#if it’s pure fluff I usually end up making it a headcanon post in the end
artsy-dreamer · 2 years
To headcanon post or not to headcanon post… that is the question
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cheeseceli · 2 months
When you're rejected by your crush
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Pairing: BTS ot7 × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, headcanons, just a bit of angst because you were rejected
Request: Hello! Can you please write headcanons for BTS (they have a crush on the reader) reacting to the reader being sad after finding out that her crush (a coworker or a friend) is in a relationship with someone else?
Warnings: none?
A/n: this was inspired by the "secret crush" series by @7ndipity a bit. If you do not allow this, please let me know and I'll delete this post right away!
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Your friend
That's all Jin wants to be for you right now
Of course, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel at least an ounce of hope when you said that your friend, your crush, was now dating someone else
But at the same time, he'd hate to show interest in you when you're so vulnerable
So he settles in being only what you need right now: a shoulder to cry on
I believe he'd be the one to wait the longest to tell you how he feels, scared you're not on the same page just yet
His mind is a mess right now
Nothing breaks him more than seeing your eyes without its usual shine
But he had been praying for the day where you fall out of love with your co-worker
So he really doesn't know how to react right now
He chooses to listen to you talk about how you found out everything and about how you're feeling
Will try to forget his feelings and focus on being the best friend you could ask for now
But as soon as you feel better and your feelings for your past crush start to fade, he might try to make subtle moves on you, scared someone else could catch your attention again
I see this going on a slightly different way
He found out about your crush's relationship before you
He just knew you'd be heartbroken
So he tries to let you down gently, saying that maybe the guy wasn't this big of a deal
But when the time comes and you're inevitably sad after finding out, he tries to comfort you as much as possible
Is very hesitant on being flirty right now though
Besides being sad, he'd hate for you to be confused because of him
Honestly, for a second he even forgot he liked you
His mind went blank the moment you texted him about how you were in need of comfort right now
Will fulfill his role as your friend and, before you even notice, you were already laughing through your tears at something he said
Just later that day that he realises what this can mean for your relationship
He finally had a chance now!
Waits for a while though, planning exactly what he wants to do
He feels so bloody guilty and selfish right now
Because he's your friend! And you're sad right now!
He should be only focusing on how to make you happy again
But knowing that this means you'll have to eventually move on from your current crush just gives him so much hope
Obviously, he will try to hype you up
But as soon as he can, he will try to make you see him in a different light
Relief floods over him the moment you tell him the news
He was so scared of what could've happened if your crush were to reciprocate your feelings
He had to hold back his smile
Hangs out with you immediately to try to make you forget things for a while
Is already making a plan on how to confess
But for now he's focused on making you feel better
Even thanks your crush with literally no context at all
Deadass smiled when you told him about the situation 💀
Don't get him wrong, he's not happy because you're hurt!
He's happy because he might have a chance now
But he at least was able to hide (part of) his happiness in front of you lmao
And now he's 100% dedicated to make you smile again
He wasn't even that cool, you could find someone better than him anyways
Either way, he makes it his personal mission to distract you from that other guy and make you realise that maybe you're better off without him
And if he ends up being extra boyfriend material throughout it, it was purely a coincidence
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: secret crush (by the author I mentioned in the a/n)
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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kivino · 7 months
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my masterlist
Word counter - ~900 words
Tags/Warnings - pure fluff!
A/n - ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE ANON <33 i can't really post a complete fic rn because i'm working on another midterm essay so here y'all go! I also have another fic with Roommate!Soap planned out, so stay tuned sdkflskdfjs
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You two met through his sister, you, being her college friend, visited her and her family during breaks many times, and that’s where you met Soap. You two were on pretty good terms, and he would sometimes call you when he or his family were not able to get ahold of his sister when she would go out to parties (usually accompanied by you). However, the two of you became roommates only later in the future, when he decided that he didn’t want to live with his family anymore, but leaving an apartment all empty for months on end would just be foolish. So that’s when he decided he needed someone to co-exist with, and you casually made your way into his life.
Whole Task Force 141 plus Laswell know about you, because of how homesick he gets sometimes! And you don't always respond to messages, you have your own life after all (plus, Soap knows you're not good with texting back, so he tries not to pressure you). However, unintentionally he starts to remember or mention you in unrelated conversations. And that's how everyone around him knows that it's time for him to go on his leave.
Not a lot of people are allowed to call him Johnny. He still gives his older sisters shit for calling him that sometimes. You and Ghost, however, are both allowed to do it. Not like his discontent would’ve stopped you though.
More often than not talks about you in a way that makes it appear like the two of you are together, with how he’s all smiles during these conversations. Describes you like he’s an infatuated teenager and then gets confused when someone assumes Soap is talking about his significant other. It's not that he is oblivious to his feelings, or a dumbass, of course not, it's that his feelings lasted for so long that it's very much normal to him and he doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary with it.
The love language that you both share is bullying and insulting each other relentlessly. Soap is less harsh with his words, but you’re just merciless. Sometimes it also grows into play fights and roughhousing between you. Soap tries to be careful, because he knows that he’s stronger (he’s in the military, duh), but he still won’t go down without a fight. So he goes easy on you.
We know that Soap has a whole sketchbook, filled to the brim with many drawings of various quality, his thoughts, and different garbage he picks up when he has the opportunity. A pretty leaf? Snatch. A random receipt from when you got groceries with him together? Snatch. A note you scribbled for him to finally wash his damn dishes? Sad snatch. When he's on leave he takes the opportunity to sketch you as much as possible, so he remembers every single detail of your face, the expressions you make, or the way you position your body. Soap does it to be able to replicate it when you’re not around him. He has millions of sketches where you’re napping on the couch.
When he’s absentmindedly doodling something during the briefings and meetings he draws small figures that resemble Task Force and you. One time he bought some colored pens so he’s not bored out of his mind on base, and the assigned color to draw you was blue, while he drew himself with a red pen. Gaz got green and Ghost he draws using a black pen, both Laswell and Price share the fact that Johnny draws them with a pencil.
One of the small traditions that you have when he’s on leave, is cooking something for each other while some show you’re not paying attention to plays in the background. The kitchen in the apartment is pretty modest, so two people cooking and moving around at the same time is a bit too much for such a small amount of space. When you get too into the process of mixing or cutting something and Soap needs to squeeze past you, he gently puts a hand on your lower back and you instantly know what he wants, because of how much he does it. It’s never arrogant or invasive, instead, it’s gentle and a bit playful.
Johnny’s very sociable and likes going out to drink frequently. You, however, prefer to not get involved in his escapades as often, so you stay home, instead telling him to call whenever he needs you to pick him up. On multiple separate occasions, when he came back home a bit tipsy, he would stumble into your room and fall on your bed, getting knocked out almost in a second. Soap’s snoring is pretty loud when he’s drunk or has a stuffy nose. Plus, he’s as heavy as a damn rock and you can’t move him because of it, so instead you sleep on the couch, sacrificing the health of your back for Soap’s sweet dreams.
Johnny is pretty good with his hands. If anything broken needs fixing, or anything heavy needs lifting he’s always happy to help. He’s also a decent cook, so if you’re not feeling like cooking dinner after you’re back home from work he’s ready to throw something together for you no problem. Partially because he knows that you’d do the same for him if he asked. And, well, he just cares about you. He’s ready to cook dinner for you for the next decade if it means you’ll feel better.
Your texts with him are filled to the brim with stupid videos and photos you send each other. If Johnny sees something that reminds him of you, what you like, or some random inside joke – you best believe he’s already snapping a photo and sending it to you.
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check out my masterlist for more fics or send me a request/comment!
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kxizoku-ou · 2 months
CP9 Cat Headcanons
This is... a very silly post. XD After seeing a similar concept on Pixiv (images 10–12 in this log) and critiquing the breed choices it used, I wound up writing my own take on it.
These are written with actual cats in mind (not my usual Hybrid Au), and the breed choices are just for fun— as in, largely chosen based on looks/vibes, not anything too serious. I was definitely channeling that early 2000s "characters are cats for some reason now" mini-genre, so these are pure fluff/comedy, for once... >3>
. . .
Serial toy murderer. Violently destroys any and every toy you give him within a matter of hours, days at MOST. 
Some of the things he’s done to his toys probably qualify as war crimes tbh. Likes to drown the catnip mice in his water dish. Also enjoys tearing things into ragged chunks/”gutting” the stuffing. 
Sometimes you wake up to him on your chest with a present. 
(A chunk of mutilated cat toy. He drops it onto your face.)
The most athletic cat you’ll ever know. There is no surface in your house he can’t reach SOMEHOW. Also can and will learn how to open doors, drawers, etc, and will use this unfortunate skill to get into everything if he’s bored. 
Affectionate, but only on his terms. You don’t decide when you’re allowed to pet him; when the mood strikes, he’ll interrupt whatever you’re doing and forcefully put his body in your lap. 
You’re not allowed to move until he decides you’re done. :) 
Has a surprisingly cute kneading habit. He’ll go Baby Mode and make biscuits for hours. Sucks on certain blankets too.
(Devon Rex)
Seemingly never sits still. Will run from one end of your house to the other at all hours of the day. At night, you’re regularly woken up by the distinct rapid thumping of galloping kitty paws.
Likes high places and unexpected perching spots. This includes your shoulder— and he can make the jump on his own! 
Playful, but not prone to destroying his toys. Prefers batting hard objects down a flight of stairs to tearing the plush ones open.
Too brave (and curious) for his own good. Lacks any sense of danger when it comes to investigating something that’s caught his interest. 
This includes slipping through the front door.
Not super cuddly, but likes being near you/keeping an eye on what you’re doing. 
Has a squeaky “old man” meow. WEH!
(Egyptian Mau)
Wild, playful, curious, and so very destructive. If he’s not kept entertained, your property will suffer for it. 
Requires FREQUENT play and attention, but fortunately, he’s not too hard to please. Throwing a squishy ball for “fetch” can keep him occupied for hours. 
The asshole cat who will make direct eye contact with you before (very deliberately) knocking something off a shelf, then sit there smugly while you try to scold him. 
Very talkative! When he wants your attention, he YELLS, and seeing wildlife outside always brings out that excited, bloodthirsty chitter. 
Taking him to the vet is an ordeal, for everyone involved...
Doesn’t mind being pet and handled. Pesters you for affection regularly, but gets bitey when he’s had enough. :/ 
Highly territorial. Will not tolerate other cats/animals near him.
(Turkish Angora)
Truly the embodiment of the “disdainful gorgeous fancy cat” trope. 
Her fur is incredible, due largely in part to near-constant grooming. Do NOT interrupt her washing. 
She’ll wash your fingers too if she’s feeling affectionate. Mlem mlem mlemmmm...
Likes to be involved in what you’re doing. The kind of cat to walk across your keyboard or loaf-sit on top of stray paperwork, seemingly oblivious to how badly she’s getting in the way. 
At least your “adorable secretary” makes for good moral support!
Not overly playful, but she can be a DEADLY hunter when the mood strikes— fast, agile, and with amazing reflexes no matter what kind of toy you put in front of her. 
Weirdly fickle about when you’re allowed to touch her. Will glare, hiss, and swat at fingers if you test those boundaries.
(Norwegian Forest Cat)
The most quiet, low-maintenance, independent cat imaginable. You nearly forget he exists, sometimes.
Not much of a meower, but has a deep, calming, rumbly purr. 
Content to curl up on a chair or in a corner and let you go about your day! He’ll alternate between napping and silently staring in your general direction; the eye contact is a sign of affection. <3
Won’t seek out attention on his own, but also won’t fight it if you pick him up and carry him around like a plushie. 
...he stays limp and docile no matter what you do to him, actually.
Needs regular brushing, or his fur starts to matt. It’s pretty much the only “extra attention” he’ll require, though, and he’s (fortunately) cooperative about it. 
Learned how to open doors at some point. You don’t know how he managed that.
R O U N D (and it’s not just fluff)
Despite being shaped like a furry bowling ball, he’s quite playful, and way more agile/fast-moving than you’d expect. 
...that energy is much less cute when his full weight lands on your abdomen in the middle of the night, however.
VERY affectionate. Will take any opportunity to lay his chin on your palm, headbutt your shoulder/wrists, put his paws on your chest so he can try to lovingly lick your face, etc— purring all the while! 
Chatty cat!! Chirps and squeaks at you non-stop; if you “respond” to him, it turns into a back-and-forth conversation with his mrrep-ing. 
Fond of high places, like bookshelves and tall dressers. 
It’s unclear how such a heavy cat manages to get up onto them, but he usually ends up yowling for help when he can’t get back down.
(British Longhair)
A huge, massively fluffy mini-lion of a cat, with that “polite little gentleman” face common in his breed. 
Sheds. Sheds SO MUCH. All of your clothes are covered in his fur, no matter how hard you try to keep him thoroughly brushed. 
You cannot escape the fluff. 
YOWLS. The loudest, most determined drama queen when he wants something. Acts like he’s dying if his food bowl is empty for more than half an hour, non-stop howling included. 
Extremely cuddly; wants as much attention from you as you’ll give, and will flop his entire body into your lap to get it. 
Fond of jingly toys! The louder and more annoying the bell, the better. 
If you ever have to give him medicine (be it a pill or liquid), he’s utterly betrayed. Gives you the huge, sad, miserable scared-kitty eyes for the rest of the evening, and won’t let you touch him. 
(He’s over it by morning, and back to purring in your arms. Baby.)
The ugliest purebred imaginable, and his personality isn’t better. <3
Health issues. Skin/coat problems, numerous food sensitivities, arthritis, frequent UTIs, and a crooked tail from a past injury.
King of separation anxiety. If he can’t find you, he’s HOWLING, then finding a corner to cower in until his protector is back.
Truly the embodiment of the phrase “scardey cat”. Terrified of everything from the vacuum to rustling plastic bags. Huddles under the couch, trembling pathetically, after every little scare. 
...it is kind of cute when he runs to you to “save” him, however. 
This clumsy dumbass WILL get himself hurt (in incredibly stupid ways) if you don’t keep an eye on him. Utterly oblivious to real danger.
His distressed yowling is awful, and the attention-demanding yells aren’t much better. The classic So So Whiney Baby Siamese! 
NEEDS to be the only cat in the household— he’s violently territorial, but guaranteed to end up the other cat’s punching bag once he’s pissed them off enough. 
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wrr000 · 1 year
Van Der Linde gang when you randomly kiss them - short headcanons PART 2
AN: I'm posting this as fast as I wrote it 'cause I'm afraid of burning out AGAIN. Hope y'all like this! Feedback appreciated :]
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Featuring: Dutch, Sean, Kieran, Micah (KIERAN STANS ASSEMBLE!)
Summary: pure fluff (and I mean a BIG FLUFF), kissing on the cheek (just to clarify)
Warnings: none, just really short
On one hand he is paranoid and bounty for his head is always on Dutch's mind so it would be normal that he's on high alert even in the camp
On the other hand he's usually reading a book and his thoughts are drifting in the fantasy/idealized worlds from the novels
When you came from behind with a gentle kiss on his cheek he immediately wanted to drew a gun
Luckily he quickly realized it was you *sigh of relief*
"Oh dear-- If you want a kiss just ask, I could have shoot you!"
But he isn't angry, just stressed and tired
After a while he pulls you closer to him into a tight hug and kisses your forehead
Don't feel bad! He knows that you didn't mean no harm and finds it kinda sweet
His little lover wants his attention which means you love him and think about old Van der Linde in your free time
Dutch is sure happy to have you and he's all for your kisses, but would appreciate if you changed the form of affection
You can always surprise him in other ways! Sneaking from behind leave for more peacful times
He did not saw it coming, you got him there
BUT Sean would pretend like you didn't 'cause you know--'everybody loves him and he always expect affection' (you know that talk, we all heard it, right)
Inside he's so fluttered and happy and you can tell that by a stupid grin on his cute face
"Oi beautiful, you love me that much that you can last a minutes without me?"
He wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you back
One kiss on the cheek, one on the lips, one on the nose... And there's no end
Boy is just so in love with you that he doesn't want to let you go, not now at least
Little attention seeker will make the most of the opportunity to spend a sweet time with his beloved
Sean adores everything you do and especially when it involves him so please do it more
You trying to surprise him and make him feel loved it's what melt his outlaw heart!
He's always up for your kisses and hugs :>
Everyone is threatening him in the camp so Kieran is constantly very stressed
It wasn't much of a surprise, but he isn't upset with you! He knows that you mean no harm
More like glad that wasn't a Sadie or Bill coming for his head
Big sigh of relief from him, but you felt kinda bad anyway
"Ah--! You scared me, babe! But it's glad to see you"
Smile crawled on his pale, but slighly red face as he gently returned a kiss
This sight broke your heart, so you embraced him, pressing your lover tightly to yourself
He hugged you back of course, it makes him feel loved and he doesn't want to let you go (your body feels so safe to him)
Kieran is really REALLY happy to have you a walking sunshine in this waking nightmare
I can asure you that this boy loves you very much and deeply
He's so happy when you two are close and you're showing him affection, but maybe try not to scare him next time
Try anything but that, you can even surprise him with a nice flower and he would be grateful!
You gave him a goosebos, but he would act like the knows you're coming to surprise him
Acting all tough, unphased and irritated just to fool you
Or maybe he was a little scared that he let his guard down and you managed to sneak to him from behind? Guess we will never know
"I knew it was you. Why are you even tryin', cutie pie?"
But on the inside he's kinda fluttered 'cause he can't hide it that your kisses are good
Not to mention that in some way he enjoys you crawling for his attention
He may not kiss you back (maybe in private) , but he pulls you closer to him, placing one hand on your waist and the other on your thigh
Ignore his words and try it next time
In fact, Micah wants you to surprsing him like that more often, but for his own peace of mind he acts like nothing in this world can surprise him
He is an attention seeker and a touch starved bastard after all, he needs to know that you still love him as he loves you
So more random kiss are welcome!
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
can we get more cute naruto headcanons🥹
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of course, love. i wasn't sure if you meant naruto - the character, or naruto - the show, so i just went along with the first option 'cause i've been feeling in a nart mood lately and he's been bouncing around my brain a lot, lol. hope you like it!!
also, i actually wrote a post about naruto headcanons a long while back and that one includes various characters. you can find it here if you wish to check it out.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: fem!reader, mix of modern AU and canonverse // fluff so sweet it makes your teeth ache. naruto being a lovely friend/boyfriend/human being.
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every tiktok he finds at least mildly funny, he’ll send it to you. the 99+ notifs usually come from him and him alone, and if you don't open them fast enough and react to at least half of them, he spams you over text to ‘open the fuckin app!’
wears mismatched socks all the time. usually bright, vivid colours with funky designs that peek from underneath his jeans whenever he sits down. i'm thinking happy socks type of beat.
grows hot and sweaty in his sleep, but luckily for him you’re a loyal girlfriend, so you endure it all. yes, you stay put even as he drapes his heavy arm and leg over you every night and murmurs pure gibberish into the side of your neck.
holds your hand everywhere you go. it’s not even subtle, he intertwines his fingers with your own and holds on tight. strokes your knuckles, too, and thus turns you into putty as a result.
sometimes forgets you can’t hear him speak with kurama, so whenever he zones out so out of nowhere, it’s really funny. especially if it happens in a public place, like in the middle of the street or a grocery aisle; he looks like how the windows shutting down noise sounds.
texts his kisses with ‘mwah, mwah, mwah!!!!!!’
has the ugliest picture he’s ever taken of you set as his contact photo for you. whenever he loses his phone and he asks you to call him (it happens more often than you’d think) so that he can find it, you see the caller ID and get upset. he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
you definitely own matching onesies (yes, even as adults.)
his sneakers always look busted af.
doesn’t like going to the hairdresser’s, but he’s more than happy to sit patiently as you cut his hair at home.
covers his ice cream in sprinkles and chocolate syrup. the thing is a nightmare to eat, but he loves it.
is very clumsy whilst eating his food, he always ruins his shirt. it drives you insane because you have to clean him up like he’s a toddler.
he yanks the covers off of you when he feels like it’s time to get out of bed and tugs you by your ankle when you try to protest as a result.
definitely a morning person.
is willing to have chapstick applied only by kisses.
never carries a backpack, he stuffs everything he owns into his pockets and if it isn’t enough, he whines until you have to put the remainder of the stuff into your bag.
is unable to take you seriously when you’re pissed off. he just finds you too cute, it’s fucking infuriating.
loves hugging you from behind.
doesn’t know how to cook, but at least he tries to help you out.
insists on showering together all the time (he’s super gentle while washing your hair, bless him.)
if you have younger siblings, he gets along with them super well. he’ll play dolls with your baby sister and will beat your little brother at every game on the console.
can’t take a decent picture to save his life. whenever you ask him to take one of you, it always ends up blurry or with the tip of his finger in the shot.
kisses you goodnight no matter the hour.
i feel like he’d make you watch the entirety of one piece with him.
has trouble focusing, but he feels very calm whenever you’re around, with his hand in your own. it’s very sweet.
so, so, so clingy. and touchy, too.
he's definitely your friend first before he becomes your boyfriend.
super nosy. if you’re gossiping over the phone with a friend, he’ll drop everything to listen in.
loves you more than you love him. it’s just how he is.
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terzos-kazoo · 2 years
The Papas cooking for their S/O
Under the cut are headcanons of what I think each of the papas would be like if they tried to cook a romantic meal to impress their S/O, as well as what I feel like they would be like in the kitchen in general, their cooking skills etc! This idea just came to me so I decided to make a post about it.
No warnings or anything just pure domestic fluff :)
Primo / Papa Emeritus I
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Primo can cook just fine. He’s not like a five star chef or anything but definitely knows his way around the kitchen
He isn’t super passionate about cooking but he does enjoy it, though he often gets frustrated when his attempts don’t go as planned
Nonetheless he’d definitely try to impress you with his cooking, even if he likes the idea of making you a romantic meal more than he likes actually doing it, he promised he’d cook for you and he’s not gonna back down
Definitely the type of person who follows recipes exactly and isn’t very creative with his cooking, especially when he’s nervous or trying to impress someone, he follows the recipe exactly and is afraid to improvise because he doesn’t want it to go wrong.
Very stubborn however and insists on doing everything himself
Since he’s not very innovative, his food can sometimes be a bit bland or underseasoned but still good or edible at least
Tries hard with presentation but fails and gets frustrated when it doesn’t look exactly like it did in the picture, assures you it will taste better than it looks and it usually does
Definitely seeks your approval but when he sees you eating and seeming to enjoy it, he calms down and becomes very proud of himself
Secondo / Papa Emeritus II
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This man is an absolute M A S T E R C H E F. Like, I’m talking five star, gourmet, insane in the kitchen, would put Gordon Ramsey to shame
Probably has an entire library full of cookbooks and is working on writing his own. A lot of his recipes are top-secret ones he invented. The ministry uses his recipes a lot for events
Secondo is already passionate about cooking, but now that he actually has someone to impress? Oh, he’s pulling out all the stops
Will make you the most elaborate five-course meal with the most insanely complicated dishes that you’ve never even heard of before and will serve it to you on a silver platter. 
This man absolutely spoils you rotten
A master of presentation, his concoctions will look less like food and more like artwork that should be in a museum
Get this man a show on Food Network fr
Is so proud of himself when he watches you eat the meal he cooked for you, taking in every bit of praise even though he KNOWS he slayed
Terzo / Papa Emeritus III
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Terzo is definitely very much a romantic at heart, an absolute master of dramatic grand gestures and pulling out all the stops to impress you
However this man cannot cook. Like at all.
He’ll literally burn water and manage to ruin even the most simple dishes
But will this stop him from trying? No. Absolutely not
Terzo will insist on cooking a romantic meal for you, get super into it and pull out all the stops and try to make it perfect but he shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen because this man has no idea what he’s doing.
He’s too stubborn and prideful to admit that he can’t cook and would rather literally burn the house down trying to do everything himself than ask Primo or Secondo for help so he will continue to fuck it up because he just wants to impress you so bad
The definition of “just wing it”
A sucker for presentation, he may not be able to cook but he can at least somehow manage to make it look pretty, even if it tastes absolutely vile
Will come out of the kitchen and present you with something absolutely inedible, the biggest fucking grin on his face
It tastes absolutely repulsive but you eat it anyway and pretend to like it because he looks so proud of himself and you don’t want to ruin it
You end up throwing up afterwards and he feels really bad about it but you assure him that it’s the thought that counts, and that the fact that he wanted to cook for you is really sweet even if it didn’t go as planned
He promises to never try to cook for you again but let’s be real he probably won’t keep that promise
Copia / Papa Emeritus IV
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Like Primo, Copia isn’t a five star chef or anything but he can cook just fine and definitely knows what he’s doing
Unlike with Primo though he definitely gets super into it and probably has the most fun with cooking out of any of the Papas
He’ll sing and dance around the  kitchen and definitely is the type who eats some of the ingredients while cooking
When it comes to cooking for you and trying to impress you with a romantic meal he definitely would be super nervous, he’d still pull out all the stops but would be doubting himself the whole time because he just wants to impress you and is terrified of disappointing you
Would either follow the recipe exactly as written or just completely wing it and make up some concoction on the spot, absolutely no in between
His rats definitely help him cook and he feeds them some of the ingredients or will make a separate portion for them (provided whatever he’s cooking or the specific ingredient is safe for rats of course)
Not afraid to ask Secondo for help and in fact probably asks for help way too much, even when he does know what he’s doing because he just gets so nervous and unsure of himself and he wants to impress you so bad
Definitely more of a baker than a chef though, he has the biggest sweet tooth and loves making cookies and cakes and pies
Makes the best cookies tbh
Once he’s served you he would watch you so intently, nervous of what you’re gonna think or say, but when you smile at him and tell him how delicious it is or that he did a good job he just melts
Will definitely try to cook for you again now that he knows you like it
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strawberryya · 2 years
.°❀ tomorrow x together's herb garden ❀°.
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I will say it again: if you are a minor do not read what you are not supposed to read here. anything labeled as smut or 18+ means mdni no matter what.
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🌱 soobin
◆ I am not hiking ➺ 3.1k ➺ fluff, angst, pining/friends soon to be lovers ➺ synopsis: pining after soobin while on a hike that neither of you ends up actually doing.
◆ I am not lying (part two of I am not hiking) ➺ 2.6k ➺ fluff, friends to lovers, New Years themed ➺ synopsis: Years of unrequited love and this is the moment it all ends, one way or another... you refuse to have it any other way.
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🌱 yeonjun
◆ skiing with yeonjun ➺ 0.6k ➺ fluff, headcanon ➺ synopsis: what skiing with yeonjun would be like.
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🌱 beomgyu
◆ happy fools ➺ 1.8k ➺ fluff, established relationship, suggestive, clingy/horny Beomgyu, 18+ ➺ synopsis:  When your boyfriend gets dropped off at your place in the middle of the night you have no choice but to take care of him and make sure he gets to bed. Of course, nothing is easy and Beomgyu is a menace as usual, but he’s cute so it’s all okay.
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🌱 taehyun
◆ too pure for hell, but fallen nonetheless ➺ 7.1k ➺ angst, smut, supernatural au, selkie!taehyun ➺ synopsis: Do you ever find yourself wishing you could escape your problems? Still, allowing the mind to conjure such a scene may unfurl a worse struggle than the present. As you journey through life, be mindful of the choices you make, for they hold the power to summon the winds of fate.
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🌱 hueningkai
◆ sparkles and glitter ➺ ~1.2k ➺ fluff, established relationship, Christmas themed ➺ synopsis: Christmas shopping with your lovely boyfriend Kai; he who shines just as bright as the fairy lights strung up above the city during the holiday season and he who holds your hand in the chilly winter weather.
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can't find what you're searching for in the garden? plant a seed in my letterbox! both requests and little thoughts are more than welcome ofc.
[navigation post!]
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hoeforinarizaki · 2 years
Hello There! Navigate Here:
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"Welcome to hoeforinarizaki's page!"
I'll make it clear i write only for haikyuu on this tumblr account, but if there are other fandoms you want me to write for just go to my main @sparklingbluerose !
At the time, my requests are open so ask away. I don't really have any restrictions so go as wild as you want. Except maybe Character x Characters, since i'm not too good at writing those types of things (though i'm an IwaOi shipper–)...
I already thought of this beforehand...so i guess i'll write down the schedule here as it's easier to understand.
I removed Wednesday and Sunday because i sometimes end up not posting something at all, and i actually want to follow this schedule so Wednesday is basically a small break to be able to get enough idea and motivation to write. My family and i usually go out to church and eat out together on Sundays, so that'll also be counted as a break somewhat.
I will write anything and everything you want, but i guess there's always going to be rules. Not to worry! I won't put too many restrictions since i want everyone to enjoy and say what they really want to read. And so, here are the do's and dont's.
Request extremely kinky stuff (piss, knife play, etc.)
I am fine with kinks actually, but extreme stuff are a bit too much for me to actually write. Sorry about that.
Be rude to others in any way (racism, insulting, etc.)
I want this to be a good place for people to express themselves without any judgement! Please be mindful.
Make multiple requests at the same time.
Having people tell me too much stuff is a little overwhelming, and so maybe make another request once i finish the first.
Send me anything in my inbox, ranging from requests to questions to venting. I'm all ears and listening is what i mostly do, so please just type away.
Tell me what you want me to write whether it be triggering or just pure smut. I'll make sure to put the warnings i need to at the start. Feel free to ask to get tagged.
Chat with me and call me whatever you wish. Let's be good friends, it would be nice. Send me lots of memes since i laugh at everything and anything, though.
The request limit for individual characters is 10.
If you request teams, i will do all of them.
I write for everyone! From main characters to side characters, heck i'll admit i'm a simp for everyone, especially Futakuchi.
Complete Character List...
Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Sawamura, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Ryunnosuke, Azumane, Ukai, Takeda, Hitoka, Shimizu, Kinoshita, Ennoshita, Kazuhito, Saeko
Kuroo, Kozume, Morisuke, Lev, Alice, Taketora, Akane, Nobuyuki, Shibayama, Fukunaga
Oikawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Yahaba, Kyōtani, Watari, Kunimi, Kindaichi
Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Washio, Sarukui, Komi
Shinsuke, Atsumu, Osamu, Ojiro, Rintaro, Omimi, Ginjima
Wakatoshi, Tendō, Semi, Goshiki, Shirabu, Yamagata, Ōhira
Terushima, Bobata, Misaki, Futamata, Numajiri, Īzaka
Futakuchi, Takanobu, Moniwa, Sakunami, Onagawa, Nametsu, Kamasaki, Fukiage
Suguru, Naoyasu, Kazuma, Yoshiya, Yamaka, Isumi
Writing Forms...
SCENARIOS. Whether short or long, i'm happy to know you enjoyed thinking about this and picturing it internally XD
HEADCANONS. Got anything you want to be briefly written in these terms? Then go ask away! I'll take it on.
ANGST. My whole blog might be filled with angst tropes, because why not? I'm a little obsessed. Up to you though.
SMUT. I'm supporting all horny thoughts and my fellow lovely thirsty people out there ;) whatever it is, just ask.
FLUFF. If you need some serotonin, i'm definitely going to make my writing just diabetic as that depression /hj
PLATONIC. You wanna feel like the lovechild of a ship or be your favorite character's bestie? Then type away.
I'm thirsting on haikyuu so much, and this is the only fandom i've been attracted to longer than the rest i've been. So if you have any active discord servers related to haikyuu in any way, please chat me and give me a link i'm just a simp 🤣
And also, i just want to make friends. So if you're thinking the same, don't hesitate to send me a hello 👌 (i don't bite at all lol...no but seriously i don't fr–)
Thank you for visiting @hoeforinarizaki!
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maganne-bonete · 1 year
Was suppose to write Candifica the whole day but I ended up procrastinating. I wanted write them making Korean pancakes or something but I've come to the realization that I actually hate cooking fics to begin with.
I usually don't end up reading a lot of good ones. The ones that I did enjoy aren't even the fluff kind. Typically related to some hurt and comfort, some closure while they're doing the cooking, or maybe even just angst. Also, a good chunk of the things I enjoy writing is related to introspection and then dialogue. Like lot's and lot's of thoughts on the blorbo's head. I guess it's cause I just struggle with describing action a lot.
But maybe I could still make it work but then there'd be some headcanons that might need some reworking just for this project.
Like, my typical hc (and probably the verse/au that I'd be working with) is that by the time they're already in their mid-teens, Paz has already done a lot of work on herself. She's still a work in progress, but she's not a bitch or asshole by any means. And at that point she's already close friends with Candy and Grenda.
Meanwhile, Candy, though did got bullied by her, pretty much buys into the mean girl/villain redemption narrative that she grew up with. Is there some sort of resentment or spite? Probably but that summer was just not normal for anyone in that town. And a good chunk of girl media from my experience always try to go with the whole redemption and forgiveness thing unless the image of pure evil exists in the story. (like idk the witches from Winx Club) In which case, to Candy that would be someone like Bill.
It doesn't help either that Mabel also advertises this idea that "Pacifica's not that bad. She just needs some saving from her evil parents." And it was easy for Candy to believe it in my post-canon au since Paz decided to start working in the dinner when they were still in middle school. But even then, Paz in my canon didn't really do the most heinous or unimaginable thing when they were younger. Also Wendy tends to bring people in together even whenever Mabel and Dipper aren't around, and this included Pacifica.
If Paz was really working on herself during middle school to be a better person, Candy was there to see it and even helped her.
Idk this is turning into a rant defending Paz and Candy's relationship that people don't really explore cause they keep isolating character interactions in most fan content. I guess it's cause I see so much potential with these two.
But anw I should probably try working on a quick one-shot plot now.
So, here's what I'm trying to cook up. (Pun unintended)
Them and their friends were over at Candy's house for that weekend while her parents are away to have a movie marathon and sleepover with friends.
They make vegetable pancakes for the gang to snack on.
Candy asks help from Paz in the kitchen cuz though they're cooking Korean food and Candy's mom left instructions by the fridge and even pre-cut vegetables. Candy is scared as fuck with anything kitchen related that isn't a microwave or the electric kettle.
Yes, Candy can't cook. Asian women who can't cook exist, and she's one of them.
But luckily, Paz has some experience in the kitchen and food by working in the dinner. I could imagine Lazy Susan teaching her a lot of things to help her take care of herself.
So they do some cooking. Paz tells Candy that she can try learning. "Cause hey, look at me." but Candy's like "Nooo, my brain does not care for such. It is for robots, computers, and improving the human condition." etc. Stuff like that.
Like to Candy, Paz is good at learning a lot of things and starts contemplating on how different she is today compared to back then.
There's gonna be a part were while making pancakes, Paz made a heart shaped one for Candy and she calls her out on how cheesy she is and such. They share a kiss maybe O 3 O
So yeah, I should get to it then.
0 notes
v0idl1nq · 2 years
❄Snow Leopard Animatronic!Reader Headcanons❄
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Request: Yes
Type of Post: Headcanon
Fandom: FNAF-Security Breach
I lost this since I left Tumblr on for too long- anyway let's go!
When you first arrived, you weren't immediately introduced to the other animatronics since the technicians had to make sure that you worked properly and could patrol the whole PizzaPlex without running out of battery (which is really useful now that I think abt it-)
Being a Snow Leopard Animatronic means you're able to leap as far as 50 feet. It also means you have an amazing balance due to your long tail! unlike the other Animatronics, who have specific fluffy spots ( like Roxy = Hair, Tail, and Ears) the outside of your animatronic body is made of pure FLUFF because although you're a guard you also help find lost children and provide them comfort when the time comes.
Now let's go to when you're introduced to the other animatronics!
When you were introduced Freddy was a tad bit confused but he was excited nonetheless. He was super happy a new animatronic is going to join them!
When he saw you walk up to them he was slightly confused by your uniform which was a mix of a night guard and a usual police officer. He decided to ask what your job was and when he was answered he was surprised.
Since they have the S.T.A.F.F bots to patrol at night Freddy was confused as to why they would make an animatronic for it till you explained that you were made to deal with intruders/criminals that get in, unlike S.T.A.F.F patrol bots who only contact the guards that are on their shift.
When Roxy met you (I love her so much by the way-) she was amazed considering they all know that none of them were programmed for attacking unless they panic of sorts.
She's also really happy to meet someone with a fluffy-ass tail other than her! since most kids that go up to her all ways ask to pet her tail and it ends up dirty and now that you're here (due to your body being mostly fur for comfort when you find lost children that also means you know how to maintain it!) you help her maintain her fur and hair which leads to make-up/dress-up nights with you, her, and chica! (sometimes Monty or Freddy join mostly Freddy tho)
With Chica since snow leopards eat animals three times their size that means that you would eat large quantities of food! that also means you cook for kids and yourself thus also meaning you cook for Chica sometimes as a way for her to not eat from the dumpsters. You knew that doing this means fewer complaints from the customers which means less anger from corporate and a happier Chicken!
With Monty it's kind of awkward between you two when you were first introduced since he didn't like you much until he saw you take down a customer who was about to assault someone else. He gave you his respect after seeing you deal with the man (he's also kinda scared of ya-)
You gave the man a concussion even tho you didn't mean too...
Anyways! when hiding Gregory you either lift him up high enough with your tail so he doesn't get seen or you hide him in your stomach fluff.
And if you end up not helping Gregory, he would end up taking either your ears (which are enhanced as a way for you to tell where the intruder is) or your feet and legs/paws since with that Freddy can jump 50 feet high.
Anyways you're a fluffy night guard who children love and adore!
P.S: Since you patrol the WHOLE building it also means you know it's secrets...
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shotorozu · 3 years
you like their hands
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, monoma neito (2/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk left unmentioned
post type : headcanons + small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice] not even nsfw
note(s) : i was gonna put denki in this but i had a hard time thinking about what kinda hands he’d have, so i’m putting him in the next post
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shinsou hitoshi
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his hands are big, and his fingers are quite thick.
really likes wearing rings and bracelets, but he usually doesn’t wear them when he’s working (i’d say that bc wearing jewelry while doing physical activity HURTS)
regarding texture, his hands were initially soft— but due to transferring in the hero course, they roughened up over time
he’ll use hand cream if you want, but he doesn’t go the extra mile. and his nails are trimmed at all times. painting his nails a black color would be great once in a while.
lol i forgot to mention nails in the last post
he notices right away that you like his hands when he catches you staring at them when he’s cracking his knuckles
like.. people have said that his hands are nice, but he doesn’t really say much about them bc they’re not you
a crack sound is briefly heard in the rather silent room. the scrolling on your phone halts, and your eyes follow the sound of the crack.
ah, he’s cracking his knuckles. you think to yourself, and you’re left just simply admiring the way he applies pressure on a knuckle. who knew that his rather— large hand would look appealing, even while cracking his knuckles.
you snap out of your observation, but instead of just simply going back to whatever you were doing, you’re met with lilac eyes. “you were staring again.”
your cheeks heat up, and you opt to just turn your head to the opposite direction. “sorry,” you apologize. however— that’s not what hitoshi was looking for apparantly.
“if you like my hands alot,” he scoots next to you, hands sliding up and down your arms— his firm grip practically making the pre existing butterflies in your stomach act up again. “then you should’ve said so, kitty.”
is he conscious of his actions? hm. you could say that
he’ll purposely play with his capture tool right in front of you— the material wrapping around his hand. and he can only laugh when you immediately get absorbed into it
the back of his hand will brush against your cheek. then, when he comes in to kiss you, he’ll cup your cheek— kissing you with his other hand resting at your nape
under the table, his hand will start to slide against yours, interlocking hands with you. he’ll act like nothing is happening, but on the inside— he’s taking in your reaction
a little spicy, but when he wants you to look at him— he’ll do that thing where his thumb brushed against your bottom lip, as it almost dips right into your mouth
if he feels a little extra, his hand will also be tugging on your hair (if you’re fine with that. otherwise, he’s sticking to the one above)
oh and he also does that thing where he rests his hand on your neck, thick fingers squeezing your throat lightly.
overall— THIS MAN omg, he’ll entertain your interest in his hand nicely, just for you. and every single thing he does is memorable
kirishima eijirou
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his hands are quite normal regarding size, they are almost always veiny, a lot more than bakugou’s actually. i think at some point he was concerned about them
his hands are rather flushed in color, but that’s because of his quirk. his fingers have a few tiny scars here and there,
he occasionally has pen marks on his wrists due to bad penmanship, and his nails.. don’t look the best, but they’re not the worst it’s bc of his quirk
the palms of his hands are ridden with callouses. but he wears them with pride because it’s the pure evidence of his hard work with his training.
but he starts to get worried about them when he goes to hold your hand.
you always had a thing for kirishima’s hands, but you just never had the chance to tell him that. i guess asking you did it for him
did you even realize how hard you were staring at his hands right now? it happened every single time he enlaced his arms around you, his hands resting at the sides of your arms
at first, he thought it might’ve been because his hands are too rough, or you might’ve been in discomfort— because maybe, just maybe, he accidentally activated his quirk?
the fact that he can’t exactly tell what it is worried him, maybe he should just ask you.
but his worry washed off when you told him upfront that you ‘liked his hands’
“wait so.. you’re staring at my hands because you like them?” kirishima wants to confirm your words, and— so casually, by the way— nod in agreement.
tracing the veins on his hands, you elaborate “your hands are really nice, i can tell how hard you must’ve worked.” pressing your smaller hand against his, you smile.
eijirou takes a moment to process it, but it’s surprisingly quick. “oh t-thanks!” he sheepishly took the compliment, a small blush sporting on his cheeks. “i’m glad it wasn’t because you thought they were weird.”
kirishima unintentionally feeds your interest with his hands. like sometimes.. he’s just not aware of it, but yes— he is feeding your interest well
will always make you compare hand sizes with him, chuckling softly at the dazed look on your face when your palms touch
if you allow him, he’ll fix your hair for you. doesn’t matter what hair type you have, he’ll do LOTS of research to know how to style it
those hands are magical
if you get a papercut, or a wound from cooking— he’ll patch you up, then he’ll press a kiss on the bandaid.
he’ll do this thing where he’ll squeeze your sides when you pull in for a hug. but if you’re not okay with that, he’ll opt to just rubbing your back with his hand— rocking you softly as he hugs you
a little spicy, but his hands do wander a lot. you might need to even hold them in place to make sure they don’t go too wild
in addition to that, he’ll just SLIGHTLY, activate his quirk to make sure you’re conscious of his touch. his finger tips gliding against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
but of course, he’s careful. he doesn’t activate it to the point it causes scratch marks, nor will his actions draw blood. he doesn’t wanna do that
in short— kirishima’s a little clueless at first. he wouldn’t really tease you in public, but he’s surprisingly attentive to your interest.
monoma neito
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his hands are on the tipping edge of slightly above average. he doesn’t have a lot of veins on his hands, but they do pop out depending on what quirk he’s using
monoma’s hands are pretty spotless of any scars (from cuts, abrasions, etc.) because he gets REALLY annoyed with wounds pretty easily
to the point he’d want to attend to the wound immediately, he doesn’t let them sit— it’s just a personal preference
his nails are at the perfect length. not too long and not too short to the point it hurts, you don’t know how he does it.
wears watches on his wrists, and not the digital type— he sorta acts like he can read it easily, but it takes him a few seconds to even get to know the time
you know this because kendo snitched on him and told you LOL
you secretly hate yourself for this, but you really like his hands because of how he takes care of them. you’d never tell monoma even though you’re dating him
you’re unsure of yourself on how your boyfriend— monoma, found out about your fascination with his hands. it was supposed to be a secret for the rest of your life, and you only remember talking about it once out loud
which you assumed was a close call, considering that you thought he didn’t hear it at all— but he did.
“so i heard you like my hands, huh Y/N?” monoma’s teasing tone does not aid the situation. your cheeks heat up with embarassment, and you can’t get yourself to answer his question— without sounding like a fool anyway.
you fake annoyance, “where’d that come from?” you ask, and monoma doesn’t seem to want to switch the topic
“i’m asking you a question, dear Y/N— i heard you like my hands,” his tone would’ve sounded condescending to any other person, but you can tell that he’s either genuinely curious
or just teasing you, because that’s how he is.
to aid his question, he brushes his fingers along your neck— near your pulse. you jolt, stunned by the sudden action— heart beating rapidly against your chest.
“see,” monoma presses his hand against your chest, where your heart is palpitating, grinning in a way that’s teasing you “it’s true, isn’t it? sweet Y/N has a thing for my hands, hm?”
you furrow your eyebrows, and flick his forehead— and he hisses in reaction, “fine then, i do like your hands.” you finally give in, admitting final defeat.
ever since then, you haven’t heard the end of it
definitely that person that’ll just randomly bring it up to you, no matter what hour of the day it is.
“oh Y/N, you were totally fawning over my hands earlier—”
“i will castrate you.”
you know he means well most of the time, but sometimes he just loves teasing the heck out of you.
but that doesn’t mean he neglects your obvious interest in his hands.
he’ll compliment you, he’s a snarky person in general— but to you, he’s totally smooth with it.
slides his hand from your forearm to your hands, only to bring them up to his lips, pressing a kiss against your hand
squeezes your hand everytime he sees you, it’s kind of a nonverbal greeting at this point
similar to kirishima, he likes comparing hand sizes— teasing you about the size difference (even if it’s not even a big of a difference, he’ll take that chance.)
does this thing where he rubs his thumb against his palm. does it a lot when he’s concentrated about something, or just out of the blue
a little spicy, but he’ll make you tell him what you like about his hands, and what you like about the things he does with those hands of his. if that makes sense
he wants all of the details, doesn’t care if it’s mundane, or things he does when he’s feeling a certain way.
he wants to know, because as soon as you’re done with your spewl, he’ll do exactly what you like, teasing you while he’s at it. and so he can start incorporating those habits whenever he’s around you.
totally someone that’ll make you suck on those fingers. oh, but he’ll purposely get some dessert on them— asking you to suck them off
“good grief, i got some dessert on my fingers again. Y/N, come suck them off”
sometimes he’s serious, sometimes he’s just teasing.
overall— it’s pretty adventurous. he starts to act on it as soon as the revelation is revealed to him.
but i’d say he does just fine.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work for audio readings without my consent :))
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elf-osamu · 2 years
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purely fluff, romantic relationship, hirano taiga (sasaki to miyano, hirano to kagiura) x (implied)!male!reader (at the end there're also hcs for a trans!male!reader <3)
warning(s) : slight mention of food !
words count : 572
plot : “ just generic headcanons about hirano being your boyfriend ”
note : i wrote this because i love hirano sm <3 also i'll post the same hcs in these days but for sasaki ! (i have to proof read this but i can't rn).
[ ☆ ] before initiating, we all know that hirano would be the best boyfriend ever, i will not take criticism on this/lh/j.
[ ☆ ] jokes aside, let's start with his love languages.
[ ☆ ] imo hirano is the type of person who shows that he cares for you with acts of services like helping you with homework (he'd be very patient if you didn't understand a school subject), making a soup when you're sick, picking up your fav snacks when he's outside the dorms, etc. - and gifts, due to his being practical and straightforward. also words of affirmation (mainly verbal encouragement !!) aren't rare.
[ ☆ ] in return, he would really appreciate physical touch and quality time, spent for example watching together a tv programme, going out for a walk, baking etc. hirano takes care of others and helps everyone, but often he forgets that he doesn't have to do everything on his own. i think he may be touch-starved, so showing affection through high fives, hugs, kisses and cuddles would be greatly appreciated by him (not that you mind it of course, everything for your beloved hirano). a caress here and there would make him SO flustered (in a positive way) but hirano secretly loves it (ofc ask him first).
[ ☆ ] talking about kisses and caresses and any kind of display of physical affection... he isn't a big fan of PDA, but when you two are alone he can become a bit clingy (or more likely, he'd ask you to be clingy with him). his fav part of your body where to kiss you is your neck.
[ ☆ ] i imagine him entering in your dorm room after a stressing day at school, frustrated and tired, just wanting to relax.
you are sitting on your bed, legs crossed, pointlessly scrolling posts on your phone. a grin appears on your lips after seeing your boyfriend, who just came back from classes.
however, the smile hirano returns isn't his usually affectionate, dazzling one - his eyes are exhausted and his whole body shows symptoms of fatigue.
“hey love, how are you feeling? you seem tired... would you like to talk about it?” you genuinely ask, a bit worried for him.
instead of answering to your question, he sighs and delicately sits on your lap, putting his legs around your waist.
he lays his head on your shoulder, his eyes facing the tender skin of your neck.
then he starts to place soft kisses on it, his thin lips gently caressing your skin while your arms hug his abdomen, drawing with your fingers small circles on his back.
having you with him makes hirano feel at ease, and kissing you relaxes him.
[ ☆ ] yeah, something like that i'm not blushing i'm not blushing i'm not blushing i'm not blushing... okay yes i'm blushing i love him sm
[ ☆ ] when going out, hirano would be a bit more protective than usual.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
[ ☆ ] shortly after you came out to him, hirano spent most of his time (not without having studied for school before) looking for information about being trans ftm, wanting to support you in every way he could.
[ ☆ ] then, he would confront his new information acquired with yours, asking what you need and what you feel most comfortable with.
[ ☆ ] do you need anything? he WILL buy it.
[ ☆ ] he would lend you some of his ‘bad-boyish’ clothes, if you want them.
[ ☆ ] or you two could go out shopping together !
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
[ do not copy, translate etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
OMG I saw your requests were open so, if you don't mind, what about a human (t/n) with bad insomnia? (this has been happening since I was 16, now I'm 20)
I can only sleep if I take pills but I feel really fatigue when I wake up, this mostly ends with a terrible headache in the afternoon (maybe that's why I look like an angry tired racoon all day😔👊🏻). I can guess Middle Earth would be like a nightmare to me. Scalp massages sometimes work.
Could you do headcanons or an scenario with Thorin and Fili?
Feel free to reject it!
Btw: I love you posts! ❤️
Insomnia, Thorin Oakenshield
I’m sorry but I only write for one character at a time. Otherwise it might slow down the other requests. I chose Thorin (felt like it fit with your profile ;) )
Headcanons, genderneutral s/o
Tw: Insomnia, mentions of medicines, everyone lives!AU, established relationship, fluff???
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- Your sleeping problems had been no secret to the company. Gandalf had managed to get you to sleep thanks to his wizard resources, but when he left, you were without sleep.
- You had only taken a small box from home with your sleeping meds, since Gandalf told you you would barely need them.
- But now he was gone, and the Mirkwood dungeons were pure horror for you. Sleep couldn’t find you at all. You were exhausted and spent, but you couldn’t bring yourself to doze off. You had tried, really, but you were incapable.
- The elves had taken everything from the company, including your pills, even as the company threatened the pointy ears.
- Thorin had usually always been by your side and made sure you took your meds on time, helping you in the mornings.
- But now he was left with seeing you in pain and struggle. This poor guy had even begged the elves to make you stay with him, but they paid him no heed.
- So when you did finally escape the woods and Bard found you, you had nearly collapsed out of exhaustion. At his home, Oin managed to create a make-shift medicine for you. It wasn’t half as strong as you would like, but it would at least get you to sleep.
- But as I said, it wasn’t half as strong as you had wished. Your headaches grew worse and the tiredness just couldn’t seem to disappear.
- When the mountain had finally been reclaimed, more medics and merchants traveled to Erebor, finally granting you access to new medicines.
- Thorin and Oin made sure you had the best of the best, not settling for anything less than what you had before.
- But it was no miracle worker. The headaches grew lesser and the fatigue wasn’t half as bad as before, but it wasn’t like everything had disappeared. It was an improvement, but not the best.
- Yet, you were satisfied, happy to finally sleep well again.
- In the mornings, Thorin always made sure to stay beside you, letting you snooze for a while with him, holding you close as his hands ran through your hair.
- He would slowly wake you up and offer you a glass of water, which was almost a ritual for him. He found it very important to drink in the morning, claiming it helped you warm up to the day easier and making it less likely to fall back asleep.
- When the headaches did come back around, he made sure you took your painkillers, putting you in a quiet place with little distractions. Often, his sister would come to visit you to keep you company, talking about anything and everything.
- Whenever he had time for you around royal business, he was practically attached at your hip, always following you around and making sure you were okay.
- He knew how much braiding your hair soothed you (almost as much as it soothed him), so he’d always play with it, occasionally offering you a scalp massage if the headaches became too much to handle.
- He’d have a cold rag to the front of your head, causing relaxation to enter your body yet again. He knew it would never be perfect, but he truly does the best he can.
- He just wants to spoil his partner, making sure they are okay at all times. He will do literally anything for you. Anything to make things easier for you or to help you.
- It’s really funny how he can go from stern king to soft husband. And he can do it with a simple snap of his fingers. Only for you.
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elysianslove · 4 years
mornings ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; waking up next to the haikyuu boys 
pairings; bokuto kotaro x reader, matsukawa issei x reader, kageyama tobio x reader 
genre; fluff
warnings; hints at suggestive themes like once
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bokuto kōtarō
bokuto’s so high energy all the time but yk what that entails?
crashing at some point
he’s v clingy omg
like staying the night during the winter is heaven bc he just radiates so much heat
but in the summer ur like pls bo PLEASE
anyways u get to decide if y’all did the sexy or not 😏
waking up next to him is the sweetest thing ever
bokuto’s such an active lover
like he will always make u feel loved 24/7
you’ll wake up and he’s already up
staring at you like youre the moon and the stars
he smiles so brightly and he’s so gentle in comparison to what he’s usually like throughout the day
“hey pretty baby”
he pulls you so close and straight up suffocates you 🏃🏻‍♀️
you just
you love him okay so it’s fine
but you cant breathe rn 😃
he plants two long, wet kisses on your cheeks and pulls back so that he look at you
“wanna make breakfast w me”
proceeds to burn down the kitchen
he’s extra loving in the morning
and extra clingy
you two head to the bathroom together
you pee while he washes his face
and then you alternate
romance 😻
brushing your teeth together
“bokuto stop being so aggressive ur teeth will fall out”
“no 😡”
hes so cute i want to kiss him
when your teeth are brushed he kisses you fully on the mouth
“hehe u taste minty, baby”
u can never wake up in a bad mood thanks to top 5 ace bokuto kōtarō
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matsukawa issei
sleeps like a log
seriously he might as well be dead
doesn’t cuddle all the much while sleeping But !
he will always be touching you and it’s v endearing
somehow you always wake up fully on top of him
matsun is so big
like in every way
what i meant to say is ur like v small on top of him he just dwarfs u sm size kink
he doesn’t necessarily like embrace you while sleeping but he will have an arm around you steadying you holding you close
but when he wakes up and looks down at you and sees you like all cuddled up on his chest, fist grabbing @ his shirt (or hands resting on his warm skin hehe) he just
his heart gets all warm and fuzzy
he lifts his other arm to wrap it around you and just hugs you close, breathing easy and reveling in the feel of the morning soaking into the room with you in his arms
eventually you wake up and kinda squint up at him
he wont tell u but he thinks u look so fkn cute rn
once u register that he’s staring back u huff and go “five more mins”
bc he loves u he agrees
also he’s lazy
5 mins turn to 20
turn into an hr
breakfast in bed with issei reeeeeee
you don’t make it u literally just order it 😹😹😹😹
morning showers with him <3
he makes the water freezing cold just to piss you off lmfao
mornings with issei are very slow and gentle, yes they are
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kageyama tobio
i think he like unintentionally falls asleep over at your place
and he just looks so peaceful and so fkn cute sleeping you didnt have the heart to wake him up
so you just tuck him underneath your blankets
you wake up first and kinda just admire him
bc kags has like some kind of sixth sense he feels you staring at him and sits up awake so quick
you have to laugh lmfao
ur like “babe whats wrong”
“this isnt my house”
you sit up and hug him from behind, explaining how he passed out last night
you can feel him relax underneath your hold by the second, and he just leans into your touch as your rest your head against his back
slowly, his hand comes to rest on your hands and he just hums as he runs a thumb over your skin
you sit up more and rest ur chin on his shoulder, tilting your head to ask “wanna go somewhere for breakfast before school?”
and when he nods you kiss his cheek and shuffle away to go freshen up
baby’s so flustered from that simple kiss on the cheek omghwvjwkwhw
you get breakfast together and walk to school hand in hand
his hand feels different in yours than usual
more comfortable somehow
when he drops you off to your class he, surprisingly, gives you a small peck on the lips
his cheeks and ears are so red tho oh my god bless his pure heart
and just goes “can i spend the night again?” bc he loved the domesticity of it all and who is he to lie and say he didnt love seeing your face first thing in the morning???
weekend nights are always spent together after that
mornings with him are always filled with lingering, soft touches, and the steady welcome of comfortableness and domesticity
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end note; this idea was v random but omg i just wanna do it for all the boys. anyways whats stopping me lol. also im sorry im only posting headcanons theyre just so fun ill post a real thing soon hvhshfghd
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yyuuna · 3 years
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—in which todoroki takes his sick s/o somewhere
pairing: s. todoroki x reader
genre: fluff
disclaimer: lowercase intended
a/n: sorry if im posting old oneshot drafts,, im sick and i cant rly focus on writing n stuff but i do have an idea for a new headcanon so hopefully next post will be that
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It has so many context; so many stories told, so many beliefs spread, so many talk about it.
But only a few found it.
[I found a love for me.]
The sound of the knocking interrupted [name]'s thoughts. Her heartbeat arose when a dual-haired man entered her sight.
"Hey." he said, ambling down the narrow space towards her. Her smile graced the dull atmosphere in the room, even managing to slightly uplift the corner of his lips.
"Hey...Did you guys have fun tonight?" [name] asked.
"Yeah. Uraraka also wanted to know how are you. I said you're okay...Are you feeling well?" A soft hand—specifically his left side—settled atop her own as he sits down on the bed beside her, making the cushion on that spot dip from his presence.
"Yup," she confirmed. "Just a headache. But I'm fine, really."
"Are you sure? I can get us soba right now if you want."
"It's okay, I'm already full anyway."
They went utterly still while exchanging gazes; it was the type of silence that was purely comfortable. Both didn't doubt that they'd hear a feather fall. Shouto and [name] were simply enjoying each other's company.
[Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead.]
Frankly, it was broken the moment she felt a faint tug on her delicate hand.
"[name], I want to go somewhere with you tonight." She just stared at him, barely noticing how long she peered at him with her brows furrowed.
"Eh?" Normally, people don't take their significant other to a date at two in the morning right after announcing that their head aches.
"Sorry. Do you want me to rest with you here instead?"
"No no no, I was just surprised." A hearty chuckle came out of her. "You're usually already sleepy at this time, but it seems important so I'll come."
[Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet.]
Shouto took ahold of her wrists, gently helping her to get on her feet. Fragile and frail; her body wobbled for a bit. What was left of her cumulated strength gave her the balance she needed, however.
Letting her beauty captivate him once again, he internally praised his lover. Perhaps it was the red string of fate that weaved both of them together. Although he wasn't so sure about that. Something tells him that even if they're not destined together, he would've still been drawn to [name].
[Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.]
White, loose dress covered her figure. Once she was fully upright, Shouto carefully pulled the tubes that covered her arms. His hand reached the paper bag that contained a change of clothes and a pair of shoes, and handed it to her. She gratefully accepted after saying a short thanks.
Well, back then, she used to daydream of the person who she'll shower with all her affection. Whispers of imagination satisfying her fantasies. It was her only desire after finding out how many years she has left to live.
Nine years have passed and never did [name] expect that she'd finally find him; pain from waiting suddenly vanished from her. Maybe even the very little chance of researchers developing a cure slipped out of her mind too.
['Cause we were just kids when we fell in love.]
The day she entered U.A. was memorable, of course. Since that's the start of their journey. A quest that they knew would end too soon, but accepted nonetheless.
[Not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time.]
They stride down the hallways to the exit, not letting the chattering disturb their own peaceful minds. And after they arrived at their destination, [name] stepped out of the car.
Oaks laid below her feet, their hue complimenting the pavement. Grass dangled in one direction as well as her [h/c] tresses.
Splendor sky had stars scattered all over it, leaning down to the grounds of the earth. The glistening of her eyes forestalled his anticipation. As she stared up above, the vague scent of fire entered aloft her nostrils. At the corner of her eyes, she could see the crackling of the flames.
The heterochromatic eyed lad glanced at the spaces between her fingers and interlocked his hand with hers, guiding her further into the garden.
"It's so pretty here, Shouto."
"I know." Though his eyes never left her. It annoyed him a little because it wasn't him who she was staring at. Eventually, his ego got the best of him as his fingers tilted her chin to face him.
Closer and closer...
Those frail lips of hers that lacks warmth brushed his own. He would've noticed the frigidity instantly if it wasn't for the heated flush that seeped onto his cheeks.
[But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own.]
Unblinking eyes met as they slowly pulled apart. The after effects invited them to do it once again, but it was declined when he circled his arms around her petite waist, while she contrarily wrapped both arms around his shoulder—leaving them embracing one another close by, afraid of letting go. Moving their feet sedately in chorus, silently wishing that one can live an eternity.
[And in your eyes, you're holding mine. Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms.]
Fingers splayed on his back. [name]'s humming causing a gentle vibration to form where they connect. He soaked in the soft melodies, savoring each note, for they seem to speak to him too.
[Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.]
A full minute passes before she shuffled away from him.
"Sorry, I don't exactly look presentable right now."
[When you said you looked a mess,]
For a moment, she thought Shouto disregarded it, not until he murmured something.
[I whispered underneath my breath.]
Everything about [name] seems to elate. And that realization of what good relishing the years she has left brings hit her.
[But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight.]
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tags; @mayukhii @innersooya
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