#idk where i was going with this but i’m getting sleepy
franceblr · 10 months
super halfbaked sasodei hc, modern edition
despite their frequent arguments and bickering, sasori and deidara are an extremely stable couple. like, ride or die type of committed; they’re thoroughly enamoured and obsessive and totally dependant on each other and not the best communicators but even with their many differences, they understand each other on a molecular level and couldn’t imagine dating anyone else. it’s them or nothing. they may be toxic and neither knows what they’re doing, but they’re dead set on making things work and learn along the way through trial and error. deidara is entirely devoted to sasori, body and soul; to sasori, deidara is everything he saw in others and wanted for himself, but never dared to even dream of.
though both sasori and deidara are resolved on staying together no matter what, they did discuss hard limits in their relationship; boundaries that if crossed, they’d never be able to recover from. one both of them agreed on is cheating. with their pasts and the way they are, neither of them would be able to cope with the other cheating, and would take it really really badly. another hard limit for deidara is substance addiction; he’s familiar with its effects, and he’s absolutely positive he cannot have that in his life, ever again (though this is more like a fair warning prompted by his personal trauma, than something sasori is likely to fall into). for sasori, dishonesty is an immediate deal breaker. under no circumstances is deidara allowed to lie to him, ever: no white lies, no omission of information: sasori asks, and deidara has to answer.
entire honesty on deidara’s behalf came with a lot of work: he’s by nature evasive and not one to trust easily, so in the earlier days of their relationship, it was a lot of deidara tiptoeing around answers and sasori seeing right through his bullshit. eventually, deidara learnt that he owes sasori the truth under all circumstances, even if he has to force it out through tears. it’s non negotiable.
quite the feat considering deidara is a compulsive liar. or a rehabilitated one at least. lying is what gets him the most attention, doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative. deidara HAS to be seen and heard. it’s not that he enjoys deceiving others either, it’s more a thing he learnt to pick up quick as a child, in order to survive in an unstable environment created by abuse, addiction, neglect and fostercare. deidara has perfectly mastered the art of keeping a chill and laid back façade, of always being friendly and upbeat and yet never letting anyone in too close to see if there’s anything deeper than that. not that sasori ever fell for it: there’s something so twisted and damaged and somber and guarded about deidara, that sasori can see it bleed through even when he’s all sunny smiles and quick jokes. even when he thinks nobody is looking. once the layers were peeled back, for sasori it was like looking in a mirror: sasori sees the darkness, the hurt, the resilience, the maturity that comes too soon, the shame, the anger, the compulsive and the desperate, and instead of being turned off by it, he wants to observe and touch and devour deidara whole with all of his fucked up quirks and habits. feels the animalistic urge to put deidara on a table and vivisect him and analyze every fiber of his being, learn and consume all there is to deidara so intimately, it hurts and makes him want to hurt. he wants to squeeze out the life out of deidara, brutalize him and put him back together. wants to know and own him inside and out.
one thing they both had to learn and get accustomed to was trusting the other, and giving up control. both sasori and deidara are by default weary, hyper independent, and over all not well versed in emotional vulnerability. it took a lot of experimenting, frequent check ins, and reassurance to make things work. sasori is paranoid to the point of the pathological, and deidara would rather eat a shoe than show a single weakness. slowly, the Talks became less dreadful, they started picking up on each other’s patterns, thought processes and non verbal signals, and communication got much easier. the hurt lessened, the ever crushing weight of loneliness lessened, the guard came down and sasori and deidara went head first from hyper independent to codependent. deidara makes always sure to keep all of his promises to sasori, never betraying his trust or casting doubt over his love and devotion for him.
they’re both in it for the long run. and still, despite them both being ready to take it to the next step, it took months of persuasion and time to get deidara to move in with sasori; sasori still pretends he’s not aware deidara keeps an escape bag packed with clothes that still got the tags on, passport, cash and his most important documents stowed away and ready, in case he ever has to get out and fast. deidara keeps it underneath the driver seat of his car, and sasori found it accidentally while fixing an issue with deidara’s car on his request. at first sasori was terribly hurt and betrayed. but he eventually understood that his partner’s reluctance to move in with him and fear that he’ll be thrown out every moment now, has to do more with deidara’s continuous home insecurity throughout his childhood and teenage years, than with any sort of plan of leaving sasori.
they both need SO much reassurance. jesus. deidara has the insufferable tendency to treat sasori like he’s made of glass: he makes sure to caress him and repeat disgustingly sweet, gentle, comforting words to him until they’re engraved in his frontal lobe, like he’s stupid, or a baby. sasori hates that it works. sasori hates how he feels the tension melt right off of his shoulders and jaw, how he feels his brows unfurrow and his traitorous body always nestles deeper against deidara. how he feels the ache, the doubt and the worry slowly uncoil from the deadly grasp they have on his throat, his ribcage, his stomach. can barely stand the way his heart breaks in two whenever deidara’s upset. hates hates hates the way he seems to always know what to say and where to touch him, to placate deidara’s inner turmoil and restless mind.
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short666bread · 11 months
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2days journal (8/3/23)
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pebblezone · 1 year
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who’s up making sound effects ☝️☝️☝️
#talkingcore#realizing that the little pshooo noise I make when moving an object from one place to another can in fact be heard and perceived by others#purely on the basis I don’t hear anyone else making sound effects… you’re telling me I’m supposed to just push elevator buttons in silence??#like when you’re looking for things you don’t do like a lil choochoo chugging a long situation? okay… 👁️👁️💥💥💥💥#hot girl walk backfired I am so sleepy fuck this group project I can’t do anything til other people put info in…. I want to sleep#they pushed it off an extra 50 minutes pls let’s just get it done so I can go to sleep peacefully at like idk 8:30 (this is unrealistic)#I can sense the stress and disappointment. so sad so sad#maybe I’ll wait to post so I can have as much of my woes in one place (I am so sleepy)#this is hell I forgot we had a floor meeting at 830. the dude whose work I’m waiting on is not done. I’m feeling like the Arthur dad#tip: I am so fucking mad though the mad is really just Tired it’s due at 9 am tomorrow I do not want to be thinking about this past 10pm#it’s 8:49 maybe it’ll be good soon Please I need Slumber though also there’s Clunking going around who’s clunking#919 literally no progress this is super hell. DUDE WHERE SRE YOU GOING WE ARE ALL WAITING ON YOU AHHHHHHHHHHHH#man…………….. this is twisted. and sick :((((#THEY FINALLY FREED ME 9:37 GOD DAMN… AND THEYRE STILL NOT DONE IM JUST NOT TRAPPED ON ZOOM#this is my attack on London for Realsies we already had an extension it should’ve been due this morning. ass cheeks up for Real for real for
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
what is it about rich ppl that once they become rich they become like soulless and greedy and hoard their wealth instead of using it to help people like a normal person would?
#whimsy whispers#like there’s been normal ppl who gain fame#where’s y’all compassion and care for other people? idk I just think I’d be different#i wouldn’t hoard all my money and buy three mansion and twleve cars and yatch or some stupid shit#like I doubt I’d be able to change all the worlds problems but I’d try to help people as best as I can#not just my loved ones but like other people and causes that need help#it just makes me wanna cry because like#god these rich ppl could be doing so much they could help so many people but you have million and billion (forgot which is bigger billion I#think?) aires who’s like just don’t help#sure they’ll donate a few thousand or hundreds of thousands if we’re lucky but that’s a penny to them that’s not a dent in the huge amount#of money they hoard for no reason#i just don’t understand why they don’t want to help people like you’re money won’t be buried with you#the money you’ve greedily kept to yourself won’t be following you to hell#i just want to be rich and help my friends and family and people who I don’t even know#i just get so tired the world is bleak and not jsut my own life but the whole world#everything is bad all the time and we’re suffering and sometimes it just feels like it’ll never get better#it won’t be better in my life time I don’t think I’m going to live to see a major positive chnage and that makes me sad#it’s almost 7am maybe I should sleep#I’m not sleepy just weepy
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dollfacefantasy · 10 months
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
CW: nsfw (18+), p in v, somnophilia (? idk if this counts, but I'm putting it just in case)
Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: hii this is my first time posting anything like this, so i hope someone finds enjoyment in it. i'm still learning, but i tried to include everything necessary in the warnings. feedback, likes, and reblogs are appreciated :)
It’s early in the morning. The sky is starting to glow with the soft light of sunrise. You can see this outside the windows of your apartment as you come out of your peaceful slumber. Your eyes blink in the darkness, vaguely noticing the bright blue 5:21 on the alarm clock while your hands fumble around the bed searching for the television remote. The shine of the screensaver was the disturbance that caused you to wake as it normally did when you fell asleep watching some old show. As your hands glide around the plush blankets on your bed, you hear a groggy hum from the man sleeping nearly on top of you.
You look down with a sleepy smile, seeing Leon’s head resting in the valley between your breasts. You run your fingers through his smooth hair and mumble a reassurance for him to go back to sleep. You wanted to be doing that too, but you also really wanted the TV off. You can’t find the remote for the life of you though. Leon essentially has you caged onto the mattress with his muscular frame. You shift around trying to find that damn remote while also trying to be still enough that you don’t disturb him. He grumbles as your search continues and lifts his head to look up at you. His drowsy eyes look into yours.
“What are you doing?” he asks, his voice still quiet and raspy from disuse.
“I can’t find the remote. Just wanna turn the TV off,” you reply, also keeping quiet to not rouse him further.
His head falls back to his previous position as he hums. He shifts his hips a little and reaches down near where his pelvis was resting on your thigh. “Think I’m laying on it,” he murmurs, grabbing the remote and handing it to you. “You gotta remember to put that thing on a timer.”
You take the remote and turn the TV off, feeling a sense of peace come over you as the room darkens. You close your eyes as one of your hands lazily plays with Leon’s hair. He hums and nuzzles one of your breasts as he gets comfortable again. You were still sleepy, but your search for the remote had woken you enough to give you some difficulty in drifting off. His warmth and weight on top of you help lull you into that state halfway between consciousness and sleep. That drowsy haze where everything was warm and soft, distant yet engulfing.
“You smell good,” Leon mutters as he buries his face further into your chest. You hum in response as you feel his arms close around your body. Your fingers continue idly fidgeting with the silky strands of his hair. The movement prevents you from completely falling asleep. You just wanted a little more of this. You didn’t always get to have sweet mornings like this with him away for work so often. You knew he felt the same way as he begins pressing lazy kisses to your chest over the shirt of his you had worn to sleep.
Your hand in his hair slides through the locks to massage his scalp. Your other hand languidly rubs up and down his back, feeling the scars that litter his skin. It isn’t long before he's sliding the fabric of your shirt up and over the swell of your chest. He nuzzles his head into the bare flesh and starts kissing again. 
“So soft, Baby,” he murmurs, his hands squeezing around your waist.
You feel the flutter of desire in your belly as he continues lavishing your chest with kisses, his tongue tracing small patterns over the skin. His saliva coats the areas his mouth has been, and the morning air feels cool against the wet patches. He then takes one of your peaked nipples into his mouth and gently laves his tongue against it. You let out a low, pleased hum in response and move your hand in his hair more attentively. 
The tender ministrations of his mouth felt heavenly in your sleepy haze, the mild pleasure amplified by your lack of attention to anything else. Your head relaxes against your pillows as you occasionally whimper in delight. Soon, you notice how hard Leon’s become against your thigh and how he’s grunting while subtly rocking his hips against your leg.
The realization has slick pooling between your thighs. You start weakly pulling on Leon’s shoulder, signaling your ache for more. He notices your movements and looks up at you, his tired eyes a bit smug but also full of a need for you. He pulls off your shirt completely and rolls over on the bed, his arms bringing you with him to lay on his chest. You melt into his hold as you feel his warm skin against your own.
“Need more, pretty girl?” he asks before kissing the top of your head, “Need me to put you back to sleep?”
You nod as your head rests in the crook of his neck. It’s now your turn to give him some lazy kisses. He shimmies his pajama pants down his thighs. He strokes your hair with one hand and pulls your damp panties to the side with the other as he adjusts his hips and slides into you, letting out a moan of his own as your velvety walls cling to his cock. His arm comes back up to hold you tight to his chest, one of his hands still stroking your hair and neck. The stretch of him inside you pulls a sweet whine from your lips.
“There you go, Sweetheart. Feels good, yeah? Nice and full,” he whispers as he pushes all the way in.
You bite your lip and nod again. He filled you so perfectly that it was comforting. You were basically limp on his chest, your mind still feeling heavy with drowsiness. He stays still for a minute, letting you adjust to his size and cherishing the warmth of your tight cunt wrapped around him. His eyes flutter shut and you both melt against the other. The only sound you here is Leon’s relaxed breathing. That is until he starts thrusting up into you.
His pace is slow and lazy, just like everything else this morning. He groans when your walls clamp down as he slides in and out. “Mmmm, even when you’re half-asleep, she knows to hold on to me,” he teases and kisses your forehead, “Knows to crave me no matter what.”
You nod again and press your face against Leon’s neck, your arms snaking around him tighter as you feel him nudging your sweet spots deep inside. “Can’t help it,” you whimper.
“I know you can’t Baby. I love it. I love you,” he murmurs against your hair, his voice becoming strained with pleasure as he continues rocking his hips up into you. 
You faintly moan into his neck as the heat in your lower abdomen grows more intense. You had done this so many times, but he felt deeper than ever before. You sloppily kiss his neck before moaning “I love you too.”
His abs flex beneath you and he quietly whimpers himself when you say those words. He holds on tight to you, picking up speed as he chases his high. The vulgar, wet noises coming from where the two of you connect grow louder and only drive the both of you further towards the edge. His head tilts back giving you more space to kiss and nip at his neck. You keep up the messy movement of your lips for as long as you can before your mind becomes too overwhelmed by the pleasure to focus on kissing.
“Fuck, Leon,” you whimper as you bury your face further into his neck as you squeeze your arms around him and hold tighter. At the same time, your walls convulse around him. He lets out a moan that sounds almost primal and digs his fingers a little deeper into your flesh.
“I know, Sweetheart, I know. I’m almost there too,” he mumbles and plants a few gentle kisses on your temple. He holds you even tighter to his chest as his hips snap against you fervently. Each shove of his hips pushes you closer to falling off the edge into bliss. You’re both moaning and whimpering as you hold the other. He’s panting, his hot breath fanning across your hair as his peak becomes imminent.
Your head felt a little fuzzy from the sensual swirl of sleepiness and pleasure. Your body starts trembling slightly as you balance on the edge. Leon’s jaw clenches as he continues coaxing needy mewls and whimpers from you with his deep strokes. His hips sputter as you tighten around him even more. He knows you’re right there. “Let go for me, Honey,” he grunts, “I’m right there with you, sweet girl. Cum for me. No reason to hold back.”
The sensual words from Leon’s deep, raspy voice give you that final push into euphoria. Your walls flutter around his cock and your hips roll into his as you release. His head tips back again and his muscular arms keep you pinned to his chest. You let out sweet moans and nuzzle your face into his neck. He can’t hold it back either, breathy groans tumbling from his mouth and his hips breaking their rhythm as he cums deep inside of you. You both ride the high together until your flushed bodies settle against each other.
The two of you are both covered in a thin sheen of sweat. You’re almost too hot to be comfortable, but at the same time, you don’t think you could bare not being pressed against him while you come down. Leon stays inside of you, keeping you relaxed and content in the afterglow. His fingers run slowly up and down your spine as he whispers soft praises to you.
“That’s my girl. Always so perfect f’me,” he mumbles and kisses your temple.
You weakly kiss his neck to silently return the sentiment. The bedroom was brighter now as the sun rose above the horizon, but that didn’t stop you from falling back asleep on his chest. He smiles at you, watching your features relax and brushing some stray hairs from your face.
“Y’know, forget what I said earlier. If this is what happens when you get woken up, I don’t want you ever turning the TV off before we sleep,” he teasingly whispers.
You softly smile as you register his words and nod. You adjust your position on him and hum in agreement. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” you mumble before you give into the drowsiness, and drift off again.
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chuunai · 5 months
Henlo I have something to add to the 100 followers event if that’s cool
Dazai with scenario 2 and prompt 16. Idk how these things traditionally go but…. Your stuff seems good so far and I’m excited to see what you do with this
Thank you thank you, Anon. Also sorry for how long this took everyone I swear I’m combing through the requests 3_3
✧˚ · . dad first, detective second - dazai osamu
who would’ve imagined the demon prodigy having a hellion of his own?
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, established relationship (marriage with reader), SFW → baby baby baby, Dazai really likes your boobs, etc.
It’s a perfect night, really.
Your warm body resting against his, limbs lazily tossed over each other as you snuggled and acted like lovesick fools. Moonlight poured in from the cracks of the curtains, casting small slivers on your face. Dazai couldn’t help but think of an angel when it came to you. A heavenly being that granted him a new life and forgave him for his past.
Nudging at your cheek with his nose, his voice came out in a sleepy tone.
“You should sleep, [name].”
His hand reached up to cup your face, playfully using his thumbs to gently close your eyelids like one would do with a body. He’d seen many people in the Mafia do that—try and make the deaths they caused seem more peaceful rather than a brutal end. Dazai himself never did that. No need in beautifying a simple concept of its finality and simplicity.
“Can’t. I know she’s about to wake up. It’s nearly eleven, and we put her to sleep at seven. I can tell.”
You shook your head stubbornly, looking at the baby monitor nearby where static noise and the occasional mix of a tiny snore and coo came from.
His little hellion.
Really, he had no clue how he got so lucky. First with the fact that he impregnated you and you carried his baby. Second with the fact that he had his own family now. And third with the fact she looked so much like him. Thick brown curls of hair on her head, big curious eyes that looked at him so adoringly. The tiny freckles and birthmarks scattered across her skin. She had some of your features, yes, but they were more subtle than his features.
Coupled with the fact that she was a bundle of energy and sass like him.
“I insist, pretty. Shinju needs her daddy too.”
He knew how much she made you tired with her habit for refusing to nap for more than an hour or two coupled with breastfeeding and the general responsibility and time that being a mom took. Dazai wanted to spend time with his daughter too and relieve your stress. You’d get sleep, he’d get to see Shinju. Win-win, in all accounts.
Hell, he even gave you puppy eyes in the darkness of your room.
“I…fine. But don’t wake me up if you screw up.”
Dramatically, he sighed and frowned, placing a hand on his heart.
“Does my ‘bella really think I’m an incompetent father? How heartbreaking and cruel of her!”
Much to his relief, you playfully groaned, pinching his sides lightly.
“I didn’t say that, dummy. God, I swear Shinju is more mature than you.”
Jesus, you were so insulting tonight. How was the baby that tried to put anything she could in her mouth more mature than him? Sure, he was a bit funny and childish, but he wasn’t a baby. Well, if he had his face buried in your boobs he’d be a baby. Still, it’s not his fault that they’re just so big and warm and squishy and seem to beg for his attention.
Which is what he soon did, resting his head on your chest while cupping them softly. You were wearing one of his shirts and a nursing bra underneath. He wished you weren’t wearing anything at all, but it wasn’t fair to ask for that when you recently gave birth just a mere two months ago. His libido lowered itself only for you. And when you did have sex—quickies when Shinju would nap—, he was so much nicer and loving than usual. The mother of his child didn’t deserve rough mean sex, no, she deserved gentle treatment under the sheets of their futon.
You deserved everything that he could possibly give you.
So when the small baby demon eventually began to wake up and whimper, he pressed a kiss onto your cheek and slowly got up, whistling a small tune under his breath before waking to the makeshift nursery nearby.
Opening the door slowly, he made his way to the crib and picked up his sniffling newborn, shushing her comfortingly.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Daddy’s here. We don’t want to wake up mama, okay?”
Her tiny hands balled up into fists, weakly moving around and occasionally hitting his chest. Sitting down on the rocking chair nearby, he fumbled around for one of her stuffed animals, grabbing the familiar bunny as he placed it in her arms.
“Look there, Shinju. It’s your bunny!”
From an authoritative Mafia executive to a tired loving father. Lord, Chuuya would be laughing his ass off. Or have that stupid face of confusion while he’d berate Dazai with questions about what unlucky woman had to bear his spawn. But what could that short alcoholic of a ginger say? No woman wanted to birth his babies.
He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Shinju’s tiny fingers began to grab at his chest, thinking he could feed her too. He could, just not straight from the source unlike you. Standing up, he went over to the mini-fridge nearby which contained bottles of your milk. It wasn’t too chilly, and so he carried it and the cooing baby to the kitchen where he warmed it up in the microwave.
After it warmed up, he carefully began to feed her, leaning back against the counter as he did so.
It still felt so odd to him. Caring and loving someone he helped to create. His self from ten years ago would never believe it—that they’d find love and even have a baby after escaping the Mafia. He had you to thank for that. The one who picked up the discarded pieces of his soul and welded it into the man he is today—a father first, and a detective second.
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Kinda rushed the end but I couldn’t think of anything more :(
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @xxcandlelightxx
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donutz · 4 months
yeah fs! It would be alr if you did one where reader continuously like rub Catnap's ears! ^.^
Okay! ^_^
Catnap x touchy(not weirdly) reader
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—☆You are a human in this
Being a little kid, who’s an orphan, at a big place with a bunch of toys can make you quite interested in things. There’s a lot to explore, people to meet, toys to see, and a bunch of colors to look at.
When you’re basically living in this factory, you can get bored. Even with everything that’s going on.
But if you’re being taken care of by some toys? You can’t really get bored.
Especially at 5 years old.
There’s these animals, called Smiling Critters. And they take care of you! They all love and cherish you. You were shy, but they really brought out your social side.
Anyways let me stop rambling, there was this cat. That cat didn’t interact with the children, unless it was bedtime. But during the day, he was gone.
Well, not completely. Sometimes he was but you have no idea where he was at those times. When he was actually here, just not interacting with kids, you’d always see him in a high place. Watching everybody.
But when you stare at him for too long, he moves. Yet you still find him every single time.
You wished he didn’t run away from you :(.
Since you’re a good kid, you went to sleep at the times you were supposed to.
But since he came out when you’re supposed to sleep. One night, you decided to stay up and roam the halls.
“Why are you gonna stay up?”
“Because I wanna see the kitty!” You whispered to your friend.
“What kitty?”
“The one that comes out at night!”
Your friend was a little wary after hearing that, they didn’t know that!
“That’s spooky…”
“Well I like cats!”
“Are you gonna come with me?”
They shook their head, making a mumbled, ‘auh auh’ (Idk, I tried my best trying to give that a word)
“I’m too sleepy…”
Then, after that you waited, until it was bedtime. You opened the door, looking at both sides, making sure there wasn’t any other critter lurking around.
Then, you stepped out.
It was quite cold in the halls, but it was fine you had your robe, long pants and slippers.
You looked back one second, turned around and there he was!
You let out a gasp, “Kitty!” And gave him a hug.
He looked at you, processing. Why were you hugging him?
Whatever. You needed to sleep. But they said to not use the gas. He doesn’t care about what they say, but he didn’t want to give you nightmares.
Plus, you were pretty warm.
So to not let go of that warmth, he picked you up.
“Oh! Kitty you’re so strong—!” He looked up at you, carrying you with one arm, he put a finger over his wide smiling mouth.
“Oops, sorry.. ^_^” He carried you over to your room, wait. Where was your room?
Great, now he had to ask.
“Where’s… Your room..?”
“Oh, I don’t know!”
He could take you up to the ‘adults’ but—
You started petting his ears. “Your ears are so fluffy!” You said while whispering.
Out of his control,(kind of) he started purring. You let out another gasp, “You purr too?”
“You really are a kitty!”
Fun fact, you loved cats.
Another one, you just might be his favorite kid.
Since he didn’t want to take you to the adults, and didn’t know your room number(even if your friend tells you multiple times) he took you to his critter room. Even if no kids were allowed in there.
All of the critters were asleep, except for him, of course.
He placed you on his bed, and went on it too.
And he stared. Waiting for you to sleep.
“Oh yeah, what’s your name kitty?”
“... Theo…”
“(°〇°), Theo.. That’s a cool name..”
He got off his bed and started to leave. Because of this, you did it too, and followed him. Though he knew you were doing this he didn’t stop.
He randomly sped up and ran to another place. It was so abrupt, you weren’t able to catch up!
By the time you turned a corner, he was gone. But his lavender scent wasn’t. You followed and followed it. 
Until it led to the school. Even if you’re not supposed to go there at bedtime, you wanted to catch up with Theo.
And you can want to catch up with Theo at any time!
Oh great! You found him!
But he was bigger. Lankier. He wasn’t the smaller and plush cat you just saw.
That’s still Theo.
So you didn’t care, you followed and followed, until it led you to a big play area, with different colored soft blocks used as a structure.
This place is really big. Anyways, Theo!
You saw him go to this smaller area, you went inside and saw him. Sitting, bending over just to see you.
“Theo!” You exclaimed, raising your hands in celebration.
Of course, you gave him a big hug.
“That was a nice game of tag! But I’m sleepy…”
Theo used his long tail to grab you, gently. He brought you to his bed, and sat you there.
“Oof!” Then he wrapped himself around you, cuddling against you.
You turned around and laid against him.
“You’re so warm, Theo.” You softly held his tail. And as you went to sleep, you could hear a loud purr.
After that, you found Theo every time he was hiding, but instead of just looking you called his name.
But every time you did, he left.
A day after that he told you to not call him out. Just stare at him. But when he’s down, actually on the ground, you could come to him, but call him Catnap.
He doesn’t want them to get mad at him again.
And now almost routinely, because sometimes you wanted to just sleep, you went out of your room at bedtime just to see him.
It got so bad that he even allowed you to just hug, rub his ears, and play with his tail whenever.
He even started coming down even more. Just for you.
The critters noticed, Dogday even asked about it but Theo stayed silent.
You were special. Special to him.
Even after all these years. Even after getting adopted. Even after you arrived.
Coming back to the place that was once called home.
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asahicore · 5 months
falling asleep with treasure !!
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pairing. bf!treasure x reader genre. established relationship, fluff <//3 and crack (??) word count. 1.7k author's note. this has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long omg.. thank u to that one anon for remembering it existed and sending me an ask about it lmao! i had gotten this idea randomly thinking about clingy junkyu and then boom... this mess of a reaction slash headcanon slash idk thing came to life. hope u enjoy! it was also an excuse to use those photos of doyoung cz hes so cutie pie in them
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fall asleep cuddling, drift apart while sleeping, wake up, notice you’re not cuddling, start cuddling again, and repeat - hyunsuk
hyunsuk gives off healthy mature long-term relationship vibes to me okay. i feel like a lot of couples that have been together for a while end up not cuddling while sleeping but rather get into their own comfortable sleeping positions, and then throughout the night, even though you’re so sleepy you’re barely conscious, when you realize that you’re not cuddling, you scooch back into each other’s arms. he always hits snooze on the alarm at least once in the morning just to get ten extra minutes of being with you before having to get up.
you both wake up stinky and sweaty every single time - jihoon
and it's because the two of you fall asleep in your cuddling position (usually you as the little spoon or resting your head on his chest, but you force him to let you spoon him sometimes), and then you don't. move. not an inch. if it gets too hot, one of you throws the blankets away, or gets rid of their pajama pants, or regains enough consciousness during the night to turn the fan on, but under no circumstances will you break away from your cuddling position - unless it is to get into another cuddling position, of course. it's quite nice, but it means that morning showers are obligatory, because you both smell atrocious after a night of being stuck to each other like glue on paper.
you’re not his partner, you’re his personal pillow - yoshi
you know those anime body pillows? yup. that's what you become when yoshi wants to cuddle. he gives me major cuddler vibes, so you’ll have tried every position in the book, but his favorite is definitely the one where he gets to use to your chest as a pillow and you graze your fingernails against his scalp. he’s got a leg hiked up over your hips and has his arms circling your waist and holding you tight. you can’t move. nothing will have him falling asleep as fast as that. your voice is like a lullaby to him, so he especially likes it if you talk to him in a low voice while he drifts off to sleep. he’s so happy he could fall asleep with a smile on his face. he’s so cute i’m going to off myself
you can’t escape the death hold he has on you - junkyu
a big portion of your time hanging out with junkyu is spent napping. something that surprises you every time is how even though he isn’t the touchiest of boyfriends, if you fall asleep cuddling, you literally cannot move unless you wake him up and make him let you go. forget going to the toilet when you wake up in the morning or getting a snack during your afternoon nap: if junkyu has you in his grip, you cannot escape. he doesn’t even seem to notice: he just wakes up with an innocent smile on his face, saying “oh, you’re awake, y/n?” even though you’ve been trying to discreetly untangle yourself from him for the past thirty minutes. 
*cutely drools on you* - jaehyuk
now i could NOT tell you why but jaehyuk gives me like… snorer and drooler vibes 😭 but like in a cute way okay… once he falls asleep he’s just out like a light, he can’t help it. he’s like those cartoon characters that sleep with their mouths wide open and there’s a bit of saliva at the corner of their lips. and they’re very light snores that are fun to record and embarrass him with. if you didn’t love him so much, it might give you the ick. but anyways, in terms of cuddling i see him as a mix of everyone above in a way; he loves both holding you close to him and being in your arms, he loves both rubbing your back or you playing with his hair, he loves falling asleep while cuddling but he’s also happy if you need more space and just have, like, your feet or hands touching. as long as you’re next to him he knows he’ll sleep well <3
wakes up every time you so much as move a finger - asahi
any asahi lore expert such as myself will know that asahi is a very light sleeper. i think for him cuddling is more of an activity than a way of falling asleep if that makes sense? like he’ll do it when you’re watching something, or when you’re talking and want to be physically close at the same time, but he just can’t fall asleep while cuddling. he also sweats easily, so the added warmth would just make it not fun for him 😭he’d do it for you if you really wanted it, but he’d rather just hold hands while sleeping or something like that. you’d also feel sorry for him with how often he woke up during the night, even if it was just for a few seconds, everytime you moved around too noisily or snored. he also always wakes up before you, and you’d need to have a conversation with him about how you’d rather wake up with him next to you rather than wake up without him, only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for you :( he just wants to do something nice for him, but you’d rather be able to kiss him first thing in the morning!!!! sorry my bias is showing a bit
watches you while you sleep for so long it becomes creepy - doyoung
oh this boy 😭 if he falls asleep after you or wakes up before you, you just know he's going to be propping himself up on his elbow, gazing down at you with soft eyes and a fond smile because you're just the prettiest person in the world to him, and there's nothing else he'd rather be looking at. and he isn’t rattled in the slightest if you catch him doing it, too. he'll just smile wider and say "hey, baby" or "sleep well?", that fucker. it's lowkey creepy, but it's doyoung, so it's okay. it’s a bit jarring at first, locking eyes with someone right when you wake up, but you get used to it. i see him as similar to jaehyuk in the sense that he’s happy to fall asleep, cuddling or not cuddling, in whatever way you prefer. he’d probably like to fall asleep facing you so that he could see your face right as he woke up (in a lovely, enamored way, not in a creepy way!) 👍
keeps you from falling asleep but grumpy when you try to wake him up - jeongwoo
jeongwoo seriously gives me tired all day until it's time to go to bed vibes, like he'll usually be chill with bursts of energy here and there but in the evening he's like a cat with the zoomies. it's like 11pm and you're just trying to fall asleep because you have class or work the next day but your boyfriend is bouncing all over the room and talking a hundred words a minute, keeping you awake way past your bedtime. it's kinda cute sometimes, but most of the time, you want to suffocate him with your pillow. usually, though, he'll calm down if he sees you're really tired, or if you force him to stay in your arms and start threading your hands through his hair or rub patterns against his back - that really calms him down. he becomes super quiet instantly and can even fall asleep like that. but dear lord, when that alarm rings the next morning, you do not want to talk to him for the following fifteen minutes. he is so grumpy and sleepy in the morning, i just know. it's impossible to get him out of bed and you've just learnt to get up yourself and wait for him to wake up - although it's better to check that he hasn't fallen back asleep (which he usually has). he just keeps groaning for five more minutes and buries his head in his pillow to block the light out, but if you press a kiss to his cheek or forehead, that usually gets him to open his eyes and start smiling, then ask for a proper good morning kiss on the lips. this kid is annoying as hell, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
forgets his size and rests his whole body on you - haruto
haruto is like those big dogs that have no idea they're so big and wonder why they can't just lay on top of you. “it's because you're suffocating me, ruto! you're too heavy to rest your whole weight on me.” when you'd told him that, he pouted so hard and had seemed so genuinely upset that you apologized, took him back in your arms and simply neglected your need to breathe for a little longer. he is also one hundred percent that guy who will deny wanting cuddles or any sort of skinship, but if you don’t give it to him, he will be mad at you. if you do give it to him, he’ll pretend he doesn’t like it. you just have to be a mind reader, i guess. all this to say that even if he doesn’t tell you outright, haruto definitely wants to cuddle to sleep. sure, you can fall asleep in his arms if you really want (he loves it), but he’d rather fall asleep on you like yoshi does, even though he’s way too heavy for that.
you fight every time you have to decide who gets to be the little spoon - junghwan
my son.. do you guys know that “thank you myson!” jimin meme… anyways… junghwan might have buffed up over the years but do not get him wrong, that man is a little spoon until the day he dies. if you are also the little spoon, you will have to fight. simple as that. you can decide if it’ll be a tickle fight, an argument where you try to prove why you defend to be the little spoon more, or an actual fist fight (you might lose though), you’ll have to settle it one way or another. no matter how much both of you try to deny it, you love it either way anyway. as much as you love the feeling of his arms around you, there’s something about holding such a big man in your arms like he’s half the size that he is. 
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permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @chaechae-23 @baekhyuns-lipchain @hyuckslvr @vernonburger @amorbonbon @fluerz @bucketofhiros (ask to be removed/added!)
treasure taglist: @mosviqu @nunoozi
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2024. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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selfishdoll · 9 months
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I'ma fuck you real slow, need to hear you say my name
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oneshot? drabble? idk it’s words. like stated before he’s a little ooc (def cause he’s soft in this one) so if that’s a problem for you i’m sorry.. also this is unedited & i was getting sleepy so please ignore typos or errors.
cw: fingering, praise, & slow sex.. kinda.
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kashimo is an extremely light sleeper. the reason? he has someone to protect, you. anything; whether a curse or another person could attack and he needed to be on high alert just in case. it was a trait you both loved and hated.
you loved that he was always so concerned about keeping you safe.
but you hated you could never go to use the bathroom or get a drink of water without a quick tug on your waist and a demand on where you’re going.
tonight was no different, your back against hajime’s chest with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist— fingers twitching each time you stirred. the moon peeked into your bedroom casting a soft light across your sheets.
you couldn’t sleep. and your arm was getting a little numb from your position. you wanted to get up and maybe drink some warm milk or something, but you hated waking hajime. the reckless sorcerer needed the rest, no matter how much he denied it.
you breathed softly, pushing yourself deeper into your pillow at an attempt to sleep again; eyes pinched close and ignoring your racing thoughts. not even a minute passed before you got irritated, adjusting your body at an attempt to find a better position.
you knew you made a big mistake the moment hajime’s hand spread across your stomach, tugging your form flush against his front.
“what’s wrong?” he spoke, tone laced with sleep as you felt him attempt to get up. you moved quickly, reaching back to place a hand onto his arm.
“it’s nothing, haji. i just can’t sleep.” you mused, relieved when you felt his body ease back into the bed.
“should have woken me up.”
your eyebrows furrowed at his words, “what would you have done?..” your voice trailed off the moment you felt his lips press against the back of your neck, hand sliding away from your silk covered hip— down to your bare thigh.
“so i could fuck you to sleep.” hajime spoke in a matter of fact tone, hand pushing your nightgown up; wasting no time in pushing your panties to the side. your legs opened, moaning softly as you felt his thick fingers spread you open— middle finger rubbing tight circles into your clit. his other hand moved upwards to your face, two fingers gently tugging on your bottom lip.
you got the message quickly, lips parting as his fingers slid into your mouth. your tongue circled the thick digits, moaning around them as the ministrations between your legs got a bit harsher. once satisfied, hajime pulled his fingers from your mouth, hand moving towards your pussy. using his elbow to push open your thigh more, he moved to your hole; slowly pushing his fingers in.
the sorcerer hissed as he felt your sensitive walls clench around them, continuing to circle your clit with his middle finger. as the pleasure grew your moans did as well, attempting to close your legs— much to hajime’s dismay.
“be good.. keep your legs open for me.” he commanded, pushing your thigh more. you whined softly, hearing a husky chuckle escape him as a result. he continued to slowly scissor you open, watching as your hand lowered to his wrist. “gonna cum already?”
“mmh!—“ the pace of his fingers quickened, feeling how his forearm flexed with each thrust inside you. your stomach tightened, nails digging into his skin before he curled his fingers one last time; feeling you gush around them.
you panted, a soft whine escaping you as you felt him slowly withdraw his fingers. your eyes closed, a blissful smile covering your face. you felt much more relaxed then before, sure you could drift off in no time.
until, you felt him shift behind you, a hand grabbing your thigh— lifting it, and pushing his length close against you.
“haji—“ you gasped as his cockhead rubbed your wetness, slowly sinking in. you whined at the stretch, nails digging into his skin. “fu—fuck.. haji, ’m too sensitive.” you whined, feeling his hips stop the moment he was fully inside of you.
“relax..” hajime breathed into your hair, surprisingly patient with you. normally he was drilling you into the mattress at this point, ignoring your pretty pleas and requests to slow down. but now? he was pleasant, allowing you to get adjusted to his size all the while stroking your thigh. moments passed before he moved, slowly withdrawing his hips until only the crown of his cock remained inside.
and in one flick he was fully inside once again, listening to the sweet moan that escaped you. the pace wasn’t fast or harsh, not like he usually was. it was much deeper, slower; pleasure covering your body and making you melt further into the sheets. your eyes were closed tightly, mouth rested open as sickeningly sweet sputters of his name escaped your throat.
as he felt your body relax beside him the sorcerer smiled, adjusting his hips to hit deeper, grunting as your walls hugged him so tightly. “that’s it.. good girl..” hajime breathed into your skin, ignoring how your nails clung to his skin. his sweet ruts continued, applying even sweeter kisses where he could.
your cheek, neck, and shoulder; breath fanning across your skin as more praises fell from his lips.
it didn’t take long for the familiar band to form in your stomach, moans increasing in volume as you moved back against his thrusts. hajime enjoyed each messy movement, stuffing his face into your neck as his pace stuttered; signaling he was close too.
your eyes rolled back, releasing one last moan before creaming on his length. not even a minute later did you feel his hips slow to grinds, spilling into you.
the two of you breathed, pants covering the room and a whine following the moment he pulled out of you. hajime shifted to pull his sweats back onto his body, releasing you and lifting himself off your bed. he smiled a little at the shine that escaped you once again, walking around the bed to slowly lift you off the blankets.
he watched as your slumped into his large chest, grinning to himself a bit. “tired?” the sorcerer questioned in a soft, yet mocking tone, watching you struggle to keep your eyes open.
when you didn’t even respond the man let out a small laugh, walking over to your bathroom to clean you up.
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eureka-its-zico · 9 months
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 3
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention.  
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 12.6+
A/N: Guys. Idk where to start, but this chapter needs a warning because it is big and beefy. I didn’t want the 1.03-1.04 story arc to be dragged out further into 4 chapters and, because of that, this chapter exists. I truly hope it is one that you enjoy. It took a lot of time and love. So please, get out some 🍿 cause it’s going to be a ride. P.S. To everyone who has liked, commented, reblogged, and sent me messages about Chaos in Their Bones: thank you. You have all made this such a wonderful experience and a fun one. I hope it continues to be one you enjoy 🖤 Much Love, Jenn
Chapter 1 Previous Next
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So far Operation Petty was getting off to a rough start. 
Your original plan of stealing every glass of wine Zoro poured seemed like a good one. Golf claps for everyone. Except, that good idea slowly began to disappear five glasses ago. 
Unfortunately for you, and to the dismay of the entire table, you were a giggling mess. 
After the sixth glass you were lucky you could even see straight. It wasn’t until after Zoro poured the next glass and slid it over to you the wheels in your head finally added all the small clues you’d missed. Zoro had let you think you’d stolen glass after glass of his wine. When in reality, he’d just been trying to get you drunk. 
Zoro was already on his fourth bottle of wine and still seemed able to function like a person. 
You leaned, not so gracefully, over to his side of the table. A “Psst,” hiccuping out of you to garner his attention. You knew you had it. He was just hiding a majority of his face inside the glass. 
Just to make sure though - “Psst!” 
“Ugh, Doc, we can all hear you,” Usopp said somewhere behind you. 
You waved him off. Your eyes honed in on both Zoro’s. 
“What do you want?” He hummed. 
“Hey, Mosshead,” you snapped. That got his head to swivel an inch away from the safety of the glass. “You did this on purpose.”
You were leaning so far forward your cheek was almost flush with your arm. Your fingers wiggled near him and you watched as his eyes darted down to watch them before side-eyeing you. 
“Yup,” he answered, sharply pronouncing the p. “You want to steal my wine as payback, well I can drink you under the table.” You weren’t expecting him to drop the glass and move towards you. The movement wasn’t huge, but he was closer than you anticipated and it made you scared to blink. “I can be petty too.” 
He was so close - almost kissably close and - No! Why are you thinking of kissing at a time like this? When Zoro’s close enough you could see the sun kissed freckles that dusted over the top of his cheeks and nose. The playful glint in his eyes that brightened them to shine like mini constellations. 
With a devious smirk sliding across his lips, Zoro regarded you one last time before he straightened up. His hand reaching out to take back the glass he’d previously sat down and brought it back up to his lips. 
“You are diabolical,” you huffed. 
When you went to straighten up, you felt your world tilt. You were going to need - “Can I get some water, please?” 
You needed to sober up and fast. Inwardly, you could already hear your inner monologue being set up to chastise your childish behavior. You were so worried about Zoro and annoying him that it was all you focused on. 
I’m not here for him. 
You’d come with Usopp with the goal in mind to help Kaya. That was who you’d come here for and who you still had every intention to help. The plan to do so was still there, but somehow within the last few hours you’d allowed yourself to be distracted by a pretty face. 
A soft cough from Kaya’s direction was all the clarity necessary to get your head back on straight. Or as straight as it could be in your current state. No more Zoro. No more looking at him, talking to him, looking at him-
You could sense him moving off to your right, but you were not going to look. Nope. Most definitely not going to look, but was your head tilting? 
Drunk you seriously needed to work on some self-control. 
You were heavily lost in your head again. So lost that you weren’t sure how many times Luffy or anyone else attempted to bring you into a conversation. It wasn’t until a gentle hand on your shoulder jolted you back into the present. 
Looking to your left, you saw Usopp waiting for you to answer him. His concern etched into every scrunch of his face. 
“Luffy asked how long you’ve been a doctor,” he offered slowly, as if he spoke too fast he’d lose you again. 
“Well, technically, I’m a doctor-in-training.”
“So, not a real doctor.”
Of course, Zoro just had to butt in. You still weren’t going to look at him. 
“I am a doctor. Naan has taught me over the years how to handle every illness and broken bone that has come through this village. I think one of the biggest things she’s taught me is that sometimes kindness can be the strongest medicine and other times defending those who can’t defend themselves is a bigger responsibility.” 
“Wow,” Luffy smiled in response. “You must have helped a lot of people. Your grandma must be really proud of you.” 
Luffy looked so…genuine. The very thought of you going out of your way to help others seemed to make him regard you differently. While the smile on his face wasn’t expansive and filled with its usual childlike mischief, it held one of praise. As if it was a rare thing for someone to have the drive to help another person. Maybe over the last decade or so that might have been true, but Naan didn’t raise you to turn a blind eye to those in need. 
You couldn’t help but respond to Luffy’s smile with one of your own. Although, you hoped it didn’t wilt as you prepared yourself with your reply. 
“She’s an orphan,” Sham interjected as she set down a dinner plate that was intricately decorated with fish and vegetables. “Usopp too. Isn’t that right?” 
Not true. Orphan meant that there had been no one there for you. No family to help take care of you when you needed protection, and while Naan wasn’t your real grandma she was family because she chose to be. 
You dropped your hands down into your lap and could feel your fingers curl into your palms. 
“What does it matter if they’re orphans or not?” Your eyes narrowed in on Nami. She sat beside Luffy, opposite of Usopp, and her cool gaze was trained on Sham. She watched closely while Sham placed the next plate hastily down in front of Usopp. “I’m curious to hear your answer.” 
“Forgive my staff, Miss,” Klahadore stepped in. “Sham spoke out of turn when it was not her place.” 
“I’m sure she meant no harm, Klahadore.”
Kaya smiled up at him and he responded with a smile of his own. You hated how Kaya was always apologizing for everyone around her, especially for those who didn’t deserve it. 
“I don’t think that’s true,” Nami continued. “If she didn’t mean to say it she would’ve kept her mouth shut.” 
“It’s not that big of a deal, guys,” Usopp offered. 
You weren’t surprised to see him looking at Kaya. The two of them shared a small smile between them and it took everything in you not to lightly smack him on the arm. If Kaya wanted to be peacemaker, Usopp would do everything in his power to play along. Anything Kaya wanted Usopp would make sure he did everything in his power to make sure it happened. 
What felt worse was that Sham’s attempt at an insult did bother you. It was meant to remind you that they considered you nothing, which was odd coming from waitstaff and a butler. 
A doctor to pirates was about as valuable as gold. 
“Yeah, not a big deal,” you mumbled. Your fingers riddled with your fork; debating if eating Buchi’s food was worth the risk. With your luck they probably poisoned it. “I do hope I make her proud someday, Luffy. I still have a lot to learn.”
Luffy was already a mouthful deep into his plate and wasn’t showing any reservation in taking another hardy bite. Thank god he waited to swallow first before he replied, “The fact you came here to help Kaya tells me all I need to know. You’re a good person, Doc.”
“That’s very kind of you, Luffy. Thank you.”
God, I will not cry right now. 
Why did random words of kindness - from a stranger - matter so much? Luffy didn’t owe you any act of kindness or to bother being so nice to you or Usopp. Yet, here he was being an actual ball of sunshine. You knew dozens of people in this town who disregarded Usopp and his stories. Who grumbled and complained when he started talking. Luffy had only treated him with respect: he listened to his stories no matter how bat shit crazy they must have sounded. 
You knew Luffy and his friends would eventually leave but for the time they were here (besides Zoro) you were grateful. 
“It says a lot about who you are. You’re a good person.” 
You felt your smile wilt a little as you watched a few flecks of food fall out of his mouth as he spoke. Flying food aside, you were really starting to count yourself lucky that Luffy and his friends ended up in your sleepy little village. 
Sham was still depositing plates of tonight’s only special when you heard Kaya ask if she could try some. She’d barely finished asking before Klahadore was there beside her. 
“I’m sorry that won’t be possible, Miss Kaya. You know how certain foods affect your constitution. Here,” he waved his hand free from his chest ushering in Buchi. “Buchi has prepared your special soup.”
“Why is it blue?” You blanched. 
When all eyes turned to regard you, you realized you hadn’t said that in your head. The wine was seriously starting to make your body too comfortable. 
“It’s made with a special fruit,” Buchi growled back. 
“What’s the name of the fruit? I’ve skowered this entire island top to bottom with Naan and have never seen a fruit that color here.” 
“It’s imported.”
“From where-“
“It’s not important where her food comes from,” Klahadore interrupted. Each word was more forced than the last. “All that matters is it helps Miss Kaya.” 
“If that was true then why is she still sick?”
Klahadore’s eyes were practically shooting daggers into your skull. You were willing to bet a million berry’s that if he got you alone in a room, you wouldn’t be making it out. That thought only seemed to ignite something inside you that you’d been pushing down for months.
You rolled your tongue along your bottom teeth as you struggled to reign in your temper. The wine made your blood warm and fuzzy, but now you felt as if you were boiling alive. Your legs were bouncing uncontrollably underneath the table and your hands were curling into fists-
Suddenly a hiccup of a gasp lodged itself in your throat. The tip of a shoe was pressed gently against your ankle and the tip of said shoe belonged to the very moss-headed oaf who’d been plaguing your every waking minute. Yes, you said you weren’t going to look at him, but you didn’t expect him to touch you. Even just this small amount. 
When you did glance at him, Zoro didn’t return your stare. His eyes were trained solely on Klahadore with a slight draw of his brow confirming your suspicions. Zoro was starting to notice something was off with Klahadore too and was warning you. 
“Kaya it’s your birthday. You should be able to eat whatever you want.” 
Nami’s soft voice cut through the tension and brought Klahadore back to the present. His eyes glazed back with mock servitude, but you’d seen it. Maybe now so had Zoro. Your eyes were only for Klahadore as you watched the exchange between him and Nami. You loved the way she was sticking up for Kaya and the challenge in her eyes as she stared him down-
“You need to relax.” 
You struggled to keep a shudder from making its way down your spine but you weren’t so lucky in keeping the soft gasp from trickling out from your lips. The husk of his voice was unnecessarily sexy. 
Slowly, you turned to look to your right and found Zoro casually sitting back in his seat. His eyes trained forward and his hands took his silverware as if he hadn’t just whispered across your skin like sin. 
You couldn’t think past what had just happened. It didn’t matter how much you tried to formulate a sentence. Your brain was just not having it. You could do this. You were an intelligent woman who was not easily swayed. 
A masterful reply. 
Zoro looked at you from his peripherals before placing the napkin down into his lap. 
“I would stop antagonizing him before he kicks you out.”
And here you thought he was just worried about you. 
“I’m a doctor and Kaya needs me.” 
“Has she told you that? Has she physically looked at you and specifically asked for you to save her or do you just need to feel important?”
“Why are you such an asshole?!”
You spoke every word through gritted teeth. The anger that Zoro erased by killing your brain cells, which now felt like an insult to yourself, was stoked back to life. Your body singed with the need to get a hold of him because - who the fuck talked to people like this? 
What you hadn’t expected was for that anger - god, that hurt - to soak deeply into your words. Each one raised and sharp with the intention he knew you meant it. 
Zoro didn’t respond. He just started eating his fish. You suddenly didn’t feel hungry. 
“Are you okay?”
You didn’t want to look at Usopp. Not when he sounded like that. What would happen if you did? Would you cry or scream that you weren’t? The panic you’d been shoving down the last few hours was beginning to weasel its way to the surface. You were running out of options and ideas on how you could help. What if Zoro was right? What if Kaya didn’t need you and you’d allowed yourself to be dragged into a story that wasn’t real?
The thought alone was enough to make you look at your best friend and the panic was replaced with guilt. The shame was enough to make the first sharp prick of tears threaten to spill free from your eyes. Usopp didn’t deserve your anger or your doubt. He may have told a lot of stories, but he was good. His heart was pure. You weren’t worried about whether or not you smiled at him if he could tell you were lying. You knew somehow Usopp would understand your frustration. 
“Yeah, Usopp everything is alright.” 
He side-eyed Zoro over your shoulder before he brought his attention back to the room. Clearing his throat, he looked over at Luffy and asked, “Luffy, isn’t there something you wanted to talk to Kaya about?”
“Ah, yes. Usopp tells me that you own the whole shipyard.” 
Kaya smiled gracefully in reply, before she looked away. A sadness creeping into her voice. 
“Well, actually, my parents founded the shipyard, and Merry’s been running the business since…well since they passed.” You watched as Luffy followed her words and glanced over to the man sitting at the table. A courtesy raise of his glass to salute the dead. For a split second, all the joy in Luffy was replaced by something that didn’t seem to fit. A melancholy that didn’t belong. “But all that’s about to change. At midnight tonight I will become sole owner.” 
“Ah well, that’s great because we want to buy a ship from you.”
Now this was the Luffy you’d grown to know. All smiles and cheerfulness like a rainbow as he lifted his champagne glass and took a sip. 
“I see,” Kaya responded in kind. “Usopp mentioned that you were sailors.” 
“Nope, not sailors. Pirates.” 
Your head spun sharply back in his direction. He seemed so happy about what he just said. Like it wasn’t the worst kind of omission that could get you all killed or arrested by the local Marines. Usopp definitely had a reason to be choking on his own drink. 
You glanced at Nami and back at Zoro and both of them, respectfully, looked worried as shit. 
“Yep. We haven’t sailed together for very long, but we have already defeated an evil clown, raided a marine base, and taken down a Marine captain with an axe for a hand!”
“Usopp, what is he talking about?” You whispered sharply over to him. 
Usopp was still covered in his own spit as he furiously tried to wipe it off. The worry evident in the fine creases in his forehead as he glanced around the room. 
“I don’t-“
“These sound a lot like your adventures, Usopp,” Kaya mentioned lovingly. 
“Yeah. It’s crazy.”
Kaya thought that Luffy was joking! While you were sure Luffy meant what he was saying you were also incredibly confused. Pirates weren’t nice. The ones you’d met a few times had forced Naan to help them. They’d been rough, mean, and downright nasty. Luffy was none of that. 
“Oh yeah, and we are just getting started!” Unexpectedly, Luffy stood up in his chair and began to stand on the table. 
“What are you doing?” Klahadore snapped as he came forth from the shadows. “Get down from there this instant!”
“Being a pirate has been my dream for as long as I can remember and I’m finally going to make it a reality. We are heading off to the grand line where even more adventures await us.” With an eager smile gracing his lips, drink in hand, Luffy began to walk his way down to where Kaya sat. “At the end of the journey I’m gonna find the ultimate treasure, the One Piece and become King of The Pirates.”
When he got to Kaya Luffy stopped and took one last sip of his drink before handing it off to Klahadore. You would honestly pay to have this moment replay in a time loop, it was so damn good. Besides the fact that, you know, they were pirates. 
“Kaya, you have a beautiful ship out there. A caravel with a sheep figurehead. It spoke to me. That is the ship we need to follow our dreams. I promise we will take care of it. Maintain it. Because a ship isn’t just a vessel; it’s also a home.” 
It felt like such a genuine moment. Luffy didn’t appear to be like every pirate you’ve ever met. They were usually selfish, ugly, and cruel men who found pleasure in others misfortunes or creating them themselves. Even now, after his confession, it wasn’t the vibe you got from Luffy, and that’s what made it all the more confusing. 
“That will be quite enough!” Your body gave a jump in surprise as Klahadore screamed. His body thundering over to stand next to Kaya. “I should’ve known Usopp would bring rift raft to our doorstep.”
“Klahadore it’s okay-“ 
Kaya tried to defend them, but a violent coughing fit cut her short. Usopp edged toward the end of his seat noticeably wanting to get up and go to her. The both of you knew if he made any moves right now, unfortunately, who knew what this butler would do. 
“Now look at what you’ve done. You’ve all upset Miss Kaya. I want you all out of here, at once!”
“No,” Kaya interjected. “Let them stay the night.” 
“Very well, Miss Kaya. But they are out of here first thing in the morning.” 
Stay the night? 
“Fuck,” you huffed under your breathe. 
You had no intention of staying in this manor with any of them. You turned to tell Usopp you should both head back and noticed the way his puppy dog eyes followed Kaya as Klahadore led her away. He wasn’t going to leave her and maybe that meant you shouldn’t either. 
“Well, that went well.”
Luffy really needed to learn to read the room. 
You waited for Buchi and Sham to follow after their master before you pushed back your chair and did your best not to trip on any of the tulle at your feet. You needed to get out of this dress immediately. It wasn’t because you were much of a fighter. No, that wasn’t you. However, you did enjoy running from danger and this dress made it damn near impossible. 
“Where are you going?” 
Luffy and his kaleidoscope of happiness. You wondered what it was like to always be so optimistic. 
“I am going back to my room and probably leaving.” 
“What?” Usopp turned to look at you. “Why are you leaving.”
“Yeah. What was all that holier than thou talk about helping her,” Zoro cut in. 
“Oh, what the hell does it matter to you, anyways?” You snapped. “First, you insult me for trying to help and now you insult me, again, for leaving.”
“Cowards give up when it gets hard.”
Was it physically possible to blow smoke out of your nose? It felt like it as your eyes narrowed in on him. He didn’t even have the decency to look at you. 
“Zoro, you got a real stick up your ass,” Nami huffed as she grabbed her glass and took a drink. 
“That’s not the real reason she wants to leave” he shot back, eyes on Nami. “Is it? It’s because she heard the word, “Pirates.” 
“That’s crazy,” Luffy laughed around the words. “We’re good guys.” 
“Pirates are not good guys,” you snapped at him. It was your turn to feel like an asshole as you looked between them. Luffy noticeably hurt. “I have met plenty of pirates when they came looking for Naan and her services. She hid me every single time, because she was scared of what they might do. If they would take me. Doctors are more valuable to pirates than gold. That was the lesson she taught me and I learned it well.”
“Pirates have been to Syrup Village?” 
Usopp didn’t seem to grasp the fact that they hadn’t come raiding and he’d have to ring the bell for real. No one knew how close pirates really were to Syrup Village. It was one of the reasons why Naan’s home was hidden so deep within the bamboo forest. 
“Yes, Usopp.”
You needed to get away. You were tired - drained - from feeling like you needed to apologize to them. You didn’t know what's real anymore and maybe you were being a coward. Maybe you were just tired of being wrong. 
With one last tug on the tulle, you moved away from the table and gave them one quick glance before you headed out towards the dining room doors. 
It’d been over an hour since you’d made your less than graceful exit from the dining room. Even after getting back into the comfort of your own clothes, it didn’t keep the nagging feeling that you’d been an asshole from clawing its way to the surface. 
You had been an asshole. 
You’d been pacing the confines of your suite chewing on your nails until you were positive you must have gnawed them into dust. There was no denying Kaya’s home was beautiful. It was everything you could imagine money could buy in the form of creature comforts, but there was no happiness within its walls. 
The room you’d been given was more than what you and Naan lived in now. When you’d first been shown inside, you’d felt silly having all this space and having no idea what to do with it. It was all lovely. From the four poster bed with intricate wooden detailing to the velvet curtains that ran the length of the wall that held a window overlooking the garden. The wallpaper, you were positive, held gold within its designs. 
It wasn’t the fanciest, but you would take your small home with Naan then stay in a place like this. Speaking of home…
It would be so easy for you to turn tail and run. To go out the front door and never come back but what would you tell Naan? That you never got to see Kaya? That you were unnecessarily rude to a group of people who’d been nothing but friendly (except one) all because their captain called them pirates? 
Coward. That’s what Zoro called you. The worst part was maybe he wasn’t wrong. So, ninety-five percent of your plan had gone to shit. You at least still had five percent of it. 
Neither Luffy, Nami, or Zoro did anything that warranted your hasty judgment, and nothing they did reflected what you’d been exposed to all your life. What you hated the most was that you could feel the need for an apology brewing in your gut, and if you didn’t do it you would never get any sleep. 
After you’d gotten dressed and strapped on much more comfortable shoes, you made your way out of your room and back inside the maze of hallways. You were closing in on the main corridor when the sound of a door opening made you stop in your tracks. 
What if it was Sham? You prepared yourself to see her unpleasant face when orange hair wrapped in an orange designed bandanna crept out into the hall. 
She startled as you called her name and turned to face you. The sound of clanking caught your attention and your eyes followed the sound to a very filled pillowcase in her right hand. 
You quirked an eyebrow as you asked, “Doing some spring cleaning?”
You watched as her usual friendly demeanor changed into squared shoulders and eyes filled with defiance. It made you feel like you were about to embark on a fight you didn’t realize you were having. 
“You want to hurl some more generic insults my way? Tell me how much of a bad person I am-“
Now you were raising your hands up but not in surrender. It was an attempt to quiet her down. You’d already been berating yourself about words, and the power they held to equally heal or destroy someone. How many times had Naan chastised you about being reckless with your words? Reminding you that the things spoken can be enough to heal or mend hearts and bodies, but can also easily break them. 
“A healer is more than just someone mending a body, girl. Sometimes we heal by listening. Giving dying men the forgiveness they seek.” 
And here you were slinging verbal canon balls at these people. 
I’m such an asshole
“Nami! Nami! While I hundred percent deserve that, it’s not what I was going to do.” She didn’t seem like she believed you in the slightest. That was fair. “I was actually on my way to try and find you guys.”
“Why? So, you could tell us some more about how you hate pirates?”
“Okay. That’s fair.”
“Oh, I think that’s more than fair. You are not the only one who hates pirates or holds the lottery for the shittest interactions with them.”
Again, your hands were up. Why did this have to feel like you were with a lion inside of a cage? One wrong move and you were sure she was going to bite your head off. 
“I never said that, ok? Did I have a shit reaction to finding out that you were pirates? Yes. That’s why I’m here. I came to apologize to all of you. You defended me tonight at dinner. You didn’t have to do that.”
All the anger that swirled in the gray of her irises began to soften. Good. At least she was no longer looking ready to turn you into literal sashimi. 
“Yeah, we’ll, she was acting like a real bitch.”
“Agreed,” you hummed, “but that’s beside the point. You didn’t have to say anything but you did and how did I repay that? By being an asshole so on that note: Nami, I’m sorry.”
Why was she just staring? You thought your heart was going to explode out of your chest at any minute. Nami wasn’t smiling or appeared angry or upset. She was completely stone faced and you were desperately trying not to fidget. 
“I think that’s the first time anyone’s apologized to me before.” 
“That sucks.”
God, you really did have a way with words. Nami was equally as shocked at your bluntness, but in a way that sent a warm smile to lift the edges of your lips. Nami sputtered out a laugh as she placed her hands on her hips. The motion and sound of clinking whatever was in there reminding you both that she was currently doing something illegal. 
“Are you going to say anything? Report me to Klahadore?” 
Even just the sound of his name was enough to drop the smile from your face. A sneer replacing it as you replied, “God no. I’d rather just let you steal than say anything to that jackal.”
“You and the waitstaff seem to be big fans of each other,” Nami teased. 
It earned her a laugh as you looked down the hallway. Just to be safe since you were both equally unwanted in the manor and, well, Nami had a pillowcase full of the house goodies. 
“I suppose you could say that.”
You stuck your hand between you both and waited patiently for her to take it. Nami regarded your hand like it belonged to a sea monster. 
“I don’t have any friends.”
Her words were soft and direct. As if she’d come to terms with being alone for a while now. You didn’t pull your hand away and let it fall back to your side. You kept it suspended between the two of you, and patiently waited for her to feel comfortable enough to take it. 
“Well, at least now you’ll know you have one in Syrup village.” 
A spark of something ignited in her eyes and whatever it was your words made her think of, it wasn’t something happy. When a small smile curled her lips it didn’t reach her eyes. They stayed distant; mourning something you may never be made aware of. 
You felt your breath catch in your throat as Nami reached out her hand and gently grabbed yours. You waited to secure your fingers around her hand, just in case she had second thoughts. When she didn’t pull away you allowed yourself to fully smile at her, which earned you one back. 
“Where were you headed to, anyways?”
You both released each other, and you started slowly moving around her to get to the corridor. 
“I was going to look around for Luffy. I need to apologize to him too.”
“Check the kitchen. If you’re going to find him anywhere it’s going to be in there.”
“Thank you. You just saved me some time. See you later, Nami.”
You were a few feet away when she called your name. You turned halfway to see her still standing in the same spot you’d left her. 
“Are you going to apologize to Zoro?”
“I’m still debating,” you answered truthfully.
You aren’t sure what Nami expected you to say, but apparently that hadn’t been it. She immediately erupted into laughter as she turned and headed to the next room. 
You really hoped she wasn’t going to get caught by Klahadore or anyone else. You were positive it would get him all riled up and send him screeching for the marines to come. Maybe even throw in some insults, because that was just the kind of man he was. 
It took you longer than you wanted to locate the kitchen and you were considering bringing it up to Kaya about putting signs up around the manor. Ones that let you know with arrows which way to go. Why was it so easy to get lost in such a big house? You were still trying to come up with a way to bring up that little suggestion when you heard Usopp’s voice coming from the kitchen. Usopp was there too? Your curiosity spurred you forward - almost at a sprint - until you heard another voice grumble from the kitchen. 
“You don’t think she like - like likes me, do you?”
What kind of conversation were you walking into? You rounded the corner to find Usopp and Zoro staring at one another. Usopp looked hopeful while Zoro regarded him with as much emotion as a rock. 
“You’re asking the wrong guy.”
“I would second that, Usopp.”
At the sound of your voice all eyes turned to you. 
“Doc! Hey! What brings you to the kitchen?” 
Luffy sounded like his usual happy-go-lucky self. He didn’t seem to be holding a grudge or feelings about what had happened only an hour ago between you. All Luffy seemed to care about was the leftover appetizers and being amongst friends. 
How could you ever think he was anything like other pirates? 
His cheerfulness was contagious and soon you found yourself making your way around to the stairs. Luffy waves you down to join him with an appetizer in hand. 
“You didn’t seem to eat at the dinner. You should try some of these. They’re delicious!”
“Are you sure there is any left?”
“Oh, I have some in my pockets if you want those.” 
He really was digging through his pocket to pull out some appetizers. You didn’t know why it surprised you so much but you couldn’t keep your laughter from bubbling to the surface. 
“It’s okay, Luffy. I appreciate your willingness to share, but I’ll pass for now.” 
“You sure? These are really good!” 
Just to prove his point, Luffy popped whatever he pulled from his pocket into his mouth. His fingers noticeably tinted with a pink hue from it melting. 
“Pretty sure.” 
You snagged a stool on the opposite side of Luffy, which unfortunately kept you on the same side as Zoro. Who was actively staring daggers into your skull. 
“I actually came to find you so I could apologize.” 
“For how I acted at dinner.”
“Where’s my apology?” 
Zoro’s husky voice cut through your good mood and instantly made you bitter. You turned in your seat to look at him, who was opening and closing drawers every two seconds. 
“I’m still debating on if you deserve one.” 
Zoro had been opening his next set of cupboard doors when he stopped short. His head tilting the slightest to glance at you over your shoulder. You waited for him to make another smart ass comment and when it didn’t come, well, color you surprised. All you got was a tick of his jaw before he turned back to opening and shutting doors. 
“What is he doing?” You asked Usopp. 
“He’s looking for something to drink,” Luffy offered up in between his next bite.
Where the hell did he find a chicken leg? You fixed yourself to sit more comfortably on the stool and placed your satchel on the table. You looked between the three men again and remembered what it was they’d been talking about before. 
“So, what were you guys talking about?” 
Usopp scratched the back of his neck and looked anywhere but at you. What was making him so nervous? You’d been friends since you were kids. There literally couldn’t be anything that embarrassing-
“Usopp is in love with Kaya and wanted to know if we think she’s in love with him too.”
Luffy happily continued to eat the chicken that you still couldn’t figure out where it came from. Usopp, on the other hand, looked like his soul was about to leave his body. 
“Sounds about right.”
Your response must have been a shock to Usopp because that’s exactly how he looked. His hand was still nervously fidgeting with his bandana. 
“You know?”
You rolled your eyes as you looked around the kitchen island. Maybe you were starting to feel a little bit hungry.
“Usopp, even Naan knows how you feel about Kaya. She called it like two years ago.” 
You were still looking for something to eat when Luffy slid a plate with chicken thighs and legs between you. They smelled wonderful and the skin was perfectly crisp. It was garnished with what might have been green onion or chive. 
“If you guys are going to talk about feelings I’m seriously going to need a drink.”
The few steps Zoro took came to an abrupt end just a few feet from you. You had a piece of chicken thigh between your lips as you made eye contact with his award-winning brooding face. There was a millisecond, as you both looked at each other, that you wondered if he would’ve replied. 
“There’s a wine cellar down in the basement.” 
“Why didn’t you mention that before?”
Usopp opened and closed his mouth. While he was unsure of what to say, you felt like you had plenty. Usopp didn’t waste another second as he grabbed his satchel off the island and started leading Zoro up the stairs. 
“Luffy, you coming?” 
“No, you go ahead. I’m going to sit with Doc for a while.” 
They were walking on the opposite walkway, high up enough to look down at both of you. Zoro glanced over his shoulder at the both of you and it took every last ounce of control on your body not to stick your tongue out at him. 
How odd it was that you felt like you could actually breathe now that he was gone. Sure, you knew you should say sorry to him and, realistically, him calling you a coward was part of the reason you’d stayed. Did you ever want to share that information with him? Hell no. 
The man was already insufferable enough. You didn’t need to add to it. 
The sound of Luffy’s chair scraping against the floor brought you back to where your attention was needed: Luffy. Not Zoro’s retreating back. 
Why did he have to look good from both sides?
Shaking your head to bring you back to why you came there in the first place, you watched as Luffy went back to walking around the kitchen. He kept searching until he came across a bronze pot that was left on the stove. When he lifted the lid you could see the neon blue hue of Kaya’s soup from where you sat. 
“What are you doing?”
Luffy turned with the large pot in hand and walked back over to the table. He looked like a child who’d gotten lost in a chocolate factory. 
You felt your brows enter your hairline and possibly the ceiling as you watched Luffy bring the pot to his lips, and begin to gulp the contents down. 
“Are you seriously going to eat all of that?”
He took a few rather large gulps before he set the pot down to look at you. A blue mustache formed on his upper lip. 
“Soup isn’t my usual choice, but it’s not half bad.”
You tried to shake the smile off your face but failed miserably. 
“You know, you don’t need to apologize. I understand being protective of the people you care about.”
The change in topics was giving you mental whiplash. Luffy regarded you with a softness you hadn’t expected. Underneath was that playfulness you’d grown accustomed to, but it was submerged under something serious. Or as serious as Luffy could be. It was the softness you hadn’t expected, however, and you quickly looked down at your hands. 
“Naan raised me to admit when I’m wrong, and I was wrong, Luffy.”
“You talk about your Naan a lot.”
“I have a lot of respect for her. She didn’t have to take me in, teach me what she knows, but she did. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to repay her.” 
Luffy regarded you coolly as he picked up the pot and took another giant gulp. His mouth was getting bluer by the minute.
“I’m sure she appreciates you helping her, but I don’t think she’d want to keep you from your dream.”
“I don’t have a dream.”
“Everybody has a dream. Mine is to be King of the pirates. Now you say yours.” 
Luffy was right. Everyone has a dream. Just not all of them were attainable. There were realistic dreams and unrealistic ones and yours had to be classified under the latter. Luffy’s too. 
But who was to say dreams weren’t attainable if you weren’t willing to strive for them? 
You inhaled sharply, your words exhaling in rush. 
“I want to be one of the world’s greatest doctors. I want to help people. Not just humans, but fishmen and people who have eaten Devil fruits. Their physiology is so changed that no one knows what happens when they get certain wounds.” 
“That’s great because I ate the gum gum fruit.”
How could anyone just casually chug an entire pot of soup? Or openly share that kind of information. 
“I’m sorry, what was that? Did you just say you ate a Devil fruit?”
“Yup. It turned my body into rubber.”
“I have so many questions.”
“It’s a long story.”
His words came out slurred; as if they sat heavy on his tongue and made it impossible to speak. You watched as he blinked slowly to try and clear his vision and when that didn’t work he went to stand and immediately stumbled backwards. 
Your body immediately launched itself over the table. You didn’t care that your clothes were covered in a rainbow assortment of food. By the time you’d already made it to his side of the table, Luffy fell back against a cabinet. His body sliding limp to the floor. 
“Luffy! What's wrong? Can you tell me what you’re feeling?”
He was obviously lethargic. His pupils blown wide and unable to focus. It sounded like he was trying to answer your previous question, but his tongue had swollen up making none of it audible. You barely reached him before he completely crumbled to the floor. Your hands dove underneath his arms until you pulled him into a bear hug. 
Luffy was too damn heavy. If you kept holding him you would end up in a heap together on the floor. With as much strength as you could muster you tried to hoist him onto the table. 
“Zoro! Usopp!”
As you pulled him up onto the table, you heard countless silverware and plates crashing to the floor. There was so much commotion surely someone would have to come investigate. You didn’t have time to wait to see if anyone did. After you had him laid out as good as you were going to get him, you rushed over to his head. You pulled up his eyelid and watched as his eye rolled up inside his head. 
“Damn it! Zoro! Usopp! Where the fuck are you guys!”
The panic in your voice was tittering on hysteria. You wanted to scream. You definitely were going to start crying if your brain didn’t get it together. Luffy needed you. 
You placed two fingers on the artery in his neck. His pulse fluttered against your fingertips and with each beat felt slower than the last. Drawing your hands back you noticed the slight foam that was forming at the corners of his mouth and - “Poison.” 
Your eyes zoned in on the now empty pot. Luffy had eaten all of it and whatever was inside was enough to make its effects be instantaneous. It was the same soup they’d given to Kaya. The same color as her tea. 
“Son of a bitch!” 
They’d been poisoning her this whole time. The only reason she didn’t drop dead in front of them was because she’d never even taken a bite. Every time Usopp told you stories about Klahadore, Buchi, and Sham it always felt off. None of it ever added up and now, now you know why. 
Those bastards had been trying to kill her this whole time. 
A soft groan huffed from Luffy bringing you back to the very important present. Why hadn’t anyone answered you? It didn’t matter. You needed to help Luffy - Kaya - before it was too late. 
“Luffy, I have to go back to Naan’s. I can’t carry you out of here or we won’t make it. I promise I’ll be back. I’m going to save you. I’m going to save Kaya.” 
With one last look at Luffy, you tightened the strap on your satchel and bolted for the nearest exit. 
Your lungs were screaming with every breath you took and your muscles burning, threatening to collapse, as you pushed forward. You couldn’t afford to stop running. Not since you left the front door of Kaya’s house. The last time you saw Luffy glued itself to your retinas and refused to let go. A constant reminder that no matter how much your body wanted to give up, you couldn’t let it. 
Luffy and Kaya were counting on you. 
By the time you passed through the town and started up the hill behind the tree line to Naan’s you were running on fumes. It was probably the reason why you not so gracefully barreled through the front door. Your legs wobble to a shaky halt as you attempt to walk them over to the cupboard that held every tonic known to man.  
“Naan! Naan, I need help, please!” 
Your voice cracked and melted into the old boards of the house. You were still struggling to catch a breath as you opened the doors to the cupboard. Everything about you felt unstable. Your hands shook as they moved around the bottles, almost toppling them over and threatening to make a bigger mess of your night. 
“What in the hell is going on down here?”
Naan’s voice crocked with sleep but her words were full of fire. She was pissed you woke her up, but it was all for a damn good reason. The dim light from her candle grew brighter as she advanced down the stairs. 
“Naan, I’m down here. Please, I need your help.”
You rushed to the stars to wait to help her down the rest of the way. The minute she grabbed your hands to help her down, you moved to take her toward the cabinet but she held on tight. She wasn’t budging until you looked at her. She called your name repeatedly to get you to look at her. Why wouldn’t you look at her? 
The overwhelming feeling of failure was crashing in on you. You’d known. You knew, in the pit of your stomach, that something wasn’t right with them. You should have fought harder. You could’ve done more and now, now Luffy was dying of a poison Kaya ingested for years and Nami, Usopp, and even Zoro were in danger. 
A sob tore its way out from your throat, through your lips, and ended in a guttural scream. 
“What in the hell is happening, child?”
“Naan,” you sobbed. “Naan, Luffy has been poisoned-“
“With the same stuff they’ve been giving Kaya for years. Kaya has slowly been poisoned and she’s going to die. We need to help her. I need to help them Naan, please.”
You weren’t sure when it happened. When you were no longer supporting Naan but she was supporting you. Her paper thin hands held your face gently as her thumbs smoothed your tears down. She made you follow her breathing until your breaths were even and slow. Only then did she begin to talk to you. 
“Do you know what kind he ingested?” 
“No, I-“
Naan held her hand up to stop you. With one hand still supporting her weight on your arm, she came off the last step and moved towards the cabinet you’d massacred. You knew Naan had noticed it too when a displeased click of her tongue filled the silence in the room. 
“If you don’t know what it is, it could be tricky. I can give you what I have, but you are going to need to examine them both before you give them anything. Give them the wrong one, and it will kill them as quickly as the poison will.”
Naan calmly went through each bottle. She knew by heart where everything would be. Just like she could blindly feel through ingredients or measure it without actually measuring it. She turned around with five bottles clutched in her hands and shuffled her way back over to you. She motioned for you to open your satchel and placed them one-by-one carefully inside. 
“I don’t know if you should be doing this.” 
For the first time, you heard the waiver in her voice. She watched as you secure your satchel closed; her eyes trained to the worn leather before she looked back at you. You weren’t expecting her to look so scared. It was your turn to place your hands on her shoulders and give them a soft squeeze. 
“You’ve always taught me there is no greater service in life than to serve others. I can’t let them die, Naan.” 
“I know,” she smiled sadly. The worry made the wrinkles more severe than before. “It’s just…be careful. Please.”
With another squeeze you did your best to smile at her, to reassure her, before you stepped back. 
“I’ll be back, Naan. Don’t you worry.” 
You didn’t know that for sure. There was a chance Klahadore or Buchi would spot you before you made it back to Luffy. Who knew what they were doing to everyone while you were here. 
With that uncertainty of what could happen stewing in your chest, you leaned forward quickly and planted a kiss on Naan’s cheek before you bolted out the door. This time, your body was prepared for the brutal run back to the manor. You were almost to the edge of town when the bell rang out in warning and moments later the sound of Usopp’s, “The pirates are here!” Ringing out. 
At the sound of his voice, you allowed yourself a moment to thank the universe that he was okay. You wanted to stop and turn back to the village. To find Usopp and ask him just to come back with you and the two of you would figure it out together. 
Luffy didn’t have that kind of time. 
With that truth taking over your thought, you began to pick up the pace. You had a captain to save. 
The front of the manor was beginning to be covered in the fog that was rolling in from the ocean. This was hands down the creepiest you had ever seen the Manor. It was giving definite horror vibes. The worst part? Even from this far you could see the damn pirate shutters were enabled. 
“Fuck!” You screamed. 
How in the hell were you going to get inside to help them? Those things were heavy and meant to be impenetrable. There was no way you were going to be able to break it down with a few kicks. 
“Think,” you huffed, as your hand slid across your face. 
What options did you have? You could go back to find Usopp, but there was a high chance you’d only end up missing each other in passing. You couldn’t just go up to the front door and knock. Not unless, you know, you wanted to die. 
You were pacing back and forth when a very loud grunt echoed from the well. 
You hadn’t read many horror novels, but the ones you had read, well, this was giving haunted zombie island vibes. You wish you could claim to be unafraid, but when the grunt came again, this time closer and louder than the last, you knew you’d be lying. 
So, why were you ever so slowly edging your way towards the well? Curiosity did always kill the cat. Right when you finally got to the edge of the stone, you exhaled to prepare yourself to look over. 
Who knows, maybe it was just your imagination overreacting. Right when you went to glance over the side, a hand smacked its way over the top and you felt your soul evacuate your body. A few seconds later, green hair popped over the top that sat on top of a familiar face, but your brain was stuck in fear mode, so when Zoro asked, “Doc?” The only response he’d gotten was your fist connecting with his face. 
“What the fuck!”
His scream echoed into the well. You could hear him slipping and knew it was because you’d shoved your knuckles into his cheekbone. Just as he was about to slip, you launched yourself over the side to grab a hold of his arm. 
“What the fuck!” Zoro shouted up at you. 
“I’m sorry, okay! I thought you were a zombie and oh my god is that a fucking body?!”
You almost let Zoro go as your eyes focused on what looked like very real feet attached to very real legs. 
“Yeah. It’s that Merry, guy.”
Zoro grunted as he tried to find purchase for the foot that had slipped. You were struggling to hold him up and each time his foot slipped it seemed to tug you down with him. 
“For fuck’s sake, what are you made of bricks?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, is my weight inconveniencing you? If it wasn’t for you I would be out already,” Zoro  growled out each word.
“I said I was sorry, okay! What more do you want?”
You move your hand further down until you reach his elbow. At first, it seemed like a solid plan. Strategically, it was a better option to give you more leverage in helping pull him up. The reality of it was Zoro was sweaty - very sweaty - from climbing about twenty-feet up the inside of a well. The minute your hand clamped down on the lubricated skin, it slipped free. 
When he started to come loose from your hands you expected him to scream. All you saw was a grimace as his back slammed into the wall of the well and a glare that could give death a run for his money. 
“Just pull me up already and stop screwing around.” 
“I am trying but you are a hefty, hefty man,” you stated with each word strained. 
Okay. You needed to get serious. You’d allowed his weight to lift your feet off the ground. You swung them back until you could get your toes pressed against the River rock of the well. Your heels were still slightly lifted in the air, but you knew this could work in your favor. You took in a deep breath and began to lean back as hard as you could. It may not have been super comfortable, but it was pulling him up enough that you could hear his boot finally find the footing it needed. 
“Okay, you can let go now. I said you can let go-!”
You fully intended to let go. Whatever Zoro had done to help launch himself out, mixed with your pulling, sent you falling backwards. 
With Zoro landing directly on top of you. 
His weight mixed in with the fall knocked your breath clean out of your lungs. You were trying to get your lungs to expand by letting your body relax so you attempted to think of soothing things. The night sky and her stars were looking incredible tonight. It was the clearest you’d seen them in a while. Too bad it was on a night like tonight. 
Zoro slowly lifted his head up from your shoulder, his arms on either side of you, until you were both face-to-face. Suddenly, it felt like the air was knocked out of you all over again. 
His skin still held a sheen from his previous excretion of climbing. The edges of his hair was damp with sweat giving him a look that reminded you of when you’d run into him earlier wet from his shower. It shouldn’t have made him look this damn good. 
You were painfully aware that he was still between your legs. Zoro was close enough you could feel his stomach extend with each heavy breath he took. Could easily count the freckles that endless days in the sun had kissed on his skin. His lips were parted, eyes scanning your face, and for one devious miscalculation of judgment, you wanted to fist your fingers in his shirt and pull him towards you to see if his lips were as soft as you imagined. 
Nope. Nooooope!
That moment was enough to bring you crashing back to reality. Plus, Luffy. Kaya. 
You smack his chest for good measure. Just to let him know you meant it when you said, “Are you trying to crush me to death? Get off me!” 
“Don’t gotta tell me twice,” he grunted. 
Once he was up, you expected him to stick his hand out to help you up. Instead, he was already walking in the opposite direction of what appeared to be away from the house. 
“Hey! Where are you going?”
You scrambled up from your spot and hurried to try and catch up with him. Your hands rearranging your satchel to make sure your bottles weren’t crushed. 
“I’m going back to the house.”
“Yeah, so am I but the house is back this way.”
Zoro stopped for a split second to look behind you before deciding what you offered was wrong. 
“How about we split up and figure out who was right?”
“Fat chance, Mosshead.”
You fell into step beside him and you were positive if Zoro could’ve, he would’ve thrown you down the well. Just to make sure you stayed away from him. If this was a different time, one where you didn’t just pull him from a well where a dead body was, Luffy wasn’t poisoned, and Kaya and Nami were in danger you would have steered clear of him. So, unlucky for you both, you were newfound partners in unfortunate crime. 
Neither of you spoke a word as you continued to walk down the path. You were pretty sure that Zoro was sending you the wrong way. You were two seconds away from telling him he was most definitely wrong, and you’d been most definitely right, until you both observed something up ahead. 
Was that marines? And were they carrying- “Luffy,” you said in a hush tone. 
Zoro saw it too. Two marines were carrying his limp body between them until he launched himself forward and began vomiting in the trees. It shouldn’t be possible. Poison when ingested - by anyone - was fatal. Even with as much vomiting he was doing it shouldn’t be possible. And yet, you saw it happening. 
It has to be the Devil fruit…
Zoro waved for you to hide inside the bamboo but you brushed him off. As quietly as you could, you reached down and grabbed a fallen bamboo branch. You made sure you had a good grip on the bottom as you made your way quietly forward. 
They were arguing between themselves. One of them with an extremely terrible haircut was holding a gun to the other with glasses and back to Luffy. The two spare marines were just standing watching and-
With as much force as you could muster, you smacked the one on the left on the side of his head. Zoro just used his fist for the other one. At the sound of their bodies falling, bad haircut turned around and when he saw Zoro walking towards him he turned sheet white. 
“Zoro!” Luffy called happily as he got to his feet. “And Doc?” 
You scratched the back of your head as you watched Zoro knock out bad haircut in one punch. 
“Yeah. I came back to rescue you. Surprise,” you joked, throwing your hands up in mock celebration. 
“Thanks. Come on. We need to get back to the house.”
Without another word, Luffy pressed between you and started making his way back towards the house. You side-eyed Zoro to see if he was paying attention, because Luffy had just proven you were right. You opened your mouth to tease him when a soft shout of Luffy’s name sent you all turning to see who it was.
They stood in front of you - pale as moonlight - and a little frightened with black rimmed circle glasses and pink hued hair. You weren’t sure who they were but all you needed to know was that they knew Luffy by name. 
“Koby, I know you got a job to do. But I’m going to go back and help my friends. Don’t try and stop me.” 
Yup. Luffy was officially the most polite pirate you’d ever met. 
Koby gave Luffy the smallest of nods. A silent affirmation that he wouldn’t be following suit. You had so many questions about what happened between everyone tonight and would make sure to ask later. If given the chance. 
Adjusting his hat back on his head, Luffy turned and started sprinting down the path. Zoro gave you one last look before he ran after him with his hands securely holding onto his swords. A soft groan left you as your feet padded along like the little engine that could. 
“Ugh, why are we doing more running? I hate running.” 
No one answered you and that was fine. You were going to need as much air as you could trying to keep up with the two of them. 
Zoro and Luffy were at the door when you came up. The two of them looked at the giant metal shudder. You were ready to tell them there wasn’t going to be any other way inside the house when Zoro bent down on one knee and worked his fingers underneath. 
“That’s not going to work.”
Luffy turned to you with a wide smile. 
“You don’t know Zoro.”
As if on queue, Zoro let out a grunt and began to push the shudder up. No way. It shouldn’t have been possible for him to even remotely lift it an inch. Usopp told you hundreds of times that pirate shudders were over six-hundred pounds of metal. They were meant to withstand canon balls and here Zoro was lifting it to his waist. 
Luffy grabbed a statue and placed it underneath the shudder allowing Zoro to let go, and kick the double doors open. Luffy wasted no time in bending down and looking inside to make sure they could enter without interruption. When he was sure it was clear, he moved inside and Zoro shortly followed. Luffy went to shut the doors when you quickly moved inside. 
“Doc, I think you should wait outside.”
“Fuck that,” you seethed. “These are my friends too, Luffy. I’m not leaving until I know they’re safe.”
Why was he smiling? 
“Alright, but we split up. Cover more ground that way.”
Neither of them wasted any time taking off in their respective directions. It wasn’t until they were gone that you realized you didn’t have a clue where to go and what were you supposed to do if you found them.
You let out a huff of air that ended in a raspberry as you decided to go down the opposite side of the corridor than Zoro. You may not have any abilities from eating Devil fruit or be insanely good with swords, but you did have your wits. Yeah. That’s what was going to save you. Wits. 
Maybe you could just go back to the kitchen and see if the pot was still there. If it was, you’d have a chance to  get samples of what Buchi had laced inside the soup. In Kaya’s tea. God, just thinking about it pissed you off all over again. 
If the house felt eerily quiet before, it felt even worse now. All signs of life were completely drained from the halls to the point your own breathing felt too loud in the large space. You were tempted to make noise, to call out for Zoro like playing a game of Marco Polo. Probably wouldn’t have been one of your best ideas in a house full of homicidal waitstaff. 
When you got to the kitchen you made a quick note that the bronze pot in question was missing. Of course they wouldn’t have kept it. It was evidence of a plot they’d spent three years perfecting, but you just needed to search to be sure. 
Quickly, you made your way around to the stairs and into the step down of the kitchen. Someone had done the dishes. It was all gone. You tried not to allow the bitterness of that thought to settle, but damn if it wasn’t hard. How were you going to be able to know what treatment to start giving Kaya if you didn’t have anything to base it off? 
You looked around the kitchen one last time when the sounds of fighting erupted somewhere in the distance. It could be Luffy or Zoro. Hell, it could be one of the other three too. Either way, it didn’t matter who it was. You were going to help them. 
First things first…
You looked quickly around the kitchen. There wasn’t much in the way of weapons that were going to strike fear in the hearts of anyone. You saw a tiny pot that was sitting on the sink counter and rushed forward to grab it by the handle. As soon as you knew you had it, you bolted back up the stairs and towards the main lobby. 
The closer you got the more intense the fighting became. Swords. Those definitely sounded like swords, which meant it was Zoro fighting, but also someone else with swords. And here you were bringing a pot to a sword fight.
You weren’t given a chance to backtrack on your choice of weapon. The minute you came out from the French double doors that lead back into the foray of the house, you watched as Zoro fought off Buchi and Sham. 
You never saw a real swordsman or met one for that matter. It wasn’t like Syrup village was brimming with up and coming anything, really, but as you watched Zoro effortlessly move between blocking and attacking you were willing to bet no one compared to him. 
You were so caught up in gawking that you weren’t aware that Buchi and Sham were made aware of your presence until they hissed at you. Hissing? Really? You could feel a smart ass comment brewing, but now didn’t seem like the appropriate time to say it. Buchi was who turned on you first with Sham still attacking Zoro. She had her back to you, and when she came up from a missed swing you rushed forward and launched the small pot at the back of her head. 
The sound of it connecting with its intended target resonated through the room. Sham’s head was as hollow as you thought. 
Everything slowed down for a second as you all waited to see what would happen. Luckily for you, the result was Sham falling face first into the hardwood completely passed out. 
“Holy shit. It worked! Zoro, did you see that!” 
“You little bitch!” 
How the hell did you forget about Buchi? He came stomping towards you causing the floor to shake as he did. You were getting ready to bolt in the opposite direction when Zoro jumped in the way. You took that as your queue to move. 
You dashed toward where Sham’s body had fallen and kicked away her sword and - wait, was that a broom handle? You no longer felt embarrassed about using a pot. 
Taking hold of the unconscious Sham, you began to move her more towards the front door. Zoro finished with Buchi with ease and knocked him unconscious. It didn’t dawn on you that something was different about him until he dragged Buchi over to where you’d placed Sham. Zoro was wearing a black bandana. And no, you did not notice how the veins in his arms were very much showing. 
“We should get some rope to tie them up.”
“Good idea.” 
By the time everyone made it down, Buchi and Sham had regained consciousness and you and Zoro were sitting far apart. 
There was no denying when you saw them all come down the stairs, a relief so intense flooded your veins and soaked into your bones. When Usopp hugged you, you allowed yourself to hug him back just a little bit tighter. 
A part of you knew that the adventures of yesterday would come to an end back in the shipyard. It would end with Kaya giving Luffy that ship he’d so lovingly given his speech for, and more so knew Luffy would ask Usopp to go with him. 
It was Usopp’s dream - his real dream. Part of that dream was experiencing the freedom that the sea offered, just like his dad did. How could you ever ask someone you considered your friend - your best friend - to stay just because you weren’t ready to part with them? No. Usopp deserved adventures as grand as his stories.
While he’d been talking to Kaya you’d taken the opportunity to slip away. It’s not that you weren’t happy for him, because you were. The idea of not having him around anymore, however, began to dig a hole in your soul. So, you went to the one place that always mended it. 
You were sitting with Naan at the kitchen table folding linens with water boiling on the stove and ingredients beside it. You were still waiting for Kaya to come by so you could perform an assessment. Before you could treat her, you would have to find out how extensive the damage was, and what would be the best form of treatment. 
“So, Usopp’s going to be going, then?” 
You didn’t expect Naan to sound sad. While she wasn’t mean like the rest of the village, she most definitely was not a fan of rising early just to hear the bell and the yelling. 
“Yeah. They should already be out to sea.” 
You were folding your next set of linens when Naan reached out and gently took your hand in hers. The act stops you from finishing the next fold. 
“It’s all going to work out the way that it should, child.”
“I know, Naan.”
A knock on the door rescued you from having to continue whatever talk was brewing in Naan. It saved you from more than likely crying like a baby on her shoulder too. You got up from your chair and made your way over to the door when another knock came seconds before you reached it. 
“Kaya, I’m coming! God, are rich people always so impatient?”
When you swung the door open, you hadn’t expected to find Luffy there smiling or the rest of the crew waiting behind him. Kaya was plainly missing from the group. 
“Who is it, child?” 
You felt too dumbfounded to speak. Why were they here? 
“It’s alright, Naan,” you called over your shoulder, eyes still glued to Luffy. “It’s just Luffy.”
“Straw hat.”
The sound of her chair sliding back against the wood was what tore your gaze away. You looked back to find Naan struggling to get to her cane with her left hand holding her weight up by the table. You moved back from the entrance, waving him in as you rushed over to grab her cane and hand it to her. 
“What are you guys doing here? I thought you’d be gone by now.”
“We were about to head out when the strangest thing happened.” You crossed your arms as you listened to Luffy. The cliff hanger his words left you on threatened to drop fresh anxiety into your gut. “I turned to get my crew onboard and realized my doctor was missing.” 
“What?” You breathed. 
“That’s you.”
You closed your eyes for a split second as you tried to collect your thoughts. 
“Luffy, I wouldn’t make a good pirate.”
“You don’t have to be. Just like with Usopp, I saw what you did. The way you fought to protect people. I need you in my crew.” 
You dropped your arms as you turned to regard Naan. The way her body leaned heavily on the cane. Her once strong body was becoming more frail by the day. You couldn’t leave her. 
You swallowed hard before you replied, “Luffy, that is a splendid offer. One I don’t think anyone could pass up but I can’t leave.”
“Why the hell not?” Naan fired off. 
“And if you say it’s because of me, just remember you aren’t too old for me to throttle you with my cane.” 
She finally pushed her hip from the side of the table and waddled over to the rack that held your satchel. Naan reached up and pulled it down, turning slowly until you came back into view, and tossed the satchel in your direction. 
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? You know, for being smart you sure can be dumb sometimes.” 
Your eyes looked down at the satchel in your hands. You rubbed the worn leather with your thumbs as you remembered her giving you this very bag on your thirteenth birthday. The pricks of tears came unannounced and most definitely unwanted a few moments later. It made you terrified to look up. For her to see that saying goodbye might kill a piece of you, you’d never get back. 
You’d never get her back either. 
“Naan-“ You tried to speak but your voice cracked around her name. “Who is going to take care of you if I’m gone?”
A tsk of disbelief shot from her lips. Both her hands now came to rest on top of the cane as she regarded you coolly. 
“I’ve been an old woman for a long time now. I think I can manage without you.”
“See - it’s settled,” Luffy began. “You are welcome to join our crew and that way you don’t have to give up on your dream.”
He remembered? 
How silly that question was. He was Monkey D. Luffy. Of course, he was going to remember. Glancing down at the satchel in your hands once more you allowed yourself to debate one last time before you grabbed the strap and placed it over your shoulder. 
Before you took that first step towards the door, you turned one last time to Naan and took one of her hands in yours. You tried to tell yourself you wouldn’t cry. You never cried, but the first tear slid down your face and called you a liar.
“Please, take care Naan. You’ve done so much for me, my whole life. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know where I would be.” 
“Dead,” she stated matter-of-factly. 
It was so blunt. So incredibly Naan that you couldn’t stop the sharp bark of laughter that came from you. The soft feather of her hand reached up to cup your face and forced you to look at her. A long silence pulled between you, and you wondered if she was going to say anything at all when a soft smile cracked her thin lips. 
“Go, child. Be great.”
Shaking your head in agreement, the both of you broke free and you followed Luffy out of the house. You spared one last glance at Naan’s home - your home - and found her at the door seeing you off. You raised your hand in one last goodbye and watched as she did it too. 
Maybe Luffy was right. It was time to go on your own adventure and you had no doubt Luffy and his crew were going to give it to you. 
As always, comments and reblogs are always welcome
Tag list: :@thegreatesttttttttt@katiemrty@sorasolarium@ponyboys-sunsets@flowersgirl02@spilled-coffee-cup@instabull@charleslec-airlines@dixonsbugaboo@amanda08319@moony-artemis@iloveautumn1@yoheyyosup@ghostyycat7@csmbrainrot @selmasemlan
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If I missed anyone, please let me know! TY
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elsweetheart · 1 year
Can I request something? You see, my friends tell me that I tend to flirt without even noticing. And I've noticed I indeed do that. I look people in the eyes and then look at their lips, I lick my own lips while doing that. I also tend to say softs "hmmm" "uhuum" to show them I'm paying attention. But I don't do that with that intention, because when I WANT to flirt, I'm a mess. Can you do Ellie or Abby (you choose) having a crush/dating someone who does that?
omg !!! me !!!!!!! i love this yes yes yea
im gonna do this w ellie because there’s not much to say about abby other than she will simply just bend you over and -
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good view
🎀 short drabble in a hc format ?? idk wht this is. pre-relationship ellie x reader :)
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• you were kinda out of it. didn’t get much sleep, and the weather was just warm enough to wear a tank top but a breeze still passed through the abandoned building you were all currently held up in, so you were fiddling with the thin cardigan you wore, pulling them over your hands. it put you in a relaxed, sleepy, slow mood.
• you and ellie weren’t together yet, so of course at any given opportunity when she sees you sitting alone she’d make conversation. she slid a chair over to where you were sat alone at a small table, straddling it backwards resting her arms on the back of the chair.
• “did you call dibs on a room? there’s not much choice, i mean they’re all pretty shitty.” she smirked light heartedly as you turned to face her.
• “yeah, picked the one with the good view.” you smiled hazily having being broken from your thoughts and your sleepy daydreams. you were blinking slowly, ellie always thought your eyelashes looked extra pretty when you did that.
• “nice, my window faces a brick wall.” she comment with an eye roll and you giggled which made her features noticeably perk up when she saw the way your teeth sunk into your bottom lip mid giggle to stifle it. she tried not to stare, launching into a story about the time her and Joel passed through a fancy abandoned building and she called dibs on the fancy penthouse bedroom and made Joel sleep in the maid quarters.
• you were listening intently, at first, but you were tired and her features were just so distracting. not even because of your huge crush on her, she just was… interesting. your eyes dragged down to her bottom lip where she had acquired a fresh cut from some kind of scuffle she’d wound up in and watched the way it moved with her mouth as she spoke. “mhm.” you breathed lightly to let her know you were still sort of listening.
• she felt her heart in her throat as she watched your fluttery eyes stare at her lips and completely stumbled over what she was going to say. “it was funny because he was— um… it was funny because fucking—uh…” she lost track of what she was trying to say and this caused you to casually glance back up at her eyes, furrowing your eyebrows slightly in confusion making them look extra big and doe like which did not her help case.
• “wh’s wrong?” you spoke so softly she could barely hear it over the blood thumping in her ears when she realised she was blushing. what made it worse, is she watched you in real time notice her blushing too, your pretty eyes gliding across her face. “c’mon dude.” she laughed, sitting back away from where she was leaning on the chair to wipe her hands down her face.
• “i’m so confused.” you giggled back and she chuckled, fiddling with the chipped wooden table corner for a moment before looking back up at you with a little more determination.
• “can i finish my story please? without you eyeballing me like that?” her tone was jokey, slightly putting on a voice but you could tell she meant it. you sat back a little, tilting your head to the side like a confused puppy. “and like that.” she laughed before flickering her own eyes to your mouth. “s’distracting.” was all she needed to say and you sort of caught on and raised your eyebrows a little.
• “oh…” you willed her to speak more with her stare, so she did. “you’re pretty. drives me crazy, just a little bit.” she scrunched her nose and you smiled, letting it drop slightly as you held her stare. she cleared her throat, feeling overwhelmed. “anyway, as i was saying before you rudely interrupted with your face.” she continued which made you laugh. perhaps you needed to be more mindful about how you looked at people, however you did enjoy teasing ellie.
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marragurl · 1 month
Not the first to say it, but damn can’t believe Galladay really went from toxic yaoi to doomed tragic yaoi.
Alright fellow Galladay trash, where’s the modern AU fix-it fics?
I need to see Gallagher single dad with Misha plus their dog/cat Sleepie falling for entertainment company CEO Sunday. Don’t ask me how they met, fuck it, throw in bodyguard AU Gallagher who works part-time at a bar, boom there that’s how they meet, idk I’m making this up on 3 hours of sleep.
You’ve heard of slow burns, now get ready for Galladay blaze it.
They’re speedrunning the relationship from hate -> annoyance -> mild disgruntlement -> weirdly vibing -> ok wow never knew I needed that in my life -> Sunday is way too ok with spoiling Misha -> ok so we got married -> alright we’re dismantling the government now -> Sunday went to jail for 5 minutes for attempting “peaceful” world domination, don’t worry we (Gallagher) forgave him -> Sunday’s stepping down as CEO to run a coffeeshop idk look someone get him some therapy -> Robin is president now while she still goes on tours -> Misha won an engineering competition while this was all going on
Bottom line: Robin is out living her best life while Sunday is in the back somehow having the most insane week of his life. I have no other notes for her here except that she is happy, and successful, and is Sunday’s last remaining brain cell. She and Misha are having some fun Aunt/Nephew bonding times while Galladay are accidentally-on-purpose committing multiple war crimes.
No, we don’t have time to unpack 2.2 and all its trauma, we cope with modern AU :)
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lunicho · 1 month
Here r my thoughts !! I hope they’re ok bc I’m really sleepy rn so idk if they make sense lololll
K: def a dom
- like I CANT see him as a sub
- If u try to make him submissive he’ll just mock u n make fun of the things u say when ur with him
- You: “Stop making fun of me”
- K: “I thought this was normal sub behavior 😋😋”
Fuma: soft dom
- likes taking care of you n worries about ur pleasure first
- If u want to be the dominant one he doesn’t mind and let’s u
- Subby Fuma tho…mmm tastyyy
- a soft dom but can be a mean one if he’s feeling extra possessive
Nico: switch (or is it called vers? Like versatile? I forgot 😟)
- a little controversial(/j) but I’ll d!e on this hill
- He tries to be the dominant one all the time but if he goes more than 2 days without ur pussy he’s on his knees begging for you and is at your mercy
- He just wants to be good to you so he’ll want to be in control but every now and again he wants to be taken care of and have you make him feel so good
EJ: service top with a sprinkle of sub
- As much as I love subby Juju and making him tear up I see him more as a service top but the subby parts of him comes out and he ends up falling apart bc u feel so good around him when he was supposed to put you first
- I looooooveeee service top juju
- he is MEAN
- He makes FUN OF YOU
- But the dick is so good you’ll only go to him (so basically the mean dom Yuma you always talk about LOL)
- He’s actually not mean which is the funny part 😭 when y’all aren’t having sex he’s so chill and easy to hang out with 😭 he just likes seeing you cry and whimper as he fucks you and calling you names is the fastest way to do it LOL
- I KNOW the jealous sex is so good bc he gets jealous and possessive so easily so if another man tries to make a move on you he is FUMING and he needs to fuck you as fast as possible
Jo: sub
- pov: ur at the “I love sub!Jo” contest and ur opponent is me 😋😋😋😋
- Sub!Jo is so beautiful in my mind like him just laying down while i have my mouth on him PLEASEEE
- He likes it when you praise him omfg praise kink Jo 😵‍💫 but that’s for another time
- Tbh I see him as the type of guy that’ll do anything for you so you can praise him
Harua: switch
- as you know I’m a switch!Harua truther
- This section won’t be long since I already talked about it it
- But bratty sub Harua 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
- Sassy dom Harua who knows how to control you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Taki: switch but u HAVE to hear me out
- every time I think of Taki most of the time it’s just pretty shiny sub Taki who wants all of your attention on him
- The type to D!E if you don’t take care of him and his raging boner /j
- Whines a lot 😵‍💫
- Recently…him and his “morality police” bit where he’s (playfully) telling the members to cover up and not wear revealing outfits
- Makes me think of mean dom Taki 😵‍💫 where you wear revealing and skimpy outfits to mess with him and he fucks you harddddd bc he knows you’re just trying to get his attention and to rile him up
Overall I also think that they’re all really possessive with the exception of Jo but those thoughts haven’t marinated long enough in my brain yet 😙
HOPE U GOT SOME REST BOO THANG, u came and u served and now its time for u to get the rest u so rightfully deserve bc this right here ‼️‼️
kei - okay so i do agree, he most often takes on a dominant role just because he enjoys it and it comes so naturally for him. BUT i had a convo with one of my moots (shout out mel 🙏🏾) where we explored the idea of subby kei and i think he's in there somewhere. he has the potential to be submissive but may not know how to go about it or how to commit to that fully which is why he'd rather be all snappy and mean and mock u about it and in other words that's why he kinda acts like a brat 🤷🏾‍♀️. but dom kei is so so real there's no denying that ☝🏾😌
fuma - YES. everyone who read my fuma a-z knows i agree cuz like duh, he's so soft dom to me but he has a love for being the submissive one. he may not be THE MOST submissive guy out there but being under u and being doted on is something he enjoys thoroughly. but yeah like u said ur his baby and his top priority so he loves taking care of u <3 subby fuma is incredibly delicious to think about if im so fr like idk
nico - i giggled. SWITCH NICHO IS SO REAL TO ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. ppl are too scared to play around with the idea of subby nicho but COME ONNNN u can't tell me this man wouldn't look and sound so good when he's getting edged and ur sucking him off or jerking him off or riding him like i can hear it so clearly in my mind how he'd suck in a breath thru his teeth and how he'll grunt and groan sm and how- yeah. also pussy obsessed nicho?? hello??? him not being able to be without pussy is so true i could say sm abt that but imma move on for everyone sake
juju - the way when i read his section the first time i went "NOOOOOO" but then i read it again and was like,,, oh wait kinda true tho. he leans so subby cuz of how well he listens and how obedient he is. he'll let u use him and grind against his face/ride his face, he'll let u pull his hair and get yourself off using his tongue like 😞. he's a service top cuz he likes making u feel good but i will never deny sub juju. i will never deny how pathetically hard he gets sometimes and how he Will tear up in front of u quicker than either of u could even process 😞
yuma - EXACTLY LMAOHSJS he's not actually mean or crazy at all like he is during sex which is what makes it hotter cuz he's so versatile. i do think that he can change up a lot and he can be soft and sweet at times too but he's just a rough sex enjoyer what can i say 🤷🏾‍♀️. i do wish ppl would fuck around with the idea of sub yuma more tho cuz i need people to feed me those thoughts like i wanna hear what ppl say so bad 😞 (teamies dom, sub, switch analysis but it's just me wanting people to explore the idea of sub teamies) AND THE JEALOUS SEX?? big yes he's sooo jealous and possessive sometimes like it's crazy 💔
jo - ?!?!?!?!?! $! $;! #;#;#? +#(#) #+#-(# like what like ?!?! $? ;$? $+($-# and why have u never come to my inbox abt sub jo?? didn't even know this was an agenda u had wtf??? LITERALLY okay. okay. let me control myself. i see him as a sub as well and i see him as the type who's a little naive but not necessarily in a bad way. he's just the type to follow you so blindly just bc ur his partner and he wants to do anything to please you so he can be ur good boy 😞 i could see the dom jo agenda but it's smth abt sub jo that feels so true to him 😞 he's so cute ugh
harua - yes 😞 i am aware of your switch rua agenda 🙏🏾 and honestly i think it's quite accurate i just cannot fully process harua as a dom like it just won't register in my mind so i always just think of him as a sub. and i always feel like he's not really like a brat he's just kinda moody and super needy and if he ever is bratty it's cuz of him acting up for your attention 😞
taki - ??!?!?!!!!! $;! $:$? $($(($$ okay so?!?!? fuck i literally agree like FUCKK 😭 taki can be so submissive to the point where if u told him to get on all fours and bark then he fucking would. this man will do anything for some pussy like im being so fr. he just might fall over and die if u haven't made him cum in a little while cuz he's like erm hello??? but he's such a good sub like genuinely 😞 but as a dom?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫 can't even properly process the thoughts that are happening in my mind but i just know he's rough and mean like u said, a little controlling too if im so so honest with u ohhh em geeeee. like maybe he only rlly doms on specific occasions or like maybe u both just switch often cuz i could see him needing someone who's willing to switch up regularly depending on your moods yk? (FUCK HOW'D THIS PARAGRAPH GET SO LONG??? i feel like i didn't even say anything 😭)
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flowerinjuries · 1 year
Heyoo, can you do yuta as bf just like the one you did for Mark?
yuta as a boyfriend <3
the soft side:
oh this guy was crushing on you so hard before you two started actually dating
to him it was like love at first sight
did not hesitate to be a flirt
i’m sure he asked you out in a cheesy romantic way with flowers and a huge grin on his face
at the start of the relationship he’s just really giggly and soft
holds doors open for you
he likes to take candid pics of you because you’re just so cute
he just wants to remember the small moments spent with you
he definitely shows you off
loves seeing you wear something sexy and acting confident when you two go out
such a laid back boyfriend
he knows you’re his so he doesn’t really get jealous besides you both know no one can fuck you better than yuta
anyways you definitely love bragging about him to your friends
they all agree he’s so good to you and makes you so happy
yuta is lowkey a romantic
loves doing traditional things like holding your hand and paying for you
he’s also like your personal chauffeur
loves to go on long destination-less drives with you
especially at sundown and nighttime
you know his hand is gripping your thigh as you sit in his passenger seat
this man glances over at you 24/7 just to soak in and memorize your beauty
like i said he’s really laid back
you two will have dates where you just sit on the couch listening to a new album or watching a scary movie so he can hold you when you’re scared even though he also is scared
he gets so excited when you ask him personal questions or show interest in him
he just adores your attention and loves spending time with you
has all sorts of nicknames for you like baby, angel, sweetheart, dolly.. the list goes on
he’s so fragile with you and your feelings
wipes your tears away and coddles you
he always has your back and is never afraid to stand up for you
he’s your personal hype man so he’s always cheering you on and always takes your side
loves to smother you with his hugs
you act like you’re annoyed or you can’t breathe but in reality being this close to him gives you an excuse to really take in his warmth and his amazing scent
idk why but i just know this man smells so fucking good ok
that’s why you never sleep on your own side of the bed
you just have to be as close to yuta as possible
he doesn’t mind though, he always welcomes you with open arms
he’s so cute when he’s all sleepy
random thought but i think yuta definitely wears a necklace with your name or initial on it
needs the whole world to know you’re his
and he’s just so confident too
especially since you two started dating
you definitely gave him an ego boost
i could go on and on but i feel like this is getting too long…
overall yuta is the sweetest most perfect boyfriend who you just get along with so well
all he does is uplift you and push you to do your best and be proud of who you are
yeah he’s perfect
the not-so-soft side (nsfw/18+):
a fucking sex god
the definition of brat tamer
no you’re never gonna dom this man
maybe he’ll let you, but it won’t last long
he’s super freaky and super down to try anything you want to
first and foremost he prioritizes your safety and comfort
don’t forget your safe word
ok yuta has a lot of kinks
did i mention he’s a brat tamer?
don’t you dare piss him off
piss him off anyway though because then you’ll have the best sex of your life lol
he’s sadistic and loves angry sex
i said he’s not jealous, but when he’s fucking you he is sooooo possessive
“scream my name again, yeah? remind everyone who fucking owns you”
“you think he could ever fuck you as good as me? huh? do you? what a good fucking joke, y/n. let’s see who will be laughing when i fuck you so hard you can’t even make a noise other than the sound of my name leaving your dry, fucked-out throat”
he probably fingers you with his cold silver rings still on
he likes when you tug on his hair, but he likes it more when he’s pinning your wrists down
likes it when you really can’t move :(
so that’s why he’s super into bondage
has cute pink rope he ties around your skin so tight it bruises
gags you with your own panties
after he has a taste of course
yuta gets what he wants first
loves to fuck you with his tongue
you ride his face while your hands are tied either behind your back or handcuffed to the bed
ok that’s enough
he wants to fuck your throat
“god stop fucking crying over this. how’s it gonna be once i finally fuck your sopping wet hole? what are you gonna do then? such a fucking cry baby. you can barely take what i’m giving you now, so why should i give you more?”
smacks your ass until it’s red
grips the back of your neck and forces your face into the mattress so he hears your muffled screams
just imagine him fucking into you at a really hard and fast pace as the cold necklace with your name on it hits his chest back and forth
if only you could see it though ;)
he grunts really loudly
he has such a filthy mouth
he just gets angry when his baby is bratty
someone has to put you in your place
warns you to never make him angry again after he cums all over you
you give him a look with your wet puppy eyes that promise that you’ll be good
but you both know you’re gonna act up again
yuta is the king of aftercare
cleans you up with warm towels and runs you a bubble bath
washes your hair and body for you as your body goes limp in the tub
kisses your cheeks
maybe gives you a massage too
dresses you in your pjs
combs your hair and sings you to sleep softly as you two face each other
yuta is perfect
thanks for reading! as always, asks are open! don’t hesitate to send me any thoughts you have :)
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His Family
warnings: fluff pure fluff, jake being the best dad, lo’ak being a shithead, mentions of the making of baby tuk LMAO idk what else.
a/n: FIRST POST GUYS IM LOWKEY EXCITED TO POST HERE BECAUSE LIKE AHHHHHH. it’s a step up i can tell y’all that. anywho enjoy <333.
not proofread it’s too damn late lmao
hidden in the bush with your back pressed against your twin brothers front you both cling to eachother desperately trying to console each others giggles slapping one another when you would hear the other make a noise. a snap of a branch echos through the forest silencing the both of you.
“oh children.” your father Toruk Makto, Jake called in a sing song tone that made both you and Lo’ak nearly giggle. he wandered closer towards where he heard the noise and hissed softly hearing you snort and reached out and grabbed your ankle quickly yanking you out and showing his fangs while playfully pressing multiple kisses to your face whilst you screamed for mercy. Lo’ak took the opportunity to shove you further towards your father and scrambled to get up. he managed to make it four steps before being swept into your mothers arms whilst she tutted and shook her head at the situation.
“eywa give me strength. jake i told you to give them a bath not get them even more dirty.” your mama squints at your father who grins apologetically before getting up pulling you into his arms tightly and sitting up.
“they’re clever little brats i give them that. they snuck away before i could get y/n’s clothes off! they’re clever!!” jake defended whilst neytiri looked at him in disbelief.
“they’re FOUR jake.”
“smartest four year olds i know.” he retorts blowing a raspberry against your cheek to which you giggle staring at your mother. her eyes soften slightly before noticing Lo’ak start to yawn and lay his head on her shoulder.
“at least Lo’ak is sleepy. sometimes getting that kid to sleep is harder then all the time i spent as a marine.” jake jokes and you nuzzle into him gently dozing off and he immediately holds a hand to your head before nodding for his mate to head back in the direction of their home. by the time they make it both you and lo’ak are fast asleep. when they place you down you cling to one another never once moving.
“they didn’t even bathe.” neytiri grumbles but can’t find the will to wake either of you.
she looks at jake expecting a joke before noticing the way he watches neteyam, kiri. you and lo’ak.
“ma jake. what is wrong?” she asks him gently and he looks up startled before staring back at them.
“when did they start to get so big? you know y/n told me today that she was big enough to have her own ikran today. she even tried going to jump on a baby one with lo’al before neteyam dragged them away.” he snorts shaking his head thinking of the way you and lo’ak remind him of himself and his brother. neytiri knows better then to comment so she walks over to him and lays her head on his shoulder and sighs softly.
“you know. if you think they’re getting too big perhaps it would be time for another babe.” neytiri doesn’t finish the sentence before jake starts to get up and tug her out of their home making her laugh.
and that’s how tuk was made. yeah i’m ngl didn’t know how to end it LOL. lemme know whatcha think <333
requests are open :)))
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greg-montgomery · 11 months
hiya!! this is my first time doing a request or anything like that buttt i wanted to ask if you could do one where the team is put up in a hotel for the night, everyone is sent to their own separate rooms but hotch called them in to his room bc he had some last minute thoughts about the case, right before they all go to sleep and y/n shows up in a cute sleep set and everyone is like oh but don’t say anything. they talk about the case for a bit and slowly everyone heads off one by one leaving aaron and y/n but plot twist she’s been quiet bc she snoozed off in the seat in the corner. aaron wakes her up and she apologizes, they start talking a little and she realizes how tired he looks and she idk gives him a massage on the shoulders, it can have innuendos in there but i mostly want her to take care of him, maybe they fall asleep together or something fluff it up plss 🫶🏽
hii!! <333 you're so sweet for sending to me your first request!! i'm sorry it took me a thousand years lmfao i really really hope you like it!!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
With your eyes shut and both of your fists rubbing your eyelids softly as if they could take all the tiredness away, you weren’t able to see the looks your current outfit had earned you.
It wasn’t your usual attire for when discussing an unsub’s profile, but Hotch was the one to blame. You were getting ready for bed when JJ knocked on your door and announced that your boss wanted all of you urgently in his room. If he wasn’t your absolute soft spot, you’d be very pissed off about it.
Aaron seemed to have some new ideas about the case, and since the man apparently never slept, he thought all the rest of you would have the same energy as him. And maybe he wasn’t that far off for the others; but you were extremely tired, running only on three hours of sleep.  So you just chose the comfiest looking spot on the couch of Hotch’s room and snuggled with two of the pillows you found there, simply observing the conversation that was taking place and only jumping in for a comment or two. It was already an achievement for you managing to stay awake for an extra hour.
Or so you thought.
“Y/N…” a gentle voice whispered your name. “Y/N…”
The hand on your shoulder shaking you, just as gently, suggested that said voice was trying to wake you up. But you were so comfortable and so sleepy you chose to ignore it. The whispers were lulling you back to sleep anyway.
Before you managed to drift off completely again, the hand moved to cup your face. A thumb was rubbing your cheek as the voice talked to you again. “You’ll hurt your neck.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly blinked, finding the figure of a man sitting next to you. “Hotch?”
“Hi,” he chuckled. “I thought you’d never wake up.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” you rushed to apologize. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”
“That’s alright.” He smiled at you.
Aaron was right about the neck thing, you could already feel the pain growing and you used your hand to massage it as you switched to a more appropriate sitting position on your boss’ couch.
“I tried to warn you,” he said, lifting his brows. “I wake up sore from every single jet nap.”
“Yeah, I noticed you couldn’t even turn your head when talking to us the other day,” you giggled.
“Don’t make fun of the elderly,” he scolded you. “I’m actually suffering from the pain."
“I’m sorry.”
You were still laughing so Hotch didn’t look entirely convinced by your apology. “Yeah, I can see how much.”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you repeated more seriously this time. There was a short pause before you spoke again. “You know…I have a friend that’s a physiotherapist and she’s taught me how to relieve neck pain. I could give you a massage. Maybe it’ll make you feel better.”
He looked surprised by your offer and you worried you overstepped.
“It’ll be my official apology,” you added.
You saw him letting out a heavy sigh and got yourself prepared for rejection, but instead Aaron nodded, “Sure, why not?”
“Nice!” you clapped twice, hoping you didn’t seem overly excited at the thought of touching him that intimately.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fixated on his large body and broad shoulders. So placing your palms on his toned muscles had your heart racing to the point you were scared he could hear your heartbeat.
Aaron’s heavy breaths when you started massaging his neck sent sparks all over your body. You wondered if he sounded like that during other moments in his life and you had to shake your head to send all the inappropriate thoughts away. Still it was next to impossible not to drool over him; touching him and watching him so up-close.
“Is that nice?” you asked.
“You have to be careful of how your posture is when you’re sleeping though. You warned me about it, but won’t do the same for yourself.”
“Maybe we can remind each other,” he suggested.
“Well that sounds like a good idea, but sadly we’re not always together when we’re sleeping.”
“Sadly, huh?”
Your hands froze on his shoulders and you could feel them shaking as Hotch started laughing.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you said, covering your face embarrassed.
“I know,” he reassured you with a small laugh. He reached out behind him for your hands as his head fell slightly back to make eye contact with you. You were still covering your face, so he grabbed your wrists gently and moved them down. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“No, I’m embarrassed.”
He used his grip on your hands to drag you next to him so he could look at you properly. It didn’t need much effort on his side to make you take a seat by his side. “Why are you embarrassed?”
“Because you’re Hotch.”
“And it’s self-explanatory. You either get it or you don’t.”
“I see.”
You sat next to each other in silence for a bit. Embarrassed or not, you didn’t want to go. This side of Hotch was very rare to be seen, and you felt grateful you got to witness him like this for once. You weren’t ready for it to end.
“Should I go?” you asked hesitantly.
“Do you wanna go?”
It took you a few seconds to reply, trying to make up your answer. You chose to be honest. “Not really.”
“Then stay.”
“I might fall asleep on your couch again,” you warned him.
“Hmm…there are worse things that could happen to me I think,” he said holding back a grin, and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against his chest.
You couldn’t agree more.
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