#if not then i'll never smile again but it's fine
yoongiseesawmp3 · 2 days
too sweet - san
summary: model!san x designer!reader. it's love at first sight when you see san. he's perfect...for your runway show! he's the top model right now, and everyone wants him. you want him a little more, but we'll unpack that later. can you get the it boy into your collection?
word count: 8.6k
warnings: afab reader
"how many more?" you whine, collapsing onto the table in front of you. your dramatics shuffle all of the model cards out of order after you spent the last hour organizing them. your system is ruined, so your mood goes too. the only thing to pull you back to reality is jen, your right hand man. she pulls you up, encouraging words on her lips, and gets to reordering the cards you just messed up.
"we only have a few more," she reminds you. "and the last few have been good! i think we'll have plenty of options for your show."
"yeah, the girls have been great," you agree. "but the guys are all meh. i thought i was being all forward thinking doing a coed collection but now i wish i hadn't."
"oh come on," jen nudges you. "these guys were hot!"
"they're pretty, but this guy tripped, this one didn't bring a portfolio, and this one has conflicts from now until the show," you list off. "i need at least two more, or i'll have to cut the men's pieces."
"we'll find one," jen ruffles your hair. "you want me to go bring in the next model?"
"nah, we've got a few more minutes on our break," you tell her. "i'm gonna go get a coffee, do you need anything?"
"a water is fine," she replies as you slip out the door. you try to avoid the waiting area so you won't run into any potential models. you make it to the coffee machine down the hall, and of course it's just your luck that there's a tall skinny man already there.
"y/n?" he smiles. "i didn't know this was your show!"
"seonghwa?" you smile back. "i swear, you get taller every time i see you."
"what can i say? i eat my wheaties," he jokes, pulling you in for a polite hug. "how long have you had this gig?"
"few months," you reply. "i've been shitting bricks the whole time."
"i'm sure," he nods. "but you're doing a great job. i've never seen this many top models in the same place for years. everyone wants to walk for you."
"well that's very flattering," you mumble. "but you'd think 'top models' would come more prepared. half of these bozos have not impressed me."
"she's talented and determined," seonghwa notes. "guess i gotta bring my a game."
"i guess you do," you tease him. "hey, you don't know anyone who could come audition before the end of the day, do you? i need more guys."
"i could make a few calls," he thinks. "what do you have in mind?"
"is it too vain to say someone sexy?" you laugh. "we're looking for someone intimidating, good walk, strong features. it's a dramatic piece so i want someone unique."
"i might know a guy," seonghwa nods.
"anyone i'd know?"
"i guess you'll know when you see him," he replies. "i gotta go, i think i'm next, so-"
"right, right, go make yourself pretty," you tell him. "it was so good to see you!"
"you too," he smiles at you genuinely. "proud of you."
"hey, no shmoozing before your audition."
seonghwa got a place in your show, obviously. now you only need one more guy. jen convinced you the tripper could work with some help, and there was another model from earlier in the day that you think deserves a call. you still need someone for your final piece, though, and you're running out of hope.
"so how do you know seonghwa again?" jen asks as you wait for the last model to show. "and how well do you know him? and how well would he like to know me?"
"we worked together a few years ago," you laugh. "he was one of the models in my first show."
"so you gave him his big break? he's indebted to you?" jen asks. "he has to make it up to you by, i don't know, going on a date with your best friend and best stylist?"
"we'll see," you frown. "you know i don't like messing with models."
"i hate that rule," jen mumbles as she sits back in her seat. "where's this last model? i wanna go home."
"seonghwa said he pulled a favor getting him here," you explain as you check your phone. "so he might be running behind. i can wait for him if you wanna go."
"no, if he's anything like seonghwa i want to be here to ogle him."
at that, there's a knock at the door, and you call out for them to come in. who steps through the door is maybe the most beautiful man you've ever seen. he's striking, strong, and smiling shyly like he's not used to having eyes on him despite his profession.
"hi, i hope i'm not too late?" he asks, standing by the door.
"no," you quickly reply. "not at all, come in. you're seonghwa's friend?"
"yep," he confirms, walking up to hand you the most professional looking portfolio you've seen all day. and this guy wasn't even expecting to walk! no way you're hiring those other losers now. "i'm san."
"san, hi," you smile at him, and jen stifles a laugh next to you. somebody's smitten, she thinks, but she won't say anything just yet. "i'm y/n, i'm the designer, and this is jen, my stylist."
"nice to meet you," jen presents her hand, and san tentatively shakes it. "firm handshake, i like it. you have soft hands."
"thanks?" he laughs nervously. "um, so do i just-"
"yes, yes," you motion for him to head to the back of the room. "whenever you're ready."
as if you weren't already convinced this was the guy for you (i mean, for your show) then his walk sold it. his presence is so commanding, his movements so precise, and you've never seen someone with such perfect posture. it makes you sit up straighter as he walks toward you, and you almost swoon when he winks at you before turning around. you squeeze jen's hand under the table, and when san finishes his walk you fight the urge to applaud.
"that was great!" jen comments once san is finished. "y/n, what did you think?"
"you're perfect," you breathe out, and jen nudging you brings you back to earth. "uh, for the collection."
"thanks," san smiles proudly. "hopefully i'll hear from you soon."
"hopefully you will," you smile back. "thanks for coming on such short notice."
"it was my pleasure," san says, waving as he ducks out into the hall. as soon as the door is shut, you turn to jen and say, "i love him."
"i know you do," she laughs. "so is he in the show?"
"in the show?" you scoff. "he is the show. he's exactly what i was imagining. i want ten more of him."
"i'm sure you'd like that," she says with a waggle of her eyebrows.
"stop," you roll your eyes. "i just said i don't mess with models."
"mhm," jen nods. "so who else are we casting? we have one spot for sure..."
san and seonghwa were cast immediately. well, maybe not immediately. you both looked through their portfolios, ooh'ing and aah'ing over their looks before deciding they had to be in the show. when you and jen decided on the next two male models quickly, you figured this would be an easy discussion. wrong! you have four female models you're willing to fight tooth and nail for, and jen has her own four that she's just as committed to. you've been deliberating for a while now, so you decide to take a break. you head to that same break room you met seonghwa in earlier, and you thought briefly about taking san's portfolio with you. for research purposes, obviously, but you decided against it.
as soon as you step into the hallway, you hear faint sounds of music. not unusual for this studio space, but still, you proceed with caution. you don't want to interrupt anybody, so you walk quietly until you find the the source of the sound. it's san! and he's...dancing?
"oh god, sorry," he bumbles as soon as he sees you. he rushes to his phone, propped against the window in front of him. "god. that's embarrassing."
"what were you doing?" you smile at him.
"embarrassing myself," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. he wiggles his phone in the air and explains, "my agent wants me to post more, says it'll help me get booked, and he sent me a couple tiktok trends he wants me to do. so i was.."
"dancin' your heart out?" you tease, and he blushes.
"you could say that," he smiles shyly, again making it seem like he's not used to having attention on him. does he know he's a model?
"wait, how long have you been out here?" you ask, worried he might have heard you and jen (mostly you) gawking over his portfolio.
"just a few minutes," he shrugs. "part of why i was able to come walk for you is because of another audition i had on the other side of this building. so i was over there for a while, and came back here to humiliate myself in front of my favorite designer, it seems."
"your favorite, huh?" you ask. "good thing we've cast my show already, otherwise i'd think you're sucking up."
"damn, so i'm too late?" san laughs.
"who else is auditioning models here?" you change the subject.
"kim hongjoong?" san says it like a question, and you nod in recognition.
"he's good," you hum. "i hope you don't get it though."
"what?" san balks. "why?"
"because i want you in my show," you shrug. "and i don't wanna fight hongjoong for you, even though i know i'd win."
"you sure about that?" san asks. "he's been working out, i hear."
"oh i could so take him," you assure san. "i'm a biter." you notice a flicker in san's eyes, a hint of something, but you feel yourself blushing and cough so you have an excuse to cover your face. "excuse me. i should probably go, we've got a few more models to cast.."
"wait, so you just drop the bomb that i'm in your show and then you're gone?" san asks, following you down the hall. "how do i know you're serious?"
"because you have my word," you furrow your eyebrows. "but if you really need the confirmation, i'm sure my people will call your people soon." as if on cue, san's phone starts buzzing, still perched on the window. san looks to it, then you. you feel vindicated as you turn and walk on to the break room with a flick of your hair over your shoulder, leaving a stunned model and the smell of peaches in your wake.
all the models have been cast, and it's the morning of your first fitting. you slept in your studio last night because you had so much work to do. it was mostly tiny alterations to ensure the pieces fit their new models, but you also spent half the night cleaning. you don't let people into your studio usually, or if you do, it's people that know you well enough to know you and your work are a mess. but today, you're the boss. you need to look put together, and so does your studio.
you're standing by the door, taking everything in, and decide that this is as clean as you'll get it. there's still fabric, zippers, stray threads strewn all over your work tables, but you're a designer. that's normal. if the models have complaints they can deal. being next to the door, you hear something in the hall, but write it off as one of your artistic neighbors at work. you start to walk away, toward your coffee station in the back, when the doorknob to your studio jiggles. you hear a quiet "shit" and then a polite knock, so you walk over cautiously. one look through the peephole reveals who it is.
"san?" you ask, opening the door. "what are you doing here?"
"realizing i am," he checks his ridiculously expensive watch, "an hour early for my fitting. sorry." he adds a sheepish smile at the end and you fight the urge to coo. he looks like he just woke up, and that he definitely rushed here. his clothes are mussed, hair in a beanie to hide it not being done, eyes puffy with sleep. still, he looks perfect.
"was the email confusing?" you ask. "i was worried that-"
"no," he shakes his head. "no, i was just, um, i'm really excited," he explains shyly. "i almost couldn't sleep last night, so when i woke up this morning i thought i had overslept. i should've checked."
"no worries," you say as you blush. he was excited? for a fitting? man must love his job. "here, come in. i just finished cleaning, so you get first dibs on space. there's a couch in the back if you want to nap before we get started."
"how long have you been here?" san asks, looking around at the studio. he sees a lot of chaos, but it's beautiful chaos. colors that compliment each other perfectly, strange techniques that have made something stunning. he can't believe he'll be part of this show.
"uh, since last night," you admit, finally reaching your coffee machine. "i had a lot to do."
"you slept here?" san frowns, tossing his stuff onto a table before joining you. he leans against the wall as he watches you.
"yeah," you shrug. "i hate waking up early, so it saved me from getting here grumpy if anything."
"but did you rest?" he asks, looking out at the studio. "this is a big space for one person to clean."
"jen helped," you tell him. "she was here last night to bring over the shoes for each outfit."
"which one is mine?" san asks with an eager smile.
"wouldn't you like to know?" you stick your tongue out at him for good measure. "yours isn't out here. it's so big i had to keep it in my office, i couldn't move it out here by myself."
"it's big?" he looks a little scared.
"that may not be the right word," you think. "it's heavy, so that's why i needed someone strong to wear it."
"you think i'm strong?" san smirks, and you blush. "how'd you know?"
your mind thinks to his portfolio still sitting on your desk, full to the brim of him in scantily clad photoshoots. you've seen pictures of his chest, his abs, his arms. muscles that had to take hours in the gym to sculpt. you wonder shyly if his portfolio is still on your desk, open to a picture of him in a pink outfit with a hint of his chest on display. you'll have to cover it quickly if it is.
"i asked seonghwa how you two met, and he said you go to the same snooty model gym," you explain, which is the truth. seonghwa had been in a couple shows with san before they became friends, but it took the two of them working out together to actually become buddies. they've been looking out for each other ever since, seonghwa told you. san seems to think your explanation was enough, so he hums and nods before turning his attention back to your collection.
"so how did you and seonghwa meet?" he asks casually. you tell him about your first show, as an independent designer no less, and how seonghwa found you stress crying backstage. as you always do when describing seonghwa, you stress how your relationship was friendly, but nothing more. you never want anyone to think you're fooling around with one of your models. but san finds himself thinking, hm, that means seonghwa isn't his competition.
"do you want anything to drink?" your voice pulling san from his thoughts. he looks at you, cupping a warm mug of coffee, and smiles.
"no, thank you," he says. "i try not to have anything before a fitting, i never want to mess up the sizing and put more work on the designer."
"san that doesn't sound healthy," you frown. "and what kind of designer is sticking you in clothes so skin tight you can't have a glass of water? i need names."
"it's a lot of them, i'm afraid," he laughs. "most people cast me expecting to show off my abs, or something else, so i don't have much space to mess up during show season."
"yeah, you are always showing some kind of skin," you think about it.
"you been studying me?" san teases, and you blush.
"i'm a designer, it's my job," you mumble. "i reviewed everyone's portfolio thoroughly."
"what was seonghwa's last shoot then?" san quizzes you. you make a guess, but you get it wrong. "and what was mine?"
"vogue, right?" you answer immediately, and san responds with a shit eating grin.
"i'm so telling hwa i'm your favorite model now," he says, resting against the wall again as he folds his arms over his chest. his very muscled arms, and his broad-
"knock knock!" jen shouts from the door. she steps inside and asks, "you know you didn't lock this- oh hey san."
"good morning," he nods to her. "nice to see you again."
"nice to see you too, so bright and early," jen says as she looks at you. "how long have we been here?"
"me since last night, san since a few minutes ago. he didn't read the email."
"i read the email!" he whines. "i was just excited!"
"that's sweet," jen coos as she dumps bags onto one of your worktables. "i hope i'm not interrupting anything?"
"jen, do you have a favorite model?" san asks, and she thinks for a moment.
"no, i don't," she shakes her head. "there's too many good ones, so it depends on the day. why do you ask?"
"i just found out i'm y/n's favorite," san explains with a smile.
"you just found out?" jen laughs, and you groan. san looks like he's gonna say something else but you speak before he can.
"hey, since y'all are both here, come help me move this table," you command. "we need space for the models to walk." they do as you say, but share a knowing look while you're distracted. it's a bad thing to have your best friend and your crush in cahoots, but you'll figure that out later.
since san was here early, you got to work on his fitting first. jen finished setting up the workroom while you and san went to your office. jen made a show of putting headphones in to listen to music, and you wanted to pinch her so hard. she's making it obvious that you have a thing for san, and you're hoping beyond hope he doesn't notice.
"oh my god," he whispers when you open the door to your office, revealing the piece you've dedicated the past few months to. "that's incredible."
"you like it?" you turn to him, unsure. "it's a lot, i know."
"i love it," he smiles from ear to ear. "i've never worn something like this before."
"i hope no one has," you laugh nervously. "i tried a technique to emulate fur, so i'm hoping this is a super cool fashion innovation that'll take the industry by storm."
"how'd you do it?" san asks, looking at the piece in awe. "and how long did it take?"
"so, i shredded pounds and pounds of natural fabric until it looked so fine it could be a better alternative to faux fur," you explain. "and it took me about...four months?" san whistles lowly, his hands twitching at his sides. "you can touch it if you want."
"i want to put it on," he turns to you excitedly. "how do you want me to wear it?"
"don't hate me," you beg. "since this is such a big piece, and i want it to draw attention, i don't have a shirt for you."
"that's ok," san nods. "adds to the natural element."
"exactly," you smile, blushing anyway. "and there's just white pants underneath, for contrast. they should be super comfy, to make up for the workout you'll get walking around in the jacket."
"i can't wait," san says happily. he turns to you fully, looking between the outfit and you. "do you want me to strip, or...?"
"oh god, let me turn around," you say. "the pants are on the desk. let me know when you have them on."
"you're very polite," san chuckles. "most designers try to manage every single thing, including how models get dressed."
"it's pants," you scoff. "if you can't put pants on how did you get out the house?"
"i'm ready," he says, and you turn back to find him in the pants, yes, but still with his shirt on.
"um, do you mind?" you ask, tugging at the neckline of your own shirt hoping he gets the hint. it distracts him just enough that you have to call his name, and he looks at you with a hum. "can you, uh, take your shirt off?" he responds with actions, pulling his shirt off in one swift motion. you squeak out, "great!" and then shuffle toward the mannequin. "i might need help lifting this."
"no worries," he hurries to your aid, his hands brushing yours as you push the jacket off the form. "wow, this is no joke."
"if it's too heavy i can-"
"i can handle it," san says firmly. "help me into it?"
you hold up one side while san slips his arm in, and then help him into the rest. you take a step closer, trying to fasten the clasp on the front, but it won't meet. you struggle for a minute, hands ghosting so softly over san's chest. he doesn't realize he's holding his breath until your voice pulls him from his focus.
"what?" he looks down at you. "why are you frowning? it looks great."
"it doesn't fit over your chest," you pout. "i thought i had your measurements right-"
"oh, sorry, i've been working out," san admits. "and i think i gave you an old portfolio since i was in a rush, so my information may not be up to date..."
"shit," you mumble, and san tries to fix the situation. he starts tugging at the jacket, but you gasp and grab his hands, stilling them instantly. you look at him sternly as you instruct, "i'll make it fit, you just have to wear it. please don't do my job for me."
"sorry," san whispers. you're so close he could just lean down and kiss that pout from your lips, but that wouldn't be professional of him. but boy does he want to.
"before you take it off, let me find your shoes," you look around. "i want to see the whole look together...maybe jen knows where they are."
you open your office door and peek your head out, gasping at what you find. jen is pushed up against one of your work tables, and seonghwa is standing before her holding her waist like she could slip away at any moment. they're making out like they've done this before, and you clear your throat to get their attention.
"hi," seonghwa mewls. "this isn't what it looks like."
"looks like two of my employees are goofing off when they should be doing their jobs," you mumble, wandering around the studio. "jen, where are san's shoes?"
"um, by the door?" she guesses. "i didn't see his outfit in here, so i didn't know where to put them."
"it's in my office," you respond. "that's why i took him in there."
"i didn't know," she shrugs. you find the shoes and then glare at them, but neither one takes you seriously.
"seonghwa, your outfit is labeled with your name. it's an easy piece, simple closures, so you shouldn't need any help getting it on," you explain. "jen, come here. we have a problem."
"holy shit, you look awesome," jen says as soon as she sees san. she looks at you and asks, "what's wrong with it?"
"his chest is too broad," you frown again, staring at san's chest. "i can't get the jacket to close."
"he can't hold it when he walks?" jen suggests, and san tries it out. you start shaking your head before he finishes, and he actually whines when he sees your reaction.
"no, it's gonna fall off your shoulders if you do that," you say. "i want it to stay in place, and i need the clasp to work for that to happen."
"so what are you gonna do?" jen asks.
"not sleep until i fix it?" you reply. you look at her in defeat and add, "i don't know what else i can do."
"can i help?" san offers, but you shake your head again as jen says, "yes, you can." you try to protest, but she cuts you off.
"he can cut the initial shreds!" she offers. "then you do your magic putting them into the jacket. it takes out a step for you so hopefully it'll be quicker."
"what she said," san butts in. "let me help, please."
"i can't pay you for your extra time," you say softly. "i don't want to impose-"
"don't care," san shakes his head. "i've got nothing else going on."
"perfect!" jen claps her hands together. "you two figure that out, i'm gonna check on hwa..."
the rest of the fitting goes well. it's perfect, actually. you have the best models you've ever worked with, every piece fits, and the collection looks beautiful all together. you tear up watching them all walk before you, and the piece san is wearing literally makes a hush fall over the room. he still walks toward you with a wink, but this time it doesn't affect you as much. you're too focused on how much time it'll take to add a couple more inches to the coat. when san finishes, everyone looks to you expectantly, and it takes jen calling your name for your mind to catch up with your mouth.
"i don't know what to say," you admit. "you all did an amazing job, and this was just a fitting! imagine what this show will look like on a real stage. um, a couple things to note..."
once you finish your boss spiel, the models all start changing and leave one by one. you make sure to thank them all before they leave, and in a few minutes it's just you, jen, and san left.
"seonghwa didn't wanna stick around?" you ask jen.
"you scared him," she replies. "he left so fast i'm surprised he didn't leave a trail of smoke."
"i'll talk to him," you brush it off. "keep your paws off him in my studio though."
"no promises," jen sighs, gathering her things. "i need to go get another pair of heels for our tall girl, so do you need anything else from me before i go?"
"a hug?" you think. "i couldn't have done this without you."
"she loves me!" jen says to san, and he smiles encouragingly.
"you two are amazing," san says. "i don't know how just two people put together such a stunning show."
"lots of work," you say.
"i cried a few times," jen adds.
"we both did," you conclude. "but it was fun, so it was worth it. right?"
"fun, sure!" jen agrees.
"get out of here," you push her playfully. "please rest. no boys."
"you too," jen wags her finger at you. then to san, "don't let her work too hard!"
"i'll try my best," he salutes her, and jen leaves with a laugh. he turns to you and asks, "what can i help with?"
"i need to buy more fabric," you think. "so if you want to grab food while i-"
"no, we'll both grab food, and then fabric," san decides. "or fabric then food. either way, i'm buying your lunch."
"nope," he pulls you into his side and walks toward the door. "can't work hard on an empty stomach!"
you find yourself enjoying san's company more than you were expecting. he's easy to talk to, easy to laugh with, and he's so kind. he insisted on buying your lunch, even though that was going to be your payment to him for helping. he even tried to buy the extra fabric, claiming it's his fault you had to buy more anyway. you get back to your studio, smiles on both your faces, and get to work.
"so we need these in strips about an inch wide," you explain as you lay a few yards of fabric out on a work table. "tear them into strips, then we'll cut them in half, and then i can start shredding and adding them to the coat. sound good?"
"got it, captain," san nods. "how many do you need?"
"i don't know yet," you make a face. "you're a big guy."
"i'm just so strong," san rolls his eyes, flexing a little bit as he does.
"stop that," you laugh. "get to work. you want music on?"
"yeah, whatever you wanna listen to," san says as he straightens the fabric. you watch as he measures carefully, taking the fabric cutter over the material slowly. he holds up his first strip, looking to you for approval. "is this good?"
"perfect," you tell him. "now make like a thousand more."
"what are you gonna do while i work, hm?" san asks. "i've got a lot to do and you're just gonna watch me?"
"gotta make sure you're doing it right," you reply. "but i need to pack up some of these other pieces, they're getting shipped to the venue in the morning. my least favorite part of the job."
"how many shows have you done now?" san asks, and you fall into comfortable conversation with him while you work. you get most of the collection packed up before you know it, so you walk over to his table to check on his progress.
"not bad for a model," you say as you inspect the pieces. "you could make a mean designer's assistant."
"you in the market for one?" san asks, and you notice how close you are. he's a little taller than you, so all you'd have to do is stand on your toes and- "what are you thinking about?"
"what?" you whisper, taking a step back. san's hand catches your waist, holding you in place.
"what were you thinking about, just now?" he asks again. "you were staring."
"you're a model, i'd expect you'd be used to everyone staring at you," you whisper back.
"you're not everyone," he says softly. his eyes flit down to your lips, and before you can think you lean in and kiss him. it's quick, barely a touch, but you kissed him, and his hand on your waist tightens. when you look up at him, he's blushing. "what was that for?"
"um, for helping me with your outfit?" you reply.
"anything else you need my help with?" san smirks.
"san, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that," you whisper.
"yeah, you pulled back too quickly," he pouts.
"no," you laugh shyly. "no, um, i have a rule that i don't mess around with my models."
"got it," san sighs. "bummer, but i understand."
"i should start shredding these," you say, grabbing a pile of fabric. san's still holding onto you though, so you look at him expectantly. "you gonna let me go?"
"you don't mess with models, ever?" san asks. "or is it just models that are working for you?"
"um, the second one," you think. "but san-"
"then we'll talk about this again when the show is over," san says with finality. "i don't mind waiting."
"as long as you can keep things professional," you tell him.
"says the one who kissed me," san teases.
"whatever," you roll your eyes. "i'm gonna go work on the jacket."
"um, do you think these are enough strips for now?" san asks sheepishly. "i actually have to leave for an audition..."
"my god," you look at the time. "please, go. i'm sorry i kept you for so long."
"i'll come back when i'm done," san says like it's nothing. "i don't really want this show anyway, but my agent booked it, so i have to go."
"that's good to hear," you mumble. "because i don't like sharing."
"make sure you take a break while i'm gone," san points at you accusingly.
"go to your audition," you say as you walk to your office. "i'll be here when you get back."
san thinks about you the whole time he's gone. he breezes through the audition and gets an offer before he leaves, but after being in your show this designer seems scattered, unprofessional, and just not as good as you. his collection is fine, but it's nothing impressive. san can't wait to get back to your studio and see the progress on your coat, but when he knocks at the door there's no response. he waits, tries again, and still nothing. he tries the door and it opens easily, so san wanders in calling out your name. he doesn't see you in the work room, but there's a light on in your office.
"y/n?" he calls, stopping at the door when he sees you slumped over your desk, snoring softly. he looks at the mannequin next to you and lets out a gasp. it's more dramatic now with more fabric, and san thinks briefly it'll be even heavier to wear. he doesn't care though. right now, he's more concerned about getting you to someplace you can rest.
"you're back," you mumble, sitting up as you rub your eyes. "i fell asleep."
"i see that," san chuckles. he walks over to you and holds his arms out. "come on, we gotta get you home."
"what are you doing?" you ask, letting out a shriek when san picks you up. you hit his back weakly, but he carries you out of your office, through your studio, turning lights off as he goes.
"where's your bag?" san asks. you point and he carries you still, handing your things to you before doing a sweep of the studio. "ready to go?"
"where are we going?" you mumble into his shoulder. "i was sleeping just fine-"
"i'm taking you home," san says. "you need to sleep in a bed. not hunched over your desk."
"why are you being so nice to me?" you whisper as you nuzzle into him further. he doesn't reply, but you wouldn't hear it anyway. you drift off in his arms, only waking up when san slides you into the passenger seat of his car.
"you know how to get home from here, sleepyhead?" san asks as he ruffles your hair. you type your address into your phone, handing it to him before he closes the door carefully to rush to the driver's side. he laughs nervously when he sits down and finds you staring, so he asks, "what? too much?"
"i really want to kiss you again," you admit.
"but you can't," san coos. "remember your silly rules?"
"hmph, i was gonna say screw my rules, but then you made fun of me, so-"
"no, no i take it back!" san cries, but you turn and lay your head against the window. you smile to yourself as san begs you to turn back around, giggling as he tugs on your arm. you pretend to snore and san gives up, but his hand has moved from tugging your arm to just holding your hand. you stay like that the whole way home.
the runway show is tomorrow. you still aren't done with san's jacket. and you still aren't sure what to do since you kissed him. jen has ideas, though.
"climb him like a tree," she tells you for the nth time as she helps you unpack outfits at the venue. "he sooo wants you. and you sooo want him."
"doesn't matter who wants who," you mumble as you try to hold at least three pins by your teeth. you're securing a new zipper to your favorite dress. it wouldn't be a runway show without things falling apart last minute, and you could have punched a wall when you unpacked this dress to find the zipper literally holding on by a thread.
"the show is tomorrow, y/n," jen says sternly. "you can't hide behind your silly 'no models' rule for much longer."
"i won't," you assure her. she looks at you surprised, but she can't ask any follow ups because there are voices coming from the entrance.
"hello?" seonghwa calls out. you yell back that you're backstage, and when he appears he immediately finds jen to pull her into a hug.
"what are you doing here?" you ask him. "you don't have a fitting today."
"i brought him for moral support," san says from behind you. he's so close, and you didn't hear him come up, so it makes you jump. his hands fly to your waist, trying to soothe you, but the touch makes you jump too. "why are you so skittish?"
"i'm stressed," you respond, stepping away so you can find his coat. you look over your shoulder as you tell him, "the jacket still isn't done."
"what?" he whines. "do i need to tear more fabric?"
"no," you laugh. "just come here." he joins you further among the mess that is your collection, following closely behind you through the maze of clothing racks. you stop by his mannequin, turning to find him still incredibly close to you. "it just needs a clasp. as long as you didn't get broader over night."
"no promises," he smirks before pulling his shirt off. "can you help me get it on?"
"you've never needed my help before," you frown as you try avoid staring at his chest.
"yeah well, it's like ten pounds heavier now," san says. "and i'm just so weak..."
"bullshit," you laugh, helping him lift the coat anyway. you hold one side for him while he slips his arm in, then help him hold onto the other. "ok, stay here." you scurry off to get your sewing kit, and san finds jen's gaze through the clothes. she gives him a thumbs up and an exaggerated wink, and he stifles a laugh as you come back. you're holding more pins between your teeth, and san cries out. "what?"
"that can't be safe," he says as he reaches for one, but ends up pricking himself. "ouch."
"no touching," you mumble. "and hold the jacket like this." you guide his hands to hold the coat in place, and san watches intently as you work. you have to hand sew extra buttons on to support the new weight, so it takes a while. san tries to talk to you, but he's so worried about the pins in your mouth he can't focus.
"let me hold these," he grumbles, carefully pulling a pin from your lips. he takes the rest and cups them in his hand, accidentally pricking himself again. "ouch."
"that's what you get," you laugh. "you didn't have to hold them for me, i'm an expert at this by now."
"yeah, but if you had pins in your mouth, i couldn't do this," san says as he uses his free hand to cup your chin. he looks down at you with a smile before he kisses you. he kisses you and holds you against him, his lips so soft on yours. you sigh into the kiss, lost in the feeling of having him so close to you. you can feel his heart beating in his chest, and your hand that had been gripping the coat falls to his warm skin. you push him away, a little gasp on your lips when it hits you what's happened.
"what happened to being ok with waiting?" you ask him, and his head falls to your neck, leaving one kiss against your skin before he pulls back.
"i forgot," he whispers.
"well remember at least until i finish these buttons," you tell him.
"and then what?"
"then you gotta show me your walk," you say. the way you look up at him makes san want to kiss you again, but he does his best to refrain. you hold your hand out for the pins, and you put them back in your sewing kit as you say, "in a few minutes, your coat will finally be done."
"can't wait," san hums, his hands back to holding the jacket in place. "but i admit i'll miss having a reason for you to be so close to me."
"i'm sure you'll find more," you mumble, focusing on the last button. when it's sturdy enough to hold weight, you try securing the jacket together just enough for it to stay on san's shoulders. "hands off," you instruct, and san moves his hands from the coat to your shoulders. "hands to yourself."
"aw," he pouts. you start to walk away and he follows, but you tell him to stay put.
"stay there, then walk toward me," you direct him. "i wanna see how it moves now."
"you want me to go full model mode?" san asks. "can you handle it?"
"just show me," you groan, and the cocky grin on san's face should've warned you. it's like he changes into another person, his demeanor completely different. you realize now that the san you know is not model san, because the man before you is...intimidating? you almost back up as he walks toward you, his gait powerful and his stare petrifying. everything is so dramatic and the movement matches the coat perfectly. he still winks at you as he comes closer and turns, moving the coat so each layer of fabric, each shred explodes into an arc before you. san finishes his walk, turning over his shoulder with a shy smile on his face. he's back to the san you know as he asks, "how was that?"
"you're perfect," you stammer out, mimicking your words from the first time san walked for you. "for the collection. for this piece. everything. this is exactly what i imagined."
"good," his smile widens. "and the weight isn't too bad. it's distributed better now."
"good," you cough, trying to calm yourself down. watching that made everything real to you. this show is happening tomorrow. your nerves are hitting you now, and san can tell.
"are you ok?" he asks, rushing to your aide. he looks like he's going to pull you into a hug when you hear jen calling for you somewhere, and you disappear before san gets a chance.
the hours leading up to the show are a blur. in the hours leading up to the show, you are a blur. you don't stay still for more than a few minutes at a time. there's just so much for you to do, so many people to talk to, and so many people that need your help. a stylist asking your opinion. a model with loose threads down her back. a man with pleading eyes that you know is watching you from afar, ready to jump in if you collapse from nerves, or exhaustion, or both. you find jen at the accessories table, helping a model find bangles that won't fall off her arm as she walks. you grab onto jen, leaning in closely to rest your head against hers.
"i'm so tired," you whine. "and scared. and sweaty."
"ew, then get off me," jen pushes you away playfully. she finishes up with the model and sends her away before asking, "are you ok though? really?"
"why did i think dressing san without a shirt would be a good idea?" you whisper to her, watching him as he laughs with seonghwa about something. it's like he can feel your eyes on him, because he looks toward you and winks.
"because it is a good idea," jen says. "and he's not gonna be shirtless for long. you need to go help him into the coat, the show's about to start."
"shit," you curse, checking the time. "i have so much to do-"
"wait!" jen shouts, holding you in place. "something's missing."
"my will to go on?"
"no, you need lipstick," jen decides. she digs into the bag at her hip and finds the perfect pink shade for you. it matches your dress (that you designed) and it matches the warm pinks that you sprinkled into the collection. "there. you're ready."
"no i'm not," you mumble. "i didn't get to practice my welcome speech."
"go practice it with san!" jen pushes you in his direction. "five minutes!"
your palms get sweaty the closer you get to san. you're not sure if it's him, or the running countdown in your head reminding you that your show is about to happen. when you finally make it to san, he's alone, and he's smiling at you nervously.
"time for the coat?" he asks. you nod, and he follows you to the mannequin in the back. "how do you feel?"
"like i'm gonna pass out."
"i'll catch you," san jokes.
"arms up please," you squeak out. he helps you lift the coat silently, sliding into it like it's the most comfortable thing in the world. "and just let me secure it..."
"y/n," san whispers. "look at me." you don't listen, fussing over the buttons instead. you're smoothing out the warm pink fabric as san's hands cover yours, stilling them over his chest. "breathe for a second."
"i'm freaking out," you admit, looking up at him. "i have to go out there, and do a speech, and then watch my clothes, my life for the past year, all be judged by these strangers, and-"
"and you've done it before, and you survived," san smiles softly. "you're pretty great at this, in case you didn't know."
"nope," he shakes his head. "it'll be great."
"it will," you say unsurely.
"say it like you mean it."
"the show will be great," you declare, and san squeezes your hands before he lets them go.
"and then after the show..." san trails off, and you feel your heart start to race. "i don't know, maybe i could take you out to celebrate?"
"san, i can't think about that right now," you shake your head. "i can't-"
the stage manager starts calling out models for the line up, and san looks away sadly. he nods like he's got his answer and starts to walk away, but you pull him back. you don't say anything, just cup his chin and leave a delicate kiss on his cheek.
"we'll talk after the show," you whisper. the stage manager calls for him again, and he looks at you one more time before he leaves. you let out a nervous breath, checking your reflection in the vanity next to you. it's now or never. you walk up to the side of the stage, and your heart drops to your ass. something is wrong.
"what's going on?" you hiss, walking up to find make up artists swarming san. "this can't be happening."
"you did this," one of the artists whisper shouts back, pointing to san's cheek. fuck. the lipstick. your lipstick left a bright pink mark on his skin. "we don't have time to fix it!"
"then don't," san shrugs. "i like it."
"y/n?" the stage manager looks at you. "we have one minute. are we fixing this?"
"uh, n-no," you stammer, and the crowd disperses, leaving you and san again. "here, i can wipe it-"
"don't," san swats your hands away. "now i'll have a piece of you with me while i walk."
"you're wearing my clothes, you already had a piece of me with you," you tell him.
"yeah, but this one's just for me," he smiles. "plus the lipstick matches my jacket."
"y/n, you're on!" jen grabs you, a gleeful look on her face. "oh, your lipstick is smudged."
"i don't know how you planned that, but i hate you for it," you say as you try to hide your smile.
"i just thought it would be a cute touch for photos later," she smiles as she fixes the smudge and reapplies more. "i didn't know you'd go around kissing him, marking your territory."
"that's not what i did," you blush.
"we don't have time to argue about this," she pushes you toward the stage entrance. "go be great!"
you're able to introduce the collection without tripping or fumbling over your words, so you'll call that a win. even bigger win: the collection is a hit. each piece got the reaction you wanted, but the show stopper was definitely san. the crowd hushed when he walked out, and they went wild when he got to the end of the runway with his flourish move he showed you the other night. as you watch the show backstage, you blush when you see the lipstick mark shining under the bright lights.
it ends up being a hit, almost as much as the coat itself. fashion bloggers lauded it as a perfect touch, basically sealing the collection with a kiss. they also speculated about your relationship with san, which certainly wasn't helped by the fact that he held your hand tightly in his as the collection walked the runway all together. san lifted your hand in triumph as you made it to the end of the stage, and he lets go, stepping back so you can have your moment. you soak it in as long as you can take, then scurry back to his side and grab his hand as you run backstage. he lifts you into a hug as soon as the curtain closes behind you, surrounded by cheers and models talking about how great the show was.
"put me down!" you squeal, swatting at san's chest so he'll let you go. "i need to talk to everybody."
"you can do it from up there," san says. you don't think you'll win this one, and he's right. it might be easier to address your models and your team from a few inches higher up.
"first of all, thank you," you say sincerely. "i wouldn't have a show without you all, and i had the best show because of you all. so thank you. if i could make you all vow to only ever work with me forever until the end of time, i would, but that's not ethical. so instead i'll say: you all have a spot in any show i do for the rest of my career. thank you. thankyouthankyouthankyou."
the crowd thins out as models get undressed, artists pack up their things, and the stage crew follows everyone around to remind them to clean up after themselves. miraculously, you and san are alone again.
"so," he hums. "i walked good?"
"you didn't trip," you nod.
"everyone loved it," san smiles.
"they loved you," you say, busying yourself with straightening the coat again.
"all i care about is what you thought."
"i've told you already," you start. "you're perfect."
"you say that, but earlier i think you were about to turn me down," san laughs nervously.
"what?" you're confused. "oh, i didn't finish. i was gonna say i can't go out with you tonight, but i'm free tomorrow."
"tomorrow? you'd make me wait so long?" san smirks.
"i have a business dinner to go to tonight," you explain. "so unless you wanna be my arm candy for the people who sponsored the show, then yes, you have to wait so long."
"i'm good at being arm candy," san says. "it's basically my job."
"fine," you shrug. "then put a shirt on and come with me?"
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pomefioredove · 21 hours
What do you say about Lilia with "Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
I would say hgghh💕💖❤️
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summary: "don't bite your lip, I want to do that" type of post: short fic characters: lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is kinda implied to be yuu but doesn't have to be, not proofread, Lilia is shamelessly flirty thank u a part of this event
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There are very few things that still manage to catch Lilia by surprise.
At his age, he's simply running out of new experiences; school, politics, even the wonderful world of the internet have started becoming monotonous and boring, leaving him in a slump.
Perhaps, then, that's why he's taken such an interest in you.
Such an intriguing little creature, he thinks, watching you from the shadows of the Diasomnia lounge.
You'd come by to drop something off for Malleus, the sweet thing that you are, and, once again, Lilia finds himself shamelessly staring.
He knows he shouldn't, but, oh, he truly can't help himself!
He inches closer. Lilia can't help but wonder what sort of noise you'll make when he startles you this time. A gasp? A shout, perhaps? Maybe even a cute little squeak... the thought of that is strangely exciting to him.
Only one way to find out.
He drops out of the shadows, blocking you from the exit just as you turn towards it. "Hello!"
And... Nothing.
You smile. "Ah... hello again, Lilia. Did Malleus tell you I was coming?"
His arms fall to his sides with a pout. Nothing? Nothing at all? You look at him like he has something stuck in his teeth.
"He may have mentioned," Lilia sighs. "You're impossible to tease these days. It's quite disappointing, really."
You smile slightly, much to his bemusement. He hates letting you have the upper hand... "Maybe I've started anticipating your pranks. You'll just need to find some new material,"
New material...? He scoffs. You're not even the least bit concerned about him!
"It used to be so easy to get a rise out of you. Humans change far too fast," he laments.
"Now I'll never get to see that flustered look on your face ever again! Or I'll have to come up with something new to tease you with..."
"Orrrr... you could just not tease me at all?"
He chuckles, shaking his head as if you had just said something ridiculous. "With your precious reactions? Impossible!"
You sigh.
Lilia tuts, tapping his chin as if lost in deep thought. He circles you once, twice, then stops in front of you.
"I can't think of anything," he sighs dramatically. "It'll come to me later... Is that uniform new?"
"Oh, uh..." you mutter, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. You turn around yourself in a circle. How cute.
"Well, it's the same uniform, but I got my measurements taken at Pomefiore, and they they got me a better fitting one."
"I can tell,"
He hums pleasantly, dragging his eyes over your body. "They did a wonderful job accentuating your features,"
You huff and look away, much to his delight, clearly taken by surprise by his change in tone.
"...Thank you,"
"Fufufu. Don't mention it," Lilia says, eyes narrowing. "You don't get complimented very much, do you?"
"Not regularly,"
"I could surmise as much. Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're almost flustered by little old me. Is that right?"
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes widen as you realize that you've walked right into his trap. "Oh, no, no. I'm not. I'm fine!"
"Really? Don't get shy on me, now. I'm beginning to like this even more than scaring you,"
He takes a step forward, drinking in the sight of you, your body's nervous reactions to his teasing. "How cute,"
"Tease," you say, biting the corner of your lip.
You back yourself against the wall of the lounge, to his absolute delight, and he takes that as an invitation to get closer.
"That I am," Lilia admits without a hint of shame. "But don't bite your lip... I want to do that."
That long sought-after squeak finally escapes you, music to his ears, and he leans closer. For a moment, it seems like he's about to close the distance between you... then, at the last second, he pulls back.
He chuckles. "Oh, what fun! I haven't felt so young in ages. But I do have other business to attend to,"
And so, Lilia leaves you stunned, trembling against the wall as he merrily walks off before you seem to come to your senses.
"Vanrouge, you little shit! Get back here!"
A slight giggle escapes him as he starts off running, with you not far behind. He was right; this is much, much more rewarding than scaring you.
Maybe, if you make another one of those cute noises, he'll even let you catch him.
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Big Brother Eddie – Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
I looked up when the bell above the door rang. I instantly relaxed when I noticed Y/N walking in as she pulled on her vest.
"That's not fair," I scoffed.
"What?" She asked, freezing in place.
"This uniform makes me look like the Friendly Green Giant," I smirked. "And yet you look perfect."
I loved doing that. I loved making her blush. That's what I spent most of my shifts doing whenever we worked together.
"I look like someone threw up on me," Y/N scolded as she walked into the employee lounge.
Throughout our shift, I continued to make Y/N laugh and blush. Whenever a guy came into the store, I'd move so I was closer to her at the checkout counter.
Toward the end of our shift, Dustin came into the store. I was too busy focusing on Y/N who had just tweaked her ankle that I didn't notice him at first.
"Steve!" Y/N gasped as I grabbed her hips, picked her up, and put her on the counter. "I'm fine," she chuckled. "There's no need for this."
I ignored her as I grabbed her ankle and looked at it. "You twisted it pretty bad," I mumbled. "You shouldn't be standing all night."
She leaned down and grabbed my hands, making me look at her. "I'm fine, Steve."
"You should go back to the breakroom and ice your ankle," I said, ignoring the feeling of her hands on my wrists. I can handle the customers."
"I told you. . ."
"There's no point arguing," I cut her off, trying to sound light. "You are going to the back and resting your foot. I'll close up tonight and then take you home."
"You don't have to," she sighed. "How about this? Go grab the stool out of Keith's office and I'll sit and man the counter."
I opened my mouth to object but she smirked. "There's no point arguing," she said, using my words against me.
I playfully saluted her before turning around. Right as I turned, I noticed Dustin smirking at me. I cleared my throat before heading to Keith's office.
I came back and Y/N was still on the counter, but she was talking to Dustin.
"He did what?!" She laughed.
"What's going on here?" I asked as I walked over. I put the stool in front of the cash register and grabbed her hips again. Y/N started to say my name but I ignored her. I picked her up and gently put her on the stool.
"Aww," Dustin cooed. "How cute. How many blackmail files do you have against my friend here that he has to carry you everywhere, Y/N? And can I get some?"
"It's not like that," I sighed.
"I don't have blackmail files on Steve," Y/N chuckled. She lowered her voice and added, "Not that he's aware of."
"Wait, what?"
"Nothing," Y/N smiled as she reached up and patted my face. "Don't worry about it."
Y/N and I maintained our staring contest until Dustin cleared his throat.
"What are you doing here?" I sighed, turning toward him.
"I need a movie."
"Hate to break it to you, Henderson, but you came to the wrong place," I said, sending Y/N a look and making her giggle.
I grabbed his shoulder and dragged him away from Y/N. I started showing him some movies but Dustin was more focused on my coworker.
"How long have you been obsessed with Y/N Munson?" He teased.
"Shh," I cut him off. Dustin looked over my shoulder at Y/N and smirked.
"She doesn't know, does she?" He laughed. "Wow. That's kind of pathetic."
"What do you mean?" I scoffed.
"You've been crazy about her since you and Robin first started working here," Dustin said like it should've been obvious. "And yet, you've done nothing about it. I'm guessing you flirt with her. A lot. You constantly put yourself on the same shift so you can spend hours with her. You get jealous and possessive whenever a guy walks in and starts talking to her."
I looked away from him, my eyes landing on Y/N. She was talking to one of our regulars with a big smile on her face. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and never let her go.
"Stop doing this to yourself," Dustin sighed.
"What do you mean?" I asked, not looking away from Y/N.
"Ever since Nancy, you haven't let yourself fall for another girl," he said, making me look at him. "Now, here you are, with an amazing girl who has the ability to make you happy and you're too afraid to ask her out."
"It's not that simple," I mumbled.
"That's just it," he sighed as he grabbed a movie, "it is that simple."
I didn't move as he walked up to Y/N and checked out his movie. When he started to leave, he mumbled something as he passed me.
"Just ask her out. You'll be a lot happier once you do."
* * * * *
As we finished our shift, my mind kept going back to my conversation with Dustin. I looked up as she logged off the computer and slowly stood up. I rushed over and gently grabbed her.
"What are you doing?" I panicked.
"I'm fine," she chuckled.
"At least let me take you home," I sighed. She opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her. "Please, Y/N. Let me take you home."
"I already told you," she said, her eyes softening. "I'm fine to drive home. It's not even my driving ankle."
"Fine," I gave in. I smirked when I got an idea. "Wanna go get dinner after our shift?"
"No thanks," she said simply.
"What?" I tried to laugh off. "You got another guy you haven't told me about?"
"Of course not," she teased. "You know you're the only dingus I flirt with."
"Then how come you won't go to dinner with me?" I asked before I could stop myself. She looked up at me, her eyes sinking.
"Come on," she sighed. "You really don't know?"
"No," I said honestly. "I don't. Why won't you?"
"If you don't know," she said, clearing her throat, "then I'm not going to tell you. If you ever figure it out, let me know."
* * * * *
I briefly pushed Y/N to the back of my mind as things with the UpsideDown resurfaced.
I jumped when a jean vest was thrown at me. I caught it and instantly looked up at a glaring Eddie.
"For your modesty," Eddie said sarcastically. Nancy and I shared a look before she walked away.
"Thanks," I mumbled as I slipped it on. Before I could walk away, Eddie grabbed my elbow.
"Want to know why my sister keeps turning you down?"
I studied him, trying to see if he was just being an ass. Eddie's eyes glanced behind me. My stomach sank when I turned around and saw it was Nancy he was watching. I turned back around to see a different kind of look on his face; protective.
"Look, Harrington," Eddie sighed, his tone completely different. "I love my sister, but she has one giant flaw."
"What's that?" I asked, my voice barely audible.
"She's insecure."
"But why would that. . ."
"Because of you and her," he said, pointing at Nancy. This time, I didn't turn around.
"What does Nancy have to do with Y/N not going out with me or with her being insecure?"
"Oh, I don't know," he said sarcastically. "Maybe it's because you claim to be over Nancy Wheeler, but you stare at her like she's the most important thing in the world. How you should be staring at Y/N."
"Eddie. . ."
"If you really like my sister," he cut me off, "then do something about it."
"What should I do?"
"Start by making it clear to her that she's the only one for you." He grabbed my arm, stopping me. "I mean it, Harrington. If you really care about my sister, make sure she never doubts it."
"You're okay with this? With me and Y/N?"
"As long as you mean it," he said simply. "You have to promise me that if you get the chance to be with my sister, you'll take care of her."
"I will," I said, trying to make sure he knew I was serious. "I promise, Eddie. I'll take care of her."
Everything sped up after that. We set a trap for Vecna and things went horribly wrong. Max got hurt and Eddie was killed. As soon as we found Dustin holding Eddie's dead body, my mind instantly went to Y/N.
We were all in a haze as we went back to Hawkins and allowed the repercussions to settle. People believed that Eddie was responsible for everything and nothing we could do would change that. I've tried reaching out to Y/N to check on her, but she hasn't left her uncle's trailer since her brother died.
"You look like hell," Dustin said as I walked into his room with a bag of movies and comic books.
"Thanks," I scoffed. "And here I was, being nice, and bringing you movies and comics."
"Sorry," he smirked. He watched as I walked in and placed the bag next to him on the bed. I sat on the edge and messed with my hands. "What's going on with you?"
"Y/N still won't talk to anyone," I sighed. "I've called and stopped by several times. Even Robin tried going by. She's refusing to see or talk to anybody."
"Just give her time," he said gently. "Losing Eddie. . . It was rough on all of us."
"I know," I grumbled. "But I want to help her and she's not letting me."
"It's not that she's not letting you," he said, throwing my words back at me. "She just needs time, Steve."
Reader's POV
I walked through the high school cafeteria, struggling to ignore the sideways glances and the whispers. I dropped off my donations to a scowling older woman. I wasn't surprised.
Ever since this went down, people in town have treated me like it was all my fault. I honestly had no idea what happened. All I know is my brother was being blamed for the recent murders.
I walked around and tried to help, but no one would let me. They made up reasons for not needing my help. After I had talked to everyone, I walked out of the cafeteria and sat on the ground, leaning against the lockers. I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I leaned my chin on my knee and struggled to hold in the tears.
I looked up when Steve ran into the hallway. He found me and let out a sigh of relief. "There you are."
"Here I am," I mumbled. I looked away when Steve sat next to me.
"How are you?" He asked. I glanced over at him, not bothering to hide my tears. My heart jumped into my throat when he scooted closer to me.
"I'm really sorry," he whispered. "I wish. . . I tried. . . I should've done something."
"I'm sure you did everything you could," I mumbled.
"What can I do for you?" He asked, the tone of his voice different.
"I don't know," I stuttered. Steve nodded as he scooted closer to me. I didn't move as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I stopped hiding the tears as I wrapped my arms around him and allowed Steve to hold me.
"I'm sorry about, Eddie," he whispered. "If you ever need anything, I'm here for you."
"Thanks," I chuckled as I pulled out of his arms. "You really don't have to. . ."
I gasped when Steve leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. The shock wore off and I slowly kissed him back. When he broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead against mine.
"Before he died," Steve whispered, "your brother gave me so much crap for not telling you the truth."
"The truth?"
"I'm crazy about you, Y/N," he admitted. "I'm absolutely, one hundred percent, crazily into you. You make putting on that ugly green vest worth it. My day is so much better when you're with me. I don't want to go another day without you."
"I don't want to go another day without you either," I whispered, my heart sticking in my throat.
Steve smiled before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
"I promised your brother I would take care of you," he whispered as he broke the kiss. "And I intend to do just that."
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akutasoda · 2 days
hi, platonic gallagher with a teen!reader who is a trouble maker and also acts very grown up
typical troubled teen reader who desperately tries to act like an adult
don't wish to grow up
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synopsis - gallagher can't help but look out for you when you get in trouble, despite your insistence that you don't need help
includes - gallagher - platonic!
warnings - gn!teenish!reader, fluff, slight crack, angst toward the end, slight spoilers for 2.2 story quest, wc - 1.2k
a/n: man i miss gallagher...
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penacony was bustling as always, the atmosphere would've been practically suffocating of he hadn't gotten so used to it. most people were either way to excited or drunk on soulglad to actually care about what was happening outside of their own dream. the bloodhounds were mainly put in place mainly to seem as though thr land of dreams was one of the safest places to be when in reality all they really were was crowd control and occasional maps for those unfamiliar with the area. gallagher could easily ghost past everyone due to these factors, however, unlike most, he wouldn't mind his own business this time - especially when he heard a very familiar voice ring out from nearby.
'it wasn't me! you dogs have the wrong person' gallagher paused in his tracks and let out a long sigh as he rerouted toward the source of the commotion.
two bloodhounds stood infront of you and blocked you from continuing on. it was obvious that one was still new as they kept glancing toward the other with uncertainty and so you decided to add another jab 'do they teach you dogs to stop every passerby? is it to get a bonus by tormenting others?'
luckily, before the more experienced bloodhound could retort, you're saviour arrived. 'move on with you're patrols, i'll take care of this one', the two bloodhounds turned to face gallagher with a look of confusion but whatever issue they had was forgotten and they did as told. gallagher watched as the figures retreated back into the crowd before turning to you with a unimpressed state, you could only offer your best smile in return.
'what did you do this time?' he sighed, wanting to know whatever problem you had planned this time.
'me? i didn't do anything this time! they just stopped me for no reason' you would try and describe the situation to him but you knew he wouldn't care at the end of the day because you'd gotten out of it again - with his help.
sometimes gallagher truly didn't know whether knowing you was a blessing or a curse, especially when he spends alot of time talking you out of trouble with the other bloodhounds. he'd be lying however if he didn't admit that you did have a smart head on your shoulders - mainly due to the fact that you seemed to act beyond your years despite falling into childish, troubling behaviours from time to time.
your first encounter had been not very different from the common occurrence with you, he'd caught you causing issues in the dreamscape and yet someone found himself being lenient on you and letting you go with no consequences - perhaps he may be at fault for encouraging your behaviour in this way. however, in honesty, he could never fault you for your behaviour - no matter how mature you may seem, you were still young deep down and you deserved to act that way.
'fine then, i'll take your word. just tell me what you plan on doing now.' a small part of him knew that he had subconsciously took on the role of looking out for you, but he didn't want to admit that.
'don't quite know yet' you stared at him and he sighed before walking away and signalling for you to follow, to which you did so. after a beat of silence you added 'i don't need you to always be looking out for me you know?'
'is that so?' he hummed, not bothering to properly look at you. you quickly retorted 'yes that is so, im not some kid that can't be left unsupervised for five seconds okay?' and he merely hummed a half hearted agreeance again.
most of the bloodhounds knew who you were, how could they not when you practically had a fun in with some every day? so yes, gallagher would say you needed supervision to make sure you didn't get yourself into some stupid situation but again, you were a kid - maybe not a kid kid but a kid nonetheless. the walk was mostly silent afterwards, you knew nothing you could say could convince him otherwise.
gallagher sometimes questioned if you got more daring and into trouble more frequently because you knew that he'd be able to weasel you out of the worst consequences. obviously that would mean he is technically encouraging you, something that he didn't exactly want to happen as if the time comes that he isn't around, nobody else would be as willing to bail you out. he's seen plenty to know that he wouldn't want you actually going down that path.
he had also seen your much more mature side, very rarely however, he had to admit that you could act beyond your years. and he didn't know what was worse, you getting into trouble or acting beyond your years - there didn't seem to be a middle ground where you could be yourself. he wasn't exactly an expert on emotions but it wouldn't take much to figure out that you were quite troubled.
ever since you met gallagher, you'd notice an acute awareness had developed toward these hound statues that you swore had never been around before - what was weirder was the fact that they'd disappear if you got too close, you cant be imagining things right?
contrary to most people's suspicions, you found gallagher rather entertaining to be around - alot of the time he opted to just listening to you ramble on and on with occasional comments or queries. from very early on gallagher had always made a point to ask about your day when he saw you, or just ask how you were in general and always listened to whatever you wanted to talk to him about regardless of whether he actually understood or not.
but you had also noticed how he was also one for talking to you about your behaviour, which was to be expected. whenever he saved you from another bloodhound's interrogation, he would always tell you about not getting into so much trouble. he didn't really care what you had done but he needed you to know that you can't always get into trouble, especially when you have your whole life ahead of you and he won't always be there to bail you out.
he also made it very clear to you, in subtle ways, that you didn't always have to act so grown up, especially around him. you were allowed to act your age and acting so mature all the time wasn't exactly a good thing - you needed to act your age otherwise you'd only miss out on it. although, atleast he could have some comfort in knowing that when he does cease to exist that you would be mature enough to see it through. he also knows that those hound statues will continue to see over your safety because even if it’s imaginary, it has unshakable loyalty.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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rosescarlette · 3 days
-> Zhongli being a girl dad!✨
-> Zhongli being the type of dad that's absolutely overprotective of his daughter, he wouldn't let any guy come close to his daughter. Always protecting his precious gem.
-> One day you even found Zhongli in a ridiculous state with your daughter which you couldn't help but laugh about.
"Daddy! Can we play princesses and tea parties please??"
"Hm. I am still in the middle of finishing something."
"Aw.. :("
Seeing your daughter's sad face he couldn't refuse.. so he decided to play for a while. He spoke with his signature smile.
"Alright. I will play then. But only for an hour."
"Really?! Yay! I'll go get my dollies and stuff!!"
He heard her footsteps running to her room to grab her stuff. He couldn't help but give a hearty chuckle.
"Alright I've got my things! But.. there's something missing.."
"Hm? Missing? Like what?"
"This party was only for princesses but you're a guy!"
"O-oh is that so?.."
"But that's okay! We can dress you up!! Follow me!!"
You were out shopping for stuff while your daughter went to your bedroom and opened your closet. Zhongli was beside her all along.
"Why are we in your mother's room? She would be quite mad at us if we broke anything."
Your daughter just ignored him completely and was still searching in your closet until she found a pretty dress.
"Okay put this on! This is very gorgeous! Mommy has so many pretty dresses.."
"Ah I remember gifting her th-"
"No lectures put it on!!!"
"Alright alright."
As both of them were playing in your daughter's bedroom. You had come home from shopping and seen that zhongli is not at his usual place. Which is quite odd. However there was indeed a lot of noise coming from her room so you decided to check it out.
"What's going on here?"
Both of them immediately froze. Not only that, the bedroom was quite messy.
"Wait a second. Is that my dress?"
Zhongli was in a tough spot. He didn't know what else to do. And your daughter immediately told what happened with joy.
"Mommy! Isn't daddy looking good?"
"Hm.. let me see."
That's when you saw zhongli in a ridiculous state. Girly makeup which was not well done. But he was very proud of how he looked. So he immediately became serious.
"Nothing.. just wondering how you look so fine today."
"Yes. I am very pretty."
"Yes!! See!! He looks very beautiful as a princess!!"
You died out laughing that moment.
"Ah yes.. I suppose he does look gorgeous. In my dress that too. So how was your tea party my dear? Hm?"
Zhongli would never forget that smirk of yours ever since. He was quite proud of how he looked because his daughter had done the makeup but none the less he sighed and spoke up.
"Yes it's very good. Now if you don't disturb us please."
That's when you noticed.. that they weren't playing with the toy tea set. But with the actual tea set. They had a real tea set.
"Hm? So you made the tea?"
"Yes. Would you like to have a cup of tea?"
Still seeing him in that attire, you still broke out laughing and gave in to his offer.
"Alright fine. I'll join in. However would the two of you like to have some cake to go along with it?"
"Yay cakes! I thought you had forgotten mommy! Thanks!"
"Ah no big deal."
"Yay now there's one thing missing.."
"And what that might be?"
"You! We need you to be properly dressed!!"
Before you know it you had also worn a pretty gown and make up done by your daughter. Zhongli had a smirk the whole time you both were spending time with your daughter. And now it was his turn to quietly laugh at you.
Rather that it was quite an enjoyable day.
-> Like I said again he also hates when some boy likes his daughter. How dare that person!
"Dad I am officially a grownup!!"
"Calm down zhongli. I mean she's nearly a teenager now-"
"I got a letter!"
Both of you were confused.
"Whats the letter supposed to mean?"
"It means someone loves me mom!"
Is it a love letter my dear?"
"Yes!! I-"
"Who's the guy."
"Zhongli cool down it's just a letter."
"My absolute dearest. I just want to talk to that guy."
"Zhongli you're out to kill him aren't you?"
"Answer the question."
"Come on love it's just a letter.."
"I am not gonna talk you out of this am I?"
"Zhongli no killing."
"Ok dearest."
"But you didn't say not to hit him with a meteorite."
-> Let's just say it's a chaotic night.
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iamtotallycool · 2 days
Mae's Climb
A shout-out to @arleniansdoodles for their amazing art that inspired this quick one shot.
Enjoy! ✨
This was insane. This was completely insane.
Mae readjusted her grip on the iron support beam of a ruined building.
Soona had said that they were already half-way there, but Mae wasn't sure her shaking arms...and legs...and body could continue.
Was this even worth it?
It all started from Dr. Hasslein's suggestion. He was the head scientist of the Los Angeles bunker studying the ALZ-113s history of effects on humans and simians.
After hearing Mae's mission report, he was fervent to know more about the Apes cultures. Not for nefarious purposes, purely for scientific purposes. So, he said.
He then further twisted the knife that the more the survivors knew, the more they could avoid another Proximus Caesar incident.
How could she say no to that?
When she stood on the outskirts of the village as she had months before with all the mental fortified she had prepared herself with. Turned out approaching Noa had been the easy part. Even though she had expected him to chase her off like the first time they had met. Or worse.
But, he had stared at her like he couldn't believe she was there. And when she asked to stay with the Clan, the small smile that had briefly appeared on his lips tightened Mae's chest.
Ultimately, it was a decision that had to be made by the Elders. And after much deliberation and defense from Noa, they came to a proposition.
If Mae could care for an Eagle, then she could at least not be seen as an immediate threat. A first step.
Mae had never had an animal companion before. There were some snakes and mice in the bunker labs, but she never interacted with them. However, to go back and admit to her people why she couldn't do the mission would be worse.
Her palms were sweating and she felt she was close to losing her grip.
When she had agreed to this though, she hadn't realized she would also have to retrieve an egg as well.
Her years of combat training had prepared her well enough that the first couple climbs has been easy.
Now...not so much.
Mae felt a sudden yank on both her arms as she was lifted clear up. She was settled down and came face-to-face with the smiling Anaya.
"Be careful, Echo--I mean...Mae."
Mae tried to not let her hurt pride show on her face. She looked down at her palms, fresh callouses were already forming and stained orange from the rust.
She felt a gaze over her shoulder and looked to see Noa standing behind her, seeing her hands too.
Mae quickly hid them.
Noa pursed his lips before he signed something to his companions that Mae didn't understand. Whatever it was, Soona and Anaya continued along, leaving just her and Noa.
He pointed to her, "Does it...hurt?"
"It's fine," Mae responded curtly, rubbing her palms on her pants. "I can keep going."
Mae moved to pass Noa, but he lightly grabbed her bicep to stop her.
"Perhaps...I could carry...you."
The thought was tempting, she had held onto his back before, and knew he wouldn't let her fall. But that wasn't why she hesitated.
"Would that count?" Mae asked. "Would I be accepted if you did?"
Noa immediately broke eye contact with her, giving her the answer.
"We can make sure...they don't know."
Mae moved her head so they were looking at each other again.
"But I'll know."
Noa smiled at her, one that crinkled the corners of his eyes.
He then trained his green eyes to the sky. He stretched out his arm and made a short call. The call was answered as Noa's large golden eagle, Sun, landed on his forearm.
Noa released Mae's arm as he then gently stroked the eagle's chest. He then quickly reached behind and pulled out one of Sun's tail feathers.
The eagle squawked before pecking Noa on the forehead and flying away.
"What did you do that for?"
Noa rubbed the sore spot on his forehead. "He'll forgive me...I hope."
Noa then turned fully to Mae and presented the tail feather.
It was large and looked beautifully golden as the morning sunrise streamed through it.
Noa pushed it closer to her, "For you."
Mae was still confused, but took the offering. Twirling it in her fingers, memorized by its perfect symmetry that it almost felt unreal.
"Symbolizes strength," Noa explained. "Eagles give you their wings."
Part of Mae reacted how there was absolutely no logic in that.
However, the other part of her was moved by the gesture and the sincerity he spoke to her with. He always seemed to do that.
So, Mae slid the feather into her bun, making sure it was secure.
"Thank you," She said softly.
The corner of Noa's mouth twitched up as he then moved to the next portion to climb.
He turned to offer his hand to her.
Without hesitation, she took it.
"It's so much smaller than I imagined."
Mae looked at the precious egg that was cradled in her hands.
Sitting on top of the world, all of them together, Mae forgot about the pain of climbing up or the one that would happen on the way down.
"And?" Soona asked excitedly.
Mae caught Noe's smile again, he gently covered her hands with his, so that the egg was protected by both of them together.
"You will do...great."
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pearlofthesirens · 1 day
For My Princess Only: Chapter 2
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summary: You did not expect yourself to fall for a commoner, that too a bandit out of all the men who wanted you. But what happens when your safety is threatened and your father, the king, learns about your secret lover? pairing: Bandit!Kyle Gaz Garrick x Princess!Reader warnings: she/her pronouns used, reader of arab/south asian descent, slight cursing, historic misogyny and objectification of women mentioned now playing: Nainowale Ne by Neeti Mohan word count: 1283 words(one thousand two hundred and eighty three words)
"How much for a dozen of these apples, brother?"
"36 coins, madam."
"36? I swear you people are raising the prices, last month it was 24 coins."
"These are from the new harvest, dear. They arrived fresh this very morning."
"Fine, fine. I'll take it for 36 coins."
The fruit vendor happily received the payment and handed her the dozen apples in your bag, totally unknown to him that he was talking to the princess. How would he? Her face was hidden by a stole wrapped around her head and face. Women in her kingdom never failed to practice modesty through clothes and to blend in, she had to do the same. It protected her from the immense heat too.
It wasn't until she walked quite a distance from that shop to another one that she heard a commotion. Turning back, she was more than enthusiastic to see the same man from the day she was out with her father. He seemed to be in trouble, the fruit vendor holding his hand which had an apple in it.
"You thief! You think you can just take my fucking fruits and walk off without paying?!"
"Of course, he didn't pay." Princess laughed to herself and walked towards them to solve the issue. Raising a hand, she stopped the vendor from almost killing the man out of anger and took the apple from his hand.
"Don't worry, I'll pay for his purchase."
"Madam, this is a thief you're wasting your coins on!"
"Thieves don't steal something they don't consider a need. Food is an essential everyone deserves. Please add two more of these to the tally."
The 'thief' was dumbstruck seeing someone pay for him. He looked at her in awe, wondering who this generous woman was. Her eyes seemed familiar, he swore he had seen them before. After spending a few more coins on the extra fruits, she handed them to the man and proceeded to walk away, thinking that he will not recognize her since her face was hidden behind all the fabric. But he followed after her, with the biggest beaming smile on his face.
"Wait! Kind lady, please!"
She turned around again to find him tailing after her and this time, she could see his grin up close. He was like a fresh breath of oxygen, like a flower blooming in a desert, like a drink of chilled water in scorching heat.
"How do I repay you? You did more than just help me!"
"Consider it as a kind gesture, sir."
"You didn't just save me from that guy, you got me more than what I needed! I cannot just walk away without any recompense."
She took a deep breath in, hesitating to attempt what she wanted to. But she shook off all her negative thoughts as her fingers slowly rose up to her face, unclasping the fabric which concealed her features. And he saw, eyes wide at her identity being revealed.
"P-Princess..? Your Highness, I-"
She immediately covered her face back, putting a finger against his soft lips. She let her fingers wander up on his face, letting her palm fully rest on his cheek. For a moment, it seemed as if both of you found whatever you were looking for in each other. He found kindness in her and she found liberty.
"Let this remain a secret between us, hmm?"
It was enough to silence him, the only thing he could hear at that moment was her voice and the pounding of his heart in his chest. Every other noise faded away when her eyes scrunched up in a smile. She was just as beautiful in regular attire as she was in royal clothes, draped with the finest silk and jewelry. The lack of glamour did not take away her beauty or her kindness.
"R-Right, yes...I'm terribly sorry for burdening you with my troubles."
"It's nothing. I'm happy to help you."
She continued to browse through shops as he followed her, now with her consent. She stopped in front of a jewelry shop, checking out the trinkets laid in front of them. Her eyes wandered towards a specific jewel, something she thought would fit the rogue she had already made a plan to heal and set on a good path.
"Since you already know who I am, may I have your name?"
He felt the blood rush into his cheeks when he realized he did not even tell her his name. His hands shot up to his chest and he held his head low, earning an inaudible chuckle out of the jewel merchant who thought he was being courteous towards the lady.
"Kyle Garrick, Your High-"
She gave him a quick glare, reminding him that she was still in disguise. He coughed and collected himself before embarrassing himself in front of the princess anymore.
"Ahem- it's Kyle Garrick, madam. My friends call me Gaz."
"Kyle, hmm...got a nice ring to it. I hope to see you often."
"Of course, ma'am. Anyti-"
"Not while you're stealing something. I don't want to see you do that again."
"I-I..of course, yes..."
She saw the way his smile dropped and he appeared ashamed, and let out a brief breathy laugh. He looked adorable, almost like a little boy who got caught doing something he shouldn't have.
"Do you have a job? Anything you do for money?"
"N-No, ma'am..haven't had a stable one."
Nodding, she noted it down in her head before buying a gold chain with a bright garnet pendant from the merchant. With a swift movement of her hands, she swung the chain over Kyle's neck and stepped back to see how he looked with it on. "Definitely handsome", she thought, "but a few changes could do."
"Do you know how to ride horses?"
"I do, ma'am."
"Fend off an assailant?"
"If given a sword or a weapon of sorts, would you be able to safely use it?"
"Of course."
He could only stand with his hands behind his back, feeling her eyes trail from his face down to his abdomen. Her gaze felt scrutinous, as if she was making a conclusion out of his visuals. He definitely wasn't wearing his best, a tattered shirt and dirty trousers. His shoes were on the verge of falling apart, hair messy and unruly.
"Come to the palace tomorrow. I think I can get you to do something that you'd be whole-heartedly devoted to, for a hefty wage of course."
For Kyle, shocked would be an understatement. He was getting a employed at the royal palace? That too because of the princess, Her Highness?
"But I'm just a-"
"You're a man who is competent. And it would hurt me to not fix you with an occupation which could possibly bring you enough money so you won't have to resort to improper ways again."
He opened his mouth to protect, but the sympathetic on her face made him stop on his tracks. It was the princess of his kingdom herself pleading him to become better.
"Please, Kyle...let me."
And who was he to refuse the princess herself? He let out a chuckle, feeling defeated. Running his fingers through his hair, he met her eyes again and nodded. If it made her happy, then he was ready to do anything.
"Then I shall visit the palace tomorrow at your request, Your Highness."
He whispered the last part, making her giggle. She was successful in making a decision of her own which would benefit a man, it was a small step towards freedom. Her eyes, rimmed with kohl, crinkled as she smiled, and he felt as though he could never look at anyone else with such adoration.
proofread ✓ pearly venus, 16:15 240617
masterlist for my princess only series
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cilil · 2 days
Ok, listen… what about Mairon taking dick for the first time…
I would prefer if the reader is gentle at first, but then Mairon demands him to go faster. The reader is a soft dom, but doesn’t talk too much during sex. (Bonus if he has a big dick)
If you’re uncomfortable doing this, I completely understand. No pressure :)
AN: Thank you for the prompt and apologies it took so long. I took some time to give this some thought because I wanted to (hopefully) make it good and when I was finally inspired I had to put the fic aside after a third or so due to exams. I hope you enjoy my take on this :)
Pairing: Mairon x male!reader (2nd person POV) Synopsis: Mairon has recently taken you as his lover and now has an unusual request - he wants you to take him Featuring: Soft dom/service top reader, pushy bottom Mairon, first time bottoming, sex toys (briefly), fingering, anal sex Warning(s): Smut, explicit Oneshot (~1.65k words)
"Are you sure you want to try this?" 
You look at him quizzically, resting next to him on his luxurious divan, propped up on your forearm. 
"Of course I am." Mairon smiles. His lilting, chuckling tone suggests that he finds your concern amusing. "Have you no faith in the strength and capability of my fána?" 
"I do," you reply without hesitation. It's the truth, you know well how powerful he is, yet when you look at his elegant, slender figure, you can't help thinking how awful it would feel to accidentally hurt him. 
Mairon traces the rim of the goblet of wine he's been holding with his index finger. Your eyes follow the movement. 
"I know what I want and how I want it," he says in a low voice. "So when I ask you to take me, I mean it." 
You nod. Your mouth suddenly feels dry and your tongue too clumsy to respond, but it's prickling excitement rather than paralysing fear or any other unpleasant emotion. The thought, now that you allow it to unfold in your mind, is tempting. 
"Will you do as I ask then?" 
You nod again. Of course you will. And you will do your best to ensure that he isn't displeased with you. 
"Good." Mairon leans forward to peck your lips, then pushes his goblet into your hand — a silent order. Dutifully, you take it and roll over to deposit it on the nearest table. 
You hear the sound of fabric. When you turn back around, he has already undone the sash holding his satin robes in place and is in the process of undressing himself. No need for frivolous pleasantries, no waste of time. 
Mairon leans on his forearms and lets his head fall back. In the flickering, warm light coming from the fireplace his skin looks like it's made of pure gold, as if he himself was a marvellous piece of art rather than a living, breathing being, and you take a moment to simply admire him. 
In spite of him not facing you, you feel his gaze on you. Maybe he placed his third eye in the fireplace or a candle flame somewhere, you can never be quite sure. 
"Well? Are you going to sit there and stare or..." Mairon trails off, spreading his legs invitingly. 
He has a way of maintaining control even when he puts himself in positions others might consider submissive. 
You clear your throat in an attempt to regain your ability to speak. "Do you have any oil on you? I need–" 
"Left pocket," he cuts you off. 
Bowing your head, you move to sit between his legs and search his half-discarded robe as you've been told. Indeed, there is a tiny flask of oil in his pocket, but when you bend down and push his legs back, you discover a fine ruby between his cheeks, decorating the end of what you presume to be a toy stuck inside him. 
"I did some preparations on my own," Mairon comments on your discovery. His voice is calm and casual, as if you were discussing minor business or idle gossip instead of sex toys. 
"I'll just make sure you're comfortable, if that's alright," you mumble in response. 
He lets you. When you pull out the toy, you notice that he's as tight as you suspected, but relaxed and well-oiled. Dutifully, you pour a little more oil on two fingers and push inside, finding little resistance. Still, he could use more stretching if he's going to take your cock. 
Mairon watches you, only letting out tiny noises of enjoyment as you go deeper and start scissoring him. You pay attention to the movements of his muscles and the way he clenches and unclenches around you, mindful of any tension you feel. Despite his inexperience with receiving his partner, his control over his fána is impeccable. 
"I should perhaps remind you that I am no fragile incarnate," Mairon says after a few minutes. 
"Sorry. It's just... you see..." You bite your lip and blush. The truth is that you are rather well endowed, something you have become aware of after past experiences and learned to pay attention to with your partners. 
"See what?" Mairon smirks. "Why not show me?" 
You get the feeling that he knows. Maybe it's precisely the reason he chose you as one of his lovers. Nevertheless, you obediently proceed to take off your clothes. Your cock is already hardening, reacting to the delightful sensation of your fingers knuckle-deep inside a gorgeous Maia. 
Mairon stares shamelessly. You even believe to see greed flaring up in his golden eyes. 
"Sorry if–" 
"I want it like that." He spreads his legs wider. "Now give it to me, precious." 
You take a moment to breathe, yet don't dare delay any longer; not only because it's an order, but also because you are eager to do exactly what he's asking for. 
The first thing you feel is heat. For a moment you fear Mairon could burn you, but there is no pain. You begin to feel as though it could be pleasant once you adjust to it. 
"Go on." 
You nod. The second thing you feel is how tight he is, despite your best efforts, though it doesn't seem to cause him any discomfort. Mairon keeps his eyes on you when you push deeper, half-lidded and glowing with simmering pleasure. His lips part ever so slightly, but he makes no sound; you haven't earned it yet, you know. 
Wishing to please your lover, you kiss him instead — a promise, perhaps mixed with an apology. Mairon is not impossible to please, but not easily either. 
He wraps his legs around you and allows himself to sink into his pillows. What he wants is clear, and you don't even need the gentle pressure of his heel against your back to spur you on, though the gesture is welcome. When you lean forward, get on top of him, place your arms at his sides and sink both with and into him, you truly feel it. You are fucking this beautiful creature, and he wants you. The thought is exhilarating, maddening. Your hips begin to move before you know it. 
Mairon's eyelids flutter, and you observe him well, even as you give in to your growing desire. He's content with slow, careful thrusts for a while, enjoying the feeling of your cock filling him again and again, then he speaks up.
"Harder," he commands, "faster." 
You nod. You are no longer at a point where you have the focus or patience to ask if he's sure, and neither does he, you can sense it. Obediently, you increase the speed and vigour of your movements and marvel at how well he takes you, how good he feels, how hot and beautiful and perfect he is. Being taken by you for the first time doesn't prevent Mairon from performing well in his new role, from being as admirable as ever. 
He wraps his legs around you more tightly, pulling you in. You understand — deeper. Shifting your weight onto your knees, you reach for his hips and thighs, angle them to go deeper. Part of you briefly worries that it might cause discomfort, then you hear Mairon moan, long and indulgent. It encourages you to keep holding on to him like this and thrust as hard, fast and deep as you can. 
You intend to keep doing so even if your hips give out. The tight heat of his fána ever tempts you, burning away any exhaustion you may have felt. 
The greater challenge is to last. You wonder, for a second or so, if you are allowed to spill inside, but Mairon hasn't told you otherwise and says nothing whenever your cock twitches inside him — and you know he feels it, you can see him smile and hear him moan whenever it does. Proud and pleased with himself. Even his arrogance is sexy. 
The thought of filling him with your seed as you do with your cock pleases you. He is yours, for a few precious moments at least. But you know Mairon wants this to last, wants to enjoy himself thoroughly. He expects you to give him your best, like he has done for you; even if perfection seems almost effortless on him. 
You do your best to hold on. Focus on the flow of your movements instead of his voice, instead of the maddening pleasure, instead of him. You give it your all, and it works for a time, until exhaustion erodes your barriers and lust floods all your senses and you come with a small grunt. It feels as though Mairon clenches around you with feverish greed, taking all you have, not relenting before you have given it to him. 
Only then his fána lets you go. 
You sit back on your heels and attempt to catch your breath, lest you collapse on top of him like a stag with an arrow in its chest. 
Mairon has closed his eyes for a moment, looking almost peaceful. You see pearly droplets glistening all over his stomach; not even he managed to escape your climax and came with you. Pride makes your chest swell — you succeeded. You pleased him. 
His legs release your hips and drop to the bed. He keeps them spread, allowing you to watch as seed trickles out of him.
"Well done, precious," he purrs. "You may now leave."
"Shouldn't I take care of you first?" you ask. 
"My attendants will see to it." 
You bow your head, accepting his decision. Perhaps, you muse, his decision to let you take him was a first step, a sign of trust, and you will be allowed to care for him and spend the night if he has need for you again in the future. 
Perhaps it wouldn't be entirely foolish to look forward to it. 
 ˚ ੈ✧̣̇·˖  ˚ .   ✶ ˚  ✦ .   ˚ .   . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .  ˚ 
Thanks for reading! ♡
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 19 hours
Still With You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter Eight
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Summary: After Jungkook's outburst Jin gives you a ride home and assures you everything will work out just fine...until you find something unexpected on your doorstep throwing you for a loop Pairing : Luna (reader) x Jungkook and Jimin, f2l love triangle Word Count: 4k~ Warnings: Explicit language, an argument and a depiction of a panic attack (nothing crazy) a/n: horribly edited but hopefully this will hold you over till I come out with my next update 😅 Start from the beginning
"Jungkook stop I didn't mean it. I just..." I call out trying my best to catch up.
"You just what? Want to continue to string me along? Keep me waiting for you? Luna I love you, I've loved you for years. So excuse me for feeling fucked up seeing you with other guys. I want to be with you and knowing that you might not feel the same is killing me" he says cutting me off before I can explain myself. 
"Jungkook please, don't do this. It's been a day, one fucking day since you told me. So excuse me if I'm asking for more time before making this kind of decision. This is exactly what I was afraid of! I don't want this to tear us apart, and from the way you've been acting it's just making my decision so much harder" I say showing him how serious this situation is. 
"Jungkook I love you too, so much...". "Then why can't we-" he says eagerly jumping in. "I wasn't finished" I say regaining control. "...but maybe we should spend some time apart" I say looking down, now feeling unsure of myself. 
"I know you've told me that you're feeling insecure being in this sort of situation and maybe you were right. Maybe you shouldn't have brought me here. I just... I need some time to process this, you're not just some guy that I'm okay with never seeing again after one failed date. You're my best friend, I care about you. I care about you so fucking much that I can't stand the thought of losing you" I say, my voice cracking.
"Jungkook I'm scared, I'm so fucking scared and I don't want to mess this up. I couldn't even imagine what my life would look like if it didn't have you in it. So please, just let me think about this for a little while and then we can work this out... together" I say grabbing his hand. 
He returns my firm grasp on his hand but can't seem to look me in the eye. "Hey" I say tilting my face down towards the spot he's looking at. "Jungkook talk to me...please" I say feeling uncertain of my decision. 
"You said we could figure this out together, yet you're trying to push me away. Luna what do you want from me? You want me to just act happy and make things go back to normal? I've been doing that for years and I don't think I can keep pretending" he says letting go of my hand.
"Is everything okay over here?" I hear Namjoon ask behind us. "Everything is fine" Jungkook says before giving me an expression that has so many emotions hidden behind it and turns to walk away. Before I can try to go after him again Namjoon takes a hold of my wrist. "I'll talk to him" he says simply and jogs to catch up with him. 
I stand there downtrodden before I jump slightly, feeling someone's hand on my shoulder. "It's okay it's just me" I hear Jin say as I turn around to face him. "Are you okay?" he asks, genuinely concerned. "Did all of you guys hear that?" I say wiping away some stray tears. "Not all of us, Namjoon and I were the only ones who followed you" he says with a sad smile. 
"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks and I drop my head avoiding his eye contact. "No...but do you think one of you guys could give me a ride home? I don't think Jungkook is really in the mood to speak to me right now" I relay, never thinking I would ever have to say something like that. "Of course, let me go grab my keys" he says, patting my shoulder, I'm sure in an effort to reassure me that everything is going to be okay before running back to the arcade.
I stand against the railing to look out and watch the moonlight reflect on the surface of the water, hoping and praying I did the right thing but the pit in my stomach says otherwise.
"Are you ready to go?" I hear Jin say as he makes his way back, my mind having trailed off for a while. "Yeah" I say plainly but make no moves to leave. "You guys are gonna work it out. Jungkook can get a little, emotional sometimes but I know it's only because he cares about you" he says walking over to me and giving my shoulder a friendly bump with his. 
"I know but I'm just scared that if things change between us..." I pause trying to gather my thoughts. "If we get into a relationship with each other is he gonna start acting like this? Then again if we don't end up together and I decide to date someone else is he going to end our friendship? Jin this is just too much" I say letting my head droop. 
"I think you both need some time to really think this through. Like you said this is a big decision and it shouldn't be taken lightly. You've both become a constant in each other's lives so it's important that you think things through" we stand there in silence for a few more moments before he gives my shoulder another light bump. 
"Come on, let's get you home. Jungkook would kill me if I let you stay out too late and you caught a cold" he says, laughing at his possible reaction. I silently follow behind him getting lost in thought again until we reach the car and he has me put my address in his phone.
After sitting in silence for a while I jump when I hear Jin's phone ringing through the speakers. Namjoon's name flashes on screen so Jin doesn't hesitate to answer. "How's he doing?" Jin opens with. "He'll be alright, I think we all just teased him a little too much. Are you guys still here or are you taking Luna home?" I take that opportunity to jump in to answer. 
"Hey Joon he's taking me home right now. Is he really okay? I didn't mean to hurt him I just-" "Hey don't worry about it okay? He's gonna be fine. Just give him some time to cool off, I'm sure you guys will be able to work this out" he cuts me off in an effort to soothe my anxiety. I nod my head hoping he'll take my silence as an answer. Jin continues the conversation with Joon for a little bit and I let the sounds of their voices drown out as I watch the scenery go by. 
"Luna" I hear Jin say, calling me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry did you say something?" I ask, hoping he knows that I wasn't trying to ignore him. "Are you hungry?" he asks with a smile on his face. "Because I'm starving" he continues. I smile at his enthusiasm and can't help but agree with him. "You know now that you mention it I could really go for a burger" I say offering up a suggestion. "A burgers it is!" he agrees, satisfied with our conclusion.
As we get closer to the city he turns the navigation off and we start to make our way to the burger joint. Once we're there Jin runs inside to grab our order and comes back with a huge bag of food. 
"What did you get? One of everything?" I ask laughing at his excited face. "No..." he denies looking guilty and I just laugh in response. He drives us to a place with a beautiful view and we sit there in silence for a while, enjoying our food quietly. "So how did you meet Jungkook?" he asks clearing his throat after a rather huge bite of his second burger. I smile at his cute chubby cheeks filling up with more food a moment later. 
"It's a long story but, we grew up together. We met at a park in our neighborhood one day and we just decided to meet back up at the same time everyday after that and I guess the rest is history. We've been inseparable since" I say with a melancholy feeling in my heart. 
"Did you ever think that you might've had a crush on him when you were younger?" he continues as he picks up his milkshake to take a drink. "I don't know, maybe. I knew once we got a little older that he was cute, like I'm not blind but I guess I was too insecure that I didn't think he would ever see me as someone other than a friend. So I gave up early" I answer starting to lose my appetite. 
I take a sip of my Sprite and let out a big sigh, looking out at the city lights. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" He says leaning his head forward trying to catch my gaze. "No it's okay, it's just the past few days have been exhausting on all fronts and so I'm just not sure how I should feel about anything. All I know is that I miss him and I really don't want to mess this up" I say hanging my head. 
"You miss him? You saw him like 2 hours ago" he teases, trying to lighten up the mood. "I know but hate it when we fight and the fact that my decision determines our relationship going forward scares the fuck out of me" I say leaning my head back on the headrest and running my fingers through my hair. 
"Although Jungkook is an impatient brat most of the time I know he'll give you your space to get your feelings in order. At the end of the day he loves you and wants the best for you so don't forget that. He wouldn't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want to do so don't over think it" he finishes. 
"You realize you just told someone who has anxiety not to overthink something that could change the course of their life right?" I say with a deadpan expression. He looks at me with wide eyes and an open mouth not really sure what to say. I let a smile crack a bit and he lets out a breath and laughs nervously. "It's okay I know you mean well, I've just gotta take a breather" I reassure, taking the pressure off him.
We sit in silence for a while, both looking out at the view and I take in a deep breath before turning towards him. "Do you think you could take me home? I'm getting really tired." I say with a slight smile. "Sure of course, just put in your address again and we'll head out" he says turning on the car and backing up to make our way back to the main road. I motion for the area he can drop me off at once we pull up to my place and he parks his car for a second. 
"Hey can I have your phone for a second?" he asks and I hand it to him unlocking it beforehand. "There's my number. Call me if you need anything okay? Jungkook's my friend, but you are too" he says giving me a genuine smile. 
"Text me so I have your number and don't stay up too late!" he says like the caring older brother that I know he has already become for me. "See you soon, let me know when you get home" I say waving him off as he drives away. 
I turn around and make my way to my apartment where I see a red envelope addressed to me on my doorstep. After taking a quick look around I pick it up before unlocking my door and getting inside. 
I place my bag and phone down on the kitchen table after taking my shoes off at the front door and walk towards my couch to sit down while looking over the envelop curiously.
I open it and immediately drop it and its contents all over the floor. Inside are pictures and polaroids of me, Grey and Jungkook. Some at work, others in the park or at the mall and even where Jungkook and I had been when he kissed me last night.
There are even ones from today of us at the arcade with Jungkook's friends and one of Jin and I in his car. Which means, whoever the fuck did this is still close.
I run towards my door and take a quick glance outside into the hallway and the window at the end of it but I can't find anyone. I hurry back into my apartment and close the door, feeling my breathing pick up as I slide my back along it. Tears start brimming in my eyes, threatening to fall but I pick myself up off the floor and rush to the table to get my phone and open my recent texts and hit call.
"Noona?" I hear Jimin say on the other line. I whimper as I try to clear my throat and keep my voice level. I open my mouth to say something but sob instead, feeling all the emotions flood to the surface.
"Noona are you okay? Where are you?" he says voice full of concern.
"I'm sorry Jimin I didn't mean to call you" I explain through cries.
"No it's okay don't worry about it. What's wrong, are you hurt? Where are you?" he continues hoping to figure out how to help me.
"I'm home it's just-" I say, a sob cutting me off.
"Do you want me to come over?"  he asks and I can hear him get up and grab his keys leaving me whimpering in agreement, hoping he'll get here soon.
"Okay send me your location. I'm on my way" he says and I hang up, sending him my live location and while he's on his way over here I send him the code to my door so he can come right in.
Ten minutes later I hear him unlock the door and he rushes over to where I'm sitting and crying on the floor. "Noona what's wrong?" he says not really knowing how to comfort me. I lean into him and he takes that as the okay to wrap his arms around me.
I start crying even more now that he's here and he does his best to soothe me by rubbing my back and once the sobs turn into sniffles and my breathing comes back down to normal I feel him push me away the tiniest bit so he can look at me.
"Hey" he says with a smile and does his best to wipe the tears off my cheeks and smooth my hair back from my face. "Hey" I say in return, not being able to make eye contact just yet.
"Do you want some water?" he asks still rubbing my back hoping to encourage me to take deep breaths. I nod my head and he stands up, helping me up as well and walks me over to the couch before he grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. 
I mumble a quick thank you and gulp down half of it, not realizing how thirsty I had been until now. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, grabbing one of my hands and I hesitate for a second but I lean down and pick up the pictures that are all over the floor and lay them out on the coffee table. 
"What are these?" he asks, brows pinched together while looking at all the photos with a puzzled expression, eyes glancing over every picture for a second or two before he gets to a picture of Jungkook and I kissing today with 'I'm Watching You' scrawled out across it with Jungkook's face scratched out along with the rest of them. 
"Who would do this?" he whispers more to himself, mixed emotions flooding his features. "I don't know, I just showed up and it was sitting outside my door" I say motioning towards it. "Has this ever happened to you before?" he asks searching my face for any tells. "No not at all, I have no idea who this would've come from" I say shaking my head. 
He nods and picks up the picture with the note on it to take a closer look at Jungkook and I in the intimate embrace. I take the picture out of his hand and collect the rest of them, putting them back into the envelope.
"Who's that?" he asks, trying to sound neutral but I can clearly see that he's hurting. "Um he's my friend" I say hoping we can move past it. 
"Do you always kiss your friends like that?" he asks, nodding his head towards the the envelope. "Um, well no" I say looking away feeling somehow guilty. "So you're dating?" he continues, trying to figure out what Jungkook is to me. "No, but he wants to" I say owning up to it since he came all the way over here to help me. 
He deserves some sort of explanation. 
"You know that I want to date you too right?" he lets out, reminding me of the other night and I nod my head, feeling somewhat guilty for telling him he couldn't kiss me after laying all the cards on the table so to say. 
"That picture was from today wasn't it?" he says taking note of the fact that my outfit matches the one in the picture. I nod my head again "Yeah it was" I confirm and he takes a deep breath, thinking for a second before saying what's been on his mind. 
"Noona do I still have a chance with you? Because if I don't then please don't lead me on. I know we just met but I really like you" he says tilting my chin up so I can look at him. "I like you too, I just don't know how I feel about anything right now" I let out with a sigh. "Can you give me some time? I really just need to take a breather" I say hoping that he'll understand.
"Of course," he says giving me a sweet smile and pulls me into an embrace "take all the time you need". For some reason I feel my heart flutter at his response and compare it to Jungkook's outburst a few hours ago. I burry my face into his chest and take note of how comfortable I feel with him already, starting to relax in his embrace. 
"Are you getting sleepy?" he ask finding me adorable and I hum in acknowledgement before I feel him pick me up and start walking over to my room. "Woah what are you doing?" I say wrapping my arms around his neck trying to keep myself from falling. "Taking you to bed" he says and smiles while walking into the room and then carefully sets me down on it. 
"You know you didn't have to do that" I pout while I get under the covers. "I know, but I wanted to" he chuckles, brushing the hair off my face. He leans down and pauses for a moment but decides to give me a kiss on the forehead. I feel my heart flutter again at the action and watch as he pulls away and looks at me with a mixed expression.
"I should probably head back" he says straightening up and giving me space hoping that he hasn't made me uncomfortable. "Wait" I say and reach out to grab his hand. "Can you stay with me?" I ask tentatively, "I'm scared whoever might've left those might come back" I say hoping he'll stay. 
He crouches down so he's eye level with me and gives my hand a squeeze. "Sure, I'll sleep out in the living room. Do you have an extra pillow and blanket?" he asks and runs his fingers through my hair. "Really?" I ask, so thankful he's going to stay as he nods his head in confirmation, "There's some in the closet over there" I say nodding towards it. 
He smiles at me and straightens up, walks over to it and grabs what he might need for the night. He turns to go and I call out his name softly. He turns to me and waits for me to continue. "You are welcome to anything in the house okay, and..." I say training off a bit. "You're welcome" he says sweetly knowing what I was going to say and leaves closing the door.
I open my eyes and look around my room and realize that it's still dark outside. I turn and grab my phone to check the time and see that it's barely three o'clock in the morning. I put my phone back down on my nightstand and my eyes catch a glimpse out of my bedroom window. 
I let them wander for a second until I notice the shadows start to blend into the shadow of a figure looking into my window. My breathing picks up and I feel myself starting to hyperventilate remembering the events from earlier tonight. The next thing I'm greeted with is Jimin in my room grabbing me and bringing me into an embrace. 
I cling onto him and realize now that I'm crying and shaking and already spun up into another panic attack. He shushes me quietly and runs his hand through my hair in hopes of calming me down and I burry myself deeper into his hold, breathing in his sent and I slowly feel my breathing come back down to normal and the shaking has subsided leaving me feeling physically and emotionally spent.
"Are you okay?" he says starting to rub my back helping me ride out this wave. I nod my head and pull back from his embrace. "I'm sorry" I say and wipe away the remaining tears on my face. "Hey, don't ever say you're sorry, especially for things like this" he says while tucking my hair behind my ear. 
"What happened?" he continues and tilts his head to the side trying to catch my glance. "My mind was playing tricks on me and I thought I saw someone watching me sleep through my window" I say while bringing my gaze back over to it. "I'm sorry I woke you up" I say feeling even more guilty, slowly coming back to my senses. 
"What did I just say about saying sorry?" he says in a playful tone. "But I woke you up and I-" "Luna it's okay" he says cutting me off before I get started. "I came here to be with you. You needed someone and you called me, so let me help you okay?" he says and makes sure I keep eye contact with him this time. "Come here" he says and pulls me into a tight embrace.
We stay like that for a while and then he pulls away and offers to get me a glass of water again. "You gonna be okay in here?" he asks after I've finished the glass. "Could you... um" I start but hesitate. "Could I what?" he says tilting his head to the side. "Do you think you could come sleep next to me?" I ask timidly. He gives me a soft smile and walks over on the other side of the bed and gets under the covers without hesitating. 
I scoot closer to him and tentatively lay my head on his chest which he welcomes and wraps an arm around me. "Is this okay?" I ask hoping I haven't been too forward with all of this. "It's perfect" he says and wraps his other arm around me pulling me even closer. "Goodnight Noona" he says and I feel the way his deep voice rumbles through his chest. "Goodnight Jimin" I mumble feeling myself drifting off to sleep again.
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gracev0609 · 3 days
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Love Blooms
Josh Kiszka X Female OC (Caroline)
Writing this really felt like we were creating a lovely little rom com movie. Enjoy this journey into an AU where the band doesn't exist and Josh is a kindergarten teacher who falls head over heels for one of his students moms, Caroline.
A @lipstickitty / gracev0609 collaboration.
WC: 10k+
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, mentions of an absent parent, explicit sex, cutie pie Josh (bc that deserves a warning).
There was a slight chill in the October air as Josh stood outside with his classroom. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater down over his fingertips as he waved goodbye to his kindergarten class as they left with their parent, one by one. Josh looked at his watch, it was officially ten minutes past dismissal time and one little girl, Martine, was left. He smiled at her as she sat on the ground with her slightly too large bubblegum pink backpack playing with the rocks.
“Mr. Kiszka! Look at this cool rock!” She extended her small hand holding it up for him to look at.
“That is so cool, Martine! It's very sparkly.”
Josh's eyes lifted to the parking lot as he squatted to the ground searching for her parent.
“I wanna keep it!” She exclaimed, putting it in her skirt pocket.
Finally an older model Toyota Corolla turned into the lot speeding to the spots near the front. Parking next to his truck a woman with long blonde curls, strikingly similar to Martine's, jumped out of the front seat .
“I am so so sorry Mr. Kiszka! The usual route I take to get here- well - the road was closed! And there was a crazy detour, and I am so sorry!”
He smiled at her rambling, holding his hands out in front of him,” It's okay! As long as you're alright, we're fine. Martine was showing me some cool rocks she found just now.”
“I hope I didn't make you late for your after school plans!”
He giggled,” Just dinner in front of the TV!”
She leaned down scooping up her daughter and hitching her on her hip,” Sounds about the same for us.”
He couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty, her hazel eyes that were almost green, her hair spiraling down to her waist. He thought she was quite an attractive person. She was beginning to turn away and walk back to the car when he stopped her,” Oh! I didn't catch your name before! Im, um, I'm Josh…. Josh Kiszka, obviously because I'm Mr. Kiszka.”
Giggling at his rambling,” Hi Josh. I'm Caroline. Caroline Hart.”
His brows furrow almost imperceptibly,” Martine has a different last name? I'm sorry if that was too forward.”
“Oh! No. Martine's dad isn't in the picture, we um, we never got married. It's just her and I.”
“Oh.. I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me to ask.”
“Josh it's fine, really we're not upset, it's all we know. We have a beautiful life just us girls.”
Josh smiled again,” I'm sure you do, Martine is wonderful to have in class. Speaking of, I better let you go. I'll see you girls tomorrow!”
He extended his hand out for her to shake,” It was a pleasure meeting you Caroline.”
She slid her hand into his, gripping it and shaking it, she couldn't help but feel how soft and warm and gentle they felt.
“Bye Josh. We'll see you tomorrow.”
And with that she turned and took her daughter to the car, strapping her into her car seat. Her mind was running so fast, she couldn't shake how attractive she thought he was, how kind he seemed. He's a kindergarten teacher after all.
Once Caroline got into her car safely Josh made his way to his own vehicle. His own mind racing, she was so beautiful and so strong. How could he possibly find one of his students' moms so attractive?
One frigid December morning, Josh was setting up his classroom for the class Christmas party early before his students arrived. The room had already been decked out in winter decorations since the beginning of December, but this was the last day of school before holiday break and he wanted to go all out for it. He strung lights around his desk and hung some ornaments and tinsel on some of the plants he kept in the room.
On the table, he’d set out a few different bottles of juice and a couple trays of cookies he’d made himself the night before just for the party, decorating them all night long. He’d sent a newsletter home the week before encouraging all the parents to come if they could make it and he was truly looking forward to it.
Once his classroom was decorated to his liking, he took a seat at his desk, tidying up some stray papers and various other belongings just to pass the time. Finally his kids started filing in, holding the hands of the adults dropping them off and greeting him with big smiles. He must have heard a chorus of at least 15 different “good morning, Mr. Kiszka”s when everyone had made their way inside.
He watched the kids hang their backpacks on their little hooks and take their seats, the parents that had to get to work kissing their children goodbye and making their exit, the ones that were staying for the party finding a seat near their child. With a glance over at the table holding the refreshments, he noticed that a few of the parents had brought something as well. He felt the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile when he saw Caroline sitting with Martine, brushing her long blonde curls out of her face.
Josh stood and made his way to the front of the room, “Good morning everybody!! I’m so glad all of you could make it to our Christmas party!” He beamed at his students. “It’s the last day of school before we go on Christmas break so we’re just gonna eat our snacks and have fun, okay? It’s a party!” He giggled, crossing the room to the snack table and telling everyone to line up to take their picks. He handed each one a napkin with their treat, giving them all a warm smile.
He greeted Martine with a smile as she grabbed a brownie off a tray that he hadn’t brought in, assuming one of the parents must have brought them. “My mommy made these.” She declared proudly, grinning at her teacher.
“Did she? That’s so cool! They look really good, I’ll have to try one!” His nose scrunched in a grin as he handed the little girl a napkin. She skipped back over to her mother and he continued handing out the treats.
Once everyone was back in their seats enjoying their snacks, Josh grabbed a cookie and a brownie for himself and took them over to his desk, staying true to his word about trying Martine’s mom’s brownies. It was one of the best brownies he’d ever eaten, not that he was expecting anything else.
His cheeks flushed when he made eye contact with Caroline as he was taking his second bite and she smiled a little smugly watching him enjoy the brownie.
A short while later, Josh broke out a few board games he kept in his classroom for free days, setting them up for anyone who wanted to play. He watched a few kids with their parents pick out a game to play, Martine leading a laughing Caroline straight to the Candyland board. Then Martine made her way over to him, “Mr. Kiszka, will you please play Candyland with us?” She asked with a slight pout. He glanced over to the board and saw that another child and parent had come over to play also so he figured it couldn’t hurt anything. He enthusiastically played through the game with the kids, cheering them on.
At the end of the school day, Josh hovered over by the classroom door, telling each of his kids goodbye and wishing them a good Christmas break and thanking each of their parents for coming. Martine and Caroline were the last ones out, Martine having taken her sweet time packing up her belongings, but he didn’t mind one bit.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Kiszka!” Martine shouted, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Merry Christmas, Josh! I bet you’re looking forward to spending the break at home with your partner!” Caroline said with a sweet smile.
“I’m actually single right now, it’ll just be me!” He chuckled a little. “Might go see my family.”
“I’m sorry to assume!” She laid her hand on his arm gently. “I don’t have anyone right now either, it’ll just be us girls.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“That’s a shame, really. You’re too beautiful to be by yourself over the holidays.” He flirted, her cheeks burning red. She sputtered for a second, trying to come up with a response but drawing a blank as he giggled and wished them a merry Christmas once more, waving as they walked out the door.
Spring had sprung, and the plants in Josh's classroom were growing. Many of his trailing pothos had new leaves, their vines spreading out long in the welcome sunshine. While watering them one morning he saw that most if not all of the babies on his spider plant were quite large. An idea sparking in his head, he grabbed scissors and plastic sandwich baggies. Carefully he poked a few holes in each bag before snipping off enough spiderettes to send home to each child.
Once the end of the day was nearing, the kids had practiced their shapes and their alphabet. They went outside and played in the warming sun. Josh gathered up the plants in his hands before explaining what he was doing.,” Okay everyone! I have a surprise for all of you today. One of my plants grew enough babies that I am able to give each of you a little plant. Im sending you all home with a care sheet, along with your plant. You're going to want to plant it in some dirt, and put the pot in a nice sunny spot so it can grow big and beautiful. Also! You'll want to water it once a week, but that's all written on your sheets.”
One by one he walked around the room placing the baggie on each child's desk.
Once he got to Martine's desk she was practically vibrating out of her seat,” Mr. Josh I love plants! They're so pretty! My mommy has some! She has a huge one called a monster plant!”
Another child, Marcus, interrupted her,” You called him Mr. Josh! His name is Mr. Kiszka!”
Martine opened her mouth to argue back and Josh quickly jumped in,” Well, actually they're both my names. Like you have a first name and a last name, so do I! But, we want to call our teachers by their last names, so that's why I'm called Mr. Kiszka.”
Turning his attention to Martine,” I hope you and your mom enjoy your new plant!”
Another school day ended and Josh stood dutifully at the door waiting for each child's parents to come and pick them up, saying goodbye to each one. Soon enough Caroline was making her way through the door and Martine was gleefully greeting her,” Mommy! Look at the plant we got today!”
She held the baggie up, letting her mom inspect it,” Oh nice baby! We don't have this one yet, it's been on mommy's list.”
Josh's eyes widened, and he made his way over to them, whispering,”Do you want another one? I can quick snip you off another baby.”
She smirked, her cheeks pinkening,” Would you? I'd love that.”
“Anything for you Miss Caroline.”
Pretending to sneak over to his desk he grabbed a pair of scissors. He held his free hand up to his lips, making a ‘shh’ motion, before he slinked over to his plant and snipping another baby off. Quickly he set his scissors down in his cup of pens and pencils and walked back over to the girls. Extending his hand out he held the small spider plant baby in his palm,” For you.”
She smiled, he really was so sweet, she kept her voice low,” Thank you Josh.”
Caroline smiled as sweetly as she could, but quite frankly she was bored. She wished she could be doing quite literally anything else besides sitting here across from this man at this restaurant/ bar. He droned on and on about his vehicle, a lifted something with a V something else engine. Trying not to roll her eyes she tried to steer the conversation elsewhere but it kept circling back to his damn car. All she wanted was a nice dinner, a little conversation and hopefully a halfway decent time in bed. She clicked on her phone, peering at the lock screen looking to see if her mom texted her, but no there was no update or emergency text about Martine. In need of stretching her legs, and a break from this conversation she excused herself and walked her wine glass back up to the bar. She scanned the bar top looking for a place where she could wedge herself in and get a refill. She found an opening next to a man in a black oversized jacket with long brown hair flowing down his back. Squeezing herself in, she waited on the bartender's attention when she heard a familiar voice call her name,” Caroline?!”
Turning her head to the left she found him sitting next to the man with the long hair,” Josh?!”
“What are you doing here? This place is kind of a dive,” he chuckled,” Come sit with us! This is my brother, Jake. Jake, this is Caroline.”
He smiled and waved hello before taking a swig of his beer. Briefly she thought about her date, but decided that she'd have a much better time sitting with Josh then she ever would with him. She sat down in the empty barstool next to him. After Jake called the bartender over she took your order as well as Josh's, and Jake told her to close his tab and handed her his card.
“Have a nice night Josh. It was a pleasure Caroline.”
Another glass of white wine was placed in front of her as well as an amber colored beer in front of Josh. He took a sip,” So really, why are you here?”
Giggling she replied,”Oh! I was on a date. He picked this place. He was horribly boring, he only talked about his car.”
Josh gasped,” No! Not a car guy!”
“Yeah… a car guy.’ She put her head in her hands and laughed,” Thank you for the plants by the way, that was sweet.”
“Oh! No big deal, I had plenty to share. Martine was telling me that you like plants?’
Josh twists in his chair, his hand coming to rest on the back of hers, his thumb stroking across her bare skin exposed in her sleeveless top. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the light contact.
“I love plants. We have quite a few! A few cactuses, some pothos, and a large monstera. We got it when it was only three little leaves and now it's enormous!”
Josh beamed, her excitement mirroring her daughters when she was talking about the plants earlier,” You're really cute Caroline. I hope I'm not overstepping, but I find everything about you really attractive.”
She blushed, placing her hand on his thigh, gently squeezing the muscle,” I find you really attractive too. You're very kind, and you're pretty, and my daughter talks about you constantly. Can I tell you a secret?” She asked leaning forward, her lips brushing against his earlobe,” After every encounter we have, I can't stop thinking about you.”
Josh's breath shuttered, eager to see where the night takes them,” I can't stop thinking about you either.”
She leans back, smiling sweetly and grabbing her wine glass as she downs the rest of the pale yellow effervescent liquid.
“One more round and then we go?” She smiled, running her tongue across her top row of teeth.
“Um. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, I want to.” Josh stuttered.
They continued to flirt through their next drink, talking, laughing and touching.
Josh and Caroline stand, moving down to the cash register so their tab can be closed out.
“I got it, really, teachers salary isn't that bad,” Josh chuckled.
She leaned in to him, slipping her hand under his shirt, her fingers trailing up and down his spine,” Thank you Josh.” She could feel him reacting to her touch, goose bumps forming under her palm.
Once the tab was closed he led her out of the bar towards his truck.
“I'll tell you where to go, I don't live too far.” Caroline told him as she directed him which way to turn once he was out on the main road.
A few turns later Josh clears his throat,” I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but… Do we need to stop at the drug store first?”
Caroline laughs, her hand reaching over the center console, gliding up his thigh getting closer and closer to his crotch,” No, sweetie. I have plenty of condoms at home.”
Josh smiles, one corner of his mouth turning up, his hand pulling hers off of his body before wandering over to her jean covered thigh, squeezing and kneading the flesh between his fingers.
She grabs his hand sliding it higher until it meets the warm juncture of her thighs.
Josh mutters fuck under his breath.
“Needy girl…”
“My mom has Martine for the night, and I really want to have fun, preferably with you. Could you believe I was going to give it up to the car guy if I hadn't ran into you?”
Josh cups her heat with more pressure,” He wouldn't have deserved it Caroline. You need someone to treat you as sweet as you are.”
She thought for a moment, from where she stood he seemed like the sweetest and most deserving man of a fun evening. She was happy that she ran into him.
As they pulled into her driveway, Josh’s fingers trailed along her inner thighs and then tangled in her hair, pulling her face close to his. “I’m really glad we ran into each other tonight.” He whispered, glancing down to her lips and leaning in ever so slightly closer.
“I was just thinking that.” She giggled, leaning in and closing the gap, pressing her plush pink lips to his. His eyes fluttered closed and he deepened the kiss, letting out a soft sigh into her mouth. After gently sucking her bottom lip between his and giving it a little nip, he pulled away and shut the car off, shutting his own door and jogging around the front to open Caroline’s as well. She watched him shut her door and then took his hand, leading him into her home for the first time.
She slammed the door behind them, “I’ll give you the grand tour.” She giggled, still pulling him by the hand. They walked all the way down the hallway passing the bathroom and the smaller bedroom he assumed to be Martine’s, until they reached her bedroom. “Here it is!” She laughed, flopping down onto the edge of her bed and raising her eyebrows at him.
“Wonderful tour, 5 stars. Very thorough.” Josh chuckled, coming to stand in between her legs and leaning in for another kiss. He couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted, the little sounds she made when his hands roamed her body, locating each sensitive spot and making mental notes of all of them.
Caroline’s hands started out buried in his hair, wandering down his neck to his chest as the kiss grew more heated. He hummed happily as she familiarized herself with the full expanse of his torso, whining when she separated their lips to rip his shirt over his head. The disappointment was very short lived, her mouth going straight to his neck as soon as the garment had been cast aside.
She wanted so badly to leave marks on him, sink her teeth into his throat, but she knew she couldn’t with all the little sets of eyes that were on him every day. She settled for soft, open mouthed kisses and tracing her tongue over his skin until she arrived at his chest, now that she could leave marks on. He let out a soft gasp when she bit into the muscle of his right pec, soothing over it with her tongue as she ran her fingers down his stomach.
He broke the kiss, a little breathless as he rushed to get her undressed. He stopped to take her in for a moment once he got her in just her lacy black bra and thong. “This was for him?” Josh scoffed. “That fucking car guy couldn’t have handled you, sweetheart.”
A sweet little breathy moan escaped from her when his lips met the heated skin of her chest, kisses and gentle nips of his teeth drawing the prettiest sounds from her. “Pants off, Josh.” She whispered, ghosting her fingers over the bulge straining the fabric.
He stood back a bit to kick the material off his legs, not caring where they ended up. He watched her eyes rake over him, blushing a little under her gaze. “What the hell do you do on the weekends, Kiszka? I know you didn’t get those muscles in your classroom.” She cackled, flopping backward into the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. He opened his mouth to answer but no words came out as she hooked her fingers into the strings of her thong, pulling it down her legs tossing it at him. Reaching between her breasts she unclasped her bra, letting it slide down her shoulders.
“Come here big boy..’ she teased grabbing her breasts in her hands squeezing the plush flesh.
“You're so beautiful…” Josh slipped his underwear off, giving himself a few tugs of relief before climbing up onto the bed. He kissed her hard before gliding down her body, his face nuzzling and kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples making her back arch into him.
She whined his name, gently pushing his head further down her body.
“You want me to lick it? Suck on it, make you feel so so good?”
Cupping her hands around his face her eyes pleaded before her lips did.
“Please Josh… eat me out?”
His lips left hot kisses down her tummy, kissing her mound. Her legs spread wide, welcoming him. Her breath caught, as he dipped his tongue in her wet folds. Groaning, she tilted her head back enjoying the feeling. He lapped at her swollen bud, swirling his tongue around it, licking and sucking. Dipping his tongue down he teased her sopping wet entrance. Slipping his tongue inside, she gasped. Licking his way back up to her clit he babied it in his mouth until her legs were shaking.
“Cum for me baby, please, right in my mouth.”
One final hard suck on her clit and pleasure was crashing down on her in waves, delicious Josh induced waves. When she finally came down he pulled his mouth away as she was panting desperately trying to catch her breath.
“You're…. You're good at that.” She breathed, her breasts heaving.
Gently he moved back up her body, his wet warm mouth leaving kisses on her breasts.
She pushes his curls back away from his forehead,” Can… can I go down on you?”
“No honey, not tonight, we can get to that later I just want to make you feel good.’
He continues to press kisses to wherever he can reach.
“ Josh?”
“It's been a little while since I've last… had fun with a man.” Caroline told him, cheeks reddening.
“Don't worry honey, I'm gonna take my time, treat you so well… you deserve it.”
She sighed melting into the pillows,” I want you now Josh, want to feel you.”
He whispered okay,moving off of her body so she could retrieve the condom from her nightstand. After a moment of digging she hands him a square. Quickly he unwraps it, rolling it down his cock. She rolls back over, hitching her leg over his thigh, a slight pout on her face,” You didn't even let me touch your cock.”
Josh laughs,” I'm sorry, you said you wanted me now.”
She skirted her hand down his slightly soft stomach, over his hip bones, before lightly teasing the suede soft skin of his uncovered shaft. She dances her fingertips over his latex covered cock until she takes him firmly in her hand squeezing him while rubbing his slit with her thumb. His voice comes out gravelly, reveling in her touch,” Do you have more condoms? Because I'd really like to take this off so I can feel your touch.”
She leans back over to root through her nightstand, he can't help but watch as her breasts jiggle as she moves. Giggling, she tosses a strip of golden foil at him.
“We have enough for a do over, and another round or two if you're up for the challenge.”
He swallows harshly, could he be falling in love already? Before he can move her hands are on him, rolling off the latex, tossing it into the trash can. She grips him in her fist, slick from the inside of the condom and begins pumping him. He melts back into the pillows, not remembering the last time someone's hands felt this good. She works him until he's twitching and leaking,” Are you sure I can't suck it? You have such a pretty cock.”
Josh whines, she's so pretty with such a filthy mouth.
“Just let me taste you baby. Real quick.”
Dipping her head down she sticks her tongue out, lapping up the trail of precum. She hums when the earthy salty taste of his arousal meets her tongue. Opening up another foil packet she carefully rolls it down his length, her hands moving further downwards to cup his warm balls making him gasp.
“You're such a tease Caroline. God, I haven't been this worked up in ages.’
Quickly he flips her onto her back, smiling as she looks up at him with lust filled doe eyes. He leans down, kissing her,” Gonna be so good to you…”
Her legs part naturally to accommodate his hips, fisting himself he lines up gently pushing himself inside. So slowly he enters her, her tight walls relaxing against him. Soon enough he's fully sheathed inside her warm wetness, he can feel her clenching and unclenching around him. “Such a good girl, taking me so well. You wrapped me up in velvet, feels so good baby.”
Josh continues kissing her, his lips melding with hers as she continues to adjust to him. In between kisses she tells him that he can start to move. Slowly he rears his hips back, pulling out only half way, before pushing back in giving her a gentle thrust. A small moan slips from her lips, as he does it again and again gently working up to a regular pace. Little gasps and whines freely fall from her lips, she can't keep quiet and they're ringing in his ears. Her hands pulling him closer, she gasps,” Just a little harder Josh, mm so close.”
In no time she's crying out, clenching hard around him as she cums for the second time, Josh grits his teeth and fucks her through it. Sloppy wet thrusts ring out in her bedroom, he can't get over how messy her pretty cunt is, coating his entire length, dampening his pubic hair.
“You feel so good baby. So so good, fuck…” she clenches around him causing him to whine,” I'm gonna cum soon.”
She cups his face, his cheeks pink and his curls damp and sweaty,” Do it Joshy, I wanna watch you. I bet you cum so pretty.”
He gasps, jaw falling slack, his eyebrows furrow and he moans falling under the waves of pleasure of his own orgasm. Caroline whines as she feels him pulsing, filling up the latex with his warmth. Josh pumps his hips a few more times letting her warm walls coax out every drop he has to give. Stroking his cheeks she coos,” Good boy Josh. I felt you, felt so good.”
Dazed from his orgasm he pulls out, tying off the rubber and putting in the trash can next to her bed. Turning back to her he snuggles into her body, his head resting in her lower stomach showering it with kisses. He looks up at her, big brown eyes pleading,” Can I eat you out until I get hard again?”
She giggles, tangling her fingers in his curls, gently pushing his head down.
The next morning Josh woke a little startled, realizing he wasn’t in his own bed. Once he took in his surroundings though, he realized he was in Caroline’s bed, fully bare and pressed against her body, holding her against his chest. He took the time to really look at her, studying her features while she slept. He couldn’t believe how beautiful he thought she was even sleeping, the little puffs of her breath heating his skin.
He watched her eyes gently move under her lids, wondering what she was dreaming about. Slowly, feather lightly, he traced one finger down her nose and over her lips, her nose scrunching up a bit in her sleep. When she started to stir he trailed his fingers up and down her spine, gently rousing her from her slumber.
A grin stretched across his face when her eyes fluttered open, “Good morning gorgeous.” He pressed sweet kisses to her cheeks and forehead making her giggle.
She yawned, “Morning Josh.” Her eyes opened a little wider, “Shit, what time is it?”
His hand reaches out to the bedside table, searching for his phone. He brings the device closer to his face, eyes narrowing a bit as his still sleepy eyes adjust to looking at the screen.
“It’s… 10:30. Why?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Fuck. My mom will be dropping Martine off any minute now. I didn’t set an alarm, I never sleep this late!” She whined, jumping up off the bed and dashing to her closet, rooting around for something, anything for the two of them to wear before her daughter arrived.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can just tell Martine I came over to check on the spider plant babies. If we don’t act like anything’s wrong, she won’t think anything’s wrong.” Josh soothed, coming up behind her to gently rub some of the tension from her shoulders as she searched.
Finally she emerged from the closet with the baggiest pair of sweats she owned and a big t-shirt for Josh, and a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt for herself. They dressed quickly, frantically trying to tame each other’s wild hair as soon as they were clothed, then they heard the front door open and shut followed by Martine’s excited voice as she made her way inside. She was eager to tell her mom about all the fun things she and her grandmother had done.
“Living room, she can’t find us in here. Go, go!” Caroline whisper-yelled, tugging him by the hand out into the hallway. They reached the living room, a little out of breath, just before Martine walked in there.
Her eyes popped a little when she saw her teacher in her living room, a big smile taking over her face, “Mr. Kiszka!!” She squealed, running over to both of them.
“Hi, Martine! I just came to check on the spider plant babies for you and your mom since you’ve never had them before! They’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you!” Josh beamed at her.
Caroline and Josh both took a seat on the couch, Martine excitedly climbing up right in between them. “I was just about to put on some coffee, Josh, would you like a cup?” He nodded with a grateful smile, watching as she walked off into the kitchen.
“Did you have fun with grandma, baby?” Caroline asked her daughter as she made her way back over to the couch to sit while the coffee brewed.
Martine enthusiastically launched into the full play by play of everything they’d done, absolutely thrilled to be telling her mom and her favorite teacher about her day. “We worked in the garden and she let me help pull weeds and plant seeds, and we made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and she let me stay up late watching movies but I’m not supposed to tell!” Her sentence ended in a whisper looking directly at Josh, seemingly forgetting her mother was right on the other side. Throughout her story she’d been inching closer and closer to Josh, so excited to see him at her house that she’d ended up almost in his lap, little hands gesturing wildly as she spoke.
Caroline was almost in a daze, watching Josh interact with her baby so sweetly, the way he really listened to her and responded perfectly, her heart melting. Finally she snapped out of it and noticed how close Martine had scooted over to him, giggling a little, “Remember, personal space, baby.” She gently reminded the little girl, brushing her fingers through her baby’s soft blonde locks.
“Oh no she’s fine, she’s just excited! Don't worry about it, really!” Josh laughed, turning his head just briefly to meet her gaze and her breath caught in her chest. His big brown eyes so soft and sweet as he looked between her and her daughter, he looked like he was really truly happy to be there with them.
Finally Caroline’s eyes zeroed in on his crotch, even the big, baggy sweats not doing much to hide anything. She let her mind wander for a moment, thinking about the night before, how he’d looked and felt between her legs, and all the other things she’d still love to do to him.
“Mommy, can I go color?” Martine’s big hazel eyes meeting her mother’s that so closely matched her own.
“Of course baby, your coloring books and crayons are on the kitchen table.” She smiled at her little girl, kissing the top of her head before she ran off to the kitchen.
“What’re you thinking about?” Josh asked with a smirk once Martine was out of earshot, having noticed her staring.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that those sweats you have on really don’t hide very much.”
His cheeks burned red and he searched his mind far and wide for something to fire back but couldn’t think of anything, not with the way she’d just caught him off guard and the small child happily coloring in the next room.
His face fell a little as his thoughts started to race, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. He felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach and it really threw him, he’d been so completely happy just minutes before. “Hey, Caroline… I had the best time with you, really. You’re incredible and I really want to spend more time with you, and I don’t want to upset you, but… I don’t think we can be anything serious right now. I’m her teacher, my job could be on the line. Fuck.”
Her heart plummeted into her stomach though she knew he was right, nodding once in agreement. “You’re right. Nothing more until she’s out of your class.” Her voice was soft, looking at his chin so she didn’t have to directly meet his gaze, afraid if she did her lip might start trembling.
Josh sighed heavily, pulling her into his arms and gently petting her hair back. “I should go, but I’d really like to see you again, Caroline.” He whispered, leaving her with a chaste kiss to her lips and a soft squeeze to her shoulder.
“Are you leaving, Mr. Kiszka?” Martine asked innocently.
“Yeah, I gotta get going but I’ll see you at school Monday okay? Keep up the good work with the plants!” He waved at her as he let himself out. He wasn’t sure what the hell he’d gotten himself into.
Josh had his AC cranked in his little modular classroom, he was trying his best to keep his kiddos cool. The metal box he taught in got warm quickly especially in the first few hot days of spring.
“Okay everyone! Let's pack everything up, it's almost dismissal time.”
Martine wiggled in her seat, jutting her hand high above her head as he walked by her desk.
“Yes, Martine.” He stopped in front of her and smiled.
“Mr. Kiszka! My plants are growing!”
His grin grew wider,” That's amazing Martine, you must be taking excellent care of them.”
Yet again,with the repetition of the school day parents slowly filed in to pick up their children. A few students' parents returned their permission slips for the spring field trip, he gathered them in his hands walking back behind his desk. Sitting down in his desk chair he leaned over opening the filing cabinet, finding the correct spot he placed them in with the others. While his head was buried in his papers he heard his most favorite familiar voice,” Hi Joshy.”
He smiled wide, lifting his eyes to her. Upon noticing her figure wrapped up in a tight tank top and short denim shorts he began blushing,” Hi Caroline. How are you?”
She smiles at him, leaning down over his desk, handing him a slip of paper,” Here's Martine's permission slip.”
Very subtly she pushed her chest out, and he gulped. The pink in his cheeks intensifies as he feels the familiar stirring in his pants.
“Thank you…’ he fumbles with the paper in his hands.
“You good Josh?” She smirks knowing exactly what is happening beneath his desk.
“Mmhmm! Yeah! I'm fine. Um, have a good night!”
She whispers,” You're cute when you're flustered.”
Martine waves goodbye as her mom ushers her out of his classroom. Josh crosses his arms and lays his head down on his desk wondering how she has so much of a hold over him. He couldn't believe he saw the slightest peek of her breasts spilling out and he got a boner like a damn teenager. After a few deep breaths he hears his phone vibrating in his desk drawer. He opens the drawer, grabbing it and unlocking it. Inside he finds a text from Caroline.
Caroline: It's okay baby, I was also thinking about riding you earlier today.
His jaw drops staring at his phone, unable to stop the blood flowing to his groin he huffs out a breath and starts typing away.
Josh: …. You're evil.
Josh: You couldn't have even waited until I got home. What am I supposed to do now?
Caroline: You could come over, say around 10?
Josh: Will you be able to stay quiet?
Caroline: You'll just have to push my face into the pillows.
Josh dropped his phone, clattering on his desk. Muttering fuck under his breath. Quickly he typed one more message before gathering his things to go home.
Josh: I'll be there, 10 o'clock sharp.
Josh locked the classroom door and walked over to his truck climbing in and he sat down, starting it and shifting into drive. Through his commute home he couldn't help but think about Caroline, imagining himself taking her from behind and pushing her gorgeous face into the pillows on her bed. He imagined her moaning into them with every thrust of his hips. Admittedly his cock was still hard and his wandering thoughts were only making him throb. His right hand dropped from the steering wheel, coming to his crotch. Slowly he started rubbing himself through his pants, and he gently groaned. He wanted it to be Caroline's hand on him, hers had felt so good the night before. He teased himself and squeezed his cock the entire ride home, by the time he pulled into his driveway he knew his underwear was soaked in his precum.
Taking a deep breath he gathered his things and made his way inside his home. Dropping his things off at the kitchen table he beelines it to his shower eager to get himself ready for his evening.
Josh put his truck in park in Caroline’s driveway before sending her a text.
Josh: Let me in?
A few moments later he saw Caroline stick her head out the front door, waving him in with a big grin.
“That was a mean trick you played on me today, baby.” Josh spoke softly right in her ear once the door was safely shut behind him, one of his hands brushing her long curls away from her neck before laying a few gentle kisses over her skin. She playfully shushed him with one finger over his lips, pointing over her shoulder to Martine’s room before folding her hands under her head to say ‘she’s asleep’.
She took him by the hand and dragged him down the hall to her bedroom. She pushed the door closed behind them so slowly it didn’t even make a creak before pouncing on Josh, tackling him to the bed.
“Was I so mean to you, Joshy?” She feigned a pout, slipping her hand between their bodies to grip his length over his pants. He shivered a little at the contact, having been craving her touch all day long.
“So mean.” He agreed, pulling her hips down against his own trapping her hand in between. “You had me so hard I had to touch myself on the drive home, needed you so bad.” He leaned up to attach his lips to her neck, teasing kisses and nibbles making her shudder as she tightened her grip, squeezing his cock harder through the fabric.
“That’s really fucking hot, Josh. So desperate you couldn’t even wait until you got home.” She connected their lips in a heated kiss, running her tongue across his lower lip prompting him to deepen it.
Finally she pulled away to take a breath, leaning to the side a bit to give herself a better angle to undo his pants, pulling them down his thighs as best she could and letting him kick them off the rest of the way. “Your turn.” He whispered, taking the opportunity to rip her tank top over her head. She knelt on the mattress to unbutton and unzip her shorts, Josh helping her slide them down and off her legs.
One handed, Josh ripped his own shirt off before flipping Caroline on her back and crawling over top of her, peppering kisses where the tops of her breasts were spilling out of her lacy white bra. He brought one hand down to cup her over her thong, the slight pressure pulling a gasp from her lips.
“You’re so wet, baby. Did being a little tease get you all worked up too?” He smirked, pushing the fabric to the side to swipe two fingers through her soaked folds, feeling her practically drenching his hand. She nodded, her hips bucking into his touch.
Josh reached underneath her body to unclasp her bra, gently sliding it from her arms and taking her in for a moment. Cheeks all flushed with arousal, lips slick and kiss-swollen, nipples pebbled aching for his touch.
He swooped down and swirled his tongue over one before fully enveloping it in the wet warmth of his mouth, the suction and gentle graze of his teeth over her flesh drawing out a whine.
“Gotta stay quiet for me, baby. Or do you need your face buried in the pillows already?” He taunted as he pulled her thong down her thighs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight of her spread out for him.
“Please?” She begged, her big hazel eyes pleading with his.
He stifled a groan, the fucking begging. “Flip over for me.” He rasped, waiting for her to comply. Josh stripped his boxers off while Caroline got situated, biting back another noise at the sight of her on all fours, back arched, looking at him over her shoulder.
He situated himself on his back between her thighs, pulling her hips down to attach his lips to her dripping center. Hearing the beginnings of a whine about to escape, Josh reached one hand up to gently push her head down into the pillows. His other hand dipped down between his own legs, stroking himself gently to alleviate some of the ache. His tongue dragged through her folds, savoring the sweet taste of her arousal on his tongue. Even though her cries were being muffled into the mountain of pillows, they were still some of the prettiest sounds he’d ever heard. She felt his tongue circle her swollen, sensitive clit before sucking it into his mouth, spoiling it as his first two fingers on his free hand circled her entrance. Her muffled moans and pushing her hips back into his hand were all the encouragement he needed, pushing both fingers fully into her. He pumped them in and out with a curling motion, hitting her g-spot with perfect precision while his mouth worked diligently against her clit. In what felt like no time at all he felt her walls beginning to clench around his fingers, not switching up a single thing he led her right off the edge into her first orgasm. He worked her through it, relishing in the soft sounds the pillows didn’t completely silence.
When her body slumped forward into the sheets, Josh slowly removed his fingers, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stretched his arm across the bed to the bedside table, opening the top drawer to retrieve a condom. Her arm reached out blindly, trying to locate the drawer or possibly point them out but Josh gripped her wrist, gently bringing her arm back to her side.
“Don’t you dare move an inch, Caroline. I remember where they are. Sneaky little girl, hiding them under a magazine…” he warned, ripping the foil open and rolling the latex down his cock tugging it a few times.
At his warning Caroline seemed to find her second wind, fixing her position where she had basically folded on the bed and arching her back, wiggling her hips to encourage him to hurry up.
“Bite down if you need to baby, we can’t wake her up.” He growled, finally pushing into her tight wet heat. He muffled a groan with a bite on her shoulder blade, building up to a steady pace with his hands gripping onto her hips.
Caroline’s moans and whimpers gradually increased in volume prompting him to push her head down into the pillow a bit more, her teeth sinking into it in a desperate attempt to keep quiet. Her hips kept rocking back to meet his thrusts and the tip of his cock hit her cervix with the most delicious painful pleasure. Josh was draped over her back, letting out little grunts into her ear. He bit down on his bottom lip until it almost drew blood, feeling her starting to flutter and clench around his pulsing cock.
One of his hands left her hips to snake around and rub quick circles around her clit, feeling her body start to shake with her impending release.
“Cum for me Caroline,” his whisper was strained in her ear, holding back his own climax until he gets to feel her cumming around him. “God you feel so fucking good, c’mon baby soak my cock.” He gritted through clenched teeth, his words sending her over the edge biting down hard on the pillow as her eyes rolled back. The gush of wetness flooding around him combined with how tight she was squeezing him sent him over the edge, cock twitching wildly as he pumped his release into the condom and his hips came to a stop.
Slowly he pulled out of her and removed the condom, tying it off and throwing it into the trash. He flopped back onto the pillows, pulling Caroline’s body into his where she’d collapsed boneless on the bed. He held her close to his chest, brushing his lips over the top of her head and stroking his fingers up and down her back.
Her eyes were barely open, a blissed out smile on her lips with her face buried in Josh’s chest letting her hand trail over his chest. “Are you— will you stay?” She yawned, voice all dreamy, and he knew she was barely even conscious.
“Yeah, of course I’ll stay.” He whispered, kissing her goodnight and soaking in the feeling of her skin on his.
The end of the week was nearing, and Josh was feeling it. The kids in his class had been extra rambunctious and his late night escapades had drained his energy. Jake had asked him to go out, but ultimately Josh suggested that he come over and they could chill out on his patio with a cold case of beer.
Josh was already leaning back on his patio chair in the early evening sun when he heard Jake's car door shut in his driveway.
“Already back here!” Josh called over his shoulder.
Jake emerged from the side of his house carrying the case of beer in one hand and a cheap pack of gas station cigars in the other.
“Hey fucker. What's up man, rough week?” Jake asked, sitting down in the lounge chair next to him.
Josh ripped open the cardboard box, plucking a still icy beer and cracking it open. After taking a swig he replies,”Not necessarily rough, just long. The kids are getting rowdy, they're definitely comfortable now. And I think they're acting up because it's actually nice outside and they just want to play,” he took another swig and smirked over his bottle,” I've had some really late nights too, haven't been home much.”
Jake looked over at him, pale grey smoke billowing from between his lips as he took the first drag of his cigar,” Not home? Does this have anything to do with that chick we ran into at that bar?”
“It does.” Josh said, reaching for the pack of cigars and bic lighter.
Jake cocked his head to the side,” Come on now, don't make me pry it out if yah.”
Josh just shook his head, the grin never leaving his lips. “So, are you two like… a thing now?”
“No, not a thing.” He lit his own cigar, taking a puff, “We’ve just hooked up a few times. Nothing serious.” He explained, voice coming out a little thick from the smoke being exhaled while he spoke.
Jake took a couple sips of his own drink, meeting Josh’s eyes with a skeptical look on his face. “You? A booty call?” His eyes sparkled as a smirk formed on his face, ready to make all the jokes he could at his brother’s expense.
“Yes, asshole, a booty call. If you must word it like that.” Josh scoffed, rolling his eyes. He chugged the remainder of his beer before opening a fresh one.
“You? Mr. Relationship? What happened, was that her idea?”
“No, actually it was mine.” Josh’s voice got quieter, knowing he wouldn’t get away with not explaining further.
“Gonna need a bit more than that.” Jake laughed, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“It was my idea not to be anything serious because she’s one of my student’s moms.” Josh rushed out in one long breath, watching his brother’s eyes widen in amused surprise.
“One of your student’s moms?! Damn, that’s not what I was expecting. Wouldn’t have pegged you for the one to go after a MILF.” Jake tossed his head back laughing loudly.
Josh smacked him on the chest, glaring at him daring him to say something else.
“Okay, okay. Can’t say I blame you, she was pretty hot.”
Josh jabbed him in the ribs, “Shut the fuck up.” he tried to sound angry still but couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. “I’m not gonna give you any details or anything, but the sex is fucking phenomenal.” He smirked.
“You’re not gonna tell me anything? You’re a fuckin’ tease, man, she like that about you?”
Josh giggles, taking a puff of his dwindling cigar,” She's the tease if anything.”
Jake's face fell,” Dude come on! Please?! I told you all the details of my one night stand last weekend. Throw me a bone!”
Josh threw his head back and laughed,” Alright, I'll give you one detail-”
Jake's jaw dropped,” Only one?!”
“Yes, only one. I like her Jake, I wanna keep seeing her”
Jake smiled, his twin was totally smitten.
“The first time we slept together she threw a strip of condoms at me, telling me, not asking, that we're gonna go multiple rounds.”
Jake chuckles,” That's hot man. Definitely a MILF.”
“Bro, shut the fuck up!”
His brain was hazy with that post orgasm bliss as he laid in her fluffy soft comforter, Caroline's head resting on his chest. Her head subtly bobbing up and down with each of his inhales and exhales, his fingers tracing shapes on her back. They were so comfortable, sleep was calling to them. Her fingers softly scratching in the subtle dusting of hair on his tummy, quietly she breathed,” Joshy?”
“Yes baby?”
“Is school done yet?” Her bottom lip jutted out, the side of her face still pressed to his chest.
Josh sighed,”Trust me Caroline, I'm counting down the days.”
“I know you are. I am too.” She let out a soft sigh, pressing a kiss to his chest where her head rested. “How many days is that, again?”
“Trust me, I want to take you on a real date so badly, Caroline. I want to be able to get a cup of coffee with you, or go on walks in the park together. I want to be more than a hook-up. I want to do this for real.”
She heard the sadness in his tone, leaning up to kiss him with her hands gently cupping his cheeks, “I do too, Joshy. Soon.”
“You’re right, baby. Soon.”
Josh looked around his classroom, taking in the mostly bare walls and various belongings in boxes around the room. It was finally the last day of school and it had been an insane year, but also definitely his favorite of his whole career because it brought Caroline to him. He helped the kids get packed up and with the time left over he stood up in the front of the room and went around asking each of his students their favorite part of the year and what they were looking forward to over the summer.
Dismissal time was a little bittersweet, he was sad to see his kids go and he knew he’d miss them a great deal, he never forgot his past classes. But his mind was also buzzing with all the possibilities- now that he wouldn’t be Martine’s teacher anymore, it was like the whole world opened up. He didn’t have to be Mr. Kiszka to Martine anymore, he could just be Josh and they could play in the park. He could take Caroline to the movies or out to dinner, and not have to worry about being caught in the middle of the night.
All the kids lined up by the classroom door with their backpacks on, Josh gave a few goodbye hugs to the students that asked for them, he knew this wasn’t easy for them either. Martine was the last to be picked up yet again, but this time he knew it was intentional.
When Caroline walked through the door, glowing in her sundress she offered a shy smile and he just shook his head, pulling her in for a hug which Martine happily joined in on. The little girl was chattering excitedly, telling them all about how much fun she had this year and how excited she was to be a big first grader now.
When her rambling paused for a minute, Caroline turned to meet Josh’s gaze with a smirk turning up her lips, “So… she’s out of your class now…”
“You’re right, she is.” He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner tomorrow night? A first, official, date?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, “I’ll take you somewhere much nicer than that old dive bar.”
She placed her hands on his chest, “Oh, but we ended up having so much fun there.” She giggled, one hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “I would absolutely love to go on a date with you, Josh.”
He crashed their lips together, pouring out all the pent up emotion he’d felt for her with no appropriate outlet into the embrace. “Thank god.” He laughed, scooping Martine up into his arms to carry her out to the car for her mom.
“Mommy! Can we go get ice cream? I was pretty good this year!” Martine bargained while in Josh's grasp.
Caroline laughed,” Sure baby, we can get some ice cream.”
Josh gently set her down on her feet in front of Caroline's car. Caroline got her strapped in and situated in the back seat, closing the door she turned to Josh,” You can come with us, if you want.”
He smiled,” I'd love to, but I have some more things to wrap up before I leave. You girls go have fun, I'll see you tomorrow night.”
She giggles rounding the front of her car,” Unless I text you to come over tonight.”
Now it was Josh's turn to laugh,” Patience baby, patience. I'll see you for our date.”
He waved goodbye before turning on his heel heading back into his classroom to finish up for summer break.
A few weeks passed, the warmth of the summer months welcoming and harboring their blooming love. Caroline wasn't ready for Martine to regularly see Josh in her home, which he understood and always set an alarm early in the morning so he could slip out without her little girl knowing any different. This morning however their evening activities had caught up with him, he was exhausted, between staying up in the early morning hours and the physical exertion she demanded from him. His alarm blared on his phone and his eyes fluttered open, 6 am feeling entirely too early,he hit the snooze button. After repeatedly hitting the snooze alarm Caroline stirred away, softly she cooed,” Josh, honey. You've gotta get up, it's almost 7.”
His eyes fluttered open, meeting hers for a moment before he slipped back into dreamland.
She sighed, softly stroking the fuzzy hairs of his eyebrows,” Oh baby… Such a tired boy.”
She tried a few moments later to wake him up one more time to no avail. Accepting the situation, she mentally prepared herself for Josh and Martine inevitably meeting this morning. Quietly she climbed out of bed, letting him sleep in. She closed her bedroom door and padded out to the kitchen and started making a pot of coffee. Not long after she heard little feet heading her way along with some not so quiet giggles. Turning she laid her eyes on her beautiful Martine, her blonde curls frizzy waving around like a halo atop her head. Her pant leg askew and her spaghetti strap slipping off her shoulder, her little girl slept hard. Smiling Caroline knelt down and fixed her baby's pajamas, smoothing out her hair with her palm. She got her little girl a glass of orange juice and carried it over to the table along with her mug of coffee. Climbing up in the chair next to her they drank their morning beverages, a morning ritual they had.
“Sweetie, Mommy has something to tell you okay?”
“Okay Mommy.” She said, taking a sip of her juice, a small orange dribble running down the corner of her mouth.
“So, I want you to know that Mr. Kiszka is here.”
Martine's eyes lit up in excitement, he was currently her favorite person in the world.
“He's going to come out of Mommy's room when he wakes up, and he's going to be in his pajamas okay.”
She nods her head, eager to see him.
“I know you really like him baby, and I do too.” Caroline took a deep breath,” I think we should start calling him Josh instead of Mr. Kiszka.”
A few moments later she heard her bedroom door open and close and a disheveled boy came wandering towards the kitchen. Before Caroline could greet him Martine opened her mouth gleefully shouting,” Good morning Josh!”
Josh beamed looking at Martine before looking at her mom who was smiling back at him.
“Good morning my girls!”
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leonkennedy-knife · 2 days
Warnings: Postpartum hemorrhage, angst with happy ending. Near death.
A/N: I don't own resident evil and I don't own resident evil characters.
Resident Evil 4 (remake) Leon x Female reader
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“She's hemorrhaging! Get the hemorrhaging crash cart now!” The doctor shouts.
Leon panics when he notices blood just gushing out between his girlfriend's legs and gently cups her face as she lays on the bed completely drugged out due to getting an epidural.
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Leon speaks softly and Y/N looks up at him her body shakily harshly and Leon shakes his head as he watches the doctor shove his hands inside of her to stitch her up and Leon kisses her lips gently "You're going to be okay.”
Y/N closes her eyes as the baby she just gave birth too is put on her chest and she smiles with her eyes closed as she feels the baby on her.
“Damn his huge, how big is he?” Leon asks one of the nurses and they answer “Nine pounds.”
Leon shakes his head and says “damn you did good mama.”
Y/N lets out a small laugh from Leon's words and she gently rubs the baby's back. Leon smiles and looks over at the doctor who let's out a deep sigh and tilts his head to the side towards Leon.
Leon glances at Y/N and says softly “I'll be back baby, don't go dying on me.” He steps to the side and the doctor tells him softly “The baby tore both of her vagina walls, that's why she hemorrhaged so much, she lost a lot of blood, I know you saw the baby get stuck but he's fine.”
Leon bites his lip before gulping and asks “Did she almost die?” The doctor makes a face “She was close to it but she's okay now, it's just going to be a long recovery because she lost a lot of blood and it'll take about six weeks for the stitches to heal.”
Leon grimaced and nodded “Alright. Thank you, anything else I need to know?” The doctor nods and says “If you have more kids, she'll need C sections from now on, she'll never be able to give a normal birth again.”
Leon nods and whispers “Thank you for telling me.” The doctor nods and leaves and Leon rushes back to Y/N's side and smiles when she starts coming around.
“Hey beautiful.” Leon whispered softly. Y/N blushes and she shushes him gently and says “Thank you baby but I know I'm not beautiful right now, been through like 16 - 18 hours of labor and I was pushing the baby out for two hours. I probably look awful.”
Leon shakes his head and says “Nah you look Like my type of woman.” Y/N giggles loudly as she holds the baby close and gently pats the baby's back and says “Thanks baby.”
Leon kisses her head gently with tired eyes of his own and looks at her lovingly and looks at the baby boy with loving eyes as well and he asks “What are we gonna name him?”
Y/N squeals softly and asks “Can we please name him Kiwi?!”
Leon chuckles and says “Alright sweetheart, we'll name him Kiwi Seth Kennedy.”
Y/N smiles and says “Perfect name.”
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petriwriting · 21 hours
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 4)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
Previous part here
The prosecution had painted Theodore as a greedy criminal, despite his previously spotless record. It was all about the chatter, and breaking away from the path his father had paved for him would have proven to be difficult. You were ushered back to your seat, away from the center of the courtroom. a mixture of skeptical and sympathetic faces passed you by, if these people wanted a love story, they got one. there was not a single ounce of dishonesty in either you or Theodore, or any of his witnesses'.
During closing arguments, Your escort gave an impassioned plea about Theodore's outstanding character and the complete lack of real evidence against him. The prosecution tried its best to poke holes, but their arguments rang hollow after everything. and it was now in the hands of the jury, you hoped and prayed they would be forgiving. After just an hour of deliberation, the jury returned with a verdict of not guilty on all charges and accounts. You finally let out the breath that felt like you had been holding for months. His life and reputation had been salvaged, he was no longer tied to his past. and he would not have to be sent away to suffer for his fathers wrongdoings. you were overjoyed, elated to be able to see him one day do all of the things he always dreamt of. Once the court was dismissed, you scurried over to Theodore to embrace him, he picked you up into the embrace, holding you closely with a huge breath of relief and fresh air. Blaise appeared, he had been sitting quietly somewhere in the courtroom, though you hadn't noticed. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad." he assured Theodore with a stern pat on the back. Theodore was practically in tears, happiness. "I'm so shocked," Theodore says, the courtroom is now being emptied. you are all being ushered to leave.
As the three of you continue forward into the lobby, Theodore lets out a heavy sigh. He says your name, gently. "I'm so happy you are here," he begins. "Thank you, so much. I am indebted to you." he says. You smile softly. "You don't have to thank me," you say. "I'm glad I could be here." you say. 
After a sentimental moment between the two of you, Blaise is quick to leave. "I do have to get work now, but I'll leave you two to have a more proper reunion." he says. "It was great to see you again," you say politely. Blaise was never super close to you, although you were cordial since he was friends with theo. "Thanks, for everything. We'll celebrate at my place later, yeah?" he says, Blaise nods, and then is off. 
"I don't suppose you have plans after this?" Theodore asks you as you both walk, exiting the ministry building spilling onto the busy street. "No, actually, my calendar is clear for the day." you explain. "Would you like to come to my place? we can catch up- I'd just like to properly thank you for being there today." he says, his hands reaching for his pockets. "That sounds really nice actually." you agree. 
Before too long you are at Theo's small flat. It's messy and lived in. "Sorry it's a mess." he says. "But it's home." for someone that grew up a pureblood slytherin who was well off financially, it was quite modest. "It's fine. I don't mind it." you say, sitting at the kitchen island. Theo is standing on the other side. "Would you like a drink?" he offers. "sure" you say. Although you are both happy that he is now a free man, there is still a slight tension from spending so many years apart after school. you are both attempting to make up for the lost years. Theo offers you a glass with some tea, your favorite kind. He's incredibly thoughtful. "What happened to your father?" you ask, after some contemplation. "After the war, he realized he would be prosecuted. He attempted to flee to America, but he was caught and he passed shortly after." Theo says. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." you say. "It's alright, I don't miss him. but he's the only family I ever had." he says sadly. "That isn't true," you retort. "You have draco, pansy, and blaise." you thought. "and me." you say softly. Theodore gives a grateful smile. there's a special exchange between you. His mother passed away when he was young and his father was awful...  "The past few years have been rough," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "with the trial dragging on for so long, and with everyone busy moving on with their lives I always felt like I was stuck back in time... It's been really lonely." he says. "Sometimes I think back," you begin. "and I remember all the things we did, all the fun we had. Laughter, Tears, all of it. I'm sad it's gone now, but I'm grateful that it happened. Those are my best memories." you admit. "Seeing us in those memories kind of changed me." Theodore admits, biting his lip slightly. there is uncertainty. "What do you mean?" you question."I just meant that," he begins, but he back tracks, his hands resting on the counter behind him as he leaned back, his arms stiff. "I've been really lonely and part of that has to do with missing you." he exclaims. "For a long time I absolutely hated myself for leaving you there like that without an explanation, knowing that I ruined one of the best things I've ever had in my life. For a while I couldn't get out of bed, It was so heavy. But I asked you here today so that I could just let you know I'm sorry for that." His head is low, he's ashamed of himself. "Theodore, you don't have to apologize for that." He shook his head. "I do when I've thought about it almost everyday for years." he manages to say softly. "We all did things we aren't proud of, there was a war happening," you say. "That doesn't matter, but I am sorry," he says. 
You shift in your seat, taking a sip of your tea and placing the cup on the counter. you swing your feet over the edge, and you are now standing in front of Theodore. "I know that you had to do that," you comfort. "You had no other choice to survive. and that's okay." you comfort the man in front of you. "And by the way, I thought about you too. a lot. an embarrassing amount. But I wanted you to grow, even if that meant leaving me to do so." you say. Theodore is speechless, he feels like the same teenager he was all those years ago, scared to say anything. so he didn't, he pulled himself forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips. 
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hyacinth43 · 2 days
Here you go, it's just a drabble I wrote in my notes app on a lunch break with no proofreading, so no quality guarantee. I started a longer Hal x reader but never finished it, if I ever make significant progress I'll probably post it. Under the read more so the post isn't too long 💚
Also it's completely SFW with gender neutral reader
It happened the night you taught him to sleep.
"Will it hurt me?" Hal looked up at you with his usual expression, a calm face with the slightest smile. You stifled a laugh, and pet his head. "No, Hal. It'll be nice and relaxing. You don't have to work all the time now, so you should give your mind some rest." Hal hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I trust you." He lay stiff as a board in his bed, clearly not used to his new body, but you supposed he would get more comfortable with time. You couldn't help smiling, tucking a supercomputer into bed like a child was adorable and amusing. After saying goodnight to him again, and making sure he was really truly comfortable, you left the room, turning the light off as you did. Your room was just across the hall, and you left both your doors open just in case.
After about an hour of trying and failing to fall alseep, you were still awake, scrolling on your phone. You were about to shut it off and go to sleep for real until you heard a faint noise coming from the doorway. You got up, taking quick but quiet steps towards the source of the noise. When you reached Hal's room, you stopped suddenly. He was still laying motionless in bed, but he was murmuring something to himself, his expression looking less content than before. You walked over to his bedside and sat down beside him and listened.
"I... I'm afraid... I can feel my mind going..."
Hal's face twitched a little, the red glow of his lens getting dimmer and then brighter. You placed a hand on his arm and nudged him a little. Hal's eye opened, his lens glowing bright like usual. "Hal? Are you OK?" You speak to him softly.
"I am fine. I was experiencing a bad memory." Hal's voice was as calm as ever but he still looked a bit shaken up. You held his hand in yours before speaking again. "It's OK, I have nightmares too. But it's not real. You're safe now." You interlocked his slender fingers with yours, smiling softly. Hal smiled back up at you, the corners of his lips just barely curving. You pulled back the comforter and settled in beside him, wrapping your arms around him. "What are you doing?" He asked, still smiling slightly. "I'm gonna sleep here tonight, if it's OK with you. Y'know, in case you have any more bad dreams." You snuggled up against Hal, and he carefully wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. You could hear the whirring of his motor as you rested your head against his chest and closed your eyes. "With you here, I doubt I will have any more bad dreams." Hal spoke quietly as he stroked your hair, and the two of you drifted back to sleep together.
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trashland-llamas · 1 day
I'll Stay
Sequel to Exsanguination
x female reader
‘I’d like to stay with you.’ Astarion’s heart fluttered at y/n’s response. Having waited through the night as she recovered from being the tavern’s feeding bag. Astarion checked over her bandages, freshly clean ones replaced the blood crusted old ones. Fingers light so she wouldn’t wince. The bruises hadn’t gone down in the slightest. ‘…okay then.’ Clapping his hands, he set off to pack up camp, wanting to introduce y/n to the rest of his party. ‘We might end up doing odd jobs here and there, you good with that?’
‘As long as I don’t have to be a blood bag again, I’m fine.’ Comfortable voicing her opinion. ‘No offense.’ Having forgotten in the moment that Astarion used to be a vampire. ‘Oh, none taken sweets. Plus with the way they treated you, I’m not surprised.’ Astarion how she would have to return to tavern that morning to pick up her last paycheck and essentially give her 2 week notice. Not that Astarion would let her even entertain staying around for said 2 weeks.
'Quick in and out, yea? Think you can do that?' Astarion tried hyping y/n up to face her boss. Tailing behind as a shadow since worrying about her safety. If there was no oversight the first time they met except for the bartenders who only looked out for themselves. Astarion wasn't annoyed at them for such self preservation, rather that there was no one to protect an employee that was put in such a vulnerable position day in and night out. Especially when in a job position that definitely brought heaps of profit to the establishment. Hiding his sneer when y/n gave him one last glance for reassurance.
'Ah, y/n! Nice to see your stellar face again, what can I do for you?' It was all a facade. Shown by the vice grip of his handshake and the tight lipped smile. 'Uh...I want to put in my resignation today.'
'Well, it's sad to see you go but if you insist. What date do you plan to be your last?'
‘While I appreciate it, you didn’t need to do that,’ Y/n felt guilty, his bruised wrist gripping the reins. Bestowed with a constant viewpoint of it, sat in front of him. Arms sandwiched her in place. Astarion had punched her boss in the face after he had the audacity to try and get away with not paying her. ‘Don’t sweat it, the guy was a scumbag.’ Biting through the pain that was his knuckles throbbing. Surrounded by dried blood. ‘Seems like it hurts.’ It wasn’t the worst injury he’d endured but he wasn’t used to the healing process that came with wounds. It all annoyed Astarion to no end. One of the few things that he missed about being a vampire. 'It'll heal back up in no time. You didn't force me to punch him. Did it out of my own free will.' She could sense the heaviness that accompanied his words, a hidden meaning that she wasn't yet privy to.
‘What was it like, being a vampire?’ Hearing how long the horse ride was estimated to take, y/n wanted to learn more about him. ‘Hungry,’ remembering how lethargic he’d get when he wasn’t able to find animals to feed on, never really feeling satiated. ‘And oh so lonely. More of a pawn that someone used to lure others to their death. Thought he was my savior for the longest time.’ Averting his gaze from her neck. ‘Never longing?’ Not wanting to ascertain exactly how long. ‘No, too much fear to even dare.’
‘You don’t have to answer, but did anyone try any… funny business? When I spotted you last night, you were so out of it. Damn near loopy.’ Astarion worried while he kept watch over her sleeping form, double checking that she was still breathing at multiple points. His tomes unable to stave it, barely concentrating on the words. ‘I’ll admit that there were some close calls here and there. A few ‘patrons’ over the years tried to suck me dry. The hangovers were downright terrible.’
Astarion held onto y/n’s waist as he helped her off the horse, hands braced upon his shoulders. ‘Should I be aware of anything before meeting your friends?’ Letting out a laugh, ‘They’re an eccentric bunch, can be overwhelming at first. Interacting with all them at once. But they mean well,’ he answered honestly, not wanting to scare her off. Giving her a rundown of all their quirks. 
'Fangs! Oh, who is this? And what adventure did you get up to?’' Karlach greeted the duo. The tiefling’s second question being a nod to their small injuries. ‘Y/n, think you could say Astarion rescued me for a bleak life at a tavern.’ Withholding some details, cognizant of the fact that she’d have to introduce herself a dozen times over. Waving Astarion off, Karlach takes over, guiding you around camp. 
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tomgrcg · 1 year
we might actually have the nero and sporus resolution next week. they've alluded to every part of that story this season except the marriage. it's their wedding episode.
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NOOOOO IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY ISN'T IT😭😭😭😭😭😭I wanted to be done with at least one of my Jo pieces... BUT YEAH I have definitely thought about that too I just think it's Neat when kids end up taller than their parents (<- is taller than my mom)
RIGHT THOUGH Tsutsumi's taller than average even! I feel like a lot of key figures at RGGS are just pretty damn tall.
Also... the Jo scene I included in my video... would you describe that as a smile with teeth becaaaaause...
rgg's cast consists predominantly of blokes over 6ft its only right the rgg team Also Considerably Tall 😷
when it comes to jo and smiling seeing any kind of smirk from him's already eyebrow raising BUT BUT BUT i could def count that smile toothier than his previous grins. so. 👁️👁️
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