#im jealous of the air they breathe the ground the walk on. those things get to be so close nd im so far away
bunnihearted · 5 months
the desire im capable of feeling for a person is insane like i rlly cannot see any other way my life could go that i'd be happy w unless im by their side in their arms :((
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flwersgarden · 2 years
Think about this for a second, singer reader singing a duet with another person BUT it's about romance and it looks like they're singing it to each other, causing the public to think that reader is having an affair with them. Making yandere elvis jealous AF- now think about that one for a minute👀
note: oh dear anon, im thinking about it.... like real hard....... long.... and hard..... sorry it's short (psss, come back tomorrow and i'll update it ;) i promise) 💕
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elvis throws the newspaper to the dinner table, hitting some plates and forks, clenching his jaw as the outline mocks him.
his hands are in his hips, his eyes set in the first page.
he can't fucking believe the audacity you had sometimes.
“ FUCK. ” he screams. grabbing the newspaper before tearing it to pieces while he screams several curse words and incoherence following them, the small picture of you posing for a candid with a dashing smile falls slowly to the ground, on his feet.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
you keep laughing, cleaning your tears as your duet keeps telling his story about how he met one of those amazing directors just to blew it by being dumb.
a harsh knock interrupts.
“ it must be that food. ” mildred whispers, making you chuckle.
you turn to the mirror next to you, checking your makeup as you were about to go out on stage and perform with alex.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️“ y/n. ”
you look at elvis, surprised at the use of your first name, smiling. a big difference to his angry frown.
“ hi, honey. ” you sweetly say, standing up. “ what-? ”
“ come. ” he extends his arm, his hand opened as an invitation. you knew it was an order.
you just nod but before you can walk to him, a hand grabs your wrist.
“ wait. ” alex stands up as well.
you widen your eyes as you gaze at elvis, knowing how he can be when someone touches you; even more if someone touches you to stop you going to him.
“ boy. ” elvis says with a warning tone. “ you better take your hand off my goddamn woman. ”
a silence enters the room and leaves you feeling uncomfortable.
“ alex, please let me go. ”
he does as he's told. you immediately walking to elvis and getting out of the room.
mildred just whistles. “ that's one couple... ” she shakes her head before sitting in the small couch. alex just scoffs.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
you're just following his steps, hardly so.
your feet hurt like hell, thanks to the white heels you were wearing, your white dress flowing through the hallways like a ghost and your hair shining as elvis opens a door and pushes you inside. your hands hold yourself together with the wall, the room seemed to be an empty dressing room. elvis locks the door.
silence again. you hate it.
“ honey? ” you ask with the hope of getting an answer. you get nothing.
“ daddy? ” you try next. elvis' head moves to the side.
“ elvis. ”
you regretted saying his name.
in a swift movement he grabs your neck with his hand, pushing you to the wall.
“ i love you, i treat you right, i buy you things, i give you the attention you want whenever you need it. and that's how you pay me back? ”
you just try to focus your attention in the air that you feel leaving your lungs.
“ by being a fucking- ”
elvis closes his eyes. a moment passes. the only thing that can be heard are your pathetic attempts to breathe.
before you pass out, elvis finally leaves you alone. your hands work as support in the floor, your chest filling itself with oxygen as you cough. tears burn your eyes while you sniff. he has never do this to you. hell, he didn't even raised his voice when you were present. where is this coming from?
“ i won't insult you. ” he says, more to himself than to you.
you can't see it but he has turned his back to you, touching his forehead with two fingers.
“ because i love you too much for that. ”
you feel the air returning to your body, which makes you speak.
“ wh-what? ” your tone lost the sweetness to it, now a harsh almost hoarse tone accompanies your voice.
“ don't play stupid with me. ” he turns to you, pointing a guilty look at you.
“ b-ba-. ” you cough, trying to stand up; failing in doing that so you end up kneeling. “ baby, i don't know- truly. ”
“ i am a fucking singer, do you know that? ” he asks with a sarcastic voice.
he expected an answer. “ y-yes. ” you answer.
“ so? ” he raises his hands, mocking how dumb you looked just answering when you were the one with questions.
“ i-. ”
“ you ask that fucking dickhead to sing with you instead of me? your husband?! ” he screams the last word.
you sob, now your mind connecting the dots. “ i did-n't mean- to-. ” your sobs interrupt you, shaking your head before inhaling and continuing. “ i had no bad intentions, elvis, i swear. ”
you just cry when he grabs your throat again.
“ you must think i'm stupid. ”
you immediately shake your head. “ no! i swea-ar! ” you sob harder at the last sentence, why would he do this to you? what bad thing did you do now?
he squeezes the hold in your throat, making you whimper.
“ i could kill you. so easily. ” he mutters, caressing your lower lip with his thumb. it was trembling. he looks down. “ but i need you here with me. because without you, i would die. i would go insane. ” he just sighs.
he is a sucker for your love.
elvis looks at you and he can't keep his anger grow. the tears in your eyes and the weird voice you had broke his heart.
“ elvis... what are you talking about? ”
he knew how to read you... and you were telling the truth.
“ oh, darling. ” he whispers, kneeling to your side as he hugs you.
you were just crying, the moment of violence elvis displayed made you want to get out of his grasp but at the same time your brain knew you couldn't do it. he was big and tall. how were you supposed to punch him and teach him a lesson?
he raises your face with his hand in your neck. that starstruck gaze you loved now made you shiver in fear.
“ i get jealous, 'das all. ” he still stalks in a whisper. he now seemed afraid of your reaction to him. clearly ignoring your scared gaze and trembling figure besides him. “ you're so precious and anyone could steal you, like a diamond. ”
he chuckles.
“ my diamond. ” he mutters. his lips travel to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses from there to your chin.
“ would you forgive me, baby? i was just a bit jealous- please, understand. ”
you just nod your head, scared that the aggressiveness that he showed earlier would come back.
now the only thing you could think about is how you were going to explain the red marks on your neck and your sore throat.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
as you walk to the stage you try to drink water to help your throat, shaking with fear everytime you remember how your voice sounded in your discussion with elvis.
“ hey. ” alex puts his hand on your shoulder.
immediately you shake it off, the thought of elvis dragging you again to just do the same thing invaded your mind. and you were already pissed at the fact that he ruined this show for you.
alex just frowns, taking a step back as he eyes you suspiciously. “ okay? ” he whispers to himself, making you shake your head. can't everyone just leave you alone for a second?
you try your voice, and again, hoarse and ugly.
catching the attention of your manager, she comes closer, her hand in your lower back. “ hey, is your voice good? ” and at the sound of that, everyone starts asking the same.
you just look at everyone around you, making you feel suffocated. like elvis had you.
“ NO! IT'S NOT FUCKING GOOD! ” you closed your eyes as you screamed, your hands turning into fists.
when you open your eyes, everyone is staring at you.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
your eyes feel annoying when you try to blink, the amount of crying you did didn't help so, as you lied in bed, you just tried to think of something else. something else that wasn't how your career was on pause until your throat was checked and fixed, on how alex now doesn't want to work with you, on how you were being eaten up by the press saying the attack of insanity you had backstage.
elvis was on the bathroom, talking and laughing while you drowned in your sorrow. you were about to lose his career for his stupid jealousy and he was fucking laughing.
but what could you do? besides not paying attention.
he was elvis presley. and now, without your voice, you were nothing.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
kacchan, kaacchan, kaachan
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— “Your real fucking Kaa-chan is going to fuck your brains out and make sure that you can’t say that stupid fucking nickname to Bakugou without getting hard and remembering what I’m about to do to you, Deku,” you practically snarled into Izuku’s ear as you rut the silicone veined cock between his ready, supple cheeks. “Now, what’s my fucking name?”
pairing: midoriya izuku x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, mommy kink, dom!reader, sub!izuku, pegging, jealous!reader, degradation, anal fingering, begging, crying, marking and biting, best friends(?) bkdk
word count: 6,520
a/n: I have transcended. im sorry, this is now my favorite fic. im... ohhh mama, I just froth at this idea so much, please if you aren’t so utterly disgusted by mommy kink or bkdk pray you read this. p l e a s e.
kinktober day 13 main kink: pegging | kinktober masterlist
“I fucking hate them,” you growled, temples throbbing in your anger, fingers clutching your drink. “I’m going to kill Izuku and his stupid fucking Kacchan.”
You met Midoriya Izuku before high school. At the time, you had been a sweating, nervous middle schooler who was applying for Yuuei, who was sitting right next to him during the entrance exam. Despite the way your hands were shaking the entire time you were taking the test, and the way your stomach felt seconds from exiting your abdominal cavity and falling straight onto your lap, you smiled. You kept watching the green-haired boy next you continue to fanboy over the smallest of things. 
Through this, you had also met Bakugou Katsuki. You had initially thought the two of them were friends, well with the rather weird nicknames they had for each other, and then the small disgruntled comment on not being able to work together with friends. 
After being dismissed to go change out of your school uniforms, you had tapped on the green-haired boy. He was muttering a storm under his breath. He wasn’t much taller than you, and his green eyes were shot wide when you thanked him for making you less nervous. He didn’t say anything back to you, a red blush bright on his face as you wished him luck before racing off.
So on the first day of high school, on the fated orientation day, you had been surprised to see that Midoriya and Bakugou nearly fought. They weren’t friends, you quickly figured out, a small frown on your face as Aizawa-sensei dropped Bakugou from his capture weapon. It didn’t take much for you to become friends with the initially timid, but entirely confident Midoriya Izuku. The two of you were fast friends, and before long after watching countless times where Midoriya and Bakugou would be at each other's throats to only be okay within the next few hours.
It confused you entirely.
Eventually, one day on your way home together one night, you finally asked Midoriya.
Midoriya had frowned, his eyes looking out of the speeding window as he slowly explained his relationship with Bakugou to you. He explained that he and Bakugou were childhood friends, having first met when they were three years old. They had been good friends, best friends if it was possible to have one back then. Then, their quirks appeared, and Bakugou received endless praise and awe — it was a changing point in their relationship since Midoriya explained that he was a rare individual who only manifested his quirk within the last few years. So while Bakugou had never put him down for being quirkless, a single moment happened when they were about six years old, wandering in a gated woods area, and Midoriya went to see if Bakugou — who had fallen from a great height — was okay. From that moment on, something flipped inside Bakugou, and he lashed out. He smiled sadly, admitting without a lick of doubt that Bakugou was a jerk to him, a real asshole.
As if to save Bakugou from an ill opinion from you, Midoriya quickly imputed that Bakugou was still one of the lesser antagonizers he had in middle school and at the end of grade school. Most of his other classmates had been his bigger bullies. Still, because Bakugou was just different to both him and the school as a whole, the few times he antagonized Midoriya, it seemed to wave into ripples that turned into tsunami wave crashes. Midoriya had explained that he had gone too far in a single instance and that it still hurt thinking about it. He would like an apology from Bakugou but didn’t know how or if it would happen. After all, Bakugou hadn’t bullied or antagonized him at all for the last full year.
You had taken it all in, watching the small green-haired boy look both sad and determined as the metro pulled into your station.
“You still want to be friends with him, huh?” you asked, ignoring the people clambering out and in of the vehicle. 
Midoriya had looked at you with wide eyes and his teeth bitten, swollen lips pressed into a flat line, his head dropping, “Is it weird that I do?”
Chuckling, you shook your head, moving to leave the metro, “A little, you guys definitely will have to put some work into it, but hey, as long as you know that he’s done you wrong before, I think you deserve to find out if you two can make it work again.”
That had happened at the end of your first month of school.
At the end of your second year of school, you had confessed your feelings to Midoriya Izuku, who thankfully, returned your feelings.
At the end of your third year of school, you had watched with bright eyes and a great smile as your boyfriend hugged his childhood friend Bakugou Katsuki as the graduation streamers and confetti still swirled in the air. You and your entire group of female friends, who for the past two years had been trying to get both boys to confess that they were best friends with each other, seemed to have succeeded. They had obviously been friends by the end of the first year; both boys have gotten to speak on their many different feelings and thoughts at the end of the first year. But it had taken seven girls, two more years, and a late-night discussion between you and Izuku for you to figure out that no matter what happened with his relationship with his Kacchan, he would be at peace with it. He had chased him for so long, for such crazy lengths and obstacles that the moment when they found peace, he had accepted it.
But you knew what would happen if you had gotten the ever so annoying, permanent tsundere of Bakugou Katsuki to admit where the lengths of their friendship were at currently. You had guessed correctly because Izuku was absolutely sobbing as Bakugou hugged him. It could have been an awkward moment between them. The two of them never touched one another unless it was because they were roughhousing, training, or assisting one another in the middle of a fight. But your heart warmed at the sight of your boyfriend, entirely built and tall as he was now, blushing as he still does, scarred fingers and arms holding his Kacchan tight, the happy tears on his face rushing down his cheeks as Bakugou seemed to be blinking up a storm.
You have succeeded.
Best friends, you squealed internally, grabbing the girls and walking away to take some photos together. You had finally gotten them to admit that they were best friends again.
It should have made you happy, and for a while, it did make you glad to know your loving boyfriend was over the moon happy to have this small detail confirmed with him, but two years post-graduation, it was straight up annoying and made you somewhat... livid. 
It started when your classmates began to whisper about how strong you were to let Izuku and Bakugou be that close. Then reporters asked about how you felt about the Wonder Duo’s relationship outside of the field. Fans straight up saying that they liked them better than you and Izuku, fans asking if you felt lesser than Ground Zero in Pro Hero Deku’s life. At first, you had always expressed your truths, you didn’t care what others thought because you knew the truth, but they must have been annoying you for so damn long that you were beginning to feel doubtful, just the tad bit anxious. 
Izuku had asked if you wanted to go to a bar for a night of some drinking. Well, with the both of you not having work tomorrow, you had agreed. It had been a while since the two of you had been able to do anything. So a night at the bar the two of you frequented a lot was a great start to a long night the two of you were undoubtedly going to have if the lace panties under your skirt had anything to say about it. You thanked the gods of every deity every night for making your boyfriend such a stupid pervert that a single whisper of what you were wearing would have him turning red and stumbling out of the bar to get you home immediately.
Well, that was the plan.
But no, nope, nope, nope, nope.
In the middle of your flirting session with Izuku, who still could not keep up with your quick, slick tongue, his phone had rung. It wasn’t abnormal that it went off, he was an incredibly gifted hero, and with his recent sort of permanent team up with his Kacchan to form a hero duo, they were hot shit.
But it wasn’t a work call.
No, it took two seconds to figure that out because Izuku had placed his phone to his ear, his cheeks pink, and eyes sparkling as he immediately chirped out: “Kacchan! Hi!”
And just like that, your flirtatious mood had been stomped on and stabbed over into one of annoyance.
Your boyfriend was a hero otaku; that was something you knew the very moment you met him when both of you were merely fifteen. From that moment on, when your crush was formed on the excitable, blushing otaku, you knew that should you become his girlfriend, there would only be two people above you.
Midoriya Inko then All Might.
Both of those people were completely understandable.
Inko was the best mother in the world, and as Izuku’s most significant and first support system, you didn’t mind losing out to her. She was a fucking sweetheart, after all.
All Might was a slightly annoying one, but as your boyfriend's mentor and father figure, you understood. Plus, the scrawny man was also a sweetheart who flustered over Izuku almost as much as Inko did.
But, you didn’t and couldn’t believe that Bakugou ‘Kacchan’ fucking Katsuki would be challenging your place as third in the most critical person in Midoriya Izuku’s life. You wouldn’t sit idly by on it.
Taking another long, deep chug of the heavy in alcohol percentage drink in your hand, your anger seemed to be at an all-time high. 
Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan.
That stupid fucking nickname seemed to pour like liquid gold from Izuku’s mouth.
Kacchan this, Kacchan that, Kacchan yes, Kacchan no.
You knocked back yet another fucking drink, slamming the glass onto the bar counter, demanding another one as Izuku’s deep stupid voice seemed to turn airy as he laughed at something Bakugou Katsuki said. Bakugou Katsuki, who didn’t ever tell jokes because everything he said was stupidly not funny and hated being not serious even for a single second, was making your stupidly thick, built, and strong boyfriend giggle like a schoolgirl. Izuku only laughed like that around you?!
Oh, fucking, no, you realized, your back straightening, your eyes blazing into Izuku’s side profile that still illuminated the deep, intensity of his blinding happy smile. 
“Kacchaaannn!” Izuku suddenly whined, his lips pressing into a pout that wouldn’t form because of his stupid, irritatingly handsome smile. “That’s not fair!”
Growling under your breath, you grabbed the new drink presented to you by the bartender and began chugging.
Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan.
Kacchan, Kaacchan, Kaa-chan.
You spluttered, your head light and fuzzy with the inhibiting alcohol as you heard Izuku still rambling on the phone to his dumb fucking Kacchan.
‘Did he just?’ you thought, entirely unprepared for that name to whisper from his mouth.
Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan.
You stopped a broken moan from spilling from your mouth at that word. Despite the coursing alcohol in your veins and the way it typically made you hornier slower, that slightly whiny, entirely Izuku’s tone when he said what your horny brain to be interpreting as Kaa-chan, your panties became wet immediately.
“Izuku,” you breathed — almost whined — into his ear. Your chest pressed against his muscled arm—your mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses to the back of his ear before biting down on his earlobe. 
“Y-Y-Yes, y/n?” Izuku stammered, his face flushing, mind entirely lost at the feeling of your breasts pressing onto his arm and probably his stupid Kacchan’s voice in his other ear. 
“I’m wearing those panties you really, really like,” you moaned softly into his ear, your teeth nibbling on his earlobe.
You never heard Izuku hang up so quickly on his Kacchan as he downed his drink and quickly followed after you, a puppy at your heels.
The two of you made it home, mouths pressing fervently together, fingers in each other’s hair and clothes. You giggled when you managed to push your much larger boyfriend into the door the moment you both managed to enter your apartment. 
His scarred fingers had invaded the underneath of your skirt, already pressing his fingertips to the lacey fabric. He moaned against your mouth, his hands pervertedly gripping your full ass in his large, hot palms. 
“Call me Kaa-chan,” you suddenly moaned, your mouth tearing away from Izuku’s reveling in the fact that he tried to chase after your mouth. It was at moments like this that being so much smaller than your skyscraper of your boyfriend helped — the third year of high school had made your entire male classmates grow an additional near one hundred centimeters, fucking ridiculous. 
“W-What?!” Izuku spluttered, his eyes wide but still entirely glazed over with his lust.
“Kaa-chan,” you slur, the alcohol in your veins and his kisses on your lips, making your brain mush. “Call me, Kaa-chan, please!”
“I-I can’t? I’m not going to call you, Kacchan! T-That’s so weird? You don’t even look like him, and even if you did, I’m sure that would be entirely not okay! That’s Kacchan’s nickname, and for me to just use it in bed would make me think that I’m having sex with Kacchan, and I bet you’d agree about how not okay that would be! Imagine that! That would be not okay, but if there’s anything else you want me to call you in bed, although, you do have the best reactions to me whenever I call you—” Izuku rambled, his eyes searching the dark hallway for something to focus on. His face red with slight humiliation and his muttering tongue speeding so fast you could barely keep up with his sentences with your drunken brain. 
“Not Kacchan,” you roll your eyes, your hands pressed to his side, trapping him between your arms — something that was a hilarious sight. “Kaa-chan, Izuku-chan, Kaa-chan.”
You pulled away from the wall, your eyes bright with what you thought would finally be the tipping point in your biggest kink finding a spot in your sex life with Izuku.
But Izuku begins laughing, his head shaking quickly, the laughter so loud that you watch literal tears form in his eyes as he stands there. Your cunt suddenly feels dry.
“I-I can’t do that,” Izuku finally manages to press through, his hand on his stomach as small laughs still manage to breakthrough. “Oh, god, no, I can’t. I’ll always think of Kacchan when — if I call you kaa-chan.”
Your lips pressed together, anger flushing through your blood as you nod your head once.
“Y-Y/n!” Izuku bawks, his eyes wide as he quickly understood that he hurt your feelings with that outburst of his. “W-Wait, I mean—”
“No need,” you cement over, lips pursed in your shaking anger. “Give me some time alone, please.”
Izuku can only watch with wide, tearful eyes as you guide him out of your apartment, and you don’t look at him when you close the door, too afraid of what those puppy dog eyes would do to you. You needed time after being laughed at like that; your pride demanded it.
It took less than five hours for you to forgive Izuku. He had stayed in the hallway of your apartment. Sitting outside of your door, waiting for you to message him of some sort about wanting to talk. You hadn’t precisely forgiven him, just wouldn’t allow your more often than not perfect boyfriend to be trapped outside, sleeping in a terrible position on your day off. So at nearly two am, your eyes refusing to close and fall asleep, you trudged to your front door and demanded he gets in or else he’d sleep in the hallway.
Izuku had looked up at you with tired, sad eyes, and your throat tightened as you looked away with a huff. He had gotten to his feet and walked into your apartment, kissing you softly as the door closed behind the two of you. Despite you having been the one to kick him out earlier, he carried you to your room as you began to cry again. He undressed to just his boxers, and the two of you cuddled each other before the both of you fell asleep, feeling slightly better.
Although you hated to admit it, everything was back to normal the following morning.
Well, that is until the fateful day when you were straddled across Izuku’s waist, his thick, long cock stretching you out as much as it felt that first time you fucked, riding him until his hands left bruising prints on your hips. You knew what made Izuku tick, moan, and go absolutely feral in bed; you knew him so well, and if the indicating throbbing of his swollen cock had anything to say, was that he was seconds from cumming.
Again, this was a fateful day.
His work phone suddenly screeched at the nightstand, and you both screamed at the horror.
What was happening?!
Not bothering to unmount from his cock, Izuku grabbed his phone and placed it to his ear.
“Hello, Deku, speaking!”
You pouted from on top of him, still rather pleased that his cock was still firm within you, and you watched his face, ready to send the blood in his cock right back to his head and get him out the front door if it was an emergency.
“K-KACCHAN?! THIS ISN’T AN EMERGENCY!” Izuku screamed, his face pounding red as his free arm collapsed over his eyes.
You were going to kill motherfucking shithead, Bakugou Katsuki.
Your eyes narrowed, and with the fury of being cockblocked by your boyfriend's stupid best friend in a whole new way, you began to shift your hips against his cock. Your hips rising and falling as you continued to fuck Izuku, uncaring that he was on the phone.
Izuku, never having been good at being secretive, let out a strangled choke and a moan, his hand thrown over his eyes trying to get a solid hold on your hips to keep you from fucking yourself against him. He froze, his face exploding with heat the moment you forcibly clenched around his thick length, “I-I-I’m at y/n’s apartment! Kacchan! NO! We were having sex!”
Rolling your eyes, you knew he was going to blab that secret out.
“We are having sex right now, K-Kacchan!” Izuku whimpered, downright hilarious of the brick wall of a pro hero could do. “Kacchan, that’s not fair! You called on my emergency-only phone! Of course, I was going to pick up!”
Red bled into your vision as you realized that Bakugou undoubtedly was talking shit about your ability to fuck your own boyfriend. 
“Kacchan!” Izuku groaned again, but you were far past the point of being okay with this situation.
Grabbing the phone from Izuku’s hand, you slammed the phone to your ear, listening to the chortling laughter of Bakugou fucking Katsuki.
“You fucking piece of fucking shit, try calling this number again without a proper fucking emergency next time, and I’ll kill. you!” you spat into the phone, your blood boiling as the laughter on the other side of the line stopped, only for you to be met with an irritated and challenge-accepted growl of Bakugou Katsuki, who was seconds from responding back with his own threat and challenge. But you hung up, chucking the phone into the corner of the room before setting your sight on Izuku who’s eyes and pupils were blown wide.
You couldn’t even begin to process that your words had turned Izuku on; you could barely feel his throbbing, twitching cock buried deep in your womb because your inner walls held a vice, unbreakable grip on him. Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan. You had finally heard that stupid fucking nickname in bed, and still, the way it was said and who it was for wasn’t for you, and you were absolutely frothing.
“Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan,” you spit out, fury and animosity, your hips still slamming down on his cock, Izuku’s scarred hands once again reaching for your waist. “Is there any other fucking name you can ramble in bed?!”
Izuku cries out, his hips snapping up to meet yours, the echoing slap of your meeting sexes still not loud enough to tune out your angry, abhorrent thoughts. 
“N-No?!” Izuku stammers out, confusion heavy on his tongue, and you know why, but you don’t care. “I-I-I don’t! What else am I supposed to sayyyy oh my god, baby! What am I supposed to call Kacchan?!”
A cold shiver runs down your spine, and you smile slowly. You wait for green eyes to open and lock on you before your smile becomes cunning, altogether ferocious, and biting as your hand reaches out and grabs the curls at the nape of his neck. You yank on the hair towards you, watching as his neck arches, and you coo at the breathless gasp that spills from his mouth as your lips are at his ear, his cock threatening to slip out of your boiling cunt at this new angle. There’s a growl on your tone, your lips brushing against the soft cartilage of his ear. “Say Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan. Since you fucking want your damn fucking Kacchan so badly that you can’t even indulge in my little nickname, I’ll make sure to ruin the damn fucking nickname for you forever.”
You pull away, your hissing words sitting heavy in his ears as you slip off his cock and stumble to the closet for your toys. 
Izuku lets out a needy noise, his breaths pathetic gasps as he looks at you and away, unable to fully comprehend just what you were planning on doing to him.
Slamming open the closet, you grab the plastic tinted box in the closet, throwing it open and grabbing three items.
One: your pretty green harness. 
You had bought at a sex shop store you frequent whenever you were bored and alone. About six months ago, this particular sex shop had obtained rights to sell Pro Hero styled lingerie and sex toys. This harness was modeled after Izuku’s costume, and you bought it to surprise him with whenever you two got into pegging.
Two: the bottle of lube.
Also purchased from the sex shop. Apparently, it was a lube that was both super cold and hot — obviously modeled after Todoroki. It would start off as cold on the skin before warming up to temperatures that were guaranteed to make people shriek and moan like porn stars.
And last, but definitely not least, your ace up your sleeve: the strap on dildo.
At the same sex shop, they had released a limited quantity, a one-week available dildo that was nearly impossible to accept was a thing. Along their wall of many, many different shapes and sizes of dildos had sat seven limited dildos made from the cocks of pro heroes.
One of which being Ground Fucking Zero: Bakugou Katsuki.
You’re not sure what possessed you into buying it, but you did. The dildo modeled after Bakugou’s own cock was now something you possessed, something you hid from Izuku’s sight at all times. The cock was about eight, nearly nine inches, maintaining a fat, swollen head and base, with thick veins running through its length. 
The dildo itself was completely minimalist, jet black with only the Ground Zero’s logo painted to the bottom of the curve, but if you were to do this, Izuku wouldn’t know it was his best friend's cock until you were done with him. 
Throwing your legs through the harness, you turn your head to lock eyes with Izuku’s bright eyes that are taking in your every move. You fasten the ties, making them just a tad bit tight around your thighs and waist because you knew that Izuku loved seeing the divot in your skin. 
Your eyes are peering through your lashes to look at him, your frown becoming a confident, biting smirk as you attach the dildo, immediately covering your hand with the cold lube before slicking up the silicone cock. Izuku watches you with shaking thighs as you climb back onto the bed, your eyes dark, dangerous, as your fingers drag down his toned and muscled calves.
“Get on your fucking hands and knees like the fucking good boy you are,” you growl out the command, your fingernails digging into his skin. “Show your cute fucking ass to your Kaa-chan.”
Izuku let out a heavy moan as his body quickly shifted over, he got up onto his knees, but he went a step further by pressing onto his knees, letting his scarred back curve beautifully for you. 
You groan at the sight, Izuku's large, muscled ass on full display for you. His body trembles and shakes with every breath he takes and how his muscles are tight with his nervousness. His little asshole clenching and tightening at the air, undoubtedly ready to have you press the cock into him. You groan, your hand that's slick with the lube becoming warmer with the intended promise of the lube, and your grin when you grip his supple asscheeks between your hands, delighting at the way his flesh molds within your hands.
“You have such a pretty little ass, baby boy,” you moan, your index finger circling around the rim of his pert, tight hole. You lean in closer, your hot breaths spilling across his muscle that sends it spasming in its attempts to clench around nothing. “What do you want your Kaa-chan to do?”
Izuku stammers, his mouth unable to form any sort of coherent sentence as you lather your fingers in the cold lube, and without much of an introduction, you slide your slick, cold index finger into his hole. Izuku cries loudly when you move your finger inside of his ass, and you smirk at the sight of his twisted with delirium face before you. Eyes crossed, tongue hanging out as your finger dives into his ass. 
“Does this feel good, baby?” you ask, finger curling deep within his ass.
He can’t find the energy to speak, but strangled noises of approval are made, and his hips shift back onto your thrusting finger.
You enter a new finger, stretching out his tight muscle even further, your two fingers reaching a further depth and more manageable pace than you had before. You grin at the way Izuku begins to fuck himself against your fingers, his asshole looking as if it swallows your fingers as your dildo ruts against his leaking cock. Izuku's chest collapses onto the mattress when you glide your free hand against both the dildo and his cock as you continue to finger his ass — a third finger eventually joining.
“God, your ass is so fucking slutty, sweetie,” you groan, absolutely obsessed with the pink haze on Izuku’s cheeks and the growing moans. “Is your Kaa-chan making you feel good? Kaa-chan promises that she’ll protect you through everything!”
Izuku spams, a loud cry of your name as your fingernails scratch at his walls, and his hips buck further into your fingers deep in his ass before rutting back into your hand, stroking his cock. You coo at how he is clearly enjoying it, chest-thumping with how he clearly wants more, and how you intend to give him more. A sadistic smile carved onto your face as his rambling begins to take shape begins to actually have meaning behind it except the whining, pitiful cries.
“You are!” Izuku finally manages to gasp, his ass slamming back onto your curled three fingers. The lube is now hot as it can grow, and Izuku is obsessed with the heat in his ass. “You’re doing this to me, y/n!”
You freeze, fingers freezing in his ass as Izuku once again refused to call you Kaa-chan.
Well then.
Freeing your fingers from deep in his ass, your upper lip curled into a snarl as you doused the Ground Zero dildo with the ice-cold lube, your blood roaring in your ear. It just seemed that you were going to have to take that nickname by force.
Slapping the lube coated dildo between the valley of his pretty, beautiful asscheeks, you grabbed his head of curls, snapping his head back so that his ear was a lick away. “Listen to what I’m about to fucking do, I-zu-ku,” you accentuate his name, your free hand gripping his slick cock, and fisting it slowly, your grip tightening whenever he tried to rut into your grip. “Your real fucking Kaa-chan is going to fuck your brains out and make sure that you can’t say that stupid fucking nickname to Bakugou without getting hard and remembering what I’m about to do to you, Deku,” you practically snarled into Izuku’s ear. Izuku freezes for a second, deep flushed red exploding on his face before he moans loudly, face burying into the mattress as you rut the silicone veined cock between his ready, supple cheeks. “Now, what’s my fucking name?”
“Kacchan…” Deku’s mouth fumbles, unable to find that distinction even like this, but that’s okay, you got time.
“Again, Deku,” you snap, watching as a shiver slams down his spine at the nickname, and you press the head of the cold, lube coated dildo against his ready, clenching asshole.
“Kaa-aachan!” Deku moans loudly, and you press the head of the black dildo into his ass, watching as his slutty little ass swallows the head without a single problem. His back arches further, and his ass shakes as you keep him from falling further on his Kacchan’s cock.
“Are you having that much fucking trouble distinguishing who’s fucking you right now, Deku?!” you practically seethe, your fingernails digging into his firm, plump ass before beginning to drag the cockhead away.
“No!” Deku sobs, his ass pathetically following after your exiting cock. “I’m not Kaa-chan, I promise!”
Oh, the golden words you’ve been looking for.
With a widespread, near-feral grin, you slammed the whole cock within him, not stopping until you couldn’t see the black of the dildo, and your thighs were pressed against his ass. The noises that spilled from Izuku’s mouth with sinful, lewd, and made you think for a second the hot and cold lube was in your cunt. His mouth continued to speak at a speed you couldn’t understand, his ass greedily sucking the dildo in with no thought to return it.
“I-It feels so good!” Deku cries, his ass slapping backward onto your strap. “Your cock is so good!”
“Damn fucking right it is, Deku,” you laughed, hands gripping his hips and with a determined show to make sure he knew just who the superior Kaacchan was, you began to rut your hips back up again his. 
Your pace was a lot faster than Deku’s, thighs crashing against his ass with every successive pound of your hips. Deku, who’s always been so good about being responsive in bed, is crying and moaning like a bitch in heat. His moans are endless and delightfully loud, his ass slamming backward to meet your rutting hips, and you can't help but land a loud spank against his sweet ass.
“How is this feeling, Deku? Tell your Kaa-chan how your shitty little hole is feeling?” you laugh, your body leaning over his, your lips and teeth marking up his sweaty, scarred back with bites marks and hickies. “Tell your Kaa-chan how it feels to have your shitty asshole fucked like this?”
“It feels sooo good, Kaa-chan!” Deku sobs and you shiver at the power behind that stupid little nickname. “My Kaa-chan is making me feel so good, so loved! Kaa-chan’s cock is stretching my ass out so good, her cock makes my stomach and ass feel so funny, but I d-don’t want it to end!”
His back is arched, and his fingers can no longer clutch the fabric of the mattress, and it’s all overwhelming as you fuck into him faster, more demanding, with more intention to have him be yours forever.
“My precious little Deku looks so fucking cute when he’s crying for his Kaa-chan,” you pant, your thrusts becoming sloppier with your heightened pleasure, knowing just whose cock he was crying for. His stupid Kacchan could never do this. 
The raw noises of wanton pleasure rip from Deku’s throat and his ass comes down to fuck back on your strap on with greater power, faster speed. You keep up, though, you have to prove your worth, you’ll fuck his brains out until the only thing he can call you is his Kaa-chan. You grip his hips, your knees shifting as you find a new angle, a better angle as you drill the cock in faster and further in, bottoming out in him with every stroke of your bucking hips. 
“Fuck!” he screams, his knees almost wholly giving out on you as you drive against his prostate. The cock and angle you had quickly allowing you such a pleasure as you fuck into him faster. And upon the tenth slam against his prostate, Deku is shouting. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Kaa-chan!”
Drool is pouring onto the bed, and you feel on fire as Deku continues to whimper, continues to cry your name, claiming that his Kaa-chan has never made him feel this good before. Your hands move from his waist and find themselves latched onto his curls and fisting his cock again. The power that hums through your body makes you see stars as he cries at the pain of having his hair yanked backward, and having your fingers press against the head of his weeping, pre-cum drenched cock.
“Oh, poor pathetic Deku,” you snarl despite the grin on your face, sweat drips down your temple, and you laugh. “Does your pathetic fucking cock need to cum? Do you need to cum while your Kaa-chan’s cock fucks you?”
“Y-Yes Kaa-chan!” Deku screams, his tongue falling from his mouth, his eyes dazed in his hysteria. “Yes, Kaa-chan! I want to cum on your cock, please let me cum on your cock!”
Your cunt throbs from your arousal and lack of stimulus, but the apparent slick in your lips that is slowly dripping down your thighs, makes your next train of thought seem worlds apart hot. The hand in his curls fists his hair harder, snapping Deku closer, making his back arch further. The hand around his cock pinches his cock head together, a pain you had discovered that never failed to get him to cum. And your hips, the hips that drove the Ground Zero dildo further into his tight, greedy asshole, slammed viciously and barbarically into his pretty little asshole.
Deku praises your cock again, his eyes fluttering shut as he cries for his Kaa-chan’s cock, and in a blind fit of victory, your lips press against his ear and whisper to him the truth.
“I’m actually fucking you with your Kacchan’s cock,” you admit, feeling Deku go rigid beneath you. “I know you know what I’m talking about, Deku. So yes, I bought it just to fuck you with it, and look! It’s Kacchan’s cock, but it's your Kaa-chan who’s making you feel so. good. with it!”
And with one last driving slam of Kacchans cock into Deku’s slutty, needy hole, you can feel his cock spasm within your hold, and the way his ass tightens beautifully around the dildo, and he collapses with a pitiful, pathetic: “Oh my god.”
Your hand is coated in his hot, heavy load of cum. You pull away from him, and you laugh, watching as Deku moves onto his back, his eyes fluttering with a million emotions as you bring your hand to your mouth and lick his musty cum clean from your hand. 
“Now,” you cough, slipping the harness from your waist and thighs and climbing back onto his awaiting, still semi-hard cock. You moaned at the feeling of his cock hardening back within your crazy soaked cunt. “Kaa-chan wants you to suck your Kaa-chan’s tits, and then you’ll be rewarded for being. So. Good.”
His eyes swim with uncertainty before he blinks, his hips rutting up to meet your cunt, and his mouth latching onto your needy nipple.
“Anything for you, Kaa-chan.”
Due to Bakugou calling on Izuku’s emergency-only phone, Bakugou had come over with an apology dinner made for the two of you. You sat at the table, Bakugou sitting in front of you, Izuku, to your side in the square table Izuku owned. 
Bakugou was already frowning, his body language trying to hide the apparent surprise that went through him when Izuku opened the door and greeted him as ‘Bakugou-kun!’ 
Had you known his reaction would be that pathetic, you wouldn’t have bothered to accept his dinner. You would have sufficed with that moment being caught on camera instead.
But no, Izuku loved Bakugou’s cooking, and you were now sitting here, glaring at Bakugou, who was glaring right back at you.
However, you knew Bakugou wanted to understand why his childhood nickname had suddenly been abandoned, and you had strategically placed Izuku’s favorite drink near the empty seat. Closer to you than it was to Bakugou because you knew that asshole was quicker than most.
“Oh, Kaa-chan, do you mind passing me my drink?” Izuku asked before flushing at the realization of what he called you in front of Bakugou.
But Bakugou didn’t notice, how could he?
Because both of you had made for his drink, and you just managed to snatch it before Bakugou did as you watched in evil elation as Bakugou quickly placed two and two together. Handing the glass to Izuku, you smiled, as he stammered out an embarrassed thank you.
“Sorry, boys, I’m actually needed somewhere tonight,” you lie, rising to your feet as Bakugou’s eyes rage with something you can’t name but love nonetheless. “I’ll leave you two alone, I’ll be back!”
You don’t let Izuku’s embarrassed begs for you to say deter you, your fingers grabbing your boyfriend by the chin before kissing him deeply, shoving your tongue into his mouth for good measure as you look at the still, void Bakugou when you break away.
You don’t know what happens as you leave, but the way that Izuku’s less superior Kacchan snaps his name makes your toes curl with pleasure.
Oh, you really liked this.
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bubsdolan · 3 years
Can you do 7 and 8 with gray! Pls bubba
“I hate how much I love you” & “Why are you so jealous?”
you couldn't quite figure out why grayson had been giving you the cold shoulder all night long. when he had invited you, his best friend since diapers, to a party he was hosting at his fraternity, this wasnt the warm welcome, or atmosphere you had expected. 
you had seen grayson, star of the football team and most popular guy in campus, act tough and cold towards people, but never to you.
it hurt more than you liked to admit.
he had been avoiding you at all costs, not even greeting you at the door with a hug and kiss on the cheek like he did every single time you came over. he never offered you a drink, which confused you as you knew knew how protective he was when it came to somebody offering you a a drink, he knew people’s intentions at his parties and he wasn’t taking any chances on anything happening to you.
grayson was normally attached your hip the entire night, wanting to keep you safe and in his eye line at all times. instead, he was attached to some leggy blonde, who was overly touchy and flirtatious for your liking. you felt pushed out. you wanted him to have a taste of his own medicine.
realising the only way to get grayson off your mind was to drink, you down shot after shot, dancing with a few girls from your own society, participating in beer pong and drinking your body weight in spirits.
you eventually got approached by a boy you recognised from being in the same fraternity to grayson, crossing over the line you knew would result in drama, but you were trying anything to forget about the one man who was constantly on your mind. so you accepted the red solo cup he offered you with a sly, uneasy smirk and grinded up agasint him.
it wasnt until the strangers, cold and rough hands that certainly differed from grayson cupped your arse over your dress without your permission, was when you were finally met his those hazel eyes you dreamt about. however, those once beautiful and memorising orbs, were dark and angry when he approached you. 
“grayson what the hell!” you screeched as grayson ripped your body away from the guy who’s name you never bothered to learned and pushed aside as grayson aggressively shoved at his chest. his stare hard and assertive as the other boy surrender and backed away from you.
“stay the fuck away for her. you hear me.”
he soon realised who he had messed with- grayson’s girl.
without warning, grayson took hold of your wrist and started to drag you through the sea of red cups and sweaty body’s, ignoring the advances being thrown his way as he was determined to have you safe and alone in his room. where he could take care of you and keep you out of the arms of another man. 
for both his sake and yours.
“gray, let go of me!” you fight agasint him, but it only encourages his hold on your wrist to tighten. not enough to hurt you, he would never hurt you, but enough to know he was serious and to please do as he asked. 
you would do anything for grayson, so of course you gave in and followed his tense body to whoever he lead you.
reaching his room, grayson made you sit on his bed and down a bottle of water instructing you to sober up, before he locked the door and exhaled when the noise finally cancelled out. this was all he wanted, all night he wanted to be alone with you in the peace and quiet of each other but he was scared of what would happen when you trapped him under your spell.
you were a drug to him.
he was scared he would look into your hypnotic eyes and finally confess his feelings. he was scared he would tell you he loved you and that you would walk away from him, reject him and live a life without him. which is exactly why he turned to another female for distraction. he couldn't risk losing you so he did what he did best and tried to push you away.
his distraction worked for a while, until he saw you dancing up against his frat brother. your body adorned in a dress that hugged your curves perfectly, the colour complimenting your skin tone and attracting the unwanted eyes of every male in attendance.
he hated how you looked so good, so breathtaking and god like, in a dress meant for his eyes only. 
you lost your cool when grayson took a seat next to you, looking down at his lap without saying a word. the tension was thick and you didn’t like how he avoided your gaze. this wasnt your best friend, the person you had grown up with and knew you better than you knew yourself. you demanded to know why he was acting so differently. 
“what's up with you huh?” you tone comes off more aggressive then you liked, but at this point you were drunk and hurt and pissed and you wanted grayson to feel your pain. you wanted him to realise how he had made you feel, especially after witnessing him with another girl.
“i didn't like the way he was touching you,” graysok mumbled, barely audible as he didn’t touch himself. you still heard him, you always did.
“what ae you talking out!” you huff in disbelief, “we were just having fun, just like you and whatever her name is.”
grayson was deflecting his own actions and that made you even more angry. you paced his bedroom, hands raking through your hair as you tried to control your temper and sober yourself sober up. 
“he’s an player, y/n. i was protecting you ok.” grayson kept his voice low and still refused to look at you. he found it difficult to draw his attention away from his hands that were balled into tight fists as he felt his emotions for you brewing to the surface.
any moment now he was going to explode.
“i dont need protecting grayson! god dammit, why are you so jealous! me and you, we’re just friends, i can do what i want.”
“i love you, ok!” grayson rose from the bed and finally turned to face you for the first time in hours. “i can’t stand seeing someone else’s hands all over you, someone who isn't me. i just- i-“
“gray-” you step forward when you see grayson gasp for air. suddenly kicking into protective mode yourself as you could spot early signs of an asthma attack.
instead, grayson took a step back and continued. the music still thumbing, the bass causing the entire house to ripple but grayson had never been more determined, it was now or never.
“i hate how much i love you, and i know i shouldn't love you because you're you! you’re y/n, my y/n, my bestfriend since day one, but fu-fuck, im in love with you. always have been.” 
grayson was panting and breathing heavily as you stood in disbelief. the room suddenly felt smaller and the walls felt like they were closing in around you. grayson wanted the ground to swallow him up, he had ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him, he started to panic.
sensing his fear, you’re quick to bring yourself out of your daze and race across the room to him. grabbing his warm and puffy face between your hands, you don’t hesitate to kiss him. your lips meshing together like they were made for each other.
this was all you ever wanted.
“im in love with you too gray. always have, always will.” 
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
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Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess
[Part II] [Part II.5]
a/n; im following both the anime and the manga, i have hulu and the sailor moon viz dub [aka the better dub] on dvd. so i have a lot of material to get inspo from. this chapter is following the first chapter of sailor moon manga and a bit of the second..] 
so i made a mistake its 'Lunar Prism Power make up!' 
[ Y/n ] gasped, looking at herself in the outfit. "Wha! What just happened?" She shouted, looking at the outfit in shock. 
"This must be some dream." She says, as she looks down at the sailor outfit. A cat appears at her doorway, looking at her. "I finally found you!" The cat says, causing the girl to yelp and fall to the ground. 
"W-who's there!?" She shouts, looking around and gasps. Seeing a black cat, with white spots covering its fur. She backs away. 
"D-Did you just speak?" She asks, looking at the cat who simply nods, and jumps onto the counter beside her. The cat smiles at her, 
"My name is, Atlas. And I've been searching far and wide for you." He says, and [Y/n] looks at him in shock. THis was too weird, to be happening this must be a dream. 
"You have been chosen as a guardian, you have a duty! To gather, your allies and defeat your enemies. Also, you must discover the location of our Princesses." He says, and she bites her lip looking at him. 
"P-Princesses? Enemies? Guardian!? What on earth is happening!?" She cries, looking down into her hands. This was too crazy, to bizarre. 
Atlas sighs,  "Let me see that necklace." He asks, and she looks up at him. And takes it off, and places it in front of him. She watches, as the crescent moon shape on his forehead began to glow. And it touches, the necklace. Turning it into a brooch, she gasps looking at it. 
"Wow!" She says, in amazement looking at it. She takes it, and sticks it on. "Now call out the words; Lunar Prism Power Make-Up!" He says, and she looks at him thinking for a moment. And nods, she takes a deep breath in and says, 
"Lunar Prism Power Make-Up."  She shouts, and is developed by a light emitting from the brooch that was once her necklace. As she transforms, into Sailor Luna. 
"You're the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Luna. Your mission is to find the other Sailor Guardians alongside Sailor Moon, and find our lost princesses." He says, and she looks at him. She jumps, as she heard screams. 
"Quick, Sailor Moon needs your help!" He says, and she looks at him nervously. And nods, as she run out of her apartment, going to the source of the screams. 
"Waa~ I can't take this, I'm going home!" Sailor Moon shouted, as the monster attacks her. It was about to strike her, when. 
'Lunar Beam!'  She heard, someone shout. A bright beam attacks the monster,  it becomes dazed for a bit. 
"What was that!" The monster, growls looking around. 
"It's wrong to attack girls, now you have to deal with me." [Y/n] says, jumping down in between Sailor Moon and the monster. 
"And who are you?" The monster growls, and [Y/n] smiles, 
"I'm the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Luna. Who fights for the moon and the stars." She says, and the monster laughs. 
"Well die!" The monster shouts, attacking [Y/n] who dodges, Sailor Moon still on the ground crying. [Y/n] sees this, 
"Could, use a little help here!" She shouts, at her and Sailor Moon looks up at her scared. 
"B-But.." Sailor Moon whimpers, scared shaking. And she burst into tears, causing [Y/n] to groan, she gasps as the monster grabs her by the neck. She groans, as she tries to pull the monster's hands off of her neck. [Y/n] groaned, 
'Waxing Crescent!'  [Y/n] shouted, as she attacked the monster she falls to the ground gasping for air. She sighs, she stands up quickly. it grabs her, by the leg and throws her at the wall. She groans in pain, and gasps seeing that it was about to attack Sailor Moon. 
"Sailor Moon, look out!" [Y/n] shouted, then a rose came down in front of Sailor Moon and a figure appeared at the windshield. 
"Quit crying, It's your time to act! Now, Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask, said to her and She looks at him, and [Y/n] looks at him in shock. 
"Now! Sailor Moon shout. Moon Tiara Action!" Luna shouts, at her and Sailor Moon now with new found confidence grabs the tiara at the top of her head, and shouts.  
'Moon Tiara Action!'  she shouts, it attacks the monster. And the monster fades away. 
[Y/n] stands up, groaning in pain. Wrapping her arm around her waist, she stands up and walks towards Sailor Moon.
"Good job!" [Y/n] says, to her but Sailor Moon wasn't listening she was more focused on Tuxedo Mask. As he leaves out the window, he looks back at the girls. As she looked at him,  it felt so familiar he seemed so familiar. She watches as he leaves, and looks down. She leaves, leaving Sailor Moon there looking around for her. 
Once she got further away, she hid behind a building and turned back into her normal clothes. And walked into her apartment complex, she made her way up to her apartment wincing every now and then at her now bruised side. 
As she walks towards her apartment, she trips and, and Mamoru who by coincidence, catches her in his arms. She groans, and looks up and gasps. Seeing Mamoru, she blushes, quickly pulls away embarrassed. She bows at him, "S-Sorry." She says, then walks pass him and towards her apartment. 
She enters, her apartment. And falls onto her couch she groans in pain, at the pain in her side. She lifts her shirt, and sees a bruise. She sighs, Atlas walks over towards her. 
"Why didn't you stay!? You and Sailor Moon need to work together." Atlas says, to her and she groans in annoyance. She looks, at him. 
"Ugh, give me a break. My life has changed forever. And, I can't just work with a girl who I don't know." She says, falling back onto the couch. She groans, in pain once more. 
"Eventually, don't worry I'll work with her just give me sometime to wrap my head around this." She says, yawning. As her eyelids, become heavier until they close. And she falls asleep, Atlas jumps up onto the couch. 
"Fine, but tomorrow we need to find out who she is." He says, as he lays next to her on the couch falling asleep as well. 
[ Flashback ] ' 
"M-Mommy?" [Y/n] cried, sniffling holding; her now destroyed Prince Endymion plush. [M/n] came around the corner, and gasped seeing her daughter standing there. With mud all over her face, and clothes. Her Endymion plush, ripped to shreds. 
"Oh, sweetie what happened?" She asked, walking over towards her daughter bending down to her level. Her daughter looked up at her, and whimpered. 
"T-they bullied me, they said that Y/n and Endymion aren't real. And that it's just some stupid story.." She cried, tears running down her cheeks. 
"I-I told them; That it is real, and Endymion and Y/n are real. And I was gonna prove it, a-and so they pushed me and called me a baby. A-and." She whimpered, showing her mother the destroyed plush.
"T-they hurt him! Mommy they hurt Endymion!" She sobbed, her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter picking her up not caring about getting mud on the floor, or getting mud on herself. She carried her up the stairs, and into the bathroom. 
"It's okay sweetie, those people are just jealous that they don't know the story. And for Endymion, don't worry I'll fix him up good as new." [M/n] says, taking Endymion from her daughter and placing him by the sink. She takes off her daughters clothes, and begins to wash her. 
"Mommy?'" {y/n] says, looking up at her mother, her face red and puffy. 
"Yes sweetie?" [M/n] says, and [Y/n] looks up at him.
[Y/n] looks down blushing, he mother chuckled. "Was there someone, who stood up for you?" She asks, and [Y/n] looks at her mother and blushes. 
"N-No.." [Y/n] says, nervously. Her mother giggles, as she scrubs her back. 
"What's their name?" She asks, [Y/n] looks up at her and looks down.
"M-Mamoru.." {y/n} says, blushing looking down making a pouty face. 
"Oh, Mamoru.. Maybe we should invite his family over for dinner." [m/n] says, causing y/n to shake her head. 
"Ah, but I'm sure the two of you would be cute." she says, and y/n splashed water in her mothers face causing her to stop talking she, looks at y/n. 
Who yelps, [M/n] then splashes water into her daughter's face, causing her to giggle and laugh. That was the day before, Mamoru lost his parents losing his memories in the process. 
[Y/n] never saw him, again after that. 
[ ended ] ......
[Y/n] sighed, as she ate breakfast, she sits at her table drinking some coffee. Atlas, walks over towards her and jumps up onto the table, 
"Today, we must find out the identity of Sailor Moon and work with her." He says, and she groans and rolls her eyes, setting her coffee back onto the table. 
"Atlas, listen to me. I still have things I need to do in the morning like today, I have to go to my university for school. Since I called off for today, being an assistant teacher. And I need to go grocery shopping, I'll try to fit in in okay." She says, taking a sip of her coffee.
She stands up, and yelps in pain as her side accidentally hits the table. She places her hand, on her side. And groans, Atlas looks at her worried. "Are you okay?" He asks, and she simply nods. 
"Yeah, just a bit scuffed up from last night." She says, looking down grabbing the dishes off the table and, putting on her shoes. And was about to leave her apartment, she hears that voice again. 
'You're the only one for me, my star.'  
She sighs, leaving the apartment leaving Atlas there alone. She walks down the hallway to the elevator, and sighs 
[Y/n} smiles, as she looks at Mamoru, "Yeah, my day to day life is always busy." She says, looking down, groaning a bit. She looks back up at him, "But, I do my best to work hard." She says, taking a sip of her drink. 
"I actually graduated high school, when I was 14."  She says, looking down nervously. 
"Wow really?" He asks, and she looks up at him and nods. 
"Yeah, a-after I lost my mom. I was a complete wreck, I was depressed. I was in an accident later, and lost most of my memory. I barely remembered my mom, and when I do remember her its, all false and jumbled up. So to not be a burden, I wanted to be left alone, so instead of talking to anyone. I dedicated myself to studying, I worked my butt off." She says,  looking down. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." He says, looking at her sadly and, she shakes her head. 
"N-No it's okay. I happened so long ago I really try not to remember much, about her cause.... When I do, I just.." She shakes her head, and smiles at Mamoru. 
"Nevermind." She says, sighing looking down at the ground, she then looks up and sees a crumpled up piece of paper hit Mamoru on the head. 
He grabs it, and looks up and sees Usagi. "Hey! You, Bun-head! i'm not a trash can you know." He says, to her and [Y/n] just stands there, trying to hold back her laughter.
"Ah! Ohh, you're that guy from before." Usagi says, in shock looking at him.
"Hello, Ms.Tsukino." [Y/n] says, to Usagi, who was holding a black cat, Luna. Who looked at the girl curiously, Usagi looks at [Y/n].
"O-oh, Ms.Y/n! I-I didn't see you at school today." Usagi says, to her. And [Y/n] simply smiles,
"Yeah, I-I wasn't feeling well, and I-I had personal issues to attend to but. But don't worry I'll be back tomorrow." [Y/n] says, smiling at her. 
"Wait, the two of you know each-other." Mamoru asks, and [Y/n] nods at him.
"Yep, I'm an assistant teacher in her class." She says, to him.  
"oh, that's good. Then Bun-head can get more help." He says, and  Usagi growls. [Y/n] chuckles, a bit at this. 
"My name! isn't bun-head." Usagi shouts, walking away mumbling to herself while holding onto Luna. 
"Usagi? Who was that girl?" Luna asks, looking up at her. Usagi looks down, at Luna. 
"Oh, that's the assistant teacher in my class. Her name is Y/n L/n." She says, as she walks towards the Crystal Seminar to investigate more about Ami. 
"Thanks for today, Mamoru I enjoyed talking to you." [Y/n] says, bowing at him. 
"your welcome, I'm happy I got to know a bit more about you." He says, causing her to look down and blush. She looks back towards her, university gate. 
"W-Well see you later." She says, as she walks into her university campus. 
[Time Skip] brought to you by laziness/ and sailor moon already finding sailor mercury cause my dumbass is too lazy to write it.... 
[Y/n] sighs, as she makes her way back home to her apartment. As she did, she felt as if someone was following her. So she turned around, and saw Usagi's cat following her. 
"Aren't you, Usagi's cat." She says, looking at it curiously she sees the crescent moon shape on its forehead as well. 
"Hmm, you have the same crescent moon shape that Atlas does." She says, curiously. She bends down, and gets a closer look at it. 
"If your Usagi's cat, and you have a crescent moon shape on your head. Then..." She gasps, thinking about it and putting two and two together. She looks down at the cat, 
"She must be Sailor Moon." She says, quietly. The cat looks at her in shock, and speaks. 
"You're smarter than I thought.." Luna says, and [Y/n] smiles at her and shrugs her shoulders. 
"Well, I guessed it wasn't that hard. To think about-..Wait..what is that supposed to mean!" She shouts, looking down at Luna. 
"Listen, we've already found Sailor Mercury, Ami Mizuno. And no we found you, Sailor Luna.. We must find the other Sailor Guardians and our lost princesses." Luna says, to Y/n who sighs and rolls her eyes. 
"I know, I know." She says, looking down. 
"We need all the help we can get." Luna says, to her and [Y/n] nods, sighing. 
"Alright, I'll help find the Sailor Guardians. After school tomorrow." She says, and Luna nods. Making her way, back to Usagi's house. [Y/n] sighs, and makes her way back home to her apartment. As she walks into the elevator, and bumps into the side bars. 
She yelps, in pain. "D-damn it, I forgot about that." She says, groaning placing her hand on her side. She pushes, the button for her level. And stands there, waiting for it to go up. Once she arrives, on her floor she steps off. And walks towards her apartment, but not of course before bumping into Mamoru. 
Causing her to groan, holding onto her still bruised side, He turns around and sees her holding her side. 
"Whoa, are you okay?" He asks, her and she looks up at him and nods. 
"Y-Yeah, I bumped into a corner in my apartment and it gave me a bruise. Don't worry I'm fine." She says, lying. It hurt like hell, she wasn't fine everytime she moved it hurt so much. She moves passed him, and towards her apartment. 
She walks in and throws, her bag onto the counter and sits on her couch. And groans, she looks down at the wound, that seemed to be getting worse and worse. It was never going to heal, if she kept bumping into people. As she looked at the bruise a memory came back, one she wanted to forget. 
She was adopted into a family, who were abusive really abusive. She doesn't talk to them anymore, but the memories of them still haunt her to this very day. She made her way to her bedroom, and laid down on her bed tired and exhausted. She yawns,  as she closes her eyes and falls asleep. 
'Please you, must keep it a secret.' 
'I love him so much, and I know it's forbidden.' 
'What if he's using you?' 
The faceless girl shakes her head, and looks at the girl in front of her. 
'That's not like him, he'd never do anything like that. He loves me, I can see it in his eyes.' 
'But...I'm worried about you. I don't want to see you hurt.' 
The girl takes, the other girls hands into hers and smiles.
'You won't he promises to protect me.' 
'He asked me to be his princess.' 
The girl nods, smiling excitedly. 
'I said yes!" 
"I love him so much.' the girl sighs, looking up at the stars. 
[Y/n] wakes up and, groans. She sits up in her bed and, looks out the window. She sighs and, stands up. Walking towards the bathroom, she takes off her clothes and, gets into the shower. As she washes, she looks down and, notices that the bruise is gone. 
"What!" She shouts, in shock looking down at her side. Seeing that it was gone...
[Time-Skip] after finding Sailor Mars Rei im a lazy ass bitch bitch bitch and to the ball for princess D
{Y/n's Ball Dress] 
[Y/n] gasps, as someone bumps into her spilling wine all over it. 
"Oh, excuse me." The lady says, and [Y/n] looks at the dress. She quickly tries to find the nearest bathroom,  but she couldn't find one. She looks down, at the dress her mother left her. The one time she wears it, it gets ruined. 
"My pretty young princess." She heard a voice say, then she was suddenly pulled into someone embrace, it was Tuxedo Mask. She gasped, in shock as the two began to dance, 
"would you honor me with one dance?" He says, she looks at him in shock. No way Tuxedo Mask could be here, this must be some dream. She smiles at him, and stares into his eyes. 
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
Touch starved
its not fair they can feel your touch but i can’t
pairing : sakusa x reader
warnings : fluff, manga spoilers (for those who have not read it)
Summary : though he knows you respect him for his lack of affection, he can’t help but get jealous how you mingle around atsumu
a/n : hello anon  ! im so sorry for the late respond, but i hope this is good enough :))  hope you enjoy !!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ sakusa kiyoomi ♥
being with your lovely sakusa of 3 years, you’ve already gotten used to the lack of affection in your relationship because of his fear with germs. you’re one to enjoy a lot of hugs and cuddles but you’ve endured it to respect sakusa’s issue he’s facing and he is very much appreciated that you did. he does feel slightly guilty for not showering you with love but the best he could give was ‘take care’ or ‘stay safe’ messages which still manage to make your heart skip a beat.
it was practice for the msby black jackals team and you were there to give some moral support to your boyfriend whilst killing time. you mingled around the area, admiring the lights reflecting from the floor and the net set up high and above your height. you picked up a ball from the basket, and in an attempt to follow sakusa’s movements like you saw on tv, you hit the ball across the net only to feel a stinging pain in your wrist.
“looks like someone’s trying to impress their boyfriend~” you heard someone cooed from behind. turning around, you spotted atsumu, taking off his jacket and plopping it to the bench with his bag beside it. he made his way to you, stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles.
“atsumu ! could you teach me some volleyball tricks ? i’m kinda rusty in it.” you begged, intertwining both your hands together. you heard the door bust open again, and there walked in bokuto and hinata, their loud voices echoing the whole gymnasium. 
“oh! y/n, you’re here !!” hinata jumps as he spotted you from his area. he and bokuto quickly set his things down before running up to you, joining in the commotion you had with atsumu. there, you asked the three of them to teach you some volleyball tricks. they happily agreed, snatching the ball from you and running into position. Atsumu was beside to guide you throughout while hinata and bokuto were on the other side of the net.
the four of you began to play, you hitting the volleyball across the net, only for hinata to move quickly to pick the ball right back into the air. you had so much fun, partnering with atsumu who there guiding and saving the ball for you. you were so engrossed in the game you didn’t notice sakusa walking in the gym. he didn’t take much notice either until he heard your giggle echoed in every corner of the gym. he looked up, only to see you passing the ball to atsumu, before him slamming it down to the ground in bokuto and hinata’s side. you both cheered, high-fiving each other. 
sakusa couldn’t peel his eyes away from you all of a sudden. he felt anger boiling up in his body. what is this? he just stood there quietly, observing every move, every interaction you had with atsumu. the feeling inside him just gets worse and worse. is this..what you call jealousy? no, it can’t be. what for is he jealous?  it wasn’t really obvious until what he saw widened his eyes.
from where you were,vatsumu was lifting you up, twirling you around in his grip as you giggle wholeheartedly, your smile bigger than ever. when he put you down, he hanged his arm around your shoulder, his laughs overlapping yours. sakusa flinched slightly from the sight. he felt unfair. despite you being with him, why is atsumu getting to feel your touch more than him ? it was pretty obvious he was jealous. he scoffed under his breath, peeling his mask off his face, keeping it in the zip lock bag. he pulled out his towel, his grip tightening up as he attempt to get rid of the thought away from his head. he can’t get over it. he wants your touch too. he wants to be able to twirl you around like how atsumu did, hearing your laugh emitting in the air. he wants to hug you, his body pressing against yours. he wants it everything, all to himself.
it wasn’t long before you spot your boyfriend from afar. you broke the contact with atsumu, running to your boyfriend before greeting him with a big smile.
“oomi-kun !” you greeted, keeping a slight distance away from him. he noticed it, which in usual he wouldn’t mind but at that time he was upset. no, come closer. everytime he takes a step forward, you took a step back, still keeping a distance from him. closer. he tried to reach out to you, only for you to dodge it away. out of jealousy, he quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him, both your noses touching. you weeped from his sudden action, his eyes staring deep into yours. you tried to pull away to avoid making sakusa uncomfortable but to no avail.
“sorry oomi-kun, i think i’m too close-”
“why are you not hugging me ?” he caught you off guard. hug..him? you tilt your head slightly, unable to process the situation. you let out an quiet giggle, pairing with an awkward smile.
“but i thought you don’t like me being too clo-” he didn’t give you another second to finish your sentence before you felt his arms wrapping around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. your heart was racing. after 3 years of dating, it was the very first time sakusa was touch starved. you had shown a few signs throughout your relationship, sometimes attempting to wrap your hands around his arm, only for him to pull away and pocketing his hands. but it was a surprise for him to suddenly make the first step to come closer and hug you.
you stood there, not uttering a word before loosening up your tensed body, stroking his soft curled hair. you felt a sigh leaving from sakusa’s mouth, before him rubbing his head deeper in the crook of your neck, his fingers digging into your waist.
“awee, looks like our dear oomi-oomi is touch starved~” atsumu teased from behind, curling his fingers to form a heart. sakusa raised up his head, before pulling you close to his chest. he glared down to atsumu, who was now being regretting all life choices. 
“don’t you ever, ever,,touch y/n again.” sakusa hold you close to him, his hand on your head while the other resting on your waist. atsumu only let out a sloppy smile before slowly nodding, whistling as he slowly walk away from the both of you to continue practicing alone as if nothing happend
sakusa let go of his grip from you, and you felt your cheeks warmed up after being so close to his chest. you covered them with your hands, only for him to grab your wrists and take it off . he began planting kisses in both your red cheeks then to the tip of your nose, still keeping a straight face on.
“don’t hug anyone anymore..but me” you were fast to react before wrapping your arms back to sakusa, giggling away as he smiles and caress your hair. atsumu only watched from afar, shaking his head on how sakusa was slow to open up to you.
“bokuto-san...what’s..touch-starve?” hinata poked bokuto’s tough biceps, his eyes never left the whole scene that happend infront of them.
“i’m guessing they get hungry if they touch...” bokuto replied, clearly as clueless as hinata was.
------𝕤𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕒 𝕜𝕚𝕪𝕠𝕠𝕞𝕚------
a/n : finally i have a week break from school T^T. but right after it ends, its all exams hhhh the month is going wayy to fast help.  hope this was okay anon !! honestly it was such a cute request, didn’t even thought of this. X33
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost bet - Fd!au (2 / 3)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
<---Previous part - Next part --->
It was quite hard to keep such a big tattoo hidden from everyone, that was probably the only regret Techno had, but apart from that, he was actually quite enjoying his “rushed” decision.
It had passed enough time that he could carry his bag on both shoulders and didn’t have to put bandages anymore, just moisturizing cream and avoiding the sun.
Apart from some curious stares from Tommy, everyone else didn’t suspect anything… well, that was what he hoped.
He was expecting Skeppy to laugh at him for getting a floral themed tattoo, but on the contrary, Skeppy loved it very much. He was also the only one that knew about Techno’s tattoo, so he felt special when Techno changed next to him or took off his hoodie to reveal it, it felt like one of those pinky promises girls made with their BFF's. There was no denying that Skeppy was a bit clingy and overprotective with Techno, so it really felt special.
But of course, to keep that secret a secret, Techno had to get some habits to avoid showing his elbow and shoulders:
Taking off his hoodie if he had a t-shirt was a bad idea, so if it was a little warmer he had to deal with the heat, nothing too bad. Before and after P.E., he had to change in the bathroom stalls, sneakingly taking his clothes and changing without any teacher noticing, it wasn’t hard.
T-shirts were a no-go, but it was autumn, he would have thought about how to deal with the heat when the situation arose. The only time he wore t-shirts was as a PJ, but he made sure to wear it once in his room right before jumping into bed.
The few time he slipped up and was about to get caught were pretty stupid: One time Wilbur walked in the bathroom while Techno was having a shower, good thing he was on his phone though, so he walked in, gave Techno a minor heart attack, brushed his teeth while checking socials and walked out.
Another time was during P.E. he was so concentrated on dodgeball he didn’t realize that he had rolled up his sleeves, he didn’t notice it for about thirty minutes or so until Skeppy walked up to him, softly smacked him and pointed at his arms, good thing everyone else was also pretty concentrated and there was too much pressure and adrenaline to notice a small hint of ink on his arm.
It was a pretty chill morning, the alarms didn’t go off yet but Tommy was already awake.
After taking his time in the bathroom, enjoying the fact that for once he wasn’t crushed by his brothers rushing to get out before they were too late. He almost went to have breakfast but stopped, noticing that Techno’s room wasn’t locked.
Techno had always had this habit to lock his room’s door before going to bed, yes, Phil allowed him to do so only because all of the door’s keys were the same.
The young Pandel couldn’t stop thinking about how Techno’s left shoulder looked a little bit puffier, it had returned to normal recently but Tommy couldn’t help but worry about his brother: He knew by experience that it looked awfully familiar to a bandage, did Techno get hurt? Did someone beat him up? If someone had dared beat him up he was going to-
His mind was too offuscated by worry and anger to think straight, so he carefully entered Techno’s room, he was a pretty heavy sleeper so the chances of waking him up were slim, but he still approached him carefully.
He was laying on his stomach, sheets unpinned from the mattress and his small crown pillow and pig plushie were at each side of his head.
He walked up to the right side of the bed to notice something coming out of his sleeve all the way to his elbow. In the darkness he couldn’t see what it was, but the small strays of light coming from the blinds made it look like… Ink?
Tommy shook his head and took out his phone to use the flashlight, there was no way Techno had gotten a tattoo, Phil would have never allowed it, plus he didn’t tell them about it so-
His eyes widened in shock as he covered his mouth to avoid screaming, it took all of his will power to not drop the phone.
T-Techno had a tattoo? HIS nerdy brother Techno had a tattoo?!
He shined the light on his elbow again to see better the simple floral design contrasting on Techno’s pale skin. He lightly pinched and moved the hem of the sleeve to find that the tattoo kept going.
He gulped in anticipation and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt to reveal his shoulder.
Tommy emitted a small noise after dropping to the ground and pushing himself all the way to the wall behind him.
What the fuck?
He quickly turned off the light and placed his hands on his ears, but instead of blocking out noises, he wanted to keep his thoughts away.
What was happening? Why did Techno get a tattoo without asking and without telling?!
Tommy’s head started spinning, he needed fresh air.
After bolting out of Techno’s room and opening the window in his room, taking long, deep breaths, he decided he couldn’t keep this for himself, if Phil found out Techno was going to be in huge trouble:
He had to speak with Wilbur.
Wilbur meet me in the cafeteria at
lunch, usual table.
Wtf do you want gremlin?
I’m serious Will, meet. me.
Fine, but listen to your
lecture. Gremlin child.
Rolling his eyes, he placed the phone in his pocket, how was he supposed to focus on the class when Techno could potentially be in big trouble?
Yes, he was mad that Techno had gotten a tattoo without asking and he had gotten one before he did, but he couldn’t let him get in trouble with Phil just because he was jealous.
As soon as the bell rang and the class ended, he b-lined to the cafeteria, grabbing his lunch and sitting at the table he and Wilbur usually met at.
While waiting impatiently, out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Techno sitting alone, reading a book while listening to music.
Wilbur sat down in front of him, “What do you want” Tommy took a deep breath, placing his elbows on the table and allowing his forehead to lean on his intertwined hands, he started speaking.
“Techno betrayed us, Wilbur” the brown-haired boy bent his head to one side, “and he could potentially be in big trouble, big I tell you” Wilbur shot a glance at Dream who was approaching Techno’s table, sitting next to him and taking one of his earbuds and placing it in his ear, Techno didn’t seem to mind.
He now also placed his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers in a reflecting pose, “Elaborate”.
Tommy took another deep breath and started explaining to Wilbur what he knew. From his suspicion of the puffier shoulder, to the thought that it could have been a bandage, to him seeing the tattoo this morning.
Wilbur’s eyes widened, going back between Techno and Tommy, “T-there is no way Techno did such a thing Tommy, don’t be childish” he tried to regain his composure, “W-Will I’m not lying! You have to trust me it’s true!”
Wilbur didn’t want to believe Tommy, but he felt that what he was saying was true.
“There is only one way to find out” He got on his feet and walked to Techno’s direction, Tommy doing the same.
“Hello Dream, hello brother” He greeted the two boys, both too concentrated in their books to notice the world around them.
“I need to talk to you Techno, mind if I take him for a few minutes?” Techno leaned his head to one side, when Wilbur called him brother it was never a good sign.
“Oh sure, we weren’t doing anything either way.” he gave Techno the left earbud back and greeted him as he left with his two brothers. They looked awfully serious, hopefully, Techno wasn’t in any trouble.
“Take your hoodie off”
They had locked themselves into one of the supply closets, the smell of pavement cleaner and bleach filled their nostrils every time they inhaled.
“Why not Technoblade?” Wilbur had a very serious expression on his face, Tommy wasn’t talking, too scared to interrupt any psychological trick he was probably pulling on his brother.
“Why should I?” The older brother exhaled audibly, “You don’t have a choice Techno. Take. your. hoodie. off.”
Was this the end?
Techno took his red hoodie off, revealing a dark grey shirt with a white print spelling “Whatever” with three dots.
“Where is it Tommy” He looked back at the young blonde boy almost hiding behind him, “l-left arm” he stuttered, Wilbur looked back at Techno and looked at him right in the eyes.
“You either pull up your left sleeve, or I pull up your left sleeve” Wilbur didn’t like to be this threatening, but he knew that if he wasn’t, Techno was just going to ignore him.
This was the end
Looking down at the floor, Techno sighed and slowly pulled his sleeve up to his elbow, he couldn’t look at his brother’s reaction, but he could feel their gaze of disappointment, shock and betrayal on his skin.
“Why did you get a tattoo Technoblade?! Are you mad?” “I didn’t have a choice Wilbur” “What kind of excuse is that?! Of course you had a choice! Why did you not ask first” “Phil wouldn’t have agreed-” “There is a GOOD FUCKING REASON WHY HE WOUNDN’T HAVE AGREED!!!” Wilbur slammed his fist on the metallic locker, making a harsh noise that made everyone jump.
Silence fell between the brothers, none of them was able to look at each other. Tommy was expecting Wilbur to get angry, but not this angry.
The sound of the bell announcing the return to class, made Wilbur straighten his back, “I will tell Phil about this when he comes back, I’m sorry to give him this news after a tiring day of work, but we will talk about this more after dinner.” He unlocked the door as Techno put his hoodie back on, “After school, you’re coming back straight home, even if I struggle to trust you right now Technoblade, I trust you to do as I said.” Wilbur nodded at Tommy to follow him out, leaving Techno to grab his backpack and leave after them. He wasn’t hoping it would go like this.
After sitting down in his class, he took his phone out and texted the only person he could think of right now.
If I die tonight, you get my
potato farm.
Why lol
Don’t tell me Phil found out
about the tattoo
He will when Wilbur tells
I’ll pray for you to come
back alive tomorrow at
You’re not helping me
The professor entered the classroom and started his lecture, Techno left his phone in the pocket of his hoodie for almost thirty minutes. He was about to place it back in his backpack as he glanced at the notification coming from Skeppy:
New message from Nerd
This is also my fault, sorry dude, I’ll help you
tomorrow with anything I can
Techno smiled and slipped the phone in his backpack, Skeppy was chaotic, but when he wanted, he could be very thoughtful and nice.
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adam-memeleri · 3 years
it may not be foreign affairs anymore, but its still ayna day in my heart 😔❤️. thanks @gay-dinosaur-banana-milk-carton for the prompt again, i threw in some angst this time cuz i like pain :) kinky
no idea when anything takes place, but im aiming for during the fake relationship i think ?? who knows tbh
tagging -@bubblelaureno @lookingforsomethingcuzimbored @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @alccaddsccup @cardinalnuggets
if you do or do not wanna be tagged
Masterlists shameless self promotion lmao
T Rating (uhhhh i think hurt/comfort? primarily? idk man)
Ayna x MC (Kennedy, they/them)
~2k words unedited but thats nothing new now is it?
Ayna’s fingers fasten a necklace clasp behind her neck, every movement careful and precise as she readies herself. They move to her hair, fixing it for the nth time, just to assure it’s perfect.
It has to be perfect, all of it. Every hair, every pore, every fine detail - it’s all been carefully thought through for weeks now, for this one specific date.
Valentine’s Day.
The end all be all, at least this year. She’s never given it much thought before, but she’s never really had a reason to. Until this year. Until this crazy, wild, borderline disastrous year. Until the day Kennedy stumbled into her class, all smiles and longing looks.
Until she spent days looking forward to coffee house meetups, until short texts could make her whole day, until every class was an excuse to share a small smile. And, unfortunately, until those meetups were forced to end, until those texts stopped coming, until class was just a reminder that even smiles were dangerous.
But not today. She had a plan today, a foolproof, perfect plan. No planned meetups, no trackable texts, nothing too out in the open. And she’d be damned if it failed.
She turns from the hanging mirror, shrugging on a jacket and tugging on a nice pair of shoes before straightening. Her reflection stares back at her, carefully done makeup and slightly askew glasses. She quickly adjusts them, tucking back one last strand of hair.
With one last glimpse at herself, she grabs the bouquet of roses she picked out earlier in the day, bright red petals resting on her table. And with that she leaves, exiting her building and venturing onto Vancross campus.
She eventually steps out onto one of the many winding paths leading through the school’s grounds, carefully making her way to the expansive library settled in one corner of campus. It’s familiar warmth shines through the windows, yellow lights on even in the darkening night for cramming and over enthusiastic students.
Ayna’s fingers tighten over the door’s handle, tugging it open as a small, excited grin overtakes her lips. She steps inside, flowers poised in her hands regardless of how cheesy they may be, and scans for
They’re with her. Sitting with her, talking with her, laughing with her. They’ve been doing everything with her, and today’s no different. Today’s not special, not exempt, not reserved for Ayna.
Huddled close at a table, books spread before the pair as they whisper, heads so close. Arms touching, smiles wide, chairs so close. They’re so close, that’s all Ayna can think about as she simply stands there, all her previous excitement evaporating from her body.
And they don’t even notice her. Kennedy’s gaze doesn’t flicker in her direction in the way it always does. Their cheeks don’t flush when they’re caught like they always do in the lecture hall. Their hands don’t fidget with barely contained nerves, atop the table, a pen twirling between anxious fingers.
Their gaze is glued to Evelyn’s features, their cheeks dust in a blush from her words, their hands are relaxed as they lean against her shoulder. They don’t even notice Ayna.
She turns on her heel, quickly rushing out the library’s front doors and into the dusk settled around campus. Her heels clack with some strange anger, some swirling in the pit of her gut as her fist clenches, crushing the bouquet she spent so long picking out.
And all for naught. This is all for naught, that’s the worst part. The outfit, the shoes, the hair and makeup - all for absolutely nothing.
She stalks to a trash can resting beside the pavement, glaring down at it with pale knuckles and a furrow in her brow. She breaks, like a glass hitting concrete. She breaks, stuffing the ridiculous flowers into the bin over and over again, until she’s just needlessly exerting herself, needlessly scratching herself on discarded thorns.
Little nicks on her skin, tiny imperfections to ruin it all. A visual of her failings, a marking to remind her of this disastrous night. A brand forged without fire, one that’ll remain in the morning, even after she’s washed off the rest of tonight. Even when the mascara and curls and jacket are discarded in the next few hours, the cuts will stay, at least for a few days.
She breaks once more, from the trash bin as an angry and hurt tear slips down her cheek. A crumpled fist hurriedly wipes it away, before she’s stamping down the paved path once more, shoulders tight and expression pinched.
“Hey! Ayna!” a voice rings behind her, out of breath as quick footsteps draw closer and closer. “Hey,” a hand softly grasps her sleeve, a smiling face slipping into her line of sight.
“Hey,” she mumbles back, her gaze trained on the pavement beneath her feet, feet that haven’t once halted.
Kennedy slows by her side, falling into step with her easily. “Tatum said he saw you come into the library then leave, what’s up?”
Ayna’s shoulders lift in a halfhearted shrug, slumping with an exhale. “Nothing.”
“You sure? You seem kinda… distant.”
“I’m fine.”
“Well, okay,” Kennedy relents, head swiveling as they search for something to occupy her attention. “Um, happy Valentine’s!” Their hands clap together excitedly, expression alight with a beaming smile. “I wanted to call you or something earlier, but Winston was hovering over me all day and I don’t know… You’re usually busy this time of night and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Ayna shrugs again, her hands fisted in her pockets. “I’m not busy.”
“Really? Then let’s do something!”
Her gaze snaps up, shock sparking throughout her mind. “What?” she blanks, stopping in her tracks to further scrutinise Kennedy.
“Yeah!” Kennedy’s grin is brilliant, even in the low light, before they glance about the quad. Their hands slip into Ayna’s, fingers tangling with hers, before they’re tugging her along, away from the light posts and travelled paths.
She’s led past the bushes, to a secluded bench, empty branches hanging above it, stretching from a large tree. A soft breeze stirs them, whistling through the leafless wood.
“Okay,” Kennedy starts, sucking in a deep breath. “So I know this is super late, and I don’t really know how to go about this, but…” they meet her eyes, hope glimmering within, “would you, Ayna Seth, do me the honour of being my Valentine?”
She blinks. Not a single other muscle moves, her breath halts in her lungs, her brain malfunctions entirely, and the only thing she can do is blink. Again. And again.
“...Ayna?” Kennedy squeezes her hands where they still rest in theirs.
“You really… Really?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ve been trying to find a good time for ages, so I figured… Are you bleeding?”
“You’re bleeding! Your hands!” they grip her forearm, tugging her down to the bench, where they carefully cradle her hands in their lap. Their fingers hover over her skin, not sure what to do as they send uneasy glances up to Ayna’s eyes.
She inspects the scratches now, all of them shallow and mostly painless. “It’s just a few cuts,” she mumbles, Kennedy’s panicked gaze quieting her.
“What happened?” they whisper, as if worried the volume of their voice could inflict further damage.
“I, um -” Ayna steals her hands back, folding them in her lap to hide them. “The flowers,” she worries her bottom lip between her teeth, “They had thorns.”
“You should be more careful.”
“Okay,” she nods, still biting her lip.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“You’ve been wanting to ask me out?” They speak at the same time, concern brimming in Kennedy’s eyes and disbelief in Ayna’s.
A grin quirks Kennedy’s lips as they settle against the bench, arm draped over the back. “I asked first.”
“Barely,” Ayna chuckles lighty.
“Still got there first.”
Ayna shakes her head in exasperation, a fond smile lifting her lips. Before it all falls away, replaced by a crease between her brows. “I, um,” she shifts in her seat awkwardly, struggling for the words. “I don’t think I’m as comfortable with the fake relationship as I thought I was…”
“Okay,” Kennedy answers quickly, easily.
“What?” she balks, jaw working for words. “Are you sure?” is all she manages.
“Of course,” they chime, just as quickly, as easily. “If you’re jealous or uncomfortable, I’ll do whatever I can to put a stop to it.”
Ayna’s jaw snaps shut, a frown curving her mouth, “I’m not jealous.”
“Oh really?” Kennedy’s voice hums, a teasing lilt to it.
“I’m not,” Ayna’s frown deepens.
“Okay…” they hum again, leaning closer as their voice lowers. “So you’d have no problem with me, say, asking out Evelyn for real?” Their eyebrow raises, head cocking to the side. “Or what about Blaine? Maybe Zaira…?” they tap their chin thoughtfully.
Ayna starts, “Don’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” her voice tapers off, replaced by the bouncing of her leg and the picking of a nail.
“You’re jealous?” Kennedy supplies with an amused smile.
Ayna deflates, sighing heavily, “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Being… jealous,” she almost spits the word, distaste heavy on her tongue and sloshing in her stomach.
Kennedy shifts closer, their body warm against Ayna’s in the cool night air. “Don’t be. It’s normal, it’s fine,” they take her hand, their palm covering tiny cuts, tiny imperfections with warmth and comfort. “I’d get jealous if you were walking around with someone too.”
“You’re not weirded out by it?”
“No, it’s normal,” They squeeze Ayna’s hand, thumb brushing lightly on her skin. “It’s human. You’re human.”
“I still don’t like it,” she scowls, eliciting a nudge and smirk from Kennedy.
“That’s fine, too,” they reassure, a more serious expression taking over. “So what happened with the thorns?”
“I got you roses,” Ayna’s cheeks flush dark, “Even though I know it’s lame, and then I kinda, uh, threw them out.”
A wide grin breaks across Kennedy’s face as they sidle up against Ayna, throwing their arm over her shoulder. “One:” they count off on the hand resting over her shoulder, “that’s adorable, and two: why’d you toss them?”
She doesn’t move beneath their arm, sitting stiff and rigid, her voice the same, “I got jealous and ruined them. I wanted tonight to be perfect, it was supposed to be perfect, and I ruined it.”
“Stop that. You didn’t ruin anything,” Kennedy scolds. “I told you, jealousy’s human. And I tend to like the things about you that make you human. It’d be weird if my Valentine was a robot,” they tease, nudging Ayna until she joins them in smiling.
She finally faces them fully, her own eyebrow jutting upwards, “I never said I’d be your Valentine.”
“You didn’t, did you?” Their arm retracts, leg folding on the bench as their body rotates towards hers. Their palms clasp in their lap as they lean forward, a smirk on their lips. “So what’ll it be, Ayna? Be my Valentine? My perfectly imperfect Valentine?”
She chuckles, shaking her head as she finally relaxes, the teasing familiar. “That doesn’t make any sense,” she smiles softly, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her ear, unbothered by it.
“It does if you turn off the robot brain,” Kennedy lightly taps Ayna on the nose, laughing when her face scrunches.
“The robot brain is a part of the Valentine’s package.”
Kennedy squints, eyes roving over Ayna’s features. The askew glasses, the smudged lipstick, the flyaway hairs. “Are the roses also a part of it?”
“Then I’m all in,” they grin, just as infectious and brilliant as always. “So? Valentines?” they prod, wiggling their eyebrows playfully.
Ayna smiles softly back, scratched hands rising to cup Kennedy’s cheeks and close the already shrinking distance between them. “Valentines,” she murmurs against their lips, a whispered promise. Before they meet, light and soft and full of the light that’s held beyond the bushes.
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [01]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, mentions of smut in future chapters w.c; 2.7k a/n; after spending an entirety of june on this fic im proud to release it! this story is based on the prompt “I’m losing my mind!” for @btsghostiewritersnet​ BGW Bingo Bash! I hope you all enjoy this mini series and stay tuned for this wild ride
[01] [02] -> masterpost
“Just give it up!” Jungkook snaps, and you flinch at the sudden raise in voice level. Jungkook is a soft spoken person, only really having the audacity to speak up at the strength of his friends or when his body burns with attention after a performance. The fact that he chooses to use this tone around you, gets you seeing white hot. 
“How can I give up something that hasn’t even started?” you shoot back just as stubbornly. He won’t even let you in his room, and it pains you that he wants to fight out in the hallway where anyone could walk in and see. You glare at the heavy arms that bar your way inside, as if he’s creating a barrier for you, both emotionally and physically.
You hate this. For the past three months you’ve hated this version of yourself, manifested between the strained relationship of you and Jungkook. It pains you to see each other like this. Jungkook’s ears are tinged red with fever, simultaneously a little sick and a little annoyed at the fact that you wouldn’t let up. 
It wasn’t always mismatched stares and bouts of mixed signals whenever you two entered a room. There was a time when it being in each other’s presence was like a breath of fresh air, a bakery full of nothing but sweets and mouth-watering confections. That’s not to say that your relationship with Jungkook was, or is easy. After all, Jungkook chose a life that is never meant to be easy, no matter how far deep. 
But at the crux of everything, deep in your gut, you know that the both of you have that spark. 
“We can’t be together.” Jungkook states simply, pressing his coral lips together in a thin line. “My career! The traveling, the media, my crazy schedule, all of this, it doesn’t match.” 
It doesn’t match. Like the way a toddler puts a triangle block in a square space. In your opinion Jungkook is pointing out shallow, baseless reasons. You’ve gotten this far together, not quite addressing any officiality but leading to it. If all of his reasons really mattered, you wouldn’t be here right now. Unfortunately, Jungkook’s deciding to cut the line when the two of you have already sunk so deep. 
You’re both hurting, Jungkook doesn’t want to admit that. 
“But that doesn’t matter to me!” you reason, and you’re crumbling. Jungkook was once a fighter, too. Today, it feels like it’s just you who’s taking a stand, grappling on thin slices of thread that resemble what little confidence Jungkook has in the both of you. “I want to keep you grounded. I want to be the person you come home to.” 
Jungkook’s face reaches the final boss: a frustrating shade of scarlet, stunned at how shameless you are. You didn’t care, you know what you and Jungkook feel for each other is real. 
In a fit of emotion your hands reach for the crook of his elbow, grappling the black fabric between your fingers. It’s enough to ignite heat in your veins, starved of touch from so many nights apart and text messages that weren’t enough to convey how you truly felt. 
Jungkook’s eyes drag from your grip to your face, eyes glimmering. You look so small in the large hallway, empty and echoing between both your heaving breaths. There’s acute control in his expression, as if he’s grappling to reach both an inner and outer peace with himself. 
You bite your lip, sealing away your whimper of protest as he takes his hand in yours, untacking your grip. He’s not rough, but not gentle either as your hand pendulums to your lap. 
He turns his back to you, and for the first time you’re glad he looks away because the tears have already fallen. “Maybe in another world, we’d work out. But not this one.” Jungkook whispers, slamming the door to his studio. 
“Baby, it’s okay! You’ll find a new person to love!” The neverending flow of liquor and poetics is provided by none other than Sehlyung, a fellow employee you befriended after you got hired as a language teacher. 
You barely register Sehlyung’s hopeful smile through your misty eyes. Feeling bloated with liquid and far too tired to reply, you bob your head against the bar table. 
Sehlyung is the epitome of a fun time, and the first person you thought of to help quell your aching heart. A relationship that first started off as snide jokes and offhanded work qualms that eventually turned into a deep understanding and care for each other. After a long day of work she pulled through for you, showing up at the bar like a warrior in emerald green pencil slacks and an untucked blouse. At the edge of the bar she absentmindedly winds a lock of pale curly hair, sipping languidly from her electric blue beverage. 
“Listen, I get it. You think it’s the end of the world because Jungkook seems like the perfect catch—” the pretty blonde pauses when she notices your lip tremble, “but! He’s not that perfect, y’know. He—he sweats, sweats a lot, it’s like he’s freakin’ Niagara! It takes forever to get outfits on him in-between sets, it’s like clothing a wet noodle.” 
You choke back a laugh, shaking your head. “That is one flaw.” 
“A-and he’s very,” she starts waving her hands around, plucking the answer out of thin air, “competitive? Remember that one time Nabi said he couldn’t finish that whole loaf of milk bread? And then he accidentally ended up eating the parchment paper?” 
That has you in a fit of giggles, recalling how scared he was when his urge to make Nabi regret her words bit him right back in the butt. The hospital’s personal phone became number 8 on his speed dial shortly after. 
A fond, tentative smile melts on Sehlyung’s lips. At least you had it in in you to laugh, which Sehlyung knows is a good sign. She runs her fingers over your hair, forehead damp from your previous wallowing and overconsumption. ”You’re gonna find yourself a simple, wholesome partner! One who’s top-tier normie and will have all the time in the world for you!” 
You grimace at the thought, despite how uplifting that sounds. You once thought that was the only life for you, a nuclear family with two point five kids (the half point being a puppy, of course.) While you wouldn’t mind that kind of life, after meeting Jungkook you decided long ago that all you ever needed in a relationship was his company and combined happiness. 
“Time isn’t the issue,” you slur, voice warped from how your lips fall tiredly against your arm. “This issue is that he doesn’t want to try.” 
Sehlyung doesn’t say anything to that, but instead prefers to pour you another glass of liquid despair. Of course, she knew how Jungkook got. Sweet and caring, but headstrong, letting nothing get in the way of his music. 
Evidently, you’re one of those things. 
“Boys are dumb,” she says simply, swinging her head back. 
“I’ll be okay,” you murmur, “it just hurts. There’s no closure, y’know? I feel it, I feel so much love for him. And I know he feels, he feels something.” 
Sehlyung bites her lip, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey, I got you a gift.” 
That gets you to perk up, your head tipping a miniscule degree. She pulls out a glass, filled with a clear liquid. It’s small, almost vial-shaped, enough for barely two shots. Inside, there’s a young flower shaped like a bellsprout. 
“It’s angel wine,” she chirps, pulling your shot glass to give you a hearty pour. “The old lady was selling it when I was getting my mom her ginger wine.” 
“Hm, is it like ginseng?” you ask curiously, grabbing the now half-empty bottle where the wet flower sat. The bell shape, despite being bloated with residual wine, still clung vibrantly to the glass. The bumblebee yellow and sunset orange tint looking absolutely mesmerizing. However, you’ve never seen an infused liquor quite like this. 
“Think so,” Sehlyung shrugs, “I’m sure you’ll like it though! I told her about how you got dumped and she said you’d need this to cap off your night!” 
She snatches the bottle from your hands, making sure it’s sealed tight before slipping into your purse. “That wine’s special, baby,” she winks, “save it for yourself when you get home, alright?” 
“Gee, Lyungie,” you deadpan, swirling the fragrant liquid, “I’m so glad my boy drama is spreading to your wine dealer.” 
Your friend holds her own drink in a toast, urging you to drink up. You don’t need to be told twice, the floral liquid going down surprisingly smooth. It’s sweet, and your whole body tingles. It’s like the feeling of being outside, and the sun shines over your exposed skin like a warm kiss. For a brief moment, you feel like you’re seeing pink and orange, blissfully satiated. 
“Mm,” you hum, licking your lips in hopes the feeling will return to you, “that’s some good stuff, got anymore?” 
Sehlyung scoffs, only mildly jealous that you get that particular drink all to yourself. “I wish. An arm and a leg cost me that, my hometown is very far!” 
The rest of the night is a haze, a comfortable one. Sehlyung goes off about Namjoon and his countless wardrobe malfunctions, keeping her from going home on time one way too many nights. You talk about how you’re getting into real progress with Soobin’s English, and how he doesn’t complain his head hurts when he speaks in full sentences. Hopefully he isn’t too mad when you send him a pop quiz next Tuesday. 
Sehlyung’s cab drops you off first, and she bids you a hug and kiss goodbye. She tells you to come a little early before your first class, because she wants to redesign Seokjin’s blazer for a new shoot and she wants you to pick out the best crystals. 
You know she just wants to show off and that your opinion is minimal because most of the decisions are made weeks before, but the gesture is appreciated. From Sehlyung’s knowing gaze, you have a feeling that she’s also doing this because she wants to keep you at arm’s length for as long as possible. 
The cab zips away first, leaving you in front of your apartment complex. You’re teetering on your heels like an infant, and you’re surprised that you managed to fake-sober this far into the night. 
Speaking of. It’s beautiful outside. With a tired sigh, you wrap yourself further into your burgundy knitted scarf, begging for warmth. You feel a fresh bout of tears surfacing as you look onto the pale yellow moon, shrouded by thick ghosty clouds among the starless sky. You wonder if Jungkook is looking at the same moon, thinking the same thing. 
You shake your head and wipe your tears, absolving you of that romantic notion. Jungkook hasn’t had the time to look at the stars in so long. You imagine he’s probably either working or sleeping soundly in his bunk, completely oblivious of the semi-depressing night you’ve had. You don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse that Jungkook doesn’t have the opportunity to dwell on feelings for too long. 
The midnight sky starts to flicker, as if night and day are competing for dominance. Either that, or it’s really late in the night and early in the day. Your vision starts to blur, and you wonder if the secretary at the front desk would be so kind as to help you up to your apartment. It’s embarrassing, but it’s better than you cracking your skull open in the middle of the hallway where anyone can find you. You clutch your head, bemoaning on how much alcohol must be running through your blood if you’re hallucinating this much. 
Wiping your bleary face, you dig into your purse for your keys. Upon pulling out the key your favorite lip balm rolls onto the street. A little part of you feels like leaving it behind so you can get to bed, but it’s your favorite one and you are so close to finishing it. Muttering a curse at the thought of bending down at the possibility of you vomiting in public, you quickly scramble to the ground. Your knees buck at the pavement, tiny stones digging into your skin. Focusing your gaze on the pink and blue plastic, you reach for the glittery tube. 
Unfortunately, you’re not quick enough to notice the moving truck swerve the corner and skid towards your body. 
The first thing you notice is that it’s unbearably bright. Like when you vegetate in a dark classroom watching a movie, and the teacher suddenly flips the lights on without warning and your brain panics from the shock. 
You’re also painfully sober, as if you didn’t have a liquor-based dinner. Your bladder doesn’t feel like a small child is sitting on it, and you’re wide awake. 
Someone’s yelling at you, their voice shrill from emotion yet gravely from the early morning. Suddenly there’s a whip of hot air against your hair and a harsh skid as the smell of tire on gravel fills your nose. You’re on sensory overload, and you don’t have the capacity to care about your surroundings. 
This is probably the third time you have to mentally repeat to yourself that it’s daytime, the sun shining brightly on your fallen form. Your body is splayed out in a half-starfish position, and you quickly close your legs in fear of someone seeing up your skirt. You put up a hand to cover your face, and it’s instantly snatched up by a larger one. 
“Hey, hey! Are you okay? I know I turned the corner pretty fast, but you shouldn’t be standing in the middle of the street like that!” the person calling you sounds frantic, frustrated at your lack of response. 
Your eyes flicker to the small jet black cruiser strewn across the sidewalk, haphazardly parked. Fingers curling around the person’s hand, you look up at their face and scream. 
It’s now their turn to collapse on the floor, eyes wide and terrified. Their soft black hair is fluffy and sweaty from using their helmet, now rolling away from their grip. 
“What?” he screams back, as if there’s something on his face. His hand whips up to clutch his collar, undoing the top button because he’s starting to sweat profusely. “Are you really injured? Do I need to call an ambulance or something—” 
“Jungkook!” you cry, ripping the woolen scarf from your neck to wrap it around the top half of his face. You scramble between his legs, making sure his piercings, tattoos and any other identifiable part of his body is concealed. You don’t even think about your fight from last night, knowing that it’s miniscule in comparison to Jungkook being swarmed by PR. “Kook, what the fuck? It’s broad daylight, you can’t be out like this without a mask! Where on earth did you hide that bike? Why—are you wearing fucking pastel green? Since when have you added color to your wardrobe?” the boy noticeably pauses at the attention to his outfit, tensing under your ministrations. “Dispatch will have your ass and the devil Min Yoongi’ll kill you again for sneaking out—”
It’s then that Jungkook snaps, two strong arms pushing you away like paper. You don’t expect Jungkook to ever lay a hand on you, and with a surprised yelp you’re painfully shoved onto the pavement.  
“Get off of me!” he cries, and throws your scarf on your lap. “Who the hell are you and why do you know my name?” 
He’s scared, holding his helmet like you’ve burned him. His doe eyes are glistening and dewy, as if you’re someone he should be running away from. 
“Jungkook—” and as you hold out your hand to him, you realize. 
I’m losing my mind, you think, clutching your head to double-check no injury has come to your brain. His hair is much, much longer. It waves and falls into his eyes, as if he’s just gotten out of bed. He’s wearing a backpack, and you notice some crumpled post-its sticking out of the zipper. Clipped around his neck is a university ID. Heck, he isn’t even wearing an outfit you recognize. Gone are the cargos and oversized sweats, replaced with professionally tapered dress pants and a plain polo. 
Is...  is Jungkook wearing khakis? 
It’s daylight, you’re sober, and the Jungkook that’s standing in front of you is not your Jungkook. 
382 notes · View notes
jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (20) (Final)
Jaebum AU Series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / / eighteen / nineteen / twenty (final)  
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: romance, mature, drama plot: you are getting bullied and im jaebum, your crush, decides to help you by fake dating you a/n: at the end, hope y’all like it <3 not edited... thank you for everything <3
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Jaebum through your blurry tears. You couldn’t watch what you had done to him. You didn’t want to see how much you had broken him.
Your hands tightly clutched onto your skirt as tears fell from your eyes.
Something about Jaebum had always soothed you. Something about him always made you forget your haunting memories. There was something about the way Jaebum’s eyes shone that always told you that he understood.
You had seen ghosts similar to yours haunt his smile before.
But now, you realise they were the same demons. You were the reason for them; you had created those demons.
Your cowardness was the reason why he would miss his sister forever. You were the reason why a part of him would always remain broken.
You had done this to Nora. You had done this to Jenny. You had done this to Jaebum.
You had done this to the boy who smiled with sunshine, and whispered summer wind into your heart. You had done this to Jaebum. You have given him wounds that he would carry forever.
You bit your lip as you thought of last night. When your biggest worry was Jenny, now it didn’t seem that significant. It was nothing compared to the pain in your heart as you thought about the ache in Jaebum’s.
He had told you he loved you. He told the girl who killed his beautiful sister, Nora, that he loved her.
You hated yourself.
“Jaebum,” you whispered, your voice so soft. You were scared to speak any louder. You weren’t scared of Jaebum, but you were scared of something else. You were scared to break the delicate calm sticking to the air.
You knew it was the silence before the storm. You knew whatever happens next will be painful and messy. You knew you were standing in front of the storm slowly creeping towards you.
But you didn’t want to run away.
Even as disgust for yourself ran through your veins, you wanted to remain next to Jaebum. You didn’t want to leave him alone. You wanted to be there for him, no matter how he reacted, you wanted to be there for him.
It didn’t matter if the storm coming tore you to pieces, if it meant not leaving Jaebum alone, you would stand through it.
“I know,” Jaebum spoke breaking the silence.
You bit your lips as you closed your eyes tightly.
Did he know how you felt? Did he know how your heart was breaking into a million pieces? Does he know how every inch of your body and mind was telling you to run away, but you remained on his couch because your heart couldn't move?
You peered up at Jaebum, your vision clear for a second before new tears sprung in them.
Jaebum was looking at you now. His face dark in thought, his eyes burning and his lips drawn into a frown.
You hated seeing him like this.
“I knew it from the beginning,” Jaebum finally said.
Your whole world rung with blinding white as everything in you froze. You blinked through your tears as you looked at Jaebum who lifted his gaze from the ground to look at you.
The way Jaebum looked made you hold your breath. His face pained with guilt and sadness as he looked at you with distant eyes.
“I knew from the start that you knew Nora... like that,” he spoke carefully. You didn’t say anything. You didn’t move. You couldn’t move. All you could do was look at the messy-haired Jaebum in front of you, sitting on his knees as he carefully watched you.
“Well, not from the start,” Jaebum continued in your silence. “I didn’t know when I first moved schools, or really, I didn’t know until that Valentine’s Day. My mum-”
Jaebum stopped as he took a shaky breath.
“The first time I saw you was at her funeral.” You met his eyes when he said this. “I went outside because it was suffocating in that hall, with people telling me how good of a person she was, and how much she would be missed. I just couldn’t stay there, so I went out for a smoke, and then I saw you.
“You looked so broken. You couldn’t go inside the building and I just felt bad for you. The way you were crying...” Jaebum trailed off at the memory.
You remembered the day clear as yesterday. You were outside the old building, your mother going in to give her condolences, but you couldn’t bring yourself too. You cried on the steps at the side of the building; you had cried so much you were sure you were going to die. You didn’t know it was possible to feel so much pain and still be alive.
You sat there crying. You sat there missing your best friend.
When your mother showed up, you found an umbrella placed over you. You didn’t realise it had started raining. But there was a big dark green umbrella placed above you on the higher steps protecting you from the rain.
“I couldn’t talk to you then,” Jaebum pulled you back. “I couldn’t comfort you or ask you what was wrong. I didn’t know if I could handle your pain, I knew I couldn’t take your share of the pain when I was feeling... so much. So, I just left you an umbrella and walked away, hoping it was enough.
“I went back to live with my dad once again, but nothing was the same. I would end up coming here every other day because my mum stopped eating and just living. She would cry and mourn, until one day, she- she tried to end it.”
Your heart hurt. Your heart for the boy sitting in front of you for being so strong by himself.
“She was hospitalised, started to lose her memory slowly. On good days she can recognise me, so that’s nice.” Jaebum gave you a weak smile, making your heart shatter. “After a few years, my dad got remarried and started to make his new family. I decided to move in with my mum, but when she worsened, I wasn’t enough to take care of her anymore.
“I couldn’t live in that old house anymore. So I decided to move here. It was a week before school started when I moved here, and then I saw you again by the supermarket. You weren’t crying anymore, but you still looked so sad. And then, we ended up in the same class,” Jaebum snorted at the joke fate, destiny, or his unlucky stars were playing on him.
“You still looked so weak. Every time I saw you I couldn’t help but remember you crying that day. I was jealous of you,” he laughed humourlessly. “I was jealous that you could cry so easily. I was jealous of the way you could still smile and talk to Jin. I was jealous that despite crying like that, you still were nice to me even when I did nothing for you.”
You wanted to interrupt him and tell him that he shouldn’t be jealous of you. That even before this all started Jaebum was already helping you through the pain. He was the only thing that gave you happiness and made you feel something other than numbness and pain. You wanted to tell him that him stacking books that were scattered as you sat there crying on the floor with bruises was more than enough for you.
That somehow, Jaebum had become the thing keeping you going.
But you couldn’t say it. Your voice stuck somewhere under your sinking your soul as you listened to Jaebum show his heart.
“And then that stupid Valentine’s Day came,” Jaebum looked up and stared into your startled eyes. Apology swam in those warm brown eyes as his lips thinned into a frown. “I didn’t mean what I said that day. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
You almost smiled thinking back to the first words Jaebum had said directed towards you.
The word that had haunted you ever since you could remember. When Jaebum had said those words, you felt as if your whole entire world had dulled and become grey. All the dreams and hope in your mind burst with that one sharp word.
“I said it without thinking it, but I didn’t say it to hurt you,” Jaebum pleaded. “When you ran out of class I felt like such an asshole. And then you didn’t come to class for the next few days and I felt like the worst person. When Mr. Kim was making the new seating plans, I told him to make me sit next to you so I could learn from you.”
You stared at Jaebum, who smiled slightly at the surprised look on your face.
“That weekend, I was finally clearing out boxes from the old house when I found her diary. She wrote about you. In the beginning, it was her and her other friends, and what they did to you. She wrote about how she couldn’t look at you when your tears mixed with your cries. How she couldn’t stand there watching you beg to be let go, and then give up and look at the ground. She couldn’t look at the same ground as you so she always stared at the sky, hating herself for not being strong enough to help you. For not being strong enough to tell her friends to stop.”
The eyes fell from your eyes carelessly. You chocked back a sob threatening to escape. You knew how she felt. You knew how she felt. You knew how she felt.
And you forgave her. You forgive her because she was your first friend. She was the first to look at you and smile kindly. The first to make you laugh and laugh at your jokes. The first to talk to you about boys, the first who sleepover at your house. The first friend you studied with, cried with and laughed with.
“Her book slowly began filling up more and more with you. She wrote about the times you would jump in and try to stop them when they were hitting her, but end up getting hurt worse than her. She wrote about the countless times you would wake up at the nurse's office with new bruises. She wrote about the promise she made you take with her; to not jump in.”
You sniffled as you furiously wiped the tears at the memory of her. You missed her. You missed her so much.
“When I read the diary I knew I had to make it stop. I knew I had to stop you from getting hurt. I wanted to protect her like you tried to protect her. But I didn't know, but I could help you.”
You dug your nails into your palm as your mind roared inside you. You didn’t protect her; if you did she would’ve been alive.
“I told Jenny to stop, I showed her the diary. But she wouldn’t listen to me, and I couldn’t think of any other way to protect you. I needed to keep you by my side. So I made up the whole fake dating thing as an excuse to keep you around me.”
Jaebum looked at you again. He slowly got up and walked towards you. He knelt in front of you, his warm brown eyes watching you. It felt as if he was almost caressing you with his gaze as if that was all he could dare to do.
He took your cold hands in his warm ones.
He gazed into your eyes and for a moment, you forgot everything once again. You forgot what was happening, where you were or the pain ripping through your heart.
All you knew, all you could do, in that moment, was love Jaebum.
In that moment, all you could do was love Jaebum so much that filled it could fill all of space and time.
“Even if it started with a lie,” Jaebum said with the gentleness of the moonlight. “Even if it started from a hopeless place, what this is right now, is real and it's beautiful. Every moment that I spent with you, every moment that you have smiled at me. Every time I held your hand, every time you would look at me with those eyes. Every minute that I spent with you doing the simplest thing or doing nothing at all. Every second with you, y/n, I have done nothing but fall in love with you so deeply and hopelessly that it terrifies me like nothing ever has.”
“I want to spend every waking moment of my life with you. I want you to meet my mum and dad. I want to wake up in the mornings and see your face. I want to talk to you as I go to sleep.” Jaebum smirked at himself, as he rolled his eyes through the tears that glistened in them. “I can’t believe I am actually being like this, but when it comes to you this is all I can do. All I can do is love you and want to be with you.”
Jaebum searched your face for any sign of acceptance or rejection, but all you could do was look at the beautiful man in front of you.
“I understand if you want to stop,” Jaebum nodded, his voice sincere. “I understand if all this is too much. I know all this started in a dark place, and I get if you have your doubts. But if for a single moment, you have felt the same as me. If you felt this was real, please don’t walk away from this.”
You stared at Jaebum as tears rolled down your cheeks. Jaebum reached up with shaky hands and wiped them away.
“Jae,” your voice scraped against your dry throat. You glanced at your hands as your lips frowned shook a little as you cried.
“You don’t understand,” you rasped meeting his eyes. “If I had jumped in that day, she would be here. I hid.
“While they beat her up- while she was coughing up blood and crying in pain. I hid.”
Jaebum didn’t say anything for a long moment.
“She gained conscious in the hospital for a brief moment,” Jaebum spoke his voice raw. “Nora was able to say goodbye to all of us. She had even asked for you, but none of us knew who you were. She said that she loved you.”
You didn’t hold back the sob that rose out of you this time. Jaebum was instantly next to you, hiding you in his arms as he gently ran his hand over your back.
“The only reason the paramedics were able to bring her around was that they got there on time,” Jaebum whispered, holding you tight. “Someone had called them. You had called them, and that’s the only reason she could say goodbye.
“The doctors said she already had a ribcage shattered,” Jaebum’s voice broke as he spoke. “It had pierced her lungs causing it flood. She wouldn’t have made it. All the head injury did was black her out so she didn’t feel those last painful moments.”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything.
All you could do was hold onto Jaebum as you cried your heart out.
“I’m sorry Jaebum. I am so sorry.” You cried. “I am so sorry Nora. I am so sorry. I’m sorry.”
You cried.
You cried for the friend you had lost. You cried for the daughter her parents had lost. You cried for the friend Jenny had lost. You cried for the sister Jaebum had lost.
You cried for the pain they felt. You cried for how much they missed her.
You cried for Jaebum.
You cried for how much Jaebum had gone through.
You cried for everything.
You cried.
And finally, you cried for yourself.
Your whole entire life you had always believed that you were bullied for a reason. At first, it was because you were weird, then it was because you weren’t pretty. Then it was because you were a little chubby, and lastly, it was because you deserved it.
You believed you deserved all the pain she felt in the moments your friend took her last breathe.
But then, you met Jaebum. He made you laugh, he made you smile. You spent so much time with him that the way he treated you was how you started to believe you should be treated.
He showed that you didn’t deserve the pain. You deserved happiness, kindness and love. You deserved to laugh and love without guilt. You deserved everything in the world that Nora did. You deserved all the happiness that anyone else would accept.
It had been almost two months since that night in Jaebum’s apartment.
You were nervous, your palms sweaty as the plastic-y paper crumbled loudly in your hands. You took a deep breath as you looked at the flowers.
You smiled bittersweetly.
It was the same kind that Nora had seen that day. It was made entirely of filler flowers, and it was beautiful. It was simple, unique and breath-taking; just like her.
“Are you ready?” Jaebum asked as he stood next to you, straightening his button-down shirt.
You quirked an amused eyebrow at him making him roll his eyes, “You’re wearing a dress, y/n.”
“But that’s because it’s my first time meeting her,” you frowned at Jaebum, making him smile in return. You let out a deep breathe before straightening the dark skirt. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“Ms. Im, your son is here,” the nurse said as you followed behind Jaebum. You watched as an older lady, in her late forties, rise from her seat.
You halted in your steps as you saw her smile. It was almost as if Nora was standing there with the light beaming in from behind her.
“My baby!” She greeted her son, giving him sloppy kisses on his cheeks. “You look so handsome!”
Jaebum flushed at the compliment, swatting it away, “Aye, eomma, you’re only saying that cause I’m your son.”
“Of course,” the lady laughed, her eyes almost disappearing. “All your good looks are from me.”
The two laughed before Jaebum’s mother noticed you standing there awkwardly.
“You,” her smile dropped a little. “You were a friend of hers.”
You nodded, gulping nervously.
Ms. Im pushed back the sorrow that flashed on her face for a moment before smiling at you brightly.
“I’ve seen you in her photos,” she ushered you closer to her. She wrapped her arms around you as she patted your back, “thank you for being a good friend to my daughter.”
You closed your eyes and hugged her back. Before you could say anything, she pulled back and looked at the bouquet.
“Oh, how pretty! Are these for me?” She cooed, as she took them off you. She smiled at you lovingly before turning to Jaebum who watched you both silently. “Tell me who’s prettier, me or the flowers?”
Jaebum tsked his tongue playfully, “Of course, my mother.”
You laughed along with them, as you settled on the sofa. Jaebum and his mum began talking and you watched them.
“So is she your girlfriend, Jaebum?” Ms. Im turned to you, with a warm smile. “I like her.”
You blushed, your cheeks burning, but before you could answer Jaebum jumped in.
“I’m trying to convince her to date with me,” Jaebum sighed, his eyes peering into yours playfully. “But she won’t accept me.”
Your cheeks flushed more as you looked at his mother.
Ms. Im laughed harder as she patted your knee, “that’s right, dear. Don’t give in easily.”
“Oh,” Jaebum smiled, groaning playfully. “Not you too, mum. Now, she’ll never say yes.”
You looked at Jaebum, his eyes watching you.
Ms. Im began telling you both about the new flowers that she planted in the garden, but you couldn’t concentrate. Jaebum listened to his mother, but his eyes remained on you.
He winked at you after a minute.
You rolled your eyes in return.
The smile on your lips not going away no matter how much you tried to push it away.
Authors Note:
after more than two years, chubby had finally come to an end. thank you to everyone for reading and loving this story so much. i hope everyone who reads them realises they are worth so much more than how people see them, and learn to forgive themselves. you guys have honestly been so kind and patient with me and my slow as writing lol. thank you for everything, I hope you enjoyed it <3 
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taystarotoverload · 3 years
Week Ahead Reading
for my lovely followers,
ive decided to give you all a week ahead reading :)
You can choose from these three piles...
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How do I choose a pile?
Dont pick the one you think is the prettiest or coolest. It’s all about your intuition and what is guiding you to which pile. Close your eyes and take three long deep breaths. Open your eyes and continue to manually breathe, but you can say out loud or in your head, “What do I need to know for the week ahead?”. Your body might guide you to which pile, your eyes might guide you to a pile, maybe trying to feel the cards energy and whichever one sparks is yours.
Another way can be,
Again breathing three times with your eyes closed. Then opening your eyes and manually breathing, but you can say it out loud or think it in your head, “What do I need to know for the week ahead?” Since there are three piles, allow yourself to ask for each pile. Then close your eyes and the number that pops up is the one you should choose.
I hope that helps you for choosing the pile :)
ALSO!! Some readings and messages aren’t meant for you. Since this is a general reading, some messages are meant for other people. I advise if one reading doesn’t resonate to you read the other piles to see if one fits. If one doesn’t fit maybe this reading wasn’t meant for you, don’t worry though! there are many other readings that are meant for you! <3
Lets get started...
Pile 1
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your cards
Tarot; The World, The Chariot, Ten of Wands rev.
Oracle; Bad Dragon, Jewel of the Sea
Immediately for tarot i’m seeing that some of you are working on a project or are starting a project. Maybe this week you’ll be paying more attention towards this thing you’re working on. Some of you have been working on soemthing for awhile now and may be coming towards the end... i’m seeing anxiety? some of you might be dealing with some anxiety because the project is ending soon? But i’m seeing lots of success and determination!
your message is...
Have you been feeling jealous lately? Or others around you have been expressing jealousy? Remove yourself from that ego and walk outside, breathe the air. what do you smell? feel deep within how that made you feel, how the sky looks, maybe if it’s raining how the droplets hit the ground. what is the feeling you feel? reflect that on your true self and breathe again. We don’t know the unknown, but if we stay with the reality... the future will shows us glory.
how cute.
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Pile 2
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your cards
Tarot; two of swords rev. , six of swords, five of cups
Oracle; Beloved, Moon Dragon
Do y’all have someone in your life that’s toxic? maybe they’re releasing their anger out on you, or making you feel down. Maybe you’ve felt like a disappointment or things haven’t gone your way. I see this week some of you will strive to change those thoughts, and others may soak in all of the negative messages.
Remember; no one is perfect. if someone expresses their hatred towards you, it’s them pressing their own insecurities onto you.
Your message
Lay down and relax. Make sure you’re on your back and your body is sprawled out. Allow yourself to feel every part of your body, your arms, legs, fingers, toes, thighs, chest, neck, head, every small or large detail about your body. remember to breathe, feel the tingles your body makes, the noises it might make, how the heart keeps beating and your mind keeps wandering even while you lay ‘paralyzed’. Take my words into consideration,
youre trying your best. allow the world to speak to you. when you think there’s no one, your angels and elementals are always there. When you’re feeling stuck, they’ll whisper to you. That sudden blow of wind you feel on your face, they’re reassuring their presence. The sudden feeling of a hand on your shoulder, they’re here with you. Jealousy is a disease, and if you keep allowing this into your head, it’ll only feed away the good. Passed friend and family are watching over you and they’re proud. never give up.
might start crying now :,)
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Pile 3
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(notice the lighting change)
your cards
Tarot; Temperance , four of wands rev. , son of swords rev.
Oracle; something wild, Magic Frog
Im seeing some of you being laid back sort of. some of you could be resting and re energizing after a really rough week. Son of swords gives me the sense that you’re dealing with a burnout, and are having to get away with your thoughts. this week is all about relaxation, until next week when you get back into what you were originally doing.
Messages for you;
Think before you speak. Give yourself time to think before immediately jumping to conclusions, allow your inner child to sprout and grow into your old roots. Finishing quickly with things before seeing the bigger picture is never a good idea, always be ready for the future.
did that resonate? if it did leave a note in my inbox on how this made you feel! much love <3
Sorry this took forever!!! im going to do a few private readings now... Taehyung and Jimin FS tomorrow , see you then!
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obxdrewseph · 4 years
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron AU
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron x Gryffindor!reader (non-canon Rafe LOL) 
you and rafe cameron NEVER got along 
you two were always yelling at each other, throwing spells at each other, and even physically punching and shoving sometimes. 
it all started when you got accepted as one of the youngest seekers on the gryffindor team in a long time. you were praised by many and had many admirers 
he was jealous of your success. he was the same age as you but never received the same hype. it was like his household-- he worked so hard without gaining any approval from his father who only loved sarah.
the rivalry officially started when rafe told one of his friends lackeys to spell your broomstick before a game your first year. you were an innocent freshman then and felt confused when you jerked around in the air
after losing that game, rafe walked by you and mumbled “mudblood” under his breath. you weren’t surprised that rafe was prejudice after hearing the rumors about him
but you werent the type to judge someone before knowing them ... 
but now you officially hated mr. hot guy at hogwarts
later that month, you produced a love potion and slipped it into another third year’s drink who you knew had a crush on rafe 
crush is an understatement-- she was obsessed with him. and the love potion only made her passion more intense
she followed him around everywhere,.. and i mean EVERYWHERE until the potion wore off
and rafe had too many classes with the girl to avoid her 
the girl even snuck into his room and chased off other girls who hit on rafe
to be frank, he was pissed . 
the both of you had gone back and forth with mean pranks to each other, but you were seventh years now .. you were almost ready to go into the real world and you didnt have any time for immature pranks
just joking !! 
you both still hated each other. 
it was the nearing final game of the season, meaning it was you and rafe’s last quidditch game at hogwarts 
the tension was much higher between you two than usual 
when he saw you in the hallways, he would literally just shove you to the side while you spell his pants to fall down 
sometimes that worked in his favor which pissed you off
right before the game, rafe drank some liquid luck he needed it 
“god im so ready to crush that mudblood , there’s no way gryffindor will win today” 
“rafe why are you still fighting with her, it’s been years!” 
“hey she fights with me too” 
sarah cameron rolled her eyes at the immature boy but said nothing. she was secretly rooting for the two of you to have an intense love story... but it didnt look like it was happening 
the stadium was going wild as both teams walked out. everyone knew and loved the slytherin vs gryffindor rivalry 
secretly you loved it too. it gave you some sense of competition 
“ok i want a good game students. no playing dirty and all that” 
the professor narrowed her eyes at both you and rafe
you guys definitely wouldnt follow those rules
once the whistle blew, the players shot into the sky
there wasnt much for you to do as a seeker until you saw the snitch and you waited for it to catch your eye. you looked at the other seeker who was a sixth year. she glared back at you. 
“what are you lookin at, mudblood” 
you rolled your eyes at her comment
suddenly, it appeared in your line of vision and you went soaring through the sky. you could faintly hear someone announcing your actions on the speaker, but all you could focus on was that tiny ball with wings 
it was so close to you, you could touch it 
you held out your arm to try and grab the golden snitch-- your hands practically wrapped around damn thing
“y/n watch out!!” 
were the last words you heard before you felt something hit your side, flinging you roughly to the stadium. your back hit wood and you fell to the ground, the sand “breaking” your fall 
you could almost hear the audible gasp through the stadium as you dropped from the sky, but all you could feel was pain. in all of your years as a seeker, you’d never been hit with a bludger. you had always kept your eyes peeled for them
you knew someone deliberately hit you with one this time
a whole bunch of professors ran to you
“y/n darling! oh dear, this looks bad” 
you felt someone prop you up, but everything seemed blurry and faint. you were going in and out of consciousness 
your mouth was dry and probably bleeding, but you could still mumble out a few words
“check my hand” 
then you blanked out
you woke up in the hospital wing alone. and you hated being alone. 
your body felt sore and everything was fuzzy. your lips were dry and chapped and you could barely move your body
“easy there, y/n. you dont want to strain yourself” 
at the sound of that deep voice, you whipped your head to the side and came face to face with ... 
rafe cameron?
your curious look turned evil.
“you bastard, you hit me with your fucking bludger!” you wanted to hit him on the head, but your body wouldn’t allow it
“are you seriously that mad?? you still won the fucking game!” he spat back 
that made you laugh. he tried his best to knock you off your game, but you still pulled through-- as always
you gave him your best smug look 
“youre right. i should be grateful right now that mr. cameron just lost his last game... ever” you emphasized the last words
you expected to same something back, but he stayed silent
you opened your eyes and just saw him staring at you 
“what?” you spat. you didnt know what game he was playing at 
and for the first time in your life, you saw a look of remorse and confusion on his face 
“well if you have something to say, then just say it!” you yelled. patience wasnt your strong suit 
he scratched the back of his neck, something you knew he did when he was nervous 
“look, i just wanted to say im sorry, ok? i- i didnt mean to hit you so hard” 
his confession shocked you. 
you never had been kind to one another. ever. 
“um... alright” 
you and rafe were both bad at emotions 
“alright? i apologize to you and you just give me a mere ‘alright’?” his tone made you angry 
“excuse me?? just because you apologize, it doesnt mean i have to forgive you!” you didnt even know why you were mad-- it’s not like you meant to brush off his apology, you just were confused
he scoffed and slid back in his chair. it was then you noticed he wasnt in his robes, just his pajamas that were sweats and a tank top (you knew this because you had snuck into his dorm one day while he was sleeping and spelled a bunch of snakes to his bed. they were harmless ofc) 
you saw something flicker in his face that you hadnt seen before.. was it embarrassment? something else? 
you were over all the anger that you had towards rafe. you were both 17 and still fighting like kids. all you wanted to know is why 
“rafe, why do you hate me so much?” 
you finally asked 
he paused in his steps, and didnt make eye contact. odd. he was always staring intensely at you. then he scratched the back of his neck
“be honest” 
“fine, i was jealous of you alright? you were the golden first year and i was just another first year on the team. everyone paid attention to you i guess and i dont know .. i just got angry” 
you tried not to show any surprise, but you were shocked. rafe always seemed so cocky and arrogant, to know he envied you at one point didnt make you feel too good
“well maybe people would like you more if you werent such an asshole” you bit out. you dont know why you said that, he was being vulnerable but he started the rivalry by making you lose your first game. it humiliated you. the rumor was you couldnt even fly properly and people doubted your skills as a seeker
he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away 
“wait!” you shouted. he stopped.
you didnt know what you wanted to ask him, but the words toppled out before you could stop them
“why are you here?” 
“to apologize”
you gave him a look. 
somehow, you felt like you knew rafe cameron better than anyone at this school. you knew what made him tick, you knew what made him nervous, embarrassed, etc. you even knew what made him happy so that you could deliberately not do that
and you knew when he was lying. like right now
his jaw tightened. “jj.” 
?? huh ?? 
“what? what about jj?” you knew rafe didnt like the gryffindor, but he wasnt as mean to jj as he was to you 
“jj carried you out of the stadium. he was the first one there.” 
you still didnt know why he was telling you this 
“um, ok? did he like tell you to come here?” 
suddenly, you saw a smile on rafe cameron’s face. 
you had only seen him smile like that when he was reading his potions textbook or practicing offensive spells. he never smiled like that at you. 
then... it hit you 
“wait... were you.. jealous of jj?” you sputtered out 
he gave you a now smug look
“i guess? it was a weird development i admit.” 
you rolled your eyes
“oh, liking me is a ‘weird development’” 
“woooah who said anything about liking?? i just said jealousy. im pretty sure im just jealous youre close to another guy besides you.” he fibbed.
you scoffed. “im close to plenty guys besides you.” 
you were lying. 
guys hated how much you interacted with rafe cameron and were scared of getting on his bad side. they were cowards-- all of them. there was nothing you hated more than a coward. 
“anything else you have to confess to me?” you asked finally, confused of the direction this conversation was going. 
“nope. see you around y/n.” 
he gave you one of his rare soft smiles and closed the door, leaving you more confusion than you had woken up with 
once rafe closed the door, he paused with his back leaning on it. 
“guess that liquid luck came in handy” 
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soulwillower · 4 years
butterflies • mike hanlon
(mike hanlon x reader)
requested:  Can you write something for Mike? Whenever you have time of course😊 I don’t mind if it’s smut or fluff, imagine or head cannons. I just really need more Mike in my life💗 thank you -🃏 p.s ilysm
warning: swearing, brief mentions of sex thx richie (and stan and bill), just fluffy stuff, underage drinking, unedited
[losers + reader are 18 in this.]
i wrote this rly quickly bc i just had an idea and im in love w mike, i hope u guys enjoy! i also made this gender neutral 
1.8k words
"what're you staring at, toots?" a cheeky voice pulls you out of your daydream.
you look to your left and stare at richie, cheeks heating up. "what are you talking about?" you ask, feeling flustered. your friend chuckles, the lenses of his glasses glinting in the midday sun.
 it's hot today - you, eddie, and richie had just crawled from the quarry to rest on blankets, your skin warm and hair dripping onto your bodies as you watch the others swim.
in the distance, a bout of laughter grabs your attention and you focus on your friends. mike's got bev in his arms as he tosses her through the water, flying and both of them laughing. you smile, watching mike's back muscles move, his blinding smile as he wipes water from his eyes. 
bill socks him on the shoulder lightly in jest and mike turns his head with a laugh. and then mike's warm eyes are locking with yours from far away and your stomach flutters. he waves, and you softly wave back. 
"uh, that."
you look back with a frown to eddie, who's staring at you with a straight look. richie's got the same one on his own angular face and you scowl at them, crossing your arms. "i don't know what you're on about. you guys are assholes, anyways." you mutter the second part, toe nudging the sand at the edge of your towel.
"it's okay, y/n.
your eyebrows lift and you sigh, surprised by the moment of sincerity from the boy who's always joking.
"then you can finally fuck him all you want."
"wait, now. y/n fucking who?" stan asks, walking up with a grin and flanked by ben and bev on either side. they all fall to the ground and shake their hair out with towels or grab their phone.
"obviously mike. who else?" eddie adds, tossing you a smirk. you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. a quick glance proves that bill and mike are still in the water, making their way over slowly but in deep conversation. at least they're out of earshot.
"yeah, she's been hung up on him since the seventh grade. we're eighteen now, doll. it's time."  richie says this with a half-full mouth of beer, prompting you, ben, bev, stan, and eddie all to give him a grossed out look.
"oh fuck off, tozier, leave her alone." stan mumbles, digging through the cooler to pull out a beer and handing one to eddie before pulling his keys to open his own. "you jealous, stanny?" richie mutters, making kissy noises. you roll your eyes and crack a grin despite your embarrassment.
"please. y/n's all mike's, none for me. he's just as hung up on her." stan mutters with a grin and you toss a rock at him in annoyance. god, they're the worst.
"she's also a person, you know." bev says, sending a pointed look to the boys just as bill and mike walk over, towels around their shoulders.
"y/n? a p-person? not so sure." bill teases, winking at you. you stick your tongue out at him, just glad they'd only caught the tail-end of that conversation. mike sits next to you, handing you a cold beer with a warm smile.
you feel those stupid butterflies again.
"i don’t know. y/n's pretty human to me." mike mutters as he wipes his face with his hand. you grin into your knees, feeling flustered and very, very, very infatuated with the boy next to you.
richie groans with a teasing smile, "see! that's what im talking about, are you guys j-" he makes a loud grunt then as ben whacks him in the stomach.
later that night, two more beers and four slices (you were so hungry) of pizza later, you find yourself gazing up at the stars. being at mike's house was one of your favorite things ever. besides the most obvious reason, the one that makes you flush, you do like coming to the farm because it's far enough away from the town that the stars are clear and you can lay and stare at them for hours.
luckily, mike kept his window screen removed so he himself could go on the roof, so after everyone had fallen asleep, you'd tip toed up to his room to crawl onto the roof. you'd also tried to hide your disappointment as you opened his door and he wasn't there - he hadn't been asleep downstairs with the others so you'd assumed he'd gone to sleep in his own bed.
nonetheless, you were up here now and it was perfect - the crickets chirping and frogs croaking in the creek a few yards to the left of the house, close enough that you can here it gurgling as the water flows past the rocks you used to jump across as kids.
you sigh. when did you grow up?
a breeze ruffles your hair lightly and you can smell the remnants of smoke in the air from the fire mike and ben had lit although that was hours ago.
mike. the thought brings butterflies all over your body and you curse yourself and your anxious crush. he was just so... so soft. he was strong and soft and careful and carefree - he was his own opposite and that thought itself confused you but you don't really care because every time he speaks, you want nothing more than just to listen for ages. you sit up, eyes wide and breaths halting at your own thoughts. wait.
that's love, isn't it?
"want some company?" a voice calls, prompting you to turn back and look towards the window, your heart skipping a beat at the familiar figure.
"hi mike." you say timidly, your face somehow feeling warm against the cool summer night. perfect timing. "hey, y/n/n." he mutters as he pulls himself through the ledge and out onto the roof, plopping himself next to you. he sits close enough that you can smell him and feel him against your leg - his smell is one of mint, wildflowers and some unknown cologne that makes you feel tingly.
"i thought you were asleep." you say, hating that you feel so damn nervous around your friend. if only these feelings would go away. he chuckles, looking at you, "no, i was getting water in the kitchen and when i came back, you weren't with the others. i knew you'd be up here."
something about his words make you feel very mushy and you give him a smile, "how'd you know?" you ask softly. he shrugs, his eyes darting quickly from yours to your lips and your heart freezes.
"i know you more than you think, y/n." he says equally as soft and then you notice how close he really is, how honest he sounds. and then your eyes flick away, taking in the soft rustle of the leaves in the distance, a lone car tumbling down the road into town, the left taillight blown out. you chuckle; it looks sort of like the car richie bought sophomore year that you all used to pile into to drive into bangor.
you then think about all your memories with the losers; how every single one always circulates around a familiar smile, a certain laughter and the kindest person you've ever known.
and then mike's arm lifts to rest around you and you quickly snap out of your stare at the grassy field of his farm to look at him. he's smiling back and you realize his voice and body next to yours might possibly be the one thing bearing the weight of your mind as your head threatens to join the shining stars and clouds above you. he takes care of you in ways that neither of you notice, in ways that you'll forever be grateful for.
"i just want to say something." he says, cutting out the silence with his crisp words, looking out towards the skyline where you can just make out the main street of derry over the fields.
you lean your head slightly onto his shoulder and hum, nervous that if you tried to speak no words would come out but just the sound of your racing heartbeat.
"y/n, i really like you."
it's said with no other inflections, nothing but the raw words doing so much to overpower your brain. your heart stops beating then starts again at a thumping, resounding pace. you think you're short-circuiting.
"oh... what?" you ask shyly, feeling extremely flushed. there's no way that mike likes you back. he smiles at you and god, those butterflies are about to escape from your chest. "you're not joking, are you?" you ask, biting your lip as your eyes navigate every feature of his face as he watches you. you dont even know why you said it - it's mike you're talking to. he would never lie or joke about something like this, he would never, ever hurt you like that.
"i have never felt this way about anyone.” he says honestly, a smile still on his face and your heart thumps wildly in your chest, a smile splitting your face in two as you shake your head. "y/n/n, i would never lie to you." but you already knew that.
your heart is swelling with so much antsy happiness that you almost huff a laugh, shaking your head as your cheeks flush. he's just watching you, half-smiling as he waits for you to fully react. he knows you so well, you almost cry, but instead you speak.
"i like you too, i think i lo-" you cut yourself off and suck in a breath, realizing that you haven't taken one in over thirty seconds. "i have for a long time. do you-do you think i could..." you trail off, feeling awkward.
he smiles gently, the hand that isn't around your shoulders reaching to softly cup your jaw. you can't speak as he pulls you closer and shit, even if you could you don't want to because you would ruin this beautiful moment, the way you're breathing each other in.
you close the gap.
his lips are warm against yours and the arm around your shoulder moves to your waist, pulling you closer to him and deepening the kiss. he tastes like vanilla ice cream and you whimper slightly, your hands falling on his chest as your heart pounds in your own. he's smilling, then - you can feel it.
you laugh with happiness as you realize that you can feel him smiling against your lips and that you'll be able to feel that for a very long time. he pulls back and pecks your lips again, staring into your eyes and then you peck his lips. he laughs and it makes you beam.
his arm pulls you into his side and he lays his head on yours as you stare out into the countryside. "are you tired, mike?" you ask, concerned that you've kept him up. you feel him shake his head and you smile softly, hand lacing with his against the tiles of the roof.
"no. i think i could stay up here forever." he whispers.
//tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @toziershmozier @simplesammyx @dickology64 @clownsloveyou @baby-yoda-a @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @lets-vibe-bro @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @finnskindofwoman @beauregard-s  @kait-tozier  @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell //
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
Deleted Scene. SYT Ch10.2
Show Your Teeth
Characters: Fiona, Winter, May, Robyn, Joanna Rating: Explicit (tagged as thoorist) Tags: slice of life, sexual tension Word Count: almost 6k
Second Draft of ch 10. I tossed out almost 20k words to find an ending that was the right amount of tension and bittersweet. I think this one was too angsty. honestly i don't remember
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Dr. Pietro was too valuable to be in the middle of Grimm infested fields, thousands of miles away from the Kingdom. He was constantly wrangling in both the Watts and a few other scientist for his current project. It would explain Author Watts’ sour mood, his eagerness to experiment on Glade.  
But Glade was Glade, May realized with a smile. The stray that manipulated the military, the stray that outsmarted two fucking kingdoms! Being able to improvise and make the best out of being an illegal experiment…  
Glade did a double take, those glowing white pupils dilating like a cat. Ears flicking in confused circles as plume of fire they were blowing onto the metal faded to the embers died on their lips. Fire Dust glowed across their skin, high-lighting the fullness of their cheeks and hard planes of muscles beautifully.  
May only understood a few signs but she knew the sign “What?”  
She continued staring and grinning. “Nothing.”  
Glade crosses their arms and leans against the workbench. They’re posturing. With the military feeding them, they didn’t even need to flex to show off their muscles. That calm and confident grin echoing Joanna and Robyn’s. There isn’t enough raw arrogance to compete with Winter, maybe in a few years after the tuffs of curls grow out. But right now they look too adorable.  
Silvio looks up from his Scroll. His face starts at confused, slides down to contempt then utter disgusted as he looks between Glade and May. He takes a deep breath and Glade is already rolling those glowing blue eyes, “Gaaay! Oh wait…” He stares at Glade. There’s an analytically rude way his silver eyes flick up and down their body.  
They’re not in uniform. Too much grease, too much molten metal, Dust, and various other things that would permanently damage the thick fabric. Instead it’s a simple broiler suit, arms tied at the waste because fuck safety and stand in the raw Solitas air in their binder.  
“Would that still be considered Gay? How would that work with… y’know?”  
“That’s a stupid question for a genius,” May scoffs with a small smirk.  
“If I wasn’t freezing my balls off I’d pelt you snow,” Silvio glowers. He pouts, turning his chair and continues playing with Marrow’s weapon schematics. May’s Scroll pings.  
G.O.A.T: Fi and Win stares a lot too G.O.A.T: yall can admit im hot  
If they weren’t working on Winter’s weapon she’d throw her Scroll at that smug face. “Literally hot. I think I can see you steaming,” May says with a small frown. It doesn’t stay though. She’s far too happy.  
Things were getting better.  
It took till fucking mid-terms but it was fucking getting better. Glade sticks out their tongue, the Dust infused tongue piercing glowing brightly. Then they blow a kiss with embers and a wink- and the warm stutters her heartbeat. Glade chuckles silently and goes back to work. She can’t help but continue watching.  
Blacksmiths had all but died in Atlas. They have machines and factories and there was something captivating about watching the kiln from the fire and Dust dance against their skin. Something about watching someone’s passion in action.  
And yes. May wouldn’t feed that ego but Glade was hot.  
And criminal or not, they were a genius. They pulled the saber out of the kiln, setting it against the anvil and hammering it into shape. Glade may have been a pacifist but they were a fighter. There was no one else more qualified to make weapons than Aurora Glade-  
“They’re a good kisser you know.”  
May screamed turned around. They saw white wiggling ears and looked down to see Fiona smiling. She’d be laughing if she wasn’t breathing so hard. Face flushed adorably, even tinting her ears lightly- Gloveless fingers engulfed her vision.  
“Cold!” Fi’s hands cups her cheeks. May sends them tumbling backwards trying to escape but Fiona laughs and follows. She tries to find footing but its all snow out in the tundra and they fall deep into it.  
“Gay!” Silvio’s yell is swallowed by the emptiness and snow.  
Fiona manages a laugh and needs to gasp for breath again. May hisses, body shivering as snow melts against her thick Atlesian clothes. Then she’s too hot, Fi’s breath warm against her lips. Still too far.  
“I wish I could kiss you…” Fiona whispers.  
May was about to pull her into one but Marrow and Harriet shouting stops them. Thousands of miles away from the Kingdom and it’s eyes and ears still follows. Fiona sighs, ears flicking in frustration. The Junior Ops were rather far for safety reasons, testing out upgrades and smoothing out kinks as the geniuses upgrade them. There were some pros to being in this ‘Accelerated Program.’  
But stealing small moments right in under Atlas of them gives a certain thrill. May’s hands manages to slide into Fiona’s and she brings it to their lips. Fi sputters, that blush running deeper, lower down that lovely neck.  
“Nice to see you two being productive.” The drawl is both familiar and unfamiliar. Fiona gasp out another bubble of giggles and May laughs. The Glyph is actually warmer than the snow as it pulses under them. It gently pulses and lifts May and Fiona off the ground.  
The pair is meet with more than Winter’s eyes. Robyn and Joanna are grinning down at them, far to amused to play stoic like the Specialist. All three of them are flushed and panting slightly. But… for some reason no matter how deep Winter’s breath were, it wasn’t fulfilling. She was fighting in a binder again-  
“May isn’t your partner anymore,” Fiona teases with a grin. May ignores the small sting in her chest. “Your not allowed to be jealous if I top her-”  
“I don’t need to hear this!” Silvio yells a little more aggressively. He stands up, hugging his thick coat tight to his body. The civilian snow gear almost makes him penguin walk to the Junior Ops. “Marrow! Give me your gun!”  
“I thought you said-”  
“Give it!” Marrow yips and immediately surrenders his weapons. Silvio then retreats deep into the airship. Leaving Marrow confused, unarmed and pouting.  
Glade gives RMJT (Ramjet) and their supervising officer a side-ways glance and a smirk but continues to work on Winter’s weapon. With some steam and wind Dust, they cool it down sharpen the blade in long arching fluid motion. The muscle on their arms on full display and almost as nice as Joanna’s. May would need to feel them to get a fair evaluation though-  
“Stop calling me that!” May swats Joanna’s handsome face on reflex. Joanna laughs and gently pushes her hands off.  
“But you even paw,” Joanna hums low and playfully. She worse than Fiona when she feels like it and judging from the light in her eyes, she felt like it. “We still have a bet. If I win you finally start using my crossbow staff.”  
“We never decided on what I’ll get if I win,” May argues. There were so many ideas she had. A date night with just Joanna was always fun and calm. She did promise to take her around to show off the glowing street art in Mantle.  
“Why bother? That’s never going to happen,” Joanna winks and is already walking a little ways from the airship. May finds herself following, staring at that broad back and the muscles testing the fabric of her coat. She huffs in frustration but reaches for her staff and extends it. A quick double to confirm that all the Dust chambers are full.  
May nods.  
Joanna doesn’t fire her crossbow bolts. She splits that staff into two axes and charges. May’s mind fire scenario after scenario, the smile still on her face. Joanna is stronger and has a longer reach. She doesn’t need a two handed weapon to over power her and her long arms is enough for the axes.  
May smirks. Two weapons makes it harder for May to block so she’ll just dodge- Joanna fires a bolt at her feet. It glows purple and the pull of gravity nearly drops May to her knees. Instead she tucks and rolls left, then scrambles back to avoid the an axe head. The other end is loaded and May barely hits it away to avoid it. Only this time the bolt explodes far to close behind her and topples the two.  
The Marigold scowls. She vaguely remembers that Joanna was a cop, one of the best in Mantle. She’s older, has more experience fighting people than Grimm. She also has stronger Aura and more reserves. That explosions does nothing to her while May’s ears are ringing and the snow crunches unevenly under her feet.  
Joanna lets her blink the world back to focus. She’s grinning, tapping an axe bladed crossbow on her shoulder. "Gonna call it kitten?" Her partner taunts playfully. If this was last semester May might have thrown her staff or go invisible. Then throw her staff.  
She only grins. “Not even in your dreams.” May does go invisible. Joanna immediately couches down, grabbing a handful of snow and flies it into the air. May grins. Smart, resourceful. Gullible. Chambering fire dust, she melts the snow. Solitas is cold enough that water instantly freezes again, leaving a mist that blankets the field. May throws the gravity bolt back with enough Aura to pull Joanna to the ground.  
She was going to follow up with lightning but May always underestimates how strong Joanna is. The gravity bolt doesn’t pin her, barely hinders her as she charges towards May again. For a moment they were in the Field.  
For a moment, Joanna doesn’t attack and just presses her lips to May’s. She surrenders into it almost instantly. Joanna’s kiss was always slow burning. There’s a lingering sense of power and control. Like a beast in hibernation. It’s one of those things that is given to you.  
That moment passes as Joanna continues to shove May out. Their lips part far to soon. It’s worth being pinned into the snow by her girlfriend though. Hidden in the snow, Joanna breaths hot against the back of her neck.  
“I win.”  
“I don’t exactly call this a lose…” May mumbled. Joanna easily lifts them both up and May’s blushing to hard and staring at the ground. Heart beating too fast for something so simple. Maybe she did like being handled… Her teammates laugh. The Ice Queen can’t. Winter does relax, the barest hint of a smile on her face.  
Then she’s looking at Glade. The saber is finished and sings as it cuts through the air. With a press of a button the secondary splits from the handle and drops into their free hand. They test the pair out, feeling the balance, checking the sharpness. After a little more teasing and a small impatient frown from Winter, the weaponsmith finally surrenders it.  
“An adequate display,” Winter hums, keeping her expression and voice void of the pride in the eyes. Glade was amazing and they knew it. They frowned deeply at the insult and May laughed with Fiona. They were adorable. Even with the eerie glowing eyes. “Would you like to prove me wrong? I believe Watts is still trying to get combative readings from your neural augments.”  
There was an interruption from the Junior Ops. Of course it was Harriet who scoffs, “Stop playing with your pet,” Harriet said. "We’re here on business, Specialist Schnee."  
… Pet. May grits her teeth. She takes a deep breath trying to let the comment wash off. Winter’s constant reminder floats through her head. The need to play nice and play up Robyn’s image.  
It was Robyn’s fame that saved Fiona’s scholarships when the public learned Winter was promoted. It was Winter’s image that lets her be around Glade so much that their sign language was second nature in just a few months.  
Atlesian 101. Public opinion is everything. At the end of the day, they were all social creatures. All victims to a mindless and easily fooled community.  
But Robyn was a Mantle Rat. She doesn’t see the manipulative threads. She heard a bitch insult a friend who’s been stripped of everything and leaps into action.  
“What did you call Glade?” Robyn hisses. Fiona is standing by their leaders side. It wasn’t that Fiona was sweet and kind and without spite. It was that she didn’t have the protection May had, couldn’t act on her anger without a family name and money.  
So Fiona practically snarl and bare her fangs stuns May for a moment. The pair make the face of RMJT. They’re charming and cute smiles were plastered all over the net and zines. If a photo of them got leaked right now, Fi would lose her scholarships. They both looked ready to throttle the hare.  
“Get over yourself, Hill,” Harriet sneered in that Atlesian tone. May scowls. She’s faster than Robyn so she’ll be second in line to beat the asshole up. "Maybe if you were a real Atlasian Huntress you’d realize Glade is just a toy." May’s heart is in her ears. Roaring. Angry. Two years till freedom. May desperately reminds herself. Two years till they can finally bring Atlas down-  
Fiona moves first so Robyn follows her partner. Joanna’s long arms catch Fiona in a bear hug while May struggles with Robyn.  
"You called them Winter’s pet!" Fiona angrily yelled, thrashing in Joanna’s arms. Somehow May managed to shove Robyn her way. Joanna’s strong arms easily pinned the two in a bear hug. Fiona looked at the only other Faunus. Marrow had wandered over, no doubt to stop all the yelling. “Marrow! You can’t be okay with that!”  
“I- I’m not!” the underclassmen stuttered, tail low between his legs.  
"Then fucking do something!"  
“Assault isn’t the answer, Ms. Thyme,” That cool commanding voice. May sighs. That mask slips on too easily sometimes. May can’t blame her… She’s a Schnee she was literally born into it. Everyone calms a little. Winter isn’t even looking at RMJT but the airship side door. //Focus in use  
The workbench and kiln are abandoned… Winter clears her throat. Glade pokes their head out.  
Brows knitted up in fear above those glowing blue eyes, their ears a timid low. They looked at Robyn and Harriet, both their shoulders tense and absolutely pissed. Then they looked back at Winter and vigorously shake their head no, trying to hide away again.  
From the corner of her eyes, May saw Marrow bit his lip, tail twitching as he tried not to giggle. May was eager to latch to the lighter mood. Her anger doesn’t melt so easily. But… but Glade was scared. So she takes a deep breath and smiles softly. Not enough to be friendly because Glade was a solo vigilante.  
If they had to keep their relationship a secret they definitely had to keep their history with Glade buried.  
Still Her chest was bubbling at how cute timid Glade was. Marrow cracked laughing softly and May couldn’t help but to snort. Winter gave a sigh, frustration genuine on her face. For a moment even May thought she was irritated at the ‘criminal’ but the twitch in her arms told a different story. Winter fought against her true nature, pushed aside all the comforting gestures she’d learned for Weiss and gave Glade a wary thin look.  
“I assure you, you’re safe… Unless you doubt my ability to beat everyone here?” Winter asked slowly, toeing the line of intimidating and teasing. Glade made more adorable Faunus noises.  
May couldn’t help but to smile. Everyone else, save for Harriet, thought it was adorable so she was allowed to too. Before Winter could try coax them in, someone kicked Glade out of the airship. Silvio scowls glaring hard at the students.  
“Aren’t you fucking assholes suppose to be smart?” He ask. “Do you know how much Grimm you just brought in?! Two hordes of Megoliaths!”  
Winter sighs. She’s had a lot of practice so it comes out natural. It almost convinces May. “Harriet, take the fighter and the others. I need a word with RMJT.” Winter said, glaring hard at Robyn.  
During the short time it takes to load up the workstations and for the Junior Ops to leave, May realizes that Winter might actually be made. As soon as they were gone, Winter tapped a few buttons on her Scroll. May could feel the guarded edge on the back of her mind and in her Aura fade off as the hidden cameras in the room shut down.  
//HH & Winter Rift. White knights flaw. PICKUP HERE Immediately the Schnee exploded, that cool demeanor all fire and frustration.  
“What the fuck were you two thinking?!” Winter yells at Robyn and Fi. Again. At least it was almost two weeks. Still May sighs and tries to find a way to de-escalade the situation. It’s hard when she sides with Fi and Robyn. Fiona’s hackles practically raise, fist balled up tight as she glared at her former leader. Robyn looked ready to throw another punch.  
Before either of them could get a word in, Joanna’s massive figure stepped between them. She only crossed her arms, staring down at all three women. The interruption was enough for them to catch their breath. Mostly Winter who leaned against the table, almost struggling to breath as she rubbing her temples.  
“Fi… you should know you need to pick your battles. There are still people trying to get you expelled and I’m not there to-”  
“We don’t need your protection,” Fiona hissed, ears twitching low. "Focus on Glade, Silvio, Weiss and Whitley." That hit May and cracked Winter. So many emotions she needed to keep under control flashed across her face. May pressed her side into their girlfriend’s, hoping to ground her. Eventually the pain and fear faded to… guilt.  
Then Winter shook it off.  
It was replaced by fustration. “Point is there is a lot of people that don’t want to see you four graduate,” Winter said. RMJT rolled their eyes. They were the under-dogs. An estrange elite, two nontraditional Mantle Rats who said fuck the law and a Faunus that was better than a Schnee in both academic and fighting- Winter was still talking. “They have a lot of power if you give them any kind of leverage you’ll never graduate.”  
“We’ll be fine.” Robyn huffed.  
“No you wont,” Winter hissed at Robyn. She stood up, back straight and shoulders tense. Brittle. May gently put her hand on Win’s shoulder, only to have… her former partner shake it off. Winter soldiers on, “You have no idea, what Atlesians are capable of. You need to do better!”  
“I know!” Robyn yelled back. They were within each other’s melee range now. “I have people swarming me every day reminding me I’m the Hero of Mantle. I know!”  
“You wanted follow my grandfather. Step up and lead by example, Hill.”  
The importance of image finally clicks for Robyn. Realization settles in as her shoulders relax for a moment. Robyn tries to smooth out those hard edges but pitty and fustratin shines through. “So do you,” Robyn nearly hisses. “You’re the only one keeping them prisoner.”  
That makes Winter pause. She looks at Robyn and something filters across her face.  
Pity or envy?  
Before RMJT can say anything the bay doors open and Glade was the first one to jump out. Winter actual held them back. May remembered something Winter said at the beginning of summer. That Glade’s Dust was potent enough to level an entire block. They saw that masterful application during their work and now…  
And now Glade is finally away from civilians.  
Even from the possible safety of the Bullhead, high in the air, May could feel the heat piercing the Solitas cold. A blaze of fire rolled through the snow and ice, leaving the dead rocky ground bare. The weaker Megoliaths burned in the fire.  
The Dust in their boildersuit fade from red to dark orange. The herd was culled again, this time impaled by earthen spikes. A quarter of the herd was cut down in seconds. The Alpha Megoliaths roared, legs shattering the earth spikes under its feet. They could see the ground shaking from the sky. If Glade’s Aura and Dust doesn’t attract the second horde, the small earthquakes would have.  
Glade was skilled enough to avoid capture by Vale’s Glynda Goodwitch. Skilled enough to wrangle Grimm, skilled enough to have the entire Kingdom of Mistral after her and elude them for a year. Skilled enough that violence was a choice for them. And even stripped of everything they bite back in a differnt way.  
Winter crosses her arms. The movement pulls May to the argument that the two leaders could never really settle. What to do with Glade? "Their semblance is similar to General Ironwood’s Mettle." Winter explains. May hates their semblance even more. “Glade can Focus on an aspect, personality, emotions, senses, a task, Dust, lying… acting.” Winter said. There was something at the end of it. It dipped and strained… like she was stabbing her own heart. “Atlesian 102.”  
And suddenly May’s freeze and burns.  
“Give them what they think they want.” May mumbles. Focus on a lie or an act, May grits her teeth. Pretend like nothing is wrong for the sake of your friends or play up the torutred experiment to gain sympathy.  
“Everyone loves to see their hero and knight save someone. And the Faunus experiment is the perfect damsal.” Winter practically growls under her breath. May watches her. Anger deep in her eyes. Winter didn’t ask for the image, for the fame. It followed her from her family now in the military it has grown like steel wires.  
She waits a few moments. When RMJT responds with silence she finally leaps from the aircraft. She landed gracefully next to Glade. She let some of her Ice Queen image chip and crack to give Glade a pat on their head. The Specialist didn’t draw her new saber, fresh from the kiln and anvil. Instead she stepped back and let Glade fight.  
Glade never needed their help.  
Not with the Geist.  
Not after their surrender.  
May and Robyn looked at each other, conflicted and a little confused. How much was an act from their semblance? Robyn groaned into her palm. The look of regreat solid on her face before she leaped out.  
“Sometimes I think she forgets she’s dating Winter,” Joanna whispered to May. It felt like that most days… May blames the distance. The physical one, between Atlas and Mantle. “Come on. Killing Grimm will calm us down and we can’t get showed up by a civilian.”  
"How does adrenaline and hot sweaty women equal calming?" Fiona muttered. It was a half hearted joke. A little real but overall a bad deflect. May takes a breath.  
Glade is okay. Just a manipulative bitch. Hopefully. And if they’ll still be there tomorrow. Things will get better. Hopefully.  
May follows the rest of RMJT out of the airship.  
Joanna was right. Fighting Grimm burnt the argument and fight out of them. Despite all the show, Glade gased out far to quickly to be effective Hunter. They did kill a lot of the first herd and the second was no match for eight nearly qualified Hunters.  
Snow was starting to return to the area where Glade orignally landed. There was a small tent picked up with a few chairs. Fiona waving at them while Joanna gave a broad grin and blowing a kiss. Robyn plays along, a hand over her heart and swooning into May’s arms. Until the estranged Marigold snorts and drops her.  
But just because Joanna was right doesn’t mean Fiona was wrong.  
May stands above Robyn for a second. Admiring the messy plantium locks and the flushed tanned face- Robyn winks. “Ugh-” Instead of sinking down into the snow and kissing her girlfriend she kicks the snow into her face. Joanna and Fiona laugh, loud and joyful. They were all too tired to be guarded. It feels less like a fight, less like a mission watching a ‘criminal.’ Their stupid smiles always made it feel like a date.  
As soon as May took a seat in on the chairs she didn’t want to move. She hiss curses under her breath feeling her body throb. A Sabyr kicked her jaw, a Sulfur Fish stung her calf… but the thob was in her gut and growing lower and lower as she watches her partner.  
Joanna pushed Elm out of the way earlier, taking a hit from a Megoliath. It must have fucked with her shoulder because she’s rolling it, stretching her coat tight against her back muscles. May feels that solid heat ghost under her fingers. She doesn’t have the same hair routine but giving Joanna massages was good in its own way.  
She wasn’t strong enough for a deep massage but that just means May kept on trying. Enjoying warm skin under her hands, the hard shift from muscle to muscle. Every twitch was like Joanna was flexing.  
May feels Marrow’s tail thawt against her leg in a lazy motion. It sped up a little as Joanna slips a sleeve off, brunching up her shirt to push a the knot directly and showing an unfair amount of muscles.  
She wants to kiss her. Fuck public image. Fuck all the pretending, the cold attitutdes. May was tired of all the Atlesian bullshit. She killed dozens of Grimm and at least deserves to kiss her fucking girlfriends. Joanna was barely out of breath and May wanted her gasping.  
“Hey, Robyn,” Marrow called out, breaking her out of her daydream. “You can’t arrest people, can you?”  
“I quit so I could attend Atlas Academy, wags.”  
“Huh… Well that,” He gestured to Joanna. Robyn walked over, quietly observing as Elm walked up and tried to massage the kink gone. Both their muscles flexing and tested Atlesian thick clothing. "That should be illegal."  
“You know what is illegal?” Robyn asked. May could hear that stupid smile in her voice and she was groaning loudly to drown out Robyn but it didn’t work, “Not kissing my girlfriend- Damn it! Look alive, May!"  
May snapped to attention just as a Megoliath roared into view. Everyone switches back into fighting mode. May ran after her leader, twisting the chamber in her staff. It clicks empty, empty, then she felt electricity hum as lightning Dust chambers in.  
“For the record I hate it when any of you do this!” Joanna yells. She still held her out her hands for May to vault off of and May only grins. Blame it on all the times Winter carries her around or all the rush from the Glyphs, or maybe she just likes being handled by Joanna. Her partner only frowns as hearing her thoughts. She still throws May high into the air and barely has time to dodge the Grimm herself.  
Elm jumps in, holding onto the trunk with Roots further anchoring her to the ground. May yells a warning, plunging the staff deep into the Grimm’s eye. It doesn’t bleed, doesn’t smoke, it just… sinks in with a bone shuddering wet noise. The lightning Dust pours into the Megoliath. Joanna helps Elm clear the twitching tunk and stomping legs.  
An explosion throw’s May’s off.  
It wasn’t silent like the crossbow bolts so it had to be something Fiona stole. May’s limbs burns like she’s been fighting for an hour. She sinks deep into the snow and it doesn’t help. It does the opposite. All the blood is pooling between her legs, all the running and fighting had everything rubbing just right. May tries not to think about the last time she had sex. About how the snow feels like Winter’s cool hands crawling into her neck.  
With a shuttering breath she stares up at the bright sky. Focuses on how warm the rare Solitas sun is on her skin because they were in public. Fiona eclipses the sun for a moment. Then a moment longer as her body falls-  
“Fi!” May screams, trying to scrample away. The snow gives and gives under her hands and Fiona finally craches into her. Even the sharp headbutt does nothing for the low arosual in her gut. If anything it just gives her shaft a reason to thob harder. It has everything to do with Fi’s groan and not how her brain was mixing pleasure and pain. With Fiona’s hands firm on her chest. Sweet laughter against her neck.  
May drops her Aura for a few seconds. The idea was that the snow would chill her blood. But so many hours, wrapped around Winter’s fingers… May groaned slamming her Aura back on. She wanted those cool hands on her thighs. Clawing. She wanted Fiona seated higher on her chest.  
Who’s idea was it not fuck? Winter? It has to be Winter’s.  
Fiona’s laugh draws May out of her pout. “Woops,” Fiona mumbled unapologetically. There was something in her voice. The faux innocent tone and sinfully slow drawls. “It’s a good thing Joanna won, you really need something for distance.”  
“Shut up,” May growled. As revenge she hangs limp. Fiona is strong enough to carry her but she just… so tiny. And tired. The snow makes things harder than it should be and they fall back into it. Out of stupid habits May holds Fiona tight, as if they were falling out of another crashing airship. As if Fiona wasn’t already laughing on the way down.  
“This is your fault y’know,” Fiona said with a grin. Looming over her, elbows blocking May. It fucks with her breathing and then more. Fiona’s eyes flicker down. That heated gaze slowly growing intense, like the day in the changing room. She licks her lips, her ears straining forward for more soft noise. She knows Fi can feel her heart race. That innocent smiles grows sweet and beutiful and so far from innocent.  
Her knee slides up.  
Pausing between May’s. That low throb was firmly settled between May’s legs now. She glances away but that only opens her up. Fiona’s lips and nose press into her neck. Her pulse is far to alive against such a soft kiss. Too soft. May wants more. Her body already arching for it.  
“Fi…” May was starting to tremble.  
“We deserve a second,” Fiona says as if it was a warning. Then her teeth digs in hard. May presses her hand against her mouth, breath loud and sharsh as her back arch but Fiona’s hand quickly comes up to pin it down. Her ears flutter pointedly. May wanted hands and teeth, Fiona wanted it all including her moans. She sucks hard and gives May a teaser for what it could feel around her pulsing cock.  
She doesn’t stop until May tugs her hair. After May feels pre-cum sliding down her shaft. Fiona growls and huffs. Teeth teasing the bruise but it was already healing. It still hurts, so Fi tongue sooth the spot. Low and slow like it was May’s shaft- Their Scrolls ping and Fiona looks ready to break it in her hands.  
G.O.A.T: stop. i can SMELL you horny idiots from here happywool: that’s a bad thing?  
She steal a kiss from May. Even burried in the snow, fighting in the cold, the kiss is warm and sweet. Even if Fiona’s sharp teeth nip with fustration.  
Her knee shifts higher. A hand palms May’s chest.  
G.O.A.T: SERIOUSLY. I CAN’T EXACTLY GET LAID foxhot: sounds like a u problem G.O.A.T: just finish the grimm so we can get Win home  
That stops Fiona dead in her tracks.  
mt.spur: what happen angeldust: Nothing important. G.O.A.T: i disagree and stop being a dumb bitch G.O.A.T: she’s fighting with her binder on angeldust: So are you! G.O.A.T: i didnt feint bitch  
May and Fiona rolls their eyes and share another kiss before Fiona pulls her onto her feet. "The sooner we finish the sooner we can finsih," Fiona says with a wink and runs off. May watches her with a small smile and tries to shake the snow out of her hair and clothes.  
The rest of the evening slips into a mix of auto-pilot and a straight up blur. The simple social outing for the ‘criminal’ was an extra hour, almost two. The Grimm was easy but they kept coming. Like every other week. RMJT has been out on so many missions half their classes were online, in the damn airships. The ones that weren’t were Combative Training, Advance Stealth Operations or Body Conditioning.  
Her Scroll kept going off too much to call it a nap and she feels to restless when she finally realizes they’re back in Mantle.  
May sets her back down the table and stretches out the kinks in her back. She groans as a few joints pop back into place. A pair of hands slide onto her shoulders, pressing into areas she didn’t realize were tense.  
The hands were too big to be Fiona’s, too small to be Joanna’s, too warm to be Winter’s. She blinks in surprise. For such a flirt Robyn was actually rather reserved. Most of her advances only happened when Winter was around. And sure enough, somehow the they manage to drag the Specialist.  
Or with Joanna, carry.  
A feint blush is on Winter’s cheeks now and she lets out a sigh. May has gotten used to all the touches and her partner’s casual show of strength. But Winter probably regressed up in Atlas, with only Glade.  
“You can set me down now,” Winter mumbles.  
“Not even a please,” Joanna playfully huffs. Instead she sits down on the couch. Her hands interwined with Winter’s… pressing it against her thighs.  
Just like the changing room.  
The room suddenly feels hotter. May’s blood was already hot from all of Fiona’s teasing and now its rapidly pooling in her shaft- Where’s the lamb. May looks around to see the women walk out of their bedroom, a bag in one hand and twirling the knife in the other.  
Now in the privacy of their home, Fiona is a little calmer. Her grin is still dark, her ears still strained but she doesn’t look like shes ready to pounce.  
Her prey is already caught after all.  
Fiona looks at May and winks. With a touch the coffee table and everything on it gone and she replaces it with the bed in their room. May finds her self menuvered, seated on the edge with Robyn behind her.  
May can only stare dazed at Winter. The women was… she was the image of Atlas perfection. Control, yet she’s trembling with Joanna’s hot breath on her neck. Power, though when that knife slices into her uniform she’s praying Fiona’s name.  
“Fi… fuck,” Winter mutters. Her Aura flares where the knife licks her skin. May whimpers and shifts between Robyn’s legs. Her leader murmers something. Something about how good girls don’t interrupt a show. A hand strokes May thighs, promising a reward for good girls.  
Fiona briefly smiles over her shoulder. The knowledge that this show was also for them… May throbs against her clothes. Whimpers with as Joanna hums, staring at the tent her pants. Winter looks ready to feint. Breathing shallow and eyes clouded. Still Fiona goes slow. Those flexing abs revealed inch by near minute.  
“Hurry, please Fiona… I’m going to pass out-”  
“Oh!” Fiona’s blinks, that dominance replaced by surprised concern. She laughs nervously, knife swiftly gliding through the shirt, coat and binder. Winter’s Aura lights up her skin as the blade tilts her head back.  
Exposed. Volunrable. Submissive.
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bubsdolan · 3 years
Can we get the next part to clingy please? I’m obsessed with that fic :)
{clingy gray masterlist}
“ex girlfriend grayson, im your ex girlfriend!” 
grayon’s deadly grip on his brothers body was instantly released. ethans feet touching the ground with a sigh of relief as he rubs at the now tender skin of his neck, where an imprint of his brothers hand now sat. ethan swallowed the lump in his throat as he flashed you a small smile in gratitude, coming in at the right time and saving him from a bad temper ready to burst and could potentially do real damage. like you normally did, you were the calm grayson needed whenever he felt a storm brewing, yet as of right now, you are the storm.
grayson was in disbelief, pressing the palms of his hands roughly into his eyes and rubbing servel times to try and abrub the sight in front of him. he was frozen in place when he reopened his eyes, blinking a few times to get rid of the little white dots in his vision and make sure you were still there, not a figment of his imagination. you came back for him.
“y/n, baby i-” grayon reached out to try and grab you. his hands fighting a gravitational force to the one thing he needed more than anything in his life. he needed to hold you and feel your warm delicate skin agasint his fingers after so many horrible and earth shattering weeks apart. he longed for the moment you would run back into his arms, shower him with kisses and forget the drama in your relationship ever existed. 
however, when you retracted your steps, distancing yourself further from him as you shield your body from his ever so inviting hands, avoiding his gaze when you turned to look at ethan instead- something inside grayson switched for the second time that night. his head bouncing between you and his brother, who appeared to be making silent communication, he was not apart of, with your eyes. grayson’s fists clenching at his sides, vein protruding from his forehead as he let out an almost evil, vemuous laugh. 
“oh i see what's going on here-” grayons gestures towards the pair of you, chest puffing out as he tried to make himself look as intimidating as possible. needing to feel like he has all the control and power over the room even though he was by far the strongest.
“you’re not here for me,” grayson sends draggers in your direction, running his hands through his already matted hair as he chuckles in realisation. his heart dropping as he tried to convince himself what he thought was true- his mind playing cruel malicious tricks on him. 
“what are you talking about? i came back for you, grayson! to hopefully sort it and get back to the place we were before all this shit happened. when we were happy-“
“YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH MY OWN BROTHER!” in the months you had been dating, grayson had never once raised his voice at you, never once lost his temper or directed his anger towards you. but at the way his eyes pierced dangerously into yours, his red and angry face meters from your own as his body trapped you between his intimidating build and the wall of the place you once called home.
it was the first time you were scared of grayson, terrified even. this wasn’t your grayson, the man you feel in love with, who stole your heart and made you whole. this was a monster of a man, a villain you didn't recognise and one you wished to never encounter again.
normally you would fight your corner, like you had done the entire time you were seemly at war with the dolan brothers, but right now grayson made you feel weak. he left you speechless and unable to defend yourself at the wild accusations he had created for himself. the way his body pushed agasint your own, send shivers down your spine- and certainly not in a good way.
when he lifted his hand up to run this fingers through his disentangled hair, you flinched and curled yourself deeper into your body for protection. a reaction you instantly regretted when you saw grayson’s face drop, a deep set frown appear on his features as his eyes soften briefly. for a minute you through he was going to breakdown and cry, or even apologise for his outburst, comfort you and wash away your insecurities, but all he did was push himself off you and walk away. shoulder bumping agasin ethan in aggression as within seconds you hear the heavy slam on his bedroom door.
you felt paralysed, tears welling in your eyes, fingers shaking as you certainly didn’t expect your return to cause this much of a uproar. this much fear and sheer panic.
“i’ll talk to him,” you feel ethan’s somewhat calming presence on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance before sending you a warm smile he knew wouldn’t be enough to redo all the hurt and pain he caused. you nod your head, wrapping your arms around yourself as all you could do was stand there, staring down at your feet to prevent yourself from breaking down. no words could escape your lips, you were stunned into slience for the first time in forever. broken.
“bro,” ethan takes a steady, clausius approach when entering grayson’s room. making sure to knock first before bursting in like he normally would. in any normal circumstances he would slap him brother upside the head for treating you with such disrespect - but this was far from normal and he knew he was to blame for all of it.
“fuck off, e.” grayson growled. not even acknowledging ethan when he doesn’t look up from the floor, images of the fear in your eyes haunting him. he was sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands as his knees shook with anger. he saw red, letting his anger out on you, scaring you, making you believe he would ever harm you. grayson would never forgive him.
“bro listen to me, please,” ethan pleads with his younger brother, not moving a muscle from his position by the foot of his bed, besides to close the door and give the bothers some privacy. you had gone through enough and ethan wasn’t sure how this conversation was going to go. this was to save you another heartbreak incase grayson wiped his hands with not only him, but you.
ethan watched as grayson slowly met his gaze with a hard darkened one, cracking his knuckles as he took a deep breath and gave his older brother the attention he wanted. if you couldn’t get through to grayson, ethan was the next best person, but when grayson opened his mouth, he should have senesed his outburst approaching and backed down immediately.
“no, you listen to me ethan, this is all your fault! if you never would have opened your big mouth- fuck i might have just lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me. you- you did this!” grayson pointed his finger aggressively at ethan, watching him shutter and gulp as he was overcome with guilt.
all ethan could do was look down in shame. everything grayson was saying was true. he caused your heartbreak, he caused his brother’s world to collapse around him, he caused the broken relationship he now shared with his twin- his once bestfriend and soulmate. he took hit after hit as grayson finally spilled every last ounce of emotion he has been bottling up.
“why bro, why? could you not stand to see me happy just this once! finally something good, something of my own and you go and fuck it up for me! why-“
“it should have been me! i thought i loved h-her,” ethan breaks down at the truth, stalling grayson from his rage as he was frozen in his position meters away, eyes glancing to the door in hopes you weren’t able to hear the words they were exchanging. the words out loud made him feel sick to his stomach. his brother ‘loved’ his girlfriend and wished you were his happily ever after- how did it all end up going so wrong.
grayson wanted to scream at ethan, punch him, even though him out the house and his life, but when he witnessed the sobs, the vicious shaking and breakdown from his bestfriend, he broke too. call it twin telepathy, but he felt his pain.
grayson had to be the bigger man if he ever wanted a normal relationship with his brother, or if he even had the chance to rekindle your relationship- one that without, life simply wasn’t worth living.
“do you still love her?” grayson’s voice broke. not wanting to know the answer to the question, yet needing to in order to push past this. ethan’s answer was make or break for the three of you.
“i did, no- i, i thought i did, grayson, but bro, believe me i don’t anymore. i watched how happy you are with her bro, i watch how she makes you laugh, makes you smile, makes you the best version of you and i was jealous-“
ethan gradually moved closer to the bed, hesitant to sit down next to grayson and continue what had been bubbling up since the day you walked out all those weeks ago. grayson didn’t budge, giving ethan the green light to make himself more comfortable in the bed and beg for his brother’s forgiveness.
“i was in love with the thought of being loved. all my past relationships never worked out, i always got used and walked all over, but with y/n, she felt different. she isn’t with you for the money, the fame, or your name. she’s with you because she loves you bro, more than ive ever seen a person love anybody.”
ethan is cut off by grayson cries, his head hitting ethans chest as he clutches onto his shirt and simply just shakes. the fact he brother had admitted to witnessing the love you and grayson shared, it made him hate himself even more for everything you had been through. all your fights, arguments and breakdowns weren’t worth it. you needed each other, more than you needed air to survive.
“she loves you bro, fight for her.” ethan hugs his brother close. a sense of relief watching over him at the somewhat feeling of normality coming back. it felt good to be this close to him, to hold him and be the big brother he always promised to be.
he lefts grayson cry into his body for what felt like hours, shushing him and reassuring him that you- the person losing her mind in the living room listening to grayson’s cries, wanting nothing more to run in there and kiss all his worries away- was his endgame.
“ethan, thank you.” grayson wipes his eyes, composing himself to face you and put right everything that went horribly wrong. ethan was right, he needed to fight for you, not with you.
ethan padded grayson’s back, sending him a real genuine smile and bringing him in for one last bone crushing hug he missed and would never take for granted again. happy to have his partner in crime back.
“go get your girl back, bro.”
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch8 Discovery P2
(Warning: Death Scene ahead. The third floor is the same cut third floor in the video here and all the things described are here as well. Only behind the door is something different for the story. And Snatcher's dialogue came from the video of the cut content as well. )
The guards marched the poor woman now panicking in their grip flailing about, trying to get out of their grip like a fly in a cold spiderweb to no avail. The two giant guards marched noisily towards somewhere unknown as the third floor rooms and hallways passed them as they marched with seemingly no regard for the woman yelling and pulling between them. Eventually marching down one hallways in particular with a double door room at the end of it, heavy and thick with chains and locks fit for a dungeon instead of a bed room. The two guards went right up to it and before Poppy could even yell out peck again- She was tossed in rather hard. She landed with a giant thud sound and yelped out as her body landed with the freezing cold floor. And it only began to get colder and COLDER!! Poppy groaned from the pain but those blue eyes snapped open at the sudden noise of doors slamming behind her. Panic and adrenaline pumping through her veins and she stumbled to her feet as fast as she could. The rattling of chains and clicking of heavy locks made her fear spike worse and she went to it as fast as she could grabbing the door knob and pushing.
"HEY!! WHAT THE PECK!? LET ME OUT!!" The heavy doors creaked from her pushing and pulling and desperately turning the knob. The floor shaking lightly with the heavy footsteps of the guards walking away. The realization of them walking away made her more desperate to get out, and she now went to banging on the door. "H-HEY!! DO YOU LUGNUTS HEAR ME?! I SAID I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OK?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IM SORRY OK!! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!! I SWEAR TO YOU I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT CRAZY SHADOW LADY SAID!!"
She got no reply and could hear them getting and farther away, panicking she tore herself away from the door. Heart hammering in her ears and eyes scrambling around the dark room for any signs of escape to no avail. No windows. No other doors. Nothing. The coldness was starting to creep in now and the shadows of the room got closer....and closer...... Her panting became faster and in a moment of desperation, she backed all the way to the other side of the empty room and looked at the door. Bracing herself, she ran as fast as she could across the room and rammed her shoulder as hard as she could into the heavy duty door. A thud rang out but there wasn't even a dent in the thick would. Leaving her only falling to the ground and reaching up to rub her sore shoulder from the ramming. The cold slowly creeped closer and closer and the shadows swallowed her whole until her world fell into a black slumber for a thousand years. ....... ............. ................................
Until her awakening years later.
The silence of the frost was an almost empty numb feeling until that jolt of energy shot through, and their was a gasp of air sucked into those newly awakened lungs that coughed and sucked in breaths. Like she had been under water for such a long time. It was dark. And it was cold. And she was scared. But the energy.....It was so big. And so bright light energy. It seemed to chase the darkness away. The sore, numb, stiff limbs moved in what seemed like forever. It was so hard and she shivered from the cold she still felt. Where was she?.....What happened?.....What was that bright light?
Poppy weakly managed to move her sore, cold body into pushing her front half up and looking around the room....She was...She was still in this prison? What happened? All she remembered was a crazy snow storm, and guards, and the last thing she remembered just being thrown inside here. In the dark her slow blinking eyes could vaguely make out the door. She...She must've knocked herself out from ramming into the door. Gotta admit not her most proudest moment or best idea. How long was she even out?...Didn't matter. All she knew was that she was still stuck in that room and needed to get out before that crazy shadow lady or guards decided to come back. And get away from this frozen wasteland as fast as possible. Willing herself onto her hands and knees, and crawled to the door and began weakly pushing and banging on it. Maybe someone would come and hear her out about her story.
And someone came.
Out of all the parts of the mansion she'd been in, the third floor was by fair the most creepy and she REALLY doubted anyone other than her and Snatcher had ever gotten this far up in the manor before and escaped Vanessa's wrath. The mafia men. Snatcher's subjects. Those Explorer guys. Rough Patch. That weird....ghost thing?? That one image made her shiver, but at least they were far away from this place now. But still. This place was creepy with a capital C. She was SURE she'd rather fight a hundred Snatcher's with an army of ghost behind him rather than explore one room of this third floor. Her ghostly friend wasn't kidding when he said Vanessa went off her deep end. The entire third floor was just COVERED wall to wall in literal newspapers. Very, VERY old timey newspapers where each one had to be hand written with an ink and pen, and copy machines weren't even a thought. She tried reading one before but found she couldn't make anything out other than maybe one or two old faded words. Some had old pictures but those were too faded to be made out too. But what she could read was Vanessa's crazy black paint scribbles painted throughout the entire place. Most were 'PRINCE', 'PRINCESS', 'QUEEN', 'KINGDOM', and VERY scarily 'HAPPILY EVER AFTER'. Along with multiple drawings of a crown here and there. But those weren't the only writings on the walls. She guessed Vanessa had at least a bit of sanity left before she lost it all because she found some full blown sentences and pictures around the place when she first explored it too. Some very weird things. In one room with a clawed chair she found a blue and green picture of a moon she guessed with an annoyed red face and a yellow crown on it's head. Not too sure what that was all about. Then there was another drawing of the moon phases over a curved line and under it looked like two eyes and a monicule similar to Moonjumper's but she didn't wanna think about that. Then there was the spooky eye and solor system diagram. And then there was the weird mural thing, looked like someone just spray painted a basic green land, blue sky, and bright sun or moon in the same colors used to draw that weird frowning moon picture. Vanessa must've been REALLY off her rocker, but what spooked her the most weren't the pictures or newspapers, but the very strange three fancy cursive writing sentences she found among them all. She still remembered them.
"The Prince loves the moon so much MAYBE HE SHOULD MARRY IT THEN MAYBE HE CAN GIVE ME MORE ATTENTION!!" She remembered Snatcher and Moonjumper saying he loved to watch the moon and stars when he was alive. So she guessed Vanessa was jealous of him loving the moon and stars as a hobby just as much as when she was Jealous over bacon. "My prince Im sorry what happened to your home I just didn't like to see you go It's alright now you can't miss it and neither will I." Hattie felt even MORE sorry for the two ghosts when she read that. They never had a chance. "I know it was weird how I said it! I just didn't want you to get unbound. All I want was for you to never leave this house." YEP!! REALLY WEIRD AND VERY OBSESSIVE!!!
She still crept forward keeping her umbrella handy and looking left and right throughout the dark. Yeah, Vanessa was still unconscious, human, and trapped inside a bathroom with no escape, but that still didn't help Hattie feel better. I mean any second she was expecting to see or her stupid, scary ghost self pop up around a corner or coming out of one of the rooms. THAT LADY WAS NUTS!!! The small creaking sounds of banging continued up ahead and the child pointed the umbrella forward, ready to blast anything at a moment's notice. She wondered for a moment if Snatcher had been right, and there really was no one up there, that it was all just the wind. Though she never heard anything like that before, she also never saw anyone frozen so maybe he was right....But that didn't sound like wind. As she tiptoed by she saw an old camera and remembered Snatcher's interference with her trying to get the time piece from the attic. Who knew he could shapeshift to look just herself. She still remembered it like it was yesterday, a camera flash then came the noodle she knew and loved to mess with. He didn't like her winning too much.
"Hey, hey now! No reason to throw a fist at your old buddy! Ha ha ha ha! What are you doing up here?" Then he appeared in the light from the camera "Don't you know she'll go mental if she catches you?" NNnnnooo. Really? She would've thought Vanessa was just chasing her to come and eat cookies like she said, not definitely turn her into an ice statue. So she asked him what he was doing there interfering with the contract they had. "What me? Im just looking for some dirt on my old friend the Moonjumper. Poor fellow. Doesn't even know he used to live here." She SEVERELY doubted that. When she first met Moonjumper he seemed super aware of the fact Vanessa was his ex lover and Hattie suspected that Snatcher was just mocking him which confirmed her suspicions with the next sentence. "Eeeeevery time I bring him something from this place he almost wets his bed in fear. Ha ha ha ha!" YEP! Moonjumper def knew who Vanessa was. "Subcon Forest isn't big enough for the two of us you know. And now you, a little girl, is trying to enter the fight for the forest as well? My, my. That won't do. You need to go or else she'll come up here and find you, right? I guess it would be a terrible misfortune if the key disappeared. Ha ha ha ha!" Oh yes. The good mindset he had that everyone was trying to take his forest and admitted at first he thought she was trying t invade his forest since he heard a lot about alien invasions. Then she had to go around chasing him while dodging Vanessa when he stole the key to the attic from her. "Ha Ha! It's mine! What are you gonna do?Don't you know you can't hurt a shadow?" .....Yeah. She got it back, but he was a sore loser as always. "You want the key? Take it! It's yours! I don't need it anyway and you won't be needing it either when she catches you! Ha ha ha!!" Jokes on him! She never will and he always lost to her!
But right now she'd give anything to hear that loud mouth yell at her, or the sweet voice of Moonjumper. But instead she heard nothing but the sounds of the smaller banging like the wind hitting the roof over and over again, but it didn't come from above. It came from right in front of her. She crept forward ever so slowly, the lightning lighting up the room every few moments as the child tip toed her way down the hall and towards the noise until it lead her face to face down a long stretch of hallway. It was dark and lead all the way down to that weird heavily locked door she had scene when she first got here. At first she thought it was the attic but the key Snatcher stole from her way back when didn't fit, so she just assumed it was more of Vanessa's crazy stuff. But the noises.....they were coming from the inside of the door. The chains were swaying lightly with each small bang from what she could see from the lightning. The rusty chains and locks shone in the light as well as the giant signs painted on it that read "STAY OUT" and "NEVER OPEN" and "TURN AROUND". Since when did she listen to signs, she slowly inched forward and brandished her umbrella in front of her just in case. But now this begged the questions. Why was the door making the weird noise? Was someone locked inside the room? How did they get in there? Were they a bad guy? The floor bourds creaked with her footsteps as she approached and after a second the noises completely stopped-.......Which confused the child into raising an eyebrow and walking over to the door. Gazing across the many things holding it shut before gaining up the courage to ask a question.
There was silence for a good long moment. Tho Hattie couldn't see it, the woman on the other side of the door felt like she was about to cry from relief and happily answered back after another few short seconds.
Hattie obviously jumped at the sudden raspy woman's voice coming from the other side of the door, but after a brief moment she realized with relief it wasn't Vanessa's voice. Then who was it? Another prisoner? She stood on her tip toes ad if trying to peer through the key hole under the doorknob. "Who are you?"
Her. THROAT. WAS. DRIER THAN A SANDSTORM!! It felt like she hadn't drank any water in a hundred years, but she was SO happy someone was even talking to her. This might be the hope she was looking for. The other's voice was clearly female and Poppy wondered old she was. She sounded quite young. "M-My name is Poppy. P-Please let me out *cough cough* I swear I d-d-didn't do anything wrong!"
"How did you get in there? Did Vanessa freeze you too?"
Vanessa? Who's Vanessa? The only Vanessa she knew was the Queen, but despite the Queen's strange behaviors and laws, from the few times she'd seen her in the village she seemed like a lovely lady and the children loved her so much. "I-I d-don't know who Vanessa y-you're referring to, but some crazy *cough* shadow lady made two iron giants kidnapped me and locked me in here. I-I think I've been in here for a couple hours, b-but I assure you I NEVER committed treason against the Queen."
So Vanessa locked her up and froze her too? That sounded like something the crazy old coot would do after all. "Don't worry! Im going to get you out like everyone else!"
Poppy felt her face smile for the first time in hours since she got there. "T-Thank you! B-But hurry! Im not sure when the guards or that shadow lady's going to come back!"
Hattie looked up and around at the old locks and chains all keeping it together. Ok. She didn't have the key and didn't know where it was, probably only Vanessa knew and she wasn't about to go asking the crazy lady for a key, and she probably wasn't physically strong enough to pull them from the door even if they were old and rusty. Snatcher was definitely no use, he'd just flop over like a helpless teddy bear.......But there was one way she could think of.
"Can you walk?"
Poppy blinked at the question. "What?"
"Can you walk? You need to back off the door!"
"Because Im going to blast it open."
Blast it?! Did this child have dynamite?! Or a canon?! Or did she know some magic? Either way she was not about to get caught in the crossfires of this, so willing her sore and numb body, she dragged herself away from the door to the opposite wall. Her lower half felt like a bowling ball. it hurt. It was like pins and needles on steroids and her legs were really sore and she barely got out of the way before a loud BOOM! was set off behind her that knocked her down face first onto the floor and on instinct her hands slammed down on her head to protect her from the flying splinters of wood and metal that shot out into the room. The blast seemed to have shaken the entire third floor and their was probably no doubt anyone in the entire manor could've heard the blast. Hattie stared at the remains of the doors that remained on the hinges and hummed. Maybe she should've tried picking the lock first just oh well. She just hoped that blast didn't wake up ms goldie crazy locks downstairs. Still brandishing the umbrella, she crept forward towards the door and peeked inside the room once she got close enough hearing movement inside. Inside was a.....woman? A lady with long braided red hair and a face of matching freckles was sitting on her knees staring back at the little girl. Her hands in a position that made Hattie think she must've been dusting debris from the blast off of her and the two stared at each other for a moment before Hattie finally spoke.
"Who are you?"
Poppy stared at her for a moment before blinking and replying. "I could ask you the same thing. .....But to answer your question. My name is Poppy. Poppy Rose Bloomington. What's yours, little girl?"
She blinked. "Hattie." She finally lowered her umbrella a little bit and watched as Poppy struggled to her feet leaning against the wall. She certainly didn't look very threatening, and she didn't get any dangerous vibes off her. Her vibes were more like DJ Grooves only less fun. So she decided to repeat her question to her once she saw Poppy's wobbling legs. "Can you walk?"
Poppy nodded leaning against the wall, her legs felt heavy and like jello, but she HAD to get outta there. "I have no choice! We have to get the peck outta here before someone comes and does something worse than lock us inside a room." She gave another look around at the mess. "....But it looks like you can take care of yourself fine, Little witch."
Hattie smiled. "Im not a witch. I just used the magic badge thingy on my umbrella." She swayed her umbrella and followed as Poppy made her way towards the door. "But maybe I am. That could be why Snatcher used to call me a little witch. Can you be a space travelling witch?"
Poppy barely paid attention to the little girl but absolutely froze at the sight of the horrifying ruined third floor walls, and the darkness covering them all. ........This wasn- Lightning struck outside the windows and lit up the whole third floor for a minute, revealing the faded papers and words painted all over them. Wha-...What HAPPENED HEAR!? It didn't look like this when she was dragged up here a couple hours ago. There was still snow and the chilly freeze she surely remembered, but the horror tale was new.
"W-What happened here?"
Hattie bounded up next to her confused. "What are you talking about? It's always been this creepy. At least that's what Snatcher told me. He used to steal things and scare Uncle Moon with them." She gave the still frozen older lady a look over.....Did she..look familiar somehow? Nah. But that begs the question. What was she going to do now that she found her? Snatcher already told one of his helpers to take everyone to his tree house, and she didn't know any long ways around. Plus judging by Poppy's current state, she didn't think she'd be able to jump over the bridge. She'd just fall into the ravene. ........Well, it seemed like there was only one way to quickly get her out safely before she put the time piece back together was to take her back to her ship, at least until she cleaned up Snatcher's mess. Then she'll take her to Mafia town or something. Hattie grabbed the woman's hand, who flinched at her touch and started pulling her along down the hallway, but stopped when she felt Poppy stumble and almost fall over. "...Are you ok?"
Poppy Nodded. "Uh..Yeah. B-But maybe don't move so fast ok?"
Hattie nodded and eagerly began pulling her along down the wall and again Poppy began to glance around in horror around her. ....It surely wasn't this dark when she was first taken up here. How could so much change have happened within just a few hours of her knocking herself out ramming into the door? Things only got worse when the child slowly lead her down the stairs towards the second floor. Poppy vaugly remembering it as she was brought up and thrown in there, but she didn't expect there to be so many claw marks lining the walls, it was much better looking than the third floor for sure and at least with this floor there was candles lit so she could see but that still didn't calm her nerves. Who made these marks? The crazy shadow lady or something else? The creaking of their footsteps echoing throughout the halls, she hoped no one heard them-
The loud voices made Poppy jump and release herself from the child's grip as she snapped her head wide eyed towards the direction of the voices she had just heard. One sorta distorted and raspy and the other like a proper city gentlemen yelling. The child however just smiled and began bounding her way over to an open door near the front of the hallway and stuck her head in. When Hattie looked inside she saw the two ghosts stuck together already looking in her direction, Snatcher making them scowl at her. She noticed the two had somehow taken the red blanket off the bed and threw it over their shoulders while she was gone. Messing up the bed but at least having something to keep them warm in the meantime. The book opened to page '23'. Snatcher was always a fast reader.
"Hi! Yeah, it was me."
"What the absolute PECK were you doing?! Trying to set the building to the ground?!," Snatcher demanded of her. Both Moonboy and himself had noticed the loud BAM noise from somewhere above them. It sounded like a cannon was shot through the side of the building above them shaking the whole house and if it weren't for their current state, Snatcher would've immediately ran up there and seen what had happened for himself, but unfortunately he couldn't without falling flat on their face and had to wait for approaching footsteps to know she was alright. But now she might be in trouble by the ghost. "Are you TRYING to wake the crazy pecker up?! I'd rather NOT have any crazy women screaming their head off about 'her prince' until Im back to normal!...What the PECK even happened?!"
"I found a lady!"
He rose a brow. "You found a what?"
Hattie jabbed a thumb behind her at the still frozen and confused Poppy. "I found a lady locked in that room upstairs. The one with all those scary locks, she's wearing a funny apron."
Snatcher was silent for a moment processing what he had just heard. A woman was inside the locked room upstairs? Who? Moonjumper thought of a possible solution really quick. "An apron you say?" Hattie nodded. "Hm. Sounds like one of the old cleaning maids." "Heh. Vanessa would be crazy enough to lock away a cleaning lady in a room with a ton of locks. But what was that noise?"
The child held up her umbrella. "The locks wouldn't unlock. So I blasted it to bits!"
"You blasted down doors to free a cleaning lady?"
''Hey! I said everyone gets to be free! And It's not like Vanessa can sue me. She's more empty headed than those no-headed statues outside."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" That got a round of laughter from Snatcher that made Poppy flinch outside. From her spot she couldn't see anything inside the room. Not that she wanted too, but now they were smiling. "That's the truest thing you've ever said, Kid!"
"Uh huh! Also, Ill be right back! I gotta take her to my ship!"
"What? You're leaving me again?!" "Us you creton. But you're leaving after just coming back?"
"Im just gonna take her to my ship so she's not turned back into another human-ice statue. And I won't really go back myself." She waved her umbrella at them. "Ill just use this to take her back outside, and come right back! Promise."
They stared at her for a moment, before she heard Snatcher grumble and turn back around down to their book. "Make. It. VERY. QUICK!! Ok? We can't just keep delaying this, Kid. I want OUT of this thing as soon as possible!! And that means NOW!!"
"It won't take long! Promise." She turned back away from the door smiling and ran back up to Poppy. The woman blinked and looked down at the little girl that grabbed her hand and started tugging her along again. "Come on! Don't step on any glass on the floor. I still have to fix it!"
Poppy didn't say anything but she allowed herself to still be dragged away by the child. Hattie lead her around the glass pieces and down to the next flight of stairs waiting to take them to the first floor, footsteps echoing around them. Poppy blinked and couldn't help but look over to the open door as they passed, Snatcher had already turned back to the book with a sour expression and didn't see who Hattie was dragging past the door, though Poppy had see someone wrapped in a blanket and a bit of brown hair sticking out of the blanket. Blinking she turned back to the small child still dragging her away and soon they decended down the second flight of stairs.
"Who w-was that exactly?"
"Oh! That's Snatcher. He's my dad. Don't worry about him being scary, he's just a big soon-da-rey." She giggled a little bit confusing the woman a little more. She had no idea what a soon-da-rey was.
The first floor wasn't as better from the first. Still cold. Still spooky looking. Still had random claw marks everywhere and she was still looking around in fright. Was that shadow monster going to pop out any moment? Where were the guards? In fact, where was everyone? She hadn't seen a single servant, guard, or even the Queen since she was broken out. Oh she hoped they were ok, she'd hate to know what would've happened if worse case scenario. And on that note of questions, who was this child? How did she and her father get in without getting hurt? Was she a little witch? She sure seemed like it with the blast she just performed. And where was she taking her? Outside hopefully, she'd rather be outside than inside this creepy prison. She glanced down as they passed by the painting Snatcher smashed and winced, Poppy did NOT want to stick around long enough for whoever did all this to come out. SO she rather take her chances with a little witch than a crazy shadow ghost. Hattie didn't stop even as she lead Poppy past the doors which made her turn in their direction and point.
"Where are we going? The front doors are right over there."
"I know but they're blocked up by this use snow pile and there's this headless statues that are REALLY creepy and they try to grab you. And I don't think Snatcher would like it if I blasted another door. We have to go this way!" She pointed ahead of them to yet ANOTHER flight of stairs that looked like it lead into the basement.
It gave Poppy an off feeling but she still didn't stop the child from pulling her towards it with their footsteps echoing behind them until they decended into the darkness of the stairs. It was overwhelming dark for a moment, before there was a splash and her whole foot suddenly felt wet and cold. One or two candles along the wall lit up the broken down walls and to Poppy's shock, there was water EVERYWHERE on the ground, must've been at least five or six inches deep because as she still allowed her shocked self to be lead through. Her Shoes and ankles getting absolutely cold and soaked, she hoped she wouldn't get sick from the cold. The cold stung herself and she looked around, their watery footsteps echoing around the home and she shivered at a pair of chains lightly clacking against the walls from the breeze coming from yet ANOTHER pair of stairs up ahead and they could see light at the end of the tunnel. As Poppy was lead up the stairs she blinked back away from the sudden cold that blasted her face and crept through her simple dress. As they reached the top of that stairway, blinding white caused her to blink and reach her hands up away from Hattie's grip to rub at her eyes. The storm and cold winds were still blowing, and as Hattie looked around she hummed. No foot prints left by the others, so she had no idea where they went and she'd have to stick to the original 'take lady to my ship' plan, luckily the dome's top let in the moonlight and a surefire way to let them get there. She'd get back by having Snatcher teleport her or using the time piece to teleport her back there, right now she had to hurry and get back to fix said time piece.
"This way quick!" Poppy stumbled as the child regrabbed her hand and pulled her forward almost making her fall flat on her face into the snow. The cold winds made their hair blow around with the snowflakes and the cold felt worse, especially on her wet feet and legs as they trudged through the snow at the insistence of the child until they were a couple yards away from one of the icy dome walls and far from the back of the manor. Hattie seemed pleased as she turned around and smiled at Poppy. Taking the hand she was holding and forcing the umbrella she was holding into it.Poppy blinked confused at the little girl making her hold the umbrella as she lifted it up to inspect it....before looking back to her.
"Sugarcube, I don't think this little thing is gonna be enough shelter from the wind."
"It's not for the snow! It's to take you to my ship! Here" She reached up and grabbed the umbrella, fiddling with something Poppy couldn't see because of the wind whipping her hand and snowflakes around herself before she released the umbrella again. "There! Now hold on tight and point it at the moon."
"Please just do it!"
Poppy sighed and looked up towards the moon through the snow and wind. Well, if this little girl really was a witch and trying to help her, maybe this was some kind of teleporting spell? If so she wasn't complaining about escaping the cold, so holding up a shivering arm, she pointed the umbrella up towards the mo- In a flash of blue-white light, Poppy vanished. In her place, a beam of that light shot up towards the sky and Hattie nodded. The umbrella successfully connected with one of the telescopes and she would be safe abourd her ship while she fixed this mess, which is what she seemed to do best around here anyways. Quickly turning back around, she sprinted back towards the manor. She had fixing to do. Poppy meanwhile was experiencing a whole new term to sea sickness, if she was really being teleported to a ship that is. The light and speed made her slam her eyes shut and her stomach sick. She felt like her whole body was being contricted into a thing twig and her knuckles turned white from gripping the handle so hard. She wished this would STOP- And it did. With a giant thud sound she was sent crashlanding to the carpeted floor of a child's bedroom where Bow was reading, worriedly waiting for her friend to come back but jumped and dropped the book at the sudden sight of a red headed lady suddenly crashlanding in their bedroom. The landy tumbled head over feet a few times before landing face first into the mountain of pillows the umbrella landing beside her feet. A few pillows were scattered with her collison and after a couple moments of silence......The woman groaned and weakly reached over to flip her onto her back. .....OK!! That was the LAST and ONLY time she was going to let herself be teleported by a little witch. Still laying on her back she slowly blinked her eyes open and was met with the face of another child with black curly hair. The two stared at each other for a moment before Bow spoke.
"Are you ok?...Who are you?"
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