#idk where this is coming from but i really want to get gud at this blog so i can show others some love too n let more ppl see it
erose-this-name · 7 months
Primer On Stylistic Elements Of Internet Speak (Zoomerese) (from what I've learned by being terminally online)
This is just text, like, normal fucking text. nothing special about this.
Because base English 🥱 only has support for shouting :O (!) questions🤨(?) and statements ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (.), and we wanted to add new registers of voice :P, (and keyboards limit the ability to add new symbols) :-( a lot of new features to the language have to be made out of other symbols or be made of stylistic elements instead of a dedicated symbol. And since there's no dedicated authority to teach people new abstract symbols, they had to be faces so they could be intuitive. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
This isn't sARcaSTIc at all, I mean come on, why would anyone EVER want to indicate SARCASM by OVEREXAGGERATING to compensate for """"English not having a sarcasm punctuation mark""""? Like, c'mon, it's not like "/s" or ".~" can also be used AS a sarcmark.~
Oh, yeah? "RanDOM CaPS mAKeS IT sOunD LIkE mOCkiNG" that's what you sound like.
This is TOTALLY post-irony OR meta-irony, where you just, like, SAY what you actually mean but IN A SARCASTIC WAY??? Uh, what is this, some kinda "gen z exclusive" comedy/slang feature?? Like, wow, I guess you would need to do that to "create some distance" between you and your beliefs by giving you the ability to say you were "JuST KiDDinG", or as a "joke" because ""zoomers"" are so oversaturated with content that normal single level sarcasm doesn't work anymore and they need to layer that shit up two or three times, or some bullshit like that.
I'm finna splain txt messg shorthand, aka sms language. its like faster 2 type & kinda gives u a valley grl vibe. itz actually a bit harder 2 learn than the rest of these and I'm not gud at it. kthnx
This. Is. Putting. A. Period. On. Every. Fucking. Word. This. Shit. Makes. It. Sound. Like. You. Motherfucker. Are. Very. FUCKING. Angry. And. Authoritative. (this prosody is also a new [and relatively rare] feature in spoken English as well.)
UwU, what's this? Nya, thiws iws uwu/owo voice! (UwU)! Iwt iws meant towo sowund wike a baby voice, vewy cute (hazawdouswy cute) (UwU!), awnd iws used excwusivewy by fuwwies awnd femboys awnd fuwwy femboys uwu awnd anyaone who uses iwt "iwonyacawwy" iws secwetewy owne nya of those pwobabwy uwu. use at youw own peril (you will wose bwaincewws awnd become gay) nya! RAWR XD
Dis ar teh LOLCAT, it be VRY OUTDATD MEME, but sum bits ov dis style ov brokd grammar an spellin' still appears on teh interwebs in TINY DOSES 2 mak it seem cutr an dumbr or leik a cat 4 ironic purposez, LIEK ONCE OR TWICE PER POST!!!1!1 DO NOT OVAR USE IT LIEK IM U WILL DYE!!!1!1!
uh all lowercase and without punctuation makes it seem childish/lazy which can be used for irony if what youre saying is actually very important or authoritative but you dont wanna sound that way because you are depressed or just wanna feel cute or maybe some other reason idk im just a boy
Exclamation marks (!) indicate excitement and energy! My Dad (ex-typographer) whose really really cool says that exclamation marks (!) mean you're SHOUTING and not to use them!!! And he's really cool, but that's not right anymore because SHOUTING IS INDICATED BY ALL UPPERCASE!!!!!
This is Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, which is done on Tumblr Dot Com but not much elsewhere. It brings to mind how Titles and Headlines also sometimes Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, and gives your post an aura of Authority and to Nounify Something.
Most other parts of the internet™®© do this where they spam copyright and trademark symbols®©™®©© to achieve the same effect as capitalizing the first letter in every word©©™.
>be me >go on 4Chan.org >dies immediately.exe >looks into posts >discovers entirely unique and interesting writing style called greentext >ask why its called that >Get called a "newf*g, desu" >it's mostly used by incels to gaslight fa/tg/uys and /b/***** (they wouldn't censor that) into reading stories they made up about themselves where they become a sex haver >literally no one believes that any greentext has ever actually happened >find incest greentext >ew.wav >read it anyways because ******** (utter self-loathing is important for authentic greentext) >it's just the plot of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back >mfw
I learned 4Channerish so you don't have to. Seriously, don't.
(If I've missed anything please reblog to expand our VALUABLE COLLECTIVE EDUTRAINING ABILITIES)
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discotreque · 2 years
hey amy.txt, i just watched the finale of lower decks. if you feel like it, would you share your thoughts on it? the action was great and the payoff of a whole season of little bits of foreshadowing very satisfying but Mariner forgiving everyone so easily felt a bit iffy to me. also... oh jennifer. i liked you. you feel like there's any future to their relationship?
Aw, thanks! I'm flattered that you want my opinion! Short answer: I basically agree with you. Long answer: well, it's been a while since I talked about this show...
I really enjoyed Season 3. I even liked that I didn't like the Peanut Hamper episode, because it was a truly authentic Weird Bad And Slightly Too Horny Episode Of Star Trek, and those are part of the experience whether we want to admit it or not.
And I certainly didn't dislike the finale—as you said, some supremely satisfying payoffs in there. I especially felt like the climax was a beautiful and crystal-clear execution of Mike McMahan's own personal vision of Star Trek: a bunch of smart people who like each other, solving hard problems together for the greater good (plus jokes). I think they're 3 for 3 in absolutely slamming it home.
Now here comes my great big but, lmao. The S3 finale was also the first episode of this show that felt too ambitious for a half-hour. Dare I say "overstuffed." They had so many things to pay off and so many threads to pull together, and while I think they did a good enough job... again, as you said, some of it felt pretty rushed.
I personally didn't have a problem accepting how quickly Mariner forgave everyone, because I was satisfied (...enough) with the explanation: she had a pattern of impulsive, destructive behaviour for a long time, and while she's turned over a new leaf, she recognizes it was recently enough that she still has trust to rebuild, and she's grown enough to look past her hurt feelings and commit to reconciling with the people who are most important to her—who, importantly, all just almost died, which tends to put things in perspective.
But that explanation I just wrote is three or four times more detailed than what's actually in the script, and what's there goes by very fast. (And, to be fair, efficiently! It's not bad writing by any means.) Especially compared to how long Episode 9 made us sit in the awful stomachache of everyone wrongly judging her... yeah. It doesn't feel balanced, emotionally, does it?
As for Jennifer... idk, I never got that attached. I heard an interview with Mike McMahan right after S2 in which he said (in so many words) that Lower Decks isn't a show about romance, it's about Mariner's personal growth and her friendships, and Jennifer's role in the story would mainly serve those purposes—and he said it with a real "yeahhh, don't get your hopes up" tone, lol, so what we got is about what I was expecting. (I also pretty much stopped caring about Jennifer as soon as Petra Aberdeen showed up, but that's just me being a shallow lesbian, ahem.)
I guess if Lower Decks has a "problem," it's that it's a very good Star Trek series, and a pretty good sitcom, and when it drifts too far away from the latter and towards the former, it's bound to collide with the strictures of TV animation, where 30 extra seconds in your episode adds an actual million dollars to the budget, minimum.
Now, it's not like CBS isn't shovelling more and more money at this show every year. A whole season of hour-longs is never gonna happen—so they'd better git gud about colouring inside those lines—but adding an 11th "episode" to the order, for a double-length season finale? Purely wishful thinking on my part, sure, but weirder things have happened in TV.
So yeah. No major complaints from me, but they definitely need to get this under control:
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Thanks again for asking! This was fun!
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kemmehhhh · 9 months
crazy week
just had the craziest week. i dont know why it reached to this but anyways, so it all started last friday I think? my friend messaged me about a post from my ex crush wherein he shared post abt 'nasa nursing ang true lobe' and his friends mentioned my name on the comments but according to my friend, his friends are not sure if hes pertaining to me.
fast forward to saturday, nangaligo mi and my classmates keeps on making tupo tupo with that one classmate. well at first i thought it was just a joke because this has become like an inside joke in our friend group. but then it was revealed last saturday atung nag inom sila tas niuli na man gud ko kay simbang gabi pa na he actually like me(?) and he said hes planning on confessing to me before siya mu uli. and he did.
here comes monday. naa mi sa school for a shitty project and my friends keep on asking me weird questions which revolves on a topic of 'what if someone likes you'. i had a feeling abt something but i just let it be. they keep on teasing us even atung pag pauli. so pag uli i went to solana kay naa akong friends there. actually wala na tuh sa akong huna huna until atong pag abri jud nako sa akong messenger ni chat dayun siya. at that point murag huy naa na koy na sense nga something, ana ana pa ko ato nga what the fuck is my suspicion true? and it was indeed true accla.
nigawas mi sa akong friend para mag cr, tas pagbalik namo (ni una na ug sulod akong friend) naa siya. tas yot wa jud ko ka panagang, i thought lang na naa koy nabilin sa school but then he went straight to the point. if i remember it correctly he said this: "ill go straight to the point, I like you" and murag kana ra ang akong na remember and gihatagan ko niya ug bracelet, with my fav color which is wa ko kabalo nga kabalo siya? or maybe from sa forms. and then ni adto na dayon siya.
after that na piece na nako tanan. tas mas na clarify pud nako tanan pag chika sa kong friends last night. i really thought it was just a prank or what but damn, it was real. it feels like a fever dream. sorry for being overwhelmed, its not everyday that i get treated like this. and its like a breath of fresh air from my last experience nga manguyab dayon, this time gusto lang jud niya iingon.
actually idk what will happen after this, what now? i mean i think its not that im not ready, maybe its because im scared. who knows? its too early for me to think abt this. u know what, i really prayed last night abt this, and also last last night. i really sensed something was abt to happen and i asked guidance on what to do after. but i think He wants me to think this through muna, we have all the time in the world and if its us then kami jud. lets just see where the wind blows us.
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russenoire · 11 months
some points raised by AI advocates that made me stroke my chin and maybe even empathize a tiny bit.
idk, but i like nuance and think it gets elided easily in online discussions. i do not think these below are GOOD justifications, ever, for plundering the hard work and talent of human artists using AI to make art for profit, but they're valid points.
some people tempted by or who make AI art
don't want to take the time to 'git gud, n00b' because they emphatically do not enjoy the process of sucking at shit until they don't suck. and this includes those who might be interested in taking the time, but look at everything they feel might be required and think: 'i could go to film or art school for 3+ years or i could spend 30 minutes tailoring a midjourney prompt.' i kinda get this one, tbh. artistic skill is hard-won whether you're formally trained or not. i am untrained; i would say self-trained. but i never stopped drawing as a child like most people do. something visually and mentally clicked for me, something that i couldn't even articulate until i read drawing on the right side of the brain in my 20s, that allowed me to jump over the initial 'why can't i just draw what i SEE AAAAKSHDKF' hurdle. maybe this is what 'talent' actually means? that early mental/visual shift—where you come to see the world and things in it as a collection of shapes, lines, planes, lights, darks, color blocks, mostly divorced from context or meaning—is present in others like myself, and it does smooth your path. adults just draw for two, three, four years, compare themselves to people who felt some version of that aforementioned shift and/or went to art school, and conclude that they 'have no talent'. while that understandably feels like a long-ass time to go nowhere fast, three years really isn't a lot of time for organic, undirected skill development. i'm serious. inventing the wheel by yourself takes fucking forever; my drawings didn't stop sucking until i was around 11 or 12. that's half my childhood. easily. but actually taking classes or diving into hardcore study? can and will drastically shorten that time. the progress i've seen competent drawing teachers achieve with their students in weeks or months, or artists on youtube who do frequent, deliberate practice in a year is not a miracle. real progress is attainable within a reasonable fucking frame of time IF YOU WANT IT.
really, really aren't satisfied with art that looks bad to them and still want to realize their ideas. and i'm talking crying themselves to sleep over the mismatch between their own skills and said ideas. that frustration is REAL and a version of it is actually a huge factor in why children stop drawing. see all of the above. i don't know how to ease the pain of that skill mismatch. me, i sat with a lot of frustration for a long time; hell, I STILL DO. i think i'd still be halfway decent at lineart and intimidated by actually painting it if i hadn't just started pushing myself to fucking PAINT already, even if it looked really basic. being simultaneously OK with whatever you can do right now and still striving to improve is emotionally difficult. and i know it hurts to have a really cool idea and feel blocked from making it real, especially if you're just not there yet. 'THEN JUST COMMISSION AN ARTIST,' i can hear you artists screaming from the ether. yo. artists are expensive. we are, and we kinda need to be to make a decent living or a feasible side hustle (i'm not going to get into artists underselling themselves). i do think most folks in this boat are not greedy tech bros, just ordinary working class folks who want beauty that is good enough without having to shovel over half a week's paycheck for it. to which i would also argue... dude, you can just save up, too.
often only recognize certain styles of painting (realism or hyperrealism; super-glossy, shiny, high contrast digital painting) as art and want to make art like THAT. putting aside the fact that art is all-encompassing and literally anything can be art, paintings in realistic styles are what i would argue most lay people think of as capital-A art. there is a reason why dictators tend to discourage or prohibit non-realist art; why the early USSR and CPC commissioned bright realist murals everywhere; why more abstract art didn't really catch fire in the western world until the advent of photography. people can see themselves and their history, represented in full color and often writ large. that's fucking powerful and sometimes lost, i think, on those of us who see things differently. but that kind of art is even more out of reach for the lay person who wants it. it takes far longer to make and train for, and artists who work in a realistic style can and do command stupid money. not everyone has that kind of patience or pockets that deep.
firmly believe that some people have more talent than others, so skill development doesn't matter. these are usually the people i mentioned in my first point, who've actually tried for months or years to git gud but never knew how or what to practice. they've been exposed to lots of people their age who felt the shift™ and can't really explain their faster improvement. if you know this feel, gentle reader, and have no clue what's actually happening, i understand why you might throw in the towel. US culture in particular is terrible at growing and nurturing talent of all kinds, and artists don't often share the hours they're actually pouring into improving specific skills. 'talent' by itself is fucking useless; a person who is willing to work at continual improvement will mop up the floor with someone who doesn't think they need to build skill. artists know this. and if you don't feel that shift as a kid, you can learn how to unlock it as an adult.
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hhello this is mun of ask cynical green friends and i just (sob) please never stop writinf people cute tags your reblog made my day
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Hi!!! Below is a long ramble of how much I love yall even if Aesop doesn’t and everyone knows how much mun talks in the tags and here in general so to avoid the clutter I just hid it all under here. 
Tl;dr: Thank you for supporting my blog and I’m so glad that I’m able to spread the love back around ^^ :3
Is it time for mun to insert herself here HAHAHAH BUT YES thank you so much for visiting my blog. I’ve done ask blogs in the past and most of them died cos ppl stopped caring OOPS but this is the most active and interactive and welcoming fandom I’ve stepped into (or made an ask blog for) and I’m so so glad I did, I got to meet so many wonderful people. 
I MISSED MY POINT OK SO THE POINT IS I’ve been ghosting around for a bit before I made this blog so I actually,,,, knew,,,, and saw a lot of these blogs as SENPAIS (I was going to list a few but it was going to get long because I didn’t want to leave anyone out -which I will lmao there’s so many- and I was going to write a long ass comment for each of them on what I love about their blog asdsjalfdfg ITS GONNA BE WAY TOO LONG BUT KNOW THAT I,, LOVE,,) AND omg I got sidetracked again POINT IS when I see all these familiar urls following this lil blog and liking my lil posts I just,,,, explodinate,,,, senpais have noticed me,,,,,,,,,,, im cri,,,,,,
Ok,,, ok,,, i forgot what i was gonna say,,,, I still can’t believe so many senpais noticed me its overwhelming, and being an awkward shy bean im,, so honoured…. Truly….. Cries… UHHHH OH YA SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @ask-cynical-green-friends SINCE THEY BE HERE can I just say in case you haven’t realized UR ONE OF MY SENPAIS HAIIIIIII ya ok ((im taking a long and hard guess at who the mun is… squints into the distance… but im normally very bad with guesses so never mind :,,,D)) so like my reblog right,,,,, you know how you see something for what it’s worth and in your head you have like a 5 page essay (or somewhere close) on how incredibly exquisite and captivating it is but when it comes out of your monkey mouth its like Art,,, Gud,,, YA OK THATS HOW I FELT WHEN TYPING IN THE TAGS also i did it during lecture LOL LMAO really there’s a lot I admire your blog for your fun replies and how well you interact with other blogs!! Really though I get the feeling that everyone loves you (AND SO DO I LESS THAN THREE) and its just heartwarming to see all that on your blog. ALSO the art ok I’ve said it before but the art,,, I feel like the brush that you use really helps to define your style (WHICH IS AMAZING BTW NEVER STOP) and I T  S O F T,,, I feel like the brush really brings out the distinctiveness of your style like it’s on the sketchy side, like a very refined single line sketch does it make sense, which I love which I feel makes the shading blend into the drawings very well. The choice of colours,,, add to the softness around the sharper lines that you use. I personally don’t like green but the shades you use,,,, I like,,, and hhhhhhhhhHHHHH MONKEY MOUTH PLS IM TRYING TO EXPRESS MY ADORATION FOR THIS BLOG THAT IVE LURKED ON FOR A WHILE 
I really,,, talk a lot ahahaha,,,, I like how you can see how I got less and less coherent over this readmore HAHAHAH BUT YES OK I love all of yall ok ok
Also since I did this for this lovely and absolutely amazing blog which I love and adore very very much I would also like to do it for other blogs that I’ve probably ghosted and quietly admired (you have no idea how long it took me to find the courage to set up this blog so I was really ghosting all over the fandom here). SO!! Like I said in my tl;dr, drop me a
Again thank you so much for taking time to visit my humble blog and to read all the things I have to say and I really really really am thankful to all of you who helps me keep torturing Aesop this blog alive
#unconcerned ramblings#hi its tag time HAHAHAHA#i really like talking a lot in the tags#its like there.... but not really there at the same time#i feel like its the extras or bloopers portion of a movie or something#so i can say whatever i want here#without interferring too much with the main post#anyway normally i would try to reply to things in order#and i really am trying very hard to space all my posts out#i was like ok one post a day#checks my drafts: 8#uh ok 2 a day then#BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT im just gonna push this right out first#im also wondering whens a good time to reply to a reply#i do want to get back to ms aurora the seamstress that reply is like a cliffhanger i need to follow up but#i dont really know when to do it????#I WILL DO IT SOON I PROMISE#also i hope you see how much i love using commas to emphasize my weird ass dramatic pauses which i cant do in tags#fun fact i want to get gud as a hunter so i can become a friendly hunter lol lmao#idk where this is coming from but i really want to get gud at this blog so i can show others some love too n let more ppl see it#does that make sense??? lmao#even if i cant achieve the former i hope that at the very least i can do the latter#i dont even know if this is being too pretentious??? im still a relatively new blog tbh should i be doing this so early???#but i do want to do this i feel bad for ghosting but i really dont have the courage to directly drop an ask or anything even on anon#like ill start asking is my question good?? has it been answered before??? whats an interesting question to ask???#starting this blog was really a huge step for me i spent hours crafting small asks to a couple of blogs like for joseph mun#because i really really really felt unworthy like i am a blog that just popped out from the ghost realm#so im really really really thankful to all who paid my ask box a visit#im trying to drop more ppl asks tho!! im gonna get there someday#also ask box is always open wink wink wink blink
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hikasufumiko · 3 years
Fic Recs
- Yours for the weekend ('tis the damn season) (IwaOi)
- Illusion of Choice (KyouHaba)(Side IwaOi)(DUDE THIS FIC CHANGED MY LIFE AND IT WAS WORTH IT 😭💖)
- The Way Home (IwaOi)
- Igniting Fires (SEIJOH-)(AGHHH THIS IS SO GOOD I CANT WORDS CAN'T DESCRIBE AHHHH ❤️)(read “The Way Home” first)
- When I Leave Here Tomorrow (IwaOi)
- It's different, on the other side of the world (IwaOi)
- When I Leave Here Tomorrow (IwaOi)
- Getting There (IwaOi)
- Special Request (IwaOi)
- have mercy on me (IwaOi)
- Winner Takes it All (IwaOi)
- Molten on the linoleum (IwaOi)
- Love Letter Déjà-vu (IwaOi)
- The Way He Looks At You (IwaOi)
- The Only One (IwaOi)
- For Just a Moment (A White Sky) (IwaOi)
- Duel of the Fates (IwaOi)
- In This Same Space (stay for a minute) (IwaOi)
- Seijoh Inc. (IwaOi)
- galaxies, within you (IwaOi)
- Without Giving Anything Away (IwaOi)
- nothing half so sweet (IwaOi)
- The Magic Creampuff of Destiny (IwaOi)
- Iwaoi's Hogwarts Adventures (IwaOi)
bad coffee & lemon bars  (IwaOi)
- Oikawa's 8 (IwaOi)
- Swap My Love With Yours (You’re the Only One For Me) (IwaOi)
- Piece Of Cake   (IwaOi)
- drawn to you (IwaOi)
- drawn together (part 2 of the drawn to you) (IwaOi)
- send your cutest delivery boy (IwaOi)
- love me truly (madly, deeply) (IwaOi)
- We're No Strangers to Love (IwaOi)
- paralyzed, paralyzed, p-p-p-paralyzed (IwaOi)
- I'll find my way to you (Oiiwa) (Tattoo Artist Oikawa and Florist Iwa)
- yellow white red(camellia/gardenia) (Oiiwa/Iwaoi)(FLORIST IWA)
- Supernanny: Iwaizumi Edition (Oiiwa/IwaOi) (istg U REALLY NEED TO READ THIS LOL)
- The Cat That's Not (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(Iwa as a cat i-)(this changes my perspective on animals and animals in pet stores so I LOVE THIS HAH xD)
- Yeah, Just Twenty. (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- Seijoh Sweets: Aoba Johsai Artisinal Bakery (IwaOi, KyouHaba, MatsuHana)(HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO FUNNY especially the MatsuHana one-)
- i never liked sweets until you sugarcoated my teeth (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Stay Another Second (Or Maybe Forever)(IwaOi)
- Food for the Heart (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- Something in Our Pockets ( Maybe Paper Planes) (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(Journalist iwa and air steward oikawa-)
- right where you belong (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(meeting in the E.R/A&E AU)
- i'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you (single parent iwa-)(Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- iwa-chan from target (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(idk why but i love flustered iwa xD)
- Mind Reader (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- The PDA jar (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- we could be the greatest team (Oiiwa/IwaOi) (competitive oihana and lovely matsuiwa xD)
- Wingman Watari (Every seijoh ships xD)
- Dinner and a Movie (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- until the sky opens up (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(dense iwa xD)
- chasing gold (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(when i tell you this fic changed my life-)
- Hands to yourself (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- 「わたしをみて」look at me. (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- i will always love you (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- Lubricus (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(resemblance to hq quest but only iwaoi :'))
- The Knight and The Sea (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- The Last King (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Conquering the Great King (IwaOi)(istg its gud my god-)
- don't blame me for falling (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(five times oiks got jealous 👀)
- given (Oiiwa/IwaOi)
- How to choose a gift (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(“I don’t need any fancy presents when I have you in my life.”)
- me. my boyfriend. and his 500 dollar 4 ft tall godzilla (Oiiwa) (THIS IS SO PURE 💫)
- Ignite the Sky (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Dragon Iwa and Human Oikawa AU)
- The Tendou Incidents (UshiTen)
- TiMER Series (IwaOi/Oiiwa) (from the creator of Illusion Of Choice 👀)
- A Sudden Shift (MatsuHana)
- A Mishap Or Two Will Lead Me To You (MatsuHana)(vet mattsun uvu)
- Into The Ocean (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Has Had Quite Enough (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(ISTG THIS IS SUCH A FUNNY FIC BAHAH 😂❤️)
- Float Among The Stars (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(now the title is “When In Space”)
- Hanamaki's "IwaOi" Notebook (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Iwaizumi pulled off a reverse uno; AHHH THIS FIC IS SO HEARTWARMING AND THE ENDING IS MWAH MWAH LOVE YOU SJSHSH ITS A BLESSING FROM HEAVEN!!)
- If I Fall For You (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Park Ranger Iwa 🤭)
- dancing with our hands tied (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(IDOL OIKAWA and Non-Showbiz Iwa 🤩)
- Room 505 (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- April 10th (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(Orange x Haikyuu Crossover!!)(when i said this fic made my eyes filled with tears im not joking-)
- dyspnea/arrhythmia (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(MEDICAL AU!!!!)(i love how they headcanon iwa being good with kids as a paeds (paediatrician))
- Hanamaki Disease (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Read this when you’re sad trust me)
- The Loyalty of a Traitor (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Mafia/Yakuza AU!!)
- All this time, I have been yours (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(Hanahaki Disease Iwaizumi)
- Thus With a Kiss... (IwaOi)(Theatre AU)
- A Bond Transcending Reality (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince Iwaizumi and Knight Oikawa)
- If There’s Anything Worth Dying For, (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Pirate AU)
- The Things We Do For Home (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince Iwaizumi and Wizard Oikawa)
- In Plain Sight (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince Iwa)
- Even the Sun Says Goodbye (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince iwa) (god i feel like im falling into the prince iwa au hole xD)
- When Two Sides Collide (IwaOi/Oiiwa) (Prince Iwaizumi and Prince Oikawa (villain ish oikawa per se) UvU)
- How to Kidnap a Prince (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince Iwa and Dark Warlock Oiks)
- conqueror of hearts (IwaOi/Oiiwa) (Prince Iwaizumi)(Royalty AU UvU)(This fic gives me extra serotonin boost ❤)
- till lies do us part (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- make a choice (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Long Live the King (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(prince iwa and guard oikawa)
- The Space Between Us (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Astronaut Oikawa 🤩)(WHAT A PLOT TWIST- NO WORRY NOBODY DIED SJSJ)
- Playing Doctor (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Doctor Iwa)
- Meet me on the other side (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(exorcist iwa and ghost oikawa)
- Appears So Rushed (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(ghost oikawa)
- to the resident ghost (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(ghost oikawa)
- The Logistics of Loving a Ghost (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(ghost oikawa)
- A Second Chance (Daisuga with a hint of IwaOi)
- Wedding Ring (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(post time skip)
- iced lattes & photographs (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(college au)(barista iwa and Photographer oikawa)
- boyfriend (can you imagine?) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(college au)
- love notes in the kitchen (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(food critic oikawa and chef iwa)(this is soooo kyuteee wthhh TvT)
- Seijou Drabbles (Collection of Seijou's drabbles and ficlets uvu)
- The Great Photo Race (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- the truth is out there (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(iwa works at NASA)
- speak now or forever hold your peace (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(‘this person just fell asleep on me in the subway but they’re cute so whatever’ AU)
- Six-Month Lover (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Moments in Oikawa’s journey to win over his best friend’s love: the sad, the happy, and everything in between.)
- How to Fully Enjoy the Perks of Being Iwa-chan's Boyfriend (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Ten privileges of being Iwaizumi's boyfriend: a guide by Oikawa Tooru)
- Coffee King (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(college au)
- bring me the night (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(fantasy au)(vampire oikawa)
- Ride or Die (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Cars AU)(racing au)
- Stardust (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(college au)
- Sendai Drift (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(street racer au)(inspired by fast and furious)
- Water Fountain (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- to be first, to be best (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- The Care and Keeping of Your Ghost Boyfriend (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Ghost Oikawa)
- all in due time (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Time Travel AU)
- Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Out Of A Plastic Bag (MatsuHana)
- Oikawa's Eleven (IwaOi)
- it's like the hunger games, but better (All of the seijoh gen xD)
- online basics (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- you're so golden (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(arg oikawa and iwa is in jpn :'))
- The Weekend (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Before He Wakes (Oiiwa)
- School Nights & Car Rides (Oiiwa)
- so long we reveled in the spotlight (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- i don't like a gold rush (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- scrambled eggs for breakfast (Oiiwa)
- Desperado (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- regret me not (Oiiwa/IwaOi)(iwa having a cancer- and oikawa fighting for love-)
- as luck would have it (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(miraculous au)
- The Courage of Stars (MatsuHana)
- Even Though it All Went Wrong (MatsuHana)
- Brazen Love in Space (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(alien!iwa and alienfanboy!oikawa xD)
- Confessions and Killers (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(police!iwa and yakuza!oikawa)
- A Wild Goose Chase (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(police!iwa and yakuza!oikawa)
- We'll Figure It Out Together (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(police iwa and lawyer oikawa)
- The daisies we saw that day (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(lung cancer oikawa- ANGST)
- The Seijoh Cuties Groupchat (Seijoh4)(Chatfic!!)
- stars around my scars (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- the chrysanthemum looking glass (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Prince Oikawa and Guard Iwa)
- all that's left (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Zombie Apocalypse AU!!)
- What You Came For (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Police AU)
- love-love (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(college au!!)
- this won't take long our reign is done (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(seijoh nostalgia TvT)
- let's get married (i don't wanna walk alone) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(WEDDING AU!! AND SOME CANON COMPLIANT)
- starlight and star-crossed (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(THERES WEDDING AU)
- Talk Shit, Get Hit (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Unromantic (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(drabbles about proposals 👀)
- yes-man (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(they are on a vacay)
- Storms and Starlight (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(STAR WARS AU)
- Close to the Chest (KyouHaba)
- Beat of your Drum (KyouHaba)(sequel to Close to the Chest;Kyoutani's pov)
- Hajime (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Mothra (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(pet parent iwa xD)
- Haikyuu X Hospital AU - Something about you (Ship OneShots)
- A God for Every Season (MatsuHana)(Greek mythology au)
- stranger danger (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- national hot dad alliance is now calling... (THE TEAM CAPTAINS)
- Boundaries (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(friends with benefits)
- Impromptu (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(In which Iwaizumi Hajime gets stood up by his date and an unlikely person becomes the savior of his night.)
- Candy Apples (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Oikawa and Iwaizumi meet on a ferris wheel when paired up to sit together.)
- all the pretty little horses (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(iwa is an elementary teacher 👀)
- Sleep on the Couch; Or Not (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Vampire Oiks)
- The Fault In Our Cup (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(coffee date!)
- Color Me Red (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(painter!iwaizumi and architect!oikawa)
- Wolf Husbands and How to Deal with Them, A Memoir by Oikawa Tooru (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(wolf iwa)
- Cassiopeia (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Right On Time (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Conspiracy (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Iwaizumi and Oikawa have very different ideas on what Netflix and Chill means.)
- rich boy, poor boy (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(oiks is literally the definition of ikemen here)
- quiet game (Oiiwa)
- To Catch a Kumo (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(superhero/journalist au)
- fake it till we make it (KyouHaba)
- Perpetual-Foot-In-Mouth Disease Ft. Iwaizumi Hajime (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- King of the Jungle (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(kindergarten AU!!)(ngl the storyline here is AWESOME and it suits them!!)
- Piano Man (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(bartender iwa and pianist oikawa!!)
- sweet sun, send me the moon (Oiiwa)(THIS IS SO CUTE)
- The Head that Wears the Crown (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Royalty AU)
- Hell Mission (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(SpyAgent!Iwa and VolleyballPlayer!Oikawa)(that one fic from tumblr Kiviont's lil' comic)
- Pride and Power (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Yakuza AU)(Spinoff from The Loyalty of a Traitor)
- please disregard my house of cards (built from mistakes) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(They both really like plants!)(college au)
- antlers grown, must be shed. (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Time loop au)
- seven stitches (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Halloween)(vamp oiks and zombie iwa)
- Six Sessions (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(therapy session)
- forever is a long time, but i wouldn't mind (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(werewolf iwa)(Halloween)(from the collection of  Iwaoi: Monsters and Supernatural)
- IwaOi Horror Week '18 (collections)
- waitin' on the love of a travelin' sailor (sharpshooter iwa and pro volleyball oiks)
- Moral Ambiguity (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(psychologist oiks and serial killer iwa)
- Seven of Hearts (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Alice in Borderland au)
- and then they were three (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- bookmarks (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Desk worker iwa and university student oikawa)(UNI AU!!)
- even when you hold my hand (i just feel alone, feel alone) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- read it and weep (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- if you wanna be (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(matchmaking!)
- plus one (MatsuHana)
- my heart beats for contract law (MatsuHana)(law student Makki)
- Memories of Him (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Historian Oikawa and Vampire Iwa)
- Graffitiing Our Hearts (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Chance Meetings, Nostalgia)
- But I got cat class and I got cat style (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- In April (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(oblivious oiks)
- Lost in Translation (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Praise Be (Oiiwa)
- The Destruction of Block City (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(childhood!!)(SO CUTE)
- 3.5 millimeters (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Flash Point (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(angst with a happy ending)
- Super Spy Husbands (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Fernweh (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(In which Oikawa's whole life is spent longing for the horizon — in the form of a dream, a home, and a boy.)
- other half (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(After eighteen years of a shared existence, Oikawa and Iwaizumi finally unearth long-established feelings.)
- Cup of sugar (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Tooru and Hajime go long-distance, and Hajime contemplates whether he's accidentally become a sugar baby.)
- Soul searching (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(it takes Oikawa approximately a year in Argentina to figure out that he’s free to explore who he truly is.)
- achilles wept (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Achilles Oikawa and Patroclus Iwa)
- setter dumped (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Oikawa got dumped by his girlfriend)
- Bet I Can (Oiiwa)(straight up smut)
- You Can Do Better Than That (Oiiwa)
- My First and Last (Oiiwa)
- Let Me Tell You (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Literally Step On Me (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Main Attraction (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- lucky number 13 (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(12 times Oikawa proves his love to Iwaizumi and 1 time Iwaizumi does.)
- Squats and Milkshakes (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Shatter the Heavens (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(ANGST)
- talking to the moon (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Missing AU)
- kissing booths for the phenomenal (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Jealous Oiks)
- eyes across the room (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Fem Iwa and Oiks)
- i ♡ to make boys cry (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Some Boys Do (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Kiss Me With the Lights Off (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- A (Not So) Normal Couple (Oiiwa)(Vampire Oikawa)
- reflection (Oiiwa)(Insecure Iwa)
- I didn't choose you then (but I do now) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Yakuza AU)(Arranged Marriage)
- Best Friend (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)
- drunk in love and on love (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)(College AU?)
- He’s not any Different, Right? (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)(Iwa confessed to oikawa. With the help of a cAT-)
- the stars can't compare (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(somewhat drunk Iwa)
- Drunk Iwa-chan (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Unfair (Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)(FLUFF- ITS SOO GOOOD❤️)(Iwa has a hand kink)
- i'll drink the thoughts of you away (or not) (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(slight angst?)(drunk Iwa)
- coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)(college au)
- What We Plant, What Grows (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)(mention of ushijima)
- I Could Give You a Massage? (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Drunk Iwa)
- See You In Hell, Old Friend (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(drunk iwa)(CRACK-)
- 20 Questions: Exes Play Truth or Drink (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Pro volleyball player oiks and university student iwa)
- Polar Positions (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Inseparable (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Marriage Proposal)(family blessing)
- shots to my heart (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(bartender oiks)
- emerald (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Mention of mafia)
- most people never even get a single high school rival (IwaOi/Oiiwa)
- Train Ride (Oiiwa)
- Tooru 4 You (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(Politics!AU)(candidate oikawa and campaign manager iwa!!)
- i'll fall with gravity (IwaOi/Oiiwa)(secretary/assistant AU)(superheroes)
- love me long, keep me warm, be my sunlight (Oiiwa)(just iwa having a bad day and oikawa is there to love him ❤️)
u can see that theres some things i wrote, well thats just my before and after thoughts of reading them :P (and trust me all of this is very awesome) I reccommend you all to read the fic’s tags so you don’t dive in too carelessly
Also, if the links isn’t visible here, just click my blog 
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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magicrainbowkitties · 3 years
So (not-so) quick thing... Scarecrow.
Obviously, Crane developed his fear toxin as a way to study fear and its effects on the psyche. He can do this because he's both a master biochemist and an accomplished psychiatrist. In most canons, he's obsessed with using fear to control people, and takes sadistic pleasure in watching people loose their minds while high on his drug.
I find this motivation boring as sin. Wow, you use fear to make people do what you want? And you don't even get cool superpowers and a shiny ring (except when he did but that's for another day), you're just some mad scientist with a hard-on for watching people be miserable? Damn, bro, where I seen that before...
*side-eyeing 80% of DC villains, who are mad scientists with a hard-on for watching people be miserable*
Not to say that I find Crane uninteresting, far from it! As with all the Gotham Rogues, he's absolutely committed to The Aesthetic. His motto is clearly "Every day is Halloween," and I completely agree. He's got a relatable backstory (for me at least, whaddup fellow burnout gifted kids with religious trauma?), and uses his villainy as an unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with his trauma (which is the one part of his motivation that is actually interesting to me). Also, I love that while he's extremely academically talented, he relies on his social intelligence far more to carry out his agenda, even though he's very much on the "I hate people please go away" side of things. It's terribly interesting to me when these aspects of his personality work into each other and create a relatable yet threatening villain.
But far too often, he's just written as a one-note sadist whose only job is to go "HAHA DANCE FOR ME PLEBES FOR I AM THE MASTER OF FEAR" while Batman swoops in, beats him up, and saves the day.
Or, even worse, he's given the Modern Riddler treatment of "Lol look at this nerd. He wants to fight the Bat but can't even throw a punch! He's gotta hide behind his gas to win, but Batman's a badass so he can just magically get over it and knock him on his ass cause in reality, he's the one who's scared."
That stuff's just bullshit, y'know? Sure, I'm all for villains pathetically cowering for their lives and all, that's some gud shit, but there comes a point where it's EVERY SINGLE STORY Crane's written in. He has so much potential to be fun, relatable, philosophical and interesting, but in order to do that, writers would have to actually think more about WHY he does what he does, outside of research and sadism. Oh, and they'd have to take their focus off the Clown Prince of Cash and admit that he stole a bunch of Crane's shtick.
Hell, you could even give him a "paved with good intentions" type motivation. Like, maybe he developed fear toxin as a kind of exposure therapy to help people overcome their trauma by experiencing it passively, but because Gotham Sux (TM), he couldn't get the funding and/or the approval from official channels for it because "hallucinogens bad" (reflecting real-world psychiactrics discourse today, as hallucinogens have been proven to help those with anxiety, PTSD, depression, and other related illnesses, but because War On Drugs, most people think all of 'em are dangerous and deadly). So, he turned to crime, using the toxin itself to get what he needs to continue his work. But that's a slippery slope, and before he knows it he's cast as a villain and thrown into Arkham with all the people he was trying to help, forever branded a scary freak the world would be better off without.
All because he tried to help.
Sure, it's cliche as sin, and I'm sure I could find hundreds of fan works describing this exact scenario, but for real... Isn't that way more interesting than "lol he's just a sadist with a god complex?" I like to think so, at least.
Idk man I just really hate it when a side character's potential is absolutely smothered in favor of the main character's, especially in the case of Batman. Like, the most interesting thing about Batman is the villains he fights, and half the time the interesting parts of those villains are funneled into Big Clown. The other half, they're sacrificed altogether because gods forbid Batman be vulnerable or admit that his villains might actually... *gasp*... have a point.
To see the amazing potential of a character like Jonathan Crane be absolutely tossed aside makes my blood boil.
Truly, we live in the darkest timeline.
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My thoughts on all the Mystic messenger characters and their routes :
Ok, last week I finished playing the mystic messenger game. I completed all the routes, DLCs etc. And, OMG, WHAT A RIDE WAS THAT ! . It doesn't have any appealing plot like other otome games, but this game sure did capture my heart,which most of the otome games fail to do so. The fact I could relate to some of the characters, I felt bad for them, concerned, weirded out at times , and so happy when they changed into a happy person because of me. The game deserves all the praise it gets, 10/10 👍
In this post, I will give my rating based on my playthrough for each character, and I will also say who is my true route as well, i.e, the route I fell in love the most, And please remember, these are based on MY opinions alone, please don't come at me, if it doesn't match yours 👀, Feel free to share your opinions about the characters as well & this post is way long beware ~☆
My playthrough order : I followed the recommended playthrough to get a clear picture of the storyline.
Zen 》Yoosung》 Jaehee》 Jumin 》 Seven》 V 》 Ray.
And for your kind information, I never played this game to get a bad ending, i didn't want to hurt those precious fictional characters just for getting one CG 🤐, but I do know what happens
SPOILER FREE!, I will be just giving MY OWN ratings , except for the rika part lol don't worry, ladies.!
Anyways, let's just jump into it ;),
Zen 🤍:
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His route : 9/10 ( not the best route, but I liked it anyways, as he is my 1st route)
His character: 8/10 ( I don't like narcissism or narcissistic people, I know it was his coping mechanism, but I kind of dislike those type of men, his attitude in Jumin's route, kinda pissed me off apart from that , he is great ! )
Is he my true route ? : NO, I don't like guys who are narcissistic, I understand that that its was his coping mechanism, to make him believe in himself, but still being narcissistic all the time is not ok, I have a bad memory because of those type of guys, moreover, I am not that confident irl 😂 , I mean the MC in Zen's route,will have to say lots of weird ass choices, and the fact that will impress him⁉️, i wouldn't even say those choices irl to anyone . I wouldn't mind being friends with him though. He is definitely the ideal BF material, but he is just isn't for me..Sorry, Zen.😅
Yoosung 💚 :
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His route : 9/10 ( apart from the "You are just like Rika", I personally enjoyed his route, the character development was the best at the end 👌)
His character : 9/10 (OMG! He is just so cute, I am not the one to get attracted to the 'younger guy' type, but this guy just changed everything for me, but he needs lots of attention , beware, yandere yoosungs will pop out if u don't care about him enough, and the fact this guy was the only one who was supportive for Jumin's relationship with MC in Jumin's route , showed how much of a cutie he is!, unlike others 😒, he was a bit annoying in V's route, but it is understandable, he deserves to knw the truth about the person who he admires )
Is he my true route ? : Kind of a YES & a NO. Eventhough I enjoyed his route more than Zen, like I said earlier I am not into those 'younger guy' type, he is a guy who loves to be babied and protected by a mature MC , and well...I am not that mature either 😛,in reality, I am a independent person, but when it comes to relationships, i liked to be babied 😏. I personally think he deserves someone better than me, I don't want to ruin his happiness 🥺
Jaehee 🤎 :
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A friend in need is a friend indeed, my bae,Jaehee! 😄
Her route : 7/10 ( ok, I am gonna be honest here, I did not enjoy her route, I was happy that she realized her dreams and goes for it, but do we have to ruin a character just for making this route dramatic? Yes, I am talking about Jumin, Do u guys even know, how much I struggled to even start Jumin's route, I was literally scared of him because of his potrayal in this route as that jerk which he was btw,this route actually made me avoid Jumin for sometime.I expected the relationship between Jumin and Jaehee to become a healthy one, but oh well, whatever, & the after ending was just frustrating,all the RFA members just isolated Jumin, seriously, eventhough he did wrong things ,I felt so bad for him, imagine his thoughts at that moment , ugh...Jaehee deserves a better route, I am just not a fan of 'downgrading one character to give more importance to the main one', it's just bad writing)
Her character : 8/10 ( she is an amazing friend, a bit mature one at that. But personally i felt , if she really wanted to pursue her dreams ,she could have resigned, if she is not liking it . She was behaving a bit ignorant at times, especially in Zen's route. She could have communicated with Jumin beforehand about her difficulty in handling the job? I knw it's very difficult to suddenly quit the job, but she has every right to resign,she does have the money to open a coffee shop, thn why?. Don't come at me, and tell me that I hate her just because she is a female character,HELL NO, I like her but still her route made me have mixed feelings. She was being rude at times , I really understood why CHERTIZ did this, to show women can liberate themselves to work for their dreams, but in a professional point of view, I still think the route could have been handled better. Small businesses success isn't as easy to get, and in my point of view it would have been nice to show how MC and Jaehee make it through in her route rather than making Jumin a jerk, because it ruined Jumin at first for not only me but also a number of players ,but oh well,🏃‍♀️, I do like her, she could be a great friend, nothing more that that )
Is she my true route? : NO, I am straight. I see Jaehee as a friend. Some ask a romantic route for her, but I don't mind about that , I was just glad that I could help her to realize her dreams as a FRIEND.
Jumin 💜 :
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I don't see a selfish jerk here, I see a soft boi , in a gigantic body, who is just lonely
His route : 10/10 ( Seriously, I did not expect to like his route one bit, I thought I would hate him more, but turns out, I freaking fell in love with the flawed "him" , HECK YEAH! this was the only route where i was being TRUE TO MYSELF, did not refer any guides, understood his loneliness, I could relate to him so bad, I was happy to help him during his vulnerable times 🤧.Zen was annoying ,but I didn't care much about it, because I knw why he was like this. I prefer the good ending, and yes he does propose for marriage to whom he have talked for only 11 days, but I was very sure he will listen to you, if u don't want the marriage immediately )
His character : 9/10 ( He is so cute in his own way,mature, intelligent,awkward and even gets insecure,because he thinks he does not deserve you?! , you deserve better than me ,Jumin 😫, he does get possessive and irrational and that could make others uncomfortable, but for me, I understood that as well, being an empath myself ,as this dude never had a relationship with anyone,he is new into this, I don't mind teaching him new things about the world, about love. His characterization in Jaehee's route was god awful and cheritz did a bad job in it , I think they decided to make him like this, just for DRAMA,Jumin might have a bad way of showing emotions but he is not a soul less demon. I have seen people calling Jumin an abuser, but I didn't see that at all, he was being an idiot and he acknowledges it, every damn time, an abuser doesn't do this at all, and no..I don't think Jumin is dominant daddy material one bit like how the fandom perceives him. This is his first relationship with a woman, I feel he would be sweet, embarrassed loving and a loyal husband material, and I love his "opposed to living together before marriage" thing as well, as my religion follows that too as well )
Is he my true route? : A. BIG. FAT. YES. HE IS JUST MY TYPE, dear lord. I have never seen someone so perfect and also with flaws just like me , this guy made me realize that all along, I just never showed empathy towards others and that's why no one wanted to talk to me irl, I didn't care what people told about me. He seriously made me understand my own flaws and I corrected it, he made me into a better person, big thx , Mr.Jumin . Morever , I was being myself in his route only, I loved all of his calls , he brings up the strangest things just to talk to you, that's just so cute WTH , this man will be so loyal I am sure of it !.I don't really care about his riches, I am just in love with his true self 😫🥺
707 ❤ :
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The main man of this game, hmmm....
His route : 7/10 ( ok, I was so hyped to play his route , cuz even before I started to play this game, 707 was so popular, I expected a lot, but it was a meh for me...he did have a VERY HEARTBREAKING PAST , he was suffering from a lot of things, I understand. But the whole route wasn't that gud though...and his secret endings are just painfully depressing and angsty, V's death just broke my heart, I felt so frickin bad for Jumin, how would he even handle those things?.It just destroyed me completely. Moreover I don't find 707's jokes funny at times, his route had good plot, but 707 failed to impress me in his own route)
His character : 7/ 10 ( oh boi,I am scared that I would be slaughtered with hatred for telling this, the fact that he was faking his own personality was very shocking to me, I did not expect that. I despise tsunderes ,and 707 is the literal definition of it, so yeah, It ended up being annoying for me. Even though I was hella depressed like 707 before, I couldn't find him #relatable at all. I don't knw why , but I couldn't see him more than a friend 🚶‍♀️)
Is he my true route? : NOPE. I was not impressed by him at all, don't knw why lol, I tried to like him as he is THE REAL TRUE ROUTE,but it is still not getting into my heart, maybe because I already started to love Jumin, idk. I felt bad for 707, I wouldn't mind helping him as a friend, but as a significant other...NAH....,I am not into these type of guys 🥴,sorry seven...
V 💙 :
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I can understand why Jumin and V were best friends...they be looking like DADDY 👀
His route : 8 /10 ( for me, I was happy that V finally understood that he was basically a obsessive simp for Rika, I hated that he blamed himself more, which somehow I agree, I feel like he could have said something to the RFA , yoosung was hella annoying in this route, he spoke as if Rika is an angel or something, which she is not btw, yoosung, she brainwashed saeran and freakin created a cult, and this is not something an angel would do 🥴, V is not just flawed or anything,he doesn't even love himself,and so clings to rika because she was so wonderful in her eyes as an idea .He kept the freakin truth hidden,just because Rika doesn't want to, of course, my baby,yoosung will ask about . V is too emotional,and he was a victim of rika's abuse and manipulation just like Saeran,I liked the plot and though I didn't fall in love with him , I did have a tinsy bit of crush on him, mainly because of his looks, more like a puppy love, the voice acting was on point 👌)
His character : 7/ 10 ( boi could have handled the situation with his crazy GF much better, he actually let Saeran get brainwashed by Rika, he could have done something, and the fact that he liked Rika only as an idea, showed that this guy was in a very toxic relationship, Rika and V are the perfect example of what happens when two people who doesn't love themselves date, and he was clearly the victim of Rika's abuse and manipulation. I also don't think he is an angel either, he has done some wrong things definitely, and the fandom should acknowledge his wrong doings)
Is he my true route? : NO. Though Jumin and V are very similar , I did not like the fact that he simped for his crazy GF out of his obsession alone and though, she was clearly showing red flags earlier, he thinks that the power of love can change her lol . He was so confusing for me to understand. 😂
Ray 💖 :
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His route : 10/10 ( The drama , the music, the plot & the voice acting was just fantastic, I was blown away by this route, but that doesn't mean I liked Saeran as a character, the boi needs therapy, not romance lol, sry,and the recovery from his brainwashed state was unrealistic )
His character : 7/10 ( seriously, the voice acting for both the personalities was just mind blowing, he is such a well written character, but his abandonment issues isn't something u should romanticize about, he loved the affection that the MC was giving , but one wrong move, he will change just like that , he confused affection with love. Some are telling that Jumin was abusive, which he is not btw , for me, suit Saeran was super abusive, WTH)
Is he my true route ? : HELL NO. Eventhough he was practically innocent because he was under the influence of that elixir or some kind of a drug and brainwashed by Rika , I would never in my life try to have a romantic relationship with those kind of people. I may like him after he receives proper therapy ,but NO, just No, I can help him as a person, but I wouldn't go for a kiss or something with him. 🙄
Rika 💔:
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This scene still gives me goosebumps 🙄
Her character : -infinity / 20 ( she deserves this uwu)
Ok, hear me out, I hate Rika so much , i know she has been through a lot, i really do.. but it doesn't mean you can emotionally abuse and brainwash Saeran, he would have been a better person,she turned a person who loves ice cream and cloud watching into a self destructive psycho, another story showed how much she is capable of by her words , She manipulated V to not tell RFA that she is gonna start a cult, WHAT THE HELL, V, do you not knw what she is trying to do here 😳 ? But whatever,V was being manipulated by her "playing as a victim" tactics, she also played with Jumin's feelings for her, I was about to throw my hands on her, how dare u do that to my man ??, made yoosung to obsess over her to make him think that she is absolutely a gud person, and left him to ponder over her so called 'passing' , making him unable to move on from her.
And oh god,the backstory did not make me feel bad for her one bit, it only made me understand why she has become like this. Like dude, I understood she had a shitty past, but so did the other members of RFA, but did they all become like a manipulative victim player? Hell no.. they learned from their mistakes and they change, but even when all the members were trying to help her, she denies that she doesn't need a therapy. She deserves a proper mental therapy and a proper jail time. NO EXCUSE FOR THAT, she did the same manipulation and brainwashing for all of her disciples to get them into Mint eye.
But as a character , Rika just rocked it for me , she was so successful in making me and a lot of the fans hate her as an antagonist. Her voice actor was so gud,she had such a good way of speaking manipulative, like God, I understood why all the RFA members were all kind of whipped for her, she is such a master piece as an antagonist. 🚶‍♀️🤫
Vanderwood 💞👀 :
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His character: 10/10 idk, why am I giving a rating for him though? I just love him 😂
Ok, I know he is a side character, but for some reason, I liked him more than 707 lol 👀, I just spoke with him only in one chatroom , but boi , was I whipped for him 😜
My favourite to least MM main characters and routes :
JUMIN - 19/20 ( 1st)
YOOSUNG - 18/20 (2nd)
ZEN & RAY - 17/ 20 ( 3rd)
V & JAEHEE - 15 / 20 ( 4th )
707 - 14 / 20 ( 5th, it's not that I hate him or something, it's just that I was neither IMPRESSED by his character nor the route, I don't mind him one bit! )
Rika -Though she doesn't have a route or a gud character she deserves a -infinity/20 ( and no place in my heart 🚶‍♀️)
Overall, this game is the best otome game ! , I actually paid for getting the hourglasses, I mean, I suck at patience, I was so intrigued by the story, but it was seriously worth it !. There are a number of otome games which charge more than this.
Thank you, Cheritz for creating Mystic messenger. This game totally changed how I perceived life, love ❤ and Romance 💕
113 notes · View notes
Read into Me Chapter 4: North and South
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 4,753
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, i reference the plot of Wuthering Heights and that has some icky stuff in it idk what to tag that though
Author’s Note: How’re you guys liking the series so far? I’m really enjoying it, I’d love to hear what you guys think, good or bad! Also, is over 4k too much for you guys? I used to strive to hit that mark when I first started but the fandom’s changed so much, I feel like an old fart lmao
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina​ @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary​ @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @unusuallchild @alwaysstressedout @linkispink1995​ @asharpkniffe​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @mochminnie​ @used-avocado​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​
You didn’t hear from Steve after that, save for him returning your essay with minimal markings and a graded ‘A’ on the top. He’d gone back to his people as quickly as he’d left them, letting Vicki talk his ear off from across the aisle. You didn’t mind too much, her voice was grating on the ear, but her hair was pretty and she actually seemed to ask him questions. You didn’t know why it mattered to you that she seemed genuinely interested in Steve, but you decided that he deserved someone who cared enough to know him. Everyone deserved someone who cared enough to know them. Tina just talked about herself for the whole class when everyone was supposed to be discussing the book at hand, Wuthering Heights, and it got very annoying. You just filled out your discussion questions and did your best to be invisible. No one seemed to notice except for Mr. Lawrence, who’d scolded you twice now for not participating in group discussions.
“I know that you know this stuff, but I can’t give you participation points if you don’t participate with others.” He handed you back your discussion sheet for chapter four. You’d gotten everything right; Mr. Lawrence was lobbing low balls at the class to try to get them to read the book. You didn’t change your tune; you didn’t want to talk to your peers. It didn’t matter anyway, no matter what you said to them you’d still write down the same answers and get the same grade.
You didn’t hear much about your failings to participate after he handed back your first essays. You weren’t surprised that you’d gotten a low ‘A’ on the paper; you hadn’t tried that hard on it. You noted that he’d given you a good grade on your editing, which Mr. Lawrence noted on the page that he could count it for your participation for the class, since you did so well with it. You couldn’t complain because it was a decent way to pass.
When the bell rang, you made your usual break for it, excited to be on your free period and free to sit in the sun for the afternoon. Tracy Lords was in Samantha’s gym class and with the weather so lovely they’d do class outside, giving you a chance to work on front profiles with her flat, pretty features.
Steve was dreading getting his paper back. He didn’t trust himself to get a decent grade and even with your help he was certain he’d pull above a ‘D’. Mr. Lawrence always handed out pairs face down, so no one got their grades till they were ready to flip over the page. This was the moment that he always dreaded. He found that it was easiest to rip it off like a Band-Aid, just flip it and see so it can be over. He never read comments, he just needed to know if he failed, but the bright red writing on the top of the page caught his eye immediately-‘I’m impressed, Mr. Harrington’ with a 81 percent seeping through to the back of the page. He stared at the grade until the bell rang, unsure if it was even real, if he was even awake. Once he woke up from his beautiful dream, he knew he had one thing to do.
He burst in the hallway like a golden retriever out an open gate, searching for you without really knowing where to begin. He spotted you at your locker. “Y/N!” he called. You flinched, your shoulders hunching into your neck. You could feel people looking at you, which turned you beet red, almost purple, from embarrassment. You didn’t move from your space, hoping that the tile under you would pull back into a trap door and make you disappear from the scene. It didn’t, of course, and Steve found you quickly.
“Look at this!” he held up his paper to you, beaming like a child. You looked at the paper slowly, taking in the grade and the note at the top of the page, then his face.
“Oh…that’s great.” You said, unsure how to really respond. How was supposed to respond to someone else’s B?
Steve didn’t take in your uncertainty, continuing on “Thank you,” he said earnestly, lowering his voice to add “This is probably the best grade I’ve ever gotten in that class.”
“I’m glad I could help.” You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in how you’d helped him out. Usually, the only people around that you could help was your grandparents with chores or Samantha with getting out of her house for an afternoon and while you enjoyed helping them out, you didn’t get the same joy from it, having done it for so long. Helping Steve made you feel full in a way.
Tommy Hanson had been trying to call the new kid, Billy, over to him when he saw the whole scene go down. And he didn’t like it. Not one bit. There was a hierarchy to Hawkins, rules to follow until you graduated and either solidified your choices or moved the hell out. Steve was popular, the home town hero, the sports star. That kind of power was not something to throw away on a little nobody. Tommy wished he could be that popular, to have that sort of accessibility and he got close when he kept his friends in the right station. Steve had already fucked up once, that little Nancy Wheeler bitch had already demoted him from sex god to weepy heartbroken sad boy, but that was still working for him. And he needed his backup plan to still be cool.
Tommy stalked up to Steve, throwing an arm over his shoulders. “Hey, dude, come over here, Stefanie Tomlinson’s panties are showing, you’ve gotta see this shit.” He whispered at him, loud enough to make you cringe and look away, turning back to your books and the stickers on your locker door.
“Dude, don’t be gross.” Steve said, turning his attention back to you “Like I said, thanks for the help.” Tommy kept trying to pull him away, but Steve was taller than him and harder to move around.
“Yeah, like I said, no biggie.” You kept your gaze firmly locked on your locker door. You refused to be mocked by Tommy Hanson. He practically pulled Steve away from you, looking you over with a sneer as they walked off. Tommy didn’t like you, which you already knew. It wasn’t easy for him to hide his hatred in a small town. You didn’t know why, but he’d always been like this, ever since you were kids. He used to push you into the mud and chase you off the swings in elementary school. Since you’d grown up, his cruelty had mostly subsided, but the animosity remained, especially after your mother had threatened his family with albeit an unrelated law suit, which succeeded in getting the whole family away from yours. That was the last helpful thing your mother had done for you.
Tommy kept his arm locked around his friend’s shoulders, escorting him away from potential social suicide. Steve held up his arms in defeat, laughing all the way. “Come on dude, she’s not anything to waste your time on.” Tommy said in a voice loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough to seem like a whisper.
You shrunk in place, unable to pull your eyes away from the scene, a silent plea echoing in your mind for him to look back if he wasn’t a dick head like Tommy, left unspoken but felt in the depths of your soul. You didn’t know why it hurt you as badly as it had; you knew in your head that he no better than his friends. But your heart had hoped that he was different, that he could be better than him. You turned away before it hurt too badly, collecting your books in your arms and rushing off towards your spare period, hoping to find a bit of quiet to recover from what you’d just experienced.
Steve turned back to see you walking away, his laughter dying in his throat, what Tommy said bouncing around his mind. As soon as Tommy released him, he smacked the freckle faced boy hard in the ribs. “Can you try to not be a dick for five minutes?” he asked, getting a laugh out of Carol, who’d been filing her nails without much interest in the whole thing.
“What? Who gives a shit about her?” Tommy asked, doubling back with his hand on his chest.
“She’s a nice girl, dude, don’t be an asshole.” Steve replied sternly. That piqued Carol’s attention. She turned up from her chipped red nails to look Steve over with a discerning eye.
“Oh god, don’t tell me that you’re trying to bring in another Wheeler type chick into this.” She groaned, brushing away a strand of red hair from her cheek.
“Jesus Christ…” Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose “I don’t know what Nance did to you, but you need to calm down on that crap.”
“But you’re not dating her, right?” Tommy asked.
“Dude, all she did was help me with an assignment, that’s all.” Steve groaned. He felt like a dick, being so dismissive of you, he did like you, but he didn’t really even know you and neither did his friends. He didn’t like anyone assuming who he was or wasn’t with, and yet he still felt like a shithead. He didn’t know why but he did.
When you came home from school, your grandmother was waiting for you by the front door, red plaid kitchen rag draped on her shoulder, apron hanging low on her hips. “Your mother called when you were at school, wanted to see how you were.” She said, wiping her hands on the apron. She shook her head, obviously annoyed at the thought of her absent daughter.
“What’d you tell her?” you asked, kicking off your sneakers and putting them back onto the rack. You didn’t hide your distaste in your mother’s asking about you.
“That you were at school and to call back for you later. She told me to tell you that she’d be back in June and that she was bringing back someone special.” Your grandmother replied, turning back into the kitchen to return to whatever she was making. Your grandfather was passed out on the couch, his snores emanating from the living room almost comforting to you as you trekked up the stairs. You knew that your mother wouldn’t call again for you. She could never remember to call you at a time when you might be at home. She certainly wouldn’t be able to remember to call back.
Before you could even set your bag down, the phone on your desk blared from your desk. Samantha was at soccer practise, so you didn’t believe it was for you, but with your grandmother busy in the kitchen and your grandfather passed out, you grabbed the phone, asking “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Steve,” from his own room, Steve had thought about talking to you again for most of the day, but he’d only found the confidence what the day was over and he was home, where he didn’t have to look at you to speak to you. “I’m sorry if Tommy was weird to you today, he’s an idiot.”
You frowned, brow furrowing “It’s cool, no worries…” you replied. You didn’t feel like explaining how you already knew how much of an idiot he was.
“Yeah, so I was kind of wondering…if you’re not busy…would you mind maybe helping me with the readings? I don’t get this shit at all.” He chuckled awkwardly. In truth he’d had no plan to actually read the novel they’d been assigned, that’s what Cliff’s Notes was for, but he wanted to be around you more, so if homework was a reason to get to be around, then he’d actually read.
“Um…sure, I guess I could.” You didn’t really know what the right answer was for you. You weren’t sure that you trusted him, especially after what had happened that afternoon with Tommy, but your gut told you to say yes.
“Great! What’re you doing right now? Could you meet me somewhere, the reading for the tenth chapter is due tomorrow and I don’t even know what’s happening.” He felt a tad desperate, which was not a feeling he was used to around girls.
“I mean…where would you wanna meet?” anxiety was creeping up the back of your neck. You tried to wipe it away like sweat, but it was stuck to your brainstem.
“You could come over to my place or like I could meet you at the library or something.” Steve didn’t exactly have an answer to that one, he wasn’t even sure he’d get this far. He looked around his messy room, wondering if he’d made the right choice.
You didn’t exactly want to be in his house, but you didn’t have a car and it would take you forever to walk back into town to get to the public library. With a heavy heart, you accepted your unfortunate fate. “I could come over to your place.” You said, squeezing your eyes shut. You hoped that he wasn’t going to take that the wrong way.
“Yeah?” Steve hoped the panic wasn’t evident in his voice. His mother was still out of town and his father spent more time at his office in Carmel then he spent at home as it was. He’d let the mess pile up a bit and he didn’t want to look disgusting.
“Yeah, sure.” You tried to sound casual, but your blood had run cold and your hands had gone clammy. You gripped the receiver far too tightly, your eyes shifting around your room.
“Alright, cool, yeah cool…” Steve said, trying to sound casual “How long do you think it would take to get here?”
“I mean…you still drive the rust coloured BMW, right?” you asked, pulling your curtains back to peer out your window.
“Yeah?” Steve asked.
“I can see your house from my window, I’ll be there in like a minute.” You said.
Steve’s head turned upward, looking around worriedly. He bid his goodbyes quickly, turning his full attention to his messy bed and dirty floor, trying to get every pair of boxers laying on the floor into a basket. He hadn’t expected you to agree to come to his house, and his stomach churned at the idea of freaking you out. He didn’t want to scare you away because he was messy and gross.
You felt as if you’d swallowed your tongue. You rushed for the door, uttering a quick goodbye to your grandparents and pulling your backpack straps tight on your back. It was only five feet away. Five feet. Cross the street and up the driveway and you’re there. You took in a deep breath through your nose and took the first tripping step down your driveway, your body not co-operating with your mind and trying to escape where you were trying to bring it. You needed to calm down, your palms were starting to sweat and your knees had turned to Jell-O. You stopped in the middle of the empty street, huffing out another breath, trying to remind yourself that nothing could hurt you over there. That you could handle anything thrown at you.
Somehow, you made it to the front door without blacking out. You went to knock on the door, but it opened before you made contact. Steve looked frazzled, his hair flopping into his eyes, his expression panicked. “You’re here!” he said, his body blocking the doorframe.
“Am I not supposed to be?” you asked, your hand coming to clutch the top of your opposite arm.
“Nah, nah you are I just-never mind. I’m going crazy I think, come on in.” Steve stuttered, moving his arm out of the way, letting you inside. He didn’t know why he was nervous, he was never nervous to have a girl over. But you weren’t like the usual girls he would invite to hang out by his pool.
You stepped into his house cautiously, entering the dark space like it was a well-preserved colonial mansion. The Harrington household was cold. Everything was navy blue, steely grey, and white. He’d left the lights off in the entryway and the kitchen, although the lights above the grey brick fireplace were on, three white pot lights lighting the whole space. It made his house look ominous. Nobody was around either, you knew that Steve was an only child, but in your house your grandparents were always milling around; sound and voices were everywhere. Steve’s house was silent. The white vertical blinds were left open, and you could see the pool outside, which hadn’t been cleaned yet that day. The carpeting throughout the downstairs muffled your footsteps, adding to the eerie silence.  Overall, the house looked expensive. They had all the latest technology and aesthetically the house was very stylish, it made you want to not touch anything in fear of breaking something. You shivered involuntarily, letting your eyes wander around the house, taking in the massive TV and the matching stereo. All his money didn’t make the space feel like home.
“My stuff’s just upstairs.” Steve pointed a thumb up the stairwell by the front door. You hadn’t realized that you’d wandered out of the foyer and into his house. You swallowed, nodding hard and bounding up the steps ahead of him. You noticed that there weren’t any photographs around the house. That felt a bit homier to you; your grandmother kept most of the photos in intricate albums, only keeping a singular family photograph on the mantle of the white tiled fireplace. That felt a bit right to you, that it really was a home and not a showcase home.
Steve’s bedroom was also blue and dark. His walls were dark blue plaid, with matching curtains. The colour was only broken up by a few posters and a floating bookshelf, which held a couple small trophies and a couple books held between black metal bookstands. His bedspread was a navy quilt,  and his desk was dark wood and heavy looking. The signs of childhood were clear in the plaid wallpaper and curtains, clearly still remaining from a younger life. But beyond it, the room lacked a bit of personality. The only signs of life were the full laundry hamper and the papers on his desk. Everything else in the room could be in anyone’s room. It looked like a guest room or a hotel room. You dropped your bag on the grey carpeting, unsure where to put yourself in the space. Steve was much more casual, pulling out his desk chair and taking a seat, gesturing for you to sit across from him on the bed. You did so, sitting gingerly on the wrinkled bedspread. It was strange to sit on a boy’s bed, much less it be Steve Harrington’s bed.  
“Alright, um…where to begin?” you asked, more to yourself than him. “I guess we should go over what happened in the chapter, yeah?”
“Yeah sure…” Steve replied, picking up his copy of the novel, flipping it open to the chapter. “Uh…so the main chick is in love with Heath and she loves him and they all live happily ever after?”
“That’s…not the plot of either this chapter or the novel.” You said slowly, not looking down to flip your own copy of the book to the marked chapter.
“I mean…that’s what I got from the Kate Bush song.” Steve muttered awkwardly.
“So, you haven’t read the book? Like nothing at all?” you asked. Steve shook his head. “Cliff’s Notes then?” you guessed, looking back to the shelf to see a few of the black and yellow striped covers of the versions of Little Women, Robinson Crusoe, and King Lear. You’d used the reference guides yourself, albeit not as a replacement for the novels themselves.
“You got me…” Steve muttered. He felt like an idiot. It had only taken a minute for him to get caught in his fib.
“Then what’d you need me for?” you replied, setting your book down on the bed next to you, looking him over carefully. Cliff’s Notes would cover everything he needed, they’d answer the questions for him.
“Look…I’m shit at this stuff. I don’t get it. I don’t get why we’re reading this, the book is so boring, even the notes are boring!” he groaned.
“The book is shit.” You replied, deadpan. “Mr. Lawrence is having us read it because it’s one of like three books the county mandates that we read and they gave us Robinson Crusoe last year.”
“What am I supposed to get from it then if he doesn’t even like it?” Steve chuckled, turning to address you fully.
“Well…it’s a tortured love story.” Steve raised an eyebrow at you. You pressed on “Catherine and Heathcliff are in love, but because Heathcliff’s of a lower station than her, they can never be together. And even though Catherine marries someone else she can’t bear life without him.”
“Aren’t they like siblings or something?” Steve’s lip curled upwards in a disgusted expression.
“Adopted siblings and if Emily Bronte doesn’t think it’s weird then we have to ignore it.” You explained with a shrug. You leaned back on your palms, kicking your feet casually. With the windows open, his room was warm and sunny. It faced the woods behind his side of the road, and they looked beautiful from up near the treetops. You’d heard the rumours of Jonathan Byers taking photos of little Nancy Wheeler on the same bed you sat on from the woods. It made you feel icky at the time and uncomfortable now. You didn’t like the idea that anyone could be watching you.
“Then what is Kate Bush singing about? She makes it sound like they get together.” Steve asked. He watched you with a careful eye, his nerves making it hard to even try to catch your eye. You seemed happy, calmer too, and your hair was catching the sunlight from his window, making a pretty crown of light around your head.
“I mean…Catherine dies trying to return to Heathcliff across the moors, Kate Bush is like being her ghost, trying to come back to her love from beyond the grave.” You said simply. Steve pulled out his notebook, the questions written out in wide, square letters. He quickly began scribbling down what you’d said. He pulled out his copy of the Cliff’s Notes and flipped to chapter ten, filling out the questions. You wondered if you should stay or go, but Steve’s profile was partially shaded by the angle he sat at, and the way his jaw jutted out made him look like the statue of David. You slowly pulled out your sketchbook and flipped to a new page. Graphite in hand, you slowly began drawing out his sharp, angular jaw and strong neck.
“So, when did you find the time to read the whole book?” he asked; only briefly looking up from his notes to look at you. Your hair was still pulled up in the bun you’d put it in that morning and your gaze was focused on whatever was behind that heavy looking spiral bound pad.
“It was on, like, the seventh grade summer reading list.” You replied, not looking up. You could feel his eyes on you and the copy of lips weren’t matching the real life counterpart. You pulled your lip between your teeth, using your thumb to blend out a thin line.
“You remembered all that from middle school?” Steve asked.
“Well…I mean the book is kind of weird. Like, it doesn’t make sense, the narrator keeps changing and the speaker isn’t always made known. It was really hard to read, but the story itself was pretty run of the mill. I don’t really get why we have to read it at all…” You explained quietly, switching to a piece of charcoal to add thin, textured lines to the lower lip.
“It’s really shit, eh?” Steve chuckled, turning his attention back to the thin book. “Who’s Isabella again?”
“It is crap. And Isabella’s Catherine’s sister-in-law. She has a crush on Heathcliff, you can write on that, that’s revealed in this chapter.” You explained. You didn’t blame Steve for not understanding the book, you absolutely hated the book when you read it the first time and it was by no means an easy read.
“She’s in love with him, but he’s in love with Catherine?” Steve was scribbling fast, writing down whatever you said.
“Yes and Catherine’s in love with Heathcliff but married Mr. Linton for status.” You replied. Steve and you worked in silence for awhile. Mr. Lawrence expected answers in full sentences and provide reasoning for everything you sourced. Meanwhile, you set a high standard for your art. While you didn’t expect perfection from yourself, you wanted to try to do good work, even just for yourself.
You’d never drawn Steve Harrington before. You’d done pictures of tons of your classmates, Steve just never seemed like someone who needed to be drawn. He had tons of people looking at him and praising him all the time, to his face and behind his back. He seemed like a little celebrity in Hawkins, but sitting on his head, with the sun hitting half of his face and making pretty shadows in the hollows of his face, you saw the small beauty in his features. You knew that he was attractive, that was a universal truth, but now sat on his bed alone in his room, you understood that he really was beautiful. Maybe not on the inside, you didn’t know if he was a truly good person, but on the outside he was golden. Your hands demanded to recreate his features. You felt as though you were carving one of Greek gods of Hawkins high, the best of the town’s beauty.
Steve finished his work soon after and looked to you with a lopsided grin. “I say, and you can totally disagree, that we work better together than apart.” He said triumphantly, jabbing the cap onto his pen.
You looked up with a smirk from your drawing. It was nearly done and you weren’t mad at the work either. It certainly looked like Steve and the shadows were intriguing.  It would’ve made a better painting, but the little sketch was nothing to sneeze at. “I mean, you certainly do.” You replied easily. Steve chuckled, you weren’t wrong; he knew that you were much smarter than him.
“But sure, if you need the help then I’ll help. No big deal.” The words left your mouth before you’d thought them through. But they were true. Despite not knowing him, despite being freaked out by every phone call and conversation, you found yourself still coming back. Your mind was pulled in two very different directions, between adrenaline laced panic that made your hands go clammy and shake and genuine curiosity and intrigue.
Steve couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. He was certain that you’d already on the porch steps, running towards your house as fast as you could. Something in his gut told him not to expect anything. But you agreed. He broke into a lopsided grin, brushing a piece of long brown hair out of his eyes. “Cool, yeah, that’d be great! So, I’ll call you?” he asked tentatively, trying to still give you an out to his own request.
“You already know the number.” You smirked, a yellow sticky note catching your eye. You could see your name and number written in Steve’s wide handwriting stuck to the wall in front of his desk. It made you smile, the small detail of him even looking you up made you laugh. You’d been across the street from him your whole life, but him trying to find you made you strangely happy. You gathered up your things quickly, heading back across the street as another car came into his driveway, an immaculately made up woman in the front seat. She didn’t look you in the face as you passed, focusing on the opening garage door in front of her. You made a mad dash for your house. Everything felt…calm. Strangely calm. You didn’t know if you liked it.
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
Again, can't access Masterlist for some reason so kindly ignore this if it's already been done please. Ut, Uf, and Ht Sans who meets said SO by the SO working at Grillby's (weather this is on surface or not depends on you)
((I hope I fixed themaster list thing! But thankfully this is not on it!!
ugh gosh, idk where i wanted to go with this. I started writing out a story for each one but then got distracted and started doing bullet points and it turned into this mesh. I think i may need to stop for the day cause Im running low on my creative energy)) 
The first time you saw him,he had already seen you many times before
Most of your day was spentin the kitchen, cooking away as Grillby served the customers and only coming outwhen you felt like he was lagging behind
(that was rarely an issue,but you also knew business was booming now that monsters were on the surface. Afterthe initial tourists made their rounds to the monster shops you thought things woulddie out. But people quickly gained a taste for the little bar on the outskirtsof town. Enough so that the bar could very quickly get busy) 
Sans saw you in passing,carrying plates of food and rushing to and fro. Despite his aversion to crowdshe found himself going on the busier days, hoping to see you again as you bustledaround the bar 
And gosh, was it weird thathe might have started to get a crush on someone with so much energy? You alwayswere so full of life as you moved around. You chatted with the costumers animatedly, all while keeping pace with Grillby and somehow taking orders at the sametime??? How the hell did you do all of that??? He was getting tired justwatching you!
Eventually, though, hegets his chance to actually meet you
He had been walking intoGrillby's when he found you outside, sitting on the ground with your chefs hattilted downwards and he just froze up. This was his chance to talk but he didn’tknow what to do??? He couldn’t just say “hey ive been watching you work for thepast few weeks and I really want to get to know you and stuff but please donethink im creepy”
Of course, all thatworrying was for nothing when he heard you let out a loud, obnoxious snore
Were you… Had you just…fallen asleep? The big ball of energy out like a light in the middle of the day?! 
He checked under your capto see your eyes closed. Either waiting for your shift to startor -by how disheveled you looked- probably taking a break after a long day. Hewondered how many times you had worked yourself to the bone just to fall asleepthe second you had a moment. That maybe, more often then not, your boundless energywas diminished by the end of the day
And by accident (or somegod above that wanted to completely embarrass him) you woke up in the middle ofhis staring
“Oh!” you had said, withouta hint of malice, “You’re Tab Guy!”
“I’m the what!"
You were pretty sure hewas an alcoholic
The first few times youcame to work, he was already drunk. Bordering on black out. He slurred hiswords and made very… unnecessary comments at some of the patrons. Eitherlooking for a fuck or a fight. Whichever he could get
But never to you, whichwas both relieving and somewhat confidence shattering
(it wasn’t like you wantedto be catcalled (Or instigated)… but from the conversations you had with hisdrunken self when the bar was closing and the last patrons left you learned afew things about him
1: He liked puns
2: he was actually prettydang sweet
3: You were gaining a big crushon him very fast)
Grillby didn’t want todeal with him all that often (Something about a swiftly growing tab and hisbrother refusing to pay it off because he needed to learn responsibility) soyou became the go to deal with him. And it wasn’t like you were going torefuse, mostly because Grillby would handle the whole bar as long as you dealtwith Red for the rest of the night. It was like an all day long break!
Of course, after a wholeof getting to know him you had tried to cut him off. Just once.
“aint nothing…” he slurredto you, “ya see tha-tha alcohol… goes right thru-thro-through me…watch this…”
He proceeded to knock backanother drink, tipping both himself and the stood far enough that he toppledover onto the ground
For a long while he just laidthere, groaning in pain as you practically vaulted over the bar to check on him.Once you were down there you were greeted with his unapologetic snoring
After a quick chat withGrillby, who came out to find you hovering over the skeleton, he sent you offearly given you take Red home. So you slugged his arm around your shoulder andthen one of your own around his waist and headed off (after getting his addressfrom Grills, thankfully)
Most of the walk was spentwith him mumbling nonsense before nodding off, only to wake up a few moments laterand start rambling again
But something did stickwith you
“yer—” he said, all slurredwords and, “yer a gud human…all sweet an’ stuff… ya-ya listn ta me an… and yanever kick me out like grills does…a real sw’et’art. real gud an’ nice and..an...an--”
Well... now you had to have his number
It’s a long while beforehe goes back to Grillby’s
You heard stories before,about these big skeletons in the underground that one day just came in and… assertedthemselves there. How one named Papyrus was the sweetest thing, even though so muchhe was the light of the town
And.. And then when theytalk about Sans- the other skeleton- it’s always in reverent whispers. Sure,they’ll tell you things like how he’s funny, a real sweetheart once you get toknow him, that he used to spend weekends at MTT resort before the incidenttelling jokes.
But then there’s thethings they didn’t tell you, hushed conversations of with only a whisper of hisname that would die out as you came by. It sent a shiver up your spine, because fromwhat you knew the guy was good but… 
...But there was somethingthey were keeping, some secret the whole Underground refused to let anyone inon, especially the humans
When you met him it was towardsthe end of your shift, on a quiet Wednesday night where it was too early to close,but far too late out for anyone to want to come in. So you were surprised whenyou heard the bell ring
The guy was big, hulkingwith a hole in his head the size of a crater, and you would have been terrifiedout of your mind had it not been for the fact he seemed so small in thatmoment. One big eye light darting every way and only relaxing when he caughtsight of no one except for little old you
He sat at the far end of abooth, and you bounded over to him with the kindest of smiles (Despite thesmall amount of fear still going through you) and spoke to him.
The conversation flowed easilyfrom there. Even though he spoke slowly and with a nervousness you knew well, hewas witty when he wanted to be, and his jokes had you laughing
(He beamed when he got youto snort, eye light flickering to a heart for just a second)
The rest would be dealtwith later but, for now, it was just you and this sweetheart of a skeleton in abar
(That is… until Grillbyfinally exited the back and practically engulfed Sans in a warm ‘welcome home’hug)
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Allura, Eraserhead, Jason Todd, Miles Morales, Hornet :>
Alrighty here we go~
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First impression: She’s so pretty!! Elf?? SPACE ELF??? Idk what’s going on with all the lions and stuff but I love her design. She’s so cute…
Impression now: I love her and she deserved SO MUCH BETTER than she got?? D:
Favorite moment: TBH when she started getting to pilot Blue and really got to grow into her leader role, I just thought it was so cool?? Also all magic scenes!!
Idea for a story: Let her go shopping for shiny things at the space mall!!!!
Unpopular opinion: Is it bad I still ship Shallura…………? But I also liked her and Lotor…….*I’m still not caught up btw HA but I have had spoilers sooooo*
Favorite relationship: I really really loved her familial bond with Coran, I wish we saw more of that! Wonderful space Niece and Uncle!
Favorite headcanon: Altean markings all over and that they glow. I’;m sorry I’m not more interesting on this front;;;;;
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First impression: ????what is with this homeless gremlin man he looks scary and kinda mean?? Is he high?? Why is he so mean to Deku??
Impression now: I love and support Eraserhead…he’s such a dad. Tough love dad, but a good and supportive dad. He grew on me real fast X’’’D Also please let him have sleep and all the cats he wants :T
Favorite moment: Every time he saves the kids…or gives pep talks…just…what a good dude…
Idea for a story: Sooooo daemon au?? Maybe his Barred Owl delivers messages over campus? Oooh I just imagined his mama owl huddled over a nest of stray kittens ;7;
Unpopular opinion: MHA is great, needs more Aizawa. ANd more cats.
Favorite relationship: His friendship with ALL Might and Mic? So pure…but also Tsuyu being his surrogate daughter? Super pure…
Favorite headcanon: Aro/Ace Aizawa ace aizawa ace aizawa ACE AIZAWA ACE— I think you get the point ;7;
***Jason Todd***
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First impression: He is…the mean jock robin…he died once?? But he came back with a gun…poor dude with issues…
Favorite moment: Any time he quotes classic literature like the HUGE nerd he is!! And the part where he was sick and fell asleep on Bruce…ALSO that freaking “YAAAAASSSS” in Robin war, a current fave, I love that dumb scene so freaking much asndububfer 
Idea for a story: IDK I’ve always had this little plunny idea of some little girl he rescues from something just kinda plays with his hair and paints his nails and he just totally rolls with it. Anything with Jason and kids. I mean. Look how well he handles Bizzarro??
Unpopular opinion: Unpopular to DC I really wish he could just hug it out with Bruce and be done with all the family drama.......
Favorite relationship: Platonic Jason with Tim has been a huge fave...Berba pointed out they’re BOTH huge nerds and kinda jocks too, so that’s fun! But also Jason with Damian. And Dick. And Bruce. Jason bonding with the batfam?? But also Jason bonding with Bizzarro was one of the cutest things...lookit this softie :P 
Favorite headcanon: That Jay is actually a redhead but dyed it upon adoption to hide his identity as robin! Also that he’s aro/ace. And that he has claustrophobia that flares up at inconvenient times due to the whole “waking up in a grave” thing...
I think about Jason alot?? But gosh DANG I cannot draw him consistently DX 
***Miles Morales***
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First impression: Black spiderman? Cool! Never heard of him but he looks nice??
Impression now: LITERAL SUN/SON INTO THE COLLECTION YOU GO-- he deserved more hugs after all the crap he went through in Spiderverse :T I love him, he’s so sweet and funny and an artist!! :’’D
Favorite moment: LEAP OF FAITH!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!! but also the “who’s Morales” scene X’’’’’D I still think about that and laugh to this DAY
Idea for a story: I....really really like that Ballarino idea I’ve seen floating around...Miles in ballet would be so cool and funny!
Unpopular opinion: ....that first spiderman outfit was dumb and I know it’s the point but GOODNESS MILES X’’’’D makes it so much cooler when he gets his own!!
Favorite relationship:
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I love Miles with everyone but gosh these friendships make me SO happy, also a platonic “I love you” BLESS!!!
Favorite headcanon: Seeing as Miles is an artist I bet he does all those Artist things like...buying new sketchbooks, despte having so many half finished ones, so many projects he needs to finish, always losing PENCILS, dumb stuff like that X’’D 
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First impression: I saw ads/posts about “SIlksong” long before I started playing Hollow Knight, so I thought she was going to be the sweet, cool, older sister figure! What a pretty bug!
Impression now: SHE’S BEAT ME UP SO MANY TIMES I feel like she says “get gud” every time and I suffer;;;;; I still love her and she’s freaking awesome~ visiting her little spider village was...sad tho...
Favorite moment: So far, when she went back to save the little Knight from the avalanche!! ;7; character development...
Idea for a story: I’d...love to see her go back and visit her mother’s grave (I’m ASSUMING it was Herrah, yes??) but also I’d love a human modern AU of some sort, with Hollow and the Knight as siblings...
Unpopular opinion: the spider charm is super helpful but I feel really bad about wearing it while fighting her, because now the little spiderlings are fighting their princess to protect me ;;7;; *guilt* but otherwise I die...! 
Favorite relationship: I love that “big sister” vibe that only grows every time she interacts with the knight X’’D 
Favorite headcanon: I like the idea that she sews stuff for other bugs in need, I think that’s super cute! 
WHEW ok gonna sleep now, sorry my answers are kinda boring;;; *tries to spice it up with gifs*
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ruvigapo · 5 years
Hi do you have maybe some tips for someone who is learning how to use water colour? What brand of water colors to use etc. ??
Hi! Sure i guess.♡ Keep in mind that while i wouldn't say i'm a beginner i'm definitely still learning too.
I will uh.. i'll edit this post this afternoon with some tips lol (note to self to not use the tumblr app in the morning lest your thumb slip and post an unfinished post XD)
((Or maybe i am still a beginner, idk. Okay yeah i'm a beginner but i can give some tips.))
Okay so, i'm home. Been a long day. Here are some tips.
Honestly though, i'm Definitely not an expert when it comes to watercolour specifically. I've used it since i was a kid but i only really got the hang of it resently and i'm definitely still learning.
1. So honestly my first advise is to just look at a lot of different tutorials and ask a lot of different people. This goes for most mediums, but there are a lot of different ways to use water colour to achieve the look that you want and a lot of people do it differently bc it's so versitile.
2. This is a given, but honestly, there's no better teacher than experience. The more you try something out and try doing it in different ways, the more you'll be able to find what works for you. That's really important i think.
This is a tangent, but I took a water colour summer course once and i learn a lot of cool stuff, but i also learnt through a lot of trial and error that my style of water colour was very different from how it's traditionally taught here. Partially because i'm impatient and can barely wait for the layers to dry (this, btw, is honestly a must in water colour tho so that's really gotten better on my end with practice) and partially because a lot of the techniques i learnt were good for landscape painting but dificult when drawing more complicated pieces in my opinion. They're still great techniques but i also learnt to take inspiration from other sources that more closely match what i like to paint.
And the more i learn the more i find that i am also able to incorporate traditional techniques that before seemed very dificult for me.
3. As for art supplies, i honestly wouldn't worry too much about it. Especially as a beginner. I always say that the tool doesn't make the artist, the artist makes the artist. In the end, the most important tool you will ever need is your mind.
I'm also not very good with what brands are high quality and which aren't so there's that frankly.
I'd say ask around and look into what brands are available to you. Most standard water colour sets are good and last a long time. Then you can of course expand your tool arsenal. I'd recomend a bigger pallet just because i'm the kinda person who really enjoys mixing and trying out a lot of different colours and therefore need a lot of space to mix colours.
Also i'd say look into what type of brushes you prefer, and pay attention which brushes are water colour brushes and which are acrylic brushes bc they're pretty different.
Really high quality brushes are usually made with animal hair, which makes it able to hold a lot of water and pigment. I don't like them much personally bc i don't use a lot of water for my drawings as a general rule (mostly because they're doodles and the paper in my sketch book doesn't hold water all that well). (And also sometimes the hairs fall off from the brush and get stuck in my drawing 😬... they're worth checking out though.)
But try out different types of brushes and see what you like. It might be tempting to get a very tiny brush for tiny details but honestly, a medium size does the same work just fine with a light hand in my opinion. And depending on wether you want to paint big or small, what size brush you need will vary. I know that art supplies can be expensive though, so don't feel like you Have to get the most expensive thing when you're just starting out.
4. Speaking of just staring out... honestly, don't even worry about using up your supplies and feeling like every single thing you make has to be perfect. It's not going to be perfect. And not only is that okay but it's nessesary. Not to mention that perfection is wholy a myth and can't be achieved so don't even worry. Quantity over quality i always say. The quality will come with time and work. Which is why i always recomend cheaper brands anyway because you will be painting A Lot to git gud, as they say, but that might just be me.
5. Back to brands
Honestly Please invest in a good paper at least once. It doesn't have to be Fantastic, it just needs to hold water. I'm not even joking, the quality of your paper does wonders for the quality of your drawing. Can you make water colour look good on normal paper? Sure. Case in point, all of the things i paint. But honestly, if not for the sake of a result, then try it out for the sake of experience. Try different things. See what works for you. I honestly do recomend starting out with a good water colour paper since the result will be miles better and you'll feel way more encurraged to continue. That's the one supply i'm adamant about trying honestly. But again, budget wisely young padawan. And if you ever feel scared to use your supplies bc they were expensive and you don't want to waste it.. again nothing is a waste, everything you draw is stored as knowlege in your brain that you'll use to make better art in the future. Nothing is a waste. But if you're like me and the anxiety really hinders you, just get a cheaper paper. I like to paint in my sketch book bc it feels like a diary to me and it doesn't have to be perfect and if i screw up it's still fine. I'll tape it over and start again.
Okay so.. i realise that this is rambly and maybe a bit preachy and not very specific. Starting out can be scary and you want all the things in the right place and you want things to go well every time you paint even though you know it's not going to at first. But you just have to start somewhere and keep going from there. Bc if you never start, where will you be?
So honestly, if you don't have any supplies on hand, just go to the nearest place that sells art supplies and get yourself some good paper and a water colour set and just go ham trying out the colours.
Here are some of the water colour things i've watched over the years to help me in geting started.
This last guy i only found the other week. He does a more trafitional style, more in line with how i was taught at that one summer class thing. So it's always nice to look at different ways to do the thing you want to do.
6. Water colour to me has always been tricky. It's water so it flows, and for a while, that was frustrating because i wasn't able to control it i thought. I prefered using markers but honestly, markers are way more expencive than water colours and you can't mix them and get as much if a clean finish, so now i only use water colour to colour my drawings.
But for a while i avoided water colour and instead opted to use guache. Guache is mostly used in illustrations bc they're easy to layer since the paint is opaque. It's much more forgiving than water colours, so if you want, buy a couple tubes of guache and try that. You don t need that many. I use cyan magenta and two types of yellow as well as white. Any art teacher will tell you that with practice you can mix almost every colour from those colours. I almost never use blacj anymore. Unless i'm lazy, in which case i'll jusr add a layer of black water colour on top of the guache. (GUACHE CAN BE EXPENSIVE THOUGH, DON'T FORGET TO BUDGET)
There are opaque water colours but most aren't i believe. That's where the main difference between guache and water colour comes in. See, in water colour, traditionally, you aren't supposed to use white to lighten a colour. Instead you use water to dilude the pigment. This gives a much more clean and crisp finish. You can do this with guache also, but since quache is already opaque it will still have that same grainy look wether you dilude it with water or mix it with white or both. I mean... i personally love the grainy look so... it's very story book-ish.
With guache bring opaque that also means you can paint over mistakes and start over pretty much, so again, guache is much more forgiving. Once the white of the page is gone when you use water colour, you can't get that back without adding white guache on top, which honwstly just looks messy imo. So be aware of that.
7. Let layers dry before adding another one or the colours will bleed together. Learning to be patient is key. But if you're like me you can just use a hair dryer tbh.
8. If you're using a good paper, you can experiment with a lot more water. Taping down the paper helps bc the paper will swell a lot and buckle when you add a lot of water. (Press it between a butt load of books to get it somewhat flat again).
You can try taking a spunge or a wide brush and add a layer of water before adding the pigment. It can have some interesting results.
You can also leave the paper dry and just paint layers like you would with markers. Both work. Water bleeds more but that's really cool in landscape painting so if that's something you want to try, def experiment with letting the colours bleed together.
9. Oh and don't forget to swatch out your colours when you get them. Water colour dry lighter than it looks when you put down the colour, so swatching helps with determining what colours you want where.
There are So Many videos on the subject honestly. I like to watch videos while i paint. It's fun.
Okay so this is long enough i think. I barely grazed the tip of the proverbial iceberg but i hope it helped.
I really encurrage anyone who knows their stuff abt water colour to add on to this. I really don't want to spread false info. These are just my two cents on the top of my head.
Which basically just boils down to
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I honestly tell myself this every day. And if i can do parkour then you can paint.
Good luck and have fun! 👍👍👍
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virullcnt · 5 years
Send me a (▰˘◡˘▰) and I’ll record myself talking about our muses’ relationship
transcript below!!
haha, well, that’s the thing! i’m nervous, tho. im always nervous when it comes to talking to you, millie! okay, so, you wanna talk about izuku and ochaco’s relationship. i assume either it’s canon or the way we have it in our threads. i think in, uhh, canon, It’s really cute and stuff. I shipped it all the way since the beginning. i just thought they were meant to be together, u kno wat i mean? it’s just, idk! it’s just so cute! i can actually see it happening one day, getting married and having kids. and that’d be an extra plus because they’d live happily ever after.
i wrote a fanfic of that once and i’m not gonna share it. xD
if we’re talking about the way we do it in our threads, yeah, i’m all for it too! like, since it’s the way i made the universe in the threads, it brings a twist to the izuocha relationship itself. we have uraraka here, who has a really hard time fitting in because, cuz, yknow, her powers, she needs to touch things in order to use it. so she might have to wear some gloves.
and well, she just, well we had a thread going on where she had a nightmare. and she was scared bcuz she felt maybe she was cursed or something. and she felt she didn’t deserve to be here, and izuku’s all like “nonono, your quirk is actually useful, i want you here, I love you” okay, he didn’t say that last part, but that’s basically what he meant. xD
and Izuku here just wants to protect her, from all the quirkless people who want to put their hands on her. and i just think that’s really cute. i can’t wait to see them do mission stuff in future threads, and she can get a better hold of her quirk. she’ll feel that she does fit in and deserves to belong here and all that gud stuff.
but yes, i love doing izuocha stuff with you, even on our discord! oh millie, you’re just so fun to hang out with, you’re really fun to talk to, i love you! mwah! ❤ so, uh, yeah! that’s all i have to say. cheers!!
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majorxsportyxboy · 6 years
Lazytown Season 1 Episode 2, Defeeted: The Rewatch
aleardy had his table down and ready to go
there was actually a little creaky sound when him stretched
is that a ball or an egg he just produced from nowhere and kickflipped into the wall
he sticks a dry toothbrush in his mouth with no toothpaste on it. not just in this episode either like it’s routine with him. ( i mean obviously it would look even weirder otherwise tbh but STILL )
once again, he did not put his seatbelt on. a headcanon waits hesitantly in the wings.
i’m so stupid because it took me til like midway season two...when the themesong goes “with Pixel, Stingy, and Trixie, too” Trixie's holding a marker and standing in front of a poster of the mayor. The poster has a mustache and beard on it and for a long time i was just like ‘‘does he have facial hair in the show??? No??? why does the poster???” and then i finally Realized and yeah jsyk i’m an absolute dumbass there we have it
“I know someone who can help” you can say his name mayor. Stephanie know him too mayor. why you being this way mayor.
i love how none of the proposed backstories actually fit with what’s presented in the show, not even the entire pilot episode. amazing.
mail tube is different
“I can allways count onn SporTaCus” always. always implies recurrence. the mayor has counted on him before and apparently last year Sporp taught the kids to play baseball but that can’t have been pre-series because Sporp had only ‘heard of Lazytown before’ and the mayor had never met him but if it’s post-pilot that means there’s been an entire year of Sporp coming to Lazytown that we don’t actually get to see and Stephanie is actually on her second year in Lazytown as of this episode. The lack of any of the kids thinking Sporpy Thoughts would be suspect if it wasn’t common practice for them to completely forget everything he’s taught them the second he leaves. It’s an uncomfy fit but i GUESS
 Eefrow decal!
Sporp managed not to say “I’ve got mail”
He looks so concerned
I got so used to the cartoony eyebrows on him that it’s weird to see him without them
also it looks like his whiskers change over the course of the series too
“I need your help. - The Mayor” first of all i love that this is what correspondence between these two looks like there’s just something hilarious about it idk
“This Must Be Important” ohh Sporty Sporty Sporty
the little noise when he :}D and shrugs at his own self omg he’s tinkerbell
still didn’t put the seatbelt on
apparently he calmly parks the airship and then just materializes outside of it like he’s been shot from a canon
“Mister Mayor” aw
No but in this episode sport just looks like he has the mother of all fevers tho Sporp are you okay? all of your blood is in your face. 
him asking about floods and fires could get a pass bc okay maybe he thinks one of the houses had a pipe bust and they called him instead of a plumber, or maybe there was a little kitchen fire and they called him instead of a fireman, but earthquake...that’s...that’s real solid guess sporky
does he just really want to do some major superhero stuff is that it
that “WHAT” on “no one wants to go outside and play” his whole face. he’s so offended.
this poor put-upon elf
wait he says “I’m declaring Sportacular Spectacle Day...Today” does that mean this is a new holiday he just invented? still doesn’t take care of the ‘last year’ comment but hmmmmm
Sporp sounds so freaked out when he’s saying he better go practice like i think the mayor straight up scared him XD
Good-For-Nothing, Warm-Hearted, Generous, Healthy Quack Meter: 1
Sportakook meter: 3
“This was my favorite day before Sportakook came to town” I feel like this could be a highly multipurpose meme like “This was my favorite _____ before ______”??
“The Town Hero will be the Town Zero” HERO TO ZERO IN NO TIME FLAT
why is every machine in this show the thus-and-such xthousand like
“Hippety Hop Hippety Hop Sportacus (HE SAID HIS NAME RIGHT) is going to Flop!” is this the origin of Sportaflop
“Too Loony, Too Moony...Puny...”
Stephanie: “So every year, Sportacus does a special stunt” Pixel: “Exactly, on the Sportacular Spectacle Day” Mr. Scheving I just want to talk. None of these kids had heard of Sportacus? Before Pilot? Stephanie was the first to find out about him? And now she? is having to ask the other kids? About Sportacus? MR SCHEVING ARE YOU SURE
i�� counted and there are like around 40+ houses on the Lazytown map so unless they’re all abandoned there’s like a bunch of people in Lazytown who i guess were just like “Elf? In this town? Not  for me thanks” and they just hide during the episodes
Sporp, after one success: “I’m ready” yeah u only need to do something right one time before performing it in front of spectators u don’t have to make sure u can do it right every time or anything
Robbie: “My name is Rob U. Blind” Sporp, thinking: “I trust him”
ngl when Robbie poured that stuff on Sporp’s shoes Sporp actually did look in that moment like he could kill a man. the entire time the shoes were being cleaned i swear he was really fighting the urge to snap. he looked so tried X’D
Sporty those fake shoes don’t even really look like your real shoes baby come on
He’s so mad he doesn’t even say bye he just hops in the shoes and leaves
Robbo just called him Sportacus again what
“Are ya nervous?” “Ummmm....just a little bit” i love him. so much.
Where’s Mr. Scheving’s Oscar for acting like he can’t control his leggies the  floppy sporp acting is a sportacular spectacle in itself amazing standing ovation robbie this is cruel
“My feet are going cuckoo” is that how you would describe it sportacus
Boy has to be exhausted after this im surprised he didn’t start hollering for an apple at some point
Between this and the scrapped Lazydance i can only assume that they were determined to get rid of any suppositions the audience might have had about Sporp’s invincibility as quickly as humanly possible. like “okay, Pilot’s done. Now let’s immediately let Robbie Wreck Him”
“In front of the kids”
love how they all sit there and stare at him the whole time while he’s looking like “hjálp!"
i mean to their credit they did all offer suggestions while staring at him
bless him he just looked at his foot and went “STAY”
*after watching him suffer for a couple minutes* “was that part of his act?” “no, something’s really wrong” “.......okay let’s go help him!” these kids are my reason for living
he’s still yelling at his feet to stay
so much of this song consists of the kids just climbing sporp like he’s a cat-tree. it’s adorable.
i still don’t know how walking on hands overrides the uncontrollable feets but ALRIGHT SPORTY YOU DO YOU
what is Robbie even saying right here?
Whatever He called him just then meter: 1
Robbie keeps saying Sport’s name right in this episode and i’m uncomfortable with this
this man backbends sm when he handstand that ain’t right dude how have you not hurt yo self at this point
“Wonderful. Now go join the circus” I can’t believe Robbie just murdered him onstage in front of everyone
Robbie dude youre enjoying this just a liiiiiiiitle bit Too Much
“I can stand still!” the only time in Sporp’s life he’s excited to say that
“But where are my shoos” BOY
this Bing Bang. oh muy gud. oh muy gud  it’s PURE
sporp keeps looking at stephanie like he hasn’t actually learned this dance yet is this partial remnants of lazydance or
this one didn’t end in Robbie’s lair like usual
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machudson · 6 years
ship files ask meme uhhhhh jonq/daisy and maribella? (Couldn’t not ask maribella skskdkdkgkg sry). u have Gud ship opinions
yeyeyeyeyeyyeessssss ok i started this last night and then fell asleep LOL
1. My take on their canon relationship: GOD its so good its just .... jonquil being bad at feelings and daisy being Oblivious. i have most definitely said this before but they absolutely like, live together for >2 years and get married for “””legal reasons””” before daisy actually realizes Yes, He Is Actually In Love With Her And Is Making A Mostly Successful Effort To Commit To One Person. on a kinda deeper level i saw a photoset a while ago from some tv show ???? maybe movie???? idk female character is talking to bi guy s/o and says “i guess i feel a little insecure, you know; its not like i can give you what a man can” and i feel like that Sorta connects to how daisy feels abt jonquil.... she knows at the back of her mind that yeah, hes in love with her to some degree, but she just doesn’t think she’s The One? that at the end of the day they’re really Just Friends and he’ll find someone else someday and move on and that shes just another Basic White Girl .... she has a kinda low self esteem really really deep down but doesnt rly acknowledge it herself and Sure As Hell doesnt let other people see it . wow that got kinda depressing .. im tired thats my excuse
2. Do I ship them: YES its good
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them; partially cause its endgame i guess but also just........ Fucjk Man . im emo about these two!!!! nothing really specific is coming to mind right now but its just So Good
4. Headcanon, if any: theyre both kiiinda closed about it to other ppl but theyre both BIG on science stuff especially various biology things (jonquil plant boy of course, daisy mostly medical sciences) and on several occasions daisy has kinda just Barged Into his room/house/etc to share the latest major scientific development . its good. 
5. How much do I ship (%): 87% i love them but im also kinda [adds cosmo in too ] better
1. My take on their canon relationship: FRIENDS TO LOVERS ^100. they were close friends for a rly rly long time and then somewhere around age 11-13 they just started being like....... hm.  what if, we dated Each Other .... And Thus. The Power Couple. also when they broke up marian didnt actually..... want to break up and it hurt her Almost as much as it hurt bella, she just sorta felt a social pressure to do so bc continuing to date bella/have her on the team after she, you know, Did That would just sorta be ??? bad pr i guess, and also kinda disrespectful to clem (of course to bella it cuts like a knife that marian valued respecting clem, Known Bully, over their relationship and 10+ year friendship) 
2. Do I ship them: yes yes yes
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: im 90% sure i started shipping them bc of you lol,,,,, theyre just. so good together. like two peas in a pod.... like. um. im tyring to think of metaphors but im tired. like twin cherries??? THE POINT IS they fit together perfectly and grew up around each other and truly Know Each Other to the highest degree. same wavelength on every level
4. Headcanon, if any: in bup, the two have a sort of ‘secret spot’ thats a lake out on the edge of town, not incredibly far away but remote enough that not a lot of ppl go there .... its their Prime Hangout Spot + where they confessed and had their !!First Kiss!! its good. also post breakup they inconveniently both choose it as their Have A Nice Long Cry Away From Other People Who Will Be Concerned About You spot and on more than one occasion they run into each other there and its The Worst but at the end of the day theyre both kinda ??? thankful they ran back into each other even for just a short time
5. How much do I ship (%): 90% PLEASE let them get back together !!!!! i know it will never happen but a fair portion of my brain continues to be We Poppin The Biggest Bottles When Maribella 2 Happens At The End Of Final Match
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