#if someone don't cook that thing i will simply have to take matters into my own hands
masakuterarr · 2 days
HxH Character Analysis : UVOGIN
*cracks my fingers* alright peoples, I've been cooking this for DAYS now and I finally have everything gathered (at least I hope so). So lean back, get something to drink and maybe some paper and pen to take notes :) This will be a long one! (btw if there are missspellings I am really sorry, english is not my native language and it's too much that I wrote and I do not have the energy to look over it again- :') )
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Character Analysis of Uvogin, regarding the Sarasa Incident
Numbing and Emotional Detachment
A dumb brute with just muscles and purely driven by the joy to kill. That's probably how a lot of people would describe him. This is actually not really true and I will explain why I think that.
In my perception Uvogin kills because a) it's his 'job' and b) because he wants to drown his own emotions.
There are generally 2 Options we can work with.
Uvogin kills because it's one of the only things that give him a positive feeling, which lasts short term.
Uvogin kills because it's something that numbs his emotions
If we go with option 1, we assume that Uvogin relates positive feelings with killing.
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Killing the people who came to kill himself, assumingly gives Uvogin the most pleasure (kinky lol). Assumingly it gives him some kind of kick of adrenaline, knowing he might potentially gives his life. It's probably a same kind of feeling with the russian roulette. (Most people play it because of the death wish, but I don't wanna focus on that too much for Uvogin. This death wish with Uvogin can be a giant topic for itself-)
I simply think, Uvogin got addicted to this kick of adrenaline over time and now simply can't stop.
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In the german dub of HxH 2011 it's even put a bit better. There Uvogin says "Because dudes like you appear here and there, I just can't stop killing. It's like an addiction"(I am just obsessed with some of the wording in different languages. Plus I LIVE for german dub Uvogin lol)
NOW, what is ironic about this, is that some moments before Kurapika asked Uvogin what they feel when killing innocent people they don't even know. To which Uvogin answers with "Nothing"
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I found this weird so I came to the conclusion that Uvogin has a) to difference between killing innocent people and people who come to revenge or b) he doesn't even know it himself and he is just a confused mess, which makes sense if you consider how his mental health state is after unhealed trauma and unhealthy coping mechanism (but I will go intot his now anyways).
But if we consider Option 2, that killing people is actually numbing his feelings, he might even be the complete opposite of what we thought he is. In this case he might be a emotional mess and killing people is what calms him down.
No matter what tho, Uvogin is heavily addicted to the act of killing and he continues to kill because it's something that distracts him from his emotions. Because judging for how long this has been ago, Uvo is way too deep into this entire hole of killing as coping that he can't bare to face the reality that by now, he is probably even worse than Sarasas murder. So he drowns himself in distraction, pushing the reality down his throat so he does not have to face it. But even if he wanted to, he would probably just break at the actual realization of what he has become.
Extreme Punctuality and The Urge to Control The Uncontrollable
(ah my favorite and the least thing looked at)
At first look it is just a cute funny detail added to Uvogins character to make him a bit more relateable and whole as a character. But looking at it I actually realized a sad thing.
Remember when Sarasa went out alone? The others thought she was just gonna get the tape and come back.
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If you look at it and put it simply. Sarasa was late. You know what Uvo hates? Someone being late. Nice when the realization kicks in, is it? :)
To explain it now;
When they found Sarasa in the forest, it was already too late. Uvo realized that if they were to search for her earlier or just arrive earlier, they might have had a chance to make an impact on the outcome. Or even save her life.
With this in mind, Uvogins focus on being punctional now seems less random. His anger towards his comerades being late probably isn't even intentionally. Sarasa's death might have impacted Uvo with a strong sense of responsibility as well.
He wants to gain control over things he can't even control, which is a really common coping response to trauma. He once lost control over something, which led to a tragic consequence and now he fears to lose control once again. So Uvogins 'anger' is not because he is actually mad, but because he fears that the same thing happened to them. He simply just cares and is scared that the ones he cares about are getting hurt and worst case, even die.
Because it happened once. So it's much likely to happen again, right? This is a common anxiety thought process.
Outer Persona and Antisocial Behavior
It is obvious that Uvo has a certain 'tough-guy' persona that he shows to the outside world. It becomes very clear when he fights against Kurapika
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When Uvogin begins to realize that Kurapika is stronger than he thought and (from his view) maybe even stronger than himself, you can see how this persona is slowly breaking down.
Outer Personas are a common thing for people with Anxiety and Depression. So I think it is save to assume, this is the case with Uvogin. The reason for that can be really simple; from just wanting to not let the others worry about his mental state or just to seem invincible to other people/enemies.
But it can also be, that Uvogin tries to convince himself that he is invincible and not wants to accept how vulnerable he actually as. And yet again, not being able to accept that he wasn't strong enough when Sarasa needed him to be.
To the 'antisocial' part;
When they found Sarasa in the bag back then, Uvo was about to leave her and the others. This always seemed a bit off to me. Why would he leave if he cared so much about her?
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People have various reactions to when they don't know how to handle a situations or emotions. Some people laugh, some cry, some stay silent and some get angry. Uvogin is seemingly someone to cope with aggression or isolation/detachment. He probably just wanted to vanish because he felt weak and helpless, and his body instinctively reacted with aggression and the attempt to cut himself out off the scene.
Even at some point in the fight against Kurapika, you can see how Uvo started to gave up and just emotionlessly repeated himself to Kurapika: "Kill me" .
This also leads to (imo) Uvogin's biggest weakness :
Uvogin and Panic
Uvo is a strong and smart fighter, when it comes to combat. He can probably plan out a lot within just a few moments and has an incredible skill at creative problem solving.
Tho, for me, it tends to panic really easily, leaving him extremely vulnerable. The best example is in his fight against Kurapika but also against the Shadow Beasts. Theres a moment when he got caught off guard and starts to slightly panic, which led him to instinctively cope with aggression;
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In the 2011 anime he even calls one of them "bastard" after collabsing onto the ground.
(small addition here cuz Shal wtf, why do you look like someone got you flowers after your comerade just collabsed onto the ground, obviously about to get tortured now??)
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Uvogins Ego and Self Blame
Ofc this can just be Uvo being Uvo, as he thinks a lot of his own abilities and skills, but since this is an analysis, why not looking into it too?
Maybe Uvogin tends to have an ego problem and high temper because he does not want to get reminded that he can fail too. Because in his opinion, the last time he failed, it led to Sarasa's death.
Logically it is obviously not his fault that Sarasa died. The kids straight up didn’t know what would or could happen. But I am very sure that Uvo always blamed himself for it. The same probably goes for Chrollo and the others as well. And since Uvogin is not in a healthy envirnment, nor got treatment for his trauma ever, he surely blames himself.
(And at this point he surely is not able to stop/change his mind on that anymore. Uvo would straight up rage if he was put into a therapist's office LOL)
A similar thought process might have happened when Uvo got kidnapped by the nostrade family and the others had to save him. After all, it would fit a LOT into his pattern of feeling vulnerable and coping with aggression trying to protect his ego. Cuz if he doesn’t he has to face the reality that he was too weak (again) and the others had to save him, putting them indirectly in potential danger.
His thought process is probably something like: I was too weak → others had to save me → IF they get injured or worst case someone dies bc of it, it is his fault → Cuz they had to save HIM. Because this again is a comon pattern when it comes to Anxiety and Depression.
which leads me to the next point;
Overcompensation with strength and the fear of weakness
My last point. A simple but sad one.
Uvo simply feats of being weak. So he purely focuses on physical strength and mastering his nen as an enhancer.
"If I am too weak, I just need to get stronger, right?"
Because he is an enhancer, he would probably think this simple. And even if we look at it from a depression perspective; A quick way out and taking the first idea to not waste any more time. Especially since Uvo does not seem to be much of an overthinker.
He had emptiness and many questions inside him and his first instinctive answer was strength. As simple as that.
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gosh this was a lot- but I warned you before so don't blame me LOL
I hope I was able to explain my thought about him and how I look at him :) I will maybe do a second part, focusing on the "death wish" part I talked about earlier! We will see, no promises.
Feel free to tell me your opinion on this! I would love to hear them 🤍
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jessicatredes · 2 years
im on a business trip & the two mornings here i've been woken up by a rooster at 4am
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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crucialplayer · 10 months
Thoughts on Venus placements
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries Venus. View public humiliation as a flirting tactic. Will borderline call you stupid and ugly and genuinely expect people to get the hint that they’re actually very interested. Will prob ask themselves out on ur behalf. If u don't show interest immediately as they enter a room they’re done. Life is a cycle of falling in and falling out. Romance is 90 percent fucking.
Taurus venus. Like anyone who’s pretty but LOVE prob one person in a lifetime. Will have an aneurism if you try to rush them or speed up the prelude. Unbearable in their pickiness (esp with food and smells). Have deluded themselves into thinking there are people dying waiting for them to grace this earth with their love and attention. Limit freedom but act bothered when being imposed with the same limitations. 
Gemini venus. What’s there to say that hasn't been already cried out loud by the casualties of their love. Wandering eye. Don't promise much and deliver even less. Fun tease flirts, will take you on Before Sunrise style date and rot ur brain with all the talk. Like to leave people wondering. Everyone wants to try this one out at least once. Word’s been going around that a non-cheating-gemini Venus has been spotted in the wild but we’re yet to confirm the evidence. 
Cancer venus. Want to be treated like a baby but always end up babying other people. Want to please their loved ones at all times and if not met with instant appreciation become very irritated and sad. Never voice their needs properly. Expect the most distant emotionally constipated people they usually choose as their partners to be mind-readers. Cook-clean-snog love. 
Leo venus. Promise u the moon and the stars but will be too lazy to actually get them. Love themselves first and won't let you forget that. If not received naturally - will drag those compliments out of you manually. At their best great at hyping people up. Love anyone who praises them. Also kinda get attached quite fast. Get jealous and offended easily (I feel like I say this about every Leo placement but what can u do).
Virgo venus. No one can please them and with time fewer people try. Get the ick over people simply breathing. Want the most sterile of love there is. If you’re not the best at your craft or do not aspire to be WHY the fuck not??? Legit think organizing ur desk is a good substitution for letting know they have warm feelings towards you.
Libra venus. Their partner is the star of the night month year life. Choose partners that can be bragged about and envied for. Very loving never shut up about their relationship no matter the setting always find a reason to bring them up. In a relationship make concessions until they blow up.
Scorpio venus. Insanity falsely taken for being in love. Blood contract on the first date. The ones that giggle at cannibalism=love metaphors. Might just lock you up but in a romantic wayyy... Romance is NOT a joke and ANY attempt making FUN of it WILL NOT slide. Looking around might count as cheating. Also if I may I suggest never leaving them on read..) Forever and always til death do us part. 
Sagittarius venus. Often forget that they are in a relationship. Love the fun aspect of dating, but hate everything else. Need someone who constantly shakes things up and makes life interesting for them. In an ideal world, they travel around the globe and have a lot of se make meaningful connections for life. Very playful tho!
Capricorn venus. In relationships become very domestic but it takes a lot for them to actually end up in such. Love language is to cover basic necessities and feel worn out after that. Typically require to be TAUGHT on love and I know there are some people who find this an exciting quest god bless you on that journey. Prob the most rigid Venus in terms of compatibility with others imo. 
Aquarius venus. So fucking random in terms of people they crush on like I can never guess who’s gonna tingle their interest braincell this time. Normally they go for the intellectuals but once they think they’ve got too predictable with it next choice is gonna be wild. Friends with people who have a crush on them and are oblivious to it. Freeze when you get mushy or clingy with them. 
Pisces venus. Takes a village to pull them out of that one abusive dynamic they’ve been perpetually stuck in. Unironically think of themselves as smol beans. Dedicate their whole unprompted to the person they’ve had a crush on for like two days. Very very veryyyy lovey-dovey-sweet-corny, have no problem confessing their love. Likely to draw ur portrait if they like you. 
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wpdarlingpan · 10 months
Snow Falls… In Love?
Part 3 (Finale) ❄️
Yandere Coriolanus Snow x innocent!Reader
Female Pronouns
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Manipulation, Yandere, Coriolanus Snow, Hunger Gamed typical warnings
Click below for the other parts! ❄️
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Snow kept his promise. The day after the games ended he woke up next to Y/N as the sun shined in then from the window. He simply laid there and watched as she slept and the ride and fall of her chest. It meant she was alive and that’s all he ever wanted.
She began to stir and her eyes opened tiredly before peering up at the boy who didn’t even try and look away.
“Why are you staring at me? Is my hair that bad?” Y/N teased as she used her fingers to brush down her hair. She’d never woken up beside someone before so that little nagging thought in her mind wanted her to look presentable.
“You look as beautiful as ever.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead gently. She blushed flustered. It was odd. Going from waking up in a dingy vent, fearing for her life every second as more and more people died. Now she was laying in bed with the boy she thought she loved, but it was hard to determine. After all, who wouldn’t grow some sort of appreciation for the one who saved their life?
“Oh I doubt it.”
They continued to go back and forth teasing each other, almost making the air in the room feel that much lighter. To outsiders it looked like a married couple. They got ready and cooked breakfast together in an apartment Corio rented just for her. It was all very domestic as they simply sat in each others presence talking about what the plans are for the future,
After receiving the prize money along with Y/N, they went out to the shops and bought her clothes and the apartment, both of which she greatly protested not wanting him to spend money on her but he ignored her.
Then he paid off all of the debt for the Snow estate so Tigres and Grand’mam wouldn’t have to move for as long as they both lived. Sure it was technically his but he figured he’d be spending more time with his soon-to-be wife before they'd move in.
Coriolanus was someone who always thought about the future and so he made plans. He wanted to be married as soon as possible. It didn’t matter how long they’d known each other but he loved her. He wasn’t going to let some stuck-up capital prick take her away from him.
He gave it a week.
Y/N and he went on dates and he showed her things she couldn’t ever dream of. Of course, it only brought up her admiration but now she knew she liked him if not loved him.
Life or death makes people do crazy things.
The kiss at the capital zoo was something she thought about constantly. Now that the looming figure of death wasn't influencing her every move, she had time to think about what it meant, as well as the fact he called her 'my love' in the arena. She doubted he even remembered the last part cause he had never brought it up since.
Y/N wanted to believe all of these dates meant something. Meant that they would someday be together. But to her, it seemed like false hope. After all, no one would approve of them nor would Corio deserve to be stuck with someone from the districts.
Y/N and him were in their practically shared apartment when he asked her to come to the living room.
"What is it Corio?" She asked as they sat down on the couch. He took her hand into his and made his features appear sad.
"The President sent a letter today...'' He trailed off to see her reaction which was immediately frightened giving him the cue to comfort her. "He wants to send you back to District 12 to show them the control of the games"
"No! I don't want to go back! There is nothing for me there. My family is dead, I had no friends, I can't go back to that. You are all I have Corio!" She blurted out the last part before covering her mouth as if it was some sort of crime. It only made Coriolanus love her more. After all, that's what he wanted. her reliance only on him.
"He gave an ultimatum" Y/N shook in fear at the idea. What would it be? Would she be forced into hurting more people? Would she be treated worse then she was in District 12? There seemed to be no way to win. But she finally asked what it was.
"You have to marry me" Her jaw dropped and she instantly turned red. "He wants someone to be watching over you, someone from the capital in order to ensure you don't 'embarrass them' as he said. We could try and find you someone else-"
"No. Please." Y/N begged, she did not want to be sent away nor did she want to be stuck with someone she did not love. "I don't want this for you Corio. You deserve someone with a higher standing. I can't help you get anywhere in the capital and we know it is all about connections and standing, to which I have neither. I'll go back, I love you Corio, but-"
Coriolanus froze at the admission. Sure he loved her with his entire heart. Y/N was his reason for living. She was his.
But he didn't know she fell for him just as he did her, even if it was at a lesser level.
He reached over and pulled her into his lap, her legs on either side of his as he put both hands on the side of her face to bring her closer.
"I love you Y/N. I could never imagine being with anyone else. I want you by my side for the rest of my life." He brought her close and kissed her gently to which she reciprocated. Both tried to put their emotions int the kiss once more but it felt different. Y/N did not know how to pinpoint the feeling.
So she agreed.
Coriolanus had never felt happier. He had the girl, the money, and the power.
But all that rises must fall at some point.
It was the day before their wedding. everything was planned out. Even Tigres made her a beautiful dress just waiting to be worn down the aisle.
Corio had been on his way back home to Y/N when he saw Sejanus go down an alleyway looking around hesitantly. So he followed him.
He was led to a door that was thin enough to hear through if someone tried hard enough and oh he did.
"I know a way out. It can get us out of Panem. If you just go north-" Sejanus was talking to an unknown voice. Coriolanus felt betrayed, he knew how much a sympathizer he was to the rebels but he never thought Sejanus would go as far as to abandon Panem. He grabbed a small recorder from his briefcase and slipped it under the door just enough to catch the information more clearly.
They seemed to be in a rush, not even bothering to check out the door if anyone was there. Nor glancing at the blinking red light.
Once he had enough information Coriolanus took it and ran out of the alley. Walking once he got out in order to not look suspicious.
He quickly went home, letting himself in as he heard Y/N cooking in the other room. The idea of seeing her and getting married the next day made him forget about the recorder sitting in his jacket pocket.
"Hello my love" He spoke as he walked in kissing her cheek. She blushed at the name but returned the greeting. Y/N was still getting used to the pet names and casual admissions of love. After that day on the couch determining they were to be married and they loved each other, he had changed. She noticed he was constantly checking in on her and telling her about how dangerous it was to go out without him. After all, they didn't love her like he did. They wouldn't understand what she had been through so they wouldn't treat her right.
He instilled all of these thoughts into her head and her fear of leaving the apartment alone increased by the sentence. Even when she woke up screaming from nightmares of dying or killing someone. He was right there comforting her, he could still see the kind and innocent glint that shined bright, the reason the capital loved her.
After all, she was what they could never be. They were too full of pride, gluttony, lust, and greed.
He asked her about her day, albeit their was not much to do around the apartment so she sketched.
"Could I see it?" He asked and her eyes lit up as he showed interest in something important to her but she shook her head "It's not done yet. How was your day?"
She successfully deterred him from her and he went on about his day, not including the aspect of Sejanus's 'betrayal'.
They finished their dinner and began getting ready for bed. Y/N still was not comfortable changing in the same room so she straightened up the living room.
Y/N spotted his blood-red suit coat sitting on the chair by the entry way and went to grab it to hang it up but as she did something fell out of the pocket.
She looked down and saw a.. box? It fell open on impact leavig a small recorder to fall out. She knew he carried one around to have in classes or whenever he was learning with Dr. Volumnia but he usually left it with his other materials.
Y/N bent down to pick it up, accidently pushing the 'play' button on the side. She was startled and attempted to turn it off when she heard what it was saying. The rebels. Leaving Panem. All of it.
Why would he have recorded this? She didn't know or at least she didn't want to believe it.
Turning the box around she saw "To Dr. Volumnia" Y/N knew of Coriolanus's loyalty to the Capital, he would never leave it. She knew he was working to design the Hunger Games and of course, a part of her broke at the idea. But, he always treated her like she was worth everything and she loved him.
He was planning to turn Sejanus, someone she met and determine she liked, in as a rebel.
Coriolanus Snow walked into the room, annoucing it was her turn to change and get ready when he saw what she was holding. His heart beat faster and his jaw clenched.
Of course it wasnt Y/N's failt, it was Sejanus's for putting him in this postion.
"Sweetheart?" He called softly as if she was a frightful animal.
"What were you going to do Coriolanus" Y/N spoke giving him a look of anguish.
"What is right."
"This is not right! Sejanus is your friend!"
Coriolanus scoffed at the idea of his 'friend' he was a traitor.
Although Corio supposes he should thank him, after all once he turns this in he will be praised and likely bring him and his love even higher up in the world.
"I don't need him." He walked over taking the box and recorder from her hands before returning it to his coat pocket.
Y/N rushed for the front door. The coldness in his voice scared her. He was willing to sacrifice his childhood friend for what? Power? Money? What she did know was that she did not want to be next on that list.
She pulled it open but a hand reached above her head, shutting it instantly before pushing her against it.
He held both of her wrists above her head as she struggled before growing tired. The adrenaline and anger are being replaced by fear and sadness.
"This is for us my love. When I give this to Dr. Volumnia she will tell everyone what I did for the Capital. How I saved it from the rebels and traitors that claimed to be one of us."
"But I am not one of you! My name is Y/N L/N, and I am from District 12. I hold no power with my last name nor do I have a fortune to sit behind. I am part of the Districts!" He kissed her harshly before he began to speak
"Sure right now you are, but tomorrow? We will be married, You will become Y/N Snow. An heiress to the Snow name and future First Lady of Panem."
Y/N scoffed as she looked at him defiantly. Of course she loved him, it wouldnt turn off in the blink of a eye. He was all she has ever known after being alone for so many years but he was foolish to think she would still marry him.
"I would rather be sent back to District 12, Hell even marry some stuck-up prick than marry you." Her words lacked venom which he picked up on but it only mildly dulled his anger.
His delusions of his love didnt allow him to be anger at her. After all, all of this was Senjanus's fault for corresponding with the rebels in the first place. It isnt Y/N's fault that her sweet mind was corrupted by those foolish rebels.
Still, He wouldn't reveal that the president wasn't forcing them to be married, why would he expose more secrets that are already laid to rest.
"You act as if you have a choice, my love. We will be married tomorrow Y/N Snow. This will all come to pass and we will be the happiest couple in Panem. I will give you everything you've ever desired. My love for you will never die Y/N."
Y/N struggled some more before he reached into his other pocket of the nearby coat. It held some powdered substance. He kept Y/N pushed against the door with his body before quickly opening the powder and blowing a small pinch in her face,
"What did you do?" She cried out, worried it was the same poison se used in the games. "Did you poison me?'
Coriolanus's face grew sympathetic as he put the powder away and picked her up bridal style as her muscles grew limp.
"Of course not my love. I would never hurt you. I'm sorry I worried you, This will just help you get some sleep. After all, we have a big day tomorrow." Y/N went to protest as she felt her eyes close and his grip around her loosened as she was laid in the bed. "Sweet dreams."
Meanwhile, he went and grabbed her sketchbook. He was curious about what she had spent the day drawing and he had nothing else to do before joining his dear fiancée in bed.
He opened it to see a drawing of the two of them, it was an almost photographic image of one of their dates when he took her on a picnic.
Coriolanus tore the page out and placed it in a frame, she claimed it was not finished but he had a feeling it was just cause she was embarrassed to show him.
Walking back to the bedroom he got into bed, kissing Y/N's forehead who was out like a light.
Knowing he would be getting what he dreamed of when he awoke the next day.
Y/N awoke the next day to Coriolanus out of the room. He sent stylists to help her get ready and had a few guards blocking the exit. The outside at that. He would not allow any men near her while she was getting ready. He didn't trust anyone's intentions, not even the women but someone had to get her ready, and Tigres would cave in an instant. He paid them to get her ready as they were assigned to ignore anything she said about leaving or not going through the wedding.
After all, he couldn't do it himself, it was bad luck to see his bride before the wedding.
After a lot of struggling Y/N figured it wasn't the stylists' fault. She vowed to not lose her values even now.
Then she was escorted to the wedding venue. No one was there to walk her down the aisle and nobody filled the seating area other than Tigres and his Grand'mam.
The officiator stood at the end of the path, white rose petals lining the surface leading her to snow himself.
Y/N walked herself up to the podium where Coriolanus took her hands in an inescapable grip but the poor girl had already succumbed herself to her fate.
She told herself it was because she was tired and there was no way she would get out of this.
But a part of her heart ruled her actions. Just wanting to stay by the man who seemed to love her so dearly that he couldn't stand being without her. She would never admit it.
Not even during their vows where he promised to love her for all of eternity. That she would be his forever.
Not as he slid a beautiful ring on her finger that seemed to be made just for her.
Not even when the question finally came after his own.
"Y/N L/N, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in marriage in Panem, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
Coriolanus gazed into her eyes, a look prompting her to say 'I do'.
A tear fell. For what she didn't know, A loss of freedom? or was it happiness to be married to the man she loved? Y/N felt as if she was forsaking her love and kindness, everything her mother wanted her to be, if she didn't try and fight back. But it was just so hard, she was tired of fighting.
"I do."
"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Snow, you may now kiss the bride."
Coriolanus didn't waste another second as he dipped Y/N lovingly. It was a kiss straight out of a romance novel. She kissed him back unknowingly and he knew right then she still loved him without any words needing to be said.
After all, Snow always lands on top.
Thank you guys for all the love of this story. I am hoping to do more Coriolanus x Reader in the future. After all once I see the movie again Tom Blythe will pull me right back in. I hope you all loved the ending and thank you again 💙
Also this is just an ironic fact but I didn’t do the word count in purpose.
The first part had 1k
The second has 2k
The third has 3k
604 notes · View notes
onlyseokmins · 1 year
the devil wears baby blue • h.j.s.
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Pairing: joshua hong x afab!reader Genres: smut (minors PLS dni!), strangers to fucking lol Warnings: joshua hong himself 🚩🚩, swearing, alcohol, reader is a menace and tease too i'm ngl, grinding, groping, slight exhibition kink, degradation, name-calling, objectification, FINGERS (all of it fingering, riding, etc), mentions of knife/surgery, choking, wbk but major hints to big cock josh 💔, marking, licking, alluding to devil imagery uwu, roleplay sort of but not really, kind of public sex acts + a mirror, manhandling, lil slaps, dangerous fashion decisions + "fun" clothing shenanigans during sex ig????, mentions of car sex and oral sex (male rec.), dirty talk (joshua won't stfu), edging, lil bit of pain kink if you squint ❤️‍🩹, and tons of banter/insults, is there a thing like a wealth kink??? - as always lmk if i missed smth WC: 7k A/N: *taps mic* would love to thank @onlymingyus and @duhnova for proofing, hyping, and supporting me on this. also ofc a huge honorary shout out to @hwanghyunjinenthusiast for the constant cheering and screeching at me in and out of dms - hope you enjoy this hehe. idk if jackie will see this but her watch post(s) helped re-inspire me to attack this wip. and finally blowing kisses to the joshushushus in my inbox, i hope you'll like this! ps if anyone recognizes where the last dialogue is from, you receive a kiss on the forehead from me and get to spend one night with joshua!! 😏
↪ this is a loosely based prequel to idiot
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Seungkwan's hand lays steady on your back, guiding you through the crowd much more efficiently than you could have on your own. He has a way of navigating through the waves of people with practiced ease whereas you would rather just be swept away. It's why you enjoy going to the club with him, especially one as crazy as tonight's.
You would think you were still on the dance floor with how many people are bustling around you, mingling and giggling just as much on the sidelines as they do moving to the music. Drinks in hand, they chat and flirt with one another so it takes nearly twice as long to make it to the bar than you think it really should.
"This better be worth it," you shout directly into your friend's ear despite how close you are to him. "For the amount of times my feet have been stepped on!"
There's a sharp pinch from his fingers that snuck to your side. "Told you not to wear those stupid shoes." 
Though you can't exactly hear it, you can see how his pouty lips purse out in a huff. He's also grumbling under his breath and you're able to catch bits and pieces. Things like, "won't matter" and "swept off your feet anyways" and "don't blame me" make you roll your eyes.
"Acting like this is my social debut with the prince of wales."
"Someone's been watching too much Bridgerton. And with how often you fail to come —" he's interrupted by the loud thumping of the bass, "makes sense."
"You can't possibly compare me against your standards, Mister Social Butterfly. You know everyone… and you've probably screwed a lot of them as well."
Seungkwan can only guess a gist of what you actually say and is therefore mildly tempted to let you get lost in the sea of people like he knows you'd rather prefer. But he's finally made it all the way over to what seems like an impenetrable social circle, though the group readily parts to make room for the two of you to squeeze in. So, he'll have to bring you along for the adventure. 
"Hey there!" 
"Fancy seeing you here."
"I know, right?" 
Greetings are easily interchanged. Most of them are familiar faces — friends of your own or people you've gotten to know simply through Seungkwan's ever-growing collection of new instagram posts.��
Jeonghan's got some poor new soul to flirt with again and Seokmin looks like he'd rather be at home watching cooking videos. Vernon is wearing headphones of all things while Seungcheol has a shit-eating grin on his handsome face. And you instinctively know Mingyu has to be up to no good because you don't see or hear him.
Not that you're actually paying that much attention to the same-old-same people, focus naturally drawn to the tall man standing next to Wonwoo. Light brown hair curls just beneath his ears, shaggy enough that the urge to run your fingers through and imagine what the tug of strands between them might feel like consumes you. It comes as a shock, considering that Jeonghan's had the same style before and you've never felt like this.
You drink in the baby blue shirt that compliments the mystery man's skin tone, top buttons left undone to showcase the delicate silver around his throat and framed by collar bones. The fabric's elegance belies the strength of the body it clothes, material straining tastefully in the tiniest bit over a broad chest and wide shoulders. Sleeves rolled up to accentuate the flex of his forearm down to the long, long fingers wrapped all the way around the glass of alcohol held between them.
"That's Joshua Hong," Seungkwan supplies helpfully though he can't hide how smug he sounds observing you and shares a knowing look with Vernon who snickers.
"Joshua Hong," you repeat and enjoy how easy his name sounds and feels coming off your tongue. "Is that so?"
"Yeah and to my knowledge, he's extremely single."
"Don't tell me that's how you introduce me to other people."
He feigns innocence. "Can't recall but even if I did, bet it's going to work in your favor. Don't look now but it seems like you've caught a big fish."
Of course, when someone tells you not to look, the first thing you'd logically do is look. Glad you weren't caught staring earlier now that the very same man you were drooling over has noticed your existence and is staring directly at you. 
Brown irises drop down to scan your figure and the suggestiveness of it lights something deep within you. You're quick to nudge off Seungkwan's arm around your waist when Joshua's eyes linger a second longer on it than you'd expect, ignoring your friend's sassy mutter of "hook, line, and sinker."
"I… I really don't like that implication, 'Kwan."
"Sure you don't."
Joshua Hong's intent gaze is far from unsavory. Even if it was more perverse in nature, you think you'd feel drunk off the same amount of power it fills you with and you haven't had a single drop of alcohol yet. A swear word escapes under your breath at the dampness of your back — and elsewhere — before sending the admiring man a demure smile of acknowledgement and turning once more to Seungkwan.
"You were criticizing my shoes earlier?"
"'Cause you can barely walk in them!"
"Then let's put these bad boys to good use."
Your friend can only shake his head as you stride away. He'll keep an occasional eye on you from afar for the rest of the night but he has a hunch things will be… fine. He hopes. Wonwoo did say Joshua was a decent man, after all.
He'll have to be… if he's willing to put up with you, Seungkwan thinks to himself with a cringe as he watches. 
Vernon hands over a much appreciated beer and he sidles up to the unbothered man's side, jutting his chin out in your direction and asking, "Are you ready for some entertainment?"
"Yo, always bro."
"Cheers to that."
Meanwhile, you've made it to the new company without stumbling once — something you're very proud of. You nod at Joshua. Nothing more than a soft flutter of eyelashes, alerting him that you're aware of his presence but indulging in nothing more. Instead, you choose to lean comfortably into his companion's space.
"Hi Woo, care to share?"
The bespectacled man wordlessly offers his nearly empty glass of wine, always easygoing and ever perceptive. Unlike his best friend who never fails to be endearing but can't take a hint to save his life. One of the many reasons why Mingyu has never succeeded as a wingman —  unfathomably clumsy but still loveable in all aspects to steal everyone's heart involved.
You finish the rest of Wonwoo's drink off with a satisfied hiss at the taste but not without a snort. "I didn't mean that, silly."
He cracks a smile, returning the teasing with a fake, reproaching scold of your name. "Could've told me you wanted to steal my buddy and not drain all my alcohol!"
Joshua laughs — loud and clear above the din of noises surrounding you. It has an air of gracefulness to it and you're sure the club brightens in a way that's totally not from the strobe lights going crazy.
"So, this is Seungkwan's friend…"
You jab Wonwoo's side with a huff. "Hey, I'm much more than that!"
"If it's any consolation," Joshua cuts in with another laugh and a handshake, taking on a self introduction. "I'm just some guy named Joshua. Hope that doesn't disappoint."
"Just some guy, huh? One that wears a Royal Oak?" 
He thrillingly doesn't let go of your hand, keeping a firm but gentle grasp when turning it with his to properly glance at the notorious status symbol wrapped around it. The steel casing glints just as fiercely as the sapphire glass over white gold hour-markers embedded on its face. 
"Yep, still just some guy that's called Josh. Joshua Hong, to be exact. Scared you off yet?" 
"I wear heels that have a one hundred percent chance of breaking my ankle to a place where there's a terrible combo of dancing and drinks. But you think I'd be scared by a pretty boy wearing thirty-some jewels around his wrist?"
He steals another appreciative look up and down your body. Not as fiery as the first one but still bold without shame, striking another bolt of heat that flashes through your veins and simmers in your lower abdomen. 
"Taste. And bite. I'd expect nothing less from someone like you."
"Someone like me?" you scoff as he winks, taking a step back and extending your arm as far as it will go with the notion for you to follow.
"Dance with me?"
Wonwoo had quietly faded into the background and slipped away for another refill. Smart guy. There's no one to worry about leaving behind when you accept this unfamiliar man's invitation and let him whisk you in the direction of the dancefloor. But not before catching Seungkwan's mild and supportive yet watchful gaze before he raises his beer in a mock salute.
It's almost cute at how inept Joshua is maneuvering through the tumultuous flow and ebb of moving bodies compared to said good friend. The way his taller frame looks more like a poor cruise ship tossed helplessly in the waves of the ocean than the stationary lighthouse and its reassuring beacon you'd expect causes a chuckle.
"You're almost as bad at this as I am."
He shoots an apologetic smile at the same time someone once again jostles his shoulder, pushing him closer into you. "Nightclubs really aren't my scene."
You're not complaining about the aided proximity that lets you hear what he says without strain. Although you do try to match the beat as it changes to something more sensual yet still playful. Going along with the rhythm of the other dancers rather than against much smoother than Joshua's awkward attempt to mimic. He sticks behind you, failing to hide the blatant mesmerization at how you sway effortlessly to the beat.
"You're not bad at this at all."
You shrug. "I've been here often enough to blend in better than most. So tell me, what's a rich boy's usual scene then? Shanqin Bay's clubhouse?"
"Hah, you wanna come with me sometime and find out?"
"Only if you can promise a fun experience… oh," you throw a smirk at him over your shoulder, "and to cover all the costs, of course."
"A pretty thing like you would have anyone saying yes and wrapped around your little finger." 
"Maybe, but only if they're worth my attention."
"Afraid to disappoint yet again when I spend most hours of the day in the operating room."
You turn abruptly to face him, grateful for the hand that shoots out to support your elbow despite his surprise at your dubious side-eye. "Are you a doctor?"
"Director's son?"
"Cliché enough for you yet?"
"I recall someone who's wearing a Royal Oak saying I had good taste so I'm not going to complain. Though it would have been quite the story to hear you were the one under the knife," you take a step closer and slip a finger underneath his silver chain to tempt him closer, "to end up looking this good." When large hands hesitate to land on your hips, you raise an eyebrow. "Thought a surgeon would have a steadier grip."
"Oh." Brown eyes flicker with a carnal desire, focusing on your lips. "You expect me to be a rich, talented playboy and not be naturally handsome too?" 
"Sorry, Doctor Hong but there has to be at least something wrong with you."
The polite smile he'd been wearing all night quirks up at the corners, changing into something more on edge. A little dangerous. Beckoning excitement. He spins you back around, hands solidly landing on your sides — this time without reserve — to prevent your lower bodies from touching and changes the subject back to when you approached Wonwoo and him.
"Do you always take drinks from guys?"
"Ah, hm. Just the good ones."
"Good alcohol?" His breath is hot against the ear he's speaking directly into. "Or… good boys?"
Biting your lower lip does nothing to hide the unfettered glee you're feeling. "Alcohol, of course." A breathy sigh and you take the leap. "Want a taste?"
There's no need to ask twice. It's like the right key turning its lock. The doctor's initial awkward movements are nowhere to be found as one hand smoothly leaves your hip, turning your chin toward him to meet you halfway with his lips ready to brush against yours. 
At the last minute, he backs off and turns your chin to its original position of facing forward with a smirk you can't see. Who cares about a missed kiss when his other hand slides across your stomach? Urging you to press your ass backwards and grind against the very obvious bulge that his khakis do nothing to hide.
Its growing hardness and promising length cause you to automatically moan, arching your back with the feral need to feel more. Your head tilts to the side, hips swiveling and swaying not to the beat but the rise of his cock. The position willingly grants Joshua access to lick, suck, and bite at the exposed skin. 
He hums along to the music with a melodic voice from what you can hear, though you find more enjoyment in the consistent vibrations against your neck. A naughty hand plays with the tucked-in hem of your blouse and an occasional finger teasingly slips under the waistline of your jeans.
You can now feel Joshua's smirk when in turn, your fingers tangle in the bottom hairs of his mullet. His lips curl up, moving to nibble behind your other ear and breathe in your scent. As delightfully predicted, there's a distinct pull by your rings when you tug them free from the strands that has him pausing. Eliciting a sharp hiss and equally as sharp — but appreciative — thrust against your backside. 
In retaliation, the lax hand caressing your throat tightens around it ever so slightly while he growls in your ear, "You said there has to be something wrong with me, right?"
"Mhm, oh yeah. Totally."
"Wanna fuck around and find out, beautiful?"
Hook, line, and sinker was damn right, Boo Seungkwan. Of course, the devil would be wearing a shirt the same shade as the sky where heaven's clouds make their home.
And you eagerly take the forbidden fruit — his hand, once again — and teeter after him. The red flags are already starting to fly at full mast but into the dimly lit hallway you go, elated to find an empty and quiet corner right before the stairs leading down to the bathrooms.
Underneath the neon glow of the exit sign, Joshua pins you against the wall with your arms laying on his shoulders. If you thought the attacks from his mouth were rough on the dance floor, they turn ten times more animalistic now that he has something to support you with other than strong arms and big hands. A pair of soft lips and the warm wet tongue between them contrast with the digging in of his teeth that follow your necklace chain to its adorning pendant. 
It hangs in the v-neck window of your blouse and he lets out a tiny grunt of displeasure at the breasts being concealed away by the fabric and its many buttons. That doesn't stop him from tugging the bottom of the shirt free like a petulant child, nothing preventing his fingers now free to tickle and feel up the bare skin beneath. 
This man is good at distraction. You don't think much of the light grazing beneath your tits, only a fleeting and casual touch. It feels so good when he cups under them like an additional support for the bra you're wearing and squeezes, causing you to keen and push yourself further into him. Then quick as lightning, one hand sneaks around the back to unhook the bra's clasp and the other deftly unbuttons your jeans.
"Joshua!" you squeak in protest, stepping back and pressing flat against the wall. You're quick to rush and slap a hand against your chest to keep the beloved strapless bra that's served you well from falling to the ground. "Is your red flag undressing someone in public?"
"Only if you insist 'cause surely I would never decline such a request being the gentleman that I am." The doctor makes no further move despite the way he licks his lips and teases, only chuckling at the menacing way you squint. "Just know my full intentions are to be touching all over and especially under whatever layers you're wearing very shortly."
There's no use hiding the whine that escapes when he places a hand on the wall next to you and leans in with a smirk.
"However, sweetheart… " 
You catch his line of sight dart off to the left and your heart plummets, the fear of being left high and dry (wet) setting in. "Josh — "
"You'll have to forgive this rich boy's schemes. You see, I've always been very spoiled and just have to take what I want right away. And you're much too irresistible…" 
He speaks casually. Like your jeans weren't suddenly unzippered and he isn't currently running a tantalizing finger on the fabric below the waistband of your panties, causing them to soaken further down. Way more than they already had and almost where you need him but also not even close in the slightest. 
"Though as a rich boy," he continues, "I'm more than familiar with providing a small courtesy here and there. Would this club's filthy bathroom offer enough privacy for you, gorgeous?"
"… Only if you make sure I'm presentable enough to get down there… and back up here after, for when I have to leave with my friends."
Joshua's eyes widen before he's throwing his head back and laughing, bright and cheery like he's not going to rearrange your guts. "So you don't expect to go home with me? Maybe I won't be such a walking red flag to you."
"Doubtful. Now fix me up, Doctor." 
"With pleasure." 
It's not like there are as many people milling about as in the main area. Still, it's good to be conscientious. The same adept hands re-fasten your top undergarment efficiently. When he ducks his head to kindly fix your pants — which is sort of hot — you take the opportunity to whisper in his ear for shit-and-giggles to gauge his reaction.
"You know there's a front clasp too."
He glances up from where he's eye-level with your covered breasts, eyes darkening. Bingo. 
"What a little whore we have here, hm?"
The nonchalant, degrading question and burning desire in his gaze makes your knees weaken, arousal skyrocketing. Enough that you almost throw all caution to the wind for him to fuck you. Right here, right now. But then he's pulling away, offering a palm you can't seem to refrain from taking a hold of. And ever the true picture of being a gentleman — helps you descend down the dark stairwell.
Your killer heels really do nothing for you physically (besides the threat of rolling an ankle) because it doesn't matter how tall or short you end up with them on. It's the confidence and ego that are heightened exponentially, which is all that matters. 
That's why you follow Joshua Hong into the sketchy bathroom, let him lock the door, and bat your eyelashes with a coy smile. Leaning against the sink and fussing with your blouse as he approaches like a predator eyeing up its prey. Greedily drinking in the bare skin revealed by each button that's undone until only one is still fastened — right across your tits — that the man can unclasp himself if he so chooses.
Barely anything stopped him before anyways.
And that's what also fuels you to put your arms around his neck, pressing your bodies close together. Even closer by hooking your right leg across his hip, the point of your heel digging intentionally into the back of his other thigh. It's hot and hard — the dick bulge that keeps growing pressed tightly into the snug warmth of your core — and Joshua lets you grind down and dampen his khakis for a few moments longer than expected.
"Desperate, aren't you? Didn't wanna fuck in public 'cause you're freakier behind closed doors?"
"Just a little." You fight back the urge to whimper or admit anything to him. Like you aren't humping his length that only swells more and feels achingly thicker the harder you rut against it, eyelids fluttering the few times it's able to deliciously spread your pussy lips just the slightest through your clothes. "I'm so wet — "
"The more of a mess you leave on my pants, the longer I'll have to edge you while waiting for them to dry." Joshua grins cockily at you trying to force your hips to stop themselves only to struggle pathetically in vain. "Think you'd like that. Haven't even gotten to fuck this hot little cunt yet and I'm already certain I wouldn't mind being buried in there for hours. But don't know if your friends will stick around for that long…"
"J-Josh, ah — Shua… mhm!"
"So I think you'd better behave if you know what's good for you," he stills your hips hard, "fuckin' slut."
You mewl at the hard, rude thrust that bumps your clit as if he was actually fucking you. Like goo, you let him manhandle you around so you're bent over and facing the smudged mirror, hands gripping tightly to each side of the sink basin. Aided by the reflections, you witness how he shamelessly ogles the tempting ass that's been rubbing all over him all night. And of course that means you have to perk up and wiggle your hips, giving him quite a show.
The small distance between you clears the lust cloud and you throw a smoldering glance over your shoulder. "If you fuck me with my heels on, I'll give you a chance with them off."
Joshua swats your ass — not very hard but you release a yelp of surprise. "Wasn't aware that you were running the show, sweetheart."
"It's my backside you're looking at."
"Knew you were mouthy the minute I saw you. You're aware of how kind I am, so let me give you a choice." He's anything but kind as he sighs and leans his weight over top of you. Despite the bracing strength of his arms, you feel suffocated by just being caged in between them and the overpowering scent of his cologne. "I shut you up with either my fingers in your mouth or around your throat."
Oh… decisions, decisions! Long fingers that would surely feel best deep inside your pussy but that wasn't one of the options. You purse your lips in thought and arch up, balancing the heavy cock supported by your ass and unconsciously pouting. Joshua has the audacity to look at the time while brushing back his hair and clicks his tongue.
"Wow, I'm letting you choose between sucking on my fingers like a slut or being choked like a whore and you still can't decide? What a high maintenance toy."
The urge to scoff is extremely strong. "Sucking it is then, Doctor Hong," you say sweetly and then add with a sneer, "like the perfect slut that I truly am."
"When your friends all said you were nothing but a gentle soul, I knew they were duped. Only one was partially truthful in saying you could be sassy which doesn't even come close. Little do they know there's a bratty cockwhore with quite a bite underneath all that charm."
"Haven't fucked any of them, that's why. No plans to either."
"Yeah, what was it you like — oh right, good boys?" He laughs — low, mean, and degrading. "Then what am I, sweetheart?"
"A doctor who's full of himself and needs taken down a few, ha, pegs."
"Ah, there it is." Joshua undoes the final button, slipping a curious finger beneath the bra's front hook pulling your tits together. You shiver when it snaps against your skin after he retracts, pointer finger tracing a lazy line up your throat to its final destination. "The attitude."
You willingly part your lips, lolling your tongue out mischievously to match the roll of your eyes. "Someone gets off on it."
"Is that so?" He smears the lipgloss on your lower lip by pulling it down before releasing it. "Do you think this is all a coincidence, darling?" Meeting the hardened gaze in the mirror, you shake your head. "The minute I saw such a sparkling gem on Wonwoo's story, I just had to have it for myself."
It's not hard to guess what he's referring to. A couple weeks ago, you wore enough scraps of fabric to just cover your nipples and the areas between your legs. Drinking far too much and hanging off of the WonGyu duo's broad frames while the whole gang partied it up together at Vernon's. You had even asked them to send you the videos and pictures after because damn, you did look hot as fuck.
Who knew it would be bait for an entitled pretty boy? 
"At least you waited to find me when I wasn't drunk."
"Much more fun to break someone sober."
"Glad to know consensual exists in your vocabulary."
"How about it — will you let me destroy this little pussy of yours and ruin it to keep you crawling back to me for more?"
"Sure, if you ever stop talking and actually do something — "
Joshua's quick to shut you up, almost cracking your jaw with the harsh thumb that's jammed in the corner of your mouth to prop it open. The following two fingers are thrust cruelly inside as a replacement so it can move to keep your chin steady. They're able to reach so far when pinning down your tongue, ending up wedged near the back of your throat so you're already gagging around them. 
"Most sluts behave the second I drop the nice guy act. But boy oh boy, it only makes you act up more, eh?" 
He finally does away with your bra to allow those gorgeous tits to spill out and casually rips the garment from your body like it's personally offended him. Maybe it has. Shoving it away into his back pocket and then urgently tugging your jeans down. The binding position you're left in helps keep your shaky legs in place while you cling to the sink like it's a lifeline. Upper body supported only by the cruel hold he has on your face until he yanks it back so you're flush against him instead, the cool baby-blue silk of his shirt set ablaze by your shared body heat. 
"Next time, wear something that has easier access. Or better yet… maybe nothing at all or I'll be forced to rip it off." A piercing set of eyes attempt to glare into yours that roll back delightfully despite what's likely some snark ends up sounding all jumbled. "Oh yes, there will be a next time, sweetheart. I have to train this cunt to yearn for my cock — and you don't think you'll get it that easily, right?"
Joshua chuckles darkly knowing you can't reply. But liking to be full of surprises, you relax your upper jaw while his fingers trail across your pelvis and close your lips around the ones in your mouth. Suckling and swirling once the tension in them relaxes despite the naughty thought of biting. That doesn't eliminate the occasional graze of your teeth as a threat, responding to his words in your own way.
"Just look at yourself, slobbering all over… bet you suck cock like a champ. And prolly like it real messy. How well-trained you'd look trying to balance on these pointed heels while I fuck that bratty mouth."
You moan at the visual he's painted in your head. 
"That's right, darling." There's a mean pinch to your clit followed by the man's groan at the ruined fabric squelching between his fingertips and how the covered little nub was already begging for friction. "Now tell me how long your cunt's been warming up and soaking these drenched panties?"
"Since the beginning…" you admit once he's freed your sore mouth and chooses to bully your breasts next. "When you looked at me."
He snickers, pushing your underwear to the side and petting at the bare slippery folds. Just able to barely see a small glimpse of where his actions play with your lower body in the mirror. At least your expressions make up for what he misses seeing.
"Aw, this soft pussy started drooling the minute I laid eyes on you? While I was imagining all the things I could do to these tits," the hand on one of them palms at the rounded flesh hard. "This ass," his pelvis grinds in a slow circle against it. "Mhm, and of course, this hidden gem." 
At that, a thumb brutally rubs at your clit while plunging a finger inside the warm, wet walls that eagerly pulse around it. You weren't wrong about how good the digit would feel inside, the length and stretch of its bony knuckle feeling good enough to substitute as a mini-dick when Joshua starts a slow and methodical pace with it.
"Thought about having you spread out in the backseat of my Bugatti La Voiture Noire, you'd look like a vision laying across its leather seats. And the best thing? No one can see inside so you'll get your much desired privacy while being right out in the open."
Then he's adding another finger, longer than the first. And finally one more with an additional push in and out of the others. Clearly his experience on how to work a pussy is more than helpful. Alternating between stuffing your hole full of all three or changing up the pace and number each turn. 
And of course, your chest is attended to as well. Both nipples tugged in iterations to match the rhythm of each finger spearing into your cunt, the pendant of your necklace bouncing in time. Without fail, he hits the bundle of nerves with a deadly precision that has you going slack against him.
"Maybe we should do that 'cause," he mumbles in your ear, "this filthy hole is awfully good at convincing me to spoil its owner like no one else. Let's see if it can tell me how much it'll want me to fill it up one day."
Your ears ring with the devastating screams of white noise at the sudden stop. The moans you were letting out trail off into a dissatisfied growl. His hand falls away from your upper body while the one in between your legs merely sits nice and snug, still inside but not moving. Far too relaxed, limp even.
"C'mon, weren't you listening? Convince me."
"Fuck you," is what you spit out, glaring at the challenging and impossibly smug reflection of the menace behind you. 
"You didn't say fuck off, so… I'm waiting." 
Another check at his watch like he's bored infuriates you enough to move your hips. Whining at how his fingers fail to stiffen and only follow your pitiful motions back and forth. Out of protest, you reach behind and take a harsh hold of the hard length you're able to grab.
"Watch it, darling!" Joshua flinches and the way his cock twitches dulls the venomous words that come next. "Or I'll leave you here all needy and by yourself, waiting for some other pathetic dick to hop onto in order to satiate just a little bit of this wet and slutty pussy's behaviors."
Well, that idea doesn't appeal to you whatsoever so you lean on the sink with a huff to do what needs done. It's a struggle to stay balanced on your heels while grabbing at his wrist but a small part of you knows he won't let you fall, a bicep supporting under your breasts. Revenge comes sweetly by digging your nails into the tense muscle of his forearm and leaving scratch marks that have him hissing.
And now you know for sure —  despite the doctor's incredibly huge ego and big talk, Joshua Hong's no better than a painslut.
"Hah," you breathe out and start to slowly rock your hips. "Disrespectfully, go to hell."
Ignoring the abrasive insult — because he's a demon anyways — Joshua focuses on the wet suctioning sound growing louder the faster you move. The feeling of your tits and necklace hitting his arm to the beat of your hip bounces and enjoying the view of how his fingers disappear beyond the jiggle of your asscheeks. Up into the tight heat of velvety walls as you force his hand to behave and serve your needs like one of your dildos, though they've never been this uncooperative.
"That's it. Yeah, there we go… just like that. Go ahead and make yourself cum riding my fingers, beautiful. Uh-huh, now who's using me like a little whore to get off?"
You're already losing yourself. Waiting for that rising wave to crest because despite his annoying mouth, Joshua's fingers are more than skilled enough to hurl you into a delightful climax. As long as nothing interrupts it.
"Answer me — or I'll make you choke yourself."
He likes seeing how your face contorts, moans getting louder. It's too addicting which is why he growls out, "Do it." 
It's a feat to let go of the sink but the reward is to move his arm around your bra-line to your throat, making his hand envelope it. The visual in the mirror is depraved — limbs all wrapped and tangled with each other — and your half-closed eyes taunt the searing gaze in the mirror, repeating his words right back. 
"Why not do it yourself, Doctor?"
"Are you some sort of succubus or what?" He spits out the question like it's the germs on the toilet seat next to you. Freeing himself momentarily from the grip of your hand and your cunt, the man's at least nice enough to assuage the pissed off whine with a consoling lick up your neck and tugs impatiently at your pants. "Take these off."
"Go fuck yourself," you mutter darkly with half the mind to walk out of there. But you do as he says, quickly shimmying them off while your clit buzzes and twitches angrily at the neglect of stimulation again. 
Joshua's eyes don't look away, his hands steadying your hips and your pussy aching when you hear how he slowly slurps on his fingers to clean them. Once you step back into your heels, he throws the jeans over his shoulder. 
"Careful with the phone," you threaten. 
Joshua snorts and bends over to secure a strap for you — sucking harshly on the skin of your thigh as a "you're welcome" but pulling away before your hands can tangle in his hair and keep him down there. 
"Wrong thing to say to someone who likes broken and expensive things. Shouldn't you be warning me not to break something else?" Suddenly, your other shoe dangles precariously off your foot when he uses a strong hand to lift and support your leg onto the sink's surface. "Like this poor pussy?" 
The straining burn in your muscles and the added chill of the porcelain is all alleviated by harsh rubbing at the tender skin of your entrance. Middle and pointer finger eagerly prying sloppy pussy lips apart once again.
"Ah, but I might enjoy that." 
A clear glob of arousal drips from your hole fluttering and clenching around nothing. Joshua leers hungrily past your shoulder at the mirror's erotic display of your exposed cunt and the wetness shining under the buzz of the bathroom's fluorescent lights.
"Dirty and yet it's such a pretty little jewel. Sparkling and glistening so, so lovely that I can't wait to watch it shatter while playing with it."
Finally, all three fingers from before work in tandem to scissor repeatedly inside of your tight warmth without forgiveness. This time, the devil has nothing but good intentions to send you over the peak of pleasure. His eyes can't stop feasting on the raunchy way your greedy hole gobbles up his fingers. The loud squelches accompanying his motions echo around the small enclosed space, mixing with the warm breath hitting the side of his cheek from your gasping moans.
Joshua thinks it's mighty cute how puffy your outer pussy lips grow and struggle to spread around the thick and long digits shoved inside plus the onslaught of his thumb bullying your clit. The angle shows the slightest bulge of them relentlessly stroking the bundle of nerves that has your leg twitching from the sheer pleasure.
He focuses on bringing you there, all on what you're feeling rather than his own pleasure because you have the most convincing cunt ever that deserves to be ravaged by a large, girthy cock. A shame it has to wait because he cannot give in so easily. But you're definitely a piece of work. Joshua likes that. 
"Gonna keep making a mess on my fingers, darling? Leave 'em all sweet and wet enough for me to wrap around my dick later and pretend it's your pussy instead."
You'll be the death of him when your head rolls into the crease of his neck, drool dampening the skin as you mouth senselessly at the vein protruding beneath. There's a sharp sting — the certain kind he hasn't felt in a very long time. A telltale warning of a hickey, the beautiful colors of red and purple already rushing to the surface and decorated by little nips of your teeth after you soothe the pain with your tongue.
No one marks up Joshua Hong. Sure, he's had lipstick stains before but those can easily be swiped off with a handkerchief and washed away in the shower. He can't help but smirk though, knowing when he eventually wipes your sticky lipgloss off, something of you will remain for a bit.
However you can't go without a little punishment. If you can even call it that when he returns to wrapping a hand around your throat. Anyone else who dared to leave a mark would be walked away from. But you — you simply lose enough oxygen causing your head to spin more pleasantly than it already is. 
And you claw at his forearm, scratching it up ten times more to serve as a further reminder for Joshua to look at. You're by no means urging him to stop but to earnestly keep going while simultaneously searching for something — anything — to anchor you down as you float into an almost unconscious state of pure ecstasy. 
It's by far the strongest, most intense orgasm you'd ever experienced. Becoming nothing but a bag of bones in his arms as your walls pulsate around his fingers and the fruitful expenditure of your release drips down his wrist.
He stays in that position, unable to move anyways with the vice-like grip of your spasming cunt cramping his fingers. Instead, drawing out the pleasure as much as possible by squeezing and releasing the pressure on your throat over and over again. The true picture of debauchery — heaven and sin mixed in one — and he kind of wishes for a third arm to take a photo for a keepsake. 
Everything in your body aches deliciously. You feel both refreshed and exhausted when you finally come to and even then Joshua supports your weak body as you try to regain control over your wits and whereabouts.
"Pants," you croak out and wave him off when he tries to gentlemanly assist. Which he still kind of has to when you almost topple face-first on legs that feel like jelly. "Bra." 
Joshua's a little less enthusiastic to hand that over, bitter sarcasm lacing his words. "Wow, won't even grant me a souvenir?"
"Boo-hoo," you gripe back and pretend not to notice the eyes glued to the way your tits bounce when adjusting the garment around them. Turning to look in the mirror, you work on dulling the "just got fingered in the bathroom" appearance. "It's not like you need one and it seems even less likely you'll keep anything from a stranger, especially lingerie."
"Hm, I like how well you read me."
"Of course you do, fuels that large privileged ego. Don't get used to it. But, want me to do something about that one though?"
He coughs at the rather suggestive insult, shifting his pants and shirt that does absolutely nothing to hide the messy boner you're referencing. "Guess I did a great job if you're begging for it already."
"Oh, for goodness sake I'm being courteous."
Joshua admits it almost like he's startled by the words that escape his mouth. Further surprising both of you with a clumsy, sloppy kiss to the cheek when he leans over to fasten the top button of your blouse. As if embarrassed, he's already halfway out the door when he remembers to mention, "I'll be thinking of you darling, look forward to your call!"
You're left staring at the saliva spot reflected on your cheek in shock. And then, you wipe it off with the rest of the accumulated sweat to make yourself a bit more presentable and then head back to the club as naturally as possible.
Dr. Hong is seemingly nowhere in sight as expected. You figure it would be hard to return with a raging boner despite the low lighting and he probably left through the back exit to likely jerk off in his ridiculously expensive car. The visual of white ropes of cum streaming past the steel band of the Royal Oak around his wrist haunts your mind, making your aching core buzz to life again and your sticky panties even grosser.
Out of pure spite, you hope he stains his shirt too. 
Luckily, Seungkwan is still at the bar when you wobble over in search of him. He shouts your name in mock shock, assessing your appearance with pursed lips and eyeballing your figure dubiously. 
"You look like hell."
"Yeah?" you laugh it off as nonchalantly as possible, unaware of the phone in your back pocket lighting up with a returned text message from a newly saved number and a scandalous picture attached. "I just got back."
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onlyseokmins: July 2023 ©
843 notes · View notes
junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ boyfriend jay thoughts
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: fluff
request: " Hii <3 Can I request Jay as your boyfriend? "
warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, mentions of food, this was kinda long, I'm sorry I just kept going
a/n: even if he isn't your bias, I'm sure we can all agree we want jay as our boyfriend. hope you liked your request anon ^_^
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everyone's dream man
the boyfriend you introduce to your parents and they would love him too
jay is THE most husband material man to ever husband material
and seriously he would be the perfect boyfriend in every sense
I see jay as the sort of boyfriend to take care of his s/o with their day to day life stuff such as cooking or helping them clean (very domestic) but also financially
he would love spoiling his partner (and as he should)
be it with small things to things you couldn't even dream of seeing or getting
to jay, you deserve it all, he would even buy you the moon and stars (his words, not mine)
flowers, flowers and oh wait, more flowers
seriously, he always gets you flowers (unless you're either allergic or just don't like the smell of them like me)
very romantic, probably one of the most romantic in enha
very class and sophisticated sort of romantic
giving very much fancy candlelit dinner with the view of the Eiffel tower in Paris
but sometimes instead of splurging to take you out, he prefers a home cooked meal that you could either make together or he makes for you
just like the rest of the group, jay has a way of making you laugh even without trying
your laughter is his favourite sound (no I'm not crying, you are)
shopping together is a big yes!
I imagine as his s/o you would both have similar tastes in style consisting of things that are classy but can also be chic and cute
sometimes he even shops for you if he knows what you like or what you've been wanting
"Remember that blazer you really liked from the last fashion week from Prada, I got it for you so I hope you like it."
doesn't take no for an answer and even if you do try refusing a gift he gives you, he gives you this certain look and then you end up accepting the gift
also carries your shopping bags after shopping so all you have to do is walk beside him looking as beautiful as ever
nap dates are a thing with you and jay
you would both simply cuddle in bed and just sleep together for hours like that and it is definitely his second favourite thing after kissing you
and when he does go on tour and can't cuddle with you, he makes sure to call you every night no matter how exhausted he is because it helps him sleep better after hearing your voice
I'm talking private guitar shows
be it he's just playing random acoustics on his guitar or he's actually working on something new, he will have you listen to it
"Jay you know I'm not good at this stuff, you always sound amazing anyway." you tell him feeling embarrassed at your lack of musical inclination
"Even so, you know you're someone who's opinion matters the most to me angel." he would tell you before kissing your forehead reassuringly
has an incredible memory so he remembers so many small details about you and you find it so heartwarming
you will be clinging to jay because we all know how good he smells and he doesn't mind either
usually isn't the physical affection sort of guy but he secretly loves it whenever you hug or cuddle
the healing era boyfriend for all my heartbroken readers
jay is the perfect boyfriend to help you get back into the dating game as you heal and learn to love and trust yourself and others
oh I cannot forget about the singing
he is definitely going to be singing to you
ask him and he will be your human aux, sings whatever songs you would like
he all in all just loves feeling needed by and taking care of you
your happiness is his happiness in the end
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moonydustx · 1 year
The Night of Confessions.
masterlist | requests
Summary: After finding the ship's crew member who was invading the kitchen at night, Sanji and the reader become friends. What can please a cook to thank for the good friendship?
Warnings: lots of flashbacks (all in italic), takes place a few weeks after part 1. reader with some insecure thoughts. a hint of a sad reader, fluff in general. sorry for possible errors, story not proofread.
WC: 3.3k
Pairing: Sanji x F!Reader (more thought of as OPLA!Sanji, but I've been loving the anime, so feel free with your choice).
A/N: A total of zero people asked and I still did it! In fact, I had thought of 3 parts for the story (the last one would be a smut that I'm still really thinking about, since I have an idea for the same theme for Zoro). That's it, I hope you like it and who knows, maybe I'll come back with more of this soon.
Read part 1 here
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Before you even opened your eyes, your hands involuntarily searched for something on the other side of the bed, unfortunately finding only the unoccupied sheet.
"Good morning, Miss." Sanji's voice reached your ears before you could even open your eyes. "
Good morning. Wait, is it daytime?"
"Yes. I believe someone managed to sleep well tonight, no nightmares." he turned towards you. Even though you were drowsy, you leaned on one of your elbows, getting closer to him.
"Yeah, I believe so." You didn't know where your eyes would go, to the disheveled blonde locks, to the almost shy smile or the clear eyes that stared at you.
You could see his eyes looking at you too, but neither of you took the right action. At least the attitude you expected. Sanji could feel your breath on his face, your eyes shone when you looked into his, enough for him to come to his senses and move away.
"I-I..." he stood up, adjusting his shirt. "My dear, I will prepare breakfast and as soon as it is ready, I will call you." he headed towards the door.
"Yes mon amour."
You were unused to sleeping alone, at least compared to before. Not that you would accept any company in your room.
It was just a few nights that he spent in your company. With each one, you discovered a new thing in common.
It was difficult to understand what you felt, it was strange. It was as if all the breezes coming from the sea surrounded your stomach, or even as if it didn't matter that they were still far from the Grand Line. It was okay to take longer to achieve your goals, as long as you stayed with your crew, everything was okay. What you didn't expect was the distance.
Damn, damn distance. Little by little you noticed him moving away from you. He wouldn't leave you alone, ever, but something was slowly cooling down and that was much more intriguing than anything else the other seas could bring to you.
Even though you weren't ready to face the day, you stood up and walked to the kitchen, finding the person responsible for so many doubts in your mind. How could a damned cook leave you lost like that? Had you asked too much of his help? Or had he simply gotten tired of being your friend? What was that strange feeling again? Damn, this wasn't the time to think about that.
"Good morning Ji." Your voice caught his attention, and he smiled in your direction.
"Good morning darling. I hope you slept well." you sat in front of him, watching him cut some fruit. An idea, perhaps not the smartest, crossed your mind.
"Too much. And you?"
"Good." He remained silent for a few seconds, focused on something that looked like just a simple apple.
"Finally fell out of bed." Zoro walked past you, sitting next to you and grabbing some breakfast.
"Look who's talking, you're a walking mummy. You're constantly bandaged up and sleep everywhere." you retorted, laughing at his face.
"Let's see if you say that later." Zoro's words immediately reached Sanji, who no longer insisted on pretending not to be listening to the conversation.
"Let's see who lasts longer, cucumber head. Don't forget my order." you lightly elbowed the swordsman, who just grunted. "You promised!"
"Why don't you take it yourself? I was thinking about spending some time on other things."
"I don't think I'm going to disembark today. I'm not feeling very well." As soon as the words left your lips, Sanji's attention became all yours.
"Is there anything I can help with, ma'am?"
"No, no Sanji. Women's problems."
"One more reason for me to win today!" Zoro returned the elbow, this time making you groan. Before Sanji could curse him for the measly push, he had already left you alone.
"Maybe I can make some tea, get something ready. All you have to do is tell me, darling."
"Don't worry about it. I'll rest a little longer." You left, leaving him alone, watching you and questioning why you refused help.
You just couldn't say it was part of your plan. As they were already used to, whenever they anchored in a town or city, they would spend a day exploring the nearest areas and return to the boat at dusk - if they weren't lost in a bar - to decide whether to stay longer in the place.
You waited until you were sure everyone had left the boat to put your plan into action. Would it be a good idea to cook to please a chef? Maybe not, but it would be worth a try. At least, you already understood a little of the recipe you needed to make.
"You won't eat cold lunch food again." once again, you were scared by Sanji's presence in the kitchen. He soon stood next to you, taking the plate. "What do you want?"
"To cook!"
"Now I'm surprised. The night's sneaking out for a snack really inspired you. What are we going to do then?"
"How about some pasta?" you suggested, already eager for the answer. "I know this isn't the best time to eat this, but..."
"If it's pasta my girl wants, we'll make pasta. What will we need?" He left it up to you to respond, laughing loudly when he noticed your confusion. "You really don't do well in the kitchen, do you? I'm glad I'm here."
Flour, eggs, salt. Okay, the first ingredients were easy. Maybe it was too early to start the recipe, but you didn't want to run the risk of him arriving early and catching you in the kitchen.
It took hours for you to get the right doneness, but the pasta strands looked perfect, now all that was left to do was cook it and add it to the sauce, which you had a vague idea of ​​what to do.
"How much longer do we have to wait?" you indicated to the pan full of water.
"Until it boils." Sanji warned, adding generous spoonfuls of salt to the water.
"Wouldn't it be too salty?"
"No, honey. When we make this kind of pasta, the water needs to be hot as hell and salty as the sea." he took a spoon and poured in some of the liquid, blowing gently as the smoke dissipated. "Try it."
His laughter upon seeing your disapproving face filled the entire ship and certainly must have disturbed the other crew members who were sleeping there.
"Hot as hell, salty as the sea. Got it."
"I knew someone sweet like you would hate this, but in the end, the recipe will be delicious. Someday, I'll make the seafood version, you'll love it, it's my favorite."
Tomatoes, shrimps and tuna. It was enough to make the sauce. You didn't want to invent much more than you knew how to do and even so, you were already feeling afraid of what might come out of it.
The day was already ending when you finished making the dish. Pasta with seafood sauce. Probably a much simpler version of what the crew cook would make. You arranged some cutlery on the table, prepared a juice with tangerines and tried to get as many things ready as possible.
"What are you doing?" the scream that came out of your throat was almost involuntary when you heard Nami.
"What, are you guys back already?"
"Just me for now." she explained, coming around the table. "Who did all this?"
"Not the official cook."
"Weren't you feeling bad?" She laughed when she saw you disconcerted. "I knew it was a lie. You asked me for help with that two weeks ago, remember?"
"Okay, maybe I was just trying to get the boys off my back."
"What I don't understand is that we already have a cook..." she put her hand on her chin, analyzing you "Do you want to take his place..."
"Never! I love Sanji's cooking!" you responded almost immediately, leaving her euphoric with the conclusion.
"I knew it! You want to impress him. You like him! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, more money for me."
"What do you mean Nami?"
"You didn't deny it, so I'm right." trying to leave the topic of money aside, she turned you around, pushing you towards your room. "And for that, you'd better take off your soaked clothes. Get ready, I'll cover you if any of them show up."
Before you could question anything, Nami was already leading you into the room. And she was almost right, in every proposition. Firstly, you didn't just want to impress Sanji, you wanted to thank him for the time he spent being a great friend and maybe make it up to him for you upsetting him so much the last few weeks. And second, you didn't just need to change, you would need a shower to remove all the shrimp smell from your body.
With a speed you didn't yet know, you managed to do everything. Take a shower, fix your hair and choose your favorite outfit. You were ready, which made you even more nervous.
As soon as you left your room, you could see Nami breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time as the other crew members rushed into the kitchen.
"Finally. I thought I was going to need to yank you away from the door." Zoro was the first to enter, soon followed by Luffy and Usopp.
"What's that smell? Sanji, did you leave a feast ready for us?" Luffy already went straight to the table, earning a slap from Nami. "I'm hungry."
"With that smell, it's impossible not to be." Usopp added, getting slapped as well.
"Everyone eat together." she warned.
"What does it smell like..." Sanji was the last to enter, finding the table set. "What is that?"
"Well, um." you took the lead, feeling your legs tremble. Your eyes were lost in Sanji's "You've been... I mean, you've all been great friends. I wanted to prepare some delicious food for us."
"But Sanji already does that." Luffy spoke and you knew it was in the best interests, which made you laugh when you saw Nami's face at him.
"I know, I just wanted to maybe surprise you with something different."
"Then let's fill our bellies, because later I intend to fill myself with drink." Zoro settled down, picking up one of the plates. "And if it turns out good, your drink is on me today."
"Oh, of course." you replied and despite smiling, you were focused on something else.
Sanji was still standing at the door, observing the table and almost without meaning to, his gaze crossed yours. You could see them glow from afar and at the same time, you could feel your stomach churn with anticipation to know if he had liked the little surprise.
Everyone sat down to dinner and from what you heard, you were satisfied with the food and eager to tell you everything you had seen in the village. Except Sanji. He seemed intent on eating from his plate, savoring every bite.
"It was incredible!" Luffy said, finishing turning the plate into his mouth "It's good to know that we have someone who knows how to cook besides Sanji."
"Best food I've ever tasted." Zoro said and it didn't take much for you to know that he was just saying that to provoke the other cook.
"You never said that about my dishes!" Sanji's grumble made everyone at the table laugh, including you, partly because of the comment, but mainly because he had finally said something.
"You've never done anything good like this. I think now you can go back to being a waiter."
"Both foods are amazing, maybe you'll work well together." the malicious tone didn't go unnoticed in Usopp's words, making your face burn with embarrassment.
Before you could find words to respond, Nami noticed your little desperation and stood up.
"Belly full, time for Zoro to buy our drinks."
"It wasn't you I promised. Let me go, woman!" he grunted as Nami pulled him to his feet.
"We go ahead and they find us later." she suggested, hoping everyone would understand who should remain on the boat.
"But I'm still hungry." Luffy complained and one look from Nami was enough for him to stand up. "Okay, I'll go with you, but I better have some snacks."
"I'll stay here, help our cook organize things and we'll meet you there." Sanji spoke, causing Usopp to also get up and follow the three others.
As they left, you took the opportunity to start taking the dishes off the table and as soon as they were alone, you saw Sanji leave the kitchen. The anxiety that maybe you had been too clingy gnawed at you.
"Have you seen Sanji?" you asked Nami, who seemed distracted doodling something.
"Nah, he's probably stuck in the kitchen, inventing something."
You hurried along, playing cards dancing between your fingers until you found Luffy attacking the fridge. "
Ah, hi! I was just checking to make sure everything was ok here." He spoke with a mouth full of meat, making you laugh.
"Have you seen Sanji?" "It must be in his room. If you can, please don't tell him what you just saw." he smiled, amidst the pile of food.
"Leave it captain."
You went to his room, gaining the courage to knock on the door three times and hear a "Come in" from inside.
"Excuse me." you hung your body inside the room. "Everything is fine?"
"Of course, miss. Is there anything you need?"
"I wanted to know if you wanted to play cards with me. I almost didn't see you today." you proposed excitedly, a feeling that didn't last long.
"I'm sorry, I think I'd rather be alone for a bit."
After that, the late-night cooking trips stopped, and he seemed to flirt less with you, which gave you less space to respond. Maybe you were a very clingy friend, and maybe Sanji didn't like that.
The water ran while you stood still, immersed in your thoughts. What you didn't expect was to feel two arms around your body, turning off the tap and pulling your arms away from the sink.
"Leave it, mon cher." He turned to you and with some gentleness, took off the apron you had just put on. "You already made dinner, I'll take care of it later."
"Did you like it?" The words left your lips involuntarily, leaving you disconcerted under his gaze.
"Pasta with seafood sauce?" he waved with a smile, as he picked up two glasses.
You leaned against the counter opposite Sanji's and only then did you notice the bottle of wine next to you. Now his little disappearance made sense.
"The best dinner I've had in a long time." he placed the glasses next to you.
The two of them were alone there, just the two of them in the entire huge ship. Why was he so close to your body? Only a few centimeters separated them as he filled both glasses.
"Serious?" Sanji could melt right there when he saw the light in your eyes when he heard the praise. And he didn't make a point of hiding his smile because of it. "I mean, I just followed your recipe from that day."
"You said..." his smile faded, taking on a more serious tone as he took a sip of his drink. You, a nervous chaos, had almost completely turned the glass over. "You said you did all this, that it was because we were good friends..."
"Let me explain." you interrupted him, touching your hand to his chest involuntarily. Again, your brain seemed not to follow your feelings. "I know I didn't explain it well at the time, but you've been a great friend. Helping me with my sleepless nights, teaching me new things. I mean, I know I'm a little clingy and I understand you wanting some space . But today I just wanted to do this to thank you for everything you've done for me these days. You've been an incredible friend."
Before answering, he immediately put his glass aside. The hand that held the drink soon found your chin, gently lifting it so he could look you in the eyes. His hands gently cupped your face, in an affable gesture.
"I don't want to be just that. I don't want space either." he laughed, as if it were a joke that only he understood.
Your eyes were lost on Sanji's face. It was as if something pulled you and left you immersed in it, almost hypnotized.
"I don't want to see you awake at night scared, I don't want to have to leave you here alone on the ship when you're not well. I-I don't want to see you making appointments with that idiot swordsman. I-I..." all the his euphoria seemed to fade, the end coming out as just a whisper. "I don't just want to be your friend."
No warning, no permissions or no questions. Almost immediately his lips found yours softly. A long peck, testing the waters ahead. Your hands, previously hanging, found the face of your favorite cook, giving him the little courage he still lacked.
You could feel his kiss invading your mouth and heavens, that was what you expected. His hands dropped from your face and ran down the side of your body, until they reached your waist. The small cry of fright was muffled by Sanji's lips as he grabbed you by the waist and placed you on the counter, fitting himself between your legs.
You could sink there, you could let the air escape from your body and you would still die happy, but soon you felt it invade your lungs in a quick sigh, as Sanji's lips descended towards your neck, proving a path of goosebumps.
"Sanji." the damn heaven was there, hearing your voice calling him like that. Not even All Blue itself would be better than that. "Ji, wait."
His lips moved away from yours, but he didn't make a point of taking you off the bench, or taking his hands away from your body or at least disguising the fact that he couldn't stop looking at your lips, or your eyes, or any part your.
"So, you're not tired of me?"
"I just needed to get my head straight." he replied, his fingers exchanging some misunderstood pattern on your hips. "All I could think about was you and I was afraid that maybe it would go too far. That's why I took distance."
Instead of responding with words, you just sealed your lips with his, who seemed unable to contain a smile with such action.
"Even though I like it here, I think we should go. They're probably waiting for us." you warned, but Sanji just pressed your body tighter against his.
"We have drinks here and from what I remember missus, the herbal tea worked that day, so you owe me a drink."
"You have no proof." you teased him, already anticipating the comment he would make.
"If you don't remember, I slept next to you that night." he replied, as you predicted. "If you prefer me to remind you, I can sleep today, and tomorrow, and then..." with each word, he stole another kiss from your lips.
"But, I believe we should stay here, from what I remember, you weren't feeling very well today."
"Haven't you realized yet that it was a lie to stay alone on the ship? It seems easy, but that dough gave me a hard time, it took me all day to make it and..." you saw him threaten to open his lips for a laugh or some comment sarcastic about his culinary skills. "One word about this and I will now accept the drink Zoro was going to buy me."
"Lucky for you, your boyfriend is a great cook and you'll never have to worry about that."
"Boyfriend, hm?"
"For now. I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon." your lips were captured again and you finally understood that damn feeling. The sea breeze inside your stomach, the tremor in your hands and the heat in your body.
"Better not let go, cook."
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noaltbruh · 9 months
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@multifandom-hcs Hope you're having a good day too! :))
Bruno and Hermes dating hcs ❤️
Hermes 💋
Chaotic gf. I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but she will most definitely be more hyped than you for anything.
Loves to try new things with you and go on all sorts of date! From carnivals, to road trips, to that one random place you saw and you're not quite sure if it's a restaurant or a sex shop, but you'll find out together!
Wakes you up at three am. because she just got an idea for what you could do together and you have to do it NOW.
Big on PDA, she's constantly touching you or holding you near her even when you're in public, HECK ESPECIALLY when you're in public.
Loves to show you off to the Stone Ocean gang and can't shut up about how great her partner is.
Definetely teases you and gets even mushier with you if she sees you getting shy.
She'll speak up and stand up for you in any situation, whether that is a stand battle or someone cut in line in front of you.
Always has the biggest grin on her face as soon as she sees you.
Loves to drag you in troubles, but she honestly just wants to have fun with you. Don't worry, if things get out of hand, she knows how to handle policemen.
I think her kisses would be a bit rough, like you can just feel how eager she is to feel her lips on your body.
Is literally always complimenting you and your look, calling you hot, beautiful, handsome, pretty...Whatever you prefer!
"Breath taking as usual, caro/cara!" "I'm...Literally in my pajamas" "Your point?"
Shoplifts for you, I'm sorry. Like- maybe you just saw a cool jewel in a shop and told her you liked it, without really thinking much about it. The next day, you find that exact jewel at your front door.
Opens up about her past and how much she misses her sister, it's one of the few times she genuinely seems sorrowful.
Would love you even more if you accepted to visit her sibling's grave with her. She might cry on your shoulder, so please comfort her.
On a more optimistic note, if she visits her on his own, she even talks to her and you and how awesome you are.
She lets you keep your stuff in her tits without even having to ask her, it's just routine for you two by now.
Loves to do your makeup. Alternatively, if you don't wear it, she still asks you if she can try it on you because she's fully convinced you'd look great with it.
VERY flirty and completely shameless about it, no matter who is watching.
Can't cook lol, but she will gladly take you to any restaurant you like and she'll offer to pay for both of you!
...Yeah, pay.
Bruno 🤐
The boyfriend ever.
He's so romantic and gentle he literally makes me want to cry because he's so perfect and VSGABCAHZCSS.
Just being near him makes you feel safe, you'll never have to fear being judged as long as this man is your partner.
He's calm and understanding. No matter if something is troubling you or you're simply in a bad mood just because, he'll never lose his patience with you.
Encourages you in everything you do, whether that is a small task or a lifelong goal you're trying to pursue, Bruno will always be ready to support you and help you in any way possible.
Might be a bit busy from time to time due to his job, but he makes you to call and text you anytime he gets the chance too. He loves hearing your voice and he wants to be sure that you're doing alright.
He never closes a phone call without an "I love you, tesoro" at the end.
Will make up for the time he missed once he gets back home. He'll do whatever you want to and there aren't limits to how much he's willing to spend for his love.
Do you want to go on a trip to France for the weekend? He already has two tickets and a reservation in the best hotel of the city.
Remember that very fancy restaurant in the city center? Guess who has already reserved a table for two with a beatutil view on the entire city?
Truthfully, however, Bruno enjoys anything as long as he gets to spend it with you. Despite his role in the mafia, he also loves simpler, everyday life with his partner.
Even just going to the local market to buy something together makes him so incredibly happy, and gives him a sense of normality in the mess that's his life.
Not super big on showing affection in public, at least not as much as Mista or Narancia- but he always maintains even a small touch between you.
He loves to hold your hand as you walk, lets you hold on to his arm, or he wraps his arm around your waist.
Way more touchy and flirty in private. Bruno is smooth and knows excabtly where to provoke you or what to tell you to make you blush.
He puts his hand under your chin or on your cheek if you were to look away from him. You can see his proud, little smirk on his face.
The best cook in the gang, male wife material. His fish dishes are the best you'll ever try in your entire life.
Speaking of that, he'd love to go fishing with you. It reminds him of the time he spent with his father and sees it as a way to continue his family traditions. After all, you are his future wife/husband.
He has the kindest look on his face while explaining to you how to fish and it makes me want to explode.
He loves to massage your shoulders, for some reason. Maybe because it helps you relax, but it just feels very intimate to him.
He rubs your back and kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you. His embrace is warm and you wish you never had to let go.
Gives you flowers or any sort of gifts on the most random occasions. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't forget and important date, he's just a sweetheart and wanted to give you a present to make you smile.
Also, since you're dating him, you'll now have to take care of five children, aka the gang. I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself the moment you became his partner.
Don't worry, Abbacchio will help you... Perhaps.
On a more serious note, Bruno would love to have a family with you in the future. This man is MADE to raise children, adopted or not, anything is fine for him.
He thinks you'd be a great parent, but of course, if you don't want to be, he'll never force it on you :)
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
SamiJey x Fem!Black!Reader Headcannons
Summary: What's it like being in a relationship with Main Event Jey Uso and Sami Zayn?
tagged: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01 @afterdarkprincess
word count: 3,563
warnings: nsfw!!
a/n: samiijey brainrot and this is the only way I can cope with it. Hope ya'll enjoy this!
gif credits: samijey on tumblr.
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Jey is the most protective out of the three of you. He is a hothead and would die for the people he loves—and you and Sami being his partners means double the protection, double the fierceness. But sometimes, that protectiveness can border on possessiveness, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
If someone looks at you wrong, or if someone so much as breathes a hint of disrespect towards Sami, Jey's fists are ready to fly. It's both endearing and exhausting, his unwavering loyalty sometimes feeling like a heavy weight to bear. But you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Sami is the calming presence in your relationship, the one who brings a sense of peace and stability amidst the chaos. With his gentle demeanor and soothing words, he has a way of diffusing tense situations and calming the storm within both you and Jey. Sami's strength lies not in his fists, but in his unwavering support and understanding. He's the one who listens intently to your concerns, who offers comfort in times of need, and who never fails to see the good in people, even when it's hard. And you and Jey love that about him.
You are in the middle. If Jey is the fierce protector and Sami is the calming presence, then you are the glue that holds them together. You're the one who keeps the balance, the mediator in their occasional clashes, and the voice of reason when emotions run high. Both men would do anything for you, and you feel the weight of their love and loyalty every day.
Jey and Sami go feral when you wear their merch in the ring. It doesn't even have to be anything revealing, just a simple hoodie with one of their names etched onto it, but the sight of you proudly wearing their merch ignites a fierce sense of pride and possessiveness within them, and trust that they will kiss and be all over you whenever you do, and that you should hope the locker room is empty when you walk in wearing their gear, because they're liable to forget they're in public.
Jey's grills are something you and Sami are obsessed with. Point blank period. Sami will shyly ask him to keep them on during sex or whenever you kiss, but you are more confident about asking him. Most of your conversations about them go like this.
"You better keep those grills on for tonight."
Jey looked at you with a smirk. "Why?"
You smirked back at him. "Because they make you look so damn sexy, that's why."
Jey chuckles, his smirk widening. "Oh, you like that, huh? I can definitely keep them on for you, baby."
Sami blushed furiously at Jey's cocky tone. "Um, yeah, I mean, if you're comfortable with it, I wouldn't mind… I mean, if it's not too much trouble…"
"Don't be shy, baby." Jey smirked at Sami, and you can feel the heat rising in the room as both Jey and Sami's gazes lock onto you, their desire palpable in the air.
"I'm more than comfortable, sweetheart," Jey purrs, his voice low and husky as he steps closer, the glint of his grills catching the light. "Anything to please my two favorite people."
Sami nods, still blushing but unable to hide the spark of excitement in his eyes. "Yeah, I mean… if you want to, Jey. It's… it's really hot."
With a mischievous grin, Jey leans in, his lips hovering dangerously close to Sami's. "What else do you find hot, baby?"
And in that moment, you know tonight is going to be one for the books.
Jey loves to take on the traditional men role in taking care of his partners. Whether it's fixing things around the house, cooking hearty meals, or simply being there to provide a strong shoulder to lean on, Jey embraces his role as the provider with pride. He finds fulfillment in being able to support you and Sami in any way he can, always putting your needs and happiness above his own.
Sami, on the other hand, thrives in the role of the nurturer. He's the one who remembers birthdays and anniversaries, who surprises you with little acts of kindness and affection when you least expect it. Sami's love language is all about showing how much he cares through his actions, whether it's cooking your favorite meal, leaving sweet notes for you to find, or simply holding you and Jey close and whispering words of love and encouragement.
You are the one that ties it all together, balancing the dynamic between Jey's protectiveness and Sami's nurturing nature. While they each have their strengths, you bring your own unique qualities to the relationship. You're the one who plans the adventures, the spontaneous road trips, and the cozy nights in. You're the listener, the problem solver, and the voice of reason when emotions run high. You know just how to calm Jey's fiery temper and reassure Sami's anxious thoughts. You're the one that makes them feel like they don't even have to think when they are with you, because you understand them on a level that no one else does. You take care of the emotional needs of both Jey and Sami, offering them comfort and understanding in times of vulnerability. You're the rock they can always rely on, the constant presence in their lives that brings them stability and reassurance.
Jey is usually on top when you, him and Sami are intimate together. His dominant nature and strength make him naturally gravitate towards that position, and it's not like you or Sami are complaining. If he wants to drive you both crazy, he knows exactly how to do it, his confident demeanor and skilled hands leaving you both craving for more.
But there are times when he's willing to let go of control, to let himself be vulnerable with you and Sami, trusting you both to lead the way and guide him through moments of intimacy with tenderness and care.
Sami, on the other hand, is more fluid in his approach to intimacy. He's not afraid to explore different positions and techniques, always eager to learn and discover new ways to pleasure you and Jey. His sensitivity and empathy make him attuned to your needs and desires, and he takes great pleasure in seeing you both lost in ecstasy under his touch. He loves that you and Jey trust him with your pleasure, trust him to bring you both to new heights of ecstasy and intimacy.
You go on top only when you were in a bratty mood and wanted to tease Jey and Sami a bit. It’s rare, but when it does happen, Jey and Sami find it incredibly arousing and exhilarating. Seeing you take charge and assert your dominance ignites a primal desire within them, and they eagerly surrender to your every whim and command. If you told them to get on their knees and beg, they would do it without hesitation, eager to please you and fulfill your every desire.
"Did I say that you could take your clothes off?" you tease, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you stand at the foot of the bed, arms crossed over your chest.
Jey and Sami exchange a glance, their eyes dark with desire as they sat on the bed, fully clothed and ready to obey your every command. They're like two eager puppies waiting for their next instruction, and you revel in the power you hold over them in this moment.
"No, you didn't," Jey replies, his voice low and husky, a hint of anticipation laced in his words.
Sami nods eagerly, his cheeks flushed with excitement. "We're sorry, baby. We'll do whatever you say."
You let out a soft chuckle, enjoying the way they hang onto your every word. "Good boys," you purr, stepping closer to them until you're within arm's reach. "Now, strip."
They waste no time in obeying your command, their movements eager and synchronized as they shed their clothes, revealing toned bodies and hungry gazes that send a shiver of anticipation down your spine.
As they stand before you, completely exposed and vulnerable, you feel a surge of power coursing through your veins. It's intoxicating, the way they submit to you so willingly, their desire laid bare for you to see.
With a wicked grin, you circle around them, trailing your fingertips lightly over their skin, reveling in the way they shiver at your touch. They're putty in your hands, ready to be molded and shaped according to your every whim.
"Get on the bed," you command, your voice dripping with authority as you watch them eagerly comply, sinking onto the mattress with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. They lie there, waiting for your next move, their eyes locked onto yours with a hunger that mirrors your own.
You climb onto the bed, straddling Jey's hips while Sami watches with rapt attention, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he waits for his turn. You lean down, capturing Jey's lips in a heated kiss, your hands roaming over his chest as you feel the heat building between you.
Sami shifts beneath you, his arousal evident as he watches the two of you with a mixture of desire and longing. You break the kiss with Jey, turning your attention to Sami as you reach out to stroke his cheek, your touch gentle yet possessive.
"You're next, baby," you whisper, your voice husky with desire as you lean in to claim his lips in a passionate kiss. Sami responds eagerly, his hands tangling in your hair as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that leaves you gasping for air.
You pulled away when you feel Jey's hands on your hips, his touch grounding you as he pulls you back towards him, his own desire evident as he presses his lips against your neck, leaving a trail of fiery kisses in his wake.
"You," You turned to Jey, and he automatically lifts his head, his gaze locking onto yours with a mixture of passion and longing. "Yes, baby?" he murmurs, his voice low and husky with desire.
"You're going to watch and kiss me," you continue, your tone firm but playful as you shift your position, straddling Sami's hips instead. "And you're going to enjoy every moment of it."
Jey's eyes widen with anticipation, a spark of excitement igniting in their depths as he watches you with eager anticipation. He knows exactly what you have in mind, and the thought alone sends a shiver of anticipation down his spine.
Sami looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and arousal, his hands trembling as they come to rest on your hips. "Are you sure?" he asks, his voice barely more than a whisper as he searches your face for any sign of hesitation.
You meet his gaze with a playful smirk, your eyes alight with mischief as you lean in to press a teasing kiss to his lips. "I'm sure," you purr, your voice dripping with confidence as you reach down to guide him inside you."Now, get ready for the ride of your life."
The cheat code to making any one of you succumb to your whims was either biting or teasing. Jey couldn't resist a playful nibble on his earlobe, his neck, or his lower lip. It sent shivers down his spine and awakened a primal need to possess and protect you, to show you just how much you belonged to him.
Sami, on the other hand, melted under the gentle touch of your fingers tracing patterns along his skin, teasing him with feather-light caresses and whispered promises of pleasure. His breath hitched, his heart raced, and he surrendered himself completely to the intoxicating sensation of your touch.
You couldn’t resist when Jey would kiss at your neck, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down your skin, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. His hands would roam your body, exploring every curve and dip with a possessive hunger that sent shivers down your spine. You would arch into his touch, your breath coming in ragged gasps as he marked you as his own, leaving love bites and bruises in his wake.
And when Sami whispered sweet nothings in your ear, his voice a soothing melody that wrapped around you like a warm embrace, you couldn't help but melt into him. His hands would caress you with a gentleness that belied the fire burning beneath the surface, his lips trailing soft kisses along your skin as he worshipped you with every touch. His touch was like fire and ice, alternating between scorching passion and soothing tenderness, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
Jey loved teasing Sami the most. He would playfully taunt him, knowing exactly how to push his buttons in the best way possible. Whether it was poking fun at his blushing cheeks when he would kiss you in public, or teasing him about his affectionate nature, Jey delighted in seeing Sami's reactions, his laughter ringing out like music to his ears. But it was all in good fun, and Jey made sure to shower Sami with love and affection afterwards, his teasing always followed by tender kisses and whispered words of adoration.
When Sami speaks French or Arabic, you and Jey are fucking gone. It's almost comical the way you both practically turn into puddles of goo whenever Sami switches to his native languages. When he makes love to you both, if he speaks French or Arabic, his words take on a whole new level of intensity and passion, igniting a fire within you both that burns hotter than anything you've ever known.
There's something about the way Sami's voice rolls off his tongue in those languages, the way every word drips with emotion and desire, that leaves you both weak-kneed and breathless. It's like he's weaving a spell with his words, drawing you both closer with every syllable until you're lost in a haze of pleasure and ecstasy. It doesn't matter if you understand French or Arabic or not; the sheer power and emotion behind Sami's words transcend language barriers, leaving you and Jey utterly captivated and completely at his mercy.
On the rare occasion that Jey speaks Samoan when he's kissing you and Sami, both of you are equally enthralled, your hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and desire as Jey's deep, rumbling voice washes over you like a tidal wave. There's something primal and intoxicating about hearing Jey speak in his native tongue, the words flowing effortlessly from his lips as he whispers sweet nothings and declarations of love in Samoan.
If someone flirts with your men, you become a jealous girlfriend, and it's comical the way your usual kind and composed demeanor completely evaporates in the face of jealousy. It's like a switch flips inside you, and suddenly, you're fiercely protective of Jey and Sami, unwilling to let anyone encroach on what's yours. Your jaw clenches, your fists tighten, and a fire ignites in your eyes as you glare daggers at anyone who dares to flirt with your men.
Jey and Sami find it both amusing and endearing, the way you puff up like an angry cat ready to defend its territory. They also get very turned on, and you can expect that you won't be able to walk the next day without feeling the repercussions of their arousal.
You have a tendency to take on too much that it leaves you feeling overwhelmed at times. You're the type who wants to make sure everything is perfect for Jey and Sami, often putting their needs above your own. Whether it's planning elaborate date nights, coordinating their schedules, or just being there for them whenever they need you, you always go above and beyond to ensure their happiness and well-being.
But in doing so, you sometimes neglect your own needs and forget to take care of yourself. You push yourself to the limit, trying to juggle too many responsibilities at once and refusing to ask for help when you need it. You're so used to being the one who holds everything together that you forget it's okay to lean on Jey and Sami for support sometimes, to let them take care of you the way you take care of them. It's something they've noticed and talked to you about, gently reminding you that they're here for you too, that you don't have to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. They want to be there for you, to support you and lift you up when you're feeling down. They want you to know that they love you just as much as you love them, and that they'll always be there for you, no matter what. They'll do small things like bringing you breakfast in bed, running you a hot bath after a long day, or simply holding you close and whispering words of love and encouragement in your ear. They want you to know that you're not alone, that you have them by your side every step of the way.
At your best, you are a thoughtful partner that does everything before anyone can even think of it. You anticipate their needs, their desires, and their wishes, and you go above and beyond to fulfill them. At your worst, you can be stubborn and overly self-sacrificing, refusing to let anyone else bear the burden of your problems or share in your struggles. When you're in struggle mode, you shut off your brain and let Sami and Jey take the lead and make all the decisions.
You feel airy and disconnected, as if you're floating through life without any direction or purpose as Jey and Sami take care of you, make sure you're fed and rested, and gently guide you back to yourself. It's like a puppy that's lost its way, and your partners are the ones patiently leading you back home.
You constantly have to cake your neck with makeup because Sami and Jey always leave marks on it when they get too carried away. You always complain about having to cover up the love bites, but deep down, you secretly love them. They're like little reminders of the passionate moments you share with Jey and Sami, tangible evidence of the love and desire that burns between you. They may leave marks that you have to hide from the rest of the world, but they also leave marks on your heart that no amount of makeup could ever conceal.
Jey is very physically affectionate. His love language is physical touch, and he expresses his affection through hugs, kisses, and cuddles. He's the type of partner who isn't afraid to show his love openly, whether it's holding your hand in public or wrapping you up in a tight embrace when you're feeling down. His touch is warm and comforting, grounding you in the present moment and reminding you of his unwavering devotion. Jey's hugs are like a safety net, a place where you can always find solace and reassurance no matter what life throws your way. And when he kisses you, it's like fireworks exploding in the sky, igniting a spark of passion and desire that burns brighter with each passing moment.
Sami, on the other hand, expresses his affection through acts of service and quality time. He's the type of partner who shows his love through his actions, whether it's cooking your favorite meal, running errands for you when you're busy, or simply spending quality time together doing things you both enjoy. Sami's presence is like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night, enveloping you in a sense of comfort and security that makes you feel loved and cherished. And when he looks at you with those soulful eyes, you can't help but melt under his gaze, knowing that you're the center of his world.
As for you, your love language is a combination of words of affirmation and physical touch. You thrive on verbal expressions of love and appreciation, craving the reassurance that comes from hearing those three little words: "I love you." But you also find solace in physical affection, whether it's a gentle caress or a passionate kiss. You also love gift-giving, and watching your boys' eyes light up when you buy them their favorite limited edition sneakers or surprise them with tickets to their favorite band's concert brings you immense joy.
When it's those long days on the road where all you want to do is curl up into the familiar warmth of your partners' arms, you find solace in the small moments shared between the three of you. Whether it's cuddling together in bed after a long day of traveling, sharing inside jokes and laughter over dinner, driving to the next city with their hands, resting on your thigh, the windows fogged up by some adulterous activities, or simply holding hands as you walk through the bustling streets of a new city, you wouldn't trade your boys for anything for the world. And that was a fact.
And if anyone else had anything else to say about that, they should be prepared for Jey to knock some sense into them. Cause he don't play about the people he loves.
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Hello! May I request the Diasomnia boys taking a familial role for the reader? For instance Lilia being the father, Malleus being the older brother, etc. it doesn’t have to be those in specific so feel free to put your own twist to it! I’ll love anything you write :) and thank you!
I Found It All On My Own
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A/N: *weeps* I love Diasomnia's found family dynamics. I decided to do Lilia as the father figure, Malleus and Silver as older brothers and Sebek as like a twin brother in the same year? Oughdfhj I feel like with everything going on in chapter seven right now, these headcanons would be perfect to write. Don't worry there won't be major spoilers. Well, if you know then you can spot them, but they won't ruin the story for you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is naturally protective of everyone- especially the people he's close to. His family, if you will. Perhaps it's because he feels bound to his duty as a dorm leader, an heir, or maybe he knows how fragile life is. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt or be unhappy
He goes out of his way to intervene or watch you from afar... just to keep you safe. Malleus is like one of those older brothers that spy on you for "your own good" or "just to make sure"
Sometimes, Malleus would cast a spell to ensure whatever your date, errand, appointment, hangout with a friend, etc. goes well. There will be no rain, sleet or snow. Not a single loud in the sky. The weather will always be perfect. Everything would be too perfect.
If another party is late, makes a side remark or wrongs you, Malleus might entertain the idea of striking them with lightning. Or... slightly inconveniencing their day after they part ways with you.
If you pick up on it, you'd have to tell him. He wouldn't stop otherwise. In your heart, you know he means well. Malleus wants you to be happy no matter what. Your smile means the world to him. He truly enjoys hearing about your amazing day and how you smile when you show him the things you bought or the grades you got, but how can there be good days if there are no bad ones or any mishaps?
Reassure him that if you ever need help, you'd ask him. If there's anyone in the world capable of protecting you and coming to you when you need someone the most- it's Malleus. Tell him that and he'll be trying to hide his smug smile all day.
Lilia Vanrouge:
He's a father figure for many, including you. While not the best cook and using... conventional methods of parenting on some occasions, Lilia is someone you'd accidentally call dad
His age is most certainly a factor, but it's also how he always tells you stories from the past or invites you to sit down and play some video games with him after a long day. Like a dad who doesn't know how to comfort you, but tries his best anyways.
Another way Lilia comforts you, or rather, shows his love is buying whatever you seem to like eating at the moment. Oh these frozen waffles taste good? He'd get you a few more boxes for good measure. He can't cook, but he'll get you all your favorite snacks and frozen meals.
Like Malleus, Lilia also looks after you. He just isn't as much of a helicopter as Malleus is. So maybe not like Malleus.
Lilia simply asks you about your day. He's quite perceptive and has incredible intuition so even if you lie, he knows something is up. He won't ever ask you directly, believing that you could figure it out eventually. Still, he quips the typical dad thing and says that he'll always be here if you need him. You could tell him anything!
Not that you would. Teenagers tend to be more reluctant to share things with their guardians. He would know. He was that age some centuries ago.
...He might meddle a little if he sees you struggle a too much though. If you have trouble making friends, Lilia might ask Silver to befriend you. Or at least walk you to class and make some small talk
Silver is little more subtle than Malleus and Lilia when it comes to showing love and looking out for you. He won't buy you too much food or curse your worst enemy, but he'll support you!
He's never had a younger sibling and you're the closest thing to that he has. He cherishes you a lot because of that
His speech isn't as eloquent as Lilia's nor is he as powerful as Malleus, but you can always count on him to show up for you. You have a recital or speech to give? He'll be there. You post something on social media? He's the first like. He won't comment, but he'll like the post. And reblog/retweet it if you need more exposure
He also wouldn't mind if you steal some of his stuff... in moderation. Silver doesn't get irritated easily. He's fairly lax when it comes to these things so if you want something- be it food, clothes, some school supplies- all you have to do is ask
Silver is the dream big brother most siblings would want. You and him rarely ever argue. He's got a decent temperament and hypes you up when you need it.
He'll also agree to help you hide something if you really don't want Lilia or Malleus to know. Silver will recommend you tell them about it, but if you insist... then he won't push it. He'll be hesitant, but he won't spill the beans.
Silver also has this inability to be not so good at comforting (maybe he gets it from Lilia), but he tries his best. He's not good with deep, long conversations about life or growing, but he would one hundred percent listen to you and pat your back or head depending on the situation
Sebek Zigvolt:
If Silver is the sibling you get along with, then Sebek is the one you don't get along with. Neither of you hate the other, it's more so constant bickering over trivial matters
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"How do you know I'm looking at you? Aren't you the one looking at me?"
Nevertheless, like most sibling relationships, at the end of the day, you still love each other. Sebek isn't as soft spoken like Silver. He doesn't show love like Lilia or Malleus either. He's a bit on the harsher side, but his actions will somehow always speak louder than his blunt words.
Sebek will help you with your homework. He won't do a full on tutoring session, but he'll show you how to solve a problem or two. He might even lend you his notes. From the bottom of his heart, he really does want you to succeed.
If you need someone to give you the truth and nothing but the truth, Sebek is the one to go to. He doesn't sugarcoat his opinion that often. If that sweater looks ugly, he'll tell you if you show it to him
Sebek also won't hesitate to call out anyone who says something mean to you. Though the two of may have your back and forths, the things he says to you are never truly hurtful. Sebek doesn't fully realize it, still calling you "human", but he does worry about you from time to time. What kind of trouble would you get into? Would he be able to help?
He doesn't have many friends or siblings... Silver hardly counts in his eyes. You sort of count? He's fond of you to say the least. He'd like to pat your head like Silver does one day.
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explosionkatsu · 11 months
“Age doesn't matter,” 22
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
Part 21
You just rolled your eyes at him and handed him the clothes you were holding. "Just wear these on. Let me know if it fits." You simply said and walked away.
Katsuki only raised an eyebrow.
Deep inside, you were exploding. His body was built by gods. All the biceps and the muscles, the thin waist, and the scars add up to his look.
But Y/n just shook her head to erase those thoughts and headed straight to her kitchen. She was still clueless about the kiss.
Does that mean Katsuki feels something for her? Does he like her? What made him fancy someone like her? So simple like her? Compared to him, you're a civilian who knows nothing but to teach and raise a kid.
You don't even know what to think anymore. Why? Because you don't want to hurt yourself. You basically don't want to assume and yet here you are, jumping to one thing and another.
"I didn't expect you to come so I only prepared dinner for myself." You said as you placed a bowl of hot noodles in front of him, along with two pieces of cheese bread. "I'm sorry. This is all I got for now."
"I came unexpectedly. Don't apologize," Katsuki said while watching you putting all the food on the table.
“Very unexpected, if you ask me.” You mumbled as you sat down in front of him. “Thank you for the food.” You said and started digging in.
Katsuki was staring at you though. More like watching. He was watching you enjoy hot noodles. Of course, it’s the perfect food for when it’s raining.
You noticed him watching you though. You looked at him and blinked. “Don’t you like the food?” You asked after swallowing the food. “I’m sorry, I-,”
“I said stop apologizing.” Katsuki tsked and starts slurping the noodles.
It was quiet for a moment, just the sound of thunder, television, chewing and slurping can be heard. Once done, you were surprised when Katsuki brought the bowls and utensils to the kitchen sink and even started washing.
“K-katsuki!” You stuttered as you called out. “What are you doing?!” You basically almost yelled while hurrying to his side.
“What do you think I’m doing?” Katsuki said in a ‘isn’t it obvious tone.’
“I- what?” You blinked. “Nevermind that. Why are you doing that? You’re a guest!” You said slightly scowling. You tried pushing him away from the sink, but he won’t budge.
“I won’t be, after what happened.” He simply said and was about to rinse the dishes.
This made you remember what happened earlier. The kiss.
“Cat got your tongue?” Katsuki smirked when he never heard you utter a word.
“I don’t want t-to talk about it.” You blushed, looking away.
“I hope that implies that I like you and wanted you to be my girlfriend,” His voice suddenly went serious while focusing on rinsing.
“E-eh?” You stuttered, once again.
“Can you stop that? Fucking reminds me of Deku.” Katsuki tsked. “And I’m serious.” Kastuki added.
“I know you are.” You quietly responded. “But aren’t you going to ask me out?” You added quietly.
Unfortunately, he heard it. “I’m fucking desperate to fix things with you.” He spoke. “Hell, I’m not even thinking straight. I just went with what I feel right.” While speaking, he paused on his movement to look at you.
The way he looked at you took your breath away. It was different from the way he looked at you before. Those aren’t the eyes who used to glare at you whenever you tried cooking dinner at his home. This right here is genuine.
You were speechless.
“Tomorrow, I’ll take you out after my shift.” Katsuki simply said. “I’ll leave Kazui with mom.”
“Can I have a say in here?”
You're anxious. It's been a while since you've been on a date. Heck, you can't even remember when it was.
Your co-teachers are asking if you've been feeling okay and that you're acting weird. Who wouldn't be? Dynamight just messaged you he'll pick you up after his shift. Hell, he will intentionally go to Kazui's echo, not because he needs to pick up Kazui, but because he'll pick you up.
And due to how anxious you are, you actually had a hard time picking up what to wear this morning. You wanted to look casual yet elegant. Why? Because you're going on a date with the number 2 hero and you want to look presentable because you know that cameras will be about. So here you are, wearing a dark green over-knee dress along with two-inch black wedge heels.
Your day went on smoothly as you taught, guided, and watched your students. Some even commented that you look extra beautiful today which flatters you. Until the class ended. Kids bid you goodbye as they departed the building, on their way to their parents who were waiting for them outside the school.
Your heart was thumping rapidly. Your eyes are scrutinizing around you, searching for the familiar vehicle which thankfully there's none yet.
After waving goodbye to the students, you went back to your homeroom where you saw Kazui fixing his things.
"Kazui-chan." You called out.
Kazui looked at you, blinking curiously. “Yes, Miss Y/n?” He asked.
“U-um.” You stuttered. “Do you know who will be picking you up today?” You asked as you fixed your things as well.
“Well, papa said Uncle Eiji will drop me off at Grandma since he said he’ll be busy,” Kazui explained, finally zipping close his bag.
‘Then I guess the date is canceled?’ You thought to yourself.
“Miss Y/N?” Kazui called you out.
“Oh!” You internally slap yourself and look back to Kazui. “Yes, sweetie?”
“Are you and Papa okay now?” Kazui asked.
This caught you off guard of course. You didn’t expect him to be this observant, especially between Katsuki and you. “W-we’re always okay. Why do you ask?” You lied.
“You never visit us anymore.” Kazui pouted. “I only see you here at school but not in our home anymore.. I-I thought Papa and you had an argument.”
“Kazui-chan..” You mumbled and went closer to Kazui, kneeling. You gently touched his cheek and brushed your thumb, caressing him gently. “You don’t need to worry about us.” You smiled.
“Tomorrow, I’ll visit you, would you like that?”
Kazui suddenly beamed. “Really?!”
You giggled seeing his reaction. “Yes, sweetie.”
Part 23
This is very short and this is the only day I am available. I don't know when I'll be able to update again but I'll do my best! Thank you all for your patience!
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shalotttower · 7 months
Cultivating Flowers
Title: Cultivating Flowers
Fandom: Original
Summary: Marquis is a man of many interests, including gardening. Specifically, his new roses.
Word count: 3500+
Characters: OC!Marquis x Reader (female)
Notes: yandere!OC, manipulation, animal cruelty (not detailed, briefly described), seduction.
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The first bloom appears two weeks after spring starts and it's the most glorious flower in all Marquis' garden. Gentle apricot color, like your favourite dress. You were saving for months — a whole autumn — and grandfather grumbled and grumbled about the frivolous waste of money, but once you finally put it on, his scolding didn't matter a bit. The dress made you feel like royalty — elegant, graceful, important.
You wonder if this is how Marquis feels all the time.
Gorgeous outfits, a splendid castle, a life of aristocracy and ease where everything is taken care of by servants and every other weekend there's an opulent dinner party full of refined conversations.
Your envy for him is almost as big as your caution.
Marquis Nicolae is rich. Like many rich people he possesses time. And when one has too much, they become terribly, infinitely bored. That's what grandfather told you in one of his drunken rants: people who are rich, castle-rich, private carriage-rich for generations are bored like nobody else, because nothing is scarce to them and so nothing is precious either. Work for them. Take their money. Keep your head low and remember — they don't see us like we see them.
Grandfather doesn't work in the castle anymore. He's got old hands which shake from years of physical labour and fruit brandy, back-aching hunched posture and swollen feet that need rest. Now he stays at home, waiting for you to return with stories and bread rolls baked by the cook.
He used to serve Marquis Nicolae's father, who was twice as rich, but thrice as wicked, according to grandfather's words.
"I was a stableman, your grandmother was a seamstress, God rest her soul. Sewed all my shirts, this one included," he tugs at the fabric with pride. "She did well on it... Look at those stitches."
For a moment he gets lost in muttering and rubs his index finger on an even patch of stitched fabric, as if hoping his touch can conjure a spectre. "Not like now, where clothes fall apart after just three seasons. Quality... Sturdiness," he smacks the table. "People used to think long term. Made their shirts for decades, strong like this."
Grandfather is forgetful these days, he leaps from one topic to another and loses the main line of thought, especially after a few glasses. But you wait.
"When I worked for Lord Cazimir, you see," he says finally. "He had horses, all strong, sleek, looked like jewels. A new horse each two months, said it wasn't right for a gentleman to have one for too long, but by God, I never saw a man treat them worse than him. Not enough sleep, ridden until bones hurt. If the carriage hit a stone, it was the horse's fault, if the reins got tangled it was the horse's fault, not the bloody driver. He had that whip with metal feathers which could cut through an apple. And before he made the last swish, he'd pause. Look the horse in the eyes. That was the scariest thing, how he stared at them, so calmly."
He glances at you, as if fearing an admonishment. For what? You wonder how it felt, caring for something that looked like a jewel time after time, after time, and knowing the goodbye was certain and inevitable, like a turn of a watermill wheel. Did grandfather mourn the horses? Or did he get used to burying their bodies under the soil? Maybe they fed someone later — people who don't have much are resourceful, they don't bury good meat.
You squeeze the water from the sheet in silence.
"None simply lived past two months, that's why he changed them so often."
"Why didn't you quit?"
"And then do what?" Grandfather snorts. "There was little job outside the castle, everyone who didn't have land or livestock worked for Marquis one way or another."
"It must have been difficult."
"Life is difficult," he answers, and you can't disagree.
Life is difficult, that's a fact, and it didn't get better when you started working for Marquis Nicolae yourself. A good thing is that unlike Lord Cazimir from scare stories he doesn't torment horses and rarely pays attention to anybody in a servant uniform. All of you share the same mindset: a quick "Good morning, m'lord" or "Have a pleasant day, m'lord" and then being gone as fast as possible.
Rumors circulate that Marquis never once had a full smile on his face. Charming chuckles when he's in a good mood, courtly lips stretches for ladies, bemused sneers when he's addressed by those who used to be in favour but now are out — yes, but the genuine and full-hearted joy: nobody has witnessed it.
He doesn't seem unhappy though, nor he is too serious. When you see him Marquis Nicolae always looks like he has eternity at hand and there's no hurry to spend it. To you, he is uninterested in anything and sharp about everything at once.
You can't describe him better. Words fail you when trying to fit him into boxes of easy understanding. But after all, it's not your job to fit him anywhere, your job is dusting shelves and scrubbing floors, and, since recent days — taking care of roses.
It's unusual for the castle to have such plants this early in spring. They're imported, said the gardener, from cooler places and prefer winter over the blooming season of May and June. That's why Marquis commissioned a greenhouse construction weeks prior, to have beautiful flowers which can bloom regardless of the weather. It took an entire month of hard work, people hired from nearby towns and a promise of good money. You watched them build from the kitchen window where you were helping with meals.
Roses arrived next. Seven bushes filled with buds ready to open up any day. And oh they did. Soft apricot colors covered stems like dewdrops, beautiful enough to make one gasp.
One morning you bring your rag and a bucket to the greenhouse a bit earlier to enjoy the fragrance before breakfast is served. Nice things like these are not for maids like you — the petal scent and the gentle touch of leaves — they're for ladies in beautiful dresses who have time and luxury to appreciate them, but nobody will know anyway if you stop to lean down close enough for your nose to almost bury itself in velvety softness. It's a small indulgence which can hardly hurt anyone. Nobody will know if you pretend to be a lady just for a minute.
"They're quite extraordinary, aren't they."
You freeze, nose in the middle of the rose bush.
"I- Yes", you straighten up and curtsy. "They are most beautiful, m'lord."
Marquis' figure, backlit by the morning sun, casts a shadow which stretches far beyond your own feet.
"Do you know why I chose it?" he asks. "This breed."
He's dressed in a dark waistcoat with delicate embroidery on the collar and doesn't have a single hair out of place, not a strand too thick, not a strand too thin; as flawless as a painting which hang on the walls of his library, but not as solemn. Those paintings seem to measure everyone around them. Marquis Nicolae looks more approachable in appearance, and that's where the approachability ends. His eyes, burgundy brown colour you've never seen before, measure people too, in value rather than worthlessness.
You shake your head, "No, m'lord."
"Because," Marquis continues without minding your answer at all, "it's pretty."
His lips stretch in a courtly smile of a gentleman who is amused by his own joke. You don't understand it but smile in return anyway, because you must. Because this is how the world works — nobles are amused and maids fake understanding so the amusement can persist a little longer.
"Go on," he says. "They are meant to be smelled after all."
You nod and curtsy again.
Later he will be served tea at the ornate greenhouse table while you scrub the floors until your fingers ache. Marquis' focus will shift towards letters, and this is how it's supposed to be. Him reading correspondence, you being invisible like dust under the shelves you clean. It feels better when he doesn't look at you with those eyes of his. They pierce through everything they see.
There's something wrong about him. But you can't tell what yet.
Life is monotonous, especially in a place like this, even banquets and events have that homogeneous taste, because there's at least one every three weeks, not speaking of brunches which rotate regularly depending on who's currently in Marquis' favour. You serve dishes full of rich fragrances that make your mouth water but can't ever dream of trying them. Meat dripping with wine sauce, roasted chicken breasts wrapped in crispy bacon and glazed with honey syrup. Fresh fruits coated in powdered sugar. Sometimes in the evening when everyone is asleep you mouth the names of those meals: "Beef Bourguignon," "Veal Piccata", "Chicken Florentine". Those foreign words are hard to pronounce — Beef Boo-gee-nyon, Veel Pick-kata — you do it quietly and mostly in your head so grandfather doesn't hear and scoff about wasting time on useless things.
"You're not starving," he would say. "There's bread, there's soup, you don't need those. Be happy, girl. We used to eat potatoes for months straight during famines."
You've never been hungry enough to know what famine tastes like but suspect that the flavor must be something similar to the dull feeling between the busy hours of work, which gnaws at you and makes your thoughts drift to the lunch break.
Sometimes, in a particularly sour mood he adds, "Don't stuff your head with fancy nonsense you can't have, it's only gonna make you bitter."
You're a maid. A girl. A nobody.
And this is how it's supposed to be.
How to tell grandfather that you don't wish to be fancy? Just to try once the roast duck stuffed with grapes and apples, or fresh sardines baked in butter sauce, which smell heavenly as they're carried up the stairs to Marquis Nicolae's salon where guests are gathered.
How to tell him that it's not about food, not really.
It's about knowing what an apricot rose smells like early in the morning while others sleep. How velvety its petals feel when touched. Delicate things like these you're not supposed to have, but do anyway, because a moment stolen out of monotony pulls you from beneath the apron. You, yourself, not just a pair of hands with tired fingers, exist briefly when roses bloom in Marquis' greenhouse and a little piece of yesterday's cake is smuggled into your pocket.
You understand why he's wary. Grandfather's right: with longing comes bitterness. But you're careful not to overdo it. There's only one stolen minute of appreciation each day, not more, so you remember who you are — someone meant to be seen rarely and unnoticed most of the time — and return behind the apron.
Spring goes on.
Daylight stretches a little longer. Ground gets a little warmer. Marquis Nicolae often spends time in his private study after breakfast, then at noon — in the greenhouse. He strolls there among the greenery or sits by one of the tables with a book. Reading seems to be an activity he favors, and unlike some other gentlemen who grow tired within pages Marquis can stay completely still for hours without once getting restless.
You know because you watch him from the corner of your eye.
What kind of books he likes to read if they manage to keep him entertained for such lengthy periods, what titles do those leather spines hide, which stories are good enough for a gentleman like Marquis? He always seems so politely disinterested. You wonder if there are books that can make even him laugh.
Sometimes he asks you questions which startle you.
"Have you read 'The Castle of the Lady'? It's a novel."
You shake your head. "No m'lord. I can't read."
His eyebrows raise. Not in astonishment, Marquis Nicolae has a face of a man who rarely encounters surprises, his reactions are akin to mild interest bordering on curiosity, as if he enjoys discovering something new, something that doesn't fit into his existing assumptions.
"Can't?" he repeats.
You shift uncomfortably under his gaze, "No, m'lord. Never learnt."
"Who raised you?"
"My grandfather. He's a stableman... was. Now retired".
"I see," he returns to his book.
You fidget with a rag in your hands, why does he care to ask such question? What difference does it make whether you read or don't? It's not that uncommon. Most servants only know the basics, letters which form their names and the ones that stand for numbers. You don't really need the skill. What for?
"You may continue," he adds.
So you do.
"Are you the only child?"
"Yes, m'lord."
"Your mother? Father?"
"My mother passed away giving birth to me, and father was a soldier, so he died in a war."
"What a shame," Marquis says, but it sounds like a comment on bad weather.
You're standing with fresh linens in his opulent bedchamber. It's spacious: tall windows and furniture made of rare wood. Old, like the walls of Albastru castle itself. A maid's life story is neither interesting nor important enough to pursue it, at least not in the place like this. Marquis Nicolae is bored, that's the most reasonable explanation to the current arrangement. He's looking for entertainment, but what entertainment can come at your expense, you're unsure.
Grandfather warned you not to draw too much attention, but it's not exactly your fault. Marquis' schedule is well known — he spends evenings in the salon and retires long past midnight. The chamber should've been empty. You should've been able to change his bedding, clean the fireplace and leave without as much as a sound.
Yet here he is, in a high armchair by the fireplace.
And here you are, in front of him, waiting for a dismissal that doesn't come.
On a small coffee table there're squares with simple pictures — a dog, a cat, an apple, made of thin wood with letters engraved in black ink. You step from one foot to the other, the lemon-scented sheets hide the way your fingers twitch.
Marquis traces a square with a rose.
"Sit down," he says and motions to the other chair.
"Your linens, m'lord-"
"They can wait."
No, they can't, you think. The bedding needs to be done, the fireplace cleaned, carpets swept, wilted flowers removed — there's so much to do to linger, and it's already getting late. If you're not able to finish on time-
But Marquis Nicolae didn't give you permission to leave.
You sit and put the linens on your lap.
Grandfather would say that Marquis enjoys the sight of your discomfort behind that courtly smile of his, but he doesn't look amused, he looks the usual. Calm and slightly disinterested. Sharp, despite being relaxed.
"If you figure out what letters stand from this," he points at the apple picture square, "to this one," then moves his finger to the picture with a goat, "you'll get a treat."
"M'lord?" you frown.
There must be something wrong with your hearing, but no, Marquis leans back and crosses his long legs. "A treat."
Treats are for children, treats are for dogs, treats are for horses who are obedient and look like jewels. You stare at him, puzzled, but try not to let it show; nobles have strange hobbies sometimes: races which cost thousands of gold coins for one bet alone, hunting dangerous animals, forcing their servants into duels to pass time. This must be one of those, an entertainment beyond your comprehension.
Still, time is moving forward and the complexity of your situation is becoming more apparent with every passing second; you've never felt particularly powerful — why would you? — but now you're acutely aware of how fragile one's position is when it depends on someone else's whims.
You take the first picture.
An apple. Letter A. Then a ball — B. Cat... So that's what they look like written down.
Marquis' eyes follow your fingers as they slide across the wooden squares, you feel his gaze like a touch, even though there's a coffee table distance between you and a bit more. You quietly mouth each word and letter by habit, unaware of this little detail. His eyebrows raise, this time with a hint of amusement which you don't see, too focused on your predicament.
Dog — D.
The clock is ticking.
"Well?" Marquis asks later when shadows cross the room. The sun is gone, the fire in the fireplace burns lower but bright enough to illuminate the space. Sitting like this has given you a headache which makes thinking harder.
"I have them figured out m'lord", you say carefully.
"Tell me then."
"This is A," you slide the apple towards him across the table. It feels a little silly. "This is B."
The way you say them isn't quite accurate. It's "bee" instead of "b" and "dee" instead of "d", but he doesn't tell you that. Your voice goes quieter with each following letter, perhaps because you're nervous or maybe simply tired — who knows what time it is by now? Ah, quarter to ten. He watches you struggle with spelling and pronunciation until finally there they are. All squares from Apple to Goat, in order just like he arranged them.
"What about this one?" Nicolae points to the playing cat.
"It starts with 'K', m'lord."
You're quite sure, not that much variation is left after all, and say it with the most conviction you can muster so he would finally be satisfied and end this odd game. Your head hurts and stomach grumbles with hunger — there was no time for the lunchbreak today —both physical and mental exhaustion blur together.
Grandfather must be worried sick by now, he hates when you're late without telling anything beforehand.
Then Marquis covers his mouth, and for the first time since you entered Albastru castle, laughs.
Not chuckles. Not smiles without smiling. Laughs that his shoulders shake, that his eyes crinkle at the corners. You stare bewildered, not knowing what to do. Laugh yourself? Smile politely? Say "m'lord" again?
Marquis' laughter dies down eventually and he collects himself, straightening his waistcoat which doesn't require any adjusting in the first place, he's perfect as always.
"No, that's C."
Your cheeks flush red, how were you supposed to know? It would seem that a gentleman such as Marquis Nicolae should know better than mocking someone's lack of education, but apparently he finds it amusing. You lower your gaze and look away.
"How are you called?" he asks.
After a pause your name rolls off your tongue; small in his bedchamber, it barely leaves an echo.
"Well, I said a treat, didn't I?"
You don't want any treats, or to spend here even a minute longer; Marquis rises and walks towards his desk.
"Come here."
Reluctantly you stand up and follow him. The linens are left on the chair in a crumpled pile, they need ironing now. There's nothing to do other than obeying so you stop next to him where he opens one of the drawers. Inside you can see something wrapped in white paper with a thin ribbon bow around it. He takes the item out and pulls the ribbon off. Delicate scent fills the air, the little cakes, you know their name from the cook ─ macarons ─ bloom inside the wrapping.
Marquis Nicolae picks one up with two fingers and brings it to your lips.
The macarons smell sweet like almonds and look beautiful like roses in his greenhouse. They're not for maids, you think, no, this is...he shouldn't be doing that.
Your mouth waters anyway.
His eyes don't leave your face, "Do you want it or not?"
You do.
"Then take a bite."
The dessert melts in your mouth instantly. Its texture is soft, like petals, like everything else luxurious you've never had but imagined countless times. A little chewy, a bit crunchy, it's the most delicious thing you've tried, better than a piece of cake taken from the kitchen pantry, better than honeyed walnut bread.
"Another one?"
Marquis Nicolae feeds you two more, before you realize what exactly is happening — a bite by a small bite your dignity dissolves into his hand. You swallow the last morsel and quickly step back; you've forgotten yourself, forgot who you were and where, and now there's sweetness lingering on your tongue, while Marquise' fingertips smell faintly of apricot.
What have you done?
He looks amused again.
"Thank you, m'lord," you curtsy, then turn around to gather the discarded sheets.
"Clean the fireplace and change the linens. Then you might be free."
"Yes, m'lord."
It's a dismissal at last.
Marquis sits down and reaches for a book — he's done with you it seems — so you hurry to complete the assigned tasks. The fireplace isn't too dirty fortunately, just some ashes and coal leftovers. Next, the sheets, then the flowers.
Before you close the door and rush down the empty hall he speaks again, "If you still remember them all by tomorrow evening, you'll have another treat."
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praisethegabs · 11 months
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Re2r!Leon Kennedy x Scientist!Reader
synopsis: leon is in the process of healing, and this is something that requires patience, attention, kindness, and empathy. after everything he went through in the lab, now he is slowly adjusting to the world again, and he needs you more than never. you know he'll live with the scars for the rest of his life, but all that matters is his safety and the new memories he'll make.
warnings: small angst (bc why not?) at first, but ends with fluff. mentions of ptsd, nightmares, traumas, and a lot of care. reader is very supportive and patient with him. the parts in italic are from flashbacks.THIS CONTAINS HEAVY DESCRIPTIONS OF ABUSE! Do NOT read it if triggers you!
word count: 4845k
a/n: this is the second part for Freak, so you guys need to read it first! I wrote it at my job and I was really scared that someone would catch me. Anyways, enjoy it 🩵
TAG: @navstuffs
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"things will dissolve and be released and settled into spaces, and you will find your place in this vast and brilliant world." Seeker
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He still had nightmares.
And they keep him awake most of the night. He would wake up screaming, his body drenched in sweat, his breath labored, and his limbs trembling as if an electric current surged through his veins. Feeling scared, he seeks comfort, something small to reassure him that he isn't in the cold, white lab anymore.
Sometimes, his nightmares were so deep and dark that it was difficult to bring him back to the waking world.
But you knew since that day that he would go through with this. Although he was no longer in the lab, Leon still suffered from the aftermath of the events. He was haunted by the trauma and horrors he had experienced for many years.
The first weeks at your country house demanded a lot of energy from you. Leon was so exhausted and weak that it seemed like he wouldn't make it. You had to bathe him, change the bandages on his wounds, and essentially encourage him to eat. Eventually, he regained his body weight, and it wasn't necessary to keep the IV on him anymore. This was a significant progress.
But still, neither you nor he would talk about the lab.
It was a forbidden subject, mostly because you knew Leon had PTSD. Considering his well-being, you decided not to discuss what had happened. The stressful experiments, abuse, and everything else left him scared, traumatized, and with deep trust issues, causing him to have no trust in you whatsoever. But with patience and care, he was slowly starting to see you as his friend, not as a threat.
After two months at your country house, Leon was still recovering. Now, he was able to walk around the house without the IV pole next to him, and he didn't feel weak. You had a special diet made for him to help him regain his weight, and it was effective. Secretly, he loved your cooking, but he would never say that - at least not aloud.
Besides following a special diet, he had a rigorous workout routine. He enjoyed exercising outdoors, admiring the lush, green landscape, and basking in the warmth of the sun. After spending so many years trapped inside a padded room, he was always amazed by the beauty of nature. It didn't matter how many days he had already spent sitting in the grass, simply watching the sunset. He felt at peace.
And all of that, thanks to you.
"Please, I... I don't want it," Leon begged, his eyes tearing up as he saw you approaching with a syringe.
"Leon, I promise I won't hurt you," you sighed, as you attempted to administer the medicine. "It's just medicine."
"But it's going to hurt!" Leon shouted, backing against the wall, his body already trembling.
"I wish I could take pills, but this particular medication cannot be given in pill form, Lee," you said as you sat on his bed, attempting to convince him. "And I promise, you won't need to take the medication again. This is the last one."
Leon glanced at you, tears already streaming down his cheeks. It was extremely challenging to administer the medications he required, mainly because they all had to be injected into his body using a syringe, and, understandably, he had a strong aversion to needles.
"The last one?" He asked, searching for any sign of reassurance on your face. Noticing that, you simply nodded your head.
"Yes, the last one. After that, you will be taking pills or liquid. I didn't have time to buy any other medication," you explained to him calmly, hoping he would understand. "If you want to improve, you need to take your medication, okay?"
"But..."" His voice cracked for a moment, and then he looked down, avoiding eye contact. Tears were still falling down his face.
"I know, I know..." you gently approached him, sitting beside him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, gently embracing him. "You're doing well, do you know that? I'm proud of you."
"Am I?" He glances at you, searching once again for reassurance, to which you nod.
"So, will you be brave and let me administer the medicine?" You smiled, finally persuading him to trust you to do your job.
Leon nodded, and you helped him sit back on his bed. He extended his arm, allowing you to inject the needle into his vein. You prepared everything, gently cleaning his arm with a damp cotton pad and antiseptic solution. Right before administering the medication, you glanced at him.
"Alright, close your eyes for me," you instruct him, and he obediently complies by tightly shutting his eyes. "Good boy."
Leon smirks slightly and then groans softly as he feels the needle piercing his skin. A single tear fell from his eye when you finally administered the medication. When you finished, you covered the small bleeding wound with a cute band-aid.
"See?" It's done," you stroke his hair as a way to comfort him after he successfully tackled something that made him feel uneasy. "You did really well."
"I'm sorry," he muttered, sounding sad. Then, when his eyes met yours, he was on the verge of tears once more.
"You don't need to be sorry, sweetheart. I just want you to know that I am not mad at you for being scared, okay? You went through a lot, and now you're healing," you reassured him, gently holding his hands and intertwining them with yours.
Now that he was doing better, you were starting to worry about Umbrella finding you again. Before you left, you made the decision to find a secluded country house, far enough from the city that nobody would disturb you. It was almost like reaching another level. You took numerous safety precautions to ensure that they would not find Leon again.
You never told him about this. You didn't want him to be scared, especially now that he's finally recovering. Not only that, but you knew that someday you would have to tell him. However, this wasn't the best moment to do so. Thinking about the possibility, you had already formulated a Plan B and made all the necessary preparations to start again if needed. As long as you keep him safe, everything will be just fine.
Now, he is enjoying the peaceful life he deserves. No more tests, experiments, or abuse. Just calm and peace of mind.
"Leon!" You shouted his name from the kitchen and waved at him. "Dinner's ready!"
"Alright, I'm coming," you saw him nod his head, then redirect his attention to the sunset again. You smiled softly, knowing that he wouldn't see it.
He was a good boy, still learning about the world. He still had some submissive traits, but he was learning that he had the power to refuse and express his feelings and thoughts. Teaching Leon that he was allowed to say "no" was the next step in this journey, although you were having some trouble doing so.
"This smells good," Leon said as he walked into the house through the kitchen door. "What is it?"
"Can you guess?" You smiled at him, positioning yourself in front of the oven to block his view of what you were baking.
"It smells like... lasagna," he blushed deeply. On Fridays, you usually pamper him by giving him a break from his diet.
"Yep." "That's right," you nodded, smiling. Without hesitation, Leon set the table, preparing for dinner. "Thanks, sweetheart."
You both sat at the ornate wooden table for dinner. While you gave him a slice, you could see his eyes shining. Back at the lab, the food Leon had barely eaten smelled and tasted awful. That's why he was so skinny and weak, but now he can eat whatever he wants. Lasagna was one of his favorite dishes.
"I had a dream last night," Leon said after a moment. He glanced at you, expecting your attention.
"Really? About what?” you asked curiously, smiling at him again.
"I don't remember exactly, but... I think it was me before the lab," he said, and the last word sounded cold. "I was happy."
"Aren't you happy now?" You asked again, taking a bite of your lasagna before redirecting your gaze towards him.
His face turned pale, and he started to stutter again in response to your sudden question.
"Relax, I'm just teasing you," you laughed, trying to lighten his mood. He sighed, feeling relieved. "This is a good thing, I suppose." "You're improving, and soon you'll be able to leave if you want."
"Leave?" He raised his eyebrows, displaying visible confusion.
"Yes. You can now make your own choices, Leon. This means you can decide whether to stay or go," you smiled softly, then held his hand again.
"But... I don't want to go. I want to stay here... with you," he almost whispered the last part, but you managed to hear it nonetheless. "You're the only person I know, and the only one who cares about me. I feel safe with you, and for the first time in my entire life, I am happy."
His words were full of honesty. The way he looked at you and the sincerity behind every word he spoke. You nodded once more, then embraced him tenderly. At this point, you had nothing else to say. Instead, you felt butterflies in your stomach and a warm sensation in your chest. You wouldn't force Leon to stay with you against his own will, but now, if he wanted to do so, you wouldn't refuse.
"Are you sure about that?" You asked him after you broke the embrace, gazing into his baby blue eyes.
"Yes, I do," he nodded, whispering. He closed his eyes for a moment, gently touching his forehead to yours in a tender manner.
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You're reading a book, one of your favorites. You don't remember exactly when this started happening, but now it serves as a form of therapy for both of you. He lies between your thighs, you stroke his hair, and everything is at peace.
Leon was peacefully lying in your lap, his body comfortably nestled between your thighs, and his head resting on your stomach as you gently stroked his blonde hair. You can't tell if he's awake or asleep, but you know he's calm because of his gentle breathing. His thumb traces circles on your leg, and for a long moment, there is only the sound of rain and the warmth emanating from the fireplace.
“NO! NO, PLEASE!” Leon woke up screaming in the middle of the night. "Shit, holy shit."
"Leon, what's going on?" You opened his door to find him shirtless and gasping for breath. Sweat fell down his face, and his frightened blue eyes sought solace.
"I... I had an n-nightmare,” he said, his voice cracking and his entire body shaking with fear.
He started to cry, sobbing loudly. Leon tried to hide his face in the blankets, but you gently uncovered his face, embracing him tightly. You sighed, but you didn't say a word about it. With a gentle touch, you began to stroke his hair, softly whispering a lullaby in his ear to soothe him.
"I was there again. They were hurting me," Leon hissed, his voice still cracking with tears and sobs. "I can't sleep."
He looks at you, and seeing him in such a broken and vulnerable state makes your heart ache. He feels guilty. He thinks he's a burden, and you shouldn't waste your time with him. None of this is true, of course, and you still need to remind him of that.
“I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up," he sobs quietly, closing his eyes and examining his own hands. The intravenous line on his right hand is covered with transparent bandages, which are connected to the pole next to his side. This serves as a constant reminder of how frail his body is.
"It's okay, don't worry about it. Come here, come lie with me." You gently hold his hand, leading him to your room.
Leon nodded, and with his slow pace, he followed you while holding his IV pole for support. It has only been two weeks since you brought him to your country house, and he still struggles with nightmares. He walks very slowly, and fatigue quickly overcomes him. You open the door and walk beside him until you reach your king-size bed, seating him on the mattress and adjusting the bedside table next to his side.
"I wish I could chase away the monsters... I wish I could protect you even as you sleep, but I can't," you whispered, kneeling on the floor, still holding his hand, and witnessing the pain he is in. "But I'm here, and nothing bad will ever happen to you again."
"I'm sorry," he sobs quietly, avoiding your gaze.
"Remember what I told you? There's nothing to be sorry for," you smiled gently, pushing the blankets away so he could lay down. "This isn't your fault."
"Back at the lab, they always made me think everything was my fault. They used to say that I deserved to be punished, that I deserved to be hurt and treated like some kind of animal," Leon said vaguely, his face still down as he avoided your gaze. "You know, one of the rules was that we shouldn't talk unless spoken to, and we could only say 'yes, sir' or 'yes, ma'am'. But even when we were allowed to talk, they would beat us and say that we deserved it."
Leon never spoke about the lab, and you never insisted on discussing the subject. You knew that one day he would open up to you, but you never thought it would happen after a nightmare. So, you decided to show your support by letting him vent, holding his hand, and ensuring he knew he was safe.
"During my first month, I was beaten up almost every day, at least ten times. They would often beat me simply because I was an innocent child who would cry out for my mother and plead for help. I was naive, but after a while, I learned the hard way that I wouldn't be rescued and my parents were not coming for me," Leon says, and you can see that he's crying again. He bites his lower lip, breathes in and out, and shakes once more. "There was a doctor. He pretended to be my friend, but... he touched me. I cried. I felt dirty and scared. He was supposed to take care of me, not hurt me the way he did… he said I could trust him, but when I did, he turned into a monster. He touched me for months, and nobody took any action. One day, when he tried to touch me, I fought back. This caused me to spend a month or two inside a cold, concrete cell, but it was worth it. I never saw him again"
You were shocked by his story. His file didn't contain this information, and you began to ponder what other things they were hiding. You felt disgusted.
"After I attacked the doctor, the situation deteriorated. They locked me inside a concrete cell. It was so cramped that I had very little space to move around. To make matters worse, the cell had an open top, which meant that whenever it rained, I would get drenched and remain wet for hours until the rain finally stopped. When the rain stopped, they would enter the cell and take me out, usually beating me and locking me up again," Leon let out a loud sob and a deep hiccup. His nose and eyes were red at this point. "But I didn't care. At least, I could feel the cold rain and the warmth of the sun, and I could breathe fresh air. He never touched me again. I don't know what happened, but ever since that day, I learned the hard way that I couldn't trust anyone."
He glances at you. His baby blue eyes shone with tears and sadness, his soul shattered into a thousand pieces, desperately seeking healing. Trying to find peace.
“I know none of this is my fault, but no matter how hard I try to convince myself, when I look in the mirror, I remember what he did to me and… and…” he doesn't finish his sentence. Leon started to cry again, and you immediately leaned in and rested his head on your shoulder.
The way he cried made his body ache, and you could feel him jerking as he sobbed loudly, to the point where he shut down completely. His mind is in chaos, he is drowning in darkness, and everything is a mess. He cannot talk, and he cannot breathe. You had never seen him like that before, and it scared you.
"It's okay, everything will be alright, I promise," you whispered, gently kissing the top of his head to soothe him.
It took at least an hour for Leon to completely calm himself down. You managed to lay him on your bed, using the blanket to cover him and keep his body warm. Gently, you moved his hair away from his face and hugged him tightly. Leon was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your face. You gently traced your fingers down his back, mindful of his limits, until he fell asleep.
It was the first time he had slept the entire night.
"What are you reading?" he asks in a husky voice after a moment of silence.
"Hamlet," you replied softly, your fingers entwined in his hair as you gently stroked it.
"Can you read it for me?" he asks softly, lifting his head so he can see you with his big, puppy-like blue eyes. "I like hearing you."
As the rain tapped lightly against the windowpane, you sat comfortably on the sofa with Leon's head cradled in your lap. The room was filled with the comforting scent of old books and bathed in a soft, warm glow emitted by the lamp on the side table. You turned the pages of the weathered book, your fingers tracing the well-worn lines of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Leon's eyes were closed, his breathing steady and rhythmic, and a faint smile played on his lips as he listened to your voice. Your words flowed like a gentle stream, carrying the weight of a timeless tale. You read with a soft, melodic cadence, your voice rising and falling, like the raindrops outside the window.
"To be or not to be, that is the question," you began, your voice filled with contemplation. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them."
The rain outside seemed to synchronize with the soliloquy, its gentle patter against the glass creating a soothing backdrop for Shakespeare's words. You continued, your fingers running through Leon's hair, reciting, "To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."
Your voice wove a tapestry of emotions, your words caressing Leon's soul as the story of Hamlet unfolded. He felt so at peace, as if nothing in this world could ruin this moment. He loved the way you read to him. He loves being touched by you.
For someone who was treated like an animal for most of his life, being treated as a human being with feelings and emotions certainly caused him to break. Leon never thought he could escape his nightmare. He never imagined that his life would turn out like this. Two months ago, Leon gave up all hope he had. He made peace with himself, accepting that he would die in the lab.
But you saved him.
You saved him in every possible way. You came when everything seemed to be lost, when all he knew was darkness and pain. You were the light he needed, the touch of the sun, the warmth of an embrace, and the happiness he desperately craved. You were the missing piece he had been searching for all those years. But until this very moment, he had to walk a long road.
The moonlight bathed the countryside in an ethereal glow, and Leon had spent a week recuperating in the country house, gradually healing his body and spirit. After his first week at home, you observed him gradually regain strength, patiently anticipating the opportune moment to provide him with a symbolic liberation from his past. Finally, put an end to this chapter once and for all. On this particular night, after serving him dinner, you approached his bedside with a gentle expression, filled with kindness and determination.
"Leon, I have something for you," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. "I think it's time for us to finally leave the lab behind and move on."
Leon, still weak and pale, looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. He was beginning to trust you implicitly, but the memories of the lab still clung to him like shadows.
"What do you mean?" Leon asks, his voice still weak and husky, as if he's struggling to stay awake.
"Come with me," you smiled soothingly at him, stroking his hair.
With great care, you helped him to his feet, wrapping a warm shawl around his shoulders, while he used the pole to support his weight. You both walked slowly, your steps synchronized with his weakened state, into the embrace of the moonlit night. Leon's steps were still uncertain, and his body felt fragile after a week of rest and recovery. The path you two followed led to a field — an expanse of wildflowers in full bloom. This field was alive with the beauty of wildflowers swaying in the gentle breeze. It was a symbol of nature's resilience and the potential for fresh starts. The fragrant air surrounded both of you, providing a refreshing contrast to the sterile environment of the lab.
You led him to a makeshift altar beneath a towering oak tree, with candles flickering and dancing in the breeze. On the altar, you placed a small bundle of clothes — the very same garments he had worn as a test subject in the lab.
"Leon Scott Kennedy," you said softly, "Today marks one week since we left the lab, and it has been a week since you embarked on your new life. I want you to leave the past behind and find closure. I want you to find peace and happiness, but for that, we need to do something first. These clothes represent the darkest chapter of your life. It's time to say goodbye to them."
As you handed him the old lab coat, the attire itself served as a constant reminder of his torment. The fabric was worn and tattered, bearing the marks of his suffering. He hesitated for a moment, his fingers trembling. The memories, the pain, the suffering — all were contained in that fabric. The old uniform was worn and tattered, bearing the marks of his suffering. But now, it was time to let go. With a deep breath, he placed the clothes on the fire that you had kindled.
The flames engulfed the garments, and the flickering light cast dancing shadows on Leon's tear-streaked face. The clothes started to burn, gradually disintegrating into ashes and embers. As he watched the fire consume his past, tears started to blur his vision. As the fire engulfed them with a voracious intensity, consuming them bit by bit, you witnessed Leon's tears cascading down his face.
He cried for the pain he had endured, for the years stolen from him, and for the loss of innocence. But with each tear that fell, a weight lifted from his shoulders.
You held him close, with your arm around his shoulders, and whispered, "It's okay to cry, Leon. You're finally free."
He sank to his knees in the field filled with wildflowers, his heart burdened by the weight of his past but also uplifted by the promise of a fresh start. As the last of the lab clothes turned to ashes, Leon realized that he had emerged from the darkness. He was no longer a guinea pig, but a man, free to write the story of his own life.
He cried so much that night. He finally found peace.
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Leon stood on the porch of the charming country house, holding a cup of steaming tea. The world around him was a picturesque canvas of green hills and blooming wildflowers. Birds sang a melodious chorus, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient trees. The air was filled with a sense of peace he had never experienced before.
The next morning, you woke up and found his bed empty. This had become quite normal by now. Leon always wakes up before you and prepares breakfast. So, after getting out of bed and taking care of your morning routine, you went downstairs. The kitchen door was open, and a chilly breeze blew in. Despite the sun shining in the sky, it was still cold. You spotted him and smiled, grabbing your coffee mug.
As Leon sipped his tea, his thoughts wandered back to the years he had spent as a captive in that sterile lab. The painful experiments, the isolation, and the uncertainty, each memory weighed heavily on his soul. He had endured the unimaginable, and yet, here he was - finally free.
The contrast between his past and the serene present was staggering. He had been reduced to a mere subject of scientific curiosity, dehumanized and robbed of his dignity. But now, in the tranquil countryside, he was rediscovering the true essence of life.
He had his eyes fixed on a solitary red rose that swayed gently in the breeze. As he gazed at the rose, he couldn't help but wonder about the life he had missed during his captivity. His mind was filled with a whirlwind of questions. What had he missed while he was trapped? How has the world outside changed? What had become of his family and friends, if they still existed at all? Leon's thoughts were a labyrinth of uncertainty, a journey through the mysteries of his past.
A butterfly landed on a nearby flower, and he watched it with fascination. It was a symbol of freedom and transformation, a reminder that he too had the chance to start anew. With each passing day, he rediscovered the simple joys of life — the taste of fresh strawberries, the sound of laughter after a joke, and the sensation of grass under his fingers.
As the rose swayed in the breeze, he silently made a silent promise to himself: to cherish every moment of freedom, to embrace the beauty of the world, and to make the most of the life that had been stolen from him for far too long.
"I know you're watching me," Leon says, not turning back to face you, and taking another sip of his tea. Chamomile is his favorite.
"Penny for your thoughts?" you said, getting closer to him and standing by his side.
"I never thought I would see the world again. I kept imagining things in my mind as a way to escape that hell and forget the pain. But now that I'm here, I have a new chance, and I don't intend to waste the rest of it." Leon looks at you tenderly, his hand reaching out for yours. "I thought I was going to die in there, but you saved me. You gave me my life back, you helped me heal, and I'm here today because of you."
The smile on your lips was almost involuntary.
"I know it was hard for you, but thank you for not giving up on me," he says, his baby blue eyes locked onto yours.
"I would never give up on you, Leon," you almost whisper, your voice filled with a sudden happiness you never knew existed.
He smiled, then kissed your forehead. As the sun rose, the two of you sat side by side, observing the sky and the sunlight caress the lush field. After all this time, he allowed himself to feel again, and at first, it felt strange. It felt uncomfortable. He was scared that he would be hurt until you proved to him that you were not like the others. The way you made him feel, the way you showed him that life could be simple, and that it was okay to feel and be afraid sometimes, changed him. He was insecure, traumatized, and scared. You helped him see the other side of life. You found him when he was lost. Now, he had something to believe.
He was free, and he had you by his side. And no one would ever take his freedom away again. 
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helpfandom · 7 months
could I request prompts 1+10 for nolanverse scarecrow? You can choose wether or not you wanna do it romantic or platonic
I know that this was requested a long time ago, but I need time to cook for stories like these /hj.
Words: 1.3k
Oh, this? Don't worry, the blood isn't mine."
"Well, there's no point for me to keep up the act anymore is there?"
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Continuing your route to Arkham for your daily visit to the hospital, you ignore the violence on the streets, keeping your mind focused on your priority. You were visiting Arkham again for your friend, seeing as they had asked you to visit. You actually liked visiting those with genuine medical conditions rather than those like Victor Zsaz who have none, but use it as a way to escape jail.
Using your visitors pass to easily get into the part of the asylum you actually wanted to visit, you pause in the hallway when you see Crane, as he is usually no where to be found during visiting hours. He pauses as well, when you look up, his face had changed from a smile to a neutral expression.
"Hello, Dr. Crane, you're not hiding like you typically are." He chuckles, not a long chuckle though, simply a few sounds. "No, I'm not, I was visiting a patient." "Well, that's rare." He softly shakes his head, "Rare for you, but I actually do my job unlike a few others."
A slight, polite, chuckle from you, and the eerie silence settles. You look awkwardly at him before giving up mentally and giving a slight wave. "Well, bye." You continue walking off, and when you glimpse behind him, you see a burlap mask in his hand.
You whip your head around again, and focus on getting to the room, deciding to talk about it later to someone who wouldn't spill about it to Crane.
Upon reaching the room, you put the visitor pass up to the lock on the door and open it, there was no window in the door, seeing as they had clawed at the glass and almost broke it, so you had to open the door to see inside.
But inside was your friend strapped to a chair with duct tape taped over their head, the only thing open being the nose hole, with little screams being let out by them.
You gasp, and then turn around, forgetting the door and rush over to where you had seen Crane. You run down the hallway, hand hitting the wall to guide you as you turn and use the force to push you to where Crane was.
"Dr. Crane! Dr!" He turns around at the sound of you calling his name, and his title, with a concerned look on his face. "Yes, what's the matter?" He raises an eyebrow at you running at him, after all, you rarely ever talk to him, but you seem in distress and call on him first?
He grabs your shoulders, and steadies you before you slam into the wall. "What seems to be the matter?" You gasp a little bit, and start talking a bit faster than normal. "My friend is tied down to a chair and has duct tape all over, I think someone hurt them!"
His face turns to a surprise expression and he starts walking briskly to where that room is, having grabbed your arm to steady you and bring you.
You both arrive at the room with the door still open, so he rushes inside while you stand outside, frozen at the sight of your friend like this. Crane begins undoing the duct tape and bindings, and the rush out, attacking what they see.
They hit you, screaming and crying their eyes out while pummeling their fists into your torso, attempting to claw at you. "STOP! IT'S EVERYWHERE! HELP!" They scream, attracting the security guards. The security guards run over and grab them off of you, but it's almost too late, you've sustained substantial injuries.
They take them away to a different room, and Crane walks over to you with a dazed look on his face. "Are you alright dear?" He crouches down and looks at you, inspecting what may or may not be wrong. He grabs the back of your head gently, lifting it while you get reoriented. "I think I'll take you to the infirmary."
He stands up, bending over to help you up, and as you stand, puts his hand on your back to stabilize you. "Don't worry, the infirmary has plenty of stuff, this sort of thing happens all the time. We'll get some ice for your head and go from there, okay?" "SCARECROW!" The screams from your friend echo in the hallways, but they get silenced as they get put into a differing cell, a padded one.
A few tears slip out of your eyes, even though it doesn't make sense to be crying, but their screams invoke a primal sense of pain, of fear. That, mixed with the pain of fingers attacking, attempting to fight in desperation, biting like a rabid dog in a corner, lead to a few tears.
You two walk in silence, or rather, silence between you two. The facility is all aflutter with sounds, after all a regular who visited often was attacked, and attacked by a passive person, someone who was nearing being able to leave.
The walk is long, but he hands you a handkerchief he had in his pocket, and holds you steady as you walk. Slowly, you near the infirmary. As you enter, you notice it's primarily empty, the only other people there being a guard who was sleeping, and the nurse on call.
"Oh, honey, what happened?" She asks, cupping your face and inspecting your eyes. She lets go of your face and walks over to the fridge with ice and medications that need to be frozen, grabbing a bag with ice and handing it to you. "Dr. Crane, d-do you know what happened?" She stutters when she sees it's Crane specifically who brought you here.
He gestures in the direction of you, watching as you sit down on a cot. "Are they okay?" The nurse sighs, "I don't know, I have to check for concussions and the like, do you know what happened?" He nods. "I'll write a report, focus on them for now, and then I'll tell you what happened."
He walks off, leaving you in the room with the snoring security guard, who she then wakes up and he walks off, before walking over and asking questions. "Do you have any cuts? Any bruises, or spots that particularly hurt?" You groan, and whisper no to the questions, just the shock and hitting your head being the issues. "M'kay, honey, I'm going to have you rest here a little bit and then after a while you can tell me more about your head, that sound good?"
You nod, making your brain feel funky and sloshy, and lay down on the cot. "S-sorry ma'am." "No need to apologize honey, it wasn't your fault was it?" "N-no. You're right, I guess." You fight the urge to go onto your phone, instead thinking what happened through.
After a few minutes, the intercom sparks on, calling for her. "Nurse Cherry, we need you at room 23. Nurse Cherry, room 23." She rushes out, apparently that was a room of great importance, seeing the way she ran, and you close your eyes slightly.
Footsteps echo down the hallway as it spurs you to sit up to see who's coming. It wasn't the Nurse's flats, but rather Crane's shoes clacking against the linoleum.
He leans against the door frame, a bit of blood splattered upon his shirt and lab coat. The blood startles you, so you jolt. "C-Crane?! Are you okay?" You rush over to him and drop the ice, checking if he's okay. "Oh, this? Don't worry, the blood isn't mine." He responds, a slight smile upon his face.
"W-what?" He begins moving closer to you. "Well, there's no point for me to keep up the act anymore is there? After all, they weren't supposed to hurt you, so I had to gas them more. I found out the amount of fear gas someone can take before their mind dissolves."
You back away, but he reaches out and grabs your shoulder as he had done when he helped you up. "C-Crane?" He chuckles, "Oh no dear, Crane checked out, Scarecrow's in town."
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Hello Elysian, I hope you are doing well. What are your thoughts/how do you understand Moon in the 2h? Calling them "materialistic" or "money hungry" is getting really annoying lol :/
Hello love, I'm doing okay, I hope you too. I understand what you mean with that, I will gladly give you my point of view.
Moon in the 2nd house
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Those with Moon in the 2nd house have an enormous desire for security, as you say, it is not only material, but also emotional. They may have felt that at some point in their lives they had no one to lean on, they may have felt in danger or insecure in some way, since the 2nd house speaks of security and the Moon is not a very stable luminary. This person may feel that they have to do something or have things to feel that they are valuable, when in fact they are already valuable by simply existing. As time builds their self-esteem, little by little they walk a path of self-acceptance and high esteem for themselves. This house also tells us about self-esteem, so it can be somewhat unstable throughout its youth. Contrary to what is believed, these people value emotional details more, and they are the kind of natives who keep things that they consider to have emotional value for a long time. At the same time, they usually take the time to choose good and meaningful gifts or details for the ones they love. In your childhood you used to eat a certain dish? They will cook it for you. Are your favorite flowers sunflowers? Next time they will bring you a beautiful bouquet with the most beautiful sunflowers. 
They are human treasures, in their relationships of any kind they are constant and loving, as well as warm and affective. They make others feel comfortable and safe no matter how long they have known each other. They value time very much, so one of their ways of showing affection is to look for activities to do with the ones they love, they will love to create an environment in which they and their special one feel like in heaven. They will cause a sensation of warmth in your chest and their smile will make you feel at peace and convinced that there is no better place in the world than the one in which they are. What do they ask for? Loyalty and constancy. Exclusivity too, that you know that their heart is yours, and yours is theirs. They are generous people who like to share everything with those they love, some can be somewhat jealous with those they love. They take the time to really get to know people and will kindly guard the trust their person places in them.
Despite everything explained in the paragraph above, they do not open up to just anyone, and in fact they may take time to do so, because they take great care of their hearts so as not to get hurt. They really appreciate that someone shows real interest in them, in really knowing who they are and what their internal world is like, they don't like to relate superficially, on the contrary, they seek as much closeness as possible. With this placement, these people can be physically very attractive [especially if the Moon it's on Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Pisces or aspecting Venus]. These people may have an eye for detail and feel very comfortable in clean, smelling, and well-decorated environments. As for your family, it is likely that one of these scenarios is possible: either your family did not have financial stability, or you had a materialistic family that sought to replace presence and warmth with some money and gifts.
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