#irondad secret santa
spideypoolficexchange · 11 months
Rules, FAQ and Timeline
It has come to my attention that the rules page is not mobile friendly, sorry about that! I’m putting it all here and will pin this post to the page for easy access for the future. ♥️
Basic Rules:
Participants must be 18+.
Fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words.
Fics must be Spideypool-centric.
Please follow the spirit of the event and the requests as much as to the letter. If it’s only technically or incidentally Spideypool, or if it’s not technically what the listed squick was, please request/write something else.
That’s about it! No event-given limits beyond that, go nuts!
Sign-ups open: Sunday, November 12
Sign-ups close: Saturday, November 18 at 6pm Eastern Time
Prompts go out: Saturday, November 25 (or earlier, if the matches are done before then!)
Deadline to post: Tuesday, January 2, 2023 at 11:59pm EST
Rules and FAQ (extended):
What is this event?
Essentially, you receive a person to write a fic for, along with up to 3 prompts. You write one of these prompts and then gift it to them, on AO3 and/or Tumblr. And it’s all anonymous until the fic is posted! If you’ve heard of a Secret Santa event, this is the same idea, just with an attempt at a more inclusive name.
How do I sign up?
Fill out this Google Form (closed until November 12). You’ll receive an email with your responses and voila, you’re all done!
This event is now reserved for those 18+, so please be sure you’re at least 18 before signing up.
Do try to keep the prompts open! Remember, this is a gift, not a commission. You will not have precise control over what is made, and that’s part of the spirit of the exchange! 
How long does my fic need to be?
1,000 words. There is no word limit, but if your giftee has stated they are not okay with receiving a WIP, please do keep in mind your time limit and adjust your length accordingly.
Do my prompts have to be holiday-themed?
Nope! Prompts can be for any holiday or completely unrelated to one.
Is [blank] allowed?
The only requirements are to keep it Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, and to work off the prompt(s) and DNWs (do-not-wants) given. So long as you’re trying to give your giftee something they will enjoy, the fest has no other limitations on what content is allowed.
*Note: prompts must be Spideypool-centric. E.g.,  you can request Spideypool with background Irondad, but please don’t request Irondad with background Spideypool. It’s not what the event is for, and makes it much harder on the mods to pair people up.
There are three prompts. How many do I need to write?
Only one! If you have the time and energy to fill more, then go right ahead! Though I suggest finishing one before starting on another, so you don’t risk leaving your giftee with nothing.
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imyoursavinggrace · 2 years
Hey it's your secret santa coming from you live in ummm undisclosed place but yeah anyways here are my two questions: how do you feel about bio!dad Tony (just make things easier with legal stuff for one of the ideas I got for you) and how do you feel about dead!May (this is more of the I don't like May being a bad guy and the only scenario in where Peter would be homeless in my mind is if May passed.) Thanks and can't wait to hear from you.
Hi dear!!
I love biodad so much, any and all fics be it if he’s had Peter from birth or if he finds out in some hand wavy DNA test when Peter’s in medbay it’s sweet and I have all the time in the world for it.
Second, I’m fine with dead aunt May (sorry May) I love her as a character, but sometimes to get peak irondad she just can’t be in the picture :(( which is a sad time but… I guess it’s canon now so 😭😂
Hope this helps!! I’m so excited
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whumphoarder · 5 years
You Still Got Us
Summary: Peter is having an off-day, which unfortunately coincides with an Avengers’ level mission. After watching the kid take a number of close calls, Tony has no choice but to bench Peter mid-fight.
Word count: 2,461
Genre: angst, emotional hurt/comfort
Link to read on Ao3
A/N: Written as part of @irondadsecretsanta 2019! Merry Christmas @garbotuesday! Hope you enjoy :D
Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and @sallyidss for beta reading and to @awesomesockes for the idea
It was pretty clear that Peter was having an off-day.
Tony first noticed the signs during Steve’s pre-mission briefing that morning when the kid repeatedly kept sneaking glances at his phone. That seemed a bit out of character given Peter’s usual reverence toward the captain, but Tony excused it on the basis that a) it was a pretty straightforward mission, b) they’d been over the exact specifications of the building they were going to be infiltrating four times already, and c) Cap could be boring as hell.
Peter seemed a bit preoccupied during their flight to the rural New Mexican town, but nothing too out of the ordinary. He nodded along to all of the team’s tactical discussions and appeared to understand his role in the plan. Later, when the kid tripped over his own feet while exiting the quinjet, Tony chalked it up to nerves.
But the final straw was when Peter misread Steve’s hand signal to hold his position as an order to strike. That mistake is what caused the kid to charge directly into a room full of six heavily-armed guards, completely by himself.
Cursing, Tony quickly scrambles out from behind the crate that’s been shielding him from view. The rest of the team is already mobilizing, thankfully used to improvisation. Natasha takes out one of the men with a roundhouse kick to the jaw while Steve and Clint converge on two more, quickly disarming them.
Another guard hurls a heavy metal table in Tony’s direction and takes off running toward the backdoor. Tony’s just started after him when he hears Sam’s urgent warning over the comms.
“Heads up, Spidey!”
Tony whirls around. Peter—who is staring down at his own wrist, frantically tapping the side of his webshooter mechanism—barely has time to look up before the fifth guard aims his gun directly at the kid’s head.
Instantly, Tony raises his hand and blasts the weapon right out of the guard's grip. The man gives a strangled cry of pain as he clutches his now burned hand to his chest. Taking advantage of that momentary distraction, Tony switches his repulsor setting to stun and fires again. This time he blows the guard clear across the room. Under his faceplate, Tony grins.
(It’s the little things.)
Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to bask in the satisfaction for long. A split-second later, a burst of energy slams into Tony’s chest plate. The force sends him hurtling backwards into the wall. Tony grunts sharply as pain explodes in his ribcage.
Peter races over to him. “Oh god, Mr. Stark, are you okay?” he blurts out, his tone borderline hysterical. “I’m so sorry! My webshooter jammed and I—”
“Get down!” Clint shouts.
Tony swears sharply, yanking Peter down with him just as another photon blast shoots over their heads. This time it’s so close that Tony swears he can see smoke wafting up from the top of Peter’s mask.
“Shit, kid…” Tony gasps out, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath. “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Peter assures him, gulping hard. He’s sitting on the ground now, looking more dazed than anything else. “I just, uh, didn’t see him there.”
Over the comms, Tony hears Steve report that the two remaining guards have just escaped through the southwest exit. Sam and Natasha immediately take off after them. Peter starts scrambling to his feet like he intends to follow, but Tony grabs his wrist.
“Oh hell no. Don’t even think about it,” he snaps. “You’re staying right here.”
“What? No!” Peter protests, trying fruitlessly to twist his arm out of his mentor’s iron grip. “I’m fine—I’m not even hurt!”
“No, but you will be if you can’t get your head in the game,” Tony retorts, his gaze traveling around the room. Out of the team, Barton seems to be the only one left. The archer has an arrow trained threateningly at the pile of groaning men on the ground.
“Yo, Legolas!” Tony hollers, causing the man to glance back at him. “You got this?”
Clint smirks. “Absolutely. These guys aren’t going anywhere,” he says, nodding his head toward the incapacitated guards. “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”
Tony rolls his eyes at the archer. "Yeah, well let me know if it gets to be difficult, difficult, lemon difficult..." he mutters. Still holding Peter’s wrist, he pulls the kid with him behind a stack of crates in the back corner of the warehouse. He retracts his helmet to look directly at Peter. “Alright, start talking,” he orders. “What is going on with you today?”
“Nothing,” Peter says tightly. Even in the mask, he won’t meet Tony’s gaze. “’m fine.”
“No, you’re not fine—you’re unfocused. You’re sloppy,” Tony argues. “Sloppy doesn’t fly in the big leagues, kid. Sloppy’s liable to get you killed.”
”Right, no, I know that. My webshooter is just clogged, but I can fix it!" Peter babbles. He resumes smacking the side of the mechanism. "I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I just—” With a final smack, the blockage is released and a string of web shoots out of the device, adhering Peter’s foot to the ground. He groans. “Aw, c’mon...”
Tony heaves out an exasperated sigh as the kid proceeds to clumsily spray his foot with web solvent. “Alright, that’s it, I’m benching you,” he declares. “Go back to the quinjet and wait for us to finish up.”
“Wh-What?” Peter stammers. He shakes his head frantically. “No, no I’m fine, Mr. Stark! I’ll focus! It was just—”
“Nope,” Tony cuts him off. “If you can’t take this mission seriously, then you shouldn’t be on it.” He’s starting to get heated now. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you constantly on your phone this morning. I don’t know what you think is so important on there, but you can crush candy and fire angry birds at green pigs another time.”
“I-I wasn’t,” Peter mumbles, still looking down.
"Then what were you doing?" Tony demands.
Peter bites his lower lip. His voice is very small when he answers, “Waiting for a text.”
“A text?” Tony balks. He’s in genuine disbelief. “You’ve been begging me and Cap to let you come along on the real missions for months now, and when we finally do, rather than following orders and keeping up, you spend your time, what? Texting your girlfriend?”
Peter’s hugging his arms around his middle now. He shakes his head slightly, his words coming out in barely a whisper. “No. May.”
Tony frowns in confusion. “Your aunt?”
Peter nods, his lower lip starting to quiver. “She… um, she found a lump a couple days ago? On her, uh…” He gestures vaguely in front of his chest.
Tony’s heart sinks with the realization. He exhales slowly. “Oh bud…”
Inhaling shakily, Peter starts to ramble. “Like, it might be nothing and I know I shouldn’t jump to conclusions or anything before the tests come back because who knows if it’s cancer or just like, fatty tissue or something? She said it could be that and it might be no big deal so I shouldn’t get worried yet, but… but like...” He draws in another shuddery inhale. “May’s mom died of breast cancer when she was only like, forty. And I know that doesn’t mean that May has it or anything but it can run in families and so"—he sucks in a sharp breath—"I just, I mean...she’s all I have left, a-and…”
Peter breaks off into a choked sob, and Tony sets a hand heavily on his shoulder.
“I just… I ca-can’t lose her too, Mr. Stark!” he cries.
“It’s okay,” Tony whispers, rubbing his hand up and down over Peter’s arm. “It’s alright, kid…”
Through his earpiece, he hears Nat report that she’s just taken down the final guard. Sam cracks a quick joke about Black Widow’s head-locking skills before Steve reports that he’s discovered the weapons distribution area. It all sounds pretty well under control.
Lowering his hand, Tony steps backwards and taps his earpiece with two fingers. “Hey, I need to take the kid back to the jet,” he says quietly. “I’ll be back in ten or so to finish up.”
“Roger that,” Steve replies. “Is he injured?”
Tony hesitates. Peter has tugged his mask halfway up over his face now and is scrubbing at his cheeks roughly with the back of his hand. “Not physically," he replies after a pause. "But he’s… he’s done for today.”
The walk back to the quinjet is brief and silent, the only sounds being Peter’s occasional sniffs. He’s clearly trying his best to pull it together, so Tony just lets him be.
Once back onboard, Peter immediately sinks down into his seat, removing the mask entirely. Tony grabs a bottle of water and a protein bar from their supplies and holds them out to him, but the kid just shakes his head.
“I’m good,” he whispers.
“Doubtful,” Tony replies. He sets the items down on Peter’s lap anyway.
Peter bends down to reach into his backpack, which is stowed under the seat, and fishes his phone out with trembling fingers. He scrolls through to check his notifications, and then sighs.
“Anything?” Tony asks.
Peter shakes his head. “Not yet.” He lowers the phone back down and looks up at his mentor. “I’m really sorry about the mission,” he says quietly. “I shouldn’t have come today. That was really stupid and I just put everybody in danger. I was just so worried and I thought it might take my mind off it, but...” A stray tear runs down from the corner of his eye.
With a sigh, Tony presses the button to fully retract his armor. He then plops down on the closest seat, wincing as pain shoots through his now unsupported ribs. “Look. I’m not going to say what you did was okay, because it really wasn't"—Peter bites his lip and gives a solemn nod—“But at the same time, I'd be lying if I told you I’ve never done anything similar.” Tony pauses for a beat. “Emotions suck.”
At that, Peter huffs out a short, empty laugh. “Yeah. Agreed.”
They sit there for a moment, before Peter asks hesitantly, “Uh, are you going to head back now?”
Originally, Tony was only intending to stay until the kid was situated and then get back to the warehouse to help confiscate the weapons, but the quiver in Peter’s lip is giving him pause. The team probably doesn’t need him, per se—the hard part is basically over.
Tony shrugs. “I think Cap’s got it handled. Plus”—he presses his hand gingerly to the bruise on his ribcage—“this could probably do with some ice. Do you think you could…?” He flaps his hand in the direction of the ship’s medical supplies.
Peter’s eyes widen. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” He hops up from his seat and retrieves the first aid kit. He locates a single-use ice pack which he snaps and shakes to activate the chemicals.
“Here,” Peter says, handing it over. “Uh, how bad is it?” he asks nervously. “Do you want some painkillers or anything?”
Tony takes the ice pack with a nod of thanks. He’s had enough broken ribs in his life to know that these are likely just bruised—at worst, cracked. The injury is only ranking about a three or four on the pain scale, which is far below his usual threshold for sitting things out. But if the kid needs something else to focus on, he figures a break won’t kill him.
“Sure, if you’ve got any,” Tony says, keeping his tone casual.
Peter locates and doses out three Tylenol for Tony, shaking them into his mentor’s palm before grabbing him a fresh bottle of water.
“Thanks,” Tony says. He swallows them down and then adjusts his position in his seat, considering for a moment the best way to keep Peter's mind occupied while they wait. “Hey," he begins, "have I ever told you about the time Clint tried to free climb the outside surface of a three-story building?”
Peter shakes his head.
“Oh, it’s a doozy,” Tony remarks with a chuckle, settling deeper into his chair. “Alright, so it was Valentine’s day, which I only happen to remember because Cap insisted on making these heart-shaped pancakes for everyone, which set off the fire alarm...”
Over the next ten minutes, Tony recounts the story with as much embellishment and vivid imagery as he can muster. Peter gives the occasional single breathy laugh or nod as appropriate, which satisfies his mentor that his less-than-subtle distraction tactics are at least partially working.
“...luckily, Thor caught him before he hit the ground,” Tony concludes. “You know those viral videos where the firefighter catches the baby being dropped out of an apartment window? Same concept, except the firefighter was an alien god and the baby was a grown man in cargo shorts. Still screamed about the same amount though.”
With a short laugh, Peter checks his phone once more. He then sighs and shakes his head slightly before setting the device back facedown on his thigh.
Tony takes that as his cue to continue. “...Speaking of screaming, have you heard the one about how he once posed as a camel trainer in Australia, and led a group of—”
Just then, Peter’s phone buzzes.
Eyes going wide, his hand shoots out for the device so fast that his fumbling fingers send it clattering to the floor. He drops to his knees and picks it up, quickly turning it over to see the text.
For a few seconds, Peter just stares at the message, unblinking, and Tony waits for a response with bated breath.
Then suddenly, Tony’s watching tears well up in the kid’s eyes. His own heart drops to his stomach and all at once it's 1991 again and Jarvis is knocking on his bedroom door, informing him that a state trooper is here, that something terrible has occurred, that his parents are—
A choked sob from Peter knocks Tony back to the present. The kid is still knelt on the floor, pressing a fist to his lips, shoulders shaking from the effort of keeping quiet.
“N-Negative,” Peter manages to say through the tears. “The bi-biopsy was... it was negative. No cancer.”
Ignoring the protests from his ribs, Tony slides out of his own seat to join him on the floor. He pulls the boy in to his chest for a tight hug. “It’s okay, Pete,” he says quietly. “It’s okay. I got you.”
Peter’s sobs are wracking his entire frame, but Tony only holds him tighter as he cries.
“It’s alright, kid,” Tony breathes, rubbing one hand up and down Peter’s back. “You still got her. You still got us.”
Link to all my fics!
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kitkatwinchester · 3 years
Happy Fanfic Writer Friday!!! Have you participated in any fic exchanges before, and if you haven’t, would you like to someday?
Happy Fanfic Writer Friday! 
Yes! I have, and I actually just signed up for two more coming up. Lol. 
I love fic exchanges, for multiple reasons. First of all, I love making creative things for other people, because I love taking things they love and finding ways to make them happy with it. I also love the fact that I usually get some sort of prompt, because, while I have a lot of ideas that I’d love to incorporate in a fic at some point, it’s always much easier to get started when I have a more specific prompt. On top of all of that, though, I actually love having a deadline. While it can be a little stressful sometimes to complete it on time, it helps me write the story within a decent time frame rather than procrastinating, because I have to have it done for my person. :) 
Anyways. That was kind of off-topic. To actually answer your question: 
Yes! I’ve participated: Irondad Secret Santa, Hawkins Holiday Hiatus, and Pepperony Fic Exchange (if anyone has any good Supernatural fic exchanges, please let me know, because I’d love to join one of those!). And I also just signed up for the Friendly Neighborhood Exchange, so yay! :) 
Thanks so much for asking! If you have any fic exchange suggestions, please let me know! :D <3 
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just-the-daydreamer · 5 years
@irondadsecretsanta this is my gift for @web-headwrites!!!
I hope you enjoy it!
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tadie1234 · 5 years
I wrote this for @wordscorrupt for the @irondadsecretsanta event. I hope you like this, also you are so freaking great!! Hopefully I will make it not a cliff hanger soon.
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endless-ramblings · 5 years
@stark-illustrates I know you've already seen it but here it is!!
With Peter missing, May enlists Tony's help in tracking him down...but it's not a supervillain holding him.
Whoever knew spiders hibernate in the winter?
For the @irondadsecretsanta, you're amazing for making all this possible (sorry I'm late to the party)
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mcusic-to-my-ears · 5 years
@camillastrangestark97 here is your gift!!
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stinkle-mcfuckwit · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Peter Benjamin Parker, Morgan Stark, Harley Keener Additional Tags: ironfam, soft, Iron Dad, Secret Santa Summary:
A soft Irondad fic. Endgame AU where everyone made it, and the Ironkids live in the Starks' cabin.
hey @solarstark!!!! THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your prompts were so great that i couldn’t pick just one and combined all of them!!! I had a lot of fun writing this, thank you sm!!
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fourdaysofrain · 5 years
Boo! Hello, it’s your irondad secret Santa here! I’m really looking forward to writing for you, honestly your prompts are giving me a world of ideas :D
I’m so excited!! I’m glad you like my prompts :) I just got the info for my secret Santee, I’m so hype for this event!
(Also because by the time things are ready, it’ll be winter break which sounds pretty nice right now haha)
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Rules, FAQ and Timeline
It has come to my attention that the rules page is not mobile friendly, sorry about that! I'm putting it all here and will pin this post to the page for easy access for the future. ♥️
Basic Rules:
Fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words.
Fics must be Spideypool-centric.
Please follow the spirit of the event and the requests as much as to the letter. If it's only technically or incidentally Spideypool, or if it's not technically what the listed squick was, please request/write something else.
That's about it! No event-given limits beyond that, go nuts!
Sign-ups open: Sunday, November 13
Sign-ups close: Saturday, November 19 at 6pm Eastern Time
Prompts go out: Saturday, November 26 (or earlier, if the matches are done before then!)
Deadline to post: Monday, January 2, 2023 at 11:59pm EST
Rules and FAQ (extended):
What is this event?
Essentially, you receive a person to write a fic for, along with up to 3 prompts. You write one of these prompts and then gift it to them, on AO3 and/or Tumblr. And it’s all anonymous until the fic is posted! If you’ve heard of a Secret Santa event, this is the same idea, just with an attempt at a more inclusive name.
How do I sign up?
Fill out this Google Form (closed until November 13). You’ll receive an email with your responses and voila, you’re all done!
Please do not request NSFW content if you are under 18. On the other side, if you’re told your giftee is under 18, please keep the fic SFW.
Do try to keep the prompts open! Remember, this is a gift, not a commission. You will not have precise control over what is made, and that’s part of the spirit of the exchange! 
How long does my fic need to be?
1,000 words. There is no word limit, but if your giftee has stated they are not okay with receiving a WIP, please do keep in mind your time limit and adjust your length accordingly.
Do my prompts have to be holiday-themed?
Nope! Prompts can be for any holiday or completely unrelated to one.
Is [blank] allowed?
The only requirements are to keep it Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, and to work off the prompt(s) and DNWs (do-not-wants) given. So long as you’re trying to give your giftee something they will enjoy, the fest has no other limitations on what content is allowed.
*Note: prompts must be Spideypool-centric. E.g.,  you can request Spideypool with background Irondad, but please don’t request Irondad with background Spideypool. It’s not what the event is for, and makes it much harder on the mods to pair people up.
There are three prompts. How many do I need to write?
Only one! If you have the time and energy to fill more, then go right ahead! Though I suggest finishing one before starting on another, so you don’t risk leaving your giftee with nothing.
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mala-sadas · 5 years
Hi! I’m your secret Santa for the Irondad and Spiderson thing. I saw the prompts you asked for and I was wondering if there was a specific one you wanted?
Hi! Thanks for dropping by!
In all honesty, I don't exactly remember which prompts I sent in...could you send them in an ask to remind me?
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
stolen stares
"Well, what about Lisa in accounting? She gives me candy bars."
"I'm not taking an accountant to a gala just because she fuels your candy addiction." Tony rolled his eyes as Peter tossed a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
For the Marvelous Secret Santa hosted by @spideyspeaches & @angels-creative , for @galaxychocolateisme
Tony had never planned on becoming a parent; too many issues with his own father had turned him off from the idea entirely and he had been busy with Stark Industries since he had inherited the company. Between that and everyone who read any sort of tabloid being convinced he was a dick, he had given up.
That was, until he had been approached by Mary Parker. A young biologist who was just starting to break into the field, she had gone to the expo and it ended up in a one night stand, which then resulted in an unplanned pregnancy and an angry fiance.
Before he could fully think of anything besides the massive scandal that her pregnancy would cause, he agreed to take the baby as soon as it was born.
Six months later, Tony was sitting inside of the NICU, watching as the baby boy, his son, struggled to breathe due to his underdeveloped lungs. He had wanted to avoid becoming a father, yes, but being in that room and watching the newborn fight for his life, that's when he knew.
'This is my boy.'
15 Years Later
"Well, what about Lisa in accounting? She gives me candy bars."
"I'm not taking an accountant to a gala just because she fuels your candy addiction." Tony rolled his eyes as Peter tossed a handful of popcorn in his mouth. "Besides, why should I take someone anyways? I'm an esteemed guest."
"It looks really sad if you don't, Dad," Peter insisted as he turned back to the web shooter he was working on, but before Tony could respond, he continued, "what about Pepper? She's single."
Tony swallowed back his feelings for his assistant quickly so Peter wouldn't pick up on it. "You know, I'm the one who's supposed to be invested in your love life."
"Well, maybe if you were married, I wouldn't have to get involved." Peter shrugged before shoving the web shooter into his backpack. "I gotta get to school. Bye, Dad."
And in a flash, he was gone, leaving Tony in the lab with a small pile of popcorn and a broken web shooter.
'This kid is going to be the death of me.'
That being said, he wasn't exactly wrong when he suggested that he should go with Pepper since Tony had hired her when Peter was three years old and she had practically helped raise him since. But, she had at least three boyfriends since she started working for him and he knew that she had a distaste for his behaviors, even if he had straightened himself out now.
Despite his heart wanting to ask her out, his head knew that it wasn't happening anytime soon, if at all.
'Maybe Lisa is free,' he thought to himself as he went to grab his phone, his finger only hovering over Pepper's number for a brief moment before pressing his finger against Accounting and pressing it against his ear.
"Alright, easy kitty," Peter cooed to the calico in his arms as he slowly descended down from the large tree. "How'd you even get up there?"
The meow that came from the cat was more of a pitiful squeak than anything else as it clawed harshly against the spandex.
"Hey, hey, I know you're scared, but it's okay." He stopped to press his feet firmly on the ground. "We're on the ground now. It's okay."
"Meowthra!" A shrill voice squealed and he turned to see a girl who couldn't be older than five, with a woman trailing behind her. "You found her!"
"Make sure she doesn't get into any more trees, okay?" he asked before pulling the cat's claws out of his right shoulder and placing her into the little girl's arms.
"Okay!" She grinned, taking her mother's hand before calling out, "thank you, Mr. Spider-Man!"
Peter chuckled to himself, making sure the girl was out of view before lifting his gloved, left hand to his right shoulder, pulling back to see the obvious blood stain coming from three long, deep gashes.
'Damn, those claws were strong', he thought to himself before trying to figure out his plan. 'I can't swing with my shoulder all bloodied up like this, but it's also not bad… Then again, it also hasn't healed already, so maybe it is.'
He knew that the best situation was to head home and get it treated, given how likely his dad was to freak out when he saw the injury, but his dad was also really busy getting ready for the gala.
'I'll just swing back to the tower and tell him when I get back. After all, it was just a cat. How bad can it be?'
Pepper had never been one to flirt.
She wouldn't go out of her way to impress anyone in the romantic field, and she definitely wouldn't make advances on someone who was perceived to be a bad person. She trusted people and believed they were right.
But that wasn't how she felt about her boss, Tony Stark.
Despite the fact that she was his personal assistant and had been for nearly fifteen years, she knew his reputation; that he slept around, was a playboy and couldn't stay out of trouble.
Despite all the gossip and bad press, however, she stayed. She stayed when he found out he was having a kid, she stayed when he got stranded in Afghanistan, she stayed through it all.
Even if all she got back was a stolen stare or a brief glance, she stayed. She couldn't put her finger on why, exactly, but she stayed through it all, despite how much he could piss her off and press her buttons.
'Probably because I can't leave, even if I wanted to.'
Which snapped her out of her reflection and brought her back to where she was currently; locating Tony's wallet in a now empty boardroom; the sudden loud noise of the window breaking brought her further out of her thoughts.
"Hello?" she called out, holding her lone briefcase tighter in case she had to hit someone with it. "Is someone there?"
As she turned the corner and looked down at the ground, however, she couldn't hold back her scream as the briefcase fell to the ground before shouting.
"FRIDAY?! Alert the medbay! And get in touch with Mr. Stark!" Then, with her orders processed by the AI, she had turned back to the unmasked, unconscious teenager, who was still heavily bleeding from his shoulder, and kneeled in front of him. "Peter, it's going to be okay," she told him, as she cradled his cheek with her left hand, and brushed his damp curls away from his face with her right. "Just stay with me, please."
"What I want to know is how a cat scratch turned into him losing that much blood!"
"He swung home with both of his arms after receiving the injury. It must've tore the skin open more."
"Well, just fix it!" Tony shouted at the doctor who scurried off, giving him the chance to pinch the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath. He'd had scares like this before with Peter in the past and a lot of them had been more severe than this, but his poor assistant had been the one to find him. He couldn't imagine how shaken up she was.
He finally gained the strength to approach Pepper; her face was still pale and her cheeks were still flushed, but all things considered, she looked like she was doing a lot better.
"Thank you, for having FRIDAY alert me," Tony told her, gaining her attention. "I really appreciate it. Mind if I sit next to you?" he asked, getting a quick head shake of "no" before he took a seat beside her.
"Peter's a good kid, a really good kid. But he is a stress magnet, hence the grey hair," he explained, gesturing to his head, which gained a quick smile from Pepper, "and when you go in there, he's going to apologize and tell you that he's never going to do anything stressful again."
"Let me guess, that doesn't stay true." Pepper finally spoke as she wiped at her eyes with a tissue.
"No, it absolutely does not. Like I said, stress magnet," Tony affirmed. "But, he does it with good reasoning. Like he was stopping a robbery, or trying to keep my tech from getting stolen, or saving a cat." He stopped to hold his hand out, which she took immediately. "I know I should just wrap him in bubble wrap every time he leaves the house, or tell him he can't do this anymore, but I think that would break him more than any injury he could sustain."
"You're a good father, Tony. A good man." Pepper nodded as she let go of his hand, "Peter's really lucky to have you."
"We're both better with each other," Tony added before looking down at his hands, his heart fluttering nervously. "So, Peter keeps trying to set me up for this gala thing in a few weeks. Several names have come up, even though Lisa Adams said no."
"Am I one of those names?" Pepper asked, but just as Tony looked up to respond, her soft lips were pressing against his and her hand was back in his. He cupped her cheek with his free hand and pressed back so they were kissing instead of him getting kissed.
When they finally broke away for air, Pepper looked him right in the eyes and smiled. "I'll check my schedule."
A couple hours later, as Peter was laying on the couch with his feet firmly planted against Tony's legs, he finally told his son exactly what happened.
"So I was actively bleeding out and you were kissing your assistant? I'm so glad you were worried about your only son." Peter responded with sarcasm dripping from his words as he clicked through the TV.
"Hey, you were the one who was trying to set us up, you little-"
"Dad, I'm kidding!" Peter interrupted with a laugh, despite how much it made his bandaged shoulder throb. "I'm happy for both of you, seriously. Especially because Pepper makes the best banana bread."
"Okay, is there anyone in this tower who doesn't cave into your cravings?" Tony questioned with a raised eyebrow as Peter finally settled on a movie.
"Nope. It's the puppy dog eyes," Peter insisted as he adjusted his feet so they weren't completely pressed into Tony's thigh.
"Yeah, definitely not because I hold everyone's paycheck in my hand," Tony muttered under his breath.
But he couldn't even pretend to be angry with Peter, because he did it. He had his son, he had a girlfriend… things were finally going right.
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kitkatwinchester · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), MCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: When Peter finds out that Tony doesn't like Christmas, he's determined to do everything he can to change that. However, it turns out that changing the mind of the legendary Tony Stark is harder than he would've anticipated.
Hi @jen27ny!! I’m your @irondadsecretsanta and this is the fic I wrote for you!! I hope you like the story, and I hope you have an amazing holiday season!! <3 
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rejectofsociety · 3 years
To: @oliocelottafanfics​ for the @marvellous-secretsanta​ event! 
I hope you have a happy holidays, and this coming year treats you with all the kindness you deserve 💕 
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And read the fic that goes with it here on Ao3! Plus a little tiny sneak peak under the cut
Tony’s awakened by a frantic message from FRIDAY, much to his annoyance.
“Sir, an apartment building has collapsed-”
“I’m sure Peter’s already taken care of it,” Tony interrupts, “the kid’s quick.”
“That’s the thing, sir,” FRIDAY continues , “Mister Parker was in the building when it collapsed.”
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just-the-daydreamer · 5 years
GOOD MORNING! 🥰 just wanted to pop in and say that IM YOUR SECRET SANTA AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I HOPE THAT YOUR CHRISTMAS DAY WAS AS AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AS YOU 🥰🎄💞 I’m going to post the link to the fic soon, so keep a lookout for that haha 😂💜
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh Leah!!! Hi!!!!! I had a great Christmas, thank you so much! I hope you had a great Christmas too and I am so excited to read what you've written!!!! I just know it's gonna be freaking amazing!!!!! 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️
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