#im probably going to lean toward the latter
silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 133
Adjective: Dulcet
Noun: Bloom
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Dulcet: (often ironic) (especially of sound) sweet and soothing
Bloom: a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty; the state or period of flowering; the state or period of greatest beauty, freshness, or vigor; a youthful or healthy glow in a person's complexion; a delicate powdery surface deposit on certain fresh fruits, leaves, or stems; a grayish-white appearance on chocolate caused by cocoa butter rising to the surface; a rapid growth of microscopic algae or cyanobacteria in water, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface; a full bright sound, especially in a musical recording
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vangelini · 3 months
Boyfriend For The Night (Part 2) | Spencer Reid x Reader
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Part 1, Finale!
Summary: After a few too many drinks, Spencer takes you back to your place, and you say something you might regret when you sober up…
Tags: fluff, more pining idiots, BAU!Reader, Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Words: 2.3k (whoopsie)
“Reid is my boyfriend, for the night,” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink. It was, supposedly, just for the night, but Spencer liked the sound of that.
And, admittedly, so did you.
“Just for the night?” Morgan laughed, his bright, white smile teasing you two.
“Well, we’ll see how he does and go from there,” you joked. Reid couldn’t help but laugh a little at your comment.
“Well, I intend to impress,” he rubbed his thumb along the back of your hand, laughing under his breath while looking down at you. Penelope hit Morgan on the shoulder, drawing his attention toward Reid’s little look of love. He just laughed, turning back to his conversation with Hotch.
“Those two are so screwed.”
The night went on as one usually does. Some of the team split off into different games, dancing, or their own little conversations. You and Spencer were of the latter group.
“I can’t explain WHY The Princess Bride is my favorite movie, it just is!” You feigned defensiveness, leaning into the seat behind you, laughing. “Why don’t your profile it out of me,” you smiled at Spencer. He laughed, taking a drink of his club soda.
“Fine,” he set his drink down, turning to you. “I think…” he leaned down, leveling his eyes with yours, glancing between both of your irises. “I think it’s probably because, ever since you were a child, you’ve been escaping with fantasy,” he sat up. “It would be safest to assume you identify with Buttercup, that you long for someone close to you to come sweep you off your feet and solve all your problems,” he narrowed his eyes. You looked gently up at him. “But,” he sighed, leaning back. “Knowing you, I’d say you like Westley,” he smiled. “You grew up less wealthy and have worked your whole life to protect the people you love. It’s a movie that makes you believe there’s hope in the world,” he took a long sip of his drink.
Your jaw hung open in shock. “When did you learn so much about The Princess Bride,” you smiled, leaning your head on your hand.
“Garcia made me watch it,” he shrugged, laughing.
“Okay, fine…” You took a sip of your drink, head spinning a little. “So what’s your favorite movie, then, hm?”
He didn’t hesitate before responding, like he had clearly been wanting to talk about it. “L’age D’or,” he spoke with his hands. “It’s a-a seminal surrealist film that was actually co-written by Salvador Dali,” he smiled wide. “It used Dali’s classic absurd style and shocking imagery to critique the bourgeoisie and the Catholic Church. It, uh, was so controversial, actually, that it led to riots and bans,” he continued on about vignettes and taboos, but you just stared at him with a smile, eyes glazed over with pure adoration. Some time after he went on about Luis Buñuel’s other works, you realized you were absolutely whipped for this nerd.
You must have been off in la-la-land, because Reid got a little closer to you to get your attention. “Are you okay?” You snapped up.
“What, yeah, I’m good,” you smiled, smoothing down your slacks. “I’m gonna get another drink,” you smiled nervously, standing up a little too quickly. You stumbled a little, causing Reid to reach out and steady you with his hands. Morgan noticed.
“Hey, Pretty Girl, how many of those have you had?” He gestured to your glass.
“Probably too many,” you smiled half heartedly, realizing you were likely a little more than tipsy. You also started to notice how tightly Spencer’s hands steadied you. “It’s getting late, anyways, I’ll go call a cab,” you started to reach for your phone, but Spencer stepped in.
“Hey, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Pretty Boy is right,” Morgan added. “Someone should take you home.”
“Guys, Im an adult, I don’t need a babysitter,” you laughed, speech slightly slurred. Yeah, you were definitely drunk.
“It’s fine, I can take her home,” Spencer gave a tight-lipped smile to Morgan. He turned to you, ignoring Morgan’s small, concerned smirk. “It’s not safe to go home alone while inebriated,” he took his hands off of you, and you noticed how he flexed them a little. Interesting. You would have to analyze that in the morning, maybe when you weren’t so intoxicated. He pulled his crossbody bag over himself and grabbed your hand, leading you from the booth. “I’m still your boyfriend, for the night,” he smiled.
You couldn’t help but giggle at him.
“Okay, okay, whatever, pretty boy,” your hand tightened around his. The nickname felt different, coming from your lips, he thought. Somehow, it seemed like less of a nickname and more of an observation. He shook it off. “I don’t live far from here, we can walk,” you spoke as you both stepped out of the bar, the biting cold air hitting your skin. You wrapped your arms around Spencer’s, his biceps wrapped up nicely by his cotton sweater. You smiled, and, you couldn’t see it, but so did he.
“Sounds good,” he barely squeaked out, just content to be settling into your touch.
The walk was peaceful, passing by a river or a park, street lights illuminating the sidewalk. They cast a warm glow on the night, shining in Spencer’s eyes, glimmering as he glanced down at you stumbling by his side. The breeze was slightly shielded by Spencer’s towering figure. He relished the feeling of your grip, a sense of security he didn’t know he craved. And, for a moment, it really did feel like you two were a couple.
He helped you up the steps to you apartment. “Such a gentleman,” you joked. He laughed lowly.
“I’m trying to make sure you don’t eat concrete, but if you’d rather I didn’t-”
“I’m kidding, i’m kidding~” you slurred out, pulling out your keys. It danced around the lock a few times, since your vision was blurred, but with some help from your temporary boyfriend, the door pushed open and you were met with the warmth of your apartment. You couldn’t help but sigh, throwing yourself down on the couch. Spencer locked the door behind the two of you, watching you kick off your shoes.
“You should take your contacts out before you fall asleep,” he put his bag down. “Sleeping with them in can increase your risk of infection up to eight times,” he more than scurried over to your kitchen, filling you up a glass of water.
“Speeence, that’s so much work,” you threw a throw blanket around your arms.
“I know, sweetheart, but I don’t want you coming in to work tomorrow with dry eyes and corneal damage,” he set the glass down on the coffee table, kneeling in front of you. You were so tired, you didn’t notice the nickname. He didn’t seem to, either. “Come on, you need to take them out,” he reached for your arm, taking a hold of your wrist. His voice was gentle, laced with a genuine concern, and his touch was reverent. As you looked down to where his sturdy hands held you, you realized, for a moment, how deeply you cared for him.
He knew alcohol made your inhibitions nonexistent, but he didn’t expect you to start crying. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong,” he grabbed the side of your face, wiping a tear off your cheek. His hands were just so soft, it made you tear up more.
“I-I don’t know,” you sobbed out. You really didn’t know.
“Hey, it’s okay, drink this,” he handed you the glass of water. As you took a sip, he moved his hands to your knees, soothing small circles into them. “Why are you sad?”
You sniffled, looking down at his face. His brows knitted together, eyes beaming up into your own. You could have SWORN you saw his heart beating against his sweater. “Because I love you being my boyfriend, and I’m tired of pretending I don’t,” you were a little embarrassed, but you were drunk, so it barely mattered.
Spencer’s heart rate spiked, and a rosy tint started rising in his face. “You don’t mean that,” he soothed, voice just above a whisper.
“I do,” you looked straight into his eyes. They were glazed over in something you couldn’t describe and probably never would.
“According to research, a-about 63% of people have admitted to saying something they regret while intoxicated,” he reasoned out, holding onto your hand.
“Another study found that 54% of those confessions are things they genuinely feel, Spence,” he realized you clearly weren’t out-of-it enough to not hit him with his own statistics. He couldn’t speak, and he really couldn’t think either. His adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, eyes dancing around your face. His heart jumped up and down as an innocent desire swept through his veins.
Did you really mean that? Was he not the only one who stole small glances in the bullpen? Was he not alone in his heartbreak when watching someone else flirt with you? Surely, this was a symptom of the alcohol. Maybe-
“It’s so hot in here,” you broke the silence, breaking away from him. He swallowed hard, eyes moving hesitantly away from your face.
“I’ll uh, I’ll change your thermostat,” he stood up, moving towards the hall.
“Thank you, Spence,” you lied down, sniffling once more.
He gave up on having you take out your contacts or change your clothes. He just spread another blanket over you, shutting off the lights. He even took the liberty of setting your alarm. Before he left, he heard you mumble a small, “Good night, Spence.”
He smiled, sighing.
“Good night.”
“Hey, Pretty Girl, didn’t have too much fun last night, did you?” Morgan laughed. He couldn’t see you rolling your eyes under the sunglasses that shielded you from another migraine.
“Ha-ha,” you set your stuff down. “That’s me laughing at your funny joke.”
“Honestly, I’m shocked you didn’t show up with Boy Genius, this morning,” he crossed his arms. “Leaving together from the bar, going back to your place-“
“Derek, nothing happened,” you huffed. At least, you THOUGHT nothing happened. The events of the last twelve hours were an honest blur.
“Okay, okay, I yield,” he threw up his hands, going back to his own work. You turned to see Spencer walking in at about the same time.
He had replayed your words in his mind about a thousand times, maybe more. Did you really mean it when you said you loved having him as your boyfriend? Maybe you said that to every guy who took you home drunk. He thought going through all the possibilities would make it easier to face you, in the morning. He proved himself wrong.
You pulled off your glasses, standing up. As he sat down at his desk, you leaned over it.
“I wanted to say thank you for last night,” you spoke softly, not out of secret, but out of vulnerability.
“It’s no trouble,” he smiled. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safe,” he looked up at you, moving some files around his desk.
“I really, really appreciate it,” you spoke apologetically. “I wasn’t too much… trouble, was I?” You smiled nervously. “When i’m inebriated, my inhibitions tend to…” you trailed off, trying to find the words.
“Disappear?” He smiled, laughing a little.
“You weren’t any trouble,” he reassured you, voice steady. “Actually, it was,” he smiled. “It was nice.”
“Nice?” you laughed, feeling your headache melt away at his soft voice.
“Being able to take care of you,” he defended playfully. “I don’t usually get to do that; it’s usually the other way around,” he tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, looking up at your soft smile. “There was something I wanted to talk about, though…” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Crap, did I do something weird last night? I’m so sorry, if I did, I never-“
“No, no, nothing like that,” he laughed nervously. “You uhm…” he grabbed the back of his neck. He wanted to know if you really felt the same way he did. He wanted to know if you would hold his hand like that while sober. He wanted you. “Would you like to, maybe, get together sometime again?” He squeaked out, smiling shyly. “Maybe, this time, without the alcohol?” You smiled at his offer.
“I absolutely would, Spence,” you giggled out, tapping a nail habitually on the screen dividing your desks. He sighed a sigh of relief.
“Cool,” he pursed his lips together in a smile.
“Cool,” you mirrored him subconsciously.
Maybe it wasn’t just for the night.
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alexa-fika · 8 months
New Portraits ( Mihawk x male!winged!child x Crocodile)
A/N: Kind of a request but not really? Mixed from these two comments/asks from @imaginarydreams and @spiderman-er the latter which came from Minawk’s opla actor and his daughter reacting to the Crossguild poster in https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8pcqLww/ yall din’t think this was coming did you XD, I DID NOT BRUSH IT OFF SPIDER, DIN’t FORGET IMAGINARY, I WAS JUST COOKING. And also part 2 to New beginnings which was an ask of @🐼 💕, just realized I got the wrong pronouns in the first one, fixed it in this one and will go back to fix the other one shortly!
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Dividers by @/saradika
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Reader looked around the offices, still exploring the headquarters and their new home
He was more or less used to the place, his father’s new coworkers, if one could call the second one a co-worker.
He had seen Crocodile a few times; the man seemed scary, but after being raised by someone like Mihawk, Crocodile was not that big of a personality shock, and his father seemed to hold the man with respect with was no easy feat, so he often approached the former-warlord much to his chagrin.
However, with the passing days, he had become more used to the boy’s interactions and growing a soft spot for the winged boy.
As Reader continued exploring, he spotted a poster with some familiar faces on it; he gently picked the paper up, tilting his head, confused until a smile grew on his face as he took off running towards where he knew his father probably found himself at occasionally flapping his wings to fasten his pace.
“Papa! Uncle Crocodile!”
Both former warlords turn to face the child running over to them; Crocodile with a frown while Mihawk with just welcomes him with a raised brow at his sudden entrance.
"Hm?" Mihawk said, his expression softening at the sight of his child.
He climbs the sofa they both sat in with a small flap of their wings
“Look!Look!” He says, waving the poster
“Hm? What is it?” Crocodile asked, leaning back on the sofa.
Mihawk raises a brow once again, leaning forward with his interest piqued by what this sudden outburst might be about.
“Papa and Uncle Crocodile are in it!” He said cheerily
"Let me see that," Mihawk said curiously, leaning over to take a glimpse at what the child was talking about, his eyes scanning the Poster for a few seconds.
“Crocodile…It seems the clown decided to assign himself as our boss,” he said, handing the Crossguild poster to Crocodile
"Oh?" Crocodile growled; he quickly snatched the paper up, frowning as he promptly went over the contents of the paper.
He did not look too pleased…
“That useless clown, im going to skin him alive,” he growls, putting the poster down and shooting up from the Sofa, glancing back at Mihawk,
“I will bring the idiot here; it seems we need to set some things straight,” he said, leaving the room stopping before he left
“Thank you for showing us the poster Reader.” He grunts as he leaves the room leaving a confused Reader behind
Mihawk sighs, grabbing the poster and beckoning the child closer
The child switches his glance from the door Crocodile had just stomped out of to his dad, smiling and fluttering into his lap
Mihawk chuckles softly, gently embracing the child in his arms as the child rests in his arms, his head leaning against the swordsman's chest.
“Who’s this?” he said, pointing at the Sand-Man
“It’s a Crocodile!”
Mihawk chuckled, giving the child a slight tap on his head with his finger.
“Yeah, and who’s that?” he said, pointing at the blue-haired man at the center of the poster
“The clown!”
“And who’s that?” he said, pointing to the last figure on the poster
“It’s Dada!”
He chuckles slightly at his son’s enthusiasm at being able to identify him successfully
He ruffled the child’s hair.
Both their heads turn toward the door at the sound of Crocodile walking in, in one hand, he held the body of Buggy, which he threw in front of the sofa, and in his other hand, he held the head of said man, as he cried and plead for them to spare him
Mihawk’s eyebrow lifted, and he slowly sat up, carefully placing the child on the ground; his face now held an irked expression
“Reader, could you wait in your room? We have some matters to attend to.”
The boy nodded slowly exiting the room with haste
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Something about these two men, or grumpy men interacting with a child in general just makes me burst 🥹 Also kinda of sudden ending there but it just made the most sense to me
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pestorik · 3 months
hi!! i love ur twst adventure time au sm... do u have any more lilia thoughts? is he still silver's dad or is silver more of a "raised by the castle" type of situation? also side note i love that he lives in the basement of the castle that's hilarious 10/10
lilia is definitely silver's dad, it's possible he even knew silver's bio parents? im not fully certain on silver's lore yet, so im not sure if this will fit into it. especially since silver is not supposed to know anything about his past it doesnt really make sense. silver did grow up in the castle tho, so pretty much everyone had a hand in raising him but lilia was official parent. malleus also was a big part of his life.
he is still the oldest character, having existed when humans were still alive. not sure yet if he was human at one point, or if he has always been a vampire. im leaning more towards the latter. he will probably be one of those characters whose past we only learn certain pieces of, but there will always be unanswered questions bc he's meant to be a mystery.
doesnt have most of marcelines shape-shifting abilities bc he's not half demon but he can turn into a small bat. obviously can't go out in the sun which is why he lives in the castle basement, the kingdom has underground tunnels he can use that go all over Ooo.
likes to scope out old abandoned tech stores to see if he can find any pre-war video games
big mallekei shipper. it's unclear if it's bc he actually wants them to be together or if he just wants to see malleus dating. however he is one of the only ppl who knows the true details of cater and treys breakup.
i kind of want to give a him a pet demon cat.
loves to go traveling just like canon. he often goes between dimensions to visit friends. owns a lot of artifacts from all over Ooo, trades with cater a lot. his favorite is a wooden trunk with intricate carvings called "the chest of 1000 curses".
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potol0ver · 9 months
Could u write something for Erik with a thouchy/cuddly reader? (Gn/male pls)
The reader just unconsciously touches him a lot, and consciously! Lots of love to give 😊
Yessss- I’m making this male reader because there isn’t enough for yall
Tags;short fic, male reader, you’re shorter than Erik (idc how tall you are you’re getting baby girl treatment/loving), shy Erik, touchy reader, ending is meant to be loving and not suggestive but it can be read suggestively.
Edit; I have a second fluff male fic with Erik somewhere in my POTO library, and please don’t hesitate to ask strictly for male reader from me <3
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In the beginning of you and Erik relationship, understandably both of you were nervous. Over time both of you found ways to show off your love for each other in comfortable ways, like Erik writing music specifically for you or maybe even helping you find your singing voice. Erik’s love language towards you have always been acts of service and gift giving. You on the other hand, was physical affection.
Not wanting to accidentally push away your boyfriend you started with small touches on his arm while he talks. Which no matter how small the touch he’d always gasp or his breath would hitch. Once Erik seemed comfortable with you touching him more you started showing how touchy you were. The previously cautious touches are now mindless lingering touches whenever you were near, which always made his mind spin.
Erik never minded this, especially from you, but now Erik has found himself with his loving boyfriend practically bear hugging his arm while he explains his new opera. Of course like always he’s caught off guard but the moment he sees your face filled with the adoration, he swears he could feel his heart melt.
“A-and then, the antagonist would…” Erik trails off being absorbed by you. “…mon amour, do you really like touching me so much?”
Surprised by that question you realize how close you are to him and quickly back up a little. “Oh well yes, im sorry I didn’t realize how close I was getting to you. You’re probably uncomfortable with it huh?” You ask with a nervous smile, which quickly gets dismissed when you feel Erik’s hand on your waist pulling you back into his figure.
“No… it is new, but I’d never say no to my dashing boyfriend being touchy with me…” Erik flustering says with a light blush on his face holding you close. With a slightly shaky hand, he cradles your face and looks longingly down at you. “In fact… I quite adore it actually.”
Hearing those words you gleefully smile up at him. “Then… would you be interested in me adoring you tonight?”
“A-adoring me?” Erik responds with wide intrigued eyes.
“Yes, like cuddling with you and me gently playing with your hand… or maybe even you resting your head in my lap as I trace your features?” Suggesting the latter cautiously you wait for his response.
“I’d… I’d like that mon amour, I trust you.” Erik says with a slightly shaking tone, excited yet nervous about how you’d show affection to him tonight.
Gently, you lean up and kiss Erik softly yet the kiss was filled with love, trying to reassure him. “Thank you dear, let me go show you how much I love you.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 21
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 20
part 22
warning: spicy content
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @nenggie @wicked-binch @jamayah
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ��️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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Kurapika folded one of his shirts, placing it in the suitcase (Name) was letting him borrow. Leorio groaned, collapsing on Kurapika’s bed. “Ugh, you’re so slow.”
The blonde raised an eyebrow at him, moving onto the next item of clothing. “You don’t have to stay in here, you know.”
“But I do, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you make good fashion decisions?”
Kurapika scoffed. “I make good fashion decisions.”
“Not from what Killua told me. He said you tried to show up to the club in khakis and a polo shirt.”
Kurapika blushed, continuing to hold a pair of pants. “I wasn’t sure what was appropriate clubbing clothing.”
Leorio nodded. “See, that’s why I’m here to help. Out of the kindness of my own heart of course.”
“Uh huh.”
Kurapika couldn’t help the small smile creeping onto his face. Him and Leorio hadn’t gotten to hang out alone much the entire time he’d been there, so it was nice to talk with him. Even if he was being annoying.
Kurapika stretched, walking away from the suitcase to grab more things to pack. While his back was turned, Leorio scooted forward, opening it up and looking through.
Kurapika turned back just in time to see Leorio’s eyes widened. “Are these…”
He held up the pair of (Name)’s panties Kurapika stole a week ago.
“These are (Name)’s panties.”
The blonde was mortified, face gone red and mouth dropping open in horror. He snatched them away from Leorio’s hands, stuttering out a response.
“H-how did those get there? They must of gotten mixed up with my clothes, how strange!”
He laughed awkwardly, stopping when Leorio placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, man, I’m not judging. But, man to man, you probably shouldn’t bring those. (Name) tends to go through peoples suitcases to wash their clothes for them. She means well, but I’ve learned not to bring any… personal items of the sexual nature on trips with her. Not after she found my vibrator last time.”
“I didn’t need to know that last part.”
Leorio sighed. “The point is, you shouldn’t bring them with you. It’s a sure way to get you caught.”
Kurapika pocketed the pair, causing his friend to raise an eyebrow. “… I won’t.”
Leorio leaned against the bed, looking up at the ceiling. “So… is (Name) the name you were moaning at the beach house.”
“Get out of my room.”
(Name) pulled her suitcase towards the door, opening it before placing it in the back of the mom van.
“Did everyone get everything on their lists?” she asked once she was back inside. Killua groaned from his spot on the couch, lazily flipping through Netflix for something to watch.
“Yes, how many times are you going to ask us that?”
Kurapika and Leorio walked out, the latter carrying Kurapika’s suitcase to the van as the blonde plopped down on the couch beside Gon.
“I’ll keep asking until you actually double check. I’m going through yours and Gon’s bags in 15 minutes, so just hope I don’t find anything missing.”
With those words, the two boys glanced at each other before rushing into their shared room to check they had indeed packed everything.
“Wow, that was quick, I think you scared the smirk right off his face, (Name).”
She playfully smacked his arm, laughing. “Oh stop. They’ll thank me later when they aren’t missing their toothbrushes or socks.”
Kurapika smiled, crossing his legs as she continued getting things ready. ‘She’s being more casual with me. That’s good…’
15 minutes later, (Name) walked into the boys room, ready to inspect their bags. “Okay, it’s time.”
They watched with baited breaths as she opened their bags, going down the list. “Hmm, Killua, you get a pass.”
Killua let out a sigh, grabbing his bag as (Name) moved onto Gon’s. Gon peeked over her shoulder as she went down the list, making her shoo him away.
“Alright, you pass too, but what the hell is in here? There’s crumbs everywhere…”
“It’s goldfish crackers from the last time we went somewhere.”
“Last time? You mean when we went to the beach? That was neatly a month ago! Gon…”
He rubbed the back of his sheepishly. “Sorry, (Name).”
She shook out the crumbs and swept it up, patting him on the back. “It’s alright. Now go pack this up.”
Leorio peeked his head into the room. “Are you two ready? Everyone’s already loaded up in the mom van!”
(Name) sighed. She thought about getting a rental, but seeing the devastation Killua and Gon left her living room in made her second guess that.
After an argument on how everyone should be seated, the arrangement went as so:
Leorio was driving. Kurapika had major road rage, (Name) was too nervous driving over long distances, and the other two didn’t have licenses, leaving Leorio.
Gon sat in the passenger seat, due to having severe motion sickness. Killua and Kurapika were satisfied after (Name) took the middle seat. They had both argued on who would get to sit next to her, so she sat in the middle despite it being the least comfortable spot.
“Alright, everyone buckled up?”
“… no.”
He buckled up, sighing after (Name) squeezed his cheek. “There, now we’re ready.”
Leorio pulled out of the driveway, grinning. “Then let’s get going!”
The first 20 minutes were spent in silence, Kurapika and Killua looking out the windows. Gon was watching a movie on (Name)’s phone as she read a book.
(Name) looked up when Killua pulled on her sleeve. “Yes, Killua?”
“I’m bored.”
(Name) bit her lip, trying not to laugh. “Hi bored I’m Mom.”
“Sorry, sorry. Here.”
She handed Killua her tablet, the boy grinning. “Oh shit fruit ninja!”
(Name) giggled as Killua pulled her headphones on, playing fruit ninja and listening to music. She glanced to her other side, seeing Kurapika looking at her.
He looked away, his cheeks pink from being caught. “You bored too, Kurapika?”
The blonde glanced back at her, giving her a sheepish smile. “A little.”
She held up her book, grinning. “You can read with me, if you’d like.”
(Name) scooted closer to him, her shoulder bumping against his as she held it up closer. “Ah, I’ve read this one before.”
“Really? Is it alright if we pick up from where I left off?”
“Of course, (Name). It’s your book.”
Kurapika said this, but wasn’t able to concentrate on reading with her so close to him. ‘She smells so nice…’
He leaned closer, eyes scanning over the text. ‘Oh, wait, doesn’t that sex scene come up s-‘
He glanced down to see (Name) realizing the same thing, her face heating up. “Why are you fidgeting, (Name)?”
Her breath hitched, eyes darting to the next page before she closed the book. “Well… if what I’m picking up on is true, then the next scene will be…”
She cleared her throat, looking away from the blonde. “Smutty.”
Feeling unusually confident, he raised an eyebrow. “So?”
She looked up at him, positively flustered. “S-so? It’s…”
“(Name), I know what sex is. We’re both adults, turn the page.”
He found himself enjoying how flustered she was, reading along with her.
“Fuck, just like that, your tongue feels so good~” Fern said, arching her back. The man laughed, his tooth brushing against her clit.
“Just wait until I’m inside of you, princess, then you’ll be screaming my name all night.”
Kurapika’s face was a bright shade of red, (Name) not doing much better. They glanced at each other before (Name) closed the book. “Why don’t we just… chat instead?”
“That’s sounds like a good idea.”
They kept each other entertained with idle chat for a good while before Leorio pulled into the parking lot if a restaurant. “Alright boys, and girl, it’s time to eat!”
Killua and Kurapika slot out of their seats, leaving (Name) to climb out by herself.
“Ouch!” (Name) gasped out when she felt something cut her thigh. The boys paused, Killua and Kurapika rushing over.
“(Name), what happened?”
She was lifting up her her skirt, Kurapika’s eyes going wide when he saw blood. For some reason, the sight of her blood made his stomach churn. He already disliked the sight of blood, but seeing hers was so much worse.
“Leorio, (Name) is hurt. Bandage her up, and I’ll try to see what caused it.”
“Rodger that!”
Kurapika kneeled down, looking in the backseat. “There it is.”
A spring was jutting out of the middle seat, the end jagged and covered in blood. Kurapika seethed, wanting to rip the spring out and crush it.
‘Calm down, you can’t kill a spring. Just…’
(Name) whimpered as Leorio sprayed her leg with an antibacterial spray, putting a bandaid on it after. Kurapika rushed to her side, looking her over. “Are you alright? Does it hurt? Do we need to go to a hospital?”
“Kurapika I’m fine, it’s just a scratch.”
(Name) patted his cheek, the blondes cheeks puffing out a little. “Scratches can get infected you know.”
Leorio held his hands in his head. “I do know. Did you find out what happened?”
Kurapika nodded. “It was a loose spring. The end cut her when she was climbing out of the backseat.”
“Shit, a spring?” Leorio grabbed (Name)’s shoulders, shaking her lightly. “Do you have your Tetanus shot?”
(Name) laughed. “Yes, I do! You two worry too much.”
They both pouted.
“Hey, are we gonna go eat or not? I don’t want Gon chewing on the- HEY PUT THAT DOWN!”
Killua smacked a rock out of Gon’s hand. “No! You can’t eat rocks!”
(Name) leaned against Kurapika’s shoulder, holding a hand to her forehead. “Oh dear, I fear I may have lost too much blood. Goodbye, my friend.”
She stuck her tongue out, closing her eyes. He rolled his eyes and turned, sweeping her off her feet. “Is that so? I guess I’ll need to carry you so you don’t fall.”
(Name) blinked, realizing her joke backfired. “Wait, no, I’m too heavy-“
He readjusted her, giving (Name) a stern look. “Didn’t I tell you before that you were light as a feather? I think the blood loss really has made you delirious.”
“Kurapika Kurta, if you don’t-“
He laughed, setting her down on her feet. “I’m kidding. But…”
He interlocked his fingers with hers, squeezing gently. “It would put my mind at ease if you stayed by my side.”
She looked down so he couldn’t see how flustered she was. “Okay Pika, I will…”
As the four take their seats, Leorio brings up a very good question. “So… what are we going to do about seating arrangements?”
(Name) held up her hands, trying to look unfazed. “I can just put a towel or something over the spring and sit th-“
Kurapika shook his head, squeezing her hand. “No, (Name), I won’t let you sit on something that could hurt you.”
“I second that. Let’s tape Kurapika to the top of the van.”
(Name) groaned, holding her head in her hands. “Killua, we’re not-“
“Wait, I want to be taped to the top of the car!” Gon said, standing up.
“No, Gon, no was is getting taped to the mom van. Especially not either of my babies.”
Kurapika hummed. “Why don’t we just remove the spring?”
Leorio was quick to shoot that down. “Nah, it’s better if we wait for a professional to fix it. I don’t want to fuck up (Name)’s van.”
(Name) sighed in relief. ‘Finally, the only sane person in this group.’
“I have an idea!”
(Name) sighed, seeing Gon raising his hand. He looked so excited that she couldn’t say no. “Go ahead.”
“Why don’t one of us just sit in another persons lap?”
The table went quiet, some intrigued, some flustered. “That doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea. The only question is who is sitting in who’s lap.”
(Name) tilted her head. “Well it makes sense that one of the two kiddos will sit in my lap, considering…”
Kurapika tilted his head. “Considering what?”
Leorio pinched the blondes arm before speaking. “Well no offense (Name), you’re the weakest out of the group, so it makes more sense for you to sit in someone else’s lap, not the other way around.”
She seemed to shrink into herself, becoming uncomfortable with how the conversation was going. “Ah… well the only person I’d feel comfortable holding me is driving, so…”
Kurapika blinked, his grip on her hand loosening. “…”
“Why can’t you just sit in my lap?” Gon asked, flexing his arm. “I’m strong!”
She sighed, ruffling his hair. “I know, bud, but I don’t wanna sit in a kids lap. You’re tiny.”
“But I’m taller than y-“
He pouted, leaving Kurapika to clear his throat. “There are… other options…”
(Name) winced, scooting away from him. “Yeah, I can just call for someone to come pick me up.”
The blonde blinked at her. “… I meant you could sit in my lap.”
She made a distressed noise, the blonde unsure what he should do. “If it’s about you being too heavy, you’re not! I can pick you up just f-“
“It’s different when I have to sit in your lap for hours! Ugh!”
She slid out of the booth and stormed off towards the woman’s restroom, leaving Kurapika dumbfounded.
Leorio folded his arms over his chest, giving Kurapika a mean side eye. “Your actions have consequences, Kurapika. Think about just why you weren’t considered an option that she was comfortable with.”
He stared down at his hands, feeling regret start to bubble up in his chest. ‘Did I… did I really make her think… like that?’
(Name) used a paper towel to dab at her tears, trying not to ruin her makeup. ‘Stupid Kurapika… stupid Leorio… stupid spring.’
She touched up her makeup, sniffling slightly. When she was done, she stepped back, taking in her full body reflection.
(Name) wasn’t thin, she knew that, but it was easy to forget when she was surrounded by people that saw her as more than what her body looked like. Usually, when she felt insecure she was able to push it away with the knowledge that she was loved and her friends thought she was beautiful.
“You disgust me.”
(Name) winced at the memory of Kurapika’s words. Ever since he’d said that, old insecurities from high school began bubbling up to the surface. It had been two years, but now that he was back, she couldn’t stop thinking about his words that day every time he looked at her.
When he called Dracule disgusting, she winced. Did he consider her to be in the same category as him, an evil flesh collector that cheated on his wife?
‘How does he view me?’
She squeezed her chubby cheeks, looking down at her wide hips and pudgy tummy. ‘I doubt he likes this. He’s always surrounded by beautiful women, there’s no way he’s attracted to me.’
(Name) felt tears welling up in her eyes again. She was quick to dab them away, putting her makeup back in her purse.
She loved him even when he came back into her life, covered in blood, underweight, and looking an absolute mess.
‘I guess I’m just not good enough to love, despite my appearance…’
(Name) picked up her purse, taking a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom.
‘I’ll just contact Illumi or Chrollo and have them pick me up and-“
She gasped when she felt herself being lifted up and thrown over someone’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Ahh! Stranger danger!”
“Shh, it’s me.”
(Name) paused her kicking and screaming to look down, seeing a familiar blue tabard. “K-Kurapika Kurta, put me down this instant!”
“Not until you agree to come with us. We won’t be leaving without you.”
She blinked, feeling his grip tighten on her thigh. He approached the table the group was sitting at. “Order our drinks and text me when our food gets here. I’m going to have a little chat with (Name).”
Killua huffed. “Be gentle with my mom. If you’re going to feel her up at least ask her out f-“
Leorio covered the boys mouth. “Go ahead.”
Kurapika walked around the parking lot with (Name) over his shoulder, letting her struggle and throw a tantrum. “Are you done?”
She nodded, slumped over his shoulder. “… yeah…”
He stood still by a tree, eyes half lidded as he leaned his head against her hip. “I don’t mind you sitting in my lap, (Name). It’s really no trouble at all.”
She held onto the back of his tabard, eyes squeezed shut.
“You disgust me.”
She groaned, holding her hands over her ears. She couldn’t get his words out of her head, feeling her stomach twist into knots. “But…”
Kurapika’s thumb rubbed circles into her thighs absentmindedly as he lost himself in thought. It was hard for him to imagine her disliking herself.
To Kurapika, (Name) was perfection. Every part of her was something he adored. Her cute chubby cheeks, wide swaying hips, and pudgy tummy that he loved to rest his head against where all things he loved.
“Your actions have consequences.”
He didn’t want to think about he had caused her to act this way. During the Hunter Exam she gave out affection and trusted him so easily, and now she was too scared to sit in his lap.
He wanted to know exactly what he said to her so he could try and undo it, but at the same time he wondered if he should just let it be. After all, he wasn’t sure just how long he would be sticking around. What if he needed to leave one day? He didn’t want to hurt her all over again.
But… he also couldn’t stand that look on her face when he said she wasn’t too heavy. ‘She didn’t believe a word I said.’
Kurapika wanted to be hurt, but… he couldn’t be. How could he be, when he was the reason she felt this way? He’d caused her to not trust his words anymore.
As Kurapika’s mind raced, (Name) went still.
She sighed, looking down in defeat. “Fine. I’ll… I’ll go with you.”
Kurapika continued to hold her for a minute, lost in thought. She still sounded hesitant, and he didn’t know how to reassure her that he didn’t mind. Kurapika knew it was his fault, but he didn’t know how to fix it.
Or what exactly he said to make her feel this way in the first place.
“Let’s go back in.”
He set her down on her feet, keeping her steady as she got used to standing again.
After a quick lunch, one that (Name) barely ate, the group headed back into the parking lot.
(Name) waited on Kurapika’s side as he slid in, the man getting situated before he patted his lap. “I’m ready.”
She stood for a moment, glancing between Leorio and Kurapika before she steeled herself. “Okay, I’m coming.”
(Name) entered the van, turning around and hovering over Kurapika’s lap before she finally sat down. He held himself back from grunting, not wanting her to think he was uncomfortable or disliked her being in his lap.
No, in fact he liked it a bit too much. Though, the blonde would prefer there being no clothing between them.
“Is everything alright?”
(Name) looked back, the hint of tears beading in the corners of her eyes making the blondes over protectiveness kick into overdrive. He nodded, unable to speak. If he did, it would be low and breathy, desire underlining every word.
Leorio glanced at the two, frowning. ‘This can’t be comfortable for either of them.’
He knew about (Name)’s insecurities, being the one that built her up and made her feel better on many bad nights. He also knew about Kurapika’s lust for the girl, and as a man he knew what could happen in a situation like this.
“Let’s get going. We should get to the hotel right at nightfall.”
For the first 30 minutes, Kurapika was able to keep his cool. It wasn’t easy, considering his crush was sitting in his lap, pressing against his crotch and he could smell her sweet perfume, but he was managing.
The road was smooth, (Name) was still, so there was no friction. As long as things stayed the way they were, everything would be okay.
But just the feeling of her soft ass in his lap, her warmth radiating against him was enough to have the blonde gripping the seat
Kurapika glanced up to see (Name) glancing back at him, face still warm. “Everything okay back there?”
He was already going crazy over the fact (Name) used the nickname again, and she so cute looking back at him like that.
His mind immediately went south, imagining himself holding onto her plush hips as she bounced on his cock, the sound of her whimpers and whines as he fucked into her pretty cunt music to his ears.
Kurapika bit his lip to keep himself from getting hard. He took a moment before answering as calmly as he possibly could.
“Yes, everything is fine. You alright, (Name)?”
She gave him a quick nod before looking forward again. Kurapika let out a sigh, feeling himself relax again.
He remembered what Leorio told him when they were riding the bus to the Zoldyck estate all those years ago, holding (Name) in his lap so she wouldn’t fall.
“Trust me Kurapika, you can’t handle all this.”
‘Fuck, he wasn’t wrong.’
Kurapika’s eyes were that pretty shade of scarlet that only appeared when he was around (Name). All he wanted was to have her near him, and now she was right there with him.
It was all he could ask for, really. Although it was a bit anxiety inducing, he didn’t hate it. He just wished he was inside of her instead.
‘Damn it, stop thinking of that!’
About an hour into the ride, the road got incredibly bumpy. (Name) was trying her best to remain still, but it was getting increasingly harder as the road worsened.
Kurapika gasped out when he felt her hips rose and fall, the feeling of her legs spreading slightly to help her keep balance made his dick twitch.
“Sorry, but…”
(Name) glanced back at him before scooting back a little. She grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her waist, not able to look him in the eye. “Please hold onto me, I don’t wanna bounce too much…”
The blonde’s face turn a dark shade of red as his hands rested on (Name)’s tummy, pulling her closer until his face was buried in his back.
‘Pervert.’ Killua thought before turning back to his movie. ‘If he’s gonna feel up my mom, he could at least tell her how he feels first.’
(Name) sighed in relief when Kurapika’s arm kept her still. She glanced down at his slender, pale fingers gently holding onto her soft tummy, biting her lip.
‘I wish he would touch me… god I bet they would feel great inside m-‘
(Name)’s face burned hot, the girl squirming in her seat when that thought crossed her mind. She tried not to have those thoughts, even if he was extremely attractive and she’d loved him for years, it still felt… dirty. He didn’t like her that way, so she tried her best to keep her sexual feelings at bay.
But it was hard when he was nuzzling against her back, holding her so gently.
“P-please stay still.” Kurapika whimpered out, his hands moving from her tummy to her thighs to keep her still.
“Oh, sorry Pika!”
His breath hitched, accidentally squeezing her thighs a bit too hard to try and keep himself from popping a boner. “P-Pika, owie!”
He blinked, quickly retracting his hands. “Sorry, (Name). I didn’t mean…”
She huffed, grabbing his hands and placing them back on her waist. “It’s okay.”
Kurapika was having the time of his life. (Name), the woman he was crushing on was so close to him he could smell her strawberry scented perfume. Never in his wildest fantasies could he have imagined this scenario, his hands gripping the soft flesh of her tummy while her ass was planted firmly in his lap, pushing against his crotch.
“You… you smell good.”
It’s all he was able to say, his face burning against het back. He was sure she’d be able to feel the heat radiating off of him, at least a little.
“Oh, um… thanks.”
She began to wiggle around in embarrassment before Kurapika’s hands moved to her hips this time, giving them a harsher squeeze. “I said stay still.”
His voice is was stern this time, the feeling of his warm breath against her neck making her shiver. Even when she stops, his hands gripped her hips with such an intensity she was afraid he’ll leave her bruised.
After a few moments, he moved his hands back to her waist so she wouldn’t move again.
And when he had his hands on her body, and her butt in his lap, it was hard to complain about her wiggling around. He would have loved it if circumstances were different.
But for now, Kurapika gently ran soothing circles into her tummy with his thumb to apologize for being so rough with her, unknowingly causing the girl to grow more pent up.
Kurapika almost complained when their car came to a stop at their hotel, wanting to whine about (Name)’s warmth leaving him as Leorio helped her out of the car.
Her legs were a little wobbly from Kurapika’s touching, causing her to lean against Leorio. “Hey, you alright?”
“Y-yeah, just tired.”
Kurapika wasn’t doing much better, the blonde stumbling a bit as he left the car, catching himself before (Name) could see him. He didn’t want her to think it was because she was too heavy, no, he was stumbling because he was so fucking horny.
The group reserved a single hotel room with multiple beds, three in total. It had already been decided that the four boys would pair up and share beds, leaving (Name) in the last bed all to herself.
She’d attempted to tell them it wasn’t fair, but she was the only girl after all, and wasn’t exactly itching to have one of the more rowdy boys share her bed. She shared a bed with Leorio for months, she knew what it was like to sleep next to someone who was fluent in sleep karate.
“Just be glad you won’t be sleeping next to either of those two perverts.” Killua said, pointing to Kurapika and Leorio.
(Name) gasped, pinching her son’s cheek before walking over to Kurapika and giving him a hug. “Hey, don’t say that about Kurapika! He would never perv on me!”
Kurapika was struggling to process anything when she was full on hugging him for the first time since York New, her head leaning against his chest. “Hey, he said that about me too…” Leorio said, pouting.
She cupped Kurapika’s cheek, squeezing gently. “He’s a sweet guy, really. Right Kurapika?”
‘Wow she smells so nice. God I’m so horny.’
She face one last pat to his cheek before turning. “I’m gonna order room service, you two can handle the unpacking, right?”
Kurapika nodded, face red as she gave him that pretty smile. “Thanks boys!”
Gon and Killua followed behind her, the latter looking back at Kurapika and grimacing. ‘Ew.’
Kurapika dropped to his knees when (Name) was out of sight, panting slightly. “Leorio, you’ll have to restrain me, I can’t take it.”
“I don’t think tying you up will help your situation at all. It any even make it worse.” Leorio replied, pulling out (Name)’s suitcase.
“Just to make sure… you didn’t bring her… you know what right?”
Kurapika avoided eye contact.
“Kurapika. You didn’t.”
“No, no I don’t think I will.”
Kurapika frowned, opening his satchel to reveal the pair of panties. “She… she wouldn’t look in my satchel.”
“You are underestimating her need to be useful.”
The blonde huffed, closing his satchel. “Whatever, let’s just get this all inside.”
(Name) plopped down onto her bed, playing with her hair. ‘He was blushing a lot. Kurapika really is shy around girls.’
“You can have the first shower, (Name). We’ll wait for room service to get here.” Killua said, jumping onto his and Kurapika’s shared bed.
‘That combination is the worst that could have been.’ (Name) thought, thinking back to how they decided who slept with who.
“Okay, okay, if it makes you feel better about getting your own bed, we’ll play rock paper scissors on who sleeps with who.”
“That doesn’t help at all, it’s till unfair because I get a bed to mys-“
She opened up her suitcase after Leorio and Kurapika brought it in, glancing at them all before pulling out a pair of panties and hiding them among her pajamas.
“Okay, I’m taking a shower! I’ll be back out in a second. Please…”
She looked back, sighing. “Don’t kill each other.”
She closed the door behind her, sighing as she entered the warm water. The phantom touches of Kurapika’s hands on her hips and waist lingered, making her shiver.
She slid her hand down her body, stopping right above her pussy. ‘Should I? I mean…’
She glanced at the door, her face heating up. ‘It’s… it’s just to relieve myself! It’s been a long and hard day.’
Kurapika laid on his bed, head buried in his pillow as he thought about the day. For him, it had been great! He got to chat with his friends, hold (Name) in his lap, and imagine fucking into her-
He groaned into his pillow, causing Killua to glance down at him. “What are you whining about, blondie? Miss your girlfriend?”
Kurapika bolted up face red. “Shut up!”
“Girlfriend? (Name) and Kurapika are dating?” Gon asked, face turning pink.
“No, he’s just crushing on her crazy bad.”
Gon laughed. “Oh really?”
‘Why am I the last one to find out?’ Leorio thought, his face also turning pink. ‘I mean I knew he wanted to fuck her, but… he likes her? Really?’
Kurapika threw a pillow at Killua. “Stop telling people my business Killua!”
“Hey it’s my business too! She’s my mom!”
“Yeah, okay mommas boy.”
“Oh you wish you could call her mommy-“
(Name) stepped out of the bathroom, yawning. “Hmm? What are you two fighting about this time?”
“Nothing.” They answered in unison. Gon and Leorio exchanged a look before getting up.
“Geez room service is taking forever. Let’s go check on it Gon!”
“Good idea Leorio. Hey, Killua, come on!”
Gon pulled the kicking and screaming Killua out of the door, leaving Kurapika and (Name) alone.
She tilted her head, looking to the blonde. “They must be hungry, they were in a big hurry.”
Kurapika glared at the three through the window, Gon and Leorio giving him a thumbs up before retreating.
“Yeah, I’m sure they are.”
The blonde blinked when (Name) plopped down beside him, now in a pair of lounge shorts and a tanktop. “Man I’m hungry too, and tired.”
She laid back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. “Today was… rough.”
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, cheeks still pink from Killua’s teasing. “How so?”
He winced when her face dropped, her arms immediately moving to cover herself when she saw he was looking at her. “… it’s hard to talk about.”
Kurapika laid back on the bed with her, also looking up at the ceiling. “You don’t have to if it’s too uncomfortable.”
She turned to look at him then, eyes half lidded. “Can I ask you something, Pika?”
He turned too, making eye contact with her big, sad (e/c) eyes. “Yes, of course.”
It took her a bit to find the courage to speak, Kurapika’s heart breaking when her voice came out quiet and strained.
“Do you… do you still think I’m disgusting?”
When his eyes turned red, she flinched, joking her hands in front of her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
He grabbed her hands, gently pulling them closer until they cupped both of his cheeks. Kurapika didn’t say anything, hoping that his actions would be enough. He held her hands over his cheeks, staring at her with those soft red eyes.
His eyes fluttered closed, enjoying her touch as she stood still, not knowing what to do. “Kurapika? Please… I just want an answer.”
“… you’re…”
The door opened, causing him to jump and roll off the bed, hitting his head against the nightstand. “Kurapika!”
“Ah shit I think they were making out or something. Should we come back later?” Killua said, holding a tray of their food.
Kurapika pouted as (Name)’s palm hovered over his forehead, healing the gash. “There, it’s healed.”
She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his healed forehead. “And a kiss to make it all better.”
(Name) stood up before she could see his jaw drop open, face going red again. Leorio patted his head before helping him off the floor. “Let’s eat.”
After dinner, (Name) laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Although she didn’t receive an answer like she wanted, she still felt a little better. Kurapika had allowed her to touch and kiss him, something that a person disgusted by another wouldn’t do.
‘I still want a confirmation…’ she thought, turning so she was lying on her side, facing Killua and Kurapika’s bed. The two were already fast asleep, Killua’s foot planted on Kurapika’s back, slowly pushing him off the bed.
‘I knew that would happen.’
(Name) laughed to herself, snuggling into her comforter before following behind them.
(Name) was the first to wake up, stretching with a yawn as the sun beamed in through the window. She could hear the sound of the bed next to her creaking, spotting a head of blonde hair rising.
She held back a giggle, seeing how messy his bed head was. “Good morning, Pika.”
He rubbed his eye, giving her a sleepy smile. “Good morning, (Name). Did you sleep well?”
She nodded, yawning. “Yeah, we’ll enough, you?”
He pushed himself out of his bed, plopping down onto hers. “As good as a man being tormented by the spawn of satan can. So… decently.”
She stood up, slipping on a pair of flip flops before offering him her hand. “Wanna go eat breakfast before the others wake up?”
“That sounds lovely.”
He took her hand, allowing her too pull him up before he laughed. “Wow, didn’t know you were that strong, (Name).”
“I’ve picked you up before! Remember, I carried you in the first phase!”
He blinked as she led him towards the elevator. “I guess you did.”
The two arrived in the hotel lobby, making their plates before sitting down together. They were still on their pajamas, Kurapika only slightly embarrassed.
They are quietly, (Name) leaning her head against his shoulder. It was nice, really, her weight against him and her warmth sinking into his skin. “Still tired?”
She nodded, munching on a mouthful of waffles. He snickered and pushed some of her hair out of her face. “Careful, you’ll get syrup on your hair.”
He was enjoying this innocent moment with her. That was until Killua and Gon came rushing out of the elevator followed by a zombie- wait no that was Leorio.
The man sat in front of the two, bags under his eyes. Kurapika felt (Name) leave his shoulder, frowning slightly. “You alright, Leorio?”
He groaned in response, his head in his hands. (Name)’s attention was drawn back to the boys when she heard one of them gasp.
“Ew, this has raisins!”
Gon placed a bagel he took a bite out of back, Killua reaching his hand into the serving plate to grab a handful of scrambled eggs.
“Oh my god.”
(Name) stood up, handing Kurapika her fruit cup. “Finish this for me, sweetheart, I’ll be right back. Try to get Leorio back to working order while I’m gone.”
He chewed on a piece of her fruit before answering. “Get them.”
Five minutes later and the boys were sat at the table eating their breakfast eating quietly. It didn’t take much, just a look with a hand on her hips and they were scrambling to sit down.
Kurapika still had (Name) fork in his mouth, hoping she didn’t notice it. ‘It’s like… an indirect kiss!’ He thought, smiling. If he had a tail, it would definitely be wagging right now.
After everyone got dressed, it was time to leave. Thankfully, (Name) was able to inform the a manager that the bagels and scrambled eggs had been… contaminated before she left.
Leorio unlocked the car and everyone started loading in. (Name) handed out tablets, books, and her phone to the people that wanted them before she slid in, plopping down onto Kurapika’s lap. “Hold onto me, okay?”
He nodded, wrapping his hands around her waist as he tried to ignore how warm she felt against him.
“We’ll only be on the road a few hours until we reach the hot springs, and that’s including stopping for lunch and gas.” Leorio stated, not taking his tired eyes off the road.
Kurapika hadn’t heard a word of it. The road had been incredibly bumpy, and he knew if he broke concentration to talk, he would pop a boner instantly.
A whine nearly left his throat when she tapped on his thigh to get his attention. “Wh-what?”
“Do you want to play I-Spy with us? We’ve been asking you for a few minutes now.”
Kurapika sighed, nodding. “Yeah, sure. It’ll… take my mind off things.”
(Name) smiled. “Okay, I’ll go first. I spy, with my little eye, something… pink!”
“Is it the mom van?”
“Haha, yeah! Your turn Killua!”
Killua’s face shifted into something of pure evil, grinning at Kurapika. The blondes eyes widened, shaking his head rapidly. ‘No, don’t!’ He mouthed, but Killua was having none of it.
“I spy, with my little eye… a huge pervert.”
(Name) gasped, wiggling around. “I know, I know! It’s Leorio!”
“I swear to god I will turn this van around.”
The group laughed, but Killua stayed quiet. “Wrong.”
Kurapika glared daggers at the boy, his face slowly turning red. ‘Please don’t.’ He mouthed, and Killua rolled his eyes.
“It was a billboard.”
(Name) huffed, leaning against Kurapika. “Hey, that’s cheating Killua.”
Kurapika stayed quiet, now very content to bury his face in her shoulder. “Hmmm…”
“Okay, why don’t you go, Gon? Since Killua cheated.”
Killua folded his arms over his chest, looking out the window. ‘Stupid twink better appreciate me after this.’
“Okay okay!! Hmm…”
Gon looked around, his tongue sticking out in concentration. “I spy with my little eye… something red!”
They all looked around the car, pointing out a few things. “Is it (Name)’s mace?”
“Is it Leorio’s lighter?”
“Oh! Is it Leorio’s underwear!”
“No, and he’s got the white one with hearts on toady.”
“I don’t even want to know why you two know what underwear he’s wearing.”
“He only has two pairs!”
(Name) made a disgusted face. “Leorio, is that true? You only brought two pairs?”
Leorio didn’t answer, keeping his eyes on the road. “Yeah, me and Killua went through his suitcase- wait I’m getting distracted! Do you guys give up yet?”
The three huffed. “Yeah, just tell us already.”
Gon smiled, pointing to Kurapika and (Name). “It’s Kurapika’s face!”
The blonde blinked, (Name) looking back at him. “Oh dear.”
“HOLY- GON!” Killua was bent over laughing, giving him a high-five before he teared up from how hard he was laughing.
Kurapika’s face became even redder, if that was possible. “Are you okay, Pika? Am I too heavy? Are you sick? Do we need to pull over?”
Gon and Killua went quiet. ‘Shit, our joke backfired.’
He shook his head, sending the two a glare. “I’m fine, just turn up the air please.”
“Of course!”
She leaned forward, her butt pressing firmly into his crotch as she turned up the air conditioning. He gasped, staring at her arching back. ‘Fuck… need her…’
He leaned forward and pulled her back until her back was pressed against his chest, burying his face in her shoulder. “Is it… okay if I get comfortable?”
She nodded, face heating from the feeling of his breath on her neck. “Y-yeah, go ahead. I don’t mind.”
His hands moved from her hips to her waist, pulling her in. His chin rested on her shoulder, his cheek gently nuzzling against her neck.
“Is that better?” She asked, feeling the cold air fan against them.
Kurapika wasn’t talking about the air, though.
Kurapika got to enjoy a good hour with (Name) cuddled up in his lap, occasionally brushing his lips against her neck to give her secret kisses, but his time with her came to an end when they pulled up to their first stop.
“Leorio, are you alright?”
They were sat inside, eating some lunch when (Name) noticed Leorio drifting off. “Yeah, I’m…”
He began to doze off again mid sentence, causing (Name) to panic. “You’re in no state to drive. I can take over, it’ll be-“
“But you’re awful at driving long distances mom!” Killua said, shaking Leorio awake.
“Okay, rude, but I’m an adult, I can do it!”
Kurapika raised his hand. “I can drive.”
The entire group grimaced at that. “Hey! I really can!”
“Yeah, you’re physically capable of driving, but…”
Leorio and (Name) remembered Melody telling them about his reckless driving when he caught Uvogin. “You have… road rage.”
“It was a one time thing!”
Leorio began to speak, causing Kurapika to raise his hand. “Okay, it happened a few times, but I promise I can handle it.”
Killua ate a fry. “I would rather Leorio fall asleep at the wheel and crash than ride in a car with you as it’s driver.”
“I feel like that’s not fair.”
(Name) rubbed her temple. “Oh stop it you two. Kurapika, so you promise to treat the mom van and it’s passengers with respect?”
“I promise.”
“Even Killua?”
“… do I have to?”
“Yes! He’s our precious cargo!”
“Kurapika Kurta!”
“Fine! Even Killua!”
(Name) smiled, handing over her keys. They had a few pastel, cute keychains dangling from them. “Okay, here you go.���
“I feel like this will end with our deaths. Or just Kurapika’s. Either way there will be a funeral I will not be attending.”
“You would be attending your own funeral Killua, you’d be in your own casket.”
“My point stands. I bet his funeral would be super boring. My funeral will have a mosh pit.”
“It will not! Killua Zoldyck-“
“Sorry mom.”
While they argued, Gon finished both Leorio and his food. “I want my corpse to fly around on a zip line while space jam plays in the background.”
Kurapika snorted. “Oh my god.”
“No, Gon, you can’t do that.”
“Why, because my corpse will scare people?”
“No because space jam is lame.”
Gon and Killua fell to the floor, pulling hair and biting. “I’m going to the car.” (Name) said, stepping over them. “You two have five minutes to clean up your act before I come back in with my mace.”
Kurapika and Leorio paid the bill before pulling the two apart. “Come on, if we let you two fight she’ll be mad at us too!” Leorio said, holding the feral Killua as he hissed at Gon.
“Are you sure he’s had his rabies shot? I think he’s foaming at the mouth.”
Leorio and Gon looked at each other. “Well…”
“No. There’s no way.”
“Killua really hates shots.”
“I don’t give a flying fuck! Do you know how many times he’s bitten me? Jesus Christ.” Kurapika dropped Killua, moving towards the door.
“You aren’t special blondie! I’ve bitten everyone here!”
“He has.” Gon said, smiling like he didn’t just say his friend has gnawed on him like a wild dog. “Though, he’s barely bitten (Name). Only like twice!”
Killua blushed. “Well the first one was an accident.”
“And the second one?”
Kurapika inhaled, letting out a sigh before walking away. ‘Why she keeps him in her house, I’ll never know. He’s like a ticking time bomb.’
He spotted (Name), who was leaning her forehead against the van. “(Name)? What are you doing?”
“I forgot you had the keys so I just stood here like a dummy…”
He chuckled, unlocking the van. ‘Cute.’
Leorio walked out, grumbling. “He ate all my food…”
The tall man slid into the backseat, barely fitting. “Come on, sunshine. I’m tired so imma be sleeping.”
She laughed, sliding into his lap without hesitation. “Aww, you can use my shoulder as a pillow, Leorio.”
‘… she didn’t hesitate at all, she even seems happy to be sitting in his lap.’
Kurapika sighed, adjusting the seat so he could reach the pedals properly. “Everyone buckled u-“
He looked in the rear view mirror, eyes flashing red when he spotted the two in the backseat. Leorio had her pulled close to him, face buried in her shoulder as she giggled. “Leorio, your stubble is tickling me!”
His eye twitched, pulling his hand away before he cracked the mirror.
“Kurapika, are you alright?”
Gon placed his hand over Kurapika’s, looking concerned. The blonde glanced back at the two, feeling that familiar nasty feeling taking over.
And he could finally give it a name.
He shook his head, giving Gon a smile. “I’m fine, are the others buckled up?”
He glanced back. “Yeah, they are!”
“Then let’s go.”
Over the next few hours, Kurapika became more and more agitated. Leorio eventually passed out, nuzzling into (Name)’s neck as she slept, occasionally squeezing her.
It was like torture watching Leorio’s hands wander her body, squeezing her soft tummy and thighs. She didn’t seem to mind his touch as much, comfortable with him, unlike she was with Kurapika.
He ended up speeding a little to get to the hot springs faster, pulling into the parking lot as quickly as he could.
“We’re here.” Kurapika said through gritted teeth. He glared at the two through the rear mirror, watching as Leorio woke up slowly.
“Mmm, hey sunshine.”
Kurapika’s eyes turned red when he leaned forward, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, causing her to giggle. “Leorio!”
He hummed, still not completely awake. “Hmm?”
He looked up, seeing Kurapika’s cold stare through the rear view mirror. ‘Oh. Oh shit.’
Kurapika opened his car door and slammed it behind him, waiting outside for (Name)
Leorio quickly helped (Name) out of the car, Kurapika instantly pulling her inside by the hand. “H-hey! What about-“
“We need you to check us in. The rest will grab the bags.”
She felt his grip tighten on her hand slightly. (Name) didn’t question him further, instead focusing on checking in and getting everyone their room cards.
Kurapika kept a hold on her hand, his grip gentler than before. “Sorry, (Name). I’m… I’m just ready to…”
She squeezed his hand, giving him a smile. “I know, driving so long can make you tired. I’m sure the hot springs will ease any tension!”
She bumped her hip against his, causing him to laugh. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
His mood improved greatly just by having her by his side, smiling and laughing with him. Kurapika felt his jealousy fade away to the back of his mind, finding comfort in the fact she chose to walk with him to their rooms, not Leorio.
The tickets Killua won gave everyone their own room that came with towels and robes. Kurapika left (Name)’s side to get settled in his own room, Leorio dropping by a minute later.
“Hey, man. You uh… you doing alright?”
Kurapika closed his empty suitcase and rolled it into the small closet. “I’m fine.”
“You didn’t seem fine earlier. When I kissed her cheek.”
Kurapika’s eye twitched, glancing at him. “I’ve been meaning to ask why you’re so affectionate with her these days. I seem to remember it being the opposite, with her being more affectionate with me.”
Leorio didn’t have to state why that was, Kurapika already knew. The blonde knew he pretty much ruined their bond when he broke her heart in York New.
“Leorio… I’m-“
“Forget it, I understand. You’re feeling some strong feelings and it’s hard to explain. Just remember that I’m your friend, and you don’t have to compete with me.”
Kurapika nodded, sitting down on his bed. “It’s… hard. When I see her interacting with you or others I just feel…”
“Possessive? Angry?”
“A mix of both.”
Leorio sighed. “Yeah, I understand that. You shouldn’t worry though, she does like you after all.”
Kurapika rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe she did once, but… I’m not sure anymore.”
Leorio didn’t answer. He wanted to be selfish in that moment, if only just a little. Kurapika could figure out she still liked him on his own, by interacting with (Name) and treating her right.
“Well, I’m gonna get ready. Meet you at the hot springs.”
Kurapika watched him leave before picking up a paper on his bed.
Rules for the Hot Springs
1. Please bathe before entering
2. No running or diving
3. Please adhere to the guidelines for each hot spring
“Seems easy enough.”
After a quick shower, Kurapika threw on a pair of pajamas. ‘This is what the people in the lobby were wearing. Should be… sufficient.’
He met Leorio in the hallway, who was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a tanktop. “Hey princess, you ready for some relaxation.”
“Don’t call me that, and yeah. Where’s (Name)?”
Leorio rolled his eyes. “She wanted to shave her legs. I told her that real men are willing to explore the wilderness and she just closed the door on me.”
“Good on her.” Kurapika said, walking ahead of him.
As they approached the hot springs, they watched Gon and Killua walk into the men’s locker room. “You brought a towel, right?” Kurapika asked, pulling off his shirt.
Leorio rubbed the back of his head. “Shit, no I forgot.”
Kurapika handed him a towel. “Brought an extra for you.”
After undressing and wrapping towels around their waists, the four stepped out.
“… what do those numbers mean?”
Above each separated hot spring were two numbers. The first was 8-19, the second was 20-55 and the third was 55+. Killua jumped into the first one, splashing water on the others. “Hey, jumping is against the rules Killua.”
Killua flipped him off, causing the blonde to scowl. “You’re going to get us kicked out.”
“I won the tickets, I’ll get us kicked out if I want to!”
That had the blonde sighing, Leorio stepping forward. “I’m guessing this means the men’s sauna as are separated by age. It’s probably the same for the women’s.”
Kurapika nodded, but was hesitant. ‘If that’s true, wouldn’t the building have been bigger? The woman’s lockers are right next to ours, where would it lead to?’
He kept that thought to himself, following Leorio. “Hey, these are for people 20 or older, kiddo. Aren’t you trying to follow the rules?”
Kurapika paused, sending the taller man a glare. “That rule is stupid. I’m not getting in with those two, I won’t be able to relax at all.”
Leorio shrugged. “Okay Mr. Rule breaker. Let’s get to relaxing then.”
Leorio dropped his towel, causing Kurapika to shield his eyes. “Give a man a warning, Christ.”
“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. You and (Name) are well acquainted with my business.”
“Yeah, because you flashed us during the Hunter exam.”
“Flashed is a strong word. I just sleep in the nude, what’s so wrong with that?”
Kurapika waited for Leorio to turn before he pulled his own towel off, sinking into the water. ‘Ah, (Name) was right. This is nice…’
“I bet if (Name) slept naked you wouldn’t have a problem with that.”
Kurapika stared at him for a moment, narrowing his eyes. “… does she usually sleep naked?”
“Well sometimes in panties and a tshirt but-“
“How do you know that!?”
“Uh, hello, we lived together for several months and slept in the same bed. Eventually comfort overcomes embarrassment.”
Kurapika scowled, leaning against the edge of the hot spring. ‘… I want to wake up next to her in just a tshirt and panties…’
Leorio sighed, stretching out his arms. “Ahh, this is nice. I hope (Name) is enjoying herself too. Wait…”
He grinned at his friend, giving him a mischievous look. “Maybe we should go sneak a peek.”
Kurapika’s face went from confused, to flustered, to pissed off. “Peek? No, that’s-“
“Oh so you two want a peek huh?”
The two yelped, glancing up to see (Name) standing at the edge of the hot spring, wearing only a towel. It only barely covered her, her left thigh and side nearly completely exposed.
“Wait, we weren’t going t-“
“And why are you two in the woman’s hot spring? I expected something like this from Leorio, but not you Kurapika.”
They paused at that, glancing at each other then her. “But… this is the men’s hot spring.” Leorio said, gesturing to the men’s locker room.
“No, the…”
(Name) glanced between the women’s and men’s locker room, seeing they both led to the same place. “Oh. So that means…”
“The hot springs aren’t separated by gender, they’re separated by age.” Kurapika finished, cheeks turning red at the implication.
(Name) frowned, trying to cover herself more. “Stupid towels… too small.”
‘Thank you god for making these towels small.’ Kurapika thought, closing his eyes in prayer.
She sat down at the edge of the hot spring, dipping her legs into the water. “So… what do we do?”
Leorio shrugged. “We enjoy the hot springs. You should-“
She held her towel tighter. “But…”
Kurapika was trying to breathe normally while gazing at her body, eyes roaming her chest down to her thighs. “… we can look away while you get in, if that helps.”
She nodded slowly, playing with the hem of her towel. “Yeah, that would.”
“Hey I didn’t agree to that, I wanna-“
Kurapika grabbed Leorio’s arm and turned him, eyes lingering a second longer as her towel dropped, catching a peek at her breasts and pretty (color) nipples.
He was instantly hard, glad the water wasn’t clear. “Okay, I’m in.”
Even though he couldn’t see much, the knowledge that she was in the water with him, completely naked was enough to have his head spinning. The two turned back, and he could tell even Leorio was flustered by the sight of her.
Her shoulders and top of her breasts were a over water, showing Kurapika the most cleavage he’d ever seen. (Name) sighed, leaning against the edge of the hot spring. “Ahh, this is nice.”
When she noticed then staring, she crossed her arms over her chest and sank into the water. “Hey, my eyes are up here! Don’t have to be so blatant with your staring.”
Leorio laughed, but Kurapika was a stuttering mess. “I-I wasn’t…”
She was gracious enough to drop it, swimming over to sit in between them. “So, should we play a game or something?”
The two were trying not to look down at her cleavage. “Uh, yeah sure. What do you have in mind, (Name)?”
She hummed, tapping a finger against her chin. “Hmm… how about I-spy-“
“That’s more of a car game, sunshine. I have an idea though.” He held up three fingers, grinning at the two. “How about two truths and one lie, spicy edition?”
(Name) blushed, twiddling her fingers. “Does it have to be spicy?”
“We’re three adults naked in a hot spring, that’s the only way to go.” Leorio replied, pinching her cheek. When she raised her hand to smack his away, her breasts rose above the water, giving them both a good eyeful. Kurapika felt his cock twitch, wanting nothing more to get a handful instead of an eyeful.
“Hey, no pinching my cheeks or I’ll be pinching yours!”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, princess.”
Kurapika growled lowly, slowly inching closer to (Name). She glanced at the blonde before sinking into the water, letting out a content moan. “Mmm, that feels really good.”
Now both of the boys were blushing, glancing over her head at each other. “Um… you enjoying yourself sunshine?”
“Mhm… making me feel really good.”
‘Oh fuck.’
Kurapika’s hand grazed over her thigh, causing her face to heat up. He looked down at her, eyes boring into hers as his finger ran down thigh. “Sorry, my bad.”
(Name) shivered. ‘Was that really an accident?’
Leorio watched as Kurapika’s eyes shifted from brown to scarlet. “Ah, it’s game time! I think I’ll go first.”
(Name)’s eyes left Kurapika’s to look at Leorio. “I’ve had a one night stand with a guy, I have a vibrator, and my favorite bar is the one on Main Street.”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “I’ll say the first on is the lie.”
“Why do you say that?” Leorio asked, crossing his arms.
“Because you can’t get any women, what man would want you?”
(Name) snickered. “Oh Kurapika… the answer is the last one is a lie.”
“Ding ding ding, correct!”
Leorio patted her head after he said each ding like she was a little bell. “You’d be surprised Kurapika, I’m quite popular with men. You’d faint if you saw my Grindr messages.”
Kurapika blinked. “Uh huh.”
(Name) hummed, looking up at Kurapika. “Ya know, I’ve always been kind of curious, but who are you attracted to Kurapika?”
His face turned red, the blonde becoming a stuttering mess. “Wh-which person I’m attracted… to?”
Leorio cut him off. “She means what gender, bud.”
He sighed. ‘That’s much easier to answer.’
“Well… I guess I’m not sure. I’ve… never really felt attraction to anyone.”
‘Besides (Name)…’
“So you’re ace? Aro?”
He gave her a confused look, Leorio speaking up for him. “No, no he definitely isn’t either of those. Kurapika, you’re at least attracted to women.”
He nodded slowly. “Yes… I am.”
The blondes blush returned. “… yes.”
‘Ah, so he does experience sexual attraction.’ (Name) thought, suddenly very interested.
“But… I’m not really attracted to any gender in particular. Whoever I fall in love with I… fall in love with.”
Leorio and (Name) smiled. “Aww, that’s sweet.” (Name) leaned her head against his shoulder, as she began to speak.
“Okay, my turn. Two truths, one lie…”
(Name) tapped her finger against her chin, the blonde smiling. ‘Cute.’
“Okay! First, I’m a virgin.”
Kurapika felt his heart thump against his chest. He hadn’t been expecting her to outright say something so… lewd.
“Second, I have a clit piercing.”
His jaw dropped, Leorio cracking up on the other side of her. “Wh-what?”
She began to giggle two. “And me and Leorio have kissed!”
Suddenly, the two were silent. Kurapika’s eyes were scarlet again, this time directed at Leorio. If looks could kill, Leorio would be six feet under.
“Go ahead Leorio, you answer first.”
The taller man shrunk under Kurapika’s gaze, looking away. “… the clit piercing one is a lie.”
‘That motherfucker!’
(Name) looked to Kurapika, smiling sweetly. “And your answer?”
He was seething, but managed to answer. “You kissing Leorio is a lie!”
“Bzzt!! Wrong! The clit piercing one is a big ol’ lie!!”
Kurapika reached over (Name)’s head to smack the back of Leorio’s. “H-hey!”
(Name) glanced up, but by the time she did, Kurapika was back to leaning against the edge of the hot spring. “Leorio? What, did you want proof?”
Kurapika’s eyes shot open. “Come again?”
She gave them a mischievous smile, rising up until her breasts were barely covered. “Well, I wouldn’t want you two calling me a liar. I could-“
Kurapika pushed her back into the water by her shoulders, looking away. “No, no, that won’t be necessary, we believe you!”
“Speak for yourself, I-“
The sound of Leorio being drowned by Kurapika made (Name) gasp. “Hey, stop that! I don’t wanna get kicked out!”
She separated the two before sighing. “I was just kidding, Kurapika, but…”
She kissed his cheek, smiling. “Thanks for trying to protect me, Pika.”
If she knew how hard he was just by being close to her, would she still feel so comfortable touching and kissing him?
“Okay Kurapika, your turn!”
The blonde was still trying to recover from her kiss, head feeling fuzzy and his cock standing at full attention. “I-I…”
He didn’t want to speak right now, he wanted to be buried inside of her pussy, one hand on her breast and the other rubbing circles into her clit. “I… I’ve crossed dressed before.”
(Name) waited patiently for him to continue. “I’m… inexperienced.”
“That’s code for he’s a virgin.” Leorio piped up, warning a glare from Kurapika.
“And the last one?” (Name) asked, tilting her head.
God she looked so cute, staring up at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. What he wouldn’t give to reach out and cup her cheek, pulling her into a kiss as he fucked her with his fingers.
“Um… I prefer thinner women.”
This seemed to immediately upset (Name), the girl shrinking into herself. “Oh.”
“Kurapika.” Leorio said, raising an eyebrow. ‘What is he getting at? Is he trying to make her all upset?’
“Go on, (Name). You answer first.” Kurapika said, not looking at her.
“… the virgin one is the lie.”
He calmly turned to Leorio. “And your answer?”
He scowled at the blonde. “The last one was a lie.”
He knew this, considering Kurapika had told him his type when they talked to each other alone, but he didn’t understand why he was saying this now.
“You’re correct.”
(Name) blinked, looking up at Kurapika, who had his arms crossed as he stared into the water.
‘He… doesn’t prefer thinner women? That means…’
She blushed, tilting her head at Kurapika. He was refusing to look at her, his cheeks a dark red. It could be excused by the hot water, but…
(Name) gently pressed her thigh against his, watching him for a reaction. She expected him to push her away, maybe yell, but no.
He whimpered, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut. (Name) continued her experimentation. “So you’ve cross dressed before?”
He cleared his throat, nodding. “In York New, yes.”
‘Her thigh… her thigh is touching mine…’
He couldn’t take it anymore, his hand traveling down his tummy and to his aching cock. It felt so wrong to jerk off when she was right next to him, completely naked, but it also felt… right.
His breath hitched, eyes half lidded when he answered her. “Y-yes?”
She leaned forward, tilting her head. “You alright? Your face is all red. If you’re getting overheated you sh-“
He quickly shook his head, Leorio raising his eyebrows. “No, no I’m… I’m fine.”
“You sure? I’ve heard some people get too overheated and get sick after being in the hot springs too long.”
The way she worried about him was cute, but right now he didn’t want to get out. Kurapika wanted to stay next to her while he jerked off, even if he felt dirty doing it.
“Really, I’m fine. Let’s-“
“Ugh, I’m feeling tired.”
Leorio stood up, flashing both of them in the process. “Jesus!”
“What? You’ve seen it before!”
“But you’re-“
Leorio was noticeably hard, (Name) quickly looking away and covering her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, the hot water does things that me.”
“I hate finding out new things about you.” Kurapika said, rubbing his temple.
“Get used to it. If you’re gonna be around more, you’re gonna be learning a lot.”
This made the blonde shiver, his hard on gone within seconds. “Uh huh.”
Leorio pulled a towel around his waist, waving. “You two have fun. Don’t…”
He glanced back at them, looking at Kurapika who narrowed his eyes. “Meh, never mind.”
Their tall friend walked towards the men’s locket room, leaving them alone.
“What do you think he meant by that?” (Name) asked, turning to Kurapika. His face was red again, knowing exactly what Leorio had been hinting at.
“… I don’t try to understand him.”
(Name) laughed, peeking at him. “So, do you want to keep playing, or…”
He looked away, feeling his elf get excited again. “Let’s play something… else.”
She nodded, thinking for a second before grinning. “How about truth or dare?”
“Truth or dare? I haven’t heard of that before.”
(Name) perked up, Kurapika having to push her shoulders down a little when her tits rose above the water. “Whoops, sorry! So, truth or dare is a game where you ask a persons “truth, or dare?”. If they pick truth, they have to answer any question you ask with the truth. If they pick dare, you have to do something they dare you to do.”
Kurapika nodded slowly, humming. “I see. So if I asked you truth or dare and you said truth, you have to answer with the truth?”
“Why don’t you go first, (Name)? An example would help me understand better.”
(Name) smiled shyly. “Okay, Kurapika. Truth or dare?”
He thought for a second, tapping his nails against the edge of the hot spring. “Hmmm… dare.”
“Oh, really?”
She smirks at him, getting a little closer, inches away from him. “I dare you…”
His face turned red, the anticipation making his heart pound.
“To do a hand stand!”
Kurapika blinked, taking a moment to process her dare before frowning. “No, I’m not doing that.”
“But Kurapika, that’s how you play the game! You can’t give up on the first date!”
She looked up at him with pleading eyes. The blondes lip twitched, unable to say no when she was asking so nicely.
“Fine, but you have to turn away while I-“
“But how am I supposed to know you did it if I look away?”
He groaned. “(Name). If I do a handstand now you’ll see my-“
“I know.”
He blinked at her, in absolute disbelief. “You…”
She laughed, bumping her hip against his. “Come on, I’ll just see your butt. I already told you it’s cute.”
He stuttered, eyes looking everywhere but her. “C-cute? I…”
Kurapika sighs, backing up a little. “Okay, okay. Just stand back.”
She did, giggling as he dove under the water, his lower half rising above the water.
Alas, he wasn’t tall enough for his ass to rise above the water. ‘Aww, I wanted to see his cute butt…’
(Name) waited for a moment for him to resurface, and when he did she felt… worried.
“Ahh… I feel…”
Kurapika fell forward, (Name) rushing to catch him.
His face landed in her boobs, the girl yelping. “K-Kurapika!”
She wanted to push him off, but could tell something was off. He was panting, eyes squeezed shut and his face burning up. “Shit, you’re overheating!”
She gently led him to the edge of the hot spring, looking away as she lifted him out. (Name) pretended she didn’t feel something hard graze against her leg as she helped him out, instead focusing on pulling a towel over herself and running to the locker room.
He felt a towel fall into his and a cool rag press into his forehead. “Ahh…”
“Does that feel good, Pika?”
His eyes shot open, the towel rising a little when she leaned forward to offer him a sip of water. “Here, you got too hot. Drink.”
He did so, relaxing as he sipped on the cool water she got him. “Better?”
Kurapika nodded, looking down at his lap and pulling the towel to it covered his chest too. “Yes…”
He felt embarrassed that he’s gotten overheated like that so easily. “Sorry… are we still playing truth or dare?”
(Name) laughed, offering him her hand. “We can pick it up later, I think it’s time for bed.”
He allowed her to pull him to his feet, grateful when she turned away so he could wrap the towel around his waist.
They walked through the woman’s locker room, (Name) allowing him to lean against her as she led him down the hall. ‘Poor guy, he looks exhausted.’
She was about to pass by her room when she paused. “Kurapika?”
He hummed in response, nearly nodding off against her shoulder.
“… why don’t you stay with me tonight? I’m worried about you, you still look like you’re burning up.”
He blinked sleepily at her, not able to think clearly. “Okay… sounds…”
He nearly fell asleep, the girl having to catch him before he fell. “Hey! Ugh…”
(Name) dragged him into her room, sitting him on her bed before pulling out her pajamas and changing in her bathroom. She threw him one of her hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. “Put this on, I’ll be right back, okay?”
She left to get a wet rag, coming back. “Oh, Pika…”
He was cuddled up in her bed, panting as sweat beaded down his forehead. She walked over to sit next to him, placing the rag on his forward before climbing in next to him.
“Goodnight, Pika.”
(Name) gave him a kiss on the cheek before cuddling into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around her before she fell asleep.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
your smosh writing gives me life! if you have time please write something for courtney, i don’t mind if it’s a blurb or a fic or additional headcanons i just love them
Kiss the Nurse || Courtney Miller x reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • sick!courtney miller x reader ⋆୨୧˚
summary: courtney takes care of you when you’re sick and is rewarded with a kiss from their patient
word count: 0.6k
warnings: mild sick fic
a/n: tysm for the request babes, this idea just kind of came to me and I hope you enjoy this…blurb? oneshot? it seems to long for the former but to short for the latter. im so bad at fic categories but i did some digging and I think this qualifies as a ficlet? anyways enjoy !!🍒💌
     “I’m going to have to check your temperature.”
     You groaned, slouching farther down on the couch and pulling your blanket up tighter around you. Well, blankets. Between the blankets atop you and the pillows behind your head, you probably could have made several bed sets.  
     Courtney stood over you, thermometer in hand, with an impatient expression on their face. 
     “Can you at least drink some liquids then?” They asked you, stepping closer to the edge of the couch.
     You pulled the blanket nearest to your hands up over your head.
     “No,” you mumbled.
     They rolled their eyes at you, smiling at your stubbornness. “Something to eat?”
     You didn’t answer them. Maybe you would get lucky and they would just think that you had simply fallen asleep. 
     “Kiss me?”
     That got your attention. You peeked your head out of your blanket fortress. Courtney was smiling at you, proud to have got a reaction at least.
     “Courtney, I’m sick remember?” You gestured to the tissues littering the floor next to you. In all likelihood, Courtney was probably doomed already as she’d spent all day playing nurse to you. 
     “No, really? I forgot,” they said, looking at you and grinning. “It’s not as if you’ve been laying here for the past 3 days.”
     You coughed. “Two. Two days.”
     “And haven’t I been a good nurse for those thr—two days?” They teased.
     You smiled, you couldn’t help it. “I’ve had better.”
     They clutched their chest in mock offense. 
     “Now I definitely need a kiss, just for that,” Courtney pouted. 
     For all your teasing, Courtney had taken good care of you. They’d never left your side since you’d said you didn’t feel good. Getting you anything you needed and sitting up with you into the wee hours of the night. You didn’t know what you would have done without her.
     “You look really pretty when you’re sick,” they tried, batting their eyelashes at you. 
     “You’re impossible,” you said.
     Courtney raised an eyebrow, “Haven’t you ever heard of kiss the nurse?”
     “It’s kiss the cook, Court. And I don’t want you to get sick.”
     “Maybe I don’t care,” they sat down on the edge of the couch next to you, and you scooted your body towards them. Courtney reached towards you and felt your forehead with the back of their hand, taking the thermometer to your brow. 
     “Was this just to get me to let you take my temperature?” You asked them, outrage in your tone but in reality you didn’t care. You wanted them close to you. 
     “Maybe,” they said. “And also this.”
     Courtney leaned forwards and kissed you softly, their hair brushing your cheek as they shifted so their body was hovering over yours…all of which was definitely not helping with your temperature, if you did have a fever. Which you wouldn’t know. Because they’d never told you, you realized, looking at the thermometer discarded on the couch next to Courtney as they pulled away from you and brushed a strand of your hair away from your face, stroking your cheek.
     “Feeling better?” They breathed.
     “Maybe a little,” you smiled, your fingers dancing over their free hand. You leaned towards Courtney, bringing your lips to theirs and kissing them as they had you.
     “Thought you didn’t want to kiss me?” They teased
     “S’pose, you deserve it, for taking care of me,” You said. “Thank you.”
“Anything for my favorite patient,” they said, beaming back at you and kissing you again, all attempts at trying to get you to eat or drink something long since forgotten.
     Some nurse, you thought as you kissed them back.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this short little fic!! thank you so much for the request <3🎀
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corviiids · 5 months
(inspired by your earlier post about if L accused Sayu of being Kira) How do you think an au where Sayu got the death note would play out?
amazing question. i wrote so much more than i thought i was going to im so sorry. tl;dr i don't think the ultimate plot would change much but the beginning would sure be interesting.
i think if sayu found the death note, she would tell light before anyone else. he's clearly her most trusted confidant. light would tell her not to worry because it's clearly some chain letter shit but because she's clearly frightened of it he'd offer to hold it for her and get rid of it so she doesn't have to think about it.
now whether ownership officially passes to light at this point might depend on the specific wording they use. if light says 'hold onto it for you' or something to that effect it would likely just be sublet to light (wording from rule 13) - for our purposes im inclined to go with this version of events but i note the rules are really ambiguous on what the specific requirements and conditions are regarding ownership.
(i keep wanting to go through and do a full review of all the manga rules from like. almost like a statutory interpretation kind of lens but that's a stupid project i need to convince myself out of lmfao jesus)
hey this got really long and complicated. i thought it was going to be simple but now im going through branching possibilities literally for the sole purpose of analysing the rules so let's put the rest under the cut. click for me citing specific death note rules in the middle of my work day i guess GOD. you can also scroll to the bottom if you want to skip me talking about death note rules and just see my projected course of events
the issue of ownership actually doesn't matter that much at this point for reasons we will see but might change things a little bit down the road (see below re: ryuk and discussion of rule 47). let's go with the sublet thing for now and assume sayu is still the owner of the notebook but light is holding it.
light keeps the book, sayu tries not to think about it and fails. light can't resist testing it without sayu's knowledge. light meets ryuk. i note rule 13 states the death god will stay with the owner of the note. since light and sayu are in the same household (ie geographic distance is not an issue) and ryuk would find light more interesting, it's a coin flip which person he'd show up to (probably depends on the degree to which shinigami are bound by their rules which i don't have access to and can't review lol). let's assume for now that ryuk meets light first just for ease, but i will come back to this later because i actually prefer him showing up to sayu first while light is holding the notebook.
in the version where light meets ryuk first, then depending how forthcoming ryuk is with information, either sayu sees ryuk before light realises that's a risk or light realises sayu will see ryuk before she actually does. im leaning towards the latter because in canon light finds out in this order:
people who don't have the note can't see ryuk (when his mother comes into the room during their first meeting)
people who have touched the note CAN see ryuk (when sayu comes into the room asking for help with homework some days later)
so in this au, between events 1 and 2, light would realise that since sayu has touched and owns the note, she'll be able to see ryuk. i think light at this point would ask ryuk if there's any way to undo that effect at which point ryuk should inform light that forfeiting the note will allow sayu to stop seeing ryuk.
ok, now let's backtrack to before and say instead of light, ryuk shows up to sayu first. ryuk appears, sayu screams, ryuk informs sayu that light has used the note. light comes running because sayu screamed. light again in this timeline immediately demands to know how to get sayu out of this situation, partially because she's freaking out and partially because he's already pondering the possibilities and absolutely needs sayu not to know about any of this. she is already hysterical because hey, did this monster just say that her big brother killed someone?
ok here's where i got into a rabbithole digging through the rules for a loophole because i found a problem. (it's ok, i found one.)
we know a death note can pass from person to person because it happens in canon multiple times. we also know that losing the death note will erase your memory of the note (rule 22). where it gets interesting is that rule 47 provides that you will only lose your memories of the death note if you actually used it:
[...] You will not lose memory of the Death Note, for example, if you merely owned it and had not written anyone's name. [...]
you won't be able to see the shinigami anymore, but you'll still remember the notebook. not good enough for light - he needs sayu to forget completely or she'll be traumatised and he'll be compromised, especially because now she knows he used the notebook which makes her a liability. light now has two thoughts
he could ask sayu to kill one person using the notebook and then forfeit it so she doesn't remember the crime and can be free of the notebook forever, or
see if the shinigami can offer any other options.
1 is an interesting place for light's mind to go, but he goes with option 2 first because sayu looks like she's going to have a panic attack. luckily, there is another option, and we know ryuk is aware of it because of the events of the a-Kira story - this is lucky because even if a rule existed there's no guarantee that the shinigami know about it as ryuk demonstrates multiple times. (they also don't need to tell their human any of the rules at all - rule 4.) lmao. anyway im talking about rule 67:
Regarding the memories mentioned in Rule XLVII, the owner can have their memories of the Death Note erased if they so desire.
(well, it's more like 67.1, because there are three completely unrelated sub-rules in this rule. kind of justified because we know rule 67 was a last-minute amendment but seriously who fucking drafted these rules in the shinigami world i'd like a word)
under rule 67, sayu could forfeit the death note and willingly have her memories erased without needing to kill anyone. light asks sayu to do this and promises he won't kill anyone else with the book and that he'll burn it as soon as she's forfeited her memories.
sayu trusts light so much that she does not ask why he doesn't just burn it now. she forfeits the book and forgets the death note ever existed.
i think from that point everything else goes the same way it does in canon.
tl;dr, again - my projected course of events, preferencing the branches i personally find most likely:
sayu finds the death note
sayu tells light about it
sayu sublets the death note to light, remaining the note's official owner
light tests the death note without sayu's knowledge
ryuk shows up to sayu and informs her that light has used the death note
light joins the conversation and demands to know whether sayu can be rid of the notebook
ryuk informs them sayu can forfeit the notebook and will no longer see ryuk, then states anyone who's killed with the notebook would lose all memory of it once they had done so
light correctly infers that by default, your memory will remain unless you have killed with the notebook.
light realises he needs sayu to lose ALL her memories of the notebook, both for her mental health and because she knows he's killed someone with the notebook and is a liability
light briefly considers asking sayu to use the notebook once before forfeiting it
light dismisses this as an option
light asks ryuk if there are any other options
ryuk reluctantly informs light that yes he can erase sayu's memories of the notebook if she willingly chooses it
light convinces sayu to give up her memories and the notebook and promises he will destroy it
sayu trusts light and doesn't push him to destroy the book in front of her
sayu gives up the notebook and her memories
light becomes owner of the death note
story proceeds per canon
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
so just as any besties do, @teddybearbutchh and i were talking about the whole 'shax wears a cobra belt' thing, and we might have just dreamt up The Most heartstopping thing to date... but couple of key notes first:
i know people have remarked that shax most obviously wears the belt in the modern scenes, indicating some kind of power play that she pinched it from crowley's flat. issue is - im fairly sure that she wears it in 1941 (you can see a glimpse of it at the end when she's present in the audience between furfur and dagon), which would suggest it leans more towards herons-eat-snakes symbolic explanation. taking one step further, im regarding this as some kind of foreshadowing that there will be some kind of direct conflict between her and crowley
shax is either a social climber, or has incredible amounts of career ambition - probably a bit of both, but im leaning towards the latter. im still also of the mind that the reason she has the ear of the council is because she's an informant (and a good one at that) and her MO is to recruit others to do the dirty work for her... so when she tells furfur that she'll pay him back if he ever gives her information that she can use, it stands to reason that she'd be pretty miffed re: furfur seemingly going maverick to catch aziraphale and crowley in the act. i feel like her smirk at the end of the ep, plus how cold furfur is towards her in ep5, would support this somewhat
^but shax is still armed with the knowledge that there's something between aziraphale and crowley (furfur might not have hard proof anymore but he obviously wasn't lying, not when you consider his confidence from shax's perspective), and to catch them would be tantamount to a promotion
chekhov's gun #1: the derringer
chekhov's gun #2: zombies still roaming around london, with one of them presumably still having access to the bookshop if aziraphale invited her in when she posed as an MI operative
chekhov's gun #3: constant mentions in both 1941 flashbacks of 'the paperwork'
shax makes a point in the bentley to separate out the statement that there were rumours that aziraphale and crowley were "an item", which arguably is a good hop, skip and a jump away from "consorting and collaborating" as furfur termed it
a bit about the holy water: crowley first asks for it in 1862, after an indeterminate number of times/length of time in hell, probably under some kind of torture. he and aziraphale then presumably don't speak until 1941, but he remarks again how easy it would be to get holy water from the church, "it doesn't even have guards!". then it's in 1967 that he plans the heist to rob a church. now believe me, i love the explanation that crowley was simply inspired by good, ol' 007 to make getting the water as dramatic as possible, but. if he was that desperate for it, why not just... tempt someone, or even just ask someone for a bottle of it? from a church? i can't imagine that he'd purposefully wait 26 years for something that he felt was literally life-or-death (so to speak), and then only be reminded of it when JB came out? so, what was keeping him for a quarter of a century?
herein lies the batshit part 3 spec of 1941. shax takes advantage of the situation, to get ahead on the greasy pole; goes up to earth, finds the zombies, recruits them one last time to get into the bookshop - possibly to get ahold of the photograph and take the credit for furfur's scheme. 'lo and behold, aziraphale and crowley are low-key about to jump each other (waving the tired and battered 1941 truther flag), which is just plain excellent for shax - and would fuel the 'rumours' that they were an 'item'. but zombies give themselves away before anything juicy really happens (boo), and some kind of fight ensues.
derringer gets pulled out of the mystery book (bonus points if it's a bible, or something like sense and sensibility), crowley gets shot, probably trying to protect aziraphale, gets discorporated. he's summarily trapped in hell, sorting through the fucking paperwork, until sometime in the 1960s. reinvigorates his scheme to get his hands on holy water, aziraphale hears about it, and gives it to him (now having been confronted with The Direct Consequences hell will have for crowley if anything like this ever happens again), and wards him off from getting too close to aziraphale, because of the danger it poses. "you go too fast for me".
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stumped-on-bennington · 4 months
Chasing Buses
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Summary: You go to work expecting it to be just like any other day, little do you know that this job will chance the course of your life forever.
Pairing: Patrick Stump x Reader
Author's note: I haven't written fanfiction in like 5 years so im out of practice when it comes to this lol. regardless i hope you enjoy it! and feel free to leave some constructive criticism so that i can hopefully improve!
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Another day of work. That was all today was supposed to be. Your job wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t that bad either. You worked for a tour bus company. Your job was to ride along with the band and bus driver throughout the tour and to help keep the bus stocked with drinks, food, and whatever else the band requested. Basically, you were a glorified gofer.
You’ve toured with tons of bands before. Some were super easy and nice and some treated you like garbage. Even the bands who didn’t even acknowledge you were better than the latter, and it was always the bands that would put so much effort into how they appeared to fans. You didn’t have a very wide range in terms of music taste, so when those types of bands would be on your bus and would find out that you didn’t listen to their music, that's when they would start looking down on you. 
You headed to the pick up spot with your luggage for the tour. Turns out you would be in charge of two buses this time. From what your boss told you, this band had 4 members and they would be riding 2 and 2 in each bus, so you would need to take inventory at each venue so you could figure out what you needed to pick up for each bus. As you approached, you noticed that it looked like only 2 of the members were there. They were both relatively short men, probably just about the same height as you, if not just an inch or two taller. One was slightly chubby, with his ginger hair peeking out from under a slightly crooked trucker hat. The other was more lean with shoulder length hair and a labret piercing. They were just standing outside the buses, looking around and texting on their phones, looking a little frantic. It was already 11:45 and they needed to get out of there by 12 in order to make it to the first venue on time. 
“Hey, uh.. You guys in the band?” You say, walking up to the two.
“Oh, yeah, I'm Patrick and this is Andy.” said the ginger man as he motioned towards the other, “We’re just waiting on two others, they should be here pretty soon.” 
You nodded your head and headed towards one of the buses to put your stuff away. After picking one of the bunks and throwing your bags in it, you walked back out the bus to hear a car screeching as it pulled up. Two more men hopped out, one with the really curly hair instantly went to the trunk to grab their bags while the other man, the one with dark emo hair, got out and shouted back into the car, “Thanks mom! I’ll make sure to call you!” The Woman in the car waved at all the boys before pulling off. Patrick waved and yelled “Bye, Ms. Wentz!” as she drove away. 
"Great,” you thought, “now that the others are here we can start getting on the road and get a head start in travel.” Before you can get a chance to introduce yourself to the other two, they are pushing each other, yelling, and running onto one of the buses; coincidentally, the bus that you had already put your stuff down in. “Great.” you think. You momentarily think about getting your bag and moving it into the other bus with the two more tame men, but before you can even fully consider the idea the leading driver steps out and tells you all that it is time to leave.  Hesitantly you get on the bus where the two lunatics are. 
Stepping on the bus you find that the two have already started to make themselves at home. They already have their bags open and strewn about the sitting area and one of them is already smoking a bowl. You Sigh at the mess that is already in front of you and the thought of what is to come.
 Just then the emo looking one approaches you. “So, uh… who are you?” he asks.
“I’m Y/N. I work for the bus company.” You say.
“Shit, we got a babysitter??” The curly haired one says, after talking a rip off his pipe. 
“I'm just a gofer. Whatever you guys need on the bus, I’ll get it.” You tell them.
“Oh, sweet! So like anything? You can get us ANYTHING?” the emo one asks.
“Anything that is legal, yes.” You inform him. 
He shrugs at your response and takes a seat next to the other man, plopping down on the sofa. “So, Y/N. Tell me, is this a dream come true for you?” He asks.
“What?” You ask, a little taken aback by the odd question.
“You know. You look to be in your 20s, you dress pretty alt,” He motions to your black tee shirt with white long sleeve under and your baggy jeans. “So you have to be into Fall Out Boy. You must be pretty stoked to be touring along with THE Pete Wentz,” He points to himself, “and Joe Trohman.” he points to the other man. 
You laugh at the assumption, gaining a raised eyebrow from Pete. “What? What's so funny?” He asks.
You compose yourself before speaking, “I have no idea who you guys are, dude! I don’t have time to listen to music because of the restraints of my job. The only thing I get to listen to is whatever the driver listens to on the road, which usually happens to be Aerosmith.” You say, nodding a head towards the driver’s seat. Pete and Joe look at you for a second, then each other, then once again back at you. 
“Sweet!” They both say in unison. “It’ll be great to have someone our age to hang around that doesn’t care who we are. It’s impossible to talk to anyone who isn’t in the band without them freaking out and having a moment.” Pete says. You laugh at the excitement the two express at the thought of making a new friend. 
After getting settled in a little bit, Pete and Joe tell you more about themselves and the other members of the band. You learn that Pete and Andy are both 26 and Joe and Patrick are both 21, they're from a city just outside of Chicago, and that Patrick is single and that you are “totally his type” as Pete puts it. You roll your eyes at this comment. You're used to getting hit on in your line of work, it comes with the territory of spending months on buses full of men. You choose not to mix work and relationships, knowing that it just gets messy and leads to people getting hurt, plus the last thing you need is your boss to find out your helping the clients out in that way. 
Before you know it you're already pulling up to the venue bus parking. You take a quick inventory of both the buses and make a list of anything that needs to be restocked. While the crew are getting the stage set up, you get in the rental car that your company sets to be delivered at each venue for you specifically to do your job. You make the run to the store, making sure to get enough water, snacks, and other meal items for both the buses. You make sure to follow the special requests that were left for you, like making sure to get a selection of vegan options for Andy, and even pick up a few extra things for yourself, like your favorite candies. Once you’re all done with your shopping, you get loaded into the car and drive back to the venue. It’s still a little early so the parking lot isn't too bad, but there are a few really dedicated fans who are already lining up at the front door. You pull around to the restricted back and flash your badge at the security, who lets you drive right through. 
When you pull up to the buses you see that the band members are standing right outside, playing around with some toy that Pete had brought with him. As you step out and walk around to the trunk of the car, Patrick instantly perks up and rushes over, “Hey, let me help you!” He says, Grabbing a few of the bags from the trunk and bringing them towards the buses. 
“One second!” you say to Patrick before he enters either of the buses. You walk over and double check the bags that he is carrying. “Okay, these ones go on Pete and Joe’s bus. The rest should go for you and Andy, and then we can put a case of water on each bus.” Patrick nods at these instructions and carries the bags onto the appropriate bus while you bring yours to the other. You get everything put away and then head back out to get the case of water for the bus. As you walk out you see Patrick coughing a bit as he steps off the other bus, he quickly walks over to you. 
“You’re ok with them smoking on the bus?” He asks you.
“They paid extra to be able to, so I can’t really object to it.” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. Patrick looks at you with a frown on his face. 
“Besides, I was planning on moving over to your bus before we take off from the venue tonight. Something tells me that no matter how well I hide some of my snacks, Pete is going to end up finding them.” You say, earning a chuck from Patrick. “Yeah,” he says, “Pete has a nose like a doberman, you can't keep anything from him.”
By the time you get the groceries all put away the guys are already off to the sound check. You use the down time to move your things from your original bus to Patrick’s bus, and then make your way backstage to watch some of the show. You pick a spot just off the side of the stage where you won’t be in the way. The concert starts and you learn real quick why Pete was surprised you didn’t know who they were. They freaking rock! Every song is something amazing and Patrick’s voice, oh man can he sing! You were truly taken aback by their music. 
As they played, you must have had a look of amazement, because when Patrick looked over at you he had the biggest smile on his face. Pete, noticing the beaming smile that Patrick had and looked in the direction he kept glancing at. It was like Pete could smell the electric bond that you two were sharing in the moment and knew what he had to do. 
When the show ended you were grinning ear to ear as Patrick walked up to you. 
“So I take it that you liked the show?” he asked. 
“You guys are really something! When I first saw you I had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice!” you say.
Patrick blushes slightly at the comment, “T-thanks, I'm really happy that you enjoyed it.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. As you walk with Patrick back to the buses, you hear what sounds like a raging bull running towards you from behind. As you both look back you see Pete and Joe carrying a yelling and kicking Andy, running with him towards the buses. Before either you or Patrick have time to question what they were doing, Pete and Joe carry Andy onto their bus and slam the door. Before you know it, the bus starts taking off. Confused, both you and Patrick rush to get on the other bus in order to follow after them. 
“What was that about?” you ask Patrick.
“I have no idea, but knowing Pete and Joe, it's probably not going to end well.” He says, sitting next to you on the sofa in the shared space. Just then you feel your phone go off. It’s a text from Pete, “when the hell did he put his number in my phone?” You say as you open the text.
Pete: enjoy the free time w/ trick xoxo ;) 
You sigh at the text, knowing now that Pete is absolutely crazy.
Just then Patrick also gets a text. 
Pete: make some moves and make them count. andy is pissed and i dont want it to be for nothin >:)
Patrick blushes at the text. Realizing how his friends were trying to set him up. 
You both sit there awkwardly for a minute, unsure of what to say. 
Patrick clears his throat, “so, uh, Y/N… What are you into? Like do you have any hobbies or favorite movies?” 
You shift in your seat slightly, still feeling the awkward tension. “Well, I play bass and draw a bit, but I don’t usually have a whole lot of time to enjoy those things, being on the road most of the time makes it hard to get a break where I can practice.” You say, rubbing the back of your neck. “As for favorite movies, I mostly like stuff from the 80s, so The Goonies, Top Gun, Indiana Jones and The Breakfast Club. but my all time favorite movie is Ghostbusters.”
Patrick instantly sat up with excitement, “Really? Ghostbusters is my favorite too! I basically have all the words memorized. What's your favorite line?” 
“Yes it's true,” you begin to say. Patrick knows exactly what line you're referring to and joins in, saying it in unison with you. “This man has no dick!” You both laugh with excitement over your shared interest. Talking more and finding out you have a lot in common. 
Soon the buses pull up to a gas station to refuel, allowing everyone to get down for snacks and to stretch their legs. You and Patrick happily hop off the bus, still chatting and laughing.
Pete, Joe, and Andy also get off their bus and begin walking towards you too. Andy looks defeated, tired, and his face and hair are covered in dead bugs.
“Andy, what happened to you??” Patricks asks.
“Their whole bus smells like weed. I couldn't handle it.” Andy said with an exhausted tone.
“Dude spent the entire ride with his head out the window. I know he's straight edge, but we didn’t even smoke at all while he was with us.” Pete says, budding in. 
You and Patrick help to get Andy back onto your bus so he can clean his face and rest, 
“Oh hey, I actually brought my copy of Ghostbusters with me! We can pop it in the DVD player on the bus and watch it together!.. I-if you want.” Patrick says, stuttering a little bit at the end, realizing how what he just asked sounds like a bit of a date. 
“Oh hell, yea!” you say, “Wait, I have the perfect snacks for us to share!” You say, retrieving your secret stash. You open the bag, revealing the assortment of black liquorice, hi-chews, and butterscotch drops. Patrick’s heart skips a beat seeing all his favorite candies. You set up the sofa with pillows and blankets and make it super cozy as Patrick gets the TV set up. You both watch the movie, laughing and reciting every line, word for word together. By the end of the end of the movie you’ve both fallen asleep, cuddled into each other and holding on as if your lives depended on it. 
From that night forward, you and Patrick were inseparable. 
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Andy: guys let me back on your bus please
Pete: why? i thought you didnt like our bus?
Andy: they put on ghostbusters and it's unbearable. i feel like i'm listening to it in stereo 
Andy: *Image attachment*
Andy: they fell asleep finally, but i already know theyre going to be doing this every night. trade me buses plz
Pete: aww look at them, so cute 
Andy: pete plz 
Pete: sux 2 sux. Xoxo <3
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nohoperadio · 1 month
I'm gonna have a crack at @perdvivly's ask meme what I got tagged in now... let's go!!
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
A less brave question asker might have built up to the heavy shit and put the lighthearted questions first, I respect it. Okay part of what's tricky here is that to answer this properly I'd have to make some judgment calls about which of my deficiencies are rightly attributed to genuine lack of virtue vs to something like disability, and that's a scary distinction to look at too closely. So my instinct is to avoid any territory close to that border, but the actual true answer probably is close to the border--the below is probably something of a cop-out is what I'm saying.
Here's something I've only relatively recently started conceptualizing as a virtue: the desire and ability to share the enjoyment of the things you're passionate about with other people. The books and music and etc I like, I tend to be content to enjoy them by myself in the corner, whereas for other people experiencing these things alongside others and talking about them and stuff is a large part of the point. This latter tendency is most obvious in what gets called fandom but there are lots of other expressions of it, some more casual/normie, but I don't really do any of it very much. And I used to think this difference was just "people care about different things, whatever" but lately I'm leaning more towards thinking that the more communal approach is just straight-up superior; it looks like some important, richer varieties of experience are available over that way, and I now regret that I didn't try to move myself further in that direction when I was younger.
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
Mugs (plural) probably is the best answer to this, but I've already tackled that at great length here. What else... well, my main bookmark, given to me by a friend and depicting a scholar I respect very much, has lasted an impressively long time im humble o:
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3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
Impossible to imagine strangers randomly approaching me in the street to start conversations being anything other than nightmarish, so the ceiling has to be below that. I guess there's different types of fame that presumably make for very different experiences, a famous actor probably gets a rawer deal than an equivalently famous author, and the type of famous author whose demographic is such that self-promoting on instagram and twitter is part of the job description surely has a worse life than one who doesn't have to do that.
Someone who knows more about the culture than me could probably say exactly what kind of thing you should be famous for to minmax getting all the pleasant-feeling respect and financial rewards while preserving privacy and minimizing unpleasant public obligations, but I'm not sure what the answer is. However this comic still pops into my head occasionally after all this time and it might be a better answer than any of these words:
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4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
Actually I don't often get the feeling that my difficulties in expressing myself are related to the limitations of language, I tend to run into more mundane constraints before that one becomes an issue, like my embarrassment around talking about myself or my not being in tune with my own mental life or the fact that my brain is very small. I think generally if something's too subtle to put into words it's too subtle for me to think clearly about/have anything worth saying about in the first place.
I guess my other possible answer to this would be "all of my experience of life in its entirety" which is also true in a way.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
Yeah no it's hard, you've done well. My first thought with criteria A (which I think is the hardest one to cover) is to make the question require describing somebody else's perspective on something, because that way even if the answerer has their own knee-jerk opinion about the thing they'd be forced to suspend that in their answer. Maybe something like this would work:
Think of a topic that somebody close to you has very different feelings about from your own--it can be the smallest, most trivial matter of taste or something weightier if you like--what do you think is the relevant difference between you and this person that explains your different takes on that topic?
I would hope that if this question were in an ask meme like this people would tend to focus on fun and/or lighthearted differences but maybe it would turn people's brains towards bitter conflicts, I'm not sure. Anyway I'm glad question 5 doesn't end with "...and what is your answer to that question?" because it looks difficult to me!
This was fun imo, some of the questions were more intimidating than is the norm for these things but what's wrong with a little spice you know, I recommend it, thank you @perdvivly for erecting this jungle gym of the soul. I'm following the same coward's strat as last time of picking people sort-of-randomly by tagging the last three mutuals to show up in my notifications, this time excluding the three I tagged last time, so that gives @fregolious, @abodywithorgans and @wellmetmat. I'd like to hear from you! If the random method somehow gave people I didn't want to hear from I would have had no qualms about fudging it until I got people I liked, so don't let that put you off! But also, again, any mutuals who feel like doing this and claiming that I tagged them should do so, because in spirit I have, you understand.
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dapperrokyuu · 2 years
Quick Mizi speculation time!!! Im fascinated with this frame of Mizi because while she looks shocked, she doesnt look scared.
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Talking this over with a friend, shes very much, like, “How could this happen!!!” but also. She doesnt look concerned about herself, like. The more Mizi’s character gets revealed, the more interesting she becomes.
I believe this may tie in with Ivan because they might be foils in terms of how “well off” they were raised. From her demeanor in some ALNST content to her potential ignorance of the circumstances in My Clematis to this brief shot in Sweet Dream, I personally assume…Mizi grew up privileged. She may have grown up in relative safety, and while there may have been some awareness of the universe’s circumstances, I think she grew in an environment where she never thought it would happen to her (until post-My Clematis).
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An important thing to note is that even from that alien moment in Round 3’s teaser up to Round 1, Mizi is under this illusion. Thus, it can be insinuated that she came out of Round 3’s teaser situation completely unharmed and in fact was never in any danger. This can also be concluded by questioning why Mizi was there alone in the first place, with nothing happening until Till appears. Of course, the possibility that they wander in there at relatively the same time, but if Mizi had any sense of the danger any random alien could pose to her…why did she go up so close? Why did she enter far into the room at all? I wouldnt be surprised if her alien master intentionally or not preserved Mizi’s illusion by striking a deal that no alien would hurt her. Or that no harm befalls her, whichever works.
My theory is that Mizi lived well under her master; I personally think Mizi’s master probably thinks of her as precious, whether it be in a pitying way or genuinely cherishing way (leaning towards the latter). Thus, she and Ivan would be similar because they both lived in relative luxury compared to other human “pets”–especially in regards to Till.
The difference between them would be that to their masters, Ivan stays as a pet, while Mizi may have been treated the slightest bit more like a person.
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short-and-ugly · 9 months
Hey yuor the Skoodge guy!
Two questions:
1. What does Zim see in him?
2. What does he see in Skoodge?
Wait isn't this the same question phrased in two different ways
im gonna assume its "Zim see in him" and "He sees in Zim" for this!!!! ... im the skoodge guy.... you flatter me. far too much. eradicated.
and endeared.
i Want to answer this as unbiased as possible....... so im going to do so under the assumption that we are talking about Canon.
Zim... doesn't see a whole lot in Skoodge, I don't think. Maybe a pawn, maybe a loyal follower which he 'rightfully' deserves. But then again, Zim has been given the opportunity to have followers before, and he's never really... taken advantage of them. Mostly, Zim seems to want nothing to do with people worshiping and idolizing him! Gets all... jittery and weird. Space morons episode I think. Whichever one was the one where the alien cultists/conventionists found him.
So then if Zim doesn't see Skoodge as a follower, and pawn is still up in the air... does he see him as. A nuisance? Probably. But Zim ALSO has a tendency to regard Gir as a nuisance, despite the facts pointing towards him enjoying the robot's company/general existence.
There's not too much canon Zim-Skoodge interaction dialogue, but Hobo-13 establishes a strange dynamic of Zim bossing Skoodge around and Skoodge blindly accepting it. I don't know if that's because of the situation (Zim being the leader there) or if that's just their whole Thing, but I'm leaning towards the latter, because in Day of Da Spookies (script) their relationship remains pretty much the exact same. The only thing that changes is Zim is a lot more hostile? To Skoodge, for conquering his planet first (obviously jealous/upset that Skoodge has managed to beat his in record time, whereas Zim hasn't made much, if any progress, on Earth).
And with the Trial, too, it's clear that this is how the two have interacted with each other for a long while. I just. Have no idea why.
Skoodge just. Seems to blindly follow Zim, regarding him in just about the same light as a typical irken would the Tallest.
Taking his command with much less hesitation, too. He looks at the Tallest before going into the cannon, but whenever Zim has a plan, he takes it in stride. Even though he MUST be aware of the usually explode-y consequences that Zim's plans tend to generate. No irken wouldn't know. Is he just ignorant? I really doubt it. He's been there since the beginning. He was definitely there to see the second power outage on Irk, and the mayhem of OID1. He's just... that thoroughly blinded by his whatever that he has towards Zim.
And I really really want to call it a crush, but this is canon I'm talking about! Love doesn't exist in this show, yadda yadda, whatever! Who cares! If it isn't a crush, it's definitely the closest irken equivalent to it! Maybe Zim looks like a giant donut to Skoodge! Who knows. He's deranged. Just about as insane as Zim is. Thankfully, all his energy is directed towards surviving whatever Zim or the universe throws at him, instead of anything else. That might end up resulting in a bunch of casualties.
So. The questions. They remain!
What does Zim see in Skoodge?
I think he sees a tool. Something to be used at his disposal. Easily and readily accessible, because that's what Skoodge has molded himself to be.
And maybe, underneath that. Just the TEENSIEST tiniest bit. Zim sees an ally. (Or a friend.)
What does Skoodge see in Zim?
Or at least way more than he should.
Or maybe he just sees someone interesting. A short irken with the complex of a taller one. Strong and commandeering despite his height. And he admires that.
thanks for letting me be insane about them. i love you dearly.
somehow this still ended up being about my specific interpretations of them. theres just so little in canon....... and i dont wanna just end it at ''zim hates skoodge and skoodge is okay with that'' because the tallest hate skoodge! and skoodge is okay with it! expects it! and the way skoodge reacts to the tallest and zim are different i think! he speaks out to purple! and obeys zim without question!
and zim....... is fine with him following him around. for the most part. he at least never kicks him out of the base. and that has to mean something
skoodge runs away a lot from things........ but he always comes back to zim
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the-lonelyshepherd · 9 days
i am curious about calliope, i feel like i know a lot about the silly cowboyes but not enough about her, what’s she like what’s her story
the reason i dont post/draw her as much as the cowboyes (yeehaw) is because shes newer, less developed, and deals with a lot of like. directly touchy subjects for myself. also her design changes every 2 days but she does get more decrepit and more middle aged man looking every design lmfao (she is a . newly 18 year old girl.) im just going to say words now its going to be a mess brace yourself
she herself is kind of a mess her whole concept is that she was kind of Weird but like. normaled out. joined the track team. was good at it. was like. kind of in with the crowd. and then it all starts falling apart.
she was very quiet and then very "shut up and go with it" for most of her life and now shes like a confused paranoid wreck because like. she can contain the horrors no longer. shes kind of a dick sometimes kind of unaware of a lot of stuff VERY confused about her entire situation probably iron deficient and oh so very tired. its a very "i dont recognize myself in the mirror but maybe i never knew who i really was" type of story
im still working on the exact rules of the werewolfism ,,,,,,, but im leaning towards making it NOT actually from a bite. for my secret evil Reasons.
originally the plan was to have her be aroace and have a whole Thing about that but now im leaning more towards simply aro (wether that be aroallo or non SAM aro im not sure yet but leaning towards the latter).
she also does llike. experience hallucinations and delusions and paranoid spells like outside of the whole werewolf thing. theyre two seperate problems she has . very confusing and awful for her lmao
the story is more of a vibe and a few scenes than solid right now but its like. setting building (track, friendgroup, home life) -> fakeout (dog bite) -> actually initiating problem (theres several versions of this and im not sure which one im doing yet) -> she has to LEAVE and everything gets fucking crazy and there is no structure beyond this point minus random scenes and throwaway characters (roadkill, hospital, living room, van, cliff,,,,,, idk theres a lot of random scenes, probably something w/her brother )
im. very incoherent aand tired rn but i love her lots and if you wanna get a good idea of Her . then the best i have is her pinterest board
GRIINNNN tysm for asking about her im sorry if this makes no sens e😭
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imp-thing · 10 months
Spoilers for The Mermaid’s Tongue
Judging the suspects on what they might be like based off their silhouettes because I feel judgmental and annoying
- I’m noticing the small little circle I’m guessing that’s either a monocle or glasses. Resulting in these ideas, they’re either fancy or smart/nerdy.
- I’m leaning more towards smart/nerdy, the way he’s posed is just giving that vibe, yk?
- probably a lil goofy. A lil silly.
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- I feel like this person is the youngest of the characters.
- probably immature and energetic, how I like my characters tbh.
- is that little thing sticking out of its head a tongue? Does this person have a giant tongue? Is it a person??
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- That small hat thing it has is making me think that he’s supposed to smart, but the size of the head compared to the body is also making me think he’s dumb as hell
- I think he’d maybe give off sorta father-like vibes if he’s the latter and just a grumpy middle aged guy if the former
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- If this person is a dude (which it probably is), I’m betting he’s gonna be kind of annoying.
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- I apparently keep hearing that there’s a character that is apparently a character who’s a doctor (or at least goes by Dr.) and I’m assuming it’s this dude. That hair and pipe….. you can tell man.
- Old. Not too old, but middle age old.
- Smart. Most likely. And I’m guessing he’s gonna bully Grimoire for being dumb
- He’s giving off as if he knows/is friends with Professor pointer. Or at least looks like he would. Or maybe they’d be/are the worst of enemies, who knows.
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- Oh I can TELL you’re gonna be cocky as shit.
- He looks like he’d say, “won’t you shake a poor sinner’s hand?”
- I’m betting that hat looks like a jellyfish
- Grimoire is probably going to HATE him and this dude would bully him EVERY TIME HE’D GET THE CHANCE. (Toxic yaoi /j)
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- He can probably beat someone up and is willing to
- I sorta think he’d be a strong and silent type but not like a Fitz 2.0, I feel like if he were to speak he’s threaten the person he’d speak to.
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- Probably one of if not the only girl here
- Probably willing to beat someone up
- I think she’s kinda like hawkshaw but more talkative in a way if that makes sense?
- Her and Sally are gonna get along
- If anyone is going to be the murderer, I genuinely hope it’s not her
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- Ik we already know the looks of this dude, but I’ll say that he looks like a pirate fan/would act like a pirate in a way, that’s all
- I also wanna tug at his hair, I feel like it’s snap if you pulled hard enough, it looks kinda rocky and solid
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Okay that’s it I’m gonna go get something to eat
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as-if-and-only-if · 3 months
I need to choose between axiomatic set theory and general topology for my courses (aka modules) for next semester, any advice for which to choose?
As someone who is on a CS and maths degree programme and likes algebra more than analysis I'm leaning towards axiomatic set theory, but I know topology is such a big field that it might be more useful to take.
Hmm! Choosing courses is always tricky. I’ll give my general advice for choosing courses, which you’ve possibly already taken into account, then my specific advice under the cut.
My general advice for course choice always starts with asking about the professors and the syllabi. If you know one of the professors is great, you’ll probably get more out of the course, regardless of subject matter (and sometimes profs don’t teach the same course next year etc., so!). Likewise if one of the professors is truly terrible, you’re better off waiting for another to teach it.
Of course, often both professors are good (but it’s worth looking up/asking around).
The next piece of general advice is to also just look at the syllabi if they exist from previous years: do certain topics especially excite you or intrigue you? What do you imagine the course material will “feel” like? This matters! Of course, make sure not to hallucinate based on expectations and keep an open mind to new experiences, but see if anything jumps out at you, and go with your gut.
As for specific advice re: axiomatic set theory or general topology:
it might be worth seeing what courses these courses are actually prerequisites for. Topology is often a prerequisite for many other things, like differential geometry, algebraic geometry, Lie theory, and homotopy theory. The latter three are especially algebraic. So, it might open up your options going forward, with my point being that there is also algebra it’s relevant for, and pinning down what exactly it does open up might help you make your decision. (Also look out for prereqs twice or n times removed!)
On the other hand, axiomatic set theory might help you move towards model theory and logic courses, even if it’s not a direct prerequisite (though it might be).
But those are all sort of relational considerations. As for intrinsic aspects of the courses: axiomatic set theory will (ime) give you a sense of “how to encode math in simple structures” as well as “what are the crucial parts that enable such-and-such”. You’ll (I would hope!) get a handle of what people mean by “size issues” if you don’t have a firm grasp of that already, and be able to see what exactly is the difference between having different axioms. What does AoC actually get you? Which axioms actually let you do the things you’re used to doing (if you read between the lines, at least)? Plus of course the specifics of what’s important about sets as a foundation which might not be obvious without it, like how important ∈-induction is to making things go brrr. It’ll also provide a concrete example of “how mathematicians build a foundational system”, and answer technical questions which only arise in the course of doing so, like “why do we need axiom schemas instead of just axioms?” This is assuming it’s like the one I took; definitely check the syllabus! It could just be “let’s spend the whole course defining the basic set operations and von Neumann ordinals, don’t worry about the rest”. Or it could go into transfinite things, and talk about limit ordinals and transfinite induction and all the rest, which would also be cool imo, but a different tack. (Or it could hybridize all this.)
Topology will lay the groundwork for handling space in full generality. So many things are topologies, because topologies are actually really general objects, and often look nothing like familiar spaces! I kind of forget what exactly is in a first course, but you’ll see loads of unusual examples, as well as surprisingly general results. Proving things about topologies is a great exercise in proving things, because you can prove so much about them once you add a hypothesis or two, like being Hausdorff or compact. (And there are a wide variety of different hypotheses to add, so you get to prove things in different but related settings!) Topological notions reappear throughout mathematics, even when divorced from topology itself: the notion of a closure operation is very general, the concept behind compactness reappears in various other places, the structure formed by the open sets in a topology is actually an instance of a more general categorical structure, calculus becomes obvious by recognizing what limits are topologically, topological limits are a categorical construction!, etc. Also you get to draw pictures and really feel why something is true, or what a counterexample looks like, all while being entirely rigorous. I think the impression of “well, there COULD be a really weird counterexample” cultivated by actually doing topology is invaluable in math more generally. There is no end to the number of weird and ingenious counterexamples in topology, and some are quite beautiful and distinctive (e.g. the Alexander horned sphere).
Anyway, this was my experience with topology as an algebra person! It definitely feels different than analysis to me, perhaps because we’re so close to the metal that it’s almost algebraic, despite frequently dealing with continua and infinities.
So, my advice: you should gather as much information as possible/reasonable, then go with what either ignites your passion, promises an interesting new experience or challenge, opens the door to specific things you’re interested in, or feels right. Ofc that code will produce different results if executed on your hardware than on someone else’s, and I haven’t even specified how to weight these factors, so it’s ultimately up to you. But hopefully this provided some food for thought and clarifying context! :)
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