#in defense of wanda maximoff
breckstonevailskier · 11 months
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
We need to have a serious conversation about how it’s gotten to the point where folks immediately saying “you hate female characters so much don’t you” anytime someone says anything negative whatsoever about one, is actually protecting film studios from being held accountable for the subpar ways they write & portray women.
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i don’t care about this new mcu multiverse shit, i want a comedy series of whatever shit steve and his team were getting up to after civil war
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altoace · 1 year
Part 2 of me finally using the incorrect quotes I have saved.
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Kitty, banging on door: Rogue, open up!
Rogue: It all started when I was a kid…
Kitty: No, I meant—
Kurt: Let her finish.
— — — — —
Kitty: What is toothpaste, if not bone soup?
Rogue: Existence is a prison and being your friend is maximum security.
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Amara: What was it like living with the Brotherhood?
Tabitha: Imagine living with completely civilized, responsible, mature people.
Amara: Okay.
Tabitha: Now throw that idea out the window.
— — — — —
Mystique: You’re standing on thin ice.
Tabitha: I’m standing on the floor.
Mystique: It’s an expression.
Tabitha: It’s a carpet.
— — — — —
Kurt: Where there is smoke, there is a fire. And where there is a fire, there is probably Tabitha.
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*during Joyride*
Scott: That was a very successful mission.
Kitty: But we lost Lance back there!
Rogue: Yes, a very successful mission.
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Rogue: I have 98 problems.
Kitty: The song is 99 Problems.
Rogue: I try to talk to you about my problems, and you want to talk about a song?
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Kitty: What if I press the break and gas at the same time?
Evan: The car takes a screenshot.
Scott: For the last time, get the fuck out!
— — — — —
Kurt: What’s it like being tall?
Kurt: Is it nice?
Kurt: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Scott: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table, and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Kitty: It was one time!
— — — — —
Pietro: Someone is after me, and I have no idea who.
Lance: Do you have any suspects?
Pietro: No, it could be anyone.
Lance: It couldn’t be anyone; it would have to be someone you’ve upset.
Lance: Actually, you’re right — it could be anyone.
— — — — —
Todd: {swings bat at Kurt, but misses}
Kurt: Strike one.
Todd: That’s not how this works!
Todd: {swings and misses again}
Kurt: Strike two. One more and you’re out.
Todd, under his breath: Fuck.
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Kurt: Just be yourself; say something nice!
Rogue: Which one? I can’t do both.
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Logan, smugly: When I was your age—
Scott: When I was your height.
Logan: Now listen here, you little shit—
— — — — —
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan: What would you say if we did this thing?
Scott: Do not!! Do not do that!
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan:
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan: What would you say if we did this thing twenty minutes ago?
— — — — —
Scott: I just felt a burst of energy, and I think it’s my body’s last hurrah before it shuts down completely.
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Kitty: I’d roast you, but Scott says you can’t burn trash.
Kitty: {slow-mo walks out of the room}
— — — — —
Kurt: When’s the last time you slept?
Scott: Uh…a few days ago, I think.
Kurt: A few—how many?!
Scott: Uh…{starts counting on fingers}…I need more fingers.
Kurt: What you need is sleep!
— — — — —
Kurt: Rogue punched me earlier and gave me a bruise.
Evan: Congrats, you have a sibling.
Kurt: Wow, I feel so inspired and comforted right now.
Evan: You probably had it coming.
Kurt: Okay, yeah, probably.
— — — — —
Kitty: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
Lance: No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have used my one phone call to prank call the police.
— — — — —
Rogue: Self-defense tip!
Rogue: Always carry a fork with you.
Rogue: If someone tries attacking you, take it out and shout “LORD THANK YOU FOR THIS MEAL” before maniacally running at them.
Rogue: Works every time.
— — — — —
Pietro: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Wanda: {slaps him two times instead}
— — — — —
Rogue, wearing Scott’s shades: How do I look?
Scott, eyes closed: I have no idea.
— — — — —
Pietro: Can I sit on your lap?
Lance, glaring: I fucking dare you.
Pietro: Now this, this is where my life peaks, possibly where it ends, HOWEVER—
— — — — —
Reporter: Currently, four teenagers are hanging off of a three-story building! They look like they’re about to fall at any moment!
Logan, sitting at the table with Ororo, eating breakfast: Man, there are reckless idiots out this early?
*the TV shows a shot of Rogue, Scott, Kurt, and Evan hanging from the edge of the building; Jean and Kitty can slightly be seen standing on the street in front of the building, clearly worried; Scott is having Evan and Kurt hold on to his arms, and Rogue is flipping off the camera*
Ororo: {spits out her tea}
Logan, wide-eyed: Oh man…those are our idiots!
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crowns of apple trees
Summary: Sweet and short ;) With witchy cottagecore Wanda
Words: 800
Warnings: fluffy, cottagecorewanda, fairtale vibes, mind control, aggy the cat, gn!reader
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it had been warm and sunny all day so now as the sun set you wandered down to the small lake, not that far away from your home. Floating in the sparkling water you let the cool lake chill your warm skin. Just about catching the last rays of the sun, you lay drying off in the grass. It was just cosy enough that you foolishly drift off. 
When your eyes open once again you’re surprisingly not met with a star-speckled sky but rather the bright sun blinding you. You squint to protect your eyes, and soon you’re given relief as the shadow of a woman is formed above you, with crowns of apple trees, fully in bloom all around her.
She looked angelic as the sun shone through her loose button-up with her sleeves rolled saving the white fabric from the threat of a spill. Red, soft strands shaded her face as they fell out of the otherwise neatly plated hair.
“Are you alright there honey?” You blinked trying to recover.
“Where am I?” You whisper in a raspy morning voice.
“Well, it seems you’re in my garden.” She smiled.
“Oh I'm sorry” You sat up in a hurry.
“Woah, careful there.” She leaned down catching your arm in a soft grip.
“Are you alright?” Her eyes stayed on you as yours wandered through the green landscape around the two of you.
“It’s really beautiful here.” You smiled. it was almost unreal.
“Well thank you, I have been told I have a green thumb.” She smiled as your look of surprise clearly showed.
“Oh this is more than a green thumb it's almost magical. I’m impressed.” She simply smiled at that.
“Why don’t you come inside, have some tea and you can tell me more about yourself.” Your cheeks were already warm from the sun, but something about her intense eyes got you feeling warm all over. 
You followed her up a small path, where she’d now and again turn to look you over and give you a smile before continuing on. Once at the little cottage, you watched her take two steps in through the door before reaching out an open palm.
“Watch the threshold, it's easy to trip.” It wasn’t all that high but you took her hand anyway.
You let yourself explore as the woman tinkered in the kitchen. Your fingertips graced against the lace curtains before stopping at the sight of the small furball perched on the window seal,  sunbathing like she had no care in the world. which you supposed she didn’t seeing as she was a cat. 
“Aggy.” You spoke as you traced the letters embroidered on the blanket she rested on.
“short for Agatha.” The woman told you as she placed green cups on their saucers.
“She's beautiful, can I pet her?” you asked eagerly.
“Yes of course, but if you do she’ll never let you leave.” She winked, and you thought you’d happily spend forever doing just that.
“Do you take honey in your tea?” You heard her voice as you scratched Aggie's chin.
“Yes, ma’am.” You watched the cat yawn and stretch. Living the dream life you thought.
“Ma’am huh?” She laughed “I like it, but you can call me Wanda.”
“Oh, okay Wanda.” You turned to smile at her. She’d let her hair out of the braid and it was now flowing over her shoulders, just as the sun had done in the garden.
“I’m Y/N.” You get yourself seated at the table and the cat follows, hopping up into your lap and snuggling into your belly.
“While I can’t say I have a lot of visitors, she’s never taking a liking to anyone quite this much.” She smiles reaching out to pet the kitty. You swallow a bit of nervousness as you become very aware of her closeness.
“Well I like her equally:” You say those words with certainty, as you look into Wanda's eyes. She tilts her head at that watching you. A sudden sense of uncertainty hits you and your gut tells you you may have overstayed your welcome.
“I’m sorry, I should probably get going.” You shift in your seat.
“Oh, but you haven’t touched your tea.” She frowned.
“Oh, I’m sorry Wanda but I really shouldn’t bother you any longer.” You assure her. You turn your head searching for the door. The woman's palm finds your cheek and guides your eyes back to hers.
“Nonsense, won’t you stay a little longer?” Watching her green emerald eyes take a red hue, as any doubt seeped out of your body, instead becoming relaxed against the wooden chair.
“Well, I guess an hour or two won’t hurt.” Your hand went back to the soft fur of a sleeping Aggy in your lap.
“Aa, now that's what I want to hear, little one.” She basked in her triumph.
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I could rant for hours on end about how much I despise every single aspect of the Blip, but I'll limit myself to saying that yes, Tony indirectly insisting that the trillions of people who undoubtedly died as collateral damage in the Snap should just stay dead is, in my opinion, the single most evil thing he ever did. Also, I think Bruce deserves at least some of the blame for actually listening to him.
And yeah, while I love Clint, I can't stand what Endgame did to him, and the fact that he is never called out is insane.
Wanda is not and should never be a villain.
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sorry but i can’t take anyone who says tony was just as wrong in civil war seriously because if you just left your tony hate at the door and watched the movie you’d see that he tried to do everything right but team cap are the ones who escalated things. they refused to sign the accords even though they could have worked to make adjustments to them as time went on, caused havoc because of bucky, had wanda throw vision through several floors and initiated the fight at the airport. tony also was holding himself back in that fight because steve and bucky would’ve been dead in a heartbeat but that’s not the outcome he wanted and how was he repaid? by having a shield slammed in his chest and left to die. and you want me to believe what he did was just as bad? be fucking serious.
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I came across THE ABSOLUTE BEST comment on an AO3 MCU fic!! The person who commented it even cited their sources proving what they were saying by turning part of the sentence into a link -- multiple times! Idk how to do that so I'll just leave a link to the original for anyone interested in those, and paste show off the comment here!
**Warning: Please mind the tags! Within the MCU you either hate this type of fic--and therefore comment--or you're still just a salty and full of rage as you were when it all first started going downhill in 2015. In other words: Civil War Team Iron Man.**
THE COMMENT (which was a reply to a hate comment about how "amazing" and "perfect" Captain America is):
"Yes, Steve Roger is all of those things. In the comics. 616 Steve can do things like defeat two other Super Soldiers when his Serum has been turned off. He's actually a Captain instead of it just being a stage name, due to, depending on the writer, either actually going to Officer School and blitzing through it, or receiving the equivalent of Officer School training while "on the job." In the comics, Steve Rogers earned his rank under the code name of Captain America, and his "secret identity" was that of the bumbling Private Rogers. MCU Cap actually is the bumbling Private Rogers, but is treated like a trained genius tactician undeservedly.
Comics Steve Rogers is also of far better moral character. He's the sort of person who would throw his shield to alter the trajectory of someone falling in order to avoid civilians being hurt. MCU Steve Rogers is never shown caring about the people hurt in Bucharest, and has no problems treating a German SWAT team the same way he did Crossbone's goons. When in the comics everyone finds out that it was Cap's evil Hydra clone who did all sorts of terrible things, Steve admits to HYDRA Cap that he's actually glad that, thanks to HYDRA Cap, people no longer trust him as much as they did in the past, as he's actually never been comfortable with people blindly trusting him or anyone else. MCU Steve demands that people blindly trust him to have their best intentions in mind. 616 Steve has enough willpower to break free of mind control straight away; MCU Steve got stuck in Wanda's illusions like everyone else.
Also, when 616 Tony isn't being written by stupid writers as a fascist, Steve is pretty much the founder and president of the Tony Stark Defence Squad. Anyone talks crap about him, Steve reminds them of how many people his tech and charity work has helped, and on a more personal level actually appreciates how much Tony has done for him instead of accepting it as his due for saving the world once a year.
Comics Steve is respected because he deserves it and has earned it; MCU Steve demands it like an angry toddler, claiming that he's a good man when in reality he's just not as big of an asshole as the Red Skull.
The sad part is, it would have been so easy to salvage Steve's character. Show him sending a coded message to JARVIS during WS, and later say Fury mention that Tony, even with his suits all blown up, was standing by to ensure that all the non-Hydra stuff was taken off the net so that no innocent SHIELD employees were hurt and no US secrets were leaked. About 5 seconds of footage.
Show him trying to contact Tony when Wanda talks crap about Ultron being just like him to prove her wrong, and getting concerned when there's no answer and heading back to Stark Tower just to be sure. Don't show him already be in the process of charging forwards and drawing back his fist to throw a punch at Tony before his chest piece ever arrives. Add two seconds of footage where Steve tiredly asks whether Tony can call another suit to pick him up from Siberia after their fight, and have that letter include an actual apology instead of Steve just trying to justify his actions. Give Wanda an actual redemption arc and have Steve feel like, even if she was HYDRA and people don't like her, she still deserves a chance to show she's not a monster like the Red Skull was. Show Wanda being horrified that the Hulk wandered into Johannesburg, and be reluctantly grateful to Tony that he stopped her from ultimately being responsible for the deaths that a rampaging Hulk would have caused.
Instead we have MCU Steve, who seems less and less heroic the more you think about his actions, and spoilt brat Wanda."
Link to original comment thread:
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man, i just can’t get into (mcu) stony. steve treats tony like garbage from the very first day they met - and it gets worse with each film -, and tony literally states his resentment of steve because his father wouldn’t shut up about him. this relationship never worked even as a friendship, i doubt they would work as boyfriends.
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house-of-daenerys · 1 year
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ffiamgoku · 9 months
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A custom collagevcover I made for my friend and fellow writer Izumi2, for her fic "My Use and Value is What You Do" A time travel fix it fic centered around Female Toni Stark set post Infinity War.
She had Phoebe Tonkin in mind for Toni's face claim.
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therese-lokidottir · 6 months
You know mcu really can make favorite and top characters be hateble or they hated by viewers. Like me hate Wanda in MOM. I really hate her in there.
I kidnrhave problem with Wanda in age of ultron, I meant while she told her past (wjy she and her brother hate stark) we never really see HOW avengers suddenly just pardon her and her join. They definitely will suspicious with her first. So that still bothering me
Then in wandavision, I definitely have mixed feelings for that show. Specially with what Monica said and Hayward stupidity and well many. And the ending...... Yeah, no wander many saying that wanda 'too much have free consequences tickets '
And in MOM ho ho ho, it's definitely the worst and before you said she corruption by darlkhold, the book corrupt your moral but not your memories, and in mom Wanda just care with children that she had for 4 days. And before you said they her childrens so of course will want them. Yeah but why she not seaeing vivison, her brother or her parents too? Some viewers said 'she move on fromrthem ao that is why she want the childrens'.
And then wanda go crazy killing spare in ever place while can hypno I first place. My God, what the f&*$ was that? And they said that darkhold in mcu is same like darkhold in agent of shiled. And so far AoS darkhold is make 'evil'/ corrupt but it not make you have killing spare for first chance it got you. Wanda sound very cruel and insane in MOM, and it's too much, and wprse of it she sound like she choose be corrupt, The F
Seriously they manage me hate her so much in MOM
The entire point of WandaVision is that your clearly meant to feel mixed and uncertain about Wanda. For the first few episodes we don't know what really going on. It isn't until the Agetha reveal where it is shown Wanda isn't doing this maliciously or even all that deliberately. It's just something that's happening around her and she's determined to keep it that way.
Here's a point where it's clear we're not meant to be fully on Wanda side. In this confrontation clearly Vision is who meant to be sympathized with. Yes, Wanda fatal flaw in WV is selfishness, but it's a selfishness born out of desperation and denial. She genuinely did not know she was hurting people.
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To discuss Wanda in good faith it needs to be understood that she did not mean hurt others and when she found out she tried to get them out if the hex before accepting to take down all together.
My opinion is that Wanda is not a hero but she's also not a villain. She is mealy a broken person with a power she doesn't have a full grasp on.
The no consequences is she doesn't get imprisoned in the end, but she still ends up alone and hated with no one to blame but herself.
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By the end there also nothing anyone can do. Not without Wanda herself going along with it and even if they arrested he she would still be owed a trial that took her mental state and powers in mind. She would also still be owed therapy, that would just be for everyone's benefit considering she's a reality warper who's power that are linked with her emotions.
and yeah MoM is bad, but for me I'm mad at the writing not at Wanda. She went from a character not willing go through hurting and killing people who did her no wrong to just no guilt sending monsters through a major city and killing a teenager to get what she want. Not only is she learning the same lesson again that's not the character she was by the end of WV.
It would be like if Tony Stark not only fully went back to building weapons for the government but he himself was dropping them on civilians. Like, I have been critical of Tony, but that extreme would not be in-character. At that point I wouldn't be mad at Tony anymore I would be mad at the writer.
There were ways for Wanda to have a villain arc and it still fit within her character arc from WV and it just need some time and Waldron outright said he skipped over writing an arc he just Wanda to be the villain of the movie. So, she takes this turn from being in tears realizing she was hurting people to just being eh, I just want what I want. To me the end goal, the want or whether her kids or real or not is moot point because it is A) wrong regardless B) a lesson she already learned.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
It’s time for a new poll
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I mean power couple or what?!!!!
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askthechaoticwitch · 2 years
// Obviously it's the directors and scriptwriters' fault that Wanda said a bunch of mean things to Stephen in dsmom (like the "don't speak to me of sacrifices" bit which I'll be talking about), but at the same time- guys, it's her job as an antagonist to do that. Yes, she was nasty and at times cruel amongst a lot of other things. But you are forgetting that just because we as an audience are aware of the tons of Stephen's sacrifices, doesn't mean that Wanda is. She can't possible know about his family history, the car crash, the pain of experiencing 14 million possible outcomes etc, and it made perfect sense for her to say that line in the spur of the moment. She's known for acting out of anger and her intuition helps picking out the way to get under someone's skin.
And even if she did know everything about Strange, the line would have been purposefully provocative. Do you think she'd have given him a pat on the shoulder, apologized and flown away? Not her role as a corrupted manipulator or her job as a character. You don't put your hand on a stove and complain that it burns. She was being cunning. And it hurts us, the audience, to see it because no matter what, we know Stephen and his trauma in details. Our attachment to him is essentially what turns Wanda's words that much more painful and unfair. And yet... isn't that what makes for a clever, determined and successful villain of a story?
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The Darkhold and its influence (or potential lack thereof)
I recently had a troubling thought about Wanda's future. The number one defense for her in Multiverse of Madness is that Michael Waldron the Darkhold was corrupting her and dictating her actions. I fully buy into that, even though the movie is enragingly vague about it.
The only other people we see with the Darkhold are Sinister Strange and Agatha Harkness. The problem is, we have no idea what either of them were like without it. Maybe Sinister Strange was always a sadistic incel and Agatha was always a psychotic witch.
Since Agatha is getting her own show, I'm both hopeful and worried. I'm hopeful that she will be shown to be a better person now that she is free of the Darkhold's influence, but I'm worried that if the opposite happens and she is more or less the same then a lot of people will take it as definitive proof that the book didn't actually do anything to Wanda and she became a mass-murdering psychopath of her own accord.
As of now it could technically go either way, and that concerns me. Just let my girl redeem herself!
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