#if they had a behind the scenes of other voice actors. i am so sorry i missed them 😭
dorianpavus · 11 months
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VOICE ACTORS Baldur's Gate 3
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
Hello Sarah sorry to bother you. I'm a new fan kinda but I'm done with watching all the firstkhao dramas (together and individual) but tbh I'm kinda lost on how I will get to know them better. I have no idea about their irl personalities that much. Maybe you can give a little introduction for me if it's not too much of a bother? Also like how they met and why are they doing so many projects together? And are they good friends irl too (my friend told me a lot of time pair actors don't really get along with each other which is why I got curious about their dynamic) Sorry if these questions are a bit dumb I'm altogether very new in bl fandoms so don't have a lot of ideas.
Oh, Anon. I don’t think you know what you’ve signed up for here. If you want a FK primer, I can give you a FK primer!
Both First and Khaotung started working for GMMTV back in 2018. I’m pretty sure talent agents simply slid into their DMs, so there was no formal audition process, but I could be wrong about that. They were both in university at the time. I’m not quite sure what they were doing that attracted the attention of the talent agents. I know First had been in at least one commercial prior, but I don’t believe Khaotung had done any acting. He had, however, had a picture go viral because he’s just so stinkin’ adorable. I think maybe this one? 
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Or it could have been one of these

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Either way, they ended up in an acting workshop together right after they joined. Khaotung talks about how he didn’t like First at first because he was too friendly and talkative, but I think that must have only lasted for like a day because it was during this same workshop where he discovered that his heart beats to the sound of First’s name—“FirFirFir”—and yes, that is a real thing that he has admitted out loud on multiple occasions. They have been best friends ever since.
From there, the two of them began to act in individual projects—mostly BLs—and although I have no proof of this, I am entirely convinced that they were playing a long con to get themselves partnered together. They did way more fanservice before they were partnered than they do now. Feel free to watch this live from 2020 where they alternate between staring lovingly in each other's eyes and just outright flirting for an hour straight.
Look, they’re smart boys. They knew that their best path to success in this industry was to be in a fixed pair and they wanted that pair to be each other. How do I know? Because these two adorable idiots were showing up to events in matching outfits.
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This picture was taken in January 2021 when Tonhon Chonlatee was actively airing! There's a picture from this same event of them with Podd, who Khao was paired with, and Podd looks like the odd man out.
They were finally paired together for The Eclipse in 2022 and spent the entire press tour either talking about how excited they were to finally work together or crying about the possibility that they might never be able to work together again. I would highly recommend you watch The Eclipse special episode if you haven’t already. In it, First talks about how there was one scene where Khao wasn’t supposed to cry but he kept crying anyway because First was crying and he cared about First so much. 
And speaking of crying, if you want to watch a compilation of FK crying about how much they love each other (and other things!), you can find that here.
One thing I would recommend if you want to get to know FK better is to watch a bit of Safehouse Season 4. It’s unscripted, so you’ll get a sense of their personalities, but First was also in an arm cast at the time, so you’ll get to watch Khao dote on him for seven days straight.
Oh and you have to watch this! If you ever see people talking about the voices in First’s head, that's why.
Obviously, we can never truly know what goes on behind closed doors for any of these BL couples, but I feel pretty confident in saying that FirstKhao are genuine besties. They literally do everything together. You can find a collection of some of their lovestagram pics here although there are so many more now. It never stops.
Actual things they have said to each other un-prompted:
First to Khao: I want to build a house with the same fences as you.
Khao to First: As you grow up, you will meet many new friends. Leave them and stay with me.
I’m wracking my brain for anything else that feels important for a new fan to know and am coming up blank, but I’m sure I’ll probably think of something right after I post this. They’re both just super sweet individuals who have never been involved in any controversy and I think what people love most about them is just how much they care about each other. They’ve got that whole platonic soulmate thing going on and we're all super jealous.
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writershapeholeonthedoor · 8 months
Marry you (part 3)
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's time for the world to know about your relationship.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. This was requested by one of you, but I could not find the comment anymore. I'm sorry!
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“You guys won’t believe who’s about to join us!” From where you were hiding behind the curtain, you heard the interviewer talk with the audience, already causing thunderous yelling from the fans watching the panel. “Y/N Y/L/N!”
You walked on the stage with a smile as you waved to the fans cheering for you. Sitting in high chairs right in the middle were the main cast of the Multiverse of Madness and, sitting a few feet from them, was the woman leading the interview. It was the last day of the event and the last panel your fiancĂ©e, Elizabeth, would have to attend. You had just left your last panel with some other castmates and you intended to wait for Elizabeth so you could walk to the last moment of the convention - the line for the autographs. After that, you were both free to go and you honestly couldn’t wait to get home and rest. You were sure your girlfriend felt the same way, although you both endured those three days with smiles and no complaints.
It has been an eventful convention, after all.
The ring on your finger was proof enough.
“Hi,” you greeted people when you were handed a microphone by someone who rushed behind the curtains and returned just as fast once their job was done. “I was just walking back from my panel and someone grabbed me, and now here I am,” you explained with a laugh while you shook the woman’s hand before turning around to wave at your colleagues.
“That’s because the fans can’t get enough of you!” The interviewer joked. “You should join us!”
“Oh, no!” You really didn’t want to spend more time answering questions and having to smile at the cameras. You were ready to be out of there. As much as you loved the fans' passion and their devotion, you needed a break from it so you wouldn’t lose your mind when it was time to sign some shirts and comic books. “I will just say ‘hi’ and I will be gone. You already have some amazing actors and actresses to ask some questions,” you added with a chuckle while pointing at your friends, who seemed to be just as happy as the fans were.
“You can answer some questions for me, I don’t mind,” Benedict spoke up into his microphone, drawing out some laughs and agreements while you rolled your eyes at him playfully. “I think you will love to answer the question someone just made,” he teased happily and a chorus of fans yelling and asking for you to do it was heard.
“Okay, fine,” you ended up saying with a sigh. “But only one question!” You warned while walking to stand behind your friends’ chairs. You didn’t want to risk sitting down and being there for the entire panel, so you leaned over with your forearm behind Benedict’s chair and smiled. “Hit me with the question, old man.”
“Fans want to know what are our plans for the summer,” he said.
“What are you doing this summer?” You decided to ask, actually interested in his answer. You guys didn’t usually get those mundane questions at the events and you were kind of tired of answering how hard the stunts you had to do were or what was your favorite scene to shoot.
“Nothing special,” Benedict replied with a shrug. “Just work and help my son with his homework.”
“That’s cute,” you told him.
“And you?”
“Uh, well,” you considered his question for a second. “You know what I think would be nice?”
You raised your hand, showing off your engagement ring with a huge smile that took over your face. “I think a wedding in summer is a good idea, don’t you think?”
While the entire room erupted in screams, claps and whistles, you laughed and high-fived Benedict, who still didn’t have the time to congratulate you and Elizabeth on the engagement. You were interrupted, though, by a voice that you would recognize anywhere.
“Really?” You turned around in time to see Elizabeth looking at you with a quirked eyebrow and a tiny smirk that you almost missed. “A summer wedding?”
You nodded and crossed your arms to get in a more upright position since your back was already screaming in pain because of the uncomfortable position you were in. You held the microphone with one hand so you would be heard, but it was easy to forget everything else while you engaged in Elizabeth’s little teasing. “You don’t think that would be great? A nice beach, the sunset, bare feet on the sand
 I think it sounds nice.”
You could see how her green eyes sparkled while you talked - just like you, she could see the humor of discussing your wedding plans as if they weren’t plans you were both making for yourselves. Neither of you knew how no one else had crept into your private life to find out about the secret relationship you held with Elizabeth for the past years, but you couldn’t be more grateful. It gave you both the time to get to know each other without pressure or without other people trying to poke your business. It also allowed your relationship to grow without being torn apart by people who didn’t even know you and, in the end, it allowed both you and Elizabeth to love each other fully.
And now you were discussing your wedding plans after Elizabeth proposed to you.
You had no idea what you did in your life to get so lucky, but you weren’t about to start asking questions either.
“I’m more of a spring wedding kind of girl,” Elizabeth ended up replying with a larger smile now.
“Why am I not surprised, garden girl?” You teased her lightly. “But you can’t be barefoot then.”
“Why do you want to be barefoot?” Your fiancĂ©e wondered with a shake of her head.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Sounds comfortable.”
Elizabeth laughed freely at that and leaned over to place her hand on your arm without thinking about it. You knew people couldn’t exactly overthink the gesture as anything other than friendship, but you still threw her a discreet look as if asking Elizabeth if she remembered you weren’t alone. Her answer was to just squeeze your arm reassuring before letting go to turn back in her chair.
“The flowers look better during spring,” she added.
“What do you say, Benedict?” You turned to look at the man, who had been watching you both with a small content smile. “Spring or summer?”
“Oh, don’t put me in the fire like this,” he jokingly waved you off. “Winter, I don’t know.”
Everyone laughed at the man’s reply and you were already preparing yourself to say goodbye to the fans and walk out of the stage again when the interviewer decided to intervene to take control of the conversation again - even if she seemed happy to have the actors taking over for a while. “What about you, Elizabeth? What are your plans for the summer?”
” Elizabeth started but, before she said anything, you noticed that she turned her head back and your eyes met.
A quiet conversation took place and you were suddenly reminded about the conversation you both had at the hotel room the night before. You had just returned from a busy day with more panels and interviews, which only got a bit more chaotic after you announced you were engaged. Every fan, every reporter, every person wanted to ask you questions and find out more details about the woman that proposed to you. Elizabeth was feeling bad for letting you handle all of it on your own, even if you told her it was fine and you didn’t mind. You were great at using humor to avoid answering the questions you didn’t actually want to answer.
However, that made Elizabeth confess that she felt comfortable enough sharing your relationship with the rest of the world. You both agreed to let it happen. There wouldn’t be an Instagram post, or an official announcement made by your PR team, or a staged interview with practiced questions. It would just happen. You wouldn’t try to hide it and, eventually, people would put two and two together, and you just wouldn’t deny it.
So, after you nodded at her, Elizabeth finally answered the question with just a hint of humor: “Oh, I don’t know, yet. I will have to let you know if the wedding is happening in summer or spring now.”
Later, while you waited for the autograph line to be officially open, you saw that fans online were divided between thinking Elizabeth meant she was going to attend your wedding or wondering if Elizabeth was your mysterious fiancĂ©e. You had fun seeing the theories popping up and you even shared the best ones with Elizabeth, though you both kept the agreement to just don’t deny things if people asked. And fans had asked while you signed things, sure, but you just laughed and asked for their names to write it down, and that has been it.
Of course that, not denying it, started to inflame the rumors to the point where you couldn’t keep it under the rugs any longer. So, when your wedding finally took place - spring, because you wanted to see Elizabeth’s smile when she saw the flowers - you allowed all of your friends and family to post the pictures they took of the ceremony and the party afterward. Elizabeth didn’t use social media anymore, but you also didn’t post anything on your own Instagram other than the picture of your suitcases when you were taking a plane to your honeymoon. You lived the best month of your life with Elizabeth, so much so that you both decided to just extend your honeymoon for a while longer - and that’s how you ended up spending three months away from everything.
Once you came back, though, you had to face work again. There were a hundred requests for interviews with both of you and, after debating about it for a while, you decided the best course of action would be to give one single interview to finally get people out of your back. However, since Elizabeth suffered from severe anxiety, you offered to do it alone and get it done.
“I don’t think it’s fair,” Elizabeth had said when you suggested it.
“Babe, you know I’m way more comfortable doing those things than you are. Besides, I don’t mind doing it. I mean, the worst that can happen is someone asks a stupid question and I have to use humor to tell them to fuck off.” After saying that, you wiggled your eyebrows at her, raising your hand to show her your wedding band. “It worked pretty well for me last time.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, although the smile on her lips made it clear she found it as funny as you did. Even so, she leaned closer to you and sat on your lap, taking advantage of the fact that you were sitting with your back against the headboard. You let your hands rest on her naked thighs, your short nails running up and down her skin, going just under her sleeping shorts before going back to her knees. “Well, if you do that, I’m going to cook you anything you want to eat.”
You raised your eyebrows and smirked. “What if you’re all I want to eat?” You joked and, before Elizabeth could reply, you flipped you both over on the bed to pin her down. She yelped in surprise at first but she soon let out one of her loud laughs that always made you feel like the sun itself was smiling down at you.
That’s how you ended up, a week later, walking over the studio while waving at people until you reached Jimmy Fallon, who was waiting for you standing in front of his table with a huge grin. You leaned over to kiss his cheek, waved at people again, and you sat down at the chair he pointed. The conversation started lightly as usual. You had been interviewed by him before and it was usually a fun experience, so you weren’t nervous about it. Jimmy asked about your work, about upcoming projects, about the premier of your new Marvel movie, and he slowly found a way to approach the subject that everyone was dying to know about. He started by showing some pictures that were posted of your wedding, then he asked about how it started and you tried to keep your answers short and simple. 
Once you got back home, Elizabeth had kept her promise of cooking you the best dinner ever and, even if all you wanted was to drag her to the bedroom, you thanked her with a kiss on her cheek and you sat down to eat.
You were lucky enough to have all your life to spend with her, after all.
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itgirl-cad · 4 months
I kept seeing tiktoks about an AU where the characters are actors and what their blooper reel would look like
 so I made a lil fic from the idea :) lmk if I should make this a mini series cuz I have so many ideas!!
Valentino was sitting on his couch, waiting for the scene to start. It had been 5 takes deep into the first few lines of his scene and he had to continuously restart. As soon as they had the greenlight, they started the scene. He sat up with rage.
“Fuckin’ finally!” He smashes the sugar glass cup he was holding right on the floor. He finally managed to hit it on the spike they put on the floor. “Kitty, another drink!” One camera followed the extra Valentino was interacting with, the other stayed focused on his close up.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did?” He held out his hand without moving his head to look. The extra placed it in his hand but Val got a bit too into character and moved too quickly. The drink hit his hand and was tossed onto the ground below. “Hijo de perra!” Val swore as he picked the prop up and sighed.
Vox chuckled from the other side of the room “This scene is never gonna end.”
Take 6.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did? The ungrateful whore!” He yelled and fake threw the glass. Vox had to laugh. He was trying to stifle it but it ended up bursting out of him. “I’m sorry but you look so stupid.”
Val rolled his eyes, “You try fake throwing something.”
It was take one of Lucifer and Alastor having their first scene together. They have had the most success with their lack of mistakes. Charlie was watching them, almost in awe when she heard her cue line and made her way towards her father as he turned to speak to her in an unimpressed tone.
“Who is this? Are you the bellhop?” He gestured his cane over to the taller man.
Alastor let out the most perfect fake and sarcastic laugh ever. He really did amazing with sarcastic roles. “No! I am the host of this hotel! You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.” He leans on his cane, slightly bending down to his level, just even to make a point.
“Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
“Ha ha ha
” His last ha dragged out for a bit then the radio effect was gone from his voice, “What the fuck’s my line?” He asked and started to chuckle.
Charlie let out a laugh as the crew told him his line.
“I do apologize, your performance was rather captivating.” Alastor adjusted his tie and his ears moved a bit. He was getting a bit frustrated working with Lucifer. Usually he makes no mistakes.
They ran the scene again.
Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
His laughing got cut off by Alastors fake bullshit retort “Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea.” nHe looked at his nails like a sassy ‘mean girls’ like character.
Lucifer’s eyes got more bloodshot as his laugh got more insane and his dialogue speed up “Haha well it’s not very clever-”
” Alastor got down to lucifer’s level and up in his business “Fuck you”
Charlie got in between the two of them “Anyways.. Dad, look at this lovely parlor!” She dragged him away to carry on the scene.
Alastor appeared behind them as Charlie spoke his name. He never missed a cue. He made his way over to her, minding the spot on the floor that is spiked with red tape, for him. “Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests.” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, thank you, Alastor.” She smiles sweetly and places her hand on his. Lucifer was fuming. Alastor looked back over to his face and his shit eating grin got bigger.
“Quite an impressive young lady,” He placed a hand on her chin. Charlie decided to be a prankster and gave him a kissy face and puckered her lips. Alastor, not expecting such an action, drops his hand from her chin and the radio static picks up. Charlie roared out with laughter, Lucifer following suit.
“Al! Your fucking face!” She had tears in her eyes.
“You traumatized him!” Lucifer was having too much fun with this.
Alastor just looks right into the camera with a traumatized smile and pained eyes. The director yelled cut and Alastor’s smile immediately drops. He frowns and his radio effect is gone from his voice.
“Awh no he's frowning!” Charlie felt kinda bad, but it was a funny prank.
“It was worth it.” Lucifer gave her a high-five.
In the recording studio, Vox was recording his lines for “stayed gone” alongside Alastor. They both had their scripts in front of them and stood in front of microphones.
Vox started his lines “Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been Who has been spotted cavorting around town After a seven-year absence. Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program So, the Radio Demon is- holy fuck I talk a lot..” He exclaimed, running out of breath.
Alastor chuckled, “I have been telling you that.”
“Oh literally go fuck yourself” He rolled his eyes and started from ‘top of the hour’ once again
They tried different callouts between the lines to see what would fit best. Most of it was improv because Vox couldn’t remember the actual script. He was too engaged with yelling at alastor and looking at the cocky son of a bitch in the booth beside him.
“Yes, I know it's been a while Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast Sinners, rejoice!”
“What a stupid voice!” Vox yelled. Vox just did a string of those, looping Alastor’s track so he did have to repetitively sing the same cue line. “Such an irritating voice!” “What a lousy voice!” He could’ve gone all day long if the sound director let him. All those shower conversations had prepared him.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast” Alastor sang and let Vox have multiple retorts
“Come on.. No, that one is so boring. Lemme try again” Vox sighs and thinks of better retorts, “Oh piss off!” “Excuse me?” “up yours!”
“Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
To be honest, Vox could have written a disstrack.
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Like a movie
Pairing: Nijiro Murakami x actress!reader
Summary: You are an actress that works with Nijiro on a new movie and both of you hide a secret
Warnings: acting and that's probably all, but if there's more let me know
A/N: Hi! I'm back with Nijior one shot. Have fun reading and let me know if there are mistakes or maybe if you want to see something specific
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You again caught yourself drifting away from the book's plot you've been reading on your phone while siting on the wooden bench.
"Focus." you whispered and focused on the sentences on the screen, trying so hard not to drift away.
But the universe had its own plans, totally different from yours.
"What are you doing?" well-known man's voice startled you a bit, you turned around to see who dared to interrupt you, but when you saw a smile, you only huffed.
"Reading." you answered and a smile crawled on your lips as the man sat next to you.
"Am I interrupting?" his voice an his puppy eyes were saying he was perplexed a bit.
"No. Of course not." you ensured him with a smile and shook your head. "You never interrupt me, Nijiro."
His smile became bigger. You hardly ever used his name so it was a pleasing change for him.
You and Nijiro were actors together working on a new movie that was supposed to be aired next year. You liked working with this man, probably because he was so professional, maybe because he was a sunshine and his smile would bright up every room and every dark soul around him. You loved his bubbly personality and probably it was the main reason you had a big ass crush on him. Just as the major part of the women staff working with all the cast. I mean, who wouldn't love a man with beautiful smile, deep voice and pretty eyes.
"You know, you are a lot like your character." said out of nowhere Nijiro, his eyes were observing the falling leaves what was quite unusual, it was spring not autumn.
"Oh, thank you." uncontrollably blush came up on your cheeks. "I have to tell you are only half as your. No offence."
"None taken." Murakami chuckled. "I can even say we are totally different."
"Maybe. But he doesn't have your bubbly personality so I can say it's his lose."
"Okay, guys." the director called you over after recording few last scenes and gathered in a circle with other cast's members. "You all are doing great. We are going forward with the production and that's amazing and I think we will end earlier than we had thought. But let's not praise the day before the dawn, we still have work to do. You two, prepare for kissing scene."
The last words were directed to you and Nijiro who has been standing by your side all the time. You nodded and hang down you head just to hide this little smile that had had formed on your lips. You felt your heart speed up whenever you thought about the upcoming scene with your crush, not gonna lie you wanted this scene to be repeated as many times as possible even if it meant you had to make mistakes.
"Y/N, let's go." your make up artist came up and led you to her car where you sat on the chair and let the woman do her job. "I am so jealous of you. You are so close with Nijiro. And you have a kissing scene with him. You can't imagine how much I want to change places with you. You need to describe me everything after. With details."
"You got it." you laughed and intertwined your own fingers.
You were nervous yet something about Nijiro was calming even if it was only an imagination.
"Are you ready?" you came back to reality when man's voice sounded almost behind you.
"Yeah, sorry." you got up from the chair, thanked the make up artist who only smiled and you knew she was 'sending' you a message including her ask, and looked at Nijiro. "Let's go."
"Sure." the actor grabbed your hand and, with you, left the car.
And that's when your nervousness hit the max level even though you had recorded hundreds of kissing scenes in you life. Was it something about the cast watching? Or maybe the director? Or maybe Nijiro himself? You didn't know but anyway it was so stressing.
"It will okay." his calm voice by your side caused chills on your back, but also made you smile. "I am here."
"And that's probably a problem." you wanted to say, but only nodded.
"It will be fine." it was the last words before you heard loud 'ACTION'.
"Please wait!" Nijiro shouted what stopped you in a half step and made you turn around.
"Huh? What's wrong?" you asked with consternation on your face.
"You...you keep running away from me.Every day, every second." his eyes became sad, full of confusion. "Why? Just tell me why."
You chuckled and looked to the side, you locked your eyes with make up artist's who smiled at you and showed thumbs up.
"Why? You really want to know why? Okay, I will tell you." you took a deep breath and looked Nijiro in the eyes. "I love you, okay? Everyday you make me realise why I had fallen for you. And that drives me crazy. I am trying not to love you because it's not okay, we are friends, it could change our relationship. And I don't want that. That's why I am pushing you away. So please, respect that and go."
Why playing this part sounded so similar to your life situation? Maybe you weren't pushing anyone aside but you were scared that your feelings could change your relationship with them.
"How can I go when you just told me you love me?" Nijiro made a step closer, shortening the distance between you two. "You want to play with my feelings by pushing me away?"
"Play with your feelings? Don't be ridiculous, you and feelings? At this moment?" you laughed and shook your head. "You don't have a reason to feel anythings now."
"Why are you so sure?" another step and another, he was so close.
You started acting like you were thinking. Your hair fell down, covered you face, cut you out of the world and people watching your every step, every breath.
"You didn't realise, did you?" suddenly Nijiro was so close, his hand touched your chin and lifted it a bit.
"Realise what?" you asked with half disbelief half curiosity.
"Oh, dummy." Nijiro giggled and closed the distance between you two, his lips touched yours taking your breath away.
And that was where your acting ended. You forgot about your character, about the script, about the people watching...now you only had Nijiro in your mind, him and the kiss. You let him kiss you, touch you, even move you around a bit. He had so much power over you and you didn't even think about saying 'no'.
"And...DONE!" the director yelled.
Unwillingly you and Nijiro made a step back. Little smiles appeared on your lips when your eyes locked and after a second you burst into laughter.
"Guys." you both looked at the director who approached you with a smile and clapped few times. "It was perfect. It looked so natural like you didn't act at all. We need people like you two. You were perfect!"
And he walked away leaving you two in confusion, but with a feeling of pride.
"Can we..." Nijiro started talking so you looked his way, but your make up artist appeared out of nowhere and interrupted.
"Sorry. I need her. I promise I will give her back later."
"We will talk later." you promised and sent Nijiro a smile then left with the woman.
Of course she wanted to know every detail of the kiss and she was more impatient than a little kid who wants a candy. You told her that his lips were soft, he was gentle and you felt like in heaven.
"Lucky you." the woman sat on the chair and sighed. "I wish I was you."
You only giggled and shook your head. When you were sure the conversation ended, you left the car and started looking for Nijiro, he wanted to tell you something earlier.
"Are you looking for someone?" the smile crawled on your lips when you heard his voice.
"Actually, yes." you faced Nijiro and nodded. "You wanted to tell me something before, right?"
"Right." he agreed and smiled. "So..."
He took a deep breath and that made you even more curios what he wanted to say. Why did he look nervous?
"So...the kissing scene...." his hands started shaking and his sunshine-like personality disappeared instead you saw nervous Nijiro. "I didn't...um...."
"Yeah, me too." you said before he finished his sentence. "I didn't act. The whole scene...it...it was..."
"It was so real." now Murakami overtook you. "Yeah. So I think hiding it won't help anyone...especially me....I- I...."
Before he said anything more you closed his mouth with a kiss. On the one hand it felt similar to the one you had recorded, but on the other it was totally different. You felt chills going up your spine when Nijiro placed his hand on your hip and the other cupped your cheek which has been burning from the blush since the beginning of the conversation.
"I guess we now know what we are standing on." you whispered when you took a step back and smiled.
"And we needed to record the whole movie to realised that." joked Nijiro and when you hugged him, he added. "I could wait longer."
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dozing-marshmallow · 6 months
Hello! I was reading your Nibling reader and chris stuff.
Thought maybe I could request one(if that's okay-)
How about one with Nibling on total drama world tour that's terrified/disturbed by Sierra? (like I am now-shes creepy) like, they will go to the other side of the plan just to get away from her. Even if it means avoiding people they like(even Chris at one point) but then it gets to the point that Reader legit begs Chris to kick her off.
Kinda dark, but now whenever I see how Sierra treats Cody, it upsets me-)
Hope you have a wonderful day/night!^^
I hope you’ve been having wonderful days yourself! I’m so sorry I took a long time with this one my dear, I really hope you enjoy it and that it was worth the waitđŸ˜”â€ïž!! 
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Chris didn’t think through Sierra’s position on the show.
“Hm, Gwen... There’s something I wanted to tell you since I first saw you.” you swift your curious words up to the goth girl.
“Oh? What’s that, (Y/N)?” what did you want to say to her that you couldn’t before?
“Your hair... It looks like Coraline’s, doesn’t it?” the cyan black brushes upon her shoulders,“The colour, the length...”
Her facial features shake in surprise,“No way! You know that film?”
Who doesn’t!?,“Of course I do!”
“Who was your favourite character?” she asked electrified.
“The actors, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible!” you declare,“That scene where they were doing acrobatics had to be one of my favourite moments in the film!” you didn’t need to watch said scene physically for your mind to fly in amazement.
Gwen agreed, smiling with you,“I second that! But Other Father’s song has to take the ultimate cake for me.”
“Fair!” now time for the real question,“Do you think Coraline ever escaped?”
Gwen gives a tiny squeal, the happiest you’ve seen her with you,“I have been waiting to talk about this with someone!” She’s excited to discuss it. So were you.
Until Sierra walks in.
“Gwen, is it fine if we talk down there?” like excitement, your voice lowered, with your hand tugging her sleeve.
“How come?”
Gwen only had taken half a glance to inhale through her teeth and comply. By nature, shifting down to the other end of the economy class guaranteed no invisibility as Sierra sprinted to you,“OMG! It’s cousin and bridesmaid! Everyone on my blog has been dying to get some more nibling and contestant interactions! And I get to witness it in person, face to face...!” her voice sharpened down to a whisper at the last part, before steaming back up,“What are we talking about??”
“Erm...we weren’t talking about anything.” you couldn’t hold strict concentration on her, you might turn into stone,“I remember Chris said he needed to talk to me about something. Maybe next time.” you whisper to Gwen,“Sorry. We can talk about it later.”
Gwen nods as you hurry to the front of the plane, leaving her with Sierra.
“Uh...” she wasn’t a fan of her company either,“I should probably go check up on Leshawna.”
“Leshawna?” Sierra’s shriek did nothing to stop the goth from walking out,“Wasn’t she eliminated?”
Fast forward to another conversation she ruined.
“Uncle, do you remember the first time you flew on a plane?” you asked him in the middle of the first class section.
“Oh ho ho...” he had himself sat down in one of the golden seats. You know it’s gonna be good,“How could I forget? It was chaos! For a start, your nana lost her purse during security check so we spent an hour helping her find it. We thought we were gonna miss our plane, until they announced it would be delayed for three boring hours. When we did get on, we were seven hours in the air before turning back, because the plane we boarded had a faulty air pressure and there was a hurricane.”
...Wow. You could count on his stories for being wild, but a hurricane on top of a faulty pressure? That sounds like too much stress for one childhood,“That sounds so scary!”
He laughed,“Sure was! Your mom was crying for hours. She thought we were gonna like die.”
Of course!,“Eh? Didn’t you?” If you had been there, you would have responded the same!
“I diiid, but death comes for us all eventually. I’ve had near-death experiences growing up, so the whole thing just felt like missing the school bus. What can I do? I’m walking proof that God has favourites!” your uncle was awesome, but he can be quite a stretch. Still, you get what he’s thinking.
“...Do you think we’ll get any hurricanes?” your naive conscience was now screaming with dystopias of the plane crashing.
“Maybe. If we do, it’ll be one heck of an episode!” if you didn’t know better, you would have thought he wanted it to happen.
From the corner of your eye, you see Sierra finishing with forcing affection around Cody’s cheeks. She was now by herself.
Don’t come here...
Chris noticed first that you were stepping away.
“Something wrong, (Y/N)? Is there a hurricane coming?” it was meant to be a joke, but somehow was applicable.
“Chris... Please.” you gestured him to move with you, to which he responded in facial confusion. Why. Why didn’t he see you wanted to get away from her? Why was he still sitting there?
If keeping distance from your uncle meant you could avoid awful Sierra, so be it!
Speak of the striking devil...
“Aww! Aren’t I soooo lucky to witness my very favourite family bond!” she gushes, hurling her camera out from nowhere,“Can I take a photo of this for the fans?”
“Erm sure...” though you weren’t exactly spending time with Chris anymore.
“Smiiiile!” you don’t. She puts her camera down and gives you a saddening look,“Why so down, cousin? Is it because you don’t have any siblings or other cousins to play with? Oh, cousin! Don’t worry, don’t worry! My mom’ll be sure to give you some!”
“Huh?” what did her mother have to do with it?
Chris knew, by immediately remembering the last time Sierra opened her mouth around you,“That’s enough, Sierra.”
“But it’s true, Chris! You know you wanna marry my mom! We’ll all be one happy family! We’ll never cut ties!” delusion drives her voice as she rubbed her thumb on your palm, staring right into your eyes,“Did he ever tell you how babies are made?”
That was a question you frequently thought about.
But with Sierra looking at you with that devious grin...
You lost it.
You took your hand back,“Leave me alone! I don’t want to know! I don’t want you to tell me!” you start crying. Why couldn’t she leave anyone alone?!,“I don’t like you! I don’t like you! I don’t like you!”
For someone who wanted kids, she was terrible with them!,“Now you’ve done it, Sierra...” Chris groaned at the girl whose rare panic tore her face, his arm shielding you,“Couldn’t keep that mouth zipped for a minute, huh?”
You’re brought into Chris’ quarters where he silently grasped you in his arms. You felt like a burden to your uncle, but you knew he would tell you that if it were true.
“Chriiis, I don’t like Sierra...” you sniffle, mouth sandpaper dry,“She keeps thinking we’re cousins and she keeps getting close to me! She never listens to me! Can you kick her off? Please, uncle?”
“I know, (Y/N).” he spoke, unmoved,“But I can only influence how the game plays. I can’t directly do anything, especially when Sierra is a huge attraction for ratings. It’s Team Amazon that makes the call to let her go.”
So... All you need to do is convince the rest of her team to vote for her? That should be a piece of cake, the superfan was unpopular with everyone. You wouldn’t be surprised if they already were voting for her.
“I’ll promise you that the next time we have Team Amazon voting and majority of their votes are for Sierra, I won’t decide to make it a reward challenge last minute.”
“Are you sure, uncle?” he was infamous for breaking his word,“Your fingers aren’t crossed, are they?”
He takes his hands up above you. Not a finger crossed,“Promise.”
You felt a little relieved that Sierra’s fate was partially determined,“Mm... What should I do then?”
“Just wait a little longer... She’ll be gone soon.” his words were a succour, but the sound of his voice makes you think
Will it really be soon...?
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mikuni14 · 7 months
The Sign - Ep 1
Ok, but The Sign has everything I like (at least for now):
coherent plot
good pacing and editing
good acting
great chemistry, relationship, interactions, scenes of the main couple
the actors and the plot sell me the romance
I support the main couple, I am so invested in their romance and story
both main actors and both characters are EQUALLY interesting and attractive to me, this is unfortunately very rare in my case
novelty of the story, unusual for BL series main couple, more reminiscent of Manner of Death than traditional BL
authentic, effortless sexiness of the romance, scenes, characters and actors
very good side characters
a well-shown "men's world" with everything: competition, proving one's worth and masculinity, cockiness, silly conversations, jokes about sex, making fun of each other, but also brotherly bonds and supporting each other
already in the first episode we have so much of good stuff: a romance between interesting guys, a whole lot of other relationships, a truly repulsive villain, a murder, mystery and fantasy. As if the series was specially created for me 😍
good balance between fun, humor, silly tropes like falling with a kiss or running away holding hands 😆, and serious scenes. The funny scenes don't overshadow/ruin the serious scenes, which unfortunately happens all the fucking time in other series
this is the third series recently with virginity discussed and the first in which a person who has not yet had a sexual debut is 1) not forced to do so, 2) not ridiculed, comments are limited to light teasing, 3) Tharn is simply asked about it and he has a chance to say why and is heard without judgment
I like literally everything
Chart is an extremely bad character, at first I hated him because I was programmed that way by ThanType. But no, he deserves complete contempt, and no Tharn, he is not a good cop and never will be, this man should be eliminated from the cop selection at this stage, he will get people killed.
Did the murder actually happen? Is this maybe one of the training sessions like we thought they were actually freeing the hostage at the beginning of the episode? đŸ€”đŸ€Ą
Anyway, give me Billy, an equally lovely and cool actor to match, a compelling love story, a water dragon and I'll be fed with it for weeks. (also, the scene in the bathroom when Tharn reacts to Phaya's voice, the hug from behind is, I'm sorry, I don't want to offend fans of other series at all! but it is hotter than other high-heat series currently airing. Heh! even the way Tharn looks at Phaya's hand on his shoulder was hotter to me than the entire last episode of Playboyy, sorry, it's not a diss, Playboyy is fun! but, well, that's just how I feel 😉)
This is my fav series currently airing 💖💖💖💖💖
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malarkgirlypop · 6 months
MEDIC! Part 25 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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He is so handsome! Tonight is the night, of nights. This chapter may contain adult scenes, if you are not over 18, please move along, this is not for you! I hope you all enjoy, we have some great content in this chapter. @next-autopsy this is for you since you waited so patiently, thank you, you're so kind.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2, @b00ks1ut, @footprintsinthesxnd
I made my way back to the house I was boarding in, there was nothing else for me to do for the day. I had helped Gene with the stock take and we had gone over to the aid station to help. But there were minimal casualties and the men that were wounded had only small injuries. 
“Em!” Don called me from down the street. I turned to face him with a big smile plastered on my face. 
“You still have my letters!” Don held out his hand. 
“Oh, shit, I completely forgot.” I said reaching into my jacket and giving him his letters I had gotten him that morning. 
“Did you also forget something else?” He asked, his brows raised. I scrunched my face in confusion, did I? Don watched me expectantly. 
“No? What did I forget?” I asked him. 
“Our date!” Don exclaimed, I covered my shocked face with my hand. 
“Oh I did forget!” I said apologetically. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.” Don huffed, I grabbed him by his hand stopping him from leaving. 
“I’m sorry! My mind was elsewhere. But I am so excited for it. I get some alone time with you.” I winked at him, rubbing small circles on the back of his hand. He grinned, pulling me closer.
“Let’s go then.” He practically took off with my arm, with me barely keeping pace behind him. So much for a walk. 
We walked out of town, when it was more quiet we took each other's hand walking down the path. The scenery was beautiful compared to where we had been previously. The sun was warmly shining down on us and the birds chirped in the trees that we walked past. The fields were filled with tall golden grass and the forest we walked beside was lush with thick pine trees. Don led the way, as he walked us into the forest. 
“Where are we going?” I asked as we disappeared from view of the road we had been walking. 
“I found a nice spot for us.” He said, kissing me gently on the cheek. I lent into him as we walked, happy to be away from prying eyes. It had been so hard to not be affectionate with Don, it took all my strength not to be all over him.
We walked into a clearing, the trees parting slightly so we could see the bright blue sky, the warm sun filtered down through the gaps in the canopy. A small stream trickled through the ground in front of us, I could smell the earthy water from here. Moss covered the rocks that lay on the bank, dripping slowly covered in dew. The sound of the water quietly rushing filled the silence.
“Don, this is stunning!” I said softly, not wanting to disturb the peace with my voice. It was so tranquil and quiet, I could forget the reason we were even in Germany.
Don and I sat down under the tree. He lent against the trunk as I nestled my in between his legs, resting my back against his chest. His arms wrapping around my body holding me close. We sat in silence appreciating the nature that surrounded us and the comfort of being in each other's arms. I traced my fingers along his forearms connecting the dots between the freckles that covered his arms. 
“You never told me who your supposed husband is.” Don broked the silence, his voice vibrating against my back. I was confused at first, unsure of what he was talking about until it hit me. I laughed, tilting my head back to look at him.
“It’s you.” I smiled, he looked confused. “Well you know, Webb, the replacement?” He nodded, “He asked if I was taken, but he asked Skip and Alex. So as you can imagine, they tricked him into believing we were married. Then word got around and the other men didn’t believe them, so they made up a story of how we secretly got eloped. Some of the men know it’s a joke, but I think a few of them still believe it.” Don laughed loudly, pulling me closer to him, hugging me tightly. 
“And you knew about this?” I laughed nodding my head, he buried his face in the crook of my neck nibbling gently at my soft skin. I giggled trying to get away but he held me firm, tickling me as punishment for not telling him. 
He pulled back smiling down at me, as I grinned. He dipped his head down again, but this time kissing me gently on my neck. I tilted my head back as he kissed me gently, sighing in pleasure.
I moved from in his arms to turn around and face him, climbing into his lap. Don didn’t hesitate pulling me close and kissing my lips. I tangled my fingers through his hair as his hand slipped under my top. My skin tingled as his fingers brushed against my back, tracing up my spine. I kissed him hungrily, greedy for more, I couldn’t get enough. 
I held his face in my hands as I desperately kissed him. I opened my mouth for him as he kissed me harder, his tongue entering my mouth. I moaned into his mouth as we kissed, his hand dragging across my stomach, his fingers delicately sweeping across my skin. 
Our lips moved together as we panted into each other’s mouths. I groaned as his hand travelled up my front under my shirt, his fingers teasing the edge of my bra. He pulled back slightly, looking up at me, asking silently if it was ok to proceed. I nodded my head, moving swiftly back to his lips. I gasped as his fingers dipped into my bra, taking a handful of my soft chest. He cupped my breast, squeezing gently. 
“Harder.” I begged in between kisses. Don did as I asked, holding me more firmly, I moaned into his mouth. His thumb brushed against my hard nipple.
“You like that?” He asked as he squeezed. I nodded, unable to form words. Our foreheads pressed together as we breathlessly panted. 
“Tell me Em. Tell me how much you like it.” Don said lowly, almost growling. His fingers taking my nipple in between them pinching slightly. I threw my head back crying out, bolts of electricity flying through my body.
“I’m waiting!” Don said again, as I tried to contain the noises escaping from me. 
“I love it, Don! Don’t stop, please.” I moaned, watching him smirk at me. His free hand travelled to the back of my neck and pulled me back down to kiss him. 
“Who’s there!” A distant voice caused us to freeze. I look at Don, eyes wide in shock, his face mirrors mine. 
“Don!” I whispered, covering my mouth. We don’t move from our position, nervous that any movement will draw the person closer. 
“Who’s that?” I asked in a hushed voice. 
“I think it’s our patrol.” He replied in a quiet voice. I laughed burying my face into his neck, as we giggled quietly. 
“Come on, let's go before they catch us.” He said lifting me off him and placing me to the side. I tucked back in my top, as Don rose to his feet. My eyes shifting down his body, I covered my mouth. 
“Oh Don!” I giggled, pressing myself into him. I could feel him against me. A blush rose to his cheeks as he shook his head laughing. 
“Anyone there?” The voice called again. I silently gestured to Don to be quiet. He grabbed my arm, pulling me through the forest away from the voice that called. We burst out onto the road panting and laughing. I threw my head back in hysterics, amused at the idea we were almost caught. 
“God, when I get my hands on that patrol, I’m gonna kill ‘em.” Don made a strangling gesture, as I laughed still.     
“Oh shit look at the time, do you think they have sent out search parties for us yet?” I asked, looking at the watch I had stolen from Perco.
“Probably, knowing them, but only for you! Not for me.” Don said as we walked down the street. 
“They think you’re doing important business.” I bumped him with my shoulder. 
“I was! Until we were interrupted.” We both burst out laughing at his joke.
We made it back to the town, letting go of each other’s hands. Don said he had to slip away to make sure everything was in order. But he promised he would come and find me for dinner. He parted giving me a kiss on my cheek, I waved as he disappeared into the crowd. I dreamily walked back through town, in my head thinking about the time we had spent together. I was blushing and in a daze, barely even paying attention to where I was going. A hand landed on my shoulder spinning me around to face them. I gasped in surprise, too busy in my daydream to notice my surroundings. An angry looking Lip stood in front of me, both his hands resting on his hips.
“Lip?” I asked. 
“Where have you been?” He questioned firmly. I had never seen him so upset. 
“I went for a walk.” I said, confused at what had made him so angry. 
“We have been looking all over for you! Did you not think to tell anyone that you were leaving.” Lip said sternly, my mouth hung open in shock. 
“I went with Don, I’m sorry I didn’t think to tell anyone.” I stuttered, I felt like I was being scolded by my mother. 
“You went on a walk with Don!” He exclaimed, eyes wide. I nodded, still so confused at what was happening, why is Lip so mad. I didn’t leave for that long, I wasn’t doing anything dangerous. Why is he being so protective all of a sudden? Ron walked swiftly up behind Lip taking the same stance, hands on his hips. 
“She was on a walk with Don, sir.” Lip informed Ron who shook his head. 
“Were you in the forest?” He asked in a serious tone. I nodded, too shocked to speak. 
“Well we just had reports in from the patrol.” Ron started, crossing his arms over his chest. My eyes widened, breath hitching in my throat. 
“The men said they heard ‘moaning’.” Ron used air quotes around the word moaning. My face flushed a deep red. Can the ground swallow me whole? Hello God, if you’re up there, take me now! 
“Care to explain, young lady.” Lip said, raising his eyebrows. This whole situation was absolutely bonkers, why were Lip and Ron parenting me. What is going on, since when did they join forces against me? 
“No, not really.” I muttered feeling so embarrassed. 
“Are you being safe?” Ron whispered, I didn’t know I could turn any redder but I did, my whole body felt hot, boiling. The tips of my ears were burning. I scoffed, taken aback by the question. 
“Oh my god, you two, I am being safe, I went for a walk, nothing happened in the woods!” I blurted out.          
“What is going on? Why are you acting like my parents? Who set me up?” I looked around for the cameras. What, was there a 1940’s punked? 
“We just care about you, and the guys came to us when they couldn’t find you. So of course we were worried!” Lip said in a more gentle tone, his hand reaching out and resting on my shoulder. 
“Ok, well I am safe.” He pulled me into his arms, giving me a hug. Ron moved closer and Lip stepped away. Ron pulled me into a hug as well. 
“Talbert will have some prophylactic’s if you need.” Ron whispered into my ear. 
“Oh Ron!” I whined pushing him away, a cheeky smile forming on his face as he ruffled my hair.
“See you for dinner.” I called the pair as they marched away talking to each other. I shook my head baffled by the strange events that just occurred.      
I settled into my bed pulling the covers under my chin. I sighed listening to the rain that pelted against the window by my head. It was strange sleeping alone, no snores, or breathing, no bodies pressed against mine for warmth. I missed it strangely, even with the pounding of the rain the room felt quiet and empty. I found it harder to sleep by myself, tossing and turning. I had become so accustomed to enjoying the comfort of knowing someone was close by. But now sleeping in the room by myself, I felt so alone. Thunder rumbled overhead, I cringed at the noise. It was once such a lulling and comforting sound. Now all it did was pull me back to those dreadful nights filled with the booms of Kaurt artillery. My nightmares had gotten worse again, they were manageable when we were in Haguenau. I would have bad dreams and wake up, but I could be lulled back to sleep again by the gentle rhythms of the men’s breathing. Now when I dreamed I couldn’t pull myself from the nightmare, constantly stuck watching scenes play out over and over again. They were getting so much worse, it scared me to sleep, I didn’t want to see the images that were shown to me. I closed my eyes hoping for a dreamless sleep tonight, but I didn’t hold hope. 
I crawled forward on the ground, frozen to the bone, barely able to breath. The ear deafening blows of shells landed all around me, I could feel the heat from the blast with each hit. There in front of me, was a scene I was all too familiar with. Alex and Skip yelled at me, beckoning me with their hands to come to them. Their yells were muted, I didn’t get to hear their voices call my name. Their mouths opened, I knew they were calling for me even if I didn’t hear them. I sobbed crawling forward slowly. My body on autopilot replaying the scenes from that night. But in my head I knew their fate. I screamed as I crawled, begging them to leave, to run, to escape. 
“Please! Please! Run! Get out!” I screamed. “Alex, Skip, Please!” I pleaded to no avail. They couldn’t hear me like I couldn’t hear them. My eyes trained on the two men. I squinted, a new face appearing behind them. 
“NOOOOOO! NOOOOOO!” I screamed, their eyes locking onto mine. Don called me from inside the hole, gesturing for me to come to him. My breathing accelerated, my heartbeat pounded. A million thoughts ran through my head. I can’t lose him. I can’t, no. 
“Don! Get out! Please!” I screamed so loud, my throat burning from the strain.  
Then the world stopped, as I watched the shell fall from the sky. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the horrific scene. A wail or scream or a noise, I have never made before ripped from my throat. The men I loved so dearly vanished in front of my eyes. The sound of the shell boomed so loud that the earth shook, but my screams could still be heard over all of the noise. I lay on the snow covered ground screaming. 
“Emily! Emily!” A voice called to me. I opened my eyes, the snow had gone, there were no trees, no bombs. I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling as a face appeared in my vision. George hovered over me, eyes wide in panic. Someone was screaming a horrible shriek filled with so much anguish. It took me a second to process that I was the one screaming. I let it die in my throat. My body heaved with sobs as George cradled me into his arms, sitting on my bed. He soothed my hair as I tried to calm myself down, but nothing worked. I could feel my lungs burning, I gulped in air but not enough to satisfy the fire within them. I was spiralling down. My heartbeat was so hard I could hear it in my ears, my body shook so hard my teeth chatter together, my stomach churned. 
“Get Don! Quickly!” George called to Perco who stood in the doorway looking concerned. 
A rapid knocking woke me from my sleep. I sat up groggily in bed rubbing my eyes. God what was the time? I moved slowly, my body still asleep. I swung the door open, a panicked Perco dripping wet stood at my door. My body was not so asleep anymore seeing the look on his face. I straightened. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked Perco, as I stepped back into my room, pulling on my tops and shoes. It looked like we needed to go somewhere. 
“It’s Em.” Perco told me, I stilled looking up at him from my task. His face said it all, she wasn’t ok. I have never moved faster. Sprinting towards the house she was in, as Perco ran in stride with me. The rain coming down in thick sheets soaked us as we moved. I ran up the stairs, the room on the end door was open, I had dropped her off here just this evening after dinner. I stepped into the doorway. Her small frame curled into Luz’s body. It was silent in the room, her eyes were wide as she stared into nothing. Luz’s hands moved over her back in soothing circles but she looked like a deer in headlights. 
“Em?” I spoke quietly trying not to startle her. I watched her raise her head, eyes locking onto mine. Relief washed over her face. 
“Don.” She croaked, Perco had told me her screams had been so loud the whole house woke. She had been screaming my name, over and over again. I knew she had nightmares but I had never seen them this bad. She moved out of George’s arm, pushing herself off the bed. She charged into my arms, hitting me so hard I lost my breath. She clung to me so tightly as if I wasn’t real. She pulled back cupping my face in her hands, as her eyes scanned over my face frantically.
“It was you, you were with them, I thought, I, I thought I lost you.” Em said in a shaky breath, tears welling in her eyes. She pulled me back into her arms holding me close. 
“Thank you.” I said to Luz who had moved past us to leave. He nodded, giving me a small smile, before leaving the room and shutting the door.
We got back into bed, her body pressed to mine. She told me she felt better, now that I was here. I watched her eyes droop close, as I stroked her hair. I could tell she was fighting to stay awake, but she needed to rest. I wasn’t going to leave her, I had promised her that. 
“I love you.” Emily mumbled into my chest, “I love you so much.” She sighed, finally letting sleep take her. 
“I love you.” I whispered softly, closing my own eyes.  
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thousandsun · 5 months
One piece anime characters reacting to the live action
Summery:Straw hats reacting to episode 1,2,3 and 4. Part two?
Warning:Nami hitting Luffy with a pan and threatening Sanji
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"Ohhhh! This guy can actually stretch like me!" Luffy says admiring his actor stretching his arm to hit Buggy on the screen. "Does that mean there is another devil fruit like mine???Two kings of the pirates??" He gets closer to the screen.
Nami hits him with one of Sanji's pans. "Calm down! I can't see my beautiful actress's stealing skills!" She complains watching closely how her actress steals the keys to free herself.
"Luffy,these are just special effects. He isn't a power user." Sanji sighs placing Luffy on the couch. "I'll be right back. I'll bring you popcorn. " The blond man leaves to make some popcorn.
"Isn't that your grandpa,Luffy?" Robin says watching a scene where Coby is trained by Garp.
"Oh no! This is terrible!" Luffy watches the screen closely.
"What???" Chopper replies hiding behind the couch already trembling in fear. Robin grabs him using her devil fruit abilities, putting him next to her.
"I have no more meat left..." Luffy says pouting dramatically.
"Y-you didn't scare me..."Chopper says trying to look brave.
"Why are you guys making a fuss? "Zoro opens his eyes. He had a good sleep during the first two episodes.
"Eh??? You were sleeping??" Usopp looks at him. "Good thing you woke up! You were about to miss my first scene"
"So I can sleep more? Ok." He closes his eyes back trying to fall asleep.
"YOU JERK!!! DON'T SLEEP NOW!" Usopp freaks out trying to wake him up.
Zoro opens his eyes amused by his reaction. "Geez. I was just messing with you"
"Look, it's Kaya!" Luffy points at the screen as the beautiful actress of Kaya makes her appearance. Usopp now looks straight at the screen admiring her.
Sanji comes back with the popcorn noticing the relationship between Usopp and Kaya. "Who knew Usopp can pull a girl like that?"
"Shut up... There's nothing romantic between us. She is just a friend" His cheeks are now red. He covers his face with his palms clearly embarrassed.
As the show moves on with the next episode,the pirates see the kiss between Usopp and Kaya.
Sanji's cigarette falls off his lips."That's not fair!" He snaps as he raises his voice. "He can get a woman and I can't?"
"Woah! Usopp! You never told me you kissed Kaya!" Luffy says looking shocked at the screen.
"You were there,Luffy. That never happened. It's just an added scene." The ginger girl sighs giving him a disappointed look. "And you." She turns around at Sanji. "Stop yelling or I'll break your own pan in your face!"
"Yes,ma'am!" Sanji shuts up taking a seat next to Chopper.
"So this is how you got Merry. No wonder she was so special to Usopp." The deer looks at the screen smiling.
"This episode is about Zoro's past." Usppp says looking at the screen. "So there's something we don't know?"
Zoro's eyes widen at the moment he sees Kuina.
"So even Moss Head pulls a woman? How unlucky she must have been..." He pouts in jealousy.
He quickly gets up ready to pick a fight with the cook."I'll kill you." Zoro's gaze darkens. He takes out a sword.
"No swords when we're watching TV!" Nami yells at him with authority,like a mom would to calm her child. "Put it down. "
Zoro sits down again. "I don't understand. Why do they have to show this on screen?" He is clearly annoyed.
"Some people find it entertaining. I mean, look at those idiots crying." Nami points out at Usopp and Luffy crying and hugging each other.
"Zorooo!" Luffy cries. "I am so sorry! She was an amazing girl!" Usopp sobs loudly. "What a good man our Zoro is... He is fulfilling their dreams"
Zoro facepalms himself turning off the TV. "It's enough for today." He gets up and leaves to his room.
"What got into him?" Chopper looks at him leaving. He is clearly worried about his crew mate.
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sevi007 · 2 months
FF 16 spoilers
Spoilers right up til the ending lads and ladies
Are you kidding me. Are you. Kidding. Me
Ahem. Excuse me. I needed to get that out of my system.
Like. I‘m still reeling. I „only“ had the final fight to finish, thought yea, easy - and now this rollercoaster ride of feels right here. Ugh. Uff
I will get more into depth on the whole game in a seperate post later, but right now I need to jot down my first impression
From the start just - ugh. UGH. Gav openly crying into Clive‘s shoulder. Mid almost doing the same as they talk about Cid. Byron seeing his brother‘s sons off into a suicide mission
(Where was Otto though? Needed Otto, Goetz, Charon and Blackthorne here too! And Terence while we‘re at it. Aggressively promoting the NPCs here)
And Jill. Jill. I‘m almost glad she stayed behind and wasn‘t in danger but ouch. Now is so not a good moment for a love confession children (I know, I know, it might be the last chance, but that makes it so much more difficult). Why must you hurt me so, you two.
I will get back to that though
Then the journey and the final fight. Can I say I‘m almost disappointed there was no big aerial battle as Bahamuth against the many thralls? That would have been cool. But alas
I WOULD have liked for the battle of the three Eikons against Ultima to be. A real battle? Like the the Cinematic clashes are rather slow compared to other QTEs, I didnt feel a lot of excitement in this part of the battle compared to the rest of it
Changed with the next cutscene though. I mean, I had already suspected there is more of Ultima‘s people - one for every Eikon - but I had thought the Mothercrystals are there to power them up, and destroying them would stop that. I was just as shocked as Clive to here we basically helped them with it.
And then. Then. Here‘s the yelling part, the are you kidding me -
We JUST got him back! After 18 years! We had all these sidequests to gather him medicine! He is literally the Phoenix - Undying! Nope. Nu-uh. Square I am not accepting that. Did not happen in my book
But also thos is quite possible one of the visually most beautiful scenes, what with the Phoenix wings and reflecting in Joshua‘s eyes. And the voice actors, especially Clive‘s, really knocked it out of the park. The gasps and sniffles and the pain? Holy shit. I cried mostly because of the voices
The unholy rage I felt man - I felt very much in Clive‘s position there. Very immersive. Just absolutely get WRECKED Ultima, you made the wrong brother angry
The battle was so, so awesome. I‘m sorry but this might just about be cooler than the one in Rebirth, hands down.
The music - that was a remix of Find the Flame, yes? It sounded different but alike.
Then that it was one on one, and Ultima almost humanlike - fit really well in showing how he is no different from us, from Clive. And the way Ultima got more and more desperate and lost all cool, INCREDIBLY satisfying
the part where Ultima and Clive kept meeting Eikon with the same Eikon - combined with the Voice overs from Clive‘s friends - so good, I cheered.
The Eikon fight part was also very cool. Hate to say it, but blue-fire Ifrit also looks damn cool. Can we get blue and red fire please XD
Just. The entire fight was wellrounded and fun, really had my blood pumping, I loved it.
And then. Then, the end. The flashback to baby Clive and baby Joshua. Come on. Dont turn the knife in the wound you sadists!
Well. Obviously. They are all okay. It‘s clear as day. Clive healed Joshua, so he‘s gonna be okay. Dion only fell into the sea, and OBVIOUSLY the Enterprise had followed them and picked him up. And Clive already got to the beach all alone, now we just need to go get him. Yup. Mhm
(But Sevi the game made it clear - shhhh. Shush. No. Not in this house. In this house, we live in dellusion)
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joseimukeaddict · 2 months
Probably gonna fail a class so here are random headcanons for Izumi Tachibana from A3!
(It’s pretty long IMO and not proofread, sorry)
(I also am not caught up with the JP main story past Act 10 so sorry if anything contradicts sth that happens later)
CW: it gets kinda depressing near the end, my mood kinda seeped in 😓; mostly backstory stuff
- my girl is bi (more so bc I want a chance)
- her mom was always a stickler for a clean house so she’s super serious about making sure everyone does their chores, even more than Sakyo
- this one is more about Yukio and her mother but that man’s taste is women is definitely serious women in charge (they say you tend to fall for someone similar to your parents *winkwonk* SakyoIzu being the gender bent ver *winkwonk*
- Women on top tho, the men are simps (Yukio has to call at least once a week or else)
- On that note, her mom definitely holds grudges by the way she doesn’t even want Yukio to be mentioned in her household; Izumi holds mini-grudges too but they eventually fade with time bc she’s forgetful and just really nice
- not one to scream at a person when she’s angry, just raises her voice and speaks in a firm tone (she’s really good at choosing the right words though so it’s kinda worse to get her mad bc she’s usually so tolerant and her words hit deep)
- always speaks from the heart so this skill not transfer to acting 😭
- when her dad left so suddenly, she tried watching plays to cope but then started crying in the middle of the performance bc she thought of what her dad would think of a specific scene bc they used to do daddy-daughter play trips
- briefly tried to take up a different artistic hobby instead of theatre but when that failed, she just threw herself into her studies
- average student but she can get higher scores if she really tries
- scores into a pretty good college but a friend encourages her to go to a decent college that at least has a good arts program bc they’re worried Izumi is gonna throw away her life’s passion
- although she had that horrible experience where the theatre head told her she has no acting talent, at least being able to help create plays with backstage work rekindles her love of theatre and gives her an even greater appreciation for behind the scenes positions
- she works her way up the back stage ladder, trying out all sorts of different jobs to get a feel for each of them and eventually gets to an assistant director position
- and she’s absolutely in love with it (my girl is a career woman through and through)
- she gets why her father loved it so much although he was a great actor himself
- so thankful to the friend who encouraged her to go to that college, they’re still in contact (long distance bc she’s still at their home town) and they text and do late night calls often (they’re platonic soulmates dw)
- She was decently popular before daddy issues happened and lost a lot of the fair weather friends and only has a few close ones she’s made and kept over the years; she’s making more connections via theatre nowadays bc MANKAI keeps her so busy (it’s a crime that Liber doesn’t even give Izumi just one friend outside of her relation with MANKAI)
- Although MANKAI and her friend have never met, they refer to each other by nicknames at this point bc of how often Izumi catches them up on what the other is doing
- I know for a fact this girl is a praiser, she’s just so proud about them like a mother (especially when it comes to MANKAI)
- Takes almost no credit for them however, my girl has some insecurity issues being around such immensely talented people 😱
- She’s very talented in managerial aspects but she only found out after years of no talent in various arts
- She’s not one to tell people about her troubles (she knows she should) but people who know her well can tell when she needs a pick me up
- and one last happy one bc wow it got depressing and long: at least every few months, she schedules a weekend off and goes back to her hometown to spend time with her mother, after realizing that she should cherish more the family she has close by after moving into the MANKAI dorm and being reminded of family by the boys (both mother and daughter look forward to this event every time) (what do they do? Just relax and chat over Japanese snacks while her mother gives Izumi some tips on how to better run the dorm) (If you think Izumi is a praiser, her mother is worse, 1000% yaps about her wonderful daughter all the time to her friends behind Izumi’s back)
Sorry it was so long
 too many thoughts for MANKAI’s one and only Director

I have so many more but no one would want to read that much in one sitting. IDK Part 2 when I fail another major assignment that will cost me my grade?
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jazzpostsrandomthings · 6 months
Journey Retold: The First Dungeons and Trials
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<< Previous Entry
Sorry for cutting the last entry a bit short, I ran out of time and space and then got busy with the next exam. But I have time now so let's pick up from where we left off!
After Pi took flight, the scene transitioned to a different airship flying through the air and landing in a fortress on a... space rock of some kindAt first I was very confused and thought for a second that it was the same ship my character had boarded
 But it still was a nice transition.
From the airship came four figures dressed in metal garb, looking quite alien to the rest of the people we've seen so far. They also looked very "Star Wars" in addition to their own theme music, which is probably why I thought we were on a completely different planet now.
And who is that guy, Gaius van Baelsar? He sounds quite fami--
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I didn't check his voice immediately after hearing it for the first time (I did do it near the end of ARR), I had my doubts about it since I am known for confusing voice actors a lot, but man, I did manage to hear the guy's voice right and he still sounds incredible after so many years since Rockman X7 came out. But if someone didn't know, he is also the Japanese voice of Solid Snake and Big Boss. I am just more familiar with his role as Red.
Anyways, we have an evil Empire trying to conquer Eorzea and who are quite ruthless to others. Most definitely they are our antagonists, at least for this expansion. Note taken.
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After that scene, Pi finally arrives to one of the city-states Admiral Merlwyb had sent him to, the liveliest and the largest settlement of The Black Shroud -- Gridania. It's the least confusing city to traverse through by far which is a plus, but I wasn't too interested in it because it was looking like a normal fantasy forest village, but I still don't think it's bad, don't get me wrong, I just think Limsa and the next city we'll visit after that were more memorable.
Here we meet up with the Elder Seedseer, the local governor of sorts -- Kan-E-Senna, who I, for a moment, thought was a weird kind of Au Ra lady because of the horns, but it's actually a really rare subrace of hyurs that only lives here which I found interesting. She signed some documents after reminising about the days prior ot Calamity and what happened after (mostly latter) and Pi moved on to the other city-state on the list, the richest city of Thanalan -- Ul'dah.
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Now, I really liked the whole look of Ul'dah. Its West Asian aesthetic and the way it's structured like a big palace with rich-looking buildings and bazaars around it was just so memorable and unique to me, and I absolutely loved looking around Ul'dah for the first time
 even though it was the worst city for me so far in terms of actually exploring it because of the amount of layers it had. I was getting lost even more than I did in Limsa...... ;w;
We go talk to the guy here who isn't the ruler of the city-state but instead is the leader of the local Grand Company called "Immortal Flames" -- Raubahn Aldynn. He didn't talk to me much because everything has already been explained to Pi by Kan-E, so he quickly signed the papers and let me go.
OK, what did I do next, I genuenly don't remember, let me look at the fold--
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Oh. I went to unlock a few dances instead of MSQ. That's hilarious.
But after that, I unlocked the first dungeon! I made sure to tell my friends about it because they wanted to take me through it so I wouldn't be afraid to do the next ones. I had to wait for one of them to come back from a raid they happened to be doing at the time though.
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It was... fun! Although the fact that my friend was a level 90 tank who knew how to pull enemies quickly made me sweat because I was falling behind and doing shit damage due to my equipment being very low-level in comparison. But I was told to ask others to slow down in the next dungeons if I happened to have troubles catching up. However, I wasn't afraid anymore. I wasn't playing as Tank or Healer so I didn't need to take note of everything at the same time, I just needed to maximize my damage output and stay alive -- simple enough.
Next day, I did a few sidequests before proceeding to the next dungeon, this time in The Black Shroud... and I actually couldn't find the entrance to it for a while because I somehow missed the fact it was under the ground.
I also asked my friend how to do a character portrait (and by extension the Adventure Plate) and it took me nearly an hour to make, if not more, but this was the result:
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The variation of this portrait is still on my Adventure Plate to this day actually. I think it just shows the character of Pi quite nicely (at least when he isn't out exploring the world).
After I came back from university (and I remember that because I actually wrote to my friend about finishing the portrait as I was going outside to catch a bus), I actually went to the second dungeon. And then to the third one. None of them gave me troubles fortunately.
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At this point, according to the screenshots at least, I seemed to have drifted off into Arcanist questline for some reason. Either because I wanted to unlock Scholar and Summoner (and hitting a brick wall because of Sylth-management quest) or because its story was just more interesting than MSQ itself to me at the moment, or maybe even both. So yeah, I ended up picking the MSQ back only a few days after, on September 7th.
And also have a funny excerpt from a conversation we had in Discord before that point:
Me: Probably we won't be able to play together until Saturday, my University classes are held until 8PM for four days straight. The player of the self-proclaimed Emo Catboy: Das fine... miss 20 hours in THREE DAYS.
Me: You two are so fun to play with though... but do you have a problem with my progress?
The player of the self-proclaimed Emo Catboy: YOU ARE ALREADY LIKE A SIXTH OF THE WAY THROUGH THE FREE TRIAL. At the pace you are going, you'll outrun me when we hit StormBlood. Me: :D Skill issue.
(You are allowed to give me shit for this, Emo Catboy :) )
But I did have a problem of playing too much Final Fantasy XIV in a span of three days at that time, I won't deny that. I too had (and still have) a bit of a skill issue in this regard if you can say so.
OK, let's continue. So, some thugs attacked a defenseless woman because they thought she was stealing food, my little baby defeated them, and then Y'shtola showed up again and told Pi that it must be fate that they have been bumping into each other so often and that he does actually have a gift that her good friend also has. This gift is called "Echo" and it's the reason why we can look into other people's memories, along with a few other powers we will learn of later. The miqo'te woman also invited us to visit her organisation's headquarters in Waking Sands at the Vesper Bay. But before I actually visited the Scions of the Seventh Dawn (that's what the group was called), I made sure to unlock Glamour, which also allowed me to obtain a beret, which I dyed blue and proudly put on Pi's head. Now he could finally have his most recognizable design feature and stop wearing ugly wizard hats and mismatched robes. After that, his appearance remained largely unchanged until the start of the next expansion.
But let's go back to the story.
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This is the receptionist at the Waking Sands. And I think I was more buffled with her unironically singing "Trololo" than her standing on a chair because she was too short to reach the table. But yeah, her name is Tataru. She lets my lalafell boy in after finding his name on the list and here we are finally introduced to the full cast of main protagonists.
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(Sorry I actually never made a screenshot with them all in one frame...)
Their leader, a young woman by the name of Minfilia (voiced by Milla Maxwell of all people lmao) who also had Echo, told us that they have been working on protecting the peace on Eorzea after the Seventh Umbral Calamity (hence "Scions of the Seventh Dawn") and how they are searching for people that too have the gift of Echo because it helps with resisting the tempering of the primals, gods summoned by the beast tribes, which can brainwash people without such gift into serving them for the rest of their lives so there could be even more bloodshed. Minfilia politely asks if the lalafell boy of mine even wants to join the team, but of course he wants to save the world and be as cool as them so he answers with a nod. Now Pi too is a scion!
At this point, I had already formed a group of friends to get to the first trial as quickly as possible. And then something absolutely hilarious happened, which I unfortunately did not capture in a screenshot. So I was in a cutscene and all, and when I finished it, I saw a giant fucking level 50 lizard thing that my friends were fighting. I panicked, tried to run away while I heard one of my friends scream, and then this thing killed me in one hit, scoring me my first death in the game. Even though I was swearing and typing in caps in the part chat at that moment (couldn't use the mic), I was actually laughing my ass off. I don't think I could have had a moment like that in any single player game, or even if I was playing FFXIV alone because I think my friends accidentally got the monster too close to me, so it was another moment that made this game worth it for me.
But just a few cutscenes after that, Pi got taken into some cave with other people by the lizard beastfolk tribe, Amalj'aa, that wanted to summon their god -- Ifrit. This was the first trial, the first actual boss fight, and--
The player of the stern-looking Auri man: Jazz? Where are you? The player of the self-proclaimed Emo Catboy: ...Actually, yeah, where ARE you?
I opened the map, saw that the location was called "???" and that there was no way out of it, and then I was told that you can actually start duties through a menu -- no need to approach the entry points to dungeons or trials once you unlock them. That was a relief because I was afraid my party leader won't be able to register for this duty and I would have to do it with a bunch of randoms.
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I am sorry, I didn't screenshot Ifrit either. But the cutscene that showed how summons happen, with the whole demon-ass flame monster emerging while this musical theme of approaching disaster played, it all was quite great! As for Ifrit himself, though... he didn't stay alive for long, all because of my friend's equipment again, I am pretty sure.
We stopped the primal, sending the lizard folk running, and, oh! Ifrit left a crystal behind! Great, now its ours and we are 2/6th of the way to... whatever would actually happen once we collect all 6 crystals.
Damn, I do write quite a lot here, don't I? And I didn't even mention all the things that happened along the way, I had to skip a few (such as Golden Saucer and Aesthetician guy) since the post was too big already and I was diverding attention from MSQ a bit too much. But I assure you, once we get over the middle part of ARR, my writing will end up being more focused on MSQ itself, just bear with me here :'D
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kierreras · 1 year
! spoilers for gossip girl reboot are below !
overall, my biggest hope for the finale was fulfiled - kate was exposed and she is finally in jail. so yeah, i can count that as a win
still, gg reboot worked for me not only because of drama it had (and i am a sucker for drama), but because characters were really interesting and i personally resonated with some of them. so of course i am mad because we were robbed of good ending. luna finally getting her voice and having a storyline only for it to be thrown away like it didn’t happen. monet not being in italy when savannah was there during filming. couldn’t they include her in group scenes? i guess we will never know. oh, and the most boring character like obie being included in main gg plot, Rome plot, gg reveal plot. don’t get me started on this one cause i don’t even understand why they kept him around. zoya finally getting a promising love interest and his scenes with the whole group being cut? such a bad move.
as for triad, i am mad and disappointd. just a week earlier i was clowning myself thinking that they are going to break them three up. and what do we have here? aki and audrey throwing max under the bus again. them completely erasing their whole development only to end up together without any worries about max. and poor max feeling like they both played with him an got tired of him. i feel so sorry for him because he is the one character in this whole reboot who changed the most since the first episode. he is the only one whose development and progress were not forgot about.
thomas doherty is an amazing actor because i also cried with him when he realised that aki and audrey are not in love with him like he is with them. writers are really cruel for letting this scene be in the final cut because once again we have a media example that throuples are just for sex and sex only. once again tv series is proving that polyamory does not exist in a healthy way. once again the golden couple stays together and redeemed character is getting heartbroken. i can’t even describe in words what i am feeling right now because not only the triad had no purpose with this ending, but a character that had so much growth during the series has circled back to point zero. if writers were backing them up and completing most of the storylines because they suspected that the series is not going to be renewed, why letting triad stay this way? why breaking them up and pointing that their whole relationship mattered only to max and leaving aki and audrey together? i am so pissed at creators now. and if before finale i was able to defend them, now i actually can’t.
so, jobie and akidrey are getting their onscreen endgames while other characters get nothing. good to go gg reboot!
my ideal finale of this season would have been if triad broke up - them three breaking up and finding themselves outside of relationship. like we could have finally have their separated storylines and them being independent characters. specifically audrey and aki needed that. so i really hoped that three of them would break up, discover themselves and around season three finale they would realise what they are missing. so starting the last episodes of season three triad would be getting closer again and realising that the three of them are still in love with each other. they would have a confession in season finale and finally getting together in a healthy way (without sneaking behind each other backs and having any doubts) in the beginning of season four. as josh mentioned, he wanted to have four seasons of gg, so as for season four, i imagined characters to have college-related drama. for the triad, i think that they could have had a “will we last long-distance or not” just like seth and summer from the oc in season three. no cheating, no doubting each other, not any of them feeling extra. just regular senior year drama that every high school relationship goes through. i feel really robbed and i would be looking forward reading josh’s interview because i think he is going to share some of their plans for future seasons. also, let’s not forget that initial plan was for triad to be an endgame. so let’s focus on that
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mochie85 · 2 years
The Watcher
One-Shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: Your favorite comfort character bargains with The Watcher to see you again. Warnings: Angst Pairing: Your fav male comfort character x Reader Word Count: 810 A/N: This is dedicated to all the writers and content creators that I follow. I won’t tag them below because I’m scared I’ll forget someone and I don’t want to offend. I wanted to say thank you for all the beautiful stories you have given me since I joined.
Also, I want to dedicate this to the wonderful people who follow me and support me. I started writing for myself. I never thought that it would resonate with other people, and for that, I am grateful. I also liked to think that, in another universe, I would be standing alongside my favorite Marvel character too. I tried to keep it as general as possible. I wanted you to insert your own comfort character – whomever they may be. Thank you again.
Please tag your favorite writer/creator to dedicate this to them. I know it’s set in the Marvel Universe, but I hope you can still see yourself in it.
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He stumbled. Curse it! He wanted to appear serious and in his right mind. But his inebriated senses and the lack of inhibitions made him seek out The Watcher tonight. “Come out, come out wherever you are!”
Silence greeted him. “Come on! I know you’re there! Come and face me! You coward!”
Still silence.
To an outsider, he was just a drunken mess, stumbling down a dark alleyway. He wanted to keep tonight solemn. To remember the good times he shared with you. But one drink led to another. At first, it was to celebrate your life, then the subsequent drinks were to forget his own. “Ok. Alright. I’m sorry. You’re not a coward.” He yelled out. “Please. I just
I just need to see them.”
“I’m sorry but, I can’t let you do that.” A deep quiet voice sprung from behind him. He turned around the see The Watcher himself. “It is prohibited. And it was part of the vow that both of you had promised.”
“No! I promised that I would never talk to them or interfere with their life again. But I just
I just need to know that they’re safe. That they’re happy. Please.” He began sobbing. “Pleasepleaseplease,” he whispered more to himself, beseeching The Watcher to let him see you. He broke down and fell to his knees. The bottle that was in his hands, discarded, making a sharp clanking noise as it hit the ground.
The Watcher waved his arms in a circular motion and around him came small portals. Windows into your life. Your laughter was what made the pleading drunk look up from the prostrate position on the ground. He saw all the different portals. He saw you in all of them, doing different things.
In one, you were laughing and dancing with some friends. There was a window where you were playing and chasing after kids. In another window
it was your wedding day. You looked so happy. He immediately felt jealous of the lucky person you decided to spend that life with. That was me once. Why couldn’t it have been me?
“This is their life. All at different times. In some they are happy. And others, heartbroken. But they lived a full, meaningful life.” The Watcher said, his heart breaking at the sight of the man still crying on the ground. “I know the sacrifice you had to make to save your world. I know that they had to sacrifice themselves too. But the multi-verse would not exist if it weren’t for your courage and strength.”
“Do they think of me? Do they even know I exist?” he asked The Watcher. The Watcher brought out another window. It was you sitting on the couch, entranced as you watched a movie. It was him! Acting out a scene that looked like when you had first met. But the other person wasn’t you. Someone else was playing your part.
“In their world, you are nothing but stories. Movies and books. In their world, you are their favorite actor. They’ve watched you your entire career. That actor happens to be portraying you in an adaptation of your life. So yes, they do know you exist. A version of you.”
The man stood up, laughing at the irony of it all. He wanted to keep you safe. They needed to save the world. Sending you to this alternate reality to live another life was the only option. Your only request was that you forget. You wanted to forget. Because if you remembered, you would fight tooth and nail to come back to this world. Come back to him. That couldn’t happen.
He never forgot you. He missed you every day since you had left. And by the looks of it, you had missed him too. You had sought out any likeness of him and immersed yourself in stories about him.
“They write stories themselves. Mostly about the times you had together. They remembered the key moments in your lives. They think that it’s all in their head.” The Watcher said. The man looked up at him, his eyebrows raised in hope, confusion, and fear. “But to them, it’s just fiction, to be shared with other fans. All in their own head.” The Watcher continued.
The man felt dejected and alone. “So, they’re happy? They’re safe?”
“Yes, I promise.”
“I just wish I could hug them
one last time.” He lifted his hand to try and touch your face through the portals. You turned and smiled at something that had caught your eye.
“I miss you, so much. Happy Anniversary, darling.” He let his hand fall back to his side. He took a deep breath and walked away, wiping the tears from his eyes. The Watcher observed as he made his way down the alley towards the bright lights of the streets.
“Until next year.” The Watcher whispered.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Hi Val đŸ„°!
Alright I have several questions about several of your your WIPS so I will keep it short..
Lights,Camera, Action.. are we talking regular asshole ransom or is he whipped/a major fan of Actress! Reader?
What happens in Vegas.. literally tell me anything I am already obsessed with the idea of straight laced Steve going to Vegas..
Sweet Lo!!!
Ok so Lights, Camera, Action is going to be a series. It’s starts with asshole Ransom and he has a reputation to be an asshole and a playboy on set. He sleeps with all of the leading ladies he stars with and most of the time they expect more from him. But we know he doesn’t do relationships. Enter reader. She’s plus sized and she’s determined to show the industry that the size of your waist doesn’t determine your acting abilities. She’s sick of being type cast as the designated ugly fat friend or the comedic relief. She gets casted in the roll of a lifetime. Ransom is brought in last minute when the original actor had to drop out! He isn’t ready for her though and she’s prepared to shut him down when needed!
“Yeah, you got a problem with that?”
You turn around to find the one and only Ransom Drysdale glaring at you. “Not at all, I just thought Johnny Storm was the lead is all.”
“Not anymore.” he says as he sits and you take a moment to really admire him. Ransom Drysdale is ridiculously handsome and you would be lying if you said that you never had a crush on him, everyone did. But as you started working in show business you heard that he was incredibly rude and could be difficult to work with and that was a bit of a turn off for you.
“If you don’t like it I’m pretty sure they could recast your part, sweetheart.” he smirks.
“No way in hell are they recasting me, although if you are as difficult to work with as I’ve heard maybe they’ll recast your part. They’ve already done it once, I'm sure they can do it again, sunshine.” You smile the moment he turns to glare at you. In that moment you decided that if he was going to be an ass you would push back.
2 What happens in Vegas:
It was supposed to be an over night stop after a mission. It was Ton’s idea of course, he paid for the hotel rooms. Bucky and Thor were also there and Steve got drunk off of some Asgardian mead Thor brought with him. Reader was there to celebrate her childhood best friend’s bachelorette party. When she wakes up she’s in someone else’s room. Not just anyone’s Captain fucking America’s room. If that wasn’t enough their wake up call is Tony, Bucky and Thor all witnessing Steve the morning after a one night stand
 except it’s more than a one night stand. They have matching rings on their left ring fingers. Steve and reader think it will be as easy as getting an annulment but the Avenger’s PR team have a different idea.
You feel the bed shift with weight placed at the end and then shaking, pulling a groan from the man behind you. He grabs the pillow he was using and throws it, you hear an ‘uff’ as it hits whoever was shaking the bed. He slowly removes his arm from around your waist and sits up allowing you to shift and finally look at who you had spent the night with. Your eyes go wide at the realization of who was in bed with you causing you to sit up way too fast. Your eyes meet for the first time, embarrassment etched on your faces. The door slams open making you finally look at the others in the room. Not only had you slept with the one and only Captain America but before you stood Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark and the newest guest Thor. You keep the sheets up under your chin. Before you were able to say anything Thor spoke up, his voice booming.
“What is the hold up? Isn’t he ready to leave yet?” he asked before taking in the scene.
“Get out!” Steve snaps before turning to you. “I am so sorry about this.”
“Steve, it's never good to apologize to a woman while you’re still in bed naked with her.” Tony advises before smirking at both of you.
“Why are you still here? Get out!”
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
Given what Lily Gao has said about Ada, do you think Capcom is becoming aware of the criticisms regarding Ada's "dragon lady" persona and is working to correct it?
I'm going to preface this with I am not Chinese nor Chinese-American. I'm black, I taught english in Japan, and knowledge on this kind of racial stereotyping is growing at the same rate as my knowledge on antisemitism, AKA I know some but am still learning. So sorry again for this being long, but my answer will focus on how I look at writing/story analysis.
To be honest, for me when it comes to critically thinking about and analyzing media, I don't really care about what people say in interviews. I don't even look for them. The first exception I make to this is if someone has made enough of something that I can catch the patterns in their story-telling/depiction, and I have a desire to know where that comes from. That desire to know is also extremely rare, because there isn't a piece of written work (sans music) I don't analyze to some extent, and I've gotten great at guessing where ideas sprout from. Too good actually.
I say this not because the information is irrelevant, but because if what they're saying is true it will be executed well in the piece. If what they're saying is true, it will have met the goal whether or not they explicitly tell me what their goal is. I don't look at voice actor interviews, screenwriter interviews, or director interviews, and I haven't since my university classes. The other exception to this are blooper reels and director cuts with commentary. It's a shame many pieces no longer do these because they do highlight the goals of the movie better due to being in the moment with reels or by explaining why things were removed instead of why things were there, which is also more valuable to me.
I'm much less inclined to take Resident Evil voice actor opinions because I do not know how long they'll have that job. On top of that, IF we get Separate Ways DLC, I want how they took her lines in RE4R to make more sense as a result. I have a voice acting friend who loves Ada's new voice, but had problems with the direction they took her lines in. I didn't really hear it. I'm not experienced in that avenue. Me and my friend already have proven to have different opinions since I like when VAs voices crack or sound weak or warbly because it makes the scene feel more real to me. Voices aren't always perfectly practiced sounding without error because it veers too far into the uncanny which is why I stopped listening to ENG dubs of anime.
I love Ada talking to Luis and Leon like they're her subs. I love how bored and uninterested she sounds. It's a million times better than the "don't you want to fuck me" voice because anime has rotted the brains of many, and I'm a stupid gay who think women with deep voices can say anything so there's clearly a bias here! Yet until we see that DLC, which I'm praying we get, I can't tell you if Gao's words are true or not. Japan has a nasty history of being super xenophobic towards chinese people, and their xenophobia has been horribly normalized to this day. (I lived there, and I'm going back, and how nonchalant people were about it made me sick.)
As long as the DLC doesn't half focus on Luis, who Leon/Luis shippers are doing their own "latino papi" racist takes on link included check out the article, we'll have to see. I want to see the Remake Separate Ways DLC put in the work of departing Ada from the dragon lady stereotype. I want to know the writers and directors behind it realized how bad the original RE4 made it via making the remake DLC simply showing Ada as a woman who puts herself and her beliefs first no matter how gray those beliefs are. If it accomplishes that goal narratively, then I can assume whatever Lily Gao said is correct because other people will be talking about it. If it doesn't, then it doesn't regardless of the actor's interpretation of the piece.
Personally (this is related to the racist stereotype topic though veering off topic) If they do RE5 Remake, I will be flooding the tags with either praise or vitrol because jesus fucking christ the african stereotypes in the original? Painful. Physically painful for me. If they don't fix it, you all will know. In the meantime, praying we get that Separate Ways DLC. Really hoping to hear chinese voices who either enjoyed or felt neutral about Gao's acting on the DLC if it drops.
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