#if anyone wants the images specifically i can send those instead
pixelatedbugs · 9 months
this mail from starlo during neutral route..
they knew the effect this man would have on people didnt they
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the whole letter if anyone wants it for curiosity's or collections sake:
Howdy, Clover! It's yer favorite sheriff, North Star, with an important update!
I did some soul searchin' while staring directly at the shiny stone on top of the Mines.
After recovering from temporary blindness, I shamefully approached my posse.
Well, I spare ya the gruesome details (me cryin') but in the end, they forgave me.
So the Feisty Five are back! Now twice as sensitive to everyones feelin's!
When we returned to town, Ceroba and Dine had set up a party in the Saloon - which was great
I really wish you were still here, but I SUPPOSE you deserve yer freedom ;)
Anyway, its all good, so don't mosey 'round worryin' 'bout me or nothin'.
I do have the tendency to occupy around 60% of someone's brain after they meet me...But I reckon it's time to let go.
Happy trails! - North "Starlo" Star
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ficreadingchallenge · 3 months
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This is a low key summer reading challenge specifically for fandom. All you have to do to participate is get a bingo card, read a fic, leave a comment, and mark that square off on your card! We hope this will encourage you to step outside your go-to fandom paths and find something new and amazing.
Sign up here.
The challenge will run from June 20,2024 to September 22, 2024.
Your friendly mods are @carcrash429 and @therealjambery. Now get reading!
FAQ below the cut.
Multi-fandom Summer Reading Bingo FAQ
Q: What's all this, then? A: This is a low key summer reading challenge specifically for fandom. All you have to do to participate is get a bingo card, read a fic, leave a comment, and mark that square off on your card!
Q: How do I sign up? A: Fill out this form!
Q: What are the dates of the challenge? A: This year the summer reading challenge starts on the summer solstice, June 20, 2024. You have until the fall equinox, September 22, 2024 to complete your bingo card.
Q: Who can participate? A: Anyone who reads fanfiction!
Q: Can I get a text-based bingo card instead of an image? A: Absolutely, please let us know you’d prefer that format when you sign up.
Q: Do I have to leave a comment to complete the square? A: Yes. I mean, we're not going to check up on you or anything, so it's the honor system. But let's give creators some love, shall we?
Q: Can I listen to podfic instead? A: Yup! The comment rule still applies, though.
Q: What if the thing I'm using to complete my square isn't on AO3? A: That's fine. You can reblog on Tumblr, leave a comment on a blog post, or otherwise let the creator know you enjoyed their story/art/podfic.
Q: What sort of things are on the bingo card? A: You can see our full list here.
Q: What if there is one of my triggers or something that squicks me on the list? A: Just let us know when you sign up and we'll make sure you get a card that doesn't have those things on it.
Q: What do you mean by [fill in the blank]? Does this fic count for that square? A: It's up to your interpretation - we wanted to leave things as broad as possible. If you're really stuck, send us an ask and we can talk about it!
Q: What do I win if I get a bingo? A: The priceless satisfaction of a job well done. Also, we might have something special for you at the end. Guess you'll have to participate to find out.
Q: Can I sign up for multiple cards? A: Yes, but we ask that you limit yourself to one per month (so if you get your first card on June 20th, wait until July 20th to ask for a second one).
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st4rrygrl · 1 month
The blatant lies in plagues (@/blood.plagues) "explanation" and more allegations. (Part 1)
While reading plagues explanation on @/seireitonin's post, multiple people found the inconsistent lies on both his text messages and also the posts that his friends made to defend him. This post will be separated into multiple points.
1) Talking to minors inappropriately.
"The only other supposed proof of him being 'flirty' was towards adults who consented."
This is from one of his friends posts made to address the situation, while *some* of the images in seireitonin's post were taken out of context, there are MANY examples of plague making sexual jokes towards minors, even if they aren't moderators or his friends.
One of these examples was already posted by @/t4tesmuu (you can check their reblog for more information, it's really insightful.) and @/insomniac-shado.
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The translation for the message was "Are you a guitar or why do i wanna grab you by the neck". Even if this was a joke, it's completely out of pocket and genuinely disturbing. There is no reason for an adult man to be talking to minors this way even if its a joke.
More screenshots down below. Some of the screenshots will say "yesterday" but the actual timeline would've been somewhere in July.
Keep in mind that turtle, cass, ? and Moew are all MINORS. There were more situations, specifically with one of his mods who is FOURTEEN but the channels and messages were deleted, I assume out of fear.
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There is literally no world where talking to minors sexually or inappropriately even as a joke should be accepted. Some of the conversations we saw in his server that are now deleted were genuinely scary. It's insane how people will defend his behaviour because either he hasn't done it to them, or because he tells them it's okay because he "asked for permission". Again, if you have to ask permission to make a joke, then there's no reason to make it. I'd argue there's no reason for plague to be interacting with minors as friends either way, because of the major power imbalance. Many minors will see his behaviour and think its normal because they look up to him.
Again, there's no reason for him to make these jokes just because his humor is like that. If you can't control the things you say around minors, then you shouldn't be around them at all. All of this could've been avoided had he made his server 18+ or just.. kept his distance with minors. There are many more screenshots that I have, but due to tumblrs 10 image limit per post, you can ask for them in DMs.
And again, I'm sorry, but i can't state this enough, there is NO REASON for him to make these jokes. it doesn't matter if they're friends, it doesn't matter if they consented to it, because at the end of the day, MINORS CANNOT CONSENT. He could've just not made those jokes in the first place. I don't know what was going on in his head before sending these images. As an adult, you shouldn't even feel the urge to make inappropriate jokes towards/in the presence of minors.
To anyone who's going to defend this behaviour by saying "but minors make sexual jokes all the time!" there's a big difference. Plague is an ADULT directing these "jokes" towards his minor "friends". There's really no way i can explain it to tell people why it's wrong because it's literally common sense. Plague is incredibly immature for acting this way and doubling down on it instead of admitting his mistakes and deleting the server entirely.
Many of his friends in their borderline ai generated statements have mentioned that these jokes are "private", which is a fucking lie lmfao. You can literally find all of these messages in his server unless he's taken them down by now. There are probably so many more that we missed because plague just loves deleting chats and channels out of fear that people would take them out of context. No amount of context that he can give can explain WHY he wants to make these jokes so bad. It's so fucking easy to just.... not make a vore joke to a 15 year old.
2) His "Dark and Sexual Humour"
- Plague has admitted **multiple** (and I mean a lot like at the LEAST 20 separate occasions) times that he has "dark and sexual" humor. Some of his humor includes being weirdly obsessed with black men for some reason??? as I am not black, I got my friend Laila (who is black) to offer their statements on the images below.
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"Hiii so im here to speak on the whole plague and his weird obsession with black men. This makes me feel like im a fucking joke to him, like "i head cannon toby to send pictures of black men while someone is venting" what the fuck plague. I am black and I take HUGE FUCKING OFFENSE to this?? like are we seriously a joke to you plague?? nothing is funny about fetishizing black people, like this is seriously so offensive and heartbreaking because genuinely what was going through your brain when making these jokes. And don't even blame this on your "dark and sexual humor" when this is just straight up racism?? The way you find black men literally just existing so funny is odd to me, and its really odd you did this stuff ONLY with black men. you could have chosen german or white men to make fun of, but NO you decided for black men to be the butt of your "dark and sexual humor". Also you joking about saying the n word??? Like thats not something to even joke about even if you meant "nitro". Like fym "I pause trying not to say the n word"...?? Plague be so serious with yourself, you aren't funny at all. Saying something like that is **EXTREMELY FUCKING OFFENSIVE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY JOKE OR NOT PLAGUE.** ANYONE that tries to defend this is definitely not fucking black like I don't want to hear ANYONES say on this unless your black. If you're not black you get to have ZERO say on this. Plague, please leave the fucking internet and never come back you walking biohazard."
I also want to say that if you are NOT BLACK then you don't have a say on this. It is not your place as a white/non-black person to decide whether or not these "jokes" are racist. Stay in your lane because it had nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter if it was just a joke, it's still offensive and disturbing.
- Another thing he's done is just straight up say a homophobic slur towards lesbians. This was on August 10th, of THIS YEAR. This happened THIS MONTH. There is no way to explain yourself for this one, it's not funny, nor is it amusing nor does it fall under "Dark humor"; and you can't say you were "ignorant" either. Using dark humor as a way to shield yourself from being outed as a fucking freak will harm you in the long run. A statement from one of my friends:
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"Hey, i wanted to talk about plauge saying a slur towards lesbians. Plauge is a boy, BOYS CANT BE LESBIAN, he should never even use that word at all. As a Lesbian, people shouldn't use those types of slurs, since it's only used to harm someone. If the slur has been said once, it sure has been said MULTIPLE times. Lying about others saying unreclaimable slurs while you say unreclaimable slurs is kinda crazy, since you were being so confident about!! Plauge is NOT a child, he's an adult. He should know better than to do these type of things, especially since he has a big following and most of them are minors. He should NEVER say slurs that he cant reclaim, even as a joke, because that's just offensive. There is no excuse. His 'dark and sexual humor' means NOTHING."
Also, for the uninformed people, bisexual people CANNOT say derogatory lesbian slurs. It's a very simple concept that is easy to understand. If you're not a lesbian then you can't say slurs against lesbians. I don't know how his friends are defending this because it's literally insane.
There is literally no way plague could justify these things. Borderline racism and homophobia is NOT dark humor, plague. the only way to get out of these is if you formally apologize and delete your social media presence. like please be honest with yourself, there is no way you could explain yourself for these other than you're legitimately dense and stupid.
3) Spreading lies about people.
- When a group of people first *tried* to come out with this information, plague immediately shut them down and started spreading fake allegations about them. He said that they doxxed people, they tried doxxing him, they sent gore to people, they make nsfw jokes towards minors (they're all 14), that they're n@z!s, and that they say slurs they can't reclaim. All of these are obvious lies, he got these accusations from one of his moderators who told him MULTIPLE times that it wasn't them, and that they were talking about other people. Despite this, he KEPT spreading this even after they apologised to him. When seirei came out with her post about this, he blamed it on that group of people while saying the same stuff about them and when someone corrected him, he didn't respond or elaborate.
- After seirei came out with her post and deleted the tiktok videos, plagues minions went out and made multiple tumblr posts "debunking" the allegations and essentially calling seirei ableist when that wasn't her fault, it was the anon's fault. They blamed her for "mishandling" the situation (which literally just means they didn't want her coming out abt this) and said that she was irresponsible and immature. They also just straight up said that seirei admitted that the situation was "petty" about this situation with no proof or evidence, so it's safe to say that they were lying about this as well.
- 2 specific people who had been part of this situation got ran off of social media due to the constant harassment from one of plagues moderators, Asher. One of these people was TWELVE. They harassed a TWELVE year old off of social media because they spread lies about them. That is genuinely disgusting behaviour. They lied about them making fun of asher getting groomed, which never happened, nor do they have proof of. Asher also made a video on tiktok where they basically dissed one of the people in the caption and people shit talked them in the comments. It's hard to tell whether or not he told asher to do this, but considering he made a server just to shit talk the people he doesn't like (specifically the people who are vocal about this) I wouldn't be surprised.
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My final statement: there will probably be another post about this in a few days with MORE screenshots and evidence. if people want, I'll make a reblog with more screenshots. I'm aware that this is all discord drama but the things that plague and his company are doing and defending are NOT okay and shouldn't be left unchecked. These people have harassed and lied and gaslighted so many people that its genuinely terrifying. I will not be taking this post down nor will I hear any "explanation" about this. We have all the context we need and won't take this down.
Also, about plagues ridiculous conspiracy theory that everyone who's being vocal about this is the same group of people, I just wanna let people know that this is NOT true. A lot of people are working together to gather more evidence, and those people all have different experiences with plague and his server. Just because they're all cooperating doesn't mean it stems from the same people. The fact that there's 60+ people messaging seirei about this already proves that there's a lot of victims of his immature behaviour.
The only plague can make people let go of this is if he deletes his entire social media presence, including his server. If you're gonna defend this behaviour, just know that you're defending a legitimate freak. You will be blocked if you try to spread misinformation.
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menlove · 1 month
Honestly so confused of Paul's silly love songs. Apparently Paul was sending a message to John and telling him 'i love you' but he also says 'she gave me more she gave me all to me' and then again Linda says 'he gave me more he gave me all to me'. Like, wtf really??? Is he trying to tell John he loves him but Linda gave him more?
well my thing is I Don't think his message to john with "silly love songs" was telling him he loves him honestly! the song Is a message to john, and his other critics, as said by paul himself, but honestly it's a LOT bitchier to john than any of us give him credit for lol
here's what he said about it:
"There were accusations in the mid-1970s – including one from John – that I was just writing ‘silly love songs’. I suppose the idea was that I should be a bit tougher, a bit more worldly. But then I suddenly realised, that’s exactly what love is – it’s worldly. ‘Some people want to fill the world/With silly love songs’. I’d been given that reputation, and I had to stand up for it. Instead of abandoning songs about love, just get on with it, get into it and don’t be embarrassed, because even thought you might say this is a soppy subject, it’s actually the opposite: this thing people can feel for each other that makes life better. I think that’s the crux of it, and if you want to be cynical, it’s easy, you can. ‘Love doesn’t come in a minute/Sometimes it doesn’t come at all’. I think a lot of people who are cynical about love haven’t been lucky enough to feel it."
which 💀 so not only was john the one to call his music "silly love songs" which makes this veeeery directed to him, but paul is uh. also saying he hasn't been "lucky enough" to even feel love 😭
and his ire towards this comment from john can also be seen in his commentary on "I will", funnily enough, which is just one of the reasons I do think that song is about john:
"It’s a declaration of love, yes, but not always to someone specific. Unless it’s to a person out there who’s listening to the song. And they have to be ready for it. It’s almost definitely not going to be a person who’s said, ‘There he goes again, writing another of those silly love songs.’ So, this is me in my troubadour more."
but uuuh yeah essentially My Interpretation is that john mocked his music by calling it "silly love songs" (& paul has mentioned this being a comment from him more than once but since it's not recorded anywhere I'm pretty sure it must've been in a private convo which is 💀) which Especially struck a chord considering paul wrote plenty of love songs For john like "I will" (imo) and paul wrote a very tongue in cheek Overly Soppy Optimistic Song about it.
like he's just saying "so, john, you think all I do is write silly love songs? well first of all my wife loves me more than you ever could have and also love makes everything go round and we all need more love songs, something your bitter and lonely self wouldn't understand 🫶"
I think yk. paul himself has sort of curated this image that john was the main instigator of their shit flinging in the 70s, but the thing is john is NOT a subtle person. he was slagging paul off by name in interviews and writing "how do you sleep?" and not hiding how much he resented him for a bit. paul, on the other hand, is waaaay more vague and sneaky about it lmao. he's even Said him and john wrote way more songs to/about each other in the 70s than they've admitted to. so I think there were a Lot more jabs that he KNEW only john would get were about him. I mean, john knew him better than anyone and they had their own inside language so what better way to get back at him than making him look batshit insane when he would claim some song was about him 😭 and I do genuinely think "silly love songs" is another one of paul's Cunty John Songs
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I finally finished my four-volume ATYD layout!
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The body text is larger than any formatted version I have found before, which is why it's four volumes instead of three. (The images I added to this post are just thumbnail previews, not meant to illustrate the relative size of the text.) I designed covers, front matter, chapter accents, and gave each character their own handwriting style for their letters!
I put a huge amount of work into this (for myself!) and I'm excited to share with anyone who is interested. The fanart and fonts I used are all credited (fanart in the front matter, fonts in the back) in case anyone wants to look them up.
These PDFs were specifically designed for printing as perfect-bound paperbacks, which is why the margins are larger on the sides toward the spine. There are all sorts of print-on-demand book sites out there that you can use to order your own copies. If you're handy with InDesign I can send you the .indd files if you'd like to modify them.
If anyone is super interested in having these in EPUB format (for e-readers), I can also share those versions, but they won't have the custom fonts because EPUB formats don't play well with those.
These are hosted on my Google Drive and I have no immediate plans to delete them, but I do recommend downloading them if you think you'll want them in the future, in case I need to delete them down the road.
Here are the files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t1ZKdmkDDDUAYqY3Lp6EUilchX5UErlQ?usp=sharing
Tags for those who requested them: @likehephaestionwhodied, @lady-stardust-incarnate, @mxed-salad-greens, @cherryberry1403
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legionofplush · 3 months
Just to let everyone know, I'll be putting the little One Piece characters in onesies up on my etsy on Sunday, June 30th at 5:00 pm EST. Please note, I've heard etsy isn't the best at updating so if they aren't appearing by 5:00, please give it a minute or so and refresh.
They will be $40 for the doll and one onesie with extra onesies being $20. If you want to order 2 or more, I'm going to try to implement a deal where each little plush is $35 instead of $40. I'll need to play around with etsy coupons to implement that so if I end up needing to assign a code instead of the discount being automatic, I'll post the code here and in the description of my shop.
I'll have three of each design available as a ready to ship item but if anyone sells out really quickly, I'll add some slots for made to order items. Those will cost the same but will take longer to ship as I need to make them. I'll have options for different onesies so if you want a character to have a different one than I made for them specifically, there will be a space to put in that information.
I originally made these as mini plushies but I realized they could be keychains too so I'll have a separate listing to add a keychain attachment to the top of the onesie for $3 per onesie. This will make the onesie a made to order item though and thus will take longer to ship. I made one as an example with pictures below. They're going to be limited in how many are available as each one is something I need to make and I don't want to get too backed up in orders. If you'd like the keychain attachement and it isn't there, it might be sold out and you can contact me to see if I can restock it or if it'll have to wait a bit due to too many orders I already need to make.
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I have three more designs to drop images of, two of which will be limited in number as I made them to practice sublimation and don't plan to continue the designs.
I think that's all the information everyone needs but if there are any additional questions, please feel free to send an ask.
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van1llam1lkk · 1 year
♱ Growing Desire
[ sfw | TW ; Religious imagery, Implied Stalking, Cult themes, Manipulation, As well as some General Yandere content but it's very tame, Female Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader. ]
I wanted this to be more possessive Cause she's the conquest horsemen,, but oh well
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This is... A new emotion for Misaki. She wasn't the type to become so easily infatuated with people. Maybe Mother, but if comparing her to you was an unjust statement as you'd basically be lower than scum in that situation.
She lived the entirety of her twenty four years in the Seraphic Faith, an organization created a couple thousand years ago. However, the public eye had just dumbed it down to a terrorist group because of an incident in the 1930's that the government just can't get over for whatever reason.
Her job was simple, keep the public image as clean as possible, manage her section of the organization, and recruit new members.
And doing the same things every day can grow repetitive, and tiresome.
So was it really that strange everytime her memory sometimes grows fuzzy thinking of when this obsession of hers started? It was just supposed to be a routine check up of her section nothing more nothing less.
She absentmindedly observed the people, writing down notes of anything that seems like it needed to be improved or just little things she noticed. Because she was so engrossed in her work she bumped right into you, it makes her cringe in thought with how cheesy it was.
Frustration bubbled up inside of her but the moment she locked eyes with you did it all die down, she almost would've stumbled over her words if she wasn't trying to keep up appearances.
In a strange sense she wanted to keep you, she had no real reason as to why that was one of the first things she thought when looking at you.
You weren't special or unique, being easily comparable to everyone else in this godforsaken Cult.
She couldn't put her finger on it— but maybe it was because of how stupid, and docile you seemed in that moment, or maybe it was just how Naive you were.
In the end it doesn't really matter, because from the moment you looked up at her with those pretty eyes she was enchanted. From the way you carried yourself, moved, the sound of your voice— Why was it all so mesmerizing?
She didn't even realize it at the time, that she was becoming obsessed over you from that one little conversation. Thoughts of you lingered after that meeting, although she told herself it was just animalistic desires masquerading itself as something deceitful and disgusting— love.
Her obsession with you rapidly became more consuming: prayers blended into thoughts of you; time that should've been spent working on reports she were replaced by fantasies of what you might be doing right then.
At each gathering, she searched the crowds with her eyes, searching for you in hopes of a glimpse at your beauty instead of taking her rightful place among her sisters. As the sermon was delivered, her thoughts were far away - dreaming of a way to see you again.
She didn't even notice it bleeding into how she treated others, especially those close to you. Sprinkling in little threats to friends she deemed unworthy of your attention, having someone she specifically payed to send some rather unkind messages towards anyone who dare even thought about coveting after you. If they can't even handle a little harassment what makes them think they can be with you?
It felt wrong to desire after you this much, it made her stomach churn, and throat burn. She was supposed to be devoted to one person only, and that was Mother. Stressing about it did little to help her, often just ending with her digging her nails into the flesh of her palms till it drew blood while doubled over a trash can.
Because she just couldn't bear the thought that her, someone who was supposed to be pure was growing gluttonous, Lustful,
She couldn't have that could she? But if it was true that she was growing dirty. How come every time she thought of you, did the thought of The Gracious Mother come up? Maybe— Maybe you'd been sent from Heaven just for her. Why else would she feel so violently ill trying to ignore her growing fixation on you? To act like you don't exist?
So in the end, when your friends drift away, When family become uneasy in your company, When you get the feeling someone is watching you even when alone. And you start growing paranoid of the littlest of things, Is it really odd that the one who gives you comfort is Misaki?
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shipcestuous · 8 months
Valentine's Day Challenge/Event
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Unfortunately, at Christmas I didn't have the time to make our incest Christmas movie event happen - hopefully happening Christmas 2024! - but there was some discussion about doing something for Valentine's Day instead. I'm not going to call it a contest because I don't want it to be a competition, but it would have the general vibe of a contest, in the sense that people will be encouraged to create and submit. More of a challenge, I guess.
Here's my idea for the event:
Participants will create content [in the medium(s) of their choice] based on a prompt, and then submit it to my blog or send me a link to a rebloggable tumblr post. I'll post the submissions into a specific tag for the event (this tag). (And I'll try to be very timely about this and check my inbox every day.) The plan will be to have all submissions in by February 13th (but I'll still post late submissions, of course), but as I said, there won't be a winner. Submissions can be anonymous, using a nickname, using your username, or whatever you want.
This is what I was thinking for the prompt, which can be for original characters or characters from popular media, as long as it's an incestuous relationship:
Not Together Yet - How the incest pairing of your choice ended up on a date on Valentine's Day. The general idea is that they're not an established couple and this happened accidentally or through a series of unforeseen circumstances. Or it's not supposed to be a date, but by the end of the night it basically was one. Not a date but totally a date.
Established Couple - How the planned romantic date of the incest pairing of your choice ended up going awry and they ended up doing something completely different but still romantic in the end.
(Fantasy/historical settings are welcome to pretend like Valentine's Day exists more or less like it does in the present-day real world, or to create an equivalent holiday. Or to use an anniversary.)
Hopefully those prompts make sense and are sparking ideas already.
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Other Guidelines:
Must focus on a pairing of familial/related characters, who either are already together or aren't together yet but eventually will be/will want to be (whether or not that falls within the events of the submission) = shippy content. Stepcest, cousins, etc. all fine - no restrictions on that.
Submissions can take any form that addresses the prompt - plot summary, fic or ficlet, art, mood board or collage, art, graphics/edits, poem, fanvid, playlist, etc. I assume a typical submission will be a description of events based on the prompt, similar to a movie synopsis, and an accompanying image, but it doesn't have to be that.
You can make multiple submissions if you want to.
No NSFW images or anything that is in conflict with Tumblr's rules. Anything questionable, controversial, risky, or potentially offensive will likely not be posted for the sake of the blog.
The entire submission has to be contained within a single tumblr post. But double posting is fine - put it on AO3 or whatever you want.
I can also create the post myself if you provide me with the content, especially if you're having trouble submitting. (And I believe if you use an incognito browser you should be able to submit anonymously.)
I wanted to have my own submission ready when I posted this, but it's not quite there yet.
What do you guys think? I'll make a second promotional post in a few days that is less long-winded and will be better for reblogging. I imagine this will be a small event, but it will be fun to have even a few to browse through.
I'm definitely interested in suggestions for something low-key that doesn't involve a lot of moderation/facilitation for the future. (And if anyone wants to take on something more ambitious, or a fic-a-thon, I would be happy to step aside and support and promote it.)
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butchdarling · 6 months
Hi, thanks for all your IDs! I'm new to Tumblr and want to write IDs. Are there etiquettes that I should take note of, like which posts to write IDs for and which not to? Any tags I should look out for? I came from Reddit and I'm aware that not all users want to have IDs on their posts, there's probably something similar here.
Hi, first of all you're very welcome for the descriptions! It's always nice to hear that my efforts are appreciated :)
Ideally, any post with images should also have a description for those images. Any post that doesn't already have an ID in the original post is one that's appropriate to add a description to. Even if someone else already wrote a description in a reblog, you're allowed to write your own if you want to. I personally haven't encountered anyone who has been upset when I've written a description? I think that's more an individual thing than something specific to a certain type of post.
There's not a consensus on what format works best for image descriptions, but alt text or plain text (not colored and normal size) directly below the image in the body of the post are generally considered the most accessible. Alt text tends to work better for screen readers, and plain text works better for some people who need descriptions but don't use screen readers. I personally use alt text for posts with a lot of images and plain text for posts with only a few. I've also seen people put a short description in alt text and a more detailed one in body text.
Other etiquette includes indicating when a description starts and ends. I use brackets and start and end with [ID / End ID] but some other formats I’ve seen include “Start ID / End ID” of “Image description / End image description” and being objective in your descriptions. If you're describing a picture of a dog as a "cute puppy," you're telling the reader what to think instead of letting them come to their own conclusion.
As for tags I know some people like to sort their posts as “described” for posts with IDs and “undescribed” or “no ID” for posts without. I find most of my descriptions either from people I follow or from looking in the notes of specific posts as opposed to searching tags so I'm not much help there, but here is a link to a post listing a whole bunch of accounts that make image descriptions.
There isn't really one way to write image descriptions because people have different accessibility needs, but even a simple description is better than no description. The basic format I usually go with is this:
[ID: A (type of image, painting, photo, etc) of (subject; if it's fan art I like to include the source) doing (action, this can really be as detailed or as simple as you want.) End ID]
In general, I go with more simple descriptions for comedic posts and more detailed ones for art. My number one tip is to follow people who write and reblog descriptions and to read them! I've picked up a lot of formats and phrases I use a lot in descriptions from people I follow.
If you're looking for more resources, I’m going to point you towards my mutual Kay @pathos-logical ‘s accessibility tag that has a bunch of good posts on how to write descriptions. You're also welcome to send me another ask or DM me if you'd like ^^
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multicolour-ink · 17 days
Hi there multicolor!
I've recently refound alot of your mario multi universe questions and answers! And I got to say I love them all so much genuinely since I really love the super show and 1993 mario movie so I not only wanted to thank you for making those but I also wanted to share some of my own findings of the super show specifically because I know you recently saw and liked my post about the super shows and game marios height which are these images.
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Where I said the heights for the super show were 4'11 for mario, 6'1 for luigi, 6'2 for toadstool, 3'4 for Toad (yes I figured out what it was) and 6'2 for koopa
Well now I have something new to add to this that I will be telling paino eventually too and that is a good while ago just for fun I was looking up to see if anyone who worked on the super show was still alive and most if not all the writers, producers and creator are still alive and while looking this up I saw that a few of the writers who worked on super show had an instagram! Now when I saw that I decided to shoot my shots and text some of these writers instagram accounts if any of them would be able to answer my questions about the super show. Now I will say this I was polite and did apologize just in case there were fake accounts or just normal accounts that just so happened to show up when I looked up writers of the super show. Now all be honest I really didn't expect any replies tbh with you because to these amazing writers I'm just a person that not only just randomly text them out of no where but also asked them about a silly little mario cartoon in the late 80s so I really didn't expect an answer. But a day later Phil Harnage the man who not only wrote for many cartoons like Sailor moon, He-man, She-ra, Sonic underground, Super Show, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World etc but also wrote the episode for mama luigi....MAMA LUIGI GUYS! Here's a screen shot of him answering my insta text! (also I got permission for me to send these screen shots and share this conversation so i'm fine!)
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I. WAS. SHOCKED I wasn't expecting an actual reply! As a Super Show fan I was ESTATIC I had sooooo many questions for him and he did deliver well on most of them anyway 😅
Now I had ALOT of questions to ask him but for this reply I'll keep it on theme of this reply which was super show character heights!
Now when I originally did my height chart I knew I wasn't a hundred percent right because all I did was watch the show and look at some side by side views of the characters when and if it happened. So that and a mixture of using the height chart I got my results which you already know about.
So when I asked him this question I was REALLY happy and surprised with what he said! Take a look! ( the purple is me and the white is Phil )
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I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! I was really close you guys! Like that means my guess for Mario, Luigi, and Toad are most likely spot on or one inch difference! The only ones I we're more off we're toadstool and koopa which yeah I could see why possibly so that means Toadstool is mostly likely Luigi's height 6'1 instead of my guess which was 6'2 and koopa was most likely 6'3 or 6'4 but that's still iffy but there REALLY close to what I guess! Which again made me really happy as a Super Show fan!.
Now I asked him ALOT more questions but this ask is already long so I won't put them here but I felt like I HAD to put this last screen shot here so take a look!
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Use this information as you like :)
But thank you so much for reading this LONG ASS REPLY it really means alot to me as not only a Super Show fan but as a Mario fan in general you're fanfics and AUs are incredible! And really do help the community alot. I also hope this information helps anyone who wants to make Super show stuff or just au material at all because I want to see more Super show and 1993 mario fan stuff guys I know we can do it!
Again thank you for reading this and have a fantastic day/night!
Thank you for writing to me and saying you apprecaite my stuff, @savagegirl1930 😊 It means a lot to hear that.
I will leave your findings here for everyone to see. It's all very interesting!
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Unofficial Update Blog
Hi! This is an unofficial blog which posts updates about EWOW episodes. I might do other things, but my priority will be posting when another episode is out. You can also ask me questions, perhaps about EWOW or something related (?), and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability!
This blog is NOT run by Cary, nor affiliated with anyone on the EWOW team. It is an unofficial blog, run by a contestant of EWOW. Also, it is not related to the defunct ten-words-of-wisdom tumblr blog created a long time ago, nor is meant to do what blog used to do.
I decided to create this blog after seeing EWOW 2b2, and wanted to make another way an EWOW contestant can know there's another EWOW episode, and can vote/submit a response, in case they haven't already seen on YouTube.
I am only one person, so I might be somewhat late in posting updates about episodes. I'll try my best!
Other EWOW info:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqE0Z5Sgbw - This video explains what EWOW is all about.
But, in short: EWOW contestants submit a response of 11 words or fewer after a prompt is revealed in a "B" episode, and both contestants and viewers can vote on those responses. Each contestant has 3 lives, and if they get in the bottom 49% they lose one, but if they get in the top 5% they gain a life. Once you reach 0, you are eliminated.
A episodes: Voting, there's also like the booksona grids with confessionals
B episodes: Leaderboards
When you submit a response, your email has to be exactly the same as the one you used in your very first submission. You can check your email (it should send you an email of what you submitted, so you can check it - it sent me one, at least). You can also go to the form itself, through like... EWOW 0A or something. I don't know how to link to the EWOW forms yet...
Deadlines will be in PDT - at least, for all of daylight savings time in america (which ends november 3 iirc). I don't know how it works after fallback.
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There is a region* on the screen. Click anywhere (and not just at the beginning) on the region to vote.
*There doesn't seem to be a region anymore. However, it's replaced with the YouTube Chapter thing, so you can use that instead.
There are several voting screens (if... that's what they're called). There will be a keyword on the upper right corner, and 11 entries are lettered (like numbered but with letters) A to K.
To vote, you comment with a square bracket, the keyword, then space, and then rank the letters from best (left) to worst (right). e.g. [FRESH AKJEIHBCGDF] (this is not a real vote).
You must rank all responses on the voting screen.
You can vote multiple times - in fact, it's encouraged to do so!
Vote weight has been changed. Voting on 20 screens will not decrease your vote weight, but if you vote on more than that, you vote weight will still equal 20 screens.
If you vote on one response multiple times, you will still have the same power that you'd have if you voted on it once. Your votes on that response will be averaged.
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(This is an example of voting. There also has to be a square bracket at the end, I probably didn't get a screenshot of that part specifically.)
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"Then the contestants will be sorted based on their entries' average score, from highest to lowest, following this guide!"
NOTE: You are now only able to vote if you vote on all responses.
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Summer Fic Reading Bingo
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This is a low key summer reading challenge specifically for fandom. All you have to do to participate is get a bingo card, read a fic, leave a comment, and mark that square off on your card! We hope this will encourage you to step outside your go-to fandom paths and find something new and amazing.
Sign up here.
The challenge will run from June 21, 2023 to September 21, 2023.
Your friendly mods are @carcrash429 and @therealjambery. Now get reading!
FAQ below the cut.
Q: What's all this, then? A: This is a low key summer reading challenge specifically for fandom. All you have to do to participate is get a bingo card, read a fic, leave a comment, and mark that square off on your card!
Q: How do I sign up? A: Fill out this form!
Q: What are the dates of the challenge? A: This year the summer reading challenge starts on the summer solstice, June 21, 2023. You have until the fall equinox, September 21, 2023 to complete your bingo card.
Q: Who can participate? A: Anyone who reads fanfiction!
Q: Can I get a text-based bingo card instead of an image? A: Absolutely, please let us know you’d prefer that format when you sign up.
Q: Do I have to leave a comment to complete the square? A: Yes. I mean, we're not going to check up on you or anything, so it's the honor system. But let's give creators some love, shall we?
Q: Can I listen to podfic instead? A: Yup! The comment rule still applies, though.
Q: What if the thing I'm using to complete my square isn't on AO3? A: That's fine. You can reblog on Tumblr, leave a comment on a blog post, or otherwise let the creator know you enjoyed their story/art/podfic.
Q: What sort of things are on the bingo card? A: You can see our full list here.
Q: What if there is one of my triggers or something that squicks me on the list? A: Just let us know when you sign up and we'll make sure you get a card that doesn't have those things on it.
Q: What do you mean by [fill in the blank]? Does this fic count for that square? A: It's up to your interpretation - we wanted to leave things as broad as possible. If you're really stuck, send us an ask and we can talk about it!
Q: What do I win if I get a bingo? A: The priceless satisfaction of a job well done. Also, we might have something special for you at the end. Guess you'll have to participate to find out.
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yourdarlingness · 11 months
  ♰  BLOG RULES . ( long post )
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( 01 ) Add the full name of the character and where they're from, avoid abbreviating or shortening the source name, unless it's part of my whitelist.
  · This is to avoid confusion for me!
( 02 ) About pride edits for requesting alternative / redesigned flags
  · Please insert the image of the flag in your ask, along with the name of the flag as well!
  · If anonymous, paste the link of the post instead!
( 03 ) 3 requests max in ONE ask!
( 04 ) I will delete all incoming requests if my request status is close, so please make sure to check it!
( 05 ) There is a fun way to request from me! You can see the menu here (link), and order it like you would in real life, there is also a guide linked in within the menu if you don't know how! This is optional, so if you want to request stuff normally, then go ahead!
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  ┄ ┄ ┄ ALLOWED
( 01 ) Tagging this blog for promotions!
  · Make sure that you do not fit in my DNFI.
( 02 ) Taking inspo and/or using my editing style!
  · I am happy that I inspire others, but credit me if it's heavy inspo or if you're using my edit style!
( 03 ) Asking for a different color of any edits! Please add a hex code if it's specific!
  · Even if my requests are closed!
( 04 ) Asking for no kin/me/ID and/or F/O tags
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  ┄ ┄ ┄ GENERAL
( 01 ) Credit me, and do not claim my edits or flags as your own.
  · Especially recoining or reclaiming the terms or genders I had made, but don't worry, I understand if you accidentally recoined it!
( 02 ) Ask my permission before reposting my flags or edits anywhere outside of Tumblr. With credit. Twitter or TikTok are forbidden no matter what.
  · Specify which platforms you're going to repost them on too!
( 03 ) DNFI (Do not follow if):
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  · Basic DNI criteria
  · anti - MOGAI / LIOM & neopronouns
  · TransIDs · Radqueers · TERFs
  · Truscums / Transmeds
  · Pro contact paras (and those who are neutral on this)
  · Proshippers / Comshippers / Darkshippers / etc (+ neutral on this)
  · anti - age regression & pet regression + anyone who sexualizes it
  · Blogs that are centered around NSFW or discourse
 ┄ You may still like, reblog, or identify with my terms or genders, and even use my layouts / edits.
 ┄ DO NOT (if part of my DNFI) ; talk to me, send asks, recoin or reclaim, and/or claim my edits or flags I coined as yours.
 ┄ IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see anyone who is part of my DNFI and identify or uses the terms, flags, or edits that I made — doesn't mean I support them. I don't mind at all if they consume my content, but of course I will still feel (extremely) uncomfortable about it. As long as they don't follow me or any of my blogs / accounts, it is fine. I put it in here in case some may think I'm supporting them or if someone were to actually come across those types of users.
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azreal-x-artz · 4 months
X Bug Style Rules X
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My bug style mentioned in my introduction post (and currently shown above) has a few set of rules that I usually follow so I will be going over those in this post.
Also something to note: I can be flexible with these rules when taking requests. If I'm given a character to turn into a bug that has traits that go against these rules, or if your bug request description specifically asks for any traits on your bug that also don't follow these rules, I will gladly do it. These rules are mostly for myself and anyone else who wants to know more about these bugs.
With all that out of the way, let's get started.
X Gender Rules X
Rule #1: All bugs have two distinct different fluff designs depending on gender.
- Spiky fluff:
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Spiky fluff is a male trait in the bugs and the kind of spike fluff mostly depends on the bug's personality and fashion sense.
- Round fluff:
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Round fluff is a female trait and while there isn't much you can to make the round fluff look different, there are still ways to style it.
In general, fluff for these bugs is like clothes if clothes were apart of your body.
Rule #2: The size of the waist of the bugs also depends on gender.
- Slim waist:
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Slim waists are primarily a male bug trait and it's apart of the beauty standards. Some males can have bigger waists but most are slim.
- Normal & Larger waists:
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Normal and larger waists are typically a female bug trait. The size of the waist with girls is mainly dependent on strength; when a bug is strong, instead of getting large muscles and biceps like a human being would, they get bigger bodies.
X General Rules X
Rule #1: Bugs have black and white stripes throughout their arms and legs while their neck and torso is all black.
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If you were to shave the fluff from a bug's body, they would kinda look like the image above (not 100% accurate but it's close enough).
The species of bug doesn't matter, they all have the stripe pattern under their fuff.
Rule #2: All bugs have pointed feet and hands.
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An acception to this rule is if a bug has a prominent feature that replaces either the hands or feet. For example: a praying mantis character would have the claw-like structures for hands instead of the pointed hands.
Rule #3: Every bug has fluff, no matter what kind of bug they are.
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As stated before, fluff depends on the gender of the bug. The only instance where this is not the case is if a bug is trans in which the fluff shape will be the biological sex of the bug and not the gender identity (that is unless they style their fluff to look male/female).
Rule #4: They all have heart or arrow like noses.
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The kind of nose they have does not depend on any certain factor, the nose shape is really just dependent on what you think would look best and better fit the character.
X Conclusion X
Once again, these are just general rules for the bugs and they can be broken for art requests.
If anyone has any questions about anything I said or didn't mention, feel free to send me an ask in my ask box.
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Since this is gaining wayy more attention than I thought it ever would, here's a little intro/rules sheet I made!
Hi! I'm Kayak! (@kayak-lmao)(she/they) This is a sideblog I made to rate your favorite real-world creatures as well as any from fiction! I mainly do these through the ask box, but I sometimes do ones I think of myself. This was heavily inspired by blogs like @videogamecows, so be sure to check those guys out! :]
What do I mean by creature?
Anything living that is non-human. Yes, this means that plants count. These can be real or fictional! That's why I used the word "creature" instead of animal. Bacteria, plants, or anything that isn't animal are still super cool to me and I enjoy looking at them :)!!
simplified versions at end
Please don't spam asks. If I didn't answer your ask yet, I'm probably busy. Spamming will only make me not want to answer you and will probably result in a block.
While I may praise and adore fictional creatures, that does not mean I agree with the things their creator says. I don't want to exclude myself from certain media just because the creator is a shithead. Check rule 8 for what I specifically do not condone.
No ocs :(. I love when people make original characters but this would just turn into a rate-my-oc page if I counted those.
If I give your submission a bad rating, please don't harass me over it. I'm entitled to an opinion, good or bad. I try to be positive but if I genuinely don't like something I'll say it.
PLEASE correct me if I get information wrong. I don't want to spread misinformation, even if it's just for a niche indie game.
When sending media, please make the subject clear. Also please try and avoid links. The only links I will click on is YouTube and if the content is inappropriate you will be blocked and reported.
If including an image with gore, blood, body horror, or any other common triggers, please include a TW above the image as the first things viewers see is said image. If it doesn't have a tw when it needs one, I unfortunately cannot answer it because I don't want to accidently trigger anyone.
Just try to be nice. Don't use hateful language or send any characters that were designed with the point of making fun of something/someone
I don't want racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, anti-semists, neo-n*zis or any other hateful people here. Do not try to argue with me over this. I will block you. This is not a space for you, and it never will be.
I have the right to make/change rules whenever I want. It's my sideblog, and if I find something new that I don't want here i can make it a rule. I'll reblog and eventually delete the rb when I do update the rules.
Ok thats all for now! Thank you for reading that all if you did :].
Simplified lists for specifics
1.) Spam. 2.) Problematic creators
3.) Ocs. 4.) Bad ratings
5.) Wrong info. 6.)Images or links?
7.) Trigger warnings 8.) Be nice.
9.) Who this isn't for 10.) Adding Rules
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yukipri · 2 years
You say that private areas, like clone-only barracks or on the inside of armor plates, are a separate matter about Pin-Up Obi-Wan. How so ?
So, I think I vaguely remember this ask, I think someone sent me an ask several months ago asking whether clones would have sexy pinups of Obi-Wan, and I said no, nowhere public but perhaps in private clone-only areas?
I don't remember and frankly don't have the time to look it up, but I'll assume that's the context!
I didn't think that would need further elaboration, but I'll do my best to explain. Because see, I think this would be the case for most people? Like, if you like someone and actually know them as a person (instead of knowing only of them as a detached concept, like a celebrity), then why would you do anything that could put them in an awkward situation? Why would you publicly display a sexy art you did of your crush/boyfriend, unless they specifically asked for it?
Like if the clones have public pin-ups of Obi-Wan up, then they know there's a good chance his bosses (the Council, the Senate, the Chancellor), his friends/acquaintances, minors who look up to him like Ahsoka, his enemies, and the general public may all see it? And he may not want them to, and it may affect these relationships he has? It could affect his job, from mild disgust from Ahsoka and Anakin, to firm chastisement from the Council for behaviors that he didn't even exhibit, to possibly damaging his carefully projected public reputation which could in turn affect his ability to lead them? Even if the clones meant it as a depiction of affection, the public, who don't know them, may interpret that as the clones not having respect for their General, which may damage their faith in how one of the most active GAR battalion functions, etc.
So sure, if they don't care about him and just want to joke or only know more vaguely about the idea of him, then they might put up a pin up for kicks and giggles, like some boys did of Senator Amidala. But the 212th, of their own General? I bet they'd likely be furious at anyone who would put Obi-Wan in a publicly awkward situation like that, even if the man himself assures them it's okay and tries to wave it off. Unless Obi-Wan gave them his explicit consent, which I sorta doubt for the reasons above, it makes no sense to me. The boys are smarter than that, and respect Obi-Wan more than that too. They may not fully understand or have context for nat-born romance or displays of affection, but they do understand professionalism and public image.
Private areas are private. Only they and those they trust can see it, so it can't get out and be judged by the wrong people who don't have the proper context and understanding.
I hope that makes sense! While again, I went into detail about this specific example because that's what you picked to ask me about, I feel like separation of private and public gestures of affection/lust is a very general thing.
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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