#if you have anything you want to add feel free
sulumuns-dootah · 2 days
Your work inspires me so much!! If its ok, could i request something…? I´m in need of some angsty headcanons, since i dreamed about this particular scenario… How would the kings (who are deeply in love) react after discovering that his beloved MC is madly in love with one of their most faithful subordinates? MC has rejected their romantic advances before, but they are only now realizing why… And that… Hurts. I imagine would be Satan-Sitri, Beel-Bael, Levi-Foras, Mammon-Bimet?, Luci-Marbas? (my heart can't do this with Gami, its his little broo), and Belph-Beleth. Sorry if my english is bad, but thank you so much for your hard work!
WHB kings reaction to their crush liking someone else
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Aw, thank you and dw your english is good! ^^
Warning: Some of these get a bit yandere :)
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Well, Satan is seeing red
He's unable to look at Sitri the same
In doing so he spends more time with Amy, which makes Sitri mad
The two eventually end up having an argument about it and if you haven't told Sitri yet, he's in for another shock
Being the good king he is, he won't stand in your relationship as long as you hide it in front of him
If he sees you two together without leaving a space for Jesus, one of you is getting kicked across the whole Hell
Also to add onto the angst: his visits to pubs and heavy drinking get more frequent
At some point it gets so bad that the smell of alcohol just carries with him, but his mind is still sound enough to be a king
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Well, this is a first
Wanting something, but he can't have it?
So this is what it's like to be a common peasant
Mammon hates the feeling of that
He would never hurt you, you're his master and you're free to do what you want
Still, that doesn't mean that Bimet won't feel the sting of it
So Mammon gives him less and less change
Bet you feel stupid now, since Bimet has barely any money
Oh, and look... Mammon just so happens to be very hot and fanning himself with a stack of money
Care for a 5* hotel stay at the most expensive spa in all of Hell?
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Full Yandere mode
What, did you expect anything less from the king of Envy?
How foolish you are, really...
Leviathan gets commisioned a golden cage that's installed into his bedroom and that's where you stay
If you try to escape too many times, he'll even go as far as chaining you to the metal construction
For extra security, while he's away, there's at least five of his servants guarding you
If you're to go somewhere, it's only with Leviathan himself
Even Barbatos and Glasyalabolas can't be trusted
Oh, and Foras? He's lucky to even be alive
Anytime they cross paths in the halls, he's hanging from the cieling in a matter of seconds and isn't let go until he's passed out from the lack of oxygen
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Ahahah, nope
That doesn't stop Beel
No, he dosen't even acknowledge the fact
You're his
Bael? You fell for him while he was dressed up as Beel and now you're just confused, silly Y/N.
Is he gaslighting you or himself? Kinda both, actually
Poor Bael is just witnessing the whole thing and can't do anything about it
Beel is just an unstoppable force and nothing can change his mind
It's probably best to just let him forget about his feelings towards you
Let's hope that'll happen within your lifetime, otherwise youv'e got a stalker that defies all natural and supernatural laws
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Now, Belphie might be asleep most of the time, but that still doesn't mean you get to just run around and wanna be with anyone else
Oh, it's Beleth you're into?
Hm, looks like Belphie has to have a lengthy talk with him about it then
Since he hates long convos, it has to be short, sweet and straight to the point
And that's how Beleth finds himself smothered by the king's power as he's practically threatening to make him evaporate if he doesn't back off from you and reject all your advances
(Actually, you can still be in relationship with Beleth outside of the king's palace, but if Belphie finds out from someone else or smells your scent on Beleth, you're both gone)
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Lucifer tries to be as mature as possible, but there's still this jealousy gnawing on him from the inside
Asks Buer to help him with some meditation and breathing excercises to chase away his feelings and the thoughts
As one of the Seraphims, he had to learn to share God's love and this comes in handy
Actualy, what's wrong with having more than one partner? This is Hell, afterall...
The rest of his nobles know not to bring up you or Marbas in the same sentence or even the same context
Luci, being the demon of pride and all, firmly believes, that your feelings for Marbas are just temporary and soon you'll come to realise which demon is superior to that sex-crazed maniac
If things take a little too long for his liking, however, he's not against serving you a special type of tea strained through his underwear to speed things up
But don't worry, he's doing this for your own good :)
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hungerpunch · 1 day
things to pay attention to when observing a captive animal
re: lrb i figured i might as well just stick these in its own post since this is, in fact, one of the big animal video websites.
i know that most people do not have access to wild animals on the reg and i know that most people have not had continuing education about the care of captive wild animals. fwiw, neither do i! but over the years i have watched enough documentaries and read up on enough failed animal "sanctuaries" to have gathered a lot of tips. so here are some easy things anyone can keep an eye out for!
1. is the animal's enclosure relatively clean or are there signs of accumulated filth? some wear & tear is expected but you shouldn't see what looks like multiple days of shit, piss, food scraps, etc. an animal's enclosure should be cleaned every day.
2. can you see obvious access to water sources and does that water look clean? if you don't see clean-looking & full buckets, troughs, or a natural source of running water, you should question whether that animal has anything to drink.
3. is the animal left alone when it walks away or does the caretaker continue to follow and bother it? perhaps understandable if something medical needs to take place, but if it's just for "fun" or something that doesn't seem totally necessary, that's a bad sign. an animal should be free to walk away from something pestering it.
4. if outside, is there shelter from the elements? something like a run-in shed, open barn, thicket of trees, natural overhang etc. animals need sources of shade to protect themselves from sun exposure and heat.
5. can you see enrichment toys or materials? especially true for smaller zoos where animals can't roam much. you want to see evidence that there's an effort to provide mental stimulation to the animal.
6. is the animal displaying repetitive behaviors like pacing or walking in small circles? because that's bad! it could indicate anything from anxiety to psychosis.
7. if you search for pics of the animal in the wild does its body shape approximate examples you find? it should. if the animal is much thinner, it could indicate starvation. if it's much rounder, it could indicate that although it's being fed, it's not being fed an appropriate diet. (think of those captive tigers with bellies that almost touch the floor, for example)
8. is the animal entirely alone or do you see other animals with it? most animals want some form of companionship. of course some animals are kept solitary for safety reasons or maybe they're loners in the wild. but most animals benefit from social interaction with other animals.
9. if in a zoo, does the animal have a place it can retreat from the public? it should!
10. does the animal display aggressive behaviors like charging its caretakers? it could indicate the animal has been traumatized or abused in some way.
11. in good zoos, the keepers will physically handle an animal as little as possible. so if you see the animal being manhandled a lot, that's a bad sign.
if you see these signs, you can try to find mechanisms that let you report the facility to local animal welfare agencies. and you can also not engage/boost that content and instead go engage with a reputable sanctuary or conservation-forward zoo instead :)
also please keep in mind that every time a captive wild animal goes viral, the exotic pet trade booms—and it's completely despicable. wild animals should not be pets. end of. if anyone else has other tips to add, please feel free!
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gaylorvader · 13 hours
Agatha All Along:Teen Identity Theory
Spoilers for episodes 1-3 and multiverse of madness
Disclaimer:Sorry if I repeat myself or ramble I'm writing this as I think of it. Also feel free to correct me on anything I get wrong or add to it.
Ok so this theory is very-
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-but hear me out. So we don't know Teen's name, or his background. Either the sigil on him stopped Agatha from hearing it or something else did idk(the scene in the car). But my theory about him is that he might be Wiccan aka Billy Maximoff.
Now I know that there are hints that he's Agatha's lost son but I feel like that's too obvious and might be a misdirect. My dad watched it with me and he also agrees that it seems to obvious.
I don't know Wiccan's story exactly so I might get some shit wrong, please correct me if I do. But from just quickly looking it up it says that Wiccan(Billy) and Speed(Tommy) are reincarnations of Wanda's sons.
They both had different families before reuniting and realizing they're twins. So Teen having a dad at least doesn't disprove him being Wiccan.
Wiccan also didn't know that Wanda was his bio mother.
Knowing Wanda she's very protective of those she cares for, very much a "the world can burn as long as those I love are safe" type person. So I think maybe subconsciously or an alternate Wanda(though I'm leaning towards the 1st)put that sigil on him to protect him from other witches *cough*Agatha*cough* cause The Scarlet Witch's kids would obviously be a target for people like Agatha, so Wanda would want to protect them.
And I know you might be thinking "but Wanda's dead" but I don't think she is. We never see her body and in media there's a thing of "if you don't see a body they're not dead" and we haven't seen hers.
Yes in Agatha's magic prison thing there was "Wanda's" body but one:we never see the face, and two:that wasn't real it was an illusion.
My dad is also a big Marvel fan and has seen MoM with me as well as this show and he also doesn't think she's dead. Didn't after MoM and still doesn't. And unlike me he's not a Wanda simp
Yes we saw an explosion of her magic in MoM but again we haven't seen her body. We've seen Tony's, we've seen Natasha's, and we've seen Vision's, but no Wanda.
And if Teen really did break Agatha out of Wanda's spell, Wanda The Scarlett Witch Maximoff who's basically a GOD, who else could do that besides her son.
And I mean he has the same fashion sense, so clearly they're related /j
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Also when looking for a good photo of him it seems like some other people have this theory so maybe it's not as crazy as I thought.
That's all I can think of for now, but if I think of anything else, either when the next episode comes out or whatever, I'll probably reblog this to add to it.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk :)
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 21 hours
Hi! 🌊🐚🏄🌺
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I wanted to put together a directory of bloggers for readers and new people coming into the fandom, again, since my first one got deleted. I get asked a lot about where people can go to find certain things, so I thought this would be nice to have multiple perspectives. If you have a favorite blogger, please give them a shoutout by giving them a recommendation to highlight one or more of the reasons why you enjoy their blog/what you know them for.
Please comment on this thread with your recommendations 💕 feel free to recommend yourself as well. ✨ For anonymous recommendations, please drop in my ask box and I’ll add your comment on your behalf. ✨
You can recommended any blogger for anything but here are some ideas to get you started.
For example:
@/username for Drew Updates
@/username for JJ fluff
@/username for dad!Rafe
@/username for GIFs
@/username for moodboards
@/username for Kiara RP
@/username for OBX art
@/username for OBX blog <— no specifications needed you just enjoy the blog overall 🩷
Taking recommendations for all characters as long as it pertains to OBX and the cast 🌺
thanks! 💕
I’ll keep this linked on my pinned post 🦋
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teabeexo · 2 days
Would you recommend Our life? Obviously this is a pretty stupid question but I’ve done some research on it and it seems pretty good!! Is there anything specific about the fanbase or plot I should know about it before I get it? :]
Hello lovely!! Yes, I would completely recommend Our Life! Even though a lot of the fandom has only played OL:NF, the OL game that is currently only out in a demo, I personally started with OL:BA and I do not regret it! If it gives you any perspective on how badly it had me in its grasp, I had over 300+ hours by April (and I bought it November of last year). All the characters are fantastic and very real. The representation in the game is also amazing. Words cannot express how much I love this game.
in terms of fanbase, and some might disagree with me here, it’s relatively stable. Actual arguments seem to be pretty small and contained. There was a big fandom shake recently with something that went down, which was one of the biggest fandom-wide ordeals I’ve seen while being in the community. I’m in the GB Patch Games discord, and most small spats there are dissolved before it can get too bad. This is speaking completely from personal experience, but I would say most of the hostility exists around characters (because there are some characters that people love, while others hate them), but it’s nothing that can’t be brushed off. GB Patch herself has handled issues, but the fandoms opinions on how they’re handled is up in their air. By that I mean, a lot of people have varying feelings. Im sorry if this is very vague, I just want to be broad because there truly are so many opinions and it’s hard to capture them all.
My experience has been very positive overall. One of my current closest online friends was made through this fandom (via the discord)! Most individuals are very kind and respectful, and the diversity in MCs is fantastic!! If you ever need/want to talk about your MCs (or just the game in general) with someone, I’m here! I love it <33
I’d say there’s not any particular warnings for either game — especially since one is incomplete. I’m aware that the details of Cove’s parents (OL:BA) can be triggering for some, or make them uncomfortable, but it’s not fully dived into until a Step 3 DLC moment, so it’s avoidable. One of the love interests, Baxter, also has canonically bigoted parents, but we never see them and Baxter does not hold their views whatsoever. For OL step one, there’s a lot of discussion of divorce and emotion distress that comes from that, so if that’s alarming just be wary!! OL:NF is very much mostly fluff and comfort and setting up characters right now, so if you decide to the play the demo I don’t think there will be any issues there.
It’s very possible there are things I missed, so if anybody else has things to add, feel free to!
IM SO GLAD YOURE INTERESTED AHH!! If you decide to play, I’d love to hear about it! If you want me to go more in-depth on anything, let me know and I will gladly do so. Consider giving the games a shot!! Thank you!
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So I'm going to the movie theater later today (gotta see the new Beetlejuice movie before it stops showing!) and now I'm thinking about some of the TWST boys at the theater.
Riddle would totally be the guy to buy tickets ahead of time, get snacks at the counter (despite the outrageous price) and find the exact seat he paid for
Meanwhile Ruggie would be the one to sneak loads of snacks into the theater so he wouldn't have to deal with the jacked up price for popcorn
Thats pretty much all I have aside from the image of Malleus looking up at the screen looking mildly impressed and asking questions every two minutes
Feel free to tack anything on if you can think of it, I just wanted to share some silly thoughts
I agree, plus you know Riddle gets you guys there extra early just in case. Gets upset if people even talk during the previews.
Dude, they really are expensive and Ruggie would so sneak in stuff, and he's good at doing it...like really good.
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Malleus and Jack prob can't sit in the front since the big ears/horns adds to their already tallness and blocks the screen for the peeps in the back.
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People probably would be too chicken to say anything though.
Though if its Epel and some tall fucker is blocking the screen we will try to fight someone.
Floyd strikes me as a seat kicker and Jade laughs at gory horror movie scenes.
Rook cries like a little bitch at certain scenes with no shame, Azul does it very much with shame and tries to hide it.
Kalim is a talker and both Silver and Leona fall asleep during movies.
(I wish I could go see that movie.)
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thatgirloncrack · 1 day
Before you attack me in the comments just hear me out.  I just reread both the Silver Eyes trilogy and GGY and I couldn’t help but think of the possible parallels between the main four of SET and the main three plus Cassie from GGY/Fnaf sb. If you include Gregbot, and Beckory as canon you start to make connections between the two stories as well as the characters.
Charlie=Gregory John=Tony Jessica=Cassie Carlton=Ellis
Imagine, if you will.
Gregory would be the stand in for Charlie. After the bite of 83, Willam Afton becomes consumed by grief just like Henry was and swears to “put him back together.” And therefore builds Gregory as a replacement. But soon afterwards Afton tricks him and locks Gregory away so he could live his new life as Dave Miller, only to be killed by the missing children.
Years go by and the Pizzaplex just opened. Gregory was discovered by Glitchtrap/The Mimic, and manipulates him into thinking he’s his dad (Willam Afton) to get him under the control of the GlitchTrap virus.
Then the canon events of GGY happen. The only difference is that afterwards Gregory realizes that Afton was a bitch and didn’t love him or CC and that GlichTrap had been lying to him about who he was. He escapes the Pizzaplex with Tony, but then returns in hopes of destroying Glichtrap.
Then the canon events of Fnaf SB and Ruin happen with the three star ending and elevator ending being canon. Gregory moves in with Vanessa, Freddy, and Cassie because her dad went  “missing”.
Years pass and the main four are in high school now. Tony and Greg start dating just like John and Charlie did. The four stupidly visit the now old Pizzaplex, only to be met with terrifying monsters from the TOTPP series.
After their version of The Silver Eyes and The Twisted Ones happens the main four plus Vanessa and Freddy return to the old Pizzaria once again to discover that the GlitchTrap is still present within the Plex. But more surprising, that Rab is alive. After being freed Rab escaped into the Plex’s database to escape deletion. And then worked to build a new body so he can once again serve GlichTrap who he still believes to be his dad (Willam Afton).
The fourth closet happens nearly exactly how it canonical happens but with the Fnaf SB/GGY cast. Rab completes his new body, and sets out to find the ones who nearly destroyed him, Gregory and Tony. Rab would be the replacement for Evil Charlie/Elizabeth Charlie btw.
When Gregory and Rab face off it’s at the old pizzeria in the bottom of the Plex. Gregory leads Rab to the knock-off scooping room from Ruin to get rid of him. This ends up in Gregory also being injured and getting Fredbear (their version of Charlie’s Ella doll) scooped out of him. But unlike Charlie he ends up surviving because of plot armor.
I don’t have anything else besides that, so if you have anything you want to add feel free to leave a comment. Also, if you want to use this as an AU for a fanfic or something go ahead :)
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xylianasblog · 3 days
⋆₊˚ ɢօɖֆ օʄ քǟռɖօʀǟ ⋆₊˚
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𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝓁𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
Hello and welcome! Instead of doing a typical Avatar event we’re going to do something a little different.
This will be an open collaboration for both writers and artists. The theme of this collaboration will be Gods of Pandora, a twist on both Pandora and Greek mythology.
I invite all who are interested to join this collab and have fun with it! There’s no time limit, or day to get it done like a normal event so no pressure! Please take your time but most importantly have fun!
𝑅𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝒸𝒾𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
Anyone can take part as long as you’re eighteen plus.
Open collab is for everyone! all are welcome to join. no limitations on participation. write/draw as many or as few fics or art as you want on your own schedule
Any genre is allowed so fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, anything you want to write.
Minimum word count of 500 words + pieces above this and those with nsfw must have a readmore.
If you use any topics that need a warning, please use warnings and tag appropriately!
There is no deadline for this collab, feel free to post whenever you want to.
If a god/goddess is not on the list, you can still write for them and they will be added to the list
Make sure to tag me in your fics so i can add your fics to the masterlist
Please reblog this post just so it can reach people who would be interested in doing it.
Make sure to put the tag #GODSOFPANDORA
𝒢𝑜𝒹𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂:
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𝐼 𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓃𝑜 𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈, 𝓃𝑜 𝑔𝒾𝒻𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈.
𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓃.
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𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓅𝓈 𝒶𝓈 𝒾𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝓃.
𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒷𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝐼 𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒸𝓇𝒾𝒷𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒹𝑒𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓁 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝓈.
- 𝒳𝓎𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒶
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okiimii · 3 days
Thank you for green lighting my ask!!! I appreciate it <3
I see [and personally have heard] anti-endos claim that endogenic systems are stealing resources, and that's part of the reason they are anti-endos. I just wonder if they know how terminally online that take is?
First of all, what resources are they taking??? Like I have never seen an endo or pro-endo 'steal' resources. If anything, I've seen resources that come from endos or pro-endos that are genuinely helpful for ALL systems. Second of all, if they are seeking resources, that's not inherently 'stealing'. That's just seeking help.
I have one anti-endo friend [so not representative of all] even say they're 'stealing' specialists like??? If they're going to a specialist, that just means they are inherently disordered w/ their plurality and need help- regardless of endo or not. Like are you really going to hate someone for going to therapy? Like isn't that inherently anti-recovery if you don't want someone to seek the help they need? It's just ridiculous to me.
If it's a something with terms, I hope anti-endos realize that a good 95% of terms, in general, are just online community terms. Community terms are meant to be shared. I do believe that traumagenic and endogenics should have separate, and shared, spaces, but it's ridiculous to call an endo a thief over using a community term.
With much love, some anti-endo's just need to get offline. I understand being chronically online, I really do, I'm chronically online myself, but it's really ridiculous to say endos are 'stealing' resources.
[I hope this isn't too negative for your account </3 I just feel like this is something I see a lot in anti-endo spaces, as someone who is in both anti and pro endo spaces. I myself don't identify w/ either label, but the hatred towards endos is really getting ridiculous.]
this is so true!! i have nothing more to add, you explained it very well!
if anyone wants to expand, you’re free to!
endogenics aren’t stealing resources, resources should be free to anyone to needs them. and if endogenics need them, they should be free to use them <3
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wundrousarts · 26 days
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
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Color Legend: Pink prompts are kink related Dark Red prompts are gore related Black / uncolored are general or both
I made a personal prompt list for october :]] I obviously won't do it all but I'll try my best !
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jalo-parker · 6 months
Ghost fans I swear I haven't forgotten about you.. the hermitcraft fixation just came back with a vengeance 😭
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I'm still very much a fan of the band! It's just hard to draw all of my fixations at once, especially since I only post one drawing per week (I would post more but I want my posting to be consistent and if I drew more it definitely wouldn't be💀)
Zero (the one with tiny white horns and brown hair) is my ghoulsona :D
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Thoughts on the patterns of who speaks the episode title phrases in Wolf 359
This analysis is based on the data I gathered in this spreadsheet and summarised with graphs in this post. Basically I've been looking at which character first says the episode title phrase (i.e. the exact words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Go and look at the spreadsheet if you want more context.
I think we can view the episode title phrases as often expressing the key problem or question of that episode. (I might talk about this in relation to individual examples another time.) Through this lens, the consideration of who speaks the title phrase is about which character gets to frame the key issue of the episode for the listener. This doesn't necessarily mean we are meant to share that character's view of the issue, but it's why I think there is some potentially significant analysis to be done on this topic. (See below the cut...)
The proportion of title phrases said by Eiffel reduces with each season. 69.2% of the Season 1 title phrases are (first) spoken by Eiffel, compared to 46.6% in Season 2, 22.2% in Season 3, and 20% in Season 4.
This is perhaps unsurprising. Eiffel is very much the main perspective character and the primary narrative voice at the start of the series. And, as someone with unusual speech patterns, he is excellent at coining a good memorable title phrase. However, while I'd argue that he never stops being the main protagonist, over the course of the series, the narrative focus broadens away from a singular emphasis on Eiffel's perspective. This perspective shift is reflected in episode titles being spoken by a greater range of characters.
I think the decreasing proportion of Eiffel title phrases also reflects the podcast's shift towards a generally more dramatic rather than comedic tone. While Eiffel is capable of being serious at times, I'd argue that his mode of speech is particularly well suited to generating amusing unusual turns of phrase that work well within a more comedic context (e.g. Succulent Rat-Killing Tar, What's Up Doc?, Bach to the Future). As the stakes become higher and the tone becomes less humorous, characters other than Eiffel, who are more often inclined to take things very seriously, are more likely to speak the title phrases.
There's also just the fact that as we get more characters involved in the action on the Hephaestus, the opportunity to speak the title phrase is spread between more characters.
Although Eiffel is by far and away the most common speaker of title phrases in Season 1, in the first three episodes of the whole show, we get all the characters of that season represented in the title phrases. Minkowski speaks the title phrase in the second episode and Hera does in the third episode - but probably quoting a phrase from Hilbert. This gives us a good early indication that, while Eiffel may be the focal point particularly in this season, this is going to be an ensemble show and all of these characters are going to be significant.
Hilbert's only title phrase is in Ep12 Deep Breaths, in the first stage of his mutiny, arguably the only point in the show where he appears to clearly have the upper hand while acting alone.
After the SI-5 are introduced at the beginning of Season 3, we get five Kepler or Jacobi title phrases in a row, which solidifies the SI-5's presence in the show. It also highlights the fact that the SI-5 have taken over the Hephaestus and are now (at least ostensibly) the ones determining the aims of the Hephaestus mission.
In addition, these patterns might be seen to reflect the shift in the show towards a more conflict-focused tone (related but not identical to the movement away from comedy). While Wolf 359 has always been a show full of conflict, the balance of this conflict shifts with the arrival of the SI-5. For the first team, our protagonists are facing a unified team of antagonists. The potential for violence feels higher, as do the stakes. This might explain why, while we only had one antagonist-spoken title phrase across Seasons 1 and 2 (Hilbert in Ep12 - Lovelace doesn't get a title phrase while she's serving as an antagonist), 44.4% of our Season 3 title phrases are first spoken by antagonists.
The only title phrase spoken by Maxwell is spoken by her in a recording that we hear after her death. This isn't even the only posthumous title phrase spoken from the past in Season 4 - we've got one from Commander Zhang of the Tiamat as well. It's an interesting kind of legacy, an interesting way to emphasize the questions characters leave behind after death, recalling similar themes to those explored in Ep46 Boléro.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
Feel free to ignore this if you’ve answered it before, but if the swap au were made into an irl videogame, how much would the gameplay differ from security breach?
Which animatronics would try to attack swap!cassie and would the iconic game events (such as the big music man chase scene) play out similarly? Would there be any additional endings?
Oooo, this is an interesting ask!!
Which animatronics would try to attack Swap!Cassie? All of the usual ones, with the addition of Glam. Bon & Glam. Freddy, since they are also under the control of the virus.
The only one who fully wouldn’t be able to attack is Glam. Chica, as, mentioned in other post, is the one missing/destroyed instead of a certain rabbit.
Would the iconic game events play out similarly? You mentioned DJ Music Man specifically, so I’ll just talk about that, unless you’re wondering about another part of the game.
In the actual game, Glam. Fred can’t accompany you in the DJMM section because of his glitch, right? Well... neither Swap!Vanny or Swap!Glitchtrap would have a problem like that.
So, in the DJMM section, Swap!Glitchtrap and/or Swap!Vanny would be able to freely accompany you, and definitely into a bunch of other areas, too.
How much would the gameplay differ from Security Breach? Well... decommissioning the animatronics, from the original, could still be a part of it... but more accidental. If anything, Cassie would want to help them.
Upgrades wouldn’t happen either—so even less of a reason (game-play wise) to decommission and collect the three’s parts. Swap!Vanny’s human, and wouldn’t need those—and while Swap!Glitchtrap is physical, he’s not an animatronic.
As for additional endings... I’m not too certain—though, unfortunately, I do think that the Princess Quest ending would be removed/doesn’t really happen in the AU.
It’s kind of because I have Swap!Vanny, and I just haven’t gotten a replacement to take her original place... like a Reluctant Follower Jeremy. I’ve thought about it, but I don’t want to add one.
So... only one villain in the Plex, putting the virus into animatronics, etc—and he doesn’t have a Reluctant Follower joining him in the process.
The other remaining endings would play out a bit differently, given its a Swap, but would still be relatively the same. Example: The Disassemble Ending.
In the actual game, it happens to Glam. Fred. Here, it would specifically happen to Glitchtrap, etc.
I think there still could be additional endings, I just haven’t thought of what they would involve/be.
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xdarkabyssx · 8 months
The dgm community is amazing but way too small I want to spend hours reading other people's theories and hot takes each release but alas :(
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
Do you have any recommendations for books that are similar to acod?
Unfortunately, not really. I and others are on the hunt for them, though!
Primary one so far is The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir--the style of "fuck you knowing who the hell the mc/narrator is is a privilege not a right" is strong there. Similar in how drastically different events/understanding is at the beginning vs the end. Delightful science fantasy story. like acod you WILL be confused
On a related note: this is a list of books similar to TLT, so by extension you may find something there worth reading/similar to acod?
And I have yet to read him for myself, so this might be off, but I've heard good things about Ken Liu's books? About the plot and character complexity. Personally have been meaning to start the Dandelion Dynasty
Also if you're willing to branch out of books, I know I rec it a lot, but Black Sails (to me) has a similar vibe. It's not fantasy, but the layers to every action, the secrecy, the reveals, the character depth and how everyone overlaps and clashes with each other. Very compelling
I wish I could give you more! since acod i've been wanting to find more like it, but it is a process--we will get there, though!
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