#im so mad at the ros but i still love my boi
Prompts: So I’ve recently binged all your SS fics practically and I know you SWAMPED in prompts, but if this sounds like something you could enjoy creating I’d love to request a promt as well:
Set in your SS Butterfly Project, could we maybe get Virgil reacting to all the sides (specifically L and Ro) learning to heal, and bouncing between helping sooth everyone’s anxiety over all the changes? I’d just love under appreciated Virgil helping in the moments in between the healing process if that makes any sense…
I appreciate the he*l out of you regardless if you take this prompt or not; and you deserve all the kindness the world has to offer you. ❤️ - mylgbtbabies
I would take any fic where somethigns off and virgil knows it. Someone: Im sure its fine!! Virgil: Idk man Im anxiety my spooder sense be tingly. - anon
If you're taking requests for Sanders Sides uwu can I ask for something Virgil-centric? I just love the emo boy - anon
ahh yes the babes
Read on Ao3
Warnings: ngl this one's pretty much fluff
Pairings: DLAMP, LAMP, DLAMPR, that found family
Word Count: 3538
Healing: To restore to health or soundness; cure.
Healing: To ease or relieve (emotional distress).
* * *
Healing isn’t a linear process.
It’s messy, it’s hard, and no one should expect it to be anything otherwise. Humans are complicated, more often than not brains are absolute garbage, and trying to navigate everything on your own is difficult. Really difficult.
So is learning how to ask for help.
Virgil sighs and leans back against the couch as Roman continues to type on his laptop. He risks a glance up at Princey to see his brow furrowed slightly in concentration. Every so often he’ll quirk his eyebrow in the way that means he just made a hilarious typo and has to go back. Virgil hides a smile as he turns his attention back to his phone. Can’t intrude too much on the process, that’s not how it works. He glances up to make sure no one’s coming down the stairs and shifts his weight again.
“Are you alright?”
There’s Roman, taking care of everyone else first. “I’m good, Princey, just trying not to fuck up my spine.”
“…do you want to come sit up here with me? I won’t mind.”
Virgil cranes his neck back, letting a slow and lazy smile come across his face. “Nah, ‘m good right here. You just make with the typey typey, okay?”
Roman smiles too, victory achieved. “Okay.”
“That’s my Princey.”
Virgil isn’t humble enough to not feel the little rush of pride at seeing a quick flush spread to Roman’s ears as he turns his attention back to his laptop. Suppressing a chuckle, he starts mindlessly scrolling again, getting sucked back into whatever’s contaminating his dash this time. What’s this about a k-drama…?
“Oh! There you are!”
Patton might not notice the way Roman startles, but Virgil does. He looks up and quickly shakes his head as Patton comes the rest of the way down the stairs.
“It’s work hours, Pat.”
“Oh, I thought—“ Virgil gives him a look that he knows Patton understands as Roman is setting the rules here, and he nods quickly— “well don’t mind me, I’m just getting a drink.”
Roman relaxes slightly as Patton bustles in and out of the kitchen, then a little more as Virgil reaches up to squeeze his hand.
“Thank you,” comes the quiet mumble.
“I gotcha, Princey. Work hours are your thing, I’m happy to help.”
Sure enough, a few minutes later, when Logan comes down the stairs carrying his computer, he takes one look at them in the living room before his mouth drops open slightly.
“Is it…work hours?”
“Mhm,” Virgil says, letting his head loll back, “you wanna join?”
“May I? I can be quiet as well.”
Virgil looks up at Roman. Roman glances up, smile softening when he sees it’s Logan, and gently pats the sofa next to him. Logan smiles too and yeah, okay, Virgil’s fine with his edge lord image fading slightly if it means he gets to be fond at watching these two nerds be gentle with each other.
The two of them start to type on their laptops, Logan’s constant murmurs of what he’s working on an amusing contrast to Roman’s silent yet expressive face. Virgil keeps the barrier there, warding off Janus and Remus when they try and drag the others into the dramatics—if anyone, especially Janus, tries to deny that he’s as much a part of it as Remus is, do not under any circumstances believe them—to keep the nerds safe.
After a while, when Virgil re-emerges from whatever deep dive he’s gone on this time—and yeah, he might be looking to pirate that k-drama, maybe—he realizes there’s no more typing. He looks up, a little concerned, only to be incredibly glad no one else is around to see him melt at the sight on the couch.
Roman’s laptop lies partially closed on his lap, the screen just touching the tops of his knuckles. His head and shoulders are angled toward Logan and his eyes are closed. Logan’s glasses are slipping slightly off his face, his head on Roman’s shoulder, eyes closed, lips parted slightly as his hair falls back into his face. His laptop has been set on the coffee table, somewhere safe.
Virgil shakes his head, standing and carefully taking Roman’s laptop from him. He saves whatever’s on it and sets it next to Logan’s. Then he takes the blanket from the back of the couch and carefully drapes it over the two of them. He slides Logan’s glasses from his face and undoes the top button of Princey’s collar. Can’t do for them to have a red mark, after all. And he sits back down to keep watch.
Sometimes, when they’re doing better, they ask for more. Roman comes to him sometimes and asks, very very quietly, but he does ask, for Virgil to come sit with him by his room. Virgil happily takes up residence in the warm spot in the hallway next to Roman’s room, right where the big windows are, soaking in the warmth from outside as Roman closes the door gently behind himself.
Something that everyone had to learn pretty quick once Logan and Roman started reaching out was that both of them are extremely private people. On the surface, it might seem like they’re different—and if they’re being honest, they certainly thought they were very different—but they aren’t. Not really. Roman hides behind being too much, Logan hides behind not being anything. Whether or not anyone actually knows them without any of the facades is up for debate.
Except each other. They…they…know each other.
Virgil would be lying if he said he isn’t a little jealous of how close the two of them have become. There are soft smiles they only have for each other now, little brushes of their hands against each other’s as a constant way of saying ‘I’m here, I see you, are you alright?’ And sometimes it’s Virgil’s job to sit outside one of their rooms as they try and hold each other steady.
Their company feels better than their solitude and it’s up to them to decide where that line is.
Today, Virgil’s just keeping an eye on Roman. Fielding off anyone who comes to knock on his door, glaring away the more persistent ones who don’t seem to understand that Roman needs his space right now, kindly fuck off. Logan comes around the corner and immediately understands and he sees them murmur quietly to each other when it’s time for dinner.
When he watches Logan, it’s a little harder. Because poor Logan is so used to pushing himself to the side to be able to make decisions, to help do things, that Virgil has to remind everyone involved that no, Logan’s enforced a boundary that means he doesn’t want to be disturbed right now, he’s allowed to do that, let’s leave him be for now. Left brain boys have to stick together.
But the others, to a certain extent, are easy. They care about Roman and Logan as much as Virgil does, and if it’s to help them, they’ll do whatever they have to. Protecting them from themselves…that’s another story.
Logan is too fucking good at pretending he’s fine. He’s too good at pretending he doesn’t have emotions, that he doesn’t care what’s going on unless it’s the absolute most illogical thing that’s happening. So, sometimes he has to work a little harder to get Logan to admit it.
“L,” he mutters as the others continue to argue, “check-in.”
“I’m fine.”
Janus shoots him a look as he continues to argue. Virgil tugs gently on Logan’s sleeve.
“No one’s gonna be mad if you say you aren’t, bud.”
Logan shakes his head firmly, eyes still trained on the way Patton and Janus are insisting that they’re the one right.
“Hey,” Virgil says softly, making them take a step back, “I need you to look at me, L.”
“What is the purpose of this?”
“You’re seizing up again.” Logan looks down at his hands, sees the way they’re shaking as Virgil gently runs a finger over the back of one of them. “It’s okay, bud, you’re gonna be fine, you just have to let yourself not be for a moment, okay?”
Logan risks a glance at the others but they haven’t noticed anything. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. Judging by the way Janus is being more dramatic than normal and Roman has turned so his back is facing them, they’ve noticed something’s wrong and are purposefully not noticing anything else.
“Logan,” Virgil calls, “do you need a minute?”
Logan’s mouth opens, closes, then he nods sharply.
“Okay, thank you, I’m really proud of you for saying that. Can I sink you out?”
Another sharp nod.
Virgil sets his hand gently on Logan’s elbow and sinks them out, right outside Logan’s room. He nods to the door.
“Do you need to be alone for a moment? Or do you need me with you?”
Logan looks at the door. His hands shake again. Virgil sees them twitch toward his legs. Then he looks at Virgil and oh, okay, no, Virgil’s definitely coming inside.
“Come on,” he says, guiding hand still on Logan’s shoulder, “just through here, okay? I’m gonna get you a glass of water.”
Logan looks small, Virgil decides he doesn’t like that. He presses a glass of water gently into Logan’s hands, watches as he drinks the whole thing without complaint, and then carefully sets one of Logan’s fluffier pillows into his lap for Logan to hang onto.
“Do you want to sit here for a moment?”
Logan nods, then buries his face in the pillow and breathes. Virgil closes his eyes and starts to breathe too, keeping it slow and steady as he breathes in, then out, then in, then out. When Logan’s breathing starts to hitch, he opens his eyes and scoots a little closer, wordlessly offering a shoulder. Logan takes it after a moment, his face still buried in the pillow even as his head comes to rest on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Let it out, bud,” Virgil murmurs into the crown of Logan’s head, “don’t try and keep any of that shit in you. It’s just me.”
Watching Logan cry isn’t fun. He doesn’t recommend it. But it’s much, much better than the alternative.
“Hey,” he calls again, a fresh glass of water in his hand, “drink, bud, it’ll help.”
Logan drinks, a little slower this time, as Virgil settles back on the bed, one leg folded under him.
“Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want me to distract you?”
Logan shakes his head. “I…do not think distraction would be helpful.”
“Okay. Do you want me to give you the logical reason why this is fine, or the emotional one where I tell you how much we care?”
Logan sniffles.
“Both it is, then.” Virgil scoots closer, ready if Logan needs to lean against him again. “Despite the fact that your role is Logic, no one expects you to be entirely logical. You are a person, you have feelings and emotions, and they are as much a part of you as Logic is. Trying to deny that isn’t logical, nor productive. The reason you are who you are is equally due to both of those things.”
He softens his voice as Logan leans toward him again, smiling at how shamelessly Logan is asking to be comforted.
“And that’s why we care about you,” he mumbles, ignoring the heat rushing to his own face, “because you’re you. You’re…prissy and stuck-up and a know-it-all and it’s perfect, L. You’re our braincell and you’re fucking ours. You’re—you’re not going anywhere.”
Logan’s arms still grip the pillow tightly even as his head nudges its way under Virgil’s chin. Virgil smiles and lets him, only realizing he’s absentmindedly nuzzling Logan’s hair after a minute.
The others will be fine. Logan just needs a moment to check out.
Roman, on the other hand, fucking sucks at letting himself ask.
And yeah, Virgil’s not too proud to admit he still feels sick at how much he’s fucked that up for him. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try and fix that now.
Princey’s gig as Creativity isn’t misplaced; Virgil’s equal parts impressed and dismayed at how well Roman’s managed to get himself what he needs without directly asking for it, be it a favor, a piece of feedback, or a conversation.
The one thing he can’t do that with is touch.
Roman needs physical contact like he needs water. He may run hotter than a goddamn furnace but he somehow manages to look cold. Watching him sit himself apart from everyone else hurts now, especially when Janus comes and confesses that he can hear how much Roman tries to insist that he doesn’t need affection from the others.
So, they built a system. Some with Roman’s knowledge, some without. Roman goes to them for comfort when he needs it, but sometimes, when he really needs it, it’s up to them to figure out just how much.
Remus knows his job when it comes to this. His brother is Roman and you don’t get to be a Dark Side without Janus as a dramatic caveat. He’s well-versed in blackmailing self-sacrificing idiots into taking care of themselves.
Remus finds Roman when Roman’s sitting alone, off to the side, staring out into the expanse of the Imagination. He sits down, brushes their shoulders together, and frowns when Roman apologizes and shifts further away.
That’s the first indication.
He suggests they go bother Patton, or sneak out to the field and practice cliff jumping. If Roman’s alright, he’ll roll his eyes and propose an alternative, or agree and they’ll scamper off. But instead, he smiles softly and says no thank-you, politely inviting Remus to stay if he likes, but he’d rather not move.
That’s the second indication.
The third one comes when Remus carefully—really carefully—prods at Roman to see how obvious Roman’s dazed state is. He’s barely there.
Time for reinforcements.
Who gets called depends on who’s around. Since Remus is usually the first one in the chain—although that responsibility does get bounced around—everyone else’s schedules make absolute consistency difficult.
Today, it’s Janus.
He sits on Roman’s other side, pressing their shoulders together. If he’s alright, he’ll lean into him, or at the very least, tolerate it. His presence is strong, enough to coax down his shields and that’ll be the end of it. But today, he scoots away from him too, another apology on his lips.
They exchange a look over Roman’s head.
No one banters quite like Remus and Janus, and sometimes that’s all it takes to pull him out of his head. Sometimes it’s an offer to go flounce around an abandoned castle, and there’s a small smile on his face as they leave.
Not today.
As a last resort, Janus reaches out and gently calls to him.
“My prince, are you alright?”
Sometimes it’s enough.
Not today.
“Alright,” Remus declares, getting up and clapping his hands, “time to pull out the big guns.”
Sometimes he’ll get up and walk with them, sometimes he won’t. He has carried him through the Mindscape before, but it was only once. And that was when he couldn’t actually move and they’d had a murmured conversation where he gave him permission to.
Today he gets up and follows them, confused as to what’s going on. They march him straight to a door and Remus knocks on it.
“Roman’s upset,” he says as soon as the door opens.
Virgil smiles and steps aside, letting him come in. Sometimes it’s a waiting game, sometimes Remus pushes him inside. But today, Roman bows his head and walks inside, letting Virgil close the door behind him.
Sometimes it’s a protest. Sometimes it’s a: ‘this really isn’t necessary,’ or a ‘do we have to do this?’ When that happens he indulges Roman, meets every quip with one of his own until he can knock Roman off-balance with well-placed sincerity and use his distraction to steer him to the bed.
Sometimes it’s an apology. It’s an: ‘I’m sure you’ve got other things to do, I can just go,’ and he shakes his head, tells Roman he’s more than happy to spend time with him. That no, he’s not being rude, that he all but asked for Roman to come. When that happens, he normally clams up, stays quiet, until he relents and gathers Roman up into a cuddle by the door.
Sometimes it’s silence. It’s a bowed head, curled up like a frightened animal, braced for punishment. It’s the moments where the gap between Light and Dark feels uncrossable. It’s the moments where the anger is disappointment, where the frustration is indifference, until he speaks first and murmurs that no, Roman’s not in trouble, he’s not here to lecture him, he’s hurt and he wants to help, as he takes Roman into his arms.
Every time it’s a fight.
It’s knowing that he can’t win because of course, he can’t win but this isn’t something he’s supposed to win but he can’t show weakness but he won’t have a choice because it’s the slow, patient kill that speaks of nothing but kindness and care but Virgil has enough to worry about and he doesn’t get to dump all of his problems on Virgil but he knows he wouldn’t do this if he didn’t care but he cares about everyone and Roman isn’t special but he knows that doesn’t matter and he needs this but it makes him want to rip all of his skin off and start over but then he’d get blood on his carpet and that wouldn’t be very polite either—
Virgil guides him to the couch with a hand on his back, sitting him down and bringing two cups of tea to the table. He cups Roman’s hand around one to gauge how warm it is and if his fingers grow too red, he sets it aside. He sits next to him and carefully reaches out.
Here she is, sitting right next to him, and yet he’s almost nowhere to be found.
He needs to relearn how to ask for comfort, for reassurance, for what he needs, but the wait hurts them both.
I’m trying, I’m trying, I promise, I’m sorry—
It’s alright, I’m right here, just ask, that’s all.
When he finally reaches out, Virgil snaps and bundles Roman into his arms. He tucks Roman up against his chest, letting him wind his arms as tightly as he needs to, guiding one leg, then the other, over his. Roman lets out a little whine as he tucks his face into the crook of his neck. He cards his fingers through Roman's hair and smiles as the poor prince melts into his arms.
The familiar protective instinct swells up and Virgil finds himself wanting very much to wrap him up in his hoodie and keep him safe from the universe.
He keeps his breathing even, hoping his heart doesn’t begin to race from the need to protect the Roman. This is for Roman, this is what he needs, to chase away the worries of the world and be safe.
Sometimes they fall asleep like that. Sometimes Roman needs to cry and he hushes him tenderly. Sometimes he seems convinced that if either of them lets go they’ll fly apart.
It doesn’t matter.
If he feels the safest with Virgil’s arms around him, his head on his chest, his heartbeat in his ear, the world could be on fire and he would not leave his side.
General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @iminyourfandom @bullet-tothefeels @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83 @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious @firefinch-ember @fandomssaremysoul @im-an-anxious-wreck @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch @enby-ralsei @unicornssunflowersandstuff @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer @i-am-overly-complicated @annytheseal @alias290 @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @cerulean-watermelon @puffed-up-bees @meltheromanstan @joyrose-fandomer @insanitori
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BIG FUCKIN LOKI EP 5 THOUGHTS (spoilers ahead…obviously)
-big smoke babey???
-Sylvie's curly hair 🥺🥺🥺
-judge renslayer I don’t fuckin trust you one goddamn bit
-alligator Loki is everything to me
-"All I know is I got pruned and I woke up here, and now I’m surrounded by variants of myself, plus an alligator, which I’m heartbroken to report I didn’t even find all that strange” I LOVE YOUFJENDK
- I am in love with alligator loki
-”why do you want to return to the TVA”
“Did you leave your glorious purpose there?” JFKSKFKD GOT EM
-fuckin called it bitch
-"do you have any good memories?” Fuck you ravonna
-marvel if you pull this selfcest bs when Loki and Sylvia reunite I’ll go rabid
-classic Loki is the only smart bitch
-so….Loki’s timeline continues? HE SIRVIVES AFTER INFINITY WAR???
-Loki:*rousing speech*
The other Lokis: no ❤️
-okay so what’s the beef between these Loki groups
-is it mobius
-pls tell me it’s mobius
-I’m crying real tears i haven’t felt this much serotonin since I watched Save The Cat from shera s5 I had to stand up and walk around my house but I can’t DO THAT BECAUSE ITS 3 am
-I walked around my room I had to pause for a bit
-moving on
-“you should be careful just jumping into a strangers car like that” I LOVE YOU YOU FUCKIN BASTARD
-“watch out!”
“I see it I see it”
“Really because you’re driving RIGHT towards it”
“God you really are one of you”
-loki veing super fucking done with his own variants is SO FUNNY
-our Loki trying ro sneak out of the Loki brawl
-"and whenever one of us dares to fix ourselves they send us here to die" cries?? Ur so little
-sylvie I love u but girl
-"cmon Mobius let's just drive into the thing that EATS MATTER"
-"just bc its not complicated dossnt mwan it's bad"
"doesn't mean it's good"
-did the tva ORUNE THE SHIO???
-better yet did they ARRESTTHE SHIP??
-many questions
-sylvje being like "oh my God THAY was your plan"
-mobius I love you
-I wanted a better ruinion marvel I better get SOMETHINF
-ravonna what r u up to
-B-15 NOOO
-I want more b-15 content
-also she's hot
-ur telling me Mobius read about literally everything Loki related and doesn't remember the ALIGATOR???
-I am loving the Lokis and Mobius interactions
-questioning alligator Loki on whether or not he's Loki
-pls dont
-pls dont share the blanket
-okay cool no selfcest
-this is awkwaed
-God pls just admit you're friends
-theyre sharing the blanket OK fine
-judging his blanket conjuring skills I see
-i am actually appreciating the friendly nudges I do want them to be close
-nebermind I take it back
-sylvie I believe in you
-loki you stupid bitch
-im mad
-I better see more of them I STG ILL GO FERAL
-stilk mad abour them splitting up
-alioth is baby right? Can we all agree?
-loki if u sacrficie yourself
-K so what's all this then
14 notes · View notes
zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hi! Can I request scenario with dabi and reader have first fight and he gets mad and slap her then realise what happened and try to apologise I just want some angst if it's ok with you Author-chan 👉👈 also sorry for my bad english and hope you are doing great ❤
Im all for the angsty and sees the man goes "shit I fucked up"
Tumblr media
Stressful days weren't exactly rarity on his life. He had manage to deal with those over the years. But today seemed just the type of when life doesn't gove you lemons, but instead they fucking squezze the lemons on your eyes.
He was out of patience and he just locked himself on his office as a clear sign for NO ONE to enter and to not disturb him.
Well, unfortunately you hadn't gotten the message. Your intentions were pure and come crom your heart, but he really wasn't willing to listen to anyone, instead succumb on his anger until himself calms down.
But as the stubborn you were, you stayed. Willing to facebthe danger of his wrath... but never would you two expect something like that to happen.
He REALLY didn't mean it. He swear to God and for his whole life that when he extended his hand he didn't saq himself beating you... his anger immediately went down and was replaced with horror as he stared with wide eyes at yourself... wide eyes at the ground and holding your cheek.
God, what have he done?
He didn't carw how he stittered your name or how weak he sounded and looked when he tried to extend his hand, still on the air, at you... yet you took a step back, one hand in front of you to prevent him to come any closer.
"N-no. Is okay.. just-just stay back..." you whimpered, hand shaking on the air as you still holded your hand on your cheek, his heart clenching when he saw the drops of tears start to run down from your eyes to the wooden floor.
"Please (Y/n) at least let-"
"N-Not today Chisaki." You gagged, hand lowering down showing the red mark on your face and making him feel sick to the stomach as his hives appeared. "I need to-to... to take some air." You stormed your way out of his office and he only manage to step out of his office to see the looks of some subbordinates looking still at the way you ran out.
It didn't helped one bit when Kurono send him a look that was the perfect mix of dissapointment and worry before running after you, some precepts decided not to spare a glance while the others who had the courage, send him dirty looks before returning to their activities.
He scoffed before slamming his office's door before sitting on the ground without a care and gripping on his hair tightly as the images replayed on his mind to torment him even further.
"What the fuck did I just do?" He gritted between teeth as he started to feel his mask getting wet....
"Give her time. She just went out for a walk." Chrono said from his seat as Kai continued to stare blankly at the hand he used to hurt you.
"... she went out alone." It was suppose to be a question, but he knew better.
"She needed some space." Kurono mumblex before crossing his arms and frowning at his friend "What happened inside here anyway?"
"And why the fuck do you need to know?" He growled as he conteolled himself to not just burst i to a fit of self hate.
"Just trying to help." The white haired man sighed as he uncrossed his arms and got up from his seat "So?"
"I fucking slapped her Hari!" He shouted, slamming his fists on his desk and accidentally overhauled his gloves "I fucked up! I hurt her! SATISFiED?!" He send one of his most threatening glares at Kurono who even flinched a bit. He scoffed burring his face on his hands.
"Get out... please." Hari furrowed his eyebrows at that but sighed and let his friend be as he closed the door.
Not even two minutes later a knock echoed on his office. He growled to himself before preparing to curse the person out before he froze at seing Pops entering.
"You keep acting like that and you will may never get that woman's heart back my boy. Is your choice."
The elder's words echoed on his head as he controlled his body to not just sob at the thought. Pops noticed yet the state of mind Chisaki was. Sighing, the old man took a seat besides his successor.
"What leaded you to that?"
"I don't know!" He wanted to shout but instead it came out as a whisper "It wasn't ever my intention to hit her-! I just was in a bad mood and then she wanted to help me but I... I.." he burried his face on his hands again with a sigh, looking at the ground with a sorrow expression.
"Chisaki, what you did was bad for sure... But knowing how much you love that girl and how she loves you back, hopefully she will understand. But the wound won't cure itself instantly, it takes time to heal something like that, but if you really cherish and love (Y/n), you will prove to her and won't see a problem on giving her space.."
"... I want to die." The browhaired man admitted as the elder furrowed hsi eyebrows even more "I want to punch myself into bleeding to show her that I-"
"That won't do." He interrupted with a hand on his hair messing up his cut "Kid, stop being so radical and just be patient." The eldrr smiled before getting up and stopping by the door "Give her time and apologize, prove to her that won't happen again, and treat her like yourself call her Kai, an angel." He smirked at the surprised look Chisaki gave him before getting out.
Walking in circles in his room, he kept scratching at the skin of his forearm... the event happened early in the morning and it was already 10 pm.... he hadn't heard of you of all day except for Kurono and Pops assuring him you were safe... but het the feeling of drag and bitter on him never eased up...
He eventually gave up on walking and just opted to sit down, still scracthing at his arm until he hissed, noticing that from all that scrarch on his hives it started to bleed. He looked at it bluntly before using his quiro to put the skin back together... then started to scratch again...
He knew that wasn't to pay back what he had done to you... but het his mind wouldn't just leave him at peace. Why would if on the first place afterwhat he had done?
The creak of the door made him stop breathing for a second... soft footsteps echoing on the room as you without a word walked towards the batgroom and closed the door.
He couldn't take this anymore... he knows he should give you time but hell, this was just torture.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom after you showered you yelped a bit at seing Kai waiting right in front of you.
Quietly he lifted his hand and furrowed his eyebrows in dusgusta at himself when you flinched a bit and hesitantly took a step back.
"I won't... please let me just.." je wordless grabbed your hand as it was about to break at any moment before his knees gave up and kneeled on the ground.
"What the-? K-Kai-?"
"Forgive me." He grabbed your hand on his both ones as he lowered his head for you to not see how pathetic he looked "For everything I did, for crying out loud for me being me just forgive my stupid ass self (y/n)! Im so sorry!"
Your eyes widened in shock at the man beneath you, clenching on your hand as his life depended on it.
"I will do anything for you to forgive me angel I swear to god if I ever dare ro lift a hand to you again I will let everyprecept of thsi room to beat me up!"
"Hey." You cooed hesitantly yet worried no less... Chisaki was no way a man of begging, but letting someone else touch him? That was too out of character fo him
"Please... I will do anything to earn your trust back..." you kneeled on the ground to look at his eyes to just be shocked as well to see his golden eyes puffy with tears "Forgive me.." he whimpered as he lowered his mask to show you his whole face.
You frowned at that before pecking his lips, feeljng his hand come to the back of your neck and the other surround around your waist to pull you closer to him.
After the kiss broke, you shaked your head with a smile as you two regained your breath. This time you lifted one hand of your and cupped his cheek.
"Like I said earlier, is okay... I shouldn't had poked you when you wanted to be alone Kai."
"That gives me no right to ever hurt you... I didn't know what the hell was I doing on the first place (Y/n)." He lowered his head to rest forehead with yours.
"Is okay Kai." You nuzzled his nose with yours, giggling at how je scrunched his face a bit "I forgive you."
He let out a sad chuckle before picking you up in bridal style, enjoying how you yelped in glee and circled your arms on his neck as he sitted with you on the mastress.
You let go of his neck but hsi arms curcled your waist and pushed you against him even more, preventing you to go as he burried his face on the crook of your neck.
You sighed, running one hand of yours through his hair.
".. but really, do that again and I will do worst than just leave you." You said on a serious tone as he could only sigh and nod on your skin.
"It will never happen again..." he mumbled in your skin as he nuzzled even further "But I do understand if you need space from now on..." he said in sadness, enjoying your embrace and touches like they were the last he would receive.
"... maybe some days off?" You offered and he shvirred at the thought of not having you for more than a day.
"... where?"
"I dunno." You mumbled while tracing your fingers on his hair before smirking "Where do you want to go?"
The way he looked at you, eyes wide with both eyebrows up made you giggled.
"Didn't you want some alone time?" He asked as if you were crazy.
"Yeah I meant that. But a breaj from your work would be great, am I wrong?" You tilted your head as he let out a chuckle before hugging you close.
"You're ridiculous.... that means we are alright?" He asked with hopes up.
"We're gonna be."
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thrillridesz · 4 years
Could you ship tbz members with your mutuals? (Seeing this everywhere so I thought why not pass it to you!)
ahh i’ve been seeing this everywhere as well!! i’ve actually done this awhile back but since i’ve gained a lot of new mutuals since then, i’ll just give it a go once more ^^
i may or may not have put too much thought into this oops 🤭
sangyeon +  @moondustaeil @aveluant1a
talking to amber feels like i’m talking to a trusted older sister ngl. she's one of the people i’d turn to for an honest opinion or some much needed advice on stuff and i value her insights very much. she's also very mature in their thinking which is what i think sangyeon would appreciate a lot as the leader of a group of 11 (10) other boys who are always constantly on crack.
as for yu, she gives me very gentle and calm vibes seriously. she’s strikes me off as a hard worker from our conversations and she is very dedicated to her writing which i believe sangyeon would love in a person. i can already imagine him just staring at her work, with a look of affection and admiration in his eyes 😆
jacob + @ihearttbz
riane is an absolute angel to talk to and i love our conversations tgt because it’s always so easy to talk to her and i feel like i can tell her a lot of things i normally wouldn’t tell anyone else. she’d pair very well with jacob and just be that couple that everyone loves and adores, the really sweet couple that people just love to hang around with 💞
younghoon + @chaoticdeobi
um was it really going to be anyone else other than bea? XD younghoon as we know is a pretty shy person and bea to me, seems like the opposite of that. in their case, i think the phrase ‘opposite attracts’ is applicable! bea’s enthusiasm and liveliness is something younghoon would definitely find to be very charming, prompting him to come out of his shell very quickly when he’s around her. i believe whatever he lacks, she makes up for it and vice versa
hyunjae + @bobagyu @kpophours
rose is just so random and funny sometimes which is honestly just like hyunjae to a tee, they’re just so like each other in a way! i get the feeling that rose may be a little unsure of herself sometimes ( which she shouldn’t ) and i think hyunjae would be a great fit because he would definitely be able to help her become more confident while she can probably teach him to be a little less tough and be more vulnerable to his own feelings.
anna is an extremely bright and outgoing person from what i can tell from our conversations. i think that would complement well with hyunjae’s loud and larger than life personality and they would a 100% be that couple that everyone just asks to tone it down but secretly love having them around because they’re just so intriguing and fun to have around 💫
juyeon + @jyeonvoir
elsie has these very calm vibes and i’ve mentioned this before but she gives mad older sister vibes as well. she’s gentle and soft, very much like juyeon and ngl i may be just a little intimidated by her at first but after getting to know her, she’s actually super friendly and nice! she and juyeon would make a lovely couple and i can totally imagining them just chilling on a rainy night, watching Netflix while he wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace.
kevin + @2hyunjae​ @mae-gi-writes​
luna imo is pretty quiet for the most part but once you talk to her, she’s actually pretty fun to talk to! she’s also artistically inclined ( also have you seen her calligraphy skills? they’re insanely good omf ) which i think kevin would appreciate a lot as an artist himself! i feel like he can bring her out of her shell and when he does, he’d just be enchanted by her lovely personality and did i just write a fluffy fic prompt?? o.o
mae is JUST. SO. CUTE. my biggest kevin stan out there, you would be a great match for kevin i just know it. your enthusiasm and your meme vibes would complement kevin perfectly! she’s incredibly supportive and lively which is definitely something i think kevin would look out for in a partner. i can 100% see him with someone who’s just like mae in the future 💓
chanhee + @tidalstorm​
something about ros to me screams vogue and classiness and when i think of her, i feel like she’s super bougie? maybe im wrong but that’s how i feel! i get the same vibe around chanhee as well and her really cute personality i feel will mesh well with chanhee’s seemingly harder personality? they’re just very alike to me in terms of vibes!
changmin + @fluffytbz​ @sankyeom​
having talked to rosie, i can tell you that she’s one of the easiest people i’ve talked to on tumblr so far. she’s also such a sweet person and her vibes are really similar to changmin’s come to think of it? lovable but with a tiny hint of shyness? that’s changmin and rosie! i know we always see changmin smiling since that boy basically exudes happiness but i feel like there’s got to be a special kind of smile, the soft kind that speaks volumes of his feelings that he reserves for those he loves and i feel like that person could be rosie. does that make sense?
talking about belle is like talking about a role model to me >< i still fangirl sometimes but that’s beside the point. belle has such warm vibes that changmin would have loved! i feel like he’s not someone who likes to make his feelings know and he’d rather just be happy in front of the camera all the time but i think with belle, he would definitely be able to let his guard down around her. there’s just something about her that wants to make ppl trust her instantly 😋
haknyeon + @atbzkingdom​
dee is an absolute sweetheart which is just what hak needs. she can be level headed and mature when the situation calls for it but she can also have fun and be wild which i think hak would appreciate a lot in a partner! he’s been through a lot so i feel he may need someone who he can feel comfortable around to tell his secrets to and since dee is trustworthy like that, he’d feel at ease around her 😌 
hyunjoon + @tbzwurld​
ok i’ll be honest. i was kind of intimidated by bee when i first started talking to her. there’s something about her that just makes her whole vibe so powerful and just radiate such dominant energy ( not in that way ) but yes, she just seems so cool to me and the vibes she gives off to me is exactly the vibes hyunjoon gives me as well. once you get to know her though, she’s actually so sweet?? and kind?? and amazing?? idk why but to me, she’s what i think would be hyunjoon’s ideal type ✨
sunwoo + @minfuwa​ @jopping-to-my-kpop​​ @mjlkau​
although i haven’t rly talked much to iris ( but i really want to >< iris can we be friends pls ) iris has this sort of charm that i can’t quite put my finger on. it’s a certain type of charm that i associate with sunwoo? like there’s a certain appeal which they both have in common! from our very little interaction ( hopefully we can change that ), i get that she has a vibrant personality that would make everyone just love to flock to her and befriend her. ngl when i think of sunwoo, i think of her sometimes! maybe this is a signal from the universe idk 👀 
yo ok emma is just like super cool ok? idc what tf you have to say, she’s cooler than you and me and everyone else combined. her swag is just out of this world and i think her effortlessly cool persona is something that sunwoo would just be completely enthralled by. she's also a very reliable friend who i am so glad to have gotten to know bc hell, even i’m attracted to her personality so how can sunwoo not be? actually, sunwoo would love her personality! they both exude such badass but soft vibes it’s almost unreal 💙
anie has a very surprising personality imo! my first impression of her was really cute and sweet so imagine my surprise when she reveals that darker side of her >< i really like the duality though ngl and i think sunwoo would too! he’d just be so fascinated by her and just want to get to know her more and as he learns more about her, he’s just going to end up falling deep in love without realising until one day he’s like “fuck, i’m an idiot in love without even noticing it.”
eric + @heartyyjeno​ @lovely-kpop-writer​​
alesha is just a BIG ball of floof and i love her omg she's such a supportive and caring friend, it’s unreal. her enthusiasm to me, is on par with eric and if he’s the energy boy, she’s the energy girl for sure. they’d be that couple that just goes around hyping everyone up and everyone would just LOVE them! i know i would and if anyone disagrees, i’ll fite you >:(
jasmine my love!!! this girl here is just so incredibly lovely just like her url suggests and honestly, she’s one of the ppl who are most significant in my tumblr journey because her love for people is just so heartwarming? she’s always friendly and kind which is what eric would love in his future partner.  jasmine is just so PRECIOUS istg ❣️
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Heyy could I get a matchup please? I’m a pansexual non binary person excepting and loving to all, I have short black hair and I am 5’1. Tbh I’m more interested in the 1A boys but I do love all the pro hero’s and the villains too. I can be shy at first but once you get to know me I can be very chaotic and alt. I’m very open minded and understanding no matter what your situation is and I am very patient, I rarely get angry. I also do a lot of art from pairing to potter and photography, I love to try new things. I also love your work so much and I hope your doing well 💕
Thank you! 🥰 It means a lot! I hope your doing week in this time ☺️💙 sorry it took over a month 😅 but! I’ll make it up to you! And! The other four waiting....and the few in my inbox! Well! I hope you like it!
Kaminari, you wouldn’t think five inches is enough for him to look down and bully you about your height. But...honestly? You couldn’t be mad at it considering it’s what made your friendship with the blonde bloom.
Then again, when you first met him you were kind of a wreck and didn’t have the guts to tell him, “I’m not an arm rest stop leaning on my shoulder.” Instead you let it be, fidgeting fingers and looking ahead until her smiled brightly at you, “SHORT FRIENDS ARE GREAT!” he looked down at you eyes closed, “I should keep you around more.”
Well, after that you were adopted by, THE BAKUSQUAD! Bakugo not really caring, but when Kirishima and Denki followed him around he always made sure to grab you and drag you with them, because “I WAS SCARED AND PANICKED! I DIDN’T WANNA BE ALONE!”
So, for the first and second week he treated you like a quiet kid, mostly starting conversation until you got into a comfortable groove, and he almost died seeing how you really turned out. YOU started to bully him, when he entered his short circuit, the jokes you made, but still, you took care of him making sure he didn’t get into trouble or hurt. At times you’d become a bit impulsive and your chaotic side came out.
“MOVE! IM GONNA DO IT!” You screamed “Y/n! NO! I LIKE YOU BETTER ALIVE!” He screamed. Silence, you moved your head, trying to pull back, but no luck, your eyes moved in panic looking at Denki, his own eyes wide before he started laughing. You tried to move your head regretting it instantly. Your right hand came up, forefinger and thumb pulling at your tongue that was now stuck to the pole you had made victim to your weird antics. “mm thuck.”
you have great goofy moments together, but the moment he hears Bakugo screaming and silence, and then he hears you screaming? Hah, no. All relations are canceled/expired/rejected/blocked/denied/gone. He likes being alive, and right now, you were a threat to his life, so “Oh, uh yeah I got a thing to do in the other ro-“ RUN
he’s more than great full to have you around, your patient with him when he just can’t do something but he’s determined to. Like the month he dragged you of the dorms every night, because “IM GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS HAUNTED HOUSE WITHOUT SCREAMING.” The haunted house opened the first of October, and ended on Halloween, it was terrible, at one point he passed out, another frothed at the mouth, his screams were priceless, he clung to you more than a few times crying about being scared. Decked a few jump scare people, and at least twice went into Pikachu self defense mode and electrocuted the groups of workers around the two of you at least twice. Honestly, you were surprised they let you both keep coming back. But the last day, he managed to only let out squeaks and squeeze your arm and hands but he did it. Thirty one long nights of walking the same halls, jump scares, and voids, mesmerizing the right way of the maze, you mad wit out fine, he was only slightly shook.
Art? Denki doesn’t get it, claimed he can’t draw to save his life and when you watched him try you believed him, BUT THE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHOCK WHEN YOU FOUND OUT HE WAS BASICALLY AN ART MAJOR WHEN HE SHORT CIRCUITED..... you started saving his drawings and sketches, and then you’d show him and he’d be impressed, but completely denies that he ever did it. “Nope, you got the wrong guy, you’ve seen me, I can’t draw a circle.” But he loves to watch you paint, and take photos, but don’t take him to wildlife sets with you. He will get hired of waiting for birds and throw himself on the grass and start sighing loudly and rolling around, “Nothings coming y/n!” “MAYBE IF YOU SHUT UP THE BIRDS WOULDNT FLY AWAY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!” Silence, you can definitely feel him staring you, “Well that’s just rude.... you scared off the only bird that was actually here.” Pottery? He watched you, and he wanted to try, the first time he ended up slinging clay everywhere, second he can’t keep his hands still enough, the third time you took pity and ended up like the cheesiest movie scene, but, you were behind him guiding his hands, he became a flustered mess and crushed the almost pot when you spoke to him and he felt your breath on his shoulder. He was blushing and flustered and then started apologizing for ruining the pot... in the end you both together did make a lopsided pot, it now sits in your room, home to your shared black prince succulent. When you brought it home he made anyone who would listen come see his first pot and new child.
“Y/n?” You heard knocking and groaned getting up off your bed to open your door.
“I brought someone else to meet prince...” the look you gave him was one of ‘Are you sERIOUS?’
You closed your door a bit to look at the digital clock that was hanging just above your desk, 1:37 in the morning...
“It couldn’t wait till sun up?” You asked eyes kinda squinty as the hall light started to flood into your room now that you opened the door wider to let whoever in.
“It’s important everyone knows my new son!” He stepped in and you moved and plopped onto your desk chair.
“Alright, but be careful, you bruised one of his petals last time.” You stretched and looked at your abandoned school work, you looked at it reading the question you had struggled on, and by some miracle, being half groggy and half awake, you read it and the answer came to you. You started to write it down before you forgot. And you were so proud of yourself, until you heard the feminine voice.
“Kaminari, you’re an idiot.” And then a slightly muffled laugh.
You didn’t have a problem with Jiro, in fact you liked her as a friend, she was nice, had good taste in music, bullied Denki with you sometimes, friendly and you’ve never seen her angry or get snobbish with anyone. She was laid back and cool.
But, one thing you didn’t like, was the fact she was slowly becoming the center of Denki’s flirting. Jealous? Nahh....well....no.... maybe a little? Nope, nah that’s not it.......okay yeah.
“Y/n Chan! Jiro is bullying me.” He came and shook you by your shoulders pulling you from staring at your school work.
You turned your head to look up at him. “What?” You asked.
“She called me an idiot.” He pouted and closed his eyes.
You laughed and dropped a hand onto his head, after he kneeled to plead you defend him, “Oh Denki, if you want me to disagree it’s gonna be a long night.”
He pouted at your words but sighed in defeat, until the next words came, “So (y/n), if Denki’s son is in your room does that make you the mother of his son?”
You looked at Jiro a faint blush tinting your cheeks as you registered what she said. You gave a few quiet laughs but before you could say anything Denki became a stuttering flustered mess. Catching both of you and pulling you both out of the conversation that almost started.
“Well! (Y/n)! Well go! A Princess does need her beauty sleep!” He winked at you as he left in a hurry, Jiro just quirked a brow before she told you good night and you returned it as she left. You yawned and got back into bed, before your phone buzzed and you cursed, but the blush on your cheeks wirsned at the flirty text you’d gotten from Denki, you’d think you’d gotten used to it already, but maybe the feelings you thought you’d pushed away never really left the surface.
‘Good night princess 😉 Don’t forget to dream about me 💛’
Cringe yes, but that’s literally the best flirting line he has. Apparently getting comfortable with Denki meant he was comfortable flirting with you 24/7, no hesitation. And you enjoyed the attention and flirted back with him, but things kinda changed when Jiro started to give him attention too.
“Mornin’ babe,” you yawned at Denki’s greeting and gave a wave and small smile as you walked to a table and plopped down. You didn’t get much sleep, you finished your homework so now you had the weekend free, but what were you going to do? You stared at the empty table in front of you thinking about nothing, head empty, until Mina came and sat across from you, “So babe huh? Is it official!” She whisper screamed.
“Pfft, just about as official as me being All Might.” You had a small smile, small but genuine. “Boooooooo.” She pouted, “I have my own theories but I really want to tell you this one, soooo! Bakusquad girls day! But... just you and I. Get ready let’s go!”
So, after deciding you’d buy something to eat instead of cooking you got ready and then both you and Mina set off to talk theories and what’s really going on in her head. “So, I think he wants something serious but since you guys joke so much I think he thinks he’s in the friend zone and don’t even deny it I know you like him, I’ve seen the way you smile at all his stupid jokes even I don’t laugh at all of them and I try to be nice. Plus the way you loook a Jiro is enough to show your jealous but he doesn’t see that, I’m pretty sure he thinks you just don’t like her humor or something, but from what I’ve seen your good friends with her when Denki isn’t around so that lets me believe your jealous of his attention going to someone else. Soooo, what do you say? What do you think? And I think he’s trying with Jiro because you guys kinda have similar personalities and hair cuts? Well not really but you know? When your in love you call broccoli Midoriya and a grenade Bakugo but that’s a different story, so? What do you think?” You just stared at her, the takoyaki had with your toothpick just to far from your lips as you wondered if she was right. A shot smile pulled at your lips as you looked down and closed your eyes to let out a sigh, “Well, I won’t say your wrong, I’ve done lot of things but being in denial has never been one of them. I’m not going to confess or anything but I do have one question.” You looked at Mina through the corner of your eyes while your face was still pointed to the ground. “Yes!” She cheered and nodded looking at you with a big smile, “If this is about a plan I’ve got it all figured out so don’t worry!”
You shook your head and faced her completely, “Nope! Keep the plan well use it later but, if I do something about this Denki thing you have to so something about tape boy.” Mina became flustered at your words but nodded, “well, your first lady she smacked you back causing you to slightly choke on the Takoyaki you’d finally started to eat, after catching your breath and wondering around for a bit you both talked it out and it’s go time.
The next morning you started the plan (titled by Mina) “Seducing Pikachu” Taking a deep breath you readied yourself to take your flirting next level, he called you babe you had to call him daddy, he gave you a hug you pulled his face down to peck his cheek, he draped an arm over your shoulders you had snuggle closer and hug his waist, he tried to tease you by taking your hand you can’t pull away, in stead you interlock fingers and squeeze, if he leaned into your ear to whisper something you can’t push him away. And we’re you ready? No, in fact you felt queasy, and like you had to bathroom, but with a shove from Mina you entered the kitchen and like usual “Good morning babe!” And the usual flirty wink, but this time instead of getting flustered or yawing you locked eye contact and with everything you had, “Mornin Daddy.” You smiled at him and walked to the fridge to try and occupy yourself. In the background you heard Mineta screaming about the name daddy. You looked at Denki with the same smile after grabbing a juice and he was flustered, red cheeks and it looked like his hair had fluffed up a bit. It’s working! You waved at him and walked to the common room and sat down on one edge and looked at the tv, it was playing some show about volleyball. Jiro came and sat across from you on the other sofa joining you and a few others in watching this show, right now, the only empty seats are the spot next to you on the love seat, or the two seats beside Jiro. He sat by you and was strangely quiet, oh gave him a smile when he turned to look a you, he smiled and looked at the tv, after an hour or two your hands began fiddling with the juice in your lap and you felt a tug at your hand, you felt Denki place his hand on yours usually you’d pull away and punch his shoulder, but this time. You didn’t take your eyes of the tv when your intertwined your fingers and squeezed his hand. You brought your other hand and squeezed his hand between both of yours and snuggled closer to his side and laid your head against his shoulder, he tensed a bit then relaxed quickly. He laid his head on yours and you eyed Mina real quick, you gave you a thumbs up and you motioned to Sero with your eyes and she stopped and pouted. After another hour you started to get up and pull away from Denki. You felt a hand pull at yours and you looked at Denki, “Where are you going?” You titled your head, “Gonna go buy lunch maybe.” He looked up at you still holding your hand, “Don’t leave me.” He said, “Come with me then.” You gave his arm a tug and without second thought he jumped up outside you were cool, but inside, you were going ballistic, inside you were nothing like usual, you were honestly so surprised that this plan was working, with your attention he didn’t even pay attention to Jiro,,,, were you really jealous?
Getting to a ramen place you both sat down and filled our sheets with your orders, casually sitting in silence your phone dinged, “So.... did he confess? Or do women really have to do all the work, 🙄, Sero didn’t understand what I meant until I- never mind, how’s it going?”
You smiled at the message and shook your head.
Denki being curious why you were smiling tried to peek, “Mina is trying to confess to Sero and she says he’s an idiot.” You smiled and turned to Denki explaining before he could see.
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna say anything sometimes Sero isn’t the smartest.”
You felt a smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah, I know someone else who is just the same.” You propped your elbows on the table and placed your chin on your palms. He did the same and pushed his cheeks so they looked chubby against his palms.
“Kaminari,” you called his name in a chirpy tune with a smile, he closed his eyes and smiled before he said your name in the same way.
“How good are you at noticing small things?” I asked and tilted my head. “Hmmm, did you grow out your hair?” His head tilted, and he smiled.
“No? It’s been this short for a while.” I dropped my arms flat against the table palms up, “try again.”
“Yooouuuu,,,, are wearing contacts?” He asked. “I’m not blind.”
“Yoouuuuu.....are trying a different Boba?” “No... well yes, but not what I’m talking about......try one more time and I’ll give you a hint if you can’t guess.”
He nodded and squinted at me looking like he was concentrating hard.
“I know!” He took my hands in his and squeezed them, I felt my heart start to race, “You’re fingers are cold, the tips are turning reddish.”
I smiled and looked away and licked my top lip trying to not laugh, “That wasn’t it but a good guess.”
“Then what is it?” He asked pouting.
“Close your eyes.” I said and waved a hand, he nodded and then closed them, I placed my finger tips on the left side of his jaw and tried to pull him closer, after getting him halfway across the table I leaned forward and lightly pressed my lips against his cheek.
I pulled away, and moved my hand away from his jaw.
“I...so think you should try again, I didn’t get the hint.” He looked away with a bush slowly becoming prominent on his cheek.
I smiled and shook my head, silence fell over us as I shifted around, “Another hint huh?”
“Maybe just one... or two... or a few....” he still didn’t look at me hands now fiddling together.
“You know, for a flirt you sure do get nervous when someone actually makes a move on you.”
“Heh, yeah.” He was smiling but not looking at me, “Sooo, when?”
“Do you remember the day, you got sick and made me baby you for a whole week? It was that Thursday, you feel asleep on my chest, and I held you and had to pull the blanket off, I realized then, how much I cared about you, and how much I’m willing to do to make sure you’re okay. I realized how much I love your terrible jokes and cheesy pick up lines, your warm hugs and the face times late into the night, and the movie nights passing out at three in the morning and rushing to class when we woke up late. Holing your hand when you were scared, and bullying Bakugo, honestly, I wouldn’t wanna die at the hands of Bakugo with anyone else. I’m not saying I love you or anything, but if this is what falling for someone feels like...I don’t not like it, especially when it’s you.” I looked out the window we sat by and could feel his stare, I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
“I wouldn’t want to be murdered with anyone else.” He held his hand out and I tilted my head to look at him, I took placed my hand on his and he smiled, before he shifted his fingers and closed them around mine. I smiled and closed my fingers squeezing his hand.
“So? Are you going to ask?” He said.
I felt my brows furrow, “Ask?”
“Ask me to be your boyfriend.” His smile widened.
“You’re supposed to ask me!” I scolded and shook our hands.
He tucked his head between his shoulders, “okay okay, fine.... now you’re going to wait because you yelled at me.”
“Y/n!” I turned to look for the person who called my name, “yeah?” I asked and pulled my blanket tighter, the Christmas season was here and I was freezing on the sofa.
“Come look! The snows falling again! And the it’s pretty on the blossoms that are still around.”
“Fine.” I grumbled and stood up, I walked to the second floor windows and looked out. Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo were all outside, I could hear Katsuki screaming at them while the ran around dropping things on the floor.
They all stopped and moved away as Bakugo screamed at them and took off his gloves, it looked like he was grumbling something until Denki slung an arm I’ve this shoulders, Bakugo brought up his hand causing sparks and Denki to smile nervously before patting his shoulder and moving his arm off.
Mina tapped on the window and they looked at us, we waved when three of the four waved. Denki turned to Bakugo and with a simple blast a chain reaction started and lit up a circle, inside the circle were the words made in very sparse but still pretty blossoms, “will u be mine?” Your phone began to ring and you answered it.
“So, after two months of non official dating, will you be mine?”
You smiled, “Yes, Kaminari, yes.” You swallowed and over the phone you heard cheering and watched to em high five minus Bakugo who was pulling his gloves back on. That night, you spent under the blue keys you two piled high, his head on your chest, and you kissed his head running your fingers through his hair, “I love listening to your heart, it’s pretty, like you.” Your take his face in your hands and kiss his lips or forehead, and eventually would change spots, still cuddling to keep the warmth and love between you while the rest of the world was slipping into sleep or madness.
I hope you have a good day, and remember to stay hydrated 💙
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cake-in-a-tin · 4 years
My thoughts rewatching all the Harry Potter movies back to back
forgive typos, and be warned - there's a lot...
the first two have a smaller amount of thoughts for some reason, idk why
 Philosopher’s Stone
teeny harry haha
that snake is so beautiful
no post on sundays bro
hi hagrid
how did the dursleys get off the island tho
aw harry is so teeny and innocent
ollivander’s entrance is so iconic, like i want to enter every room like that
hermione is so great already
and you are…
‘you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?’
haha tiny malfoy
TREVOR! + neville
that death glare mcgonagall omg
oof snape really hates harry
it's leviooosa not leviosaaa
troll in the dungeon!!!
hi fluffy
ew norbert is gross to be completely honest
creepy malfoy staring at the window
malfoy being sassy wow
‘nighty night…’ whyyy filch?
oof ron are u ok
bye hermione
voldemort is kinda cute with his big eyes
harry really just killed quirrell jeez man
alas earwax
Chamber of Secrets
ah go away dobby don't be weird
yes the car with fred and george
oof bye uncle vernon haha
ah awkward let go of harry lockhart we hate u
haha ginny is iconic
rons face when the train comes omg
ron can drive? that's impressive…
ooh a voice scaryyy
hey colinnn
eat slugs - yas
let go of his arm lockhart
uh oh colin is petrified
hahaha snape annihilated lockhart wow
gosh moaning myrtle is annoying
tom riddle is such a weirdo hgh
ew spiders
lockhart is hilarious when he has lost his mind wow
yas fawkes
ew he just stuck the sword right through its head didn't he...
powerful sock…
go away lucius ur annoying
Prisoner of Azkaban
ugh aunt marge blow up already
sassy harry tm
tom is iconic
so is crookshanks tbh
the knight bus kinda sucks in the movie tho
yess lupin hi
ugh shut up trelawney
ah the best scene aka harry and draco being sassy towards each other
‘it’s killed meh!’
the other best scene: lupin, boggarts and the record player
love when they are eating sweets and just being good friends
yay marauders map - iconic fred and george
nice snowman also
my dad didn't strut and neither do i - yeah right...
yes leave hermione
trelawney stop being creepy
take that malfoy
harry third wheeling
yas remus save sirius
"old married couple" haha snape knows what's up
die peter lol
haha yes they will chop your leg off ron definitely
ugh harry stop being noble
haha yes mentioning the marauders
ew stop peter
oh no werewolf
sirius is so dramatic haha he cant stop turning into a werewolf my dude
bad idea yes ron i agree
oof fight him sirius
no sirius!
the dementorssss
no harry that's not a real patronus dude
nom eat the little soul nugget nice
ah no they're gonna kiss sirius nooo
scabbers did it ok... shut up ron
dumbledore just smacking ron's broken leg and being mysterious
and enter many time paradoxes
‘this is not normal’ hahahah wow harry
yess save buckbeak dudes
yas beautiful patronus dude
this music tho wow
au revoir sirius
I wonder how many stairs they ran up...
poor ron so confused
that bird just got squished no
don't leave lupin
please tell harry about the marauderss
i love lupin omg
ooh a firebolt thanks godfather
the ending face wow
Goblet of Fire
ooh nagini hello
yay frank you will die soon so enjoy your tea
dr who!
ah voldemort's creepy little hand tm
yes ron is covering his non existent boobs wow
hermione's so mad 4 some reason
yes cedric diggory in a tree
everyone has long hair why
isn't just any manky old boot mate
cedric amos and arthur are show offs
feet off the table!
i luv magik
wow krum is enjoying himself
Why is draco wearing a suit?
lucius is very ominous
think ur in luvvv ron
is there no winky in this? sad
harry is so awkward omg
bye hedwig find sirius even though the ministry cant
oh bonjour beauxbatons
wow so dramatic here come the durmstrang peoples
wow run filch ao athletic
ew the beauxbatons entrance is so weird and compared to the durmstrang one is kind of sexist
ow poor flitwick a fork to the hand that's gotta hurt
moody is so dramatic
dumbledore already shouting nice
why does he have so many bugssss
ah that is a creepy spider
poor neville he has to have cuppa with moody that sucks
yess fred and george back at it again
hermione ruining the vibe
what would happen if harry was just like "nope"? would he die that would be interesting
igh rita skeeter go away ur creepy my dude
hate it when ur eyes glisten with ghosts of ur past
yas sirius in a fire
"who are u talking to?" "im vlogging ron" (how it should have gone. harry should have a youtube channel just saying)
poor harry a third wheel yet again between madame maxime and hagrid ew
wow draco in a tree, why? so many people in trees this movie
malfoy as a ferret is my favorite character
my father will hear about thissss
omg rita get outttt
fight the dragonnnn
feel like someone should have stopped the dragon after it broke free... idk *shrugs*
it would be so boring if u were watching the tournament because you can't see anything that's happening most of the time, only for the 1st task and a bit if the 3rd task.
knew u wouldnt die harry, lose a leg - or an arm -pack it in all together? nevaaaaa
god just open it harry
ron ur so awkward...
harry spitting out his drink will never not be funny to me
oh yes the gorgeous dress robes
poor ron has it tough, having to dance with mcgonagall and having ro wear those robes...
*babbling bumbling band of baboons*
the twins are hilarious in this haha
aw neville!
snape is really violent can't 2 boys discuss their love lives or lack thereof in peace
ron's jealous of viktor krum haha
love harry just being so confused and saying "spectacular" when cedric speaks to him.
given the fact harry literally told him the task cedric didn't do that much to help.
ugh no myrtle stop
harry going "do i" when neville tells him he seems tense is such a mood
harry's hair when he was swimming haha
just leave them harryy omg too noble
harry holds his breath for a long time after his gills go away - longer than i can
fred and george making fun of harry having 'moral fiber' is exactly what i would do in the situation
mr crouch stop being weird
yes finally singing hoggy warty hogwarts
oh hi mr crouch, taking a nap in the forest are u? cool
i would say do not stick your face in the pensieve but that's just me
Dr Who changed a bit since i last saw him, he's a bit mental now...
snape is so iconic wow
"bubble juice sir?" bahaha sassy harry back at it again
this music is so great
i would freak out if i had to go in that maze it's so creepy and feels like it would be so filled with jumpscares just nope
"a cauldron? What are u guys gonna do - eat me? that's gross!" feels like it should be in the movie
aw baby voldemort is so cute
ugh just chop off another finger or something wormtail jeez so much drama
how is voldemort still alive - the cauldron is on fire??
the movie is also really missing voldemort dancing with the death eaters
u dont have hair my dude stop caressing ur bald head
voldemort has lovely long fingernails
lucius' blonde hair poking out from beneath his hood is so funny 4 some reason.
"i can touch u now" is really not a good sentence
bit awkward to return with a dead body...
its alright harry *shakes his head violently*
uh oh that's not professor moody its barty jr
Order of the Phoenix
halfway done woo
the intro music is still a jam the 5th time
that is big whinging not little whinging
hi big D what a great nickname...
uh oh dementorrrrr
yes mrs figg the most iconic character in the movies
harry looks a lot like frodo baggins
yay the order is rescuing him finally
yes remus and sirius and mrs weasley and everyone
ooh kreacher
jeez hermione attack him
crookshanks attacking the extendable ears is just what my cat would do
cute godfather godson moments yeass
arthur weasley trying to function as a muggle is just so wholesome
ugh not umbridge ew
yes clear those charges
aw padfoot yess
wow that's a lovely coat sirius
voldemort looks great in a suit wow
didn't harry see his parents die? why couldn't he see the thestral before?
yes luna!
oh shut up umbridge oh my goddd
yes ron u tell seamus like a good friend
sassy harry reaching full potential
ugh umbridge sucks wow
so evil torturing harry
yes weasleys wizards wheezes
luna is so pure and perfect
the friendship between her and harry is so amazing
yas tell umbridge, mcgonagall
trelawneys bad but she doesn't deserve to be kicked out by umbridge
oof professor dumbledore just straight up ignored harry
yes harry just say you're rubbish that will make people think your sane
yes hermione break the rules!
oof ginny is jealous of cho liking harryyyy
yay the room of requirement!
dumbledores army is so fabuloussss
nigel is amazing and i love him
wow hermione just knocked out ron haha
harry potter the boy who made cheesy inspirational speeches
wow ginny is so powerful
harry and cho are so awkward eeehhhh
just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon *cringy forced laughter*
occlumency lessonnssss yay what fun
cute christmas scenes wow
ooh the family tree and sirius' backstory yay
harry u aren't becoming like voldemort u are going through pubertyyyy its hormonesssssss
yay hagrid finally
oh no it's bellatrix get ready for crazinesss
poor sirius he keeps getting the blame for everything that's so unfair
is neville tall or is harry short, because there is a huge height difference
aw all the patronuses are so cute
uh oh here comes umbridge...
noo they are captured and dumbledores lying waaa
oof dumbledore is as sassy as harry at some points - "dumbledores got style"
no umbridge is heaf and shes fricking evilllll
grawp yess. hes kind of cutee
ron is jealous of grawp bahaha
sheesh snape chill
yes a bit of maraudrrss aahhhh
thats it? noo
aw fred and george comforting a little boy is too cute!
yes fred and george!!! disrupt those OWLS!!
no harry! he doesn't have sirius nooo
yes hermione fake it till u make it ( or until u get umbridge attacked by grawp )
yay the centaurs are here as well get herrr
'i must not tell lies' the sass omg
jeez how many prophecies are there wow
pranked, harry dude ur kind of rubbish
well done ginny you've made all the prophecies fall
yh id rather watch my friends die than give u the prophecy, don't really like them tbh
yas sirius!
the order yes
you're beautiful sirius
noooooo siriusss 😭😭😭😭
yooo voldemort my dudeee
hope the ministry has a massive roomba
the DA just come in to see harry writhing on the floor and are like 'cool'
nice one fudge finally realised he's back cool, cool
ah yes angsty harry tm
aw poor luna, her shoes are all stolen.
luna is an icon though
we have something voldy doesn't - noses hahahaha
Half Blood Prince
uh oh the dark mark is here
death eaters as well fun
fenrir greyback!!
oh no not this bridge! i went across it and i was scared af
dumbledore appearing out of nowhere is so funny
ew slughorn no
wow i need dumbkwdored tidying spell so badly
slughorn collecting people is kind of creepy tbh
im so glad i dont have as many staircases as the weasleys
oh yes narcissa and bellatrix being shifty
oops snape u probs shouldnt have done that
yess fred and george!!!
weasleys wizard wheezes looks amazinggg
uh not cormac mclaggen
oooh its "draco and mummy"
no fenrir we wanted to look at draco stroking a cabinet
yes arnold!
yes draco malfoy is a "creepy bloke" ronald
why is draco always wearing a suit??
yes draco is going to pigfarts!
ouch why would u stomp on his nose??
yez luna save him
noo dont let snape teach defense against the dark arts!! i miss lupin...
poor harry having to do potions again ugh
dun dun dunnn the half blood prince
poor seamus stuff is still exploding
haha dumbledore ships hermione and harry lol
baby tom riddle is creepyy
tom riddle and slughorn were bffs wow so cute
edgy draco in his loki suit
aw rons the only one listening
ugh cormac mclaggen is so gross nooo
haha ron is so rubbish at quidditch id be just like him
'the binding is fragile' hahaha excuses
harry sleeps with his potions book hheehe wow
wow sneaky draco
rons face when hermione mentions her snogging him haha.
uh oh cursed necklace alert
harry pottrr the boy who just knew
snape is so sarcastic wow icon (not really tho ew)
oh god they're talking about skin aahhh
noo harry stop being awkwarddddd sit downn
ew cormac stop eating profiteroles so suggestively ugh
haa rons outfit
ew lavender stopp
oh yes "felix felicis" makes ron great at quidditch
poor hermione she just loves ron thats all
aw hermione and harrys friendship is so nice
angsty draco standing in a tower
"bUt I aM tHe ChOsEn OnE" god harry so pretentious
luna is the coolest person there is, nice work harry
draco in a suit again looking sad he does that a lot
no draco ur apple!
oh nvm its back dw
ugh cormac sucks.  hermione why??
at least cormac did 1 good thing and vomited on snapes shoes
draco was lurking omgggg thats his vibe now
cant break an unbreakable vow - figured that out for myself thanks (sassy harry)
ew lavender stopppp
ooh noo ginny dont feed him a mince pie awkwarddd
thanks ron
stoppp ginny. harry can tie his own shoelaceee
why do they need to burn the burrow this doesnt happen in the books #not canon
wow everyones sassy including hermione now
also lav is an awful nicknname
aha tom riddle is still creepy
okay thats a lie slughorn u told him about horcruxes
uh oh ron loves romilda vane oop
harry thinks the moon is divine haha
Ron hugging a pillow then falling off the sofa in the background oh my gosh
slughorn is so useless
haha snapes face while rons saying hermiones name
draco being edgy again woowwww
lavender that is a death glare if ever i saw one
oh no draco is crying in a bathroom now like a moody teenager
let him cry in peace harry god man
'nyaaah' is dracos go to dueling sound
oops harry u kinda killed him a little bit.
no this is so awkwarddd ginny dont
just kiss like in the books after the quidditch match thats way better
yes the felix felicis
love harry potter like this its so funny
‘harry!’ ‘sir!’
not to mention the pincers *gestures awkwardly*
nice speech harry, now u have answers on the horcruxes
ooh back to tom riddle being creepy
yas harry and dumbledore field trip quality student teacher time
snape being edgy now wow everyone is in this movie
oops foreshadowing...
harry has precious blood apparently?
yay boat ride and smoothie
harry potter not harry water bro
noo bad just aguamenti right into his mouth Harry
yay new friends!!!
dumbledore ur gonna set harry on  fire careful my dude
ooh death eaterz
did draco change intot hat suit to impress the death eaters?
oop bye dumbledore
harry brooding in dumbledores office
yess RAB get wrecked voldemort
harry ur thick apparently?
aw cute friendship
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
rusty logo wow
‘ello whoo are u
oh scrimgeour hi i dislike u dude
veey dramatic
aaawww hermione no
yas dudley being nice to harry and vernon listening to him and leaving
ron brooding wow
bye parents sad face
wow vernons old man
ooh its snapeee he looks loke he has a lot of contpur on
yay snape has a savey seat
pius is a great name
uh oh i dont wanna give u my wand voldy
dracos face haha
ugh do they have to watch nagini eat professor burbage gross
the dursleys house looks so empty
yay the cupboard happy memories and his baby toys cuteee
moody thinks that harrys gorgeous.
yay remus and tonksss
shut up mundungus
blimey hermionee
'just trying to diffuse the tension' hahaha lol
wow so many harrys lol
yh  wouldnt want to go in the motorbike tbh
uh oh death eaters
wow parkour harry
nooo hedwig - the saddest bit of this movie
yo voldemort wassup
oops the pylons fell down... just fly away good idea
nooo george's ear
jeez lupin y are u being crazy dude
george is saint like and holy aw so cute brother moments
uh oh bye moody u were a bit creepy tbh
ha lol harry a lot of people are going to die for u
harry stop being moody omg
wow george way to ruin the vibe dude
yo minister leave pls
ron just being ungrateful - u can turn out lights now ron lucky u
yay hermione you get a childrens book thats great
wow a snitch lucky u harry. hes so pleased with that. little does he know.... its a resurrection stone bro
give him the sword man
yay nice wedding
luna interrupting deep thoughts casually
xenophilius is creepy
ron and hermione staring at each other is a mood.
way to crash a wedding dude
hermione is the most competent out of all three it has to be said
i really want that bag of hermiones
shouldnt have said voldemory now the death eaters are here whoops
"hermione" *strokes face awkwardly*
sassy harry yas
oh yes grimmauld place
oof voldys having wand struggles
hi kreacher please leave ur creepy thanks
aw siriuzz room so cute sad hes dead
regulus arcturus black yay
ugh mundungus fletcher u suck dude
aw neville
oh no pie dude is the minister if magic now
uh shut up umbridge
feel like u dont need that many posters
sentimental piano playing wow
yo dobbyyyy
umbridge ruins everything omg
ron - u dont have a wife
haha harry getting out of the lift and walking in such a weird wayyy bahahaha
ew umbridge has moodys eye groosss
yas the ugly plates are still in her office
oops ron u just kissed that random dudez wife
nice suit harry
ouch splinch
lovely tent
kill the locket dude
dean thomas is on the run ooh fancy
yh harry stop letting voldemort in dude
harry stop being so moody bro
ooh watch snape on the map thats not creepy.
oh no snatchers...
ah u almost got caught dudes
ron ur so weak wow cant apparate or anything
lot of missing people...
haha a quarantine haircut
yes hermione ur brilliant
oh god ron stop chill
bye ron i guess lol
poor hermione
yas awkward dancing timee
awkward stares
kissy for the snitch. he must really miss ginny
uh oh its opening at the closee
vfd!!! an eyee!!!
ooh godrics hollowwww
oop its christmas eve whoopssss
oh a deathly Hallows
parents grave yay!
ur bathilda? nope im a snake boiii
bathilda is 1 creepy lady
what are u saying my dude????
ew snake lady
chaira are good defences agaunst snakes definitely
ah she jumped at them
looks like a nice campsite
wow now hermiones being sentimental
oop she sat on harrys wand
wait nvm
oooh a doe a deer a female deer
dont drown harry that would be awkward
omgbharry stop undressing
oof the locket strangling him
yay ron saved him yas dude
ron kill the horcrux
u tell him hermione
nice ron tell them u have been hearing voices
yes go see xenophilius the crazy dudee
aw ron ur so awkwsrd bro
their house is so cute
shut up ron god
yay we know about the deathly hallows now
xenophilius is so suspicious tho
why would you say his nameeee
noo snatchers
ooo ominous malfoy manor
draco dont doo ittt
yay dobby!
ah no hermione
aw draco looks sad in his little loki suit
yay dobby 'maiming and seriously injuring'
nooo dobby! he deserved so much better 😭
"hey guys welcome back to my unboxing video today we are opening dumbledores grave"
yay the elder wand wow
giving away ur position a bit dude by shooting stuff in the air
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
snape hi ur brooding
lots of dementys
dramatic music
waaa dobby
yay bill and fleur
yo griphook what up
the sword was in a river bro
madam lestrange? no!
oops thats not dracos wand anymore wowww
wands are just like 'ya hiiii we have feelings too'
oop ollivander knows about the elder wand bros
ron looks great with a moustache tho
harry just broke the law jeez...
wow that cart looks fun
wow they fell from the cart nice
oh no ron broke the law too whoops
yay a dragon
lots of gold nice
yay the cup
oops they messed up nkw everything is multiplyinggg
griphook y are u evil my dude
yay ride a dragon
oops they fell no
yas they escaped
uh oh voldemort is onto them
that's a lot of dead people
oh no everyones looking for them
ah aberforth hi!
the other part of harry's mirror!
oop dumbledore was a secretive dude
ariana yas
i love neville hes so great now
yay all of the DA
ginny is being awkward
'shut up seamus' hhaha
aaa snape yooo
snape stop being a meanie
stop being angry harry
yas queen! mcgonagall!!!!
uh oh voldemort is whispering to harry again
stop voldemort you need a cough sweet
yes everyone protect him
haha filch is a blithering idiot wow
i love mcgonagall
run harry
boom! seamus blow stuff up!
yay the knight peeps
uh yes theyre protecting harry and everyone
yes luna is so smart and iconic
go talk to a ghost harry
thats a lot of death eaters
go away voldemort no one likes u
yes go stab a crown harry
yay remus
fred and george aw
ron fake parseltonguing lol
nooo quidditch
lol peeps got disintegrated
go hermione stab the cup
yessss kisss!!!!
tonks and remus together wow
wow i hate voldemort's bald head with the weird veins
run neville!
yay ginny and neville
yay a little kiss for harry!
ooh the room of requirement
edgy draco back at it again
ooh the diadem
no dracooo
yh draco y didnt u give harry away?
aw ron loves hermione
uh oh fireee
nice work goyle
bye crabbe lol
yay hes saving draco
nice killed the tiara
oops voldemorts getting angry
snapes gonna dies dudes
runnnnn guys
lavenders being eaten
yay aberforth
yeet snapes dying
gosh naginis violent
“ew snape sorry i dont like u even tho u loved my mum” - what harry should have said
woops bye snape
freds death is too sad
nooo remus and tonks
go watch snapes life my dude
yess the always bit (i dont like snape but its iconic)
poor harry
its so sad that hes just sacrificing himself
his eye contact with ron omg im cryinggg
ooh yay his familyyy
he should have said 'its muffin time’ to the resurrection stone and it would be like 'cool bro here's your dead family'
u got this harry
yay teddy mention
"until the end" yas james
lets do this harry
wow voldemort why are you standing like a weirdo
yes harry be a brave man
byee harryyyy
oooh hes alive still
hi dumbledore
yes harry is a brave brave man
cool explain it to him dumbledore
bye dumbledoreeee
wow voldy u weakk bro
yas dracos alive get off me
aw neville u got this man
voldy yeeted that dead giant wow
ew snakey boi
nooo hes dead waa
poor draco such an awkward hug
oop neville what?
ok ur just making a speech that fine carry on
voldys very polite for a villain
yay harrys alive
haha dieee
run lucius wow
oof destroying the school harry really
naginis coming run hermione
u got dis neville
noo ron
yes molly!!!
y r u hugging dudes u arent friends... did u forget? oops..
bye snake boiii
neville is so iconic omg
kill him HARRY
haha disintegrate voldemort
dont breathe in voldemort guys
wow harrys a mess
yay hagrid
hermione and ron are so sweet aw
harry yeet the wand
wow draco owns the wand and now harry has it
aw the friendship
yess 19 years later
wow that hair harry
all of their haircuts are tragic tbh...
should be albus remus potter... just sayinggg
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tori-beanie · 5 years
I think y’all get it by now. Idea from FanartFunart. They’re awesome. Go check them out!!
Part Three: Blue Violet
Logan was so bored. He was in eight grade now, and had nothing to do. He’d read all his library books. He’d completed all his homework. He’d been staring at the ‘Digits of Pi’ sheet above his teachers desk, and so far he had memorized one hundred digits. The boys life had been moving smoothly, nothing surprising or out of the ordinary really happening. He still had four blackened marks on his wrist, and it was starting to annoy him how much they looked like black sharpie. Logan spent a few minutes counting ceiling tiles before he paused. He had been distracted by the need to use the bathroom.
As he was excused, he ran face first into a boy looking to be his age. He had a visitors tag on as well as a pair of purple headphones and a black and white flannel. He seemed to be nervous, eyes widening as he reached up to hold his forehead. They had run into each other after all. However when they met each other’s gaze, Logan get his arm tingling. He looked down to see one black line on his arm slowly turning to an honestly satisfying purple color. Slowly a smile appeared on his face, and he looked over the boy. Purple. Yes. It fit him.
“Hm. You seem to cause my zygomaticus muscles to contract.”
Patton had grown as well. He was still searching for his soulmate, but hadn’t been able to find them so far. Still the boy was longing for colors. He hummed gently, walking down the street after classes. Patton couldn’t see colors, but he could still see the beauty in the world around him. Fall was his favorite season. He could see so many shades of grey in the trees, on the ground… And when they would get the first snowfall, he knew that he was seeing the right color. The white of the snow was real. Something he would always have. It made him happy. And until he got his colors back, Patton would continue to find joy in the small things. In the details of this world. Because that’s all he could do.
For now though he was bundled up in a sweater his father said was light blue, heading to sit at the park. He had a bag full of corn with him to feed the ducks at the pond. It was a hobby he really enjoyed, as not only was it cute, but he could share with kids smaller than him and they could all enjoy themselves by watching ducks swim around for the corn. As he arrived at the park, Patton noticed that it was rather empty. The sixth grader was a bit lonely… Oh well! He would meet his soulmate one day! Then he wouldn't be lonely anymore!
Roman had finally gotten it through his thick skull that he had more than one soulmate. Not only did De have four in total, but he was still hearing music. One time they were sitting together at the lunch table, and Roman heard the blast of Panic At The Disco in his ear. De had looked confused until Roman explained what was going on, and then the red eyed boy got the pleasure of being laughed at by his soulmate. However Roman couldn’t stay mad. They were happy together even with the disparity in ages, and had managed to fit their schedules perfectly so that they could eat lunch and even spend study halls together!
Roman loved to look at the red tattoo that colored De’s left shoulder. How it glowed when he would just brush his fingers up against it. It made Roman very happy, and even though it made his soulmates face turn red, he would sceranade him on occasion. It was absolutely adorable! Yes, he was happy with De. And he could hardly wait to meet another one of his soulmates… Maybe he could talk to the emo and get him to turn down the My Chemical Romance too… There was a lot of emo music Roman needed a handle on. He couldn’t sleep when drums were pounding in his ears after all!
Watching Roman startle at random music was rather funny. In fact it was one of Declan’s main forms of entertainment. Sure he was nice to his soulmate, but it didn’t stop it from being funny. He wondered how Roman stayed sane though with all the songs in his head all the time. He couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to be singing one song while hearing another blasting in your ear! Roman must have a special kind of musical talent. However neither had had any luck coming across their other soulmates. Ro was far more poetic about the whole thing, referring to them all as pieces for the most extravagant and lovely puzzle. His soulmate tended to do that a lot, and had a knack for attempting to use slang. However he didn’t seem to understand De’s proficient use of sarcasm. He actually took his seriously a lot, something that bothered both of them. However De couldn’t really help the way he spoke. It was just who he was.
In the two years they had been together, Roman and Declan didn’t get into many fights. Anything they did argue about tended to be misunderstandings or just plain stupidity. Roman had to be talked down from jumping off the roof into a kiddy pool twice in one summer! De pretty much had to make sure that Roman didn’t hurt himself by being stupid and courageous as he called it. But all in all, they were happy! They just needed to find their missing pieces…
Virgil Casey was frozen. He knew what he had just heard, but there was no way he was prepared! The boy had just been delivering papers to his mother. She worked here at the school and had left something at home. After convincing Virgil to bring it for her, he had been wandering the halls looking for her classroom. The boy definitely hadn’t expected to run face first into a boy who looked almost his age! He had been dazed for a moment before hearing the boy speak. He knew the words. He’d read them a thousand times. But hearing them was still so surprising that Virgil could only stand there dumbfounded.
Logan reaches forward and held out his hand, looking to be proper. Honestly the boy seemed to fit the science speak. He also fit the dark blue writing on Virgil’s right arm.
“Forgive me for running into you. You may address me as Logan. Logan Foley. May I know your title as well?”
Yeah. He was a nerd. Slowly Virgil spoke, his voice shaking slightly.
“Virgil Casey… But uh, you can call me Virge…”
Yes, these two would need some time to get to know each other, but for now, they could be happy knowing they had found one of their matching set.
General Tags: @midnight--fox @your-friendly-neighborhood-enby @heathers-dorkness-0923
Soulmarked Tags: @fanartfunart @logan-sanders-is-my-binch @dragonsworn05 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @astraheart04 @of-mice-and-mentality
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Gen 2 Youngers Group Chat
Ali: 👽👽👽 Ali: noissim terces pot Ali: ?in s'ohw Drew: 🍑dial? Caleb: 👽👌👍 ni em tnuoc!👽 Drew: 🤔😵 wtf Carly: 💊dial Meena: I think they're trying to communicate 🖖 Meena: we come in ☮ Ro: it's clearly written backwards, what's important is what am I theoretically agreeing to? If I indeed choose to Drew: Glad one of us has 🧠😊 Marlene: Fair point, what shit are you trying to sign me up for, dollface Ali: Recon, chiefly; but adventure, always Ali: you know me 😉 Carly: 💙🔮🌠 Ro: Because I do know you, elaborate please! Marlene: not to side with your sister again, like, but 🤞 behind my back until you're more forthcoming Ali: 🐯💕🐰 Ali: Oh, ye of little faith! 💔💔 Ali: You'll both like it for entirely different reasons, trust me Ali: you all will so shut up for one sec so I can brief you Marlene: no effect on my heart these days but go ahead, floor's yours 🎤 Carly: ha Drew: 🍿👀 Meena: Shh Drew Carly: yea boy my girl about to speak k Ali: Children, children! Settle down and behave, I know I'm the great love of ALL your lives, like Ali: 💘 declarations aside, you all know I'm Ghoul #1 at the haunted house in town this year Ali: Self-appointed title, yes, before the joke is made but with great power comes great responsibility and shits gonna be LAME if I don't take it upon myself to up the game up 1000% Ali: but that doesn't mean this won't be THE most fun of all time because I'm thinking, HUGE scouting trip of all the abandoned places this country inexplicably has Ali: I'm talking the manors, the castles, the barracks, the gaols, the hospitals, the launderies, the asylums, EVERYTHING Ali: I'll get all the 📸 inspo I need but like, Posy, the HISTORY, Meena, the STORIES, Drew and Caleb, the cool graffiti there always is in these places and free-running you could do Ali: Marlene and Carly, I know you're both down for adventure, right? Ali: so, what do you say lads Marlene: I'll drive you children if I get to pick the music & who rides shotgun Carly: baby u can just say u want me up front its k 🖤 Carly: ali wont mind Drew: 😏 Ro: Hmm, seating arrangements aside and to be determined, when is this escapade set to happen and how much trouble are we likely to get into for trespassing? I'm very much on the fence Caleb: not me man, I've checked out a few places before & it's a good time, up for more whenever Ali: 'Course, driver's prerogative 🖤 Ali: I ain't hearing any nopes 🙌 Ali: and like, seriously none, everyone does it, tourists even, they'll fully abandonned like no windows no doors style, there's nothing or no one stopping us at this point Ro: Okay, it does sound undeniably appealing Meena: I'm in Meena: sounds inspiring Drew: I don't think you should come, Meens Meena: Why not, I'm one whole year younger than you, I'm not a baby Caleb: bruv let her ride with us she can share the night vision goggles ain't no thing gonna happen Caleb: it'll be chill Drew: I guess Drew: but I'll be keeping a close eye, okay Meena: 🙄 Marlene: me first, you bunch of underage idiots Marlene: no blood or tears in my car Ali: awh mammy Ali: we're all in then Ali: there's so many places about, so just whenever we're all free, yeah? Ali: I've got a list, like Caleb: I've got mad 👻searching gear, no joke Caleb: leave room in the whip Ali: we'll bring the 📻 Ro: And our spirit board Ali: 🙌 Ali: love it when a plan comes together Ali: so, this weekend, yay or nay Ali: cancel all less important and boring plans, duh Ro: Of course Meena: 👍😊 Ro: We don't have to stay until 4am though, do we? I'm aware from midnight until then is peak supernatural hours but I'll be dead on my feet! Carly: I can go all night Marlene: 🙄 Drew: 😂 Ali: We should do that at least once, at one of the really old sites Ali: but we can do plenty in the day too Ali: have a car to nap in, if anyone needs it, could bring a couple of tents if we're committing, like Caleb: ✌✌ putting myself in charge of snacks Ali: Yes, Cavante Ali: no requests but make it delicious Caleb: I got tents too Ali: this needs to be a whole roadtrip moment Ali: can spot you petrol, Lene Ali: treat you when I get my first 👻 paycheck Carly: I'll get my da's card baby, I got you Carly: we can party Ali: look at you, big spender 😍 Carly: u kno Marlene: Won't be much to fill the tank, this country ain't that big all over Marlene: Cheers though Carly: now she loves me 🖤🖤 aw yay Ali: There's loads of mad shit in Cork so I reckon we'll aim for there Ali: bore you with the directions privately Lene Carly: 😉 Ali: u kno Ali: 💕 Carly: add me i wanna entertain her privately too Drew: Yous lot are mad Carly: u kno boy Meena: I'm peacing out before this gets to an unacceptable level of weirdness Meena: Keep me posted, I'll dig out my sleeping-bag! Meena: 💛 Ro: Me too, my student will be here for piano lessons in a little while Ali: 💚💚 Ali: Feel free to broach this with mother, Ro Ali: don't wait for me, like 🤞 Ro: Oh how convenient! You know I'd rather spend the night alone in a crypt than ask Tess for anything Marlene: I'll do it. Still her favorite Carly: 💔😢 i thought we were playing nice Ali: Let her babe Ali: we don't wanna Ali: 🖤 rekindle that 🔥 Carly: ha Ali: you home btw Carly: me or your ex? Ali: you, of course Ali: she's got a hot date with my ma, right Marlene: True Carly: yea im there where r u Ali: coming to you 😇 Carly: aw ur sweet & i miss you Ali: not for long Carly: yay Drew: We invited too or what Carly: yea k Caleb: bro you are meant to be coming work with me 😂😂 Ali: 🏃 along boy Drew: 😒 seriously bro Caleb: you gonna make me handle that delivery on my own? keep it peaceful & do it for avó Drew: you gonna help me with mine after Caleb: I got your back Drew: fine Drew: dry but fine Caleb: safe Caleb: gotta go walk Marley before ✌☮ Drew: 👌 Ali: Laters then lads Caleb: 💚 Carly: hes so cute Carly: same 😇 energy Ali: Bless him
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kekeslider · 6 years
im gonna rant about a//urance + k/ancers under the cut so just ignore me if youre not into that
i dont get how people keep saying they NEVER saw a//urance coming, and the show didnt do a good enough job building up to it, when since like season 3 k/ancers have spent half their time trying to prove a//urance wasnt endgame. no one did that with p/ance or h@nce because those werent canon threats. a//urance ALWAYS has been and k/ancers have been knowing that but after s7 proved them wrong they decide to turn around and say a//urance has no build up. and its so obnoxious looking back at how much people have changed their view of it over the past 2 years
s1-2 no one was worried about a//urance for a number of reasons. the fandom generally thought a//ura was older and probably going to end up with sh!ro (sidenote that bc of the way s1-2 characters were moved around from their 80s counterparts, v/d sha//ura was basically the same pairing as 80s ka//ura + whatever sven + rome//e’s ship name is, bc conceptually v/d a//ura combined 80s a//ura and rome//e- peaceful/diplomatic princess [a//ura] and also warrior princess [rome//e].and v/d sh!ro was given 80s ke!ths position and characterization). sha//ura was everyone’s assumed endgame, the obvious one, while they thought k/ance would be the surprise slowburn endgame. add in that a//urance looked like a finn/bubblegum kind of thing, younger boy with a big obvious crush on disinterested older girl, and that lance and ke!th had a lot of focus in s1. back then, i can understand why no one saw a//urance coming. but looking back, it looks just like kat@@ng, so maybe we should have known.
once s3 hit, after everyone found out a//ura was a teen and therefore sha//ura was super unlikely, people started being afraid of both a//urance and ka//ura, but mostly a//urance bc the fandom went hard against ka//ura based on s2 (and other nonsense i wont get into rn). this is when you start getting metas about why a//urance would be a terrible endgame, why k/ance has more going for it. people say lance was too rude and creepy towards her in s1-2 so it sends a bad message, they say a//ura isnt reciprocating. every moment between them is CLEARLY platonic, 100000 word essay about why every a//urance interaction leads to k/ance. but its ok bc even tho s3 had a//urance moments, it still had loads of k/ance interaction [everyone collectively forgot about every ke!th and a//ura interaction including myself].
then in s4 ke!th leaves. lance and ke!th barely interact, but we see a couple good a//urance interactions. from s4 on we start seeing a//urance scenes that resemble k/ance scenes-which ill get to later. the bit on naxzela kinda looks like the bonding moment- “are you okay?” but otherwise s4 doesnt have a whole lot. but s5 gives us more a//urance while ke!th is straight up gone and does not talk to the team at all, which further lessens the perceived ka//ura threat. lance and a//ura have the sword scene, mutual support, lance takes a//uras side on the lot*r problem. but s5 gave people hope for a lance arc related to the clone, which would have to involve ke!th as well, 1+1= k/ance.
then s6 is a big turn around. it starts with a//urance looking dead and buried, despite some positive a//urance moments, bc of lot*ra, and ends with yet another supportive and emotional a//urance scene. meanwhile there’s not really 1 good k/ance moment unless you go BEYOND subtext when looking at their interactions. and with no lot*r, a//urance is once again a possibility. BUT people held on so tight to the rebound argument, and a LM interview, that they STILL refused to see the a//urance build up. that’s why s7 fucked everyone up so much. literally willful blindness and people trying to meta their way out of a//urance build up, until the blushing happened and it was SO in your face you couldnt deny it.
thats the part that irks me. it’s not that a//urance had no build up, its that the entire fandom purposefully refused to see it and would write metas about how lances feelings for a//ura were still about ke!th. there WAS build up, and it was consistent, and it makes sense. if you think the s1-3 k/ance friendship building was good romantic development, you have to acknowledge that the s3-7 a//urance friendship building was too.
and look, i get it. everyone has been clinging to k/ance since before a//urance even looked possible bc v/d has shitty inconsistent writing. you dont have to like a//urance, god knows i have nitpicky things with it, but saying it has no buildup is flat out lying. you can be mad that a//urance and k/ance have similar scenes while only a//urance is romantic. you can be mad about k/ance baiting in the marketing (which isnt done by the writers or showrunners and therefore isnt their fault). you can like k/ance better for whatever your reasons are, ive never been discrete about it being my preferred ship, but taking that out on the ship itself is rude to people who DO like the ship, because it has development and is probably canon, and is also just stupid. its willful ignorance.
i have issues with the way certain a//urance things are framed, but that goes down to the v/d writers being shit at their jobs, and if you have half a brain you could tell that the same problems would plague k/ance if thats what they had written. a//urance isnt any better or worse than the rest of vo/tron. the whole show is shit and it drags what would have been good pairings down with it. i’m probably forgetting important things in this rant but im so tired. and annoyed. and i wish k/ancers had never created this weird subculture, as much as i enjoy the endless content, because it went to a very weird place. i think 90% of k/ancers ended up being part of it or bought into it just bc mob mentality and s7 was the breaking point. just open your eyes and see what is literally Right There. keep loving or shipping k/ance but stop lying about why
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tickle-me-stoked · 6 years
Sanders Sides - Happy Birthday, Roman
A/N: WHOOT what better way to start out on tumblr than with a bad fan fiction that’s probably my best, sad as it is. This is about Romans birthday, which was today, my sweet baby boi. Anyways, please enjoy if you can, I tried.
Word count: 2497
Summary: Roman feels alone on his big day; ‘cognitive distorntions’, or no. (wow I’m awful at summaries I’m so sorry)
Warnings: self-deprication, cognitive distortions, sadness, bad English and writing skillz.
If ive forgotten ANYTHING please lemme know!
I’ll definitely add a taglist if anyone wants to be in it! I love everyone, all of you are beautiful.
Roman wiped his eye. Yes, he was crying. He could admit to that. But wouldn't you? He'd gone all day, sitting on the edge of his seat, waiting for whatever he had hoped the other sides had in store for him. He waited all day for anything, whether it be a celebration, a present, or something as simple as a hug.
He didn't. Nothing happened today. From the moment the clock struck midnight last night, to now, where midnight was right around the corner, he waited. He was silent about it. He hadn't wanted to speak up or ask in fear of ruining something. Maybe it was surprise, so if he asked about it, surely Patton would break or something else would give it away. He didn't want to take that risk. But now, he sees that maybe...
Maybe he had nothing to loose.
It was his birthday. And here he was; sitting alone, crying, lost in his thoughts of whether or not he was truly loved, whether he actually meant something.
He wiped his eyes again. Teeth clenched, he went and pulled on his hair. He couldn't sob. Crying... crying was fine... right? But a sob would disturb the others. He wouldn't mind if someone, preferably Patton, came down and found him. If it was out of pity... he'd take it. At least with pity, they still cared enough to acknowledge him. Whereas silence just said that they didn't care. At all.
A happy birthday. He'd gotten words, a simple 'happy birthday' from the other three sides. But after that, it was as if nothing was different. Was a birthday not a celebration? Was a birthday not important? Had this day not happened, Roman wouldn't be here. Everything would be different.
But instead, everything is exactly the same. Nothing changed. The only difference is the love he feels. The love that is slipping away, as if it was never there to begin with. He loved his friends, loved them, but they obviously didn't feel the same. Clearly, he didn't mean as much to them as they did to him.
But that was okay.... Or it should be. It is, but it hurts too much to feel right. He'll still take care of his friends, he'll always be there for him. But they won't be there for him. Is that fair? Is that right?
Roman ran his hands over his face. His hands came back drenched in tears. He stared at the water as it ran down his palms.
What now? Does he just act as if this never happened? Should he say something about all this? He wouldn't want to be a disturbance... but...
Who was he kidding? That's the exact reason they don't like him, isn't it? He can't just go ahead and make things worse. Then he'd truly be outcasted.
Whatever. If they don't care that-that's fine. He'll get over it. He has to.
Roman sniffed once, then rose to his feet. He hesitated, wondering if he had the strength to walk the stairs, then pushed forward anyways, knowing his bed was up there.
Before he could make it passed the coffee table, he heard his name.
“Roman!” He looked up and found Patton barreling down the stairs. He slammed into him, wrapping him up in a hug which, surprisingly, took Roman off the ground. “Oh, sweetheart!” Patton placed him down and backed up to look him in the eyes. “Oh, were you crying? What’s the matter, Ro? What’s wrong?” Roman quickly threw his arm up to wipe away the tears. Now that the moment struck, he was twice as sure he shouldn’t lay his problems out. But having Patton here, staring at him with those big, worry-filled eyes, it practically pulled the words out of him.
“I-I’m sorry, Patton. I didn’t want to be a burden, um-“
“No!” Patton yelled. Roman stared in shock. He’d barely gotten to say anything, now Patton was what, mad? Roman figures he’d have every right to be upset, but he hadn’t even said anything yet. “I will not have you insult yourself like that.” Hold on. What? Patton was mad because... Roman thought of himself as a burden. That was very Patton-like, but that was the reaction he often gave to Virgil. He never seemed so upset when he’d said it before. Now, he was practically fuming. The rage in his eyes — what was going on? “This is your day, dedicated completely and entirely to you! On this day is the day where you, Roman, our faithful prince and trustworthy hero, are the world. You’re the center if the universe today, Roman. Everyday actually, but especially today! You have no right to say that about yourself.” Roman couldn’t believe it.
He was crying again. Why was he crying? Because Patton hated him? No. Because Patton was mad at him? Yes. But the reason behind Patton’s anger was that he loved him. Patton was upset that Roman had thought so little of himself. Why should he feel that way? All of the amazing people in his life, people who hardly had the potential to hate to begin with. They loved him. Patton proved it.
Or at least... Patton loved him. The others, Logan and Virgil, did they? Or were they gonna yell at him later. Were they going to yell at him for crying about his birthday? Were they going to yell at him because he’d upset Patton.
Oh no, he upset Patton. What had he done? This was exactly why they shouldn’t care. He hurt their beloved Patton. Nothing can make up for that.
Except for this. A hug. Patton pulled him into another hug. He held him tight, but comfortably so. Slowly, Roman let himself fall into the security of Patton’s embrace. He rested his head on his shoulder and held on tight right back.
“Everything and anything you feel is valid. Never assume we won’t want to help you in any way we can. It’s the least we can do for everything you’ve done for us.” Romans eyes shot open, his muscles tensing. He threw himself back from Patton’s and stared into his eyes, searching for any signs of lies or miscommunication.
“What could I have possibly done?” He wonders in awe. Patton smiled softly. He slowly reinitiates the hug, holding gently to Romans frame.
“For one, you’re a great hugger.” He mumbled. Roman couldn’t help the scoff that escaped his lips as he returned the gesture contently. “But you always had this spark.” A spark? “Whenever you’re passion shines through, which is a lot more than you would think,” he said with a laugh. “It makes us smile. We can see how happy you truly are, the genuine emotion in your eyes as you speak. It makes us so happy!” Roman moves his eyes downward and smiled. Did they all think that? Did they actually think that his passion was endearing? “You always make sure we’ve got a smile in our face. Whenever one of us feels down, you work your absolute hardest to turn that frown upside down. And it always works!” Thinking about it, he doesn’t recall a moment where it had failed. Everyone has their bad days, but he was always able to get a smile from them, even at their worst. “You’re silly, rambunctious, energetic, and pure sunshine.” Roman, although his smile didn’t dissipate, sighed sadly.
“You’re talking about yourself, Pat...” Patton softly shook his head, his body swaying along.
“I don’t think I am. Ro, you wear the brightest of smiles, you have the strongest of hearts, (have I mentioned great hugs?) and the most love to give. Without you, Roman...” Roman could feel the smile drop from Patton’s lips, causing his own to fall. “I don’t know where we’d be...” Roman backed up. He looked calmly at Patton. He took note of every detail on his face. Physical, and the meaning behind them. How his small smile lit up his hoping eyes. How his cheeks had little dimples and a flooring of freckles beneath the pink tint of his precious face.
“Patton...” What can he say? Everything that Patton said hit him hard. He hadn’t believed any of that in what felt like years. Patton’s choice of words couldn’t have been more perfect. No set of words coming from any other mouth could’ve made him feel more alive than his beautiful Patton’s. Birthday forgotten, Roman spoke what the only words he was able to think of. “Thank you.” Patton’s little giggle warmed his heart.
“You don't need to thank me, Roman. Everyone knows the kind of star you are. And you are the brightest one in the sky.” Roman raised an eyebrow. Brightest in the sky?
“Are you sure you’re not talking about the moon?” Patton laughed wholeheartedly, earning his own from Roman. He returned into the hug, for yet another short moment.
“If that makes you feel better, then yes.”
“Anything from you is perfect, my dearest Patton.” Patton giggled again.
“There’s another one. All the cleverly thought out nicknames you give us.”
“Oh, come on, that one could’ve been better. It’d help if I wasn’t so tongue-tied thanks to you.”
“Are you complaining?”
“In a way, I suppose.“ Patton poked his pouted lip and the two shared a laugh again.
“Anyway, we should get to bed, huh?” Roman frowned slightly. After all this, finally beginning to feel better, they had to part.
“I uh,” However, he knew what Patton had said. And of course, he trusted him completely, but a small part of his mind warned him to not overstep his boundaries, in case he did become too much. “I guess. Yeah.” Patton could sense the unease in his voice. The little smile said it all. He took Romans hand and lead him calmly up the stairs.
Although, Roman raised an eyebrow as Patton reached for his door. Why was he going into his room? Why not his own? Does he want to tuck him in or something fatherly like that?
The moment Patton walked into the door, Roman right behind him, the lights flicked on.
Inside the room was the most miraculous sight his eyes had ever seen.
Balloons littered the floor and the ceiling. There were streamers perfectly parted at the ceiling light and attaching back by the walls. The light itself was tinted. Not a specific colour, but with glitter, making the room seem to sparkle. A large cake sat with candles — many candles — on top. The cake itself was huge. It was like a wedding cake, but for a birthday. Around it was an array of different beverages and candies. Of course, there was a palate of veggies too, seeing as how no one could resist those. Then there were the two large speakers on either side of his bed, tall enough to match the height of his bed posts. But the best part was Logan and Virgil.
The two of them had party hats on their heads. They stood in the center of the room, underneath a banner that was hand-painted to say ‘Happy Birthday, Roman’. He could tell by the print who wrote what and who drew what. Logan and Virgil both had genuine smiles on their faces after they had shouted ‘surprise’.
There was a surprise party. He hadn’t ruined anything? All this time, he thought he’d messed everything up, destroyed everything he thought he had. And why? Because he hadn’t gotten a party? These foolish, stupid ideas had invaded his mind so much that he couldn’t see the love in his friends eyes.
But these boys, these three beautiful men, had done the most wonderful thing and thrown him an entire surprise party. He could see the piling up if presents behind the left brained sides.
He hadn’t noticed his tears until he felt his legs give way. Patton had barely managed to catch him, but did as they settled softly on the ground. He blinked the tears down his cheeks and saw the other two racing over.
“Roman!” They cried. All of them had their hands on him, for reassurance and support and comfort. He wanted to hug them all, but his arms weren’t long enough. He settled on stealing himself and went to wipe his eyes, soaking his hands once again.
“Sorry! Sorry!” He spilled out with a small laugh. He sniffled, and smiled at the others.
“Ro, are you okay?” Virgil asked in a semi-panic. Roman nodded his head calmly and wiped some more tears.
“I’m great, Virge. It’s all thanks to you.” Virgil took a double take. Logan as well.
“So these were... ‘tears of joy’?” He wondered. He seemed almost afraid of assuming incorrectly. But Roman simply nodded again.
“Yes, I’m sorry for being such a mess, especially so consistently around you, Patton.” This time, Patton let him speak. Earlier he had stopped the bout of self-deprication and filled the blanks with compliments. He must’ve known that now it would lead into the source of the problems. “I guess I just got lost in the idea that... that it was selfish to want a birthday and that that was a reason toward why you’d hate me.” At the silence of the others, he conintued. “I know, it was stupid, but it all just made me realize how lucky I truly am. What was selfish was thinking so illy of you three... and I’m sorry for that.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Patton assured.
“It is completely understandable that lack of attention on such a special and momentous occasion would draw unpleasant thought processes to oneself. For that, we owe you an apology.”
“Yeah, we’re really sorry,” Virgil agreed. He and Logan had their heads ducked, looking guilty and depressed. “It was kind of our fault, to be honest. Lo and I just wanted things to be.. a little too perfect and... took longer than necessary.”
“Don’t bring yourselves down because of me.” Roman backfired. Honestly, with all the blaming, Roman found himself with an urge to laugh. “Because it was a surprise, I can see the kind of stress that would promote. That can be a lot resting on your shoulders. If anything, you two would be the most suitable for perfection.” This time he did laugh, mainly in hopes that they wouldn’t take offense, seeing as that was not his goal. They shared a glance at one another, and both shrugged, feeling awkward, yet knowing it was the truth. “But this... this is perfect. Thank you.” He pulled Patton into his left and Logan into his right, then dropped his head to rest against Virgil’s, whose hands held the formers mentioned.
“Don’t get tears on my pants, Princey.” The four laughed. Roman could barely recall any of the invasive thoughts he’d been having before. Just being in the mere presence of the ones he loves so much takes the pain away.
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actually-impostor · 7 years
(AKA the fanfic where Roman and Virgil keep reincarnating to meet each other.)
SO! this is the fanfic for my Secret Santa of the @fander-secret-santa, i had @the-durins-lived! The prompt was “ Possibly a Protective!Virgil ready to fight whoever might harm someone he loves? ” And im trash for reincarnation fanfics and latino Roman so i decided to mix it up!
The pairing is Prinxiety, Warnings: Character death in the first two parts, implied homophobia in the third
The first time he noticed the servant boy he felt a shudder run down his spine, everything in him telling him to get closer to the peasant. He wanted to get closer to him; he wanted to meet him and be familiar and friendly and offer him a place in his palace.
But Prince Roman was just passing by. And yet…
He pushed the half finished thought to the back of his mind, his Royal Adviser staring at him in curiosity but Roman couldn’t answer to him even if he tried, he had no idea why he felt the pull to the peasant boy.
Virgil stared from the street, a small sigh leaving his lips. There he was, the prince, the one born on the top of the pyramid. Everything Virgil wished he could be and what he wished he could have. But he couldn’t hate the prince.
And yet…
Years passed before they crossed paths again. The day of the coronation arrived, where Prince Roman would rise to be King Roman, a just king, a protective king, the one who would raise the kingdom back to its original glory.
A wicked smile passed through a desperate face. Good things are not meant to last.
When Virgil managed to pass all the tests, all the discrimination, and finally became Prince- no, King Roman’s body ward he smiled. He had made it; he had risen past his past. He had a shot of having a good life now.
And he got to be close to the king.
It started as a clash, their personalities messing with the other. It evolved in friendship, finding that they could spar against the other. The knight managed to keep the king on his toes, and the king made the body war relax from time to time.  It developed to love.
It developed to the never married king sharing chambers with the once peasant boy, asking for his opinion, respecting his choices.
It ended in tears, a bloody knight coughing up blood and a king brought to his knees.
“You should have avoided it! You could have avoided it”
“And let my king die? I could never”
The knight closed his eyes, softly touching his King’s face.
“To die in your arms would be the best way to go”
The Burnings were happening, and Roman had never felt more terrified. But a part of him felt rebellious.
His magic was gentle, he only strived to heal and protect people. Surely his fellow neighbors would understand?
When he posed the question to his best friend- the only one that knew for sure Roman had magic in his veins- Virgil tried hard not to snort. He just knew that the town wouldn’t accept Roman. He knew it would end badly.
He was going to somehow avoid it from ending terrible.
A shudder down his spine told him that he just sealed his feat in the worst possible way, but looking at Roman, magic dancing on his fingertips and a gentle smile on his face… well, some things were worth dying for.
When the Burnings reached their town Virgil pushed himself to extremes, he had to make sure he was always with Roman when he made his magic. And with time and cheap tricks he managed to make it look like the magic was from him.
When they burst down his door, the door of the house he shared with the one he loved, he allowed them to take him calmly. This was what he had signed up for.
“You are better than this Ro, so just run”
It was a shame his last words where mumbled to the sky, and it was even worst that even thought Roman could hear them and feel them in his skin he decided to curse the town that ripped his love away from him.
They meet when they were ten, and suddenly they clicked.
No matter where Roman went Virgil followed. No matter where Virgil sulked off to Roman was right on his track making sure he was protected.
When they were fifteen Virgil confessed he was gay, his lower lip trembling, and his check purple with the mark of his father. The times were not the right ones for the confession, but Roman loved his best friend. He was going to protect Virgil.
Or that was the idea. So why was he now hiding behind the slightly taller boy? Why did seeing Virgil’s back bring him comfort and sadness?
He asked that to his best friend while patching him up, and Virgil just smiled
“Maybe you’ll understand in the next one”
“In the next fight?”
“If you want to understand it like that”
He never really understood, but they managed to grow older, to grow old, to live and die together. Virgil always thought that was a favorite time
Virgil is always ten when he remembers. He remembers a boy with brown hair full of golden lights; he remembers deep brown eyes that have a sparkle of red and gold in them. He is ten when he remembers putting that person safety over everything.
As he grows the memories come more often. Sometimes they are nice, the boy with magic in his fingertips making some tea that is guaranteed to make him sleep fully and rest. The Prince escaping from a tutoring session to force him to play make believe. The brave teenager that spent every fight trying to understand his cryptic and weird words, just to have Virgil smile and hope for a next time where he wasn’t the only one with the memories.
And now, fifteen years old, he finds himself throwing a punch against the biggest bully in his high school. He would normally walk away without attracting the attention to himself but the second he saw who that brat was bullying his blood boiled. Because there he was, his prince, his wizard, his husband once in a past life.
And he was bleeding from his nose, Spanish curses flying out of his mouth while he was holding his midsection. And Virgil saw red.
He wasn’t one to fight, he avoided confrontations. But he had fought wars, he had fought abuse, he had fought churches that wanted to kill his beloved. His soul knew what to do, it knew how to fight.
He ducked down the bully and kicked him in the balls, people in this reincarnation had far less care of protecting themselves. He punched him in the stomach, his elbow nestling deep in the other kid guts.
When he knew for sure the bully was down he turned around to Roman, seconds about to ask him if he was okay, when he felt the Latino –Latino, his mind chanted making him smile. Of course Romano was going to be latino- boy jumping up to him and hugging him
“I couldn’t find you in Mexico, you weren’t there in Chile. I thought… creí que no te volvería a ver”
“English Ro, I still don’t get Spanish”
“Then you better start learning my dear gringo”
Virgil shook his head. But at least he knew now that he wouldn’t have to die before his 20th birthday protecting Roman. Because now Roman remembered him, now he wasn’t the only one who knew of their past.
Virgil fought back a smile, but he wasnt that mad when he lost.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I know it would be totally OOC of Overhaul, but I LOVE the idea that Kai, do you all the hullabaloo with his wife giving birth, totally forgot to tell Pops he now has a kid. Pops drops by unexpectedly for a visit one day and Kai realizes with a cold and fearful stab to the stomach that “Shit I never told my dad I have a kid now shit” But Pops ain’t mad he starts crying tears of joy and keeps repeating “IM A GRAND POP NOW!” As reader just looks on confused and happy and Kai dies in the background
I almost gagged reading this. Perfect. Pops is the only one who can scare the shit out of Chisaki.
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"Kai I swear I'm fine." You smiled kindly at your husband sitting at a chair besides your hospital bed.
"Say that to my hand." He lifted his gloved hand, which was still a bit sore from the way you deadly gripped, smirking when you embarrassingly apologized.
He didn't felt pain at all, he was just being a asshole and teasing you.
"But are you really certain? The brat wasn't even in here and you looked..." his eyes expressed a bit od sadness "...so much in pain."
"Well, I did gave birth." You laughed tiredly "But I'm okay serious..." you both were interrupted by a nurse entering your room with your new baby boy, handing him to your arms.
"Congrats you two! He is the cutest baby we saw this intere month honestly!" She waved at you tw- three, before closing gentky the door.
"Hello my sweet Kaito. Miss me and daddy?" The baby cooed, involuntary snuggling closer to your chest.
"Thank you." Chisaki suddenly say, catching you off of guard. You looked at him and smiled confusely.
"This." He pointed at the baby in your arms "Never would I guess in my life that I would have a family. That I would make a family. So that's why I'm thanking you angel." He went to carres Kaito but hesitated for a moment.
You giggled with his actions, maybe he was scared to hurt him or was still feeling disgusted by the whole situacion.
"Go on. Hold him." You offered
He looked at you questionably before expressing uncertain at looking at his son. He slowly picked the much smaller human being in his gloved hands and sitted besides you on the bed.
"Just like that." You giggled at the glare he sended you like 'I know what I'm doing'
He doesn't.
"He didn't cry. I'm... shocked." He numbly said as he seriously stared at the sleeping baby in his arms.
"Why would he?" You rested your head on his shoulder "You're his dad."
Right... this title was just so... weird yet so exciting for him.
Guess not only you will be messing around with his feelings anymore.
"Ok, sorry to interrupt the 'father and son moment', but is baby shower time now." You slowly got up and picked your son. "Unless you want to do it?"
He gave you a face which was the perfect mixture of desperate and disgust. You only laughed hopeless and went to give your son a quick shower like the nurses had instruct you how to do it.
He heard a knock on the door and got up to answer, not much happy about it. Maybe it was that nurse again. Great. Couldn't leave a couple with thwir child anymore?
When he oppened the door the annoyance on his face was quickly replaced with one of shock.
"Kai my boy, good to see you." The elder entred past Chisaki and patted him on the shoulder "I heard that (Y/N) had gotten a parasite and went with you to the hospital by Irinaka. Is she alright? I would hate to lose such a great daughter in law... This one is rare."
...He would talk with Mimic later about that, but holy shit he totally forgot to tell Pops you were pregnant... The last time he saw you was four months ago.
"She's-" you gasped,catching both of your husband and Pops attention.
You quickly went in the direction of the two men since you already put your baby on his crib.
"(Y/N) it's been a while! How are you feeling dear?" He picked your palm and kissed while Chisaki mentally cringed.
Its pops. Dont kill him. Its pops. Dont kill him.
"Pretty good, pretty good!"
"Are you certain? Irinaka just informed me that you had a parasite and today you were taking the verm off. I got to say I'm surprised that Kai is still in here." He laughed while Chisaki scowled.
Goddammit he wasn't that rude...
"Parasite?" You asked before bitterly let out a sarcastic chuckle, getting what Mimic said.
You looked at Chisaki and was surprised when he looked from behind Pops, making hands gestures at you with wide desperate golden eyes.
You widened your owm when you finally get the message.
You mouthed a 'how?!' And he just slapped his face in pure hatred and desperation at himself, catching Pops attention.
"Kai you're okay? You are looking a bit more pale than usual."
"Yes. Don't need ro worry about that." He lied. Trying to ignore the cold sweat forming behind his neck and back.
He was panicking.
The elder looked at him questionably before returning his gaze to you.
"You don't seem like you got infected though (Y/N), just really tired. What did the doctors said about it? Is it grave?"
"Uh. Well... is actually-"
A tiny gurgled manifested in the room and Chisaki felt his body froze.
He is fucked. He is so fucked now.
"..Why is it a child doing in here?" Pops said while he made his way to the now noticed crib.
"Uh... that was the 'parasite' which Mimic was reffering to sir..." you nervously talked while you looked besides your husband.
Dear god he was white. His eyes seemed calm but you saw how he turned his hands in fists...
Pops looked at you for a second in disbelief and mentioned for both of you to come closer. Chisaki footsteps were rigid while you felt yourself trembling like a bamboo while you picked up your little boy.
The man offered his two arms slowly in a silently demand for you to hand Kaito to him, and you hesitantly did it without a word.
You and your husband gulped when the man looked at the Kaito's face for the first time.
The silence was killing you but to your relief and sake the elder started to laugh as he carresed the boy little mess of hair with one hand while his other arm holded him firmly.
"I'm a grand Pop now!" Said cheerfully the man boucing the giggling toddler "Damn Kai, now you surprised me really good! You truly gave me a blessing here. The lineage continues in the Shie Hassaikai then with this boy!"
You sighed in relief and admired the now newly grandpa interacting with your son. Kaito seemes to have liked Pops too so your heart finally felt at ease.
Well... that is until you heard a loud "THUMP" besides you.
Your husband just collapse on his back. Guess the nerves of forgetting to tell the man who created him that now he had a son were too much for the young leader.
You kneeled and shaked your husband as a try for him to wake up... While Pops were too concentrated on the giggling infant.
"Jesus Christ kid you're the spitting image of your father. Ok now I know it's really yours Kai." He joked "What's your name again?" He looked at the crib "Kaito huh? A great name for a leader."
He finally looked at his knocked out Chisaki while you checked for his pulse, sighing in relief again.
"Kai what the hell you're doing sleeping on the floor? Weren't you germophobic or something? The floor of a hospital is dirty..."
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01may1994 · 7 years
i got so much soul inside my bones
this is a gift for @communistfireworks | read on ao3
words: 2,881
Chapter 1 (/2) - lovesick the beat inside my head
The first thing Ronan noticed about the new kid was how smart he was and frankly that pissed him off. A lot. Because it meant that from now on he had to actually put an effort to maintain his reputation as the scary, mysterious kid who also somehow spoke Latin like it was his mother language. He was a legend. But then this Adam guy shows up and Ronan’s throne starts shaking (his heart too if we want to be honest). But soon, Ronan realized that Adam wasn’t like everyone else in this shitty school.
People on Aglionby walked like they owned the world. They looked at you in the eyes because they wanted you to understand that they are important and you are not. They were the definition of white privilege, their whole existence shouted rich and dangerous, they were the people you are meant to be afraid of. Ronan hated this school and he hated himself for going there and most importantly for looking like them; rich and dangerous.
But Adam wasn’t like that. He lived in the shadows. He didn’t have any friends and he never talked about his life. Adam was a shadow. And because of that, Ronan almost managed to stop thinking about him all day, but the next day, the boy would say something really smart, not in an asshole-y way, but in a way that would make Ronan’s heart explode with awe and fondness.
The second thing Ronan noticed on Adam was his hands. They were calloused and rough. Many times his knuckles were split; proof that although he looked like he was made of sugar and spice and everything nice, he really wasn’t. He could tear you apart if he wanted.
Ronan loved Adam’s hands not only because they looked good, but because they meant something. They were the hands of a fighter, of someone who worked hard. Adam, Ronan concluded again, wasn’t a spoiled brat, like everyone else in this goddamn school, save Noah.
The third thing Ronan noticed about Adam was his anger. That boy was always angry and ready to punch something or someone. Of course he never got into fights inside Aglionby, because that would probably be the end of his scholarship. When people saw Adam they thought he was a shy, kind kid, the type teachers always loved, but Ronan saw the storm raging inside him. He saw it in the way he walked, in the way he moved, in how his jaw and shoulders were always tensed. He saw it in his eyes. But what Ronan couldn’t understand was the why.
Adam was indeed a riddle and Ronan was more than willing to solve it.
 Ronan, Noah and Gansey were having lunch. Gansey was rambling about welsh kings and god knows what else. Ronan started spacing out. Then his phone buzzed. It was a message from Noah. Ronan raised his eyebrow at him and then opened the message.
Noah: youre starring again why don’t you go talk to him
He looked at Noah again and that asshole was smirking. He quickly typed an answer before flipping the bird to the boy and getting the hell out of there.
Ronan: fuck you that’s my business
Noah burst out laughing and Gansey, who was the most oblivious person alive, stopped talking mid-sentence, confused on what had actually just happened. Ronan slammed the cafeteria’s door behind him.
Just as he was getting into his car his phone buzzed again.
Noah: if you wont go talk to him I will
Noah: im tired of your pining shit
 Ronan went straight to Monmouth. He wanted to go to the Barns but then he remembered he forgot to feed Chainsaw before he left in the morning. Not that she couldn't find food on her own, but Ronan had really strong feelings about feeding her. It was their bonding time, as he called it.
He was just outside the main entrance when he heard a loud bang behind him. He turned and shit, there Adam Parrish was in the middle of the road. He had obviously fallen off his bike for some reason. Ronan ran and kneeled down next to him.
"Hey are you okay? What happened?" he asked.
"Isn't it obvious? I fell off my bike?" Adam said.
Adam tried to stand up but he fell down again. Ronan tried to catch him so now they were half hugging and too close for Ronan not to freak out. For a second they just stared at each other's eyes. The sea fighting the sea. Then Adam sighed and looked away.
"I'm fine okay? I'm not hurt or anything." he said.
"Man you're not fine. You probably hit your head or something-"
Then a car stopped next to them. Both turned to see who it was. Shit, Ronan thought because it was a white Mitsubishi. Kavinsky was looking at them and at that moment he really looked like a wolf.
He said, "Hey Lynch, didn't know you hang out with trailer park trash now."
Ronan was suddenly on his feet, fists balled.
"Hey K, fuck off." he said.
"Too protective of your new boyfriend, aren't you? Wait. When did you and Dick broke up?"
Ronan took a step forward, ready to attack, but Adam stopped him by grabbing his hand. Kavinsky looked at their joined hands for a split second, his expression unreadable.
He wore his white sunglasses again and before he drove off he said, “See you around Lynch.”
After that Ronan was literally radiating anger. Adam thought that being next to Ronan when he was that angry felt like seeing a star burn and die. It was beautiful, yes, but it also made you feel this overwhelming sadness. It made your heart ache.
“Hey Ronan,” he said softly “are you alright?”
Ronan sighed. “Yeah I’m alright. He’s just a dickhead.”
Adam looked at him for a second. Ronan felt like his stare would set him on fire. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again he saw Parrish limping towards his bike.
"Hey hey hey," he shouted "I'm not letting you ride this bike when you're limping. What an irresponsible citizen would that make me."
"Ronan. We both know you already are an irresponsible citizen."
"Yea whatever if you have to be somewhere then I'll drive you there but if you don't shut up and come inside with me. I'll give you ice for that thing."
Adam shot him a questioning look, "Inside?"
Ronan pointed at Monmouth and said, “This is where I live.”
 Adam could recognize a lost battle when he saw one. He sighed and followed Ronan inside.
Ronan passed the living room and went straight to the kitchen/bathroom. He opened the fridge, grabbed one of the many ice packs and gave it to Adam. Their hands brushed slightly and Ronan tried not to think about it much. He also grabbed some ice cream and they both went to sit on the couch.
“So why do you have so many ice packs?” Adam asked after a while.
“Because Gansey thinks we need them. Something about me getting into too many fights. Can you even believe this guy?”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot you guys live together. I- I didn’t know you were- like- you know- boyfriends?” Adam said blushing.
Ronan literally choked. “What? No! We’re not? Gansey is the straightest person I’ve ever met! Jesus, Parrish.”
Adam blushed even harder. Of course Kavinsky was lying. But still, something bothered him about what Ronan said. Maybe it was the fact that Gansey didn’t seem that straight to him. I mean have you seen his boat shoes? Or maybe it was the fact that Ronan said Gansey’s not gay not I’m not gay. Adam decided he shouldn’t ask more and continued eating his ice cream.
He started thinking he must have sprained his ankle. Adam really hoped it was nothing, because he had a night shift on Boyd’s today. He also had to hide it from his parents because they’ll probably take his bike away.
”So how did you even fell off your bike?” Ronan asked.
Adam turned pink again. “I got distracted,” he said, because he couldn’t exactly say I was looking at you and I didn't see there was a fucking hole in front of me.
Ronan only hummed.
They continued eating ice cream and staring at each other. Ronan had the distant feeling they were looking at each other's eyes for far too long, but he didn't particularly mind. Oh, how much he loved the deep blue of Adam's eyes.
Then there was a loud bang on the door and both boys jumped as if they were electrocuted. The door opened and Matthew Lynch entered the room with the hugest smile Adam had ever seen.
"Why do you even bother to knock if you're going to just open it yourself one second later?" Ronan asked but he wasn't mad; his voice was soft and you could hear a smile in there.
"Joke's on you I wasn't knocking, I just tripped and fell on the door."
That cracked Adam up. Matthew turned to look at him.
"Hey I'm Matthew! And you are?"
"I'm Adam." he said in between laughs.
Matthew face went blank for a moment and then he smirked, "Ohh you're Adam?"
They both briefly looked at Ronan.
"Yea, have we- met before?"
"No? Sorry I was thinking of another Adam."
Adam shot him a questioning look, " You're not a very good liar, aren't you?" he said.
Matthew only shrugged and turned to Ronan, who had turned slightly pink. "Hey Ro, please tell me you didn't forget today is our pizza day."
Ronan got up and went to shuffle Matthew's hair. "Of course, I didn't forget about it kiddo," he said and then he turned to Adam, "Hey Adam wanna come with us at Nino's for pizza?"
"Yeah actually I have to go to Nino's, because I promised Blue but I can't stay sorry."
"Blue? Isn't that the short waitress? Wait, is she your girlfriend? Oh man can't wait for Gansey to find out."
"What? Blue? No, absolutely not. We're just friends. But what was that about Gansey?" Adam said smirking.
"Nothing. Just forget about it." Ronan said, smiling. "Can you walk?"
"Yes the ice helped thanks."
Matthew smiled again and that made Adam's heart ache. "Let's go then!" he said.
Adam:  im not coming
Blue: Adam come on !!!
Blue: it will be fun and Henry and Noah came in person to invite us
Adam: us ??
Blue: yes they said
Blue: Blue we'd love you to come and please make Adam come too
Adam: Blue.
Adam: look I know your rules
Adam: since when do you hang out with raven boys? why don't you tell what's this really about??
Blue: okay
Blue: well
Blue: Gansey is going to be there too
Adam: ah Blue I get why you want to go but please dont make me come
Adam: first of all I dont have a costume
Blue: yes you do
Blue: I have three cousins in our age and you think I wouldn't find a costume for you? you're going as Spiderman
Adam: what the fuck
Blue: shut up
Adam: and you’re going as ??
Blue: eleven from stranger things
Blue: so that means you’re coming ?
Adam: yes
Blue: YES
Blue: oh and
Blue: I forgot to tell you
Blue: ronan’s gonna be there too
Blue: ;)
Ronan opened his bedroom door and froze. There was something absolutely hideous on his bed. A Halloween costume. Ronan could practically hear the distant echo of drums foreseeing his imminent doom.
"Noah!" he shouted.
Noah, as if he was waiting to hear his name, came out of his room wearing his best smirk.
That. Asshole.
"Yes Ronan," he said "Can I help you with something?"
Ronan was ready to punch him. "I told you I'm not coming to your stupid Halloween party" he snarled.
"But it's not my stupid Halloween party. It's Cheng's too!" Noah said laughing.
"Do I look like I fucking care? What even is this thing?" Ronan said, pointing at the costume.
"It's a vampire costume! I think it suits you. Have you seen how pale you are?"
"Yes, Noah, I know how fucking pale I am."
"Anyway Ronan I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to. But you know, everyone is gonna be there, me, Gansey, Henry, even Blue and Adam." he said and winked.
He. Fucking. Winked.
Ronan looked at him dead in the eye and then he slammed the door to his face. Gansey came out of the kitchen. He was eating yogurt and his eyebrow was raised.
"What was that?" he asked.
"Nothing, everything is under control" Noah said.
"You know, hearing 'everything is under control' from you is really making me think nothing is under control."
The party, as Ronan suspected, was terrible. And his costume was even worst. The fake teeth he was wearing made it hard for him to drink and Ronan didn't actually believe he could survive the night without getting wasted.
Somewhere between the third and fourth drink Kavinsky came and sat next to him. Ronan gave him his best angry glare.
"So where's your new boyfriend? Trouble in heaven?" Kavinsky said.
Ronan didn't answer. Not only because he didn't exactly know what to say, but also because if he opened his mouth he'd probably puke all over K. Now he was thinking about it, it wasn't a bad option really.
"What, now you're not talking to me? Did I hurt your feelings?" Kavinsky continued.
Ronan told him to fuck off. He got up and started heading outside. He slammed the door behind him.
Ronan then noticed there was someone else there, sitting on the pavement, a few feet away from the door. A Spiderman?
"Hey" the Spiderman said, taking off his mask.
It was Adam. In tights. His hair messier than ever, because of the mask. Ronan's heart skipped a beat. He went and sat down next to him. Maybe a little too close, but Adam didn't move away.
"Hey" he said.
Adam looked at him. At how his jaw was tense, his fists balled.
"So, what happened?" he asked.
Ronan sighed. "Kavinsky."
"Okaay, what's the deal with you two anyway? Are you friends or arch enemies?"
Ronan chuckled, "No, we're not friends. I don't know man, he is just obsessed with me. He hates me."
"Well, here's the thing, I don't believe he hates you." Adam said.
"Oh yeah? And why is he torturing me then?"
"I- I think- he's-um- hitting on you?"
Ronan flinched, "What? No! No way. What?"
Adam laughed a little, "Are you so freaked out right now because it is Kavinsky or because he is-like- a boy?"
"Obviously because it is Kavinsky," Ronan sighed and bit his lower lip, "Seriously Adam, I don't understand people that look at me and actually think I'm straight." he said slowly.
"You're not?" Adam said, his eyes wide.
"No I'm not. Don't look at me like that!" he said, blushing.
Adam turned slightly pink too, "Yeah that makes two of us I guess."
 Ronan turned to look at the other boy, but he didn't know what to say. Frankly, he just wanted to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him. But instead he said, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
Adam laughed, "Nah, I don't. Although I think Tad Carruthers would really much like to be my boyfriend."
Ronan laughed too, "Tad? You fucking kidding me? Did you see him today? He was dressed as a fucking zombie. It was terrible."
"Yeah," Adam said, "Besides I prefer vampire boys." he said and blushed even harder.
Ronan felt like the universe tilted and approximately five tons were lifted off his chest. Adam was looking at him, his eyes filled with uncertainty.
He cupped Adam's face and leaned in.
Their first kiss was quick, but Ronan felt like something erupted inside of him and the universe fell back into place.
Adam leaned in again. They kissed and kissed and only stopped to breath. Blue, green and red lights were dancing all around them. Ronan could only think of one word; beautiful.
Chapter 2 - and i got love falling like the rain
The first thing Adam noticed on Ronan that morning was how the freckles on his shoulders blend in with the sharp lines of his tattoo. They looked like tiny stars being sucked by a black hole. He was mesmerized by it. Adam, not for the first time, wondered how is it even possible for a person to be so beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
The second thing he noticed was Ronan's smile. He had only seen it once before, that day with Matthew. Back then, he was surprised by how true of a smile it was. Now, he was surprised by how it made his heart dance.
The third thing Adam noticed was Ronan's eyes. They looked even more magical from this close. It wasn't exactly ocean's blue nor sky's blue. It was something else entirely. It was Ronan's.
The boy sleeping next to him was made of light and magic and Adam loved it with every fibre of his being. Maybe for the first time in his life, he was happy.
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toastybutstupid · 7 years
Bangtan Boys Fanfiction Recommendation Post
This is very long overdue.
So this is a post of some fanfictions i have read in this fandom that are one: Really fucking good and you should read them. (Literally all of them) And two: Aren’t nearly recognized enough. 
i will be adding to this list!! I read alot of fanfiction like that’s all i read because the creativity is used so well!
perhaps an X reader will come along down the line! You never know!
Okay let’s get started!
Beta Tau Sigma by Bazooka (Mature; 123k; Namjin and Yoonmin; COMPLETE)- HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! This was one of the first works i have read from this fandom and its by far a TOP fanfiction that i love, this actually sprang my love for college AU’s! Great read!
On Patrol Season 1 & 2 by Ragi (Not rated; 246k; Jikook, Yoonseok, and Namjin; COMPLETE)- REALLY GOOD!!!!Has to be one of my favorites produced from this fandom. Definitely something that i’m currently rereading! Really fucking good okay like im sad its ending.
And one musn’t tell lies by Tteokie (Mature; 36k; Yoonseok; COMPLETE)- DUDE THIS WAS THE FIRST HARRY POTTER AU I READ FROM THIS FANDOM AND HOLY SHITTTT!!!! This is really good!!! Literally so fucking happy i found this fic okay. 
IMMA BEAT THAT PUSSY by Sotaekook (Teen; 44k; Taekook, Namjin Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)-  THIS. IS. THE. BEST. CHAT FIC OUT THERE. THIS BEATS IT ALL FOR ME OKAY LIKE THE AUTHOR CAN TAKE MY MONEY. Okay but in all seriousness, this fic is one of the best chat fics out there, even the angst is very good (It’s not heavy by any means though!)
Pick Me Up by Priska (Mature; 93k; Jikook and lowkey Taegi; COMPLETE)- Mk, im not into omegaverse much, but this one is really good. i still need to catch up im like 4 chaps behind. But this is really good and i recommend this one HARDCORE.
Pretty In Pink by Profound_Felicity (Explicit; 67k; Namjin; COMPLETE)- !!!!!!!!Dude this is some pretty fucking nice shit. Its a crossdresser!Jin and i fell in love with this fic in the first chapter. Recommend!!!!
My Lovely Lilac By Profound_ Felicity (Explicit; 74k; Taekook; COMPLETE)-  This is part two-ish? To Pretty In Pink but its from Taehyung’s point of view and holy shit it’s so cute?? Its a crossdresser! Taehyung and i love this so much.
The Bet by Jonghyunslisterine (Teen; 46k; Jikook; COMPLETE)- 
this is basically jk making a bet with tae to try to get chim to go out with him. AND IM SO SHOOK WITH THIS HOLY SHIT. REALLY GOOD.
Let’s Not Fall in Love by Jungkoojk (Mature; 142k; Jikook, Yoonseok, and Namjin; INCOMPLETE)-  this also got me hardcore shipping jikook. mk so like basically, Jk and the rap line are like his posse (Excluding Hoseok and Jin’s in the posse too) were hosting a party and like they play spin the bottle and you can sorta see what goes on there jk wants to get to know jimin more oh and homophobia is an issue
I Don’t Know What To Call This Yet by  Anaamikaa (Mature; 44k; Yoonseok, Namjin, Taekook, Vmin; INCOMPLETE)-  Min Yoongi meets Jung Hoseok. That’s literally what is and it b u i l d s. Fantastic chemistry between these assholes i cri.
Been Tryin’ Hard Not To Get Into Trouble But I Got War On My Mind by Teenuviel1227 (Explicit; 56k; Yoonseok and Taekook; COMPLETE)- Okay this made me cry at the end lemme tell ya. Its really good god. Like Yoongi is an undercover agent for the police department at Hoseok’s race crew and Yoongs gets attached and adfhasofn its so good!!!!
trying to behave (but you know that we never learned how) by Christmasyoongi (Explicit; 311k; Yoonmin, Namjin, Yoonseok, and Vhope; INCOMPLETE)- This fic.
okay it’s really fucking good okay. The angst is p heavy though. Yoongi and Jimin grow up together and shit. Okay but i want to say this: I understand that some people will not like this one because certain things happen, but it is warned. Do not read if you are going to be bashing the author who worked so fucking hard on this. This really is a work of art, no matter how harsh the situation is okay. The author does not need hateful comments on something they worked really hard on. and you can tell too. I will defend this author because how much i respect them. SAD BUT VERY FUCKING GOOD OKAY ITLL BE WORTH IT. 
Wait by YannaB (Mature; 18k; Jikook, Namjin, Vmin, And Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)- Dude this one is so… o fucking good? its one of those fics that i comment on every single update okay. Jungkook and Jimin grow up and Jk’s dad is a dipshit. I really love it okay like im waiting for the next update!!
the gravity that pulls me (i can’t look away) by Sirradel (Mature; 37k; Namjin and Yoonseok; COMPLETE)- if you love the apocalypse feel, namjin, yoonseok and more namjin and space? REad this holy shit. i love Bazooka and this writer reminded me so much of thier work and goalfns this made me so happy okay its v cute and i want to die of f l u f f
i have five senses (and they’re all for you to use) by Taberune (General Audiences; 10k; Yoonseok; COMPLETE)- THIS IS FUCKING GREAT OKAY. This was a 3 in the morning read and fuck it was so good and i think im gonna reread this shit tonight lmao. Basically, overtime your mind bonds with those you’ve grown close to and Yoongi has to hide his thoughts of Hoseok so much and finsoifnaqo THIS IS SO GOOD PLEASE GIVE IT LOVE.
Confessions by Miskeen (Mature; 5k; Namseok; COMPLETE)- THIS IS WHY I STARTED SHIPPING NAMSEOK. THIS IS WHY. andthatwholethingwiththemarriageinjapan. BUT. Hoseok gets a note in his locker asking for a date and Namjoon is his closest friend but hey Hoseok dont know how to kiss
a litany in which certain things are crossed out by Gaslight (Explicit; 31k; Yoonseok and Namjin; COMPLETE) (MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH)- i dont know how to feel about this one. Its really fucking good shIt the angst is heavy. I was reading it and i cried in class because holy fuck. Yoongi loses his memory. sad but good okay.
Look Who’s In Trouble by Sybuology (Mature; 12k; Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)- this fic is so soft and cute oh my christ. the author hasnt updated in a while though:/ but this is some domestic fluff for yoonseok and doing the parent thing and its so cute i actually want to die holy shit.
Life Is Sweet (When You’re Growing Up So Fast) by Feminist_Killjoy (Teen; 14k; Yoonseok, Taekook, and Namjin; COMPLETE)- all these little losers work at the mall and fall in love with one another and it s so cute and like it gets lowkey angsty. Like holy shit?? Jimin gets fucked over alot though lmao but its funny and he finds someone in the end ;)
You Should Let Me Love You by Infinitizeit (Teen; 7k; Yoonseok; COMPLETE)-  thIS IS SO CUTE OH MY GOD. Like Hoseok and namjoon work for yoongo and like hoseok doesnt want to go to his hs reunion right? w ro n g. Yoongi is like you gots to go ill be your date or whatever. this is v cut okay im mad i put it off for so long
Dead Leaves and Spring Flowers by Infinitizeit (Mature; 10k; Yoonseok, Vmin, Namjin; COMPLETE)- I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS. iread this just the other day and holy shit it made me shook as heck. so like. Your soulmates name is etched on your chest on your heart and there is this rare thing where youre heart can break if your soulmate loves someone else. well. Jung Hoseok has a soulmate, Yoongi and Taehyung do not.
The Two Billion Songs On Love by Lexwrites (Mature; 11k; Yoonseok, Namjin, and Taekook; COMPLETE)- T H I S. I LOVE COLLEGE AU’S. This is so sweet and soft and yoongi is so in love but he doesnt know that. really fucking good okay like ughhhhhhh
Pieces by StopTheDams (Teen; 59k; Yoonseok and Namjin; INCOMPLETE)(MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH)- 
You’re A Fineapple by Infinitizeit (Teen; 2k; Yoonseok; COMPLETE)- yoonseok and pickup lines. what else is there to say?
It’s Just Kissing, Not Rocket Science by Ragi (Not rated; 14k; Minjoon and Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)- This is really fucking cute alright. i dont ship minjoon much but this made it rlly cute okay trust me. Namjoon runs one of the biggest gay bars in Korea when Park Jimin comes into his bar crying about heartbreak and then asks for advice on how to keep a man. R E C.
September by TheHalesNyx (Explicit; 26k; Yoonmin and Junghope; COMPLETE)- Another omegaverse and its v sweet holy fuckkkk
i love omegaverse that arent all dom sub and this is the one okay. its sweet and cute. basically yoongi meets jimin in a shop right when his cycle starts.
You Have 1 New Message by Bazooka (Teen; 30k; Namjin; COMPLETE)- I LOVE BAZOOKA’’S WORK OKAY I HAVE HIGH RESPECTS FOR THEM.
The Mark of an Educated Mind By Bazooka (General Audiences; 6k; Namjin; COMPLETE)- Namjoon looks up bts fanfiction and is surprised but what he finds and questions what his relationship with Kim Seokjin really is
v cute okay
Celebrity Crush by Bazooka (Teen; 16k; Namjin; COMPLETE)- THIS IS A FOLLOW UP TO THE MARK OF AN EDUCATED MIND OKAY. dude this
this made me feel shit. Basically after nj finds out sj’s celeb crush is himself, he questions the relationship further.
Comfort In Lies by UsagiFelton (Mature; 107k; Jikook and Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)- this was so cute then it got sad then it got really cute??
its in the canonverse and shit its cute and jk cant do emotions holy shit
Bubblegum, Neat Freaks, and The Mystery of Love by Cliffolly(Not rated; 53k; Namjin and Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE)- this is so soft holy shit. the humor is there, the fluff is there god it really cute and regret putting it off for so long. So basically, neat freak Kim Seokjin meets Kim Namjoon and when he does, well, let’s just say the two got into a bit of a sticky situation, causing Namjoon to have to treat Jin to dinner for the whole week. this is really fucking cute okay like its really cute fluff!!!
The Petty Criminal Discount by Kingkiwi (General Audiences; 6k; Jikook; COMPLETE) this is really cute and soft. i was like in the mood for some coffee shop au’s and holy shit this is a beauty?? Jungkook is a criminal of sorts and well, whenever he’s on the run he goes to a coffee shop where he meets the owner of Dark & Wild.
baby, baby, you’re a caramel macchiato by sweetmxchi (General audiences; 1k; Jikook; COMPLETE) sdafgh this is v cute and i wanted to die because im a slut for flirty Jimin and shy Jungkook like ughhhh its just so cute. After living in the us for three years, no one has ever spelt Jungkook’s name right until one day where it was spelled right.
Constraint by Harlot (Explicit; 40k; Jikook; COMPLETE) this is really funny to me and but it gets lowkey angsty. anyhow, Jungkook doesn’t like Jimin and well he’s straight.Or so he thinks. I LOVE DRINKING GAME FICS
I Bloomed For You… by Meanie_Beanie_nim (Mature; 200k; Taekook, Yoonmin, Namjin; COMPLETE) IM ONLY 6 CHAPTERS IN AND IM IN LOVE. Yo but like this is a soulmate au it includes the disease hanahaki so its a lowkey gore type of fic? like in the sense that its gonna be graphic in some parts. i dunno i like my angst hardcore so like im chill with this. Shy, socially awkward Jeon Jungkook meets Jung Hoseok who extends him to his group of frineds and well, he meets Kim Taehyung. Oh and his aunt had died of Hanahaki disease,which is a rare occurrence. OKAY IT’LL GET ANGSTY BUT IM LIVING FOR THESE CUTE FUNNY MOMENTS
Nanny by Nochucomethru (Mature; 13k; Jikook; COMPLETE) THIS WAS SO CUTE LIKE IM WRITING A TAEHYUNG SINGLE DAD FIC CURRENTLY MK THIS STARTED THAT. Anyways, Tattoo artist Jungkook needs a job and Park Jimin, single daddo, needs a nanny. ;)
You’re My Genie, Lamborghini (You’re My Teeny Weeny Meenie) by mindheist (Explicit; 7k; Jikook; COMPLETE) YOOOOOOOOOOOO IM LIVING FOR THIS ONE MAN UGH I FINISHED IT LAST WEEK AND UGHHHHH. Park Jimin, training vlogger and dancing cover guy Jeon Jungkook meet through twitter and then Jungkook bruised his tailbone. WeLL. READ TO FIND OUT MORE.
The Room of Unrequited Love by dyegu (Teen; 15k, Jikook and Yoonseok; INCOMPLETE) did i ever mention how much i hp aus bc i do. seriously tho i want to see where this goes, the author hasnt updated in two months but its really good and worth the await. JIMIN IS A PREFECT AND CATCHES jUNGKOOK AND YOONGI AT NIGHT LOOKING FOR THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT. AND LIKE JIMIN SEEMINGLY WANTS TO BEFRIEND JK BUT LIKE HES NOT COOPERATING?? ITS CUTE I SWEAR.
the art of the plug by themelonlord (Explicit; 16k, Yoonmin; COMPLETE) This is pracitcally porn with feelings man. its really good smut though?? Y’all…. this is good. Jimin plugs himself and Yoongi finds out and oh sweet jesus its a ride (Pun intended.)
your body is a place to stay by jonghyunslisterine (Teen; 8k; Jikook; COMPLETE) I FUCKING FOUND IT. JESUS I DIDNT BOOKMARK IT AND LIKE OMFG THIS IS REALLY GOOD AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Jk isn’t liked by many of the mom’s bc his tattoos and they dont believe he can raise his daughter. He also meets Park Jimin in a bookstore and well, his daughter loves him too
somethin’ fishy by sweetlyblue (Explicit; 48k; Yoonseok, Taekook; COMPLETE) so i got into a merman thing early this school year and like i found this diamond in the rough and holy shit its so cute?? basically Hoseok lives at a beach and finds a visitor when he almost drowns. super cute i wanted to die reading it.
Undressed by superrunnaturall (Explicit; 21k; Yoonseok, Vmin; COMPLETE) Dude this is so cute too like?? jesus i really liked the end because like…. guess you’ll have to read to find out ;))). but so like Jin sets Yoongi up with a date on a dating show i guess?? and well, they talk in their underwear and get to know eachother and wow. r e a d.
yoonseok au #1 by chinatea (Teen; 3k; Yoonseok; COMPLETE) This was just really beautifully written?  i dont understand how it so cry worthy good but it is?? well so, i read this a while ago so here’s the summary from the author
:  in which nomadic witch!hoseok and town witch!yoongi get married happily ever after. help. r e a d it  pl e a se
In the Twilight Air by Trilluvium (Explicit; 39k; Yoonmin; COMPLETE)
okay so this is just smut. but its cute smut. Basically jimin and yoongi fuck bc they both virgins. and well. it goes on and tbfh it’s cute.
Riptide by peppermint_wind (Mature; 62k; Jikook, Yoonseok, Namjin; COMPLETE) SOFT s o f  t. it does have homophobia though because it is canon divergence. well jk think he got feelos for jimin but so does jimin but things can get a bit out of hand…
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evil-writer · 7 years
Questions tag
I was tagged by @belladonna2017 and @amoulaseojoonmadridista and decided to answer all of the questions in this one post. It’s a little late. But that’s keeping with the theme of my life. (Answers under the cut)
My questions:
If you could change one thing about one drama, what would it be?
Who is a popular actor that you can’t seem to get into?
What’s a popular drama that you didn’t like/dropped?
Underrated favourite drama?
An actor/actress you wish would do dramas more often?
A guilty pleasure drama?
What drama would you say has the best ending?
If you could crossover two (or more) dramas, what would they be?
Who is a female character that the fandom hated, but you loved?
What’s your favourite fictional found family?
tagging (no pressure, we all know i’m terrible at doing these tag things): @belladonna2017, @amoulaseojoonmadridista, @saranghaekoreandramas, @islandgirlbabble, @overthinkingkdrama, @theflowergirl, @swordsandparasols, @the-feminine-grotesque, @secondratedramablog as well as anyone who wants to do this! 
Top 5 OSTS?
Should I Say I Love You Again by Kim Dong Ryul (Reply 1994)
Though I Loved You by Kim Kwang Seok (Reply 1994)
(Listen, I like pain okay.)
You Are My Garden by Jeong Eun Ji (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon)
Because of You by Kim Tae Woo (Jealousy Incarnate) 
Flower by Seo In Guk (Tomorrow With You)
Top 5 Actors (males and females)?
Chae Soo Bin
Lee Bo Young
Lee Min Jung
Jo Jung Seok
Jung Kyung Ho
Note: I’m 110% more loyal to my female faves over my males. I can watch just about anything for my lady loves (except rape #still bitter), but if my male faves don’t hook me with the plot/chemistry with their partner, I’ll drop the drama like a hot potato. 
First Girl Crush?
Wow, it’s been a while since I started accumulating these. If I’m remembering correctly, it would have to be Kim Tae Hee. Stairway To Heaven. ‘nuff said. She’s so hot.
First K DRAMA you watched?
Stairway to Heaven, probably? As far as I can remember, anyway.
This is probably a bad idea. I’d probably just faint dead away. But if I had to choose: Chae Soo Bin. She’s just so sweet and talented and gorgeous. It’s one of my life’s goals to see her perform onstage.
Reply 1994. Which I’m still currently doing, btw hahaha. It’ll get done this year. Sometime. I’m hoping. Anyways, Sung Na Jeong deserved better, and I won’t have peace until I’ve given her stories that are worthy of her.
Ultimate K DRAMA otp?
Don’t even have to think about this one: Na Jeong/Chilbong (Go Ara/Yoo Yeon Seok) from Reply 1994. Broke my heart into 1000000000000000 pieces and changed the way I watch kdramas. I’ve written essays for these two, I started to write fic seriously for these two. Sung Na Jeong remains one of the greatest loves of my life. I can 100% guarantee you that no one has loved her or thought about her (no matter the ship) the way I have and still do, to this day.
#JusticeForSungNaJeong till the day I die, probably. haters can fight me.
Running Man. I like Yoon Shi Yoon, but there’s no women cast members on that show. And I love Song Ji Hyo in a way I love few others. Also, I just love the main cast’s interactions on Running Man. 
Jo Bo Ah. Oh my god, she broke me in Flower Boy Band, charmed me in Surplus Princess, and I don’t think I’ve been able to watch her in anything since. I should probably watch Missing Noir M, but I don’t know. I always 
Honourable mention: Im Joo Eun. Holy shit, she’s still playing second lead to idols? Listen, I know female idol actresses get a lot more shit than male idol actors and wrongfully so, since as a class they’re way better than male idol actors. Still, someone with half as much experience as her shouldn’t be booking leading roles ahead of her. Let the actresses do their work, this is their livelihood!!!!!!!
Wow, I didn’t mean to get mad. Sorry.
Listen. There’s a jinx. Anytime I think something’s gonna be good, it sucks. Anytime I think something’s gonna be bad, it’s spectacular. So Third Rate My Way is going to be the Worst!!! I’m going to HATE it!!!!!!!!!!! 
Favorite Period Film/s
This is hard, I can’t remember the last time I watched a period film. But I would have to say Atonement (2007) with Kiera Knightley and James McAvoy. If we want to get into dramas, then I’d of course say Rebel: Thief. 
Favorite Web Drama/s
I don’t know if 1% of Something counts as a web drama? I mean it wasn’t on any of the usual drama networks. Anyways, it was sweet and cute and I enjoyed it a lot.
Favorite Short Film/s
I...can’t remember the last time I watched one. Wow, I’m terrible at this lolol. 
Favorite Book-to-Movie Adaptations
From my childhood: Bridge to Terabithia. There’s also the Shadowhunters television series which is actually better than the books.
Drama/Movie where you cried BUCKETS!
Reply 1988 had me sobbing every episode. I’ve gotten really emotional over Rebel, too. And of course, finales make me cry all the damn time. Even Jealousy Incarnate’s lovely end. There’s also the final heartbreaking but super satisfying arc in Tomorrow With You.
Drama/Movie that you looked forward to but disappointed you in the end.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I wanted to love this, I did. But there was just a few too many things wrong with it for me to not drop it. The cute looked cute, and I’m a shipper first and foremost, but if the rest is that bad, I can’t deal with it.
Imagine your bias—what role do you want him/her to have for his/her next Movie/Drama?
Chae Soo Bin in a campus drama, where she plays a recent entrant into the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and is on her way to becoming a high-powered attorney. Shenanigans ensue when she finds herself sharing a house with her fellow trainees.
(This is prompted by Hye Kyung and Joong Won’s frequent trips down memory lane to the good old days of the Judicial Training Institute.)
Imagine your bias—to whom do you want him/her to be partnered with in his/her next Movie/Drama
Listen, I’ll ask for a Go Ara/Yoo Yeon Seok reunion until the day I actually get it. That kind of romantic chemistry should never be wasted. I feel like this is a theme for this entire post haha.
Imagine yourself in a K-Drama story—which one would it be and why?
If I inserted myself into a kdrama story, it’d probably be as an assassin so that I could kill my enemies. In Hwarang: Ah Ro’s shittastic dad. In The Good Wife: Tae Joon. There’s a pretty long list of characters I want to assassinate, so let’s leave it at that.
Favorite Drama/Movie quote/s
“The reason I miss that time and that street isn’t only because I miss my younger self. It is because my parents’ youth, my friends’ youth – the youth of everything I loved was in that place. I regret not bidding a final farewell to the surrounding of my youth that can never be brought back together again. To the things that’ve already gone, to the time I can’t return to… I bid my belated farewell. Goodbye, my youth. Goodbye, Ssangmun-dong”  -- Sung Deok Sun, Reply 1988
I can’t think about that closing scene without getting teary.
Favorite Drama/Movie Trope/s
Does cohabitation count? It’s my favourite thing ever. But otherwise: friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, fake relationship turning real, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. Also mutual pining. 
Thanks so much for tagging me, you two! I had a lot of fun answering these questions, though it’s turned out a bit late. 
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authenticaussie · 8 years
Hey, sorry for the self promotion but I s w e a r it is relevant to your interests but my One Piece rare pairs blog might be something you would like and especially since I would love to feature your writing some time soon! Pls check out "shitstrawhatsship" and I s w e a r I will get around to reading your rare pair best works to rec. ((A point in the right direction ie fics you love the most)) would also be appreciated :D
aww, I dont mind self promotion man!!!! its cool af to get blogs + etc. that people think I may like~ ;u;
And I have seen your blog before!!!! ;u; I check it out on occasion ‘cause I loooove seeing all the new pairs to fall in love with, but when i dont like a ship i dont like it hard, and I dont wanna have to go through and blacklist heaps of things on the off-chance they may show up   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ my computer’s slow enough already lol
tbqh tho i love rare pairs (aw man I just love shipping in general im such a sucker for love stories lol) I dont actually have that many fics????????
I actually went through my fics and found i was a liar, I have w a y to many rare pair things omfg, anyway:
Miraculous Nami!!! is my newest!! It’s a nam/tash magical girl au that I wrote for the reverse bang with @0blue-bird0​ : 14,126 words / T. S’a bit messy, I plan on rewriting bits of it at some point lol tho i say this abt every fic
uhhh, i was gonna organise these by date but I’ll just put my faves in order, and then the rest ‘ll be by date under a readmore. 
short steps / deep breaths has a tinnnny bit of Rouge/Roger, but it’s mainly introspection. I just really like it. 2,514 words / T
Three Day’s Dance is pre decent, but it’s only one chapter and I can’t remember where I saved the second chapter lol. Ace/Sanji / 2,718 words / I’m pretty sure it was G?
Colour in the Roses is so OLD but so many people love it so i have to include it out of principal I guess. It’s aro/poly-queer Luf + strawhats and has referenced kohza/vivi & one-sided navi. Technically a two/three-parter but I got busy after the first chapter and it blew up so big that I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, and then just never got around to it lol. 2826 words / G 
Floodwater || This Thing of Ours is pre good!!! I accidentally skipped a scene at some point though, I’m SURE, because whenever I reread it I get so confused, my brain’s like, “no, u had smth there.” Anyway: 8,406 words, Gin/San
Find the Hat OKAY BUT THE LAST LINE OF THIS WILL NEVER NOT MAKE ME GRIN??? It may be super old but I still grin when I read it. It’s not my fave bc ace/lu is….eh for me I guess, but I have some good one-liners, and it was a shift from earlier stuff that’s still decent. 1,772 words, ace/lu
Magic (and Other Romantic Things) 383 Words, Na/Ro. So shooooorrrt, it should have had so much backstory but i wanted to post it before christmas and never finisheeeeed 
Come Home to me (Come Home to the Sea) 6,220 words San/Uso. Cute af and w/ lots of my fave hcs,,,,,,the only reason it’s not up top is bc it’s so old but old in the no i cant be proud of u anymore, u need desperate re-writing and i did angst for the sake of angst :T
Something Magical 2,691 words (though most of it is just random plot mutterings),  San/Uso
Wednesday’s Child 3,444 words, the first chapter’s good-ish but I needed to go further explaining into things and I didnt ‘cause I got bored. Ace/San
How to Fall for Nico Robin (and how not to not let her figure it out)  2,018 words, Robin/Sabo. Was a gift for a friend, I don’t think I’m the biggest fan of the ship tbqh, but that’s prolly ‘cause I have ships with those two that I like better.
Someone’s Rooting for the Captain THIS IS PURE CRACK AND ALL ASIA’S FAULT ‘CAUSE SHE WANTED Mihawk/Zoro OKAY I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY 1,034 words, Mi/Zo & Lu/Zo
Flower Boy godddd, that First Fic feel tm. 1,466 words, Thatch/Ace 
The problems with being female idk why i titled it like this i hate this title now and by extension every time i see it i get mad at the fic, but the fic’s actually pretty cute gdi. 988 words, Thatch/Ace
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