#idk when you sent this or what prompted but so true
armandgender · 2 years
the thing about dean is, unlike most other hunter/detective main characters, he is at his core a settle-down man, his default is family man, he takes care of his loved ones and takes care of his car and his house and it's never boring for him, it's what brings him the most happiness because that's the person he is. many other detective characters find peace boring, they enjoy it for a while but they think something's missing in their lives and they end up chasing the thrill back again (sam fits this description perfectly) but not dean. dean hunts only because he has to. he is 100% fulfilled to his core when he's at his home with his family and he's cooking for them or when he's watering the little garden he planted because cas likes the bees. he grumbles because cas can't get up in the morning to water them himself but he grumbles and he waters them all carefully, individually, because every single plant requires different care and he knows this, and he's the happiest there, he's the most fulfilled there, and have you ever seen a character that's more in-character in fluffy domestic fics? you literally can't imagine dean getting ansty and bored at his peaceful domestic life. because dean loves it to his core and you know it. and in canon dean's getting dragged and dragged to hunting, far away from his only ever desire of loving and caring and settling down, and that's just so tragic man
literally also he was the most reluctant to leave the dean smith world AND he strongly considered staying in the djinn dream in what is and what never should be. the man wants to drink coffee and read the newspaper and make dinner for his spouse. did you SEE how excited he was to mow the lawn
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ashwhowrites · 19 days
Just found all your wonderful angst fics and honestly I feel like there is a distinct lack of HURTS SO GOOD angst out there. So I am DE-LIGH-TED to have found you. Thank you for your words and your writing. ❤️
But I have a request because of course I do! Eddie Munson!
So: angst: 30, 32 and then fluff: 16 and angry confessions 9 (except if I may be extra needy and request that we change the her in 30 to a them? Twins. One boy and the other authors choice.)
The idea: Eddie and reader started dating at Hawkins High and about a year or two after graduating someone from a label hears the band and wants an EP recorded in an actual studio! The band travels to the nearest studio.
When Eddie returns he tells reader that his dream is coming true the label is ready to sign them and they want them to start touring this year and opening for bigger bands to get their name out.
Reader overhears Eddie talking with the label guy. Eddie wants to bring reader on the tour and label guy shuts it down and says ‘end the relationship so you can actually enjoy the fame.’ He asks if Eddie is gonna marry reader and Eddie gets nervous and says idk, reader is hurt by that. Label guy asks if they have kids and Eddie is a little too enthusiastic in saying no and he doesn’t know if he wants kids. (Insecure about what kind of dad he’d be) and label guy tells Eddie this tour will make or beak his future and he needs no distractions. And a girl back home? Distracting.
Reader is then horrified that she’ll ruin Eddie’s dream. She breaks up with him before the tour, hiding the real reason. She wants him to have his dream even if it kills hers. Eddie leaves on tour mad and heartbroken.
Reader finds out she is pregnant after Eddie leaves. The band is supposed to come back to Hawkins after a few months on tour. Eddie promised he and reader would talk more about their relationship and reader will tell him then.
The band is insanely successful on tour. Eddie doesn’t come back. Doesn’t answer calls, letters. Reader stops trying after a year.
The twins are around five when Eddie, now a known rockstar, returns to his hometown. Meet-cute of adorable twins and Eddie occurs.
You ARE the father!
Eddie and reader talk/fight. But happy ending when all is said and done, back together and a family.
Sorry this is so long but ily and your writing❤️❤️❤️
I hope this is what you wanted and thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻 I did only pick the two you resent, thank you for that! I feel like this fic is a bit all over the place but I think I included everything you asked 🤞🏻
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I just sent that long request and I’m so sorry I didn’t see the no more than two limit on the prompt list link. Please feel free to shorten those to angst 30 and fluff 16 Thank you.
"There's not a single reason I can't think of for me to let you see her. You may be her father, but I'm her everything"
"I never thought I could miss someone this much"
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"Baby you will not believe what just happened!" Eddie said as he came rushing out from the backroom. He was drenched in sweat, as he finished his set with the band.
"What?" Y/N asked, she pushed back his sweaty bangs and his hands landed on her hips
"This dude from some label liked our set! He wants us to visit his studio and perform a few songs. Then if he likes it, he'll sign us!" Y/N smiled as her boyfriend's eyes were bright with happiness. His smile was so huge and his voice was loud.
"That's amazing, oh my god!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him and pulling him into a hug. She didn't mind the sweat, she had been with Eddie for years and grew used to it.
The next day Y/N waited in their small apartment as Eddie attended the studio. She paced through their carpet as she stared at the door. She was so nervous for him, this could be his big break. And if he didn't get it, she wasn't sure how he would handle it.
She ran to the door as she heard the lock turn, giving him no time to walk into the house when she raced out all her questions. He smiled as her mouth ran until she almost lost breath, he leaned in and pecked her lips.
"Good?" he asked, a small chuckle leaving his lips
"Yeah, sorry," she said as she took in as much air as she could. She let him through the door and waited for him to speak. He closed the door and turned to her with a smirk.
"Well?" she asked, smacking his arm as she bounced on her feet
"Want to have sex with a newly signed rockstar?" he asked, opening his arms as he knew his girlfriend too well.
"OH MY GOD!" she screamed with excitement, throwing herself in his arms. She was practically jumping in his arms. He was damn excited too, and his heart felt full of how happy she was for him. He never would have made it without her.
"And! He wants us to tour next month, open for some other bands of his to get our name out there!"
Y/N pulled back to see his face but stayed in his arms.
"Next month? For how long?" she asked. She was happy this was going to happen for him, but she was sad at how fast he would be yanked from her.
"Just a few months, less than a year. But I promise I'm not leaving you behind, okay?" she smiled at his words, nodding as she softly placed her lips on his.
"Shall we celebrate Mr. Rockstar?" she whispered against his lips, teasing him as she bit his lower lip. "In the bedroom."
"I think I wanna celebrate right here," Eddie growled, wasting no time as he smashed his lips on hers and tasted her mouth with his tongue. He pressed her body against the door and was fast to unbuckle his jeans.
A few days passed when Nick, the label guy, showed up at their apartment. Y/N left Eddie with a kiss and headed to their bedroom as the band talked. The walls were thin so she could hear the conversation, but still wanted to feel as she gave them privacy.
They talked about the basics of everything and Y/N tried not to listen in too much. But once she heard the band leave and her name was brought up, she couldn't help but listen in.
"I want to do this tour, and I know the band wants it. But my girl is here, she and I haven't been separated in years. She is in full support and I want her to come with," Eddie explained. Y/N smiled at his words, her heart beaming with love.
"Does she have a ring on her finger?" Nick asked, Y/N couldn't see his face but he sounded annoyed.
"Well no but-"
"Are you going to put a ring on her finger anytime soon?"
Y/N held her breath as she waited for Eddie's response
Eddie stuttered as his throat felt dry, "Well..I..I don't know." he chuckled uncomfortably
Well that hurt, Y/N thought. They had been together for over three years and he had no time frame of when he wanted to get engaged? Was he even thinking of a ring?
"Got any kids with her?" Nick asked
"Hell no," Eddie laughed, "Pretty sure I don't even want any."
Y/N felt her heart snap into two. This whole time she thought they were dreaming of the same future. She wanted a ring and kids with Eddie, and it hurt like hell that he was on a different page.
"Son, you are about to go on a world tour. You are going to be in a different state every night. Let the girl go and enjoy the fame. This is your first and only chance to make something of yourself. You don't want distractions. She's a chick, and chicks bring drama. You pick Eddie."
Y/N blinked away tears as the front door slammed shut. She was quick to jump in bed when she heard Eddie begin walking to the room.
Y/N was up all night as she repeated Nick's words in her head. She couldn't make Eddie choose between his dream and her. She could feel how tense his body was as he slept, Nick's words weighing him down too.
She knew Eddie loved her too much to break up with her, and he wouldn't break his promise of not leaving her behind. But he needed to go, he needed this for his career. She loved him strong enough to let him go without her.
"Eddie? Can we talk?"
Eddie looked up from his guitar, brown eyes worried. "What's wrong?" He was quick to grab her hand and pull her between his legs. He sat on the bed and she stood before him, tears in her eyes.
"You know how we talked about me staying here while you go on tour?"
"Yeah, but only because of Nick. If I could have it my way, you'd be right there," he said with a smile as he softly rubbed her hand.
She hated how sweet he was, it was making this all much harder.
"I'm a little worried about us being separated that long," she said
"Trust me, I'm coming home to you and none of my feelings are going to change just because of the distance" he tried to reassure her. He knew Y/N was the love of his life and he'd never ruin what they had.
"What if things on the road change your beliefs? You know, what if..." She slowly trailed off.
"What if, what?" He asked, confused as he looked in her eyes for answers.
"What if you meet someone else? There's going to be a lot of girls throwing themselves at you"
"They can throw themselves at me as much as they want, they'd never make me forget about you. I love you and I'd never ruin what we have for a random girl on the road," he explained
"I don't know if I can believe you," she lied, "what if you get in trouble with drugs? And you can't stop and fall addicted? You have many addicts in your family and one weak moment, you might find a girl to make it feel better," she could see her words were starting to take effect on him. His eyes gloss over with anger, but that's what she needed. He didn't need her holding him back and being a distraction.
"Wow," he scoffed, standing up. "I haven't touched any other drug except weed my whole life. And you think I'm that stupid that I'd dive right into hard core shit just because I'm on tour? I can get the same shit down the block!" He argued.
"Have you ever been tempted?" She asked
"Fuck no, but you probably wouldn't believe that either," he said as he rolled his eyes. "I mean we've been together for years, I understand this is a big change for us, but why do you suddenly think I won't have any self control?"
Because I'm making all of this up so you'll leave pissed off and I won't be a distraction, she thought.
She was silent and Eddie felt himself growing angier by it.
"Because I won't be there!"
"Oh now the truth comes out. You don't think I can say no. You think a slutty girl will jump on my lap and you think I'll just love it and fuck her. Then she'll bring me to a party with hard drugs and before I know it I'm snorting drugs off her body." He laughed, but it had no humor behind it. She knew she was hurting him but that meant everything was working.
"If you really think that I would cheat on you, then maybe we weren't as strong as I thought" he added, his voice a little sad as he sat back down.
"I think it's best if we take a break while you're on tour. And you can do whatever you want on it, and we'll talk when you come back."
Eddie nodded at her words. He didn't agree with anything but he wasn't going to try to change her mind. She had this view of him and he couldn't fix it.
The first few weeks with Eddie gone was hell. Y/N cried every morning and every night. She was in so much pain and hated she couldn't reach for him. She wanted to call and tell him the truth, that everything was a lie and she did it so he could be happy. But the suffering was becoming too much and she just wanted to be with him again, in his arms and in his heart. She couldn't forget the broken look in his eye when he left, the loudness of the door as it slammed.
She found out she was pregnant, adding more guilt to her life. He was supposed to come home at the end of the month, and he promised before he left that they would talk about their relationship. He didn't want to give up on them and she believed that.
But then the end of the month came and she hadn't heard a word. Her calls went unanswered and his body never walked through the front door. She wanted to tell him she was pregnant when she saw him in person again but she wasn't sure went that would be. She didn't know if he was in town or where he ended up, all she knew was that he wasn't coming back to her right now. She kept calling and wrote letters to his management, but no response.
She waited and waited, maybe the tour added more dates. They were broken up so she didn't expect him to update her on everything but she wished he'd answer at least one call.
She called every day for a year, and never once did her phone ring back.
Five years passed and she gave up on Eddie, she gave up years ago when he refused to come back to her. She figured she caused too much pain and broke his heart so he moved on. The thought killed her but him being happy was all she wanted in life.
It turned out she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. They reminded her of Eddie, some days it made her happy, and other days it killed her. They didn't know a life with a dad so she never spoke to them about it, and they never asked. To them just having mom was normal and she didn't want to disturb that. Because she honestly didn't think she'd ever see Eddie again.
"Christopher, you need to stop running!" Y/N scolded as she pushed Beverly on the swing set. The boy laughed as he ran faster, his curls bouncing with every step.
She groaned as she gave Beverly another push and then ran after him.
Once she caught him, she got them ready in the car. She loved her kids but damn they were so energetic, and she knew who they got it from.
They looked alike in ways, the same brown curly hair, Beverly's was longer. Same eyes and the same sass.
She sighed in relief when she pulled up to the house, ready to put them in a room and have time to herself. But her stomach turned when a black SUV was parked in the driveway.
"Momma, who's that?" Christopher asked, his curious eyes settled on the car. The windows were dark and they couldn't see in it.
"I don't know. I'll go check, stay here." She said, she got out of the car and walked over to the car. Before she could walk up to knock on the driver's window, the back door opened. She froze in her spot.
Eddie exited out of the car, hair tied up in a bun but a few curls loose on his forehead. He had many more tattoos, his arms covered in ink until it disappeared under his short sleeve. He wore sunglasses, which she was thankful for. She feared if she could see his eyes she'd melt in a puddle.
"Hi stranger, can we talk?"
His voice sent shivers down her spine. She's only heard it on the radio, either his songs or an interview. She never had the heart to turn it, always wondering if he was happy. If chasing him away was the right decision.
"I...I... Eddie...I" she stuttered, completely in shock as he stood in front of her. He was real, and he was here, after five long years. "I can't right now, but tonight? I can meet you somewhere." She said, her eyes looking back to her car and then to him.
He looked at her car and looked back, he couldn't see inside but he knew there was someone she didn't want him to see. He figured it was a new boyfriend or something, he couldn't help but look down at her hand. Relief in his stomach when he didn't see a ring. She must have not lived alone, he suspected since she didn't want him inside.
"Sure, had to get a new number so here," he said as he handed her a piece of paper. "Text me when and where and I'll be there."
She smiled as she took the piece of paper, hoping she was covering how much anxiety she had.
"You look incredible, by the way." He said as he got in the car. She watched as the door slammed and the car backed out of the driveway.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Steve asked. Steve was one of her best friends from high school and he knew the truth about everything. He was the godfather to her kids and he spoiled the crap out of them. But he was also her rock, she couldn't imagine doing everything on her own.
"It's just dinner, Steve," she said as she tore apart her closet.
"Just dinner?" He chuckled, "Then why did you take half an hour in the shower, and now tearing apart your closet for something sexy to wear?" He asked, a smirk on his face as she froze.
She coughed and yanked the dress off the hanger. "I don't know what you're talking about"
Steve laughed as her bathroom door closed. "I suppose I'll take the kids and leave!"
"I'll call you when I'm on my way to pick them up!" She said through the door
Y/N felt like she was going on a first date all over again. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, but all the fluttering made her feel like she was going to be sick.
She knew Eddie, but she didn't know this new version of him. She didn't know the Rockstar and the man with all the fame.
She wasn't sure why he wanted to talk. It has been five years and she accepted he'd never come back to her. But now he was but for what? Did he want to get back together? Even though they haven't talked in five years. Did he want to rub it in her face that he made it big without her? Thank her for being the reason he left in the first place?
She swallowed nervously as she walked into the small restaurant, the lights were dim creating a romantic atmosphere. Eddie was already at a table, sipping on a beer.
"Sorry, hope you weren't waiting long," she said as she took a seat.
He perked up in his seat, "No I just got here, you're fine." He said with a smile. She forgot how calm she felt near him, seeing his smile and eyes made all her anxiety melt away.
"I told you she would show up!" The young waiter said as he patted Eddie on the back. Eddie gave the waiter a side eye as his face blushed. "At least you only had to wait half an hour, a guy last night waited two full hours before he gave up." The waiter laughed.
Y/N and Eddie were quick to order another drink and send him on his way. Eddie wanted to smack his head against the table once he left.
"Thirty minutes? Thought you just got here," she teased, laughing softly.
"Little white lie," he chuckled
They laughed until it died in silence. They stared silently at each other, memorizing each other's faces.
"That's a beautiful dress," Eddie said. A nervous cough followed and he took a swig of his beer. She made him nervous, he felt like he was meeting her for the first time all over again. Everything he said or did tonight had to impress her. Almost like he had to win her over.
"Oh thank you," she said as she pushed down the material on her thighs. "You look good, and the new tattoos are incredible." She complimented, itching to push up his sleeve and see how far up the tattoos went. She wondered if he had any more in other places, and how many different women got to see them, feel them, and trace them. She used to trace his ink after sex all the time, and her stomach felt unsettled thinking about all the other women who touched his new ink before she had the chance. She never thought she'd share his body with anyone new, it was hers for life, at least it used to be.
"Thank you," he said. He was guilty of thinking the same thing she was. He wanted to reach over the table and run her fingers up and down his arm. He craved to feel her soft touch on his skin, tracing the shapes and planting wet kisses on his neck. He shivered at the memories that played through his head.
"How was, uh tour?" She asked. She knew bringing it up would make them uncomfortable, and she was right. The second tour left her lips, and both of their bodies went stiff.
"It was great," he said, unable to look in her eyes as he traced the top of his glass. "Touring for five years seems crazy now, but once I started I didn't want to stop."
She felt his words hit her like a blow, but he got his dream.
"I'm really glad it worked out and you guys got to tour for many more years." She meant it. Even though the space between them killed her, she couldn't have been more proud of him.
"Yeah, but I'm back in town for good. And I know when I left things weren't right between us. I don't know if you are seeing someone or anything, but I came back to you for a reason," he explained. He played with his rings, showing her he was just as nervous about this conversation as she was.
"What's the reason, Eddie?" She asked, but she had a good feeling about what he was going to say. And if he did say it, she was going to get pissed.
"I miss you and I miss us. I thought if I kept the tour going, I'd never have to face how shitty everything was without you."
"Do you remember when you promised me we'd talk about it when you came back? As in years ago? I was waiting for you. I was waiting like a god damn idiot. You miss me? Well, screw you." She spat, already planning to stand up but he was quick to grab her hand and pull her back down.
"I know! Okay, I know. I was pissed off when I left and hurt that you believed I would ever cheat on you. I was angry and each time I performed I got more angry. I was singing about a girl that didn't trust me to not fuck up without her there. It fucked with my head and I started to wish I hated you, and that broke my heart." He explained, "Then you'd call and all I wanted to do was answer and tell you how bad you fucked with my head. That this tour was supposed to be everything to me and I hated every second of it because all I could think about was if you were trusting me or not." Eddie ranted, trying his best to stay calm.
"If you were so mad at me that you wanted to hate me, why didn't you at least try to talk to me?"
"You broke up with me, I didn't want to talk to you. Is that so wrong of me?" Eddie asked
"I mean no, but at least one phone call would have been nice. Even if you told me to fuck off and never talk to you again, at least it would have told me where we stood. I waited for you to come home and you didn't bother to tell me you changed your mind. You talked about not changing, but you did change. You broke a promise, and you never break those." She argued, taking deep breaths as she felt the need to cry.
"I'm sorry that I never communicated. I was at these parties and girls were throwing themselves at me, just like you said. I didn't want any of them, never even blinked in their direction. I wanted to prove that I could be someone you could trust. And then I thought I shouldn't have to prove that to you because I've been loyal since the day we got together. What you said wasn't fair. I'm being as honest as I can. You broke my heart and I wanted to hurt you." He felt bad for saying it but he never told her how much pain she caused him.
"Everything you felt was valid. I did ask for a break and I put us in that situation. I'm really sorry for hurting you. But I can explain why," she sighed
"I didn't want to break up or anything. I wanted to stay together, no matter how long you would be gone. I love you, Eddie and that never changed. But I was scared that if you stayed with me, you'd regret it."
"Baby, why would I ever regret you?" His voice sounded sad. She sniffled back tears and continued.
"I overheard you and Nick talking. I was fine with staying back and letting you go alone. Nick didn't want distractions and that was fine. But Eddie asked about marriage and kids. He asked you what future you planned to have with me, and you didn't have an answer. You laughed at the idea and that hurt. I couldn't put myself through long distance, waiting for you to come home, when you weren't even sure if I was the one for life. I lied and made all of that shit up so you would want to leave me. And so you could go on the tour without our distance dragging you down. And I think I also did it to protect myself. Because if I waited for you and you came back with a change of heart, I wouldn't ever recover."
"I do want to marry you, I've always wanted that. He wanted a time frame and I panicked. I knew I'd marry you, but I had no idea how soon it would be. I know I waited long and you're completely valid to protect yourself. Putting a date on it scared me and I'm sorry that I didn't handle it well. And for the kids," Y/N felt her body stiffen. She felt like she was holding her breath, terrified of what he'd say. "I'm scared too. I don't know if I have what it takes to be a dad. You are perfect and always perfect at everything. I think I could be a good husband to you, but I don't think I'd keep up to be a good dad like you would be as a mom. I'm scared to fail you." He confessed, his eyes turning red as tears slipped down his cheek. The tip of his nose was red as more tears fell.
"What about now? It's been five years. Was all that time away enough for you to commit to me like that?" She asked
"I thought about you the whole time and once I got my head out of my ass I went straight to you. I haven't seen anyone, family or friends. I got off the plane and headed to you. I've been mad at you but realized that never took away any of my love for you. There was never a girl that could make me forget about you. I want you and I'd marry you right now at the courthouse if you asked me to." And he meant it.
"We both hurt each other, and both said things we didn't mean. We've matured and grown up a little more. I think we can start on a clean slate?" Y/N asked, reaching over to offer her hand
Eddie smiled and shook it, a clean slate.
A few weeks passed since Eddie and Y/N talked. They agreed to just start as friends, and not jump into anything. Y/N wanted to get back together but she knew it would get complicated once her kids were involved.
She didn't have a plan to introduce them, and that backfired.
Eddie showed up unannounced at the house, he still had his key and he walked right in.
Y/N was giving Beverly a bath, music playing from the small speaker on the counter. Y/N laughed as Beverly blew bubbles around the room. Christopher was in his room, loudly banging trucks together. Everyone was unaware of Eddie walking through the house.
Eddie couldn't help but look at how much their home changed. It was clear children lived here, from the small plates, cups, and toys on the floor. The pictures on the wall caught his attention, his eyes glued to the photographs.
She had a family, she had two small kids. The beauty of all three of them took Eddie's breath away. She had a boy and girl on each side of her, and both kids had dark curly hair. He gulped, the kids looked identical to him.
Eddie heard laughing coming from the bathroom, and he followed the sound. He walked down that hallway a thousand times and never pictured he'd hear a little girl's laugh coming from it. He softly pushed the cracked door open.
His heart warmed at the sight, he knew Y/N would be a good mother but seeing it was something else. The way she smiled so big and the pure joy on her face, it killed Eddie to know how much he missed out.
Eddie coughed to get her attention
"Eddie?" she gasped in shock
"Can we talk?" He asked, his eyes looking to the small girl in the tub
"A clean slate and you didn't bother to tell me I had two fucking kids?" Eddie hissed, keeping his voice low as both kids were settled in the bedroom.
"A clean slate for us, my kids have nothing to do with you," Y/N fought back
"Nothing to do with me? I'm their father!"
"No, you're not! You helped me make them, sure. But your name is not on the birth certificate, they don't know you, and they don't have your last name. I'm sorry but there's not a single reason I can't think of for me to let you see them. You may be their father, but I'm their everything" Y/N said, trying to keep her emotions in check.
"That's not fair, I never got a chance," he argued
"You did! Do you think I called you for a whole year just because I was clingy? All you had to do was answer the fucking phone or better yet, showed up when you said you would." She spat, her voice filled with anger as she shoved past him.
He followed her into the bedroom, closing the door.
"You could have left a message!"
He stepped back when she pushed a finger against his chest and went head to head-with him.
"Listen, you don't get to make this my fault. I called, I tried, and I sure as hell did my fucking part" she hissed through her clenched teeth.
Eddie knew he was in the wrong so he backed down, he gently grabbed the finger on his chest and brought it down to her side. He held her hand and spoke softly,
"You're right. You tried and It's all on me that I never picked up. I understand why I don't have a place. But I'm here now, and I want to be here. I want to be a family."
Y/N turned her head away as she blinked away tears, she could feel her walls breaking down. He touched her cheek and turned her head to face him.
"I know you are their everything, but I want to help you. Let me be their dad, please," he begged, he slowly leaned in, "You've always been everything to me, and I want them to be everything to me too. We can be a family, I'm not going anywhere."
She cried as she leaned in as well, "I want to be a family too"
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered
She nodded and leaned in, she moaned as she felt his lips on hers again. His soft touch on her skin and the desperation of his kiss made her stomach flutter.
He pulled away slowly, his eyes locked on hers
"I never thought I could miss someone this much" he whispered before he leaned in again.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Evie x Reader: Charming Lies, True Hearts
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Prompt: Evie x fem!reader enemies to lovers? maybe they’re roommates at auradon prep and they just really can’t stand eachother but there’s lowkey a lot of tension there and they end up kissing??? idk I’m just a sucker for enemies to lovers and also evie so.
Reader: Female
Word count: 4417
Average reading time: 16 min 5 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort 
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Auradon Prep was supposed to be perfect, but Y/n Charming had learned long ago that even fairy tales had their share of complications. The picturesque towers, the neatly trimmed gardens, and the glittering gowns were all a part of her everyday life. As the daughter of Prince Charming and Cinderella, she had grown up surrounded by the ideals of chivalry and grace, but nothing in her upbringing had prepared her for the chaos that came with the four new transfer students from the Isle of the Lost.
Y/n stood by the grand entrance of Auradon Prep, together with her twin brother Chad, and watched as Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos stepped out of the limousine. Chad, as usual, was preoccupied with his reflection in a hand mirror, checking that every blond strand was perfectly in place. Y/n rolled her eyes. ‘Of course, he was more interested in his hair than the newcomers. Typical Chad.’
But Y/n’s attention was immediately drawn to Evie, the blue-haired daughter of the Evil Queen, who stepped out right after Mal, with an air of regal confidence that almost rivaled her own. Evie’s deep blue hair framed her face perfectly, and her lips were painted a bold red that made her look both enchanting and mysterious. Y/n’s heart skipped a beat, a reaction that she instantly dismissed as annoyance. ‘She will be just like her mother, obsessed with finding a prince and crown.’
“Welcome to Auradon Prep!” Ben’s voice rang out as he greeted the Isle kids with a warm smile. The Prince of Auradon was as princely as they came, handsome, kind, and idealistic. Y/n respected him, but she couldn’t help feeling skeptical about this entire experiment. Bringing villains’ children into Auradon? What was he thinking?
As introductions were made, Y/n noticed Evie’s gaze lingering on Chad. She didn’t miss the way Evie’s smile widened as her eyes raked over her twin brother, who was still engrossed in his mirror. ‘Of course, she’d set her sights on Chad, prince Charming. How predictable.’
Y/n’s lips pressed into a thin line as the knot of annoyance in her stomach tightened. ‘Doesn’t she have any sense, any selfrespect? My brother? Really?’
The day went on with the usual bustle of new students settling in, and Y/n soon found herself in her dormitory, unpacking some new dresses her mother had sent her from the royal palace. The room was her space to hide when the royal life became a bit too much to handle, a space she had cherished for its isolation. But that was before she learned that she would no longer have it to herself.
“Y/n.” Ben called out as he entered her room. Y/n looked up, already dreading the words that would follow.
“Hi, Ben. What’s up?” she asked, trying to sound cheerful despite the sinking feeling in her chest.
“I need to talk to you about your rooming situation.” he started, his tone apologetic. “We’re a bit short on space with the new arrivals, and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind sharing your room with Mal and Evie.”
Y/n’s jaw tightened, but she forced a smile. “Of course. I understand.”
“Great! I knew I could count on you.” Ben said, clearly relieved. “They should be here any minute to settle in.”
The door barely closed behind him when Mal and Evie walked in, Evie’s luggage trailing behind her like a royal entourage. Y/n immediately noticed that Evie had already put on her most charming smile, the one that had undoubtedly been used to manipulate countless others. Mal, on the other hand, exuded a quiet confidence, her eyes scanning the room with a calculating sharpness that made Y/n’s skin prickle. This wasn’t just any ordinary duo—they were the daughters of some of the most infamous villains in history, and their presence was impossible to ignore.
“Hi, roomie!” Evie chirped, her voice sweet enough to rot teeth. “I hope we’ll get along just splendidly.”
Y/n turned away to hide her grimace. “Yeah, sure. Just keep your stuff on your side, and we’ll be fine.”
Mal’s eyes flickered between the two girls, sensing the tension almost immediately. She leaned casually against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest as if she were settling in to watch a show. “Nice place.” she commented, her voice dripping with amusement. “It’s almost as cozy as a dungeon.”
Evie’s eyes scanned the room, settling on Chad’s portrait hanging by Y/n’s bedside. “Oh, that’s a lovely picture of Chad.” she mused, stepping closer to get a better look. “He really is as handsome as the stories say.”
Y/n’s hands balled into fists. ‘Oh, for the love of—does she ever stop?’ “You know, there’s more to Auradon than just chasing after princes.” Y/n said, trying to keep her voice even, but the edge in her tone was unmistakable.
Evie turned to face her, a small smirk playing on her lips. “Who says I’m just chasing after princes? But if I were, who could blame me? He’s perfection.”
Mal raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by the exchange. “Perfection, huh? I didn’t think perfection was your type, Evie.”
Evie shrugged, her smile never faltering. “It’s not about perfection, Mal. It’s about potential.”
The casual way Evie dismissed the gravity of the situation only fueled Y/n’s anger. The thought of this girl, this daughter of a villain, trying to sink her claws into Chad, was infuriating. ‘How can she not see how ridiculous she’s being?’
“You might want to reconsider,” Y/n said, her voice sharper than she intended. “Chad isn’t as Charming as you might think he is. He is a first-class manipulator, using girls for his own benefit.”
The words were out before Y/n could stop them, and the room fell into a stunned silence. Evie’s eyes widened, her expression unreadable as she processed Y/n’s outburst. For a moment, Y/n regretted saying anything, but the thought of Evie pursuing Chad had clouded her judgment.
Mal let out a low whistle, her eyes flicking between Evie and Y/n with newfound interest. “Well, this just got interesting.”
Evie finally spoke, her voice calm but laced with an undercurrent of something darker. “You know, Y/n, it’s funny how you seem to know so much about Chad’s flaws. Almost like you’ve had some personal experience with them.”
Y/n’s heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to formulate a response. She hadn’t expected Evie to turn the tables so quickly. But this was no time to back down. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before she spoke.
“That’s because Chad is my twin brother.” Y/n said, her voice firm. “That’s how I know exactly what he’s like. I’ve seen it all firsthand, every sweet word, every charming smile, every single time he’s played someone to get what he wants. And trust me, Evie, you don’t want to be the next one to get her heart broken by prince charming.”
The room fell into a thick, tense silence as Evie processed this new information. Her smirk faltered for just a moment, her eyes narrowing as she reassessed Y/n. Mal, too, seemed caught off guard, her cocky grin slipping as she regarded Y/n with a new level of respect or perhaps wariness.
Evie’s smile returned, but it was colder this time, devoid of the warmth it had feigned earlier. “We’ll see, won’t we?” she said, her voice dangerously sweet. “Maybe I’ll surprise you.”
Mal pushed off the wall, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “This is going to be so much fun,” she said, her tone laced with dark excitement.
The days following the confrontation in Y/n's dorm room were tense and filled with a thick atmosphere of unspoken rivalry. Evie had become more determined than ever to prove Y/n wrong, throwing herself into her pursuit of Chad with an intensity that made Y/n’s stomach churn. Mal, ever the instigator, watched the unfolding drama with an amused smirk, offering her support to Evie in ways that only fueled the flames.
Evie’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Chad, with his easy smile and princely charm, seemed to take to Evie’s attention like a moth to a flame. He invited her to study sessions, complimented her on her designs, and even started seeking her out during free periods. To anyone looking in from the outside, it might have seemed like the perfect fairy tale. Evie, the beautiful, talented daughter of the Evil Queen, winning the heart of Auradon’s golden boy.
But Y/n knew better.
She saw the way Chad’s eyes glazed over when Evie gushed about her latest fashion project. She noticed how he barely touched the homemade lunches Evie lavished upon him, and how he only truly seemed interested when the conversation turned to something he could gain from. The longer it went on, the more Y/n’s heart ached for Evie, despite their rocky start. Evie, for all her faults, genuinely believed she was getting what her mother had always told her. A prince, a crown, a future, validation of her worth. But Chad wasn’t interested in any of that. He was interested in one thing only: what Evie could do for him.
One afternoon, Y/n found herself in the library, trying to focus on her own homework when she overheard a familiar voice.
“Evie, you’re such a lifesaver,” Chad said, his tone dripping with feigned gratitude. “I don’t know how I’d get through all this without you.”
Y/n peeked around the corner of a bookshelf to see Chad leaning casually against a table, his signature smirk plastered on his face. Evie sat across from him, her face glowing with pride as she handed him a neatly organized stack of papers.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” Evie replied, her voice full of warmth. “I’m happy to help.”
Chad glanced over the papers, not even pretending to read them. “You’re amazing,” he said, flashing her a grin that Y/n had seen countless times before. It was the same grin that had melted hearts all over Auradon, and the same grin he used to get what he wanted. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”
Evie blushed, ducking her head shyly. “You don’t have to say that, Chad.”
“No, I mean it,” Chad insisted, leaning in closer. “You’ve been incredible, Evie. I’m so glad we’re spending more time together.”
Y/n’s stomach turned as she watched the scene unfold. She could see the hope in Evie’s eyes, the belief that she was finally getting the prince she’d always dreamed of. But Y/n also saw the way Chad’s smile never reached his eyes, the way he pocketed the papers with a careless flick of his wrist before turning his attention back to his phone, clearly more interested in the latest social media update than in Evie.
It was sickening.
Chad played his part well, though. Over the next few weeks, he continued to reel Evie in with sweet words and hollow compliments, always careful to keep her hooked just enough to ensure she’d do his homework, help him study for tests, and provide a steady stream of the answers and resources he needed to maintain his grades.
But as much as it pained Y/n to see, she couldn’t interfere, not yet. She needed Evie to see Chad for who he really was, to realize that her so-called “prince” was nothing more than a shallow manipulator who saw her as a means to an end.
The opportunity came sooner than she expected.
It was a Friday afternoon, and Y/n had just finished her last class when she noticed Evie sitting alone in one of the courtyard gazebos, her usually vibrant expression clouded with worry. Y/n hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to approach her. The memory of their tense exchange in their dorm still lingered, but something about the way Evie sat there, her shoulders hunched and her fingers twisting nervously in her lap, convinced Y/n to act.
“Evie.” Y/n said softly as she approached, careful not to startle her.
Evie looked up, surprise flashing in her eyes before she quickly masked it with a forced smile. “Oh, hey, Y/n. What’s up?”
Y/n sat down next to her, the words heavy on her tongue. “I saw you with Chad earlier.” she began, trying to keep her voice gentle. “You seemed… happy.”
Evie’s smile faltered. “Yeah, well… Chad’s been really nice to me lately. He even said he might take me to the next royal ball.”
Y/n felt a pang in her chest, knowing exactly where this was heading. “Evie, I—”
“I know what you’re going to say.” Evie interrupted, her voice suddenly defensive. “You’re going to tell me I’m being used. That Chad doesn’t care about me. But you’re wrong, Y/n. You don’t know him like I do.”
“Evie, I do know him.” Y/n said firmly, her voice tinged with urgency. “He’s my brother. I’ve seen him do this before, he pretends to care just enough to get what he wants, but he never really does. You’re smarter than this, Evie. You have to see that.”
For a moment, Evie didn’t respond. She stared down at her hands, her expression conflicted. Y/n could see the war waging in her mind, the struggle between wanting to believe in the fairy tale and facing the harsh reality.
Finally, Evie spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. “He told me he loves me, Y/n. That I’m different from all the other girls.”
Y/n’s heart broke a little at the vulnerability in Evie’s voice. “That’s what he always says.” she said softly. “He knows exactly what to say to make someone feel special. But, Evie… he’s using you. I’ve heard him bragging to his friends about how easy it is to get you to do his homework. He doesn’t care about you, he cares about what you can do for him.”
Evie’s eyes welled up with tears, her lip trembling as she tried to keep her composure. “But… I thought…”
Y/n reached out, placing a hand on Evie’s arm. “You deserve better than this, Evie. You’re talented, smart, and kind. Don’t let him make you feel like you need to prove your worth by doing his work. You don’t need Chad or any prince to validate you.”
For a long moment, Evie sat in silence, her emotions swirling in her eyes. Y/n could see the realization dawning on her, the painful truth sinking in. Finally, Evie let out a shaky breath, wiping away the tears that had begun to spill down her cheeks.
“I just wanted to make my mom proud.” Evie admitted, her voice breaking. “She always told me I needed to find a prince… that it was the only way to prove I was worth something.”
Y/n squeezed her arm gently. “Your worth isn’t defined by some prince, Evie. You’re amazing all on your own. You are so smart and look at how far you’ve come since you got here. You even are about to launch your own clothing brand. And you did all of it without a prince, just being you is enough Evie.”
Evie looked at Y/n, a mix of gratitude and sorrow in her eyes. “Thank you, Y/n.” she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. “I’m sorry for… everything.”
Y/n gave her a small, reassuring smile. “It’s okay. We’ve all made mistakes. The important thing is what you do next.”
Evie nodded, determination slowly replacing the sadness in her expression. “You’re right. I’m not going to let him use me anymore.”
The atmosphere between Y/n and Evie shifted in the days following their heartfelt conversation in the courtyard. A tentative truce had formed, replacing the tension that once defined their interactions. But there was something more, something unspoken lingering between them, a connection that neither of them had expected.
Evie had kept her word. She distanced herself from Chad, focusing instead on her own studies and projects. Y/n noticed the change immediately, how Evie seemed more at ease, more confident in her own skin. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, allowing her true self to shine through.
The first time Y/n caught Evie looking at her, really looking at her, she felt her heart skip a beat. Evie’s gaze was intense, filled with something deeper than the casual glances they’d exchanged before. Y/n tried to dismiss it, telling herself it was nothing, but the flutter in her chest betrayed her.
One evening, as they sat in their dorm room, Evie working on a new dress design and Y/n pretending to study, the tension between them grew impossible to ignore. The silence was comfortable, but there was an electric undercurrent that neither could deny.
Evie was the first to break it. She set down her sketchpad and turned to Y/n, her blue eyes shimmering with a mixture of determination and something softer, something that made Y/n’s breath catch.
“Y/n,” Evie began, her voice gentle yet firm. “I’ve been thinking a lot… about everything that’s happened. About us.”
Y/n looked up from her textbook, her heart suddenly pounding. “Us?”
Evie smiled, a soft, almost shy smile that Y/n hadn’t seen before. “Yes, us. You’ve been so kind to me, even when I didn’t deserve it. You made me realize that I don’t need to chase after some prince to find my worth. And… I’ve realized something else, too.”
Y/n swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. “What’s that?”
Evie leaned in closer, her gaze never leaving Y/n’s. “I don’t want a prince. I never did, not really. What I want… what I’ve wanted all along… is someone who sees me for who I am, someone who challenges me, who makes me want to be better. Someone who’s not afraid to call me out when I’m being ridiculous, but who also believes in me, even when I don’t believe in myself.”
Y/n felt her pulse quicken as Evie’s words sank in. There was no mistaking the intent behind them, the way Evie’s eyes flicked to her lips before meeting her gaze again. “Evie, I…”
Evie didn’t let her finish. With a boldness that took Y/n’s breath away, she closed the distance between them, her lips brushing against Y/n’s in a kiss that was soft, tentative, but filled with so much emotion that it made Y/n’s head spin.
For a moment, Y/n was too stunned to react. But then she melted into the kiss, her hands instinctively reaching up to cup Evie’s face. The kiss deepened, and Y/n felt a warmth spread through her chest, a sensation that was both exhilarating and terrifying in its intensity.
When they finally broke apart, both girls were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Evie’s eyes sparkled with mischief, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. “I told you I can get what I want and what I want is this incredible good looking, kind hearted, brave princess charming.” she murmured, her voice filled with playful confidence.
Y/n let out a shaky laugh, her heart swelling with something she hadn’t fully realized until this moment. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
Evie grinned, a teasing glint in her eyes. “You love it.”
And Y/n couldn’t deny it. She did love it, loved the way Evie made her feel, loved the way their banter had transformed into something deeper, something that made her heart race and her thoughts scatter. “Maybe I do.” she admitted, her voice soft.
Evie’s smile softened, her hand gently caressing Y/n’s cheek. “Goo.,” she whispered. “Because I’m falling for you, Y/n. And I want to see where this goes, if you’re willing.”
Y/n’s heart soared at Evie’s confession. She didn’t have to think twice. “I’m willing.” she replied, her voice steady and sure.
A view days into their blossoming relationship, Evie approached Y/n with a sparkle in her eye and an air of excitement that immediately caught Y/n’s attention. They were sitting together in the dorm room, enjoying a quiet afternoon when Evie suddenly hopped off her bed, rummaging through her closet with a grin.
“What are you up to?” Y/n asked, curious but already feeling a flutter of anticipation.
Evie glanced back at her, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Well, since we have our first official date tonight, I wanted to surprise you with something special.”
Y/n tilted her head, intrigued. “A surprise?”
Evie nodded, pulling out a garment bag and laying it carefully on her bed. “I’ve been working on something, and I think you’ll like it.”
With a teasing smile, Evie unzipped the bag to reveal a stunning dress, the likes of which Y/n had never seen before. The fabric was a soft, light shade of blue that shimmered faintly in the light, with delicate silver embroidery tracing intricate patterns along the bodice. The design was elegant yet simple, with a fitted waist and a flowing skirt that promised to swirl gracefully with every movement.
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the dress, her heart skipping a beat. “Evie… did you make this?”
Evie’s smile widened, a mixture of pride and nervousness in her expression. “I did. I wanted to make something just for you, something that would make you feel as special as you make me feel.”
Y/n was speechless for a moment, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness behind the gesture. She reached out to touch the fabric, marveling at its softness. “It’s beautiful, Evie. I don’t even know what to say.”
Evie stepped closer, her eyes twinkling with affection. “Say you’ll wear it tonight. I want to see you in it.”
Y/n looked up at her, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks. “Of course I will,” she said softly, unable to hide the emotion in her voice. “Thank you.”
Evie beamed, her excitement contagious. “Perfect! Now, let’s get you dressed. I want everything to be just right.”
Y/n laughed, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as Evie led her to the mirror. With gentle hands, Evie helped Y/n into the dress, carefully smoothing the fabric and adjusting the straps. As Y/n looked at herself in the mirror, she barely recognized the person staring back at her. The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her figure in all the right places, and the color brought out the warmth in her eyes.
“You look stunning,” Evie whispered, her voice filled with awe as she stood behind Y/n, her hands resting on her shoulders. Their eyes met in the mirror, and Y/n felt her heart swell with love for the girl standing beside her.
“Evie, I… I don’t know what to say,” Y/n murmured. “This is the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
Evie’s expression softened, her hands sliding down to rest on Y/n’s waist. She leaned in, pressing a tender kiss behind Y/n’s ear, her lips lingering there for a moment. “You don’t have to say anything,” Evie whispered against her skin, her voice gentle and reassuring. “Just let me spoil you a little tonight, okay?”
Y/n smiled, turning around, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Evie’s lips. “I’m already spoiled just by being with you.”
Evie blushed at the compliment, but there was a glint of playful determination in her eyes as she stepped back, giving Y/n one last look-over. “Well, tonight is about making sure you feel as amazing as you are.”
Just then, the door to the dorm room swung open with a confident flourish, and Mal strolled in with a smirk that conveyed both satisfaction and a touch of amusement. “Looks like I’m just in time,” Mal said, her eyes dancing with a knowing glint. “You two look adorable. Is it date night already?”
Evie turned, her face lighting up with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. “Mal! We were just about to head out. Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something here?”
Mal’s smirk widened as she leaned casually against the doorframe. “Oh, I can see that. And it’s about time you two made things official. Enjoy your evening; it looks like it’s going to be a memorable one.”
Y/n and Evie exchanged a glance, both laughing softly at Mal’s timing. With a final glance and a reassuring squeeze of Y/n’s hand, Evie led her toward the door. Mal watched them leave, her smirk giving way to a genuine smile as she admired the love and joy radiating from the couple.
Y/n found herself walking through the gardens of Auradon Prep, the night air cool against her skin, but the warmth of Evie’s hand in hers keeping her heart racing. Evie had arranged for a private picnic beneath the stars, complete with twinkling fairy lights and a spread of all their favorite foods. The setting was magical, straight out of a fairy tale, and Y/n couldn’t help but marvel at the lengths Evie had gone to make the evening perfect.
As they settled on the blanket, surrounded by soft pillows and the gentle glow of the lights, Y/n couldn’t take her eyes off Evie. She looked radiant, her own dress a deep shade of sapphire blue that complimented beautifully with Y/n’s light blue. They sat close, their fingers intertwined, and Y/n felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, grateful for this moment, for this girl who had changed everything.
“You’ve really outdone yourself.” Y/n said softly, her voice filled with affection. “This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Evie smiled, leaning in closer. “I wanted it to be special, just like you.” She paused, her eyes glinting with a playful edge. “And I told you Y/n, I always get what I want.”
Y/n chuckled, remembering their first meeting and the way Evie had exuded confidence even then. “And what do you want, Evie?”
Evie’s gaze softened, her thumb gently brushing over Y/n’s knuckles. “My very own princess charming” she said simply, her voice filled with sincerity. “I want you, Y/n. And I’m going to make sure you never forget how much you mean to me.”
Y/n’s breath hitched at the words, a smile tugging at her lips. “You’ve already done that,” she whispered, leaning in to close the distance between them. Their lips met in a kiss that was slow and tender, filled with all the emotions they’d been carrying.
As the night went on, they talked, laughed, and shared stories under the stars, wrapped up in each other and the magic of the moment. It was the beginning of something beautiful, something neither of them had expected but both were eager to explore.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
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golbrocklovely · 11 months
a witching hour // sam golbach
A/N: so i actually thought of this fic as a colby fic first, but i needed a fic idea for sam and figured this one worked well for him as well. idk if you've ever seen halloweentown two, but there is a party scene where kalabar turns everyone into what their costumes are, and that's kinda what this one is like. except with a bit of sexy twist lol hope you enjoy and happy 13 nights of halloween !!
prompt: something is incredible off at sam and colby's halloween party. everyone is acting like their costumes, and nothing makes sense. and then you run into sam… dressed as a vampire. || fem!reader x sam golbach
trigger warning: vampire!sam, cursing, drinking, party scene, mentions of blood and killers but you don't see any of that, blood drinking obviously, crush-confession, twist ending?, manipulation powers used on reader, possessive language used by sam, also he's a bit of a dick in this lol but only slightly
word count: 3381
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I constantly run late to everything: meetings, work, important events, and on this night... parties.
It was Sam and Colby's annual Halloween bash. After yet another successful Hell Week, the boys were throwing an all-out banger with every influencer in sight. And I, like usual, ran late to the party.
I'm not sure if you can be late to a party like this, but my texts from Sam and Colby said otherwise.
My excuse this time? I couldn't figure out my costume. I couldn't decide between two costumes, so I ended up going as a witch. Basic, I know, but classic. I finally called an uber, after pregaming a little at my apartment, and headed over to their place. On the way over, a flash of green lightning lit up the sky for a brief moment, in the same direction as their house. I stared at the window, puzzled. There's no way only one flash of thunder would happen if it was going to rain. Especially being green. It must have been a light show or fireworks nearby.
I got dropped off at the front of their house, sending them a quick text that I was outside. As I got to their gate, where usually there would have been a line with a security guard, there was nothing. Maybe I wasn't late after all and instead was super early. Checking the flyer they sent out, that wasn't true. It was already after midnight, and the party started at ten.
I walked into their property, shutting the gate behind me. I expected to see tons of people out front, since that usually was the case; but there was no one. The music was still playing loudly in the house, so there must have been people inside. As I walked towards the front door, I passed by a pile of Barbie dolls.
Who would bring a bunch of Barbies with them?
I glanced at the dolls, bending down, and picking one up. She was very pretty, but her outfit was unlike other Barbie fits I had seen before. Something about it was very revealing for a kids' toy. Granted, the last time I played with Barbies was when I was 10 so maybe my memory wasn't proof enough.
I stared at the doll's face a bit longer. Something about it was so familiar. She looked like someone I knew in the eeriest way. Staring at it too long, I thought I saw it blink. I lightly dropped the doll on the ground, standing back up again.
Just when I was about to open the front door, a soft 'meow' echoed behind me. I turned around and saw two cats, one all black and then another one.... that was pink.
Who the hell would dye their cat pink?
I wanted to reach out and pet them, but they scattered from the noise in front of me. The front door had opened on its own. I stepped forward, walking into Sam and Colby's home.
The place was completely trashed.
Furniture was ripped up, the mirror was smashed in, tables flipped over, cups all over the ground. It looked like a stampede ran through the house. I walked over the broken glass, looking around for anyone. I could see out the back door that no one was there either. Or if they were, they were hiding.
"Sam? Colby? Guys?" I called out, trying to reach for a light.
"Don't do that!" Responded a soft voice from a closet nearby.
I turned around and saw a friend of mine, Sarah, dressed as Rapunzel. She waved me over, opening the door quickly. I jumped over the broken furniture and made it over to her.
"Sarah, what the hell happened?" I asked as she closed the door.
"I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else. My name is Rapunzel." She smiled.
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, very funny, Sarah. But tell me. What happened? Did someone break into the house?"
"I don't really remember everything that happened. Everyone was outside, having fun. It was like the lantern festival! And then, a witch appeared on top of the house and yelled out something. It must have been a spell of some sort. And everybody started running." Sarah gasped, recounting the tale.
"How is that possible? And lantern festival? Why are you taking this costume to heart? I don't think this is the time for that." I glared, annoyed.
"This isn't a costume. This is how I always dress." She argued quietly.
"Rapunzel!" Someone yelled from behind the door. "Let me in! It's Velma."
"What's the password?" Sarah questioned, raising up a frying pan in defense.
Where the fuck did you get a frying pan from?
"Scooby snacks." Replied the voice.
"Oh okay," Sarah opened the door politely. "It is you Velma! I just had to be sure."
"You can never be too safe out there." Alice, another friend of mine, responded. I glanced up and down at her costume: Velma. From Scooby Doo.
I huffed, "Okay, you both seriously need to tell me what the fuck is going on?"
They both gasped. Sarah covered her ears lightly, in unison they hushed, "Language!"
"You're kidding me, right?" I deadpanned.
"Who are you?" Alice questioned.
"This is.... uh," Sarah started, then turned to me, smiling. "You actually haven't said your name."
"I'm Y/N..... we've known each other for like five years?" I scowled.
"We have?" They replied.
I rubbed my temples, feeling like my brain was going pop out of my eyes from how annoyed and confused I was. "Alright, can either one of you explain what is happening right now? Quickly."
"I can't remember much, but I've been searching for some clues while I was running around the house. What I remember happening was a witch of some kind appeared on top of the roof-" Alice began.
"Said some form of spell, and everyone started running? Yeah, 'Rapunzel' told me that already." I quipped.
"It wasn't just any spell, it was spell turned everyone into their costumes... whatever that means." Alice stated, putting her hands on her hips.
My face dropped. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Oh! Green lightning flashed over the sky when she said the spell!" Sarah jumped, excitedly. "She must have been an evil witch."
"Witches aren't real. It most likely was a trick of light, kind of like what magicians use to hide their tricks." Alice mentioned.
"I saw the lightning on my way over here...." I shook my head, sighing. "There's no way this is real. You guys must be pranking me or something. Is this Sam and Colby's doing?"
"I don't know who a 'Sam' or 'Colby" is." Sarah replied innocently.
"The guys that invited you to this party??" I pulled out my phone, pulling up a picture that one of them had posted on their snapchats. "These guys!"
"The vampire one went upstairs, and the pirate one is outside fighting a prince in the backyard." Alice pointed out, pointing to Sam, and then Colby.
"Fighting? What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my brow.
"With swords." Alice said plainly.
"Oh no! Your hand is bleeding!" Sarah gaped, gazing at Alice's hand.
"I must have cut it looking around for clues." Alice commented.
"What clues are you even...." I grumbled, trailing off and glaring up at the ceiling.
Sarah wrapped her hair around Alice's hand, holding it lightly. She then began to sing. "Flower, gleam and glow..."
Her hair began to light up slowly, starting from her scalp and eventually ending at the ends of her braided hair.
I can only imagine how expense that wig was.
Sarah pulled her hair away from Alice's cut... and it was gone.
I blinked. "I'm sorry, am I super drunk right now, or did your hair just heal her cut?"
"Jinkies..." Alice whispered, staring at her hand and blushing.
I took a deep breath, needing to get out of this closet. "I'm gonna go find Sam."
"He's a vampire, right? My mom warned me about men with sharp teeth. Be careful." Sarah informed.
"Right..." I opened the closet door, turning back around for a moment. "Hey Alice? I mean, Velma?"
"Yes?" She asked.
I grabbed her glasses off her face, dropping them onto the floor.
Sarah, Rapunzel, whatever, frowned dramatically. "Well, that wasn't very nice.
"My glasses.... I can't see without my glasses." Alice, Velma, whatever waved her hands around, trying to find where I dropped them.
"You don't even wear glasses! Oh my God, you guys are the worst!" I groaned, stepping out the closet and shutting the door.
I rushed over to the stairs, needing to get upstairs as soon as possible. As I reached the top, I gazed down over the railing. I watched as someone dressed as Ghostface ran after.... Britney Spears.
Britney Spears was at this party? Like 'Baby One More Time' Britney? There's no way. Maybe they weren't joking about the witch turning everyone into- NO. This is all some weird joke, probably pulled by Sam and Colby because of how often I'm late.
This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this is NOT happening.
I opened the bedroom door to what used to be Colby's room. I wanted to see the entire backyard from a safe distance. The room was dark, the only light coming from outside by the drawn curtains. I raced over to the windows, looking around outside. The backyard was equally as trashed.
A man-wolf monster stood on top of the slide for the pool, letting out a deep, animalistic howl. By the basketball courts, Colby was sword fighting with a guy dressed in a prince costume. Other people, or characters, were hiding around, peaking out occasionally from their spots. And I swore for a moment I saw someone fly away on a broom stick.
"What the fuck?" I whispered, my eyes widening at the scene.
"It's dangerous out there." A familiar voice rang out.
I jumped, a squeak leaving my lips as I turned around. In the shadows of the room was Sam, gazing at me mischievously.
"Oh my God, Sam. You scared the shit out of me." I clutched my chest, taking a deep breath. "What the fuck is going on?"
"A witch did this to us." Sam replied casually.
"That's what Alice and Sarah said. That a witch turned everyone into their costumes. Wait, how do you remember?" I inquired.
He shrugged, stepping towards me. "I'm just a generic vampire. So I guess I remember everything, and I'm still me."
"And since Colby dressed up as a pirate, he thinks he's a swash-buckler?" I joked half-heartedly.
"I guess so." Sam chuckled.
I questioned, "How long will this last?"
"An hour. So, in ten minutes it will be over." He confirmed, crossing his arms tightly.
I sat down on the edge of the bed, "Oh, well that's good. Since I think I saw Ghostface trying to kill Britney Spears."
"That would be such a waste of blood..." Sam's voice deepened.
I leaned away from his voice, "That was kinda freaky of you to say."
He smirked. "I can't help it. I'm a vampire."
"For ten more minutes. Maybe stay over there until this is all over." I hissed, uncomfortable.
"Why?" He leaned towards me, still far away, "You think I'm gonna bite you?"
"Probably." I teased.
Sam shook his head. "I would only do that if you asked me to."
“Well that's not gonna happen. So, let's stop talking about it.” I sassed.
"I think I can sit next to you though." His body appeared next to mine, sitting on the edge of the bed.
I jumped up, turning to him. "Jesus! You have fucking speed abilities?"
He hummed, "I guess so. You know what other powers I have?"
"No, what?" I jeered slightly.
"I can make people do what I say." He grinned wickedly, his fangs shining in the light.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "How do you even know that?"
"I told all the people hiding in this room to leave and go somewhere else. Some of them are outside in the backyard." He answered.
"Well, that was a little rude of you to do." I narrowed my eyes.
He scoffed. "This is my house. I'm allowed to kick people out of it."
"I guess you can. But maybe be a bit more conside-" I started.
He cut me off, his tone changed. "How would you feel if I drank your blood?"
"What?" I turned and looked at him.
His eyes caught mine, and suddenly I was entranced. "How would you feel if I drank your blood? Be honest."
The truth came out of me easily, I couldn't stop it from slipping from my lips. "I wouldn't mind it."
"And why is that?" He continued, standing up.
"Because I've had a crush on you for a while. Plus, vampires are really hot. And you as a vampire is, like, extra hot." I admitted in a daze.
"Wow...." Sam beamed, pulling his gaze away. "Now that's insane."
The moment I could think for myself, I spun around covering my face. "Oh my God, Sam! Why would you make me say that?!"
"I didn't make you say anything! I just made you tell the truth." He explained defensively, almost jokingly.
I whined, "Still! You didn't have to make me do that."
"So... do you want me to bite you?" He asked again.
I turned back to him, pissed. "No, I don't."
"Really?" His eyes somehow caught mine again, and I was lost. "Be honest."
"I would totally be into it," I squeezed my eyes shut as Sam looked away smugly. "Oh my God, you suck."
"Only if you want me to...." He teased.
"That's not..." When I opened my eyes again, his were already boring into mine. I felt lightheaded, and immediately could barely think. "Fun...ny."
"Get closer to me." He ordered.
My body moved without my permission, stepping up to Sam. I could feel his warmth radiate against my skin from how close we were together.
"Do you actually have a crush on me?" He queried.
I nodded my head. "Yeah, I think so."
"You think so?" His hands trailed up and down my arms, soothingly. "Would it be a bit stronger if I bit you?"
"It would." I revealed, unable to lie.
"Okay then. Good to know," he snickered. "Tilt your head and show me your neck."
I followed Sam's command, tilting my head to the side and allowing him more access to my neck. Sam's hold around me tightened, his mouth lowering down until he was almost against my neck.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, Y/N. I would never hurt you," his voice was just above a whisper. Sultry and seductive. "Also.... I like you too."
I exhaled, "Wha-?"
Suddenly his fangs sunk deep into my neck. A soft wince escaped my throat, my body tensing up. I gripped onto his arms, my nails almost digging in. It was a bit painful but exhilarating at the same time. I felt high, each breath feeling like a rush of dopamine.
Sam moaned against my neck, removing his mouth for a second. His tongue lapped at my skin, getting all of the extra blood that fell from his mouth. "Fuck, you taste heavenly."
"Sam, I think you shou-" I mumbled, my voice raspy.
He plunged his teeth back in, a harsh gasp falling from my lips. I thought of pushing him away, but instead my hands pulled him in more. My vision began to blur, and my legs could barely stay up on their own. I felt my legs give out, but Sam held me up, his torso crushing into mine.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I got you. I'll never let you go. You're mine, forever." He growled.
"S-Sam." I choked.
My eyes began to flutter, my breathing slowing down to an almost halt. And still, he continued to drink and drink. I felt like I was floating and falling all at the same time. And I didn't even care. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have him consume me.
I could hear a soft whisper in the distance. It sounded familiar but was muffled. It grew louder and louder by second, saying the same thing over and over again. Finally, as it sounded closer, I could make out what it was saying: my name.
And then like a freight train, someone screamed it. "Y/N!"
My eyes popped open, focusing immediately on Sam's face. He was looking down at me concerned, almost in a panic.
"Y/N, oh thank God. I thought we were gonna have to call 911 or something." Sam sat back on his knees, his chest heaving.
I glanced around as my eyes adjusted to the light. I was in Colby's room, but from an angle I wasn't used to. I tried to sit up, suddenly realizing I was on the floor. Sam propped up an arm around me sitting me up and leaning me against the couch.
"Wha... happened?" I uttered, rubbing my neck.
"Well, we were all downstairs partying, and you said you didn't feel good all of sudden. So we both came up here, and I went to use the bathroom. And when I came out, you were passed out on the floor." He responded, worried.
I squinted at him, confused out of my mind. "So... there wasn't a witch that turned everyone into their costumes?"
He blinked. "Should I still call 911? How hard did you hit your head?"
"No. No, I'm okay." Sam helped me up slowly, still propping me against the couch, "I must have had one hell of a dream when I passed out."
"Are you feeling okay? Tell me, seriously." He looked into my eyes.
I glanced away quickly, "Yeah, I'm... fine. I don't even feel drunk. What time is it?"
He checked his watch. "It's 1:05."
"After midnight..." I realized, muttering.
He furrowed his brow. "What?"
"Nothing. I'm okay Sam. Really. You know how I can get sleepy after I drink too much. Maybe that's what happened." I tried to reassure.
"Yeah maybe..." He trailed off.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I stated, standing up completely.
Sam stepped towards me. "Do you need help?"
"No, I'm okay." I grinned at his nervousness, "Seriously, I'm fine. Don't worry."
I trudged over to the bathroom, leaning against the sink to collect my thoughts.
So.... that was all a dream I had while passed out? Holy shit, I'm never drinking again.
I looked up, scanning my face slowly. I looked the same as I did when I left my house. Except, I had no recollection of how I got here. I mean, in the dream I took an uber... so maybe that's what happened? But God; that dream felt so real. It truly felt like Sam was drinking my blood and draining me. And holy shit, I confessed I had feelings for him!
I sighed deeply, looking over my face once more. My eyes drifted further down and widened at the sight. Two fang marks were right by my jugular, right where Sam had been biting me.
"Sam! Can you come in here for a second?" I yelled, my breathing speeding up.
A moment later the door opened, Sam entering. "What's wrong?"
I spun to him, glaring. "Why do I have two fang marks in my neck... like a vampire bit me?"
"What are you talking about?" He puzzled.
I pointed to my neck. "Right here! What are these?"
"Y/N, there's nothing there." He informed.
"Yes there i-" I turned around, looking in the mirror. He was right. The marks were gone. My skin was clear, as if they never existed in the first place. "Oh."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam wrapped an arm around me sweetly, rubbing my back.
I stuttered, "Y-Yeah. I must have just saw something."
"Must have. Because like I said, there's nothing there." His gaze met mine in the mirror, "Right, Y/N?"
"Right. There's nothing there." I said dreamily.
"Good," he smiled warmly. "Now, let's get back down to the party. If you're feeling up to it, of course."
I nodded, taking Sam's hand and leaving the bedroom, following him back to the party.
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photogirl894 · 5 months
Ahhh! Congrats on 1300!! I had to look at your prompts as soon as I saw you were doing a celebration!
Mmm, how about #16 from physical affection (drawing shapes on someone's palm) and #18 from romance ("I'm here.")?
Character preface: Hunter x fem!Jedi, established relationship(?) during the war? Maybe they're dancing on the line of a platonic work wife/husband relationship and a true romance? Idk, you can totally play around with it! As always no pressure to accept!
Thank you so much for your request, Magic! And thank you for being an amazing follower and friend! I'm glad I've been getting to know you more in the last few weeks 💜
"Shapes in the Flames"
16. Drawing shapes on someone's palm
18. "I'm here."
Pairing: Hunter x fem Jedi reader
Becoming a General as Jedi was definitely something you never expected...and falling in love with the Clone Sergeant assigned to you was even more unexpected.
He was brave, resourceful and kind. One of the bravest fighters you'd ever known that could rival even the greatest Jedi. Not that you'd ever admit that to anyone. Attachments were forbidden among Jedi, but you were never the best rule follower. That was probably why Clone Force 99 had been assigned to you. You were drawn to Sergeant Hunter from the beginning and you had a feeling he felt the same about you...but with you still being a part of the Jedi Order, you both had to be careful with your relationship. If anyone had any suspicions there was anything more between you, then there could be unfortunate repercussions.
There were stolen glances, touches of the hands and sweet smiles exchanged between you two. In private moments, you sat closer together, you'd lean your head on his shoulder and you'd sometimes hold hands. He even called you by your name instead of "General". In times when either of you were under stress, you'd draw shapes in each other's palms to calm the other down. Aurebesh letters, random shapes, whatever came to your minds. Just something about that simple gesture would ground you both back in reality and it was something special only you two knew.
There was one particular mission where you and the Bad Batch had been sent to free a Republic base from a Droid siege. Everything had been seemingly going to plan until a bomb was set to destroy the base and it was only going to take a few seconds. You knew you all wouldn't make it out in time. That was something you couldn't allow. Your squad meant too much to you. Hunter meant too much to you.
You stood your ground facing the bomb, releasing a breath. You knew what you had to do...and Hunter wasn't going to like it.
He knew what you were going to do and he called out your name in fear.
"I'm sorry."
With a thrust of your hand out towards your boys, you called upon the Force and pushed them out and away from the base as far as you could send them. They flew through the air, all of them crying your name, but their cries faded with the distance.
Just as you saw them hit the ground many yards away, the bomb went off. You used the Force to shield yourself from the flames, but the power of the explosion broke your concentration and sent you flying back into the wall with a hard thud. Once you hit the floor, your world went black.
Your eyes fluttered open and you realized you were back on the Marauder with Hunter sitting at your side, holding onto your hand. You felt a light tickling in your palm and you knew he was drawing shapes in your hand. You felt his fingertip trace one curved line up and then down and then he repeated it on the other side going the opposite direction.
It felt like...a heart?
"Hunter...," you weakly moaned out.
He flinched at hearing you say his name and he grasped your hand tighter as he spoke your name in return. "I'm here," he said in a soft and worried yet affectionate tone.
"You're okay," you stated.
"All thanks to you," he replied, "but you shouldn't have done that. You could've been killed."
"If it was to save you and the boys, it would've been worth it," you said back.
Hunter couldn't hold back a small chuckle and he shook his head. "You really are a Jedi. You always put others before yourself."
You chuckled back. "My actions had nothing to do with being a Jedi, Hunter."
Then you sat up, turned his hand over in yours and brought your other hand over, pressing the tip of your index finger into his palm. It was just the two of you here. You weren't afraid to finally reveal the truth, especially since he'd inadvertently revealed it to you while he thought you were still unconscious. You traced the two same curved lines as he had, making the shape of a heart. He gasped softly as he realized what you had done and he met your eyes. You were smiling and your affectionate gaze said everything that only proved he wasn't imagining things.
"I love you."
He smiled back, grateful to still have you with him and to know the true depth of your feelings, and he placed a kiss to your palm, pressing a delicate and far more intimate shape into your skin that his gentle hands couldn't ever convey.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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twistedsocials · 5 months
Nothing prompted this but I wanted to share this cause idk if people still do this but I hate whenever someone calls Florid “abusive” or “bully x victim” because that’s simply not true at all. We need to remember, Floyd is canonically a violent character. In his PE Vignette, he literally threatened to squeeze Ace out of nowhere just for annoying him during one of his mood swings. In his labwear vignette, he’s seen threatening two students who got mad at him for bumping into them. And then there’s the panels from the Octavinelle manga and just that scene from Book 3 alone.
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This is not to say he’s mindlessly violent ofc, but it’s not like he’s docile either. But when we look at him and Riddle’s interactions, it’s just simple teasing such as calling him short or stealing his books. This doesn’t really count as canon but the panels in the anthology manga of him calling Riddle “amazing” and I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) in one of the Halloween events, he noticed Riddle wasn’t eating as much and literally made him eat after he said “I’ve had enough calories for today” saying he knows Riddle likes sweets (I read that from the ship wiki so my info might be off so do correct me please). I’d say he’s nicer to Riddle than almost everyone that isn’t Jade or Azul. And I believe it’s implied that there’s some infatuation of some sorts with Riddle’s hair color as he’s mentioned how dull colors are underwater, and I believe it’s also mentioned in his beanfest vignette.
I’m just saying that if Floyd was actually bullying Riddle, it would not stop at book stealing or teasing. This is not to say Riddle is helpless at all either, Riddle can kick ass. He sent Floyd launching through the air on orientation (Beanfest vignette). So calling it bully x victim/abusive is really odd imo.
There’s also the idea that Riddle hates Floyd? He doesn’t seem to hate him at all?? I’d say it’s more like a small annoyance which can be resolved once they get to know each other more. I don’t know if the Stitch Event was canon but I think that was a prime example of them actually getting to know each other (again, ship wiki. I’m not that far into the game sorry T_T).
If I did get anything incorrect please do tell me ^_^! Btw this is not condemning people who don’t ship it, you ship what you ship!
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spinchip · 11 months
Idk if you’re still taking prompts but maybe some nice emperor au stuff? Freaking love the au.as for the actual prompt uhhh…. Zanes first year vs his last year in the never realm maybe? Or ooooh some angsty post-staff collapse when he lost the staff and started falling apart
“The Emperor is a good man,” Sorla says, voice heavy with respect, “If your friend has come through his halls, he will have surely fed and housed him. And if he has not visited the Emperor then I'm certain he would do his best to help you find him.”
They’re sat around a large, crackling fire in Sorlas home, nursing tea and a modest dinner she’d prepared herself as they’d all warmed up in her living room. Akita and Kataru had delivered the letter they’d been sent with once Sorla had finished her own plate, and she was reading over the official document with wise eyes even as she spoke. The envelope had been sealed with dark blue wax, the emblem a simple snow flake, and the siblings that had found the ninja had been taking their duty to deliver it extremely seriously.
“What’s it say?” Kataru asks, trying not to peer over he shoulder to read along. Akita peers over her shoulder to read along.
“My presence is requested at the palace. He needs to put his affairs in order for an upcoming visit.” Sorla hums.
“Oh, who’s coming? The dignitaries from the Western Archipelago? The Emperor and I were discussing the trade offer they had sent us not too long ago, perhaps they've decided to come negotiate in person.” Kataru ruminates, “Or maybe it’ll be Lord Haoran.”
“Ugh, I hope it’s not King Desperate.” Akita throws herself back in her chair, “He needs to get the hint- Emp’s not interested! Move on!” she makes a shooing motion with her hand.
“He didn’t specify.” Sorla hums, “So I suppose I will be accompanying you all on your journey to the palace.”
The Ninja all exchange a glance before Lloyd starts slowly, “Listen, about that… it’s not that we don’t trust you, of course, and thank you for taking us in and for dinner but… it just seems…”
“Too good to be true.” Nya finishes with a wince.
Sorla laughs kindly, “Ah, I understand that. When he first appeared in our lands many years ago, i believed the same thing. A ronin with no lord to promise his honor... I was skeptical of his motives, but I assure you the Emperor has proven himself a thousand times over. He is a good man, and a steady one.”
Akita leans over the table into Lloyd face, “Want to hear how we met?”
Closing his eyes, Kataru grimaces at the memory, “Our clan had been displaced in territorial skirmishes with Vex around this period, chased off our land and living in temporary settlements. We were originally based in a village further north, but we chose to retreat past Mala-Wojira for the safety it offered-”
“We were Attacked!” Akita launches into the juicy part of the story, cutting her brother off mid sentence. “Vex sent the Krag out to destroy us! The were 20 feet tall, ready to wipe us out or force us to comply-”
“They were not- they get taller every time you tell the story!” Kataru claps a hand over his sisters mouth, “Krag are typically 9 to twelve feet tall, twenty is ridiculous- and it wasn’t just Krag, but also some of Vex’s loyalists who set fire to our tents and attempted to destroy our rations- EW don’t lick my hand!”
Akita takes advantage of Katarus disgust to pick up the story, “It was looking bleak until… the Emperor swept in! With a sweep of his cape he extinguished the fire completely! before chasing off Vex’s cronies with just a single, sharp look!”
They blink at Akita, the story sounding… less than plausible.
“We were just young kids at the time, and we thought we could help. We ended up getting caught in a really bad spot.”
“...Between a rock and a massive burning wall of fire,” Akita agrees, losing some of her bravado at the memory.
“The Emperor walked through fire to get to us. He saved our lives.” Katarus' voice goes light with awe and reverence, “He is amazing, okay? He’ll help you.”
The ninja exchanged another glance, “You’ve convinced me.” Cole says for the whole of them, cracking a smile, “Maybe he really can help…”
“You wont regret it!”
“We’ll set off on the journey back tomorrow morning, once it has stopped snowing. For now, we should rest.” Sorla offers them each a blanket and pillow, and the ninja settle down quietly. Akita and Kataru apparently have a personal room here they typically use, but the rest of the guests are regulated to the admittedly soft carpet.
“Do you really think he’ll be a good guy?”
“With our track record? Probably not.” Jay comments dryly.
“We’ll just have to keep our guard up… remember, this is for Zane.” Lloyd laces his fingers worriedly over his chest.
Cole nods along with the others, “For Zane.” They all agree softly, before the night falls silent.
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cloveroctobers · 10 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🎃 — 12. Richie Jerimovich
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PROMPT is from here and I’m using: “What do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating?!”
A/N: it’s canon in my head that when richie is ready to find a new love interest that they will be plus sized idk that’s just what my brain tells me. This reader is also plus sized and could be a potential love interest but this falls in line of somewhat platonic?
WARNINGS: language, triggering matters such as ED, plus-sized reader, + some childhood verbal bullying.
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Halloween or fall season wasn’t really Raquel’s joy. She was more of a Christmas girlie by all means but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t attempt some fall things. Take right now for example: she had her hands deep into the guts of a pumpkin, the stench of the vegetable almost made her gag and it happens every year where she’s reminded that she prefers dealing with squash much more. Yet here she was, scooping out the insides and allowing the stringiness to get caught underneath her tortoise nails; zoning out after browsing dreadful Facebook.
Raquel’s tunnel daze is dragged away after harsh kicks are sent right to her door. She’s blinking rapidly as she comes to terms that the sound is coming from outside and not from her head. The 5’10 woman pulls her hands from the pumpkin, ready to move over to the sink to rinse her hands quickly but settles for wiping them on her half apron, then jogs over to the door.
“Who is it?” Raquel questions, disliking that she doesn’t have a peephole but is aware that she could lean over her couch to peer out the window.
The reply is instant but muffled, “your best dream come true! C’mon it’s me, open up!”
Raquel smiles at this, “sorry. I don’t know anyone by, ‘c’mon it’s me!’ Maybe you have the wrong house?”
“The same house that I’ve been over a jillion times before?! I don’t think so sweetheart.”
“If you been here before, how come you don’t have a key?” Raquel continues to play along.
Richie huffs, “I can barely keep up with my own keys so we both know giving me another would probably be a lost cause.”
Raquel unlocks the door soon after and welcomes the fresh 62 degree weather of the early afternoon in before her friend. “Richard, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
In richie fashion, he barges into the condo, kicks squeaking against wood laminate floors as he enters, holding a plastic bag up in the air for the dark haired woman to see. Closing the door behind him, Raquel spins on her fuzzy socks to follow richie right to the eighty-eight square feet modern kitchen.
“Those stools still haven’t come in?” Richie states the obvious as he eyes the outside of the bare counter.
Raquel sighs, “they’re now apparently on back order but it took me to contact them in order to get that information.”
“Shit,” Richie comments, “told you just to cancel the order, get your money back, and we can go down to TJMAXX to get a way better steal than what you probably paid for two of those chairs.”
It’s funny how richie used to give Raquel crap for her weekend errands and now he didn’t mind attending when he could.
Raquel leans her elbows against the counter with a smirk, “that maybe true but I wanted quality over bargaining.”
Don’t take this the wrong way, she had plenty of decor pieces that she just purchased from that exact store but she wanted something a little more upscale since she didn’t exactly have the space in this condo to make a formal dining area. A friend suggested getting a round table to place towards the path of the walkway from the entrance but Raquel decided against that since she didn’t want the second bedroom to be blocked whenever company exited.
Although it was only Raquel and her gray hairless Sphynx, Archibald. Majority of the time Raquel was traveling to other events and her friends’ home and rarely had gatherings at her place. Perhaps it had to do with her own trust issues after facing a break-in last year at her old apartment prior but Raquel was fine with forming a shell around herself.
It was necessary yet that shell came down a bit whenever Richie was around.
“Ah, Suit yourself!” Richie pulls out the items he’s brought with him, “anyway! I brought over some goods for your Sunday dinner.”
Raquel quirks up a brow, “you did?”
“Oh please, don’t look so shocked.” Richie peers over at the woman who grins at him, “it’s nothing big just some shit I got on my evening with Chef Terry, Garrett, and Jessica.”
Raquel sat up some, reaching to move the empty bag to the side now to eye the objects near by. She picks up a jar first and nods, “mint-jelly? Let me guess, some if not all of these things are things you tried but ended up hating.”
Richie rolls his eyes, knowing he’s been caught. “Whatever! I asked Syd what the purpose of that shit was after Chef Terry recommended it and Syd said it pairs well with certain meats and I know lamb is actually one of your favorites so I thought of you.”
Raquel bares her teeth into her bottom lip as she cracks the jar open, sniffing at the sweet but tart aroma and shrugs, “well thanks for thinking of me, rich. I’ll definitely try this out next time I make lamb.”
She steps towards him to peck him on the cheek and Richie fans her away as she goes back to look at the other objects.
“What’re we having tonight then if it’s not your best dish?!” Richie starts swinging his hands back and forth, then scrunched his nose up after noticing the pumpkin, “please don’t tell me it’s that bullshit over there?”
Raquel glances at the pumpkin and laughs to herself, “no. That’s solely for decor purposes only.”
“Oh thank fuck, I thought you were gonna tell me you’re obsessed with all things pumpkin now and then I was gonna have to cancel your ass.” Richie wiped the faux sweat from his brow as he turns, arms hunched behind him as if he’s ready to launch himself up onto the counter.
Raquel sends him a warning glance and Richie scoffs, choosing to pick the charcoal gray sectional in the adjacent living room instead.
“You could never cancel me, Richard.” Raquel informs as she places the new items into their designated spots before turning back to wash her hands, “you love me too much.”
Richard tilts his head before reaching for the remote, “yeah I do, so don’t you forget it.”
Raquel sends him a soft smile which Richard holds dear to his heart with his wide blues, before flicking the tv on, making himself right at home.
And it’s just like any other typical Sunday, with Richie coming over to watch some game Raquel didn’t care about but would still be near, either doing her “grandma activity,” which was cross-stitching or commenting here and there (while cooking) after finding out which team they should be rooting for. When commercial breaks start, Raquel is just finishing up the last pumpkin she’s been working on to place on the outside of her front door.
She waves at a neighbor, Antanios who lives on the top floor and lived here the longest with his teenage grandson (after his mother passed), who’s sitting on the shared patio set reading the newspaper.
“Looks nice, Azizi. Can’t wait to see what you do for Christmas.” The elderly man comments with a wink, playfully glancing upwards towards the second floor, where your other neighbor, Clarise—who was in her mid-fifties; who Raquel playfully called her auntie—liked to battle her with the outdoor decor whenever Christmas came around.
Thankfully Raquel found peace in this neighborhood and with solid neighbors. Although she was youngest here—not counting Antanios’ grandson Elias, she found a sense of belonging here like she never did before.
Raquel smiles at the man, “and I can’t wait for your review.”
Antanios dips his head, turning his attention back to the newspaper. He was always the one to settle the score and was always fair, which was humorous in a way considering he was a retired district attorney. It was only right in Raquel and Clarise’s eyes to have Antanios tell it to them straight.
“Tell Richard I said hello.” Antanios said, keeping his eyes on his paper.
He was a quiet but observant man who noticed it all. However it was no secret that Richie was one of the main ones that always kept coming around to visit the tenant on the last floor.
“Hey Antanios!” Richie yelled from the couch before Raquel closed the door, but not without seeing the man smirking to himself.
“Uh hello! I was just about to have a conversation with my favorite person at this place.” Richie frowned as Raquel laughed at him.
“I’ll save him the trouble,” Raquel stated as she went back into the kitchen, “and Archibald and I definitely take offense to that.”
Richie doesn’t flinch as the mentioned cat jumps onto the arm of the chair by his head, arms making room for the gray cat to make themself comfortable right on his chest.
Richie scratches the animal, “Why? Antanios is my guy! I have real conversations with that man when I crash here and you fall asleep on me! It’s like you always think he’s not listening but he’s got wisdom like he’s fucking buddha or something.”
Raquel nods at that but can’t help but to snort, “is this your way of telling me I should get you a Buddha necklace for Christmas this year since you found your calling and all that?”
Richie thinks about this, “I mean shit, I’d wear it but don’t think I’m gonna be out here bald like this uncooked cat here.”
“Don’t talk about my baby like that.” Raquel warns.
Archibald meows and Richie laughs, “he knows it’s all love but he’s definitely given me a few heart attacks sneaking up on me during the night.”
Richie’s never had a pet before in his life so he really didn’t know what he was missing. Now he has Raquel in his life and Eva’s been over a few times before which sparked her interest in getting a hamster or bunny. Tiffany was against it because she felt that would be more work for her but richie just wanted to make his little girl happy and believed if you taught Eva how to tend to it, she would do a good job. She just had to find her footing is all and Richie felt there wasn’t anything wrong with that. Which is exactly why he was setting some money aside to get whichever one Eva chose.
“Bacon and spinach stuffed chicken or honey glazed salmon,” Raquel clapped to get Richie’s attention after he dived back into the game.
Richie took his time answering, “huh? Uh, the chicken.”
It’s Raquel’s turn to hum at him but soon another commercial comes on, making Richie annoyed as he jumps to his feet. When he faces Raquel he notices that she’s got her attention on her phone while still holding the packages of meat.
“Fucking commercials are killing me!” Richie hisses as he makes his way into the kitchen to raid the fridge for a beverage.
He cracks open the soda and sips from it, then plucks the salmon from Raquel’s hand to place back into the fridge. Which was always fully stocked despite the fact that she was constantly traveling every other weekend being a web designer. It wasn’t unusual for Raquel to get quiet on Richie but the zoning out was what become concerning, especially when he snapped his fingers in front of her face to not receive any answers.
It wasn’t until he yanked up her phone to bring it to his attention. Richie looks at the photo of some lady named: Brooke Weisel-Heeni who has her hand resting on a very large baby bump in a wedding dress followed by a large sized wedding ring and another set of hands covering her’s. Richie didn’t have time to read the caption before Raquel snatched the phone back to place face down.
“You never told me how dinner went with the michelin crew? Any progress with Jess?” Raquel says, suddenly back down to earth as she moves to search the kitchen to cut open the package of chicken.
Richie blinks, “we can get into that later. Who’s this Brooke lady that you were cyber stalking?”
“If I wanted to stalk somebody, she would be my last choice.” Raquel retorts making Richie quirk up his brows.
Richie silently thinks to himself on how to approach this. Clearly there was something touchy about this Brooke person and he didn’t like how Raquel was moving about it either.
“Okay…then…how do you know her?”
Raquel shrugs her shoulders, “we went to middle and high school together and remained friends—Facebook friends.”
Richie sips from the can, “just Facebook official, I get it. So…was there beef I need to know about? Do I gotta hate the lady too?”
That earns a crooked smile from Raquel.
“I’m thirty-three years old! What am I doing being still hung up about how she treated me back then?! Especially since I considered her a friend in middle school. Yes, kids can be some motherfuckers but I mean people can change and you grow right? But I don’t like that I’m feeling a way seeing this hard launch of a wedding and pregnancy.” Raquel starts to vent but Richie feels he’s still missing out on the context.
One thing about Raquel is that she only lets, “motherfucker,” slip out is when she’s highly frustrated about something. So richie knew this was serious business.
“Hey, I’m not judgin’,” Richie raises his hands, “I’ve got, I think two assholes that neither Mikey and I were cool with back in the day on my page but that other assclown? Griffin Georgiou?! Yeah! He tried to add me, ripped him a new one and blocked him immediately after he kept trying to go back and forth wit me.”
Raquel sighed with her head thrown back, making Richie nudge her with the back of his hand, “if you wanna talk about it, lay it on me. If you don’t, then we move on but I’ll lock in that this Brooke lady is on my shit list.”
It’s the fact that she’s getting choked up talking about this, that doesn’t sit right with Richie. However he knows boundaries and realizes not to push them when they came to Raquel. So he eyes her as she’s on autopilot, getting ready to prepare the Sunday dish. It’s silent besides the football game on the tv and he moves beside her, watching her and picking up on what he can do to help prepare dinner.
“…what’s on the agenda for Halloween?” Richie changes the subject, “I hope you got the good shit for the little rascals and also for me because I’m definitely coming over later to eat your stash!” Richie tells the friend beside him as he works on cleaning the spinach.
Raquel lifts her shoulders, “I uh—haven’t thought much about it? Probably get off work just to head over to the bar or go to the bar after work and come home to have a chill night in or give to the kids.”
“Sounds good to me,” Richie replies, “let me know if you decide to give candy because Eva and I will definitely roll through.”
Raquel let’s a small smile greet her lips. She was glad that richie was making the effort to be a better parent to his child and attempting not to create the same disruptive pattern his parents had him in. Eva’s a bright girl, a little on the shy side but as soon as Raquel brought out a mini water color kit that she had stored away for traveling purposes, Eva seemed to lighten up.
“Aw! Let me guess? She’s going as Taylor Swift?”
“BOOM! You got it!”
“Which era?”
“The fact that you know that’s a thing when you’re not a swiftie is impressive.” Richie comments, making Raquel roll her eyes.
Richie laughs a little, “Eva’s doing the lover era. Lots of colors, which I’m not surprised considering I have a little artist on my hands. Tiff’s going for—I think she said evermore.”
Raquel nods, a smile twitching on her lips as if she knows much about either, “and what’re you going for?”
“Do I go with fearless or 1989? But make it manly since I got to keep my street cred high,” Richie puffs out his chest which makes Raquel pull a mocking face, “and risk the chance of scaring my child with adding horror elements to that theme while potentially pissing her mother off? Or do I not dress up for trick or treating?” Richie rambles, which means he’s given this some thought.
Raquel speaks, “I don’t know…isn’t one of the points of trick or treating supposed to be getting dressed up? I’ve never been.”
Richie almost drops the bowl of cream cheese, spinach, mozzarella, and spices mixture that the chicken is supposed to be stuffed with, “What do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating?!”
Raquel glances over her shoulder hearing the oven beep, signaling that the oven was set at the right temperature. “It wasn’t something that was encouraged for me. I didn’t really get to celebrate Halloween like the other kids or even my older brother, who was the popular kid.”
“A combination of things: Brooke, my Bulimic mother, my weight.”
Richie deeply exhaled.
“Sixth grade. I was always heavier than everyone else, always at the doctor to make sure I didn’t have any medical conditions that contributed to it but my pediatrician always reassured that it’s just baby fat and that it would fluctuate once I grew, story of my life!” Raquel humorlessly laughed, “as if my father didn’t come from that same body type. I was never overweight but the minute you’re not petite or shaped like a pencil in anyone else’s eyes, you’re fat and disgusting. Anyways the short story? Brooke and I were friends in middle school, she was having a Halloween party after going trick or treating. She said she forgot to give me an invitation and was about to give it to me in class but the other girls that she already invited said they wouldn’t want a piggy to eat all of their candy if I came. Know what Brooke did? Laughed right with them and kept my invitation in her backpack. I cried about it for the rest of the day and when I got home to tell my mom about it she said to me, ‘well if you wore clothes that actually fit then maybe they wouldn’t say those things to you.’”
Richie clenched his eyes shut, “that’s so fucked up and I’m sorry those turds made you feel that way! You know none of that negative bullshit is true then or now? They’re the ones who missed out on having a good person in their lives. Screw ‘em!”
Raquel rolls the tension from her shoulders, “Thanks for saying that. It’s something I’m always working on and loving this body that’s been given to me. And this isn’t some pity thing I’m trying to throw out there because I love who I am. It’s just seeing her face after all this time—I’m hardly on Facebook—pop back up on my feed caught me completely off guard.”
“Trust me, I get it.” Richie reassures, “…did she ever apologize?”
“Yup when we were both in our second year of college. Two Ohioan girls in New York, me in NYU and her at Brown University. She felt the need to update me about her college experience in the DM by the way, I never asked. I feel like she only apologized because of my friend Tommy though. He’s…unhinged. But I left her on read too which didn’t make me feel any better…but enough of my childhood trauma! Tell me about Michelin.” Raquel used the back of her hand to wipe at her damp eyes.
Richie ignores this and questions, “you wanna go trick or treating with me and Eva?”
“You’re going!” Richie decides for Raquel who frowns.
“I can’t do that,” Raquel quickly shakes her head, “don’t know if you noticed but I’m grown now.”
Richie scoffs after eyeing Raquel’s profile, “oh I’ve noticed sweetheart…but Isn’t that what they say about adulthood, that you’re supposed to heal your inner child or whatever?”
“Where’s Richie and what have you done with him?” Raquel scanned the room with a hand above her brow.
Richie elbows her as they both share a laugh.
After awhile Raquel claims, “I don’t even have a costume or idea.”
“I mean…you could always join the era’s tour.” Richie kept a straight face as he peered over at Raquel who scrunched up her nose, “C’mon Rocky! Be one of us! There’s even friendship bracelets.”
“No, thank you.”
Richie began to move in a body roll as he screams, “'Cause we nеver go out of style, we nеver go out of style!”
Raquel widens her eyes in horror, “Oh god, what are you doing? Stop that and please sing anything else!”
“Okay.” Richie thinks to himself before belting, “Cause when you're, fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them!”
Raquel flinches as Richie’s voice booms off the walls of her condo, “I think we found which era you should really be. You felt that in your soul didn’t you?”
Richie clears his throat, “yeah, I think so but I don’t want anymore of your haterade when we come scoop you up. I’ve been growing out my hair too so maybe fearless is the best era to go with after all.”
“Did Jessica convince you to dye it blond too?” Raquel teased, peeking at Richie’s hair that did look a bit fuller compared it’s usual buzzed cut—now that he pointed it out.
Richie frowns over at Raquel, “damn you’re being nosy about Jessica!”
“Hey no need to get defensive,” Raquel smirked, “I’m just trying to see if you picked up on any vibes.”
Richie sucked his teeth, “I’m picking up on you scrambling around from choosing a damn costume!”
“I really don’t want to impose on you and Eva’s quality time.”
“What?! That kid loves you. Not as much as her old man but she likes you because she knows you and I are great together—the best of friends!”
“Don’t tell Fak that, he might get jealous.”
Richie scoffs, ready to toss a spinach stem her way, “as long as you don’t tell this Tommy person that.”
Raquel snorts, “believe me, Tommy does not give a damn who I keep around as long as they don’t mess with me or his business.”
It was apparent to Richie that Raquel only casually mentioned this Tommy person from time to time and he’s met her other friend, co-workers, and even her arrogant older brother but Tommy seemed to be this sort of invisible force that Richie never had the chance to meet.
Richie could live with that as long as he didn’t bring any trouble to Raquel’s door.
She already had Richie right by her side for some good trouble whenever she needed him and it had to be vice versa on Raquel’s end too right?
Well…a decade of friendship regardless of their age gap solidified that as Richie tossed a wrist over Raquel’s shoulder to place a kiss to her temple which she leaned into.
Her own personal safety net, which was never too far from her reach.
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Read my final 2023 fall prompt here.
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
I saw these two ex to lovers prompt and I can't choose so if you like them you can pick one or both idk ahaahaha
- sending their ex a book a day, the first word of each title spelling out an apology.
-ten years after their breakup one receives a letter inviting them to their exes wedding with a “help me” written in a tiny font on the bottom.
You Still Would’ve Been Mine
Written for my Drabblefest
I wrote both, but with a twist (not exactly an apology and it’s ten months instead). I hope you like it 😆
PS it’s canonverse
960 words, no warnings
⨯ ⁺ ✦ ・ 。゚⨯ ゚♡ ✧* ・。* ★,。・:*:・゚☆
If Rowan listened to one more word about Terrasen or Adarlan, he was going to lose his mind.
He wasn’t even a useful prince, he had no idea what he was doing in Sellene’s Throne Room.
“The merchants won’t stop complaining ever since Adarlan made these new trade deals,” Uncle Ellys explained, “Terrasen’s goods got into the Adarlanian market like the plague.”
“Enda,” Sellene called from her throne. “send word to our spies.
After every other family member was dismissed with an assignment to do, it was just Rowan and Sellene there.
“C’mere.” She kindly requested him to come closer. “Rowan, we are losing Erliea’s biggest kingdoms. The Fae from Adarlan now have access to Terassen’s Fae liquor, magic hospitals, magic schools, every month is a new thing. And now this.” Sellene took a deep breath and rubbed a hand on her face, letting her shoulders drop for a moment. “I know you don’t talk about Terrasen, but I need you to tell me what you saw.”
“I saw nothing,” he answered with a neutral face, masking his tense body.
It was true. It was supposed to be a trip with Fenrys to visit Galan, and they ended up being guests in the Ashryver party to visit Terrasen.
Rowan’s presence wasn’t political, and the only thing he saw was walls ornate with gold, silk bedsheets and the top of pine trees when he was flying, using his hawk form to sneak in and out of the crown princess’ bedroom.
Rowan’s ground his teeth, his pulse racing. Well, that was before she not only backstabbed him, but his entire country as well.
“Okay, I got it,” Sellene said when she sensed the growing notes of rage in his smell. She bit his lip and fiddled with an envelope in her hand. “This came in for you.”
Rowan snatched it from her hands. “I thought the mail interceptions were over when Maeve died.”
Sel grimaced. “Lorcan gave me this one because he thought it was an exception, sorry. I didn’t open it, though.”
An exception indeed. Rowan opened the seal with one of his blades, wishing he could use it to stab the wedding invitation instead.
The King and Queen of Terrasen request the pleasure of your company—Rowan rolled his eyes—at the marriage of their daughter, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, to Duke Perrington, blah blah blah.
Rowan was once told it would be his name instead, but those promises were long gone.
I’m yours, she said, her smile lit through the darkness. Tell Sellene to request an official political alliance with a marriage proposal, and I’ll be officially yours.
Rowan was on a boat home the next day.
He shook his head, his heart constricting as he tried to shake off the memories too. Especially the ones of him learning, right before leaving Doranelle again, that Aelin’s hand was already promised to another.
Rowan’s eyes skimmed through the wedding invitation, until he found something that made his heart stop, the world world narrowing down to two little words in the bottom of the invitation, in a familiar handwriting.
Help me
“What?” Sellene said while snatching the invite from his hands. “Gods, I’m never talking about Terrasen with you again. Your smell gets weirder and weirder and— oh, shit.” She looked up, eyes widened and personal scent tinged with alarm. “Have you been in touch with her?”
Sellene sent him a cut-the-bullshit look.
He crossed his arms. “She’s been sending me books. Just that.”
“Not a word? Just books?” She got up when Rowan nodded in confirmation. “Where do you keep them?”
They both shifted into their bird forms and flew out the window towards Rowan’s bedroom, where he kept a small collection of books he didn’t want to store in the Royal Library.
If Sellene heard how fast Rowan’s heart was beating, she didn’t show. His insides were quivering as he scrambled his mind for answers, but nothing came.
Sellene shifted back and frowned at the bookshelf, both hands on her hips. “Just the books, no letters attached?”
“Yes. These ones.” Rowan pointed at the books with one hand, fingers tangled in his hair with the other. “They’re in the order she sent, it stopped a couple of months ago.”
His cousin barely heard him, completely focused on the books. “Havelok the Dane, Erec and Enide, Laxdæla Saga and Piers Plowman.” Sellene’s index finger ran across these four book’s spines. “Side by side like this, as if they were in a box set, it kinda looks like they spell ‘help’.”
“What?” With his heart beating out of his chest, Rowan grabbed a piece of paper and scrabbled the titles there, in the order Aelin sent him.
Havelok the Dane
Erec and Enide
Laxdæla Saga
Piers Plowman
The Divine Comedy
Amadís de Gaula
The Decameron
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Owl and the Nightingale
Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart
Doon de Mayence
Le Morte d’Arthur
Egil’s Saga
His entire world halted when he put them all together, four words tearing down his walls of hurt and resentment.
Help, dad sold me.
Rowan felt dizzy, barely breathing as everything clicked together.
All the trade agreements, scholar exchange, diplomatic alliances between Terrasen and Adarlan he heard of. It was all because Rhoe sold his daughter to the highest bidder.
Over his dead body.
He ran to his room, grabbed his sword and a pouch with enough gold for three intercontinental trips—one to go, two to come back—and tucked his wedding invitation into his jacket’s pocket.
Sellene’s eyes were firm as she clutched his forearm, putting all her Fae strength into her crushing grip. “Do not. Cause. An international disaster.”
Rowan just shifted into his hawk form and flew to the nearest port.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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bebe-writes-stuff · 9 months
I made a
Tokyo Rev prompt
Bluelock prompt
MHA prompt
-- Go read them!! JJK is next, obviously, like how could I even forget. I gotta compensate yall for the amount of trauma Gege is giving yall. MY MAN IS GONE, GEGE, I HATE YOU. -- Ima tell yall right now, this fanfic has absolutely no fucking relation to the current timeline of this tragic asf anime. okAy?-- Anyway this prompt,
For this story I wanted a specific theme and certain character development for Y/n, (I literally use what I learn from my English class to write these mfing stories...embarrassing)
At the beginning, Y/n, leads a reserved and quiet life not because she is shy but she just finds it better not to associate with other people. Because she possesses the ability to feel and perceive the true emotions of others. This ability makes her more of an observer than a talker, She can feel peoples Anger, Sadness, Fear, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Jealousy, Envy, Disgust, Frustration, Loneliness, Despair, Regret, Resentment, Insecurity, All of it. but because those people's emotions weren't long term and not intense, Y/n couldn't see curses (for now) but deep within her soul, she knew something evil was around. So one day, something tragic happens, I have decided what yet. But because this certain event caused very intense negative emotions that Y/n could feel, it was like a veil had been removed from her eyes and she started seeing curses. It was like a nightmare at first, the constant horrifying creatures she'd run into. but for some reason, they would never attack her, in fact they'd take off and run away any place she was near. which was strange because for a curse to be frightened something has to have an even greater cursed energy which is exactly the case with Y/n. She hasn't realized yet but every time Y/n felt someone's negative emotion, it transferred to her. As a result causing her to have an immense amount of cursed energy, it's so great that even jujutsu sorcerers and the higher up can sense it from miles away, without even understanding who or what this cursed energy was coming from they decided to execute it as soon as they get hold on it, the only issue was they couldn't place where this cursed energy was coming from. It was like a switch, sometimes it was so intense and sometimes there was absolutely no trace of it. but what the higher ups don't know, Gojo (daddy) has already traced y/ns location and sent a certain 3 students to supervise and watch her, but that doesn't go unnoticed by her which she's pretty quick to notice her pursuers and doesn't take long to confront them. also I still haven't decided a cursed technique for her...Womp Womp
--Oml idk if this made any sense, for some reason when I have an idea I can't write 100% of what I want, ughhhh, enjoy, and let me know if you guys want this fic--
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blossom-hwa · 9 months
omg same anon here that requested the model soobin + designer reader that was so good aoaajddkjjjs&#@*kdj thank you ☆_☆
also i feel like i might have sent a similar ask to the following (maybe tumblr ate it) but if no one yet has straight up asked for taehyun fandancer au then plz taehyun fandancer au. and/or any other txt members in the same au if you want (no pressure to again though it's ok !!!)
I am so late...it's fine it's fine it's fine LMAO anyway idk if anyone is still looking for their drabbles from the summertime fest, but I'm trying to do them now - hope y'all enjoy :)
this is an excerpt from a fic idea I'm trying to flesh out; it might be a little confusing but here's the gist - fan dancer mc is trying to hide soobin, the missing crown prince, from those who want to kill him, and in the meantime taehyun is trying to court them and mc desperately wants to say yes but can't because caring for soobin is first priority (they promised a friend). horrible dilemmas I feel for mc so bad (I want taehyun too </3)
summertime drabble fest: send me an idol from the list (Stray Kids, Ateez, TXT, Seventeen) + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: In the Eyes of the Night
Pairing: Taehyun x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Genre: slight angst, fan dancer!mc and nobility!Taehyun
Warnings: mentions of blood
Once backstage you nearly fall onto one of the benches behind the gauzy curtains that frame the dais, dropping your fans and gingerly taking off first your shoes, then the wrappings around your feet. They come away sweaty and smelly, which is only to be expected, but a pained hiss escapes your lips as you peel cloth off the blisters that burst during your time on the stage, leaving stains of yellow and red on the fabric.
Your stomach drops. It's not as if you had expected anything less, not after what happened last night, but seeing the mess of blood and pus in the light somehow makes it all worse.
"Need some help?" Juyeon's deep voice sounds overhead. You meet his concerned smile with a wry grimace of your own. "Don't worry about me," you reply, already grabbing one of the clean towels nearby. "Your performance is next, right? You should go prepare. I'll be fine."
His eyes flicker over to the clock on the wall and a grimace of his own passes over his lips as he registers how little time he has left. "I'll send someone with water," he promises. "Clean your feet properly."
"Thanks, Juyeon. I'll be fine," you reassure him, even as the stinging pain threatens to bring tears to your eyes. "It's just a few blisters."
Juyeon disappears into the gauzy curtains, and you take the moment alone to stretch your feet onto the bench. Stars above, your legs ache something awful. Normally you would just attribute this to the endless cycle of performance and practice, but all that running around yesterday took everything out of you. The adrenaline of the chase, the fear that you would be caught, captured - or even worse, that the prince you were hiding would be seen -
Not for the first time, you curse your friend in the shadows for saddling you with the responsibility of a missing prince. How do you hide a prince in your own tiny room? How do you keep him out of sight but still get him food, get him water, get him the basic things he needs to survive? She didn't tell you anything when she dumped him on you, didn't tell you anything except that he was the prince who the royal family had declared missing and that you needed to hide him or else people would kill him. 
You're not an assassin. You're nothing special, not like she is. You can't use a knife. You can't wield a sword. You're just a fan dancer and nothing else and the responsibility of a prince is going to kill you, if it doesn't kill him first.
Ugh. You rest a hand on your heart, forcing deep breaths. "Everything is fine," you mutter to yourself, as though saying it aloud will make it true. It is true, in a way. Your prince wasn't seen last night, for all the danger you were in. He wasn't captured. He wasn't killed. You were able to distract those who would hunt him, even if your bare feet and legs took more cuts than you were used to on the sharp stones outside. Even if it took all of your remaining energy not to collapse in a heap of silk and fans onstage. 
Gahyeon comes running over with a small basin of cold water. You thank her, brush her away when she offers to help, and begin cleaning up the mess of blood on your stinking feet. As soon as it's all cleared away and you've wrapped the open sores in clean bandages, you force yourself to stand and limp to your room. With every step, pain hisses up your legs, but you make it there in the end. 
You tap the door slightly, knocking once, twice, three times in a pattern to announce your presence. When a few knocks sound in return, you slide it open and step inside, closing it quickly behind you. 
Soobin sits in the corner of the room, looking small and hunched over for all his height. His eyes are dull, despondent. "Hello," he mumbles. 
All of your previous curses about the responsibility of a prince melt away, replaced by pity in the face of the crown prince's misery. "Hello, Your Highness," you murmur respectfully. "Are you well?"
"I'm fine," he replies quickly, which is how you know he isn't. "Are your feet alright?"
"Just a few cuts and blisters." You smile a little, trudging over to the small mirror set on one of the walls. "I'll survive."
"...I'm so sorry."
"There is no need to be," you respond firmly, turning around from touching up your makeup. "You are my prince and I swore an oath to our friend in the shadows to keep you safe. If I have to bear some pain in my feet for it, no matter. I'm a dancer, anyway." You smile at him. "I'm used to it."
He doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't try to apologize again, so you count that as a win. "You said someone helped you last night," he says, changing the subject.
Your eyebrows furrow. "Yes," you reply lowly, unwanted memories rushing back of shadows and snarls and blades flashing in the moonlight - and above all, one familiar voice shouting for you to run as his sword slashed down, starlight shimmering on the metal. 
Your heart skips a beat. Taehyun Kang. In the moment, when you couldn't breathe and couldn't think, you couldn't believe it was him. But you've replayed those seconds over and over in your mind, and there's no question anymore. Taehyun of the family Kang, one of the middle nobility who frequents your performances and has been trying to court your interest for almost two months...
He saved you. And you can't even thank him, because he didn't see your face, and you can't reveal that that was you. 
"Did you see who they were?" Soobin asks. 
You wipe your fingers on a towel by the mirror, eyes carefully downcast. "No," you reply, and truth be told, you're not sure why you lie. Maybe because you want to keep this moment to yourself. Maybe because deep down, you aren't sure it was really him. 
Maybe because you don't want to acknowledge how hard this makes everything, knowing that you owe Taehyun your life when all he professes to want is your love - and you can't even give him that, however you might want to, for fear that your duty to a missing prince will come to light and all your shadow friend's carefully-laid plans will be ruined.
"I must go now," you say, turning back around. A pair of soft slippers waits by your door and you slip them over your bandaged feet, wincing. You cast the missing prince a soft smile. "I'll be back later, with some food and water."
Soobin nods. He looks exhausted. "Thank you."
With a final smile, you slip out of the room and step lightly down the halls, forcing yourself not to limp the entire way. 
. . .
Back in the crowded main hall, Jinyoung waves you over the second you step in his direction. "Can you take the section in the corner?" he asks, gesturing to an area close to the stage. 
For the second damn time that evening, your heart skips a beat. Because before you even look over, you know who will be in that section. At least who will be taking one of the tables there. 
"Of course," you say anyway, because while Taehyun's stare may be unrelenting, he's never disrespectful - in fact, it's cute when his friends tease him for his never-ending stare and his cheeks tint with more blush than you can attribute to the alcohol. And you can't lie - you like seeing him. You like being around him. He makes you feel comfortable in a way few other men have, and even if he's been clear with his intentions, he's never forced you to make an answer to him, only greeted you with kindness and care. 
Gods above, your heart aches to finally say yes to one of his offers - to buy you a drink, to take you for a meal, to walk with you on the shoreline under the night sky. How could you not, when those sparkling eyes shine at you with all the grace and care in the world? But you can't sacrifice your duty to a missing prince for even a few nights spent in Taehyun's arms - it's too dangerous, with your friend in the shadows gone. Until she returns, and who knows when that will be, you must stay put.
A wry smile curls your lips. Stars, it would be so much easier if he were less easy to fall for. 
Someone hands you a tray of drinks, and you begin to make your way through the chaos. The first group that waves you over isn’t his. It’s a rowdy group of sailors who laugh a little too much and talk a little too loudly, but they’re harmless as they thank you for the several glasses of alcohol that you pour out on their table. The second group isn’t his either, nor the third, nor the fourth. Slowly, you wade through the chaos, flashing a pretty smile at everyone who deigns to meet your eye, filling orders as fast as you can until you find yourself near the stage. 
The music is louder here, and it slowly thrums its way through your body, settling your heart. Beomgyu is dancing now and you allow your eyes to meet his once, an encouraging smile on your lips just before you turn to serve the table to your right. Then you turn to the left. 
Taehyun's small group is a friendly sight to your eyes. Your smile grows a little as you pour out their usual drinks, laughing and bantering as they thank you. By the time you've reached Taehyun, who is on the other side of the table, you feel somewhat better. 
"Good evening, my lord." You smile softly, taking in the empty glass before him. "Would you like your usual?"
"No, Y/N, I'll be fine for tonight." His voice, soft-spoken as always and so different from the commanding shout that rang through the air last night, fusing you with the energy and adrenaline to run. And all of a sudden you're back in that moment, under the dark sky, cornered, feet bleeding, breath sharp and fast with panic...
You force yourself to breathe. To come back to earth. You dig your foot into one of the floorboards and the pain that flares from one of the blisters forces you to focus. "I apologize," you say quietly, ignoring the strange look that Taehyun is giving you now. He can't know. He won't know -
"You're limping."
His words pierce through the fog of your thoughts, hitting your ears with a startling precision.
You’re limping. 
You straighten immediately, ignoring how the pain in your feet flares when you do. “I’m sorry?”
“You’re limping,” he repeats, and one glance at him is all you need to know that you didn’t convince him at all. The dark eyes that stare at you with so much intensity fall down to the floor where your feet stand, hidden beneath your robes. When he looks back up, only gentle concern floats in his magnetic irises. “Are you all right?”
Something in his voice almost makes you tell the truth, that no, you aren’t quite fine, you probably shouldn’t have danced today but you had no choice when the only other option was to explain where all the sores in your feet came from - and for a moment, you almost feel tears well up in your eyes. What is it with him, this noble with eyes as intense as his voice can be gentle, this son of a lord who has never once taken his eyes from you but always manages to stare with a respectful distance, never once making you feel like something less than human? 
Why is he so perfect, and why is it that for all he wants you, you can't have him?
But training kicks in, the easy, bland smile lifting the corners of your lips as your exchange begins to catch the attention of the rest of his friends. Just in time, really, though there is still a little ache in your chest when you nod. “I’m fine,” you say. “Thank you for your concern, my lord, but I assure you I’m all right.” You turn away from their table, then, making sure not to limp on your way. 
No matter how much it kills your feet to do so.
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mokushiyami · 1 year
what do you think about the theory that mikage and tokiko are utena’s parents?
I hadn’t checked my inbox in so long and i saw this but when it comes to analyzing utena with a lot of theories i have different branches in my brain that go “this is what it means if x theory is true” and “this is what it means if it’s not”.
For this one is specific I genuinely don’t know if i believe it or not, leaning on believing it, and if it is true it adds another layer to the foil between Utena and Mikage. Because it means both father and daughter were doomed to the same cycle, manipulated and taken advantage by the adults in their life while only wanting to pursue a “noble” goal, saving a loved one. And also something so very fatal, with Utena’s own destiny being intrinsically tied to Ohtori.
Certainly, there are many clues that point towards this theory being true, one of the most damning being Tokiko walking out of Ohtori carrying a pink suitcase, and I can think of many art pieces and media where suitcases/bags/luggages are a metaphor for pregnancy and almost nothing in rgu is coincidental, so the fact that she would walk right past Utena, when we know how time is in Ohtori does tell us something. Also no piece of media takes the expression “the devil is in the details” as seriously as rgu does, so the fact that they desperately want us to notice the cat family growing when Mikage and Tokiko are drinking tea, with two pink petals falling onto the tea, also says something. And the nail in the coffin (ha ha) is the shadow girls play that episode where the father clearly states “Your dad’ll go to school”.
Also i saw you sent this recently and idk if it’s prompted by this but @/_glaringdream on twitter recently made a thread talking about it so i do suggest you check it out.
Tl;dr, i am on the fence, leaning towards believing it bc it adds more complexity to the story.
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mumms-the-word · 4 months
Writing prompt ask: 23,24,&25 please and thank you!❤️
Hello anon! Thank you for the ask!!
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I answered this for another ask, but I'll post it here too, because I still think it's kinda true
easygoing, imaginative, and overlong (lol)
maybe lol I have a hard time defining my creative writing for some reason
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
I take a break from the creative thing I'm not vibing with. Sometimes if you force it, it sounds forced, and I hate that in my writing. Unfortunately this sometimes means indefinite breaks (I abandon a lot of projects), but not always.
When it's something I care about and want to finish, either for my readers or for myself, I'll listen to instrumental music. Movie soundtracks, game soundtracks, soundtracks from shows, etc. I'll use the music to help daydream or visualize the scene, the moods, the emotions, etc, and sometimes doing that will help me land on the right sentence to spark that creativity again.
Other times, I'll read other people's work. You wouldn't believe how inspiring it can be to read someone else's fic and go "oh my gosh, I want to do something like THAT." Except you don't want to outright steal ideas and phrases (unless you ask permission and permission is granted), so sometimes when you're inspired and want to do something like what you read, it helps you come up with unique ideas for yourself.
For example, the Atlantis fic wouldn't have happened if I hadn't read @sorceresssundries's Indiana Gale fic Rite of Resolve and gone "oh my GOD I have to write an Indiana Jones Gale fic, but my friend has already done that and I just can't steal her idea so something else what is something--THE MUMMY. ATLANTIS. A DIFFERENT INDIANA JONES MOVIE IDK"
And, well, here we are.
Likewise, my most popular Gale fic, Choosing to Live wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been inspired by the beautiful artwork @gangstagandalf did that sent my brain into hyperfixation. If you're stuck in a rut, my advice is to go out and look at other fanworks, listen to music that inspires you, and tell yourself it's okay to take a break from it for a little while.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
singing like...way too many broadway/disney musical songs mostly lmao
I cycle through hobbies tbh? Like...writing is the one CONSTANT hobby in my life, because I've just done it for...forever. If I'm not writing fic, I'm writing original book projects, if I'm not writing that I'm constantly working on academic writing, and if I'm taking a break from academic writing then I'm writing fic scraps or daydreaming fics/book scenes/etc. It's the one thing my brain doesn't shut off.
But other hobbies I periodically introduce are video games (the most frequent, though I tend to replay stuff I've already played), watching history documentaries/true crime/live trials on YouTube, and occasionally doing that ADHD thing where I want to suddenly become a master of a particular craft/art skill, hyperfocus on it for two weeks, and then abandon it (rip to all my craft supplies)
I need to get back into reading for fun....maybe after grad school :')
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Ahh ok this is so cute I’m glad I was sent this because I feel like I never promote my own stuff on here and wouldn’t unless prompted lol.
Hopelessly Devoted To You - anyone who’s read my stuff has probably read this one, it’s my most popular fic and my first ever AU. I was so proud of this story, and met some of the most wonderful fandom friends through this story
Spinning Out - this is my most severely underrated fanfiction ngl!! I was so proud of this when I wrote it and was in my Burzek feels. I owe @fighterkimburgess for this, who championed this fic for me, like I was writing it solely for you at one point cíara! you were its biggest fan for sure. anyway y’all can pry ballerina kim from my cold dead hands it was glorious.
Violin Concert in D Minor, Op. 47: I. Allegro Moderato - MY KENSTEWY FIC MY BELOVED yes I absolutely wrote a fic because of a violin concerto I’d heard it’s the geekiest thing ever but I lovedddd getting to write college!kenstewy and this was right after the succession finale too so I needed a win (or at least to write a little smut).
Where the Mind Wanders - one thing about me is that I LOVE the “dream sequence where deceased loved ones visit them” trope. think that episode of Sherlock where he gets shot, think 8.15 of Bones, things like that. because you get such an insight into a character’s psyche while also getting feral worried energy from character B who’s in love with them, and it’s just. SO GOOD. so I tried writing that for Chenford because we have yet to experience any true whump from established chenford now that they’re actually together and I wanted to write Tim losing it over Lucy being in danger!!
Love & Metachrosis - listen I love getting to write sort of higher concept fics and getting super creative with it, but this fic is none of that. it’s heartfelt as all my stuff is, but I’m proud of it for its comedy and humour. I genuinely did try writing it as a real scene from a (hypothetical at the time) season 2 episode of OFMD, and added in some comedy in there (I hope) so I’m proud of it precisely because it is super kitschy and silly and fun, but there is still a lot to sink your teeth into and it slowly sinks into the emotional stuff just like the show does. Idk, it was just the first fic I’d ever written for a show that is technically a comedy so I was really happy with the balance!
bonus points for my new chenford AU that I’m writing right now which is probably the best thing I’ve written and my favourite new idea, because I haven’t posted it yet but I still am so excited for it!! Title is TBD but @morganupstead knows what’s up (morgan it’s my superpowers fic and it’s coming along beautifully I totally need to send you the first two chapters or something because you kept me going with writing this)
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bi-functional · 1 year
Do I already have an au thats got its own folder in my google drive about Visually Impaired Bill? Yes. Do I want to talk about it because I broke my glasses and forgot how blind I am? Yes.
There’s just something about low visibility and how it’s such a concept to play with. My eyesight is Horrible and it’s almost impossible for me to get 20/20 vision, you could be standing a yard from me and I wouldn’t be able to see your face and my eye sight is just going to keep deteriorating with age. And for those curious, I do have contacts to wear, though like I mentioned, they do not give me 20/20 and also my jokes of being unable to cry or show emotions was taken too seriously by my eyes which decided they would also be unable to produce moisture properly, which makes contacts extremely irritating and hard to wear for long periods of time, even with the aid of special eyedrops.
But also, it’s been brought to my attention how like… genuinely fun and eerie you can make low visibility, and this isn’t me making light of being visually impaired or anything this is just genuine shit that’s been happening to me for the past week and I’d like you to imagine the following scenarios with Bill in mind:
Staring at people completely dead eyed, only to be told to stop staring at them cause it’s creepy. Apparently we’ve been having a staring contest but I was just trying to track movement of the faceless thing that walked in so I could stay aware of my surroundings.
Being told repeatedly to look at things that’s impossible for me to make out without any aid, fr sometimes I feel like Toph from avatar with the way my family tries to show me shit and has to be reminded I cannot, in fact, see them or what they’re trying to show me.
Having to keep a physical hand on the people I go out with in order to keep a physical marker on them. If I were to loose them in a crowd I would not be able to find them.
The people who choose to adapt to my extremely low visibility and those who choose to be irritated by it. The difference between those two.
With Bill having only One Eye, imagining that one eye having terrible and deteriorating vision is just a concept that I enthusiastically get my grubby little hands all over uk? Regardless of if it’s a human au, or if it’s an ‘axolotl sent me to earth in a human form as punishment’ au or however you want to spin it. An all seeing Eye and being of an alternate dimension warped with dreams and nightmares and unreality being unable to properly conceive the reality he’s been so desperate to find his way into is just a Good Prompt to me idk broski.
It is now time for some of the Bill headcanons I have in this department and in that previously mentioned AU folder.
Bill calls Dipper Pinetree after stealing his cap and discovering the embroidered pine tree on it. Dipper had refused to give his name hoping to be left alone but Bill simply found other solutions.
Bill keeping a constant hand or arm around Dipper while in public spaces.
Others initiating obvious and intentional contact with Bill when they start speaking to him, commonly but not limited to group conversations. It’s a more meaningful way to ‘maintain eye contact’ or allow them to give him their full attention.
Bill also has a contact he can wear when he needs to, but sometimes due to migraines or general discomfort he simply won’t wear it.
This post is already way too long but yeah ❤️ Wether it’s a human au or not just Bill having to deal with a human version of himself that’s extremely visually impaired as a juxtaposition to the All Seeing Eye of his true form. That’s all I’m pitching here. I have so many thoughts uk. So many au’s.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
so. it’s very funny because last night i kept on being late and not seeing new asks until AFTER i sent in more shit so i didn’t see the good nights until after going a little ham so i would like to apologize for that my bad
again i am here. being so so normal. did i write this instead of sleeping? maybe! brain demanded and kept feeding me lines so here we go. i am unsure of how to feel about my writing so um! quality may be a little. idk!!
It takes a while to limp your way into the throne room, your hands and shirt stained with blood from when a polearm caught your side - but the pain and exhaustion you feel is nothing compared to the white-hot terror thrumming just beneath your skin. You didn’t want it to be true, you tried so, so hard to ignore the obvious signs from when you heard of another wearing your face, but denial will get you nowhere. Not when you’ve seen your own face distort beyond what is physically possible, heard your own voice saying such horrible things to you that you almost wanted to die, just to make it stop.
The only thing moving you forward right now is… well, it’s not courage, that’s for sure. You’ve been chased across seven nations, characters you’d loved turning on you with a lust for blood, and yet the way your stomach drops with each step you take now feels more overpowering than any fear you might have felt before. You keep going. This world, these people are worth the risk.
Blood drips behind you as you practically drag yourself through the entrance of the throne room, leaving a blue and starry trail behind you. It’s not triumphant, it’s not grand - how can it be when you’re tired and scared and in pain? - but it’s the best you can do.
“Oh, you’re still here,” the imposter says, sounding sickeningly human compared to the way its voice crackled and distorted the last time you two spoke. It raises a hand in response to the acolytes drawing their weapons, prompting them to halt. “Shame. I really hoped I wouldn’t have to deal with you anymore.”
You would love to respond with something cool, something that would shock the disgust right out of everyone’s eyes, but the best you can manage is a weak:
“I know what you are.”
It’s not quite courage that drives you forward, but this mix of fear - pain - hatred is enough to force the next words out of your throat.
“You fucking alternate.”
AND THEN I WANTED TO DO MORE BUT I GOT SLEEPY. so there you go. sorry for flooding your inbox with my brainrot, sorry for everyone who has no idea what is going on. in my defense. um. i have no defense - teddy anon
teddy don’t you DARE say sorry for dropping into my inbox
also you are incredible at writing, that was beautiful. i love the idea of reader going to teyvat to escape the alternates but NOPE they followed and now it’s a weird mix of denial and hate and fear- and maybe alternate!creator stops, mask faltering for a moment as they wonder if the jig is up- but no, their loyal acolytes simply grip their weapons tighter, the room crackling with elemental energy, and they smile as they recognize who’s won.
“does it matter, if i’m the one who’s led them to victory?”
and it’s ok. i should be the one saying sorry to those who followed me for sagau and got like. doom protagonist reader vs mandela catalogue. in terms of defense i have no defense.
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