#if anything i dont want to lose vocabulary
dykeandballs · 5 months
good morning chat
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stateswscarlet · 5 months
Good morning Scarlet, I hope that you're doing amazing!
First of all, I wanted to thank you for all the amount of time you put in explaining the law to all of us and seeing all those success stories, we all know how good of a blessing you are in our life.
So, I've been working on manifesting my ex back for a few months now, more than a year actually, and it's kinda embarrassing to me. I'm naturally a visualizer and have inner convos, but when envisioning scenarios like us hugging, holding hands, and being together again (what I've always done before knowing the law and being in love with him) it feels too good to be true, even if I have a deep understanding of the law conceptually. I know part of this process involves letting go of attachment to the 3D and recognizing that my outer feelings (anxiety, fear) and thoughts (how will he change his mind, he doesn't love u anymore) don't define my true self (the inner man that is being happy and in a rs with him). However, despite this understanding, I still encounter challenges when I attempt to engage my imagination regarding these scenarios. I often feel unfulfilled or disconnected from the vision of us being together.
Furthermore, I've been feeling doubtful about all that lately. Different sources offer conflicting advice - some suggest focusing on feelings, while others emphasize decision-making. I've even studied materials from authors like Edward and watched Tom Kearin (BSW), and while I understand the concepts intellectually and have applied them before with success, I haven't seen significant movement. The only time I experienced progress was when I wholeheartedly believed in my ex's return, even if I wasn't necessarily thinking from the end (focusing on the 3D aka he is going to come back). However, now, as I try to embody the version of myself with him already, I'm starting to lose faith in the possibility of him changing his mind and coming back. Have you ever experienced a similar struggle or doubt in your manifestation journey?
I feel maybe my issue is linked to the "feeling" that I do not understand, do you have maybe some recommandations in terms of source, or YouTube channel or else ? I feel like I'll never succeed in this specific manifestation while I succeeded in others for instance my job and travels... it was so hard for me too bc for more than a year I was jobless and so focused on that, that one day I decided I am going to get a job no matter what and not thinking from the end and it happened while I didn't focused on how I felt, I wasn't like "I need to feel I'm already employed", so I am lost in all of that ..
thank you so much for the kind words!
“working on manifesting my ex back” im really hoping you only worded it like this for simplicity sake to tell me, but please stop identifying with manifesting (at all) or seeing anything as a process bc there is NO PROCESS. there is no work to be, no point A or point B, and no one is coming “back”.
the reason you feel disconnected is because you’re still dominantly believing the 3D as a fact/seeing it as unchanging/dont understand youre SHIFTING TO A DIFFERENT REALITY/STATE and not changing the current one. figure out which one. in other words, youre being accidentally 3D oriented.
“i havent seen much movement” excuse me? wym movement? eradicate that word from your loa vocabulary please theres no such thing as movement. do you HAVE IT OR NOT?
stop looking for more material. no coach or video or book can change how you feel internally if youre just looking for results and refuse to completely drop the outer man and their reasoning.
your sp isnt changing his mind, you SHIFT TO A STATE where you and them are together. the one in the current 3D is NOT the one youre in a relationship with nor will ever be, you have to fully drop that version of him.
if just deciding you have something fulfills you, then so be it. do whatever you enjoy.
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ohbother2 · 7 months
hi! so like, i might try writing smut soon enough (because why the hell not amirite?) so like, is there any advice you could give me? like DOs and DONTs, tools that could be useful to avoid orthographic errors etc etc (im used to using chat GPT to look at my horribly, horribly written texts and correct them, but i've got a feeling it will straight up censor it, and english's not my first language, so anything that would make my dirty dirty texts into dirty clean text would be dope)
I'm sorry but because you're an ageless blog I'm not going to give actual smut-writing advice, but ig it's okay to give general writing advice?
Just a reminder to everyone, if you're a minor please do not interact with me or my posts!
In all honesty I don't really know what I even do when I write, the words just sort of appear and I'm like 'yep, that works', but that's not the most useful advice, lol
I envision the story I want to read, and then I write it how I want to read it. I hope that makes sense
I guess my main advice would be to find your own niche, like, are you a dialogue or an 'action' based writer? Ofc it's good to be good at both but people have their own strong suits. For me, for example, I'm much better at descriptive writing than dialogue so that's what I focus most of my writing around
People also have their own unique styles and formatting to their writing - I feel as though mine is pretty distinctive with certain types of vocabulary and paragraph spacing/grammar/etc - so I guess it would be good to find a style that works good for you! For example, don't stick to lengthy paragraphs of immense detail if that doesn't come naturally to you, etc
My absolute top priority when writing is to not tell the readers what's going on, but to show it. Sometimes 'They felt X/Y/Z' is a useful tool for emphasising a particular point, but sometimes it detracts from the writing overall.
As an example: 'He felt as if his heart was going to burst from his chest...' (This can be good when used in the right moments, but if that's the only descriptor the writing loses a bit of life to it)
Compared to: 'His heart hammered painfully against his taut ribs as he gasped uselessly for breath...' (This is showing rather than just simply telling, and is how I personally prefer to write a majority of the time)
It's also important not to repeat yourself unnecessarily - it can be good to repeat when you're really trying to emphasise a point, but sometimes writing can stagnate and become less engaging? It's very difficult to find the right balance but it makes a world of difference to a piece of text
For dialogue (arguably my weakest skill) the best piece of advice is that you cannot write accurately how people in real life talk. When we talk we mostly fill out thoughts with nonsense and fluff out the main point - you can't write this because the readers will become disengaged. There's an important balance to find between being too formal for speech, maintaining the main point of the conversation, and ensuring the characters still sound like themselves. I tend to really try and put myself in the characters heads, think about what they'd actually say, and then 'translate' it into a written format that works whilst keeping that characters traits.
The way I 'learnt' to write was through reading, and I'd really recommend you read in your desired writing language (I'm guessing English from your ask) to see the typical structures and vocabulary of that language when written down. Direct translations don't always work, especially with literature, because there are phrases and sayings and common slights-of-tongue that are language specific, so I think it's really useful to get used to that language in its own written form, yk?
I forgot!! But it's also important not to tell your readers everything. Let them fill some gaps in on their own - they don't need to be told how a line of dialogue was said if it's obvious in the speech and context, and they don't always need to know how a character moved across a room or what their hands are doing 100% of the time. Sometimes the best parts of stories are the bits that go unsaid :)
Sorry, this is rambling and probably not very useful, but I've never given writing advice before.
Writing really is all down to the author finding their own 'voice' within their texts, and I'm sure you're writing will be great!!! I hope this helps! :))
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amoonytalks · 5 days
0.0 - maybe a preface
Welcome to my first post. This is more a kind of a preface than an introduction, but I cant say nothing for sure. Besides not knowing anything about nothing, I dont feel like Im a very reliable narrator. But, feel welcomed. I dont know if this will reach anyone, but if it does, please stay. I would really really love to have company.
Before I start with my idea for that blog, I would like to make a few (not important) things clear. For example, telling you that Im just a refugee from the deceased (at least in my country) twitter, so I still feel a little out of place with some things here.
Well, I always wanted a blog. But I never really knew how to ''tie the ends'' together and form one for real. Now that I was practically forced out of my comfort zone and found other social networks, I was very interested in how I discovered the dynamics of Tumblr. So here will be the beginning of my secret diary.
You only need the most basic. I am an ordinary person, one of many scattered around every corner. I like stars, making brownies, things with cheese, things with artificial watermelon flavor, art in all forms and creating fake scenarios in my head. I dont like chemistry, crowded places, sunday afternoons, coffee without sugar and things with peanuts.
Okay. We break the barrier of the unknown, I guess. I could give a more detailed introduction to myself, but I kinda feel like it would lose the appeal of curiosity. I dont really know if that this appeal exists, but I enjoy more thinking that it does, so I will maybe have a more in-depth writing. I feel like I have a lot to say and a superficial vocabulary for it (and this has nothing to do with the fact that english isnt my first language).
You will see that, in fact, actually, I talk too much. Which can sometimes result in long, tiring and uninteresting texts. Tumblrs algorithm also seems a little difficult to, idk, become a famous person here. Think Im ok with that. If you, an unknown person, suddenly came across this post, feel free to sit with me and let's have a good time together, ok?
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velvetporcelain · 8 months
ma'am? please call me babycakes.
meh. I am present, yet idle. dinner needs to be made soon so I try and shapeshift. what if I am always trying to be something I'm not? cooking, cleaning, mother?
what if I am, in fact, very disciplined? it would make sense why I crave chaos.
I still have thoughts. I still have questions.
but do they matter? I get tired of all the spiritual jargon going around. I cant look at the internet the same. my vision is tainted, which is advantageous. I am always the victor. I think the bad happens so you can see the good. do we choose to see the good or do we stare evil in the eyes? is this what they mean when they say heaven and hell is just a mindset? what you think, you become.
I desire to become nothing. Please do not think of this as a statement of self pity, because it is not. It is a statement of emptiness. an emptiness that allows room for all that moves through me without exploding. there is no room for war.
should you ask a persons permission to love them? what is it about love that makes us feel trapped? loyalty? desire? addiction? instinct? love is free so they say. but they dont tell you what it costs you to get there. to get to that mindset of letting love go. holding on loosely. dare I dream of something obsessive. I really need to be careful for what I ask for. If I keep thinking this way, I will pay attention to every sign that says to do so.
Think about it. Women want to be loved so badly that we want to be kidnapped. Thinking that we are something fucking special. HA. I mean we lose the ability to judge, loves blind much? Woman can bypass this terror because they are convinced that it's role-play, and her life really isn't in danger, until it is. I am walking a fine line. We love being that pretty prey, but only by someone we know?
Why are women so obsessed with true crime? why are women a vessel of suffering----- made to betray herself in order to save man. eve eats apple. sin. sin.sin. blood. blood.blood. betrayal. I cant believe people actually think a menstrual cycle is a curse.
one time. my male German Shepard jumped through a window for my female once.
do humans have the same instincts? are we looking to spend our lives with someone or are we attaching ourselves to security. emotionally. mentally. physically. what if youre with the wrong partner because of that? Or what if life isn't that serious? Settling is what humans are really good at. We've been doing it since the beginning of time. when did we ever become content as a race? it seems nothing is ever really talked about but the collateral damage of the law. What happens when Jesus is no longer our savior? what I mean by that is, when people decide to stop believing that anything could possibly save us from ourselves. is that the rapture? I like to think that language and words meant very different things. What the Bible written in English originally? Who translated this? wouldn't be unfair to say that they could even compare. our vocabulary compared to theirs? the times? the era? the age? the fact that NO ONE WAS FUCKING THERE. lol
you can say anyone is god. I want to know what happens when you take a test group of babies and for their entire developmental lives you don't tell them about religions. I want to know what happens then. WHAT HAPPENS THEN?
I'm still vibing off my morning. I love existing, it's honestly pretty cool and love when the art of being present disguises itself as idle time, "boredom." look what I have done. took a single leap down into an entire universe in my brain. a magician's hat. a very deep, deep black hole of infinite possibility. Infinite magic. maybe that's us getting to the top of the mountain. and we all know how heavy it is on the last mile--- what if boredm is a sign of peak progress? It's telling you it is ready to create and find new things. It- being your mind? why does IT crave? what does it really want. I dont believe it really wants all this malnourished entertainment.
what have we done? it has dimmed our shine as a species. so many people living very different lives all waiting for purpose. all while knowing of our own mortality, which only teaches us how to pursue beauty. animals do not know the their surroundings as far as their concerned it's just another day of survival. I dont think animals live, I think they survive.
if you think about it, that's probably what humans did for awhile too. which brings me to my thoughts on what sort of powers or abilites we have lost along the way. I say humans dont know HOW to think. they just think. and that's all they know. I mean no one really stops to think about it because it just always has happened ever since you can remember. what about thinking intentionally? it is a loop hole in the mind. when you think with intention, it results in action, manifestation.
do you think people can be in love with the idea of something?
maybe I was in love with the idea of being in love.
maybe I'm just delusional making me insane and I'm nothing but empty poetry, and universal sift.
I accept thy will.
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
There's also a fair amount of Snarry in russian from what I've seen 👀👀 (a lot of it is on other websites though?)
(but for real that's like one of the reasons I picked russian in uni, I figured, there's lots of stuff online that's in russian, it should help. It didn't because I still have to decipher every word like in japanese but like. In spirit. I would be able to read more Snarry. Maybe one day.)
Also conversational in french?? Damn what is it with everyone learning french, why would you pick this language??? This is like affectionate ribbing of french, it's just every time I think about a Bescherelle I want to scream, I couldn't imagine subjecting myself to learning it from scratch (says girl who took japanese I guess, biases and all)
Omg okay so when I started getting back into German last week the first thing i checked was for snarry fics and there were like 12 pages worth and omg, I've already got a few in my Marked for Later to come back to once I have enough vocabulary!
I do fully intend to learn Russian someday, Russian my beloved, when I was in highschool I used to be able to read a little bit even though i was never consistent, and I'd genuinely love so much to be able to get back into it and be able to go further <33 i just already have three languages active rn, and since my goals require I be fairly fluent in each, as well as having a fourth language in the wings for as soon as i can get the other three into a good maintenance point, i just cant do Russian rn and likely wont be able to get to it for a few years.
But the fact that theres lots of snarry in Russian too really helps 👀👀
So i picked French because my school didnt offer German. It was either French or Spanish, you had to pick one or the other, and then in highschool there was also the option to either add or switch to Latin. I picked French. I was pretty good at it, i dropped it in my junior year then picked it back up in my senior year and ended up being conversational enough to be able to use it at work (i worked a food stand at an amusement park that was only 2 hours from Montreal). Ive forgotten a lot of it, though i can still read some things. I kinda miss it tbh, it was really fun being able to actually communicate lol!
But yeah, im mostly focusing on ASL and German to prevent the usual ADHD gets too excited and cant fulfill anything thing! I need to learn ASL despite having really no interest in it because im losing my hearing and dont want to learn once im deaf. And im learning German because i grew up around native Germans enough so that i can read and listen decently enough for someone whos never formally learned it, but i want to be able to actually write and speak in it too! I wouldnt call German a heritage language for me bc it wasnt my parents who spoke it, its my grandparents, but its still kinda a heritage language for me, yknow?
But yeah! I have a list of like 10 or 11 languages that id like to learn, but thats like. Long game, 20-30 years from now goals 😅 for right now im just focusing on ASL and German, and once my textbook comes in ill be learning Tibetan too!
Wow this turned into a whole ass ramble, im sorry!! Love you!!
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thehealingplum · 10 months
I was talking with my counselor again and she said
We dont show up as our best selves when our stress is turned up to max
And I guess I have to remind myself how unsafe and miserable I felt during 2020 and 2021.
I was still living with my dad. I wasn't really able to grow and be myself. I was being babied. Controlled. My vocabulary was even limited. I had to drop everything and get up as soon as he or my stepmother called my name. Worst of all, they never took my input on anything when it came to talking about how uncomfortable my living situation was upstairs. The cold. The bugs. The fiberglass that had come in through the attic. It was bad.
I was working at a radio station. A Christian radio station. Ironically the most hellish place I ever worked in. Carpeted walls older than me. Broken chairs covered in plastic bags and duct tape. The entire building falling apart. The room we sat in would flood, and the owner wouldn't call any professionals to fix it. He'd just patch it up himself. I cannot imagine just how much mold there was in that place.
Enotionally babysitting my mother who was in yet another terrible relationship. She continued to be grieving after losing her own mother and couldn't handle her emotions very well so she poured out all of her negative emotions onto us with little regard for our boundaries.
Political unrest. I remember protests happening in my city and worrying about the potential for brutality. I remember hearing helicopters overhead and wondering if something bad was happening.
Losing a dear friend. I know for a fact that was my snapping point. I remember getting the news from their mother. I fell apart. I felt like I had no control over anything in my life and I wanted to be in control of something.
I sought out people to validate all my anger and sadness. I tried to gather everything I could to justify lashing out at someone.
And now I sit here feeling remorse for behaving that way. I'm not excusing any of my behavior now. But I just. Needed to remind myself that people have limits. And the amount of stuff I went through all at once was just. It was too much. Of course I lashed out when I was losing my support group. It had previously been something that had given me comfort. Anyone would desperately want to hold onto that. It's only natural that I was angry.
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hello tumblr if anyone knows how to get the executive dysfunction to lose the dys for a bit thatd be great /srs
im feeling the gifted kid burnout rn HARD
one of the ONLY school things i enjoy, Theatre, is having auditions on Tuesday.
I HAVE to practice this monologue to get it at least somewhat known
However, I REALLY REALLY dont want to do anything. at all right now.
I have to practice my monologue and practice the like 1 sentence blurb to show emotion (i also have to study organelles in animal cells and pre-ap english vocabulary but I'm Not Worried about that right now)
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tw: mentions of sh, suicide, pstd, all that fun stuff
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livingbutamireally · 2 years
AY2022/2023 Y4S1 Module Reviews
I have been putting this off for awhile and have been writing this over the span of a few weeks truthfully maybe even a month. I have no idea what is it in this semester but i get tired just from doing absolutely nothing. We already knew but the transition from work back to school wasnt easy at least for me couldnt remember some of the coding stuff i used to have at my fingertips. But i guess there was enough mods for me to practice them over so it didnt take too long for me to get back on my feet. Feels so surreal that its finally my last modreg season actually....
Without further ado the
LAJ2201 Japanese 2
GEH1016 Understanding Consumption
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project
BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
LAJ2201 Japanese 2
Kitai S., Amazaki O.
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Main textbook Second Edition (SGD42.00)   
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Translation & Grammatical Notes in English Second Edition (SGD33.00)
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Hyoojun Mondaishuu Second Edition (SGD18.00)
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Kanji Eigoban Kanji (English Edition) Second Edition (SGD32.00)
Prices are how the school vendor charges, if you can source cheaper ones outside feel free to get those instead! You will need Hyoujun Mondaishuu in physical copy so please get that at the very least.
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Term Test 1 Performance i dont know if im allowed to share this info tbh here goes nothign
                                                             Ave        highest     full mark
Kanji & Vocabulary                       8.3         10             10
Grammar 1 Particles                    5.9         8                8
Grammar 2 True or False             4.4         6                6
Grammar 3 Finding errors           2.5          6                6
Reading                                       7.6         10              10
Listening                                      7.5         11             12
Term Test 2 Components *performance not revealed
Kanji + Katakana Grammar 1 (particle) Grammar 2 (true/false) Grammar 3 (conjugation) *new Grammar 4 (finding error) Reading Listening
honestly LAJ has been very exciting for me personally if not one of the most fun moments ive had in nus. sure 1 sem is barely enough for you to ground yourself in the fundamentals of a language and of course interest far supersedes any kind of effort u put in because it is not the hours u put into it that count, but rather the passive picking up of things as u go along. sounds cheesy as hell that is probably true. anyways laj has been nothign short of enjoyable despite the really tight timeline plus very consistent schedule of always being on the grind for submissions. the workload really IS a lot and its very time consuming so i have to think hard if i really want to take this next sem. honestly as someone whos been into this hellhole for awhile, learning it formally is still really different from anything ive been doing on my own (watchign etc).... like i didnt know i still have so much i dont know??? ok tbf i came in with no grammar knowledge other than the basic の and と that any seasoned otaku would know so i struggled Hard.. but i think the experience of learning with new friends really ive made eased it in so much for me... i love it.. 1000/10 would recommend if ur already into the culture idt u have anything to lose?? idt i did well throughout tbh as in weekly quizes ive got a lot of 6/10s but on days where i studied 30 mins before the class i get 9/10 so do what u got to do ig. my term test perf wasnt very good either so im not getting my hopes up despite me taking this module with the intentions to bring my gpa up. 
for the drill every week theres 1 lecture, 2 tutorials. the lecture goes through one chapter of the minna textbook which includes both a set of vocabulary and some grammar rules. for tut A u got to hand in the kanji homework and theres a vocab quiz too in class that u need to prep before hand. tut A also goes through renshuu C-1 and C-2 dialogues usually. And every sun there are prep quizes for  both vocab and kanji due, this preps u for the in class quiz can retake as many times to perfect ur score. for tut B u got to hand in the hyoujun mondaishuu (physical) for the previous weeks lecture and they go through more speech patterns covered in renshuu C-3 usually. Renshuu C is where u find the dialogues that you will need again for the oral interview basically memory work. Oral interview pairs u with a classmate and u guys take turns to talk, what is tested is the same as renshuu C just under different context/setting. sometimes theres additional hw to submit for shadowing (recording urself repeating the dialogue right after a recorded dialogue), writing (short compo) and reading (comprehension). When its nearing term tests, u will get a listening quiz the week before tt iirc the stuff are said only ONCE so if u zone out then byebye. The term test itself also has a listening component which is basically the same drill again for god knows why. other than that we had this online exchange session pretty fun with other jp uni students zoom n chat kind of thing then a presentation on ur exchange in w13. Pretty fun time passes too fast in laj honestly it made my week go by too fast (spend too much time doing jp).
GEH1016 Understanding Consumption
Professor  Dr. Hendrik M.
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Introduction - Thinking about Consumption
Geographies of Consumption
Consumption in History
Economics and Consumption
Business and Consumption
Psychology and Consumption 
Society and Consumption
Cultures of Consumption
Politics and Consumption
Ethics of Consumption
Environment and Consumption
Internet and Consumption and Conclusions 
Took this as a ue just for the sake of a ue.. i saw the reviews saying its essay based sparks flew jk i think its like any other ge tbh the lectures go through consumption as viewed from the various disciplines, assumptions et cetera et cetera its like a content kind of mod? i skipped most of the later half of the lectures because my schedule was really so bad i needed more time for my other mods priorities right and i didnt do any of the readings theres just too much and im not that much of a reader i know.. attention span lasts for at msot 5s and these readings are like 30 pages on average long some weeks theres 2 readings i simply cant wiht the reading.. other than that u kind of just need to know what they are covering in the lectures so i should be safe..crossing my fingers.... tutorial wise its kind of seminar style? the tutor is able to talk a lot out of nothing sometimes which amazes me...its very nothing module idh a better word low effort ish? just sometimes we need to present and stuff in our groups for the tutorials and the final presentation on our location of research and findings..class part alright... essay is some reflection paper on what has been taught i think it wsa week 4/5 ish then group project is any location of your choice to study on the different perspectives of consumption and a bit of research u come up with this academic paper (tutor is very niao about the citation style and stuff so please be careful) then the original written finals by some reason i dont rmb became a take home final essay which is better for me since more time (not really for me cause AFA LOL) anyways shitted out the paper a day before submissions and still alive so...
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project
Professor Um S.Y., Hahn J.P.
Individual Component Consultation Participation        25% Weekly logs                            10% Group Component Presentations + Project deliverables      50% Client Satisfaction                                   15%
Note: The score for the teamwork component of your grade will be normalised based on your contribution to the team, which will be determined via a peer evaluation process and a client satisfaction survey at the mid/end of the semester
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Lectures for this mod only happened once during the start of the sem, on nusmods its a 3h long one but dw that only will occur just once. Following weeks will be a 30min consult that is set at the convenience of the group and the prof/TA can be held on another day as well really up to you. So at the start there was about 20 (?) projects on the portal they will brief you during that initial lecture and you can go in to look at the descriptions of the deliverables if it aligns with your groups interest. You bid for them by ranking the 20 projects and the assignment of groups to their projects is on fcfs basis (other than by rank) so please manage the time for bidding well if you want to get the project of your choice. Yeah and then you get to exchange contacts with your company etc to for an introduction of the expected work proper. After that you kind of really just liaise back and forth with your company on the submission, and every week the profs will check in with you on your progress, any doubts/challenges etc etc basically a slot to update on your work. There is a weekly log submission too due Fri 12pm where u outline your contributions in a doc to be submitted. Other than that for the presentations, there is an interim one nearing recess week and a final one in week 13. Interim was online/physical at your choice even though they did not make it very clear and finals is definitely physical with your project sponsors as well. Tip is to make sure u choose projects that you definitely have stuff to talk about.... if its too easy its a bit hard to make your project and value of work delivered look substantial enough.... 
BT4212 Search Engine Optimisation and Analytics
Professor Jin C.
Class participation 5%
In-class quiz 5%
Homework assignments and group project 40%
Final exam 50%
Keywords research, Google ranking algorithm updates, on-page/off-page SEO, randomized experiment design, A/B test, ranking algorithm, data mining and ml methods
This actually is still a pretty interesting module even up till now but i especially rmb telling another friend how the content isnt dry like the other modules well till i was proven wrong with the experiment design flashbacks to ger1000 but overall i think its still pretty interesting the prof also is very engaging as in he talks in a way that captures your attention? or at the very least isnt very monotonous and he does put in the effort to come up with very relevant analogies amidst all the inevitably dry content Oh the reason why i was impressed was i actually finally understand?? the source material?? like snaps fingers enlightenment kind of thing???? hes actually really good at conveying the material without making it seem like the daunting insurmountable mountain... the first few weeks are fine though they ease u in wiht all the motivations behind efforts to improve seo ranking and the google ranking updates which are very interesting to learn about.. the ranking algo and ml parts are towards the end after week 7 and things start to get a bit haywire because its suddenly knee dip into matrices (after 3 years) and stuff solving eigenvectors (i thought we moved on from maths) </3 then towards the end the usual ml recap all over again this is good since most bt mods does a ml refresher over the models and stuff again so its a good recap or even does a good job introducing for those who are touchnig these for their first time. 
The quizes kind of didnt happen until after week 7 iirc theres only 2 for our sem its a 5 mcq luminus quiz kind of thing and its all ctrl-f-able open book so try to get 5/5 for these. The homework assignments are also more congregated towards the second half of the sem so just manage your time well and expect these to take up some keyword some of your time. There are 4 of those in total, the first is a simple writeup pretty much no biggie then the remaining 3 are coding assignments but most of it u would have the pseudocode to do the same he explains it in lectures then u just kind of code it out the final one being more ml driven so if you’ve done ml before u wont struggle much anyway. Else can just google the source code its always p much the same plug and pull easy game. The finals though...........
(minute of silence)
its a written paper so u kind of sit down for 2h doing the problems for the final week (w13) the prof will go through finals questions from previous sems if u revised it then ur gtg u can expect about the same. But i didnt plan my time well plus confused by the requirements (choose all that apply for mcqs) and the answer fields being in a table of boxes from q1 to 20  do i really put e.g. a,b,c within one box for one question?? and the option d is a whole ‘all above’ really got me second guessing myself until idk anymore if i rmb correctly the format was 20 MCQs, 4 short answer questions (not really short but compared to the longer ones behind), 1 long ass question with many subparts that tests computation i.e. stats stuff and the matrices stuff
Anyways grades please be nice to me crying i lost too many marks because id dint have the time (for the first time if im being honest) Theres also one group project but no news from the prof until very late into the sem maybe week 8? 9?  they had to finalise some sutff like if our blogs were indexed (most of it was not) so it became a project plan write up kind of thing how u plan to conduct the experiment to test out whether changing up some things affect the seo ranking instead of actually executing it out (profs original intention) might differ next sem tell me about it then
This is a sem 1 only mod and i think u should definitely take this up if the module title intrigues you because out of all the bt mods ive taken most barely even correspond to the module title T_T but this one surprisingly does a good job at it as for workload wise i think its pretty manageable just got to expect a little more than nothing in the later half of the sem
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
Professor Wang Q.H.
Assignment 1 (10%)
Quiz 1 (10%)
Assignment 2 (10%)
Project proposal submission and presentation (5%)
Assignment 3 (10%)
Quiz 2 (10%)
Project deliverables (40%)
Attendance class participation (5%)
ML intro, web scraping, feature engineering, regularisation, NLP, classification methods, linear/logistic regression, bayesian learning/ svm, decision tree, ensemble learning and random forests, neural nets and deep learning, word embedding, convolutional neural net recurrent neural net and other DNN and explainability
This is one of the more popular pes because it  coincides for a few specs or sth im sure its also why i thought this should be one of the more useful  ones granted it aligns for more than 1 spec.. Anyway what im saying is that most bza students would have taken this mod. And sure enough i think the prof this sem wang qh did a really good job covering this mod cant say the same for zhao yl for last sem.. u all really.. Anyways once again like many bt mods its a very ML focused one so u get to explore the various ML models if you like doing that. The prof also provide source codes so its very helpful when you need to refer in future and stuff. Nothing much to say ba its quite good theres class part so maybe half way through the lecture she will put up the attendance gforms then u fill it in on the spot usually during the break i.e. 1h 10m into the lecture (she sets alarm for this to make sure she doesnt go over v cute) Other than that theres 2 tests (quizzes) held on examplify usually max max 30 mcq but these mcq are tricky as hell sometimes with 5/6 options so really ganbare. For the assignments its coding based and also very structured with guidelines in the ipynb plus u got all the source code so no problem ba mb just 1/2 question will be q hard but other than that no biggie ive always been the last minute so maybe allocate about a week should be enough. Then theres also a project that you can work on throughout the sem, yes as you learn more ml models through the week the problem statement is really up to you and your group and how u want to achieve it also very open ended... (jsut like the BT4221 i took) except u already know theres this project at the start of the sem i.e. more time to work on it unlike bt4221....... just need to submit project proposal at the start of the sem then ur report findings, codes and stuff at the end with a presentation for proposal (cancelled for us due to no time) and a presentation in w13 (can be 1/2 person presenting for the group) there will be a lot fo groups presenting and then we have a gforms to rate their projects as part of the evaluation no finals for this (yay) bc she thinks the doing is more importatn (getting down to prep the data, actual model implementation basically the practical stuff compared to content content stuff (WHICH SHOULD BE THE WAY TO GOOO) very practically speaking all the theory is all google-able whether u can do it is something else entirely
0 notes
peakywitch · 2 years
Old Chapters - Michael Gray
A/N: Season 6 spoilers AND PURE PURE PURE MICHAEL ANGST, quite the harsh vocabulary, mentions of a hypothetic abusive partner (there's no violence towards anyone!), almost a love triangle, michael x reader & tommy x reader, harshness level season 6! If you dont understand the story, don't worry neither do i lmaoo anyways enjoy xx
2k words
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The bell on the door rang, snitching on whoever got into the bookstore. Maybe it was Adam, who couldn’t take a no for an answer and came today to bother, yet again. But the guards that watched over the shop had strict rules from Tommy himself to not let him anyway near the door. Y/N listened carefully, trying to decipher the noise, if the intruder did any. She was kneeling down, and the stranger interrupted her while she was doing some stock review. Slowly, the small notepad that was in her hand was placed on the floor, and this helped her to find balance with the shelf in front of her.
“I’m sorry,” she said a few seconds after not hearing anything, “we’re already closed, we close at six, please come back tomorrow!”
She heard nothing in return, so maybe it was Tommy. But even the man announced himself every time. She waited a few more seconds but still, no noise. Not even Adam tumbling around and making books fly down. This silence was more dreadful than the Welsh curses that came from her suitor.
With a trembling hand, Y/N found reassurance when she hid the small gun in the pocket of her long, brown skirt. Before leaving the room she took a deep breath, trying to force a steady, undoubtful grip if needed. But, when she entered the main salon, a man was looking through pages of a book that had been bought more often than any other. But it wasn’t just any man.
It was Michael.
He was just standing there as if he owned the place and was doing some stock research.
“Hello, Y/N.” his low voice vibrated through her whole body, “long time no see.”
Indeed, long time no see.
She didn’t answer. She couldn’t answer. There was no possible answer, there was no need for a warm welcome. He didn’t deserve the Welcome back to Birmingham Michael! nor did he deserve her tears. Yet, she couldn't control those.
“You own this place now?” He asked, and for the first time in years, she saw his eyes, again. The last time she had seen him, it was at Polly’s funeral. His eyes expressed many more things than he had ever expressed. But now, he looked shallow, bored to death and stuck in limbo.
“Only one thing has changed in the last few years, and it’s something I thought you’d never lose. Your way with words.” He closed the book softly and left it in its original place. Now, all of his attention was directed to her.
“I ran out of words that morning, Michael. I don’t have anything else to say to you. Not that you would care, or that they would matter.”
When Michael left for Boston, it was a Thursday morning. She found out after she spent the night at Polly’s because of a fight the afternoon before. She was in Tommy’s office, and the leather couch was acting as a safety net because after he left without her she found herself spiralling out of control in her anxiousness. In the shatters of her heart, now scattered all over the place. Tommy took matters into his own hands when he found out that his cousin didn’t have the courtesy to tell his girlfriend that he was leaving. Without her.
Michael cleared his throat.
“I’m not here to talk about the past-” he took both of his gloves off, and the shinny wedding band that was hiding under the leather twisted a knife that she thought was long lost.
“There’s no past to talk about.” She muttered, trying to sound confident. He stared at her while taking off his hat. Those same, deep blue eyes always gave him a smug look, yet a kind one. His hair was smoothly brushed, and there wasn't a strand out of place. He was looking as if he had a nice life.
“I’ll be quick, and I’ll be blunt, too. Tommy wants me dead-” His voice sounded loud and clear, he obviously developed confidence out of nowhere.
“That much I know.” Y/N voiced out with a bit of sarcasm and Michael raised his eyebrows, surprised at her newfound tone and continued.
“And I, also, want him dead. But not just because I want to live enough to see my and Gina’s son grow up, but also because I want him to pay for what he did to my mum.”
My and Gina's son.
Lawrence Gray.
She saw the boy once, in a picture that was published in the papers in an article about Gina’s uncle, Jack, opening a new hospital for children and using his nephew and media bait. Blonde hair, and Michael’s face. There was no denying it. That’s what hurt the most. Because if the baby looked a bit more like Gina, she could have brushed it off. Maybe think of her as a whore. But it wasn’t the case. Same soft nose, long lips and that smile she had once seen in him, as he was a boy in the village.
The village.
That haunted, forsaken place that they wanted to leave way behind. That place that they left behind, together. Only for her to be left behind next.
“I want you to help me to take him down, Y/N. I can’t do it without you.” Y/N snorted out a laugh, he couldn’t be serious! He had to be joking!
“Oh my God, I think you should ease it with the snow, Michael.” she laughed out, but he remained unmovable in his place. He wasn’t joking.
“He trusts you, Y/N. And this is not for me-” his voice started to raise, letting her know that he took her laughter as an offence.
“Everything is always because and for you, Michael!” She fought back.
“This is for my mum!” he yelled. And Y/N stood in her place. The only time that she heard him yell, was the day of the fight, she would be lying if she said Michael was a verbally abusive partner. Maybe a dickhead, an idiot and sometimes a fucking twat. But he never abused her, in any way. Which made Y/N hate him more because if he was as nasty and as easy to hate as Adam, she wouldn't have had a tough time getting over him.
She stayed there, petrified in front of him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.”
Fuck you, Michael Gray. Let me hate you.
“I want you to help me. And then, I will help you to keep the bookstore, or I can help you move out of Birmingham. I just… I need to trust someone inside.” He was trying his best to look… sensitive. To provoke something.
Y/N stared at him, not believing what he had just said. He became a stupider man.
“Gina sucked the intelligence out of you, Michael?” She laughed in disbelief.
Michael looked away. His ex-girlfriend talking about his wife and- yeah, she still had her thing with words.
“You actually want me to join you because you want to see how I'll stick with Tommy and want to convince yourself that you were right, that I would have eventually betrayed you. Or left you for Tommy or some shit like that. But guess what? I am not taking sides here-”
“There’ll be a day where you will need to choose a side.”
He sounded like a holy man, talking about judgement day. It made her crawl in her own skin.
“Jesus, Michael, who do you think I will choose? The man that left me and married someone else without notice? Or the man that took a chance on me and is now helping me? Do you want me to choose if the day comes? Fine, I will. But just know Michael, I would never betray you.” he smiled, “but then again, I will never betray Thomas. Because, unlike you, he never betrayed me, or my trust.”
“He betrayed me, and my mother!”
“You failed him first! You set him up, you sold him to Changretta, Michael! The man that killed John and almost killed you! And then, you betrayed me, I was your girlfriend! You told me you loved me!”
“Oh, come on! We were both barely 20, what did we know about love, ey!?” There it is, there it fucking is. A reason to hate him. “I heard you say that you loved me, night after night! And then, you just evaporated, and he was the one that told me, he was the one that helped me move out so I wouldn’t have to be the one to take everything out of your house, Michael! I was distraught!”
“I was young, Y/N!” he stated, trying to defend his reckless actions.
“I was younger, Michael! Three, almost four years younger! Fuck! But I always had at least a bit of human decency in m’self! I would have never, ever done something to you that would hurt you in the very least! And guess what? Age is not an indication of emotional responsibility, my son is ten times more considerate than you, and he is three years old!”
The sentence ripped apart her throat and her heart. Months of anger, nights of tears and mornings of dread. His ghost danced around the house for months on every sleepless night. Michael stood there, frozen, and she kept on speaking, allowing the words she only dreamed of saying to come out.
“So guess what? I will stand by the man that never betrayed me. You just want to see me sell you out, because you know I would if you ever told me about your plan of killing Thomas. Because he’s the only one left that I have, and I would sell you out if that meant I got to keep him. You wanted to see if you could trust me? Well, guess what? You can’t! You fucking can’t! Just like I will never, ever trust in you again!”
He laughed bitterly, and putting on his hat again, he spoke grimly.
“I always knew you’d betray me in the end.”
“No, you got this wrong. I will never betray the man that I love. Neither the man that I once loved. And.. not only did I love you, Michael. I adored you. Shit, I would have left for America with you! But… but now I’m so glad I never did. I have a loyal man by my side who cares for me and our kid. And I have barely any time to think of you and how you broke my heart. So go ahead. Go ahead and try to make me betray my husband, Michael. Because if you ever get a bullet in that fucked up brain of yours, it will be because of me. Don’t try my limits, because I am not the same stupid and disposable girl you once knew.”
The shallow and gloomy facade he once had, was now long gone. Even though he was the one to force her to move on, he was shameless enough to believe she actually would move on.
“So…” he said, putting on his gloves, “you have a son?” Was this some attempt to guilt-trip her?
“Yes, James. Causes more trouble than I ever did. But then again, it’s the Shelby blood, they were also quite the thing.” She smiled for the first time she had seen him that day. A small, shy and sad smile. Michael's eyes roamed her entire body, and smiled, after noticing one small detail.
“That they are.”
They stayed in silence looking everywhere but at each other. The books, the shelves, the chandelier, and the small cat sleeping in the staircase that everyone seemed to love. Without a word, Michael walked to the door and Y/N followed carefully every step. He placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door after twisting it softly. The cold, winter air filled the shop.
“I’m happy you have James now. But you also forgot three small details. You’re not wearing a wedding band, nor is your finger shaped to its form, I doubt Tommy would allow that. You also forget that we both, too, were quite a handful. And the last one, you were never a good liar. Goodbye, Y/N.”
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weirdsht · 2 years
warning: a long ranting character analysis ahead. its a character analysis but i put my own personal experience in it hence why a rant. also my vocabulary sucks and i might use wrong words im sorry in advance difuhgopeihpgerty
not sure if this is because i'm a humanities student or its just i can relate because of what i realized while trying to find out about myself but i have some 2cents about Cale's personality.
everything happened late to Cale and that has a big impact on his beliefs and values
it was too late when he met the Soos and became freinds with them. it was too late when that grandma doted on him.
because from what i learned its hard to undo your mindset specially when it has been built up since you were young
consciously or unconsciously
from since he was young cale probably unconsciously concluded that he isn't worth that much and that things could always be worse than this
thats why as long as his alive that's good enough for him. even if his barely on the edge of living with his plate in shambles
like even though Jung Soo and Soo Hyuk and other people he has met later on showed him and tried to teach him that what his doing isnt okay. that he should have higher standards and not just settle for "at least i'm alive". they can't really reset years of accumulated mindset
basically what im saying is its nearly impossible to undo trauma guys
specially with what he went through during his childhood since childhoods always have a great affect in our lives
it doesn't matter if the treatment change or the one inflicting it is gone, once you get used to thinking like that it's hard to turn back y'know
idk how to explain so i'll give a personal example instead
my mom is an overachiever and is very intelligent, and as her child she also expect me to be the same or even surpass her, she's also someone who has a lot of trust issues specially in relationships
imagine that mixing and being projected lol
so for years its just her grilling me to do better. saying that i'm lazy and not putting enough effort on my studies because i can't maintain being a honor student, not realizing the fact fact that maybe, just maybe it's just that i'm not as smart as her. even her standards are crazy high, just passing isn't enough heck a passing grade is a fail for her (asian mom's amiright)
and that also became detrimental to my social life because she's always comparing. she also keeps engraving that they don't really care for me and such and u know the typical manipulation
but nowadays she's calmed downed a bit. she's more open about me having friends and she isn't as strict about me being an honorable student
did that change anything? not really lmaoo
because in the back of my mind i'm thinking that if i dont do well she's gonna have an outburst again, or if i tell her about my friends she's going to say all sorts of things again and i don't want to lonely again. and so the result is me being constantly on guard and her wondering why im hostile
i hope that explains how it greatly affect things
you bring those thoughts and beliefs with you even when you grow up. even when things get better. whether you realize it or not
its really just something you can't get rid of honestly
and that's what i think happened to cale
unknowingly getting the share of White Star's curse made him lose everything he loves and care for
his parents dying
his uncle abusing him
him getting abandoned
just the world falling in ruin
all those things probably made him unintentionally come to the conclusion that he isn't really worth much, and view things that other people would consider necessity, the basic necessities, a luxury
i'd like to believe that maybe he was slowly getting rid of that toxic mindset when he was with the Soos
then boom
they dead now
and so since that's what happened the one time he let his guard down his walls built up even more and his coping mechanisms got worse than they originally were
so probably thats why he acts the way he does when he finally became Cale
that's why this lovable mfer is so guarded, oblivious and so annoyingly dense
i just want for him to break out of it honestly. it wouldn't even matter to me if he realizes it or not. tbh him not realizing it is probably better. just accept the love being given to you damnit
and i thank you, thank you for coming to my ted talk HAHAHAHAHAHHASDGIUUSTPGW
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Villain X Hero Writing Prompt- Today is the Villain's birthday but due to a bad memory accosiated with it (and because the villain is kinda lonely) they dont celebrate. The villain has a battle with the hero with the hero merging victorious, kidnapping the villain. The villain thinks they've been kidnapped for information however the hero made made dinner and got a meaningful gift for the villain. Have fun with this prompt!
I love this concept. Villains being surprised with pleasantries is everything♡ I know I didn't quite get to the present part, but it felt like the right place to cut it off. I also just realized I kinda forgot about the "for information" part, oops. also I'm so sorry this took so long!
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As if their day couldn't suck any more than it already did, the villain had to go and top it off with losing in a fight with the city's hero.
Could this day get *any* worse?
They were handcuffed in the back of the hero's police car, driving through the city, towards the city jail, just like they had so many times before.
The villain had escaped jail multiple times, so this wasn't much more than a large inconvenience for them, at least it would have been, had it happened on *any* other day.
The criminal in question had gone out to avoid sitting at home alone with their thoughts today. Having to sit alone with their thoughts in a jail cell was an even worse option.
Letting out a deep sigh, they flopped back against the seat. Miserable. They just felt miserable. It felt like they couldn't even see colour in the world around them anymore.
"You're much quieter than usual," the hero commented as they drove, "Is something wrong?
"Excuse me‽"
"You're usually more talkative. These drives have never been this quiet before,"
"What do you care?" The villain muttered as they turned to look out the window.
That's when the villain suddenly realized something.
"Wait, we aren't going the right way," the villain blurted out, sitting up straighter suddenly.
The hero in the front seat gave a laugh under their breath, "you only just noticed?"
"This isn't the way to the station or city jail,"
"That would be because we aren't going to the station or city jail,"
The villain felt their throat tighten.
"Where are we going?" The villain asked, trying and failing to sound demanding. There were notes of slight fear. Nerves.
In the rearview mirror, the villain saw the hero glance at them, before their gaze fell back to the road ahead.
They didn't say anything.
"Hero..." the villain tried, "Where are you taking me...?"
"You'll see," was the hummed response.
A feeling of dread settled in their stomach.
Looking out the window, the car was already on the outskirts of the city.
Suddenly the radio was flicked on.
The villain swallowed nervously.
What a day to go out on, of all the 365 to choose from in a year.
After driving for close to half an hour, they were well outside the city and into the surrounding woods, pulling up to what looked like a small cabin.
It wasn't that the villain exactly *blamed* the hero for what they were about to do. Clearly, they'd pushed the other too far, or maybe the hero had finally grown tired of their game of cat and mouse.
This just wasn't how the villain imagined themselves leaving this mortal coil. It was always in a blaze of glory, last stand type of thing.
Still, they couldn't find it in themselves to fight back. Not today. Perhaps it was fate, to be taken out on the same day it all began. Poetic, if not ironic.
The hero got out of the car, straightening themselves and stretching for a moment before turning and opening the back door.
"Are you coming?" The hero asked, before surprisingly taking a step back away from the door so the villain could get out on their own. Not like it mattered, the hero probably knew there was nowhere to run out here now.
"Do I have a choice?" The villain muttered under their breath, looking at the ground.
The hero had the *audacity* to look *surprised* at that. As if they were shocked the villain wasn't jumping with excitement to get this over with.
"Well, I mean... no... I guess... I'd like to think I'm not forcing you but..."
The villain sighed, before swinging their feet out and standing up. Luckily, they'd been cuffed in the front this time, which- now that they thought about it, was also abnormal- but it made it easier to get out of the car on their own.
Still, they felt the hero put a hand under their arm to help steady them -as if polite bedside manner would change anything, only for the villain to shrug them off.
"I'm assuming there's nothing I can say to talk you *out* of doing this, is there?"
"What?" The hero asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"Ya know, pull the whole 'you don't have to do this, I'll be better, I swear' kind of thing?"
"Excuse me-?"
"I mean-" the villain continued. They were rambling now. Maybe the fear was finally fully starting to kick in. The desperation, because they really *didn't* want this. There was no way they'd allow themselves to beg, but- "it would be a lie either way, I guess, despite the fact I probably shouldn't have said that I'm assuming you'd already know anyway, so-"
"Whoa, whoa, slow down," the hero said, placing a hand on the villain's shoulder gently, snapping them out of their spiralling thoughts, "What in the world do you think I brought you out here for?"
The villain rolled their eyes, "At least make it quick, will you? And stop acting oblivious or like I forced your hand. At least own up to what your about to do,"
The other's eyes widened as the final piece clicked into place, "You think-! I'm not gonna kill you-!" They cried in what could have been mistaken for horror.
The criminal furrowed their brows.
"I brought you here to *show* you something, silly!" The hero explained, before stepping forward and unclipping the handcuffs off the villain's wrists.
Said villain's eyes widened, "what‽"
The hero nodded, smiling, "I have a surprise for you,"
"What?!" They asked again.
The hero only nodded excitedly before turning the villain by the shoulders and giving them a gentle push towards the door, "Go on! Look inside!"
The villain glanced at the hero uncertainty before stepping forward toward the cabin.
When they opened the door, they froze on the spot.
It wasn't anything crazy.... the inside looked like any other cabin. Table, chairs, small kitchen and living area with a couch and tv. Warm glowing lights and-
A banner hung from the ceiling that read in large letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
The villain spun around so fast they nearly gave themself whiplash, turning to the hero that had sense come up behind them.
They jumped back slightly, words and air catching in their throat as they gawked at the hero like they'd grown 3 more heads.
Said hero laughed lightheartedly, "Surprise!"
It was like that had become the only word in their vocabulary.
"I know it isn't decorated much, but I didn't think you'd like the cliche ribbons and streamers and party hats," they made some jazzhand-like gesture, "I was also going to blindfold you but I didn't think you'd let me do that either,"
The villain could only stare, like their brain couldn't process the words they were hearing.
"I also made dinner, and a cake! Oh! I also have a gift for you too!"
The villain didn't move.
"Oh, and one last thing, I gave up and the fun cliche stuff just for you so I'm gonna make you suck it up and accept a birthday hug,"
"Why..." the villain managed, "why would you..."
"Why not?"
"I don't deserve this, I don't-" their voice cracked.
"Hey," the hero said softly, taking a step forward, "I heard you didn't celebrate, and I couldn't just let that happen. Everyone deserves to have a good birthday,"
The villain couldn't find any words, but the single tear that managed to quickly slip out and down their cheek did all the speaking for them.
The hero gave a small, sympathetic smile before opening their arms.
Nobody moved for a moment, before the villain caved, stepping forward and looking at the ground. They didn't reciprocate, keeping their own arms close to their chest, but allowed the hero to wrap theirs around them.
They'd never realized just how much taller the hero was until they were basically burying their face into the heros collar.
The villain couldn't even bring themselves to care at the moment, because they suddenly felt so safe, which was bizarre, considering how they felt on the way, but here they were.
"I still don't think I deserve this. Especially from you," the villain muttered from where their head was still tucked down against the hero's chest.
"I don't think your qualified for that kind of thinking, considering what you thought you deserved on the way here, which I'm almost offended by, by the way,"
The hero was rewarded with a small laugh.
"So, come on," the hero said before suddenly pulling back. They reached up, gently using their thumb to brush away the tear track on the villains face, "no tears," They reached down, grabbing the villains hand to gently tug them further inside "let's make some better birthday memories,"
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Hey, I vicariously live in my imagination to escape from the reality.
So, I have been wondering about the Rogues reaction to Tony defeating thanos, the IronSmaug, taking over the world etc...
Have a go at it, if you are interested.
It's also fine if you dont.
thanks, I really, really needed the distraction. it's been. an interesting week. not in a good way.
tbh, the whole 'what does Team Cap think about this mess?' thing in TWiFFON is...something I had originally been torn about, and everything that's been happening ever since means I keep finding myself going "do I have the energy to tackle this? lol no".
For some context, because you probably know my stance on this sort of thing but I prefer redundancy just to make sure we're on the same page: once upon a time, I honestly, genuinely did like the Avengers. All of them, and yes, that included Wanda [...for less than an hour, but still].
Back when I still had faith in the writers, I was constantly going "...okay, so when are these guys going to stop acting so OOC? Where tf are they planning on taking these character arcs?" and just being disappointed at each turn— but I stuck around because I liked the potential. Steve "what do you mean punching fascists isn't cool anymore?" Rogers, Natasha "my past is a tire fire and I'll just leave it at that" Romanov, Clint "where's Loki? Let me at him!" Barton and the rest of the group had their good points, and I gave myself a headache trying to figure out wtf was their thought process when the time came for them to do their thing in TWiFFON.
It wasn't fun, I only did it because it was absolutely necessary... and I still ended up receiving complaints.
Look: for me, character bashing is exhausting. I have enough going down in my life that I don't have any interest in writing it, and over the past few years I've seen more than one of the fandoms I follow/lurk in become salt mines that have me going "...okay, if you hate it so much, why are you even here?"
When I write, I try my best to emphasize the 'actions have consequences' thing I learned long before I hit puberty; but that doesn't mean I'm up for anything beyond that. Again, I used to like these characters, so seeing the levels of suffering canon— and some writers— put them through just has me stepping back for a moment.
But TWiFFON attracted a lot of people who were pretty far out there in terms of what they wanted, some of whom got very very pissy when it wasn't the story I wanted to write, which is...probably like 99% of the reason I'm still burned out on that AU. Apart from the recent personal life bs that means I am Not Up To Dealing With any hypothetical rando that shows up in my inbox, because normally I could not care less about what people think but my energy levels are. Um. Not great atm. Not sure I wouldn't bite anyone's head off if they wanted to start something right now, tbh, or just ragequit writing for a while because I have way better things to do with my time than deal with random internet assholes.
...apologies for the tangent, but now you know why that situation is one I'm normally kinda reluctant on tackling.
As for what I'd originally headcanoned:
Back before things hit the fan, I'd originally planned to have some little interlude snippets of what Team Cap's been dealing with. Mostly, it would've forced them to acknowledge that for all none of them liked or trusted Tony, he was basically just the personification of what the rest of the world thought of them.
Nobody respects them, anymore, or trusts them; Clint'd be in very hot water and sleeping on the couch for a while, and Hank Pym would never let Scott hear the end of his involvement in this whole thing because Hank hates the Stark name and the English language cannot concisely articulate just how pissed off he was that he had to publicly thank Tony.
Team Cap overall would also start to fall apart at the seams as more and more stuff came out and ey, turns out the leader they'd trusted and broken international laws for had lied to them.
By omission, sure, but honestly— do you think that'd go down well? The "oh yeah, I've known my brainwashed friend killed his parents since DC but I am not going to tell him unless I'm forced to" thing?
I don't know about you, but I for one highly doubt Sam Wilson would be okay with that. Or Clint, for that matter, and the list goes on because the more time passes, the more stuff keeps coming out of the woodwork and for the first time in years, they're forced to deal with it.
One of the things I planned to include in the sidefic can basically be summed up as "the curious case of Bucky Barnes": that is to say, what'd happen after he's taken into custody, and poke lightly at the clusterfuck we're unpacking here. Tony, feeling bad for losing control in the bunker, would basically go "shit I fucked up but I also never want to see him again but he's an even bigger mess than I am, that's a whole lot to unpack so you know what? I'm just throwing out the suitcase entirely here, have all the resources for support and help and if I ever see you again, it'll be too soon".
...to sum up, it's messy af. SI Legal would feature heavily because his particular case means he needs a team of lawyers, what with the 'former POW who's trying to recover from All The Trauma' thing, and the 'so I literally was just trying to buy some damn groceries when you guys dragged me into this', and Tony basically went "hey, so if anyone wants to help him, uh, I kinda have some interest in this one. Fair warning, dude probably killed Kennedy while mind-controlled, with our luck".
And along the way, there'd also be some of that one subplot I'd cut due to pacing issues: specifically, the one dealing with prosthetics.
Remember how Miriam Sharpe said her son would never walk again? Yeah, we'd be revisiting that: her family'd get a letter or something inviting them for clinical trials, and meet Rhodey in passing as he's using his own leg braces to get around because he's still healing. Bucky would get a few design offers for a free replacement for his arm, and it'd probably end up being a collab with Wakanda because T'Challa feels bad for his role in that mess as well.
So Team Cap would be seeing this, seeing how everyone's acting and reacting, and the way one of their own is getting all the help and support Stark Industries has to offer and realizing that yeah, they messed up. Big time.
...depending on my salt levels and how close we're sticking to canon, I was thinking this'd go one of two ways.
Either they'd double down and just go "ugh, Tony is a supervillain and we can't do anything about it!" while TWiFFON marches on and then later go "...you mean he did it by accident?!", or...
Well, canon's proven character development and continuity isn't really in their writers' vocabulary. So my original idea of 'they're forced to deal with the reality of the situation, acknowledge they messed up and slowly move on with their lives' would've been very unrealistic.
Again, most of this is intentionally vague, I had not been keen to tackle that mess in TWiFFON in the first place and the way things exploded on me means I really, really don't have the energy to do so now. Not when there's far better things I could do with my time, like mess around with AUs where people actually get along, or knit, or— well, the list goes on.
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heeracha · 2 years
hii i love ur smau sm!! i just wanted to ask if u have any tips for new writers on tumblr like me,, i just posted my first enha imagine earlier and there were no likes/reblogs so i started to lose confidence if i should continue writing and stuff : ( anyways i love u and thank u in advance <3
hi honey !! thank you sm <3 omg,,, i suck at these but i will try to give you tips (and for others too sjdjsjs)
1. i'm pretty sure everyone does this, read. not just fics here, but also books. yk what i mean right? like,,, books yk, harry potter, percy jackson series, rainbow rowell books. oh, try reading classics, too. c.s. lewis books (soecifically, yes. narnia.), sonnets of elizabeth barret browning, etc. oh, lang leav. yes. how can i forget her? reading improves not only your writing, your comprehension, too. your vocabulary would widen. also, don't stick with only one author. read varieties of books from different authors, compare their writing styles, and then you'd find your own style. one you're confident with.
2. don't force yourself to write, okay? if you don't have a motivation, but you have the idea, don't force it. if you really don't want to write as of the moment, then dont. i swear, you wont be satisfied with your work. it will come to you naturally, okay? <3
3. if you're going to write a long fic like 5k beyond words or series, write down the flow of the story. like what happens,,, like this.
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yes, it's wob. i dont mean to shove a promo down your throat, this is just rlly an example. 😭 it's not impossible that you would get random ideas for the fic in the most random times, if you feel the urge to write that part only, go ahead. when you get to that part, you can always rewrite it, that is if you want to rewrite it. but seriously, you don't have to write it in order. like, you're still in part three, but you want to write part seven, go ahead. write part seven, put it aside until you get to that part, reread it if ever there are some parts that dont make sense, edit it. yk? tbh most of my fics are like,,,, endings first 😭
4. proofread 😭 i swear, do it. i don't do it and i regret it most of the times because there are some little details that i forgot to put, and yknow, i really believe that even the smallest details can make a big change in the whole story. so, proofread it before posting, really.
5. as long as you're happy with how your work is, you're more than just good to post your work. but ofc pls likes comments and rbs wont hurt pls dont just like, also leave comment and rb it with feedbacks, we love hearing from you. also, if you have anyone you rlly trust to read your work and critique for you, go ahead. but it's also totally fine if you're more than satisfied <3
6. regarding with what you said, you got no likes or reblogs, here's the thing, it happened to me too when i first posted here. and the thing is, it's bcs your blog is probably new. you havent liked, rb or posted anything yet. and tumblr is making sure that u're not a bot, so im pretty sure that's what happened to you. it probably didnt appear in the tags, that's all. speaking of, tags are important too! make sure you use the proper tags so people can see it <3 dont lose confidence honey !! i'm pretty sure your work is great. <3 ily
this is short, i think. i'm sorry i suck at giving advices but these are the main points that come to mind 😭 ily honey <3 and to everyone who wants yo start off, go ahead. everyone is here for you. readers and writers. love you my loves <3
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🍭🦁°My Bambi To My Lion°🦁🍭
Daniel and Johnny take the twins to their first valley fest carnival .
Why,why--why can't I walk next to Sam ?" Robby questions,  as Johnny carries him in his arm . He fixes his hold on his son not wanting to drop him .
"You see Pup, Sam holds on to papa's hand as told so, however you on the other hand get distracted easily "
"Distacted ? " his pup repeated the word, not familiar within his vocabulary .
"Yeah man, but it's okay becau-" He stops as he lost sight of Daniel until he sees Sam waving at him at the booth they were stationed .
"Dad you got distacted.", Robby said , happy that he wasn't the only one , with his small hands he patted his dad shoulders in sympathy .
Chuckling at the statement , he heads towards Daniel and his Princess who were waiting for them .
"Yeah kid. You get that from me and your good looks , you'll thank me when your older ." High-fiving Robby , who nodded with a serious expression .
The booth had squirming kids getting their face painted . Looking at Sam who had a big smile , perhaps from all that cotton candy .
" Wow , Princess!, Your the most beautiful butterfly of Encino has ever seen.", Johnny said with a proud voice , his kids were the most gorgeous than any other children .
"Thank you!" Sam replied happy having her dad compliments ,
"We get it from Dad , We have to thank him when were older , Sam ." Robby shouted , catching sight of his sister.
"I want to be a puppy! Wait , Can i be a butterfly! " He handed robby over to Daniel  needing to got to take a leak -after drinking all that coke, but not before promising to come back quickly  .
"Dont get distacted!"
"I wont buddy"
He totally did .
There was some kind of motorcycle wining contest and watched a bunch of loser lose and then he got lost .
Returning back he was expecting the twins and a cranky Daniel waiting for him to give him a lecture but nothing was better as what he imagined .
The twins were having a energetic conversation, he guessed the sugar had not worn off from all the sweets he got for them much to Daniels disdain .
The best part was Daniel , his husband gave him a look that told him 'dont say a word' holding the twins much smaller hands.
"Looking good, Bambi !", He said with a teasing smirk that he knew it would get on Daniel's nerve .
And exactly that he was , his eyes seemed much more deer-like with the black paint that defined his eyes more , a cute snout was painted over his nose and white dots that resembled like the deer from the movie, except this Bambi was ready to hit him in the head.
" Real funny. Your next big guy ", Said Daniel , grinning knowing he wouldn't be the only one to look stupid .
Refusing to do so , his 3 favorite people tried to convince him with their huge adorable eyes but Johnny was a strong man , he wasnt going to fall for that .
Not today.
Walking out the gate , he had to hold back from punching people who kept on looking at his direction because he couldn't do so with having the twins in his arms , tired and sleepy .
In the car , Daniel helped him buckle Sam and Robby in their car seats . Turning on the engine , he turned to Daniel with a smirk.
" What a small deer doing all alone, you never know when a big strong-"
"John." Daniel side-eyed him refusing to play along .
" Your no fun , Bambi." It was silence on the way home until Daniel turns towards him, whispering wanting to wake up the kids .
" I really hope there's not a mean lion at home , Im just a defendless deer ." Daniel turned away quickly once seeing Johnnys giddy reaction.
Anything to make his man happy , even if it made him embarrased.
Johnny didn't care how stupid he looked with his big smile making him look like a real happy lion from the face paint from earlier .
"Don't Worry, Baby . I'll protect you ."
He's a happy Lion , Yes He was . Especially once he get's Daniel in bed.
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