#in the spirit of halloween
roguerambles · 1 year
Not enough people talk about First Bite--
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solohux · 11 months
Witch Hux knows when there’s a storm on the way because there comes a noise from outside, the sound of a beak tapping against the window pane. Hux finds a familiar crow sat on the ledge, squawking and waiting to be let inside.
Hux doesn’t hesitate in granting the bird some shelter though he does roll his eyes at the amount of noise he makes. He’s grateful that the bird’s keen senses give him warning to a storm’s arrival so that he can ward his rickety woodland home against damage before taking provisions down to his storm shelter in the basement, all the whilst the crow sits proudly on his shoulder.
And when they’re safe and alone, the crow uses his dark magic to shift forms, turning into a handsome young man named Kylo Ren. Hux has clothes ready to give to his beloved, wrapping him up in the finest and warmest clothing whilst they wait for the storm to pass. They cuddle (and whatnot) and read stories and practice spells whilst the wind howls and the rain pours.
Hux has never been happier than when he’s alone with his beloved crow. And judging from the way Kylo holds him so tightly when they’re alone together, Hux knows that he feels the same.
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mayzie-grobe · 11 months
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happy halloween 👻
junior and his friends dressed up as my favorite ghost hunting trio for halloween !! this is actually a inside reference to me dressing them up as lockwood, lucy, and george MONTHS ago and never posting it
so i redid their "costumes" and edited the pictures to the best of my abilities 😅 unfortunately i didn't finish in time for halloween but hey !! three days late isnt the end of the world !
here's the old ver. in case anyone was curious:
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(to lockwood and co. fans who will probably see this, because im going to main tag: i hope this is cute for y'all too !! i love the books and the show very, very much. the outfits are a hodgepodge of their show outfits and these character's own styles !! please note: pink socks)
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
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     “ E - ERM ... how did it go again ? I - if you don’t give me a treat then I’ll cast a trick on you ... ! Or something like that, right ... ? ” Somehow, that line felt more embarrassing than it should’ve !
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daily-spooky · 13 days
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bronzs-art · 27 days
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Bruce "my kids found out I have a crush and they want me to do something about it so I'm compromising" Wayne, and
Danny "Batman must have found out my hero identity and wants me as backup for the Justice League but is being subtle about it" Fenton
(Inspired by Freelance Inventor)
Part 2!
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basicheadache · 1 month
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nataliedecorsair · 11 months
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If you are polite and courteous, the spirits will kindly agree to take a picture for you - and other spooky arts I drew this year >:) Most of the arts are taking place in Heather's world, including the gambling scene (don't look under the table...) INFO ABOUT THE CHARACTERS AND SETTING IS HERE The last art is another awkward monster art and you can find the backstory here Previous spooky & Heather's world art post is here (you can see some recurring characters throughout the art) More Mari Lwyd (who is a Welsh spirit and is being a "crossover" in my art) is here P.S. - bonus points to you if you can find all the hidden frogs 🐸
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 year
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Ghost painting by Gloomy Grove
This artist on Instagram
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writtenentries · 22 days
spirit halloween in the early 2000s
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Alfred: A old contact is sending a representative on his behalf. I need you all to be on your best behavior while he is here.
Bruce: aka, do not embarrass Alfred in front of his old spy buddies
Jason: you're the most embarrassing one among us
Bruce: How so?
Jason: *gesturing to Batcave*
Bruce: Well, at least I didn't get my city dragged into a dimension of death when I was a teenager.
Jason: What?
Alfred: He's talking about Danny. He is the young ward of my old contact Clockwork. Master Bruce has a rivalry with Danny since they were both young
Bruce: It's not a rivalry. That implies he is my equal which he isn't.
Alfred: Of course, Master Bruce.
Later in the evening
Danny: Bruce.
Bruce: Danny.
Danny: Still single, I see.
Bruce: Still ugly, I see.
Danny: Whore
Bruce: Virgin
Alfred: Danny hasn't even stepped through the door yet. Master Bruce, could you please behave for one weekend?
Danny/Bruce: Sorry Alfred he just gets on my nerves-WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Alfred: *sigh* this will be a long seventy two hours.
Jason: What is going on between them?
Alfred: It's a tale as old as time young master. Spite at first sight.
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space-dreams-world · 1 month
Another Twin Au: D and T: Danyal And Talia
Also, potential Spirit Halloween.
Ra's had two children, Danyal Al Ghul and Talia Al Ghul, the Demon's Daughter and the Demon's Son. Talia might have been firstborn, but she was neglected over her father favoring Danyal.
Danyal was treated better than she was, and while Danyal didn't understand Talia's jealousy, he still tried to help her. Like for instance, Talia had a fight to prove her loyalty to the Al Ghul line and was tasked to fight to the death, Danyal seeing how tired she was from training, he poisoned the fighters, so that his sister could win and survive.
Even when Ra's schemed to transfer his mind into Danyal's body, he was overwhelmed by Danyal's spirit and was not able to do the transfer.
Danyal liked to play tricks on new recruits to the league, and when Bruce was there, he pretended to be his sister. (As Danyal constant exposure to the pits made his eyes green)
Talia was only able to develop a relationship with Bruce outside the compound,but Danyal and Bruce's love story was very brief. ( And maybe Bruce liked Danyal more as he could be bargained to live with Bruce, unlike his sister who was devoted to her father)
Ra's would have liked the detective with either of his children,but it was not to be.
In fact, when Talia was planning on wedding Bruce, Danyal was sent for extra protection and liked the little Robin (Dick) despite being on opposite sides. So, when Talia acquires Bruce's sperm to make Damian, Ra's did a test to see which sibling produced better offspring, and unfortunately, Danyal's won. So, Damian was the son of the Bat and Demon, but of Bruce and Danyal. The thing is that Talia and Danyal are identical twins, just one boy and one girl. So, Talia assumes Damian is hers by default, and when creating Heretic, she uses her DNA.
Danyal was someone more connected with the pits than anyone knew and spent some time with the spiritualists of the league. Danyal was there when Jason was in the league and tried to curb his most violent fits, and sometimes took care of Damien in the league along with Jason.
Now, unfortunately, during Ra's coup, Talia, sick of her brother favoritism, pushes Danyal into the pits where he doesn't resurface.
(A few years in Danny Phantom world is a few days in the DC verse, so Danyal as Danny Fenton speedruns the DP life, becomes phantom, follows cannon lore, except doesn't really stay in Amity Park afterwords,closes the two portals, and goes to find his original dimension,where Damien is about to sacrificed to the pit by Talia, believing she can make more,with the bats present kills him.
More in part 2...
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
Diana let herself fall heavily onto one of the couches in the watchtower. She stretched out along the blue surface far enough so that she could rest her feet, recently freed of her boots, on the edge of the coffee table. As much as she much preferred organically curved surfaces, there was something comfortable about the rectangular flat back of the couch and the way she could rest her arms against it and stretch out in one long line from her biceps to her fingertips. The ache in her muscles were the reward of a well fought battle.
She tipped her head to the side, watching her champion in arms come and go to their various post battle destinations. Some went to Medbay, some went temporary quarters, and others went to discuss and debate the results of the battle.
Unexpectedly, Batman lingered for a moment. He sat down on a couch near hers, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and run his hands along the side of his cowl and down the back of his neck. It was hard to remember, out there on the field of battle and victory, that Batman was just a mortal man. He was no God, no alien, no creature of great might. Batman was just a man.
But what a specimen he was.
“If you are in need of help unwinding your muscles , I am sure that we can find some more pleasant ways to take care of that,” Diana said with a quirk of her lips and a brow.
Batman looked up at her pausing just long enough that she thought that maybe she had actually surprised him. She was surprised herself when the faintest hint of a smile turned up Batman's lips.
“Hn. I'm afraid my partner isn't one for sharing. I don't think the Earth would survive a battle between you two,” he said. The hint of amusement in his voice was barely there, but Diana was starting to learn how to read her new friend.
She tipped her head back against the couch in laughter. “Of course you would already be claimed by one so formidable. I should like to meet them.”
The sudden quiet and dangerous readiness in the room was almost tangible.
She softened her words. “Should they ever wish to. But go now home to them, Batman, and let them work out your kinks and aches.”
Batman snorted softly, but stood. Diana thought that he would leave without saying anything, and regretted her earlier misstep. Of course the man would be protect of one he held so dear as to call his. She was surprised, then, when he paused just before leaving.
“They don’t need the encouragement,” he said, words quiet and for her only. Quiet and once again just barely amused.
Diana tipped her head back again in laughter. Yes, she would like to meet them someday.
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shopwitchvamp · 11 months
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Gonna transform this basic wizard hat from Spirit Halloween today, wish me luck
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dat1angel · 3 months
DP x DC Prompt, Danny/Bruce
A grown up Danny moves to Gotham. Maybe its for work, maybe its for the ecto-rich environment, maybe its cause all his friends have ended up there and he decided to follow. They've taken care of the GIW and his parents have accepted him so Danny has no issues with being openly meta. Bruce catches wind of a meta in Gotham and pays Danny a visit as Batman. He give Danny the "No metas in Gotham" speech to which he is promptly told to fuck off. Danny's response is essentially: "Fuck you, I live here and I'm not just gonna pack up my life and leave because a man in a fursuit with no actual authority told me to".
Bruce can't exactly force Danny to leave so he decides that if Danny is gonna be here then he'll keep an eye on him to give him some extra protection. While watching over Danny, Bruce starts to notice little things about him. The endless kindness he seems to possess. The subtle Midwestern accent. The way his eyes literally light up when he indulges in his passions. The way his hair perfectly frames his face when it's still damp from his morning shower. Bruce finds himself absolutely smitten. The only problem? Danny can't stand him.
Danny has held a grudge against Batman after the whole 'you aren't welcome in my city' thing. Any time he sees the Bat he'll flip him off or just glare if he has the young one of his sidekicks with him. Which, Bruce can admit, is fair. Bruce wouldn't take very kindly to being told to leave like that either. No problem though, he'll just get to know him as a civilian right? Wrong. Danny doesn't like billionaires on principle so thats a non-starter.
Now Bruce is left to figure out how to win over this man who seems to get along with everyone except him.
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call-me-strega · 3 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #22: The Custody Battle Turned Romance
A freshly resurrected Jason is found by Single Dad Danny raising a de-aged Dan and Dani who goes "surely one more kid can't hurt?" and takes him in. Danny helps him deal with his catatonia, trauma amnesia, and other side effects of being undead without the need for a Lazarus Pit.
He takes the kid to a therapist Jazz recommended and supports him thoughout his recovery. They did some bloodwork and found out pretty early on he was The Jason Todd-Wayne but then he decided not to reach out and let Jason decided what he wanted once he was recovered.
Danny, Ellie and Jordan love and treat him like family in a way he's never quite had before even with Bruce. They’re just so open and honest about their feelings and never make him feel out of place. So when Danny ask if he’d like to reconnect with the Waynes or stay with the them, Jason chooses to stay with them.
The world has moved on around them, and so has the Batfam. Jason knows about Tim (and talked through his feelings in therapy). He knows about the foundation Bruce created in his memory and the way he very publicly grieved. He witnessed the news over Nightwing nearly beating the Joker to death. He knows enough to decided it’s better to let the dead remain dead. Instead, he becomes Jason Nightingale, eldest adopted son of a mechanic in the Narrows. The family welcomes him with open arms officially accepting him as a brother and son.
Danny supports Jason to finish his high school and college education and Jason decides to be a doctor as an homage to Thomas Wayne and aspires open a free clinic like Leslie Thompkins. They get his death certificate revoked under circumstances of resurrection (which is a thing that actually exists in public documents due to the resurrections that tend to happen in the DC universe) and legally adopt him so that he can go back to school. However, Batman monitors public records to a degree and this gets flagged in the system bc it’s Jason’s death certificate.
Suspicious, but optimistic Bruce informs the rest of the family what he has found out and ask them to come as back up for when he goes to find Jason. He’s investigated and is sure that the family who helped rehabilitate Jason is clean and nice people but he wants his son back. They others also wanna see Jason but are worried if this is a good idea since Jason hasn’t reach out himself and there is paperwork for an adoption in the system. But Bruce decides to track them down anyway.
Bruce shows up as the Nightingale’s door and asks to see Jason. Danny, sympathetic, agrees on the condition Jason wants to see him. Jason is hesitant, but decided it would be good way for both of them to get closure and agrees. Bruce and Jason have a tearful reunion and a long heartfelt conversation at the end of which Bruce says “Let’s go home son”. To which Jason has to awkwardly break it to him, but he has no intention of leaving the Nightingale’s and returning to the Manor. He lets him know that he’s open to meeting the rest of the family at least once more but that Danny is his dad now and Ellie and Jordan are his little siblings.
Bruce is devastated.
He lets the rest of the family know and they all make their visits while Bruce wallows in despair. Normally he wouldn let it go, but he just can’t stand to lose Jason another time. So he decides to take Danny to court in the hopes of getting visitation rights if not split custody.
It’s one of the weirdest cases to hit the Gotham courts: two dads who were never together in any capacity but aren’t antagonistic of each other, are trying to come to a custody agreement over their adopted resurrected child in family court.
Over the course of the court case Bruce sees what a good dad Danny is and bonds with his two “bio” kids. Meanwhile Danny gets to meet Dick, Tim, and Cass (Bruce’s legal kids as of rn) and gets to talk to them about their experiences with Bruce and how much they want to form/reform relationships with Jason. They do form a healthy respect for each other, and accept each other’s places in Jason’s life.
Court case ends up working out in favor of Danny. It’s split custody but he gets custody of Jason majority of the time (as per Jason’s own wishes) and Bruce and the Wayne's still have partial custody and open contact with the Nightingales.
Over the years kids all start to see each other as siblings and both Bruce and Danny as their dads. By the time Damian shows up Bruce and Danny have been functionally co-parenting each others kids for years. They provide support to each other’s kids that the other parent may not be well equipped to, but helping each other improve.
When Damian does arrive his superiority complex is quickly curbed and Bruce puts him into counseling on Danny and Jason’s recommendation. It takes a while, but Damien slowly finally opens up and gets to act like a real kid. Ellie and Jordan, who are around the same age (maybe a bit younger?), love having him over to roughhouse and play princesses/knights/dragons (but with politics and consequences). Sometimes they’ll go out and trick people into thinking they’re triplets.
It’s actually Damien who first suggests parent-trapping Bruce and Danny so that they can be one big family. He obviously gets Dan and Ellie to agree first. Then the three of them bag Tim and Cass. The five of them approach Dick next. Jason is actually the hardest to convince but the manage to get his approval. Thus, these guys try to set up the Oblivious Danny and the Emotionally Constipated Bruce.
And for Flavor, just when it looks like they’re about to get together, one of their past love interests comes into the mix, re-entering their parents’ live just to stir the pot. (Which ex is up to your imagination: Sam, Talia, Val, Selina, Tucker, Wes, Minhkhoa, Harvey)
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