#in trying to stay grounded spn loses what makes it fun
seaglassdinosaur · 2 years
I’m gonna make a controversial statement
Ninjago is the Supernatural of cartoons
#WAIT WAIT WAIT#JUST HEAR ME OUT#- FROM A NARRATIVE POINT. okay? intended with only a certain amount of seasons and a certain plot.#2 seasons and the great Devourer with ninjago; 5 seasons and the heaven hell story for spn#next? the core of the show. it’s like about brotherhood becoming stronger and working as a team despite your differences#ppl die all the time and come back in increasingly convoluted ways#the dragging out of the show leads to inconsistency in it that is both frustrating and hilarious with its implications#and each season has to introduce a new antagonist or bring back an old one with another batshit plotline#and the fans will be enthralled or laughing and roasting it or both#but see the big difference comes that as a show for kids Ninjago doesn’t take itself too seriously#they’re able to pull off the batshit plotlines bc they know it’s hilarious and so they can go over the top ridiculous#yeah they’re going to space! eat shit we know you’ll watch this anyway!#and they’re right.#spn on the other hand takes itself way too seriously and because of that they have no fun and the last several seasons basically#recycle the same plot? the character arcs are the same and it gets really dry#in trying to stay grounded spn loses what makes it fun#or made it fun#but ninjago? I will go back to that I will have a great time#ninjago you can still have fun watching later seasons bc of how goofy it is. spn… not so much#so apologies if this showed up on your page#my post#spn#ninjago
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lovabletomholland · 5 years
The Beach House - Chapter 1
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Tom Holland Imagine (Tom Holland x Reader)
Word Count: 1,424
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff
Summary: Harry and Sam tell you something that you just can’t believe is true. They must be messing with you. You spend some time by the pool where some interesting things happen.
A/N: Tumblr is being a pain again, I really have no idea what is going on. So here it is, I had to repost it again. Let’s hope it works Thank you also much for the support, I am blown away by the response I got on the prologue. I had so much fun writing this one and I am so glad you all enjoy it. Feedback is always welcomed.
Previously - Prologue
Your door swings open and the twins walk in, "Rude, ever heard of knocking?" You say but you have a smile on your face. "You finally came back!" Harry grins as he plops down on the bed with you. You scoot over to make room because Sam plops down right next to him. Next thing you know you're sandwiched between them and they're crushing you in a tight embrace, "Why didn't you say hello when you got in?" Sam asks with a frown, "Clearly you didn't miss us at all." "Of course I missed you guys." You hug them back separately and fiercely. "You were asleep when I came in and I didn't want to wake you." "Well we had to hear about it on the beach. We overheard Tom talking about you." Harry shrugs, "So we came back up to the house." Tom was talking about you? That's weird. "I'm sure he was just saying how big of a nuisance it is to have me back," you roll your eyes and close your book. Clearly you won't be getting any more reading done today. "That's not what he was saying at all." Sam says and shares a look with Harry and both of them start grinning. Oh, god. "What was he saying?" You ask curiously. You assume it can't be anything good, especially with the look the twins just shared. "He will kill us if he finds out we told you." Harry says, a mischievous look crosses his face as he looks from you to Sam. "But we're going to tell you either way." Sam shrugs, he has the same mischievous smile on his face as Harry. "He was telling Harrison how stunning you looked when he saw you up here." Harry tells you with a smirk. "Yeah, I swear I saw drool coming out of his mouth." Sam adds with a chuckle. "Oh, stop it!" You laugh and shove both of them. You're sure they're just pulling your leg. They know about your once was crush on Tom. "No need to tease me anymore. I am no longer crushing on your older brother." "We're not teasing you. It's the truth." Harry tells you. "You may not be crushing anymore but he definitely is now." Sam laughs. "And he is crushing hard." You shake your head and hit both of them, which you should have known not to do. It's two against one. Next thing you know you’re on the floor of your room, getting tickled by both of them and you try to wrestle them off but you're too weak from laughing so hard plus they are both stronger than you. The three of you look up to the door as you hear someone clear their throat. It's Tom. The twin's hands still and you sit up quickly fixing your dress from where it was hiked up your thighs from movement as you tried to fight off the boys. "What's up?" You ask. Was Tom's eyes on your legs just a second ago? "Um," you watch as Tom gulps, his eyes meeting yours, "your brother is about to start grilling by the pool. Mom wanted me to get you guys." You see Harry and Sam share another look before they get up. "Thank god, I'm starving." Harry says at the same time Sam says, "I'll go help him." Then they squeeze past Tom and are out of sight. You stand and dust yourself off, "Thanks for letting me know." You walk over to your dresser and pull out your bikini, the top is a baby blue color and the bottoms are striped black and white with the same baby blue color on the sides. You had to have it when you saw it and you might as well swim while you wait. You turn to go to your door to shut it so you can change but Tom is still there. "Uh, what?" You ask freezing in place. Tom shakes his head, "Oh, nothing. See you downstairs." He closes your door as he walks away. *** Bikini and swimsuit cover on, which is basically just a see-through black dress, you walk out the back door to the pool. You see Harrison nudge Tom whose back is towards you as you come out. Tom turns and smiles at you as you walk over to Harry. Sam is standing by the grill helping Will with the food. "Hey, Y/N!" Harrison calls out, "How have you been?" "Good. You?" You call back without looking at them. You hear Harrison say he's been good as you get to Harry. "Your brother is acting so weird," you mumble. Harry opens his mouth to respond but then his eyes widen as you feel arms go around your waist and you're lifted off the ground. You look up to see Tom, that’s when you realize what is happening. "Tom, don't you dare!" You squeal trying to get out of his arms. You can feel his chest rumbling as he laughs, "You're going in." You were planning on going in, just not in your swimsuit cover. You manage to get your arms around his neck and you hold on tight. "Then I am taking you with me," you say as he starts to throw you in, he tries to free your arms from his neck but it's too late, he loses his balance and falls into the pool with you. When you break the water’s surface you spot Tom rubbing water out of his eyes and you splash him, "Jerk," you mumble walking over to the stairs. You were shivering, the water is so cold. Summer just started so it hasn't really had time to heat up. As you start to climb the stairs hands grab your waist and pull you back in. "Tom, it's cold!" You exclaim, teeth chattering. "You'll get used to the water the longer you're in it." He says, pulling you further in and you fight his hands off your hips as your brother yells, "Tom, stop flirting with my sister. It's weird. Come help me." "I'm not flirting!" He calls back and you splash him as he gets out of the pool, he just ignores it. You follow him out, your swimsuit cover sticking to your body so you pull it off as you shiver. As you are wrapping a towel around you, you hear a big crash and look up to see Tom on the pavement, a pool side chair knocked over next to him. "If you paid attention to where you were walking and not my sister, that wouldn't have happened either." You hear your brother say with a laugh. "Dude, shut up!" Tom says, annoyance dripping with every word, his cheeks are pink tinged as he stands up and fixes the chair. You shake your head, boys. You dry off a bit and sit in a lounge chair and relax, feeling the sun hit you as you close your eyes and work on your tan. *** After dinner you are laying in Harry's bed with him. His laptop in his lap, you leaning against him as the two of you watch a movie. Sam is downstairs playing a video game with Paddy. In the middle of the movie you hear Tom call, "Hey Harry," his footsteps are heard coming down the hall, "do you know where-" he falters as his head pokes in the twin's room. "Oh, hi." He says, his eyes landing on you. "Do I know where.. what?" Harry asks as he pauses the movie. "Never mind." Tom walks in, "So what are you guys doing?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed which makes you scoot even closer to Harry trying to make room. "Watching a movie." Harry says shortly, "Do you mind?" He gives Tom a look. "Sorry," Tom holds his hands up and stands. "Y/N, Harrison and I are going to the beach, want to come?" You look down and gesture to the fact that you're in your pajamas, "No thanks. I'm staying in for the night." Tom nods, "Maybe next time," he says and walks to the door, he turns and gives you and Harry this weird look before walking out. "Damn, he's got it bad." Harry laughs. "Got what bad?" You ask, scooting back over a little to give Harry a little more room on the bed. "The hots for you," he shrugs. "He does not!" "Oh please, Y/N. Don't be so naive." Harry shakes his head and hits play on the movie.
Chapter 2
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed:)
@averyfosterthoughts, @artsyle, @photoshopart15, @peterisparker, @rebekkah4766, @jackiehollanderr, @myr5heart, @143amberrose, @mendes-fan, @peteparkersdarling, @jdroman5432, @stxfxniexreads, @nightxshadex201, @literalfsngirltrash, @livingforbarnes , @stretchkingblog97, @headlights95, @parkerpeter24, @okami-the-oaktree, @ohhh-boo-tiful, @kpop-wuver, @thevelvetseries, @heroes-die-young, @jillanaholland, @llamaluverlizzy, @greenarrowhead, @iwastornsincethestart, @adayasgeorgia, @spn-assemble-seven​, @musicandbokkslovingweirdo​, @broimjustvibin​
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
Butcher’s Hollow Part 4
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Story Summary: During an unexpected evening off, Y/N talks Sam and Dean into hitting the local haunted house. But as usual, things never work out, especially when a person from the past comes into play.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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You felt one of the dolls grab your hand, it’s porcelain fingers sharp and jagged, digging into the skin underneath your jeans. Shrieking, you kicked your leg, sending it flying into the other dolls, tumbling like bowling pins.
“Sam, what are we going to do?” You called out, pressing your back against the wall as Sam tried to open the door. But it wouldn’t budge. Sam hurled a doll across the room, both of you gleefully watching as it shattered in hundreds of pieces. “They keep coming!”
Before he could answer, there was a loud bang and the door exploded, sending slivers flying through the air. Sam hovered over you, trying to block you from the worst of the slivers, grunting as some hit his back.
“Damn dolls!” Dean exclaimed as he started swinging with an ax, easily smashing the dolls as they continued to move forward. “Let’s get the hell out of here!”
Sam stood up, taking the ax from Dean to continue hacking at the dolls. Dean pulled you towards the door, pushing you through it. “Sam, now!” Dean yelled, stepping back as Sam came rushing through.
You were in another hallway, with a door on each end. “Dean, how the hell did you do that?” You asked, breathing heavily.
“I can’t be the only one that carries around a spare grenade,” Dean chuckled before the dolls started climbing through the broken door.
With no idea which way to go, but knowing that you wanted away from the dolls, you turned to the left, running as fast as you could. Sam and Dean were right on your heels, Sam double-checking to make sure the dolls weren’t too close.
Opening the door, you stumbled inside, Dean grabbing you and pulling you to the side just as a giant blade swung down from the ceiling, slicing the air where you had just stood. “What the…,” you muttered, clinging tight to Dean’s chest as he pressed tight against the wall. “What new hell are we in?”
Sam had joined you by then, Dean quickly warning him to stay back. The blade in front of you continued to swing softly back and forth as candles lit up the rest of the room. It was a long, narrow room with black and maroon wallpaper. Candles were placed high in sconces along the wall, illuminating the black and white below.
“Do you think it’s just the one?” Dean asked, rubbing his hand comfortingly along your shoulder, staring down the long room to the exit sign brightly lit in the back. “Do you think we’ve finally found the end of her wicked little game?”
A cackling laugh, much like a witch echoed throughout the narrow room. “Do you think I would make the final room easy?”
She stood in front of the door, opening it to show you the light outside. You were so close to freedom you could almost taste it, but you also knew you couldn’t act with haste.
“Damn you, Ruby, you’ve had your fun. Now finish this before I…,” Sam growled, but Ruby just laughed again.
“Oh, I’m giving you the chance to finish this. You just have to figure out my last game,” she bragged before vanishing from the room.
“Why do I feel like we’re in an Indian Jones movie?” Dean muttered, letting go of you to step close to the blade. Peering up at the ceiling, he grabbed the long, lethal looking blade by the handle, dropping it to the ground. “As much as I like those movies, I don’t think I’m in the mood to deal with this shit.”
“We need to be smart,” Sam spoke up, already researching the walls and the ceiling, looking for clues as to what you are dealing with. “There has to be some sort of pattern to this.”
You could see markings on the tile, symbols. Each tile was different, but you quickly noticed a pattern. The blade that had almost cut you clean in half had fallen above a tile with a symbol that looked like an upside-down A. No other tile had it except the third one on the right. “Dean, look!” You exclaimed, pointing out what you had noticed. “Do you think it’s that?”
“It could be. It’s simple, but I can’t think of anything else.”
“So, we don’t step on the ones with the weird A thingy,” you muttered, hoping that you were right. Because you did not want a blade sweeping down and taking you out. “We do that, and we should be able to make it out of here.”
“Well, if you’re wrong, it’s just our lives at stake,” Sam muttered, taking the first step forward. Carefully stepping past the first tile, he landed on the black tile with a symbol that almost looked like an anti possession tattoo, only with the letter S in the middle. Closing his eyes, Sam placed his foot down, all three of you waiting for something to happen. But nothing did, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“What next?” Dean asked. “We can’t all fit on one tile.”
“I’ll continue to move forward,” Sam suggested. “I’ll find a safe tile, you’ll follow my footsteps.”
“Kind of like a deadly follow the leader,” Dean muttered.
While Sam glanced around him, trying to find another safe tile, you heard a rumbling sound behind you. Curious, you turned around to find the wall much closer to you than before. It was moving fast, pushing you into Dean who almost fell onto the floor. “Y/N!” Dean chastised, continuing to watch his brother.
“Dean, the walls moving!”
Dean turned around, his eyes widening as the wall pushed the two of you back. “Damn it,” he muttered. “Sam, hurry up!”
“Don’t rush me,” Sam argued, his foot hovering in the air over a tile.
“Sam!” Both you and Dean shouted at the same time. “The wall is moving!”
Sam froze, muttering under his breath before moving to the next tile. He breathed a sigh of relief as it stayed put, no blade coming to slice him in half. “Y/N, jump on my shoulders,” Dean insisted. “That way we have one less tile to deal with.”
With the wall crunching you, Dean crouched down, letting you hop onto his back. Holding tight, you held your breath as Dean took the first step. Sam was already deciding which one would be next, moving closer to the wall with his next step. The tile underneath him rumbled before crumbling away and Sam quickly jumped back before he was swallowed into the hole.
“Damn it!” He yelled. “I thought that had the A symbol!”
“Sam, hurry up,” Dean warned as the wall crunched the tiles behind you, releasing the blades. One swung dangerously close to your back, the breeze it created cringe-worthy.
Mumbling under his breath, Sam moved to the second to last one on the right, smiling victoriously when nothing happened. It gave Dean a chance to move, which happened to be perfect timing, as a long knife slid down from the ceiling to the side of where you had been.
Sam studied the tiles as fast as he could, moving to the next one with ease. You held on tight to Dean, your cheek pressed against his shoulder.
Sam hopped to the next tile, Dean started to move when the rumbling of the wall made him lose his footing. “Ahh,” Dean screamed, his arms swinging in the air, your extra weight making it hard for him to regain his balance.
Both of you were going to go down, and you peered over your shoulder to see a pitch-black hole forming behind you. If Dean lost his footing, both of you would end up in there. Your mind worked quickly, forming plan after plan, but nothing worked. As Dean tried to reach for Sam’s hand, you did the only thing you could think of doing. You let go, tumbling back into the hole, giving yourself up so Dean could fight his way out.
“Y/N!” Dean cried, Sam catching him from following you into the unknown depths. You fell backward, weightless, no idea where you were going to land. But you knew you had done the right thing. Smiling bravely, you were soon enclosed in complete darkness, both Sam and Dean no longer in your vision.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82​ @acreativelydifferentlove​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​ @akshi8278​  @bebravekeeponfighting  @bi-danvers0​ @brindz30​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @cap-just-said-language​ @colette2537​   @deansgirl215​  @flamencodiva​ @its-not-a-tulpa​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @just-another-winchester​ @karouwinchester​ @keikoraventeller​  @krys198478​ @librarygeekery​ @misspygmypie​ @mlovesstories​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​  @mrspeacem1nusone​ @nothinbuttrouble2​ @ria132love​ @ruprecht0420​     @sortaathief​ @superseejay721517​ @squirrelnotsam​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @torn-and-frayed​ @tricksterdean​ @wonderfulworldofwinchester​ @woodworthti666​
Butcher’s Hollow Tags: @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @justanotherwinchester​ @hamiltrash1411​
Forever Tags: @aditimukul​ @alexwinchester23​ @algud​ @amanda-teaches​ @andreaaalove​   @artisticpoet​ @atc74​ @be-amaziing​ @camelotandastronauts​ @caswinchester2000​ @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl​   @docharleythegeekqueen​ @emoryhemsworth​ @ericaprice2008​  @esoltis280​   @gh0stgurl​ @goldenolaf25​ @growningupgeek​  @heyitscam99​ @hobby27​ @horsegirly99​ @internationalmusicteacher​ @iwriteaboutdean​  @jayankles​ @jensen-gal​ @just-another-busyfangirl​ @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son​ @lifelovelaughangell123​ @li-ssu​ @linki-locks11​ @littleblue5mcdork​  @lowlyapprentice​   @maui137 @mogaruke​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @musiclovinchic93​  @nanie5​   @percussiongirl2017​ @plaid-lover-bay25​   @roonyxx​ @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing​ @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes​ @sandlee44​ @shamelesslydean​ @simonsbluee​ @sillesworldofwriting​ @sgarrett49​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnwoman​   @superbadassnatural​ @thatcrazybookwormgeek​   @thewinchesterchronicles​ @vvinch3st3r​ @wecantgiggleitsafandom​ @whimsicalrobots​ @winchester-writes​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​
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silver9mm · 5 years
Another SPN dream I might have turned into a fic. cw: mcd, drug use
I work at a college library but didn’t go to school there and one day these two beautiful boys blow in. They’re Freshmen, but they both seem older and wiser in different ways. Brady---and I only know his name because his friend keeps elbowing him and giving him what the hell, man? looks---is super rude to me, downtalking and loudly fake-laughing at things that aren’t actually funny. The other one gives me apologetic eyes and quickly cuts Brady off, tells me they don’t need help, and steers his friend firmly away. I hear them bickering and somehow know they’re having sex with each other. 
The next day, the nicer one meets me in the morning outside the library with a small regular coffee and tells me his name is Sam and that’s sorry his friend is such a jerk, that he doesn’t know what’s gotten into him lately. The day after that, he brings me a piece of peach pie and I laugh and tell him that it’s from the restaurant off-campus that I live above, and that it’s pretty cool living there because the kitchen closes at midnight so I can play my music loudly without bugging anyone. He asks me what kind of music I listen to and I tell him classic rock and 90s metal and Sam’s face does a weird thing and I can’t tell if he’s into it or annoyed, but I tell him I also like to find new music through TV shows, that I pirate soundtracks from online, and the next day he brings me this usb with BtVS, Jericho, Angel, Firefly, and Constantine comics on it.
Maybe a week goes by and then Sam’s at my apartment. He’s been extremely polite to me up to now, but once he’s there in that little space with me, I realise how huge he is. I freeze up, intimidated, even though I know what I want---even when he asks me, “Do you want me to fuck you?” Of fucking course I do, but he doesn’t move, sits sprawled in a half-broken overstuffed chair and just waits for me to get close before he puts a hand out to me, pulls me down over him. After the first time---and what I remember the most is how blue his eyes were during, how they shifted back to green and gold after---he’s less proper with me, at least when we’re alone. He stalks me in the small space, seems to love grabbing me from behind and lifting me so my feet aren’t on the ground and I have to hold onto the counter, the window frame, but he’s the sweetest gentleman outside, and even shuts Brady down when he tries to talk shit to me, jealous now, but we’re both in the same boat because Sam’s leaving for basic training soon.
I have a couple of months with him, that’s all. He stays at my apartment almost every night, comes to the library during the day whenever he can, always brings me coffee or a Spring flower. One night, he tells me he has a brother but he doesn’t know where Dean is, hasn’t seen him in a year and doesn’t know if Dean knows he’s leaving for the military. He’s got a number but he’s afraid to call it, so I do it for him. I have it on speaker, and a grumpy voice answers and Sam panics so I hang up, but that was definitely his brother and I make Sam promise he’ll call him back. I think he does, because he seems agitated the next time I see him, a weird mix of giddy and nervous and sad, and I don’t think he sleeps much in the night for the next few days before he leaves for basic.
A year goes by. I get letters from Sam, a few phone calls. He hates it, being told what to do, misses his long hair, but he likes being part of something, having people who watch his back and stick by each other, no matter what. I don’t see Brady after Sam leaves, but I meet this older guy at a party one night. He’s there selling cocaine and everyone calls him Bob, but his real name is Balthazar and I let him pick me up because I’ve been looking for a new dealer and he’s got it all. We fuck and it’s fun but not great and the next morning we get breakfast, drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes, sitting next to each other so we don’t have to actually look at each other, but he tells me I can usually always find him at a dive bar across town. I start hanging out there occasionally. Balthazar is a shithead to everyone but we become friends with benefits and his circle of friends are welcoming enough, and I’m hanging out there when I get a call from a strange number.
I recognise the grumpy voice, but this time it’s shaking a little, and Dean tells me Sam’s been killed. I was the last number called on Sam’s phone, and Dean ended up with all the letters we had written, and asks if we can meet. I tell him how to find the bar and he says he’ll be there two nights from now. Balthazar, for once, drops his bullshit when he sees how upset I am and gives me a bunch of free mushrooms and ecstasy because he doesn’t have the emotional capacity to actually be supportive himself. I pocket them and spend the next 48 hours numbly waiting for Dean. It seems normal, somehow, like I knew this was going to happen the whole time, I knew Sam wasn’t going to come back, and I hate that it feels that way but I can’t do anything to change it. 
Dean’s already at the bar when I show up and even though they don’t look anything alike, I know it’s him immediately. We have a couple drinks and then the regulars start to show up, and Dean slowly starts to look like a trapped animal. He goes pale, his hands clench into fists, and he bolts for the door as soon as I suggest ditching the bar, but he’s waiting for me outside, smoking a cigarette, and I notice he’s got Sam’s phone in his hand like it gives him comfort to hold onto it. I take Dean back to my place and he relaxes, tells me he likes my Christmas lights and I offer him the little bag of coke Balthazar slipped me on my way out, and Dean shows me how to powder it by breaking my tea ball and using the end of a pen to grind the crystals through the screen. We talk for hours, but not about Sam, not at first. It’s nonsense, but I can tell Dean’s wound pretty tight, has a lot of secrets, or at least things he feels he can’t tell most people, and that he’s sizing me up, trying to figure out why Sam liked me so much. I’m too spun out to worry if he finds what he’s looking for, but Dean lets me drag him to my bed when the sun starts coming up and we sleep most of the next day away and eat cold Chinese food for breakfast-dinner when we wake up. He tells me he’s gotta go get his car, and I don’t really believe he’ll come back, but he does, and brings a bag with him like he’s intending on staying, and I don’t tell him he can’t. 
He starts to open up that night, tells me about losing his mom when he was a little kid, how his dad was in the military and Dean practically raised Sam by himself, how they were moved around constantly. Dean joined the military as soon as he could, because their dad expected it of his oldest son. 
“Sam didn’t want me to,” he said, “but I was good at it. Taking orders my whole life, being responsible for---for others. For Sam. He wanted me to stay with him, was always coming up with some shit we could do together, a family business, but I wanted to be like Dad. Sam thought it was so dumb, but I did it anyway, and I think he joined because he wanted to show me how it felt. How... How worried he was for me, how much he missed me, but all I felt was proud of him, even though I knew it wasn’t what he wanted to do. I felt invincible, so of course he would be too. Typical bullshit, right? But no one’s invincible and now Sam’s dead. What the weirdest thing is, it bothers me that there was so much of him. That he was so stupid tall and strong. I don’t know why that makes it worse, but it does.”
Dean doesn’t cry when he tells me these things, and I get the impression that he doesn’t have any tears left, that he’d parked his big black car somewhere the day he was told Sam was dead and cried every last tear he’d ever cry in his life out. He’s sitting in the same busted chair Sam was the first time we fucked, but this time it’s me who asks Dean if he wants to. He nods, and the coloured lights make his eyes change like Sam’s would. He lets me do whatever I want to him, practically begs me to come around him and even then doesn’t just take what he wants. He’s passive, submissive, but so attentive, lets me wear myself out over him and then pets me right back to life, over and over. 
We spend weeks like that. My job is out for the summer and Dean pays my rent. He disappears once in a while, but calls me before he shows back up and then sleeps for a couple days before he’s himself again. I don’t ask where he’s been. We eat magic mushrooms and play Tetris on my old Nintendo and I look up info on how those things help with PTSD, and he says that’s something Sam would do, research. We like the same music and I remember the face Sam made, and we go to the bar once in a while. Girls flock to Dean, but Balthazar distracts half of them with his drugs and his sleazy smile and I chase the other half away by just sitting in Dean’s lap, grabbing his ass in front of them. He pretends to be embarrassed but I know he loves the attention, likes that I’m forward and possessive over him. 
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jae-sch-writes · 6 years
Punchin’ Bag
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester, unnamed demon
 Word Count: 1414 (w/ lyrics), 1268 (w/o lyrics)
Request: @dumb-bitch-juice-69  what about dean winchester x reader based on the song Punching Bag by Cage the Elephant where the reader is totally badass
Genre: fluffy, with a bit of angst in the beginning
Warnings: abuse, stabbing, general SPN violence
Lyrics are italicized
A/N: This piece is based on Punchin’ Bag by Cage the Elephants. Edited by Grammarly but any and all mistakes are my own and no one is to blame for them but me, myself, and I.
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She’s a stone cold straight-faced killer and a lover
And she won’t put up with another
Brute who only wants to bruise her
Take her love and then abuse her
She won’t take no more
Y/N L/N: possibly one of the strongest hunters there could possibly be. After being abused by her ex for a year, she had enough.
She tried to leave, but he wouldn’t let it happen. Y/N persisted, but her ex only got angry and even more violent whenever she brought it up. When he got angry and blew up at her, his eyes would turn a pure black. Y/N was so terrified that she stayed and stopped trying to run away, but it did push her to figure out what exactly was wrong with her boyfriend.
Y/N dug around on the Internet and spent countless hours in the library trying to find anything relating to black eyes and her boyfriend’s behavior. She was more than shocked to find out the cause of the black eyes: demons.
She found an exorcism and learned the proper pronunciation of the Latin from a professor at the local university. That night at dinner, she said the words and the demon was gone for a while, but her boyfriend was gone forever.
There were no tears and she left without a trace, but her life was changed forever. Her eyes had been opened to the world of the supernatural.
Oh no, ain’t it a drag
If you take a swing, she swing back
She say I’m not your punching bag
From that point on, Y/N became more and more aware of the things lurking in the shadows adn she didn’t become anything but better at hunting them.
The demon from her past kept coming for her, but that never stopped Y/N. She just always fought back. If the demon took one punch, Y/N threw two more back at it.
After two years of hunting, she finally was able to get rid of the demon who started it all. Y/N found him and she wasn’t intending on leaving until it was dead.
“Well, well, well. Did you miss being my little toy? I must say I’ve missed by boxing lessons, but it seems my sparring partner went away for a while. But you’re back now, so that doesn’t matter. Oh, how I did enjoy leaving you a mess on the floor, bloody, bruised, crying, and begging for mercy. It was so much fun!”
Throughout the demons monologue, Y/N’s blood began to boil, but that last statement made something in her snap.
She lunged forward and plunged the angel blade she had acquired a year ago into the demon’s chest. She had enough of this monster torturing and taunting her. She was tired of letting this thing walk over her.
Once the demon was nothing but a bloody mess on the ground, she finally stopped fighting.
“I’m not your punchin’ bag,” Y/N said over the dead body and walked away, never having to worry about that demon ever again.
Heaven help you, I’m telling the truth
Heaven help you, she’s coming for you
Heaven help you, the girl likes to fight
Afraid of nothing and she carries a knife
She said
I’m not your punching bag
“Dude, I’m telling you, whoever this hunter is, they’re good,” Dean said when he and Sam sat at a booth in some diner in New Mexico. “I mean, a whole nest of vamps just wiped out? A coven of witches burned? Hell, they even took care of a town of demons. This person is badass. I think whoever this is, they should join us. We could use their help.
“Yeah, but what happens when the next “Big Bad” comes for them too. We’d be pulling them in farther than they want.”
“Then I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help us take care of it. This hunter seems to enjoy the job. I mean, you don’t go this far and hard without liking what you’re doing. I’d like to meet this person.”
“Well boys, it appears to be that today is your lucky day,” Y/N said as she turned in her chair to face the Winchesters. “I believe it’s me your looking for. Y/N L/N. Pleased to meet you.”
“Dean Winchester, this is my little brother Sam,” Dean said as he held out his hand and Sam did the same. “You, my dear, are amazing. Did you have any help with your cases?”
“Nope, I run on pure spite. It’s probably from the way I got into the business that makes me so ‘badass’ as you put it. And no, I don’t give up, and yes, you’re right, I do kinda like the job. I get a rush from it.”
Y/N and the Winchesters sat in the diner continuing to talk about their lives well into the night. When the diner was closing, Sam and Dean both invited Y/N to stay with them in Kansas, to which she gladly accepted the offer.
What kind of man are you?
Instead of kisses you give bruises
No more time for cheap excuses
If I were you, I would be leaving
Best you go while you’re still breathing
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean whispered as he waled into the room he shared with her. They had been together for almost two years, and it had been close to eight years since Y/N’s ex had first hit her. “You’ve seemed off for the past week. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine, Dean,” Y/N said and she turned her head away.
“No, it’s not. I know it’s not. I literally just asked that to see if you would lie to me, and you did.” Dean walked over and sat on the bed next to his girl. “Every year since you’ve started hunting with us, you always get upset around this time. I want to know why. Please, baby, just talk to me.”
Y/N sat in silence before she spoke. “Around eight years ago, a demon possessed my boyfriend and it made abuse me. Hitting, screaming, there was even one time it cut me. I spent a whole year with him, terrified that every day could be my last. I finally figured out it was a demon and I found an exorcism, but it just kept coming back. I killed it about a year before I met you and Sam. I was finally free of that monster.”
“What? What thing, human or otherwise, thinks it’s okay to hit a woman? Who the hell would have the audacity to do that? Whoever dares to touch you again better run. I don’t care who it is, they better leave before they lose their chance.”
“Dean, please. It’s okay. It’s done and over with. The demon’s dead, gone forever.”
“I don’t care. You’re too badass and kind and sweet to deserve anything like that. I swear, even though I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, I won’t let anyone touch you ever again.”
Last time, last time you’re ever gonna
Everywhere ya go, better watch your back
‘Cause I’m not your punchin’ bag
It was a group of demons terrorizing a small town in Vermont. Both Dean and Sam had somehow been captured, but Y/N was still going strong.
She had her fill with dealing with demons. To say she hated them with a burning passion would be an understatement.
All but one demon had been accounted for so far, but the coast was clear to untie the boys safely. It was nowhere in sight. Sam had left to go make sure there were no more hostages, and Dean stayed with Y/N.
“God, I love you so much,” Dean said as he pulled Y/N into a hug as soon as he was untied.
“I love you, too, Dean.”
The pair was working on cleaning up the mess that had been made when the final demon came out of it’s hiding place and snuck up on them.
It was able to get one punch on Y/N before she pulled out her angel blade and drove it into the demon’s throat, making it crumble to the floor and giving Dean and Y/N one more body to clean up.
“If I said it once, I’ve said it a million times: I’m not your punchin’ bag.”
@re-fordoremi @the-sporty-musical-nerd @katymacsupernatural
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fangedpeace-a · 5 years
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☯ 𝗩; ❙❚ — ’ HE’S PART OF ME NOW HOW CAN IT EVER BE OVER? ’ ❪ main ❫
Set after series five of Young Dracula, this verse will deal with Vlad coming to terms with everything that happened in the finale. He struggles with the loss of his human side and doesn’t know, yet again, who he really is anymore. He feels safe with Talitha, confident even, that he will still remain ‘normal’ and a good vampire. But with one side of him lost, he fears the other will take over completely. It was what made him so human, after all.
AGE: 18 LOCATION: Nomadic
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Set during the first two seasons of the show, Vlad is 13 years old, lives in a village in the UK and spends every day trying his best to be normal. In this time, he’s still a fledgling-easily passable as human and doesn’t have his full powers. While he hates being who he is, he tries to do what he can to make his father proud.
AGE: 13 LOCATION: Stokely, UK
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Set during season 3 and 4 Vlad has moved on from Stokely and lives in Lancaster in Garside Grange. After losing all his friends, the normal live he loved, and becoming a full vampire with the new powers of the chosen one. Vlad is angry, impulsive, and more assertive. He has an undeniable lust for blood that is, at times, the only thing he can think about.
After realising his power Vlad continues to move forward in hopes to unite vampires and humans to live together in peace. However, after facing his one thousand evil reflections, almost losing himself completely. Vlad is more alone and lost than ever…especially after losing Erin.
AGE: 17 LOCATION: Garside Grange School, Lancashire
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Not being able to fight off his true self. Vlad becomes a powerful, blood thirsty monster that causes chaos wherever he goes. He’s lost all of his love for his family and would happily kill them whether they’re on his side or not. He just wants to cause pain, have fun, and fears each day of the other Vlad coming through and taking back his body.
AGE: 17 LOCATION: Garside Grange School, Lancashire
Ending up in the United States of America, separated from Talitha, Vlad had ventured off on his own to find his Uncle Ivan. He knows that the man he once knew, the man he wanted to be, isn’t who is uncle is now. But he’s hopeful that with his new powers he can bring him back to being good and blood-free. However, finding his Uncle isn’t as easy as he thought it’d be.
AGE: 18 LOCATION: Nomadic, United States of America
☯ 𝗩; ❙❚ — ' TBN ' ❪ myth au ❫
Inspired by Bram Stokers Dracula and more horror-based versions of Dracula. This verse is an au where the count / Vlad’s dad is closer to the original Dracula. He’s a callous, completely unforgiving monster that doesn’t let anyone undermine him or tell him what to do. He isn’t the cowardly, ‘comedic relief’, pg rated Dracula we see in Young Dracula. He’s a monster that isn’t to be challenged. Vlad isn’t given any leeway like he is in the show and is pushed more and more to be a monster just like his father and undergoes a lot more mental and emotional abuse, sometimes even physical. 
This verse follows the same plot points in the show there are just a few differences in order to make it more realistic to the original myth. Vlad, after he turns eighteen, terrified of his father, of him winning and becoming a monster. Runs away and uses his newfound powers to stay hidden. But with Vlad being the Chosen One and also the Heir to the Dracula throne. He is forever scared of his father finding him and dragging him home and forcing him to be everything that a vampire is.
AGE: 17/18 LOCATION: Varied. 
☯ 𝗩; ❙❚ — ' HUMANS YES HUMANITY NO ' ❪ spn au ❫
Set in Supernaturals later seasons, with the inclusion of the British Men of Letters. Vlad’s family are slain in the great extermination of vampires in Britain. Narrowly missing any confrontations from slayers. The attack happens while Vlad is away in Tibet, training to bring himself back together and restore balance. But in that time that he’s in Tibet, he doesn’t realise that his family need him until its too late. Losing his dad, his sister, Vlad is destroyed and bloodthirsty, he slips into a terrifying dark spot and tries to track down Jonathan Van Helsing, thinking that it was his people that were responsible. However, his newfound friend, Talitha, keeps him grounded and reminds him of why he went to Tibet.  Now he remains grounded but struggles with the loss of, not only his family, but most of his kind.
AGE: 17/18 LOCATION: Somewhere in the UK or USA.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
Stuffed Bunny
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Request (Summarized for length): Could you write a dean x reader where the reader still sleeps with her stuffed animal because it helps with her anxiety especially after difficult hunts. Sam and Dean find out about it and have different reactions to the news.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Extra fluffy Dean.
Sam was snoring lightly in his bed, Dean jamming his face into his pillow on the pullout couch, both boys fast asleep in the dark motel room. You were exhausted but it’d been long enough that you knew the coast was clear. Carefully you reached over the side of the bed and down to your duffle, undoing the drawstring bag you kept in there.
You pulled out the old, hug worn stuffed bunny, ears flopping over it’s head and tugged it under your covers, holding it up against your chest. Finally you felt the tension run out of you, something soft and safe filling you up. The hunt was over but both guys had taken a beating and you’d been worried sick over them. It wasn’t something you could say out loud, not really. You were a hunter. You were tough and putting your life on the line was the job. But you couldn’t help from getting scared and sleeping with Hoppy always calmed you down.
Even if you had to lose a bit of sleep overnight so the boys didn’t find out about him.
“Shit,” you said, dumping your duffel on your bed back at the bunker. You knew you put Hoppy back in your bag, absolutely knew it. There was the drawstring bag though, empty, and no Hoppy in sight. “That was a six hour drive Hoppy.”
“Hey, Y/N,” said Dean, knocking on your door, pushing it open as you stood awkwardly by your bed. “What are you doing?”
“Reorganizing my bag,” you said, nodding to all the junk on the mattress, Dean nodding quietly. “Need something?”
“Uh, something Sam and I think is yours fell out in the trunk,” said Dean, pulling the arm behind his back to reveal Hoppy, Dean running his thumb over the bunny’s head lazily. “Unless it’s not and I can just chuck it.”
“No,” you said, swallowing hard. “It’s mine.”
“You have a stuffed animal?” asked Dean, handing it over.
“I sleep better with him,” you said, waiting for Dean to laugh and make fun of you, never seeing his face turn anything other than a bit solemn. “He helps.”
“He sounds important,” said Dean. “We’ll try not to lose him from now on then.”
While Dean was strangely kind and gentle about the fact you were still sleeping with a stuffed animal at your age, Sam took up the role of teasing quite well. After one morning of Sam drilling into you over it, you thought maybe he had a point. It was time to grow up and leave something so childish behind. You knew Sam wasn’t doing it to be cruel but when you packed up your bag for a hunt a few towns over, you left Hoppy behind at the bunker, tucked away in the bottom of your closet until you could figure out what to do with him. 
It wasn’t a hard hunt but you hurt your wrist and were anxious about sleeping alone for the first time in years. The boys went out for an after hunt drink while you stayed in bed, trying to force yourself to sleep.
“I thought she slept with the bunny,” said Sam when they got back a few hours later, Dean growling from the sounds of it. “She tells us she sleeps with a bunny and then there’s no bunny?”
“Maybe cause you’ve been a dick to her all day and you embarrassed her,” said Dean. “It’s probably under her coat.”
“Nope,” said Sam, your jacket peeled away from you, carefully laid back down. “No wabbit in sight.”
“Well good for you Sam. She’s gonna sleep like shit because you made fun of her,” said Dean.
“I teased her,” said Sam, Dean scoffing. “I’m going to bed.”
For weeks after that you left Hoppy to sit in the closet, no longer bringing him with you, not even letting him into the safety of your own bed in the bunker. Then you tossed him in the trash, hoping that put an end to it but your sleep was still ruined. Dean was watching you more, spotting the bags under your eyes, the increase in the occasional nightmare that made him come check on you. 
“Y/N,” said Dean, catching your arm when you headed for bed one night, just the two of you in the bunker. “What’d you do with Hoppy?”
“It was a toy. I threw it away,” you said, Dean glancing down. “Goodnight.”
“Why would you do that?” he asked. 
“He was stupid,” you said, turning to head into your room, Dean throwing an arm over your doorway.
“I get scared too. I wish I’d had something that made me feel better all these years. It took a long time to find it too,” he said.
“I don’t see you sleeping with teddy bear, Dean,” you said.
“You’re close by. It always makes me feel better,” he said.
“How do I make you feel better?” you asked. Dean shrugged, staring down at the ground.
“You just do. I like you. A lot. I want you to be happy around here again, not feel like you have to hide secrets from me,” said Dean.
“I didn’t want you to make fun of me,” you said.
“I’ll tease you when you have toothpaste on your mouth or when you’re all grumpy in the morning but something that helps you, never. I know how hard it is to get up the guts to close your eyes at the end of the day when we can’t control it or hide the stuff we’ve seen from ourselves and whatever helps you with that, you can have it,” said Dean.
“I haven’t slept more than a few hours in weeks,” you said, Dean wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“I don’t have as floppy ears as Hoppy did but I’m soft and cuddly too if you’d like to try me out,” said Dean with a gentle smile.
You tugged Dean into your room, Dean quietly letting you settle into bed, tucking yourself up against his side and close your eyes.
You sighed, a wave of relief filling you up again. 
“As long as you want me, sweetheart, I’ll be here.”
One Week Later
“Hey, Y/N,” said Sam after dinner. “You and Dean are pretty serious huh?”
“The feelings have been there for awhile. This isn’t some kind of don’t hurt my big brother speech is it?” you asked, Sam shaking his head.
“No. It’s an apology,” said Sam, sitting up on top of the kitchen table. “I’m sorry. For-”
“It’s alright, Sam,” you said, Sam shaking his head.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “Dean was right. I was a dick.”
“Sammy,” you said, “I forgive you.”
“Okay,” he said with a small head nod. “I got you a present just in case I had to try and bribe you back.”
He set a box on the table, smiling bashfully as you peeled off the bow. You opened the top and went wide eyed.
“Hoppy?” you asked, plucking the freshly cleaned bunny from the box. “How...I threw him away.”
“I know. I saw him in the trash and plucked him out. I found this toy restoration store that got the fur all clean and fixed a few of the stitches that were coming loose,” said Sam. “I didn’t think you should throw him away. If a rabbit helped you sleep better at night, then sleep with the rabbit. I was jealous I didn’t have anything like that I think.”
“Hoppy’s good with that,” you said, giving the bunny a big hug before you set it in Sam’s lap. “You have him.”
“Y/N,” said Sam.
“I got Dean now. I suppose I always had Dean and you but...I got my family and Hoppy was good at being my family when I didn’t have one. So maybe when you get lonely, Hoppy can help you too,” you said.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“Did I just see Hoppy sitting on top of Sam’s shelf in his room?” asked Dean, crawling into his bed beside you. “You two had a moment didn’t you.”
“Uh huh. It was cute as shit too,” you said, setting your book to the side, Dean humming as he threw an arm over your waist. “Did you have a stuffed animal growing up?”
“No. I was always in motel rooms with Sam. Bobby gave me a bear once when I was five but I gave it to Sammy. He needed it more than I did. We lost it when he was six I think somewhere in Michigan,” said Dean.
“You never had an animal or blanket?” you asked, Dean shaking his head.
“Nope,” he said, jamming his face in the back of your neck. “S’okay. I survived without it. Now I got this and you smell like fresh shampoo so it all worked out.”
“Wake me up if you get a nightmare?” you asked, Dean nodding before you reached over and flicked off the light. “Night Dean.”
“Sleep tight, sweetheart.”
@baconlover001 @emilymorgan1994 @jensenackesl @captainemwinchester @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @xfanqirlinq @anokhi07 @akshi8278 @fandom--shipper @xxwinchester-22xx
@zeusmyster @atc74 @aingealcethlenn @pillow223 @alilianamendez @dancingalone21 @smoothdogsgirl @docharleythegeekqueen @jaelami @roxyspearing @kickasscas67 @gallifreyansass @untitled39887 @charliebradbury1104 @quiddy-writes @arryn-nyxx @poukothenerd @feelmyroarrrr @mrsbatesmotel53 @idalinette @evyiione @jayankles @samisimportant @maddieburcham1 @demonic-meatball @hey-um-misha @flufy07 @its-not-a-tulpa @whit85-blog @mrswhozeewhatsis @extreme-supernatural-lover @spn-ficfanatic @deanwinchstcrs @starry-chaos
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You’re Not Real
SPN Angst Bingo
@spnangstbingo ~ I finally had more inspiration, but this one is pretty dark.
Square filled: Agateophobia (The fear of going insane)
Mentioned Gabriel X OC
Warnings:  Alluded to Non-Con, torture, Lucifer
Words: 2010
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
The sound of shattering glass had Sam and Dean on their feet in seconds, running through the safe house cabin they were staying in, heading to the kitchen.  They both froze instantly when they stepped through the doorway.
Grace stands there, breathing hard, gun raised to the doorway straight between them.
Dean holds up his hands. “Easy sis, you can put the gun down, it’s only us.”
She blinks a few times, green eyes flicking between the two of them a few times before back between them. Slowly, she lowers her gun, a bead of sweat running down from her temple, a slight shake in her hand.
Sam takes a cautious step forward, gently taking the gun off of her.  “Are you okay?”
Grace nods and practically collapses into the chair at the table, glancing over at the shatter bottle of beer in the corner and tutting.
The brothers share a look. “Grace, if you want to tell us something…”
“I’m fine.”  She said sternly, running a hand back through her short hair.  “Must have just been…I don’t know, I haven’t been sleeping much lately.”
Lucifer sits next to her. “I wonder why that is.”
Sam and Dean watch as tension shoots down her back, but she doesn’t move from the table, staring at the chair opposite.
Lucifer smirks.  “Awe, isn’t that cute, you’re worrying them.”
Grace stands quickly and pushes her way past Sam and Dean.  “I’m going out for a bit.”
“I don’t think-” Dean doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, the door slamming behind her.  “Man, I know the roads been tough, but what’s gotten into her.”
“In all fairness Dean, we don’t really know what Cas has unleashed in her head.”  Sam said, placing her gun on the table.  “Who knows what she’s going through, and I’m sure losing Bobby hasn’t helped, among other things.”
Dean shakes his head and moves to clean up the glass.  “She could still talk to us man, we only want to help.”
Sam gives a sad smile. “We’re not exactly the best family for that, are we?”
“There’s still limits Sam, I mean, if she’s seeing shit,” He pauses.  “We need to know about it.”
“That’s what you think this is?”
“Who knows what Lucifer did to her in the cage,” Dean takes the glass over to the bin.  “Who knows what she’s remembering from being soulless. All I’m saying is that it could be a lot of shit at once catching up to her and, if that’s the case, she’s not going to be top of her game.”
Sam nods.  “I agree, but I also know that we can’t pressure her into telling us Dean, it’ll only push her away.”
“Yeah, she gets her stubbornness from Dad, sadly.”  Dean pulls two beers from the fridge and hands one to Sam.
“Well, she can join the club.”  Sam said.
 Grace’s heart races as she storms through the forest, not really caring in what direction she heads in or what she walks through, she just knows that she doesn’t want to stop.
Lucifer follows every step, looking around the forest as they walk.  “You know, I thought Winchester’s faced their problems head on.”
Her jaw clenches and she picks up the pace.
“Oh wait, this is a personal issue, right.”  He grins at her.  “All you know what to do is run from those.”
“Shut up.”  She snapped, not looking at him.
“Oh, finally going to properly acknowledge my existence, it’s about time really, I was getting bored.”
“I said shut up!”  She yells, stopping and turning to face him, her gaze burning with anger.  “You are not real!  You are securely locked away in the cage!”
Lucifer gives a steady smirk, unfazed.  “Really? So why are you seeing me Gracie?”
Grace’s face pales and she turns away, drawing in haggard breathes, clutching at the nearest tree to try and steady herself.
“Face it Gracie,” Lucifer drawls, leaning into her ear.  “You’re still locked away with me.  Didn’t I promise you that none of this was going to end quickly?”
She sinks against the tree, trying to fight tears, but as a sob breaks from her, there’s no stopping it, her cries filling the all but silent forest, where she sits alone.
 “Grace, stop.”
“I’m fine Dean.”
“No, you’re not, look can just-”
Dean grabs her arm tightly, stopping her from going any further, causing Grace to turn and try and hit him, only for Sam to grab her too, halting any movement as she struggles against them.
“Let me go!”  She yells, drawing attention from others on the street.
“Grace, you need to stop this.” Dean said in a hushed voice.  “If you don’t stop and get some sleep then you are going to get yourself killed.”
“I don’t care!”  Grace manages to kick out at Dean, who lets her go to avoid the blow, and she swings her head back into Sam, hitting him on the nose which instantly breaks his grip.  “I’m dead anyway!”
She turns and bolts, shoving through the on lookers and Dean is quick to follow after her, leaving Sam to hold his bleeding nose.
She doesn’t look back, can’t look back, letting her feet hit the pavement hard, not caring where she was going, just wanting to be away from everyone.
“Grace!”  Dean shouts after her again, falling behind a little more as she rounds a corner quickly.
Grace dodges several people and she fights back a wave of terror as she catches Lucifer out of the corner of her eye.  She catches sight another back alley and hurries for it, wanting to be alone, wanting not to see anything anymore.
Her footsteps echo loudly between the high brick walls, the noises of the street disappearing and she pumps her arms, pushing herself harder.
Lucifer appears in front of her and she screams, trying to stop but instead sliding hard to the ground hard, cutting up her pants and her hands as she stops just at Lucifer’s feet and begins to loudly sob, covering her head.
“Awww, is little Gracie scared?”  Lucifer tuts. “I didn’t think fear was a big thing for you lot, I thought you were too idiotic to feel it.”
“Stop.”  She whimpers.  “Please.”
“Gracie, Gracie, Gracie,” Lucifer sighs and crouches down next to her.  “After all the fun we’ve had?  You agreed to be mine, remember?  When you let me in?  Let me start the apocalypse?”
“We stopped it!”  She curls up tighter.  “We stopped it!  You’re not real!”
He nods.  “Yeah, you and those two dorks you call brothers stopped it and you got locked away with me, or doesn’t that ring a bell anymore? Maybe this will help.”
She feels flames licking at her skin, feels heat breaking through and burning her, the light flashing before her eyes as she begins to scream.
A pair of hands grab her and she fights back wildly, struggling with all her might to pull herself away, only getting a few steps before she collapses again.
Lucifer leans against the wall, watching her.  “Didn’t we have some fun times?  I’m sure it was more entertaining than whatever Gabriel could’ve done.”
Grace’s hands clench on the ground and she fights to push herself up, ignoring the tears, dirt and blood she’s covered.  “Don’t you dare mention him!”
He covers his mouth with a mock look of guilt.  “Oh, I’m sorry, did I hit a nerve?”
She screams and runs at him, but all Grace hits is the brick wall, her hand smashing into it, making her scream more as she holds it, her fingers broken.
“Just leave me alone!” She screams, her voice breaking.  “Get the fuck out of my head!”
Lucifer grins.  “What can I say Gracie, you let me be here.”
Grace collapses forward, only to be caught, but she has no strength left, just sobbing.
Dean keeps her up.  “Easy Grace, I’ve got you.”
“Make it stop,” She whimpers.  “Please make it stop.  I never wanted this.”
“I know sweetheart.” Dean looks up as Sam finally catches up, his face and shirt covered in blood.  “We want to help, but you’ve got to tell us what’s wrong.”
“Lucifer,” Her voice breaks. “Please stop.  I can’t keep doing this.  I don’t want to be crazy.”
“That’s who you’re seeing?” Dean asks.  “You’ve been seeing Lucifer?”
“Why did you have to kill Gabriel?”  She sobs, clutching at Dean.  “Why would you do that to him?!”
Sam joins Dean and they manoeuvre her between them, trying to keep her steady as she sways dangerously. “We need to get her off the streets.”
Dean nods, his face grim. “I think she’s going to need more than that, but for now, it’s a start.”
Grace suddenly tries to struggle against them, but they hold her tight as she groans.  “No, you can’t, I can’t go to…to one of those places…I’m not…I’m crazy…you have to believe me.”
“We know that sis,” Dean said slowly.  “But until we can work out how to get that bastard out of your head, it’s going to be a lot safer.”
“They’ll…they’ll do things.” She whines, her head lolling down to her chest.  “He’ll do things if I’m alone.  I can’t…”
“Awww, poor Gracie,” Lucifer mocks, walking backwards facing them as Sam and Dean mostly carry her down a path.  “I thought we were having fun?  Maybe this will help.”
His forms shifts and he grins at her from Gabriel’s form as she struggles to keep her eyes open, openly sobbing, forcing her gaze to the ground and the unsteady steps of her feet.
“You can’t get me twice with that.”  She mumbles, her voice defiant and disgusted, even in its weak state.  “You…you have no power over me…”
“Judging by your state,” Lucifer returns to himself.  “I really don’t think you believe that.”
Grace’s heart races and she fights to breathe, making Sam and Dean stop, sharing a quick look before Dean takes her weight and Sam moves in front of her, trying to get her to look at him.
“Come on Grace, focus on me.”  He said gently.  “It’s Sam. Can you hear me?”
Her eyes were blurred, but for a moment, they focused.  “Sammy?”
Sam smiles sadly.  “Yeah, do you think you can focus on me and Dean? We won’t stop talking to you, okay? Is that going to help?”
Tears slipped down her cheeks.  “He’s an obnoxious prick, Sammy.”
Both brothers give a small laugh, sharing a look before Sam returns to her.  “Yeah, but he’s not really here, okay?  You’re with us.  You’re safe.”
She gives a half attempt at a nod before her head falls forward again, completely slumping in Dean’s arms, Sam quickly grabbing her other one to keep her up.
“This is not good Sam.” Dean said as they started walking again. “We can’t have her out of action.”
“I don’t think we have much of a choice Dean.”  Sam said. “If she’s seeing Lucifer, it’s going to be far too dangerous to have her with us, let alone…”  He swallows.  “If these get worse, it could lead her to bad things Dean, not to mention driving her insane.”
Grace whimpers between them.
Dean licks his lips.  “It going to be okay sweetheart, I promise. We’ll get this sorted and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
“Dean…”  Sam glances at him and Dean shakes his head.
“We’re not just going to give up on her Sammy, there’s got to be something that we can do.”  Dean keeps his gaze locked ahead.  “I mean…shit, there’s got to be someone we can talk to.”
“Gabriel…”  Grace whimpers, Sam and Dean hardly hearing her. “Why…”
“Let’s just…get her out here first.”  Sam said quietly as they both glance at her.  “Then we can work out what to do next.”
Dean nods grimly, both of them carrying her back out into the street, making their way over to the Impala and carefully getting her in the back before driving off.
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supersleepygoat · 6 years
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Platonic Sam x Reader
Requested by @spn-ficfanatic: So I've had this idea for a while but if you don't feel inspired no dramas :-) The reader, Sam and Dean are hunting a Wendigo. Reader is stabbed with its claw but not fatally. They kill it & find its nest/den, along with 3 victims. Two need carrying back to the road so reader is forced to walk the long distance back. When she can walk no further she sends them ahead (much disagreement from the guys), with the promise they'll come back for her. Only they don't realise there were 2 Wendigos...
Summary: You and the Winchesters are hunting a Wendigo. As your relationship with Dean develops, promises are made. However, the dangers of the job make certain promises hard to keep.
Word Count: 4,635
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of sex. Blood. Violence. Fluff (if you squint). Angst.
A/N: This was requested by the wonderful @spn-ficfanatic. She ended up writing her own version of the story and it’s freaking awesome! It’s called Left Behind and you can find it here! You should totally check it out!
“You know, if only the Wendigo had a bag of M&Ms while he was still human, then he wouldn’t have had to resort to cannibalism. And, we could have avoided this whole mess,” you poke fun at Dean. He is crunching on his candy a little too loudly and it’s getting on your nerves.
“Exactly! I’m just taking precautions, sweetheart. In case we get stranded out here, I got us covered,” Dean says while throwing a piece of chocolate at you.
“Dean, do you want to put your snacks away and help us track this thing?” Sam asks his brother. Sometimes you wonder how Dean is actually the older one.
Dean puts his bag of sweets away but leans in to whisper in your ear. “He’s just mad I won’t share with him.”
You nudge his shoulder and giggle. “What is it with Wendigo hunts that make you hungry for M&Ms?”
“Don’t know. It’s probably similar to the fact that when I see you in those hiking shorts, I get hungry for a little-”
You slap your hand over his mouth. “You even think about finishing that sentence and I can assure you, you will starve to death.” You narrow your eyes at him but he can see how weak your resolve actually is.
“What can I say, kid? I got a sweet tooth,” Dean says when you remove your hand. The wink he sends your way almost makes you knees give out from under you.
You look over Dean’s shoulder to risk a glance at Sam. You don’t want Sam to overhear his brother. Sam knows you have an all-consuming infatuation with the eldest Winchester. And, if he found out you have been casually sleeping around with Dean, he’ll scold you for letting your standards of affection slip. He’ll say that you deserve someone who wants more than just sex from you. But, what he will never understand is that you’ll take anything Dean Winchester is willing to give. Plus, he’ll get mad at Dean for using your crush as a form of easy access. Regardless of the fact that Sam knows Dean has no idea that you want more from him, more than a couple hours in some dingy motel sheets.
“Are you two done?” Sam asks as he pulls out his map. “We should be getting close. There are a series of caves and an abandoned mine coming up over that ridge,” Sam points off into the distance without looking up from his map. Dean has taken advantage of his brother’s distraction and started playing with your hair. It feels amazing but you slap him away before Sam looks back up. “The Wendigo should be hiding out in one of those. I say, we hunker down for the night and start in on those caves in the morning. We’re not going to be able to out-hunt this thing in the dark.”
“Alright then!” Dean claps his hands together. “Sammy, you start in on setting up the sleeping bags and I’ll get going on drawing up the Anasazi symbols.”
“What about me?” you ask Dean.
“You just sit pretty, princess. Let the men do their work,” Dean says with a barely stifled laugh. He knows how much you hate it when he talks to you like that. That’s why he does it. Your cheeks get flushed and the cute little pout on your lips makes Dean smile. He likes getting under your skin, getting you riled up.
You push past Dean and try to ignore him as you help draw the sigils into the dirt. You know he’s trying to get a rise out of you but you refuse to give in. “I’ll show you who the real princess is, pretty boy,” you mumble to yourself as you stick your hands into the soil.
“What was that?” Dean asks, knowing full well what you said.
You stick your tongue out at him as your only response.
You continue working in silence, well except for the light chuckling coming from Dean. That soft sound always makes it so you can’t stay mad at him for long. It’s like a tranquilizer that seeps into your bones and lulls you into a willing pile of dough for him to play with.
“Dude!” Sam breaks the silence. “You only packed two sleeping bags?” The annoyance in Sam’s voice is unmistakable.
“What? I was saving space in our backpacks. Those things were heavy enough.” Dean shrugs as he finishes the last of his symbols.
“Dean, it gets cold at night. Like, really freaking cold. What were you planning on doing?” Sam asks his brother.
Dean turns and gives you a wicked smile. “Oh, I have a few ideas,”
“Not going to happen,” you state.
“Looks like you don’t have a choice, sweetheart.”
“You and Sam can share a sleep bag, you are brothers after all!”
“No one can share with that sasquatch. You’re stuck with me, kid.” You want to smack the smug smile he’s giving you off his face. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you nice and warm,” Dean says as he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
You look over to Sam who has put his nose back into the map after the sleeping arrangements were finalized. “I really hate you right now. I hope you know nothing is going to happen with Sam sleeping three feet away and a monster circling our camp.”
“It was worth a shot. But I promise, I can keep my hands to myself,” Dean says as he pulls away from you. “Don’t get used to it, though. When we get back to civilization, I intend to take what I want, what I deserve!” Dean says with overdramatized confidence.
“What you deserve?” you scoff at him. “The only thing you deserve is a swift kick in the ass!”
“Sweetheart, if you want to try spanking… all you have to do is ask,” Dean coos in your ear.
Your cheeks flush and you smack his shoulder. You are incapable of a verbal response, which only makes Dean want to tease you further. But, he takes mercy on you and doesn’t push it any further.
You crawl in beside Dean and he tries to do up the sleeping bag around you two. It’s a tight fit, but oddly comfortable.
You rest your head on his chest as he slips an arm around your shoulders. “See, this isn’t so bad,” Dean says with a contented hum. You nod against him. You won’t give him the satisfaction of verbally agreeing with him.
You wake up a few hours later to Dean trying, and failing, to discreetly slip out of your shared sleeping bag.
“Shh, go back to sleep, kid. I’ve just got to hit the head then check on the sigils. I’ll be back in a little while.”
In your sleepy haze, you mumble out an incoherent reply. The sleep instantly drains out of you when a few minutes later, you hear Dean scream your name. It sounds like he’s in pain and you’re immediately on your feet. You grab your flare gun and search frantically for the direction he went in. You berate yourself for not paying more attention when he left. But, then he calls to you again and you realize it’s coming from the west. You sprint toward the perimeter of your camp. But before you can cross the warded boundary, two strong arms pull you back.
You kick against your captor thinking it is Sam who had woken up and seen your escape. The arms tighten around you and soft lips graze against your ear. You know that all too familiar touch can only belong to one person.
You turn in his hold and wrap your arms around Dean’s neck. You cling to him with all you have. You’re probably hurting him but you can’t seem to loosen your grip. He pulls away and pushes your hair out of your face. He can see unshed tears in your eyes and his stomach drops.
“What the hell were you doing? You almost crossed over into Wendigo territory!” Dean says in a panic.
“I – I heard you scream for me! You sounded so… so…” you clutch onto his shirt to gain grounding. He’s here. He’s okay.
Dean pulls you in for another embrace. “I’m fine. Everyone is fine.” Dean looks back to where Sam is still sleeping. “Seeing as how Sammy didn’t hear anything to wake him up, it was probably the Wendigo trying to lure you out,” Dean says as his grip on you tightens.
“But you were so loud and so-” your voice breaks.
“Hey,” Dean pulls away to look you in the eye. “It wasn’t me,” he reassures you. “Let’s go back and lie down.”
When you two are secured in your sleeping bag, Dean can feel your heart still pounding in your chest. You assure him you are fine but the fanatic efforts of your heart tell him otherwise. When he holds you a little tighter, he notices your heartrate start to relax.
“Please don’t die,” you whimper into his chest.
The fear in your voice tears Dean in two. “I’ll try my best, sweetheart.”
“No, I’m serious,” you say as you lift your head and look him in the eye. “You can’t die. I can’t lose you. Promise me.”
“I can’t pro-”
“Promise me!”
“I promise,” Dean relents as he strokes your hair. He wants to give you anything and everything you want. Even if it comes in the form of a comforting lie.
Neither of you sleep for the rest of the night. You lie together in silence and take comfort in the rise and fall of the other’s chest. By the time Sam starts to stir around dawn, you had already been tracing circles on Dean’s shoulder for hours. He let you think he was sleeping through it, he didn’t want you to stop.
You pack up your make-shift camp and wipe away the symbols written in the dirt. As you trek onward, you notice the eerie silence that envelopes the trees. No birds, no buzzing, there is not even wind to rustle the leaves. You pull out your flare gun and hold it at the ready. You must be getting close.
Dean does a quick whistle to get yours and Sam’s attention. He is crouching by a fallen tree. There is a faint trail of blood leading into the concealed entrance to one of the caves.
No one speaks. The thing probably knows you’re here. But, there is no need to draw more attention to yourselves with unnecessary noise. You and the Winchesters have a predictable plan of attack that you have perfected over the years. Everyone knows the part they must play.
Your job is to stick with Dean and look for the big bad while Sam searches for the survivors. Sam is good with victims, and strong enough to carry them out if they are injured. You and Dean on the other hand, are less inclined to sugar coat the situation for the scared civilians.
You fall in behind Dean, as he never lets you take the lead. You don’t have to spend long looking for the Wendigo before itfinds you. As a hunter, it’s sometimes easy to forget that to the monsters, you are the prey.
You hear the thing before you see it. It starts small. You hear the gravel shift under the creature’s weight. Low growls echo through the cave walls before it escalates into an inhuman screech. The Wendigo then comes out of the shadows and makes its attack.
You were the first to recognize from which direction the monster was coming. On instinct, you push on Dean’s shoulder so he tumbles out of harm’s way.  Now, it is only you in the creature’s direct path.
Your flare gun jams as the thing lunges forward and tackles you to the ground. You attempt to kick the creature’s boney chest to keep it away from you, but its lanky arms reach out for you. Its talons puncture your upper thigh and drag downward to rip open five long gashes along your leg. Its claws are still digging into you at the knee when you hear Dean scream your name.
Dean raises his gun but cannot get a clear shot because you are too tangled up with the Wendigo. With your last bout of strength, you use your uninjured leg to kick the thing off of you. You scream in pain as its claws finally leave you and the thing stumbles backwards by the force of your kick.
Within seconds, Dean has shot the Wendigo in the stomach. A fire erupts from the entry wound that eventually swallows the creature whole. The light from the flare illuminates just how ugly these creatures are. You don’t relax until its body is nothing more than a charred heap on the cave floor.
Dean rushes to your side and with panicked breath, assess your injuries.
“Now that’s what I call team work!” you exclaim to try and ease the worry from his eyes. It doesn’t work. Dean only takes off his first layer of flannel and tears it in two. He wraps the shredded shirt around your upper thigh to stop the blood flow. “It’s fine, Dean. I am fine,” you say with an unmistakable firmness. You need him to believe you.
“Why the hell did you push me out of the way? That thing could have done a lot worse to you!” Although he sounds angry, you know that he is actually just scared and feeling guilty. And, when Dean Winchester is feeling guilty or scared, he expresses that as anger. So, you don’t take it personally.
“Relax,” you say as you reach out your hand and gesture for him to help you up.  “Just another flesh wound. No biggy. It will leave a gnarly scar but it ain’t my first,” you shrug to amplify the fact that you are fine. “Besides, scars are kind of sexy. Don’t ya think?” you offer Dean a playful wink.
“Not on you, they’re not,” Dean says as he helps you stand up straight. He is focused on trying to help you stand without putting too much pressure on your bad leg. But, if he looked you in the eyes, the only hurt he would see was from his words, not your blooded thigh. Your failed attempt at making a joke backfired into you feeling insecure. You are covered in hunting scars. And now, you find out that Dean doesn’t find them sexy, which means he can’t possibly think you are either.
“Let’s just find Sam and get out of here,” You say with shortness. You pull yourself away from Dean and attempt to hobble down the corridor.
When Dean finally realizes what he said, he rushes over to your side and holds you still. “Shit, Y/N/N I didn’t mean it thatway! What I meant was that I hate your scars because they mean that you were once in pain. And, I especially hate the ones that I could have prevented. I hate the ones that you got trying to protect me. That’s not your job. It’s my job to protect you.” He moves in to cup your cheek and you rest some of your weight onto him as you lean against his chest. He puts a firm hand onto your lower back to help keep you upright.
“Well then, I’m firing you! You have enough crap to worry about and I can take care of myself,” you whisper into his touch.
Dean smiles at you then looks down at your leg. “Yeah, I can see that,” he teases you. You roll our eyes at him. You let his comment slide because you know that he knows exactly what you’re capable of.
He takes on most of your weight as you begin to make your way back to where you left Sam. You walk in a comfortable quiet for a little while before Dean breaks the silence.
“Just so you know, kid… you can’t fire me. As your boyfriend, I got tenure. So, you’re stuck with my protection, whether you like it or not.”
If he wasn’t holding you up, you would have fallen over when he said the elusive ‘B’ word. You thought you were just an easy stress relief for him, you didn’t think he actually wanted you in thatway too. His words were spoken so casually but you can tell by the way he is looking at you that he is trying to gauge your reaction.
You swallow the lump in your throat and it lands heavily on the butterflies in your stomach. “Well, it’s a two-way street, buddy. Girlfriends have tenure too. So, you can’t expect me to stop trying to save your damsel ass either,” you retort with more coolness than you expected.
Dean’s breath of relief turns into a small laugh. “You’re such a dork,” he says as he rolls his eyes. But the wide smile on his face gives him away. You love the fact that you’re the one who can make his eyes crinkle like that.
As Dean and you walk through the damp cave, he thinks of the promise he made to you last night. He looks down at your leg and chastises himself for not making you promise the same thing to him. His grip on you tightens. He doesn’t need you to promise him anything. He won’t let anything happen to you, ever.
When you finally find Sam, he is tending to the three victims who were still alive. It is a small family who came out for an end of summer camping trip but got more than they bargained for.
The mother and father both are weakened from lack of food and water. They also have large gashes on their lower bodies. Their daughter, who couldn’t be more than six years old, appears unharmed physically. But, she is unable to move otherwise. You think of the things the poor girl must have seen and are not surprised she’s frozen in fear. Sometimes, even you have a hard time processing everything, you can’t imagine what it’s like for a kid.
Sam hoists the burly father to his feet. You can see the strain on Sam’s face as he supports most of the man’s weight. Dean takes charge over the mother who may be lighter but requires more assistance. Her broken ankle makes it so she is relying on Dean to be her second leg.
That leaves you with the kid. You approach her with caution. But to your surprise, she wraps her arms around your neck and clings to you for dear life. For being so small, she’s got a wicked grip. Despite her light weight, Dean still insists on carrying your backpack for you. You swallow your grunt of pain as you lift the kid into your arms and carry her out of the cave behind the others. Each step is like walking on hot iron spikes but you refuse to scare the girl in your arms any more than she already is.
You’re able to keep a steady pace for the first mile or so. But these woods never end. You are falling further and further behind. The girl is starting to worry about being separated from her parents. But, you can’t keep up. Your leg gives out from underneath you and you crash to the ground. The girl slips from your arms and runs over to Dean and her mom.
When Dean sees the girl but not you, he looks back to see you sitting on the ground. You are tightening the blood-soaked tourniquet around your leg. He sets the woman in his charge down against a tree and runs back over to you. Sam is following close behind his brother and they both stop to kneel around you.
You roll your eyes and tell them you’re fine. Neither brother believes you as they can see your hands shake and your leg muscles twitch in pain.
“Come on,” Dean says as he tries pulling you into his stubborn arms.
You push him away and stand your ground, or sityour ground. “I’m not going anywhere, not right now anyway. I’m going to slow everyone down. You need to get that family to the hospital, and probably get that kid to therapist – ASAP,” you try to joke. The brothers don’t laugh or budge. You roll your eyes at them again. “I’m fine! Look, you checked me over and you know this wound isn’t going to kill me. It hurts like a mother fucker and every step feels like I’m being torn open again but it’s not going to kill me. I’ll survive waiting here while you two get that family out of this hell hole and find them some help.”
“No way!” Sam answers first.
Dean lets out a humourless laugh. “Not going to happen! We can carry you all out. Sam will take the kid and the dad. I’ll take you and the mom. Done.”
You shake your head. “You two are already weighed down enough. It’ll take twice as long to get out of here, if we do it your way.”
“I’m not leaving you here!” Dean refuses to give in.
“Why? You know me, I like the woods! Since that big ugly freak is taken care of, I may actually be able to enjoy my surroundings without the imminent threat of death. It’ll be a nice change,” you reassure the boys. The brothers look at each other and have a silent debate. You can sense they are going to relent so you push them along. “Get out of here already! The sooner you bozos leave, the sooner you can come back for me.”
Dean lets out a frustrated sigh and runs his hand through his hair. He looks back at the broken family then back at you. “Alright,” he gives in. “But, I’m coming right back for you! We’re going to get them to their car. Sam will drive them to the hospital while I come back for you. I’ll carry you out of here like the damsel you are,” Dean tries teasing you but the worry on his face undercuts his words.
“You’re the damsel,” you retort with petulance.
“Damn right I am, sweetheart,” he says as he kisses your forehead. You look up at Sam who is staring at you two with none of the shock you expected to see. There is only mild disgust on his face. You realize you may not have been as discrete as you thought. The look in his eyes tell you that he has probably known all along.
“You want a kiss goodbye too, Sammy?” you tease.
Sam groans in frustration. “Be careful!” he insists as he hugs you goodbye before running back to the other family.
“You do not move from this spot! I need to know where to find you, so don’t go wandering off,” Dean instructs you.
“Couldn’t if I wanted to!” you defend yourself while pointing to your leg. Dean unsheathes the knife on his hip and hands it to you. “What’s this for? In case the fluffy woodland creatures attack?” you jest.
“Will you just humour me, please!” he says with tired desperation.
“Fine,” you give in and take the knife.
He is about to get up and walk away when he kneels back down. “I told myself I wasn’t going to make you do this, but I need to hear you say it. It’s the only way I’ll be able to walk out of these woods and leave you here. It’s your turn to promise me that you won’t get yourself dead,” he whispers in a shy tone.
“I promise,” you say as he kisses you again.
You watch him leave. He keeps looking back at you until he is too far gone and you fall over the horizon.
You sit there for almost two hours. You switch between twiddling your thumbs, humming to yourself, and poking at your wound. The latter is not wise but you are beyond bored. Mercifully, you soon here Dean calling your name.
“Thank god!” you mumble to yourself before answering his call. Your voice echoes through the trees but you cannot see or hear him approaching.
You prop yourself up and with great effort, climb to your feet. You call out for Dean again but get no reply. A branch snaps from behind you and you clutch Dean’s knife a little tighter. If that were Dean, he would have answered you.
The blurry wisp of a large figure darts through the surrounding trees. It is too fast for you to make out what it is but you know the telltale signs of a supernatural creature when you see one. At the pace that thing was moving, you know you have no chance in hell to outrun it. You hear a familiar growl through the trees and you squeeze your eyes shut.
It didn’t even occur to you, any of you, that there may be second Wendigo on the prowl. You’ve heard of multiple Wendigoes in one area but have never experienced it yourself. Until now.
You look down at your measly knife and realize how unprepared you are. You look for your flare gun but groan when you realize it is in the backpack you gave Dean to carry. You fall to your knees and pain radiates throughout your entire body at the movement. You scramble to draw Anasazi symbols in the soil around you but you are interrupted.
Dean calls to you again and your head shoots up. “Dean! There’s another-” you try to warn him but you cannot get the words out as you are tackled onto your back. You soon realize your mistake. Dean was never there. And, he won’t be here in time.
You figure the thing will drag you off to the decrepit hole in which it dwells. Since you rescued its other victims, it will need to make a new stockpile for its hibernation. That will give Dean time to find you. Except, this Wendigo seems less interested in keeping you alive. If you didn’t know better, you would say it is angry. It is almost as if it knows you had a hand in the other’s death and is enacting revenge.
You hold the thing off of you at arm’s length for as long as you can. But, its elongated limbs make ‘arm’s length’ an arbitrary notion. Its claws slash into your chest and cut downward to tear into your stomach. The angry growl that escapes its throat tells you that this is not about food, this is about the kill. You take your knife and plunge it into the thing’s throat. Its blood pours over you, but it doesn’t slow the creature down.
The pain in your body weakens your muscles. You scream out as the thing leans down and with its jagged teeth bites into your shoulder. It rips the flesh from your bones and you stop screaming. Your open wounds mean you are bleeding out. You head is dizzy but you remain conscious for now. The thing gets off of you and grabs you by the ankle before dragging you through the forest.
You can almost taste the trail of blood you are leaving behind. A part of you hopes Dean will follow it and find you. But, the other part of you hopes he won’t. You don’t want him to see you in that state. From the amount of blood you left behind, he will know you died. He doesn’t need the visual. He doesn’t need the reminder that you broke your promise.
Forever Tags:
@phonegalhelp @mogaruke @arses21434 @spn-ficfanatic @winchestersister55 @itstuesdaytoo
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Crazy Cupcakes
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Sarah (their daughter)
Word Count: 1,092
Warnings: this is fluffy and super adorable
Summary: Jensen is filming and you’re at home with your daughter, missing him like crazy. Only you don’t know that he has a surprise for you. 
Author’s Note: This is for Sommer’s (@wayward-marvel-sommer1196) Favorite Things Challenge. I was given the prompt Laughing. No hate for Danneel, this is fiction so she simply doesn’t exist. If you want to be a Bean or a Queen, pop me an ask!
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Alright, babe, now that we got all of our ingredients, we’re able to start baking!” You said to your 10-year-old daughter, Sarah. She was having a party coming up and with the 20 students on her soccer team, it wasn’t going to be hard to bake 20 cupcakes. You were going to be doing most of the cooking anyways.
“I wish Daddy was here.” She said, taking the food out of the bags. You sighed and looked down at her, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah baby, me too. But he’ll be home soon. Just another month and he’ll be home for 3 months straight.” You missed Jensen, you wished he was here with you right now. Time have been hard lately with you losing your job and driving Sarah in between her soccer practice and driving her around to hang out with her friends.
Even though you could live off Jensen’s salary and be just fine, you wanted to be working, to busy yourself since Sarah wasn’t a baby anymore and wouldn’t be able to keep you busy like she did when she was younger.
“It’s okay Sarah, we’re going to bake some rocking cupcakes and we’re going to make a few more so we can eat them and you’re going to go to soccer practice tomorrow and have a fun time there. In the meantime, let me put on music and you get started mixing the ingredients.” You said, touching her cheek before walking over to your phone.
“Alright.” She said before looking at the recipe you found online. She loved cooking and would often help you or Jensen when you were cooking dinner. She was growing up to be a very intelligent girl and you were proud of her.
Your phone was already set up to the home system so that your music would play over the speakers Jensen had installed into almost all of the rooms in the house when you bought it. Yours and Sarah’s favorite song started playing and she grinned, feeling better.
You had a specific cooking playlist you would listen to when you cooked and she liked all the songs on there anyways.
“Alright, time to get working.” You said, helping her mix the ingredients. You two had a blast, making a mess that you would clean later, eating some of the ingredients you bought and even getting a little dirty. Preparing them wasn’t hard and soon, you had them in the oven. You set the timer and turned to your daughter, winking at her.
“Now it’s time to clean babe.” She groaned but you knew she would help you. You started cleaning the mess you made, doing most of the work.
“Alright, now get out some of the things you want on the cupcakes. You know, toppings. Whatever you want.” You said, getting out the cans of frosting you bought.
“Anything?” She asked with a grin.
“Anything your little heart desires.” You said. She clapped and ran to the fridge, taking out a whole bunch of stuff including, but not limited to, whipped cream, cherries, strawberries, sprinkles, chocolate chips, cookie dough container, strawberry and cranberry sauce, little heart candies that you would receive for Valentine’s Day, and much more.
“You think you got enough stuff? We’re only making 20 cupcakes.” You said, watching her.
“Every cupcake is going to be different.” She said, closing the fridge when she was done.
“Oh, but of course.” You said and she giggled. You waited the remaining hour by eating the toppings and telling each other hilarious stories. Mostly, she asked about stories from when you and Jensen started dating.
“Then, when I spilled my drink all over your dad and he only laughed it off, I knew he was the one. Your dad is a very special man.” You said, putting some frosting on her nose. She laughed and tried to wipe it off with her tongue but when she couldn’t reach it, she used her finger instead.
The timer beeped and you walked over to the oven, turning it off. You opened it and took out the trays, letting them col for about 20 minutes. When you knew it was safe to take them out without them falling apart, you did so, placing them on the biggest plate you got.
“Alright, babe, go nuts.” You said with a smile, seeing her start to decorate the first cupcake. You grabbed one and started decorating one with crazy toppings, knowing the kids will eat them no matter what kind of sweet topping was on it.
“Mom, your cupcake looks weird.” Sarah said with a laugh, seeing how you topped yours with frosting to hold the chocolate chips, candies and the strawberries in place.
“Oh, my cupcake looks weird, huh?” You said, grabbing the whipped cream and scooped it up with your finger before smearing it on her face. She gasped and stared at you, not believing you did that. “Now you look weird.”
“Oh, it’s on.” She said laughing, grabbing the strawberry sauce and squirting it on your face, most of it getting on your mouth and chin. You gasped and she busted out laughing at the look on your face.
“I’m gone for six months and you’re already ruining the house.” You heard someone say from behind you. You looked behind you to see a very tired but happy Jensen.
“Daddy!!” Sarah said, running over to her father. He grinned and picked her up even though she was too old for that and kissed her cheek, tasting the cream you put there.
“Hey, Sarah.”
“What are you doing home?” You said, wiping some of the strawberry sauce off your face before walking to him. He brought you in his arms and smiled down at you.
“I got a break. They’re having problems and sent us home for the weekend.” He said, kissing you tenderly. You smiled in the kiss and before your daughter could groan in disgust, he pulled away and licked his lips. “Mm mm, I do love strawberries.”
You laughed and turned to your daughter who was busy working on the next cupcake.
“Daddy! Come help me decorate!” She said with a smile.
“These look delicious.” Jensen said, setting his backpack on the ground before walking to her.
“No! They’re not for you! They’re for my soccer team.” She said, handing him a cupcake.
“I’ll try not to eat all of them.” Jensen said with a chuckle. You smiled and leaned on the wall, watching the smiles on your family’s faces. You were so damn lucky.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1@ginamsmith  @mogaruke @whit85-blog@inlovewithbja @spn67-sister@kdfrqqg@jarpadandjensenaremyheroes@roxyspearing@supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose@cobrakai1967@essie1876@wishedworld @crispychrissy@laqueus-ludovicus@nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel@potterhead1265@starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja@deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi@tahbehonest@stay-in–place@dreaminofdean @posiemax@donnaintx@mikey1822@alexandriajanae4 @li-ssu @just-another-winchester@obsessivecompulsivespn@emoryhemsworth@newtospnfandom@mizzezm @goldenolaf25  @jessikared97@wh1sp3r1ng-impala@charliebradbury1104  @queen-of-moons-peace-out-bitches @becs-bunker @atc74 @lemonchapstick
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie@spn-dean-and-sam-winchester@carribear31 @tacklesackles@oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie  @kristendansmith@milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl@codyshany316@pheonyxstorm @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam@pouterpufftrain@ruprecht0420 @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @carriemichelle2012 @aubreystilinski
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Her Surprise Chapter 3
Summary: Your best friend takes you to a Vancouver Convention for your Birthday, how will you react to some fans who truly don’t know what it means to true SPN Family. Will you stay? Or will you close down?
A/N: Hey all, here is chapter three, hope you like it. it’s full of angst, also some good news on this. I decided to make this into a fic series, so there will be more than the original five chapters I had intended. Thank you to Gaynor, @secretlyfurrydragon Ya’ll I cant mention enough how much she has helped me on my writing, she’s an amazing writer herself so please go check out her blog on @secretimpala67 and her AO3 account, i’ll get the link soon. She’s awesome, sweet, and very patient with me. So thank You Gaynor for your help. My stories are not to be posted on any other website without my full consent, gifs i use are not mine they are the editors who made them. Also please  no hate on Danneel, I love her to bits and I can’t wait to see her on SPN. Ok lets read. Also I am kind of nervous about this chapter, I’m going by what I experienced at a convention before, so part of the readers troubles are of mine as well. *I’m kind of nervous about this one but let me know what you think. love ya’ll 
Pairing; Jensen Ackles and Reader
Warnings: Angst, hurt reader! losing confidence, overweight reader, some fans not being nice. Language, (i’m sorry i cuss)
Her Surprise. Chapter 3
Catch up Here.
Reader’s POV
After we left Starbucks, I was grinning from ear to ear. I still can’t believe we ran into Jensen and Jared, I mean how fucking cool is that? In all honesty, truth be told, I was overly excited, that I even had a skip in my step as I walked. Haven’t done that since I was a kid, it was awesome. Meeting them was unexpected and a once in a lifetime opportunity right there. I barely heard Ari tell me to calm down. Quit acting like a kid.  I mean fuck what did she want me to do? Not get excited at all? Um I don't think that's an option for me right now.
One, I’m hyped up on sugar and marshmallows, and two, I just met Jensen fucking Ackles. So how am I supposed to calm down after that? Nope no way, not gonna happen, I can literally die happy now. Besides, she was fawning all over Jared, so what’s the big deal? I can’t help how hyped up I get when I’ve had too much sugar, she knows this so I don't really understand what's the problem is with her.
I know some fans get lucky enough at some conventions who get to see them out in the normal world. But me, this just doesn’t happen. I'm never usually that lucky to have anything good or even amazing happen to me. I’m still reeling it in, trying to remember their cologne, their conversation, hell everything. The way Jensen smiled, and laughed as his nose crinkled in that adorable way. Yep he’s fucking adorable all right.
“What’s wrong Ari? You’re acting like you're upset at something. Was it something I did?” I asked her as we walked into the hotel lobby.
“No it wasn't you and I’m not upset Y/N,” she paused a bit and when she does that, I know she's hiding something from me. “It’s just so overwhelming. I can’t believe we just met Jared and Jensen, total dream come true for sure.” She pushed the button for the elevator, then turned her back to lean against the wall as we waited for it. She wouldn't even look at me.
I studied her body language, I gotten used to her over the years I've know her and could read her like a book, “I know, me to.” I played along with her game, “It was totally awesome, this weekend is going to be the best. But If there was anything wrong, you’d tell me right?” The elevator ding and the doors open, we got on and she pushed the button to our floor.
She smiled at me reassuringly, “Y/N, I’m ok honestly. Do you want to order in, or go out before we register for our tickets?’
“We have to register?” I asked her as we got off the elevator.
“Yeah, it’s from 8:00 to 9:00 pm for Gold members, I figured we can go eat first, then register and get our passes, then come back to our room and strategize our plans for tomorrow.” She opened the door to our hotel room, threw her purse on the desk by the door, grabbed a bottled water from the fridge we had bought previously, then went to sit on the couch.
“Yeah, sounds goods to me. I'll just go shower and change.” I took my scarf and jacket off then laid them on the bed before gathering comfortable clothes for a shower. I poked my head out of the bathroom for a moment and  watched Aeryn a bit longer and saw that something was bothering her, the way she sat slumped on the couch looking down at her phone. I decided not to push it because when she gets this way, she will close down on me if I keep at it. I'll talk to her when the time is right and see what's going on then, but for now shower.
Ari’s POV
Meeting Jared and Jensen was purely awesome to say the least, it was magical and unexpected. The way they talked to us, paid attention to us, and even spared a few minutes telling us whatever was on there minds. It was definitely a dream come true for the both of us. I’m not upset at Y/N and I know she senses something is wrong, to tell you the truth there is something wrong and I don’t want her to know what I heard or saw. I’m pissed as hell about it and ready to knock someone’s teeth out. It’s all over twitter which I’m thankful Y/N doesn’t have, she had told me time and time again it was just something to waste time on. She’s right of course, but I have it and now I see things on there that she doesn’t and I don't really want to see either. I mean I thought we are supposed to be family, not judge others just because of their weight. Family, true family don’t do that. I know once she see’s it, it’ll break her. I know what it's going to do to her.
Apparently, someone at Starbucks recorded our little dance we do every time we hear Carry On My Wayward Son, posted it on twitter and made nasty comments about Y/N. She’s a good person, sweetheart of a friend, and to me a sister I never had. I only asked her to stop acting like a kid because of what I saw, I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire  I mean they already had an advantage on her, why make it worse?  I didn’t want her to think it was anything else, so i just changed my attitude. I can’t believe how cruel people can be, yeah Y/N’s a little overweight but she eats healthy and has done everything she can to lose the weight. That part no one sees but me. I know the struggles she faces everyday, some times to the point where she breaks down at night and cries herself to sleep. When she’s feeling she can’t handle it anymore, she’ll refuses to eat anything for a few days when she is so down that it hurts me as well as her to see her like that.
Her life has been a horror show growing up, because of her abusive father which is her story to tell. That’s why I wanted to give her a weekend full of fun memories instead of the crap people give her every day, not only here but she gets it at work to. Patients complain about her attitude and the way she looks. She’s the most caring person in the world and our boss knows this, however some people can be such dicks.  But for her to even get crap here when no one knows her, it upsets me and makes me angry they could talk about her like that. Especially when all I want to do is give her a birthday she’ll never forget.  I know when she finds out it will hurt her and cause her to feel depressed and I know I will have to support as I always try to do as I try to help her through it all.
That’s why I got to do my damnedest to make sure she has an amazing experience. Seeing Jensen and the cast do their panels and singing and most of all have fun. Hopefully, if things work out great like I think they will, she will have the best birthday ever. I may hide some things from her sometimes so she doesn't get hurt, but this time I think it’s going to work out where she will have the best convention experience ever as I have a few surprises up my sleeve this weekend.
Readers POV
After my shower, I changed into some jeans and my supernatural t-shirt Ari bought me that said, Run fast like Dean Winchester saw you crash the Impala. Course, I’d never do that to Baby. I love her just as much as Dean does I think. Well if that’s even possible, but Ari got me the shirt saying it would be awesome. Why not? Right? I giggle at myself in the full length mirror thinking what Dean would say if he saw this shirt, can you imagine his face. I put on a fresh coat of makeup and touched up my hair a bit, then added some perfume. I only use a certain kind, since I’m allergic to most of them as I get a terrible headache. Anyway, I walk out of my room to see Ari waiting for me as she had fallen asleep on the couch clutching her phone to her chest, now I know something is up.
I gently tap her on the shoulder, “Ari, I’m ready,” she jumps kicking the back of the couch and dropping her phone. Which she immediately picks up, almost nervously like she done something wrong, or knows something I don’t.
“Are you ok?” I asked her with caution.
“Um, yeah, I’m good. Just fell asleep watching something while I waited for you, did you have to take a cold shower after your Jensen run in?” She nudged my elbow as we walked to the door.
“Ha, funny Ari. No I didn’t, but it didn’t stop me thinking of him,” I walked out towards the elevator with a huge grin on my face.
“Well, hopefully we will see him again at SNS tomorrow night.”
“Yeah, that would be amazing.”
We walk into the elevator as it makes its way to the ground floor. We get off and head to the restaurant close by. It’s nice and smelt so good when we walked in the front door. Oh my god, my mouth watered as we walked by some people on our way to our table. The food here it looks very tempting, but I have to stick to my diet. Just because I’m on vacation, doesn’t mean the body is. As you can tell, I’m very cautious of my weight. I have tried several diets in the past, none worked. I wonder if there is a miracle pill that will help me lose at least 40 more pounds, one can dream. I envy Ari, she’s at the perfect weight. Beautiful, sweet, and amazing person. She can eat anything in the world and not gain a pound.
We get to our table, our waiter asked us what we want to drink. She orders a Coke and I am so tempted to get a Dr.Pepper, but I’ll stick to water. “So, what’s on the at the convention tomorrow? Who's going to be first?”  I took a sip.
“Hmm, Gil McKinney and Alaina Huffman’s Q & A is first, they come on stage at 12 to 12:45 pm after Rich, Rob and Louden Swain does their opening ceremony.” She heard her cell phone notifications go off, what surprised me was she ignored it.
“You’re not going to answer your notifications or even look at it?” I looked at her curiously.
She jabbed a french fry in a pool of ketchup. “No, it’s nothing important. So, what are you going to buy at the vendor's room tomorrow?” She continued to eat the fries as she changed the subject.
For her to ignore a notification like that, something is up. But I’m going to ignore this as I know she will tell me in time what’s bothering her. “I don’t know, I need  some more shirts for sure. Maybe some Jensen items, I was also hoping to decorate the house all in Supernatural. What do you think?” I took a bite of my chicken salad.
She raised her head, “Oh that would be awesome, I think we can make that work.”
We finished our dinner and she insisted on paying, telling me that this is my birthday dinner. We do this every year, when it’s hers I pay so no arguing there. We get back to the hotel and the lines were already starting to form and we decided to join them. Since we had a few minutes, we made ourselves comfortable on the floor just like everyone else did. We have this app on our phones that lets us watch tv anywhere. Which was pretty cool, especially with Supernatural being on tonight. So,I,took out my phone and opened it up, then we sat back to watch it.  I so love that we get the luxury of watching it anywhere we wish too.
Finally, and lucky for us, Supernatural was over which was a damn good episode. I cried literally, I hate when Dean gets hurt or even the tiniest scratch on him. Breaks my heart and I tear up, Ari thinks it's funny but I call that true love and a devoted fan of Dean Winchester. What can I say? He’s fucking awesome.
Eventually, we finally get to the head of the line, Ari shows the man the printout of the tickets we are suppose to register for. He then typed our names into the computer so we could get our badges and wristbands at the next table. It didn’t really take long to go through the registration process, I thought it was cool how they scan your PDF tickets with a cellphone. It’s amazing what technology can do these days. When we finished with the registration stuff, we went outside to take a walk near the jetty. Ari looked up at the sky as if she was deep in thought.
I was watching her face as I wanted to ask but she spoke first, “hey look at that Y/N?” She pointed upwards.
It was a falling star and I closed my eyes quickly to make a wish. Course mine is the same as always, to have Jensen fall in love with me. I shrugged my shoulders with a small smile on my lips. I know that’s a crazy idea, there is no fucking way in hell Jensen would fall in love with an overweight girl like me. But oh if he did, he would be taken care of and never feel empty of anything. Just then my stomach growled and I looked at Ari with a laugh.
She looked at me, “I take it that salad didn’t last long huh?” She asked me.
“Yeah maybe I should’ve gotten something more filling.” as it growled again.
“Ok, how about we compromise. We go get a veggie burger before we go upstairs, and then we’ll play trivial pursuit Supernatural style?”
“Sounds good,” I agreed as we walk to the burger joint that we passed earlier.
We entered the burger joint and the smell was incredible it smelt like bacon and onions. Can we cue an entrance for Dean Winchester right about now? I laughed at my own thoughts as we were lead to our table. The atmosphere was nice, lights turned down a bit to give a soft glow. Classic rock music played in the background and I was enjoying maybe a little too much when the waitress came over to us.
‘Hi, I’m Maggie, what can I get you?” she had her pen and pad ready.
Ari took the lead before I could open my mouth, “we will both have a veggie burger, she will have a dr. pepper and I will have a coke please.” She looked at me like uh huh I got you this time kind of look.
She smiled then left to turn our orders in. “Ari, you know I am on a diet and don’t need to be drinking any soda right now.”
“You're also on vacation Y/N, you can enjoy it, it’s your birthday weekend.”
I rolled my eyes, “Fine, just one won’t hurt.”
A couple of tables down behind us, some girls were there. I couldn’t really see what they were doing or giggling so hard about, but Ari saw and I thought she was going to go tear some heads off. Our order came thankfully at the right time, the more I watched Ari the more I could tell she was pissed off at something. I turned my head to face them and they just waved as if nothing was wrong. But once I turned my back, the giggling started again.
Ari stood up from her chair and threw the napkin she had in her hand roughly on the table. “That’s it,” she starts to go over to them, but I grabbed her wrist and told her to sit down. “What?” She asked with a harsh tone.
“Leave it, whatever there issues is with us, it can wait. I’m here to have a great weekend, spend time with my best friend and explore Vancouver with her. Not in  some jail cell because she punched someone, so chill out.” I can’t believe I was that hard on her, but at that moment I didn’t care. I don’t care about what other people do, I only care about having fun.
Ari’s POV
The waitress came to refill our drinks and Y/N told her no, that one was enough. Water will do for now, she agreed and filled her glass then left us be. Once I took a bite of my burger, my eyes looked over at the girls who were whispering something. I knew it was about Y/N, every fiber in my being wanted to go over there and punch them. But I’m going to be good, I won't stoop to their level and let them win. That’s one thing I learned about bullies, is that they want you to fight back and lose so they know your weaknesses for next time.
I squinted my eyes at them telling them that I’m going to kick their asses if they didn’t stop, then one of them whispered something to the other as she shows her something on her phone. The laughing ensued and I can tell Y/N was wondering what was going on, but I also knew it was time to tell her. But how and when is the question at the moment. I bit my bottom lip so hard at the thought of what I had to do, which shouldn’t have happen to begin with. People just don’t understand that overweight people like Y/N are beautiful and sweet on the inside and out. I mean honestly she’s really not overweight, her height takes up most of it. It just irks me that people think they can hurt someone they don’t even know.
I look over at Y/N,  “Y/N are you alright?” I asked.
“Yeah, just thinking about our day tomorrow. It’s going to be so much fun, I literally can’t wait.” Right at that time, her face lit up. All the crap that happened before was completely forgotten about, thankfully.
“It's going to be the best day ever, I’m going to make sure you have the best birthday weekend.”
“Hey you deserve to have a great weekend to Ari, you work just as hard as I do so you need to have fun to. Don’t concentrate on me too much that you don’t have fun to ok?”
See, there she goes. Always thinking of others before herself, this is what those bitches don’t see. “Yes but I wanted you to know how much I love you Y/N and that your the best sister a girl could ever have.”
“ Hey, you are my sister too. We stick together and support each other like we always do.”
“Let’s say we go to our room, play a couple of games then head to bed. It’s going to be a very long day tomorrow. And from what I hear from other con goers, it’s a long day of doing lots of different things and being on our feet.”
The girls were still giggling and one cleared her throat as if she was about to say something but changed her mind, I gave her a death glare she changed her attitude real quick. But gave me a smirk instead I wanted to slap it off her pretty over makeup face of hers.
Reader’s POV
We finished our burgers, course Ari paid again. I told her plenty of times not to do that, but do you think she listens to me? Nope she doesn't. I am not sure what’s going on with those girls and why they are so hell bent on laughing at us, but I’m determined to find out. Once I do, I will get what information they have and it will be fixed. Somehow.
Walking towards the door, I turned to look at them one last time. I saw them still laughing so hard, at what I dunno. I wasn't sure but I thought I saw one of them videoing us as we walked out. Nah it must be my mind playing tricks on me. Why would they want to video us we are not that important. I shrugged it off as we walked back to the hotel. Ari’s phone ping again with a notification, as usual she ignored it as we headed for the elevator up to our room.
“You know, I need to know what’s going on with you. You know I’ll find out sooner or later. So might as well tell me.” I stood there with my hands on my hips looking at her.
I heard her sigh, “Fine.” She opened her cellphone and showed me what people were laughing about. “I wanted to hide it from you, because you don’t need this.’
I felt my blood begin to boil as my body got hot, I then started to pace in the living room area of the hotel. I was hot, no I was pissed. Now I know why those girls were laughing, how can people be so cruel? I sighed, maybe I shouldn’t be here. Maybe they are right, I don’t hold a spot in Jensen’s life and he wouldn’t want me holding on his arms like the so called fat person I am. I look at Ari, “I’m going to bed, then tomorrow I am going to have the best time in my life. Come Monday we go home, end of story.”
She gets up to hug me, then I go to my room and she goes to hers. I cuddle with my pillow after I changed into my PJ’s, tears fall down my cheeks. From this day forward, I won’t do that stupid dance in front of anyone anymore. I’ll stick to my diet plan, and I’ll be happy when I see Jensen on Sunday. But that’s as far as it goes, for now. I reached over to my phone, pulled up my flight plan home, hit the cancel button to refund my money back to my card. I’ll talk to the hotel people and see if I can change my stay as well. No sense in staying in a place longer when you're not welcomed. I’ll just have to pretend to Ari all weekend that I’m ok, it’ll will work it has before she's didn't know how much pain I was in. Night Jensen I said to myself as I fell asleep dreaming of my meeting with him earlier. His beautiful face danced behind my eyes as he smiles at me. I couldn’t help but fall asleep smiling.
Tags: Let me know if you want on or off, I’ll be glad to add you. Love you all.
@secretlyfurrydragon, @secretimpala67, @nanie5 @samflovver, @madisun16 @fanfreak07 @pjofangirl18 @sailor-sammi @smoothdogsgirl @tiffanycaruso @jesstherebel @paralyzedlove @rowdyhooliganism @jdmbabe1980 @dixonsvixon2017 @alliekay727 @bombaluv96 @aubreystilinski @shamelesslydean @impalackless @bluedaisy21 @dslocum89 @mimilovespandas97 @kat821 @magnolialikes @angelus320 @soobi89 @percussiongirl2017 @soulily0 @spndeanlover1967 @akshi8278 @pariskitty18 @waterlilyshaista @skylarraker @destiney314 @jensen-gal @helpmeyouassbutt @timelady12 
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
An Arranged Marriage Part 11
Dean Winchester x Reader
1100 Words
Story Summary: An AU of sorts. Where hunter’s have communities, and arrange marriages for their young. Y/N is from the Northwest region, arranged to marry Dean, from the midwest region.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Slowly coming to, you winced at the crick in your neck from sleeping so awkwardly in the back seat of the Impala. Rubbing your neck, you started to sit up, immediately being noticed by Dean. "She's awake!" He exclaimed, acting too bright, too happy to see you that it had you narrowing your eyes at him.
"We're only about thirty minutes away from our destination." He exclaimed, tossing a bag back towards me. He seemed happy, but different than when you had fallen asleep, and you wondered what had made him act like this. You didn't mind it, but it was just different. "Snacks."
Peering through the bag, you were surprised to find a couple different candy bars and snack items, along with a bottle of water. "Thanks Dean." You answered, picking a candy bar and munching away on it.
"So, we were thinking that maybe you could stay back at the motel." Dean started carefully, watching you through the rear view mirror. "Lucifer is not an easy task, especially when your on your first official hunt."
"But Dean..." You started to argue, not wanting to be left behind. Sure, you were worried about Lucifer, and getting in the way, but it also kind of hurt your feelings that he didn't want you by his side.
"Please Y/N." He pleaded. "After this I'll take you on all the hunts you want. Vampires, ghouls, Rugaru. You and me, maybe even Sam. You can kill as many monsters as you want. But give me this hunt. Let me know you'll be safe on this hunt."
Sighing in defeat, you nodded, watching as a huge smile grew on his face. It was easy to see how relieved he was, and truthfully, you were too. Lucifer was impossible with the most experienced hunter, and scarier than a hungry shark. You had heard tales of Lucifer, of the Apocalypse that almost happened. He was the villain that you had been warned about, and you couldn't believe your husband had fought him, and was getting ready to fight him again.
By this time the fields had turned to houses and buildings, showing you that you had finally reached your destination. Somewhere in this town was Lucifer, messing with humans, getting ready to start the apocalypse again.  The thought was grounding, and you hoped that the stories you had heard about Sam and Dean were true. Sure, you might not have known their names, but you had always been interested in the men who had single handily stopped the world from ending multiple times. Now, you had the chance to see them in action, even if you were stuck back in the motel room, delegated to research.
"Y/N, don't worry. You'll be safe in the motel room. I'll have Cas ward the entire place." Dean assured you as he slowed down to pull into a shabby motel's parking lot. Called the Saddlebag Inn, it was painted a murky, fading brown, with a horse on the sign. It looked cheesy, and old, and unique.
"But what about you, Sam and Cas? Lucifer is old and powerful." You objected, scared that you could lose the family that you just found.
"Don't you worry about us. We know how to take care of ourselves." Dean assured you, before climbing out of the car, heading towards the little lobby that was shaped like a stagecoach.
"Is this the usual type of hotel you frequent?" You asked Sam as you climbed out of the car, stretching as you went.
Sam turned to look, shrugging his shoulders as he took in the western curtains hanging from the windows, the wagon wheel bench by the lobby. "It might actually be one of the better ones we've stayed at lately."
Shaking your head, you reached into the back, picking your bag up as Dean came back out, a curious look on his face. Sam must have noticed it too, because he stopped pulling out bags to raise an eyebrow at his brother.
"So, there's good news." Dean started. "They had rooms."
"And?" Sam asked.
"They only had singles left. So, two rooms for the stay!" Dean explained, holding out two old fashioned keys with sheriff star badges.
Your heart fluttered at the thought of sharing a bed with Dean. The idea of being so close to him, maybe even falling asleep in his arms. It was exciting, and nerve wracking, and you could immediately feel the butterflies that started swarming your belly. "Y/N?" Dean asked, holding his hand out.
Trying to hide the trembling of your hand, you let him pull you along beside him, towards the room on the end. "Room 112." He told you, holding out the sign. "Should we take bets on how cheesy the inside is."
"If the bed is in the shape of a wagon we might have to go somewhere else." You answered back, chuckling softly.
"Deal. Maybe we could find a hotel that has a shell shaped bed. Ohh, or even one that's spaced theme!" He teased you, just as he pushed open the door. It wasn't as cheesy as you thought it might be. Sure, there were the western curtains hanging from the windows, and the braided rug when you first walked inside. Fake leather furniture, and a cowhide on the bed completed the decor.
"Well, I guess we can stay." You announced as you walked through the door, placing your bag on the dresser.
"This reminds me of the time I went back in time to the West." Dean muttered as he went and checked out the bathroom. "A lot cheesier, but the same feel."
"Wait, you've gone back in time? How is that even possible?" You asked, plopping down on the bed.
"That's probably a story for another time." He started to say, but he must have changed his mind. Sitting down next to you, he began explaining about his trip back to the Old West, how he had become the sheriff. He talked about the rustic bar, and the Phoenix. It was fascinating, and you had a hard time believing.
"Was it as cool as the movies make it?" You asked him, completely enthralled in his story.
"No." He answered sadly. "It was dirty and smelly, and full of germs. There was no Impala, and the women were. Well, they weren't like you."
"What do you mean not like me?" You asked him, a smile still playing on your face. It was fun, seeing this playful side of Dean. Hearing about some of the things he's gone through. Things that no one else would ever have the chance to do.
"Not beautiful and sweet like you." He answered, making you blush.
Dean Tags: @acreativelydifferentlove @anokhi07 @love-charmer-sketch @akshi8278 @bebravekeeponfighting @colette2537 @lenaabs @a-girl-who-loves-disney  @riversong-sam @its-not-a-tulpa @duckieburns @sortaathief @queen--glitch  @sukawaii317 @bish-its-me
An Arranged Marriage Tags: @deanandsamsbitch @sweethomelebanon @madithemagicalfangirl @apple-pie-na @calciumcow @purpleturtles-purplespiders @keeshers94 @cemmia @soopranatural @silenceofmidnite @eringva @brittanyovens @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @uniquewerewolfsuit @ricciolocurl @sausage-master @spn-applepie-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @letmebecomeataboo @koaladean @anokhi07 @waywardwinchesteraf @deadpools-wife @duncedgoofball @darling-highness @crazysupernaturalgirl @rhapsody-in-flannel @30inlovewiththecoco1 @itseverythingilike @jaycc7983 @azumitoshiki @loveseries @my-ships-will-never-be-sank @supernatural-fangirl13 @anime-music-is-life @thee-assbutt @jendee05 @viviandarkbloom06 @earthtokace @supernaturalblogging @daydreamingintheimpala @whovianwriter @sofreddie @diary2000 @giftofdreams @magnificentflyingpig @lizzybeth99 @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @redlipstickandthewinchesters @robecca-le-blog-des-citations @silver-and-green @choochi97 @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @xxwinchester-22xx @kitty-winchester-67 @colette2537 @daughterleftbehind @lowlyapprentice @superwhofoundthelock @angelsandwinchesters @walkerbex98 @shamelesslydean @deansgirl215 @iamabeautifulperson18 @deanwinchesters-67impala @joyfulinfluencermoon @ti-tler @geniuschic  @keikoraventeller @peaceloveancolor @marilynnlew @kellyn1604 @cry5t4l-w4rri0r @vansawssupernaturalpage @thatonenerd18 @karrueda @castianityislife01 @winchestersnfriends @hayitskristen @malfoys-babe @technicallypurplesalad @jaloesie @supernatural-girl97 @ikeneasul11 @nevaeh-potter15 @mariahoedt @ginger0222 @torristoleyourcookie  @karrueda @deanwinchesters-impala67 @mariazintili @sweetest-little-fox @vvinch3st3r @iamnotsaneatall @furiousdonutbarbarian @iamabeautifulperson18 @sassy-and-classy-cowgirl @lexie-mo @kawaiilivkitty @karmamariejoy @18crazybutcutealsopsycho  @daniyell619 @supernatural-screams @wantingtobekorra @deformed-star @brindz30 @iwritemyownending @chook007 @i-just-wanna-live-gc @mandilion76 @void-dallison @thebikiniinspector @shadowhunter7
Forever Tags(Closed): @simplycheyenneautumn @nerdybookwormsinger @generalgoldfishldrm @just-another-busy-fangirl @saoirsewhittle @summer-binging-spn @pizzarollpatrol @createdbybadappreciation @percussiongirl2017 @trashforwinchesters @freakintasticfan @delessapeace-blog @bohowitch @amanda-teaches @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @jensen-gal @babydanixox @bea789 @fangirl1802 @chelsea072498 @moosesamdeancasbees @maui137 @evyiione @supernatural-jackles @keelzy2 @eringva @16wiishes @zombiewerewolfqueen @mrsbatesmotel53 @wayward-girl-deactivated2017081 @mogaruke @cornflax01 @myplaceofthingsilove @tatortot2701 @livingasafangirl @be-amaziing @castielhasthetardis @wonderange @atc74 @vvinch3st3r @likesiriusly @cascar24 @jayankles @li-ssu @destiel-addict-forever @sgarrett49 @a-bouquet-of-fandoms @edward-lover18 @danslittlecurl @pancake-pages @iwriteaboutdean @artisticpoet @pretty-fortune @padackles2010 @procratsinator @andreaaalove @docharleythegeekqueen @bradygabrielle-blog @sandlee44 @juatanotherbandgirl @ria132love @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @oneshoeshort @extreme-supernatural-lover @ohgodjensen @mellowlandrunaway @brunettechick @beltz2016 @cascar24 @benjerry707 @beyourownbeautifulmistake @jenna-luke @bambinovak @camelotandastronauts @imboredsueme @winchester-writes @hunterpuff @ginamsmith @quiverhope @magicalunicorn84 @gloria1097  @littleblue5mcdork @cantsleepian @nanie5 @anxuanpham @superbadassnatural @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @iliketowrite02 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @dixonsvixon2017 @haleyhay96 @ecari-chan @gaia4life @captainemwinchester @thoughtsoftheantagonist @eileenlikesyou-maybe @emoryhemsworth @inlovewithbja  @waywardmoeyy @darthdeziewok @roxyspearing @upon-a-girl @iriyelle @tokentransboy @sammysgirl1997 @the--blackdahlia @criesateverything @captainaudreystark  @captainradicalpassion @sgtbxckybxrnes @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @randomthings077 @love-untiltheresnoloveleft @mysterious398 @crystal923 @sai-kida134 @emmazach @ithinkimadorable-67 @spn-dscc @dslocum89 @angelsandwinchesters @naviwhite @disneychic8 @brooke-supernatural16 @eiskeks202  @katelynbkool @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @rosegoldquintis @buffytheangelslayer @hollandisstilinski @essie1876 @hetsgrinch @spnbaby67 @tunadean @mrswhozeewhatsis @boxywrites @spnbaby-67 @mariahoedt
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juicifeur · 7 years
P.A. Life (Jensen x reader)
 akshi8278 said: How about Jensen takes a liking towards a shy and introverted girl. But she is sassy.
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Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Been wanting to write a PA story for a bit. This is in no way trying to discredit or undermine the wives of the boys. I love them and their families to death and anyone who doesn’t, should grow up and respect them<3 I love Danneel, this story means no disrespect to her
                                                             Day 1
Four coffees that the stage hand had sent you to get lay, spilled, on the concrete floor, foam and all. You had to radio another PA to fix your mistake as you grabbed a roll of paper towels from one of the janitorial closets. As you returned to the spill, you saw a sign posted on the wall, clearly indicating that there was a ground-level hazard:
Warning: Watch your step
A lot of good that did you. This time you stepped over the extension cords and wires that crossed the floor and you knelt to sop up the caffeine. If the rest of your time here went like this, you definitely would not be coming back, or leave in the good graces of the crew. You heard footsteps nearing your place on the floor and you scrubbed a little faster and added more paper towel. If it was your boss you were dead. 
   “Looks like you’re in a bit of a pickle” A man’s voice said from behind and above you. It sounded familiar but you still didn’t know it you just kept focused on the coffee soaked paper. You sighed deeply, picked up the ones that couldn’t hold any more and you tossed them in a nearby trash bin.
   “No shit.” You mumbled. You grabbed one last piece of paper to clean up the last of the beverages and you leaned back on your heels.
   “I’m not losing my job today.” You said as you stood up and turned around, not realizing who you’d been talking to until it was too late.
Low and behold, Jensen fucking Ackles stood in front of you, along with a man who you knew as Robert Singer. Your face went pale.
  “Oh- god I am so sorry, I have more coffees on the way, I promise this won’t happen again. Sir- sirs.” You tried to finish respectfully as you looked at both of them, sheepish. Robert seemed amused.
   “You’re the new PA aren’t you? From the other sound stage?” Robert asked. He was carrying a folder full of papers, he’d probably been talking to Jensen about the script or something. You nodded.
   “Yes, sir.” You responded.
   “Don’t worry, we’ve had plenty of spills. Next time just make sure it isn’t closer to the camera.” Robert gave you a look and turned to walk away again, getting back to work. Jensen stayed a few moments longer and smirked softly before also walking away.
You let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding and watched the tall man leave.
   “Dammit.” You muttered. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.
                                                            Day 2  
   “Spill any more coffee lately?” Another PA walked up next to you at the caterer’s truck outside the sound stage. 
   “Ha, ha.” You deadpanned.
   “Thanks for saving my ass yesterday.” You looked at her as the man behind the counter handed you your first and probably the only coffee you would get today. She nodded.
   “No problem. I heard you embarrassed yourself in front of Jensen yesterday.” She giggled softly and you looked at her, mortified.
   “How did you hear about that?” You glared.
   “The crew talks fast.” She drank her coffee.
   “That’s it, I’m going back to stage 2.” You groaned.
   “C’mon, you really wanna be stuck in wardrobe repairs all day?” She asked. The only reason you were here was to fill in for another PA that had gotten into an accident on the way to work. It wasn’t the best of scenarios, but you took the opportunity.
   “No, no I don’t.” You sighed, beaten.
   “But I’d much rather be behind the scenes than getting made fun of out in the open.” The coffee slid past your lips and the aroma continued to wake you up; it was five in the morning, but you had to be wide awake and make sure everyone else was too.
   “No one’s gonna make fun of you, at least not to your face.” She told you, How comforting.
   “I mean, everyone on this set is really nice, if they make fun of you that means they like you.” She reassured, resting a hand on your shoulder.
   “Thanks. C’mon, first call’s in ten.” You slid on your headset and grabbed your schedule for the day.  
                                                            Day 3
   “Hey, coffee girl.” Jensen smirked as you walked up to him. You’d had the unfortunate luck to be assigned to him that day. You would be filming outside the stage until around noon, somewhere near Langley. You gave the actor an unimpressed look.
   “You’ve gotta be in the car in twelve minutes, Mr. Ackles.” You told him, glancing at the schedule. You’d been given tips on how to work as a PA and it seemed to be working.
   “Mr. Ackles? Call me Jensen, please.” He said nodded towards your clipboard.
   “Fine. Jensen, we gotta be in the car in twelve- no,” You checked your watch.
   “Ten minutes.” Jensen chuckled.
   “Yeah, you said that.” He started to follow you.
   “Ackles is walking.” You spoke into the headset to make sure everyone knew where you were. It was in the job description to keep everyone updated, including set managers and technicians, so everyone had some sort of communication device on them at all times.
   “So, you’re new, huh?” He was in costume already, so you figured that he’d probably gotten up the same time you had so he could visit Zabrina and Jeannie in hair and makeup. You had to hand it to them, it probably took huge amounts of skill and focus to be able to work on this gorgeous human being for hours at a time. You nodded.
   “Yeah, I’m from wardrobe. I do the repairs when you rip an important pair of jeans or something.” You said as you walked towards the black van that would take himself, Jared and whoever else was going, outside Vancouver to meet Russ Hamilton, the location manager.
   “Wardrobe? Hm, if you wanted to get into my pants you could have just come and asked me.” He smirked.
Was he flirting with you? Of all people, Jensen Ackles was flirting with you?
   “Mhm, right, and if you wanted to get into mine you’d have to take that up with my manager.” You scoffed back, giving him a glance as you passed a few of the cameramen. Jensen didn’t seem to expect that kind of retort from you. The fact that you were talking to him and not fainting still surprised you.
You kept on walking while he contemplated what he’d just heard, it was clear he wasn’t used to being spoken to like that.
   “So know my name, but I don’t know yours.” He asked as he caught up to you. Even with his long legs, he’d fallen behind quite a bit. He was trying to get it out of you with his charm alone, you were more than happy to repay the favour with your own version of charm.
   “It’s on my clipboard. Surprised you didn’t see that when you looked at my schedule.” You looked at him again and your eyebrow quirked upwards. He thought for a moment.
   “Wanna give me a hint?” He asked nicely. Despite being famous, Jensen seemed really down-to-earth; and sweet, even if he was a little cocky.
   “It’s Y/N.” You smiled softly.
   “Y/N..got a mouth on you, hey?” He questioned, intrigued by your behaviour.
   “It helps to know it’s having an effect on your performance.” You smirked at him and he chuckled deep in his throat, tucking his hands into his front pockets.
   “Yeah, a little.” He looked up, towards the van and saw Jared waiting with the driver.
   “Dude, let’s go.” He called for Jensen and he responded with a small wave.
   “Yeah, in a minute.” Jensen told his co-star. Jared sighed deeply and looked at the driver. Jensen chuckled.
   “Control freak,” He muttered and stopped walking with you, he turned.
   “See you around?” He started to walk backwards.
   “If you’re lucky.” You said as someone started to speak into their headset that connected all the PA’s. Jensen’s lips turned up into that deadly smile of his and he turned around again, walking to the van.
Always Tags: @knightofmischief @potato8queen @sherlock44 @too-much-winchester   @krista200022   @mcdoyle22   @thegameisafootwatson @leiassorganaa @arixky@katestiel @kylorentrsh @trashbutnotforyou @angel-allie-exol-army@thedamnchesters @kickasscas67 @hoe-zier @kyara2015@trustnobodyshootfirst @all-ur-friends-r-dead @rhae-winchester @one-shots-supernatural @spn-imagineers @abigrumple @livelovelike555 @missdestiel67@lemonadegazeelle @elsatxx
Jensen tags: @akshi8278
Message me if you want to be tagged/untagged Always accepting tags for Always Tags, or tags for a specific character
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crispychrissy · 7 years
Surprises - Part 1
Summary: You are a hunter who has a special arrangement with the King of Hell. An arrangement that gets a lot more interesting when Crowley promises a surprise for you after you complete a new job. Characters: Crowley, Reader, mention of Sam and Dean Word Count: 2751 Warnings: Typical SPN injury (nothing graphic), and a few curse words A/N: I’m probably going to make another part of this, so it will probably be a two part mini-series. This is my second reader insert fic and I would love any feedback you all can offer! Thanks!   Part 2
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“What is it, Crowley?” You ask, not moving your eyes from the shotgun you were cleaning on your kitchen table.
“Come on, love. Gonna do me like that? Where’s the foreplay?” He asked with a shrug, moving closer to you. You twitched your nose the moment the pungent smell of sulfur had reached where you were sitting.
“The last time you showed up like this you begged me for a favor,” You slowly raised your eyes to look at the black-suited demon mere feet away from your kitchen table. “A favor, which I might add, almost cost me my life. So excuse me for not wanting to play twenty questions.”
“May I?” He asked, motioning to the chair opposite you. You nodded and he sat down. “I need your help. Your specific kind of help.”
“Go on…” You moved your finger in a circle, motioning for him to continue. This wasn’t the first time the King of Hell had asked you for your assistance. As a hunter, you were trained in many skills…and one of those, breaking and entering, was top notch. You haven’t met a security system or building you couldn’t get into. Hunting didn’t pay, and Crowley was more than generous with his compensation. As long as he kept your name out of his affairs and you stayed away from his demons, you bit the bullet and took small jobs from him.
“One of my minions was stupid enough to lose an ancient athame after he, uhh, ‘procured it’ from a private collector who didn’t have any use for it anymore,” you narrowed then rolled your eyes at Crowley as he continued to explain, “Long story short, my guy lost the athame, which ended up in police evidence, which was then shipped off to a museum in Chicago. I need that athame.”
“Why did the police send it to a museum?” You asked, setting down the shotgun and moving to your pistol.
“The private collector’s will distributed all of his possessions to the museum in the event of his death,” Crowley studied you as you began to meticulously field strip your pistol.
“And you need me to break in and get it back. Am I right?”
He didn’t say anything, prompting you to raise your eyebrows and look up at him. He smiled a sincere (or as close to sincere as a demon could get) smile and nodded slightly.
“How much?” You set down your cleaning supplies and crossed your arms over your chest, sitting back in your chair.
“Our usual arrangement is five. This one I’m willing to go seven…plus an extra surprise for you once the job is completed,” He smiled, making you almost uneasy at the tone of his voice.
“It’s more than what I got last time…but what’s the surprise? If I’m breaking into a museum to steal something, it better be good,” You added some extra bite into your statement, making sure Crowley knew you were serious. You never liked surprises, even when you were a kid.
“Oh, you’ll love it. I know you will. It’s something I’ve had…hanging around…for a while and a hunter like you would be unstoppable with it,” Crowley smiled yet again.
 You went silent for a moment, weighing your options. Seven grand would be more than enough to get the new truck you needed as well as some more silver to forge new bullets…but the surprise still had you on edge. Crowley knew you had a “take-no-shit” attitude, and he knew better than to mess with you.
You sighed and nodded your head. “Deal. What’s the name of this museum and what’s the specifics on this athame?”
Crowley opened his mouth to answer right as your floor started to shake. It felt almost like an earthquake, but was centered on the middle of your kitchen. Crowley rolled his eyes and sighed, standing up from the table.
“I’m being summoned by a Winchester. Joy. I’ll have a minion drop off the details.”
“Make sure they use the door!” You yelled, right as Crowley disappeared. You groaned “demons” under your breath and sat forward in your chair again, continuing to clean your pistol.
Not too long after Crowley vanished, you found your thoughts wandering to the Winchesters.
You hadn’t seen Dean or Sam in years, not since they needed some help on a cursed object case that required you to disable an alarm on a mansion in a ritzy neighborhood in The Hamptons. Even with the alarm disabled, it was still a close call when a nosy neighbor saw the boys sneaking around the back of the house and called the police.
You couldn’t help but smile as you remembered going out for beers with the boys afterwards and mopping the floor with them in pool. Dean was relentlessly trying to save his hide by flirting with you and stealing looks down your shirt, while Sam was sitting off to the side rolling his eyes at his brother and nursing his glass of whiskey.
You were startled out of your memory by a sharp knock at your door. Picking up the loaded and now-clean shotgun from the table, you cautiously made your way from the kitchen into your living room. You peered through the door and saw nobody on the other side. Cocking your shotgun, you slowly clicked off the deadbolt and peered out, blinking a few times to let your eyes adjust to the bright sunlight.
Sitting on your sun bleached welcome mat was an overstuffed Manilla envelope adorned with a large calligraphy letter “C” in red ink. You rolled your eyes and picked up the package before closing the door, clicking the deadbolt back in place, and making your way back to the kitchen table. You reached up in your cabinet and removed the bottle of Angel’s Envy whiskey you kept up there for when you research a job. You popped the cork off and poured a generous amount into the empty coffee cup on your table.
“Alright Crowley. This surprise better be worth it,” You muttered to yourself as you opened the envelope and spread its contents out on the table.
Crowley might have been a little too vague on the notes he had sent you about the museum and athame you were looking for, seeing as you were currently driving back to your motel with your jacket crammed against your left arm where a bullet had ripped through just ten minutes ago. Luckily for you, the three-hundred-pound security guard that shot you couldn’t aim very well, nor could he give chase. It wasn’t Crowley’s fault, you admitted to yourself. They must have added a new night security guard to the roster within the last few days because you didn’t recognize him. You had files on all the security guards, and seeing how this guard’s uniform was crisp and new with no signs of any wear, he was hired recently.
You pulled up to your motel room and gingerly stepped out of your truck, trying not to bleed on the upholstery or on the ground as you made your way to your door and stumbled inside. You dropped your bag on the table in the corner and made your way to the bathroom.
Flicking on the light, you removed the jacket from your arm and stripped off your flannel, wincing as the burning pain shot up your arm and down your spine. You examined the wound and breathed a sigh of relief when you realized the bullet had gone all the way through and was not still lodged in your flesh. Having a bullet extracted wasn’t any fun…and it was especially no fun when you’re doing it yourself.
A few packages of gauze and three stitches on each side of your arm later, you popped some pain pills and trudged back to the main area of the motel room. You slid on a new flannel from your duffel bag and walked over to the table. You unzipped your bag and finally got a good look at the athame you just stole. It looked very old, the leather wrapped hilt was well worn but still in immaculate condition, showing barely any splits. The blade looked to be pure silver, jutting about six inches from the hilt. There were some interesting runes engraved in the blade on each side. They looked familiar, like you had seen them before in a book, but your mind couldn’t pull any specific memory.
You snapped a quick photo of the blade and texted it to Crowley with your location and room number, hoping he would knock this time instead of-
“Hello, darling.” Crowley’s voice broke your train of thought.
“Do you not have doors in Hell or something?” You quipped, spinning around to see him standing in front of the bed with a half full tumbler of whiskey.
“They do, I just prefer the element of surprise.” He raised an eyebrow at you before glancing at the athame sitting on the table. He took a step forward and you raised a palm at him.
“Not so fast. Payment first and then you get the athame,” You said sternly, “I got shot, so this surprise better be worth it.”
“Very well. Here is your cash,” He removed a bulging envelope from his jacket and stepped close enough to hand it to you. You glanced at it, snatched it, and shoved it in your back pocket. “Not going to count it? You trust me now, huh, Y/N?”
“I don’t trust you, Crowley. I never will. But I trust you’re not stupid enough to screw me over,” you grinned and gave a half-assed smile. “So, what’s this surprise?”
Crowley smiled and looked around the motel room for a few moments before he snapped his fingers. You winced at the sudden pungent smell of rotting meat and burning flesh as a very low growl cut through the silence of the motel room, sending a chill down your spine.
“Crowley, what the hell?!” You stepped backward toward the table, eyeing the angel blade sitting inside your open bag.
“Y/N, meet Onchú. Your surprise.” Crowley patted the air, hitting something solid but invisible to you.
“So you’re going to kill me? Is that it?” Your voice was tense as you continued to inch your way toward your bag to grab the angel blade. If Crowley was going to sic a Hellhound on you, you weren’t going to go down without a fight.
“No, poppet. He’s yours. I’ve had him down in the kennel for a long time as he’s quite tame for a Hellhound. His master died years ago, and he’s been caged ever since. I’ve been training him to obey a human using your scent. Sorry about stealing your clothes, but it was necessary to ensure he obeys.” Crowley was now stroking the air. You could hear a dull thumping noise coming from where the Hellhound- wait. Was it…was it wagging its tail?! Do Hellhounds even have tails?
“Crowley. A Hellhound? Are you kidding me? A hunter with a Hellhound? Do you know how much shit I would get?” You raised your voice as you continued and gestured to where you believed the Hellhound was sitting, “not to mention, in case you’ve forgotten, I CAN’T ACTUALLY SEE HIM.”
Crowley smiled and, in two strides, was in front of you. Before you could protest, he pressed two fingers to your forehead momentarily, causing you to close your eyes. When you opened them again, your eyes settled on the now-visible beast laying down in front of the bed. He looked almost transparent, a mixture of blue and black swirling off him.
He was huge, had to be at least six feet long from nose to tail, and judging by how long his legs were, he was more than likely close to your height. He lifted his head from where it was resting on his front paws and tilted his head at you, his bright red eyes shocking you back to reality. You looked back to Crowley with wide eyes, searching for answers.
“I don’t…they…how?” You stammered, trying to find the words to express what you were seeing and feeling, but it was like someone disconnected the link between your mouth and your brain.
“Consider it Puppy Vision. It’s permanent and you won’t be able to smell him anymore. You can thank me later because believe me, they can get pretty ripe.” Crowley grimaced and patted the Hellhound on the head.
“Okay…well…I don’t really know how to care for a Hellhound. What do I feed it? Do I need to take it for walks? Do I need a leash? Is it potty trained?” You gasped for air as your thoughts kept pouring out of you at light speed. Your mind, along with your heart, were racing, but you couldn’t help but think of the unstoppable hunter you would become having a Hellhound as your partner. An invisible pooch that would come storming in and kill anything you told it to…yeah, that was a pretty nice advantage.
Crowley couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, watching your eyes dart back and forth between the Hellhound and him as you thought. “Calm down, Y/N. Hellhounds are…demon-adjacent. They don’t need to eat, go for walks, or do anything else a normal dog would; although they do like the occasional piece of flesh. Since you probably aren’t going to have access to human, raw beef or swine as a treat every few days should do nicely.”
You chewed at your lower lip as you looked at the demonic lapdog that appeared to be half asleep. You looked at Crowley, who nodded at you in understanding, knowing what you were going to ask before you could even form the words. You stepped closer to the hound, cautiously extending a hand out. Normal dogs like to sniff you, right?
The Hellhound raised his head and looked at your hand before getting up on his haunches. You fought the urge to pull your hand back as he shifted, freezing until he stopped moving. Once he looked at you again, you brought your hand up to rest a few inches in front of his nose. He slowly leaned into your hand and sniffed a few times before nuzzling…that’s right…he nuzzled into your palm.
“Wonderful. I see the training was successful. He will obey normal dog commands like ‘heel’, ‘sit’, ‘sic him’, and so on. They are fiercely loyal and obedient, so make sure you use the commands with a firm and serious tone. And Y/N?”
“When you tell him to kill, make sure you mean it. One swipe from their claws is usually enough to kill, and you might not have time to say ‘heel’ before it’s too late.”
You nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence as the Hellhound in front of you continued to nuzzle into your hand. His skin felt surprisingly smooth and warm, but had raised bumps and ridges scattered throughout. It almost felt like the skin of those naked wrinkly cats, like the one your Aunt had, but with a lot more bumps and unevenness. You instinctively scratched between his ears, causing him to close his eyes and open his mouth, followed by a large gob of drool dripping to the floor.
You chuckled to yourself and turned around, only to be met with a missing athame and an empty spot where Crowley was just standing. You huffed and turned back to the Hellhound. Your Hellhound.
“Well, nice to meet you, Onchú. What do you say we get some rest and head out in the morning?” You asked, gesturing to the bed.
He tilted his head and wagged his tail before settling back down into his previous position at the end of the bed.
“Do you even sleep? I mean, a 24/7 invisible guard dog is definitely going to give me an advantage,” You said as you watched him close his eyes and breathe in deeply before exhaling quickly. I guess they do sleep, you thought with a shrug.
You quickly slipped out of your flannel, careful not to disturb your bandaged arm. You slipped off your jeans and added them to the pile of clothes next to the bathroom door before pulling back the covers and sliding into bed. You clicked off the light on the night stand and pulled the covers up to your neck, unable to stop the smile that tugged at your lips.
The hunting life was going to get a lot more interesting.
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Winchesters in Gotham 4
1, 2, 3
Previously: “I received two invitations one for Batman, and the other for Bruce Wayne. Robin is going to fill in for Batman, and Y/N is going to fill in for Bruce Wayne.”
You change into a white collared shirt and black slacks. Glancing into the mirror you chuckle to yourself. Add a blue tie and a tan trench coat and you would be wearing an outfit similar to Cas’ normal outfit. You slip on some black flats then meet Batman and Robin back in the bat cave to figure out the plan. You and Robin are going to take separate cars so people won’t be suspicious.
“See you at the museum I guess.” You say to your friend. Robin smiles in response.
“Where’s Bruce Wayne?” The usher asks.
“He couldn’t make it tonight so he sent me instead.” You explain, thinking on your toes. The usher nods and allows you in. You quickly scan the area looking for threats. You don’t see any so you hesitantly put your guard down..
Robin walks over to you and places a hand on your shoulder scaring you half to death. “Holy shit Robin!” You exclaim.
“I’m sorry.” He says not sounding apologetic. He then starts to whisper. “Find anything yet?”
“Not yet, what about you?” You whisper in response. Robin shakes his head before walking away.
The two of you are there for an hour without any incident. Robin disappeared either in the rafters or somewhere amongst the crowd. When the Joker shows up he makes a dramatic entrance.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls- welcome to the Gotham City Museum. Let’s have some fun!” He says before laughing like a maniac. “Now, all of you are my prisoners until the ransom is payed!” Everyone in the room shifts uncomfortably.
“Joker.” Robin nearly yells, he then jumps from the rafters to the ground. The only reason why your friend isn’t dead is because of a safety line attached to his utility belt.
“Ah, if it isn’t Robin the boy wonder.”
“Let these people go.”
“Now tell me boy wonder why would I do that?”
“Because one hostage is enough.” You say walking forward and standing next to Robin.  “If you want Batman to be lured here, seventy hostages isn’t the way to go.” The Joker has a glint in his eyes that screams murder.
“Very well. One condition though.”
“And that is?” The green haired psychopath pulls out a gun out of the folds of his coat.
“That I get to pick who goes down with a bang tonight.” He then points his gun towards you and pulls the trigger as he laughs like a mad man.
Five gunshots ring out and you stumble backwards clutching your stomach, it feels like it’s on fire. The crimson liquid stains your hand and shirt, as it rolls down your abdomen and into the waistband of your pants. You lean against a column for support.
“Y/N!” Robin exclaims. Gravity eventually takes over and you slide down the pillar. Robin thankfully catches you before you crack your head open.
“Robin…” You say. Black dots creep into your line of vision. It’s also starting to hurt to breathe, right now all you want to do is close your eyes. You subconsciously hit the distress beacon on your watch as Robin does the same on his.
“Come on Y/N, stay awake.“  Robin murmurs, as he brushes your hair out of your face with his fingers. “Help is on the way.”
“Easier said then done…” You reply trying to get air back into your lungs, but your lungs seem to be broken currently. “It’s hard to breathe.”
“Just stay with me okay.” Your friend says as he does what he can to slow the bleeding. You yelp like an injured dog when he applies pressure on your wounds.
When Batman as well as the ambulance arrive, Robin’s voice sounds like the two of you are separated by a pane of glass. You’re starting to feel numb, you barely notice the paramedics putting you on a gurney then in the ambulance.
The last thing you remember before you lose consciousness is metal doors, a cold draft and a bright surgical light. Then blackness. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Batman & Robin’s POV, museum- “How’d you know to send the ambulance?” Robin asks after the Joker flees.
“I’ll explain when we get to the batcave. For the moment, we need to keep Y/N’s name off the news and out of the papers.” Batman replies. The two heroes walk out of the museum only to be bombarded by the press. The main questions asked are: what happened here, where’s the Joker, and who was injured. Eventually Batman and Robin manage to get away from the reporters. The duo heads back to the bat mobile and drive back to Wayne manor.
Batman walks over to one of the computers, and shakes the mouse. When the screen turns on there are two sets of vitals on it. “You were tracking our vital signs?” Robin asks a bit confused. Batman nods.
“I came up with the idea after Y/N was kidnapped by Crowley awhile ago.” He replies. The vital signs on the bottom of the screen plummet, and flat lines. “No…”
“What if the doctors removed her watch?” Robin says in a hopeful voice.
“It is a possibility Robin, but we don’t know for certain.” Batman and Robin wait with abated breath for something to happen. After three long minutes the line starts moving again. You flat line three more times in the next four hours. Batman and Robin change clothes, back to Bruce and Dick before heading to Gotham Hospital.
“Family of Y/N Winchester?” A doctor asks. Dick and Bruce stand up and walk over to them.
“Is she going to be alright?” Bruce asks.
“We lost her on the table a few times, but she pulled through. As of this instant she’s in a coma and currently on life support.”
“Can we see her?“  The doctor nods and leads them to your hospital room. Dick grimaces when he sees all tubes and wires attached to your body.
Bruce notices the bat symbol in the sky. He sighs. He then tells Dick that they should go. Dick reluctantly agrees with Bruce and the two of them leave. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Moments later, Gotham sirens POV- Salina’s the first to find out that you got shot, she then tells the other sirens.  Harley is the first one to the hospital. “Oh Thrushy.” She says when she sees you.
When Ivy shows up, she places a small potted plant on the bedside table- she then coaxes the plant to blossom. “What kind of plant is that?” Harley asks.
“(Favorite flower), Y/N loves them.” Ivy answers. “It brightens the room a bit.”
“That’s true.” Salina replies, as she enters the room from the window. “How’s our little bird doing?” Both Harley and Ivy shrug in reply.
“What happened?” Ivy asks.
“You know about the shooting at the museum, right?”
“Well according to Batman, Y/N was at the museum- and she was the person who got shot.”
“Do you know who the shooter was?”
“The Joker.”
“I’m going to kill him.”
To be continued
@the-third-winchester-warrior @flannels-and-rocksalt @always-keep-writing-spn @winchesters-favorite-girl @caroldanversinatardis @the-writer-in-blue @spnkisum @thewinsisterchronicles @simply-wins-little-sis @moose-and-sqruille-lover
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Hurtful Words & Sweet Kisses
Summary: Overhearing what people really think of your relationship with John threatens to bring your happiness crashing to the ground. 
A/N: This is my entry for Week 9 of the SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge 2017 being hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing.  The prompt given is in bold.
Word Count: 753
Pairing: John Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None, except a single swear word!
The day had started as well as it could considering that the entire reason for your being in the middle of backwater nowheresville was to attend the funeral of another hunter. It wasn’t anyone you had known personally but someone that John had worked with a handful of times and since you were in the region, he had wanted to stop by and pay his respects.
The gathering hadn’t been too bad. Hunters weren’t exactly known for showing too many emotions so the burning of the body had gone without a hitch. However things has soon taken a turn for worse when the alcohol had started to flow freely. The booze loosened everyone’s inhibitions, as well as their tongues.
Leaving John playing cards, and hopefully winning a pretty little sum, you headed off to grab a sweater from the truck. As the night had worn on, it had bought along with it a bitterly cold wind and a chill had started to creep into your bones. It was as you were walking back that snippets of a conversation caught your ear.
“I don’t know who she thinks she’s kidding. She’s just a poor substitute for Mary.”
“No doubt he’ll get bored with her soon enough.”
“God only knows what those boys think - their father shacking up some cheap trash. I mean, she’s the same damn age as Dean!”
Everything you heard wasn’t anything new. You’d said the same things to yourself many times before. It was just a shock to hear those words coming from a group of people who you didn’t even know. Sensing the tears that were beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes, you turned sharply on your heels, careful not to let anyone see you, and began the walk back to the motel where you were staying.
You were packing your bags when the door slammed open, the sound of wood smacking off the flimsy walls of the room making you jump. John stood in the doorway. His face betrayed his feelings, rage flashing across it, mixed with concern.
“Why the fuck did you run off? You were there one minute and gone the next. You haven’t answered your phone. I’ve been worried sick.”
You’d heard John raise his voice before. He’d shouted at the boys, shouted at people who weren’t cooperating with an investigation, and he regularly screamed a wide range of profanities while driving if some idiot cut him up. The one thing he had never done was raise his voice to you. You had never been on the receiving end of his temper and now that you were, you were practically shaking in the scuffed up old boots you were wearing.
It was with a mix of trepidation and fear that you opened your mouth and began to speak.
“You didn’t hear what people were saying, John. That I’m not good enough for you. That I can’t ever compete with Mary. That you couldn’t possibly love me. That I’m just some cheap little whore who you’ll dump when you’ve had your fun.”
“And you would believe that?”
He looked hurt, so much despair in his eyes that you could barely manage to continue looking at him.
“You would believe a group of dumb-ass idiots over what you see and feel every day?”
“It has to be true, John. How can you possibly love someone like me? I try and fight off these feelings but when someone else says it, it hits home. Just listening to……”
“Don’t listen to them. Don’t you EVER listen to them.”
Before he’d even finished speaking, he was crossing the room, striding determinedly towards you. His hands came up to either side of your face and you found yourself being pushed back against the wall, John’s lips finding yours and providing the comfort and reassurance you desperately needed. You let yourself be pulled tightly into his arms and walked backwards across the room, never losing contact with him, even for a second. The backs of your knees soon connected with the bed and you dropped down onto it as John knelt in front of you.
With a grin spreading across his face, he looked up at you, taking in your flushed cheeks and wide, lust blown eyes. Winking at you, he uttered a handful of words that simultaneously let you know you that not only were you loved, but that he was going to prove it……
“I’m gonna make you forget every damn word you heard, sweetheart.”
Tag-List: @waywardimpalawriter @eileenlikesyou-maybe @hexparker @zepppie @helvonasche @mysteriouslyme81 @mamaredd123 @madamelibrarian @chainez-8 @babypieandwhiskey @supernatural-jackles @wheresthekillswitch @jensen-jarpad @deathtonormalcy56 @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @notnaturalanahi  @just-another-busy-fangirl @@casbabydontgoineedyou @purgatoan @autopistaaningunaparte
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