#ignore killers right arm i got lazy
bat3s · 1 year
Could i get slashers with an s/o that has hip/leg problems to where they cant walk very much and sometimes cant move their legs due to pain? My legs move out of socket a lot and it usually ends with me collapsing or having to lay down :") (Sorry if that doesnt make sense please feel free to ignore if it doesnt)
I'll try my best! Hope you like it!! Sorry this took so long to write 😅
Slashers with an S/O who has hip/leg problems (OG Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Sinclair brothers, Jason Voorhees)
Michael Myers
He would notice your pain without you having to say anything
Michaels silently standing in every room you're in so he's much more familiar with you than you may realize
Doesn't say anything about it but if you ask he'll let you hang on him for support
Other times when he notices you struggling he'll silently hold out an arm for you to lean on
He might actually just scoop you up and take you where you need to be
Michael also steals a bunch of painkillers for you
You come home one day to find a pile of various bottles and a handful of other pills you can't identify
He's helping :)
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy goes way out of his way to help you
He'll drop everything for you, much to Hoyt's displeasure
He can be a bit overbearing at times but if you ask him to dial it back he will
But otherwise he's at your beck and call
Thomas will carry you everywhere if that's what you want
Luda Mae will also accommodate you as much as possible usually by making sure your chores are ones you can do sitting down, like laundry
Feels really guilty that there's nothing he can do to take away the pain
If you ever collapse in front of him he'll scoop you up immediately
He'd be absolutely inconsolable that he didn't help you sooner
Bo Sinclair
At first he just thinks you're being lazy/coming up with excuses
If he's in a particularly bad mood he might snap and yell at you
After a while he realizes that you're in a lot of genuine pain and he'll start to feel a bit guilty about his treatment of you
He probably only realizes when you fully collapse though
He's too prideful to say anything though, let alone apologize
But he'll silently try to make things easier on you
He'll offer to let you lean on him when there's no where to sit
Otherwise he'll pull you down to sit on his lap
If you ask him to carry you he'll groan about it but will do it with no hesitation
Vincent Sinclair
Notices right away
He notices a lot of smaller things like that
He'll always have a comfortable seat ready for you in his studio
He acts as a total mother hen
Always prompting you to sit down or lay down
At your side constantly
If there's anything he can get you to help with the pain he's running to get it
Heat pad, ice pack, pain killers you name it he's got it
He'll give up any seat for you unprompted
Lester Sinclair
Immediate concern
He believes you right away once you explain the problem to him
He notices that you're in pain but wasn't really sure of the extent of it
Most of your time spent with him is sitting in his truck while he drives or jumps out to pick up roadkill
When you're in Ambrose he is checking in constantly to make sure you're okay/if you need to rest
Jason Voorhees
He notices you're in pain and is immediately worried you're injured somehow
Becomes really protective because of that
When he checks you for injuries, you can explain it to him
At that point the concern is dialed up to a 10
He'd carry you everywhere if you let him
Otherwise he gets very worried and encourages you to stay in the cabin or in bed
Doesn't want you to go anywhere without him in case your leg moves out of its socket and he's not there to help
But he also doesn't want to be overbearing, so he'll probably let you go
He's still so worried though
Definitely sneaking around behind you just to be safe
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klbwriting · 8 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 8: Shot at the Night
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Orm can't do much to help Y/N but he does find someone who can
Note: song is 'Shot at the Night' by the Killers
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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We’re breaking all the rules To find that our home Has long been outgrown Throw me a lifeline Cause honey I’ve got nothing to lose Once in a lifetime
“Why did you settle by the ocean if you’re so afraid of water?” Orm asked, sitting on the back porch with Y/N, watching the waves under the moonlight. She was strumming, singing one of her songs. He was starting to recognize them by now and he knew she sang this one because he liked it. She looked at him and shrugged.
“I used to love the water, felt free and happy in it,” she said. “I told you I was accused of something that I didn’t do. I do bare some responsibility for it though, even though it was an accident. Ever since then, I don’t want to go back into the water, but I can’t let myself forget that day. Part of me wonders if it was my fault.” She stopped strumming and set the guitar aside, wrapping a blanket around herself.
“Did you want someone to get hurt?” he asked. She shook her head. “Not your fault, you shouldn’t stay here feeling guilty. What I did…I wanted to hurt people, all of the pain I caused was because I was angry. You didn’t have that malice.” He looked at the water before looking down at his hands. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, instantly calming him.
“Do you remember feeling like that?” she asked. “Do you ever feel like that now?” He shook his head. “Have you tried to make things right?”
“Yes, I’m trying,” he whispered. She smiled at him and squeezed his arm.
“You’ll get there, let the guilt go, but keep becoming better. I’ll help you, we are better together,” she said.
Orm startled awake, the memory fading from his dream to his waking nightmare. He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, sometime right before dawn. Last he remembered his mother and Arthur were still there making plans on finding some kind of proof of who tried to kill Orm. The footage was enough to clear Y/N of active treason, but she still could be held for conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit treason was a capital offense in Atlantis and she could still be executed if they didn’t find and get a confession from the culprit.
He was alone now with a note from Arthur that they had left to find proof in Atlantis. Arthur planned to talk to Hendrix and Atlanna was going to talk to Y/N. Orm went over to Y/N’s place. He hated to invade her privacy but maybe she had something. He started searching, trying to ignore that her bed was still unmade from where they had been together, her same clothes from her birthday on the floor around it.
“There has to be something,” he muttered to himself as he went through her closet. He moved some boxes out of the bottom and saw a small door, probably another small storage area behind the wall. He was able to pry it open and inside was a bag. He pulled it out and sat on the floor, looking through it slowly. He pulled out the mosaic of her and her father. It was cheap but well made, a product of the lower city where technology to film wasn’t as widely available. He set it aside carefully. Next came out a flyer for Atlantis for All, listing their goals as equal status, better living conditions, and fairness in the workforce. Orm remembered his father telling him that all those below the nobility were lazy, they just wanted people to hand them money and food without doing anything for it. At the time he had agreed, but this notice listed things that anyone would need to survive and thrive, which is what he thought his father wanted for all Atlantians. He set it aside also and pulled out a stack of papers. This was what he needed, letters to and from different people in AfA.
I work from morning until night, I never see my family, yet they still starve…
My mother died because we couldn’t get her a proper doctor, the nobility never have to worry…
My father died of the sickness King Orvax released when I was a child. King Orvax made me an orphan…
We can fix this. There is a way. King Orm’s coronation is on the first day of the Great Migration…
Here is what he needed. He read through the letter, it laid out a plan to protest, nothing else. They were to have Y/N sing, and Hendrix volunteered to bring the cracker. This was almost enough, but Orm needed something else. Aria was mentioned as one of the leaders of the group. He had to find her; she might have more proof.
Orm wasn’t sure where else to go so he went to the café. It was empty except for Y/N’s friends when he arrived. They were all glaring at him. When he walked in Dean came up and punched him in the face. It didn’t hurt, but Orm wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back a step. Dean was shaking his hand, wincing. He had probably broken a couple fingers. Aria pushed past him.
“Get out tyrant,” she demanded. Orm stood his ground. “We know you did something to her, no one can find her.”
“I didn’t do anything, but Hendrix took her back to Atlantis to face trial for treason,” he said. Aria froze.
“You’re lying, you gave her up,” she said, but her voice lacked conviction.
“If I gave her up I would be on my way to trial too. I’m a fugitive just as much as the two of you,” he said. “We need proof that Hendrix was the one who tried to kill me. I found a letter in her things with the plan for the coronation day, it says Hendrix was to get the cracker, but we need more than that, anything that makes it sound like he alone planned the attempt.” Aria was breathing deep, trying to remain calm.
“How do we know you won’t just take the evidence and destroy it?” Vincent called out. “What if you want to use her to get yourself pardoned?” Orm didn’t have time for this bullshit.
“Because I love her!” he yelled. “Because she is everything to me and I won’t stand by while they execute her. I can’t go back, no one will believe me if I say she is innocent, I’ll just get thrown in a cell next to her, but my brother is king. If I am able to get proof to him he can set this right.”
Aria watched his speech and nodded before motioning for him to come with her. She lived only a few houses down from the café and she also had a bag full of letters. She kept meticulous records and correspondence, including from Hendrix. Hours later she jumped up.
“I found something,” she said, setting the letter down in front of Orm at her kitchen table. By then everyone had joined them, watching. “This is from Hendrix, the day before the coronation. I think I received it by mistake. I never read it because well, I hated Hendrix and anything he had to say was worthless to me.” She pointed to a spot that clearly incriminated him.
“These people are idiots. They’re going to give me the crown and not even realize it. Tomorrow Orm will be dead and I’ll be king,” Orm read. This was perfect.
“Bless that asshole’s giant ego,” muttered Amanda from the couch. Orm stood and hugged Aria.
“I know you hate me but thank you,” he said. He looked between her and Dean. “I am sorry for the tidal wave, for everything. I was wrong and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it.” He left it at that, hurrying out of the house and calling Arthur to tell him he had proof.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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Body Swap - How Do I Talk Like That? Part One
can you tell I got a little lazy on this one? aha
Summarized ID: Reigen cleans up his appearance and tries to teach Mob about customer service. It makes Mob nervous and he's not quite getting it. Then, the customer comes in.
(I'll be referring to Reigen in Mob's body as Reigen and Mob in Reigen's body as Mob.)
A short compilation of Reigen fixing his appearance. He brushes his hair to the side, buttons up his PJ shirt, rolls up his sleeves, and sprays some deodorant under his arms. Then, he comes out of the bathroom and asks: "Well? How do I look?" Mob is reading a book at his desk, and Dimple is looking at Reigen.
Reigen stands with his arms out, waiting for a response. Dimple says: "You're still a kid in PJs, Reigen." Reigen looks to the side and clicks his teeth. "Tch."
He comes over to Mob, who is still reading a "how to" book. He leans over his shoulder. "So, you think you're getting the hang of it?" He asks.
Mob replies: "Not really. It looks complicated."
Reigen asks: "Which part?"
Mob points to a page, his finger is blocking some of the text. "Well... It says phrasing is important, and it ggives an example, but I don't see how this is rude."
The page reads: "Writing is very important. The key is nuance. How you phrase your sentences can make... difference between sounding... you care, and sounding like... of a jerk.
"You have to log out first."
"logging you should... that problem!"
Reigen puts a finger to his chin in thought. "Well, Mob, using 'you' in a request can sometimes be seen as rude, like you're ordering them around." He points to the page. "Also the tone of it. See how it's a period and not an exclamation? That makes it come off coldly."
Mob looks up at Reigen, sweating a bit. He's tense, but his expression is still stiff. He looks back down at the book. "Then, um... Tip #10 says to solve problems in new ways for each customer? I'm not sure I could exorcise spirits in..." He looks to the side, thinking. "Uh... for you to... I mean..."
Reigen interrupts: "Ignore that tip, we aren't doing that."
"Oh." Mob responds. There is a sweatdrop on his cheek. His eyes are a bit wider.
Reigen puts a hand on Mob's shoulder, his other gesturing as he speaks: "The main thing you gotta worry about today, Mob, is just trying to finish the sale. Be polite, figure out his problem, get the where and when... and then help him select a package! After that, It'll all fall into place."
Dimple says: "You're making him nervous."
Reigen leans over to look at Mob's face. He does indeed look a little nervous. Reigen asks: "You'll be fine. You've watched me work enough years, right?"
Dimple responds: "I don't think he's been taking notes, Reigen. He's got a whole life to worry about, why would he be watching YOU so intently?"
Reigen puts his hands on his hips. "Fine! Alright, alright, I'll just teach you a few things-- stepping stones, really. The basics."
He waves his hand. "Ok. Posture. Stand up, Mob."
Mob stands up. Reigen waves around his hand again, the other in his pocket. "Great! See, look at that, you're as straight as an arrow! Already, you've got a basic nailed down naturally!"
"Oh, Thank you, Master." Mob says.
"Now try giving your best smile!" Reigen beams, giving Mob an example of a nice smile. There are sparkles around him. The smile is cute! "Like this!" He says.
Mob tries to mimick it, but the smile is creepy. All his teeth are drawn in, and his eyes are squinted nearly shut. He's sweating and there's a wrinkle on the corner of his mouth. "This?"
Reigen looks unsure. "Ah... could use a bit of... improvement."
"You look like a serial killer." Dimple says bluntly.
Reigen glares at him and smacks him with the back of his hand. He drops his hand and stares in shock at Dimple. "Wait, did I just touch you?"
Dimple hides behind Mob's shoulder, glaring at him and sweating. "You do that again and I'll kill you."
Reigen looks at him deviously. There's a sparkle beside his head and his mouth is curled up into a cat's smile, much like a :3. He stretches out, dropping the expression, and cracks his knuckles. "Alright. as I was saying..."
We see the silhouettes of Mob, Reigen, and Dimple, as Reigen talks to Mob for a while.
"You think you got it?" He asks. Mob looks down at him, expression blank. "...Yes."
He sits down, and Dimple floats over with a mocking expression. "Don't worry, Shigeo! All you have to do is be good at talking and read the room. You're super good at that, aren't you?~"
Mob glares at Dimple, sweating and annoyed. "No, I'm not. But Master is counting on me, so--"
Reigen pinches his brows together. "Mob, Mob! Adding all this pressure will just make things worse!"
He places a hand on Mob's shoulder and looks him in the eye. "I have complete faith in you?"
Close up of Reigen's face. He looks very nervous, indicating that he probably does not have complete faith in Mob.
Mob looks at him through his brows/hair. "... Thanks."
The door opens, both of them turning to look at the source of the noise.
We see on the top of the head of the client, who has side swept hair and is coloured red. Dimple smirks from the top left corner of the panel and says: "Showtime."
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creepy-feathers · 1 year
That Wasn't Very Wise
A/N: The ending of this is a bit rushed and abrupt, which I apologize for, but I’ve had this thing on the back burner since earlier this year and honestly I was just ready to have it out of my drafts lmao.
Pairing: Ler! Jeff the Killer x Lee! Reader (female)
Fic type: Possible romance 
Roles: Ler! Jeff, Lee! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, threats, forceful pinning
Poke, poke, poke.
Poke. Poke.
The raven-haired male turned his head and met your eyes, his own icy ones glowing with nothing but annoyance. "Y/n."
"Yes?" You fluttered your lashes all innocent-like, prompting him to narrow his gaze.
"Stop it."
You hadn't been forced out to do a mission today, nor had anyone asked for your assistance with anything, so naturally, you took the opportunity to relax. You made yourself a nice meal, flopped down on the couch, and watched the newest Disney movie, since you hadn't yet received a chance to do so and it had been on your bucket list for some time. As luck would have it, not fifteen minutes into the animation, the power went out, and you were left eating your food with nothing but a black screen to keep you company.
Well, that was, until Jeff emerged from the hall and fell down beside you, looking worse for wear. His hoodie was stained with fresh blood and dirt, his hair was disheveled, and it was clear that some poor sucker had given him a hard time. You did inquire about it, but Jeff being Jeff, ignored you, and went about business on his phone. So not only did you now have nothing to keep you entertained, but you were stuck with a certified grump. Sure, technically you could have simply gotten up and left, but you felt far too lazy at the moment to do that. Besides, someone is better than no one, right?
That was when you got the brilliant idea to pester him.
In hindsight, perhaps such a thought wasn't as 'brilliant' as you'd have liked to think, because he would surely snap and cause you some amount of bodily harm if you took it too far. But you couldn't help it; the boredom was too much to bear. If a couple of broken digits is what you had to live with afterward, then by golly, it was worth it.
So, very gingerly, you rose your arm, stuck out your index finger, and made swift contact with his shoulder. Not hard - it had just the right amount of pressure behind it to ensure it would be felt.
And feel it, he did.
After a mere three pokes, you earned a peeved side glare, partially confused as to why you would practice such a childish activity. You gave a sweet grin and withdrew, crossing your arms over your stomach to let him know you were done. And that was what he thought, at first.
It seemed that for the past ten minutes, you were steadily wearing on his nerves, as steam might as well have been rising from his ears. His eyes were cold, hardened, as he waited for you to dare lay a single hand on him again. "Stop what?"
"You know 'what'." His tone was oh-so-friendly. "Don't touch me."
"Okay, okay." You surrendered with lifted hands and readjusted your body so you were facing the useless television once more. Hesitantly, he turned his focus back down to his screen, as if it was over. Yet you knew that you had no intention of stopping, not until he was pushed to the limit. Yes, maybe that was a mean - and, quite frankly, stupid - thing to do, but at least you were provided with a bit of enjoyment now, much as opposed to earlier. When it came to ticking time bombs, Jeff was one of the biggest in the household, and he never failed to give amusing reactions at the smallest of things. You were honestly surprised he hadn't broken yet.
With a gradual pace, you brought your arm back up to your side, extended your finger, and made contact with his arm.
Poke, poke, poke—
Without warning, his hand shot up and wrapped around your wrist as he met your eyes darkly, a sinister kind of gleam hidden within that normally would make you shrink away, but you were relishing this too much to care. The words that left his lips were anything but kind, but what else were you expecting? You play with fire, you get burned. Except, in this case, being burned may have been the most pleasant result. "Fuck. Off."
"Why? Whatcha gonna do?" You grinned cheekily, challenging him. Oh boy. He didn't reply, and despite the way your insides clenched up at his threatening silence, you continued to provoke him. "Are you saying that you, the guy that goes about stabbing people in the middle of the night, are so sensitive that you can't even handle a few harmless jabs?"
His pale cheeks reddened with unrivaled anger.
"I mean, that’s pretty pathetic, if you ask me." 
Slamming his phone down on the couch next to him, his gaze promised pain if you kept this up, and you were starting to regret doing this dumb plan even though you knew how it would turn out. Subtly, you slid your hand out of his grasp and scooted toward the opposite side of the couch, hoping that you'd have time to bolt and run if he decided to pull out his knife and impale you. "You get one more chance. Touch me again, and I will kill you."
"Noted," you quickly assured, planting your hands on your lap and staring ahead to avoid his intense glower. "I'm done."
"You better be," he grumbled through clenched teeth, leaning his head against the back of the couch and looking at the ceiling listlessly. It seems you had put him out of his 'scroll random crap on the internet' mood.
Try as you might to bury it, the temptation to continue this inevitable doom of yours was too strong. Yes, he would most definitely back up his promise to commit homicide, and you would be the victim - but seeing his patience dwindle was totally worth it...unless you were murdered for real. In that case, there wasn't much you could do to prevent it, unless you wished to actually leave him be, and you didn't.
The only thing you were lacking was the courage to do it, again - and thankfully, you wouldn't have to, for laying next to you was a small throw pillow, minding its own business. One good lob to the side of the head and Jeff would be at his wit's end for sure.
So, double-checking to confirm he wasn't looking your direction, you leaned to the right, wrapped your fingers around the pillow's soft material, and strategically lined it up with your target. You absolutely could not afford to miss - if you were going to die today, then you needed to get at least one good hit in to show for it.
Hoping that your precision was accurate enough, you sucked in a composing breath, drew your arm back, and fired. For roughly 0.6 seconds, it soared through the air like a catapult until it collided with a certain man's face rather ungracefully, and before you had a chance to blink, his eyes were on you and his voice was brimmed with vexation. "Okay, that is it."
You wasted no time in springing from your position on the couch and made a break for the nearest exit, knowing that you were only delaying the inevitable as his feet stomped hurriedly against the floor. He was catching up, and effortlessly, at that.
Your heart was beating wildly within the confines of your chest, yet it got stuck in your throat when a heavy force pounced from behind, knocking both of you to the carpeted ground with a muffled thump. It was over; you had been caught, and you didn't even make it to the doorway. Now you were really in for it. All you could think about was how you royally screwed up this time, and there was no one around to save you.
A grunt tumbled from your lips as he flipped you over and onto your back, and you held your arms protectively in front of your chest, as if it would even remotely do anything to help your situation. He adjusted himself until he was firmly straddling your waist, his weight ensuring you wouldn't have the opportunity to jump up and run for the hills if you took the notion. His eyes were dark, glaring down into the very depths of your soul as he wrapped his hands around your wrists and planted them on either side of your head, keeping his hold tight. 
He was much stronger than you so what little of a fight you could put up didn't deter him. Your mind was swarming with panicked questions, asking yourself over and over what he was actually about to do to you. Break an arm? Bruise an eye? Blow in your face non-stop until you cried 'uncle' and he finally cut you some slack? There was no way of telling, thanks to how unpredictable Jeff was. And it was driving you crazy.
"Any last words?" he growled, face hovering dangerously close to yours and hot breath fanning your nose. It didn't take a genius to see he was furious.
"Uhh..." The words left your mouth as an unsteady whisper, racking your brain desperately for any means of escape. But alas, it seemed you had pissed off fate one too many times that day, and it wasn't interested in helping you any more. How unfortunate. "I–I'm...sorry?"
"Oh yeah? You will be."
"B-but— Wait—" You cut yourself off, pulling out the last resort: begging. It wasn't likely that it would work, but it was worth a try, right? "Wh-what if I never mess with you again?"
"As if I'd believe that."
"I—I swear!" Your pitch became higher, and the sheer desperation leaked through like unrefrigerated Jell-O. "Let me go and I won't ever do it again for as long as I live. Swear on my life."
"What a half-assed promise," he chuckled, narrowing his gaze and shifting his position. "Your life is already on the line, airhead."
"That's not—" Your sentenced spiraled into a poorly-retained squeak when the edge of his knee nudged itself into the bottom of your ribcage, igniting a ticklish spark and sending it through each nearby nerve. The random noise you'd made, paired with the way your body involuntarily jolted, prompted him to cock an eyebrow.
"Damn, you have a weird sense of humor."
"N-no, that isn't..." Warmth was making your cheeks glow as you abruptly glanced away, your demeanor turning sheepish and voice quiet. "Your knee, it...i-it brushed my side..."
"Yeah? So?" He scoffed, wondering why on earth you'd bring up such a dumb observation. You decided not to clarify; if he wasn't going to get it after that, then he never would. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing...
"N-nevermind," you said, shaking your head dismissively. "Doesn't matter."
"Then why mention..." It appeared to click for him at that moment, and an unfamiliar glimmer lit up his irises. "Hold on..."
You weren't excited for what that 'hold on' meant but didn't have more than a second to contemplate it, for his knee once again was digging into that same sensitive area, and this time around, it was intentional. You tried but failed to stifle the small stream of giggles that spilled out, and this new piece of information was what made the corners of Jeff's mouth tilt upward boldly.
"Oh, is that a fact, cupcake?" You stilled, sweat forming on your brow and pace of your heartbeat picking up speed. 
Crap. He knew. You were doomed.
"Ya know, I was going to shove the water hose down your pants..." you stared up at him warily, "...but I kinda like this option better."
Suddenly, the water hose was sounding much more desirable than what he was cooking up for you. Play dumb. Maybe he'll believe it. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I think you can connect the dots, sweetheart." 
Containing the urge to struggle for all your might and scream out for help, you inhaled shakily, refusing to break eye contact with him. Showing stubbornness and bravery was either a terrible idea, or a clever one - probably the former, because, well. It's Jeff. But it was all you could think of, so that’s what you did. "Dots? There are no dots."
"Oh, but there are."
"I—n-nohoho, wait!"
The messy wave of startled chortles you emitted were a result of his index finger stabbing in between two sections of rib, and then proceeding to wiggle against them at an unrelenting rate. Your freed-up arm collided with the side of your torso in a measly attempt to block off his access, but he wasn’t affected. “Can’t believe I didn’t learn about this sooner.” He almost sounded awe-stricken, as if he’d never even considered the concept that one of his house mates would have such an innocent vulnerability.
His nails wandered down to your abdomen, where he roughly scribbled into it. You inwardly cursed your t-shirt for not protecting you against his wrath and howled with increasing desperation, kicking out in a meek effort to wriggle away. He readjusted his weight before you managed to knock him off of you entirely, releasing a huff of amused laughter. 
“Damn. You are really ticklish.”
“Shuhuhut up!” Your face was contorted as noises of mirth exited your mouth, and you attempted to shove him away with the only arm you had accessible. He cocked an eyebrow and bumped it to the side before continuing his assault, this time shifting to focus on the side of your stomach. Your guffaws grew louder as a result and you shook your head frantically. “Nohoho! Jeff!”
“What? Bad spot?” he teased, crawling beneath the bottom hem of your shirt and burying his thumb into your skin. The shriek he was rewarded encouraged him to keep going. “Told you you’d regret being a little brat, girlie.”
“Jeff...!” It surfaced as a whine as you squirmed helplessly under his body. “Plehease!”
“Please what? Keep going? Now that, I can do.”
“NohoHOHO!” The word tapered into a graceless screech as he scratched at your flesh with his nails, and you could do nothing but fall limp and cackle like a delirious hyena and fruitlessly claw at his hands. “Jeheheff!”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
“Who the hell is dying in here?” A familiar voice broke through your chaotic noises and Jeff momentarily paused his actions to look up at whoever had just appeared in the doorway. You didn’t need to physically see him to know who he was: Tim. “I can hear you four rooms down.”
“Heya, Timothy.” While you focused on gasping for air and weakly attempting to push your offender away, Jeff stayed planted in his spot and wasn’t even fazed. “Just teaching Y/n here a very valuable lesson about keeping our hands to ourselves.”
Tim was silent, likely analyzing the situation as it looked, which was not good. You decided to tilt your head upward and try to catch a glimpse of him. “You realize it’s unprofessional to do things like this outside of a bedroom?”
You squeaked in alarm, the apples of your cheeks ablaze at the absurd implication. “Tim, no! That—that isn’t what’s happening...”
"Uh-huh. Yeah, he’s just tickling you within an inch of your life because he doesn’t want to touch you.”
You felt Jeff stiffen before he scoffed in ridicule, his next words holding fire. “I’m doing it cause she’s an annoying turd.”
“Keeeep telling yourself that, buddy.”
Tim’s footsteps reverberated through the floor as he walked away and you studied Jeff’s face. You could’ve sworn you saw a hint of red rising beneath his skin. After a moment of glaring at Tim’s disappeared form, he glanced back down at you, narrowing his eyes when he noticed your inquisitive stare. “What’s your problem?”
“Psh. Well, I’m going upstairs.” You were almost disappointed as he hopped to his feet, careful not to step on you in the process. “Follow me and I will slap your ass into next week.”
You used your elbows to push yourself up, still tingly, and watched him retreat from the living room, his name barely forcing itself from your tongue. “...Jeff?”
“I...um.” You played with your fingers and slowly rose to your full height. “Sorry for being a nuisance.”
He quirked a brow in response to your shyness as you shuffled on your feet.
“It wasn’t cool of me to keep...bothering you like that.”
Slowly, a faint grin lit up half of his face, and he spun around to walk closer menacingly. “Oh really?”
“R... Um.” You stumbled back a step, wringing the bottom hem of your shirt nervously. “Y-yeah.”
“If you’re so ‘sorry’, then maybe it shouldn’t happen again. Hm?” He was planted directly in front of you now, leaning down until your foreheads were practically meeting. 
“It–it...won’t.” Your voice was quiet as you glimpsed away meekly, chewing on the inside of your cheek. 
“And if it did, I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the consequences.”
You blushed harder, willing yourself to look up. “Mhm...”
“So maybe, if you know what’s good for you...”–you inhaled sharply when he used a series of fingertips to dig into your stomach–“...you absolutely should not try anything like it again.”
It was difficult to understand if he was challenging you, threatening you, or something else. But a streak of boldness shot through you, and a tiny grin overtook your face. “Y-you mean like...” you extended your arm and prodded him in the stomach; he flinched back, “...this?”
An almost predatory growl emitted from the back of his throat and his eyes narrowed into slits. He hunched over so he was whispering in your ear. “I’ll give you ten seconds. One, two, three, four...” Your blood turned to ice at his implication. “...That’s your cue to start runnin’, girlie.”
You wasted no time in darting out of the room, nerves alight with blissful anticipation. Perhaps he wasn’t as mad as you initially assumed him to be...
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
Oooh if you’re still doing drabbles linked universe + 28. Drunk?? Specifically Wild or Twilight?? Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Hey don't cry, AO3 is down drabble prompts
Twilight sighed when he came downstairs to see Warriors, Sky, Hyrule, and Wild all piss-drunk at the tavern.
Warriors, the obvious perpetrator for convincing the others to get drunk, was happily flirting with any ear that would listen. Sky was nursing another drink, eyes wet and close to tears, while Hyrule rubbed his back and chatted away like if he'd stop talking he'd explode.
Wild, on the other hand, was completely passed out at the wooden table, cup halfway empty and abandoned.
Twilight sighed, he didn't know why Wild would agree to something so spontaneous, especially considering Twilight's pretty sure he wasn't a drinker normally. He probably got peer pressure into it.
Regardless, Twilight passed the other heroes, deciding they will all meet, and deserve, their own fate with soberness, but Twilight was at least going to make sure Wild made it back to their shared rented room instead of ruining his back sleeping down here.
He grabbed Wild under the arm and hefted him up with a soft grunt. Wild mumbled something unintelligible, but Twilight didn't bother to try and decipher anything he said. He practically dragged the smaller hero back up the stairs, ignoring Warriors give a loud laugh to something luwd, and eventually he tugged Wild into their room and closed the door.
Wild's eyes have cracked open in the journey, but they're lazy and unfocused.
"Alright, cub," Twilight huffed, dropping Wild onto one of the beds. "Let's get you to bed."
Wild mumbled, groaning as he lifted a hand to his forehead. "Don...t wanna sleep."
"Sucks that you're a tired drunk, then." Twilight smiled to himself, unlacing Wild's boots and tugging them off.
Wild groaned again. "Sssucks. Head hurtss."
"Yeah," Twilight replied. "Drinking can do that."
"Duh- don't wanna sssleep. Huh-hate sleep. M'fraid I won-wont wake up."
Twilight paused, then looked up at the younger hero. He frowned at what he saw. Wild stared up at the ceiling, glaring at it like it had personally offended him. He looked exhausted, but his bottom lip was trembling.
Twilight approached so Wild could better see him. "You'll wake up, you'll have a killer headache, but you'll wake up."
Wild shook his head. "Keep... Keep falling ss-sleep. Weeks pass. Years. M'tired."
"How about this, I'll make sure you wake up."
Wild blinked lazily, but his eyes land on Twilight. "Puh...romise?"
Twilight smiled. "I'll be right here, I'll wake you up first thing in the morning."
It seemed that was all Wild needed to fully let himself relax. His eyes fluttered as he practically went boneless. "Guh... good... Thanks..."
His eyes slid shut, and his breathing evened out.
Twilight sighed, being a hand to his forehead and brushing the hair out of his face. He shifted Wild's limp body so he's under the covers, then doused the lamps. He better get to bed himself, he had a very important promise to keep, even though Twilight didn't think Wild's impending hangover would thank him for it.
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Can the skellys get sick? If they can, can you make s/o taking care of them? I need the original AU and the bad sanses
Funnily enough, yes! They can get sick! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I picture how skeletons, and most monsters, get sick is when they have too much or too little magic. Or their magic is just not connecting with them well that day.
The more or too little they have, the more dangerous it is for them seeing as though it could, you know, cause bad illnesses!
So because of that, Dusty or Axe would have sicknesses more often than the others, and it would hit them worse.
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Sans: When Sans woke up and felt really bad, he had no idea why he felt bad. He, honestly, tried to just ignore it. Yeah, he could easily use that as an excuse to not do something but there was nothing really for him to do anyway. It wasn't even that bad... that was until he started to walk downstairs and he, suddenly, felt so dizzy that he had to sit down, resting his head against the stair behind him his eyesockets shut. What the hell was going on? Did he have too much magic? Too little? That was one of the reasons why skeletons could end up getting sick... finally, before he could even tell how long he had been laying on the stairs, he heard his datemate say "Sans? What are you doing laying on the stairs? You know Papyrus doesn't like you falling asleep there?" Sans laughs, holding up his hand slightly saying "Hey,,, I get it if he's... sick of me a-...already" he moves his hand up, covering his mouth as he coughed his bones shaking. Y/n frowns, watching, and sighs scooping him up in their arms and walking down to the couch, setting him down "There we go, you will lay here and rest. I'm gonna take care of you!" they kiss the top of his skull, then walk over to the kitchen to make him something to eat. Most likely soup. He wanted to tell them that it was fine and that they didn't need to but... he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He just nods, nuzzling into the pillow curling up slightly. Ugh... he hated getting sick. He liked the excuse to be lazy but, honestly, he would rather be doing anything else than being sick. It made him feel... weird.
Papyrus: Papyrus would try his best to ignore the fact that he was feeling sick. He had a feeling that it would be fine! If he just decides to ignore it, then nobody else would realize! Right? Nobody would notice. He quickly got out of his bed, taking a few steps then falling right back down onto the ground, laying on his chest with his head on the carpet. What the heck just happened? He heard the door open, and Y/n quickly asks "Papyrus! What happened?" they walk over, helping him sit up so he reaches up, rubbing his skull letting out a soft sound of annoyance "I am... unsure! I just tried to get up a-and I um I tripped! Yes, that is all. So sorry to worry you, but I, the Great Papyrus!, is okay" he laughs and gets up. He could feel his bones shaking, and he felt so cold. Maybe this was because of how long he had been staying awake and training? He ran out of magic. Not fully but enough to be dangerous. Well... no matter! Y/n looks at him, squinting then lets out a soft sound "I don't believe you," they say, "Are you lying to me, Papyrus? You know that that would make me really sad, right?" Papyrus pauses at that, his eyes shooting away then back at them, shifting a little "Ahhhh!" he puts his hands over his face "I believe I may have... o...overdone it with the training?" they sigh, shaking their head, and get him to lay back down "Then I'm going to be taking care of you until you feel better... you silly skelly" No! He doesn't want that. He whines and complains but his datemate wouldn't budge. Evil. His datemate is evil.
Nightmare: I don't really believe that he can get sick, he could start to feel bad if there are too many positive feelings around him at once but he doesn't, you know, get sick from that.
Killer: Annoyingly, Killer wouldn't notice that he's feeling bad until he falls out. He was working with the rest of the Bad Sanses, when suddenly, his body started to feel strange. Much too hot, and he felt like he was going to pass out and he did! When he woke up, he was laid out on the couch with a cloth over his forehead, and a few fans on him. He felt hot anyway... so hot. He lets out a soft groan, reaching up brushing the towel off his forehead mumbling under his breath "What the hell?" Where was he? Where were the others? "Finally you're awake" he looks over, seeing his datemate who walks over, putting another cloth on his forehead. It was colder, a lot colder, making shivers go through his body but it felt nice "Where are the others?" he'd ask, frowning a little. His datemate would explain that they went to do the mission after he passed out, and left Y/n to take care of him. "Then I should go as well" he pushes himself to get up but they pull him back down, squinting at him "You passed out, and you are going to be staying here until you feel better, or so help me Killer" he would have objected if he suddenly didn't start feeling so sick. It felt like he was going to throw up, which makes him just huff softly and he sighs, shutting his eye sockets resting his head down against their lap. Fine, if he has to stay here... he hopes that he would start to feel better quickly, he doesn't want to deal with this for too long.
Dusty: When Dusty woke up to feel himself feeling so hot, yet still shivering, he already knew what was wrong with him. He hated it whenever he started to feel sick, he tried to ignore it but it felt worse than normal. He couldn't even open his eyes, and his bones were hitting against each other as he shivered. This happened more often than he would like to admit, and enough for him to feel worried but he knew it was because of his high LV and magic levels. When he heard the door open, he forced his eyes open to see his datemate, and they were saying something though, strangely, he couldn't even hear what they said "I don't feel good" he mumbles, and turns to lay on his side, with his back to them. They sigh, and walk over, rubbing his shoulders softly "You feel like you have a fever, I'll tell Nightmare that you're going to have to stay home today," they say, "just know that I'm going to come back and take care of you" Then they leave the room. He lets out a little laugh at that, rolling his eyeshines. They say that like it's a bad thing... he would love for them to take care of him, that would be so sweet... so nice. He fell asleep after a little while, luckily being able to just... hopefully sleep this off. Normally he's able to deal with it pretty well so he's, honestly, a little unsure on why he can't this time.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
Aghaghag, here's a WIP of a fan fiction abt Breakdown (him becoming an Autobot and his past) I've started. I'm a bit slow with this (I hate my laziness and sudden lack of motivation), but it is what it is. Enjoy.. (???)
"Am I the only one here, who considers this to be an overkill on Lord Megatron's part?" Arachnid said, moving forward, as her partners stayed behind. "I mean, dispatching two of his most proficient warriors to track down one unconfirmed energon spike."
"Megatron knows me and Dreadwing here will get the job done." Breakdown gestured at himself and his winged companion, who to this moment stayed quiet.
"Actually, I was referring to Dreadwing and myself." The sardonic smile appeared on the helicopter's face.
Orange-faced bot's fist clenched, as he angrily took a few steps towards a bold fembot. They never were on the good terms. Warrior found her intriguing, yet soon enough understood that she was just a crazy, rude killer with no morals or respect for authorities. Spider-looking con, on her part, never saw her comrade as anything worthy of her attention.
"Breakdown" A hoarse voice of a Seeker called out. "Remain on task. This must be a unified effort."
"Indeed, Breakdown. I know, we've never seen eyes to eye." Arachnid continued, not even trying to hide her smug expression. "But it doesn't mean we can't patch things up." She winked.
Now that was the last straw. With an fuming "that's it", Breakdown fiercely charged to attack, completely ignoring Dreadwing's objections. Yet the battle didn't last long, for Arachnid quickly transformed and blinded an attacker with her web. Yet fembot hadn't much time to celebrate, as a Seeker pulled out his riffle and started blasting helicopter. Being as shifty as she is, former second in command managed to dodge the blast, but was unable to web her opponent on the first try. For a few moments luck was on fembot's side, as she finally trapped Dreadwing, tying him to a nearby tree. But the last shot caused her to collapse, losing one of her spider legs. Breakdown, all this time trying to get rid of the web on his face, finally tore down his blindfold and resumed the chase. Blue boy's cannon fired, as Arachnid jumped from the spruce tree to another. Eventually helicopter fled further into the forest. One-eyed warrior wanted to run right after.
"Breakdown! Don't be a fool!" Seeker yelled, still not able to free himself.
Breakdown stopped for a few seconds and fired a couple of shots where commander's arm would be, thinning the web. He didn't stay any longer, as he decided to get the job done. Blue bot ran after the fleeing figure of the traitorous Decepticon, jumping through some fallen trees and rocks, and got to a pool of a bright blue energon. Suddenly, helicopter's shadow appeared once more, proceeding future to the bushes and leaving a trail of Cybertronian blood behind. Eventually, one eyed bot caught up with Arachnid at a small pile of stones, that weakened fembot seemingly had no strength to jump over.
Laughing, Breakdown said. "Easy prey.", swinging his hummer for a final blow. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lower his weapon. It was too late, when a hunter realized that he was cleverly outsmarted by this cunning decepticon. She led him to a trap, pretending to be weak, only to trap his hand in a web. Arachid smiled, as she saw how defenceless Breakdown was. She lifted one of her spider legs and slowly, as if enjoying her victim's useless attempts to get out, sliced blue bot's chest, revealing a spark chamber. Orange faced decepticon fired his cannon, while being in immense amount of pain.
Arachnid prepared for the finishing blow, when suddenly, out of nowhere, she first heard a loud steps and then saw an energon blast, almost loosing another leg. Deciding this fight wasn't worth it, she transformed into a helicopter and fled the scene, while a red shots followed her.
Breakdown was flabbergasted by this save, looking shocked at Dreadwing. Admitting defeat, seeker stopped blasting at a long gone Arachnid.
"You won't chase her?" Bleeding bot asked.
"You won't thank me?" Winged con responded sarcastically. His face was gloomy, as he destroyed the string that kept Breakdown's hand.
Wounded decepticon fell on his knees, as the pain consumed him. Second in command placed a hand under his comrade's armpit.
"Thank you, sir..." Breakdown mustered, trying to get up on his feet. He honestly never expected for any decepticon to save him (well, minus Knock Out), especially this newcomer. But the more one eyed bot watched his comrade's actions, the more fascinated he became with the nobility of an explosive expert. Something felt really wrong about it, since the fraction, they both belonged to, has long forgotten about justice and kindness, even to each other. First seeker lieutenant's actions drastically contradicted Megatron's, and this revelation sparked something strange in Breakdown's mind.
"Soundwave, we require a ground bridge immediately, on my current location."
The mere seconds later a circular green portal appeared, illuminating surroundings. Dreadwing supported his subordinate the way so he could carry most of the weight himself. After entering this ground bridge, they immediately showed up on the board of the Nemesis. A few Vehicons were passing by this corridor and were very distressed, seeing their superior with his spark almost falling out if his chest.
"Is Knock Out at the medical bay?" Seeker asked the soldiers loudly.
"Yes, sir."
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demonicup · 5 years
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Merry crustmas tulip boy ✨🎂
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saninthebuilding · 2 years
sheathed swords and stupid faces
summary: a coronation turning into a bloodbath could be the worst thing to happen, right? or so you would think. because apparently, dealing with a certain dark haired prince proves to be more challenging than getting out alive. especially when there are feelings involved. 
(inspired by the coronation scene in the cruel prince)
word count: 2.5k
warnings: potential spoilers for the cruel prince, mentions of injury & blood, swearing, cardan being a hot asshole, bad writing??
a/n: i recently finished reading the cruel prince series and have been completely obsessed with it istg. like- CARDAN IS SO FINE HELLO?????????? this the first time i’m actually posting a fic that i’ve been thinking about, so feedback is greatly appreciated! :D
hope you enjoy it <3
crouched under the table, i shift on my knees. “damn this stupid dress” i scowl, irritated as i struggle to move comfortably. inching forward slightly, i take a peek through the tablecloth, and am met with a rush of movement. dancing and drinking and fighting. it’s a mess.
in short, the coronation for the future king of faerie did not go as planned. not at all.
within a matter of seconds, the entire royal family had been slaughtered. and it was madoc’s fault. my father. i didn’t really acknowledge those words before, but believing them now was impossible. he was responsible for the deaths of all of them. rhyia. caelia. dain. 
my parents.
a wave of emotion threatened to creep up, but i shoved it down. i had known this. i had known that madoc was nothing but a murderer. but i let myself think otherwise. i convinced myself that he could change. he could become a stand-in for the parental figures we had lost. i let myself hope.
and that hope would be the death of me.
his knights had managed to get jude, taryn and the rest of my family out, but they hadn’t got me. i was glad they didn’t have to witness the events that went down after their exit. but for some reason, i was glad i wasn’t led out. 
if only because now i knew madoc was nothing but a cold blooded killer.
a thud somewhere nearby jolted me out of my thoughts. shaking my head to clear my mind, i shuffle to the other side of the table to get a view of my surroundings. as i look around through a slit in the cloth, i see the staircase leading into the castle. 
“gotcha,” i grin to myself.
as i start to formulate a plan, i hear footsteps approaching the table. “ofcourse luck isn’t on my side” i think as my fingers brush the dagger in my sleeve. i watch the polished shoes come to a stop directly in front of me, and i clench my jaw, pulling my blade out. there’s a slight pause, and then suddenly the cloth moves.
and i am face to face with none other than cardan. the last one standing of the greenbriar line.
he also happens to be the only one who can officially crown balekin.
i meet his eyes- black and alive. a sudden surge of anger rushes through me at how he’s mixing with his would-be murders should an oppurtunity arise. it only proves what little regard he has for his own life. there’s a goblet in his hand, and from the slight laziness in his movements, he seems to be drunk. yes, when you’re about to die, the only solution is to drink yourself till you pass out. however, it doesn’t stop him from looking effortlessly handsome in his onyx suit.
damn him and his stupidly perfect face.
cardan stares at me for a second, almost confused, before speaking. “it’s not safe here,” he says, “you’re mortal.” “no shit” i reply, mildly amused at his attempt to show concern for my well-being. “you need to leave.” he reaches down to grab my arm, but i yank him towards me before he can get a grip.
“hey!” he snaps, wincing as he lands hard on his knees. rolling my eyes, i ignore the slight regret i feel as i pull him under the table. the tablecloth falls back into place. 
“are you trying to die?!” i hiss angrily. “they’re looking for you all over and you’re waltzing between them like your head isn’t up for grabs?” he gives me an odd look, but doesn’t pull his arm out of my hold. however, he snaps out of his daze and yanks his arm away from me. 
“since when did you care? your father was more than happy to murder the rest of my family, what’s stopping you from finishing the job?” he sneers, his usual glare seeping through his wine-glazed eyes. i turn on him, my own features hardening- “he’s not my father.” 
cardan eyes the dagger in my hand, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing. “is that seriously what concerns you right now?” then he scoffs, as if coming to a realization, “why should i expect anything else? mortals and their insignificant priorities.” irritation rising, i shift my grip on my blade. “you wanna see what else this mortal’s got in store?”
ignoring me, he looks through the tablecloth to avoid meeting my gaze. “whatever. do you have a plan or are we going to keep playing in the dirt?” i make a face at the back of his head, but i slide my dagger back into my sleeve before shuffling over to him. peering through the crack, i point at the stairs. “if we can get through there, i can get us somewhere.”
i feel him come closer and look over my shoulder, his breath hot near my ear. i feel my heart speed up, but i ignore the shrinking distance between his body and mine as we study madoc’s guards. “i don’t know why i’m trusting you,” cardan mutters under his breath. i’m about to counter him, but he speaks. “fine, let’s go.” i stared at him, stunned. “what do you mean, let’s go?” i ask, mimicking him, “we can’t just walk out there as though we own the place.”
his dark eyes meet mine, black and glittering. “lucky for you, i do.”
he pushes his way out from under the table, and i huff, following him. his life is in danger and he still has the balls to act cocky.
and someone kill me for finding it attractive.
we weave our way through the crowd, and i manage to snag a mask off the appetizer table before an elf can put it back on after eating her tart. slipping it on, i make my way back to cardan’s side and he glances at me as we make our way up the steps. from his face, i can tell he has no clue how i got the mask. i let myself revel in the achievement of surprising him.
as we approach the main doors, one of the guards steps forward. i recognize him as one of the men who madoc keeps at his side. “where do you think you two are going?” i opened my mouth to answer, but cardan is faster. “king balekin has been searching for prince cardan, and he is getting a response,” he says. it takes all my self-control not to turn to him.
what the hell is he doing?
“is he now?” the guard narrows his eyes, and i can see the other one let his hand fall toward the hilt of his sword. i let mine dangle freely by my own, but otherwise remain calm. “i received this ring to prove a connection to the royal family” he says, and from the corner of my eye i see a ring in his palm.
his ring.
how the hell did he get it off without getting caught?
immediately compliant, the guard steps out of the way, and we make it through the doors without further confrontation. i lead cardan down a hall to the passage the roach had shown me. i’m about to push the trigger, but i hear thuds from behind the wall. coming in our direction. 
my eyes go wide, and i turn toward cardan. alarmed, he takes a step away, and ends up backing into a door. “y/n?” he asks warily, hands coming up halfway as though he expected me to hit him. “get inside,” i breathe as i push him. the door opens, and he stumbles backwards. i rush inside, shutting the door and locking it in time to hear bricks sliding, followed by footsteps receding. blood pounding in my ears, i lean against the door as i exhale deeply.
looking up, i see cardan leaning against a desk stationed by the back of the room. he’s watching me, an unreadable expression covering his face. i meet his eyes, and he raises his eyebrows. “what’s up with you?” he asks, but surprisingly there’s no attitude in his voice. i shake my head, “nothing.” silence fills the air.
he’s the last greenbriar left to crown balekin.
he wouldn’t do it.
hope will be the death of me.
hand him over to balekin in exchange for power.
i am no murderer.
my stomach lurches as the image of cardan kneeling comes back to me. his bare shoulders tense as balekin pressed his nails into the pale skin of his nape. him gripping the sword as though he would run the human servant through. the belt coming down hard on his back, his jaw clenching down. the slap of leather against skin-
i shake my head, coming back to where i am and what is going on. “sorry?” i push off the door, only to stop myself from crashing into cardan’s chest. i look up to see him standing in front of me, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his dress pants. “i said…” he leans down, putting his face in front of mine, “what’s got you so shaken?” my brows come together, proving my confusion, and he drops his gaze down to my hands which have formed fists. i unclench my fingers, and see my nails have pressed half-moons into my palms. 
i run a hand over my face, feeling exhausted. “why do you hate me?” i find myself asking out of nowhere. he seems surprised too, leaning back to take me in fully. but i need to understand how he sees me before i figure out what to do.
can i trust him?
“is this really the time to be asking this?” he asks, but i fix him with a stare. within a split second, i pull my sword from my hip and hold it out in front of me, pointing it at his chest. “it’s a simple question.”
cardan instantly stops playing around, his jaw tense, “you gonna kill me if i don’t answer?” my chest tightens at his words, and the fact that he believes i will actually harm him shows me that i’m no different from madoc. “no” i snap, “just answer me.” my arm doesn’t waver, still extending the sword, and cardan glances at it once more before opening his mouth.
“i hate you,” he says finally. “because you are a mortal yet madoc treats you with respect, while my father disregards me even though i am a prince of faerie. i hate you because you are the older sibling to jude, taryn and oak that i never had- caring for them and treating them with respect regardless of how they treat you. i hate you because you don’t get beat by your older sibling on a day-to-day basis, and because balekin never failed to degrade me after your performance at the feast.”
i stare at him, mildly surprised at balekin even knowing that i exist. “there has to be something else.” “excuse me?” cardan seems a bit worried now, seeing me raise nightfell higher, and gambles by taking a step back. i don’t move.
“that’s ridiculous. you can’t just hate me because of all that. you don’t live with the murderer of your parents, both anger and fear ruling every aspect of your life. you don’t have to deal with the fact that there is nothing you can do to prove yourself worthy to live among those around you, because being mortal is a sin on these lands. a sin that instantly overlooks your value.”
something in cardan’s eyes changes, but his lips curl into a familiar sneer. “fear? anger? i’m bargaining for my life here, and you say i don’t know anything about fear? ”i take a step forward, the sword still a threat, “just answer me!”
cardan leans back into the desk, and tilts his head down to avoid my gaze.  “most of all, i hate you because i think of you more often than i should. and i can’t stop.”
i stare at him, frozen in place. no way. “don’t mess with me” i say, but it comes out as a whisper. not about this. but he remains still, even as i walk up to him, sheathing my blade.
he stays silent, and i realize that his reluctance isn’t because he’s thinking himself superior. it’s because he doesn’t want to face me. my heart speeds up- he’s serious.
“do you really?” i raise an eyebrow, taking another step forward. “y/n…” cardan’s watching me, hesitant yet seeming bolder than usual. i force him into the desk behind him, my hands coming down on either side of his hips, trapping him in. i lean in, my lips close but not enough to touch his. 
if i hadn’t been right up in his face, i wouldn’t have caught how his breath hitches at the lack of distance between us. how he swallows hard, seeming to hold himself back. how his face is a mix of panic and longing. 
“i guess it’s true” i breathe, and he shivers at the heat of my words against his lips, “faeries can’t lie.” i bring my hand up to rest on the column of his throat, his skin hot against my palm. his eyes flash with alarm, probably thinking i’m going to choke him. 
however, i shift my grip to his nape and press his lips to mine. 
for a boy nicknamed “the cruel prince,” his lips are surprisingly soft, which makes me wonder how such harsh words could slip through them with such ease. i can feel how tense cardan is under my touch, and his hand on my arm is slow. he’s holding himself back. 
however, it doesn’t last long. 
he pulls away, and i open my eyes to see him staring at me, his gaze intense. “wha-” i don’t even get to ask him. “fuck it” he whispers, and suddenly spins us so that i’m pressed against the desk. his hands come up on either side of my face and he kisses me hard. my hands wrap around his neck, drawing him against me. it’s messy and rushed, but in this moment i know better than to doubt him. 
it’s real.
we break apart, chests heaving, and his hands grip the desk from around me. i stare at cardan, momentarily speechless, “is that what you thought about?” his eyes meet mine, the emotion swirling through them wild and unchained. “i’ve thought about way more than that” he grins, and i’m hit by how young he looks when he smiles. how charming. 
i roll my eyes, “shut up. i can still attack you.” the threat comes out half-hearted. he raises an eyebrow, “you expect me to believe you after you kissed me like that? please.” i feel my ears burn red, and i shove him in the chest, but he just laughs. my heart speeds up at the sound, and a smile makes its way onto my lips.
damn him and his stupidly perfect face.
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goingmorry · 3 years
[One Piece Headcanons] OP Boys -> when some guy asks them if you're single
Part One | Part Two
Characters: Luffy, Sabo, Killer, Shanks, Mihawk
Tags: reader-insert, gender-neutral reader, overprotective, possessive, jealousy, violence
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the likes and reblogs. I appreciate all the love! 💖
Easily gets distracted. The guy asks about you, and all Luffy can think about at that moment is spending time with you.
The question doesn't process in his head until the man asks it several times.
And even then, Luffy misunderstands.
He doesn't mean to make the other guy jealous, but he so does.
"You're their Captain, right?" the man addresses the straw hat pirate.
"Yup! I'm Luffy, the man who will become the Pirate King!"
"Right... I was wondering, y'know, as their captain... Are you aware if they have a special someone?"
"They? Oh - they're amazing, aren't they!" Luffy compliments you, ignoring the man's question, "I'm actually supposed to be helping them with their training! Maybe I should do that right now, huh?"
"No - That's not what I asked. I mean, do you know if they have a special someone?" The man attempts to steer the conversation back to his intended topic.
"Special... someone?" Luffy's eyebrows furrow in confusion before comprehension sets in, "Ah, I get it! Their crew! Their crew is special to them!"
The man looks at Luffy in disbelief, "No! That's not what I meant-"
Before the guy can get his point across, Luffy extends his rubber arms to fling himself across the island, directly crashing into your unsuspecting body.
"Luffy - what!?" you shout in surprise.
Luffy responds by wrapping his arms around you in a full-body hug, his signature 'shishishi' laughter ringing in your ears.
From across the island, the man observes your exchange with the straw hat pirate, disappointment and jealousy etched into his face.
He’s an absolute troll.
Messes with the guy by pretending to be clueless.
Ends up acting like a seemingly psychotic, overly possessive boyfriend. He's not. Trust him.
"Are they what now?" Sabo fights off the smile threatening to spill from his lips.
"Are they single?" the man repeats for the third time.
"Sorry, I can't hear you," Sabo motions to his ear, giving it a gentle tap, "I have trouble hearing. Can you please repeat that?"
The man's eyes soften in pity as he repeats the same question for the fourth time.
"Is who single?" Sabo asks again, appearing to make every effort to understand the guy's question.
The man clarifies another time. But before he can tell the blond Revolutionary to forget about it, Sabo perks up in feign recognition.
"Oh! Are they single?"
"Yes! You got it," the man exclaims, satisfied that his question finally got through.
Sabo taps his chin in thought, "Not that I know. Though I heard rumors that the guy they're with is a really fearsome man. Not someone you want to mess with."
The guy deflates at Sabo's response, "Are they now? They a pirate or a Marine... or something?"
"Mmm... Something like that," Sabo's fingers tap against the table in front of him, gloved hands obscuring the flames beneath his fingertips, "Ever heard of the Revolutionaries?"
The man nods in acknowledgment. "Rumors and the like. Never seen them myself, though."
"Same here," Sabo says absentmindedly. He motions for the other guy to lend him an ear, leaning over for a whisper.
"I would watch myself if I were you. Don't want to anger a group of strangers you don't know much about."
The man flinches away at Sabo's warning - or threat; the man wasn't sure. Sabo gives him a friendly smile in return, convincing the other guy that it may have just been a well-meaning warning between two close friends.
"G-gotcha. Thanks," the guy abruptly stands up, motioning toward the exit, "I better get going."
"It was nice to meet you, friend," Sabo calls out, his friendly smile morphing into a sinister one at the man's retreating figure.
The definition of cool, calm, and collected.
Immediately becomes suspicious of the other man for asking about you.
What does this strange man want with you? Why did he ask Killer in particular? What would this man do if you were already taken? Would he still try to pursue you?
Spends some time pondering but concludes that action needs to be taken.
Investigates your unwanted suitor and discover their malicious intentions.
In the end, Killer's cautiousness pays off.
Any chance they're single?
The Supernova's silence disturbs the other man, his eyes settling on the crowded room in makeshift comfort.
The sound of a gruff voice startles the guy into focus, body twitching in anxiety when he looks into the Massacre Soldier's expressionless mask.
"I don't know them," Killer says with finality.
It was impossible to read the Supernova's true disposition. His body appeared relaxed enough; arms splayed out in front of him in a civil manner. If it weren't for Killer's daunting presence and notoriety, the man would think that this blond-haired guy was your average pirate. For now, he had no choice but to conclude that Killer was telling the truth.
"Okay... Never mind then," the man awkwardly responds, leaving the tavern in displeasure.
- - - - - - - - - -
A masked figure looms over the inn you were resting at, sharp blades glinting under the moonlight. The Massacre Soldier himself was on guard tonight, eyes trained on the familiar body of the man who disturbed his peace earlier in the night.
Before your unwanted suitor can enter the lodge, Killer pulls him by the lapels, swiftly dragging the man into the back of the building - out of sight from prying eyes.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Killer says, muscled arms encircling the man's throat in warning.
The man clutches at the knife tucked underneath his coat and wildly swings his weapon at his assailant.
With little effort, Killer disarms and knocks out his opponent, searching the man's unconscious body for clues to his motive. Killer pulls out a slip of paper from the man's pocket and unfolds it. There's no mistaking it - a copy of your bounty poster - the price of your head neatly printed underneath your name.
"Tsk, should've known you were up to no good."
Another body to add to the Massacre Soldier's list.
Proud boyfriend™ alert.
He loves to gush about you. The fact that someone recognizes how beautiful and amazing you are - he's thrilled.
Shank's constant praise of you begins to wear down on the guy; he gets the message that the red-haired pirate is implying - to leave you alone.
Shanks flashes a lazy grin at the man beside him; attention renewed at the mention of your name. "Gorgeous brain and body, what's not to love, aye?"
Your potential suitor nods in agreement.
Shanks looks past the man and makes eye contact with you. You were happily conversing with his crew, enjoying their company at the local tavern while in town to replenish some supplies for the upcoming journey.
The red-haired pirate winks in your direction, and you fluster under his flirty gaze. Shank's eyes twinkle in amusement at your shy demeanor.
The man across from Shanks looks back and forth between you and the red-haired pirate; his mouth opens and closes at the implication of your relationship.
"That one's mine," Shanks answers the man's unspoken question, waving over the barkeeper for another round of drinks, "But I'd love to tell you more about them."
The only classy one.
Doesn't take offense to the question, doesn't beat around the bush, and doesn't threaten the other guy for asking about your relationship status.
If the other man has bad intentions, Mihawk will know. And he will take action.
His entire being is enough to intimidate most people, after all.
A-are they single?
Mihawk casts an uninterested glance at the man standing a few feet away from him.
Nowadays, there were only a handful of people who dared approach the World's Greatest Swordsman - the Marines and Shanks.
Rumors were circulating that the former Warlord had been traveling the seas with you - that the normally lone-wolf pirate had acquired a companion to accompany him in his seafaring journey.
Oh, how clueless they were.
"Yes, we're in a relationship. Them and I," Mihawk states, taking a refined sip from his wineglass.
"I-I see. Thank you," the man bows before briskly running in the opposite direction, away from the black-haired pirate's piercing golden eyes.
The next day, Big News Morgan publishes your relationship with the infamous pirate for all the world to read.
Mihawk's eyes widen imperceptibly at the newspaper clutched in his hands.
Maybe this is for the best, he thinks. If there's anyone who can keep you safe, it's him.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Innocent Life
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil Biohazard) & Child!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Death, Grief, Spoilers for RE8:Village, Swearing
Genre: Angst
Summary: As Ethan stands outside the ruins of Luiza’s house, looking the aftermath of the death he barely escaped in the eye, he cannot get the wails and cries of a child out of his head. Takes him a bit to realize they’re not a product of his trauma.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for the wonderful request, I had a blast writing it - what can I say, angst is my specialty hehe. Hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
How the hell is this happening? Why is this happening? Why to me? Why my family? Why were we the ones chosen for this suffering to be thrown upon? What did my daughter do to deserve this, for fuck’s sake?!
Why does everyone around me die? Why do I always loose everyone?
I’m the problem....
His knees are weak, his head’s spinning. His lungs have filled with smoke and ash so much he can barely breathe. His eyes sting, reddened around the edges, his vision blurry. However, what bothers him most is the mess that is currently his mind - swimming with the feeling of betrayal, sorrow and dread.
He lost so much so suddenly and in such a short amount of time. He lost Chris - someone he thought of as a friend but has now been replaced by a coldblooded killer and backstabber. He refuses to believe that’s still the Chris who saved him and Mia from Louisiana, he has to be dead.
He lost Mia. He’s lost her before countless times - he lost her when he though she was dead, he kept losing her and getting her back at the Bakers’ residence as she switched between her monstrous form and being herself. He lost her again when they made it back, when her mind was clouded and darkened, when all she needed was solitude and when he wasn’t allowed anywhere near her as doctors upon doctors used her as a research object. And now he’s lost her again, this time for good. It’s just him and Rose now.
Or it would be if she too wasn’t taken from him, leaving him in the pit of grief and loss, both emotions at an intensity he’s never experienced before. Like a drill going through his heart, or a sledgehammer breaking it down to shards. Or as though his heart’s completely vanished, unable to take the anguish Ethan’s existence has become. The anguish that will live on for as long as he will.
Those three years of Mia being gone.
That nightmarish night back in Louisiana.
The horrific sight of dozens of bullets entering his wife’s body in front of his very eyes as he remained helpless.
The sound of Rose’s wailing cries.
God, he can still hear them. And oh so vividly. Like a cursed, haunting loop in his brain. If he closes his eyes he can almost imagine her being a few feet from him, near him, giving him the opportunity to soothe her, calm her down, tell her it’s all gonna be ok even if it seems like hell at the moment. Promising he’d make it all alright and make the right people pay for what’s happened.
But then finally, he picks up on it - the oddity in the cries he’s hearing.
They’re too realistic for a mind to be able to produce. They’re too loud and too close and are external. And, most importantly, they sound like the cries of an older child.
Ethan quickly snaps himself back to reality, coming to terms with the knowledge that the sounds he’s hearing are a part of it and not some dark corner of his mind. Despite the horror he feels and creep up, taking over his whole body in the form of cold sweat, he still takes a step towards the source of the ear-splitting and heart-sinking noise. It’s instinctively human to feel a sickening feeling of sympathy combined with the need to shield something so powerless from any harm.
To save an innocent life.
Heading towards the side of what used to be Luiza’s house he spots it - a crib on top of which there’s a pile of rubble and wooden planks. The thing seems to barely be standing and yet it’s harboring the child whose cries have now grown louder. Ethan’s frozen for a few moments, frozen with fear. Frozen with the overwhelming thought that there’s no way he can save that child. Frozen and powerless, just like he was on the floor of his own home as life left Mia’s body.
You didn’t do anything for her....
The sound of a crack in the already weak wood, seemingly coming from the child’s crib, sends all his senses on edge, his adrenaline once again starting to rush through his veins.
But you can do something for that child, Ethan! Do something before it’s too late!
Within the blink of an eye, Ethan finds himself standing above the unsteady wooden structure, putting all his strength into removing the rubble that has thankfully piled atop the wooden planks, preventing anything from landing on the baby and harming it. Hell, it’s a miracle it didn’t suffocate from the smoke in the first place. Its cries are put to a halt when its wide eyes land on Ethan, who’s looking back at the toddler with the same amount of distress.
“Hi there. It’s ok, you’re safe now.“ He finds himself breathing out shakily as his trembling hands reach down, picking up the now silent toddler. “It’s ok, little one. You’re a literal miracle, you know that?“ His gaze travels over the ruin the house has become, the house that was this child’s home. Its family’s home. This toddler knows loss much like Ethan does, or it will when it grows up. But as of now, it’s secured in the bubble of blissful ignorance due to infancy.
And Ethan has come across yet another bump in the road: making his way in the castle was already gonna be a difficult and possibly lethal venture, but doing it with a child in his arms, that’s a death sentence for both him and the kid.
“You and I have a thing for surviving hell, but not even I am willing to take the risk of taking you with me, kid.“ He gently caresses the toddlers head as its big awed eyes blink up at him with curiosity.
One one hand, a castle with horrors he’s yet to be familiar with; on the other, a village which’s horrors he’s already seen and experienced and would rather die right in this very spot than subject this innocent kid to them.
Ethan’s once again stranded.
“What do I do with you, kid? Being with me won’t bring you any good. I’m like a death sentence to everyone around me.“ His heart breaks as he says that because - in his mind and by his logic - it’s the truth. It’s the only thing that makes sense in such a nonsensical situation.
Then suddenly, an idea sparks, fueling what little hope and courage he has left and getting his legs to move from the spot they’ve been stuck in for the past God knows how long. That’s not important right now. What matters is that, for the first time since this nightmare started, Ethan Winters has a clue of what he’s doing. He’s got a plan.
                                                                *  *  *
“I see you have returned!“ The Duke greets him with his signature lazy smile before his gaze lands on the child in Ethan’s arms, his eyes widening in surprise, “Oh, and you’ve got company!“
“Actually...“ Ethan stops in front of the shop, adjusting his grip on the kid, “They’ll be keeping you company from now until....well, until I come back.“
“And where is it you’re planning on going?“ The Duke asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern, “Perhaps you don’t suppose I know how to take care of a child.“
Ethan grows irritated, “Perhaps you don’t suppose I’m gonna take a kid into that castle you called me insane for wanting to go in myself. Trust me, I wouldn’t be leaving them with you if it wasn’t my only choice.” When he doesn’t receive a verbal response from the Duke, more of an expression change that suggested he’s accepting of this, Ethan grow relieved, turning to the toddler that hasn’t taken its eyes off him even for a second. “Hey, you’re gonna be just alright with the big guy, ok? He’s gonna keep you safe until I come back.” His initial intention was to say ‘even if I don’t come back’ but he just couldn’t bring himself to say it, not to the kid at least, “Until then...” He pauses when a name automatically pops up in his head, “Until then, Y/N, you’ll stay here with the Duke.”
After that heavy-hearted goodbye, Ethan reluctantly hands the kid - Y/N - over to the Duke, a shift they are not very happy about seeing as how they start wailing immediately.
“You owe me plenty, Mr. Winters.“ The Duke says with a frown on his face, displeased and already developing a headache from the child’s cries.
“I owe you nothing. What you’re doing is basic human decency.“ Ethan glares at him before turning his attention to Y/N, “Hey, it’s alright. I know you two aren’t big fans of one another, but I promise I won’t take long. I’ll be back before you know it.“ Planting a quick reassuring kiss on top of the child’s head, he steps away, relieved to find they don’t break out in a crying fit again.
With that peace of mind, he takes off on the path that’ll lead him to the castle. A part of him has found some peace, knowing that one innocent life has been saved.  However, there’s still one awaiting rescue. And he’ll be damned if he’s not the rescuer.
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Heya! Can I request an Aether/Lumine & reader?
So reader is basically an immortal half-elf who've lived for centuries and a well refined fighter. Well at the beginning even tho they volunteered to tag along on traveler's journey to find their sibling, reader is rather obnoxious and a lazy-dork who only help when actually needed. But as the journey continues, they began to act like traveler's bodyguard after witnessing (archon quest spoiler!) traveler almost getting killed by the Shogun? And maybe random shenanigans happen between them (ft.Paimon). I don't mind if you do either Aether or Lumine if you feel pressured 🙏
Hi! This kind are my favorites! Tysm for requesting! (๑>◡<๑)
I did this with Aether since he is my favorite is who I chose, and I feel more comfortable writing with guys than with girls.
I know they have some different personalities but I can help but see Lumine as the all mighty abyss princess.
Hope you enjoy!
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Aether & Half-elf! Reader
GN! Reader
Inazuma Archon Quest Spoilers!
Request are open; sorry for any mistakes!
Genshin Impact Masterlist
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Aether always thought that immortality brought with it wisdom, beings who live for much longer than an ordinary human tend to gain an understanding of life and changes in the world after years of appreciating the passing of the ages.
But when he met you he couldn't help but feel that all his beliefs were based on fiction and old rumors from other worlds. You were anything but wise, not even his first choice to be the voice of reason.
Even Paimon takes her role as his guide seriously.
But what was so wrong about you that get him on his nerves all the time? And most important, why does is he still dealing with you?
To be fair, maybe he was waiting a little too much from you. After all, he always forget that you still have half of a human’s nature.
“Mmh? What are you doing?” You asked Aether the first time he removed your hair from your ears to see if they were pointy. They were, and Paimon yelled kind of a objection when she realize she had to pay for losing their bet.
Not a human, not a elf, but a hybrid between them.
The first encounter was really something he would never forget. Rumors about treasures and requests from the guild made them follow some clues to find a cave that was marked as lost, impossible to enter and explore.
But “impossible” is a word that doesn’t exist their vocabulary. Yet is common that regretting comes along when you’re that bold and risky.
At the very end of that strange cave there wasn’t a treasure waiting, not even a new clue to keep going with the mystery. Instead, was a humanoid silhouette, they seemed to be meditating, not showing a single interest in their voices neither getting nervous because of Aether and Paimon taking some steps forward to have a better look.
But they were breathing, and both could see the pupils moving slightly under their eyelids. Eyebrows twitching now and then, like they were having a nightmare, one of which they couldn’t wake up.
Paimon encouraged him to get even closer to shake that person's shoulder, while she was hiding behind some rocks, obviously.
Aether summoned his sword and then he approached slowly until touching them with his fingertips, waiting for some kind of jumpscare.
The stranger raised their arm, carefully but also in a robotic way. Their fingers were tense, as much that it was painful just looking at them. Like a quiet call, like a order that couldn’t be heard, from the pile of rocks where Paimon was hiding something emerge, breaking through the stone and letting a rusty polearm to be seen.
Their fingers closed around the weapon, bringing them back to reality.
“Master and weapon, reunited again, rise so the world can meet their end!”
Or at least that's what he would have preferred to find. A servant guarding a lost relic, a soulless body moving by a curse, perhaps even a fate that death could not prevent.
But instead it was something really underwhelming, something that broke the mystical and strange atmosphere. That person opened their eyes, annoyed by the light of the torches and disoriented by the situation.
With their body in pain and numb at the same time, how long have they slept in that position?
The first thing they did after waking up was sneezing.
‘So much dust…’
Never accepting missions for exploring legendary caves ever again. Nope. Negative. He refuse to.
What if they find another (Y/N)? Thanks, but no. One is more than enough.
“So what you mean is that your parents' families exiled you and locked you up in the cave for being an ‘abomination’ to both species?” Paimon confirmed once the three of you were back in the surface again. Her hands moving side to side to explain -in a very expressive way- everything you told them.
“It seems that we found the remains of an ancient race that used to exist in Teyvat.” Aether said, still surprised by the way you roamed to feel the wood of the trees and the grass under your bare feet. Kind of heartbreaking.
“Like the boar we found with Xiangling!”
He wasn’t sure if it was okay to compare both encounters but he could see her point.
“… ‘Wait for us’, they told me, ‘think about your existence and find the answer to why your conception is not the atrocity that everyone says you are. May their words not reach you, because we have long ears to hear the words of the gods and not the ones of those who defile earth’… ” You pronounced after decades of not needing to use the language you were taught, with one hand on your chin and eyes closed to concentrate. All you had left was the few memories you preserved inside your mind and heart.
“With ‘they’ you mean your parents?”
You nodded.
“And what happened next?… ” Asked back the tiny companion of the blond guy that rescued you.
“I got bored and I fell asleep.” You admitted, carefree about it, shrugging your shoulders and sighing.
A total waste of your youth.
“Eh!? Then you didn’t thought about those things? That sounded important!” Paimon seemed disappointed for your answer, while Aether held his forehead, without having a clue of how he was supposed to react.
That was the day you joined their party! New team member, (Y/N) strikes in!
Or something like that,,
“H-Hey! We could use a hand over here!… woah!” The little white girl scold you but from your high sit on the top of a big rock only a exaggerated yawning can be heard. Paimon crossed her arms to almost immediately duck down to dodge a fire bullet from the Fatui. Aether didn’t say anything, he was concentrated fighting.
“Oh, yeah… You’re doing great. Go, Aether, go…”
“Was that supposed to be a cheering?!”
“Hey, calm down” You said “He doesn’t need my help. Just take a look, he’s an adventurer. If I meddle it will be really boring for him.”
“Hmp! Now Paimon believes that you were lying when you said that you were a well refined fighter!” She was floating around you, ignoring the battle of his blond friend. Like a pesky bee, the only thing you did was avoiding her furious gaze. “Don’t ignore Paimon! How can you not hear with those ears!? That’s it! Paimon will give you a ugly nickname!”
“What about ‘extinct deaf elf-der’?”
“Yeah, that’s a good one!” She agreed immediately, then she shook her head, pointing at you like a guilty criminal. “Wait, Paimon doesn’t need your suggestions!”
When the last Fatui was defeated Aether turned back to face both of you, sighing because of the new arguing between you two. His sword disappeared and some steps were took to get closer.
Your eyes met each other, a slight smile in your face after looking him safe and sound. So confident but so unaware of the remain danger hiding. Your expression became a surprised one, then your gaze sharped like a killer sight.
You left Paimon on top of the rock when you jumped down, summoning your own weapon you ran straight to where Aether was. The traveler panicked just a fraction of second before loosing sight of you.
Next thing they know was that a you were behind him, facing at the nothing with a defensive pose, just a second of silence before a impact could be heard. Some dirt and dust was lift as the pair of Fatui Pyro Agents became visible again. They stayed there, defeated in one hit.
“Like I said. It would be pretty boring if I meddle...” Aether and Paimon were shocked, none of them felt their presence, not even the heat of the pyro delusion. Your weapon disappeared in the air, and your hands rested on your waist. “Dear Seven, that was intense.” Looking at your friends you sighed, with the laziness on your body language. “It was my turn to cook dinner, right? What a pain having to eat again… ”
Acting that relaxed after that really made them went Ô_Ô and Ö
A silent speech, where devotion and gratitude are the best topics of conversation. The message that is heard even if there’s no words in between. Just a exchange of gazes. Little signs of affection that are shown when it’s necessary.
Your family was gone. No clues about their whereabouts could’ve found in that cave of where you came. Not even the skeletons of a couple holding their hands and petrified in a sobbing position. Not even ashes.
When you have been thinking about the most unimportant things in the universe for so long you can deal with the lost faster than anyone else. Getting the idea of no remain evidence of your parents and feeling that it wasn’t that heartbreaking.
Maybe because you gained a new family almost immediately.
Still you could empathize with Aether, he still had his precious memories with his sister, still remember her face and her voice. And most important was that he knew that she was still roaming Teyvat, waiting for him.
Even if they leave behind Paimon and you at the end of the trip.
Or even if they just leave you behind.
‘I’m okay with that.’
You thought, stroking Paimon’s hair when her head found a comfortable place to rest in your lap. You thought, moving your shoulder so Aether wouldn’t have neck pain. Both sleeping peacefully and you staying awake night by night.
You’ve slept enough, for so long besides.
Somehow the flames of the campfire are warmer now that you have someone to look how the fire dance in the night.
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“I see, so you were serious when you told me that your companion was a mystical extinct creature, weren’t you?” Albedo’s hand went up to hold his chin, analyzing you from distance.
“They are half of it, actually.” Aether answered back, notice how Sucrose was asking you permission to check your features. The sparkle in her eyes made you accept her petition after feeling with the back against the wall.
“Your ears are like mine! Look, look!” Klee pulled your shirt, then she pointed at the side of her head.
“… Still the shape of both are quite different, the length too.”
Years of isolation really are hitting hard right now. You felt overwhelmed and somehow shy when Sucrose hold your face to have a better look.
You follow the traveler to everywhere, no matter the place, you were there. Like a shadow, sometimes just a spectator, other times like an actual active team member.
“Who would’ve tell that our Honorary Knight also has his own knight watching his back.” Kaeya’s voice has that joke but charming tone, as always.
Day after day, it’s the same, everyone talking you through Aether. Like some kind of translator.
“More like a human shield.” Your hand landed on top of Aether’s head, not agreeing with his explanation.
“I guess everything’s better than being Emergency Food.”
“Haha! You three are quite a team, aren’t you?”
Of course you were. Mondstadt, Liyue, you name it. You could assure that every place in this two nations have at least one story about the team.
You knew that the most brave and magnificent outlander in Teyvat didn’t need a guardian, he can defend himself (somehow even if he’s still using that dull blade).
Bodyguarding also sounds like such a hassle…
You only provide a last resource help when was needed, sometimes also helping with some puzzles and mysteries.
The long eared people was known to be wise and smart people that searched for the full comprehension of the world. Also such a nerds and fans of knowledge. So, even if you considered yourself dumb, in your blood was the instinct of looking for the truth, and sometimes that impulse could be really annoying.
You were always near enough to reach him. Pulling his scarf from behind to move him away from danger. Countering after he gets hit.
Always in a place where you could reach him.
You just needed to extend your arm and you would catch Aether. It was always like this. Always with you jumping in the middle of the crossfire to shield them if it was necessary.
It’s always like this.
Until the day you three set a foot in Inazuma’s land. And a bad feeling of a imminent catastrophe made your shiver.
A new nation, a new problem to solve. But a war? Boldness and stupidity sometimes looks like the same thing, but no matter how many times you repeat this to Aether, he would still ran into problems.
And you would follow him, until your debt is paid, until his travel is done.
It used to be like this.
But then you failed him after being unable to move because of the fear that paralyzed your body. The day Aether faced Shogun Raiden in the ceremony. The day you heard the broken voice of a god inside the Shogun you also fell apart. It was painful, cruel, a void of anger and sadness.
Jumping into danger, without you behind.
You tried to ran between the goddess and your savior, you tried to get closer to at least be useful one last time as the shield you promised to be.
You tried.
But, for the first time, your hand didn’t reach him.
The void of despair and darkness that could be heard inside the Shogun devoured him.
The tears of panic and fear in Paimon’s eyes. The way the Shogun lifted her sword to end his life. The way you were paralyzed because of her presence, forced to be part of the crowd and presence his execution.
That day your facade of laziness faded away, the real feeling of being a knight burnt along your proud. It was so annoying, it was so unnecessary, but still you couldn’t ignore it.
“Are you… are you sure that you’re okay? We don’t have to find the Sangonomiya resistance today. If you need to rest then-” Your hands were shaking when you placed them in Aether’s shoulders, holding yourself for tearing up.
“We have to keep going. I’ll be fine.”
“Besides, if we stay near Inazuma this night they could find us! Paimon won’t be able to sleep like that!” Your mouth opened to counter their arguments, but not a single word dared to go against Aether’s plans.
They could see it in your face. The worry, the remains of shock and fear, the guilty.
“Don’t try to look strong then. If you get tired, tell us. I can carry you in my back.” Even if you were offering help your voice was serious, so cold but so hurt at the same time that nor Aether or Paimon knew what to said to bring the old you back.
➷➹➷➹➷➹➷➹➷➹➷➹ ➷➹➷➹ ➷➹➷➹ ➷➹ ➷
“… Aren’t you coming?” You could hear how the door was slid to let him saw you. The lighted spots on Aether’s clothes were purple, just as the lighting that almost end him. Your lips made a concerned and stressed grimace.
The young traveler took a seat next to you, outside the structure, sitting on the wooden steps and looking at the starry sky. The wind was cold but still the soldiers of the resistance were talking normally and the slight feeling of discommodity because of the excessive presence of other people was climbing up your back.
“(Y/N), there’s no need of guard us every night. You also need to sleep.”
“I'm not tired, I think I've gotten enough sleep, at least not to need it until the next century.”
Aether’s expressions went into a sarcastic one, asking if you were serious with just his gaze.
“That’s not how it works.” He said, trying to change the mood. “And if it does, then why are you always snoozing during the day in every chance you get?”
You had the answer to that, but you weren’t sure about telling him.
“Because everything supposed to be boring. Nothing really changed a lot and… looking at the familiar places was depressing.” So easy, so simple, but still enjoying the company, still enjoying the sound of theirs laughs and their own shenanigans. “… Lately, I’ve been thinking that I should not had left the cave. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate that you two helped me to be back at the surface, and I really want to help you on your journey, but if you still run into the chaos by own decision I think I could not follow you any longer before being a burden in your adventures.”
Overprotection, an unbreakable shield, frequently avoiding fights, always being pulled back to not be part of the battle. Enemies of the braveness of the traveler.
Worry, panic, an overreaction due to fear of loosing everything again.
‘let me do it’, ‘I got it’, ‘wait here’, ‘don’t get close’.
These day could be described like that.
“So, before I do something worse as an excuse of defend you, please let me find a cave to await. You do what’s is needed and… call me back, or leave me there, anything you think it’s better… ”
You could be pronouncing the words from the very bottom of your heart, but still your face was the same seriousness as the accident almost happened.
And even with that you felt his gloved hand removing the hair that was covering your right ear, revealing how it slightly leaned down, showing sadness unwittingly.
“Hey, cut it out… I’m serious about this… ”
“It doesn’t matter if you think that it’s the best option, you’re still sad about leaving.”
“… That’s cheating.” Removing his hand away from your hair you tried to act indifferent.
“You know the reason why we invited you to came along?”
‘You felt sorry for me.’
“I can’t totally tell the exact reason, but it wasn’t for you to pay us some kind of debt because of saving you.” He crossed his arms, looking at the stars, wondering if his sisters was doing the same. “We don’t need a guardian, we need our friend back. And I know you care about Paimon and me, but still you must enjoy the journey. It’s not fair that you are always aware of every potential danger while we mess around lately.”
An eternal silence, your response is late to appear but somehow Aether can tell that you already have something on your mind.
“Then apologize.”
“… Why?”
“For believing that playing as the hero and jumping to face the Shogun was something you had to do.”
“… but-”
Neither Aether nor you slept that night, the blonde had to listen for hours to all the things that you ever wanted to complain about since you arrived in Inazuma.
You made your position on joining the army of the rebellion very clear, you had no intention of fighting to seek "justice" or "peace". Because after all, that fight did not correspond to you, but if he asked you to, you would protect some soldiers or help to guard the barracks, if he asked you to, you wouldn’t complain about it (at least not that much).
Both had enough of each other’s attitude, but it was okay. Because that was what all of you chose in first place.
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purityoflust · 3 years
The Smile [Jeff The Killer X Victim!Reader] [PART 2]
Jeff the killer X Victim!
WARNING: Yandere. That's it. Yandere.
I finally decided how I would write part 2 to The Smile, which is my first and most popular post on my account so far. Anyone new who has come to read this, check out my other posts as well if you'd like. I'll post more like this. I also have a Quotev account with more fanfictions.
9/12/20, 3/4 days after the top part: God, AFTER SO LONG, I FINALLY DID IT! Took me days! I'm so sorry if this is a bit lazy, it is a tiny bit rushed by the end but how would you guys feel about a detailed part 3? I'll probably go as far as a part 3 or part 4 for the final part.
The vibrations in your brain felt warm and numbing - almost like when you have a horrible migraine and you can finally feel it subsiding with your eyes closed and your fingers gently holding down onto your eyelids as if you're holding your eyes into place to prevent them from bursting out of your skull. Upon waking up you can feel cold air settling into your skin. You haven't been awake 3 minutes and you already know what you're resting on; an extremely uncomfortable metal table. You've only seen them in movies but this was real.
The sound of a singsong voice just slightly echoing through what seemed like a moderately empty room. You groaned softly as you turned your head to your right, very slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurred in and out, which, you wanted to rub to clear it out but as you went to lift your wrists, you felt pressure around them.
Something was holding your arms down. This catches your attention, blinking multiple times while turning your head back up straight and attempting to sit up. You were hardly successful with that, struggling while grunting under your breath to pull your hands from under what seemed to be a thick rope. As you pulled harder, you sucked in your stomach out of habit before immediately coming to a halt and choking up in pain.
This whole time you were ignoring the voice that was singing eerily nearby, "You and me, always forever~"
The voice was of a male. Scratchy, shaky. Familiar.
You could feel a string of your heart pop out of place as your breath stopped. That's when you knew something was wrong, but it just doesn't add up. You gulp while your eyeballs vigorously glance around to see where the source was coming from, only to see a figure in a corner. It was doubled over and it was sitting down on a simple wooden chair. Doubling over a...table? An average male figure, nothing unique. Although, the clothing style was unusual. At least what was on the clothes. He wore a fluffy white hoodie and what seemed to be black pants and black-and-white converse. The problem wasn't the outfit, no. His hoodie was spotted and had patterns upon patterns of darkened and more fresh-looking blood splatter. He had long black hair down to his shoulders. And luckily, his back was facing you.
You were dumbfounded. How did you get here, why are you restrained, and why is there a blood covered man near you? Is that even blood? Maybe it's paint or a design? Some people do wear clothes that have different kinds of blood splatter designs on them. Hm. Or he's an actual murderer about to gut you like a fish.
You wanted to speak. You wanted to speak so badly but you just couldn't. As you parted your lips, your throat went dry while your gaze stayed locked onto the bloody male that sat before you. The singing made you shiver as you tried so hard to remember where you could have heard or seen him. Why can't you remember?
The male then turned around to look at you. His singing had come to a gentle halt. Your mouth closed as he did so, your throat going completely dry and your whole body feeling like an ice cube. You were greeted with cold blue eyes. They looked hungry and bloodthirsty, yet they held a warm affection as they looked into your traumatized eyes. It was almost comforting until you saw the rest of his face. His skin was snow white and his lips looked dry. That's when more attention is drawn to his lower jaw. He's smiling. Too big for a normal person.
That's when you realize. He has a large smile carved into his cheeks going from ear to ear while his own lips were curled within a smile as well. And that's when it hits you.
And it hits you hard.
The memories of hours prior start brutally crashing into you, flooding back into your numb brain. All of the realization replaced itself with agonizing anxiety, your heart starting to race at speeds that felt impossible. You could pass out, but something inside you kept you awake. Something about him and about this whole situation was making you dizzy. The male slowly stands and turns his body all the way to face you. He seemed deranged, yet, he had a very relaxed stance and body language.
Uncomfortable silence loomed in the air.
He kept staring at you before slowly taking steps forward. You watch him carefully as your head feels like it's spinning, which you could notice your vision blurring a little bit here and there. The silence is suddenly disturbed with the male speaking up again, choking up in giggles. "Oh my sweet Y/N, you're awake~" He cooed, now standing over you. He leaned himself down and reached his hand to your cheek, gently brushing your skin with his surprisingly soft thumb. He leaned his face closer to yours. The smell of booze, blood, & smoke overwhelmed your nostrils. Yet it didn't seem to bother you that much.
His touch almost kind of made you feel...at ease. Your heart slowed itself and your breathing went back to pace. You felt fine, somewhat, but something in your stomach was still sore. The more you stare at him, the more memories come flooding back. The more memories flooding back, the easier you fit the puzzles together.
"M-my...stomach..--" You stutter out painfully.
In response to this, the male turned his head over to your abdomen and gently rested his other hand onto your bandaged stomach, applying very gentle pressure on it as to not hurt you. It was still slightly painful, causing you to groan under your breath.
"Oh, this...I'm sorry, my sweet butterfly. I had to make sure you wouldn't get away, and you didn't! Don't worry, Jack patched you up, so you'll be just fine!"
You remember now. You remember it all. The chase, your friend, the salty kiss before what you thought was your demise.
You naturally wondered as well; who's Jack?
"Wh-.." You weakly force air out of your throat again to speak, "why am I..tied-?"
"Oh, so you wouldn't be able to get away. I knew you would run away, or struggles, so I had to make sure you wouldn't do that!"
He was right. You would run away and struggle to get out of whatever the hell kind of place you're in. Well, knowing what he looks like. He DID stab you, after all. Who knows what this sicko wants.
He lifts his hand from your stomach and turns back to you, gently placing both of his hands at each side of your face. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. So sweet and so innocent. I couldn't keep letting the others eat you up like candy. You're mine and only mine. I need to protect you."
"Wh-who- are you?" You weren't really all too scared for some strange reason now. You were pretty calm. Probably from all of the energy this is draining.
"His name is Jeff." A deep and gruff voice cuts in.
The both of you turn your heads to the door of the room where a tall figure in all black stood. He was about 6"4 wearing heavy boots, black jeans, and a black hoodie. His hair was a dark brown though while he wore a mask. The mask was a dark blue with black goo oozing from the eyesockets. He was pretty intimidating even just by standing idly like a character waiting to be loaded in.
"And I'm Jack." He continued, "I'm the one who took care of your wound."
Jack stepped closer, soon standing at the other side of the table. He stood at the left as Jeff stood at the right.
"He wouldn't stop insisting I help."
You just blink, unknowing of what to respond with. He pursed his lips under his dark mask, in his own thought for a moment while staring down at you. You seemed calm enough, and your still pretty fresh injury was gonna hold you back anyway.
"[P]-[Pronoun]'s gonna-!" He attempts to blurt out, only to be stopped by you.
"I won't."
You were untied at your wrists and ankles, allowing yourself to pull your legs up and rest your feet at the top of the table, propping your knees up. It made your stomach feel weird, but it felt kind of nose and felt like it was easing the pain. You wrapped your arms around your knees, looking around the room more. "What is this place?" You ask.
"It's a medical room."
"Huh.." You shrug it off. Your anxiety levels had died down and the more you actually think about it, this isn't the worst thing that's happened. Your life has been pretty fucked up and you have damaged relationships everywhere. Honestly, being around new people and being far away from others sounds not too bad right now. Not like anyone would care anyway.
The next few hours, you're introduced to everyone else at the Mansion. They've been so...unique and honestly, you're surprised some people and beings like them even exist. They were all equally surprised with how little fear you showed.
You actually got along with most of them.
The others have taken a liking to you and hope you hang around longer. Alone in the living room, you, Jeff, Jack, and others sit at the couches and chairs in the living room, chatting away and getting to know them as they get to know you.
You feel Jeff wrap his arms around you and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, making your heart skip a beat.
You found out Jeff has been stalking you for months at a time. Watching your every move, eliminating anyone in the way. Huh, no wonder so many people in your life kept disappearing. You...couldn't bring yourself to be upset or scared, let alone even sad. You felt kind of at ease.
And far from uncomfortable. Someone loved you. Maybe more than they should, but they love you.
You didn't even feel upset at the fact Jeff had murdered that friend earlier. I mean, you just met the guy, so he wasn't even a 'friend'? So you paid no mind to it.
If anything, you really liked the thrill of someone being obsessed with you. A serial killer being so infatuated with you. He could be so protective of you and get rid of anyone you asked him to! There's is an advantage here. You knew he could snap and probably kill you intentionally or unintentionally, but you didn't mind. You really had no one else, technically speaking. No one that really cared. Not as much as he did.
Maybe he isn't so bad.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 24 - Where Your Secrets Hide [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 5100
Summary: Everyone has demons.
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 You were used to waking up early in the morning, but you weren’t used to waking up feeling this happy. You heaved a sigh as you turned in bed, snuggling closer to Spencer, making him chuckle as you smiled up at him.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” he rasped out, reaching out to brush a piece of hair behind your ear as you yawned, covering your mouth with the back of your hand.
“What time is it?”
“It’s still early,” he said “You can sleep some more.”
“No, this is better than sleeping,” you muttered into his chest and his fingers caressed your hair.
“No nightmares?”
You shook your head slightly and made yourself comfortable in his arms,
“Nope,” you said, entwining your fingers with his, “I believe I owe you breakfast, professor.”
“Maybe later,” he murmured as a lazy smile pulled at his lips, “Let’s just stay here like this for a while.”
“It’s peaceful.”
You thought your heart melted, but you nodded before he raised your hand to press a kiss on your knuckles.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked you after a moment of silence and you pulled your brows together.
“The… the break up.”
Your eyes snapped up to his, the last traces of sleep clearing out from your mind as you pursed your lips.
“Why did you think I wanted to break up?” you asked back quietly and he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand, deep in thought.
“It’s just…” he murmured, “I think you were right, I let your father manipulate me. That’s why I was so angry-“
“Wait, my father?” you interrupted him and pulled yourself up to sit up in the bed, the sheets wrapped around your body, “What does he have to do with that?”
He hesitated for a moment, then sat up as well, resting his back on the bedframe.  
“He talks a lot about you, during those sessions,” he said, “And after we started dating, he kept taunting me about you.”
“Taunting you?” you repeated, “You never told me about that.”
“I didn’t take it seriously until that night.”
“How exactly was he taunting you?”
“He kept talking about how you tend to get bored very quickly,” he said, “He said when you-when you know you have something, you want to get rid of it, because it stops being interesting. So when you said it was going too fast and that you didn’t love me…”
“You thought he was right.” You finished his sentence for him, biting inside your cheek. He furrowed his brows, his hazel eyes focused on you.
“He doesn’t know me,” you shook your head, “As much as he thinks otherwise. He has that…that version of me in his head that he believes is real, but it’s not.”
“I know that,” he said, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand and you stole a look at him.
“Do you?”
“It was more about my insecurities, not whether he knew you or not,” he admitted, “I’m sorry if I ever made you believe you were anything like him. You’re not. I swear to you, you couldn’t be more different.”
You swallowed thickly, “I hope you’re right.”
“I know I am right.”
You hesitated for a second, “Well you might know that but in return, I know that you love me,” you said with your nose up in the air, “No take backs. I heard it.”
He stared at you with an amused smile, his brows raised, “Why would I want to take it back?”
You scrunched up your nose and shrugged your shoulders, Spencer leaning in to brush his lips against yours. Your quiet sigh turned into a squeal when he got on top of you, making you giggle and you reached out to push back a curl falling over his eyes, his gaze almost too hot on you.
“I am very, very hopelessly in love with you. No take backs.” he murmured and you tried to ignore the burning in your eyes, quickly blinking back the tears.
“So in other words, you have a lot of oxytocin for me professor.”
His head dropped to your shoulder for a moment as if that joke physically hurt him before he heaved a sigh and raised his head again to look at you better, bowing to the inevitable.
“Mm hm,” he nodded, humoring you, “Yes sweetheart, I have a lot of oxytocin for you.”
You let out a small laugh, closing your eyes as he kissed your neck, but before you could enjoy it the doorbell rang, making both of you freeze.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t give us any spare keys!” Kenzie called out and you groaned, running a hand over your face.
“Unbelievable,” you said as Spencer rolled off of you, “For what it’s worth, I didn’t give them keys to avoid this exact situation.”
“I feel like we would have to put you in witness protection to avoid this situation,” Spencer stated and you grabbed your long dressing gown off the chair to quickly to put on while he started getting dressed, you checked yourself in the mirror, then left the bedroom to open the front door.
“Auntie Y/N!” Lily rushed to you and you lifted her up,
“Morning bug!”
“I’m mad at mommy.”
“Big fight with Mina,” Kenzie shot you a look, “Help, please.”
“Hmm, what did your mommy do now?” you asked Lily, holding her tight as you walked to the open kitchen and as soon as you saw the knives on the living room floor, you motioned at Kenzie without letting Lily see them. Kenzie gawked at the knives, then threw the cashmere blanket on the couch onto them and pushed it with her foot.
“What the fuck?” she mouthed and you shook your head before you turned to Lily.
“Bug, what happened?”
She shrugged her shoulders, her lips pulled into a pout and kept her arms wrapped around your neck, holding you tight.
“I’m mad.”
“What happened?” you asked Kenzie and she shook her head.
“She wanted to stay up late, Mina said she had school tomorrow so she had to go to bed early,” she murmured, “Huge tantrum last night, and today she refuses to eat breakfast.”
“Oh but aren’t you hungry?” you pressed a kiss into Lily’s hair as she shook her head, “How about pancakes, hm? Or hey, chocolate milk?”
She shook her head again and Kenzie heaved a sigh.
“Baby you need to eat something before school, we talked about this-“ she started but she was cut off when your bedroom door opened and Spencer stepped into the living room. Kenzie’s jaw dropped and Lily frowned, still holding onto you.
“Hi.” Spencer ran a hand through his hair as if trying to look presentable and gave Kenzie a tight lipped smile while you cleared your throat.
“Kenzie, Spencer.”
Lily gasped as soon as she heard his name and wiggled in your arms so that you would put her down, then she ran to Spencer and extended her hand.
“Hello, nice to meet you, I’m Lily!”
A big smile pulled at Spencer’s lips as if he was in awe, and he crouched down to her level, shaking her hand.
“Whoa, that’s a cool name! Nice to meet you too, I’m Spencer.”
“That’s my mama!” Lily pointed at Kenzie enthusiastically, “My mommy is at work. Are you Auntie Y/N’s prin-“
“Lily!” you cut her off, “Come here honey, you’re going to eat something.”
She frowned, “No!”
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Kenzie told Spencer, “I heard you’ve met my wife. Don’t worry, I’m the polite one.”
Spencer stole a look at you and nodded at Kenzie, “Hi, nice to meet you too.”
“So, do you still think one of us is the-“ Kenzie cleared her throat as she saw Lily making her way to you, “K-i-l-l-e-r?”
Lily looked up at you, trying to understand the word, “Keener?”
“Boring grown up talk,” you answered her, and Spencer took a breath.
“It’s a part of my job,” he said as if apologizing, “We checked your alibis though, nothing suspicious-”
“Excuse me please, do you really catch bad guys?” Lily interrupted him, clearly too excited to wait, standing on her tiptoes while you put the coffee on and placed three cups on the kitchen island. You looked down when you felt her tugging at your hand, and lifted her up into your arms again.
“Sorry,” you mouthed at Spencer but he looked like he was really interested in talking to her.
“That’s right, I do.”
“Like a superhero?” Lily tilted her head and pointed at his hair, “Superheroes don’t have messy hair.”
“Lily!” Kenzie said, “That’s very rude.”
Spencer let out a laugh, shaking his head, “It’s fine, don’t worry,” he assured Kenzie and you smiled.
“I think his hair is pretty, bug,” you said, “Now how about some milk?”
Lily scrunched up her face, the expression almost too familiar to yours whenever you didn’t want something, “No.”
“Honey, you have school and then the ballet practice, you need fuel.”
“No! I can eat later.”
Spencer checked his pockets, then reached out to pull a coin from behind Lily’s ear, “I suppose you might need this then?”
The way Lily’s eyes widened and how she gasped was too sweet, and she stared at him with her mouth agape, then turned to Kenzie,
“Mama, Auntie Y/N’s boyfriend is a magician!”
Kenzie repressed a chuckle, “Yeah, I would say so.”
“Show me magic!”
“Please show me magic?” Lily hastily corrected herself when Kenzie said her name warningly as you put her down and Spencer tilted his head.
“Do you promise to have breakfast? Some milk, at least?”
Lily nodded fervently and Spencer looked at you,
“Do you have a pen and paper?”
“On the coffee table,” you said and Lily grabbed his hand, then dragged him away from the kitchen to the living room. Kenzie leaned against the kitchen island.
“So, I assume this means you got back together.”
“Last night, yeah,” you whispered with a grin and Kenzie awed.
“Told you,” she said as you filled the coffee cups, then took a sip, still keeping your eyes on Spencer and Lily. She looked like she was hypnotized as he showed her the drawing, putting the pen through the paper but when he pulled it back, the paper was still intact. Lily gasped, covering her mouth and it looked like both of them were having so much fun that it was impossible to look away, an unfamiliar, yet pleasant feeling you couldn’t put your finger on spreading through you, warming your stomach.
“Oh shit,” Kenzie’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and your eyes snapped back to her.
“I know that look,” she said with a smile, “Way too well.”
You blinked a couple of times, then it dawned on you.
“Oh it’s not like that,” you cleared your throat, “I can’t— I’m not supposed to. Mina and I made a deal about that ages ago, after that whole thing with dad.”
“You mean that hypothetical deal you made when you were teens?” Kenzie asked, “No children, because what if they turn out like your dad?”
You nodded and Kenzie rolled her eyes.
“I said the same thing to Mina,” she said, “You keep saying you don’t want your dad to dictate your life or have any influence on you, but you’re willing to let him stand between you and something you want?”
Your eyes wandered to Lily who was carefully listening to Spencer, her tongue sticking out a little as she turned the paper over.
“We’re talking about the man who messed up your whole childhood,” Kenzie said, “Don’t let him control your decisions too. That’s giving him too much power.”
“But that could still be a possibility, you know that.”
“Let me ask you something, do you think Lily could grow up to become like your father?”
You frowned, “Absolutely not! Are you kidding me? She’s-“
“There’s your answer.”
“But you were the one who carried out the pregnancy.”
“Yeah and me and Mina are the ones who are raising her,” she said, “Genes don’t mean anything in this, okay? You know it deep down, you’re just way too scared to admit it. If you don’t want your child to be evil, then don’t fucking raise them to be evil. I swear to you, it’s simple as that.”
“We had a deal, right?” Spencer asked Lily and she heaved a sigh dramatically, then ran to you with Spencer following her.
“Can I have some chocolate milk?” she asked and you stole a look at Spencer, then filled a glass of chocolate milk.
“There you go,” you said and she downed it, then put the glass on the kitchen island and wiped her mouth, already looking up Spencer, her eyes shining with hope.
“Will you show me more?”
“Maybe later,” Kenzie said as she stood up, “But now, you have school. Thank you so much for this Spencer, I really appreciate it.”
“Of course, no problem,” Spencer chuckled, “I didn’t like eating much when I was a kid either, had to be bribed.”
“I was the exact opposite,” Kenzie said, “Hey, speaking of eating, you should join us for dinner sometime.”
Your eyes widened, “Uh- Kenz-“
“You can’t hide him forever,” she teased you, “Spencer?”
“I’d love to,” he nodded and you pulled your brows together, completely confused.
“Wait, really?” you asked as Kenzie pulled you into a hug.
“I’ll bring your magnets the next time,” she murmured to your ear and you pulled back to stare at her.
“Didn’t you-?”
“Please,” she waved a hand, “I learned how to detect dramatics of your family long time ago. We’ll see you later.”
“See you Spencer!” Lily said, holding Kenzie’s hand, already telling her everything about Spencer’s magic tricks by the time they left your apartment. You handed him a cup of coffee and the sugar jar, then shifted your weight.
“Sorry about that,” you said, earning a quizzical look from him, “The dinner thing wasn’t my idea. You seriously don’t have to.”
“You don’t want that?” he asked and you blinked a couple of times.
“Oh no, I’d love to,” you said quickly, “It’s just that I don’t want you to think it’s going too fast or anything. I once dated a guy who said let’s not make any plans about the future when I told him we should go see a movie that weekend, and it was Wednesday.”
He scoffed a laugh and pulled you closer, making you look up at him.
“You know I’m not running for the hills, right?” he murmured, his thumb tracing your cheekbone and you smiled softly.
“God knows why.”
A playful light glimmered in his eyes, “It’s the oxytocin.”
“It’s the oxytocin!” you gasped, “See? I knew you’d agree!”
He opened his mouth to probably answer your overly excited and yet very wrong statement, but then his phone started ringing and he frowned at the screen before taking it to his ear.
“Luke?” he said as your wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your forehead on his chest while he pressed a quick kiss on top of your head, “Today? Yeah, I can ask— no, Tara doesn’t need to call her, I can just—“ he was soon cut off when your phone started ringing and you looked over your shoulder but Spencer cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as your phone stopped ringing.
Even you could hear Luke’s very loud “Finally, doc!” coming from the other line and the tips of his ears went pink, making you smirk.
“Are you free today?” Spencer asked you and you shrugged your shoulders, then motioned at him to hand you the phone.
“You know something Alvez, if you want to ride my car again you can just say so,” you stated as you pressed the phone to your ear, hearing Luke’s chuckle, “You don’t have to come up with excuses.”
“See, we have to get along better from now on trust fund baby,” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, “Not that I like you or anything, it’s just the circumstances.”
“Mm hm. How do you want your croissant?”
“You’re an angel.”
“Yeah yeah, where are we going?” you asked, “Let me guess, another crime scene? Creepy cabin? Dad owned a haunted house with a demon doll in it and I didn’t know?”
“Just the office.”
“Because you’re planning a wedding and you need my help?”
“No, because we need you to look at some pictures of graves.”
“Just once call me for something happy,” you deadpanned, “Fine. I can only drop by after my meetings, so around 6?”
“That works. Hey, I want my croissant to be like the one you brought Garcia that day-“ he said hastily and you hung up, shaking your head.
“You guys owe me,” you said sulkily, giving him the phone and you made your way to the bedroom to change.
The rest of the day was not similar to your morning bliss at all. It was almost chaotic, and knowing that you would eventually have to end the day looking at graveyard photos for any clues of your father’s murders didn’t help the situation.
But at least Spencer would be there. That was a relaxing thought.
“You cannot be serious,” Mina’s voice filled the car as you kept driving, rolling your eyes at the screen.
“I know, I know…”
“You couldn’t wait for the next month?”
You frowned “What? What’s happening next month?”
“Mom won the bet because you decided to get back together with your ex this early.”
“What the-“ you took a deep breath “Mina, please don’t tell me you had a bet about my love life.”
“I have suffered your love drama for my whole life, I thought I could at least get something in return. I said you’d get together next month, Kenz said you’d get together sooner, mom said this month.”
“Well I’m glad you guys were enjoying my misery,” you pointed out, “What was the prize?”
“We will all attend Nolan’s company party thing.”
“I said nothing about-“
“It’s your turn,” she reminded you, “The only catch is, now me and Kenz have to be there too because you couldn’t control your hormones for another two weeks.”
“This is coming from the person who hooks up with her wife in the bathroom during every fancy event we are dragged into.”
“You’re tragically wrong.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah it’s not just the bathroom, we sometimes go to the yard if it has a dark spot or the car. We spice it up.”
You shook your head slightly, “Right, my bad,” you muttered as you pulled over, “Okay, I gotta go so you’ll have to wait until I’m done to bitch at me.”
“Ah that’s okay. Speaking of bitching, when is the dinner happening?”
“Not soon if I can help it.”
“Y/N, come on.”
“You and mom and Nolan would eat him alive.”
“He’s handled things worse than us.”
“I doubt that.”
“I mean you’re going to have to introduce him sooner or later, after what he said to Lily.”
You turned your head, suddenly distracted as you unbuckled your seatbelt, “Hm?”
“Ah he didn’t tell you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Apparently, while he was doing a magic trick, Lily asked him if she could wear pink to your wedding.”
Your breath got caught in your throat and you covered your mouth, “What?”
“What- what did Spencer-?”
“He said of course.” Mina stated, making your heart skip a beat, “Lily was running around in the house the last time Kenzie called me, apparently she wants her pink dress now.”
You couldn’t help but smile, then shook your head at yourself, “It’s just… he didn’t mean it I’m sure,” you stammered, “You know how Lily is, one look at her and you want to give her everything she wants.”
“Don’t I know it…” she muttered, “But just so you know, Kenzie told mom about it and she really wants to have a family dinner.”
You buried your face into your hands, “Unbelievable.”
“Just so you know, I probably won’t be nice.”
“Never thought you would be,” you grumbled and hung up. Your heart was still pacing in your chest but you took a deep breath, trying to convince yourself it was just Spencer humoring Lily, then you grabbed the paper bag from the backseat, and left the car to make your way into the building. After going through the security and getting your visitor card, you got in the elevator and pressed on the button, nervously tapping your foot on the floor.
Thankfully, Garcia was the first one to greet you the minute elevator doors opened.
“Hi!” she hugged you when you stepped out, and you smiled.
“Hi there.”
“I saw you coming from the security cameras, what’s up?”
“I’m good, you?”
“I’m fine. So I’m guessing me slipping the top secret information about your break up led to something good?”
You grinned, “Yeah, I think so,” you admitted and handed her the small box of croissant, making her giggle “And since I’m such a nice person-“
“Y/N you’re here- wait, where’s mine?” Luke called out from upstairs and rushed downstairs, “Where’s mine?”
Garcia shook her head slightly and you put the paper bag on the table before taking out another small box from inside of the bag.
“Here you go. Whipped cream and fresh strawberries.”
“Yes!” Luke pumped his fist in the air and you leaned back to Spencer’s desk, looking around.
“Your boyfriend?” Luke asked with a mouthful of croissant, grinning like a boy and you wiggled your brows.
“Yeah, where’s my boyfriend?”
Garcia squealed, “Ah I will never get tired of hearing this!” she turned to Luke, “Our good doctor as a boyfriend!”
“But it’s weird! I mean is it like a….” Luke searched for the right words, “Intellectual thing?”
You tilted your head, “Nah man, it’s pretty physical.”
“Oh God I did not need to hear this,” Garcia blinked a couple of times, “Nope, I was wrong.”
“I have a naughty scientist costume in my closet.”
“I’m begging you to stop.” Luke lowered the croissant, making a face and you let out a laugh.
“So, where’s he?”
“Emily called him to her office, they were talking about this new case. Might be related to the copycats-“ Luke started but someone cleared her throat and you raised your brows to look at JJ who had approached you.
“Hi guys, would you mind giving us a moment?” she asked and Luke and Garcia exchanged glances before Garcia nodded.
“Sure honey. Come on newbie,” she said and tugged at his wrist so that both of them could walk away from you. You could feel your stomach sinking but you offered her a small smile, then cleared your throat.
“I’m not gonna stay long, I just came here because they said-“
“No worries, I’m not here to….attack you like that again.” JJ said quickly, “I’m actually here to apologize.”
You stared at her, unsure if you had heard her right, “Come again?”
“Listen, back at that interrogation room-“ she took a deep breath, “It wasn’t professional, and it sure as hell wasn’t nice.”
“You are under no obligation to be nice to me just because I’m dating your best friend.”
“It’s not because of that,” she said, “Not just that, at least.”
You crossed your arms, keeping silent.
“Listen, me and Spence…” she trailed off and you raised your brows, the idea that had never crossed your mind before hitting you out of nowhere.
Spencer would’ve told you. Right?
You would’ve known if-
“Ex flames?” you asked, trying your hardest to keep your voice nonchalant and she shook her head fervently.
“No no, we were never together,” she said and you let out a breath, “But I care about him so much, and I’ve watched him get hurt so many times. With addiction, with Maeve, then Cat Adams and now the slightest threat is enough to make me see red when it comes to him.”
You pulled back slightly. Spencer had never told you that much about his past, and you only knew Cat Adams as the person who had framed him, nothing more.
You had no idea who Maeve was, or his past with addiction.
“I acted on the very limited information I had back then,” she said and you tried to focus on her and not get lost in your thoughts, your heart slamming against your ribcage, “I know it might not mean anything, but I apologize for my behavior.”
You shook your head and offered her a small smile, “It does mean something,” you said, “Thank you. I really appreciate that.”
“Of course.”
“Hey, do you want a croissant?” you motioned at the paper bag and her smile widened,
“I do actually, I’m starving,” she said as you pulled out a small box from inside the paper bag.
“Whipped cream, fresh strawberries.”
“You’re not serious.”
“I don’t joke about pastry,” you said and she bit into it as a door opened upstairs, then Spencer walked out. He stopped dead on his tracks as soon as he saw you leaning back to his desk and you waved at him and he descended the stairs, jumping over two steps at once.
“I’ll leave you two,” JJ said and walked away as Spencer approached you.
“Hey,” he pecked you on the lips, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah!” you tried to smile and pointed at upstairs, “Shall we?”
Of course just looking at the pictures did nothing to stir your memory, and BAU had already decided another conversation with your father was necessary, so you would have to let them know when you were available for them to fix that meeting.
After that, it had taken Spencer one look at you to offer you to come by his place that night.
You exhaled the smoke from the open window, leaning sideways to the window sill, keeping your eyes on the city lights shining in the dark. Knowing you would have to talk to your father was nerve-racking but it wasn’t even the biggest concern for you right now.
Why did you have barely a clue about Spencer’s past, other than someone framing him for murder before he had met you?
You felt his arms wrapping around you as he nuzzled into your hair,
“Hey,” he said, “I’ve been calling your name for the third time now.”
You looked up at him, “Jesus, really?” you asked, “I’m sorry, I’m just….distracted, I guess. What were you saying?”
“Your food is going to get cold if you keep lingering here.”
You took another drag of your cigarette and nodded slowly, “Okay.”
“Or should I bribe you with magic tricks too?” he asked and you let out a laugh, stubbing your cigarette in the ashtray before you put it on the coffee table and turned to him.
“Speaking of,” you said, “Did you really tell Lily she could wear pink on our very hypothetical wedding?”
“Did you really tell Lily I was your prince?” he asked back and you raised your brows, a fire creeping under your skin.
“I take back my question.”
“Mm hm, I thought so.”
A small giggle escaped from your lips as you ran your fingers through his curls, making him close his eyes for a moment before he opened them again.
“Why are you so nervous?” he asked, and you raised your brows.
“That obvious?”
“A little,” he admitted, “Is it about today? Or your father?”
“Ironically, neither.” You muttered, “At least not completely.”
He tilted his head, “What is it then?”
“Do you promise me it won’t start a fight?” you asked, “Because I don’t….we just got back together and I’m so happy and I don’t want to ruin-“
“You’re not ruining anything.” He cut you off, “Of course it won’t start a fight, what is it?”
“Do you trust me?” the simple question left your lips in a hurry and he pulled his brows together.
“I know that you love me,” you said, then took a deep breath, “But I need to know if you trust me as well.”
“With my life.”
You shook your head, “Spencer I’m not just asking that. I’m serious.”
“So am I,” he insisted, “Of course I trust you. Completely.”
You pursed your lips, deep in thought and he cupped your cheek.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
You looked up at him, “I know that. Can I ask you anything as well?”
“Whatever you want to ask, yes,” he said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Because I was thinking,” you trailed off, “You know everything about me. Well- mostly everything, at least about my past and I barely know anything about yours. But it’s a two way street, right? I won’t ask you anything you don’t want to tell me, or I won’t- I won’t put a P.I. on you either, that goes without saying-“ you added hastily, making him scoff a laugh, “Which, considering everything, is an important reassurance I feel like I should give. Just in case.”
“You haven’t read that file, have you?”
You shook your head. “Of course not.”
He swallowed thickly, “What do you want to know?”
“Whatever you’re willing to tell me.”
He hesitated for a moment, “I don’t- I don’t want you to see me any differently.”
“Differently?” you repeated, gawking up at him, “Spencer, I would never.”
“It’s a lot, and I just got you back and I don’t want to lose you again, I can’t—“ he started but stopped talking when you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his, resting a hand on his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat under your palm. You pulled back and he let out a shaky breath, resting his forehead against yours before brushing his lips over yours.
“There’s nothing you could do that would make me see you differently,” you murmured, “I promise you. I love you, okay? Nothing will change that.”
He nodded, as if hearing that out loud was enough to put his worries at ease, then tried to smile at you.
“You might want to sit down,” he said, “It’s going to be a long night.”
Chapter 25
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The feeling is mutual | | Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader | |
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A little fluffy 2 part series that I wanted to drop real quick to get back into the swing of things, I hope you like it! It feels good to be back but I’m terrified. I feel like a little deer in headlights! Feedback is most welcomed ALWAYS. ✨
Summary; You’re both profilers, analysing behaviour and making connections. So why is it so hard to read each other?
Includes; mentions of sex, mentions of being on period, mention of serial killer unsub (if you know what movie i’m referencing then I love you), fluff! ✨
Word count; 1.2k ✨ (second part will be longer! this is just a little part 1 to see what y’all think)
“I literally want nothing more right now Spencer but I can’t.”
Stood in the break room at work, you mixed the sugar into your coffee and sighed at the very eager colleague beside you.
For a few months now, you’d been having a physical relationship with Spencer. No deeper or hidden feelings had been discussed, you guys were friends who had needs, and those needs could be met by each other. Nothing but trust, friendship and safety with a side order of good sex.
However, Spencer was usually good at keeping things subtle; he’d at least wait until you were both off and out of work to pursue things further. But not today. He’d clearly woken up with a motive. Which was apparently to be inside you by the end of your shift.
Unfortunately for him it was that oh-so-wonderful time of the month and as much as you debated it in your head the second you saw the dark desperation in his eyes, you were not in the mood for all the effort of cleaning up after. Especially not at work.
“You called ME last night, Y/N. It took all of my self control to NOT to get in my car and take you until sunrise.” Spencer grew closer to you, his attitude not remotely intimidating because of the whiny tone in his voice. He was right, you’d been particularly needy the night before; calling him up and breathily whispering down the phone in an attempt to get him to come over. But you both had an early start so you eventually changed your mind.
You just giggled and sipped your drink, misjudging how hot it would be.
“Ah you - stupid fu-‘ Immediately grabbing a bottle of water from a mini fridge below the counter, you took a gulp to soothe your throat.
“I’m just saying, what’s suddenly changed in 16 hours and 42 minutes that’s so drastic?” Spencer looked down at you, ignoring the entire hot drink charade, but having a genuine concern on his face for something else.
Rolling your eyes and standing up to speak to him properly, you took a hold of your coffee cup once again and attempted your most serious face.
“First off, I’m allowed to change my mind. Secondly, I got my period this morning and - no, before you even attempt to convince me ‘oh it’s fine’ I’m not in the mood. Now get your blood rushing back to the right head because I do believe we’ve got a case.”
The unsub was suspected to be a woman in her mid to late 30’s, using a technique similar to that of Ted Bundy and Aileen Wuornos. So far the team had deduced she would lure the victims with seduction at local bars in the area, pretend to be extremely drunk in order to attract creeps and when they took her home she would kill them.
The plan would be for Derek to go undercover at a bar that all the victims had attended and hopefully find the unsub. But first they all needed rest. They’d been working from 8am, after landing at 7am, and now it was 11pm.
Hotch had agreed everybody needed to recuperate and get together around midday the next day, as he knew the unsub would only be out and preying from late evening.
The hotel you guys were staying at was actually pretty luxurious considering the urgency and location. Hoping to share a room with Tara or Emily so you knew you would get some sleep, you grabbed your bags and headed up to see your roommate.
Keying the card and gaining entry with a jolly beep, you noticed it was still dark. Had you been lucky and scored your own room? Flicking the lights on, you let out a frustrated groan when you saw him sitting against the headboard.
A smug grin stretched across his face before it dropped back into that familiar pursed concern look.
“I didn’t do this to annoy you Y/N, I just wanted to spend more time with you. I can switch with JJ.” Spencer began to shuffle off the bed and you just tutted and put your bag down.
“No, stay. I’m not mad. At least not annoyed mad. I’m frustrated. But not with you. I’m just-“
Tiredly dragging your palms down your face, you opened your eyes to finally make eye contact with the poor man who was victim to your hormones.
“I’m sorry. I’m just miserable.” you walked around to the side of the bed where Spencer sat on the edge. His eyes followed you, watching your face in an attempt to profile whatever you were thinking. His hands came up to rest at your sides, thumbs stroking lightly across your hips.
“Do you want me to leave so you can get some rest? You’re tired, I can tell.”
“Don’t profile me Spencer.” you chucked lightly, your own hands coming to rest over his. He smiled softly up at you, waiting for your answer.
“Stay please.” Matching his gentle smile, you looked over at your bag before looking back at him. “I need to shower and then I’ll be right in okay?”
Spencer nodded and leant to reach just beside you, where his bag sat on a chair. You knew he was getting a book out, so that he would distract himself while waiting up for you; the one thing you admired and got excited about was falling asleep next to him.
“Do you always do that? I’ve never noticed it before?” Spencer asked quietly into your ear.
You were cozily tucked into his neck, one hand resting against his chest and the other squished between your bodies. Legs entwined with one another, you were absentmindedly rubbing your foot up and down along his. It was a comfort for you, you mostly did it to yourself when you were sleepy.
“It’s cute. Are you anxious? Or stressed? It’s actually a very common limbic response to anxiety, it releases endorphins so you know, you’re essentially giving yourself a massage.” Spencer rambled onto the top of your head, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
“ ‘M not stressed. Not anymore.” you hummed into his neck, snuggling in closer than you thought possible. You could feel his pulse quickening slightly against your cheek, hear him swallowing with nervousness as you readjusted yourself; throwing a leg over his hip and latching onto him like a little koala. “Calm down Spence, I’m just getting comfy.”
“Sleep well Y/N.” He spoke so softly it almost lulled you into sleep. His breathing settled as yours did, the arm he had wrapped around your shoulder holding you tight. His other hand drawing lazy lines up and down your spine as he too adapted a comforting stimulation that was going to send him off too.
Spencer couldn’t help but think about how perfectly you slotted against his body, how much you felt like home. The sharp but sweet scent of your shampoo overloaded his senses and bypassed the oestrogen-filled attitude, the drop in energy and the rise in other types of tension. He would do anything you asked him to. But he was sure you didn’t know that. He was even surer that he wouldn’t tell you. Instead, he would appreciate the seconds, minutes and hours you spent together and let his mind drift off onto what the next day would bring him.
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
hi im still on this also im too lazy to put this on ao3 since the rest of dannymay2020 is only on ffn knjbhgv
Lightning flashed above the trees as Danny ran through the forest. His feet slapped through the mud and the rain plastered his hair to his face. 
His powers were shorted out and the hunters pursuing him were gaining on him. He couldn’t last much longer just running through the dark, slippery forest. He’d have to find somewhere to hide eventually. 
As he passed another tree, the woods opened up into a small clearing. He could see a small pavilion-picnic structure before the path led to a parking lot further away. This was going to be his best shot for now. He slowed as he walked closer to it, looking for a way in when he suddenly walked into someone’s chest. 
Panic shooting through his chest, Danny punched the person in the stomach and tried to dart away before they grabbed onto his arms. 
“What the fuck… Fenton?”
Danny looked up with wide eyes into Dash Baxter’s face. He could cry from both relief and dismay right now. 
“Why do you look like you’re being chased by ghosts?” Dash paused. “Are you being chased by ghosts?”
Danny shook his head. “Not ghosts.” He panted. “Hunters.”
Dash’s eyes widened. “Hunters? Why are hunters chasing you? Are they serial killers?”
“They’re ghost hunters. They’ve been chasing me for 30 minutes-”
“Why are ghost hunters chasing you?” Dash asked, his brows furrowed. 
“That’s not important.” Danny said as he began to look around again. “I need to find somewhere to hide before-”
The rustling of bushes could be heard coming from the direction Danny had run from. Whispers made their way through the rain towards them. 
“Shit!” Danny whispered. 
Then Danny was being pushed towards the room in the pavilion. “Dash, there’s no time. It’ll take too long for us to open-” Danny stopped as Dash opened the door and shoved him inside. “-it.” Dash started pulling off his letterman jacket and the hoodie he was wearing underneath it. He handed both to Danny. “Put these on.”
“Put them on! You don’t want them to recognize you, right?” 
Danny looked at Dash for a moment before shoving both the oversized hoodie and letterman jacket over his small frame. Once he had the letterman jacket situated, he felt Dash pull the hood up over his head. 
“Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do if they come in here. We’re-”
Both Danny and Dash looked over Dash’s shoulder as they heard the doorknob rattle. 
Dash turned back to Danny and got real close, pushing him against the wall.
“We have to pretend to makeout.”
“What?” Danny looked up at him. 
“What else are two teenagers gonna be doing here in the middle of the night? They won’t ask us any questions if they think we’ve been macking on each other the whole time.” “Like a fakeout makeout?”
“Yeah?” Dash looked down at him. “Why do you have a name for that-”
The door opened behind Dash and he pushed himself even closer to Danny, his face inches from his own. Dash’s hand came to rest against his cheek and the two men who entered the room started talking. 
“I don’t think he’ll be here. The ectoplasm readings aren’t high enough and-” The man who was speaking paused and Danny felt himself tense up. “See I told you. It’s just some teenagers who are probably from Amity Park. All those people there have small ecto signatures, it was too low to be that ghost.”
Dash jumped and turned around to face them, faking embarrassment. 
The other man scoffed. “He couldn’t have gotten far, he couldn’t fly.” The man looked at the two of them. “Have either of you kids seen a ghost around here? White hair? Weird jumpsuit outfit?”
Danny felt Dash tense up at the mention of his ghost half’s description. “No, we haven’t seen any ghosts since we left Amity Park. Is there a dangerous one roaming around out here?”
The first man nodded. “We’ve been following a level eight ghost for about a mile and a half now. We’re worried about it getting back to town.”
“Huh. Well we haven’t seen anything. But, I think we,” Dash grabbed Danny by the waist and pulled him to his side, “are going to head back into town. We wouldn’t want to get mauled out here where no one can find us.”
“What about your friend there? Has he seen anything? He’s been awfully quiet.” The second man said, leveling a look at Danny. 
“Oh him?” Dash laughed nervously. “He’s mute. He doesn’t talk, but he’s been with me the whole time so he wouldn’t have seen anything either.”
The man pursed his lips. “Okay, well, have a nice night you two. Stay safe in that weather out there.”
“Thanks!” Dash said as he waved at them. “You too!”
He pulled away from Danny and grabbed him by the hand, quickly pulling him out of the building and towards his car. He didn’t pull away until he had shoved Danny into the passenger seat of his car and was heading around to the driver’s seat. 
Danny watched the men walk out of the building as they drove away. The further away they got, the more Danny relaxed into the seat. 
He let out a breath and looked over at Dash. “Thanks, I would’ve been toast without you there. You should drive around town a bit just in case they decide to follow us.”
Dash glanced at Danny before turning his eyes back to the road. “Why were they looking for Phantom?”
Danny paused. “What?”
“Phantom. Ghost with white hair, weird jumpsuit outfit.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, Fenton!” Dash shouted. “Don’t lie to me! Were you just hanging out with him? Why didn’t he stay with you? Why didn’t he try to keep them off of your trail? Were you protecting him?”
“I don’t know why they thought I looked like Phantom. They were chasing me, not him.”
“That doesn’t even make sense. How would they confuse you for Phantom? You don’t even-” Dash paused as Wes’s words crawled through his brain, insisting to the whole student body that Danny was Phantom. Dash’s mouth dropped open and he slammed on the breaks, coming to a sudden stop in the middle of the road. 
Danny braced himself against his seat and the door. “Dash! What the hell!”
“You really are Phantom, aren’t you?” Dash said, facing Danny.
“No, I’m not.” Danny said, glaring at Dash. 
“Oh, shove it. Why else would they describe Phantom when they were chasing you through the forest? You realize that doesn’t make sense, right?” “So, what, I tell you I’m Phantom so you can call me a freak and tell the school?” Danny scoffed. “Yeah, right. No thanks.”
Dash stared at Danny, his expression dropping. “You really think I’d tell the whole school?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t you?” Danny mumbled back. 
Dash continued to stare at Danny. “Because they would hurt you.”
Danny let out a dry laugh.
“What? Why do you think I stopped wondering where you hung out when you weren’t fighting ghosts? I’m not stupid enough to ignore all the ghosts and ghost hunters that have it out for your neck!” Dash sighed. “The longer the GIW were in Amity Park the more I realized the kind of danger you were in.”
Danny’s gaze flicked over to Dash. 
“It wasn’t even just the GIW. Your parents-” Dash’s mouth dropped open again. “What the fuck! Your parents! They hunt you!”
“They don’t know.”
“Well no shit!” Dash ran a hand through his hair. “Holy shit.”
“Listen, Dash, while I would love to keep exposing my deepest secrets to you, I’d really like to get out of this forest.”
“Right, right.” Dash sat forward in his seat again, driving forward. 
Silence settled over them, Danny staring out his window and Dash flicking his gaze to the other boy frequently. 
They finally made it back into town and Dash drove up and down and around the different streets a couple times before finally pulling up in front of Fentonworks. 
Danny sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Finally. Thanks, for, you know.” He was about to get out of the car when he paused, looking down at the jacket and hoodie he was still wearing. “Here, I almost forgot-” Danny started shrugging out of the letterman jacket when Dash stopped him. 
“It’s still raining. You can borrow them and give them back to me on Monday.”
Danny’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure? Don’t you want something to wear in the rain?” 
Dash shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I think I have another hoodie buried in here somewhere.”
“Okay, well.” Danny grabbed the door handle. “Bye.” He quickly climbed out of the car and darted up the stairs to the front door. Before he closed it, he turned back to Dash and waved goodbye and shut the door. 
Dash waited a few seconds before taking a deep breath and he started to drive away. 
He had a feeling he wouldn’t be getting the sight of Danny in his jacket out of his head anytime soon.
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