#insurance industry.
tatersgonnatate · 2 months
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This is Healthcare in America, Tumblr. And this? This needs to have changed YESTERDAY
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aro-culture-is · 11 months
Not an Aro-culture-is thing but I do have a question you might be able to answer? Is there an aromantic/asexual term for this: AroAce but if I wasn’t I would be gay? It might just be homoplatonic or homoaesthetic but idk if there was a term for it that relates to being AroAce. Thanks! <3
possibly you might vibe with oriented aroace labels, like gay aroace? i'll put this out there for other folks to consider as well, but I feel like oriented terminology sounds the most applicable from my POV.
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odinsblog · 2 months
I am not American but in my country you have different types of insurances that could be of use here. For example there is a distinction between life insurance > you get payed a sum after death or certain amount of time that you could use for anything you want AND there also is a funeral insurance specifically for covering the costs related to the funeral. If the second one exists it might feel less profit from death'ish I can imagine
[re: this post]
Thank you, anon. I genuinely appreciate your input 🙏🏿
They’re insisting on the former kind of insurance, but if the latter exists here and it’s affordable, then that’s definitely worth my consideration, and I would definitely feel less like a supervillain about it
Plus, I just hate the insurance industry here. You pay and pay and pay for something, but the moment you go to use what you’ve been overpaying for, the insurance company goes 😮
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The one thing that was unrealistic about canon that I see for Danger Days is that medics have absolute abundance of pre-BLI medications and first aid. The thing of the matter is BLI will eventually become unavoidable. The pre-war supplies will dry up or at the very least be unsubstantial for individual creators to supply to the masses. Disabled killjoys who rely on medicine and other assistive devices will eventually have to rely on the very corporation set to destroy them, lest they die or fall victim to their disability.
And...that's kind of like real life. The disabled are at the mercy of mega corporations who literally feed off of their suffering. Like, it sucks, man.
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SAG-AFTRA is officially set to join the WGA in going on strike. No filming, premiere attendence or other promotion of any kind allowed.
I hope to see nothing but support for this decision.
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brother-emperors · 8 months
like, I'm old school web comic culture, I like handmade zines that are stapled, I just want to make comics and tell stories and the ranking system of the popular webcomic sites exhaust me to my core, which is why I like tumblr. I want to draw sulla wound fingering crassus and not think about the metrics.
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kp777 · 11 months
By Oliver Milman
The Guardian
July 5, 2023
Allstate, too, has pulled out of climate disaster-prone areas while hiring lobbyists who are also aligned to fossil fuel interests
The largest home insurer in the US, State Farm, which is halting new homeowner policies in California due to the “rapidly growing catastrophe exposure” posed by wildfires, has hired lobbyists who also work to advance fossil fuel industry interests across 18 states, a new database shows.
While State Farm in May refused to take new home insurance applications in California, it retains a lobbying firm in the state – the Sacramento-based KP Public Affairs – which also represents Tenaska, a gas developer. Across the US, State Farm shares lobbyists with a raft of oil and gas companies, including ExxonMobil, Calpine and Occidental Energy.
Allstate, another insurer that followed State Farm in pulling out from new policies in California due to the state’s worsening wildfire risk, has also contracted lobbyists who have fossil fuel clients, such as Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Kinder Morgan.
State Farm and Allstate are just two of more than 150 insurance companies and associations – part of an industry facing steepening losses from fires, floods and other disasters spurred by the climate crisis – that use state-based lobbyists also aligned to fossil fuel interests, according to F Minus, a new database of public disclosure records.
James Browning, executive director of F Minus, said that State Farm’s linkage to fossil fuels stretches to Florida, where its lobbying firm Dean Mead also represents the Williams Companies, a gas pipeline operator in the state. “This allegiance with gas interests clearly pits State Farm against the interests of its customers as they face increasingly severe hurricanes, floods, and soaring insurance costs,” said Browning.
The lobbying overlap between insurers like State Farm and the fossil fuel companies stoking the climate crisis is “problematic and potentially counterproductive”, according to Tom Corringham, a research economist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.
Insurers and fossil fuel companies could be working at cross-purposes around issues such as climate risk disclosures, he said, which the insurance industry requires to accurately price risk for homes facing a rising threat of flooding or fire.
Read more.
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love-alheli · 11 months
in my fuck amatonormativity era
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thoughtportal · 1 year
It's Not "ADHD Fakers" Taking All the Adderall 
Global capitalism’s endless push for efficiency has led to shortcuts all over the place. In order to maximize profits, pharma companies operate with just-enough workers to make just-enough supply, 1 which makes them extremely vulnerable to any sort of unexpected disruption, like say, a global pandemic, a war in Ukraine, a sharp increase in oil prices, or a rise in ADHD diagnoses.
Companies do not make extra drugs to prepare for these unforeseen problems because they could go to waste, and waste is the enemy of capital, but they will put out all kinds of other excuses to explain product shortages instead.
For example, Teva has been telling the media that their inability to manufacture enough Adderall was due to a “labor shortage”. In reality, the company has cut 14,000 jobs since 2017, most recently laying off 300 workers in August of 2022. They’ve been fighting thousands of opioid lawsuits and are set to pay out $4.25 billion in settlements over the next 13 years.
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
There's an actress named Ellen Barkin. Last night, she posted on her Twitter that her health insurance is no longer in service because the insurance company says that residual pay doesn't count. Btw Ellen Barkin is a senior. Boy, the USA is really ableist when it comes to people who are sick or elderly or both.
It's insane how ableist the US is and how ableist conversations around universal healthcare are. Like people will go straight up mask-off and say that they think people who don't "contribute" to society don't deserve to get healthcare if they can't pay for it themselves.
It always makes me laugh when conservatives cry about "death panels" in other countries (basically, they argue that with universal healthcare the government decides who gets to live and who dies) when in reality insurance companies are de-facto death panels in the US. Like you can literally have insurance, have been paying for that insurance for years, and they'll still decide helping you will cut into their bottom line too much. Fuck them.
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isawthismeme · 12 days
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screamingay · 9 months
someone on here will literally say "encouraging plastic surgery for the sole purpose of conforming to eurocentric beauty standards isn't actually feminism" and 200 other people will come out of the woodworks and chant in harmony LET WOMEN BE HAPPY and WHAT ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE AND BURN VICTIMS as if the post wasn't clearly 1. about womens' self image & insecurities being strongly influenced by the richest and whitest of society and 2. not about trans people or burn victims at all
#ive thought about it a lot and i know the main argument is that it's bodily autonomy and also having it more widely available makes it#easier for the people who really do need it to get it#but like. first of all the industry (and it is an industry) spends SO much money convincing women their bodies look wrong#if it wasnt advertised everywhere and if the expectation wasnt there to look 'perfect' according to the most recent trends#the amount of women getting elective plastic surgery would be drastically lower#second of all. yeah having more surgeons out there means more experience and safer treatments for those who really need it..#as long as they have the money#and for trans people as long as they have money and/or good insurance and/or all the required medical documentation and/or therapy#and at the end of the day you can criticize just part of something but not all of it. i feel like a lot of people forget that when they#start saying shit online. just stop and think and dont interact with people assuming the worst of them!!#when i criticize the beauty industry im never calling any woman who's ever worn makeup or gotten a facelift evil it's an INDUSTRY#it's systemic!!!#almost reminds me of how criticizing the patriarchy and systemic misogyny as a lesbian will get u painted as some man hating terf#i love men! i dont blame individual men for the system we're all a part of i just criticize its existence and try to work to dismantle it#and i know complaining on the internet is like a little raindrop in the ocean but still. it needs to be discussed i think
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The city of Chicago sued Glock Inc. on Tuesday, alleging the handgun manufacturer is facilitating the proliferation of illegal machine guns that can fire as many as 1,200 rounds per minute on the streets of the city.
The lawsuit alleges Glock unreasonably endangers Chicagoans by manufacturing and selling semiautomatic pistols that can easily be converted to illegal machine guns with an auto sear — a cheap, small device commonly known as a “Glock switch.” The switches are the size of a quarter and are easily purchased illegally online for around $20 or manufactured at home using a 3D printer.
The complaint filed in Cook County Circuit Court is the first to use Illinois’s new Firearms Industry Responsibility Act, passed and signed into law in 2023 to hold gun companies accountable for conduct that endangers the public.
The lawsuit states police in Chicago have recovered over 1,100 Glocks that have been converted into illegal machine guns in the last two years in connection with homicides, assaults, kidnappings, carjackings and other crimes.
The lawsuit alleges that Glock knows it could fix the problem but refuses to do so and seeks a court order requiring the company to stop selling guns to people in Chicago. It also seeks unspecified damages.
“The City of Chicago is encountering a deadly new frontier in the gun violence plaguing our communities because of the increase of fully automatic Glocks on our streets,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said in a news release.
“Selling firearms that can so easily be converted into automatic weapons makes heinous acts even more deadly, so we are doing everything we can in collaboration with others committed to ending gun violence to hold Glock accountable for putting profits over public safety,” Johnson said.
Joining the city in the lawsuit is Everytown Law, a Washington-based firm that seeks to advance gun safety laws in the courts.
“Right now, anyone in the United States with $20 and a screwdriver can convert their Glock pistol into an illegal machine gun in just a few minutes,” said Eric Tirschwell, executive director of Everytown Law.
Phone messages were left with Smyrna, Georgia-based Glock seeking comment on the lawsuit.
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vi-enti · 6 months
wishing insurance companies and the idea of insurance as a whole a very Die 🙏
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odinsblog · 10 months
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Modern cars do more than get you from Point A to Point B. With sophisticated, internet-enabled onboard computers, they provide vehicle manufacturers with a truckload (pun intended) of data on where you’re driving, what you’re buying, demographic data and more. So what are they doing with all this information? That’s what the newly created California Privacy Protection Agency would like to know, and so it has launched a review of the auto industry’s data privacy practices.
“Modern vehicles are effectively connected computers on wheels. They’re able to collect a wealth of information via built-in apps, sensors, and cameras, which can monitor people both inside and near the vehicle,” said CPPA Executive Director Ashkan Soltani in a statement.
With more than 35 million vehicles on the road in the Golden State, that is a lot of data for these car-makers to scoop up. [And sell!]
The announcement was hailed by advocacy group Consumer Watchdog’s Justin Kloczko, who said in a statement, “These companies know more about us than we know about ourselves, and they’re the ones in control of our personal information, not us.”
(continue reading)
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herawell · 8 months
#called my mom at 7am out of a desperate need for validation#had a 37 minute long convo that amounted to ‘you should look into therapy’#(in a much nicer and more constructive way it was actually a very good conversation’#and she told me that she’s been in therapy for the last year#and that it did wonders for her mental health#and that she went from being on the verge of divorce#to looking forward to spending her retirement with my dad and expanding her home business to cover health insurance#since my dad is currently unemployed and most likely isn’t getting another job (industry and & age related reasons)#and ofc I’m glad to hear that they’re doing better#but I’m wondering if she got thru everything she needed to in therapy#and if she’s sorry about last winter#when for two days in a row she screamed at me for hours on end#about what a failure I am and how much I’m a drag on the family#how I was responsible for their impending divorce#and she was going to gift my dad divorce papers for Christmas and it would be my fault#how I looked like a clown at my recent graduation#and a bunch of other things#if she’s sorry for how every year since I was 14 she’s screamed at me about how I’m responsible for their being on the rocks#how it’s my fault my siblings will grow up in a broken family and we’ll have to sell the family house of 25 years to pay for the divorce#for when in April 2020 she tried to [redacted] herself in front of me while telling me it was my fault and I’d pushed her that far#all while I whisper-screamed for her to stop bc it was midnight and my siblings weee sleeping in the next room#she has never apologized for any of those and I don’t want to bring it up now#bc I don’t want to relive the past#but I wonder#mother mention cw#negativity cw#divorce cw
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