#if they don't ban him he has every right to go crazy on them
granolabird · 5 months
Hi friends, I am learning this morning that Joost Klein and the Netherlands as a whole may be disqualified from Eurovision. Why is that, you ask? Well, our lovely Dutch gabber chose to do a little heckling during the press conference, shouting"Why not?" After the Israeli press rep told Eden Golan that she didn't have to answer a question regarding why she felt comfortable performing the show when it put others in danger. He also would actively cover his head with a flag during her speaking portions. As well, he explicitly asked for the Isreali team to not record him during some of their video filming. They did anyway. That takes us to today, where, from down the grapevine I hear that comments were made by the Israeli team regarding Joost's deceased father of whom his song is dedicated to, and he retaliated full force. Not sure what this means, or what will happen to him, but I support him in standing up to Isreal on what is at present one of the largest Israeli stages.
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
There is no law that prevents a convicted felon from running for and becoming president, nor a law that bans someone from being president in prison. Also, if Trump gets incapacitated in someway, many ultra right republicans who equally despise trans people and immigrants and Muslims would happily take his place
And I ask, with all due respect, what is your point?
Do you think I don't know that?
Do you think I am somehow convinced that everything is hunky dory now and we don't have any work left to do?
Are you just determined to be the first of the gloom-and-doomers who show up like clockwork in my inbox, every time some consequence happens to Trump, to morosely insist that no consequences will happen to him? First it was "he'll win re-election." Then it was "the coup will succeed." Then it was "he will never be indicted." Then it was "2022 will be a red wave!" Then it was "he will never be tried." Then it was "he will never be convicted." Now we've moved on, within less than 2 hours of the first US President ever to be convicted of ONE felony, let alone THIRTY-FOUR, "he'll never be sentenced or face a real consequence or lose the election." The goalposts keep moving RIGHT along without even a single pause to acknowledge the difficulty and the value of the progress we have made thus far, and it makes me CRAZY.
Do you people realize how fucking rare it is, both in the world today and historically, for a former (and would-be future) head of state to be held to criminal account by a jury of 12 anonymous ordinary citizens? When that one person, Trump, is the center of the malignant fascist cancer that has spread through this country ever since 2016, and plenty of his cultists are still insisting that it's Trump or nobody for them? When we've actually reached the stage of holding him legally accountable for (some of) his crimes for the first time in his miserable misbegotten life? I suspect that most of you are so deep in the "America is totally broken and the system is useless and we can only Revolute!!!1" rabbit hole that you're bound and determined to argue away every step we take, however slow, as Meaning Nothing TM. Voting? Fake. Fighting to make real progress? Also fake. Everything is fake except our belief that everything is broken and we need the Keyboard Warrior Glorious Revolution!!! As long as you can keep inventing ever more contorted twists of logic to ignore everything else that's happened so far, this makes sense... or something. I guess?
Now we're onto "removing Trump won't matter :(" when a whole lot of people have been fighting day and fucking night to get all the privileged-princess Online Leftists to get off their Che Guevara cosplaying asses and cast a single fucking vote to keep us from full-on-sliding into fascism. A slide into fascism that, again, has been spearheaded and centered around Trump's toxic cult of personality and which is still tied to him in almost every way. Apparently holding him to account (again, which has never happened to him in his life) already doesn't matter because wah wah he won't suffer any consequences. If he loses this election he's probably going to jail for the rest of his life! We would have electorally defeated the greatest threat to the American democratic experiment in 250 years, and frankly a huge part of the fascist far-right hydra that is currently attempting a comeback around the world! This is, yet again:
and yet we're still hearing that nothing matters and no work has been done and removing him will have no effect???
Come on. Come on. I know it's tiring and it's slow and it doesn't go as fast as we want. But every single damn time the process goes another step, here you people are in my inbox insisting that we're still at zero progress and it means nothing, and lemme tell you, I am Tired of it. Come on. You don't have to jump up and down (my own feeling is glee and vindication but still not relaxation, I will not relax until he loses the fucking election and goes to jail), but you also don't need to keep myopically pretending that all the effort thus far by so many people means nothing. Come on.
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Very specific TWST head cannons
Jack was accidentally given alcohol by a third year at a party because they thought he was also a third year.
Ruggie would make bets with students if they can guess Jack's age correctly.
Malleus would stay back at after the final class of the day just to sing, he likes the sound of the empty class room. He stopped doing that because a rumor about a "haunted class" was spreading.
Sebek yelled so hard one time, he couldn't talk the next day due to the pain.
Vil watches those self care videos, as in the earwax removal, black head removal, technically any of those gross removal videos. It's a guilty pleasure of his.
Cater is a hot cheeto girl, he and Idia would make ramen and put hot cheetos in it.
Silver is a heavy sleeper...like heavy sleeper. One time a fire broke out in Diasomnia and everyone was screaming. Only after the fire was out did he wake up.
Malleus used to talk to stuff animals as a kid.
Sebek monologues to himself, and everyone can hear him.
Sebek when he was a kid chased another child with a broken ruler for saying Malleus' name in vain.
Riddle and Jamil have this weird friendship, basically it's just them trying to relax but remembering there are idiots who are in the dorms and can't rest until they get things done.
Each dorm has their own WiFi router, Idia usually hacks into the others in case Ignihyde's one is down or he just want to see people's search history.... Let's just say he's not comfortable around certain classmates.
Idia permanently puts Ortho on child lock so people won't ask him to look up not so friendly things on the internet.
Ortho can get sick from viruses or corrupted data he accidentally downloaded.
Jade and Rook have a passive aggressive rivalry. Like imagine them in the botanical garden having lunch and Jade handed him a poison mushroom infused tea and Rook just 'accidentally' pours it in a plant watching it wither. While looking Jade dead in the eyes, both have smiles on there faces, as they passive aggressively try to kill each other.
Cater x Jade or Rook would be so fucking funny. Like imagine dating the most dangerous students in the school but hey at least the dick is crazy.
Trey has a collection of his baby teeth and his siblings baby teeth on his night stand. No-one brings it up...ever.
another reason why Cater doesn't eat sweets is because he'll get a tooth ache just eating a smore.
A student once asked Crewel if it was possible to make 'crack' in potionology..... Crewel wasn't getting paid enough for this.
Crowley has committed tax evasion.
Azul Is thicc. I said what I said, and don't boo me. I'm right.
Ruggie is banned from Monstro Lounge due to finding loop holes in Azul's contracts and getting free stuff.
Malleus hates cake with too much frosting, It defeats the purpose of the cake.
Malleus would use fae circles to teleport prefect to him.
Floyd likes to just bite things, especially his phone case.
Rook takes the best photos.
Sometimes people forget that Vil is an actor and model, so when seeing him in a movie, commercial or magazine they just get jump scared and remembered .
" oh yeah....Housewarden Vil is a celebrity.."
I think prefect is desensitized to meeting famous or high status people that they're not a big deal to them. Imagine Prefect going to a cafe and THE KALIM AL ASIM Is paying for their drink, everyone is shocked that someone who's richer than royalty is paying for you and all you say is " Oh thanks Kalim. "
I feel like up to book 6 every dorm leader helped out in repairing Ramshackle adding there own piece of their dorms in there. A gaming room from Idia, A luxurious bathroom with skin care supplies and designer clothes from Vil, pantry and groceries from Heartslaybul and Scarabia and a cook book from Trey and Jamil respectively. An indoor and outdoor pool from Savannah claw, wallpaper and decor from Azul, and finally furniture and jewelry from Malleus.
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katalyist · 1 year
Something I haven't stop thinking about is Grian (and for extension Scar because they live rent free on my brain) it's the fact that Grian has repeat two episodes in a row that "For some reason the only time I'm not his ally he has show that he is quiet of dangerous" (not exactly his words but you got the point) which is... True? But also not true at all?
Because it has to do with their dynamic and the fact that Grian never really let Scar be a full menace when they were allies because he would have die (and in that series the deads matter even more, one false step and Scar would have been out) but more importantly: Grian has never truly trust Scar habilites to do traps and kill.
In third life Grian took the rol of the one making traps (that tend to fail and work later) because Scar was red life almost all the serie, if he didn't put the tnt minecarts right, serie over. But you can see there how much Scar would rather enter the camp of battle without a further plan that traps, we see him trying to convince Grian to go for Ren or Cleo and Bdubs because he just wants.
In last life they weren't 'allies' but they did see eachother in a regular time and Scar was never a threat to Grian or the Southlanders (probably because he didn't wanted to be a threat, he wanted friends and saw every time that Grian went to magical mountain to get him has a friend) so why Grian would consider him dangerous? Meanwhile B.E.S.T. gave him a life because they were terrified of what he could do if he was red for more time.
We all know how double life went. Scar show that he could be dangerous and persistent but Grian just didn't pay attention and didn't care because he was bussy trying to keep both of them alive (ironic seeing that their three deads were his fault) and because part of how dangerous Scar could be was dedicated to annoy him, to look for his attention. And here in double life we can see again their dynamic how proper allies (and the parallels with third life) and how Grian tried to keep Scar under control "You are ban of the Deep Dark" "Scar, don't burn their boat" "Scar don't take the enchanter" because be didn't want both of them get enemies or killed. Again, Scar having ideas of destruction and Grian going "No" most of the time.
And before passing on our current season I want to add the rol that I think Scar plays in this because it just makes their dynamic more interesting. So, if Grian is the trap person, the 'brain' and protector to keep them alive, what is Scar? The scammer, the fighter, the protector and the supportive one. Because Scar is so good at scamming people, intentional or not, in 3rd life he almost got all his armor for scamming people for making they believe they were getting something in return and using his position as a yellow/red life to scare them. He is also a fighter, not in the literal sense but more in the one that he isn't gonna stop until he gets what he wants (If he dies in the process, well, bad luck) he makes them keep fighting. He is also a protector! Intentional or not, because he cares about his allies too much, even when it seems that they aren't a 100% with him (like Grian with his secret soulmate or Bdubs in this season) he would never turn his back to them unless they are the last ones.
And the most important one for me: he is very supportive. Scar leaves Grian be as crazy as he wants, he supports his plans, his traps, his murder attempts, and at difference of Grian he doesn't get that frustrated if a plan doesn't work as they thought. Scar leaves Grian be Grian. Maybe because both of them are chaos or because he feels safe with the decision Grian makes in name of both of them. But that is why they work so well, because even when Scar likes to joke around and cause tension with other teams he is always ready to follow Grian's plan to take them out of that situation.
And now we are in the present, dear Limited Life, and thinks just really change for this one. Because deads are less important now (at least at the beggining) and you can start killing since you are yellow. AND officially both of them started being enemies: The Clockers vs The Bad Boys.
Scar has a family as crazy as him (just look at Cleo burning down the mansion or Bdubs doing the boogey kill the first five seconds of being boogey) and no one is gonna stop him.
And here we see the part of why Grian thinks that Scar just suddenly become dangerous: he was one of the targets. For the first time (i think) Grian saw what it was being the person that Scar wants dead and Scar succeeded, he killed Grian! And also for the first time he didn't had anyone who would stop him so he get more kills.
The second reason that I could find is that Grian hasn't truly seen Scar traps fail as in the past, he just has seen when he gets a kill, even if was an accident, so Grian can just think two things: or Scar become an expert in traps or he is dropping tnt minecarts randomly and seeing who dies. And honestly both of that options are terrifying.
But now that they are formal allies again when they are together you can still see that they are the same silly and goofy couple of always! You can see Scar consulting and looking at Grian when something seems dangerous and Grian inmediatly being like 'back off back off' and raising his shield so Scar does the same (the birthday party) or Scar making a raid just because he can and almost inmediatly regretting it because "Grian! Grian they are too strong! Help!" and "Scar!" with that tone that means 'Im not letting you die but god if you shouldn't have done that in the first place'.
And how at the end of the chapter Grian says "Timmy... It's at three hours and Scar sigh Scar it's at five hours so let's see what happens" like, yeah, we get it, you are stressed because you need to find kills for two of your allies that are probably gonna die because they can't have an episode without dying.
In conclusion: Desert duo and their toxic dependent relationship ruined my life I can't not think about them enough.
Thank you for coming to my talk, i didn't do a extent research and i have probably half of the things wrong but yeah i hope my point is clear.
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connorjared · 3 months
there are so many things I could say and back up with my annotations but there are some things I want to say
- connor is an unreliable narrator, but in an interesting way. unlike evan, connor's text is purposely written like he's trying to seem WORSE than he is. that's why I think rereading the book as an adult (especially if you have worked with kids) is so incredibly tragic. it's easier to see every way he was utterly failed both personally and systemically when you are no longer the child being failed personally and systemically
- connor is canonically a victim of the troubled teen industry and says it was BETTER than rehab. this genuinely breaks my heart because you can catch little pieces of CPTSD throughout his text and dialogue—he becomes extremely defensive and assumes evan is "tricking him into looking crazy," he states relief there's no longer anyone "waiting around the corner to catch him or check for red in his eyes" this child was treated like a criminal and the one place he felt safe in was removed when he chose to take the blame for something that he didn't do (see below)
- connor taking the fall for his... situationshipfriend miguel because he knew his parents were rich enough and he was white enough to get a more lenient punishment for WEED (which. the criminalization of that and the stigma is a whole OTHER thing) this haunts me. the act itself is noble, unhealthily self sacrificing, but that's not what gets me. his proclaimed friend not only allows him to do this, but even after connor GOES TO REHAB FOR HIM miguel doesn't tell his own mom the truth, causing her to ban the two of them hanging out and connor LOSES his only safe space right after undergoing rehab that he never even needed
- connor canonically has been put on and off multiple medications , we unfortunately don't know when this started but we DO know it was not in his control. SSRIs take a long time to work and shouldn't be switched quickly even for adults, let alone teenagers, and they ESPECIALLY should not be used as stand-ins for accommodations of a disability. there's far more I could say about other medications this might have been such as an SNRI (which connor has said to have less than favorable opinions of) and this is possibly even MORE concerning
- there has been a BUZZ on tiktok about how zoe was a girl icon for being forced to mourn her "abusive brother" and while they definitely had a toxic sibling dynamic fed by their toxic parental dynamic, the idea the toxicity was one sided is just... wrong. not even subjectively, the narrative WANTS you to know this is wrong, at least in the book. the musical... lets just say, im glad they wrote the book. it doesn't undo the honestly pretty shit messaging of the musical, but it adds context that helps derail claims like the one above that add further stigma to victims of suicide. zoe is verbally degrading to connor in recollections and in the small amount of time we hear her speak about him (though, this does change as her character develops throughout the book and she begins to mourn him properly.) zoe is a glass child. she resents all of the negative attention connor received because she didn't get any attention at all. so, she often sides with larry through the book, who is said to have more or less gotten tired of connor and considered him attention seeking, which would be something INCREDIBLY validating for a glass child to hear. zoe is, unfortunately and ironically, often written with detail but no substance. evan, who I could talk about at length and very angrily, constantly prattles small things he notices about her—but, and im not sure if this is the author's intention or not, she barely gets any true characterization outside of her interactions with others, which strangely almost makes her a side character (which i suppose she is) but there are some core parts of HER identity and her character alone that can be picked up throughout the book and i could go on for hours about that and i will not now but i will
- i didn't even touch on cynthia and larry and their abuse (yes! people can love their children and be abusive) but by god i will. by god
dear evan hansen fandom please interact. if u disagree i will probably point an autism beam at you in the form of a personally crafted video essay on why I am right and you are wrong. I have read this book inside and out
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you ain't woman enough
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Summary : some crazy diehard fan claims to steal your man, of course- you won't let that happen
Word Count : not too long, I hope
Warnings : 18+ Rockstar!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are both (25) also they're MARRIED to each other, no use of y/n, Gareth is (18), Jeff is (20) mentions of a fan having self-harm history, the lunatic fan (I named her Delancy, she's 18) can be very invasive, disrespectful, delusional and too obsessed with Eddie, alcohol consumption, mentions of pregnancy at the end, I think that's just it tho
What to Expect : angst and fluff teehee
Note To Reader : guys, you're not going to believe this because my fever just bounced back again making me suffer once more 💀 (but I'm good right now don't worry)
Author Note : LOVE LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH- OF COURSE YOU KNOW I'VE HAD TO MAKE A FIC WITH IT ;)) (idk if I feel satisfied about this fic but here it goes)
You and Eddie have been together for ages
A bit dramatic, isn't it?
But no, seriously, it's like you spend a lifetime every minute, hour and seconds being with him
Since high school, Eddie thought it's cruel joke when you talked to him for the first time
He had a bit of time to grow on you back then, but when you finally get to know him when he unsheds his layers of showing the tough act to people at school
He is actually very sweet
That's where it all took off
You're always been there
The Hellfire Club campaigns, The Hideout sessions, the best part is that you we're also there when he got his long-awaited diploma
Wayne loves you, gosh, Eddie can still vividly remember the teasing moments that make him so freaking embarrassed when it revealed that Eddie has a crush on you
It's the most silliest confession that you both shared to each other, giggling at the same time
It's also wholesome in a way that you feel like yourself when you're with him than you're own
That's says something
You watch him grew to become one of the highest paid rock bands all of time, Corroded Coffin
Back in graduation in college, he said that he'll marry you and you'll be on his side while he's touring around the world
The words you told him never left his mind
"Always keep your dreams alive, Ed's"
You both love metal music, films, obviously certified nerds, always excited when you're both talking about your favorites
I mean- what's not to love?
"You're ready? sweetheart?"
You gave him 360° turn to your full ensemble for the tonight's show
Oh, he was stunned at it, he takes a minute to process
"You look fantastic- I mean- hot, super super hot"
You snort "Okay, let's go rockstar"
You've prepared yourself for this since the beginning, the moment that Eddie got himself big time at a record label
You know what you're in for
You're ready to face it all, the tabloids, loads of paparazzi everywhere, awestruck fans that recognize the both of you walking in the streets of L.A
You also know once you entered this business, there's no longer privacy that you knew before
The fandom that Eddie has is like a freaking movement almost like an activist, every false lies, rumors, gossips, they defend him with his bandmates
You adore them, really, grateful for it
The head of the official fanbase of Corroded Coffin is really nice and respects everyone of you, even treat you like normal human beings
They organized parties when it's time for an occasion like Corroded Coffin won a Grammy, New Year's, when someone in the band has a birthday, it's really great
Sometimes, you wish every fan is just like that, or sometimes even not a fan, you wished they'll treat you kindly
While eating lunch with Eddie at a local diner downtown
"You know, there's a young girl keeps looking at our spot for like 30 mins now" Eddie is wearing Ray-Ban black sunglasses as he quietly speaks as he takes a sip of his coffee
You had a mouth full of philly cheesesteak as you turned around to find what your husband is referring to
There, you spot her, when you catch her eyes, she simply look away shyly
You hum as you shrug "It looks like she wants to say something"
"Oh, boy, here she comes"
Before you can react to what he just said, she's now standing to where you both seated but she gave a distance for personal space that leaves an impression to the both of you
Eddie caught a glimpse of the young girl's wrist with marks of healed pocks, you saw it too, he watches her intently but when he saw how genuine her eyes are, he knows this isn't some weird fanatic
You cleared your throat as you smile at the young girl
"Uh- hi, I'm so very sorry, if I made you both uncomfortable but I- I just want to express my gratitude, your songs really helped me a lot and ever since I stopped doing it for 5 years already and I feel a whole lot better and uh- your love story has always been my favorite- it's very inspiring and I've always been looking up to the both of you and uh- yeah thanks for everything" she leaves at that
the young girl went on and on with her slightly ducked down too shy to even look at the both of your eyes
"That's really sweet" you say with twinkling eyes as you kept your eyes on the young girl
"Wow, see- this is why I'm doing this! I will keep on making music when something like that happens! I can help people!" He beams exhilaratingly with a smile
"Eddie, haven't you realized you've been doing this since highschool?" You hold his hand across the table
"Yes, I know and I will do what I do best" he winks and you by that look
You know he's gonna make this interaction memorable
"Hey, kid"
The young girl almost can't believe the Eddie Munson called her out
"We appreciate you so much" he says as he picked the whole new latest album from his bag
Young girl is appalled, felt weak on the knees almost, you giggled at her reaction
To make everything go insane, he even signed the album cover
You hand it out to her "We're so proud of you"
She takes it with shaky hands as she laughs "I-I'm sorry, I'm freaking out inside, thank you so very much"
"You'll be the first person to hear it"
"I'll listen to it once I get home, I will never forget this day in my life!"
You and Eddie both chuckled "Treasure it, sweetie! You deserve it!"
"I love you both so much, you have absolutely no idea! um- I'll be attending your show this coming Saturday" you shyly added with a grin
You squealed as you look at Eddie with excitement, he took his glasses off
"That's very metal, dear" he makes a rock n roll sign as the kid does the same time, both shared laughs
You watched the kid happily as she runs over to her parents with the album in hand as they become starstrucked when they saw both of you, waving at their daughter
You sigh in content "Isn't that just awesome?!?" You slam your hands on the table feeling giddy
Eddie throws his head back in laughter as his mind replays the endearing interaction earlier
"My manager is going to kill me after this"
"Oh, yeah right- you weren't supposed to reveal your latest album yet"
"I doubt it she'll not spread it to everyone"
"I'll drink to that"
Turns out, both of your guts we're right, the young girl didn't leaked the whole ass album for the whole world to hear
The tour was going fantastic, the crowd roars, screams, cheers everyone is going nuts once the band came out the stage
The after-party is your favorite part when the set is done, it's just you, Eddie, Jeff and Gareth hanging out
It's like old times, the difference is that all of you are a part of public figures now
But, no, never once or anyone of you let that get into your head, you don't want to believe or let yourself be aware of that "I'm a celebrity and you're nothing" type of shit, all of you remained humble since day one
No wonder why people adored you so much
Jeff finished his degree last year, now he's got himself a babe beside him, Gareth only have 2 years left at his college
He is so sick of it already, but he won't stop until he finally graduated
"Now, I get it why- Eddie feels so fucking drained after college" Gareth groans as he sats down next to you
"But my tutoring while on the tour bus helped, right?" You gave him an sympathetic smile
He smiles tiredly "Yeah, I'm just so exhausted but I'm almost there"
"That's the spirit!"
"Man, I don't know how you do it, are you getting enough sleep?" Jeff chimes in as he drinks his beer as he awaits for his friend to answer
"I don't even remember when's the last time I got a good night's sleep"
"Your time has run out" a voice rudely interrupted your conversation
You, Jeff, Gareth turn around at the girl who is standing closer to you
Jeff and Gareth shared confusion looks to each other
"Excuse me?" You say as look at her directly
"I said he's done with you"
Jeff makes a face and Gareth is unamused, offended by it
You tried your best to be polite as you wave your hand in front of her dismissively, maybe it's just some girl who mistakenly thought you're someone that she knew
"He doesn't love you anymore"
Who is this person? You think to yourself
You laugh incredulously as you lean forward, Jeff and Gareth looked at you and thinks why you're aren't doing anything to be mean just for once
They're watching the nicest argument ever
"You have to let him go" she says as she crossed both of her arms
"Why would I do that?"
"So, I can take him"
You, Jeff and Gareth looked at each other with knowing looks as you tried to keep your composure stable
The bartender is clearly knows what the fuck is going on and couldn't help but to bite back a laughter as well
"Ooh- okay, hot shot- gimme a sec" you say with a mockery on your voice as you bit your lip to stop bursting to any second
You kick Jeff and elbowed Gareth to stop them from snickering
"Hey, Francis" you paid for the tabs, you treat the guys for the drink tonight
"You didn't have to-"
"I insist, you always gave me fine drinks and you never let me pay? Come on- take it"
The older man smiles and sighs and muttered a small thank you
All of you go down to your rotating circle chairs, but before you left her, you twirl around with a teasing smile
She became annoyed at you, you didn't even know what the hell she's annoyed at you for
"Sorry to burst your bubble, you can't do that"
"What makes you think that I can't?" She snaps and it makes you amused
Jeff and Gareth make a teasing "Oooh's" as you flipped the guys off behind your back
"Because-" you looked at her from top to bottom
She really wasted her beauty for pulling a stunt like this?
"You aren't there yet"
You know, she ain't gonna understand that phrase because she's young, you didn't even bother to explain what it means so you turn heel and left her at it
You wiggle your fingers at her as you wave goodbye and she watches the three you finally booming the streets with the loud cackles
At the backstage, 10 mins left before the show starts
"Eddie! Stand still!" You say as you fix his outfit
"I've been performing for years and I still get nervous" he says with a unsure smile
"That's totally normal, Eddie, once you get out of there and feel all of the people energy and literally once you start singing? You'd be great like you always do" you say as you finish doing touch ups to his look
He didn't replied, he instead hugged you
"Oh" you got startled at his sudden action but you melt with it
"Thank you, sweetheart"
"Anytime, Ed's"
A frequent knock is going on the door, almost breaking it, he swung it open- he got cutt off by someone
"Alright, alright! I'll be there-"
"Where have you been?!? I've looked for you everywhere!"
"Didn't you missed me?!?"
You lean onto your side of the doorframe with arms crossed as Eddie looked at you for help almost like he's saying "Do you have any idea who is this person?!?"
The young lady who you encountered last night meet your eyes, you swore you saw the fire ignited once you came into the frame
"What is she doing here?!?"
Eddie is so perplexed as he continues to look at the random girl and you just smirk to yourself
She reached for Eddie's hand as he became so stunned at her action and you raised both of your eyebrows at her boldness
The audacity of this person is wild
"Honey? Care to explain, please?" Eddie is obviously trying to let go of the grip that she's holding onto him
"Oh, I just met her last night and how rude of me not knowing your name- if you even had one" you sarcastically speak up, it's very comedic to watch her face crumpled up to your smugness
"It's Delancy"
"Yeah, right- Delancy!" You act like it was the most interesting information ever
Eddie is watching you with a wolfish grin, he finally understood it
"I'm here to support my boyfriend" she lOviNgLy looks up at Eddie, the situation doesn't even get worse from there as he looks at you through his bangs as he purses his lips together
"Sweetie, before you can get to him, I'll have to move over and I'm gonna stand right here"
"You can't!"
"It will be over my dead body"
Eddie finally got away from the hold as he looks at her with fake sympathetic smile with a pout as he throws both of his hands in defense
You glanced at the corner and saw the security guards probably looking for her
You lean closer as you say "So, get out while you can" you nudge your chin towards the guards and she panic as she runs away
"Oh my fucking god" Jeff jogs as he tries to catch up his breath
"Give me a minute" Gareth holds up a finger as he pants
"So, she's the girl that you little shitheads talking about, huh?"
Both of the young men nod as they chuckled slightly
"Can't believe she got herself inside" you scoff as you shake your head
"Hmm, maybe there's a way to end this ridiculousness" Eddie smirks as all of you looked at him in confusion
The show is exhilaratingly amazing, Eddie called out for you, is this his plan?
You shyly get up on the stage as the crowd cheers for your name
Once you walked closer to Eddie he pulled you in for a kiss
You're surprised but managed to recover as you wrap your arms around him as you kiss him back
Jeff whistles as Gareth clapped aggressively
The whole crowd screamed harder as Eddie pulled you closer more to him as if that were possible, you became flustered as you break the kiss from running out of breath but Eddie?!? Kept stealing kisses as you giggled
"My beautiful wife everybody!" Eddie announces in the microphone not caring if your lipstick is all over his face
"Thank you guys for the insane night! We love you! We appreciate all of your support! Take care and we'll see you soon! Keep on rockin'!" Eddie left with that as Jeff and Gareth came onto your side as they join you for a bow before all of you waved goodbye and exit the stage
The interview is happening in the morning after the last night's show
"Have you heard about the rumor? There's basically a young girl claiming your husband, Eddie, to be as her boyfriend? What is your comment about this?"
Gareth chimes in with a smirk on his face as he leans over to steal a moment in the camera "No comment" he says as Eddie, Jeff snickered as you chuckled as well
"Yeah, I did, I even interacted with her- she seems....interesting"
"Interesting for a therapy" Jeff adds as the three man crack up to his joke
"She even said that Eddie looked at her at the concert last evening" the interviewer spoke up as you can watch Eddie genuinely reacted to this
"Oh my god" Eddie rubs his face as he hides his face buried on his palms as he tries not to laugh
"Well, a man looks at things sometimes that he doesn't need, I think she's referring to what happened at the backstage-"
"I took a second look-" Eddie narrows his eyes at you
"But he's in love with me" you point to yourself ignoring your cheeks blush
"Exactly" Eddie grins as you held his hand
"She even said that the kiss that happened was a fake"
"I don't know where that leaves her" you shrug at the interviewer
"You know where you stand"
You chortled at the interviewer's remark, knowing that this will even more pissed her off
"Precisely, I know where I stand" you agree as you nod
"And there you have it, folks, The Corroded Coffin, it's such a delight to finally to get to talk to you all and the man of the hour, Eddie Munson with his wife, Jeff and Gareth the icons behind the band, Thank you for tuning in!" The interviewer wraps it all up
"Please, do invite your fans to come on over to your tours"
"it's our pleasure, to share our music around the world and all we wanna do is just inspire people" Eddie smiles at the camera while he always pulled you into his side, you love that he never fails to show you off
As the airing ends, Eddie whispers to your ear
"Let's make her even more furious" Eddie bites his lips as he could think for a conniving idea
You snorted at him with a playful smile
"Telling to everyone that you're having a baby" he winks
"Eddie!" You push him playfully on the chest but he laughs as he carries you and spins around at the studio
But he ain't wrong with that, you'll even consider it later ;))
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Sis.. now you know I’m going to need your very elaborate thoughts on Jungkook concept photos 👀🫨🫢😳😱🤯🫠💃🏻🕳️⚰️
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Look, if you need me to do something you can't be sending me gifs of Jimin raising his eyebrows at me. It's distracting as hell.
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Okay so first things first: the word coincidence needs to be BANNED from Jikookers' mouths. Like completely deleted. Obliterated 1300% It needs to not exist anymore. No seriously, how long are we gonna keep using the word 'coincidence' and Jikook in one sentence before we all collectively decide to agree they do this shit on purpose?
"You are me I am you" can only go so far. That's for them having the same moles in the same places, them being born in Busan. Things like that, that are out of their control. Not things like this!
We know, like even if you're an anti you know JK has studied FACE. @jigokuhana and I were just talking about this, JK has everything about FACE memorised. He is prolly a bigger fan than all of us combined. And don't forget he saw everything before we did. So he knows what he's doing. Knows that we will catch similarities btwn FACE and SEVEN. Armys have noticed many things that Jikook (n members) tried to hide from us and I know over the years they have to have seen us noticing some of these things. So how will we fail to notice something that's right infront of our faces? And he knows this. Of course he knew we would notice.
So first we've all seen these floating about
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Those alone are already like, crazy 😏 But then let's talk about the thorns/spikes/shards.
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I mean, what are the chances??? 😳
When u support Jikook, u discover that they are actually really sappy/corny motherfuckers so you inevitably start to get corny yourself sometimes too. This is what my friends (one of them being @lovelysmyleyes) had to say about this. I'll just copy paste them, coz I absolutely agree.
The spikes being directly on Jimin's body feel like it was a more direct hit. JK wearing the spikes on the jacket is more of a defensive maybe? Like a by-product. Almost like He was acting as a shield.
The 'shots' weren't directed at him so even if they hit him they would not have pierced the skin. Whereas it was directed at JM and meant to go deep.
It is understandable, The first thing you want to do is protect your partner the best you can.
Or it can represent keeping others away from them. Roses have thorns on them to keep people/living life forms away, after all.
They got kinda deep y'all. Which brings me to the part that blew my mind;
Mud from LC
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Mud on JK's trouser;
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The pants. I think he is hinting that he helped pull Jimin out of the mud...or at least he was down in the mud with him when he was at his lowest. He was there supporting. Someone catch me cuz I am once again falling into that delulu train headfirst 😭😭😭
He he hee... thats so fucking deep y'all. But seeing as there's no other explanation for why JK would have "dirty" trousers (yet) i'mma go with this assumption for now. #feels 🥺🥺🥺
Like, its not even that far fetched though. When Jimin was going through what he went through JK saw it all first hand. Isn't that why we assumed he kept skipping LC in the beginning? Coz it reminded him of that time and it prolly wasn't pretty. He didn't like to remember Jimin in that bad place.
I for one believe JK was there for Jimin every step of the way. Jimin said members were there for him, I'm sure his family was too and most importantly, so was JK.
Thats why he wrote letter. He said it was his turn to be grateful. His turn to give back.
I know it's obvious
So that it's not taken lightly
Let me tell you this properly
Baby, don't leave, just stay with me, yeah
To you who saw me greater than my little self
So that I can only deliver as much as I received
I can't y'all... help 😭😭😭
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Okay but this tweet tickled me 🤭🤭
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I know some Jikookers work very hard in trying not to be delulu (not me. I jump in head first, always. Ha haa) and I applaud that. I do. But these are way, way too many similarities. Even the most clear headed Jikooker has got to find this sus.
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noonaishere · 2 months
This is long! Please don't post this if I'm giving things away. There's still a ton of story to go and I don't want to spoil anything if I'm right! But I had to share my thoughts with you! 😁
So for awhile now, I've been going back and forth between either Keeho or Yeosang. It's obviously someone close to her. Who is pretending they AREN'T a stalker. I even made a little chart of screen names at one point trying to pinpoint who was and wasn't around and for how long. Stalker KNOWS her. These two just seem like they're juuust shady enough, or background character-y enough to be the stalker. But…. Something didn't quite fit. Keeho because he was involved in the move and choosing the apartment, no one would suspect a beloved idol of stalking, maybe he wasn't stalking but trying to scare her into keeping him company in Seoul, etc. Yeosang because he “happened” to live in the same building, “happened” to know Wooyoung, “happened” to randomly show up at her cafe, has a stand up job as a responsible adult/teacher, etc. I had more evidence for Yeosang than keeho, but somehow it makes sense that the stalker is someone close and was more involved in her move/daily life than we know. At one point, I remember thinking, “I should call it now, it's yeosang isn't it?” I mean the guy got her to trust him enough to give him a key? I know, long history, good friends, blah blah… but idk. I love Yeo but he seems fishy.
Anyway. Now here we are, I'm reading chapter 68. And it hit me. Like a ton of bricks and my stomach literally dropped. Omg I hope I'm wrong because this would be horrible!!!!
So, it seems that we have multiple stalkers right now. Or at least y/n isn't equating “online harasser” as possibly being “cafe stalker”. If this is two different people, it's concerning. How does someone end up with an online stalker/harasser who knows where they used to work, their true identity online, etc, AND an in person stalker too?
I'ts likely that that person knows who she is in real life, so it's likely she knows who they are. So it seems that cafe stalker CAN'T be Online Harasser because yn doesn't recognize him and isn't even thinking that he knows she's a streamer.
However. I propose that they are the same person. Online Harasser IS Cafe Stalker, who is the original stalker.
It's Quack. Omg, it's fricken Quack.
Who was the one who originally discovered that Online Harasser (who donated the crazy amount of money) was a guy with her cafe posted on his social media? Quack.
Who was the one who DIDN'T share the supposed guy's name or social media handle with yn? Quack.
Who is the one who is responsible for banning every harassing screen name, and making sure the messages get dealt with/seen or not? Quack.
Who is her only mod, unt she added Namhae? Quack.
“QuackIsWhack✅: Sometimes I can’t even tell if they’re fighting, and I’ve been Cat’s mod since she first needed a mod”
🤔 I wonder how she came to the decision she needed a mod? Did Quack suggest it?
Who is overprotective of yn during streams? Exhibit 7642:
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: Tits out for Morn
QuackIsWhack✅: *Whose* tits, Tree?
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: My own 😤😤😤
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: They’re my tits and I’ll display them if I want to
QuackIsWhack✅: Understandable. As you were
(Side note: this kind of comment from Quack isn't creepy if she's another female who is standing up for her long time friend. It IS creepy when it's a rando from the internet who is a man in his 30s and probably in his mom's basement… you aren't her boyfriend, bro.)
Who didn't need a replacement mod when Namhae aka San didn't mod for a month? Quack.
When did the harassing messages online start again? When Namhae was out and Quack was the only modder on duty.
Ugh! And ALL of chapter 50?! Quack called the chats to her attention on purpose so she would know someone was calling her names?! Oh please!
Who doesn't she know in real life? And we have never talked to except over typed chat?Quack.
She moved to Seoul, on keeho's advice, into a building based on keeho's recommendation. And who told her to talk to Keeho about the creepy social media post she hasn't actually seen? Quack. Maybe keeho is involved.
Chapter 66. Cafe Stalker says to San, “She’s never said anything about having a boyfriend–”
Which brings me to the current, stomach dropping moment in chapter 68. Yn texts Quack to tell “her” that she can't stream tonight BECAUSE SHE ISNT AT HER APARTMENT. Yn tells Quack where she is, and Quack wants her GPS data! She's going to give the stalker her GPS data! Oh my god. Quack isn't stopping or blocking the stalking or threats. He's manufacturing the online threats so she's scared and Quack can be the white knight and/or bring it all to her attentikn and watch her panic. Stalkers/psychopaths love to see the effects of their work. Quack is the stalker.
In his own words, Quack is WHACK!
So first @rachs-words, I have to say:
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Because I'm not going to tell you if you're right or not, since I don't want to spoil it for you or anyone.
I will say, it didn't occur to me that I had made so many Red Herrings, but that's probably just because I know who it is, so I wasn't paying enough attention to what readers could have thought about all the characters... (and here I thought that the spreadsheet I had to make with character's ages for a book series was complicated 🤣)
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Whoopsie. Definitely a learning moment for if I ever wanted to write a Mystery lol
I am super flattered (🫶🫶🫶) that you went through all the trouble of making a chart in trying to figure out who the stalker is, and I really love the thisness of this ask:
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(I'm including San because I remember someone said they thought it was him early on)
It's just so that^^^ and I loved every second of it lol.To all of your effort, I say:
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I have been dropping hints about who it is, but now I'm wondering if they were too subtle. The answer does have to do with the screen names, though, that's all I can say.
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The only thing I'll maybe push back against, is: I was a mod for a streamer for a month or so (after I finished the fic actually, and it was funny to me how right I ended up being about most of my guesses of what it would be like lol) and there were a lot of moment's like Quack's that you quoted, where chatters would start to get a little wild and we'd have to be like "excuse you?" In particular, they'd randomly start calling the streamer "daddy", which made him uncomfortable, so we'd have to be like "everyone be cool or you're getting timed out," and then hide all their messages so they didn't show up in the stream. One Horny On Main person in particular had to be timed out at least once because they were just not listening lol. Like... everyone's looking at you in real time, are you not embarrassed? lol.
Should I do a Q&A after the fics are over? I feel like there's going to be some questions that people need answering and I don't mind answering them after it's over lol
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
(Not) Daily ask №32
I really don't think that I can keep up the 5 questions every single day thing. Procrastination gets the better of me : (
Isekai edition!
1. What is your favourite universe? Like a favourite show, game, book, etc.
2. What are your 3 favourite characters from that universe?
3 What is your favourite time period of the universe? Ex. Pogtopia arc for dsmp, an episode of a show, a scene from a book.
4. What is your favourite antagonist/villain from that universe?
5. BOOM fault crew gets into your favourite universe, in your favourite time period of the show, with your favourite characters finding them first and then they meet your favourite antagonist. How does that go?
There is completely no obligation to do anything ever, buddy. 
1.Really hard to look past the haze of Fault that’s been my brain for years. That said, I’ve been having an INSANELY good time with Taz vs Dracula recently. Essentially it’s a DND campaign where they go through a wacky gothic horror setting that’s very heavy on the comedy, all in the name of defeating Dracula. It incorporates a lot of free domain characters, so like Pinocchio, Mickey Mouse, King Arthur, the invisible man show up (or doesn’t, he’s a flakey POS). All with some crazy twist of course ofcours. Absolute blast. 
And no read more line because I’m proselytizing for this podcast now okay ok. 
2. Lady Godwin. She’s a posh old lady who got run over by Dracula and the Wolf Man (who is a bad influence on Dracula). She had a Frankenstein life policy but it got shut down due to bad business practice, and her head got stuck on a barbarian lady’s body. On top of that severe body dysphoria, Lady Godwin gets bitten by a were-horse and gets transported to the mental realm of Oats on occasion. She’s prim and huffy and goes into destructive rages. Perfect woman. 
Thumbs. Thumbs is a were-orangutan DJ for the Wolf Man’s nightclub, since he’s the only one with thumbs. There’s supposed to be a spell that allows everyone to communicate with one another, but he just speaks in monkey noises. Notably is banned from pushing the big red button on his DJ set up. BUt ooooooh man. Wants to. Deserves to. (this destroyed the were-house were-nightclub)
An. He’s an almost dead god of night with a dedicated cult and the Sword in the Stone jammed through his skull, pinning him in spot because evil cults don’t tend to have a lot of people pure of heart and rightful king of England material? Who knew. He’s so suave and has a major superiority complex and is so so so overtly evil but the DND party is just so chill about debating whether or not to free him. But An has searched all of the land to find the most Pure of Heart….and landed on Brother Phileaux, the monk currently sharing a Pinocchio body with THE Van Helsing. Who is an absolute little freak, mind, so I have absolutely zero idea why he’s trying to (in his own words) 4D chess manipulate Phileaux when he is pure by no one’s standards and also very dumb. It’s very hard to be a gaslight gatekeep girlbosser when dealing with stupid adventurers. Poor guy. He dies due to the redneck Mutt becoming the casual King of England, a reverse knock knock joke and the Toby Slayer*, and a cross that the interim-temporary Turbo Cardinal stole once. 
3. Episode 16 is my favorite part. Literally howling the entire time. Acquiring the Toby Slayer*, a legendary sword that obliterates anyone named Toby with. Yes this means they spend the rest of the campaign trying to name people Toby (nicknames, telling an amnesiac their name is Toby, shortening Turbo Cardinal to Toby (works because one of them is the king of England via authoritarian legends). They kill a god using the Toby slayer. This all happened because the DM tried to give last minute flavor text to a loot item. Casually water boarding the severed head of a Dracula clone while discussing if they could raise him to be the ‘good Dracula’. Meeting a crazy fish monster man with a basketball wife named Elizabeth, who is a druid that only turns into sports items. Taking a break from a revenge quest to play the sickest game of volleyball ever using said sports druid. Lady Godwin randomly biting a severed ear. The ENTIRE inventory situation of Phileaux, including teeth from a sea monster, said severed ear, and LITERALLY HIS OWN DEAD BODY SHRUNKEN DOWN INTO A LITTLE VILE. The offhand discussion about if Phileaux should make a flesh homunculous using spare Dracula clone parts. I think this TAZ episode made me laugh the most, though the Steeplechase campaign where they went on the trashiest dating show ever was so choice too. Schlebethany my beloved….
4. DRACULA. Oh my god he’s soooooooo fun. Might be my favorite villain ever. Absolute love to hate character, except he’s so funny and charismatic that it’s hard to hate him even though like terrible evil dude. But he’s also a complete dork, and cringes about his ‘wizard phase’ and opines about how everyone wants to kill him :( so rude. He had a toxic BFF relationship with the Wolf Man but had to cut him out for being a ‘bad influence’ (HE IS DRACULA THIS MAN IS THE WORST). He helps Mutt (protag) pull out his fangs to make earrings. All of his clones insist they’re ‘the good’ Dracula. Dracula had an unrequited romantic relationship with Dr. Frankenstein, and is now in a love triangle with him and another Dracula clone, who wants to kill OG Drac for breaking Frankenstein’s heart. He is a staunch supporter of the fine arts. So far I think he might be trying to mind control an entire town/end the world (?) via evil airpods because he can’t get one song out of his head from when he was a kid. And also so he doesn’t have to drink blood anymore because it’s yucky >.<
Like. Just listen to him:
“Dear diary.
How come everybody wants to kill Dracula?
I mean, the people whose villages I’ve razed to the ground, whose family trees I’ve so thoroughly pruned, them I understand. But how did my vulnerabilities become the topic of casual dinner table conversation? I don’t talk about the weaknesses of mortal men, and Lord knows I could. I may be biased, but it seems these days that haters are coming at me left, right, and center…(enter SICK MUSIC RIFF)
5.Tubbo will get obliterated. No help for it. The SECOND the DND party finds out their name, the Toby Slayer is going to come out. Thems the rules. Or they’d try, but the Fault crew would step in and then the DND party would be really chill and laid-back, brushing off the murder attempt while everyone else is freaking out. Tubbo would probably try to convince Phileaux to work more with Van Helsing on the semi system thing. Overall freaked out about how casual murder is here. Second, Wilbur is having a bad time due to the permanent eternal night upon the land. Oh well. Flashlights may or may not exist, since we have both horse-drawn carriages and Honda elontras show up? Good luck lmao. Phileaux could probably cast light on a pointed Pinocchio hat for him. But would be wayyy too interested in getting samples from the void. Tommy thinks it’s spooky as hell. Maybe Elizabeth could teach him the cantrip Shape Water, which would solve 99% of his problem if he can artificially control Red. Wait. And he can touch Brother Phileaux! That’s big for him, until Phileaux says something offputting and oh muffin that wasn’t a joke- The Blade is really vibing with Mutt, since, ranger. They’re also very blunt and straight forward characters. And he’d love Lady Agatha (dog). Probably Lady Godwin too for their similar rage modes, but the comments about curvaceousness would make him awkward. I really really really want Philza to party with the Wolf Man. But the auto killing any non were-person would be a damper on the relationship. And Philza isn’t at random haha murder philosophy atm, so would probably not hang even if he can pass. Ah wait forgot he’s super duper beheaded by this point of the series, moot point. He can definitely gel with Lady Godwin and Elizabeth about getting lost in the sauce re: body, be it the plane of horses, basketballs, or dragons. 
Now I could go on and on about how the existence of monsters casually in society both as threats and friends would drastically be eye opening for the Fault guys, etc etc, however they’re in the middle of a swamp at the moment. 
As for plot: The Blood God would be extremely hyped about the cult of the Buried Blood! …until he finds out it isn’t about him. Booo what kind of god gets half murdered? Loser. I figure the Fault crew would pick up An’s rank vibes way more than the DND party bothered to act on, the manipulation is pretty blatant. Tubbo is absolutely fuming about not being pure of heart, and that the random redneck did it through the power of rats. Tommy is desperate to become the king of England, and is infuriated because none of the DND guys know what England even is. 
Probably a lot less impressive to kill a god when you have like 3 on your team, but-
Everyone is down on the killing Dracula thing. Even Tubbo I think, given how evil he is. Would prefer a different method! But it’s looking like world ending stakes so maybe it’s okay. As for actually meeting the real OG Dracula? The campaign hasn’t gotten there, so I can’t even guess. But the fact both universes have potentially world ending songs is really funny. Based on vibes, Philza, Tommy, and The Blade think Dracula is absolutely great and kinda forget they’re there to kill him. Philza definitely sympathetic on the curse of immortality thing. Dracula doesn’t pass Wilbur’s vibe check at all, thinks he’s sleezy, and Tubbo can see way too much of the mind control stuff happening to brush it off. Like if they can manage to hate friendly Philza the charisma isn’t going to mean much. 
Probably ends up trying to suck Tommy’s blood, getting Red’d, and having the most balls to the walls insane fight scene ever. Man I can’t wait for the finale.
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kachowthunder · 2 years
This is really important information anyone in the Cars fandom need to know about The Weathers Family...
༆ Strip is basically the father figure, Lynda is the mother figure, Cal is like Nephew who's basically a son now, and Tex is the weird Uncle-Grandpa. This is how is it.. Oh and Ig Lighting and Bobby are the unofficially adopted children, just because they're best friends with Cal and basically treat the Weather's Ranch as their second home; will come inside like it is their own damn house. They've never heard Strip curse though... so not full Weathers family. Actually they heard Strip curse ONCE. And that's because he stubbed his toe on the dinner table while Lighting, Bobby, and Cal where throwing a football in the yard. ༆ Strip might seem calm in the movies, but it is widely accepting that his southern butt is nothing but crazy once he's out of public eye. Sometimes, not even Lynda can tame him no matter how hard she tries... she loves him so much but girlie need a break from Strip sometimes; like, seriously, give her a vacation!! Poor Lynda is the only Weathers with a head screwed on correctly. Literally. Strip, if not in the cameras, is unhinged. Tex eats Jimmy Dean's frozen breakfast sandwiches frozen b/c he cannot go through the trouble to unwrap them. Cal is... basically Strip Jr. (/j), and Lightly and Bobby... are Lighting and Bobby. The most unhinged you'll get Lynda is when she starts preforming derby stunts again; then you'll have chaos reigning over the Weathers family. ༆ Strip has gotten String cheese banned from being served in the Dinoco tent. He has also gotten Dinosaur chicken nuggets banned from being served in the Dinoco tent. This is because he cannot handle that food properly. He bites into cheese sticks and traumatizes Cal with gore scenes of dinosaurs eating each other whenever those food items are out. Tex almost had a heart attack when he first saw Strip chomp into a cheese stick. He thought Strip was the devil himself for a few minutes... But, lowkey, he probably is. And we'd still love him for that. Because we love the Weathers Family. ༆ Lynda's word is always final. Always. Don't question her. Ever. ༆ Tex... thought joints were joints and not joints; Strip was not amused (/ref to that one drawing) ༆ Cal was totally abandoned by his family.. probably most likely... left on Lynda and Strip's door step by Strip's like- brother or sister or something. and like-
Lynda and Strip raised him like they were his own kid. ༆ Tex used to make little fake races for Cal when he was young! It was really cute. Strip and Lynda would participate and always make it seem like Cal was better at them at racing, just to boost his confidence. it's what made Cal start to love racing and now they plan to do it with every Weathers generation. ༆ THIS FAMILY IS JUST A CHAOTIC LITTLE SOUTHERN FAMILY WHO WE LOVE AND STAND /J ༆ AND JUST TO REMIND EVERYTHING, CAL'S NAME WAS SUPPOSED TO BE STRIP JR. AND HIS RACING NICKNAMES ARE 'THE BLUE FALCON' AND 'PRINCE'. PLEASE- DON'T EVER FORGET THIS BECAUSE IT IS REALLY, REALLY CUTE.
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rosenight143 · 2 years
(Ok so I got bord and made this so injoy)
Xisuma is a voidwolker and grian and pearl are watchers not strong ones meaning they can't really defend themselves. They where taken from there home and for 4 years they where treated badly, chained to walls, they where hardly feed and give not alot if water, they never learned how to speck English so they can only speak in galactic but they understand what the other men are saying.
One day grian pearl and xisuma are being moved to a slave seller but they had to go through some servers to get there. They didn't make it through the first sever. The admin stop it and banned the hunters that has been harming the three for years.
The admin opens the doors the where the three are and he sees xisuma out of the three is the most hurt scars all over his body, his left leg looked to be broken in different places, grian left hand looks to be broken, and pearl shoulder looks spraned.
Xisuma see's the admin and gets infront of pearl and grian the best he can with how bad his left leg looks.
The admin holds up his hands to show them he means no harm but xisuma just stays infront of the two watchers.
Admin: hey it is Allright, I want to help you
Xisuma: ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ᓵ ᔑ ∷ᒷ,_, ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ || ᔑ ∴ᔑ || ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⚍ᓭ. (Don't care, stay away from us)
Admkn: you speck galactic, so you must be a watcher or voidwolker right?
The admin gets alittle more closer and that makes xisuma panice and uses what voidwolker magic he has to push the admin away.
Xisuma: ╎ ᓭᔑ ╎↸ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ || ᔑ ∴ᔑ || ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⚍ᓭ! ( I said stay away from us!)
Grian wraps his arms around xisumas waist meaning he is getting really scared at this every moment and xisuma can see pearl is shaking and isnt lookingat the admin but her older brother on how pale he just got after using the last of his powers.
Xisuma puts a hand on grians hands that are on his stomach to make him feel alittle safe.
Xisuma holds pearls hand with his free hand to tell her he will be ok.
Admin: my name is Generik I am the admin of this sever, I have friends that can help you, you don't have to trust me but you three need food, water, baths and maybe medical attention.
Xisuma went to say something but starts to cough like crazy pearl gets closer to xisuma and scans him with alittle watcher magic then her eyes go wired and goes to Generik and points at xisuma.
Pearl: ⍑ᒷ ╎ᓭ ∷ᒷᔑ ꖎꖎ|| ᓭ╎ᓵ ꖌ,_, !¡ꖎᒷᔑ ᓭᒷ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡ ⍑╎ᒲ. (He is really sick, please help him)
Generik runs into the truck and picks xisuma up bridle style then tells the other two to follow him.
They run to docs base, Generik lefts his foot up and kicks the door open and runs inside looking for doc.
Generik: doc where the hell are you!
Doc: wow, wow gen what is wrong why are yo-
Doc walks into the room and goes to him but stops walking to them when he sees xisuma in his arms.
Doc: what is wrong with him.
Generik: some hunters had them in a truck going somewhere through the sever but i stopped them and i found the three of them in the back hurt hungry and the the giel says he is really sick and he is coughing like crazy you have to help and he is a voidwolker he needs end air now and the other two might be watchers.
Doc takes xisuma and yells for ren to get etho and stress.
Doc then lays xisuma on a bed them gets a air tank that has end air in it.
Doc puts the breathing mask on xisuma, and xisuma then gaspes as end air goes into his lungs then his coughing goes down alittle but not alot.
After about 6 hours they where able to help xisuma and also patch pearl and grian up to help there broke or sprand.
Keralis and scar came in after the check up's where done and generik ask if Keralis can take care of xisuma since he knew alot about voidwolkers and he also ask scar to take grian and stress takes pearl.
Keralis takes xisuma when he had the ok to do so, and Keralis started by earning xisumas trust, it was slow but he got it and xisuma felt safe around Keralis and he knows now that Keralis won't hurt him or his little siblings (he thinks of pearl and grian as his baby brother and sister)
Keralis has been teaching xisuma how to speak English to no avail but xisuma was able to learn asl so he uses that when he wants to speak to others but they still work on him trying to speck English.
Pearl and grian have learned it fast and are real chaters.
It has been a year since the admin found the three and it was a normal day Keralis just finish up with xisuma's English lessons but xisuma is still having trouble with saying words which is ok.
Keralis headed out to go get xisuma and himself some more food.
when he step into a exploding prank. He went flying and the hermits ran over and they checked him to maks sure they can move him, once they did they quickly ran Keralis to his base to help him more.
About a hour in they got him stable and he was wake alittle. Everyone has there attention on Keralis they didn't realize or hear xisuma walk in and seeing what is going on he got worried and he got Everyone's attention to see if Keralis was ok but galactic didn't come out of his mouth.
Xisuma: k-k-keralis?
Keralis sat up fast, not caring about the pain as he frantically looked for xisuma.
once his eyes landed on the voidwolker he saw xisuma was worried but he had to clear up if he heared what his voidwolker said just now.
Keralis; sweet face, can you repeat what you said please
Xisuma: k-keralis
Said man starts to tear up with happy tears and he moved his hands in a movement to tell xisuma to come here so he did.
Once in range Keralis pulls xisuma into a tight hug and saying how proud he is proud of him and xisuma just snuggles up close to his human happy that he is ok.
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yinnina · 2 years
A Black Ban?
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"You hear that?" Gabby asked me, to which I nodded.
"How fucking loud can someone be?" I asked her in return. The sound came from behind the Grab-N-Go, it was probably a couple.
They were obviously having hard sex.
"Ugh, that's disgusting." Whispered Gabby, looking down to the floor with red cheeks.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, let's go, I hate hearing them."
"Wanna check out where he was last seen?" Asked Gabby and I nodded my head yes, getting out my radio to inform the other till something caught my eye.
"Hey, tell me I ain't going crazy." I whispered.
There was a black ban passing by the Grab-N-Go, with the logo of a spade and words under it saying 'Abracadabra Entertainment & Supplies'
By the looks of it, a man with a top hat was driving the ban.
His face was pale, but it obviously was make-up since it wasn't a natural pale.
"Yeah, you ain't. All about him and the ban screams red flags." She whispered back.
I grabbed my Walkie-talkie from my front pocket, and leaned on the wall to the right of the Pinball Machine, watching as Hopper played.
"Hey, y'all copy?" I asked.
"Yeah." it was Aryanah.
"You bet." Ren answered.
"There's this ban," I told, "it's all black and has a stamp on it, like if it was a circus of sort."
It was quiet at first, only sound I was able to hear was the point scoring Vance did every other second.
"Alright, we'll be careful." Said Gaby.
"We'll keep y'all updated on his location, since he's currently at the Grab-N-Go with us." I whispered.
It went silent for a few minutes till I grabbed my Walkie-talkie again, watching the pale man closely.
"Gaby, come pick up Gabby for me."
"What?!" Gabby asked, stunned at how I wanted to be left by myself with a suspicious old man waiting for one of us to leave so he could hunt us down.
"Pick her up through the back." I ordered through the radio, getting a simple 'alright' back.
"[Y/N], you are basically asking to be killed!" She whisper-yell at me.
"I need you to be safe, it's been barely an hour and this guy already showed up." I whispered back.
I didn't want her to end up missing, no way I was risking it.
"What about you?" She asked softly after calming down her nerves.
I thought about it, but it was simple quick thinking. There was not much to it, I could either stay here with Vance or stalk the guy enough to find at least something about him.
"I'll be fine." I told her as I got the sign from Ren through the radio that they were here.
"Go through the back, and make sure you don't get seen on your way out." I told her, hugging her tight before she left.
"Good luck." I whispered to no one.
I went and leaned on the wall next to Vance, watching him play and keeping an eye out for the ban.
"You looking for 'Mr. Oh-So-Popular'?" Vance asked me.
"You are one to talk, Hopper, everyone knows you, making you just as popular, if not more than him." I told him, still staring at the machine.
He don't look away from the arcade game he was so obsessed about.
"Everyone knows me because they know not to mess with me. They know him because he's nothing but a pretty face."
I didn't say anything. There wasn't much I could say to him about that, he was right after all.
I did talk to Yamada, but it wasn't an everyday thing, we only talked when it came to orchestra class, him being a first chair cello while I was a first chair violin.
He was very talented, I give him that, but even for that, everyone who went to our concerts was there to see his 'beauty.'
I shrugged at Vance, humming along.
"That ban won't be going anywhere any time soon unless you leave, you know." He told.
I shrugged, "Then I guess I should stay here."
"They will close the store in about 10 minutes from now, no way you aren't getting out alive."
I was thinking about it earlier, I knew I told Gabby I would come up with a plan, but in truth to be told, I couldn't. It was nothing but a suicide mission.
The odds of being kidnapped were very high, even if I was with her. I didn't want her to get hurt, so I had to lead her out of the store safely without her being seen.
I didn't realize I was in such deep thoughts, not until the cashier called out to us, telling us to leave for closure, "Then I guess I will be the next one." I whispered to myself, but Vance was able to catch.
Hopper grabbed my arm, leading me out of the back door, "Come on, I'll drop you off."
"What's this? Some romance movie of sorts? I can defend myself, and you know that." I told him, not wanting to get him caught up in my trouble.
"Be grateful, you fucker, I'm saving your ass from getting killed." He said harshly.
I only looked at him, staring at the back of his head due to him walking in front of me.
I looked back a few times, making sure that the ban wasn't following us. We only saw it once, but with the rush running through my system I told Vance to go through a small alley where he won't be able to drive through, making him have to drive around it, taking about a minute or two due to its curves.
In the mean time when it was making its way towards us slowly, we ran as fast as we could to make him lose our trail. We ran through a few alleys, making sure that they were shortcuts to my house.
Once we reached it, he let go of my arm, making the warm leave to try and warm up the cold around the air.
"Thank you, Hopper." I said, bowing down slightly in gratitude. If it wasn't for him, then I might've gone missing, not to be seen ever again.
"Vance." He said, with a surprisingly calm expression resting on his face.
I looked at him in confusion, letting out a small 'huh?'
"Just call me Vance, I despise it when you call me Hopper." He admitted.
After the shock passed, I nodded to him quickly, making sure he knew that I heard him correctly.
"Thank you once again, I owe you one, and a big one." I said.
"It's alright, now go and make sure you don't die, 'cause I won't be there to save your sorry ass." He ordered.
I chuckled slightly but then looked up at him with a serious face, "What about you? Will you be alright?"
He looked taken aback with my worrying about him, but he nodded quickly after that, "I live just right around the corner, so I will be fine."
I hummed and walked up to the footsteps of my door, "Be safe, Vance, 'cause I promise I'll drag you out of hell if you die." We both chuckled lightly.
Once we bid our goodbyes I made sure to watch him walk away from my house safely through my bedroom window.
I really wouldn't forgive myself if he was to be kidnapped thanks to me and my slow thinking.
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limalosershq · 3 months
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NAME: Brett Bukowski FACECLAIM: Caleb Landry Jones AGE/BIRTHDAY: 21, June 27 GLEE CLUB/SCHOOL: None/WMU SONG CHOICE: Busters Get Popped, a Brett Bukowski original MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: Art/Ceramics, Senior LOCATION: Lima, OH. OCCUPATION: Drug Dealer Front man for High Road CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: Art club, Astronomy club, ceramics, cooking club, drama club, environment club, painting club, international/foreign language club, photography club, digital media club, the muckraker, gay/straight alliance, improv club.
Brett’s father was a drug dealer who eventually stole money/drugs from his supplier and took off one night with them, leaving his wife and kid behind. Brett started immediately selling once the supplier, a man named Theo came knocking and looking to collect. While he’s close to paying off his father’s debt finally, he’s also racked up his own debt since he started using in high school after his first break up with his girlfriend, near the end of his junior year. 
Ever since then, Brett’s been an avid drug user, mostly to forget thanks to his perfect memory. Also so he knows everything about what he’s selling, he’s tried everything at least once. Through numerous connections, Brett can get anyone whatever drug they’re looking for. He makes a killing on the frat party circuit and surprisingly, on the show choir circuit as well.  
He’s OD’d a few times, the last being his sophomore year in college at a party. Mostly now, Brett only sticks to weed and the occasional bump of coke. He wants to be able to quit the latter soon, knowing if he does make a career out of his band it’ll be a problem later on.
While he’s done auditioning for every glee club he can, he’s not completely out of the trenches when it comes to show choir and while Brett’s made his peace with not getting into any of the show choir clubs, he knows music is a part of his life. This last spring, Brett formed a band he’s dubbed High Road. They’ve done a few gigs here and there, Brittany promoting them on her webshow and Sam hyping them up on his own social media accounts. While he knows it’s mostly for fun on his band members side, he wants to make something real out of this. For now, he pushes them to practice and prepare for Battle of the Bands.
Not really? I mean, to be honest I was pretty sure I was going to end up in the ground at least by eighteen... Twenty-one, maybe. Since I stopped partying so hard uh, after the last incident. It’s still kind of crazy though, not to mention, me in college? Living in a pretty dope house and not on the streets? I'd say in the grand scheme of things I'm doing way better than anything a younger me could've pictured.
I do not care even a little bit. But my best friend? He's obsessed so… Plus, Dottie is into it too. Maybe I care some, I guess. Totally think they could've used me though. Literally any of them. Well, maybe not Vocal Adderall or whatever, at least not like in the group. They definitely need me for something though, even if that St. James guy has me banned from the premises. 
Nope. Not even when I was lying on the floor of a bathroom at a party getting narcan blasted into me sophomore year. ‘Cause people cared about me enough to look for me, you know? I don't think a loser would have people looking out for him and love him like that. I know where I want it to be headed, a record deal and a tour and a wedding somewhere, hopefully. With… uh, someone.
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rasywmtra · 10 months
*cw for a sort of rant under the cut, I mean no offence to anyone by writing it but I just had to let it out and swearing*
(This is just a rant for myself, not on my main blog for obvious reasons)
white boy neurodivergent privilege. It exists and it pisses me tf off.
Because when they have a melt down, it's ok, they're just being boys and they don't know what they're doing and you have to understand that they have issues so they can do no wrong because their disorder made them do it. When they (due to being enabled their whole lives) throw a violent tantrum, it's not their fault. It's never their fault, they're just confused and they can't have possibly stoped it or anything, they're perfect little angels. When they need accommodations, it's provided. They're so cute with their silly stims and cute little entitlement and how they always get away with it because look at them they're a little blond boy who can do no wrong.
This isn't to say that all white boy neurodivergents have perfect lives, or that any of them do, but I think we can all see they are by far the most accepted packaging for spicy brains.
Now when anyone else has a meltdown? OH NO FUCK THE CRAZY PERSON NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP! "stop being dramatic" "Stop crying, you have no right" "Don't you dare make another sound" "you're making a scene" "You ruin everything with your crazy mood swings" "Stop faking it" "You're making me look bad" "Why can't you just be normal?"
Stimming? "Go sit in the corner and think about what you did" "You're disrupting the class" "Stop, it annoys me" "Why are you so weird" "Hands at your sides, this is important" "Why are you fidgeting? are you hiding something?" "I'm going to take it away from you until you can hold it normally"
Sensory issues? "It's not that bad" "wow so convenient that you can't come help us because of this, suck it up" "No one else has an issue with it" "The flickering isn't even noticeable" "What do you mean you can't hold it? Why is it so hard to do one thing for me?" "It's not like you can even hear it"
nonverbal? "Use your words" "Stop ignoring me you brat" "Speak to me! I didn't do anything wrong!" "Answer me right now or else" "did you lose your voice or something? It was working fine when you were yelling at me for [insert triggering thing they did]"
Need accommodations? too bad! You're gonna need about five billlion notes including one from your dead relative, figure it out!
"You're not disabled enough for this" "Well you aren't like really neurodivergent- you function properly" "My cousin is autistic and you're not like him at all! So clearly you're faking it!" "You can talk though" "Oh... that's not normal, my brother is hyperfixated on trucks and you aren't, so clearly you don't really have adhd" "You don't LOOK neurodivergent" "You're not exactly like [insert white boy name] and he's [insert disorder] so you have it easy!"
It happens time and time again!
I was shunned and called names and just fucking hated for just being myself and my brothers were put on a gold stage for using their neurodivergence as an excuse to be brats.
Me? banned from the office unless i was fucking dying
My brothers? "Oh come in dear, have a key to the back door so you can come in if you ever need anything!" "You don't like class? just stay here!" "You beat up a kid? I'll call them in to apologize to you"
And clearly this isn't the instance for every person but I have seen it far too often, not just with me but with literally every single time I come across neurodivergent people. There is a diferent between how we're treated and it sucks ass!
Anyway sorry if I offended anyone, but yeah, if I help even one person not feel like a bitch for agreeing with me i've done my job
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lil-spider · 10 months
So Damn Pretty
Chapter 7
Part 6 : Part 8 :
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter X Female Reader
Summary: Johnny is sex starved and you’re very attractive, so attractive that he doesn’t want to kill you. Instead he finds ways to keep you around longer.
Note: Stockholm syndrome is in full play now and pls don’t hate me lol.
Warning: This is 18+ and please do not read if your sensitive to heavy descriptions of non/con and violence. Including bondage, blood, gore, assault, cheating, objectification and unsafe sex. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy.
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Many days have passed—about three and a half weeks since Johnny last touched me—and it has been driving me crazy.
We’ve been getting closer, taking nightly walks through the beautiful sunflower field. It became my favourite part of the day. After dinner, he and I would sneak off outside, talking to me about his interests or whatever he did for the day, and I would tell him mine. We chew on sunflower seeds and sit in a run-down car, watching the sunset fade into the night. We’re steadily learning more about each other; on rare occasions, he opens up to me, and during such times, I see him as a broken young man rather than a monster.
But now our walks have ceased, as has the sex. He’s been neglecting me, making me miss his cock and touch. I so desperately want to fuck him. We were having sex almost every day since I arrived, and now, nearly a month of no action has taken a toll on me. I've become increasingly frustrated and exhausted. 
It doesn't help that Nubbins has been pointing out that I look fatter around the stomach and chest, making crude remarks about how full my breasts appear, until Sissy smacks him on the back of the head for his rudeness. He just immaturely blows raspberries at her.
Nubbin's is right. I've noticed that I've gained some weight and that I've become considerably hungrier. Which has me concerned. At dinnertime, I've started eating more, going for seconds unintentionally, impressing everyone at dinner.
Johnny’s ban on leaving the house by himself has been lifted since I arrived; according to Sissy, he has been using his new freedom to drive up town to local bars. I know more meat has been stocked up after his nights out; I only see him bring back supplies or cigarettes; no bodies, thankfully. Most days, I know that he helps Drayton at the gas station. I overheard them one time talking about me working there with one of them. It honestly sounds refreshing to have some new scenery, even if I have to work.
My chores around the house are becoming more routine. Sissy and I spend all of our time together; she's come up with fun things to do, either playing some card games or listening to music on her record player. She’s been great, like a sister I’ve always wanted. We’ve been getting closer as Johnny’s been busy. I even spent time with Bubba outside in the gardens, planting some new flowers as he brought over the heavy soil, with Sissy teaching him. He is like a puppy, exploring his surroundings. I've actually started enjoying myself here, almost forgetting about my old life.
I'm currently lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. It’s peaceful in the early morning. Drayton, whom I've picked up the habit of calling Mr. Sawyer, drove off to the gas station a few minutes ago, waking me up with his grumbling downstairs as he left the house.
I have come to be attuned to the footsteps of everyone. Johnny is very heavy-footed, while Sissy and Nubbins are very quiet. Drayton scatters around while Bubba thunders up the stairs with no care. It helps me figure out what is happening around me.
I’m no longer locked in my room. Being here so long, working, and not bothering to escape has rewarded me with trust, and honestly, I'm not sure if it's even worth trying to leave. I've just adapted to my new environment so well that I don't see a point in leaving. especially since I don't want to disappoint Johnny either.
I’ll do anything to have him inside me again. The more I think about his thick cock,large muscles, and handsome face, the throbbing below increases. I move my hand down, sliding it under my panties, gently placing a finger in my engorged clit, rubbing it in small circles.
I breathlessly moan and pinch my left nipple while imagining Johnny. His cock stood tall as he stroked his hardness, sitting on his bed, waiting for me. I want to lick his throbbing tip and hear his groans. I picture myself sucking him off, taking his whole cock to the back of my throat. I go to climb on top of him, letting his fat cock slide inside me as I start riding him. My hands are on his chest as I bounce. The more I imagine, the faster I rub my clit. I squeeze my thighs together as my orgasm comes quickly. I pull my hand back while sighing in disappointment; it’s not as good. But it does the job.
Feeling a little relieved, I roll over and prepare to get some more sleep until I hear another truck drive up. It’s Johnny's. I lay there, listening to him slam his truck door and loudly enter the house. Like always, he chucks his keys on the kitchen table, but instead of going to his shed, I hear his footsteps go downstairs to the basement.
The familiar sound of the basement door opening and closing spikes my curiosity. He rarely goes to the basement, only if he needs to help Bubba, but it's too early for Bubba to be awake, so I'm desperate to know what he's up to.
I contemplate going, fear of consequences rousing, but my yearning for Johnny runs deeper. I get up off the bed and pull a short black, long-sleeved maxi dress over myself.
Choosing to go barefoot, I carefully open the bedroom door, not to awaken anyone, and cautiously descend the stairs, making my way to the basement. I glide past the red wall displayed with an arrangement of animal skulls. Arriving in front of the basement door, I gently slide it across the opening, leaving just a big enough gap for me to slide in. Leaving it open, I glance around the hellish pit of the household. A red hue cascades over the lair. Its pungent odour, with which I had found it vile, is now somewhat familiar.
I pick up his voice coming from one of the rooms they keep the victims in. I should turn back; it’s not my business, and I could get in trouble for putting my nose where it doesn't belong. Creeping forward, I forget my worries as I develop an itching sensation that can only be relived by finding out what Johnny is doing. Tip-toeing over to the door like a little mouse, I squat near the door and peek through the gaps. The sight before me made me realise I should have never left the bed.
A woman with long, shiny black hair who has her wrists tied behind her back with a zip-tie is crying out while voluntarily riding Johnny’s cock. My fingers dove tightly into my hands as I witnessed Johnny fuck another woman. He grips her shapely hips against him. Thrusting up into her as he lays back on an old, dirty mattress
The unknown woman throws her head back while increasing her moans. Johnny continues his restless pounding. I watch his thick cock slathered in their juices go up and down inside her. Her large chest was bouncing along. She’s moaning Johnny’s name with a sultry voice as she leans over him, pushing her chest into his face.
Mixed emotions take over: arousal, jealousy, and insecurity. I feel so hurt and betrayed, and yet I can’t look away. I’m finally seeing Johnny after so long. I squeeze my thighs together, rubbing them for relief as he moves his right hand off her hip, going between her legs and rubbing her clitoris. Uncontrollable tears leak from my eyes as I cover my mouth, muffling my whimpers.
They change positions; he sits up and pushes her down, sucking on her hard nipples while fucking her into the mattress violently. I’m unable to do anything. I want to snap her fucking neck off. My pussy throbs while embarrassingly soaking my underwear. I just want to shove her away and get fucked by him instead. She’s now obnoxiously yelling about how she's about to cum, and now I want to leave. I can’t watch this anymore. I don’t want to see Johnny finish with her.
I sneak back up the stairs, closing the metal door gently behind me, and rush back upstairs to my room. I go under the sheet and lay on the bed. My clit throbs, but I’m so jealous that I just want to curl up. I start to cry from all these overwhelming emotions, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. I hug my pillow, biting into it out of utter frustration.
I take deep breaths, trying to calm down. Salty tears and snot drip from my face as I cry into my pillow. We were never together, but it still feels like I was betrayed. I worked so hard to fit in here like he wanted, and he fucks another woman! Is she the first? How many girls has he gone through? Is he going to replace me now? The idea of being replaced makes my chest tighten, and more tears spill out as I become more upset.
Wiping my face with the sleeve of my dress, I decide to go to one person who can give me some answers. To understand what’s going to happen to me. Getting up, I leave my room and go over to Sissy’s. I knock lightly on her door and wait for her while continuing to wipe my tears. 
She opens up with a bright smile, but it falters as she sees my red nose and weeping face. Sissy wraps her thin arms around me, enveloping me. I return the much-needed hugs as she brings me into her room.
“Oh sug', what’s got ya’ all blue?” She pulls me along to sit on her bed as she grabs a tissue, wiping my face.
I try to control my words, but I just stutter out what I witnessed in the basement with Johnny. I mention to her, in vague terms, what I saw. "I knew it wasn’t my business, but I got curious as he’s been so busy, but I didn’t expect that!” I exclaimed. 
Sissy nods her head in understanding, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I sniffle. She holds my hands, squeezing them in reassurance. She tells me about how he’s always brought girls home. Goes out to bars and brings them back for the household.
“Ya’ have been the only one that he hasn’t killed; ya’ family, now he ain’t going to replace ya’ pumpkin.” As much as her words comfort you, your feelings don’t go away.
“It’s just.. he’s threatened it about to me before.” I say tearfully as she gets up off the bed and pulls you up with her.
“Don’t ya’ worry, Y/N; he likes ya’ trust me.” She smiles and hugs me again. After our little talk, Sissy and I started our morning chores early. It’s a good distraction, but awful scenarios keep replaying in the back of my mind, and it’s absolutely frustrating.
I hear Johnny coming up from the basement while I'm doing the dishes. I approach him to have a conversation, but he simply takes his keys and walks out the front door, shutting it behind him. His vehicle starts up, and he speeds away from the property. He did not even look at me. The distance between us stings. How cruel, having me live here and putting me through misery simply to neglect me for another woman. I storm into the backyard and start crying uncontrollably, telling Sissy what happened and she tries to console me. She just strokes my head as I cry my emotions into her shoulder.
After my little episode, I spent the majority of my day outside pruning the flowers. Sissy made me some lemonade and went off somewhere; she doesn’t need to babysit me all day anymore, so I spend most of my time outside gardening. It relaxes me. I finish trimming and gather an assortment of flowers for inside to liven up the place.
I returned inside after putting away the gardening equipment. It’s the afternoon, and supper is almost ready. I chose to use an old, empty glass vase I found outdoors in the tool shed to hold the flowers. I go to the kitchen to fill the vase, but just as I'm almost done, I'm startled to see Johnny, still as handsome as ever, grab my shoulder.
"Need ya’ to come with me." He says this, turning away and making his way towards the basement.
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ravenousnightwind · 2 years
It's also really hilarious when someone actually assumes I'm a centrist, because with all the bullshit going on lately I can't touch a republican with a thirty nine and a half foot pole. Fuck.
But actually, I've always voted Democrat because of this reason. I always felt like it was to dangerous to vote the other way because I feel like republicans are all about Christianity, and I'm a Pagan. I'm gay, they're straight. Etc. So why would I vote for some people who don't respect me huh?
But you know what? There's certain kinds of leftist ideals I just don't agree with either and if we're having a conversation I'll speak freely about it. Whatever it is. But obviously, people like to jump to conclusions about every fucking little thing.
And yes, I voted for Bernie Sanders. Everytime he's ran I've always voted for him because I think he actually gives a shit. But all these fucking weirdo crazy insurrectionist people here recently...yeah..a lot has changed and so have I in the time where these comments were relevant to me. I don't vote republican because I do think they're about corporate money and buyouts. They uphold only one idea the idea that power is what they need, because a lot are...in my experience...really nasty. They don't care about disabled people like me. So..ya they can fuck off too. But there's also some crazy democratic people I don't like or agree with too, it's just that it feels as though the majority of them in my experience just aren't so crazy to wanna overturn an election and take away women's rights and ban lgbt marriage...
The biggest question is, am I a Democrat? You could say I am, but it's deeper. I believe both parties have problems and they need to be looked at by people to sift out the weird ones. As far as I'm concerned, I don't even believe in a party system. Anyone who works for the American government should think about all people, not just one group. Parties just complicate things, and imo if you don't govern for all, you govern for none. But what that means is, you have to look at a lot of people that most don't wanna look at, like disabled people with mental health problems. But they don't wanna do that because of greed and power trips. That's what I think. Anyways that's enough on politics for me. If you comment on it and tell me I'm shit or something you can go fuck off or something.
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