#if you followed me a while before oby started you may be thinking of a post where I pretty much detailed every secret
thepixelelf · 9 months
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anon I wanted to answer your ask without giving spoilers to anyone else but yes! your guess is pretty close!!
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thesassypadawan · 3 months
Nice Little Chat (Padawan Anakin x MasterFemReader)
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Summary: You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi-Wan’s precious padawan has become the object of your desire. He’s so cute and fuckable and you just want to spoil Anakin rotten…like the sweet baby boy that his is.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Tit fucking, mommy kink, and Ani’s big dick. Padawan Ani is of age (18).
Notes: This is a little different than what I normally write for Ani! So...input for it would very much be appreciated, if I should write more fics like this for him! Thank you!
“It’s over!” Anakin boldly announced, going in for what he thought was the finishing move.
“Not quite,” Obi-Wan said with a smirk. Sidestepping at the last minute, he used a gentle nudge of the force. Which sent Ani crashing to the floor, landing right in front of you.
You tried your best to stifle a laugh, not wanting to add insult to injury. But as you watched him clamber to his feet, that cute little pout on his face; you couldn’t help yourself. “You okay, Ani?”
“Fine,” he mumbled, refusing to look you in the eye. The slightest dusting of pink on his cheeks.
You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi’s precious padawan had become the object of your desire. From those plump lips to those big eyes, even that cocky smile. Everything about him made your body grow flush and a dampness pool between your legs.
Despite it being oh so very wrong…considering you were fifteen years older and one of his master’s dearest friends…you just couldn’t help but want him all to yourself. To spoil the sweet baby like he so deserved.
And from the way Anakin had been acting around you lately, it appeared that your feelings weren’t just one-sided. Although…
“Are you sure?” You cooed up at him, placing a hand on his bicep. “That was a bit of a nasty fall. Maybe I-”
“Said I was fine!” He growled, shaking you off. Grabbing his lightsaber, he then began to storm out of the training room. But not before shooting you one last yearning look.
…at times like this, it seemed like Ani was still fighting with his own.
“I’m so sorry!” Obi-Wan immediately started apologizing, while making to follow after Anakin. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him! Let me go talk-”
Taking hold of his arm, you stopped his departure. “No, I’ll go,” you said gently. “I think Ani and I need to have a nice, little chat.”
You didn’t give Obi the chance to protest or object to your offer, you just gave him a reassuring squeeze. “It will be all right; I promise.” And proceeded to make your swift leave, heading towards the one place you knew Anakin would go…especially with the tent he was sporting.
Loosening your tunic, you shifted your breasts around a little. Making sure they were on full display, you then slipped inside Obi-Wan’s and his shared quarters.
Quietly you approached Anakin’s room. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened and waited for the right moment…that came when you heard soft, desperate whimpers and a very distinct fapping sound.
“Annni,” you called out sweetly. “Ani baby, may I come in?”
Not waiting for a reply, you quickly tinkered with the keypad. Unlocking the door and letting it slide open to reveal…
A very shocked…very red faced…VERY naked padawan sitting on his sleep couch.
“What the… Why didn’t you knock first?!” Ani shouted, his voice cracking a bit as he frantically scrambled to cover himself.
You licked your lips in anticipation. “Oh, I did,” you replied innocently. “You must not have heard over all those lovely noises you were making.”
“I… I…” His blush deepened and he began to squirm under your lust filled gaze. So cute…so fuckable.
“Baby,” you cooed. “Don’t try to deny it; I know perfectly well what you want.”
Sitting beside him, you placed your hand over his. Leaning forward just enough, so your plushy globes were practically about to spill out. “Now we both know you’re harder than a rock under this pillow. So why don’t you be a good boy and let mommy help you.”
“I’m… I mean…” There it was again, fighting with his feelings. Such a stubborn little padawan.
Using your free hand, you loosened your tunic a bit more. Letting him get a better view of your ample bust. “It’s okay. I just want to take care of you…make you feel real good.”
You watched as his eyes wandered down to your tits, they were blown so wide that you could barely see the blue in them. He swallowed hard, adam’s apple bobbing enticingly. “Please… Please, take care of me, mommy.”
His voice was barely above a whisper but hearing him call you that had your pussy absolutely dripping. “Say it again,” you muttered. “Louder this time.”
“Please,” he begged, shyly removing the pillow. “Please, take care of me…. mommy.”
“Oh, Ani.” You grinned at the sight before you. He was painfully hard, tip already leaking pre and, most importantly, he was a VERY big baby boy.
Biting your lip, you got up on your knees. Stripping off your clothes, you squeezed your breasts. Moaning softly and rubbing your legs together as you watched his cock twitch with interest.
“On your back, baby,” you purred, lips brushing across his.
“Yes, mommy,” he whimpered, obediently doing so…letting you mount him.
Taking a moment to enjoy the view, you bent down. Capturing his lips in a fiery kiss, muttering soft praises. “Good boy…such a good good good boy.”
Anakin melted into the kiss. Tongue licking shyly at your lips, asking for entrance. Not wanting to deny your sweet baby, you allowed him to do so. Surprised when he grabbed you with his big hands, pulling your hips to meet his.
You moaned softly into his lips, aching cunt rubbing against his cock. Needing more, you took his hands. Placing them on your chest, silently begging for him to touch you…to make his mommy feel good too.
Following your lead, he began to tweak your nipples. Rolling them between his lightly calloused fingers, making you whimper and shamelessly grind into him.
Breaking the kiss, Anii had let out a small whine. “More! Mommy, I need more!” He pleaded, thrusting up into you. Hoping you’d give him some kind of relief.
“More?” You teased, grinding against him harder. “You want more, baby? Tell me what you want, and I’ll happily give it to you.”
He squirmed underneath you, panting softly. “Your tits… Please let me fuck your juicy titties…”
You were surprised by his request. Your breasts, he really wanted to fuck your breasts? Well, if that’s what your sweet boy desired…
“You want to cum all over my juicy titties?” You purred, pulling away from Anakin. Your breasts nearly brushing his nose.
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered. Staring right at your chest, that adorable hint of pink on his cheeks. “P-Please let me f-fuck your tits.”
“Of course, whatever you wish,” you whispered softly.
Motioning for him to switch places with you, you lay on your back. Propped up on your elbows, beckoning him with your finger.
Ani happily crawled on top of you. Straddling your waist, he leans down to lap at your breast. His tongue running over your nipples and valley, thoroughly coating you with his saliva. All the while shivers ran up and down your spine. “Oh, baby,” you moaned.
Satisfied with his work, he sat back and stroked his dick. Lubing himself up with his own pre, he pushed your breasts together. And, with a cocky little smile on his face, he slid himself between your plushy globes. Causing you both to moan and groan.
His cock felt like heaven, so silky and warm against your skin. His thumbs, they skillfully played with your nipples as he steadily thrusted into your tits. “So good, mommy… They feel so good…”
“That’s it, baby, keep going,” you cooed lovingly up at him. “You’re doing such a great job. Making me feel sooo good.”
Your words spurred him on. His pace picked up and he began to snap his hips against you. Your tits bouncing in sync with his wild thrusts.
Looking up at Anakin, your eyes met. His face was flushed, bottom lip between his teeth. You can tell he’s trying to hold back his fast-approaching orgasm; the twitching of his cock gave it away.
“Ani,” you purred. Placing your hands over his, squeezing him tighter. “Be a good boy and cum for me. Paint my titties so prettily. Cover them with your creamy, hot cum.”
Throwing his head back, he let out a high-pitched whine. Movements becoming jerky and uncontrolled. Until finally, with one last sloppy thrust, hot globs of cum landed on your chest. Some on your neck and a bit on your chin.
You loved seeing the look of pure bliss on his face. They way his cum warmed your skin, it made pleasant shivers run up and down your spine. What a wonderful way to end your nice, little chat.
“Thank you, mommy,” Anakin muttered. Grinning proudly down at you as he admired the job he had done.
Rubbing his cum all over and into your skin, you couldn’t help but grin yourself. “You’re welcome, baby… Maybe next time you can cum in mommy’s tight, little pussy… But only if you’re good…”
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ithebookhoarder · 9 months
Hi love! Could I request an Anakin X reader where he comforts reader after a panic attack?
Reacting to Reader having a panic attack: (Anakin Skywalker x Reader)
A/N: Of course you can! Here you go. You can thank Ahsoka for breaking me and getting me back into my feels for this disaster of a human being 😅
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Anakin is much more a man of action rather than a man of words and will actively look for a practical solution for any problem, including panic attacks.
It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t fully understand them, or that there isn’t necessarily a physical threat that he can fight on your behalf, he will do whatever he can to best help you. 
That would include using his trademark sass and boyish jokes to distract you whenever he senses you’re feeling low (something you both love and hate in equal measure). 
“Hey, Y/N. I was thinking, how does a moon cut his hair?" 
“Anakin… I swear to the maker-"
“-Eclipse it."
It’s easy to see why Obi-Wan started to turn grey the day he took Anakin on as a Padawan. 
Then again, as much as you may protest against it, it’s hard to do anything other than laugh at his desperate attempts to cheer you up. 
Anakin also creates private rituals for you both to follow whenever you feel an attack creeping up on you. 
These include things like going to exercise together, as you find sparring or racing around a local park is a great way to burn off any pent up anxiety (and often leads to you both rolling around on the floor, sweaty and too busy being wrapped up in one another to feel anything other than pleasure). 
It also sometimes involves him taking you aside and helping you to ground yourself to him and your surroundings. 
It even sometimes involves him crawling into bed and holding you whilst you sleep, knowing his warmth and his presence helps to keep your worries at bay. 
On that note, we know he has no problem bending the rules when it comes to those he cares about and you’d be no exception. 
Nothing else in the universe matters more to him and your well-being comes before anything else, including the Jedi code. 
It doesn’t matter if the council will reprimand him later, if you need him he’ll be there. He’d find a ship and get to you the minute you called, or the minute he sensed your panic through the force. 
A smaller thing Anakin would do, is he starts carrying around sour candies for you, knowing how you like them and how they help distract your brain when it starts to feel overwhelmed. 
You almost couldn’t believe it the first time he handed one to you without so much as a word. Instead he simply unwrapped one for himself and winked. 
You also can’t tell me he wouldn’t be keeping a special eye on you, reaching out at the first sign of trouble, just as he sensed his mother’s distress before. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night, he’ll call you if he isn’t with you, just to make sure you’re alright. 
Even if it isn’t too bad an attack, he would still pull you from any duties you may have for the rest of your day, insisting you rest for a while even if he has to make you. 
He also strikes me as the kind of friend who tries to act like they’re less stressed out about your issues than you, but inside is panicking like crazy. So much so, he has to instruct Rex and Ahsoka to keep an eye out for you if he can’t, else he’ll be too worried to ever leave your side in case you need him.
He may or may not have written a very extensive list of things to do and not to do if you ever have one without him - something both privately tease him about...
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dracowars · 1 year
luke figuring out reader's father is obi-wan. like, it would be so awkward talking to obi-wan's force ghost now, "how am i suppose to tell him you're my partner?" 😭😭
general kenobi | luke skywalker
pairing: luke x kenobi!reader
word count: 1,1k
summary: where luke finds out who y/n's father is
a/n: how my mind works: if obi-wan is y/n's father, then satine has to be her mother lmao (it's not mentioned!) there is just no other way for me
warnings: none
universe: star wars
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"W-What did you just say?", Luke stutters, halting in his steps, his eyes growing wide while he looks at you as if you just turned into a rancor right before his eyes. Since he stopped you in the middle of your rant with this kind of expression on his face, you frown, not quite sure what he wants you to repeat since you just kept talking and talking.
"Uhm, I just said that we are going to carry out this mission without any problems..?", you say, but it sounds more like a question since you are feeling really unsure as his facial expression does not change. Judging by his big eyes and open mouth, this was apparently not the answer he was hoping for and even though you are confused, you can't help but find him especially cute right now.
Usually, Luke has a strict plan, always following every order, but right now it seems like there is no logical explanation for whatever is going on in his mind and you genuinely can't wait to know what caused this sudden change in his demeanour.
"N-No, no. I mean about your.. your father?", Luke tries again, but this time he actually seems like his mind has stopped spinning and he came back to the here and now, looking at you like you are the one acting weirdly. Which you definitely aren't, but you can't suppress a small giggle as he appears to hang on your every word in this moment. Now that he mentioned your father, you at least know what caught him off guard and you can hopefully help him.
"Oh, about that. Well, I basically only said that I will guide you the same way my father used to guide yours in the Clone Wars", you shrug nonchalantly, still not getting why this simple fact got him all messed up.
"And your father is...?"
"Obi-Wan Kenobi?", you finish his sentence, giving him the answer he has been waiting for. Suddenly, Luke's eyes grow even bigger - if that is even humanly possible - and now you are not sure if you may have actually turned into a rancor right in front of him. But no, you are still very much human and Luke is still very much acting weird.
"Luke? Are you alright? Do I need to call a medic?", you ask, actually concerned now that he hasn't answered you for at least two minutes. He is just standing in front of you, frowning as he seems to be connecting things in his head. The more you look at him, the more it dawns on you what your words might have to do with all of this.
"Wait, you didn't know?", you question, a more or less humourless chuckle leaving your lips as you can't believe that he actually did not know this very important fact about you. About you and who your father is.
"You only told me about your mother, really. And you never dropped any names! I knew your father was a Jedi but not that he was the Obi-Wan Kenobi!", Luke whisper-yells at you now, finally regaining his voice, looking like his whole view of the galaxy was shattered with this one single statement.
The way he runs his hand through his hair, ruffling through it, and how he bites down on his lower lip, finally breaks you and you erupt into a fit of laughter. He looks so cute, all flabbergasted and confused, that you just can't help yourself but to laugh at the weirdness of this situation. You would really like to say that you did talk about your very prominent father, but right now, you can't think of one moment where you actually dropped his name. And this makes you laugh even more and, slowly but surely, Luke starts to laugh too.
"May I introduce myself?", you manage to bring out after your laughter died down, hands on your hips as you try to catch your breath, feeling exhausted by all the laughing. "I'm Y/N Kenobi. At your service, General Skywalker."
Holding out your hand, you wait for him to place a gentle kiss on the back of it as part of your introduction, but Luke only shakes his head in amusement, still too caught up in his thoughts.
"You can't be serious, Y/N!", he almost reproaches you, running his hands over his face while sighing. Then, he takes a step closer, grabbing your hand and placing it against his chest as he leans in.
"How am I supposed to tell him that you are my partner? That we are a thing?", Luke whispers, but he is doing it so quietly as if he expects your father to listen in on every word, putting strong emphasis on his last words.
"I mean, that is not really my problem, is it?", you tease him, taking his proximity to you as a chance to place a soft kiss on his cheek, which riles him up even more. Caressing his cheek with one hand, you fix his disheveled hair with the other and smile your brightest smile at him while he apparently sees his life passing by.
"You are evil, you know that right?", Luke whines, pouting while you are enjoying this more than you probably should. But deep inside, you got a feeling that your father already knows about the two of you. You certainly did not talk to him about it, however, he has always been good at observing and you feel like this ability got even better since he became one with the Force.
"Just.. don't act like you did right now and you will be fine", you giggle, pinching his cheek before leaving a quick kiss on his lips. You catch his eye, wanting him to say something, anything, but all you see is utter fear. Only when you notice that he is looking at something behind you, you follow his stare and see your father, in all his Force ghost glory, making his way over to the both of you.
"Oh, is that Leia over there? I really need to talk to her about the mission", you lie with a bright smile on your lips and you squeeze Luke's hand to give him strength and support.
Completely frozen, he stands in front of you, but he somehow manages to take a deep breath after a few seconds to mentally prepare himself for what is about to come. The strongest Jedi you know nearly gets defeated by a simple conversation with your father, his master.
"I will leave you two alone then", you say your goodbye, waving to your father who is coming closer as you two talk, and make your way to actually find Leia. Turning around one last time, you give your boyfriend a thumbs up which he only replies to with a small smile.
Luke Skywalker is a great fighter, a Jedi who always finds a way out, who always has a plan, who can face the strongest opponent, but the one person he can't face right now is your father. And when he does, as your boyfriend, it is not as bad as expected.
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
Deviant With a Big Defect: Introduction
The Bad Batch x Sister!Reader, Obi-Wan x Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings: This series describes injuries, pain, and some uncomfortable situations such as judgement, misunderstanding, and sexism later on.
Also for anyone who might be following this story on Wattpad, yes it is I, Jedi.Master.Rage. I want to address that this may seem like a wild ride, but I had this idea cooking in my mind for well over a year before I started writing for it. Side note: The artist is TrixEclipse, but I don't know if they're here on Tumblr. My friend sent this to me because they're so adorable!
Chapter 1
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You were sat reading about the ships that were being prepared for the Republic military. Omega was currently working with Nala Se so she wouldn't be back for a little while. Well that's what you thought until you heard the door open.
   "Hey 2B!" Omega said as she sat down next to you. "Haven't you already read that?"
   "Yes, but I want to beable to fix whatever gets broken while I'm around." You tell her and she huffed.
   "Want to go get some food?" She asked and you raised a brow at her.
   "We never eat in the cafeteria, and for good reason." You tell her thinking about the last time you both went to eat out there. "I mean we could grab some food and come back if that's what you mean." You tell her and she smiles and nods. You both get up and head out to the cafeteria making sure to steer clear from other clones. "So learn anything new and interesting today?" You ask her.
   "No not really. Just kind of handed Nala Se instruments when she needed them." She told you and you smiled down at her. By standard years Omega was 8 years of age, while you were technically only 5. However, due to the enhanced aging you looked about 16 years old. As you both went to exit the cafeteria you bumped into a group that you and Omega would watch from a distance. Hunter looked at you curiously and you felt Omega step behind you to hide herself from them.
   "Who are you?" Hunter asked and the three other boys watched with curiosity.
   "I don't have a name." You said awkwardly and sneakily signaled for Omega to go out of the other exit of the cafeteria. You felt her presence leave from behind you, and you relaxed a bit.
   "Then what do we call you?" Tech asked, now just as curious as Hunter.
   "Uhm..." Your nerves started getting the best of you since you weren't sure if it would be a good idea to tell them. They didn't know about you.
   "CT-9902-B. It is good to see you socializing with your batch." Nala Se said from behind you. You turned to look at her as she stopped next to you.
   "Her batch?" Crosshair asked in confusion.
   "Yes. She is the fifth member of Unit 99." Nala Se told them. "Why don't you get your food and I will tell you everything you want to know about her. As well as her reintegration into your unit." Nala Se told them.
   "Wait reintegration? I get to be with my brothers again?" You asked excitedly, and she nodded.
   "If you are able to be re-accepted into their ranks that is." Nala Se said and followed your group into the cafeteria. You sat down at the table Hunter told you too, and Nala Se sat down with you. You stared at your food as a feeling of nervousness took over your appetite. After a few minutes of sitting in silence the boys returned and waited for Nala Se. "You may ask any question you would like."
   "How old is she?" Hunter asked.
   "She is the same age as the rest of you." Nala Se answered.
   "If she's one of us why haven't we ever met her before?" Wrecker asked.
   "She was separated from her twin for observation when she was old enough to be on her own. He was not particularly happy to lose his podmate." Nala Se tried her hand at a joke, but noone chuckled.
   "Twin? No clone has ever had a twin before." Tech stated.
   "It is ironic that you say that, since she is your twin." Nala Se informs Tech who drops his fork.
   "What?" Tech seemed stumped as he looked at his brothers who looked just as shocked as he did. "I- Why did my DNA create a twin?"
   "From what I was able to gather your genetic coding was stronger than most. Causing a second clone to grow with you." Nala Se tells Tech whose face goes from shocked to red with anger.
   "I've never seen him this angry before." Crosshair says. Tech looks like he wants to say something, but knows better and looks away.
   "Why separate us though? It seems very unfair for her to have been hidden away from us." Tech says and Nala Se looks at him surprised.
   "I don't see anything wrong since she was allowed to observe all of you from a distance." Nala Se said.
   "Observing from a distance isn't the same as being able to interact. She knew I was her twin, but was unallowed to have any contact with us. Mistress Nala Se don't you see how unethical that is?" Tech argued back, and Hunter set a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.
   "Tech." Hunter whispered in warning.
   "No it is quite alright CT-9901. He does have a point, as I've read that normal twins separated at birth are more prone to mental disorders. However, we wanted to make certain that she didn't have anything wrong with her. She was unplanned... A surprise. It was to make sure she was healthy." Nala Se said.
   "Then why wait this long to return her to us?" Crosshair asked.
   "I had to wait for the go ahead from the Prime Minister." Nala Se answered.
   "If you are my twin does that mean you have my intelligence?" Tech asked you as he looked at you from across the table.
   "Does a Venator Class Star Destroyer have a lightspeed capacity of 60,000 lightyears?" You asked him.
   "How are we supposed to know that?" Wrecker whined.
   "The answer is yes, Wrecker. You've been doing your homework." Tech said.
   "I want to beable to fix whatever gets broken while I'm present." You tell him.
   "You really are Tech's twin... I don't see the resemblance." Crosshair said.
   "Of course you wouldn't, because I'm one of only a few clones that turned out to be a girl." You said and looked Crosshair in the eyes. "You know for your enhancement to be that you never miss a shot, you sure blew it with that insult." You said to him and Wreckers jaw nearly hit the floor.
   "Oh burn! She got you with that one!" Wrecker said then laughed obnoxiously.
   "I will leave you all to get acquainted." Nala Se said and stood up from the table.
   "Wait! What will happen to her if she isn't accepted into the batch again?" Hunter asked her.
   "She is to be placed on maintenance with 99." Nala Se answered then turned and left.
   "Well I like her!" Wrecker said.
   "I like her too." Crosshair said with a smirk, but it fell when he noticed everyone staring at him in shock. "She knows how to argue in a fun way. Something none of you have figured out yet."
   "I'm with them." Tech told Hunter who nodded.
   "I like her too. Plus there's no way we could leave her to maintenance." Hunter said and everyone turned back to their food. "So have you ever shot a blaster before?"
   "Well I was kept for observation not sheltered. So of course I have shot a blaster." You told him.
   "Hand to hand combat?" Tech asked.
   "Yes I have trained there too, but I trained directly with those mandalorian mercenaries. Not too fun, but it got the job done." You told them and everyone looked to Tech.
   "I think we just found your greatest opponent Tech." Hunter told him.
   "I would very much like to test her skills... For research purposes." Tech said.
   "Uh-huh. Research purposes." Hunter said with amusement. "If you're so interested we could go train after we're done eating." Hunter suggested.
   "Alright. I'm in." You tell him. Everyone basically inhales their food to beable to get to go to training. You put your trays on the dirty stack to be cleaned and started to follow your brothers out of the cafeteria. An older clone spotted your group, and from your prior experiences with regular clones, you tried to hide among the guys. This clone pushed through to your group, but his eyes were set on you.
   "Hey kid. I think you might be lost. What's your name?" He asked and your mind raced as you thought of what to do.
   "Uhm..." Was all you could manage, before you set to hiding behind the scariest person in your group, Crosshair. You stepped behind him and he got the message that you didn't have any better of a time with regs than they did.
   "She's a clone like us." Crosshair said to the older clone taking a bit more of a defensive stance. The older clone looked confused but understood that you were nervous around him.
   "Your group has nothing to be afraid of with me and my boys. I'm Commander Garrett of the 75th. Why don't you come meet my unit?" Garrett offered you his hand and you looked to Hunter who seemed just as bewildered as you. You took Garrett's hand and allowed him to lead your unit over to his. "75th!" He shouted when he reached a table with a group of clones that were acting rather rowdy. The clones all stopped what they were doing to look at their Commander. "We have a clone who doesn't have a name here." The clones all looked at you, but one of them did a double take when he saw you.
   "Sir that's a girl. Clones aren't girls." The clone said.
   "She's a part of the experimental unit, Kit." Garrett informed Kit who looked to you.
   "You got hobbies, kid?" Kit asked you and you shook your head. "What about Hack?" He suggested.
   "No, Kit that sounds rude." Another clone threw a roll at Kit, which it bounced off of his armor harmlessly. "Hmm what about-"
   "No, Stim. You don't get to name people after you tried to get everyone to call Bluster, Ass." Kit told Stim who huffed. Another clone looked at you and smiled.
   "I'm Cut. How does the name (Y/n) sound to you?" He asked and you tested it out, and smiled at him.
   "I like that!" You told him and he shot a smile back at you.
   "So... You're really a clone?" Stim asked you and you nodded.
   "I'm a very rare multiple defect." You said sadly.
   "Why do you say that?" Garrett asked and you exhaled.
   "Well for one I'm a girl... Two I'm a twin. Three I hold high levels of intelligence like my twin." You told them and Garrett smiled at you.
   "Well I would gladly have you in my company any day. Defect or not." Garrett said and his unit cheered with him.
   "She's already in a unit CT-4427." Nala Se said as she approached.
   "Nala Se... His name is Garrett." You told her and she raised a brow at you.
   "Very well. She is a part of experimental clone unit 99, and will remain there, Garrett." Nala Se informed Garrett, who nodded.
   "Yes, ma'am." He said as he saluted her.
   "Come CT-9902-B. I would like to run some last minute tests, before youre completely settled back into your batch." You lowered your head preparing yourself for all of the needles.
   "Mistress Nala Se." Garrett said from behind you, and Nala Se turned to address him. "Her name... It's (Y/n)." He told her and she nodded. As you walked away you passed by your brothers, and they gave you a sympathetic look. Tech went to try and join you, but Hunter held him back and shook his head.
   "(Y/n)... That name suits you." Nala Se said as you reached her lab.
   "Thank you. Cut just picked it out for me." You told her and she patted your back. Omega came into the lab and smiled at you.
   "Hello!" She said to you and you smiled to her.
   "Hey Omega! I've got a name now." You told her and she looked at you excitedly. "My name is (Y/n)."
   "It suits you!" She said as she smiled. Nala Se patted your shoulder signaling for you to lay back, and you did while you frowned.
   "So what tests are you running on me?" You asked Nala Se.
  "I want to make sure that your vitals and immunity to disease are at optimum level. After they are done I will escort you to Unit 99's quarters." She told you and you nodded. You sat back and she drew some blood then put it in for testing. She and Omega went to the other side of the glass and the bed you were on slid into the x-ray machine. You closed your eyes so the lights wouldn't blind you. After a few minutes in the x-ray machine the bed slid back out again. You sat up and waited until Nala Se came back in. "You are clear to return to your unit. Come (Y/n)." You stood up and followed her out of the room, then she led you to the room your brothers were in.
   "Thank you Nala Se." You said and she bowed her head then left. You knocked on the door and Tech answered it.
   "You're back!" He said happily then pulled you into the room. You stumbled as you entered then the smell hit you.
   "It smells like the bathrooms after burrito day." You say and you hear a chuckle from behind you.
   "That would be Wreckers bunk. He doesn't believe in cleaning." Crosshair said and you exhaled through your nose.
   "So (Y/n) let's get to know you." Hunter said and gestured to the only table in the room. You sat down and waited for the first question.
   "Do you lead, or do you follow?" Hunter asked.
   "I do what I'm told to do... Sometimes." You tell him and he smiles.
   "Oh you'll fit in just fine." Hunter said and the others agreed. "So training?" Hunter asked and everyone got up to make your way to the training room.
          2,348 Words
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padme-amitabha · 6 months
I read your opinions on Ahsoka and while I like her I agree, I think her fandom is making me dislike her, the final straw for me was reading takes that Ahsoka was Anakin's child more than Luke ever was because he spend more time with her than with Luke despite Anakin ALWAYS aknowledged Luke as his son, I mean remember the iconic "I'm your father" scene? And how after that he always called Luke in his mind as "my son"? Anakin may had not raised Luke, but he always loved his son, ever since Padmé told him that she was pregnant he considered his baby a blessing and the happiest moment of his life, so no wonder those feelings resurfaced when he found out that Luke lived between ANH and ESB, I mean, he came to the Light for him! His baby boy. I even read a Youtube comment saying that when Anakin said Luke before dying "Tell your sister...you were right..." now it refered to Ahsoka when those words were for Leia! Yes, we know Leia sees Bail as her father and has zero connection with Anakin, but even so, those final words were for her. Canonically Anakin saw Ahsoka as much a younger sister, he always refered Luke as his son and Leia as Luke's sister and thus, his daughter. I dislike reading how people are trying to server Anakin from his family (from Padmé to now Luke and Leia) to place Ahsoka in the picture, guys, you can have both! (sorry for the rant)
I totally get it. My issue with her character mainly started from the fact that she is shoehorned into anything that involves the skywalkers. Imagine if she was in the movies, I would think her arc would be very redundant in the PT because we are closely following the Jedi masters and council as well as politicians as they are central to the plot and conflict. The fact that she wasn't in it establishes she is an afterthought. And I think she wouldn't have been so bad if she was a character with a standalone arc and story but now she's just everywhere and I disliked her introduction as Anakin's padawan because the PT establishes Anakin is quite young and flawed and its his journey we are exploring from little Ani to Darth Vader throughout the six films. He is allowed to be an innocent kid, brooding emotional teenager and also a hero. He is the Chosen One but not once is he a Gary Stu, in fact he goes through phases that annoys other characters like Obi Wan. He isn't overpowered either because we see him suffer two huge defeats in the films. He makes mistakes and the wrong choices and can be selfish at times, and other times he tries to be a good padawan and follow the rules and sometimes he disregards them, he lets others boss him around too, he is scared but wants to be a good father and husband etc etc. you get the idea. He's not perfect and that's the point and I think Hayden nails the repressed monk persona. The only reason Ahsoka was introduced was part of "fixing" Anakin's character and to make him more fun but it seems so unbelievable the council would assign someone like Anakin with an impressionable youngling (who is strangely rebellious despite having the same upbringing as the rest?). I just don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone or bantering with kids when he seemed understandably awkward and reserved. Also, Ahsoka's thick plot armor and her continuously inflated significance just confirms how much of a creator's pet she was and her whole character (especially when she's interacting with Anakin) feels very fanficy and the fact that she has almost zero flaws and she takes over the roles of every other important person in Anakin's life in the original story. I try not to pay attention to Filoni's pet because it just feels like pure wish fulfillment for him at this point. We could just have more of other cool female jedi like Shaak Ti, Depa, Aayla, or Yaddle as they were preexisting characters and weren't dependent on the Skywalkers for their arc - because I doubt Ahsoka would have been popular at all if she wasn't Anakin's padawan or acting like an Anakin wannabe (and getting away with it almost always while Anakin the CO was given no special treatment). At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Ahsoka is revealed to be the new chosen one or she's some insanely overpowered demigod lol. And I mean I guess her fans like her for many reasons but she just feels like a Mary Sue to me like you know a character is doomed when a creator admits he's too attached to the character for anything drastic and openly shows favoritism. Let's be honest she is kind of a nepo baby and acts like one too in the SWU. I guess some people are just seeing her as one now but I always thought she would be a Mary Sue because even the emotional moments she has and the few hardships or "deep" moments she gets is just by interacting with the Skywalkers or just dealing with things everyone else is going through. So I don't really feel the emotional value if she tells Luke he is like her father when literally anyone else who knew him could have said that. At least characters like Boba don't rely on mentioning Anakin in everything they appear in. I don't think her arc would even be well developed if she was detached from the existing prequel characters so it's like she just reinforces the same emotions we should feel except she's supposed to be fun and badass so the audience and her fans would empathize with the events more.
Like do people even really like her screentime in Rebels except from her fight with Anakin? And that scene's so memorable because it's with Anakin, a much more realistic and developed character. It's really Anakin who carries the scene and the emotional impact. Replace Ahsoka with any other padawan and it seems like she has no inherent value. She only seems to shine in moments she is interacting with PT era characters due to the backstory and flashbacks and the rest of the time she's just a token strong female jedi character. What is Ahsoka when she is not breaking Jedi rules constantly like she's special or getting in Anakin's business or running into other characters and reminiscing about the past? I could watch a standalone show on Anakin, Padme, Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Yoda or even Dooku just in their solo adventures because they bring a slightly new perspective to the SWU and there's some room for individuality. I could be wrong maybe they explored some of her personal ambitions than being a Jedi and making Anakin proud but I'm really not interested when her role is just so interchangeable. Even Padme has an entire movie around her (TPM) where we see more about her. Despite being Anakin's love interest, we can see how she is a main character and can carry a film without any romance with Anakin. Same with Obi-Wan. He had an entire movie solving mysteries and plots while Anakin and Padme were romancing. That's why they should be the main prequel trio because its always been two force sensitives and a non-force sensitive member. Just like Han, Padme brings a new perspective and skills in the team.
I wouldn't be too bothered about such claims as they always existed. Ahsoka is closer to Anakin than Obi Wan, Padme, Leia and now more than Luke. It's sad and funny how far Filoni will bend space and time to make room for the OC. As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't exist.
This channel has some good videos on her and I highly recommend these: part 1 and part 2
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The Clone Wars 4x10 ‘Carnage of Krell’ Reaction
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Ok ok trying to get my thoughts in order. Even still, this is going to be all over the place.
Tup coming up with the idea of using the Umbara sarlacc monster to trap Krell was so damn clever.
The moment Dogma broke and realised he’d been betrayed just absolutely broke my heart. He thought he was doing the right thing the entire time. He was trying to do the right thing. He was trying to be good. Omg good soldiers follow orders nooooo now is not the time for that thought. 
Do we know what happens to Dogma? Please tell me we find out what happens to him.
Jesse’s shoulders are so broad. That shot of him from the back in his upper blacks in the brig was just, omg, sir why are you so broad?
Also, they put Tup in the firing squad as well?! It seems like Tup and Dogma are close so I’m assuming their close or best friends or maybe batch mates but WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
“Well, I’ve officially lost my sense of humour” Jesseeeeeeeeeeeee
I got the distinct impression that Jesse was much less impressed with what was happening than Fives, who seemed like he’d accepted his fate, until…
THAT ABSOLUTELY BADASS SPEECH! FIVES! You have all of my heart. All of it.
I kept mentally screaming “Where is Cody?!” during the scene where the 501st and 212th attacked each other until I realised that Waxer was in charge so of course Cody and Obi Wan aren’t there.
The whole scene where the clones attacked each other was just utterly heartbreaking. Emotionally destroyed. I was clutching my face and shaking and making pained noises and tearing up for pretty much all of this episode but that scene. Ugh. Omg. I do not have the words. I am completely devastated. The way Rex fell to his knees. The looks on all the clones faces. How the 212th clone Rex was holding fell to the ground. *sobs*
Waxer had a sticker of Numa on his bucket *WAILS*
And the tear right before he dies?! *SOBS*
I know it’s an “animated kids tv show” but it really made no sense that there were all these injured and dying clones and there’s no blood. Especially when Waxer was coughing and wheezing. That’s the point you’d expect him to be coughing up blood but there’s nothing. Also, Rex’s face when he asked Waxer who gave the order them to attack. It was so gentle and caring and sad.
Speaking of sad, the end where they’re all question what this is all for. They’re so right. So much pointless death and killing. 
Rex when he went down to execute Krell. Omg, you poor, poor man. So many emotions. He was struggling with so much. I know this is his line of “On your knees” comes from, and twice. And it was definitely a badass moment and I’m sure in time with further watching it’ll become one of those moments where if Rex said that to me in that voice I’d impale my knees through the floor immediately but at the moment I can’t separate it from the situation and what was happening. He was shaking.
I’m going to have to watch through these episodes again and do more of a live-blog style reaction to everything as I watch it, similar to 1x5 ‘Rookies’, 2x10 ‘The Deserter’, and the recent Wolffe episode, because I know I’m missing so much. But I also wanted to get this immediate first emotional reaction out first becomes omg ALL THE EMOTIONS
Of course the evil baddie starts monologuing. You could see his eyes turn yellow.
Ah, so this is the episode where the badass shot of Rex putting on his bucket while marching with a bunch of the 501st comes from. 
How did Fives, an ARC Trooper, not notice Dogma, who was in binders, had taken his blaster? And why did they take Dogma out of the brig in the first place? I may be reading into this way too much but I think mayhaps Fives (and Rex?) knew what they were doing? Maybe? Even I’m not sure reading that back. But Fives doesn’t dual wield like Rex, we’ve seen him very clearly use a DC-15 blaster rifle many times in battle. Though Wookieepedia says Fives “began using twin DC-17s like his friend Rex, though he continued [to] use the DC-15A from time to time.” and cited episode 4x8 ‘The General’ as the source for that quote. I think I’m just overthinking this now. Also, sobbing at that quote from Wookieepedia where Rex is referred to as his friend rather than Captain.
Waxer had tally marks on his armour too. Has Rex started a trend?
Who was the clone who reported to Rex at the end of the episode that Umbara had been taken? Was that Appo? He seemed very “generic standard clone”, with no different paint or tattoos or hair.
I’ve noticed that unless they’re specific characters, the rest of the clones (background clones? extras?) seem to be all the same. Which makes sense from an animation perspective, you’d just copy and paste (heh) the same model and save time by not having to customise every single one. Though I wish we could see some of that individuality in all of them, rather than just the main and supporting ones.
A lot of the lighting, especially of the clones' faces, is very stark, almost horror movie-esque. Like when you put a torch under your chin and tell spooky stories. 
Ok I’ve sort of run out of steam and fallen in an emotional heap now so I think that’s it for this and I’ll have to come back to everything in the re-watch. 
I’m going to go and curl up in a ball in the corner and cry or something now. Or I’m just going to watch it all over again.
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dangraccoon · 3 months
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 30: Overhaul
Summary: The Batch struggle with Jaine's resuscitation
Warnings: mentions of death and injury, discussion of Feelings™,
Author’s Note: *le gasp* another update so soon? on a monday? damn thats crazy (tbh i just want to finish this series out so I can start posting the sequel series) (also yes that is a vague reference to sex pollen at the end of the second paragraph leave me alone)
One chapter remains
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Three days in a bacta tank shouldn’t be able to bring someone back from being dead, but here Tech was, knee bouncing as he looked over Jaine’s unconscious form. 
It was his turn to watch over her, the squad deciding that they didn’t want her to be alone when she woke up on the Negotiator. His mind felt lost in the maze of this woman’s life. He had felt the lack of her heartbeat himself. For quite a while he wondered if this was all a bizarre dream. Perhaps brought on by some spore on Damussa?
“A strange feeling, is it not? The grief of loss followed so quickly by the relief of survival?”
Tech snapped to attention, practically launching himself out of the uncomfortable chair as General Kenobi entered the small medbay room.
“Please, relax,” Kenobi chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. “I am here as a friend, not a general.”
Tech gave a single nod, his eyes wandering back to Jaine.
“I do not understand how- It should be impossible for her to have-”
“Survived? It is a fascinating concept,” Obi Wan finished. “I’m sure your squad must feel relieved.”
“Yes, we are,” Tech replied.
Tech’s eyes darted up to the Jedi. “In their relief that she is alive, the others seem to have forgotten about the…clause, for lack of a better word.”
Obi Wan nodded knowingly, quiet for a long moment, simply looking at Jaine, a sad expression on his face.
“What did she…forget last time?”
Obi Wan sighed. “We’re not sure. She hasn’t been particularly forthcoming the past few times. Sinya thinks it may have been a friend or loved one we had yet to meet. She said that a few of the things she’d said to her before that time hinted at a potential…lover.”
Tech shifted uncomfortably, his hand clenching his data pad. If it had happened before, it could happen again, and this time his twin would be forgotten.
“What other types of information has she lost?”
Obi Wan sat on the corner of the bed, closing his eyes. “The first was of her escape and the subsequent fall of her homeworld, and her- …someone she was close to. My master helped her remember it. I don’t think I’d ever seen him so angry. Then it was myself. The friendship we had developed. It was lucky that she had Sinya at that point since she no longer remembered the trust she had in me.”
He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, but shook his head a little, as though to clear a thought from his mind.
“It’s always been loved ones?” Tech nearly whispered, a quiet dread sinking into his chest.
Obi Wan looked at Tech sadly. “Are you close with Jainera?”
“I- well, not exactly,” Tech sputtered before taking a deep breath to start over. “Not as close as I should have been.”
The jedi nodded and the two sat in companionable silence, watching over their friend.
They hadn’t been on Kamino long, but Crosshair was getting antsy as he usually did.
He paced back and forth next to Jaine’s medbay bed, toothpick grinding between his teeth. He’d sworn to himself that he or one of his brothers would be here when she woke up. He desperately wanted it to be him, to be the first face she saw after coming back to life.
If he noticed Hunter enter the room, he didn’t mention it.
“Cross,” he said softly.
“Orders,” Crosshair breathed, barely a whisper. He didn’t need to see Hunter’s hesitant nod. “Where?” 
“Mistress Nala Se has summoned you; you must go, Omega.”
“No, I want to wait for her to wake up. They wouldn’t want her to be alone.”
Jaine’s head was spinning as her eyes fluttered open. She groaned, the stark white of the medbay on Kamino filling her senses uncomfortably.
“Lieutenant Vale,” the medical droid chirped. “It is good to see that you are awake.”
“Hi,” a small blonde girl grinned beside her.
Jaine raised an eyebrow. “Hi?”
“I’m Omega!”
“And I am AZI-345211896246498721347,” the droid chimed in.
Omega rolled her eyes, whispering loudly. “I just call him AZ.”
Jaine chuckled a little, but was cut off by her own sharp inhale as she tried to sit up, a harsh pain in her ribs.
“Careful; you’re still recovering,” Omega said. “You broke a lot of ribs!”
“That is correct,” AZ agreed. “It is a surprise that you are still alive given that you are a typical human and not genetically enhanced for battle like the average clone. You should consider yourself lucky.”
“Heh, yeah. Six- ah, seven broken ribs. Luckiest gal this side of the galaxy,” Jaine smirked, sending Omega into a fit of giggles.
She watched as the droid hovered away to check on another patient, before turning back to the small girl still smiling up at her.
“How long was I-”
“A few months,” Omega finished. “But you only got to Kamino five weeks ago.”
“Five?” Jaine repeated, running a hand down her face. “My squad-”
“They were sent to Felucia about three months ago, but they seemed really worried about you!”
Omega nodded.
“Interesting,” Jaine hummed to herself. Surprised they didn’t just leave me in the field. Would’ve thought they couldn’t care less about me.
“Yeah! I’m not supposed to know this, but they’re being sent to Kaller next.”
“Omega,” a calm voice called, approaching the room.
Nala Se appeared, looking at the young girl.
“Lieutenant Vale,” she greeted. “You seem to be recovering well.”
“No complaints at the moment, Mistress Se,” Jaine answered.
“That is good to hear,” she nodded. “I apologize for my assistant’s intrusion. She has a curious mind.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Come along, Omega,” Nala Se said to her assistant. “Lieutenant Vale has a vital procedure soon and must rest. Perhaps we can visit her later if you complete all of your tasks.”
Omega seemed to deflate a little, but nodded. 
“It was nice meeting you, Omega,” Jaine smiled, and Omega matched it.
Something was off, and Hunter didn’t like it. The regs on Kaller, acting like- well, like droids. Killing General Billaba without a second thought? And they went after the kid, too. And the regs in the hallway here. They seemed mindless, completely uniform. It was off-putting to say the least. And of course, there was Crosshair.
“What happened?” Wrecker questioned as they walked through the corridor, shoving Crosshair’s shoulder. “You never miss!”
“He was distracted,” Tech chimed in, adding a quiet “obviously” without even glancing up from his data pad.
“I hit where I intended,” Crosshair sneered. 
“Oh, sure,” Wrecker laughed. “You wanted to shoot next to the clanker, not hit ‘em!”
“Stow it, Wrecker,” he snapped.
“Lads,” Hunter stopped, raising a hand to stop the others. “We’ve got company.”
The squad turned around to see a small blonde child smiling up at them.
“Hello,” she smiled.
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Thanks for reading! - River
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Stranger Things
time may change me by kuhaperuna
After the Battle of Starcourt, Steve wakes up back in school the day Barb disappeared; only this time, she survives because Steve knows more than he should. Trying to save everyone is either the bravest decision he has ever made, or the stupidest.
Who Ya Gonna Call? Steve Harrington! by ReginaNocis
It started with Dustin showing up at Scoops Ahoy! with a flushed face and an old walkie-talkie. Dustin thrusted the old walkie into Steve’s hands without a word, then turned on his heel and left as quickly as he’d come inside.
(AKA Five times Steve was there for the Party when they needed him, + one time the Party was there for Steve when he needed them.)
The Witcher
The Devil Go With All by KHansen
The sorceress levels him with a stern look that he returns defiantly, keeping his chin raised and his eyes trained on hers. It hits her then, who this child reminds her so thoroughly of, and she feels a wave of exasperation followed by giddy glee at the fate that befell the bard before her. If her hunch is correct, then the child is none other than the Master Bard Jaskier.
When Yennefer comes across a seven-year-old Jaskier, filthy and starving in the woods, she takes him back to Kaer Morhen to help him recover and also figure out who cursed the bard and how to fix it before it's too late and he's stuck reliving his entire life.
cracked halves by Scarlet_Ribbons
"So… what is this?" Deadpool asks faux-brightly, even though he looks like he might lose it.
Peter takes a deep breath, willing his voice not to crack. "It's, um. Hot water with salt and oregano so I can trick myself into thinking it's soup."
(It starts with food. As with most things regarding Deadpool, it hardly ends there.)
Clone Wars
Crashing Down by Oakwyrm
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
I'm Not Safe Outside Your Arms by shipNslash
"Darth Sidious is dead," Anakin whispers, voice breaking. "Oh." Obi-Wan sucks in a shuddering breath. "Oh. He's gone." Anakin makes a pained noise and releases one of his master's wrists to tap-tap against Obi-Wan's forehead with an index finger. "He's dead, Obi-Wan. But he's not gone." -_-_-_- "Are you alright? Have you had any…?" Cody trails off, either unable or unwilling to finish. It doesn’t matter. They all know what he’s talking about. "No." Wooley leans in a little. "We've been fine, sir." Cody frowns. "Good days?" "Average," Boil says over Obi-Wan's head. Average does not mean good, Obi-Wan knows.
what's left of you in the end by lux_arcana
One year, two months, and eight days ago, the United Planet of Melidaan declared an end to their Civil War. Instrumental in creating this peace was Obi-Wan Kenobi, honored member of the Young's fighting force that brokered the treaty between the warring factions, both Melida and Daan, Elder and Young.
In one universe, Qui-Gon Jinn took Obi-Wan Kenobi home. In others, he didn't. In one, he was taken the day after peace was declared.
Obi-Wan never came home after Melida/Daan. Not really. He left part of himself there, and another part on the forsaken planet he spent the better part of a year on. He was putting himself back together, piece by piece, but it's hard to clean up after you've already shattered. (AU of Obi-Wan's Padawan years, where he was formally repudiated by Qui-Gon Jinn and then found by Master Fay. Heavy focus on trauma recovery and the aftermath of war and slavery; not Qui-Gon Jinn friendly.)
getting up (while you're down) by glimmerglanger
The galaxy was punishing Cody.
He didn’t know what he’d done, but, then again, in his experience the galaxy didn’t need a reason to exact punishment on someone. Things just happened, and then people had to deal with them.
OR, the one where Obi-Wan suffers a series of wardrobe malfunctions, and Cody suffers for it.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
YAY OBI-WAN REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!! *HAPPY DANCES* May I request a fluffy fic in which Obi-Wan Kenobi and fem!Reader (who is also a Jedi) finally get married and the Jedi Order is surprisingly okay with it (okay I may be massively optimistic about the Order being okay with it, but I love fluff)?
Changing Jedi Order
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I feel like I'm about to puke from how nervous I am. I have broken the law - the code of the Jedi. The code that says you are forbidden to have any attachments, especially romantic ones at that. Obi-wan grabs my hand in his right spinning the wedding ring I wear on my left now. Two Jedi masters on the council are married. The council must be frowning upon us at the bad example we're setting for the padawan's and younglings in the Temple. The doors started to open where he whispered down to me with a kiss to my forehead. "I love you no matter what they say." Lifting my head up I stared into his blue eyes mumbling back when the doors fully opened. "I love you too." Entering the room I see my master, Yoda and Master Windu all gazes trained on us.
"Bend a knee Kenobi and L/n." Windu instructed pointing to the floor so I slowly bend down on my right knee. Obi-wan followed behind me never breaking eye contact with them. We haven't even been married twenty-four hours and they already suspected us. "Master Yoda, I understand if you're angry. But don't take it out on Obi-wan. Just take it out on me." I begged with pleading eyes to my master. He sits still in his chair raising his index finger at me. "Angry with you padawan, I am not. Judgements of your marriage to Master Kenobi the council will discuss." Sucking a lump in my throat my gaze shifted to my newlywed husband. Obi-wan tried to keep his nerves down but I can clearly see right through his tough demeanor.
Master Windu and Yoda turned to watch the other before rising to their feet. "Obi-wan and Y/n Kenobi, the councils judgment is that...you may remain in the Jedi Order and stay married." I nearly fell over in disbelief at those words. I never imagined that they would allow us to stay. I thought they'd make us give up our lightsabers forever. "Thank you, Masters." Obi-wan immediately responded with a bow before I run up hugging my Master without a thought. He slowly hugs back giving a smile back to me. Once I broke the hug Obi-wan picked me up and twirling me in circles of laughter. I grinned getting set on my feet resting my hands on his forearms. "I love you, Obi-wan." He wrapped his left arm around my waist tugging me closer to his embrace. His other hand resting to my cheek finally pressing his lips onto mine. "I love you too, Y/n Kenobi."
"Master Yoda, we're going out for a little while." I spoke tugging my husband out into the hallway grinning. Master Yoda looked to Master Windu resting his hands on his cane. "Powerful their children will be. Time to change the Order it seems." Windu nodded in agreement exiting the room. Obi-wan suddenly picked me up over his shoulder making me squeal uncontrollably. "Obi-wan, put me down!" He chuckled sitting me on my feet intertwining our hands together. He tugs me outside onto the balcony where the sun is just starting to set in the distance. "So I have been thinking about something darling. How many kids would you want?" I snorted accidentally draping my arms around his neck, climbing on his lap when he sits down. "Hmm not sure. Two maybe three. All I care about is getting to see a mini Obi-wan in the future. What about you?" He nuzzles his face into my hair beard ticking me a little. "It doesn't matter. So long as I get to keep being a Jedi and hold you just like this everyday." I press my lips to his laying my head on his chest, watching the sunset smiling like a child.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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yukipri · 2 years
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So. Uh. This was unintentional.
For those of you following my main fic, the Prime Override, you know that the past big chunk o' chapters has been about Durge, also known as the Tentacle Dude (not really, but also yes really).
And while I was writing it, my mind wandered on tangents, as it does, and one of the less helpful tangents was, "lmao, if the 2003 Tartakovsky Clone Wars was a popular Japanese anime with a sexier art style, there would be so much tentacle p*rn with Durge x Obi-Wan."
And it lead me to consider that hmm, I actually...don't think I've ever seen that ship before??? HMMMM....
And then this happened.
It's up on my Patreon, on the $5+ Tier!
To be fully transparent about what it is, details and disclaimers below!
● This is technically N*/S*/F*/W*, and a comic, and thus it will only be on the $5+ Tiers. Usually, the vast majority of my content is on the $1 Tier available to all patrons, but in the extremely rare cases that I do draw N/S/F/W, it is limited to higher Tiers for my own protection, and to thank those patrons for their support. Any patron on the $5 Tier or higher can access this post.
● This comic will never be public, none of my N*/S*/F*/W* art content ever will be. In fact, one of the main reasons why I started Patreon is so that I have a safe environment to post such content if I feel like creating it. My Patreon is set to 18+, which means that every patron must be over 18 to even sign up, which makes me feel much safer about who might see it. (if you lie about your age...well, that's between you, Patreon, and your credit card provider. Don't do it.)
● Given that this is a tentacle hen*tai PARODY, and Durge is very much an enemy, it is non-consensual. However, again Parody is the key word. I do not take this comic seriously, and it is not meant to be taken seriously. If it's still not your thing, please avoid!
● It is only one page long. For those of you expecting a massive 10 page comic with actual story, lmao, that it is not ^ ^; It is a very short spur of the moment thing I did in two days and was not willing to spend more time on. (I may be open to adding a follow up, depending on how folks feel about this page!)
● There are tentacles. And slime. Given that it is tentacle hentai and all. Clothes melt...but AH HA! Obi-Wan is actually wearing clone armor in this!! So, he is showing far less skin that you may otherwise expect in this scenario. ● Yes, if you sign up for my Patreon to view this, you'll be able to see all of my other posts too! While I rarely post N*/S*/F*/W* content, I regularly post advance access to my regular posts, WIPs, Art Process, exclusive commentary, higher resolution/less watermarked art, and more!
Honestly I think that's about as much warning I can give without giving a detailed step by step description, and what's the fun in that? ANYWAY, for those of you interested, who are already patrons or are interested in signing up, check out this post! BUT proceed at your own risk!!
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lilredghost · 5 months
baby im so sorry i disappeared but!!!! oh my god oh my GODDDD
"Must be some kind of karmic retribution, I suppose." His husband tilts his head to the ceiling, where the skylight shows the smallest sliver of the afternoon sun. "Being bound to someone who won't ever love me."
Anakin feels his knees buckle, heart breaking for the man in front of him. “Obi-Wan,” he breathes. “Who says I don’t love you?” oh this killed me, and the fact that obi still doesnt believe it??? "I thought it was going to be better, then," Obi-Wan says. "Life, I mean. I didn't know what to do, when—" jbkdbhiwhbedfvuivg anakin oh godddddddd i cried during this chapter i kid u not im still emotional “I didn’t choose you then, Obi-Wan Kenobi. But I’m choosing you now.” i loved this before, ii love it now, ill love it forever, between this and eye uff you, i can die happy Obi-Wan may not be an omega— and Anakin may not be an alpha or beta— but he's beginning to think that maybe it doesn't matter. the ironyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! also??? obi standing up for himself in front of shmi??? chefs kiss. amazing. delicious aura tinging sweet and shy with the scent of blackberries. im still following the scents, so citrusy normal, and blackberries when hes horny?? huffing with irritation when he realises there must be some trick to doing it without getting your fingers wet. kbkjbhihv yessss lmaooo i relate so hard i love love LOVE the ritual you inserted, of passing along the flame, so to speak, so very poetic all signs pointing to obis heat im cacklinggg im so so sooo sorry for disappearing 😭😭i have no excuse, i just couldnt be on tumblr or on ao3 like before and i felt so guiltyyy forgive me pleasee
No problem babe. I missed you but I know people have lives and all that! You can always hit me up on discord for non-fandom talk too, I hope everything's going well for you 💕
It's definitely been a very emotional few chapters, lots of ups and downs. Obi-Wan is slowly, slooowly starting to believe Anakin loves him, I think. At the least, he feels reassured while they're together.
Obi-Wan snapping back at Shmi was something I initially had no idea how to do, but I felt like it was really, really necessary. His type of character won't hold a grudge, but that doesn't mean his feelings weren't hurt 🥺
Also I'm honestly gonna have to get back to you on the scent thing because I initially didn't have blackberries for embarassment but then I found it in my drafts so I just left it like that. And of course we've also got jogan fruit added to the scent profile (not that that's "canon" yet I guess). I might rearrange the way that I had been thinking of it in my head, but first I have to reread the text and make sure that my new idea makes sense 😅 I'll make a more in-depth post at some point!
re: the ritual thank you soooo much, I really loved it. I've known for a while that I wanted it to conceptually be passing knowledge down (especially since the Freed are, by necessity, so big on oral tradition), but for some reason that scene was SO difficult to write. It haunted me for weeks with half-written drafts until I finally got a version that satisfied me enough to post...
Also, I hate to tell you, but like. As correct as you are about Obi-Wan's impending heat, it's also wayyyyyy out there on the timeline. There are so many other thigns that are going to happen first 😭
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notthestarwar · 5 months
(modern au. there is a whole global war conspiracy thing. Cody has been a soldier since he was a child. theres a lot of backstory to this one lol. but all you really need to know is that Cody has aquired a baby and Obi Wan has had little to say about it.)
When Obi Wan enters the kitchen that morning, Cody is sat with his chair pulled out in front of Boba. There is a high chair. He's trying to feed the child something mashed and orange. The sight of it throws Obi Wan for a moment.
"Morning!" Cody replies brightly.
Obi Wan eyes the highchair, the plastic bowl and spoon that they did not have yesterday. The baby. 
His eyes settle on the mashed…something. "Is he old enough for that? Shouldn't he be having milk?"
Cody pulls a face. "Jango had already started him on food and apparently you can't un-introduce food. It's OK though.” He makes another attempt to move the spoon towards Boba’s mouth. “They've just got to be able to sit up and be interested in eating it and its fine, I checked."
Obi Wan looks between Boba and the orange mush. He does not look interested in eating it.
Cody notices his gaze. "Ah yeah. They just have to be interested in any food. That's how you know they are ready. He's fine. He just... doesn't like my cooking I guess?"
Obi Wan notices the used pan on the stove.  "Cody Dear," He tries again. "You know I'd follow you anywhere."
Cody continues to try and steer the spoon of mush into the baby's mouth.
"I love you" He tries, Cody remains distracted.
"Cody, you know that nothing is too much when it comes to you. I'll help you with anything, we will get through anything."
Cody is finally turning to look at him.
"Dear I just need to know... will your bro-"
Cody's face twitches minutely.
"Boba." Obi Wan tries. "Will Boba be staying with us?"
Cody looks conflicted. "We didn't set a time window exactly"
Oh for the love of. 
"Darling. I'm just going to say it.” Obi Wan says.  “Do you want us to keep Boba? Because if you do, we will make this work. It will be hard work but I'll help you raise him happily.”
“But if you don't...Cody, this is Jango.” He says gently. “Please tell me you are not just expecting him to collect his child.” Obi Wan asks. “I'm sorry to say it but I really don't need to tell you! The man has a terrible track record." He meets Cody’s eyes. "What is the plan here? Please tell me there is a plan."
Cody looks uncomfortable. There is clearly no plan. 
There is a beat of silence before Cody begins talking. "Obi Wan he was investigating a War conspiracy with a baby strapped to his chest!” He argues. “There was a gun holstered next to Boba's foot!" Cody points to said foot. "I'll admit i wasn't really thinking, OK, and no I haven't really thought ahead on this one but I couldn't leave a baby, not with Jango."
"And that is completely fair. " Obi Wan placates. "But what now? I just want to be on a level understanding with you, what conversation did you and  Jango have? Let's figure out what we are going to do next."
Cody avoids his gaze. "It wasn't really a conversation as such. I found them in a hotel room. When I walked in,  Jango asked me to hold him while he did something and I… never really gave him back"
"What." Obi Wan asks, dumbstruck.
"I know it sounds ridiculous but this is Jango! We talked for a while about why he was here, I asked about boba and he told me he found him a few months ago and that his mum was dead. He said that they’ve been together since then.”
“He told me he likes banana and told me the war is a farce. Then he told me there's one person at the top pulling the strings. One person behind the Army, all of the wars, hiring Jango, all of it. Then he told me Boba is not a fan of custard."
"Right,” Obi Wan exhales, “that's a lot."
"Yeah isn't it,” Cody agrees.
Obi Wan looks at Boba for a moment. "Cody I absolutely think he may have given you the baby."
Cody looks to Boba, as if considering this for the first time."Oh. Yeah.  I thought the food thing was..."
"And when he didn't ask for him back." Obi Wan prompts.
"Yeah well he might still ask? Later? I wasn't volunteering exactly,” Cody says, “he's switched sides and is embroiled in a conspiracy I mean... this investigation, he's going to get himself killed!”
“Boba shouldn't be involved in that, he's a baby." He protests.
"Yes, that is true I suppose.” Obi Wan relents. “Though I also suppose, what you need to know is,  if Jango does survive and does return,  will you give Boba back?"
"Obi Wan, I really don't think he knows what he's doing. There was a gun-"
"Holstered next to the baby,” Obi Wan finishes, “you said."
Cody waves the spoon, mush still uneaten, in his hand. "And I'm pretty sure the reason he won't eat this is because Jango has only been feeding him fruit and these little jars of baby pudding."
Obi Wan considers this. "That's probably fine.  The fruit I mean. Not... whatever baby pudding is."
"It's not,” Cody tells him. “I checked."
"Right.” Obi Wan nods. Considering for a moment, that he doesn’t really know anything about babies. “Yes, well. Anakin was…bigger." He explains.
There's a pause
"Dear,  if you want us to make this work we will, but we really don't know anything about babies. Are you sure we'll really do a better job than Jango?"
"Obi Wan. It's Jango. " Cody says blankly. 
"Yes, that is… Cody, do you want us to do better than Jango? Do you want us to raise,  I'm going to say it,” he warns, “Cody, do you want us to raise your brother?” He asks.“Because I am willing if you are. If this is what you want. But  need to know that this is what you want and this isn’t just not some misplaced sense of duty."
"Its not misplaced." Cody frowns. "He's. He's my. He's. He's a baby. "
Obi Wan looks back at the boy. "That he is."
"He deserves better than Jango." Cody says weakly.
"Of that I have no doubt." Obi Wan agrees. "It doesn't have to be you though.”
“We'll find him a good home whatever, adoption, parenting classes for Jango, whatever. He will be safe and he will be loved. Cody, what do you want?"
"I want to be in his life. Whatever. I didn't get to know Ponds, I hardly knew Fives, I don't know what happened to that other woman's baby. I just. I want him to know what family he's got."
"That we can do." Obi Wan pinches the bridge of his nose. "How does this sound? We'll care for him till Jango has finished investigating.”
He sighs. “The war...I think that I've been avoiding this war too long. I think… Something tells me that things are all about to come to a head. Let’s…Wait and see, OK."
"In the meantime, if Jango turns up and wants to take him with him, we will tell him to come back when there isn't a price on his head. We will agree to look after Boba until this all comes to a head.”
“After that, well, we'll have to see what Jango wants. He is his father-" He reminds him, wincing at the look on Cody's face "I know dear but that is the legal standing and frankly if he's finally decided to step up, Boba deserves to have him in his life.  Even if he does want custody, we'll see if he can't settle near here or even, we can move.”
He meets his gaze, strong and sure and Cody is reminded just why he fell for him. 
“Cody, we will make this work." Obi Wan tells him. 
Cody is hit with an overwhelming wave of emotion. He wants to jump up and embrace him, but well… thanks to Boba he is still covered in mashed vegetables, and he isn't sure that Obi Wan would appreciate sharing this with them.
"I love you. Thank you, just. Thank you." He tells him instead. 
"You don't have to thank me. You know if Anakin one day returns you'll have to put up with him, dear. That's what love is. That's what family is. You're my family." Obi Wan reminds him. 
"I know I don't have to. I want to though. You're more than I deserve"
"Rubbish! I'm everything you deserve as you are to me, you know if we didn't know we have Jango to thank for your existence, I might say you were made for me. Everything I need and nothing less."
"Aren't you a charmer"
"Well dear..."
And that's when Boba starts screaming to be let out of the chair
"Ah the realities of children. Are you sure?" Obi Wan asks him, with a slight smile. 
Cody smiles back, "fostering till Jango sorts himself out," he confirms with a nod.
"Good. I'm glad to hear it. Now then, we probably need things? What exactly did Jango give you?" Obi Wan asks.
"The baby." Cody says dully. 
"Wait" Obi Wan says, looking around. 
"The baby and a small bag," Cody amends, “I've been shopping."
"Of course you have, Obi Wan says with a resigned smile. “You know at times you are a little too competent. It almost seems like showing off.”
“Right then, tell me what's on the list you've inevitably already made of things you haven't already bought. when did you even..."
"24-hour supermarket" Cody admits. "Luckily for us it's their seasonal baby event, I got all sorts" He lifts Boba into his arms.
"Quite." Cody agrees. "We do still need quite a bit"
"Of course we do. Give me the rundown then,  what we have, what we don't,  anything else you've come across in your reading in the last..." Obi Wan checks the clock, "11 hours.” He shakes his head. “How have you already done so much?" He asks. 
Cody frowns. "Coming in to a baby was a bit nerve inducing, actually. He's pretty fragile. Had to make a plan to deal with it."
"Of course.” Obi Wan says fondly. “Well it's a shared load now and I'm willing to learn.”
“I might need a little time till I'm on your level so until then just point and shoot, I'll do anything you need.”
“Actually,  I think I'll call in to the office and take a few weeks off? It'll be no problem,  they've got it covered and I think maybe we shouldn't take on any new cases till we know more about this whole war situation.”
“I can't believe Quin has been moonlighting!” He harumphs. “Unbelievable."
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kingdomvel · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
From two different works today!!
This first one is from Returning Hope, which I think I may post tomorrow?? idk, depends on how much rereading I want to do.
When they are finished Anakin looks at the baby for a few seconds and then around, “there must be something around here the baby can eat that we can take.” He says while getting up.
Obi-Wan hadn’t thought about that.
“Do you think he can eat stuff? Do we have to get milk for him?” he asks, getting up after Anakin to follow him into the other room, the baby still in his arms.
“Hmm probably both, he looks about 7-8 months old? He can eat mushy things.”
“How do you know?” Obi-Wan asks while Anakin starts opening cabinets and drawers.
Anakin pauses and looks at him with confusion. “Because I took care of my nephew when he was that age?”
Oh, right. Anakin’s nephew, a boy around Leia’s age that he had helped raise when he was still back in Tatooine. Luke.
“Right” Obi-Wan says. He rocks Sek and pats his back lightly while he looks at Anakin and he looks back at him.
“You have no idea how to take care of a baby, do you?” Anakin asks. Obi-Wan shrugs and Anakin laughs, “good thing you have me with you.”
“Yeah,” Obi-Wan answers softly, “good thing you are here with me.”
This second one is from the physical therapist Obi-Wan AU, which will be coming... at some point
"Wait a second here.”
Obi-Wan grabs three of the pints – Anakin guesses the fourth one is for him – and walks back to the place his friends are standing at next to a table. Quinlan immediately grabs one of the pints and downs half of it while two girls get the other ones from Obi-Wan’s hands. Obi-Wan must be talking, even if Anakin can only see his back, because Quinlan brings his pint down and looks towards the bar, his eyes roaming a bit before he finds Anakin and his face splits with a grin. Anakin waves at him, Quinlan returns the wave very briefly before he is turning back towards Obi-Wan.
Anakin knows teasing when he sees it. He recognizes it in the way Quinlan is laughing at Obi-Wan, saying something Anakin can’t hear, in the way he hits his shoulder and shakes him briefly. Obi-Wan shakes off his hand and starts walking backwards with a wave before he turns back to properly walk towards Anakin again, just at the same time as Quinlan shouts a ‘get him Kenobi!’.
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Rigged from the Start
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I'm Ryn, and I've been working on a fanfic surrounding an AU for weeks now, and it's all coming together!
This AU is based off of @oifaa's Rebel's AU and RPs from @thistechnologicalterror, @passcode-8-1-0-8, @captain-tyrannosaurus, @there-is-another-skywalker, @zia-zia-bo-bia, @ginger-jedi-twink, @104th-plo-koon, @oona-the-trash-can-not-cannot, @little-wolffepup, @104commanderwolffe, @kaos-and-order, as well as art from @shyranno. I've gotten permission from all of them, and I'm excited to share this!
I will start posting when I have fifteen or so chapters already written, and go from there.
If you want more info regarding this AU, please check out the blogs up above. They'll give you an idea of what to expect.
If you want to be tagged, please send me a message using the ask box!
If you have any questions, please use my main (@jiabeewrites) to ask them!
The preview is under the cut!
UPDATE: THIS WILL BE POSTED ON AO3! You can find it here! You can find the wattpad version here!
Anakin Skywalker has fucked up.
Wait. Kriff. That's not right.
Because it's not his fault.
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Anakin Skywalker tried to warn them.
Do or do not. There is no try.
But they didn't listen. They never did.
Listen, because some wars are silent.
And because of their ignorance, the Republic, the GAR, the Jedi Council, all of it is gone.
The path of ignorance is guided by fear.
Now, there's just a handful of battered Jedi, Clone Troopers, and freedom fighters left. The rest have gone into hiding, fearful for their lives.
The fight is done. We lost.
And for a while, Anakin has given up all hope. That is, until he hears a voice.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi is tired.
The costs of war can never be truly accounted for.
He doesn't want to fight anymore. He's had enough.
Survival is one step on the path to living.
There's nothing left for him now. Everything he knew turned out to be a lie.
Truth was the first casualty.
Obi-Wan needs help. More than that, he needs closure.
Sometimes, accepting help is harder than offering it.
But that may have to wait until he hears what his former Padawan has to say.
A wise leader knows when to follow.
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Zia Ma'a needs to run.
You can change who you are, but you cannot run from yourself.
She's parenting a child she didn't even create, and her girlfriend has been reported dead.
But what is grief if not love persevering?
Zia vowed to leave her past behind her, looking to a new future after the war.
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.
But with the dawn of the Empire on the rise, she can't just sit there while people are suffering.
Freedom is never free.
Which is why she doesn't think twice when accepting Ahsoka's offer.
One must let go of the past to hold on to the future.
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Theodosia Skywalker feels helpless.
Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.
The galaxy thinks she's dead. Her brother and niece have gone missing.
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Everything in her life just seems to be crashing down around her.
Grief is a recurring battle. Heartbreak is an frequent enemy.
Evil has corrupted the path she was on, and now, she has no choice but to forge a new one.
If there is no path before you, create your own.
But Theo soon realizes that the Empire doesn't have as tight of a grip on the galaxy as it thinks it does.
There is no such thing as Greater Good, but there is such a thing as Great Evil, and it will win if you don’t stop to Think.
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kimium · 1 year
Bar AU Power Couple Hall Of Fame
(as of June 23, 2023)
Who do you think should be inducted from the following options and why:
-Aizawa/Present Mic from My Hero Academia
-Obi/Hinawa from Fire Force
Please choose One (1). 😈
*remaining couples can be selected in upcoming years. More couples to be added as we expand the Bar AU. Because maybe, just maybe, I plan on making this an annual ask hehe.*
Hello friend! Sorry I'm a day late. I had to think about this. Love the ask, so let's get started.
First, let's set my criteria. See, while people see the term "Power Couple" and immediately think "Okay, so both have to be strong" with strength = strong. I disagree. If we were to go on power level alone, Gojo/Geto/Nanami would sweep the competition. All three of them are powerhouses with Gojo one of the main Powerhouses in JJK. What I'm looking for is the couple that isn't necessarily the most "powerful" in their respective series, but the one that works well together. Their powers have to compliment one another.
Next, they also need to be able to communicate with one another like any functioning adult. Being powerful is one thing, but if you can't talk to one another when you're stressed then Bad Things (TM) will happen. All of these characters are, after all, from shonen series. Case in point: canonical Satosugu. No, we need characters who know their hard limits and talk to one another when they need a shoulder to lean on.
There needs to be a little bit of bitchy energy because let's face it, sometimes we need someone to lean over to and whisper our minor grievances/judgements upon annoying people in public. If this turns into an inside joke between the couple, so much the better.
The couple also needs to know what the other likes and sometimes gets side tracked in their work/daily life to purchase or send a message to their significant other saying "This reminded me of you". It's that instant love and "I'm thinking of you" quality that brings their personal connection deeper.
Finally, the couple has to clean up well/look presentable. Of course, the high bar is the couple that always looks fashionable, but we can't have everything. (Unless you're Vil/Rook, then you have it all but I digress.) Whether it's for a fancy party or daily life, I believe power couples need to dress well.
So, in my humble opinion, the one couple that should be inducted to the Power Couple Hall of Fame is...
Aizawa/Present Mic from BNHA.
Aizawa is the easy one to pin for the first criteria of "strength". We see continually in the series how valuable his Erasure quirk is and how he "evens the playing field". He also is a master at hand-to-hand and with his signature capture weapon to make the fight end quicker, he's a force to be reckoned with. It's even to the point that during the Raid Arc, Shigaraki goes after Aizawa before Deku or Endeavour.
While Present Mic doesn't have the desire to be the strongest hero, preferring to DJ on the side of being a teacher, I think he has one of the strongest quirks in BNHA. Sound is in our daily lives to the point we don't think about it. However, when our sound is disrupted that's when things go bad. High frequencies over a short time can do damage but over long time? Yeah, that's deadly. When their abilities are working together, Aizawa and Present Mic are a neutralize and capture team all on their own.
Next, I talked about communication. While it would seem Present Mic is the one more open with his "feelings", I don't think we should be caught in Aizawa's "grumpy" personality. Half of that personality is due to being exhausted from patrol and dealing with teenagers learning their quirks + hormones daily. Yeah, I understand your pain, Aizawa. I think your grumpiness is deserved. Anyways, I think Aizawa may be more quiet about voicing his feelings, but he's not afraid to talk to Mic privately. Plus, they're both heroes and they know their jobs can be dangerous. They have to be open with one another or risk taking their baggage into the classroom/job.
Bitchy energy is next and if you don't think Aizawa and Present Mic have given each other The Look after someone annoying as heck has pestered them, you're wrong. I bet they have inside jokes about people who pissed them off, complete with Mic attempting to mimic their voices rather successfully. I also think with all the students they've taught, they've had entitled students/parents who become a work place "Remember when" sort of story to laugh about years later.
As for knowing what one another likes, while I believe Present Mic is more prone to finding a gift and bringing it to Aizawa, I think Aizawa returns the favour frequently! It's super cute and I think sometimes after missions/DJ work the two bring something back for one another. Even if it's something small.
Finally, always looking presentable. While Present Mic always pulls this off as a DJ with a notable public presence, Aizawa daily... yeah that's not happening. However, I thought back to when Aizawa had to wear the suit when they publicly apologized for the summer camp fiasco with Bakugo kidnapped. He was sporting a nice suit and looked decently cleaned up. I'm certain if Mic asked him, Aizawa would put in the effort.
So, there we have it! My criteria and reasons why I think Aizawa/Present Mic should be, as this moment, the Power Couple of the Bar AU.
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