “I’m almost here, i’ll knock twice and you have five seconds to let me in.” She jokingly said as she hung up the phone.
Cody sighed, turning off the TV and sat there on the couch feeling lonely, miserable, and useless. He thoughts started to wonder. The many amounts of alcohol getting to his brain. What would you be like in bed. What would MJF be like. Has you and Max already had sex. Did you give MJF the best blowjob of his life. Could Cody be able to experience that one day, hope in the near future. Have you got kinks, Cody sure as hell did, and just by looking at Max you could tell he does too.
Would you let Cody tie you up, and dominate you in every way possible? Would you allow him to spank your ass until you cried for more? Would you allow him and MJF to absolutely destroy the fuck out of you.
Cody finished his beer and threw it away, peeping down at his newly formed boner. “Fuck” he groaned.
He pulled his pants down a little so that he could access to his erection and stroke it slowly. He reached over to the table and grabbed another beer can, slamming it down onto the counter. Grabbing his dick again, wrapping his fingers around it, completely forgetting that you and MJF were going to appear at his hotel door in any minute. He breathed out a shuttered breath and imagined you, he needed you, your name came out of his mouth in whispers. He imagined your tight pussy clenching down on his dick and every thrust, he was right in the moment when he was interrupted by banging on his door.
Banging on his door harder and harder. “CMON CODY MANN” MJF practically yelled. “YEAHH We want to go clubbing it’s been a long day!!” You half sung. Cody stopped what he was doing, and just stared at the door running to the bathroom to quickly finish. That’s when MJF busted through the door yelling “HELLO! Oh shit, bro your whole dick is out. Shit it might even be bigger than mine.”
Cody was so out of it he just stared at Maxwell, not giving a shit about the situation.
Y/N stumbled in the room, “Max you can’t just break a door like that what the he-“ You stared at Cody your eyes slowly drifted down and landed on the holy penis. You blushed and looked away. “Sorry Codes- didn’t know you were busy…”
Cody finally covered up, looking between MJF and you, he smiled. The alcohol making him feel oddly confident 
“Are you two a thing? Because I was going to ask pretty little Y/N out today but I stumbled upon this- this- little fucking thing going on. So I stormed out to my car drove here, thought about some pretty hot things, and since i’m still hard I’d like to finish off the fucking job alright?” Cody walked towards the bedroom not looking back. It was a need, it was normal. 
“No Cody we aren’t a thing,” you called after him. “I was actually talking to Max for ideas on how I was going to ask you out.” You said shyly. 
Cody slowly turned and you gave him a smile and Max nodded. 
Cody looked like a puppy, his eyes gleamed with hope, but they tuned, turned to lust. 
“You asking me out doesn’t solve the erection problem though, does it sweetheart?”
Cody looked to MJF and smirked and nodded his head to your. Max smirked back and licked his lips, his hand graced your back and pushed you into the bedroom with Cody. 
Shit. You were going to have a threesome with the 2 most arguably hottest people you know and it got you so unbelievably wet. MJF shut the door behind you. and walked beside Cody.
You stood in front of them, Cody’s cock waving at you from his boxers, it’s tip dark red, with veins, big enough to put your thumb through if you wanted to. He let out a needy grunt as you reached out and started stroking him. It grew to full mast instantly again. MJF stepped up behind you removing your clothes and started to play with your breasts, rolling the nipples, and sucking your neck, leading to you letting out a soft moan, which could get anyone hard instantly.
You looked to MJF, who had removed his shirt and pants, revealing his thick uncut dick, that is only slightly darker than Cody’s, even with his pubic hair that covered it, it’s thickness was visible when it was standing straight up. He smiled as you pulled Cody into you and slid onto his cock. As he entered your body, you moaned louder and started riding him harder, Cody moaned as well.
Then MJF wrapped his arms around your waist and began to thrust into you as well, both of their cocks sliding easily into your tight pussy, stretching you until you start crying out. You couldn’t take anymore, MJF slammed into you , pulling out and ramming himself back inside of you, over and over until you could feel yourself nearing your orgasm, while Cody was maintaining his quick pace, you moaned loudly and leaned forward onto Cody’s chest and began humping him faster.
Cody’s and Max’s hands were roaming all over your body, their mouths sucking at any place they could. You were a moaning mess and you couldn’t help it. It was better than you ever expected. 
“Oh god y/n, I need to cum inside of you” Cody whispered in your ear. “Me too, fuck you’re so perfect, you’re ours” MJF groaned. Cody hummed in agreement. “We should do some sort of baby roulette, both cum, get her preggo, see who the child is.” MJF suggested becoming breathless. Your teary eyes opened wide, so fucking weird, but it surprisingly turned you on more.
You’ve never felt this way before, it felt good. You looked to MJF then Cody, they both had such huge smiles on their faces both thinking about the baby idea going through the pros and cons. They fucked you until you came twice, your walls clenched around their cocks, their moans were matching each other’s and they eventually came as well. You laid on top of Cody’s chest, as MJF was laying on top of you partially squished you, but you didn’t mind you felt safe both of them panting as they held you close.
“Wow, guys,” you exhaled. “That was intense. You guys really are amazing.” MJF laughed and nodded his head. “Yeah.” Cody agreed planting a big loving kiss on your forehead, MJF doing the same on the back of your head. 
It was nice and warm laying in between the two guys, but eventually MJF got up and you groaned at the loss of warmth and snuggled deeper into Cody while he rubbed circles around your back. 
MJF got a towel and started cleaning the mess you guys had created, you looked up and smiled, him smiling back. 
“So about the baby roulette thing..” He said proudly, but you just shooted daggers at him. Cody was kissing your neck, but you could feel him smirking. 
“Ok, haha, plan b it is, I will get it for you beauty” MJF awkwardly laughed. 
“It’s okay, I’ll get it.” You got up off of Cody, but that was a mistake as you plummeted to the ground groaning in pain. “Second thought, yeah you go get it.” The boys laughed, and you let out a small giggled but quickly stopped. 
Cody picked you up and placed you on the bed. Both boys sitting on either side of you, both laying a hand onto your thighs, and rubbing up and down coming extremely close to your area.
“Don’t worry sweet, we’re all calling in sick tomorrow.” Cody winked to you, and MJF slowly lifted his hand up from your thigh, grazing his hand ever so slightly over your pussy making you jump a little.
What the fuck have I gotten into.
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electricbathsalt · 2 months
(from kainagant) psst what are your extensive headcanons/thoughts on hero!overhaul au? i'd love to hear what you think he'd be like as a hero.
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! Idk why I didn’t talk about this sooner—it’s like I have to be prompted on a topic before I remember “oh yeah, I actually have thoughts on this matter, that I can speak out loud!!” 💀 also, I apologize in advance for how long this is. I’m basically summarizing the entirety of this AU in my mind, and it’s like. The longest-standing AU for Chisaki I have.
Anyway, first things first—he got taken away from the Hassaikai when he was young (like, maybe eleven or twelve?) and gets plopped in a Youth Recovery & Rehabilitation Center, which he was extremely pissed about at first, but his eyes kinda opened over the years as he learned more and more about how families and such are actually supposed to function, and how abnormal his entire life actually was up to that point.
Basically; he gets a stable, safe environment and therapy!! Yay!
By the time he reaches fifteen-sixteen, him going into hero school kinda just. Happened. He initially just wanted to shadow Recovery Girl, but they ended up making him take the entrance exam, and well… he passed with flying colors and all of a sudden he was a 1-A student. Luckily, that means instead of simply shadowing Recovery Girl, he gets to work as her official assistant! Cool, right.
And oh boy, does he learn a lot under her tutelage. Namely bedside manner. I imagine Chisaki who got away from the yakuza and had therapy wouldn’t be as blatant an asshole (obviously), but he would still be a bit lost on social norms and also honest/blunt to a fault. He doesn’t understand “putting things gently”, or “softening the blow”, and so Recovery Girl works to teach him when, where, and how he can be “nicer” to people/which situations require delicacy. She grows unexpectedly fond of him and actually finds his unwavering honesty refreshing because she knows he isn’t malicious and is simply stating exactly what he thinks. You just have to get used to his straightforwardness and he becomes rather endearing.
Recovery Girl also discovers that he’s actually capable of extreme kindness. Turns out when you coax him into telling you what’s on his mind, sometimes he’ll really surprise you with how much he cares, even if he himself doesn’t realize it, either (Without Pops and with therapy, Chisaki slowly grew back into caring about others. It took a lot of work, but without anyone weaponizing kindness against him, he felt he could allow himself to slowly feel it again (this is because doesn’t canon slightly imply Chisaki used to be kind like Eri with how he’s sort of like her if she never got saved? What if the way he escaped AFO’s facility was because he finally threw away caring about others and that was the difference between her and him? The fact Eri never got pushed to that point because she was rescued?))
Now, about his hero training. With his quirk-training, there’s not a lot to say/do. I’d say his quirk-training would involve a lot of “make this into this, as quickly as possible”. Basically, training him to be as precise and fast with his quirk usage as they can get him. I’d like to imagine that with training, they push him into being able to manipulate matter in all sorts of different ways, on the fly. He’s trained a lot in using environment to his advantage and whatnot. And maybe also one day, he ends up gaining the ability to use his quirk in areas other than his hands. Dunno.
For physical-training, I think they would heavily concentrate on making him extremely agile. Because hear me out—imagine Toga’s quirk awakening fight scene where she turns into Uraraka and sprints through all those people and takes them out. Imagine if Chisaki was able to move like that. He’d be fucking terrifying. They’d probably also want him to be extremely agile just on the front of being able to hit his hands against surfaces from as many positions as possible.
He absolutely would carry around things like painkillers and anesthesia like you said. Also hear me out, he’d carry around small bags of scraps that he’d then Overhaul to seal people’s wounds, since if the wound is big enough, he’d need some sort of substitute material to close it without sacrificing other parts of the person’s body.
He’d also sometimes work with the support course. He knows a lot about the human body and how quirks function, not to mention his quirk itself would be very useful in creating support items.
He’d get dragged into a lot of search-and-rescue missions because he’s literally perfect for those.
Pops eventually manages to get back into contact with Chisaki—to ask him to take a look at the girl he’s recently in possession of since her quirk is a dangerous mutation, and he’s such a fancy-pants doctor/support hero and quirk expert nowadays. Chisaki goes (he’s panicking internally from the moment he hears Pops’ voice over the phone to the moment he’s standing in front of the girl herself). He asks to take Eri for a couple days to run some tests. He never brings her back. He obtained full-custody of her via spilling every damn thing he’d ever learned and been through under the Shie Hassaikai.
(Seeing her sitting so lifelessly at that table, waiting to be prodded at like some sort of science experiment, reminded him of himself so much that it had been physically painful. The decision to ask to take her for only a while and then go back on his word was a rash one. It’s also one he doesn’t regret even slightly)
Huge advocate for quirkless people, and brings lots of awareness to quirk experimentation, since he’d been a victim of it himself.
And yes, becomes one of UA’s now multiple official on-site medical professionals. (They switch out as necessary)
So basically, he’s an extremely busy guy who never gets a moment’s rest thanks to the many… energetic people in his life (all the UA students give him migraines galore. Don’t even get him started on his coworkers), he’s slightly (very) terrifying, and SURPRISE! It’s good parent!chisaki AU as well, because I’m not leaving Eri to rot in Pops’ care.
I also play around with the idea of him never getting separated from his bio parents and becoming a hero from there, which mostly impacts his personality versus the actual stream of events that happen.
If there’s any further questions or if you wanted to know about anything specific, ask me and I’ll be happy to answer!! (Goes for anyone who may or may not be reading this)
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felinecryptid · 9 months
A Phone Call Away
this is just goldenpunk fluff idk what else to tell you, there's no plot to this
“Hi,” Pav whispered, as soon as the call connected.
“‘ello,” Hobie hummed. “Wha’ are ya’ upto?”
“Nothing, I’m just out getting some groceries. Auntie sent me out and told me not to come back, until I find the brand of tea she likes,”  Pav smiled and Hobie could feel the sun shining on his face. Then he frowned. “Are you still in bed?” 
Hobie laughed. ”I was readin’ a book,” He said, holding up 1984.
“Gadhe. Tell me you've eaten something, at least,” Pav shook his head, putting a bag of potatoes in his cart.
“Ate some leftover chips, luv’, don’t worry about it.”
“I am going to worry, it’s like 2 in the afternoon at yours, and you’re still in bed. I’m not even there to cook you something.” Pav whined. Hobie felt something warm curl up in his chest.
“Awwh, babe, you love me?”
“Of course, janemann, I love you so much.”  Pav held up a pack of tiny biscuits Hobie recognised to be ‘little hearts’. “I would literally kill to kiss you right now.”
“I’d die to kiss ya’.”
“Yeah.” Pavi stared at something off camera, doing some calculations with his unoccupied hand. “Hey, do you think I should get the family pack for 150 rupees or buy two 4-packs of maggi at 160?” He turned to the camera, showing a yellow pack of noodles to Hobie.
“I don't even know the difference,” said Hobie, finally getting up from his bed, looking for the copper water bottle Pav had bought for him.
Pav hummed, “I’m getting the two 4 packs,” He dumped the said items into his cart. “Should I get schezwan chutney for you?”
“The red spicy one? Oh fuck yea’ ov' course,” He said, watching the shirt ride up Pav’s shirt as he reached for the sauce on the top shelf. “It too high for you, shona?” Hobie asked, seeing the predictable blush rise up Pav's face at the hindi pet name. He loved it when Hobie tried and butchered hindi.
“Jaanu, you know I'm in public. I can't respond like I want to, that's so unfair.”
“I know, mere subah ki kiran,” He said, voice raspy, words feeling unusually rounded yet familiar.
Hobie laughed. He could see the deep, almost-maroon blush high on Pav’s cheeks. 
“Have you been learning from Gayatri again?” Pav asked, voice accusatory, and a sparkle in his eyes.
“I'm not gunna conform o' deny tha',” Hobie finally found the bottle under the bed, and drained it.
“I love you so much, you ass.”
“I love ya too. Wha' time is it at yours now?”
“Around eight pm, why do you ask?”
“I thought we’d eat together, you could have dinner early and I'd’ve a late brekkie.”
“It’s a late lunch at this point,” Pav scolded. “But yes, I'd like that. What are we eating?
“Mac n' cheese?”
“You know that auntie would kill me if i told her that's my dinner.”
“Jus' tell her it's a snack.”
“You are the snack,” Pavi giggled, highly weird behaviour when in public, but Hobie liked the thought of them being disgustingly cute for everyone to see. Everyone to see their love. Everyone to see how important Pav is to him.
Another part begged him to hide Pav away bc what if his enemies hurt Pav to get at him?
Hobie shook his head, because what enemies did he have? He was a tattoo artist and Pav was a physics academic. It's not like they were fighting supervillains everyday.
Pav thought the head shaking was for his comment because he doubled down. “No you definitely are.” 
“Does tha' mean you wanna eat me instead ov' the mac n’ cheese?”
“No- I mean- Yes, but what the fuck Hobie, I’m literally at the supermarket, and yes I have earphones in, but-” Someone knocks into Pav.
Hobie recognised the glint of her earrings a moment before he heard her voice. “Oh my god, Pav! You didn't tell me you were back in India?”
“Gayatri! I'm sorry, I came back like 3 days ago, and I've been too busy with packing Maya auntie’s things, I literally forget to sleep,” Pav laughed.
“Sounds like an excuse, Pavitr Prabhakar, you little bitch. If you had let me know, I'd have helped you.”
“That's exactly why I didn't tell you, aren't you working on that new movie? With Ranveer Singh in it?”
“So what, I could make time? And what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help Maya auntie and you to pack her things- Where's she going by the way?”
“Oh, uh- she's moving to the UK, in with us.”
“Oh, she's leaving?”
“Yeah, Hobie and I thought it'd be better if she lived with us and UK has better resources aur sach bolun to unko mujhe apne paas hi rakhna hai.”
“Yeah that's good, I'm going to miss her, I'll miss you both,” Gayatri's voice seemed sad. “But now I've got an excuse to barge into your house.”
“Wasn't I reason enough?”
“You? yes. Hobie? yes. Dono saath mein? Nope, thank you I'm pretty sure I’d have to bleach my eyes.”
“Shut it. Speaking of hobie, show me the ring?”
Hobie watched as Pav swapped hands, bringing up his left ring finger into view, a familiar ring shining under the harsh grocery store lights.
Gayatri muffled a squeal. Pav’s grin was so wide that Hobie thought it was bleeding off him to Gayatri and him because Hobie found himself smiling into the cabinets as he took out a box of pasta.
“Ohh! kitna pyaara hai! is that real moonstone?”
“Yeah, it's covered with a thin layer of artificial diamond, it's custom made.”
“I'm so jealous. if my next partner doesn't put in at least this amount of effort, i'm breaking up,” Gayatri shoved Pav gently.
“Hobie would love to hear that. Hey, Hobie, did you hear that?” Pav turned to Hobie gleefully, Gayatri butting into the frame with a delighted look.
“Hi Angrez, wasn't stealing Pav’s heart enough? You had to take Maya auntie too?”
“Oh you can’t hear him, take my other earbud.”
Gayatri takes it, sticking out a tongue at both of them.
“Hello guruji,  you are the one 'elpin' me charm them,” Hobie saluted her with the spoon he was using to scoop out salt.
“Oh my god you are so impossible, what's the status on the Kohinoor?”
“Still on the king's head, regrettably.”
“You promised to get it back if I let you have Pav-”
“Hey, am I a tradable commodity now?”
“-at this rate you have to return the entire British museum, including interest.”
“I'd gladly do tha' on its own.”
“I’m going to accompany Pav to yours to make sure you do just that. Okay, guys, you can get back to your mushiness. I need to get going.” Gayatri waved at him and handed Pav his earbud, disappearing out of frame.
Pav looked at him with a giddy smile “I saw you put pasta in water, what do you want to bet I can check this out and get a take out box in ten minutes?”
“Not one euro or a rupee, I know ya can, including Maya auntie’s favourite tea.”
“I already found it,” Pav held up a box and Hobie couldn't resist blowing a kiss.
“You're on then,” He said, holding up a bag of shredded mozzarella. “Let’s see who gets mac n’ cheese done first.”
gadhe - you ass (but this is the animal ass)
janemann - love of my life (not exactly but close enough)
maggi - verrrryyy popular desi masala ramen noodles
copper infusion water is considered healthy hence the copper bottle
schezwan chutney - a chilli garlic paste its delicious idk the recipe
shona - gold/love
jaanu - my life
mere subah ki kiran - my morning sunshine
Ranveer Singh - famous actor
aur sach bolun to unko mujhe apne paas he rakhna hai - and to be honest, i want her to stay close to me
dono saath me - both of you together
kitna pyaara hai - its so cute
angrez - foreigner (of the english kind)
guruji - extremely respectful word for teacher (when i say extremely respectful i mean it)
kohinoor - famous diamond stolen from india during British Raj
this took me forever to edit
i tried a different process of writing which was quicker to finish but took so long to edit iwndiedksndid but ill do this again bc i like this way much better
this fic was inspired by my parents shout out to them for doing long distance straight after marriage with a 1 year old (me) i could never
comment if ya want more bc they keep me alive
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sehodreams · 4 months
hii again!! ok this one really destroyed me sungchan <///3333 (ugh he’s so good, i mean bad, your writing is. TOO goood i love it!!)
y/n is just trying to be a nice n sweet girlfriend for him, she just wants a little appreciation and affection and he does. THAT. omg. i lovveed the part especially about forcing your moans out omggg that’s so nasty of him but so 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 hot of him, i truly just want him to do whatever he wants with me
i saw in the comments (cuz i’m nosey 👀) that you were thinking about adding sungchan putting you on “display” so to speak for anton and eunseok? and yeah idk how to broach that either, but i liked your idea about touching you at the table or something… i thought i’d try to elaborate but idk..
don’t ask me why the 4 of them, sungchan, eunseok, anton, and you, would be at a more expensive, fancier restaurant together but just hear me out. maybe sungchan received a promotion at work or something along those lines and he wanted to celebrate with his close friends and his girl, you, of course. OR no, maybe he gets promoted and eunseok decides to take him to this restaurant to celebrate, inviting anton, and you to join. so you pick out a dress on your own, something simple and black, and not too short but your knees are still exposed and the neckline is a pretty sweetheart or v cut. and you dress up all nice and you feel so pretty, and you’re so proud of sungchan for his promotion, he tells you he’s going to take care of you forever, you’ll never have to lift a finger soon, and he’ll always provide for you<333 you think maybe he’s softening up… let’s say you get seated in a far back corner of the restaurant, maybe even a private room like they have sometimes, as per eunseok’s request but it’s not too strange, you are all celebrating of course, and there’s wine or other alcohol and the food is really good and you all chat and joke and laugh and it’s nice and you don’t feel nearly as awkward as you did the last time you were all together. sungchan has his hand on your knee/thigh most of the night, sitting beside you, but it’s possessive, and sweet, you just feel you’re being paid attention to and cared for but then a little later, maybe eunseok brings up the… situation where you squirted in his bed🤭 and you’re embarrassed but you giggle, and apologize again and say you promise it won’t happen again, and lean into sungchan’s arm, all cute, and then maybe anton and eunseok go to use the restroom (don’t ask me why they went together) or to smoke or smth and sungchan turns to you like “did you plan this? was it your idea to get all dolled up like this and show yourself off in front of my friends, is that what you want?” sungchan is fearful at this point that you’re getting too much attention from eunseok and anton, now that the boys understand why he seems so whipped for you, he thinks they want a taste now too and you’re making it too available to them. “if that’s what you want, then that’s what you’re going to get, i haven’t given you enough? you always get what you want, you spoiled little fucking brat” and his hand is spreading your legs apart, two fingers plunging swiftly into your now exposed cunt when he tears your panties to the side (or off completely), you grab onto his bicep, his long fingers causing your pussy to stretch and burn, you try to protest but he’s working his digits in and out of you at an increasing pace, he’s been thinking about doing this all night, you look so fuckable the way you’re dressed and your makeup, but he’s held back and now he can’t anymore…
i don’t want to cut off, but idk i wrote all that and then it doesn’t really feel right. i was trying to get to more of a, sungchan teasing you under the table before exposing your tits to his friends like you were saying but idk what happened. it’s so hard sometimes coming up with the plot. like i want the four of them together but i can’t think of a way to have them all, together idk. i also thought about being over at eunseok’s apartment with sungchan and eunseok coming onto you, like touching your thigh and whispering dirty things to you and then sungchan catches you and you cry and plead that you didn’t do anything, and he’s kinda like “the least you can do now is let me watch, go ahead, bounce on eunseok’s cock like you’ve wanted to all this time you dirty whore” but sungchan is too insecure, and mean, and possessive for that, you’re so right😓😓 so idk now.
Oh yeah, I totally understand, to be honest honey, at this point this is just pure porn, there's no plot anymore, I just want them all to touch reader as if there was no tomorrow.
Still, I tried to think about a way for them to touch her, and it's SO HARD. Like, Sungchan is so possessive I can't imagine him letting them touch her enough, he'd maybe let them see, but it's almost animalistic, as if he was proclaiming her.
The thing I wrote in the comments was a way I could kind of imagine them touching reader, and it'd be barely a brush. He'd be showing them your beautiful chest, touching you under the table, and he'd say something like "you can give her a touch if you want, but it'll be the only time I'll let you". And, even if Eunseok is the boldest, I feel like Anton would be the one going for it first. It's like, he's been thinking about you for so long, he can't believe he finally has the opportunity to feel you. He would have to stop his big hands from gripping too hard, especially with that panic expression you have. He would touch your nipples with his thumbs, playing with them to see with his own eyes how they get harder, just like he's dreamed for so long, and then, in pain, he'd try to put his mouth on you, and there's were Sungchan draws the line.
He'd immediately block his face from touching you with his hand, putting a barrier over you with it gripping your chest so the other can't touch or see. "I told you, just a little touch."
Anton would be so frustrated he'd almost let a cry out because he was so close he could already feel it in his mouth.
Then, in Eunseok's case, he'd learn from Anton's mistake and he wouldn't dare to go farther. So, he's definitely touching more.
His hand would go to your neck, wrapping it to then slide down and cup your chest, feeling the weight of it in his hands. "They're heavy" he'd murmur to himself. You'd get really embarrassed because they are heavy, and you can't believe your boyfriend's friend now know it too.
He would twirl your nipple, looking at the little tip all hard and calling for him to bury his face, stopping himself from losing control. He wants more, but he knows he can only use his hands.
Still, he's sneaky. Eunseok doesn't ask until where he can touch, and he thinks he should cup your pussy at least once, doesn't matter if Sungchan kills him, so he trails his hand down.
However, even if he was thinking about your pussy, when he feels your tummy all plum because of your position, he stops in shock. It's so soft he can imagine how comfortable you'd feel under him, like a cloud waiting for him to rest over it, thinking immediately, she can take me.
Sungchan notices the effect your body has on Eunseok, and he instantly pushes him away too.
"Get your own girlfriends if you want to get your dicks wet" he says, pulling up your dress again and moving you closer to him, making you only focus on him with the hug he gives you, as if he was protecting you from those two. "You can't look at her anymore, and we won't talk about this ever again."
Baby I think this changed more to chubby chassers!tall line 😂👌
Also, yeah, seeing the three of them fucking reader with this concept is really hard, BUT, we can create another one for that 😵‍💫✨
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jenyifer · 1 month
The trainee ep 7 initial reaction
Okay so didn’t do an ep 6 cause idk I watched it but I was so worried about the GL plot I didn’t want to talk about it. However this week I have enough to NEVER watch that part of the ep again as girl who loves girls computer programmer. So I’m only gonna talk about it once.
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Awww the butterfly walk lol nothing can go wrong today!!! Ryan fully in his fantasy after last ep and who can blame him. Go on Cinderella take your twirl on the cat walk.
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Actually I think Jane has some insight about his reincarnated lover from previous lives hehe Ryan has some split personality thing going on again when hungry. I mean I buy it. We all know no one else can play multiple boys in the same body as Gun. Also I’ll note here for later Jane realizes something is wrong with Ryan right away. 🥹 he wants Ryan to be his good assistant and friend. Just good developments there.
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Okay so I get what Jane is saying here. The bottle exploding is hella dangerous. Also Jane knows Ryan has been spaced out lately and is frustrated cause he doesn’t know why. I’d assume that’s why he’s so emotional about this mistake. It’s possible Jane sees himself in Ryan trying not to rely on anyone else? But Jane knows Ryan could have called Pie at the very least. Mistakes happen but this one was a big one.
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I also think this is a good point too if Ryan isn’t needed don’t come and mope or make more mistakes. Something has obvs been wrong with him. Now Jane doesn’t phrase this right but he does apologize so good good
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Precious Gunnie Tear. I really like this some cause it’s like Ryan is trying to resist at all costs but it boils over and he can’t keep his most inner thoughts in. He heard Jane’s words as a rejection from the team from his usefulness Ryan desperately wants to find his place
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One sentence too far but 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 good relationship movement. I don’t know how Jane can interpret this in any other way after their week.
Okay it’s hating time so move on people who want me to kiss ass instead of sharing my actual opinion. I’m only going to do this once hopefully.
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I’ve made the mistake of dating a 20 year old when I was 26. You’d think that wouldn’t be too crazy of an age gap. However I was just at a totally different place in my life than her. My thing is 30 years old you think it’s okay to hit on and kiss back a 21 year old you know is in a relationship? You know their brain is still developing? Also do you really think that’s going to be fulfilling. No. She’s a piece of shit. Especially since she is her mentor has been taking the girl out of the office on the company’s dime. Of course she thinks Judy is super woman. Just irresponsible. Judy definitely understands what’s going on with Bah-me and her boyfriend and still decides to do this?! Really…. Okay.
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Onto Bah-mee complaining her boyfriend doesn’t talk to her. Nowwwww I’m a computer programmer I have worked with guys who take their work home with them to finish it up at 3am or slept in the office SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY LIKE THEIR JOB. Couldn’t be me but it happens. Idk why Tae is doing all the work in the production room as an intern. I’d be worried he would fuck up put under pressure and that HR might murder me for over working the intern. Set that aside. Guys like Tae work fucking hard. But you know what? Most of them adore their loved ones. Work hard and rent a hot air balloon guys. Work hard take their girl on a 2 week long trip. So does tae not talk? Or is because she has long ago given up. He’s been working she’s seen him working FOR HER TO PLAY HARD. Idk it’s just ugh disgusting. I just think of my coworkers who could never think of cheating yeah they might purposely miss out on their kids stuff but their wives? Oh man I know all their names and where they like to go to dinner etc. EVEN THOUGH sometimes they work like idiots.
I think it’s the best they break up Bah-Meee and Judy can go be evil lesbians and Tae can be a computer guy making lots of money to spoil his future girl with it.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 6 months
002 - Popstar, Franklydear and whatever we call what Wally and Home have going on
(send me a character/ship to hear my thoughts)
i've gotten Multiple asks about all of these pairings, so let's not waste anymore time. under the cut bc unsurprisingly this got Long.
when or if I started shipping it: i think it first Really started with this pokemon AU post clown made talking about what he thought they'd be up to in that universe... the language he uses in that post really caught my eye, and it just kinda snowballed from there, especially as canon started picking up and we saw more of them interacting 1-on-1.
my thoughts: i feel like we don't really get a lot of yuri in this specific Type of horror (i.e. cute thing is secretly fucked up), at least not in the west. i think that's a crying shame, but i believe popstar has the potential to truly open the floodgates. unless i'm forgetting herstory - idk i feel like there's definitely some rpgmaker game out there that'll prove me wrong but you know what i mean. more mascot horror yuri NOW.
What makes me happy about them: i think it's super cute that they both kinda geek out whenever one of them asks the other for help, like they're being asked by this big huge celebrity and not, like. their literal next door neighbor lol. sally in particular - as bullheaded as she is, her insistence on trying to put poppy in the spotlight more often isn't because she thinks poppy is untalented and needs to train up, but because she genuinely thinks poppy is Just That Stunning And Talented And Beautiful, and doesn't want that to go to waste. nepotism has never looked so romantic <3
What makes me sad about them: sally seems to enlist poppy's help Way more than poppy does sally's, and while sally clearly Wants to take poppy seriously, she has a hard time not immediately brushing off other's concerns in general because She's An Auteur, Dammit, She Knows What She's Talking About. it does make me very worried for poppy! i think things between them are gonna get Way worse before they get better lol. not dysfunctional enough to be toxic yuri but certainly painful enough that it will Get Me when it happens.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: THAT NOBODY WRITES IT
Things I look for in fanfic: MORE OF IT
My kinks: again, serious in-depth answers go on the nsfw blog only. i will say i think they're definitely those people who keep trying to set up roleplay scenes only to get distracted by trying to figure out the technical aspects and/or getting so in-character that they forgot what the end goal was.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: poppy partridge if you read this im free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.
My happily ever after for them: after a series of trials and tribulations, complete with at least one breakup arc, the two of them reconcile in an appropriately dramatic apology-that-looks-suspiciously-like-a-marriage-proposal scene. i don't really know what happens after that. i was going to say they go on to become lesbian statler and waldorf, but i think they would both be too invested in trying to give actual constructive criticism, so maybe they just mst3k it instead.
when or if I started shipping it: i dunno! i don't remember ever being opposed to the ship, but there was definitely a period of time where my approach to it was more "hmmm i wonder what this ship being canon means for welcome home's Themes" and less "ough fuck they make me so sick," as opposed to the current day where it's a pretty even mix of both.
my thoughts: god what haven't i said about them. i think i peaked with this post. i don't think anything i say can summarize the appeal of their relationship to me more succinctly than that.
What makes me happy about them: when it comes to eddie, frank is like. frank is so fucking funny bc he seems to be under the impression that he's being subtle. yeah get mad whenever anyone who isn't you makes fun of that beautiful big breasted mailman to the point where you'll even defend his honor in the merch advertisements and also when you Do make fun of him be sure to be gentler than you would be with almost anyone else but also don't let up entirely bc then you won't get to see him be adorably flustered and also enforce a surname-only basis with him so people don't think you're getting too chummy but ALSO drop the surname-only basis whenever he seems genuinely upset to let him know that you're worried about him and want to help. and also do this in front of everyone at a holiday party. nobody will suspect a thing. and the best part is that IT WORKS ON EDDIE. EDDIE ALSO THINKS FRANK IS COOL AND TRUSTWORTHY AND RELIABLE ENOUGH THAT HE AUDIBLY/VISIBLY RELAXES WHENEVER FRANK ENTERS A SCENE.
What makes me sad about them: EDDIE'S ASS IS NOT PREPARED FOR THE DAY THAT IT'LL BE FRANK IN THE PROVERBIAL LOVESEAT OF TORMENT. arguably neither is frank but like given how eddie saw frank at the end of the homewarming special? it's going to FUCK him up.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when i click on the eddie dear/frank frankly tag. and i filter out all mentions of wally darling. i should not still be seeing wally darling. do u understand. get that little yellow cunt OUT of here!!!!!!!
Things I look for in fanfic: pre-established relationship hurt/comfort or angst. i realize i may be alone in my interpretation of franklydear as not being Together together yet, but i am stubborn.
My kinks: i wonder how many times i can say "ask for my nsfw blog" without it getting old.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: GOOD QUESTION. i don't think either of them would particularly struggle to find a partner if they didn't end up with each other, but i also can't see either of them being attracted to any of their other neighbors.
My happily ever after for them: these two images specifically. in general they should get to be huge cornballs for at least a little while should they successfully endure The Horrors.
when or if I started shipping it: an old friend of mine made a joke about it once in 2022, waaaay before there was any like, huge fandom presence outside of a few scant discord servers. i thought about it too hard and now i'm here.
my thoughts: romantically or not, THEY ARE SOOOOO DOOMED, DUDE. THEY ARE SO FUCKING DOOMED. and i don't mean, like, "yeah they have some stuff that makes their current relationship less than ideal but i'm sure they can work things out ^-^" no i mean DOOMED. there's only one way this relationship can end and it is in BLOOD and TEARS. and i will be there with a tissue box and a big ol' bucket of popcorn. i've written about them so much on this blog already but by god i will write more.
What makes me happy about them: the obsessive aspect to their relationship, like. it feels very mutual. it would be so easy to make home coldly imposing 24/7 and/or just have them be taking advantage of wally's love for them, but. no. they seem just as attached to their inhabitant as he is to them, for better or worse. i get a lot more mileage out of a relationship where both parties Love each other and desperately want to be all-encompassing for one another in All aspects of relationships, but live in a reality where that simply cannot be, and their relationship is wildly unhealthy as a result. home is a monument to a past that either never existed or cannot be revived without Severe consequences. but wally doesn't care about that. all wally cares about is that he is his home. see also: this post.
What makes me sad about them: [copypastes the entire above paragraph]
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: most wally/home fic is either pure crackfic or fic in which home gets hit hard with the ron the death eater treatment. like jesus, he's already pretty morally ambiguous in canon by just Standing There, you don't need to make him an actual rapist to establish that his and wally's relationship isn't exactly ideal.
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't look for it because i've pretty much given up on it being there at all, but i hope more folks write some actual character study-adjacent stuff about them some day!
My kinks: i do have actual answers to this but no way am i stating them here. again, i have a separate blog for that.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE.
My happily ever after for them: you know that's not gonna happen.
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asurrogateblog · 5 months
Cannibals, Pirates, and PhDs: How Did I Get Here?
I mentioned in some tags earlier that I’ve only actually been a real fan of Pink Floyd for under a year, and that the confluence of events that led up to it is pretty absurd. Some interest seemed to be taken in this, so I though I’d elaborate.
I didn’t know how to shorten this timeline and have it make any sense, so it’s... long. But idk, I think it’s pretty funny. If you’re nosy like I am this is for you.
My Backstory Timeline:
early childhood: my parents essentially mainline me and my little sister with The Beatles. I know almost no songs written past the 70’s until at least sixth grade. I develop a childhood crush on Paul McCartney, a joke that the universe really decides to play the long game on.
2014: my dad calls me over one night, and gravely tells me he’s been waiting to share something until I’m old enough. I brace myself to be told about sex or secret half-siblings. Instead, he tells me I need to listen to The Wall. Irritated at the idea of wasting an hour and half of my night, I nevertheless comply and go up to my room and put it on. I do not come back from this, clearly having inherited some sort of generational curse.
Around the same time, I am also secretly watching Hannibal every time my parents send me upstairs because Game of Thrones is “too gory”. This will trigger three important things: an interest in psychology, a love of horror media, and a classical music phase will train my attention span to last well past the three minute mark.
2014-2023: Over the intervening years, I become a casual fan of Pink Floyd, but make a deliberate point not to learn anything about the band. I like being able to imagine my own meanings for the songs. Also, I am motivated against this by a childhood memory of being deeply frightening by a picture of old Paul McCartney (LOL). I do not want that to ever happen again, so no learning.
Cut to April of 2023: I am finishing up my first year of my PhD program studying media psychology. I am in a bad place mentally, and am going through another horror movie phase to fill the hole. As a result, I get very into American Psycho. The main character, Patrick Bateman, is a fan of superficial 80’s pop music, particularly Genesis. I decide to start listening to Genesis to see if I agree with his tastes. While researching “best Genesis albums”, I come across The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. I listen to it, and am blown away. I had no idea that the Phil Collins band made music like that. This sends me down the prog-rock rabbit hole. I still won't learn any lore.
Summer of 2023: MEANWHILE, I am also going through another pirate phase. I have a fairly encyclopedic knowledge of 18th century piracy (and am still quite active in the Black Sails fan community). Around this time, I get really obsessed with this one random guy named Dennis McCarthy who was hanged in 1718.
I decide to work poor Dennis into a science fiction story I’ve been working on. The premise is essentially that the universe is an abandoned simulation, and a ‘glitch in the matrix’ starts to, among other things, bring people from the wrong time periods back to life. The format of the story is vaguely monster-of-the-week, in which the characters have to solve various problems caused by mistakes in the code. I think, “hey, you know what would be perfect for this? that fanfic I wrote about The Wall in high school.” Said fic (which that stupid fucking beatles movie stole from me) is about a world in which Pink Floyd never existed, but a wannabe rock-star discovers a box full of their records and decides to copy them. While he is touring his plagiarized version of The Wall, he realizes that the events of the album are starting to happen to him in real life. By working this concept into my new story, I go through another one of my periodical The Wall phases. It's in full swing when fall rolls around.
September of 2023: This semester, I take a grad-level narrative theory class in the English department. I decide it would be helpful to follow along with a specific example, so I choose The Wall. Using the terminology I am learning in the class, I start to realize that The Wall is…. incredibly narratologically fucked up. To help orient me, I watch the bootleg concert recordings, and the trick with the surrogate band sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore.
This is where the two plot-lines converge. I don’t remember which came first, but around this same time, I think to myself “hey, if Genesis was hiding such an incredible album under the 80’s pop, what must Pink Floyd be hiding?” On that whim, I put on Piper at the Gates of Dawn, which equally sends me so out of my mind that I decide I must break my rule about never learning band lore. I needed to know what the fuck happened to get them from Piper to The Wall.
September-November: In the two months between the onset of this and finally making another sideblog, I dedicate all of my free time to learning as much about Pink Floyd as humanely possible (and writing a 20 page essay for that narrative theory class). As you can imagine, this is a lot to unpack all at once for someone who didn’t even know who Roger or Syd or any of the rest of them were. Luckily, I am over-educated enough to be a very fast learner. Aside from the band lore itself, I of course also fall in love with the rest of Pink Floyd's discography musically-speaking. Having this interest to latch onto genuinely pulls me out of my depression.
Cut to February 2024: I am really enjoying myself, and want to keep this going as long as possible, but I am starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel on Pink Floyd lore. I decide I need to feed the fire by supplementing with lore from another band. The Beatles seem to have a strong fan presence on tumblr, why not revisit a childhood favorite? The universe laughs at my expense.
That about brings us up to date. I have gone through so much character development over the last eight months, it’s crazy. Pink Floyd is definitely one of those things that is less of a “phase” and more of a permanent part of my mindscape. Weirdly enough, since I am studying media psychology, all of this has also been really good for my career? I never took an interest in -real- media figures (as opposed to fictional characters) before, and I feel like I have a much clearer sense of things now. It's definitely influenced my research, so whatever domino effect this has on my future is bound to get even funnier.
Anyway, that’s my backstory!
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