#if anybody else is a part of this crossover !!!
omg.... another swiftie AND BG fan??? You are the FIRST i've seen in my notifications
STOP ITTT bc the way I was looking through your blog for bg3 stuff and saw the taylor gif sets…😮
we gotta stick together bc I think there’s literally j the two of us 😭 like I don’t think I’ve seen another swiftie AND bg blog yet
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
Thinking about how Haruhi absolutely screwed over Asakura.
Because like.
Haruhi makes the club. The club goes looking for trouble and finds nothing and also the straws were not in her favor and she didn't get to go looking for trouble with Kyon.
Haruhi gets depressed because nothing has happened in the club in its one week of existence.
Five minutes later, Asakura: Hey. Kyon. Let's play stabby!
And like. Asakura is stated repeatedly to be the prettiest girl in their class other than maybe Haruhi, and Haruhi can't go after Mikuru because Mikuru's part of her gang.
What I'm saying is Asakura suddenly being stabby is entirely Haruhi's fault.
And, as a result, it is highly likely that Yasuke should be concerned.
#musings#dr haruhi crossover#i know what happens with yasuke actually#i've known what happens with him for A WHILE now#but also this is why the rest of melancholy hasn't happened#with haruhi making a new universe and transporting herself there with junko#there are TWO pressures that cause haruhi to do that#one of them is boredom because the brigade is not doing what she thinks it should#(haruhi you had this club for five minutes sorry that sometimes this takes longer give it five to ten business days)#the other is kyon obviously crushing on mikuru more than haruhi#which is really better put as haruhi being insecure about how kyon feels about jer#*her#it's not even wholly mikuru although it's most blatant there#she gets frustrated when he goes off alone with yuki too#and the asakura example abovw#*above#she doesn't have that problem with junko for two reasons:#one - junko doesn't care about anybody else that way (other than yasuke) and so there's rarely a visible threat#(this will come up just not until the endless eight rewrite)#(at least that's where it's planned to start showing up)#(but you can retroactively see it in the sigh rewrite - in point of fact mukuro showing up is a result of it)#two - haruhi hasn't made the connection between ghost girl and junko#(i would argue she DID on some level make the connection between kyon and the guy from three years ago)#(that's where the 'do i know you from somewhere maybe like the past' line comes from)#junko's not officially a love interest consciously in haruhi's head yet#and won't consciously be for a while#haruhi is still chasing down ghost girl#junko has to usurp ghost girl before that part of melancholy can happen#and what happens with yasuke probably won't happen until after that#because junko might have two hands but haruhi is pretty sure they should both be hers thank you very much
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gilbirda · 5 months
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 25
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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“So you are saying that the Infinite Realms’ government is organized like a dungeons and dragons party?”
Danny snorted and patted Tim’s shoulder. “Jazz’s idea, actually.”
From where she was quietly talking with Bruce, Jazz huffed. “I never said it was a dungeons and dragons party. I only suggested the organization that fit our strengths better.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Danny made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Potato, potahto.”
Jazz rolled her eyes, but went back to her discussion.
The group was walking towards the gardens, where a light lunch was served. Time went by as the Waynes asked anything and everything about the Realms and their rulers, now that there were no more secrets between them. They talked about Sam and Tucker and Valerie and even about Danielle, her origins and how she joined the team included.
The Fenton siblings enjoyed oversharing in a way that felt weird to the vigilantes, so used to hiding and concealing their thoughts all the time. Now that they were more comfortable, Danny and Jazz didn’t hesitate to act more inhuman around them, with the younger sibling floating when he got excited as if it was the more normal reaction.
It reminded Bruce of his colleagues in the Watchtower break room goofing around and using their powers for the stupidest reasons.
When Tim rejoined them, this time alone, he was more annoyed about losing the bet than missing the ghost royalty status reveal. Danny thought that was the funniest thing, and gladly started a new stream of oversharing information about Jazz’s princess status and all the titles she held, ignoring his sister’s attempts at silencing him.
They didn’t even notice lunch time approaching until Alfred reminded everyone in the house that they had to eat — yes, even their inhuman guests. The last part was added with a pointed glare and a short nod before the man walked away.
So now they were making their way to lunch, which was served outside given the nice weather despite being way into fall, chatting about Team Phantom and their roles in detail.
“So Sam is like the Barbarian of the team?” Tim pressed on. “And Tucker is the Artificer.”
Jazz huffed again.
“We are not—”
“Actually, is not that far from the truth,” Danny chuckled, “but not exactly just that. All of us are at least trained in one main duty and act as a backup for someone else. That guarantees that if one of us has to leave, nothing will be left unattended.”
“Like with Jazz being here.”
He nodded. “Jazz helped Tucker with all the record keeping and research in magical theory, as well as diplomacy and ghost law studies. Valerie helped Jazz with her main duties, and so on and so forth.”
“Magical theory?” Jason asked, one eyebrow arched. “Ghost law?”
“Sounds cool but it's actually just reading a bunch of books and trying to guess what they say.” Danny grumbled, rubbing his face. “I swear there is nothing that can make me pass out faster than reading those fuckers.”
“That’s because you don’t do your homework. Dorathea is a very good teacher.” Jazz chimed with a mocking smile.
Duke interrupted when Danny jumped to answer. “You said that the books weren’t Jazz’s main duty, so what is it?”
The young woman tensed for a second before putting on a gentle smile. It didn’t fool anybody, though. “I am—”
She turned towards her brother. “What?”
“Jazz, look.”
She frowned at his serious tone, the boyish glee gone completely, but turned to look at what he was pointing at.
It was a giant painting on the other wall of the room they just passed by, which was featuring a small family — a woman, a man and a child. All three were wearing nice clothes, serene smiles for the portrait.
“What’s the matter?” Bruce stepped closer to see what they were seeing, tensing when he realized what it was. “Why are you pointing at my parents’ portrait?”
The siblings looked at each other. “That’s your mother?” Jazz finally asked.
The look Bruce gave her was equal parts worried and calculating. “Indeed.”
Again Danny and Jazz talked to each other with facial gestures and looks.
“It can’t be.” Danny murmured. “Can it?”
“I don’t know.” She answered.
“Hey.” Jason grabbed Jazz’s shoulder. “What’s up?”
She glanced at her brother, frowning. She licked her lips and drew a long breath. “That’s Lady Gotham.”
One second passed by. Two seconds.
“No, that’s my mother.”
Dick giggled at the absurdity of the situation.
“Could she be wearing someone’s face?” Jazz ignored Bruce’s quiet breakdown to talk to her brother. “Or is it like ‘the Spirit passes down ownership’ kind of situation?”
Danny hummed. “I don’t think it is the second case,” he crossed his arms, “she felt like an Ancient and this woman couldn’t have been dead that long.”
“Are you saying that an ancient spirit is wearing my mother’s face?” The older man said, voice small. Even Jason frowned at the weakness in his tone.
Jazz seemed to snap back to reality and noticed that the conversation may not be the best given current company. She sighed. “We don’t know. Maybe. Was your mother special in any way for this city?”
“Are you kidding? Haven’t you heard about the Martha Wayne foundation? Or all the charity stuff in her name?” Tim scoffed. “Do you live under a rock?”
Jazz blushed. “I’m sorry.” She shrugged. “I don’t pay that much attention to current events outside my work and Crime Alley.”
Jason pretended to try to hide his smile in Jazz’s hair as he pulled her for a side hug.
Danny made a face at the pair, shook his head and turned towards Bruce. “We can’t be a hundred percent sure, but it’s not unheard of for an ancient Spirit to change their appearance. It’s usually to fit in as time passes; but taking the face of a real person from their hunt?” He tilted his head, and Jason noticed the similarity with his sister. It was adorable. “That’s a new one for me.”
“We can always ask?” Jazz tried to move past her misstep.
“Do you really think she’d want to talk about that?”
“Maybe. If we ask nicely.” Neither sibling actually believed these words.
Bruce blinked slowly and started walking again, lost in thought. The rest followed as if nothing even happened.
“Is she really that scary?” Duke asked.
“She is…,” Danny started, rubbing the back of his neck, “she is surely something else. This city is cursed, man; so it doesn’t surprise me that the Spirit overseeing this place is just as cursed.”
“What Danny is trying to say,” Jazz jumped in, “is that the Spirit of Gotham has been deeply corrupted and, well, she’s definitely in pain, and sometimes she lashes out.”
“That’s a nice way to put it,” her brother scoffed, shaking his head and not looking at anybody. “I don't know what nice and watered down version of the story Jazzy here told you guys but when we first came here, she was pissed. King or no King, she was ready to kill me.”
Jazz blushed again. “I don’t—”
“Yes, you do.” Danny rolled his eyes.
She looked like she had something to say, but chose to close her mouth and ignore the chuckles.
They finally arrived at the nice backyard patio where a table was already set up for lunch. Alfred walked around the table with his cart, setting down the plates and giving the finishing touches to the display.
Nobody missed his little smile watching them naturally divide in groups and sit down together, his eyes lingering on Jason refusing to let go of his girlfriend’s hand even under said girlfriend’s brother's snarky comments about it.
It had been a while since the Manor was filled with noise like this. It felt… alive. Like how it was supposed to be.
The old man quietly grabbed his cart and went back inside to plate the second course for the meal. He didn’t glance at the moving shadows and the trickster reflections on the corner of his eyes — after so many decades serving at this Manor, this family, he got used to not being exactly alone inside those walls.
“I don’t know how you are going to break it to Frighty.”
Jazz froze mid bite, frowning as she swallowed the food. “What do you mean?”
Bruce raised his eyebrows at Danny’s shocked expression. The young man looked around the table, maybe looking for support or an explanation, but he probably forgot they just met that morning.
“Are you serious?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Jazz, Fright Knight has been courting you for around a year.”
Tim froze, glancing up to see Jason’s reaction. Expecting loud shouting to start, he was even more shocked when Jason leaned back on his seat and crossed his arms with a giant smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow.
“I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.” Jazz leaned in, glaring at her brother on the other side of the table.
“Hold on a second,” Dick pushed his empty plate aside to lean closer to Danny, “Fright Knight? The King’s right hand man? The Aspect of Fear?”
“That’s the one!”
“I don’t—” Jazz blinked, “I don’t know— How? When?”
“Uhhhh, since the first siege, I believe?” Danny's smile went from one ear to the other. “He said, and I quote, ‘I had never felt such things in battle before. Lady Jasmine’s war cries pierced my chest deeper than her lance pierced our enemies’.”
Tim shuddered. It was the way Danny impersonated this Fright Knight’s sickening dreamy voice.
“The first siege? That was more than two years ago!”
“And you haven’t noticed this guy being in love with you?” Jason spoke for the first time, grinning at his girlfriend.
“I don’t know?” Jazz threw her hands up. “I thought he was being nice!”
“For a whole year?”
“He’s been giving you courting gifts, Jazz!” Danny said, incredulous. “And you accepted them!”
“So those were courting gifts?”
“What were those gifts?”
“Swords.” Danny answered Jason. “Shiny blades. Ornamental and functional. Jazz has a collection back in the Realms.” He turned towards his sister. “Which, by the way, people keep sending gifts for you. I think they think that you are the ‘reasonable’ one of us and if they send you more swords you’d be more merciful.”
“I don’t need more swords.”
“You liar. You love swords.”
Jazz blushed, unable to say otherwise. “Still nothing he did told me he was interested.”
“Ancients, Jazz,” Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. “Everyone knew he was head over heels for you. We thought you were preferring to deal with it in private.”
Her blush became worse. She kept her gaze fixed on her hands fidgeting with her napkin. “You know I don’t do all the romance stuff.”
Incredulous, Danny just pointed at Jason. “And how do you explain him?”
“It’s…” she licked her lips, “different. Unexpected. We just— we clicked.”
Danny made a face and rolled his eyes, ignoring Dick and Cass’ cooing.
“Well. I’m not going to be the one dealing with all that. Frighty is all yours.”
Jazz sighed. “I’ll talk to him when I go back to the Realms.”
“Hm.” Danny hummed, suddenly lost in thought as he sipped his water. “Maybe you don’t have to.”
“I said: Maybe you don’t have to.” He spoke louder. “Come back, I mean.”
She did a double take. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Danny took a second longer than what was expected. “You can stay here.” He leaned back on his seat, putting as much distance as he could from his sister. He was also evading her eyes. “Permanently.”
There was only the sounds of the birds chirping in the nearby trees and the wind flowing between the leaves for a few seconds.
“Are you—” Jazz’s voice was careful, low, “Are you firing me?”
Half the table was looking at Danny and the other half had their eyes glued on Jazz’s face. Her rage, while quiet, was familiar to those witnessing the moment — betrayals, infightings and disbelief ran though their minds as they remembered similar situations in their pasts.
“After everything you just— What the hell Danny?”
“I’m not— Could you at least look at me?” She did, and everyone could see her watery eyes. “It’s for your own good.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
Jazz’s expression turned murderous as the tears escaped her eyes. She stood up, teeth grinding, breathing deeply a few times before she opened her mouth.
“You don’t mean that.” She crossed her arms.
Danny looked like he wished he was anywhere else but in that room at that moment. “Bad choice of words. I don’t mean that.” He slowly repeated.
“Good.” Her shoulders relaxed a bit, but she was still mad.
“What I wanted to say is…” He sighed and lifted his hands in defeat. “I’m sorry. I’m not good at— You know I always mess these things up— Okay, okay I’ll get to the point.” He quickly added under Jazz’s narrowing eyes. He breathed in, breathed out. “I want you to stay here. In the living world. As long as you want.”
She processed his words, and slowly sat back down. The sounds of nature around them picked up like nothing happened, even if no one had noticed their rather unnatural silence.
“But you said…”
“I know. But things have changed, Jazz. I want you to stay. How could I not be okay with that?”
“But— But my role— And the Archives, and Walker, and—”
“Everything can wait. Or, I don’t know, we’ll deal with it.” He leaned in and took one of her hands in his. “We told you to come here because you really needed a vacation, and I stand by it. The Keep can wait for you. I can wait for you.”
“Jasmine Fenton. You have given up everything for me. You were not meant for any of this ghost bullshit or war or fist fighting gods in a Denny’s parking lot. But you gave me a decade of that, and I appreciate it, but that’s enough. You can rest now, you can have nice things. You deserve it.”
Nobody missed when Danny gave Jason, and quick look around the people on the table, when he mentioned the “nice things” she could have.
Jazz opened her mouth only to close it again, more tears coming to her eyes. Her cheeks tinted red, maybe from embarrassment, maybe for remnants of her anger.
She yanked her hand from her brother’s and rushed to her feet, taking a shaky breath.
“Excuse me.”
Jason frowned, watching her go back inside the house and probably looking for a place to calm down.
He felt a kick on one leg.
“Go.” Danny interlaced his hands on the table and nodded in his sister’s general direction. “She needs you.”
Jason’s frown deepened, but he obliged without saying a word.
Bruce cleared his throat, suddenly feeling very self conscious under Danny’s stare. The young man didn’t look affected by what just happened like his sister was, but his eyes betrayed the conflicted emotions he hid behind his mask.
“I’m sorry you guys had to witness that. I should have waited until we got home. My bad.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, but it felt like forced nonchalance.
“That was sure something.” Dick commented after clearing his throat.
“I apologize but I need to ask,” Bruce leaned in. “Jasmine seemed pretty adamant her time here was limited, that she would sooner or later have to leave everything here. What changed?”
“Did she tell you that?” Danny made an incredulous face and scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t even need to ask. I don’t know why I keep being surprised by her antics.”
“So it’s not true?”
What else had she been lying about? A tiny voice said in the back of Bruce’s head. He tried to ignore it, but given the drastic differences between Danny’s and Jazz’s behavior, he was wondering what was the actual picture and what was the siblings’ casual omission of truth.
“It was true, but only because she herself sets those limits. Jazz is…,” he sighed, deflating on his seat, looking at the sky, “I love my sister, and a lot, but she takes everything too seriously.”
Or you don’t take things seriously enough, Bruce thought, but chose not to say it.
“I never said she had a time limit, or that she had to turn her back on the living world for the rest of her life. We sent her ass to the Arkham internship because she doesn’t know how to take a break.”
“Arkham is a break?” Tim asked what had been lingering in everyone’s heads. The siblings kept referring to working at the worst psychiatric criminal facility, a vacation and a break.
Danny scoffed again, turning his eyes towards the young man. His smile wasn’t kind. “You guys haven’t put it together? The kind of role Jazz has in the Realm. The kind of person she… The kind of person I asked her to become.”
There was deep guilt in his voice, and in the way he couldn’t hold his gaze. Danny fidgeted with his napkin, letting the birds sing the tension of his silence away. They were waiting on him to elaborate, and he knew that, but was building the courage to speak.
“Do you guys know how powerful I am? No, you don’t,” he answered himself with a shrug, “because there’s no one like me. I could— If I wanted to, I could bring this city, the whole city, into the Infinite Realms. Just like that.
If I wanted to I could end the war with a snap of my fingers. I could Order every ghost-adjacent being to follow my every command and bring peace via total domination. Or,” he stopped his fingers, sighing, “I could just rip their cores with a thought and crush them with another and be done with Vlad and with every stubborn ghost that thinks I don’t deserve to be King.”
He finally glanced up at Bruce, as if he knew all these scenarios passed though the man’s head as he spoke. “Imagine that — Every conflict, every war, I could wish it away in seconds.”
The older man nodded, following his speech. “And yet you are here.”
Danny’s vulnerable smile reminded him so much of Clark’s. “I can’t. I can’t do that. If I— If I just eliminate every little thing in my way, what kind of person would I be? I’ve seen it happen, Bruce. I know what I could be if I lose perspective of who I really want to be.”
Cass lifted her hand like she was in a classroom. “Jazz. She’s your anchor.”
Danny went back to looking at his hands, shoulders sagging. In shame? In defeat? “All of them keep me grounded, even when I feel like I’m drifting away from who I used to be. But Jazz? She knows what needs to be done, what I’m scared to do. She knows she can handle the guilt and the nightmares and the horror.”
He took a long breath to calm himself. “Jazz is what I can’t— what I won’t be, and she took that burden like it was nothing. She has always done that, taking the bad things and dealing with them for me. It’s just… This time, the ‘bad things’ are a little bit more permanent.”
It made sense now. How she avoided talking about it, how Jazz tensed when she was asked what her role was. How she was so comfortable at Arkham.
“She’s your Executioner.”
Danny flinched at Bruce’s words. “She’s that and more. She became a counterpart for me, a shadow, so I could shine in the spotlight. A symbol.” He said the word like it was a curse. Bruce didn’t miss the twitch in his eyebrow. “Do you know why her armor is bright red?” His smile wasn’t kind when he looked up. “The Infinite Realms are green. She stands out and attracts all the attention in battle so the rest of us can be the heroes of the hour.” He chuckled. “She never wanted any of this. She didn’t defeat the previous King, she wasn’t even there. I know my childhood could have been way worse if she wasn’t in my life, and I’m grateful, but I kept asking more and more from her and now—”
“Do you really think I didn’t want this?” Jazz’s voice cut through Danny’s rambles. “I chose to stay, Danny.”
He didn’t react when he saw her walk in, her face puffy and her eyes still wet. Did he know she was listening? Of course he did — from what the vigilantes could gather so far, Danny’s abilities were up there with Superman’s. Maybe even more.
“Don’t.” He frowned. “I can see right through your bullshit, Jazz. There wasn’t that much of a choice and you know it.”
She bit her lips, but didn’t deny it. Instead, she pulled on her joined hands with Jason’s so they approached the table and sat down.
After settling in her seat, she breathed in, breathed out and smiled. “You are making me sound like some kind of demon or something.” Nobody bought the lightness of her tone.
Danny caught her deflection and chose to follow. He scoffed. “And you are not?” He made a gesture with his hands, placing them on the sides of his head with his pointer fingers up, imitating his sister’s headpiece.
She rolled her eyes. “I am not—”
“Jazzy, fear incarnate is in love with you. He let you ride his horse!” He smirked at Jason. “Not an euphemism.”
He caught on what the siblings were trying to do and turned towards his girlfriend. “You never told me about any horse, darling.”
“Nightmare was a strategic move. Frighty knows I can’t fly like the rest of you and it could give me an advantage during battle.”
“Nightmare? Seriously?” Jason asked.
“Big black horse with wings.” She quickly explained with a shrug. “Breathes fire.”
“Are you serious? Fright Knight doesn’t let me even touch his horse and I’m the King!” He threw his hands up in the air. “That being said, he doesn’t challenge me as much as he does with you, and thanks the Ancients for that.”
“Wait. Wait a second. Are you saying—”
Danny’s smile grew like a Cheshire Cat’s. “Ooohhhh. You didn’t know? Did you forget the one basic fact about ghost nature, Jazzy-pants? Ghost’s love language is fighting.” He said the last part imitating her voice, like she was giving a lecture of some kind.
“Oh? Tell me more?” Jason leaned towards Danny, head leaning on one hand, completely enraptured by the information his girlfriend’s brother shared so easily.
“And he wasn’t pulling any punches either. Before I learned he was formally courting her, I wasn’t sure if he wanted to fight her to death or marry her!”
“He could do both if he’s not a coward.” Jason shared the smile with Danny, ignoring Jazz’s hands pushing his shoulder away from her.
“Hey!” Jazz protested, but there was a small smile on her lips. “Don’t encourage him!”
“Wait until I tell you about The Ballad of the Red Demon.” Danny also ignored his sister, and the eyes of the rest of the Waynes, as he summoned a notebook with more green flames. He cleared his throat, opened the notebook and started reading:
“The fire in her eyes burned brighter than any sun, as the sharp edge of her blade pierced your chest to meet your untimely end.
Don’t provoke the Red Demon, for her burning fury will consume you in a blaze hotter than the Realm’s Core.
There she rides the winged Dark Horse as her cries call for the blood of her enemies, bright green eyes already searching for the next target.
Don’t provoke the Red Demon, for her siren’s call will be the last thing you hear before you draw your last breath.”
“What in the Ancients is that?” Realization came to the young woman. She slapped the table and stood up. “Ghost Writer?”
Danny nodded. “He gave me the first draft to approve before getting into editing.” He shook the notebook closer to his sister. “There’s a chapter for each of us, don’t think it’s just about you.��
He rolled his eyes and reopened the notebook, getting ready to continue reading, but Jazz jumped and reached across the table trying to snatch the notebook before he continued. He managed to float away just in time to prevent her from taking it from him, and quickly flew high enough that she couldn’t reach him, but close enough that he was almost within reach.
“Awww, you don’t want our new friends to know about your feats during the last siege? About—” he glanced at the text, quickly murmuring words under his breath, “‘Her fiery hair glows like a damned halo’ and ‘sharp blade like a gentle kiss of death’ something something ‘crushing enemies under her foot’.”
Jazz was trying to jump high enough so she could catch her brother, her face crimson red as the others chuckled at the scene.
Finally, taking pity on her, Jason reached for the book as Danny was distracted reading the next stanza and seized it away from the floating Fenton.
“Thank you.” She breathed in relief, extending her hand so he could give her the notebook.
With a tiny smile, he opened it and tried to read too, but it was written in symbols he felt he recognized but couldn’t read.
“Do you have an official translation yet or do I have to wait?”
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love❤️
Thanks for the tag @brandileigh2003 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I should say most of these are unfinished lol I love writing but I’m a little all over the place
1. Without You Wolfstar Titanic AU my beloved I promise to complete you someday soon hopefully! Remus as Jack and Sirius as Rose, yes there will be MCD and it is unfinished but I adore this story with all my heart.
2. so ready to give up my soul my Destiel “Beautiful Creatures” movie AU, again unfinished but I love it so much and hope to finish it soon. Castiel as Lena Duchannes, Dean as Ethan Wate, and though the plot mostly follows the movie so far I’ve combined it with another idea I had to expand on it a little more and I’m very excited to continue it!
3. Flight Risk An imagining of how Show!Wesper Wylan Van Eck reveal could’ve gone if Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows had continued on Netflix. It’s a one shot so it is finished and genuinely one of my favorite things I’ve written, I love Wesper and Wylan so much and I’m still so upset we’ll never see anything like this in the show (F you Netflix)
4. Cursebreaker and Fireheart/Son of Night and Daughter of Stars Oh my Wattpad days how I miss you, back in 2020ish I wrote a four-part Sarah J Maas fanfiction series of a crossover between the ACOTAR and ToG worlds, starting with Feyre and Aelin in the first two and then time-skipping to their kids’ story in the next two. I created Estelle, Aelin’s daughter, and used the canon name of Nyx as Feyre’s son to create my own version of him and write him and Estelle meeting and falling in love. Sadly, the fourth fic is still unfinished, so Estelle and Nyx do not have their happy ending just yet but I LOVED writing those stupid fanfics so much they were my first attempt at fanfic and Estelle and Nyx were my first attempt at a love story and even if the writing isn’t amazing I’m still so proud of these damn books.
5. Scars Of A Gold Moon: I have never actually published this one, but it’s my Wolfstar Bookstore fic as it’s been dubbed by my friends. It’s one of the only fics I’ve written with no AU tie in or anything, just my own story with the Marauders characters and I adore it. It has Wolfstar, Reg and Lily as Remus’s best friends, Sirius in a band, Black Brothers reunions, lots of secrets from both sides of Wolfstar lmao, and ironically, this fic is the only reason I have Without You. Sirius made Remus watch Titanic so I rewatched it so they could make funny comments, and then Without You was born! Lol someday I’ll finish this and post it.
No pressure tags except I don’t know any fic authors so let’s tag some famous ones I love just for funsies @mayescapade @cal-daisies-and-briars @smilingbuckley @motswolo
And anybody else who happens across this have at it too lol
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gelukart · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel/Legally Blonde Crossover Au! :0
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I don’t even know if anybody else will see the vision/ comparison but I was obsessed with the LB musical when I was younger and Charlie just reminds me so much of Elle woods maybe it the stubborn optimism or just how both are so supportive of people around them and trying to help others idk but I just thought it would work so well (also they’re both blonde lmao )
My idea of how everyone would fit into this AU:
Okay so Charlie, for the reasons previously mentioned, is Elle woods. I thought of Adam and Lute being the Warren and Vivian roles but like… Charlie and Adam where not not dating. Idk what the specific reason would be for Charlie to go to law school just that Adam inspires it by not taking Charlie seriously, and then once they get to law school Lute is like basically her bully and standing with Adam (whether Adam and Lute are involved romantically is up to personal interpretation ig). Emmett’s role would be split up between two characters with the romantic interest part taken by Vaggie and the mentoring being taken by Husk but both are supportive of Charlie in helping her reach her law-er-ing goals. Alastor would be professor Callahan (probably with out the SA like in the original musical :’)) but yeah like blood in the water is very alastor in that “I’m gonna mentor you but manipulate at the same time” way. This is also why I thought it’d make sense for Husk to play a part in the Emmett role, since Emmett is kind of stuck to Callahan but is believes in Elle’s ability (which I think Husk does too towards the end of season 1 which is nice).
As for the big Wyndham trial it would basically be The Vees V. Angel Dust. Angel is the defendant (Brook Wyndham) who is accused of murdering Valentino (Hayworth Wyndham) but won’t give any information or alibi and won’t take a plea deal. I think it would make more sense but maybe be less impactful if Husk got him to confess he was innocent as opposed to Charlie (idk maybe both Husk and Charlie get him to say smth idk???) I think it would be funny tho if Angel wishes he did but is innocent and pissy about it for a bit.
Velvette maybe stands in as the pool boy but maybe instead of hinting at an affair like in the original it’s more having to do with Angel’s contract with Val and trying to work for Velvette but turns out it a baseless allegation and Velvette don’t not give af about Angel just tryna take shit off of Vox.
Speaking of! Lastly Vox would be the role of Chutney, and it would ultimately be revealed he killed Val thinking it was Angel. (The reason for tryna kill him is probably smth petty idk)
There are a lot of character I couldn’t think of concrete roles for but this was just a silly idea I had last night while listening to ready for this (like bruhhhh Charlie is so Elle woods especially the beginning) idk I hope it make sense somewhat or at the very least someone else finds it funny lol
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doors-to-infinity · 2 years
Thoughts about DP x DC crossovers with Batfam.
I don’t remember where the post was but OP pointed out that Danny in canon didn’t seem to have trauma about his death. He also often enjoyed having his powers.
Rather, it was how it affected his life - ghosts attacking him at school and in Amity in general and endangering his loved ones and home - and how people viewed / treated his alter ego that gave him issues about his new existence.
Which I find very interesting because it shifts the dynamic around with certain characters.
An example: He would still relate to Jason, but not about the trauma of dying / being revived, but rather how their lifes changed irrevocably and people treat them differently.
(I’m ignoring the fanon that Jason is a ghost / halfa of any kind. The Pits supernaturally enhanced his body, but he seems to be still fully human.)
It’s also very interesting when it comes to Duke who through his background - meta, son of a corrupt god, with the potential to become immensely powerful, be immortal, etc. - is not only in an unique situation with the Bats but also when it comes to a majority of people. He and Danny can relate to each other over being completely different from everybody else around them and how these changes isolate them.
At the same time they’re from very different places and have different values. Canon ! Danny is acting as Amity’s protector out of necessity and would stop instantly if there was no need for his role anymore. This we see in several episodes.
Which makes sense because his home used to be a normal city and Danny used to be a privileged because white, average kid in a white family in likely a safe part of Amity. Ignoring his parents’ disregard for lab safety and OSHA regulations. (Not that Hartman intended that reading intentionally.)
Duke has a desire for normalcy. At the same time, he grew up in the Narrows in Gotham as a black kid in a black family who raised him with strong values, a sense of responsbility, and anti-authority. He can’t ignore what’s going around him because that would endanger him and his family and others.
And he wants to inspire and help Gotham’s people to become better, safer, happier. He dedicates himself to his role as a vigilante and daytime hero. He’s on the track to be a Justice League leader.
Canon ! Danny doesn’t seem traumatized by his death. But other characters might be like Tucker or Sam or Jazz, and Danny can’t and shouldn’t help them with that.
They can’t tell anybody else in Amity. They can talk about the accident, but only that it badly hurt Danny. Their trauma is partly connected to Danny’s resurrection which confuses their grieving process. Any information about that could endanger him.
Part of Batfam, if you go with mutual trust, can relate with them because of what happened to Jason. Both sides of the crossover would gain people who get it, who they can talk to without burdening either Jason or Danny, but aren’t mired in the specifics of their respective trauma.
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aihoshiino · 5 months
hey please do tell us about those ai hoshino crossover ships please i too want to see my girl happy and well and loved and doted on please
i need you to know that I've been holding onto this (& another related ask) as the motivation to power through the Oshi no Anons that were sitting in my inbox and I am so incredibly delighted to finally get to answer it lol. Before I turn off my cringe inhibitors tho I thought it would be fun to talk about my Ai romance headcanons and what I like in an Ai ship because lbr when am I ever really gonna get an opportunity to ramble about that again with the way this manga is going……….
Anyway! Ai, as I write her, primarily gravitates towards being attracted to men mostly just as a result of being socialized in a cisheteronormative society but I certainly don't read her as straight! That said, I also hesitate to label her and I don't think she would be able to put a label on herself either, for a whole lot of reasons! But from my perspective as a writer, this is primarily because what Ai looks for in other people, above and beyond anything else, is acceptance. She says herself in 45510;
"I want [people] to know about the dirty parts, my rough edges, and all the rest, and I want them to say that it’s okay. That they accept me."
Ai is a character so utterly starved of love that I think gender is kind of secondary to the purehearted desire to have someone just... accept her and be kind to her. I think if a person came along and gave her that wholehearted acceptance even after seeing her at her dirtiest most unpolished self, gender would be in no way a barrier to that relationship. In fact, my original read of the HKAI relationship was that Ai threw herself into romance with him specifically because Hikaru had the potential to be that person for her but it sadly just didn't work out… or at least, Ai felt like it didn't work out.
Anyway, that acceptance is pretty foundational to any kind of Ai ship I like to write, but I've found that it's important for that acceptance to be... I guess the word would be informed and it can't come from a person who is just uncomplicatedly, unconditionally accepting of everyone. Ai does not see herself as a 'good' person, so if faced with someone who is (or someone she perceives as such) I think she would struggle a lot with feeling 'safe' in opening up to them and letting them see her true self. Ai's salvation can't ever come from somebody telling her she isn't bad, dirty, impure and all the other awful things she thinks about herself because she will never feel any sense of security that she won't be rejected if that ever changes. Love, for Ai, is a person seeing her most wretched and unacceptable self, her self hate and avoidance and everything about her she thinks is filthy and wrong, and actively choosing to accept her as she is, warts and all.
Related to that, I also really enjoy writing ships for Ai from an angle of like… reclamation of her body & her sexuality. I've talked about this too many times to count in my metas but there's this very strong underlying current in Ai's arc of self-directed shame and self-hate in relation to her sexuality that fuels perception of herself as 'dirty' and 'impure' - all because she is a person who wants and enjoys sex. I really enjoy getting to have Ai work through that specific hangup with a partner who loves her - not from the angle of 'of course you're not dirty' but 'even if you are, I want you anyway'.
I guess what it ultimately comes down to is that any important relationship I would want to write for Ai (romantic or otherwise) would need to center humanization for Ai. So much of her arc in the series, even posthumously, is about her screaming for anybody to recognize her as a human being and the ongoing tragedy of OnK is just how many people not just fail but actively refuse to do so even when it's right in front of their eyes.
Anyway, that's all the Deep, Thematic Stuff (tm) out of the way so for a shotgun round let's go for pure vibes and dynamics I like!!
Iirc I've said this before but a couple's moment to moment chemistry is really important to me when it comes to getting invested in a ship and the stronger of a rapport they have, the more I will go crazy for it. If they can't banter back and forth and relentlessly tease each other, I don't wanna hear about it!!!
This goes triple for Ai because I think her slightly cheeky sense of humor coming out when she's comfortable with someone is soooo cute... having a partner she can banter with while they pick on each other is peak to me.
I think I did lay down a more concrete Thing of dynamics I like for her somewhere, so let's see if I can dig that out...
Ai works well as the lighter, cheerier contrast in a good cheery loves grumpy/silly loves serious dynamic but with the fun oh you're a little bit fucked up actually undercurrent. I particularly like comfy, domestic dynamics (since Ai describes herself as having longed for a family her whole life) but I'm also really into slightly darker takes on this, with Ai's desire for love and companionship leading her into relationships with characters who have obsessive/possessive/yan streaks. I also love playing her against characters who also have facades/fake personas up or who otherwise do a whole lot of lying.
That last point is the one I think really Cooks My Brain over and above any other LOL. Characters who have really strong parallels with/similarities to Ai are like catnip for me. The central rapport and dynamic can vary up a lot but if the hook comes down to "characters who hate themselves encounter a person just like them and through falling in love, the two of them are able to accept & forgive each other and themselves" I will be insane about it until the end of time.
That was A LOT!!! of rambling and this post is getting very long huh…. I didn't even start on the actual part you asked lskfksks. I'll put the rest behind a cut partially because this post is log but mostly because I am a little embarrassed so you guys have to be niceys to me or I'll collapse into dust and particles.
Most of my Ai ships are stuff I've written with friends where we've just kind of thrown characters we already were writing together and a ship happened… tho one of them is an example where I was like "I want to put these characters specifically in a salad spinner and see what happens" and then as it turns out, I was the one who got salad spun…
I think the two big ones that really cooked my brain are Ai with Rinne Amagi from the Ensemble Stars series and then Oberon from Fate/Grand Order. Both of them kind of hit that Brain Cooking Premise for me of being characters who are fundamentally the same type of person as Ai and how those similarities make them clash and conflict and cohere is suuuuuuuch a juicy premise for me to sink my teeth into.
For Ai & Rinne specifically I also will say they just had the baseline important Extremely Good Chemistry And Rapport as me and my friend were writing them… so not only was the juicy emotional stuff really good, they were just relentlessly teasing each other at all times and it was very cute. They also have a HUUUUUUGE difference in height & overall body size - Rinne is pretty tall and muscular and we all know how tiny and dainty Ai is that contrast is like, the ultimate form of moe to me……………… I actually am not really familiar with EnStars outside of just, osmosis of writing against my friends Rinne, so they were such a nice surprise and they are currently cooking my brain <3
Ai & Oberon are a bit different where that was like - because I'm also a huge FGO fan, I was super familiar with Oberon as a character and came out of his story chapter like. oh i NEED to write ai against this mfer. I don't wanna go toooooooooo into the specifics to not just dash LB6 spoilers everywhere but these two are a case where 'they are the same person' is VERY bad for Ai <3 This is definitely one of those ships I talked about where I think her desperation to be accepted can lead her into codependent and unhealthy dynamics and it's sooooooooo fucking good. Their issues and the things they want feed into each other so perfectly, it's one of those surprise crosscanon dynamics where like, I joked to a friend the other day that if this was an actual canon dynamic, I would probably find it a bit heavy handed LMFAO. But the beauty of it being a cross canon dynamic is that every time you find another parallel to mine, it's just fun and rewarding. I was also really shocked as we went through 15 Year Lie in OnK, because it kept paralleling and repeating some really eerily similar beats me & a friend had written between Ai and Oberon but between Ai and Hikaru... truly I felt like I was being pelted by the dodgeball of prophecy...
(Also, sidebar to fellow Grand Order Fuck Freaks: can you believe i was getting my brain juiced by the concept of ai and oberon and specifically ai as titania for like a whole year and then completely fucking forgot until i started rereading lb6 this week that not only is titania referred to with all the same star imagery as ai is in lb6 but she is talked about with the exact same language everyone talks about ai in oshi no ko. can somebody please help me)
Some other ships for Ai I've played and really enjoyed off the top of my head… Shou Tenkuubashi from Tokyo Aliens was like, the first character I bounced her off in a shippy capacity and I am still sooooooo deeply unwell about them. They're actually kind of unique from all my Ai ships because all the others are usually an adult Ai, but with Shou I write teen Ai. They hit on those 'fundamental similarities' I talked about where they're both abused, dehumanized kids who hate their bodies but are able to accept themselves by being accepted by someone else first……………… it's so juicy.
My friend Isa and I have also lightly cooked up a P5 AU for the purposes of playing Ai & Goro Akechi LOL. We haven't done a ton with it in practice just yet but we have a tooooooooooon of ideas and the dynamic we've chatted about them having is really fun. They actually also have a really similar energy to HKAI that predates 15YL lol, more in the specifics of "girl who is bad at articulating her emotions keeps accidentally destroying this fucked up boy w abandonment issues".
THERE'S LIKE A MILLION MORE…… I RP her so much that I end up with so many interesting platonic and romantic dynamics on my plate and I feel soooooooooo well fed as a result but I'll stop myself here otherwise I'll go on all day lol. SORRY THIS WAS SUCH A RAMBLE AND THAT IT TOOK SO LONG… I hope it itched your curiosity at least if nothing else
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queerdiazs · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
i was tagged by @callmenewbie, @hippolotamus, @watchyourbuck, @thewolvesof1998, @jesuisici33, @wikiangela, and @exhuastedpigeon 🫶🏼
i'm gonna put it under a cut because phew it got kinda long
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
uh, 301,903 which... goddamn look at me go
what fandoms do you write for?
i've written for stucky, geraskier, yenskier, steddie, and buddie, but it's only buddie right now. those 2 losers are really rotting in my whole brain and i'm loving every second of it 🤭
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(i cheated and used only buddie okay) the side effects of eating too many clementines at 759 the dinosaurs smelled magnolias at 722 this is why you shouldn't piss in the ocean at 668 you'll feel the rush of it all at 511 all things bright and beautiful at 453
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i absolutely respond to comments! it might take me a while because i'm not articulate enough to convey how much i adore everybody, but i love talking with people that enjoy the silly goofy stuff i write!
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
burned on the pyre, a steddie timeloop fic. the ending isn't exactly angsty, but it isn't as joyous as all my others because it was important to me to keep it as realistic as i could + it reflects my mental state so, uh, oops
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mm, i think you can argue all my fics have happy endings but if you go down in the woods today has the FUNNIEST ending and that's important
do you get hate on fics?
yeah lmao
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes i do! and, um, the explicit kind? i don't know how to answer this because my porn varies for each fic but they fuck nasty regardless!
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
no. that's not for me.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
absolutely i have <3
have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope. i tried once when i was younger but it didn't work out because i'm a dickhead and found that i was not only writing my parts but fixing theirs as well.
what's your all time favorite ship?
i've had a lot of ships over the year and i'm never going to forget any of them, ever, but buddie gives me so much joy and good times and i think... yeah they're probably my favorite ship
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
none of them honestly? i'm going to finish all of them.
what are your writing strengths?
uh, dialogue. maybe.
what are your writing weaknesses?
angst, emotions, porn, things that make sense, action, romantic relationships, ANGST.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
god, so i'm pretentious and while i know some spanish i'm definitely not fluent but i refuse to use google translate so a friend of mine helps me with translating as straight across as we can—so like, long story short, it's a yes from me
first fandom you wrote for?
maximum ride on ff dot net 💀 why was i 12 years old learning how to navigate that fuckin site my god
favorite fic you've written?
but i've got my teeth in you, a bad things happen fic where buck gets a tooth knocked out during the lafd annual baseball game and somehow proposes to eddie, who of course says yes. it's just so FUN?
i'm no pressure tagging @honestlydarkprincess, @shitouttabuck, @giddyupbuck, @callaplums, @daffi-990, @try-set-me-on-fire, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @nmcggg, and honestly anybody else who wants to be a lil chatty mwah
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wafflebloggies · 9 months
the long con - part 1/7
a Don't Feed The Muse crossover story. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The con was coming to an end.
DIGIVID, the largest annual convention for digital content creators in the Southern United States. Three days of booths, networking, merch, watchathons, speeches, special previews, presentations, weird food, crowded spaces, fun.
Fun in theory, anyway. For Mark Mayhew, it had been three days of a brand new kind of purgatory. Unavoidable, self-inflicted, endless.
“...honestly, we couldn’t choose, so like for our first video we just put all our favourite movies into a picker thing and it turns out Watchmen came out the exact same year as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and I know, they’re totally different movies, but then we were like, wait, there’s some parallels here...”
Mark was certain by now that the con had been a terrible idea. True, if he’d had the time all over again, there were several big, pressing reasons why he would still have made the same choice, but only a couple of them were fit to explain to anybody else. Even if he’d known how frankly- miserable- it was going to turn out to be, he probably still would have chosen to go, but knowing this didn’t make it feel like any less of a mistake, or change the fact that he would have given almost anything, right now, to not be stuck in the middle of it.
“...and the whole ship metaphor they cut from the movie, and like, Flint’s invention basically has the same thematic purpose as Veidt’s EDBE? We kept saying ‘eeby-deeby,’ it took us like, twenty takes…”
It was almost incredible to him, as he stood in silence, how alone it was possible to feel in such a big crowd. The main convention hall was hot, airless, busy. Even though some people were already packing up, here at the end of the third day, plenty of bodies still shuttled back and forth in clogged little streams whenever they found the space to move, elbow to elbow between the double rows of human backs shutting out the tables, the crowded booths. It was easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer press of people, the talk and the noise. If Mark had only walked in alone, twenty minutes ago, and spent the time silently trying to make his way from one side of the massive space to the other, he would already have been more than a little agitated, ready to leave.
“...and he has all these shell companies, like all these theatres that play alien invasion movies all the time, to subconsciously prepare people? And when you look at Meatballs, you’re actually getting lowkey bombarded with fast-food imagery the whole time right up to when he turns on the machine...”
Mark had been in the hall for hours, and he was done. Currently, he was standing in a small pocket of space in a very nicely put-together booth belonging to a fairly well-known ASMR channel, watching a conversation happen right in front of him that he had about as much share in as an exiled Martian had in a conversation backstage at NASA. Yes, he’d started this conversation, he’d introduced himself, he’d started to steer the topic in a useful direction… and then Anthony had happened. Anthony Williams had turned up with his big, friendly grin and his busted paper carrier bag full of leaflets and merch which had been shedding everywhere since Friday and his completely distracting, distracted self, and now…
“...actually the biggest audio problem we have is my cat, Blaze, when we film at my house she’s got a real thing for the fluffy boom whatever on the mic, she wants to kill that thing on sight, right Mark?”
“Yeah,” said Mark, in the same way a corpse will twitch if you electrocute it. Anthony, who was too into the conversation to notice his friend’s thousand-yard-stare, carried right on going.
“Yeah, so we have to shut her in my parents’ room, but then I feel so bad, and she yells so loud in there it picks up on the video! So we usually record at Mark’s, but with our Parasite video...”
And so on. And on.
Not that the ASMR guys seemed to mind. People always seemed to open up and respond to Anthony quicker and with far more warmth than they did with Mark alone, which added another layer of frustration to the silent, invisible war he was fighting against himself. If Anthony could only have understood, and been focused, if Anthony could have been trying like he had been, these last three days, they might have found a sponsor already.
A sponsor, a partner, a collab, anything, anything to make the whole weekend feel worthwhile, instead of a painful waste of time.
Mark could tell that these guys had lost focus completely. One of them was still chatting quite happily with Anthony about God alone knew what, relaxed and disengaged, and the other was already moving away, eyes on a new bunch of visitors. There was no way Mark could steer this back the right way again now. Even though, at the bottom of his heart, he’d known it was a lost cause before Anthony had joined them, the tide of bitterness ebbed higher as he listened to the conversation wander so far wide of the point.
He must have looked distant enough for a party of people trying to use the booth as a short-cut to mistake him for an unconnected bystander, because as he stood there they pushed gently between him and Anthony, widening the gap as they passed through. On impulse, he went with it, let them nudge him and his whole parcel of garbage feelings to the side, let the general stream of the crowd push him out of the booth.
Without waiting to see if Anthony had noticed, he started shoving his way towards the main exit at a quicker pace. It was a relief to just move, without Anthony winding along just behind him, getting distracted at an average rate of once every four booths. Through the whole weekend, every time Mark was just trying to get from A to B, every time Anthony spotted something which made him want to stop and take a closer look, he would reach forwards and pat Mark on the back of his right shoulder. By this point, three days in, the feeling was starting to evoke a kind of Pavlovian response in Mark, knowing that every time he felt that light touch he would have to stop and stand and wait, getting hotter and more squashed and more impatient by the second, until Anthony was done, and by now just the feeling of Anthony’s hand on his shoulder had become a button that hiked his blood pressure, his heart, his temper.
By all appearances, Anthony had enjoyed the weekend a great deal. He got on with everyone he met, he was absolutely down for talking with new people on a vast range of subjects (with absolutely no practical application towards growing the channel whatsoever) and with his usual unbounded enthusiasm he seemed happy to keep going for as long as the con lasted.
Which wouldn’t be for that much longer. The hall was crowded now, sure, but already not as bad as it had been on the previous two days. Mark could see stalls and tables beginning to clear as their owners began to pack away. Pressing towards the main door, he had a sharp and ghastly vision of the convention hall as a vast interconnected series of nodes, bright and promising, each shutting down and turning black and dead as he touched them, came into contact, even approached them at all. Each booth, each prospect, each point of hope-
(nobody is going to want to work with you.)
He couldn’t feel normal, he couldn’t relax for a second, when on the one side the enormous thundercloud of dread loomed and on the other… something nobody here could understand, something he barely understood, something that lurked at the bottom of his stomach like a squishy leaden bowling-ball, the part of him that whispered that he really was just torturing himself for no reason, because what he had been granted out of the blue was, could be, his miracle. That it had been pointless coming here at all, that he was wasting time, wasting precious time not just ditching any other blighted and unreliable possibility and reaching for it with grateful hands-
Unaware up until that moment that he’d stopped dead in the heaving crowd, Mark started and looked back as Anthony shouldered through the general stream of people, a small, willowy splotch of red flannel and concern. He felt Anthony’s hand on his shoulder again, guiding, steering him forwards and sharply left into a faster-moving stream of people that quickly swallowed them both and spat them out on the other side of the main doors. He wasn’t even aware of how much he’d just wanted the fresher air outside the hall until they were out in the gigantic hub of a lobby, the atmosphere so much lighter and cooler just from the fewer bodies and the bigger space, the vaulted metal-and-glass ceiling lined with great sheets of striped tarpaulins like a vast circus tent, shaded against the fading July sun.
He gulped several big breaths, realised his eyes were watering from the heat in them, the blur of colours and the crazy nimbus around each far-distant light, and angrily dragged his glasses from his face, looking down to clean them on his T-shirt as Anthony arrived by his side.
“Hey, you just dis- are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” said Mark, putting on his usual wry, flat, deadpan tone with difficulty, like a familiar sweater that suddenly felt too small. “You sure you’re done? You didn’t have any more hilarious cat stories to tell them? ‘Cause you all seemed to be getting on great.”
“Uh… yeah? They seemed like cool guys.” Anthony never usually minded Mark’s sarcasm, but finding the sharp end of it directed so pointedly towards himself clearly threw him. He shrugged, uncomfortably.
Good, thought Mark. Be uncomfortable. The thought wormed sharp and slimy through the back of his head, and it left him feeling ashamed. He didn’t want Anthony to be miserable just because he was, as if making Anthony feel awkward or hurt could make him feel any better about himself. He wasn’t that shitty a friend.
At least, he didn’t want to be.
Anthony looked down, shuffling through his bulging paper bag full of garbage, the thing he’d been stuffing every sheet, pamphlet, sticker and card he’d collected the whole weekend into as if it was as big as a lending library. He pulled out a couple of stickers from the top. “Here, they gave us a couple of these.”
Mark took the stickers. They were the window-clinger kind, for cars. He didn’t want to put any stickers on his car. They would be a pain in the ass to peel off, if-
-he had to sell it.
“Thanks, Anthony. Using my car to advertise someone else’s YouTube channel instead of our own, that’s a really proactive move there. Real four-D chess strats.”
“I, um… I just thought they’d look neat.”
“Yeah,” sighed Mark. “I know. Come on, let’s go find somewhere to sit.”
Even though it was getting towards evening, there weren’t too many people in the food court seating area, and half of the kiosks still had their metal hatches pulled down. At a long, near-empty table, sticky and spotted from a day of crumbs and wipe-downs, Mark dropped into a chair across from Anthony, always easy to spot in his bright red-check flannel, who was already halfway down a container of loaded chilli wedges.
He shrugged his backpack into the darkness under his feet and back-kicked it under his chair, and set his styrofoam carton on the table. Following the trend of the whole weekend, he hadn’t had as much luck with the food options as Anthony, whose potato wedges looked pretty good, apart from the whole ‘drenched in meat’ thing. His vegetarian lasagna looked like a slab of undercooked doormat in half an inch of thin red soup.
There were no real quiet places anywhere in the hall, but the food court was at least a little quieter, only a couple of other people at this table, eating alone. Mark tried to let himself relax, as much as he could, forcing himself to untense joint by joint as if his skeleton was an IKEA diagram strictly controlled by his mind, but only got about as far as his elbows before giving up.
Anthony grinned at him. Mark attempted to smile back, didn’t point out that he had a speck of chilli cheese on the tip of his nose, and ate a couple of bites of lasagna. The best that could be said about it was that it held no surprises- it tasted exactly how it looked. His phone buzzed, and he checked it hurriedly, trying to look preoccupied enough to dodge any conversation, to at least catch ten minutes worth of peace and silence while they ate.
He got maybe two minutes, because by then Anthony had wolfed down enough chilli to have taken the edge off his appetite, and wanted to talk.
“What happened back there, anyway? I just looked round and you were gone.”
Mark shrugged. “They weren’t going to give us anything,” he said. “Before you came over, I managed to give them our card, but really, I could just kind of tell they weren’t going to bite, so, like…”
With some trouble, he could make himself see that what had just happened wasn’t Anthony’s fault. He had known those guys weren’t interested, just like all the others. He’d known it in his gut before Anthony had even shown up, and with just a little distance he could see that clearly and admit it, and know that it wasn’t fair for him to put the blame on Anthony at all-
“Wait, that’s why you were talking to them?”
-for almost five seconds.
“Yes,” said Mark, trying to keep his voice, down, for all that it mattered. “Yes, Anthony, that is why I was trying to talk to them, before you-”
“But they’re nothing to do with our channel!” Anthony looked genuinely confused. “They do 3D print projects, they do that ASMR printing thing-”
“I know, what they do, Anthony,” said Mark, barbing every comma as if it was a physical thing, something pointy he could flick against Anthony’s forehead. “It doesn’t matter, they get two hundred K views per video, we could do something-”
“Come on, Mark,” Anthony drooped back in his chair, rubbing his face, obliterating the chilli cheese with his palm and pushing his curly mop of hair out of the way. His legs slid forwards on the tiles and his heels bumped into Mark’s toes. Mark pulled back and tucked his legs under his chair like a curling bug, hooking both feet tightly around its front legs. “You’ve been doing this the whole weekend, the mobile game people, the wallet people, the deodorant people, the freaking- weird pillow things people-”
“You think we can just wait for someone to come to us? That’s not how it works-”
“This isn’t how it works, Mark,” said Anthony. Now he leaned forwards, pushing his chilli to the side, all earnestness, his freckly face an open book urging Mark to hear him. “I’m just being realistic. We’re a really small channel, we don’t need sponsorships, it’s okay if none of these guys want to work with us yet. Maybe if we get bigger it’ll happen, fine, but you can’t force it, you’re just making-”
“When are we going to get bigger, Anthony? When? How long? When is our first sponsor going to come along and ask us? Another six months?”
“A year? Two years? I don’t have-”
“Maybe not at all!”
“-I don’t have that kind of time!”
Mark had almost yelled over his friend, but he’d heard him perfectly well. Although he knew exactly what Anthony meant, although it was only echoing his own thoughts, the words still stopped him dead.
“Maybe never,” said Anthony, quieter. “Look, you know I love our stuff, I love the channel, I’d love it if it got as big as those ASMR guys one day, are you kidding? But I’d be fine if we never got any more subscribers than we already have, I’d do it if we got like three views a video. It’s just supposed to be for fun, Mark! Remember the first time we uploaded and we got like, twenty views? We got pizza to celebrate!”
“That’s… that was different.” Mark did remember, and the memory made his throat tighten and his eyes prickle. It didn’t feel like a long time ago. The summer they started the channel, leapt into making videos as soon as term ended. That summer, back when his dad was only normal-crazy, back when Theo’s acceptance letter was stuck right on the front of the fridge all month, back when the thing that sucked the most in the world was the prospect of having to miss the second half of summer for some stupid family cruise.
That summer. Before everything went to shit.
Anthony pushed a finger against the smeary tabletop, drawing a big invisible circle, tapping a small dot next to it. “We have to think of it like, there’s hundreds and thousands of people here who have a channel, and you know it’s only a tiny, tiny percent of a percent that ever get big enough to get sponsorships and stuff. You know that. We were never doing this for sponsorships. I mean, I’m not, and- we’re on the same page, right? This is like when you wanted to do that video reading negative comments-”
“Okay, that? That stuff works. People love hate-comment videos. We’d easily get twice as many views as our last video, and we wouldn’t even have to write a script-”
“We don’t even get hate-comments- we’ve had like, one! Even if we did get a bunch for some reason, why would we even want to focus on that shit?” That’s just going to make it seem like we don’t care about the people leaving us good comments, and then we’d just look like assholes!”
“We don’t have to wait for real ones.I could make some fake accounts, or- or something. Who cares what we look like-”
“I do,” said Anthony. “And so do you, Mark.”
He sat back, as if he’d made a really good point, and gave Mark his best knowing look, which made him look about as sly and full of deep psychological understanding as a first-grader’s spelling primer.
“I know you, and I know the channel means way too much to you, for you to really want to screw it up like that just for a bunch of views.”
(It’s not about what I WANT!!)
In the real world, where screaming at the top of one’s lungs is unacceptable mealtime behaviour, Mark swallowed and looked down at his lasagna.
“It’s not like that’s why we’re here,” said Anthony. “This was just supposed to be fun. I mean… it was supposed to be.”
His tone of voice made Mark look up, quickly. Anthony was still watching him, and he looked worried. Not just worried, but uncertain, sympathetic. Mark felt his stomach lurch. He knew that look, because he’d found himself on the receiving end of it a lot lately, from a lot of different people, all for mostly the same reason. He hated it. He hated the pity, the pointlessness of it, the unwanted obligation of knowing someone felt bad for him when he never asked them to, wouldn’t ask them to, because they couldn’t do a single thing to help. Seeing it in Anthony’s guileless hazel eyes was worse than seeing it in the face of a stranger, because-
(he could help he just doesn’t want to)
-it cut deeper, somehow. Mark shut his eyes hard for a second. Hard white light, clean surfaces, the pervasive smell of disinfectants and sickness and waiting, and the voice, thin and drowsy and blurry with sleep and painkillers, but the same, the same well-loved voice-
(It sounds great, honey. You two go have a good time. You’ll have fun.)
“Sure,” said Mark, to his lasagna. “Fun.”
There was a short silence. Anthony clearly wanted to say more, probably to the same purpose, but he knew Mark well enough to recognize when he was being shut down. He shifted uncertainly in his seat, picking at a bit of cracked decal on the front of his t-shirt. Mark picked up his spork again.
“You know,” he said, casually, drawing small deliberate lines across the top layer of his gross lasagna, just like someone might do when they were absolutely unbothered and totally not trying to force the issue, absolutely not so wound up to the point that their usual sharp, smooth-running voice was fracturing into bits and pieces of sentences like grammatical shrapnel, “if you ever felt like- you were kind of done with this whole thing, with the- the channel, I’d completely understand. It’s been a... stressful weekend, right? It hasn’t really worked out like we wanted it to, and I can tell you’re not really into it, I... I wouldn’t be mad.”
He coughed, poking holes in the lasagna like he was trying to seed a miniature lawn. He hadn’t even eaten three bites, but it felt like it was stuck in a big ball in his throat.
“If- if you were feeling like, ‘You know what, I’m over this stupid YouTube thing, but I don’t want to disappoint Mark!’ I’d get it. Really, you wouldn’t be disappointing me, or- letting anybody down, I’d be- I’d be fine with just- running it on my own.”
He looked up, barely daring to hope. “If that’s how you were feeling... you could hundred-percent just tell me.”
Anthony leaned across the table, putting a hand on Mark’s arm, stopping the nervous movement of the spork mid-jab. His face was encouraging, wholly sincere.
“Mark,” he said, with serious emphasis, “I love our channel. I’m never going to be ‘done.’ I’ve got you, buddy. You don’t have to worry about me- I am never gonna just leave you to do it on your own. Okay?”
Mark looked at him, helplessly. Anthony smiled, his beautiful Anthony smile, nothing but sunshine and freckles, a smudge of chilli cheese and a total absence of doubt. He squeezed Mark’s arm, gently.
“We’ve had a long day,” he said. “I’m gonna go back to the room, get some packing done. Take your time, okay?”
And with that, and another quick, reassuring grin, he grabbed his raggedy paper bag and the rest of his chilli, and was gone.
Mark sat there for a little while as if he’d been hit with something heavy around the back of the head, looking at the place where Anthony had been. After a moment or two, he screwed his eyes very tightly shut, jabbed his spork into his lasagna so it stuck there like an upright little sail, put his face down in his hands and made a noise like a high, muffled nearly-silent scream.
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malevolent-monthly · 10 months
What is Malevolent Monthly?
Malevolent Monthly is a recurring event based on the “draw this in your style” (DTIYS) events that are common in the visual art community. DTIYS events are typically hosted by a single artist who asks other artists to draw a particular piece of theirs in their own style. Many artworks are then created with the same subject matter in different art styles. The motivation behind this event is to encourage writers to write something that may have a similar plot as somebody else’s but that differs in style, execution, and other things that make writers unique. In other words, “write this in your style”!
How does this event work?
Prompts will be released on the 1st of each month, starting January 1st, 2024. Writers will then have the entire month to write a fic based on the prompt. Fics responding to the prompts can be posted anytime. Participants can also send asks or submissions with snippets from their fic, and we will preview them on our Tumblr.
How do I participate?
To participate, all you need to do is write a fic based on the prompt given at the beginning of the month and post it. Fics must be based on the prompt given to be considered part of this event.
Do I have to participate each month?
Nope! You can participate once, or you can participate every month, or anywhere in between. 
How do prompts work? 
Prompts will be posted on the first day of the month on Tumblr, Pillowfort, and AO3. Prompts will be general enough to give you flexibility when writing but specific enough that all fics will have similar plots/subject matter. (Eg. ‘John and Arthur go to see a movie together, but it’s rudely interrupted.’) 
I don’t think I’m going to finish my fic on time; can I post it after the month is over?
Absolutely! We won’t be sharing prompts fulfilled after the end of the month on our Tumblr/Pillowfort, but the AO3 collection will remain open to submissions for past prompts, and we encourage you to finish your fic even if it’ll be a bit late.
Can I write for a past prompt?
Yes! Though we won’t be sharing works written for past prompts on our Tumblr/Pillowfort, the AO3 collection will remain open to submissions for past prompts, so you can write for any past prompt that interests you and add it to the collection.
Can I submit a prompt?
Yes, you can submit a prompt! Anybody can submit prompts, regardless of whether or not you plan on participating in the event as a writer. Prompts can be submitted via our Tumblr or Pillowfort askbox.
Is there a word count minimum or maximum?
There is no word count minimum or maximum. You can write monthly 100-word drabbles or monthly 100,000-word epic novels—whatever inspires you!
Can I participate if I’m a minor (under 18)?
Sure! There is no age restriction for this event.
Can I participate if I’m not a writer?
If you feel inspired by the monthly prompt, you can absolutely create art (or other non-written creations) for it! However, as this is officially a write-this-in-your-style event, we will only be sharing written content on our blogs/in our AO3 collection.
What social media do I need to participate?
We will be posting prompts on Tumblr, AO3, and Pillowfort, so you will need some way to access or view the prompt on one of those three sites to participate. However, you can post your work wherever is most convenient for you, and you will be able to view the AO3 collection without an account, so there is no official social media requirement.
Can I co-write with someone else?
What kind of fics can I write?
Any fic centered around the canon characters and/or world of Malevolent is permitted, including AUs, crossovers (where Malevolent characters are central to the story), and NSFW content. Writers must clearly label sensitive content (including, at minimum, AO3’s four major archive warnings) when posting. Any content is allowed as long as it is properly tagged. The exception is any content that is discriminatory or categorized as hate speech, which will not be shared by the mod team on social media or accepted into the AO3 collection.
Where do we post our works?
We will be reblogging works on Tumblr and Pillowfort, and we will also have an AO3 collection that you can post your work to. However, you can post your works on whichever site is most convenient for you.
When posting on Tumblr or Pillowfort, use the tag #malevolent monthly and tag our blog @malevolent-monthly in the body of the post so that we can see it!
How do I add my fic to the AO3 collection?
Follow the Google Doc guide here to add your fic to the Malevolent Monthly collection. Note that the collection is in the prompt meme style, so there are a few extra steps involved that differ from posting to a typical collection. The guide has pictures and step-by-step instructions that should help you post your fic successfully. However, if you have any difficulties, please send us a message.
I plan to include an image in my post/in my fic. Do I need an image ID for it?
Image IDs are highly encouraged, but not strictly required, for this event. Please consider adding IDs when applicable to increase the accessibility of your post or your fic. For a guide on how to write image IDs, please see this document.
Who are the moderators for this event?
The moderators are:
Jay (@bluejayblueskies)
Jack (@organchordsandlightning)
Rowan (@splitting-infinities)
I have another question not answered here.
Please send us an ask!
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wolfiafuntime · 1 year
Hero of the Devildom | My Hero Academia X Quirkless! Teen! GN! Reader X Obey Me
Guess who's back on their bullcrap? I am.
Anyways, I started watching MHA again and this crossover has taken me hostage. I wrote a bit of it before realizing it's gonna take me a while to get to the parts I really want to. I'm currently contemplating deleting what I wrote and just skipping to the MHA storyline, or keeping this... 6 pages and continuing where I left off.
There'll be a poll at the end of this post for audience opinion (does that sound weird? I didn't know how else to word it...)
 Where are you...? One moment, you're walking into Aldera Junior High to attend another boring day of hell with Izuku, and now you're... In a courtroom? With eight, tall, windows, seven long banners, and several men in judge's seats looking down on you. The man in the highest seat starts speaking.
 "Welcome to the Devildom, (L/N)... Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well, that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all. As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom." The maroon-haired man spoke, his deep voice kind. You took a second to blink, before speaking.
 "Aw, crap. What crimes did I commit while sleep-walking to get taken to Hell early?"
 "None," The maroon-haired man replies with a chuckle. "In fact, your soul is far brighter than any Human I've seen before. Let me introduce myself: My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned King of the Devildom. This," He gestures to the room. "Is the Royal Academy of Diavolo... Though we just call it RAD. You're standing inside of the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I'm the president of said council." He monologues, his expression becoming stern as he brought up his title and responsibilities.
 "That's cool. My name's (L/N) (Y/N), aspiring I'll-decide-when-I-do. I am the ruler of the things I own, and President of the Aldera Junior High Quirkless Club. It's secret, though, so you can't tell anybody or I'll beat you up about it." You say, holding out your hand, but not expecting it to be taken. Diavolo chuckles again.
 "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." He says, and you put your arm back down.
 "Good... So, why am I here, again?" You ask, eyebrows creasing in confusion.
 "I will explain everything to you." The raven-haired man sitting in the chair below Diavolo spoke. He had a stern expression, and although his arms were crossed like the Prince's, his body was much stiffer.
 "(L/N), this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride," Diavolo introduced, uncrossing his arms. Probably to make Lucifer seem more inviting. "He is also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man... And not just in title, I assure you," Diavolo then crosses his arms again and laughs. "Beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend."
 An almost disappointed expression comes across Lucifer's face, and he shakes his head.
 "Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo." He scolds, before turning to you with an empty smile. "Speaking on behalf of the entire student body and storied school of ours... I offer you a most heartfelt welcome, (L/N)-San."
 "Yeah... No offense, but that doesn't explain anything." You say, and something lights in Lucifer's eyes.
 "... Interesting. This one is different from Solomon," He says to no one, before his smile drops. "Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm. As a first step toward this goal, we've decided to institute an exchange program. We've sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm. And we're welcoming four to our school: Two from your world and two from the Celestial Realm," Lucifer then frowns, and shakes his head. "So, I take it you've probably put two and two together at this point, right?"
 "Yeah, you don't need to be so condescending about it," You say with a sweatdrop, childishly refusing to make eye contact with him as you begin slouching. Although you can feel his glare. Before he can say anything, you straighten back up. "But wait, why'd you choose me? I'm Quirkless."
 "You having a Quirk isn't necessary for this program. Even if you had a Quirk, it would be no match in a fight against a demon. It would, at most, buy you another half-hour of living," Lucifer explained. "Now, your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom."
 "I have to write a paper?!"
 "I am not telling you to write a doctoral thesis. You can take it easy." Lucifer assured. You sighed a breath of relief.
 "Oh, thank goodness, 'cause I don't even know what a doctoral thesis is...!"
 "Don't worry. It's not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon," Lucifer said, smiling with a glint in his eye as he spoke. But his own mention of Mammon made him start glaring. "He's the Avatar of Greed and... How should I put it...? Oh well, you'll understand soon enough."
 Lucifer then raised his hand, revealing that he was holding- or at the very least grabbed- a cell phone.
 "Here, hold out your hand," Following his instruction, the device teleported from his hand to your palm. Looking at it, you found that it had a red screen, with a white crow silhouette, and '66:66' for the time. "This device is called a DDD. It's a lot like the cell phones of your world. This will be yours to use for as long as you're here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it."
 Unlocking the device with a swipe, you soon found your way to contacts, and scrolled down to the 'M' section. There, you found a picture of a dark-skinned, white-haired man wearing yellow-tinted shades.
 "Yoooo." You hear Mammon lazily answer.
 "Yoooo." You parrotted, raising two of your freehand's fingers in a peace sign.
 "Are ya foolin' around? Who the hell are ya?" Mammon asked, urgency still missing from his voice.
 "I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Lucifer says that you'll be babysitting me for the next year?"
 "'Babysitting you'...? AAH! I get it now, you're the other human-- the new exchange student! Pfft, whatever. Ya think THE Mammon would come and protect ya just 'cause Lucifer said I would? G'luck with--" Mammon, in the midst of his goodbye, was cut off by Lucifer.
 "You've got ten seconds... Nine... Eight..." Lucifer said, his voice casual. He didn't raise it for a single second, but it seemed like he didn't need to.
 "YESSIR!" Mammon shouted, before hanging up.
 "Sounds like you had a nice chat." Lucifer said with a smile.
 "Yeah, he sounds super reliable." You state, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
 "You look even more worried now, huh." Lucifer chuckles.
 "Well, if you were suddenly brought to a strange place and then get told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you'd certainly feel anxious. However, Mammon won't be the only one to help you out. So will his and Lucifer's brothers. And it's probably better that you do that instead of me, wouldn't you say?" The Prince said, looking down at his right-hand man.
 "Yes... As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right." Lucifer agreed, a look of pain on his face.
 "Oh, come now. Really? You should be honored that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!" A tiny, strawberry blonde-haired man spoke with a smile.
 "This one here's Asmodeus. He's the fifth eldest," Lucifer introduced, gesturing to his right. "He's the Avatar of Lust."
 "Wh... I can't believe you just totally ignored what I said! And not only that, you referred to me as this one. How rude!" Asmodeus huffed, his eyebrows furrowing into a glare.
 "Hmph. At least he didn't ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?" The blonde beside him said with a sigh.
 "That one there is Satan, the fourth eldest of us. At first glance, he may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving."
 "Aha, so I'm that one, am I?" Satan replied with a nod of his head. He then turned his attention to you, a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, (L/N). I am Satan, the Avatar of Wrath."
 "The Avatar of Wrath?" You parroted.
 "It basically sums up what he's about. He may flash you a pretty smile like that, but you had better be careful because it's all an act." Lucifer explained.
 "If you continue saying such nonsense, you'll just scare (L/N). Don't take him too seriously, (L/N). Lucifer enjoys speaking ill of his brothers. He is the Avatar of Pride, after all." Satan said, a weird aura surrounding him. You brushed it off as his wrath.
 "Sure thing." You agreed. One of Satan's eyebrows twitches at your neutral expression.
 "Are you done?" Lucifer asked in a sigh, and you turned your attention back to him. "Now, the one there with the very grumpy look on his face is Beelzebub. He's the sixth oldest." Following his hand, your eyes soon land on a large man with carrot-colored hair.
 "Lucifer, I'm hungry." Is all he said.
 "That's too bad. Now behave yourself."
 "I'm Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony." Beelzebub says, not really looking at you as he places his hand on his stomach. A second later, a nasty-sounding growl comes from it. You wince at the sound.
 "So..." Lucifer says to get your attention again. "There are seven of us brothers in all, and I am the eldest. Mammon, the second oldest of us, will be here soon. My other brothers aren't here at the moment, but... Well, we can get to them later. All in good time."
 "During your stay in the Devildom, six of the seven brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you are to stay with them at the House of Lamentation." Diavolo added.
 "What's the 'House of Lamentation'?" You ask.
 "It's where I live with my brothers. It is a rather spacious house, and it was originally a cursed house in the human world. So, I assume it won't be a problem for you- a human- to live there. Although we will all be living together, you should still have the means to reach us at any given time. All of our phone numbers are already in your DDD. And it already has a messaging app installed, but you'll have to add us."
 "I'll go ahead and send you a message!" Diavolo said, pulling out his own DDD.
 "Isn't that nice, (L/N). Now you will be friends with the future king of the Devildom!" Satan said.
 "... Ugh, I don't believe this. Of all the rotten luck..." Mammon groans, hands in his pockets, and body slouched as he leads you to the HoL. It's been a couple of hours since you've been brought to Hell, and it's, admittedly, been pretty nice. After Diavolo messaged you, you were introduced to a tall, green-haired man named Barbatos, Diavolo's retainer. Just before Mammon arrived, he took your measurements for the RAD Uniform, and handed you a credit card with twenty-thousand dollars on it. Lucifer explained that it was your allowance for the year, and that if you wanted more, you'd have to work for it.
 Lucifer also explained that the tasks you'd be doing for the next year were all dance battles. If you won, your soul got shinier, and that would help you resist the temptation of demons. It would, in turn, make you appear more tempting for demons, but you would be able to protect yourself using an app on your DDD called Nightmare. Which temporarily granted you the powers of the Avatars.
 "Why should I have to look after some human? It's insulting, that's what it is!" Now, you were following a grumpy demon back to his house. "That rotten bastard... Does he really think he can scare me into doin' whatever he wants?" Mammon then turns to you. "Just so we're clear... It's not like I can't say no to Lucifer, okay?! I only agreed to babysit you because, um... Well you know, because... uh..."
 "Because then he'd get sad and you can't bare to make your big brother sad?"
 "Yeah, exactly! The Great Mammon can't stand to let anyone down, especially his family! Oh, hey, we're here." Looking ahead, your eyes land on a giant-two story house.
Also, a short list of pros and cons for keeping this:
Those unfamiliar with Obey Me could stumble into the fandom (it's how I did!)
(apologies for how this'll contradict the first point) Some things will be added/changed to make it new for those familiar with Obey Me
It will set up some of the (Y/N)'s powers, and a little something interesting Obey Me's MC/(Y/N) that I'm planning on making a major moment story-wise
We have to wait to get to the My Hero plot. A long time, too, because it took me a while to write those six pages
It'll give me less time to decide if (Y/N) gets class 1a as a reverse harem
Less set up for a slow-burn subplot regarding (Y/N) (it's not the story moment I mentioned earlier)
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cealesti · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @louveclaviere and @silverandbluephoenix for the tags!!
right, so.. breaking this down by fandom seems wiser. also, most of these titles are still being workshopped
- "Asteroid Overdue" - "fly high" - "hermione did a business class" - "hallows, not horcruxes" - "time loop :eyes:" - "corvidae" - "dying on your lips (is how i wanna go)" - "my beloathed" - "lavlav & harrykins = chaos" - "the cold war AU" - "terminus" (TMA crossover) - "write what you know" - "drarry wip" - "ginny weasley is eleven" - "The Benko Gambit" - "can't commit to anything but a crime" [posted] part of the "anybody else" series: - "with eyes like these (who sees anybody else)" [posted] - "with friends like these (who needs anybody else)" [posted] - "kinktober maybe??" - "and if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight"
- "the more things change" - "eat your young" - "desperate for your sweet affliction"
- "deku, kacchan, and tomu-chan: disaster trio" - "the mineta wip no one asked for" part of the "you run with me (and i can set you free)" series: - "welcome to the panic room" - "a shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak" - "a wolf in sheep's clothing (is more than a warning)"
Stranger Things
- "sombody's gonna figure me out" - "to derry, with love" (IT crossover)
..... I really don't think i know nearly enough people to tag here lmao.
Sorry if you've already been tagged, but here goes: @saintsenara @officialsporkintheroad @atlantablack @shadow-of-the-eclipse @d-lissa @isalisewrites @goldenzingy46 aaand anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't been tagged yet.
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, January 29
BUFFY: (annoyed) Great. SPIKE: Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up. BUFFY: What are you doing here, Spike? SPIKE: Well, you know, a man was frozen alive in there. A little compassion, luv.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Endurance of a Slayer (Buffy/Spike, E) by bladeinthenorth
Daily Drabble #15: Faulty (Spike/Giles) (Giles/Spike, M) by MadeInGold
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, R) by slaymesoftly
Haunted Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
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Psyer Chapter 1 (BtVS/Psyren(manga) crossover, FR15) by JoshuAB
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Colorful fun in Sunnydale by yarboyandy
Artwork:fuffy fight by gendergeezer
[Fandom Discussions]
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this is the closest thing to a dud episode between Beauty and the Beasts and Beer Bad by coraniaid
giles getting high with oz in early s4... by chasingfictions
I actually hate so much that Xander called off the wedding by bubblegum-blackwood
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Are too many of the major characters in the Buffyverse good-looking? continued by multiple posters
Buffy and Willow Friendship continued by multiple posters
Favourite Podcasts part 2 continued by multiple posters
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Reboot Still Happening by TarasBoyfriend
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Did the Watchers Council know what happened to Buffy after season 5? by Waarm
kiersten white books by tinkerthoughts
S3 Billy by liquiddsunshinee
Gunn Flashback by pengchod
Don’t know if anybody else has seen this? by Embarrassed-Bend3014
I love scenes when these two actually get to just talk by Mavakor
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Help, I’m looking for people who collect Series Mania magazine! by leecapasso
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usernamemybeloathed · 3 months
Okay, so this is a little different, its a little ficlet based on my new Stardew Valley/Twisted Wonderland crossover. I decided to post it as part of the Stardew 1.6 Fest here rather than AO3. It's a little short but sweet fic about the first time my farmer Clodagh meets Kent.
(Link to the very first chapter of the crossover fic, in which we haven't got to meeting Kent yet, at the bottom of the story.)
Get Off My Land
Clodagh was woken up to a banging at her door. It was early, too early for guests, but everyone round here seemed to run to their own time. The joys of country living, she muttered as she stumbled down the stairs wearing nothing but a blanket that she’d gathered off a chair by the bed.
It’d probably be the mayor again, wanting this or that done. Or Rasmodius with some batshit request. Or maybe Rook was back. Although he wouldn’t knock. He’d just be sat there at the breakfast table, all smiles and ‘bonjour’s’ as he helped himself to her coffee and eggs. Not that she’d seen him for weeks now. Feckin’ eejit, making her feel something, then disappearing like a wisp of smoke, she continued to mutter. Bastard.
It was as if nobody could read the sign that she’d put up on the first week she’d got here. People in this town had no boundaries, everything was everyone else’s business. The number of times she’d been asked her opinion on this, or what she’d thought of that. The lowest point being when she’d had to revive Shane from a night on the lash using only the power of her watering can, when she’d only gone to Marnie’s for hay. It was mortifying.
Hence the sign. It sat with pride of place on the pathway, and said quite simply in bold, clear letters:
Get Off My Land.
Did anybody get off her land? Nope, they just kept knocking. Or, even worse, dragging her inside her house when she’d fallen asleep on her own land. One time Harvey had somehow let himself into her shed because she fell asleep in there. No, Clodagh wasn’t grateful about it. She wasn’t some damsel in distress, waiting to be rescued at any moment, she’d just worked too hard and fallen asleep in the greenhouse, like anyone would.
The knocking started up again, interrupting her thoughts.
“Alright, Alright! I’m coming, just hold your horses!” she called out as she made her way hurriedly to the door. Such a rude awakening at this ungodly hour.
Flinging the door open, Clodagh stopped in her tracks. There, standing in her doorway, was the handsomest man she’d come across since she’d moved to Pelican Town. Tall, blonde, broad shoulders. His hair was even tidy, short at the sides, slightly longer on top. A sensible haircut. Not like Rook’s stupid bob. No hat either. Okay, this one could stay.
“Well, hi,” she said, leaning on the doorframe and running her finger through her knotted, messy-from-sleep ponytail. “Name’s Clodagh Connolly. What can I do for ya?”
“Um, hello there,” he said quietly, his expression deadpan, brown, brooding eyes looking directly into hers. “I’m Kent. I just got back last night…”
“Back from where?” Clodagh asked with a slight drawl that she didn’t even know she had in her. C’mon Clo, don’t be cringe, get it together.
“From overseas. The military.”
Well, that narrowed it down, she thought huffily, not that she let her face show it. Nope, she was officially boyfriendless, so flirting with this absolute ride of an older man that had been delivered to her doorstep was perfectly fine. And he was a soldier? She did so love a man in uniform, and he could make himself useful round the farm.
“Oh! I’m from overseas, what a coincidence!” You eejit, she cringed as she giggled coquettishly. You feckin’ eejit.
“Err yeah, sure. My wife mentioned that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone.”
A WIFE! DAMMIT! How could she miss the bright blue mermaid pendant round his neck, it wasn’t even tucked into his t-shirt. The smile remained frozen to her face as the dream died as quickly as it sprung up. Images of him coming up the path towards her house, beads of sweat running down his shirtless, muscular torso from all the farm work, and scooping her into his arms, evaporated into the morning mist. The best ones were always taken.
“Yes, I’m married to Jodi. Sam and Vincent are my sons. You know them?”
“Yeah…,” Clodagh nodded slowly. She remembered it now, Sam saying about holding off the wedding till his dad got back. Another sign she’d missed. And he looked a bit like Sam too, if she squinted.
On that note, she hoped nothing else would come up. Surely Sam had told his dad about her? Or maybe not, given everything that had happened between them. Well, if Sam hadn’t said anything, Jodi sure as hell would give out to him about her later.
“Well, I just thought I’d introduce myself,” he said, turning away from the front door. Casually, his face still deadpan, he turned back. “Although, one thing. Next time you run to the door, cover yourself with a blanket that doesn’t have holes in it. See you around.”
Looking down, Clodagh saw immediately what Kent meant. She’d grabbed her crochet blanket, and she’d definitely given this poor man something to ogle at.
Now safely inside and making herself a coffee in the kitchen, Clodagh tried to shake off the urge to feed herself into the worm bin outside. Despite complaining that the locals didn’t read her sign, she’d missed every single one from Kent on the way down. The mermaid pendant, Sam’s comments about his dad being in the military, and his coming back soon. Feck, even the way he looked!
This wouldn’t have happened if people didn’t call round at such an ungodly hour, she thought.
Maybe I should make another sign!
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roscvcins · 25 days
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)? I kind of have too many muses to answer this question. Assume canon (tm) because I'm pretty basic when it comes to that, with a few exceptions.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? Within the realm of normal stuff (tm), I'm down to try anything! Within the realm of darker topics and toxic relationships, as long as we've all discussed it / there aren't any hard no topics (which are listed in the rules, and pretty straightforward for the most part) and we're all okay with it, I'm also down to do some exploration! I think relationships are complicated and as long as we acknowledge what's wrong with one it's fun to explore some dysfunction. Anyway, I don't typically write nsfw either but I do do fade to blacks / if I'm really super comfortable with you it might be something we could discuss.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? You know, writing in xianxia makes this hard. I think in a normal (tm) non-xianxia timeline, as long as everybody is well over Adult Age / the equivalent of 30 (tm), I'll typically accept up to a 12 year gap. Any more over that feels like it's approaching the territory of weird (tm). If it's xianxia as long as everybody is well over adult age I'll go hundreds of thousands of years without so much as blinking hhhh
Are you selective when shipping? Yes and no! I tend to jump the gun when it comes to ships because I'm enthusiastic about trying things. If characters have some kind of chemistry I'm typically all for jumping straight in without too much preamble. On the other hand, if it's really not working or I really just don't think a ship will work I don't want to compromise in order to try to ship! Dupes are another area where I'm a little selective. Only if I think I can offer a different perspective or a different vibe for a ship I already have with a particular character will I try to ship with a dupe of that character. I don't want anybody to feel interchangeable with anybody else and I want to respect everybody's individual portrayal!
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? To preface: NSFW is a rare occurrence on this blog, as I typically do fade to blacks. On the particular occasion when I need to tag NSFW however, I feel I'm bad at judging this threshold??? I'm an overzealous tagger, so I think a lot of times my read mores and my tags are used on things that may not be considered *very* nsfw! My judge for whether or not to tag/read more really depends on my own innate "what the fuck can I really post this on tumblr" meter. Which is to say, I'll tag everything but how hard I blush about what I wrote determines whether or not I throw it under a read more. I think statistically this is typically when: clothes come off, people are touching in private areas, or, and this one may only pertain to me - they're saying things they wouldn't want anyone other than their current partner to hear.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with? Crossover canons!!! OCs!!! Canon canons!!! My lovely mutuals are always so lovely with their muses and my muses love them!!
Does one have to ask to ship with you? Please do! It'd be easier for both of us to talk about it so we know we're shipping. Cat and mouse games are fun when it comes to chemistry (tm) but it's always most clear and least confusing if we talk about the muse intentions!
How often do you like to ship? uh, contrary to my "not ship obsessed" personality...quite a lot! It's a fun part of rp that I don't tend to deprive myself of! I am happy to write any kind of relationship between two muses, however! Just because I frequently find myself shipping doesn't mean that I won't do other types of dynamics / invest equal amounts of emotion into them! I've got some great platonic things going on too!
Are you multiship? Very much so! Multiverse multifandom multiship baby it's on the tin!!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? Haha, not quite ship obsessed, as previously mentioned! Also not quite ship more-or less, so I guess somewhere in the middle. On the "ships are nice and I enjoy them very much but they are not the sole purpose of rp" point, I think.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom? Everyone knows I haven't shut up about T.aliu since September 2023 right? You can pry love as faith from cold dead hands. I felt that feral (tm) about h.ualian and I will feel This Feral (tm) about t.aliu now. something something the softest evil god in the history of the universe who finally found someone he wanted to believe in him x the quiet and lonely believer who found something he wanted to protect for the first time I just jfkdlsajkldjsa;f foaming at the mouth screaming crying puking -
Finally, how does one ship with you? Step one, open my dm, im, or ask Step two, say HEY RO SHIP WITH ME Step three, ???? Step four, profit
tagged by : the dash, since I stole it tagging : YOU MY LOVELIES
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angelfate · 2 months
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indie  tekken  female  multi - muse  featuring  jun,  asuka,  alisa, josie, & unknown  as  fought  by  wikia || low - moderate activity. canon divergent & headcanon based.
RULES  UNDER  READ  MORE follows back from @demonsfate
I’ll only interact if we follow each other. However, non-mutuals can still like posts, reblog posts, & send me asks if they desire to. I just only want to write threads with mutuals because it’s less stressful.
I’m also likely to unfollow if any of the content on your blog makes me uncomfortable. If I unfollow, I really appreciate it if you don’t ask me why unless you suspect that it was an accidental unfollow, as Tumblr can be wonky.
This is a SIDE BLOG to @demonsfate​ - so, I can only follow back from it. And I mean - it’s another Tekken character, so - win win, I feel.
As for DUPLICATES? I don’t mind following other dupes seeing this is a multi-muse blog with four (technically five!) muses! XD
If muse is not specified, I WILL pick a muse for the message, UNLESS I can obviously tell who it’s meant to be (if your muse had already established a relationship with one of the muses)
This blog is also very accepting of OCs and crossovers.
All girls are canon divergent to an extent. They also follow the lore on @demonsfate​ - meaning that will always be their “default” Jin for now (there aren’t rly any other Jin writers at the time of this!) and they all follow the lore that Jin wasn’t responsible for the war, but his Devil was. This is important for Jun, Asuka and Alisa’s depictions.
I tend to depict Jun as she was portrayed in earlier games than how she is in Tekken 8. (Sorry, but she just feels different to me in T8) my Jun will be more stoic than T8′s depiction (smiling less, showing less obvious emotions) & whilst an understanding woman, she can be pushed past her limits. Although I will sometimes use screencaps from T8 for icons, I try to stick to her Tag 2 model for icons (as she also looked more like how I pictured Jun in that game)
Jun was also NEVER Unknown in canon, nor had she ever become her once. Although I will write Unknown, she is always, just like in the games, an AU version of Jun outside of canon. I’m just willing to write Unknown for fun, is all.
Asuka, meanwhile - is VERY canon divergent. I depict Asuka as important to the plot. She helped Jin overcome his devil. Asuka has purifying powers and is aware of them, she spent a good part of the war discovering them, which helped Jin take back control during the war.
Josie may be a bit headcanon based due to having limited lore. 
Alisa will have some headcanons that may differ from canon, I want to really focus on her existence as a robot.
NSFW + Triggering content
Posts may contain triggering themes - I will tag all the best I can, and I will accept custom tags if people request it.
As for smut threads? It’s possible - however, all will be tagged as “spicy” or “NSFT”. Whether or not they’re put under a readmore depends on if my partner puts them under one. 
Godmodding is a no and metagaming is also a no.
This blog is multiship! Pre-established ships are fine as long as we plot them out or they’re somebody the character already knows (Jun and Kazuya, for example) Also, just because Jun has a canon relationship with Kazuya - doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to ship her with anyone else! Jun is definitely still open for shipping if anybody’s interested!
Anything but threads are rebloggable! Because typically my partners don’t like threads to be reblogged. Whether you’re a mutual or not, feel free to reblog my ooc posts, my shitposts, memes, my art. (highly encouraged!) I don’t mind at all!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Also, if you sent in a meme or anything in the inbox, you’re very free to turn it into a thread.
I’m not any of my muses, their thoughts and actions are not reflective of the mun.
All graphics used on this blog are made by me unless stated otherwise.
Hi hi hi! I am the mun, you can call me by Wikia or anything, I am 26 years old. If you made it down here, I just wanna say that there’s no password to send and thank you for reading and respecting my rules! I hope to write with you soon. ❤︎
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