#if any man treats you like this call 911
justanothervaultie · 1 month
Personally I've never looked at a 23-27ish old woman and thought. Oh yeah, she needs a new father figure. Thats a grown ass adult.
Like I get some people who say its like a teacher/student relationship the series is going for the Ghoul and Lucy. Fair enough. Probably what we will end up with.
But If a man chooses to pistol whip, slap, tie, torture and sell a young woman (again completely grown up) to "teach her a lesson" and your kneejerk reaction is - yeah parent-child relationship.
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wh0re-behavi0r · 4 months
How to write 911 characters: Black women
since its black history month, here's how to write Athena, Hen, and Karen. I want to do this because I see really offensive things in fanfic when people write them and that usually goes unnoticed.
✨ reference the source material (for everyone actually) ✨
Athena is a very kind and affectionate person with her friends, she's a great listener and always willing to help others out. She's stubborn when it comes to herself and taking breaks. She's a great mom and partner, though conflict has arisen when it comes to letting people in.
2. her relationship with Buck is not necessarily motherly. If you like to write her that way, it's your story but be careful you aren't falling into the mammy trope.
that would include, treating buck as though he's a child that needs protection from everyone, a cartoonish fondness and exaggerative movements, mainly as a character just to prop up Buck.
3. do not write her speaking voice different from the rest of the characters. I've seen things like: "A' course sugah!" Not only is that inaccurate, it's inappropriate.
4. Athena's relationship with being a cop, being in an interracial relationship, and being previously married to a gay black man are all very complex issues in the black community that require research before speaking on. I haven't seen people ever go in depth with this in fics but the show can only encapsulate so much about it without offending viewers so if you'd like to be more candid, please take the necessary steps.
Hen and Karen:
✨black queer love, especially wlw, isn't just to support your main ship please appreciate them ✨
hen is very driven, very caring, very intuitive. She's always been a listening ear for others, and finds comfort in her friends' advice. She's a great parent and a great partner.
Her relationship with Chimney can be silly, serious, protective, and everything you need in a best friend. They both look out for each other and aren't afraid to call out bs. Her relationship with Athena is also really great and balanced.
Hen can be a older sister to Buck, but it's a lot more light hearted. They also can be idiots together and Buck holds a lot of respect for her. Again, do not reduce her to this, that will be insensitive.
While we don't see Karen a lot, you see how much she cares about her family, how she does trust Hen but has been concerned about losing her loved ones. She's a brilliant woman and she often hangs out with Athena and has been friends with Chimney before she was with Hen.
again do not write any of their speaking voices differently. most of the time, Hen code switches and rarely uses any slang so stay away from that.
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hedwig221b · 8 months
Trick or treat!!
Hiiiii! Based on what you usually reblog I think you'd like this piece of a wip
Tumblr media
“I’m just feeling on edge today,” Stiles confessed.
That was one way to put it.
“Let’s figure it out then,” Derek insisted, and Stiles couldn’t help but look up at him. “You have to embrace it. You know it’s the only way for you.”
Fuck, Stiles loved this man so fucking much. His throat was closing up at the sheer determination in Derek’s voice. He was probably the only one who didn’t want “the old Stiles” back. Derek didn’t want to change him. From day one he encouraged Stiles to be at peace with what he was, to explore the new abilities in order to understand and control himself better.
Maybe, that was because he was a born werewolf, who was always told by the humans that there was an “other”, wolfy part of him that he had to tame in order to be “normal”.
But Derek was already normal. He just wasn’t human (fully or half) and that irked people because he looked like one.
Derek was the only one who could understand. Well, he and hunters, but the latter weren’t so nice about it.
“Do you need to vent?” Derek asked. “Scream? Punch someone?”
“I want blood.”
Derek’s mouth closed with a click.
Stiles forced himself to keep looking at Derek because his mate needed to know. If Stiles could demand Derek to be truthful with him, he had to do the same. No matter how horrifying the truth was.
Derek cleared his throat and blinked a couple of times in rapid succession.
“In what way?” His voice betrayed nothing.
Stiles’ heart was beating in his throat, despite him sitting still on the couch. He looked to the side, biting the skin off his upper lip. He was clutching at Derek’s hands in a pitiful attempt to make him stay.
“I don’t want to have, like, a Bloody Mary or anything, but… I have this urge, and it’s been killing me, like a constant headache. I want to—” Stiles stopped to swallow the spit that immediately gathered in his mouth. “Want to tear into something. With my teeth, my hands. To feel their last breath and keep breathing myself.”
Now he was afraid to look at Derek. It was too much. Derek was going to look at him in disgust and fear, lean away and run far to where Stiles would never find him.
“Please,” he begged in a choked voice. “Please, don’t— Don’t leave me. I don’t want you to be afraid of m— Oh, my god, why the fuck are you smiling?"
And it was a full smile, with his usual set of bunny teeth and fangs, breathtaking, wide and feral.
And then Derek said the thing Stiles never thought to hear from him in the light of recent events.
“I’m so glad to have you as my mate.”
“Fucking huh?”
Derek chuckled, rolled his eyes, then smacked a hard passionate kiss on Stiles’ lips and jumped up with athletic ease.
“I’m taking you on a hunt, come on.” The man grabbed his hands and lifted him off the couch, tugging his stunned mate after himself.
“Yeah,” another giddy smile, so beautiful Stiles stumbled a bit into his shoulder. “I wanted to take you with me for so long, but since you don’t like running in the forest…”
“When I run in the forest it’s usually because I’m running away from someone, that’s why I despise it,” Stiles said to him absently, still reeling from Derek’s reaction. “You’re… you’re not disturbed? Not even for a little bit? Not feeling any urge to call 911?”
Derek snorted and shook his head.
They finally stopped at the edge of the forest; Derek turned around, gave Stiles the softest excited glance, then cupped his face quickly and kissed him again. Seemed like he just couldn’t keep it inside himself.
“You’re a predator now, Stiles,” the wolf breathed out with an almost proud smile, “like me.”
Stiles soaked up the sunny expression on his mate’s face, and the realization hit him hard and with no warnings. When was the last time Derek was able to experience the thrill of the hunt with someone? He was a fucking wolf, for fuck’s sake. Scott absolutely refused to do it, Allison and Lydia weren’t even worth asking and Isaac was still too weirded out by his own urges.
The last time Derek hunted with someone, just for the fun of it, was probably back when his family was alive.
But now… Now he could share this with Stiles.
“Like you,” said Stiles and smiled back.
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buddiebeginz · 9 days
Why does it feel like people ship B/T out of obligation? Not because they actually like the ship, but because it’s canon queer representation that they have to support otherwise you get labeled as ‘homophobic’ or not supportive of bi! Buck. They care more about what the ship represents and not at all with how it’s written.
Because that's the reality. For some people they don't care what kind of representation we get for queer characters/ships so long as there is canon representation. Let me tell you as someone who is a little older and has been watching queer media for a long time shitty or minimal representation is not better than no representation. Not for me anyway.
I want so much to see more people like me in media especially considering that I'm bi and there are so few canon bi characters. I will always be grateful to 911 for them making Buck (who I relate to a lot btw) a canon bi character. But at the same time they haven't handled his bi journey all that great and they've handled his first relationship with a man even worse.
Personally I don't care for T*mmy as a character and mostly I just think Buck deserves better. There is so little substance to that relationship. Buck and T*mmy barely even talked through most of s7 and when they did I didn't like how T*mmy treated Buck. I didn't like how dismissive and sometimes down right snappy he was with Buck. Plus we saw how much T*mmy went out of his way multiple times for Eddie but we never saw him do the same for Buck he couldn't even be bothered to dress up for the bachelor party.
I also didn't like that we really didn't get to know how Buck feels about T*mmy and that relationship by the end of s7. You can say we saw some of that during the dinner scene or when he talked to Bobby but it was really Bobby doing most of the talking in the locker room scene and the date only made me dislike T*mmy more. Buck was being vulnerable and T*mmy was made to seem like he didn't really care again. It would have been nice to have a scene where Buck talked about how he felt having been dating a guy for a little bit and what he really thought about T*mmy at this point but we really haven't gotten any insight on that.
All that aside though no one has to like any ship and it certainly isn't homophobic/biphobic to dislike a pairing (unless your reasoning is you don't want to see two people of the same sex together). I actually haven't cared for any of Buck's love interests for one reason or another but here's the thing if you have an otp for a show you don't need a reason to dislike it when the characters you ship are with other people. You can simply say I don't like them with that other person I want to see the ship I love together.
B*mmys will come up with all kinds of reasons as to why they've decided it's not okay for you to dislike their ship but it's all a bunch of bs. I heard similar stuff when Buck and Taylor were together. That it was misogynistic because I didn't like Taylor and them together (mainly because I've never liked Taylor after what she did to Bobby). But whether it's B*mmy's calling us homophobic or Buck/Taylor's calling us misogynistic it's all the same kind of stuff. They're just looking for a reason to make us feel bad for not agreeing with them. You don't have to like the same kinds of things as anyone else and you don't have to see the show the same as anyone else.
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echowithpain · 20 days
I just woke up so I'm still a little loopy and was scrolling through Tumblr and saw this post and it made me think of that time Maddie and Chim invited Buck and Josh to dinner at Chim's old apartment and Josh said if he didn't know any better, he'd think Maddie was setting them up. And honestly??? That actually would've been really fucking cute???
Can you imagine if Buck and Josh had started dating??? Buck going to the call center and using the excuse to see Maddie and take her to lunch only to "accidentally" run into his boyfriend and starting a happy flustered conversation with him before he has to go back to work. Oh my god I can actually see it so clearly:
Maddie’s typing away on her computer and glances up, looking over her monitor and seeing Buck in his civies walking through the door (cause he's all legs lol) and she stands up and goes over to him asking,
"Hey, what’s going on?"
And he's like "Nothing! I just thought I'd come by and treat you to some lunch." all while doing that thing he does with his hands and looking around the room trying to be casual about it.
And Maddie’s like, "Uh huh. So there's no other reason you could possibly think of that would bring you down here?"
And as Buck’s about to deny it then Josh walks over, having just finished a call and he sees him and is like, "Buck?"
And Buck perks up and turns to face him and is like, "Josh! Hey!"
And Josh is like, "Hey, good to see you. What are you doing here?"
And Buck starts explaining, "Oh, you know. I just came down here to see if... Maddie, wanted to grab some lunch with me. Y'know with the heatwave, people are probably going crazy out there." all while Maddie’s playfully rolling her eyes
And Josh of course finds this amusing and is playing along and starts telling him about a few calls they took, and Buck would be happily listening and nodding along and even giving a few comments here or there before Josh finally tells him, "Yeah, it's been a day. While it's finally slowed down, we're still a bit busy. But don't worry, I can cover for 'Maddie' until she gets back from her lunch break." While nodding at Maddie
And Buck would be like, "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I should uh, let you get back to work."
And Josh would go, "Yeah, probably. See you later, Buck." and give him a wink while walking off and taking another call "911 what's your emergency?" all while Buck's watching him go with his big puppy eyes
And then Maddie would put her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention, and be like, "Hey. I know you're just using me as an excuse so you can come down here and talk to Josh in person, but I just want you to know... I'm holding you to treating me to lunch today."
And Buck would be like, "Yeah yeah, okay." and give a final look at Josh while Maddie’s laughing and getting her things and then they leave.
CAN YOU IMAGINE????? 🤩💖🤩💖🤩
Oh my god this started out as a sleepy ramble that turned into writing fanfiction and me actually getting upset over what could've been. Seriously think about it!
Buck and Josh are already good friends. If they started dating we could've gotten:
more Buckley siblings interactions
more scenes of the call center
more Josh, Linda, and Sue
Eddie and Josh "conflict/rivalry" (im still tired so idk the right word but I'm talking about when Eddie worked at dispatch and took over the call with the speed reference and Josh stepped up afterwards with the "You're a guest in this house" and how Eddie threw that line back at him when the place caught fire. Ever since, I like to think they have unserious beef, every now and then trying to one-up each other lol)
Buck constantly using Maddie as an excuse to visit the call center to see Josh until he's able to work up the courage to go up to him on Maddie’s day off and ask him out on a date (this could've been so fucking cute holy shit)
It could show a bi man and a gay man going out with each other and having fun and good chemistry, but ultimately deciding to break up and still remain good friends afterwards
Honestly, fuck Tommy for leaving Buck on their first date. Josh would've understood Buck’s panic because he's been in Buck's shoes. Also knowing Buck and Eddie’s relationship, and how based on Buck’s reaction could piece together that he's not out to him yet, Josh could've played along and had a bit of banter with Eddie, and then reassure Buck that they would go at his pace, and NOT LEAVE HIM STANDING ALONE ON A STREET CORNER BECAUSE HE PANICKED WHEN HE SAW HIS BEST FRIEND WHILE OUT ON HIS FIRST DATE WITH A GUY!!!!
Damn, now I'm actually getting mad.
I've said before that I didn't like Tommy's character but accepted him as a way for the GA to get used to the idea of Buck being bi, but now I can't even say that anymore. Their scenes feel so awkward except for when they're making out, and they've only kissed twice, both kisses only to be establishing something. The first was to show the GA Buck was bi by having a guy kiss him and him liking it, and the second was to show the other characters he was bi by kissing a guy and getting soot on his mouth from it.
While I know they were gonna do the bi Buck storyline this season, I do think Tommy was shoehored in it. They originally said the person flying the helicopter to find the cruise ship was gonna be Lucy (miss her) but they couldn't get her actress because of scheduling conflicts or something, so they got Tommy and made him a pilot instead. I'm almost certain if they were able to get Lucy's character to fly the helicopter, Tommy wouldn't be here.
Josh actually would've been a great bi realization for Buck as well as a great first boyfriend. I've already listed reasons above but here's some more:
The GA already knows who Josh is and know that he's gay
He's an established character people already like
He's actually nice and funny but can be firm when he needs to be
He's really smart and is skilled at what he does (need I remind you of when Sue got hit by that car and he lead the police through a freaking maze with no helicopter support. bro's a badass!)
He's shown to be friends with the main cast (they all know and like him (except maybe Eddie lmao))
We already know part of his backstory (why he joined the call center and how he met Sue)
He can be vulnerable and cares about his friends
He's not above pulling pranks/getting pranked (when Linda and Maddie tried to make his schedule crazy cause he kept giving himself time off whenever there was a full moon, and he found out but let them think he didn't know until he tricked them into confessing)
Josh deserves to go on a date with a guy without getting beat up halfway through (still pissed about that storyline)
I could go on and on but I'd get even more upset and I've got shit to do today. So I'll leave you with this:
Fuck Tommy, Josh would've been a better choice
Oh, one more thing. For the people who are inevitably gonna bring up Carson or whoever it was and say Josh is dating him, we don't know for a fact if they're dating or not. Josh asked Sue if they do background checks for people working for them (again fuck that storyline) and when she said yes he went over to the ambulance and they have a small talk. We never see him again lmao. For all we know, they could've dated and broken up by now, or Josh could've asked him out and he kindly turns him down. We don't know cause we haven't seen him, and I'm not gonna argue with people who's main complaint is "What about that one guy Josh liked in season 5 that we haven't seen since that one episode?"
Shush and think about how cute Buck and Josh would be.
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soupbabe · 1 year
Hey there! I was hoping to request how the Hewitts (Monty, Hoyt, Luda, and Tommy) react to Thomas' s/o saving their lives after a medical emergency, like a heart attack or seizure or something. Maybe the reader was a nurse/doctor before coming down to texas and it being pretty early on in Thomas and the reader's relationship, saving their lives kind of cements them as part of the family. male reader, if you don't mind
The Hewitt Family reacting to Thomas's Male! Doctor! S/o
I love love loved this prompt!! My mind was scattered so I hope you're alright with headcanons 😅 this is def more Hoyt and Monty focussed so I hope you don't mind
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13
Warnings: not a lot, just like some aspects of homophobia mentioned for like 2 bullet points
- I think you were a saving grace to this family, truly
- we've all seen them play doctor at home and it never ends well
- Especially for Monty
- But you weren't kept around for your medical advice, you were spared because you thought Thomas was handsome
- I think Luda Mae might've been the only one to welcome you so quickly, just because you mattered so much to Thomas
- He was so nervous about it, especially since Hoyt and Monty have been less than kind about you and him
- Their lack of respect definitely stems from some level of homophobia- they definitely view gay men as people who are inherently less masculine and therefore have to prove themselves in order to stick around
- How they treat you is dependent on your worth and work as a man and what you can serve to them
- Though I think everything changes once Hoyt suffers a heart attack
- The Hewitts were all in disarray- it was very sudden and they didn't know what to do (not to mention Hoyt would've been still agitated about the whole thing and how people were acting)
- Until you came in, took control of the situation, and mentioned you were a doctor
- It was all a matter of luck honestly- you were lucky to have a bottle of aspirin in your bag when you first arrived and an AED put in at the old police station
- You had to stay with Hoyt, Monty, and Luda Mae while Thomas ran out and get it
- While your boyfriend was away, you were dealing with making sure Hoyt stays conscious, listening to Monty telling you to hurry up and reminding you to not call 911, and explaining to Luda what was happening
- It was all very hectic and you handled it like a champ tbh
- Afterwards was a very tense couple of days
- I think Hoyt does have a little bit of appreciation of what you've done, he's a tiny tiny miniscule bit of honorable in that regard
- Definitely solidified your place in the family no matter what happens between you and Thomas
- Hoyt and Monty still poke fun and ridicule you from time to time, but it's a lot less harsh
- They recognize the effort you put in to the family and taking care of everyone
- Hell any man is respectable if you willingly volunteer to change Monty's old ass bandages
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Provider Discretion (LU in Healthcare)
(Lots of technical jargon in this one, lovelies, hope you don’t mind)
Something wasn’t right.
The patient herself was… okay. Mostly. She had called 911 because she’d had back pain that had just been getting worse, and she’d said she couldn’t even get around anymore.
Mo and Hyrule often exchanged a somewhat exasperated look when someone called an emergency line for something that had been an ongoing problem, but today this… was different. She just didn’t look well.
“I’m really sorry,” the patient apologized for the fourth time as Hyrule and Mo loaded the stretcher into the ambulance.
“It’s okay,” Hyrule quickly reassured her. His heart ached a little at how much this woman wanted to seem to shrink into oblivion. Even Mo, who, despite his big heart, often came across a little standoffish, had tried to make her smile multiple times. “This is what we’re here for.”
With a chief complaint of back pain, there wasn’t much to do outside of check vital signs. Mo could easily take this call. But Hyrule just… this felt wrong.
“Let’s get a 12-lead,” he said, already grabbing the cables for it while Mo got vitals. His partner didn’t argue, helping him place the leads in the right positions.
Vitals looked mostly fine. The patient’s blood pressure was high. She said she had a history of hypertension, so perhaps between that and her pain that would explain it. Though 180/98 did not make Hyrule particularly happy. But he couldn’t treat that.
The 12-lead showed normal sinus rhythm. Nothing wrong there. But something just didn’t feel right.
Grabbing the blood pressure cuff, Hyrule checked it again, but on the opposite side.
There was a discrepancy.
Hyrule and Mo looked at each other, eyebrows pinching. Mo took a manual on the left. Hyrule took a manual on the right.
They still didn’t match.
Feeling dread fill him, Hyrule told Mo, “I’m taking this call. Let’s get going. We don’t need lights but… just drive expediently, ok?”
The transport was blessedly uneventful. But the discrepancy remained. Her blood pressure was high, but higher on one side than the other. Coupling that with back pain…
Her aorta. Hyrule was worried about her aorta. The biggest artery in this woman’s entire body could getting ready to tear apart.
When Hyrule texted Warriors later, he got his answer.
Dissection. They rushed her to the OR. You pointing out the BP difference really tipped off the doc. Good catch.
Mo whistled. “Good thing she didn’t rupture in our truck.”
Hyrule blew out a breath. He was just thankful he trusted his gut.
The dispatch information had been for diabetic emergency. Fire had gotten there first, which Aurora was thankful for since she and Dawn were coming from the hospital and therefore farther away than if they’d responded from the station.
When they arrived, the house was a nightmare. The street was so narrow that the ambulance and fire truck blocked the road entirely, the stairs were so narrow Aurora felt like she had to squeeze her arms in just to climb up them, and the turns were so sharp she wasn’t sure how any kind of equipment could get up there. The patient was lying on his bed, altered, and unable to move.
According to the patient’s friend, he’d heard him fall and came up to check on him. He knew he was a diabetic and figured his blood glucose had to be low. Fire had already checked it, saying it was over two hundred. As the firefighter paramedic gave information to Aurora, he said, “He could be acting like this because of his sugar. Could be a stroke. We’re not sure.”
Honestly, Aurora couldn’t see the patient all that well from her vantage point. Dawn had already walked in and started assessing, they’d handed a reeves stretcher to the firemen, and they were working on loading him on to it. The girl went downstairs to prep the stretcher for their arrival. Once they managed to get the patient into the ambulance, Aurora stared.
This man’s entire right side of his face was noticeably drooping. He was moving his head a little to the left, eyes somewhat moving, pupils equal. Aurora quickly asked him to look at her, to follow her finger. While he could stare at her, he couldn’t track at all, and his eyes wouldn’t move to the right. He blinked once while attempting, and was only able to blink his left eye.
Who the hell thought this could be his sugar??
Once Dawn got in the truck, they were quick to get vitals and a 12-lead. He was hypertensive, all other vitals fine.
“We need to stroke alert this,” Aurora immediately said.
“But he was last seen normal three hours ago,” Dawn said uncertainly. “Isn’t that outside the window? Or is the window four hours now?”
“I think it’s four,” Aurora answered. “And it doesn’t matter either way. This is absolutely a neuro issue. Drive us hot, okay?”
Dawn nodded, heading to the front. She drove to the hospital with the lights and sirens on, allowing them a faster transport time, while Aurora called it in to the hospital. As they progressed, she tried to get the patient to follow commands, but he couldn’t. He held up his right arm but couldn’t hold his left up at all, and he still didn’t really track any movement.
When they arrived at the hospital, they were placed in a major room, transferring him quickly to the hospital bed. Warriors was charge that night, working on coordinating all the help they’d need for this patient. The ED physician entered, looking the patient over, and then turned to Aurora, asking, “So what makes you think he’s having a stroke?”
Aurora stopped in mid motion, looking at him with the most enraged and bewildered expression. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Why do you think he’s having a stroke?” The doctor repeated.
“What makes you think he isn’t?!” Aurora snapped, completely mind blown that this was even a debate. “His face is drooping so low it’s hitting the earth’s fucking crust, he’s altered, not tracking movement, blinking with one eye, down on one side, is hypertensive, and you’re asking why I—do you even know what a stroke is??”
“Let’s just alert it,” Warriors said calmly as he walked into the room, clearly sensing that the paramedic was about to explode. “It’ll get us a CT to rule it out.”
Aurora was fuming, and she stormed out before she could hear a response. Dawn tried to gently check on her, only to be subjected to her ranting for the next hour.
Later, Warriors texted Hyrule, who relayed the message. “You were right.”
Legend wasn’t particularly a fan of working triage.
There were aspects of it that were exciting - he was the one to make first contact with patients who didn’t come in via ambulance, and he determined their acuity. But there was also a public relations aspect to it, a patience dealing with impatient people, a kindness and sympathy for those who were genuinely hurting or needing help but had to wait anyway. It was understandable, but public relations… was not Legend’s forte.
There was a reason he was put in triage, though.
It wasn’t always obvious, what was wrong with someone. But there were times when a patient just didn’t look right. Legend saw the man limp over, listened to him as he explained that he had some leg pain that had been going on for the last few days, how he thought maybe he’d strained a muscle but the pain hadn’t improved.
There were always signs to look out for. Little things, cues that something was off. The man looked resigned, reluctant; he clearly had been talked in to coming to the hospital, and he commented that his wife insisted on it. Legend saw the clothes he wore, heard the accent he spoke with, saw his muscles, and pieced together that he was probably a farmer.
Farmers never came to the hospital.
“We’ll get you back as soon as we can,” he finally said after completing his assessment. Usually, this patient would be low on the acuity scale—a muscle spasm or strain was not nearly as important as a heart attack, pneumonia, sepsis, strokes, traumas—but Legend made him a yellow rather than a green. Just to be sure.
That higher acuity score got him a room far faster. That faster room made a doctor assess him and notice that his left leg was bigger than his right. That doctor made sure he got an ultrasound of his leg, found clots in his leg. She also learned the man was short of breath sometimes, which his wife insisted was new, and got a CT scan.
Legend glanced at his chart later to see him being admitted. Confused and curious, he did some digging.
The man had a pulmonary embolism.
Huffing with a small smile of satisfaction, Legend closed out of the chart as another patient approached.
Time had to admit, he did not spend as much time assessing his patients as he should. His hours were stolen away in the OR, unpredictable and chaotic as his line of work was. So sometimes he didn’t get to round, sometimes he didn’t have a chance to walk in and chat with the patients and the nurses and the licensed independent providers who took charge of their care.
Today he was glad he did.
The patient was actually calm and pleasant, had little complaint of anything except for some lower back pain. In the world of uncomfortable hospital beds, it wasn’t a huge surprise.
But Time saw something. Some staining, bruising, around the patient’s groin. He peeked around their gown, turned them a little, and saw it.
Their groin was purple. He asked the nurse, who said they were told this had been baseline for a day or two, and that the independent providers over them had acknowledged the finding and moved on.
Time walked into the doc box where the providers were. “I want a CT abdomen for room 3. She’s got some bruising that’s concerning. Her H&H has been down trending steadily.”
“Her JP drains haven’t put out much,” the physician assistant noted, looking over the patient’s chart.
“She might have a retroperitoneal bleed,” Time pointed out. “Let’s just be sure.”
Years of education and even more years of experience had taught the trauma surgeon well. The war was especially humbling and educational. So when he got a text from the PA that the patient did indeed have a retroperitoneal, he wasn’t surprised. But he was disappointed that he had to be the one to notice it.
Sometimes, he supposed, it took the leader to point out the problem.
Four… didn’t like this.
Report had been bad enough. The day shift nurse spoke of how the patient had been previously septic and was recuperating well before her pressor demand had gone up during the day. She looked… not great. She was so edematous they were constantly changing the sheets underneath her arms because her body was leaking fluid from every inch of itself - they had dumped fluids into her over the last few days just to maintain her blood pressure. She was on a lasix drip to get her lot o pee off the fluid as best as possible, and her kidney function was… decent, but not great.
As Four assessed her, the clenching his chest only worsened. She was alert, oriented, a little miserable but trying to be in good spirits, bless her. She was peeing a decent amount, her pulses were present despite the swelling, her lung sounds were a little coarse but overall mostly clear. Her abdomen was soft and non-tender, her pupils were equal and reactive, and she didn’t have much complaint of pain aside from being sick of laying in bed, which Four could understand.
But still. This just… didn’t look great.
As the night progressed, the woman’s pressor need climbed. Four continued to increase epinephrine, increase norepinephrine. He tried not to increase the vasopressin too much as it had such a profound effect on vasoconstriction that it could cause necrosis. Also, the woman had a history of heart failure and had a pretty weak heart.
Four eventually went to the resident in charge of the patient for the night. “Hey. Can we maybe give 11 some albumin? She has plenty of fluid to give, but clearly it isn’t in her vasculature - she’s peeing ok but her pressure isn’t tolerating it. I feel like it could help.”
The resident shuffled on his feet uncertainly. “The surgeon really wants to make sure we can get this fluid off. I’d rather keep her negative and not give her more fluid, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that,” Four greed before continuing, “But albumin is only 250mL, and if it helps suck in the fluid that’s third spacing, it’ll still help. We’re dumping fluid in her through the pressors anyway.”
The resident continued to waffle, before the night attending asked, “She’s on vaso, right?”
“Just go up on that.”
Four stared a moment longer, starting to doubt himself. He hadn’t been a nurse for long, and if an attending physician was saying this, then… it had to be true, right?
Sighing, he went back to the room and did as he was told. The patient’s blood pressure improved well enough, and the night progressed fine.
The next night was not as fine. At rounds, Four suggested that perhaps she should be lined for CRRT, a continuous dialysis that would allow for Four to control how much fluid they were pulling and would likely be better for the patient to tolerate. The night doctors shrugged, saying they’d mention it to the day team.
Again, the woman’s blood pressure was tanking. Again, Four had to increase pressors. Vaso had been turned down and was told to be left alone because the woman’s systemic vascular resistance was so high the attending was worried about her heart. (Four couldn’t help but feel a little bitter about it, because he knew that was going to happen)
This time, though, she went into atrial fibrillation as well. As Four called the resident and attending into the room, they deliberated the matter, muttering, “Maybe we should line her for CRRT.”
Four blinked. Stared. Was he… losing his mind?? Was he invisible? He’d suggested this earlier!
Ultimately, Four had managed to keep the patient stable enough so that it wasn’t needed. Ultimately, the shift ended uneventfully.
But when Four came back for his third night, he could hear the woman’s breathing from the door, he could hear how she was drowning in fluid because she couldn’t tolerate losing fluid but had too much for her lungs and heart to handle. The day team had lined her for CRRT, but her pressors were almost maxed out at their dosage, and she was so hypotensive that the renal nurse who had set up the machine was hesitant to start it up, saying it would further bottom out her pressure.
Tonight was different, though. Tonight, the provider in charge of making decisions and orders was a nurse practitioner, someone who was used to this unit. She walked in, saw the issues Four had seen, and she walked right back out, making a call.
Four struggled to keep the patient alive long enough for the ECMO team to arrive as the patient fell apart. He felt frustration boil his blood as he had to hand off her care after fighting for her, had to watch as the CV ICU nurse came in to take over while surgeons put large cannulas into the patient’s body to redirect blood flow around her heart so she could still perfuse her organs. He watched as they wheeled her out of the trauma ICU to go to the cardiac ICU where she would remain while on such extreme support, and he threw his pen on the desk, burying his face in his hands, fuming.
They should have listened to him.
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wormstacheangel · 8 months
Day five: Portrait
“Thank you for visiting!” Dean waved from the front door of the Novak Manor where he worked as a museum guide and historian. “Come again!”
“Our haunting hour tours start this weekend for Halloween!” He heard his coworker, Charlie, cheerfully remind them as she stepped outside. 
The group all excitedly mumbled to each other about the invite and it made Dean roll his eyes. He went back inside, leaving Charlie to lock up the door. 
“I don’t know why we are advertising that crap.” Dean undid his tie and walked behind the desk to check the emails. “This place isn’t even haunted. It’s just old.”
“Yeah. Yeah. We get it you don’t believe in the spooky supernatural.” Charlie waved her fingers toward Dean before she leaned across the front desk to look at Dean. “But we both know it’s these extra ghost hunters that are keeping this place going. We need cash and they need evidence.” 
“Whatever.” Dean mumbled, before watching the last slot of the night tour fill up. “We’re fully booked.”
“Really?!” Dean turns the screen toward her and she cheers, patting herself in the back. “Good job, Charlie.” She mimics Dean’s voice. “Thanks, boss.”
Dean rolls his eyes with a smile, “Fine. Maybe it was a great idea. Good job, Charles. I’ll get you a treat tomorrow.” 
“Iced and lots of caramel please.”
“Got it.” 
Charlie went home after that, Dean could do the locking up himself. It was second nature to him after all these years. 
He started on the third floor; locking windows, emptying trash cans, and making sure everything was in its place. He was about to go downstairs, turning off the last light in the hallway, when he heard something rumbling in the attic above. 
He turned on the light quickly and cursed. He didn’t want to deal with a damn raccoon right now. Dean wanted to go home and finally eat some dinner while he rewatched Friends for the hundredth time. 
He patted his pocket for his mini flashlight and debated on calling Charlie now or animal control. He decided on neither. He should first make sure it is a raccoon and not something just falling. 
The attic is not for the public, it was used for storage by the family and it’s used for storage by the museum. Nothing special. 
Dean kept cursing as he unlocked the door that hid the narrow stairway. One he would usually send Charlie or even Garth because he was too damn tall for it to be comfortable. But he went, turning on the one light bulb that made the stairway an ugly orange color, and unlocked the door at the top. 
He patted his pockets for his phone, ready to call 911 if the damn raccoon decides to jump him, and slowly opened the door. 
It was dark but the moonlight spilled through the one stained glass window. Making the floor look almost like water. It was beautiful.
He was so dazed that he didn't notice the figure by the window. A figure that made no shadow. 
“Oh!” The voice startled Dean. He looked up to see a familiar man smile towards him. “Hello, Dean. It’s always nice to see you.” The man sighed sadly. “Or anyone.”
Dean said nothing. Just stared in shock while trying to figure out if he could run fast enough downstairs and grab his car keys.
The man looked concerned taking a small step towards Dean before his eyes widened. “Can you…Dean, are you looking at me?”
Dean responds with a stiff nod. Watching as the man smiles, giggling just a little bit, before he takes a longer stride towards Dean. 
“I can’t believe it!” The man yells in excitement and Dean has had enough. 
He turns on his heels and quickly runs down the narrow stairway. Not slowing down when he runs down to the front desk to get his care keys. On his way out the back door, he froze. 
Walking back into the main living room, he came face to face with a portrait of a familiar man. A man that was just talking to him up in the attic. 
Dean didn’t believe in ghosts. He believed that death was just eternal sleep and that’s it. No spirits or any other mambo jumbo. Just forever worm food. 
But he also believed in what he saw with his own eyes. 
He took a deep breath. “This is so fucking stupid.” And forced himself back upstairs. Back up the narrow hallway and into the attic, where the man stood by the window again. Looking out of it like a sad Victorian woman.
It took all the courage Dean could muster to call out, “Castiel?” 
The man turned, smiling but looking apologetic. “I haven't had someone say my name to me in years.” Castiel made a move to walk towards Dean but then stopped. “I, um, I apologize for startling you earlier. I was just so very excited.”
Dean didn’t really hear the apology he was still so shocked. The man was a spitting image of Castiel. How can that be possible? “Are you really him?”
“I am.” Castiel took a careful step towards Dean and held out his hand. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean took the hand, solid in his grip but then felt nothing but cold air a second later. As if he just went right through him. “Hiya, Cas.”
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ahockeywrites · 2 months
the service
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pairing: aurelia mcavoy x trent frederic word count: 2.5k warnings: swearing, it’s my fic, there’s always swearing authors note: hello and welcome to another series that I hope I can finish (lol). hope you all enjoy! masterlist
Trent pushed open the door to the garage, feeling as though he was somewhere that he shouldn’t be. Charlie had recommended this garage as it had the best reviews for Porsche maintenance and was where he took his car. But it didn’t seem right. All he had to do was see if ‘Peanut’ worked here and if he did, then he would know if he was in the right place.
A gruff looking man with white hair and a long beard sat behind the counter and now Trent felt as though he really shouldn’t be here.
“Charlie McAvoy said I should come here for my car’s service?” He weakly asked, really feeling as though he was in the complete wrong part of town.
“Freddy with a Porsche?” He man behind the desk asked, after flicking through a few pages of the large diary that sat in front of him.
Trent nodded, feeling slightly more relaxed that be was definitely in the right place and that Charlie hadn’t sent him on a wild goose chase around the city. That wouldn’t be the craziest thing to happen to him. 
When he was a rookie in Providence, the older players told him that they were having after game drinks at a bar. A bar that didn’t exist in Rhode Island. It was in California. Trent was pissed but ended up channeling his anger into a fight in the following game.
“Peanut will be with you in a moment, they’re just finishing up on a vintage 911,” the man explained.
Fuck, a vintage 911. How Trent wished he could own one of them but the upkeep on it would be more than he could handle. Especially when he had no clue about cars. But fuck, if he knew someone who knew their way around a car, his first purchase would be a vintage 911.
“Okay,” Trent replied, swinging his car keys around his finger as he wandered over to the notice board on the other side of the reception. The Bruins key ring hit against the plastic of his car key as he kept himself distracted waiting for Peanut.
“Freddy with a Porsche Cayenne?” A distinctly feminine voice with a strong Boston accent called out into the reception. Trent looked around, realised he was the only person in the room and then figured out that it was for him. 
“That’s me,” he replied, spinning around to be greeted with a short woman with an imposing stature. Her dark hair was tied up in a ponytail behind her and Trent had no inclination of who she was except for the name Peanut. That surely couldn’t have been her name. But it was the name that was stitched into her dark blue overalls. 
“I’m Aurelia but everyone here calls me Peanut. You met Gramps,” she pointed at the older man sat behind the counter, who offered Trent a wave. “It’s dad and I who are working today but occasionally you’ll get Adam who’s my brother working when he’s not at collage.”
Trent just nodded, that was more of an info dump that he expected from his mechanic but it really did feel like a family run business the way they treated him.
“Sorry for the run down,” Peanut apologised,  most people here are regulars and know all of us. But you’re new, so you get the speed rundown. So, your Cayenne, what we needing for it?”
The hockey player thought for a moment. Why did he actually come here again? Oh crap yeah.
“Just a yearly service,” Trent got out, slightly in awe of the pretty girl standing in front of him. She was beautiful, he hoped that Charlie hadn’t mentioned this garage to any of the other players as he wanted to call dibs on her. Well, if that was still a thing that people did.
“I can’t sweet talk you into an engine upgrade, car wrap or new rims?” Peanut giggled as she headed out to the front where Trent had parked his car.  
You could sweet talk me into anything, he thought but did say that. He just apologised and reaffirmed his need for a service and nothing else. 
Peanut shook her head in mock disgust. “Damn, I always try that with the cute ones and it never works,” she laughed once more as she squatted down to look at the brake discs and callipers for a quick first inspection. “Left hand side looks good, from first glance but let me check the right.” 
Peanut zipped around to the other side and did the same tyre and brake check confirming her initial thoughts that there probably wouldn’t be anything wrong with them. 
“Looks like you don’t need new tyres but I can’t confirm that until I properly check them,” Peanut smiled. “So I’ll just need your keys and it should be a few hours.”
“Sounds good, do you need my number?” Trent asked, not realising how it sounded.
“Well,” Peanut raised an eyebrow, “my personal phone is missing the number of an attractive Porsche driver.” 
A faint blush tinted the hockey player’s cheeks as it clicked in his head what he said and how it could be interpreted.
“Not like that,” he quickly backtracked, not wanting to make it seem as though he wasn’t interested but he was. He had placed himself in a sticky situation.
“Don’t worry,” Peanut explained. “Gramps will take your details before I drive it around the back. He’ll also explain how much it’ll cost. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to move my car out of the way.”
Peanut skipped back to the garage and opened the roller shutter doors. A white Porsche 911 Carrera from 1973 backed out of the opening and the same person who he was envious of earlier happened to be Peanut as she reversed out of the garage and into a spot on the side of the road.
She jumped out of the driver’s side door and invited Trent back inside to fill in all the paperwork that they needed before they could get started on servicing the car. 
“Right, I’ll leave you with Gramps to get all the boring stuff sorted and I’ll be in the back, see you later!” Peanut waved and stormed through the door at a speed that had Trent concerned for the door.
“Don’t worry about my granddaughter, she’s always had this sort of energy,” the man that Peanut called Gramps explained. “That will be 300 dollars for the service and if Peanut finds anything else, it’s labour hours plus parts. All good?”
Trent nodded again before handing his keys over to Gramps and calling an Uber to take him back.
“You’ll call me when it’s good to pick up, yeah?” Trent asked, just making sure that he knew what was going on.
“Sure thing,” Gramps replied. “Should be done sometime this afternoon, provided no hiccups.” Trent nodded in appreciation before making his way outside to jump in the Uber to head back to his place.
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Trent sat in front of his monitor, playing a solo game. He didn’t want to risk being involved in an online game with some of his teammates when he got the call to pick up his car. He felt limited in what he could do as Tuesday afternoons were usually the days he went food shopping, as long as he was in the city and not on a road trip. It was a slight change to his routine.
The doorbell went and Trent paused. He wasn’t expecting anyone or any deliveries so it must have been one of the guys. But why would any of them be visiting him on a random Tuesday afternoon?
He stood up and walked across to look through the peephole. Charlie was stood outside his door, hands in his pockets looking awkward. Trent had no idea why the defenceman was at his apartment when he knew Trent’s car was at the shop.
Trent opened the door and Charlie barrelled his way into the Boston apartment. He walked straight over to the kitchen, grabbed a glass for himself, filled it with water and drank the whole thing in one go. Water dripped from Charlie’s mouth but he quickly used his sleeve to wipe it away.
“You okay?” Trent asked, very confused as to what had just happened.
“Please tell me why my cousin just called me to say that Fit Freddy’s car is ready and that I should bring him to the garage?” Charlie growled, slightly concerned at what Aurelia had said on the phone. “And why she really wants your number?”
“It might help if I knew who your cousin is?” Trent replied, trying to make sense of the situation. He was racking his head to see if he knew an Aurelia. 
“Aurelia McAvoy, short, dark hair, sounds like she was raised in a barn?” Charlie explained, hands flailing around as though he couldn’t keep control of them. “You know, the cousin I consider a younger sister?”
Trent still looked confused. He didn’t know any Aurelia McAvoy… wait…
“You mean the mechanic?” Trent questioned. “Your cousin is Peanut?”
“Yes!” Charlie exclaimed. “My cousin is Aurelia. You went to my grandfather’s garage and my cousin is the one who has fixed up your car and supposedly given you the friends and family discount that no one outside of the actual family gets?”
Trent could see steam coming out of his teammates ears as he tried to make sense of the situation and also diffuse it. Playing mediator wasn’t his usual role on the team but he needed to today.
“Charlie,” Trent started, “I don’t know why she said that but if my car is ready to pick up. Maybe we should go and grab that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Charlie responded before grabbing his keys from his pocket. “Let’s head out, see if Gramps can explain what’s going on. Fucking hope he can.”
The drive to the suburbs was painful for both hockey players. Charlie was still fuming that Trent had been flirting with his cousin, he couldn’t have Aurelia dating one of his teammates. As much as he loved his teammates, he did not want any of them dating someone he considered a second sister. Aurelia could absolutely deal with one of the Bruins, but she deserved better in his head. 
Trent was slightly annoyed that Charlie thought he was flirting with his cousin. He didn’t intend to flirt with her and if he did, he was only responding to her flirting. Maybe she flirted with all the customers to try and get as many extras sorted as possible. That had to be it. She must also have been riling up Charlie. This could be one of the things they did growing up and Trent was now just a pawn in their game. 
The drive was quiet, just the sounds of a local radio station in the background. But Trent could see that Charlie’s ears were still red so he was still angry. 
Charlie turned the steering wheel and parked up outside the garage. He had tried to use the drive to calm down but it really didn’t help. It didn’t help when the recipient of his anger was in the enclosed space with him.
“Let’s get this shit over with,” he muttered under his breath before opening his door and then slamming it shut. Trent followed suit but didn’t use the same amount of force as his counterpart. 
Charlie stormed his way into the reception area of the garage and Trent was hot on his heels. He just wanted his car back, he didn’t want to get in the middle of a McAvoy family argument, but it seemed like he would.
Aurelia looked up from over the counter to see her cousin looking at her with angry looking eyes. Crap, she thought, have I gone too far with this one? It was no secret that she fancied Trent, but it was something she didn’t want to share with Charlie as his rule since he started playing hockey was that she couldn’t date any of his teammates or opponents. Which she understood at the start when they were all teenagers. 
But then he started playing in the big leagues. And he was playing against Mat Barzal, Nathan MacKinnon and Sidney Crosby. The latter was the first player that Aurelia had on her wall when she used to play hockey, before she moved onto racing cars. 
But Trent was Charlie’s teammate. One of Charlie’s friends. Charlie was the one who took Trent under his wing and showed him around the city. Trent was also the only teammate who Charlie had sent to her garage. Well, Patrice Bergeron had also been there, but he was no longer a teammate to her cousin.
“What can I do for you, dear Charles?” Aurelia asked as she stood up, spinning Trent’s car keys on her index finger, just to provoke her cousin slightly more. 
“Trent is here for his car,” Charlie pointed to the forward standing next to him. “Gramps can show him the car. You and I need a little chat.” Aurelia rolled her eyes but handed the keys across to Gramps who took Trent out to the back to explain the costs and how much he owed.
It was silent and the tension between Charlie and Aurelia was high.
“Peanut,” Charlie groaned as he ran a hand through his locks. “Please tell me you didn’t give him a friends and family discount?”
“What if I did?” She retaliated before popping a piece of chewing gum into her mouth. “He’s a friend of yours, so he’s a friend of mine. You didn’t get like this when I gave the discount to Bergy?”
“You gave the discount to Bergy?” Charlie questioned. “That’s the first I’ve heard of this.”
“Whoops,” Aurelia shrugged. “So what, I’ve had a crush on Freddy since he fought Tanev. Makes sense I’d give the guy I fancy a discount, right?”
“Fucks sake,” Charlie had to sit down to control himself. “You fancy Freddy? That’s breaking rule one.”
“No,” countered Aurelia. “Breaking rule one would be if I started dating him.” She blew a large bubble with the gum in her mouth. “Today is the first time I’ve met him. Did I flirt with him? Yes, I mean who wouldn’t. Would I date him? If you let me get to know him, yes.”
Charlie opened his mouth to speak but Aurelia raised his hand to shut him up.
“But do I trust your opinion and reasoning as to why you don’t want me dating your teammates? Yeah, I do.” 
Charlie understood where Aurelia was coming from. She wasn’t the young girl he remembered. She was 25 now. Ran the family business and had a successful racing career on the side. 
“Peanut,” Charlie started. “I just wanna protect you. I won’t give you Freddy’s number just yet.” To that she rolled her eyes. “But if a load of us are hanging out with our partners and you’re free, I’ll invite you. How does that sound?”
“Significantly better than keeping me in my own bubble,” she replied. “Can I go and get Freddy sorted now? And can you fuck off until family dinner.”
“You got it peanut, just don’t make too many mistakes.”
Aurelia saluted before tacking her cousin before he was ready and took him down to the ground.
“Pfft,” she exclaimed. “NHL defender my ass.”
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sadistic-kiss · 2 months
I just had a wild dream about Sukuna that turned into a fucking Freddy cougar nightmare . (This is how house of alpha was born so be prepared for this slap ass recap lol)
I was at a doggy day care, watching dogs because it was my job. (I love dogs so this is fine). Sukuna comes along with his hot girlfriend bringing his dog in for me to take care of. Turns out it’s his girlfriend’s chihuahua .
I have a boyfriend who is some guy with black hair. (Kasukabe is that you?) So I peak at him once but respectfully avert my gaze. (When I talk to couples in public I always keep eye contact with the girl. One because they are always so pretty and two because I don’t want them to think I want their man 😭)
Anyways I’m talking to her being polite and all goes well. Then Sukuna says, “Careful he’s a little shit.”
Of course being the doggy lover I am I’m able to get this barking biting chihuaha to like me after it but the shit out of me and I’m bleeding as well (in real life I would have been like ma’am I cannot take your dog I need to go to the doctor but no dream me wanted to please this hot girl.) . And the gf was so pleased and thanked me. And im super happy and tell her that I love dogs they are better than people (wow what a joke right?)
I start watching their dog and maybe a week goes by before they come in and I see Sukuna kick the dog in which I gasp and get angry at him because no matter how hot you are you aren’t going to harm an animal (that is my breaking point). So while I’m going off on sukuna his girlfriend is visibly shaking and she’s trying to stop me from yelling at him.
After my blow up sukuna only laughs before stepping out in which his girlfriend looks st me as if she’s seen a ghost. She starts panicking”you should go apologize you need to apologize to him before it’s too late…” and I’m like what? Apologize for what? And she’s like losing it and I’m like it’s okay and she’s like “no! It’s not!”
And I’m like what? “Is he going to kill me?”
And she just goes silent.
“I’ll go say sorry for you.” So she takes her dog and leaves in which I’m like a bit scared so I ask my bf (kasukabe ? I don’t know the guy had black hair but he was NOT daddy toji 😭) to take me home
So nothing happens and I don’t see them again until a few days later but it’s just sukuna bringing the dog himself. He attempts to talk to me within the process of me taking the chihuahua. But I’m ignoring him. He’s playing nice. Then he asks me out to which I am floored. I laugh in his face but then stop because he’s intimidating. I shook my head, “No you have a girlfriend.”
“I don’t.”
(Now I’m like bitch what you guys broke up why are you with this chihuahua XD)
“I have a boyfriend.”
“He treat you any good?”
“He treats me and dogs good.” With that I take the dog back and strut away like a proud boss girl.
So as im closing up shop and waiting for my bf to come get me hours go by and he’s not here. I try to call no answer. So now im worried. I go home to my little puppy suppers but something is off. My dog didn’t come greet me at the door. (She always comes running when I enter the house.) now im calling for her. Walking around in my dark home. That’s when I flip the light on and sukuna is sitting in my living room holding my dog (alive thankfully)
Of course a scream because “what are you doing in my house?”
“She’s a cute dog.”
“Sukuna… what are you doing in my house…” I’m slowly dialing 911 while backing away Im freaking out because that’s my fur baby and I want to leave the house and run but he has my child. Then I step on something wet. Looking down there is a pool of blood under my feet and it’s coming from my bathroom.
“Peak inside, left you a present.”
My heart? Dropped. I opened the door because like you know that’s what they do in the movies. Inside the bathroom is my boyfriend ~kasukabe nooo~ and he’s yeah gory details but you know dead.
So I’m crying and I’m like I’m so sorry I’m so sorry, and Sakuna is just taughting me the whole time, while holding my whimpering dog. So then he goes.
“I got a deal for you. You can keep this brat or I can bring him back to life and take this one’s head off. Which one you love more?”
So now I’m going hysterical. Because what? How dare he. Demon I say! Foul demon!
But… I picked my dog because let’s be honest kasukabe was already dead and tbh I didn’t really know him don’t hurt me it was dream logic and I was freaking out. Q-Q so sukuna throws the dog on the floor and I hug my little girl to my chest and I think the worse of it is over until I hear crunching noises. Sweet heavens he’s eating my bf. So I slowly get up and go upstairs and close my door and curl up into a ball on my bed with my fur baby. Surprisingly I fell asleep.
The next day I had to clean up the blood on my floor and then I continued with life per usual. SIKE Sukuna continues to torment me! To make this post short he puts me through hell. And then at one point I freaked out so bad I woke up. *like in real life I flinched and woke up gasping*. So I was like what an awful dream. Lays back down and goes to sleep*
I’m in another place and when I wake up people gasp and they were like you are finally awake!
Why am I’m in a hospital?
Doctor tells me I freaked out so hard I went into a stressed induced coma. Wtf is that a thing 😂? So I’m like oh okay. Then the nurse is like “your husband is goin to be so happy you woke up.”
“Husband?” I looked around the room to see flowers all around me. Some dying some new.
“Yes he’s been waiting for you for five years he hasn’t left your side.”
So then I’m sitting in bed like Hm okay… don’t really know what’s happening I don’t even remember anything.
Boom husband sukuna walks in and Im shooketh but I DONT KNOW WHY because I just went to sleep so stupid me is like omg sukuna I love sukuna haha so hot make brain go burrr~
So then he’s like your awake! And I’m like yeah who is you and he realizes I don’t know who he is so he takes me home and I’m like trembling and he’s like why I are you trembling and flinching and I’m like honestly I don’t know? So I take pills because that’s what the doctor prescribed to ease my stress and anxiety but I’m just like lalala OH MY DOG and I’m so happy to be home but why am I so scared? Everything seems normal I have a lovely husband it seems.
Then slowly thing ls start happening. When he touches me I’m scared and when I do something I’m afraid to make him angry. Something is not right.
Lo and behold I start to remember EVERYTHING AND I’m like OH HELL NO! And when I do remember I INSTANLY WAKE UP hahhaha! So here I am now sitting in bed like *le sigh* I wonder if I’m in a coma AGAIN hahhaha.
Yup… and that’s how my stories are written, and this is how house of alpha was born 😌. Having vivid dreams can be a double edge sword at times because on one hand I was blessed with a wonderful reverse harem of alphas and knots but sometimes I get the horror films lol.
Maybe someday I’ll post the slap ass recap of house of alpha lol. I can’t do it now because of spoilers ✨
I’m so angry right now. Sukuna was sooooo evil and not in a- I’ll burn the world for you girl- no it was the -you are my pet and I’ll do what I want to you evil. I’m going to go read some daddy Nanami fics where it is safe, and maybe I’ll have better dreams. I hope we go on a cruise or play bingo 😭 🚢.
✨Wish me luck✨
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outrunningthedark · 10 months
i feel like the 911 fandom has started romanticizing the eddie-shannon relationship more than eddie does makes me 😑😑😑
(sorry not sure why i sent this to you specifically at this moment in time except that i've been thinking it and i think you might agree lol)
Lord, are they still on about that? I have no time nor patience for people who find reasons to be uWu over Eddie and Shannon because those same people can't keep it consistent. If Eddie's parents were awful for their emotional and physical (a dad who was barely around because of work) neglect towards Eddie, then Shannon should be viewed the same way. Not even a damn phone call. If the Buckley parents don't get a pass for not knowing how to love and care for their children because their grief consumed them (it wasn't *just* about the baby with "defective parts", otherwise Maddie wouldn't have suffered, too), then people shouldn't be all "But...but...cerebral palsy is tough stuff! No parent asks for/expects that." Any good parent doesn't ask for their kid to die, or expects to bury them, either, so. What's your point? The truth of the matter is that Shannon is treated differently for these reasons: - she was a younger woman who could be romantically connected to Eddie (people loooove looking back at their sex life) - people like to create scenarios in their head where Eddie and Shannon and Buck are the younger version of the Grant-Nash fam. Eddie and Shannon stay close despite the past, Eddie starts dating someone new (specifically, a man, and more specifically, Buck) and Shannon embraces the change, though it may take her a minute to adjust at first. - Plain and simple, people have an easier time "understanding" Shannon abandoning her husband and kid because of the CP.
Treating your able-bodied kids like shit is a no-no regardless of what the parents are struggling with (the fandom forever glosses over the fact that Margaret was willing to end her own life after Daniel passed away...). And I *guarantee* if Chris had a more "common" neurodivergent condition she wouldn't get such sympathy. That's *their* upbringing they're watching on screen. Physical disability, though? Especially one that A LOT of folks know nothing about because they don't interact with it on the daily? That scares them. The idea that they could do everything "right" and still end up with a kid whose disability isn't always helped with a pill or therapy techniques scares them. They can't blame a mother for doing something they themselves can't say would never cross their mind.
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unknownspecies · 2 years
Ship your moots with characters they don’t know!
since all of you guys are weebs i cant do any animes
So im throwing a curveball and shipping yall with book characters !!!
@daiception x horace rangers apprentice
HORACE MY HUNGRY HIMBOOOO. hungry hungru himbo. a swordsman soldier through and through and knows all the rules. but wont hesistate to break them for youuuu. hes vv direct with his love (srsly questions his friends who try to be discrete with their crushes hes like “just tell them ?? Tf??” bby it doesnt work that way 😭) but will move the mountains for you
@zorotits x grey cursebreaker series
ive inly read the first book and am reading the second rn. but !!! grey is a commander of the royal guard. so he’s incredibly loyal. to the point where he’ll die for you. so. this man. poor man. needs a damn break. give him a much needed massage. and he’ll teach u how to swordfight in return. then he’ll fight u with his sword ;) he loves like no other and wouldnt do any pranks with you. but would def try to cover your tracks if you do. wont hesistate to tell you “i told you so” if you do get caught tho 😐 mf do ur job and cover me tf. but vv loving nonetheless
@chosovixen x the darkling grishaverse
i hate the darkling (wow what a wonderful way to start this) but i def see the appeal if he wasnt a murdering psychopath. dream sex ;) but will conquer kingdoms for you and will flirt with you and show you ur true potential. 
@httpghostface x rowan/lorcan throne of glass
rowan and lorcan are two ppl that i shipped u with (even better if they both take you ;) theyre “rivals” so itll def be interesting) rowan is someone who doesnt show much emotion and lorcan is someone who doesnt have much emotion. but they both love with all their broken and scarred hearts. lorcan is the living def of a tsundere he will literally deny u in front of their friends and it will literally be yalls wedding like???tf??? will no doubt kill fy (has before) and will treat u like the queen u deserve to be treated as
@reverie-starlight x shade red queen
shade is menace. a flirtatious, teleporting, handsome menace. you two would definitely create a secret language and shit talk your friends in front of them. and the best part is. this language is silent, all in the eyes. so itll just be 👀. 👀👀. 😏🙄😒. 🥱🤨😊. 👀😐😩. 😏😎🥴. and ur friends are like “are yall having a stroke tf is going on here tf. jessica lets get out of here call 911”
@ushiwhacka x cassian acotar
Cassian is a himbo with 1.23 braincells and 0.76 of them are in the wind rn lost and never to be found. an absolute sweetheart. basically a calmer more horny bokuto essentially. he has wings so touch and caress them and see what happens ;) will crawl to you even if he was half dead (happened before) and will absolutely cause chaos with you whenever and wherever. accidentally blew up a building and has heavy allergies but will no doubt fill donuts with mustard and hand them over to his murderous friend just for shits and giggles. Will frame u tho but dw his murderous spy friend will give him a few bruises after >:)
@https-bachira x rowan tog 
ROWAN IS A SON OF A BITXH (affectionately) literal grump. but. will skin people alive fy (he did for his soulmate ;) ) he will push u past ur potential and his canines 👀😩. he wont tolerate any bullshit towards him or you but he will watch ur bullshit towards other people. sass everyone but him (unless u want something else 😏)
@crescentkaze x dorian tog
DORIAN MY BBY BOY 😩😩😩 you only need to know one thing. invisible. hands. 😏😏😏. now. dorian used to be vv charming. but after a certain incident hes vv quiet. BUT HES STILL A SEXYMAN AT HEART. he will strike down the stars for you (he almost did for his first love) and he will never hide it. hes the type to do the flustering but show a little spunk and hes sure to be the one blushing (but youll pay for that later dw ;) )
@nanamoonie x aedion tog/gilan ra
nownownow aims 😏😏😏 aeidon and gilan are both vv charming men. i couldnt pick fy. aedion is a charming general plagued by harsh memories (so vv good for hurt comfort) yet is a horny mf that cant keep his hands to himself. he is vv affectionate and will push u past ur limits. gilan is an absolute sweetheart. also vv charming and will compliment u and look at u as of ur the only girl in the world !!! im jealous frfr 
@toorumi x kenji shatter me/nikolai grishaverse
kenji is an absolute menace frfr a very jokester type of person yet would be serious when needed. hes the comedic relief in the series yet hes also my fav character as well 😩 he can turn invisible so be ware for any pranks !! dw ull get him back. i also shipped u with nikolai (hes my favorite fucking character ever i want this man right here) a true charming prince turned king, but an innovator and strategic pirate as well (although he would say privateer) he speaks in nothing but flirtations (reminds u of someone?) and will not hesistate to blow up a building by accident. a true match fy frfr (pa these guys got fashion sense so it kight be a turn off fy 😭💀👀)
@sookisaurus x rhysand acotar
Risu would definitely go well with Rhys. hes a vv supportive character that both lifts u up and pushes u to get past ur limits. yet would immediately back off the moment he sees u starting to strain (unless its in bed ;) ) hes the vv charming type (much like kuroo) and is vv affectionate. not to mention his wings are vvvv sensitive ;) a powercouple to be feared frfr
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oh 911 hot takes poll, i loved yours!! what price do i get when i agree with all of your hot takes? the only thing that i am mostly neutral about is henren being the best ship, but that's mostly because i enjoy it the same way i enjoy bathena and madney. they're all cute, but not ships i actively ship if that makes sense?
i think there should be more talk about bobby literally lying his way into the position of captain of the 118 and not only facing zero tangible consequences for his actions but also being allowed to keep the fucking job lmfao. y'all be hating on female characters who are career-focused for personal reasons (cough taylor cough) but when it's a white dude, it's because he's such a poor misunderstood soul boohoo <3 the double standards make me sick <3
buck filing the lawsuit had a point, he literally won the case. like, in canon, the show canonized that buck was in the right. buck's doctor had approved him to go back to firefighting so bobby had no legal ground or evidence to just forbid him to come back. an "inkling" or "feeling" is not a reason for an employer to do that? idk why people were pissed at buck for going the legal route – we have unions because of employers frequently use their power to push you out of your job and shit whenever it suits them. bobby is not buck's doctor nor therapist, so why does anyone think that he can just do that? maybe it's an american thing idk about lmao. buck obtaining millions of dollars as damages said enough, and i need people to swallow that pill.
bless, i am not alone in thinking that eddie was (and obv the buddie shippers were) clearly being kind of an ass to ana! people were at her throat for calling him "edmundo" of all things, as if he cannot speak up for himself or isn't allowed to like his first name lmao. how ana was demonized and eddie was babyfied by the fandom is my villain origin story. on that note, i also must point out that the only reason eddie did not face a trial or any other severe consequences after beating up a man is because that man just conveniently dropped the case. could have easily lost custody over chris because of that, but sure, ana was the disrespectful toxic troublemaker. double standard rgrgrgrgrg
also taylor and bucktaylor my beloved <3 the end of the relationship was so abrupt but what else is new with the wonky 911 writing. i still love her, i love that she is clearly thriving after the breakup, and i think the ship could have been developed instead of broken up tbh. their different values were interesting and challenging, finally somebody who did not appear to only play the role of "buck's girlfriend who must agree with everything". i get the breakup, but taylor was willing to change to make things work, so like, big missed chance imo. i'll keep enjoying them in my heart tho <3
omg thanks for typing all this out and validating my opinions haha! its like we share a mind!
honestly i dont have much to add to this, you summed up a lot of my thoughts so well!
in terms of the lawsuit stuff, i dont necessarily completely agree with buck filing the lawsuit, like i get why the others were mad, but i do think that bobbys reaction to it was not great, plus like buck did have a point, he wouldn't have won otherwise and also i think there was a double standard, like other characters who got injured (like when chimney got the freaking rebar through his skull!!) came back to work pretty quick with no issue, but for some reason its different for buck?
my biggest issue with the 911 fandom is how any love interest buck and eddie have are treated. like, dont get me wrong, i love buck and eddie and i do ship them, but also the way fans treat the female characters is gross. i love taylor, like shes not perfect and im not saying she did nothing wrong, but also every other character in the show has fucked up on multiple occasions yet they arent treated with the same hatred she is, i truly dont get it! i do think it was right for her and buck to break up at the point they did, but for the majority of their relationship i did really like them as a couple!
im not gonna go into any more detail here cos this post is becoming insanely long and i have so many thoughts, but like, anon, you get it. thank you!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
SCHENECTADY –  Deliberations in the the murder and manslaughter trial of a Rotterdam ordained minister on trial for killing his 4-year-old foster son and injuring the boy's older brother are expected to get underway Friday afternoon.
But before jurors get the case, the attorneys will deliver their summations Friday morning and receive legal instructions from the judge.
On Thursday, Dequan Greene testified on the stand that he was in a “high state of stress” and consumed by doing what he could to  save his unresponsive son lying on the kitchen floor when he ignored his wife’s suggestion over the phone that he dial 911. 
Acknowledging he should have made that call, Greene told his defense lawyer Jim Tyner under direct questioning that “the only thing that was on my mind was saving my son.” 
“The statement that you gave the police, did you tell them the truth?” Tyner asked his client. 
“Absolutely,” answered Greene.
He also answered in the affirmative when Tyner followed up about the sworn statement Greene signed and gave to police and whether it was what occurred at the family’s Broadway home Dec. 20, 2021.
Tyner has previously argued that the damage to Charlie's liver was caused by "the inappropriate application of CPR and the Heimlich maneuver" by "well-intentioned first responders who were doing the best they can."
The boy's older brother was also treated at Albany Medical Center Hospital for bruises on his body, swollen lips and a partially torn muscle in his face.
But the prosecutor during a withering cross-examination insisted the real reason the defendant didn’t make that potentially live-saving emergency call was because it was he who inflicted the fatal injuries on Charlie.
‘You knew he was dying, you knew what you did to him, and you didn’t want anyone to find out,” said Christina Tremante-Pelham.
“Like I said before, I didn’t do anything to him,” Greene responded.
“You were trying to save your own life, not his,” Tremante-Pelham followed up. 
“No, I was trying to save his,” Greene said. 
She argued that Greene called his wife Latrisha Greene, who was out, at least eight times to see about problems she was having with their vehicle’s windshield wipers in snowy weather, but never bothered to call 911 for his child. 
It wasn’t until Latrisha Greene got home that she made that call. 
Dequan Greene has maintained he was honest when he told police and paramedics that the boy fell off a toddler chair and responded with slurred speech when Greene asked him if he was OK. From there, he recounted to jurors that Charlie began to vomit up food and was eventually unresponsive. 
He said he tried to revive the boy by performing CPR and doing the Heimlich maneuver.
Tremante-Pelham highlighted that statement as one of the inconsistencies among Greene's testimony at trial, what he said under oath during earlier Family Court proceedings and that sworn statement to a Rotterdam police detective.  
“Today is the first time you’ve ever mentioned the Heimlich,” the prosecutor said.
“I guess so,” he answered. 
He also denied to his attorney that he ever caused any bruising to either Charlie or his brother. 
He told Tyner that he and his wife became foster parents to give back to the community, later recalling to the prosecutor the devastation he felt after getting a call from his wife at Ellis Hospital that Charlie died that same day he was hospitalized.  
“After that phone call, I just broke down, I hate even talking about it,” he said, becoming emotional. “At the end of the day, that’s my son, nobody will ever understand the pain of losing a child.”
Tremante-Pelham appeared to question his sincerity, pointing out a text message last week from his mother seemingly instructing him to be emotional on the stand. Greene clarified that his mother had told him it was OK for him to get emotional while testifying.  
He said he disciplined the boys mostly by taking away their privileges and making them do wall sits for a minute for things like roughhousing and lying about taking food from the pantry without asking. A wall sit is an exercise where a person positions themselves at a 90 degree angle with their back flat against the wall and heels on the ground.  
While he admitted to texts he sent in all capital letters  about the boys doing wall sits, Greene said he didn’t know what his wife meant when she texted him about “no more bruises, we need them to heal.”   
The defendant said Charlie’s brother may have suffered a swollen lip when he fell from the shower and said that the brothers were roughhousing a lot, which may have left them with bruises. 
“What I’m asking you is if you saw all those bruises the boys had” the prosecutor persisted.
“I did not,” answered Greene.    
At another time he told Tremante-Pelham that it was not uncommon for the boys to be play fighting and that “some kids bruise easier than others” 
“All I would really tell you is that none of those bruises came from me,” he added.  
The prosecutor also grilled Greene about the aftermath of a family’s week long trip to Florida where she contends that for two weeks the boys were not seen by professionals or a case worker because they were supposedly in COVID-19 quarantine even though he acknowledged he went back to work almost immediately when a supervisor said he could do so as long as he wore a face mask.  
Greene explained to his attorney that video showing water being poured on the head of one of the boys was part of what he called “prank war” that he and other family members went through. 
Toward the end of the footage, Greene is heard telling his wife to delete it “before we go to prison.” He told Tyner the comment was made jokingly.
Greene denied the prosecution’s characterization that he and his wife were happy and smiling after they found out they would be losing their children. He testified that the upset couple instead went to their car and cried. 
Tyner wrapped up his questioning by asking Greene: 
“Did you ever stomp on Charlie?
“No,” responded Greene.
“Are you  responsible for the injuries Charlie suffered that lead to his death?”
“No,” said Greene.
Tremante-Pelham punctuated her cross-examination of Greene saying that the stomp was a “brutal act” that ended Charlie’s life.    
As well as murder and manslaughter, Greene faces charges of assault and two misdemeanor counts of child endangerment. He faces 25 years to life on the top count, if convicted.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
Thoughts while rewatching 4x01 - 4x04 -
Episode 4x03 - this does include thoughts that span the whole arc - so spoilers ahead.
I won’t believe O’Brien is a good guy until the end of this never-ending Owen storyline
I still feel like there is something weird with him
Also – Judd got a “cool new nick name” before Owen did – unless you count O’Brien calling him “O”
Not a fan of the detective – that feeling dramatically increases as the arc continues
Let’s just blame the mental illness for why the woman disappeared WHILE WORKING – gee, I wonder why her purse & shit were in the car.
The more the detective talks – the more I can’t stand her
But, I do have to credit this fictitious APD – both detectives in Missing persons are women & not just that, but women of color – working in a field where people that look like them are often overlooked.
Carlos, I am sorry – but you are the cause of TK going to see Iris – you are the one that put yourself & TK on an impossible time frame – then you just expect him to sit back and roll over – fuck that. Just the only way they had to blame TK for something – while completely absolving Carlos of responsibility in the situation – when the reason they are in this is HIM, not TK.
Fans would be bending over backward and celebrating if this storyline were about TK being secretly married – saying how much he never deserved Carlos, that Carlos was too good for him, they would never forgive a lie like that. BUT, when it is Carlos – its all cool and totally TK’s fault.
The cliff rescue was hilarious & tragic
– the way Carlos (& the fandom) treats TK is the tragic part – once again if the roles were reversed people would be coming for TK’s head, but since it is Carlos being a dick, its all cool and totally TK’s fault.
The hilarious was obviously Nancy’s valiant effort to save the sex doll, Judd’s “It’s serious then” said so matter-of-factly, and Mateo’s “It’s time.” – the 126 scenes are so fun, or at least fun to see.
Every time the Owen storyline progresses – he looks more stupid –
I like how calm Grace is on calls, but how much she actually thinks outside of the box to help people
I have met 911 dispatchers that she reminds me of, and I respect them so much for the challenges they deal with in each call – the times that they aren’t able to help their caller, can only be with them through the phone in their final moments.
I like how they show the way that Iris made moves to save herself – calling even though she was terrified, Counting the minutes as they passed – then being able to give that info to the dispatchers – she was a big part in saving herself.
Let’s just assume the lady that has schizophrenia was in her own delusions about being kidnapped – lets not do any forensic investigation – lets not listen to the victim, simply because she has an illness that causes paranoid delusions – like at least fucking look into it.
Fuck this detective – like all the fucking way
Owen, just going around taking evidence from the FBI, handing it over to his new bff. – fucking moron
I get that his heart is in the right place – but, seriously does this man only operate on a quarter of a braincell?
Lyndsy & Rafa are spectacular in the hospital scenes
Iris is clear in her information, just tells Carlos and the Detective what she went through – only one of them believes her – then hopefully never to be seen again after 4x04 detective makes Carlos doubt Iris, not for long, but I think that leads to his NEED to solve whether or not this was real, needs to show Iris that he believes her.
When she said that he looked at her like a painting – still gives me chills – I have felt that look before, it is fucking creepy as shit.
The roadhouse scene – I mean watching Owen lose at something & lose a bunch of money was nice
That dude has an insanely high alcohol tolerance
That dude is also incredibly dumb. But “Todays a day of the week” was a funny line – especially with the delivery.
Owen “Crackshot” Strand – guess he had to give himself a cool new nickname
I wish we had gotten to see the whole TK & Tommy scene
Their shifts are so confusing – they work 24-hour shifts, but are frequently at home or somewhere other than the firehouse when they should be at work. I guess it is safe for me to just make up the head cannon that they only work 12-hour shifts – the time is just whatever is convenient for the plot.
I don’t like that woman either, Iris. Pretty sure not too many people do at this point.
Carlos looks so sad when he tells her that the phone didn’t have anything & then he asked her if it could be her delusions.
Her doubting herself is so awful, but so well played
Her telling him that she could still smell him, that he had the scent of a floral detergent, was something I felt.
I love the way she explains how only one little crack of doubt can make it all spiral – the beauty of this scene will always astound me
12345 – Seriously?
Then to use the same one another lock – that just screams of set up or that the members are to dumb to remember 5 non-concurrent numbers.
I do kinda like Turner’s belt buckle though
Still doesn’t make sense on how they knew to move all that shit so quickly if O’Brien didn’t give them the info – the other dude was passed the fuck out
Owen and his movie hero training – Stakeout knowledge was from a movie – Spy/Parking garage knowledge was from a movie
I understand the FBI agent’s frustration at Owen’s completely moronic actions – he is making dumb fucking decisions – yet they keep using him – I guess that is their own fault when he fucks it up for them
Still that small gap between TK’s “I love you” & Carlos’ “love you too” was so sad, even though we know he says it.
Dumb cop move 1: lie to your fiancé about where you are staying before going to the house your wife was held in
Dumb cop move 2: go in the house at night without telling anyone where you really were
Dumb cop move 3: going into the tunnel & continuing down it – without calling for backup/letting anyone know where he is
Dumb cop move 4: go through the floor at the end of the tunnel without calling for backup/letting anyone know where he was.
And the shovel – she had a good amount of force to her swing.
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librathefangirl · 1 year
Libra Watches 911 Lone Star - 4x01
And we are back! Finally.
Some of my thoughts and feelings under the cut! Spoilers!
Oh here we go here we go! I've missed them all so much. Seriously. I'm like... vibrating right now 😅
Judd gesturing TK over and being like "you're daddy okay?" 😂 Also I've missed these two together!
Aw man, my sister is not gonna like this episode. She hates frogs 😅 Can't wait to watch it with her 😈 Call it payback for the laughs she had during that whole spider thing in OG 911 season 5. Ugh...
So Carlos really is married to Iris? Man... I need to process this 😅 (I was gonna add my thoughts on this at the bottom but it got kinda long and rambly, so I'll put that in a separate post for anyone curious)
Did y'all see how happy TK got when Carlos said there was an open spot in 8 weeks? 🥺 Man's so smitten and just wanna marry his man
😂 I'm loving how they're all like 1 in a million? So that's happening.
Okay, so Owen's in a biker gang? That he met a stoplight? And he sees no issue with this? This is gonna bite you in the ass Owen. But kudos to Judd for being a good concerned friend! I do really love Owen and Judd's dynamic and friendship.
Oh fuck oh fuck nope nope nope! This is giving me sooo much anxiety. You have to force me up in ferris wheel on a good day - so this is like literally my worst nightmare.
Oh okay. Drowning in a porta-potty? Now that's a nightmare I have never even considered before 😅
Eww! "Maybe I'll treat you both just to be safe" I love Tommy 😂
Omg he really shoved her! 😂😂 I mean good move but also I can't believe he just did that 😂 I like him
Carlos to the rescue! Sorta 😅
"We're recently divorced." "Oh!" Oooh 👀 "Saw that!" 😂 I love Nancy so much. Also same queen!
"Play-date or a date-date?" Oh, he's smooth! "I'm good with either one." Loving this! Tommy deserves a frog prince me thinks.
Omg! Iris! Aww, she looks so good and happy! (Really happy they gave her that!)
Oh snap! That slap tho 😅 "Coffee?" 😂
Okay, I love Iris! I didn't really have any strong opinion of her back in season 1, but so far I'm really liking her this season.
"Always good to have one of those in the family." 😂
Ooh Iris and TK meeting? Not gonna lie, I'm intrigued. (Just as long as this doesn't create drama and whatnot with Tarlos, pls?)
Oh shit! Owen what have you gotten yourself into now?!
Aww Charlie! 🥰
ffs! I missed like 70% of that church scene because my stream bugged out... Got it working again right in time to see the FBI lady show up at Owen's.
So, I say this again: Owen what hell have you gotten yourself into this time??
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