#idk tho he doesn’t tell me shit lol he won’t tell me his thoughts
norrizzandpia · 5 months
this might have to be more than one part, but can you please write a wrong number lando fic? like lando texts the wrong number somehow and they end up becoming good friends, they start falling for each other but lando lies about his identity the whole time until they meet or he tells the reader. and she’s pissed and she doesn’t know anything about f1 anyways so she doesn’t understand why he lied. with angst and stuff? idk if this is too specific or too much to ask!
Wrong Number, Right Person (LN4)
Summary: A wrong number leads Lando right to Y/n, but even the beautiful love they find together struggles to stand a chance against Lando’s lie of identity.
Warnings: none, BUT A HAPPY ENDING!!! Y/n’s bsf threatens to kill lando lol
Note: she is LONG! The word count is almost 9k oml but i have to say that @piastrification was a major help in making this because she read it for me and made it read less stupid! She also gave me some ideas so credit to her for that xx
If there was any moment where Y/n was beyond confused with absolutely no inkling of an answer, it was now. She stared down at her phone, clutching the device as she read over the message sitting on her Lock Screen over and over.
“What’s wrong?” Her best friend, Annie, asked. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in a way she had always done since they were kids, Y/n loved the way that had never changed. The two women had experienced so much growth over the years, but it was heartwarming to see some things hadn’t.
Her eyes flickered to Annie before turning her phone around, “Why does this person think I’m supposed to be meeting them in half an hour?”
Annie laughed out loud, taking the phone from the other girl’s hands and typing out a reply, “Seems like this poor person has the wrong number.”
When Y/n’s phone is returned to her grasp, she giggles at what Annie had done.
Unknown Number
Hey! Just letting you know I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Hope you aren’t running late like last time…
Uh, I’m actually running really behind schedule. I won’t be able to get there until around three hours from now. Sorry.
The two girls continued their lunch, feeling a bit bad about messing with a stranger’s plans but laughing nonetheless. It wasn't until Y/n’s phone started blowing up that the color began to drain from their faces.
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
If you don’t answer me in .5 seconds, I WILL show up to your house and wreck your shit
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
Literally answer me rn or I’m telling Oscar to help me plan your murder
Y/n’s hand clasped over her mouth as she frantically began to type out a reply, guilt settling over the amusement.
You most definitely have the wrong number. Sorry, me and my friend thought it would be funny to tell you that your plans were basically ruined. Our bad. But, I have no idea who Oscar is and I pray for the person you are meaning to text rn. Plz don’t wreck their shit!
His response was immediate.
Unknown Number
Oh… sorry for my small outburst then. But, how am I meant to know this isn’t actually the person I’m trying to get a hold of?
Y/n laughed before Annie suggested taking a picture and sending it to the mysterious number. Probably stupid considering they had no idea who was on the other side of the phone, but an image was sent regardless.
*Image Attached*
I am most definitely not whoever you are trying to get a hold of.
The number doesn’t respond for a few minutes, busy for all they know or getting bored of texting a supposed stranger. However, her phone dings on the table and the two girls peek to see the response.
Unknown Number
Woah, you are for sure not who I am meant to be texting right now.
Unknown Number
You are very pretty tho
Y/n giggled,
Thank you, but not thank you if you are an old man or serial killer. I don’t take compliments from psychos.
Unknown Number
Haha no I am not an old man or serial killer. I’m a child in a 24 year old man’s body.
How do I know this for sure?
Unknown Number
Trust me?
Okay, ig. What’s your name?
The food comes to the table and Annie begins to dig in, watching her best friend closely before the girl puts her phone down.
“He stopped responding. I asked for his name. Probably got scared or something.” She murmurs before cutting into her chicken. Annie nods her head side to side before they take up another topic of conversation, seemingly moving on from the previous random male who had interrupted their lunch.
However, there’s another vibration on the table ten minutes later. Y/n picks up her phone.
Unknown Number
Robert :) But, people call me Bob. What’s yours?
I am going against everything my parents ever taught me by telling a stranger my name and what I look like… but I’m Y/n :)
Btw bob sounds like a fake name that’s so funny
The next day, Y/n wakes up to yet another message from Bob- who had begun to take up the majority of her text notifications’ real estate. She didn’t mind in the slightest, though. They got on like a house on fire, banter, jokes and conversation free-flowing at any given time.
Good morning :)
Wait, is it morning for you? Where do you even live?
Okay, stalker. It’s literally 9 am, why am I already having to deal with a man trying to get my address.
GIRL WHAT? That isn’t what i meant and you know it, Y/n
Yes, i know what you meant, bob. I’m just joking lol
I live in London! What about you?
Shit, girl. You’re rich asf?
NO nah nah nah. Y/n, I literally work as a server here. I enjoy the glamor tho
Oh… so no diamond necklaces :( You could’ve been my sugar daddy, bob.
No i joke I JOKE i can buy my own damn diamond necklaces
Of course you can, Y/n. I’m not surprised.
Her heart warms at his portrayed support, and even though her bank account is in the negative, she likes to think Bob believes in her just as Annie does. Maybe he actually did.
She shakes her head at her thoughts. I’ve known him for a day, she thinks. He shouldn’t already mean this much to her. She doesn’t even know him.
Ty, bob :) I have to go though. I have so much to get done today.
Ok! text me when you’re free?
There is a small void in Y/n’s body as she unlocks the front door of her apartment. A day of being broken down has taken its toll on her. Usually, it doesn’t get to her, the stress and pressure of it all, but today, as she flops down onto her ratty couch, part of her wants to give up.
Her phone buzzes underneath her leg.
Are you free yet?? It’s been all day, y/n!!!
sry, i just got home.
Just now? Didn’t you leave at like 9:30 this morn??
Y/n, its 10:45 at night for you
that would be correct… how did you know that?? Tracking my time zone, Robert?
you might be scared to hear I have London saved on my world clock so I can see it at all times
thats love fr
but yeah its been a long day
oh, well, im sorry :( how are you? Tired?
Yeah, definitely. Just a hard day in general.
Talk to me about it then <3
Her face blushes before the color is being forced back beneath her face. She doesn’t know this man enough to tell him all her sorrows. He’s just being nice.
it’s ok. Thank you tho bob
Who else are you planning to talk to abt it then?
no one?
you need to talk about it y/n to let it go. Talk to me.
We barely know each other.
Do i look like i care?
She laughs and types,
Bob, I don’t even know what you look like
We’ll fix that someday :) Now talk to me about everything
Y/n takes a breath before her fingers begin flying across the keyboard.
People are just mean. I try so hard everyday to give my all and my best effort, to not let people down, but I seem to still do it. I can’t quite get things right and my boss is suffocating me with the way he looms over me like I can't hold my own. It makes me think I can't. There’s no room for mistakes or excuses, you have to be perfect in the office i work and i will never be that. There’s this other girl who holds my same position yet she does it so much better. I will never hold a candle to her and I know that. She’s everything I want to be because she accomplishes everything I can't. My boss knows it, everyone knows it, and it makes me feel like an outsider. I can’t share certain memories with these people or fit in quite right because I haven't been able to achieve the same success as they have. I know I’m just starting out and I have the rest of my life to surpass them, but what if I can't? What if I am never able to gain a good understanding and I am constantly behind?
There are tears pooling in her eyes as she relives the moments of her day when certain tasks were given to this girl she envies, Sam, while her boss gave her a look that had her close to quitting on the spot. Sam gets to revel in the future while Y/n stays in terror of it. A career path she has wanted all her life taunting her.
I can relate to that. I can understand the feeling of seeing everyone around you get something you want so dearly while you share the same tools they do and yet you still come up empty. But I’ve also learned that good things come with time and we can’t always be yearning for something that isn’t meant to happen right now. What’s meant to happen will happen for you, I’m sure of it, Y/n. I know it’s hard to not be jealous or feel inadequate, but you just have to make peace with the fact that you try your best and that’s enough. You’re a good person, Y/n. All the good will come to you.
There’s something in his words that makes her feel heard and for once, Y/n finds peace in another’s reassurance. She doesn’t want to think about what that means toward who Bob is to her.
Thank you. That means a lot.
Of course. I wish I would’ve had someone telling me that when I was experiencing it.
When were you experiencing it?
A few years ago. But, that doesn’t matter.
You’re always vague, bob. Give me something please? I’ve told you so much.
There’s not much to tell, Y/n.
You’re a server. Is that something you want to do for the rest of your life?
I don’t know. I’m still figuring it out.
Ok, okkk!! I don’t want to be a server for the rest of my life. I think I’d like to work in Formula One. I’ve always loved racing and cars, the thrill of speed and all that. Trying to be Max Verstappen fs
Her eyes twinkle,
Haha yeah right brotha
That’s great tho! I think you’d be great in Formula One, Bob. I’ve heard of it but not a huge fan. It seems boring.
Damn, shitting on my favorite thing… but thank you, Y/n. I think I’d be great too.
You know i didn’t mean it that way!! What about your family?
If you’re gonna ask me all these questions, should we just call?? Might be easier haha
She stares at his text for a moment, only a few seconds, before his contact name is large on her screen as his call awaits her answer. She clicks the green button and puts the phone to her ear, suddenly nervous to hear his voice for the first time.
“Y/n?” His deep, husky tone fills her ears and the truth of his identity begins to genuinely reign true. His voice is none of some old, slimy man. She could see it fitting someone younger, handsome even. Part of her even wants to say he sounds familiar.
She breathes, “Bob?”
There’s a silence that passes between them, a line crossed in the random relationship they’d surprisingly developed. Rustling sounds from Bob’s end, sheets moving before Y/n adds to the commotion, her heels falling to the floor once she pushes them off.
“Are you going to ask me about my family?” He asks, a hint of laughter in his voice.
Y/n giggles, “Tell me about your family, Bob.”
He lets out a small noise of confirmation, “Well, I have two sisters and a brother. A mom and dad. Still married. I don’t know, what do you want to know?”
The two laugh together at his sudden loss of words before Y/n speaks, “Uh, tell me about your parents. Any crazy love stories in the family?”
“No, they got together relatively normal. They’ve been together since they were younger and they’re still in love to this day. They set up a great example for me.”
Y/n rises from her couch, putting Bob on speaker, and moving into her bedroom to get ready for the end of the night. His voice echoes off the walls of the glistening white walls of her bathroom as she asks him more questions about his siblings and relatives. The way he speaks so highly of them makes the pull to him she feels stronger. Something about him seems too good to be true, but she wouldn’t say that out loud. She believes too much in the power of a jinx.
Bob somehow changes the conversation to her, asking her further about her job and her worries. It’s scary how easy it feels to open up to him, things she had a hard time even telling Annie. Maybe it’s the anonymity of him, the elusiveness of the man she truly doesn’t know. However, none of that matters wholly as she lays in bed, eyes trained on the fan above going in circles as she talks about insecurities she’s had since she was a kid.
“It’s hard to know what traits you truly hold, you know? I can be the sweetest to one person, but horribly mean to another. I don’t want people to think I’m armed with ill intent. Sometimes things just don’t come out the way I want.” She whispers, arms sitting heavy over her stomach.
Bob sighs, “It’s scary how much we share in common. I’ve felt that way too many times before. You can never be too careful with your words and it just hits so hard when people don’t understand who you truly are at your core. If they did, they wouldn’t think I was saying something with malice.”
She smiles to herself. It’s as if he lives in her head. “I don’t think you’d mean anything malicious, Bob.”
He chuckles, “I don’t think you’d mean anything malicious either, Y/n.”
The quietness of her name on his lips brings her closer to sleep and it’s the way he begins to ramble about how much he loves to talk to her that sends her over the edge, a warmness accompanying her body to sleep.
Bob keeps talking for a few minutes before her silence is deafening and he realizes what’s happened. Still, he talks, traumas and all, because something about knowing she’s there makes him not want to hang up.
“So, you’ve been talking to this guy for how long?” Annie questions, her eyebrows pulled together just as they always have while she stares bewilderedly at Y/n.
“Three weeks,” She replies, a message from Bob appearing on her screen just as they utter his name.
Annie stares at her, “And you don’t know what he looks like?”
Y/n shakes her head lightly, “No…”
Annie scoffs, “Y/n! That’s so stupid! He could be stalking you for all we know!”
“No! He’s not stalking me, Annie. I think I know him now, really. In the beginning, no, but we call all the time and we talk about anything and everything. He’s sweet and he’s everything I’ve ever been looking for in a guy.” Y/n is quick to defend, her phone in her hands as Bob calls her.
Annie glances down to the ringing phone, “Is that him?”
Her challenging look makes Y/n nod slowly. Annie lurches forward and Y/n yelps just as her best friend yanks the phone out of her hands and answers the call.
“ANNIE!” Y/n yells, grasping for the phone while Annie just moves away.
Bob’s voice meets Annie’s ears, “Y/n?”
“This is Annie, Y/n’s best friend. I’d like to know your address and full name, seeing as my beloved friend has not gotten that information yet.” She demands, eyes glancing toward Y/n as she awaits the man’s answer.
Bob stutters, “Uh, my name is Robert Dancing. I live in Monaco.”
Annie shakes her head, “No, I’m talking address. Like, 12345 Hemingway Street.”
Bob laughs, “Can I just talk to Y/n?” There’s a hint of anxiousness in his voice that sends Annie into a manic spiral.
“No, tell me where you live.” She fires back.
“Annie!” Y/n tries again, grabbing onto Annie’s sweatshirt to pull her closer. When she’s within reach, Y/n reaches for the phone and snatches it back, much to Annie’s dismay.
Y/n apologizes, “Bob, I’m so sorry. Annie’s a little insane.”
He laughs and it lingers around her heart, “It’s okay. Just call me later, yeah?”
She nods and murmurs confirmation before hanging up. She turns to look at her best friend, a rare moment of betrayal. “Why would you do that?” She asks, annoyance radiating off of her.
Annie crosses her arms, “Because, Y/n! You don’t know this man.”
Y/n groans, “Yes, I do! Also, getting to know him by demanding his address seems satisfactory to you?”
“You’re being stupid, Y/n! I’m just looking out for you!” She raises her voice, anger getting in the way of truly getting her point across.
Y/n shakes her head, “Looking out for me would be trusting me when I ask that of you! You just completely went against everything I asked of you! I asked for support, not outraged behavior!”
Annie’s face drops, “You don’t get it! Y/n, you do not know this man! You didn’t even know his last name until I asked for you yet you’ve apparently told him all of your secrets?!”
Y/n begins to pack her purse in a moment of fury, “No, Annie, you don’t get it!”
As she stands at the cusp of the front door, Annie yells back at her, “Stop falling in love with someone you can’t trust!”
Y/n closes the door shut, a huff coming from her lips as she storms down the stairs, tears down her face. To have her best friend question her judgment regarding someone who means so much to her hurts immensely. Though, what hurts worse is knowing she might be right.
Max almost looks perplexed when Lando hangs up the phone.
“Robert Dancing? What the hell kind of name is that?” He teases, a patronizing tone.
Lando shakes his head, “I didn’t know what else to say! Dancing was the first thing that came to my head!”
Max crosses his arms over his chest, “Are you ever planning on telling this woman who you really are?”
Lando’s mouth opens and falls closed, at a loss for words, “I don’t know. I want to, but I know she’ll run. I don’t blame her. I’ve lied about fundamental things.” There’s a crease in his forehead as he continues, “I can’t lose her. I’m too addicted to the way she makes me feel.”
Max sighs, “I hate to say it, but you might, Lan. You told her you were a completely different person, betrayed her trust in an insane way. You’ve got something special, that counts for something, but you need to be prepared for the possibility of her never being able to find it in herself to forgive you. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and get hurt.”
“I won’t. I know the risks of what I’ve done, but I can’t take it back now. I just need to find the time to tell her. I will tell her and I’ll do it in a coherent, calm way.” He tries, but the two of them know he’s already gotten his hopes up. Max looks at him with faux confidence, knowing Lando’s found himself with someone it’ll cut deep to let go of.
Lando knows it too, knows the kind of pain that’ll shred through him if she leaves because of his mistake. It’s ironic in the way that a lie, one so unnecessary, is the thing that plagues his mind at night even as Y/n’s voice puts him to sleep.
There’s a nagging in Y/n’s brain that pushes her to get out from under the covers of her bed and find her desk in the dark of the night. She sits in the chair with a creak before opening her laptop and the random browser she’s had tabs open in for days on end.
Her fingers however over the keys before typing in a dreaded question of truth.
“Robert Dancing.” She whispers as she presses enter and the screen begins to load. Her stomach churns and her eyes whip away, too scared to look. What would she do if nothing came up? What if Annie was right? What if Bob wasn’t who she thought he was after all?
But, then, his voice calls her back to the safety of her blind trust as it rings throughout her brain. He seems too nice to be what Annie had thought him to be. Bob is who she thinks he is, he has to be.
Her gaze takes one more look at the picture of her and Annie on her nightstand before she turns her head fully to find out her fate.
A blank screen with the haunting words, “Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for.” stares back at her. For a moment, she thinks she must’ve spelled his name wrong and she tries multiple, very clearly wrong, versions of what his name could be in an attempt to console the last of hope dwindling out of her body.
Bob. A name in her mouth that now means nothing takes on what she had originally thought it had been. A fake name.
This can’t be, she thinks. There has to be some logical explanation. But, then again, Robert Dancing is not a typical name, something should come up for a server who lives in Monaco. A link to his social media would’ve shown. He’s young and living in Europe, there would be a trace of him.
Robert Dancing does not exist.
Y/n, you never called me back. Is everything okay?
Everything is fine.
Can I call you now?
I’m busy.
It’s been three days and I haven’t heard from you at all. Seriously, are you okay?
Y/n, answer me. What’s going on?
Stop messaging me.
Her body jolts in surprise when her phone rings aggressively against the desk at her work. She looks around sheepishly at her staring coworkers before grabbing the loud device and walking outside. The moment the door shuts behind her, she answers.
Bob speaks so quickly, “Y/n, what’s going on?”
She stares at the skyline, trying to find peace in the view, “What’s your name?”
Bob is quiet, “Robert Dancing. You know this.”
“No, I don’t. What’s your name?” She tries again, anger in her voice and sadness deep in her soul.
“Bob.” He states, breaking her heart once more.
Y/n scoffs, “I know that’s not your name. If you don’t start telling me the truth right now, I will hang up and block you.”
A door closes on his side and she hears him take a breath, “Okay, okay. Don’t do that. How’d you find out?”
A dry laugh leaves her mouth, mixed with astonishment, “Do you think I’m stupid?! You gave me what was supposed to be your full name, so I searched you up. Choose a name that actually comes up next time, yeah?”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. You told me you would never think I meant malice by my actions. That should apply here.” He tries, but she just shakes her head.
“That was back when I thought I knew at least your name. Who ever are you? Do you even live in Monaco? Was any of it true?” She cries, somewhat surprised at the tears that have appeared.
He sounds disappointed, “Yes, it all was. I do live in Monaco and I have three other siblings. My parents are still married. All the things I told you were true, my doubts and insecurities. That wasn’t fake, Y/n.”
She pulls herself together, not ready to break down for a man so cruel, and wipes her tears, “What’s your name?”
“Y/n, I-”
She interrupts, determined, “What’s your name?”
A build up manifests from the silence he lets go on before he answers her dying question, “Lando Norris.”
Part of her was expecting him to say a name she would’ve recognized, but no part of her has any reaction to him. His name is just another one she wished to have been able to connect to another human being.
He takes her silence for realization and his body slumps against the wall behind him. Part of him knows she won’t, but another part worries she’ll take their situation and everything he’s told her to the press.
What she says next completely contradicts everything he built up in his head, “You act like that’s supposed to mean anything to me.”
With that, she hangs up the phone.
Annie and Y/n haven’t spoken since their fight a week ago, but the betrayal of it is pushed aside when Annie opens the door to find Y/n crying at her door.
No words are shared, Annie understands, and Y/n is ushered into the home, coaxed by her best friend to sit on the couch.
“What happened?” She whispers, her hand rubbing over Y/n’s back. Annie hates to see her best friend in such brokenness, even in a moment where she could tell her I told you so. That would do no one good, Annie knows that. Y/n doesn’t need to be proven wrong right now, she needs someone to sit with her when no one else seemingly won’t.
A sharp intake of breath and Y/n speaks, “He wasn’t who he said he was. Robert Dancing doesn’t exist. His actual name is Lando Norris. As if that means anything. Why would he lie?”
Annie cocks her head because it doesn’t make sense. Why would he lie? Lying about your life to make it seem more interesting than it was would make sense, but to blatantly lie completely about your identity? That didn’t make sense.
“Have you searched him up? Maybe it’s supposed to mean something?” She tries, genuinely lost at the situation.
Y/n shakes her head, tears falling to her lap as she hangs her head, “If I do and I see him, I don’t want to know. I already like him too much and that makes this hurt more than it should. If I see him, learn who he truly is, I’m scared I’ll never be able to let him go.”
Annie frowns, part of her wants to know about the man that put her friend in such a state. But, it’s not what Y/n needs as she cries on the beige couch. Her head fits in the crook of Annie’s shoulder as the girl turns on mindless TV for her friend.
Still, though, Annie knew she would find herself investigating Lando Norris later when Y/n fell asleep.
It’s ironic how similar Y/n and Annie look when they scour the internet for information about a specific man. Annie has a bit of blanket pulled over her lap as Y/n hogs the majority of it, the rise and fall of her chest a telltale sign of needed slumber.
The face of Lando Norris stares back at her as she tries to think of this man calling her best friend at night, asking questions no one has before. He seemed bubbly in the few moments she spoke to him and when she clicks on a video of him in an interview, she knows immediately it's him. His voice is distinct as it speaks through a clear microphone. There were no lies in his second confession to Y/n.
From what she can tell, he’s a beloved member of the Formula One community, a sport she had never truly looked into because she assumed it was overrated. So, did Y/n. The off chance that Lando texted a random person and found something more with them, he lucked out that that someone was clueless when it came to the sport that made him famous.
Her breathing stops when she finds a video that titles Lando’s supposed telling of a woman he’s taken a liking to. The date of the video tells her it’s within the time frame of him and Y/n.
She glances at her sleeping best friend before clicking the link, his smiling face large on her screen.
Lando’s giggle is sweet, “Yeah, I guess you could say I’ve found someone. Or, at least, have a crush. This girl and I are definitely not official, but there’s something there, I think we can both feel it. I’ve never felt so free with someone.”
The reporter, out of view from the watcher, coos, “That’s great, Lando! What’s her name?”
Lando gives the man a warning glance as he states authoritatively, “I won’t be handing that information right now.”
He clutches the microphone and Annie can see the way his body shifts with protectiveness. If anything, this is exactly the kind of way she had always wanted Y/n to be treated. Protected and cherished. From what she could gather, from the deepdive of articles and the stories Y/n had told, Lando did just that.
Her heart aches. A stupid man tried to protect himself whilst falling in love with a woman that never even knew who he was. They were never even given a chance.
Somehow, in a black out of pure sadness for Y/n who had always yearned to be adored in this way, Annie found herself buying a ticket to the next Grand Prix, Silverstone of all places.
With a crappy seat and no plan or guarantee of finding him, Annie knew she had to find Lando. She had to fight for something that wasn’t even hers.
The commotion of fans surrounding the entrance to the paddock puts Annie on edge, not to mention the size of the crowd. She thought she got here early, wanting to be at the front so she could try and talk to him, but as she sees the large amount of people between her and the path where the drivers walk, hope diminishes. Still, she pushes through everyone, apologizing when she gets dirty looks. She knows how bad this looks, how much this most likely goes against common courtesy at races such as these. The face of Y/n with bloodshot eyes and a puffy face forces her to persevere, her best friend deserves someone like Lando.
She’s halfway through the crowd when it roars to life, screams emitting as people begin to stick McLaren hats and posters in the air. From the sliver of light she can see through some bodies, Annie watches Lando begin to walk through. He stops to sign for some fans and she pushes more forcefully, knowing this is her only chance.
He moves through it all with grace, but a certain speed that makes her heart pick up. He’s at the front of the crowd, about to step into the paddock and be lost completely to her when she yells, “Lando! It’s Annie!”
It’s the first thing that she can think of, hoping he’ll be reminded of Y/n’s voice when she tried to cover for her best friend’s moment of protection. Annie watches him pause, turn around slowly, as his eyes roam over the sea of people. He locks eyes with her as she waves her arms in the air, something passes between them and he begins running toward her. A connection to the woman he let down, one he hadn’t stopped thinking of in the weeks she had left him.
When he reaches her, Lando is stunned by her presence. “You’re Annie? Like Y/n’s Annie?” He whispers, the people around her screaming for his signature as she nods her head.
“Y/n’s Annie.” He looks to be fighting tears as he ushers a security guard over. “I need you to escort her into the paddock, to my driver’s room.”
The large man nods and Lando walks off, nodding at Annie gratefully. Once he’s gone from the premises, the guard moves the rope keeping people from bombarding the drivers up and lets her through.
The walk to wherever Lando had ordered is quiet as Annie takes in the money that surrounds her. People with Cartier jewelry and Birkens waltz around with an air to them that allows Annie to suddenly understand Lando. This is what he was afraid of. A greedy woman who would take advantage of the status he had and lie to him to get to his money and the money around him. While she understood, however, she still felt angry at his deceiving. Y/n was never given the benefit of the doubt.
The guard knocks on Lando’s door and it swings open, his sunken face coming into view and in the new light, Annie can see the love that Lando had found in her best friend. The effect of her leaving him is seen all over his body and from what she could gather during her time looking into him, he wasn’t doing as well as he usually had during races.
He motions for her to come in and when she does, the door closed, he begins talking, “Did Y/n send you here? Is she here? Can I talk to her? Does she want to see me? Is she forgiving me? Are you-”
Her heart breaks as she interrupts him and his quick anticipation of a reconciliation is crushed, “None of that is true. I’m here on my own terms. Y/n doesn’t know I’m here. At this point in time, she doesn’t want to see you, but I think that’s the shock of finding out about you.. That will wear off eventually. She’s hurt, Lando, but I also know she hates not talking to you. She hasn’t stopped talking about you. And I can’t stand to know that you two found something she’s always deserved, but let it slip away because of fears and betrayals.”
He sits opposite of her, staring at her and trying to find the answers he wants to hear in her eyes. He never does.
Lando rubs his palms over his eyes, “I never even got her last name. There was no way for me to find her.”
“Y/n Y/l/n.”
He lifts his head slowly, “What?”
At the look in his eyes, Annie smiles, “Y/n Y/l/n. That’s her last name. Actually, her full name, I guess.”
A small grin finds its way to Lando’s face and the way he touches his mouth lightly makes her think he hasn’t smiled in a while. “Y/n Y/l/n,” He whispers, smile widening as it all falls from his lips.
He’s even in love with her name, Annie thinks.
“Can you take me to her? I would like to be given the opportunity to fight for her.” He asks hesitantly, as if Annie hasn’t made it abundantly clear that she is here to help.
She nods, “I will tell you where to meet her, but first, I need you to tell me everything from the beginning, from your perspective.”
Lando’s head hangs and he begins, hands wringing together in his lap, “When I first texted her, I thought she was my friend, Daniel.”
“Daniel Ricciardo?” She asks, clarification needed for this story.
Lando’s eyebrows rise, “You know the sport?”
She shakes her head, “No, both Y/n and I never got into it because we didn’t think it was that exciting - sorry - but, I basically learned everything about your life and Formula One when Y/n told me your name.”
He nods and continues, “Well, yes, I thought she was Daniel Ricciardo, we were supposed to be meeting for lunch that day to just catch up before starting the new season. Well, as it turns out, he had changed his phone number over break because it leaked and never told anyone that he wasn’t needing to contact immediately during that time. I assume Y/n must’ve gotten a new number around the time because she got his.”
Annie thinks back before realizing Y/n had shattered her phone in the weeks before and ended up getting an entire new cell phone profile. New number, email, everything. She had said she liked the clean slate.
At her nodding, Lando talks once more, “When she sent me the picture of her, I immediately thought she was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen in my entire life. That’s cliche, but it’s true. She’s still so beautiful to me. Um,” He shakes his head, tears having pooled in his eyes at the mention of her beauty, “I knew I wanted to keep talking to her, see where it went because I couldn’t just stop talking to her and never knew what could’ve been. So, I made a quick, impulsive decision. I lied about who I was because I just wanted her to treat me normally. I had no idea who she was or her morals, I couldn’t guarantee that she would treat me like everyone else. Obviously, when I learned of who she was and the deep parts of her that no one else got to see, I wanted to change it all. I wanted to tell her so many times who I was and what I wanted with her, what I saw with her, but I knew if I did, I would just lose her. So, I tried to find ways to keep talking to her, but also slowly introduce the truth. Clearly, I never found a way. When you called me, demanding my address and full name I panicked and didn’t think about what would happen if I said what was supposed to be my full name. You’re very scary, you know.” He chuckles, Annie does with him, “So, it all fell from there. She found out Robert Dancing was something entirely fabricated and she called me, telling me to tell her the truth. I was backed into a corner and everything I wanted, I needed, left me. That moment is ingrained in my brain.”
He breathes slowly, his eyes still on his hands, before whispering, “I miss her.”
Annie nods, “I know. So does she. That’s why you need to go to this address,” She hands him a small paper, “Meet her there on Monday at 7 PM, come prepared to tell her all of that and more.”
He clutches the paper like it’s his last lifeline and Annie smiles at how important Y/n is to him.
Lando glances up at her, “What do you mean by more?”
Annie continues to smile lightly, “That you love her. That you need her. That you’re sorry. Lando, remind her of what you two had.”
The small apartment complex is daunting to Lando as he stands in front of it. Annie never told him where he was going or what he would be met with, but considering he’s here to see Y/n, he can only assume the building he stares at is her home. His anxiety only spikes. He does not want to mess up again. He doesn’t want to taint her home with even more pain, he thinks to himself, images of himself groveling and begging for her forgiveness flashing in his mind’s eye.
Nonetheless, he knows if he backs out, Annie would find his address this time and physically harm him.
So, the boy walks to the gate and rings her neighbor, following Annie’s instructions closely. He remembered how she told him if he rang Y/n, she wouldn’t let him in, being stubborn and all. Though, if he rang the neighbor, an older woman Annie called Lo, he had a chance.
“Hello? I’m here to see Y/n.” He said into the rusty speaker, a questionable smell infiltrating his nose.
A crackling sound emits from it before Lo is speaking back to him, “Are you Robert Dancing? Annie told me you would be coming.”
Lando laughs at the name, his random ideas being the reason for it, and murmurs a yes to her. She doesn’t say anything back, just a loud buzzing noise that tells him the door is unlocked.
When he walks through, part of him groans at the lack of an elevator. For an athlete, the man is lazy.
Thus, he begins his scale to the top floor, cursing himself for falling in love with someone who lives so high up.
He’s almost completely lost to his thoughts that he doesn’t realize Y/n’s door stands in his way once his feet hit the doormat. It dawns on him the time has come to meet her in person, having never before. It should be studied, he thinks, how he’s fallen in love with her without ever truly seeing her.
He knocks on the door, not wasting time before he truly aborts whatever mission he’s found himself on. And his heart soars when he hears her yell, “Coming!”
He’s only ever heard it over the phone. To hear it feet away from him is almost as exciting as the idea of her forgiving him.
The door unlocks and pulls open, revealing Y/n in a matching set of pajamas that he remembers her texting him about, asking if they were a stupid purchase or not. He told her to get them, she told him probably not, that she was poor, but she still had.
Her eyes land on him and he’s ready for whatever screaming he’s about to endure, but she just smiles at him.
“Hi! Can I help you with anything?” She acts as if she doesn’t recognize him and Lando realizes she doesn’t. Annie had mentioned something about Y/n becoming disinterested in seeing who he truly was, out of fear of becoming too attached. His mind must’ve not genuinely absorbed that information because he only understands it now.
She doesn’t know who he is.
He could do the same thing he had before, lie and tell her he’s someone else. Take the safer option and secure her love, but he takes a breath instead and remembers all Annie had told him. He’d already put her through so much, to do it again would be cruel.
“Y/n, I’m Lando.” He says while he watches her face fall.
Her hands fly to the door, about to slam it on his face, but he sticks his foot in right before she can. The impact hurts, but he continues with what he had practiced so many times on the way here.
“Please, Y/n, just hear me out.” He pleads as her cheeks fill with red. He’s almost sure it isn’t a blush.
“How’d you even get my address?” She says, astonished at who stands before her. Her eyes fall over his body, trying to understand the information. Who he is, what he wants.
“Annie.” He whispers, knowing her confusion will only heighten more.
Her mouth falls open and she yells, “ANNIE?!”
What he believes to be Lo, pops out from her behind her door at the yelling and Lando lowers his head.
“Can I come in? We shouldn’t have this conversation in the hallway of your complex.” He rubs a hand over the back of his neck, hoping she’ll agree. When she does, opening the door for him slowly, he flies forward. While he was ecstatic to be given another chance, he still fears for his image and what would be speculated about a seemingly heated conversation between him and another woman.
She guides him to the couch and they sit down. A familiar creak sounds that reminds him of the ones he would hear when they got into deep conversation during their nighttime calls. The image of her on the phone with him, concentration on her face as she listened to whatever he was revealing and getting comfortable on her sofa, makes him smile softly.
“Bo- I mean, Lando, you need to start talking. I don’t have all the time in the world to listen.” She gives, her tone ice cold. However, the break in it when she realizes she’s said his former, fake name makes the anger he felt over his lies further. He wants her to say his name, the real one. He wants her to say it with love and excitement, not distance. He wants her and his name on her lips.
“I never meant to hurt you. Actually, what I did was in an attempt to shield myself from any kind of bad faith. I didn’t expect to develop what he did. I didn’t even expect to open up to you in the way I did. I thought I could make a friend, one who didn’t know who I was and didn’t have any kind of bias toward me. I’ve always wanted that with someone, especially a partner. I saw an opportunity and I took it, not thinking through it all and I hurt you in the process. I’m so sorry, Y/n. From the moment we started truly talking, calling and all, I knew I had messed up, but I never found a way to tell you. Well, a way to tell you that wouldn’t result in you getting rid of me. I wish I could take it all back, but not you. Not what I got to experience with you, what I felt with you. You’re my favorite memory and you’ll never understand how grateful I am for you. You helped me through bad races even when you didn’t know, helped me through weird press interactions when you didn’t know. I loved that. I loved how at peace you made me feel. I can’t let this go without knowing I gave it everything I have and when Annie showed up at Silverstone, telling me I had to fight for you, I took whatever she had to give.”
Y/n stares at him, trying to digest it all, and murmurs, “Annie went to Silverstone?”
He chuckles lightly, “Yes, she came and she told me who she was, what she was doing there. She told me she knew what we had and she didn’t want you to lose something you’ve always deserved. She gave me this address and told me to come here at this time, told me to buzz Lo instead of you so I could come in. She told me I needed to remind you of what we had.”
Y/n goes red again, blushing this time. She smiles at the idea of Annie going to great lengths just to make her happy, “Annie sounds determined.”
Lando smiles along with her, “She was. She told me if I didn’t fight for you, she’d find me and kill me. She’s really scary, Y/n.”
Their eyes meet and Y/n is reminded of what once was, the way he made her feel. She misses him and knowing the intricate shade of brown in his eyes doesn’t help how much she wants to shut him out.
“I understand why you did what you did, but that doesn’t make it any better. You could’ve given up everything you were saying at any point in time and you didn’t. You only told me when I confronted you with it.” She whispers, disappointment evident in her voice. She plays with her fingers and Lando is close to taking them in his hand.
He nods, “I get that. But, I was scared to tell you because I was just so in love with you. I still am.”
Her eyes snap to his and a moment passes before she asks, “Still am? You love me?”
His cheeks turn cherry tomato, “Yes, of course, I am. The moment I realized you were safe enough to open up to, knowing my identity or not, I was in love with you.”
She groans and lets her face fall to her palms, “But, I’m in love with you too.”
He laughs and shakes his head, “Why is that a bad thing?”
Her eyes peek from over her hands, “Because I want to hate you.”
Finally, his fingers lace with hers as he brings them away from her face, “But, you love me. Isn’t that enough?”
She knows it is. He knows it is. Annie knows it is, even if she isn’t there. It’s a matter of if Y/n can put aside the grand web of lies he put together to let them have their shot at something that could be wonderful. In the warmth of his presence, she thinks she can.
Can you stop blowing up my phone
Bob <3
Why????? I’m bored baby
im at work girly
Bob <3
girly 🤭🫶🏻🤗 plz go out to the balcony and answer me
I think you might be obsessed with me
Bob <3
i made an alter ego so i could talk to you didn’t i?
She picks up his call as she closes the door behind her, the new office building she’s in allowing for a wider view of London. The new team she works with is less competitive than the last and their support is proving beneficial with the news she got today.
“My beloved girlfriend, are you free for lunch today?” Lando giggles into the speaker like the lovesick man he is. Y/n can hear Oscar make fun of him in the background.
She smiles, “I thought you were bored?”
“Yes, so now I’m asking if you want to have lunch with me” He answers as if it’s obvious. In the months after the soft moment shared between Lando and Y/n on her old couch, they’ve found something more than love between them. Lando says it’s destiny and Y/n says it’s a soulmate tie, but they agree that the love they once shared over the phone only grew once in person.
Y/n chuckles at his antics, “Sure, I will have lunch with you, Lan. Can you come pick me up though? I don’t want to drive.”
Lando makes a noise, “What did you think I was going to do? Make you drive yourself? No way. There’s one person in this relationship that drives cars professionally and it’s not you, sweetheart. Sorry to break it to you.”
Oliver, her coworker, comes to the door, asking for her assistance on something with a smile. She tells him she’ll be a minute and he nods, retreating back into the office quietly, “Sorry, my love. I need to go. But, you’ll be here when?”
Lando hums, “An hour?”
“Perfect! Oh, and, Lando?” She asks, her voice filled with joy as he responds, “You’ll have to come to the Junior VP’s office to pick me up.”
Silence is met with her sentence before Lando whispers, “Either I’m stupid and you have some big project I forgot about or you’re trying to tell me something that will actually make me lose my mind and sanity right now.”
She laughs loudly, “I got Junior VP, Lan. Youngest one yet.”
He shrieks, momentarily making Y/n go deaf, before screaming to everyone around him about his girlfriend’s achievement, “I’m so proud of you, baby! Oh my god! I’m so happy! We need to buy champagne! You can have your own podium moment! Holy shit, I’m so proud!”
“I would love that, Lan. Thank you. I love you.” She whispers the last part softly, three words that mean so much.
He’ll never get tired of hearing her speak of her love for him, “I love you too, Y/n.”
She’d never get tired of saying it.
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roseychains · 6 months
sorry for being a little shit and asking so much (I asked twice 🏳️🏳️) but do u PERHAPS write like, idk maybe sorta fluff?? but not hardcore fluff. something in me just wants to see brother!sukuna x sister!reader but not smut or anything. ^_^
also, I’m not anonymous so I don’t rlly need a sign off but it’ll still be 🫧🕊️ bc I’m greedy. please and ty in advance! Ik writing can be tiring and so can getting tons of requests :’)
Brother Sukuna
A/n: so it’s obi gonna be out of character cuz sukuna but more so it’s gonna probably be atleast a little unrealistic bc I have a twin brother, who is anything but sukuna-like.(for reference, he’s a big shot in our schools band, the only one who made state and lowkey a nerd) I’ll try my best tho lol
C/w: NOT A SHIP. PURELY PLATONIC. mentions of bullying, as well as assault. (Neither done by Sukuna).
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First and foremost, protective but not in the way you’d expect. If you ever come to him complaining about people bullying you he’d probably brush it off and tell you to not concern yourself with others opinions, but then the next day those same bully’s were beaten into a pulp
An actual menace. A prankster if you will. Bluring the line between playful and hands down annoying. Take for example, drinking your drinks you put in the fridge to get cold, eating snacks you bought for yourself(he’s a fatass), NEVER PUTS THE TOILET SEAT DOWN, blasts music when your trying to sleep, takes controllers from you when he needs them, at anytime without asking permission, the list goes on.
But he does have equal amount good quality’s as he does bad ones. Despite his annoying habits, he makes up for it in other things. He drives you to places, anytime he’s bring home food he will get you something too(50/50 chance if he asked you or picks for you), and 11 out of 10 times sides with you in arguments you have with people. Additionally, he will also show up to any events you want him too, even if sometimes begrudgingly so. I can also imagine him getting pissed off if you try to compensate him for anything like gas or food, offended you think he’s poor
He gives me stoner vibes. So, as a sibling, he wouldn’t let you do anything till ur an adult and once u are he would only give u his stuff when your together and safe
At any point if you ever text him that your in trouble and need him to pick you up, he’s immediately on his way without a second thought. He might be a dick sometimes but he doesn’t play when it comes to your safety
Speaking of safety, if anyone victimizes you, more than just regular bullying I’m talking physical or sexual assault, he will do a whole lot more than just beat them up. Let’s just say he’s not afraid of being potentially jailed. Knowing the justice system, even if he did end up in jail he’d probably have a not terrible time, seeing as people who killed/severely ingured an assaulter are often respected
As children, when you would roughhouse he would find himself holding back and letting you win. As much as he likes to antagonize you he won’t ever hurt you
In summary, he’s genuinely very caring but never shows it. It kills his tough guy personality but deep down he does care for you deeply
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uaremyjae · 8 months
My thoughts on my One Piece journey and How it’s affected me 🩷
This is going to be long ass post lol
I think this is the platform that I never knew that I will ever comeback to but you know because of one piece and deprived of Sanji, Nami & Law content, ✨ here I am 😁✨ *shamelessly comeback after abandoned tumblr for good 11 years lmao*.
Anyway, I just want to let out my thoughts on my one piece journey and how it affected me. So bear with me. This is only place I can talk about One Piece because other platforms I had is related to kpop * Yes I’m a kpop fan. HEAVY ON NCT. Neo Got My Back.*
I know about one piece way back when I’m teenager. It’s just I don’t start to watch it/ read it somehow?? Idk why 🤷‍♀️ I’m also confused to as why because I did grew up watch anime like FMAB, Naruto, Bleach, Black Butler, K-On, Fairy Tail on tv. HECK I EVEN WATCH THE LONG ASS DETECTIVE CONAN TOO 😭
I think it’s because back in the day ( 2010 - 2017 ), I had lack of access to internet and not exposed to the series at all. Besides the local TV station here, only aired Naruto ,Bleach and those anime I mentioned . *I’m just 24 years old btw*
So around September 2023, I came across to One Piece content on TikTok and funny enough it’s Brook edit! I was so intrigued with this character and little did I know I watch a bunch of One Piece clip here and there on TikTok. To be fair, I am basically spoiled myself that time 😬 but I’m the type dgaf if I got spoiled because I won’t remember at all later on. 🤷‍♀️
So I decide to start watch it. First few episodes, my reaction was like “ Okay Luffy is an interesting guy🧐his body stretches and always smiled! He got damn hands tho ngl”. Zoro, my reaction was like “ahaaa SO THIS IS ZORO THAT EVERYONE KEEP TALKING ABOUT. Quite a Stud.”
Nami, interesting female character that I can relate because I like money 🤑 and her backstory is so sad. Ussop is also another character I gradually love over the time!
Then COMES MY HUSBANDO, SANJI. Man I have a thing for a man who can cook and looks good in suits. Sanji really makes me having my first anime crush ever! I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON ANYONE IN NARUTO & Detective Conan but One Piece made me have one 🤧 *The upgrade from loving a guy that exist but doesn’t know you exist ( haechan,jaehyun & jaemin bb i luv you guys but Sanji 😮‍💨) to loving a guy who are not exist on this plane of earth 👀*
Little did I know I start to binge watch it. First day of watching, 30 episodes in 6 hours. 10 days later I already watch 325 episodes . but the show is so good! The story telling that oda created really hit home to me and the foreshadowing & lore he created makes me hooked unlike other story that I have read & watched.
Here’s the thing, to me every anime that I watch, I never like finish it . Sometimes I would just watch last ep and called it the day. This is not only apply on anime, it’s apply to western shows, my own local shows & k-dramas. So One Piece truly like solidified their place on my heart. I finally can understand why one piece are so loved for decades!
Also during those times, I hit rock bottom too. I quit my job because I was falsely accused for stealing shit at my work place and being discriminated by my ex-boss due to being the youngest one for my entire work.( everyone else was in their 40’s ). That time I was desperate as I need some money to achieve my bucket-list and want to lessen the burden of my family. Lord heavens knows what I’m going through, got death threats by that mf. Twisted the truth that causing my whole family cut ties with her severely. From there, I felt so stress and worried.
So One Piece is my way of escapism and it’s been a beautiful and exciting journey. Compared to last time, I took a 7 months breaks from works due to burn out & anxiety, this time it doesnt took long for me to overcome those situations and my “year-end blues” that I called is not as bad as before. I also has been actively try to get a job asap so I can buy an Ipad as I want to start learning digital drawing again after watching one piece.
One piece teach me it’s never late to start a new journey towards your dream! I used to dream to be a graphic designer or animators but my family don’t want me to be that. They want me to have that conservative jobs like working in government, an accountant etc. so essentially I gave up those dreams so I can make them proud of me. It’s been bothering me for so long as I felt like I should have go for what I want not what people want. At the end, I abandoned my accountancy knowledge and worked as an admin & a baker which I found a lot more less stressful that being an accountant. I guess what people describe after knows me personally being a confident, free-spirited & rebellious is just the way I am. AND oddly enough One Piece is just perfect manga & anime for me!
At this point, I already caught up with anime. I’m a weekly basis anime watchers now. I also has caught up with manga too. It’s been a huge revealing & fresh experience of One Piece for me. I felt like I being myself again! It’s weird but it’s the truth! I never felt so at ease and being seen. I just want to do what I want. It’s just fitting fate for me to be a One Piece fan!
That’s all what I want to say… if you really read this till the end. Thank you!
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bosinclairz · 1 year
thinking abt how mean bo can be sometimes . im not talkin light shit . this wasn’t supposed to be a fic and it wasn’t supposed to end like this lol deeply inspired by @ventiswampwater’s fic squall ( go read it rn )
warnings; abuse , mentions of past abuse , broken bones, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, mommy kink , bo is a piece of shit in this , mentions of rough oral (m receiving) , sub!bo tho :3 , weird dynamic , stockholm syndrome , kinda ooc bo idk , bro suckin on nipples and is weird abt it fr , oral (f receiving) bo cries . i hate this this was a mistake lol my bad yall
he’s not at all the perfect boyfriend . he won’t let you even call him that, but you’ve been in ambrose for two years now , the better half spent with his hand wrapped around your throat, telling you the awfullest things . most times you’ll wake up half way through the day , his cock buried so deep in your throat you’re sure he’s touching whatever’s left of your heart . it belonged to him anyways . other times you’d wake up kneeling in broken glass , bo screaming at you over this little mistake , and the feeling of his hand coming down harshly across your cheek you’re sure you’ve got whiplash now . stupid , you’ve already made a mess and now you’ve gone and gotten hurt doing so . or you’d wake up in the shop , watching bo work underneath a car as he mumbled about tools he needed you to grab for him . you remember when he broke your foot with a wrench once , the metal making short work of cracking your ankle . vincent was the one to wrap it up , and bo never helped you walk after that . you hobbled around everywhere until the pain subsided enough to walk at least a little normally . if you were good , he’d let you lean on him , maybe he’d even carry you back to the house . you always tried your best to appease him , but he’s unpredictable and you can never guess his moods or how he feels about you one minute versus the next .
this is no different . this isn’t something you could ever predict . you didn’t follow him down to the station today . he didn’t want you to . said you were getting on his nerves too much recently , said he couldn’t stand the sight of you . you slept on the couch last night , for the few hours that weren’t filled by your silent sobs . he came home and you almost didn’t recognize him as the cruel man you previously knew , but either way you greeted him with a smile . how was his day ? you asked , making movements to take off his shoes .
“long day, mama,” he muttered. it was so soft you could’ve sworn the sentence ended in a whine . “yeah? tell me about it?” after removing your captors shoes, you stood to full height , ushering him to the couch you had made your bed on . “been thinkin’ too much,” a whisper, “been pushin’ you away an’ i don’ know why.” poor baby , too in his head . who was really the unfortunate one here ? you wouldn’t dare voice this , he’d kill you without a second thought . he never liked being weak .
“lemme make it up t’ya, mama. lemme be good for ya,” his eyes , when they found their way to yours , were broken . he pawed at your chest , silently begging for your permission . you’ve only had the pleasure of seeing him like this twice before . you know what to do by now .
“go on, baby,” you whisper , voice shuddering as he starts to pull up your shirt . somewhere beneath your clothes , bo’s searching for forgiveness.
his mouth wraps around your nipple , sucking and nipping gently . he doesn’t ignore the other , pinching and tugging at it . comfort . he finds comfort in this . why tell you how he feels when he can show it , as long as you never bring this up again .
your hand finds it’s way into his hair, tugging on curls softly as your breath hitches with each tug of his teeth . “you’re so good to me, baby,” you murmur . he’s searching for penance in your warmth , needing to right all the wrongs within your arms . “i have to admit,” your voice is shaky, worrying your words will cause an unwanted shift, “what you said last night has been on my mind today, baby.” a whine .
baby blues open, looking up at you with the most guilt you’ve ever seen bo have . your nipple falls from his mouth , an apology spilling from his lips , “i didn’t mean it, mama, i promise.” it’s sweet , too sweet , and you’re sure the taste of it is rotting his teeth .
silence falls over the both of you , and you wonder who will break first .
you pull him up , your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss . unlike every other time , there’s no malice , no teeth , and maybe if you tasted him hard enough , there was love there . his love tastes like copper , the kind that spills from the fresh wounds he leaves on your skin , reminding you who you belong to . it tastes like gasoline , and a match .
bo is the first to pull back , desperate eyes meeting yours . “lemme make you feel good, mama.” a hand drifts between your thighs , cupping at your sex . “please?” it’s soft and if you weren’t waiting for it , you could’ve missed it .
“yeah - yeah, please, bo.” his body moves down , leaving kisses in his wake as he makes his way between your legs . bo’s tugging down your shorts , exposing your needy , wet core . you didn’t wear underwear anymore , bo’s ripped and torn them all to shreds . that was months ago , and by the way he looks at you , he must’ve forgotten .
“you’re a whore, mama, ain’t that right?” a smirk , and you wonder if this moment would end with a hand around your throat and his dick stuffed deep inside you . you hope it doesn’t . you like this softer side of him . he hasn’t hit you , yet .and if you’re lucky , he won’t .
“yes-“ you gasp as he laps at your cunt , licking up the juices . “you did this,” you mumble, “you gotta fix it. don’t you wanna fix it?” he’s silent , and whether that be from his mouth making you see stars , or from some response dying in his throat , you weren’t sure . but with the way he sucks at your clit , you didn’t much care .
you liked this . you liked this control . in this moment , he was yours in every sense of the word . you wondered if you’d met under other circumstances if it would’ve ended like this , him between your thighs , going down on you with so much fervor you thought he was starving man .
you felt a wetness , and for a moment you thought you must’ve cum without thinking until you realized it was tears . bo was crying , continuing to eat you out like his life depended on it . he mumbled words you soon found out to be “m’sorry mama, please forgive me”.
it made your heart twist in a way that made you nauseous , and you regretted making this about control in that fucked up head of yours . he‘s broken , just as much as you are .
“it’s - fuck - it’s ok, baby,” your high was coming in fast , unable to stop the buck of your hips when he pushes two fingers into you , immediately curling and finding that spot he knows so well .
“ i forgive you “
a hushed cry , and you come undone on his tongue and fingers , pulling at his hair . and for a moment , you forgot who this was for .
“thank you,” bo mumbles , laying his head against your thigh .
it’s soft , so soft you’re sure you’re imagining it , but you swear you hear him utter those three words you’ve been dying to hear ;
“i love you.”
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Story: 3 out of 5 Smut: 5 out of 5
Normally I love bully romances or romances where the male love interests are unapologetic assholes, but there was just something about these three heathens that ALMOST made me dnf this book. Fortunately, I didn't, and I ended up liking the story well enough.
Romina is the most innocent and pure individual, and I wanted to protect her at all costs. Then I realized she had to learn what she liked, and I realized she fit in rather well with the heathens after all. The overturning of Roe V. Wade and the punishment of doctors was a little too real, and I'd never rooted for devil worshippers more than I had when I read this book.
Some of the spice was questionable, especially given how innocent Romina is in the beginning, and then it was downright filthy towards the end.
I might not have liked it as much as I thought I would, but I still recommend others to read it.
Now enjoy my ramblings..
* “You call out God’s name one more time while I’m between your legs, even he won’t be able to save you, little lamb.” — THE FIRST FUCKING SENTENCE, are you kidding me?! 😂
* Father Frollo can eat a dick.
* Holy fuck! These three little shits just bought the chapel.. the chapel where Frollo is hiding Romina!
* Damn.. these dudes are dicks. Poor Romina 😬
* Goddamn. He really just pulled her into his face and ate her out, huh 😏
* Now that the boys know the truth of her living situation, they’re PISSED!
* So Corvin is the only one holding out. Felix is okay, a little obsessed and very much protective while Sonny is just a plain dick.
* I like Reesa sticking up for Romina about the “bad touch”. Too bad Romina loves their touching tho 😂
* Sonny “called” Romina? Wtf is going on?
* I normally love the guys being assholes, but Romina is too pure/innocent to be given this treatment. Idk how I feel about this book.
* That cemetery scene.. I’m just.. at a loss for words 😳
* I’m noticing an uptick of girls getting fucked with the hilt of a knife 😂 Is everyone in crack?
* And goddamn, Sonny! Did you really have to tell Romina you didn’t like her after she had to use her safe word with you? What a dick. I hope Corvin is the first one to fuck her.
* She Arlan Black’s granddaughter?! I fucking knew it.
* Yesssss! Corvin fucked her first lmao.
* Oh no. They told her about Arlan.
* And fuck you, Frollo. I can’t believe you’re giving her an exorcism. You’re so fucked, dude.
* Now fuck you, Sonny, for kicking her out! I just hope Reesa is a decent human being.
* Ohhhh. Poor Romina 🥺 Can we let this girl be happy please?! She doesn’t deserve this.
* Well at least the boys realized they fucked up and took her back in.
* These Escura boys, man.. 🥵 She was the main dish in their spot roast 😂
* Alright, who the fuck tranqed Sonny?
* Oh fuck that dude. I’m so glad they killed him.
* Holy shit. The old man wants them to marry?!
* Aww. He was a virgin lol.
* She bound herself to them!!
* Frollo got what he deserved.
* And Romina got what she deserved as well. The heathens who will worship her until their time is up.
* I can’t believe they got married 😭
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hannamoon143 · 2 months
Work harder
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Req by @ot8sworld: Alright so ninth member and y/n is besties / lovey dovey w seungmin if that's ok so there like always together and y/n is really stressed from the new comeback and all themembers are together and she's in the kitchen and starts getting dizzy and yells for seungmin as here and the glass crash down to the floor.im so delulu...Then the members are scared as shit and they all run to her and seungmin is a lil over protective so he's telling them to move and someone teased him but moves then they take her to the hospital and seungmin is really impatient and mad then they get out of there and all the members take care of her. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ILY SM 😛😛😛
Word count: 2,9k
Pairings: Skz x fem ninth member
Warnings: fainting,overworking,stress,kinda bad eating habits,mentions of food,crying, Babes and love as name for y/n used once (not meant in a romantic way. i guess,but we don't know what seungmin thinks so..)
a/n: TYSM for the reqqq,i luv itt.The scene where y/n faints is from my own experience,because something very similar to this happened to me two days ago (without fainting tho) so i just wrote how it felt lol. Also let’s just not talk about y/n and seungmin idk what they are helpp.Remember to always take care of yourself,drink enough,sleep enough,eat enough,and never push yourself too much.Enjoy now💖
not proofread
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„Come on boys, one more time won’t kill you.“ you said rolling your eyes. „But you made us repeat if over and over again.“Jeongin says. His voice sounds strained and exhausted. He was right. You were dancing for hours now. It was because you were never satisfied with the whole dance.
You sighed and agreed. You all started packing our things together to head back to the dorms. The comeback was exhausting for everyone of you.But you,you were a perfectionist. Everyday was the same.no matter If you guys would do dance practice,recordings or whatever. you were never satisfied.You made the boys repeat everything over and over again.You told them that this doesn’t fit,that they need to improve that… you knew it was egoistic because honestly you knew that you only did this because you were never satisfied with your own work.You just had to work harder.You wanted to get better.
Seungmin snapped you out of your thoughts. „Want something from the chinese restaurant when we get home ?the guys are ordering.“ you put on a fake smile and answered that you ate before.Yeah okay that was a lie,but you hadn’t got time to eat.You wanted to practice at home,you jsut didn’t get that one step right,and there was one line in that one song that just never satisfied you.Everything needed to be perfect.your voice,the choreo,the music video… you all sat into the van.
The ride home was filled with laughter and jokes like always.But you pretended to be asleep.You hadn’t got the energy to do anything anymore. You knew that everyone was exhausted.your schedules always were tight since the comeback got announced but in the past weeks it got worse. The nearer the comeback came the more stressed you got.you just needed to work harder.you only slept three hours per night,staying awake with energy drinks and coffee.You also didn’t eat much.It wasn’t that you just didn’t want to eat,no it needed so much time,so you sometimes just forgot it.You could use the time the others spended eating working right? you needed to do that if you wanted to give your best.a few days ago you heard chan talking to lee know about you.
„To be honest i think y/n is the most hardworking of us.“
„Yeah,she is working really really hard“ minho replied slight, concern in his voice.
Silence.you imagined them looking at each other with their worried gazes now.you sighed.
„Minho...i’m a bit worried about her.i know she loves all of this and she wants to do it as good as she can but...maybe she should turn it down a bit.“
you didn’t want to hear minhos reply anymore,so you stepped away from where you’ve been listening and go into your room.
That day another idol would have been happy that their leader is thinking that they are that hardworking. they would of course also have changed their schedule so their members would be less worried.But for you it was more of an insult.You hadn’t worked hard enough to not worry them. Egoistic,disappointing,failing.
You only got snapped out of your thoughts again when seungmin gently tried to wake you. You weren’t even really sleeping but you felt too exhausted to get up,so you just didn’t move and also didn’t say anything.Seungmin quietly spoke to chan.He told him he would bring you to your room and changbin could eat his food , cause he wanted to stay with you. That’s what you loved about seungmin.He was so caring in a way that didn’t annoy you right now for once.You loved every single one of your members so much but seungmin was always a bit different.
When you first met seungmin you immediately liked him.he was a little menace but to you he was always everything. You two were best friends before the group even knew each other entirely.He was there if you needed a shoulder to cry on,he was cheering for you when you achieved something and he was laughing for you if you laughed. Your friendship was a nice one.The best. that’s what it was yeah.But sometimes to you it felt like more. Yeah okay the fact that you two kissed sometimes might say that maybe he felt more too.
When seungmin gently lifted you up,one arm under your knees,one on your back you just let it happen. He carries you into your room,laying you down gently in your bed that was filled with plushies and pillows. He pulled a blanket over you,and suddenly you actually felt sleepy.
„Minnie?“ you whispered when he was about to go out. He immediately turned around.
„Stay for a bit?cuddles?“ you hadn’t asked that in a long time.Before everything went so hectic and stressfull you two always cuddled but now you always just sat in your room,working on something. He smiled warmly,walking to you again.He lied down besides you,pulling the blanket over him too.He took you in his arms,and when you felt like you were almost asleep he pressed a soft kiss to your head.Youu nuzzled more into his chest.And in that moment,you felt like maybe everything wasn’t even that bad.Maybe everything would be okay.Then you drifted off into sleep.
But your bad sleeping schedule fromt the past weeks wouldn’t let you sleep longer than two hours. You woke up,feeling sweaty nauseous and cold at the same time. Confused you looked around.Of course seungmin wasn’t around anymore. But you had a weird feeling in your gut. You grabbed your phone and checked the time.you really had only slept two hours,so you still heard the boys voices outside of your room.You sat up,planning on going to the kitchen and snuggle between them.You didn’t want to admit it but you didn’t feel like work.You always worked lately. but somehow there was this weird feeling in your whole body.You stood up but were greeted with a little wave of dizzines. What was happening? You sat down again and suddenly your hands started shaking.You just looked at them,very confused.You stood up again anyways going into the kitchen where all the guys were sitting.
Your legs also had the same shaking like your hands.You felt a bit hot.You were confused what was going on but when you came into the kitchen you were greeted by the happy boys.
„Y/n!you finally made it out of your room once.We all were wondering when seungmin told us you actually fell asleep.“ Felix jokes but with a lighthearted smile.You wanted to respond something clever when also the others started teasing but you just hummed going over to the sink.you needed something to drink, maybe that would make that feeling better.You also felt like your head was spinning now,but your vision was clear. Ok,that was definitely not normal.You leaned to the kitchen counter trying to figure out what was going on. Yeah okay it was obvious that you didnt eat anything than one apple the whole day and also that you never got more than three hours sleep per day the last weeks,and constantly overworked yourself without a singe break but you needed to work. Until now it was fine.You were fine.why were you suddenly feeling like this?
While the other guys teased,seungmin noticed that something was definitely off.ususally you would have snuggled up between them and joined the lighthearted jokes.he got up and walked over to you,laying a hand on your shoulder.
„Babes is everything okay?“ he asked you,looking into your eyes,searching for something he probably might not find.When you suddenly heard his voice next to you your head immediately shot up.You hadn’t heard him coming.You only noticed now that you were so focused on breathing because suddenly your breaths got thin and short. Chan now also noticed something was off,glancing over.
That shit was really scaring.You didn’t know what was going on,you couldn’t control your breaths anymore,your limbs slightly shaking and the weird feeling in your gut mixed with the spinning-pain in your head was so damn confusing. Seungmin was scared.you could tell.He asked you if you were having problems with breathing,he said you need to say something.Then he said your names a few times.But it was like you were trapped in a bubble somewhere wide away from him. He tilted your head up making you look at him.You didn’t know what to do.You clutched to his shirt,panic in the eyes,trying to regulate your breaths.
Seungmin noticed the tight grip on his shirt.Suddenly he also noticed your shaking,the look and the thin breaths.Why didn’t he notice sooner? Now all the other members were looking at you too. You didn’t even notice them going silent.You also sensed chan speaking.He looked at you.Was he speaking to you?You didn’t know.You didn’t care. You suddenly let out a loud sob,greeted with tears. Seungmin was now panicking as much as you did.
„H-hey y/nnie,please talk to me.Hey what is going on?“ his voice is shaky,and all the members look at you.The weird feelings,now all mixed together get stronger and stronger.Seungmin saw the cold pearls on your forehead.He continued his panicked rambling,trying to get a word out of you.The other members are now also stood up,but they are still around the table.
But then suddenly seungmin stops rambling. He hears as your breaths stock.Almost as if they got caught in your chest.Your legs and arms trembling a lot and your eyes searching for something,helpless. He says you need to breath,to focus on his voice,but you couldn’t. So he catches you in the last moment before you crash to the floor.
„Y/N!!“ All the members scream and run to you.Seungmin is holding you in his arms,first helpless.All the members voices mix with some of them cry or scream.All while he is holding you.All while you are not even breathing.
„Stop!!!“ seungmin suddenly yells. All the members go silent.His voice was stern,yet scared.
„Jeongin,get me a towel and cold water,chan call an ambulance,and the rest of you go a step back!“ If the situation wouldn’t have been so serious they would have teased him for playing leader but they all knew how much you meant to him. So they did was he said. Meanwhile he checked your pulse.It was still normal,but you didn’t breath. You didn’t breath. He didn’t know what to do so he did the first thing that came into his mind.He was thankful now,that he watched all these cheesy,hospital dramas with you at movie nights. Mouth to mouth resuscitation.
And it helped.you started coughing.He felt so relived that the sound of your breaths didn’t sound so stuck anymore.Then everything was really quick.and ambulance showed up and seungmin and chan drived with you in it to the hospital.The others wanted to come with you too but chan said they could come after,with the van.
In the ambulance chan spoke to the medic,calm like he always was. Seungmin held your hand,not once looking away from you. You opened your eyes. Where were you? Your eyes went big. „M-min?“ Seungmin immediately responded.He saw your scared look and said: „ Hey it’s okay y/nnie.You fainted and we were all so worried but it’s gonna be okay.We are just driving to the hospital real quick so we can check if everything is okay.“ He gently stroked your hair.You wanted to say so many things.That they didn’t have time for that.That you needed to work,to practice the dance.That you didn’t want to go to the hospital.But you remained silent.
It seemed like you fell asleep or maybe they gave you soemthing to sleep but when you woke up you were in a bed.It wasn’t your bed,it felt cold and unfamiliar.It was a hospital bed.As you looked around you saw the boys standing around a doctor that said something.You tried to concentrate on his voice.
„…. so that means Miss L/n isn’t seriously sick.She seems to have fainted from stress,lack of sleep and food and maybe there is something mental too,but we don’t know what she is thinking so maybe you guys could aske her if something is bothering or stressing her…“
You stopped listening. Of course you were stressed,you all were right?But you thought you balanced everything right.As soon as changbin noticed you were awake he walked over to you.The others immediately followed.Now they all stood around you.Should you say something?They all are silent but seungmin can’t hold it in any longer
„Y/n,why didn’t you tell us you were so stressed?We could have helped you,and you should have thought of a better schedule and god y/n you need to sleep!And i know you sometimes just forget eating when you are stressed but tell us!We can help you y/n,we want to help you.And if you feel like it’s getting too much then please come to us.“
He sounded so desperate,so worried and frustrated.You didn’t know if it was only you but wasn’t there also… diappointment?Of course you knew what seungmin meant.You knew what he was trying to say.But a little piece of you believed that his words meant you were still not working enough.A little voice,that was telling you that you shouldn’t have broke down.That this only showed that you were weak and vulnerable.You remembered that you should probably answer.You hated that your voice sounded so faint and weak.
„I’m trying.“
These two words burned in the boys chests. „Y/n,we know you are trying.You are giving your best and honestly you did even more for the comeback than me.But you don’t need to do this alone.I know something might tell you that you need to work harder,that you need to do this alone but it’s not like that you know.We are a group of nine.There are eight people that you can trust,that love you,that help and support you no matter what y/n.“ chan spoke up.His voice was calm,stern but filled with so much love.
These words slowly managed to get to you,to get into your mind. He was right.This was exactly what you thought but you never realized that it could hurt them,to see you like that. Were they thinking you didn’t trust them anymore?
„Guys...you know that i love you right? Chan you are right,that’s what i thought but not because i don’t trust you,i just felt like i need to work harder.You also do everything so perfect but i never bring so good achievements like you all do.“
„Y/n“ Seungmins voice was now less nervous and desperate „What are you talking about?Your achievements are as good as ours,often even better.And of course we know that you love us.“
Then it was silent again.You didn’t know what to say.All of a sudden felix started smiling and just ran nearer to you and almost hugged you to death. „You are choking mee“i said dramatically giggling.I was glad that the tension broke.Now the others started smiling to and they all joined into a big warm hug.
Maybe it was the warm feeling of having them all hug you,maybe it was the warm undertones in seungmins and chans voice but something made you believe their words. It was like your head was constantly underwater until now and suddenly you got pulled out the water.You finally remembered that you had 8 wonderful guys in your life who would help you,support you and do anything for you.
Bonus: (4 months later)
„Guys the album is released!“ you happily screamed.You all were sitting in front of a countdown since an hour,all nervous if the album would be liked by stays.
You all happily hugged each other.The others did not miss when seungmin was hugging you extra tight. They exchanged knowing grins. „Celebrate our hard work with ramen?“ you asked.the others all agreed,running into the kitchen. Seungmin took your wrist and stopped you in your tracks.The others were all in the kitchen by now,so you were standing alone in the living room. You turned around to him again.
„I’m proud of you Love.“
„What?it wasn’t just me who created this album and prepared the comeback.“ Not gonna talk about the fact he never called you love before and it made your heart flutter
„I’m proud that you actually let us help you,that you finally slept more than five hours again,that you always ate dinner with us and that you came crying to us when it got too much again.“
You quickly thought back of the past four months after what happened.You tried to make a better schedule again,and you managed to get your old sleeping habits back. The guys always took you with them when they were eating dinner,not letting you skip meals.If you were too tired seungmin would just take some of the food on a plate go into your room and watch a drama with you while you ate your food.You also remembered that night when you felt like things were getting so overwhelming again that you couldn’t face them alone so you went into the kitchen,crying and telling the guys how you felt.They took you into their middle,cuddling you and mumbling motivating and caring words, and they helped you even more after that.
You just smiled at him.Not a tired fake smile.A truly happy smile.Seungmin smiled back with his cute puppy smile.Then he pulled you nearer,pressing a soft,tender smile onto your lips.
„Let’s go to the others alright?“
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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still screaming inside lol 😭😭😭
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT DREAM: eating their ass
anon: “Hiii! Can i ask for an nct dream reaction to their s/o eating their ass? I have a habit of eating ass, (missionary style, doggy style) tysm!! have a great day” sure anon! ngl this request caught me a little off-guard but i’m always up for a challenge, hope this is ok! i’m not that much of an expert on ass-eating so this is my best attempt based on the stuff i read ^^
just for a disclaimer: i will not write for chenle and jisung. i know they’re grown up and “legal”, but it still makes me feel a little uncomfy, hope you understand!
NSFW under the cut, MINORS DNI!!!!!!!!
→ MARK is blushing non-stop, fumbling over his words to say something along the lines of “i mean sure, if you, um, want to like, try it out? not sure if i’ll, um, like it but, uh…” so many expletives lmao but excuse the boy, he’s not used to being so upfront about topics like your sex life. you’d def have to kinda execute the “””foreplay””” for a bit longer to just get the mood going bc you don’t want mark feeling uncomfortable. very nervous, but you urge him to breathe as you slowly trail down his body while stripping him along the way. 
“that’s it, baby,” you smiled, “keep your legs over my shoulders, you’re doing so well.” mark was susceptible to praise, you knew that, the words coming easily from your mouth as your hand move up and down his cock. you know you’re doing things right when his hands are searching for something to clutch at, settling for the sheets instead. when he whines, you exhale in disbelief at how beautiful he looks.
spit lands on his hole, making him moan out at your saliva dripping down to the sheets before you dig in, pressing your tongue flat against his hole to make sure he’s getting out all the sounds of pleasure you love to hear.
→ RENJUN does a double take the first time you mention it, but i have a feeling that renjun is kinky like that and may have been the first one to bring it up. either way renjun is up for it and a little excited idk this man needs to calm down. when you’re up for it he’s the one to crash his lips into yours, feeling you up and bringing you closer with one hand that you almost forget you’re the one that’s supposed to be pleasing him. but now that renjun’s actually in the moment he’s become a little nervous. nothing makes him back down tho, the this mfer is always fighting with haechan so he probs have nerves of steel. has the prettiest moans and reacts a lot when you actually get into it.
“a-ah! (y/n)…” renjun’s eyes are closed tight, with his ass high up in the air and face planted into the pillows as you’re licking at his hole. a desperate hand is wrapped around his cock to release some pressure, rutting into his hand with a neediness you’ve never seen before. 
“stop moving, junnie,” holding him down proved difficult, the twitches and squirming turning you on more than you’d like to admit it. renjun tries his best to listen, but he’s hardly keeping still with his lewd moans and the obscene noises of your tongue that fill the room.
→ JENO freezes in the moment for a bit lol bc i feel like you’ll be the one to bring it up and he’s the one who’s kind of at a loss for words at your proposal. i see jeno as the most hesitant one out of the five of them, but he won't outright reject you. where mark doesn't """mind""" in a sense, jeno might be a little reserved about his choice and your forwardness. you reassure him that it's okay if he doesn't want to, but with a kiss to your lips he takes up your proposal. jeno needs time to kinda prepare tho, and so because of this i can see it happening when he's come back from schedules and is just aching everywhere. after a bath he decides that he wants to unwind, waking you from your sleep.
"babe?" jeno calls out, the smell of your boyfriend's fresh body wash immediately fills your nose, waking you up from the light nap you took whilst waiting for him. "i wanna do it," he mumbles, taking your hand into his as you're still lying down. pecking his palm, you guided him to the bed where he's still naked from the shower. he shivers as he removes his towel, cock already half hard just from his racing thoughts. you don’t miss the shaky breath that he lets out, planting butterfly kisses on his thighs to give some motivation.
"i'll take care of you, don't worry," jeno visibly relaxes at that, letting you do your thing as you give kitten licks to his hole and regrets any hesitation before, thrusting his hips up get as much as contact with your tongue. jeno whines, moving his hips to match the speed of your tongue like no other.
→ HAECHAN the headcanons are correct. the brattiest bitch you’ll ever meet. he’ll probably be taunting and teasing you non-stop until you actually land your mouth on his hole. i can see it coming up in a game of drunk truth or dare or something, or something that hyuck just randomly asked one day about wanting to try rimming. being in a relationship with haechan meant a lot of open conversations, so one day you just drop the bomb casually and is like “you said you wanted to try it out, right? let’s do it now” and hyuck is like sputtering and going ??!!??? he’ll continue to say stuff like “oh~ (y/n), so naughty!” as he’s stripping. ofc you have some prep like making out just to get the mood going and goes absolutely quiet before letting the feeling of your mouth on his ass sink in
“no way you’re gonna do it,” haechan had a shit-eating grin, stripping off his pants. you’re in his arms in no time, moaning into a kiss before falling into the bed behind him. you grind up against his hardening bulge, earning a groan of frustration from the other before kissing down his neck, “if you washed it, of course, flip over baby.” haechan complies immediately, letting your hands guide his hips up.
“i’m clean, of course i’v… w-washed it…” his words fade off into whimpers as your tongue dips around his hole, making sure his cock gets some attention as you eat his ass like a starved bitch.
→ JAEMIN has a confident front, but the poor man’s shaking inside. i can’t tell if he’s excited or nervous, but he doesn’t want to back down so he’s kinda like going straight into a kiss at the same moment you bring it up. jaemin might mention it first too, if it’s something he’s learned online and just wanted to share with you. there’s a gasp if you’re the one who starts the topic on ass-eating, and he holds both your hands with a nervous look in his eye and goes “i… don’t mind trying it” with a sheepish smile. he knows that you wouldn’t suggest or do anything to hurt him and trusts you.
“that’s it, love. relax for me,” you whisper, pulling away from a kiss as one hand reaches down to pump his cock. jaemin releases a sigh and bucks his hips into your hand, legs opening up more to give you more access. his eyes are practically begging, giving him what he wants as you bring his legs up to expose his hole. he’s smiling down at you, reaching out a hand to twine with yours before you began your meal.
“fuck, fuck (y/n)!” jaemin’s groans are pretty, and the breathless pleas he has are prettier, having your interlocked hands as an anchor while he loses control of the way your tongue feels around his hole.
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takamishinko · 3 years
hi hi canipleaserequestagain andimbeingannoyingiknow iloveyourwriting👉👈 h e r e p l s - diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli and xiao ofc w/ a male neko reader (like diona half cat half human?) (and reader has like shadow power????? what is this lmao- i cannot explain myself to save myself- ugh-)
haha dw bout it i love writing for genshin :) but if u can please try and be more specific next time it will make it easier for me to write!
kaeya, diluc, childe, xiao, and zhongli with a male s/o with cat traits and a unique "vision"
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kaeya and diluc:
im just gonna lump them together im too lazy to find another gif
kaeya would probably would love your cat ears
pets them all the time and brushes them to make sure they're clean and stuff
will compliment and make small talk with you while doing it too
i headcanon diluc to love cats, he seems like a cat person
loves your ears but will never admit it
when brushing them he won't say anything because he's too busy appreciating them
kaeya would asks diona if the two of you are related
very cheesy and kinda cringe but he would definitely call you kitty/kitten
since your literally a catboy in a sense
diluc knows diona hates him but he'll still go to diona and asks is there any way to better take care of you cuz the two of you are similar
will get hate from diona obviously but he'll suck it up for you
will not call you kitty/kitten unless you literally beg him to, he don't do that.
kaeya shows you off to other ppl and tells them he has a pet cat
you offer to go on missions with kaeya and he gladly accepts because he knows your powers and acknowledges them
diluc wouldn't tell other ppl about ur relationship unless you want to, cuz as we all know he doesn't like to share
you offer to help diluc but he's overprotective and doesn't let you go on missions with him even tho he knows what you're capable of
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idk why but i think childes probs really bad with animals especially cats
so he's glad that at least you like him
one time he bought u like a shit ton of fish and asked you if you like them
he never did it again
buys you all sorts of stuff cuz mans rich asf
and by stuff i mean like jewelry, whatever products you need to take care of your fur ect.
will play with your ears when cuddling
holds you in his arms like a kitty and will refuse to sleep until you're asleep first
can't grasp the idea of ur vision
he has a two different visions himself but he still can't grasp the idea of yours
asks you to duel a lot with him
cuz he's a bloodhungry mf
he'll try to figure out where your vision came from by himself so he told you to not tell him about the origin of it
he'll take you wherever he goes btw
like everywhere
one because he's made a lot of enemies throughout his battle history so he's scared of someone hurting you when he's gone
secondly because he knows he can protect you
he knows your power and how strong you are but he doesn't want to take any risks
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he doesn't even care about humans lol so he cares less about animals
except for you ofc, you're the only exception
doesn't know anything about animals and does not know how to take care of your cat traits whatsoever
but he's trying.
he doesn't understand the concept of finding something cute
so he definitely does find your ears and tail cute he just doesn't know the feeling of it
mans barely knows the feeling of being in love with someone so
impressed by your powers because it's not technically considered a vision
he doesn't care for it much as long as you can protect yourself with it before like
the 1-2 seconds he gets there he's fine with it
is not keen on pda or letting anyone except for zhongli know about this relationship
he doesn't get the idea of relationships in general really but in his idea he likes it private
he worries at times because he's an adeptus, meaning he'll get to live forever with the thought of you d13ing before him
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i dont think zhongli is an animal person
i feel like animals are the last thing he cares about tbh he's been through too much just like xiao
he will try to know more about cats because his boyfriend has cat traits
is not open about the relationship unless people ask him about it
in that case he will proudly present you as his boyfriend
and say stuff like he is honored
people will disagree tho
they will say things like
"how could the former archon be in a relationship with a mere mortal, let alone a human with cat traits."
he will kindly reason with them if this does happen
however if reasoning doesn't work then he will chose 2 solutions
1. just leaving
2. "i will have order" /j
but really he doesn't care what anyone says
he just wants you to feel happy and safe cuz that's the type of bf he is :)
hutao loves you btw
thinks your ears are so cute and you guys are like bestfriends since zhongli takes u to meet her sometimes but you too just get along really well
zhongli is quite interested in your power because throughout everything he's seen during his lifetime he hasn't seen anything like yours
however just like xiao he's glad you can protect yourself with it
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Texts from The Lost Tomb, part 3
I didn’t mean for this to stray into angst but like the lack of updates with Li Cu in LTR?? I had to do it to em.
Wushanju Crew Chat, 11:05pm
Li Cu: what’s up losers I’m outside
Li Cu: someone come on and open the damn door
Wang Meng: Language:(
Li Cu: fine, someone come on and open the damn door please
Snake Eyes Chat, 7:00am
Wu Xie: hey are you awake? Sorry I missed you coming in:) was finishing up some work. How was the end of your first semester? Did that geology paper go well? Did the food budget work out or do you need some extra money next semester?
Li Cu: yeah about your work
Li Cu: heard a little rumor
Li Cu: about you going through some stuff during ur recent trip
Li Cu: some stuff you maybe forgot to mention
Li Cu: and you told me we gotta check in with stuff, so this is me checking in, okay
Wu Xie: oh? What stuff?
Li Cu: idk just like
Wu Xie: oh. That stuff.
Li Cu: yeah asshat I’m in the kitchen whenever you’re ready to explain your fucking bullshit. Also you’re out of milk wtf how am I supposed to make breakfast here
Main Chat, 11:14am
Wu Xie: okay so it’s possible I fucked up a little bit.
Zhang Qiling: What’s wrong?
Honorary Wu Chat, 11:30am
Wang Meng: Welcome home, Li Cu <3 not much has changed, ultimately.
Li Cu: it’s okay. not your fault, uncle. Doesn’t matter how I found out. Wait wait hold on what do you mean “the rest of us figured it out” who figured it out
Liu Sang: …hello.
Liu Sang: uh…so you’re Wu Xie’s protégé, huh?
Li Cu: oh well howdy there homewrecker
Liu Sang: Excuse me??
Zhang Qiling: I think someone on the roof is calling me and I should go find out.
Wang Meng: I would also very much like to be removed from this conversation.
Li Cu: all I’m saying is aren’t you the little creep who’s obsessed with Xiao Ge
Liu Sang: ???
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu is referring to a brief period of irrational thought on Wu Xie’s part, where he mistakenly believed you to be a threat to our relationship.
Liu Sang: what do you mean a threat??
Wang Meng: can you please take me off this chat.
Liu Sang: Wait, so Wu Xie told you about me, but…reading between the lines, he didn’t mention the cancer or anything bad that happened? Oh yikes.
Li Cu: don’t change the subject “Liu Sang”
if that is your real name
Like yeah you’re right abt it but still
just saying
heard you got good ears but I’ve got snake powers
so like no more funny business okay you superhearing harlot
Wang Pangzi: LMAO OH DO WE NOW
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu, this is all unnecessary and childish. Please apologize.
Li Cu: you say that now bruh but apparently you weren’t complaining when he was all “idol this” and “idol that”
oh and hey Wang Meng while we’re here can I show you my business class grade report later bc Wu Xie is all “what matters is that you learned and enjoyed the experience” blah blah all eat pray love you know how he gets and I want to actually discuss areas to improve so that when I take over this joint I do better than Wu Xie? Tho that shouldnt be hard lol
Wang Meng: hurtful but accurate. I’ll bring my best red pen:)
Liu Sang: oh my god. I’m too jetlagged to keep up with any of this.
Not A Homewrecker Chat, 11:52am
Liu Sang: Okay, we started off on the wrong foot.
Li Cu: I agree let’s start over
Start with how your little prank game almost got ppl killed
Liu Sang: And I seriously regret that. But we moved past that.
Wow, he seriously skipped over so much bullshit but didn’t skimp on mine, huh.
Li Cu: AHA so you ADMIT IT
Liu Sang: I’d like to think I’ve grown since then. That I’ve come to see Xiao Ge as a person and mentor, rather than an idol. I count Pangzi and Wu Xie as my close friends. I’m going to be staying here with them right now, I hope you can be okay with that.
Li Cu: see in my head you were going to be a lot less mature about it and I had a bunch of great follow-up insults planned
Liu Sang: I figured. I’d like us to be friends, though. Or at least not enemies.
Li Cu: okay but only bc you don’t know me yet so you won’t judge too much for this and I need to get this out to somebody I’ve been thinking about it for hours and my friends are still in finals and I’m stressing a little bit maybe
Liu Sang: ?
Li Cu: I yelled at dad
*Wu Xie sorry autocorrect
Liu Sang: …uh huh.
Li Cu: I yelled at him earlier. for keeping all that stuff from me. He started crying
Liu Sang: Wu Xie has been pretty emotional since we got back. Not necessarily your fault.
Li Cu: I made him cry right there at the kitchen sink and it felt like maybe the worst thing I’ve ever done
Snake venom and stabbings, no tears
Me saying I wouldn’t have gone to his funeral, all tears
Which I know was shitty to say but I was really mad
Liu Sang: If it’s any consolation, I think Wu Xie can understand the concept of being led by his emotions to make bad decisions…better than most people.
Li Cu: Xiao Ge came in then and looked weird
Like weirder than usual
Like he didn’t know which of us to be more mad at
Liu Sang: A common problem for the iron triangle, I understand.
Li Cu: I just ran out I didn’t have words right then and I feel stupid
but whenever they come back from their walk I’m gonna say sorry and stuff bc i could’ve come home to his funeral and I’m mad about it but also like. I could have come home to his funeral. I can get mean when I’m in a freakout mood. It’s not like I was scared or anything at all I don’t get scared really anymore ever but just like. Freaked out.
Liu Sang: He’s probably going to say sorry, too.
Li Cu: sorry I called you a homewrecker. Didn’t mean to slut-shame either
Liu Sang: I admit that after the initial shock, it was pretty funny. Super hearing harlot, it should be on my business card;)
Li Cu: this situation with Wu Xie is weird but kinda good ya know. And I have these freakouts sometimes that something maybe bad could happen to this situation. So consider this a shovel talk. But like, also not a shovel talk at the same time.
also I appreciate you saving his life and whatnot
Liu Sang: Noted. Now. Coffee?
Li Cu: sounds sick.
Be in the kitchen in 10. You can pick out what we watch for the household tv show tonight. no way is Wu Xie choosing some dry documentary about gravestone rubbings again. Pangzi just watches real housewives reruns and Xiao Ge won’t watch tv after he caught the last half hour of A Walk To Remember. Also i need my phone now to send some $ to Hei Xiazi since I owe him for…providing some intel
Liu Sang: Not even surprised.
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ihatebnha · 4 years
If the reader being with Shoto wasn’t chaotic enough imagine if they were with Touya. Like what circus it would be
NO I’M GLAD YOU BROUGHT IT UP BC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT this for a fucking HOT MINUTE … you don’t even know… 
I definitely want to write about nice!Touya (basically just Dabi who wasn’t abused) more in depth eventually… but I totally imagine him as such a little shit who’s all goofy and everything… like super teasing and embarrassing but definitely a big simp at the same time… (honestly like, Rodrick vibes tbh with his white and black hair and everything) 
I honestly love thinking about it too because I also see family!AU Touya as sharing a lot of the same mannerisms as Shoto (based on how Shoto mentions seeing bits of himself in Dabi in the manga)… Like it makes me laugh to think about how they’re kinda the same boy in different forms… 
Both of them don’t want to be around their dad, they both want to piss him off, they both like their girlfriends (both of which are you)(remember, Rick and Morty in this bitch)… LIKE LMFAOOOO they’re definitely brothers if I ever did see them. 
God tho, you’re so right… being with Shoto is nothing compared to what Touya puts you through when you’re at their house… 
Dude won’t do ANYTHING without you; if he’s not at home, he’s at your house, if Endeavor can’t reach him on his phone, he’s calling you… Like the only reason he ever agrees to go on any vacations in the first place too is because you’re allowed to come… like he definitely gives me big Tik Tok “I’m not going if y/n’s not going” vibes… 
(Mans probably calls you his wife too just because… that’s kinda what you are already LOL) 
Also, just like Shoto, he’s NON-STOP fucking you just to piss Endeavor off… on the bed, on the couch, in the shower, he does not give a fuck... and honestly at some point there probably has to be an intervention. Natsuo and Fuyumi just pat you on the shoulder when they lead Touya away to talk to him about his… libido… problem… 
Honestly though, shit doesn’t even work because he pulls the “it’s a big boy thing, you guys wouldn’t understand” card… to which Natsuo wants to kill him (as if, and I’ve said this before, he ALSO wouldn’t do the same)(tbh all Todorokis are the same) and Fuyumi can’t figure out why he wants her to suffer… (Shoto thinks it’s gross but he’s like, TBH mood)
Honestly, they probably even start snitching to Endeavor… who, even though is highly disturbed, also knows he can’t stop Touya and has kinda a soft spot for him, anyway… 
(Touya: stay out of my business and just close your ears idk)
ALSO like… when Endeavor yells at you both, it’s a little different from when he yells at Shoto because, in this case, you’re both a bit older and it’s really more like a daughter in law type situation (not that it’s not with Shoto, just that Endeavor in that sitch is literally praying you guys graduate college or something first)… 
So if you’re out with the family and whatnot, Endeavor is less so about to yell at you about grades and more so about to make sure the both of you don’t embarrass him in public by being rude or gross.  
I also see Endeavor as the the type of dad who, if Touya’s asking for money, he’s like, “buy y/n something nice, too” when he’s pulling out his credit card sjkdfjas;dlksj (to which you and Touya come home with matching nails and tracksuits and the Japanese equivalent of Cheesecake Factory for everyone). 
(Like idk why but I also keep imagining you all at, like idk, the shoe store or something getting new shoes for the year, and Endeavor is forcing you to get a new pair, too)
And it doesn’t stop there, either… Touya does things like ask you to hand feed him at dinner (the both of you trying not to laugh the whole entire time), getting all fake handsy and mushy with you in front of others on purpose, French kissing in the car, holding your butt when you walk, etc.… it’s honestly kinda cringe. 
(Not that he would actually do this but… Touya who jokes about gets your name tattooed on him just to bother Endeavor… like tbh he doesn’t know what he expected)(Imagine if he actually did this tho… my cooter is wet ngl)
ANDDDDD OMG, don’t even get me started on when you actually participate in family fights with Touya… when you’re with Shoto, the both of you mostly just try to sneak away to fuck… but when you’re with Touya, you guys really get down and dirty yelling right back. 
Touya literally pops a boner whenever you get sassy with any of his family like I’m definitely crying. You tell Endeavor to shut up and Touya immediately has to drag you away because he thinks it’s hot LOOOOL 
(If Touya’s in trouble, you’re in trouble for not stopping him basically LOL)(You guys are the “you got this, baby!” Couple when either of you are yelling
Anyway… I need to wrap this up but… Family!AU Touya…. Yeah…. No thoughts… just him...💙
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islesnucks · 3 years
i’ve been watching a lot of criminal minds lately, and i need to know how boyfriend!mat would react if reader and him were the subject of some random psycho before the bau came and saved them
(if u don’t watch criminal minds u can totally ignore this :) )
criminal minds is def on my list one day i’ll start it, i’ve watched a couple episodes i catch sometimes on tv
ok so i changed it a bit hope you don’t mind, it’s not something as dangerous as idk being kidnapped by a psycho
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Boyfriend Mat when something bad happens to you
small trigger warning, mention of assault no details at all but it is mentioned so that
ok so i believe mat is a protective guy
not the type to be overprotective to the point you can't do nothing alone
but he’s always got an eye on you, just checking you’re good and nothing bad is going on
but life is unfair and he can’t always be by your side, he wishes but he can’t, so he can’t be there when a guy can’t take a no at the bar and grabs you b the arm or when someone rushed pass you on the street and takes your purse or when some creep starts following you on your way home
and he hates it, he hates it with his whole being because he should have been there and he feels so guilty even tho it’s not his fault at all
i feel like he’d instinctively be mad at first, like he just wants to straight up find the person who did this and beat the shit out of them
then he sees you all shaky and crying, you don’t look like you, your usual sparkle is gone and you seem so small and fragile
his heart breaks
he’d make sure to pull his feelings aside because right now the only thing that matter is you
he’d be careful to ask you before doing anything, hugging you, kissing you, etc
but once you nod your head he’s got his arms around you so tight and he’s kissing the top of your head
he just wishes he could take the pain away
seeing you cry it’s the worst feeling ever to the point he starts crying too, but he hides it because that’s not important right now, he has to take care of you and seeing him cry won’t help you
he’d take you home (if you’re not there already) and do anything to make you feel better
he’d tell you to lay in the couch as he makes you some tea but you don’t want to be alone and he completely gets it so you’re basically glued to his side
you’re resting against his chest and he’s got one arm tightly around you as the other prepares the tea
then you make your way to the bedroom him still by your side every second, he helps you change into something more comfortable
offers to prepare you a bath but you don’t want that you just want to be by his side
so you go back to the living room and just cuddle in the couch drinking your tea
he’d try to distract you and make some silly jokes to make you feel better and the moment he makes you giggle it’s better than any goal, any medal or any game he’s ever won because he can see you slowly feel better and that’s the best reward ever
then it kinda dawns on him that something worst could have happened and just the mere thought of you being gone makes the blood freeze in his veins
he hugs you tightly, burying his face in your neck
you look up at him a little confused by the sudden change, he was joking 5 seconds ago, and you can tell his eyes are watery
“babe what happened?”
“I just- nothing, it doesn’t matter, I should be consoling you.”
“we can console each other.” you say cupping his face with a small reassuring smile that makes him smile too because you’re amazing in his eyes, you’re trying to make him feel better after everything you’ve been through
“i just thought about losing you, i-i don’t know what i’d do if something happened to you, i don’t think i could live with myself knowing i wasn’t there, i can’t live without you.”
he’s crying and now you’re crying again 
“no babe don’t cry” “well you crying makes me cry”
“sorry i shouldn’t have said that” “no it’s okay i don’t think i could live without you either”
your hugging each other, faces so close you’re basically talking against each other’s skin but no matter how close you are you just want to get closer
“let’s not think about that okay? we’re here, safe, together, that’s what matters.” he pulls away a little to look into your eyes and you nod
“i love you so much” he says, his lips already touching yours
“i love you too” you mumble against his lips
(I made myself cry lol)
hope you liked it!! send your thoughts if you want!
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annebrontesrequiem · 3 years
The fandom ask...you ikeman men :)
Oh boyyy. Let’s talk about my ikemen men lmao. So I decided to break this up into all the games I’ve played before doing overall, because I like doing overkill.
Also sorry to Midcin, Ikemen Genjiden, and any other Ikemen games I either haven’t played you cause meh or cause I don’t read Japanese, sad violin sounds
Also this is on my phone so ignore the typos. I might put an under the cut when I get access to my computer cause I think this gonna be long.
Ikemen Vampire - The One That Got Me Into This Mess
Blorbo - Definitely Arthur. I’ve probably explained the storyTM before but basically Arthur’s my fav for three reasons. One because I just find him painfully relatable at moments (not all the time tho thankfully oh boy); two I think we’d be relatively compatible; and three I was reading the story, getting into it, when I hit a chapter where Arthur screams. And holy shit the VA just went for it (note this VA also voices Childe cause my favs are a flat circle apparently). Anyways I was so blown away by how raw it was my respect points went up by 10k and Arthur’s spot as fav was cemented.
Scrunkly - Isaac. My boy. My baby. He’s just out here trying his best dealing with the fact he’s got the vampire equivalent of anemia mixed with feral boy energy (that sounds cringey I’m sorry Isaac). Look he’s just a painfully shy man with unquenchable bloodlust and the feeling of being permanently separated from humanity because of it. Can a person not want to hug this man and give him all the love? Anyways he’s baby.
Scrimblo bimblo - Uhhhh. I don’t remember the popularity rankings tbh but I think Vincent is overlooked for Theo which honestly I don’t get. Theo’s just a right dick half the time and is definitely better in fanon than canon. Meanwhile Vincent is just a himbo. A himbo with trauma but still a himbo. He deserves to be the more appreciated brother my dude asks permission for every step in the relationship, doesn’t have a death wish, does act like an ass to the MC. I mean to be fair I like Theo well enough, but again. Vincent is better. Sorry lol don’t kill me please
Glup shitto - Claudia (I think that was her name) from Saint-Germain’s route. This route is out here passing the Bechdel test via kidnapping. We love to see it. (Anyways yeah 10/10 I know she’s not a love interest but I’d court her if she’d let me). Sorry if your name’s not Claudia idk man. Also was gonna put her as scrimblo bimblo but this is a much better category.
Poor little meow meow - Charles. He is so pathetic but he also has one of the best character designs. The only fanon I’ve seen is kinda sad and not the best but his route ain’t out yet so who knows. If he is just a kinda pathetic horny man then I guess I’ll just have to admire from like 300 meters away. He’ll still be poor little meow meow though lmao.
Horse plinko - Theo cause he irritates me lmao. He could take some tormenting. He can handle it.
Eeby deeby - Mozart is getting chucked right to superhell. If you aren’t Tom Hulce in the 1984 masterpiece Amadeus I don’t want your Mozart.
Alternatively if it’s for gay crimes William and Vincent and Leonardo and Saint-Germain are getting chucked headfirst into that elevator because you can tell me Leonardo and Saint-Germain were never lovers in their centuries of existence together, I just won’t believe you.
Ikemen Sengoku - The Best Written One
Blorbo - Kenshin. Oh my… Kenshin. I’ve become so enamored with this idiot that seeing him in other routes makes me smile like a maniac. Here I was prepared to endure Kenshin’s route cause he’s supposed to be a yandere and instead I get… a complex (for an otome game don’t get me wrong this isn’t Virginia Woolf or anything) look at mental illness, trauma, and relationships??? What?? MC actively admitting she thought she could ‘fix him’ but she doesn’t cause he immediately spirals? Good writing? Anyways I’ve accepted my status as Kenshin simp. Rip, maybe I do have bad taste.
Scrunkly - Yukimura prolly? Like not all the time but he’s definitely the one that has the most cuteness aggression moments. This poor man is just trying to survive at this point surrounded by murder hobos and that’s really funny. Also he’ll just believe anything. Idiot (affectionate). Note I haven’t read his route so idk but until then (and maybe after) he is scrunkly
Scrimblo bimblo - Nobunaga. Which sounds weird right since his face is on the thing basically, but I think the first route guys tend to be overlooked or seen as boring. Which fair but look this route got me into Go/Baduk and now I play through NHK games on my board on a semi-regular basis and want to find a Go club so I gotta give him props. Also I do like his character even if he’s also a total ass he has good moments.
Glup shitto - Kyubey. Now admittedly I was ready to despise him when I first read his name because, y’know, being meguca is suffering and all. But honestly Kyubey goes through so much shit he deserves appreciation. Mitsuhide better be paying this man a lot.
Poor little meow meow - Kennyo is textbook meow meow. My dude is in like every route trying to get his revenge and he just never succeeds. He also feels guilty about it like 97% of the time but is like “my comrades… revenge…” how about you go back to being a monk so your comrades can go to the afterworld without worrying about your sorry ass. I do appreciate him tho.
Horse plinko - …Yukimura. Or Kenshin. Or Nobunaga. Idk it’d just be funny to see how any of the characters reacted to my personality I think they’d find it obnoxious (I think I’m fabulous tho).
Eeby deeby - Hideyoshi. Is it because his historical counterpart tried to invade what is now Korea? Yes. Am I being petty? Yes. He’s still going to super hell
For gay crimes it’s Kenshin and Shingwn cause who doesn’t love enemies/rivals to we’re living in the same house and only I can really explain to others what you’re feeling (excluding MC in their respective routes but even then).
Ikemen Revolution - The one I’m least familiar with
Blorbo - Edgar. Cause what’s a little murder between evil uncle and manipulated nephew and a family legacy of personal assassins for the king? Look idk man Edgar’s route just hits different. He’s definitely the most compelling so far.
Scrunkly - Luka. I don’t think Luka would survive my middle school. Someone keep this man away from me cause he blushes at everything. He is spiritually baby. Protect this idiot.
Scrimblo bimblo - Uh idk Edgar again? Again I forget popularity polls but he’s not the top three… right? (Watch me be wrong). Otherwise maybe Zero? Underrated.
Glup shitto - I know Mousse has a route I think but so far I’ve only seen him in the prologue. This man seems totally spaced and or half asleep from what I remember and I respect that.
Poor little meow meow - Uhhh. Idk. Whichever twin is least popular because that’s funny (I’m sorry lol)
Horse plinko - Jonah for being a bit of a pompous ass. I liked his route a lot but I think if you stuck us in a room together it would not end well. Someone’s going home wondering who Marx is and it ain’t me
Eeby deeby - Lancelot. Cool motive still threatening to murder MC, multiple kidnappings of MC, generally being a controlling asshole, wiping MC’s memory against her wishes, not telling people his plans cause he has a martyr complex. You get it. I actually kind of softened towards him at the end of his route but flash forward to beginning of next route and I immediately want to punch him. MC should not have let him off the hook so easily in like all the roots. I deserve to throw Lancelot into super hell.
For gay crimes Sirius, Lancelot, and Harr are going to hell together like the messy polycule they are
Ikemen Prince - The New OneTM
Blorbo - So again this one is new and I’ve only played 2.5 routes so far (sorry Leon) but I’d say rn Nokto or Luke, though Jin is fun to read for events cause I am trash. Nokto is prolly my sole fav. I just have a lot of thoughts and emotions about this idiot and I even outlined and started writing a fic for him, one that will never get posted prolly. He’s got a lot of potential and he’s just kinda compelling. Idk. I like him. Yes he is a bit like arthur stfu.
Scrunkly - Honestly none of them really, but if I had to pick prolly Yves. Man is just trying his best to express his emotions after years of rejection cause of his birth and if that doesn’t activate ‘protect’ what will. He is a tsundere though so points lost for that rip (lol sorry I don’t like tsunderes much).
Scrimblo bimblo - Silvio maybe? Idk he seems the least talked about of act two. Admittedly I have nothing to go off of him really but his character design but it is an 11/10 design so…. he’ll prolly be my act two favorite when it comes out in like two years lol (no shade I am in awe with how quickly Cybird releases their games and their English versions I hope staff is getting paid and treated well).
Glup shitto - The bookstore owner. His employees really just disappear into the night but when they come back he gives them back their jobs no questions asked. Respect. (I could also be remembering circumstances wrong but shhhh).
Poor little meow meow - Uhhh idk. I mean I do feel for Rio he is a bit of a meow meow but he’s not my fav. Nokto has meow meow vibes tbh I’ll go with it.
Horse plinko - Chevalier cause he’s irritating. It’s funny cause I expected to like him more than I did, but I underestimated his pompous attitude. So I’d make fun of him, in that Lizzy Bennet Darcy way expect I wouldn’t marry him I’d just talk smack. It’s okay we both like reading he’ll spare my life or whatever (I’m tired lol).
Eeby deeby - Sariel. Man activates my fight or flight instincts I swear. Like his character design is Like That.
Uhh for gay crimes they’re brothers so lol no. I guess the old king for being a manwhore and also a tyrant. He can’t mansplain or manipulate his way out of this one either.
Final Ranking
Blorbo - Kenshin, it’s Kenshin. I’m sorry this idiot is my fav I know I know look I’m trash leave me alone. He’s just going through it and I just… agsjdn
Scrunkly - Isaac has biggest scrunkly energy hands down
Scrimblo bimblo - Vincent. Honestly prolly most well adjusted relationship in all these games
Glup Shitto - Mitsuhide if you aren’t paying Kyubey well I’m personally coming after you
Poor little meow meow - Charles. Dude needs help lmao
Horse plinko - Chevalier cause it would be funng
Eeby deeby - Ancestral grudges aside let me throw Lancelot right into superhell
Sorry if this was wayyyy too long uhhh hope you like…??
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
This maybe kind of a dumb question, but say one of the greasers were to get married, what would everyone wear and how would everyone act?!
heya birdie! this isn’t a dumb question at all, but i had to really think about it. thanks for requesting it tho! my best friend @brideofcthulhu10 helped me with this one as i was stuck. so go show her some love, tho she writes for The Lost Boys! (: i hope you enjoy what i’ve written bc it’s a right mess! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
One of the Gang Getting Married Hc’s:
° Alrighty, let’s be real, it’s either Sodapop or Steve who’s getting married first.
° Just bc Johnny’s too afraid to speak to girls after the whole Sylvia ordeal. Though he’d be a likely candidate if he found someone real swell!
° Two-bit seems like another likely candidate, though, in my personal opinion, he doesn’t seem to be incredibly serious about Kathy or likely to be the type to be serious and settle down any time soon. He’s definitely the flirtatious type and doesn’t take relationships too seriously, which is just Two-bit: Though I don’t think he’s the type to flirt and mess around with other girls out of being malicious, he just seems to be the type to not adhere himself to things like Sodapop or Steve. But with the right person, he’s serious.
° Dally is definitely out of the question, particularly at the moment. I doubt he’s looking to be tied down by anyone any time soon and the thought probably freaks him out a little. Though, that’s just my own personal opinion. To me, he just doesn’t seem like the marrying type, especially not atm.
° Pony’s just too young and awkward. I view him as the baby still, no matter how old he’d be. I’m not even going into more detail lol.
° And poor old Darry! He’s so busy and tired, there’s no damn time for him to look into dating! Even though he’d be psyched to if he could. But he never thinks about that sorta stuff because Darry’s a busy, grouchy man; and rightly so!
° I believe that Steve would be one of the first to marry because of the fact that him and Evie seemed to be quite serious in the book from what I understood. They’ve got a relationship that’s clearly going strong, and it must’ve lasted for awhile since at one point he got arrested and she cried about it, staying faithful. She also seems to be someone that Soda and the other’s get along with.
° But for this piece, I’m choosing Sodapop! Now, I know y’all will be thinking that he’d have some major trust issues after Sandy, and you’re honestly not wrong. He would!
° However, I think that Soda deserves a lucky break and for something to go right for him for once! So, let’s say he’s met his soulmate and everything’s just gone all swell! He’s popped the question in the most thoughtful and romantic way possible, bc it’s our Soda we’re talkin’ about!
° He’s gonna be nervous asf and Steve’s the one to calm him down bc let’s face it, he’s his best man! The little pep talks that’ll happen before it oh my gosh!
° Soda and the other boys are pretty casual, and honestly, I’m leaning towards it just being a smaller wedding. Sodapop wants people that you both love there: Nothing to spoil the event, and quite frankly, it goes perfect.
° The wedding probably occurs in a small local church if that’s what you guys have decided, but afterwards, you guys would probably have drinks and food back at the house, where everyone’s dressed a little more fancier than usual.
° Or the wedding is a small one in your backyard, but it’s still just as special.
° I note this just because they’re greasers and they don’t have much, but they know how to have fun and how to make this day special. It’s about the feeling, not about the material grandness of the day!
° At least that’s what you keep reassuring Soda with, because you can tell he feels a little guilty about not being able to give you what a Soc could. But that’s not why you’re marrying him, right? You’re marrying him because you both bring out the best in each other!
° Well, during the wedding, there was a lot of hollering and grinning from the boys, something that was making Soda blush up a storm!
° I mean, even Dally and Two-bit are taking it seriously. The pair dressed up as snazzy as they could, joking that they’re looking as fine as ever to take away the beautiful bride!
° Darry may or may not have had to hold Sodapop back from launching cake at them both.
° Ponyboy’s grinning from ear to ear! He’s geeking out so hard because he loves you to pieces and he’s never had a sister: So having you be more of a prominent figure in his life is going to make him really happy!
° Darry’s just so happy that there’s someone to calm Soda down and settle him out: Keep his head right on his shoulders. If that’s not the case, he’s happy that Soda’s got someone just as nuts as him! Though, he feels horrible for you because of all the experimentation that you’ll encounter within regards to food.
° Steve loves you big time! He’s gonna miss his best friend, but he’s happy that he’s marrying someone so understanding and amazing. You also get on very well with Evie which is a bonus!
° Johnny’s the first to get a dance with you after Soda, and he’s blushing the whole time. You’re probably the only girl that he talks to, but obviously not in that sense. He likes you so much because you’re always getting him candy and giving him a good cooked meal, a listening ear and comfort. He thinks you’re a really sweet girl and suit Soda.
° Dallas is happy for his buddy. Although married life isn’t too much his style, he’s happy to see Sodapop finally catch a break with someone who’ll treat him right. He constantly jokes that he’s gonna pick you up and it bugs Soda a lot but Dally’s only joking.
° Two-bit’s a people person, so he gels along with you quite well and makes you laugh so hard. You also make Two-bit laugh a lot. You’re both practically joined to the hip! Two-bit’s always flirting with you, but he flirts with just about anyone.
° Definitely the one who offered to elope to Mexico with you and got a curt smack to the back of his head by Darry!
° Alright, so the gang got you a really terrible fake gift for your married life which made you two end up laughing once they brought out the real thing. It was something practical and pretty expensive since they’d all pitched in to get you guys something good because you both deserve it. Soda cried like a baby!
° There’s a ton of dancing and it’s kinda cringe. The gang dancing together makes Ponyboy and Johnny want to crawl under the floorboards like; “OH MY GOD SODA STOP DANCING LIKE DAD!”
° Darry even dances and ya boii sweeps you off your feet and you’re kinda gobsmacked because who’s switched him out for the alien?!
° Idk what else to say really, they’re all just happy for you both! The gang won’t make anything dramatic, and any drama that does occur, it’s quick to be laughed over bc they’re all pretty laid back. They wouldn’t really let anyone else shit talk you guys.
° Besides, Two-bit’s there and able to diffuse any odd tension with a joke.
° It’s the best day/night of your lives.
° Y’all got so drunk oh my god.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey there! Love your writing. What about MC spending a whole day with just one of the brothers? Like you know, if the brothers were deciding what to do? Sorry if it’s too boring and romantic haha, I’m a lost case, I desperately need that night walks with Satan and working out with Beel in my life haha. Thanks xx
Same though. I love writing just typical HCs with the bros during date night or something. And I’m currently writing a few angst HCs so I really needed this too lmao. I hope you don’t mind these not being too long. I hope this satisfies you lol.
The Brothers Spending a Whole Day with MC:
-Mr. Prideful doesn’t take many days off
-But when he’s with you, he really feels like he can unwind properly
-Lucifer loves going on walks with you tbh
-He feels like it’s a nice break from all of his office work and meetings
-Sometimes the two of you end up in Majolish or a restaurant
-He definitely has a thing for spoiling you on days like these, because he feels he doesn’t appreciate you enough otherwise
-Like when he yells at both you and Mammon for doing stupid shit around Lord Diavolo
-The two of you could walk through the whole of DevilDom hand in hand if you had more hours in the day
-I see Lucifer as a bit traditional when it comes to dating so it’s obvious you’ll have movie dates and everything
-But a day off for him? With you? Away from his brothers, all of their chaos and the never ending attention his paperwork needs?
-It feels like he’s in the Celestial Realm all over again
-He does love you
-His past just doesn’t let him express his affection towards you very well
-If the two of you could spend the whole day together, there are only three places you could be at: Majolish, the casino or trying to make money for Mammon’s debts somewhere
-But it doesn’t really matter for him
-He could be stuck in a broom closet with you and still be happy (though he wouldn’t admit it)
-Spending a day with just him is bound to end in tears to be honest, on his part usually
-Because everything is going well and you’re having fun
-“Ah shit!”
-“Mammon you OK? What happened?”
-“I accidentally sold Lucifer’s gloves for 50000 Grimm!”
-How does one accidentally sell something?
-So he get a bit of an earful for that
-Other than that, being with the second eldest is crazy enough as it is
-You may have lost all that money at the casino but for the first time in a while, Mammon didn’t care that much
-Because you were there and laughing with him about how stupid both of you were
-You guys hit as many shops as possible and just generally have a messy, fun time together
-He often ends these days saying something like “You should be grateful that THE GREAT MAMMON agreed to let you tag along with him today.”
-But just kiss him on the cheek and he will shut up. For like hours. He’ll be too flushed to even look you in the eye
-He really wants to spend another day out with his human
-Welp, life of a shut-in otaku
-It should be of no surprise that the two of you spend most of your time in his room
-It’s just the one place he’s most comfortable in and having you there makes it so much better
-Anime’s and video games are a must obviously
-But he loves doing movie marathons with you too (while loudly complaining the movie sucks and that you’re a normie for choosing it. Which means he likes it)
-Maybe a few good hours of him ranting about TSL because it’s Levi
-So the chances of you guys getting any sleep on said day are slim to none
-Also, if you agree to go to conventions with him, he will die of happiness
-On the rare occasion that he does go outside, he’s only out there because you went with him so that should tell you how much he loves you
-But most of the time you’re locked in his room to the point where Luci dearest has to come along and drag you the fuck to breakfast
-Ah, true love~~
-I mean, this one should be pretty obvious too
-If he doesn’t enjoy dates in the library, then is he really Satan? (I never thought a sentence like that would ever be typed)
-Most of the time it ends with him reading to you because his voice is sO bEAutIful and you just melt when you hear it
-I will forever hc that he makes sound effects while reading too so imagine that
-You two don’t always get the chance to spend a whole day together
-But he tries to check in on you at least once a day
-*Cue romantic run through the house of Lamentation, trying to find you so he can gossip and bitch about Lucifer*
-Walks with him are very common too
-They usually take place at night, because he’s a sap and he read too many romance books and damn it kiss him already
-He would hold an umbreally over you if it started raining and everything
-Satan takes these moments to chat to you about anything, he just wants to appreciate you being there
-You guys made out several times while on these ‘walks’ ngl skskevshskbeuensb
-One time, you showed him a cat cáfe in the human realm and he went nuts
-Safe to say you’ve been there more times than I care to count, most of which were without permission
-A day with him can either go extremely calmly and end with you guys falling asleep on each other in his room or escalate to either pranking Lucifer or...steamier stuff
-Haha if anyone ever mentions he’s a cheesy bastard, they’re dead before they can say their prayers
-Except you, you get the pass on this one, tease him as much as you want
-Finally, he gets to have you all to himself without any of his brothers cockblocking him all the time~ (same tbh)
-The whole day would be planned from head to toe in activities and events
-It would start with some sort of makeover in the morning (getting your nails done, doing hairstyles, skin routine etc.)
-Then it would move on to some serious shopping sprees where he basically buys everything that he deems to be cute
-They’re for you 100% tho
-The day usually ends with you getting dragged to parties and clubs because Asmo can’t go a day without speaking to other people
-By the time you get home, you’re almost knocked out cold and carrying several bags full of clothes and shit
-But you can never say you didn’t enjoy yourself on these days
-Having Asmo around is exhilarating and somehow, even if crowds happen to not be your thing, it’s still really easy to have fun anyway
-There are times when the two of you stay at home and do each other’s nails and everything
-And you two are very fond of these sort of dates as well
-Of course, all of this assuming he won’t try to seduce you and get in your pants all day
-Turns our Mammon is somehow telepathically connected to you and rushes over any time this happens
-So much for not being cockblocked I guess
-He always switches things up as well which is usually very pleasant because you don’t visit the same shops or clubs every day
-Just be back by midnight or you’ll have your asses handed back to you otherwise
-Beel loves you
-Beel loves food
-If those two happen to be in the same room, he might as well die peacefully
-It’s all he ever asked for (especially if Belphie is there too)
-Half of the day is spent at either Hell’s Kitchen or in your kitchen at home
-For him, the food always tastes better when you’re there so if you’re willing to go, then he’ll be like a cheerful puppy the whole time (how many times have I compared Beel to a puppy lmao)
-The other half of the day is spent training
-Work out sessions are important to him and he’s more than happy to let you join in
-If anything, you’ll be on his back as he does his push ups even though you’re not that heavy to him
-It sort of warms that demon heart of his because you’re always there handing him towels and water after he’s finished
-And you always have snacks prepared too which is wonderful really
-Kudos for being able to hide them from him the whole time
-It’s also not that surprising to know that you, Beel and Belphie hang out a lot
-So these days often mean that Belphegor tags along with you guys everywhere
-You won’t notice him tho, believe me, he’ll just stay attached to Beel’s back and sleep the whole time
-If he gets to spend a day with his loved ones, then Beel can honestly not ask for more
-“Yes MC?”
-“Is.....is that a pillow fort that’s almost as big as the attic?”
-“It is indeed.”
-“Why not?”
-Tbh it would be a miracle if you two didn’t sleep the whole day
-But if he had to go somewhere with you
-It would be anywhere
-Much like Mammon, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the evironment as long as you’re there
-Chances are, however, that he will sneak you two to the human world a few times in secret
-He still insists he hates humans but truth is, he misses them and their realm
-Going back there, without permission the same way he did all those centuries ago, was like a breath of fresh air
-You guys would be chilling at a park in the human realm, probably make small picnic or something
-Belphie, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, loves these dates and would kill anything on his path if it meant he gets to be in your arms while taking a nap in the human world
-He invites Beel along too which makes everything so much better for him
-He will just fall asleep on you while you run your fingers through his hair
-Belphie is so warm too so it’s likely you won’t stay awake for long either
-Poor Beel has to carry both back to DevilDom but he does it anyway without complaining >:(
-He knows that he isn’t allowed to come up here and that he should stop these dates before Lucifer finds out
-But being out here with you brings him an irreplaceable meaning and you’re so soft and gentle, he can’t resist cuddling into you
-Also he doesn’t give a shit what Lucifer thinks
(Idk why my writing is so bad in this post, it kinda feels like I forced myself to write it and maybe that’s why..? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my mess of HCs)
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