#if anyone has any requests for characters or stuff they wanna see let me know i have tons of wips thi
trinitywc · 1 year
every single time I see wc fanart for a non-canon story, I always go "oh! is it the How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb cats?" and it always is
‘The How To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb cats’ would make an excellent band name
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carcarcraziiv2 · 10 months
Heartsteel Sett Boyfriend HCs
~Sett is love, Sett is LIFE. Don't get me wrong, I am barking and on all fours for all of these men but Sett holds a special place in my little heart~
P.S. Asks are open! I am open to requests! P.S.S. I am also open to other League characters, Arcane AU, etc. Just hmu :3
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TW: Floof. So much floof. Pet names. You get the picture right? As always, enter at your own risk!
Sett is a l o v e r. PDA overload. Hugs? Always, without question, is up for that. Kisses? You bet your ass he will. Any second, no matter where you are, you could lean in for one and he will squeeze you up against him, and kiss you like his life depends on it. If anyone appears to be giving you some extra attention that he doesn't like, all this big guy has to do is walk up next to you (as if he isn't there already lol) and usually the person doing the thing is smart enough to know better than to continue. "Hey baby, come here. What, can't I kiss you? Let me kiss you. That's my good b/g."
Sett is second only to Ezreal in his joking capabilities. This man can JOKE, and although he is trying to joke with and or at you, he unfortunately tends to make a fool of himself because he is a massive dork. If you pull jokes on him, he doesn't really get upset or offended, but he will pretend to be. His goofy demeanor means he will put a hand to his chest acting all flabbergasted, then tackle you into a hug or onto the bed while calling you a dork. "Haha! You're so funny, but you know I've got skin of steel baby. Oh, you meant it? Yeah right! Comere!"
Sett is an absolute SUCKER for attention. He will eat it up, and if you aren't paying attention to him? You might as well be. He will pester you, throw you over his shoulder, basically DEMAND your attention. Since this is just how he is, you never have to be desperate for his attention either. If for some reason you do feel neglected, he will feel very bad about it. He will make it up to you no matter what that means. "I'm sorry I've been at the gym so much this week, band stuff has just been stressing me out. Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you go with me?!"
Kisses, hugs, and everything fun= SETT. He is a fiend. He is insatiable. He will grab you up and kiss you, no matter where you are. His kisses can be goofy, fun, or downright sensual. Sometimes, when Sett is feeling serious for once, he will take his time with you. Touching you sweetly- he is so strong sometimes he is scared he will hurt you by accident. But man, it's all worth it as soon as his lips touch yours. Sett grabs your wrist, pulling you flush against him. You have to tilt your head to see him, and as he gazes back down at you he tilts his head and studies your face. "You're everything, baby. Everything." He leans down, kissing you gently, before releasing your lips and hugging you even closer.
Sett doesn't like arguing. He gets so pent up sometimes, you fear for the guy he goes up against at his boxing matches. Most of the time, when it's petty little arguments, he will figure out some way to get your mind off of it. Every once in awhile when you actually feel upset about the situation, Sett will take his time to sit down and talk it out with you. He will grab your hands, nod while you explain your side, and carefully display his own. By the end of it, the two of you are usually kissing... and by the end of that- well... "I get where you're coming from, baby. I just think we could have approached the situation differently, is all. Promise you're not mad at me? Thank the Gods. Come on, I wanna make it up to you in the bedroom hehe," He says, grabbing you by the waist and tugging you toward your room.
Sett will be very sad when you leave, or when he has to leave. He is like a little puppy dog who cries when you go (although he doesn't actually cry). He will pout, however, and his irresistible face almost makes you quit everything and stay home just to appease him. When he leaves, he will ask you a thousand questions trying to egg on a reason to stay, but you know he has to get to band practice so that Yone doesn't come pounding down your door, so you usually just give him a reason to be excited to come home later. "I miss you already, baby! Please don't make me go. Nah, look Yone loves me! He won't be that mad... Comeonnnn. Fine, but later we are getting dinner, and you are going to be desert."
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thankeywa · 2 years
“hiiii i loved your last piece and damn your writting is SO GOOD <3 so i ask you pretty please if you could right about an aged up!lo'ak w aged up!reader where they're in a romantic relationship and finally mate after a couple of months of waiting. THANKS IN ADVANCE LUV YA”
hiiii! so, as you asked me to, this is me fowarding the request! 🫶🏻 i imagine this being with a female reader, something like childhood friends to lovers – the girl would be a na’vi and they grew up together or smt. i also see the reader being a little scared of mating with lo’ak – thinking things like i love this man but he’s so reckless i dont wanna loose him – and shit. i trust you a 100% with this because I KNOW you're gonna make me giggle scream in my pillows and punch the air even if i read your grocery store list.
lmk if you need anything more! lots of love & kisses. 💘💘💕💞💘💖💗💓💗
Chosen | Lo'ak x fem!Omaticaya!reader (Smut)
A.N: Hello there! Sorry this took me so long, but I'm in the middle of exam season and also my birthday was last week and yea lots of stuffs going on. I hope my interpretation of your request will be everything you dreamed of, tbh I went a lil extra, but this story has literally been plaguing me for days and I loved writing it so much!
Summary: fem!Omaticaya!reader x Lo'ak, both reader and Lo'ak are 18/19 in this, usually I write 20+ characters but I was trying to keep the story as close as possible to Na'vi 'marriage traditions, according to them 15 is the age of maturity and I believe parents arrange marriages around that time, but if anyone is uncomfortable with this then please feel free to imagine the characters are older.
T.W.: NSFW, this is pr0n with feelings, but it is detailed. As always, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS WORK OR ANY OF MY ACCOUNTS, thank you. Awkward first-time shenanigans, angst, fluff, and yeah if I missed anything please let me know.
T.W. 2: This turned into a whole ass fic so forewarning for mentions of blood, neglectful parenting, and a near-death experience for a main character.
Word count: 6.355
Mini dictionary for this fic:
Olo'eyktan = clan leader
Kaltxì! = hello
Oeru syaw... = My name is...
Ngaru tut? = And you are?
Sempul= father
Sa'nok= mother
Oe tìwayn...= I love...
Tsahik= spiritual leader
Yawne = beloved
Oeya- = My-
Oel ngati kameie = I see you
Nga yawne lu oer = I love you (You are beloved to me)
Kehe= no
If you have any Lo'ak requests, please send them my way!
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Lo'ak had never been chosen for anything in his life.
For as long as he'd remembered, his parents had either been taking every spare moment they had to teach Neteyam the right path in life, so that he would one day be an Olo'eyktan fit enough to succeed his father or alternatively, dote on his sisters. It was at an embarrassingly young age when he discovered that he could have wandered off from the safety of his family and nobody would have taken much notice until the eclipse would come, and it was time to turn in.
Even on those occasions, Lo'ak would try to prove his worth by showing his father a creature he had caught or a place he had 'discovered', but his parents didn't really do much other than reprimand him for his reckless behavior.
"You know you were supposed to help me look after your baby sister today, why is it so hard for you to understand basic instructions?" His father would huff, dragging him back home while carrying Tuk on his shoulders. Lo'ak looked at her. She was a tiny infant, where could she have possibly gone by herself? And why did he have to stick around to look after her, while Neteyam and Kiri were out hunting with their mother?
Eventually, his disappearances stopped raising alarms, as his family had accepted Lo'ak would always find his way back or his brother would be the one to recuperate him. On these occasions, Lo'ak had tried to fit in with the rest of the clan but had quickly discovered his presence wasn't all that welcome among his peers. While they felt the need to respect him because he was the Olo'eyktan's son and Neteyam's brother, his quirks, specifically his hands and his speech pattern were too... different. Too human. A lot of Omaticayans his age had been orphaned as a consequence of the war against the sky people, and Lo'ak was just another reminder of what their presence had left behind. Not to mention he was also friends with Spider, an actual sky person, even though he was born on Pandora and knew nothing of Earth.
On a day like any other, Lo'ak and Spider were playing hide and seek just the two of them, a game Jake had taught them and was too 'human' sounding for the rest of their peers to want to join in, and Lo'ak had found the perfect hiding spot on a tree Spider was never going to be able to climb when a voice startled him so much, he almost fell out of the branch he'd been resting on.
"Kaltxì!" The little Na'vi girl his age greeted him enthusiastically while hanging upside down from the tree branch directly above him. Lo'ak stared at her and felt like prey in the split second it was about to be hit by an arrow. He had never seen such beautiful eyes. And he had never talked to a girl before, other than his sisters. "Oeru syaw y/n." She continued. "Ngaru tut?"
"L-Lo'ak." He managed to say, instinctively hiding his hands behind his back. She looked at him curiously, almost as if to ponder his silence. Then y/n seemed to have a sudden realization. "Now I know!" She exclaimed again loudly, along with switching her language register, but Lo'ak couldn't care less about losing his game of hide and seek with Spider anymore. "You are the Spider's friend. You speak the English. You see? I speak the English too. You can talk to me." Y/n announced rather diplomatically, not knowing that Lo'ak was perfectly capable of speaking Na'vi as well. "Friends?" She reached out her hand, her eyes brimming with hope.
Lo'ak nodded and smiled back at her, still at a loss for words, until he finally said: "Yes, friends." But he didn't dare to shake her hand. Y/n dropped down from the branch she'd been hanging from gracefully, her tail twitching as she inquired: "You are hurt?", trying to get a better look at his hands.
"No!" Lo'ak blurted out, and in doing so he inadvertently put his hands forward to keep y/n at a distance, while he was backed up against the tree trunk, with nowhere else to go except fall to his death. Y/n's comically large eyes took in the sight of his hands, examining them for signs of trauma. But there were none. Lo'ak braced himself for the inevitable rejection. "Big baby." She chided. "Nothing wrong with your hands, see?" Lo'ak let y/n hold his hands up to his face, and Spider found them like that the very next second.
"Ha-ha!" He panted, out of breath from climbing all the way up to where the two Na'vi hadn't been so quiet. "I. Win."
"Win?" Y/n asked, dropping Lo'ak's hands. "Is it a game? Can I play? Oh, and-and my friends as well. You will meet them now. Come."
Lo'ak realized then, that was what it must have felt like to be chosen by someone.
From that day onward, Lo'ak and y/n had been inseparable. He was the first person she'd pick to play on her team once he and Spider had been accepted by her friends, he was the first and sometimes only person she'd tell her 'secrets' to, and as they grew older they would only go out hunting if the other was with them. Ceremonies, dinners, you name it, Lo'ak and y/n were sitting next to each other, trying their best to keep their giggles and whispers at a low volume, something y/n really couldn't help, especially when Neteyam would turn around to reprimand his younger brother.
Y/n got gradually closer with his family as well over the years, being of big help with babysitting Tuk and escorting Kiri to Hellsgate with the rest of her siblings whenever she wanted to visit her mom. Her English had gotten progressively better, and she was as fluent of a speaker as the rest of the Sullys, regretfully owing a lot of her vocab to the two brothers. On a particular outing to the lab, Lo'ak had been in the middle of teasing Kiri about her conception, and y/n was quick to respond to him, intent on defending her friend.
"-their avatars, all alone in the forest-" Lo'ak goaded Kiri, and y/n cut him off before her best friend could insinuate anything else. "As if you would know anything about that, virgin!" His siblings laughed at this.
"Who are you calling virgin, virgin?" He'd snap back, and their argument would usually end up in a scuffle, which he was always the first one to pull away from.
Lo'ak hadn't realized how easy he had it back then, before... Well, before none of them no longer had time to be kids. The sky people came back around the time of Neteyam's 20th birthday, and yet somehow, that hadn't been the most devastating event Lo'ak was about to experience in the days to come.
"Lo'ak listen to me, and for Eywa's sake, don't run off until I'm done talking." Neteyam rested a hand on his shoulder, he had never seen such a pained expression on his brother's face before. "Sempul has been talking to me about responsibility and family, and-"
Lo'ak tsked, shaking his head. "Big surprise there, bro."
"Lo'ak..." Neteyam said sternly, and Lo'ak wondered when exactly had his brother become so much like their father. "I saw him and sa'nok talking to y/n's parents the other day. Saying stuff like she is the only one other than Kiri who truly understands Eywa's will. They've seen her healing abilities, she's been helping out with the war effort under Mo'at instructions. They want her to be the next tshaik, after mother."
Lo'ak couldn't stop the ugly frown that took over his features, and neither could he prevent himself from shoving his brother off him in disdain. "What are you saying?" He asked angrily, even though he already knew the answer to his question.
"You know what I'm saying, bro-"
"You're not my brother!" Lo'ak snarled, and for once in his life actually felt intimidating as he did so. Neteyam looked even more distraught than he had been a few seconds ago, but his agony was nowhere as close as the hell wreaking havoc inside Lo'ak. Y/n was the one thing Lo'ak had in this world that was truly his, and now he was going to have to stand aside while she married his brother. "I love her, I need her." He screamed, the pain in his chest was unlike anything he'd ever felt. "You don't-"
"Exactly, I don't." Neteyam said, trying to recover his younger brother from his anguish. "And I will say no to this union, but you know this decision is out of my hands-"
"Of course, you'll do anything as long as it doesn't interfere with you being the perfect son!" Lo'ak spat with tears in his eyes and Neteyam was quick to raise his voice, something that he almost never did. "Do not say that, Lo'ak. You know that is not true-"
But Lo'ak was done talking. And he had a feeling he didn't want to stick around for the evening ceremony either.
Y/n had remained deadly silent as her parents had given her the news. Tsahik, marriage, Neteyam. At one point it all started to become white noise in her head. All she could think about was Lo'ak. The day they'd both ridden their ikrans for the first time, and had stayed out well passed the eclipse. The hunting excursions, when it was just the two of them. Listening to human music on a device they'd stolen from the lab one time.
"Oe tìwayn Lo'ak." She'd never said it out loud to anyone, but it was true. She loved Lo'ak, and her parents simply couldn't understand. The younger Sully boy was nothing but a troublemaker, a complete mance to the clan and anyone else around him. They were never going to give their beautiful, talented daughter away to a five-fingered freak of nature, no matter how much she begged and pleaded with them.
Y/n felt like she was having an out-of-body experience, not even recollecting how she'd found herself sitting amongst the rest of the clan, as they all faced the tree of souls and the Olo'eyktan began to speak. She couldn't see Lo'ak anywhere. Y/n found it harder and harder to breathe. He was still her best friend, and she needed to tell him what was about to happen before his father announced it to everyone they knew. Lo'ak would have thought she'd have kept it secret from him, and y/n could never break his trust.
"It is with great pride and joy that today we-" The clan leader, Jake Sully, had stopped talking in the middle of his speech and was now looking directly at her. In fact, everybody was. Y/n only then realized she'd stood up while everyone else was still sitting down. Neytiri walked up to her, wiping the tears from her face. Y/n hadn't even realized she'd been crying. "Child, you do not look well." She spoke warmly as if she were speaking to one of her own daughters.
Y/n's tail was twitching violently, still looking around for Lo'ak as she took in a shaky breath. "It is Lo'ak." She managed to say. "He is not here." Y/n whined and her parents decided to step in. "Sit down, daughter. You are disrespecting the clan leader. End this foolishness at once!" But Neytiri was quick to be concerned, asking Neteyam for answers about his brother's whereabouts. "He could not be here. And I do not blame him."
Jake finally decided to have his say. The only fool around had been him, if he'd only now realized the love Lo'ak and y/n had for each other, if the look in her eyes and Lo'ak's disappearance from her side had been anything to go by. "Every single one of our people is allowed to speak their mind. Y/n has not disrespected me, or anyone else." Jake reassured her parents. Y/n saw no other way out for herself, and she knew she was either going to have to say the truth now or forever be silent. "Forgive me, Olo'eyktan. Forgive me, Neytiri. I know I am promised to your eldest son, and I know you wish for me to be tsahik one day. These are the two greatest honors I could ever ask from Eywa herself, and I am grateful. Nothing should be more important to me than looking after the clan, especially now, in a time of war... but my heart, it belongs to your youngest son. It belongs to Lo'ak. It always has. And because I know I would be doing the clan a disservice, that I would be undermining your authority and Mo'at's, I am prepared to be exiled from the clan or pay whatever other punishment in light of my failure."
A loud ruckus erupted as soon as y/n had finished her speech, her parents, in particular, trying to undermine everything she'd just said, while everybody else began to give their opinion on the matter. "Where is he? Your demon son? Can he not even vouch for the woman he has clearly seduced?"
Neteyam could still hear the clan squabbling from where he eventually found his brother. His usual hiding place. "When you are done sulking" He said, announcing his presence before grabbing Lo'ak by the scruff of his neck. "Maybe you could come back and stand by y/n side. She is talking of leaving the clan-" Neteyam's eyes widened as he saw the deep claw marks that ran from Lo'ak's chest all the way down to his left side. Lo'ak was clutching his abdomen, his hands covered in blood.
"Lo'ak, look at me... bro!" Neteyam's voice cracked. "I'm taking you home now, understand? You're going to be fine..."
"I thought... If I could be... a mighty warrior... like you..." Lo'ak murmured, a faint smile on his face. "Maybe... "
But he didn't get to finish that sentence, because a blood-curdling scream had just pierced through both of their ears. Y/n had known about every single one of Lo'ak hiding places too, and it hadn't taken her long to find him. It was almost as if she'd already known, deep within her bones, that he had gone and hurt himself, yet nothing could have prepared her for seeing him like this. "Yawne, what have you done? what have you done?" She wailed and kissed his face, trying to put pressure on his wounds. Neteyam had to separate them, his priority was to take Lo'ak back to Mo'at in time, even though he was just as devastated as y/n.
Y/n didn't leave Lo'ak's side for a single second over the following days. She carried him home with Neteyam. She helped Mo'at and Neytiri heal him. She stayed by his bed until he finally regained consciousness. "Oeya-Lo'ak, you are awake!" Y/n embraced him, mindful of his recovering wounds. Lo'ak pulled away from y/n enough to look into her eyes. "You see me. Only you see me." He said, touching her face gently as she nodded, pressing her forehead against his. "Oel ngati kameie." Y/n whispered, and Lo'ak could have cried when he heard those words leave her lips. "Nga yawne lu oer, y/n. I see you."
Lo'ak came to know of her and Neteyam's refusal to be together, of the rift it had cut between y/n and her parents. How she'd stood up in front of them and the entire clan to declare that she loved him and she would sooner be exiled than belong to anyone else other than him. Amongst the Omaticaya there were some who were certain Lo'ak had taken advantage of y/n, so that he could trap her in being with him, knowing full well Lo'ak would have never lived up to his brother's perfect image. All of this enraged him. He could no longer withstand being on bedrest while wild accusations were being made on y/n. On his mate.
She hissed at him while he tried to get up, and his siblings were having none of it either, when his parents finally turned up to see him. Lo'ak took in their expressions. He had never seen them so worn out with worry. Both Neytiri and Jake embraced their youngest son, dutifully checking on him. After making sure he had eaten, and with Mo'at's permission, his parents asked for everyone except y/n to leave.
By the time his parents had also left, Lo'ak and y/n were promised to each other.
Lo'ak was on strict orders to recuperate from his run-in with a thanator over the coming weeks and was forced to get updates about the ongoing war from Kiri and Tuk. Neteyam and y/n would visit every day, but now that y/n had stepped down as future Tsahik, she was determined to make herself useful by replacing her mate in the war effort until he got better. Neteyam had sworn to Lo'ak that he would have kept y/n safe, but it didn't stop Lo'ak from trying to escape his grandmother's watchful eye so he too could be out on the battlefield with his yawne. Where he belonged.
"Oeya-Lo'ak, you are still recovering." Y/n would complain to him almost every night when she came back to be by his side. Truthfully, she was scared. The second the excuses for making him stay behind ran out, Lo'ak could have gone back to playing a reckless game with his own life. And now, her own life was tied to his. She had gotten hurt fighting the sky people, yes, but nothing could have ever come close to the visceral pain that had ripped through her the day she thought she had lost him forever. Sometimes it made her even too scared to get closer to him, of sharing everything of herself and then suddenly being left behind without ever being able to cope with that loss.
Y/n was on the verge of losing her mind, she was certain because the instinctive need to protect her own heart was more often than not overcome by a different type of need. Y/n had felt low echoes of it when she and Lo'ak had been growing up, whenever he'd wrap his tail around her leg or he'd be standing right behind her, his arms circling hers as he taught her how to shoot an arrow. Now that need was stronger than ever, and she knew what name to give it. Tìnew. Desire.
And she didn't know what to do with it. In fact, she felt ashamed. Lo'ak was still hurt, and all she could think about while she was in the middle of checking on his progress, was wondering what it would be like to run her hands across his body in a different type of way. Her other friends had all already mated, she knew. Y/n wondered sometimes if Lo'ak did not find her beautiful, if he regretted choosing her, but could no longer back out of his decision. He did not seem to want her, in fact, over the following weeks, he seemed to struggle greatly with the feeling of her touch. Something which had never happened before.
Little did she know that Lo'ak was struggling just as much as she was. Y/n's touch burned in such a delicious manner, Lo'ak could not have described it in his own words if he tried. All he knew was it left him starved and aching for more whenever she would eventually have to leave. But he could not initiate anything real while he was still in that state. He could see the sorrow in her eyes every time she'd look at his wounds, and he knew his recklessness had scarred her. And in turn, it had changed him. Eywa as his witness, he no longer wanted to hear y/n scream so viscerally as she had done the night he'd almost died. He needed to be a better person. If not for his sake, then for her own. Y/n was his responsibility now.
Soon he was back on his feet again, and ready to face the rest of the clan. Y/n would now sit amongst his family and Lo'ak was always glued to her side, ready to hiss or growl at anyone who so much as looked at his mate the wrong way. Y/n loved sitting between his legs with his chest to her back, wanting nothing more than to show off her mate to the rest of the clan. She noted that since his recovery, Lo'ak had been less inclined to chat or make jokes like he usually did when they both had to sit through another one of Jake's boring speeches before dinner. It made her sad, since Lo'ak's jokester side was one of the things she loved most about him, but she understood he was going through a lot.
It was on one of these occasions y/n decided to soothe her mate by reaching for his braid, bringing it to rest over her shoulder so she could play with it absentmindedly. Lo'ak realised only after a few minutes that her ministrations were making him purr. Him. Purr. In public. His hands dug into her hips and he hid his face in her neck, trying to keep quiet. "Yawne, you need to stop that... please..." Lo'ak whispered so only she could hear, her hands dangerously close to his queue. Y/n frowned and turned back to look at him. "Did I hurt you?" She asked in concern, reaching out to touch his face. Lo'ak felt his cheeks flare up with heat. He wanted to give her some cocky response, but in truth, he was scared. "No, no. You could never hurt me, y/n... it's more... the opposite." How could anyone want to be with him in that way? To physically bind themselves to him for the rest of their life? Hadn't he taken enough from y/n already?
"The opposite?" She asked, ears bent downwards and still not understanding. "If it makes you feel good, then why would I stop? I like hearing you purr..." Lo'ak tried once again to hide his blush by looking away but to no avail. Y/n's tail wrapped around his own then, preventing him from furiously whacking it against the ground every few seconds, like he always did when he was nervous. "It's just... I—"
All it took was for y/n to look him dead in the eye for her to understand. Eventually she would always see through him. "You wish to mate with me."
A nervous cough overcame Lo'ak as soon as y/n had said those words, making quite a few of their clan members turn towards him and shake their heads in disappointment. Y/n immediately grabbed some water for him to drink.
"Y-yes." He finally managed to say, not sure if he was ever going to recover from such an embarrassing display.
"But... I was certain... you did not desire me. That maybe, you loved me but did not find me beautiful..." Y/n confessed and Lo'ak realized what an absolute skxawng he'd been. The entire time he'd spent feeling sorry for himself and trying to be a better 'version' of himself for y/n, to stop getting in harm's way and taking every aspect of his life more seriously, he'd ended up neglecting his mate. The two of them had probably been the only couple to have waited so long, and he couldn't imagine what kind of reasons y/n had to come up with to explain his 'disinterest'. Clearly, he'd made her feel less than worthy, and it devastated him.
Lo'ak placed one of his hands over y/n's jaw, tilting her face upwards to look at him. "I never, ever want to hear you say that, yawne." He pulled her lower back snugly towards him until she could feel how hard he was for her, making her let out a shaky breath as she turned away from Lo'ak but pressed back against him even more. "Can't you feel how badly I want you? How badly I've always wanted you?" Y/n nodded, trying to look stoically in front of her as if nothing was going on. As if Lo'ak's words weren't making her heart feel like it was going to burst at any minute. As if it would make things any better, y/n reached for one of Lo'ak's hands and held it close to her breastplate, trying to slow her heartbeat down. "Your little heart is beating so fast..." Lo'ak spoke against her braids. "So is yours!" Y/n snapped at him in a low voice, making Lo'ak chuckle. She could feel the beat of his heart against her back.
She wondered if the rest of the clan members could tell what was going on. Y/n didn't want to disrespect Lo'ak's family a second time. But nobody seemed to be taking any notice of them, except the handful of jealous fuckers who eyed y/n whenever they thought he wasn't looking. Lo'ak wondered if they could tell she was shaking in his arms just because of his words. "You don't see the way they look at you? How much they hate me because you're mine?" He asked, placing a hand dangerously close to her inner thigh.
"I don't care about the others. I never have." Y/n sighed leaning back against him.
It was a long wait for everyone else to go to sleep and leave the Tree of Souls empty that night. Sure, they could have gone some place else, considering how worked up the two of them had gotten, but Lo'ak wanted to do things the right way. This was the one thing in his life that he was not going to half-ass or screw up.
Y/n had put him first since the day she'd met him and Lo'ak was going to spend the rest of the night, no, the rest of his life, showing her just how she made him feel every single day.
"You are worrying again..." Y/n noticed, pulling him down to sit next to her. Lo'ak had been overfixating on finding the perfect spot for them to lay down. "I am worried too..." She confessed touching his face. Lo'ak frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist. "We do not need to do this... if you've changed your mind..."
"Kehe! Of course not..." Y/n climbed on top of him, laying across his chest as she kissed him. "I am afraid of losing you... always." Lo'ak really didn't know what to say to those words, because he knew in his heart she was right and he could not argue. He felt exactly the same way about her, but he'd given y/n plenty of reason not to trust he'd stay out of harm's way. "What if... what if I am to carry your child and you don't come back to me? What then?"
The notion of getting y/n pregnant made Lo'ak revert to blushing and scrambling his words, and she blushed as well, realizing she had been somewhat blunt. Lo'ak hardly ever saw her blush and it truly was a sight to behold. "I promise. Eywa as my witness, I will always come back to you, yawne. Always. " As he said those words, Lo'ak didn't even feel like he was himself anymore, but he was certain he meant them.
Y/n brought both of her hands to his face and kissed him again, deeply this time. It was languid and desperate, almost as if she'd been waiting for that promise for a very long time. Lo'ak groaned as she run her tongue over his fangs, pulling away to graze his teeth over her neck and making her gasp. He sat up to get some leverage and asked his mate permission before sinking his teeth into her skin, marking her permanently.
"Lo'ak!" Y/n cried, digging her nails into his back as he lapped up the blood running down her neck. She gave him a sharp bite too, just over his shoulder, in retaliation, making him chuckle. "I'm sorry yawne, let me make it up to you..."
"You better, skxawng!" She huffed, shoving his chest playfully, even if the act of being marked had made the pressure between her legs so unbearable it was beginning to hurt. Lo'ak laughed again and y/n hissed at him meakly, ears drawn back. Why did his laugh also have to... have an effect on her?
"So I'm a skxawng, now?" Lo'ak asked in amusement as he kissed his way down her neck, deciding to get rid of her piece of clothing with his mouth also. It didn't take Y/n long to notice, Lo'ak's hands were no longer on her body, in fact he was leaning against them, only reaching out to touch her if he needed to hold her in place for a few seconds. He was still insecure about them, after all those years, and it would have broken her heart if Lo'ak hadn't been in the middle of making her feel so good. "I thought I was your yawne—"
Y/n got rid of her top piece herself and brought Lo'ak's hands to her breasts. His confidence seemed to leave him then. "You are my yawne. But you are also a skxawng... " She sighed softly through her nose. "I want you to use your hands on me, Lo'ak." Y/n told him, searching for his eyes as one of her hands guided his own over her breast.
"Y-yes. I know... it's just..."
Lo'ak's mind completely blanked the second y/n brought his other hand to her mouth, kissing every single one of his fingers before wrapping her lips around his index and middle finger, sucking around them. She took them as deep in her mouth as she could before pulling away again, enjoying the sight of her flustered mate. "Your hands are beautiful. And they're mine." She whispered, kissing the pad of his thumb. Lo'ak ran his thumb over her bottom lip, and reached back for her queue, bringing it together with his own.
"Nga yawne lu oer, I want to be with you, like this, forever." Lo'ak murmured before making the connection between them. Y/n jolted in his arms, hanging on to his neck for dear life. She'd known the tsaheylu would have felt good, intense even. But she could not have anticipated half of what she was feeling at that moment. Lo'ak's heart was beating so hard, she could feel it in her own chest, battling against her own. And he wanted her... Eywa, he wanted her so bad he could have died from it.
Lo'ak saw inside y/n too, and wasted no time in tugging her forward in a searing kiss. She arched into him and squeezed her thighs around his middle, squirming in his lap as he finally let his inhibitions go. "Want this off--off..." Y/n protested at the sight of his loincloth, rudely tugging at it without much regard for the fact Lo'ak wouldn't have anything to wear the following morning if she destroyed his clothes.
Lo'ak grinned and helped her, finally getting some of his cheeky attitude back. "Who knew my y/n could be so needy—" Her hand on his cock however was enough to make him shut up, well, curse under his breath more like. Y/n meanwhile was completely enthralled with what she was doing, enjoying the feeling of Lo'ak's shaft hardening and leaking under her touch. The fact he was falling apart from it was just an added bonus. "Where were you hiding all this?" She teased and Lo'ak was certain the woman in his arms was going to be the death of him.
"S-shut up..." He whined, struggling to even remember his name when she twisted her wrist and added just the right amount of pressure, making Lo'ak buck up into her hand instinctively. "Shit, y/n, you're being really... d-distracting right now... you need to give me... ah... a break, okay yawne?"
Against every fiber of his being, Lo'ak gently removed her hand. She frowned "Oh? But I like playing with your—"
"Kehe! None of that either..." Lo'ak reprimanded her softly and she giggled. "Let me focus on you, please? I've been waiting for so long..." Y/n nodded, smiling shyly at his words. "Honestly..." Lo'ak mumbled, kissing down the slope of her breasts, having hooked his arms underneath her thighs to hold her higher up. "Only you could get all shy... at something like that... and not about jerking me off..." Y/n loved to listen to Lo'ak talk to her while he drove her crazy with his hands and mouth. The second Lo'ak figured her nipples were particularly sensitive, she was a goner. She mewled and whined as he abused them with his mouth, and tugged harshly on his braids, which only seemed to encourage him further.
Her remaining piece of clothing was completely soaked, and y/n had to resort to rutting herself down against his thigh to get any sort of friction. "Shit..." Lo'ak cursed, realising he'd completely neglected that aspect of things. "Yawne, you're so wet... is this where you need me?" He cooed and Y/n nodded, crying out from the relief of feeling Lo'ak push a single long digit inside of her. She was ready for him, had been for a while, but that didn’t seem to matter because Lo'ak had just discovered how much he loved taking her apart with his fingers. He wanted to eat up every single reaction he could get out of her, hooked on the feeling of her slick running down his skin and the deep purring sounds she'd make if he stroked the most inner walls of her core.
"L-Lo'ak... Lo'ak please... I don't know what's happening..." she sobbed, the coil that had been building in the pit of her stomach was about to snap and it felt so good and so foreign at the same time, y/n didn't know what was about to happen. Lo'ak stilled immediately, afraid he'd been hurting his mate, but then he understood. He didn't know if it was through their bond, or something else, but he just knew. "Just hold on to me, yawne." He asked he to trust him, not faltering his rhythm inside her for a second. "Trust me, I know it's scary, but you're about to feel so good. So, so good... I promise..."
The only thing better than watching his mate come apart was feeling her pleasure radiate through their bond. Lo'ak watched y/n in complete and utter adoration, holding her through the aftermath until her breathing went back to normal. "Lo'ak..."
"What is it, yawne...?"
"Don't make me wait anymore..." Y/n laid herself down on the grass, pulling Lo'ak down to be on top of her. It was so dark now so could perfectly make out all the luminous freckles on his body. He entered her slowly, immediately feeling like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs. Y/n was slick, warm and impossibly tight around him. It took everything he had not to fuck her senseless right then and there.
Y/n on her part wanted Lo'ak to be as close to her as it was physically possible. She wanted his body to completely cover her own, feel his entire weight bare down on her. "I'm right here, y/n..." He reassured her as he began to move, listening to her soft moans. "I see you."
It didn't take long for y/n to start meeting his thrusts, whining that he go faster. "I don't want you to stop, Lo'ak... you can't—" She had never felt so good in her life, and she begged to Eywa that the morning would never come if this was what the rest of their night was going to be like.
"No, 'm not gonna stop, yawne..." Lo'ak quelled her worries with a kiss, and lifted her hips upwards to hold them in place. The new angle made y/n cry out his name, and Lo'ak held her like that, one arm around her middle and his other hand splayed out across her stomach to keep her still as he fucked her in earnest. The nature of that raw act made her cum again, this time without warning as she clamped down on his cock.
Lo'ak wasn't that far behind her either. "Good. That's my good girl..." He praised, reaching out for her hand as she intertwined their fingers together. "Yawne... y/n I'm going to cum now... " He was about to make himself pull away, since they hadn't really discussed that sort of thing, but y/n locked her legs around his waist. "Inside me..." She whined with a shudder, a little overestimated by that point. That was more than enough to tip Lo'ak over the edge. He groaned, fucking his load inside y/n for what felt like an eternity. He'd never come so much and for so long.
Afterwards he found that he couldn't pull away from his mate. Y/n was particularly adamant that he stay inside of her even while they slept, and it didn’t fail to make Lo'ak grin like an idiot. "Can I at least turn as around so you can sleep more comfortably? I promise you, you can have my dick back in a second..."
She hissed at him, dismounting from him herself. "Only you could ruin a romantic moment like that, skxawng..."
Lo'ak hugged her from behind, kissing the bite mark he'd left on her neck. "So I'm back to being a skxawng? You know I liked the things you were calling me before a lot better..." He teased, doing a very poor impression of her moaning, which made y/n give his tail a sharp tug.
He did the same in retaliation and the ended up in one of their usual play-fights, only this time, Lo'ak didn't eventually shy away from her touch. Once they'd both finally worn each other out, Lo'ak wrapped his arms tightly around y/n as she rested on top of him.
"Y/n..." He whispered, wandering if she was still awake. Luckily she was already fast asleep. "Thank you. For choosing me."
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Hello! Can I request a reader that has the same power as Chuuya from BSD? (Gravity manipulation) with the first years. If there is a character limit you can kick off anyone you want.
Thank you and have an amazing rest of your day/night!
Hiyaaaa!! and you have a good day/night too!! Trey really liked this idea, so, lets goooo!! I'm gonna add some of Chuuya's other abilites too (Enhanced Speed, durability, strength and reflexes) (Also, Trey hasn't watched BSD yet, so please forgive me if it isn't acurate-)
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Gravokinesis is probably a hard type of magic to learn, (since no one in Twisted Wonderland seems to use it, let alone mention anything about gravity magic-) so when he sees you just ever so casually magically lift up some huge rock that was in your way, or tear a piece out of ground he sits there like "How the hell?" and will remain that way for the rest of the day. He does find it cool though, but knowing Ace, he's not gonna admit that. Someone's in your way? pull a huge rock over and smash em'. Someone's annoying you? Bring in the rocks and crush em'. that's basically what you do... or you would do, if it wasn't against the school rules to crush people with rocks... He also finds your magic quite useful too, you can get him out of sitcky situations he probably caused by making him float mid air and dragging him somewhere Riddle can't get to him, and he pays you well when you do it, so its a win-win for the both of you. There are sometimes, though, he just wants to feel like he's flying without a broom.
"Hey, Reader! Lift me up!" he demaned, eyes sparkling with excitement, but still trying to keep his cool exterior.
"Hm? you wanna fly, I assume? Well.... I suppose it wouldn't hurt... just don't do anything stupid." you lecture, Ace giggles, replying with, "I know, I know!"
You cast your magic, making Ace float mid air, he smiles brightly, like hes having the time of his life.
My sweet boy... he'd find it so cool, and asks you if theres any way you can teach him. He loves it when you use your magic on him to make him float, he feels like a bird everytime and something in him flutters like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies. You've also used it a few times to protect him, resurecting bits of the ground to throw off the path of a bunch of idiots that dared put Deuce in harms way.
"Deuce, get back!" you yelled, stepping between him and the delingquents were persuing him, using your gravokinesis, you threw off their path, and lead Deuce safely to the infirmary.
"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful, Deuce..." you lecture as you patched his injuried arm.
"I'm sorry... are you mad?" He asks.
"What kind of ridiculous question is that? of course I'm not. I just don't like seeing you get hurt." you assure him, as you sigh.
he thinks you're pretty manly, being able to do all these stunts and tricks with gravity... If only he could do that... Your gravity, plus your enhanced speed and reflexes make it super easy for you to do these really complex looking combo moves, if I went into detail on them, this would probably exceed tumblrs word limit...
"Oi! Reader! Teach me how to do that gravity stuff! I wanna do all the cool, manly tricks you do!" Epel demands confidently, giving you his signature smirk.
"Hm... fine. But..... I expect you to listen when I teach you, take notes, study it, and practice it, otherwise, I'll quit teaching you."
When he first witnessed your gravokinesis was probably during the magift tournament, when you partnered with Heartslabyul. You speed was greater than anyone else's on the field, you had greater durability and stamina, and your reflexes were so fast, hardly anyone could see when you caught and tossed the disk, you got Heartslabyul quite a few goals with that.
"Reader, mind if I asked... how did you get your gravity magic?" Jack asks you curiously.
"I was born with it, I suppose..." you respond, you honestly didn't remember how you got it.... so you assumed it was something you were born with.
"Is... there a way you could teach me? It could be useful for my workouts..." he comments
"Yeah, I can teach you, I guess, Just pay close attention, okay?"
Though he will not ever dare admit it, he finds it cool and awesome, but of course, his mindset is just "WAKA-SAMA IS SUPERIOR" so he takes your gravokinesis as a threat to WAKA-SAMA's power, thinking how easily you could take WAKA-SAMA's throne. (Yes it is now a requirement for Trey to write WAKA-SAMA in all caps)
"HUMAN! I demand you explain your power at once!" He yells, almost breaking your eardrums
"Ouch! Chill, Sebek! All I can do is maniplulate gravity! is there any further explanation needed?" you yell back.
"YES! I require you to describe to me the innerworkings of your power!" he demands, acting like its a threat, when in reality he just wants to learn it so he can impress WAKA-SAMA!
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mangekyuou · 2 years
hi z!! I really like how you write for roger and Rayleigh, I feel like you capture their personalities really well! I also saw that you liked writing familial abd platonic stuff, which I’ve been DYING to find more of, so I’m super excited I found ur blog! If your requests are still open, could I request some head canons for roger and Rayleigh with a very small (in comparison to the giants on the Oro Jackson at least LMAO) reader, who is fiercely protective of not just them, but the whole crew, please? (Platonic/maybe reader sees the crew as adoptive family?) sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I’m not the best at stringing words together ^^
✸  headcanons  %  with smaller crewmate who protects them.
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✸    characters! . . .  roger & rayleigh.
✸    cw(s)! . . .  platonic. brief mention of rayleigh wacking shanks and buggy. no pronouns used. not proofread.
✸    notes! . . .  i just wanna say thank you for this request !! ii was literally swinging my feet back and forth when i saw it. i’d never pass up an opportunity to write for the roger pirates. thank you so much !! <33333
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roger definitely has a habit of...oh i don’t know...randomly adopting kids off the street. so no one is surprised in the slightest when you show up
rayleigh and gaban try to lecture roger on why he can’t keep bringing new people to ship without telling them first. but he’s not even listening, he’s too busy talking about how he had no choice but to let you join
“just look at them🥺🥺 <333″
roger is more than capable of protecting himself, he’s had feats you’d only heard about in campfire stories
he was one of the strongest people you knew, if not the strongest. most importantly he was now your family and you would do anything to protect your family
roger finds it endearing that you’re so protective of him and the rest of the crew 
when you step in front of him, making your size difference even more apparent, he feels so cared for and protected
however, the two of you do clash quite a bit because you want to protect him and he wants to protect you. 
it’s just the two of you jumping in front of each other while the enemy is just standing there confused, while the rest of the roger pirates are looking at them like “this happens all the time”
prepare for bone-crushing ‘i love you more’ hugs from him 
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rayleigh definitely has a soft spot for you. he’s like the cooler uncle. and you’re definitely his favorite
he’ll always say don’t tell the others. he doesn’t hand out free head pats and warm hugs to everyone on a daily basis like he does for you
believe me, they know
like roger, rayleigh is capable of protecting himself. plus he doesn’t mind a fight as a little exercise
as he’s unsheathing his sword, he doesn’t expect you to jump in front of him with that scary look in your eyes, scaring off the enemies
that’s when he gives you the nickname tiny terror. heaven forbid anyone ever mess with the tiny terror of the roger pirates. if any poor soul ever tried it, they’ll have to answer for it
rayleigh finds it adorable that you want to protect him and the crew. but he does worry about you. he wishes to fight alongside you, as a family should do
he is upfront about his worries with you and he wants you to remember that, you don’t ever have to do anything by yourself again, that he and the others are your family now
rayleigh is above wacking you with a stick (like he did to luffy) if you don’t listen and take on another burden again only because you’re his favorite. you just get a stern lecture 
shanks and buggy on the other hand definitely get wacked
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monstrouslyobsessed · 10 months
…tumblr can you go and soak yourself in a burning pit of hot sauce…i never even got notifs of any of the older asks i got…
so very sorry if you've been waiting for like two months on my answers;;; and here i was wondering how dead my inbox was last month…rude, tumblr, very rude. all the asks are under the cut!
just a quick note, to the super sweet asker who send in two very long asks v recently, ima answer them separately after this one, if thats okay!! &lt;3
tw / tags: dirty confession, monster fucking, breeding mentions, implied noncon, brief pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: lady hyena, the lioness, conservative lion, papa bull, duke, cerelos, father fox, velarius
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I love Daddy Bull and Duke, (along with so many other of your works!), do you have any plans on doing a confrontation between the two bulls and the reader? My thirst is dryer than the Sahara for these two bulls. I need more content. I’m a desperate whore… 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 —anonymous
hm i'm STILL chewing on how this saga should go tbf because it really could go any way!!! i might just bite the bullet and write au's of papa bull and duke saga, even if i feel a little weird making varying storyline au's of my characters.
it was just supposed to be a bull daddy enjoying his little human, how did duke end up there lol
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I know everyone is dying over Baldur’s gate rn but have you heard of Lustful Desires on itch.io? I just got into it and I’m dying to talk about it. They literally let you have a poly relationship with 3 different werewolves it’s so good —@flameshadowwolf
i've never heard of it! ima have to check it out now, thanks for the rec &lt;3
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Sorry if you consider this a request, but I'm very interested about your OC's yandere MBTI types (from @ddarker-dreams), so if you feel like it, can you identify them in this system? —anonymous
i…ah, am kinda bad with these mbti things. idk if its because i'm older than most writers i know (hi lock my love!! hope you're doing fantastic!), but i guess i can make my best attempt…? i'll just pick a few characters and list them for ya. if you want more specific characters or want me to make an official post with expanded explation, lmk and i'll make my best attempt
here's the link for anyone who are interested
lady hyena: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative (?), lenient, rdml the lioness: reverent, aware, honest, and strict(?), rahs conservative lion: cruel, aware, honest, and strict, cahs papa bull: reverent, delusional, honest, and strict(?), rdhs duke: cruel(?), delusional, manipulative, and strict, cdms father fox: reverent, aware, honest, and lenient(ish), rahl valerius: reverent, delusional(?), manipulative, and lenient, rdml
that's just a few! and they're all beastfolks since they're more fresh in my mind, aha. i tried my best hhh
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Thirst chat thought: Have you ever thought that Cerelos could just find a way to tie up his wife underneath him as a cock sleeve, gag her, and just walk around a bit for the day doing royal duties and stuff? The man already has a equine skirt he wears, so he can easily hide everything underneath… (Also I’d happily give this man a dozen babies because I am a simp for him 💕) —anonymous
i think i touched upon that at one point! i wanna say he did that during a large meeting, maybe with his darling magically gagged? lemme see if i can find that post…
found it! its super brief but still
well, now i wanna write that…that's one more to my long to-do list, aha.
also you're valid
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I am a simple man all I desire is your happiness. Tis all. I noticed you were feeling sad lately and I thought man next time I have extra money I'll kofi MO but recently I acquired a small fortune and I was happy to find a way to repay you for the time my friends and I giggle and go horny over your works Re-Reading your works is payment enough ….but if you wish to repay me I wouldn't mind maybe a dilf monster vampire (kinda like what you did for wolf pack? but Victorian times) or sequel to snake movie star or sequel/prequel dragon But I would rather you do what you are passionate about! Share your creations with the world! Rejoice in your delights! —anonymous
hi i love you and i swear i answered this before
i did the snek boi just for you <3 i hope you (and your friends!!) enjoyed it! he's a difficult boi to get through but i had fun writing him and his weird camera hobby
Also increase your kofi goal —anonymous
im…okay. i didn't really have a goal target in mind so i hope thats sufficient??? sdfkdfj
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Which of the beast folk are most likely to mate with humans? Like what about big cat beastfolk? —anonymous
it'd be fangedfolk, since they're canine (dogs) and are most attracted to the humans'…hm , simplicity and openness, i suppose you could say? and possibly treefolk (primates). i based my beastfolks' basic common grounds with irl animals, as canines are pack animals and dogs are more emotionally connected to us. as for primates, humans have evolutionary connections, similar social intelligence, and the shared abilities to solve problems and such.
that said, while fangedfolk are the most likely to have a human "companion", they are also most likely to have a poly pack with their human. whiskeredfolk (feline) are probably in the top-middle of that list, if we were to have a most-to-least likely ranking, with toothedfolk (rodents) due to their prey/nervous natures and seafolks (aquatic) on how dangerous/rare they are to communicate with, at the very bottom. the reason why i feel the whiskeredfolk being in the top-middle is that they can be fairly arrogant and being independent, but adores the complete attention their human can give them and how easily they are to manipulate.
that said, this is extremely generalized list, since the list is not really factoring in specific sub-groups under these categories, such as lions being social animals and are more likely to acquire a human lover, cheetahs more likely to need a service human pet to help with their anxieties, maned wolf being solitary type, etc. and other facets, like countries/areas, cultures, when/which eras, political affiliations, etc.
hope this answers your question, love!
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Hello, I've been binging your Masterlist and I just want to say your OCS are exquisite —anonymous
i think you're exquisite as well, love! <3 thank you~
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Are you eventually going to do more father fox content?? He's my favorite and I love him so much ♥️ —anonymous
ye! i have couple requests for more hcs for him~though they're all kinda pretty broad. if you have anything more specific for a hc request, hmu! i'd love to write a full piece of him someday too, since i think his quietly manipulative personality is fascinating to work with.
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Daddy Bull and Duke content soon? I NEED these two fine beasts in my life!!! And can’t wait till the cute baby arrives!!! And hopefully many more…😋🥰 —anonymous
send in a request then~! preferably something a bit less broad, aha, but yes!
i especially would love to write a full story of those two someday, maybe as a book?
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Hi hey sorry to bother you, hypothetically if I wanted to make an ai bot of one of your beastfolks, would that be alright? If not I totally understand, I just want to make sure! —anonymous
as long as there are proper credits included, go for it! just please be sure to link back to me if you do make one &lt;3
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whewwww, i...really hope i didn't miss anyone. most of them were (or looked like) a request of some kind and two i wanted to put into their own posts for me to answer soon.
hope yall are doing wonderfully and are having at least a decent holiday season!! ima try and get something nice out by christmas so heres hoping!! just...gonna decide on which i wanna do...lol.
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goodoldwritings · 4 months
gaah u have no idea how excited i was 2 find sfl writers out there,,,, it was a pleasant surprise!!! but uhm anyway i was wondering if i could request the four main cultists from date to die for x a masc reader like after the events of the game where its all happy and cheery and stuff... im not sure how it would work for Buck, but i rlly wanna see more of him 😭 if u cant think of anything i would be just as happy if you did before the events of the game instead!! sorry if this is too much but thank u!!!
A lovely ask! I wondered if anyone would ask for the cultists, However I don't have Character edits for them yet.
Spoilers for: Sucker For Love Date To Die For
Headcanons for Buck, Kid, Nanni and Billy getting a happily ever after with a masculine reader.
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Hot girl summer? Nah 💅Hot girl eternity💅
Even if she is the stereotypical hot blonde girl she isn't stupid, trusting? Yes but not stupid.
Matching nails, it doesn't matter your personality nor your opinion on nail polish you at the very LEAST have your pinkies done to match hers and at the MOST have matching outfits too!
I have this feeling she would volunteer at the library with Muu and gush about the best couples in town. Occationally Rhok'zan joins in to be filled in on all the relationship gossip.
Easily apologizes for her actions in the cult without you asking her to, forgets who she's already apologized to and starts a list in her bedroom.
The only one with family to meet! (None of the other cultists Mentioned family) Nanni constantly elbows you to not mention the cult stuff in front of her parents because they forgot when the world ended and started again.
Also+ double dates with Rhok'zan and Stardust! You are good friends with the pair (How does one give hooves a manicure? Nanni probably looks up a tutorial about caring for goat and Cow hooves to take inspiration from to do it herself)
Rhok'zan loves your relationship with Nanni! You're adorable and she's expecting younglings from you asap! She would love to babysit!
Hear me out, Billy is opening a gym, it just feels right. The Gym is based on honor and respect and keeps the utopian folks from "getting soft"
Your "romantic moments" are wrestling eachother to the ground at the gym. She probably kicks your butt no matter how good or bad of shape you are in.
Takes the longest to apologize for any of her actions in the cult, mostly she's just apologizing to Rhok'zan and Stardust.
You two probably keep the town safe by just existing, every Utopia has people who want to mess it up but- look at Billy and think "would I want to fight her and do her loved ones harm?-" No. She will go John wick.
Kid annoys Billy but you don't mind him, it's funny to watch them interact. Sometimes you take Kid with you to the gym just to mess with Billy.
Despite how rough tough and difficult Billy is, helping her braid her hair is a soft activity you two probably do. She is a tad tsundere about it but... she totally could do her hair herself, so she's letting you do it.
Rhok'zan is Concerned, she knows all relationships are different but watching Billy pin you to the floor in a chokehold (lovingly) has her perplexed.
I had the most ideas for him first, hear me out- You write and play music together! (Or if you're not musically talented you help the best ya can!)
In Rhok'zan's almost utopian world you two are like a two person boy band working on making his dream come true without Bucks magic brainwashing.
Or you're like his manager, keeping him from doing stupid things in the heat of the moment.
But first there is the guilt, he cannot apologize to most of the people he wronged because they don't remember. He remembers and it causes him doubt about his career on bad days.
Similarly to wondering if his fans have the free will to love him, he wonders if you too are somehow brainwashed by this world. Prepare for clingy mornings and "are you sure you're not under a spell-"
"Yes, I'm sure you dummy."
Given its a masculine reader- sharing clothes and accessories, he loves to match! At the very least match bracelets at all times.
Rhok'zan thinks your relationship is adorable! You're good for eachother (and definitely wants to use her powers to get you some kids but that's intense!)
"I can fix him I swear." I'm kidding! If I can love Nyanlathotep, you can love Buck.
It took a while for stardust to convince Buck to come see the Utopia world. That is when you met.
The first thing is his appearance, he is... messed up, but I just imagine after the equivalent of eons gazing at the stars he has this cool starry look to him. Give the man smoochy kisses to make him feel better, just smother him in affection-
Emotional support, Therapy human.
You are quickly trusted to supervise him and be his tour guide around. Buck has no access to magic nor is he really mad anymore.
You get him some nice clothes and he stays with you at your home, he is a homebody these days with his appearance and what he's done.
Eventually you set up a meeting with the others (Nanni, Kid, Billy and Stardust) for apologies but getting Him and Rhok'zan in the same room is far harder- given he tortured her and they are Exes.
Rhok'zan is worried about you with your relationship but definitely thinks you are good for Buck. Keeps an eye on you jussst in case she thinks he mistreats you.
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forbidding-souda · 15 days
Kazuichi, Kokichi, Nagito, and Rantaro hcs for a male s/o that has a thing for butts/farts/poop?
I considered a few other characters for this, so don't be surprised if I come back at some point :3
Kazuichi Souda, Kokichi Ouma, Nagito Komaeda and Rantarou Amami with a male S/O who is into butts, farts and poop (short headcanons)
sorry guys i'm not posting so much like i promised but i'm in my relapsed era i haven't spent a single night sober #insomnia
This is also short short short short short headcanons bc brain is thinking about the versatility of situations so i don't wanna section things off into one scenario. + obvious i have no idea what i'm doing so let me know and send that prt 2! I'll provide! Whatever makes you feel more represented. Anyway I researched that this kink comes in a wide variety in terms of on a scale of things so i just wrote what i read about. I'll make it longer the second time bc I think I've gotten ahold of what's going on in this scat community.
this was so fun to write so if anyone wants to send requests then lmk i love stigmatized fetishes.
-Mod Souda
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Kazuichi Souda
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❤ It's not crazy to him
❤ He loves being desired anyway.
❤ Such a natural biological process having such a sexual effect on you is almost amusing, in a prideful way.
❤ Serial hand washer afterwards
❤ Definitely more on the emitting side rather than the touchy feely side.
❤ Consuming what his body can produce, it's alluring. It makes your heart race, it fuels your arousal. It's almost addicting. You feel as if you're involved with him on a level that surpasses physical and mental desire.
❤ Ass eater ty. Likes his ass eaten too.
❤ Has def never have a rim job but fw it heavy after you do it to him.
❤ The feeling of his farts coming out is just to die for. He'll let you touch him, smell him, adore him.
❤ Will jack you off as you can smell the scents his body lets out.
Kokichi Ouma
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❤ Completely open to it, it's not the worst thing on the planet.
❤ It's the sensations that was the first surprise. Warmth, goo, touch, the smell.
❤ Okay to laugh at himself. he will not be able to take it seriously and will crack jokes.
❤ He doesn't have many jokes about the farting aspect, he'll just keep his eyes on you, analyzing your reaction.
❤ Loves having stuff inserting inside of his ass, and as a gay man i can confirm that when a dick is pulled out of you really fast it literally feels like shitting. So that's basically just practice for this fetish.
❤ It being taboo is part of the fun.
❤ Is hella good at rim jobs.
❤ Has mastered the perfect angles when it comes to taking videos of him shitting.
Nagito Komaeda
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❤ Definitely flattered that you're open to him about it.
❤ He loves stigma's so bam.
❤ He definitely already has that one worksheet of fetishes ready to go.
❤ Does he wash his hands? Srry LOL.
❤ Now he definitely doesn't mind things like shit smeared on surfaces or touching it in areas like that.
❤ Will give you blowjobs as he deficates. Could be in the 69 position too, whatever you prefer.
❤ Give him a crazy rim job and he'll be devoted to you.
❤ I feel like he's be into piss to shit is like the short step above that.
❤ Farting makes him feel girly in a way. It seems like such a strangely feminine thing to be lusted over.
Rantarou Amami
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❤ He's sexy ash so good pick
❤ Stigma stigma stigma but who gaf. He travels anyway. It's more popular in different countries. He's not uneducated, just unpracticed.
❤ Hand washer
❤ He's like get away from the carpet please and thank you.
❤ Not used to being the bottom in any way, and having things inserted into him is such a strange feeling, especially being stretched to suck an extent. But having his body's natural bowel movement be what gets you off, then perfect. He doesn't have to do much.
❤ Seeing such a beautiful man doing something so dirty, rawr rawr rawr,
❤ The fart part is easier, surprisingly.
❤ When he's away, he'll take videos of him shitting for you <3 he loves you that much.
❤ But his body's odor in person is what you want the most.
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amethystfairy1 · 10 months
Hello and welcome to...
✨Amethyst's Scribbling Corner✨
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Also known as "I wanna practice writing short/get new ideas and this seems like fun, and I'm curious to see where it goes so let's give it a shot."
I've always wanted to try writing prompts/requests for the sake of trying new things and stretching my writing style a bit, it's always seemed like a ton of fun. I participated *cough* am participating almost done 😭 *cough* in Whumptober for the first time this year, and recently with TTSBC and Traveling Thieves, as well as this blog picking up steam, I figured it was a good time to give it a try!
Once a week(ish I promise nothing my brain is a pinball machine with a bunch of AUs and fandoms slamming into each other like demented bumper cars) I will make a poll tagged 'Amethysts Scribbling Corner' and I'll put in the poll a handful of requests/prompts that I've either dug up on my own or that I've received from anyone who would like to send one in! Whichever prompt wins the poll, I'll write it and post it! I'll probably make a new series on my A03 account just for fics that come out of this titled 'Amethysts Scribbling Corner' as well!
Use reblogs, replies, asks, messages, I'm not picky!
They can be as broad as a simple one-word prompt, or you can even give a brief description of a couple sentences!
Requests for certain ships or characters are encouraged for sure! Just know I'm more likely to use the ones that're for ships I already write for...but I mean...looks at TTSBC notes...there's plenty to choose from!
Also feel free to submit asks or requests for other fandoms, I'm currently living my best Hermit/Traffic/Empires fanfic gremlin life, but I've also written a ton for Haikyuu and Jojos, if those interest anyone! Pretty much any fandom that I've posted for on my A03 account is fair game!
Last thing: Feel free to request where you want the fic to take place! Especially when we're taking Hermit/Traffic/Empires stuff, if you want it to be within the Minecraft server world of that specific series, within a certain one of the Life Series, a modern AU, a fantasy AU, or even TTSBC or Traveling Thieves if you have ideas for them! Just know that if anything requested for TTSBC or Traveling Thieves contradicts or maybe overlaps with any future plans for those AUs, I might not be able to accept them 😓
As far as rules go...I do not write NSFW. I am happy to write romance and let things get a little spicy 🔥 but keep in mind I'll always end up fading to black...also no heavy gore, violence, body horror, things of that nature. I am very much a fan of writing whump and hurt/comfort though, so please send those ideas my way!
I think that's all...I hope for this to be something fun to give me a way to try out some new things in my writing and give everyone who has so kindly supported my stories so far something fun to engage with!
Requests are open now! Reply to this post, reblog, or send me asks or messages! I'm excited to see what we end up creating together!
TL:DR: I'm opening prompt requests for short writing/short story practice! Rules in the post above!
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blackypanther9 · 10 months
Hey are you ever gonna do Marvel stuff again?
And are you ever gonna open requests again?
You don't really write stuff like you used to and I think we all really miss that, fanfiction has kinda just become lackluster (not yours I'm talking in general) lately there's barely any fanfiction for anyone except female readers and most people don't write stuff the way u do.
I miss that stuff so much...
I understand this is ur blog and you can write whatever you want and stuff but I just wanted to ask and let you know that we miss it.
Sorry for bothering you. Have a good day.
Hi there!
I am unsure. I DO have some old Marvel Loki x Reader stuff BUT I am barely home to look it over to be honest and usually I am happy that I can kick out at least SOMETHING. I am mentally also not very okay, still in slight depression. I am still just going with the flow of how I am feeling and just write about characters I just feel like to write about. I have more favourite stuff to write about than Marvel and I wrote Marvel for quite a while. On top of all this I am trying very hard to work ahead of many Fanfics I do right now, because we are planning on moving to my cat soon, so I will be offline for a long while soon. It is planned that we will move on Janurary. It is also snowing a lot, so we have to drive to my cat, take care of her and then shove a lot of snow away (it is -6°C here). And in the house I have no internet whatsoever.
My life is not very easy at the moment, I mean I am pretty silent for a while now, because of all of this. I am way more busy than I used to and I just KNOW that it won't change for a while. I have no clue when I will be back online after we moved, I have no clue if I write Marvel soon again, I have no clue when I will feel better again and I have no clue of what might happen 2024.
Sadly my Tumblr blog is not my life. QvQ
I am already looking of what I can do and I am planning to continue two books, that I didn't find all that cringe of my Marvel stuff, but because of lack of time and my mental health, I am slow.
I hope that answered everything. ^^
I am not angry. Sorry I replied so late I didn't get proper sleep this whole week, so f me... TvT
I understand it is frustrating to only see fem!Reader x Male!Character Fanfics. My consolation. TvT I see that with the new William Afton x Reader fics too. There just aren't many that do this whole stuff anymore. Q-Q
So imma leave now. ^^ Bb. Feel free to ask more, if you wanna.
Have a good day/evening. ^^
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writebackatya · 1 year
Let’s go with Let’s All Go to the Movies! for fic bingo.
*gasps* Aren’t you the same @tokuvivor aka ducksandspandex on AO3 who did the Spanish translation for the story!?
Well you got it! This is for you and the anonymous person who also requested this story, which is one I’m still very happy how it turned out (after I went back and added and edited a few things)!
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Honestly, kinda glad this was a June prompt giving me a deadline and all, really pushed me to not obsess over things and just quickly drop ideas that would have just dragged the thing out. Legit started while I was working on It Was a Dark and Stormy Night! and knew I’d only have enough time to do only two of the prompts
I wanna start things off by saying. I love this group. I wouldn’t add or subject anyone from this group. If you didn’t like this story I hope you at least like this group and plan on using them for a story or drawing or whatever of your own
First you got the three kids: Dewey, Gosalyn, and Webby. It was really easy picking these guys to be the ones who are excited to see your typical superhero blockbuster. They just have this youthful energy that I find very contagious and they’re honestly my most wanted trio to happen. I legit loved making Gosalyn the “cool kid” out of the three. Yeah she can be a handful for Fenton and is intentionally trying to be difficult for Gandra, but she does care about both Dewey and Webby
Also I just love both Webby and Fenton in this story for the fact they’re the only two not causing any drama. I loved writing the scene where they’re both at the crane machine working together to win prizes. They’re a pair I see a lot of similarities between one another so that inspired that dynamic
I think it’s safe to say that both Dewey and Gandra are the main characters of this story and it’s just another pair I’d love to see together because they’re so different yet so much alike that I think it’d make for great comedic moments. (I still love their interaction in the Split Sword of Swanstantine! where Dewey attempts to trash talk her only for Gandra to reply with a snarky “Thanks!” for helping her out)
Dewey I can just see be immediately drawn to Gandra out of all the members of Team Science cause A. She’s the least dorky member, B. She makes cool stuff, C. She has robots in her body, and D. He has history of pairing up with badass female characters (such as Webby, Della, & Gosalyn)
One thing I love writing about with Gandra is thinking about how difficult it will be for her to get know this family because our of all the characters, she’s the biggest outsider. She has no personal connection to any of the McDucks or Ducks, her connection is that she’s dating a guy who’s more than willing to put in the extra work for this family
And you know what? Fandom is way too harsh on Gandra and often expect her to just know certain things that she wasn’t there for. I don’t think she’s a hypocrite for working for Beaks (Fenton did too), it was a one time job to get what she wanted and plus, Beaks is an idiot. I just think it’s funny when people are like “Doesn’t she know that Beaks is way worse than Scrooge! Doesn’t Gandra know that?!” No. She doesn’t watch DuckTales like you, nerd. To her theyre both selfish billionaires but one is more idiotic and easier to take full advantage of while the other recruits his employees for adventures and probably still pays them minimum wage. We’re comparing Musk to Beezos here
For all their differences, I think the one thing this group has in common is that when danger calls they’ll be the first ones to respond no questions asked
I intentionally crammed a bunch of references into the story both to make the story fun and to poke fun at all the meta self-referencing media out there these days. I didn’t want to go overboard so I did my best to keep all that exclusively at the movie theater and to end it as soon as the group’s movie ended. Besides the superhero stuff, I love how all the references are either Disney or Disney adjacent (some 20th Century Fox stuff in there) Honestly every now and then I want to make a full list of all the references
I did try to be mostly subtle with all the nods and references. The only ones I wanted to be not subtle at all were the cameos. I was low-key inspired by the parody fake biopic movie Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story where all the historical cameos are just intentionally on the nose where the characters just flat-out say their full names in an unnatural way, “What do you think George Harrison of The Beatles?”
Also yeah, the cameos are also intentionally miscasted. But I did do my best in my story to make all the cameos be completely in character
Roxanne is a beloved character from the classic movie A Goofy Movie so having her work at the movies was a no brainer for me. Horace Horsecollar was the first one I knew I wanted to do because of his role in House of Mouse (and yes that woman speaking to him over the walkie-talkie was Minnie Mouse)
As for Dickie. Look, I’ll be honest. I don’t know if I did a good job with her or not. For the scene where Webby was the only one whose conscience was bothering her about sneaking candy into the movies, I was originally gonna just have your typical bored teen walk by and say no one cares, but that’s no fun! And honestly kinda mean-spirited. We needed someone nice and Dickie is a character I somewhat know from being in the fandom and I know is a character Goldie fans would want in DT17 cause she’s her granddaughter and all. So I looked up a few comic panels and went “Okay, I think I know how to write her!” and wrote her scene
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And this was the Bobbie who was playing with the nacho cheese btw
Originally I wanted to do more trailers, but I quickly decided to go with just the trailer for Disney’s live action remake of their box-office bomb, The Black Cauldron. For that I rewatched the original movie as well as every 1st trailer for every Disney live-action remake from Cinderella to The Little Mermaid. I’d say the trailer was mainly poking fun at the Peter & Wendy and Pinocchio trailers (I didn’t watch either) as well as The Black Cauldron. I neither love nor hate The Black Cauldron but looking joking about it and low-key proud of the casting choices
As for the movie itself it’s mainly a riff on the MCU but there’s some DC stuff in there. I’d say I was inspired by the Spider-Verse movies, the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Avengers: Infinity War, and The Flash (the only movie I didn’t watch out of these!)
All the characters (except the Nick Fury/Maria Hill stand-in) all come from either the comics, the OG DuckTales, and Darkwing Duck. I didn’t want to make them all one-to-one but turn them into how I think they show would change them slightly
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Awesome Comics is from a Darkwing Duck episode where the hero is pitching his comic book to the company. Comet Guy is a Superman send-up that had a couple of episodes in Darkwing Duck and the main villain of the movie, Ordinary Guy, comes from Comet Guy’s second appearance where we go to his home planet Mertz where everyone but Ordinary Guy is a superhero. The brain teasers also came from Darkwing Duck and have a couple episodes themselves. I picked them because they’re hats and Comet Guy uses his spaceship as a hat
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The Masked Mallard and the Scarlet Brigand both come from the OG DuckTales. The Masked Mallard is actually Scrooge McDuck and was inspired by swashbuckling Zorro type hero the boys were watching in the same episode. I basically made the Masked Mallard a combination of both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers since he can’t be Scrooge. And I decided to make the Scarlet Brigand female and she was inspired by Scarlet Witch and Black Widow (a lot of Scarlet here!) with more of a rogue sword fighter vibe and more scarlet in her costume. The Titanic Trio was actually just Huey Dewey and Louie at the end of the episode with their own Masked Mallard costumes so I stole the team name from them since this group was a trio
Also MEL was the villain in Gizmoduck’s tv movie five part episode tho bf
Super Snooper is the first superhero sendup from the comics so he had to be here. Him basically being a major role in someone else’s movie was poking fun at Michael Keaton being heavily advertised for The Flash movie. After all Super Snooper is a sendup of both Superman and Batman but mostly Superman. His death was inspired by the infamous reverse time scene from the OG Superman movie which I do love
I just think it’s funny this character came back from the dead only to be killed again
And I love the post credit scene for this. I had to do it. (There’s no post credit scene for the movie because I couldn’t think of anything.) But yeah, I love it because it’s just this family chilling and hanging out with one another
And the whole story ends with Della encouraging Gandra to go bang her boyfriend with a Spider-Man 2 reference. 10/10 storytelling
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fairyhaos · 1 year
"if anyone else wants to come and discuss the colours i put for the members in my inbox.... yall can RUN here i wanna talk about it so bad" all you had to do was ask, yena <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)>
i actually don't know if i have synesthesia (but when i was a kid i would associate personalities(?) with the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers ? ? idk how to explain it but 3 would be this rly sweet character whereas the number 4 would be a bit on the shyer/quieter side,,, does that make sense ? bye where is this going O⁠_⁠o) but when i first saw ur post about cheol being burgundy it was just so,,, aaa idk it just made so much sense ? it was so intriguing that my mind had already associated certain colors w some of them and idk you gave me something really interesting to think about ! ! i even ended up writing something for the 95line bcs i was so inspired !!
i chose wine red for cheol (i was so close to picking burgundy lmao), pastel pink for hannie and silver for shua <3 i made some of my irls even read that stuff and they liked it so will it be ok if i share it w you too ? ? i don't mind sending it to you on anon bcs i just wrote that for fun and quite frankly i don't think it's worth stealing anyway lmao ⊙⁠.⁠☉ but yeah !! pls lmk if you'd like to read those bcs this already got so long and i spoke nothing of value here rip,, and oh do you have any emoji anons ? i would like to be 🎐 anon if that's okay ? if not, then that's fine too >:) i hope ur day has been treating you well so far !! <3
hii omg let's talk colours!!
ive never seen someone associate numbers w personalities before (then again i literally know NO ONE else with synaesthesia lmao) but that's really interesting! all i know is that the even numbers are some form of orange/brown/yellow/red for me
i think synaesthesia is So intriguing and when i was a child i didn't even realize it was not normal to see colours for people and words until i told it to others and they were like "wait what, that's not normal" so yeah, im glad it gave you something to think about too!
wine red and burgundy omg you and me 🫶🫶🫶 that really is so close! the jihan colours are also vv interesting,, jeonghan as pink is something i can definitely see haha but for me jeonghan is literally everything colour and also transparent and clear at the same time so
and joshua! i have shua's synaesthesia just sitting in my drafts basically BEGGING for someone to request it bc i. i love his colour so much and it's so strong and even though i can't find any colour on earth that looks like the colour in my head perfectly i still love it so much. i think you'll love it too when i post it bc... again there's a crazy similarity here (but kinda in a different way,,, you'll have to see what i mean later on HAHA)
i would LOVE to see your writing for the 95 line! seeing the reasoning/ the feelings of the colours and how you describe it interests me so much. ive always wanted someone to share colours and reasoning of colours with, so of course!!!
this is such a long answer haha but also yes you can definitely be 🎐anon! i have a couple of named anons i think? but i haven't heard from any of them apart from the first ask they sent me so im not too sure <3
hope you're doing well too!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
From Now On...
Hello everyone I know I've been a bit quiet, But here is a little update on what's going on and where we go from here.
For any who don't know or just haven't heard about it Thomas and Tallulah and engaged, couldn't be happier for them it's really cute and adorable and honestly just to know he's so happy is amazing.
But that has left me with a big dilemma, as let's face it I basically run a TBS account. So I took a bit of a step back over the last few days to really consider what path to take.
In addition to this for anyone who cares, I recently lost my job, have been dealing with a very intense depressive episode and honestly just the fact that I will be turning 24 next month, Yes I'm serious.
So really it all came at a perfect time to have a bit of soul-searching and really see where I wanna go from here.
So here it is the fate of the fiction witch...
I... I can't write for Thomas anymore. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and inappropriate. and it breaks my heart because I know you all love my tbs stuff but I don't feel like I can continue to do it. I will be finishing up some of the series with him such as hotel job, take my hand, I may finish things like Spoils of War but all those are up in the air I will give them endings even if they might not get the endings I planned for them but they will have endings.
Nothing will be deleted, I won't continue to write it but I won't get rid of it I'm still proud of my work and I know many of you love these one-shots and small stories so they won't be going anywhere no need to worry.
But Thomas as an IRL character will be gone, I won't write for him and I'm worry but I won't take requests for him.
So going forward other characters will take the stage a lot more hoping to do a lot more with Nate, a lot with Bran but I am still happy to write for fictional characters Plaid by tbs so Newt, whitey, Benny, jojen and so on because honestly I like doing them and there fictional.
Uploads will slow down I'm not gonna lie we're defiantly not gonna be able to post anywhere near as much but I hope to still keep this place alive and I will still make stories for you all.
On another note I have started a second wattpad for my own stories, a few on there now you may recognize as fanfics but with alterations and on there will just be my own stories no fanfics just my own writing so if you want to keep reading my stories I'd adore it if you could give that account a follow and give some of my stuff a read.
Here's a link V
But that's the update that's where we go from here I hope that's okay with you all.
Love you all my little Bats X
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months
HELLOO!! id like to request another matchup, but this time romantic if that's alright?? i have most of my info in the first matchup you did for me, so I'll just be adding a bit of extra involving romantic stuff and stuff :DD
(sorry it doesn't let me add links to text on anon but I didn't wanna have you search for the post :'''])
any pronouns, id prefer a male character but anyone you see fit is fine!!
in romantic situations, I'm really not good at intentionally flirting and I end up usually getting very bashful and like, confused I guess? I dunno I just kinda freeze up, either that or I ignore it or just straight up don't even realize what was going on--
My love language is acts of service and quality time! Ironically, as a writer I've never been very good at expressing my gratitude traditionally so I usually opt for doing people I love a lot of favors and spending time with them and absolutely praying they can see how much I care lmao. I do cling to people though! Like, literally. It's kind of an issue for some people but my touch starved ass has really been into cozy hugs mid conversation and cuddling like...that's so FIRE and NO ONE TOLD ME UNTIL NOW
I get very upset on my friends behalfs and have a very strong sense of justice and vengeance when I get upset, but thankfully it doesn't happen often so nothing to worry about!!! However, I do have like, incredibly bad money guilt. Like it gets really bad, I can't handle being paid for or having money spent on me. Best case scenario, I begrudgingly agree. Worst case scenario, I have really bad meltdowns over my money guilt
~ :]
it’s nice to see you again :]! I had so many ideas of who to pick, but I hope you like your matchup!!! I used some of the info from your other matchup on this. Let’s check out who it is!
You got…
Vinsmoke Sanji!!
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He will always let you know that you shouldn’t feel guilty about money. If you do get upset, he will stay there with you and let you meltdown, just supporting you and trying to comfort you.
Will cook you anything and everything you like. He will also hide extra from Luffy just in case.
Probably do most of the talking in the relationship, since you are introverted in public.
He will NEVER yell at you. He knows you hate it plus he’s a gentleman!
Will love to here you talk about your interest for hours. Just being with you is all he needs
He will love anything you get for him no matter what!
He will find your lack of flirting and bashfulness super super cute.
As always with Sanji, prepare for nosebleeds!
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
♠ 1st(?) random Q&A with Suki
Some random personal info I have previously said in posts or I just want to let you know now:
♠ I'm 173cm tall
♠ My mother tongue is Spanish, and I'm (sort of) learning Japanese
♠ I play both versions of the game (JP and GL)
♠ Originally, I didn't care for characters/story and just wanted to play rythym game
♠ In terms of creative stuff I do, drawing would be main and writing would be sub
zero-intoner asked: "How long have you been writing and what got you into writing?"
I scripted and drew my first serious comic for class work about 4 years ago. But it's not like I regularly write, it only comes out when I need a script for a comic, and I usually have a hard time writing, which is actually one of the reasons I decided to start this blog: to get better at writing.
About what got me into writing, don't know. Probably a collateral damage from wanting to make comics
For context, anon is referering to this post:
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If Kanade and Emu have ever interacted in game, either I can't remember or I haven't seen it. I think they might be too different and don't have enough in common to bond over anything.
As for Airi and Akito, it's safe to asume that they originally met for Ena, and at some point they might have bonded over their mutual worry for her. It's also clear that they respect each other. I'm speaking from memory, but there was this interaction in which Airi requests Akito to watch over Ena. There is also some instances where Akito tells Ena to not to bother Airi so much, and an area convo with Akito and Airi in which he apologizes for "the way Ena usually behaves" to what Airi tells him not to worry. Airi also notes to herself here that Akito is a good little brother. I'm just rambling at this point lol. Basically, I guess I like that, despite they are not that close, they are able to understand each other enough to have mutual respect.
zero-intoner asked: "Who's your favorite character to write for? Which character do you relate to the most?"
I would like to say it's hard to choose just one, but evidence shows it's Mafuyu. I also enjoy writing Shizuku a lot lol. I have had some writing sprees for Nene, Haruka and Honami so it usually depends on my mood, too
As for the character I relate the most it's prooobably... Mizuki. I've stuggled in the past with the fear of being left behind and not worthy of having friends. But, personality wise, I guess the closest one would be Toya
prsk-krow asked: "HeyaHeya! I was actually curious about something, and I wanted to ask!! Who is your favorite N25 character, and why is it Mizuki? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I mean, I'm just guessing, but-"
I actually never could choose between Mizuki and Mafuyu. Sometimes is more Mizuki, sometimes is more Mafuyu, but they are both always there. But if I had to choose, gun pointing at me, I think I might choose Mafuyu because aesthetically wise, is a little more my thing.
Anonymous asked: "This is just for the q&a but if you were to add any one member to each group who would it be and why? Like why would you add emu to mmj or honami to wxs and so on."
I'm guessing you mean adding to the current member, without replacing anyone. Mmmm, I can say a little of my thoughts, but very disorganized.
For example, in Nigo I could see people like Rui, Haruka, Toya or even Honami, if their stories had another circumstances
In Wandasho, somehow Mafuyu and Akito could fit with their "good personas". Probably Airi since she seems good with a crowd. I feel like Mizuki could have fun here making costumes, too.
In MMJ, Kanade would be just so funny, zero stamina idol lol. An kind of has that idol aura that might just work (these two both were already in April's fools YUME YUME JUMP, so). Also, Tsukasa idol career when, he could fit so well here. Saki maybe too, siblings idols(?
In VBS it's kind of hard, but I think Ena could scream from the bottom of her heart here (in songs(?) Shiho kind of fits in street music, I think (? Nene might find use in this for getting over her social problem, and she would be also singing, but not "musical style". Ichika could also do well here, probably
And finally, Leoni, Kohane and Minori could do well in "just some friends vibing" same as Shizuku. Emu is very friendly, so why not
(I ended up making whole new groups of 4 lol but hopefully that answers your question, kinda?)
ootokone asked: "do you have any hobbies? what are they and how did you get into them? "
As said before, I also draw and it's probably my main hobby ( I guess it count's as a job too since I'm on a team as concept/2D/UI artist, yeah all in one, we are a small team). I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but probably anime got me into taking it a more seriously (Naruto lol)
I also play videogames on a regular basis. I have also played games for as long as I can remember. I'm kind of hooked to OW2 right now but I play many kinds of games. Like, not long ago I was hooked to Puroseka and Elden Ring simultaneously, which I guess sums up my variety of games quite well (I had to drop Elden Ring because my poor 6 year old computer can't take *redacted*'s boss fight. Quite sad. Hopefully I can finish it properly when I get a new PC in the future ;v;)
As for more hobbies... I guess I like gardening, if that can be considered a hobby. I just bought two new plants today, one of them being peppermint because I love its smell. I have always liked nature but never got around on taking care of my own plants until about 2 years ago
Anonymous asked: "a question for your Q&A :)! are you more of an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?"
Oh, definitely an introvert lol. I'm an INTJ-A in mbti, if someone is interested in that.
Also noteworthy, while the other letters are at like a 60-70% the introvert one is at 99% lol so yeah,
Anonymous asked: "if u like emunene do you think if they both cuddle would emu be big spoon or would she be little spoon? and do you think nene would be big spoon or little spoon"
I think they'll be both switches, but it usually goes with Nene little spoon, Emu big spoon because Emu would be usually the one initiating physical touch/affection
One last thing! I wanted to thank everyone for the support on this blog! Really makes me happy that people consider my writing worthy of reading. I'll try to keep this blog up for as long as I can, but my writing sprees are very weird lol
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corruptratcat · 2 years
Hello may I have sidou with male or genderneutral reader who is a lifeless puppet. (So what I had in mind was that the reader has been controled their entire life by sibling becaus the sibling was jealous of the for example the reader was better at everything than the sibling and so the sibling killed everyone the reader knew but here is the sad part the reader never wanted this they did this so the sibling could be proud of them and in one night the sibling tries to kill the reader but the reader kills the sibling in act of self defence) Im sorry if I`m bothering you like this
Shidou x reader | A shell | Gender neutral
Hi annon, I actually like this idea very much, don't think that you're bothering me when sending requests to me, I appreciate every one of them <3
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"Prisoners of MILGRAM please get up and head to the cafeteria." You heard Es announce. You quickly stood up, opening your door and seeing the crowd head to the cafeteria.
As you entered in the cafeteria, you see the prisoners lining up for food, as usual the crowd was still lively even if you were just a small group of prisoners, you received your food as you sat at a table, next to Shidou, you didn't even notice him, he was just there.
"Hello [name], how are you doing today?" He smiled as you just only noticed him and looked at him. "I'm fine." You began to eat your food, slowly "Well that's good to hear." He also started to eat his food as awkward silence started to build up.
"So, [name], do you have any close family members you miss?" Shidou asked as he tried to break the silence "I miss my mom, dad, brother." You replied while Shidou felt something odd about you, there's something that's just not right about you, he couldn't put his finger on it, maybe cause you're just like a talking shell with no real emotion, it was hard to describe to say the least.
"They must miss you too, badly." Shidou didn't want to discuss this any further, in case if it gets much more awkward. "So what's your job?" Shidou tilted his head. "Dropout." You responded, with a bit of shame, Shidou could sense it but he had to be wise with his words, he knew you weren't that talkative and things got lot awkward around you.
"Have you ever loved anyone?" Shidou asked you, patiently waiting for a response as you chewed on your food. "My family." You replied and stared at him for a while, he saw your dead eyes, he got startled by it, the eyes, empty as it could be, he didn't wanna make a comment about it. "Well, of course we'd love our family, right?" Shidou tries to smile, but your presence had so much pressure on him.
"Well, what's your favorite food?" Shidou tilted his head, trying to keep the conversation going. "I don't know." You looked at your food "Well, I suppose there are plenty of food options that you just can't pick the one that truly hits you, what about your liked foods." A moment of silence occurred Shidou patiently waiting as he ate some of his food. "I don't know either." You look at your hand just realizing these stuff.
"Oh, I see..." Shidou felt like it was better just to eat in silence, maybe the other prisoners talking in the background could make up for it, maybe that was just better than trying to talk to them. Maybe let's do just that, for now at least.
Amane's interrogation is currently taking in place, as you sat down at a chair, staring into just a wall, "Hello [name], you seem to be, quite distracted." Shidou takes a good look at the wall your looking and looks back at you, he sits next to you, you keep paying attention to the wall, till you slowly turn your head to Shidou. "So, how are you now?"
You had to deal with him again, you didn't mind it but. "I don't know." You always didn't know the answer to most 'about you' questions, it's just that, there's no real answer unless there's a character to play, right? "I see." Shidou thought for a moment, "Sorry if I don't talk much." You finally said something without having to rely on someone saying something first. "Ah, don't worry it's fine, we have our own reasons to prove why we are what we are." Shidou smiles at you, you felt a bit weird looking at his smile, an odd feeling, but you brushed it off.
"Ok." You try to smile back, Shidou notices and a small blush crept up on his face. "Well, I'm glad someone's trying to at least smile for a bit, aren't they?" Shidou gets up, "I suggest we talk about something, later." He walks out as you stay still at your seat
Shidou suggested you sleep at your cell, two separate sleeping mats, the prison allowed that so Shidou didn't mind trying it out. You went in your cell as Shidou was already tucked tight in his blanket, you slept in your own sleeping mat as you pulled the blanket to you, you faced the ceiling. "Well, I've always been curious about you, so, let's have a little chit chat shall we?" Shidou asked as you simply nodded, "Alright, what are things you like in general?" Shidou waired as you positioned yourself to face him. "I don't know." You reply as Shidou didn't felt surprised at all, "What do you do when you weren't in prison yet." "Act." You replied. "I see so, how do you act?" Shidou lightly raised a brow
"As my brother." You looked down, still having all the guilt in your heart. "Do you admire your brother, is that why you act like him?" "He tells me to do so." Shidou was trying to piece things together, as he got distracted for a bit, he looks at you. "Is that so, things start to make sense somehow..." Shidou sighed as he raised his hand, reaching for yours under your blanket.
Soon enough he found them, and raised them to a comfortable position. "Let's just sleep now, shall we?" Shidou gently smiled as he closes his eyes, you on the other hand, felt strange, there felt like there were flying things around your stomach, like butterflies, and your face, feels like it's burning, you finally close your eyes as you've never felt this way before.
(Sorry if this isn't the best but, I'll try to improve more !)
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