#im crying why is this me
alphabetuser · 2 months
me in my room at 2am, during exam season.
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fanaticalthings · 28 days
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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strangepersonhere · 3 months
Being aroace is so cool, but so, so hard sometimes. Watching all the persons you hold dear finding *their* person. Grieving the idea of an allo relationship. Realizing that, maybe, somehow, you're the second choice fo everyone. Because friends are great, but **lovers** are the goal in our society.
Most of the time, i am sooo happy to be aroace. And then, when im alone in bed, at 3 am, i find myself crying by fear of being alone.
And I think it's normal. It's grieving a certain way of thinking. And it's hard, especially when you were raised this way, and that everyone keeps doubting your identity.
So yeah. Shout-out to all the aroace people, wanting a deeper connection, without wanting romantic love.
I love y'all
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vebokki · 2 months
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i present to you for your consideration: luo binghe and sha hualing as roommates. also they're both going to be late to their respective dates
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puppyeared · 16 days
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thanks @chipper-smol for getting me ISAT i will be so irresponsible with the looping
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bubblingsteam · 2 months
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nyxofdemons · 8 months
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wasyago · 10 months
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how is this guy the sneaky one when he literally looks like this
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folie-a-deux · 2 months
Mads, while signing a Hannigram fanart:
"They make a beautiful couple." [x]
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autoboros · 1 month
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GoD I drew a lot but here's even more of @nephilimbrute s Agent 8 because I care them very much
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rcbertleckie · 5 months
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masters of the air · part one
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dyke-in-crisis · 4 months
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do you think they ever explored each others bodies
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Doodle suggestions? Gotcha The crew in some comfy PJs because WHY DON'T THEY HAVE ANYYYYY
I was just going to do a quick doodle but I ended up liking it so much I made it into a full out drawing um...
They are having a silly game night :)
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temeyes · 1 month
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all day, my only thought was thinking about kei being a big-ass earphones hater
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ch3rr13zk1n · 1 month
Lamperty hfjiONE
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I also have multiple alternative versions of this image since i never know which version i like more!! (I have a problem please help)
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Like and reblog or i'll force you to like Gnarpy or smth
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b1o0dlyev3rywh3re · 2 years
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i’m not the same w/o you
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