#im so MAD . this is so annoying why can no one give me a straight answer
danielnelsen · 10 months
someone was recommending an app for android and i asked if there was an ios equivalent and got the whole “apple sucks, just get an android” like…….buddy where am i getting this new phone from? are YOU gonna buy it for me? i’ve had one phone in my life that wasn’t second hand and that was my first flip phone. if my current phone died right now, i just wouldn’t have a phone until someone i know got a new one and was nice enough to give me their old one. are you expecting me to just turn down their offers until someone just gives me an android?
#i don’t get annoyed about it too often but my current phone is possibly the worst phone i’ve ever had#so like. i’m not just sitting here thinking hard about what phone to get next. i will take what i can get.#same with laptops. i haven’t had one in nearly two years and if someone offered me a mac i’d take it in an instant#no matter how much i’d prefer windows#like maybe consider that your phone-shopping experiences aren’t universal. i’d you don’t know an ios equivalent just say that#personal#sorry i’ve just had so many people criticise my phone recently with the whole tone of ‘get a new one’ and it’s getting to me#i’ve started just straight-up asking if they’ll buy me one to try to get the point across#but on this topic. hey does anyone have a phone or laptop they’re willing to give away 🙃#kinda annoyed at my sister who said the other week that she might get a new phone and could give me her old one#and a few days later i asked what kinda timeframe that would be and she got mad at me for being pushy about it#like ‘i was just considering it you can’t just expect it’ like wtf i was just asking. if it’s not gonna be soon just say it’s not soon yeesh#idk im just getting overwhelmed and annoyed at people being so presumptive and also demanding of what i should do#my phone has about 4gb of space i can actually use so i have to spend half my time swapping which apps i have installed#and i don’t have a laptop so it’s literally my only portable device of that kind#DO YOU THINK THIS IS A CHOICE THAT I HAVE MADE?#like can you think for maybe 2 seconds about why someone might have a phone that sucks#‘why dont you just—‘ MONEY. the answer is MONEY. why tf do you think i ‘dont just’#anyway. tips are enabled and i’m pretty sure my pypl is ashtonlove
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touyaz · 1 year
customer service ppl are soo 🤬🤼💢 not even going on a murderous rampage could help me rn
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luveline · 1 year
if you’re ever in the mood to write for kbd again i’d love to ask for an argument fic! i’m a huge hurt/comfort fan and i feel like the arguments you write always feel so realistic and healthy(?) in a way? ily
thank you for your request! im glad u like how i write arguments bcos i find it so difficult, I hope this fills your hurt/comfort needs! kbd | dad!steve x mom!reader
You're tapping your foot on the kitchen floor, annoyed and upset and not sure if you should say anything about it. 
Dove said her first words today. And you found out through Avery, who sits on the kitchen table in front of you with her legs dancing over the edge, clearly unhappy that you're unhappy, her hands stroking your cheeks affectionately. She's only six. You feel terrible that she can tell you're upset. 
"Mom, how can I make you happy?" she asks.
It's something you've said to her a thousand times. She cries, and she's finally at the age where you can ask her what solution she needs. 
You love her, but your patience isn't very strong today. You remove her hands from your face gently and give her a weak smile. 
"I just need to talk to daddy, that's all." 
"I'll go get him!" she says, clambering onto your legs and down onto the ground. 
You don't really like the idea of summoning him for a scolding, and you've been with him long enough to know how to navigate a disagreement without a fuss. But you aren't perfect, and neither is he. When he arrives in the kitchen with a broken baby doll in his hands, he looks so comely, so homespun, and you're still mad. 
"Why didn't you tell me Dove said her first words?" 
His eyes light up, but he swiftly fixes his expression into a more neutral one. "I– sorry, yeah, she said daddy." He grins like he can't help it. He probably can't. "Oh, you should've heard it, she couldn't have sounded less excited to say it, what a doll." 
"But why didn't you tell me?" 
Steve seems to clock where this is heading, then, and puts the doll down on the kitchen counter. "It slipped my mind." 
"Really? Her very first words slipped your mind? Like, that's not extremely important to you?" 
"Of course it's important to me." Steve's eyes narrow, and his eyebrows start to rise. It's not an angry look nor is it cruel, but it rubs you the wrong way. It's sceptical. "But I'm busy all of the time. Which you know."
You're getting more and more irate. It's not his fault, but it feels like his fault in the moment, and you don't like how he's talking to you, and your head hurts. 
"I didn't say you're not busy, but I still think you should've told me when I came in."
"I just– I don't know, I had to give Bethie a bath, and then Dove was fussing. And now her doll's broken. I was busy." 
You sigh. "Sometimes," you say, more depressed than mad, "you act like they're not even mine. You act like they're just your girls. I'm their mom." 
"Do I do that?" he asks, incredulity leaching into his words.
"Steve, you should've told me straight away. She's my baby, I should've found out from you, and not Avery, like an afterthought." 
"I told you, I forgot." 
"I don't care if you forgot– actually, I do, because that's the problem. You shouldn't forget to tell me when my own daughter starts talking–" 
"You're acting like I chose not to tell you. I wasn't not going to tell you, but I have other things on mind! I have a lot to do, in case you forgot!" 
"Like I'm not busy too?" you ask. "Like I don't work all day every day to come home to you. To make sure there's a home to come home to." 
"You're throwing that in my face?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No! No, I'm just saying that I'm busy too, you're not the only one who has to do things, Steve, but the difference is that I would never forget to tell you something like that!" 
"Maybe if you were home, you wouldn't need to shout at me about it. You feel guilty and you're taking it out on me." 
You don't see red or anything so aggressive —no. You just feel like he's slapped you, like he's reached right into the centre of your chest and said the thing that's going to hurt you the most. 
You don't want to cry. You know how it looks, like you're losing, so you're crying, so he'll feel sorry and make you feel better. Steve has known you and loved you for years and he knows the look on your face before tears have even welled up. You twist away from him and cover your face with your hands, your skin hot as a burning hearth. 
And the tears are pathetic. Sniffling, quiet, high-pitched in the back of your throat. It's not fair. It's not fair, you want to stay home too, you want to see their first moments, and you don't get to do it and he's shouting at you and you just want to shrink into nothing right then and there. You're tired, and you're embarrassed at yourself for speaking to him like that. He doesn't deserve it.
"Honey," Steve says, all malice gone. "Honey, don't. It's okay." 
"I'm fine." 
"No, it's okay," he says, putting his hand on your shoulder. 
"Ignore me," you say, "I'm not crying to– I'm just mad." 
"Don't cry," he murmurs, pressing his lips to your crown. "Don't. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." 
Love is so unfortunate, sometimes. He's the only one who you want comfort from, but you're so mad at him. Even if he's right. The anger is as illogical as the love; you want him to go away and you need him to rub your back as you snuffle. 
"It's not fair, Steve. You can't just say that."
"I know. I'm sorry. I know you can't be home. I know I'm the lucky one. I know how much you've given away to let me have what I want," he says, moving so he's face to face with you. 
"Now you'll think I'm crying just to be the one upset," you say with a sob. 
"Only a little bit." He laughs fondly at your frown. "I'm kidding!"
You cry so much he has to wrap his arms around you to keep you together. It's not his fault, but suddenly everything breaks the surface, how guilty you feel for missing out, how annoyed you are at him for knowing that and still giving you a hard time, how annoyed you are at yourself for shouting at him over something he can't control. You cry because you miss the girls, you miss him, and you're tired. There's hundreds of tiny reasons. 
Steve sounds a little emotional himself when he says, "God, I'm sorry." His cheek pressed hard to your ear, his hug tightening. "I'm a dick, making you cry." 
"I'm a dick. I'm sorry," you say, head heavy, tears slowed. 
"It's okay. I know why you're upset. I promise I know. I shouldn't have got so defensive… but I really did forget, honey. I'm sorry, but I did." 
"I know. I'm sorry for being a bitch about it." 
He laughs and pulls back to cup your cheek. "You are not a bitch. You got upset, you're not the antichrist." 
You sniff. Steve pulls the corner of your mouth into an uneven smile and then, slowly, leans in to dot a kiss there. When he moves back, his face is slack. An unhappiness lingers in his lips and his eyes where they're trained on your tacky cheek. 
He moves in for a second kiss. This one is firmer, longer, and you reciprocate with relief. 
"Do you really think that? That I act like they're just my girls?" he asks when he pulls away. 
You duck your head so you don't have to look at him, or face the mean things you'd said. Not just mean, either, but the things you're embarrassed to have thought. 
"Not really. Sometimes I feel like…" You don't want to say it aloud. You rub the skin of his wrist in a fidget. 
"Go on," he says. 
"I worry I'm not choosing the right thing. I would never ask you to give this up… I really wouldn't. But I worry I'll regret not being here."  
Steve wraps his hands in your t-shirt and pulls it toward him. You're becoming more and more intertwined as the conversation progresses, your faces much too close. 
"We've always said," he says slowly, "that you could change your mind. That you could come home, and that I would work. We've always said that. You don't have to be afraid to tell me you've been thinking about it." 
"I haven't." You sniff. "I don't even think I could do it." 
"Are you kidding?" Steve asks. 
A rogue tear races down your cheek. If you speak, you'll sob, so you shake your head and hold onto his wrist for dear life. 
"You're the best mom they ever made," he says, easing closer still, his face imploring, pleading with you, "why would you ever think you can't do it? It’s different to when you’re home, being alone with them, it's fucking hard, and I think you'd struggle to get used to it at first because I still struggle now, but you could do it. I know you could. You could stay at home and look after them if you want to, I want you to do that if it's what you need." 
"This is silly," you say. 
"It's not silly." 
"I've made this all about me. I was angry at you and now you're comforting me." You stroke his cheek with your knuckle. "I'm the one who should be comforting you. You race after the kids all day and then the wife comes home and grabs you by the ear."
"I think I'd kinda like it if you did," he says. 
You both laugh. 
"I'm sorry," you say. 
Steve nods. "Yeah, me too." 
You bite back everything that's hurting. It's only a temporary pain. You'll figure out what you want, and you have your best friend in the world kneeling in front of you, willing to do anything if it'll help. 
"I should be nicer to you," you murmur. 
"You're plenty nice. But if you're still feeling guilty, I'd die for a kiss, sweetheart." 
You wipe your face with your sleeves, wet cheeks, snotty nose, and brush your hair away so you look like someone worth kissing. "Do I look okay?" 
"You look beautiful," Steve says fondly, leaning in for a kiss. His hands bracelet your wrists. "So pretty," he says between kisses. 
"Don't," you chastise lightly, "this is why I keep getting knocked up." 
"In that case," he says against your lips. He deepens the kiss against your charmed laughter, his hand sliding to the back of your neck, holding you still in the face of his ardency. 
You part before things can get heated and he lets you apologise again, though he insists it isn't necessary, your arms over his shoulders, your nose in his hair. He's always been so good like that —Steve doesn't hold a grudge with you (though others may not be so lucky). He stands you up, brushes you down, even wipes your cheeks with a washcloth. It's why you could never send him to work. He's a caretaker down to the bone. 
Bethie, sweet girl as she is, appears as he's wiping your puffy eyes. She's almost three and a half, and she's the cutest girl in existence if Steve is to be believed. He visibly softens at her entrance alone. 
"Hello, Bethie-baby," he says, "we were wondering where you were. Did you finish your crackers?" 
She's a daddy's girl and she always has been, so it surprises you when she pretty much ignores him and holds her hands up to you. You pick her up, let her settle against your chest. 
"Hey, Beth." 
"Missed you," she says. 
"Oh, you did?" you ask, overjoyed. You sniffle the last of your upset away and lock it down tight. 
She's a quiet baby. You worried she had developmental issues at first (which wouldn't have mattered in terms of love, but worried all the same), though these days your theory is that she doesn't want to speak very much. She likes to communicate in other ways, namely affection, and her face brushes yours as she hugs you. 
You pat her back like she knows she likes. Steve smiles at you from over his shoulders. You wear twin expressions —I'm sorry, I love you, isn't she lovely?
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gisele0127 · 1 year
Can you do some blue lock scenario with a reader who very much needs glasses? Like reader is straight up walking in to poles, bumping into tables, squinting to read to tweets. They actually never took a drivers test because they couldn’t read road signs or the handbook for that matter🙄 The reader just lives life like this just cause. Like there is no reason for them to just not fail their eye test and get some glasses.
Blue lock boys: Rin, Sae, Barou, Kaiser, Yukimiya(💀), and anyone else you want to write for!!
notes: not proof read!! enjoy :)) THANKS FOR 700 FOLLOWERS GUYS, i’ll promise to feed y’all good when i get back home.🥹🥹
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after walking into another pole while you and him were walking down the street from his football practice he finally had enough.
“get some glasses or im breaking up with you”
you look up at him (all you can see is a blurry glob) confused because why would he say that?
“why’re you being mean? i don’t need glasses i’m fine.”
rin secretly liked that you were stubborn, but right now he’s more concerned. you kept on running into things, needed help with homework and schoolwork because you couldn’t see the board, and bumping into tables and such.
he flicks your forehead (specifically where there was a slight bruise forming), “i don’t like how you’re always running into things. it’s not safe.”
he tries to act nonchalant and like he doesn’t care, but deep down inside he’s afraid something bad will happen to you. he just wants you to be safe.
“i don’t understand why you can’t just get glasses!”
it was the first time sae had ever raised his voice to you, or really in general around you. so what got him to this point? you two had just came back from the hospital because you fractured you ankle from tripping. sae had been getting annoyed by your carefreeness and this was the last thing he needed.
you look at him hurt by his tone, you’ve never seen the stoic man like this. you’re surprised he would even raise his voice at something like this.
he looks at you as if he’s done nothing wrong, keeping the same deadpan he always does. you roll your eyes and (try to) walk away until sae grabs your arm pulling you into his lap,
“don’t walk on your foot, you’re going to get even more hurt. and i said that because i don’t want you getting hurt again. what if i’m not there to save you?”
he walks in the door after a tiring practice to some soup cooking in the kitchen. he smiles knowing you made it, and he grabs a spoon to get just a little taste while you arent looking. little does he know you accidentally put too much salt. spitting it out he says,
“holy fuck y/n. are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” he laughs after.
you look at him embarrassed because you tried to do something nice for him and it went terribly wrong.
he smiles looking at you and tenderly kissing your temple, “after my shower i’ll help you cook how does that sound?”
he sometimes finds your vision problems difficult but he never gets mad at you, he’s just a peace with your decisions to not get glasses. he never gets you for it :)
“i set up an eye doctor appointment for you at 12:30 on tuesday by the way. it’s rest day so i’ll be able to drive you” he looks up at you while laying on your chest.
you stop playing with his hair and look confused. “what? why?”
“well love….how do i put this? i’m not your personal driver….and i’m tired of you being so stubborn” he says grinning while motioning for you to continue playing with his hair.
you roll your eyes and continue playing with his hair, you start thinking and you do feel kind of bad that your boyfriend has to drive you everywhere. sure he may be arrogant and cocky, but in reality he’s a lovesick man who only wants the best for you.
(if an ything the roles should be reversed💀)
“do you think our kid is going to be blind?” you innocently ask him one day while studying (mostly him telling you what the class is learning). he’s taken aback but composes himself and gives you a gentle smile.
it’s a short and sweet answer, but he’s mostly thinking about he fact that you said ‘our kid’. this a sweet moment because you usually never say stuff like this. he gets up from his chair and motions you to come on the couch with him,
“but our child will definitely be wearing glasses, unlike you”. he says while sticking his tongue out.
notes part two: i’m sorry this took so long, i’ve been busy traveling all over! i hope it’s to your liking :) @crybabyyams thank you so muchh:))
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belli5 · 2 months
Just a friend — Niko Omilana
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Pairing: Niko Omilana xfem!reader
Summary: Seeing Niko with a girl leads to misunderstanding.
Contains: angst, fluff at the end, jealousy etc
A/n: Requests for beta squad is open, if you want for me to write anything for them. Also this is not very long 🥲 Disclaimer: please do not send the same request you already sent to someone else.
Arriving at the party with Niko, where the beta squad was, Filly, Harry, Nella, Adeola etc. You saw Chunkz and Aj, going over to them both with Niko.
You hugged both of them, even though Aj didn’t like physical touch from a lot of people, he still hugged you back.
“Guys, do you know where Nella or Adeola is?” You asked, wanting to meet your girl friends.
“Im sure they’re both getting a drink or something..” Chunkz said, “are you planning to drink tonight?”
“Nah,” you smiled “not feeling it tonight.” You say, telling again that your going to see where Nella or Adeola is. On they way you met Kenny and Sharky also greeting them with a hug.
You continued to look for Nella or Adeola, when you finally saw them, you greeted them. You were so happy to see them.
“Y/n, how are you and Niko doing?” Nella asks, giving you a drink. Honestly you had no idea what it was, but when you tried it, it tasted like mojito.
You knew you were planning to not drink, but it’s just one drink. “Me and Niko are fine. How are you both?”
“Im good.”
“Im doing well” said Adeola, you continued to talk with them for a little while, you looked around the room to see where Niko was.
Your eyes landed on Niko, engaged in a conversation with a girl. Jealousy washed over you as you observed them from a distance.
You couldn’t see her face features, because of the party lights, maybe it was just a family member? But if she was, you would’ve known. Maybe just a friend?
The girl was touching his arm, and he didn’t even do anything about it. You turned away, trying to not pay attention to it, deciding to continue talking with the girls.
Later you left the party with Niko, wanting to go home, the heels killing your feet already. Niko tried to make a talk with you, when all you said was “mhm”
He decided to not push it, thinking you were just tired. Arriving at your house, you straight went to unlock the door not waiting for Niko.
After doing your night routine, you got into bed on your side and when Niko walked into the room you turned to your back facing him, scrolling through your phone. You felt him also getting into bed, he kissed your shoulder and you neck. “Goodnight”
Niko didn’t understand what he did, were you mad at him? He tried to think of every wrong thing he did recently, only thing he could think of was that he yesterday didn’t take out trash that you told him to do. But you wouldn’t be that mad at him for it.
Maybe it was dramatic for you to be so childish for not asking who that girl was and just giving him silent treatment. But you also don’t want to bring it up right now. “I love you.” He said, but you’re still ignoring him, it was getting annoying.
Niko leaned closer to you, trying to wrap his arms around your waist, “Niko, can you stop touching me.”
“But I wanna hold you.” Niko said calmly, that’s one thing you liked about him, he never got mad. Not even at his friends “No.” was all you said.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, Niko can you just stop talking and go to sleep?” It was staring to piss you off. “Can you atleast say goodnight?” He asks,
You closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep but you couldn’t, without Niko’s touch. You were the one who was mad at him, why were you craving his touch so much then…
It’s been already an hour and half since last time he said something he was probably asleep by now, but you could only sleep if he was holding you.
You also couldn’t sleep without wishing him goodnight, you started to feel guilty for treating him like that he didn’t even know what he did, of course he didn’t..
You turned around to see his back facing you, you placed a kiss on his shoulder just like he did on yours earlier “Niko?” You said trying to wake him up and when he did just said “hmm?”
“I’m sorry!” You apologised, when he finally turned around to look at you “why were you mad at me?” He asked risking it all again to know why were you so mad,
“Earlier at the party..” you didn’t look at him, because it was all silly “I saw you with a girl and I guess I got jealous and I got mad.” You said feeling guilty.
“Oh, that girl was just a friend.” He reassured you, “I wouldn’t want anyone else other than you, you don’t have to worry.” He smiles.
“I didn’t know, sorry.” You said, lying your head on his chest and he told you it’s okay, “I love you, Niko. Goodnight.” You smiled and kissed his chest, closing your eyes, knowing now everything’s fine and you don’t have to go to bed mad.
“I love you too, goodnight.”
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adventuringblind · 4 months
SO ghoulverse - i feel like that clip would've been oscar explaining to max why he didn't want to eat, and what was his reasoning and all that and THEN max just gives him a look and then oscar goes: ........ but maybe i can reconsider..... and then awkward crabwalk away
NOW LET'S MOVE OUT OF THE GHOULVERSE AND INTO ONE OF MY FAVORITES... dark?mob? idk what to call it but it's in one of those themes
max, our dear head of the... mob/mafia/whatever it is... would be fiercely protective of oscar. nobody knew why the big boss was taking such an interest in a new recruit, but then said new recruit showed his skills (if this were a 3some situation he'd protect max's gf and they both go 👀 i want him now and we'll see some struggle about 'but they're my bosses???') in like... well... have you seen oscar isn't that the kid who could do pretty much everything and still mantain a straight face and bonus he can hold his liquor pretty well??
and then cue tipsy confessions from either the big boss or the not-yet-missus?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
but also alpha osc and omega max - a combo no one saw
and then of course there's black cat osc and orange cat max - let's be real max won't be a golden retriever that's lando
signed, 🥘 (aka a moot (i think?) that wants to go on anon for a bit)
Okay first off ghoulverse Max and Oscar are so beloved to me because in md(abmtoumm) on ao3 I love the platonic brotherly relationship!! Just Max dragging Oscar everywhere when they first meet cause he's got a playmate now and then dragging him to political shit he doesn't want to do. They have a special place in my heart T_T
Okay, but mafia boss Max being like "this is my new favorite" and pointing to Oscar and everyone giving Oscar so much shit for it until they realize WHY. Just imagine Oscar is sitting somewhere, probably eating with Max's girl, who he's been charged to protect and he pulls a gone on someone while taking bites of his waffles.
"Don't ruin my breakfast, mate." But guess what?! Breakfast gets ruined and Oscar looks so grumpy and now there is some guy with a bullet in his head while the two of them finish eating.
Hence! Being Max's favorite and Oscar just shrugging when people ask how it happened.
Alpha Osc and omega Max?!?! Max screams independent omega who doesn't want to be independent? Idk if that makes sense BUT HEAR ME OUT-
Oscar is just so easy going and laid back that I feel like when Max gets annoyed and lashes out he'd just take it on the chin and let Max vent his frustrations with active listening skills.
The last one I'm gonna be honest that idk what the orange cat thing is... CANT GET MAD BECAUSE IM NOT GOOD WITH THOSE THINGS
(I love these two your honor)
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yeokii · 1 year
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# types of tropes w enha !!
₊﹒wc! 2.7k
₊﹒warnings! non-idol!enha, gn!reader (but I kinda wrote it with she/her pronouns in mind so if you see she/her pronouns im v sorry pls ignore), profanity, mentions of alcohol (only in jake's), mentions of skinship, mentions of stalker behaviour (its a joke, nothing serious tho) mentions of being high (ITS A JOKE), mentions of blood in Riki's one, spelling and grammar errors!!
₊﹒note! yen and Kayla my fave bff helped me w the tropes!! ngl got carried away with junwons one
₊﹒requested by this anon !!
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# lee heeseung ⎯ coworkers to lovers
heeseung would def catch feelings first when you asked him to help organise the files
HE ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS takes up the offer whenever you need help with something.
you want a drink? bro will bring you the whole menu
literally will do anything to show that he's into you.
bro just loves being near you.
but this one time where he dropped you home when it started raining heavily, you started to question ur feelings for him.
and so the mutual pining begins 😞
yall both would be mad blushing whenever you both interact w each other.
both of your friends would be so mad because they know you both like each other
like why aren't yall kissing already??
you kinda did know that heeseung did like you back but the man was oblivious
so you asked him out 😁
and you both hung out in his car after the date finished and this man did not want to take you home.
it was painful pls 😭
fastfoward to when you both start dating and he come to your house and picks you up so you can both go to work at the same time.
he would bring your daily coffee orders aswell
he would even teach you how to play league of legends help 😭
skinship is a must!!
give it a few months and he would know you more than you know yourself
"baby, let me take you on a date after you finish work."
"I swear to god, it better not be a ramen date again."
₊﹒other members under the cut !!
# park jongseong ⎯ brother's best friend
no cuz its so jongseong of him to fall in love with his best friend's sibling
he would know you since he was like 3 and he prolly always saw you as his best friend's annoying little sibling 😭
but you were literally completely in love with this man
if you could kiss the ground he walked on, you would.
just a few glances here and there
but when you started to grow up, you kinda ignored him aswell cuz you started to get a life 💀
it wasn't very visible as it was before b4
but this hurt jays ego like why aren't you foaming in the mouth whenever you see him???
so when you both were at a party
and it bugged him why were you hanging out with other people??
this man really thought you had no social life plss
you looked so pretty and he didn't even look at anyone else, it was just you.
this man fell in love with you gn.
and then from there, he saw you as a romantic aspect or wtv.
you kinda noticed that he liked you because he believed actions > words
he started picking you and dropping you off to school when your brother couldn't
he would even bring one of your favourite snacks along the way too
he would text you and talk to you more often
so one night while you and ur bsf had a sleepover
jay also had one w ur brother
jay vamp era frfr
he was being very passive aggressive to ur bsf
and bro just straight up said "I like you"
followed by "I don't like when they talk to you"
so ur just there 🧍‍♀️
like helppp it was so awkward
after the confession, he asked you on a date and ofc you said yes
but a few months in the relationship, you both are getting comfy with each other
its either a full on classy restaurant date or staying at home and watching Disney+
theres no in between
and ofc your brother is okay with this as he gets used to it
he loves to act like he doesn't care for you but you know he loves you
"no I'm not blushing!"
"jay you so are! I didn't know you liked backhugs!"
# sim jaeyun ⎯ exes to lovers
it would def be you who broke up w him
I js don't see Jake calling off a relationship
and it would prolly be over the summer when you thought you and the aussie boy (😝😝😝) didn't click anymore.
mans would be sooo devastated like wdym ya'll don't click anymore???
he would spend more time thinking abt why you thought the relationship didn't work than actually being sad
mans really tried to move on but he srsly couldn't do it.
he was so comfortable with you, he couldn't do that with anyone else.
all his friends witnessed him going through the five stages of greif
it was sad actually 😭
he would still have you as his lock screen like he never even bothered to change it
so probably after 8 months of going through crappy dates and drinking his heart away (he got drunk on apple juice) he decided he wanted you back
so he reached out to you
found out you work at a cafe through his 'sources' (jungwon)
and when you see him he's like "whatttt? you work here????"
its giving stalker behaviour
do better jake 😕👎
and now that he KNOWS you work here
he comes there everyday at 4 right when you're shift begins
bro is the master at small talk
and that is when the small talk with you goes on for an hour and you realise its been an hour since your shift is finished.
he offers a ride back home
and you agreed since you didn't want to walk home alone
you didn't really see the problem with exes being friends and you told him abt it too but
this man did not work this hard for ya'll to just be friends again
so he waited until your shift finished and decided to bring you your fav flowers
and he asked you if you wanted to go out
and he brought you to a picnic
and you're like "Jake??? its night???"
"you always wanted to have a picnic with me so I thought why not?"
plsss you were shocked that he remembered you wanting to have a picnic with him but you both never had the time.
he even brought your fav sandwiches and drinks it was so cute
and when he dropped you back home he confessed everything and he told you he wanted to get back together
after thinking abt it for a few days
you decided you wanted to get back tgt
so you showed up at his house with flowers in your hand (it was rlly cute plss 😭😭😭)
and when you both get back together
he really tried to make the relationship even more stronger an always assured you to talk to him if you had any problem
its cute because this man is never gonna let u go
like whenever ya'll walk tgt, he's gonna be holding your hand
you're making something in the kitchen? he's backlogging you
you wanna pee? this man's gonna follow you into the bathroom
jake's so cute plss😭😭
jungwon swears he's the reason you both got back tgt
"please you looked so funny when you fell on your butt!"
"remember the time where I dumped you?"
# park sunghoon ⎯ first love
I feel like this boy would not fall in love that easily which is why he hadn't had his first love
sure he had his first likes, loads of partners, but never love
and then baam
you came in 😎
he felt like it was one of those tv series where everything was in slow motion and like the spotlight was just on you
he just felt like it was just you and him in the ice skating rink
like bro's brain just flew through the window
and ofc his kdrama moment had to end because u fell on ur ass trying to skate.
and bro let me tell you
this man procreated the loudest snort alive to mankind
and ofc you glared at him
which made him run to you, helping you up
"hi, I'm sunghoon."
he thought he would cry right there.
he apologised and asked to make it up by trying to take you out for ice cream.
ofc you couldn't say no
and you both got to know each other well
this man was scared because he thought he wouldn't se you again
so what did he do?
this man used every pickup line known to mankind
he did not ask your number
INSTEAD he turned into the rizzlord
oh was it a sight to see
he was js really nervous
so u asked his phone and saved ur phone number
"maybe I could like yk teach you how to skate next time?"
"wtv you say hoon."
# kim sunoo ⎯ best friends to lovers
oh god the mutual pinning..
riki asked calmly
and I wholeheartedly agree
you thought sunoo was js your bsf
which explains why he always looks out for you
waiting for you at the school gate everyday even if you're like 30 minutes late
or always getting you fav drink
or always covering for you if you got into trouble
be so fr rn
riki could not stand it
bro was about to grow white hairs
this man was the literal definition of a third wheel
everytime riki tried to talk abt you two
you always dismissed it
like were you that blind?
you were js scared you were gonna get rejected and all these years of friendship would go to waste
and ngl sunoo felt the same
so ofc your matchmaker riki pulled sunoo aside and asked him how he felt abt you
and pls sunoo loves you more than himself
he literally only trusts you
and you were the same for him
so riki used his amazing megamind brain and asked yall to talk abt your feelings
and it took a while to open up after riki left and by the end of it you both had shared your first kiss with each other 😁
you both were red
and now since y'all are in a relationship
riki hated it more
"BOOO get a room."
ur dates were so cute
either it was hot choco dates or ''lets go play in the snow' dates
you always enjoyed it
because you are with sunoo (I physically cringed)
"maybe I should call u the sun cuz u brighten up every room u walk into."
"r u high?"
# yang jungwon ⎯ academic rivals
his jaw dropped when he saw the results
HELLO A 95???
man hasn't got anything below a 97
and there you were
waving ur results sheet at him with a clear 96
bro wanted to slap that smirk right off your face
so he asked the teacher to check his paper again
bye the teacher did not give two fucks
so he checked it himself
he was actually supposed to get a 94 but lets keep that to ourselves 😁
he js waited until the next exam to rot around and by that this man took a mental screenshot of every page in the book
a 94???
if there was a dissapear button in life
he would press 65 times
and what did you get
a 97.
happiest day of your life ngl
this man had a whole fit
the teacher actually had enough of you
and gave you both detention
all you had to clean the classroom
'bonding time' she said
'it'll be fun' she said
so when you started to clean the room
all you both could give each other were side eyes and silent curses
it was painful actually
you both divided the room saying this was his side and that was your side
but there were tiny moments were you were staring at him, admiring his side profile
but why did he look so ethereal when he was sweeping the floors
so there was this moment were you both close to each other and you tripped on your untied shoelaces and landed ontop of him
he landed on his ass
so romantic I know.
and you both stared at each other for a long time (5 seconds)
before he pushed you off him
he stood up and went back to sweeping and you were still on the floor
you stood and started cleaning again
but what you didn't realise was that he kept staring at you
occasionally having eye contact
after that day, you both became softer to each other
like hello???
where the hair ripping and shitty insults??
your friend were in school because you stopped talking bt how much you hate him and so were his friends
scary really
both of your friends thought that you both were planning some big revenge or something
but then they caught you smiling at him while walked past you??
they called an exorcist immediately
you both didn't whine and ask the teacher to change when you both were paired up for a project
you both had a fun time and you actually had a good convo
you both called truce
and you both started to not hate each other
and one day while you both talked you had a moment of silence when you just said 'fuck it' and went in and kissed him
and the next day in school
you both walked holding hands
everyone was so confused because um what the actual fuck?
"can't believe I used to hate this pretty face."
"ew jungwon"
"shut up before we go back to being enemies"
# nishimura riki ⎯ hates everyone but you
when he heard about love, all he could say was 'bs'
like be so fr
he swore he could hear wedding bells
everything abt you was so perfect
like he never had an ideal type but god damn bro
might as well have one rn
he like froze for a sec
crazy ik
tbh you didn't acknowledge his existence for a few days
until you saw him playing basketball w his friends
and his basketball met w ur face
bye ur nose did not stop bleeding
man came rushing to u when he realised it was u
he took you to the nurse and when you were all ok
he sheepishly grinned at you and apologised for hitting you w his basketball
you were quick to forgive him and you started to become friends since that day
everyone was in shock because you were the first person he'd ever talked other than his friends
and you were so confused because everyone kept telling this was so unlikely of him
he had never tied someones shoelaces when they were untied
or he had never lent someone his jacket
even to his friends
the privilege was showing
like u were so confused because he doesn't do this with other people
he prolly be like 😐 but when you're there hes like 😁
soo you asked him
"idk I like you"
"oh uhm haha same."
it took a few weeks for him to grow some balls and ask you to be his s/o
and this man needed to always be on your side
he's gaming? ur on his lap.
he's playing basketball? ur playing with him.
its so cute
makes me sick
"riki I need to pee."
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perm taglist!! @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom
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mxnae · 9 months
Late Nights, Writers Block, & Apologies
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A/N: this story belongs to mxnae on Tumblr, please do not repost it as your own.
Pairing: jack harlow x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, imagine
summary: you wake up at 2am alone in bed, looking around trying to find where Jack might be she finds their bedroom door cracked with light coming into the room. walking out of your room and wandering around, you find Jack in his studio with a pen and his notebook in front of him along with his face in his hands. he storms out leaving you upset, will he apologize?
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you jolt awake, possibly from a bad dream. when she reaches over to feel for her beloved boyfriend, she feels his side is empty. 'hm' she thinks, wondering where her beloved boyfriend is.
walking to the sliver of light coming from the hallway, leaving the room in only her boyfriend's oversized 'Harlow' sweatshirt and some cheeky underwear, you make your way out of your shared bedroom on the hunt for her boyfriend.
after checking the living room, Jack's mancave, and the kitchen, you make your way to the only other place Jack could be; his studio.
"Baby?" you asked knocking softly on the door already cracked open with light coming from inside. She immediately sees Jack in distress.
"my love, whats the matter?'' she asked going to sit in the second chair beside jack, removing his hands from his once convered face. once his hands are moveed, she can see he's in tears. "oh baby'' she says getting into his lap as he holds her close, breaking down in her arms.
you noticed the trash can that was previously emptied was now full of balled pieces of paper, he was having writer's block.
"i cant do this anymore'' he says with slight anger.
"baby you know you dont have to do it all by yourself, you have urban and your entire team.'' you say attempting to comfort him the best you can as you move back into the nihgbooring chair to look at him face to face.
"what dont you understand y/n, i DONT NEED THEM!" jack yells grabbing his keys and storming out of the room. you stay put, in disbelief that hed ever raise his voice at you knowing what you've been through.
you immediately breakdown, going straight into your shared bedroom and locking yourself inside. engulfing into tears, upset that he'd lash out let alone at you. you never planned on leaving that room, ever again.
later that day...
'girl, you have to get up." Neelam says as shes repeated for the last few hours. its now 2 pm and youve yet to sleep. she used the key jack gave her icase of emergencies.
"but he doesn't love me anymore, why would he do that.." you say breaking down every word, you believed there was no purpose at this point. once Neelam gave up, you just curled up and slowly fell asleep.
Several times during your slumber you received multiple calls from Neelam, urban, and Jack. you declined every single one. yet this time you answered when Urban called.
"what urban" you say lowkey annoyed as you situate yourself on your bed.
"Jack's on his way back. hear him out, give him a chance.'' he says in a pleading voice, hoping to not have his favorite couple including you who is a sister to him, and Jack who is his childhood best friend, break up.
"I guess I can but you know how getting yelled at affects me urb," you say as he agrees. "I got to go, he's here," you say as your home security system alerts you that the garage door has been open, you both say your goodbyes as you hang up.
knock knock. "Baby?" Jack whispers at the door, attempting to open it, yet to find it locked. you get up open the door and immediately engulf him in a hug.
"I was so worried about you'' you say as you pull away from him yet your emotions change almost immediately "I'm still very mad at you tho," you say turning away from him and getting onto your shared bed.
"I know my love and I'm sorry, so very sorry," he says following behind you before grabbing your face so that you look at him.
"You're mine and im yours, im sorry I yelled. I know that can affect you in ways unimaginable." he says shedding a small tear, you quickly wipe it away.
"I accept your apology, but now you owe me a fuck tone of cuddles," you say making grabby hands at him as he quickly takes his shoes off and joins you lying down.
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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darklinaforever · 8 months
Nah i have so many arguments on why Alicent is 1000 times better than Rhaenyra, but are you mad cause im stating straight up facts? Emma is ugly. They look like a man lmao it's just awkward 😭 the photoshoot with Olivia was like beauty and beasts, two men and a gorgeous redhead woman.
Rhaenyra is hypocrite weak ass and useless just like her father. Only good to cry, spread legs and giving birth. That's what your so called “rightful heir” did the whole season. I hate Daemon too, but i enjoyed when he choked her out, it was actually good scene. I would have done much worse to her. I hope he will in the next seasons, and the leaks is saying he's treating her like shit. Sounds good to me, are you ready to cry Daemyras? 🤪 Ryan is coming to destroy you all 😂
It's funny, because Alicent only expression throughout the series is watery-eyed... (We can literally make compilations about this ! ) But Rhaenyra is the one who's only good for crying ? Good joke.
Rhaenyra is a hypocrite ? It's funny, it seemed to me that it was Alicent who was hypocritical throughout the show ! Are you sure you didn't swap roles ? (Or simply being a hypocrite yourself, in addition to being stupid perhaps...)
I don't know which is more disgusting. Your comments on the physique of Emma D'arcy who is non-binary.
(Also, no what you're saying is not a fact, beauty is something purely subjective, and many find Emma D'arcy magnificent whether you like it or not. In fact I totally imagine that this reality makes you enrage. Oh. And I'm not sure Olivia Cooke, the Alicent actress herself, would appreciate this kind of gratuitous nastiness towards one of his friends... In any case, from the moment you decide to attack the actor because you don't like the character that this actor plays, you have a real problem in your head)
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Or the fact that you enjoyed a scene of abuse against a female character, while hoping that she would suffer even more. (My god, what is wrong with you ?!)
Also... the deep misogyny you must be feeling !
Because I guess when you talk about spreading your legs, you're talking about Rhaenyra having to deal with her own sexuality, like it's some kind of shame ? Once again pathetic.
How long will Rhaenyra be blamed for having a sex life as if it were some kind of crime exactly ? (Again, hello misogyny)
I also want to say that Alicent also had children during the series. So she must have given birth at some point on her own, even if we didn't see her. The fact is that she also had children throughout season 1. So I don't really understand this criticism about giving birth / having children to Rhaenyra specifically... (While Rhaenyra must literally producing heirs, it's one of her obligations. Plus it's logical that we see her give birth since obviously having children is something that scared her at the start of the season ! Especially since we sees her having only 2 births out of 6, what's going on...) another proof of misogyny I guess ? Even Laena and Aemma have been pregnant and had childbirth. So frankly, apart from a gratuitous misogynistic remark, I don't see what you mean. Even in Fire and Blood the births of children are listed for several female characters ! So...why specifically blame Rhaenyra for having children/giving birth ? My god, this is so ridiculous...
You are truly a disgusting person.
Also, who really has nothing to do but come and annoy people. Once again, you're pathetic, except this is on an even more critical level than I thought.
And we call Rhaenyra the rightful heir because... well that's what she is ? She was designated by her father the king as heir to the throne, so that is what she is. Quite simply. A reality that you apparently have difficulty integrating. (Also, in Fire and Blood, Rhaenyra actively learned to be a future queen... And from what we saw in episode 6, she seems to have politically logical thoughts at the council table facing a Alicent poor in arguments)
I also would like to know what Aegon II, the son of Alicent whom she absolutely wants to place on the throne, did apart from harassing his own brother, twiddling his thumbs, drinking, raping women and forcing his illegitimate children to fight in an arena ? Does Alicent's son seem more worthy than Rhaenyra ? I do not think so. At least Rhaenyra learned her duties as heir. (As she says in episode 10 to Lucerys)
And I don't care what the show does. It has its own canon and is essentially fanfiction. The series is not the book. And as long as the book exists, I don't care what happens to this show. They are not the characters in Fire and Blood and never will be.
Your precious little Alicent from HOTD is just the massacre of the real Alicent Hightower who would be ashamed of this ridiculous counterpart that you all defend like crazy.
Alicent and Greens stans leave this in my inbox.
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halucynator · 1 year
Save me.
Pairing: Gabe X fem!reader
Summary: You try to send Gabe back to the well house but it goes wrong.
A/n: so for this story I replaced edens role with Gabe's because it helps the story progress better. If you don't understand what I mean, I mean that I made Gabe have parents and Gabe not be a shapeshifted version of Dodge. Instead Gabe always looked like Gabe and did actually fall in love with reader until later. Sorry for this extended thing! Enjoy! Also if I make a second part, their may be an imaginary key (one I made up to help the story progress). I almost forgot to mention, reader is related to Kinsey. Adopted child of Brian and Duncan because why not.
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Gabe looked at your chained body on the floor like a predator. His sight made you sick. He was the reason your uncle died. He persuaded Sam. You wanted to scream.
"You know, I don't want to do this. And I don't have to. IF you tell me where the keys are kept."
Keys, keys, keys. It's all about keys. Gabe probably never even loved you. He only used you, a blood Locke, to get to the keys. This was the only time you hated being a Locke.
"If's? You know, this is kidnapping. What you're doing is illegal."
"Oh yeah? Well, right now you are the one threatened so I'd better watch what you say. Now, where are the keys? Do you have any on you? Apart from this chain one obviously. You know, I'm shocked you thought you'd be able to capture me with this." Gabe smirked.
"You certainly talk a lot for a demon. Well, now that I think about it, I don't know how much demons talk. If they talk as much as you then I feel bad for every person kidnapped by a demon. And everyone in Hell. Are you from Hell? You probably are. Are you Satan? Oh my god, do you have any air conditioning? It's really hot in this room. Anyways, is being a demon fun? How does it feel? Do you li-" you went on and on about random things to annoy Gabe until you were interrupted.
"ENOUGH." Gabe shouted.
"Excuse me, if you want to talk, wait for me to finish. Now, where were we. Ah yes, so d-" you continued like you didn't just get threatened by a demon.
"Alright calm down." You were dying of laughter inside but managed to say it with a straight face.
"So do you have any keys on you?"
The correct answer was yes but ain't no way you were going to tell him that. You were in Gabe's basement and his parents were home.
"Gabe sweetie! Come for dinner!" His mum shouted for him. You started snickering like crazy.
Gabe was mad.
"I'M COMING MUM!" He said frustrated.
He walked towards you and leaned in. He then whispered in your ears.
"Don't go anywhere. Not that you can."
"I hope you trip and fall while walking up the stairs and die" you retorted.
He scoffed and then left the room and locked the door.
First things first, you took the keys you had out of your pocket and in your hand. Your movement was limited by the chains but not enough to restrict any movement at all.
You took the head key, the music box key and the prison of the self key out of your pocket and placed them in your hands. Then, you took your phone out and texted Tyler, Bode and Kinsey your location simply with the words "HELP IN GABE'S BASEMENT. STAIRCASE IN HIS ROOM."
After a few minutes you got a message back from Kinsey.
"omw" the message read.
Gabe came into the basement after a few minutes.
"oh! Good to see you haven't moved." He said with a smirk on his face.
"very funny." You rolled your eyes.
"I see you have some keys in your hand. Going to give them to me?"
"NEVER." You replied.
He took the chain and tightened them around you. Then he made them release and wrap around your hand with the keys. He made it really tight. So tight that you were forced to let go of the keys.
"NO" You screamed.
"Any more?" Gabe smirked. His smirk was unbearable.
You had one more key on you. The anywhere key. But you couldn't let him take it from you.
"no." You lied.
"Well, you see, I'm good at reading body language. You looked away from me when you said it. You always look away when you lie. So where is it."
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh. No.
You weren't going to tell him. He couldn't know. It was a hard to reach place.
"I'm not lying!" You lied. Again.
"oh really?" Gabe walked towards you and then knelt directly in front of you. He leaned close. So close your lips were almost touching. Any movement could result in you kissing and you for sure did not want that.
"look at me and say it. Prove that you're not lying." He whispered.
"I- I uh... I don't-" Him being so close to you made it hard for you to speak.
"I don't have it!" You finally managed to say it.
"look, I know you have it. You tell me where it is, you won't lose anything." He threatened.
"threatening does not become you Gabe." You said to him disgusted.
He gently placed a hand on your cheek. You couldn't believe this touch once used to make you feel comfortable. Now any touch from him made you feel less safe than ever.
He slowly leaned in.
"Where. Is. It?" He asked "this is the last time y/n. No more chances after this."
You resisted. You didn't give in.
He slowly leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. You squirmed. He continued to kiss you making you feel more sick every second. He stopped after a good 15 seconds.
"why are you doing this to me?!" You asked, disgusted.
"you're doing this to yourself." He replied.
He looked down at you in a way which made you uneasy. He smirked.
"I promise you this won't hurt a bit."
He pulled out a knife from his back pocket.
a/n (again lol) : tell me in the comments if I should make a part 2! Thanks for reading!!! Also sorry if there's any spelling and or grammar mistakes!
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conarcoin · 1 year
you know what? fuck it. i will be a dick. dresuma is fucking disqualified all because some prick who hasnt been in my spot, me whos been sitting here for hours checking my notes over and over just to see who i need to block because theyre clowning, they told me 'its just a silly tumblr poll and its hilarious that youre getting mad about a ship that you included'
this tournament has been a big thing on my mind for OVER A MONTH STRAIGHT, ive gone through MANY emotions because of it lately and ive been trying to be nice and fun but honestly? people can be really fucking annoying on this website, actually!
that ship was included because i was being lenient and nice and thought it was fun even though i didnt think those characters actually interacted once considering i had to genuinely edit two very different quality images together just for their ship image. yknow what criteria i had for letting ships in? 1. they didnt date or marry in canon! 2. they werent a minor/major! and 3. no incest! anyone else was fine! sure, a lot of them maybe didnt fit the definition of why i made this tournament but i thought i had a pretty clear idea from the start what ships would make it to the finale anyway, and all of them did fit the definition!
i didnt think people could misinterpret things as bizarrely as they did. i didnt think people could be so. annoying. i didnt think id get more than a couple thousand notes tops, not OVER 10K NOTES AND COUNTING. im NOT used to this stuff, considering that ive said many a time that my main blog has like 250 or so followers, and my main blogs notes are like, 20 a day tops!
and no offense to this person they seem lovely, i didnt think id be fucked over by, of all things, someone whos worked on a minecraft smp, and not only that but one that ive enjoyed before! again they seem lovely and i hold nothing against them for just having fun, but man, this is a weird situation man!
i deleted the poll. it doesnt delete the reblogs and i doubt it does anything to the poll itself, but hopefully it gives me no more notifications about it.
i will be hosting a different finale. if i hear any bs about this, youre getting blocked. im sick of this. i was naive and hopeful and lighthearted when this started and at this point i just want this to end.
please just grant me the luxury of just letting it end in a chill way.
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alucart · 3 months
actually fuck it lmao
got hired late september. started actual work in october. started off as a seasonal worker. every day i woke up for work i was dreaded it. it was so much work. i was fatigued everyday but i still had to give it my all or else i was "lazy". if i moved too slow i was considered rude to customers. if i dont smile im rude. if i take a minute to process something then "something is wrong with me." like. Okay. lmao.
obviously when applying for jobs i dont list the fact that im bipolar. hell, i probably have adhd. but beside the point, the fact i have to act a certain way just to keep a job thats barely paying me shit was so. annoying. the fact that while working seasonal i had to put up with so much shit was ridiculous. november and december was so awful. im still mad i had to wake up at like 4am to get to work at 5am and then the store wasnt even busy until 12am. and we had to wear red and make sure everything was perfect bc the ceo was coming to the store? LMAO?
after my seasonal hours were over i thought i was free. i wasnt working for like two weeks but i at least got to spend time with my family. clean. take care of myself. i actually got back to drawing, something i havent been able to do for months. and then they called me back for a full time position. of course i took it because i wasnt finding anything else but it mightve been the worst mistake like ever.
like i must preface, that i got the job for the seasonal position in the first place without an interview, and like, yes i knew that was fishy at the start but also, ive been looking for a job for over two years so i was desperate. somehow the full time position was even worse than the seasonal position. my manager felt more annoying.
not to mention at this point they were making me do shit that i was never hired to do. why am i organizing clothes? i take returns? why are you making me cover in the handbags department? i work in returns and help people with online orders? why are you making me pack online orders? I WORK IN RETURNS, HELP PEOPLE WITH ONLINE ORDERS AND I HAVE PROCESS RETURNS FOR ORDER PICKUPS THAT WERE NEVER PICKED UP?
honestly madness. i had many breakdowns. over not wanting to go back to work. one time i had a stomach virus and had to stay home from work and was so miserable and literally panicking because i thought i could lose my job from being sick. i had a coworker that they also hired full time and she got fired because she "took too many breaks" meanwhile there was another coworker that took way more too many breaks.
while working there i saw many people get fired. like i dont know. and it was constantly understaffed. one time my manager asked me if i could work for 50 hrs one week and i told her "i'll think about it" only to find that weekend she changed my schedule without asking. (i had a breakdown that weekend).
when they had me set up my availability i had changed it so i would get mondays and tuesdays off because i realized i need two days off in a row instead of two random ass days and they didnt even. abide by that. and by the time it was like that on my schedule i already lost my job because i "violated company policy" because i accidentally scanned some fake coupons. which mind you, i never did anything wrong at the job beforehand so i shouldve really got a warning instead of being straight up fired.
but i honestly think they just wanted to get rid of me because i couldnt get enough people to sign up for a credit card, which again, i work in returns, so most people doing a return do not want to apply to a card. to expect someone in returns to have someone sign up for a fucking credit card everyday is insane. telling people that its not really a credit card is even more insane. the fact that im still stressed out over this because im fucking unemployed is. insane!!! and i dont even know if i can get unemployment. i feel like crying.
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k I don’t really care MUCH about cvlur’s past actions in the hobby with her preorder & shit, cuz I wasn't directly affected. it was one of those things where everyone was talking bout it but i didn't order/want a doll so it wasn’t personal to me. It sucked/etc/hope the victims got compensated/etc. That's a disclaimer cuz I'm neither a cvlur fan or hater. This ain’t about her directly. It’s about her fans/haters who like to debate this constantly lately. Which I seem to fuckin be surrounded by. Also, my tone is kinda aggro to some people cuz I curse but i don’t actually lose sleep over this shit lmfao.
what DOES annoy me anytime someone brings this up like that last confession crying about how ppl are so mad she fucked up when she was “young” - girl is ALMOST 30 NOW if I understand correctly. If it happened 10 yrs ago she wouldnt have been in her early 20s, she’d been like 16-19 and THAT would be WAY more understandable to say “she was young and didn’t know any better.” this shit happened LESS than 10 yrs, she was like, college age, which for US is 18-22 TYPICALLY if you go to college fresh outta highschool for a 4 year degree. ppl in their early 20s, while yeah, in the grand scheme of LIFE are young, are still ADULTS, capable of running complex fuckin tasks from working at a company to managing money for a group order. ppl in their early 20s include 20-24. stop infantilizing people. People can make mistakes at ANY age and severely misjudge a situation (intentional or not what she did). cvlur and I are roughly the same iirc, at the time of sending this im 28, turning 29. If she’s younger than me, she was running an order as a highschooler, which she wasn’t.
There were SO fucking many ppl in college in their “early 20s” who, mature or not, worked with large sums of money, complex organizational structures, etc. some ppl are suited for that shit, some ain’t. You can straight up just say “she was under prepared for the situation” instead of “oh poor bby she was so young 🥺 she just didn’t know!!!” you sound like a fuckin moron, anon. Do you treat every 20yr old who makes a simple mistake at the grocery store like that too? You better tip ur waiters extra who are under 25 even if they spill your drink or make you wait bc they were just too young to know better, they can’t be blamed for that
and for the other person in the comments too, “adults obsessing over her” or whatever …… she’s an adult she’s an adult she’s an adult no wonder why she avoids talking to ppl both haters and fans alike take away her fucking agency SO much. OFF THE SUBJECT OF CVLUR but relating to scammers rn tho, the same can STILL be said about it. Their age doesn’t = not knowing enough about running a good thing. Look at ppl complaining abt dxg1rly, is she worse than everyone younger bc she’s said she’s almost 40, so she only went in with bad intents and not a mistake like cvlur? same with bvmf?
Not sayin dx or bvmf or anyone else who’s been late on shipping/etc etc is absolved of anything, or that they’ve done smth, and same with cvlur, cuz i’ve never ordered from any of these ppl. but don’t give ppl the weak ass get outta jail “oh i was 21 I was just too young to know!”to keep using esp if they really did do something bad. Also, anon, late shipping is absolutely scam territory, and if it happened to you I bet you'd cry scam too by year 2 or whatever lmfaooooo. Thanks for coming to my “I don’t like that the community infantilizes so much shit about this hobby for grown adults” ted talk, I’m off to go scam someone or smth cuz i’m in my 20s so I’m young and don’t know any better lmfao
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lesbianloveisreal · 1 year
It's really easy to tell queer people who are active, involved, or otherwise in the community culture (to the best of their ability) compared to one's that use "queer" as a fun little label.
Is their label still valid? Sure. I don't care. I honestly am over having to say "you're valid you're valid you're valid" to people because they are, and that's that. I'm not spending my entire night at the only place I can hug my gf in public to explain why someone more privileged than I am is valid. We can discuss other things about it.
But just because you are valid doesn't mean you aren't harmful to the community with your behavior and lack of understanding of our community and culture.
Etc. (As a nonbinary lesbian that is "straight passing" when im alone (I hate this term but whatever) )
If I'm saying or doing something that harms people in the community that are MORE OPPRESSED THAN I AM then I am actively harming our community.
If I go in and start harassing butches or trans people I am using my privileges to hurt our community.
If I start getting mad that butch women aren't talking and flirting with me when (at least in my local community) it is more often expected for femmes to make the first move, I am actively not using our queer cultural "rules" in that moment in my local community.
So, maybe if you notice your local queer community (especially people more oppressed than you) getting upset with you being there MAYBE it's not about your identity at all.
MAYBE if they kick you out, you are doing a disservice to your local community *after all nonqueers are usually allowed in those spaces too*
And please don't give me that "straight passing isn't a privilege" yes it is.
Can it still be annoying? Yes. But I know butch women that can't get jobs, get attacked while walking down the street, have had to leave places because someone threatened them, have gotten things thrown at them, had people scream at them at work, etc.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i'm shifting into zelda mode. i have until friday to finally beat this sucker which i think has actually wound up being a good thing - i was playing less and less of it and less and less often, partly because of time, partly because of brain chemistry, but mostly because i was getting tired of the like. grind. koroks shrines lightroots etc. i don't really want to burn out on totk, so i think if i stop and play pikmin, it will be a nice little break and motivate me to come back to zelda and actually enjoy it instead of just. going through the motions. which is great because i do enjoy this game and i want to remember that i enjoy this game, and also it means i have more of it to enjoy later - at WORST, i will come back for 100% when the inevitable dlc comes out. map fatigue of doing botw twice (nearly 100%ing it the first time, doing it all the way the second time) has been my biggest problem with totk, and it's possible that i will never play either game again (or if i do it will be a very, very, very, VERY long time from now, like at least a decade), so ultimately i'm not mad about stretching it out to make it last longer than just one summer. it's going to be a REALLY long time before we get another zelda. as in, i could very well be in my 40s by then. might as well shorten the wait if i can
anyway the first order of business is to go back and finish the mineru quest. i wanna enjoy actually having her in my party for awhile before i take her to the final boss fight - i should have done it ages ago lol
oh yeah i quit bc of a hinox lol but he was super easy
deeply unfortunate: found several enormous piles of minable rock. which i felt compelled to break all of even though it wasn't fun. the good new is one of them was made of zonaite somaybe soon i can upgrade my battery again
another giant pile of zonaite. im thrilled to have the mats but like...please let me do something else now lol. even mineru's arms have durability. i need my weapons. i've used like 40 bombs. i can't do this with yunobo over and over
also love and light to mineru but she is straight up in my way, and at this point in the game i can't dismiss her. like she wants to be close so she can kneel so i can piggyback and the mech is awesome when im in the mood for it but i am trying to do something. and she makes so many noises also. i think the sages, controlswise, are my least favorite gameplay element of this. they are SO. ANNOYING. i wish there was a limitation where only one could walk around with you at once and the rest were mapped to buttons lol
ok, got it mined. now to the actual spirit temple
aww i like the music here. i like the little lightroot piano cue. i wish i had an actual lightroot lol my hearts have been decimated
little bit worried about this boss.
oh shit i was exploring the arena and fell into the water while riding the mech and now i cant find her?! is she ok......................
oh whew there she is. rip i wanted to go get that big poe...i guess not. i'm sure after the fight i'll be teleported out and even if not it is so much swimming in the dark
oh SHIT evil construct?? DARK MINERU??? why can we have dark mineru but not dark link???
aaaah the old electrified fence arena
i wish i hadnt had to use a rocket to get in here. this fight feels slow and clunky without the benefit of a fan on mineru's back
oh my god it's MINERU like it was mineru but now she looks like a person and not a robot
oh god is she gonna give me a CUTSCENE?
like we just got one but am i gonna get another memory
this is breaking so much lore.
oh a man of great evil here we go show me the boy it's been too long
oh my god the theme from that very first announcement trailer
rauru sealing ganondorf with the fma scar movement. he threw his whole body weight behind that fist 😏
this is gay
holy shit. holy shit!!! they literally are just frozen like that just like in my movie pitch <3
ANOTHER cutscene?? i am literally eating
WAHHHH fi's theme
oh im wailing she and mineru love each other so much...neither of them wants to lose the other bc theyve already lost sonia and rauru :(
GOD ZELDA BEING WILLING TO DIE FOR LINK...girl they said you WONT be able to change back ik bc of spoilers that she does but AAAAAA
idk why all the zonai are so long and wiggly. like kaminoans. i don't like it
"even if my body should perish i will be with you in spirit" zelda about to lose mom #4 :(
oh NICE i have unlocked some cool zonaite shopping options...which i refuse to use until i max out my battery, lol
wow. i even got to get those poes
popped out of the spirit temple and was able to grab a lightroot. perfect stopping point bc now i have stuff i have to do lol
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