#im going feral i stg
superfluouskeys · 1 year
i know you're probably not into maleficent/aurora anymore, but since you were like THE malora writer, i'm curious in what do you think would happen to maleficent when aurora dies? either from natural causes like old age or somethiing terrible happened
My friend, this is so kind of you to say!! This is also, unfortunately, MY JAM LOL
So in my personal interpretation, I think once Aurora became more sure of herself and the relationship, she would learn (passively, not even really thinking of it as such) to de-fuse Maleficent a lot of the time. Maleficent is naturally temperamental and always about 3 bad steps away from starting a fight. Once Aurora learns that this is just sort of how she is and she isn't actually mad, and doesn't even usually mean anything by it, Aurora learns to just kind of skillfully sidestep like 99% of Maleficent's bad moods. As a result, because she isn't being fought at every turn, Maleficent (also without realizing it) calms down a LOT, and tends to stop seeing everything as a challenge or threat, even from ppl who are not Aurora. This mostly just freaks ppl out, because you know she always seems super calm until she is suddenly Not LOL, and the average person does not know how to tell Maleficent's "actually calm" from her "quietly seething."
Additionally, while I believe that Maleficent operates on her own code of ethics and doesn't just do whatever, I also think her ethics and what she considers "wrong" differ significantly from where the average human would draw the line. As she grows more comfortable in her relationship with Aurora, I think she would be surprisingly willing to draw lines where Aurora wants her to, at least most of the time, because in her mind, e.g. not harassing someone who mildly annoyed her is important to Aurora, while it's not that important to Maleficent.
However, I think both of these changes, no matter how long Aurora lives, are utterly temporary. Once Aurora is gone, Maleficent will go back to the way she was before, if not ultimately worse, because in a sense kindness will remind her of Aurora, and I don't think she will ever reach a place where that is a good thing for her.
I think Maleficent's first reaction would be a kind of desperate fury, sort of like a wounded wild animal but with very powerful magic. She would be absolutely terrorizing the countryside, especially anyone she perceived to be responsible. It's almost worse if Aurora dies of old age, because then the fault in her mind would lie with...everything, the nature of life itself. This phase could last forever, depending on other factors, and I think it would be a very long time before Maleficent is even slightly functional again.
Even in eg. Prisoner-verse where Maleficent has other friends, I can see her getting into terrible fights with almost all of them. Girl can be next-level vicious when she wants to be, and even if her friends have known grief, most of them don't know exactly what she's going through, and therefore from Maleficent's perspective are not in a position to comment. Also I think "Aurora wouldn't want you to live like this" or similar would be like, the worst possible thing you could say to her, and might send her spiraling into a murderous rage all over again, because how DARE you presume to tell her what Aurora would want?
I am really a sucker for these kinds of villain backstories LOL, you can play me the same tune over and over and I will never get tired of it. I think the only kind of person who could reach Maleficent would be someone who's sort of similar to Aurora, at least in unfailing kindness. I'm imagining someone just trying to save her village or w/e from being razed to the ground showing sympathy to Maleficent for her lost love, and Maleficent showing just the smallest amount of mercy in memory of Aurora, even if ultimately she hasn't changed or healed at all. (oh my godddddd don't look at me I want to write this now lol)
So anyway, it was 5:30 in the morning, a very normal time to be awake, and I was thinking, well, would anyone in Prisoner-verse be able to calm her down at all? I think she and Kinsale would absolutely get into a really bad fight, and Zenovia would try to be chill about it but she would also pretty quickly be like okay well talk to me when you've calmed down lol. And then I realized............
Maleficent doesn’t move.  She doesn’t know how long she’s been sitting here.  Odd, that she doesn’t feel a fresh wave of fury at Joy’s presence.  Then again, perhaps she is simply too tired to feel much of anything.
“I’m not going to say anything.”  Joy holds out her hands in a show of defense.
Maleficent inhales, sighs.  Her throat is burning.  She only distantly remembers the sound of screaming, and realizes now that the memory was of her own voice.
“Good,” says Maleficent.  Joy of all people should know that there is nothing to say.
A long silence follows.  Joy joins her on the floor some distance away, and pretends to train her gaze upon the fire.
“I do have one question, actually,” says Maleficent.
Maleficent closes her eyes.  She tries to imagine Joy the way she looked in pictures, with long, beautiful hair that she wore in intricate curls, and a radiant smile full of youthful mischief.  “How did you…not…”
But words fail her.  She holds out her hand, grasping at nothing.
“What,” says Joy, “burn down the world?”
Maleficent sighs again.  It is as apt a question as any.
“Well, it was perhaps to my benefit that I am not nearly so powerful as you, Mistress Maleficent,” says Joy, although her characteristic attempt at wryness comes out remarkably strained.  “I wouldn’t have gotten very far.”
Maleficent opens her eyes.  The flames of the fire flicker and dance, enticing in their destruction.  “I’m not sure I would have cared.”
Joy chuckles, dry and mirthless.  “Yes, well,” she says.  She does not continue.
Outside, a terrible wind howls, desperate and mournful.  The windows rattle and the fire flickers low, casting them both in dramatic shadow.
Maleficent inhales.  She closes her eyes again.  “Does it ever…?” 
The words catch in her throat.  She already knows the answer.
“No,” says Joy quietly.  A long silence follows.  The embers from the fire crackle meekly, and the mournful wind falls deadly silent.
“But…I don’t know.  You find…other reasons.  To, you know…”  She waves her hand vaguely at the fire, and stokes it back to life.
Maleficent shakes her head.  Reasons?  The word feels foreign, meaningless.  “I don’t know that I ever had a reason for anything, before…”
Before her, she means to say, but she cannot.  There was always a before her, yes, but now there is an after her.  Everything from now on is after her, without her, and the mere idea of it is something akin to drowning, or perhaps slowly suffocating, deep underground, with the weight of the earth sinking down upon her chest.  What did she do before?  How did she live?  However is she to live now, knowing what she has lost?
“Yeah,” says Joy simply.
Maleficent doesn’t know how long they sit together in silence after that.  It hardly matters.
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trashbaget · 1 year
less than 2 weeks until the new pvris album
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clochanamarc · 1 year
just gonna say it, there's never once been a time when i haven't been reading your content and bowled over by how amazing your writing styles are. whether it's simple and short or elaborate and long, whether you use fancy font and colours or keep the format clean and easy, i'm ALWAYS happy to be able to read what you guys write and how the story progresses from a simple "what are you doing here?" to "of COURSE i'll marry you" in a few turns of a thread! never think for one second that you're not good enough or talented enough, because i genuinely believe all of you write a thousand times better than most published authors.
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captainimprobable · 2 years
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butwilltherebealcohol · 6 months
What’d I fucking do this time?? Huh???? What was it this time???? what did I say wrong what move was wrong did I spend too much time somewhere was I too slow did I live wrong did I BREATHE WRONG?? WHAT GO AHEAD. GO AHEAD AND TELL ME WHAT I FUCKED UP THIS TIME. WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT
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Tom Riddle x reader - The bet.
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Modernish? Au? one of those -son of Voldemort Tom's that has Mattheo as a brother n stuffs like that-none of thats important to the fic i just wanted to put that up so them having phones makes sense, also they have charmed phones so they work within hogwarts. :p
starts off with texts messages --(two dashes) with italics for (y/n) and -(one dash) and bold for Tom.
It was a stupid bet, one that Tom was already regretting even thought it hadn't started yet. it all started with his girlfriend (y/n) being cheeky while she was supposed to be in class and asking for a bloody abs picture from him while he was trying to study.
--hey tommy~?
Tom didn't know why he didn't put on the 'do not disturb' feature on when he was studying, because (y/n) always bugged him when he studied. he picked up his phone that had vibrated when he got a text and saw what his girlfriend texted him, he quickly sent a reply back and then set his phone back down.
-What is it this time (y/n)? -Did you get detention, again? -I'm not getting you out of it this time.
(y/n) replied quickly, which told Tom she wasnt paying attention at all while she was supposed to be in charms class.
--nooo that was one time tommy --okay maybe two times --okay three....five times --whatevs thats not what im texting u for --do you think you could to me a favors? ill return it?
Now Tom was, slightly(emphasis on slightly) intrigued, sighing as he picked his phone back up after reading the texts as they came in and messing (y/n) back.
-What is it (y/n)?
(y/n) replied almost instantly, which made Tom annoyed because merlin's beard she was in class!!
--ab pic? plssss???
-...Are you actually serious?? Did you just text me to ask me for an ab picture?
--yes. pls? ill send something back? pls? pls pls pls? all the other girls get ab pics from their boys? and you've got a baaaady bb~
-(y/n) I'm busy.
--does that mean 'im busy so ill send one later' orrrrr
Tom sighed, setting his phone down, willing himself back to studying, but curiosity had him picking his phone back up and typing a response.
-Why do you even want an ab pic?
-That's not an answer (y/n).
--plllllllls tommy? ill send you something back i stg
Tom's interest was once again piqued, his brow raising. she would...send something back?
-And I'm supposed to take your word for that?
Tom scrambled to catch his phone when another message was sent from his girlfriend, except it wasn't a text, it was a photo. Of her in nothing but his jumper, sitting in front of mirror, the jumper pulled up above her chest to show off her body that got him feeling feral, her face just barely obscured in the photo-but he could see her tantalizing smirk that always had him going nuts.
He quickly got a handle on his phone and texted (y/n) back with a clench in his jaw.
-CHRIST (y/n)!!! -You're in class!!!
--and you, aren't~! --enjoy bb~ now about that ab pic?
He was blushing for sure, his face hot and red and he felt his trousers get tight. He shuffled in his seat, running his hand through his hair. He thought about it for a hot moment before he groaned and stood up, going into his bathroom and turning the light on.
He texted (y/n) one last time before pulling his button-up off and snapping a picture of his upper body. He wasn't really built like Draco or his brother Mattheo was, he wasn't a quidditch player, but he did have defined muscles and (y/n) liked them, so that was fine.
-ffs fine. -photo sent.
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Tom let out a soft snort, leaning against the wall of his bathroom, holding his shirt in his hand as he looked down at (y/n)'s message. Yep, she was happy. he looked back at the photo she had sent him and swallowed, the flush in his face returning as a spark went down his spine, looking at the way her chest was pushed out, her breasts soft and round and such a perfect size for him. her thighs looked bloody gorgeous as well, he wanted to sink his teeth into them again, seeing in the picture some of his previous marks on her skin.
"Fuck," Tom muttered, his head hitting the wall as he closed his eyes and tipped his head back, his hand falling to smack against his thigh. This girl was going to be the death of him.
he got another message and if he wasn't already flustered, he sure was now because he pulled his phone up so quick. yeah-(y/n) was going to be the death of him.
--thnk u bb~ i can just imagine ur face rn, all red n flustered~ --🥰😂
Tom huffed, rolling his eyes, throwing his shirt onto the sink counter and messaging his girlfriend back(honestly how he had even gotten one was a mystery to not just him, but to all his little 'friend' group.)
-You're a menace. -Your imagination does too many favors for you.
i mean, she was right-his face was all flushed and he definitely was flustered, plus he had a bloody hard on thanks to that hoodie picture; but did she need to know that? Nope.
--oh LOADS --like imagining what you would sound like whimpering for me --thats always a good daydream for me 😈🥵🤪
Tom flushed again, puffing his cheeks too. Whimper? Him? Never.
-I Don't whimper. Not for anyone. -Not even you.
Tom huffed through his nose, his cheeks flushing still as his own imagination began to wander off. but he was brought back to reality when he got another message from (y/n).
--wanna bet? 😈
Oh Fuck.
"Fuck," Tom muttered under his breath, ignoring the way his fingers twitched for a moment as he thought of a response. She was riling up intentionally, he knew that, she wanted to see what he would do-how he would respond to her challenge.
--scared Riddle?
-Don't do the fucking 'scared potter' thing on me.
--its working isnt it? i know how you tick bb~ ur just scared i'll make u whimper and i'll make you lose control~
-Shut the fuck up.
--oh swearing now are we? you are flustered
He was, his face was red now and his leg was bouncing, somehow even harder imagining (y/n) doing her absolute best to make him whimper.
--so --wanna bet?
Tom took a long deep breath, running his hand through his hand and then down his face. would he regret this? probably.
Fuck it.
-fine. you're on. what do you wanna bet?
he could feel the feral grin through the phone screen.
--i get five minutes to try and make you whimper, i can do whatever i need to do, if you dont whimper-moaning and other shit you usually do is fine im not cruel bb-in those five minutes you cannnnnn, idk, do whatever you want to me?
Now that was enticing.
-What do you get if you do make me whimper? Which wont happen of course.
--you gotta be REALLY vocal next time we do it. i wanna hear allll the sounds you can make, whimpers, moans, grunts, ANYTHING.
Tom flushed, really? All she wanted was for him to be a bit more...vocal during sex? weirdo.
--im UR weirdo.
Damn straight. Tom thought about it for a long moment and then groaned. Ffffine. fucking fine.
-Fine. Bet.
Tom let out a long sigh, checking the time. it was still another half hour before (y/n) was done with classes for the day, but he suspected she was going to be heading straight to him as soon as she was done-when she was all excited like this-she wouldn't let go of her 'mission' until she got it done.
And this time-her mission was making him whimper. Well, he would make sure she wouldn't hear a single peep out of him this time.
He put his shirt back on and tucked it back into his pants, sighing when he saw he still had a hard on and simply ignored it, going back to his desk and going back to studying-he needed to get this done before (y/n) relentlessly distracted him later.
His timer went off exactly 30 minutes later and he sighed, pushing away from his desk, setting down his quill. Right on the dot-he got a text from (y/n) and he glanced at it with flushed ears.
Yep. He knew it. He began mentally preparing himself for whatever sensual onslaught (y/n) had planned for him, crossing his leg over the other as stared at his almost finished essay, before he could think too much on it-the door to his room opened and in stepped in his girlfriend, looking positively giddy.
Oh boy, he was in trouble.
He stared at her as she locked the door behind her and walked right over to him, huffing a bit when she swung her leg over his lap and sat right down, her arms resting over his shoulder as she leaned in close, grinning like a cat that caught her prey.
"Ready to whimper for me baby?" (y/n) cooed and Tom rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms and resting his hand's on her thighs.
"You wont hear a thing," Tom muttered, keeping his voice monotone and his eyes cold, but (y/n) could see the warmth they had for her, and only her. (y/n) grinned and got right to work, cradling his jaw in both hands and pressing her lips to hiss in a passionate and hungry kiss, quickly heating things up as her tongue licked his bottom lip and then pushed into his mouth.
Tom's breath caught in his chest for a split second, his eyes snapping closed as his grip on her thighs tightened, holding back a groan that wanted to escape as (y/n) practically devoured his lips. 'fuck' he thought, this was going to be harder than he thought.
(y/n) kept kissing him in a way that made him breathless and her hips began to grind down against him-making him gasp a bit as he felt her brush against his bulge that had quickly grown the moment (y/n) had stepped into the room. "(y/n)," Tom hissed quietly, his lips, swollen and shiny with spit, parted as (y/n) pulled away and went down to his jaw, nipping and kissing his skin.
She kept moving her hips down into his and he felt his resolve slowly start to crumble as her lips explored his neck, the sensation of her nibbling, biting down, and sucking all over his neck drove him nearly mad. He couldn't help but groan as he tilted his head back, exposing his neck for her.
(y/n) grinned against his neck, licking up the side and trying to find his sweet spot, anything to make him break. "Gonna whimper for me yet?" she asked sweetly, whispering into his ear and kissing the spot behind it.
"Not a chance." Tom said, every word a struggle to get out, his eyes still closed as (y/n) chuckled and went back to his neck, grazing her teeth and tongue against every spot she could-searching for that one spot that would make him break.
"Guess I'll hav'ta try harder then," she whispered, latching onto the slope of his neck where it met his shoulder as one of her hands went between them and Tom let out a choked groan, his face rising with heat as he heard and felt her undoing his belt and pulling his shirt out of his trousers.
"Don't you dare," Tom warned, but if only so he didn't lose this bet. He knew if (y/n) started touching him, his resistance would quickly fall. She was too good at this. (y/n) smirked against his neck and shimmied his trousers and boxers down-Tom's breath caught and his back arched a bit as (y/n)'s soft fingers wrapped around his aching cock, pre-cum leaking from the tip.
His hips jolted up and then back as her hand began to move, up and down the shaft of his cock, the feeling of her hand driving him mad as the sound of it made it harder to focus on not making those sounds (y/n) so desperately wanted to hear.
"(y/n)," he hissed out, his jaw dropping open as he panted, his breath shuddering with each stroke of his cock and graze of her teeth on his neck. He jolted again when she found the sweet spot on his neck and heat grew in his core as her teeth and tongue lavished that spot with attention while her hand stroked him with increasing intensity, making it harder and harder for him to keep his resolve.
(y/n) shuffled just a bit closer on his lap, his cock pressed against her clothed belly and adding more friction as she moved her hips with her hand, his pre-cum smearing against her skin and clothes.
Tom felt his control falter further as he felt (y/n)'s mouth and her hand work together over his neck and cock. His resolve was broken and he was lost in sensation. A single sound came forth before he could stop it, a hoarse whimper leaving his lips.
(y/n) grinned against his skin, kissing his sweet spot before she pulled back just a bit-her hand continuing to go as she rut her stomach against his cock-feeling him dripping helplessly against her hand and clothes, soaking her shirt in his fluids.
"aww baby, you whimpered," (y/n) cooed-and just then-the five minute timer (y/n) had sneakily set up went off-he had just missed the mark-if he had just lasted another few seconds, he would've won. but he had lost-(y/n) made him whimper.
"Sh-shut-" he let out another hoarse whimper, his breath catching as (y/n) pressed his cock against her belly. "Wh-whatever just-fuck-don't-mmfh- don't tell-tell, shit, tell anyone." Tom commanded, his vision blurry when he looked at (y/n), who was grinning like a bloody basilisk.
"Oh don't worry darling, this is for me and me alone." (y/n)purred, kissing him deeply again, her chest pressed against his as her hand practically fucked his cock, giving him just the right grip as more embarrassing sounds pushed forth from his throat, whimpering into (y/n)'s mouth as she kissed him.
He felt the heat in his core start to spread, his breath and heart going rapid as his head started to fog over with unrelenting pleasure. "shit-(y/n)-FUCK-don't stop-don't stop-don't stop-" Tom babbled as his eyes snapped shut, his head going back as well as (y/n) made out with his jaw and neck, leaving more and more marks on his pale skin as her hand kept going, and going, and going, faster and faster, squeezing a bit whenever she got to the tip-pushing more pre-cum from him until-
Tom's muscles tensed, He gripped the plush of (y/n)'s thighs, his teeth clenching as he felt a tingling throughout his body. His eyes remained shut, although he could still see the world around him somehow.
Then, an intense feeling of warmth started at his core and spread out throughout his entire body. His muscles trembled and shook as he felt pleasure like he hadn't felt before.
A deep moan escaped his lips.
Cum soaked (y/n)'s hand and shirt, some arching over and landing on Tom's belly and thighs while (y/n) began to slowly calm down, her eyes locked onto Tom's bright red face as he let out those little sounds she had been so patiently waiting to hear from him.
"Ahhn, hahh-fuckin hell-" Tom groaned, shuddering as his orgasm washed over him. He whimpered a bit when (y/n)'s hand slightly pushed him into 'too much' territory and he shakily grabbed her wrist that was slick with his cum. "Fuck." he sighed, his body slumping in his desk chair as (y/n) sat triumphantly on his lap, giggling away while he caught his breath.
When his vision finally cleared and he caught his breath, he saw his all too proud of herself girlfriend grinning at him, cum soaking her shirt and her hand covered in it as well, his softened cock just inches away from her hand.
"I hate you," Tom grumbled, his eyes fluttering closed when (y/n) laughed and pecked his lips.
"No you don't~ also i knew you'd sound adorable whimpering, wanna do it for me again?"
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puffymucher · 7 months
VELVETTE X READER IDEAS... that i may or may not share (if you're seeing this.. oh god)
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there's a lot that i want to like draw out?? specifically?? so these are really just outlines for those ideas (and incase i never do, so others may because god i need it) some are nsfw ish so i just. okay maybe most of em are so go at your own risk
A possessive Velvette who loves making sure everyone knows who is hers (its you!! bingo!!) and specifically what those lipstick marks would look like? It's so distinct it's like a branding mark i stg If you don't have style, specifically for my fellow mascs out there, maybe she fit's you up. Even if she doesn't admit it at first, she rather enjoys making you her little Ken doll that will match her out on dates (Though, not like- a corny matching. she's much too skilled bro it'd be STRIKING) and i imagine the flirting is intense. INTENSE. her hands dipping down to your hips, tugging you by the waist as she insists she's just getting the perfect count around your waist- Measure twice, cut once and all that. But, it's obviously happening more than once. ...sharp teeth. SO WHAT IM A WEAK SOUL AT HEART YOU ALL KNOW YOU LIKE IT. her devilish hum as she drags those sharp fangs across your skin, delighting in how you shudder underneath her every touch, how her eyes would gleam as she got every little noise out of you with something oh so simple- What if she was really trying? this is so very self indulgent, but those out there with really short hair- Velvette helping bleach out designs, i'd totally want to get a swirling peppermint pattern along side my shaved head, but i AM bald rn so yk thats just me .....stockings and thigh pics and sending them during crucial moments when you need to be focusing. idk. IDK. IM FERAL SOMEONE PUT ME DOWN RAHHH RAHHH RAHHH
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bendydudeinc · 1 year
Hello, it’s bendydude absolutely wasted and thinking about Atsushi in heat and fucking me senseless with the prompt “keep your eyes on me.”
Inspired off of:
Please bear with me uh
Atsushi x AFAB nonbinary reader
Warnings: smutty smut smut breeding kink, praising / I have a voice kink, …..slight daddy kink? I get called baby, mutt I think, and shit something else accidentally just deleted it
Not really proof read !
I claw onto his back to try and ground myself, legs locked at the ankles around his waist and head thrown back onto the pillows. I’ll probably be sore tomorrow from all the manhandling. He snaps his hips harshly against mine in response, growling quietly in my ear. He trails his fangs teasingly over my neck, letting the tips drag into my skin and leave red marks, then, sinking them into my skin. He had summoned his tigers arms and legs to give him more control and power behind his thrusts, and man forgets his own damn strength I stg. He grips my hips hard, keeping me at that angle that makes me start to cry from how overwhelming it is, his cock completely destroying my insides. He gasps, letting out a loud choked moan, crying into the crook of my neck as he cums hard inside of me, slamming his hips against mine one last time and growling as my walls clench around him. I lost count how many times both of us had cum after 5.
And oh man- his beautiful sounds and whines-
“F-fuck yeah! *pant* Take it! Take my cum! gonna- *pant* fill you up baby…fill you up so pretty..”
He has the tiger dwelling inside of him to thank for his almost unnatural stamina during heat. He kept his dick inside of me, definitely not done yet. He watches with a grin as I pant and tremble, legs feeling like they might just fall off. And just when I think I may be getting a real break, he sees the mark he left on my neck with his fangs, and lightly runs his finger across it. I whimper his name in broken syllables, eyes glistening, and he goes crazy again. I gasp and whine in overstimulation as he slowly starts to thrust again.
“Jus- one more? Please baby~? G-gotta, ngh! Gotta make sure you’re nice and stuffed~”
He bends me so my back is arched farther, and I swear I mewl at the way his dick nudges past what I thought possible. My eyes roll back and close in ecstasy. A deep tone from Atsushi snaps me back to his gaze as his thrusts become frantic yet again. His tiger claws dig into my thigh and his other hand grips my chin to make me look back at him.
“Keep your eyes on me.” His yellow eyes glow, staring deep into mine, as if reading my soul. I nod, liking the idea of seeing my boyfriends feral expressions as he fucks me full. And that, he does. His cock twitches as he grabs both of my legs, pushing them up slowly to the sides of my head and thrusting again before I have time to be surprised. We both cry out in pleasure, and he smirks as he watches my face contort in bliss.
But oh, HIS face would be magnificent.
He whimpers again and again through clenched teeth as his eyebrows furrow in. He rests his forehead on mine and moans out, cursing loudly. He’s close again. He starts a brutal pace, gripping my ankles tightly and practically folding me. My gaze turns hazy as I stare up at the pussy drunk man in heat above me. I feel my face turning red as we make the lewdest faces at each other. The quick, slap slap slap slap of our cum meeting between our hips being the only thing almost as loud as our moans. He hisses, holding onto his orgasm and snaking a hand down, rubbing a pad against my clit. Im seeing stars, screaming as he forces me to continue facing him when we cum together.
We’re both a panting mess. He’s collapsed on top of me, giving his tiger form a rest as I plant a kiss on his nose, cheek, and forehead. Then, one gently on his lips. He smiles softly, staring down at my lips before capturing them in a slow, passionate kiss that has me squirming under him.
“Fuck. Kiss me like that again and we’re going again honey.”
I grin, “I think we both know we’re going again anyway.”
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imdoingsortagay · 9 months
Melina and Agatha Headcanons
warnings: NSFW and SFW headcanons are below so 18+
a/n: im on my Melina BS again might as well also with Agatha someone let me ramble about these milfs
they love it when you're in the middle of them sleeping
Melina is an early bird while Agatha sleeps in
" Cmon honey you and me are gonna go get a workout in"
" Mel can I sleep in with Aggie 🥺🥺🥺"
Agatha can't deny your puppy eyes but Melina easily can't be convinced ( sometimes)
Learning Russian with her when Agatha is at work, with cute flashcards she claims she didn't make
You pretend to not know but her handwriting is definitely hers.
Agatha tries to teach you self-defense as a means to protect yourself when both of them aren't there with you.
Ended with one of Melina's vases almost being broken, a bad bruise on your leg and Agatha being lectured.
" Agatha! you could have hurt our sólnyshka "
" I wanted to show them some moves i learned from Wanda babe, I didn't expect y/n to not move"
Leads to Melina properly showing you some moves from back in the day ( lol )
Agatha loves teaching you witchy stuff whenever she has free time, Melina of course there to “ supervise “ even tho she’s not a fan of magic.
Both you and Melina getting distracted by Agatha’s fingers
Weekly date nights with each of of you rotating who plans it
Yours are always so chaotic
Melina’s are for the most part having to do with drinking 😭
Agatha’s are cute and soft ahhhhhh
Both are so touchy all the fucking time I stg
Girlies love language is touch
Melina loves to have you in her lap in the living room, wrap her arms around your waist and just feel you.
Agatha on the other hand loves having your head in her lap while she’s runs her fingers through your hair 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Agatha is the baker and Melina is the cook
Both are switches
They’ve lived busy lives, of course they want to give up control every once in a while.
Also both are kinky mfs too soooooo the sex is always so gay and so hot and so nasty in a good way.
Melina calls you her little princess, darling or when she’s feeling mean whore, slut.
Agatha for the most part the same thing along with superstar and baby.
Melina loves going by mistress or miss
Agatha loves mommy 😩😩😩
If Melina is ever topping the both of you , she goes feral for having you eat out Agatha while she fucks your pussy.
“ look at you kitten , look so nice licking up your mommy. Cmon now, you don’t wanna be a bad girl and disappoint her huh ?”
Sex toy collection goes crazy
Especially since Melina can add so many gismos and gadgets.
Not to mention Agatha can enchant any toy with magic at any chance.
Firmly believe Melina is well kept down below while Agatha has a bush 😌 sue me
After care is the best with both of them especially after a busy night
Melina at first wasn’t used to it but Agatha slowly taught her wife 🥺🥺🥺
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thebadbatchfan · 6 months
enjoy my random notes from the two new episodes (contains spoilers!!)
it’s literally just be rambling… again spoilers below the cut!!
- I don’t like where this is going
- Cad Bane??
- I did not miss his ugly ass face
- TECH?? (in the tube)
- they’re just kids?? 😭😭
- I stg if he takes the baby!!
- NOOOO poor baby
- at least todo gave the baby the doll
- Emerie I knew you’d be good deep down
- #bringevahome
- Jax, Eva and
- yes Nala Se guilt trip her!!
- can’t they just kill Hemlock already
- CID AND PHEE????? (trandosian and pirate) the gasp that I let out when he mentioned the trandosian omg
- she gave eva the tooka oh my god 😭😭
- Phee!!
- tech?? maybe?? tech going after phee??
- not the location of Pabu 😭💀
- wrecker hunter crosshair yayyy!!
- the young clones!!
- wrecker be nice to gonky
- he sounds so much like tech and crosshair???
- omega no it’s not your fault
- y’all i’m so scared
- domicile???? TECH??
- shep be careful
- at least they aren’t killing random civilians??
- Wrecker is okay thank God
- i cannot breathe
- “we’re running out of road!” hasn’t happened yet so i know wrecker is fine at least
- omega don’t give urself up
- crosshair don’t let her do it please i’m begging
- crosshair plz be safe
- wet hunter!! the girlies are gonna be feral!
- i’m not enjoying this 0/10
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
PLS YOU’RE SO FUNNY your pspspsps is too strong I’m back with more asks hello how are you I’m loving your takes on sagau! I thought of a contribution by the power of the pspsps imagine like the languages in teyvat are based on the nations’ real life counterparts (like Japanese for Inazuma) but like only loosely. So creator knows like exactly 3 words in Japanese and think they’re gonna take that and somehow make it work but they get there and understand NOTHING. They finally understand like one word but turns out it means something completely different in this version of “Japanese” so they think someone told them hi and they said hi back but they’re just going around saying “fuck” and no one wants to tell them
ANOTHER ONE YUHSSS LURING BACK IN FOR MORE im doing well tysm for asking ya flatterer!!
aw u think im funny??!! 🥰 well geez here i thought i was just going feral over sagau/isekai genshin stuff and it was like a dam burst and all yall were just coming down with me funny or not 🤷‍♂️
(Hey askers look ive got cookies 🍪🍪🍪 :) if u ask smth ill give u one!!)
Nice to know the humor translates, but holy fuck this ask is like 10x funnier than anything ive written so far or come up with LMAO PLEASE NO ONE WANTS TO TELL YOU-
This is exactly what Portugese vs. Spanish is like i stg
Im not fluent yet but i know a decent amount of spanish at this point, but when i was first learning it i ran into some Portuguese and couldnt really read it and was like?? Oh ok maybe this is too many vocab words i dont get yet, and showed it to another person who spoke some Spanish and they were like ".. Uh, wtf is that?? What is that???🧐😟 Thats not even Spanish, but why is it almost???" And they just kept trying to read it so hard bc they thought it was so close it should work 😭
Anyway the point is i feel like that is just you in this scenario over and over again lol
Its like teaching a little kid language and they happen to pick up the cusswords the best,
Omfg ur around Beidou about to head to Inazuma (bc i like to think u traveling with Aether/Lumine and they r sweet enough not to abandon ur weird ass)
And Beidou just keeps cussing in Liyue's-almost-Mandarian-Chinese-but-not, and ur like trying to pick smth up bc it sucks none of ur little bits and pieces of lang. from ur world have worked so far, and she keeps saying this one word over and over again, to this angry looking Liyue guy, oh hey wait a minute, that's the Mandarin word for "hello"!! Maybe she's using it sarcastically?? She smiled afterward, oh Kazuha's laughing!! Maybe it means smth different? But they still look positive abt it so eh, cant hurt, and you sort of know how to say it!!
"你好 !! (nǐhǎo)", you do a little wave too :)
(I just used straight mandarin for this pls tell me if not right-)
Hey you did it! Sort of, you didn't really do the tones right, and you look over to see if they got it, and oop-
Everybody froze and looked at you, before Beidou starts screaming laughing, Kazhua's wheezing so hard he's leaning on a barrel nearby, the traveler is trying to keep it together, but u can see Beidou's ridiculous laugh is contagious and is spreading rapidly to crew members and to the traveler,,
The angry Liyuean man no longer looks angry, oh, he's leaving, welp, you can tell u did smth funny, but u havent a clue what u actually said
Every now and then Beidou will come up to you and try to teach u more Liyuean words, but anytime the traveler sees it they shoo her off, she has a shit-eating grin on her face, while the traveler looks unamused or is at least trying to hide their amusement
(There r so many characters that will take advantage of this and only try to teach you cuss words, at least at first, CHILDE, kaveh, VENTI, Itto, BEIDOU, Xinqiu the little prankster, ppl i can think of quickly god i gotta look at a character list)
Beidou BEAMS anytime u say "nîhâo" now, and gives u a thumbs up everytime 👍
You learn much later that you probably should just give up trying to say any of your world's lang. That sound equivalent to each genshin country's lang. bc apparently the few words you know from them are either random shit like "egg, bowl, etc." Or straight up explicit "fuck, shit, piss etc."
I didnt have too much to add bc that is a GREAT AND HILARIOUS idea all on its own (esp if u did it in front of more serious characters or situation)
So pls forgive if lackluster writing happened!!
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chazz-is-a-zelda-fan · 6 months
I have most of the Obelisk crew done, just Jim, Axel, and Bastion left! And I went back and tweaked Chazz and Alexis juuuussst a little bit too but I thought you'd like to see them! 😁
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Jaden gets to steer the ship! 🚢
I'm only assigning like 3 actual roles on the ship that aren't Alexis but I haven't drawn Jim or Bastion yet so lololol
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I really agonized about the peg leg ✋😭
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Stg I did sm better by him this time ✋
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The captain finally has a hat!
Pirates be upon ye! 😁
i’m going to draw pirate kaoru when i get home YOUVE INFECTED ME TEEHEE!!!!
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diaryofanidiot · 1 year
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Im going feral over the fic i have planned for this man i stg
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scaredy-katts · 29 days
it’s the depraved suga anon and you’re so right. when one of your friends asks if you’re ok bc they see the tears in your eyes, suga just looks at you with mock sympathy that’s so convincing to everyone else (bc he’s such sweet guy who worships the ground you walk on, right??) and says “yeah babe, do you need me to take you home?” with that look in his eyes that says you’re in for it when he gets you alone
depraved suga anon I fear you... I stg I saw the light when I read this and had to put my phone down. I should be asleep btw but this popped up and I read part of the notif and completely lost it-
so let me match your energy and pray I have the best dreams imaginable if I'm able to sleep after this
this man is a MENACE!! shy sugamama? idk her there's only freak suga in this house!! "do you need me to take you home?" CALL ME A LAWN CHAIR HELLOOOOOO??? I'm scared of hard dom suga, he's going to be my new sleep paralysis demon.
I see this going 2 ways though.
#1 you straighten tf up bc lord knows what that man is about to put you through if yall have to leave right then and there. but he takes that as a challenge and says even more out of pocket shit
#2 you fold (me I'm folding) and tell him you want to go home and the MINUTE you are alone he's calling you out for it "aw you couldn't handle it??"
yeah I'll see myself out
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murdrdocs · 2 months
Ngl I’m actually GNAWING at the bars of my enclosure seeing u talk abt how the characters in the boys are hot bc i stg it just gets better in gen v, i can’t wait until u get there bc I WILL be going feral in the asks i just can’t rn bc im physically incapable of not giving spoilers without even meaning to. But Icarus I swear we shall be eating good on the day you finally get through gen v
my brother has been watching the boys around the house lately and it has inspired me to go back to watching it so hopefully i'll be on gen v soon and we can talk abt it together
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sugar-omi · 2 months
Gotta admit it is funny seeing you be down right deranged over the guys you like
LMAOOADJJKAD DERANGED IS SO FUCKING RIGHT. and i have to admit i laugh at my own feralness, i go off the rails too often to NOT laugh abt it LMAO
me n my exbf/bff had a running joke i was cheating on him w kirishima from bnha bc i was OBSESSEDDD WITH HIM
im not obsessed w him/bnha anymore but i love kirishima always 🫶🫶
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