#if the crash kills him it's whatever. he has nothing to lose
ruvviks · 4 months
thinking about nathan going insane going INSAAANEEE
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multi-fandom-imagine · 2 months
ꭱꭺꮪꮲᏼꭼꭱꭱꭹ ꮮꮖꮲ ꮐꮮꮻꮪꮪ 【 𝙻𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝖧𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍 】
A/n: more Logan content 🙂‍↔️, was thinking about writing a part 2 with a more happy ending 🤭
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You and that damn raspberry lip gloss.
When you first joined the team Logan swore he hated it, hated you for applying that shit constantly to your lips. What was so damn special about it anyway?
It became a daily routine back at the mansion, he'd smell it first. The strong scent of raspberries followed by whatever chosen scent you picked as your perfume but it was your smile that pissed him off the most.
Because you were always smiling, you were always smiling at him and he hated it because deep down he knew he didn't deserve it.
Logan didn't deserve your smile, your kindness, your laughter, your love and he defiantly didn't deserve to taste that damn raspberry berry lip gloss.
He realized his love for you far too late, he knows that now but it did not mean it still didn't hurt.
It was supposed to be a routine mission, something simple but then again nothing is ever simple with him. Mind controlled, he could not believe he let that happen.
But it did and because of that you were killed, it happened too quick for anyone to even react. His claws buried deep in your belly. The spell broke the moment it happened, his mind clear of the fog as it dawned on him what he has done.
You were struggling to breathe, blood pouring from your wounds as he pressed his hand down hard hoping to stop the blood but you were smiling at him through bloody lips.
You were fucking smiling at him as if his whole world hadn't just come crashing down on him. He could feel you place your hand against his cheek as he prayed, begged for you to live. He couldn't lose you, not now. Not when he finally had a glimpse of happiness in his life.
But it didn't happen, your wound didn't close, you didn't spring to your feet claiming you were fine. No, instead he could see the light fading from your eyes, the warmth leaving your body.
"Kiss me...please Logan."
He obliges of course, he could never deny a request, never from you any way.
He tasted the blood, that metallic taste and of course that damn raspberry lip gloss.
Logan left the team after your death, after he killed you. The team didn't blame him of course, it wasn't your fault they said.
But it was, they just didn't understand. Now sitting in some bar in a town he couldn't care to remember Logan let his thumb slide over the tube of your lip gloss. He knew it was wrong but he didn't care it was the one thing he had left, the one thing that reminded him of what he could of had.
He didn't even noticed the murmurs of people until whoever it was opened his mouth.
"I think this may be the one."
Gripping the gloss in his hand he finally turned his body to spot a man in a red jumpsuit.
"Who the fuck are you."
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errorwarblesrr · 1 year
Man, I really love the Wind Waker Ganondorf fight. It feels different from other fights in the series in the sense that you aren't fighting to save a kingdom or the princess. Sure, Link went in that tower to get Tetra back and stop Ganondorf, but when the fight happens, that isn't why they are fighting anymore.
Tetra is already there with Link, and Ganondorf had already lost; Daphnes stole his wish. Ganondorf has lost everything, and now the only thing he desires is to take Link and Tetra down with him as the hope for the future he wanted was given to them.
A fight you go into expecting to be one to save a friend and stop the villain became nothing more than a battle of survival. The waters of the great sea are crashing down as it is to kill or be killed.
Throughout the whole journey, Link and Tetra both struggled against Ganondorf. The first visit to the forsaken fortress he throws Link into the sea to drown. The second time, he knocks Link down and is about to strike him down with his blade, Tetra just barely coming in to save Link on time, and even then, they're both not strong enough. Finally, in Ganon's tower, after going through Ganondorf's trials without even getting a chance to fight him, this man straight up beats this small child and steals his triforce. Every confrontation with this man has gone wrong, and yet it's now or ever because if they lose, they will die, and no one is there to save them this time.
The battle theme is intense. It really is two very small children fighting this huge man, but just as they're the hope of the future every once in a while, the great seas theme will play as if there is a gleam of hope. That they can make it out alive.
However, even then when they do win, it isn't a triumphant one. Anytime Link has beaten a boss in the game, he is overjoyed and ecstatic. He is jumping up and down as he slayed the monster. He won.
Yet for Ganondorf, this is his reaction for killing a man.
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He looks to be in disbelief, frightened even. Whatever he is feeling, it sure isn't a good one. How could he feel good about this? One thing is for sure is that he is exhausted, and he almost passes out then and there, with Tetra needing to catch him.
I just love everything about this fight. From the music and setting to the aftermath and why you're fighting him. You're not fighting to win or save the day. You're simply fighting to live.
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farfromstrange · 11 months
Is It Over Now? | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader ; (hinted) Frank Castle x Reader ; Elektra Natchios x Matt Murdock
Summary: Matt cheated on you, and you are trying to navigate through it.
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending, break-up, mention of cheating, song references (Taylor Swift), inspired by 'Is It Over Now?', (some) Matt "slander", (somewhat) suicidal thoughts, alcohol consumptions, hint at smut
Word Count: 1.7k
A/n: 1989 TV came out and I am losing my shit. Is It Over Now? Is my new favorite song and I just had a brain fart that made this. You can read this if you're a Swiftie and catch the references or just read it without listening to the song. It works either way.
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It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
To be fair, there was a time when you thought it would never end. The thought of ever having a last kiss with him would have killed you back then. 
He told you that you were the love of his life. You believed him. He was yours, certainly. You can’t deny that.
You were happy, you laughed and cried together, and part of you figured that if you ever broke up, you would find a way to work through it somehow. 
Maybe in another universe, you are still together. Maybe in another universe, you two are still friends. Maybe in another universe, you never had to lose each other.
In this reality though—in this brutal, unforgivable reality—everything changed in a matter of a day. And there is nothing you can do about it now.
Your flower was withering in secret, and you didn’t realize what it was doing to you. Every time you woke up alone, every canceled date, every time he called you and told you he wouldn’t make it home tonight, it was sure to build up to this. 
But this, whatever the hell this is, it hurts beyond compare. 
He said you were a rose, but now that you look in the mirror, you only see a rotten mess.
The past few months have done this to you. He has done this to you. The paper airplanes crashed and burned. There is nothing left but pure bitterness and this hatred you have toward yourself and him; you just want to land your fist in his face, and then maybe your own because how could he hurt you like that after making you love him so very much? 
You loved him so much, but now you doubt he ever loved you back. 
Date after date, coffee after coffee, nights spent together on his couch and in his bed, sharing laughter, sharing tears, it all feels like a hoax now. 
You held him when he was unconscious, stitched him up and told him he was going to be okay. Where was he when you were bleeding out from your own battles? You wonder.
His smile used to be your safe haven, the epitome of innocence and strength, but now it only makes you angry. It makes you resent him. You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t, but you still do.
So much has changed, and all it took was one day. 
One day. 
Three hundred days, all wasted in one. 
If you think about it, you spent almost an entire year attached to each other’s side. You moved in together. You kissed, you had sex, you shared secrets you wouldn’t have told anyone else. You helped him hide away from the world, from his enemies, made the world go quiet, and comforted him while he cried. You waited up, you worried, and you almost lost him more times than you can count, and you still stayed.
When no one else would take a chance on him, when he felt everyone was against him and going to leave him, you acted as his rock. You stayed.
You thought he was the one. 
And then it just… ended. 
You gave him the benefit of the doubt when you found her in his dress shirt on his leather couch. The very same couch you two often shared passionate nights on, but at the same time it used to be a symbol of so much more than that.
You let him explain. He explained that she got seriously hurt after showing up out of nowhere, and he just wanted to help without putting you at risk. You believed him because that is the kind of man he was in your head. He was going through some things, things you couldn’t possibly understand, and she was the connection. You tried to understand. In the process of understanding him though, you lost yourself. 
That is something you will never forgive him for. Making you care, making you love him, and unintentionally making you give up on yourself while he continued to break your heart.
You never wanted this to end, never wanted him to go, but in the end, it was the only way. Sticking around wasn’t an option anymore, you have to remind yourself.
He did the one thing he promised he would never do. He broke your heart and your trust into a million pieces that you are now left to pick up on your own. 
You didn’t want to see it before. You were too in love to open your eyes.
He wouldn’t do such a thing, right? You remember repeating that to yourself, to your friends, to Foggy and Karen, but Karen saw him with her, too, and she gave you little hope.
Still, you believed in him. You believed in his morale and his faith. You had faith in him, not even in God but in him and the man he pretended to be—and somehow, he still picked up the knife when you weren’t looking and buried it in your back. 
There were so many signs, but you were blind. So many flashing lights. Red flags. Screaming voices in the back of your head begging you to think. You were in a forest full of trees, yet you saw nothing.
When you came home to find his lips on hers, that’s when you knew. Too little, too late.
He called your name. He told you, “This isn’t what it looks like!” But you lost count of the times he used the same line in relation to her.
To anything, really. He always knew how to talk his way out of something when you were together, although back then, it was mostly harmless.
“I trusted you,” you remember saying. You couldn’t even cry. “And you turned right back around and fucked her!”
“It was just a kiss,” he argued. 
“Are you sure about that? ‘Cause if I ask Elektra, I’m sure she will tell me the truth.”
“No,” Matt was adamant because he could hear your heart breaking.
The way you spoke to him was so eerily quiet. That was how he knew he lost you, and he tried to fix it with nothing but his hands. 
But that is not how you fix a broken vase. That’s how you make it worse and hurt yourself in the process.
You remember him opening his mouth, having the audacity to apologize. “I’m sorry,” he said. 
“No. Fuck you, Matt!”
You tore the necklace with his initial off your neck and tossed it at his feet. You couldn’t even look at it. You wonder what happened to it after he picked it up. 
“I trusted you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was there when no one else was, and this is how you repay me?” you said.
You should have never let him fool you.
At least you had the decency to keep your lonely nights to yourself.
“Sweetheart, please,” Matt tried to beg again. 
You wouldn’t let him. Thank God you were strong enough to withstand the tears in his eyes. 
“You’re a fucking traitor, Matthew Murdock,” was one of the last things you said to him. “I wish we’d never met.”
Three hundred days. You fell in love. You finally knew what love felt like, and then…then he turned around and fucked it all up. 
“We’re done.”
Some days, you still regret it, but if it was so easy for him to toss all this time together down the drain, he probably wasn’t worth it. 
But God, you were so in love. 
Sweet nothings whispered in your ear are gone now. You’re all alone in your bed. No one to cuddle, no one to touch. It has been a while since you heard someone say, “I love you,” and mean it. You felt loved until you didn’t. Until the life he led ate him up. 
Instead of talking, instead of fighting with you, he drove you into a tree. A car that didn’t need sight, and still he crashed. It was winter then, the snow painted red by the blood of your broken heart. Your favorite dress torn up as you tried to escape. He reached for you the same way you reached for him, but you weren’t there. And he wasn’t there when you needed him most.
Part of you feels bad. You could have worked through this if he hadn’t kissed her. Or maybe you wouldn’t have. In the end, it killed you. It killed him. 
You killed each other. 
Though there are still days when you think about jumping off of very high somethings just to get his attention. Just for him to see you. To come to rescue you. It is a hurtful and selfish thought. Yet, you can’t help it. 
He was your first true love. 
Your mind keeps repeating the same sentence: It wasn’t supposed to end like this. 
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he told you once. 
He searched for something greater in the bed of someone he loved before. You weren’t his first love. You should have known he would say that and not mean it.
But when exactly did you go wrong?
Was it over when he stopped coming home at night? Was it over when he forgot your anniversary? Was it over when he canceled your birthday dinner? Or was it over when he shoved his throat down his ex-girlfriend’s throat in front of you and acted as if it didn’t matter? Was it over then?
“Another one for the lady,” a voice pipes up beside you. 
Your empty glass of tequila disappears, now replaced by a full one. In your drunken haze, you see a head of brown hair, and his smirk makes you wonder if there’s more to him than he lets on. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, tipping your glass to the stranger. 
“Nah, don’t thank me.” He sits down next to you. “You look miserable.”
“What if I am?”
“I’d tell you I know the feeling.”
You huff but offer the stranger your hand with a mention of your name.
He smiles. Your name rolls off his tongue effortlessly. “Frank,” he introduces himself in return. “Castle.”
“Nice to meet you,” you say. 
Broken people make bad decisions, but whether it was over when he took her right there on his couch, or it was over when you told him it was doesn’t matter. 
It is over now, and all you want to do is forget. 
You need to forget Matt Murdock. 
And if this stranger called Frank needs to unbutton your blouse to help you do so, you will gladly follow him home. 
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Matt Murdock Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @thychuvaluswife @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @ravenclaw617
(also, I keep tagging you in stuff, but I also think you might like this @blackshadowswriter)
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mintaikk · 2 months
Shadowpeach Things I think about A Lot
Note: My knowledge of season 5 is very limited (only seen first 2 eps, and some spoilers). Do not say any spoilers in comments or reblogs. If you want to avoid spoilers completely, I suggest you don't read this
-Peng said it themselves. "Could Wukong do anything that could break his hold over you?" or something like that. But Macaque's entire world was Wukong
-Macaque's dream was spending a peaceful forever with Wukong
-"You were a villain like 5 minutes ago!" Nothing there, but this was when they were having that screaming match and I burst out laughing when I realized that's what Wukong said. He was tho. From s4 to s5, bro went from trying to kill him to living on his mountain again
-Oh, that. "This room(?) has been my home just as long as yours." That's true, but my guy, don't you have like a dojo or smthn? Can't you just live there? Or do you just secretly miss Wukong and want to live on FFM to be closer with him?
-OH YEAH THAT. Macaque sleeps on the same GOD DAMN tree that he and Wukong used to sit at. There are so, so, so many trees on FFM, yet he chose that specific one
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-Wukong wanted to spend the remainder of his life holding hands with Macaque
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but in old China, a man giving another man a peach was a sign that they felt romantic love for them. Wukong and Macaque's hole thing is peaches
-"Yeah, because you always eush to my rescue." Wukong believed that Macaque never saved him, but from what we seen in s5, he does. Maybe he always has and Wukong's just never noticed, or maybe Macaque took that to heart and is trying to make up for it
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-Macaque calling Wukong "cute" in the s4 special
-When we first see the ink demons of Wukong's past, one of them was Macaque chained up while struggling and crying. Whatever happened there, it still haunts Wukong
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-"I don't trust anyone that isn't standing here right now." WUKONG STILL TRUSTS MACAQUE AFTER EVERYTHING, MACAQUE EVEN PERKS UP AT THAT. And right after this scene, Macaque sacrifices himself to save Wukong. I think Wukong saying that really stuck with him. Maybe that's why he was a lot more helpful this season; Wukong still trusted him, and he didn't want to lose that
-When Wukong was getting the circlet put on him for a second time, Macaque didn't even hesitate when he saw that Wukong was in pain and immediately sprung to help
-Ik it's been talked about before, but the fact that Macaque thinks Wukong killed (and that he was about to again in season 3 when he was literally choking him) him but he still helps him when he can and smiles softly at him and goes out of his way to see him and stares in awe when he sees him coming to help MK and still accepts his peach offer (symbolism for rekindling friendship) and smiles when Wukong says "we" instead of "I" and gets sad when he sees the memory and realizes he wants to rekindle their relationship and crashes a beach party just so he could be with him (Copy and pasted from old post
-This specific art piece that Alejandro Saab commissioned and used for autograph signings
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-Macaque literally looking away and smiling in this shot bro looks like a schoolgirl with a crush 💀
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-Wukong was shown to help Macaque tie his scarf when they were still friends and in the shots of their past, Macaque's scarf is always tied. But now that they're not friends, his scarf is never tied. I just find this detail neat
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-As much as Macaque tried to kill Wukong between s1 and s3, the moment Wukong was genuinely mad at him, Macaque's first instinct was to run. Even when Wukong was holding him, he was still shaking Yes, he probably couldn't breathe bcuz choking, but these guys are immortal and with the whole thing underwater, I don't think they actually need to breathe. So this means that he was probably terrified the entire time, and thinking that Wukong would kill him again (I fucking hate doomed yaoi)
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-Now that I think about it, the only time we see Macaque scared was with LBD, Sun Wukong attacking him, Sun Wukong getting attacked or being endanger, MK being endangered, Bai He being endangered, or actually having to deal with the idea of staying with Wukong to help him (s4, MK going on that whole "I gotta help my friends" speech while Mei is being consumed by the Samahdi fire). Most of those things are Wukong and Monkey fam related
-Alejandro Saab doing a cover of peaches. Istg, he KNEW what he was doing when he pulled that one
-Correct me if I'm wrong again, but apparently, some gay men in ancient China would become sworn brothers so they could be together legally. Other than Shadowpeach, I was never much a brotherhood shipper, but do what you will with this info
-"Forever is a long time, bud." "Me and you just living here get on fat on fruit forever!" Bro was definetly thinking of Macaque
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alltheirdamn · 5 months
Killing Me Softly | (Joel x teacher!f!reader)
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Chap. 7 The Past
Summary: Memories of the past suspended in time. Rating: 18+ Word Count: 6k Warnings: *THIS CONTAINS SERIES SPOILERS* Pre-Outbreak AU, mentions of past trauma, mentions of loss and grief, mild violence, language, mentions of alcohol, yearning, angst A/N: Dare I say, this is my favorite chapter yet. If you haven't connected the pieces by now, then this will answer every question you've had. There were so many signs along the way, and I encourage you to go back and find each and every one. I know this doesn't soothe the heartbreak of the cliffhanger but please know this chapter is IMPORTANT. And we can all agree that Joel is the STANDARD. * I want to thank @loonmartell for helping me navigate this idea and creating a beautiful story that is slowly coming to fruition. You are truly a mastermind, and I give you all my thanks and love*
Masterlist | Ko-fi
~Three and a half years ago~
Joel paced the waiting room, consumed with guilt and anger. He shouldn’t have let you leave that night. Bennett had called you asking to meet for dinner under the guise of wanting to give back the things he still had been holding onto. Joel should have gone with you, should have told you to stay, should have broken Bennett’s jaw. Joel couldn’t have forced you to stay; he knew you needed closure. After the downfall of your relationship with Bennett, you deserved answers.
Whatever happened between leaving his house and the accident would remain a mystery, and Joel was ready to track Bennett down to find out the truth, but right now, all that mattered was you. 
Your mom rounded the corner, followed by the doctor, both of their faces grim. Joel’s knees threatened to buckle under him, the worst possible scenarios running through his head. 
“How is she? Is she alright?” He asked, the words jumbled together and confused.
The doctor raised a hand to slow Joel’s frenzy, and your mom’s eyes stared at the floor.
“She’s awake,” the doctor started. “But there were some… complications. We just finished taking her for some tests, and we’ve determined she’s sustained a form of retrograde amnesia.”
“She can’t remember the crash?” Joel questioned. He swiped his sweaty palms over the denim of his jeans, anxiety bubbling in his chest.
“After analyzing her CT scans and running some cognitive tests, it looks like she’s lost a large chunk of her memory,” the doctor explained.
“How large are we talkin’, doc? A few months?”
Your mom stepped forward, placing a hand on Joel’s shoulder. 
“She asked for Bennett when she woke up,” she whispered. 
“What the hell does that mean?” Joel snapped. 
“She has no recollection of the last two years,” the doctor said.
Joel staggered back, dragging a hand down his face. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t fucking happening.
“You’re tellin’ me she has no memory of me?” Joel shouted. 
“Joel, calm down,” your mom hushed, her eyes darting around the crowded waiting room. 
“Calm down?” He echoed. “Jesus, she doesn’t fuckin’ remember me! I need to see her. I need to—I need to tell her.”
The doctor stepped forward, a frown creasing his face.
“It’s imperative that we don’t disrupt her current condition. Any interference with her memory may cause more complications with the amnesia. If we force these forgotten memories on her, it’ll cause too much stress on her brain and ultimately lead to permanent damage. If we want her to regain her memory, we need to wait.”
“How long?” Joel pleaded. “How long do I need to wait?”
“We don’t know,” the doctor sighed. “With amnesia this serious, it could take weeks or even years. There’s no way to determine the timeline right now.”
Joel’s anger flared up, and he slammed his fist into the wall beside him. The pain radiating up his knuckles and hand was nothing in comparison to the pain splintering inside his chest. He was losing you, and you didn’t even realize it.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Miller,” the doctor said. “I know this isn’t easy, but it’s what’s best for her and her recovery right now.”
“But she doesn’t—.” Joel couldn’t get the words out. 
He crumpled to the ground with his head in his hands—two years' worth of memories together gone in a matter of seconds. You didn’t remember him. You didn’t know Joel loved you; you didn’t remember that you loved him. 
“Joel, sweetie,” your mom cautioned, crouching beside Joel. “You said she was with Bennett before the crash, right?”
Joel lifted his head and glared at your mom through teary eyes. He didn’t want to be reminded that Bennett had returned; he didn’t want to fathom the idea of him being in your life again.
“Don’t tell me you’re seriously thinkin’ about tellin’ him all this,” Joel said. “Y’know what he’s like with her. I can’t let her go and watch her be with him.”
“We need to contact him at least and tell him. If she thinks they’re still together…we must maintain that memory. We have to try. If it’s something Bennett wants and is willing to do, then we have to. I know you want to tell her everything, but her brain is so fragile right now. It’ll scare her, and I can’t risk losing my daughter entirely. Joel, I need you to understand what's best for her.”
“And y’all seriously think Bennett is what’s best for her?” Joel laughed bitterly.
“Of course we don’t, honey. The thought of Bennett comin’ back around kills me, but what if there’s a chance her memory will return sooner than we think? She won’t have to keep him in her life forever, but only until everything comes back to her.”
“And what if it doesn’t? Y’expect me to watch the woman of my dreams love another man? What if one day they get married? Or have kids? I’m supposed to pretend like none of this ever happened?” 
Christ, the thought of that made Joel sick. He didn’t want to see you continue the rest of your life with a man who didn’t treat you right. He couldn’t do this… He couldn’t stomach this plan. 
“Joel, listen to me,” your mom hissed, grabbing him by the collar. “We need to play the long game, okay? I’m not giving up hope on my daughter, and I know you won’t either. You love her, don’t you?”
Joel nodded helplessly, mouthing the word ‘yes.’
“Then wait for her. It won’t be easy for any of us, but we all need to want this. I’ll talk to my husband and the girls about this, and we’ll work through all the details. Lying isn’t easy, but it might be what ends up saving her memory.”
That night, Bennett showed up at the hospital. 
Joel wasn’t in his right mind when Bennett walked into the waiting room. The moment he saw his smug grin and floppy blonde hair, Joel lost it. 
“Motherfucker!” Joel yelled, sending his fist straight into Bennett’s jaw. 
Bennett reeled over, staggering back into a waiting room chair, while your dad pulled Joel away. A murmur of voices among the other bystanders dragged Joel from his vengeful haze, and he stared at Bennett unamused. He wanted to see him suffer the way he had been suffering. 
Bennett worked his jaw back and forth, glaring at Joel as he sat beside your mom. 
“This is the thanks I get for agreeing to meet with you guys?” Bennett huffed. 
“It’s your fault she’s in that fuckin’ bed,” Joel snapped. 
His body still thrummed with unbridled rage, his hands shaking at his sides. Stella, Beth, and your parents were all gathered around the waiting room, taking their respective spots in one of the chairs. Joel couldn’t sit. He didn’t want to be any part of this. 
“Joel,” your dad snapped. “Cool it.”
Joel folded his arms over his chest, staring daggers at Bennett as he made himself comfortable in his chair. Your mom leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees. 
“Bennett, we need to know what happened before the accident,” she pleaded. “Joel said she was with you, so what happened?”
Bennett shrugged, stretching his legs out and crossing his arms. 
“I asked her to come back,” he said plainly, as if it were that simple. Joel seethed, his body twitching as he tried not to hit Bennett again. 
“Why?” Beth interjected. “You don’t even fucking like my sister. Why would you do that?”
“I do like your sister,” Bennett argued. “I told her I had made a mistake and that I wanted to try to make things work.”
Beth rolled her eyes, a scowl forming on her face. 
“You waited almost two years to make that discovery?” She cackled. “What actually happened?”
Bennett lifted a hand to his jaw, massaging the reddening skin as he quirked a brow at Joel. He was playing with fire; Joel just needed one more reason, and he’d kill Bennett on the spot.
“I told her to meet me for dinner to talk,” Bennett explained. “I still had a few of her stupid books she left behind, so I figured it was a good opportunity to meet with her. I tried to explain my side of things and why I wanted to give us another shot. She just laughed at me. She took her little books and left the restaurant without hearing any more of what I had to say.”
Joel felt a strange sense of pride knowing you had laughed in Bennett’s face, but given the circumstances, it quickly faded. A bitterness flooded his tongue at the thought of you returning to the life you had with Bennett, especially when he spoke of you with such disdain. 
“Why does any of that even matter?” Bennett questioned, looking between your parents.
Your mom cleared her throat and spoke up.
“The accident she was in caused some damage to her brain,” she began. “The doctors determined she has a form of amnesia. She doesn’t remember anything from the last two years.”
Bennett’s eyes grew wide, and he slid Joel a knowing look. 
“She thinks she’s still with me,” Bennett concluded. 
Your mom gave a solemn nod, running a hand through her hair. Joel could see the stress written all over her face, and he could see the pain in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen. 
“The doctors think it’s best not to overwhelm her with the memories she’s lost. We don’t want to do this, but it may be best if she resumes the life she thinks is still intact, which means introducing you back into her life. Is that something you’re open to, Bennett?”
Bennett didn’t say a word for several minutes. All he did was stare at his hands in silent contemplation. Beth and Stella sat unmoving, and Joel caught Stella sneaking glances ever so often. Finally, Bennett turned to Joel and studied him before speaking.
“And you’re in agreement with this?” He asked.
Joel gave a single nod, though he was reluctant to do so.
“I’m willin’ to wait for her. She needs time to regain those memories, and I don’t wanna cause any stress on her if she thinks she’s still with you. Trust me, I ain’t happy ‘bout it, but I love her.”
“And if she doesn’t get those memories back?” Bennett pressed.
“Then you better make her the happiest girl in the world and never fuck things up again,” Joel frowned. “I swear I’ll hunt you down if y’ever hurt her. I love her with my whole fuckin’ heart, and I’d do anythin’ to make sure she’s happy.”
“I love her, too, you know.”
Joel had a hard time believing Bennett, but there was a seriousness in Bennett’s eyes that made Joel’s heart ache. He was giving up the one good thing in his life to someone who didn’t deserve your love. Joel was a patient man, but that didn’t stop his heart from breaking. Who knew if you’d ever remember him again? He would have to live his life knowing you may never come back and that he’d have to carry that pain with him every single day. Hope was a fickle thing, one he would rather forego if he could just tell you the truth, but this was his only option. Joel would have to give you up. And he would do it because he loved you beyond all measure. 
Your parents took Bennett to meet with the doctors to discuss your current condition and the future it would entail. Joel stayed behind with Beth and Stella, the three of them blanketed by an insurmountable pain that couldn’t be healed. 
“What if we never see you again?” Stella asked, her eyes full of tears. 
Joel sat beside her, pulling her into his arms and letting her head rest on his shoulder. She was only fifteen, but Joel knew she was aware of the gravity of the situation. Even though she was older than Sarah, he always viewed Stella like another daughter; he had watched her grow up the last two years, and Joel adored her just as much as he did for his daughter. 
“Y’gotta stay strong for me, Stell,” Joel sighed, squeezing her shoulder. “She's gonna get those memories back one day, and I’ll be right there when she does. None of y’all will ever lose me. I swear that to you.”
Stella sniffled back tears, curling into Joel’s embrace. He glanced at Beth beside him, giving her a sad smile.
“I’m trustin’ you to look out for her, okay?” He said. “She needs you more than anyone. I know you ain’t happy ‘bout all of this, and I sure as hell ain’t either, but it’s gonna be okay.”
“I don’t agree with any of this,” she grumbled. “I hate him, Joel. I hate all of this.”
“I hate it, too, Beth,” Joel said. “But I love her more, and I’m willin’ to wait for her.”
Beth exhaled, slumping back into the chair. Joel could tell she wanted to say more, but she held her tongue. Joel knew Beth’s anger ran deep for Bennett, and he hoped she’d learn to give you grace through all this. It wasn’t your fault this decision was being made. It was what they all thought was best. 
Your mom returned an hour later to gather the girls and usher them home for the rest of the night. Joel’s head was throbbing from all of the stress, and he was on edge, knowing his time with you was running out. 
“Is she asleep?” Joel asked.
“The doctors gave her a heavy sedative to help her get through the night,” your mom explained. “In the morning, they’ll run a few more tests and figure out when it’ll be okay to discharge her.”
“Can I see her?” He pleaded. “Just so I can say goodbye?” 
The words tasted like ash on his tongue. Goodbye was a word he never wanted to associate with you. He wanted the good nights and good mornings but never a goodbye.
“Of course, sweetie,” your mom said, tears slipping down her face. 
Joel realized he wasn’t just saying goodbye to you but to your family as well. A family that had welcomed him in so quickly, a family he had spent holidays with and visited in the summer, he was losing an entire group of people he loved so dearly. 
Joel thought he was strong enough to see you, but as he opened the hospital door, he realized how wrong he was. Your face was littered with cuts and bruises, your right eye swollen shut, and your hair matted down with dried blood. It took every ounce of his energy not to collapse at the sight of you lying there, and he moved on unsteady legs to your bedside. 
He barely managed to say your name as the syllables broke out in a choked sob. He took your hand, his thumb smoothing lines over your balmy skin. Tears fell onto your fingers as he lifted your hand to his mouth, crying softly as he pressed a kiss against it.
“Oh, baby,” he cried. “I love you so fuckin’ much. I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so—.”
Joel wept over your body for what felt like an eternity. He let his head hit the bed, your hand pressed against his wet cheek, inhaling the lingering scent of your perfume. Every memory with you flooded his mind: mornings spent together drinking coffee, lazy afternoons laying on the couch while you read your favorite books, weekends at the soccer fields with Sarah. 
Joel’s life had flipped upside down in the span of just a few hours, and you’d never know the decision he had to make for the sake of your health. He wasn’t the praying type, but if there were a God up there, he’d spend every night on his knees begging for you to come home to him. 
“I love you, baby,” Joel whispered. “Even if you never remember it, I’ll carry you with me forever.”
Joel leaned up to kiss your forehead, his lips lingering a second too long. He never wanted to leave this room because everything would be gone once he did. All he’d have left were the memories and an undying hope you’d wake up one day remembering his face. 
Joel spent the next two days gathering your things from his house. He piled your books into a box, along with the miscellaneous items you had littered his home with. He clung to your shirts and held them to his chest, wishing it was you in his arms. Scattered on the fridge were Polaroid pictures you had taken of Joel throughout the two years, and he slipped them away for when he was ready to relive the memories—not yet, but one day. 
Sarah came home from school and saw the boxes next to the front door, giving Joel a weary look.
“What’s happening?” She asked.
Joel crouched in front of her, taking her head in his hands. He managed to say your name without faltering and explained everything to his daughter in the simplest way he could.
“She doesn’t remember me?” Sarah murmured, her eyes welling with tears. 
Joel hadn’t realized the heartbreak Sarah would be facing, too.
“No, sweetheart,” Joel shook his head. “But one day she will, I promise. You’ll be my tough girl and help Daddy through this, alright? We’re gonna wait for her ‘cause she’s gonna come back. I promise she’ll be back one day, and she’ll be right there on the sidelines again cheerin’ you on.”
“I’m gonna miss her,” Sarah cried, crashing into Joel’s chest and wrapping him into a hug.
“I’m gonna miss her too, sweetheart.”
~ Two years ago ~
Joel’s phone rang well past midnight. Through tired eyes, he searched for it on his nightstand and prayed it was you, but an unknown number lit up the screen, and Joel’s heart stopped.
“Hello?” He answered, his voice roughened from sleep.
“I can’t do it.”
It was Bennett’s voice, frantic and shaky. Joel shot up in bed, his heart pounding out of his chest.
“What do y’mean you ‘can’t do it’?” Joel questioned.
“I—I can’t do it, man. We’re supposed to get married tomorrow, and I can’t fucking do it. She’s making me crazy. You know she says your name in her sleep? She still can’t remember shit, yet all she does is say your name when she’s sleeping. I’m losing my mind.” He was rambling through words so quickly Joel could barely keep up.
“Y’can’t just leave her like this,” Joel said. “Do y’know how much you’re gonna hurt her? You waited ‘til now to decide you didn’t wanna go through with the weddin’? Y’know how fuckin’ stupid you are?”
Bennett exhaled loudly through the receiver, his voice dropping to a whisper.
“I’m never going to make her happy, and she won’t make me happy. I’m not doing this.”
Joel scrubbed a hand over his face and stared up at the ceiling fan, turning above the bed.
“Alright, listen,” Joel started. “You get your shit together, and you leave. Find some job in another state and never come back. She doesn’t deserve this, and she definitely doesn’t deserve the heartbreak you’re ‘bout to give her. So, you take your ass and get the fuck out of town. And I swear, if you ever come back or even try to contact her again, I will kill you. Do y’understand me? I will fuckin’ kill you.”
“You’re threatening a future lawyer?” Bennett laughed. 
“I don’t give a damn what you are, Bennett. I’ll take a gun to your head the next time I see you and not even think twice ‘bout pullin’ the trigger,” Joel threatened, speaking through clenched teeth.
“She’ll never forgive you for it,” Bennett countered. “And don’t even think about coming back into her life, either. She’s better off without either one of us. God help the next guy who tries to get with her. She’s a fucking wreck.”
Joel seethed, the room going red. How dare Bennett talk about you like this? Joel should have never left you. He should have fought harder. He should have killed Bennett before he could have ever had the chance to come back. 
“I suggest you pack your shit quick, or I’ll find you ‘fore the night is over,” Joel growled. “Get the fuck out of town, you fuckin’ piece of shit.”
Joel slammed his phone shut and slumped against the headboard. Bennett would be out of your life, but at what cost? He knew this would destroy you. God, he couldn’t even fathom the heartbreak you’d face in the morning when you arrived for the wedding. Joel didn’t even let himself imagine what you’d look like, dressed in a beautiful white wedding gown. Bennett didn’t deserve you; he never did. But Joel didn’t deserve you either. You were too good for either of them. 
~ Three months ago ~ 
“Dad, I need to tell you something,” Sarah announced, walking through the front door.
She had just finished her first day of school, and Joel had gotten off work early to be home in time to hear all about it. 
The last two years had been a blur of endless work days and long nights spent drinking in the dark. He was drowning himself away in bottles of whiskey, trying to forget you and the pain that still lingered. He had considered going to you so many times to spill the truth and beg you to come back into his life. But he knew better than that. He knew you deserved a normal life without the reminder of the past. 
Joel looked up from the stove where he was cooking dinner. Sarah's face was etched with concern, and her lips trembled as she tried to speak.
“Sweetheart, what is it?” Joel panicked. 
He dropped the spatula on the counter and rushed to Sarah’s side, holding her firm by the shoulders.
“My—my teacher,” she muttered. “It’s her.”
Joel felt the world tilt on its axle, his body swaying at Sarah’s words. 
“Tell me y’didn’t say anythin’ to her,” Joel begged. 
“No, I—I didn’t. I swear. I don’t even know what I would say,” Sarah rambled. 
“Okay, alright. It’s okay. It’s okay,” Joel exhaled. He needed to sit down. 
Pulling out one of the dining chairs, Joel collapsed entirely, burying his head in his hands. Sarah rubbed a hand over his back, gently attempting to soothe him.
“Maybe this is your chance, Dad,” Sarah suggested. “It’s been enough time now. Maybe she’ll be able to handle the truth about everything.”
Joel loved Sarah’s optimism and her bright outlook on everything. Whenever Joel was ready to give up hope, Sarah was right there to guide him back. She was right, it was an opportunity to start over again, but he didn’t want to fuck it up. He wouldn’t lose you twice. 
“I’ll think ‘bout it, okay?” Joel sighed. “Let me finish cookin’ dinner, and y’can tell me all ‘bout your day.”
Joel sat across from Sarah, his food untouched the entire time she talked. He had no appetite. All he wanted to do was ask her about you: what you looked like, what your voice sounded like, what books you would teach the class. He knew poetry was your favorite. You would stay up late reading together in bed. You would always chime in with little factoids or comments about the book, and Joel would always sit there listening to every word. Shakespeare was your favorite, and Joel loved watching your face scrunch with concentration as you tried to explain the meaning behind each play. When he packed up your things three and a half years ago, he secretly kept your copy of Romeo and Juliet. Sometimes, when he was drunk enough, Joel would flip through the pages just to trace over your scribbled words and annotations, just to relive a moment kept in secret between the two of you. 
Now, his daughter would experience your passion for teaching firsthand. He was a proud son of a bitch, knowing you were following your dreams. 
“Dad,” Sarah’s voice cut through Joel’s wandering thoughts.
He glanced up from his full plate and shook his head.
“Sorry, sweetheart. What did you say?”
“I was saying there’s a father-daughter dance in a couple of weeks,” she repeated. “Maybe she’ll be there. You could see her again.”
“Yeah, maybe. I gotta see if I can get ‘round work to be there.”
Joel was all too familiar with Sarah's look of disappointment; he had seen it far too often these last couple of years. His role as a father had been lacking for a while now; he was lost in the haze of losing you, so much so that he was losing himself. Unfortunately, Sarah had been the one suffering the most because of it. 
“I’ll make it work, sweetheart,” Joel decided. “I promise.”
After Sarah went to bed, Joel sat on the couch, nursing a short glass of whiskey. He stared at the liquid as he swirled it around, the amber color shimmering under the dim light of the lamp beside him. His phone lay open on his thigh, Beth’s number sitting there waiting to be dialed. Joel had barely spoken to your sister since he last saw her at the hospital, but he knew she would be his first call. 
Dialing her number, Joel took a long sip of his drink and waited.
“Joel?” Beth exhaled, her voice groggy from sleep.
“Hey, yeah.” Joel cleared his throat. “It’s me. I, um, I have some news.”
“Did she…” Beth’s voice trailed off.
“No, no. Not yet, at least. Um, Sarah’s first day of school was today, and I found out she’s her teacher. Funny how that happens, right?” 
“Wait, my sister? Actually?” Beth sounded shocked.
“Yup,” Joel sighed. “Sarah thinks I should try and talk to her, Whatdaya think?”
Beth remained silent, and Joel cleared the contents of his glass as he waited.
“I don’t know if telling her everything right away is smart,” she said. “I mean, I haven’t talked to her a lot in the past couple of years, so maybe I’m wrong.”
“Y’all haven’t talked?” Joel questioned.
“She and I haven’t spoken since the whole wedding ordeal,” she confessed. 
“Wait, why?”
Joel sat up, one hand clutching the phone, the other smoothing over the curls sticking up on the crown of his head. He never thought you and Beth would ever be on bad terms.
“I warned her about Bennett. I tried to talk her into leaving so many times, but she was so stubborn. I don’t know what he said or did to her to make her stay, but she was always at his defense. I hated seeing her with him, Joel. It should have always been you.”
“I know, Beth. I know.”
“Have you considered maybe completely starting over?” Beth asked.
“Like in what way? Datin’?”
“Yeah. Maybe introduce yourself and see where things go. She might not regain her memory, but you’d have new memories together. She deserves to be loved the right way, and you’re the one who can give her that. Take things slow and test the water. You never know.”
Joel considered the idea for a moment. It could work, but what if it didn’t? What if he completely fucked up his second chance with you? He would have to live the rest of his life knowing he lost you twice.
“You’re suggestin’ I lie to her?” Joel scoffed.
“No,” Beth argued, her voice stern. “I’m suggesting you work your charm like you did the first time and see where it goes. She loved you once before, Joel. I think she could love you again.”
Beth’s words were enough of a push for Joel actually to consider that this might work. He knew you. He knew what you liked and didn’t like; he knew every tiny piece of you so that it wouldn’t be hard to sweep you off your feet again. The only problem he had with the plan was lying. If you ever found out the truth, it would crush you. And that terrified him. He didn’t want to break your heart; Bennett had done a good enough job of it, and Joel would never be like him. He would be better. He would prove himself. 
“Do y’think your family would agree to this?” Joel asked.
“None of us ever gave up hope, Joel,” Beth sighed. “This could be a chance for all of us to get her back—to get the old version of her back. We miss her a lot.”
“I miss her, too.”
“Go get your girl, Joel. She’s waiting for you.”
Joel spent that night wide awake in bed. The idea he could have you back in his life again set his body alight with a mixture of anxiety and fear. Beth could be right; you could love him again. There was that hope that maybe he could rewrite the past and start anew, but there was also that terrible fear you could slip away from him…permanently. You never regained your memories, and there was a good chance you never would, but not taking this risk would condemn Joel to a life full of grief. He knew grief well; he had walked side by side with it for the last three and a half years. If he could just hold you for one moment and hear you say his name one more time, that would be enough.
When Joel awoke the following day, he had made up his mind; he would keep fighting for you. 
He called Maria before school began and explained it all to her. Joel knew Maria had taken the news of your accident the hardest; you and her had always been close. She was like a mother to you here in Austin. Learning how to navigate around your memory loss had been tricky for her, but Joel knew she had done right by you. 
It was no surprise when Maria squealed with excitement over the phone, meticulously creating a master plan to bring you both together again. She promised to talk you into chaperoning the father-daughter dance and vowed to continue pushing you his way. Joel had to remind Maria that he was the one in control here; he needed to be the one to make everything work. Knowing everyone was on his side and willing to help ease his mind. 
He was going to get you back. 
~ Two Months Ago ~
Joel was running late. He had forgotten entirely about the father-daughter dance, and now he was speeding through yellow lights to make it home. He promised Sarah he’d go, but if he was being honest, the thought of seeing you again made him overwhelmingly nervous. What would he say to you? What would you think of him? What if he ruined his second chance?
Bolting through the garage, Joel called out for Sarah in a rush. She came barreling down the stairs in a blur of lavender and Joel had to stop his racing thoughts to admire his daughter.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Joel smiled. “Y’look beautiful.”
“You’re late,” she frowned. “We need to go now.”
She tugged his hand back toward the garage and into the truck. While Joel grappled with the reality that he was going to see you again, Sarah was buzzing with excitement. She saw you every day at school, but this was different. She wasn’t just seeing you… she was going to see you and Joel together in the same room since before the accident. Sarah never got to say a proper goodbye when everything happened, and Joel knew it was hard for Sarah to maintain a semblance of composure every time she sat at her school desk. The memories of you two together were embedded so deep it was hard for Sarah to ignore. Before the school year, Sarah would try to talk about you with Joel from time to time, trying to cling to the nostalgia of the past. Joel knew the suffering wasn’t just his alone; Sarah lost you that day, too. 
Joel’s hands were shaking as he put the truck in park, his eyes unsteady as he tried to focus on the school's entrance. You were somewhere inside that gymnasium; he could feel it. It was like a silent call, a tug on an invisible string, an asteroid coming into orbit. You were the pull on his gravity, just beckoning him closer. 
“Dad, c’mon!” Sarah begged, unlocking the door.
She was already skipping down the parking lot before Joel could put his keys in his back pocket. He urged her to return so they could walk inside together—maybe because he needed the moral support. He had everyone on his side for this plan, but if he fucked it up, it wouldn’t just be his loss. It would be everyone’s. 
The gymnasium was covered in twinkling lights, and the basketball court transformed into a dance floor for the evening. Joel’s eyes bounced around the room, searching for you within the crowd. Through the crowd of moving bodies, he couldn’t find you. Maybe you weren’t here; maybe it was too late. 
Joel refused to be defeated this quickly and decided to remain focused on Sarah. At the end of the day, this dance was for her. He watched as she mingled with her friends, fawning over each other's dresses and gossiping about the latest drama. Joel remained on the outer edge of the dance floor, his palms damp from sweat and his pulse racing. 
The music shifted to a slow song, and Sarah quickly found Joel and pulled him onto the dancefloor. Seeing her excitement alleviated the bundle of anxiety pulsating inside his chest. He watched as her dress floated around her with every turn, the dimples on her face appearing as he continued twirling her around. The music was slowly drifting to a close, and Joel ushered Sarah in for one last spin. He couldn’t contain the smile on his face as he watched her happiness radiate into the space around him. He maneuvered himself around her twirling body and glanced up toward the side of the gym.
Everything around him ceased to exist at that moment. Amidst the blurring bodies and the chaos of voices, the world stood still. There you were, standing quietly in the shadows, your body bathed in flickering lights, like a lighthouse in the distance of a stormy sea. Joel silently pleaded for you to look at him, even for a second.
As if you heard his thoughts, your eyes met his for a fleeting moment, and it’s as if you saw him. The room melted away, and it was just you and him for the briefest moment in time. Joel swore you looked at him as if you remembered…as if you had searched the room just to find him. The erratic beating of his heart slowed, his body recognizing the strange comfort of your presence even at a distance. Every cell, every atom, every piece of himself cried out to you. 
You saw him.
And he smiled.
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Xiao x GN!Reader, Scaramouche x GN!Reader, mentions of Nahida in Scaramouche’s part.
Synopsis. On moments that all they could think of was that they’re not deserving of your love, how will you tell them that they are?
A bit of angst but Fluff overall.
 Self-sabotaging Xiao, Harsh and mean Scara
Soft Chars. They deserve the whole world.
Feeling so longing lately for these two because I keep seeing edits of them on Tiktok 😫 GIVE THEM TO ME AND I’LL SHOW THEM WHAT LOVE IS. COME ON! 
It’s the sixth time this week. Sixth time that you have called out his name and yet he’s nowhere to be found. Not once did he miss your calls before, and he makes sure that you’re well aware if he will be off to a long mission before disappearing for days, that’s why you’re worried sick for the yaksha.
But he’s always there. On the roofs, above the cliffs, behind the trees— he’s there upon seconds of your every call, making sure that you’re alright and not in any grave danger. He promised that he will be there at the moment you utter his name, and he will be, trust me. Just not before your eyes.
He’s decided to put an end to whatever it is in between the two of you. The relationship that you’ve been saying in the past few months is just an excuse for him to indulge in your touch and comfort, an excuse for him to see you everyday without guilt and longing. It doesn’t benefit you, it’s only for his own good to hold and look at you in short distance. At least that’s what he thought, because there’s nothing good when it comes to him, and you? You’re everything to him. 2,000 years of fighting and killing, and yet only now he’s glad for his skills because he can protect you.
And that is why he’s gonna keep you away from his selfish desires. He can’t let his karmic debt corrupt you, he can’t let the danger that lingers in his life reach out to harm you, he can’t be the reason why you’re hurt. Xiao will not let it happen.
But so will you. You’ve asked Verr Goldet one afternoon about your lovers whereabouts, and she told you that he’s been coming home late than usual this past days, as if avoiding an interaction with anyone, as if avoiding interaction with you. No, you’re not going to let it slide. If he’s not in love with you anymore, then you at least deserve an explanation, right?
Xiao didn’t expect you to be there, sitting at his bed, in the dead of the night. Eyes piecing his golden ones the moment he entered the room. He wanted to teleport out, to go anywhere without you because no, he can’t lose his resolve now. But he can’t even move an inch, mesmerized by your gaze. Archons, he knows that if you open your arms and call out to him, he will crash into you. Millenia of strengthening and hardening his heart only to be crushed down by a second of your hug. Unfair.
“What are you doing?” you broke the silence first, giving him a chance to say what you want to hear, that he’s just busy and he will not abandon you. But of course, the universe find it lovely to hear shattered hearts echoing.
“You’re not supposed to be here” the adeptus muttered, averting his gaze anywhere but you. Scared that you will see how happy he is to see you eye to eye.
Your heart tugged; tears threaten to fall. Oh, so he’s done with you now?
Head hung low, eyes dedicated to the floor you whispered your acknowledgement. Remorse, regret, and even a bit of hate plays in your voice “Fine. I guess I shouldn’t have bothered knowing you in the first place. I hate falling in love with you.”
You should’ve have seen how fast his head whipped at you. Eyes tender and glistening. No, please don’t say that. Getting to know you is the best thing that has ever happened to him all throughout his ridiculously long life, and to hear that you regret it? His heart rampaged in his chest, and he can feel his hands shaking at the thought of not knowing you.
You steal a glance at him for one last time, and what you saw added turmoil to your now chaotic emotions.
If he doesn’t want you anymore, then why the fuck is he crying? His porcelain face, so gentle yet stoic, now adorned with tears that reached his chin. Mouth slightly agape as if words are aching to spill out, and his eyes, looking at you and begging. But begging for what?  
You can feel your chest tightening a bit more, and you think of the only that could make the both of you alright.
“Xiao,” you dragged your feet towards his direction, arms reaching out to catch his neck, placing his head in the crook of yours “Why are you doing this?”
You heard him whimpered, his own arms finding its way around your waist. Ahh, he hates the fact that he’s melting into your touch again. How come that he’s an adeptus and you’re a mortal and yet you have this power over him?
“I don’t deserve you,” He started as you rubbed his back, easing the tense muscles. He missed this, he missed you. “I’m not deserving of whatever you’re giving me, of everything you’re giving me.”
You lifted his head and cupped his cheeks, staring straight right through his misty orbs.
“Listen to me—you can take my life, my love. You can take everything from me, and my only complaint is that I’m not enough.”
He shook his head, attempting to disagree, but you beat him to it.
“I love you. And I know I’m selfish but I want to spend my punny lifetime with you. Please, let me.”
Warmth spreads through his body as he heard your words. Warmth that’s always present whenever you’re around, And as you seal the night with a passionate kiss, he knows that this feeling will be stronger that anything else from now on.
“What are they doing here?” The way the lad before you sneered as he asks the Dedro Archon made your stomach drop a little. Now, you aren’t one of the softs, you wouldn’t be able to date the Wanderer if you are, but the way he looks at you makes your knees buckle and your eyes a bit misty.
“Now, now, Wanderer. They’ve taken the trouble to come and visit you. Please drop the mean.” Nahida reprimanded him, of which he returned with a tsk. The former then turned towards you and bid you a gentle goodbye, hoping that whatever you’re planning will work because she herself can’t take it anymore how the Wanderer being extra mean for the past few days.
And now, you’re left alone with the said mean guy. He’s looking at you as if disgusted by the sight, lips in a frown and eyes sharp. “What do you need?” His question came out icier than expected, earning a flinch from you. He regrets the action right away but kept his composure. He can’t lose it now after enduring it for weeks.
“You haven’t gone home for a while now. I just visit to see if you’re doing good.” You offered him a sheepish smile. He hates it, that’s not how you smile, that’s not how you should smile.
“Now that you’ve seen me doing good—better than ever, you may leave.”
You let out a dry laugh and attempted to joke about his particularly harsh words, but his next words irked something within you.
“Seriously (y/n). Your presence irritates me” he doesn’t mean it, of course. Oh, archons your presence is heaven to him. Everything is just better, if not perfect, if you’re around. Mellifluous, light, comforting—and that’s the more reason he has to distance himself from you. He can’t afford tainting every good thing in you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You exclaim seems to have taken him aback because he was silent for a moment, before returning your anguish with his own.
“My problem is you. You’re always clinging to me, going after me. You keep on nagging me. What? Can’t leave without a man now, (y/n)?” Now it was your turn to be shocked, you didn’t know that this is the way he feels about you, a baggage, a burden.
The hurt is vivid in your eyes, and heavens he felt like dying right there. Scara swiftly combed his indigo locks in frustration. He wanted to take it back, to tell you that it’s a lie, that he loves everything you do to him. The way you reach out to him every day, the way you call out his name even on trivial matters, the way you dotes on his necessities. But this is a must, so he doesn’t end up hurting you in the future.
He would rather see you happy and contented in the arms of someone else rather hurt in his. Although the thought alone sent him grasping for air.
“You’re so fucking selfish.” You turned to him, eyes going from hurt to a touch of hate. His chest tightens at the sight of tears streaming down your face. No, no, no. This isn’t supposed to happen. You should be happy; He’s doing this for you to be happy. So why in hell are you calling him selfish? At what part is he selfish?
“Shut up!” he roared, indigo orbs piercing to what’s already broken. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know how much I’m working hard for you!”
“You’re working hard for me? This is you working hard for me? You’re blind! You’re blind and you're selfish!”
There’s an exchange of a few screams here and there. Both of you are hurt and broken because he decided that it is better to keep things to himself, thinking that it’ll only hurt him and not you. You’re not thinking straight as well. Yelling your heart out, hoping that it’ll wake up your lover, that he’ll realize that he’s so wrong for trying to dump you like shit.
Until he let go of that one phrase you always hear him say on random moments.
“I don’t deserve you!”
Now, the best thing to do in this moment is to hug him, reassure him that he’s wrong. But it only added to your anger; but it’s something more than Scaramouche has seen before.
Your tear-stained face contorts in an uncontrollable sob, but veins pulsating in your tender arms. Your shouting in between hiccups and he hates himself for putting you in such form, though he can’t say anything about it as he was silenced by your outburst.
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!”
“I keep telling you, why don’t you ever believe me? What? You think you’re so high and mighty that you can’t listen to me? Your partner?” you paused a little, taking in the surprised look on his face. He’s so beautiful, you thought.
“You deserve me. You deserve me, my love, my everything! You deserve the world and more! And I hate you. I hate so much for thinking otherwise!”
Your knees failed you and you drop to the ground, crying. Hurt at the thought that the man you love the most thinks that it’ll be better for you if you’re not with him.
The man crouched down at your height, taking you in his arms and muttering strings of apologies. His own eyes now watery, regret filling his form at the memory of what he has done to you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“If you are, then please don’t do this again.”
You craned your neck to see his eyes. The love and affection once again present, with a hint of guilt as he caress your red cheeks. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Scara. You’re the only best thing in my life.”
Your words shook his world. It’s better than any I love yous you’ve said before, before than anything else. How idiotic of him to think such things, how lowly of him to hurt you— his life, the one whom he swore loyalty to.
“I won’t. I promise. You have my life in your arms, love.”
He planted a soft kiss on your forehead. Determined to make it up to you and show you his love, because you’ve done more than that to him.
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Request: oh em geez hill i love your work so freakin much! i was wondering if you could do a winchester bros x little sister reader fic where they go to fight a vamp nest (nothing big like 3-4 vamps) and they get separated and reader is like 1 on 1 with a vamp and its like a close call (whatever that means to you 99) but reader gets the upper hand and chops their head off and then the brothers find her and shes just kinda mute after that like she has trouble talking abt what happened to her? IDK IF THIS IS TOO DETAILED IM SORRYYY anyway, dont feel obligated to write! take care of your self! - alexA
A/N: um HI THANK YOU!??! That’s literally so sweet. Okay I love this request and the more details the better!! I started writing this and it took me to a totally different place I think? Ugh idk, but I hope you like it. If not just send in another request!
Pairings: Dean and Sam x Sister!Reader
You were hunting some vampires that were sucking people dry left and right. You all assumed there was no more than 5 of them wreaking absolute havoc on this random small town. The death toll was rapidly rising and they needed to be taken care of immediately. You cringed internally as you thought about how you had to take care of them. You hated killing vampires because something about, oh, I don’t know, chopping their heads off, absolutely mortified you. But they were monsters and it needed to be done.
You arrived to the abandoned barn where you all assumed they were hiding out.
“Stay behind us kid until we figure out how many were really up against.” Dean said handing you a machete.
“Okay,” you nodded.
Your brothers ran towards the barn and you trailed behind them. You got to the barn doors, watched as Dean counted down with his fingers before he busted the door open. As you ran in you saw three vamps and some people chained up. Perfect three on three, you thought, this should be easy. You immediately started fighting one of them while your brothers went to the others. You crashed through the old barn wall and tumbled outside. Your heart was pounding, but you knew you had one over on the guy so you weren’t sweating it. In the midst of your fight, you ended up getting about 50 yards away from the barn before slicing the vampires head off. You sat back, trying to catch your breath. There was something just so gruesome about chopping off their heads. They looked too much like people and it’s just never sat right with you. You let yourself mentally and physically recover for those five seconds before jumping back up to head to the barn. As soon as you stood up though it was like you got the wind knocked out of you. There was a sudden weight on top of you and realized it was another vampire. You panicked and reached for the machete as you were being held to the ground. When you tried to swing it in a last attempt to save yourself, the vampire grabbed it and pushed it towards your throat. You grabbed the machete on the sharp end with your other hand in order to prevent it from going against your throat. It was searing through your hand and you felt the blood start to drastically drip out of it. You felt a few drops hit your face as you pushed harder away from your throat. Your heart sunk and an intense feeling of doom came over you. This was it. You were going to die. You felt yourself growing weaker as you were losing too much blood. You were losing your fight on the machete and it started to touch down on the skin of your throat. You turned your head to the side trying to protect yourself, but it gently sliced your neck. In your final attempt for life, you shoved your knee into the vampire and caught him off guard. He released his grip on the machete for the slightest second, but it was all you needed to save yourself. He needed to readjust himself, but in that split second, you swung the machete in one swift motion, taking off his head. You fell back into the ground breathing heavily. Your pulse was rapid and you realized how clammy you were getting. You sat back up on your knees, held your hair back and started puking. You threw up until there was nothing left and you scooted as far away as you could from the scene that was in front of you.
“Y/N/N,” Dean shouted.
You were in a complete daze, staring out blankly. They got closer to you after calling your name several times with no response. Sam noticed your blank stare and came into realization.
“She’s going into shock,” he stated rushing in front of Dean to get to you.
He squatted down in front of you and grabbed your hands but you sat staring blankly. That’s when he noticed all the blood over your hand and saw it completely sliced open.
“Shit, Dean grab a rag!” He said while holding your wrist out so Dean had a better angle at fixing you up. Dean rushed back over, wrapping your hand up while he watched your face for any sign of pain, but none ever showed. He put pressure on your hand to stop your bleeding.
“Sorry kid.” He grimaced expecting to hear you cry out, but still there was nothing. He squinted his eyes and looked at you with concern before turning to Sam.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey.” Sam gave your hand a little squeeze to get you responsive, but you continued to stare blankly ahead.
“Hey sweetheart, I need you to look at me,” he tried again.
“Okay, it’s okay, you’re in shock, it’s alright.” He said knowing it was actually really far from alright.
“You’re safe, you’re okay, alright? Do you hear me?” He asked, tapping your face and trying to reassure you.
“Alright kid, it’s okay, let’s get you snapped out of this, alright? I’m here.” He said calmly while Dean just stared at his siblings feeling completely helpless.
“I need you to tell me five things about your surroundings, alright? Can you do that for me?” He asked.
Still nothing.
“Okay that’s alright lets get your senses going, okay?” He said trying to walk her through what he was going to do. He reached down and squeezed your lower thigh a few times
“Alright, hey, that’s me, I’m squeezing your leg. Do you feel that?” He asked.
Still no answer.
He took his fingers and trickled them up and down your arms hoping it would do the trick to get you more aware of your surroundings.
“Okay hey, those are my fingers trickling up and down your arms, right?” He asked nodding his own head yes, internally begging you to snap out of it.
“Come on kid!” He practically begged starting to get worried that it was becoming much more serious. Dean looked worried seeing Sam panic. He was the much calmer one in these scenarios and always seemed to know what to do so seeing him panic, terrified him.
“Sam?” He called his name out weakly.
“Dean start pushing into her wound, it’ll hurt like a bitch, but we have to get her responsive.” He said to his brother.
Dean nodded and did what he was told while Sam grabbed your good hand.
“Alright, hey, now you’re going to feel the stuff around you, okay? Here.” He said and rubbed your hand into the grass.
“You feel that?” He asked. “That’s the grass.”
He brought your hand up to his face and rubbed it all over his stubby beard.
“That’s my beard, it’s pretty pokey right? You say that all the time that my beard is so stubby, right kid?” He said, trying to get your body to respond to your mind.
You suddenly felt everything at once and focused on Sam’s face that was right in front of you. You looked at him confused, “S’mmy?” You mumbled.
He sighed in relief before falling onto his knees and pulling you into his chest.
“You’re okay, you’re safe, it’s alright.” He whispered, mostly to himself. Your arm was awkwardly being pulled out and you felt sharp stinging pressure in your hand. You whimpered tried pulling away from whatever had its hold on it, but it was firm.
“Hey kiddo, it’s bad I’ve gotta keep pressure on it.” You heard Dean say.
You pulled away from Sam and looked at Dean. He shot you a sympathetic look, before you looked at your hand. It was covered in a rag that was soaked with blood. Everything just felt extremely foggy and you were confused, “what happened?” You asked, turning your head to take in your surroundings. As soon as you did, you felt pain shoot through your neck. You hissed in pain before reaching up to hold it. It was stinging and you felt the moistness of your blood. You looked at Dean with panic before crying out, “what happened!” You already knew what happened so you weren’t sure why you were even asking. You almost died and to keep the machete from chopping off your own head, it cut deep into your hand and grazed the side of your neck. You started trembling as you recalled the fear that pulsed through your body. This time Dean pulled you into him. He wrapped his arm around you while still keeping your other hand tight in his.
“You’re alright kid shhhh you’re safe.” He comforted you before motioning to Sam that they should get out of there.
“We’re gonna get you cleaned up just fine kiddo we’ll take care of you, you’re safe now.” He said, rubbing your back. You nodded into his chest.
“Alright let’s go.” He said and the three of you left the horrendous scene behind.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Hello. I was wondering. If u could write something where reader is mayed to the bat boys. She has a sickness that her father died from and she has and hasn't told her mates nor her younger siblings. They find out and are frantic. You can add flashbacks of how her father was loving, single dad, and his final moments with her. ( I was hoping it could be a small series). U can add whatever u think looks cute. Thank you!
Why Don't We Celebrate? (part 1)
Summary: New revelations leave Y/n shook.
A/n: I'm gonna make this hurt 😌
(also, make sure to check out @readychilledwine's losing forever as it is based on the same request!)
Anyways, enjoy bbs!❣️
Y/n almost nearly flew with her nonexistent wings as she walked up to the door of the town house. She and her new lover were supposed to go to a new restaurant that he had found, and she had told him she would meet him at the town house.
It hadn't been all that long since she saw him. Maybe a day or two.
They had only met barely over six months ago, while she was walking around Velaris picking up groceries.
The two of them were taking it slow. They had only slept together once, and that was the last time she saw him. It also didn't help that they'd met just before Rhysand became high lord, and then Cassian had mostly become busy with helping his brother handle the court.
Y/n didnt mind. In fact, she was proud of him for it. But she couldn't say she wasn't jealous or possessive of him sometimes. After all, she should be allowed to spend time with her love.
But the fact that she loved how important Cassian was also did not mean she liked Rhys much. She almost hated him, and would have given him an earful long ago if he hadn't meant so much to her lover. She always pushed it down, trying not to let her anger at not being able to have her lover all to herself cloud her judgement and kill Rhysand the first chance she got.
Y/n knocked on the front door of the town house, smiling at the thought of meeting her lover.
The door opened after a moment, and Azriel, Cassian's other friend, smiled at Y/n from the doorway. "Hey. It's been so long since I last saw you. How have you been?"
Y/n smiled at Azriel, trying not to let the impatience show. "I'm good Azriel. Uh, how are you?"
Azriel gave her a knowing smirk. "I'm good I'm good. Are you here to see Cassian? I think he's a little busy."
Disappointment crashed through Y/n, and she deflated. Now that she thought about it, she should have confirmed with Cassian. After all, they had made the plan to go out a week ago. He might've forgotten or something important might have come up.
Y/n shook her head, smiling at Az. "It's nothing much. We had plans to meet and go out, but I guess not. Just let him know I was here and tell him to come home as soon as he can."
Az looked dumbfounded. "I think Rhys can get someone else to do the work, I- I will talk to Rhys-"
Any other time, Y/n would have gladly taken up that offer, but right now she was pissed at Rhys and wanted to make him feel guilty.
"It's okay, nevermind. Just let him know I was here for Cass and that he ruined all the plans." Y/n winked at the spymaster, on whose face a smirk spread.
Y/n stared at her father who lay on the bed for a moment, coughs wracking his body before she went to his side, settling on the edge of the bed.
She had walked directly to his home after she found that Cassian was busy. She had nothing else to do, and it had been over ten days since she saw him, so she had to go meet him anyways.
But the moment she entered, she heard him coughing from his room, and she had run up as fast as she could.
"Father? Are you okay?" She questioned as she placed her palm on his forehead.
He was burning up.
He continued coughing as Y/n filled a glass of water for him, bringing it over from the table in the corner. She helped her father sit up, wondering what the hell was going on.
After drinking the water, he calmed down a little, leaning back against the headboard.
He lived alone, all his kids having moved out when they came of age. He'd been pretty happy to have his space all to himself too, always grumbling about his clingy kids and cursing their late mother for not being around to go through the torture alongside him.
"Paa? Are you alright?" Y/n asked after a moment when he remained silent.
He sighed at that, patting the space next to him. "How have you been, my darling child?"
Y/n leaned against him, holding his hand. "I'm very happy, father. But that's not the important thing right now. Have you seen a healer?"
She did not say anything else, waiting for him to tell her what the hell was up.
After a moment, he spoke. "Do you know how your mother passed?"
Y/n's blood chilled, and she sat up straight to look at her father.
"Why are you asking me that?"
He smiled ruefully, ignoring her question. He ran his shaking hand through his thinning dark hair through which his scalp was visible, now turning white at the edges.
"She had been so healthy." He mumbled, more to himself than her. "It was all going so well. But one day, she fell sick. We thought it was a normal fever, that it would go away soon."
He shook his head, laughing a little as he let his hand fall limp at his side, only increasing the bad feeling in Y/n's stomach. "What are you trying to say paa?"
Again, she was ignored. "Her condition only worsened. I should not have listened to her and got a healer. Alas, I was madly in love and did not want to upset your mother. Curse her for being so selfless."
Tears shone in the eyes Y/n had inherited, and her heart squeezed at the longing in that all knowing gaze. Her father had always been a strong male, never showing emotions considered negative in front of his kids, so watching him cry now was like a bolt directly to Y/n's heart.
He hadn't even shed a tear at his wife's death, and Y/n, being an angsty adolescent, had resented him a little for what she assumed was the lack of love for her mother. She had grown to understand that all he wanted was to be strong for his kids and he thought that shedding tears with them would make him weak.
"She did not want a healer to come see her, because back then, we were not as well off. It was either get a healer, or feed the four kids. For her, suffering was a better option than starving her kids."
Y/n's father coughed again, and Y/n rubbed back until he calmed. With a sigh, he continued.
"When her sickness worsened to the point where she started begging for the sweet release of death, I dragged a healer back home. I had fought her, yelling at her for being so- so uncaring." A sob ripped out of his chest, tears slipping down his sagging cheeks. Y/n did not move to wipe them, despite how much she wanted to for fear of breaking this moment.
"But it was too late by then. On my way back with the healer, I had planned to apologise for yelling at her. We were both so young, and you were an unplanned surprise. We did not know what to do. And then you grew up so fast, and your mother wanted more kids. We had no idea how to navigate life. It was hard. And sometimes these feelings would just... burst out. And I know it is no excuse for my harsh words, but I have nothing else to blame but myself."
Her father lifted a weathered hand to rest upon her head, and she leaned her head down, laying her head on his lap to hide her tears. "When I reached home, you told me your mother had stopped coughing. I thought it was some miracle and that she'd healed. But then I went to check on her and she... she'd passed." His voice broke on that, and Y/n's throat constricted at the pain in his voice.
"The healer found out that she'd acquired a rare disease, even for mortals, who acquire diseases left and right. It was highly contagious, so that meant I was at high risk-"
Y/n didn't let him complete, sitting up straight faster than she could think. "What? Don't tell me you-"
"Are sick with with the same disease? Yes. It had apparently been lying low in my body, and now it's acting up."
"Paa..." Y/n spoke on a broken breath, the tears finally spilling over her cheeks.
Her father smiled sadly. "I've sent letters to all the kids to come visit me. They don't know that I'm sick, just that I want to see them. I do not think I have much time, but-"
He coughed, and Y/n watched helplessly, knowing she could do nothing but watch and curse the mother.
"Papa, why did you not tell them that you're sick?! They would have raced home if they knew-"
"Yes, but I did no want to bother them. I am old as it is. I would have died no matter what. I'm just dying today instead of tomorrow. What's the big deal? They anyways have more important things to do and care about than this old skeleton covered with flesh."
His entire body shook at the next fit of coughs, and he doubled over.
Y/n, unable to sit and watch his misery any longer, stood. "Papa, I will go get a healer. I'm sure there's a solution."
Her father glanced at her with a small, knowing smile as he settled back, slithering down to lie on his back. "Alright my child. I will just rest for a minute here. Sleep a little." He grunted before he finally settled down, calm overtaking his features. His next words were soft, mumbled on an exhale. "I love you, my little princess."
Despite not wanting to believe the fact, Y/n knew his soul had left his body before that final sigh did.
Y/n knew that the sweet embrace of death had claimed him before sleep could.
The door creaked open, soft light from the lanterns outside spilling through the crack in the door as Cassian shouldered his way in, mumbling to himself.
"I fucking hope Rhys gets burning diarrhea. Bastard." He muttered under his breath as he shut the door softly behind him, trying to make as little noise as possible in the darkened house, the only light source the lamps outside.
In the dark, Y/n could not see what he was doing, but she did not have to wait long. The faelights came on, and she found Cassian standing in the middle of the foyer, his hands outstretched out towards the lights.
He jumped when he realised that Y/n was sitting against the wall nearby, staring at him. He grinned wide before faltering, taking in the state of his lover. He quickly made his way over to where Y/n sat, her knees pulled up to her chest.
"My love, are you aright?"
Y/n could do nothing but stare, her eyes vacant and body numb. She had no more tears to give, so she simply stared at her lover as he tried to fuss over her. "He's gone."
Cassian gave her a cautious look, and Y/n could see the wheels churning in his head as he tried to think of a way to get more information out of her.
She spared him the effort.
"My father. He passed."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @berryzxx
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
I'm finally starting it, the full-fledge version of my king eldritch abomination!eddie and prince steve ficlet series. Eddie is in the middle of a feud with an opposing kingdom. Running out of options, he decides to kidnap their prince. Part 1/?
Dark clouds descended over the castle. It had been raining for days. A fact that the king was certain had everything to do with the monster that made their home in the neighboring kingdom. Alric prided himself on being a successful monarch. His lineage was the stuff of legends. But there was one blemish on the Harrington name. And it was that none so far had been able to best the beast that lived on the horizon.
It was an unfortunate state that his land shared a border with that of a King Edward. He wasn’t a man, he was a…a creature. A thing with many voices and many faces that masqueraded as a mortal human.
If there was one thing Alric could do to seal his name in the annals of history, it was wiping that entire place and all its inhabitants off the face of the map.
Such a thing was easier said than done. As much steel and iron as his armory possessed, the monsters were numerous. 
“Increase the patrols. I want eyes on every inch of the border”, he ordered.
“Do we have enough men for that? Recruitment has been low”, the prince said.
An amendment to a previous statement. There was a second blemish on the Harrington family. And his name was Steven. His son, who did nothing but sleep with whatever girl looked his way. Complacent and unambitious. The rare day he was allowing the disappointment to join in on the session with his war council and he was speaking out of turn.
“You would do best to watch your tongue”, Alric said.
Steve turned his head down, deferring to his father. He was good at one thing at least. Obedience. He looked down to the map again, pacing about it, trying to think of where best to send his men to quell what was surely a slow uprising.
“He is right, my liege. We can’t afford to send more men to the borders. This year’s crop of squires hasn’t met expectations.”
Alric glared at anyone who dared to disagree with him, even if they were right. But the reasoning of the lack of bodies would give him an excuse to do what he’s been wanting to for a while. It wasn’t enough to kill the monsters that inched along the border. It was time to officially go on the offensive.
The rain coming down wasn’t by anyone’s hand but nature’s. You couldn’t tell a Harrington that though. They were stubborn as mules. He knew this quite well. King Edward had been ruling his realm for long enough that he had been dealing with Alric and his father and his father’s father. All who saw him and his people as only pests to be exterminated. 
He could look past the odd villager slaying one of the demogorgans when they came into a town looking for an easy meal. That was simply self defense. But as of recently King Alric had begun sending soldiers into his forests to start seeking out any beasts and ending them on their own ground.
In response, Eddie used his powers to erect a thorny barrier. Anyone who wanted to enter his kingdom from that side would have to struggle through a dense bramble. It would be difficult for soldiers on horseback to get through. This sort of back and forth continued for months. Alric would sent more people, despite the harsh terrain, never caring for the champions he lost. The border would be strengthened to try and keep him out and he would just find another way in.
Eddie was losing his patience with the man and the straw that broke the camel’s back was when a messenger arrived with news of what happened to one of the towns close to the border.
“My lord! It’s terrible!”, the messenger bellowed as he crashed into the throne room.
“What is it?”, Eddie asked, concern showing through his voice and face.
“King Alric’s men! They’ve-! They’ve-!”
They had trespassed the line once again but this time they didn’t go attack a nest of demodogs. No, it seemed for this visit they saw fit to lay waste to a township of innocent civilians. They hadn’t slain a single monster. Only people.
It was practically a declaration of war. 
“This can’t go on”, Jeff, one of his most trusted knights said when he heard the news.
“And it won’t”, Eddie promised. He was going to have some words with this tyrant. If he could avoid war, he would. But Eddie had a feeling if they ever got into the same room, he would kill him.
Alric barely gave the sealed envelope a glance before tossing it into the fire. Steve shot up from the chair he’d been sitting in. 
“What are you doing?! King Edward has finally sent a correspondence. Don’t you want to talk with him?”
“Steven! Don’t raise your voice at your father”, his mother, Juliana, scolded. “He knows what he’s doing.”
At the queen’s stern look, Steve sat back down. After speaking his mind in the war room, Steve hadn’t been allowed back. The privileges normally afforded to a crown prince, coming to the meetings, providing his own insight were taken from him. He didn’t want to think about what else would be taken if he kept speaking his mind. But this couldn’t be the right way of doing things. After shedding blood, the opposing monarch was trying to talk.
And his father was just ignoring it.
“That letter was most certainly just the incomprehensible scratch of an illiterate”, his father spat. “He wears the face of a man but that is not what he is.”
Steve ventured a question. “Then what is he?”, he asked quietly.
Alric stared intensely at the fire. “He is an abomination. Borne of the dark void which sucks all light and warmth from this world.”
“He can change his shape. That is why he is so dangerous”, Juliana added. “It is why he must be stopped.”
Steve understood that. He had heard the stories, which at this point were legends. One day, something had risen from a black pool and no one knew what it was. But it was powerful. Powerful enough to conjure up more from the black pool. More that were like it. Able to use the muck to make walls rise from the ground.
King Edward and fought with his great grandfather, which was how the border existed in the first place. He had fought his grandfather, which was why beasts like the demogorgan kept sentry at his borders. And now it was happening again.
Alric ignored every single letter that came, determined not to speak or negotiate. In the mean time, he continued to send squads to attack at towns and villages, stoking the other king’s ire. -----------------------------
Eddie was once again, meeting with his council, squatting in his chair while their voices rose in volume. Each one angry and hurt and wanting to finally bite back. Eddie thought that this time he could choose peace. That this time he could get away without fighting. But it appeared wise old Alric was ready for a war.
“SILENCE!”, Eddie shouted while slamming his hands on the table. All conversation ceased. He rubbed at his face. “We have one last step before waging a war that could kill more than it saves.”
“And what’s that?”, Gareth asked.
Eddie rose to stand on his chair, then stepped onto the table that held a map of both of their lands. “If Harrington won’t sit down with us well then”, he stalked over to the pieces on the table that represented the royal family. He plucked up the one that was meant for the prince. “We’ll make him sit down.”
Part 2
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
the idea of a "not zombie plague" at the hotel.... what an effing comedy it could be...
thanks @sunsetcougar and @insert-funny-name-here69 for making me picture it XD
Vaggie comes back from Cannibal Town snuffling, no big deal, maybe it's all those feathered hats and fur stoles (sUSaN) or nice flowers or whatever. Vaggie goes to bed like normal, wakes up the next day GROANING, stiff and grumpy and shuffling around the hotel
Oh no!- Charlie the protective gf cries- what if there's some hellborn illness angels are weak towards??? It's time to physically carry Vaggie back to bed for rest (and keep doing that a few times until it sticks and she puts Razzle on guard at the door) (also print out and past their room's windows with pics of her own pleading pout so Vaggie won't try flying to freedom again) (and crashing again)
well this is kinda a weird and kinda funny for the rest of the hotel... until the Symptoms start to spread
sneezing is the first stage, the infection fun, a sign you've already got it, but everyone wants to blame Susan and Susan's specific perfectly matching (aka hostile harsh and annoying) choice of perfume lingering around the hotel, so they all (not vaggie) (vaggie thinks susan is The Coolest) just walk around sneezing and yelling "FUCK YOU SUSAN" afterwards instead of "bless you" or whatever
loss of appetite isn't that big a deal at first- between the guy with the drug addiction, his friend also with a drug addiction, an alcoholic, a tiny woman who can fill up on a single ritz cracker, a guy who eats rotting dear corpses, a pig who regularly gets his appetite spoiled with treats, an egg boi who doesn't know what he eats without his boss around to tell him, a goat demon stuffie hell bent on only consuming doughnuts, a demon princess too busy singing and scheming happiness plans to do things like SLEEp never mind EAT, her girlfriend who will care about stuff like hunger once everything else is taken care of and not a second before, an the KING of hell who hasn't even had an appetite for LIFE in ages.... no one notices the lack of eating going on at first, until it's Too Late
stiffness and aching of the joints has everyone complaining when it hits tho. Angel Dust is pissed it got in the way of his performance. Husk feels old again and gets grumpy when he gets called old man which makes him even MORE grumpy. Niffty enjoys it for 4 minutes until it throws off her rat kill rate. Alastor pretends to feel nothing but every time he moves there's a horrible CRACK from any and all bending joints and Cherri finds him stiffly stuck in a chair a least once. Cherri is the best off bc she mainly just feels like she got blown up and is used to it. Vaggie is having flash backs to the pain and weakness right after losing her first wings- Charlie wants to help but is hunched over so far she regularly rests her chin on Vaggie's head and doesn't have the energy to drag her back to bed. Lucifer is ACTUALLY hobbling around using his cane, snapping to false casualness whenever someone looks his way, secretly using a rubber duck as a stress ball. They grudgingly agree they can't blame this one on Susan (actually...) and migrate to the lobby as a group, trying to figure out what KIND of hell bug they've somehow caught.
Now is where the loss of appetite finally gets notices. Vaggie dragged out some food for the war council and NO ONE can stand even LOOKING at it. there are, however, at lot of OTHER looks going around....
Husk edges away from Angel, who's eying him even more hungrily than usual but without any of the sultriness. Niffty scuttling past gets his attention and makes his tail do the little pre-pound wiggle as he sinks his claws into the sofa to keep from FOR REAL pouncing. Cherri is staring at her bestie Angel Dust and gritting her many sharp teeth at the hallucination that he's limbs are actually full of drugs. Alastor's eye is twitching, the hotel gusts all having taken on the shape of deer carcasses from his point of view. Lucifer is fine until he looks over at Vaggie- he looks away instantly and shoves his ducky in his mouth to BITE, panics, yanks it free again, and when he looks down it's morphed into a stylized duck version of Vaggie with bite marks. Vaggie has gone dead quiet and is staring at her future father in law, clutching her spear, mentally roasting him over hellfire on a spit in her mind's eye.
Charlie sees all this happening like what is going ON guys, why are you all acting so... sooooo............Hm. Charlie wonders aloud if Razzle, Dazzle, and the Egg Boi have always had such a close resemblance to juicy little roast chickens?
Then Niffty bites Husk's tail and the hotel is overrun from the inside
it's not a ZOMBIE plague- it's CANNIBAL FLU- and now sinners are chasing sinners down the halls with knives and forks, Charlie is trying NOT to eat the little hellborn as they try and fail to nibble on her lanky limbs, and Vaggie and Lucifer-
there is a new hole in the hotel where Vaggie tackled her future dad in law through the roof and now anyone looking the hotel has great view of them both snarling, circling each other in the air, spitting out mouthfulls of feathers from successfully blocking each other's bites while failing to to grab any FLESH with their own
Thankfully Rosie had finally gotten wind of Vaggie leaving with a 'slight head cold' last time and waltzes over just in time to toss some of her best stock into the hotel, a fine selection of sinner, hellborn, and even some leftover angel steaks from the battle, smartly distracting the hotel crew from hunting and tearing into each other instead
One very upsetting but ENERGETIC meal later, the blankly traumatized (and blood spattered) hotel crew huddle in groups back in the over turned lobby, listening as Rosie assures them the worst is over and they should be good as gore by tomorrow morning!
Alastor politely informs Roise that the mention of gore at just that moment might not have been the BEST choice of words
right on cue, Husk starts making hairball noises, and everyone else looks suddenly sick
Vaggie sighs, patting her gf on the back as Charlie tearfully hugs Razzle after having had her jaw unhinged in preparation of swallowing him whole when Rosie made her timely arrival (Razzle forgives her, he was planning to try devouring her from the inside out or die trying) (meanwhile Charlie had put both Fatty Nuggets and the Egg Boi on a frying pan and was preparing to have a nice cozy ghibli-style family meal- of friendship. literally. of friends)
-alright, Vaggie gives in, fine. Just one time I'll say it too.... Who do we blame for all this?
SUSAN everyone growls
this reminds Rosie to pass out the "shove your groaning up your asses" cards Susan made for all of them, which are, of course, scented
Vaggie sneezes at the scent and there's a stampede as everyone not wildly in love with her tries to run and save themselves
cannibal flu. it puts the "i" in cannibal as in that's what it makes YOU
cannibals are immune to this party bc they would barely even notice if they had it, for them, it's just suddenly turning into picky eater for a few days until the craving is satisfied :3 sometimes with your next door neighbor but really, isn't that what neighbors are for~?
(charlie falls into bed that night, exhausted, only to look around at a strange chewing noise)
(it's vaggie. on the window seat, hunched over with wings huddled around herself, looking up frozen in the act of gnawing on lute's torn off and left behind arm)
Vaggie: ".... Susan sent it over for me, special."
Charlie: "Uh huh."
Vaggie: "I'm not sick anymore! I just, was kinda curious..."
Charlie: "Vaggie, I support you biting the arm of the woman who tore out your eye. And you look great smeared with angelic blood." (pouting) "....but can you be cannibal curious in the morning and snuggle with me now?"
Vaggie: (tossing lute's arm into the bathroom) "Always, sweetie."
Charlie: "Mmm gooood. Now kisses!"
Vaggie: "Shit wait, I should wash my mouth-"
Charlie: "Or not?"
Vaggie: "..not?"
Charlie: "I'm kinda curious too~"
and thus was Susan's cannibal propaganda successfully spread, by the power of gay love, and how hot the demon princess of hell thinks it is when her angel girlfriend is spattered with someone else's blood
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cartoon-buffoon · 6 months
I decided to read the Epic Mickey graphic novel—which by the way it's just chilling on the Internet Archive? Like you can read it at any time and I'd highly recommend doing so—but I noticed something very interesting in regards to the heart and the entire real plot point of Epic Mickey. I LOVE over analyzing stupid meaningless things in relation to my favorite characters so this is another stupid rant, sorry if someone has analyzed this before me it's just a neat thing I noticed.
WARNING: rant by someone who hasn't played Epic Mickey properly, sorry if the game contradicts whatever I say somehow. Also SPOILERS for the Epic Mickey graphic novel, I'd recommend reading it yourself because it's pretty cool.
Okay I'm aware the heart is a metaphor for fame, yeah the toons stuck in wasteland are stuck there because they are forgotten. However one thing I find interesting however is how the heart seemingly changes a toon's personality as well? It's for like a single panel where they show the heart does more for the toons than allowing passage in and out of wasteland. It at least affects them in some way.
This is right after Mickey gave up his heart to save Gus and Oswald who the blot had grabbed, now up until this point Mickey was very happy go lucky. Until his heart was stolen, and he suddenly lashes out at Oswald?
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This is really random and out of character from what we've seen until now and in fact Mickey himself seems like he's aware he's not acting himself. As soon as the heart gets stolen we see Mickey who is generally jokey and happy suddenly get mad and outright confrontational. Look at how he gets up in Ozzie's face! Now Oswald did have a reason to be mad at Mickey, his reason was TOTALLY justified and idc if it was an accident Oswald had all the right to mistreat Mickey for ruining wasteland and killing his wife. Yet Mickey always just took on the chin, he felt remorseful yeah yet he just kinda took the insults, this is the first case of Mickey fighting back and Oswald wasn't even insulting him!
Later on when using the rocket we also see Mickey start writing his will when the plan to self destruct the rocket starts going up in flames.
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Although comedic and funny this is pretty fucking grim if you look at the fact that he's just casually preparing for his death. After the rocket crashes we also see him give Oswald some slack and make a snarky remark.
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Now not exactly out of character for Mickey to be funny it's still interesting how his way of being funny in this instance is taking a small jab at Oswald's piloting skills.
Later on we also see Mickey get serious and be really aggressive when fighting the blot.
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Now this could just be of course Mickey deciding to right his wrongs and taking things serious, but I find it interesting that this comes AFTER he loses the heart.
This spring of sudden aggressiveness only awakens after he loses his heart and we see from the panel right after he loses it and Mickey seems dazed and discombobulated. AND THEY JUST GRAZE OVER THIS DETAIL! "I just... Feel so..." AND THEN BOOM! The comic just goes "alright keep it going, move the plot along we only got so many pages" and nothing comes of this. They never clarify what Mickey is feeling, this detail is just passed over, yet it seemingly affects the way Mickey acts for the rest of the comic (or at least until he gets his heart back). What I find so fascinating about this is Oswald and his character, we see him be pretty dynamic and go through a character arc, we learn he has resented Mickey and he built a eutopia for him and other forgotten toons until Mickey ruined it with the tinner. From there his resentment turned to full on rage due to his grief of not only losing his world yet also his wife, yet we see when Mickey tries to right his wrongs Oswald comes to realize Mickey isn't a threat and he acts a lot better. By the end of the comic we also see the two being best friends and relationship patched up.
We never really see Mickey go through a character arc though? Yeah he rights his wrongs and fixes the world he fucked up, yet that's the bare minimum and we see the wizard intended for it to play out like this.
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I mean, I guess Mickey learned a lesson although I don't think "don't mess with magic and things that aren't yours" is a lesson, that's common sense. Mickey is the protagonist of the story and he fixes what he messed up and in the process rekindles his relationship with his lost brother, that's pretty much it. I find this really interesting as generally Mickey is just a tool to tell a story and he rarely shows his character. The time he DOES show character its usually not referenced by Disney or acknowledged, like Runaway Brain.
Fun fact, Runaway Brain which is one of the few instances Mickey is more of a indepth character is also referenced in this very comic!
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Now of course this could be pure coincidence and I 100% think I'm reading WAYYYY to far into this, but it's still interesting to see this comic reference an instance of Mickey being a character with depth. I don't wanna talk about Runaway Brain too much as there's a YouTube video that does a better job of analyzing it better than me, but if you're unfamiliar with the movie it does something unique in the fact that it gives Mickey flaws, painting him (haha get it paint?) as a video game addict.
Got off track a bit but circling back around to my point: Mickey has never really had personality once he became a Disney mascot. In the classical shorts we see him be a lot different than the sterilized mouse we have now and it's only recently did we actually see Mickey get some of his actual charm back (I love the Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse so much and all the stuff related to it). Now as much as I love Oswald he ALSO didn't have much of a personality when being owned by Disney back in the silent era and it wasn't until Epic Mickey did we get to better understanding him and his personality considering he actually talks and he's in a setting with a genuine plot that's more than humor. Oswald in Epic Mickey is this actual character who changes as the plot happens, meanwhile Mickey stays constant UNTIL HIS HEART IS STOLEN. The games could be different or something idk, it's entirely plausible this theory is counteracted by the second game. But at least in the comics we see once that heart is snagged he acts more dynamically and becomes more than just a jolly cartoon character trying to fix his mistake.
I think the heart is more than just fame, it's also a reflection of character and a company's treatment of a character because of fame. Mickey is the mascot, he's flawless, he's the face of a corporation, his heart or aka his fame is what makes him him and it's the image Disney crafted for him. Without a heart toons end up like Oswald, old, bitter, and resentful, yet also dynamic and capable of change and I find this concept so cool yet once again in the graphic novel, IT'S A LIKE A SINGLE PANEL! This idea is kinda just discarded and left as an inference to be made and possibly entirely retconned or countered by the second game or the first game! I don't know, I haven't played either nor the awful 3Ds game.
Alright well that's all, I just wanted to make this little rant because I wanna procrastinate on some stuff I gotta do and I love coming up with theories or overanalyzing things. I don't know how to end this so have this screenshot from the graphic novel that made me go "what the fuck does that mean?"
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(seriously wtf are gus and Mickey on?)
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animeficsworld · 9 days
Your Monster and You
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Garou x Reader
Warning: Smut
Summary: Every night he crawled into your bed, and every morning he left.
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Your relationship with Garou had been nothing but complicated.
From the moment you invited him over after a night at a bar, you knew exactly what he was doing.
He was looking for a place to crash and you became the perfect fool he can take advantage of.
But you didn’t care much.
Months ago, when he first came over he fucked you so good, you could barely walk the next day.
Then you met him a couple weeks later, and the same happened. You invited him over, you two had sex in the shower, you fell asleep next to him, but he was gone the next morning. 
However, that time, he left his phone number.
After this, he texted you almost every day, asking if he can come over. 
You always said yes.
You had nothing to lose, you lived alone and he was an amazing fuck.
He always gave you the best time either with his fingers, tongue or cock.
It was a simple exchange. 
But of course, you had to ruin it.
You fell in love. 
Truly a mistake on your part.
Who falls in love with a monster?
But you kept your feelings hidden.
Or at least, tried to.
But one day, he came to your home unannounced, bruised and bloody.
"What the fuck?" you asked as he fainted.
You knew he was bad. But this was another level. 
You dragged him to your couch and cleaned his wounds. You decide to cook some food for when he wakes up.
He woke up when you were already in bed.
It was late, but he decided to eat, you heard the clanking of the plates as he ate the food you made, and then, he joined you in bed.
Like he always did, pulling you close to his chest as he slowly fell asleep.
The next morning you were more than shocked to find him still in your bed.
That never happened before for the last year he has been coming over.
But you weren't complaining, you stayed in his arms. Not moving. You were scared that if you moved, he would just bolt out the door and never come back.
You ended up falling back to sleep. 
You woke up a couple of hours later to a certain feeling between your legs.
It took you a couple moments to realise what was going on  Garou was in between your legs eating you out. 
“Garou.” you said with a moan. “What are you-“ but he just decided to add a finger making your job to stop him a lot more difficult.
You tried to object, but his tongue found your clin just perfectly as he continued.
Your legs started to shake as you came.
No warning or anything.
Just a loud moan.
"Garou." you called his name in your moment of bliss.
Just as you came back to your senses you realized that he was standing up and ready to leave.
"Where are you going?" you asked as he got ready to open your door.
"I'll be back later." he said without looking at you and the door closed behind him.
You spent the entire day at home.
And you made up your mind. You will break this... whatever this is between you and Garou and you.
You were over the anger, the worry and the heartbreak. You never knew if he would come back or not, you never knew if he would die out there or not. 
You couldn't live like that anymore.
As much as it hurt, you wanted it all to end.
Garou arrived back later that afternoon. You were sitting on your couch watching a movie when he arrived.
You knew you needed to talk, but you were still scared to do it.
You loved him.
You loved his attitude, you loved his eyes and his wicked smile. You loved his obsession with monsters.
"We can't keep doing this." you ended up saying as you looked up at him. "This is ruining me, I feel so deeply for you, even though you told me not to get attached... I did. And this is killing me. Seeing you leave when I would need you the most. I simply can't continue like this, not for the sex, not for anything. It is not worth it, I'm sorry. I want a relationship, a man who I can lean on, who doesn't leave to fight heroes on a daily without telling me."
"What if I tell you? Would you be with a man like that, who hunts and kills heroes?"
"I would be with you. I would love to love you freely, without any hesitation. But you are not that, Garou and we both know."
"You deserve better. But at the same time, I would kill anyone who dares to touch you. So, what should we do?"
"What do you mean? Why are you saying that?" you asked, confused.
"I want to be the best for you, but the best of me, not an idea of a man. I want to be a monster, the strongest monster, but... I want to be yours and for you to be mine.”
You didn’t want to believe his words. He must be lying. But his eyes were on yours and you could see the truth in them. 
He was telling the truth. 
And suddenly, you became aware of everything around you.
It was a warm summer evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, surrounded by the heady scent of blooming roses, you didn't even notice that he had roses in his hand.
As he stood there, gazing into your eyes, a spark ignited between you, a flame of desire that burned brightly in the gathering darkness as the sun began to set. 
Garou took a few steps as you stood up, allowing him to reach out to caress your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. 
You leaned into his embrace, your lips seeking his in a passionate kiss that spoke of longing and love and a promise.
A promise of forever.
Your bodies pressed together, hearts beating as one, you lost yourself in the moment, in his arms, yet again. 
The world around you fading into insignificance. 
In that small apartment, you were the only two souls in reality, your love a force of nature that could not be restricted.
As the moon rose high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over your entwined bodies, you and Garou knew that you were bound together by a love that was as timeless as the stars above. 
Even if this all started because of convenience. He needed a place to sleep, and you needed a man to fuck away your problems.
In that passionate moment, you found comfort and joy.
Your hearts overflowing with the beauty of their shared bond, something that was so unspoken before, not it was reality.
And as you lay there, lost in his arms, you knew that your love would endure, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness.
Just your monster and you. 
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scoops-aboy86 · 6 months
The aftermath. I'm not sure how many more parts to this story there will be, but at least a couple.
Anyway, Eddie Munson lives, baby!
Part 1, part 1.5, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 of the love spell no go au
Scrying isn’t something Eddie has delved into much but he knows a scrying plane when he sees one. The shallow water beneath his feet ripples out with every step, echoing out into infinity. He can hear hundreds of thousands of voices whispering just on the edge of hearing, too quiet to make out, and pinches the inside of his wrist to see if this is a bad dream he can simply wake up from. 
… Nope. 
There’s nothing to see and nowhere to go, but he tries. He picks a direction and walks for a long time. 
A very long time. Until—
He whips around, and a girl who may or may not have been there a minute ago regards him with big, tired eyes. Younger than him. Shaved head. 
“That’s me,” he replies warily. “Are you… the party’s Supergirl?” Dustin had said something about her losing her powers, but she must have found them again to be here. 
She smiles a little at that, a small but genuine thing. “I’m Eleven. You can call me El, or Jane.”
“El-or-Jane it is,” Eddie replies with a bow, and that one earns him a laugh. 
“You are funny,” she tells him. “I’m glad my friends in Hawkins had you to help them.”
When Eddie goes to protest that she has it backwards, they’d helped him, El informs him that his ripcord spell had killed Vecna. She’d been in his mindscape when the others’ attack on the dark wizard had begun, the red hell dissolving around her, putting her out of range while Eddie was casting. But Vecna, through his hive mind connection with the bats, had been front and center, and it had zapped him like a bug flying into a light bulb. Enough for whatever power had kept him alive through the ravages of interdimensional travel and decay and being set on fire to be snuffed out. 
El had hurt him, and his physical body had died of the burns from Robin and Steve’s Molotovs and bullets from Nancy’s sawed-off, but it was Eddie who struck the final blow. Otherwise, Vecna might have crashed through that window onto the front yard below and still gotten up again to slink off, lick his wounds, and continue his assault on the Right Side Up. 
“I think we use our powers very differently,” El tells him thoughtfully, and isn’t that just the understatement of the goddamn year. “I don’t understand what you did, or how, but… thank you.” 
Eddie is uncomfortable being thanked, when all he did was run and then pin all his hopes on one last-ditch effort. He jams his hands deep in his pockets and rocks back on his heels, sending out more ripples to nowhere. “Yeah, well… It’s been a hell of a week, all I want to do now is get some fucking sleep.”
El looks perplexed by this, then firm as she shakes her head and holds out her hand. “You have been asleep for long enough. I promised Steve I would bring you back.”
And, okay. Eddie isn’t really one for taking the hands of strange children (he’s in his twenties now, fifteen-ish is a child, shut up) and letting them lead him around, but he thinks he’d do just about anything for Steve. 
Seeing Eddie’s eyes flutter open sends a shock of electricity through Steve. He barely remembers to give El the tissue waiting in his hand before swooping in to scoop up one of Eddie’s with both of his, enveloping pale fingers while careful not to jostle the iv line connected to his wrist. “Eds? Eddie? You with us, man?”
And when those eyes settle on him immediately upon focusing, like Eddie had already known where to find him, Steve feels that zing again only stronger. 
“Mm,” Eddie croaks in agreement. 
Robin is at Steve’s elbow, already handing him the bowl of ice chips (all Eddie is allowed right now) so he can spoon a few pieces in through chapped lips. 
“Eddie,” Dustin says tearfully, and Mike and Will have to immediately restrain him from tackling the guy who just came out of a fucking coma in a relieved hug. 
Steve holds Eddie’s hand again while he sucks on the ice and Nancy goes to let hospital staff know that he’s awake. 
It’s a few more days until Eddie can stay awake long enough to really talk, and a few more after that before he starts remembering the answers to the questions he keeps asking. 
“Is Dustin okay?”
Broken leg, but it’ll heal. 
“What about Max?”
Two broken legs and two broken arms, but she’s already been discharged in casts and a wheelchair. She’s staying with the Sinclairs so she isn’t home alone while her mom’s at work. 
“Did we win?”
Vecna’s dead, the three gates closed, and the Upside Down sealed away for good. Plus, they didn’t lose anyone this time; Hopper is even back from the dead. So yeah, it’s a win. 
“Do people still want to kill me?”
Jason Carver had been arrested for assaulting Lucas, which had lost him a lot of standing with the town. (Not all of it though, so not nearly enough as far as Steve is concerned.) He’s now the lead suspect for the attempt on Max’s life, and it turns out that his only solid alibi for Chrissy and Fred’s murders had been Patrick. Eddie is still known as the local freak, but he’s at least no longer wanted for multiple murders. 
“Where’s Wayne?”
Sometimes Mr. Munson is there to take this one, but most times, like today, Steve has had to explain that he’s working a shift at the plant. But he knows that Eddie’s alive and innocent and going to be okay, and he’s already planning to visit again as soon as he clocks out. 
“It’s really over?”
Steve answers all of these, like he has before, and holds Eddie’s hand while he processes everything all over again like it’s the first time. It’s not Eddie’s fault; they’ve had him on a lot of pain meds. 
“… I’ve asked this before, haven’t I?”
That’s new. Steve nods, then closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. And lets it out, finally. “I am so goddamn mad at you. I told you not to be a hero. What the fuck about that did you not understand? And then you went and nearly died.”
The look Eddie gives him is the clearest it’s been all week, sad and unsettlingly resigned. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“You’re—” Steve stops, presses his lips into a thin line, pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Sorry? That’s it?”
Eddie looks down at their still-joined hands like he doesn’t understand why Steve still wants to touch him. He feels so fragile and washed out against the white of the hospital bed and the pale hospital gown, a nasal cannula holding back his limp and unwashed curls where it hooks over his ears. “What do you want me to say?”
“That you’ll never do it again,” Steve replies, the words immediate and hot on his tongue. “Shouldn’t be too hard, it’s not like there are any more dark wizards or demon bats to chew half your skin off.”
He almost feels bad at how Eddie’s big eyes seem to get bigger, and definitely wetter at the corners. But he’s got his own bites, itching like crazy as they heal beneath the bandages hidden by his polo, and he’s been sitting in this hospital chair for what feels like forever while Eddie was in his coma. His back twinges when he moves, and he hasn’t been sleeping well, not even when Robin stays over. Everything feels uncomfortable and stressful and this idiot almost died and he can’t, absolutely cannot go through it again. Ever. 
“Steve, I… I won’t, I just… I was stupid and forgot about the vents. I wasn’t trying to be a hero, I just wanted to fix what I fucked up.”
“Well you are,” Steve manages to say, despite his throat feeling increasingly tight and his own eyes starting to feel hot. He wipes at them roughly. “A fucking hero, I mean. You ended it. Butthead,” he adds, giving Eddie’s hand a tight squeeze. 
That is what makes Eddie’s eyes spill over with a wet little sound sneaking out between his lips. “It was the ripcord spell. I ended everything. So… you’re mad, I get it, and if you don’t want to be friends anymore—”
“Of course I don’t want to be friends,” Steve interrupts. “I want to date you, you idiot. I told you that already.”
“But the love spell—”
“Fuck the love spell. Maybe it made me fall in love with you one time, but I fall for you all over again every time I see you, Eds. So when you’re healed up enough, I’m going to put you in a wheelchair and push you to the hospital cafeteria so we can have our first official date over the shittiest food in the known universe, and the only thing that’ll stop me in said universe is if you don’t want to.”
Eddie stares at him for a moment, a wonderful hope going from spark to steady glow in his expression. “Are you going to let me finish a sentence on this date?”
Steve smirks, but behind the mask of confidence he has the same wonderful relief welling up in his chest and he’s not actually sure he’s hiding it well. “Play your cards right, and sure.”
He’s never seen a brighter smile than the one Eddie aims at him. And yeah, Eddie is frail and scarred and still connected to a worrying amount of beeping hospital equipment, but he’s also just beautiful. “Then I accept, big boy. It’s a date.”
Tag list (comment to be added): @hotluncheddie @8em-em-em8 @anaibis @connected-dots @lawrencebshoggoth
Part 10, part 11
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Transforming Lies - P2
It’s a good thing Urbosa’s Fury killed the nearby monsters because the exhaustion of the spell sends Wild crashing into the ground. Sound is muffled around him and he bats at his ears to try and wipe away the cotton stuff inside them.
A sharp movement has him raising his sword, even though he’s on the ground, but the blurry image solidifies into Twilight. He says something, but Wild can’t read his lips. The rancher tries again, but the ringing in his ears is increasing, not decreasing.
Maybe…the spell took a bit more out of him than expected. He doesn’t exactly understand magic the way Hyrule and Legend do.
He’s in Twilight’s arms before he realizes it, zoning out to the rolling steps. Silence is slowly overriding the ringing and at first, it’s worse. But, no, it’s not in his head, the battlefield is silent. It’s finally over.
“Twilight! Wild!” Sky jogs over, Master Sword slowly dimming in his grip. “Are you two okay?” He nudges Wild, who blinks back slowly.
It’s hard to concentrate; time keeps twisting and sliding by. Twilight—he’s upset about something. The battle warps under his attention, shaky and stuttering and he gives him.
“…magic…potion?” The words slide past him; the dart of minnows in the water.
Then they’re moving again and Wild loses track of what’s happening until someone pushes a potion into his hand. “Drink!”
He does because he doesn’t know what else to do. It’s tangy and minerally; akin to licking a wet rock. Wild makes a face; not a potion he’s familiar with, then. Whatever it is, though, it’s working, because the world is slowly settling back into a predictable rhythm. The overworked exhaustion that has nothing to do with the battle is fading to a manageable pulse.
Sitting up straighter, he meets Hyrule’s eyes. The healer is pale and drawn but relaxes at the recognition.
“What happened?”
Hyrule nudges the bottle again until he drains it. “You overused your magic with your last spell.”
Wild nearly chokes, yanking the empty bottle away to sign. ‘You cast Thunder twice! Don’t you need—”
Hyrule’s hands gently stop his own. “I already had potions, Wild, don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”
Magical exhaustion isn’t something he’s familiar with, but he’s more able to focus, now. “Is everyone okay?”
Warriors sits down hard next to them, catching the question. “Wind’s got a nasty slice on his arm; Time took a hit to the head he insists didn’t affect him, and Hyrule here saved our sorry arses twice with his spell.”
Blushing, Hyrule waves him off. “Least I could do. What was that about Wind?”
“Ah ah!” Warriors keeps a hand on his arm before he can get up. “You overdid it. Take a break; there’s nothing that can’t wait for a healing bandage first.” Then he turns to Wild. “What happened to you and Wolfie? Lost track of you two for a while there.”
Wolfie. Wild’s eyes land on Twilight and the situation, pushed away in favor of concentrating on battle, lands bright and sharp in his lap again. He shakes his head and pinches his lips together. Time must know, but the rest of them…
“Fell over the cliff edge,” he finally allows. “Had to climb back up.”
Warriors gives him a look, lifted straight off Time, that says he knows that’s not the full truth, but he doesn’t push. “Well, I’m glad you two are okay. Now I’d really prefer not to spend the night in this awful terrain surrounded by blood. Think Hylia will give us a portal to the hot springs again?”
Hyrule yelps and whips around to stare at the portal that appears on one side of the battlefield. “Did you just…”
Wide-eyed, Warriors waves the question away. “I swear! It wasn’t me!”
With a playful smile, Hyrule stands and offers his hand to Warriors. “If it is the hot springs, I’ll give you 20 rupees and apologize for insulting your scarf.”
“My scarf? Hey, when did that happen?”
Wild ignores it all, staying very still as the knowledge of Twilight and Wolfie spins over and over in his head.
When they pair up to enter the portal, he joins Sky instead of Twilight, ignoring the rancher’s hurt look.
Read the rest here!
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neospokenworld · 2 months
Hello, I just wanted to say something here
You see, I'm from Venezuela and always lived here and as you probably know already know the situation here is pretty dire, our ex president (because he is, and it's been proven) altered the votes on the elections to say that he won with 51% of the votes even tho this has been proven to be completely false and the reality is that the opposing party won with 70% of the votes, thus making it very much clear that we're living in a dictatorship.
The thing is that we've been literally on this ever since 1999 more or less, back in Chavez times it was a lot more discrete but the intentions were very clear from the start by making the election time 6 years instead of 4; making it so he could be reelected over and over again; expropiating a lot of private enterprises only to destroy them and finally handpicking Maduro to be the next one in charge on his final moments before passing, so now ever since 2013 it has been pretty clear that the goal of these fuckers that are on power is to stay there as long as possible and make the country bleed until there is nothing left. We've protested for them to go out ever since 2002 and that has always resulted in tons of death and also one of the biggest migrating nationalities in the world, there are currently more Venezuelans outside of the country than inside of it and that is because of this government.
We've been suffering for far too long, right now we are one of the poorest countries in the world and arguably the one with the most percentage of inflation out there, the national coin is barely worth something right now and is all thanks to them unlike what Maduro, Diosdado and their party wants you to believe.
Here in 2024 it was the first light of hope in the country as Maria Corina Machado was going to be the one going against Maduro in the elections but he basically banned her from going for presidency for 15 years, they knew that they would lose if Maria Corina went in against him, but what they didn't expected was that the country would unite for the one she ended up putting as a replacement. That one being Edmundo Gonzales, the 28th of July we all went to vote, as early as possible so nothing weird happened, and even then a lot of people who were probably up since midnight had to wait until late afternoon because the people carrying on the elections delayed it a lot, saying that ''the machines were slow'' and whatever lie they could come across. I personally had to wait around 4 hours or so to get the chance to vote but I know people who had to wait their entire morning or worse, the entire day to get the chance to vote and guess what? the machine were going smoothly, not once those were going ''slow'' or had some kind of delay as the government says.
The night came, and on with it an ''error'' that caused the system to crash, right when it put Edmundo at around 70% on top of the votes, and suddenly as it came back, he had 44% of the votes out of nowhere, so the people rightfully so went to the streets to protest about their right to have a new elected president, and ever since then 4 days ago it has been chaos. The military is shooting to kill anyone that participates in the protests, lots of people who were witnesses of the voting tally have been hunted and detained because of it, and it's been pretty clear that the government won't stop until everyone is either dead or in fear of them, they've gone as far as to say that the people who were killed were ''faking it'' and ''using ketchup to fake the blood''
I'm not asking for money or anything here, all I'm asking is for anyone reading this to spread the word. There have been threats of a national blackout and cutting the internet to leave us uncommunicated to the outside world, everything can be found on twitter and tiktok since there are tons of people from here posting what is happening, this is not a matter of left or right, the government here doesn't care about that, this is a matter of the rights of freedom for an entire nation that is deep into a dictatorship that is slowly killing of the entire country
So spread the word please, there are tons of people dying here and it's not gonna stop unless these motherfuckers either step down or die
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