#if you scanned the qr code you could like sort of talk to it
myeldritchromance · 5 months
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Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya || The Primitive Sign of Wanting (2024)
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Part Four - Baker Steve/Rock Star Eddie wrong number AU - Final chapter/complete
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
The kids are quiet in the back.
There ended up being ten of them. Once Steve realized that eight people would not fit in his car, he talked to Nancy. Nancy sighed out of her nose the way she does, but Steve already knew she was going to say yes, especially with Mike ready to literally throw himself at her feet to beg.
And then obviously Jonathan had to come along. Turns out he actually, really, genuinely likes Corroded Coffin and was as excited as the kids to learn Steve had tickets. Well, excited in that understated, no energy for anything ever way that Jonathan has about him.
So yeah, Mike went with Nancy and Jonathan, which meant Dustin and Will got pushed in that direction. Steve could breathe a sigh of relief; that left him with Max, El, and Lucas. The sensible ones. The nice ones.
If you ignore how scathing Max could be. So the girls have an earbud each from Max’s phone and Lucas seems to be content to stare out of the window while Max stoically pretends they aren’t holding hands.
It’s cute.
Robins’ looking at the side of his face, Steve can feel it. He raises an eyebrow, ‘what?’
Robin raises both her eyebrows tips her whole head in question, ‘how you feeling?’
Steve shrugs, tilts his head dismissively. The he rethinks his answer for a more honest one, lifting one hand off the wheel to, out of sight of the kids, make a rocking gesture, ‘so-so.’
Robin nods sympathetically, seeming content with his answer, ‘that’s fair.’
He’d told Robin, obviously, that he’d hit it off with a customer and developed a monster crush and hopefully fingers and toes crossed that customer liked him back. He had not told her who Eddie actually is though, because even though it’s Robin and Steve did once get her to look at his dick because he thought something looked weird, (“It looks weird Steve, it’s a dick.” “Yeah, but weird like, see a doctor weird?”) and they have literally no secrets between them...this isn’t his secret.
Until tonight.
And Steve had to tell her just because tonight he might...actually get to meet Eddie. For real.
Once she’d finished squealing and beating him with a pillow, she’d understood.
Steve’s kind of got a hurricane worth of butterflies in him.
Steve has detailed instructions and a QR code in the form of the email he printed from Eddie. All the kids laughed at him because ‘no one prints tickets any more, Steve’ but he was nervous, okay? And phone batteries can die or the internet could not work or. Yeah. He wanted a sure thing.
So they all go to the gate that the email says, and when the QR code gets scanned the woman with the scanner points off to the side, “can you wait there please,” and then pulls out a walkie talkie and speaks into it, “Steve Harrington has arrived.”
There’s a blast of static which, presumably, she understands, and then she goes back to doing her job. Less than five minutes later, five minutes filled with everyone but Robin demanding, “what the actual fuck, Steven,” someone else arrives. A guy with a tablet, a headset, and a very, very 100% done look on his face shows up. He’s wearing Corroded Coffin merch and asks the group to follow along. Which they do.
They’re led along white washed corridors, clearly under the stadium, and get dropped off in a room. A room with a TV on, and snacks and drinks, “this is all for you, go for it, I’ll be back before the support goes on.” And the dude leaves.
The girls, priorities sorted, lay into the snacks. Dustin and Mike are insisting again, “what the fuck is going on?” and getting ever more obnoxious about it.
Steve, very smugly, informs them that he, “knows a guy,” and settles down with the girls and a bag of Cheetos. He’s going to enjoy this while it lasts, watching Dustin splutter over it is very satisfying.
Steve wasn’t expecting any of this. He’s playing it as cool as he can, but he was expecting to get tickets, see the show, call Eddie after and maybe get to see him. He wasn’t expecting to be perched in seats the have been put at the side of the stage, just for them. Someone keeps checking on them, to bring them drinks and snacks.
He’s probably, right now, less than fifty feet from Eddie Munson. Eddie, who's wearing torn up skin tight jeans, shit kicker boots and nothing else. Eddie, who has his guitar slung at his back as he roars into the microphone.
The crowd are going batshit.
Steve’s slowly going insane. When the stage lights finally, finally go down, Steve thinks, this is it. He’s going to meet Eddie. Now is his moment.
The lights come back up, they play an encore. It’s four fucking songs long. Steve’s pulling his hair out as is genuinely concerned he might be sick.
The kids don’t notice; they’ve all just been given gift bags brimming with merch.
The band come over, once they’re finally done. They’re red faced and sweaty and the kids are all vibrating with excitement but Steve doesn’t care, he just doesn’t, because he can very clearly see Eddie leaving the other way. Disappearing off the other side of the stage. Away from Steve.
Well, fuck that.
Gareth is standing practically right next to Steve, signing the kids merch and talking to them, “where is Eddie?”
All the other members of the band look at Steve, and all of them look sheepish as fuck. “He’s, uhm, you know, busy.”
“Busy,” Steve replies, deadpan. And then it occurs to him. Eddie doesn’t know, so they don’t know. They think they’re keeping Eddie’s secret. “I know. I know it’s him. I want to see him.”
Every member of the band visibly relaxes, “see, I fucking told you he’s worked it out-” Jeff starts.
“Eddie is such a shitty liar,” Gareth agrees.
“Yes, he is. And I know it’s him, and I’ve known for ages, and now he’s…” Steve gestures weakly in the direction Eddie disappeared in.
“Having a meltdown in a greenroom because he thinks you’re going to hate him when you realize he’s been lying to you,” Jeff supplies helpfully.
“What the fuck is happening??” Dustin screeches. Steve pushes him away with a hand on the forehead.
Gareth laughs, “come on man. One way to settle this and honestly, I am so ready for it. I am done with his pining.”
Steve perks up immediately, jogging along after, “he’s been pining?”
Steve is left with a thumbs up, standing in an empty hallway, looking at a very, very unassuming door. He lifts his hand to knock but...can’t.
It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel like...like them. So after a few moments of indecision, Steve jogs a little way along the hall and then pulls out his phone, calling Eddie.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hi, Eds.”
“You enjoy the show?”
“I did, yeah, thank you, so so much. The kids loved it too. And all the, you know, extra stuff, it was all amazing...but I had, kind of hoped I’d get to see you tonight?”
“Yeah,” Eddie starts slowly. Painfully slowly, “about, about that-”
“Look,” Steve sighs, now genuinely terrified that this is it, and it comes out a little sharper than he means it too but, he's...kind of scared that this thing is going to die before it even starts, “if you don’t want to meet up, I get it.”
“No. No Steve, it isn’t that. It really, really isn’t, it’s just...I might have, withheld something from you. Slightly.”
“Is it that, you're Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin’s front man?”
“You see, the thing is, I’m actually, Eddie, like the lead singer guy of-wait. Wait. Hold up. You- Steve. Stevie. Honey. What?”
“I know who you are Eddie. I’ve known for a while. I’m outside. The room. Like, I'm standing outside the door.”
“Oh,” Eddie breathes. And then...nothing.
“Eds?” Steve asks, tentatively.
“I was just...you don’t know what it’s like Steve. To be this famous. No one just...treats me like a normal guy. Not ever. Everyone wants something from me, you know? Everyone just thinks I’m rich and famous and I can do things for them. They only ever want to talk about the music and the shows and the fame and...I just...I’m...someone to fuck for bragging rights, not because anyone actually cares...no one. No one ever treats me, like, well, like a person. And you have, Stevie, this whole time you’ve just...been normal. I want someone who likes me for me... And I missed normal so much, and I thought, I was scared that once you found out I’d loose that but...you’ve known this whole time?”
Steve’s heart is kind of breaking for Eddie, and he wants to comfort him, show him nothing’s changing, but he isn’t going to force anything on him, this is Eddie’s choice, “yeah. I’ve known...pretty much the whole time yeah. You’re a...well, absolutely atrocious liar, Eddie Munson.”
“Yeah?” and Jesus he sounds like he’s laughing and crying a little, “are you, did you say you were outside? Are you still-”
“I’m here, right outside the door.”
“I. I, okay. Yeah. Yeah.” And then Eddie hands up.
And for a really long, really long minute, Steve worries that’s it. Eddie’s not going to open the door and-
The door opens slowly, Eddie peeking out at Steve. Steve can’t help laughing. And then Eddie laughs, coming the rest of the way out, rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously. His eyes are red rimmed, like he’s been crying, and Steve’s desperately trying to blink back the tears himself, “can I hug you?”
“Yeah,” Eddie’s voice is rough from the gig, much more noticeable now in person, “yeah, I’d like that.”
Steve doesn’t hesitate, throwing his arms around Eddie’s shoulders and pulling him tight close. Eddie’s more tentative, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and then...nuzzling into the side of Steve’s neck. Eddie takes a deep breath and...relaxes against Steve.
They stand there, hugging, Steve’s face buried in Eddie’s sweaty curls, swaying gently together in the quiet hallway.
@steves-yellow-cardigin @melodymeddler @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao
@superduckmilkshake @she-collects-smut @paintsplatteredandimperfect @resident-gay-bitch
@bestwifehaver @estrellami-1 @vampireinthesun @clumsiluni @swimmingbirdrunningrock @uwujinniee @heartdinosblog @overhillunderhill @noodle-shenaniganery @carlprocastinator1000 @danni-phant0m @wxrmland @steddie-as-they-go @i-have-three-feelings @space-invading-pigeon @antonymeanonyme @steddiedreamer @dragonmama76 @honorarybrit81 @punctualhowell @mojowitchcraft
@melodymeddler @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao @co5m0 @tinyplanet95
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solarpunkani · 1 year
hi would like to make this clear that this is gonna be an unhinged rant about my college classes.
For context, one of my classes is a semester-long group project (hell) and I pitched the idea of solar powered community fridges to my group and we rolled with it. Here's a post i made on it previously. We don't have to make the fridges themselves, basically just talk about the problem our concept addresses (food insecurity in this case) and how we think this concept would work and how, in a hypothetical reality where we made it real, we would test to see if it worked.
Anyways we had to post the rough draft of our presentations so people in other groups could see what we were doing and comment on them with their thoughts and all. Yknow. Classic 'college class discussion board have to reply to at least one project with quality feedback' stuff. And
I am so frustrated.
My group keeps insisting that we should have an app for the solar fridges. I don't know why they think app design needs to fit into community fridges but they put it into the draft posted to the forum.
In this case they proposed the app would be kinda like Instacart? Where people who want to donate to the fridges but don't have groceries on them and don't feel like going to get groceries can put in money and then people will then go buy the groceries to put in the fridge. Or use the funds to help with fridge maintenance. And the fridges would have 'QR codes, links, etc. to connect community members for the common cause of helping tackle food insecurity in the community.'
Lots of the comments were pretty good! People liked the idea. There were some concerns about insulation and keeping things cool with low energy cost (the program is online but the college itself is in Georgia USA so many people are in Georgia) but yknow.
But the frustrating part to me I guess is that a lot of people seem convinced that people would use the fridges 'unfairly' and that we'd need to find a way to restrict how much food people can take out or how many times they can use it or something. Which frankly in my opinion defeats the purpose of it being a community fridge. Here are some examples of things people have said so far (comments are due tomorrow evening but I'm mad now so I'm venting now):
One student said "How will you know if the pantry is being utilized fairly?" and "How will the app work? In a dream world, this might be a way to help with tracking and accountability. (Just a thought…) Maybe folks would need to sign up on the app, they get a code… and the fridge acts as a sort of vending machine to deliver what they need. This would give you data to measure success. :)"
Which. I just. This feels completely antithetical to the purpose of a community fridge??? Or a community anything???? Little free pantries and little free libraries don't operate on a 'you get a code to access it once' vending machine basis?? We even mentioned community farm stalls/community pantries in the draft write up! And showed examples!
Another student said "Great thoughts. I am concerned about one person taking all the food for themselves. It might be a great idea to have them in an enclosed area with access control through the app that would log and lock out people who are overusing the resource. Perhaps a barcode could be added to Apple Wallet to track each individual's arrival? Possibly having a mechanized lock and opening mechanism that would only allow each fridge to be open for a specific time before automatically closing and locking? Each scan would only allow access once each 24-48 hour period, preventing "password sharing.""
I cannot emphasize enough that this is the comment that has brought me here today because with all due respect what the flying fuck do you think is the point of a community fridge! I'm already prickly about the idea of limiting access to the fridge itself to only people with cellphones, but to this degree?! Like maybe its because I'm the one who came up with the concept and I care about terms like 'mutual aid' and 'community building' and 'judgement free accessibility to food' but have these people not heard of the concept of helping people?!?! With no strings attached?!? If someone takes all the contents of a community fridge or pantry--which, seriously, how likely is that--they're probably hungry and need it! The concept of putting community resources behind a lock and limiting accessibility is just repulsive to me???
Like someone else commented with this excellent point--"As several have addressed above, I am also wondering how would you monitor use? If you use the simplicity of the honor system, it could easily be taken advantage of. However, I feel like if you were to create some sort of access code, how is it to say that they people needing the use of the fridge will have access to the necessary technology to get the code? It's a tricky situation to think about." For the purposes of this hypothetical assignment where we'd need to track how many people are using the fridges? Yeah I guess we'd need to be able to track how many people use it and when. But in reality??? In real life reality where people are living and struggling and hungry??? I just don't really give a shit!! Helping five people is better than helping none, and locking access behind technology everyone pretends is universal but really isn't is not the way to help!
And of course one of my groupmates is already commenting on all these posts like 'oh! I really like the idea of restricting access to a code! :)' even when someone said 'hey my family struggled with food insecurity when I was a kid and I think this would be helpful but not if you could only access it with an app some of the most vulnerable citizens wouldn't be able to access it I wouldn't have been able to access it' my groupmate was still like 'oh but that wouldn't be a problem today now would it? :) Maybe we should make a way to get a code without downloading the app :)' like maybe there shouldn't be an access code in the first place?!?!
Like am I crazy or like. What the fuck. Again I am here so I don't blow up on a bunch of masters students in a discussion post but like UGH
"you gotta be able to gague if the people who're using it are the people who actually need it" food insecurity can look so many different ways for so many different reasons and you can't always judge by appearances and income levels who is struggling to feed themselves or their families!! There are people who have nice jobs who are struggling because they're caring for sick family members or kids or dealing with student loans or ANYTHING! There are people with nice clothes who are trying to decide between buying groceries and paying rent! There are people living in their cars or couch surfing looking for jobs who also happen to own an XBox or a Laptop!!! "Sorry you can't access the community fridge because you don't look poor and needy enough to me. but if you do, good news--you can only use it once every 48 hours so make it last!" Bullshit utter bullshit.
I talk to people in my life about things like community fridges and little free pantries and mutual aid and the like and people are always like 'ok but theres gotta be strings attatched' BUT ACTUALLY NO THERE DON'T GOTTA!!! Maybe we could change how we view our fellow human beings and stop assuming that everyone around you are greedy little demons looking to ruin everything good and that you are the only holy and righteous saint on the streets who understands the concept of 'community resources' and 'sharing' maybe??? It's like that post about community fruit trees where people are like 'oh but what if people steal all the fruit' like HELLO? how do you STEAL a PUBLICALLY ACCESSIBLE RESOURCE
I'm tired of this goddamn class I'm tired of this goddamn group project if anyone actually has the ability to make a solar powered community fridge you have to promise to keep it accessible and not put it behind locks and QR codes and limited access and facial tracking BS promise me promise me promise me
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thelifeoflorna · 1 year
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~6/5/2023~ It was a different sort of Saturday morning spent at home as I actually had something to get up and out for. Got the bus to visit my friend in Burgess Hill at her home for the first time. She’s an older lady who got me into rock choir, and who’s also autistic, receiving her diagnosis very late in life - it might seem to some an unlikely friendship, but we actually have a lot in common - we both love art and have a lot of the same interests :) She talks quite a lot so I ended up being there longer than planned, but she’s really lonely (which makes us so sad :( ) and we’ve said we’ll make it a regular visit every other Saturday when we’re at home for the weekend, so hopefully that will make things less pressured for both of us - always struggle to know what to do with ourselves on Saturdays spent at home so will be good to have something consistent to do and enjoy spending time for her… Went to McDs for lunch, which was nice and quiet because of the coronation - one of the staff there complimented my outfit, which was nice, but then asked me to do a survey, so it was one of those awkward things where someone’s nice to you and you wonder if it’s genuine or because they want something from you - the survey was a complete disaster - scanned qr code and swear it took me to the wrong place - stopped midway through as think I signed up for countless scams without being asked anything about my trip to McDs, grrr… Got the bus home, but then went out soon after with my laptop to Starbucks to finish sorting the uni records document, and pick up a few essentials from sainsburys. Watched back the coronation in the evening as meant I could skip ahead to the interesting bits - not hugely into the royals but felt like we should watch it as it’s something we may only see once in a lifetime - hope this won’t offend people too much, but we thought King Charles looked like a snowy owl in his cloak and crown (commentary in our head from 9/10 year old ‘look it’s Hedwig’!) 🦄 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/JqUwo2j
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lunarmote · 1 year
Kyoto travel log, week 0
I’ve been in Kyoto, Japan for several days now and am still experiencing sensory overwhelm - in a way, my world does not seem to be capable of slowing down enough for me to type this entry. 
In my first few days I encountered a lot of logistical troubles and had to get out of them myself. I’m still reeling from the impact of them. Resolving small issues like that help me build confidence that I really am an adult and capable of handling the unexpected.
In this entry I’ll be talking about what my journey was like starting from my flight and ending on the second night!
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My flight
I had a layover in Honolulu, HI. They gave us pineapple-shaped shortbread cookies called “Honolulu Cookies,” which were adorable! 
Flights are exhausting for me and I know I’m not the only one, but at the same time they are hyperstimulating. I always plan enough activities to do on my flights and end up not doing any of them. In this case I had brought along a book and journal but, the ambience was not conducive to studying, so I journaled a bit (i.e. documented what I’m typing now). I also watched two movies: Park Chan-wook’s Decision to Leave (monumentally touching - hoping to review that later), and BL Metamorphosis, about a young girl and old woman who bond over their love of BL comics (the premise is quite cute, but I didn’t end up finishing it).
My connecting flight was 9 hours long and this one was so painful for me to sit through. I was a bit dehydrated and the impact of what I was doing started to hit. When you’re physically trapped and unable to act right away and sleep-deprived you can get into a habit of catastrophizing about everything and wishing you could return to a less stimulating baseline. This was what I was wrestling with: an unstable mix of nerves and extreme excitement.
Finally! We arrived at Kansai International Airport (KIX) in the Osaka region (note: I’d thought KIX was located in Osaka but it’s only located in the region, not Osaka City). 
Descending the plane and immigration
An automated airport shuttle took all of us international arrivals to the line for immigration. 
I met a lot of talkative people in line. There was a lady who was visiting her best friend, a fluent Japanese speaker, in Osaka, and neither of us knew what was going on or what we needed to do with our QR codes for immigration. (For Japan, you had to either fill out an analog or digital set of forms for immigration and customs. The digital versions had QR codes to scan for expedited processing.) I also met two other students; all of our baggage got left behind in Honolulu and there was this whole confusion with the airport staff, but I won’t get into that.
There was so much Japanese around me even though we were in line for non-Japanese-nationals. The trickle of sounds was so intriguing, disconcerting. Everywhere I looked were airport signs in kanji, some of what I could vaguely understand with my rudimentary knowledge of Chinese. There was no place to sit, only a single bathroom in the middle, though the line moved fairly quickly.
Immigration took 1 hour 30 mins. I took a longer time at the window because of my student visa. By the time I reached baggage claim all the other people I was in line with had left and then I had to sort out the luggage mishap.
I stepped out of baggage claim deprived of 90lb of possessions with just my backpack and wallet and phone. It was 10:30 PM and all the kiosks had been shut down, including currency exchange and the tourist info booth (which I’d hoped to get help from). The outer shell of the airport was lit-up but the place felt so empty and devoid of friendliness. I looked behind me and the internationals arriving after me looked like they knew where they were going. I had to go find my hotel (located right in the airport) but the airport was so big I didn’t know where to go. I must’ve paced back and forth for 20 mins, scrutinizing -to-death the electronic airport map, feeling more scared by the minute as the outside sky grew inky. Then I found an emergency airport hotline and thankfully the lady on the other line spoke English and gave me directions.
I had to walk past the train station to get to my hotel. I tried to speak Japanese to the receptionist, just a simple ありがとうございます but my tongue felt gummy and I messed up in the middle, and she finished the phrase for me (... sweatdrop). I bowed clumsily, took my key card, made it to my room and passed out. 
Day 2: Konbini and train
Woke up super early due to jetlag. Was not feeling all too confident because of last night’s events.
Boiled some water and headed out to grab some breakfast at the convenience store (konbini).
There was a dizzying array of ready-to-eat foods. Pastries, egg and fruit sandwiches, salads, refrigerated udon and ramen, onigiri. And an entire aisle of ramen and curries. I got a カレー rice which turned out to have meat in it, seaweed onigiri, dried nuts & fruits.
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After that I packed everything and checked out of the hotel. I knew I had a long day ahead of me and was feeling the effects of jetlag pretty strongly. My first task was to retrieve my SIM card and install it, then get train tickets and commute to Kyoto and find my second guesthouse.
When I got to the ticket booth I realized I should have lined up way sooner, when I first came out for breakfast, because at that time it had just opened and there were only about 10 people but now the line wrapped around the corner and there must have been at least 100 people. All around me I was hearing Korean and Chinese so I surmised that this was the line for short-term passes. Thankfully you could also buy IC (rechargeable) cards here, so I got mine ( ¥500 card deposit,  ¥2000 total).
Managed to come out and take a few pictures of the airport during the day.
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Communication blunder of the day: I didn’t know where the train station was. It happened to be directly across from the ticket sales haha but all I saw was a giant banner with JR [Kanji] and I didn’t know what JR was, so I asked the person in front of the ticket/card reader. I knew this was a station of some sort, what I wanted to know was if it was the 電車 (densha) or if it went underground 地下鉄 (chikatetsu). He interpreted it as me asking the name of the station and not what type of station it was, so he kept saying “This is Kansai station! This is Kansai!”
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After I got through and found my train, here, you can see it for yourself. The train was so clean and cute!
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To be continued...
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
Cold, White
Synopsis: While competing in a QR code treasure hunt event at your friend’s Halloween party, an unexpected companion gives you a little company. 
A districtninewriters event.
Warning: slight sexual harassment, mentions of creepy-ish props
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: gn!reader x exbf!Seo Changbin
Genre: fluff, college party au
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Read intro here. Return with the “pink Among Us astronaut” link
But which one?
After a few moments, you spotted two vampires talking softly to each other. It shouldn’t be too hard to strike up a conversation with them, you decided and began walking over. Halfway there though, you turned around, feeling someone or something staring at you back. However, you didn’t spot anything, and turned back around to head towards your destination, all the while still feeling like you had eyes glued to your back.
“Hi,” you greeted, walking up to the vampires. “I’m Y/N. How are you two doing tonight?”
They turned to you, and you immediately regretted choosing them to walk up to.
“Oh, a little skeleton,” one of them smirked, looking you up and down. You crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
The other one slung his arm around your waist and leaned in far too close. “Can I get you something to drink, Lil Boo?”
Oh, you did not skip studying for this. “Actually, I’m going to--”
Out of nowhere, the lights turned off. There were a few screams, but none as loud as the one in your heart when the vampire used the darkness as a chance to slide his hand down to other areas. You tried stepping away, but his grip was strong, so you just squeezed your eyes shut and hoped the moment would pass quickly. 
Before he got all the way down, however, you heard a loud crack and felt his hand flying off of you as he tumbled a few feet backwards.
“What on earth, man?” he cursed, and you were suddenly aware of a new presence beside you.
The newcomer made a weird noise as if he was breathing through a machine and turned towards you. He offered you a hand, and when you tentatively put yours into it, he dragged you away, leaving behind the vampires.
“Thanks,” you gasped once he finally stopped at a faraway corner.
He placed one hand on his hip and used the other to rub the back of his… head? It was much too big to be a human head, you decided. Was he wearing some sort of mask? It was hard to see in the dark, but he sensed your curiosity and leaned forward for you to take a better look. You reached for it slowly, and when he didn’t resist, you placed your hands onto his costume. The majority of it was warm and fabric-y except for where your thumbs landed. There, it was cold and possibly white like a one-way glass. A visor of some sort, you decided, and tried to push it up to see his face.
As soon as you do, however, he jerked back and quickly shut the glass back down.
“S-sorry,” you stuttered out.
He seemed too distracted to respond to your apology. You turned to see what he was looking at and saw smoke rising from BamBam’s mezzanine. Was there a fire? No, the kitchen is to your right. Before you could question any further, the lights came back on, but only on the second floor, casting a spotlight over your best friend who stepped grandly out of the smoke.
“Good evening, ghouls and fools, snitches and witches!” his voice boomed. “Are you ready for tonight’s main event?”
Ah, that’s right. The reason why BamBam’s parties were so popular was because there was always a special kick to them, be it a go cart race or a game of Running Man. This must be why the lights are off, you realized.
“Around the house, I have hidden a QR code on each floor of the house. Each one will give you a couple of words which when unscrambled will give you the name of the item. The person who makes it to the backyard gazebo first with their item first wins,” he explained. “Each code is locked by their own minigame which you have to complete to access, but of course, your efforts will not be without reward.” There were a few ooh’s at that announcement. “Whoever brings me their time first wins… two tickets to the Caribbeans!” 
Your ears perked up at that; maybe you were glad to have skipped studying after all. The Caribbeans! You’d heard many good things about that vacation spot and had always wanted to go with someone special. Someone special. You looked sadly down at your hand that felt oddly empty without a familiar warmth around it.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go!” prompted BamBam.
Around you, footsteps of partygoers dispersed in a frenzy and excited squeals filled the air. You looked around, surprised to see the masked man still standing beside you.
“Are you going to participate?” you asked.
Instead of answering, he pointed at you.
“Me? Yeah, I guess I am.”
He seemed to perk up at your answer and shyly tugged on your sleeve.
“Do you want to come with me?” you guessed. 
He nods.
“Alright, but if you win, you’ve gotta give me one of those tickets,” you joked, but to your surprise, he agreed to your condition readily.
The first minigame was not hard to find since there was a crowd around it. It was a simple ring toss game where you had to throw pumpkin shaped hoops onto brooms labeled with different point values until you reached 100.
The task proved to be more difficult than anticipated, but you were making considerable progress compared to others because your pink friend ran back and forths, picking up your rings for you.
At last, you got to a hundred, and the gamemaster revealed the code to you. You scanned it with your phone and read the clue.
친. (Chin)
Satisfied, you looked up, expecting to see the astronaut throwing his rings. Instead, you found him waiting for you just around the corner.
“You aren’t participating?” you asked, walking up to him.
Again, instead of answering, he pulled you by the sleeve to the next floor. By the pep in his step, you could imagine him smiling behind that cold white mask, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he knew something you didn’t.
You nearly laughed when you saw what challenge awaited you on the next floor. The room was decorated to the top with zombies and blood, but at the center of it all was a wizard stirring a pot labeled “love potion.”
“Who dares step foot into my lair?” hissed the sorcerer with an accent that was too over the top even for his character. 
“Just tell us what the mission is, Felix.” You shook your head with a smile. You knew Felix through your ex-boyfriend, and you stayed in touch even after whom you thought was your soulmate left you for college. 
Felix faltered for a moment from you calling him out, but quickly recomposed himself. “Very well, brave one. Your next mission is to prove that my potion works.”
You raised a brow. “How?”
“By drinking it, of course. And then--” he smirked in a way that set off alarms in your system-- “kiss me.”
“Oh, come on. What are we, twelve?” you scoffed at the reverse kissing booth challenge. Still, you crossed your arms and stepped over plastic bones and foam eyeballs to make your way over to him.
When you were about halfway, you noticed Felix’s smirk suddenly growing wider and questioned why. Your curiosity was soon satisfied, however, when the pink astronaut suddenly overtook you with large strides and beat you to the cauldron.
“Hey!” you complained, but your words fell on deaf ears.
The pink man kept his face turned away from you as he flipped up his cold white visor and downed the potion. It must have tasted horrible since this was a challenge after all, but he didn’t miss a beat slamming the now-empty vial on an adjacent table and planting a smooch squarely on Felix’s green face. He then flipped his visor back down and gestured at your phone.
“Me? Scan?” you frowned. “But you--”
Growing impatient, he took the phone from you and scanned Felix’s code. He then stuffed the device back into your hands and dragged you up the next flight of stairs.
You questioned his sudden change in demeanor but kept it to yourself. Instead, you looked at the next clue.
자. (Ja)
As soon as you arrived on the third floor, you immediately decided that its minigame was the hardest. Your eye twitched, not that anyone could see it doing so since the floor was completely blacked out. The only thing you could see was some glow-in-the-dark thread, and you were supposed to thread it through a normal, matte needle.
“This can’t be possible,” you deadpanned.
The gamemaster, someone you couldn’t see but very much wanted to give a piece of your mind, “wooooo’ed” unhelpfully at your misery. 
Your eyes struggled to switch between the different light levels, making your whole body tense up and your hand to shake. You let out a frustrated grunt after your nth attempt. By then, other competitors also entered the room, making you nervous and even more shaky.
As you were about to hang your head in surrender, you saw a pink glove clasping over your hand and steadying it. The touch sent a familiar sense of electricity up your spine, but you ignored it in favor of the task at hand. Together, you finally got the thread through after five tries.
“Yes!” you celebrated, startling a few other competitors around you.
The gamemaster handed you a slip of paper with the code on it, and your new friend led you to the exit by hand. When you realized that his hand hadn’t let go of yours since the game, a blush crept over your cheeks. You cleared your throat twice to push down the heat, but it seemed the astronaut took it the wrong way and immediately dropped it and looked at you with worry.
“It’s fine,” you shook your head when he started bowing. “I, uh, I just had something in my throat. I should thank you, actually, for helping me back there… and for all the times before that too.”
He stared at you for a few moments, looking down as he was a few steps above you on the staircase, and you couldn’t help but wonder again what he was hiding behind that cold white mask. Just as you were about to reach forward again, however, he turned back around and resumed climbing the stairs.
The last minigame was on the roof. There, a sign greeted you, telling you that multiple QR codes are hidden around the place, and that you had to find one of the many to complete your word hunt.
You looked at the code you received from the thread game. 구 (gu), it read. What could the last hint be?
You and your pink friend looked and looked, but struggled to find anything. BamBam sure didn’t make things easy for you, did he, you scoffed dryly, looking at all the pools of slime and hollowed out pumpkins where the code could be hiding.
It didn’t help that it was particularly cold that night and that you were on the roof of a three story house. As you shuffled around some prop mummy’s linen for the code, you felt a chill run up your body.
The astronaut must have been at least ten broomsticks away, but as soon you shivered, you heard him walking right up to you.
“Hey. Did you find it?” you asked, not grasping why he was here.
He shook his head and rubbed his hands up and down his upper arms before pointing at you.
“Me? Yeah, I guess it’s a little cold, but I’m okay. Let’s just find this thing quickly and head back down.”
You turned back to your mummy, but your new friend didn’t move. Despite wanting to keep you warm, he realized he wasn’t equipped with a jacket to give you.
Finding nothing in the mummy, you moved on to the next coffin, oblivious to the man’s distress behind you, and patted down a plastic vampire for any goods. As you were distracted, you didn’t realize a figure looming over you from behind. By the time you noticed the shadow being casted over you, it was too late to avoid--
-- the hug.
The pink astronaut, unable to come up with any other solutions, decided to share his body heat with you. It warmed you up alright, but you weren’t sure if it was because of him or the fire that ignited on your cheeks.
“H-how are we supposed to search like this?” you stuttered.
He thought for a minute before waddling side to side to show you how you could walk.
You chuckled at his antics. “This isn’t going to--” 
And then you saw it. Right there. Stuck on his arm. The last QR code.
“You found it!” you exclaimed, surprising him with how quickly you whipped out your phone and took a picture of the code. “You must have brushed up against it when you were looking around.
This time, you grabbed his hand and made your way downstairs to the backyard as the scanning process loaded on your phone. Once there, you looked at your last clue.
“남(nam),” you read aloud now that no competitors were around you. “친. 자. 구 . 남.” The words were scrambled, so you read them out a few more times until the realization hit you. 
Your eyes widened. “남자 친구(namja chingu). Boyfriend. But I don’t--”
And then you looked up at the pink astronaut. He stared back at you, unmovingly, and your hands gravitated to his visor again. This time, he didn’t stop you, so you pushed the cold, white glass up to reveal the warmest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Changbin…” you breathed, recognizing him right away.
“Y/N, I know no amount of apologies can ever atone for me leaving you, but I’d do anything for you to take me baaaaaaa-aack!”
Without even hearing the rest of it, you dragged him to the balcony where BamBam was waiting.
“I got it!” you shout at your friend. “The item! I’ve got it right here!”
BamBam looked amused. “This is your boyfriend, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you said without missing a beat. Both the boys jumped a little in surprise at your eagerness.
“Alright then,” chuckled your best friend into a microphone. “We have a winner!”
You could hear groans coming from the house as gold confetti rained down from the gazebo. BamBam handed you the tickets and shot you a wink before making himself scarce. You gleamed at the prize until you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Y/N-- oof!”
You attacked Changbin with a hug and wrapped your arms around him, frowning when you noticed he lost weight. “You’re back…”
After overcoming his shock, he returned the hug and patted you on the head. “I’m sorry I left you.”
You shook your head against him. “No, don’t be. You were chasing your dreams. What kind of person would I be if I held you back just because of our relationship?”
“But I hurt you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you did, so--” You pulled your face away from his body to look him in the eyes-- “make it up to me at the Caribbeans?” 
Another loving smile spread across his face as he cupped yours with his hand. “I will, but be warned: I’m never letting you go again after that.”
You laughed together. “Ooh, spooky.”
~ ad.gold
95 notes · View notes
Plan of Action.
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I see...so that’s what happened.
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There are certain things about this situation that I don’t understand...but I can tell you what I know.
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Ok, good.
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For starters, I know you’ve been floating around in the space of the program for god knows how long, but do you have any idea, any at all, what Mikado is planning.
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I have some semblance of an idea, yes.
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Well, spill. What is it?
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Mikado has a representative in this world who is handing out these cards...There’s a QR code on the cards, and when you scan it, your consciousness is brought over into that world.
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Ayaka Haneyama...that representative must have been her.
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Wouldn’t be so sure of that...according to some things we found out, it might have been someone disguised as her...
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But those people we saw on the other side must’ve scanned the code, just like us...
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There were other people in the Neo World?
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Yeah...and we saw ‘em all get teared to fucking shreds by these Monokuma zombies...!
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Oh Jesus fuck...!
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No, that’s wrong.
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If you scan the QR code, only your subconsciousness gets brought into that world. It’s a little complicated, but your real body is still on the others side.
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How does that make any sense? We got actually warped to the Neo World. If our bodies were on this side, Mahiru and Kazuichi would have found us a lot sooner.
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Yeah, the four of you just appeared out of thin air. Clearly your real bodies actually went to that side.
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It’s different for everyone here...because you’ve all been inside the Neo World before.
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Your brains contain data from your avatars in the program, which means when the avatar is transported, so does the rest of your body...
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I really have no idea what she’s talking about...
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LISTEN! The point is that when people get transported over to that world, only their subconscious is transported, and their real bodies remain in this world. For us, it’s different, and our actual bodies go there too!
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That’s all you need to know. It doesn’t matter how or why.
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I guess...
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But if people aren’t actually being dragged into that world, then why were those...digital forms of them, being ripped apart?
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It’s basic video game logic that when the player dies, they respawn at the last checkpoint.
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However, the “checkpoint” in the Neo World, is a dungeon in Mikado’s castle. And when you’re in there, you lose all will and lose the motivation to escape.
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So, they’re not actually dead on that side, just locked up in a prison cell.
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But I think this is where things are going to get serious...Can I ask a question Chiaki?
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What happens to the people on this side?
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If their subconscious beings are shut away on that side, then what becomes of their real bodies on this side.
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There’s more than a few threads between the mind and the body, so what happens when those threads are cut.
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They become...mindless husks...slaves to Mikado’s will...
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From the jail in the Neo World, Mikado can command things of the digital versions of the people trapped there. And whatever command he gives them, their real body will carry it out.
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For example, if Mikado went up to your digital self and demanded you rob a store in broad daylight, or gun down an innocent civilian...
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They would do it...!?
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...Without so much as a second thought...
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This...This can’t be...!?
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No matter what, he NEEDS to be stopped! No man should have this kind of power, good OR evil.
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Yeah but how? It’s not like we have any power in that world...
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I...I don’t want to sound like this is a good thing, but I have...let’s say experience with brainwashing devices...
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I think...with Kazuichi’s help...I might be able to...work something up.
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Work up what exactly?
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I’m referring to a device that will allow us to willingly enter that world...with whatever aspects from this world that we want.
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For example, Hajime’s avatar can’t use all his talents, so...
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You could fix that?
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I could give it a shot. If I use some old programs, as well as that card you used Hajime, then I don’t doubt I could make this machine without any problems...
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I sense that there’s a drawback?
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...Sort of...
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The machine and technicalities may take...I estimate two weeks to complete...
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Two weeks, do we even have that long!? What if Mikado brings in more victims in that time?
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We don’t have a choice. However many victims Mikado brings in, we’ll save every last one of them. And if you think about it...
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Two weeks is enough time to get our vacation over and done with, so...
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So until we go into action, it’s time to lay low!? I can get down with that!
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L-Laying low m-might not be the right thing to do in this situation...
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What choice do we have. Yes, it’s inappropriate to relax given the circumstances, but if you don’t enjoy your vacation, we’d have headed out for nothing!
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Plus, plus! Chiaki’s back, so she can go on vacation with us!
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A vacation sounds fun...!
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I guess that’s true...
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Then let’s just enjoy our vacation for now...
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What about us? Ryota and I will be working on the machine, so is there any time for us to chillax?
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If either of you want to spend your free time doing fun stuff, then I can just take over for you.
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Alright everyone, that’s the plan. We’re all in this together, so let’s get this done!
*Everyone places their hands in the middle. Hajime is holding Chiaki in his hand so she can be part of the circle.
//14 Days until the machine is complete.//
12 notes · View notes
rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
midtown morning announcements | p.p.
a/n: in this story YOU are a reporter in the announcements and betty is NOT!!!!! sorry betty love you bae <3
summary: as a reporter for midtown tech's daily announcements, it's easy to get carried away with ideas. especially ones involving the newest superhero from queens.
warnings: cussing, some chaotic energy, 5.6k words because i POPPED OFF, messy epilogue but just roll w me
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+ + +
"Oh my god, she's crushing on Spider-Man."
You tried. You really tried. Sure, you were friends with Betty and Liz, but god, if some of their conversations didn't make you want to scream.
Nevertheless, you whirl around. The statement was too absurd for you not to. Liz, the pretty, popular girl, had a crush on a hero whom she'd never seen the face of.
Now that was a story.
You spin back around, snatching the book out of MJ's hands and ignoring the look she gives you.
"How soon do you think I can convince Mr. Harrington to give me an extra segment in the announcements?"
+ + +
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I just don't think there's enough time to-"
"Mr. Harrington, please," you plead. "We can cut the segment about.. what's it called? What's New in the Teacher's Lounge? Trust me when I say this: talking about the new coffee filters and low stock in the vending machines only loses everyone's attention."
A sigh falls from the mans mouth. He scratches his beard thoughtfully and you bite back a grin at his dramatically thoughtful expression.
"Okay, fine, Madam Reporter. You can have your segment on Spandex Man," he says.
A smile pulls the corners of your lips. "Thank you, Mr. Harrington, you won't regret it."
He just nods his head, an awkward silence filling between the two of you. He eventually catches the hint and turns around, beginning to walk away, muttering.
"I swear, teenage girls and their obsession with men in tight clothing."
Your eyes widen and your face explodes into an expression of defense before you turn around, face-to-face with MJ.
"I got it."
A smirk breaks on the girls face. "Ready to shoot?"
Your eyes widen and move over to the wall of the reporting room, the clock reading 7:29 am. One minute before filming time. You look back at MJ and shrug hopelessly, jogging over to the setup in front of the cameras and sliding in next to Jason.
"Hey, Y/N-"
"We're cutting the teacher's lounge segment and I'm replacing it with a different one," you blurt, then turn to the camera as the red light turns on and begins blinking.
"Wha- Good morning, students of Midtown Tech!"
You suppress a laugh.
"Today is Wednesday, September 21st. Happy Fall," you smile. While you were never anxious in front of the camera, you were completely unprepared. The change in segments was made literally two minutes ago, and the only ones with that knowledge were you, MJ, and (kind of) Jason. Thankfully, MJ was a quick scriptwriter, but this was something you wanted to make perfect. Your perfectionism wasn't easily controlled, and with a new segment like this, you wanted to make it just right.
You and Jason swapped reporting different details about events, the weather- the sort of stuff a lot of students didn't really care about. But, as soon as you saw the words "Y/N: INTO SPIDER-MAN SEGMENT" on the screen, you knew this would grab everyone's attention. You also knew that you would kick MJ later for not even giving you a script when you knew she was capable of at least writing a few things.
"Ohhhh-" Jason gasps, understanding what you'd meant earlier. You hit him in the arm before mentally preparing yourself as quickly as possible.
"Word about the new hero, known as Spider-Man, has taken over Midtown Tech, and everyone seems to have the same question: who is the man under the mask? Well, Tigers, I've decided to take it upon myself to discover this upcoming Avenger's identity. In this segment, you'll see interviews and videos of the hero, as well as a link in which you can scan a QR code on the screen and submit guesses, and later vote on who you think it is!"
"Yo, that's dope," Jason nods, looking at you, impressed and surprised.
"It is," you smile at the camera. "Now onto Cindy, who is with the Mr. Harrington to talk about the importance of, um, kissing your pets at least 10 times daily..?"
The filming session wraps with you and Jason doing your signature sign-off (putting on sunglasses and playing Midtown's anthem on kazoo's). You slide out of the chair, setting your glasses on the table behind you and walking over to MJ with a sigh.
"Dude, what the hell?"
"Hey man, you did fine without a script," she retorts, raising her hands in defense.
"I'm aware," you raise a brow.
From across the room, you can hear the editors grouping around the computer, laughing at all the memes and sound effects they're gonna put in.
+ + +
Not good. Not good not good not good not good.
Peter Parker stood frozen, feet away from one of the multiple TVs in the hallway, jaw slack as he stares at the screen.
Not even the chaotic memes and crappy video effects could make him laugh (the boy had a weak spot for Comic Sans).
He knew who you were. Peter'd occasionally see you in the hallways, and you'd always smile or even just give him a small look of acknowledgment. Still, never talked. Which, now that he thought about it, was probably a good thing. The second you figure out Spider-Man's voice, it'll be engraved into your brain, and there'll be no hiding if you approach him.
"Hey, Peter!"
The boy jumps, spinning around to see Ned, about 20 feet away, bright smile painted on his face as he waves a bit aggressively. Peter mentally prepares himself before walking over, plastering a (hopefully convincing) grin on his face. Ned, of course, is oblivious and falls for it.
"Dude, did you watch the announcements today?! That shit is crazy! I mean, Y/N's so smart and stuff, she's probably gonna figure out who it is in, like, two weeks," Ned babbles.
Peter looks around cautiously, feeling as though all eyes are on him, despite the fact that he was most definitely on the bottom half of the popularity list.
"Yeah, weird."
Just then, he sees you turn around the corner with MJ, waving to someone he didn't know, and catches a smile on your face.
His prior neutral opinion about you began to shift.
+ + +
By the end of the day, you were practically floating. The entire school was buzzing about the new segment- hell, it almost creeped you out how excited everyone was. At lunch, people couldn't stop glancing over at you, whispering about who they thought Spider-Man might be. At first, the looks were different, interesting, but now they just made you plain uncomfortable. Nonetheless, when you stepped outside after the final bell and everyone's mind shifted from the segment to the idea of getting home, you felt proud.
And, although the two of you were apart, both in terms of distance and relationship, you and Peter felt the same feeling as you flopped onto your respective beds in your respective apartments:
You now had the weight of the world on your shoulders.
+ + +
The FBI agent in your phone was probably terrified. You went from being an average, phone-using teen, to being a complete stalker, notes and news apps taking over your storage- all to make sure you'd never miss a story. Moreover, you'd done all this within the last two hours.
With the exponentially rising expectations from your classmates, you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn't let anyone down. That started today: the day of the Spider-Man's Secrets debut.
Just as you lay back on your bed, back sore, you come to the realization that all of these precautionary apps would only give you the scoop after the incident. AKA: not soon enough. You groan, rolling off your bed and slipping on your shoes, grabbing your keys and making your way out of the apartment.
While hadn't necessarily wished to be walking through the streets of Queens as the sky darkened, part of it was kind of peaceful. If you ignored your paranoid thoughts.
Nonetheless, you thought, if you were to get attacked, the man of the day would show up, right?
A sigh falls from your lips as you round the corner, figuring you'd go to Delmar's and get a sandwich. And pet Murph.
Your plans are foiled when you stop in your tracks at the sight of Spider-Man battling some robbers in the bank. Even though your eyes widened, you let out a small laugh- the robbers were wearing Avengers masks. How nice for Tony Stark's image.
The whole situation looked like one of those weird money-tornado things you'd seen at arcades. You rip your phone out of your pocket and begin recording just as a purple beam shoots out of the bank, streaming in a haphazard circular shape and nearly hitting you. A yelp elicits from your mouth as you duck. When you rise, the robbers are gone, and Delmar's is on fire.
"Holy shit," you gasp, checking to make sure your phone is still recording.
You felt a little stupid as you ran over to the building, phone in the air like a goddamn touristic maniac.
"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to get out of the way, it's-"
You feel a pair of hands wrap around your waist, pulling you back. You begin to wriggle out of the grasp before you turn your head and meet eyes with Spider-Man. The large white eyes of the mask widen, as do yours.
"It's, um," he clears his throat, lowering his voice and using a Jersey accent, "too dangerous."
In a flash, he's gone, leaping through the broken window and yelling for Mr. Delmar, voice back to its high state. You're stunned, not having expected to have gotten that lucky on your first night, as well as from the state of the building you had loved so much. You stay there, standing at the edge of the sidewalk, chewing nervously on your nails as you wait for Spider-Man to run back out, hopefully with Mr. Delmar and Murph.
You had a job to do.
A relieved sigh leaves your lungs at the sight of the hero helping Mr. Delmar out, handing him Murph with such a careful and cautious demeanor that gives the hero so much humanistic personality that it practically knocks you out.
You knew you were one to notice body language, but watching someone without being able to see their face only amplified them. You watch silently as Spider-Man hangs his head as he walks away from the scene, looking tired, ashamed almost. People begin gathering around the building, videoing and a few going over to Mr. Delmar and lending him support. A ping of guilt rings through your veins before you remind yourself of your job.
"Excuse me?"
He stops, turning around. Reporters begin pulling up in large news vans.
"I have a few questions."
+ + +
The only time you'd ever flown was at the airport. Or in your dreams. But never this way.
Your heart was still racing, despite having landed on the roof of some building almost a full sixty seconds ago.
"Sorry, but could we hurry this up? I kinda, uh, need to get home," he says, hints of paranoia lacing his words.
"Yeah, sorry, just, you know, have never swung on a fucking web multiple stories up before," you nod, pursing your lips and instantly regretting your harshness. "Sorry."
He nods. You pull up the voice recorder app on your phone and hit the button. A rush of awkwardness hits you.
"So, uh, Spider-Man: tell me about yourself."
"Well," he scratches the back of his neck nervously. His voice is deep, with that same rich Jerseyan accent. You don't buy it at all. "I'm, well, I'm Spider-Man. I like.. helping... people?"
"Uh, yes-" you blurt, nodding your head. You didn't want to completely bombard him, you wanted to just intro him and get some exclusive information. "How did you get your powers?"
He goes on to explain that he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Luckily for you, he goes off on a tangent, ranting about how weird it was and what exactly his powers were. You smile every time you notice his accent and deep voice slip into something that sounded more natural- higher, but natural.
Based off of the hints of his voice alone, you'd guess he was anywhere from 12-18 years old.
"And then I would wear like super big shirts to school to try and hide it because I didn't want to look suspiciously stronger--"
"School?" you interrupt.
"Oh, uh.. yeahhhumIgottago!" he blurts before awkwardly backing up, jumping off the building and swinging away.
A smile creeps onto your face. Enough to satisfy your classmates.
+ + +
"Luckily, I was able to catch the hero right after the incident, and he swung me with him to the top of a building for privacy from other news stations and police officers," you smile, ignoring how Jason was bouncing excitedly next to you, eager for information. He was a prime example of the excitement going on around the school.
"Spider-Man received his powers from a bite from a radioactive spider, and gained his new skills over night. Reportedly, he woke up with defined and large muscles, giving him the physique you can catch while he swings by. He has super senses that can detect any form of danger, 'sticky' hands and feet, and crafts his own webs that have been incorporated into his suit, given to him by Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. Here's a vocal clip from our interview!"
Normally, the sound of the announcements would be substantially muffled by the sounds of kids moving everywhere and chattering, but not anymore. Now, students grouped around the TVs, whispering. Peter had tried so hard to ignore your voice while not seeming suspicious.
But, as soon as he heard his own voice through the speakers, the announcements had his full attention.
He was relieved that you'd used a clip in which he'd been lowering his voice and using an accent, but there was a second in there where your masked voice slipped. Not good.
The boy suffered through the school day, ignoring the gossip of students, including Ned. Not to mention MJ suspiciously eyeing him during lunch. Either she had a crush, or she knew something. Peter suspected the latter.
As soon as the bell rang, he darted out of the doors, going to his usual hiding spot and changing, swinging as quickly as he could to the Stark Tower. The boy landed at the front steps, bending over and panting for a second before mustering up more energy and running up to the door, ringing the buzzer as many times as he could.
"Welcome to Stark Tower," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, monotone. "Identification, please."
"Peter Parker," he pants, pulling up his mask and looking into the camera.
"Unknown identity. Access denied."
A buzzer rang off and the boy frowned.
"Let him in, F.R.I.," Tony yells from inside, walking over and opening the doors. "Hey, Pete."
"Hi, Mr. Stark. Why wouldn't it let me in?"
The two walk into the main entrance.
"No reason."
"I just have a different name for you in the program, that's all. If the name doesn't match the face, the doors don't open."
"What name do you have for me, then?"
Tony sighs, hints of mischievousness in his eyes. "Underoos. Can't believe you wouldn't think of that."
"Got it, sorry," Peter nods, clutching the mask in his hand. "I need you to put a voice changer in my suit."
+ + +
You were starting to get a bit worried. Spider-Man had started using a voice changer in his suit, and when you asked about it, he said he'd heard about you using his voice in a school announcement, and he needed to maintain anonymity.
Of course, this had taken a toll on you.
Not only did it lessen your chances of figuring out who this kid was, but it made you feel bad. After all, you were disrespecting a hero's privacy, trying to expose them to a mass of teenagers. And all he was doing was trying to protect the very place you lived in.
You'd managed to catch him at just about every incident he'd been in, but each time, he got less and less open about everything. You were running out of questions that you deemed fairly respectful, and he became very closed off, and for good reason.
If you exposed him, he'd be much more susceptible to attackers, who'd then be able to hurt the people he loved. You sigh as you begin your walk home from school, wracking your brain for more questions. You'd dug yourself into some deep shit.
A flash of red and blue pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Spider-Man!" you yell, eyes widening when you notice a few people look at you and then divert their attention to him, gasping. You mutter a profanity before jogging over to where he'd landed on top of a traffic light. "I have a few questions."
"Yeah, of course you do."
As if the deep and robotic voice wasn't cold enough already. You hear a loud sigh at your perplexed expression, and before you know it, you were flying again, landing a bit harshly on the roof of another building.
"Ouch, okay."
"Sorry," you hear him mutter. "Off the record?"
You nod and watch as he presses a button on his wrist.
A smile begins creeping on your face at the sound of his normal voice, but you bite it back.
"- I don't know why you're doing this. What I do know, though, is that you're trying to expose my identity to a large group of highschoolers. Do you realize how much trouble that could cause me, Y/N? I mean-"
"Shut up-" you interrupt harshly. "You know my name?"
"What? No, I, uh-"
"You just said my name."
"It was a wild guess!"
"The fuck do you mean a wild guess?! Do you go to Midtown?"
Even the mask can't hide his panic. Holy shit.
"Look: exposing me would literally ruin my life. I need you to shut this down. All of it."
"I would if I could," you say, exasperatedly. "I don't know whether you go to my school or you somehow stalked me and found my name, but: I'm a reporter for the Midtown Tech daily morning announcements. I made a promise to my classmates that, given the craze about you, I'd try and discover your identity. It blew up, way more than I expected. I have the weight of the world on my shoulders now; I can't give this up! Everyday, at least one person comes up to me and asks about you."
"You do realize that, by exposing me, you'd cause more trouble than by just letting it go?"
You're silent for a moment. He's right.
"I'll figure something out."
+ + +
"Yesterday, when I approached him yesterday, Spider-Man swung us onto another rooftop for another private discussion, in which he answered more questions."
Lying stung you like a bitch. Off the record, you remember.
"The hero claims that he's working on becoming an Avenger, training with the current members so that he can be on the team. Unfortunately, that's all he was able to tell me last evening, as he claimed he had something to do and swung away."
You sigh when the red light turns off, slipping out of your chair and over to where MJ sat. You grabbed your bag and began walking away.
"Was all of that true?" she asks as she follows you out. You nod. "You sure? Because something was off about it."
"It's all true, MJ, I'm just tired."
Peter's face was scrunched up, confused as he watched you on the screen, explaining about Spider-Man's supposed plans to join the Avengers. And then it clicked.
You were actually helping him.
After everything that'd happened, he'd half expected you to just full out expose him. To take your assumptions and spill them all over the school, telling everyone that Spider-Man was a student at Midtown Tech who knew your name. Peter hated how good at correctly assuming you were.
Thankfully, though, everyone bought it.
"Yo, did you hear that?"
"Hmm?" the boy hums, raising his eyebrows and looking over at Ned.
"Spider-Man's going to be an Avenger!"
"Yeah, that's, uh, that's really cool," Peter smiles, trying to match Ned's optimism. The smile drops slightly when he sees you walk past.
+ + +
You found a loophole. Upon reading all the comments on your Spider-Man link from announcements, you decided to start interviewing random students to get the content you needed.
All throughout lunch, you'd been pulling kids aside- Cindy, Liz, Betty, Flash. A sigh falls from your mouth as Flash walks away (with a bit too much pride for having just gushed about the hero), and you look around the cafeteria for more people.
You meet eyes with Peter Parker.
"Peter," you call, waving him over.
He mutters a word May wouldn't approve of, patting Ned on the back before trying to mentally crush his anxiety. He begins to sweat.
"Can I interview you for my segment on the morning announcements?"
All he does is give you a slight smile and nods. You knew Peter was quiet, but you'd think he'd be a bit less cold.
"So, Peter, have any guesses as to who Spider-Man may be?"
He was trapped. The boy stood in front of you, silent, mouth slightly ajar.
"I don't know," he blurts. You freeze.
"What was that?"
He trips over his words. "Oh, uh, nothing, I didn't-"
"Holy shit," you whisper. You could've been making a complete fool of yourself acting so dumbstruck, but you'd be damned if you didn't just crack the code.
"Y/N, I-"
"So, Peter," you clear your throat, giving him a look. "Who do you think it is?"
An ungodly-sounding laugh bubbles out of your chest, causing him to laugh too. The two of you share a knowing look.  
"Thank you for your response."
+ + +
You hated the dark. It always made you paranoid. And, while the lights from all the stores and streetlamps helped, it wasn't the same as daylight. Anything could happen in New York.
You also hated how right you were about that.
You were on your way back from doing some brainstorming about how you'd continue the segment at Delmar's when you heard a rustle in the bushes. While it was your stereotypical horror movie sound, it still creeped you out. You couldn't out-walk it, though. A pair of hands wrapped around your body and began pulling you backwards.
A loud yelp elicits from your mouth before a hand wraps around it too, and you try to wriggle out of the strong grasp. You manage to get a hand free, wrapping it around their wrist and twisting it off of your face before spinning around, meeting a dark pair of eyes underneath a generic "robber" mask.
"HELP," you yell, kneeing the guy in his crotch, finally freeing yourself as he falls to the ground. You'd never run so fast. The sound of footsteps behind you gets closer, but stops with the sound of hard impact and a groan. You stop and turn around.
Spider-Man is there, giving the guy a final punch in the jaw before webbing him to the wall and backing up, pressing a few buttons on his suit before looking up at you.
"How predictable and cliche," you sigh, rubbing your arm.
The sound of sirens begins wailing in the distance.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think so-"
"Here," he says, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you to a rooftop, coincidentally, the one belonging to your apartment building.
"You sure have a knack for swinging me onto rooftops, don't you?"
"There's never anyone on them, so," he shrugs. You smile slightly- his voice masker is off. You were right.
You walk over to the edge, sitting down and dangling your legs over the edge. He joins you.
"Hey, um, if you could maybe not-"
"Don't worry, Peter. I won't," you say, looking over at him reassuringly. He sighs.
"Guess I can take this off now."
You watch as he pulls off the mask, taking a deep breath and shaking out his curls. You don't let yourself stare and instead just smile, looking down beneath the two of you.
"That's my apartment," you point down, slightly to the right at the fire escape.
He looks up at you in surprise and the wind gets knocked out of you. You'd never seen Peter Parker the way you did right now. He'd always been this mellow kid, yeah, cute, but sort of... in the background. A nerd (but that wasn't a bad thing). Now, though, he was in his element. The moon hitting him just right, his curls messy from his mask. He wasn't afraid of being judged because nobody was around, and he was wearing a suit that made him who he always wanted to be: a hero.
"No way! My apartment is literally right across from yours!" he says, excitement and facial expressions reminding you of a puppy. He pointed his window out, and sure enough, it was just about right across from yours as far as you could tell.
You don't know what to say, so you just smile instead, letting a little laugh out.
"So, uh," you breathe, "I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do about the whole Spider-Man's Secrets thing, but I won't expose you."
"Thank you," Peter sighs, voice accompanied with relief and a crooked smile.
"Maybe I can tell everyone that you're just too good. Like, you've got titanium walls all around you."
"Heh, yeah."
He looks over at you and smiles.
+ + +
EPILOGUE - NOTE:: some of the details of this may not make complete sense, nor line up with the plot of the movie in which this takes place. the point still gets across, so please don't make any rude comments lol- i did the best i could!
"I managed to send the Elemental back into the dimensional rift, but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive. Spider-Man attacked me for some reason. He has an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology. He's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron Man, no one else."
"What the fuck?" you mutter. Peter would never say that.
You gasp at the video. Sure enough, Peter's standing there, confirming a fatal drone attack. Screams ring off in the distance and you practically choke.
"There you have it, folks. Conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio!"
You sneer at the screen, the sight of J.J. Jameson making you angry. That man always got angry over the smallest things. You get on your phone to text Peter but stop. More footage from Mysterio begins playing.
"Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is... Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker," he chokes out.
You jump as Peter's school picture fills your TV screen.
"Holy fucking shit," you mutter, heart racing.
This is not right.
+ + +
He didn't answer you at all. None of your texts, none of your calls. Hell, you almost went over to his apartment, but you didn't remember his new address, since he and May moved after the Blip.
The two of you had become extremely close ever since you'd found out his identity, hanging out whenever you could. It was beyond unlike him to not answer you.
You sprinted into the news room. It was less than 24 hours after Peter had been exposed, and he was everywhere. Social media, news stations; hell, his picture was all over Times Square. And everything they were saying was all wrong.
"Mr. Harrington!"
The man spins around, startled.
"Oh! Good morning, Y/N-"
"I need you to start taping right now. Abe! You know how to hack, right? Broadcast this all over Times Square and every news station you can," you pant. The kid sits up in his seat, brushing Pop Tart crumbs off of his jeans and nodding with a smile.
"What is this all about?" Mr. Harrington asks as he moves over to the camera, cautious.
"You'll see."
You sigh as you sit in your seat, looking over at Abe. It takes a minute, but as soon as he gives a thumbs up, Mr. Harrington hits record.
"Hi. My name is Y/N L/N, and I am a student of Midtown School of Science and Technology, as well as a reporter for our daily announcements and an affiliate of Peter Parker. As I'm sure you all know, it was reported yesterday by the Daily Bugle that Spider-Man's secret identity is a boy named Peter Parker, and that Spider-Man is a so-called 'selfish murderer.' Well, I'm here to tell you that none of this is true. I know, I'm just a highschooler, but having to write several research papers for this school has taught me how to provide a statement with legitimate backup. That's what I'm here to do today.
"Mysterio, who's real name is Quentin Beck, was introduced to the world as a hero, fighting off creatures called Elementals that wrecked havoc throughout Europe. When one of these Elementals reached London, the footage shown yesterday was of Spider-Man and Mysterio on the London Bridge amidst chaos. Not only was that video altered to turn the blame on Spider-Man, but a creature called a Skrull is actually Spider-Man. Upon speaking with the head of SHIELD, I was given information on these creatures- they can shapeshift into whatever they want to be, as long as they've seen the organism before.
"Now, how do I know all this? One: after doing some light research on Quentin Beck, I discovered that he'd been fired from Stark industries in the past for his controlling and manipulative behavior. That'd explain his reasoning and desire for power. Two: upon asking a classmate of mine- who's an absolute prodigy in the field of computer technology and video- to review the given footage, they were able to find two small glitches in the footage that revealed the real video underneath, and further, unmask it completely. Abe, the video should be in your inbox. Pull it up and broadcast it, please."
You let out a deep sigh as you hear typing, then the sound of the real video.
"EDITH, turn off the drones."
The video clip finishes and the camera focus returns to you. "Now, I don't have complete proof on me about the identity claim I've made. But, as soon as the head of SHIELD gets back to me, I can prove it. What you do have confirmed, though, is that Mysterio was the problem. Spider-Man did nothing, other than do what was best for the safety of others. I have all the evidence lined up for you, and it's up to you to believe it. A message for you, Mysterio- if you're still alive- and your affiliates: don't mess with kids from Midtown Tech. We know what Spider-Man stands for, and so does the rest of the world. Trying to mess up his reputation from the grave doesn't help anyone. Sincerely, Y/N L/N and the students of Midtown Tech. As well as Peter Parker, who feels pretty attacked right now for no good reason. Have a great day!"
You smile into the camera before Mr. Harrington turns it off. You hadn't noticed them come in, but everyone on the news team had come into the room, all of them silent, dumbstruck. And then they started clapping.
You give them a tired nod and grin before grabbing your bag, saying hi to MJ and walking out. Thankfully, school hadn't started yet, but students were starting to arrive. You enter the bathroom and stare into the mirror, hoping you didn't just fuck everything up even more.
Your phone buzzes and Peter's contact picture (one of him in Hello Kitty pajamas, sticking his tongue out at the camera) fills your screen. You hurriedly answer.
"Peter! Where are you? Are you okay?"
"Janitors closet, 300 hall. Knock when you're here."
Butterflies flutter through your body as you run through the hallway, ignoring the weird looks from the couple that always shows up early to makeout against the lockers. You find the closet and knock, looking around to make sure nobody could see. The door opens and a hand wraps around your wrist, dragging you inside.
You gasp, balancing yourself, and Peter shuts the door behind you.
His appearance surprises you. He's the face of depression and hopelessness. Dark bags fill the space beneath his eyes, which are red from tears. The look makes you hate the world.
"Are you okay?"
"I am now," he breathes. "the news is buzzing about what you did. They got confirmation from Nick about what you said and, sure enough, every news station is broadcasting your claims with full evidence. Everyone's believing it and apologizing. Thank you."
You smile weakly and wrap your arms around him. "I did what I had to do."
"I don't know what I'd do without you," he mutters into the crook of your neck. The scent of your perfume makes him feel all tingly inside, the softness of your skin making him never want to stop holding you. You felt the same way.
+ + +
akdjxfbavdgkjnwrjk i hope you guys enjoyed !!!!! tbh i'm not sure how to feel about this imagine lol
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bangtan · 5 years
How BTS Gathered Over Half A Million Fans Online & In Real Life For Digital Record Project ARMYPEDIA
BTS is one of the biggest artists on the planet undoubtedly in part thanks to the unwavering support of their dedicated fanbase ARMY. As noticed by followers of the South Korean boyband for years, even when the guys can't meet with their fans in person, there's always a stream of communication between the two whether with social media or unexpected music drops. But that relationship reached a special milestone this year with the launch of ARMYPEDIA. Envisioned as a campaign to allow BTS and fans to look back on their time together ahead of new music in 2019, ARMYPEDIA was launched as a one-of-a-kind, digital memory project to archive 2,080 days together as band and fandom. Starting on February 22 and concluding on March 24, the ARMYPEDIA campaign and its accompanying website were created not only as a way for the group and its fanbase to celebrate where it is now—the biggest boyband in the world and one of the top-selling artists globally—but also where it started. A combination of the words ARMY (the official name of BTS' fandom) and Wikipedia (a word now synonymous with digital archiving), ARMYPEDIA is the organized database for followers, regardless of when they became a member of the ARMY, to populate with memories they have relating to the band, their music, their messages and beyond. By the conclusion of the month-long campaign, a reported 540,000 fans had participated in the project that included finding and scanning QR codes around the Internet and real-life world locations to access specific days to leave personal memories in the archive—see November 12, 2017 as an example, where member Suga held a livestream broadcast and many user left their memories from tuning into the stream as well as other thoughts about that day. ARMYPEDIA also boasted real-life, off-site meetups between fans (including 10,000 people coming together in Seoul) and newly recorded content from the boys themselves (including a special talk show starring members Suga, RM, Jin, J-Hope, Jimin, V and Jung Kook). Big Hit Entertainment shared exclusive insight and reflections with Forbes from the project. "From the very, very beginning, we wanted to create a campaign that's only possible at this moment for BTS as well as all the ARMYs in the world," the agency explains, giving insight as to why the project concluded less than a month ahead of the April 12 release of BTS' forthcoming Map of the Soul: Persona album. One of the main points of BTS' international appeal—and a key part to the purpose of ARMYPEDIA, according to Big Hit—is the group's dedication to deeper themes in their music since Day 1. From discussing bullying and harsh school life in their debut album 2 Cool 4 Skool to tackling topics like mental health, politics and the struggles of the young generation in their music today, BTS have a constant, through-line of poignant messages. A project like ARMYPEDIA looks to highlight that for those who may have only been recruited to the ARMY in the band's past two or three years of breakthrough success. But ARMY's heartfelt reactions and connections to BTS' message acted as another core factor in launching ARMYPEDIA. When BTS appeared and spoke at the United Nations General Assembly last September, leader RM emphasized the idea of "speak yourself,"considered by many as the next step of self-actualization following the "love yourself" themes of BTS' past three albums. When fans began taking that message to heart and speaking up more on Twitter TWTR +0% about their identities, experiences and connection to the fandom, the idea for ARMYPEDIA and a space for supporters to document their memories became more clear than ever. "We couldn't have come this far without our ARMY's great love and support," BTS tell Forbes in an exclusive statement after the campaign had concluded. "Through ARMYPEDIA, we were able to get to know all of you a little better—and we want to get to know our ARMY even more." Big Hit cites genuine support from the members, also pointing to a livestream session where Jin and Suga gave a shoutout the project. Business-wise, ARMYPEDIA was also a savvy move to market the Big Hit brand. The most active participants in the archive were rewarded in points usable on the Big Hit Entertainment online store, leading to the opportunity to have more BTS products, ideally including additional support for the band's forthcoming album, or chances to support another Big Hit artist. Upon signing up for ARMYPEDIA, users were not required but could also opt to sign up for a newsletter, a key way for brands to stay top of mind with their audience. And just like ARMY, big companies were happy to take part in ARMYPEDIA and bring more participants into the fold. Big Hit teamed up with the likes of Hyundai (BTS act as the brand model for the South Korean car company's Palisade), Korea Yakult (the yogurt drink that launched a special BTS collaboration drink last year), Hot Topic Spotify, LINE Friends and more to help deliver both digital and real-life QR codes to fans. The results proved beneficial to both parties with Big Hit citing the companies helped enlarge the reach of their campaign—including inserting QR codes on public-square billboards, hidden in between clothing racks and inside popular streaming playlists—while the brands were able to expand their engagement with ARMY—a.k.a the highly engaged fanbase whose online activity has kept BTS at No. 1 on Billboard's Social 50 chart for nearly two years, as of press time. Big Hit describes these talks as bringing "genuine excitement" from all involved. So, where does the ARMYPEDIA concept go next? Big Hit isn't sure if it will launch a second part for BTS or if it will create similar services for the other artists on their label like the newly debuted boyband Tomorrow X Together. Instead, what they see this acting as is a legitimate, fan-sourced resource that dives into what it means to be a member of BTS' ARMY. "Every day, ARMYs are having lots of fun and making a lot of memories being ARMY," the company reflects. "We think it's meaningful that we are putting this into an archive for anyone that could be searching on BTS and for any sort of history of ARMY and BTS." With BTS embarking on the next chapter of their careers with the majorly anticipated new album, a key component of that next chapter will undoubtedly be ARMY. ARMYPEDIA now sits as a completed, heartfelt scrapbook of what BTS and hundreds of thousands of ARMY have shared together, as well as a promise to create and share even more in the future.
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blade720review-blog · 4 years
Blade 720 Drone Review
Men and women today always hunt for innovative methods of conveying themselves, recording the day to day activities that they had, revealing their intense adventures with all of their good friends and family and friends, and immortalizing their most memorable thoughts. If you are looking for the easiest way to face out and also be noticed in front of a major audience, you have to have Blade 720- this modern technology can guarantee you which you would be able to achieve what you wish.
Within this modern day era, the most talked-about device is blade 720 drone review that has been designed with efficiency for the purpose of being used by every person, whether or not fresh or grown-up, experienced techy or perhaps not. You will notice that almost all men and women want and own this latest technology by themselves. Everyone wants to obtain and individual this popular technology no matter how fresh or how old these are – from business people and all of other folks. Name one particular and inquire them if they would like to own this modern technology, they will certainly response you using a major of course.
Drones are never difficult to purchase, nevertheless a buyer must keep in their thoughts that this popular technological innovation is not really presented for a affordable cost. In the event you attempt to own an excellent as well as a high-quality drone, you have to know how to get a very good investment. This only means you must take time to make up your mind in terms of selecting a drone.
Exactly what is Blade 720?
This is the most up-to-date and very portable drone that comes with refinement. This is considered as high-quality video camera, with detectors which as eye circulation, and has a very good manage maneuver. Blade drone is acknowledged for its transportability. And because of that, its main positive aspects can not be taken for granted. Blade 720 review discloses that this is really dependable up inside the air flow, it flies easily, and adding to that, it is capable of doing documenting substantial-image resolution video clips with your smartphone.
Blade 720 is known to be a accuracy-engineered sort of drone which is specifically made for an easy traveling, which is good for soaring inside or recording activity pictures operate on a great shift. The blade drone features a light-weight design, and foldable structure will make it necessary for whatever sort of venture.
No matter what your own personal purpose, regardless if you are just after regularly creating articles for your social media, instead, you merely simply want to have a online video and photo collection of your cherished instances and journeys. Regrettably, great-quality, and also pricey mobile devices, should not be valuable and appropriate all the time.
The taken pictures, plus the saved video lessons by using remarkable blade 720, are located quite difficult to think, and lots of people, regardless of their sex as well as their age group, attempt to very own 1. Even so, one problem about buying one is the fact that blade drone is a bit costly, and most of the drones are exceptionally tough to use. Nonetheless, these days, we currently have what we should call Blade 720, that is readily you can purchase which fits the requirements, demands, and requirements of individuals who are in need of a person-pleasant at the same time excellent and expense-efficient drones.
If you decide to purchase this item, traveling will not be your issue. Even individuals folks who are not good or who definitely have not tried traveling by air will likely be amazed since they will immediately observe they are already soaring without experiencing issues in the try or on establishing it. You don’t will need to have added knowledge about traveling rotor blades. What you need to be aware is that the battery ought to be billed. Close to it is setting it up for your system utilizing its QR computer code to manually link up the drone towards the gadget that you are utilizing. That is it! Easy as that! After that, you will surely possess a high quality practical experience, incredible aerial pictures removed from astounding angles.
In some of the blade 720 drone reviews, it reveals that it specifically manufactured for some selfie pictures from an aerial point of view. In a single push on a switch, this drone will require off easily. Furthermore, as stated to blade 720 drone review, blade 720 drone is capable of doing hitting a maximum rate of 12 m per 2nd should you will attach it. By making use of your mobile device, you are able to take flight it and control its blade simultaneously. It arrives with a free of charge handheld remote control plus a manufacturer’s application. This really is along with shipping and delivery scope along with three bits of twice-A batteries, which has a volt of 1.5 each in order for the drone to take flight.
Some Blade 720 reviews show that this technology is flip-style, while so that it is somewhat much easier as well as which makes it more comfortable to give anywhere you want to go. This also has a HD video camera that provides an actual-time transmission, detain altitude, and consists of help for digital reality together with a gravity sensor. This the most up-to-date drone utilized by anyone. This drone is best for capturing your valuable and finest selfies.
How Can Blade Drone 720 Functions?
Applying this technologies is very simple. The person just requires to put it together to get started utilizing it. With the use of your cell phone, you could have a obvious photo of pictures reside and accept yourself, regardless of whether it’s already a wonderful image you have grabbed or otherwise. You may freely decide whether or not to acquire yet another image or movie, or perhaps you still must take another situation just for this drone. You can even set it right into a panorama setting as well as seize the entire history pictures.
With the aid of this drone 720, you will have a scenery place for the image for you to possess a bigger quantity of subject areas. This is the primary reason why this modern technology is popularly used in varied celebrations and celebrations like a very first, wedding ceremonies, plus some other larger sized situations. In some blade drone 720 evaluations, it reveals that this modern technology can do attaining very easily at a faster level. The advantage of this drone is that it doesn’t need complicated instructions rather, an individual key is now being applied. For that reason, it cuts down on the risk of falling most, specifically for beginners.
So many people are also how easy it could be setup and the way easy they can make use of it. It functions both for younger and grownup. Fundamentally, it requires establishing an iphone app otherwise manually scan its QR code. This drone is simple in addition to uncomplicated. In case you are carried out checking, beside it is placing its battery power and attaching it on the blade drone, then you can definitely go through the iphone app. Right away, anyone can take advantage of this blade drone.
Why is it distinct from the other drones is you can travel it effortlessly. This provides easy-to-use and outstanding control. You will have a normal soaring. The fact is, a person happens to be in their office, and suddenly established which he may have his first trip within secs. You can expect to surely be amazed how easy and simple it can be as it has a responsive management.
When you are already in the skies, it will probably be great for utilizing its built-in digicam. Making the most of the best photographs and video lessons may be possibly accomplished. With the aid of this drone, you can have impossible aspects for your video tutorials, together with your photos. Should you wanted to astonish your pals together with your fans, you must not possess a 2nd contemplated purchasing this useful merchandise due to the fact, with this particular, you could have the coolest and beautiful selfies.
Blade Drone 720 Features and Benefits
Blade 720 Drone delivers newbie users for professionals. Right here are some of the wanted options that come with this technology
•This really is foldable
This innovative drone 720 includes remarkable collapsible propellers. For this reason, it is simple to bring it anywhere you enjoy without having to worry about the potential risk of transportation.
•This may be handled via Android os, iOS, or Smart phone
You can possibly management this drone irrespective if you work with an android os operated mobile device or perhaps iOS. You just need to download the app, set it up, and therefore the last item that you just can do is to connect it on the Wi-Fi and after that next to your blade.
•Altitude Maintain Setting
It becomes an important attribute with this drone because it is capable of sealing the level along with the drone’s spot so the customer can steadily hover it on one location and get incredible videos and images.
•Improved Flight Time
This excellent blade drone 720 offer an remarkable life of the battery also. This drone can also be considered amongst the quickest drone today, with twelve m per 2nd along with its leading collection transmitting of 2 kilometers.
•Contra--Assortment Technology
With its included devices, it is possible to possibly prevent great and crashes on the floor and in addition some obstructions.
•Sensible and also Minimal Layout
Its wise light in weight characteristic development retains together, giving extra transportability.
•Panorama Mode
By utilizing this drone 720, it is possible to consider images 360 degrees above in a individual drive on its button by using your smartphone.
•Extraordinary Movie
The video lessons, in addition to the pictures that happen to be taken applying this drone, are found being incredibly clear and sharp.
•3D VR Setting
As a way for you to use the drone, you can utilize its joystick as well as its VR package.
Let’s have a lot of blade 720 benefits:
•Less inconvenience setting-up
•Sleek and instinctive controls for easy traveling
•Individual-key for attaining, taking off and coming back
•Battery enables the user to travel for the highest of ten mins
•Lithium electric battery carries a big ability which offers a longer time for flying
•Comes with Wi-Fi relationship which helps with easy and genuine-time data transferring
•360 diplomas straightforward going
•Lower and high-speed function
•Lightweight characteristic can make it more durable when compared with other people
Advantages of using Blade Drone 720
The main benefits of this specific drone are its cost, mobility, digicam, and simple to use. This drone appears like a sizable android mobile phone mobile phone in proportions. It arrives with foldable rotors thus, you can surely get the most-loved portable drone. It can easily fit into your bag or bank account. Anyone can use and fly this phenomenal drone. The person doesn’t have to target its height, just browse through and enjoy your flight! It really is indisputable that each drone requires a fantastic video camera. As a result, this blade drone 720 provides an awesome picture and also videos.
As yet, we haven’t brought up that the distinct blade is created with ABS plastic-type material. And this the thing that makes it more robust and lighter in weight. Finally, its cost is incredible. It is actually being offered for just 1000 US $ $ $ $ without worrying about its trustworthiness along with its quality. Using its affordable price, you might have your own super light-weight and flip-style drone, which can survive each misuse. This is actually well worth acquiring.
Blade Drone 720 Pros & Disadvantages
Same goes with another things around, this drone also has its pros along with its negatives. Therefore, it is very important to find out its advantages as well as its down sides for you so that you can have a obvious snapshot if it specific product is suited for you. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of blade drone 720.
•Cheap, productive, and Controlling is not difficult
If you use this drone, you may surely save your valuable dollars by lowering the manpower and its gas expense. This drone provides a precise take a look at individuals locations which can be considered as tough to reach furthermore, it exceptional in security, rescue objectives without consuming a better amount of money. This drone 720 is regarded as an inexpensive and hassle-free choice for helicopters mainly because this drone can swiftly be flown.
•Remarkable Digital photography
This blade drone 720 may help you in getting spectacular, awesome, and instagrammable photographs. Qualified photographers do uplift their profession along with their business by purchasing this type of drone. All those movie-make who are just beginning on their own industry also raise the need for their manufacturing using the amazing aerial pictures available from this blade drone 720.
•Exciting to utilize
When you find yourself already familiarized with how you can work it, you will possess enjoyable plus an pleasant practical experience.
•Privacy Invasion
This is known as the key problem with regards to the drone use since the end user can check out around and make use of this drone for trespassing homes. Hence, this can be terrifying simultaneously, distressing.
•Damages or Accidents
This drone is vunerable to damages. In the event you don’t hold the right education combined with the required capabilities for producing this drone travel, you may result in drone accident or collide, which may cause reaching someone or destroying possessions. You can even find studies about drones traveling near some energy cables or large airports that posed harm or mishaps that can result in severe personal injuries for humans.
•Probable Mishandling
Its fulfillment as well as its convenience bring in enthusiasts, tech geeks, along with those that have unlawful good reasons. Terrorists and crooks have realized methods to utilize this kind of gadget for vicious pursuits.
•Cause harm to
Regardless if the aim is good or terrible, this drone might cause damage to folks. You will find circumstances wherein drones are used for transporting radioactive fabric for those moving illegal pursuits. If it is not licensed, this technologies may play as the primary for wrongdoers to dedicate criminal activity comfortable.
•Airport Threats
Since the blade drone is quite well-known amongst adults and also youngsters, it then constitutes a substantial hazard to large airports. This may not be off the outdone path happenings, yet amazing scale disruption which continuously influences numerous journeys per month. From the moment this blade fails in the airplane, this could lead to a devastating circumstance.
Consumer Views along with Activities
This company-new drone compatibly functions with the help of a mobile device that is utilized to take beautiful pictures as well as video tutorials. Aside from becoming utilized being a selfie drone, it is additionally popularly called a amazing stuffed toy. It can be easily operated and maneuver, as mentioned on some blade drone 720 testimonials readily available available.
Skills and knowledge about drones are not required. Even those people who are not tech-smart individuals may possibly function this system. However, it really is greatly advisable to be mindful to the present weather before running this drone around the area. Due to the light attribute, it is not wise to have this drone to travel if the rain is hefty, and you will discover a strong breeze.
•This drone is best for beginners. This doesn’t demand capabilities in drones. In comparison with others, this really is a tad sturdier- that is, based on Andrea Harnum, who purchased the product as a Christmas gift for a man in their early fifties and 2 young adults. They have mentioned some positive opinion of this drone. Should you will buy, make sure you permit enough shipping and delivery time, especially if you will have this like a present.
•According to Bod, this drone is excellent. Your mates will surely be blown away by its digicam image resolution. It can perform offering beautiful videos and pictures.
•Based on David Frocione, he will certainly acquire a greater portion of this system. What he enjoys most is definitely the dependability and integrity with regards to this drone.
Several people that got used this drone are pleased, pleased, and also happy with their experience. Any other way, many folks find it difficult to situation excellently up over, especially you will find a strong wind. This only means that in the event you planned to browse through it properly, you have to have some required practice in handling this drone. Quite a few users are motivated to make on their own informed about the rules and regulations in drones flying within the discipline, otherwise the left arm in the legislation can possibly confiscate this drone. Be conscious that flying drones near the international airport or helipad and potential cable ought to be averted for you to definitely prevent incidents.
What exactly is the Cost of Blade Drone 720?
You are able to own this drone for only 199.99 dollars. Nevertheless, when you will attempt to purchase it from the established site, you can get for a selection of cost. Huge discount rates are made available from the drone business such as acquiring two units will entitle you to definitely have one drone at no cost, getting three models will entitle you for a couple of totally free drones. Hence, this will become very advantageous for several people who take into account soaring drones as being a activity and also for family members bonding. Another good thing about buying this product is definitely the free freight marketing. Therefore, you must get the chance to bounce at blade drone 720 rewards.
Often, this blade 720 is offered with managing a campaign. In some places, you may absolutely have on your own this Blade 720 since some manufacturers give you a 50 percent low cost. And when it comes to online business marketers, additionally, they provide shipping and delivery, which means that it is going to actually work with these people who have a tight budget. The product if being offered on the internet, and when you look for its principal site, you will have the ability to get a drone with the best quality and value.
This product is generated to satisfy users’ requires along with needs. With its characteristics, such as incredible stability as it flies, 720HD camera and wide lens, controllable controls for simple flying, you will certainly be impressed by its affordable price. In purchasing any piece, it can be envisioned that consumers will invariably have a next contemplated receiving the object. Purchasers will certainly check with and speculate in case the product is really worth acquiring or not.
In terms of blade drone 720, the reply is definitely sure! You might consider the gorgeous and amazing video lessons and pictures that you’ll be able to have with the aid of this blade drone 720. It is not just about catching photographs and consuming video clips but much more about the exhilaration and fun it gives you for end users.
Haven’t you attempted traveling a drone? Here is the correct time to possess a attempt! Hurry up and experience and enjoy the great high quality photos to your cherished photos, for the video tutorials, and in many cases for the are living stream journeys.
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theblade720-blog · 4 years
blade 720 drone
Individuals nowadays always seek out imaginative methods of expressing them selves, documenting the day to day activities that they had, discussing their excessive adventures with all their friends and family and friends, and immortalizing their most wonderful remembrances. If you are looking for the best way to face out and also be observed facing a major group, you have to have Blade 720- this modern technology can guarantee that you just would be able to obtain what you need.
In this modern day time, the most talked-about device is Blade 720, which had been developed with simpleness just for being utilized by every person, whether youthful or adult, knowledgeable techy or otherwise not. You will notice that virtually all people need to have and individual this latest technology for their own reasons. Everyone would like to get and own this popular technological innovation regardless of how fresh or how old these are – from companies and all sorts of other people. Name 1 and get them if they wish to individual this technologies, they will certainly response you by using a huge indeed.
Drones are never challenging to purchase, nevertheless a customer must bear in their mind that this preferred technological innovation is just not supplied to get a inexpensive cost. When you aim to individual a top-notch together with a high-high quality drone, you must know tips to get excellent expenditure. This only means you ought to make time to come to a decision in relation to choosing a drone.
What is Blade 720?
This is actually the latest and very portable drone that is equipped with refinement. This is known as high-image resolution camera, with sensors which as eye stream, and possesses an intelligent management maneuver. Blade drone is known for its convenience. And because of that, its major advantages can not be taken for granted. Blade 720 assessment shows that this is really stable up within the oxygen, it flies quickly, and aside from that, it is capable of doing documenting higher-solution videos in your smartphone.
Blade 720 is known to be a accuracy and precision-engineered sort of drone that is specifically created for a fairly easy traveling, which is good for soaring inside or recording measures photographs are powered by an incredible shift. The blade drone includes a light layout, and foldable construction makes it necessary for whatever form of venture.
No matter your own purpose, if you are just after regularly developing content material to your social websites, rather, you merely simply want to have a online video and image collection of your valuable moments and activities. However, great-quality, and also high-priced mobile devices, cannot be helpful and appropriate all the time.
The grabbed photographs, and also the saved video tutorials by using amazing blade 720, are located very difficult to imagine, and many people, no matter their sex as well as their age, try to personal a single. However, the only problem about buying one is that blade drone is pricey, and a lot of the drones are exceptionally tough to utilize. Nonetheless, these days, we have whatever we get in touch with Blade 720, which can be readily you can purchase which fits the needs, needs, and requirements of people who require an end user-warm and friendly simultaneously excellent and expense-powerful drones.
If you decide to get this piece, flying will not be your issue. Even those folks who will not be excellent or who definitely have not attempted soaring will be surprised because they will immediately observe that they are already traveling by air without suffering from issues on the try or on placing it up. You don’t need to have additional know-how about soaring blades. What you should take note is the fact that electric battery must be charged. Close to it can be installing it to your product making use of its QR rule to manually connect the drone on the gadget that you may be using. That is it! Simple as that! Following that, you can expect to surely have got a top-notch expertise, remarkable aerial pictures obtained from astounding perspectives.
In a number of the blade 720 drone reviews, it reveals that this specifically designed for some selfie photos from an aerial perspective. In one push on the option, this drone will take off quickly. Furthermore, as mentioned to blade 720 drone review, blade 720 drone can perform hitting a highest speed of 12 yards per secondly in the event you will position it. Through the use of your mobile phone, you can fly it and manage its blade as well. It arrives with a no cost remote control along with a manufacturer’s app. This is certainly coupled with shipping and delivery scale along with three pieces of twice-A batteries, which has a volt of 1.5 each to ensure that the drone to travel.
Some Blade 720 testimonials show that this modern technology is flip-style, whilst so that it is a lttle bit simpler as well as making it more at ease to take anywhere you desired to look. This also has a HD video camera that gives an actual-time transmitting, detain altitude, and includes assistance for online actuality together with a gravitational pressure sensing unit. This the most up-to-date drone made use of by anyone. This drone is suitable for capturing your precious and best selfies.
Just How Do Blade Drone 720 Performs?
Applying this modern technology is very simple. The consumer just requires to set it up to begin using it. With the use of your smartphone, you could have a crystal clear image of graphics reside and be satisfied with oneself, no matter if it’s already an excellent picture you have grabbed or not. You may freely decide if you should consider another photo or video, or else you still need to take another situation just for this drone. Also you can set it right into a panorama mode and also capture the complete history photos.
With the aid of this drone 720, you could have a scenery place for your personal photograph to ensure that you to have a greater number of topics. This is the main reason why this technology is popularly found in different celebrations and parties just like a first appearance, weddings, and some other bigger activities. In a few blade drone 720 reviews, it implies that this technological innovation is capable of landing quickly at the faster amount. The best thing about this drone is that it doesn’t need intricate instruction quite, just one switch is being applied. Consequently, it cuts down on the danger of falling most, especially for first-timers.
Everyone seems to be also how simple it can be create and the way simple they are able to make use of it. It works for fresh and grownup. Basically, it takes establishing an iphone app or else manually skim its QR program code. This drone is simple and also uncomplicated. When you are done scanning, close to it really is placing its battery pack and hooking up it towards the blade drone, then you can select the iphone app. Very quickly, anyone can take advantage of this blade drone.
What makes it distinct from the other drones is that you may travel it effortlessly. This provides easy-to-use and superb control. You should have a normal soaring. The simple truth is, someone is now in their office, and suddenly determined that he may have his initial flight in just moments. You may surely be very impressed how smooth and straightforward it can be as it has a reactive management.
Once you are already within the sky, it will likely be perfect for using its integrated digital camera. Capitalizing on the very best photos and videos may be possibly obtained. With the aid of this drone, you might have difficult perspectives to your video clips, in addition to your photographs. Should you wanted to astound your friends as well as your readers, you should not possess a second considered purchasing this useful item simply because, using this, you can have the best and stunning selfies.
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mincyclopedia · 5 years
pairing; jungkook x reader
genre; fluff, future angst
word count; 1286 words
Soulmate AU; in which soulmates can start to see things in colors only when they’ve met each other
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The blue sky: something Jeon Jungkook could never understand. Is it really as pretty as people describe it to be? Does it change colors through the day? He never knew. All his life he’s only seen shades of grey.
He thought it was normal for everyone too, until in preschool when he had to sort toys according to colour. Everyone did it so easily, while he couldn’t differentiate between the similar shades of grey. It would be a blatant lie if he said this never made him insecure.
Jungkook was twenty-one when colors finally began to seep into the monotonous gray of his world; when he saw you.
Jungkook’s eyebrow furrowed when he noticed a striking pair of light brown eyes. The pretty pair of eyes belonged to you, and you were just as shocked as him. You too couldn’t see colors until then, and what surprised you was that you could see the light blue of Jungkook’s shirt. All of a sudden, the spring sky, which had been dull all your life, turned baby blue.
You stood there in place, feet glued to the ground.
“Excuse me, are you...” Jungkook approached your frozen posture.
“Ah, you too?” You asked, still confused.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “Yeah…”
Three seconds of silence passed.
“I suppose we’re soulmates,” Jungkook finally mustered the courage to say.
“O-oh,” Was all that you could say.
“Nice to meet you,” Jungkook bowed as he lowered his mask to reveal his face. “I’m Jeon Jungkook.”
Your heart stopped. You knew him. Heck, you’d be a caveman if you didn’t. This idol, this beautiful man was your soulmate?? His existence itself felt otherworldly, you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.
Then you realized that he’s waiting for you to introduce yourself. He didn’t tease, though—only smiled as he waited patiently for your answer.
“Ah,” You snapped out of your daze, “I’m Y/N,”
“Y/N,” He repeated, enjoying how your name rolled off perfectly from his tongue. You felt a shiver down your spine when he said your name. Jungkook’s heart was beating so fast, he could not hold back his excitement. You too couldn’t help but smile when you saw him holding back a grin.
“So… what do we do now?” You asked.
“Well, are you, maybe, free at the moment?” He began.
You gave it a thought, “Um, not exactly, but—” His phone ringtone cut the conversation.
“I’m so sorry, I need to take this,” He smiled sheepishly after he saw the caller ID.
You nodded understandingly and decided to wait silently.
“Hello, hyung? Yeah, yeah. I’m in Hongdae, why? Uh-huh, right now? But—” Jungkook started rambling, “Alright, I get it. I’ll be there.”
He hung up immediately, about to storm off until he remembered you.
“Pretty busy, I guess?” You asked. ​
He smiled apologetically, “I’m really, really sorry our first conversation has to be like this, it’s just—”
“No, no, it’s fine, really. I understand,”
“I’ll make it up to you. Tonight, maybe? I’ll be free by then. We can get dinner or anything you like,” Jungkook boldly suggested.
He couldn’t believe the invitation just slipped off his tongue like that. Was he moving too fast? He began regretting his words when he saw a speck of doubt in your eyes.
But to his surprise, you nodded, “Dinner sounds good.”
Jungkook exhaled in relief, “Ah, good then. Can I get your number, or KaTalk ID?”
“Oh, sure! Here,” You offered him your phone.
After scanning the QR code, Jungkook gave a satisfied smile as he stared at you blankly for four whole seconds.
“Uh, don’t you have somewhere to be?” You reminded.
“Um, yeah! I’ll uh—I’ll see you tonight then. I’ll text you the restaurant address,”
You smiled bashfully, “Yeah, see you.”
Jungkook gave one final bow before finally walking away.
When he was completely out of sight, you too rushed home. You’ve walked down this street hundreds—no, thousands—of times, but everything looks different with spots of blue peeping through the gray.
And it’s all thanks to him.
​Your soulmate.
​Nothing felt quite real to you at that moment. The trees, the streets, the crowd: it’s as if they didn’t exist. The only thing you found real and vivid, was the loud rhythmic pounding on your chest.
When you’ve reached the comfort of your room, you slumped on your bed, trying to calm your breath. Of course you knew who Jungkook was. Even though you weren’t a hard core fan, you’ve seen him on music shows, Twitter, news portals; basically anywhere. You love lots of BTS’ songs, you knew their story, you knew their growth, their impact—really, you understood.
It felt… weird. He seemed so familiar yet so distant at the same time. The more you thought about it, the more everything seemed bewildering.
Over the next few hours, you were slowly growing accustomed to how things appeared. You were only able to see blue, and the striking contrast between it and grey made you dizzy. You wondered if it’s a normal thing for first timers like you.
Meanwhile in the BigHit building, Jungkook was reviewing the movements for the chorus of his solo song.
Why does this step feel weird? He thought to himself.
“Ooooh~ Jungkookie’s cool,” Hoseok fawned.
Jungkook smiled shyly at the comment, trying to maintain his cool.
“It looks hard. Euphoria’s full of high notes and your voice needs to be really stable,” Namjoon commented.
Seokjin scoffed, “You’ve seen the kid dance to Begin. At this point, what’s impossible?”
Everyone laughed.
Jimin patted the maknae on the back and handed him a drink, “Take five. You’ve been practicing all afternoon.”
Jungkook obeyed and went to the refreshments area, attempting to catch his breath. He sat down next to Yoongi, who was busy fiddling with his phone.
“Done?” Yoongi asked.
“I’ll practice again after everyone’s had their turns,”
“Just don’t overexert yourself,”
​Jungkook nodded again.
“Jungkook-ah,” Hoseok called, “Can you pass me my drink?”
“Sure, which one?”
“Mine’s the orange cup,” Hoseok replied absentmindedly while looking at Jimin practicing.
Yoongi’s eyes widened and he stopped typing to nudge Hoseok.
Hoseok didn’t understand Yoongi at first, but after recalling his sentence, he knew he screwed up.
To others, there were colourful paper cups on the table, but to Jungkook, there were only similarly shaped grey cups.
The members were all aware of the maknae’s complex. It was an unwritten rule for everyone in the company; you don’t talk about colors with Jungkook.
Hoseok bit his lip, “Uhh, sorry Jungkook-ah. I meant the one on your—” He stopped himself when Jungkook actually passed him the right cup.
“Oh. Thanks,” Was all Hoseok could add.
Hoseok turned to Yoongi who looked just as confused.
“Jungkook-ah, how did you know this cup’s orange?” Yoongi began.
The maknae didn’t reply immediately; hesitated, even. But at this point his hyungs’s eyes were burning with question.
“I—uh, I sort of, started seeing colours,” Jungkook finally answered.
Hoseok dropped his empty cup, the echo of it hitting the ground signalling some sort of finality.
“What—so you’ve met your soulmate??” Yoongi asked.
Jungkook awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, “I guess?”
“Ay, this kid. Look at you in love!” Hoseok said as he playfully hit Jungkook.
“Who’s in love? What are we talking about?” Namjoon asked as he suddenly joined the conversation.
Hoseok giggled as he clapped enthusiastically, “Finally, finally! Jungkook can see colours now!”
Jungkook blushed, “Well, not all, but—”
“Really??” Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“You’ve met your soulmate??” Taehyung burst in.
“What’s her name??”
“After all these years, finally!”
​“Can you finally see everything in colors??”
​Jungkook sighed deeply. It was going to be a long afternoon.
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rayomz · 6 years
animal crossing switch
they will change something drastically about the character design (acww: hair, acnl: taller/pants, ac switch: ???)
you still get to be mayor, or some sort of town planner
may be like happy home designer, where you can design entire facilities like shops, schools, etc, however that works
you will be able to choose where animals move in (like in previous games, houses went on top of signs placed around town. you’d be able to place signs wherever)
more public works projects
you will get to choose your face instead of having The Quiz
more customization options in general
an upgraded version of the pattern maker
a dedicated tool for path creation and not just putting paths down via patterns
MORE pattern space regardless
more complex villagers
at least one new species
one to two new personality types
one new shop type
a small online hub, maybe
an in-game gallery where you can upload custom patterns and download them from other players
if that’s not it, you will have to use your phone using the NSO app. i think animal crossing will have app functionality anyway, maybe something like splatnet where you have shop exclusives, but mainly because of voice chat. but i was thinking this app would let you scan QR codes and send them to your game since the switch doesnt have cameras
a new type of collectible (like how acnl added deep sea creatures)
the town for ac switch will be Large. Big. acnl was too tiny, i want something Large, city folk was nice but it could still be… Bigger.
they might bring back amiibo cards and the campsite
free camera in town i think is a 50/50 possibility. the switch is powerful enough to handle it but at the same time the current view is iconic i think and idk if they’d get rid of that. i will predict better cameras in places like the museum though
graphically, it will look nice. the way the ac track looks in mario kart is the dream but, i can see them doing the exact same thing from acnl. which is Not what i want
they’ll put in all furniture from pocket camp
they’ll put uh.. plants from pocket camp (birch trees please)
monthly free dlc like in new leaf
inevitable japanese-exclusive content
bat, raccoon, weasel, otter, or possum villagers
fantasy species like dragons, gryphons
more fantasy villagers at the very least (draco, julien)
biomes/landscape variety: be able to choose different town types such as mountains, forests, deserts, grasslands, tropical, whatever. or start out with the regular forest type town, and have the option to change it into anything (maybe it changes depending on what you plant? like if an area has a lot of cacti, the grass will disappear and turn into scrub)
more options for an urban/modern town
more variety in personalities per species. cats for example, a majority of the male cats are either grumpy or lazy. no smugs, and one (1) jock
more complex villagers. i want a relationship system. i’m not talking about marrying or dating anyone, i just want friendships to mean something. i want to be able to progress through a relationship.
^^ related, i want more complex villagers in terms of their OWN personality. they’re always upbeat and in a good mood in acnl. they have no bite. they lack any personality. they’re so bland. i want a villager to move in and hate me for absolutely no reason. and then maybe i can do errands for him or something, and we can slowly become friends. SOMETHING other than *knows each other for 5 seconds* “hehe we’re best friends :)”. in acnl i made NO friends other than zell and kiki (who is a staple villager for me) because i had no incentive to make any friends. everyone is exactly the same. boring
^^ maybe animals in a town can have relationships with each other? like dotty and felicity are friends, but dotty hates poncho. i dont know what this could do other than more errands to run but it would help the town feel more alive
Big Leafy Trees
fruits and vegetables. maybe leif can sell planters in his shop that allow you to grow things like strawberries or tomatoes that you can sell
cooking? i’ve seen people talk about cooking ~LiKe BrEaTh Of ThE wILd~ (bc thats the only nintendo game that exists i guess) where it effects your stats and energy/stamina and tbh animal crossing does NOT need that. i think you should be able to cook for food as furniture items, or you can give food to villagers as gifts to increase your Friendship Points. Or you could sell it for a a little bit of Money
more furniture, but that’s a given with any ac game
customizable pants! in acnl they gave us the option to customize different types of shirts but i want customizable pants and skirts now
yards. even if they’re small
half-tile placement for furniture like in happy home designer (idk if half-tiles are in pocket camp)
more customization options for houses, like windows and doors (like HHD)
an online marketplace where you can go and trade with people online without having to need to go to their town and swap FCs
nice beaches, the ones in new leaf kinda suck imo
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why doesn’t the current employment system work?
easy, it’s a half-assed one-solution-fits-all approach made by rich people who have NEVER used the employment search system.
How does it work?
You want centrelink? You get assigned a job-search centre, there’s always 4-5 in even small towns now. It’s a lucrative business.
You’re told ‘search for 20-40 jobs per month’ based on your area. They have to be jobs you could reasonably do (one or two assholes made sure the whole system was tightened bc they’d apply for things they had no qualifications for). 
These are entered online, on a special governmental site. Failure to locate the right amount gets you a strike, or more than one.
Which is hard because there are only so many jobs in smaller towns, right?
So let’s say you have no luck, you hand in the 20 for that fortnight, and ‘report’ online to centrelink that you are following the rules.
They also make you do mandatory courses such as the 2-day ‘Resume Writing Course’ that you can do up to twice in 6 months. It’s as stupid as it sounds, and you learn nothing but that you hate the place.
Also, 3-day mandatory ‘Communication with People’. How to talk to people. Literally. 3 days of your life gone. Gee, wish I’d done some sort of degree around literally talking to people and using analysis... hmmm... 
They do not Recognise Prior Learning, at all. Because each person they make attend gets them more and more money.
New rules allow for them to identify a job you HAVE to apply for -even if you must write a new resume and cover letter. Which, in some cases, is a little fair.  Maybe you’re using one from years ago.
New rules can make them demand you call the HR of a certain place in front of them, to prove your resume went in, and to ask about the position. Of course, this will slap you on the Hell No list, but at least they’re satisfied.
New rules allow them to make you change your existing resume -e.g. they can demand you remove your degree/qualifications to make you more attractive to retail employers (always wary of taking on someone who might move on quickly).
That only works for 6 months these days.
- - - 
After 6 months, they send you on a Work-for-the-Dole assignment to a local charity.
They’re supposed to do risk assessments, and follow up on allegations of groping weirdoes and pedophilia (looking at you, Salvation Army*). But they don’t. [ *that person who did it was literally the Community Member of the Year until the truth of what the local SA was covering up came to light. Fucking creep of a man, so many flags that Jesus absolved him of.]
That nonsense injured two members of my family directly, as well as others; at the same place, at different times, and both were deemed ‘our fault’. Despite that the first incident involved an unqualified asshole making a teenage boy hold a fridge, then deliberately dropping the truck tray fast so it yanked the ligaments in the kid’s shoulder so badly it took 6-12 months to heal with physiotherapy.
And the second time, a bookshelf held up with STICKY-tape was broken by a customer, and fell off slamming into my knees and feet, causing untold agony... resulting in a fractured patella in one knee and severe bruising/clicking/weird shit that persists even a year and a half later... but that was my fault.
In short, each person is assigned up to 55 hours per fortnight that they have to undertake with a charity of some formation. OR ROADWORK - they can also make you do roadwork. Like they tried to do to the just-healed teenage boy the minute his medical exemption period was up, even though he couldn’t raise his arm all the way yet. It’s Making Money, not Helping People Find Jobs.
They also made an app, that the person attending MUST download (even if you have to delete just about every single other thing on the cheap phone to make room for it).
It’s called Jobapp or some shit. Basically, when you get there the manager or head volunteer (often tech illiterate) HAS to print a QR code for you, and only you.
You sign into the app, this takes a while bc it’s not well designed and cuts out often. Finally, you find the hard-to-locate-and-ambiguously-named part where you can ‘sign in’ as being at your ‘activity’.
If you’re there all day, and you will be, there are Two Codes.
You scan them to separate locations in the app. And boom, you’re registered as there. It only takes one missed QR code or app failure to land you in shit, though.
And then you spend all day cleaning, on the till, arguing with people over op shop items bc they feel certain prices are too high even if it’s less than a third the real price. And you’re not allowed to sit or chill or anything... unless you’re a volunteer. They can get away with murder.
So that goes on for six months, slowly draining the will to live from your bones.
All the while, you still have to do the 20-40 jobs things and find time for their Training Modules that you already did but hey, you’re a moneymaker. Sometimes they will NOT count the training days towards your Total 55hours per fortnight, so you lose the one free day a week you had...
It sucks... but I think the other thing we should mention is that this doesn’t really exclude any jobseekers.
Disabled? Elderly? Medical Issues? Can’t speak english very well? Other issue?
Get in there. We get paid to supervise your activity!
Like, there are a lot of people doing job seeking activities who are unfit for the position they are forced into. For many reasons.
The thing I found laughable was that they could apply for you, without your knowledge, and if that resulted in an interview you HAD to go. If they feel you tanked the interview, they can penalise you...
There are ways to tank an interview, though. Trust me.  Especially for telemarketer interviews, just have an awkward phone manner, like you’re trying but it’s Weird. And boom, no. [Not that there’s anything wrong with that job, but they signed me up for it without my permission and some dangerous clients worked there, I would not have been safe, they didn’t care tho].
Also, you can’t apply for certain positions for someone with a degree. Our ability is measured in the way we respond to the questions and assessment requests... you can force us to apply to them, but trying to write in for us is just ridiculous. 
They might also call and call and call anyone on your applied-for list that they directed you to apply for... which of course, can tank your chances. Very annoying.
And if you get a job, on your own merit, they take credit for it immediately. I assume there’s a bonus or something.
- - - - - 
So naturally, QLD said ‘yeah, let’s have that one’.
M.E. allegedly used to claim they had held mass training events with 80+ people every few weeks, doing those awful little courses listed above.  Except, on inspection by confused governmental officials..,. they discovered the room would barely hold 5-6 people including a trainer. Therefore, fraud.
Also, M.E. has failed to catch fake-ads (resulting in free 2-hour work ‘trials’ for a certain cafe that went over a year, fraud) and even sent an unaccompanied 15 year old girl to a fucking BROTHEL after identifying a clearly-not-for-an-admin ad for ‘an admin’ at that location.
IT’s always MONEY.
If you are in charge of the poor, the ill, the desperate... then it should not be for money incentives. You should get a flat wage and that’s it.
Why? Because then people who are actually able to do the job, and willing to help people, will do it. Not just people who see dollar signs when they look at the tired, the unemployed and the ill.
And they need to actually fire bad people.
Let me tell you about this woman I had to deal with in a 6 month break from my fucking uni degree due to illness. Automatically, they threw me into job seeking.  I didn’t have a voice for like 2 months, but that didn’t matter.
This huge, hulking, rotund potato of a woman, balding ranga and a face as mean as a bulldog’s arsehole... was my caseworker person. She was a nightmare.
I would find 20 jobs, and hand in the sheet, she would yell at me, that I was being smart and she wouldn’t accept that. I once applied for nearly 65 jobs in one fortnight out of desperation, because she kept having my centrelink cut off without warning if I refused to complete another sheet.
The other caseworkers never stopped her. The manager would not hear my complaints or concerns. She could do what she wanted.
And she knew I could not stop her. The one thing about the situation that kept me apart form others there was that, if I absolutely couldn’t take it, my parental unit said we would ‘manage’ until I went back to uni the next year. Others were unable to do that, and so, this absolute cunt of a woman... held sway.
She had no class, no charm and no people skills. She screamed at the top of her lungs at a tiny asian lady who a) didn’t have a great grasp on english at the time, and b) did not understand all the big words this self-important ranga was using just to sound intelligent.
Apparently the solution to ‘I do not understand’ is raise your voice, to screaming, and get angry. NONE of her colleagues even looked up at her.  Jesus, if one of my colleagues was yelling like that I’d have dragged them out of the room by their fucking hair, like what the HELL was that about.
Was she stopped or fired? No. Was she transferred to some unsuspecting town? Yeah.
I don’t trust organisations who will not admit they hired the wrong person, and fire them. It means they’re hiding shit.
TL;DR - The whole system is a disaster.
They claim more people are employed, but they also count people on those mandatory work-for-the-dole things, which skews the unemployment number to less than it is.
It is exhausting to deal with and its no wonder so many fucking people are so depressed death seems like the only solution.
And it was all thanks to a handful of people rorting the system; the idiots up top went into red-alert levels of panic and upended the system to punish people.
which is nonsense
sure, limit what people can get to groceries and certain stores, including op shops or whatevs. can’t get smokes or alcohol on the cards...
have to have ID for the cards...
but like, you think people won’t find ways to get the smokes, drugs and alcohol they want? you’ve just ensured that they either pawn their things, or do degrading acts to get those things...
so give yourselves a moralistic high-five, people who decided this system was a great idea (primarily bc they and their family/social circle will never need to use it), because you’ve cause d so many more problems than you solved...
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Cardano Daedalus Wallet
The daedalus wallet is the optimal finances used to store Cardano, and this can be our comprehensive review. Most of us usually shop money in a good budget. When it comes in order to digital dollars, there are wallets where you could retail store your online money. These wallets look and function in a different way from typically the leather folders a person carry in your pocket, though the objective remains the particular same. Each cryptocurrency requires a wallet agreeable with it. You cannot store just about any a digital foreign currency in almost any wallet. You should also try to select between software program and hardware wallets. Program wallets happen to be online applications, while computer hardware wallets really are a separate device that can be attached to a personal computer via OBTAINABLE. One such wallet is the Daedalus wallet. Around this review, we will explain how to use the particular Daedalus finances, what the idea is and let you recognize if it�s the ideal wallet for Cardano. The Daedalus wallet is made for Cardano, one of the most valuable digital various currencies on the globe. Cardano hasn�t been around with regard to too long but it has now managed to become ranked among the top ten a digital various currencies worldwide. Daedalus will be the only pocket in the moment to assist Cardano. It had been developed by way of the Cardano system to provide the highest amounts of encryption to end users � this can be vital. Many of us have all seen the first Transformers (where security was initially part of the plotline), 24, plus Blackhat! Daedalus is a multi-platform web-based wallet, which means that can be accessed via virtually any operating system together with any visitor. Daedalus possesses gained many popularity within a short time due to the wide range of features it offers users. End users can deal with the particular pocket book easily and safely and securely making use of high technical features. Arranging and recovering resources happen to be also easy. This ease and ease of usage makes Daedalus such a good well known Cardano wallet. On a basic amount, Daedalus is just such as any other cryptocurrency pocket book. It lets you retail outlet data like private take some time for easy access for you to funds every time. Since Daedalus is an on the internet budget, this is much more reliable in its results compared to a good components budget. You can access the consideration from just about any platform together with internet browser from anywhere in the planet intended for instant access to funds. Defense, convenience, in addition to instant providers are many of the features involving Daedalus wallet. The Cardano Base is based within Switzerland in addition to arrived in to existence inside 2015. Cardano has been looking to adjust the way digital foreign money is developed and used. Cardano is a really safe blockchain platform composed throughout Haskell, a programming words that uses complex statistical judgement for coding, and possesses a high problem ceiling level. This tends to make Haskell different from some other programming languages. Such a new higher level of fault ceiling is essential because the practices building Cardano (ADA) can be meant to be spread with a lot associated with cryptographic limitations. Haskell isn�t used by very several cryptocurrency platforms due to its complexity. Nevertheless Cardano has used that and made the platform highly secure. Since Daedalus is also based with the same platform, it is as safe since Cardano itself. Cardano budget technology is safer than most because of the particular highly modern peer-reviewed research. Daedalus comes with an encrusted framework as well as elegant verification codes. It is not hard to contact customer assist for any form of assist. People can seek the advice of the particular on the net resources within the Daedalus and Cardano web sites, or maybe connect with the staff about social media. There are varying examples of have faith in when it comes to be able to the legitimacy of Daedalus wallet. There are a number of people who claim that Cardano plus Daedalus are cons. This can be because Daedalus is an on the web wallet, and several on the internet purses own turned out to get scams previously. How To be able to Use Daedalus Wallet? Since this is a web-based pocket, its quite simple for you to use. You need to be able to install the application the device to begin. Once installed, the application quickly starts on the Cardano ecosystem. You can then fixed up a pocket book in addition to start sending and having coins. Step 1: Get together with run the finances installation software Always make convinced the website you are downloading from is protect, as denoted by typically the green padlock sign inside this address bar. In addition, when downloading the installer, always use the open website. Cardano Daedalus Pocket Download As soon as downloaded, work the installation software and mount it on your own personal computer. Cardano Daedalus wallet installation Step 2: Create a new brand new wallet Once the program is installed, you may first see some sort of sync home window, followed by simply often the main dial. You will definitely see a �+� hint. Click on the sign your name on and you will end up being led to create a new budget. You need to create a secure username and strong pass word that could have to pass by a two-step verification course of action. You must never talk about this code with everyone or store it in a place others have easy admittance. Cardano Daedalus wallet creation Step 3: Create a recuperation username and password You have to understand that will having access to your pass word can allow simply about anyone to consider out income from your own personal wallet. That�s las vegas dui attorney should be very mindful regarding how you store your username and password. It is best to be able to memorize this but not publish this down everywhere. Immediately after you create a wallet, you will have to make a restoration phrase � don�t request Napoleon Dynamite to carry out any of this for yourself! If you ever ignore your password, the recuperation phrase can often get accessibility to your wallet. Recall never to share your current healing phrase with anyone. Daedalus wallet create Move 4: Start employing the budget The moment you may have confirmed often the recovery phrase, you can be brought to a good windowpane with the conditions and conditions. Read by way of them all once, then tick typically the boxes and click on on the validate button to create the budget. On the next home window you will note the main site of the budget a person just produced. You may create multiple wallets about Daedalus. You can add more or view existing wallets and handbags by hitting this menus bar. Just click the �+� sign to add a new wallet. How for you to transfer ADA to Daedalus Copy Cardano to Daedalus wallet Just like generating a pocket book on Daedalus, transferring resources to typically the wallet is also effortless. Once Cardano Wallet is made, click on the acquire button to discover your budget address. This kind of address are able to be scanned when shown as a QR program code, or copied if viewable as a series regarding letters. That address is used to send as well as receive funds in typically the pocket. For sending cash from the wallet to another wallet, mouse click mail, in that case copy and paste the particular receiver�s pocket book address. Following, type in the total amount, and even click Next. On the future page, you need to ensure the transaction as soon as you are revealed typically the receiver�s wallet handle, volume, fees, and the detailed amount. If everything can be alright, click send. For receiving ADA in your budget, first, click Obtain. This sender should possess the pocket book address with regard to sending the coins. When the sender is definitely following to you, they can easily scan the QR computer code to send an individual the coins. When you have sent and received money kinds, you can generate a new street address, by hitting Generate Fresh Address. You can check your dealings by pressing on Deal. You can also change the configurations of your wallet and also delete often the wallet if you would like. Daedalus expenses Gold Cardano (ADA) gold coin The transaction fees for using Daedalus budget are different from different purses. There is no predetermined transaction fee. As an alternative, velocity is calculated using the particular method. The mathematics consists of incorporating the exclusive constant NYATA figure regarding 0. 155381 with the 0. 000043946 ADA/byte plus then growing from the proportions of the transaction on octet. This adds upwards to 0. 1641702 ADA which is the entire business deal fee. Some of often the specific features of this wallet will be: Daedalus has got encrypted specific keys and strong account details, making often the security levels advanced and even protecting users via stability threats like adware and spyware in addition to hacks. Users are really in addition able to export the paper certificate for max security. The wallet has the ability to hold a new directly created ADA payoff, plus that may in addition support both the encrypted and unencrypted redemption accreditation. There is usually Daedalus Wallet Download monitoring inside pocket book, regarding configurable dealings. This particular provides safety in the event of irreparable transactions. Daedalus pocket critique Daedalus is a good simple to use cryptocurrency finances and possesses a new simple, useful screen. Free to down load and work with, the budget has small transaction expenses and the support will be prompt and very helpful. To get firmer security, Daedalus can be synchronized with Cardano�s blockchain. If you have Cardano gold coins, then you have to use the Daedalus finances, because it�s a fantastic computer application. This multi-platform cryptocurrency wallet ensures that your own private keys are strictly under your control, and even so there is nothing store outdoor of your accessibility device. You can simply back up and recover funds, with all the highest level of stability. Many cryptocurrency wallets may be complicated to use, nonetheless not Daedalus. Searching a beginner, you will deal with no difficulty using the pocket. With Daedalus ADA Wallet Download and ease of use, Daedalus ensures customers are ready to store their coins easily and even tightly. If you�re looking for the perfect wallet for Cardano, we all don�t think you can move far drastically wrong with the Daedalus Finances.
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hendrixfowler3-blog · 5 years
Cardano Daedalus Wallet
The daedalus pocket book is the optimal pocket employed to store Cardano, and this is usually our detailed review. Many of us normally retail store money in a wallet. When it comes for you to digital funds, there are usually wallets where you can store your electronic cash. These wallets look and even function differently from typically the leather folders a person take in your pocket, however the reason remains typically the same. Each cryptocurrency demands a wallet compatible along with it. You cannot store almost any a digital forex in any wallet. You also need to choose between software program and equipment wallets. Computer software wallets happen to be online apps, while computer hardware wallets undoubtedly are a separate unit that can be associated with a pc via OBTAINABLE. One such wallet is usually the Daedalus wallet. Within this review, we will clarify how to use the particular Daedalus wallet, what this is and let you realize if it�s the most effective pocket book for Cardano. Typically the Daedalus wallet is designed for Cardano, the most valuable digital various currencies worldwide. Cardano hasn�t been around regarding too long but it has recently managed to become ranked among the top ten electronic digital values in the world. Daedalus is the only pocket at the moment to service Cardano. It had been developed simply by the Cardano network to provide the highest degrees of security to customers � this is vital. All of us have all seen the first Transformers (where security was part of the plotline), 24, and even Blackhat! Daedalus is a multi-platform web-affiliated wallet, which means this can be accessed via virtually any operating system in addition to any visitor. Daedalus has gained much popularity within a short time with the wide range of capabilities it offers end users. People can handle this pocket book easily and safely employing high tech capabilities. Organizing and recovering funds happen to be also easy. This ease and ease of work with makes Daedalus such a new well known Cardano finances. On a good basic degree, Daedalus is just similar to any various other cryptocurrency wallet. It lets you shop data like private take a moment for easy access to help funds whenever. Since Daedalus is an on the net pocket, the idea is much easier to use compared to a new computer hardware pocket. You can gain access to the consideration from virtually any platform in addition to visitor via anywhere in the world to get instant access to funds. Protection, ease, and even instant solutions are several of the features regarding Daedalus wallet. The Cardano Groundwork is based throughout Switzerland together with arrived straight into existence inside 2015. Cardano has been seeking to modify the way digital foreign money is developed and employed. Cardano is a very safe and sound blockchain platform composed within Haskell, a development dialect that uses sophisticated mathematical common sense for code, and contains a high problem patience education. This can make Haskell different from other programming languages. Such the dangerous of fault threshold is needed because the practices building Cardano (ADA) can be meant to be distributed with a lot connected with cryptographic requirements. Haskell is not used by way too quite a few cryptocurrency platforms because of its complexness. Yet Cardano has used it and made the program highly secure. Since Daedalus is also based on the same podium, that is as safe since Cardano itself. Cardano finances technology is safer in comparison with most because of the particular highly impressive peer-reviewed research. Daedalus has a encrusted construction as well as elegant verification codes. That is easy to contact customer assistance for any kind of assist. Consumers can talk to this on-line resources within the Daedalus and Cardano websites, or even connect with the workforce upon social media. At this time there are varying examples of have faith in when it comes to be able to the legitimacy of Daedalus wallet. There are a variety of people who claim that Cardano and even Daedalus are cons. This is often because Daedalus is definitely an online wallet, and even several on the internet wallets and handbags have turned out to end up being scams in past times. How To be able to Use Daedalus Wallet? Since this is a web-based pocket book, it can be pretty simple in order to use. You need in order to set up the application your own personal device to get going. Once put in, the application instantly starts up on the Cardano ecosystem. You can then fixed up a budget and start sending and having coins. Step 1: Down load and run the budget installation software Always make positive the website you usually are downloading from is protect, as denoted by the particular green padlock image inside this address bar. In addition, when downloading the specialist, always use the standard website. Cardano Daedalus Finances Download As soon as downloaded, run the specialist and set up it on your own computer system. Cardano Daedalus pocket unit installation Step 2: Create a good new wallet Once the program is installed, you may first of all see some sort of match-up screen, followed by the main dashboard. You will see a �+� hint. Click on the warning sign and you will turn out to be carefully guided to develop a new new budget. You must create a secure user name and strong security password that can have to pass by way of a two-step verification process. You must never discuss this pass word with anyone or store it who knows where others have easy accessibility. Cardano Daedalus wallet creation 3: Create a recovery code You have to understand the fact that having access to your own pass word can allow merely about anyone to take out money from your own wallet. That�s why you need to be very mindful about precisely how you store your code. It is best for you to memorize the idea and never produce the idea down anyplace. Soon after you create a budget, you will need to create a healing period phrase � don�t inquire Napoleon Dynamite to perform any of this to suit your needs! If you ever neglect your username and password, the restoration phrase enable you to get entry to your wallet. Recall never to share your own personal restoration phrase with anybody. Daedalus pocket book create Phase 4: Start using the finances As soon as you might have confirmed typically the recovery key phrase, you will be brought to the window with the words and conditions. Read by means of them all once, then tick often the boxes and click on the verify option to create the pocket book. On the next windows you will see the main webpage of the pocket book anyone just made. You may create multiple wallets in Daedalus. You can add or view active pouches by pressing this selection bar. Easily click the �+� sign to add some sort of new wallet. How in order to copy ADA to Daedalus Exchange Cardano to Daedalus wallet Just like producing a finances on Daedalus, transferring funds to typically the wallet is also quick. Once your wallet is made, click on the be given button to get to know your wallet address. This kind of address may be scanned if exhibited as a QR codes, or copied if displayed as a series associated with letters. This particular address is definitely used to send as well as receive funds in the wallet. For sending resources through the wallet to an additional wallet, push deliver, after that copy and paste this receiver�s pocket address. Up coming, type in the exact amount, and even click Next. On the next page, you need for you to ensure the transaction if you are displayed often the receiver�s wallet tackle, amount of money, fees, and the detailed amount. If everything can be alright, click send. To get having ADA in your own personal pocket book, first, click Get. This sender should currently have the finances address with regard to sending the coins. In case the sender can be future to you, they could basically scan the QR signal to send anyone the coins. When you have routed and received coins versions, you can generate a new tackle, by hitting Generate Brand new Address. An individual can check your deals by clicking on on Financial transaction. You can also switch the adjustments of your respective pocket and also delete this pocket book if you want. Daedalus service fees Gold Cardano (ADA) endroit The transaction fees to get using Daedalus budget are different from other wallets. There is no predetermined transaction fee. As an alternative, the interest rate is calculated using a specific formulation. The working out requires putting the exclusive consistent NYATA figure associated with zero. 155381 with a new 0. 000043946 ADA/byte together with then developing by the dimension of the transaction inside octet. This adds upward to zero. 1641702 ADA which is the complete deal fee. Some of this unique features of the particular wallet will be: Daedalus has encrypted exclusive keys and even strong passwords, making this security levels sophisticated and protecting users via protection threats like viruses and hacks. Users are usually likewise able to export the paper certificate for top security. Cardano ADA Wallet Download has the ability to hold some sort of directly designed ADA redemption, plus the idea might as well support the two the protected and unencrypted redemption vouchers. There is definitely assurance monitoring in the pocket book, about configurable dealings. This specific provides safety in case there is permanent transactions. Daedalus finances analyze Daedalus is a good uncomplicated to use cryptocurrency budget and it has a good simple, simple interface. Free to obtain and make use of, the finances has poor transaction expenses and the support will be prompt and helpful. Regarding tighter security, Daedalus is usually synchronized with Cardano�s blockchain. If you have Cardano cash, then you must use the Daedalus finances, because it�s a fantastic desktop application. This multi-platform cryptocurrency wallet ensures that your current private keys are stringently under your control, and so there's nothing store outdoors of your admittance gadget. Daedalus ADA Wallet Download can easily backup and recover funds, with all the highest level of security. Numerous cryptocurrency wallets are usually complicated to use, but not Daedalus. Searching the beginner, you will deal with no difficulty using typically the finances. With a appealing program and ease involving use, Daedalus makes sure consumers are able to maintain their own coins easily in addition to securely. If you�re looking with regard to the perfect wallet for Cardano, we all don�t think anyone can get far inappropriate with the Daedalus Wallet.
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