#if y'all have any thoughts i'd be happy to hear about them
wishset · 3 months
i don't smoke, until i miss you boothill x reader
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summary: Boothill was never a greedy man, he didn't ask for much yet he received the whole world. Just you and your child, he really didn't need much else, yet the cosmos seemed to have made a mistake and tried to rectify it by taking everything away.
explored themes. possibly ooc or lore inaccurate. 1k+ words, fluff to angst. written in 2nd pov. play i don't smoke while reading this, trust. can potentially be interpreted as platonic, if you squint rlly hard.
from author: i haven't played hsr in a while, yet researching boothill's lore just struck the rdr2 writer in me. per usual, i can't let myself be happy with anything but angst so grab a tissue. i haven't posted a work like this online before so i'm highkey nervous, but i'd love to hear what you think! there is some bonus info at the end, but i hope you enjoy this! (she said knowing this is what she ends up writing:)
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Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, the most he would get close to one was standing next to you under a tree after a long day. You'd still offer him one, even though he always said no, as an act of acknowledgment. He couldn't do that now, though, the smoke would damage his robotic body even if he weren't the one inhaling it.
He'd be perched down on a large root of the tree you leaned back on, staring at your boots in his peripheral as you watched the sunset. The river running in the distance, your horses chewing on the grass below y'all when they weren't nipping at each other, the livestock settled down in the barns, and dinner sat on the warm fire for when the two of you returned.
"What's next?" He asks, his eyes following the line of your boot up to your face.
You always shrug, as if you never thought so far ahead. He did, fairly often in all truthfulness, and you only knew that because of how often he asked.
"'Suppose not much next, is there? Keep doin' this, 'till we're old and gray, then someone else takes over. Life goes on," you answer, flicking the ash out the tip of your cigarette.
He watches the ash burn itself in the grass as he thinks about your answer. It was food enough, neither of you learned much besides farm life. No such thing as anything more for the uneducated, which Boothill wouldn't have any other way.
He didn't mind waking and talking to Nick about the farm as he waited for you to come down for breakfast. He didn't mind wounding up the cattle every day while you watch or watching the horses while they round about the fields with you. The crops wouldn't harvest itself and there's no one else he'd rather harvest it with than you.
Life was good and Boothill was fine with it.
Would he have been so fine with it if you hadn't been hired by Nick and Graey when he turned a teen? He was glad he wouldn't have to find out. They hired a farmhand and he got a best friend, even if he was jealous they hired you in the first place.
He thought it meant he wasn't enough for them, not helpful enough, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth and you taught that to him.
And, while Boothill never liked to say he was right all along, there was more for the two of you than the repetitive cycles you'd fallen into. Matter of fact, he couldn't believe he was so content with just that now that you both had a daughter.
Maybe if you hadn't left your cigarette pack up in your room, the both of you wouldn't have returned when you did. Maybe if he wasn't waiting on the porch downstairs for you to return so you could join him at your usual place, he wouldn't have heard crying a little ways off from the house.
"What am I supposed ta' do with her?" He looks up at you when you find him. The cigarette pack falls into your pocket as if the box itself might contaminate the bundle of purity crying in Boothill's arms.
"Dunno. She like ta' join us?" You propose, motioning towards the tree up on a hill that waited patiently for you two. (Now, three.)
Boothill stood, joining you at full height. "Looks like she might."
The red-faced babe looked between the two of you, tears staining her little cheeks. How long has it been since you seen a baby? Quite a while, yet your first instinct still is to smile.
"Looks like it indeed."
From that day forward, you and Boothill were parents. Not even Nick or Graey questioned it when you both returned with a child. Finding one seemed to be common 'round those parts.
And boy, did parenthood change just about everything? She already had her first pony picked out before she could even walk, little boots and a hat, a sass about her, too.
Boothill couldn't recall the last time he was near a cigarette, not after you gave them to him to dispose of so that your little girl would never find them. It was never just the two of you at the tree again, always you three. Two grown horses and a little foal, growing along with her.
Now this he'd have no other way.
He was perched down on the large root of the tree beside you, where you sat as well. He could see the little girl in your lap in his peripheral, which he turned to look at when she called him. 
For her, it wasn't Boothill, something more like "Papa." She had this little giggle in her voice when she said it and even after the most tiring days, Boothill never had been happier.
"What's it, sugar?" He asks, turning to look at her. You look as well when she crawls out of your lap and stands, waddling her way over to him.
Was this how the mares felt when their foal stood and walked over to them for the first time? If it was, he was jealous it took him so long to figure it out for himself. You looked just as surprised as he felt and neither of you knew how to respond. Nick and Graey taught him everything he knew, yet the two of you taught him more every day.
Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, but now he was the one flicking ash off the tip and watching as it burned the knee of his pants. Now he couldn't get the stench of smoke off of him.
It was nice, even though his metal body hissed in disagreement. He took another puff, then another. Would you feel betrayed that he never really disposed of the pack of cigarettes? He didn't know. But it was late nights where he thought of how he got them in the first place he was glad he didn't.
It was a brand new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty.
Was this what it smelt like when the house burned? Did it burn the same way? ─ No, it couldn't have. This burn burnt good, this burn was all he had left of you. This burn reminded him of you and the sacrifices you made for your daughter, this burn reminds him of the two of you and all the sacrifices he'll make for you.
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bonus information: | more here.
[ 1 ] "It was a new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty." That's about how many times Boothill found himself thinking of you, so much so he needed something palpable. Y'know, because everything was burned so all he has is this vague smell of you? I'm sorry. He also has blown through other packs when he just wants to remember the comfort your presence had brought him at one point, he only uses your pack on those nights.
[ 2 ] Wanna know another kicker? Boothill knows for a fact you wouldn't have been happy if you knew he smoked, before his enhancements and after. You used to tell him that they were bad for him, which he already knew, but that was very long ago in the overall timeline of this fic. When he thinks about those times, he smokes another.
[ 3 ] He doesn't have anything to remember your daughter by, he might've if the IPC nuke came a little later so that she could've given him the gift she'd been working on. You might've been able to give him your gift as well, so he had something healthier to cling on to. Those are long since burned and buried, though.
[ 4 ] In the image thing, my brain is blanking on what it's called, the "Everyone you love is dead anyway" is a reference to "You're going to die anyway". Yes, that is the front of a Marlboro pack, lol.
[ 5 ] Alright alright, you've cried enough tears, but if you notice any other little details, I'd love to talk about them/hear your thoughts. I poured my soul into this so many thanks for giving it a shot!
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all rights reserved to wishset. do not copy, translate, or repost. can only be found on tumblr as of 06.30.
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
My place (Miguel O'Hara x reader)
Summary: Miguel has a thing for his neighbor.
Warnings: brief mention of masturbation (m), reader's wearing a dress.
Note: Y'all, I'm not gonna write smut at work.
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After losing the family that had never really been his, Miguel promised himself to focus on work to fix things, to make things right after what he had done. But that wasn't the only thing he promised himself. He also decided to stay away from relationships, keeping up his walls so no one could get too close to him again.
But you…
You were hard to resist. You had moved into the apartment next to his about three months ago, always greeting him with a beaming smile when you met in the hallway. He often thought about letting you closer, inviting you over for coffee or dinner, maybe even making a move on you at one point.
There were times when he touched himself fantasizing about you, believing nothing bad could come out of thinking about you every once in a while, imagining what you would be like when he fucked you senseless. All the sweet sounds that would leave your lips, the whimpers, the moans, his name, all of them sounding like a perfect melody that filled the room. He had a feeling you would be very vocal during sex, and the thought drove him crazy.
“I think this is the point where I need to remind you that this is practically stalking,” Lyla told him one day when he was waiting for you near the building you worked in.
Miguel let out a sigh as he considered her warning. She was right. He had been following you around when he had the time a few times in the past week or so, but he always justified his actions by saying it was to protect you. Just to know you got home safe. It was the right thing to do as Spider-man, right?
“You should go back to the HQ,” the AI spoke up again. He let out an annoyed groan, one to which she replied with a roll of her eyes behind the sunglasses. “Or maybe try to talk to her this time. You know, like a normal human being would probably do.”
“I'll talk to her when the time is right,” he replied.
“And when will that be? You've been neglecting work lately. People are looking for you.”
Miguel looked down at Lyla, his mouth open as he was about to answer. But then he took his time, deciding not to lash out at the one person who was trying to help him. “I'm not neglecting work. If anything, I'm neglecting sleep,” was all he said.
His assistant didn't push the matter any further, but it made him think about what he was doing and he realized what a creep he had been. He should talk to you the next time you meet, telling you how he thought about asking you out, just as Lyla suggested, hoping you wouldn't turn your back on him halfway through his monologue.
To his surprise, though, he received a message while he was working at the HQ. It was from you. He had no idea how you found him, but seeing your number–that he already had from not-so-legal sources–made his heart rate jump. At first he didn't even want to read it, being afraid whatever it was would just avert his thoughts from more important matters for the rest of the night. But in the end it turned out not knowing why you wrote him was much worse, so he opened the message and began to read it.
You: Hi, it's your neighbor from 349. I got your number from the janitor who apparently had it for emergencies. Anyway, I know it's probably weird, but I was wondering if you'd like to join me tomorrow evening to watch a play. I got two tickets at work but have no one to go with.
He had to reread the message a few times to understand that you've just asked him out on a date. Or maybe you were just trying to be friends with him with no other intention. Why did this have to be so confusing? After cursing out loud in Spanish, happy that no one was around apart from Lyla to hear it, he began to think about how to reply. He had to be cool about this.
Miguel: Hey. It sounds nice, I'd gladly join you.
You: Cool. Meet me in the hallway at seven?
Miguel: Sure.
“You'll have to talk to her tomorrow, you know,” Lyla noted as if he hadn't known that.
The next evening couldn't come fast enough. He busied himself with work to make time pass faster, but you were always on his mind, the possibilities of how your encounter would end on repeat in his brain. If he played his cards right, he might have you where he really wished to see you–in his bed.
When he stepped out of his apartment two minutes before seven, you were already there, wearing a gorgeous black dress with high heels that were killing him. The moment you noticed him, your eyes began to shine and your lips curled into a sweet smile, making him wonder how you could be this cheerful all the time.
“You look absolutely stunning,” he said before he could stop himself, but you didn't seem to mind. “I can't say I wasn't surprised when I got your message, though.”
You nodded as you licked your lips nervously. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be weird, I just… I've been planning to chat with you for a while now anyway. Thought tonight could be the chance for that,” you explained.
“I'm glad you invited me. And you're not weird.” Miguel assured you with a smile. “I've been thinking about talking to you, too, I just wasn't sure you would be interested.”
“I am.”
You fell silent, but just when he was about to break the silence and ask you if you were ready to go, you launched forward and pulled his head down to kiss him. It was a messy, hungry kiss, and he was sure he would devour you if you weren't careful enough. But you didn't seem scared, not even when you felt his fangs tear into your bottom lip.
When he pulled away for a moment to breathe, admiring your puffy lips and the way you were looking up at him through your lashes, he realized that you didn't want to go anywhere. You had your finger hooked under his belt, and you were pulling him towards your door at a painfully slow pace.
“I don't know about you, but I'm not even that interested in that play,” you whispered quietly.
Miguel kissed you again, this time not holding back when he pushed your back against the wall. “My place,” he growled against your lips, and you were quick to nod in response. “Good girl.”
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sissylittlefeather · 10 months
How the Web Was Woven: Chapter 5
A/N: This is the time travel/soulmate AU with Elvis and a fem!reader. We pick up with Elvis having traveled from 1960 to 2010 and then refusing to leave. Make sure you come back for Chapter 6 soon!
Special shout outs to @ccab and @elvisfatass for listening to me go round and round about this fic constantly! I love y'all so much!
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI!, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie. Also, drinking and possible alcoholism.
Word count: ~2.8k
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"Oh my God, Elvis. What have you done?!"
You look at him with your eyes wide and he takes a deep breath.
"I made a decision. And I'm happy with it." You shake your head and feel the tears forming in your eyes.
"No no no! This can't be the way it is! You have to go back!"
"It's too late now. Are you saying you don't want me?" A moment of panic flashes across his face at that thought. You grab his face with both hands and look into his eyes.
"That's not what I'm saying at all. You know I love you more than anything. I'd give anything to have you here with me forever."
"I am here!"
"But I know your future. This is wrong."
"Maybe my future is different now."
"No. That's not possible."
"Y/n, what's done is done. Can we just enjoy the fact that we're together and stop worryin' so much about how it might change things?"
You know you can't, but for his sake, you'll at least stop arguing about it. You'll figure out a way to get him home. Somehow.
"Yes. I am glad that you're still here."
"There. Now that's better." He wraps you in a hug and kisses your forehead. You realize that you're both still sitting there with nothing on and reach for your sweatshirt.
"No, come here." He pulls you to him until you're settled in the crook of his arm. "We never get to do this. One of us always leaves. I just want to hold you like this for a while."
When you realize he's right, you revel in the closeness of just laying there naked together. He plays with your fingers, kissing the tips of them periodically as you talk. He starts by telling you about the army, but that moves into a conversation that's deeper than anything you've had so far. You talk about faith, what it means to be alive, and what you both want to do and be before your time is up. There's a deep intimacy in this moment with him and you love him more by the second. You've never had a connection like this with any other person before. It feels like he's a part of you and the longer you're together, the stronger that feeling gets.
After a couple of hours, you get to a small lull in the conversation and you hear his stomach growl. You roll onto him and put your chin on your hands.
"Should we go get some food?"
"Food would be good." He smiles. "You got a diner in this town? I need a burger and shake."
You laugh at the thought of trying to find a classic style diner for him. There's one place in town he'd probably love, but they have a whole wall dedicated to pictures and memorabilia of him. So that's out of the question.
"Not a diner, but we'll find somewhere that has what you want."
"Not a diner?"
"They're kind of out of style."
"Oh." He laughs and remembers that he's not in 1960 anymore. "Speaking of out of style, I can't wear this uniform around."
"Yeah we need to go shopping. We'll just go to Target real quick and then get some food."
"Yeah it's kind of a superstore. Like Walmart but better."
"God sometimes talking to you is like talking to an alien. Just get dressed and we'll go." You stand up and throw his pants at him laughing. He gets a serious look on his face.
"Wait. Are there real aliens now? Have you been to space?" You try to match his serious tone.
"Yes. I went to Mars for vacation last year."
"What? Really?" His eyes are huge. You can't stand it anymore and the laughter comes pouring out of you.
"No! You goofball. No, I've never been to space. And if there's aliens, we haven't met them yet."
"Well, I don't know! 50 years is a long time for things to change!" As if on cue, your phone rings on your nightstand, playing a pop song. You grab it and see that it's your mom calling.
"Ugh." You toss the phone on the bed and he stares at it.
"What is that?"
"Oh lord." You shake your head and pull on some underwear and a bra. "How do I explain this? It's a phone."
"That's a phone?! Where is the cord?"
"It doesn't have a cord. Unless it's charging. It has a battery."
"And it plays music?"
"Yeah, that's my ringtone." He glances at it again.
"Wow. Can I see it?" When it finally stops ringing, you unlock the screen and hand it to him. He holds it like it might bite him. His response to technology is unbelievably endearing. He loves the idea of it, but he's also wary of it. You finish getting dressed while he experiments with the touch screen, accidentally opening apps and asking you to fix it. He's amazed when he finds the weather app. You show him that it's not just a phone, but a calendar, clock, calculator, and camera too.
"It does all kinds of things. It even has the internet."
"Yeah, it basically has access to all of the information in the world. People put stuff on the internet and we can see it. Like, here." You take the phone and open a webpage to Google. "Ask a question."
"What kind of question?"
"Anything you want."
"Are aliens real?" You smile and type that into the search bar. You walk him through how to click on the websites to find the answer, even though his question can't really be answered.
"You can ask it pretty much anything." He looks at you with his eyes wide and you realize he's still standing there in just his underwear.
"Can I have one of these?"
"Maybe. Depends on how long you're here. But right now you need to get dressed." You take the phone from him and hand him his shirt. He throws it around his shoulders and buttons it and you hear him mumble under his breath.
"That's goddamn incredible."
After you shop and eat, you head back to your house to hang out for a while before you get ready to go out that night. You have plans to go with your friends to your favorite local bar that does karaoke on Sunday nights.
You make some spaghetti for dinner and eat it together in your living room. He compliments your cooking, even though you know it's very basic. Still, he eats two whole bowls, so he must like it a little bit. After you eat, you go to get in the shower to get ready to go out.
"Can I come?" He asks with a devilish grin. You know where this is headed, but you're not exactly complaining.
"I don't know, can you?" You respond slyly.
"Oh, I think I can." He laughs and slaps your ass. You both strip naked and tumble into the shower together. You get mostly clean and then his lips crash into yours in a fury of passion. You press your naked body against his and he turns the shower off. He wraps you in a towel and gets one for himself before walking you backwards into your bedroom. After you're dry, you both drop your towels to the ground. He grabs the back of your thighs and you jump so that your legs are around his waist, your mouths still pressed together in a passionate kiss. When you make it to the bed, he lays you on it and kisses down your neck to your chest, not stopping until he gets to your core. It's clear he's practiced since the last time you were together, since he moves his tongue on you with no hesitation.
"Oh my God, Elvis." You moan. He really knows what he's doing now. His tongue moves over and around your clit skillfully and he slides two fingers inside you to tickle the spot that makes you crazy. You feel the coil of your orgasm tighten and you grip the sheets with both hands. When you look down, he's looking up at you, face buried in your pussy as he watches you revel in the pleasure of his mouth on you. He stops just long enough to whisper into you.
"Come for me, baby." He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you while his tongue makes a point and licks directly over your sensitive bud. You cry out as your climax slams into you, pushing electricity out to your fingertips and back again. Wetness spills out of you onto his hand and he pulls back, smiling. He slides his fingers out and wipes his face with his other hand. He goes to line himself up with you, but you push him onto his back and situate yourself between his legs. You've learned a few things too.
You pump his cock with your hand for a bit, sliding his foreskin back, and then lean forward and lick a slow circle around the sensitive head.
"Oh, fuck, baby." You open your throat and push him as deep as he'll go into your mouth, pressing your nose into the soft patch of hair at the base of him. He leans his head back and opens his mouth. You continue to bounce on him quickly and he grabs your hair to hold it while you move. You slide your tongue up and down the bottom of his shaft and then swirl it around the tip again. He pulls your hair gently and thrusts slowly into your mouth. When you can tell he's getting close, you suck off the tip with a small pop and then look up at him. You kiss back up his body and he flips you over onto your back with him on top of you and pushes into you passionately.
"Sorry, honey, I couldn't wait any longer." He pants as he drives into you over and over again. You whimper in response, obviously not complaining about his pace. Your breasts bounce as he pounds into you and he watches them match his movements. You wrap your legs around him and he groans with the change in sensation.
"You like this, baby, when I give it to you hard like this?" He whispers in your ear as he fucks you with all his power.
"Yes, yes! I love it!" You respond, nibbling on his earlobe.
"Good. That's my good girl." He continues to slam his hips into yours until neither of you can stand it anymore and you come undone together, your orgasms hitting you at the same time. He shudders and groans and you cuss and flutter around him. Finally, he rolls off you and you both lay there breathing heavily. He leans over and kisses your shoulder gently.
And then you hear it. The buzzing sound. You sit up frantically, but a lightbulb goes off for him.
"Y/n! The portals!"
"What about them?"
"They open when we have sex!" He looks at you excitedly.
"Yeah, and?! You need to go!"
"No. I don't."
"Elvis, I'm not having this fight with you again."
"No, honey, I just mean I don't have to go right now. If this one goes away, we'll just make another one." You look at him with your eyes wide. He's right. Every time you've had sex, a portal has opened. It's like the connection between you is what's causing them to exist in the first place, so this ultimate expression of your connection forces them to open.
"You're right!" You laugh and he grabs you and pulls you close to him.
"I'm not going anywhere. Not right now." Not ever, he thinks to himself, but he'll break that part to you slowly.
The portal disappears with a pop and you stay there in his arms. But how many portals is he planning to ignore?
Later that night, a few of your friends come over to pre-party for the bar. Several of them recognize "John" from the last time he was around and he greets them happily.
One of your friends busts out a bottle of Fireball and starts pouring shots. You take one and drink it and Elvis holds one to his nose cautiously.
"Aw, come on, John. I know you like girly drinks. This is basically candy." Katie teases him, remembering his love for Malibu and pineapple.
"Haha." He mock-laughs teasingly in return. Then he closes his eyes and tosses back the shot. He winces a bit and then opens his eyes.
"Damn, alright, that's not bad." Everyone laughs and they pour another round of shots. He only does one more, but you do three. He looks at you with mild concern, but doesn't want to be the guy to tell you not to have fun.
Either way, you're feeling very relaxed by the time you get to the bar. You settle at a long table with your friends and lean over into his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you, half because he wants to touch you and half because he's holding you upright. You're the first one of your group to volunteer to sing and despite the amount of alcohol you've had, he's amazed at how you sound. Your voice is soulful and strong and it makes him love you even more. When you get back to the table, they're pestering him to sing.
"Sing an Elvis Presley song. We know you know them." You make eye contact with him nervously, but he shrugs. There's no way they would ever know who he is, even if he sings. He goes up and talks to the DJ and then settles behind the mic. The first few bars of Jailhouse Rock come through the speakers and he starts to sing.
You've never seen him sing on stage before. He's just as electric as they said he is and you're spellbound. All your friends clap and cheer, but you sit there in silent amazement. He does a few dance moves as he sings and you understand why girls threw their underwear at him. You'd drag him off the stage to the bathroom right now, if you could. You half consider it for a second, but he finishes the song and takes a bow. When he walks back over to the table everyone gushes over how much he actually sounds like Elvis. He laughs and thanks them and then you grab him and pull him into a deep kiss right in the middle of the bar. He pulls back after a few seconds.
"Honey, there are people everywhere."
"I don't care." Your words are getting a little fuzzy, since you've had two more drinks at the bar.
The rest of the evening passes and you continue to drink while he continues to watch you worriedly. You both sing a couple more songs and finish with Love Me Tender as a duet. You never lose your ability to sing, but when you stumble and he has to catch you on your way back from the stage, he decides it's time for you to go home. Katie agrees and volunteers to drive you both home. You try to argue, but your words are so slurred at this point that it's a lost cause. On the way to the car, he actually goes ahead and picks you up to carry you.
In the car, you go on and on about how much you love him and how much you love watching him sing. You actually even call him "Elvis" a few times and Katie raises her eyebrows.
"She's so drunk. She must think I'm the real thing." He laughs nervously. "Does she do this a lot?" Katie shrugs.
"Yeah. It started a couple years ago. She went to Memphis and came back different. I'm not sure if something happened to her or what."
He looks at you where you've fallen asleep in his lap. Leaving him in 1958 must've been harder on you than he thought.
When you get back to the house, he has to carry you inside. Katie offers to take care of you, she's done it a lot recently, but he says no.
"I've got 'er. Thanks for the ride." She nods and he takes you into the bedroom. He takes off your shoes and your jeans and is trying to sort out your bra clasp when you sit up in the bed.
"Oh no."
"What?" He gets his answer when you run to the bathroom and puke. He sighs deeply and then goes to help you. Luckily, his time in the military taught him a few things, so he brings you some water from the kitchen. Then, he holds your hair and rubs your back while you're sick. Eventually, your stomach is empty, so he gets you to drink some water and get back in the bed. There, he holds you to him and kisses your forehead. You mumble into his chest.
"I love you, Elvis."
"I love you too, honey." He settles in to sleep, worried about how you truly were while you were apart. He never even thought to ask if you were okay. In his mind, it's his fault that you're like this. There's no way he's leaving you now. Not like this.
Until Chapter 6!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @that-hotdog @eddiesgirlforever @helen06dreamer @rjmartin11
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adventuringblind · 1 year
If you’re still taking requests can you write something where you meet Lando at a club during a race week, like the club id in your hometown and he’s there for the race, and he never finds you after that weekend, and like the only thing he has I a picture you took on his phone with him but he really wants to find you and he goes back to that club the next year during the race to try and find you, idk if I explained well but is this thing we’re you meet someone and have that instant pull but never see each other and when you finaly find each other it’s mike an instant click again
Lando Norris X Reader
Genre: Fluffy stuffs
Request: yesssss I love this idea! My requests are still open! Send me ideas it's my favorite thing to hear them
Warnings: It's titled Cinderella... toxic family behaviors, also not proofread because that’s hard and I’m not getting paid for this
Notes: written in third person. I think my new goal is to make a fairytale version for each driver. So of y'all want to see more of this please let me know and if you have any pairing ideas I'd be happy to hear them.
So I'm not sure about how other countries do their addresses. I am from the US and am basing the address format off of that. Apologies if there is any confusion 😅
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He didn't believe love at first sight could be possible. It didn't make any sense. But as Lando laid his eyes on her, somehow he just knew.
Maybe it was her smile from across the bar at him. Maybe it was the alcohol that made his confidence go up. Maybe it was the way she laughed at all his antics and jokes. He didn't know, but he was sure he'd never felt more comfortable than with this stranger.
They talked the entire night. They danced until their legs gave out. Then they parted ways.
It was the next morning he realized he didn't get her number. The devastation hitting him like a truck.
Everyone around Lando tried to get to the bottom of his depressed state. Nobody could figure out why he stared at the same picture everyday for over a month.
That stupid selfie he took of the two. He tried everything he knew to find her. Using that picture as his guide. He tried searching her name on socials, but either her account was private or she didn't have any.
Maybe he was imagining everything. She was a ghost, and he was officially crazy.
Lando. The attractive male she met at the bar. How had one man done so much to her in one night?
She'd purposely not left him with her contact information. Her family was difficult when it came to privacy.
She wanted to go find him. However, she had already gotten herself in trouble for going to the bar in the first place.
Her stepmother and adoptive sisters made it a point to make her life difficult.x she didn't need to be dragging her relationship through the mud like that.
So why couldn't she stop thinking about him? Was it the way he was so gentle with her when they danced? Was it how his smile and laugh lit up the entire vicinity? How he was impressively respectful? She didn't know, but she felt more at home with a stranger then at her actually home.
It felt ridiculous to be moping over him. She'd never see him again, and he probably wasn't thinking about her. Yet she couldn't stop herself from letting her thoughts drift back to the Brit and his lovely eyes.
It had been a year, but Lando never stopped looking.
He'd been on some dates. His friends were tired of him playing detective. They'd tried to help him find her, then resorted to helping him move on from this mysterious and elusive female.
However, Lando Norris was determined. He would go door to door if he had to.
Is this determined state, he dragged Max out to the bar where he met her. Exactly a year later.
Max sighed in exasperation but indulged his friend nonetheless. He wanted to help him get some closure, if anything. Lando reluctantly agreed. If she wasn't here, then he would move on from it.
He waited at the bar. His eyes scan the crowds of people for and sign of that familiarity he had once before.
Max did his best to help. The picture is not giving him much to go off.
But it was her that spotted them first.
Lando was out of his seat in an instant. His body moves faster than his brain. He wasn't thinking properly.
When his lips landed on hers, everything fell into place. He didn't care if she didn't remember. He needed this for himself, and then he could move on.
He was shocked when she kissed him back. She gripped his shoulders while he let his arms wrap around her. As if one would dissapear if the other let go.
"You found me." She said breathless as they pulled away from eachother.
It was the one weekend she had the house to herself. The rest of her family went on some sort of vacation. They never invited her. Something about it being relatives only.
She didn't care, though. Her friends would be showing up any minute to whisk her away for a night out.
It had been a year since a stranger stole her world. She doubted she would see him there. The odds of it unlikely.
When they arrived, she quickly made her way to the bar. Her mind is ready to let loose for the night.
Then she laid eyes on him. The man who shed been thinking about for the last year.
She thought she might be seeing things. Willing him to be there in front of her. Her careful steps forward only make her more nervous.
She was received when he came to her. The kiss he placed on her lips, sending her body into shock.
Yet she embraced it because he felt like home.
It was almost midnight, and the two had spent the majority just talking. Dancing in between conversations.
She was pulling out her phone when she saw she had an unread message. She was going to get his number this time, but the distraction of the text sent her mind into a tizzy.
There was an emergency, so we're on the next flight home.
It was from one of her stepsisters. The panic set in faster than anything, and instead of her number, she pulled out a pen and reached for a napkin. Her hand frantically scribbled her address.
"Come find me."
She slid the napkin to Lando. Then ran off with one of her friends. Leaving the male in confusion.
Technically speaking, Max didn't have to be here. But driving around and knocking on stranger doors didn't seem like something he should let his friend do alone
Lando, on the other hand, had thrown caution to the wind. He was practically shaking in excitement.
Though he was a bit frustrated that this was taking ao long. He had an entire address except for the last number on the house. Meaning he had to knock on every door in the area until he found the right one.
The next door was opened by an older looking woman. She looked angry at him even though he hadn't done anything yet.
He cleared his throat and went into his explanation. "Hello, I'm looking for a girl, she gave me her adress but left out the last number and so I was wondering if maybe she lives here?" He explains, holding up his phone to show her the picture.
"No. I don't know her... but maybe one of my other daughters does." She changed her tone immediately upon really looking at Lando. "Would you mind coming inside and maybe we can help?"
Lando was skeptical. He didn't know what to do. Max took that as his cue to also get out of the car and join him.
The woman motioned the two to follow her. The door closing loudly behind them. Lando wanted to cringe at the smell. Strong perfume singed inside his nose.
The two males followed her into the dining room and gestured for them to have a seat. Then scurried off to find her daughter's.
She reappeared a few minutes later with two younger women. Definitely not ones he was looking for.
It felt more like they were being shown off than helping. Both of them batting their eyelashes at him and Max
They were going over who lived in each house he hadn't been to yet. How maybe he had the wrong address. How they should stay for dinner that night.
Lando felt uncomfortable. Thankful Max was politely turning away each unwanted advance.
"I hate to ask, but we've been driving around all day, can I please use your restroom?"
One of the younger females showed him down the hall. Brushing her hand up against his at every given opportunity.
He felt relieved to be away from the situation. He didn't actually need to use the bathroom. He just needed a break. He leaned against the counter. Preparing himself to figure out how he was going to find her now.
Then he heard it. Muffled shouts from further down the hall.
He quietly excited the bathroom and tiptoes his way towards the muffled panicked shouts.
"Lando! I'm here!" Came a familiar voice. "Please, they locked me inside."
Lando tried the doorknob. Obviously, it didn't work. So he tapped the door. "Is there a window you can get through?" He whispered to the door. He could hear her sigh in relief at hearing his voice.
"Yes, but their is a drop-off. It's almost 13 feet up."
Lando was not going to let all his searching go to waste. So he came up with a plan.
Max was making his best attempt at polite conversation when Lando practally dragged him out. "There's been an emergency, and we're needed back at the hotel."
Max waved goodbye and thanked them for their time. Leaving the three strange women in a state of shock and confusion.
When they got in the car, Max was ready to lecture him. However, Lando beat him to it with an explanation.
"She's there. They locked her in her room. Since it's an older house, we need a key to unlock it. So I'm coming back tonight to help her leave through her window."
Max was at a loss for words. Again, feeling the need to help Lando in his quest for love.
"Okay. When do we start?"
They came back when it was dark. Parking the car one street away so they wouldn't be spotted.
It was an ungodly hour in the morning. Yet the young woman had never felt more energized.
She hastily scribbled a note to her family. Not about where she was going, just that she was leaving and didn't want them to look for her. Not that they would.
She'd packed a bag of her belongings. Small things she couldn't replace and the necessities. Lando had laughed when she panicked about what to bring with her. Making her a promise that if she stayed with him, he would take care of her. The girls anxiety settled after that.
She'd managed to pop out the screen of the window. Peeking her head outside to see if anyone was around. The drop wasn't terrible. 12 and a half feet wouldn't do that much damage if she landed it right.
At least, that's what she was telling herself.
Ten minutes later, Lando was shining a light in her window. A rope in his hands and Max at his side. She'd briefly met the Dutch at the bar.
Lando tossed up one end of a rope to her. It almost hit her face because she wasn't expecting it.
She secured it tightly to the door handle. Then sat at in the window. Her legs dangling, hands clutching the rope.
"I'll catch if you fall, I promise." Lando encourages. Making her feel a little better.
She breathes deeply and starts her descent before she can think about it any longer. Using the rope to slow down her fall as gravity does its job. Her hands were burning when she felt the ground touch her feet. Her knees buckling with the sudden weight.
Lando was immediately pulling her into himself. Kissing her red hands.
Then they went back to the car.
It was a crazy idea. The existence of true love. But they say true love always finds you. And as the two strangers, tied together by a red string, they realized it was true.
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dipplinduo · 6 months
Fic stuff!
I debated on making a poll but honestly? Gonna just put some feelers out there.
Outside of the projects I'm working on, I've been feeling
* ~ inspired ~ *
to explore more writing concepts.
Some of them include:
Domestic life dipplinshipping stuff
Teal mask dipplinshipping
Dipplinshipping oneshots with different themes/tones (e.g. Kieran visting Paldea and meeting Juliana's mother, humorous stuff, etc.)
Drayton/Carmine fic
...and so on.
My problem is I have no idea where to start/what would be the most interesting for people to read? And I am also interested if there's any suggestions/thoughts you guys have that you'd want me to write about. I'll still be prioritizing my current ideas, ofc, but this has been brewing for a bit and I would appreciate some feedback.
I'd be happy to hear from y'all through asks/interactions. :) <3
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alter-ego-xxx · 1 month
What lingerie do you think reg would wear. (I mean like are there any sets from Pinterest/online or something that you think he would buy?) what colors, patterns, styles and
how does he choose? Based on how easily James or Barty could yank the strap of his panties back to pull him on their dicks?
slightly nsfw (+ pictures of lingerie)
hm, okay, VERY GOOD question, I've been thinking about this for quite a while and also did my research, as i said. I came to the following conclusions. I think generally, there are two types of lingerie reg wears. On one side he's got one or two kinky, black, leather sets, which are used mostly for playtime. Then on the other hand, there are the elegant, almost feminine sets, and his choice in these is much more interesting. I think reg opts for colours that complement his milky white skin. Namely lavender, baby blue, dark red, saphire, and black. I think most of them are see through and with different floral patterns and bows on them, that make him feel extra pretty. I'm also a firm believer of the fact that his lingerie is mostly two pieced (meaning with a little bralette), because that way, his partner can feel like hes unwraping him like a sweet, teeth rotting candy.
He mostly just choses what brings out his (dare I say almost delicate?) figure the most. At least half of the sets are also gifts from his partner, or things they bought together, since they both should have a wonderful time when they get to the moment of truth.
Usually after a good night, there is definitely the need to buy a new set, because the old one didn't withstand his partners want and eagerness. So at one point, Reg discovers that there are panties with little ribbons over the hipbones, which can be opened for easy access. This doesn't stop most of them from ripping (because who wouldn't go insane with the wonderful view of Regulus Black in lingerie in their bed??), but Reg is happy enough to take his partner to the shop and get them to pay for him feeling pretty.
But Regulus also knows that he can't wear the sets if he's in the mood but the time is limited, because from the second his partner catches a glance of the lingerie, it goes on for literal hours while they fuck like animals for hours and hours on end.
His lingerie is soo fucking beautiful and sexy but also very expensive (because he wears only the best of the best) and at the end of the day very time consuming.
I'll add some pictures I found on Pinterest that made me think of Reg:
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this was such a fun ask. Thank you so much, nonie, I hope I did you justice, if not, dont be afraid to specify what you wanted to hear! I might make a part two with how i think barty and james would react differently.. if anyone has thoughts on that, feel free to share them with me. I'd be very interested to hear y'alls opinion!
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omgkatherine01 · 7 months
Between Your Wings - Chapter 3: Back to the City
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 2, Chapter 4
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female reader x Rick Grimes (slow burn)
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That night, you sat around the campfire with the members of the camp. Rick was recounting his journey here, "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."
"Mom said you died," Carl said softly, and you tilted your head sadly.
Rick nodded, his voice soft, "She had every reason to believe that. Don't you ever doubt that."
"When things started getting really bad, they told us at the hospital that they were going to medevac you and other patients to Atlanta, but it never happened," Lori spoke up.
"Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell," Rick said, "From the look of that hospital, it got overrun."
"Yeah, looks don't deceive," Shane finally spoke up, "I barely got them out, you know?"
Rick's eyes shifted to Shane, a small smile forming across his face, "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane. I can't begin to express it."
Dale smiled, leaning back in his seat, "There go those words falling short again. Paltry things."
The sound of a log being dropped into a nearby fire caught your attention. You glanced over at the Peletiers, Ed sitting back down in his seat. Every night since you'd all arrived here, he had insisted that his family have their own fire. He wanted to keep Carol and their daughter Sophia as far away from the rest of you as possible.
"Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?" Shane asked.
"It's cold, man," Ed told him.
"The cold don't change the rules, does it?" Shane asked. "Keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?"
"I said it's cold," Ed told him, "You should mind your own business for once."
Shane stood up, walking toward the Peletier family, standing in front of Ed, "Hey, Ed... are you sure you want to have this conversation, man?"
Ed looked at his wife, "Go on. Pull the damn thing out." Carol didn't move. "Go on!"
Carol stood up, walking around.
Shane shook his head, "Christ."
Carol pulled the log out of the fire, walking back to sit between Ed and Sophia.
Shane stomped the flames out, looking at Carol and Sophia, kneeling in front of them, "Hey, Carol, Sophia, how are y'all this evening?"
"Fine," Carol told him, "We're just fine."
"Okay," Shane told them.
"I'm sorry about the fire," Carol told him.
"No, no, no," Shane told her, "No apology needed. Y'all have a good night, okay?"
"Thank you," Carol told him.
Shane stood up, looking at Ed, "I appreciate the cooperation." He walked away, walking back toward the others, sitting back between T-Dog and Amy.
Dale cleared his throat, everyone having clearly been watching the situation as intensely as you had, "Have you all given any more thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind."
"I'll tell him," T-Dog said, "I dropped the key. It's on me."
"I cuffed him," Rick said, "That makes it mine."
"Guys, it's not a competition," Glenn said, "I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy... maybe... someone like Audery?"
You frowned and looked at your closes friend, "What?"
Glenn shrugged, "I'm just saying... you are the safest person to tell him. Because he won't beat you up."
You shook your head, "Nah, nope. I'm not telling shit. Wasn't there, didn't see what happened exactly." Glenn nudged your shoulder with his while some of the group smiled with amusement. "Don't drag me into this."
"I did what I did." You looked at T-Dog, who looked down in slight shame. "Hell if I'm gonna hide from it."
"We could lie," Amy suggested.
"Or we tell the truth," Andrea said, "Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed." She looked at Lori, "Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's."
"And that's what we tell Daryl?" Dale asked, "I don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you? Word to the wise--We're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt."
"I was scared, and I ran," T-Dog said softly, "I'm not ashamed of it."
"We were all scared," Andrea told him, "We all ran. What's your point?"
"I stopped long enough to chain that door," T-Dog said, "Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It's not enough to break through that--Not that chain, not that padlock. My point--Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us."
The camp went silent, everyone reflecting on the conversation. Nobody really wanted to tell Daryl anything; You knew Daryl was a hot headed like Merle, but he wasn't nearly as bad as his big brother.
You wouldn't lie, ever since you've met the Dixon brothers, you thought the youngest Dixon was quite attractive. You were shy at first to approach him--not to mention you pulled your father's gun to his face when you first met him when he and Merle stepped into your and your father's hiding place--but as time went on, he got used to you been around him.
You knew you developed a crush on him, but you kept it to yourself. Or well used to, until you and Amy had a heart-to-heart talk, and she found out you had a crush on him, she teased you a couple of times when it was just the two of you, but she definitely kept it a secret.
You sighed softly and looked down at Max who was lying on your feet. You would have to be the one to talk to Daryl about Merle.
Slowly everyone started to turn in, heading to their tents. You picked Max into your arms and walked to your tent. You walked inside and placed Max on the tent's floor. He walked to his small bed, and you put your boots outside before zipping your tent up.
You petted Max before stepping to your bed and lying down.
Tomorrow will be hard; you just knew it.
You woke up to a lick on your hand and opened your eyes slowly to see Max was awake and he whimpered. You groaned softly and slowly got out of the bed. Max jumped to the entrance of the tent, and you unzipped it.
He jumped out and ran off, wiggling his tail and you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and brushed your fingers through your hair. You put your boots on and stepped out completely.
You looked around at the camp and spotted only a few people around while the others still sleeping, which meant it was pretty early in the morning. "Morning, Audrey!" You looked up at top of the RV to see Jim.
You smiled as you stepped up to the RV. "Morning, Jim."
"Slept well?"
You shrugged, "Guess so. And so did Max, since he hasn't woken me up in the middle of the night." Jim smiled as he let out a chuckle. "Did you sleep?"
"Yeah, don't worry, just took the shift from Shane," Jim said and frowned, "Dale said he was up all night." You frowned at that; Shane was supposed to be on shift night but during the night Dale was supposed to take over.
"Huh," you said softly and glanced around before spotting Max running toward you, with his tongue out. You kneeled down and petted your puppy with affection. "Who's a good boy?"
"Son of a bitch!"
You looked to the direction the shouting came from and saw Ed throwing his shoe on the ground. You looked down at Max who just tilted his head up at you. You glanced slowly to Ed's direction... which was where Max was before running to you.
"Oh, you really are a good boy," you praised your dog quietly and rubbed him on the head. "Yes, you are." Max gave a small bark and fell on his back, and you giggled as you rubbed his belly. "Yes, you are!"
"Hey!" You looked over to Ed as he stormed toward you, and you froze.
Carol ran after him worried, "Ed--"
"Shut it," he said as he glared over at her and then turned back to you as you stood up with Max in your arms. He pointed in your face, and you took a step back while he glared at you, "Your stupid dog ruined my shoe!"
"Is there a problem, Ed?" you looked over your shoulder at Shane as he approached to your side.
"That little bitch's dog peed in my shoe," Ed hissed.
Shane's eyes darkened and his jaw clenched before he spoke in a calm tone which sounded scary, "First of all, don't call her that. Second, your shoe must have fell on the side, should watch how to put your shoes outside the tent." He stepped forward and faced Ed closer, "Now, anything else?"
Ed didn't answer and just glared between the two of you for another second before turning and storming back toward his tent. Shane and you watched him and Carol before you looked at Shane as he stepped around and stood in front of you.
"You okay?" he asked, and you nodded. He nodded and looked at Max for a moment before he smirked lightly and petted his head, speaking softly, "Good boy."
You let out a chuckle as he praised him for the nasty trick, and Max barked, wiggling his tail happily.
Everyone were now up and around. The kids had asked you if it was all right to take Max and play with him near the camp, which you happily agreed for them to do so. But your happy mood changed when Dale had told you the men would have to take parts out from the sports car you stole yesterday. 
You stood on the side with your arms crossed over your chest, watching in complete sadness as Dale, Jim and Morales worked on the car. "It's not fair," you said, while the three amused men ignored your complains, "Taking my new car apart is just cruelty."
You felt someone next to you and you glanced over to see Rick, who was staring at the men and the car. "Look at 'em," you said as you looked at them, "They took my dream car."
You heard Rick letting out a soft chuckle. Dale stepped closer with part of the car, which made you sad even more. "Generators need every drop of fuel they can get," he said, "Got no power without it. I'm sorry, sweetheart."
He rubbed your arm and walked away. You looked over at Rick, "Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days."
Rick petted your back with a nod, "Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday."
"Hope so," you muttered and glanced back at him as he walked toward Lori. You looked back at your ruined car in disappointment before letting a soft sigh.
You heard a honk and looked behind the car at Shane's jeep driving closer. Shane parked and leaned up, "Water's here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use." You watched the men approaching the jeep to help carry the water tanks.
You walked up to Shane who noticed your expression, "Oh no, what happened while I was away?" he asked with a frown.
"Stolen car has been torn apart," you answered.
"Oh boy, that's sucks," he said as he leaned to the passenger side and grabbed his rifle. "Look like one hell of a car. Don't worry, you get another one day."
"Can you go this time to the city and get me another one?" you asked with a small smirk.
He laughed, "Just because I care about you, that does not mean I'll go to the city just to get you the same looking car you stole." 
You pouted jokingly, "You mean." Your friendly conversation was cut off by screaming in the distance, and you tensed up and turned to where the screams came from.
You watched as half the campers ran toward the direction the screaming came from. You followed them and immediately spotted Carl embracing his mother with Max in his arms. "What happened?" she asked, "Are you okay?!"
"Yeah," Carl answered as you watched the men running to where Jacqui was pointing.
You followed the men to the path and paused when you saw a walker kneeling down and eating an already dead deer. You leaned forward and saw the animal had a few arrows stuck in him.
You heard footsteps behind you and glanced over to see Andrea and Amy stopping near you. You turned back your attention to the men, the walker stopped and turned to them. He slowly got up and then Rick hit him with the pole, and he fell to the ground.
You watched the men beating the walker until Dale finished the walker off by chopping his head off with an axe. There was a moment of silent after that until Dale spoke, "It's the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain."
You heard small growling and looked down to see Max had left Carl's side and now was standing next to you and the sisters. His tail wiggled and he was staring at the dead walker.
You picked Max up and held him in your arms before turning your attention back to the men. "They're running out of food in the city, that's what," Jim said.
You heard branch snapping from behind him and you all looked tensed up. Andrea pulled you and Amy near her sides as you watched the men holding their weapons up.
Then after a moment of only hearing the footsteps approaching, you were relief to see it was only Daryl stepping into view. He paused and stared at the men, and they lowered their weapons down when they realized it was only Daryl.
"Oh, Jesus."
Max gave one bark in your arms when he saw Daryl, his tail wiggling.
"Son of a bitch," Daryl snapped as he looked at the deer. "That's my deer!" He walked closer. "Look at it. All gnawed on by this--" He kicked the Walker. "Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard."
"Calm down, son," Dale told him, "That's not helping."
Daryl walked around the Walker, standing in front of Dale, and you took a few steps forward toward them. "What do you know about it, old man?" he snapped, "Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'On Golden Pond'?" He walked back to the deer, taking out the arrows. "I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?"
As much as venison sounded good, you had to disagree because of the walker, "I would not risk that," you spoke up and glanced around at the men to see Shane nodding in agreement, before at Daryl.
Daryl looked back at you and then at the deer with a sigh, "That's a damn shame. I got some squirrel--about a dozen or so. That'll have to do."
The head of the Walker started to move his teeth. "Oh, God," Amy said behind you and you glanced back to see the sisters leaving.
"Come on, people," Daryl said and you turned back. "What the hell?" He shot the Walker's head with his crossbow. The arrow hit him in the eye, killing the walker. Daryl pulled the arrow out. "It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?"
Daryl walked past Shane and Rick. He petted Max on the head as he walked past you. You turned to the men and saw Rick watching Daryl leaving. "Yeah..." you trailed off and he looked at you, "That's Daryl."
You turned and took a step to leave but then Glenn spoke, "So... Audrey, you will... right?" You turned and gave Glenn a look as you raised your eyebrow. You didn't say anything and just turned and walked after Daryl to the camp.
"Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up."
You gently placed Max on the ground, and he ran up to the RV to where Lori was. You cleared your throat, "Hey Daryl?" Daryl stopped and turned to you as you walked close to him. "I, uh, I need to talk to you."
"'Bout what?" Daryl asked.
"About Merle," you answered, "There was a--there was a problem in Atlanta."
Daryl looked around, then he looked at you, "He dead?"
"No, I mean, we don't think so--" you started as Shane stepped to your side.
"We're not sure."
"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl yelled at him.
Rick walked closer, "No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it."
"Who are you?"
"Rick Grimes."
"Rick Grimes," Daryl huffed, "You got something you want to tell me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there."
"Hold on, let me process this," Daryl said as he stepped back, facing away from everyone as he wiped his eyes. It took a moment before he turned back to Rick, "You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof, and you left him there?"
Without missing a beat, Daryl flung the rope of squirrels at Rick before rushing to tackle him. Shane jumped into action, body slamming him to the ground as you stepped back. Daryl then pulled out a knife, swinging it back and forth at the two men. "Daryl, stop!" you called.
Rick was able to sneak in a gut punch, allowing for Shane to get Daryl into a choke hold. "You'd best let me go!" Daryl yelled, thrashing his body.
Shane shook his head, "I think it's better if I don't."
"Choke hold's illegal," Daryl snapped. 
"You can file a complaint," Shane said as Daryl continuing to thrash in his arms, "Come on, man. We can do this all day."
Rick knelt in front of Daryl, looking him in the eyes, "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?"
Daryl thought for a moment, before choking out a quiet 'Yeah'. Shane looked at Rick for reassurance before letting the man go.
"What I did was not on a whim," Rick told him, "Your brother does not work and play well with others."
"It's not Rick's fault," T-Dog told him, "I had the key. I dropped it."
"You couldn't pick it up?" Daryl asked. 
"I dropped it in a drain."
Rick stood up as Daryl looked down at the ground, breathing heavily, standing up, looking at T-Dog, "If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't."
"Well, maybe this will," T-Dog told him, "Look, I chained the door to the roof--So the geeks couldn't get at him--with a padlock."
Rick looked at Daryl, "It's gotta count for something."
Daryl looked away, shaking his head, "Hell with all y'all!" He looked at Rick. "Just tell me where he is so that I can go get him."
"He'll show you," Lori told him, and everyone looked at her, "Isn't that right?"
Rick looked around, nodding, "I'm going back." Lori shook her head slightly and she turned and walked into the RV. You looked at Rick and watched him walking to the tents and Shane followed him clearly pissed off with the idea.
You stepped to your ruined car and leaned against the side of it as you crossed your arms across your chest. Daryl glanced to your way before quickly he sat down on one of the rocks and started to clean his arrows.
There was a couple of minutes of silent, full of tension in the air until you saw Rick and Shane walking back to the main camp, with Rick in his uniform.
"Well, look, I--I don't, okay, Rick?" Shane asked, "So could you just--Could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon?"
"Hey, choose your words more carefully," Daryl snapped at him.
"No, I did," Shane told him. "Douche bag's what I meant." He looked at Rick. "Merle Dixon--The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst."
"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me," Rick told him, "I can't let a man die of thirst--me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being."
Lori was sitting on logs with Carl and Max, "So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?"
Rick turned around, before his eyes landed on you. Oh no, he was staring at me you thought. You pointed at yourself, "Me?"
"You know the way," Rick pleaded as he stepped closer to you, "You've been there before. In and out, no problem. You said so yourself. It's not fair of me to ask, I know that, but I'd feel a lot better with you there. I know she would too." His eyes landed on Lori, and you looked over at her for a moment. You sighed and nodded lightly.
"That's just great," Shane told him sarcastically. "Now you're gonna risk three people, huh?"
"Four," T-Dog said.
"My day just gets better and better, don't it?" Daryl huffed.
"You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?" T-Dog asked.
"Why you?"
"You wouldn't even begin to understand. You don't speak my language."
Dale let out a heavy sigh, "That's four then."
"It's not just four," Shane said, looking at Rick, "You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick. Come on, you saw that Walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out of the cities. They come back, we need every able body we've got. We need 'em here. We need 'em to protect camp."
"Sounds to me like what you really need are more guns," Rick said.
"What guns?" Shane asked.
"Six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns," Rick explained, "I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left. I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed. It's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up."
"Ammo?" Shane asked. 
"700 rounds, assorted," Rick answered. 
"You went through hell to find us," Lori told him, "You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave?"
Carl stepped forward, looking up at Rick, "Dad, I don't want you to go."
"To hell with the guns," Lori told him. "Shane is right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in." Rick walked closer to them. Lori stood up. "Tell me. Make me understand."
"I owe a debt to a man I met and his little boy," Rick told her, "Lori, if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died. It's because of them that I made it back to you at all. They said they'd follow me to Atlanta. They'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him."
"What's stopping you?" Lori asked.
"The walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped," Rick answered. "He's got the other one. Our plan was to connect when they got closer."
"These are our walkies?" Shane asked. 
"Yeah," Rick answered. 
"So use the CB," Andrea told him. "What's wrong with that?"
"The CB's fine," Shane said, "It's the walkies that suck to crap--Date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth--Not even the scanners in our cars."
Rick looked at Lori, "I need that bag. Okay?"
Lori looked away, "All right."
As the men began loading the van for the trip, you approached Lori who stared longingly at her husband. "Hey, I'll watch over him, don't worry," you assured.
Lori looked at you and smiled a small smile, nodding. She wrapped her arms around you, bringing you into a hug. You hugged her back as she spoke quietly, "I didn't get the chance to thank you for saving him."
"What, he told you?" you asked, and you both pulled out from the embrace.
"You're welcome," you said, "I got his back, don't worry."
Lori nodded and then said, "Be careful out there."
"Always am."
Daryl beeped on the horn of the van with his feet, "Come on, let's go!"
Carl ran closer and you hugged him gently, "Alright, bud, remember what happens when I'm out?"
"Keep Max close," he said as he pulled away.
You smirked and nodded, "See you soon."
He waved to you goodbye as you headed to the van. You got into the passenger seat and closed the door. Rick got into the driver seat and closed his door. After a moment of waiting, you glanced over and saw Daryl sliding the back door close and sat in front of T-Dog.
"All right let's get going," you muttered, and Rick started the van and drove off.
"He'd better be okay." You glanced up from the map and over your shoulder to Daryl when he spoke, you saw him looking at T-Dog, "It's my only word on the matter."
"I told you the geeks can't get at him," T-Dog told him, "The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us."
You turned back your attention to the road and when you saw you reached just outside the city and on the railroad tracks, you looked at Rick, "Stop here."
Rick did as you said and slowly stopped and parked the van. "We walk from here," you said as you glanced at the men before opening the door and getting out. They followed your move and you glanced at T-Dog and saw him holding his side for a brief second before letting his arm fall. "You okay?" you asked.
"Yeah," he answered as you all ran to the gates, and walked through the cut fence of the highway.
Rick looked at you, "Merle first or guns?"
"Merle," Daryl snapped, "We ain't even having this conversation."
"We are," Rick warned him and then turned his attention back to you, "You know the geography. It's your call."
"Merle's closest," you answered, "The guns would mean doubling back." You glanced at Daryl, "Merle first."
Daryl gave a small nod to you, and you all ran all the way to the building of the clothing store, and you all paused. There were no longer herd of walkers around the area but that didn't mean there was no walkers inside. Rick walked in first, and looked around before nodding for all of you to follow in.
Rick stopped you all suddenly, seeing a Walker inside, looking at Daryl, signaling him. Daryl walked past you, walking toward the Walker, holding his crossbow, "Damn. You are one ugly skank."
The Walker noticed him, taking a step closer but then Daryl shot an arrow to the Walker's head, killing it, walking toward it. He pulled the arrow out, cleaning it from blood with his pants. "Let's go," he said, and you all ran to the stairs that lead to the roof.
At the top of the stairs, T-Dog cut the chain to the door. Daryl pushed past him, throwing the door open and running onto the roof.
"Merle! Merle!" Daryl called out, looking around.
You followed the men who came to an abrupt stop.
"Oh, my God," you whispered, covering your mouth with your hand.
Daryl rushed over, "No!" You looked at him, and he began pacing back and forth, tears welling in his eyes as he continued to scream out.
Everyone remained silent, not knowing exactly what to say; if there was anything to say.
Your eyes lingered on the ground, Merle's severed hand sitting next to a hacksaw. Semi-dried blood was pooled around it, droplets leading away from the scene. Yet, there was no sign of Merle at all.
That crazy son of a bitch.
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stormcrow513 · 16 days
Hey been awhile,
Around a year ago I wrote a vent post about how the crappy neighbors were moving out and king fuckface decided to take one last crap on us,
He'd had some guy mow down all their weeds then he walked around spraying poison aka weed killer all over the whole property,
which do to dickery and bribes to town counsel might as well be planted in my backyard,
The only space I can let my dogs pee,
I am so fucking sensitive to poison I got sick, ma got sick all my dogs were sick,
Bailey my oldest beautiful girl looked like it was going to kill her,
I ranted on here poured my grief and hate out,
Some of y'all saw me sent love back to me and prayers for my Bae,
And she started kicking it she was recovering,
I updated y'all and you were glad to hear it,
one of you even dm'd me later to ask if she was still recovering and I'd been able to reply a happy positive,
Which is why I felt like I had to come on here and let you know
Bailey died today,
And to thank you again for those prayers
I got one more year with her,
She was so amazing she stole one of my mas stuffed bears after like a day with us and would suck on it, she then stole two more, and would not except any additional bears we tried to give her, nope those were here three she stole them herself,
I taught her to jump into my arms,
She watched me squint at the TV and then started squinting her eyes at me,
She would get pissed off if you called her a dog, she was not a dirty dog she was a fur person
I could go on forever,
She was a tough fucking bitch we had to put her down because she absolutely refused to go,
she was fighting death every step,
I'm sure Deaths down a few fingers dragging her across the rainbow bridge while she claws and screams every obscenity I ever taught her,
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While I have you,
some of you might remember me talking about the three sibling cats I'd gotten as kittens how the brother Ares had passed in 2019 then Shy decided to go out on the same day as the queen as was Shy right little Drama Queen,
Then it was just Mittens and she started to go down hill was losing interest in food so we got her a kitty I named Circe,
Well Mittens spited herself back to health cause fuck you kitten, and managed kept going through to the beginning of this year and then she just couldn't go on, she curled up in the worst fucking spot so I had to frag her body out after feeling that she was gone,
Like I said absolutely a spiteful shit,
I miss her so much, she loved being held like a baby, she acted more like a dog then a cat, she liked to sit on my shoulder, I have a scar on my shoulder where she got a claw stuck in it one time,
and she loved it when I had long hair shed get up high behind me after I'd showered and comb my hair with her claws,
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As I was showering off the pee and poop after cleaning up,
I thought about writing this and ending it here with some kinda sign off,
but as I sat there my mind turning with the sear bullshit that not just this week but my entire fucking life's been,
My brain turned and raged,
You know I love animals way more then I like humans, while I do feel love and empathy towards humanity there are days like today where it's a hard thing and an easy thing,
because I read about Neil Gaiman sexualy assaulting women yesterday which makes me so sick,
But the vet that put down Bailey was so fucking kind,
I joke to people that I was raised by dogs,
It's not really a joke,
My ma has been the only human to truly love me,
My sperm donor Dennis is an absolute abusive joke of a human being whose still fucking alive and I have to live with him
My oldest sister is dead and while I think she loved me a bit she never watched out for me
And my second sister beat me, raped me, gaslit me fucking constantly, the real deal not the way people incorrectly use that word, and almost killed me a lot,
Ma worked constantly, still does, she is only now (as I'm beginning to talk about things) finding out just how often I was left to my own supervision,
But Lady and Tramp
And yes we had two dogs named Lady (German shepherd) and Tramp (husky/wolf)
They, took care of me Tramp even more reared me like I was his own,
I tussled and played with their puppies, grew up beside them
Watched Lady die when I was 7,
Rusty one of their babies my big brother ma and I buried together when I was 5 After Dennis threw rat poison around the house to kill the mice and killed Rusty
I watched Corky die and then Trampy and Sammy and then Rusty and Sammy's boy Socks
They were my family
Every dog and cat I've had has been my family,
And thinking about them all today
Thinking about this world we're all living in,
Something I want to say
There is no overarching Justice
No grand moment where evil men or women are struck down by righteous gods
Maybe that shit happened or maybe they were stories I don't fucking know I wasn't alive back then I'm alive now
And now, there are no saviors
There is just me, just you
And the choices we make
Martin Luther King Jr said something about how the long arch of history bends towards justice,
But he and people like him bent it towards justice with their bare hands and their very lives,
All we have achieved for justice for equality have been done by mortal living hands
And we cannot fucking give up
Don't listen to those people telling you it's hopeless that the world is evil
The world is beautiful
The stars, the rainbows, the thunder and lightning, the frogs so small they can sit on a finger nail, the mountains, mouse, geese, the castles and pyramids the things our ancestors created, ect
Hell the bit of plastic and wires and weird rock you are reading this on, isn't that cool,
Yeah there's downsides to it we need to figure out how to do it better,
We need to figure out how to do it better.
All of it.
And we will,
because we always do.
So don't listen to the people that say to give up that it's to late,
Just because they've given up doesn't mean you have to
I'm hurting I'm going to hurt for the rest of my life,
But I would not take a minute of it back not a moment,
My life has been full of pain but also full of love,
I wanted to die for a time, a long time,
But there is so much in this world to love,
I want to live,
I want to keep falling in love over and over again,
In love with animals,
the ones I adopted into my family
ones a half a world away,
Fucking platypus the most animal to animal,
The rain every fucking time it hits my roof or my head,
I hope I'll get a chance to fall in love romantically one day but I'm ok if I don't there's so much else to love,
And I'm going to fight The Fight for the rest of my life because all these things I love are worth fighting for,
I'm not in a position right now to do the things I want to but,
I can do some things,
I can do ofwoodandbones lost dog spell to help strangers get their lost pets back, which I've successfully done more then once,
I collect cans and recycle
I pour stale water out on plants rather then down the drain,
I planted a bunch of plants in my backyard bees fucking love
I vote, I vote smart and don't throw my vote away for a false sense of moral superiority,
Find something to love to love it hard and do what you can to protect it,
Doesn't matter what,
Everything matters,
Love shit, protect it,
Don't give up,
To all y'all who are my allies in The Fight,
May the great Titan Witch light your way, may you find your path or make one, may you love and be loved, may your body be strong enough to hold your spirit
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rock-n-macabre · 5 months
Guilty as Charged - Severen x fem!reader
✨ This is a one-shot based off of the Severen x reader series, requested by @sailormoon181 with a request of Severen's gal being one with a zest for getting in trouble, and he has to discipline 'em ...but did Severen bite off more than he can chew? (Like always. Gluttonous rabid possum man.) ✨
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I giggle and hold up the stolen garment up to Severen for his approval.
"We can transfer your pins and patches to this thing. Just gotta get me a seam ripper, and I'll start on it!" I beam with enthusiasm. I was determined on helping revive his tattered trophy jacket after the 18 wheeler fiasco.
Everyone turns in the RV, including Jesse who spares a quick glance over his shoulder before his eyes widen for a moment.
"Did you jus' steal that from that vendor on the boardwalk?" Jesse questioned me.
With a mischievous grin spreading across my lips , I give a small nod.
"No one saw a thing, swear on it, Jess'! I jus' couldn't handle hearing Sev lament about his unfixable jacket. Believe me, that thing was tattered beyond repair. You know me...I'd do anything to make him happy." I bat my eyelashes, which by no means worked on the seasoned veteran.
Jesse slammed his hand down on the steering wheel.
"Were you even aware of the surveillance cameras around?"
"Or the people in the surrounding stalls attempting at selling their goods while y'all flamboyant fuckers were causing a scene?"
"Well ~I~ was being quiet, Sev on the other hand....."
"OH GODDAMNIT ENOUGH! Can't we have one night where we don't have to worry about you both causing mayhem?! I expected better of you. Him? We're used to it by now. That was a risky move, Y/N. Too damn risky." Jesse growled before focusing back on the road.
"Jess' , c'mon now, she didn' mean to...." Severen started before Jesse cut him off.
"The two of you enable each other way too damn much! Now... Since you've been with us much longer, Severen, I trust in you to... discipline Y/N. You nipped 'em, so you'll teach 'em." Jesse finished the conversation, leaving Severen to look in between Y/N and Jesse before looking up to Diamondback for guidance. She let out a small laugh and shrug.
"This is gonna end up well .... " She rolled her eyes as Homer scoffed.
"Y/N is just as bad as Severen in regards to that! Discipline? More like treat them. There'll be no learning done!" Homer groaned.
Diamondback laughed as she knew all too well of the moments where Severen 'disciplined' Y/N. It was just like how Severen got pure enjoyment out of his scoldings. The two were cut from the same cloth; it was both a blessing and a curse.
Severen had a glint of mischief in his eyes as he reached out his hand for Y/N to take hold of as he helped them up.
"Now, now, darlin'.... I reckon I oughta teach ya a lesson. Only outlaw allowed to make like a bandit is yours truly... Not a sweet li'l thing like yerself.....ya don't want ta get in any trouble now, would ya, honey pie?" He smirked as he led Y/N to the back corner of the RV out of sight from others.
I looked up at him as I followed his lead. I knew damn well the punishment he had in mind wasn't gonna do no good. It just made me want to repeat offend. He knew it damn well, too.
He took a seat before he brought me down to sprawl across his lap.
"Now, darlin'.... After each...tap .. I want ya to thank me. I saved yer behind. It's the leas' ya could do." He smirked. I barely had any time to react when he delivered the first smack across my ass. He probably thought he was being courteous by giving a small rub and squeeze after.
"T-thank you, Sev! Ahhh..." I give a small groan and he goes to deliver another smack.
"Tha's a good girl, darlin'!" He cooed, before rubbing again after the smack.
The smacks and the "thank you's" lasted for about 10 times before I started to cave. Words becoming jumbled into the pillow on the ground. Severen stopped for a moment to gently lift my head up, his hands clamped around my cheeks.
"Wha' was that, honey? Couldn' hear ya." He smirked.
I groaned as I looked at him, eyes half lidded.
"Sev...please ..." Severen tutted me.
"Now 'm glad yer using yer manners like a good girl, but I'm lookin' fer 'thank you', not please....but..I guess beggin' works good too....ya know how much I love to hear ya beg for me, darlin'.... It does things...." He slipped his hand back down lower to feel in between my legs before I looked up and gave a chuckle.
"Now, sugar ...by the looks of things, I reckon you rather enjoyed your punishment..." His gaze stayed locked on mine.I give a lazy grin before rolling so I'm laying face up on his lap.
"I reckon you're right, cowboy. Guilty as charged."
A look of amusement comes across Severen's face before turning to a devious expression that would make the devil tremble.
"Now that just won't do, huh darlin'? Jess' told me to give ya a learnin', and I intend on doin' so." I have barely time to react as he tackles me to the floor, pinning me down, before reaching for a pair of handcuffs he had stolen off a cop. In a fluid motion, he cuffed my wrists before sitting back on his heels and looking at me.
"You'll have to behave yerself fer me, okay honey?" He grinned as he booped my nose. Ugh that man.
"You've GOT to be kidding me. Severen, I swear --" I get cut off by him tying one of the kerchiefs he had, using it as a makeshift gag in my mouth. He crouches down so his face is mere inches from mine. My eyes narrow at him.
"No back talkin' your elders now, sweetheart. Tell ya what...if ya behave....I'll treat ya nice. Jus' gotta sit still for the next....I'd say two an' a half hours.... Ya can be a good gal for me and I'll come back for ya. Swear on it." He winked before placing a kiss on my forehead.
He started to head towards the main quarters of the RV, before he turned around to look at me.
"This oughta learn ya to behave...even though it was a mighty cute gesture. I gotta admit....Ya look pretty when yer all tied up, darlin'." He said before leaving me to my lonesome.
Joke's on him.... I'll never behave. He probably knows it too. I chuckle to myself, shifting a little bit. He was just as bad. I guess it was punishment in the end the way he just left me hanging after riling me up. Deep down I knew he was biting at the bit to finish what he started. I could see his shadow sitting down, his leg bouncing on anticipation. I was right. I, too, was driving him wild.
And that's what makes it all so damn fun.
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bellaxgiornata · 10 months
What would you get our traumatized Irish Catholic boys for Christmas? And what about our traumatized Italian Catholic and cocky Vampire?
Ahh Soulie I love this question so much but OMG I had to THINK for this one!! Mostly for Owen and Henry because we don't learn too much personal stuff about Henry (plus he's a centuries old vampire so like...what the hell would you gift him?). And I think I'm only just starting season three of Boardwalk Empire so what I thought of for Owen is more of a funny gift. I'd probably have a better answer once I've seen more of him in the show if I'm being honest. But anyway, for those who're curious on my gifting ideas and thought process for Matt Murdock, Michael Kinsella, Frank Castle, Owen Sleater, and Henry (whatever his last name is 😆), I'm putting everything below the cut cause y'all know I'm longwinded 😅
Also feel free to join in on ideas in the comments because I'd love to hear what other gift ideas y'all would have!
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Gifting something to Matt Murdock seems like...an impossible task to me. Whenever I write fics, I honestly hate coming up with ideas for a character to gift him something 🤣 Why? Because this man doesn't remotely scream materialistic. I mean he barely makes any money at his law firm and is all too happy to be paid in bananas. And his only hobby is illegal and probably going to get him killed. So what the hell do you get Matt?
Personally, I'd gift him some sort of spa day or a long ass massage. He'd certainly need to be forced to take the time for himself and use it, but you know that man's battered and worn body would welcome a nice, long massage. Then maybe treat him to a nice dinner at a great restaurant because I always worry this man isn't eating enough.
Bonus gift: I'd give him a weighted blanket, too. I feel like it would help relax him on the nights he doesn't go out beating criminals.
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Okay, this one came far too easily to me for Frank Castle. I'd gift him a rescue dog. Why? THIS MAN NEEDS A DOG OKAY. Frank and a dog just go together in my mind.
I also think Frank would thrive and heal a little from the unconditional love of a furry friend. And he could certainly use the company from a canine companion. I just know a dog would bring a smile to this man's face and bring out that softer, non-murder-y side that we all know is there inside of him. And honestly, I worry about how incredibly alone Frank feels after losing his family. So a dog would be perfect.
Bonus gift: Possibly some new books to read because I imagine this man doesn't enjoy much television in his downtime.
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This one also came far too easily to me. I'd gift Michael Kinsella with a little vacation literally fucking anywhere calming and peaceful outside of Dublin. He desperately needs to get away from the stress of his family's business and just his crazy, shitty family in general. They're obviously not good for his health and I think he could seriously use the break. I'd also get him some less depressing books so his ass stops just reading Steinbeck and starts reading something else. You need some new books, Mikey.
Bonus gift: I'd surprise him by having his daughter Anna come along on the vacation. After eight years in prison, those two could really use some bonding time without Mikey's meddling family.
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This is where things started to get tougher for me. Like I said, I'm barely in season three of Boardwalk so I feel like I don't know much about Owen personally. He hasn't had that much screen time besides some killing, scheming, and sex. So this gift idea was a bit more on the entertaining/funny side. I think further into the series I could come up with something far better.
I'd gift Owen an expensive bottle of Irish whiskey and lots of condoms. I mean, it certainly seems like he'd use both of them. The man is...definitely a flirt who has every intention of following through on his flirting 👀
Bonus gift: I don't know, me? Do I count? You can have me for Christmas, Owen.
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Okay so Henry is the toughest one for me to answer this for. I mean he's a vampire and he's a few hundred years old and the movie doesn't give that much background or personal information on him. So what would I gift him for Christmas?
Considering he's a few centuries old, I doubt he's materialistic (certainly doesn't seem that way). I doubt he'd like a vacation because I mean...he's probably well traveled. We know he's got some morals since he doesn't feed on humans because he used to be one. So I imagine this vampire would enjoy literature and maybe art--things that connect him to the human side he lost. Though I assume he probably already owns and has read all the classic novels, so maybe I'd gift him something that's current that might resonate with him that he hasn't read yet.
Bonus gift: Maybe an engraved lighter? The vampire does seem to enjoy smoking. Or maybe something handmade and sentimental.
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Wherever You Are | Part 2 (Mason Mount x Reader)
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Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: curse words, mentions of alcohol, angst
A/N: I didn't even intend to make this a 2-part series but since some of you asked for part 2, here you go! Special thanks to @ariddletobesolved for proofreading this fic ❤️ Also since Y/N is from London, I wanted to make the experience more authentic (I did some research) so I used British English here – but if I misspelled any words don't hesitate to correct me! If you enjoy it I'd love to hear from y'all through reblog/reply/ask 😄🫶 Feedbacks would be appreciated! Before reading this make sure you've read part 1 🤍
It’s been 8 months since you moved to New York. 8 whole months since the last time you saw Mason. Your heart ached from loving and missing him a lot, and you tried so hard to bury your pain deep through work. You did regret breaking up with him but you knew it was for the best, or at least you think it was...
It was December, meaning Christmas was near and at that time you hadn’t decided whether you should stay in NYC or go back home to London. You still weren't sure if you were going to get days off during Christmas and New Year.
You just got back to your apartment when you got a call from your mum. You grabbed your Airpods from your purse, put them on and picked up the phone. 
“Hi Mum! You’re still up? I thought you were already asleep.” 
“Hi sweetie! I miss you, so I want to call you before going to bed. How was work?” 
“Eh, the usual. But a little bit busier because it’s holiday season but nothing new really. How are you?” 
“I’m good, now better ‘cause I’m talking to you. Speaking of holidays, will you come home this Christmas? I know you just moved months ago and maybe you want to spend your first Christmas in New York, but we would love to have you here with us!”
“Oh Mum, you know I want to... But I can’t give you the exact answer right now since I still don’t know if I have to work on Christmas day. I will let you know once it’s clear, okay?”
“Alright! Hope you will come home sweetie. We all miss you here. But we’re so proud of you!”
“Thank you Mum, you’re the best! Now please go to bed, it’s midnight there isn’t it? We’ll talk again later!”
 “Okay, okay, I’m going. Good night, love you Y/N!”
“Sleep well Mum, I love you!” 
You hung up the phone, and out of nowhere you found yourself staring at Mason’s contact on your phone. You were about to click on his contact to call him, but backed out because you knew it was midnight in London and you didn’t want to bother him, even though you weren’t sure if he was already asleep or still out somewhere. 
The next day, everyone at the office including you received a memo that said during Christmas and New Year, employees from certain divisions got 2-week off starting next week, including the division you currently work under. You felt happy and relieved once you read the memo, knowing that you got to go back to London for a while to finally spend time with your family and friends. Not only that, you were thinking about how you might have the chance to see Mason, even as friends... You were so excited, you booked a return ticket to London right away. Later that day, you called your mum and told her about your plan, and she was thrilled to have her daughter for Christmas. You also told your best friend about it, and they already begged you to have a night out with them the day you arrived, but you told them you’d go out the day after instead because you were aware you might have jet lag due to the time difference.
A week passed, and the day you’d been waiting for finally came. You just couldn’t wait to see everyone back home. Barely a year had passed, yet you had missed London so much. You were really excited to be back home even just for two weeks. Before you moved away, you were living with Mason for 2 years, now that you two had broken up, you stayed at your parents’ house.
Arriving at Heathrow, you waited for your dad to pick you up. As minutes passed, your mind drifted back to the last time you were there. Back then, you had Mason dropping you off and it was one of the worst days of your life because of the break-up. You wanted to pretend you were okay, but you couldn’t. Your eyes started tearing up and your excitement began to subside as sadness and regret filled you instead. Tears were streaming down your face, and you immediately grabbed a tissue from your pocket to wipe those tears away. You didn’t want your dad to see you like this, so you opened your phone and looked for funny videos to lighten up your mood.
It didn’t take long until you saw your dad’s car pull over, before he got out to help you with your luggage. As you waved at him, you tried to force a smile, not wanting him to see you sad.
“Hello my beautiful hardworking New Yorker! I’ve missed you so much, sweetie,” he said as he gave you a hug.
“Hi Dad, I’ve missed you a lot too. So happy to finally see you in person,” you replied.
He could hear the quaver in your voice and he instantly knew you were upset, assuming it was because of Mason. “Y/N, are you okay? You’ve been thinking of Mason, haven’t you?”
“Is it that obvious? Shit, sorry Dad. I just couldn’t get him out of my head. The last time I was here, I broke up with him.” You paused to calm yourself down. “But you know what? We don’t have to talk about that... I’ll be okay, Dad.”
He looked at you with a gentle smile, rubbing your back and nodding. “Okay, but if you do want to talk about it don’t hesitate. Your mum and I are here for you.”
You smiled at him, “I know. Thanks, Dad.” Right after, your dad took your luggage and put it in the boot while you got in the car, sitting at the passenger’s seat. 
Once you arrived at your parents’ house, you quickly got out of the car when you saw your mum already waiting for you. She was standing at the front door, waving at you as she came over to give you a hug.
“Y/N! I’m so happy you’re here! How was your flight?”
“It was exhausting but worth it, Mum. I’m happy to see you!” 
“Let’s go inside, I’ve made you some pasta in case you’re hungry,” she said to you as she pulled you hand and took you inside the house.
After a late lunch with your parents, you went to your room to unpack and rest. You were really tired, so once you got everything unpacked, you finally laid down on your bed. Since you are the only child and there was only one spare room in your parents’ house, it was really quiet, completely the opposite of your everyday situation in NYC—that city truly never sleeps. 
You took your phone out of your pocket, unlocked it and went straight to contact. You wanted to text Mason to let him know you were in London, but you chickened out. “What if he doesn’t give a damn?” you thought to yourself. So instead of sending him a text, you texted your friend instead to give them – as they liked to call it – a life update. Feeling tired, you fell asleep for hours.
The next day, you spent most of the day with your parents. They asked you so many questions about your job and your life in NYC, and most of those questions were pretty overwhelming to you but you answered them anyway. 
“So, does Mason know you’re here?” asked your mum. 
Your heart stopped. You just froze the moment you heard your mum mentioned his name. You had no idea how to react – it was a simple question but to you it was a lot more complicated. 
“Y/N are you okay? Did I say something wrong? I’m so sorry!” Your mum was startled when saw your reaction. 
“Uh...” You got tongue-tied. Fuck, why can’t I say anything?
“It’s okay, sweetie. You don’t have to say anything.” Your dad was trying to comfort you because he knew how hurtful it was to you when his name came up.
You were quivering, still very much broken-hearted by your own decision. “It’s, uh... okay. I just, um... I, uh, haven’t... Haven’t talked to Mase since, uh... Since we broke up.”
“Oh, baby I’m so sorry,” as your mum hugged you, “we’re not going to ask about him again. Y/N, we love you. We know it’s hard, but you should know we are here for you.”
You were trying so hard to hold your tears. “Thanks Mum, Dad. I’ll be okay.” 
Later that night, you had your friend picking you up for the planned night out. After going through an emotional day, you knew you needed to go somewhere to refresh and ease the emotional pain. They took you to your favourite restaurant for dinner, before you both went to your usual pub. 
“Oh man, you don’t know how much I needed a fucking drink! Y/F/N you’re a fucking godsend!” You sounded a little tipsy since you had two glasses of wine at dinner, then one – almost two ­– pints of beer at the pub, but you couldn’t care less.
“Okay, whoa, slow down Y/N. I know you’re hurting but please don’t drink too much,” as Y/F/N pulled your glass, “you know you will puke a lot and I don’t want to see that.”
“You know, Mason used to say that too. But every time I puked he always took care of me no matter how drunk he was too. God, I wonder how he’s doing right fucking now.”
“Uh, Y/N?” Y/F/N paused for a second, “Mason’s here.”
You were stunned, you couldn’t believe what you heard. Damn it, he can’t see me like this!
“Okay Y/N, stop drinking and calm down. I think he won’t see us.” Suddenly, you see Y/F/N’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, I think he just saw me. Fuck, sorry Y/N. He’s definitely coming over here.” 
“Y/F/N! Hi!” You heard Mason loud and clear as he walked towards your table. You didn’t know what to do so you just sat there, hoping you wouldn’t do anything weird.
“Hi Mason... Uh, this is awkward,” said Y/F/N as they looked at you.
“Y/N? You’re... here?” Mason’s tone changed the moment he realised you were there. “When did you uh, when did you... When?”
“Um... Yesterday.” You tried to be calm and not sounding tipsy. “Hi, Mase.” You looked at him and all you could think about was how handsome he looked. 
“Oh wow, I uh, I didn’t know. Sorry I’m just... I didn’t expect to see you tonight,” he said nervously.
You couldn’t stare at him for too long, so you looked down most of the time. You wanted to tell him how you feel but you didn’t know what could’ve happened if you did it – you were afraid you were going to hurt both of you again. So instead of saying anything, you just smiled at him.
“Masey? Baby where do you want to sit? I got our beers,” you heard a girl calling Mason. Baby? Why would she call him that? Is he... Seeing someone?
“Coming, sweetheart,” he replied to the girl, “Y/F/N, Y/N, it was nice seeing you both. I got to get back to my girlfriend...” he paused, “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I hope we can still be friends...”
You could feel your heart breaking way worse than before. At that moment you just knew, you had lost your chance to be with the love of your life. You’d lost him forever. You could have had him, but you blew it. Tears began to fill your eyes, but you didn’t want to break down in front of him. So you tried to act like you were okay, that you had accepted the fact that he is with someone new, even though you were nowhere near okay.
“No need to be sorry, Mase. Of course we can stay friends. I’m happy for you. You deserve happiness. I hope she makes you feel loved,” you said as you smiled at him, trying to cover your pain.
Mason nodded and smiled back at you. He tapped your shoulder before he left, “See you around, Y/N.”
You watched as he walked away, feeling numb, thinking about how lucky his girl is to have someone like Mason in her life. You knew that because you had him for 4 years. It was the best 4 years of your life and you would do anything to get it back, but you knew you couldn’t. You meant it when you said he deserves happiness, with or without you. You made a mistake, and you had to deal with the consequences. Even though it hurt deeply, at least you had found closure. You didn’t have to wonder about you and him anymore, and it was clear that you had to move on. 
“Y/N... I’m so sorry. I love you, and you know you have a shoulder to lean on,” said Y/F/N as they held your hands, giving them a little squeeze of reassurance that you needed.
“Thank you, but I’ll be fine Y/F/N. I’ve said it a million times, but this time I mean it.” Your heart ached with sadness, but still you tried to be strong. “It’s time for me to move on, no matter how long it will take.”
@pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14
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allison3k0 · 20 days
Okay so, after 4th period I went to my locker quick before going to see if he was in his classroom. He was indeed in his classroom. AND FIRST OF ALL I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE IN PERSON AGAIN- Okay so basically I walked into the room and as soon as he saw me he went "Hey!" in a surprised/excited tone that I never hear him do with anyone else. Mind you during this whole conversation we were standing kinda far apart, just cuz I didn't wanna be too bold and get too close yk. I'm gonna write out our conversation from memory so y'all can read it if you want.
S (Him): Hey!
A (Me): Heyyy
S: How have you been? How was your summer?
A: I've been good, my summer was good, went travelling a bit
S: Oh, where did you go?
A: Just out of town by a few hours, went on vaycay for a bit too
S: Oh, did you drive, fly?
A: Drove, lots of driving haha
S: Did you go with the whole family?
A: Yeah, me and my two siblings plus my parents in the car
S: Oof, that could be tough
A: Yeah, especially when it's us trapped in a car for 5 hours at a time
S: Yeah I see how that could be difficult. Take a nap with earbuds in or something *Does his cute hrrhrr type laugh that I've never seen him do with any students, only with parents and other teachers cuz he's comfortable, good to know he's comfortable with me.*
A: Yeah, and played games a bit
S: Oh yeah
(A student walked in looking for another teacher so he helped guide them to the classroom and came back, giving me time to take the Oreos out of my backpack)
A: Also, I have something for you
S: Oh?
A: *Handed him the Star Wars Oreos*
S: No way! Are these the Star Wars Oreos where you get the dark side or the light side?
A: Yup, I noticed you like Star Wars and I saw them at the store and thought I'd buy them for you. (I previously saw them at the store with my friend and she bought them for me to give to him another time after that)
S: Thank youuu! Let's see which one I got *Opens it* The dark side ooooh (He said in a "spooky" voice) You want one?
A: Sure
S: *Opened the package more and put the box out towards me*
A: Thank you, I haven't tried these yet
S: Me neither, we'll see how it tastes
A: *Awkwardly ate the Oreo in front of him, trying not to look like a fatty by stuffing the whole thing in my mouth, instead I took a bite.*
S: Mmm
A: Oh yeah, it's like a normal Oreo
S: Yeah, it's good though. Thank you!
A: Of course!
S: So, how was your first day?
A: It was good, I was so nervous today though, and my mom was almost crying while I was leaving the door
S: Awww (Made the cutest pouty face)
A: (proceeded to talk about how my classes went while he paid close attention while smiling so wide I could see his gums)
S: Oh yeah, so you've got a heavy semester then (I have advanced English and advanced Psych this semester)
A: Yeah, not too bad though
S: What do you have next semester?
A: French, peer helping (class where I'm a TA for a semester) and music
S: Oh so you have an easier semester then!
A: Yeah, it'll be nice when I'll be applying for scholarships and whatnot
S: Yeah. Are you still taking band?
A: Yeah we actually start jazz band this week
S: Oh yeah I saw that in the anouncements
A: Yeah
S: Are you in concert band too?
A: Yeah
S: Oh wow, so you're gonna be having some more long days
A: Yep, also, do you like my outfit today? (Gave him a little turn, wearing the outfit I had planned that's inspired by his outfits but he didn't realize, ALSO HE WAS WEARING A BLUE SHIRT WITH A COLLAR AND KHAKI SHORTS SO WERE BASICALLY MATCHING)
S: Oh yeahhhh, very professional looking
A: Yeah, thank you (I wanted to tell him it was inspired by him so bad but didn't cuz I'm a chicken LMAO)
*Awkward silence/tension and eye contact*
*We talked more about my school year*
*Another awkward silence*
A: *started picking up my things* Okay, I think I'm gonna head out
S: *starts picking up his things* *As we're packing up and leaving the room* Well, it was nice to catch up with you, and I'm sure I'll see you around in the halls
A: Yeah I may come in here after school to work on some animation work or other work I gotta do
S: Well, that's fine, you can do that, I trust you *Does the hrrhrr laugh again*
A: You trust me enough to lock up the room so (I stayed after school until like 4 a bunch of times to get work done, he left before me and had me lock up the room for him before, I mean he locked the door but he told me to close it on my way out when I did that)
S: So, did (My Bestie, we'll call her M) M have a good day too? Have you seen her today? Do you share any classes?
A: Yeah (proceeded to tell him what classes we share and that she had a good day)
S: Oh that's great, what about next semester? *He closes the door and locks it*
A: *Told him the classes we share next semester*
S: Oh yeah, that's great!
A: Yeah
S: *Starts to walk up the stairs so he can leave that way* (Oml I felt like Romeo and Juliet) Well, it was really nice seeing you again and catching up (OML THE WAY HE WAS SMILING SO WIDELY)
A: Yep, byeeee *Waved at him*
S: *Waved back and went off as I left too*
TLDR; He was so adorable and smiley and had the best/nerdiest reaction to the Star Wars Oreos I gave him, I felt so special 🥺❤️
Update: Apparently he DID see my email and responded but I didn't see it. He said "Hello! Sure, A. I'll be in room 102 (His classroom) after school." AAAAAA
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saintqueer · 11 months
I'm sorry you got harassed again just from a simple post with a (imo pretty valid) opinion. If that person is the same that answered your post by reblogging and repplying on their blog with unnecessary hate (apparently queer but a solo louie) then it's the one I just blocked. I love to currate my experience in this fandom. Anyway I just wanted to say, I used to love your posts in this fandom! I lost track of your blog and thought you'd disappeard. I'm glad to see you're still on Tumblr and enjoying other fandoms. I'm well aware of how toxic this fandom can get (between the hets, the solos often queer themselves but hating on queer larries and more, to many groups to count tbh, louis' attitude on social media ect), especially when you dare to voice an opinion, which I'm mostly don't lol. I'm staying for the art, the fics, the great memes and ofc the music and the people. You're "y'all" made me think 'I Hope she still got good times and friends out if it. I made some great friends in the larries bunch myself. Anyway sorry for the rant, I lost track of what was my point here. Just was happy to see you pop on my dash through a mutual and wanted to say so I guess?? So once again thank you for the fun times I had reading your posts back in the days; have a great time out here, enjoying your favs fandoms, you do you! Sending love xx
so i was trying to avoid posting any anons regarding prev fandom discourse but i opened this one and read it through and it was just so amazing i had to respond, not just in tags 🥹🥹
of course, it's lovely to hear that you liked my posts on fandom back in the day etc but what really got me was when you wanted to make sure i still got good times and friends out of it, that nearly made me cry
because YEAH I FUCKING DID 🥺😩🥺🥹🥲
blue ( @wastelandbabyblue ) is literally one of the coolest people i've ever known while also being one of the kindest and funniest. id literally kill to meet her one day in person. i still keep up with brenda and several others i met in her og discord, some of which are the only remaining 1d fandom blogs i still follow here - they are so kind and funny and i still talk to them occasionally in a fandom discord i stayed in because i didn't want to lose touch with them.
and 🥹🥹🥹
i met 8 of who i would consider my closest friends in the whole world through fandom. through the most insane wild and unruly fandom discord drama, i literally located my found family: wedo, nino, iza, katja, olia, hanis, chloe, and su
we talk everyday still even though we live all over the world and we talk about nearly everything except fandom nowadays and they've helped me survive living day to day through some of the worst moments of my life. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life
last night, i had a bit of a shame spiral thinking about all the time energy money i devoted to the 1d fandom. i felt embarrassed for being so loud about something that ended in so much disappointment. it wasn't fun and i know it was probably triggered by being involved in some discussions i hadn't been in so long
so when i opened this ask, anon, it reminded me so much that whatever was lost from that time, so much more was gained. the embarrassment of remembering dancing around like a fool with a rainbow flag for someone who couldn't even say something as simple as "look at all those colors" pales in comparison to the lifelong friendship i gained with these 8 beautiful women all across the globe
nothing will ever compare to the people i met and the way they feel closer to family than any of my blood ever felt
i'm glad that you found so much goodness as well and thank you for reminding me that it was all worth it for what i got
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Ghoulverse Headcannons
I've been getting a lot of interest in this idea and am planning on writing something here soon. Worldbuilding in this format tends to be tricky, so I thought I'd give y'all some more information!
If you could all give me some ideas of what you'd like to see or questions you might have, it would really help me out. I love this little universe, and I'm excited to share it!
I'm not begging (yes, I am). I'm just asking for some ideas or starting points, I guess. I might do driver headcannons as well because each one is so unique and have different quirks and things I'd like to expand on.
Also! If you want a better picture of how I picture the ghoul drivers, I've started tagging them specifically on my page.
Anything ghoulverse related: ghoulverse
Specific driver related: driversfullname.ghoulverse (e.g. oscarpiastri.ghoulverse)
If you've read my A03 fic (which has three chapters left and im sad about it), then you already know some of the background behind this. I've flushed out more things since then!
Headcannons under the cut!
All of them get self-conscious while looking human. They only look human when it's absolutely neccecary.
If a ghoul is mated to another ghoul, it's easier not to be overprotective because they are both terribly strong and can fend for themselves. On the other side, if a ghould is mated to a human, then beware! Scary guard dog privileges, litteral growling, territorial instincts, anything that could put you in danger is now suspect.
They don't nest because they don't need to. However, that doesn't mean they don't require their own space. Younger tribe memeber are capable of sharing a room with someone they are close to. Olders are more demanding and particularl about the spaces they feel comfortable it. Housemates are fine as long as they have their own room.
GROOMING! These monsters are actually just really big dogs. They growl and purr and whine and wrestle with each other for fun. They don't lick themselves clean. It's actually more intimate than that and a right reserved for a select few. Some ghouls have soft tails that need to be combed, and others have scales that get dry and need to be pulled off. Spikes fall off and grow back but need to be cleaned.
Horns, tails, and other features are each unique to the ghoul. Some have antler horns, and others have ram horns, etc. Aside from the royals, who all look unique still, they share similar traits nobody else has. They are the lucky few that have wings and crowned horns.
HORNS ARE SENSITIVE. They have the most nerve endings. No one gets to touch unless given very explicit permission. The most intimate gesture amongst the ghouls.
Specific abilities are unique to the ghouls aside from strength (breaking human bones and all).
Their senses are dialed up to 12 and makes for easy overstimulation. Some ghouls possess abilities based on a sense, like being able to hear at a 20. Ghouls with an upped sense of smell are the only ones that can decipher person specific scents and smell emotions.
Mates can smell each other in specific smells as well, but not in an emotional way. They just have a sixth sense for each other and know when something is going on, maybe a hint of pain or an extreme emotion of some kind that alerts the other. Not just when they are upset but also happy pangs.
Speaking of mating, it works like a soul mate. Once you meet them, it physically hurts to be without them. I've called it a 'mating call', but it sounds so corny that I might change it. (Suggestions appreciated)
Yes, bite marks are for mating. No, it doesn't work like ABO. Ghouls don't have scent glands and purposely bite each other on the clavicle. It satisfies instincts, helps that sixth sense, and protects each other. For humans, it's also a means of protection. Mated to a ghoul? You're off.limits now for any purpose.
Yes, they are still drivers in my head. They just keep it hidden. Their strength helps in certain areas.
Ghouls bleed black instead of red. Their blood is a tad bit thicker, and they don't need it to sustain life. It's a necessity for energy but can live without (albeit with great difficulty).
WEAKNESS TO FIRE. Fire rips them to pieces. Their skin burns quickly and takes hours to shed to get even a semblance of peace. Water doesn't help much, and burn cream helps side effects like itchiness but won't help heal the wound.
Burning horns is the worst kind of physical pain a ghoul can be in. Horns grow back, but it takes a long time. Ghoul often give each other a piece of their horn to symbolize affection and protection.
Tribes are interesting. I've not figured this out yet, but I'm getting there. Tribe bonds go deeper than blood. They are a secondary family to the immediate family. Some members don't have immediate family and the tribe acts as that for them.
Again, NOT ABO. It goes based on personality who falls naturally into what roles. Most ghouls hate doing any kind of hunting. It's up to the leaders to work out how they will provide for tribe members.
Okay, rant over.
Would love to see what y'all want to know more about! Send me questions or ideas! It makes me so happy to talk about it that I get jittery while typing!
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crispycreambacon · 7 months
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Fuck it if this doesn't get notes eye dee kay (idk) and eye dee sea (idc) anyways I LOVE PUPPETS!!!
Don't you love puppets? "Well I love humans." Then why not both? Why not mix them up? Puppets!!!
You can read more thoughts of the puppets down below. I think about them a normal amount.
The guy and the puppet on his shoulder in the 2nd drawing are indeed Human!Professor and Puppet!Ryan. I need to draw them at some point.
The Flower Boat (连奕辰 or Lián Yìchén, Yìchén being his name, he/him) seriously has one of the most underrated songs ever. The emotions are off the charts??? THE LYRICS ARE PURE POETRY??? LizLuvsCupcakes on YouTube said, "This boat is the only ex I respect. His whole breakup song is "I miss her so much but I hope she's happy where she is."" and THEY ARE SO RIGHT!!!
He's typically closed off emotionally, trying to maintain a happy but subdued mood, but he will absolutely be starry-eyed when he talks about Ching Shih (fun fact: she's also known as Zheng Yi Sao). He can also help y'all get through a break up or really any romantic troubles if you sit down with him for a drink.
The Beast of Gévaudan (Gevariel, sometimes referred to as Gévau, he/him) and Policarpa's Spool (Poli for short, she/her) are besties!!! They're both trans and despise romance. They'd rather spend Valentine's Day studying a corpse.
Poli is such a cool gal. She rallies against injustices whenever she can, and she hates how the police system has been used to enforce the marginalization of minorities. When she investigates with a given suspect, her priority isn't to find enough evidence to condemn them but rather look for all evidences possible, even ones that may contradict the suspect being the murderer 'cause she firmly believes in "innocent until proven guilty". Basically, ACAB, baby!
The Mummified Goose (Merneith Gomaa, referred to as MG or Mery for short, she/her) is a hell of a hypewoman! If you're trash-talking yourself, she will shut that shtick down QUICK. She's so unapologetically confident and self-assured that it infects the others around her ehe. She also collects antiques as a hobby to the point her house is kind of a mess, but she takes care of them very well!
"Wait if Poli hates romance, then what's up with–" Queerplatonic partners, my friend!!! Poli and Mery share a deep emotional connection together, and Mery, despite knowing her romantic feelings won't be reciprocated, still loves Poli very much. She adores how determined Poli is in getting the truth, and similarly, Poli loves how much Mery brightens up the room :]
Intermission: Sapphics who are into Puppet History, can you show yourselves plsplsplsplspls I just need assurance that I'm not the only sapphic in this fandom 🥹👉🏽👈🏽
I don't think Gévau would pursue any kind of relationship whatsoever (even friendships are rare for him, he's a loveless aro babyyyyy), but he can get behind cannibalism as a metaphor for love 👉🏽👀👉🏽 (and giving heads as gifts. 'cause what better gift can you give really <3)
The Oar still has no shame and shows his erotic manga to anyone who asks. The Professor has had to scrub his brain so many times (to absolute failure </3)
I'm still stuck on Ken (剣) and Oru (オール) being the Sword and Oar's names ngl. If y'all have actual names for them, I'd love to hear them 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag, @fazedlight
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 19 works on AO3.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Do y'all really want to know? Welp. Okay, since you asked.
According to the stats section of AO3, I have published 1,338,126 words on AO3. (Not including my recently deleted fic which was 23,000-ish words).
A million of those words are Korrasami fics.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Korrasami (The Legend of Korra) and Supercorp (Supergirl - Arrowverse).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Confession (Supercorp) at 854 kudos, which was a rewrite of the end of Season 4.
You are the only one that sees me, trusts me, and believes in me (Supercorp) at 411 kudos, which is a one-shot of Kara telling Lena the truth after Lena is poisoned in Season 3.
Unraveling Realities (Supercorp and sequel to Confession) at 346 kudos, which is a rewrite of Season 5. (Includes Lena's Great Irish Quest and is not a rift fic).
Shared Moments: Book 2 - Spirits (Korrasami) at 329 kudos, and is a rewrite of The Legend of Korra Book 2. I continue this series all the way through to Book 4 (Books 1 through 3 are completed, I'm working on Book 3.5 and 4).
Terminal Velocity, Texts, and Cats (Supercorp) at 215 kudos, and is the story of Lena and Kara's friendship/relationship from season 2 through start of Season 6 (no Totem storyline tho) as told through texts, cats, and carefully woven short scenes. It's a one-shot technically.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I will gladly talk to folks in the comments and even have conversations with people! I enjoy it. I do my best to thank commenters too, though it may take me a bit to answer these days.
However, when people shit on my fiction, I learned my lesson, and no longer fall for that trap.
But overall most comments are pleasant and lovely. I love hearing from readers! Feel free to share how you feel and your thoughts on the story.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend toward happy endings to be honest, but I'd say the angstiest ending was Shared Moments: Book 3 - Change (Korrasami) because there's no avoiding the angst there. I kept the story arc of Book 3 close to the original, so for folks that have seen TLOK, they know how angst heavy the end of Book 3 is.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them? Well, except for Book 3 - Change and Book 3.5 - The Mirror. Those aren't happy per se. They are hopeful, yes, but not happy. All other fics have a happy ending.
Maybe Asami's Hidden Box of Letters and Poetry? It's a cute one-shot of Asami and Korra being absolutely adorable, and it ends with them being happy and kissing, so yeah. Probably the happiest?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Ugh, yeah. Weirdly enough I got the most hate on my Korrasami fics, where a few readers would write some really, really cruel things. Or rant about what they wanted me to write. Or engage in fights with other commenters (yes, this happened on the big finale of Book 3 - Change, where the ableist comments squared off with the kind commenters). Or the editor commenter who gave unasked for and unwanted "editing" of chapters.
Strangely enough, I have only had one mean commenter in the Supercorp fandom, and that poster was someone that other commenters warned me about and told me to disregard.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really? I will write a vague sex scene here and there -- mostly in the Korrasami fics (my Shared Moments series). I haven't gotten to any sex scenes in the Supercorp fics though a few are coming up in Unraveling Realities.
I try to capture the emotion of the scene rather than describing the sex in detail. I honestly don't feel qualified to write a smut scene, which is why I prefer this approach.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a silly crossover of Supergirl and The Legend of Korra. It's on Tumblr somewhere -- see my pinned post, I think I linked it there.
I do have a WIP, where Lena builds a multiverse portal only for it to open in the Avatarverse, and her and Kara accidentally end up stuck in Asami and Korra's world. So then Korra and Asami have to help them build a portal and find their way home again. I don't know if I'll ever finish it.
I also have a Star Wars Korrasami WIP. This one involves Asami and Korra assisting in the Battle of Endor with Luke, Leia, Han, and crew. They then help with the building of the Republic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, I was pissed. Please don't do that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of. If anyone wants to translate one of my fics, let me know. I'm willing to talk shop.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@nottawriter and I are working on a Supercorp fic, though it's not published. It's where Lena and her daughter meet Kara, who is their home inspector.
Beyond that, I've only ever co-written original fiction. My friend, Raveneye and I wrote an original science fiction story. It was written in the form of "letters," where one person was on the space station (Raveneye's character) and one person on the alien planet (my character).
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Korrasami. Supercorp is a close second.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I will finish all my WIPs someday!! Unless I die before that happens. *knocks on wood* But I guess the Supergirl/TLOK crossover is least likely to ever be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding and immersion of reader in the five senses.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing. Honestly. pacing makes me anxious, and I'm always convinced I'll fuck it up, especially in longer works. (And yet, I write mostly longer works. Go figure).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have done this. Spanish and Irish in particular. (Kryptonian as well now that I think about it). I include translations in the end-notes.
I do it mostly for the reader to feel the same emotions as the POV character who struggles to understand the other language. Does this trick work? So far comments seem to imply yes? But who knows?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I have to pick one??? I don't know actually.
I'm pretty proud of my rewrite of Book 2 - Spirits and Book 3 - Change. I'm also proud of Confession, especially how I reworked Lena's role in the Red Daughter fight scenes.
But I like all my fics equally well to be honest. I mean why write them otherwise?
For Tags... ummmmmm.
I have no idea who has done this and who hasn't? If you have done this, apologies for the tag. Let me know and I'll go read your version. @thecasualqueer, @nottawriter, any of my mutuals, and anyone else who wants to play.
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