#in class on friday I had some extra energy I needed to get out before it started
I've been "the smart friend" for so long that I never considered I could be more but recently I've been facing the fact that I think I might also be the "full of energy silly friend". not like a jokester but just endearingly earnest, energetic, and child-like in my joy that just has and exudes fun
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy (Part 1)
Solomon x F! MC
Long Slowburn, Angst to comfort, Rough language and behaviour
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"I'm resigning as your apprentice, Solomon." The conviction in your voice was clear. You had clearly contemplated it for some time.
"You're... you're not even close to ready for higher level magic MC-" Solomon was clearly caught off-guard. More shocked than displeased.
"I don't need it. I don't need anything to do with magic or being a sorceror. I just- I'm done. So thank you for everything so far, but you won't need to waste your time with me anymore." You barely met his eyes before you walked out.
This was two days ago. You were careful to tell him on a Friday, so you could avoid him for the weekend.
Mammon and Asmo both asked you whether you'd like to go out with them, but you refused. You didn't want to run into him on the streets either.
A part of you felt guilty for doing that to him. He did deserve an explanation atleast. But what could you possibly tell him?
I can't be around you anymore because I'm desperately in love with you but you already seem to have someone else.
No. It makes no sense. It sounds so juvenile and conceited, you shake your head and bite the inside of your cheek. You cringe at how strange and tense your next interaction with him might be.
But that wasn't a good enough reason for Lucifer to let you stay home. So you took a deep breath and left for RAD.
To your relief, you had no classes in common in the first half. At lunch you sat alone, in a place where you'd usually never sit. Further lowering the chance to see him. So you ended up with a friendly bunch of Succubi from your classes.
They were complaining about how the assignments were too long to complete in one week and you wholeheartedly agreed. While one of them was mimicking the professor's stern voice, another one screamed.
She was holding up her phone and squealing in excitement. You peered at it. Asmo posted a new Devilgram story.
Of course.
You feigned interest to match the energy of these excited fangirls. But honestly you'd lost your appetite, listening to the conversation.
"Oh look, isn't that Solomon in the back? Oh he looks extra smoldering today. I wonder where he's staring so intently?"
"Yes yes that's definitely him. They're always together aren't they? Like an old married couple haha!"
"Solomon stays in Asmo's room when he stays at HOL, doesn't he? Oooh I wonder what sort of kinky things they get up to in there?!"
Asmo is incapable of loving him. He has known him for centuries and yet doesn't know anything about him. Even simple things like his favourite work of fiction or his music tastes. He has never taken interest in what Solomon's works or passions.
"Oh but I've heard Lucifer is more Solomon's type. Did you know he's been trying to get a pact with him since the last century?"
"Oh yeah I've definitely seen them around too. There's even fanart of them in the RAD fansites now ahaha!"
"They are totally like rivals to lovers. Did you see the magical duel they got into once? They are so equally matched!"
Lucifer cannot stand the sight of him, let alone trust him. He always told me how dubious and shady Solomon was, literally asking me to shut him up and keep him away once I became a sorceror.
You couldn't sit and stew in this conversation anymore, painfully close to puking out all the contents of your stomach. But they caught you trying to leave.
"What about you, MC? As his apprentice who do you think suits romantically Solomon?"
You wanted to scream it. But you didn't. How selfish and conceited of you. Who the hell were you decide? And it's not like people were not allowed to have their opinions on it. You couldn't in your right mind, judge them for simply making the most logical assumptions.
"Haha I honestly couldn't tell. We never really talked about things like these." You laughed awkwardly before excusing yourself. The bell rang just in time. You headed straight to class.
You were clutching your books to your chest. How did things turn out like this? You were sure to be as fast as possible. How did all the seats get filled up? And why was the only empty seat next to Solomon?
"MC, please come in and sit down. We need to get the class started." The professor said, impatiently. You nodded in apology and headed in the direction of your doom.
You could feel his eyes on focused on you, sending chills down your spine. But you didn't dare glance more than once. It didn't help that this was a double period.
And anytime your hands or elbows accidentally touched, you flinched, muttering soft apologies and tried to move your seat away. But somehow your seat was being pulled back into place again.
"The next assignment is to be done in pairs. So everyone partner up with person you're sitting next to and finish it by next class. Class dismissed."
Oh, just my fucking luck.
"I'll come by the House of Lamentation at 7:30 tonight." His voice was icy as he got up from his seat, moving back so you get out of class first. On your way home, all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding wildly.
You were suprised that the house was still empty at 7. You texted the brothers asking if something happened.
Satan texted back about how there had been a sudden increase influx of student requests and the student council has too many of them to review.
Beel texted you to eat without them cause they might have to stay in school overnight. You felt your anxiety rise. The thought of being all alone in the house with Solomon...
The doorbell rung exactly at 7:30. You opened the door and welcomed him in. The coldness never left his eyes. His footsteps were deliberately slower and more weighted as he followed you to your room.
"I've set up the initial requirements of the experiment, so if you have the magical items and extracts, we can just get started right away-"
The door shut and locked loudly behind him. You thought you could get away with pretending everything was fine but clearly he had different intentions.
"I believe you owe me some explanations, MC." He walked over to the bed, grabbing your wrist along. You could feel the repressed anger in his grip. It scared and excited you all at once.
You found yourself cornered against the wall behind the bed, your ankles binded together by his glowing ropes. Struggling was useless. He leaned forward until you could feel his hot breath on your lips.
"Sorry about the extreme measure MC, but you have a rather unpleasant habit of running away from conversations."
To be continued....
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The Joy of Loving with Marcus Pike
Pairing: Marcus Pike x reader
Summary: Working late on a Friday night is hardly Marcus Pike’s favorite thing in the world, but if it means he gets to come home to see you soundtracked by the soft sounds of a paintbrush on canvas and even softer life advice, he thinks it might not always be bad.
Warnings/Tags: fluff like fr so much fluff, some language, no use of Y/N, mentions of marriage, not a lot of dialogue tbh just a lot of background and introspection
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: me, falling asleep last night with the joy of painting with bob ross playing to soothe me to sleep: oh marcus pike would LOVE this (this is actually what happened i came up with this idea as i was falling asleep and then it became 3000 words longer than i thought it would HA n e ways enjoy!)
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Marcus wouldn’t go so far as to say that Bob Ross was his biggest inspiration when he chose a career path, but he sure loved him.
He was just a kid the first time he saw the painter with the big hair and bigger heart. It was a sick day for Marcus, an unfortunate bout of whatever had been going around his school finally making it to him. He wasn’t a kid that got sick often and he didn’t like missing school, but he supposed it was kind of nice to get to lay on the couch and watch TV while his mom occasionally kissed his forehead and made him soup. What sucked, though, was the lack of good cartoons on in the middle of the day.
There was no way he was going to spend his precious extra TV time watching boring soap operas, and he didn’t have the energy to focus on something with an actual plotline. His mom knew this somehow, without asking, in that way that moms seem to know things, especially about their sick kids. So she flipped through until she stopped on a channel where there was a man holding a palette and speaking softly to the camera as he brushed paint onto the canvas with an elegant but sure hand.
Marcus’s mom hummed in approval under her breath before running a hand through his hair and offering a gentle, “See how you like this one, baby.” He just blinked slowly at the comfort of her touch and kept his eyes on the screen as she walked out of the living room.
Up to that point, Marcus’s interest in art hadn’t been much more than what could be expected of a kid his age. He thought painting was fun when his art teacher let his class do it, and he was no stranger to sitting at the kitchen table with a coloring sheet, swinging his legs as he colored in a picture that would probably end up on the fridge when he gave it to his mom later.
But this. Well, this was a new level of interest and intrigue and peace all at the same time. Marcus was entranced by the way the man knew exactly how to angle his brush and the movements to make to add life to the painting. The man’s voice seemed to caress Marcus the way his mom’s hand just had, soft and full of love, and he couldn’t help but giggle with the man when he cleaned his brush off with the instruction to “beat the devil out of it.”
He made it through the episode, marveling in quiet awe at the finished painting, and was pleased to see a new episode start immediately after. His mom walked over to him on the couch as the intro music started, bending over to set a cup of water down on the coffee table in front of him and press another kiss to his forehead. She hummed again as she stood straight and asked, “Did you like it, baby?”
He nodded, the movement slightly hindered by her hand running through his hair again. He was so at peace from the gentle affection and the cozy feeling watching the man paint gave him that he drifted to sleep five minutes into the new episode.
Marcus’s love for Bob Ross never diminished over the years. In fact, the show was something that both comforted him when he needed it and led him to explore. Just like before, his mom somehow knew, and he beamed when he unwrapped the beginner’s paint set she bought him for the first birthday he had since watching that first episode. She even occasionally helped him set up in front of the TV so he could try to paint along with the episode. It admittedly never turned out quite the way he hoped it would, but his mom always helped him lay it out to dry, and the next morning he would find it on the fridge.
When he got older and was able to choose the classes he took at school, he always made sure he had room for art class. He wouldn’t say he was an absolute natural, but he loved putting in the effort to create something new. Projects where he could paint were always the ones he looked forward to the most, and he was even able to repeat his childhood and paint along with an episode for part of a senior project.
As he headed into college, Marcus knew that he wasn’t ready to let go of art entirely, but he knew he didn’t really want to turn it into his profession. He knew that art would feel a lot different if it was the thing he had to do to survive rather than the thing that made life worth living. The day he could figure out a steady job that involved art in some way, though maybe not directly, would be his lucky day. Until then, he thought, he would figure out what he could see himself doing for the rest of his life.
He was fortunate enough to find another interest in the field of criminal justice. One introductory class was all it took to pique his interest, and soon enough he knew the kind of path he wanted to take. He took enough art and art history classes for a minor, though, even if he wasn’t sure it would ever prove particularly helpful to him. He just found it all far too interesting to let go of.
Honestly, Marcus doesn’t quite remember how he found out about the art crimes unit, but he remembers the total elation that filled him, the sense of rightness that came with finding the intersection of his interests, his knowledge, his talents. He was beyond excited about it, dedicated to achieving this new dream, but he couldn’t keep the nerves out of his tone when he told his parents about it for the first time.
Not that he had a reason to be nervous. He tried to downplay how badly he wanted it, but his mom just knew, like she always has. “That sounds perfect for you, honey,” she said, and his dad even nodded along in instant agreement. Once he had that approval, he threw himself headfirst into figuring out his path to the art crimes unit of the FBI.
It was a long journey, and not exactly the easiest, but he cried tears of pure joy when he got the call that the job was his for the taking. That night, he was still buzzing but trying to wind down so that he could actually fall asleep. He turned on the TV, flipped through the channels, and couldn’t help but laugh when he found a rerun of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross. Admittedly, the laugh turned into more tears when he discovered that it was the exact episode he watched on his sick day all those years ago.
All of these things come rushing to his mind when he walks through the front door and sees you.
He knew he’d be working late tonight and had told you as much apologetically both last night and this morning. As he always did when he had to work late, he told you not to wait up for him, that he was sorry he would miss dinner with you, that he’d make it up to you over the course of the weekend.
And as you always did, you answered with a simple okay with every intention of doing the exact opposite. You stayed up for him more often than you didn’t, honestly, even though he always told you not to, and you always, always waited when he had to work late on a Friday. He’d come home to see you curled up on the couch, and he would always sigh in fond exasperation if only to cover up how warm it always made him feel.
One part of Marcus wanted you to go to bed without him those nights, if only to ensure that you got proper rest in your comfortable bed. The other part of him was endlessly pleased at your thoughtfulness and want to be right there when he walked in the door. He was never disappointed on the nights he walked in to discover that you actually had gone to bed before he got home, but he always high tailed it down the hall to your bedroom on those occasions, wanting to be near you as quickly as he could manage.
Most of the time when you waited up, you were awake when he got home. You would turn your head at the sound of his keys in the door and beam as soon as you made eye contact, a soft but excited greeting pouring off your lips and stretching across the empty space between you.
Sometimes, though, when you’d had a long day or he got home particularly late, he’d find you asleep on the couch. Those nights, there was usually some indication that you really had tried to stay awake but just couldn’t – a book spread across your chest beneath your hands, the TV on a rerun of some sitcom or another. He could never help the deep sigh that puffed his chest before it passed through his lips, totally content to watch the love of his life sleep for a moment before he woke you. He’d stroke his hand over the side of your face or lean down to press a kiss to your head, and you’d stir, his name leaving your mouth in a whisper before you’d even opened your eyes. He’d lead you down the hall and tuck you into bed before doing his nightly routine and joining you there.
This Friday night was one of the latter of these two nights. He came in the door, fully expecting to find you on the couch, and was unsurprised to see you lying there. You didn’t tend to fall asleep on Fridays, though, insisting that you had Saturday to sleep in so you could handle staying up for him. He figures you must have had a busier day than usual or something like that and toes his shoes off before making his way over to you in his familiar song and dance.
He stops short, though, when he catches a glimpse of the TV. There’s a familiar slapping sound followed by a laugh-laced voice uttering, “Beat the devil out of it.”
Marcus is standing by the side of the couch, mouth slightly agape in wonder as the same painting from his childhood sick day and the day his dream job called fills the screen.
It hits him in the chest then. He is going to spend the rest of his life loving you.
He’s known this, of course. But this relationship is the slowest he’s ever gone, and for good reason. He didn’t want to repeat past mistakes. You were special, so special, and he’d be damned if he went too fast and lost you.
The two of you had been neighbors from the moment he arrived in D.C., you having moved in a mere three months before he did. Just neighbors were all you were to each other, for a while. You seemed kind and friendly, but when Teresa never arrived in D.C., he couldn’t do anything but put his head down and work. He survived off take out and whatever shitty meals he could throw together with minimal effort, volunteered to work extra hours that needed to be worked but that no one else wanted, told himself that he would eventually find ways to enjoy himself in this new city.
He occasionally saw you coming out of your door as he went through his or vice versa and always exchanged at least a small smile, but that was the extent of your interaction. But then, in the middle of November, there was a knock on his door and he was too tired to worry much about who it could possibly be.
He opened it and found you twisting your fingers around each other. He probably could have been more polite about it in hindsight, but he was so exhausted and confused that the only thing he could muster up was, “Um, hi?”
“Hi,” you breathed, a nervous grin accompanying it, before your next words came out in a rush. “I’m sorry this is so weird but I’m having this Friendsgiving thing and I decided I needed to practice making what I’m bringing but now I have way too much food for just me to eat and do you want some dinner?”
“Do I want some dinner?”
“I’m sorry, I know I sound like some psycho because we’re just neighbors but I seriously have way too much food and I also want someone else’s input on whether it even tastes good and oh my gosh you can say no this is so awkward I’m sorry.”
He laughed. He couldn’t help it, you were just so nervous to be offering him a literal homecooked meal and it was so sweet and he was still so startled and he didn’t know what else to do. He just laughed.
You seemed to get more flustered even as you giggled along with him. When his laughter died down a little, you decided to speak once more. “Sorry, I just panicked when I realized I definitely do not have enough Tupperware to keep it all as leftovers and then I thought of you and I rushed over here and now I’m embarrassed because I’m not sure you even remember my name, much less trust me enough to eat food I cooked.”
His answer was to say your name to you, having remembered it from the time you introduced yourself to him the day after he moved in. You lit up at that, and your smile was as clear in your voice as it was on your face when you said, “So, what do you say, Marcus? Dinner?”
That had been the beginning of your friendship. You were friends for a while; he was still healing, trying to work through his heartache rather than ignoring its existence. You understood, especially once he actually worked up the courage to tell you the whole sad story. Through it all, you were just… there, and somewhere along the way, you became all that there was for him.
But he was terrified. He couldn’t jump back in, couldn’t risk not only the heartache of screwing up another relationship, but screwing up a relationship with you. He let himself pine for far too long, but he’s not even sure that he would have acted sooner even if he’d known that you were pining, too.
And then it happened. You started a glorious relationship, communicated beautifully about boundaries and expectations and wants and fears. He was beyond relieved when you admitted that you didn’t want to go too fast either, that it scared you just the same, even if your relationship history didn’t look like his. You worked through it, and you worked through it together.
After a year together, your lease was coming to an end and it just felt right to ask you to move in with him. It’s been another year since, and it’s been magnificent. He knows that you’re it for him, knows that he’s it for you, but he’s held back from thinking too much about that next big step.
But now, seeing you curled up on the couch after falling asleep while waiting for him to come home and watching not only the show that has always radiated kindness and comfort and love and affection for him, but the specific episode that has seen some of the biggest turning points of Marcus Pike’s life?
He’s never felt like this before. Not with his ex-wife, not with Teresa, hadn’t even been able to imagine this kind of love when he pictured a nameless, faceless partner when he had no one to picture in their place. You are the rest of his life. He knows it the way he knows his own name, the way he knew that you would be waiting here for him tonight, the way he knows that his name will come in a whisper from your lips when you wake up to him there.
He squats down in front of you and just takes you in for a moment. He can feel his eyes tearing up, unable and unwilling to quash the well of emotion sitting in his chest, heavy yet somehow also lighter than air. He breathes in a sigh as you exhale one of your own before moving his hand to stroke down your cheek.
As his hand smooths over your temple and down your cheek to rest in a slight grasp at your chin, the end credits of the episode roll behind him, and the change in volume due to the end music along with the warmth of his hand causes you to stir.
Your eyelids flutter, and you whisper it before they even open. “Marcus.”
The tears bead at the corners of his eyes when he leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead, leaving his lips there when he answers, “Hi, my love.”
His lips trail over your face, pressing sweet kisses to your forehead, temple, cheeks, nose, chin, the corners of your mouth, and by the time he makes it to your lips, you’re awake enough to return it in full. When you pull away from each other, you catch it immediately. Maybe you see the glassiness through your sleep-bleary gaze, or maybe you hear it in his voice, or maybe you just know, because you furrow your brows a little and ask, “You okay, baby?”
You are the rest of my life. Marry me. “You watched Bob Ross without me?” he teases.
“Missed you. Reminds me of you. Comforts me.”
Marry me.
He hums, kisses your forehead again as he smooths his palm over your shoulder and responds, “Missed you, too, sweetheart. Ready for bed?”
You hum an affirmative response and let him help you sit up straight, then you both rise to your feet together, hands intertwined. He lets go only to wrap his arms around you, drawing you into his chest. Your own arms slide around his waist like they belong there because they do.
It’s not an abnormal show of affection from Marcus, but it is slightly rare for nights he wakes you from the couch. He’d normally have you down the hall by now, on his way to tuck you into bed and give you a few more kisses before he hustles through his routine to join you. It makes you ask once more, “You okay?”
He won’t ask right now. He wants to, it’s practically begging to come out of his mouth, but he wants to think of a special plan just for you and have a ring when he actually asks, so he won’t yet. He will give you something, though. “Gonna love you for the rest of my life. My love. My life. My everything.”
He doesn’t say it outright, but you know. In that way of yours, you just know. And you look up at him, a shimmer matching his reflecting in your eyes, the love of a thousand lifetimes filling his very being with light as you answer, “Gonna love you all my life, Marcus. All my life.”
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bobalegsanji · 6 months
Thank you for loving me - Chapter 1
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Hii! I thought I might as well post my angsty Zosan fic on Tumblr!
You can also find this fic (and additional chapters) on AO3!
Summary: Sanji is going through a hard time. Zoro notices.
TW: panic attacks, depression, anxiety.
Sanji’s head hurts.
He lay in his bed, listening to the quarreling of his friends in the other rooms.
The clock on his nightstand reads 07:03.
He knows his housemates’ routine by heart. Zoro is getting breakfast before going to the gym. Nami is getting ready for her Friday morning class. Usopp and Luffy most likely just jumped into bed, a night full of imaginary adventures and alcohol behind them.
He sighs. Everything hurts.
He used to be able to do so much. He used to cook dinner every night. He’d occasionally join Zoro in one of his morning workouts (even though he could never keep up with him, he would always make him feel included and push him just the right amount). He would join everyone on their weekly Friday club night, usually going to the bar a couple streets down until they stumbled home at 5am, belly full of alcohol and heart full of laughter.
Sanji hasn’t joined in 3 weeks. The first week it was easy to come up with an excuse, an important project he had to finish before Monday hindering him from coming.
The second week was harder. He couldn’t use university as an excuse, not so close after last week. An excuse about a classmate's birthday party not entirely believable. In the end, he spent the evening at the library, only returning home when he was sure everyone had left for the club. Nami and Robin begged him to come, almost convincing him, but he refused. He wasn’t even sure why he did it. He could join them. Why go through the trouble of jumping through hoops to not hang out with his best friends?
Sanji isn’t sure. All he knows is that even thinking about the bright lights, dancing, alcohol and social contact makes his stomach turn.
The third week he faked an illness. Apparently, it was quite believable. Chopper, the sweet medical student he is, almost refused to go out in order to take care of Sanji. In the end, he managed to make them go. He needed a couple of hours of silence.
Sanji throws his hands over his eyes. His nails claw in his arms and tears prick at his eyes. Thinking about having to go out tonight stresses him out. He has no motivation to do anything. He could use university again as an excuse why he can’t go, even though he got dropped from his classes for not showing up. Not that he cared. He hadn’t told the others, not wanting to worry any of them. He was fine, he just needed some time alone and this would give him exactly that.
A knock at the door scared him away from his thoughts.
He quickly wiped his eyes to hide the few water droplets, hoping his voice didn't show any sign of emotion. ‘’Come in.’’
Zoro opens the door with a protein shake in his hand.
‘’Curly, you cooking tonight?’’
Sanji looks up at him. He used to cook daily, but in the last few weeks or so he hadn’t had enough energy. Last week he only cooked dinner for 3 days.
‘’What do you want, Marimo?’’
It puts a slight smile on his face. He’s been laying in bed dreading his whole existence, and all Zoro can think about is a potential dinner.
‘’Sure. You want salmon or tuna?’’
Zoro takes a swig of his protein shake before answering. ‘’Extra salmon.’’
Sanji puts his head down on the bed again, ready to go back to his morning rumination.
‘’Fine. Close the door on your way out.’’
He hears a humming sound before he hears footsteps coming closer and the door closes.
Sanji looks up, confused. Zoro usually doesn’t stay in his room any longer than he needs to.
‘’You want something else from me? I’m already making your favourite dinner tonight, leave me alone.’’
Zoro takes the last swig of his shake as he puts the empty bottle on Sanji’s desk and sits down in his chair.
Zoro looks at anything in the room but Sanji, slightly spinning in his chair as he speaks; ‘’Is something up?’’
Sanji almost laughs. Zoro and he are close. They’ve lived together for almost 4 years. He loves Zoro with his whole heart. But they don’t talk about feelings, ever.
He ends up staring at him.
‘’I’m great, thanks for asking. Shouldn’t you go to the gym? Don’t want your biceps to wait.’’
Zoro ends up staring right back.
‘’You haven’t been cooking lately, you love cooking.’’
Sanji awkwardly averts his eyes.
‘’I’ve been busy with university coursework. You know how it is.’’
‘’About that… You haven’t been to any classes this week, right?’’
Sanji stares at the ceiling. Zoro’s eyes are burning holes in him, yet he can’t make himself look back.
‘’Who told you that?’’
‘’Just noticed. Don’t think the others’ noticed.’’
Sanji sighs and hides his face behind his hands. What a mess he has created.
‘’Fine, I got dropped for this semester.’’
Zoro makes an acknowledging sound. If he wonders about anything else, he doesn’t ask.
‘’Want to come to the gym?’’
‘’I’m very content spending my Friday morning in bed, thank you very much. Please don’t tell the others about the… The dropped thing.’’
Zoro nods, ‘’as long as you’re fine I won’t.’’
‘’I am.’’
The two fall silent. It’s awkward. Sanji mentally curses Zoro for his good intentions. He just wants to be left alone.
‘’So you’re making onigiri then?’’
Sanji nods, looking up at Zoro for the first time since the start of their conversation.
‘’You should make something heavier as well. Only eating onigiri is going to give someone alcohol poisoning tonight.’’
Fuck. Now that Zoro knows, he can’t use university as an excuse out of the club night.
‘’I’ll make something else as well. Any recommendations?’’
Zoro shakes his head, ‘’I’m going if you won’t join me to the gym. You should come soon, or the progress you made will fade. Text me if you want anything from the store.’’
The door closes before Sanji can finish nodding.
He is tired.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Maybe an angst blurb about Eddie and his gf have officially graduated and maybe moved out together. But Eddie’s still in his immature phase and still goes to the school and plays D&D all the time and his gf is really wanting him to grow up and get a job and start focusing on life not a fantasy game. Get into a big fight about his being immature and still playing games with kids when he’s turning 21 soon etc I love your writing so much by the way
Please reblog this if it comes on your feed; Tumblr isn't showing my blog in search or tags. Thank you!
Warnings: language, angst, not a happy ending, gn!reader
WC: 711
A/N: This is sad. I'm sorry. One of my pet peeves is fics where someone messes up really badly and it's unrealistically fixed at the end, so I didn't want to do that. Pls forgive me <3
7:30 pm. Dinner's been on the table for 45 minutes, stone cold at this point. You would heat up your portion in the microwave and eat without him, but you've lost your appetite.
After a long week of work and classes, Friday nights should be your time to decompress. So much of your "free" time was spent poring over your notes or writing essays, wishing you could just watch TV and snuggle up with Eddie. You'd also had to pick up extra shifts lately, as Corroded Coffin's gig weren't enough for Eddie to cover his portion of the rent. Long story short, you're utterly exhausted.
At 9:00, Eddie bursts through the apartment door. "Sorry, sorry," he mutters, purposefully avoiding your glare. "The campaign went on longer than I anticipated, and then Wheeler needed a ride home because Nancy had already left for her date, so--"
"Save it," you snap, eyes welling with tears. "I'm so fucking sick and tired of this, Eddie. I cooked dinner for us, and you're lucky money's so tight, or I would've just thrown it all away." You turn to your bedroom but stop before you get there. "And do you know why money is tight?"
Eddie's eyes graze the floor, unable to meet yours. "Because I don't have a job," he mumbles under his breath.
"Yes, Eddie. Because you don't have a job. And any time that you could spend finding one, you choose to plan campaigns for a club at a school you don't even go to anymore!" You wince as you feel yourself yelling. Shouting was how your mom maintained her control over the family, and you promised not to do the same. Well, look at you now.
"They're still my friends," he offers lamely. "I thought you liked them, too."
You scoff. "Don't try that manipulative shit with me. You know I love your friends. What I don't love," you add pointedly, "is you waltzing in here at whatever time you want, missing dinner, and throwing some pathetic excuse at me, week after week."
Eddie's silent, chewing on a lock of his hair, so you continue.
"You promised me," you say, choking back a sob, "that we would be a family. Give each other the love and patience we didn't have growing up. How are we supposed to be a family if you won't even put in minimal effort to support me?"
He reaches out to take your hand, but you pull away before he can grab it. "Don't," you hiss. "Just leave me alone. Go sleep at Wayne's."
You've never kicked him out before, but you can't even bear to feel his presence right now. Your heart sinks thinking of the love and energy you've invested into this relationship: the sleepless nights helping him study so he could finally graduate, cheering him on during gigs when you really needed to crash, staying in Hawkins so he could be near his uncle when all you'd ever wanted was to hightail it out of this town.
"C-can't I just sleep on the couch?" he asks softly. "We can talk about it in the morning."
You shake your head. "No, Eddie." There's finality in your tone. "All we ever do is talk about it, but nothing changes. Until you get your shit together and start acting like an adult, I'm done. We're done."
"We're done? Are you...breaking up with me?"
You bite your bottom lip, willing your body to stop shaking. "I need an adult relationship with an adult boyfriend. I've given you countless opportunities to be what I need, and I've realized..." You take a deep breath before continuing. "I've realized that I can't make you do this for me. But I also can't run myself ragged trying to save our relationship."
Eddie's crying now, tears streaming down his face. "I fucked up so bad," he says, though you're unsure if he's talking to you or himself. "I'm so sorry." But he goes into the room and pulls out a suitcase, haphazardly throwing in an assortment of clothes.
As he leaves, dragging his bag behind him, he turns back to you. "I love you."
You just nod, and he closes the door behind him. You love him, too. But sometimes, that isn't enough.
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miekasa · 3 years
M-mie could we get some athlete boyfriend eren hcs too if you don’t mind, please and thank you😩
He is: my boyfriend, and I love him dearly. Perfect amount of himbo and athlete without being a jock, everybody give it up for Eren for being my dream boy <3
Eren plays sports year round, with the exception of maybe one or two winter seasons, just because his school/work/home life was too busy for athletics at those times. Otherwise, he’s always go something to practice for: soccer in the fall, hockey in the winter, and his choice of baseball or basketball in the spring.
He’s not a varsity athlete; that is, he’s not “committed” to any one team, so he’s not tied to playing one sport every year, nor are his academics linked to his athletics, or vice versa. He’s just a pretty athletic guy, and he’s got a lot of energy, and he enjoys sports, so naturally he plays whenever he can.
As it turns out, it does help him with his academics. Knowing he’s got practice the majority of the week forces Eren into building a schedule that prioritizes both schoolwork and sports so he can enjoy them equally. It teaches him to be independent in a way that he wasn’t expecting, but he’s come to really love.
And because he loves it, he doesn’t mind working hard for it. Liking the way he’s set it up for himself encourages him to do his best in both areas. It’s really just good for him all around: a good outlet fo his energy, a good way to spend his time, a good way to keep his grades in check, and a good way to keep himself comfortably happy and busy.
His appetite is insatiable, so it’s only dramatized when playing sports. He takes the all you can eat in all you can eat sushi a little too seriously.
The thing is… he’s a shit cook, too, so it’s not like he’s meal prepping to make sure he’s satisfying his appetite. He just buys a shit ton of food whenever he’s hungry. He’s always asking you if you wanna grab food, and part of it is to ensure that you’re eating—not as much as him, but eating nonetheless—but part of it is that he just likes sharing meals with someone.
He also doesn’t like to eat alone, so even if you only have your ten California rolls to his forty six spicy tuna rolls, that’s fine; he just wants the company.
That’s also why even if you say you’re not hungry, he’ll drag you out to eat with him anyway. And you’ll probably get fed some of his food even if you don’t order anything and insist that you’re not hungry because, “It’s really good, baby, just try it—just one bite, it’s okay I’ve got plenty left!”
He usually keeps a few granola bars and chips and other snacks of his liking on him. But because of Eren’s nature, he keeps them on you, too: in your car, in your backpack, in your apartment/dorm. You’ll meet him after class and he’ll kinda just start walking behind you, and you realize he’s opening your backpack, and you don’t even have time to question him before he’s pulling a bar out of the smallest pocket with a smile and munching on it.
Sometimes you come home and see his little protein shakes in your fridge. You definitely didn’t put them there, but you don’t move them, either. When you stock up on more when they’re running low, Eren contemplates marrying you.
If it’s been a hard week of practice or school, he tends to get sleepy when studying (usually when studying for his least favorite class, no coincidence there). He’ll close his laptop, put his hood up, and scooch his chair closer to yours before leaning his head on your shoulder.
He gets increasingly clingier the longer he naps; hand wrapping around your waist, nose poking at your neck. He’s not so subtly trying to hint that he wants you to quit studying and take him home to cuddle instead. If you don’t get the message, expect him to shut your laptop for you.
When you protest, Eren just looks at you with pouty lips and tired eyes, “Chemistry sucks anyway. Wanna nap, and also wanted you to do that thing with your hands when you massage my back for me.” (He then promptly falls asleep mid-massage on your bed).
He’s actually got a waiver to see a physical massage therapist because of how frequently he’s exercising. On occasion, he goes, but he claims he likes your massages much better. Also because he’s hesitant about a stranger touching him and once he moaned when the guy was working on his back and Eren swears it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
He doesn’t get upset if you can’t make it to every game, but he does like it when you show up. Gets all cheesy and cocky with his arm around your shoulder, going on about how, “You’re my good luck charm, baby. I play better when you’re watching, you know?”
He has so much team clothing, from sweats to hoodies to t-shirts to socks. All he asks is that you wear something on game days, even if you can’t be there to support him while he’s playing. And that you keep one or two things for yourself anyway. He’ll put them in your closet for your if you don’t take them yourself <2
Because seeing you in his hoodie is always great, but his team hoodies are extra special, because they’ve got his name and his number on them. Whenever you’re wearing one, he trails just a half step behind you so he can see JAEGER printed on your back while you walk. Something about you wearing his last name around is… enticing, to say the least.
Even if it’s not the clothes branded with his name, Eren’s got a thing for you in sweats and/or workout clothes, so he’ll toss them at you whenever you sleep over. He’s always handsy, even if you’re just wearing an Under Armour shirt with the school’s logo on it; the material of it, and knowing that it’s his just makes him want to keep his hands on you.
Truthfully, he doesn’t workout all that much outside of practice. Occasionally, he’ll go to the gym with some of his teammates if they need a buddy, or go himself to stretch or take one of the free classes, but he doesn’t have a strict schedule for it. If you go to the gym, he’ll follow you if you ask, tho.
Turns out something that he does like is yoga. He’s not particularly flexible lmfao, but the stretching helps with muscle pain and tension, and he kinda finds the whole atmosphere of it relaxing. He’s still not so great at the meditation part of it, but he’s getting there.
(Actually, it’s pretty cute because on Tuesday and Thursdays, the yoga classes at the gym on campus are open-level and beginner friendly. That’s when the majority of the athletes show up, and you see people like Eren, Jean and Connie holding tree pose in the back room).
This, of course, makes him think that couples yoga is a great idea. Let’s just say, you’re lucky that Eren is strong enough to catch you and has sharp reflexes, because he’s certainly not the most balanced partner for this activity.
Game days are fun for him, and usually even if his team loses, he’s still so pumped up on adrenaline that he’s pretty happy. He only gets moody if he thinks the other team is playing dirty, or the refs are unfair, or he’s just been in a bad mood because of something that happened in his personal life; sports are an outlet for him, not his drive in life, so losing a game doesn’t take a huge toll on him.
Usually, even if he is upset about something personal, he’s able to funnel it into his game play. Small things used to make his whole sportsmanship sour, but overtime, he’s really gotten better at using his energy to fuel the right things. However, one thing that makes him foul (emotionally and literally; as in he might foul out of a game), is if he’s been fighting with you.
Sometimes it works in his favor—using the game as outlet, like usual—but it goes south pretty quickly. Because instead of using his aggression in a productive way, he gets distracted and easily pissed off, and it’s no good for anybody, especially himself. Because if he fouls out, or the coach takes him out for doing too much, then he can’t play; and if he can’t play then all that pent up frustration has no where to go; and then he’s forced to just sit with himself and his thoughts, but usually he starts deflecting and telling everyone else to piss off. Truly a no good, very bad box he’s put himself in.
You guys don’t fight that often, and it’s rare that it drags out for an extended amount of time when you do; but as with any relationship, it can happen. And when it does happen, if Armin doesn’t get to you first, expect one of Eren’s teammates to come groveling at your feet.
Or, rather, two. Because when you and Eren were fighting for over two weeks about god knows what at this point, it was Connie and Jean who ambushed you in the library. Jean had some pride to keep, but Connie was practically begging you to make up with Eren: “Look, I know he’s probably the one who said or did something to piss you off, and I’m not saying you gotta forgive him, but please just talk to him. I can’t run anymore extra laps because of him, and it’s gonna be so embarrassing if we lose to a C-list team on Friday because Eren’s funking up everyone’s attitude. PLEASE!”
Jean is more interested in the tea between you guys, but he also wants Eren to go back to being his normal hotheaded self, and not his current moody self. “He’s been playing like a bitch baby all week, and I’m gonna knock his skull in if he doesn’t fucking get his act together,” Jean rolls his eyes, “So just show up on Friday, alright? Do it for me and Connie, at least.”
When Eren does see you in the crowd at the game, it’s not a Troy and Gabriella moment, but when he sees you he feels so much relief that he’s physically calmer and way more mentally relaxed—because at this point Eren wasn’t even mad, he was just scared you might break up with him, and that fear brought out the worst in him. Seeing you in the stands, even if you didn’t wanna speak to him, was reassurance that you still gave a damn about him, and that was motivation enough.
He rushes to you after the game, wanting to make sure you don’t get swept away or leave with your friends. He’s smiling and so happy to finally see you that he almost forgets that you’re mad with him; hugging you and grinning ear to ear. When the reality kicks in, he kinda steps back at bit and rubs at his neck, embarrassed, but at least he knows he still has a chance to make things right with you.
(When you do make up, you’re surprised to find flowers and $10 coupon for your favorite pizza place in your mailbox a few days later. They’re from Connie, and his poorly handwritten note thanks you for “saving the team” and “curbing Eren’s temper).
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forever-rogue · 2 years
K so dulzura wrangles up the Pena heard and they go surprise Javi at his office. Lucia has flowers, Diego an arm full of new drawings and the twins in the double stroller, and then little dulzura waddling and making sure they stay out of all the student's way ☺️
No, but this is so cute! I love it 🥰
Javi’s had a few really busy and stressful weeks and it seems like he can’t catch up and he’s never home until late so he misses the kids since you put them to bed earlier in the evening. But today, you’ve got the day off, it’s Friday, and the kids are all on their best behavior. Not that they’re terrible or badly behaved, but let’s be honest - four young kids are chaos wherever they go. But you want to do something nice for Javi and hopefully brighten his day. 
So off you go get some fresh flowers - the tulips and lilies he likes, and some of the daisies you love, pack them up with the new drawings Diego and Lucia have excitedly made for their father and get everyone in the car. It’s not an easy feat when you’re pregnant and exhausted and already waddling around (was this baby going to be bigger than all the rest?) and your children had energy like they’d consumed multiple cups of coffee. But Lucia, the sweetest and oldest, loves to help out with her younger brothers and sisters, which you appreciate more than you can explain. 
Once you got to the school, you strapped the twins in the stroller, gave Lucia the flowers to carry and Diego was toting around his drawings. It was a slow trek to his office as you tried to keep the small brood from getting too chaotic. As you were walking down the hall, you noticed his office door open and you could hear him talking to someone. And then a class seemed to be getting out at that exact time, so you tried to steer clear of them. 
“Diego - no, you can’t go with them,” you reached for his little hand and tried to keep him from getting lost in the crowd, “Lucia, you have to watch where you’re walking!”
Almost as though Javier had sensed something was up, he poked his head out of the office, his heart almost bursting with joy when he saw his little (maybe not so little) family. He quickly excused himself before crouching down and holding out his arms for Diego and Luna. They bound right up to him, almost knocking him over in the process, already excitedly telling him about everything they brought. If you had the energy or ability, you’d have told them to slow, but you were more than happy to let him be in charge.
“Hi Javi,” you grinned as you made your way over to him, “surprise!”
“What’s the occasion, Dulzura?” He pulled you in for a hug before kissing you, having to remind himself that the two of you were in public and surrounded by your kids, “you look beautiful.”
“No need to flatter me, Professor,” you grinned back at him, “I’m already yours. And those are these monsters. They’ve missed you and to be honest, Bump and I missed you too so here we are! We just wanted to brighten your day a little bit.”
“These are for you, daddy!” Lucia held up the bouquet of flowers before giving him a big gap toothed grin, “mamá let us help pick them!”
“And these,” Diego held up the colorful drawings he had, “do you like them, daddy?”
“I love them,” he ruffled their dark curls tenderly, “I’ll put these on my desk and hang these on the wall.”
“Sometimes we have nice kids,” you whispered before shooting him a wink, “I couldn’t think of what else to get you so I brought you twins and Bump.”
“You are something else,” he bent down and greeted Santi and Thea, who - by some miracle - were already half asleep. He took extra care to kiss them gently, trying not to wake them, “thank you for this. This…makes everything worth it. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you kissed his cheek before carding a hand through the mess of curls that he’d grow out ever so slightly, “I hope we didn’t interrupt anything important.”
“Of course not,” he scoffed, “you’re the most important thing. I have an even better idea.”
“Do tell.”
“Why don’t I take the rest of the afternoon off and we can get an early start on the weekend,” he suggested, “I don’t have any more classes today and everything else can wait.”
“I think that is a wonderful idea,” you agreed, “I’ll even let you take the kids while I take a nap. I’m exhausted.”
“You can have whatever you want,” he promised, and you knew he meant it, “besides you’re growing another human, I think some rest is well deserved.”
“The fifth one!” you snorted with laughter, “but on second thought…it can wait. I’d rather spend the time with you. Let’s just call it an early night later.”
“You’re perfect, you know that?”
“And you’re delusional, señor Peña,” you laughed, and oh god did that laugh still make him weak in the knees, “come on, cielito. Let’s get out of here. I think some ice cream is in order because these kids, who I will claim as mine because they have been very good today, deserve a treat.”
“As if you could ever disown them!”
“Hey, they look like you,” you pointed at Diego, who especially looked like him. When you’d seen photos of a young Javier, you were almost stunned with how similar they were, “I could easily say they were adopted, thank you very much.” 
“And Bump?”
“Fine, you got me there,” you grinned at him, “come on, Javi. You deserve a break, let’s go.”
“Have I told you I love you?”
“Only a few times, but you can tell me whenever.”
“Well then, I love you very much,” he promised, “all of you.”
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aetheternity · 3 years
How they simp ft the Aot boys
This is both Aot universe and Modern universe. I’ll separate them accordingly. 
(The charismatic simp): Jean  
•Aot verse:
☆ He's gonna become your friend as soon as he realizes he has a crush on you and he'll do everything in his power to stay by your side when that happens.
☆ He'll slide into the first available seat next to you in the mess hall and bring extra bread so that he can slide it onto your plate if you're extra hungry.
☆ If you spend a lot of time in the library he'll find a book similar to whatever he'd seen you reading before. (Of course he has to ask Armin what kind of books would be similar to your current choice.)
☆ And once he knows your favorite genre he'll head to the library late at night and grab a couple from that genre. Bookmarking his favorite pages so he can talk to you about it and you'll think he's super smart. (He's definitely fallen asleep with many books on his lap, chest and head since he started crushing on you.)
☆ If you have a hobby that's more interactive like sewing or flower picking he'll offer to carry your little basket or wear the thing you're currently stitching up so you can work better.
☆ And yes he did get caught wearing flowers in his hair by Eren. But it was because you'd smiled so fondly at him while sticking daisies in his brown hair. Giggling so cutely when they fell out. And he was gonna take that memory to his fucking grave regardless of what titan idiot had to say about it.
☆ And yes he did get caught wearing a skirt that you were fixing for Historia. By both Connie and Levi.
☆ Levi who went pale in the face and looked as though he was secretly praying for his own demise to come soon as he slowly closed the door and walked away.
☆ And Connie who laughed so hard he choked on his own spit and had to be helped to the infirmary because he was now coughing every time he breathed. So Karma ig 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
☆ He just has to touch you..
☆ Oh God he wants to. He's gonna find a way. Whether it's a little shoulder nudge when you're complimented during meetings by higher ups. Or pats on your back.
☆ If you confide in him about your lack of confidence before a mission he's gonna sit with you and talk you through your feelings.
☆ He does this thing where he leans into you when talking. Rests his hand on your lower back as his breath touches your ear. Whispers sweet compliments into your ear because you need that shit.
☆ And it's good enough to make your toes curl.
☆ Guides you by the wrist through thick crowds so you don't get overwhelmed or lost and sometimes you expect it so you reach out for him and the two of you end up holding hands instead.
☆ He's become your little nurse. Like of course he's worried when you get hurt but there's also the opportunity to fix you up. So silver linings 🙄.
☆ If you're allergic to anything he doesn't have it in his first aid kit. Sometimes you'll get like the smallest little bruise on your knee of some shit. And it's not even from training, you just happened to trip while cleaning the stables and now: thumb sized bruise. But he's like "I don't care, sit so I can clean it."
☆ "It could get infected!" He'll try to convince you but like no, no it couldn't come on now it wasn't even really bloody..
☆ If you just so happen to have extra chores he'll go out and bring you some water then offer to help. Or he'll just ask Levi if he can go help you.
☆ "Those boxes could be heavy." He'll tell the Captain. "We don't need anyone getting unnecessarily injured before the next mission." And of course Levi knows what he's doing and sends him to go help because he honestly doesn't wanna listen to this anymore.
☆ If you have back problems or even if you don't he wants to carry your bag. No you don't get a say in it. But you can go ahead and argue with him if you want to.
• "I just think it looks too heavy."
• "Jean, I'm ok I promise."
• "Ok how about this? Let me hold it for a couple minutes then I'll give it right back."
☆ Yeeeaah. You're not getting your shit back. He's gonna walk you all the way to your designated location and then put the bag down where you need to be for that time period. Even if it completely inconveniences him.
☆ And he won't tell you that he had a meeting that he's now over 12 minutes late to. You don't need to know it'd just worry you for no reason.
☆ He has adapted some sort of like sixth sense when it comes to you. Like sometimes he'll wake up in the middle of the night to pee and just so happens to walk past your bedroom door as you're reading a book on the floor or crying or something.
☆ And now he's sitting with you even though his organs are currently failing.
☆ He'll bring you a glass of water or tea or whatever you want. You want food? He'll find it. Want a book? He'll go get it.
☆ Sometimes he sits in bed with you and just lets you cuddle up to him or reads you a book as you lay on his chest listening to the unsteady beats of his heart. Unsteady cause ya know it's you laying on him. And yeah his face is becoming redder by the second but he can't stop staring at your sleeping face. Even if you snore louder than a titan stomping he doesn't give a single fuck.
☆ At some point everyone thinks you two are dating and they talk to you both as if this is the case but you're not! At least not until Jean finally explains that yes, he does have, "Feelings for you." Tells you exactly how long in fact because to him it's crucial.
☆ When he kisses you it's the type of kiss that makes you suck in air. He takes you by the shoulders, slowly looking for even the smallest bit of hesitation in your face and presses his lips to yours. When you pull away you're lightheaded, pupils blown as you look at him with stars in your eyes.
☆ "Oh.. wow." Is all you mutter.
☆ Good luck, you just fed his giant ego.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Jean is more shy and reserved. He'll definitely try to become your friend but he probably has a lot less opportunities to get you alone.
☆ If you both work at the same place you're probably both confined to your own spaces and if you both go to the same school you might have separate classes.
☆ So here's what he's doing: finding anyway, shape or form to invite you out.
☆ He got an extra ticket to a concert. He'll just not tell Connie and invite you to come with him. Because you know.. you deserve a break after work right? There's a new restaurant opening near him? Cool he's already on the phone telling you their entire menu. (He might have memorized it before calling but he won't tell you he's reading off the menu.)
☆ Sometimes he might go to your desk and leave you something sweet or cute. Like candy or little desk ornaments but he's always too shy to write a note that has his name at the bottom so he settles for staying anonymous. His heart immediately grows three sizes when he sees you playing with the desk ornament he left or eating the candy while typing away at the computer.
☆ He'll look out your favorite band so he can find out when they'll come to the city where you guys live and buy the tickets. Maybe he stays up all night, what does it matter sleep is for the weak.
☆ Or he'll find out your favorite restaurant and go there when he knows you might be going so he can just happen to run into you. No obviously it's not creepy. 😑
☆ If he can't seem to connect with you plan b is to pimp out Sasha. He just has to connect with you! So he'll get Sasha to find out any useful information on you and report back or he'll ask Sasha to become close with your best friends.
☆ If not Sasha then Connie 🤷‍♀️
☆ Once he gets useful information that's when he steps in. Oh you have a presentation for school to work on? He's at your door at 10pm with snacks (that he knows you love thanks to Sasha), energy drinks, and information on the topic you're working on.
☆ I'm talking he brought papers full of information in case you need to beef up your slides. He also brought his own laptop so he can search up any information that seems incorrect. He'll listen to you as you talk about your project and give you feedback on your performance.
☆ This might take all night but he can't help his desire to help you. And of course he's not gonna tell you if he has his own homework to work on.
• "You think it's good? Really?" You'll ask as you close your laptop for the night.
• "You're gonna get an A. Especially since I helped so now it's guaranteed."
• He loves the way you snort and roll your eyes at him when he says this.
• "Thanks Jean, you're a life saver."
☆ If you hug him you might also need to help him up off the floor or bandage him up cause he's gonna hurt himself from the shock and excitement.
☆ If you have a work presentation or just in general need help with something you're doing for your boss. He'll dedicate as much time as he has open to helping you with that too.
☆ Need coffee before your presentation? He's running to the nearest shop. Don't really understand the project your boss gave you? He'll work you through it the whole night.
☆ If you happen to tell him on a Friday that something in your house needs fixing all of a sudden he's 'Fix it Jean' now he's telling you he can fix it tomorrow and the second he hangs up he's looking up how to fix a clogged valve or some shit.
☆ And Sasha and Connie are like, "Sir, what made you think you were a handy man??"
☆ He manages though. Brings like three books to your house and looks through all of them simultaneously. Thinks he messed everything up and is about two seconds away from crying on your floor like a toddler with a spilled juice box but he pulls through surprisingly. Has your shit fixed and gets a little kiss on the cheek.
☆ Which leads into him guiltily explaining the truth and telling you everything. From the trinkets to the tickets to now with this thing he nearly ruined in your apartment. But he's so relieved to see you're grateful for everything instead of annoyed like he'd been believing in his head.
☆ Now he gets a real kiss. And Modern day Jean is built different. He's so nervous to touch you like you're made of glass. But when he does he's got his hands on your sides, keeping you in place like you'll run. Your fingers delicately threading through his hair. Giving you the kind of kiss you don't wanna pull away from. You become so quickly attached to the taste of his lips and the subtle beats of hesitation still lingering on him.
☆ You wanna pull his tongue into your mouth. Keep him so close but he pushes you back. "I wanna take you on a date." He mutters with glassy eyes and bright cheeks.
☆ And obviously you say, "Yes."
(The informed simp): Armin
•Aot verse:
☆ As everyone has said a thousand times before. Armin is an informed simp. And within the first week of knowing he has a crush on you he has information on, your family life before you joined the Corp, your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your hobbies etc etc.
☆ And every bit of that information is stored in his file cabinet like brain.
☆ When he found out your favorite color he wore it as often as possible in out of uniform situations. Even if it was just accenting the rest of his clothes he found a way to wear it somewhere.
☆ He skimmed through books that had information on attraction and started subtly complimenting you to make you notice him.
• "Hi, [Name] that jacket really brings out your eyes."
• "It's the same jacket everyone's wearing Armin.."
• "Oh.. yeah.."
☆ Sneaks references to things you like into conversation as often as possible. Because you know, right after a meeting is the best time to talk about how your favorite song is tied to the fact that your mom used to sing it to you to help you sleep?? 😃
☆ More power to him.. he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
☆ He slipped flowers into your favorite books but it didn't really seem to matter because he was never there when you actually encountered the flowers. (But he did often see you talking about the plants with your friends and twirling them between your fingers) good enough.
☆ He found out ways to better help your digestion. You know because what's love if not healthy bowel movements.. cause like every other attempt made him look stupid so he looked through some books on foods to help keep your colon healthy. And he explained it over dinner..
☆ Safe to say the only one who thought this topic was at all interesting was Levi.
☆ He's absolutely bombing and he hates it. At this point you only give him shy little smiles and then just walk away. He knows you probably don't hate him but he hates that nothing is working for him.
☆ At some point Eren's talking to him solo and he explains that he knows about his crush on you. Following it up promptly with, "Why don't you just tell [Name] that everything you were doing wasn't to be weird, at this point coming clean is probably the only way you could still have a chance."
☆ And he hates it that Eren's right. But he marches right up to you when you have chores out in the stables because if he didn't he'd never say all the things rushing around in his brain.
• "Hi Armin." You greet with that smile.. that smile that makes his stomach tense and his heart want to burst.
• He breathes in before replying, "[Name], I.. like you.." You pause where you're getting water for the horses to see his sun kissed red cheeks. "Everything I've done is because I really like you.." He continues, letting out a shaky breath.
☆ A period of far too long goes by with neither of you saying a word and his blue eyes flicker up to you in concern. When you clap your hands together he nearly parts from his skin.
• "Oh! That explains the weird compliments and the stuff about my mom!" You sigh, slapping your head with a smile. "Oh thank God. Armin I like you too."
☆ More silence because 1. He didn't think you'd like him back and 2. Holy shit you like him back!! He's simultaneously having a party in his brain and melting into the floor.
☆ When he finally kisses you it's unsure. Makes you lean into him. Sweet but subtle like gentle breezes on a hot day. His mouth is closed and his arms cautiously wrap around your waist looking for any sign that you want to get out. But you don't. You just wanna keep pecking his cute little lips because he's so cute and everything he's done is so cute.
• "Finally." You guys turn to see Mikasa and Eren.
• "It's about time." Mikasa greets with a little smirk.
☆ And Armin is practically fainting trying desperately to explain that it wasn't what it looked like but his face continues to tell your little audience that yes. Yes it is what it looks like.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Armin is equipped with an advantage.
☆ Fucking social media.
☆ He went to your page and found out your birthday, your family's last name, how many friends you have in real life. Shit if he dug around long enough he could've probably found your heritage portfolio and your social security. (Social media's a little dangerous sometimes..)
☆ So when he becomes your friend and gets your cell number (Another thing he could've probably dug up online.) He sends you things you might love at any and all times of the day. He spends every free second he has, from lunch time to the last hour he has before he really has to go to sleep researching shit you might like so he can send it to you.
☆ And modern day Armin is so sexy in how he manages to get you into a ton of situations featuring him, your cute little blond simp. Modern day Armin needs to write romance anime 😭
☆ He heard you like aquariums not only did he send you a website to get those tickets way cheaper but he also invited himself (telling you that he was already going). And planned to take you around the city to get your favorite food and any other activities where he could drop his extensive knowledge on marine life. Oh you love astronomy? No problem he was just about to go to the planetarium this weekend, you should definitely go along so he can take you to the planet's light show and stare at you instead of the stars.
☆ Oh your favorite movie is coming out? He had no idea.. he just happened to have an extra ticket to see it the day it comes out. Not only is it now free of charge to you for that but he's also already brought a bunch of your favorite snacks to line his backpack with. Even if your favorite snacks are from a different country he got them express shipped so they'd be there sooner.
☆ He also has weather apps on his phone and laptop so that he'll know if the weather changes even the smallest fraction so that he can take you anywhere else if needed.
☆ Yes he definitely has spent a shit ton of money on you but every time he takes you somewhere your face lights up so beautifully that he'd repeatedly slam his credit card on the table to buy you a plane ticket if you even hinted at wanting it.
☆ In this beautiful opposite world you definitely confessed to him. (You better for his pain and suffering.)
☆ He could've jumped for joy knowing his plans worked perfectly but he simply takes a deep breath, eyes full of contentment as he mumbles, "I feel the same way."
☆ When he kisses you it's with his thumbs lightly rubbing the small of your back. Chewing gum spit out only fifteen minutes ago so his breath was still perfectly fresh. Adding just enough tongue to make you arch and gasp into his mouth. And yeah, he read up on how to do that too. And now that you're his, he's gonna need two jobs cause he came to spoil. No you don't get a say in it.
(The interested simp): Eren
•Aot verse:
☆ Yeah I know this one's weird but let me explain. Eren's simping capabilities are so simple they can be so easily described as, interested.
☆ He legit figured out he had a crush on you and then about 15 minutes later he'd found out everything you'd wanna be if you lived to see the end of the war.
☆ It's so obvious he's simping hard, I mean man's was enamored by you talking about your parents workshop back home. 🙄 You know what I don't even think he was actually interested he was probably playing it up but lowkey disassociated
☆ He definitely gets made fun of for it on the daily too but unlike Jean he kinda shrugs it off.
☆ He's not gonna scavenge the earth for information on you. He's gonna let you tell him and he wants you to tell him. Tell him literally everything about yourself and you will cause he'll know if you don't.
☆ Sometimes he plays little games with you to try to figure out some kind of information about you on like a long ride back from a mission or something. It helps him ease the tension in his brain and gives him something new about you. Win-win
☆ He beat the fucking system by just getting you to talk about you and dropping things you both have in common into conversation. He really did better than Armin!
☆ If you have trouble during training he'll talk you through what you're doing wrong and help you work through your issues. If that leads to some touching well then that's just how things will go 🤷‍♀️
☆ The second he has your favorite color in his mind he's buying you a piece of jewelry with the same stone color. Yes this is him marking you as his and no you probably won't realize but the second you put it on in his eyes you belong to him. And now you can never take it off. 😃
☆ He has a little notebook (not for writing journal entries or anything.) It's just sometimes he forgets certain things you tell him and you pretend to pout when he asks for the information again so he writes it down in the notebook so he can read it and remember it again.
☆ There have definitely been instances on more than one occasion where the two of you would stay up all night talking. Sneak into the other person's room. Sitting on the floor together or side by side on the bed. Those are definitely the best nights because you get to show off your Eren trivia and prove you've retained just as much information on him as he has about you.
☆ Another scenario has presented itself in which you're the one who ends up confessing. Eren would come close cheeks flush with pink and whisper, the ghost of his lips on yours, "I think it's kinda obvious how I feel." When he kisses you it's with both hands cupping your cheeks. So hot against your face. Thumbs curving delicately over your skin. He's leaning into your lips over and over again. Recapturing them every time he pulls back but he also loves making you work for it a little, smirking when you have to strech to capture his lips again. Taking every bit of oxygen from your body. You kinda hold onto him with slightly shaky arms when he's finished. But honestly he's only finished for now cause he'll never get enough of your lips now that he's had a taste.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Eren talked to you before he realized he was attracted to you and you haven't gotten rid of him since the day he realized he wanted you.
☆ He sees you walking to your next class or to the copy machine and he trots his way over to match your pace.
☆ When he's not with you, he's texting you nonsensical stuff he thinks you'll find funny. And when he is with you he's listening to every word you say with the dopiest grin adorning his features.
☆ Sometimes when you're talking he'll unsubtly lick his lips to see if he can make your eyes follow his tongue or he'll lean in closer, kinda crowding you a little if you're both standing. Speaking of crowding he pulls you into him by your hips if you just happen to be standing in the way and someone needs to get past you two.
☆ You'll never understand how much harder he falls for you when you look up at him through your pretty lashes. Hands slightly on his chest.
☆ He loves annoying you. Doing little shit like poking you with the eraser on his pencil or snatching your books from you when you're writing while he's talking. Cause he just thinks you should be staring into his eyes while he talks in the same way he does with you.
☆When he brings you dinner he always brings himself something to eat as well and he'll plop down next to you and ask you for details about your day. Smiling fondly at you when you complain about minor inconveniences.
☆ He loves your fingers so much. If he's not staring into your eyes he's looking at the way your thumb drags over your dripping boba/coffee. The way your fingers click perfectly over every key on your laptop. Every now and then he'll reach out for your hands massaging the knuckles because he just wants to touch them so bad. Bonus points if you smile at him while he does it.
☆ Not gonna lie it could definitely go either way with a confession. But it's probably more likely going to be on you unless he just so happens to accidentally confess while sleepy or drunk.
☆ When he kisses you, he cups your chin pulling you close, angling his tongue so it slides right up against your teeth. He softly hums into your mouth and you can tell he's at least a little nervous but his touch is so perfect. His thumb sliding over the edge of your lips as he sucks your tongue into his mouth. You're more than a little ashamed at the whine you let out when he pulls away. But the way he's blushing makes you feel at least a little bit better.
(The Childish simp): Connie
•Aot verse:
☆ Let's be honest, he doesn't know what he's doing. You know, cause you're his first crush.
☆ He's going to work extra hard to drop even the most random jokes and then look directly at you hoping you laugh. Just laugh cause if you don't he might repeat the joke again and that'd be uncomfortable for everyone.
☆ And when you crack a joke he's out here guffawing like it's the best thing he's ever heard. Like he'll legit pause all conversation with his loud ass laughing and everyone in the room is just like: 😒
☆ If he gives you gifts they're normally things he thinks are cool or awesome but every now and then he'll pick a flower and just randomly stuff it in your hair and when you look at him confused smile adorning your face he'll say, "It fits your face." And then awkwardly gesture at you. All you can really say is thank you.
☆ He practically crashes into the seat next to you at meetings. Jean dead ass started pretending to race him for the seat next to you and one time he tipped the chair over and fell on top of it, Levi made him reenter the room properly after he'd managed to stand up.
☆ He sometimes does that I'm not touching you thing to get your attention or taps your shoulder then looks away as you turn to look at him. He'll poke your shoulder a couple times until he's successful in keeping your eyes on him then he'll hover his finger over your head or shoulder until you roll your eyes.
• "Connie.."
• "I'm not even touching you!" He'll laugh
☆ He does nice things for you but they never really work out well for him. One time he got you a glass of water because he thought you looked thirsty and he placed it in front of you when you weren't looking. You turned from where you were talking with Historia and your elbow tipped over the cup spilling its contents all over your lap and meeting notes. He felt so so bad.
☆ One time you tripped during training and got a huge scratch on your leg and Levi stepped in to care for you. He asked Connie to go get the alcohol and in his excitement he ran back and tripped spilling the entire bottle all over the floor. Eren had to go run to the closest store and get more.
☆ At some point in time he walks into your room and sloppily pours his feelings out to you as you sit on your bed staring at him in confusion. His face is like beet red and he's breathing like he just ran a marathon. But you laugh and tell him you think he's adorable. You think he's gonna hug you when he pulls you in under your arms but he just holds your back super tight with both hands and swings you around till you can't stop giggling. His kiss is sweet a little sloppy cause it's his first but he's eager and cute as he pulls you into his chest. Probably bites your lip in a playful way and you can't help but lean into him.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Connie is probably annoying the fuck out of you. He sends you memes all day! Put your phone on silent all you want you'll just come back to 40+ messages. And he likes to call you when he's not busy which means you're forever regretting giving him your number.
☆ He'll deadass go to the bathroom and face time you in the stall talkin bout some, "What're you doing right now?" And you're like, "Mfer what are you doing right now!"
☆ He takes any given opportunity to flirt with you and he's so goofy you won't realize he genuinely means everything he says,
• "I really hate your last name." He randomly says
• "What'd my last name do to you?"
• He shrugs, "I think you should change it."
• "To what?" You scoff
• "Springer 😘"
☆ And he calls you for the stupidest shit when he's at home:
• "Connie, what's wrong? You called me like four times in a row."
• "Which animals do you think would be the bitchest if they spoke human?"
• "Bye Connie 😑"
• "No wait!"
• "What?"
• "Send nudes."
☆ Loves to lay on you when you're sitting. Like he'll deadass drop his whole weight onto your back while you're sitting in your desk chair trying to work. He's just looking for a way to touch you and doesn't know how to express that.
☆ Yes he does have you in his phone as something crass and no he's not willing to change it. Most likely some shit like fat ass with a heart or Mommy/Daddy as a personal joke.
☆ And yeah you find him super annoying until this one night when he's texting you pics of his old family dog back home and he tells you everything about the dog's life from when he was a puppy to the day he passed and he shows you pics of him kissing the little pups head and holding him and things like that. The last video he sent was him crying while holding a framed photo after the dog's passing during Christmas time. And it's the first time you've ever been provoked to hug Connie instead of choke him.
☆ When the time finally comes for Connie to tell you his feelings you're in a good place to accept them and tell him you like him back. And that's when he pulls you in around the neck and gives you a surprisingly natural kiss. His mouth is parted slightly, hands gripping the back of your shirt a little as he keeps you close. He allows you to take the lead. Forehead warm where it's pressed against his. You both can't help but stay like that for awhile.
(The lowkey simp): Levi
•Aot verse:
☆ Rule number 1 you cannot know he is simping. He'll take it to his grave but if you're not oblivious you'll probably catch on.
☆ When he disassociates during a meeting his eyes get darker in the middle and he just rests his chin on his palm and stares at you. Doesn't matter that the meeting has been going on for more than an hour and he has yet to blink. He doesn't even know he's doing it. When he comes back down to earth he just blinks normally and looks away. And if no one tells him he'll honestly continue to do it. Sometimes in different positions, he's laying back in his chair head forward but his eyes are on you a couple seats down on the other side of the table.
☆ He picks up items whenever he goes into town. And I mean every. single. time. For you and he makes sure it's something you'll love and while you're out training he'll stuff it in a box and place it on your bed.
☆ He writes you anonymous notes with little inspirational words on them in places only you'll find them. But it's inspirational in Levi terms so it's shit like, "Stay alive for tomorrow." And "Don't look down because the sun is up."
☆ When he needs a break from work he just closes his eyes and thinks about you. Sometimes he does it just because he secretly loves that warm floating sensation he gets.
☆ Like Eren he'll trot up beside you whenever he can. But he won't say a word unless you say something first.
• "Hi Captain." You greet when he pops into your peripheral vision.
• Genuinely can not help how soft his eyes are when he looks at you, "Hello." He replies
☆ He'll find some reason to complain about the way his entire squad cleans their rooms so that he can also have an excuse to say he'll reclean them so that he has an excuse to make a bee line for your room first and be trapped in your scent. Taking your sheets off the bed and holding them to his chest, sweeping, getting that extra elbow grease on the windows so they're more spotless than even his standards.
☆ And of course because he doesn't want you to know he's simping hard for you he has to deal with you paying him the same amount of attention as the other higher ups which he hates with a burning passion. Like why don't you like him more? He does way more for you on a level that you can see. You should be more affectionate towards him. You talk to him everyday.
☆ I don't think I need to tell you Levi's shy so you'll be confessing. And you start by telling him you know the notes are from him because while Levi's intelligent he's also stupid. Like who the fuck else has access to your uniform clothes and would care enough to go in your drawers just to leave a piece of paper with the words, "Life is never so shitty that you can't at least better yourself."
☆ He kinda just lowers his head as pink soaks his entire face. And you lift his chin up to press a slow chaste kiss on his lips. He doesn't touch you. He can't bring himself to but he manages to kiss back. His irises so bright when you pull away. "Thank you Captain." You tell him before you leave. He's definitely genuinely worried his heart is getting ready to explode as he stares at the closed door.
•Modern verse
☆ Modern day Levi is a fucking mess. He doesn't know shit about having a crush and he knows it's you really early into meeting you but he's like, why them. He managed to spend his entire existence avoiding romance and yet here you are. He doesn't even know what he wants from you so sometimes he comes off a little more aggressive when he's talking to you.
☆ He stares directly into your soul when you're sitting across from him for any reason. You had to have had a crush on him first because he genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself.
☆ If you invite him somewhere he scoffs immediately following it up with a, "I'll be there."
☆ He rereads your messages whenever he's bored. And if you send him good morning texts he'll be thinking, morning beautiful angel. The one time you sent him a good morning text with a heart he analyzed it so long that he never replied back to you.
☆ The second he figured out how to use personalized ringtones he made yours something soft and sweet. Most likely with violins or maybe with a harp.
☆ A couple times while he was bored during a meeting or class he wrote your initials in cursive in his notebook. One time he wrote it on the front of his notebook by accident and had to throw that one away. Which honestly made him sad because he really liked how it looked.
☆ When you confess to him it's by accident and the way his face lights up is actually the most precious thing you've ever seen. He comes back down to earth slow and admits that he "feels the same." Under his breath of course but you heard and that's what counts.
☆ When you kiss him you instantly notice how small his lips actually are 🥺🥺 like you've stared at them before when he was eating and stuff but his lips are cute and so small. And he's so hesitant to kiss back. But then he does and you can kinda feel the tension leave him a little. His arms a little shaky as he supports himself. It probably looks like two middle schoolers kissing for the first time honestly. Right down to the sitting on the edge of the bed thing. But Levi's lips are so warm and he's such a naturally good kisser that you indulge for as long as you can.
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page150 · 3 years
Not A Friend - (Sister to Oscar "Spooky" and César Díaz)
Request: "i was wondering if u could do a fic where oscar and cesar have a teen sister and she’s sexually assaulted and tells oscar??"
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3181
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Guns, Cursing
A/N: I usually don't do a author's note before the imagine, but this is a sensitive topic so if this might be triggering please click away.
Y/N - Your Name f/c - favorite color
Y/N sat quietly in her room, reading a book, illuminated by a white lamp sitting on her dresser.
Outside her brother, Oscar laughed with some men and her other brother, César had left a while ago on another adventure with his friends, leaving Y/N by herself in her room. Placing the book down, she moved the curtains away from her window. She looked at the gathering of Santos socializing in the backyard. Red solo cups in hand, dancing and eating. She remembered how Oscar had let her help decorate the backyard for the party only to be later excluded from it. Looking at him laughing with a with his arm around someone she betted that he had forgotten that she was inside.
She had gotten used to being forgotten and treated differently by people. Ever since she was born her brothers didn’t know what to do with her. Oscar had never expected to have to raise a brother by himself and especially not a sister. Even though she was only a year younger than César, Oscar's idea of keeping her safe was keeping her hidden.
She was only allowed to go straight to school then straight home, never alone either. If César or Monse weren’t going to a place neither was Y/N and that’s how it always was. She was especially not allowed to hang out with any of Oscar's friends, making life extremely lonely.
Glancing at a photo that was taped next to the window, she smiled at herself situated between Jasmine and Monse with Jamal, Ruby and César in the back. César’s friends were nice, but they were his friends not hers. He was the one invited to all their parties. He was the one they had tried to save, not her.
This left school to be the only place Y/N could socialize, but no one wanted to be friends with a girl from a gang. She was labeled dangerous before anything else, leaving her by herself. Always forgotten, and always alone.
That night she went to sleep feeling sorry for herself and woke up the same way. It continued the next few days until one day when while sitting in her algebra class, a new student was introduced. He was placed next to her and, ignoring the strange looks the class gave to him, he introduced himself.
“I’m Luke. Can I sit here?”
Y/N looked up at the blond haired boy. Her table partner had moved schools a few months ago and no one bothered to sit with her since. He looked nice, he had a nice smile and it made her want to lower her guard slightly, “Yeah, you can sit here.”
Luke sat next to her and immediately tried to start a conversation. He talked about how he moved from Florida. She noticed, as they talked more, how similar they were. They both had interesting families. He had two brothers, she had two brothers and they both lived near each other.
Y/N found herself laughing more than usual at his jokes. This led to the teacher having to stop class multiple times to scold them. Y/N never had a connection to someone like this, especially not on the first day. At lunch Luke went to sit with with her and -
“Who’s this?” César asked, suddenly sitting down at the lunch table next to his sister and wrapping an arm around her. Jamal, Ruby, and Monse also sat down. The table that previously consisted of two people quickly turned to six. Other kids nearby, eyed the two “dangerous” siblings sitting together.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the unexpected attention that was now forming. “This is Luke, he’s new.”
“Lukeee,” César trailed, “I’m Y/N’s older brother-”
“By a few months,” Y/N butted in.
“Whatever, I’m César, these are my friends Jamal, Ruby and my girl Monse.”
Monse laughed, “I’m not your girl.”
“Not yet,” César winked.
Y/N sighed and threw César’s arm off her. She turned to Elliot and apologized.
“Sorry for them.”
“No they’re cool,” Luke grinned. “Any friend of mine is my friend as well.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, “We’re friends now? It’s only been a day.”
“Of course, you’re cool.”
With the compliment Y/N cheeks turned red. As childish as it was, having an established friendship with someone made her feel nice.
“This must be how César and Oscar feel all the time.” She thought.
“I don’t know if Oscar will like you having a friend that is a boy.” Ruby remarked. “No offense, Luke.”
“None taken.”
“Oscar doesn’t like anyone anyways.” Monse muttered, taking a bite into her sandwich.
“Don’t worry” Luke smiled, “I’m one of the good guys.”
“That’s what they all say,” Jamal said suspiciously. He leaned in close to Luke’s face and gave him some crazy faces.
“Okay, great talk guys,” Y/N said sarcastically, “I would love to chat with you more but lunch is about to end and I have to show Luke where his next class is. I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah I have to go, but it was nice meeting you guys.” Luke stated, before he was dragged away by Y/N.
The next few weeks Y/N spent all her time with Luke. He sat next to her in the classes they shared, they talked at lunch and while walking home after school. They even stayed up at night so they could talk on the phone. She found herself smiling every time he talked to her. Every time he offered to carry her books. He was just so nice.
One Friday afternoon, Luke came running up to Y/N, putting her items in her backpack after her last class. He put his hands around her eyes, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Guess who?”
“Mrs. Kurt, I told you we can't see each other here.” Y/N whispered.
Luke removed his hands and his face went white. Y/N turned around and started crying with laughter. She had to sit down, her face turning bright red as she continued to laugh, gasping for air.
“I don’t even want to think about you dating my mom.” He trembled, before returning to his cheerful self. “Stop laughing, I have important news. There’s a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”
Y/N stopped laughing and thought about it before responding. “I don’t know. I don’t think Oscar would want me to. You know how he is about stuff like that.”
Luke smiled and picked her backpack off the floor. He then put out his hand and helped Y/N to her feet.
“Which is why César and his friends already said they are coming too. Oscar doesn’t have to know you're going as my date.”
“Your date?”
“If you want to be. I want you to be my date.”
Y/N smiled, a pink blush covering her cheeks. “I can be your date.”
“Great,” He took her hand and began to lead her out of the classroom. “It’s going to be amazing, don't worry.”
That night Y/N drank water out of a red solo cup, while sitting on the couch of a kid she had never met before. This time she was the one laughing and partying. Colors flashed around the room as more and more kids came into the house. The air was foggy with smoke and smelt like a mash of perfumes and colognes. Y/N nodded her head to the music enjoying the energy in the room.
To her surprise Luke pulled her up to dance with him. She giggled feeling his hands go around her waist. She put her arms around his neck just like she saw in the movies. Rap was blasting out of speakers placed on the ground. Somewhere someone joked about getting a noise compliment to which the crowd began shouting the rap lyrics louder. Taunting the idea, almost hoping for it so the party could gain extra excitement. Y/N shouted along with them in bliss. Ignoring the past fear she had felt once she noticed César had left. Ignoring the looks she had gotten when she first walked in the party. Ignoring how Luke had moved his hands past the dip in her back...
When she felt his hands squeeze her butt she whispered for him to stop which he did, but she still felt weird. A sinking feeling sat in her gut that this was a mistake. Suddenly the small action made the party feel like too much now. She could smell the stink of alcohol on Luke’s breath and weirdly on herself as well. How did she get drunk?
Y/N moved from Luke to where she had placed her cup. Now she could see scribbled on with a black sharpie, someone else’s name. She must have grabbed the wrong cup sometime during the party. Swaying slightly, she moved back toward Luke.
“I need to go home,” She hiccuped. “I drank someone's drink.”
In the darkness she didn’t see Luke’s small smile. “Wow, I’m sorry. Let’s get you home.”
The two exited the party and began to walk home. Y/N felt more tipsy as she walked, eventually having to lean on the blond boy. She didn’t feel really drunk, she could still tell what was happening, it was just her body felt a little out of balance. Luke seemed the same way, but before they reached Y/N house he grabbed her hips. The sudden movement left her in shock.
“You looked really nice tonight, babe.” He said, pulling her into a kiss as he ran his hands on her back, slowly moving lower onto her butt, then up to her breasts.
Immediately Y/N pushed Luke off of her, moving to wrap her arms around herself. “What the hell? I’m a Santo, pull that shit again and it's over” She yelled, backing away from Luke.
“Like you would, I’m the only one who cares enough to pay attention to you. Do you really think anyone else wants to be around you? I’ll do whatever I want. You would be an idiot to lose me.” He fumed.
Y/N froze. Luke had never acted like that before. He couldn’t truly mean what he was saying. She ran into her house and locked the door behind her. She waited a few minutes to check that he had left, which he did.
After her shower she convinced herself that Luke must have been really drunk. That’s why he acted that way, but on Monday he proved that that was not the case.
At the beginning of algebra it started off okay. Luke kept his eyes on the board and focused on his work. It was okay up to the point where he started rubbing on Y/N's leg. She told him to stop but he ignored her. First rubbing small circles on her knee. Then moving up to her thigh moving closer and closer upwards. No matter how many times she moved his hand he kept putting it back. Eventually she had to stay quiet out of fear of distracting the class, but he kept going. She begged silently for it to stop. Suddenly feeling powerless as he continued to do as he pleased for more days.
At lunch even though Luke continued to joke with César she started to go silent. It was a constant internal battle. If she pushed Luke away more, it would cause her to lose her only friend. If she didn’t she would continue to feel uncomfortable. She told herself it would stop eventually, that things would go back to normal, but they didn’t.
As more days went by Luke tried to do more things. The more he tried to do the quieter Y/N got. But luckily César began to notice. He noticed that Y/N wanted him to sit between her and Luke more. How she stopped laughing at his jokes and how Luke changed his tone when talking to her. It wasn’t always playful like it used to be.
Even though César wasn’t really close to his sister he acknowledged that they had to look out for each other. Y/N had been the one to get Oscar to let him back in the house many times. She looked out for him, and he had to look out for her.
Which is why when César and Monse accidentally walked in on Luke kissing her in an empty classroom while she tried to push him off, he freaked out.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He shouted, pulling Luke off of her and close to his face by the collar of his shirt. “I'm Lil’ Spooky I’ll have your face in the dirt if you do that shit again.”
“César, stop what are you doing here. You’re going to hurt him.” Y/N yelled. Monse gently pulled her away from Luke, but she pushed Monse back.
César punched Luke in the eye and he fell down, crumbling into a fetal position. César continued to kick him in the stomach until Y/N pulled him away.
“You’re hurting him! You can’t do this here! César stop please!”
César turned and grabbed Y/N's arm. He led her out of the classroom and out of the school with Monse trailing after them. Y/N’s items in hand.
“I can’t believe he was on you like that. Shit, Y/N. Wait, don't cry, don’t cry, it's okay.”
Y/N hadn’t realized she was crying until he said that. Tears were falling rapidly down her cheeks. She choked back sobs, trying to keep herself somewhat together.
She was thankful for César stopping it, but afraid for what would happen next. Once they reached their house César guided her up the stairs and inside where Oscar was smoking a cigarette at the dinner table. Hearing the door burst open and crying he instantly got up. He reached for his gun, but seeing that it was his siblings he stopped.
“Shit, what the hell happened César. Why is she crying?”
“Tell him,” César said softly. Monse ran in and went to Y/N’s side pulling her into a hug.
“Tell me what. Why are you crying?”
“He 's not mad at you hermana. Él va a ayudar.”
Y/N sniffled and buried herself into Monse’s shoulder. Trying to hide her embarrassment she whispered, “My friend at school was touching me in a weird way, Oscar. He wouldn’t stop. I told him to stop, though. I did. Please, don’t be mad at me.”
“We’re not mad at you and he’s not a friend anymore, Y/N. That should’ve never happened to you.” Monse murmured.
The room went silent. Monse still slowly rubbed Y/N’s back and César stood tense. Oscar looked from César to Y/N.
“César, do you think he left school yet?”
“Uh yeah, school ended right after I pulled her out.”
“Come on,” Oscar grabbed his gun and began to walk out the door, César following after. Y/N ran after Oscar begging for him to stop.
“Don’t Oscar, don’t hurt hm. He’s my only friend. He’s a kid, it was just a mistake.”
“No no!” He shouted. Oscar turned and placed his hands on Y/N’s shoulder’s. Looking into her teary eyes.
“It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault hermana. My job is to keep you safe. I've failed at a lot of things, but I refuse to fail at that again. Get in the house and rest. He just needs to be taught a lesson. Stay with Monse. Te amo como una hija bebé espeluznante.”
He left with César, leaving Y/N on the lawn. Monse guided her back into the house. She remembered what her dad did whenever she was going through a lot. She treated Y/N the same way. Reassuring her that it will be okay. That it wasn’t her fault.
César and Oscar didn’t come back until later that night.
“We got you this,” Oscar muttered, walking into the house and tossing a stuffed bear to Y/N. “We saw the idea online.” It was a f/c bear with a heart on it that said ‘Te Quiero’ with little messages César and Oscar wrote on the back. There weren't a lot, but the few ones there were were heartfelt.
“Thank you, I love it” Y/N smiled, holding the bear close. Her eyes were still slightly red from crying.
“And pizza,” César quietly cheered. On his face was a bandage, but he moved his face so Y/N couldn’t see it. “Monse do you want to spend the night?”
Monse looked at Y/N, “Yeah I already have clothes here so I’ll stay,”
She picked up a slice of pizza. “Soo, what did you guys do?”
“We took care of it,” Oscar said, sitting on the couch next to Y/N. “He won’t mess with you again. If I didn’t have a reputation I would’ve reported it.” He lowered his voice. “You can always go to us Y/N, we’re going to protect you. If that cabrón messes with you again I’m coming for him. ”
“I know,” Y/N mumbled. “I just wanted a friend, how dumb is that.”
“You can always hang out with us,” Monse added, “We’re your friends. We love having you around.”
Y/N sighed, “I mean my own friend. I love you guys too, but it gets so lonely. No one at school wants to be near me. Soy un marginado.”
The room went silent again. Before Monse spoke up, “You know you’re really smart Y/N. There’s a school in BrentWood that might offer you a scholarship to go there. I know you could pass the entrance exam. ”
“I could get a job for the tuition,” César added, rising from his seat at the dinner table. “Oscar what do you think? You’ve been making more money lately. It would keep her safe. She is really smart.”
Oscar looked at the ceiling, a good sign that he was thinking about the idea. Y/N kept her mouth shut, trying not to get too excited.
“How would she get there?”
“It’s a long bus ride,” Monse remarked, “But it’s safe. Only a bunch of rich kids. Most of them will be nice to you, Y/N. You’re smart, you’re funny, and you’re strong. Not a lot of them are like that there. No one will know who you're related to. I can get my mom to help get you in.”
César, Monse, and Y/N looked at Oscar. He took a deep breath and released it. Pulling a cigarette out his pocket, he lit it. Breathing deep he puffed out the smoke.
“I failed you today as a hermano, if I can keep you safe I will. I’ll work on getting you there.”
Y/N smiled and hugged Oscar, feeling César join as well.
“Thank you Oscar. Thank you Cesar. Thank you Monse. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah” Oscar grinned. “Get off me I’m going to bed. I think I’ll go to the beach tomorrow. Want to come?”
Author's Note: My DMs are always open to anyone who needs it. I am also on twitter to anyone who wants to talk @/thepage150. Requests are open. You are important. You are valued. You are loved. Have a wonderful day ~c'k
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 4) - Safety Nets
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Summary: The reader has her first date with Jensen, a simple dinner at home with him and the kids, but when they get a moment alone, he shares some information about the accident hardly anyone knows. Just as things start to get moving with the pair, Jensen has to head to Canada for filming ahead of schedule but he’s not so sure he can go back to whole weeks away from his family right now...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,200ish
Warnings: language, death of a spouse, mention of injury, depression, anxiety, self-worth problems
A/N: Shopping buddies are the best ;) Please enjoy!
“Can I help set the table?” you asked the next evening, Jensen shaking his head at you.
“JJ, can you set the table for me?” asked Jensen. She jumped up from the couch and got out silverware, setting an extra spot for you.
“Y/N, are you and dad on a date?” she asked when she finished up. You looked down from where you leaned back against the counter, Jensen chuckling.
“Yes we are sweetie. If this goes well I’d like to take Y/N out on Friday, maybe you guys can go to Uncle Jared and Aunt Gen’s,” he said.
“You should go out with dad,” said JJ. 
“Oh I should?” you said, crossing your arms. “Why’s that?”
“Cause he’s strong and handsome and smart and funny and…” she said, holding up her hand and counting on her hand. 
“The hair,” he whispered, a smirk crossing your face.
“Oh and he’s only got a few gray hairs!” she said.
“Oh. Well that is interesting,” you laughed, Jensen smacking himself in the face.
“Great hair, JJ. Not gray. Great,” he said.
“You do have gray whiskers,” she said.
“Like...barely,” he said. “See what I put up with? A few teensy tiny little patches in my beard if it grows out.”
“I don’t know if I can date a man of such frail age,” you said. He cocked his head and you laughed, JJ giggling as she went to get the plates.
“Keep it up you two,” he said. You walked over to him, JJ going past with the plates. “Come to tease some more?”
“I was told you’re quite handsome, thought I’d get a closer look,” you said. 
“You can have as close a look as you want,” he said, flashing you a wink.
“Calm yourself, Casanova,” you said, reaching up to the cupboard to get another plate for JJ. “Here sweetie.”
“Thanks,” she said. She set it ran back over, hugging you. “Don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said.
“Good,” she said. You bent down and picked her up, resting her on your hip. 
“Where’d you think I was going?” you asked. She shrugged and Jensen stopped stirring the pot.
“I don’t know. Wherever you were before. Dad’s a lot happier since you live with us now,” she said.
“Well taking care of you three is hard all by yourself,” you said. You set her down and patted her head. “Go get your brother and sister for dinner.”
“You’re good with them,” he said, stirring the pot again.
“They’re people. Small people that don’t know half of what adults do but still people. Sometimes you gotta treat ‘em like it. Most of the time actually,” you said. 
“I talked to her earlier about this whole situation,” he said.
“Besides listing off all your selling points what’d she think?”
“Well apparently she’s in favor of me asking if you’d marry me tonight,” he said.
“Oh. Shotgun wedding. Simple. I like it,” you laughed. He turned his head and smiled, glancing down for a long moment, slowly returning.
“Why doesn’t this situation scare you? The kids, me who has been all over the place lately, not to mention my job, long distance, the shit you get just for-” he said, your hand covering his mouth.
“I didn’t say it’s not a lot, Jensen. It’s scary. Of course it is. Every single one of my relationships has ended badly for one reason or another. Friendships. Family ones. Romantic ones. You’re handsome and you’re so successful and I’m literally a nanny but you said you wouldn’t hurt me. So I’ll trust that you won’t and you trust I won’t hurt you and it’ll work itself out.”
“That simple huh.”
“I’m easy going. Let’s keep it simple,” you said.
“Simple works,” he said as you pulled the pot off the burner before it bubbled over. “Simple definitely works.”
“This is not a good idea,” you said two hours later, the kids in bed, you and Jensen jumping up and down on the trampoline in the yard.
“Oh most certainly not,” he said, landing near you and sending you up. You yelped and landed back down on your bottom, Jensen bouncing again, sending you up again and laughing this time. “Well that’s a cute sound.”
“Boys. Is it taught somewhere that you gotta tease a girl when you like her?” you asked, Jensen pulling you to your feet and bouncing around lightly.
“Right after manly man class, duh,” he said. 
“You would have failed, I can tell you right now,” you said. He scoffed and you shrugged. “That’s kinda a really good thing.”
“That your ex? Tough guy all the time?” he asked.
“Not like, to that extent or anything. I had a bad day and I really needed someone and he let me down. He got mad at me for it actually. He called depression a phase I needed to get over with,” you said. He stopped bouncing and you did the same, glancing down. Next thing you knew he playfully tackled you onto the trampoline, rolling to his side and smiling at you. 
“Some of my friends have it. One of my best friends does. Jared. If he ever knocks on the door late at night or whatever, let him in.”
“You take care of everyone in your life it seems,” you said.
“You take care of the people you care about, not insult them. Hopefully the ex figures that out someday.”
“How’d you figure it out?” 
“I don’t do anything anyone else shouldn’t,” he said.
“Maybe that’s it,” you said. “You’re unapologetically good and you don’t even know how rare that is.”
“It takes up too much energy to be angry or mean or cruel. I’d just rather be happy,” he said.
“You got a lot of friends, don’t you.”
“My fair share,” he said.
“How many would you call close?”
“Maybe ten or so.”
“How many real close?”
“Two or three.”
“How many know what really happened that day? Your wife…” you said. He stared at you and swallowed.
“How do you know?” he asked quietly.
“Because when we met you said she died in an accident but then you said it was her head. You’re holding onto something, something you don’t talk about.”
“She was driving when the aneurysm happened. I was in the car with her. I almost died. It’s seemed easier to lie about that.”
“Who knows?”
“My parents and Jared. They’re the only ones.”
“You ever talk to anyone about it?” 
“I went to talk to someone a few times. I’m better now,” he said with a smile. “I don’t share a lot if you may have guessed already. Not to too many people. But you it feels so easy to.”
“Must be special,” you said. He smiled and reached a hand over, twirling a piece of your hair in his fingers. “That why you like me?”
“There’s a lot of stereotypical reasons to like someone and part of that is true in why you choose someone I suppose. But there’s this other part that when you meet someone that you can’t really explain.”
“I get that. I get all of it. My brain always seems to want to go to the bad scenario first I suppose,” you said. You looked up at the black sky, Jensen toying with another strand between two fingers. “I wish it didn’t do that so much.”
“You’re just trying to protect yourself is all,” he said.
“But I come off as pushy and distant,” you said, turning your head. “Like I’m that person that’s cool with everything being casual.”
“Well think of it like this trampoline. It’s the only thing holding us up right now right?” he asked and you hummed. “Well my life, I’ve had thousands of safety nets below me to catch me when I fall so even if I tore through one, there was more to hold me up while the others got fixed. You never had as many to start and I think more of yours broke and there was no way to fix them in time so you kept tumbling through until you got to the ground.”
“Your point?”
“Maybe some people hit the ground and others never do. But the people who hit the ground, as they go back up they can make the best most solid nets in the world to hold them up. One good net beats a thousand flimsy ones.”
“So at what age do I get the wisdom?” you asked, turning your head and smiling over at him.
“You don’t. My job has made me fall through more nets than I wanted to and this year made me realize I might not have a thousand strong nets at the bottom but I just needed one to get by and now I’m working back up. You’re not even close to being down low either. You’ve already had the hardest part of your life. It’s all up from here.”
You leaned over and he lay back on the trampoline, gazing up at you. You lowered your head as he cupped your cheek, pulling you in close until your lips were touching. Part of your mind was reeling from that in itself but the other half knew that was his first kiss since his wife. You inched back but stayed close, Jensen peeling open his eyes. 
“You okay?” you asked.
“Very,” he said. You lay back beside him, Jensen letting you go. His hand reached out for yours though and laced your fingers together. “Why’d you kiss me?”
“Wanted to,” you said.
“Cool. I wanted to kiss you too,” he said. 
“Alright then.” You stared upwards, the trampoline shifting again. He popped into view propped up on one arm, your head turning slightly. He was flush, even in the dim light. He moved slowly but you let him come to you, a barely there gentle kiss that lingered, a thousand gears going in your head, likely a thousand more going off in his. 
“I’m okay,” he said quietly as he pulled back a few inches. Your fingers carded through his hair and he smiled. “I’ll get the hang of this again. I promise.”
“That was more than enough for one night,” you said. “We said slow and we’ll go slow, okay?”
“Sounds good with me.”
Two Days Later
“Y/N, can I have a word with you in my office?” asked Jensen as you were picking up after dinner. You hummed and put the last fork in the dishwasher before following him down to a quieter part of the house. He shut the door behind you and he ran his hand over his face. “This is about work, my work, but it’s going to involve you. Heavily.”
“What’s up?” you asked, taking a seat in a chair. He sat in his by his desk, scrunching up his face.
“My job with that TV show, The Boys, it films in Canada. I’m gonna need to be up there four, maybe five months. The way things used to work with my wife was I would fly back home every weekend or every other weekend. I never went more than 2 weeks seeing the kids. I don’t have to film every day but it’s easier to stay there for the week. But it’s...it’s difficult for me. It’s difficult for them and...they lost one parent this year. I can’t stay away that long for months. I just can’t do it anymore.”
“That’s perfectly understandable,” you said.
“I’d like to temporarily move to Canada while I film. No flying back and forth. The kids can see me everyday and I can see them. JJ’s school still offers remote learning and I’m homeschool certified in a pinch. Twins can do daycare easy. The only issue I have is the same one I originally did. I still need a nanny. Only now in a different country...and it’s gonna be more late nights on the regular.”
“I see,” you said.
“This isn’t what you signed up for so if you don’t want it, that’s okay. I can find a nanny up there and we can try long distance and-” he said before you stood and walked in front of him.
“I’m in.”
“Really? I mean it’s gonna be awhile before we’re back in the states,” he said.
“It sounds like fun.”
“Awesome. I was really hoping you’d say that,” he said.
“So where are we going?” you asked.
“Toronto. Well, near there. I gotta start filming start of February but there’s promo stuff to do in late January,” he said.
“It’s already late January,” you laughed. “When do we have to move?”
“Uh, tomorrow,” he said. “Just got the call a few hours ago. I got a house to rent lined up already.”
“Oh wow. Alright. Uh, what do I need to do exactly?” you asked.
“Keep stuff normal. Don’t worry about cleaning or anything. Maybe box up anything you want to bring and some of the kids stuff. Toys, books, that stuff. I’ll handle their bags. We’ll ship it all up tomorrow and take a flight up at night,” he said.
“Okay, cool,” you said. “Wait I need like, a snow jacket right?”
“We’ll get you set up there with coat and boots and all that,” he said. 
“Gotcha,” you said, starting to leave before you spun around and walked smack into his chest. “Wait. I have a lot more questions actually. Like...I don’t have a passport?”
“I know which is why tomorrow morning first thing you’re gonna go down to the post office, get your passport done up and when it comes in, we’ll get it shipped up to Canada,” he said.
“How do I get into Canada though?”
“We share a border with them so we bring your license and birth certificate, you can go right on in no problem,” he said.
“Oh. Okay,” you said. “Wait. I’ve never been on an airplane before. What-”
“Okay,” he laughed. “Take a hot second and breathe and we’ll go from there. I know it’s last minute but it’ll work out. I promise.”
“Y/N,” said Jensen, tapping your shoulder two days later. You hummed and reluctantly turned your head away from staring out the back sliding doors to the snow covered yard and trees around you. “Have you ever seen snow before?”
“No. Not like this,” you said, head going back to staring outside. “It’s something out of a movie.”
“You had that same look on your face when we took off last night in the plane.”
“What’s that?”
“Those little moments where the years fall off and you get that childish joy, like nothing bad has ever happened,” he said. 
“I suppose there’s hope for me yet,” you said with a smile.
“Oh there was always that,” he chuckled. He threw an arm over your shoulders and you leaned into him. “Can I still take you out Friday?”
“Who’s gonna watch the kids?” you asked.
“My buddy.”
“Does he exist?” you said, grinning at him. 
“Cute,” he said, ruffling your bedhead. “Yes he does exist. How’s Friday night sound?”
“Do I need a dress?” you asked.
“Probably. It’s a nice place,” he said. “My favorite place in Toronto actually. Jeans are perfectly acceptable there though.”
“I’ll pick out a dress today too,” you said. You kissed his cheek and watched them turn an ever so light pink. “You’re cute.”
“Shut up,” he chuckled. “Put your boots and coat on the card I gave you alright? That’s a business expense.”
“Whatever you say boss,” you said. “I’m gonna duck out before the little ones get up. I’ll try not to be gone too long.”
“Take your time. Drive slow in the snow until you get the hang of it, okay?”
“I will. I promise.”
“What the fuck’s the difference between therma heat and therma wear…” you mumbled to yourself, gawking at the glove rack at the store an hour later.
“I think it’s just marketing,” said the guy on the other side. You jumped and managed to knock about five pairs off the hangers. He laughed quietly and peeked his head around. “Didn’t mean to spoke ya.”
“It’s alright. I’m…” you said, the man smiling as you shook your head out. “Um...I…”
“You okay?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded and he smiled. “You sure cause you were just having a life crisis over gloves a second ago and now you can’t seem to form a sentence.”
“You’re Home…” you said, shutting your eyes. “You’re the actor that plays...I’m having a fucking day.”
“Looks like it,” he said, bending down and picking up some of the gloves. He laughed again and you got the ones closest to you, putting them back. “You know it’s like ten degrees outside right? Not exactly sneaker weather.”
“I know. This place looks pretty but it’s worse than a Texas summer almost with how cold it is.”
“I thought you sounded not from here,” he said with a smile. “I’m not from around here either. I do better with the heat myself.”
“Okay um, listen...uh, what’s your name, not Homelander?” you asked.
“Antony,” he chuckled again.
“I’m Y/N. I’m just gonna get the weird stuff out of the way cause…” you said as he smiled but stepped back a foot. “Yeah. Um I’m a fan but like...do you know Jensen Ackles?”
“Why?” he asked.
“He’s my boss...and my boyfriend but that’s another story. We might run into each other at some point, probably very likely. Just wanted to throw that out there.”
“Your boss?” he asked.
“I nanny his kids. I wouldn’t believe me if I were you either. I should go,” you said. You groaned when you were past him, hearing a pair of feet jog to catch up with you. 
“I know you. You were on his instagram last week right? Yeah okay, that makes sense why a clueless Texas girl is stressing over gloves.”
“Excuse me?” He shook his head and smiled. 
“Get a pair of thick gloves, thinner ones but not too thin, a warm hat, good boots for traction along with some boot spray and go with a longer hooded parka. It’ll be warmer. Throw in a few pairs of wool socks to be sure,” he said.
“Oh. Thank you,” you said. You looked back at the store and then to him. “There’s like five hundred coats in here.”
“How about you buy me a cup of coffee and I’ll help you out. Deal?”
“Why would you help me?” you asked.
“Well I’m gonna be working with Jensen quite a bit and he’s your boyfriend too apparently plus it’s just nice,” he said.
“You’re so not like your character.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. We’ll be out of here in an hour tops.”
Antony turned out to be very helpful since apparently you had an uncanny ability to be attracted to the least warmth rated items in the whole store. But you had your parka and boots on now, other items tucked away in the bags as you browsed through a rack of black dresses at a different store.
“We dress shopping now?” said Antony, sipping on his coffee cup.
“Dude,” you said, jumping again. “You gotta learn to make noise.”
“It’s my natural stealth,” he said. “That one.”
“That one,” he said, nodding to a dress on the wall.
“I can’t pull that one off,” you said.
“Try it. I’ll watch your stuff,” he said.
“You’re oddly nice,” you said. “To a stranger.”
“Well this beats my plans of walking around the mall buying crap I don’t need. Besides, I like you.”
“I have a boyfriend.”
“I’m taken,” he laughed. “Come on. Everybody needs a shopping buddy.”
“Okay but if you’re a weirdo Jensen will kick your ass,” you said, finding your size and taking it off the rack. “Just sayin’.”
“I like the guy more already,” he said. “It’s not like it’s your first date or anything.”
“...Second date.” He stared and looked away. “It’s…complicated.”
“I heard about...you know…the accident,” he said. 
“Let him bring that up,” you said and he nodded. You took the dress into the changing room and smirked at the mirror. “Alright, maybe we give this one a shot.”
You changed back and found Antony on a bench outside. 
“I should take you shopping more often,” you said. “You have good taste.”
“Sounds like a winner,” he said, handing you back your bags. “I gotta head out for work but it was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’m sure I’ll see you around very soon.”
“Me too. Thanks for the help today, really.”
“Not a problem at all. See ya later,” he said as he headed out. You gave him a wave and picked out a pair of black heels to go with the dress before you were heading home.
“Hey Jensen,” you said late that night. He’d had to go in for some photos in the afternoon and had taken quite a bit longer than he’d anticipated. “Leftovers are in the container on the top shelf.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said. He rubbed his eyes and padded into the kitchen before tossing the container in the microwave.
“Um, Jensen? Can I talk to you about work?” you asked. His ears perked up and he nodded while he looked around for a spoon. “Second drawer to the left.”
“Thanks,” he said. “So what’s up? Something wrong?”
“Not exactly. I was thinking earlier though about a backup plan,” you said. He took out the container and grabbed his spoon sitting across from you at the table.
“What’s a backup plan?” he asked, shoveling a spoonful of too hot pasta into his mouth.
“Well down in Austin, say I was suddenly unable to perform my job duties cause I’m sick or hurt or I’m off on vacation or whatever. Down there I have a network of other nannies that could step in temporarily, they can do a pick up or drop off in a bind, that sort of thing. It’s kind of a support group in way. It’s good for me and for you.”
“They must have one of those things up here?” he asked, taking a slower bite this time. You spun your computer around and he nodded. “Tornanny. That’s cute. You gotta sign up or something?”
“I need to take a four hour class. They have one on Saturday morning. Is it okay if I sign up?” you asked. He chuckled and took another bite of food.
“Weekends are still yours to do as you please. I need a bit more help during weeknights or mornings but weekends are still yours. I’m also compensating your pay for the additional time and no you’re not winning that argument so don’t even try.”
“Okay. I’m gonna sign up,” you said, turning the computer back.
“What was that thing on the side?” he asked.
“Hm?” you said as you started filling in the form.
“Some happy hour thing on the side,” he said. You flicked your eyes over to the side of the page and saw the group posting. “That could be fun.”
“Do I look like the kind of person that goes to happy hours?” you said.
“Well maybe you could meet a nanny friend in this group, one you could maybe get to cover for you if you ever needed it. I did steal you away from everything you know to a different country with a days notice after all. I’d go with you if you want,” he said. 
“What about the kids?”
“Jensen. I’m starting to see a fatal flaw in me being the nanny and us dating. I’m the person that should be watching the kids when you go out,” you said.
“Hm,” he said, eating for a few moments. “You do have a point. I think we need to renegotiate your contract.”
“Wait you’re firing me?” you said, Jensen shaking his head and laughing. “Okay cause you were about to lose a girlfriend for a second there.”
He smiled to himself and looked down, playing with his dinner. 
“So what are you talking about?” you asked.
“Well, girlfriend,” he chuckled. “How about this? Weekends you don’t work, at all, for any reason. If you watch the kids for an hour while I duck to the store, it’s cause you’re doing it cause of us, not as part of your job. If we want to go out or on a date on the weekend, we’ll get a sitter. I had a go to in Vancouver when I lived there. I’ll give her a call, see if she knows anyone out here that would work. That sound good?”
“I guess that’s alright,” you said. He raised and eyebrow and you shrugged. “I enjoy our alone time, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to take away from them though.”
“I appreciate the sentiment but I’m not saying…” he said before he trailed off and ate the last bites of his food. “I moved us so they could see me everyday which is far more than they ever did when I filmed my show. I will still make them breakfast. I will still put them to bed. I will still have lunch with them and play with them and all of it. They’ll always by my first priority. But a relationship with kids doesn’t always mean the kids are around. Sometimes they come with, sometimes they stay home. I’m not talking about ditching them for days on end. A few hours on a Saturday night, most of which they’ll be in bed asleep is all I’m talking about. We have a right to a little bit of time for ourselves. It’s not as easy with them than it was the first time around but we just have to try harder is all.”
“Okay,” you said. “I’m good with that. How was your first day?”
“Good. We did a lot of promotional stuff. I won’t start acting until next week. I heard you met Antony shopping today.”
“Yeah. I didn’t get a chance to tell you when I got home earlier. He seems like a nice guy.”
“He does. He invited us to dinner once we settle into a routine,” he said. “Apparently you two are shopping buddies now.”
“The man does know how to choose a dress.”
“Good thing I packed my lucky suit up here,” he said. 
“Speaking of suits...you wouldn’t happen to have any of you in your Soldier Boy suit from today?” 
“No spoilers,” he said with a smirk. You jutted out your lip and he rolled his eyes, taking out his phone. He tapped and slid it over to you, your eyes wide. You must have stared for a solid minute before you looked over at him, Jensen leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and a huge grin on his face. “You think I’m hot, don’t you.”
“Pft, no,” you said, biting your bottom lip before you licked it. He was still grinning out of the corner of your eye and you gave him the phone back. “Maybe...you’re kinda hot. But it’s totally the suit. Like right now, ugh, horrendous.”
“Nah, I’m hot,” he said, sticking out his stomach and rubbing it.
“I’m impressed you can actually do that,” you said. 
“Everybody’s got a tummy,” he said. “Seriously though, you think the suit is cool?”
“It looks awesome. I’d love to see it in person,” you said.
“Oh you guys will be on set at some point,” he said. “I’m kinda nervous about next week.”
“Really? Why? You’re a great actor.”
“Have you ever seen a single thing I’ve done,” he chuckled.
“I did in fact see that horror movie on a date years ago. Something with like mining?” you asked. 
“That’s what you saw? Like that movie? I hope the date worked out at least,” he said with a big smirk.
“Actually it was the crappy ex,” you said.
“Oh. You guys must have dated for a long time then.”
“Since we were seventeen,” you said. He stared and you shrugged. “I kept waiting for him to grow up and change. Eventually I realized he never would.”
“Did you love him?”
“I loved the idea of him. I liked him. I was with him for close to 12 years so I obviously liked him. But it wasn’t love. I could never be myself all the way around him and that’s not a way to live. There was none of that feeling when you first meet someone, you know?”
“Would I be pushing to ask if you ever thought about marrying the guy?”
“He did propose actually. A few times,” you said. “I turned him down. Things really went downhill from there though.”
“Why’d you say no?”
“I didn’t want to marry someone that made me feel bad about being me. Got tired of him telling me to get over everything that happened as a kid, dress a certain way, should I really have dessert, that kind of crap.”
“It’s part of who you are. I wouldn’t exactly call your past something to get over,” said Jensen. “Why would he even make you feel bad about it? You’re so normal.”
“I don’t think his daddy hugged him enough,” you said.
“No need to be a dick to other people for it,” he said. You smiled as you finished filling out the rest of the form for the class before sending it off. “Hey on the plus side I did get a good recommendation for daycare today. I was gonna check it out tomorrow morning, maybe get the twins in next week. Apparently they’re also hooked up with a school so JJ can go to school with some other American kids too instead of being stuck behind a screen here all day.”
“That’s great news. She can make some new friends that way. You know I was thinking maybe she could get signed up for indoor soccer. When I played the new season normally started right at the beginning of February.”
“Is it safe?” he asked. “I thought that could get pretty dangerous.”
“Adult leagues can be but kids her age it’s just running back and forth mostly. She could make some new friends, give her something fun to look forward to.”
“It’s not a bad idea. I would like her to be involved in something since she’s out of dance and soccer back home right now. I’ll talk it over with her in the morning,” he said. “She say something to you about it?”
“No. I just know what it’s like to be the new kid,” you said. “Soccer helped me make friends at school.”
“You and your mom move after your dad passed?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah. I was little so I don’t remember so much,” you said, an email coming in that your spot in the class was reserved. “Alright. Looks like I’m all set for eight on Saturday.”
“I’ll try not to keep you out too late on Friday night then,” he said.
“I never said that.”
“I like flirty you,” he said, both of you looking up at the ceiling when you heard a loud pair of giggles. “Duty calls. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Jensen.”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Between Friends
Part 1 of 2
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Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Maxwell
Synopsis: Maxwell convinces the guys to go out partying to take a break from the stress of studying for finals. Liam tries to prove to everyone that he isn’t a perfect prince. Drake comes to terms with his sexuality, realizing that maybe the person he wants/needs has been there all along. 
A/N: I realize this may not be for everyone, as this is not how the TRR boys are typically depicted. I had this idea while watching a certain scene in season 2 of Elite (although it’s not exactly the same), so if you know the show you'll probably know exactly where this is going! And if you haven’t seen Elite and enjoy this, then I recommend watching it!
A/N 2: This was supposed to be a one shot, but at almost 9,000 words it kiiinda got away from me. So I’m splitting it into 2 parts. The first part has no smut, but as far as the second part goes.. You have been warned. I’m tagging the few people who are on my perma and maybe a few others, but don’t feel obligated to read this if it isn't your thing. 🙂 Feel free to tag anyone you think may like this. Thank you @angelasscribbles for being the one person I know will read this self-indulgent smut 🤣
Warnings: 🍋🍋🍋 Drake and Maxwell smut (mutual masterbation, slight exhibitionism), language, drinking, drug use, a little fluff too 😄
Word count - 3,860
Click to read Part 2 
18+ only
Between Friends - Pt 1
The week before finals in their third year of college was proving to be more than a little stressful. Liam, as usual, was hitting the books hard. Drake was trying his best to chug energy drinks and coffee to try and keep up with him. And Max, well he was doing his usual.. Coasting along and going with the flow. Which is why when he heard about a party from a classmate, he knew they had to go and relax.
He knocked on the door frame of Liam’s open bedroom in the dorm room the three of them shared. “Yo, guess what we're doing tonight?”
Liam looked up from his textbook briefly to turn Maxwell down. He already knew where this was going. “Studying.”
Drake yawned and laid his head back on the bed. “Sleeping.”
“No way losers! We’re partying!” Max ran in and jumped on the bed, causing Liam’s books to crash to the floor. “It’s Friday night!”
“It’s a week until finals!” Liam climbed off the bed and picked up his books. “We should all be studying.”
Drake, who was usually not one for partying, actually agreed with Max. “Li, we’ve been at it for weeks! My brain has turned to mush..”
Liam sighed and tossed the books onto his desk as he looked between them. “I know it doesn't matter as much to you guys, but I can't fail!”
“Dude, you have perfect grades! You couldn't fail if you tried!” Drake leaned back on his elbows as he spoke. Liam was the perfect student. He came to class early, stayed late to talk to the professors, and completed every extra credit assignment.
Max walked over to Liam and put an arm around him, getting close to his face. “Listen.. It’s not good for you to work so hard.” He pinched Liam’s cheek playfully. “You need to get out there and have some fun to reset your brain. Then you can get right back to it.”
Liam folded his arms and looked between the two of them who were giving him hopeful stares. “Fine.” He relented. “I will go have a drink or two. You guys can stay later if you want, but after that I’m heading back to study.”
“Ok dad.” Max chuckled and swatted Liam on his backside before heading out of the room. Drake rolled his eyes and headed to his own room to get dressed.
Once the three of them were ready, they took a cab to the party which turned out to be at someone’s mansion. The place looked like it was straight out of a music video. People were passed out on the lawn, frat guys were doing keg stands on the porch, and people were making out and dancing left and right. Max cheered, but Liam looked anxious. 
“Maybe we should go.'' Liam said nervously as he looked around. “If the press finds out that I’m here.. Well it would give a bad impression of the royal family.”
“Forget about the press!” Drake elbowed him. “And everyone here is blitzed out of their mind.. They won't even recognize you.”
This was probably true. Max ran over to a table with dozens of shot glasses and grabbed six, making his way back over to them. “Come on.. Drink up!”
“What is this?” Liam frowned as he sniffed his glass.
“Who cares?” Max said, knocking back both shots simultaneously. Drake shrugged and copied him. Liam sighed and downed the shots with a grimace. Ugh, tequila. 
Max grabbed Liam’s shoulders and shook him. “There we go. Loosen up baby. You need to relax!”
“Ya, ya.” Liam didn’t know how he let them talk him into coming here, but if he was here he may as well enjoy himself.. If only a bit.
A woman they recognized from one of their mutual classes, grabbed Drake's hands and pulled him out onto the makeshift dance floor, coercing him to dance with her. Max and Liam knew that Drake wasn’t into dancing, but the shots were clearly helping him relax. He shot a look over to Max who shrugged. Drake was having a tough time this year. He had been struggling with a lot of personal things.. Mostly with his sexuality. He hadn’t told Liam about it. They were close friends, but it wasn’t something he was ready to discuss with his childhood best friend yet. At least not until he was completely sure of what he wanted.
The only person Drake had confided in was Maxwell. Max found him crying in his room one night, and Drake broke down and told him. He had been holding it in for so long, he just couldn’t stop himself. Max had been out ever since highschool, so he understood how tough it was coming to terms with your sexuality and not fitting into the “norm” that many people expected from you. Maxwell was definitely into guys, but Drake seemed to be into both. Drake had only ever dated women before, but he was starting to admit to himself that he found men attractive. And that he wanted to experiment.
Max was trying to be helpful, but he wasn’t sure how. Maybe tonight he could help Drake out a little. Maybe get Drake to kiss a random guy to see what he thought. It seemed like they barely knew anyone here, so it wouldn’t be hard to find a random guy for him to try it out on.
Liam went off to find the restroom and Max pulled Drake aside.
“Hey.. so that guy over there has def been checking you out.”
Drake paled and looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard. “What!?”
Max tilted his head over to a guy standing in the corner drinking a beer. Drake glanced over and the man gave him an indulgent smile and tipped his beer toward him. Drake swallowed hard and turned back to Max, wide eyed. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Dude. You said yourself that you wanted to experiment.. Try out different things.” He elbowed Drake in the ribs. “There’s a hot guy over there who clearly wants you. Go kiss him! What better place than at a party with a guy you don’t know? That way if you hate it, you’ll never have to see him again.”
Drake’s mouth went dry. Talking about kissing another man was one thing, but actually doing it was terrifying. “I.. I don't know.” Drake stammered, looking around. “I don’t even know how to talk to him.”
“Just talk to him like you would any woman you were hitting on!”
Drake quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. “Really?”
“Ok, maybe don’t compliment his tits or anything like that.”  Max laughed, and Drake couldn’t help but join in. “Come on, I’ll go with you.”
Max grabbed his arm and led him across the room, and Drake’s heart was going a mile a minute. The man smiled brightly at the two of them as they got closer.
“Hey.” Max smiled at the man, who offered both of them a beer from the cooler beside him. “Thanks!” Max took the beer and nodded to Drake. “This is Drake, and I’m Max. We couldn’t help but notice you from across the room.”
“Is that right?” The man smiled. “I’m Antonio.”
Drake couldn't help but stare at Antonio’s lips and he licked his own, just thinking about kissing him. He was acting like a teenager again. This was so stupid, he needed to grow up. He was just talking to another person after all. 
“So, have you guys been together long?” Antonio asked, looking between Drake and Maxwell.
“Us?!” Drake laughed. “We’re just friends.”
Antonio smiled. “Oh. Well you’re both so hot I assumed..” he laughed heartily. “But that wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the world. The two hottest guys around, being a couple. You’d put everyone else to shame!”
“Wow.. uh thanks.” Max said in surprise. Drake and Max looked at each other shyly. This was the first time anyone had ever assumed they were together, that they knew of, and they were actually feeling a little embarrassed. 
Drake was curious as to why the man even assumed he was into guys. He had been dancing with a woman a few minutes earlier. Curiosity got the better of him and he had to ask. “Can I ask, uh.. Why you thought we were together?”
The man turned his head to the side thinking about his answer. “I can just tell. My gaydar doesn't lie.”
Drake choked on his drink and Max patted him on the back as he coughed. 
“Sorry.” Antonio said. “Maybe you’re not out yet? Or maybe I’m wrong.” He shrugged.
Max looked at Drake expectantly, but he was clearly tongue tied. “Um, well..” Max said hesitantly. He wasn’t going to be the one to out Drake. He was just about to make up an excuse to get him out of this uncomfortable situation, when Drake spoke up.
“You’re not wrong.” Drake said quietly before looking over at Maxwell’s shocked expression. He hadn’t planned on telling anyone yet, but telling a perfect stranger was surprisingly relieving. “I’m bisexual.”
Max gave Drake a surprised smile, staring at him with wonder. He seriously just said it. All year, Maxwell had been trying to help Drake accept this, but now Drake just said it like it was nothing. He couldn’t stop staring at him, studying his face in amazement. 
“Ah, see I told you I’m never wrong.” Antonio winked. “And I think my other assumption was correct as well.” He looked between Drake and Max knowingly before tapping his beer against theirs and heading off chuckling. Max and Drake stared at each other, dumbfounded before laughing awkwardly.
Drake looked away and took a long drink of his beer. Max nudged him with a smile. “So awkwardness aside.. I’m so proud of you.”
Drake smiled shyly, looking down at the floor before shrugging. “It just felt right.”
“It does, doesn't it?” Max smiled at him. “It feels so good to finally be honest with yourself, right?” 
“It really does.” Drake smiled. His heart felt like it was lighter than ever. Even though it took an extremely uncomfortable situation to finally admit it to himself, he felt really good.
“You wanna tell Liam?” Max said hesitantly.
“Not.. yet.” Drake said quietly. He still wasn’t ready for that. He knew Liam wouldn’t look at him differently, but he just wasn't ready yet.
“Hey I get it!” Max said. “But I’m so proud of you, Drake.” Maxwell hugged him tightly. “You were so brave to finally admit it.”
Drake patted him on the back and looked nervously around the room. Some people nearby were talking and staring. Maybe it was just his nerves making him think that way.. Or maybe rumors were already starting.  
“I’m gonna get some more shots.” Drake said, surprising himself. He was usually a beer or whiskey drinker only, but he needed a little more courage to deal with his confession.
“Ok.” Max patted him on the back as Drake took off hurriedly. Max sighed. He knew this wasn’t going to be something that Drake was comfortable having people know about him right away. It definitely took time.
Liam waited in the long line for the restroom, which was not moving at all. He assumed someone in there was having sex or something. He made his way through the throng of people who were dancing, talking, making out, and doing.. who knows what. He found another restroom and stepped over a passed out man to enter the room. He checked behind the shower curtain, as he always did. Growing up, Liam was always terrified that a murderer would be behind the shower curtain. He had seen too many scary movies with Maxwell and Drake. But this time, he was checking for random people who may be passed out or just hiding to scare someone. God, I sound like a paranoid idiot, Liam told himself as he finally relieved himself. He had been overly and ridiculously stressed out, studying for these exams. His father made sure to call him daily and remind him that since his older brother abdicated, he was now the crown prince of the country and would be in the public eye even more than before. The press would be able to get access to anything they wanted with the right amount of money.. His grades, his personal life, his everything. 
Liam made his way out of the restroom and looked around for his friends. This mansion was huge.. He wondered who’s it was. There was no telling where Max and Drake were. Liam spotted two familiar faces speaking with their backs turned to him. He recognized them as Lady Kiara and Lord Rashad. As Liam made his way over to his (sort of) friends, he paused when he caught them saying his name.
Rashad glanced around, “I can’t even believe Liam came out tonight.”
Kiara took a sip of her drink and giggled. “I know. He’s such a prude.. I imagine Maxwell was the one who drug him out. Liam wouldn’t be caught dead at an actual social function that didn’t have nobles and dignitaries to suck up to.”
“More like his father would kill him.” Rashad chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. “And you know Liam is the perfect prince.. Always doing what daddy says.”
Kiara snickered and wrapped her arm around Rashad’s waist. “You’re so bad.”
Rashad leaned in and placed a kiss on her neck. “Not yet, I’m not. Just wait until later tonight. We can go up to my bedroom and I’ll show you bad.”
“Mmm, can't wait.” Kiara purred in his ear before squeezing his ass.
The two of them walked away, leaving Liam slack jawed and deeply offended. How could they say that about him? He didn’t always do what his father said! He was a grown man! He could do whatever he wanted! Liam looked around, before grabbing a shot from a table and downing three back to back. Fuck them, he thought. I’ll show them I’m not a perfect prince. 
Max and Drake had split up, and Maxwell took the opportunity to take a few more shots and hit the dance floor. He didn’t care who he danced with, he just let loose and felt the rhythm. This was his chance to relax after studying so hard.. Ok maybe he didn't study that hard. But he was going to let loose anyway.
Drake was sitting in the corner of the room scanning the crowd. He wondered if anyone else out there was thinking the same thing Antonio was. How did they know? People didn’t give off bisexual vibes.. Did they? He was so overwhelmed with his own thoughts and the only thing giving him any sort of comfort was Maxwell. His eyes kept landing on him as he danced with anyone and everyone. He was so comfortable with himself, and Drake hoped that one day he would be too. He watched a few people, trying to see if he could tell their sexuality just by looking at them. He scoffed, he was being so stupid. Drake sipped his beer, feeling more than a little tipsy. He couldn’t help it when his eyes kept settling on Maxwell once again. He watched him close his eyes as he danced, trickles of sweat rolling down his brow to his chiseled jaw. His tight black t-shirt hugged his broad shoulders and did little to hide his chest and abs. Drake’s mouth began to water as he let his eyes travel lower to his tight jeans. They hugged his ass perfectly. God he had an amazing ass. Drake shook his head to get out of his stupor and headed off to get more shots.
Liam had downed about five more shots since the two Maxwell gave him when they first arrived at the party. He was beginning to wobble with each step, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to prove to everyone, to himself, that he wasn’t a goody two shoes. He knew how to let loose and have fun. He felt a man tap his shoulder and motion for him to follow him into a corner. Liam quirked an eyebrow, but followed him. What was this man even doing? If Liam had his guards with him, they would have been all over this shady looking guy. But Liam wasn’t a prince tonight. He was a regular guy.
The man glanced around anxiously. “You looking to have a good time tonight?” Liam wrinkled his brow, giving him a confused look. “You look like you need to relax, man. You need to buy anything?”
“Buy anything?” Liam squinted in confusion, then his eyes widened in realization. “You mean drugs?”
“Shit dude!” The man glanced around and lowered his voice. “Keep it down!”
Liam wasn’t sure what to do. He wasn’t going to do drugs. No way. Drinking was one thing, but who knows what he would do if he got high. He opened his mouth to refuse the man, but Kiara and Rashad walked past him snickering, and he felt his shame and anger boiling up inside of him again. He turned to the man and cleared his throat. “What um.. What do you have?”
“That depends on what you want to feel.”
Liam sighed. “I want to feel.. relaxed.”
The man nodded and reached into his pocket, giving Liam a bag containing a small pill. “Two hundred.”
“Thousand?!” Liam said wide eyed. “No way!”
“What the fuck.. No, not two hundred thousand! Two hundred!” 
“Oh.” Liam chuckled, feeling embarrassed. He pulled out a couple bills and handed them to the man. “What is this exactly?” He asked as he tucked the bag into his pocket.
“It’s relaxation, my friend.” The man patted him on the back and walked away leaving Liam wondering what the hell he was even going to do with this pill. 
Max found Drake in the kitchen alone, eating some chips and dip. “What are you doing in here all by yourself?”
Drake froze as he looked up at Max, remembering the thoughts he was having about him earlier. He tried not to blush. Normally he was not the type to blush, but this was new territory.. And also one of his best friends. “Uh, just hungry.”
Maxwell nodded and Drake couldn’t help but stare at him. When did Maxwell get so.. hot? Was he always this hot? Yes, of course he was. Stop it dammit, he told himself. 
“You ok?” Maxwell gave him a concerned look and Drake realized he was still staring. He couldn’t help but think about licking the sweat that accumulated on Maxwell's neck. He bet it tasted good.. Fuck, stop it!
Drake cleared his throat. “Ya.. I just had a few too many shots I think.”
“Saaaaame!” Max laughed and stood next to Drake, leaning against him. Normally he was used to Maxwell being super touchy, but tonight he couldn’t handle it.
Drake jumped away from him. “We should probably go find Li. Haven't seen him in like..” Drake looked down at his watch and his eyebrows rose in surprise. “Shit it’s been like an hour and a half. Has he texted you?”
Max pulled out his phone. “Nope.”
“I’m gonna call him.” Drake dialed Liam’s number and it rang and rang. Finally the phone was answered, but it did not sound like Liam on the other end.
“Hellooooo!” The fucked up voice said.
“Who-” Drake held the phone away to make sure he had dialed the right number. “Liam?”
“What uuuuup Drake?!  Drake, my BFFFFFF!” Liam was slurring and cracking up.
Drake looked at Maxwell, completely confused. How much had Liam drank tonight? He never got this sloppy drunk before.
“Where are you, Li?”
“I’m..” Liam was gone for a moment and Drake checked to make sure he hadn’t hung up. “I’m on a beach in paradise!”
“What the fuck?!” Drake shook his head. “Where are you?”
“In the water!” Liam laughed. “The ocean!”
Max was listening in at this point and looked at Drake. “He’s in the pool I guarantee it.”
The two of them made their way into the backyard and found Liam laying on a pink flamingo floatie in the swimming pool. Some other people were around, but paying him no mind.
“Liam..” Drake walked over to him and saw the fucked up look on his face. “What the?”
“Heeeey friends!” He scooped up some water with his hands and threw it up into the air. “I’m finally relaxing! It’s amaaaazing!” Liam cracked up laughing and Max and Drake looked at each other curiously.
“Come on.” Maxwell pulled Liams pool floatie over to the side and they helped him get out of the water. Once Liam stood up, he threw his arms around both of them.
“I’m finally doing it. I’m finally relaxing!” Liam laughed loudly as he looked back and forth between the two of them. “I’m freeeee!”
Drake grabbed him and looked into his eyes. “Dude, get a hold of yourself!”
“I cant!” Liam snickered. “The pill already has a hold of me! And aaaaalll my problems went away.”
Max looked into his eyes, feeling slightly amused and slightly concerned. “For fucks sake.. What did you take Liam?”
“No idea!” He giggled, staggering.
Drake rolled his eyes. “Let’s get you back to the dorm so you can sleep this off.”
Liam alternated between giggling and passing out the whole cab ride back to their dorm. Drake and Max were pretty lit themselves but the two of them managed to help Liam up to his room and drop him onto his bed.
Liam sat up bleary eyed. “Best friends.. Don’t leave me. Stay here with me and have a sleepover like we used to do!” Max and Drake looked at him skeptically. It had been maybe ten years since they had a sleepover. “Please, I’m fucked up.. I don’t wanna be alone.” Liam was looking between them so sadly they relented. 
“Fine.” Drake sat next to him on the bed and kicked off his shoes. 
Liam took off his shoes, socks, pants, and shirt and threw them across the room. “Much better. Now get in here and let's cuddle.”
Max gave Drake a surprised look and tried to hide his laughter. Liam Rys, the Crown Prince of Cordonia was asking them to get in the bed and cuddle him. It was a pretty funny sight.
“We can’t all fit in this bed, Li.” Drake frowned. Liam did have a King sized bed, which wasn’t standard in a dorm, but when you're the prince you get the best.
“Sure you can!” Liam yawned and lay back onto the pillows. Within a few seconds he was fast asleep.
Drake stood up, ready to leave when Max spoke softly. “You’re not staying in here with him?”
“Really?” Drake asked. “He’s passed out. He won't even remember this tomorrow.”
“Ya, but..” Max shrugged. “It was a nice idea wasn’t it?”
Drake swallowed hard. Of course laying in bed next to Maxwell sounded like a nice idea. But that was also a terrible idea with the way Drake had been feeling tonight. 
Click here to read part 2.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Could I request class 1-A getting a new transfer student from the city?? Like how they would react to the lingo nd allat
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Aww thank you so much I really was nervous about that one but I’m glad you liked it!
Reader from Zoo York
Pairing: Class 1A x reader
TW: Obscenities, Mineta’s nasty ass
A/n: I hope you actually meant city as in New York City because I got so hype 🥺 but shoot me a message again if you had another concept in mind. Anyways I really hope you enjoy this 💖
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @melanimed @mixfi @iiminibattlehero @v-vpluto @strawberry-ice @ecao @photosbyameil @lunabby010
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💫 When Aizawa told the class that there would be a new foreign exchange student from the states, everyone was anticipating your arrival. Some imagined you to be from Cali. Mina and the girls placed a bet on whether you would have a southern or a valley girl accent. Denki hoped you were Floridian so he could have a person matching is “Florida man energy”. Obviously, Mineta wanted you to be fucking hot (he needs help). And, Bakugo really didn’t care, already labeling you another extra.
💫 Well, the bet failed when they saw you walking in with some nice white g fazos on. Your resting bitch face kicked tf in as Aizawa asked you to introduce yourself..
💫 “Aii so boom, I’m (Y/n). I’m from New York, you know the vibesss. And I guess I’m mad excited to be here.”
💫 Sero made bank that day because he was the only one who guessed you were coming from New York. Hardly anybody cared because they were enamored by your accent. The way you talked to them sounded like butter. On top of that, your slang had everybody on pause. Midoriya stared right in your face as you talk, scribbling down every word that comes out of your mouth. Ofcourse his hard staring didn’t go unnoticed because you mean mugged the mess out of him. He couldn’t look you in the eyes for three months.
💫 Of course, Mineta had to ruin the atmosphere tryna spit game at your fine ass—to which you shut him the fuck down.
💫 “So you new to Japan right? I could show you a couple places like my bedroo—”
💫 “Umm WHOMPP. ‘Cause you look like purple bumps you’d find on some treesh’s ass. Like, fuck is wrong with you.”
💫 Mineta has no shame...he will try again tomorrow.
💫 Bakugo liked your spunk but still treated you like an extra. He tried to press you multiple times in your first meetings. Somebody should’ve warned him because you’re not the one.
💫 “You’re just another extra. If they needed a weakling for a hero, they should’ve put you in class 3B.”
💫 “Alright because you stay on my dick since I popped up in this bumass school like you a major dickrider. Ayo, in fact, you a whole dub bro. Fuck outta my face because I am not the one, two or any otha numba yo dumbass can count.”
💫 You and Bakugo eventually established a weird relationship, one that consisted of aggressive conversations but if anybody else came for y’all, you both are going down their throats.
💫 Everybody knew better than to disturb you in the mornings. After multiple times entering the classroom to the Bakugo and Midoriya’s fight scenes, you finally broke silence.
💫 “Yo, on no funny, y’all two mad annoying in the mornings. Mad dayroom and for what? Middle school beef? That’s dead a dub.”
💫 Iida? Terrified of you because he doesn’t know what you’re saying but it sounds mean, especially towards him.
💫 “Iida, you dead a feen but you fr keep this place up like real talk right now,” He’d be jostling all the languages he learned through his head, trying to piece together what you said before giving a nervous “thank you”.
💫 You now adopted Denki, Kirishima, and Mina because they really do vibe with you. They were all introduced to New Yorker culture a little through Tiktok.
💫 The only three people in the class that know how to woo walk. There’s always a party every Friday night at one of your dorms, drill music blaring out the stereo.
💫 You dub them as your sons and they’re more than happy to be called that.
💫 You put everybody onto some drip. Mitsuki thanked you personally for helping her son because his style was atrocious. You and Momo bought nice matching parkas together after a trip to the city. You hit up your cousin to get Uraraka a gold chain and now she mad Hollywood with it (let her live her life 😔).
💫 It took some time to convince Midoriya to throw out them faded red Octobers but eventually he agreed to buying some timbs. When he pulled up the Timberland’s box you were ecstatic.
💫 “Yurrr my guy Izuku copped him some buttas watchu know,” you opened the box, only to close it back again. Clasping your hands, turned back to him.
💫 “Deku.”
💫 “Y-yeah?”
💫 “Why the fuck are they red?”
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just-come-baek · 3 years
body rhythm
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Pairing: Taeyong x reader | mentions of Seulgi x Irene | mentions of Johnny x almost everybody
Themes: smut | fluff | dance!au 
Word count: 14.8k
Summary: Taeyong and Seulgi participate in a nationwide dance competition. However, due to unfortunate scheduling, she has to drop out of it, suggesting you, out of all people, fill in. Taeyong isn't pleased with how things manage to fall out of place, but he is in no position to be whiny about it. For him, it's either learn to work with you or lose yet another time to his arch-enemy.
Warnings: a moderate amount of fluff | Johnny flirting with everybody in plain sight | Johnny stalks people out on social media | cursing | Doyoung being a huge dick | Doyoung flexing his hips | reader has inappropriate thoughts about Taeil | Taeyong being very demanding dance teacher | stressfull situations | drinking | reader is kind of bratty and Taeyong finds it really frustrating | frustrated/angry making out | as per smut | oral!female receiving | unprotected sex (never try it at home or else Imma tell your parents) | they kinda fuck in the open and kinda check our their refection in the mirror |
A/N it's my entry for song association event, I hope you like it, and also don't forget to check out other entries ^^ they must be all out by now lol
“Are you ready?” Johnny inquired as he set his fourth coffee of the day on his desk and plopped onto the swivel chair in a cubicle next to mine. It was a really long day at work, and we both had trouble sitting through the end of it. Heaving a deep sigh, I looked at the pile of documents that required my attention, groaning before I sprawled across my workspace.
“I thought it’s canceled tonight,” I spoke as I looked at my wristwatch, wincing when I realized there was still one more hour until Johnny and I could finally clock out.
A few months ago, our lovely firm, instead of giving us a well-deserved raise, had decided to provide us with a variety of extra activities. Though I’d rather get some monetary benefits, together with Johnny, we chose dance classes. Our company was paying for it, so we might’ve as well attended.
Ever since then, every Thursday, we would go to a dance class to sweat out all of the pent-up frustration. I didn’t have plenty of expectations, still bitter after the company’s decision, but the dance class turned out amazing. Seulgi was our teacher, and although she was a bit demanding, she was patient enough to teach us some sick moves. If that didn’t scream talent™, I had no idea what did.
“Well… last week, she said she might be absent today, but I got a text from school that someone will fill in,” Johnny spoke matter-of-factly. I sighed, checking my phone, reading the same text message from the studio. I really didn’t have energy for dance classes, but there was no way Johnny would let me skip.
“Do you want to grab a drink after? I think I need one, or a few,” I proposed as I sat back in my chair, trying to let my eyes rest from the computer’s screen.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Johnny asked rhetorically, smiling at me as if I just read his mind. It was almost Friday at this point, and we deserved a little treat.
Though it felt like an eternity, the clock finally struck 5 p.m., letting us leave our claustrophobic cubicles. Tomorrow we would come back for another dose of torture, but right now, we were free. Only for a few hours, though.
Quickly, I returned home to get my gym bag. Thankfully, I lived within walking distance from both – my office and the dance studio, so it wasn’t as troublesome to commute as it was for Johnny, who got stuck in traffic almost every day.
A few minutes before the dance class, I was already changed into my gym attire, waiting for Johnny. Though no one was texting me, I stared at my phone, furiously typing away. Moon Taeil, also known as my secret crush, was leaning against the wall on the other side of the corridor, and I tried every single trick my mind could come up with not to look desperate.
“At this point, he must think you hate him,” Johnny commented as he conjured in front of me out of nowhere. “You should hit on him instead of trying to bolt every time he approaches you,” he added, and I rolled my eyes at his yet another one shitty advice.
“Can you remind me why I don’t take dating advice from you?”
“Why are you attacking me? I just wanted to help. There’s no need to get so aggressive,” Johnny defended his case, not really answering my question. Johnny was a self-proclaimed love expert, but to me, he was more of a pathological playboy. Either way, he seemed to understand the secrets of flirtation to pick up girls whenever he set his mind to it.
“I am just trying not to be obvious,” I commented, stealing a glance at Taeil. It was a silly crush, and though Johnny encouraged me to go for it, I never decided to act on my feelings. Taeil probably didn’t feel this way about me, so remaining idle actually saved me embarrassment after an inevitable rejection.
“Speaking of which, I figured out why Seulgi is so resistant to my charms,” Johnny announced proudly, and I raised my eyebrow, waiting for the big reveal. Everybody in our group knew that Johnny was attracted to Seulgi, but every time he tried to approach her, she would brush him off.
“By figured out, you mean you stalked her, right?” I commented when Johnny handed me his phone, showing me Seulgi’s profile. According to what Johnny dug out in social media, Seulgi was getting married to Irene – her girlfriend of five years. “Huh,” I mused as I gave him back his phone, trying not to laugh at him. Seulgi was already madly in love with someone else, no wonder she could resist his charm.
“Call it whatever you want,” Johnny started, putting his phone away. “Just don’t hold me down when FBI finally recruits me for my impeccable detective skills,” he argued, and I laughed as I imagined him leaving our lovely company. That would be a shame; I couldn’t imagine anyone else sitting in the cubicle next to mine.
“The room should be open,” someone hollered, mentioning for us to open the doors and get inside. I had seen him a few times around the school, so I deduced he must’ve been our substitute teacher today.
Once everybody took their spot on the dance floor, the man cleared his throat. “Hello everybody, my name is Taeyong. Together with Seulgi, we run this school, and I hope we will have a lot of fun today with new choreography,” he announced politely with a practiced professionalism. Perhaps Taeyong didn’t seem as cool as Seulgi, but we had to give him a chance to prove us wrong.
Taeyong was intimidating. I wouldn’t want to be left alone with him. When he showed us a few moves, he was immensely focused on delivering one hundred percent. It was impressive and admirable, but at the same, Taeyong gave off a scary fierce aura. Though he was a great dancer and teacher, Seulgi was just better.
“I think I have a heart attack,” I panted, gasping for air. The new choreography required lots of jumping, and I didn’t expect so much cardio today. I wasn’t out of shape; however, after dancing to Taeyong’s choreography, I had some doubts.
“We should’ve skipped,” Johnny commented, bending over with his palms on his knees, supporting his huge body. Taeyong’s dance routine was too much for us, and we weren’t the only people struggling to breathe. Thankfully, next week Seulgi would be back.
“You’re not gonna believe this,” Johnny announced, craning his neck to look inside my cubicle. Heaving a sigh, I put my pen down, giving him my full attention.
This better be good.
“What is it? Who are you stalking this time?” I inquired, giving him the attitude. Johnny was spending too much time on his phone during working hours, but I couldn’t really frown upon it because I often caught myself doing the same thing.
“First of all, I thought we agreed to call it researching, not stalking,” Johnny clarified, and I rolled my eyes. “And second of all, it’s Seulgi. She and the other guy from the dance studio qualified for some dance competition. Check this out,” Johnny explained, handing me his phone.
Seulgi and Taeyong rocked the stage. Though I had nothing to compare their performance to, they just oozed charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent. Without any shred of doubt, they would make it to the grand finale.
“Wow,” I mused, not sure how to appropriately respond. I was happy for their success; after all, their performance was broadcasted during prime time on national television. At this point, Seulgi and Taeyong were celebrities.
“I can’t wait for today’s class,” Johnny added in excitement, hiding his phone away inside the pocket of his jacket. “I have to congratulate her.”
“Them. You have to congratulate them,” I corrected Johnny as he seemed to forget about Seulgi’s dance partner. It wasn’t a solo competition, so both Seulgi and Taeyong deserved praise. “And as if you’ve forgotten, Seulgi is not and will never be interested in you. You gotta let this one go, man,” I added, hoping Johnny would stop his relentless flirting with Seulgi. Though it was funny at the beginning, it was evident Seulgi would appreciate it if he stopped.
“I am all over her. Trust me,” Johnny reassured me, and I let out a shallow sigh, wanting to believe him. “Do you know Wendy from the HR department? I think I’m gonna ask her out. I am all over Seulgi,” he added, and it actually convinced me. Although Johnny didn’t seek anything serious at this point in his life, and when something didn’t go according to his plan, he would shake it off and forget all about it.
“Ok, I believe you,” I said, giving him a genuine smile. “Oh, and I was thinking… how about some beer and chicken after dance classes today? I’ve been craving them the whole day,” I offered, and Johnny enthusiastically nodded. It did sound like a solid plan.
Thankfully, this week Seulgi was back, and everybody appreciated it. Taeyong was a great teacher, but we were a group of beginners, and it was difficult for us to follow his routine. We just weren’t ready for such complex choreography.
Everybody had so much fun today. At first, we practiced some old routines, working on synchronization. Later on, Seulgi taught us a few new moves, which I recognized from her television performance. Admittedly, they weren’t as difficult as they looked. Maybe it was a little bold of me, but I was thinking I was doing a pretty good job today.
At the very end of the class, Johnny delivered a dramatic congratulatory speech, making people laugh out of utter cringe. It was a nice gesture, and Seulgi’s embarrassment was adorable. She would cover her blushed cheeks and turn around, hoping the ground could swallow her up. In all honesty, it seemed to be the only way to shut up Johnny.
Just when we were about to be dismissed, I heard someone calling my name. Surprisingly, it was Seulgi. She must’ve wanted to discuss something with me. Damn it, was she going to scold me for not improving? Or was it because I sat half of the song out? I just needed a short break; I had no idea it would get me in trouble.
“I am sorry,��� I apologized even though I wasn’t sure what for yet. Seulgi would enlighten me in a second, so I cleared my throat to apologize to her once again. However, when she giggled instead of yelling at me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
“I’ll wait for you outside,” Johnny hollered before he strolled out of the practice room.
“Am I in trouble?” I asked, and Seulgi smiled, shaking her head.
Great, it was a relief.
“Actually, I may sound crazy to you,” she started, fidgeting a little. It was strange, Seulgi was a strong and confident woman, but right now, she seemed rather bashful. “Would you like to participate in a dance competition?”
Her question took me aback.
“What?” I asked, trying to wrap my head around the topic.
“Let me explain,” she offered, and I reluctantly nodded.
By the look on her face, I could tell it wasn’t going to be a quick chit-chat. Seulgi had a lot of things to explain, so we decided to sit on the floor before she began her speech.
Patiently, I listened to everything she wanted to tell me.
Seulgi and Taeyong wanted to participate in a dance competition ever since they had decided to open up a dance school together. Last week they really thought they were going to achieve their dream. Unfortunately, as soon as they qualified and received the schedule, complications started to follow.
Maybe it was a little bit overconfident of them to think they’d make it to the finals, but it still made them anxious. Regardless of their talent, they wouldn’t be able to perform in the grand finale. Apparently, on the very same day, Seulgi was getting married.
At first, I wanted to interject that they could reschedule, but Seulgi beat me to it.
“It would be the third time we reschedule it, and I just can’t let that happen. I don’t want Irene to think I prioritize dancing over her. She means the world to me, and I’d quit a thousand times to get married to her,” Seulgi confessed, and I tried my best to contain my feels. There was something raw and pure about Seulgi’s love, and it moved me.
Seulgi’s proposition was genius in its simplicity. Together with Taeyong, she would perform, climbing up the rankings. And if by any chance, they would make it to the final round; she wanted me to fill in. Given I had been dancing at their studio for about four months I couldn’t comprehend why she chose me.
I was a rookie, for crying out loud!
Finding a substitute dancer made a lot of sense, actually. Instead of dropping out, they could find a replacement. This way, Taeyong could still make his dream come true. And next year, together with Seulgi, they could try to defend the title.
However, once again, Seulgi read my mind and answered my question before I voiced my doubts. She must’ve really thought this through before approaching me. It seemed she had rehearsed all possible inquires and came up with perfect answers.
“All of our dancer friends either compete against us or failed during qualifications,” she declared, and I hummed in response. “Unfortunately, people who already attempted joining can’t fill in for other dancers.”
“That sucks,” I commented, and Seulgi dryly chuckled.
“I think you would be a perfect fit,” she started, and I held my breath, wanting to hear what made her think I’d be able to rise to the challenge. “Everybody can memorize moves, but you have a natural passion for dancing. I can see it in class. Maybe you can’t see it yet because dancing is a hobby to you more than anything else, but I can tell you have the it™ factor.”
I was speechless. Seulgi, the dance prodigy, was praising my dancing skills. I couldn’t believe my ears. What kind of self-indulgent dream was it? Why couldn’t I dream like a normal person? I had tendency to toot my own horn sometimes, but it was just too much.
“I bet with proper training, you and Taeyong could win.”
“Let me think about it, okay?”
“Sure, of course! No pressure!” Seulgi replied enthusiastically, giving me enough space to clear my mind and think about it.
“See you next week.” I waved at her, exiting the dance room. Absentmindedly, I changed out of the gym clothes and walked out of the building, almost walking past Johnny.
“Hey, what did Seulgi want?” Johnny asked, grabbing my wrist, pulling me out of trance.
“She wants me to dance in her place if she and Taeyong ever make it to the finals.”
At first, I was hesitant about this whole thing. I wasn’t a professional dancer, and I really didn’t want to contribute to them losing the competition. However, Seulgi really made a point that they would have to drop out anyway, so in some twisted way, my participation gave them a slimmer of hope for victory.
Once I explained everything to Johnny, he really insisted I should help them out, spitting nonsense about fame and recognition and how I couldn’t doubt myself and just go with the flow. Opportunities like this rarely occurred, and I ought to welcome them with excitement.
So I did.
Every Saturday and Sunday, I dropped by the dance studio for practice. Taeyong still intimidated me, but I could deal with it. Seulgi was always around me to nag him whenever he demanded too much from me. They balanced each other very well, and it was fun working with them. Even though each practice left me with sore muscled, I was still excited. It was tangible proof I was improving.
Seulgi and Taeyong smoothly went through the contest, winning each battle with ease, slowly climbing in the ranking. There was still plenty of work until the grand finale, but everything looked they were to make it to the very top.
Unfortunately, the closer to the D-day, the less time Seulgi had to help us during practice. With her wedding coming up, she had a lot of preparations to deal with. As a result, Taeyong and I had to practice the dance routine on our own.
“No, you’re doing it all wrong,” Taeyong yelled in irritation when for the nth time, I turned to my right instead of my left. “Do it again; five, six, seven, eight,” he added, playing the song from the very beginning.
To say I was frustrated was an understatement of the century. I was aware that Taeyong really wanted to win the competition, but he didn’t have to be a dick about it. With no Seulgi to supervise him, he was unbearable.
“I think I need a break,” I declared once I turned to the wrong side again before Taeyong managed to scold me for it. Even though he shouted something again, I ignored it. With a deep sigh, I walked over to my gym bag to get my water bottle.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taeyong asked, staring down at me with his arms folded across his chest, his demeanor dominant. His eyes were drilling holes in my head, his jaw was tightened – it was evident I was driving him up the wall. It was just a matter of seconds before Taeyong would snap, lashing out at me.
“I am taking a break,” I answered quickly, ignoring his angry stare. I was at my limit. If Taeyong didn’t back off, it would be the end of the practice for today. One more mean word and I’d storm out of the studio. I was here voluntarily. I was doing him a favor, and I didn’t deserve this type of treatment.
“Is it a joke to you?” Taeyong carried on, and I rolled my eyes. Of course, it wasn’t a joke to me. But at the same time, I was sick and tired of his shenanigans. I wanted him to win, but not when my mental health was on the line. He was pissing me off, and I wouldn’t let him walk all over me. “I thought you decided to help us out, but you’re not trying at all.”
He did not just say that.
“What?” I rhetorically asked, standing up, poking his chest with my forefinger. “I am trying my best here. You’re the one who makes it impossible to have fun dancing. You’re making it a chore, sucking all the fun out it.”
“Then tell me what I should do for you to finally make some progress? We’ve been stuck at this part for two weeks, and you still haven’t learned how to turn right!”
“Then go ahead and find someone else who can put up with your shit. I’m out,” I spoke, bending down to pick up my stuff, ready to leave the studio. Unfortunately, before I managed to exit the practice room, the doors opened, and Seulgi walked in with a confused expression on her face.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” She asked in worry, trying to put two and two together. It wouldn’t be the first time Taeyong and I argued, but it seemed to be the most intense one so far. It didn’t sit right with her. “Please don’t tell me you fought again.”
Briefly, I summarized what happened, and Seulgi looked down at Taeyong disapprovingly. I was glad Seulgi took my side; after all, she knew Taeyong could be too demanding.
“I am a dancer, but why does it feel I am a couple counselor? You two really have to learn how to work together when I’m not around,” she scolded us, making her point. If this whole arrangement was to work out, we both needed to establish some ground rules and learn how to put our differences aside. “I have an idea.”
Oh, no.
There was something mischievous in her tone, and I didn’t particularly like it.
“Let’s finish for today,” she proposed, and I smiled, thinking it was a great idea. Taeyong and I needed some time to chill, and calling it a day seemed like an appropriate way to do it. “Let’s go out clubbing instead!” Seulgi added cheerfully, clapping her hands in excitement.
“What?” Taeyong and I asked in unison, a bit surprised by Seulgi’s statement.
“That’s my prescription for the two of you,” she started, and I rolled my eyes. Taeyong and I didn’t get along as well as she wished for us to, but it wasn’t that bad. We didn’t need to bond over a few drinks in a crowded club. We would do just fine if Taeyong learned to go easy on me. “I believe we all can benefit from clubbing.”
“How come?”
“First of all, it will remind Taeyong that dancing is about fun, not overworking oneself,” Seulgi spoke, and I hummed, agreeing with her. “Second of all, it’ll give you a chance to loosen up. Your moves are still a bit stiff during intimate parts of the choreography,” she added, and Taeyong nodded in agreement. “And I really need something to drink because wedding planning is stressful as fuck.”
Not even thirty minutes later, we were inside the club.
“It’s a very sensual song. And you two really have to work hard to convey emotions through your dance,” Seulgi started as she sipped her tropical cocktail. “You must feel comfortable around each other and just ooze longing and sexual attraction,” she added, and I almost choked on my drink.
Performing with Taeyong was going to be more difficult than I had anticipated. When Seulgi and Taeyong showed me the choreography, I was amazed. Absolutely blown away. The way their bodies moved in synchronization left me speechless, but at the same time, I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t see myself living up to their level.
I wouldn’t consider myself particularly sexy. It made me feel awkward when I thought how seductive the dance routine actually was. I wasn’t sure I could pull this off, but Taeyong still had a lot of time to teach me.
“Take her to the dance floor,” Seulgi elbowed Taeyong, almost spilling his drink. Unenthusiastically, Taeyong looked at me before standing up and extending his arm.
Drunken people were jumping around us to the rhythm, and I awkwardly swayed from side to side, staring at Taeyong. With godlike precision, he moved, getting lost in the music. One could tell straight away Taeyong was a professional dancer.
Upon noticing how stiff I was, Taeyong shook his head, yanking me against his lean body. “How about you take a five-minute break to get that stick out of your ass? You look like you have no joints,” he yelled into my ear, his breath tickling my sensitive skin.
“I’ve had too little alcohol,” I replied, but Taeyong wasn’t having it.
“When we perform on the stage, will you need alcohol to let loose too?” Taeyong challenged with a playful smirk, and I rolled my eyes, too prideful to admit he was right. I couldn’t participate in that competition drunk. We wouldn’t win if I wasn’t able to come out of my shell and show everybody I had a sensual bone in my body.
“No,” I yelled into Taeyong’s ear. “How do I let loose?” I asked, hoping to hear some words of wisdom from him.
“Mirror what I’m doing,” Taeyong guided, and I nodded, focused on my new task. I could do that. I had been mirroring Seulgi’s movements during our classes, and I was pretty good at doing it. I could copy Taeyong’s moves.
At first, Taeyong danced a few classic moves we usually did during our warm-up routine. It was easy, and I think I nailed it. Later, he wiggled his upper body, feeling the rhythm. With envy, I observed how his body executed every single move, owning it. I wish I was half as good as Taeyong. Next to him, I probably looked like a crippled kid.
Upon noticing my struggle, Taeyong began jumping around, throwing his hands in the air. He looked ridiculous, but I remained focused on my task, dancing as if I was his shadow. Our bizarre moves earned some attention from other people, but our eyes were trained on each other, slowly getting lost in our own bubble.
I was sober, and I was on my way to owning the dance floor. I couldn’t believe it was happening. Maybe Taeyong’s charisma overshadowed my poor attempts of showcasing mine; however, I was sure I made a big step in the right direction. Slowly, I was improving.
“How about we spice it up a little bit?” Taeyong shouted into my ear, and I cocked up my eyebrow, thinking what he meant by that. “Don’t be shy,” he added, yanking me against his body. Taeyong was so close I could feel his legs rub against mine. “Come on, sweetheart. Touch me, tease me, feel me up,” Taeyong snickered, getting on my nerves. Not only Taeyong was smug for no reason, but he also quoted the song, which I was slowly growing to hate.
Taeyong must’ve assumed I’d back out. Surely, he didn’t expect me to follow his instructions and actually run my hands across his chest, shoulders, and back while simultaneously swaying my hips, earning approving stares from impressed men on the dance floor. At first, he was surprised he talked me into it, but a second later, he smirked, resting his palms on my sides, slowly exploring the valley of my butt.
I had no idea I had it in me, but Taeyong helped me discover it. We were basically grinding against each other, and it somehow didn’t feel awkward at all. We were just two people having fun.
“I’m sorry I was so harsh on you,” Taeyong apologized, shouting in my ear. “I’m just stressful all the time, and I think I may sometimes take it out on you,” he added, and I looked at his face, which was dangerously close to mine.
“It’s understandable,” I replied as I wrapped my arms around Taeyong’s neck, finding it much more comfortable. Now with our bodies pressed together, it was easier to have a conversation. “I know how much you want to win this competition. I’ll try harder,” I promised, and Taeyong released a relieved chuckle.
Who would’ve thought an adult conversation would work better than shouting at each other?
“Thank you,” Taeyong spoke genuinely, and I pulled away, staring at his face. His eyes were trained on mine. No matter how many hours we had spent at the dance studio, his gaze still intimidated me sometimes.
“Ekhm, I need a break,” I said in a desperate need to break eye contact with him. The dance floor was crowded, and it was making me dizzy. I was getting dangerously hot, and it seemed like heaven to get back to our booth and finish our drinks.
“Of course, you need a break,” Taeyong teased, sending me a lopsided smirk. “It’s okay, though. We still have plenty of time to work on your stamina,” he added as he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the crowd. Carefully, we zigzagged around drunken people, trying to make it safely to Seulgi.
Unfortunately, by the bar counter, someone walked into Taeyong, almost knocking him down.
“I’m very sorry,” a man shouted, but I could sense the words weren’t genuine.
“Doyoung,” Taeyong spoke, gritting his teeth, staring at the other man. Taeyong’s grip tightened around my hand. I figured he didn’t particularly like Doyoung.
“Taeyong,” Doyoung sighed, checking Taeyong out from head to toe before his gaze shifted to me. There was something spiteful about his lingering eyes, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. For sure, there was some bad blood between two men, and I suddenly felt an urge to know more. Inquisitiveness got the best of me.
Taeyong and Doyoung kept glaring at each other almost as if it was a competition. The tension was so intense one could cut it with a knife. I cleared my throat in a poor attempt to break their stare contest, but they didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
“I saw your last performance,” Doyoung finally spoke, scoffing. “You’re getting out of it, and here I expected to kick your ass in the finale. I wouldn’t be surprised if you and your partner got eliminated next week.”
I thought I had seen Taeyong furious, but right now, I was proven wrong. The way he looked at me whenever I was a handful during our practice was nothing compared to the way he glared at Doyoung. Taeyong was scary, and I decided to not get on his wrong side ever again.
“I’d gladly kick your ass here, but I’d rather wait for the finale. You know what people say about prolonged gratification,” Taeyong talked back, and I gasped, trying to comprehend what I just heard. Taeyong was getting cocky, and it made me nervous. I was already stressed about the possibility of performing, and he just added more pressure on my shoulders.
“We’ll see about that,” Doyoung replied, focusing his scrutinizing gaze on me. “But I have to say I kinda look forward to seeing you cry again. The way I beat you the last time was spectacular.”
“Let’s go, Taeyong. Don’t waste your breath on him. He’s not worth it,” I exclaimed, pulling Taeyong’s hand, reminding him I was there the whole time. I couldn’t listen to Doyoung talk trash about Taeyong. If Taeyong wasn’t going to walk away by himself, I had to intervene and pull him aside. Doyoung was provoking him.
“And who is that?” Doyoung asked in a mocking tone, displeased by the way I looked at him. Though I didn’t know the back story, I took Taeyong’s side. At least, Taeyong didn’t try to humiliate his rival, while Doyoung had already tried a few tricks to tick Taeyong off.
“You’re right,” Taeyong said, looking at me. It was evident he was holding himself back, trying his best not to take the bait. “Let’s go,” he added, pulling me away from Doyoung.
“Who was that?” I asked as we approached our booth. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my response. Upon arrival, we noticed that Seulgi was sprawled on the table, giggling to herself.
“Is she always like this?” I inquired, concerned about how drunk Seulgi got in such a short amount of time. We were gone for thirty minutes tops, and she was barely conscious after drinking her and our drinks.
“Aww… there you are… my dear friends,” she cooed cutely, trying to attack Taeyong with cuddles. She was adorable, but it was kind of irresponsible to drink by herself when we were on the dance floor. Thankfully, nothing happened. We returned just in time to collect her and escort her home.
“I can’t believe my plan worked,” Seulgi grinned, pointing her finger at Taeyong. “You no longer have a stick up your ass,” she exclaimed at Taeyong, too drunk to realize she should be talking to me. “And look at you! You were having fun!” Seulgi yelled, extending her arms to hug me. “I am so proud of you!”
“I should take her home,” Taeyong reasoned, considering it the safest option. He could call an Uber for Seulgi or just phone her fiancée to pick her up but bringing her home himself seemed to be the most rational solution. “Will you be alright by yourself?” He inquired, and I nodded right away. It was sweet of him to look after me too. Thankfully, I barely touched my cocktail; I could get home safely on my own.
“Don’t worry about me,” I replied casually, sending him a reassuring smile. “Just make sure Seulgi makes it home safe,” I added, warming up at the way Taeyong hauled up Seulgi, carefully leading her out of the club. It made me wonder if Johnny did the same to me. Probably. He wouldn’t be that gentle, though. If anything, he’d throw me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Or just drag me out like a corpse.
“Give me a call once you get back home,” Taeyong demanded before we parted ways.
“You went clubbing without me?” Johnny dramatically asked after I told him everything that happened on the weekend. Despite my detailed narration, it seemed as if that was the only thing he caught on to. “How could you?”
“Relax, dude,” I rolled my eyes, shuffling around my desk, getting ready for work. It was Monday morning – it was about time we start our gossip routine.
“And I was wondering… would you mind helping me researching this shady dude? There’s some conflict between him and Taeyong. And I need to know what happened,” I started, wondering if Johnny would cooperate with me and put his stalking abilities to good use.
I was too embarrassed to ask Taeyong about Doyoung. Besides, I had a hunch he would either brush me off or scold me.
“Do you know anything about this dude besides his name?” Johnny pulled out his phone, no questions asked. “Please, don’t tell me that’s the only thing you know.”
“I mean… he’s probably a dancer,” I added with a sheepish smile, making Johnny heave a deep sigh. “He must be a big deal, though. Apparently, Taeyong lost a competition to him.”
“I’ll try to find some dirt, but it may be difficult given how little info you gave me,” Johnny declared as he began his thorough research.
It took Johnny five minutes to find the correct Doyoung. It was remarkable. If it wasn’t enough for the FBI to hire him, I’d gladly present them a recommendation letter. Quickly, I opened Doyoung’s profile on my phone, scrolling through his feed.
At first glance, Doyoung seemed to be a regular bratty internet star with an overgrown ego. His follower count was impressive. Studying his profile, I learned a lot about him. Unfortunately, it had no value. There was nothing specific about his conflict with Taeyong.
“How was your date with Wendy?” I asked Johnny as I gave up on my research. Whatever was the root of their bad blood would have to remain a mystery.
“It was fine,” Johnny started, but I could tell he wasn’t entirely honest. His disappointed tone betrayed him. “She left before the waiter brought the dessert. Apparently, she didn’t particularly like when I kept calling her Wanda.”
“No hard feelings, though,” Johnny shrugged it off, trying to focus on the positive aspect of their terrible date. “At least, I’ve had two slices of cheesecake. Besides, I’m kind of into Sooyoung from the creative team now. I think she is the one.”
“Every girl you’re into is the one,” I interjected, rolling my eyes, done with his antics.
“Oh, by the way, I’ve forgotten,” Johnny chimed in, staring at me in excitement. “Taeil asked me about you,” he revealed, and I almost spat out my morning coffee.
“Are you still into him, though?” Johnny inquired, rubbing his temple in deep thought. “I haven’t heard you gush about him these days,” he pinpointed, and I wondered if my crush on Taeil was still as intense as it was a few months ago.
Taeil was insanely hot. I kept drooling whenever I saw him operate the printer. It was inappropriate to check him out whenever he bent down to change the ink, but I couldn’t help myself. Or whenever we met by the vending machine.
Good old times.
Right now, though, I rarely caught myself thinking about him. At first, I thought it was due to a hectic schedule. I was either at work or at the dance studio or getting shit-faced with Johnny on another wild adventure with him and his friends.
It was difficult to comprehend how easily my crush faded into thin air. Taeil was still sexy as fuck, but while I appreciate his looks, I wasn’t daydreaming how to get into his pants. At this point, I was just admiring his attributes in the most nonsexual way imaginable.
Apparently, the lack of response on my part was everything Johnny needed to confirm his suspicion.
“So what? Are you into Taeyong now?” Johnny asked boldly, and now, I actually choked on my coffee, thinking I heard him wrong. How did he jump to that conclusion?
“Don’t get me wrong, but it kinda looks like you’re into him,” Johnny commented, playing with a pen. “You talk about him all the time with lots of passion. I think there’s something going on between you two. Is he single?”
“I talk about him all the time because I live to complain, and recently he’s the sole reason why I gotta vent,” I defended, but Johnny didn’t seem convinced. “And I don’t know if he’s single. I don’t really care,” quickly, I rejected all accusations, but in all honesty, his words got me wondering.
Was I attracted to Taeyong?
Surely, Taeyong was ridiculously attractive. He danced well, too. Unfortunately, we didn’t click much. There was passion between us, but it wasn’t romantically stemmed. We just kept annoying each other. I wouldn’t consider it sexual. We were just getting on each other’s nerves often, unable to properly solve our differences.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, honey,” Johnny teased, and I fought the urge to throw the stapler at him. “I bet fifty bucks you’ve imagined him naked, fucking you dumb.”
What the fuck, John???
I did not imagine Taeyong naked!
Not until now, at least.
“I seriously hate you right now,” I complained, deciding it’s about time I focus on work.
After Johnny had planted naughty thoughts in my mind, each dance practice was unbearable. My mind was running wild, coming up with different scenarios involving Taeyong and me in intimate situations. It was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop.
After months of practicing the dance routine, we decided it would be best to make some changes to the choreography. Though it was still sensual as hell, with our hands roaming each other’s bodies, we found it crucial to accentuate Taeyong’s talents.
It was a strategic plan. While typically male dancers helped the female dancers shine, we put a little twist to it. Though our performance was still pretty balanced, Taeyong had a few crucial parts of choreography, in which he would snatch everybody’s hearts.
Seulgi didn’t object to our strategy. Well… she was never there, to begin with. Seulgi was a ghost, never present during our practice, always busy doing some last-minute wedding prep.
“Let’s take a five,” Taeyong hollered as he turned off the music, sending us off to a short break. It sounded weird when it came out of his mouth, but I didn’t complain. We’ve been practicing nonstop for the past hour. At this point, I was panting.
Lying down onto the floor, I rested my head on my towel, reaching for my phone. Quickly, I unlocked it to see a series of notifications from Johnny. He had sent me a link to a video, telling me in all caps to watch it.
Having left the earphones in the locker room, I played the video quietly through my phone’s speaker. It was a short film with Doyoung. It must’ve been his performance from last year’s competition. Jamming to the music, I studied his moves.
Doyoung was really good. I mean… it wasn’t professional expertise, but I could tell he had talent. His body control was impeccable, his hip thrusts must’ve impregnated plenty of women in the audience, but his shoulder rolls were just otherworldly. Along with the female dancer, they showcased quite the performance. From the beginning to the very end, I couldn’t look away, failing to notice Taeyong approach me.
“What the hell are you doing?” Taeyong shouted, tearing my phone from my hand, double-checking what I was watching. “Why are you watching this?” He angrily asked, locking the device, wishing for it to stop playing music.
It was difficult to explain.
I couldn’t exactly tell Taeyong that I asked my best friend to do research on Doyoung in hopes of finding out what was the root of their conflict. Though we had never found anything substantial, Johnny would send me more footage to check out. However, regardless of how much stuff Johnny had provided me with, I was still clueless.
“Why are you shouting at me?” I spoke, biting on my bottom lip. I was in big trouble, so it was only logical to play dumb.
Taeyong stared down at me, demanding a genuine answer. His jaw was tensed, his knuckles around my phone turned white. It was just a meaningless clip, but it got him fuming at me. Regardless of what I’d tell him, he wouldn’t like the answer. I figured this much.
“Why were you watching that?” Taeyong yelled, raising his hand, almost smashing my phone against the floor. Thankfully, he held back and gently put it on my bag.
It was incredible how much the video affected Taeyong. The movie worked on Taeyong like a red rag to a bull. One moment he seemed fine, but once he figured out what I was watching, he snapped.
“You really want to know?” I challenged as I rose to my feet, staring at him. It was my turn to raise my voice. If he kept shouting at me, I was going to give him the same treatment. “Ever since that night at the club, I was curious. You were basically throwing daggers at each other, and I really wanted to know what happened between you two. You never bothered to explain it, and I didn’t want to push you.”
“Do you have your answers now?” Taeyong exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes, agitating him even more with my fed-up behavior. He was scary right now, but I refused to let him intimidate me. “Or do you want to read my diary too?!”
I resisted the temptation of saying yes to his offering. Taeyong wasn’t the type of person to write a dairy. He was exaggerating, but I didn’t want to provoke him further. At any mention of Doyoung’s name, wrath took control over Taeyong, turning him into his destructive self.
“If it makes you feel any better, I know shit about him,” I confessed, throwing my hands in the air. “I wanted to know what he did to you, but I came up with nothing. And believe it or not, the way he treated you that night made me worry. You’re my dance partner, and I care about you a lot, and it really hurt me seeing you in distress,” I spat, not thinking about consequences. I was talking without filter, probably spilling too much information.
My verbal diarrhea confused Taeyong. His huge eyes were staring at me in astonishment. He was studying my expression, wondering if everything I said was true. Oh, no! My reckless words made him uncomfortable. He must’ve grown to hate now.
In embarrassment, I looked down at my shoes. I felt terrible, and I needed to come up with something clever to say to save my dignity and ease the tension. However, before I managed to voice my sincere apology, I felt Taeyong’s hands cup my cheeks as he surged forward and kissed my breath away. It was sudden, but I reciprocated the kiss in an instant.
Stress, anxiety, anger, sexual frustration, and probably many other factors led us to this very moment. I had been daydreaming about Taeyong’s mouth on mine for a while now. And when it finally happened, I eagerly swept my tongue across his lips, deepening the kiss. Though I had tried my best to withstand the tension between us, I wasn’t oblivious to it.
Taeyong already knew almost every inch of my body, so his hands naturally began roaming across my skin. Moaning into the kiss, he held me closer, keeping me pressed against him.
“Taeyong,” I breathed out as I pulled away, only for Taeyong to smash his lips against mine again, successfully shushing me. This time around, the kiss was even more passionate, making my knees weak. In a rush, Taeyong pushed me against the wall, pushing his thigh between my legs. “We shouldn’t,” I spoke, but my tone wasn’t convincing at all. I wasn’t even sure who I was trying to convince that it was a bad idea.
“Shut up,” Taeyong demanded as he tilted his face, sucking on my bottom lip. His hands were on my butt, kneading my flesh, trying to make me moan into his mouth. In all honesty, it worked. Maybe, I whimpered incoherent sounds, but it’s was just a poor attempt to encourage him to keep kissing me.
Regardless of how much he was to gift me, I needed more. I wasn’t going to stop until I’d take everything Taeyong was willing to give.
I craned my neck to the side, and Taeyong quickly caught on, leaving a wet trail down my neck. His lips were delicate, careful not to leave a mark, while his hips were grinding against me, letting me feel how stiff he already was.
“Legs,” Taeyong ordered, gently slapping my thigh. Obediently, I spread my legs apart, letting his hand cup my sex. It was ridiculous how horny he was making me. Once his raspy voice echoed in my ears, I fulfilled his wish, waiting for another command in excitement.
“Please,” I begged, needing more of him. Whatever he planned on doing to me, I needed it now. Whether he was to tease me with his beautiful fingers or fuck me raw with his cock, he better do it now.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he whispered against my skin, pressing feather-like kisses along my collarbone. His touch was driving me insane. His hands were everywhere but where I wanted them the most. This type of teasing should be illegal.
It was more than I could take, so I took matters into my own hands. I could play this game, too. With a mischievous smirk upon my face, I hooked my forefinger under the band of his tracksuit bottoms. Unfortunately, Taeyong quickly swept my hand away.
“You’re such a bad girl,” Taeyong commented before he captured my lips again, sliding his tongue into my mouth, knowing I’d talk back to him. “You have to do everything your way. Would it kill you if you listened to me at least once?” Taeyong muttered, staring into my eyes.
Yes, I was a brat. Taeyong wanted me to submit to him, and I would do it eventually, but not before I’d tease him first. What was fun in that?
“Don’t answer that,” he added, and I rolled my eyes. Though we barely hung out outside the dance studio, Taeyong learned a lot about me. Having an answer to everything was one of those things he had the pleasure of discovering.
“Just fuck me, please,” I said nicely, staring into his eyes, hoping it would be enough to make him cave. “I can’t take it any longer,” I added, rubbing my loins against his restrained cock, making him let out a guttural moan.
My plan was working. Slowly, Taeyong was giving in, probably taking his time to think about the consequences of letting me experience instant gratification. Orgasm would’ve been sweeter if he made me wait a bit more, but it was difficult for him to control his urges.
Without any doubt, Taeyong wanted to bury his cock inside of me as much as I wanted him to fuck me dumb. We withstood so many practices without jumping at each other – I should consider it foreplay.
“Fine, but I’m gonna eat you out first,” Taeyong spoke, and I almost lost it by just imagining his jaw going between my thighs. Swiftly, he knelt in front of me, pulling my leggings down to my ankles in one fluid motion. Having kicked off my gym shoes, I wiggled the fabric off my feet, sending it flying across the dance studio.
Taeyong ran his fingers across my panties, inspecting how soaked they already were. With a smirk upon Taeyong’s face, he pressed a chaste kiss against my skin above the waistband before he yanked the undergarment down.
“Beautiful,” he said under his breath before he surged his face, taking my clit between his gorgeous lips, making me tilt my head in pleasure. Frustration got me sensitive. Even the slightest touch got me purring in delight.
Taeyong licked and nipped at my entrance, and I run my hands through his hair, encouraging him to keep going. He flicked his tongue, and I buckled my hips, wanting more.
“I need your fingers,” I pleaded, looking down at him. Taeyong looked breathtaking, with my juices were dripping down his sharp jaw, with his lips turned into a satisfied smirk. He was proud of how he was making me feel. His glistening skin was the very evidence of his skillful moves. “Taeyong, please, I am so close.”
Though I didn’t expect him to, Taeyong listened to my humble request. His middle finger slid right it, making me purr in satisfaction. I could finally feel him inside of me, and it was heavenly. His palm moved quickly, working me up.
The first orgasm was building up. Taeyong was fucking me now with two fingers while his mouth was fiddling with my clit. If it wasn’t for Taeyong’s palm, holding me still, I’d buckle right into his face for more friction.
“I’m about to come,” I declared, shutting my eyes close. As tempting as it was to peek at the mirror on the other wall and check out the view of Taeyong eating me out, it was more than I could take. My instinct to squeeze my eyes shut and welcome the orgasm was too much.
Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.
Before tiny tingles of electricity could unite and explode, shooting through me like a lightning strike, Taeyong pulled away, denying me of my orgasm. It physically hurt when instead of a blissful peak, I felt nothing.
“What the fuck?” I barked angrily, ready to pull him by his hair against my sex and press him against me, so he could finish the job.
“We’re coming together, or we’re not coming at all,” Taeyong sternly replied, standing up. His lips were swollen from all the work he was doing, and they looked even more kissable.
“I’ve never pegged you for such a teaser,” I stated matter-of-factly, still a little bit butt-hurt over the way how smug he was about not letting me come first. Maybe I was a handful most of the time, but I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve such treatment.
“I’m not,” Taeyong chimed in, biting down on his lip. “There’s just something about you that makes me want to punish for your misbehavior,” he explained, and I got it where it came from. I wasn’t the best student he could work with. “Isn’t it the sweetest torture?” Taeyong challenged before he surged forward, smashing his lips against mine again, raising my thigh and giving it a gentle rub.
“Please, Taeyong, I need you inside of me,” I begged as I ground my sex against his rock-hard cock. I couldn’t comprehend how self-disciplined and patient he was; his budge was throbbing underneath his pants. It must’ve been painful for him, and he did all of that to teach me a lesson. “Fuck me, already.”
“Relax, sweetheart. I got you,” he softly spoke as he hoisted me up, pressing me tightly against the wall. “To be honest, I expected you to lose it sooner,” Taeyong added, and I hoped he was talking about my sanity. I endured more than enough; his teasing was too much.
“How should I fuck you?” Taeyong asked, looking around the practice room, seeking a perfect spot to stuff his cock inside of me. We didn’t have a lot of options, but I didn’t care. He could fuck me in the middle of the room, and I’d eagerly spread my legs for him. “Screw it,” he cursed, gently lowering me down onto the floor. “Do you mind?” Taeyong inquired, and I shook my head as I wrapped my legs around his hips, pressing him against me.
“Strip,” I ordered, and Taeyong smirked before he pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his lean physique. My eyes marveled at his beautiful shoulders and toned muscles. I had touched him more than I could count, but I never saw him bare, and when I finally did, I gawked.
“What about you, sweetheart? Come on, I am waiting,” Taeyong teased, and I took off my T-shirt. I was only in my sports bra, and Taeyong bit his lip, staring down at me, admiring my simple beauty. With no further comment, Taeyong leaned in, attacking my collarbone. It was hot how attentive he was, but right now, all I needed was his cock buried deep down my cunt.
Desperately, I reached to his sweatpants, palming his erection through the fabric. As soon as I touched him, Taeyong released a needy growl, rolling his hips into my hand, finally giving in to the pleasure. He lost his self-restraint, and now, he seriously needed to fill me up with his throbbing length.
“Take them off,” I breathed out, pulling by the hem of his pants. With a lowered head, Taeyong tsked before he yanked them down to his knees, wriggling out of them. Just as I expected, his cock urgently entailed my attention.
Though the thought of blowing him crossed my mind, I eventually decided not to entertain this idea too much. It was apparent Taeyong wanted to him inside of my pussy. I’d suck him dry on a different occasion. Hopefully, it would happen soon.
“Fuck me, Taeyong,” I moaned as I trembled when the tip of his cock brushed against my folds. I was embarrassingly sensitive after his ministrations, and he dared to tease me again. “Please,” I begged as I gave his length a few gentle strokes, aligning it with my entrance.
“Aaahh…” Taeyong growled, slowly pushing his dick inside of me. Inch by inch, he filled me up, stretching my walls. A lot of different sinful noises came out of his mouth as he began steadily thrusting his hips.
Taeyong’s stamina was no joke. It was hard to believe how long he could snap his hips without messing up his rhythm. His low voice mixed with my desperate moans echoed inside the room, creating a wicked symphony along with the sound of our sweaty bodies smashing against each other.
He was fucking me hard, and I was in seventh heaven. Taeyong was filling me up so good; I could come undone on his cock anytime.
“Taeyong,” I moaned his name as I watched him fuck me. Though it was hot to look at his cock disappear in my pussy, it was even sweeter to stare in the mirror. With my head turned to the side, I studied the whole picture how Taeyong was fucking me.
“I am coming,” I screamed as I felt the bliss approach. Taeyong was panting, struggling to maintain his tempo with the way my walls tightened around his sensitive cock. Once he hit my sweet spot, I was a goner. After a few thrusts, I came, digging my nails in his back.
“Fuck,” Taeyong cursed, shouting my name as he shot his load inside of me, collapsing on top of me. We were a breathless mess, our bodies sticking together, but neither of us minded. At this point, we were too spent to care. “You were incredible,” Taeyong whispered as he pulled out, rolling to the side.
“You weren’t that bad yourself,” I panted, giggling, still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm. Thankfully, Taeyong didn’t pay much attention to my playful jab. “I meant it what I said,” I added, turning around to look at him.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” Taeyong started, staring into my eyes, showing me his sincerity. “I just can’t help myself but get angry when I see him or hear about him,” he continued, and I nodded my head, letting him know I was willing to listen.
I didn’t expect that Taeyong would agree to vent to me, but when he did, I patiently heard him out. After all, I was pretty sure we were at least friends now.
“It all happened about a year ago. We were competing in the same contest, and he made my dance partner quit. Doyoung seduced her, toyed with her, and once the trophy was his, he dumped her. Because of him, I was disqualified, and she quit dance altogether.”
Listen to his story made me both sad and angry. Doyoung had been a dick to interfere like that – he must’ve known he hadn’t stood a chance against them in a fair fight. My blood was boiling in my veins as I put all the pieces together.
Sadness took over next. The way Doyoung had manipulated Taeyong’s dance partner was upsetting. The wound had been cut so deep, she couldn’t have forced herself to keep going. Doyoung had wrecked two lives, and it made my blood boil, too.
“We’re gonna beat him. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we do,” I spoke, reassuring him. It was impossible to tend the wounds, but the least I could do is help Taeyong win. For what he had done, Doyoung deserved punishment. If I were Taeyong, I’d not hesitate to beat him up.
“I hope so,” Taeyong muttered, reaching for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s still fine if we don’t. I’m pretty sure karma will get to him eventually,” he added with a sigh.
“I’ll work harder,” I declared, feeling an extra wave of determination wash through me. “I’ll try my best,” I said, and Taeyong smiled fondly, content to hear me say it.
“Thanks. It means a lot to me.”
For a while, we were staring at each other. It felt nice and somehow more intimate than all the fucking we had done. If we were in bed, I could do it all night. Unfortunately, we were still lying on the uncomfortable floor.
“Let’s get washed up before we get too sappy,” I added, trying to ease the tension. I really enjoyed it, but it was getting a little too much.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing the shower with me. You know… water bills are a bitch,” Taeyong spoke, and I giggled at his bullshit excuse, finding it incredibly cute, considering what we had been doing a few minutes ago.
“Of course they are,” I deadpanned, chuckling. Though his excuse was lame, I liked Taeyong enough to go with it. “Come on. Let’s go. I don’t want anyone to catch me naked.”
After that one time at the dance studio, Taeyong and I made it a regular thing. However, we kept it civilized. We wouldn’t jump each other’s bones in the open like animals like we had done the first time. Usually, we would go on small kind-of-dates, which consisted of picking up food, going to my or his place, and then rolling in the sheets.
We were having lots of fun. It was a perfect way to de-stress. After all, the finale was this Saturday, and we were nervous as hell. In all honesty, I was still scared, but these orgasms were numbing my anxiety.
“I think that’s it,” Taeyong spoke, and I smiled brightly, unable to contain my joy. It was the first time Taeyong ever approved of our performance. Most of the time, he was nitpicking, complaining about the slightest mistake, but finally, he was satisfied with it.
I was ecstatic; I never expected to live up to Taeyong’s approval. Through hard work and persistence, I managed to earn his eulogy.
“What should we do now? How about we order some food?” I asked, feeling in a celebratory mood. Maybe it was a little bit too early to drink to this small success, but it’s still worth a shot.
“We should do it again. We should dance it flawlessly at least a couple of hundred consecutive times before celebrating,” Taeyong seriously replied, and I rolled my eyes. Despite his painstaking nature, a couple of hundred times, it was a bit too much. Even for him. “Don’t give me that look. Let’s start again; five, six, seven, eight.”
Though usually, I’d complain and try to force him into a five-minute break, right now, I was oddly energized. We were dancing for the past two hours, and I was panting out of exhaustion. Nevertheless, the thoughts of finally mastering the choreography kept me going.
“I’m pretty good at this,” I confidently commented while roaming my hands across Taeyong’s shoulders before he twirled me around to the rhythm. I could tell that Taeyong was just waiting for an excuse to pause the music and scold me for making a mistake. However, much to his dismay, I executed every move impeccably. “I had a pretty good teacher,” I added, stroking his ego. The D-day was approaching, and Taeyong obviously needed an extra boost of confidence.
“I must admit you were a piece of work. I have no idea what kind of sorcery is this,” Taeyong teased, staring into my eyes. We had practiced the routine plenty of times; we could probably perform it in blindfolds and not make a single mistake. “I must be a magician or something.”
“Don’t push it,” I warned him in a very non-threatening tone, making him smirk. “But it’s only partially your success. Seulgi told me I have the it™ factor,” I proudly said, cracking Taeyong up, messing the choreography. “Is it a student-has-become-the-master kind of moment?” I asked, laughing at Taeyong. For the dance prodigy, he was getting distracted way too easily. It was suspicious.
With a broad smile upon his face, Taeyong grabbed my wrists, making me look at him.
“How about we finish up for today? I have a surprise for you,” Taeyong said, and I cocked my eyebrows, biting my bottom lip. “Not that kind of surprise,” he added, rolling his eyes at me. “We might get it on later, though.”
“What kind of surprise then?”
“Wait a second,” Taeyong spoke, quickly jogging out of the practice room. In a minute, he was back with a garment bag in his hands. “Here, that’s for you. Seulgi came in the morning to drop it off for you,” he explained, and I pulled down the zipper. It was going to be my costume for the contest, and I was curious how it looked.
I was speechless. At first, I thought it was a joke. I wouldn’t be able to perform in that. However, the more I looked at it, the more sense it made. It was a simple white suit shirt, but when mixed with a leather body harness, high-waisted shorts, and boots, it fitted the concept beautifully.
“Do you like it? I thought it was too revealing, but Seulgi insisted you would look amazing in it. I mean… it fits the mood, but if you’re not comfortable with it, we still have some time to find something else,” Taeyong blabbered, and my heart swelled. It was very sweet of him to consider my comfort above anything else.
“It’s skimpy, but it’s fine. I like it,” I replied, having no idea where my confidence was coming from. A few months ago, I’d be anxious to even try it on in the confines of my bedroom. However, now I was planning on showing a lot of skin on national television during prime hours on the weekend. I must’ve gone insane.
“Do you want to try it on?” Taeyong challenged, pulling the hangers out of the bag.
“You mean… here?!”
“Come on, it wouldn’t be the first time you took off your clothes in the middle of the practice room,” Taeyong concluded, smiling at me mischievously.
“Pass,” I firmly rejected his dare, even though it felt tempting. “It’s not fun when I’m doing it alone,” I added, and Taeyong grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, more than ready to discard his clothes in a blink of an eye. “Don’t fool around,” I warned him, placing my hand over his before he managed to take his T-shirt off.
“You’re right. Let’s go to my place first,” Taeyong agreed, zipping the bag before he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the practice room.
 On the day of the performance, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache. No matter how much fantastic sex Taeyong and I had, I was not mentally prepared to perform in front of the whole nation. I felt sick, almost as if my body was telling me to quit before I’d embarrass myself on national television. Stress was eating me from the inside.
“What are you doing up so early? Let’s go back to bed,” Taeyong purred in his raspy morning voice as he sneaked his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. “You need to be rested before the performance. Trust me, you don’t want a camera to catch you yawning,” he added, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing hot air against my skin.
“Thanks for giving me one more thing to stress about,” I deadpanned, heaving a deep sigh, staring at the ceiling. It was a mistake. I should have never agreed to Seulgi’s proposition in the first place. What the hell was I thinking? “I think it’s a bad idea. We should quit.”
Taeyong wasn’t in the mood for my nagging so early in the morning; he was having none of it. “You’re being ridiculous. We’ve practiced so much. We’re gonna win it with ease,” he declared, pressing a featherlike kiss against my jaw. “But for real,” he added, climbing on top of me, trapping me between his thighs, “we’re going to win. And even if we don’t, it’s fine. Really, if somehow we lose to Doyoung and his partner, I’ll just punch him backstage.”
“How can you say that?” I said with a sigh, running my hands across his thighs, finding it rather calming. “I know you said we should rest, but how about…” I trailed, and Taeyong smiled before eagerly capturing my lips, reading me like an open book.
“Say no more,” Taeyong whispered before his hands traveled under my shirt.
Unfortunately, Taeyong’s phone started buzzing on the nightstand before he managed to pull my panties down. With a groan, he extended his arm, staring at the screen.
“It’s Seulgi.”
“What are you waiting for? It’s her wedding day. Pick it up,” I yelled at him as I fell on the pillow, admiring his handsome face when he was talking to Seulgi.
“Please, not you, too,” he barked, rubbing his face in annoyance. Though I barely could make out what she was saying, I figured this much Seulgi and I were suffering from the same stress-fuelled illness. It was her wedding day, after all. Even if it was obvious she loved Irene with a burning passion, she wasn’t immune to pre-wedding anxiety.
Seulgi was talking her stress away, and Taeyong just hummed and nodded his head, registering her words. For some reason, the pressure didn’t seem to bother Taeyong at all. It was weird, but at least he was the voice of reason, which could help me and Seulgi cope.
“Breath in, breath out,” Taeyong spoke when Seulgi made a pause long enough for him to interject. “I know it’s a big deal, but there’s nothing to worry about. You’re getting married to Irene. You love her so much,” Taeyong reminded her, winking at me, expecting Seulgi to end the call soon. “Everybody’s a little nervous; it’s completely normal.”
It was beautiful how close Taeyong and Seulgi were. They had each other’s backs in all types of situations.
About ten minutes later, Seulgi finally calmed down. Taeyong’s reassuring words swept the anxiety away, and she was more than ready to get married to the love of her life.
Once Seulgi hung up, Taeyong threw his phone on the bed and secured my legs around his hips before he leaned forward, giving me a quick kiss. “Seulgi says hi, by the way,” he added, sneaking his hand under the hem of my panties.
“What do you mean what?” Taeyong looked down at me, creasing his eyebrows in confusion.
“She knows?” I yelled, unable to comprehend how, on Earth, Seulgi figured out I was in Taeyong’s bed. She couldn’t know. She wasn’t even there when our romance bloomed. “How?”
“Yeah, is it a bad thing, though? You didn’t want to fuck me in secret, did you?” Taeyong challenged, not really answering my inquiry. Did Seulgi figure it out on her own? Or did Taeyong told her about us? And, the biggest question mark was: what were we to begin with? “Seulgi must have some sort of sixth sense. She was bothering me about the sexual tension between us since day one of your training.”
“I wouldn’t call it sexual tension per se, but there was something going on,” I replied, reminiscing how rocky our beginning was. “But I think we were interrupted…” I reminded him, and Taeyong with a playful smirk on his face dived right between my thighs.
 The streaming should begin at 8 p.m., but we had to arrive before 5 p.m., so the make-up artists and stylists could prepare us for the performance. Sitting in that chair and waiting for all pampering to be over with was stressful as fuck. I tried to preoccupy myself with an idea of Taeyong, but whenever someone threw a question in my direction, I was being pulled out of my train of happy thoughts.
I wanted to get on the stage and be done with it. Unfortunately, whoever funded that contest didn’t think of the mental health of its participants when making today’s schedule.
Punctually, the show began its transmission at 8 o’clock. However, at the very beginning, the MC had to introduce all sponsors. Going through them took him about twenty minutes. Then, they interviewed some of the eliminated dancers, asking them questions either about their experience in the competition or simply who they thought would win.
Later, they decided to rewind the contestants’ moments in the show. At first, they showed Doyoung and his partner, and a few experts analyzed their performance, wondering what the odds of them winning were.
When the host announced the rewind of Taeyong’s and Seulgi’s stages, the jury only talked about the sudden switch up, confirming it was the first time it ever happened in the grand finale. It startled a lot of people why would Seulgi drop out, but Taeyong explained it in a brief interview.
“It was a crazy coincidence, but Seulgi couldn’t participate today because she is getting married today,” Taeyong revealed, and the audience cooed loudly, obviously supporting her choice. “I was stressed at first, but Seulgi found an amazing dancer to take her spot. She really chose well,” he added, and I looked at him, trying not to cry in front of everyone.
It was almost impossible to fish out a compliment from Taeyong during practice, but right now, he did it on his own accord, melting my heart with his words.
“Everybody is dying to know more about your partner,” the MC started, shifting his attention to me. I didn’t particularly like to be put in the spotlight, but before I managed to spit some nonsense, Taeyong butt in, rescuing the day.
“Although she doesn’t have much experience in dance competitions, I think she’s a great dancer. To think of it, she is my secret weapon,” Taeyong added, and I almost ran into his arms, feeling too overwhelmed by his speech.
“Alright then, let’s see what you got after a short commercial break,” the MC cheerfully announced before I bolted out of the stage as I felt the stress crept into my head.
“Calm down,” Taeyong softly spoke as he approached me, holding my hand, drawing circles with his thumb. “You’ve got this. Just focus on me,” he added, flashing me a reassuring smile before kissing my knuckles.
“Awww… isn’t it adorable?” Someone snickered, and I didn’t need to turn my head around to know it was Doyoung. He was like a venomous snake, trying to sneak into our subconscious and make us even more anxious. It couldn’t be fair play.
“Buzz off,” I barked as I didn’t want to let him tick Taeyong off. Taeyong was my safety pin, and I didn’t want him to go full rage on Doyoung. Their backstage battle would make it to the news, but I’d rather prevent it from happening.
“With Seulgi on your arm, I was giving you a five percent chance of winning,” Doyoung started, ignoring my warning. “Now, when she’s gone, I won’t even have fun beating you on the stage,” he added, and I almost surged forward to punch him. If it wasn’t for Taeyong, who held me in my place, I’d definitely rearranged Doyoung’s face.
“Don’t let him get into your head,” Taeyong whispered into my ear, and I nodded my head, sighing. Then, it struck me. Doyoung’s motive wasn’t to mess with Taeyong but with me. He knew I was the weakest link, and he wanted to guarantee his victory by making me doubt myself. His words rung in my head, but one look at Taeyong helped me relax. We had practiced it a thousand times; there was not a chance I would make a mistake.
“Come on. Let’s go. They’re calling us out,” Taeyong mused, pulling me towards the stage.
The silence filled the auditorium when we got on the stage, taking our respective places. I stole a glance at Taeyong – he was mouthing words of encouragement seconds before the MC announced our performance.
I can hear it callin'
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
Callin', something in the way you wanna talk
On two sides of the stage, we moved to the rhythm, telling the story of two strangers lusting over each other from afar. With hunger in our eyes, we tried to seduce each other with sharp movements, showcasing our attributes.
You got me sayin', you got me sayin'
How you doing? Tell me what's your name (Ey, tell me what's your name?)
What's your sign? Feeling like you are into me
Taeyong ran up to me like a man enchanted by the siren’s voice, rolling his body against mine. It was his moment to shine; everybody’s eyes were on him as he owned the stage with his overflowing charisma.
Baby, we're two distant strangers
I know you don't speak my language
But I love the way she's talking to me (Talking to me)
I can hear it callin' from where you are
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
It was a classic game of cat and mouse. Though our bodies were so close to each other, we moved in perfect synchronization, careful not to brush against each other. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and the feeling of yearning was visible from the very last row.
Max, max, max, we can have it all (To the max)
If you back, back, back, back, back it up (Back it, back it)I'll take you where you wanna, got the gas in the tank (Wow)
If you really wanna make it last (Git, git, git)
Finally, as the song slowly progressed to the end, we were showing intense frustration. We were portraying two individuals, yearning for intimate contact, who were hastily losing their minds over uncontrollable passion.
I can hear it callin' from where you are (Callin', woo)
Loving the way you wanna talk (Love the way you talk)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up (Yeah, yeah)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
The song was to end soon. The last chorus rolled in – it was our cue. After all teasing, we finally made the connection, ready to combust out of raw craze. After three minutes of painful longing, we were to reach completion.
I can hear it callin' from where you are (Callin', woo)
Loving the way you wanna talk (Love the way you talk)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up (Yeah, yeah)
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
It was all or nothing. We were finally together, touching each other with fervor.  The audience was eating our performance up – particularly when Taeyong showcased his flexibility and body control.
Tell me how you like it babe (How you)
I don't even know your name (How you, ey)
I love the way you're talking to me
It was finally time to finish our performance with a bang; we needed to show something spectacular, something Doyoung wouldn’t ever think about. As the singer began the last verse, it was my cue to run into Taeyong’s embrace. The second the last syllable rolled of the singer’s tongue, Taeyong caught me in his arms, and the lights went out to add a dramatic twist to our performance.
For a while, the audience was silent. However, a few seconds later, they roared in excitement, clapping loudly, showing how much they enjoyed our stage.
The MC was congratulating us, but I was too thrilled to register his words. I still couldn’t believe I performed on national television and didn’t trip and smash my face.
I had no idea how I found myself backstage, but there was a high chance Taeyong led me off the stage. I was too overwhelmed to do it on my own.
I even forgot that Johnny, together with Yeri – the love of his week, had backstage passes. I only remembered that when he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, congratulating me.
“You gotta quit that office job and start dancing professionally,” Johnny ordered, and I smiled, glad that he enjoyed my performance. “We both gotta quit. You’ll be dancing, and I’ll be a badass FBI agent.”
“You two were great,” Yeri politely said when Johnny let me go. “Thank you so much for letting me backstage.”
“No problem,” Taeyong replied as he grabbed my shaking hands. “Are you okay?” He asked, cupping my face, making me look at him. “You rocked the stage,” he added before he leaned forward to peck my lips.
Ignoring Johnny’s perplexed expression, I wrapped my arms around Taeyong in a comfortable hug. I hadn’t suitably introduced Johnny to the concept of me dating Taeyong, but hopefully, our interaction got the message across.
Emotions were slowly fading away, but I still needed Taeyong’s support. I was a rookie, and I had no experience with this type of stress. Something was calming about Taeyong’s aura; I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly, but I wasn’t going to question it.
“Anticipation is killing me,” I muttered against his skin. “Can he already go on that fucking stage?” I yelled, wondering why Doyoung’s performance didn’t start yet. I knew the MC was building up tension, but it was too much for me to handle.
“We could always skip,” Taeyong casually spoke, and I pulled away to look at him. What the hell was he talking about? I hadn’t agreed to help him out, so we didn’t wait until the end. “If we lose, we lose. If we win, your friend can accept the prize, can’t he?”
“Are you insane?”
“Maybe a little bit,” he answered with a bright smile, brushing stray hair off my forehead. “I just want to know the result already so we can go to Seulgi’s wedding and congratulate them,” he added, and I nodded my head. Though we couldn’t participate during the ceremony, the least we could do was to show up ridiculously late to the reception.
“Can they hurry the fuck up now?” I craned my neck, trying to find Doyoung and his partner. They were arguing about something right behind the curtain. Everything seemed they weren’t in the right headspace.
“I don’t think I want to see their performance,” Taeyong whispered, tightening his grasp on my waist. “How about a quickie in the dressing room? What do you say?” He proposed, and I smacked him, telling him to behave. It was tempting, but we really shouldn’t. I wouldn’t walk up that stage with messed-up post-sex hair.
“Get a grip,” I added, gently elbowing him. “Let’s just hit the snack table. I am hungry,” I spoke, pulling him away when the MC invited Doyoung and his dance partner onto the stage.
While munching on snacks, we stared at each other fondly. In some weird way, we were helping each other cope with anticipation and stress. Though it was tempting to check out their performance, we decided it was for the better if we didn’t.
They performed to “Hips Don’t Lie,” and it was almost impossible to turn my head around to check out Doyoung’s sick moves. Having considered all the videos I had seen of him, I was sure he looked gorgeous.
“What about a little peek?” Taeyong questioned, unable to control his urge to see his rival’s performance. “I thought I could endure it, but I can’t,” he added, and I nodded, giving in. Instantly, we ran to the nearest screen to watch their stage.
It was everything I imagined. Their moves were executed with precision and grace, but entertainment-wise, I was bored. They had the skills, but something about the general concept didn’t fulfill my expectations.
No matter how great of a dancer Doyoung was, he just could not pull this song off as the original artist did. Regardless of how hard he swayed his hips, it just didn’t live up to its potential. Though I wasn’t educated enough to give an honest review, it felt meh.
The audience in the studio whistled and shouted once they finished their performance, giving them a round of applause. With genuine smiles, Doyoung and his partner bowed before they ran off the stage.
Now, only thirty minutes of aggressive advertising, and we would know the winner.
“Is it too late to agree to that quickie?”
“You should’ve said so earlier,” Taeyong answered with an innocent smile as he reached to hold my hand. “The best I can do is cuddles,” he added, leading me to the couch, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. “It feels nice.”
“It does, but it doesn’t take my mind off things like a quickie would.”
“Don’t even try. I am not going on that stage with a boner in my pants,” Taeyong warned, peeling my hand off his thigh, pressing a delicate kiss against my knuckles.
Though it wasn’t as preoccupying as sex, it was still nice. And most importantly, it took our minds off the unbearable anticipation. A staff member actually needed to gently shake Taeyong’s shoulder to remind us that the MC was calling us to the stage.
Taeyong’s hand didn’t leave mine once we were waiting for the big reveal. It was fine if we lost. Next year, Seulgi and Taeyong would definitely make it to the top.
When the MC announced the winner, a few confetti bombs exploded. The audience roared in excitement, but I had no clue what was going on. Uncertainty was over – one of us won.
Stress, anticipation, and anxiety slowed down my reactions. However, I figured it would be weird if Taeyong picked me up and spun me around in his arms if we lost. It could only mean one thing – we did it.
We won.
Taeyong’s acceptance speech was short and simple. He thanked everyone who succored him discover his passion for dancing, who supported him throughout his dream, who directly helped him get this far, and me.
When I was handed the microphone for the first time that evening, I basically rephrased Taeyong words. Maybe it wasn’t my dream, but it felt damn good to assist Taeyong in achieving his. It was a bumpy road, but overall, it was all worth it.
The MC handed me a statue after shaking my hand, congratulating me once more. Taeyong, on the other hand, was gifted a huge check for 20 thousand dollars.
“Let’s go,” Taeyong whispered to me, running off the stage with me.
It was shortly before midnight when the Uber parked in front of the hotel where Seulgi’s and Irene’s reception took place. It was beautifully decorated with lights and flowers, making it look like a magical castle.
Though the security didn’t want to grant entrance, one of Seulgi’s aunts recognized Taeyong and told the man to let us in. She was nice enough to help us out, but she still found some time to glance disapprovingly at my stage costume. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gossiped to her entire family I was a prostitute.
As soon as we walked into the ballroom, Seulgi noticed us. She was sitting by the table, eating the wedding cake with Irene. In an instant, she rose from her chair and ran up to us, throwing herself on Taeyong’s neck.
“You won! I knew it!” She shouted as she gave Taeyong a bone-crushing hug. “Irene and I sneaked out for a while to watch your performance. You smashed them,” Seulgi added before she turned to me, congratulating me too.
“You were amazing,” Irene approached us, sending a polite smile. Unlike Seulgi, Irene was much calmer and collected.
“You are finally married,” Taeyong spoke, beaming. “You better have everything recorded. I gotta know every embarrassing thing that I missed,” he added in a teasing manner, earning a playful jab from Seulgi. “I bet you cried during your vows.”
“Congratulations,” I chimed in, breaking their friendly banter before it properly started. It was Seulgi’s wedding day, after all.
After we caught up, Seulgi and Irene walked off to the dance floor, leaving us by the table alone. For a while, we admired them. They looked absolutely stunning in their white suits, dancing, basking in happiness.
“Do you know where the gifts are held?” I inquired suddenly, looking around.
“Why? Did you have time to get them anything?” Taeyong asked before he stuffed his mouth with a chocolate glazed strawberry. “Or are you thinking of stealing some?”
“I just want to give them my part of the prize,” I started, making Taeyong choke on the fruit. “Seulgi’s the rightful winner, and I think it’s only right.”
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of money.”
“Yeah, I know, but I really want to do that,” I replied, fiddling with my fingers. “I don’t need this money, so I want to give it to her.”
“You’re so hot right now,” Taeyong said, making me turn my head in embarrassment. “If that’s what you really want to do, do it. But remember, you earned it.”
“I am sure.”
“Then let me spoil you with my prize,” Taeyong offered, staring into my eyes. At first, I thought he was joking, but when his gaze didn’t even falter, I understood how serious he was. “Well… look at that. What are the odds?” Taeyong spoke as a familiar melody echoed within the walls of the grand ballroom. “It’s our song. Shall we dance?”
Having glanced at Seulgi, who whispered something to the DJ, I smiled at Taeyong. Though I was sick and tired of Love Talk already, it was kind of our song. We had been listening to this song too much, and regardless of how good it was, the prospect of it being our anthem terrified me.
“One last time,” I gave in, accepting Taeyong’s invitation, letting him lead me to the dance floor. Despite having mastered the choreography to it, I just wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly waltzing to it.
“That’s nothing like we practiced,” Taeyong pinpointed, and I chuckled, shaking my head. “I don’t mind, though. It’s comfy,” he added as his hands found purchase on my hips.
“Seulgi doesn’t look pleased. She didn’t expect us to perform, did she?” I whispered into Taeyong’s ear, hugging him closer. “Also, it can’t be our song. We have to change it; the sooner, the better,” I complained, but Taeyong just chuckled into my ear, humming softly.
Instead of giving me an actual answer, Taeyong decided to sing it.
“I love the way you're talking to me.”
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courageous-she · 4 years
Extracurricular- Charlie Gillespie
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Teacher!Reader x MusicTeacher!Charlie
Word Count: 2707
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for all the love on “Needing You”! I wrote this up, a little self-indulgently, but hope that some of you will find some enjoyment from it!
It had always been your dream to be an elementary school teacher. For as long as you could remember, you would play school with your American Girl Dolls or stuffed animals as your students. When the time came for college, you’d picked a program that would allow you to get your Master’s quickly. After student teaching and some substituting, you finally had your own fourth grade classroom.
You hadn’t been at your school long, seeing as it was only October, but you’d been there long enough to meet some of the other teachers. You got along well with your team teachers, and even made a few teacher friends you could hang out outside of school with.
It was a Wednesday and for some reason your students had more energy than normal, and it was taking a toll on you. Luckily, they had Music in a few minutes, so you decided to end the lesson early and have them start getting ready for the special. They were quiet in the hallway, giving you a quick break before dropping them off at the music room.
“Hey, fourth grade!” the music teacher, Mr. G said with enthusiasm as your class approached. You students began to file into the classroom, high-fiving or fist bumping Mr. G as they passed. “Hey Ms. Y/L/N.” Mr. G said more softly to you.
“Hi Mr. G. They’re a little more energetic than normal today.” You said, providing a well needed update on the class. Mr. G smiled, chuckling lightly at the statement.
“Nothing I can’t handle I’m sure.” There was a short pause before he continued, “Got any plans this weekend?” he asked you. This weekend was Halloween and you wanted nothing more than to spend it on your couch with a bottle of wine.
“I was just going to drink some wine and watch a movie.” You replied honestly, “Why? Have something in mind?” It wasn’t unusual for Mr. G, or you could probably call him Charlie, to ask you about your plans. A little harmless flirting was normal between the two of you seeing as you were the only two 20 something teachers in the school.
“I had about the same idea in mind. Would you maybe want to drink wine and watch a movie together?” He asked, a smirk playing on his face. As you were about to respond, one of your students came over and grabbed Charlie by the hand, tugging him into the classroom. You smiled and let him know that you would text him before letting him go to teach the class.
You: 7:00 my place?
You sent the text to Charlie, having had his number from staff meetings. The two of you liked to text during the meetings instead of actually paying attention. You didn’t expect a response right away anyway considering he was teaching your students. You took the 40 minutes your kids were at music to sit in the quiet and grade some classwork.
When you went to pick your class up, Charlie was waiting by the door, your class lined up behind him.
“7:00 sounds perfect. I’ll bring the refreshments” he said quiet enough so the class didn’t hear.
“I’ll text you my address” you said, smiling, “Alright friends, what do you say to Mr. G?” you asked, addressing your class.
“Thank you, Mr. G!” rang out in unison by your students.
“Bye guys! See you later!” Charlie waved, again high-fiving some kids on their way out. You turned around as your class walked to the end of the hall and Charlie shot you a quick wink before heading back into his classroom. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough.
When Friday night finally did come, Charlie texted you around dismissal to make sure your plans were still on.
You: Definitely! But I hope you know I will be in my baggiest of sweatpants
Charlie: Glad we’re on the same page, I don’t wear real clothes outside of school, its sacrilegious
You chuckled at the text, making sure to send Charlie your address and apartment number. Your students filed out one-by-one until it was only you left in the classroom. You made sure to shut down everything and turn off the lights before making the quick trip to your car.
Once home, you threw your work clothes into your hamper and got into your designated sweatpants. Knowing that you were having company later encouraged you to give your apartment a good clean, something you hadn’t been motivated to do recently. You lived alone, but you preferred it that way. Sometimes after a long day of school it was just easier to come home and not have to talk to anyone about your day.
Soon enough, the buzzer in your apartment was ringing signaling that Charlie was downstairs waiting to be let up. You pressed the button to unlock the main door and waited by your front door for his knock. When it came, you opened the door to see Charlie carrying a large pizza, a bottle of wine, and bag of Halloween candy.
“You came prepared Gillespie” you said, taking some of the items from his hands. He kicked his shoes off by the door before following you into the small living room. You set the items down on the coffee table before getting comfortable on the couch, Charlie following suit next to you.
“I told you I’d bring the refreshments, didn’t I?” He asked, pulling a corner of your blanket over his legs. You laughed, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on. Once the Netflix screen showed, you passed the remote to Charlie who gave you a confused look.
“I can’t decide on movies for the life of me, so this one’s on you” you said, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice. You ate and watched as Charlie flipped through the movies, settling on a horror film. “Should have guessed you’d try to kill me tonight” you laughed.
“Hey, when you put me in charge of the movie, you can’t complain about what I pick” Charlie laughed, opening the bottle of wine.
“Oh! Let me get us some glasses,” you said, starting to remove the blanket from your lap. Charlie’s hand stopped you from getting any further.
“I’m fine with drinking out of the bottle if you are…” he suggested. You shrugged, not really caring about sharing the bottle with him. The two of you settled into the couch, eating pizza and sharing the bottle of wine. You definitely jumped at some parts in the movie and Charlie laughed at you each time.
About halfway through the movie, the both of you had finished eating and were now resting comfortably on the couch. However, the movie only began to get scarier as a really gory part showed on the screen. You jolted with surprise and shoved your face into Charlie’s neck, hand gripping the shirt material on his chest. 
“You can’t really be scared of this!” Charlie laughed.
“Of course, I’m scared!” you replied, voice muffled by his skin. Charlie only chuckled and wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t go in there!” you shouted a few moments later to the girl in the movie.
“Of course, she’s going to go in there!” Charlie retorted, “it’d be no fun if she didn’t”
“Who said any of this was fun” you replied, getting ready to hide your face against Charlie again, “I can’t watch.” Again, Charlie pulled you closer, protecting you from the demons on the screen.
As the movie ended, you let out a sigh of relief. You quickly stood and made your way over to your fridge, pulling out another bottle of wine. 
“After that movie, I need more of this, and a new movie to forget that one”
“I’m down for another movie. But you’re choosing it this time” Charlie said, grabbing the bottle from you and taking a sip. As you scrolled through the choices, you landed on one that had made you cry the first time you watched it.
“Okay, Gillespie.” You said, selecting the movie and hitting play, “Time to see you cry”
“Oh, I don’t cry” Charlie said, a smirk on his face. You made a “let’s see about that” face and the two of you settled in to watch the movie.
As the sad part began to get more intense, you stole a glance over at Charlie. You could see tears slowly cascading down his cheeks. 
“I thought you said you didn’t cry” you joked, pushing on his shoulder with your own. Taken aback by the fact that you’d noticed him, Charlie quickly began to wipe the tears from his face.
“I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating.” He replied.
“Sure, tough guy. Don’t worry about it, crying is manly” you said, leaning into his side. He chuckled at you before pulling you closer to finish the movie.
Two movies and two bottles of wine later, you stood to throw out the empty pizza box and candy wrappers.
“Shit, I didn’t realize how late it was. I should get going” Charlie said, looking at the time on his phone.
“You’ve been drinking, Charlie, probably not the best idea to drive right now” you said, holding up the two empty wine bottles. Charlie gave you a knowing look.
“Let me see if my roommate is still awake, maybe he can come grab me” But before you could even let Charlie unlock his phone to text his roommate, you blurted out a proposition.
“Or you could just spend the night here” You stared at Charlie, shocked the sentence even left your mouth. It was probably the alcohol that helped. Charlie looked at you, making sure he heard correctly.
“I mean, if you’re cool with me crashing on your couch…” he spoke slowly.
“Oh no, you can’t sleep on that. It may be good for sitting but if you sleep on it, you’ll wake up with a broken back. My bed is big enough, we can share…. If you’re okay with that” you quickly added. Charlie mumbled a quiet ‘yeah’ before helping you clean up the rest of the mess. As you made your way into your room, you turned on your bathroom light. “I have an extra toothbrush you can use,” you said, handing Charlie the blue toothbrush.
The two of you stood side by side in the bathroom, looking at each other in the mirror while brushing your teeth. As Charlie finished, he made his way back into your room while you took a moment to wash your face. When you walked back into your room, Charlie was sitting on the edge of your bed scrolling through his phone.
“You didn’t have to wait for me to get in bed” you laughed. Charlie sheepishly looked up at you, locking his phone and putting in on the end table.
“Wasn’t sure what side of the bed you normally slept on” he replied. You went over to your side of the bed and got under the covers. Charlie followed suit on the opposite side of the bed. You clicked off your side lamp and turned to face Charlie.
“Sorry in advance if I kick you in my sleep” you said.
“If you kick me, we’re going to have a problem” Charlie laughed. It wasn’t long before the two of you dozed off comfortably facing each other.
You woke up the next morning to your head resting on Charlie’s chest and his arms wrapped tightly around you. You laughed at the sleeping boy, noticing that he was no longer wearing a shirt. You tried to get out of bed without waking him, failing as his arm only wrapped tighter around you and a low groan came from the boy.
“Where’re you going?” he asked, voice low and eyes still closed.
“I was going to go make us some breakfast” you said. Charlie turned so his body was now facing yours, eyes still closed, and arms remaining around you.
“Five more minutes” he grumbled. “If you leave, I’ll be cold” he whined. You could only laugh.
“If I don’t get up, then you won’t have anything to eat in five minutes”
“I’ll buy us breakfast if you promise not to move” he said, voice low and soft. You replied with a quiet ‘okay’ and began to get comfortable.
“One thing though” you said, Charlie hummed in response, “When did you take your shirt off?”
“’mm like 2? Not sure, does it matter?” he asked. You mumbled a small ‘no’ not wanting to admit that you liked the feel of his warm skin against yours. You snuggled into him, hands reaching around and lightly dragging up and down his back. When you thought he’d fallen asleep, you let your hands stop, but when Charlie’s hand reached around to grab yours, mimicking your earlier motion, you continued.
You hadn’t realized that you’d fallen asleep, but you woke up in the same position, only this time Charlie’s fingers were lightly grazing up and down your back.
“Mornin’” he hummed, “Didn’t think you’d fall back asleep, did ya?” he teased. You lifted your eyes to meet his, taking in his bed head as well.
“Well, if you’d have let me get up the first time, I could have had breakfast ready for you” you mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“Breakfast is ten minutes away” Charlie said, brushing your hair away from your face. You looked up at him, a little shocked he’d woken up and ordered breakfast. Your eyes met his and you watched as his fell to your lips. Your breath hitched and before you knew it, Charlie’s soft lips were on yours. 
It was gentle and quick, too quick if you were honest. But having kissed him once already now, you worked up the courage to kiss him again, this time taking the lead. You moved so that you were straddling him, his hands quickly finding a home on your hips, rubbing small circles on the skin under your shirt.
A moment later, you found yourself lying on your back, Charlie hovering over you. He only pulled away when his phone buzzed from next to you. He quickly checked his phone, looked at you, and placed a quick kiss on your cheek before getting up and pulling his sweatshirt on. Just as quickly as Charlie had gotten on top of you, he was off and out the door. 
Sliding out of bed, you threw on your sweatshirt and padded out to the kitchen. The front door opened and Charlie came in carrying two bags of food.
“What the hell did you order, Char?” you asked, grabbing a bag and beginning to open it. All kinds of breakfast foods laid out in front of you. Two arms landed their way on either side of you, locking you between him and the counter.
“Char?” he asked, voice low in your ear. Your face was warm as you turned around in the small space you had, noticing the smirk on the boy’s face. You weren’t sure how to respond, the nickname just kind of slipped out. But before you could respond, Charlie’s hand gently held your chin and his lips met yours once again. “Don’t worry” he said against your lips, “I like it”
He quickly lifted you onto the counter, slipping in between your legs and placing another kiss against your lips. The two of you stayed like that for a bit, tasting each of the foods that Charlie had ordered.
As the two of you cleaned up the kitchen a little while later you asked, “So, am I going to have to compete for your attention at school?” Charlie gave you a confused look, not sure what you meant by that statement. “Considering how all the fourth and fifth grade girls have the biggest crushes on you?” you asked, a smile playing at your lips.
Charlie chuckled, coming over to rest his hands on your hips, forehead resting against your own. “You’re the only one who gets this kind of attention” he quietly said before placing a kiss on your lips. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for more.
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vinnieworld · 3 years
5 tips to boost 5 days of Productivity
We all love to procrastinate and most of us (including myself) have made sport out of this, but is this how we really should be approaching things?
The answer is NO.... apparently
So join me in my self evaluation of bringing you 5 tips how I avoided procrastination by being a bit lazy.
Being productive for a whole week when you have too much on your plate but you spend your entire weekend scrolling through social media... well me too :)
Though Mondays suck, its a brand NEW week so we can't let Mondays win and ruin out entire week right?
Tip 1 - Preparation before the week start
- Make a to do list - For the next day or the week
A short list of your most prioritised tasks e.g. starting that essay you been avoiding, even if it just picking the ttile
Make sure to not put too much pressure on these tasks
Keep it simple
DO NOT put too many things, be realistic only add things you know you can achieve
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
We all have those sleepless nights, especially when you have a 9am lecture/class the next day. Somehow you end up going to sleep at 4am still make it to your lecture on time, though the rush might be exciting this is not the way to start the week because your mind will get used to this so much and this becomes your normal routine.
Not going to lie, I am super guilty of this but I found out this not only drains my energy, it strips me away from my motivation and make me lazy all the time.
So one bazzare night I thought to myself what would I potentially want to do this coming week, so I got my phone started typing my "potential" to do list for the week, okay the list was quite long and seemed quite overwhelming, and I knew I wouldn't do all of this so though I made the list I didn't put too much pressure on this. When I checked back in the middle of the week I did most of the things on the do to list unconsiously. This was so surprising I never get things done.... what changed ?
Most of the time we put too much pressure ourself, that's why we procrastinate and they avoid the things we need to do. The minute the pressure is gone you get the urge to do your things even if you are unaware of it.
Tip 2 - Follow today's work TODAY
- Follow the lecture and make notes while you're attending the lecture
Take brief notes on what's on the slides
If the lecturer give extra info add those especially
DO NOT panic if you don't write everything on the slide, remember these are brief notes to for later revision
Speed is not important, what's important is that you have something written on the paper
when the lecture/class is finished fill in the gaps you left during it, do this right after while you still have the energy.
one page = one lecture (unless the lecture is 90 slides then its bit tricky)
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
I personally find it very hard to keep on top of things, especially with how different lecturers have different methods and speed with delivering their content. I tried many methods, recording the lectures, printing the slides, handwriting everything but it only made me bored of the things I was learning.
I can't stare at pages and pages of writing when I'm trying to revise, so best way for me to do this is if I have one page or two for the entire lecture. This helped me a lot of condense my notes, motivated me to keep writing and I felt accomplished by the end of every lecture.
Tip 3 - Keep one book for all your modules
- Invest in a chunky subject divider notebook
This is where you write the notes form the previous tip
One book to take to all your lectures, don't have to carry five or more
Write all the assignment and exams for that subject in the dividers (Kinda like a self-reminder)
Keep a general section where you write extra information that relates to the subjects (e.g. extra seminars, extra activity sessions, groups project notes, your own research for subjects, assignment preparation etc. )
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
Most of my detailed notes are digitalised, this is way easier then writing hours and hours of detailed notes by hand. But all the modules, lectures, practicals are separated so it's too much of hassle to find what I want when I want to have a quick glance at something.
Dividing the book by subject and seeing different content I am going to need regularly being on one place really is therapeutic for me, give me less stress so I don't have to spend time looking through pages of notes to find just one sentence.
Having one book for all my modules, helped me so much to keep on motivated to write notes and keep on top of it and when I revisit it, it's so pleasing to the eye.
Tip 4 - Write flashcards on the day
- Put little bit of extra into a flashcard
Once you finished a lecture, read back and pick the most key bits and write a maximum three sentences
Keep it very very brief
Think of pictograms for some words. e.g. little blog with stokes for a virus or a spark for electricity
Some info you can't fit on your page put it on the flashcard, like a diagram or a table
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
I am a sucker for flashcards, seeing them makes me so happy to revise. But making them when an exam is near is frustrating so if you make them before by the time you get your exam season you already have flashcards to revise from. How convenient!
Tip 5 - Write a sentence or research a bit everyday for your assignments
- Every time you feel like you done nothing today take a look assignment and write sentence - Take this step by step everyday and add information along the way
Pick a title first for whatever your assignment is
Do basic research on the title you chose
Do a basic plan
Improve on the basic research
Add information to the plan
and ect....
Little ramble on how this helped me :)
Doing assignments is tricky, very boring, they can be very long and stressful so we avoid even starting it until the day before it's due. Okay, we all work well under pressure but we don't really produce our best work under a day so investing little time everyday or every other helped me to produce more quality work than normal and it was less pressuring and stressful when I started the binge writing on two three days before the deadline, because all the research, preparation is done all I had to do was write and improve my work along the way.
I actually cannot recommend this enough because it saved me from a lot of breakdowns over my assignments. Just by adding something to it every now and then I basically finished my first draft by the time I actually want to start to write properly.
Bonus tip - Take the weekend off! - > If you're like me and get bored very easily with doing the work then follow these tips for the days you have school or uni, finish everything by Friday and take the whole weekend of .... TRUST ME you will be much more prepared for Monday.
Thank you so much ya'll for reading this, I do ramble a lot but it's a part of me that I embrace so I hope this was helpful for you and make sure to tell me your thoughts and feelings.
Till next time Lovelies x
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Common Sense - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
A/N: So I got this idea, ran with it, and then somehow 3,000+ words came out of it. Honestly, I’m kinda really proud with how it turned out and I hope y’all like it too.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 3.1K
If there was ever a phrase that Shouto Todoroki hated, it would be ‘common sense’. What a weird phrase, he would think, because the use of common sense implies that it’s something that everyone should know, but in most cases, he didn’t. Unfortunately, that phrase left the lips of his friends quite often. He knows they mean no harm or ill will towards him, he was sure they would stop using the term if he ever mentioned how he felt about it, but he didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable. The first time it started to get on his nerves was when he, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka were at the mall on a rare weekday off.
“Wow, hey, look at that!” Uraraka had exclaimed, running as quickly as her feet could carry her over to a newly implemented little wishing well that had been placed in a small corner of the outdoor mall. Midoriya and Iida quickly followed her, but Shouto hung back.
“C’mon Todoroki, let’s go make a wish!” Midoriya urged, beckoning him over with a wave of his hand. Shouto followed him, albeit a little confused, over to the well.
“Does anybody have a quarter I could use? I forgot to bring change with me, I only have bills in my wallet.” Uraraka blushed, her expression a bit embarrassed.
“Of course!” Iida said, fishing two quarters out of his billfold, handing one to Uraraka and keeping the other for himself. Todoroki watched his three friends close their eyes and then flip their coins into the well, taking note at how they sank slowly into the water.
“Todoroki, aren’t you going to make a wish?” Midoriya questioned, a patient smile on his lips. The expression of confusion remained on Shouto’s face.
“What merit do coins have on wishes?” He asked, genuinely curious as to why his friends would technically throw away money in turn for a wish that would most likely be out of their reach or unrealistic. “Also, aren’t we using money to pay for things within the stores here? I thought that you were saving up for that new jacket, Uraraka.” He wondered, turning to look at the pink-cheeked girl. She just smiled and shook her head.
“Todoroki, a small little coin wouldn’t have much effect on my savings. Besides, it’s kinda common sense to enjoy the little things like this and not pay too much mind, right?” Iida and Midoriya nodded enthusiastically, nudging the red-and-white haired boy closer to the water-filled wishing well. He sighed and thought over Uraraka’s words. It’s kinda common sense to enjoy the little things? He thought as a quarter was forcibly put in his hands. He closed his eyes to humor his friends and dropped the coin in the well. He was then afterward given smiles and some reassuring pats, and as much as he knew his friends were making efforts to include him, he couldn’t help but feel a bit… coddled. He knew that as a child he was always shielded from the world, but was he really kept away from this much? Was he seriously hidden from such superficial subjects? He tried to ward away those questions that poked and prodded at his brain, but he couldn’t seem to shrug them off as he observed his friends dart in and out of multiple stores with shopping bags in their hands. Shouto ended up bringing nothing back to the dorm with him, except for a sudden slight contempt for a tiny little phrase.
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The next circumstance was when he and Bakugou were at the remedial lessons. While Shouto wasn’t incredibly enthused about going through extra lessons in order to gain his provisional license, he understood why he needed to go and appreciated the effort and lengths that the teachers went to so that he could have another chance. Well, he, Bakugou, Inasa and a girl who just introduced herself as Camie to him and the explosive-quirked boy.
“So, who’s this smoldery looking two-toned boy?” She had chirped, her hand clutching the brim of her Shiketsu high cap. “You’re, like, super hot. I’m crazy siked to train with a babe like you!” Even Shouto had to admit to himself that this girl was coming onto him really strong - and not exactly in the most flattering way possible. She greeted Inasa briefly, but then dug into her pocket to grab her phone, holding it out in front of Shouto. “Seriously, can I, like, have your number?” Hesitantly, Shouto responded.
“Uhh, sure.” He replied, but made no effort to grab his own phone that was safely tucked away in his blazer pocket. He found her interactions with others to be quite shallow in the way that she really gave no information about herself. Camie tended to project more onto others, he figured. As he and Bakugou walked to the changing room specifically set aside for UA students, Shouto noticed the look of disapproval on the blonde’s face. Shouto just quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing that he didn’t need a vocal cue to get Bakugou to start talking.
“You seriously agreed to give your number to that chick at the drop of the hat? Do you not have any standards, Icyhot?” He growled, Bakugou’s signature scowl now adorning face. 
“What do you mean? I just assumed she would need it in case of emergencies.” Shouto explained. With a roll of his eyes and a look that conveyed Bakugou wanted to rip his own hair out, the blonde glared at him.
“YOU DON’T JUST GIVE A NUMBER TO A GIRL YOU JUST MET! GET TO KNOW HER OR SOMETHING YOU HALF-AND-HALF BASTARD! IT’S JUST COMMON SENSE!” Shouto was used to Bakugou’s outbursts and never took any of what he said personally, but now that was the second time the phrase common sense was used at his expense… and it irked him. Shouto’s eyes narrowed as he watched Bakugou trudge and stomp his way through the door and into the changing room. And, not unlike the first time he heard it, the saying ‘common sense’ left a foul taste in his mouth.
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Finally, the most recent time he heard it, was from the person he probably despised the most. His own father. Shouto was visiting his home - which happened rarely and the time he spent there was brief - to speak with and catch up with his sister, Fuyumi. Unfortunately, just as he was about to leave, the number two Pro-Hero walked through the door.
“Shouto, you’re home!” He bellowed, a grin plastered under his flaming mustache. Shouto frowned and narrowed his eyes as he navigated around the stocky man, making his way out of the door. He adjusted the strap of his shoulder bag after it was jostled by unintentionally brushing roughly past his father, but a heavy hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks. With narrowed eyes and a frown-turned-grimace on his face, he turned around to face the fire-quirked man.
“Do you have something to say or will you let me be on my way?” Shouto glared, making Endeavor bristle.
“Yes, Shouto, I have something to say indeed!” The flames on his body seemed to grow larger, proving another example of a concept Shouto recently learned in class: direct variation. “You haven’t bothered to return any of my calls or my text messages to you regarding personal training! It’s no wonder you didn’t pass your provisional licensing exam!” Flames emitted from his father’s body out of rage, and as much as Shouto tried not to let it out, a small wisp left his left side.
“I’m not interested, and I’ve told you as such.” Shouto grits out, resuming his previous pathing of making his way out of his childhood home. 
“You respond to your father when he reaches out to you! IT IS COMMON SENSE!” Endeavor shouts, causing Shouto’s body to go rigid. He clenches his jaw and twists around. His father saying that hated term was the last straw for him.
“IT IS NOT COMMON SENSE IN RELATION TO YOU!” Shouto barks out, frost and flames growing on their respective sides. And, with that, Shouto finally leaves the metal gates of his home, slamming them behind himself as he left. He cringed a bit at the loud clanging noise it left behind, but he was too furious to really care. He did feel bad for his classmates as they saw him enter the doors of the dorm building with a scowl almost comparable to Bakugou’s, not even sparing them a word as he left them in the common room and shut himself up in his dorm.
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At the current moment, Shouto is shifting somewhat uncomfortably on one of the many cushions that were dotted around the main floor common room. It was late in the evening, but the energy coming from the Class 1A dorms was much larger due to it being a Friday night. After a particularly hard week at school, Mina Ashido and Eijirou Kirishima had proposed the idea of a Class 1A slumber party in the main room and that everyone had to come. There were no exceptions to this rule, they explained - even a glaring Bakugou was nestled into the corner of the room with a weighted blanket on top of him and a pillow. It was truly a wonder that he hadn’t tried to escape or fall asleep yet, but the rest of the class didn’t dare to ask him. Denki had tried it earlier and was greeted with a small explosion to the face and a few very choice words spat at him. This was a first for the red-and-white haired boy - never had he had a sleepover, much less a slumber party, so the pillow fights and truth-or-dare games that were being played were more or less foreign concepts to him. However, here was one thing he did know. It was that he found a sense of peace when looking at you. As a strong and powerful hero-in-training, he had always kept an eye on you in training to try and better prepare himself for an attack. But recently, he noticed that his gaze always gravitated to you whenever he was in the classroom or in the dining room. Whether it was the sun shining on your Y/H/C hair or the smile that sprouted from your lips whenever someone cracked a joke, he found them much more interesting since they were coming from you. Before long, the two of you had developed a solid friendship that involved everything - from studying together in the library to going on late night soba runs, he found you to be a much needed source of support in his life. What he didn’t realize would happen, though, was heat creeping up onto his cheeks when you locked eyes with him. You did nothing to make him feel embarrassed - just offered him a kind smile and began to make your way over to him, but the blush on his cheeks was unrelenting. He even tried to activate his right side in the hopes of cancelling it out, but to no avail. Thankfully to him, you didn’t seem to notice.
“It’s getting kinda crazy in here, huh.” You say, trying to spark up a conversation between you and him. Shouto, not finding any words, merely nodded his head. “It’s fine to be overwhelmed,” you continued, “I remember the first time I had a sleepover when I was nine years old. I had to call my parents to pick me up early because I felt like it was too suffocating,” you laugh, poking fun at your younger self’s obseredity. This cracked a small smile on Shouto’s lips. “Tell me if you need an excuse to get out of here - I have several stored up in here from previous uncomfortable situations.” You say, pointing a finger up to your temple.
“I think Bakugou would benefit from that,” Shouto muses as both of your gazes flicker over to the sulking blonde. The sound of your laughter does wonders to soothe the antsy feeling he had previously in his chest.
“Okay, well, us girls are going to get ready for bed in my room! We’ll be back any minute, so no need to worry!” Mina announces, sending a smile to the boys as the girls got up one by one and grabbed their pajamas. You gave Shouto a smile and a pat on the shoulder before standing up. You stretched your arms above your head due to the ache that was ever prominent from the endless days of training finally catching up to you. 
“Alright, I’ll be back soon. Save me a good spot?” You ask, backpedaling slowly so that your face was still turned towards Shouto. With a small smile, he nodded.
“Sure thing.” With a quick thumbs up and a little spring in your step, you spun around to quickly follow the rest of your female classmates. As soon as the door was shut, Denki had motioned for all of the guys to come to the middle of the room. Shouto, figuring that they were just going to talk about how they should figure out sleeping arrangements, shuffled closer as well. Oh, how wrong he was.
“So, now that the girls are gone for a bit, I gotta know. Who do you guys think the prettiest or, my preferred adjective, hottest girl in class is?” Immediately, Shouto’s eyes widened at the subject of conversation and how unabashedly forward he was. The red-and-white haired boy was even more shocked when the rest of the guys started talking.
“Well, we all have to admit that Momo is very pretty.” Sero says, earning nods from around the room.
“I think I know who Midoriya is gonna say,” teased Denki, nudging the green-haired boy’s side with his elbow.
“I-I don’t really know what you guys are on about?” Midoriya said, his voice octaves higher than normal. Snickers erupted from the boys as they all - even Shouto unconsciously - came to the same conclusion that Midoriya was thinking of a certain pink-cheeked brunette.
“I think that Hagakure is pretty.” A small voice peeped. All heads turned to face Ojirou who had a shy smile on his face. The next few minutes of conversations were filled with the boys commenting on how pretty the girls were in their class, going from Tsu to Mina, and then to Jirou.
“We all know you have the hots for Jirou, Denki, you don’t need to hide it.” Sero said, a mischievous grin laced across his face. The electric blonde’s jaw opened and closed like a fish before quickly changing the subject.
“W-well how about L/N?” He said, trying to get his nerves to dissipate. At her name being voiced, Shouto’s head perked up and, before he could stop the words from his mouth, he spoke.
“That’s just common sense.” The room went quiet as soon as Shouto’s words were spoken, all eyes on him. He couldn’t believe himself. That phrase, the one that irked him so much, he actually used. As much as he wanted to cringe at the use of it, he couldn’t help but understand why he used it. He had looked up the exact meaning of the phrase online before, and every site he found yielded the same results; a practical judgement concerning everyday matters. If someone were to lack common sense, then that person would usually be regarded as a simpleton or unintelligent. Well, Shouto couldn’t help but agree that if people had thought of Y/N as anything but gorgeous, then they were definitely lacking common sense.
“Uh, care to elaborate?” Kirishima asked, trying to prompt the red-and-white haired boy to spill his inside feelings that were usually never exposed to the rest of the group. Normally, Shouto would’ve put that iron gate back up around his mind and heart, but like a dam bursting and overflowing with water, he couldn’t help but let his drowning thoughts of Y/N consume his better judgement.
“It’s common sense that she’s pretty because she encapsulates everything it means to be as such.” The boys all leaned in closer to hear more, but were interrupted by a door swinging open.
“Okay, we’re back! Now, what movie should we watch? I’m kinda partial to Game Night, but am open to suggestions.” Mina chirps. The boys quickly dispersed from the middle of the room and back to their original spots. Shouto tried to find his bearings as quickly as possible since you were making your way back over to him.
“Hey! Sorry we took so long, Hagakure brought up the subject of Hawks and the girls just kinda latched onto talking about him and wouldn’t let go,” you joked, rolling your eyes playfully and settling down next to him. “Thanks for the spot by the way, it’ll be kinda cool sleeping next to each other!” Shouto looked down to where he had left your pillow and blankets and swallowed.
“Oh, uh, yes.” He said. That’s when he finally got a solid look at you. Dressed in soft-looking shorts and an oversized crewneck, you looked as cozy as could be. It was like a warm hug embraced his heart as he watched you shimmy under your blanket, shifting around to find the most comfortable position in order to watch the movie.
“So, what movie do you wanna watch?” You asked, offering him a giddy smile. Shouto’s smile grew larger as he too began to crawl under his blanket.
“I’m not sure, but I’m sure whatever the others decide on will be a suitable choice.” He said. You nodded in return. In the end, the class decided on a random rom-com they found while scrolling through one of the various streaming services the UA campus TVs provided. The overhead lights of the common room were turned off, so only the blue-ish light emitting from the TV made your faces visible to each other.
“Umm, Shouto?” You whispered. Shouto turned his gaze away from the movie and onto your face. With an expression that showed he was listening, he encouraged you to continue your thoughts. “I just wanted to thank you for your compliment earlier, I… I thought it was super sweet.” Shouto’s mind ran a rerun of the day, trying to think of the specific compliment he had given you, until he arrived on the one he indirectly gave you just an hour earlier. His eyes widened and his heart began to beat more quickly as you nudged your way closer to him. “I think it’s common sense that you’re pretty, too.” Shouto drew a shaky breath as your nose brushed against his.
“May I…?” He asked, his voice so trembly that he couldn’t create a full sentence. Thankfully, though, you seemed to understand.
“Mhm” You hummed, meeting him halfway. It was perfect. Slow and sweet, showing how he was truly savoring the experience. A hesitant hand made its way up to cradle your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly across it. While the rest of the class was indeed there, this moment was incredibly private to the both of you. Just you, Shouto, and the common sense shared between you two that you were irrevocably and incandescently in love with each other.
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