#intimate poetry
ineja · 4 months
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beautifullymacabre · 3 months
o holy body
o sacred flesh
how i miss you
too long have i forgone confession
how i crave your absolution
hear me as i pray at your altar once more
lay your hands on me, love
in your eyes i am made clean
by your touch i am saved
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pebblegalaxy · 2 months
The Curve of Joy: An Intimate Ode to the Power of a Smile #Poetry
The Curve of Joy A fleeting gift, your smile appears,A crescent moon in daylight's guise.It blooms, unhurried, and endears,A silent language of the eyes.The corners lift, a gentle rise,Like petals opening to the sun.What secrets does your smile comprise?What tales of joy not yet begun?I wonder at its soft allure,The way it transforms all your face.Is it for me? Can I be sure?Or just a moment's…
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shadowseductress · 10 months
In another universe, you have my photo in a heart shaped locket.
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xxxxlovexxxx · 2 years
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beccawise7 · 3 months
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Hide away from the world with me for just a while longer.
Silence the noise...
And find our breath once again...
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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ineja · 14 days
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lov3ssence · 14 days
Being kissed in your sleep and pulled closer into cuddles is the ultimate form of affection.
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ohhwnvsb · 3 months
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questsbetweencovers · 18 days
You make my soul horny.
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randik-86 · 6 months
Red lace accentuates my curves,
Exposing every shape and form of my body,
Giving you the access that you need,
To take me as you please,
Come and show me love...
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beccawise7 · 3 months
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Meet me in the deep blue sea where the pale moons eyes alone can see
The beauty of our souls entwined
A moment frozen in time ~beccawise7 💜🖤
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castelovladraculamick · 6 months
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"I want to sleep with you. No, not make love, just to fall asleep while lying next to you. Out bodies curled together. Feel your heart beating on my chest. Your breathing softly mingling with mine. Drifting gently into each other’s dreams."
~ Poetry By Onur
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nightmareevara · 3 months
Yeah great playlist now let's discuss what kind of wedding we should have
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questsbetweencovers · 14 days
But I am very homesick for arms that have never held me
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